TigerBelly - Episode 123: Steebeeweebee Goes Red

Episode Date: January 3, 2018

Kicking off this New Year with some brotherly love/rage. We talk wormholes, shine blockers, and ACE scores. Steve's Show  See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Priva...cy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas Just like the ones I used to know Pretty good, like Bing-Bing Crosby Pretty good, like Bing Crosby Christmas is over though I know but it just happened and I still have the spirit guys I have the Christmas spirit, we haven't been on in a bit
Starting point is 00:01:01 And I missed all you guys And we have a guest today We have George is sick, thank god Because I don't know if I can handle him this early in the year This early in the year I think my prayer, my Christmas prayer was Just as long as he doesn't die I don't want him to die
Starting point is 00:01:17 Just sick enough where he did show up But I want him to get like sick to the point where he's on the precipice of death The doorway, don't open the doorway, don't go in Yeah As long as he doesn't cry I want a little suffering, diarrhea from the mouth, all kinds of stuff A little blood But we got Gilbert, we got Kalyla
Starting point is 00:01:33 And we got his handsome, Bryce, cousin So handsome The better half Who actually has a girlfriend Because you're not gay and you're also a man of today A relevant man You're the fuckable one And we have the little munchkin
Starting point is 00:01:51 My little brother My new brother, Steve Weeby is here Getting the mic, bro Happy New Year Yeah What? Happy New Year No energy, huh?
Starting point is 00:02:03 No, we're tired, we just got back to this one I know, but what's up with you? I mean I'm tired You used to show up for podcasts You used to give energy, man How about a little energy, man? Alright, happy New Year, everyone
Starting point is 00:02:13 Yeah, I believe that I believe that That feels so good It feels good, Steve Yeah A little party at our house We were there, Gil You weren't there, right?
Starting point is 00:02:24 Oh, we missed you Oh, yeah, you weren't there What was that game you guys were playing? It was just White Elephant But very competitive White Elephant I've never seen that Oh, that's High Bible That's like rock, paper, scissors
Starting point is 00:02:35 Rock, paper, scissors with your body Yeah So, yeah So everyone brings a gift that's worth $50 to $100 $100 Yeah And you put it in a circle, a pile
Starting point is 00:02:47 Yeah, you put it all in a pile You put it all in a pile But wrapped Yeah, girl, wrapped And I have to say, in this game Everyone bought a really good gift Yeah, nobody bought it What are some of the gifts?
Starting point is 00:02:59 Oh, no, wait, hold up But you thought I was going to bring socks Yeah, but I guess, yeah, so What are the other gifts? I just want to say, I want to say it That hurt me and Elani It did? Yeah, let's just get to it
Starting point is 00:03:10 No, no, we were hurt Alright, can I just say this? Because our gift was the last No one would even touch ours Like ours was like a little bag like And you can't see it, right? Scotch tape And let me ask you something
Starting point is 00:03:19 And no one picked it Okay, oh, I see And no one picked it That's fine Dude Alright, we picked it and then No, no one picked it Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:28 There to the, it was like What do you mean, no one No shit at the end Everyone just looked at it And they looked away Because of the size No, just they knew We thought it was going to be
Starting point is 00:03:36 Socks and boxers I didn't know they knew That's what he gives you The last 30 years of my life Every time it's a birthday It's either socks or boxers No, do you want me to go down the list? Go down the list
Starting point is 00:03:47 One year when Swatch Watch was around I got him a nice little Swatch Watch And I got him a cool pair of Levi's jeans The kind that he used to like And you know what hurt me the most? What? This last birthday We went to Uniqlo
Starting point is 00:04:03 And I got him some cool Uniqlo Like swim trunk shorts Yeah And I was, he picked me up I was in the backseat It was past your thing And then I looked and I go Oh, what is that?
Starting point is 00:04:18 The tag was still on This was like a month later Yeah, yeah And the tag was It was just on the ground It was just on the ground Ask Gilbert what he gave Bobby So that kind of hurt me a little bit
Starting point is 00:04:26 But it's okay What did you get? Bobby No, you got Bobby a Star Wars thing Oh, I got Bobby a Star Wars thing He just threw it away Yeah So you got to get him practical things
Starting point is 00:04:35 No, no, no, no You have to get him specific things But let's go back to the gift though You were hurt You and Ilani were hurt A little bit Because we picked yours last No one picked it
Starting point is 00:04:44 And when somebody picked We didn't know eventually Because it was the last one So you had to pick it So when they opened it up What did they see? Well, your mom My mom picked the
Starting point is 00:04:52 What was it? Just explain to the people what it was It was like eye movies Eye home speakers And then look at me in the eyes right now Look at me in the eyes right now Okay That gift
Starting point is 00:05:03 Was that a gift that you opened From another fucking No We went to Target We went together to Target And you bought it We went haves on it We went haves on it
Starting point is 00:05:12 Who said that it was a gift? There was a nice gift, sweetie No, but somebody told me That that was a gift that they got No, Ilani said that she won speakers At a different white elephant Yeah, you don't listen Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:05:29 You're growing And I apologize to you, Ilani I'm sorry, I just had to get it out You've helped this resentment About these unique little shorts How long has that been? It's been a while To be honest, I don't even remember
Starting point is 00:05:42 I don't even remember it Was it his last birthday? Yeah And you know what's even sadder Is that Steve, a week before your birthday Asked me, what size does he wear? He sent me pictures Do you think he'd like this or this?
Starting point is 00:05:55 He went out of his way to do this for you Damn Yeah, but you know what? I don't feel bad I know, I know I'll tell you why When you were blind I know you
Starting point is 00:06:06 When you were blind He gave me a lot of cash Look at me Stop for a second When you were fucking blind Remember when you were blind? Brice Brice, why are you laughing?
Starting point is 00:06:15 Yeah Brice, you're supposed to be on my team too And now, can you see? Brice Steve, can you see? Yeah, okay Okay, so I gave you sight I know, I know
Starting point is 00:06:23 Okay All right, let's end it So, you have C You have two You have Jesus No, we're not done You have Jesus Steve, hold on, we're not done
Starting point is 00:06:31 Let me just get this out of the way Because you confronted me with the Nucleus shorts No, you got that I love you I'm not done yet Damn it, I love you so much, brother When you have ailments on your teeth All right
Starting point is 00:06:41 What about your teeth? Well, I just let it fall out No, but did you go to the dentist? No, we don't The Lee brothers don't do the dentist I did do the dentist Yeah, okay Yeah, to get it pulled
Starting point is 00:06:51 To get it pulled Yeah, pulled Who the fuck pulled it? Look at me No, no, get down Sit down I'm sorry This fucking lie right here
Starting point is 00:06:59 Hey, this was a new year This fucking believe it I'm sorry He's now seeing again I can't even fucking I appreciate you Back in the day when we used to do Pringles I got the Pringles
Starting point is 00:07:07 Who bought the Pringles? Who got the Pringles? All right, sit back down Sit back down This is un- Out of control No, sit down This is good though
Starting point is 00:07:15 This is good, though This is good, though You want to play games? You want to play Christmas games? Gift games? We're playing games No, no, you're the best You're the best
Starting point is 00:07:23 My God Come on So anyway How is Arizona? But dude, all I gotta say Well, let's talk about our dad Come on, dude, is that Come on, I got him
Starting point is 00:07:31 Oh, you want to play tit for tat No, no, no, I got you on my arm, though How long did I have this fuck-nut? How many years I mean this was 15 years I've had this on my body. I'm just saying it's a little bit more painful this yeah Come on back me up. Have a sleep. Yeah, he's showing his Bobby tattoo. Yeah. I love you, man. You're on here. Okay To the grave. All right, so you want you still want to play tit for tat? No, no, no, I don't want to do it Let's not do this right now. You just I'm sorry guys. Maybe I should have come this is good. This is good. I'm sorry. It's good. It's good. No, I should have went home
Starting point is 00:08:04 Why why is you're doing this man? You know, I want to just be positive positive new year Let's start off by by stating our New Year's resolutions. Oh man Well, I'm gonna tell you guys something that I saw documentary called walk with me. That's not it. Okay. It is a New Year's resolution Okay, and it's about this I'm Vietnamese dude, not dad. I love him But it was a Vietnamese dude and it's his name is a thick not Han and he's a monk and he has a monastery in France and It's in France. Yeah. Oh, I didn't know that people give their lives
Starting point is 00:08:51 To the monastery they shave their heads and they live there and they work on the land and when I Wait, so you're You're What the fuck I didn't say anything New Year's resolution is to be a monk. No, but what I'm saying is is that no when I was watching the documentary That I could see myself as a monk Like doing what on a daily I would wake up when everyone else wakes up, right with a son with the son the son wakes you Yeah, and I would make the black tea
Starting point is 00:09:26 Steve if you look at me right now, why are you smiling and why are you smiling? Sorry, dude, there's black tea I don't but it's the way you said it and then I would take a rake with my other brothers And I would rake the land. I would you know nourish the land till it to get to that's exactly what I was gonna say That's exactly what I was gonna say I would be the till it you are so attached to technology shut the fuck up I'm just saying you're so attached, you know, and that's another thing dude. You're so negative. No, I'm just being real. That's a fact. That's a fat brother I know but brother No, cuz you're every time in Gilbert. He was literally either like even worse. We played Battlefront 2 by the way
Starting point is 00:10:05 We're in Arizona. Good game shout out to my mom and dad We're in Arizona and for I'm telling you for 15 hours a day Battlefront battle for battle for and we'd switch off if he died I'd take over, you know We but he couldn't even towards the end. He couldn't wait for my he would he wouldn't watch me play He'd go on to his other device. So he's either here or he was like doing that or you know, I mean, so Now you wouldn't because I'm not a monk now So what is your New Year's resolution? And why did you tell the story? Because I think that you're gonna rake leaves tomorrow He's gonna tell no, no, I might I'm gonna I'm gonna go online to see if that they have like a
