TigerBelly - Episode 106: Erik Koch is the Phoenix

Episode Date: August 30, 2017

Koch recaps the MayMac fight. Bobo bites likes a hyena. Khaloko calls for Kit. Barton Fink gets on the mic. We talk cuckholds, sexbrain, and diversifying the friend portfolio.See Privacy Poli...cy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today Hey Five four three two one blast up Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you Thank you It's um flat face. Um Gilbert's birthday. How old are you now? 28? 28. You lost weight Right. Yeah, you got to go back fat. Yeah, I can't go back fat. I want to look like This right shut the fuck up
Starting point is 00:00:57 Is that I'm telling you or not if you gained another 50 pounds you would work 10 times more. No, I know I did I gained weight when I was fat. No auditions Yeah, but you're stronger now. Okay, that's true No, you know, I don't want competition stay skinny stay whatever you're doing. I don't want competition Okay, you got um Kalilah who I'm fucking just on the fucking brink of I'm here I'm gonna spread your cheeks. Whoa with my hands game that he calls ventriloquisms Wait, it actually has nothing to do with ventriloquism. Yes, it does. He just I say he just spreads my cheeks apart in public and he makes my butthole talk in public. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:01:39 We got um, well, I love this guy right here, man. Yeah, I love my favorite. I love his name, too What is it? Casey Casey? We got Casey here, man And we got you know what else we got right here in the back of me who Barton Fink man. Oh wow Is that a juju? Yeah, don't say juju. I'm sorry. I mean you're right. Are you Jewish? Yeah This dude, I didn't know you were roommates with the old-timey writer from the 1940s. That's my roommate. Yeah, right here, dude I love your shit, dude Excuse me. Thank you. Okay, and now we have a special guest tonight and I'm gonna say something right now, okay?
Starting point is 00:02:10 I met him via destiny. I was playing with Eric Griffin fat black Okay, my brother Stevie Webe and all of us in the sky was also sometimes involved. He's very good at destiny His name is Eric Koch. He is also a UFC fighter. So give him a round of applause. Yeah Now you can talk now. Yeah You're the only guest who's actually obeyed those rules. Yeah Nice, you know, I'm coming into somebody else's house, you know, whoa I love these fucking independence. Everybody thinks fighters are like, you know, some mean, you know Yeah, just gonna beat your ass all the time. Yeah. No, no, not at all. Very respectful. I like the way you guys
Starting point is 00:02:56 I don't know how everyone got together. I don't know. How did you meet? So you met Eric Griffin first online? I met Griffin. Well, what was crazy about it was I followed him on Twitter Because I was always a workaholics fan. I don't know why but okay I'm kidding. It's a great show It's a wonderful show full of comedy and delight But no, I followed him on Twitter and I saw him like Post make a post towards bungee Talking about destiny, and I was you know, I I sent him a tweet and I was like, you know
Starting point is 00:03:31 Shit if you ever play you want want some help hit me up because I'm really good at destiny Yeah, you're very good. Um, he's so good and he followed me But he never hit me up and then you know the app will companion app. Yeah, I used to have it. Yeah, you find people Yeah, yeah, that's how you raised you erased all of it. Yeah Well, I'll have fun. Let's get into that later. Okay. Okay, you call me Yoko Ono for them But but then I went on there because I was just looking to finish a raid and I was playing I was playing with you guys for like Four hours. I didn't know who the hell it was. Yeah, and then we started talking about like what we do and shit like because I They were talking about comedy. Yeah, yeah, told him my fault in the UFC and
Starting point is 00:04:12 And uh, you know, he's like, oh shit. What's your name? You know, I asked and I didn't know his name was Eric Griffin I knew him as Montez. Right. Yeah, you know, he's like, oh shit. I follow you on Twitter. I was like, you know, what's your name? He's uh, it's like Eric Griffin. I'm like, I don't know an Eric He's like Montez from work of hogs. I was like, oh, whoa So that's how crazy how small of a world it is because how many people play destiny and how many people are on this app like Yeah, I'll find in that but I mean that was it. We found each other. Yeah, we found each other. You're very good at it He's the best one out of the group. He is to fight by far But I honestly believe that Eric's the worst Griffin. Yeah, actually. No, we looked up Katie's today. Yeah, who and
Starting point is 00:04:54 Craig is terrible Yeah, I can I didn't even want to bring his name up because he's on the precipice of suicide anyways I mean, he's doing great in life. Oh is what I meant to complete opposite. Yeah. Yeah, but don't worry the filming We did we all shat on him like in front of him. Yeah, so it really didn't matter I like Craig a lot. He can take it. I like Craig a lot But uh, but no, he's by far the worst. He is I was the second worst. I think then it's griffin Yeah, Griffin for sure. Okay, who's better Steve or Bobby? Oh, Bobby hasn't played in so long when they were playing I pick a side, bro. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know but Steve is better than both those guys
Starting point is 00:05:34 Yeah, Steve. Yeah, Steve is getting better. Yeah, but when I talked to Eric on Saturday and I had him rank everybody I said, are you better than Bobby? He was like, oh, yeah Bobby sucks and then you told me differently He well, maybe because he has so much fat in his eyes Right like, you know, he's so fat his face that it went into his eyes And he can't see clearly enough because I'm going to tell you this right now. He is not better than I am He's in fact, if we do a group Crucible, I want he's always last. Well, I wanted to do I wanted to do like
Starting point is 00:06:10 Not me obviously, but everybody else individual match to see who's the best How do you feel? How does it feel to play with such shitty players? If you you know, they're lucky They can be funny and I like I just like to relish them talking shit to everybody to each other Yeah, rarely do they ever try to talk shit to me, you know, but they're talking shit to each other I think it's yeah, because um, we don't want our heads to be crushed by your hand All right, so I want to say something right now because this is my podcast and I You really broke my heart when you lost a clay Guido. Okay. Okay. Let's talk about it. Let's no I Yeah, you know, I was on the UFC fight pass. I was on the road. I go fucking Eric's fighting. I put it on
Starting point is 00:06:54 and It I've never no, just let me finish It was it was it broke my heart. It's weird watching somebody that you know fight. Yeah, different I threw my iPad and everything really. Yeah, I was emotional about I think Stevie was really upset everyone We all called each other afterwards. What the fuck happened, right? Well Oh touching on that like watching the pocket of the mic man The craziest thing about about fighting is like when you fight you're nervous, but it's a different type of nervous energy Yeah, it's like I know I got to be in there and I like I got to be on everything like it's more
Starting point is 00:07:36 It's more of a focused like nerve. Yeah When you watch people, you know fight like when I watch my teammates fight. I lose my mind I'm like, I can't believe we do this for a little while. This is fucking crazy. Yeah, and um So touching on that like watching people, you know fight is Watching my brother fight was probably the worst thing Really? I I'd lose my shit. It's your brother. Yeah, you know, so if they even get hit you get mad You want to climb the fence and you know, that's how I felt. I think yeah Yeah, but and he was on top of you like you're doing all that gay shit. He didn't do any damage
Starting point is 00:08:08 I know he didn't I know he didn't Eric. We'll go into the fight. We'll go into the fight Yeah, the fight was very it was just a strange fight because he's such a weird guy to fight You know when he fought Anthony Pettis my teammate. Yeah, he was coming forward Everybody's used to Guida moving his head and like high energy. Yeah, he fought way more patient with you with me Yeah, he didn't come forward where the whole the whole game plan was to counter and you know fight him You know because he wants to come forward Yeah, let him you know hurt himself by falling on the sword, but he never did that. He was very patient and He wasn't like super strong his takedowns weren't super strong, but just like he did just enough to get me down
Starting point is 00:08:48 Yeah, you know and the one thing I give credit to clay Guida is he's such a veteran like when he has you down It is hard to move like he doesn't take risks to posture up and be damaged But he controlled my hips so well. Usually I'm good off my back. I can throw submissions up and I can move I've never felt like that like against the fence. I would try to wall walk Yeah, like jump off. He would shut me down. He knew exactly what I was doing. He's just a veteran Yeah, you know, so what I take from that fight is you know, I'm not I'm not hurt. I didn't take any damage You didn't look good afterwards. You did look good afterwards. I'm just saying because I want you to Succeed, I want to say I know you do and so
Starting point is 00:09:29 That's where my thing was coming from. It's like I want Eric. I think that I would be really terrible being a spectator to my kids sporting events Yeah I and in your right like I would much rather compete than be a spectator to anything It it's it's because you have a set of nerves that you can't Can't kind of dispel like you when when you're watching you have all this built up adrenaline that you can't use towards movement Exactly when you when you're an athlete you have this adrenaline You're about to actually use your body towards something the powers in your hands Like when you watch somebody you you love or a training partner you want to do it form
Starting point is 00:10:06 And when you're watching from like a third person view, it's a lot different. It's a lot different Yeah, actually face to face. I mean, I know I wrestled in high school. I know it's not the same, but I remember It's not the same I don't know why I'm laughing so hard. I don't know why you're laughing But I believe in you baby But I did tournaments and stuff right and I used to get so I've never been more nervous It's more nerve-wracking than stand-up I couldn't believe like
Starting point is 00:10:30 Trying to make a weight And then and then actually go walking in it's so nerve-wracking So I can only imagine because you're at a higher level That you and you there's so much at stake Well, and yet you were you were also played with injuries and whatnot. So this you hadn't been back in a long time Right, right. So there was a lot riding on it. So I'm sure you were I mean the biggest thing about it is in any sports You know A lot of sports there like football soccer their team sports. So if you lose
Starting point is 00:10:59 The blame is kind of dispensed. Yeah, you can put it on other people in fighting when you lose It's the fucking worst when you win. It's the greats. That's why we do it. They're they're both, you know Total extremes. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, I mean, yeah, it's it's fucking terrible. I hate losing cry I did you did every loss. I cry because I wasn't really laughing that right at Barton No, the best way I can put it is uh Tito Ortiz, he said it the fuck him. Why? He used to say he's like when you lose a fight
Starting point is 00:11:47 It's like a loved one dying because we train so fucking hard That's why not not many people do this We train so hard and people really don't understand how hard we train And when you lose a fight and you dedicate three months to dieting cutting weight training four times, you know a day watching tape You're you're just your whole life is dedicated to this one day. Yeah, you're not thinking anything passing It's just like that's judgment day. That's like that's the end of days for you until the fight's actually over That's the end of the day. So like when you lose a fight It's weird because it doesn't hit you in the cage
