TigerBelly - Ep 290: Bobby's Ex Sarah Hyland, Surprise!

Episode Date: March 31, 2021

Khalyla gets the intel. Bobby sleeps with Rosemary. Sarah goes hands down. We talk inside rainbows, pimple ointment from the 80s, and the famous kimono dinner, and riding a pony. www.pat...reon.com/tigerbellyPlease support our sponsors.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery plus Hey, Sarah, what do you remember my dad? All right, so um yummy to introduce the show yeah, but don't don't say anything until we say your name That's the rule. Okay, you can do whatever the fuck you think. Thank you. God damn it You guys I'm taking the glasses off this may very well be the most Special at least in my opinion tiger belly episode. I don't know if you can see that Bobby is visibly. I feel great Sweating at all sweating
Starting point is 00:01:04 oily Because of the face stuff that you gave me to It's amazing. That's face stuff. Thank you guys for joining us this week We have a very very very special Introduce everyone in the room first. That's how we do it. Oh shut the fuck. All right. Sorry. He's so nervous So first let me introduce everyone in the room to my right. There we go My lover my king the captain of my ship. Mr. Bobby Lee To my other right is the one and only good white mr. George Kimmel soon-to-be daddy
Starting point is 00:01:35 To my left is flat flat 2d Filipino Gilbert Galan I'm glad I'm Kalilah and today we have a very very special guest She is not only beautiful very funny, but I am so so so grateful that you agreed to do this welcome everyone Bobby's infamous ex girlfriend and Wonderful person in general Sarah Highland Yeah, your middle name is Rose, right? Yes, I remember I remember does it get old that people
Starting point is 00:02:11 Think Sarah Highland is a girl from modern modern family No, I mean I the best thing that ever happened like not a lie has happened for me for that But like the best thing that ever happened was I got a Like a month's worth of Colgate whitening strips from me from Colgate. I know but who sent it to you Colgate meant for the other Apparently Sarah Highland actually I guess tweeted about how white her teeth were since using white strips So they sent it to Sarah Highland probably thinking her and but it was to me Wow, so you just stole the other Sarah Highland's white strips
Starting point is 00:03:02 That was like the best thing that ever happened and then I went to like Three weeks ago. I went to get a COVID test and of course you have all the everything on something 80 And she's like 12 and so like I have a mask on and like glasses and I said my name And they're like, oh, I love you on that show. I was like, yeah, thank you I mean And so that's the only thing that's ever happened. I mean, that's it But um, I have to say about Sarah. Um, I have to say that is that your phone. Is that my phone? It's not my phone. You can pick it up if you want
Starting point is 00:03:38 Oh, it's my alarm Sorry, I have no idea why am I learning? Yeah, okay, Sarah and I dated for a couple of years Yeah, and she's a very funny Comedian I met her at the comedy store. Yeah, she's performing in the belly room I remember that with on Sunday nights for Adam Barnhart's show. Yes, you remember that very well. Yeah Yeah, it was you who was always up there you Maybe fortune was up there Who was who was a couple of other people that people might know and I found her to be very funny and weird
Starting point is 00:04:13 You know, I mean like she's still we and I love weird. Yeah, I really respond to weird and We had a lot of things in common. Mm-hmm, right? the number one, I don't know if you've told people but We were both sober at the time. I'm still sober, but I'm just saying yes You were sober and that was your what I liked about you, too Was that you were a hardcore sober? Yes, you're me like you She was in it. I enjoy it. She enjoys it and So that was like the the basis of the thing, you know, it's just I'm so difficult to date
Starting point is 00:04:49 Well, I want to I want to dig deep. I want to I have some so many difficulties. I have so many questions I've been waiting for this day So when you first saw Bobby, did you were you automatically attracted to him or are you like wait? Let me take a minute to see what I'm actually looking at No, well, I mean it was but like I I was sitting on the steps of And I didn't know who Bobby was. I didn't like watch TV. Like I didn't know anything nothing Like I actually got to the car. Why are you looking at her? So I
Starting point is 00:05:26 So I was sitting on the steps of the comedy store in the belly room like on those like four little steps And I think I was like waiting to go up or something and then Bobby came around the corner. He had a little mohawk Oh, you had a mohawk. Yeah, baby mohawk He just said hello Like really and I just was like hello And it was kind of that like mutual that was your me like hello weirdo Yeah, no, and it kind of just worked and I think I don't know it just was one of those things probably same Like it just kind of clicked of like kindred kindred. Yeah, totally like cuz and then after that like the next thing
Starting point is 00:06:11 I remember is we went to the bar the Place to eat next door with the mechanical bull. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, that'll right saddle wrench Yeah, yeah, and I had a blue. I remember that. Yeah, that's right. You had a wedge salad Which he's wedge. Yeah, where it's literally a wedge With four bacon crumbles on it, yeah So I we did that and then it was one of those things like we just that was it like we just started hanging out every day Do you think that he fetishizes tall women? Oh
Starting point is 00:06:52 Oh my god, I don't know. I have no idea. I don't know. I think I do They have to be taller. I'll tell you Sarah About five nine. Yeah, yeah, because for me, it's like when I was a kid I used to stare at my parents and they were both like mythological creatures and they were like so small When I first met your family, by the way, yeah, you thought they were dwarfs. I honestly legitimately thought you guys were little people Because my sister's six feet tall everyone in my family is really tall. So when I met your brother when I met Steve for the first time I was like, oh my god, come to me. Yeah Yeah, yeah, welcome to it. So whenever
Starting point is 00:07:30 Whenever I saw my parents I used to think of myself. I have to you know, you have to I have to breed taller For for my kids if I ever have them, you know, I mean, so I just I've always Dated if there was this I don't want to say her name, but before you there was this girl in AA really like six foot tall No, she was five one. Oh god. It's a wrong person and I remember kind of liking her but going She's just too small What? Yeah, I mean I have to go higher I have to go bigger. You know, I mean, I like dangling. I like dangling people. Yeah, I like climbing I like, you know, I like being a backpack. You know, I mean, you know, I like I'm like a koala
Starting point is 00:08:13 And I want my woman to be the tree Yeah, so I like to hate, you know, just kind of I just like hanging. You know, I mean Those are her tits by the way. Those are just I don't know what this is right here Or I do this I do like the monkey thing where I just do this. Yeah, I just like hanging there for a bit You know, it feels good. So, um I'll kind of tell you funny thing that what the first time I ever went to because she's from Louisville, Kentucky Yes Remember that one time where we were in Louisville
Starting point is 00:08:41 and And we had a dinner or something and you I was in your a room or whatever and you go you have to wear this And it was like the super tight poke poke Right So little right tight. Yeah, really tight It was like a extra small and I remember having a difficult time getting it on, right? I'm like, why the fuck do I have to Wear this and she's like you'll see
Starting point is 00:09:13 And then we walked in I walked in and so her family is our very, you know, southern kind of white nice people that like great people I like them but You know, they had turned the whole dining room into It looked like a dojo Like we're in kimonos, right? Yes Yeah, everyone got kimonos, right, which is a very funny thing, right? And I just remember sitting there. I think they had chopsticks for me, right? Everybody else give for everyone
Starting point is 00:09:52 Right imagine that I mean a house in Louisville, Kentucky, right? Yeah, and I just remember going this is cool You know, this is really funny, you know, and then There's another thing that I was embarrassed about just because if I think about memories, you know one time you gave me For a gift because you she loves going to thrift stores. So one time you gave me a gift of a It was a photo photograph of a family or something like that, right? And she gave me that as a gift and I remember in front of your parents I gave you that same photograph as a gift back to you. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:10:30 And then you said to me in front of your parents, I gave you that but you re gifted a gift He gave you back to her in front of her parents for her family Yeah, yeah, that I was at my when I lived above the comedy store I Still think about it going. Wow. I fucked that one up Oh, I don't know, but it was so fucking embarrassing. I remember your dad blush I'm glad it didn't scar you that would have fucking scarred me if a partner did that to me nothing penetrates it I really don't remember that but yeah, I did I'd be like why yeah, was I like what?
