TigerBelly - Ep 300: David Choe, Steven Yeun, & The Lord of the Bobby Lee Rings

Episode Date: June 30, 2021

Bobby is thriving. David takes a bow. Steven corrects our pronunciation of Yeun. We talk Korean warlocks, David's Hawaii stand-up set that Bobby cut short, our DVDASA origin story, David's 20... other TigerBelly appearances, Steven's surprise Postmates order, and why we're not better friends. Please support our sponsors.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus You don't use a mic now in your world. You don't want to use a mic. Oh Why so aggressive I Know I'm just asking I'm not I love you. I just oh don't come on. Don't be like that I don't use I didn't even sit down Yeah, she's so sweet I love that dog Just went on a walk. Can I just like take it in take it in man. So cool Elmer's glue. Oh my god Own merch look at this merch
Starting point is 00:00:48 See if I can recognize the artist that one's so cute the surf club one That mask is scary. Oh, that's amazing. Wow That's kind of gross that one You and you know, it's not it's a little like just look at it every day To look at it every day must you'll get used to it and then all of a sudden it'll please you I have like amazing paintings that are just there. I can't look at them every day. Oh You just your home You live here. This is what do you suggest we put up Dave? Just stuff that is like
Starting point is 00:01:29 Not Bobby porn, I mean are you guys getting trouble for putting up old boy like you need like you never thought about that Yeah, I don't think so. I don't think so. It's been there forever We're promoting the movie Whatever it's your guys place you put up whatever the fuck you want I know but I was just like because you're you're like our teeth your Basquiat here, baby And it's like Basquiat comes in says things are going Artistic in the in the place you get paranoid no one has as a male No one has a better nude body than you. It's a little much to see every day, right? Yeah, because everyone in this room
Starting point is 00:02:06 I'm gonna speak for George and Gilbert have seen you naked Everyone here seen you naked and it's like it's just like we got it You're like the naked guy and it's just like that's confronting. Yeah But I you know, this is from 20 years ago that that photo you look so I'm a ball. I've evolved I don't do get naked anymore. Is that true? Yeah, he wants to immortalize his youthful body Is that true? He doesn't get naked anymore Well, you can't because the rules have changed yet the rules have since changed all the rules of yeah Yeah, right if the rules were the same, you know, it's not the era for nudists anymore. Yeah. Yeah, I would still play the old game
Starting point is 00:02:41 You know mean dog But like the rules have changed so I can't play the same game Your foot is I'm gonna say right for a Korean dude. Your feet are fucking muy bueno Overvore. I mean your feet. Are we recording right now? Yeah, we have been recording. Oh, okay. Yeah, so you should probably I should probably what go ahead Open I will in a second. I you're not gonna put your headphones on You don't have to you don't have to I've done this a few times. I kind of know come on, man Come on, man. You want me to put them on? No, you can do
Starting point is 00:03:17 Listen, Bobby, I'm sorry. I feel like it's it's getting listen. Here's the deal And let's I want to be off of up front and honest with you and then we'll start okay I've never kept the recording. I've never been to your home. I Pull up. It's a I haven't been to your house before and it's beautiful It's beautiful. Thank you. And then you invite me on to your podcast Thank you grateful for and then I and then the yelling is starting, you know, like the tension is getting up I'm not telling you the art to put up on your wall. I'm just saying You do whatever you want. I understand that I'm just I'm here your guest here
Starting point is 00:03:52 You want me to put the mic here? You want me to put on? I'll do whatever you want Like if you you know, you want to take off to my feet like I like a bro, and that's why I'm up. Can I just say what I'm gonna say? Yeah, and then and then we can start Yes, okay. I apologize growth, okay number one I apologize about my behavior so far and I'm gonna tell you the reason why I behave the way I behaved Okay, is that number one I've probably asked you in the last six years to do this podcast about ten times
Starting point is 00:04:26 Probably more than that. You might have more than that exactly and you would say either a variation of no fucking way No response this and that and I get it. Okay, so by you being you have to admit It's like it's like if Gandalf walked in here Like oh my god, it's a fuck the wizard from the movie. I didn't know that was a real thing, you know It's like it's very surprising your Lord of the Rings fan Do you like Lord of the Rings? Yeah, okay How did it end?
Starting point is 00:04:59 I'll tell you how how did it end? I'll tell you how it ended. Yeah, what you mean the original three No, I'm talking about the movie. Yeah, the movie. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so it ended by another king, right? Yeah, bro. How did it? How did I'm gonna tell you how it ended dude? All right? So they come back from the voyage right and my favorite scene right before it ends is when they're in Gondor, right? And then Strider the king sings it And then remember that and then he sees the elf lover live Tyler, right? And then they do well first she goes first thing, you know, she has like something over her face Right and then she could she get shy, you know how elves get shy she got shy
Starting point is 00:05:44 She's like, oh no, right and then he lowers it down and he goes in like wild for the kiss So that happens and then they go and they see the Hobbits and The Hobbits when they see the King Gondor the King of Gondor they bow to him and he goes, oh, no, my friend You know, you don't have to bow to anyone, right? And then Everyone bows and then when I saw that in the theater, I fucking cried like a fucking baby You know who cried what me too that scene So what did you just say right now? You just nailed it right now That's how that's how return of the King ended, right? That's how it ended
Starting point is 00:06:20 I was I come in here. We haven't even started the show yet You start hitting me with Lord of the Rings stuff and I said you watch Lord of the Rings How did Lord of the Rings and the Hobbits bow to the King and you're trying to make up this thing like I'm the King, right? And what did the King do? He bows to the Hobbit. What is happening? You're like it's like Gandalf coming in whatever I bow to you All right, I bow to you I bow to you because you're the King of Gondor, but you didn't cry When the when the when the Hobbits bowed to the King you cried when everyone bowed to the Hobbit Why am I the Hobbit dog? Look at you dude
Starting point is 00:07:13 Okay, I bow to you all right and I bow to you. It's I bow to you Bow to you. We both bow we bow to each other, bro. We all bow to you Because I went on a voyage I don't get it. I'm the one that saved the world I mean what the fuck is going on here? You're just saying I'm a hobbit because I'm small And I've stubby legs. That's fucked up, bro. That's part of it, but it's more than that All right, let's start the podcast all right three two. I'm gonna put my headphones on Look the King at the Hobbit King just asked me yeah I didn't ask you do whatever. It's comfortable. It also kind of just say this
Starting point is 00:07:53 I didn't even finish my last thing go ahead, right? I fucked up by saying if Gandalf walked in here. What was the last thing? So I was saying number one number two and number three. Oh, that's what I want to say Okay, well, let's just start and I'll say it. Fuck it. Go ahead five well three two one Welcome to my podcast with my girlfriend our podcast our podcast Tiger Belly our 300th episode what an exciting Those ones don't work. I think you have to turn the that was scared me I mean Who's cleaning this not high we hired Jules no is Jules gonna clean this yeah, we hired her we paid. Oh, really? Okay, yeah So, um, welcome to 300 episode
Starting point is 00:09:12 I'm your slept King The captain of the ship, but you know what? There's many captains on the ship and it's a Gilbert. It was good to do 300 episodes with you charge. Thanks, man Amazing job you man. You're all right with me. You know, I like your vibe You're a good white And I've always said that when I see other whites and hungry. I said it. I know good white, too And like who I go George, you know, I can all right Congratulations to you and I've been asking this fool and I want to say this
Starting point is 00:09:46 There would be no Tiger Belly correct without DVD assay very correct Because first of all number one. I never knew that she could podcast. I well I couldn't I know that's what I'm saying So by by doing your show with Asa, right? I Got to see her her evolve on your show and see see that wow She's got chops. She can add information. She's bright. She's funny. She's got all of it, right? And she's good to look at Thank you good to look at and so So thank you for that. We wouldn't have this without you and also um, does it feel like a century ago like that? We did it was we were in that pad well, let's just do it. So let's just could I just give a round of applause?
Starting point is 00:10:33 It's Just one way to do whatever gas you're not I would say I would say the most special gas We've had in all of you because there would be no it's like almost saying like there would be no Bible without the Lord He's like the Abraham Lincoln. Yeah. Yeah, you're the Abe Lincoln I Bought a YouTube Don't do it again. Oh No
Starting point is 00:11:05 For audio listeners, they are bowing Wow Here's what I want to say that I want to close I want to say this also when you say it he say his name David show everybody So when I when I saw you park your car come inside the house and we talked and we're walking in I literally Don't recognize you. I know your face Right because you're like you've got like you're a Korean. You have a big head Right, you got that face, right? But I just didn't know what kind of Korean I was watching because it's like You've come you're completely different. You've lost a weight. First of all, you look nice. Thank you, right?
Starting point is 00:11:47 And your demeanor is Completely different before used to be like the Tasmanian devil You know me walking into room and now it's like you're just calm you're very Um, that's a projection. I'm just gonna go ahead and stop that. They've has never been a Tasmanian devil. You were that They's always been way calmer than you Thank you, Coliba, I appreciate that You're right You just read yourself to a tee. I was projecting. Yeah. Yeah, totally. I apologize again. I apologize for that as well
Starting point is 00:12:27 Okay, dude, even though it was only five minutes ago Do you remember the first word out of your mouth when I got out of the car? What do you say? We need to hang out more That's what I said. Yeah, like like almost as a throwaway and then like as you were undressing me with your eyes I wasn't doing that. You weren't you were just like I was not you were staring at me like Fucking which absurd that you would say that you weren't like staring at me like in a weird way Not a sexual way. I didn't say that. All right, just whatever whatever you I was I was looking at you and I was like
Starting point is 00:13:02 Analyzing head-to-toe assessment And as you were doing that you just threw out a quick, you know, we need to hang out more That was a good thing. Yeah, and so my can I ask you a question? Go ahead Why aren't we better friends? Interesting What an interesting way to start this thing You you could say I don't want to answer that question if we can move on. No, I'm not
Starting point is 00:13:27 I let me say this my friend. Yeah, I'm a lot of things. Yeah, what I'm not is a coward When I'm bro, if there's a fire, I'll run through it Okay, so I'm gonna address it. All right force as if there's a train coming toward all right, right? It's not we are good friends Are we? No The train hit you the train just hit me. No, okay, let me just say this, okay Is it my desire in my heart to be better friends with you? Yes
Starting point is 00:14:00 Did we just go through a pandemic? Yes, I didn't we didn't see anybody right Kalaila just let's throw up the pandemic start because even pre-pandemic I'm gonna go ahead inside with Dave here. I think you're this is insane. Well, this is something you're a difficult person to get close to Because you are what do you call it that avoidant? There's a certain like Term they use in therapy, but you you throw out a lot of yourself to people as a way to keep them at a certain distance Do you remember meeting me? Do you remember how we met 100%? Do you remember? I do but I would love to hear how you remember it and then I'll tell you how I remember it Okay, I'm gonna go first or you want to go first. I'll go first. All right. If I may
Starting point is 00:14:43 It's your show dude. Okay. Thank you All right, so, um It was at the 101 cafe Yes, okay. I was sitting there by myself Because I lived on beechwood. So I used to go there all the time. It was late at night And for my peripheral vision I see and I don't take this the wrong way a Korean warlock Don't take that the wrong way. It was you were dressed in some sort of garb
Starting point is 00:15:11 It wasn't like human clothing like American human clothing. It was like a Korean Human clothing like American human clothing. It was like a gullaby. It was like a fiesta, right? But from the future and the past it was crazy Yeah, it was like he was wearing stuff and right. I mean you weren't there was a poncho for sure There were just things going on You probably weren't wearing shoes nail polish and for my periphery. I go Am I imagining this? And then I kind of looked and I got no and also I know who that is. Yeah, immediately. I knew who that was
Starting point is 00:15:43 I go, oh, that's David Chow. He can do dresses the way he wants to dress, right? Because if you were like a gardener, it'd be weird, but you know, that'd be dope. Actually, that would be dope. You're right so, um And then you came up to me. Mm-hmm. Yeah, you came up to me and I think you put your arms around me Yeah, one arm and you go, hey man, do you know who I am? I think that's oh, no, no, you said Hey, bro, I'm a fan of yours and then I go. Oh shit me too. I'm a fan and then you sat next to me and That's all I remember. I was soaking wet. Yeah, you were wet. I was soaking wet. My I was wearing a suit
Starting point is 00:16:24 Yeah, much like this one, but you weren't wearing other garbs. My brother had just gotten married Uh two hours ago earlier and it was one of those parties where everyone threw each other in the pool So I was with my brother and and my friend Harry And we were all wet and it was like my brother just got married. Um It was late. Let's go eat again after eating birthday. You weren't wearing any other outfit. I'm sure I threw a poncho over the way Oh, go go go. Okay. You I don't remember. I was wearing something. I'm sure okay, and um, so I'm sitting uncomfortable in wet clothes and a poncho and um Don't take this the wrong way
Starting point is 00:17:03 Don't listen. Don't take this the wrong. Here's what I hate when people do that here. Just real quick. Okay a korean warlock walks in I'm walking in now in the in story Like it's not quiet hands up I'm here. I did that. I am here. I did that I go I know who that is. That's Bobby Lee. He walks in. Yeah Sucks up all the air and french fry juice in the room I'm like not only not only do I know who this guy is Everybody knows who this guy is you're talking to all the waitresses