Starting point is 00:12:18 It's when you go back and you can you you know the disappointment of your corner not necessarily they're mad at you But like they're just bummed you lost and you feel like you let a lot more people down But you weren't humiliated You were doing so good. No, no, but I take I take pride in being good ronarosa did with amanda nunez I mean she was Picked apart within a minute and she was out You can tell that she trained hard for that. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I can't imagine especially the kind of
Starting point is 00:12:49 Expectations on her. I can't imagine what that feels like. Um, jose Aldo going out in 14 seconds like that Yeah, when you've been undefeated your whole career crushing. I mean that man cried A lot That is just suffering. I can't even crushing. I don't that's why I always think about whether or not I want my kids to be You know, even if they can get there if I do want to encourage For them to be like professional athletes Because so much it becomes so ingrained as your identity that when it's gone
Starting point is 00:13:23 It's so hard to separate yourself from that. Well, and that's I mean that's with a lot of fighters that have problems retiring That's that's what you see, you know a lot of like I thought anderson silva when he defended his belt like eight times He should have retired if you were to retired because his we all do this if you ask any fighter Yeah, we do it to make money, but I didn't start this to do money when I started training ufc wasn't big at all It was still underground like people didn't really didn't know much about it. So like What my stance on it is I do this because when I die, I want my name to be remembered. It's a way of Yeah, it's my everything that we do. I do stand up to do that. Yeah. Yeah, and well You know, man, but I mean that that's why I do it. So
Starting point is 00:14:07 If if someone's on a right like gsp, I honestly don't think you should come back Yeah, you know, I feel like if he stayed that yeah, but you give it this way though. All right, it's like When you're away from the game for that long your name fades no matter who you are, right? And so you get addicted to the glory too and the adrenaline. It's a it's a drug. Oh for sure Right for sure. So that's where they come back. They go, you know, they want to be the center of attention again They want, you know, if they win they want that glory that feeling that you said, right? So you couldn't understand why they come I completely understand But if you're looking at long term
Starting point is 00:14:43 You know, you got you got to you got to think about it. MMA. There's so many ways to lose so many ways to win so many ways to lose Yeah, um, you're gonna lose. It doesn't matter how good you are. You know Conor McGregor. He's not John Jones. You actually lose Let's get into that But you lose more than just that because your brain is on the line. It isn't isn't swimming. It isn't track You could be hurt for the rest of your life. Yeah, you're doing so you're so much more is on the line than just losing, you know, um But yeah, you know watching the McGregor fight last weekend with Mayweather. I want to and to see You know, I wanted to say this you can say whatever you want about McGregor You can already tell up front that
Starting point is 00:15:29 He's just a better Fighter all around he would have destroyed my weather if it was any One-fourth of his arsenal. Yeah. Yeah. No, if it was an MMA fight hands it up It would no in 10 seconds. So I mean you could tell that he could take him down first round Yeah, destroyed him. Right. Yeah. No, I completely agree boxing sucks Boxing is so fucking boring. It's like remember that one time where like Mayweather turned around showed his ass to McGregor And McGregor was like, all right, I'll just punch you from behind and then the old timey black guy that was the ref I don't know where they got him. I was
Starting point is 00:16:04 I think that guy's that's the guy from Sesame Street Wait, what that black man from Sesame Street? I like him. Yeah. Yeah. Watch the documentary So they would break they would break him apart and I'm like, this is bullshit. This is not cool You know what I mean? It's below the it's that's below the belt And then they started the warm people don't hit the top of the head. Oh, yeah. Why not at the top? Well, what's wrong with the top of the head? Tell me right now So it can uh, I mean I I still I think it's kind of bullshit, but way back in the day
Starting point is 00:16:32 It was just something that they you know hitting behind the head and and on top of the head They feel like can do more damage like more brain damage and the back of your head for sure because that's where your cerebellum is My cerebellum. Let me tell you about my cerebellum. I'll tell you about your cerebellum, right? My cerebellum is made of adamantian steel What about your pons in medulla? My medulla is like dilapidine crystals. It's like it's like not even Why are they different materials? It just is I'm like evolved. That's your breathing centers Your respiratory centers are in the back of your head. Yeah, but still it's like you can feel it when you do get Because actually Guida hit me in the back of the head a couple times and like you feel you feel it a little different
Starting point is 00:17:10 It feels different. It hurts as much It's it's not like a pain, but it's like it Like a concussion would kind of feel like whoa all your nerves are running through, right? That's where your spine You have no nerves on your face. Fuck not. I got nerves, but these I get hit there all the time. No, I don't I really don't The adrenaline takes do you feel do you feel any pain in your shins at all? You don't feel anything So your shins are completely you could kick down banana trees and feel nothing Like what's crazy about it is your adrenaline is going so Like it's so high when when someone does a bunch of damage to your leg. It's not really the pain
Starting point is 00:17:46 It's just your leg doesn't work anymore. It's crazy. It's the craziest thing Um And people ask that like doesn't it hurt to get punched in the face? Well, it's not it's not like pleasant like oh that felt good Yeah, no, but like when we fight you got millions of people watching you on tv and like Your adrenaline is so crazy. You don't feel anything. You don't feel anything. It's crazy. Yeah I have a curiosity to feel that at some point in my life. I know I'm too old But I'm saying that it I I do want to try
Starting point is 00:18:17 Absorbing a shot when my adrenaline is high. It's going. I don't want to absorb a shot when I'm not ready I don't want to be sucker punch. I'll cry and I'll tap out. You know, like it's over I take my hands on her ass cheeks And she cries like a little bitch because again, I'm not prepared my adrenaline is not I'll rip your butthole right now in front of everyone to see okay, and you're gonna cry like a little fucking baby All right, baby. I love you. Give me Look, are you upset all of a sudden? Because that's not the kind of fighting I'm into. All right my bad, but I'm just saying how often have you been doing this a lot
Starting point is 00:18:49 Has he like he's like I'm gonna tell you something right now. All right. Oh my goodness. I'm gonna tell you something right now This fucking john snow bullshit. I've had enough of it All right, wait, is this game of thrones? Yeah, I'll just give me a second then. Let me just vent my thing. All right All right, we gotta get back into it. We're gonna get back into this But I just need to get this off my chest. Get off the chest. Yeah, if you saw last sunday's episode, right? It was a love scene With denaries and john snow and all the ladies in the house. We're watching they're like
Starting point is 00:19:19 And you get their fucking vaginas are all squirting a lot of squirting a lot of squirting right then this bitch I we come back home because we're at her sister's house to watch it and she's snuck it in to watch it on her ipad You rewatched it 12 times. Let me tell you something right now number one. His ass cheeks aren't that special They look like kate mosses ass cheeks. They're pale Flat and flat. I don't like it. Kate. Number two Bitch, if you had a chance with kit herrington, what are you doing with fat gook? I like fat gook fat gooks funny. Yeah. Yeah, okay, but if you could get
Starting point is 00:19:54 Hey, kate herrington You would not be in this situation right now. I could turkey baste myself with a spur of my wood. Yes All right, but let me tell you If I okay, let me say this if kit herrington Called me and said bobby Let's let's fuck right. I would go to fuck. That's how he sounds by the way. Yeah, it's dead on all right I would go to fucking north face get a woolly jacket The woolly go to ireland wherever the fucking lives and I would I would bite the inner his inner thigh gently as a mark
Starting point is 00:20:22 As a mark so then it said that when she folks him. She'll know I was there She's like fuck bobby got some first. Yeah, if you see like fucking fang marks on his inner thigh That's papa. I don't mind sloppy seconds from you. I don't even mind sloppy 20th. It's like I'll take anything from him I'll take anything. He's not gonna fuck you bitch If you want to guarantee right now kit errington right now. Oh, you can have this shit right here for free Right. No, I don't have a chance with him. All I'm saying is I'll get all the fucking oils together I'll jerk off whatever you need, bro. Here. What do you have to pay for no dinner? Nothing. All right, because I'm gonna tell you something right now. You're not gonna want it
Starting point is 00:20:58 Kit errington if you wanted to fuck me with your big toe, I'd take that All right That that episode and I also I this let's see this kit this fucking juju. I'm sorry. I'm sorry You're so rageful. I'm rageable, but this juju right here in back of me And I know that you're Jewish and that's wrong for me to say because I love I love I'm not in shinlers. Liz. I cried Okay, that little red girl in the dress. I fucking cried. Shut the fuck up. All right, and I love schindler He was a good dude. All right, so I'm on your side, but let me tell you something right now
Starting point is 00:21:27 You're just like this fuck nut. All right, you don't watch game of thrones. It's fucking silly All right, it's a cultural phenomenon eric. I I hear talking to my fuck nut so far Fuck you. No, no, no, don't get angry. Don't get angry. That's how I talk Don't smash. I heard nothing but good things about it, but uh, I'm just so far behind Yeah, okay, and I like when I watch shows like that. I'd like to binge watch them All right So how long would it take for me to start from episode one and get all the way through? That's all my best. All right. What can I just say this? No, I
Starting point is 00:21:57 Am so envious That you fuck Barton think you guys haven't seen it Because if I was in your thing, I'll be so excited. I go. Oh my god The next three weeks are gonna be the most amazing three weeks of my life. That's how good the fucking show is back to back to back Yes, so um What is there? You know what and you're getting like a little your adrenaline flowing and you're looking at me like I'm Clay Guido I'm not all right. I'm your friend your clay Guido Whatever that old man's name is. Okay, let me say this right now, okay
Starting point is 00:22:24 Whatever you're going through right now the adrenaline you want to smash my head the back of your head Fucking check that shit because let me say something right now. I'm a rage monster, too What does that mean? I'll tell you what that means cha chi. Okay. All right. I have um HR s Oh, you know what that is. I have no hidden retard strength. Oh You don't think that people would that retarded or chimpanzees are strong, but they'll break maybe you shouldn't compare retards to chimpanzees No, in terms of strength strength. Those are very strong animals. Yeah, okay I'm I like my bites like a hyena. Is that feed? Do I feel bad about that? No?