Starting point is 00:11:10 Yeah, you were like it was it cause well, it didn't cause a fight, but I think it was a weird for a day The next day was a little weird. Um, that's amazing another but also another thing about our relationship was um She would disappear a little bit Which was cool like in a weird way she would be like I'm just gonna go off on my own for a couple of weeks Yeah, yeah, and she was kind of disappeared for a couple of weeks. Yeah, that's necessary. Yeah. Yeah, which is kind of well I didn't know where she went She never told me you know me. Yeah. Yeah, she was just no, it's okay. Yeah, she would just disappear and I think that You know at the end of the day game. I do think that
Starting point is 00:11:53 The destruction of our relationship was Gaming did that have something to do with me? I have questions. I have questions. Where's my phone? I came prepared Okay, sorry Because not about you has everything to do with sarah. She has the answers. I see Yeah, she has answers. Why did I do that? There's so many things you're not the first person to tell me that what that you disappear. I just go away How many people in my past are like, where did you go? Yeah, I'm like, where do you go a month? She was gone I just would I don't well. I would go to uh different states and stuff like I don't know why
Starting point is 00:12:32 I mean, I it's so weird now that you say it. I'm like, I did do that. I don't know. I used to do that all the time Even when I was drinking a lot like people like people be drinking cheers and I go cheer bye And then I would just leave and for the rest of night They're paying taxi people to go look for me because I don't know where they go. I don't know why I did so weird I just do that. Yeah, it's not so much anymore. Yeah, it's your it's your button. How much is the bride? Did you have now? Oh my god, eight the 18 and a half. Oh my god. I'm not crazy. You know, I went out. Yeah Did you hear that? I did hear that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I have over a year now again It was scary
Starting point is 00:13:08 She saw me she was there. She I cut you know, it's funny because I I did listen to uh a podcast Of this one and that's where that drawing came from by the way was the last podcast you did when you had your hair up Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, tiara. Oh, thank you beauty and the beast I just those my nipples Is that drawn from memory? Tiger has them too. Yeah. No, I I gave you a tiara. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Here are my questions for you, Sarah Um, it's not it sounds like a fucking pageant, but it's not. Oh my god. Okay. Here's here here. Who broke up with who and why? Oh my god, this is another one I just this somebody
Starting point is 00:13:56 I was asked this as well and I swear god, I try to remember of like why are we I already know what it was I already know the answer you do. Yeah. I remember the night. I remember the night. I remember the night you said to me Yeah, you just basically said to me. I'm just gonna move out You go I move out. It's just not really working for me right now and we're good friends and I just don't I just don't think that this is Right. I remember I cried Yeah, I cried because in my heart. I knew it was done. Wait, so you did get dumped You said you've never been dumped in your life and it turns out you lied It was more of a but here's a good bond
Starting point is 00:14:34 I will vouch for that for bobby because like that that is the weird thing is that it wasn't Like this like it was just this odd because here's the thing bobby. We had separate kind of yeah We had separate rooms like separate like bedrooms. Yeah, which is fun. But I think I don't know like I just remember one night. I was like, I think we're more like roommates and like oh that scares me Yeah, yeah, the roommate word has been mentioned in therapy between us. Yeah, and that frightens me because he does He's a cat. He just sort of like wants to not be touched wants to kind of like He he's afraid of being like truly vulnerable with people. So it's almost like this chasing game Emotionally that you have to play with him and it's either like
Starting point is 00:15:20 There are moments where he's really in it and other times where you're like, am I just Am I just a family member or someone you're living with? So I that that really that's a trigger for me that the our word is a trigger Okay, go ahead. Sarah. We are roommates Everyone in the house is a roommate. We all room. No, no, I don't want to be your fucking roommate We're not roommates in the technical sense like a college roommate Right. We're lovers, right? But we are roommates as well. My parents were roommates Okay, but go ahead, Sarah. Oh my god. All right. So you guys were you felt like roommates. It was so easy
Starting point is 00:15:54 Okay, second question. Oh, okay Because I always say and this is might be completely Um off course here. I always view bobby. He's a very like feminine energy to me. Yeah And um, I always say like he's this is like my first like lesbian relationship. Yeah, okay And did you view him? Do you view him similar? Similarly as me where it's like I find him attractive in all the ways that I don't find a regular guy attractive for hands down Oh
Starting point is 00:16:29 What the fuck I don't know what you're talking about. You don't This is why oh my god, this is why all right. Go ahead. So can I just let uh enough with the question She has to answer this go ahead He's like a lady All right, okay. That's okay No, no, no, no But that's the thing but that he I like it
Starting point is 00:17:03 It's good. Let's just put it this way. I understand what you're saying. Yeah, and if you were to like If you would like Go towards a color like it's it's almost he's a separate little he's a little entity of his own like I That I will say that bobby. It's not bad. It's not bad, but it's definitely different from like being With a fucking plumber from arkansas. Like you're different. It's a good thing. That's a good thing That is a good thing. That's a good rainbow. I mean You're losing your neck. I like pressure. Should we stop with the questions? No, no, I want you to keep the questions going. I want to keep the questions going but um, I just have to add that
Starting point is 00:17:45 With that explanation before I was a little defensive, but with that explanation, I would have to agree with that Okay, good. Go ahead with the questions. Not that plumbers from arkansas are bad. I just no, no, they're not They're not no, you can't get cancel for that sarah. I'm not I'm just Anyway, you know, I'm glad it. I'm glad it came. Well the guy that I dated last before him was just big burly athlete And I when I met him I was like, why I couldn't explain why I was really attracted to him Well, you're also I remember your friends and family were going. What the fuck my my family wasn't like that
Starting point is 00:18:24 They weren't there was only one friend that did that. Yeah, who is that and she was my ugliest friend Yeah, yeah, so she I think she was just projecting Oh, okay. I don't think that it came from anywhere beyond her own insecurities about herself. Um, okay Um, what did you guys fight most about? I don't remember fighting with you. We don't fight. We didn't fight I because I think the was the video games a problem Here, can I say this though? Yeah, can I say something? Yeah, like yes, but I I was also here the thing It was two bobbies like I
Starting point is 00:18:57 That's the other thing too. Like we were so similar like he would play video games But I I'd be like by he like I wouldn't And it takes somebody like you to be in a relationship with bobby to kind of show up in that way to be like Hey, like I don't want to be roommates. Yeah, but Dumb dumb like me like was just kind of I just Kind of rotated around it like it was I did the same thing but in my own way I kind of wish I had more of that more like easy going kind of like
Starting point is 00:19:30 Feelings about it because like I look at him. I'm like, fuck you got to get up like move your toes or something Because that's all he does. It's like he'll sit for 16-18 hours. Did I did I sleep in a lot back then? Bobby. Yes, you well at the time at the other. I don't know if you still have them, but you had the blackout windows He still did. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, you would I mean you would sleep till like six Yeah, uh-huh. Okay. Okay. Nothing has changed. Nothing has changed. Nothing has changed. Yeah So, I mean that's I mean So I could sit here and like, yeah, I mean you play video games. Do you still eat bags of sunflower seeds? Yes? Every week I have to empty out just jars and jars of seeds. Yeah, sunflower seeds. Did I have a glue thing back then?
