TigerBelly - Episode 141: Jamie Kennedy & The Shift

Episode Date: May 9, 2018

Bobo phone home. Khaloko is a debunking debby. We talk Mandela effects, a dance bootcamp, and the Guiness Book of World Records GONE WILLLDD.Support us by supporting our sponsors!See Privacy ...Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today Five four three two one blast off What's that space You've never done that before when you go Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, it was space. I was trying to guess and the space It sounded like some sort of fucking Filipino thing is that you know, that's how we talk Filipino voodoo And all of a sudden like, you know. Oh, yeah, that's good. That's it. That's it Welcome to the another episode of
Starting point is 00:00:56 Um, I'm your slept king. Yo, what's up, dude? You know, I'm urban Bobby too. What's up, brah? What's up? Yeah, yeah Yeah, I do. No, don't do that. Don't make that face. Okay. So we got Gilbert here flat face So love them flat brown and beautiful. We got We got colloquial I love my girlfriend my life partner. Mm-hmm. You mean fuck. Yeah, bro Mm-hmm. We got this white piece of shit right here, man, and I'm on to you, man Right, you're fucking desert wide, bro You know, I mean a desert the desert white as far away
Starting point is 00:01:34 Yeah, but they're a shifty out there in the Mesa in them, right? They're like plateaus. They're cooking up stuff, right? They're in trailers You know and he's got his fucking shady cousin right here, man. Oh damn Bryce whose name is Bryce That's fucking plateaus shit, bro Shit the fuck up, man, I love you. I love you, man But we got a very special guest I'm just gonna throw out some of his credits. He's in a new movie on Netflix called tremors to six
Starting point is 00:02:11 Say that wrong number. No, I thought there was only one tremors. No, that's five before. Okay, so my bad I told you not to talk. I know but I yeah, yeah, but um, I won't say go back. He was in a Lot of movies Malibu's most wanted Scream, but he's a one of my favorite movies all-time bowfinger great fucking movie. Don't you love bowfinger? But I kind of just say this though I was in a not yet Okay, and I was in a movie with him called kicking at old school and that's how I met Michael Rosenbaum that's how him and I became friends and
Starting point is 00:02:44 Jamie basically got me that movie. Okay, so give him a round of applause Jamie Kennedy Everybody clap your hands. Now you can fucking talk. Yay. What up, buddy? Yeah Weird I was scared like you're like don't say anything until Yeah, but now you're talking. Okay. Thank you. Yeah, and I complimented your ears. I like your ears appreciate that You're welcome pointy. I want to tell you something how so he was doing this movie kicking old school And I remember reading and I thought I was okay, but the guy like the producers didn't want me And then you made it happen. You're like come in one more time You're gonna read it from this guy, right? And I remember you being like super like
Starting point is 00:03:24 Just careful. You didn't say it. You really wanted me to get it So you're very clear when you're reading it with me and then when I was saying my lines I remember you kind of saying the lines, you know me mouthing mouthing it with me because he doesn't want me to fuck up pageant mom. Mm-hmm. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's one of the lines and then Next thing I know I get it and I want to say this But all of my career and I haven't had that big of a career. It's been okay I've done great stop. That's fine. No, it's fine. But I'm just saying that that Shooting that movie was by far the best time. I've ever had in any movie or TV show of all time
Starting point is 00:04:13 Really? Yeah, I'll tell you why I want to hear. All right. It was shot in Vancouver. Yeah We're staying at the Sutton Place. Yeah, and that's when he still insists on staying at the Sutton Place. Yeah, because of that way. He has fond memories of Oh, damn, you gotta tell me how I do. I had a great time. Yeah, the Slutton Place. This is the Slutton Place. Yeah And here's another thing. It was when Oblivion came out. Oh Elder Scrolls, right? So there were like days where I just didn't work at all But you know, you're still out there shooting the movie So I just I bought an Xbox question and I just never left the Sutton Place. I just the drapes
Starting point is 00:04:51 Oh, yeah, that's what you were doing Yeah, well you think I was jerking off the whole time. Yeah, it was times we could not get you. Yeah, I know. I know Really? Yeah, that's what I was doing. Wow. What did you think I was doing? Horn it up? No, yeah, it was your sober Yeah, but you were just you know, it was like you're well you get very high energy And then you like I can relate to that and then when you sleep you want to you're dead So I thought I thought maybe he's just chilling but there were times where you wouldn't come out Yeah, I wouldn't come out at all. You would not come out and I didn't know that you were elder scrolling it Yeah, I was elder scrolling it and also how yeah, you know, and then also kind of just say this
Starting point is 00:05:27 Tell me I want to know why it was a good time But I'm listening because on when you're shooting first of all when you're shooting with that group of people There's just I mean, I'm sorry, but there's just no pressure. Yes. I agree. No, not in a bad way. I just felt I felt comfortable. Yes, and I was with friends and even like Maria Manuno. So it was super nice. She was in it We have pictures. Yeah. What's her name, right? Yeah. Come on. You know her name Manuno yeah, yeah, and I met what was that one break dancing coach? We had. Oh, oh Shaba Shaba legend. That's legend Shaba do Shaba do do. Yeah, Shaba legend legend legend. He's oh, he's turbo. No, yeah, something
Starting point is 00:06:13 No, he's ozone. You guys know ozone? No, bro, Mesa, you don't know ozone This is what raised me. Okay. My one of my first probably Beach Street was like my first hip-hop movie I ever saw Probably breaking was second and he was the dancer great-looking guy. He was ozone He was a store of it. And did you guys have to go through like a dance boot camp? Big time big time So I wanted to do this movie and I had these other dance instructors from another movie and they said yeah That's not our thing this dude. And so we went into a dance boot camp. We actually got a pretty good synchronicity ish
Starting point is 00:06:52 Yeah, I guess But it was intense, but keep going. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah, and then so I'm not gonna talk. Yeah, say whatever you want Oh, I didn't know you said don't yeah. No, no, I know at this point a fucker. Yeah at this point You can say whatever you want. Okay. Yeah So we did the movie and I created like like I became friends with him. I became friends with Rosie and I became friends with a couple of guys even that what's a fat Mexican that wasn't it? Are you still friends? Um, eris great guy great guy great guy. I just call him fat Mexican
Starting point is 00:07:28 Close you guys are close and then he used to come to the comedy store. Yeah. Yeah afterward like after we shot Yeah, like every day for a year. That's sweet to hang out. Yeah, that's sweet. Yeah, I know, you know, I talked to Miguel all the time He just texted me. Oh, yeah, Miguel Núñez was He was what jambalaya man wasn't he was uh, do you want to Do you Jambalaya man Yeah, I love that movie. Jambalaya Cajun theme. You're the Cajun theme, right? Yeah, I saw him on a um airport The airplane I walked past him. He was in first class. Yeah, and I go, what's up and he didn't
Starting point is 00:08:04 No, yeah, yeah jambalaya man. No Yeah, so now he dissed you. He just kind of looked at me like no Oh, yeah, he did he didn't diss me. He was just like that doesn't sound like not a diss It sounds weird. Yeah But I go, hey, what's up Miguel, right? And he looked up. He has legs crossed. You know how fancy blacks do that? Yeah fancy black Love the fancy. Am I getting in trouble for that? Yeah Am I getting in trouble for that? It's a cat food brand. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:35 That is true. Yeah But wow, yeah, it's really quick on the ones and two second city right here second city, bro That was mit though that yeah, I do I'll tell you I'll tell you where I learned it the first dbd said I ever bought of a show Jamie Kennedy experiment. Oh, yeah, he's sneaking in the love First time bought it. Well, I was telling you last night. I go, um Because I was watching your judge show on youtube remember I was showing you Yeah, your characters on there are fucking off the fucking hook dude. Thank you, buddy
Starting point is 00:09:06 No, but not even no, I'm not kidding you. It's not you know, sometimes you watch Will ferrell do an impression it just still sounds kind of like will ferrell doing it But you really transform into these things like the jewish lady if I didn't know it was you I would probably go that's a jewish lady. That's my manager That's cool. Thank you. Yeah the black man. Yeah, I want to talk to you about that. Thank you Who's that black man? No, it's a magulation. Is that the right word amalgamate? Amalgamate? Oh, good one She got
Starting point is 00:09:39 Amalgamation right amalgamation. Yeah of things of different. So I wanted to do a show That like spoof judges, right And so you have a judge judy type. Yeah, we judge judy type of a judge joe brown type Yeah, you know, there was a show. It was a southern guys. We call one southern justice. We added a gay judge Hey, yeah, yeah, and so I've been doing it and I've been do I pitched it everywhere I've never done something where I've pitched it to You know 80% of the town Everyone died laughing and go. Yeah
Starting point is 00:10:13 I can't I can't buy this but it's hilarious Wow, and I had it so then I got it all Completely with the numbers I had it budgeted out for like one one so I could shoot A hundred episodes So then I would lay it off So like I was looking at the Tyler Perry model, you know, and there's something called a 90 10 And so you do the first 10 episodes you take a risk if you hit a certain number
Starting point is 00:10:38 They know they're gonna make their money on advertising. They order the other 90. Whoa, that's how you make a move right away Yeah, and I took that Everyone's like, yeah, you can't take this shit out. You can't risk it because judge shows are so huge They don't want to offend their audiences and comedy shows. Don't get it. They go. We don't program judge shows It's a comedy. Yeah. Yes Get angry. Yeah. I mean dude. I can't that's I'm I can't with all this. Yeah. Yeah, I've never had people live So now I'm putting it out there And now wait, so you shot a hundred. No, no, no, I only shot 12. Uh-huh for very cheap. Okay. Good. They're so good