Starting point is 00:23:03 All right, your face is like Wow shots fired and you know what that's a spreadsheet right there Wait, what's the tally right now? What that's like nine spreadsheets. Shit. You're rich. I'm gonna tell you right now, dude All right, so relax. We're good. You and I we're friends. All right, and also on top of it I'm not afraid of you and also on top of that right now. Is is that that's not what? I respect you and I love you and I'm always gonna be on your corner, dude. All right I'm always gonna be on your corner. Okay. How do you choose who's in your corner? It's just my preference. Whoever I want. Do you switch it up each fight? It's like duke, right? It all depends. Yeah
Starting point is 00:23:37 I mean usually it's duke, but um What's crazy is rufus duke rufus. Yeah, I know I know the game rufus sport Best team in the world shout out to rufus. Uh, yeah Are you trying to die? You can do it. Yeah, he tried to talk all their shit about me. Not me. I'm an alpha. I'm an alpha male guy. Oh I'm tacked out all the way. I'm cool with those guys. I'm cool with those guys. I love all those guys. So you have the pettus brothers. You have tyron. Yeah, you have Ben Askren. Yeah, Ben Askren. Yeah Is he still in Asia?
Starting point is 00:24:07 He does he he does it. I mean he comes back here, but he's got a deal He he trains at evolve when he's got fight coming up for like a couple weeks Let me tell you something about your boy Tyrone Woodley. Be careful. Oh, jeez. Be careful. I'm gonna be very careful I'm gonna tread very lightly. He's a big big strong man. The dude is the most unentertaining fighter But but you're judging that offline fight. No, did you even Thompson fights? Did you last fight? I just saw him fight. Did you ever fight last time? Damian Maya Damian Maya. Did you ever watch Damian Maya vs. Anderson solo? Oh, that was the worst in up in Saudi Arabia. Yeah. Yeah, he's boring yourself. Remember that Have you ever been to Saudi Arabia the climate's weird
Starting point is 00:24:45 No The elevation I I've been there. Oh, you haven't I have been there, okay The elevator I couldn't even fucking walk. I was the elevation was so high I don't know much about the elevation. I don't know anything about it. Take that back. I love Tyrone I love him. I love him. I love him too. Look at me Tyrone Tyrone Tyrone He hates Tyrone. Who gave you cocaine? No one let me cocaine. I just want to be hyper as fuck right now Pay some respect. We love you Tyrone Woodley. My god. I love Rufus sport. You don't think I do
Starting point is 00:25:17 Not right now Pettus legend rudely legend your legend. I'm fucking a big fan Sergio and they're my favorite and Sergio's he's close to Sergio. Who Pettus his brother. He has a brother They're both His favorite team Rufus sport shout out. Yeah. Yeah, but I've never heard of Sergio I've heard of Anthony. I've seen I would love to have Tyrone Woodley on this show And you tell him exactly what you told Yeah, you know why I don't want a minute in this in this room. Why because I don't want to fall asleep
Starting point is 00:25:48 Because his fights are so fucking boring. It's like Hey, this is a make no shut up. I don't give a fuck. This is a co-main event We paid money to see this Can you can you not like can you just get in the pocket and fucking do some punches? Oh my god, shut up. The two Stephen Thompson fights. First one was great. So what that's equally on Stephen Thompson's party Even that was a great you think I you think I unfollowed Stephen Thompson on every piece of social media because of that fucking fight Stephen Thompson Stephen Thompson was very boring in that fight at least Tyrone knocked him down Beat his ass. You're right. Both fights. I'm sorry. You're right. He's your brother and comrade
Starting point is 00:26:20 He's your comrade your brother And I'm being confrontational very and I don't want to die And I just realized he's huge what I just did. These are fucking beasts These are human machines and I'm in there. I don't give a fuck What are you doing? I don't give a fuck. Right Barton? Are you on my side or what? We'll take on the whole army All right. We yeah, bring me all of them No, should we start right now? I'm kidding. Me and Bobby
Starting point is 00:26:47 Let me say something. Let me say something. You should bring him a train in Milwaukee. Bring him for Can I just say this? Yeah, I'm gonna say this okay Me and Jordan Peele when we're on mad tv. We had Tito Ortiz on And he was in a ring and I had these pads right these kick pads right right and I go hey Tito Kick me as hard as you can with the pad. He goes it's it's gonna hurt you. Oh god. I go dude. This pad is like nine I mean, it's big cushion They ain't gonna fucking hurt me
Starting point is 00:27:16 I was knocked unconscious That dude's probably walking around at like 235. I mean he can be so hard and I the pad was so thick I fell to the ground. I couldn't breathe if there was no pad there. I would have died That's not even I'm not even kidding One time John Cena took his hand. He slapped me in the chest and I said do it as hard as you can He goes, I'll break every fucking your ribs. I go break them And he did it. He left a print on my chest for three weeks. John Cena hit you Yeah, these people you don't want to fuck with these people
Starting point is 00:27:49 These and this guy right here. Not only is he a fucking physical specimen. He's a smart guy He's got the brains too. Thank you. And he's a nice guy So why are you shitting on his teammate? I'm just saying that I'm not gonna watch any more of wood. Yes, you will. Yes. If you bought gsp, would you watch it? I would watch every Woodley. Yeah, I mean, I would do it if like, um, I was in a futon with a blanket my god Okay, no, I know. All right. No. No I will okay
Starting point is 00:28:21 You're bringing something out of him. I know he's never been I've never been like this. Why am I like this? I don't know. It's his testosterone. It's higher than all of ours I just want to I also want to do this real quick and let's get spiritual Let's get a little spiritual. Let's calm it down a bit. That's my bad And I'm a little I'm a little hyperactive And I want to just take it down to a level Okay, oh my god is when I was in Albuquerque has nothing to do with you. So you don't have to comment Okay, okay, but I was in Albuquerque, New Mexico last weekend
Starting point is 00:28:49 Um, pastor gill came to my show. Oh, and afterwards, um, him and I had a conversation about god and um I don't want to get into details about it, but um I feel like he was there God was pastor. Oh, yeah. Oh pastor gill make god bless you make god keep you make god created you like a baby They got Take you through hurricane Harvey and be a free man
Starting point is 00:29:19 Can you believe that a christian pastor listens to this podcast? Huge fan. Yeah, that's fucking crazy man. And I don't want to go down. Your religion's cool, too Okay, judy. Yeah, judy. Yeah. All right, judy. Yeah, whatever you I was there. I went to israel. I saw your people good people Okay, I'm talking like trump now All right, okay. I want to people are great. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna do a real Um, a real assessment of the fight on saturday. So okay, um, McGregor versus mayweather So what are your thoughts? Yeah, you go first. I'll just say I told you so right you did Yeah, you did literally what I said you called it from the very beginning. You said he's going to early rounds
Starting point is 00:30:01 You know connor's gonna get the early rounds. He's gonna preserve preserve preserve and he's gonna walk him down After, you know, the fifth or sixth round and that's exactly what he did. It's like saying, um, hey Do you know that christian Ronaldo beat lebron james and soccer? And you're like, yeah, but lebron james doesn't play soccer That's right. Cristiano won It's two different sports Okay And it was a money fucking event. We all paid for it
Starting point is 00:30:31 When I went to the comedy store afterwards, there was no one in the audience. I swear to god. It was dead 12 people I think I think I heard like one in five americans was watching it. Yeah, that's so they made a lot of fucking money Right and good for you, but I will not be tricked again It was um, you knew that mayweather was gonna win Because that's his sport It's it's his sport, but I everybody always buys mayweather fights because they hate mayweather. They want to see him lose They don't people don't get mayweather fights because oh, they're super exciting They don't because he's undefeated like I I remember watching
Starting point is 00:31:07 Him and daylight and everybody was out of their seats because mayweather lost the first four rounds Yeah, and they're like, oh my god. He's gonna do it. It's always the same thing He always takes you into the later rounds and that's when he you know, he just picked you apart The one thing I will say I was surprised about is you know, I don't know um I mean how much of boxing or fighting you guys know, but like, um Connor referred to him as fighting like a mexican. Yeah. Yeah, and you know, that's because the mexican style is hands up And just swore the entire time and he he did he did fought like a mexican
Starting point is 00:31:40 He didn't fight, you know, his normal shell slip and punches and counter and he came forward the entire time So I mean mayweather which is that it was it was a perfect game plan because Being a counter fighter and constantly have to fight going backwards. It'll tire you out. Yeah, because Mayweather probably threw 10 punches the first four like you know throw any punches Yeah, you know and everybody gets excited when you know, they're hitting his gut But a lot most of counter's punches didn't land because I rewatched the fight and they a lot of them didn't power shots either Yeah, he got a couple nice uppercuts in there, but he wore them out and once he wore them out
Starting point is 00:32:16 You know, it's the same thing with the uh, the Nate Diaz fight. Oh, yeah, you know first round He does a face Conor does a face and you know, he's gonna lose. Yeah, you called it I did he does his face where he turns around he like wobbles And he he just has his look like the color of his skin changes He goes from a very red to sort of a pale type of a low gas well and his eyes get droopy Yeah, that's what it is very alert and then when he gets here, you know, you know, wow, that's good What did you think about the stoppage? I thought it was early Um for boxing if you refer UFC or for every
Starting point is 00:32:53 For every for everything for I mean for everything. I would say for both, but What you got to understand is they got the three knockdown rule. Yeah, of course. Yeah, but a lot of times that's you know Knockdowns happen. They're like flash knockdowns. You know, there's an wild exchange. Somebody gets hit with one punch They get floored. They have an opportunity to get up. You know, the ref make sure is that they're they're conscious and they're they're ready to fight Um, sometimes stoppage like the the Connor may whether Happen just because when a ref sees a fighter is completely out of it And like exhausted and if they're not defending themselves, it's they're doing it for the fighter Yeah, you know because let's face it. They could have let that fight keep going. Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:35 Connor wasn't coming back. He was gonna get knocked out. He would have gone More like he would have got he would got beat up. Yeah, my question to you is now I know like I don't know the insides of what contractually, you know, what they sign Up for could you put that in in the contract for someone like McGregor? Like if he's if he's visibly hurt that we don't do like the three three knockdown rule Like can you put that in the contract? I you know, I don't think so. I just think commission wise the rules are what they are I don't think they can exempt anybody like Connor knows what he's getting himself into Yeah, I don't I don't think anything like that happens how many seconds were left on the clock 20 or something like that
Starting point is 00:34:14 It wasn't a lot 20, but what round was that was that? That was 10. There's two rounds left. Yeah, he would have got knocked out and that's that's unnecessary damage But he did okay though. Did you not think so? No, no, he did great. He did great Yeah, I'm even some of the you know, I don't like the condescending announcers are like he's doing pretty good His jab was pretty you know, I mean like as if he's never he came out of nowhere But let me tell you something boxing guys. Um, the UFC is the the where it's at That's where the level is so don't be condescending Well, they should be because he could do more cut high kicks to the face
Starting point is 00:34:46 If that's where it's at then the fighters should be paid the way boxers are getting paid Well, and you know in in Connor's defense MMA we have to train for so many other things So like boxing all they're doing is boxing mayweathers never throw in a kick He's never had to train wrestling jiu-jitsu So we have to split up our time training doing a bunch of different things. So our conditioning is also different You notice a lot of MMA fighters. We we kind of hold more muscle. We're a little more bulky because there's more grappling There's more wrestling strength is a bigger issue boxing You know, you know, they have a big core, but their arms are kind of skinny, you know
Starting point is 00:35:21 Just because it's a specific skill set. So I mean I respect Connor for going in and I mean he fought the best bot in my eyes He's the best boxer to ever live, you know, he He's he's unbeaten. He's unbeaten, you know, so I agree and he landed more punches than anybody else really has So if you would have fought Pacquiao a little earlier. Oh, and you're packing. Yeah, well, I mean Yeah, I mean he he lost it for me with that because mayweather Called him out after Pacquiao had already lost some steam. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, I hear you. I hear I agree with that too Yeah, I agree with that. Yeah, I agree with that and to me. It's like I don't listen when you see somebody like Who's the fucking Samoan that I like?
