TigerBelly - Ep 368: Cebu Special #2 - Bobby's $10,000 Giveaway

Episode Date: October 5, 2022

We're back with a special guest. The Mr.Beast of Cebu!Support us by supporting our sponsors!See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/...privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today We're rolling I'll introduce him if you don't know what's the lesson Chase well let's don't start go ahead you see it one more to say okay ready you're Italian dude ready yeah five four three two but welcome to another edition of the Hawaiian version of the Tiger Belly we got this guy right here it has skinny penis and you said you didn't want me to say it on record but you know I mean but you don't see your face but a good job but it's like a noodle it's like a oodo noodle delicious it's a delicious penis congratulations dad let me see your face I love it when you smile dude how long you've had braces never mind and we've got beautiful we
Starting point is 00:01:19 got the beautiful jungle in back of us wow can you see all that in the back yeah it's beautiful huh yeah we got her call I love my ex-girlfriend you can you just call me something but your ex my future wow that leaves a lot of questions okay you're my you you're my future best friend I'm just a friend right now right now yeah just I've been demoted yeah all right that's cool I'll take it yeah you have sexy legs though thank you stop you know but I drink off to other things honestly I've been drinking off to other things bro you believe in a lot of hints lately on camera I deal with your heavy flirtation on this trip that's not flirting are you on your mind we're not gonna date again I'm trying to you're dead you're dead to me oh my god you're fucking dead
Starting point is 00:02:05 to me I was just trying to be fucking soft about it but baby you try to call me baby just now don't do that in the fucking van oh my god I'm not gonna ever kiss that all the way in the back of the van and I was all the way in the front I was like physical boundaries and he came over to grab my pussy no I didn't wow okay lips okay you have gorilla lips man I'm Filipino that's not racist right let's get started that's right okay we got Gilbert here right yeah and we gotta you listen you know I didn't want to guest I really did in the beginning I didn't you know I mean but then I found out about this guy and I got let's bring him in you know I mean his name is chase colonial name Italian Italian Italian well how do you see your last name chase it's
Starting point is 00:02:51 colonial here he's been actually because it took us two and a half hours to get here for those two and a half hours I'm not kidding you he tried so hard to say every five minutes I was like what is it cocoa no cocoa it's out of his wheel it's not in his wheel have to say your last name maybe you should change it to cocoa that's easy right chase cocoa the people give you like an oh I think it's not that hard cacao Leonie cacao Leonie on cacao Leonie on you can't just just stop that's fine I'm just gonna come cocoa it's like a nickname it's cool you know so chase cacao cacao chase cocoa so you let me just describe what I think you do all right you're a businessman no that's right just see that's right just say yes or no when I ask you all right
Starting point is 00:03:49 yes look at me in the eyes yes all right you're a businessman yes all right you're Chinese yes right okay two kids two kids wife wife you come from money yes yes yes yeah yeah you were saying that you were Chinese Filipino but you're just more Chinese I look Chinese yes yeah yeah is it because you are Chinese it's because I'm Chinese you look Chinese and you are Chinese all right so you're Chinese before you were going I'm talking to Mike I'm Chinese no don't say you're you're not Filipino you're it's a kind of it we call them Filipino Chinese Chinese Filipino it's a thing I know it's a thing but what I'm saying oh so it's like are you in America you're American so they call me Korean American but I'm Korean oh I see I understand that I understand
Starting point is 00:04:47 now so if he was he's I mean if George was raised here yeah he'd be American Filipino Filipino American Filipino American no he's just he would be a Mormon missionary yeah basically what he is a colonizer a colonizer speaking of which that temple over here is that the Mormon temple in Lahog what's all with your eyes yeah go watch your go watch your eyes all right we're gonna keep talking though okay all right we'll wait wait wait why does need to rush it wash his eyes out that Chinese his eyes are so Chinese that he's gonna wash him out because they're yeah we'll just wait we'll just is he okay what happened I think the sweat now oh you got salty eye yeah so I'm not gonna wait we can cut this out if we want to
Starting point is 00:05:38 but I'm not gonna wait yeah salty so what do you think of him so far we talked for a while here yeah what do you think he's kind of like the photo I'm learning he's a mr. beast of Cebu he's the mr. beast of Cebu he's basically doing crazy giveaways which I feel I propose you try to top him and the giveaways I have no money we don't do money yeah objects is he back yeah yeah yeah what happened you got dry eyes classic dry do you want to get a cup of water just for your eyes so you don't do that again you just dip your finger and put it in your eye all right are you nervous fuck you chase people get nervous on my I heard that Mormon temple which looks like it's so palatial and amazing that during typhoon Odette that when people were like seeking shelter that
Starting point is 00:06:28 they like turned everyone away and they did not want to that true well that's what I heard you heard that I heard that but I wasn't one of the people lining up because you're a millionaire man that's why dude you have a fucking mansion to go to but what I'm saying is is that I can I defend the Mormon church by the way oh yeah number one the Mormons have beautiful temples they do great the one in San Diego looks like something out of fucking never ending story you fucking beautiful right so if I had a temple like that why would I want people in there I mean aren't you like a person of God yeah but if they're not Mormon you know I mean it's like not a part of my clan keep it pristine unless you how about it what they should have done is like we'll let you in if
Starting point is 00:07:12 you get baptized Mormon oh dang that would have been that would have been that's a good book but it's like if you're not gonna join my religion why would you just does the Amish do that if you're in Pennsylvania and it's flooding do you go to an Amish person's house I'll go kind of come in you're right because megachurches ultimately are just like businesses right it's exactly that's a megachurches or even Scientology it's like you just get everything tax-free so have you been in that temple chase never would you when you drive by it do you fuck at it I mean do you judge it I ignore it you do right so you don't you don't believe in the Mormon religion no yeah you believe in capitalism yeah let's get fuck yeah me too buddy capitalism so chase you're sort of
Starting point is 00:07:59 like people describe you as like the mr. beast of the Philippines you do you do like amazing giveaways and what did you want to propose Gil I know what let's let's start here though do you know I'm not gonna nervous I want to let's get into what he gives away and some of it so how did that start well back in the pandemic like in the middle of the pandemic yeah it got kind of boring around here fuck yeah yeah so I'm into jewelry right like what do you mean I like well I like the nice stuff in life basically fucking baby we speak the same language I like the nice things too right so so over my safe one boring day you have a safe you do you have a safe I don't have a safe get a safe let's get a safe I have a bank right so what you got you got a safe at home at the
Starting point is 00:09:02 office so get a safe oh you have an office do we have an office yes yeah we know we have George has an office yeah that's not our office I kind of claim it yeah all right so in your office what you have a safe in your office yeah open it up found a loose 1.2 carat diamond that I wasn't using okay 1.2 carat diamond what do you how do you use it like well what would you use it for it's just something you wear right yeah like it was it was a loose stone oh like a loose stone gross like like blood diamond yeah something like yeah yeah yeah and so like if I had that loose stone could I stick it between two fingers like this or is it bigger no it's more one carat diamond is pretty small and you had two characters you said no one point two one point two characters