Starting point is 00:11:16 They're very good. I remember judging me. They're so good. Yeah. Thank you. And we could I could do this I had this girl be the bailiff. I could mix it up And I you could you could do it and sell it by the air time. That's what I want to do I don't want anyone to ever give me notes. I mean, I'll get I do it. I'm there too You walk in those with you. Yeah, somebody who's creative. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I can't get notes from somebody just fresh out of, you know Iowa state All the Iowa state executive. Yeah, I can't brah. Yeah, and it's like well when they give you a note, how do you respond? Dude, I got mad issues like I've actually eaten so much humble pie my shit. I'm like a muffin top like
Starting point is 00:11:57 and I'm actually I'm in a pretty good place where I've kind of hit like my bottom Like mentally. Yeah, and like emotionally Because let's let's and now I'm I'm actually in this. I know this is gonna sound so corny Yeah, but I'm kind of Grateful Like and I know people really gotta be grateful, but I'm actually kind of in that place not all the time. Yeah, but I'm actually like Just going through things like just being on tour
Starting point is 00:12:27 Going like wow, I get to my name is on that like the Schaumburg improv. Yeah, you know like Steph She loves me. She loves you. I'm names on this huge marquee Yeah, and then like you're coming or Whitney's coming and David Spade's coming. It's like Oh, I'm really lucky, you know any me right and though if I'm on set and even if it's like for two days instead of like being like Why aren't I the star of this movie? It's like, you know, I'm lucky because I've been through a lot so So that's not that you're saying that but I wanted to go to the executive part But go ahead but now that you're saying that part we'll go to the executive part in a second
Starting point is 00:12:59 Do you feel then because you there was a point where you were the lead in movies, right? You were the mask or the second met right the second son of the mask, right? You did a bunch of shit like that, right? Malibu's most wanted. Yeah, and then thank you for calling it shit Okay Dude, Malibu was the biggest cult movie. I know but don't do that to me man. I'm like, I'm with you I know but I reverse. Yeah, it was a funny joke. I know I know but don't do that to me man. I'm a fucking ally, bro I know I'm lando dude. I'm lando right here. We'll go downtown. Yeah, we'll go downtown, dude Okay, yeah, I'm with yeah. Yeah, you're with me there. All right
Starting point is 00:13:38 Elder scrolls do go ahead and go back the way so because I'm going to tell you something I I never got to where you're at I never got to a point where I'm the lead of a movie I've always been you know the eighth gook You know what you mean classic role. Yeah. Yeah classic in china china china You're like a movie called china china and he's the eight gook here. It's china china You have the little lion appears. You're the logo of mgm brow When we were doing press for our movie, yeah, you were doing a movie and you were you were kind I remember you were talking
Starting point is 00:14:18 Yeah, yeah, I don't yeah, so I'm always so I was never there, but even me even me I felt You know me not not sleeping, but just I wasn't getting what I was getting and then you you have to shift Right and you have to not take it personally and shift and go. I'm going to go on the road I'm going to do YouTube videos and I'm going to do my own thing. Mm-hmm and then You know you wait back in line
Starting point is 00:14:48 In a couple of three or four years go by And you you you eat some humble pie. Mm-hmm. It hurts. Mm-hmm. You know, you see, you know, you're openers You're in it climb and you're like, right? Yeah Yeah, yummy. Like when I was doing the seventh gook I was fifth gook and the sixth gook now is now You know what I mean, right? Like it's so funny because like like for instance when I promoted Remember we went to san francisco to promote it. Yeah, and you would walk around with a break dancing outfit all the time. Yeah Right committed. Yeah, and we had to do
Starting point is 00:15:33 You know, we had journalists come and interview us, right right at a hotel an asian chick Interviewed me for a magazine And she goes, hi, I think about doing stand-up. You know how you people she was cute. It's like, yeah, you should you know Like she would you know Well that person Was ali wang Wow
Starting point is 00:15:54 Okay, wow. So I was last year. I was doing the oddball tour. Wow. Was that with what she's probably just interviewed you She just interviewed me for some asian magazine, right asian on asian. Okay. Yeah And I just did the oddball tour with her last year and she was a build above me Oh, she's huge. She's huge. Yeah, but you know what? Huh? I don't take it personally. Yeah, my ego doesn't get involved and I just accept it And she's funny and I'm happy for her She's a talented girl and I'm happy. I'm just happy. But you know what? But you have to learn to look at your situation in those
Starting point is 00:16:30 In that perspective. It's so true. It's or you'll die the it's too, man And you wonder why people get into drugs. You wonder why people get into sex There's a great quote Robert Downey jr. I was reading one time and he was like when his Like didn't know if his movie career was gonna go and he said this amazing quote Hopefully you guys will get he goes. Well, I think I have to audition for a pilot for laura mar Which back in the day laura mar was like, you know, like this but you did like, you know, these type of pilots It's like, you know, you want to be a movie star. It doesn't mean it was bad, but it's just like he was in movies Yeah, and I feel like
Starting point is 00:17:10 I mean, I'll tell you an example. I mean, I don't care if I'm gonna say this I don't I think this is like the only network that I actually think hates me. Yeah And it's I shouldn't say this but whatever. It's true tv. Okay. Okay, so we're doing A pilot. Yeah, okay. It's like five years ago So you're you're difficult if your movies don't make money If they make money, you're a genius. Right. You agree with that. Yeah. Yeah. I mean and to me it's not being difficult people aren't difficult This is where this is the sandbox, man I have seen so much shit go on that you will never hear from me because it's the creative place
Starting point is 00:17:51 If people fight if they sleep together if they that's what it is, man Do you agree with that? Yes, and there's so many it's weird the culture shifted in the last 15 years Where instead of being in it People are kind of spying on it reporting on it also being in it. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah, and it's it's not that's not how I came up I believe that's not how you came up. It was like, you know Anyway, I'm doing this pilot was called Guinness world records gone wild So
Starting point is 00:18:26 Right, so you're hard on right so my age so I I was actually kind of feeling myself. I was 2011 my agent got me a straight offer He got me a lot of money to do it and if it was gonna go It was gonna be 10 apps and we would shoot 10 apps every six months. Yeah, it was total mailbox money Yeah, each you know each app you could buy like, you know half a Porsche, you know And so I was doing you know, it was a halloween horror nights I was being honored as the first horror guy like it was just when that was starting to blow up and I was doing it And I'm like, dude a game show was like because you know, they come around
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yeah, I'm acting and it's like this is before everything was everything This is before that if you didn't do a job at two o'clock if you didn't do another one of 330 You're out of the business. I mean, that's how it is now. Yeah, so I get the offer They close it They go, dude, you're gonna have the run of this. They want the Guinness world records But they want that shit fucking crazy. They want the Jamie Kennedy fucking sauce, right? And I'm like, yeah, so I hear my friend. I hear I hear him. He starts writing for me
Starting point is 00:19:40 I'm getting jokes. I go down and then there's a production company That are like the physical production, right? And those are the guys that like run the lights And put everything and make sure you come in time It's Guinness World records. Yeah gone wild Yeah, so they take the most craziest shit And they do a thing on it not normal one. So one of them was the most bras That you can unhook
Starting point is 00:20:11 This is a record. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and this guy had like 83 in a minute or something. Wow And he looked like he had a floppy hat He laid a beard. He almost had a staff and I said, did you learn that in the shire? Yeah, he's like, well actually and this network's like, um, yeah, you can't say that that was a little, you know But so a studio audience was laughing, right? Yeah Yeah, we did another one with how many cockroaches you could put in I'm like, did you learn that with other types of cockroaches? You just lose the roaches like You can't say, you know, I don't remember all my jokes, but I had some good ones and I had some stinky ones
Starting point is 00:20:52 Yeah, and so the whole thing and I love the guy was that they wanted at first Dan Cortez I don't know if you know that is he's a legend Dan Cortez was the original MTV great looking guy hosted sports and I said guys You know, you hired me if you don't want this just call up Dan Cortez. He's right there. He's in Malibu. He already wants to do it right As long as we shot dude we did two days we shut down downtown Do you know noikia that whole area? Yeah, yeah took the whole production over We shoot this whole thing
Starting point is 00:21:27 Big we did a guy with the car flip. He did three Lamborghinis. So he would flip over one wait the next one flip over one And they were like the guy was amazing like shit. That's now being done. We did it was seven years like pre-viral, right? Right long short is I did something and the guy was like, yeah, I don't know if we could do that one Yeah, and the guy's like the whole that the chief producer was like the rigor. Yeah Yeah, I don't know if we could try that. Yes Four times and this was true TV literally they were doing cold cases of like, you know, you know cold case Akron they were doing like live courtroom Yeah, they didn't have programming. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:07 And I go and he said something to me and I go I want to do it. He goes well, I don't think we should he goes I want to do it. No, I think we should I go well, dude I'm fucking doing it and he goes well, it's just not funny. I go, bro. Do you see those lights? Adjust them. Do you see the camera work the aperture? I'll do the jokes with me and Bernie and you worry about the craft service No, wait, was that too much? No, but it's true TV It's true fucking TV. I don't care. I'll say it right Right fucking now. You're true TV. You should let me run wild. It's Guinness World Record