Starting point is 00:36:02 Mark Hunt's record is I want to watch him fight because he's gonna put it on the line. Something's gonna happen. The one-hit knockouts are awesome Yeah, and so the walkoffs to someone like mayweather who is undefeated. It doesn't really because I've seen his fights It's like, I know what you're doing. You're very good defensively You're you you are a precision striker later on in the rounds and um, You're very good at what you do, but you're not fun to watch. Well, I said it I said me from a fighter standpoint I like watching mayweather fight
Starting point is 00:36:36 Yeah, because I pick up on a lot of subtleties a lot of little things in there that people don't pick up on If I wasn't just a normal average fan casual casual fan. I don't want to I'm not paying I'm not gonna support it. I'm not gonna pay a hundred bucks because if I want to be entertained It's not entertaining to me. Like I said It's not his boxing style that people pay to watch people pay to watch him lose And that's why everybody's super excited when conners went in four rounds. They're like he he may do it. He may do it You know Yeah
Starting point is 00:37:04 Connor always are You're a pretty good looking guy, huh? Well, thank you. Yeah. No, I'm just saying in general. Do you think people say that like out of all the guys in the room? Yeah Yeah I like Give give the whole lot Bobby. Talk about the whole lot um age Patrick Dempsey right here
Starting point is 00:37:23 Really age is the aids I said like he was like he was sick. I'm kidding. I'm kidding But um, you fuck good or what? Well, I can't ask You do I bet you do you look like you fuck I do people that why can you as an american citizen? I I know that you don't fuck good. I take pride in it. How I fuck Why so much pride is what I'm talking about probably also doesn't gas out like you You're like Conor McGregor of sex. He Bobby does the face. Yeah, he does like He's a gassing out face. Oh, I make noises that are unnatural. Oh example, please
Starting point is 00:38:00 Like I can't breathe. It's more like an asthma weasel Yeah, I do I've done that before Yeah, I'm an old man. You know me and I don't fuck. I've never fuckered No one's ever fucked me and said that was a good fuck I don't know. They have to put hand sanitizer They have to do a doctor's visit. I mean, it's not yeah. Yeah, it's not good But you know what I get my nut off I get my nut off and it feels fucking good. That's the most important right and it feels tender to me
Starting point is 00:38:24 I love it and I live for it. Okay. I love coming And that's why it's the best thing in the world coming right There's no what even einstein loves coming No matter how smart you are probably yeah, isn't there like something I read this one's that um when you nut is the only time that you don't have an actual thought in your brain Like your brain goes dead for that time. That's actually the point. Yeah, I could like are you ever like Oh, I wonder where my pet cat is like while you're not Never never, you know
Starting point is 00:38:55 Yeah, I think that's maybe why like, you know when you have sex with someone you you really Feel like you shouldn't do it But when you're in the heat of the moment you do it and then after like as soon as you bust that nut it's like Fuck. Yeah. Why did I do that? I know. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, that's actually every time I masturbate You know what I'm trying to say I wish that I could take that feeling and put it in a little pill So whatever you want that, you know, you would give to women. What wait, what? Yeah, I like to call I love because you can't make me come no she comes But I want to give her the extra like, you know in excess. It's so nice of you, sweetie
Starting point is 00:39:26 You know like I from in excess and kung fu. What's his name? Get David Carradine Yeah, it's asphyxiating. Yeah. Yeah. I want that nut That's sad. Don't make fun of him. He's dead. No, I want to give you that comment then, you know, man, you just Enter it. Or you could just choke me Oh, oh, yeah Because yeah, because then you die and then I go to prison No, but then we'll have a you know because that's you really think you're that strong, Bobby I think my I think if I'm on top
Starting point is 00:39:55 If I'm putting my weight and I'm truly trying both hands. Yeah, and she's at first going this is this for sex But then she's like, I can't breathe. You know, I mean, I think that there could be a moment where I murdered somebody that way Oh, geez, you know, but um Jesus Christ. What? But yeah, Eric fucks good. Yeah. Yeah, you know, yeah, I get back to the time No, I just wanted to ask because you know, you have a girlfriend now you live in Wisconsin, right? Wisconsin What's the why? Because that's pretty true. That's where the training is. Where are you originally from? I'm originally from Iowa. My home town. Oh, it's in Wisconsin. Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:27 Yeah, shut up. What the fuck? It's just, you know, Um, it's all right, but uh, but no, it's my hometown's like three and a half hours from it and rufa sport You know, it's a good gym so I can stay close to my family whenever I want to go back and see Yeah, it's super close. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What is it to do there? Is it fun? See people always say that but there's a lot of shit to do there. I mean, okay, you're at you're okay Let me just say something. Okay. Okay. That's cool that you say that you're defending the area. That's great. Right. I love it It's human. Uh, it's it's a natural human reaction Defend defend where you're from even people from Bangladesh. I love Bangladesh or Calcutta. I live in Calcutta. I love it
Starting point is 00:41:06 The water's great. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's a 12 year old prostitutes that's walking down the street. That's fine But my point is is that that it is it? I don't think so. My point is this Have you ever been there? Yeah, I've been to Wisconsin. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I've been to Wisconsin, though I've been to Madison. Okay. I've been to milwaukee. Okay. That's where I live Milwaukee. Okay. I've been there. Okay. I used to live there as a kid We did but we also lived in milwaukee. Oh, that's where my dad's yeah, that's where my dad remember my mom my dad stalked my mom Oh, we gave her the steak and she lived in wisconsin and my mom my dad brought steak That's how he courted her. That was the courier. Yeah back in the late 60s
Starting point is 00:41:46 That's how you got a wife. You just gave her a steak. She'll put her door and you gave her a steak I give Kobe beef. That's how good I am. I give Kobe beef. It's great. No, your place is but I'm just saying that I wouldn't be able to live out there But I mean what okay? LA's LA is kind of different, but I've been to other places in california Other than like the beach. What what is there more to do here than like in the midwest? Everything everything. I mean, I could go completely This is this is my fucking arena right now. I love it. Oh, you're a hint at his octagon. Yeah, number one is this. Okay, okay Case in point. I was an albert turkey this weekend
Starting point is 00:42:21 Okay, I flew in thursday night because I had to wake up at six in the morning to do press It's about midnight and I go god damn it. I'm fucking Hungry I flew in And the lady that works for the casino. She goes Yeah, there's just nothing Okay, yeah, but I need food right now like I haven't eaten anything all day. There's nothing And I go where she goes. Well 30 miles east There's a 30 miles. Oh wendy's. I think it closes at two. I'm not sure I go. Well, you're gonna have to go there
Starting point is 00:42:55 all right You can't buy you right now right now you and I right? Yeah, if you want a nice steak With a man with a tuxedo. Yeah 24 seven. I can get you that so you could just cook it at home I know I'm just saying your idea of things to do. That's one thing food. That's a yes Yes Yeah, yeah I'm gonna tell you something right now my friend. Okay
Starting point is 00:43:23 There's only a couple of things in life that you need. All right shelter food and sexualities. Hey, all right I'll fucking do this all day. Bobby. I don't give a fuck. All right. Stop my point is this scratch This is that yes food is a big one. It is another thing. All right, it's three in the morning I can't sleep. I feel dirty. Should I take a bath or could I go to a steam room? A really cool Korean bath house. This is like some first world problem shit Yeah, that's what I'm saying is is that I'm not saying listen I know that in an apocalyptic situation Right, we're all fucked
Starting point is 00:43:59 Not me You maybe That's the that and this is this is why This is why we're here right now Because that right there is A provocation provocation. Is that the right word provocation? You just provoke to me. I also just want to say one thing No, just let me just finish this. Okay So when a zombie apocalypse, right? Right that you think you would live longer than me. Interesting. Come on. Come on
Starting point is 00:44:23 Come on. Let's just be do you have hunting? Do you have hunting skills? I have hunting skills. I know I mean, I'm in hiding skills. Wait, I'm an athlete. I'm a hider. You think you can hide better than me? Yes, I'm an athlete. I'm a hider. I can stay in defense. Here's the thing If we could both hide but if I get caught I could actually do something about it and get away No, you get caught zombie and then all of a sudden you're you know, I mean, you're trying to moitai kick zombie kick people That would be awesome instead of an axe It doesn't have to be that but I For example, I can run faster than you can. I'm sure. Yeah, I don't need to run. I'm in event
Starting point is 00:44:59 You're gonna live in event. Yeah, I'm gonna wear that's where you know where I'm gonna go I'm gonna go to the mall. Well, this goes back to the food. What are you gonna do? I'm gonna go to west covina mall I already have a plan out. What happens when you know, it's your plan is a ball Yeah, and I'm gonna hide an event and then all of a sudden I'm gonna like every day I'm gonna like lock each door I'm gonna try to kill all the zombies inside then I would lock all the doors and I would eat like a Hot dog on a stick all all day. Okay. So what happens about the other people sounds like dead Other people that that are still alive that you see you can join me if you want to but well, no, you'd be joining me
Starting point is 00:45:29 I'd be running the show see that's I don't So wait, I'm sorry. You want him to bend the knee? Bend the knee. I'm not gonna bend the knee. Okay. How do you establish alpha in fact? You know what you're like the fucking what was that guy the mayor or whatever that was walking dead What's his name the governor governor? You're the governor. You're the bad guy. All right. I'm the good guy All right. Am I clan we farm? We love each other you and enslave. That's fine. But but rick's also a badass Mm-hmm. What do you want me to do? He wants you to bend the knee. Do you know what he would do? You know what?