Starting point is 00:17:48 It's it's like this is a visual that I have you have a visual of an asian warlock wearing nail polish in a in a poncho Which may or may not I can't confirm that I have a visual of you with your hands up like this Like I'm like this guy. Yeah, it's fearless. I don't know if he knows those people at that table You are you are holding court at cafe 101 I'm like this guy does not and then of course different time different rules a nutsack is out So I see I don't even know. Oh, wait, wait Different time different rules different time different rules different time different rules
Starting point is 00:18:24 Can I say this one ball one ball? I don't all right? I'm gonna keep my boy Not to balls from where I was I could see it was one ball I don't open up relationships with my sack out. I don't do a sack attack I don't think you knew who these people were at this table. There was a Caesar salad I walked up to a random table with my sack out. Is that you were you were loud? I it was loud. You were very comfortable. It was like you were at a comedy club You were you were joking with people you knew and as you were being loud people were like Hey, Bobby Lee and you would just go over there. Oh, how you were like
Starting point is 00:18:56 But it's your neighborhood. Yeah, it's your hood. You it was I had been there for decades I have a very clear I could paint it right now Yeah of you standing at the edge of a table one one of your balls is at the edge of the table And some people are dying salad dressing coming out. They're laughing and yeah, you couldn't be at more home Yeah, I didn't you the ball thing the don't defend it. Just it was it's okay and and what am I doing where I'm sitting I'm done. I'm like I've never met Bobby Lee and this is what I imagine he would be like he's here just And and normally when I meet celebrities or I see celebrities out in the wild
Starting point is 00:19:36 I don't approach them. I go there's that guy and I just I don't say anything and I said this guy seems approachable I don't go up to someone and put my arm around them like all right, and I see him and I go He's talking to everybody. Yeah, so I'm gonna like I don't know if I'm ever gonna meet Bobby Lee again I'm gonna try well. Not only did we meet Davey right if I can call you that you can call me whatever you want. Okay Um, not only did we you can call me whatever you want Robert. Go ahead Please don't bow again. We're not gonna That took but there was a second though. We do admit it that we were going to
Starting point is 00:20:14 Yeah I felt it your eyes. Yeah, I felt like I felt me going forward, but then you stopped it Thank you so much because I don't want to go that bad. I sat there with my brother and inside I felt This guy is very unsafe. This is an unsafe person like He is making because I don't know what's coming next. Yeah We're just sitting here eating our chicken and waffles whatever and he comes in like the Tasmanian devil He starts eating people's french fries nut sacks are out And I go I don't know what this guy's gonna do next one one nut is out
Starting point is 00:20:47 I don't know what he's gonna do next and so of course I'm attracted to that I know you are so I go closer to you instead of being like that guy's Dangerous, I should go away from that guy. I put my arm around you. Yeah like a moth to the flame Well, it's like you ever see mad max not the new one, but the old ones And that one you know that big gigantic guy, but then he has that little guy the master blaster Right, right that it's almost as if I'm that little guy. You're the big guy and we were separated 40 years ago. You know me or whatever and it's like I like that. Hey, you know what I mean? Let me get on your back
Starting point is 00:21:22 It was it was as if we always knew each other and we could do this thing where it's about race You're this kind of korean or that kind of asian filipino mexican, whatever. Yeah, but in this life Yeah, that's it. Yeah, that's it. That's someone's Wait, who am I? I'm the little guy, right? No, I'm the little guy. You just called me a hobbit earlier How the fuck are you? You're the big guy. You're the king. You're the king. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it No, I knew it Oh, no So I get up let me get on your back
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, hang on. Hang on. Oh, yeah, he does have bad knees He's a lot heavier than he looks, Dave. I'd be careful. We're at three vows right now. So Very deceiving very deceiving. So so so you meet people in life. Yeah, whatever race they are and it's it's why When I did do a podcast We didn't we didn't have the biggest numbers. It's whatever quality over quantity
Starting point is 00:22:34 The people that I connected with You go, oh, it's like a it's like a it's like a family or it's a it's like a cult but it It went deeper than that, right? You connect with the The outcast right and then you just know and then when you meet someone like that, you're like that person's unsafe I'm unsafe. We're all fucked up. And then the fucked upness meets with each other Then you just feel at home, right? I met you and I was like I don't know him because I just met him. Yeah, but I feel like I can tell him anything I could feel like he could tell me like if you had just told me I killed someone and he's buried in
Starting point is 00:23:09 In the dumpster. I would protect you Like you know about you mean you cry well, that's how it all felt for everybody in that room I think it was like for me. It was like a fever dream and I wasn't exactly I was like you I was just in as much chaos as everyone else. But you're right. It did feel that way, Dave It was like, oh, we there's no judgment. We can just be their most fucked up selves. You know Oh god, this thing really doesn't work But here's here's what you don't know But do you know what I'm saying? I do know. He's like, can I can I tell you what you don't know? Okay?
Starting point is 00:23:39 Okay, what you don't know is is that At that point in my life My career was in the shithole. I didn't know that Okay You're approachable. Yeah. Yeah, it really was I couldn't get any auditions. I nothing was happening I I had no I was just doing stand-up on the road and like really really bad comedy clubs and not making a lot of money And it was bad for me and I just thought you know, I met Koila and I'm like, you know what made this is my route You know love and I might start a family and you forget the career, right?
Starting point is 00:24:12 But when I met you, you know, it was like the perfect timing and that's what I really believe and the people don't Okay, balk at this, but they're gonna say but I believe that things happen for a reason and you meet certain people for a reason Because not only did you help me by being on your show Which gave me Koila and I the idea of doing tiger belly, but you saved my brother You saved my brother my brother He has life
Starting point is 00:24:42 Completely changed after meeting you. He was a guy You know, he's a oh, you know, Steve. He's a great guy. I love his great heart super talented and um, Funny and he's he's everything to me, right? But you know at that point he was directionless And when you came into our lives, you took my brother under your wing and you changed him You made him the singer of your band. That's incredible. You guys toured and opened for steve ioki and festivals and whatever we remember we we saw you in LA and the rooms were Packed and you couldn't get in you were there too, right? And there's a mosh pit. I saw you Yeah, no, I was there. No, but I saw you from the stage
Starting point is 00:25:27 It was like this like everything you just said is true your brother your brother's life is changing We're on we're on stage the mosh pit that is crazy and in the background. I see a light Like like here's the stage. Here's all the people and then like way in the back There's a guy just looking at his phone That was you I saw you. I was like, oh, who's that like not part of this right now I was like, that's bobby. Yeah, also. Can I say this while he's actually Maybe I love what you try to do. I'm not trying to do anything. I love what you try to do I'm not trying to do anything. No, no, I know you don't you know, I'm telling you I'm telling you right now
Starting point is 00:26:01 You're not trying to do something but you did something. Okay. Okay. Okay. Let me just say that all right I don't know what your intentions are but you did have zero. I am exactly your free your free bird Aren't you a free bird? I'm a free bird. Okay so, um Right, there probably was you probably glimpsed me, you know, like in a movie theater sometimes it made me sad Oh, no, it made me sad. I'm gonna let you know I I got kicked in the fucking belly in the mosh pit. He did Someone kicked you in the belly. Yeah, I did a fucking front kick to my stomach. What? Yeah, and I went in the back probably
Starting point is 00:26:35 Google, you know, I mean I have this pain in my stomach. No bleeding. Yeah, I mean Yeah, you have no idea. You can't make assumptions on what I'm doing You think I'm playing candy crush on there? Maybe I'm fucking dr. Md or whatever. I'm going. I'm bleeding internally. What do I do? Why are you getting so defensive? I'm not doing anything. I love it. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Keep going. So, so So you changed my brother's life, but he changed your life, too. You got the help me changed my life a couple years ago and, um You know, I I want to say that, um it's this is how do I say this
Starting point is 00:27:08 You always felt to me like and we're not bound because don't please don't bow. We're not buying anymore He has a smirk. I know not right now though. It was too much. Uh, we already did three I know I want to do it so bad I know I want to do it back. Why don't we save it to the end? It's so hard to but I will we'll save it to the end. Do you want to do it right now? No, no, I don't want to do it right now I don't want to bow right now. I'm just going to warn you Dave. He does. He only receives numbers in threes So it's not it won't stop at four. It has to stop at six. So it's three six or nine. I could do thousands of them Do you think I have anything to do after this? No, no, no, I think we're gonna go eat
Starting point is 00:27:46 We we could literally not talk and just bow the rest of the time. I know. I mean, we could we you know what would be funny? Maybe I mean, it wouldn't be to be funny. It would just I know I know because I have reverence for you That's how much reverence I have for you. That's why I'm trying for you. But and what we'll do is we would Let's do a thing where the whoever gets up first loses You'll lose. I think you would lose you have bad knees. You're I would I could stay that to be easy Say that to beat you Dave wins that you have adult ADHD. You can't do one thing. You're right exactly And we're not gonna do that. Yeah, right because we'll be here for 24 hours. I also want to point out You know that picture of mad max of the guy you on top of Dave
Starting point is 00:28:24 Yeah, didn't you guys at one point have an idea of doing a show where you're handcuffed to each other? Oh, yeah For like I never pitch that to you Did you ever pitch that to me? Yeah, we came up with my fucking idea. Oh, that was your idea Oh, do you ever pitch that to me? I don't get angry. Okay. I love Every so every once in a while Every once in a while The old Dave like like the the egg will crack and his head will peek out and he sticks it back in What is what is the uh, the bruce willis doing diehard?
Starting point is 00:29:02 He runs to the what fists with his toes. Oh, yeah, yeah So I I'm making him go back in. Oh, you are. Yeah, it came out. I know they did. I saw it We came up with that idea. I think I'm pretty sure it was my idea that we rift on it on the podcast like we Yeah, I think I let's so there's no argument. Let's just go 50 50 on it. Okay 50 50. Okay, and when you just said Did I pitch you on it? Something happened in me. It it I understand that but he's gone. He went he's gone. I know Um, I have a that wolf. I didn't feed him. I let him I know I have a feeling I can bring that little guy back up You could try. Oh, I will. Yeah. Yeah, but um
Starting point is 00:29:45 But here's what happened. I pitched it not so I was in a pitch meeting and they didn't like my first two pitches I think was over at like, um I forgot what company it was but um, and then I pitched them that idea was called cuffed So the show idea was me and Dave chiral hang cuffed to each other for a month I think it was a month. Yeah a month and we we had to shower together We had to sleep together
Starting point is 00:30:13 You know, I have to follow you to work you have to follow me to the stand to stand up Eating the whole thing. It's coming back up again Why I pitched it with you I go it's a show with you know why because you sound old right now you sound like And now my my egg it's coming out. Let me just say thing my egg now wasn't even cracked now There's a little opening a stress and a little eyeball stick stick stick You know, you know, I'm friends with a lot of older Asians like I'm not old, bro Why do you keep no whenever I see you and I feel you and like, you know, your vibe is young, right?
Starting point is 00:30:48 I would never guess that you have young vibes, right? Yeah, but when you talk like this is when you Pitching holly like old guy shit. What are you fucking talking about right now? You're talking about handcuffing yourself to someone. What do you need to pitch that for just fucking do it? Why wouldn't you just film that you got this guy and this guy? Like why do you need to go to someone that has that cost nothing? It's a fucking handcuff you go to a sex shop you get the furry one So it's not doesn't hurt your wrist and you handcuff yourself to someone you got the cameras What do you need someone else's permission to make that? Okay? I'm going to go back
Starting point is 00:31:27 I'm gonna go back in okay. I'm gonna go back. All right. I'm I'm out What do you mean you're out my head's out of the fucking case. Okay. All right. You got me when you get louder I'll get quieter. All right. Yeah, you got me all rolled up. Okay, so I'm gonna say this I'll tell you why you have to pitch it ding dong Okay, okay, okay, okay old boy Okay, okay old boy. Okay. All right That hurt. I'm sorry. All right. That really hurt. It's just I know what you just did would hurt me. Okay. I'm sorry Okay, I'm just saying you got a young vibe, but when you talk like this, it sounds I'm gonna tell you
Starting point is 00:31:58 I'm gonna teach the youngster what it's all about right now. Teach me. Okay is I Don't have my whole I don't I have a limited time on earth Okay, so for me, it's like I ain't gonna fucking be like hey, George. I'm gonna hang come up with myself to Dave Joe for a fucking month of my life, right? And then we make it there's no there the possibility of me making no money off of it Right. I have a tv show coming out Friday. I know you are congratulations You know how much it costs
Starting point is 00:32:29 Nothing because you I remember you did it. How much did I pay you nothing? It cost nothing I do you know, I did a show for vice called thumbs up. Yeah, you know what you know what it costs. What nothing It's me running hitchhiking with the camera I do think he's on to something though because you still operate under the idea that there are these like big Hollywood gatekeepers that have to give you permission when you do that Hollywood shtick. It's dead. That's all dead now You got to let that stuff go man This all I got a limited
Starting point is 00:33:00 like Don't break the cup He's squeezing it. Let me show you how it works. You're showing me how it used to work I'm not gonna handcuff yourself yourself to me with the chance that it might not make money You're coming in here and you just explained to me. Thank you. You're being reverent. Thank you for You know dvda say that led to this this does this show make money now Does this show make money now? Does this show make money now?