Starting point is 00:22:50 Go on wild and they wanted this shit to be serious. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're doing cockroaches You're doing how many pumpkins you can fucking de-seed And the whole bro, this is a moment right here, bro ally. I need my homie. Right at that moment I could feel the energy shift Executives came over Nice to me. It was kind of and I said guys and it's just like a badly saying I go guys You guys worry about Mexicans 18 to 33 demo I'll do the jokes. Yeah, and I don't maybe it was too. It's a little aggressive, but I like it. But let me tell you back to um
Starting point is 00:23:35 Um pilot for some reason. I didn't get picked up. It was weird First first job. I didn't get fired. I think I like a no-fire clause. I had like a no-trade Carmelo clause So like I got a little payout. Yeah, and the next thing I know it was on Dan Cortez Not kidding. Oh my god, but have you ever heard and I loved it. Have you ever heard of the show? No, okay? Here's the thing this is before this is before true TV was discovering all these new talents, but I don't care I don't know if all these executives are there. Yeah, you tell me if I went too far But bro, it was like, oh, let's take the funeral channel. Yeah, and I'll do a sitcom
Starting point is 00:24:19 Hire the guy that knows what he's doing. Yeah. Yeah, and fucking let's let's yeah, dude when you're on a set with david ol russell Bas Lerman Frank Oz and he's like improv improv dude. Do more improv. I just worked with the director the other day fucking So go ahead. It's just so small. I'm gonna say this. I'm probably making it a man. Okay. I don't I shouldn't but they should listen look this the weirder the porthole. Yeah, the more notes It's like you could be doing something for red box pakistan More fucking notes than you could yeah, I'm a fucking 20th century fox movie. Go ahead That's you just nailed it. And that's when I went. Wow. I might have to take a fucking little time time out Yeah, little hiatus because I'm like, dude
Starting point is 00:25:06 What are you? What's the I sometimes I get a note And I don't I don't even know what the fuck they're talking about. So I'll just do it the way I was doing it And then I go, that's it And you go, I was just doing it. Yeah, like I did it. But okay, you know, I mean they it's every time Yeah, right. They just here's what it is. They want to exude They want to justify their job dude and they want to exude, you know mean their thing Right that I have power and I have a thing to say
Starting point is 00:25:34 So they say it, you know, and it's like But no, you're fucking lame. Is that bad to say? I don't fucking I honest to God, I would never tell Roger Federer how to fucking hit a backhand. I wouldn't yeah Yeah, but it's like if I but somehow telling comedians Or writers, it's just like there's no barrier to entry. It's bizarre if it's Aaron. Okay, if it's an Aaron Sorkin project Of course, right and he goes I want it the way it's written. You know that his Of writing is at the top level. Of course. That's what he's known for. You're gonna do that. Yes
Starting point is 00:26:10 Well, you're not gonna get hired if you're not gonna do or it's David amendment and everything Goes in or or if it's a procedural where you have to say this line because it connects to another scene, right? Yeah, yeah But when you're doing comedy Dude, but let me ask you this then because about a year and a half ago and I know this channel is popular now Yeah, I don't think they'll look at me, but I still don't really besides the carbon arrow effect and Adam ruins everything Yeah, which I do watch those. I like those. I don't know a lot of the other shows So I don't know but they are making a big stink. So what do I know? Yeah, yeah But a year and a half ago I was watching I don't know something on NBC and I saw
Starting point is 00:26:50 You know the trailer for or some sort of snippet of the show that you were doing the medical show Yeah, and I literally well, I don't know who I was with maybe myself. I said to send it to myself in my head. I said I think that's gonna that's gonna last because I had you it was a medical show It wasn't a comedy with single camera and it's you but I'll deal hugely as well And it was like this eclectic group of people that I like I love DL. Yeah, he's great. He's a great guy, right? So I just thought that's this is it's medical, right? What happened?
Starting point is 00:27:30 Did you read for that? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you had to read for that was actually the part was very dramatic It got more playful, but it was a whole huge monologue about a guy who went to Harvard mad and he was like uh, you know kind of like us. He was eccentric, but he was A doctor and then he got he got disenfranchised with the system. Yeah, because there's something called triage I believe this is the correct thing. So three people come in Who's ever got the best chance of living? Gets the shot And it's or and it's also like there's a whole thing of insurance. It's like twisted. I learned about medical like
Starting point is 00:28:08 Some people can't can't get in right away. So Uh, I've read man, but it was why you why you would love that and what we're just talking about is the whole thing was done by people who are Artist so Amy Brennan. Yeah, he's a great actress. Yeah producer and writer She was one of the EPs. Yeah, Brad Silverling. He's a big director. He's a writer to Casper. He's done a million movies He was a pp. Yeah, Jill Um, who was also another huge writer. I think she was on the wonder years. She was awesome
Starting point is 00:28:44 So everyone was very creative and they really worked like you were saying I had to kick right They really coached me and so all I did was I did it and then they liked me and they said you're gonna do a screen test And they coached me for it gave me the best lighting and then they gave that to the studio and then that work Oh, I didn't even I had to do a screen test Which was cool. So but that was a dramatic part. So I have to fight more for stuff like that. Yeah, but what happened was dude, we were the first thing picked up, dude, and then Scheduling our lead got pregnant. You know other medical shows. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's harsh, man. Yeah, it is harsh It's harsh. Why did I animal? What we're gonna take a cable in it. It's great stuff
Starting point is 00:29:26 Yeah, but you know what dude? It's like, um You started with but you're an actor as well. Yeah, like you're in boiler room, right? Yeah Yeah, so you you can do both. Mm-hmm. It's interesting. Did you do you didn't do stand-up even before you became a you became famous first, right? I did stand up. There's no one knows this and and I know that there's like actors. They get these raps Yeah, but now every type of group is doing stand-up, but I was actually did stand up first, believe it or not Oh, wow, but I got more Notoriety right away from acting but so you would do but you know what's funny What I got a lot of love is um, it's the factory like I would go up and do these little
Starting point is 00:30:06 You know showcase spots and that's where I got my first commercial agent and then I got my first movie audition Wow And so but I was doing like literally open mics and I do a set here and a set there Wow, I didn't get like on the regular rotation. Yeah. Yeah, but that's how you started then. That's how I started Yeah, and then I got really busy acting and like for like three years. I didn't touch a microphone Yeah, you hit a big fast though, right? I mean scream scream is the I mean, yeah, it was a big movie. Yeah. Yeah, huge But I mean I struggled for a while
Starting point is 00:30:38 And then like one of the first things I hit it hit but I literally went from zero to hero I made I don't think it's a might I made no money for like five and a half years had no money Right every year. I mean remember my tax return was like 9400 then I got a blockbuster campaign And one of the stars of it was Jim Gaffigan Whoa, and that was 94 And I went for 95 and I had made 9400 dollars
Starting point is 00:31:08 and my Paycheck from that campaign was 98,000 Oh, that was my first like zero to hero and I was like and I had gone probably for like a hundred auditions Couldn't get anything but that's when I realized the power of business because you kind of don't get paid for the job You get paid for all the times you audition right and then hit and it wasn't even here It was a european it flew me to europe. We did all this stuff. Yes. I'm on. Yeah. I do. I'm like that. Yeah Where you just dude? I made I had zero. Yeah 350 Wow on what IBM campaign
Starting point is 00:31:44 Wow, that's that's huge, but I had to wear a 98 is I had to wear a blue 350 blue space suit What year was this at IBM conferences? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, you had to go to the I had to go and walk around right there was no air conditioning So like the sweat I mean it was terrible. Wait. What were you like pre-social media? So that was your social media club Whoa, who were you? I was like a juggernaut or something but this is other white dude Eric Kirchberger from new york He was a commercial actor and he was a tall white skinny white guy like he almost looked sickly
Starting point is 00:32:19 Yeah, you know like meek and I was kind of the short so we'd walk around these conventions and hand out flyers Dude, I did some the blockbuster campaign. We were the blockbuster entertainment team Yeah, so they but the whole thing was in europe. So we went to paris We went to london and they would have those like Conferences and they would go and bring out the team and we'd be like Yeah, that's your new overnight card like that's crazy. Yeah, and then they flew in the 90s They flew us to tokyo. Wow. IBM the president of IBM of tokyo That's the equivalent of like a social media influencer now
Starting point is 00:32:55 Yeah, you know what I mean? Now you can just post a picture of yourself in a space suit before you'd actually have to attend Tokyo yeah, yeah, and I met this japanese guy and he Guy and he goes he was in a suit the older japanese He goes, uh, what do you do speaking in japanese right and they had a translator Yeah, and basically he said what it's what are we gonna work and the basically was asking me if I was hungry Right, but it sounded serious. You know, yeah, and me and Eric look at each other. We go. Yeah, we're hungry Right and he takes us down these elevators. We eat with this guy. Yeah, okay the the main guy right We go into a restaurant. There's no sign
Starting point is 00:33:36 It's just like a wooden table with a candle in the middle really dark Yeah, right we sit down And you don't order anything. They just start bringing out food, right? And they bring out a steak. It was a Kobe steak. I never had one. Wow from japan It was like butter melting in your fucking mouth. Wow. I remember that meal distinctly Because it was like because right before that like three weeks. I was living with 12 guys in a two bedroom apartment in silver Like what year is this 97 98?