Starting point is 00:10:43 class not a class but like a a non-committal Thing that I can do where I could stay there for like three months. Why don't we do a retreat? Yeah retreat All right, I'm gonna shave my head. Yeah. Yeah, that might work No, no, no devices nothing just wake up I'm gonna shave my head bald even if they say that I don't need to Keep your hair. I need to do the look I need to do the look So you don't need to do that. They do these long long walks with the tic-tang-hang
Starting point is 00:11:14 Yeah, it's through the forest and They don't talk much and it's so funny that you guys provoke me in that way and doubt me because 12 years ago not 12 years ago 22 years ago my bad. I went to a monastery and I lived there for a month I don't if you remember that the one in San Diego insane. Yeah. No, it was in Santa Barbara, but my my Dan Irwin They don't sponsor. Yeah. Yeah, they we took we went to a monastery I didn't shave my head, but I remember not talking and I remember it being one of the most peaceful times of my life Well, that's cool, man. So then you wanna do for three months. I think you could do it. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:11:52 I thought he meant like a life-changing thing, right? Well, he lives he leaves maybe I'll bring you know what? You know if I'm a monk, maybe I'll bring my Uniqlo shorts Wear those and the bald head You know, do you think? These long gray socks you give me to for your Christmas and birthdays put those on I keep all the socks You know what that is something so cute about you He always shows up with a gift and he always shows up wrapped and there's always a little message there Yeah, that he has a cuteness about him that you don't possess
Starting point is 00:12:24 You're very like fuck it, you know throw money and he's throw like he has so much like intent and Feelings behind his no he does. He really does. Yeah. Thank you. That's the nicest thing thus far tonight That was the most positive thing tonight. I like that. Let's keep going there. You know, I'll go positive. You want me to go positive? No, no, no, no, let's see what's your New Year's resolution Well me and I we've been talking about this my just my daily habits and I need to change my sleeping We didn't do that well in Arizona by the way, what time did you guys wake up? What was the sleep time? Was it in the 3 a.m. Range? No, that's early
Starting point is 00:13:09 One time it was 1 p.m. You went to sleep or wake up. I didn't go to bed Where your eyes bleeding? Wait, what did you you fell asleep? Okay, first of all wait tell him about the first of all. Oh, you know, okay? Okay. Oh, yeah, you don't even know what went in. He did the left. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, okay. He made a vampire room But let me just say okay, I show up, okay and The bed is the same bed that that John McCain slept on when he was in the Vietnamese camp Literally is a fuck up all your fucks up Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know from the 70s or something. Yeah, John McCain who came and waved at Lindsey Graham on the Senate floor
Starting point is 00:13:54 Yeah, fuck up my fucking back. Okay. It's fun. And then not only that is that at 6 a.m. Mm-hmm The fucking window, you know, what are they the blinds? Well, there's these panels, right? Oh the ones open and close. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, but they're in individually. They're attached and then two of them had fallen out Yeah, so there's a gap so that big gaps. Yeah, so the Sun you fucking hate You know it lasers in right where the gap is into my face. Oh, it's missing those two Yeah, the two that was right into my face. Right. Yeah, and with this Cambodian bed another Cambodian. I shouldn't say stuff like that Nigerian let's just say Nigerian Niger. Okay, that was I always go, you know, you know, I don't want to do that Mix it up diverse. I'm mixing it up. Okay
Starting point is 00:14:37 This Nigerian bed situation, right this fucking sunlight I could not sleep till one and I and I had a spiritual. I'm not a spiritual, but I made a decision Yeah, I'm gonna drop some money at this problem. Okay. He did arts and crafts like so we went to a walk We went to a Walmart. Yeah, what I buy tell me what I bought dude. He went to Walmart. He got these pure black poster boards. Yeah, like 20 of them He bought like gorilla tape like the the strong tape. Yeah. Oh, these weren't new blinds. You would know Fuck the blinds. He straight went to the window and just he barricaded. He barricaded the whole thing Yeah, yeah, he blocked the sunshine. He's a shine blocker. Yeah. Yeah, I love blocking the shine
Starting point is 00:15:19 But you know, ironically it runs in the family Because my mom's that way. No, I thought my mom was gonna yell at me. Yeah, and she looked at it. She goes good Very good. It walks away. She walks away And then what else did I buy? Two pillows. Oh, no, he bought a whole comforter set. Yeah Oh, dude, he slept like a baby. He said felt like a whole So now the next night. Oh my god a 12 hour fucking babies deep sleep Yeah, yeah, so are is this something that's gonna change or are we gonna go the
Starting point is 00:15:54 We're not gonna do the monk life anymore So you're saying you got to change your sleep habits. Like what is a reasonable time for you to wake up? This ain't helping to the dipping dude. Come on. Yeah, I know what you guys say about my breath. You know, he tells me No, it's not us. I know it's the world I know my breath. Let's do it. I know my raise your hand Bryce, I want everyone in this room. I'm looking at every in this room raise their hand If you think my brother's breath is the worst breath you've ever smelled I'm gonna count to three one two three
Starting point is 00:16:25 I've never yeah, I don't think he's gonna. All right. How's the kalilah? Why was your hand right there? I think it's it needs help. Yeah. How about you? She complimented you earlier? What? Bryce, Bryce, look at me. He's never smelled it. I've never smelled it. Bryce. All right. Can I try it now or? It literally is, you know, Kalilah will bring up several topics during the day what to eat. Hey, you know Let me before you speak because I haven't spoken much. Yeah, Steve Steve Let me just start off by saying that Dude, your teeth ain't no nothing to brag about. Exactly. Exactly. I learned it from you, dude. You learned. I'm not your dad
Starting point is 00:17:05 I'm not your parent. Show him. Show him the drug commercials from this episode. I learned it from you, dad Hold up. Show them these. Show them these. They fall out on in his mouth, too. They do. The teeth fall out. The teeth fall out. Yeah I just think that like dental health directly affects like your heart health And so I want you I signed you up for insurance or I signed you up for it. Yeah, I appreciate that Yeah, I gotta do the paperwork. Can I see your teeth? Let me you got some nice one. Oh, wow Yeah, no braces. Your brother's like a piece of shit took a piece of shit But you know what? It's been better than the last few days But you know what he said I go I'll just get I'll just get mint altoids and he goes that would just be like mint shit
Starting point is 00:17:44 So it's like wrapping gum around a shit. Yeah. Yeah You can put christmas lights on a piece of shit. It's still a piece of shit. You know, I'll testify. You know when it really Hit my heart. Yeah, um my girlfriend. Um, I try to kiss her in the morning. Yeah, and like her she went like her eyes got Yeah, yeah, she took the covers like this They covered it like that. Do you brush your teeth like like like you had SARS Yeah, like you're in china and get a disease I remember it's this man. The grizzly chew ain't helping. Oh, maybe it's the grizzly too, man The last time we went to the dentist together
Starting point is 00:18:22 He gave us the x-rays and everything and he was like, I haven't seen these kind of teeth And let he goes let me pull them all out in the back and you were like no Just pull out the one that hurts and I told you steve your brother will pay for it all You're like nope. No, no pull out the one only the one that hurts. How painful was that? It hurt man. It hurt. Yeah, you were knocked out. I don't know. Yeah, just my teeth. I brush I brush Are you sure? Dude, I've been I was brushing the whole time in Gilbert. Yeah, you were brushing. Yeah, you were brushing. Because you're a really clean person. You're really tidy. Yeah, I try. I try. You know what? We're gonna change that 2018 is a year of the new teeth for you two We're gonna get you some fucking implants because you need to start chewing meat. Now with dental technology can they like because these
Starting point is 00:19:02 There's a lot of missing gaps. There's some gaps here. Yeah, you could just put like implants and stuff Are there like fake teeth? You could just glue in there? No, not glue. I would glue, but you actually have to put Something first like anchor it and then you put the dent the implant over. You think that's a good thing, huh? Yeah Yeah, but would that work though? Like if they had a crazy kind of glue where you can just put like A chiclet in there or like anything you want in there. Yeah Let's try it gorilla glue Throw it in there I was also talking in Hawaii
Starting point is 00:19:32 Um, because Paul Paul Dave's brother went to visit and we're sitting in the minivan together Yeah, and I was talking to him and we're talking about New York or something and he he didn't say anything He just offers me a piece of gum Like this. Oh, yeah, people He's trying to be nice about people. No my breath. Yeah, you're price. You haven't smelled it. Come on beyond. I won't get mad Okay, no, what what what smells on me? Oh his fucking feet. Oh my god. Oh my god. The swamp has you got swamp feet, dude. I've actually They're horrible
Starting point is 00:20:11 Like a dead animal is rotting underneath there. Uh-huh because we're playing dude. I offered to put powder Baby powder no gold bond whatever whatever they got and he goes no dude. No don't touch him Because I like I'm like, what's that smell? We're playing a battle front. We're having a good time and I go What's that peculiar smell? We'll use that inside your mind. What's that peculiar smell? I want to smell something. Yeah, and I go, let me smell your your his like little slippers. Yeah, and I went like this I went, oh my god So you know I make him wash his feet before he comes into bed. There's fungus and it still smells
Starting point is 00:20:51 Awful. Yeah, there's a fungal infection or something deep one deep like it's in his blood So how does it reach to that point of smelling that bad? Ask him He has a regimen Ask him how to grow proper foot fungus What why don't you wear socks? the itch The socks it started with socks My my
Starting point is 00:21:16 Problem started with the sock Yeah, I wear the sock over his shoe and my feet get really hot Right, and then I don't know why but I have a different theory. I think it's from the spa. It's not Oh Yeah, because when I was a swimmer I would get all sorts of weird shit on my feet Like I would get one of those like those warts that go really really deep inside I would get athletes foot because that that moist environment and I'm not wearing slippers because I'm a fuck I was a dirty kid He's not he doesn't wear slippers in exactly but the but my right how wide then what how do you explain my right foot in perfect condition?
Starting point is 00:21:52 I don't know maybe it smells They both smell. No, I do every time. Let me smell it right now. No, let me just say this Okay, when I gave you the slippers, I made sure That you smelled the left one Both of them. I smell both. Yeah, but one of them wasn't as bad Be honest They're both pretty bad. Okay. They smell the same Dude, it's the same smell. It was the same smell on both, right?