Starting point is 00:09:49 people just carry around diamonds this big like I'll take a table for three well I mean if I had that kind of money I would just carry on one diamond movie blood diamond and the size of what they the whole movie was based around yeah it was a handful of one diamond that was a handful yeah it's yeah yeah I would have one of those okay why don't you just carry one of those around but then what yeah you have to top it up to give it to people right okay so you have one loosey diamond and then what would you do we decided to do an experiment in social media right because back then I was well not really into social media uh-huh how many follows did you have back then 30,000 on Instagram on Instagram yeah so what do you have now 142 I think 142,000 yeah yeah pretty
Starting point is 00:10:37 good and that's so bad great yeah so we gave it away like so we said like if you tag three friends and shit like that yeah you follow me and stuff like that to give you the diamond like yeah one of you gets the diamond yeah through a randomizer and shit like that who got it this girl from Manila oh really but how did you like what was there like what do you call those things like a challenge or like a challenge or like here's the thing Bobby wouldn't just give you what I would I mean come on you would make them do a little well no what you're I think you're leaning towards something sexual yeah that's something you would do you know what I would do yeah to have them do tasks you I mean like a quest no like we'll have a contest whoever gives me
Starting point is 00:11:27 the best foot massage okay that's not sexual no I thought you were gonna cook please something non-physical no that's no no I would have my feet people would come over with it with schedule it yeah right give me a good foot massage right then calf massage oh right then up work up no listen and then we skip we take a flight what a flight from the kneecap to the no there is no flight we go all the way traverse there's no flight it's like you have to use the car got it it's like a more of a train got it right and you can whiz past you mean certain territories like the desert lands yeah yeah I mean but like you know if you could eat desert lands you know me you might find a diamond diamonds are notorious for being a desert yeah yeah I mean wait so chase
Starting point is 00:12:17 what was what did this girl have to do to get to that Lucy diamond nothing she just had to tell you three friends yeah share share my post that's it how many followers did you get from that I got from 3000 through 35,000 from just that one thing one thing yeah wow how much is a 1.2 diamond worth it depends you know because diamonds are forever yeah the clarity clarity shit like that so well how was the clarity on this one come on how much maybe I would say this diamond was worth around three three hundred thousand pesos so oh shit six thousand six thousand dollars six thousand years oh is that that's a lot yeah 6k six kids well guys we're here to announce that Bob is getting a giveaway as well more than 6k yeah which one what do you want to do a ten thousand
Starting point is 00:13:08 dollar gala for go away you know my calm is worth and more than that really yeah yeah I want to show because if you look at the side of what a side of our bathroom like just his crystallized come it looks like first of all I'm gonna say this right now all right I'm Bobby Lee let's go right and my come right there's a billion Bob look at me skinny dick loose like look at my calm right is the best got a billion Bobby Lee DNA in it invaluable it's invaluable clarity is not great though what it's cloudy that's not cloudy yeah it's like swamp water sure yeah yeah but um so then after that was the next giveaway after that was a car not even like hey tickets to a game what kind of car it's a cheap car man like worth around like a fiesta 14 maybe worth around 14,000
Starting point is 00:14:08 okay and then it's a yes a Ford Fiesta is it just is it something you just found in your garage like a brand new car from the from the store from the store what you call us so not a lot but as a store not a car lot but a store it's like a like a Mac store and did you go in there and go give me the cheapest one that's what it sounds like yes or no I mean he's honest yeah you're being honest yeah second cheapest car oh you got the second one you got the second and then how did you give that way I went away same rules same rules so that's how you build your social media presence can we brainstorm a giveaway genius it's genius same same story same like I didn't make it you know we didn't get create we didn't get more creative at the well until later on oh I see okay
Starting point is 00:15:07 you got more creative so you gave that who got that car a 19 year old student who has no license good good did they get a license after that yeah he did what if all the gifts go to one girl in manila she just keeps getting anyway so it was that person happy the kid yeah very happy did he sell it I don't think so I would sell it yes wouldn't you sell it well now it kind of has a what do you call it when something has a story behind it value of value no no like an antique road show a provenance there's no problem there's a provenance with chase yeah chase a problem from you know and they're gonna go who chase mogulak don you know what coca cola coca cola cana there's actually a funny story to the car what's this go ahead funny story so like you mentioned the debt
Starting point is 00:15:57 earlier right yeah yeah so we're supposed to ship this car through our boat one of our boats to stop stop stop okay he has many boats you know you have a boat yeah that's our main line of business okay how many boats do you have we have 17 you have 17 fucking boats bro can I do something really quick you have to hear this is very famous in saboo his family's jingle of their boat company if you want to listen it's on the head yeah I have that in my mind memorizing my brain okay gone beautiful it's beautiful a little long I would just do like a quick you know I mean go go long and then that's it okay give us your version rewrite because they all know it here I would do this go go long boats
Starting point is 00:17:08 something like that you know man a little quicker a little quicker well go go long you can use our boats if you want a diamond to your island go go long boats right in a car go go long and then that's it did you not see like when you were crossing the bridge all the kakal young boats on the right side you were like look and you were you were I just hated it I hated them because they're not just boats they're like yeah they're freight they're like freight boats yeah so you're you guys go into your that's what your business is you guys um um have a transport system business logistics what is it logistics it's a logistics business what does that mean logistics well we carry passenger we care people and cargo like human trafficking yeah yeah don't say
Starting point is 00:17:55 yeah well you you people travel yeah when I was younger I used to take a kakal young boat to do maghete I think well you so you've written his boat yes oh fuck it's real it's you I was lying up but you're like basically you're like grayhound oh huge right they're huge in America have you heard of grayhound no well they haven't heard of you either because I'm an American okay that offended me grayhound is a transport like they have buses I also I bet you've never taken a grayhound bus I have I've seen one though yeah because you grew up in the freaking country club yeah I've taken them and you know yeah yeah what I'm saying you can't defend grayhound if you ever need grayhound I have a car good yeah that the run is that smart that's true yeah yeah and I have uber or whatever yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:18:48 but if you know if I needed to go to a Austin here's my deal can I just I'll be honest with you right now okay to me what I was like you know I'm not gonna travel anymore if I have no money so I'm gonna work my ass off until I get money and then I have the right to travel when you grew up I thought about that in pussy too you know sense pussy pussy I mean you know I mean I'm like I can't get no pussy right now I'm an incel right but I'm gonna try to get as funny as I can and then and then the pussy came was there ever a point in your life where you had no money chase you mean personally yeah like whoa like whoa can I make it like can I make rent like can I will I be able to like eat more than you know top ramen tonight well well just be honest well not that much because