Starting point is 00:46:03 I know him him and I wrote, you know me out of the only humans alone This dude would fucking try to fuck me. No, wait. You try to fuck me, dude No, absolutely. No, look at right now. You know, Azambra. You try to fuck me, dude. Absolutely not Okay, if you had to fuck someone on the fire team, who would it be? Oh, Jesus Oh, that's a good question. Okay, honestly I'll gun to your head. Eric Coke. Talk. Okay. You gotta fuck one of the guys either Steve Frank Craig or Eric or me I know but just one it doesn't mean you're gay
Starting point is 00:46:38 Not at all Steve That's the right choice. He's warm. You know, that's a political choice. Yeah, because he was like, I'm sorry, dude Oh, we had to do that. But you know, Eric, I'm sorry. You have to get your nuts off, you know You know what he would do after you'd have sex? He'd wink at you all day. It remind you I would rub it in your face. Yeah. I go like you and I but coke And I would look right at you. Yeah Steve would never mention it again. He'd be like, I'm sorry. We had to do that. That is the right choice. Yeah
Starting point is 00:47:09 I'm sorry. You know, I don't know why I'm so confrontational today. He's his He is masculinity and his um, it's threatening. It is threatening to me. I know you're acting like a wild I know and I and I feel like I was in a corner and I don't even know why I'm defending other things. I you know what in a zombie apocalypse Let's just be friends and let's try to survive. You can be the leader if you want to. Okay. All right. We'll shake on the zombie apocalypse ever. Yeah, you could be the leader. I'm gonna give a fuck, but um, there's only room for one person in the event. I'm gonna be in I Don't laugh because you're gonna be the you're gonna be a zombie for sure. Oh, probably you're weak
Starting point is 00:47:49 But I you're weak on every level my friend. His stand-up is pretty good. I can only kick from a distance. Yeah I just no Okay, you're a zombie And also, can I say this? I wouldn't even kill you if you were a zombie Why I'll chop your arms off and you'd be like one of those things I walk around with Michelle and Michelle Michelle. So I do wait. I'd be your pet. Yeah. Yeah, that's fucked up That's weird, man. Don't don't worry. I wouldn't let Bobby do that to you. And that's what I'll follow. I'll drop into his room. There you go. There you go All right, let's do a vault. Let's do a vault
Starting point is 00:48:22 Let's do a fucking vault. All right in a zombie apocalypse. All right And cameraman, I'm there's gonna be no hostility towards you All right, but me and Eric have two different fucking survival teams. You talk about like you're so yeah At raise your hand. Who's gonna be with Eric? Well, give us a little bit of like what's like going on in the you have to sell yourself Sell your tribe. All right. I'm gonna sell the situation. Okay. Here's the currency. Yeah, okay um Where we're at we live on the street right here
Starting point is 00:48:48 So in the building that we're in is where I'm in okay and the building run across the street is where Eric is Everything else is zombified. All right. You have to make a choice who you're gonna be with Clan you're gonna clan with all right. So raise your hand Eric Eric, be real Okay. Yeah, everyone Go ahead, babe. Be real. She's gonna stick with her man, dude. All right. All right. So You two cameraman you Yeah, all right. All right. Who's gonna be with me? You know what fucking if we're both gonna die
Starting point is 00:49:20 I'm gonna die with my childhood to start I watch on tv and you know what kind of just anything right now You're forever my friend for a life. Yes Yes. In fact, you know what dude you just went up so high with me You really you you You didn't you didn't abandon me You're really you're a real friend. I can't believe he's crying or he's not crying. You're a real friend. Fuck all you Fuck you. You fucking chew bastard
Starting point is 00:49:49 Fucking go in there. You'll fuck you Anyway That really meant a lot to me. Happy birthday. Thanks, man. Yeah, you want a dinner tonight? Whatever you want, you know Fuck you, man. Fuck you I'm sorry, babe. Am I going out of control right now out of control. I love it. Is it too much? No, I take it a level down or what? I don't know. It's up to you. You're the captain of the ship I am the captain of the ship. Let me say something right now. Okay
Starting point is 00:50:18 Let me say something right now. Um I believe that and let's go back to pastor gale. Let's get spiritual again I believe that everything happens for a reason. There is no coincidences We're together here for a reason. We were all meant to be we here at this very moment and I heard your point of view I heard how you feel No, these guys
Starting point is 00:50:45 No, we're not there. I want to get spiritual. Let's get let's get down to the real brax and taxes Yeah, brax and taxes. All right I we're here. We're in this moment and you just showed me your true self You two especially And I hear you and I accept it, but let me say something right now. That is why we can never We can never be close Okay, and that is the reason why poly treated you like shit For three fucking years
Starting point is 00:51:19 This guy right here. We gotta get barton fink on the bar and fink. All right. Get on the mic. Go go go. Yeah, come here bark Yeah, this this guy worked for um, uh, last week last week's guest poly shore. This is also, uh, this is also my roommate. It's also gilbert's roommate This is josh everybody. Uh, josh. What did you call him earlier? early? No, Patrick Dempsey with it All right a sick Patrick Dempsey. All right, so So, so josh so josh Yes, yeah, you work for poly for how long about three years. Was he an incredible boss at times? Yeah, no From one to ten
Starting point is 00:51:59 Because you've worked at other places. Yeah rank him as a boss. I mean it depends how you don't even do that Clump it all. I don't want to care about some days. He was this some days. It was that just in a general your vibe Based on how he treated me. Yeah, uh Like hapsis five round five. He's being political right now. He's being political Being it all. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Some days he can be sweet Yeah, like what like give me a sweet thing that he would say You know like he would remember things that I would tell him from a while ago and bring it up all of a sudden Just be like, hey, how's that going? Oh, that's sweet. Yeah. It's a good listener. Yeah. That's so sweet. I'd be shocked by it
Starting point is 00:52:38 I'm shocked even hearing it because he's never done that with me, you know, and he would take me places Take me out to eat. He would he took me to spas Really? Yeah, the Korean one the one that we go on. Uh, no, the russian one. Oh the russian one. I happened to that one Yeah, um, what are some bad things he's done You're putting this poor boy. It doesn't matter because I'm gonna say poly's a part of my family And he knows that we talk this way. Yeah, and this is all a part of entertainment. Yeah, so just let it go Oh, yeah, I love poly overall
Starting point is 00:53:11 Very sweet. He's he's I like I his he's special to me and Bad things that he did. Oh He is this guy right here. He is like What's his name from game of thrones? wreak wreak This guy has been through so much. You don't even know who you are anymore. I have Stockholm syndrome. You do Yeah, you do. You suffer. Look at me right now. You suffered. You're in love with your views. Did you suffer?
Starting point is 00:53:39 Bobby, you know exactly. I know If you suffered, you know, this boy suffered. Right. So How did it end? Um, it ended with me trying to figure out some way to leave on good terms, you know, how did but did it end in good terms? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, you know, we stated what did you exactly did you do for him? Uh, at first I was kind of just doing like video editing stuff. Yeah, and then later I became his personal assistant. Oh my god Yeah, did I ever meet you? Uh, probably a couple times. Yeah, I don't remember you. Yes. Okay. Have you seen any videos of Bobby? I've seen some videos of Bobby
Starting point is 00:54:19 What did you say that he's had to file for poly? What did you say? Yeah? I had to go through all of uh poly's videos home videos and you were on a few on uh Like uh, what are you the road trips that you guys would do? Was there any sexy ones that you saw? There might have been You saw one with my dick in it. I don't know if I saw your dick. You saw me getting blown by two women I saw you. I think turning around to a camera looking very shocked like kind of like When you noticed the camera was there and hiding your penis. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but uh, I didn't see your penis Yeah, I know. Okay, good Because he says that that tape doesn't exist. I know it does and um, thank you
Starting point is 00:54:59 So you had an awful experience Sometimes sometimes it's awful I think you're lying but it's fine It's fine because I already know where you stand and everything so it doesn't even matter. Okay. All right. Yeah Um, so you left. What do you do now? Um, I look for work now right now, but you did stand up, right? Yeah, and you opened for him a couple times. Yeah, and then one night you told me You told me I bombed that you bombed and then what do you say to you the next day you came in and he was just like So how do you think you did uh last night? Yeah, I was like, uh, I think I bombed. He's like, yeah, bro
Starting point is 00:55:35 You're terrible. You're terrible You're not funny at all Yeah, I know he can do that. Yeah, and that was the last time I did stand up actually now. Oh, what you're gonna let that dictate How you just killed this dream? I know I was already feeling kind of bad about it So that kind of gave it letterman once said in a in an interview, right? He said that whenever somebody comes up to him and says I wanted to stand up He always says don't do it. It's the worst life choice. Do you know why he does that? Because a real comedian will take that and still do it anyway. Okay. That makes sense, right?