Starting point is 00:33:26 I'm gonna answer you dude. I want to fucking answer you dude All right, you better give me a chance dude. You can't see it three times in a row like that and elevate your fucking voice That pisses me off. You know why this show makes money. I used hymns on the way here. I did bluetooth I have my rich wallet Yeah, yeah, yeah, how many how many no-sulterous papayas accounts you think I have Yeah, this show makes money. I know it does because you believed in yourself This guy, do you believe in yourself? It's a warlock, man. Do you believe in yourself? I believe in myself. I need to go ask for permission to see if I could get handcuffed to my friend
Starting point is 00:34:03 What the fuck are you talking make that show it costs nothing and it will be the fucking funny as shit You've ever seen it'll be the funniest shit. Yeah, that shit will never get greenlit my show Never would have got greenlit. You just make it. It doesn't cost anything You have the cameras already. You already got these guys working for you You just make it Why didn't you answer my first question? Why aren't we better friends? Wow? Wow? because You did all this you did you said
Starting point is 00:34:34 You're connecting. You're like, this is what it meant. This is what you meant to me I'm asking you you do. Oh, you saved my brother's life this and that I'm pitching you're getting off Just answer the question. I'm gonna answer your fucking question I I felt something when I met you and I'm sad that we're not better friends Bro, you had a baby. You never fucking call me ever. You never call me I don't call anybody Dave. I the only time in seven years that you called me back the fastest ever Yeah, was when I called you to say I'm I'm thinking about making my own tv show I got a call back in like
Starting point is 00:35:10 It's the Hollywood I think you're making that up when I and that remains to be seen if that's true. It's absolutely true And everyone in this room knows it it remains to be seen every fucking person in this room I'm gonna say this. Okay. If you want to go into my phone and check the data. Listen. Listen, listen, let me go Who did I ask to be on the show? Listen, who did I why? Because I don't even know if you're ever going to respond to anything You go to I'm like, yes, you were sick. You went to a place. I wanted to see how you're doing You never responded. I said, hey, you just got out of a real serious place
Starting point is 00:35:45 I'm checking on you as a friend and I'm like, oh, I guess, you know, I want to I want to know that you're doing better Yeah, and I go, okay. You know what? Let's be honest with you. You said you said you're gonna answer my question You said you know what? I'm many things, but you know what? I'm not. Yeah Coward Answer the question coward. I'm about to answer. You won't you won't you keep deflecting answer. Why we're not better friends Answer why we're not better friends I'm gonna go back in there. Please go back in there I'm going in. Hey, can you tape the egg shell?
Starting point is 00:36:17 Tape it down or do something. Okay. I'm sorry. All right. So can we just come I know I know you've got emotional And I'm calm. I just want you to answer the question. I am gonna Let me talk fucker. All right I'm gonna answer this why the what is the question again? Why aren't you better friends? We we meet We we sit here talk for 20 minutes about our connection. You're that kind of person we connect You're unsafe. We get it. We get it. We're family. We felt like we know each other You can say or do anything. I could say or do anything and yet there's no connection. Hmm There's no connection. Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:52 Yep You did come on my show you asked me outside. You said save it for the show You said hey, I saw you put up a clip on instagram of you interviewing me. Am I gonna make it on the tv show? No Okay, I mean maybe season two. Yeah, there is one. Yeah, yeah But that also was years ago, but I hadn't seen you in a while you come into my house And I'm like I want to connect with my friend bobby. Yeah. Yeah phone looking like Let's I let's wrap this up
Starting point is 00:37:24 Let's just get it done. Let's wrap it up. And then what do we do? We went had tonkatsu after right? It was fun Right, just you and me. I'm like, oh cool. The cameras are off now. Now. I get to connect with bobby Yeah, no, I contact phone got to get out of here got to get out of here warzone destiny like Yeah, I see you but nobody's home. I'm like bobby. I'm your friend. You don't have to fucking Tell me jokes. You don't have to entertain me. I just want to be with you. Yeah And and then you leave and I go I wonder if bobby will ever answer this question off the air probably not so I'll ask him on the air Which I just told you it makes me sad. I consider you a dear friend. Yeah, but also we never talk ever
Starting point is 00:38:02 Yeah, like I mean, I see you at birthdays. I don't know how many times You have to ask the question. I can't I'm about to answer And you won't let me fucking answer bro. I'm getting quiet. I'm going back. I know But let me just give me a fucking five minute platform here, man Okay, all right It's like and then I'm gonna start talking and then you're gonna be like, but you Six months ago. No, but I mean, I think this all right. All right Just give me five minutes. Go back in your fucking shell and let me speak. All right. I'm number one. Okay, you are correct
Starting point is 00:38:38 All right I don't have connections a lot of connections with anybody You know, even my Mom or my ask you that I said, why aren't we better friends? I'm just I know I'm telling you're taking it personally As if I'm doing something to you. No, no, I'm not personally No, let me finish what I'm saying. All right. Let me talk now. All right, right?
Starting point is 00:39:01 And it's like it's not a personal thing against you It's just the way I have been operating in the last 10 years of my life or whatever, right? I'm you know, I mean distracted. I I don't have any real friends and I'm gonna tell you that During this pandemic and by being in therapy and coming out of it is is I'm having a better understanding about Like even the last couple of days. I've been talking to people on the phone People I never really talked to and checking in with them and this and that because I I'm really I really want to do it. You know I'm trying to you know, I'm trying right because
Starting point is 00:39:39 It don't you think that this is something that I talk about my therapy. I have therapy still every week A trauma therapist a very good one and we talk about all these things it's a lot of like conflict avoidance stuff and also it's like I honestly and I had to reconcile with this myself. The adult adhd Diagnosed is really unmatched It's almost as if he is incapable of sitting still even with the people that he loves the most Without fidgeting or feeling like he has to reach for something because innately there's something in him that prevents him from Feeling comfort by staying still also. I want to like okay. So, you know when I went to Hungary, right? I
Starting point is 00:40:18 I did things there that I normally would never do But I forced myself to do it. What's in Hungary? I was just in Hungary for a couple last couple of months. I just got back I worked Well, let's get to the bottom of this talk more about no, I want to talk about what I've been so I've been forcing myself to do things right that are uncomfortable for me, which is connecting with people Okay, and I felt like I did that when I was out of the country and when I came back I literally made a conscious decision in my mind
Starting point is 00:40:51 I'm like, you know what I want to connect with like I'll give you an example today My friend Kevin texted me and goes I'm having problems with my mom. You're not going to probably answer But I'm having problems with my mom. Normally. I don't know why I just wouldn't Right, but I called them immediately and I go what's going on. All right I'm trying to do it because I know that it is an issue with me. Okay And you know when you when I saw you today It was a genuinely like I like an uncle or something that I haven't seen a very long time. I genuinely love you I genuinely feel like
Starting point is 00:41:23 We're two peas in a pod and we've known each other for eternity As soon as they got out of the car and you said we need to hang out more and in my mind I was like that's not going to happen. I felt sad and so I was like putting on you were staring at me changing, right? Yeah, yeah, I was changing in your bathroom and bobby was just like staring at me going I don't know who this guy is right now and I just sat there and I was like Like why is this the first time I'm invited to your house? I know kovat all that shit I invited you ten fucking times to do this podcast No, not the podcast to hang out as buddies as friends
Starting point is 00:41:57 I know because of because of but like first of all, let me just say this all right that we were In the last year We didn't go to the grocery store one time. I didn't see my brother for a year My own brother we were very mindful about the thing. We didn't know what it was I didn't know what it would do to either one of us health-wise and we we played it really safe Okay, I want to say I hear everything that you're saying All right, I love that you're pushing yourself to I hear everything what you're saying and I and I'm doing everything I can to connect with people more even just last night like my ex-girlfriend did my show at the brader improv and she brought her
Starting point is 00:42:36 Beautiful wife, you know, she's married gen right and you over the last Ten years I would see gen I would avoid them Because I didn't want to like deal with it right because she went became gay after you. No, she was always gay Oh, she was always. Yeah, she was always gay but And but then she was with you I'm trying to understand. Yeah, that's it lesbian energy. Okay. I've lesbian energy. Okay. Okay. I play softball See you're just you're like this just because you're you looking at me and you don't know my POV
Starting point is 00:43:12 I'm sitting here talking to you and as you the most eye contact I've ever made with you my eye keeps drifting to To this painting that's on you though. That's telling you that's you that's you it's it's that you desire And maybe that was on purpose. You're you know, that's always been there. That's you those are your hidden desires It's not hidden. I just I said you're yeah, yeah, you have real desires So you've always you've always avoided your ex. So so anyway last night She came to the show and I just kind of looked at her and I go and I just said my name is bobby And I you know, thank you so much for being here and you know You're really talented
Starting point is 00:43:46 I want to get to know you and I and I was like being trying to be connected I connected with both of them and I'm I'm literally trying man But for you to come on here and open up your egg shell, you know, I mean and expose those things this was expose what things Why I mean he's confronted me in that way. It's just like a little startling But I say Dave, I think you should give him a chance like the amount of growth in the last two years Is it's not this isn't bullshit all this. This is actually not like I'm telling you right now He should just be talking to you because I
Starting point is 00:44:16 Believe me when I say like even I didn't think it was possible for him to like truly like Connect with anyone in his life but The fact that he has not missed a single session of therapy the fact that he is Reaching out the fact that he is like He I think give him a chance Dave. All right. No, I I'm it's not like I gave up on you. I'm I just it's just um I knew how much work it took for you to walk away from this to go take a break for a week to get help
Starting point is 00:44:50 And And and you weren't you weren't talking to me. So I was talking I was telling Kalilah, which creates this like weird triangulation shit and I was like For you to go Get help. That's huge. That's fucking like most people don't ever do that and um And you don't think that I've I Credit you with that because it's like
Starting point is 00:45:13 When my dad just stop. All right, let me talk man. It's my fucking show like you said man. It is your show All right, but welcome and I love you. I'm happy to be here and I'm happy that you're here. No Oh, no, I have you six times For audio listeners, they are bowing And we're gonna resume the number four That's number four I'm even gonna break. I'm even gonna break that. Okay. I'm going to not even do the six nine thing three six nine Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah, I'm gonna evolve above it. Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:45:51 But one of you know, what was a real big breakthrough for me at that place where he got help It was one of the guys that you recommended He sat me down during a family session and he basically explained what the What adult ADHD does to a relationship Compounded by obviously the other stuff and I was like, oh my god there's either a radical acceptance for his his inability to sit still or I'm gone But that really
Starting point is 00:46:20 Changed my perception of him a lot Even the whole candy crush thing having to having six gadgets at once. It's a comfort thing. He's seeking a comfort there Yeah, and I get what it is and I also have to say that like, um You know when my dad died and I went to the place and I you know, I had my breakdown or whatever And um, I got sober again Congratulations. Thank you. And then the pandemic happened. It's been a um This last couple of years has been a real growth for me
Starting point is 00:46:52 And you know, I I'm going to continue To see my therapist and I'm going to continue to attempt to try some of these tools and be also Do I slip into like if I'm at dinner? Do I slip into looking at my instagram or whatever I do, right? Do I catch myself a lot of times doing things that I don't want to be doing? Yes, right? But now I'm aware of them. I try to nip in the bot and I try to change my behavior. Why don't you just block your phone? What do you mean? Like if you like you you know, like you just sat here and you identified the things that And you can you can you can correct those things. Yeah
Starting point is 00:47:29 No, and I and I knew that was going to happen like do what just I didn't I'm not going to sit here and say I knew you were going to relapse, but I knew something was going to happen because You know, you're you and your brother are both recovering addicts and You have all this unresolved rage against your father and just in my experience of people If you fucking hate your parents, you're like fuck that I wish they were dead whatever and then they still die that does something to you And I knew you weren't getting any support. I know you're not reaching out. You're not staying connected And so to me it wasn't shocking that after all your years of sobriety
Starting point is 00:48:07 After your dad died that that you relapsed, you know, and I was like you're my friend. I care about you. I would love I would love to help you or do anything I can and so I tried and You know, I called you after your dad died. I texted you and you never called me back Which I'm not taking personally, but it's it's um For me like when shit like that happens, that's when I need to call my friends That's when I need to stay connected because Then then I I get I get lost in my shit. I get fucked up and then Really bad things start to happen. Hmm. And so
Starting point is 00:48:43 You know and your brother he was calling me, you know telling me all kinds of stuff and he was I felt like he was um He was like super emotional, right? He was crying a lot during that time. Oh, yeah, and uh, but but that's okay That's what you're supposed to do, right? Yeah, like Like and so I guess I'm here now and we're having this conversation. Like how are you with that like with all the stuff with your dad? I'm good with that, man. I'm dealing with a year and a half. Yeah. I'm yeah, I'm um I miss him every day. I think about him every day and I um Where is he?