Starting point is 00:22:15 Remember I took my shoe off from the airplane. He what do you mean one time? That's like every time you're in the airplane from a different at she could be like three seats over Yeah, three rows in back of me and she'll go put it on. I'll literally text them like you need to put your shoes on Yeah, yeah, yeah, so since we're talking about health outcomes bad feet Breath, yeah, all of that stuff and resolution Yeah, yeah, I'm just thinking about your breath still though. I'm gonna work on it. Yeah, I came across I came across Ted talk. I love Ted talks. Yeah, but You don't do you really love Ted talk? Yeah, I do. I saw the Ronnie Mullin with the innovation and skateboarding
Starting point is 00:23:00 Yeah, it's great. Yeah, so I came across a Ted talk and which was talking about an a score So an a score means adverse childhood experiences and it's basically a tally of different types of abuse neglect and Or traumas that you suffer in in your childhood. Yeah. Yeah, Gilbert stop laughing. I don't know why you're laughing And so based on all these on this tally can predict whether or not you Have certain types of cancers high blood pressure like it's basically a risk factor for not being healthy as an adult How many questions are there 10 questions? So you guys want to take the quiz? All right, you know what? I've never been more excited taking a quiz than this time. Okay, so aren't you excited Steve?
Starting point is 00:23:40 So are we doing it collectively or individually? No, just you and your brothers since you guys have bad feet So we're doing it together. Yeah, so the higher the higher your score is the higher your risk for later health problems So let's see if this is true Before your 18th birthday did a parent or other adult in the household often or very often swear at you and salt you Put you down or humiliate you or act in a way that made you afraid that you might be physically hurt I would have to say yes, son Well, like is it was the actual act or verbally abuse basically basically for verbal abuse Well, it happened a couple times but not it wasn't so common with dad. My dad was yeah
Starting point is 00:24:19 Yeah, he was very it was so yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes on that. Yeah Did a parent or other adult in the household often or very often push grab slap or throw something at you or even hit you So hard that you had marks or were injured. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah. Yeah um, did an adult or person um Five years older than you touch or fondle you or have touched Their body in a sexual no or attempt to have oral anal or vaginal intercourse with you. Nope. Nope. No You did
Starting point is 00:24:51 Nope So it's it's a no no one got sexually abused I literally said this on the podcast five times. Yeah Yeah, I was yeah, not used to though. You're free. Okay. Yeah. I was in fact, in fact, I Yeah, I had sucked some guy forced to suck his dick But five years older. So gary five years old five years or older than you. Yeah. Yeah gary ellen those guys don't count Yeah, they were the older five years old not under five years. No. No. No five years older than you
Starting point is 00:25:21 Older men older men or like someone older like fondling each other's teenagers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That doesn't count So, no. Oh, no. No. No, they got no the retarded guy though No, but that was as we were in minnesota and he it was like it was not really he was just weird. It was weird Yeah, he didn't touch you fondle. No. No. He just had penthouse magazines. No, he would touch. No, he I took his fingers in his butthole I took fingers in his butthole and he pulled his dick out and I chased her inside Why did you stick fingers in his butthole so he got molested? You know who you're reminding me of member of that movie mask with rocky dennis. Yeah, I haven't never seen that
Starting point is 00:25:57 Who me? No, no, no the guy by the the the guy by the apple. Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. He looked it reminded me of that Oh, yeah, I was a kid because this is minnesota anyway. We'll move on next question. Yes for that. Yes. Yeah, for me Did you often or very often feel that no one in your family loved you or thought you were important or special Or your family didn't look out for each other feel close to each other or support each other. No. No. Okay, good Okay, good Did you Often or very often feel that you didn't have enough to eat had to wear dirty clothes and had no one to protect you No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, we had a good or your parents were too drunk or high to take care of you. No, no
Starting point is 00:26:36 Before your 18th birthday was a biological parent ever Ever lost to you through divorce abandonment or other reason. Nope Was your mother or stepmother often pushed, grabbed, slapped or had something thrown at her? Yes. Yeah. Yeah Okay, that's a yes. Yeah Did you live with anyone who has a who was a problem drinker or alcoholic or ever used street drugs? Your dad was an alcoholic, right? Yeah, but he was functioning. I don't know. It doesn't matter if you had an alcoholic in your household That's the question. Yeah. Yeah, he was Before your 18th birthday was a household member depressed or mentally ill
Starting point is 00:27:13 No, no Did a household member go to prison? No Your a score is five So a scores four or higher are not not very good Like basically they want your a score your adverse childhood experiences to be less than four But also they don't really tally like the good parts, right to count through the bad stuff So even though you know what? Can I just say that fucking test is bullshit. I swear to god, there's something to it though
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yeah, but you can't you can't measure love in that question. That's what it's saying The test tells you in the beginning that this does this is only a tally of bad thing in your life The leaves do everything deep Okay Deep abuse but deep love deep support extremes. Yeah, it's it's it's just we're a Korean Right, right. So what this test is saying is it doesn't tell you the good stuff So therefore it doesn't it doesn't take account what makes you resilient like your mom's love or your Connection as brothers or other. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so I don't know
Starting point is 00:28:12 I think they should add up added some other questions too, but I still think that's the reason why your foot That was the whole point to get to the test was the whole point. That's my foot in his mouth. Yeah, that's the reason There's no explanation other than a score. Yeah a score of five gets you that yeah Your breath is because of your alcoholic father. That's the math Your breath is because of your alcoholic father. That's the math of that test, but Can we talk about the show dark? No the nightmare Because we haven't talked about the nightmare that happened a couple of weeks ago with with remi. Yeah, what happened? He's here. Where is remi? Where's remi? Oh, he's he's on the um
Starting point is 00:28:49 Remi's on the little green uh stool outside. Oh, can you open that door? Bryce or somebody? Sorry, Bryce Okay, let's talk about it. So you know about remi though. Yeah, the dog you she okay, so she goes she goes Well, how'd you find it? Kalilah goes um remi is I want to foster Animals, I'm like, I'm cool with that. What does that mean? Well we and because of the fires Remember the big fires that happened? um
Starting point is 00:29:16 The shelters were overflowing It's shelters are overflowing and And Kalilah's like we got to help save an animal So, um, she sent me a photo of a cute white dog. Yeah, that was a year old And I'm like get it We love it get it right get it. Yeah, and then I show up at the house and we got Henry Fonda over here We got a fucking old gum gum
Starting point is 00:29:43 toothless grouchy Fucker. Grouchy. He was at first. He's sweet. He's sweet now Gandalf And it hated me when you know, you know, you know, he his last owner was a guy with mental disabilities a boy A retard. He wasn't a fan. Yeah, I think maybe I don't know probably not Yeah, yeah, you're mentally handicapped And he abused this little guy here. Yeah, what do you do? What do you do to it? I don't know man
Starting point is 00:30:15 But basically he got returned because the mother of the this man said that he was not able to Properly care for Remy and I don't know what that meant, but I'm assuming because Remy is not a fan initially of men Yeah, yeah, like he's very tentative, but he loves females. Yeah So and I I wasn't a fan of Remy in the beginning. I'm like this old Henry Fonda shit and um But I grew to love it I love this guy now. Well, tell him what but what happened was this so Clila's like
Starting point is 00:30:47 I don't want to talk. I don't want to talk bad about anybody. So we're not going to name any names. All right We met somebody at a park. It didn't work out. It just didn't feel right. No, it didn't. Yeah, their dog Didn't get along and then the next day She goes, I you know, I know somebody through instagram That's that, you know Someone contacted me and she was showing interest in Remy Right. So, um, we I'm gonna try to tiptoe without naming names and being specific They don't listen to podcasts. That's fine. They don't know. Okay. His name is
Starting point is 00:31:22 Please They were nice people. They're nice guy nice guy nice girl and We also knew similar people. Oh same circle same circle, right? So we brought Remy over there and the dude is cool smokes pot that's not a bad thing and um, wait, so We leave Remy there. Yeah, so they and they go we like Remy They really wanted and the and the Remy and the other dogs seemed like they were getting along
Starting point is 00:31:48 and then um The next day, this is what happened. What happened the next morning. I got a text saying um, your dog Remy was found By this woman Courtney so and so please call. So basically he was found Outside someone took him to the vet and microchipped him and I got the automated Text saying but those people that I gave Remy to who never contacted me and said they they lost him Oh, you know what I mean? Yeah, so I called them and guess where he was rolling up walking Down Sunset Boulevard all the way down there. Yeah, he's just really walking on Sunset Boulevard this little guy
Starting point is 00:32:28 Right going. Where's Kalilah? No, that's the thing wasn't yes. He it do let me say something. I've never seen a dog So in love with another human like this. Look at that. I mean, it's pure love and that's he left the house trying to find her I guarantee it. That's in your head. You don't believe it. I believe that 100 percent. Yeah, yeah So basically I went to go pick up Remy And I texted them and I said, hey, I I have Remy. Oh, sorry. We didn't want to alert you or scare you We were gonna try and find him ourselves and We but we want him back
Starting point is 00:33:03 Yeah, yeah, so then I go now. She's like no way. Who's a dog? Right. So she says no way and I'm like, no, no, no way. But then I wrote them and I was like, look I think this is this is a sign from the cosmos that Remy needs to be with me a while longer So the answer is no and they both the the chick and then the husband who are really really nice people were like Look, give us another chance. We really love him. I'm the one that convinced Kalilah. I go You have to give him. You have to give him another chance. Well, I read the text. You showed me the text and what did Steve say? What did you say Steve? Well, I was like, dude, that's incompetence right there You said don't give the dog bad and we all said that Jessica
Starting point is 00:33:37 Well, you're you're you're forgetting a big factor the dude that led it like because the dude Remy was in the yard And what was the dude doing? He was rolling a blunder. I don't know that he was he was fucking a weed He wasn't paying attention. Yeah, he was like Doing some rolling a blunt or something and then the dog. He wasn't paying it. You got to be so attentive with animals I know with Kirby. Yeah, Kirby has gotten lost. Yeah, and we you know, we have to be so aware of you have to be aware of with your animals Like kids, especially when you first have a dog because it's so unfamiliar with its surroundings And it's afraid and doesn't know you well. So it's gonna want to bolt when it's exploring the yard Right, you have to pay attention. Anyway, I because because this guy
Starting point is 00:34:16 I I work with this guy's brother on something Right. So in my head, I'm like, we got to give him on the shot Remy was freaked out. Yeah, and so I I said tell call I go, you know, it's human Kindness to forgive And to give people a second chance and I believe them Over Steve and Jessica. She believed me. Oh, yeah, but dude, they wrote a whole essay, dude Like yeah, and so she comes over. So, you know, she comes over the girl Right. She meets sees Remy again. You see her again. Pick some up again. Pick some up again
Starting point is 00:34:52 And we're like bye Remy. Bye Remy. We gave him gave him another chance. Now we think Remy's found his family We're giving a second chance the same people. It's five in the morning. Now the next morning. Oh, come on No, I'm being real. No, this is real five in the morning. Next morning. I'm sleeping and I don't know how I woke up But I I hear iPads And I and phones get going off You know, like things are going off. Thank you sound effect guy And I I was scraggie and I looked at my iPad and I read something on it And it said something about Remy, but I'm like, oh forget and I went back to sleep
Starting point is 00:35:27 And then cloudy I woken up and she was like, what's going on? I got Remy something She looks at her phone and I hear silence. I fell probably back asleep and she's reading something and I screamed and she goes Oh my fucking god He's gone again. You scream. I screamed. They lost him again He ran away again. The same the same people, dude The same the same you didn't wait four months to lose him like that They lost him the first night again. I would be so embarrassed shameful to even text you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so we wake up No, what was the excuse? What would they say? Now the guy now the guy's calling. I wouldn't I couldn't get on the phone because I was so angry
Starting point is 00:36:05 He was she was so angry. She's like you talked to him because I was angry at him at body Yeah, I thought I was responsible. I grew up. What's up, dude? I'm not I'm being we got to work this out. We got to work this out Clinically an asshole but being trying to be nice but not so tell me exactly what happened, dude Tell me exactly what happened. We're on the same team right now, bro. Yeah. Yeah, and and he goes Well, yeah, I don't know. She me my dad Rebuilt this fence. He said I remember he said that smoking a joint right rebuilt the fence. He was fucking with weed again. And
Starting point is 00:36:36 I don't know. We just he laughed Right and then and then now I haven't I that was what I was going to sleep Yes, that's when I sleep. That's your bed, right? So I'm like, I guess we got to go find them. Yeah, we drove to west hollywood. He called you made flyers Yeah, we made thousands of flyers. I said Jessica who drives down my sister came out. Jessica came out. We had I was gonna wake you up. But you know, that's good. Good. He'll there were 50 people looking for this dog I was full. I alerted all of west hollywood. They looking I yeah, yeah, yeah, we saw them. They better be. No, we saw them a block away
Starting point is 00:37:13 Remember and I go and she goes that's the guy. Yeah, and he's like, you know putting something up A flyers up. I felt bad for them. How do you say face though? How do you really say face? But you guys like come on my question is I mean, do these things happen or was it neglect like my I have no idea It could be really bad luck to it would just be bad luck because I really didn't like that. No, I don't I don't I'm not buying that. I'm not buying that So do you think that it was a sign from the cosmos that he was that I I shouldn't have given him back the second time I'll tell you this much if they were to get another dog get prize scape again
Starting point is 00:37:47 If they wanted, you know, they got a different dog. The same shit would have happened. They're incompetent. You know, they are not They're not no, they're not Street stretchers are not fit to be dog owners at this moment. They already have a dog Why do they keep losing the old one? Why and how they lose this little guy? My belief is this guy can't jump. I know you're telling me this guy jumped over a big-ass fan Steve you can hear you. You can hear you. Steve, Steve, Steve This dog. I'm not and this is I really believe this This dog has been abused his whole life. Okay. It's like Dolly. He he meets Kalyla. Who's a gentle animal whisperer?