Starting point is 00:56:08 There's nothing people like this guy stands Simmons when I started He pulled me aside and he looked at me and he said You don't know anything about comedy timing Your friend Jonathan got sick. Yeah. Yeah that we talked about last week. He was naturally good up front I wasn't right. And so they didn't like me And you know what I said, I go fuck him I'm gonna I'm not gonna let this fucking guy He's never done anything in the business to tell me how to do it
Starting point is 00:56:37 Yeah, you know, orney adams once came up to me behind the laugh actor and he goes I just want to let you know you're too dirty. You're never gonna get on tv. Nothing's gonna happen I go when we're not gonna be on tv. He goes, you'll never do the tonight show and I said I already did it He goes, yeah And I go, yeah, and he goes, well, you'll never get on a tv show. I'm on a tv show He goes, yeah I go. Yeah, and he goes never mind You know people don't know anything, right, right? You just have to feel your heart and just do it
Starting point is 00:57:09 He got his ass kicked by clay Guida And he's still gonna and he's still gonna get back on the horse and he's still gonna fight Because he's a true warrior. I respect that. Do you hear that virtually raped on tv? Do you do you get people telling you like, hey, like I'm kidding. Eric. It's a comedy. God damn it You know angry for no reason But do you hear what i'm saying josh? No, I do understand that. Okay, so Do you want to just stand up again? There's parts of me that do because I still write. Yeah, it's all the time. It's kind of who I am. I write. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:57:44 But I think I was doing stand up as like a means to an end because I wanted to write comedy not necessarily Well, whatever your heart says do it, but fuck what anyone else says. No, I agree. Okay. Get out of here. All right Do you get that coke all the time? Do people telling you like, I mean it's Our culture today is so fucking sad um Just the the people that send you negative posts like twitter for example Their life is so sad that it makes them feel good. They gotta they gotta be negative towards you
Starting point is 00:58:15 Hoping that they get a response that makes people's day If I respond to a tweet that blows my mind. Yeah, that's still something i'll you know, I never get but Like bobby said like I I do this for me when it comes down to me I'm doing it for myself. This is what I love to do the fuck everybody else. I can say whatever they want You know, I was on george lopez's instagram. He was doing some sort of anti trump post or whatever And some lady just goes, you know what he's a has been um comedian anyway, so um He's a loser
Starting point is 00:58:47 Or some sometimes like that. I had to reply back I said first of all Here's a hispanic guy who has was born With no show business connections He started from the bottom. He crawled his way up to the top, right? What have you done, bitch? 100% you can't hey, bitch if you're watching no, I don't go fuck it piss me off She's not tiger belly fan. She's not tiger belly fan, right? Hey, bitch. Okay
Starting point is 00:59:17 You can't criticize people if you look at your own life Look at what's around you where you go to work on this and that and you're criticizing George Lopez now George Lopez I think he's a nice guy I know him, you know personally He's a nice guy. Okay, but I also know That before the George Lopez show before, you know, sander bullock Saw him at the austin comedy club and you know went to the producer became a producer, right?
Starting point is 00:59:50 That I took a gig back in the 90s. I was opening for carlos But carlos was already at some town and I had I was taking a southwest flight George Lopez had been doing comedy at that point for 25 years and he had middle seat In a southwest airline. He was super nice And he was just doing some club, you know out there to make you know money Right and he went through all that fucking bullshit to get to where he is. So go fuck yourself lady People criticize you for going into the ring and so crazy your fucking life. That's fucking bullshit. Well, I agree 100% You don't respond to them
Starting point is 01:00:31 Don't respond to them. What do they say? Most of the time. I don't I mean most of the time. I don't what's the meanest thing that someone's ever told you I was called a neo nazi You're the least neo nazi person now that would like but they're talking like appearance wise Um back in WEC days like super pale shaved head. I only had like these symbol tattoos They thought they were like an ss nazi symbol, you know stuff like that. So I had that, you know, of course I'm like you're not I live I live with Anthony Pettis. Yeah. What is he the most multicultural human? Yeah, yeah, you know, so like he's like island bud. What the fuck, you know, but uh What is that? He calls me that so I guess
Starting point is 01:01:13 Oh, here's another thing about how I know you're not you're so tender with my brother steve Steve is I know but you're tender with he's frank ugly mexican ugly ugly ugly unfunny speaking speaking about shitting on comedians Oh my god playing destiny and here in frank just get ripped on. I know it's terrible. It's I love it It was terrible, right? You hang out with the ugliest black eye that's ever lived on planet earth eric riffin Your friends with even like weak whites Like the ones that would have died, you know, if they were a Viking they would have died All right, Craig is a weak white weak white new friends with You know your friends with a a gang of like ethnic misfits. Yeah, and that's how you we know that you are not
Starting point is 01:02:03 A fucking neo-nazii. I'm going to say something to America right now. Okay I see something America right now. Okay So That's fine. You can support trump and whatnot, right? But let me say something right now. You're stable of friends should be you should have two at least two muslims A couple of blacks a couple of asians Mexican if you want it if you for the spice for the spiciness, right? The latino and a jew and a jew you should have a gambit a fucking
Starting point is 01:02:31 A stable of fucking ethnic friends because if you are a trump supporter you're gung-ho And you're like, whatever he's doing is amazing. All right, and you only have white friends You're a fucking neo-nazii. It's not a good look. You got your fucking neo-nazii and you're a fucking racist You got to diversify your portfolio guys You think I want to be friends with for him and war? I do it for the diversity. You think I say hi to Ahmed Ahmed I don't like him but I say hi I hug him so that people can see strictly for the optics. Yeah for the optics, okay All right, this juju right here like I've been coaching my money all fucking night. Where's my fucking wallet?
Starting point is 01:03:10 Right, but you know, I have them over right So I gave him $200 to watch game of thrones. Do you believe it? What? You better fucking watch it. He will check up on what do we have time? We're over an hour My goodness. Yeah, that went quick. It was really quick. You're a very good guest. I was scared about you. Why? Because you're a fucking, you know, I mean He's scared of you. No You're
Starting point is 01:03:41 We have we always talk about ufc, but you're officially our first ufc fighter. It's crazy. There you go. Yeah So this is this is you beat out the other guy that could have been on Oh, you should fight Wait, are you guys in this mickey gong? He's coming to lightway. Yeah, he's coming to lightway I like that kind of he kept talking about how you should go back to 145 and I'm like, no, do not I was I loved you in uh, wc when you knocked out hafeal. Oh, yeah You fuck hafeal who a son son top like five. Um That's you
Starting point is 01:04:16 That's you. Hey, that's you man. Um It was one of those things though like in wc days. I was like 21 You know and like I wasn't a man yet. I put on a lot of so I'm walking like 190 right now Yeah, so like Do this one quick. I wanted to see Eric bro, don't ever do that I didn't I didn't know I didn't know what you're doing. I He went off. No. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:43 That'd be funny. Would we freeze fame? We posted on instagram ufc drops eric k for me. Bobby lee single-handedly ruins eric's career. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, then I'd come for you Then that that would be game over No, dude, I'm gonna call people or I'll call people So if you've never heard of our podcast before or heard it, but we um, we do we do a question from the internet It's called unhelpful advice. You can answer if you don't have to do whatever you want to do Go ahead. Unhelpful advice with bobby kalala and eric new breed slash phoenix coke
Starting point is 01:05:16 Question mark. Yeah, it's phoenix. Is it phoenix? Yeah, you can drop the new breed. Yeah Uh, this question is uh from a anonymous person I recently started listening to your podcast. I'm a big fan. My wife is 23 and I'm 26 I got our pregnant while we were young and we married at a young age We've been married now for five years My wife only has ever slept with myself and her very first boyfriend in high school I had been with over 20 women most of which occurred after I was already married Our sex life was phenomenal in the beginning and most of the middle of our relationship
Starting point is 01:05:47 But has recently slipped into a routine and feels like a chore I find myself fantasizing about other men sleeping with my wife I have even gone as far as buying large sex toys to use on her. I'm completely average size I watch and masturbate to cuckold porn and have been thinking about bringing up the subject to her I don't think I've been the I don't think I would be the submissive cuckold type But would love to see her being pleasured by someone else. Is this some sort of guilt trip My mind is playing on me for being unfaithful or should I approach her with this idea? She has no idea about my fantasy nor my indiscretions as a husband
Starting point is 01:06:18 Should I wait it out and hope that the cuckold feeling goes away? Thanks for your advice Eric coke. I mean anonymous I think that He's trying to purify his soul I think that he's trying to return back to an innocence because he has been with a lot of women He has been philandering and he's trying to even out the the playing field Also, he could be a true cuckold He could really really enjoy that. I can't tell. I don't know him personally
Starting point is 01:06:47 It's over I mean the relationship is over Unless she's into it. No, I mean he's cheating on behind her back And then also on top of it. He's like he's gonna bring up this kind of this weird sexual thing that He can get off. It's over. Well, I'll tell you why it's probably over is because if she was more experienced Then she was probably in her 30s and she's seen some shit. She knows what cuckolding is You can broach the subject and she'd probably be like, you know what? Yeah, we've been together for 10 years I'm open to that. Yeah, but the sheer fact that she's only been with two men. She's very young