Starting point is 00:19:36 you know like as I said like we have a we have businesses but but when the thing you need to know about Chinese who live in the Philippines yeah is that there's this tradition that parents are pretty like stringent yeah yeah so they don't give us much we're growing up growing up yeah growing up yeah so I mean you got food we got food but you basically have to like earn your keep yeah you have to earn your keep so if you wanted some Nike Air Jordans you have to do something like what like probably like work for it oh really so if you said to your dad I go I want these new you're in high school yeah I want these new Nike Air Jordans can I work a weekend in the office and then can you buy me that with that not a weekend like give me an example okay please my when we
Starting point is 00:20:29 used to live together because we used to we used to live together in a in a big house like my dad called mansions I like big house better big house was it a big house or a mansion we're in a big house right now it wasn't a mansion it's a big house because don't be ashamed don't be ashamed of your fucking wealth because our shipping business actually started in 89 when I was born in 1989 89 yeah when I was born so it was pretty small nothing much and so we kind of grew into money uh yeah not I was really born into money you know so uh when we were young we would uh original business was textile so we have this yeah yeah it's called Chester Enterprises that was what my Chester Enterprises yeah yeah so textile was a big thing back then and uh we had the you know
Starting point is 00:21:16 stocks and stuff so every night my grandma would tell me if I would be the one to go to the warehouse and like receive items and bring out items for the store the next day she would give me like 300 pesos that's like six bucks six bucks yeah so I did that every night after dinner after after school work yeah so what you're saying to me buddy is that you worked yeah right and you have the work ethic and I'm going to say this right now man we never made the assumption right that you were a lazy guy you know I believe just by looking at you and your body and your face I love everything about you okay then you're a hard worker yeah I wasn't trying to defend myself man you made an assumption assumption that you wasn't yeah whoa dude you did a double assumption
Starting point is 00:22:12 I did a double assumption it's my bad yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's my bad dude all right so I apologize to you for making those assumptions all right so um so basically you worked and then um but now you work for the company yeah work for the company but I do shit on the side as well like what I start I open this like uh we have a storage business here oh yeah because it's like like in the states they have a lot of that right yeah it's like the first one here oh yeah with the well so I can rent storage space uh huh uh like a small as a locker a locker as big as a badminton court oh yeah so we have that you it's the biggest facility in the Philippines and that I pay if I wanted to store shit what can I store there can I store like if I wanted to
Starting point is 00:22:58 store a car would I be able to do that we have parking slots but it's not a drive it's not a drive-in like like in the states yeah a roll-up doors and you drive in your car you haul yeah yeah because land here is pretty premium so it's it's a big building around uh five thousand square meters or do you do in feet we know we don't need it yeah we do yeah I don't think he understands either yeah yeah I don't know yeah inside you do how many inches in a foot how many inches in a foot I have nine inches on my foot let's go kind of close I got nine inches my foot and I'm gonna say shut the fuck up man basically you're not you're not you're not you're trying to because you could have exposed me as a dumb dumb she said that's what you're trying to do you don't know and I
Starting point is 00:23:42 said Bobby how many inches on our foot I would thought you would he had a perfect answer he said I have nine inches on my foot that's what was a great answer yeah it's a clever answer yeah when I get cornered right I have to have a good answer right all right so stop all right could I live at your fucking storage place if you wanted to oh so if I said I want to rent this storage room but I want to live here as well you wouldn't kick me out I wouldn't but if you could survive what do you mean because it's pitch black man no but if I what if I set up a generator you can't there's no there's no there's no outlets there's it's dark as we operate under a smart system smart lighting system yeah only turns on if someone's there or moving or yeah so if I'm
Starting point is 00:24:26 constantly moving if I'm constantly moving the lights are on so if I'm watching TV I'll be constantly moving what do you think you open a box of sweating for and then there's no shower or bathroom no shower no bathroom what if I have a portable one you know how you they have a construction sites oh like a port a party a party party in the fucking storage room and I set up a little bed there and have a little gasoline generator yes right so I'm going right would you let me live there yeah sure fuck yeah yeah let's move there that'd be fun it is romantic are you trying to get back with me no different storage rooms so you have your own storage do they have like a storage you know you know what storage yeah yeah I do the TV show the TV show yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:25:13 do they either have that here we're gonna have one here because right now we have around eight abandoned units oh yeah oh we'd love to do that oh that would be so fun to just get through yeah yeah but what do they have their coconut show I mean what's what's in a filipino fucking coconut yeah if it's somebody is that racist I'm sorry no it's accurate yeah yeah if it's somebody that can afford like long-term storage it's probably someone who has money so like nice things you but then what happened when they can't pay the rent so why can I tell you what's in his storage right okay he doesn't even know he has a storage oh you know you have a storage right I do you yeah you pay for it every month who pays for it you I want to stop paying
Starting point is 00:25:59 what you're gonna lose wait no I wanted to see it on storage wars that'd be cool they'd be very disappointed right so when we when I first I know what's in it what's in it tell me let me guess uh-huh my toys so many like still in their boxes cool cool for thousands of dollars worth of toys yeah and what else paintings um some yeah but the your your shoe game is unmatched where my shoes are in the fucking storage I mean like really cool shoes yeah I want to go old-school air maxes yeah yeah well I've been looking for those you have not been looking yes I have been I've been looking for my fucking shoes man well now you know I go to the jewels closet and I'm always looking I go where are those shoes I used to wear you there you don't you
Starting point is 00:26:47 have like cowboy boots I love cowboy boots yeah so where is the storage um it's in downtown LA all right and when can I go visit you just want to see him let's just say I want to see what's in there man yeah I want to know what's it because I thought I lost him over the years yeah so it makes me sad so you have eight abandoned units eight abandoned units wow so um half of it from americans oh here we go that's where the money is americans on are the expats expats expats what I say expats that's what I said what do you think it's supposed to be expats right pats expatriates that's what I said yeah expats other expats yeah yeah let me ask you something about here let me say something okay do you see this in Thailand oh my god what is your Thailand stories
Starting point is 00:27:45 all involved no no no there's no no no that's crazy in Thailand they have curry do you have curry here that's what I was gonna ask no my point is is this so in Thailand you see expats right And they're with an underage, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Girl, and it makes me so angry. It really does. It's like, you fucking disgusting piece of shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:28:09 Do you see that a lot in the Philippines, no? Hell yeah. Hell yes. You do. Yeah. There are bars here that these girls stay waiting to get expats. Whoa. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:28:21 I want to do an investigative. I want to do an investigative. You just realize that I am a product of that relationship, right? That's what got me horny about you. Oh my god. Expat vibes. I love that fantasy.