Starting point is 00:49:23 He's over there. Oh Where where baby got a visual day? I never met your dad Or here he comes Oh, wow Wow Can I meet him? Oh, yeah You should guys should bow together
Starting point is 00:49:47 No, I had dames about to meet him. I think I'm oh, it's yeah, it's tradition. I forgot Yeah His knees are like bleeding Oh, you found out. Yeah, so crazy. What is that? Sorry, I never got to meet you. You guys two amazing boys I'm gonna drop them That is a really cute picture of your dad. I love that. I love that picture. He looks like you and Steve. Yeah, yeah Like that vest over that polo. Yeah, so cute. You know, there were times when if I look at that photo There were times the many many times where he was that guy
Starting point is 00:50:51 It's sweet and warm and smiley and um Yeah, I miss that I miss that, you know, it's um Do those memories come often? You know, it's funny It's like the stuff that's negative happened so early on and I think it's so deep seated And so just rooted into my body deep that like it's one of those things where I've Was so used to coping it's just because it's always been there that I so used to coping with it You don't even recognize it's there, right? So it's like Like that guy, you know showed up in my 20s, you know, just like this kind of this warm
Starting point is 00:51:27 You know me very funny. He farted in your face if you're laying on the couch kind of a guy, you know, and um And he didn't speak English very well. So he I don't know his innermost feelings about anything About what life is about about I didn't know what he cared about politically or About do you ever ask him? Yeah, he just has no Answers for me. I don't know later. I tell you. I don't know how to tell did he have connections with other people like deep
Starting point is 00:52:00 No, no, no I mean, dude, you have to imagine When my dad died So this is what happened. You know what my dad said what? What you just said right now, it sounds like your dad was like didn't have the words he's like, oh I it's too hard to explain or something. Yeah as I as I start to you know, do some work on myself and and try to To to develop, you know to stay connected
Starting point is 00:52:29 I'm looking at A picture, you know, I'm looking at my dad's face while I'm eating dinner, you know He's like eats like a turtle. It's kind of slow. Yeah, I think it was after Thanksgiving and I say, uh I don't fucking know you dude Like I'm I'm old and I don't know I'm like a man now. Yeah Like I don't I don't I don't know any I don't know shit about you Yeah, I know some stories you told me this and some stuff that my aunts told me but I have no idea what you think about
Starting point is 00:52:55 Like I don't really know you and he's just sitting there like this And I go Hey, I'm a grown-up now I I'm living my own life Do you want to get to know each other better deeply or do you want to keep it the way it is like this? Keep the way like this I I know and I was like You know what hurts a little it hurts bad, but thank you for your honesty. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:23 They because it's they come from a culture that they don't do that. Right. Right. I think that um We're lucky in the way that you know It's inevitable that human beings evolve and I think in in many ways, you know in modern-day society We were evolving in terms of especially men what what it means to be a man, you know and expressing each other and connecting on Different levels that we couldn't do maybe 50 years ago or whatever. Right, especially in korea Right, so it's like I always understood that about my dad like he You know, I all I know is his heart I know he loves me
Starting point is 00:54:00 It's evident, right? I know that I love him, right? I hate the fact that he was so violent and beat the shit out of my brother And I hate it and and that's that all the trauma therapists you see you work on do work on that Yeah, you had a emdr. Yeah, you've done emdr. We've done all the it's so funny because when the place that you and I both went to um I did a session and An emdr session and I went haywire. I blacked out And I punched a hole in the wall
Starting point is 00:54:33 Right, but then I saw another like another painting It had fallen and there was a hole in where that painting was covering And I go after I calmed down. I'm like security came they knocked on the door. Are you okay? And then my therapist is fine and I looked at the hole and I go I didn't do that one and the lady goes your friend did that That's amazing. That was me. Yeah, I know Because your friend did that hole. It's nice to meet you in like drywall patches And you know, we went to a place
Starting point is 00:55:08 Yeah, but I've been to all the places. I know you have I've been the pcs pine grove the meadows Esalon Hoffman I've done all of them if someone tells me this is the place So I've been to like any place in america that is Is going to help heal my brain and and change me. I just went there. So I'm talking about You know years and years and um I blacked out. I don't know what happened in that room. Yeah, I it just
Starting point is 00:55:37 All of a sudden there was holes in the wall. Yeah. Yeah, and they're like So, you know, like we're trying to be a therapist, but also you're gonna have to pay for that, you know Yeah, yeah, they just covered it with a fucking painting Um, right and then so people are like, um I've done it all I've done if someone says experimental therapy like we could do this all day talk talk about My dad beat me. He did this you could do talk therapy and I've talked, you know, I've been in the I'm not a therapist But I've been in a room with a therapist for not hundreds, but thousands of hours now So like I I I've heard a lot and yet
Starting point is 00:56:14 You know For me it was helpful to punch a hole in the wall in a safe place Yeah, me too, but at the end of the day all those places are still a business Yeah, right. They're like, oh shit. Bobby's having a breakthrough right now But we can't afford him hurting his hand and then a lawsuit and whatever. Yeah, and so all these places they I'm like, oh wow, whatever this experimental Thing of me doing this is it's starting to work, but then they cut it off because they're like, oh, uh, Dave calm down It's getting a little yeah, it's getting a little and I go why why did you stop?
Starting point is 00:56:46 I'm having a breakthrough. Yeah, and they go. We're a business still. Yeah, we got lawsuits. This is an office Yeah, there's people come there's you know, and I go, oh Well, I can afford that. I'm an artist. I have an artistic license. Yeah, and all these words Like mental health depression ADHD 12 step program addict like all the words they're all like They sound I don't I don't want that
Starting point is 00:57:17 But if I hide everything as an art experience Right, like this is an experience with an artist And then I don't have to you know, subscribe to like this is a business and it's about making money and whatever So I I I took all those things and I It's like, um When you introduce play and like It's like, I don't know how much Me talking about all the traumatic things that have happened to me
Starting point is 00:57:47 It helps. I'm not saying it doesn't help, but I'm saying I like used to always make fun of me because you were in um Before you relapse you were sober for how many years 17 years. Yeah, so you'd always hang that over me You're like pretty cute. Dave that you're starting to get help. I got 17 years I got 17 years Dave when you get 10 years, then you could talk to me and I'm like Would first of all would never sound like that. Come on Dave Yeah, we could talk to me when you have 17 years. I mean that I would never say that
Starting point is 00:58:20 you You would say that and you did say that and everyone in this room knows it because that's what you sound like when you're an asshole And oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god Is that the egg? Oh the egg's coming out. Yeah, is it uh balloon or it's like Show all right, so you would say stuff like that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no You're telling me that you never shamed me like that I don't think I would have shamed you like that But you know if you're saying that I did then I did it from your perception
Starting point is 00:58:52 You said that okay, you're like Dave. I I'm not a newbie to this program I I haven't taken a drink or or drugs in 17 You know, you would say shit like that and I'd be like, okay. I'm happy for you I'm telling you I'm just starting this because I would only say that if you kind of poked at me, right You know, I mean like trying to it's trying to like teach me about some shit about recovery And then my defense would have been my defense would have sat down in this room I don't poke you you poke yourself Oh
Starting point is 00:59:23 Here you help me, baby. It's a bow break bow break bow break guys It's a hard reset Oh, no Clod to do something Just a bow break guys But But Bobby shivering it's crazy Number five
Starting point is 01:00:07 I'm proud of you guys. I feel like this is breakthrough. This is breakthrough. You know what? You know, I'm gonna call you now and now I want to I'm gonna I'm gonna be that guy man. I love you. Do I really do. I love you and I hey Hey, yeah, you just said it in front of all these people in your audience. I believe it this time, Dave I promise I think I only do I'm gonna you know, I'm gonna know that's all I wanted You didn't have to do all this other shit like yeah when we're gonna do the handcuff thing I really kind of want to do. I think I honestly think it's gonna be a hit I will never I will laugh for the rest of my life if you guys actually do that
Starting point is 01:00:38 It's gonna be very inconvenient though. I feel like there's gonna be a lot of assault of things happening First of all, I shit five times a day. You don't think you'll have to go to the bathroom. You think I'm stupid No, do you think I'm stupid? No What? What the fuck is your do you think I'm stupid kind of I actually kind of think you are Yeah, I kind of think you are dumb. First of all, thanks for your honesty. I listen to your show Yeah I've heard you on this show over the years. How long has this show been out for six for six years. Yeah
Starting point is 01:01:10 You're star fucking attitude you pitch this handcuff thing to anyone that comes on the show It's not special to me You go. Oh, hey, I came up with this idea You offer it to every fucking person that's been on you think I'm stupid. I don't think I'm dumb I think you know what I you know, these are things if if it's stupid These are fucking things If Steven Yoon came in right now, you wouldn't offer that to him No, I wouldn't fucking offer that to him. These are things that you you don't see out loud, man. You see it on the side like
Starting point is 01:01:41 Bro, it hurts my feelings. George can't cut this part out Why you just said I shouldn't say it out loud. No, we're keeping it in. We're not cutting anything. George erase that from your fucking log Log, all right. Let me see something right now. Don't tell George what to do I didn't tell George what to do. Okay Thanks for doing it though, bud. Really good to see you. You're ending it now. No, I'm not ending I'm not ending it. No, no, no, no Can I tell you how I picture this setup? What? Slep King
Starting point is 01:02:09 I don't know. What's the accurate number of hours you play video games today? Right now Three or four hours Oh, cloudless space. No, three or four hours. Skyrim? Yeah That's not true, babe Yeah, all right, whatever. It's hours, right? Yeah, it's a couple hours and um, you probably I don't know the visual I had and don't Is that you're like Hannibal Lecter and you're just like
Starting point is 01:02:36 porn jerking off video games, it's coffee, cigarettes, whatever and then Kaleila like wheels you in to the podcast room Yeah, I don't know if there's a clock behind me, but it's like, yeah, that's not, you know, let me finish like Why is this podcast end after an hour? Why is the only bit unhelpful advice Like like you you could be bigger than Joe Rogan You could be bigger than Like you could have the biggest fucking podcast and it's just like just fucking like
Starting point is 01:03:08 Dial it in like let's just do the least amount of work. Let's do the least amount of work Like you could turn this into a fucking huge show. Yeah, uh, Dave come on the 300. What I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, bro This isn't my only dream dog So what's your dream in Hungary? Your dreams came true in Hungary. No, but your dreams came true in Hungary It did kind of what happened in Hungary. I did a movie So that's your dream, right? I I'm doing a bunch of shit. I sold a sheet tv show. I do this. Congratulations I do stand up. You know what I mean? I I do two podcasts Right, I don't want with Andrew Santino as well. That's doing very well. Thank you, George
Starting point is 01:03:47 Right. My point is is that I've got a lot of balls in the in the fun I haven't been looking at George while I've been I got a lot of balls As I'm telling you this shit. I just see his head going like this. I see Gilbert over there. Yeah, they know it's true what like In my whole life of knowing I got to get on a single camera sitcom I gotta I gotta be on this movie You've been on movies with the biggest movie stars on the planet. You have been on sitcoms. You do like
Starting point is 01:04:15 I just want to do My all my dream is as a when I first signed up for For open mic. Yes back when I was 23 years old was I just remember going signing my name and going You know, I want to do it all I want to try it all. I want to do stand up. I want to act Maybe if I can do radio that'd be cool I want to do animation and I've done all of it and I still do all of it And nothing's gonna stop me because my dream it's all
Starting point is 01:04:41 All encompassing all of it and which one which one of all and I'll be here to say you did you have done all those things Which one of those things makes you the happiest? Doing the two podcasts, right and also I like acting And then stand up next Those stand-ups the least Stand up for me is something that I always do, right? I did it last night for the first time in over a year Which went really well. It was so fun and I did it with um new new material. Yeah, I did four new jokes that um It was fun and then
Starting point is 01:05:18 No, and I um It was eric writing he has it right So it was fun and I'm gonna do listen, dude I'm gonna you guys gonna be offended if I ordered postmates to the house No, I think we're gonna go for it afterwards I didn't know if you'd have food here. So there's certain things that don't deliver to my house So I I checked here and I order I got I got some for I know what you mean. You're right. But what did you order already? He's here right now. Can I get it? I'll get it. No, you keep talking. All right. What is it?