Starting point is 00:34:07 Were they comedians? No, no, they were just skaters and my brother and homeless people I was living with like a lot of guys. We man, right? We man sometimes. Yeah A lot of skaters would come into town and they just crashed. They called it the dumpster So they'd crash at the dumpster in silver like wow. Yeah, and it was uh, it was on sandborn and it was a piece of fucking shit Yeah, I know that. It was a pigsty. Wow. Yeah, because back then there was you know, like it's now Kip There's cute restaurants. Yeah. Yeah, but back then it was ms-13 And a couple of taco trucks
Starting point is 00:34:45 It wasn't like what it was, you know But yeah, yeah, I remember that man. It changed it changed me that one thing, but you know Look at me now We're doing a tigerfelly podcast I want to talk about something that fucked me up last last night. I had to put headphones on this one And this is serious. All right. Okay. I want you to weigh in. Yeah, weigh in but let me tell you what I'm about to tell you Okay
Starting point is 00:35:13 So my brother and I went to um Dupars last night to get some pancakes. Which one on the valley? No the one on 3rd street The one in the valley is better, I think. Oh, oh, yeah, that one. Okay, you know, yeah the great great pancakes Yeah, yeah So my brother and I we order a gigantic cinnamon roll Mm-hmm. They heat it butter on it But we're eating it. It's delicious Right, my brother goes. Hey, man. Um, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:35:40 I don't know then So tiger belly doesn't that he what's up about trump? So we kind of talk about trump a little bit Yeah, and then I go, you know, it's so funny. Jordan peel came to tiger belly. He said, doesn't it feel like we're living in an alternate reality? Jordan said that on the thing remember And my brother goes, oh, you're talking about the Mandela effect. Mm-hmm. You have heard of it Oh, yeah, have you heard of it? Oh big time. Yeah, what is it bare steam? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So what it is is this Okay, this is what my brother's explained to me That they yeah drink it. There was a point in time. We don't know when probably
Starting point is 00:36:19 10 15 20 years ago. There was a shift In we we're living now in an alternate reality and in the shift Things have changed. Mm-hmm. So the things that we remember aren't the same anymore, right? And so we started googling examples of it, right? And literally it blew my fucking mind Dude, you just heard about this. I just heard about it. Bro. I love this. I go down this rabbit hole Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but I'll let you talk All right, let me I'm gonna let I'm gonna tell you guys some examples, right? Yeah, and then Like for instance forest gump. Yeah, right. Okay. What I'm gonna ask you, Gilbert
Starting point is 00:36:57 What does he say about chocolates life's like a box of chocolate? What is it life is like a box of chocolate? Yes, you don't know what you're gonna get. Yeah, that's not what he says Okay You know what he says he says you see you say it one more time slowly Life is like a box of chocolate. That's it's not there. La that's like a box of chocolate Yeah, I remember that now. Do you remember that? Yeah. Do you remember that? Yes. That is not what he says He says life was like a box of chocolate Chocolate
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah, I could remember. Do you remember the was no exactly. So that's the example right we heard it as is But if you look it on youtube and look at that scene It's was can I just debunk that? Yeah, go ahead really quickly. Yeah You're looking at the way your reality is just a hallucination of a filter of all the knowledge that you've accumulated your whole life Because of the second sentence that he says you never know what you're gonna get the automatic assumption is He did say life is a box of chocolates if he didn't say life is a box of chocolates and then it's the second sentence is grammatically wrong
Starting point is 00:38:05 Do you understand? Yeah So you're going to assume that he said life is like a box of chocolates because that's the only Way that those two sentences actually grammatically make sense or there was a shift I like that way Hold on. Are you like an english major? He's a smart. She's very smart. You're so smart. Wait. Yeah, get your hands away from her But hold on a second. Go back again. Yeah, okay, so What i'm saying is yeah, I don't know like do you know like dangling participles and all that I do this is bizarre
Starting point is 00:38:36 Breakdown of using the fork system. Like you don't end you don't end a sentence on a what is it? on a Adverb, I don't know go ahead. Well, give me another example. I'll be wrong. You're saying the sentence was grammatically incorrect Well, if you're saying life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get Those two sentences together don't actually quite make quite as much sense as life is like a box of chocolates You never know what you're going to get off was like was like Yeah, that's a chocolate. Yeah. Yeah. Laugh is laugh. Does that make sense George? Yeah. Yeah, so You never know you never know. Yeah, he did say no not new. Yeah, he didn't yeah
Starting point is 00:39:16 You never if he had said you never knew what you were gonna get Then the was would have made sense. All right now. Can I debunk your debunk? Yeah? Yeah, yeah Yeah, because I'm already deep in this rabbit hole. Yeah. In fact, all I do is watch YouTube. Okay. Yeah There's a video box And it says on it life was like
Starting point is 00:39:41 They have the evidence No, I'm sure that's exactly what he said what I'm saying is how we heard it is No, what I'm saying is what we believe he said was unrecorded history on a video box. Oh Do you understand and then that's a movie? Yeah, it's still is is Do you understand? Yeah, there was a quote. You can find it. There was one that says life was life Wow, now there's a lot of these I'll give you another example. Okay fruit loops. Yeah, how do you spell it? I can debunk that Okay, uh fr u it l o ops. Nope
Starting point is 00:40:23 You know what the reality is no What what I actually thought it was fruit ute. No. No. Ooh. Is it you? No. No. It's oh, oh Fruit is spelled f r o o t loops. I thought that was spelled like that. No, okay When I was a kid I would look at the fruit loops box and go that's fruit loops u it Okay, another reason Here we go. Let me debunk that again. Pretty practical if
Starting point is 00:40:54 Yeah, if you're in the fifth grade and you're told to spell fruit your entire life as fr u it When you look at something you're not looking at individual letters. You're looking at the general message So when you're looking at it quickly, you're not dissecting the o o you're going to automatically Revert back to fifth grade, you know grammar and spelling and you're going to say it's fr u it And you're going to emblaze that into your memory So that's how that works. What you well your reality is just a hallucination of all the knowledge you've accumulated in your life Or there was a shift A shift all right, here's another one. You have another one
Starting point is 00:41:33 I have a bunch of them. Where does she go to school? She's just a fucking Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know Filipino It keeps changing Yeah, yeah, um The Bernstein bears. What's the Bernstein? I didn't I've never heard of the Bernstein bears. What are you? You're my age, dude. I know I never heard of them I I don't I had different
Starting point is 00:41:58 So wait, so that example never just didn't I keep it all right like the okay, so the monopoly guy Yeah, that's not that weird of one. But yes, I do like that one. Okay. What does he have a monocle or not? Yes, he has he doesn't never had one. Yeah, that's huge. It's true No, he's never Had a model how old are you 28 exactly bro? I'm 20 years older than you and I thought the same as I think so that means it's not just our generation Yeah, you're tweaked too, bro. You're tweaked too So, yeah, there's a lot more. Okay. Do do the do the curious George and I'll debunk that
Starting point is 00:42:42 Do the curious George so I can debunk it this curious George you were held bent on this. Don't don't look it up I'm so shocked by it. I gotta do it later. Do it later. I got a better one, but go ahead No, I don't want to do that one Can I want to do it? I want to do another one. Yeah snow white Okay, when the when the evil, uh, what's it queen maleficent? What when she looks in the mirror, what did she say? Oh, uh, she says mirror mirror on the wall. What did she say mirror mirror on the wall, right? Stop right there That's not what she says
Starting point is 00:43:12 What is it magic mirror on the wall? I'll debunk that one. How? I thought it was mirror mirror on the wall. I'll tell you why and wait. She wait. She try to tell me I'll tell you why right now give me a second. I have a fucking argument with that. The right is down. Oh, yeah Not on this because we just got this as a gift Just write it on that. Yeah Keep going don't debunk it. Yeah debunk it. Yeah in the original brother's grim story It is mirror mirror and the Walt Disney took liberties in the movie to change it to magic mirror But if you were if you were a child reading original brother's grim
Starting point is 00:43:51 Um stories it was mirror mirror and so they're interchangeable and they have always been that way Here's the thing though that argument. Okay I never read about the brother's grim. What I did. I never did. I don't even know who they are All I know is I saw snow white Okay, I know that I've seen that scene in the cartoon The disney version where she looks in the mirror and she says mirror mirror on the wall But she never says that She says magic mirror
Starting point is 00:44:22 So that argument right there if I knew about the brother's grim then that'd be one thing But I don't know anything about that. You know, I always thought that I honestly thought that snow white was a disney concoction Can I just say that there's a science to collective mis misremembering? Yeah, I was I wrote that down So I want to hear your opinion on that and I gotta tell you something. Okay Go ahead. I want to hear your okay collective misremembering It's like all we need to do all you need to tell me one time is mirror mirror And I say yeah, that's how it is and I'm going to put that in my memory
Starting point is 00:44:53 And that's how I'm going to disseminate all my information for the rest of my life And I'll never I because I don't know any better. I'm not going to Argue with you and tell you wait, isn't it this it's mirror mirror, right? Right. That's how I learned it growing up That's what I was told. Am I going to argue with my third grade teacher and say hey That's actually in the movie. It said magic mirror and that's how things are perpetuated and that's how misremembering continues collective misremembering There is an explanation an actual logical Explanation to this you're just trying to like, you know, you want it to be a shift, but it's not
Starting point is 00:45:29 There was a shift The Philippines this is incredible because you're saying the stuff that I've read. Yeah, you're so fucking smart Let me tell you something. Yeah, dude So I don't know exactly the science behind it, but I read some of it But she's she said they got like scientists to go on and there's a reason why we all It's kind of like the hundredth monkey principle where we're all connected And there's like a hundred monkeys do something and they somehow have the energy On to tell a monkey a thousand miles away. I don't I can't explain it all but something like that, but