Starting point is 00:38:25 True. She's a cherub of animals. A cherub. She really is. She's drawn. She's the obese lady Right and with tenderness and kindness. There we go. That sounds weird. And so look at the way she holds him She the first day these two met He was like finally Love Right. I've been searching for love for so long and now I found it in this nice lady Is that Remy's voice? Yeah. Okay. That's pretty good. And I'm This other fat yellow piece of shit lives here too, but he's cool. He's cool
Starting point is 00:39:01 Right And then when he was at the other person's house, he's like, where's the lady? I need to find the lady The fat yellow guy And the fat yellow guy And she he'd escape And then the second time same thing happened And and look he got his way
Starting point is 00:39:21 Now look at him. So this is a he's here not fostering. This is can I just say something? It's even really weird. No, this is I'm still looking for a home So if there's any listeners out there and you like this dog and you want you want to you want a magic grandpa Yeah, you want to be a dog owner, but also like please don't lose him If you lose him the problem now the problem now though is is that I He's genuinely have feelings for the guy. So you're attached to him. I was like, you know when we're in Arizona I was thinking about Gobi. I'm like, I can't wait to see Gobi You brought that Remy?
Starting point is 00:39:56 See Remy too But you tell him the story about what happened in between that about the what Remy did to his stuff What stuff? Oh, yeah, bring that up. It's got a dark side to it. Yeah, this is a good story Well, this is the one we this is She when she goes to sleep she goes she should look at me she goes Take both the dogs down That's how she does it. She does right before you go to bed Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:22 And at that time you couldn't leash him at the same time and bring him down. You had to go one at a time We live in a third. They just good too wild because I go to sleep earlier than him Yeah, so I always say if you're awake in four hours, can you please take the dogs down for one last pee? So that they don't have to hold their bladders for eight hours, right? So that night Gobi our dog Was acting crazy like she kept wanting to go out Maybe that she had diarrhea. So I just kept going down there with Gobi
Starting point is 00:40:54 Right and then by the time five o'clock came around She's asleep dead asleep in a ball next to Kailah. I'm not just waiting for her tomorrow. Yeah, all right He wasn't gonna take Remy down. So as I like she asked So I'm slowly getting into bed and she wakes up and she goes. Did you bring him down? Remy I go no because she was sleeping. He was sleeping. I told you to bring him down Right. Yeah, and then Remy gets up Gets on the ground and now her mom had just cleaned the house
Starting point is 00:41:26 Oh, but I have my Jacket my leather jacket my blue bag all in a little pile Remy walks up to it opens his leg and pisses all over my shit Brice left at that. I love why he chose your stuff. I don't know He was just to send a message because he's vitreous and how he knew how mad was I? Now I'm pissed because I'm like if you had just taken him down that wouldn't have happened But he's also pissed because his entire backpack is wet red. Was he about the red zone? Oh, he was he was on the side of the bed for a whole hour does all you hear
Starting point is 00:42:03 Just red zone breathing and then she and then she woke up and she's like you want to talk about it And then what did I say it made him even more angry when I say go I'm just dealing with myself. It's my fault Like in a rage You know, yeah, he's a crafty little guy, huh? Because sometimes I just wish that he would listen to me I already brought the dog first at that point. I didn't love Remy I wanted the little guy out of the fucking house not attached to me At that time
Starting point is 00:42:34 I'm sorry. Don't get angry to me. It was like that's her situation and I always deal with my situation And that's exactly what she did but now I love the guy I'm taking him down Okay, yeah, he got to me because now when I come in the house He'll walk it right up to me And put his paws on my You know knees. What does he say and look it'll go
Starting point is 00:42:57 Let's app Like that And I'll go hi I see a cholo. I don't know You guys we really need to find Remy at home and somebody who can appreciate like a magic grandpa who likes to run away He's sweet. He's so sweet. Yeah, and also, um We you'll have a relationship with us too. Yeah, because we we want to see Remy again If you want to get connected to the indus
Starting point is 00:43:24 I want to meet Bobby that's how I'm doing everything I got right I mean we'll be not you won't just be a fan of the podcast. You'll be family What's the criteria though? You guys going to interview these people? No, I got to do a home check now I gotta make sure that like their fence is like proper or they do a mental check to see where their heads are at Yeah, yeah, but do your own mental check? Fucking snapperhead You guys we need to talk about the show dark We haven't talked about it. We haven't talked about the show dark. You're only on the sixth episode. You've never seen it
Starting point is 00:43:53 Well, I just finished the fifth. Yeah, I finished the fifth. Oh, okay. So, um German show it's weird because we finished dark The second time Remy disappeared. We felt like the show bled into so here's the deal I was at the comedy store Now everyone if you do or do not know Christelia Christelia is a guy who doesn't watch shows He doesn't recommend music. He doesn't recommend anything. He doesn't he's never come to me and said Hey, I me and my girl went to this great restaurant. You should check it out
Starting point is 00:44:25 He's just not that guy, right? So I've you know the 12 years. I've known him I've never gotten that from him. So I was at the comedy store and we were peeing next to each other In the bathroom. Yeah, good. And he looks over because he's taller and he looks over at my dick He goes, okay. That's pretty good. A tall guy, right and he goes Have you seen dark? I go, what? My dick's dark It's on Netflix. I go, what is it? It's a german show and I love it. You should watch it. You'll really like it
Starting point is 00:44:58 I go, why it's he goes. Trust me. It's up your alley So I came home to Kalyla and I go, Delia never recommends anything I think we should give it a go So I started watching it myself And um, then Kalyla and I started watching it together And now we got Steve involved Well, can I just say Yeah, go ahead
Starting point is 00:45:19 Well, I didn't mean to cut you off. Go ahead. Well The first episode me and Ilani watched and we weren't too impressed and I'm like, uh, it's good But then I have to say in Arizona when I saw episode two the end that's when I was hooked Oh, this is this is fucking awesome. Because then you realize. Oh, there's so much more to it than just So sorry for cutting you know, no, no, no, that's yeah, it opened my horizons. I'm like, this is it's mind-blowing It's like stranger things like you said it's like stranger things for adults kind of stranger things meets interstellar Meets kind of back to the sci-fi back to the future. Yeah The sci-fi violence and Marty McFly. Yeah, it's really cool. Have you seen this shit?