Starting point is 01:05:44 Oh my god, you wouldn't when'd you order it before the podcast? I'll tell him some tell him someone's coming out. Okay Yeah, I ordered it right when I was pulling in I just Um Well, my brother said yeah, you want he wants to eat. Okay, let's eat, but you brought you just got food Whatever we'll take it. We'll eat it tomorrow Is that rude? No, you could do if you wanted to sleep here live here. We would let you live here your family god You really are I look at you like you're my cousin. I literally do like we shared some blood so far
Starting point is 01:06:23 I've been a warlock your uncle Uh, I know a wizard and your cousin. Oh There's something about you It's so funny because it's like you're very Korean in the way and I I don't get Like white dudes or any of my friends in comedy, right? They can't the only people that can get me into that right if it happened to what my dad But whoever's watching this right now. Yeah, if they watch this you were there before I even sat down Like the second I sat down you were already your energy was like
Starting point is 01:06:53 Like a little bit and and and the thing is you do that to me too and I know that What is that? It's because we're so we're so similar In many ways. I'll just say it like this because of I'll be honest with you guys. Yeah I have zero anxiety about Being on tv or going on rogan or being with bording anything. I'm not nervous, but I got nervous today Actually, that's not true. I got really nervous the last time I was on rogan And that's because I've just been out of practice, right? Yeah, so I'm like fuck man
Starting point is 01:07:27 I haven't talked to you like on the air or off the air in years So I kind of wanted to cancel. I was like, uh, this is like and and then it's like We could do this song and dance, right? You get loud. I get louder like we could do it like You bring it out of me and like and and because you're a professional clown and I can be It's we could say anything to each other and I know we're still gonna go have dinner and be like they was showbiz, baby Yeah, we could do that. Yeah, and there's something about that. That's funny and makes me really sad, right? Why why why does it sound it's the same thing that I that I started this with is like
Starting point is 01:08:08 I could come here. I could tell you the fucking craziest stories What I did last night all of it and I could put it in a witty way and Uh, that was the best. I could do that. I know how to do that But what I feel when we talk about like why why is this happening? Like you flare up. It's because I'll just go straight to feelings one. I feel sad that we're not better friends Right. There's two two. I know I'm telling you how I feel. I know it's just I can I do I'm telling you how I feel and you can tell me how you feel I'm telling you how I feel by by laughing. I'm
Starting point is 01:08:42 I'm go ahead and then two It's like When I say the old shit guy and you start to come out. I'm not saying that to insult you I'm just That also makes me sad that I'm like here's this guy That I look up to that's funny. That's talented and like oh man. I got turned down for this thing my script Hopefully this guy gives me validation and and it's just like You can have it all
Starting point is 01:09:08 You can have it all and you and like even me checking in on you after you got out of the hospital. I was like I've been there. I've been doing that for years I can help you and hopefully you can trust me or Look to me as one of many people in your life that can help you and I said The number one thing that I was like I have to do after I got out of the most expensive like mental hospital Was like I need a podcast Right. I was there for 90 days and like I was like, oh awesome critter like everybody like there I have to I haven't been I haven't done my own fucking show for seven years now
Starting point is 01:09:45 Yeah, if I decided I wanted to start it tomorrow those people are like Just waiting. Yeah, if you decided I need a week two weeks three months Uh to to to work on myself None of these people would go anywhere. They'd wait for their king to come back. They bow to you Damn it Dave It's about break again for our audio listeners. Is that these six? That was a seven. Oh seventh. Wow. Yeah, and so and so it's like
Starting point is 01:10:16 I told everyone in my team. I go. Do you know how much shit I just learned in rehab? Yeah, do you know how much shit I learned at this mental hospital? Do you know how much shit I learned at this mental institution? I need it's my duty It's my responsibility to entertain my fans and I need to share all this info and they're like You are so fucked up still. Yeah, you're so fucked up Why don't you integrate these things into your life before you start sharing them? And so what did you do you podcasted like the week? I think even from the hospital And and I go oh god. I wish you didn't do that and it's like
Starting point is 01:10:51 I I care about you and and it's the sad it's like you don't gotta do it's fine Fine everything is fucking you should know that fine. It's an emotion fine fine is not Okay, fine is that emotion everything's uh, all right. You just said it's fine, right? The same way you poked me with the I got 17 years under the belt. I don't want to I don't want to be fine I want to be that's you. I want to you. I want to you don't want to be fine I want to throw I'm okay with where I'm at right now. What is sobriety to you? What what is sobriety? You're not my sponsor. Why are you even talking about this man? Because you just said I'm fine Yeah, everything's uh, listen. I feel great
Starting point is 01:11:30 Before you got here Before you got here this last week has been so magical the last couple of months and now it's like you know what I mean It's my fault. No, it's not your fault. I'm just letting you know that you're bringing up like things that are making me feel weird You know what I mean, and it's making it's it's also it's like and about that. Yeah, yeah But I and again no matter what you say or what you do. Let's leave. Let's do unhelpful advice and I'll leave No, we're gonna eat You know, we're gonna eat with my brother because that's what we do We we we act like this and you confront me about like real personal shit, right and and stuff
Starting point is 01:12:06 And I'm telling you I'm working on these things right all and then you keep coming back All those times that you keep coming back to the shit and it's like what my feelings your feelings are fine. Everything's good That's what you explained to me. You're you explained to me. I got 17s You didn't you never seen me when I'm drunk. You never seen me when I'm high. You don't want to be around that Bobby Yeah, and I go, okay, but is is that that's what I asked you then I was like is sobriety just stopping the drink No, no, I said I don't want to be fine. I want to thrive. Yeah, I want to enjoy. I'm driving that Are you I don't know the word are you I didn't the word didn't pop into my head When you just said thrive it went thing. That's the fucking word. I would say he's thriving. I'm fucking thriving dog
Starting point is 01:12:49 All right, I'm a thriver. Why are you yelling at me? I'm not yelling at you. You're the one that you're going crazy But you're right Dave. He was not thriving. Yeah, I was barely getting by he barely had his head above water But I will say in the last year and a half There is a sense of thriving. Listen man. Listen man. I why are you getting why are you getting upset? I'm not upset. I feel great I feel great. I'm gonna say this What's up with the weird voice? All right This guy is gonna
Starting point is 01:13:20 Oh my god Why why is me telling you how I feel about you making you this angry because it's you keep repeating the same things It's like let's just fucking move on from it. I don't want to move on I know you don't but it's like is this what you do with this is not your show Is this what you do with your trauma therapist? No, it's not what I because you're not my trauma therapist No, I would I do this with my trauma therapist because I'm you don't give me answers You just go I want to keep moving on I already gave you all the answers, bro. I said I used the t-word
Starting point is 01:13:49 What's the t-word thriving? Oh Right, right. I we bowed it seven times already. I'm not doing it again now because you pissed me off All right, let's do an unhelpful advice. It's a good thing. We cancelled that segment Yeah, we cancelled that segment for Dave. We did. Yeah. Oh really? So this one's called question time with affair We really stepped out of our boundaries for this one Let's do question time. You guys I don't want you guys to break this shit for me. I want to do unhelpful Listen, Dave, right? Regardless of what we Bobby. I'm sorry. I love you so much
Starting point is 01:14:24 You know, do you know how early I got here early? No, like really early How I got here an hour early down there and I meditated like on that on that you know why why because This is how many times have you asked me to do tiger belly? This is how many times have you asked me to do tiger belly? Probably more than 20 times You know how many times I've done tiger belly? This is the first time more than 20 times You want you want me to explain? Yes, please
Starting point is 01:14:53 Every time you ask me to be on tiger belly, I go home and I go oh my fucking bro My big bro just asked me to be on tiger belly He did dvd. I say how many times like Not I should do tiger belly And then then fear hits me and I sit there and I turn my microphone on and I record and I go how is how is With what I know about you and kalilah and your family and all this stuff How would an episode of tiger belly go? Let me practice and this isn't wow
Starting point is 01:15:25 And so I have over 20 hours of me talking to myself playing But it is I'm I'm not I'll send them to you guys. They sound like I believe you they sound like an insane person Yeah, and they all end like this They all end like this and I go here's all the bits. Here's all the things I know that can Rock bobby. Here's all the shit the insecurity. It will be Must listen podcast And I'm sitting there giggling and I go this shit is gonna be the most
Starting point is 01:15:56 Listen to tiger, you know, I do all that and I record it. I hit pause and I sit there and I go It will get laughs. It will be entertaining and I feel fucking horrible You feel horrible right now a little bit. Not horrible. I feel No, I don't feel horrible, but I don't like how the longer the show went on I I sat there for an hour To just be like I don't want this to happen because you yell then I yell and it's like it's it's bro No, what it's fine. Wait, could it be that it's not fine. You guys are just toxic for each other. No, we're not. No, absolutely not it's
Starting point is 01:16:36 Listen, don't sing perfect Why did kalayla make that face then It's perfect. I just think that there is something inherently in the both of you that where your codes match in Eight different ways, but they mismatch in nine different ways as well to where it's like you bring A very magical thing out of each other But you also bring a lot of deep-seated fucking rage out of each other and sometimes
Starting point is 01:17:07 Maybe space is the answer Maybe there needs to be a type of lack of closeness there because I think Feelings get muddled and confused. No, babe. What the fuck you're talking about. Don't call me I thought I thought about it. No, I'm gonna call you. No, I don't want I don't I only I only want to be showbiz friends with you You know what I'm my dad now. Yeah, I want the fake. I want to keep it. No, no, no No, I don't want a deeper relationship with you. Oh, we're gonna get deep. No, I don't want you to ever call me unless it's for tv or Let's don't don't ever call me. Let's keep it like no, it's so funny. No, let's keep it like it's so funny Because I I will I will never ever take your call straight to voice message
Starting point is 01:17:49 I will never return your call. I will say that you're absolutely correct about all those assessments You made of bobby dave, but I dare you to see who he's become in the last two years How can I I don't never hang out with you? You will You will You will let's think about what our relationship is. Fuck the question. It's yelling at each other on podcast It's fun. That's what our relationship is if you if you I've never yelled louder than when I yelled at you on my podcast If you listen to this podcast, it's funny When you listen to this podcast the real rage came from you. That's true. Okay, and then I'm just I'm a fucking
Starting point is 01:18:26 Yeah, just like thrive. I'm thriving Right. What I'm saying is I'm reacting to you right because I'm method Method. Yeah, it's like repetition. I'm so confused. You know what repetition is? My head has spun around six times already. This is repetition, right? He'll say something and I'll react to it in a bigger way and then he'll react to it bigger way It's an acting technique, right? Is this acting? Is this a game or is this a friendship? Like what is it? It's a real friendship, but how I love you. How? Why did you cut my set early in Hawaii? Why did you cut my set early in Hawaii?
Starting point is 01:19:03 It's I have my theory of why you did but and your brother told me why but I want to hear it from you Because it's not the Dave Cho show You know when my openers go up before me they do 10 minutes or 15 minutes they get a lot of time And there's an actual science to it. It's like when the show is When they when the headliner goes up after too much show, it's just not as good. It's exhausting. Yeah, people are tired So that's why I did and if you take that fucking personally, you're you know, no, I mean I'm asking somebody that you wouldn't even think about that. Why would you even think about that?
Starting point is 01:19:39 Because it was on my mind and I yeah, yeah I just remembered it right now with your tone right now. Yeah. Do you remember that time as a fun time? The the most fun. Do you remember DVD as a as a fun time or a very just fever dream? Well, the way I think about things which is the work that I'm doing is everything is the best or the worst And I think the post makes guys here. Um, sorry That's not a bit. I swear. Yeah okay, um, so Everybody's like that's the fucking worst shit or that's the best shit and that's been my problem my whole life
Starting point is 01:20:15 so I'm trying to live in a gray of Were there like the fucking worst things that happened during that time? Yes. Were there some of the best times like I love I love this I love I love when we're together. Yeah, I love being around you. I love that's at the end of the day. That's what it is I remember distinctly Going to the pig and the lady right with you me Daniel dekem
Starting point is 01:20:41 Renzo was there grace park. I just remember so fun. So fun. So fun. You know, I there's so many Experience like we used to go to that mall in little tokyo and go to that those that's that's that time Oh, you know, I'm not a comedian. Yeah. Yeah Hey steep that's not post mates post mates guy That's not fucking steven you That's not fucking post mates, bro. Come on in You know, I walked out there. I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, why is that post mates guy look familiar food? All right, so Steve, did you bring food? Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 01:21:36 No, no No, let's We're not second mic. You'll have to share a very we'll get close Steve. Oh wait. We're doing that. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so, um Let me just finish because of what I asked you you you missed the whole lot. I heard it got heated It didn't get heated. It's first of all If we were hooked up to some kind of thing that balance like could see our like heart meters and stuff Yeah, that's still our just normal baseline, right? Yeah, like you're not that upset. I'm not that upset like
Starting point is 01:22:14 The reason why I asked you the question about hawaii is I I was scared. I'm not a stand-up comedian. I and and for me, I've seen your what what is that? Why your eyes closing because what you're saying is so just inconceivable to me That like and it's like I'm not I can't I understand that but what you're saying is so inconceivable to me That it's going through a filter in my brain and it's not computing So just let me do the face that I'm gonna do. Okay, and then I'll react the way I'm gonna react So, it's just a condescending but anyway It was it not really go. I don't know what the word means. I don't know what the word means
Starting point is 01:22:55 I just I'm telling you I was he's a comedian. Yeah, he knows Steve knows that I'm not a comedian He asked me to open for him. So I'm like, holy shit like So I get on stage and my thing was I don't want to go up with any material I want to improv the whole thing. Yeah with just what happened that day and I start going into my hawaiian shit And I felt what he must feel. It's like a drug. I was like people were dying They were dying and I was like this feels good people are laughing And then I saw like as I started to get my rhythm I saw bobby on the side of the stage going get him off the stage cut him off and I was like
Starting point is 01:23:31 Okay, I'm telling you how I felt. I'm telling you how I felt and I said this jealous motherfucker And it's not about jealousy, dude. Well, you just explained to me now. Now. I know I that's that comes from me assuming And now I asked you and you go. Hey, there's a my neck hurts. It's like I can't you know What was the reason? What was the reason why you wanted him off? Steve? Okay, can we introduce? Everybody I said everyone's Steve and you and everybody. Hi postmates Yeah, he was a postmates things things are going well for him So, um, he opens for me in hawaii. Yeah, and um, you know how he is he's he's multifaceted And he's also, um
Starting point is 01:24:14 dynamic And he can do a lot of things and he's brave So I go well, you want to open for me because I can do anything, you know, I'm Dave, you know, whatever So he goes up and it's like Like when you have an opening act, they do 15 minutes 20 minutes. This guy is at 35 fucking minutes 40 minutes in 40 minutes in And I'm like on the side of the stage like
Starting point is 01:24:43 Lie down Lie down, you know what I mean? And he won't get off the stage And I can see the audience going what the fuck is going on. It was weird, right? And then you got offended by that You didn't you didn't even fucking say anything back then I know because I was scared to I'm seeing it now. Okay, feel safe with George and Gilbert and and steve here now Yeah, I'm letting you know that it's not a personal thing It was just a thing and we had a match every time all around that So so I've come on the show so far