Starting point is 00:20:17 Yes, you glue your hand Have you you have not changed at all A lot of growing. A lot of growing. Over here A lot of growing. Look at all that. Look at all that glue. Yes, it's older. Art installation. Did he have did he have fungus feet back then? I don't know. I don't think you did. No Because after her is when I really started hitting the um spaws. Did I go to spaws back then? Yes, you did. Yeah. Yeah. All the time. You remember you had that big whitehead. Did it remember? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Spaw for like three days
Starting point is 00:20:58 Dunking in the oh And then you go yeah, I was like where have you been? Yeah, yeah Because remember I told you about the hot and cold tonight. Yeah, I keep telling him so for years. He's using this fucking same Um pimple ointment from the 80s. He doesn't think He doesn't think there are new ones that have been developed that work better So we were at the desert over the weekend. He was like, I can't go to sleep. This pimple hurts too much I was like here have some of this. Yeah, and she would have I was resistant. He was like, no only this one works
Starting point is 00:21:35 I was like, ah, yeah, yeah only persigil. That's a fucking. Yeah. Yeah from fucking ride aid You know me and then she goes she gives me this expensive I I blotted it on it was just gone. It was just amazing. They have new stuff. Yeah, what's it called? Well, it's promoted. What? Oh, it's called. Um circumference. That's the conference really good start. Yeah. Yeah That's my new thing. All right. Do you have any more questions? Um, hang on. Do I do I do I? I think I do. Did I watch porn back then so much Was it on um dvds at that time? Yeah, uh, maybe yeah Yeah, yeah, because he would it's so weird because like for as messy as he is like he had his porn collection really like categorized
Starting point is 00:22:15 Yeah, in fetishes. Yes. Yeah, weird. You know what I mean? In fact, like he had set you it was like full on that like you tried to stop like you were gonna you and uh Your for what's his name? It doesn't Charlie Charlie Why is nothing changed? It's crazy. Charlie. Yeah, they were gonna stop masturbating You remember everybody knows. Yeah. What the fuck? Yeah, but it's gonna stop masturbating and going to like porn
Starting point is 00:22:47 Hobes and I don't know what they're but viewers gonna stop watching porn. Yeah. Yeah, and remember and I that's we talked about on your show That's when you got your red tattoo. Oh, that's right. You had to go do something. That's right. Remember that that was like day Negative one that you guys stopped doing that's where you got tattoo. Oh, how have you been at the pandemic? Has it been freaking you out? I've been okay. I mean, I mean, which part of freaking me out. I mean because I have to say this and I want to say this out loud and to the public um You're sort of an enigma to me because I really have always found you to be
Starting point is 00:23:25 up there, especially with like in terms of comedy Being gifted and being like just so intrinsically funny and and you know, um You know, I want the world for you. Thank you. Yeah, and and so, you know, um, I know that during the pandemic It's everything stopped for people. So that's why I'm asking the question in terms of comedy Has it been painful? No, okay, because you've been doing Because you've been doing your videos and whatnot. Yeah, I mean that but that's the other thing that you know, I think
Starting point is 00:24:01 I don't get I don't really perseverate on one thing like if something stops. I'm not like Like I you just pivot and do something else. Like yeah for me Like I've always I mean, I love I like stand up But I like I can create just the same Same shit in my own house. Like yeah, yeah, whether if it's doing like characters or like painting I've been doing a lot of that, but I think I don't know I I don't I don't get stuck on one thing which might be a part of like the commitment thing for me But I've always pretty much been able to like, you know
Starting point is 00:24:36 Go get it again another hobby. Yeah. Yeah plants Because I remember you did a lot of planting planting But you also like, you know the level that she's at she she went to New York to audition for SNL Yeah, love it set that up right John love it. Yeah, so she really is just and she did it How many episodes of mad tv did we get you on a couple? Like yeah, three or four. Yeah, that was fun too. Yeah. Yeah, I remember we did that one with mincey in the plane Do you remember that? Yeah. Yeah, didn't you do one where you played like Not a cheerleader, but like a hot chick the
Starting point is 00:25:11 I'm like a hot chick. Yeah, I've never played the hot chick You're confidence in me. Um, no, we I can't remember her name was another comic and I can't remember her name But she was so sweet and uh, we were football fans and you were tank. Oh, that's right. I was tank That's right. I don't remember that the hottest he got was like tight jeans like that Like I've never qualified. Yeah. Yeah in a jersey That was fun. That was fun. Yeah, that was a good time. Yeah, you know, I was young How old were you when you moved to LA? Mmm
Starting point is 00:25:46 I got sober Like 23 20 23 and you just wanted you had like you wanted to do comedy and that was like the plan that you had No, I had no plan. I wish I had a plan No, it was a fuck up. No like that. No, I wish that there was like I was like, yes I had no plan like I that I mean, I've grown a lot in a lot of ways like the fact that I am married is so Beyond like I am not I never wanted to get married. I like I don't have that in my like thing. Yeah. Yeah wheelhouse I have a real problem. I'm not a future thinker. I kind of really respect that right now
Starting point is 00:26:26 I but that's all that matters, right? It's like it's good, but it doesn't it's not great for plan plan For success. Yeah, it's great in a lot of ways, but it's definitely like it's definitely like I am never I've never been somebody who's like, you know my four-year plan. Mm-hmm. I think successful people I think do have that. Yeah successful, but like how happy happy How happy yeah, I don't know. I don't know many of those people Yeah, the whole like where do you see yourself in five or ten years that question so fucking I that pisses me off I can't stand it, but I guess you should I mean you should have like something but it's but again It's just never been that's never been my personality. So like when I came to la