Starting point is 00:46:00 Netflix it's they went to it's the first Germany's first Netflix show. Awesome. It's produced by them Netflix It's not something that they made in Germany and they bought the rights to it They're the people behind it So they went to these two showrunners who happened to be a couple And they said, yeah, well, we have an idea and they pitched and they made it It's very well done. But I will say that it's not one of those shows that you can watch passively You need hyper ninja focus. You need to pause and then
Starting point is 00:46:31 Figure out what you're watching and figure out if you understand it or if you're following That's what I had. You know what? I wish I did. I wish I had a like a poster board and making family trees and timelines It's like game of thrones. We have to pay attention. Oh, yeah But even deeper deeper a little bit dealing with different because then you're kind of unsure as you go And you need clarification. So you have to really think Yeah, about oh this person's you have to remember names And things like that and a lot of the casting they got right You know like most of it the older guys look like their childhood selves because it happens in several different timelines
Starting point is 00:47:05 Yeah, but sometimes they don't and when they don't they look nothing like they did, you know as an adult It gets a little confusing. Yeah, it does. It's a pretty good show. You guys should pretty good show God you got to check it out, man. How do you think of that? I mean the the thing that impressed me is just the whole idea And the writing and how do you I thought it was pretty creative. Yeah, like how do you like Inner link these timelines. Yeah, it's writing and the thinking beyond behind it is intricate and It blows you'll blow your mind, you know because I think you'll like it. Yeah, it even it gets crazy If you're only the fifth episode, oh my god, oh it gets more crazy. Oh, yeah Oh, because then you're like, oh
Starting point is 00:47:40 Shit, like it starts to creep it starts to bleed into your own thoughts because after bobby and I watched it All of a sudden weird things were happening and we were convinced there was a wormhole in this house Our cat all of a sudden is waiting outside our door instead of inside Did you hear about that our the power and our building went out wake up one morning This is after we watched we finished the show. Yes, we we get a knock on the door And then I'm sleeping but I could hear And I hear some guy you guys hear about an orange cat And client was like we have an orange camp, but he's in here
Starting point is 00:48:15 Well, we don't know whose cat this is And then I hear maybe Two minutes ago by and I hear client go It's goody Our cat our cat was gone never leaves the house. He's never left the house in his life How the fuck did he get out there? It was a wormhole. I'm telling you a fucking war Happened after the show remmy was gone twice Our cat all of a sudden appears outside of our house when the door is locked. We live in an apartment
Starting point is 00:48:43 There's no way to get out of here. Well, the huge part of the show is like missing people And then also the power and the building went out for a whole day Yeah, and then all of a sudden our elevators were acting weird and then the lights in our kitchen started to flicker on and off Some weird shit was happening immediately after and then you won't get this now, but I'm freaked out over my brother I freaked out over because of the shower. Are you taking a shower? What happened? What happened today? Well, this is what happened. Okay But your flight was delayed. Thank god. Yeah, thank god. Yeah, but we didn't know that at the time and I woke up at I woke up at almost three
Starting point is 00:49:18 And the flight was at like 420. Oh my god. No, it was but I thought it was 420 Bob thought it was at 4. How far is the airport? 30 minutes away. It's tight 25 and and I wake up in my head I'm like, it's 420. We have to leave It's almost three And I just woke up And I hear Steve taking a shower It it raged me I'm because I'm frantically, you know packing, you know
Starting point is 00:49:48 My teeth smell bad. I can't brush you my teeth right I go, why don't you let me out You're like, what I just woke up myself. Okay. He's taking a long shower though. Okay. I love We get in the car we drive. No, my mom came with us. Yeah, my mom Because we had we rented a car And then I spent 100 miles per hour on the freeway while my mom was going to take care of returning the car back Yeah, and we get to the airport and as we're pulling up I go
Starting point is 00:50:18 We're not gonna make it it's 420 and and my brother goes it's 520 Yeah, he looked at it wrong. I looked at it wrong and plus it was delayed An hour by an hour. Yeah, wow, which I knew but I thought you guys would just be in the airport on time Anyways, it didn't matter Yeah, anyway, I freaked we freaked out it was a and we fought today It's okay, man. So, you know brothers. Do you love me? Yeah, I love you man. I do you don't want to kill me anymore No, but there's certain things that Okay, let's speak
Starting point is 00:50:48 There's certain things that you do like once in a blue moon. Yeah Because like, you know, he knows me so well He knows what exactly what button he'll be like, boom I'm like, oh, you know I just I just lose my mind He's the only and he's the only person on this earth that could do that to me Really? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, I have close friends that know me. No, well, there's certain friends that could do that too, but They don't you know, yeah
Starting point is 00:51:16 I mean So I yeah He gets in these red zones Yeah, I mean, I'm and and usually they end up With me being physically hurt I've attacked him I heard about the FIFA thing There's several where there's uh, knockout kings. It was the night before your mad tv with the knives with the knives
Starting point is 00:51:40 Yeah, yeah, and then there's one where a fifa 2009 Yeah, yeah, and oh, we would that's why it is like every couple years Yeah, that's why I don't I refuse to play him now. He kind of eggs me like come on. Let's play And I'm like, no, I'm not playing you Come on. Yeah, but we got to the ridge with we get we can get to ridge without it What do you mean? I can get you there without oh, yeah But I'm saying there's specific things that you do that could But to the two I just I want everyone listening right now
Starting point is 00:52:08 There was a moment where my brother and I were about to physically come to blows In this podcast. No, I was you know, but just how we cut it off. We started again Yeah, and we he he almost but my brother grew Because I didn't I know another time. I'm gonna give you a compliment. Okay. Thank you my brother Usually when he's that mad We'll go to pure violence No threatening. No, I don't know. Well, you did threaten me You say you're gonna come over here and kill me. No, no, no, come on. But anyway, um, he's gonna kiss you
Starting point is 00:52:40 Yeah, yeah, you didn't kiss me or kill me. But he He Reframed from getting violent and we have to applaud his growth guys We'll start with the but also I will say that I sided with you Steve and I understood your pain at the moment Yeah, because I do live with your brother and I know that he likes to push. I'm a bad person. No, you're not a bad person I'm pure evil. I'm pure evil. You're great. You just have a big-ass mouth. He's the kylo Ren Yeah, you don't know where you if you're good or evil. He doesn't know so since we're on this topic Yeah, how do you personally because you guys live together? Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:18 I we were together for three or four days and we were kind of button heads towards even kind of yeah I was getting on your nerves. How do you how do you deal with it? No, I want to know I write a book I you could write memos of I'm gonna. I love there's something that people have to know about me I am quite possibly the most patient person that I know I have the patience of a fucking You know, my threshold for bullshit is so high That most things don't get to me. You you deserve a like a
Starting point is 00:53:50 A fucking meadow. I know or something. I do you do a big one No, like the one like the fucking wedding cake. Yeah, it's like the fucking gold on the top Yeah, and like the master that's like golden globes mixed mixed with the off everything You don't think that you could live with him today, dude. We would fucking get into it If we would oh, I mean, we're playing battlefront and we just being in the same space. We're not we need to be separated You're playing games We are video. So that's the one thing we we've always done together. We like we play we love video games But also he's really neat and tidy steve is and bobby is a complete opposite steve likes things where they are supposed to be
Starting point is 00:54:32 He literally doesn't he'll just throw it like no just disregard like every the world is his trashcan Sometimes I feel like he'll like do something I have to clean up right away and then the del taco thing that I'm like putting in there He's following after yeah, you have to pick up after literally you literally have to pick up How amazing what did the house look when you arrived and walked through these doors? It was very pristine and how does it look now after 15 minutes of bobby? You don't even know what he did to our place in gilbert It was like the trash compactor. It was literally it was bad. I feel that's give maids at hotels Yeah, like I'll leave them dvd players
Starting point is 00:55:08 Oh like good gifts No, but because but they deserve it trust me because I it's like, you know an aerial view of via mom vietnam When we stay in a hotel together the night before I always clean up because I feel that bad for housekeeping And I'm so We're on to something good. You know what he's bad at also. He's bad at this keep man like his cars over the years He doesn't give a fuck that thing might as well just be a fucking dump truck or something It is because there is one truck in poway his uh when he was in between going from la joya to la He had a white toyota truck
Starting point is 00:55:42 He had starbucks frappuccino bottles. Yeah Like just filled to the top guess what's what was inside Piss Yeah, that's his thing. He likes that. I like it. I like my own pee. I like the color It's warm. Jenna and I we cleaned out his car We found their smells a big block of what looked like it was like a big block. They look like a truffle Yeah, but a giant truffle because it was like the mold had A farm
Starting point is 00:56:12 Right. Yeah, it's all right 2018 guys new year. You're on my side. I'll I do PA things Can I make a man? I want to make a man so You're making a man to you. Look at my eyes then. I'm I'm go ahead. I love you, man I really do and I'm sorry for uh You know the threats and coming at you that way because I was just upset at that moment and it was You know, and I want to apologize to everyone in the room because I know it was uncomfortable You don't have to but uh
Starting point is 00:56:42 I realized I got really uncomfortable. I loved it. Um, and I apologize if I made you know, if I offended anyone. I didn't mean what I said Um, I was just kind of in you know, what he said to me too. You're fat. Do you hear that? Oh, but I would have well brice No, it's fat and he goes you're gonna die Do you not say that you're fat and you're gonna die I was just trying to say the most hurtful And then you know what I did I I to be announced. I go I want to die. Yeah, he's like I want to die
Starting point is 00:57:13 Yeah I want to die. Yeah, yeah, yeah, which made you even I'm an open book man. I don't give a fuck That's what I said, yeah, yeah, we were out there brice gilbert and I were on the couch Just waiting for you guys to finish fighting and we were trying to like have a normal conversation But the random like you would get louder and louder like well, you're fat And then we were like so this year. I'm trying to be a vegetarian. I was trying to like you. I will kill you And I'm eating potatoes and so I finally told brice. Can you close the door so they can fight on their own? You know what I said, I want to fucking hurt you so bad right?
Starting point is 00:57:52 Yeah, he wanted to hurt me so bad But you're right. There was only two little bars left like you had me in the red And then there was like dink dink. They're being and then they were oh my god. It would have been Oh, this table honestly, he was at a point of no return. That would have been the I saw it in your face. That's why I walked out. I was like, I'm gonna let this let them have that I just followed her. I'm ashamed because I'm not blaming my father But that comes it's derivative from my father It's like some luke white skywalker shit, you know
Starting point is 00:58:25 In dart faders and it's like I'm ashamed. I mean, but I need to I'm you know, I need to contain it And but maybe not because I'm an adult and I shouldn't be But also carrying myself in that way, you know, but also you need to respect his I just have to do anything he doesn't want to do. I mean that the thing is acceptance. I have to accept Just the way is And if that's the way is then that's the way is I can't change. Yeah, but yeah, but no, I mean come on man That's the way you I'm just saying that's the way I am. No, no, I don't don't don't get offended I'm not getting offended, but I want you to know. I want you to I'm asking you a question. I'm just saying what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:59:01 That's the way I am. What was certain things. I'm perfect okay You know stop stop everyone. No, no, no stop everyone be quiet. I'm not gonna say nothing, but I'm gonna say this, okay I am a fucking fun machine. Yeah, can I just say? No, you are. I'm a fucking fun. There's no doubt about it Sometimes a fun machine when they're built, right? There's little kinks and and things, right? Am I not correct? There we go back in the fucking 20s when they made fun machines when people decided to do those things I'll do was different. It was different. This is the problem with Bobby After he apologizes. I'm so sorry. I messed up. Yeah, two seconds later. I'm perfect
Starting point is 00:59:43 Yeah, I'm like living in like a I know I don't know how you do it seriously. I'm looking at you and I'm How do people live with Jesus? They couldn't they they were like, oh my god, this guy's like building too many fucking furniture. See He's also walking on the fucking water and stuff You know what I mean? And the and people were like jealous and stuff. What am I gonna do? I am sort of a masochist though. I do like a little bit of chaos. Yeah, you do So I think that I probably I'm an agent of fucking chaos. I'm an agent of fun. Look at me right now Will you thrive in it?