Starting point is 01:25:12 And I've been trying to explain to bobby like Why we're not better friends and just basically my feelings towards him and it seems to be getting him like angry as you can Probably sense right now. I wish I was here earlier And I have more context and actually I want to kind of Explain to bobby right now Why you're here right now? Oh, yeah, so steve steve came to my house a few nights ago and we talked for hours about you
Starting point is 01:25:41 Hours so uncomfortable. I can't even No, it's not So uncomfortable. I can't even fucking believe it. So let me ask you you just told me I'm so fucking uncomfortable. I can't stand it. But can you for a little bit because he's here Can you be open to hearing what we have to say? Yeah, you okay. Can you be open to hearing what we have to say? No matter how uncomfortable it makes you go ahead Oh, here we go bow number eight. They've been bowing the whole time for respect. Oh, okay. Oh, that's you don't have to Um, I like that bow. That's a new bow
Starting point is 01:26:23 All right, so oh listen, that's my dad Okay, okay Is this your Yeah, um, all right. Okay, so You know what? I'm comfortable. No. No. You know what I'm gonna do. I'm what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do this I'm gonna take them my earphones on and you're gonna close your eyes. No, I'm gonna close your eyes And I'm gonna I'm gonna listen like oh, wow Oh, wow
Starting point is 01:26:51 Maybe Bullshit, maybe close your eyes. Mike. Mike. Maybe close your eyes Maybe close your eyes. No, don't close it. No, I don't Okay, look at mine. Is this a sabotage and I love it. Go ahead. You think this is sad. I don't know what it is Let's just do it. Okay You think this is a no, I'm gonna go or do you want to go you go first? Okay, I'll go talk to this guy. All right. Okay. Okay. When I tell him how much I love him I
Starting point is 01:27:14 Um, can you can you hear me? Okay? Everyone's good on the mic. You want headphones? Oh, no, I'm okay. Okay Oh, okay, really? Okay Um, it's not that intense Uh, we were just talking and you know Dave Dave is great because if you know if you have an idea He pushes the button and then we're just on to the idea, but basically we were just talking about you and how Underappreciated you are And we wanted to come tell you that like
Starting point is 01:27:45 That's what you talked about. Yeah What is it? Okay, I'm genuine genuine Uh, like like we were we were talking about because I because I know you're doing a bit sometimes too Is like sometimes I listen when I listen to tiger belly the fun bit that I hear you do is that uh, nobody respects Or your career and that's not true That's not true. Especially for me. Yeah
Starting point is 01:28:13 Because I massively respect. I know you do. Yeah I mean, I don't know that you but I you know, it's it's funny. It's like I like the back in here Wait, what happened to the listening part? I just listen to it can make me a response. No, I didn't I didn't get to say what I You've been talking for fucking that's true. That's true. That's true. I want to hear more. I want to go ahead I can't yeah, can I respect your father? Here I got you dad No, I got him. I'm gonna hold him
Starting point is 01:28:43 So we start talking about tiger belly we start talking about you and um It's just uh You know, we could you know, we could talk about the handcuff stuff this and that but the the pain I feel of When I hear you go into like man, I went into this pitch meeting. I didn't get the thing I used to be on the show called mad tv. It's never like
Starting point is 01:29:07 It's a show from like 20 30 years ago And and I just sit there and I go what you heard what steve just said I and I go I wonder if bobby knows What he means To me and then I say that to steve and he goes I wonder if bobby knows what he means to us And it's like I have it all. I'm fine. Oh, no, I'm thriving but it's like everything you've ever wanted everything that's like
Starting point is 01:29:34 like Do you know what you mean to me? Do you know what you That's why I asked you are you open to here and you said you're gonna sit not the way I thought I was gonna go Look You walked into cafe 101 And and and you do the beta you there's a warlock there with nail polish you do the whole thing and I Never ever in my life thought I would meet you
Starting point is 01:29:59 And and and I never thought I would meet you again, which is why I was like this is my chance Right and you say all this shit you changed my brother's life this all that you changed my life You changed my life, and I I want you to hear it even though it makes you uncomfortable like See, why do you got to do that? I don't know why I did. Why do you got to do that? I was sneezing All right, that was a sneeze. I mean, are you taking in anything that we're saying? Yes, I am That's why I close my eyes when I'm absorbing it, but I get it. I get I can't hear even I I get the the cringe of this thing
Starting point is 01:30:40 but You know, we even talked about it. I was like, I don't know if I maybe I should just call him personally But then you know, this is more yeah showbiz, baby Hollywood baby, but but truly Bobby You're like not you're I think you know this but sometimes it just feels nice to hear it like you did it
Starting point is 01:31:08 When nobody else could You did it for us. Yeah, we bow to you and people don't fully know By himself they meet him. I don't I know because I I'm gonna tell you why this is did that feel foolish Thank you Don't laugh You you did it, but it's serious, but it's serious. Don't turn it into a joke. I'm not don't turn you did it You did it. I receive it. You did it Receive it
Starting point is 01:31:45 I've I've absorbed it inside my body and I'm going to say something in return and I'm going to be as Authentic and as real as I can be okay Number one It's the realization that It really doesn't mean that much at the end of the day. It's like I have everything that I need Okay, honestly, I do I have a house I have some money saved up. I have a beautiful girlfriend. I have friends
Starting point is 01:32:16 My mom's still alive. My brother's with us and he's he's thriving as well So that's number one. Number two is I really believe that I am owning up to who I am Not just as a human being but also as an entertainer. Okay, and I in this last year It's been very fruitful for me. I'm working all the time and things have been great And I'm going to New York to do something else. You know, I mean next month, you know, I got Sex in the City Right, so I'm doing that and I'm doing You know and I'm so for me when I hear you guys say that right
Starting point is 01:32:58 it's you know It really means a lot because obviously I love both of you. I think you both are Incredibly talented and I really do appreciate it and I almost got really emotional emotional there, you know, and I have I have defense mechanisms and I and I you you Yeah, you're doing it. I Can I just finish Because that's your thing. What I don't want to yell don't I love you You know when I yell at you and I go tiger belly could be the biggest show and and that's like me
Starting point is 01:33:28 That's you're right. That is that's that is old Dave But today I just accept you as like you don't have to be on sex in the city You don't have to do any of that and so I didn't say that just for you to see Well, what I'm just saying that look you're getting angry again. I'm not getting angry I just want you to really understand what but you know, you know what happened to me on the drive here I was like I need to download some bobby. So I listened to bad friends your newest episode And then um the beginning of the episode you were just recounting how much work you had and then I almost turned the car around Be like he doesn't need me to come over here to say this shit
Starting point is 01:34:03 I was like this is fucking non-stop. What the fuck Yeah, yeah, no you you things and I you didn't need me to I just just to be clear Yeah, this is awkward for me because I know you don't need this and this wasn't me This is not an intervention or us coming here to be like you feel down on yourself No, no, it was for me. It's just like we sat there. I've talked to you in a while Yeah, and so now I get to like tell you in a time when And I don't want to shrink you down to just Asian American But like in a time when Asian Americans are getting a spotlight
Starting point is 01:34:37 Just on that lane of what you've done for the community beyond Separate from humanity, but what you've done for that specific community Massive and people don't get it I and that's kind of what I want to say is less to you and more on this program I don't think people fully realize what bobby Lee did For Asian American so this fuckers this fuckers at my house We're having this conversation at my house and I'm like
Starting point is 01:35:10 I wish I was better friends with bobby so I could call him right now and he would pick up the phone And we could tell him on person and I said, you know what I would what steve's telling to me is like making me emotional And so I'm like I want to tell this to bobby, but he's never going to pick up my call I should just go on tiger belly and tell him And so here I am now and you're getting and and you're getting you're getting and And so we start the show and he goes. Oh without dvd. I say there's no tiger belly. There's no fucking Us without you. There's no us without you. That's true. That's true. I'm Bruce Lee. There's nothing. There's a void. There's nothing
Starting point is 01:35:50 There's nothing about this, you know, and then there's bobby Lee on mad tv and you're like, oh, there's hope Yeah, there's a light at the end of the tunnel what you meant to me A young me what you meant to a young steve. Yeah, yeah, you know, what's great. I want you to hear that 100% 100% I hear that And I remember an episode of tiger belly where you tell the story about you guys were at a korean barbecue And you're talking about how like You are you self anointed yourself as a korean something parks barbecue. Yeah at parks and then you fucking ate it
Starting point is 01:36:22 And that's because It's the shittiest raw deal to have to anoint yourself in your own mind to the worth that you Inhabit and that's kind of the function that I'm trying to Serve here with Dave is like Let me just give it to you like you got it like you did it And you did it for us. You fucking did it. You did it for us. Um, I don't get asked to um do the um, yeah PSAs we don't want you I
Starting point is 01:36:52 You know, I get together with steve ali wong dave chang and we go you don't want this guy Yeah, I can I just tell you something I care about it Yeah, and I think I have a voice and I want to say, you know, stay. Hey, man. Stop the asian violence. Say no But you know what though what I'm saying is your existence is more powerful than you realize to Like in that you just doing this fucking show is more stop asian hate than anything Yes, like you just being here and being your thriving funny fucking self is like you don't What were you gonna say? Don't hurt me. Don't hit me. Yeah, you like it when people hit you You're really offended but that's but your existence is the protest and your existence has been the protest
Starting point is 01:37:40 Since the beginning of your career and that's kind of the validation that we're trying to put out there for you Again, not that you need it, but just for the knowledge just like sitting here. It's like brucey. That's not me There's this asian waiter. That's not me and then and then there's this guy This guy with the he comes out and I go, okay, you know, I got really I got emotional and I you know The first the third day I was on mad tv a producer called me into his office and he said Sit down and I sat down and he goes When you auditioned I didn't want you on the show. I don't think I don't think that you're talented I don't think that you're right for the show
Starting point is 01:38:16 He's a producer on the show and I know Really and he goes Yeah, it's just like the owner of the show really likes you and a couple of other guys But like I just you know So basically he was saying like me and my my writing staff that the people that I Probably gonna write you things, you know, he said don't take it personally. We just you know and I remember turning around Walking out of that room in just in like in the verge of tears right going
Starting point is 01:38:43 Oh, this is even when I get something. Yeah, it's There's another Hurdle and there's another wall I have to climb Yeah, and this that one was one that was like so high up Right because I had to change His mind and when you don't have the opportunity on the show Right, you don't get a lot of screen time and parts written. How are you gonna hit the ball? Right? So it's like it was it was You know, it was tough
Starting point is 01:39:10 You know and I stayed on there. I just just showed up You know, I showed up and it was hard. I think you didn't just show up though. You took several years of fucking beatings And yet you thrived like they put weights on you and you still thrived and You're out here now thriving independent of that
Starting point is 01:39:36 Yeah, and I wonder like You know, you could take the weights off too What a concept wow Wow And that's not an intervention point. That's for me like as someone that Launched off of your trailblazing and your shoulders I can say there's a point at which I was like, oh cool. I could take this off
Starting point is 01:40:02 I put this I kept this on and it became a thing I justified and now I could take this shit off And then you're just like fuck. I'm good. Like I can do it. Okay. I just you know, You know, I don't know what this is But um, what do you mean this guy comes to my house? No, I know. I know what it is. I know. I'm just saying I I know what it is it's just um I wasn't expecting this and um I you know, I appreciate what you guys just did
Starting point is 01:40:30 And this is the first time in my life where I I Agree with you in the sense that like Yeah, it was hard and I did do it and I and they didn't want A Korean guy in the show. They're like we want to we need a white guy because it They you know, and then they they tested me and Taryn kill them And they're like we want the white guy, but we'll bring the Asian guy just as an experiment right my point is is that everything was kind of difficult and um
Starting point is 01:40:58 And I just I always knew like when I met I I'll be honest with you when I'm at a comedy club and I'm stacked up against all these white and black guys and this and that I know That I can carry my weight and I know that I will be as funny or funnier that all of them Right. I believe that you are I know I believe that you know, I've seen it. I've I've I've done it. You know, I mean I've seen it So all those it's hard to say because it's like how do you toot your own horn? Yeah, yeah, howdy. It's it's just a difficult thing to do, you know, and um I um, I hear you guys and I really really
Starting point is 01:41:35 That means a lot to me and I really appreciate it. You know, I think that this was a um, we appreciate your hard work Yeah, it's it's really good. We see you. Yeah. Are you getting emotional? I am because I think that I don't know just like Having been your all right All right We've been together a decade And when I met him he was so broken and he was so down on himself and He was just so like lost and he was still like looking at these gatekeepers of hollywood thinking like hand me something
Starting point is 01:42:12 Have I not done enough? and I've just always been like On the sidelines like desperately trying to tell him like he's worthy But I'm a nobody. It was just a nurse, you know, and I'm just somebody that loves him So to hear it from you guys, you know, like established people like It means a lot to me because I feel like that reverberates more in him in his body than it would coming from You know somebody like me who just loves him for whatever chaos comes
Starting point is 01:42:43 Whatever form shape that he comes in, right? and so That means a lot to me hearing that I I you know, I Oh, I I don't want to I Your words and your acceptance of the fullness of bobby as he is Is the most powerful thing that he can have like straight up my wife is
Starting point is 01:43:13 Like she takes me to she sees me when I'm taking shits You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, she's still here. Yeah, so like Fuck everyone else. I've seen it. It's powerful shits Yeah, man, but I all that to say like I'm I'm not here to tell you anything like you already know I'm just here to tell That's why I think this public form is cool because it's like Like cool every motherfucker that didn't realize that bobby lee like set shit up for people and us and took Man, I mean, I know how hard it was and still how hard it is
Starting point is 01:43:54 For me to navigate this industry And you did it when nobody was there Nobody and we do the the you know, whatever turned into a bit. We're doing the bow joking thing. That's not a joke That's not a joke Yeah, I know it's not Now I know it's not um, I listen, you know, I don't want to cry anymore Why not? Because it felt good
Starting point is 01:44:20 It felt good. It was a release. I felt good about it and at release. Um, you know I um people need to pay respect to you. I know and we did that We did that and I honestly From the bottom of my fucking heart. Thank you too for doing that I've never that I never dreamt That people like you guys like guys. I really respect. I really do Like in terms of I like I go this these guys are younger
Starting point is 01:44:52 And I can't even believe that, you know, sometimes, you know I can't believe that certain certain people like me or whatever. It feels good, you know So it's like I want to say thank you for doing that. It's you know, so much respect there and I believe you And I um I'm never going to forget it I'm never going to forget it. Oh shout out to tia carrera. That was another one. I really oh Yo, you're not the only one
Starting point is 01:45:21 You're not the only one but you know what yeah the distinction that I make that you did was You didn't try to fit within the prism of what asian america was supposed to be Yeah at that time and you frequently Continuously broke it Even when the community itself didn't want you to break it like that, but that's a lot of that's fucking balls And it's a lot of work so much work That's why when he says you could put the weights down now. Yeah. Yeah, it's like when khalilah shares