Starting point is 00:28:35 And so my dad, well, he wasn't just a regular expat. He was actually like a wealthy, wealthy guy. But he came out here and, you know, married my mom, who was 36 years younger than him. Oh, sure. No, I'm 36. You know, and he had two kids. So it's like, I am a, it's, it's, look, I love my dad.
Starting point is 00:28:56 And I'm thankful to have been born. And I really learned to respect the kind of love that they had because when he lost all his money, she still stayed with him. But yeah, that's like, that's predatory. OK, let me ask you something. That's so creepy. If I go to this bar, it's a bar or house.
Starting point is 00:29:10 What? It's a bar. It's a bar. I walk in, right? What do, do I bring candy? What do you bring there? A van. No, you know what I would bring?
Starting point is 00:29:18 I would bring like your anime DVDs. Oh, yeah. Don't they love the anime? Yeah. All right. Not, no, just as an investigative, you know what I mean? Journalism. Journalism.
Starting point is 00:29:27 That's so sad that there is a place like that. So they just wait for the older creepy boots. In Cebu in Manila, it's a common practice. Wow. Wow. Is it legal? I guess. It's not legal to stand around in a bar.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Oh, yeah. What is the age range? Is there like statutory rape in the Philippines? There is. Yeah, there is. What's the age? It used to be 11. It used to be what?
Starting point is 00:29:49 Excuse me? Excuse me? Wait. Excuse me? Can we get that one more time? Excuse me? Excuse me? It used to be, did you say 11?
Starting point is 00:29:58 11. 11. What? That's insane. They raised it, though. To what? 11.5. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:30:07 18. Oh, they raised it to 18. Good, yeah, good, good, good. When was it 11, I mean? Until just recently. Really? Yeah. Like a year ago?
Starting point is 00:30:16 Something like a year or two. Oh my god. Imagine two years ago. Insane. Anyway, why is everyone quiet? Why are we here? It's so fucking shocking. It's so shocking.
Starting point is 00:30:29 So if they did a show... What's the show? If they did a show like three years ago to catch a predator, it would have been a completely different show. Different show. Just a guy walking into a nursery. All these crimps, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:30:44 Excuse me, what are you doing here? I know, or like going to like... Why do you have a baby formula? Yeah. Oh my god. What? Pitching sketches. Pitching sketches.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Sketch ideas. It's a sketch idea. Like three years ago, but now it would be normal. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm glad you guys did that. Congratulations. You guys are civilized. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Yeah, yeah, they did the right thing. But didn't Filipinos three years ago think that that was weird? But you know how like even in America, in some states, there are still some really strange fucking laws. Like what?
Starting point is 00:31:13 Like what? I don't know. Gilbert probably saw to me being like, like butt sex still being illegal somewhere. It should be illegal. It should be illegal. It should be. Just because you're not into it
Starting point is 00:31:23 does not mean that... It's unholy and it's ungodly and I don't like it. You know what? It is holy. Do you like butt sex? That's a yes. You don't have to answer that.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I'm just... We can also edit anything. Yeah, we can edit it out, but let me ask you something. Do you like it? Yeah, you can edit the... Yeah, why not? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Thank you. Thank you. Oh yeah, why wouldn't you say that? You know what I mean? Thank you for defending. I think it's unholy, but let's move on. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:31:49 What some weird laws. Like, you know, is oral sex illegal in some of the states in America? No, I don't think that. I think in some of the old books, maybe. Like... I have boogers in my nose, sorry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:08 What are you doing, man? Oh, it's like even Florida, right? In Cerritos, a cross in the line of a parking space lands you a $35 fine. I mean, more serious than that, Gil. No, but that's a pretty... But that's stupid
Starting point is 00:32:18 because so many people literally park, they walk across. That should be a law in every state. Because you know how many... See, he cares. He's the guy. It makes me so angry, dude. When they cross the line like that
Starting point is 00:32:30 and you can't park, let's say you're in a packed lot and some guys using two spaces. Sometimes I want to key their car. Oh yeah, that's a dick move. It's a dick move, dude. So that should be a fucking law and it should be $1,000.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Pennsylvania. There we go. Pennsylvania, it's illegal to barter using infants. What do you mean? How was that even a law? What does that mean? Using infants as a what?
Starting point is 00:32:50 I'll trade you, my child, for your 40 acres of land. You can't do that anymore. Oh, people used to do that? Interesting. They should keep that. Keep that in. No, because imagine.
Starting point is 00:33:00 It's your baby. No, let me just fight for this. Yeah. Let me try to fight for this, all right? You and I, let's say you and I had a baby. Boundaries. In a hypothetical situation. No future thinking, baby.