Starting point is 00:27:15 I I I didn't have a plan like I just I moved to Los Angeles because Chicago where I was living. I was so cold Mm-hmm So geographically there is I remember this I don't know why West Hollywood. Okay. So when I was little being born in Louisville You always wanted for the most part not always, but I myself wanted to get out of Louisville from day one And I remember seeing a postcard and it was two people in a red convertible store I don't know where I saw but I was on a red Because they were in a red convertible in this screw up blonde hair and I was like I have blonde hair
Starting point is 00:27:55 I was like doesn't must be me And so she her hair was like in the wind and the guy was driving with his hair flying And they were going over the hill and it said Hollywood And had a sun the sky was purple and I was like I'm gonna live there and so Somewhere in my psyche. I was like that's where the sunshine is so I just literally drove But when you were in Chicago, you didn't you did second city and stuff like that. No, I did Well, I originally went there to go to the art institute But then I quit
Starting point is 00:28:25 Then you quit I wasn't the best. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, because he's from second city as well. Are you from Wrigleyville? Oh my god, right on how long do you live in Chicago five years? Yeah, it's good. It's a good. Yeah, it's cold as fuck though It's cold as fuck. Yeah, like but it's one of the best cities ever. Oh, yeah It's amazing But like literally in school, we would have to figure out map plans to go through like buildings because it was so fucking cold Yeah, it was so inhumane. I just want to pull this up. This is uh, If you want to put your headphones, you can hear some of it. This is why uh, I wasn't a hot girl. I was just Stop man, I would be
Starting point is 00:29:05 Look at that outfit Mama's low rise You say we play a game of six hand touch. I'll be shirts and you can be skins If the saints win the super bowl, I'll sleep you but if the titans win the super bowl, we'll both sleep with you Sweet Well, they're not in the super bowl or something. I mean, I don't why you're laughing. I Yeah, sorry, we're not in your fantasy football. Yes Then he rolls he rolls over the car. All right. Okay, my brother's in that right or your parents
Starting point is 00:29:49 A lot of tanks my brother's in the trunk I always get ptsc when I see old sketches like that. Why? Why? If people really still enjoy that, I realize how young I was Right, I look much different now You know and um, I say this is almost has a million hits. I know how annoying is it that you actually don't look how much different I'm like not really bobby. You think I look the same? Yes. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, a little trouble, but You think I've gained weight though, right? I've gained weight. I don't think I don't think so. I don't know. I've always seen you as one And one little body type
Starting point is 00:30:27 You want to say dumpling? No No Tiger belly That's the body type. Yeah, it's the body type. Yeah, so but um, how long you've been married now? It's the anniversary I know I think three years Yeah, but you were dating her for a while right like after you broke up with me I've had so many Yes, please. So you dated so
Starting point is 00:30:57 After you broke up with me, how many people did you date until you're like that's no, it's okay I edit it out if you don't want to answer Like if there's anything I could share to hopefully help somebody It would be my relationships and the downfall of everyone of them Um, no, I mean to be honest when we broke up, I went to Sweden. Did you really? Yes, I don't even know why That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Yeah. Like, you know what? I always like when we when we go through hard times I think of Sweden too Like I always imagine like where's the coldest
Starting point is 00:31:37 kind of like Weird party place I can go to to kind of get away, but I always think if if anything happens I I'm out this bitch. Like I'm doing what Sarah does I'm going to Sweden I read enough girl with a dragon tattoo to know the parts of Sweden pretty well Is it because you want to just be around Nordic play people because I'm so eastern? I think it's like Good reason. I'm gonna go where Asians don't exist Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:07 I mean growing up, did you let me because I've always liked to I always like to ask um Growing up, did you ever find did you find Asian people attractive because What I like about Sarah is you could tell that there was no like prejudice Yeah, you know what I mean, which is cool when you see You know a chick that grew up in the south, right and you can just sense that there is no, you know I mean she's not putting you in any kind of like box or whatever And so, you know, I'm sure did you ever like grow up and go? Oh, I think Asians are cute or I'm attracted to them
Starting point is 00:32:39 Um, it was so like the opposite. I think No, no, no, like no, I meant like I am intrigued and like fascinated like be like to a kind of odd Point of people who are not like me who do not look like me And growing up in the south Both primarily It is all white people primarily like I like what the I went to a religious school like where I It's just that it is what it was. They look like him. Yes Yes, and so but and I but even at a young age
Starting point is 00:33:17 I was like I was fascinated because we would have history books And clearly in the history books, there's an eskimo and I'm like, where are they? I mean like I was so like where are these people? Because we had like, you know, like one of each Ethnicity that you know, you're like, how did you make it here? And every single time like I remember We I think there was a girl she was Filipino who I grew who I went to grade school with one I just remember feel like I had this thing in my like heart that I was like, are you okay?