Starting point is 01:00:13 I thrive in it thrive in it. That's the thing he needs that even the messiness He needs that to do what he does on stage and yeah to be a comedian and he that's what he that's I thrive and taken care of somebody so that I thrive in taking care of that chaos. I commend you. I commend you No, seriously, he I just I just realized now like How the fuck are you doing this? I don't know how you're doing then you have five like a zoo in here now. You got animal My it's next like a bird or a parrot I've got to get a parrot and so many animals and dealing with him dealing with what perfection
Starting point is 01:00:49 No, come on, man. I love do we have a question gil? We do. Yeah. Is this live? No, no, it's not live This was live I'm hopeful advice with bobby kalana. It's db. Weebie This is from brian in los angeles, california as a korean american It has been difficult for me to understand where our community stands culturally I want to have pride in my community, but How can be so when I don't even know what it means to be korean american? If you grew up in a white neighborhood, you were called whitewash
Starting point is 01:01:20 If you're more in tune with korean culture than the american culture You were called a fob if you're more in tune with latino or black culture. You may as well just uh, Not face judgment. So basically my question is what do you think it means to be korean american or asian american? Where do we stand? For me, that's a complex question. It's not a complex question because for me. I don't identify With any of those labels korean Or white or whatnot Because just hear me out. Don't be an uncle tom
Starting point is 01:01:49 Now i'm not being an uncle tom Okay What i'm saying is that I felt those same things. Where do I fit in? korean i'm not that korean i'm not the white what I realize is that i'm my own Thing Right of all these character defects. You just brought up a messy These are my views. I'm a fucked up guy. I have a lot of weird things There's some good traits about me too. Okay, but that doesn't yeah, you know, I could just look at koreans and go
Starting point is 01:02:19 This is what I like about them. I love that they opened their stores at christmas Yeah, dude, I love it. That's true. They don't there's no We're not gonna there's no event in life That's gonna keep them from closing a good restaurant down The spa, I know on christmas days spas open raves are open Karaoke clubs are open Everything's open people are doing their job because they want to make money and I love that But I think this question is more no korean america like korean americans
Starting point is 01:02:49 But I know so they have that but then you have the korean americans That they they hang out with their white friends and whatnot. I'm just a guy I don't even know what the question was you stand where you want to stand I stand where I want to stand Yeah, I think that's essentially it. It's like, you know, you want to you want people he his question is Whether wherever you associate yourself with there's a label to it If you if you hang out with just koreans, then you're you're a fob if you hang out with white people Oh, you're too whitewashed or a twinkie. You're a banana a twinkie, right? Yeah And if you're you know, then you're urban or you're this like why can't a korean american just stand as is and I think that
Starting point is 01:03:25 They can and that's a that's a choice that you make and I think that it's your choice to be affected by those labels for so long I was called a fob, but I never got offended by it I was like, I'm a fob because I came here from the philippines and I have an accent That's the definition of a fob then so be it. I take that You don't have you don't have fob tendencies though. I have fob. You did not see me earlier. I had I know but you've you've you've changed You've evolved yourself for a long time. I wasn't just mexican There are people I know but there are people out there like I'm not gonna name names
Starting point is 01:03:56 But other people that I know That even when they came here at five, they still have fob tendencies. I love fobs. I don't know why you're so against that I I think that you should um You know, um I don't know. I just think that you should be like a relevant person if you're gonna be if you're gonna be a show business This is what i'm referring it to. Oh show business. Are they asking about show business? No, they're talking about real life. That's my general question, right? Yeah. Anyway, can I just say this last thing though about it? Yeah Is is that I can't I can't draw
Starting point is 01:04:31 Like when I do shows I have some asians come out But i'm not like joe coy or some of these other acts That fill the rooms with asians that support them. They don't support me I get a mix of a lot of different people And i'm kind of like for for a while. I was really bummed out about that like Why can't I you know Pull my people in But then I realized i'm not them
Starting point is 01:04:57 I'm not that you're your own right my own fucked up thing, you know The only one that's closest to me is david show When I met david show i'm like there that's what I think kind of Or that korean kid that opens for me peter sometimes peter peter kim peter kim I look at him. I go we're on the same cloth flamboyant gay korean comedian. Yeah, we're just kind of weird and Our own thing and it's so i'm just telling this guy Don't even think about it. Who gives a fuck just be your own thing But you don't think you have a responsibility that you're representing a certain people say it people come up to me and go
Starting point is 01:05:34 Hey, dude, like you made me, you know, I would grew up watching you made me feel proud But there are other people that have said you're a disgrace It's exactly your disgrace to our our people Yeah, they're particular like I mean for the most part asians are particular on who they support You know there was an Asian actor who's been in a bunch of movies that came up to me at the comedy store And he goes he has a little bit of an accent and he's been in big movies He goes you you you're a disgrace to our people
Starting point is 01:06:04 He said that yeah, and I go what yeah, he's gotten that yeah, and he goes Just you put your pubes out You swear You you you you mean you're loud. Okay. It's embarrassing. Maybe that's what a korean american is a korean american can do whatever the fuck He wants and and that's just the end of the story Without the pressures of being You know, um, you know a straight edge or being the archetype or academic academic you can be that's the perfect You know you said it right there and then disgusting pull your pubes out doing whatever the fuck you want
Starting point is 01:06:38 It's america be korean american and that it can be whatever you want it to be But I was in one time. I was in this is what maybe I was in San francisco and I was at the punchline And there was a met old japanese man sitting there In the audience and I I item when he came to the room and in my head. I'm like This guy's gonna hate me He was Me like he was an 80 year old man, but every joke
Starting point is 01:07:06 Made him almost want to vomit. He was laughing so hard He loved me that much. That's not the response And after the show he came up to me goes he had this weird like what's that man fucking hilarious, you know, like he could talk Regular, you know, and I just like urban like, you know, but he was just a guy that was second generation japanese guy american he You know didn't identify with the previous asian comics that were before me like I mean Henry Cho is very funny, but it's a lot of people like his style, you know, whatever, but He identified with me. You know, I mean, so it's like you never know
Starting point is 01:07:44 But then I've seen a lot of older asian people walk out of my shows Like you're moose and you see how you go, you know, you're a jingoda Yeah, like he's gross And so that's that too You know just be you Yeah, just be you A little rage monster like my brother. Yeah I always didn't like it when like I have some
Starting point is 01:08:09 I don't think you're right. I think it was warranted. That's okay. I want to look at the footage after though I'm curious No, it's okay. I'll see you when you zoom in into your eyes. You want to see? Yeah, I've never seen it I honestly, we've never seen it captured. Yeah, brice. Yeah, let's watch because you documented it like my ring Oh, it's on there. You have so you have it on tape. Oh, it's on there. Oh, we have to see Oh, yeah, we have to watch it just for ourselves. Yeah Because it might help me like I don't want to do that again. Don't erase it. I know what we can do So what we can do is we can just get the video
Starting point is 01:08:42 Don't put the audio and then I'll send it to you just so you can see the reaction of it. No, I want to see the audio I want to see how it transpired. I think we'll laugh at it No, I mean like I think you and I will laugh at it. How ridiculous it is Yeah Well, I feel I feel fine now. Okay. I'm fine too. I love you. I love you too. Okay one more thing before we go guys Let's glad that I've heard about this. I've never seen it because I've heard stories. I gots experience. So thank you That was a treat You you saw I've never seen
Starting point is 01:09:12 Yeah, because when you say it's good people meet steve They go that guy because I get so sweet because just right now right now innocent. He's like, I'm so sorry. I'm like Yeah, it was a treat, but you Let me ask you this Gilbert be real. Yeah when you saw it happening. Were you scared? I was trying to think how do I calm the situation? Because that's why I kept going. Yeah Yeah, yeah, were you scared? It wasn't my first rodeo. I know I've seen your brother read zone a lot
Starting point is 01:09:40 I'll just sit here. Then I saw how he stood up. Yeah Bade the tables. I was like, Kalilah, would you need help? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't remember doing that. I walked away I walked away first because I've seen your red zone before and I don't like being a part of it And he followed Oh, that was It's like you know, it's like camp drink. It's all capturing the big foot. Okay camera. Yeah, or the Loch Ness monster Like we got it. Yeah, I got to see it. It's like an urban for myself urban legend that we caught on camera
Starting point is 01:10:10 It's a good one. I got a shoot. We're not going to air that part, but we want to see it. Don't ever erase it Yeah, I want to see that little chunk of rage Your eyes See what happens. It's right the camera's there. Yeah, I'm right here. Oh, my eyes are crossing, right? Yeah No, let me ask you since it's all said and done. Yeah. Yeah. Um after he said that thing When did you guys realize like uh-oh Steve? Oh right away once I said that as soon as you said it I started punching. Oh, yeah. I realized that yeah, and I said no That's not because I I knew that that was going to be the reaction. I saw your eyes
Starting point is 01:10:42 Oh my eyes cross. Yeah, and you went pale First and then you got red. Yeah, it was like the blood left your body and then it went right up All yeah, I could feel the wheels turning No, the wheels turning and then I could see your heart Right. It was in shambles. Yeah, just shatter and then and then you you know when What Bruce Campbell not Bruce Campbell. Oh banner. Yeah turns into hawk things ripping Your shirt was ripping. Here's when I knew the switch like you know in the acting classes They tell you like and you're doing comedy. You're very expressive. I mean like when you're doing drama
Starting point is 01:11:19 Don't move your face did not move your eyes. No no movement anywhere. Your voice got lower And I was like you matured like 22 like you seem like Older. Yeah, like you were talking. It was like the age shift. There was almost like uh, it was scary Really? Oh, you know what he also does. I've noticed in San Diego. I mean when I was in phoenix When I go I'll go call del taco. See if they're open. Yeah, and when he calls people He goes like this Hey, um, he changes his voice. I don't know why I do. Yeah. Um, are you guys still open? Yeah, okay, cool. Thank you. They don't know who you are. Why does it matter? I know but why does he do that?