Starting point is 00:33:14 You know, fuck you. I never want to kiss with you anyway. You guys have a baby. Yeah, Chase, you and I had a baby. All right, right? More reasonable. It's more reasonable, right? We made a cum baby.
Starting point is 00:33:24 The way that I think that would work is I would pump one in your butt. Just hear me out. OK, OK. But can he pump one in your butt? That's a better visual image for me. Yeah, but I'm really busy. He's busy, too.
Starting point is 00:33:36 He has a logistic job. I'm on screen. I'm shooting TV shows. I can't have a cum baby in my butt. Oh, I see. Yeah, I mean, you can have a cum baby when you're working at the office, right? So I pump one in your butt, right?
Starting point is 00:33:47 Hypothetically. OK, yes. Hypothetically. Chase, we can always edit this out. No worries. And this is hypothetical. No, no. OK.
Starting point is 00:33:52 OK. So imagine, right? This house. Let's just do a scenario. I have to do the scenario. OK. This house, right? I kick everyone out, right?
Starting point is 00:34:01 I light some candles, right? I go, you want some drinky poo? You know what I mean? Milk. What is that? You can drink some milk or, you know what I mean? Some alcohol, whatever. Oh, it's not actual poo.
Starting point is 00:34:10 No, you want to drink? OK. Yeah, it's not two girls in one cup. OK, Jesus Christ. Yeah, and you get a little buzz, right? Can I pump one inside of you? All right, we got to that. We already did that.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Can we just get to the party? You're playing that part so long. I don't like it. You're getting a boater off of this. Just get to the frickin' point. No, I want to create the scenario too. How many times are you going to say pump one inside you? Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I won't say it again. Get one more. You get one more. Can I get one more? Yo, one last one. Right, I get one more, right? Use it wisely. So, um, I'll use it, right?
Starting point is 00:34:43 And so, you know, I like candles, right? I put you on your stomach, right? Oh, my God. What? Keep going. You said I have one more, right? And I take just some, a bucket of KY jelly. OK.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Let me just finish, right? We can edit this out, right? And I just, I open up your sphincter and I just pour it in. You know what I mean? Like it's a gasoline into a car. OK. Right?
Starting point is 00:35:08 And then I pump one inside you. Thank you. We got to it. God, I got it, dude. Right? And then, so, you know what I mean? I, you know, relieve myself inside you. That's not possible.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Just let me finish. Let me finish this scenario, right? And then I close up your butthole, right? And we let it ferment, like kimchi. Yeah. Right? And then we create a cum baby. OK.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Right? And then, I don't know what the scenario was in the video. I know. Why are we even having a baby again? Oh, the barter with. Yes, yes. You're defending it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:39 You're defending it. Yeah, I'm defending it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. And then you and I, I look at you. I go, honey, baby, because that's your nickname. What's your nickname for him? Look at him.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Come, daddy. Oh. My God, that you went deep. And you got real, right? Thank you. And so, I'll crush your hair. I go, let's have a family in Pennsylvania, right? I don't know why you started to do this.
Starting point is 00:36:08 I just started doing that, right? I'm sorry. Pennsylvania, right? And because, you know, you'd have to go to your wife and your kids and your family that I'm leaving you guys. Oh, he's married in this scenario, still. Oh, yeah, this is a real scenario. OK.
Starting point is 00:36:21 No, I'm just, right? And they go, you're kicked out of the family. You have no money. This is where we come with. We have our baby. We're in Pennsylvania, right? And then you and I decide, let's have a farm, but we have no money, right?
Starting point is 00:36:32 So we'll go to a farmer's house with the baby and go, can we have your land for this come baby? Uh-huh. And why are you? I didn't think that should be legal. The first, the first act and second act were so much longer than the third act. I know.
Starting point is 00:36:50 I think I went too far to get to there. Yeah. We could have just, let's just we do it, right? You have a baby, we have a baby. We're going to Pennsylvania. I'll pump one in you. We're going to a farm, and then we give the baby, yeah. You got stuck on the come thing too long.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Yeah, I got too descriptive on it. I'm so sorry to make you uncomfortable, Chase. Don't worry. Next time, I'll just grab money out of my pocket, buy you 20 acres of land. Oh, that would be better. That's easier. They're getting fucked.
Starting point is 00:37:17 It does seem easier. So I would sit down with you and say, OK, so either you get me 20 acres of land, or we're going to have a come baby. You would choose the land. And you would probably go to get me land. I'll get you land. Yeah, we're in Pennsylvania here. Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:37:31 OK. There we go. You don't want me to live in the Philippines? I don't think you'd make it here. Oh, why, why, why? Break it down. Break it down. Why, Chase?
Starting point is 00:37:41 This is good. This is good. Why do you think I would make it here, Chase? I actually agree with you, but go ahead. You agree? You agree? Yeah, why, why? Go backwards at points.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Go ahead, Chase. Why do you think? Yeah, go ahead. Be real. Number one. Yeah. Do you even speak her language? Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:37:57 That's getting real. One Bessiah word. What? Just give me one Bessiah word. I got one. Pessiah. Hold on, did you just say Pessiah with a P? Pessiah.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Pessiah. So is that a word? It is, but you said it wrong. It doesn't matter. It's still a word. It's still a word. So you mean to say you have not picked up a single Bessiah. What's thank you?
Starting point is 00:38:17 What? Thank you. Thank you. I don't know, babe. Cut that out. That's not even funny. But my point is this. I don't know any words, but can I say the resilience
Starting point is 00:38:26 of the Filipino people, though, is that you're multi-cultural and lingual. And you speak English here. Most of the people at the hotels speak English. You speak English. Everyone speaks English. All these, this guy's the guy with the long noodle dick with the braces.
Starting point is 00:38:45 He speaks English. Yeah. Look at me right now, dude. Well, he's shying away, dude. He's like hiding. Yeah, yeah, there we go. I love this guy. He's good.
Starting point is 00:38:53 He's a light-skinned Asian. Hide away. He's a light-skinned Asian. I love the light-skinned one. OK, so we got number one. OK, so he doesn't know a lick. Your skin is like George's skin. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:39:02 Are you the Michael Jackson of the fucking the Philippines? Go ahead. So you don't know, number one, you don't know a lick. Not even thank you or goodbye. So number one, I don't know the language. Number two, what's number two? Number two, this whole rich, poor-looking thing you got going on.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Oh, fuck, that's an insult. You know what, dude, let me say this right now. Let me say something right now. I've been holding my back. Yeah, I've been wanting to rip on your look for a second. I've been here. Hold on, so you're saying that the fake homeless look. Yeah, the fake homeless look.