Starting point is 00:34:00 She wasn't okay And like I just kind of like knew that like I so I So it's I that's a thing. So as soon as like I know like as soon as I was 18 I was like, I gotta go. I gotta find the others like I just wanted to finally eskimo So like that's why I moved to Chicago because I was like, there's gotta be a girl out there And I kind of so that's that's a thing like I'm just so like It's with so much. I don't know. I've just always been intrigued by other cultures, ethnicities
Starting point is 00:34:35 The like everything about other cultures. Is that how you felt George? Is that why you moved to India like right out of high school where you're like, I gotta see more? Yeah, I like white people like you you guys are the ones that honestly you guys are the ones that like Protests with the black people back in the 60s during the protest, you know, I mean and they put their bodies on the line And we needed people like you you too and I want to say from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Thank you guys Yeah, thank you so much. Thank you. They're good You guys are good. Thank you for the protest. No, but what I found though was that you know That she was a very nice lady, but did you
Starting point is 00:35:12 Lady Did your grandmother was she weirded out that that you were dating an Asian guy or oh my mom's mom? Yeah, yeah, yeah, Rita Rita little Rita. I remember one time Rita was in the house and I remember going I should just go play piano Because there was a piano there, right? So I'm gonna play the piano to see maybe that's my angle in yeah, did it work? I don't remember ever having a discussion with her with Rita. I'm because Rita's gone Oh, I'm sorry Rita No, it's okay. You lived a really good life
Starting point is 00:35:48 Did she like you? Yeah, did Rita like me? Yeah, I don't think Rita like me Yeah, Rita was like hardcore. She's like a hardcore country You know like I would always I would call her princess because she was so hard and like so Grumpy, yeah, I would always say I love you just to see So and I say princess I love you she would just say same like she couldn't say it back I was like, that's not that's not I love you like So she I don't know if she liked me, but I'm pretty sure in her heart. She loved you too You knew who I did love is your parents. They're good. I want to get I don't want to get emotional
Starting point is 00:36:31 But they're good. They love you because I have a I still have we have all your this is gonna sound we have a photo But we have all of your photos. That's sweet. And I have a photo of your father. Yeah, right Dressed up dressed up as Elvis. Yes, right. Yes, and it's from way back in the day, right? Timmy Yeah, Timmy, right. Yeah, and whenever I was hanging still when we live in the old place Yeah, because we were dating, you know, I mean at the beachwood house because you live there as well for a bit. Yeah, yeah Yeah, so I was hanging there and I still have it. I'm gonna hang it up I love your parents. Your parents were just like not your dad was Just a great he's just a great guy. No, he's also, you know a role model when it comes to like
Starting point is 00:37:18 sobriety and stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah, and he's just uh Oh, do they miss? Do they remember me? Oh, they remember you so much Oh, no, that they love Bobby that that's but you're everybody loves you. Yeah And the one time that we did the family play remember I played my grandma. Oh, that's right. That's right. Yeah, yeah You were the dry cleaning man Man, remember that family play. Yeah. Yeah. So Bobby was it. Okay. Okay. All right. So We came home for Christmas. Yeah And my family is all like they're like Irish cat big people like huge massive. Yeah, white and like
Starting point is 00:38:03 Bobby did this play we put on a family play In a living room Yeah Yeah, I do remember. Yeah. Yeah. So but anyway, Bobby played. I can't like it's a The whole storyline of it was kind of interesting. But basically, yeah, Bobby Bobby was like the other man Just go ahead too. Go ahead. Do you remember the story? No, I don't want to tell you. You know, if it's all right fine If it's listen, tell the story. I can if you want to edit it out. We'll edit it out
Starting point is 00:38:38 But I can't tell it because it's it's it's racial Let me just say this, okay Our culture has changed, right? And we've changed cultures changed so much, right? This is back way back in the day This is like so long ago. How long ago 12 years ago? How long ago? Let's just say 30 even Let's 30 years ago. Yeah, and you were a willing participant. So it's all good. I it was all in fun and get listen He killed it though I get it. He killed it. Why don't you explain what the
Starting point is 00:39:24 What it was about and if and we'll listen to it and if you don't want it, we'll cut it out. We cut all right, so go ahead Okay She hates it. I know but he didn't even get canceled. That's why I can judge All three of my followers on instagram go go Go ahead. I'm gonna lose my blue check Have I have nothing to lose man. Um, I mean I do but I don't all right So the story basically I'm sorry in advance. My family has good heart
Starting point is 00:39:59 And good spirits. I swear. All right. I hate this Okay, so all right so Basically, so growing up. This is so horrible I hate this. Just dive in Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you don't even remember what it's about. So I'm on the fire. I think what I want to I want you to I want to hear because I maybe it'll rekindle a memory
Starting point is 00:40:27 Okay, uh, you're gonna have to cancel us out if it's really bad. I think it might be fun if we don't even put it in So all right. So growing up. Okay. So in my family, you know, all families have a physical characteristic that makes them The like if they looked at you have something, okay Okay, the leaves like you have something in your family like and all your arms are very lee like Oh, look, he looked like his uncle, right? Yeah. That's why yeah, so in my family Highlands, we all have um, very like almond eyes Okay, I hate that. I hate this All right, so they have like almond shaped eyes. Uh-huh. It's actually not that bad
Starting point is 00:41:17 I'm set myself up worse than it really is. All right So anyway, but it's but okay. So if you come from a land of white people Yeah It's pretty everybody looks kind of the same Yeah, yeah So if you have any characteristics that's like that's specific then okay, so that's why so they all have this kind of this kind of almond eye shape and so um
Starting point is 00:41:44 So my grandpa willy and my grandma rosemary. Okay Everybody wondered where how all these there's seven kids. There's six boys and one girl And so they always wondered how because nobody in my family has this almond shape Like they don't have it. Yeah, and so it was always this thing of like who's rosemary sleeping So the whole thing of this joke and so They're I guess at the time that they were growing up. Like I guess there was a dry cleaning gentleman of asian descent Yeah, it's not bad rosemary. They said rosemary must be sleeping with the dry clean
Starting point is 00:42:31 man So what the play was so this had never been physically theatricized And Never once It's always been left, you know, just as verbal words, which was fine by me But my dad being thespian that he was yes, he put wrote this play for our family Wrote it during christmas time
Starting point is 00:43:03 Yeah So I played rosemary. I put on a wig remember. Yeah. Yeah smoking and we made all those babies remember And so my cousin Wesley played grandpa willy And then my cousin rindi narrated the fucking thing And so i'm sitting there and I made during this whole christmas time. I made these all these babies I made seven babies I made them out of be do you remember shopping for those babies?