Starting point is 01:12:00 I don't know. It's a weird four times. I'd have to call it. I don't know why I do that Make them call places just to hear just to hear him. Oh, excuse me Why do you do that? That's for a future thing. Yeah, it's fucking crazy. I don't know why I do that. It's wow yourself conscious. Yeah. Yeah, it's weird It's weird. It's really weird. I you know what I realized tonight. I do need anger management And um, I need a bit of no, I have fucked up. I don't know. No, but it's my reaction I think I you know, I think I need a therapist would help me because I need to sort out some things And maybe 2018's uh, uh the year for me to
Starting point is 01:12:35 Work on myself in that regard, you know, like not be so You know quit quit to react, you know to really sit in it and rationally and like an adult and Process. Yeah Do these things to be fair to you because I don't want I don't like do you think I want to be like doing this? What if I do that to Ilani? You've never raised against her. Well the times I have Snap she cries and goes she cried right. Yeah, and I stopped that horrible. I mean nothing like yourself aware though
Starting point is 01:13:05 So that's yeah, I'm aware. I've never raised against you right now. I've yelled I've yelled We go back and forth rage you go louder. I go louder you go louder. I go louder And then there's a point at which I get too loud that you're like, oh shit. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I need a back down You're very calm. I can't see you going there. Uh, I get very I've been learning if this this you'll be more self-aware of being passive aggressive Oh, I feel like that's very that can destroy a relationship when my instinct is not to talk something out and just say something Comment and walk away where I'm thinking I'm walking away from the situation. But all I'm doing is I'm adding more to it So it's like a quiet rage Oh, that's a that's some bullshit right there. Were you just like
Starting point is 01:13:44 Fucking spit fire and then walk away and you see you do the hurting and also acknowledging that I have that Okay, I was gonna say I'm guessing it takes a lot for you to get there. It takes a lot. It can't not not really. That's what I'm saying You also are just You're calm the most positive person you are ever like I think this is why Gilbert is my balance and I need him Is because when I'm having the shittiest day, he'll come in and he'll show me his butt and he'll do a dance And then I'm happy. I don't do that. Oh Bryce is like that too Yeah, Bryce is like that too. He's calm. Yeah, he's very good energy. He's always serial killer
Starting point is 01:14:16 You're like, you know, you're the gayest non-gay guy I've ever met my life. I don't I'll take that really I when I when I first met you I'm like, who was that fucking probably heard the story 20 times Yeah, and then it's so weird that you eat pussy. Yeah, it's so weird All right, anyway, that was a good podcast 2018 Off to a rocky start off to a rocky side. No, what are your thoughts on this? We're still running Here's my how we're gonna sort through it. This is my final Jerry Springer Thought we're still in there. Just know that is that
Starting point is 01:14:56 I genuinely think that yes, you have some things to sort out perhaps your rage or your emotions But in this particular instance Your reaction was very proportionate to what he said Meaning I think immediately when he said it There was a reason why I punched him six times because I thought that was wrong to say and immediately looked at you And I thought that you actually played it pretty cool considering what he said I only egged you on with my attitude. Yeah, and that was not everything I did was wrong Right. And so the problem was not because you said at that point. It's my you know, I'm the you know, I had to defend myself
Starting point is 01:15:34 What you did to him what you did to him was so fucked up because he says, hey, Bob. Why did you say that man? That hurts me and and then you said from the heart. I felt that too And he asked you why you said that and then you said, oh my god So what I say all of this like you didn't even acknowledge that I know and that's defense mechanism, right? There we go. That's finally on my side Gilbert Let me ask you something now Obviously that's not gonna be in there, but it's gonna cause a question big question more and let them think to the viewers Like I wonder you know, you know, it gives a mystery. Yeah, and let me say this
Starting point is 01:16:08 Can we can we plug some stuff too? Yeah, let's plug some stuff. This was a good podcast. Go ahead. Um, I wanted so monchi is uh, you don't mind if I do this No, go ahead. That's what you're here Monchi, we're doing a festival called the grizzly fest and Monchi is a band my brother so it's a band. It's the band that I'm in and Snoop Dogg's gonna be their gnaz. But mostly mongchi. But mongchi is on the flyer. So it's may 18th and 19th
Starting point is 01:16:37 Look up grizzly fest that Fresno, right? It's in the beautiful city of Fresno, California So it's kind of like Coachella, but not really Um, and check out not really not really check out stevie weebie bandcamp.com and uh, kwangu q a n g o u on instagram Thank you What are you a president? Yeah, my brother also has a A podcast. Oh, I have my whole show. You're a huge show. I got my own youtube show the stevie weebie show, huh brice And what should I tell him about that?
Starting point is 01:17:08 Subscribe to your subscribe to my channel and check it out stevie weebie stevie all east. Yeah, all east with yeah all east great guest. Thank you so much. Thank you Oh my god, that was stressful. That was a roller coaster. Do you want to stay on plowla and talk the fights a bit? We didn't even talk about the fights to steve stay for a second. Do you want to stay for a little bit? Yeah, well, I only saw the main. I only saw the kabebe and Let's just get your thoughts. We only saw the kabebe one in the holly home side. That's all we're gonna talk about Okay, mma minute with steve and cuz I love steve your thoughts on hubby. You have seen 219 hubby I was
Starting point is 01:17:44 Practically blown away. I didn't okay. I knew he was good, right? I'm like, oh, this he's he's a good wrestler now for a while But yeah, you know, but I didn't think he was that good and my brother reminded me this motherfucker used to wrestle the grizzly bears When he was like nine and yeah, but what he did to barbosa is the complete control and The the even the under hooks and like I even watched a post fight analysis And the stuff he was doing that there was details he was doing I didn't realize while I was watching it and the guy brought it up to like rogan and and dominic We weren't even talking about yeah, he would grapevine his leg
Starting point is 01:18:21 He would intertwine his leg a figure for his leg so he couldn't even trap him Yeah, he would trap his leg like grapevine it and then he was doing intricate stuff like he would grab his wrist here behind and then he would like hit and just with the neck remember Yeah, he was just like the complete domination and control within the octagon He was closing the distance. He was just like a leech on him the whole And at some barbosa is not a chump by any means. No, I mean has one of the hardest kicks I have ever seen like his entire highlight reel is just like ko's from kicks Yeah, even while he was being wobbled and he was still throwing kicks. I was still scared. You can still get knocked out
Starting point is 01:18:57 Even though he was a wobbly like but hubby really just Dominated oh my god. I mean that was I mean you heard the score radio was like what 30 25 30 24 30 25 He fucking he was he drowned him He was drowning him like in deep waters if he fought connor and connor was on the ground with him. It's over Well, I can't that would be so cool to watch and that would be a dream fight him or tony Ferguson Even like if max holloway stepped up or you know, I wouldn't want to see any of those because they would be You know, they could go the distance, but I think hubby is I think he's no one wants to fight him People have been ducking that guy for years and I could see why now. I just want him to stay healthy
Starting point is 01:19:37 Hook hubby. Yeah, well, he looked good. Like he's new. I didn't know he had a nutritionist Yeah, but he has been injured like several times, you know, so that's what this guy was saying Fighters are waiting for him to get injured during like training or something. It's like they don't want to fight him Does he train with aka with cormier, right? Yeah, he's not there all the time. He's in his home country But I think that he has an edge. He has the mental edge. He has a dog-a-stan edge Yeah, it's like he was raised and he didn't have like an easy life. Yeah, and I wrestled so So his type of wrestling is different too because I'm like, he's not even shooting high crotches Doubles or singles even the MMA kind. Yeah, this guy's got more
Starting point is 01:20:14 I don't even know. It's like a fusion of like a Greco-Roman judo controlling Thing that he does where he has complete control of your Because he was taken down like not even shooting. Yeah, he had like a underhook under Barbosa's left arm And he was anchoring and he's maybe in wrestling you could ankle pick maybe but here he would literally I don't even know how he took him down. He was just complete Greco-Roman. Yeah brute strength positioning It's weird. It's like his own type. It's his own wrestling. That's why I'm so like like really shocked by his skill level
Starting point is 01:20:50 And he's so marketable because so many people love him. He's got over like one million followers on instagram Oh, he does. The guy is an international sensation. Yeah, everyone roots for him There's something about him that we just all really want to you know, keep our eyes peeled for Who could beat that guy? I mean, I'm trying to think I don't maybe Ferguson if he goes all far Ferguson's very creative with his jiu-jitsu. I will say that. That's why I feel like on the ground It's you can it'll be interesting with those two. Yeah, because Habib is not so much a jiu-jitsu guy But I think he's I also think that his IQ on the ground is so like he's inherently good Like I don't think that maybe he has the same like jiu-jitsu training, but I think that he knows
Starting point is 01:21:28 His body body positioning. Yes. So well. Yeah control. He's all about control. He's he's a damn good wrestler I'm curious though how he would do on his back because I hear wrestlers don't like be on their back And then Ferguson loves be on his back. Well or on top. Well, what would happen to Habib it feels on his back I don't know. That's what I'm saying. I don't know his jiu-jitsu. I don't know how well versed he is in that I love him, but that would be Something fun to watch man. Tony Ferguson and then the main event, uh, Chris cyborg and Holly home I give mad props to Holly for standing five rounds against somebody that dominant Yeah, because I don't think anyone's lasted that long against Chris cyborg
Starting point is 01:22:07 She had good combos. She had a good game plan the first in the first round But she didn't change it and she kept doing the same thing. You can see what cyborg figured it out. Yeah Yeah, but launch at me. Yeah, maybe the first two rounds. I felt like cyborg was a little frustrated figuring it out Yeah, because Holly Remind me of the ronda rousey fight. Oh, yeah, she's moving and dipping in and out of her punches But good feet. Yeah, but I noticed so even after the bell. She did some sucker punches after the bell rang Yeah, she got some good hits on her dude two rounds. I think cyborg The last 30 seconds when she would activate and turn it on because I think that she was trying to be economical with her
Starting point is 01:22:41 A gas tank. Yeah, because I think a lot of people do wonder when girls are that big or anyone fighters that big Like how long they can actually last in the ring or in the octagon, but she was so in shape And she she didn't gas out at all strength was still there But I also think that usually she comes out like in with a flurry and she just knocks girls out in the first round It's over, right? Tonya. Avenger kind of last holiday was moving around too. Well, though. She was well, Holly's amazing I I felt like her punches just didn't have the same power. Yeah as cyborg. Yeah, you could you could feel it too Like cyborg is way more powerful. Yeah, that's that's but that's cyborg It's like if if any of her punches land, she's already, you know, she's dampening your fucking so she's not she's not no steroids