Starting point is 01:07:21 You're gonna be miserable your whole life And you're gonna put her through it. Just get out. Well, it just sounds like you should be single. Yeah He's 26, you know, you got to get out of it, dude Like there's nothing that it's the biggest thing everybody thinks they have to be in a relationship. Yeah, it's not true Man, if you're if you're single and that's you you want to fuck however many people you want That's I mean, that's how do you feel about cuckolding though? I feel like a lot of a lot of this stuff comes up just in society because people are so desensitized You know what I'm saying? Yeah, like sex is fucking everywhere. It's thrown everywhere advertising
Starting point is 01:07:58 Porn porn is like literally at your fingertips, you know, and it's such a big industry. I just feel like People people are so open now sexually that they get bored. Yeah, you know, I think that's what it is You know I'm telling you right now, man It's society it is I mean if colliella and I If colliella went to an island for six months
Starting point is 01:08:24 I think they'd be the best thing for us where there's no one around Yeah, we could really get to really get in in it Yeah, because just being in the same space doesn't mean that you're spending time together So for bobby and I there's a lot of coexistence There's a lot of like being in the same room, but not really spending time together Like we went to why I felt so close to her. I did I felt so close And we're here to get I love her so much, but you know, I know it's not over. There's no but I mean I love her and um But I know that if her and I
Starting point is 01:08:56 We're on an island with no cell phones. No social media and we're just you know walking around and having dinners and being with each other That it would be way better So but you're so right though about this whole like feeling desensitized Because so much of it is thrown in our faces all day that we're trying to kind of one up the feeling of just Simple sexual of a simple sexual experience. Yeah, people get bored. Yeah, it's like it's as simple as that I'm so bored of fucking that I actually would be down to dry hump. How sad is that? Yeah, I'm Do you know what I mean? Yeah? Yeah, no, I'm not bored of fucking you I'm just saying like the idea of sex of just pure coyness missionary style doesn't quite like
Starting point is 01:09:41 You know like get that rise out of me like when you were 16 and you you know that feel first getting with someone like that Excitement butterflies butterflies. Yeah, it doesn't matter if it's a bobby or anybody else I don't think I would ever have that same feeling so much so that I actually look into dry humping like I look at dry Humping videos and that's what turns me on because that's how fucking desensitized. I am. Yeah, it's like I'm going ass backwards You know, it's a strange and I feel like especially for guys. I mean, let's face it guys sex drive is fucking crazy You know working about sex all the fucking time. So you add that with how easy it is Like I said sex is everywhere watch porn, you know, whatever like it's crazy because You know, I've been I've been at those those points when even if I'm talking to a chick
Starting point is 01:10:25 Super cool chick could be the hottest chick in the world Doesn't matter. You're still gonna look at other people. Yeah, you know, you know what I'm saying Yeah, and I think I think especially when you're younger Not till you get older that that kind of goes away. But um But yeah, I think a big part of it is just fucking society in general I want to make a final point. Yeah And this goes back to um paulie, okay Bring it up back around I talked to him this weekend about
Starting point is 01:10:53 Because I flew in from albert crooked at some at the comedy store. He's like it. I loved your podcast and whatnot And then we got into I told you this oh kalai like we went into he's like did I think when I have my girlfriend from Arizona move in with me And I've never heard that before When you were working with did he live with a woman? No, right because he's so neat. He's always been I've never seen Aside from delia. I've never seen a man. Fuck it. Just Swim through pussy swim. Yeah, right He goes, yeah, I just don't want to do it anymore
Starting point is 01:11:28 I go what? Just sleeping around. It's just like lonely I go wow He goes and then he said something that you never would ever hear from I think I want a kid. Oh wow. Wow saying right for him to say that to me My my eyes popped out of my head. I had to put them back and I was like what the fuck could you say, right? And here's the deal. He's 50 Oh, he's been knee deep and pussy his whole life
Starting point is 01:11:56 And now he's ready. Yeah, but it took that long So this 26 year old kid They have a child together. It doesn't matter. The kid will be fine. Oh, they don't have a child together. Okay. Yeah, whatever Even if he did you could still be in her. No, he did. Oh, yeah, I got her pregnant. Oh, yeah Yeah, he does have a baby He could still he can still be the great father live in the same town and be But don't put her through it. Yeah So unless unless look if you really want to be a stand-up person broach the subject anyway
Starting point is 01:12:24 It's not gonna work. And if she says no, then you have to be prepared for for you know If if yeah, like bobby says if you're unhappy with that no Then you have to be a big enough man to be like, you know what this is just over If you if if fucking her is a chore, bro, it's over. Yeah Yeah, I want to show you evolution. I want to show you evolution. It's the new breed. All right. Bobby new little patch here, right? Yeah, why are you cancerous cancer is fucking but this is called evolution because I'm really My kids are gonna have no hair because it'd be more evolved
Starting point is 01:13:03 You only have hair on his knees. Yeah, that's strange. It's not strange. It's real But he has a big old bush big-ass bush. Yeah proud. Are you proud? This is the real shit right here And he has no asshole hair. I I refuse my I conditioned my body to get rid of him I had some as a kid, but I said no more It's all that no more you show not pass. Yeah, and my body just said all right. Whatever dude Yeah, but um, we had a great guest here, Eric. Oh give him a round of applause everybody was wonderful. And um Um, you know that just you know, we learned a lot today. Let us know Where we can find you on social media and also wait, you're fighting your new show. Yeah, uh sometime december
Starting point is 01:13:46 Who you're fighting? We don't have an opponent and I can't really tell you names. No, we can't Could I tell you something? Yeah, what? I just know when you're in your little You know when you're in that little locker room, whatever putting the things in yeah Yeah, just know that we are in your corner. I feel like you didn't fight like you knew that we were in your corner I know No, no, think about me think about you. Yeah, when you think about me I wouldn't think about it. I think about you. Yeah, and I lose
Starting point is 01:14:17 I know that you weren't thinking about me. We're gonna have some issues. No, no, no, you were thinking about fat face, Eric No, I really want you to be I really want you to be champion. I want you to succeed. I want you to Be a gigantic star and I think you have the skills to do. That's all and you're so young and you're young still All right, I hate to put that kind of pressure on you But um, you know, I know you now you're now it reflects my reputation. My mom was so My mom was so drunk on saturday at the party. Oh my gosh. She was wasted I know she and she know she hasn't drank like that and like Her whole life and she all I could hear was her repeatedly telling you, please don't lose. Yeah. Yeah, she comes up
Starting point is 01:14:55 She's like so december. I'm like, yeah, sometime december. She's like you got to win. I'm like, trust me. You're gonna win anybody I already know you're gonna. I know you're gonna win. You're gonna win. You're gonna win Everyone pray for eric everybody give her a round of applause everybody And you had a new podcast show, right? Uh, yeah, we do Actually, you know with uh, with these uh hooligans, um, griffin craig steve and frank We're doing a destiny podcast. Oh, so it's worst fire team ever and uh, that'll that'll be coming out So maybe we can get bobby back. Oh, that's right. I'll do it. Wait, hold on one second
Starting point is 01:15:29 Okay, koke, you don't quite understand the what it feels like to you know, our home is small. You see this, right? Right, right, right? This is this is a very small place. There's only one other room I could go to and this is the podcast room. Uh-huh. So it's either I And even from this room, I can hear him screaming. Yeah, so until we get a bigger place It's a no. I hear you. I I you know, I hear you. I don't find I don't think that you scream quite like him I don't I don't scream quite exactly and I'll say you're probably better at the game in general I'm he's pretty calm. He's pretty calm. I'm a lot better. But um, one thing I would like, you know, lindsay The biggest issue she had was the flashing lights
Starting point is 01:16:07 Oh, you playing the room while she's sleeping. Oh, I think you're a little and she I will give credit to lindsay She's a fucking trooper, man. Yeah, because like you got to understand these guys play till what? Six in the morning. Okay. So six in the morning for them is eight for me because I'm two hours ahead. That's right So like lindsay's lindsay's a trooper and I mean we we're together, but we don't live together Yeah, it's it's just a good idea. Um, I like, you know, having my space and you know, a little bit of independence But uh, but no, she you know, she's a gangster with that but having this guy. Yeah, I you know, I don't blame you I have one more question for you before we wrap up here Um, I want to know what your thoughts are on john jones being I know it's like, you know innocent until proven guilty
Starting point is 01:16:51 But john jones has been tagged for use of steroids. He's I think they're gonna try to Do the b sample sample. Yeah, I'm waiting for his current his team is saying look This has had to have been a contamination of some supplement blah blah blah. What are your thoughts on it? You know the thing I mean you can say that and we won't know till the the test come back but uh If he's already done this shit before Like wouldn't it Striking it because his teammate said what?
Starting point is 01:17:19 Uh, his doctor or whatever gave him something after winds Why the fuck would you just take something you don't know about after winds? That makes absolutely no sense. Yeah, and like I just think John jones his his biggest enemy is His self man. I know guys that went to high school or not high school But they wrestled in junior college with him. Yeah, and he's always been that way. He's been doing coke forever You know, I can so like crazy to me. So, you know, it's just kind of I just think it's one of those sad stories of like raw Just fucking awesome talent that just he can't get shit right I mean his own dad says that his own dad says he's his worst on you know his own more so do you think that?