Starting point is 00:43:32 Yeah, I remember that like one of them has big ears and holding a beer can Yeah, yeah, I remember my uncle mark and my dad had like lumps over the head Because he got pulled out with the What are they called tricep, but you know forceps forceps. Yeah, thank you And so we made all these babies and so then at the end of the play It was this whole thing of like oh, but still how did everybody get these almond shaped eyes And then I'm sitting there and I'm smoking and all of a sudden bobby pops out from the seat and goes surprise And something like that was a better build up my it was horrible because it's tainted with shame, but like
Starting point is 00:44:13 Good and he goes And yeah, he started mohawk and it's small Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. Yeah his little body and and then this just if you can imagine like a whole fucking It crushed a crush it killed it crushed in the family crushed it and just everybody fucking dying laughing Sweating yeah red faced So you killed it that you know what I you know, first of all that story is we're not cutting that out. Do you not remember that? I do remember it vaguely. I remember trying to go to thrift stores and getting the babies I think I remember I think I remember I don't remember the the line
Starting point is 00:44:48 Supply surprise. I don't remember that. Perfect. Just like that. Just like that I don't remember that but um Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and I remember but you know, I remember crushing maybe you know what I mean, but um I also have fond memories of There was a coffee shot near your house In Louisville, right? I remember walking there or so. Can you walk there from your house? I don't know Yeah, I remember going there was a really nice coffee shop, but I also remember that was the first time I went horseback riding. Yes with your family. Oh, I have a story about this. Yeah
Starting point is 00:45:27 So we went to Hawaii We were in kawaii and I had never I have like no horse experience whatsoever I didn't grow up riding horses didn't grow up around them at all But this guy goes we should go horseback riding. He's like, I'm a horseman He's like I used to go he's like I used to go with Sarah to her hometown in Louisville And just ride horses all day for like months. So he really made it out like he was some fucking cowboy, right? Sarah he couldn't even mount the horse. He couldn't even swing his tiny little legs over a short horse And I and this horse nearly trampled him to death
Starting point is 00:46:05 Like it was the funniest thing and then he the amount of times you nearly you almost got like bucked off because the horse Just fucking hated you. Yeah, I was like this guy's a fucking liar. You didn't go riding horses with Sarah So she probably rode horses. I wrote the horses. I wrote a horse Was that your first time though? What story go ahead Okay What story what story I went horseback riding with the family No, I didn't say he did ride horses
Starting point is 00:46:39 Thank you. So I was he I didn't you did but you didn't tell Bobby, but no the whole story is when Go ahead go ahead Hey, give me though when we first went there, okay, so there's something about horses if you don't know so there's like Normal sized horses for Oh, no, like, you know, like yeah 15 hands. Yeah, like big horses But there's also ponies called Shetland ponies. I know Shetland ponies. So Uh-huh cute little where we went to ride. He did go he did go to ride. He did we went to Oldham County
Starting point is 00:47:21 Yeah, and you rode at Debbie's farm Debbie's farm. That's why so we went to go get the You ride a Shetland pony No, no, no. Tell the story right Go ahead. What happened? Wedding. What is it? So no, so we went we're walking towards the barn We're walking towards the barn. Yeah, Debbie goes. Let me go get the horses for everyone So it was me my mom
Starting point is 00:47:52 So Debbie goes and she brings out one horse normal horse Two horse normal horse Three horse It was this baby Shetland pony Which color was that big? It looked like a dog These do tricks like that all the time and these these little laugh and laugh and laugh They laughed
Starting point is 00:48:42 Oh god, I remember that that was your horse riding No, I didn't actually got on a regular one after that. That was a joke. Debbie brings out the pony And then there's a 10-15 minute laugh killed it again, right? And I'm like I'm mugging you're mean surprise Right and then I get on a regular horse But yeah, I do remember that yeah, and then and then we We were I'm sweating so hard. Can you add a filter to this? I'll put the beauty filter on you. Thank you black and white
Starting point is 00:49:28 Um, so yeah, we were riding so in Oldham County. So the surrounding counties of Kentucky are all like rural woodsy Oh, yeah, so we're riding through the woods and every other tree Pavika, is that where the hinge is? Every other tree, you know Yeah, yeah, remember that every other tree As I remember also they wrote an article about us They did in the in the newspaper my parents have it and I hope this isn't I mean, it's all like it's been girl It's been you but they still have that framed. It's down in our basement. We I still have a picture of the both of you framed
Starting point is 00:50:08 Up on our wall Yeah, and I know that sounds really weird, but I really have like You know when I first met bobby one of the things that I was so scared of finding out about him was that his exes were I mean, that's all all women are wonderful. I'm just saying like it would have been a red flag for me if If his ex wasn't you like when he told me about you when he says this is Sarah. She's a comedian. She's funny She's this it I was impressed and that was one of the reasons why I felt comfortable knowing that okay, like he likes these
Starting point is 00:50:41 Brilliant women like that's that's what his past looks like if it had been some, you know Just hot chick with no substance. It would have been a red flag for me So like I have absolutely no feelings about that like at all. So I have to say I like hearing these stories because it's like intel for me. Yeah, it really is. I'm like, holy shit. Tell me more Yeah, I'll tell you everything I have to say though that You know if I look back in my life if I wrote a book and I had chapters in terms of my relationships There were probably three real relationships. I had you know, I think sarah was a real relationship
Starting point is 00:51:18 I think christine was a real relationship and you obviously, you know, um but um Yeah, you know, I've I I think I you know There needs to be something specific that I can So if number one for a girlfriend, I have to introduce some of my parents. Yeah, my parents have to really like them So, you know, I um, that's number one number two There's got to be you know looks as one thing, right? But there's got to be something like a bunch of other things. You know that that triggers
Starting point is 00:51:46 Stuff within me, but um, you always tell me this one story about when you were with sarah and hawaii and like the angriest You've ever been. I don't know if you remember. Okay. There's two Hawaiian stories with you. Okay. Remember that one time where I had food poisoning Yeah, there was I ate a hot dog At at the grand hawaii leah hotel and then we're at the airport. We missed the flight and I had diarrhea For 24 hours and she I remember having her to carry me around the airport
Starting point is 00:52:15 You don't remember that Okay, the second thing is you probably won't remember this either I was holding hands with they were on the beach and a group of guys walked by And they accused me of like You know paying you to be with me or something like that me being angry You know, I mean wanted to confront them and then you remember you just kind of You know pulling me along. Let's not bother with that. You know those guys, you know me, but um, I remember those just you don't remember the diarrhea, huh? I don't remember
Starting point is 00:52:49 I feel like your tummy always hurts And why would you know why would that diarrhea stand up? It's so true. Nothing has changed. Like he all something's always up with his guts You have IBS I think I think I do Because you tell her how many times I've shit my pants. Oh my god We were just in the desert and he shit his pants and he had to wear my underwear all weekend. Yeah. Yeah My cute little panties my lace panties all weekend. Yeah. Yeah, Joe. This has been great. We've already done an hour We always do an hour. All right, but um, Sarah. Thank you so much. By the way, we have to do it again