Starting point is 00:39:31 OK, yeah. So you look like I look like, oh, so that's not going to ride and you're going to get mugged. All right. Oh, I see. I see. So number three, what? I just number two.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Wait, homeless people get mugged here? Can I tell you what you look like? Because he looks homeless, but he doesn't look homeless. So he'll have money. That's why I like this fucking look. This is the best look. Why, you think you look rich? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:39:54 He's wearing a blaze. He's just a $6 shirt. Whoa, I see. The shoes look a little fancy, though. That's just the shoes. He's like, it's your shoe. Put your shoe up, man. They're so nice.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Yeah. What kind of bra, what is that? Yeah, those are nice. They're Gucci. Yeah, there's some. You look like a Kardashian leprechaun. Kardashian leprechauns wear those fucking shoes. I love it.
Starting point is 00:40:17 That's a Gucci shoe? Yeah, yeah. How much is that? $1,000. Exactly. I don't wear $1,000 shoes. What do you wear? Yeah, you do.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yeah, you do. I have Golden Goose shoes. These are $650. They're not $1,000. All right. What's your most expensive shoe, though, for real, though? It's probably these. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Yeah, yeah. I don't go over $650. That sentence already? I don't go over $650 on my t-shirt. Am I jeans? I spend $250. That's not true. What?
Starting point is 00:40:47 Some of your iron hearts and stuff? Yeah, they're $250, $300. Oh, I always thought they were like $6,700. No, no, no. $250, $300. Oh, that's not bad at all. Yeah, yeah. T-shirts, not that all yet.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Well, my maid wore probably $100, $150. I got you that one jacket. What jacket? The leather one. That's a leather jacket. Yeah. How much was that? $2,500.
Starting point is 00:41:09 That was the best gift I've ever gotten. I know. You're the best girlfriend ever. Thank you. You got to get him a gift. What would you buy him here? Like, nice things. I love your shoes more than $650.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Oh. Shopping, go shopping out there. I was going to rip on you again, but I'm going to hold back. OK, we're friends now. We're friends, but don't let me fucking go after you, my friend. All right. So the car was the second thing.
Starting point is 00:41:32 And then now let's pump into the future. What are you doing now online giving away? We've done, so fast forward, we've done tennis bracelets. We've actually partnered with brands now. So we've partnered with Jewelry Store, Giveaway, Tennis Bracelet. We've partnered with Johnny Walker Philippines to give limited edition Johnny Blues and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:41:55 So you're doing like a Peter Pan thing. Peter Pan? Why Peter Pan? Not a Peter Pan, no, Robin Hood. Robin Hood. My bad, my bad, my bad. I actually worked with Peter Pan. Don't they work green?
Starting point is 00:42:06 Oh, they both work green. That's my connection. Fuck you, man. Anyway, so you're like Robin Hood, right? But you're not stealing. You're not steal, but you have some wealth and you're giving it away for the people. So you're a good guy.
Starting point is 00:42:21 What would you give away, Bobby? I would say you're a good guy. Oh, you want to say you're a good guy? Well, because you think your motive is to get attention. No, actually, my motive is to help people. That's what I just said. You're a good guy by definition. Yeah, that's a good guy.
Starting point is 00:42:37 A lot of people with money, they don't do that. They're so just selfish with their money and you're giving away and you're having some fun with it. That's a good thing. Having some fun, yeah. Yeah. Is your wife proud of you? She's more concerned about like safety.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Yeah. As any wife would be. I think that, you know. Is she Chinese? She's Chinese, Filipino. I love the pause. He has a pause. It makes me angry.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Can you wrap your head around the Chinese Filipino thing now? Yeah, she's Chinese. Who happens to live in Philippines? Yeah, OK, yeah. Yeah, yeah. If I was born here, I'd be Chinese. I mean, Korean Filipino. Kind of.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Korean Filipino. Yeah, yeah. Let me ask you about Koreans now. OK. How do you feel about us in this country? In this country? Yeah, be honest. I think you provide our economy with a good boost.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Fucking this guy, man. Number one right here. You're number one right now in my books, right? Because the kind of shit that this lady talks about with Koreans. And these fucking guys? I just have a different experience, that's all. We're good people.
Starting point is 00:43:38 And we're trying to revitalize your economy. Thank you. But you're also kind of like, you just, it's like there's a different time. It's their attitude is, I think, what you're saying. Yes. Because they look at me weird. I saw some at the hotel.
Starting point is 00:43:50 And they didn't like you? No, they're like, you know what I mean? They say stuff, you know what I mean? Oh, are the Koreans? They look at me like I'm a little bit. And I go, no, what of you? Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:44:01 They don't buy it. But they don't like you either in Korea, right? They hate me. Why? Because I'm evolved. But in what way? In many ways, I'm evolved. I see all people.
Starting point is 00:44:12 What do you mean? I don't look at borders. And I don't look at where you were raised. I look at the soul. And I think that's what they feel. They know that I'm an evolved creature. You think they're friends by it? I love everybody here.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I love it. This guy right here, right? JJ, am I right here? I don't look at his fucked up looking head. Yes, his leg looks like a hairless testicle. But that's what he chose to do. And genetically, he got fucked. But I see his soul.
Starting point is 00:44:47 And what do you see? You see my soul, correct? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I look at my friend here, Chase, right? You would see a hairless panda. Yeah, a hairless panda. But to me, he's just a thick Chinese guy. He lives in the Philippines.
Starting point is 00:45:07 He lives in the Philippines. He's a good dude with a good heart. What do you see in me? You see a homeless rich guy, right? A homeless rich guy. Big dick or small dick, you think? Be honest. Probably long and skinny, like this guy.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Thank you so much. I'm noodle. I'm noodle. I appreciate that. You guys are so excited. We see he did this, he did this, he did this. Yeah, he's a loser like me. Is that what it was?
Starting point is 00:45:32 Yeah. I believe that yours is like a spam can. Big, big, big. Take a meaty. Take a meaty, right? Take a meaty. Yeah, go ahead, sorry. Why does everything take so long?