Starting point is 00:46:06 Do you know why they say this is happening? Why she's so practical with it, which I so is it like you're of a practical brain And you I don't know if your science background or not and like Bobby and myself have like A gullible brain No, because I'm saying because I do want to look at things and believe them I think that that's also an a way to escape one's reality or your own pain I could say that I don't know what the pain would be of me remembering the bear bear and seen bear But but so here okay, I want to ask you, but so do you know what they say the shift is? No, so did Jordan tell you or any? No, no, no, he just said it broadly. Okay. Here's what the shift is
Starting point is 00:46:53 Oh now we're about to not sleep tonight Dude, I love this and this is I do believe there's a collective wokeness You know how people say they're getting woke, but I think there's a lot of bullshit You know how people say, you know, let's keep it a hundred which is bullshit. No one keeps it a hundred I keep it like 72 Room temperature barely passing. No one's a hundred and I'm sorry. I did five right there, but um They say that this happened with CERN
Starting point is 00:47:21 You know it's CERN. No, it's a CERN. Yes. Oh that that underground The atom that all this cylinder So what they say is happening is is that they're trying to recreate the big bang But it's dangerous because it's basically all the powers that be to smash an atom I don't know exactly. It's just what they're trying to do is like Infinity war type shit. Yeah, and if you do that, it's for every action. There's an opposite equal. Yeah reaction So they're they did it on the ground. It's miles long. They claim they haven't got it yet But they're saying by trying that. Yeah, this is gonna sound crazy and I'm trying to put my brain around
Starting point is 00:48:02 I already believe it. That's somehow. Yeah. Yeah, we have shifted You don't want to say because there are 11 dimensions that we know about so the there's the basic up down and over That's three. Yeah, the fourth one Is where you can tie two together. So for instance to get From this tape. How do I explain it if if if japan's above us Yes, instead of going the way you can normally do yeah, you there's a wormhole and you can get to a quicker That's the fourth. That's just the fourth dimension. Wow They say that we teeter back and forth and that's why weird shit's happening
Starting point is 00:48:40 A couple of conspiracy theories, which I hate being called that. Yeah, because it's like why can't be altered? So can you debunk that it doesn't that sound interesting? That sounds interesting to me. I think that there is I love it. There is a real we're going to cern. Okay, even if you buy the tickets Listen, we're protesting even if there is. Yeah. Yeah. I actually don't think that that's necessarily conspiracy theorists thinking I think that that's something to me that's more tangible because I need that that sounds like physics to me Yes, and I I am not somebody just because I'm more science-minded I do believe they're like we watch a lot of time travel stuff love it and I'm really hardcore into that stuff Yeah, I just think that when it comes to I think that the human mind is heavily unreliable
Starting point is 00:49:26 I think that what we see what we think we see is very inaccurate Could it be a combination of two things? I don't I trust the elemental things around us. I don't trust the human mind Who spells fruit with two O's? A company that wants to attract kids like he was tripping out on loony tunes spelled t u n e s Me too. Okay, I'll give you a proper explanation to that In my mind the reason that you see it as t o o n s because they're cartoons And of course when you're thinking and you're watching cartoons automatically you're going to read loony tunes But what about this one? E.T
Starting point is 00:50:02 That was always E.T. No No, it was Dustin Hoffman And which she's really like the fun police ruin I know but E.T. says this. What does he say? All right phone home E.T. phone home Yeah, he doesn't say that E.T. Now this one I didn't hear. Yeah. He says E.T. home phone No, yeah Debunk that debunking Debbie But the reason why we think that he says phone home is because one of the other adding to Barrymore
Starting point is 00:50:39 Says E.T. phone home. And so in our heads that sounds You know me. That's what's that that's stuck. Yeah. Yeah Here I got another one. Yeah. Yeah, Dustin Hoffman says E.T. home phone. Was it Dustin Hoffman? Okay, J.C. Penney. Oh, that's a that's another good one. How do you spell it? Yeah, J.C. and P.E. and N.Y. Okay, stop. Stop. What? P.E. and N.Y. Yeah, okay and and she already knows I saw her last show on her last night and I debunked this again. Yeah. Yeah. What is it? It's J.C. P.E. and N.E. Y. Who spells penny with an E. Yeah, no one What's a Y? I know there's a Y. There's a Y but there's an E.Y. at the end. The controversy
Starting point is 00:51:27 There's a controversy is not the way it's spelled. It's the way we see it. We see it as P.E. and N.Y. But of course we would see it that way because that's how penny is spelled. Yeah What I'm saying is you're going to see things the way, you know with Kanye's white Is that what it is? Kanye is white. Fourth dimension. We're seeing it wrong. I'm going to send you this TED talk about your reality being just a hallucination. And it is one of the most interesting things. I think his name is like Anil Seth. I've heard these but I haven't heard that. And it's true. Yeah, but everything you're saying makes complete sense. Yeah, and that's why like witnesses to like with crimes and all those things
Starting point is 00:52:16 They're really unreliable because what you see is really You're looking through a filter of your own implicit biases of people of events of all the knowledge that you've accumulated All of your bullshit. Yeah, you're seeing you're not a clean slate. So so let me ask you this I read something recently because I'm into this stuff. I love that we're talking about this Would you know when you go I'll say to you the bathroom. Yes you go pee pee. Yeah No, like, you know when you go to Schoenberg. Yes for the first time. Yeah, and you're like, oh my god I got them all and I'm gonna go down to the city. Yeah, I'm gonna go to Cubby Bear and have a drink I know you're drinking but whatever and you go to Chicago
Starting point is 00:52:56 and and it's like And after about six times you're like, I'm gonna go to my room I'm gonna sleep. I'm gonna get a Starbucks. I'm gonna do my shows Because you're not gonna do anything anymore. That's exactly what yes And I'm like, what's going on? Like, why don't I attack the city anymore? And I read something that when the reason why things are so exciting when we're young is because our brain is informed And so when we see something for the first time going to Tampa, Florida is like going to mars And I literally just did shows like in bay route and it was awesome
Starting point is 00:53:33 But like I kind of understood the experience because I've been all over the world Yeah, and I was just fine chilling having a shawarma So I guess what I'm asking you scientists is that They say that our brain Once we hit a certain age once we do something the lustre of it goes away And that's where we get blew by fucking mind. Just we get bored. So it's almost like why you keep You get desensitized. Yes. Well, it's the same reason you can you can draw a parallel with with kids Not wanting to like eat a lot of exciting foods and kids have a very basic palette
Starting point is 00:54:09 And the reason is their taste buds are being introduced for the very first time to these certain foods And it's all it's an over excitement of their taste buds, right? But the reason that adults like us have a wider range of things that we can eat Is because we've actually desensitized like we can't taste things as well as children And so we kind of the flavors aren't as Like strong or exciting and we can eat a lot bigger of a variety of things But that's how I kind of see it. It's like, you know, if you tindered No way
Starting point is 00:54:47 Swipe left right right right and it was bobby. You're like, it's me bobby. Yeah Wow, let me blow him away with my science. Yeah I was a biochem major But like but also, yeah, bro. She's but you know, it's great. What? Because I hate it when I mean, are you a millennial? I don't know. I'm 33. I think I'm Ish ish, but like you're not millennial, but like millennials like younger ones Well, when they tell me something like this, you're all you're explaining it to me in such a way Hey, I haven't heard it. B. It's very logical. C. You're not making me feel like I'm a fucking idiot
Starting point is 00:55:24 Or millennials would be like and yeah dummy like as they're like on their smartphone. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so it's like you're like really inclusive But dude, she you're inclusive. Where'd you it's all makes sense. She has character defects as well Touch her hands touch her hands right now That she's hiding from you Yo, the robot on this mode. I know great mode, right There's 92 other modes 92 other modes. Oh Yeah, physically I'm breaking down as I'm explaining this to you physically. Can you touch my hand? Don't get grossed out. Can I just show you then? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is like just look at it. You don't have to touch it
Starting point is 00:56:05 Oh, you're so sweaty. Yeah. Why because anytime my brain I have to think my whole body sweats. It's broken Wow I wiped it on myself. I didn't even get freaked out I'm trying to get the knowledge. Wait. Is that one of the defects or this? No. No. I'm just It's just like a cute little side treat. Right. I'm sweaty. That's like self lubricating. You don't have to worry about anything. You're stupid, right? You're acting so fucking stupid right now. I said I go too far. I should take too far. It's so dumb what you're doing. Right. Right. Right. She has defects. I'm thinking that one. Okay, I know. Obviously robot on. We're all broken. Yeah, of course. For sure you're broken. Yeah, we're all broken. But wow. Yeah Wow, that's what I'm I'm impressed with. Well, I mean, I I'll be honest with you and I've said this many times is that
Starting point is 00:56:53 you know, Kalyla was the first girlfriend I've ever had that actually helped my life Like she helped me get jobs in the business. She helped me do this podcast. She's to the women that used to date That's the first great thing go ahead. No, but she, you know, in that way you I never thought that you could benefit. You know, I mean, from having You know, a partner that's like motivating and also creative and She's you know, she's helped me immensely. But that's the one thing that's a barrier with creativity
Starting point is 00:57:27 is that once you're too practical and science minded There is a sense of like you you're not able to do anything that you want to do to succeed. there is a sense of like you're not able to do what you do or be funny or you know, do all of that. Yeah, practicality is boring. Practicality kills the cat. It does. But so wait, are you, I don't know enough about you,
Starting point is 00:57:47 but so I don't, like right now I'm getting the vibe that you are like science and smart. That's what I, yeah. But you also do stuff with him. I just added, I just add structure to his life. I'm just a, what, like are you a writer doing comedy, acting? No, no comedy.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Okay. She did it like 20 times. No, my God, because you forced me to. You said that it was part of the experience. It's part of the experience, yeah. I was horrible. I was horrible. He did it.