Starting point is 00:53:23 By the way, we would love to have you back. Yes You have no I like was and tell me when you need to start. I know you guys No, we're not done. We have another section that we're gonna do with you But okay, no, I I want to say to your beautiful girl Thank you because I honestly because that was the same thing like I never I only knew of you from social media and just on the podcast and um And I had no idea about like your feelings or personality But I swear but as soon as she messaged me. I was like, I love her you were so kind
Starting point is 00:53:55 So I appreciate like I think I told Bobby a long time ago. We would watch your kentucky lightning videos together Yeah, like in bed. I think you're fucking hilarious. You're so funny and talented Sweet, thank you. And um, I am just so grateful that you agreed to do this really Get to it Gil. Well at the end of our I have to explain to you what it is at the end of our episodes We do a unhelpful advice people email us questions and we can either be helpful or not Okay, so go ahead unhelpful advice with Sarah Highland Hey guys, my dad is a high rep at a company He consistently talked about how happy beef I worked with him in December
Starting point is 00:54:30 He offered me a job in it department I took him up on the job because I knew how pleased he would be if I started working with him. I hated it I dreaded going to work every day because it was very boring job And I didn't have any opportunities to talk to people. I am his oldest child at 17 with this job I was working two jobs at once this led me to slipping back into depression And feeling like I couldn't hang out with my friends or enjoy free time I just put my two weeks notice in and he is very disappointed He looks at me like a quitter now
Starting point is 00:54:55 He was very proud of his son working with him But now I feel like he tries to avoid conversation with me Do you have any advice on how to lighten up the situation with my dad? Well I mean, I feel like those conflicts are common, you know, I mean for me Just for my own personal life I just have to be able to look forward to Work because I'm so lazy
Starting point is 00:55:21 And I'm just so I'm so stagnant that like for me to do anything It's I have to enjoy it and I have to look forward to it And I have to like Get excited about what I'm doing. It's like, you know, I have some jobs coming up in May that thing I'm gonna have to do in May and I'm just I'm constantly thinking about it, you know, I'm going to Hungary in May Yeah, and I'm thinking about it and I'm like, you know, I mean There's a lot of like fear, but there's a lot of excitement and all that and I all those things have to be involved
Starting point is 00:55:52 If I had a daily job Where I was not a hated it I just wouldn't be able to do it and it just sounds like that's the position that you're in brother Yeah, um I think there are types of people that just aren't meant for the corporate world I know I'm one of them Like I could never clock in clock out be a nine to five and I had the exact sort of similar thing where You know, like being Filipino just by virtue of being Filipino
Starting point is 00:56:17 Like my mom really just wanted to push the nursing thing My sister took the bait. My other sister took the bait. They're both nurses She still tries to push that, you know, you could still You could still And you just got to put your foot down and say like I respect you. I love you This just isn't my path in life and um, please allow me to find that whatever that is Please allow me to find it on my own Sarah I did that once
Starting point is 00:56:44 Yeah, I mean, I agree like I tried to work for my dad at his insurance company Yeah Imagine her oh my god though. I would take naps like he would tell me to go file. Yeah So many learning disabilities that like aabc de like I would have to do the alphabet so many times to remember where the w and x were So I would take naps his his actual employees would find me like Serious enough Yeah, you know, I mean I tried it several times and my brother works for him in the insurance company um, I think you just keep
Starting point is 00:57:28 Just keep doing what you want to do what you love to do and eventually like I I have the worst Arrested development ever like it's taken me a long time. Like I wasn't somebody who like right out of high schools Like I want to be a lawyer Do it like it just takes what it takes and I think You know, I don't Just continue doing what you do And be an enthusiastic and passionate about it so that your parents can't argue with it Yeah, even if you that's good. Yeah naps or don't take because they don't want you to take naps at the filing cabinet
Starting point is 00:58:05 That that's not helpful. So that that's been for me. Like I just keep being You know, but don't be lazy. Don't be lazy because if people watch you being lazy, they don't it's hard to support it Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, you have to be doing something. Yeah to further your situation But um, anything else is it another one? Yeah, uh, hello. I'm Aldo I'm 31 years old I was with my girlfriend for about eight years and we have a seven-year-old son Recently I lost it because of the pandemic and told her to get her things and go back home after she came home at 3am About two weeks ago. I immediately regretted what I'd done and said I miss her so much And now she wants to go out with others and I feel so lost. There's always been trust issues with us
Starting point is 00:58:46 I just don't know any way in getting my family back together I'm trying to work on not contacting her. But as soon as I miss her I get an overwhelming depressive feeling to talk to her Basically, he lashed out on his wife And he came off three in the morning from what a party? He doesn't know Trust issues. Yeah. Hmm. All right. Anyways So Sarah, do you have um any thing you want to plug like uh your social media and whatnot go ahead That's another part of this. I was like, I don't have anything to plug But you have your social media, you know, I have social media. Do you sell art? Do you sell art?
Starting point is 00:59:34 I do. No, I'm joking. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Yeah um, no, I I that's a thing since the pandemic and stuff because I did two zoom shows and Kill myself That's sad. I had depressions like I hated it. Yeah, so I haven't done a single show. I cannot do. That's not horrible. I did two I've done zero never refused. I cannot do it. So I can't what do they like? I mean because you don't you're not getting any of the response from the people. That's a thing Like I don't know how comedy I I swear. I don't know how comics do it. I don't because like everything about comedy Is even right now is like you're talking to people like if it's not a fucking podcast, you're sitting and talking
Starting point is 01:00:21 That's a vlog. Yeah Not a show. All right, right, right, right. So I don't know. So that's I don't know. I know comedians are doing it I don't know, but that's the thing. So anyway, so I've been doing More art. I do like paintings and stuff for now until it kind of like clears But I just do that like an interesting enough like you kind of go to where what makes you money Yeah, and people are buying them. So I just kind of like do that and see where it goes Are you going to get vaccinated? Yes. Yes, for sure. Okay, good. Yeah, I think I can do it. Okay. I have asthma You do
Starting point is 01:01:02 My wheeze did you have asthma when I was dating you? Yes, I remember I remember I don't remember your explosive diary You don't remember my asthma. I worked one for one. It's okay. Anyway, that was a real fun show. That was a really fun show Oh, yeah, that was really good and Um, don't go anywhere because we have to take a photo. Okay, and um, we'll see you back on the program Can I say that I love your girl? Okay. That's already been said. So what? Yeah, I think it's important Give her a round of applause. Thank you so much. I love you. I was also very nervous. I was I was pretty you killed it You killed it. I was so fun. You killed it. Thanks guys. What an exciting episode
Starting point is 01:01:46 So we want to thank our sponsors ship station better help ship more or less time Just use the offer code belly to get a 60 day free trial of ship station dot com Click on the microphone at the top of the page and type in belly Hey start living your happier life today get 10% off your first month by visiting our sponsor at betterhelp.com slash belly Join over 1 million people who have taken charge of their mental health again. That's better help H e l p dot com slash belly and george if we want to uh Send in a question. Where can we do that? Send it to advice on helpful at gmail.com