Starting point is 00:45:43 You know what? Let's not do sex. I always do sexual. Yeah, let's take a dick train. I always have a cum in the butt. Yeah, no more of that. Let's talk about good things in life, right? Wait, so Chase, if you had just met Bobby today,
Starting point is 00:45:57 well, you did just meet Bobby today, and you were to give him the full Cebu experience, where would you start? Where would you take him? And where would you end? Remember, he likes nice things. Are those crickets? Yeah, cicadas.
Starting point is 00:46:08 First of all, I've heard noises in this jungle. I've never heard before. Same. Same. Like, what the fuck is that? That's a lizard. Someone told me it was a lizard. Yeah, I'd be hearing shit that like, ca-ca-ca.
Starting point is 00:46:17 What the fuck is that? Toco. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It goes toco. Toco. Yeah, what is toco? It's toco. Yeah, I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Is it a bird? No, it's a, what do you call it? Big lizard. Lizard. Really, do you eat them? No. Can you eat them? No.
Starting point is 00:46:32 You can, but you get sick. Well, they're just not tasty. I've never heard anyone eat the lizard. Really? How about your bats? I googled your bats. Why are they his bats? They're Filipino bats.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Yeah, all your bats. What the fuck are you feeding your bats? Oh, the big ones. The big ones. Yeah, what are those, man? What are you trying to prove here? You trying to create a real batman? Also, we have a monkey eating eagle.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Our eagles are so big here. Yeah, your eagles. Why are they eating the monkeys, man? Why can't they eat the fucking fruits and little grains that other birds eat? I want to get back to my question. OK, go ahead. Where would you take Bobby?
Starting point is 00:47:08 Where would you start the night? Where would you end the night? Well, getting to know Bobby for almost an hour. Yeah, just about, yeah. What's that noise right now? Cicadas, like crickets. Big, like grasshoppers. Yes, crickets, probably crickets.
Starting point is 00:47:25 And they have to come out now? Yeah, it's nighttime. It's their time. What's their time? To do what, party? Let me ask you, because I don't know. You guys ready? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Are they just waking up? I actually have no idea. No, you have to know. You're from this fucking land, man. You should know the fucking creatures around you. We have these in America, too. These are the US. These aren't, like, you're too helpful.
Starting point is 00:47:49 They're not indigenous in the Netherlands. We have crickets in America. That's not what you call them. You call them cicadas. We have cicadas in America as well. You do, yeah. My bad. I'm my bad, right?
Starting point is 00:48:00 But are they just waking up? Wait, that was a bad. I know. I didn't like it. I didn't like it. Was it a fruit bat? Yeah, my knee wound. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:48:07 So, what would you drink? What would we do? We do, what would we do? Yeah, yeah. You like the gamble? Oh, yeah. He just did. He just did.
Starting point is 00:48:15 He just did. Where? He lost a lot of money. $4,000. $4,000. You play poker? I know how. Or Becca.
Starting point is 00:48:23 What do you play? I play Blackjack, but I'm not that great. But I can play poker with you. So we go play poker. We go play poker with my Korean friends. Oh, you have Korean friends. Great. What are their names?
Starting point is 00:48:35 The names are Min Ho. OK, that's it. I believe you. I love Lee Min Ho. What's a Lee Min Ho? He's an actor who's so hot from K-dramas. Yeah. OK, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:48:48 OK, so, gambling. So, we gamble. Yeah. I let you eat the local food, which is what? Light. And record your reaction. OK. Where would we start with the food?
Starting point is 00:48:59 We'll start with the famous balut. Have you tried? He hasn't. Oh, he hasn't? Yes, I have. No, but he did the pinoy. That's not counted. Yeah, that doesn't count.
Starting point is 00:49:10 I'm going to say something to you right now, man. Fuck that. But not eating that shit. Why? Oh, you will. No, I won't. I promise you I won't. It's delicious.
Starting point is 00:49:19 No, dude, because I eat it before they're developed. You know what I mean? You're not adventurous. That's not adventurous. It's either eat the duck when it's born, or eat it when it's not developed. What's the difference? Because it's like.
Starting point is 00:49:34 That's a good point. That is a pretty good point. I don't really guess. That's good. He's ready. Well, because I'll tell you why. When I eat duck, FYI, when it's an adult, I don't eat the feathers or the beak.
Starting point is 00:49:48 I eat the meat part. Because the chefs removed the. I know. So I don't have to look at it. And I don't want to eat it, right? Yeah, but that's hypocritical. Why? Because if you're going to kill something, then eat all of it.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I don't kill it, though. And you don't kill it either. I know, but what I'm saying is the point of saying. Let me say something to you, OK? My beautiful ex, whatever you are, right? Future best friend. Is when I'm eating a cow or pork or chicken, right? We detach ourselves from the killing process, right?
Starting point is 00:50:23 So we completely, we put that, come up, compartmentalize. What's the word? We compartmentalize. Say it again. But this is why I want to learn the word. Compartmentalize. Compartmentalize. We compartmentalize it.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Into a little thing, so we don't have to think about it. Because we really thought about what we were doing, right? I don't think we would feel guilt, right? So I've learned that over the years. So when I'm eating chicken, I just go, it's just, you know what I mean? Yeah, but that's being super disconnected with your food, which is why I love Filipinos, because we actually don't waste a single part.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Like, we eat the feet, we eat the intestines. Like, if we're going to kill an animal, you better be, you better believe we're probably going to eat its fingernails at some point. It's like, none is wasted. And I think that's a better way to go about it. It's like, face what you're eating, which is balut. Tonight.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Tonight, with Chase. OK. With no feathers. No feathers. OK, no feathers yet. I'll eat the balloon. Without feathers. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Where do we all go? What's in the second? We're going to eat more food. He's cutting the food. Yeah, but where does the voosie come in? The voosie? That's late at night. Oh, late at night.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Where do we go, though, for that? Let's skip to the late at night. Ah, let's skip to the late at night. Let's skip the eating the dogs and all that stuff. That we eat nine meals. So I'm going to ask you. Yeah, Bobby. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:41 What you like? What you like? Yeah, what you like? I want to say. What's your type? What's my type? Yeah, yeah. I like vagina, right?