Starting point is 01:45:55 And like just hearing her that makes me emotional like that because it's like that's That's your woman man. She loves you and um It's it's like uh Doesn't make more sense now Because we've been battling before before the post mates guy got here No, it's like I I love you so much That when I feel the way that khalilah must feel all the time being
Starting point is 01:46:25 It does make me angry because I'm like I wish you could see yourself the way I see you And like this fucking guy shows up to my house and we're just doing a bobby lee fest. I'm like, let's tell him Yeah, let's just tell him like why are we saying it to each other? Yeah, he should hear this shit And it really means a lot man Well, you mean you you mean a lot you changed me you always do that you like you changed my life dave I was in this fucked up place and I came you always say that but you changed me And you know what? That fucking analogy the lord of the ring things. I'm gonna watch it tonight
Starting point is 01:47:02 You know when the when the hobbits bow to the king and then the king bowls back to the hobbits I remember that did you see the yeah, yeah, yeah clicks I cry I cried during that scene So I bowed back to the hobbit because you you you I came on here He's like you're the king you're the podcast because you're Gandalf and I was like I bow to you The reason why that works is because we followed them from the first movie It's just the movies were so long and you know me and you know me and and just painstakingly difficult That they're voyage and just I needed that and that's you we follow you from mad tv I'm not a hobbit, but I know I get it
Starting point is 01:47:41 You know like all the things but you're right. You're right. You're all the herald and kumar shit. Oh, you're right Right. You're right. You're right starting the podcast. It's a long journey Yeah, and I and here's here's and it feels weird as someone who's watched all the lord of the bobby lee rings We've watched your hobbit journey. Yeah, and then you get to the end and and like we're bowing to you and you're like Um, that was the same. Yeah, and yeah, you're the fucking king and then you're like, oh, which one am I which one am I You're you're um, I'm wise man I knew you were gonna say and then you get to the end and you're like, oh, uh, I hope they still like this Yeah, my my hollywood pitch script. Yeah, and you're like, wait you you saved the planet. Yeah saved. I think you would be merry
Starting point is 01:48:22 I think steven would be Frodo Right, I would be samwise. No, we ain't hobbits, bro. Like you're the hobbit That hurts. I'm sorry I I didn't even mean that I I apologize. That's super mean. I think I think it's not I'm not hobbit in the whatever thing that they bring. I think it's You've always been a man of the people and I appreciate that. I'm like pissed that all right guys, steven You know what? You know what? I'm saying and I'm not saying the same shit
Starting point is 01:48:53 He's been fucking saying this whole time and you hear from him, but not me I've I've been trying. Are you raising your voice to get mad because what that does Is I have a defense. I want to end if the longer it goes. I start thinking I'm like, wait Why does he hear it from him? But not for me. You don't get mad at steve. You and but why do you get mad at me? He said the same shit. I'm saying like and because he doesn't raise his voice He has a way of doing it. Well, like it's more of a professor the way he's sitting is like a professor Yeah, you're very like agro sometimes dude. You're like a volcano. It's erupting. I'm gonna run, you know When you see a volcano erupting you don't get to see what's going on you run away
Starting point is 01:49:31 Beautiful volcanoes. There be ever I've never seen one lie. I mean either but yeah, I imagine is yeah, yeah, but I've seen yeah Yeah, very good points there steve I don't want to bow anymore because we did seven Are you sure you're okay with seven? Yeah, I'm totally fine with eight. You're one away from the three I don't want to but I want to I because the other day, right It took me a half an hour to get to bed because I was touching everything in the house three times Yeah, and every I can't tell what hit my foot I would do it three times and it took me like 30 minutes to get to bed and I touched everything and I was like
Starting point is 01:50:04 I really want What are you doing? You're fine. Hmm. This is insane. You're thriving Right, so I'm not gonna do the three. Okay. Got it. I'm trying to break it You're you're you're release yourself from that even like cracks on the street like I was in hungry and I was like All right, so played out. What would happen? What's gonna happen because in my head? I think I'm gonna die Like if I don't do like if I'm walking down the street and I see the same crack I got to hit the crack three times and I feel like if I don't do it
Starting point is 01:50:32 But you see and you see the death or you feel like I'm no, but in my head I was like I'd rather die than do that Because that's fucking crazy. Hmm. Like at the movie theater, you know what I do, right? Yeah Like if I turn around in a movie theater to Steve I have to turn around two more times. So if you're in back of me at a theater, this is what you see You know what though, I have I have those ticks too. I don't have it like that Yeah, I have I have this weird like breathing tick that God God bless Joe
Starting point is 01:51:06 She just I know she can hear and she just goes like that's just what do you mean breathing tick? You have sometimes like if it's like late and I'm like stressed out. It's like I like to have a tick and like she just Wow, you know, of course she wouldn't but at the same time it's just like I'm conscious of it. I'm like, oh, she's still here. Can I give you a compliment? Awesome. Yeah, may I give you one because you gave me a thousand of them. Okay. Thank you So this is and it's a sound you're gonna sound gross of me
Starting point is 01:51:33 But like when I When I'm like watching something and I see someone asian, right? I'm very hard on them I don't know why that is but it's like I'll see something. I'll and it's something usually I'll just go Right but so now my brother and I we heard about the show The Walking Dead and um I was doing a show at the punchline in Sacramento years ago when the mood the show came out And I headed on DVD Right about on DVD and I remember playing the first episode and my brother was there
Starting point is 01:52:01 My cousin Eddie was there as soon as you came on the screen It was the first time in my life. Well, I didn't have a reaction Of like where I went Uh, I went I immediately liked you Thank you, man. I I immediately went No, but what he's a good actor. What he transcends. He's cute, but he's also likeable. Yeah, right and he's also So he didn't threaten me in any kind of way. I go
Starting point is 01:52:27 Because because what a what it's like guys never went out for the same role. No, and I think one time remember one time Yeah, yeah, and I looked at you and I said, what are you doing here? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I get this is five lines in the movie. Like, yeah, what are you reading for this for you're way beyond this But dude, you know what I mean? That's that was that's still the state of not you not now Perhaps not now. Yeah through its own prism, right? Like and it doesn't mean I'm scared of it now Now I just I guess the difference now about when I say like take my weights off. I mean more like Now I accept the terms of how much more work I have to do But I will do it. Wow, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:53:08 Like what are we gonna just like trying to game-brain it and like figure out how to like skirt it? They're never gonna They're never gonna do that for you. Yeah, so you have to get in there and be like fine You're gonna do 10 more push-ups. Watch me Yeah, but there's also things I'm not willing to do like right before I because I went to Hungary But right before that I got another movie offer where it was a big star And the part was And they they were offering it to me the director zoomed and it was
Starting point is 01:53:34 some Korean guy with an accent And I just was on zoom with the director and I go Why doesn't he do an accent? Mm-hmm. You guys I just want one You know, I want one in yeah, and I go Yeah, but you want me in the movie, right? And I don't feel comfortable with it You know, I think I think that he doesn't need any good. I want one And I go, okay, and I turn it down. Mm-hmm. And it was like the it was a big movie. Hell. Yeah, and I and it was the And I even questioned myself. What the fuck are you doing? No, yeah, because like 10 years ago. I would have sucked his dick
Starting point is 01:54:07 Right. I wouldn't want to say hell. Yeah, but I'll do it. I'll add stuff. I'll pull the I'll wear the rice paddy hat Right. I'll put none chucks around my fucking thing and I'll suck your fucking dick for the part And now it's like no, thanks. I'm not doing that. Well, I'm proud of you for it's awesome. Well, and that's also You know, and I talked to Steve about this stuff. It's like Like when I hear about you going out for parts or roles and it's like Unless the role is like written by an asian person, they're never gonna get it, right? And even then, even then, even then, even then they're gonna get it wrong And so it's like if I listen to How much comedy you've put out and every episode of tiger belly and every episode of bad friends. It's like if you just mind through that
Starting point is 01:54:55 That's where my anger comes from. It's like, man This guy's waiting for the perfect part when he could just write it himself Film it himself and it's like that's not even it. That's not even it. It's three simple words This is it Right now What i'm doing right here With you two right now in this moment This is all of it
Starting point is 01:55:18 This is all I need Right This is incredible. It's like I have You know Two artists that I respect that happen to be also Korean Which there is you know, there is a deeper. I mean, I'm sorry But there's a deeper connection when it comes to that shit, especially how difficult art and acting is and all that stuff, right? It's difficult. You also have a comedy background. It's like, you know, there is something I open for you. I have comedy background
Starting point is 01:55:46 And you know, you don't know what the light is yeah You know, like when we light you get the fuck off stage All right, it's not your show. I understand that right right. Thanks. Thank you master Okay um But you know, it's there is like, you know, I when I was in Hungary. There was a girl actress named Greta Lee And I didn't know her. Yeah, she She asked my other friend Jeanne, I
Starting point is 01:56:09 I just want to meet him So we had breakfast and as soon as I met Greta. It was like It's a deeper. Yeah Greta. You're also great as though greatest. She's a great actress. Yeah, but there's a deeper connection I I it's weird to say that that's right, but I I'm sorry that it's if you're in the I just want Koreans to be proud of me. That's all I want I know right and they're not and they're in the same way like well like like look You're never gonna get the level like whatever how insane tiger belly fans are or whatever They're never gonna get to like the bt like the way they get behind Koreans
Starting point is 01:56:45 Right, right like you're not gonna be bts. You're not gonna have that like that kind of shit And so everything I've done when I show up I go, oh, where's the Koreans at because I want that I want a little like I want validation from everyone But I'm like it feel a little bit nice to get from And that's like, okay, I'm not gonna get it from Koreans from there, but how about from here? Oh, not so much either, but I oh from Korean people. I always get it And I guess this will be my coming out. I always get it and I could get emotional just talking about this Because always from Filipinos always always, you know why they show up in vans
Starting point is 01:57:21 Can I tell you why they told because I want to there's zero of us anywhere And I will be like this is what's driving me crazy. It's like even in this apparent asian wave There is none of us. I don't see a fucking sliver of myself. I look back at my life. I go the philippines showed up That's why we rally for you always always Can I see and I so me saying this shit? I don't even identify I I don't maybe shun Because I still kind of want it. I don't shun korea, but I identify more as Filipino than korea. Thank you Can I say something? I I want to say something about my life. I feel more connected to the Filipino race than korean I have the Filipinos show up always for me always
Starting point is 01:58:00 They defend me they show up they buy my shit They date me like they fuck like all my entire tv shows made it by Filipinos But we got your back all day Dave and and and to feed my own ego I was like, you know, I was like, but why I asked them, you know, my my first show is like 50% Filipino And I'm like, oh, there's there's one korean there and the other one's my dad, you know, like And and they throw from far and I said why why you know, I want to I want to hear the ego boost right here But I also have to tell you when you said that earlier about Koreans and wanting their yeah, you know, I told you the story when I was at the comedy store once
Starting point is 01:58:36 I just set a Korean actor. I'm not gonna name who he is. Just say it. No, I'm not Okay, they don't want to start a war with them and he pulls me aside and he goes I have to tell you you're You're a disgrace, you know, I mean, fuck start the war Because you know on stage I'm a little I'm like I like to use the word edge lord I'm very edge lord on stage and he just didn't like the topics and you know, I mean, I did a bit about You're you're you're taking us back 10 years. You're a disgrace to the race Yeah, and all that kind of stuff and I was just kind of like no, but you know what I took that as because I know how he dresses
Starting point is 01:59:16 Yeah, I know what kind of music he listens to, you know, I mean, I know the kind of people hanging out He's just not my vibe, right, you know, I mean, what do you care then? I know, but it's just what I'm saying is is that you're the same kind of Korean I am I feel like right take that part out. We're the same kind of people We're like I could like that vibe. Yeah, I was trying to tell you. Yeah Korean all this shit We could do that, but it's you meet certain people and you're like, oh, that's a human. Yeah, he's outside of the predispri Dislike prescribed role. Hmm. Like you're operating outside of the fucking Projection of what we're supposed to be like that's huge and that's what I'm saying
Starting point is 01:59:57 That's that's what you've played with which is why probably that guy Fearfully said that dumb ass shit to you. Yeah, because he was scared. That's your that's your Asian hate PSA right there We were sitting at that restaurant mcafe and if you saw him and I'm like, don't don't don't look Yeah, because I like show the Yeah, yeah, because this is you know, it's fine during During the LA riots. Yeah, like I remember like my dad's friend this Korean guy and you know Like we were like outraged our entire community had burned down. Yeah
Starting point is 02:00:34 And then so people like I was like, I got to say something and he goes don't do that. That's what n words do right like that like we We don't like There's this feeling of like if we say the wrong thing or we get too loud. We're gonna get sent back So you're a little bit too loud on stage Right. You're the guy he done his he does do diligence to become that kind of Asian and then here's this guy and everyone's looking at him go wait, you guys are related in the same Oh, oh, so what you do reflects back on him
Starting point is 02:01:07 And he didn't like that. Yeah, and and to go back to just I want to finish the Filipino thought. Yeah I wanted to know like why are you guys here? And she said they said what you just said because there's none of us There's nothing. He's like I go, but what about the scratch pickles and I like You know, kubernetes. I go. What about they're like, look, there's nothing. I mean, I mean, that's why joe koi is making Right so much. They go they go for us. It's a vac. There's nothing. Yeah So we look up to we'll take what we can get we'll take a Dave cho or bobby lee or you know like and I was like I'll take it obsessed with With tiny bits of Filipino blood like there's an Olympian named Natalie Coughlin. She's a swimmer. She's very white passing. She's amazing
Starting point is 02:01:48 Yeah, but the fact that I grew up Knowing that she was even a quarter Filipino made me rally for her so hard if there is a contestant on american idol If there's anywhere if it's nicole scherzinger or shea mitchell or anybody with just a little bit We memorized those names and we adore them and And we adore koreans. We just adore anyone that might Sound a little bit like us or feel a little bit like babe marcelito pomoe I know marcelito pomoe. So there's this guy this pissed me off There's this guy named marcelito pomoe. Look him up. He was in america. No
Starting point is 02:02:28 america's got talent, but like the the champion. Yeah, right this dude can sing like a beautiful lady And a man at the same time, right? And The second show he did simon cowell goes Yes, seeing it done it like you need to impress me more and i'm like, bitch He just did something that none of these motherfuckers could ever fucking do How dare you even say that shit, right? Anyway, I have to defend marcelito pomoe. Please do tiger belly
Starting point is 02:02:59 I mean the running theme and everything i'm saying today is basically it's like Just make it yourself. Yeah, I learned so much today. Stop asking for permission Stop going to the gate like just hey, please master sir. Can you let me in the door? Just make your own door. I'm not doing a three-hour podcast Don't do it. We're almost there. I've been trying to end this This i'm not three hours. Yeah, I do an hour. Hey, I know what you're trying to do Why don't you yell at this guy? Because he hasn't done anything to piss me off and I was trying to end it and he came
Starting point is 02:03:35 I'm not afraid of him. I'll yell at him if he pisses me off. He's stretching this shit out to three hours. He's not He's not It was he was a surprise. That's all i'm like That's a pretty good-looking postmix and then I go What the fuck is he doing in my house and I go, oh, it's steven. You it was just a surprise, but um, I have to say this though Um, you guys keep pronouncing my last name wrong Yes Have you too?