Starting point is 01:02:19 We are have we gotten any other video submissions? We need more guys. We need you to submit the videos Uh priority to video submissions there. Yes, make sure you put that in the subject line and measure you keep the videos under 90 seconds If possible, uh anything else george? No, I just that was a I loved that episode. I don't know. That was great. I really enjoyed No, I can turn up though I know like it's easy to play like the cool girl and be like, oh like i'm cool with my partner sex, but I genuinely feel Like every time bobby has ever talked about her or talked about how funny she was
Starting point is 01:03:02 I always always knew that I wanted to meet her eventually just because it's like she is Hate to say it's so much like him It's scary. I got a little bit of they are so similar and um, I don't know like I get him so I get her. Yeah. You know what I mean? and like I like
Starting point is 01:03:27 listening I like hearing stories about bobby through someone else's experience with him, especially in like the capacity that she was which is a fucking girlfriend for a while, you know And I like hearing stories about a younger bobby, which kind of sounds like The same the same exact person i'm dealing with today really But when I messaged her, you know, I was like, oh fuck like what if she what if she says no? um But she was like yalia. I'm in that's awesome. I was like, oh thank god
Starting point is 01:03:57 And I'm glad she didn't think I was like being like a creep or anything like that, you know Because it's easy to be like, well, what's in it for her? Like, what's your agenda? You know, I bet she did leave here being like, why does kawa have so many photos of me and bobby up in her? Dude, this is so creepy, but we have a picture of her like as a child Like framed upstairs And then I remember you remember that picture. I remember I was thinking like I I always said like bobby, who's that? And he was like, oh, that's young sarah, but it's such a cute picture. I'm like, okay Good enough for me
Starting point is 01:04:27 Because I thought you had two had met before like that's uh me too. I thought you guys have met no no no No, we've only ever um DM on on instagram and stuff and I follow her because I genuinely think she's fucking hilarious and super super talented and um, yeah, she reminds me of like maybe a more refined version of bobby So that makes sense. Did you guys see that? Like there's like similarities Uh, the weird the weird as much. You didn't see the some like the weirdness a bit of that I see the weirdness, but I don't think that's like a No, you're there. I'm talking about their brand of funny. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the brand of funny is the same
Starting point is 01:05:05 Yeah, like it's it's kind of like Yeah, it's like unique. Yeah Appreciate that. He's back to playing video games. Oh my god. Uh kalilah. Is there any shout-outs to any like dogs that need to be adopted? I think all the dogs I've fostered are currently um Um adopted good. Thank god or one is in a trial process. So fingers crossed. I hope that works out um, but um Yeah, I have nothing else to add to this day guys, but if I want to watch another podcast, where can I do that? Oh
Starting point is 01:05:40 That's right. Thanks for reminding me. I'm really bad. Someone wrote me and said Could you sound more enthusiastic about Other projects you're working on should he sound like a fucking like person asleep? I'm like, okay. No noted Noted So you guys if you haven't already I I am on a separate podcast with my friends Annie Letterman and ester pavitsky It's called blood bath. It's out every Tuesday. It's on youtube and all other platforms you listen to podcasts. Please subscribe
Starting point is 01:06:14 Go to iTunes. Someone's phone is ringing. Give us five stars. Um, I feel like I'm a different version of myself around them um because I don't know. They're just feminine energy different energy and also they're girls. They're my friends. They're my girl friends So, um, please do that if you haven't already and I appreciate jazz And I'll see you next week. It's a really fun show. It's a really fun show and if you don't get in now You're really missing out guys. I mean, it's the it's only gonna get better. I couldn't be more Well, it's already great
Starting point is 01:06:48 And it's the top launch of uh this year top launch of uh 2021 So if basically, yeah, you're missing out if you aren't there already. Thank you George and George is behind um Is behind is my behind the scenes guy. I wouldn't have I won't do anything without you by the way George You're like my my safety blanket Because if it's like, oh, do you guys want to start podcast can George be my producer because if George not my producer I won't do it so
Starting point is 01:07:13 Do you guys go congrats to you rich guy Yeah, you you elitist Oh guys, make sure you follow that elitist the richest one in the room. Hello Follow George underscore this guy through dollar bills and friends Me and George took a road trip and every time I wanted to pay for food. You said I got it I'm sure you got I was like it's four tacos. I can do I got it because you guys ordered Um, you guys ordered the pizza. I was like, I wonder if I should reimburse him. I'm like, nah Not gonna
Starting point is 01:07:43 This guy it's a work weekend We got a lot of shows. That's enough. Oh, yeah audience doesn't even know that's uh coming out uh the top secret But coming out soon. Uh, we did a weekend uh a weekend project Yeah, so uh to many more of those maybe internationally this year. We'll see I'd love to go to Italy and just do one podcast Think about that. We just showed up one day one day Wait, I want to talk to you guys about this since Bobby will be gone for as long as he's gonna be gone in budapest
Starting point is 01:08:14 um Are we able to join him at all or are the restrictions still pretty I need to look that up But also I'm on special restrictions since I'll have a baby. Oh, yeah, that's right. You're you're on um paternity leave So I'm not as excited about doing research for other people's trips. Right. I have it I could but just found out today in my passport. I need to update that how fast can I do that two weeks? Come on 24 hours. Whoo. Why did someone scare me by seven months? Well, because that's if you don't uh, you don't do the fast one No, you could just go to any service like passport. Um, Walgreens. No, not Walgreens
Starting point is 01:08:46 There's a there there agencies all over Los Angeles and you can get them one time We got bobby a passport in 24 hours. Well check out that They'll even courier it to you at the airport while you're waiting for your flight. This is not a sponsor There's no she knows everything about this. I swear to you because this is one of the biggest stress One of the most stressful times of my life was when bobby needed a passport He failed to tell me his shit had expired or no one time though. He just it didn't expire. He just lost it I ransacked the whole fucking house I was crying to my mom like how much longer do I have to do this and finally
Starting point is 01:09:21 I found a place and they literally ran it to him at the airport. That's pretty cool. Oh, man I uh, yeah, there was one time Bryce came out with before he lived out here We were going to go down to Tijuana like Baja California. Yeah, I actually got insurance on my car We drove all the way down We got to San Diego before I looked at my passport and saw that like it expired like a month earlier Well, you know like back in the day, um, they didn't used to require a passport If you just had a california id because I used to go back and forth to mexico a lot And I would only and I would never show my passport. It was after 9 11. So that was the problem. Oh for sure. Yeah
Starting point is 01:09:53 That's a different time even canada. They required after that. All right. I did once with the bike Undrivers license. They're like, don't do this again. Man. I miss airports for 9 11 family go with you and you cry at the Terminal. Oh, yeah, I get to cry before security I remember when you like get to actually say bye in the terminal. Yeah, I missed that With that song guys, that's our sign up keep singing follow Kalyla and climb the k Hey, gorge gorge or chemo bobby At gilbets and probably live and I kill this. We love you guys so much follow Kalyla's spotify playlist. All right guys. Bye Hey
Starting point is 01:10:46 Prime members, you can listen to tiger barely ad free on amazon music download the amazon music app today Or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast before you go Tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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