Starting point is 00:51:52 That's fully developed, not like a balut, right? But I want to fully develop, you know what I mean, vagina with the hairs and all that stuff, right? That's legally aged, you know what I mean? That's legally aged, you know what I mean? That's, and can we go to a place? Untrafficked. Untrafficked.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Willing, willing. Willing. That's a big thing with him. So he doesn't like transactional sex. He wants a woman to really want him for him to get a boner. OK. He's like, OK, let me think. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:52:21 Yeah, that's kind of going the harder way. If you like that, that's cool. That's just dating? That's just dating? That is the harder way. Maybe, you know, I'll be honest with you. Maybe that's just not my thing. It's not?
Starting point is 00:52:34 I want to say people listening to right now, I don't do that. Do what? Do that kind of transaction. You said you paid for a girl to eat your ass in Thailand. I know, but we don't have to cut that out. Cut that out, cut that out, cut that out. One more time? No, well, first of all, can I just say something
Starting point is 00:52:48 about the Thailand thing, right? It was a part of the menu. What do you mean? On the list of services? Yeah, like I didn't know the language to go, I don't want that part. Yeah. It was like a part of the package.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Because I'll tell you why. After I was done, the two other Korean dudes I was with, they go, don't come over. You all right? And I go, yeah, but I didn't want that. In Korean, they said it's a part of the package. Oh. Yeah, I didn't have a pan and go, I don't want this part. So it's like 86?
Starting point is 00:53:20 Yeah, so I just went through the routine. And they just bend you over? Like if you watch Cirque du Soleil in Vegas, right? And if you don't like a certain section of the fucking dance, you can't just cross it out. You just accept the show the way it is, right? So when I got into the room, I just pulled my pants down and laid on my stomach.
Starting point is 00:53:37 I feel like you knew then that it was part of the package. No one just, no guy that enters a brothel, willingly goes face down ass up. The first time I did it, the first time I was nervous, like, you want to watch MTV or whatever, you know what I mean? And I turned the TV on. You like Carson Daley? And then she just sort of put me on my stomach.
Starting point is 00:53:56 And they did it. So then the second time I went, I just did it automatically because I didn't want to, you know what I mean? Oh, somebody liked it. I didn't like it. It was just like, it's a cleaning. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, why don't we even talk about it?
Starting point is 00:54:08 Yeah, guys, stop flirting right now. Yeah, we're flirting. Jesus, pal. You ate my bottle? I've never eaten your asshole. You've never let me. Wait a second. We haven't even gone through the night with Chase.
Starting point is 00:54:18 I know. Do we have any questions after that or no? No, we're good on time. So we fast forwarded from Balot straight into Vussi. And then that's where the night ends. Yeah, and at 2 o'clock, I want to go home. OK. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I just met him. I'm not going to do a whole full-on thing. OK. Yeah. Chase, how many followers do you have on Instagram now? You asked him. No, now he said 132 before. No, 3,000 before.
Starting point is 00:54:46 142. You have 142 now? Yeah. Oh, I see. Do you want more? Can't hear it. So anyone listening right now, follow Chase. What's your handle?
Starting point is 00:54:57 Wait, I have a question for you, but what if it's like an American follower? That's cool. And they're like, oh, wait, I want that thing from the Philippines. But then, will something get shipped over there to this day? We can't do that. If we expand our audience to the US or whatever, I don't see why not.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Let's try to do one in the US then. Yeah, sure. You guys should collab. Let's collab on something. Yeah. That sounds so fun. That sounds fun. How much money would I have to put in some money?
Starting point is 00:55:24 Are you saying you seem worried? No, like $30,000 I'll put in. But you know, we had a friend. We have a friend, David Cho, who did this whole like. Have you heard of David Cho? No. He's an incredible graffiti artist, or just artist in general.
Starting point is 00:55:39 But he did. What was it, George? It was like a $100,000 giveaway. But they had to, what do you call it, when something? It was like a treasure hunt, basically. It was $100,000 giveaway, but two people wanted. And then they had to eventually split it. But it took like, it was like, you'd
Starting point is 00:55:58 have to go like cross country through America. Like the stops that, or the clues that he gave were very like, you know, just very cryptic. And, but yeah, two people got there. And apparently it was like a miracle that they even got there, because it was really cryptic. How much money was it? $100,000.
Starting point is 00:56:15 My god. Are you going to match it? No. I don't have that kind of money, dude. He's a multi-multi-millionaire. Yeah, Dave's. Yeah, I barely, I'm barely hanging on. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:56:25 I'm not like you guys. I'm struggling. Oh, you got sad all of a sudden. A little bit, I did. I compared myself to other people. I get sad. So Chase, did you have fun today? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:56:38 What did you think? You want anything cut out, or? No. You can't think of something that, you know, OK. You're brave. You're really brave, Chase. You're so brave. You're a brave guy.
Starting point is 00:56:46 I really like you, man. And you really helped us out today, man. I was a fun guest. You like me? Yeah, it's fun. I like you too, man. Yeah. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:56:54 Yeah, can we follow each other on Instagram? Yeah, definitely. I'd love to do that. You guys have Instagram? Yeah, we do. No shit, fuck this. Yeah, we do, all right? And I almost have 900,000 followers, thank you.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Oh, shit. Almost a million. Also, Chase, all of my entire family like follows you, watches all your YouTube and stuff. So will you take a picture with them after this? Of course. OK, awesome. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:57:16 No, you're going to do it. Jesus. You're going to fucking do it, man. OK, because we love your family now. That's like, that seems like a threat. No, I love this guy, man. Please do it. OK.
Starting point is 00:57:29 That's it. Give Chase a round of applause, everybody. Say your handle really quick. Yeah, my handle's amazing. My name, Chase Kalyong. You can stick her or something. I don't think Bobby can say it. Can we try one more time to say Koka-lyong?
Starting point is 00:57:42 Here, here, look at my mouth. Koka-lyong. Koka-lyong. Yes! I knew how to say it before. I was just doing a joke. No, you could say it again then. Koka-la, Koka-la-lyong.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Koka-la-lyong. OK, well, we'll take that. We'll take that thing. Follow Chase. Hey, Prime members. You can listen to Tiger Barely ad-free on Amazon Music. Follow the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad-free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcast.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondry.com.

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