Starting point is 01:17:56 But also there's got to be someone in his team who is obviously You know in on this You don't think like greg jackson gets in on like what the fuck you doing just like like they've got to either have a Hawks eye on him or like what what's happening there and I feel like I feel like john jones is the type of guy Um That he gets coached, but he's so he's so talented and he's so good at what he does I feel like his coaches really aren't like the greg jacksons can't get in his ass
Starting point is 01:18:22 And if they do get in his ass, I feel like he's the type guy like fuck you. I'm john jones You know what i'm saying and I get that I get that like I can't say personally that like I don't I don't like john jones But I've met him before when I fought a sunsal actually that's when he beat shogun for the title. Oh, that's right So like we we were there We were there and we were cut weight and just you just get one of those vibes, man you just get a kind of a fake vibe and uh Well, I'm team dc all day always have I dc all day. Yeah dc is awesome and dc is a really you know really
Starting point is 01:18:56 Good guy, and I was definitely rooting for him in that fight He was doing really well, but I mean it sucks for him too because Let's say, you know, this is a positive test john jones gets suspended for what four years two to four Yeah, it'll probably be four because he's how old is he now? He's 30 30 so he'll be 34 is it over for him then if he gets I think it is that's so long Yeah, I think it is and I tragedy tragedy and waste in in dc's eyes at dc You know reclaims that title. It's his He'll he'll be champion, but he'll never get that chance to beat jones
Starting point is 01:19:30 I also don't think that people will give him the same recognition that they would jones as a champion Which is sort of unfair because you know dc has always been the sort of a default champion right and I think that It's always that's always been unfair like his record has always been tarnished because of this guy who's Constantly being tagged. Yeah for fucking, you know for these things and it's it's not fair that he has to to another thing to could to To fight him twice. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like that's it It's the same thing that I why I feel so bad about mark hunt
Starting point is 01:20:04 It's like the fact that you know some guy like brock who obviously has roided up the fucking asshole that piss me off Really bad and contractually he has to fight this guy. He's putting he's already 40 years old He's put his body on the line for years and now you're telling this man Who's given so much of his life to the sport that he's got to have a Admittedly Roided as dude fight him right right. This isn't like 125er. This is a fucking man. It was like 280 pounds permanent damage Well, what pisses me off is brock did this knowing he's gonna pop. Yeah, he gives a percentage of his purse
Starting point is 01:20:40 Yeah, but um hunt doesn't get that exactly and then he still makes a shit load. Yeah, the amount he pays It doesn't even matter. So it's like Him knowing that I I can't stand brock for that one fucking reason You know what I'm saying like that's super super disrespectful and um Yeah, it just and I like mark hunt. I love mark hunt because I I'm like I was a pride kid I like pride more than like when they were like that was that was that white ring any day Shogun shogun will forever be my favorite fighter because when I was coming up shogun was like the young up-and-comer
Starting point is 01:21:15 And when he beat rampage, I'm like that's who I want to be because he smashed him except that everyone was roided in pride Yeah, that's true. Arona. Hey, Arona. Uh 50 abs. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god. Ricardo Arona's back Gilbert and I thought about We wanted to start our own MMA podcast of just like casual fans and we wanted to call it Ricardo Arona's back Because that thing is like epic. So what the fuck? What is that guy up to nowadays? I don't know. I don't think he ever I think pride was his that was it. Right. Yeah, because I mean he never he never did any He never stepped into the UFC like ever. Did he I mean, I think maybe he did That's probably what I think it was old though. I think he did fight in the UFC
Starting point is 01:21:57 Yeah, I mean like I think it was before pride was even blowing up. Yeah, you know, but uh, but yeah the pride days I mean van der leis over was Roided to the hill, you know, all those guys were but I mean you could do it. So everybody did it So it's kind of even playing like now that we have usada Like Brock Lesnar coming in knowing well shit I'm gonna take a loss, but I get I get to fight and I'll still get some money like fuck you, dude Some money. What's that like? Do they like usada? Do they do have you ever been like randomly? All the time how many times in like let's say a year they'll do well, they're weird because they'll uh
Starting point is 01:22:33 They don't want you to like get a schedule. Yeah, you know So it's it's completely random. There's been times. I haven't been tested for like six months and then they'll test me like Four times back to back like every other week You know, it's a try and catch it because they're trying to catch you like so you can't cycle and cycle out, you know So um, and they they always shut but they the one thing they always show up at like five in the morning Like knocking on your door and catch you off guard. What the fuck dude? Like, yeah, I'm sleeping They're you know pounding on the door and they're super perfect like they don't let you touch You know, they lay everything out and they don't let you touch things until they tell you to
Starting point is 01:23:08 Whoa, there's like serious. Yeah, dude like it's it's it's legit But um, I mean UFC pays a lot of money and I I agree with it Yeah, you know because you're seeing a lot more people, you know, pop dirty and you know, fuck that You're trying to you know Roy it up and go in and do bodily harm to somebody like fuck you, you know Do you agree that fighters have to fight their weight class and not cut so much like I Or you think that it should always be a choice I used to be such a like I used to be so on cutting weight like being the bigger the bigger person
Starting point is 01:23:41 Yeah, the older I get I believe it's bullshit. I mean look at look at Frankie Yeager when you fought at 55 He was champ there. He'd walk in soaking wet at 55. He could still compete because he had energy, you know And you you got to look at it this way like when we cut weight, we're draining all the water, you know out of our bodies That's coming from our brain too. So you can't replenish that in 24 hours if you take a knock It's really easy to give yourself brain damage just from cutting weight. Oh god. So um, the the commission's got a lot better like now if you're You got to be like a certain Percentage like body weight wise whatever weight you're fighting it. I think for like 55. It's like you can only be like 8% higher
Starting point is 01:24:21 So it's like 12 pounds something like that but um, they monitor you and if you do come in really heavy you are um, the Commission will watch you the entire week and like test your levels and all that shit And if you're ever at a dangerous like point, they won't let you fight So I think that's I I think it's super important and I think it's a step in the right direction But also you also have like less likelihood of fights or fighters pulling out with like complications with cutting like John Hendricks Yeah, you know and those guys are getting fucking last-minute kidney stones or whatever because they're so dehydrated, right? Right. Well, and I you know, I think
Starting point is 01:24:56 The more they do that I think the way they can they can make the fighters happy is just adding more weight classes I've always feel like they should add more weight classes 165 One say like 160 for me would be fucking perfect. That's your way that would be my weight class 55 I can make it and I'm still good there, but I I struggle there with those last three like it and and every little bit counts So if they had those not only that I feel like especially in the UFC I think they're kind of worried like we don't we have to promote all these guys The reason why UFC is doing so much better in boxing is because boxing doesn't promote anybody
Starting point is 01:25:30 They got their money fighters the main event. Yeah their main event They make money on that who knew anybody on the undercar. I mean unless you investigate and that even I didn't know Yeah, I didn't care new one other person. That's it. You know what I'm saying UFC does a good job of marketing a lot like everybody and I feel like with how good they are marketing and having a title like every five pounds up You can create more super fights. People want to see the super fights, right? And also 185 to 205 that's such a massive jump. That's 20 pounds. You know what I mean? 155 to 170 is like yeah, put some shit between that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I agree have the
Starting point is 01:26:05 Honestly, I think 160 160 would just be The sweet spot for you. That's what I want. That's what I want But um, but yeah, I mean they're making they're making really good steps in the right direction So I mean compared to the way it used to be You know, I was fighting when I started fighting there wasn't a 145 weight class When I started fighting 155 was it and I was this like scrawny beanpole. I weighed 152. You look so different. Yeah That's it's a funny ongoing joke that you because whenever I go in to like, you know fight week They're just like, oh, it's Eric. You look completely different because like I'm either growing my hair out changed my hairstyle
Starting point is 01:26:41 I got a tan. You're way more neo-nazi before You know, if I don't like it for that fact, but I did look a lot scarier Yeah, just a lot more menacing but um, I always come back with like four or five more tattoos and they're like, okay You know, here's the drill because they got to take pictures every time to update your profile So that's like an ongoing joke with the UFC. I'm you know It's terrible marketing for me because everybody's like that's Eric like, oh, I didn't even fucking know that was him, you know, but um But yeah, I mean they're making right steps in the are good steps in the right direction and uh
Starting point is 01:27:15 Like I said, I'm just hoping I'm just hoping and praying for a A new weight class and Cutting weight will be over. You know, we hope that you stay healthy from here on out and that we see you December You'll see me in December and every fight card from here on out. Hell. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Well, don't not not not every fight card. I'm gonna sit right now. Don't be seroni. Whatever he fights now I was just gonna say I want to pump out like seroni. No, no
Starting point is 01:27:41 No, that's not I mean because I always think that he rushes them he rushes into them And I think that he's one of them what he He's an amazing amazing fighter, but he takes him too quickly I mean he I think he does or like when he tries to take big fights Yeah, you know, but I mean he's smart because he's making bank and he's such a people love watching him Like he is a draw. Well, yeah, I mean he's such a draw because I mean he fights and The thing with fighting too. You're only as good as your last fight What what sucks about fighting is for us. We cherish every fucking win we get
Starting point is 01:28:10 Yeah, every win and it doesn't that'll never change like, you know, two years go by and I'm like I remember when I fought him. Yeah, love that win With with fans. They're they're brutal, man They give a shit for like maybe a couple days and then after that it's like wait till the next one you lose So, yeah, like you're you suck and then I win. Oh god. That's that's why I like watching He loses. Oh, he sucks again. I'm like, fuck you. You weren't there when I lost Fuck his new tattoos every week. So shout out to my reel because I do have a good fan base of like loyal fans back in the wc day I love those guys because you know, I always get great messages from them. So
Starting point is 01:28:46 I truly appreciate that. Well, thank you for coming on to our podcast That was our first MMA minute with a real fighter. Oh, yeah Thank you guys. You look good. Shit. You need to be on the mic. You should do your own podcast I know people tell me that all the time. We should do our own MMA podcast and I'll tell you why I know nothing I'm I I take the stance of like a very casual spectator So I only know to surface stuff and I know what questions to ask since you know The specificities of actually being a fighter. Well, you're actually very very knowledgeable. She's like she is to roll No, I did not
Starting point is 01:29:19 She's the roll. No, okay Gilbert, but also I I am so curious But I don't always have someone in front of me to answer my questions right the little subtleties Yeah, because I don't have I mean I have a few friends that fight and train but they're not always like they're not in front of me When we're doing our MMA minute and I look at Gilbert like, you know, this is what we'll do Whatever you're in town. Let us know and whatever fight is closed. We just do it. Yeah, we'll just do We'll throw in an episode there. Let's just do it. That would be so fun
Starting point is 01:29:48 And I'm just gonna have just a shit ton of questions for you. So just be ready Well, I mean, I'm gonna be making a lot more trips out here because I mean we got the destiny thing too So oh and we could be the fighter and the dummies Not the fighters. We're not coffee. They're shit But because we really don't know anything we should have caused the phoenixes The phoenix size. All right guys, uh, make sure you follow us on tiger belly uh on twi- Instagram and on twitter at the tiger belly and email us any questions at the tiger belly at gmail.com Thank you for listening. And if you hated MMA, sorry about that
Starting point is 01:30:16 Sorry, but not sorry because fucking aircokes here. Bye guys Oh Hey prime members you can listen to tiger belly ad free on amazon music Download the amazon music app today or you can listen ad free with wendry plus in apple podcast Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wendry.com slash survey

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