Starting point is 01:23:24 Right in her past the the random me who who was the initial 145 champion vacated the the title Because she said she didn't want to fight cyborg because cyborg had cyborg had been previously tagged for using For being on the gear because it's obviously her her voice is right all those things But I don't know how she can get away with it now Like I don't know what goes inside like, you know fighters in between like fight camps and stuff But it's really hard with osada because osada really does from what I know. They do You know, yeah the testing and yeah, yeah, you're right out of camp during camp anytime It's like they're subject to being tested, you know, so what she has in the past. So she has in the past
Starting point is 01:24:04 Okay, that's all I'm asking too. Yeah. Yeah, so it's out of her system Basically every single MMA fighter has been that's what coke was saying too. Yeah, I truly was saying that you like Your heroes have all been on it. Yeah, that's sad. Except maybe I don't think the Diaz brothers are the Diaz brothers don't do that I'm probably my smoke a little weed, but that's about it. Yeah, I don't think michael busming ever I for some reason I never think mark hunt ever did either. He did in pride. Let's not kid ourselves. Oh, right. I'm on backstage The tournaments. Yeah, they're doing something to stay alive for five. Yeah, but you can't you can't Roy backstage and then perform like roiding happens like over time the strength that you get right But they're also not smart
Starting point is 01:24:44 So they're all probably just doing shit in the back that they think gives them that Wait, what was the one that john jones was in was on where it's like it takes effect It was like a some kind of black market thing. Yeah, I think it was like some kind of Protein or like lifting weight pill or something that had that element in it. I don't know it has an anabolic steroid Okay, it was a quest bar I'm looking for what what's the heavyweight bout coming up the mio chick and And ghanu now that's who do you have your money on? I don't know. I just want to see it Can I just say something that's very controversial? I know like francis and ghanu is good. Everyone is like on that
Starting point is 01:25:19 I have steep it. I do too. I'm stupid. I feel it. Yeah, cuz in ghanu hasn't been tested We don't know what he's like, but I mean what allister ovary is a great test That's the crazy thing about heavyweights though. It's whoever lands first is whoever wins So it's not like the lower weights where you can kind of go back and forth a little bit Like with these heavyweights they're fucking they have so much power behind their punches Because they have all that weight in it that really it's whoever lands first But it's like if stepe I feel like watching previous ghanu's previous fights He'll probably take a different approach and try like take him down
Starting point is 01:25:53 Because I think that's what's trying to keep him on the cage Then we know he didn't have a chance to actually he didn't shoot a takedown. No and stepe is a good wrestler And I also want to see if this I don't know if it'll happen But dilasha mighty mouse if he cuts down that's the other fight I would like to see and then max hollow a all of his fights Because he's fucking awesome Yeah I want to see the footage man. This is interesting. I'm glad that you documented it because this could be like some Yeah, you're making all the people listening sound like they want to see it now
Starting point is 01:26:27 We'll post it without the audio like just an instagram clip of 15 seconds of your rage eyes. How about that? Yeah, you could do that. Yeah, I don't mind it. I don't mind that without the audio Oh, maybe have some like some like horn likes music Yeah, yeah, yeah, it'll just be like an art day. Yeah. Yeah, yeah like jaws like that That'd be cool where the camera's rolling when they were fighting in here. No That was some good shit too. That was like that. He was like he kept I can hear a poke. He just oh, yeah He was poking at me. He was poke, you know, he's good at that. Huh? He's a master at that
Starting point is 01:27:01 Especially with me. He knows everything that and then he frames his story when he tells his story back to somebody He frames it so that he he looks so good. Yeah, that's not you. That's your problem. That's not me. That's your problem I feel bad for you. That's your problem the classic. I've cried to you several times over the same thing I don't know how you do it and you're like, come on client. It's okay. He's just who he is and then It's not yeah, I forgot it was like a getting You know splash the face with cold water like whoa that has been there. Yeah, I just haven't felt it in a while Yeah, yeah, no, I mean, I love you miss the good one George. Yeah, this is this is a necessary Missed a good one man. Yeah, George. Yeah missed it. You're always here for like the crazy one
Starting point is 01:27:43 And he's the most calm that would just you know, just off the record that would never happen on the steamy weeby show No, no, I'm just saying because I don't I think it's such a professional. I do the opposite I never put anyone on blast. Yeah, I'm off the opposite I don't like It's pre-screening. I'm like, hey, if I is it cool if I bring this up. You're also a fun machine on that Yeah, because I that's I don't I want to do the opposite. I don't want to ever make anyone feel that ever Because I know how it feels man. I know how it feels To be honest, I was it was like a bad dream
Starting point is 01:28:17 Like when he said it I was like I couldn't believe he did that. Yes, what your face looked like was like I was frozen. I was like it's like my mind kept I was like, did he just say that? No, he didn't No, you look like you were betrayed. Did he just say that? You know what I mean? I saw betrayal. Yeah. Yeah. It was like Game of Thrones like Like some Joffrey like like little finger being like yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was like that type of shit He found out. Yeah, was it evident on my face? Yeah, I almost felt I felt bad for you because I felt like you when you touched your heart I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, it touched my yeah. Yeah affected me. I was like, I'm gonna go pee
Starting point is 01:28:47 Yeah, I'm gonna go bake a cake. No, but but I have I have to thank you. You did you were like you knew right away You're like hitting him Hey, let's stop talking about everyone. We'll talk about it. Yeah, we all right. Yeah, follow Love you guys 2018 to stay tuned. Just uh really quick with Kalilah. Uh, just say your new year's resolution really quick Yeah, oh my new year's resolution is to stop thinking that I'm on time when I'm not on time Being 10 minutes late to everything To all things 20 minutes late and having Gilbert wait for me downstairs We're patient for a 10 is not cool on time means you're 15 minutes early
Starting point is 01:29:22 I'll do the same thing because I've been doing that towards the end of the year Did you already say yours? mine was kind of the Well, I guess I didn't say it but kind of the I guess more disciplined all aspects of my life So even the whole passive-aggressive thing. Yeah, it's really being more self-aware when I'm talking to people and And how I react to things that are maybe uncomfortable for me to stay in the pocket and not walk away and resort to my Original that's a good one guild. It's very hard. I'm really starting to realize There's nothing more commendable than someone feeling conflicted
Starting point is 01:29:50 But staying to talk about it and saying, you know what let's hash this shit out right now Because I feel like I'm not good at it, but I need but you are No, you are dude Like every time we ever talked about serious stuff like we've you know, you've always been able to like articulate your feelings well But maybe it's different in relationships. Yeah, because when you see the other person hurting for Like there's not an understanding there Then it's like I don't want that person to feel hurt kind of like you guys like I wouldn't want to do that So I wouldn't do that. I know I know you wouldn't but if I did I
Starting point is 01:30:19 But yeah, it takes a specific type of person to do that A monster. No, no, no, it does. No, no, nothing to get no, but it does. It does. Yeah, I mean to think people don't do that I think that uh, your brother lives with uh, no consequence like uh, not no consequence Like there's a thing where he he which is him like his life is he's so unblackmailable because he's put it all out there already But that's we're not Yeah, I fear consequence. There are things that we feel that's you there's other people different experiences Unlike you that's just that's your experience. But other you have to like be empathetic towards other people's situations That's all but I think that he needed to hear it from you and I think that things will change
Starting point is 01:30:57 Cool. And also you're vegetarian now. Uh, no just for the month of january. I need you guys to support. I am Joining brice vegetarians my second day. I like that. I like that. How about this? Can we all do this collectively like we go hiking more or do something? I hike every day, Steve Or physically well, I need to remind myself That was so fun. Steve and I went hiking Yeah, with irani. Yeah, we loved it. What happened? No, we went hiking and we got lost when we got locked in Oh, yeah, and Steve had to like jimmy again and like jimmy the game sounds actually fun But you know what I well, you know what my dream is and this is this is real shit
Starting point is 01:31:30 I would love for a family hike. No, I would love for him to start being more physically Healthy. Yeah, I'm trying we're trying to listen to another podcast for bobby said, you know, we'll be working out with Andy dick But I don't know if that's gonna happen. That's never gonna happen. You know where he he does some health Decisions make it a family. Yeah, he says that he wants to do those vegetarian thing with me And I'm like, I just prepare his meals and that's it. I do end up story for him I cook dinner for him. We had del taco. We had fucking brisket Poor it. We had the worst. We ate the worst shit. I'm just letting you know, we ate the worst fucking shit there Yeah, the worst shit. Oh, man. It's all right. Happy new year everyone. You're sorry come back here
Starting point is 01:32:09 Have you make sure you make sure you wait? We're still report make sure you follow us on tiger belly on instagram at tiger belly on Twitter at the tiger belly and emails any questions or unhelpful advice at the tiger belly at gmail.com See you guys next week. Oh, and then by the also tiger belly's got a store. They got a new Oh, thank you for buying the shirts. They have a new blue shirt out in a sticker pack. So go to the website By their shit. Oh, yeah, there's only 10 shirts left. But there's still more sticker packs And then with that thing on merchandise for 2018 guys. I mean cloud another resolution is that we'll be getting more merch out to you guys And it'll be more frequent. So it won't be these long gaps. You'll see stuff More there's more stuff coming. Keep an eye out for it. All right, and stevie weeby merch coming in
Starting point is 01:32:49 Yes, maybe next maybe next year. No, no, no this year this year. We'll get it done. We'll get it done. Yeah, something And do you have a patreon? Yeah, oh, yeah, send money that guy patreon um stevie weeby. Yeah, just so we could keep doing it Yeah, and then um band camp buy that little ray buy any of the albums do it donate that shit All of them buy all the albums. It all goes to charity. So do it. Yeah Okay, bye guys. All right Hey Prime members you can listen to tiger barely ad free on amazon music download the amazon music app today
Starting point is 01:33:42 Or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast before you go Tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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