Starting point is 00:58:14 He was terrible. Wow. He's one of the worst. Take time. What? Practicality. You're getting better? You're getting better?
Starting point is 00:58:21 Yeah, yeah. Oh my God. Smiles that you hold each other. It takes time. Where do you live now? Like in what area? On the street. I don't know what,
Starting point is 00:58:28 West Side, where are you now? Los Feliz. Oh, you are? By the Greeks. Oh, that's amazing. I love this area. I'm glad that we eat together at the 101. Oh, you know where I ran into you
Starting point is 00:58:38 was at that Korean restaurant that I go to every fucking night. You go there all the time? Yeah, I go there like twice a week. I love that one. Wait, is that the best one? Cause I go a lot of times. It's not the best one, no.
Starting point is 00:58:48 It's a great one. For that late night, it's the best one. Do you like quarters? It's pretty good. Are we like Auguste better? We're like Auguste better. Auguste, is that the one with the pink pig? It's the guy with the guy.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Haichun Chong is the pink pig. That's a good one. Wait, hold on. All you can eat. The Haichun? Haichun, yeah. That's all you can eat. Bobby doesn't have.
Starting point is 00:59:05 You like Korean food? All the time. Wow. Why wouldn't I? You should go. Now, let me ask you this. There's another little side fact that I know. About?
Starting point is 00:59:16 About just him and I and whatnot, right? We're done with a whole Bernstein Bears. I love where we're going. We can go back. No, we can go back. I'm just gonna throw this little fact out. I think it was like five or six. You asked me to audition for another movie you were doing.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Oh. It was an audition? It was an offer. I was a straight offer. It was an offer. It was an offer. It was an audition. But the dialogue was so broken.
Starting point is 00:59:42 The Haichun, it was so thick. Yes. Right? I just kind of passed on it. And I felt bad because, you know what I mean? I love him and I want to work with him again. But I just didn't feel it. Who got the jump before we go into that?
Starting point is 00:59:58 That kind of hurt my butt a little bit. It did? Yeah. I felt that it did, maybe. How do you, you could have texted me. What's going on? Oh, all right, all right, all right. Let's get, let's go there.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Wait, hold on. Let's go, let's go. Now, hold on. Yeah. I obviously wasn't with him this time. He wasn't with me at the time. Character defect, 91A. No, but the thing is about the movie
Starting point is 01:00:20 and it wasn't a great movie and it didn't get theatrical. It almost didn't, it didn't, but now it's in reruns all the time. It was called the hungover games. And so it was kind of almost like what we're doing with Cern talk. It was like the guys from the hungover.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Yeah, I know what it was. Woke up. Yeah, yeah. No, and they were in, what's that place? In the, Yeah, in the Hunger Games. Yeah, where they woke up there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:44 In Panorama, where the fuck it is. Anyway, so it was like a parody. Your character was the Ken John character. What's his name? Hang on. Yeah, yeah, hang over here. Mr. Chow. You were, Mr. Chow.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Yeah. But it was like super over the top bad on purpose. It was like an alternative shift. So it was like, why is he going over the top? Yeah. You understand? Who got it? That fan.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Is that a bad word here? Dad's the sweetest guy. He's the sweetest guy in the world. The sweetest guy in the whole world. Friendliest guy. He's so friendly. Yeah. I think he won the thing.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Yeah, he won the thing. Yeah. He won. And he was the nicest guy I haven't talked to in a while. Yeah, yeah. I have no idea your history. I don't know history. But Mesa turned from white to pink.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Robot went in shutdown mode. He went back farther than the closet. I have no idea what he's doing. He went back farther than the closet, I have no idea. He came in, he read a bunch of times. That's great. I have no idea. I like him.
Starting point is 01:01:50 I like him. In fact, we love him so much. We love him so much is that we talk about him a lot. Because we love him a lot, yes. So we let him on the show. He'll never do it. Wow. There's some kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:02:02 There is no thing. There is no thing. Really, he'll never do it. I'm doing it. Does that matter? OK. You had Jordan do it. Stop, stop, stop, stop.
Starting point is 01:02:10 All right, I don't. All right, there's obviously a thing. No, just stop. All right, there's a thing. I just want to say this. I just want to say this, OK? I have no idea. I'll shut up.
Starting point is 01:02:17 There, I just want to say this. And I'm not making fun of anybody. I'm not. This is not. I'm watching what I'm saying. I just fucking took down true TV. I'm fucked. No, you're not.
Starting point is 01:02:26 All right, go ahead. I liked it. OK. This is that you and Jordan, right? You guys are in movies and shit. That's it. That's all I'm going to say. Oh, god.
Starting point is 01:02:41 I took, I got that. I point taken, yeah. There's a lot of history there. I don't know. I don't, it sounds like you guys. There's no history. Fine. No, I love them.
Starting point is 01:02:49 There's no history. OK, I just, I just throwing out a fact. And you know what? The way you cackled, right? He was in my movie. Who was? I mean, it went to write the red box. What did?
Starting point is 01:03:00 My movie, where dad was in it. Well, hungover, hungover game? Yeah, I think it went to like. I didn't even, because I saw, because I watch everything he's in. Wow, this is. I watch everything he's in, and I have seen his scenes in the hungover game.
Starting point is 01:03:12 I didn't know it was that. Wow. Yeah. Did you like his scenes? I like him. So yeah, everything he does, everything he does, everything he does, I'm like, come with us. I like him.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Dude, why aren't you telling? All right, I don't know. You probably talk about it a lot in your pocket. No, no, that's fine. Was he one of the Kims of comedy? No, because he's not Korean. OK, I know. I was racist.
Starting point is 01:03:34 That was racist. Well, you're laughing. You fucking. Was everyone Korean? Yeah, everyone. Yeah. Steve Byrne is Korean. No one.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Oh, no one. Ken Jeong is Korean. No one was like, sneaky Filipino. Third. I try to get sneaky Joe Coy in it, but Steve Byrne's like, well, he's not. He's half, and you know what I mean? Wow.
Starting point is 01:03:54 It was like, it was hard, but. Wow, you got to get Steve on this, too. We have never had him, you know? And I also want to say that I think it was cosmic that I ran into last night, because I've always wanted you on this. But I asked them. I have a hard time asking people.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Like, I've asked a couple of guys this week that I was afraid to ask, and they just didn't return my, you know, my shit. Really? That's the worst fear. Yes, it's my biggest fear, you know? So it's like, when I asked you and you said you would do it, it was very, I was so excited, because I've always loved you.
Starting point is 01:04:29 I know, I got a lot for you. And I want to say this is that, you know, they call me the Slup King. The what king? The Slup King. Slap? Yeah. And when did that come into play?
Starting point is 01:04:40 Has that been in the title for you? Well, yeah. That's what the papaya did. Did I just debunk my debunk? Yeah. He was in a moment. He was going to get all emo. That's what she does.
Starting point is 01:04:49 That's a character defect. I don't know what to say. Bobby's about to say, I love you. Oh, my God. Wow, I know, she wasn't even listening. You know what she does. Do you know where you went? That was, wow.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Now, that's a cold, I'm just going to say, that was like a cold, scientific, like you've got to watch the new movie with Ryan Gosling. What's the one, the replicas? Blade Runner. Blade Runner. I love that movie. He was like, to the left, three degrees, to the 93.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Yeah. And this hot chick. We love that movie. Oh, so dope. But you would like that. You were an android in that moment. I wasn't an android. He was like, listen, this is my baby.