Starting point is 02:04:02 It's it's Yeah, it's yun. It's yun. Yeah, you fucking fake career I'm Filipino. I'm Filipino I'm Filipino It's okay. No, no, I need to defend myself. I'm sorry I need to defend myself right when people are saying it though like You know when you see a show and people say your name at all you see white people say your name You just kind of go like oh, that's how you say it like, you know, um, yohana young chechek
Starting point is 02:04:33 Yeah, right. Yeah, I say it that way because that's the way joe rogan says it Right, but it's probably not the right Stop going off all white people Like you answered your own question. I know hey if you feel if you yun, I feel the same thing Yun when you feel when you see Asian people pop up in like mainstream media and you feel that like That thing. Yeah, so then what do you feel when you see star wars? There's only there's only three Asians, right? Yeah, the two kung fu masters in rogue and then and then rose in the last one. Yeah, so can you enjoy the movie or?
Starting point is 02:05:09 Or do you feel threatened at all or any of that stuff? What do you mean? You just said like when I saw walking dead and I like I normally I I felt you know with rose Yeah, I felt sympathy Hmm not because like because Um, I thought she's great first of all that she I thought she was Amazing in the movie, right?
Starting point is 02:05:32 And um, she was another person that when I saw her I'm like, oh, that's great. She's so cute, you know And she's also great in the movie. You can tell she's a great actress And I just felt sympathy afterwards when the movie came out and stuff, you know, I mean, um And I would defend her to the end of time and I just fucking She got ripped apart for that movie movie. There's a lot of people. There's a lot of asian americans um, and I'm only speaking about asian americans because you know tiger belly, but
Starting point is 02:06:02 uh Where they're put in situations That are extremely difficult to break through the prism of what the expectation of what they're supposed to be like Kelly Kelly got Just shoved into the deep end like when I think about it like looking from afar. I'm like wow. She just got shoved into The bible Yeah, you know and then was like That's why I couldn't that's why I couldn't enjoy the bible
Starting point is 02:06:29 I was like I was like a clan member leaving that movie. I walked out and I was like They need to keep star wars white like no really. Yeah, I was like I can't enjoy it because I'm watching star wars, which I love and I want to enjoy the movie and then all of a sudden I see an asian i'm like Oh, fuck. Here's here's all this weight now of what this Person of color is supposed to and if they get it wrong then it's like it's like just can I just enjoy it the way I enjoyed it when I was a kid and just You're seeing it wrong. Um, the second movie, right wasn't directed by JJ Abrams, right? The second movie was terrible Right. It was the way it was executed
Starting point is 02:07:05 The whole movie you can't you can't tell me that that movie was good. I actually didn't watch them Yeah, there's a scene I watched I watched the first one that Kelly was in. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Was that number two? That was number two. No, she was the first one. Yeah. Yeah, I just watched the first. Yeah Well, maybe my cut that out. I think my point's wrong then I'm sorry I just mean like I mean like outside the boundaries of that literal film itself Yeah, but just the meta of the reality of like that pressure by the community the expectations of like The American majority gaze on like what a person like that is supposed to be the gatekeepers like
Starting point is 02:07:46 Just everyone wanting to project on to Kelly an expectation is Fucking painful and people don't realize what that feels like. That's why you just got to make your own star wars I know, but what I'm we almost did didn't we Dave but what I'm saying what I'm dynasty Long dynasty, so I'm gonna end it now. I'm not doing it unhelpful advice. What the fuck? No, I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it because I know what you're trying to I know what you're trying to do And you're not going to do it. Can I say something Gilbert?
Starting point is 02:08:15 Gilbert Gilbert, I am a turn it off. I'm a fan of tiger belly. Yeah, why don't why don't you leave? I want to do on a whole lot of advice I've I've hey, how many don't fucking go anywhere. Bobby. Bobby. Just sit through this. Come on. How are you through? Oh He'll take a drag and then come back I for for me as a fan of the show That's what I look forward to the at the end. It feels weird to just Yeah, we have to go off half cocked and blue bald like that
Starting point is 02:08:51 What? Oh, okay, that's fine. We don't have to do it. I I I'm a fan of unhelpful advice I like I like I wanted to end this thing. Yeah, I'm ending it. I I'm not I'm done Okay, but I'm going to let you know that I'm going to do a 10 minute unhelpful advice and I'm done do a 10 minute Okay Why are you yelling at me? I'm not yelling at you. I'm just telling you what the deal is how many times to be on your show I'm here. Let's do the show
Starting point is 02:09:24 We'll be do we've been doing it since three fucking 30 bro. Then yell at this guy. I'm not he didn't do anything Well, you didn't do anything wrong. He showed up and it stretched out another hour Yell at him. I'm sorry guys. No. No. This is great, but I'm saying it's not it's Steve rude So what is it? Oh, oh, okay, unhelpful advice with bobby Unhelpful is it 300th episode? This is fucking blessed. Yeah. Yeah, this is it. This is why This is 300 right hell. Yes What timing I didn't even oh, it's perfect take the bow 300 times Probably like a 12 hours or something. Do you know how many hours that is talking? It's a lot. It's a lot
Starting point is 02:10:06 You're gonna shut the fuck up. I know I see the same things over and over over again I gotta get the fuck out of here, man Yeah, it's like go do it. Okay. I guess we're talking. I don't want to interrupt. Yeah. Yeah Yeah Unhelpful advice with bobby kalyla steven you and david Wow
Starting point is 02:10:30 Yon, dude, yon, yon, yon, yon, dude. What the fuck is god? I think just fuck. It's not a bit. It's not a bit. There's someone's name. Let's do it again and do it again Dude, come on man. He's done. Unhelpful advice. That was hard for him You know what's funny? I had to say his name a million times because we were from the same improv group to sell our show I had to talk about him as an alumni. I think our whole group said, did you know that you guys were the same? Yeah. Yeah Uh, all right. Here's the question. You were right Don't forget Of the same thing. Yeah, just start. Yeah. Yeah, go unhelpful advice with bobby kalyla steven
Starting point is 02:11:07 yon Yeah And david Go and do that. All right. That was the hardest part. You're fired. We're going. Okay. Thank you Hello to see him do that live. Hello. I'm a musician and my Doctor and therapists have said to me that my mental health is deteriorating Now that I've been diagnosed with depression antisocial personality disorder and avoidant personality disorder
Starting point is 02:11:31 My parents know this. Yeah, I was like My parents noticed and I've been avoiding them too. I lost most of my friends I'm not in a good place mentally. So it's hard for you to make new ones However, my music that has been created while feeling like this has become my best work yet It lights a fire under me and I don't know if that's healthy What should I do sacrifice my mental well-being for the sake of the music and art? Or should I try to be better mentally before I do anything else? That's a that's what do you guys think? I'm 18. That's a that's a story that I told myself for a long time. Like
Starting point is 02:12:02 Yeah, it's like, you know when I first got you know when I got sober right there There I was like Is that is gonna make me funny? You know, I mean, it's like Yeah, I mean it's You know one has nothing to do with the other right I think I mean for me. I was a diehard like I would beat that drone of like Every artist every musician everyone I respect that their career Is like the most fucked up person and that's that narrative, right? It's like this
Starting point is 02:12:38 Like you must suffer to be a great artist. You must be suicidal to be funny You must you must be the most fucked up and that's just all I heard. That's all I looked up to and you know You know my Thousands of hours of therapy. They're like you fucking say that a lot all this you say the same shit over and over It's like for someone who's like so innovative and creative You're you're a coward You're a coward
Starting point is 02:13:05 like Like all these bore like it's a boring story and I fucked up and I cut my ear off and I did and then I and then I died and It's it's kind of boring. It's like I go So exactly what this kid said, but then if I am healthy and I love myself and I'm Mentally not deteriorating and thriving Then my art's gonna suck. They're like that's a story And and it might be true But why not
Starting point is 02:13:33 As someone who's brave and not a coward. Why don't you challenge that? so today You know besides me being a little bit upset at myself for yelling at you because I didn't want to do that I this is I'm 45 this is the happiest I've ever been in my life. I have peace in my life You know things can set me off, but then I I have peace and this is the best art You know and you could say that's of course you're gonna say that but to me And you know I have thousands of paintings that no one's ever seen I have podcasts that no one's ever heard like I said I have
Starting point is 02:14:06 over 20 hours of tiger belly that I recorded by myself which I have it if you guys want it. It's sound I believe you It's it's the same but I believe you George. It's me yelling at Calila I did it and I was like this is gonna be good and then you know so I I I don't have the answer, but
Starting point is 02:14:27 Dude like come on man. Like you're gonna stay sick for And and that's the thing is I bet his music is You know like the chili peppers, right? They got to all be junkies and it's like the day they all got um sober They made blood sugar sex magic, which is like to me their best album So that whole story of like oh, I got to stay in this like fucked upness like and and comedy is like
Starting point is 02:14:54 You know it's funny, right? But the world of comedy is so dark Right. It's so dark and it's like And so I always need examples show me show me the person that's healthy. That's also funny And it's like well, maybe they don't exist. Maybe you got to be the first one Maybe you got to be the so this guy. Maybe he's got to be the first one. Maybe he doesn't have an example So maybe you you know rock your own shit, you know inspire yourself I think as a companion to that what you're saying is like sobriety
Starting point is 02:15:27 Has nothing to do with with Understanding that there's not one single way to do something that there is something unique Like individually about what he himself per like possesses That needs to be expressed and you don't have to be fucked up to do that like So variety doesn't mean you do it like traditionally I don't know if that made sense what I'm saying Wait, do you believe that?
Starting point is 02:15:57 What do you still believe you need to be fucked up to be funny? No, okay That's what I'm saying. No, I feel like there's a party that still believes that. No. Oh my god. This guy I'm just saying like this guy. It's this guy. It's like it doesn't it doesn't It just doesn't stop but with this guy, but um No, I don't believe that. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, and let's suppose I can't ask you questions also. Let me also and if it does And if it does it doesn't matter because I'd rather be this You know what I mean? Even even You've done like 20 burpees today
Starting point is 02:16:43 Anyway, so that what you know that right there was um What did I say every time you invited me on to you said come you better come do my show You said you would eventually do it. No, I said you're gonna regret it I don't regret so now we're at the end. Do you regret it? I think that this was one of the best ones I've ever done I regret I don't think you do I do you why do you regret it because I guys were gonna we're gonna have the best off-camera hug I know it's gonna be great. It's gonna be so good. It's gonna be no honestly I truly believe that this was a dream come true this whole thing
Starting point is 02:17:21 You know when I found out that you even said I wonder if you tell me like five days ago That day was yeah, maybe a week ago. Yeah, I was like are you sure? Yeah Because and I was so excited. I was like that's perfect You know and and the the sugar on top was steve steven yun coming here yun gilbert and um This was a really organic Magical thing and I I actually you know I changed I really do believe that I think you got to him I think you really did get to me. Look at his face. It looks lighter. Dude. I mean we said we said we were just like man
Starting point is 02:18:00 If we can just dump praise on bobby And make him cry that'd be awesome I was like he's not gonna hear it. Yeah. Yeah gonna get uncomfortable. No. No. I shut us because you opening that way Connects to me. So I appreciate that. You know what I mean? Like that's for me, too Wow, that's from my consumption as well. Yeah, but that phase of the podcast is over We did it We got past it. I'm no longer there
Starting point is 02:18:31 Right. Wait, I'm I'm at the end part of the fucking thing. Where are we gonna eat? I don't I'm so hungry though, man I'm hungry too My brother doesn't have a car. How's he gonna get I should pick him up Yeah, get him a uber Get him a uber or let's eat near near him Okay, I have a car. Um, you want to go to k-town? Steve lives in k-town. No, I can pick him up if we go to k-town What do you want to go choson parks? Are you are you gonna eat with us? Yeah, I'll come eat with you guys
Starting point is 02:19:01 Let's go to parks. I love park. Do you like parks? Yeah, I love parks It'll be fucking dope. Let's go to parks. Hey, we're on the wall there Hey All right, wait, are you not on the wall? He's telling them we're both on the wall. We put ourselves up there remember Oh, wait, but are you? No, wait, are you that's fucked up. Wait, you're getting on the wall. Are you not on the wall? I went in there. Oh my god. He's gotta be no. I went in there I know what it is. No, we're on the wall. You know who's on the wall? Slipknot is you need to be on the wall
Starting point is 02:19:31 Slipknot is on the wall I'm looking at all these stories Wait, wait, just slipknot have their masks on or off off so they recognize Slipknot would drop their masks on before Bobby That's fuck. No, you need to be on the wall now. No, our a fan put After that, they took it down, right? No, you need to right. So when you go in, it's directly to the right when you first walk in I just I was just there. We're on the wall. We put ourselves on the wall Hey, you got to do it yourself. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 02:20:01 All right, so, um, thank you so much everybody I Hey prime members, you can listen to tiger barely ad free on amazon music download the amazon music app today Or you can listen ad free with wondry plus in apple podcast before you go Tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondry.com slash survey

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