Starting point is 01:05:23 She's like a Vulcan. She's a Vulcan. Wow. I got it, though. So can I go back into the thing? Anyway, I've always liked it. Twisted now. Now it's ruined.
Starting point is 01:05:34 But I'm going to try. And I want to say that. I want to say that. Did I leave the oven on? I'm going to do that. I have deep regret. I'm so sorry. That's all right.
Starting point is 01:05:43 But that's your thing. Programmed. Programmed. And that's recorded. Anyway, I was going to say, this is what I was going to say. I lost the moment. Fuck. You were loving me.
Starting point is 01:05:55 I was loving you. I just remember, I remember like, and it's just, my brother and I, Steve went to that last audition for the kick in old school and you told me that I got it. You know, like you didn't call my agent. You just said, I think you got it. And I remember being in the car driving with my brother and we were so, that was the happiest time I've ever
Starting point is 01:06:17 had with Steve. Because it's like, I needed it. I was on Matt TV, but like I couldn't get into movies. You know, I did Harold and Kumar, but that's it. And it was like a bigger part. Like I was like fourth lead or fifth lead in it, you know what I mean? So, you know, it was just a really cool thing. And, you know, I just have fun memories of you in that way.
Starting point is 01:06:39 I think if there's any one movie you always or movie set or experience that you talk about, it's always that way. I always bring up Kigali. We probably talk about it. Every episode. Yeah. On every episode. Really?
Starting point is 01:06:50 Yeah. And also on stage, I sometimes talk about it. What do you say? Because when I bring Ally Wong up on stage, because it was back to back, I always bring up the journalist that was on this movie, kicking old school with Jamie Kennedy and then, you know, I mean, Ally Wong. And now I'm bringing her up.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Really? Yeah. It was a real like connection because I'm friends with really good friends with Rosenbaum. In fact, Rosenbaum, have you done his podcast? Yeah. He has his own podcast and he, he was sort of our guy and then he filtered off to do his own.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Yes. Yes. Oh, he was your guy. Well, I mean, he was our guest and it kind of influenced him in many ways to do his own. You know what I mean? Yeah. You should do one.
Starting point is 01:07:27 I should. You should. I have, wait, I'm going to go back to that. But I do. I had a great time with you. After I give you a compliment like that, don't try to switch it. You know what I mean? No.
Starting point is 01:07:38 You made me one. No, I'm not getting it. And I just felt weird. Oh, no. You just ruined his moment. You ruined his moment. I really did. Character defect.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Can I go back to mine? Character defect. Can I go to my D-Bot? No, I really did. But I had a good time with a lot of people like I really have. It's funny though. We don't really keep in touch. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Character defect. No, no, no. He'll tell you why. I'll tell you why. Wait. Is that on a podcast? No. I'm going to tell you why.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Does that have to do with me? No, no, no, no. Lots of you. Because, you know, when I got on the man TV, the one guy that was the nicest to me was Will Sasso. Yeah. He took me in. I hung out with him a lot.
Starting point is 01:08:20 And he... When did you get it? 2000? Yeah, 2000. He would invite me to his barbecues and we went out at night and he was really cool. He was the only senior cast member that made me feel like, you know, welcome on the show. Everyone else was standoffish and cold, you know? And when he left the show, I didn't talk to him for five years and he would call me
Starting point is 01:08:41 and I would never call him back. Why? It's just a character defect of mine. Why? It's not because of hate or love. It's just because I just don't like, I don't pick up anyone. Like when I have to go on the road and I have to call her, it's so difficult. But you talk...
Starting point is 01:08:58 But I do it because I love her and I want to connect and I don't want to lose this. So I just, I want to do it. You know what I mean? But it's like, you know, even when I'm on the phone, I'm just terrible at connecting in that way. Am I not right? Yeah, I kind of don't... I think it's just sheer laziness.
Starting point is 01:09:19 That's different than what you said. Sheer laziness means you don't care. Yeah, maybe you're saying... Maybe. Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How did you not care about Will Sasso? It's not, no, that's not the right word.
Starting point is 01:09:34 I think what you're saying, you're twisting it, you know what I mean? It's just like... How did you not care about me? We had peace in the kitchen. I know, I know, I know. Wait a minute. We had... I remember...
Starting point is 01:09:45 Room service. No, not in San Francisco. We went to this Italian restaurant. Oh. I remember that. And I remember these moments, right? That was the first time I saw your dick. Can I say that?
Starting point is 01:09:54 Yeah, you can say that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a standard. You can't do that now. I know. You can't do that anymore. But he would take his dick out. Just take it around.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like put it in the bread. You just pick around the bread. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And even Maria's like, Bobby! Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it was like... I used to be like, yeah, crazy in that way.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Yeah. But I want to apologize to you about that. You're not... Okay. Yeah, I do. It's just a... No, this podcast is about our flaws. We've exposed ourselves.
Starting point is 01:10:23 We've exposed a lot of flaws. Yeah. And this is great. And I'm willing to say it. I am sorry. That is a flaw of mine. It's not because I don't like you. It's not because I have any kind of resentment or ill will.
Starting point is 01:10:36 It's just that I'm lazy and I'm used to a hermit. The only times people see me out is either I'm eating or I'm at a club. Do you stand up? Okay, I take that back. There we go. It's not that he's lazy. He's a hermit. A hermit?
Starting point is 01:10:51 And he has this thing where he thinks that if people know him too well, they won't like him. And he has a fear of letting people in too deeply to where they might turn him away. Two questions, though. But you kept in touch with Rosenbaum. Yeah. I mean, no, barely. Barely.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Barely. I mean, he'll call me like... But he works it. Three weeks ago, he goes... I had a guest that fell out last minute. Can you do it? I was out of town. No, I'm saying over the years.
Starting point is 01:11:15 He's more pursuing it. He pursues it. Yeah, yeah. So that's the thing. I didn't pursue it either. So I have my own character defaults. But still, when I would see you... It'd be love.
Starting point is 01:11:28 It'd be love. Yeah. Like pure love. See, because there's a lot... I'll say this. I do have a good connection with you. Yeah. And somebody said this about you, I'm not going to say it.
Starting point is 01:11:39 I wanted you to say it. I love it. Oh. This is great. Can I? Yeah, yeah. But like, Melissa McQueen, because she opens for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:50 She absolutely loves you. Yeah, I love her too. She says, Bobby's got one of the softest hearts in Hollywood. Yeah. And I said, I know that about him. Yeah. I feel that. Because we talked about a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Yeah. You know, that's between... I know a lot of stuff about you, and I think that you know a lot of stuff about me. And I was like, I know. I don't talk to him like ever. And she's like, yeah. And she's like... She didn't really get coached me on it.
Starting point is 01:12:22 She's like, just hit him up. Because I was starting to see you. Yeah. And she's like, I absolutely love him. He's one of the softest hearts. And that's... And so it's back at you. I mean, I don't...
Starting point is 01:12:33 Oh, I thought you were going to say something negative there. No, no. We're going to suck at each other. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So what I want to say is this is that in... I hate to say this because I love this town.
Starting point is 01:12:45 I love Hollywood. I love California. You're a real Californian. I'm a fake one, but I'm not because I came here when I was 18. So I almost feel like I am because I've been here for 30 years. But you're the OG because you're born here. Yeah. I mean, people shit on LA.
Starting point is 01:12:58 LA people say, no, LA don't want you. Get the fuck out. I love LA. I love LA. I love our business. This is what we sign up for. I will say I get my butt hurt. I'm getting better at it.
Starting point is 01:13:12 The people that they're... It's not... They don't change. You know, this is a... I think Lindsay Lohan said this is a great line. She said, success doesn't change you. It magnifies who you already are. So when you get successful, you think people change.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Like going back to the Bernstein Bears, it was already there, but it was like hidden from you, whatever. And one thing I can say about you, from the moment I met you, when you came up to me at the rib joint in Universal, Tony Romo's. Wow. And you were like 1995, and I was just starting to hit, but you're like, hey, Jamie, my name's Bobby, do you call me? Hey, how are you?
Starting point is 01:13:53 Are you going up tonight? Yeah, yeah. You're the same guy that met me in the garage. Wow. Yeah, dude. That's fucking real shit. I like that Tony Romo's. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:05 That's what he got for metal thing. But that's rare. Why are you? That's fucking. Can I debunk? That was a debunk. You know what happened? It got too intimate.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Yeah. So you got intimacy issues. You can't just let it. Yeah, I got really weird. You got to break it. You got to break it. Yeah, I started sweating. That's my bad.
Starting point is 01:14:24 That's my bad. Yeah, yeah. What I was saying earlier. So good. I didn't take it personally, but for a while I thought, I really love Bobby. Yeah. You talk to him more because you usually collect a friend or two from a thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:37 It's funny. I don't keep a lot of friends from projects. Maybe one or two. It's rare. But you do for a while. You're in this intense thing and it's beyond summer camp. Yeah. And it's like, here, I'll tell you a story.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Yeah. Hopefully people like it. Yeah. For a while, you do this business, right? You do it because, I don't know, there's people that are like, I'm love to create. I'm an artist. I'm really a, I'm a joke man. I'm in a, you know, I don't know why other people do it.
Starting point is 01:15:08 I did it because I wanted to feel loved. You know what I mean? The fact that I can act and be funny is just the side thing. Like I never knew that stuff. It was only through trial and error. Yeah. But it was like, you know, you could, so anyway, you get in this business and you're broken. You know, most people are broken.
Starting point is 01:15:25 You know, there's very few people that are adjusted in this business, in my opinion. You agree with that? Yeah. And you get in this business and you, you become, you get on these projects from the littlest to the big, whether it's a community at an open mic, the community at the store, community on a set, community on a TV show, a web series, whatever it is. You're like, oh, this is my fucking tribe. And then it ends and you fucking cry.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Yeah. And you cry, you're fucking, I can almost cry right now. You cry your fucking head off. And I did scream and I went from, I never left my room. I fuck it was only David Arquette who, and Rose McGowan and Nev who encouraged me at different times, I would eat with Rose. David would say, bro, come out or Nev would like give me wine. I would say my lines.
Starting point is 01:16:26 I would have lines for four days. I would do one scene and I have four days. I wouldn't leave my room. I would do lines all day, not lines. I would do my lines. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'd get coke in my life. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:36 And I would eat the cookies because it was a double tree. And I was so paranoid of fucking up. And the experience that was only after I got all my scenes done. Yeah. That I completely started giving in, right? I didn't really. And I had the, like he was saying about kicking it. I had that on screen.
Starting point is 01:16:53 And one of the people I got to work with was Courtney. And I'll forget I was eating in a restaurant with her. And I used to like, it was so cool because I was like a famous person, super famous. And like, I would like take the picture. People like, can I take a picture? Like people go crazy, right? Yeah. And I was like, no one knew me.
Starting point is 01:17:10 And I remember eating with her and it was at the end of the thing. And it was my birthday. And they brought me a cake. And everybody was clapping and it was like on a set, like my family didn't even do that, right? Right, right, right. And this movie. And I start fucking crying, my fucking eyes out. And I'm like, I'm going to miss everybody.
Starting point is 01:17:34 And she's like, and I was crying for a long time. She's like, maybe hurry up. It's okay. Get over it. I'm like, but we're friends, right? And she's like, yeah, we're friends. We're friends. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:52 But I'm like, we're friends. Yeah. I love you guys. This is like my new friends. And she's like, I'll never forget this. And she's like, oh, honey, oh, honey, honey. Oh, baby, you thought this was real. You thought this was real.
Starting point is 01:18:06 This is, no, this is a beautiful thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, like, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. It's a beautiful thing. She's like, she's like, this is summer camp. I go, but it is real. She goes, no, it is real, honey.
Starting point is 01:18:18 She's like, it's real. She's so sweet. She goes, but it ends. She goes, you're, I mean, listen, we're still going to be friends, but it's such an intense experience. It's like 16 lifetimes in six weeks. And it is because you start from fucking 6 a.m. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Until 8 p.m. And you're next to somebody. How many people do that in relationships? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Even who live together. You see eight. You wonder why people fuck. You wonder why people come best friends.
Starting point is 01:18:43 You wonder why they hate each other because you're at the hip. And she's like, honey, this is summer camp. I mean, it's, and she goes, it's amazing, but you're going to go to another one and another one and another one. And you're going to realize it's, it's going to become a wonderful job. And I tell you, I've cried. I mean, I have 102 credits. I probably stopped crying.
Starting point is 01:19:02 I feel like 62. Wow. Yeah. And you know what? Yeah. The only person probably up until like three years ago when they got divorced, who sends me regular Christmas cards. Courtney.
Starting point is 01:19:15 Wow. I mean, I'm talking to everyone. Courtney and David. Yeah. Even through their divorce. Yeah. They'll send me a Christmas. Wow.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Wow. So there's a person bracing me for the world. Yeah. But yeah, so it's a beautiful soul. Oh man. Beautiful soul. But dude. So why don't know what to point that story?
Starting point is 01:19:35 No, no, but you know what? But it's like, no way. You never gave you a Christmas. Come on. No. No, for me, but like people listening. I don't know if they're up for me. That was almost cathartic and life changing because I've, I was, I've never, I thought
Starting point is 01:19:53 I was a fucking asshole. No. Like, you know, Justin Kirk from animal practice. When I was on that animal sitcom, we'd smoke together, eat. We'd meet at La Pubelle, right? Get the artichoke. We'd say that, you know, that little Brussels sprouts. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:10 And he would bring his like fancy theater friends and drink wine and I'd be leaning back. You know what I mean? You know, and then we'd go outside and have a cigarette, you know, and I haven't seen him since. I don't know. I don't even. How many times have you seen him? None.
Starting point is 01:20:26 But when was that show? Five years ago. I have not seen him one time. I will say this though. Yeah. It's hard, bro. Stay with me on this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:34 It's hard to keep regular friendships in our business. I mean, it's, I think about it. You don't see, think about, we're all planets, right? We're all moons. Planets, really. You're your own solar system. And the bigger you are. Oh, you're a fucking moon or planet, fuckface.
Starting point is 01:20:51 No, let's go planet. I need to know how this is going to go right now. That was fake anger. Let's go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's go, let's say planet, right? Yeah. And like, you know, you can say it like a star or whatever.
Starting point is 01:21:00 It's a solar system. How often do you see, you know, Colin Farrell hang out with another solar system? Because his life is so crazy. Yeah. And so it's hard. It's like, you know, Justin Bieber doesn't hang out with Lady Gaga. I'm sure they're friends, but it's hard. So it's like, you have to think of it like that.
Starting point is 01:21:19 And it's easier to hang with people that are knowing you and it's even hard to hang. Yeah. Because we work all the time, dude. I mean, I've just been fucking Canada for fucking six days. Yeah. Been in Beirut for two weeks. But that's why. I love, that's why I've always gone to the comedy store.
Starting point is 01:21:33 I can see that now. I told you that. Remember, I say it was important. He gave me great advice. And if you want me to tell you. Yeah, I said, yeah. But say your piece. And then I'll say.
Starting point is 01:21:41 I wanted to say this. The reason why I get bummed if I don't get a spot there when I call in, it's because, it's not because of the spot. It's because I get to say hi to pretty much a second family that I grew up with and it's consistent. Yeah. And I know I'm going to run into Sebastian Manoscalco. I know I'm going to run into Crystal Lea.
Starting point is 01:22:03 It's just, you know, like cheers. You want to be able to go to a place and say hello and people know your name and they say hello back and you could just share what's going on in your life. And I've had wars there and I've had, but it's like, you know, I'm a part of this mini society that I don't. I can't lose. I'll feel lost. I so see that.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Yeah. And it's healthy. You're healthy, man. You're fucking healthy. You're fucking healthy. Where are we at time? Over our 20. Our 20.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Yeah. This is what we're going to do here. This is what we do. I wasn't able to debunk my debunk. Don't the beat. She's just taking on it. What you got to do? You want to debunk the debunk?
Starting point is 01:22:51 Debunk the debunk. She was a piggyback. That was a compartmental. That was a compartmentalize. You know how earlier you said I was really practical? We were all emo, Christ. No, this is emo. We're probably a fucking anal me and him.
Starting point is 01:23:06 And you're like, hold on. We're touching tips. Go ahead. Initially, I was like, practical, practical, practical. But after listening to everything, I think there is something to what you're saying and there is, in fact, I believe in synchronicity. And everything about this conversation,
Starting point is 01:23:24 all the dots were connected in my head. Okay. Everything from, if there was, you talked about this Mandela effect yesterday. Yes. And there was a reference that you made during our discussion and the Uber driver that I rode to take to my sister's house made that exact same obscure reference.
Starting point is 01:23:45 And I almost called you and I thought, holy shit, of all the things that this guy could have said. You know, he said that thing that Bobby said. Yeah. Another thing of all the guests that said no to you this weekend, you brought in a guy who is heavily versed in the Mandela effect. Yes. So all I'm saying is there is, in fact,
Starting point is 01:24:06 something that kind of ties this all in together. And as much as a practical mind as I have, I think there is a deep connection that we cannot understand through scientific explanation. Do you think we're in a simulation? Fuck you, Kennedy. What are you talking about? You don't know that theory?
Starting point is 01:24:28 No, tell me the theory. You know that theory? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Bro, I want to believe what she's saying. It would be easier. It would take a lot of sweat off. You want to say what she's saying? I told my brother, I told my brother, I said,
Starting point is 01:24:40 at Duke Park when we're having the cinnamon roll. And I go again and I do. He goes, what's wrong with you? I go, the reason why this Mandela thing is freaking me out is because I thought I died 10 years ago. Dude, you just opened up another hour. What are you talking about? I died 10 years ago?
Starting point is 01:24:59 I think I died 10 years ago on Fountain. Oh my God, this is intense. I've never heard anybody tell me this. Who? A car accident. What? And that everything from that death, it's my spirit reliving, continuing to living.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Am I fucking a ghost? I don't know, man. That's pretty cool. My brother was arguing. My brother was arguing. My brother was like, no, I'm real here, Bob. He was freaking out. I'm here, Bob.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Flesh and blood here, bud. I know, but I think he goes, no, man. I'm your brother, man. We're those crazy Asians over there. I mean, it was crazy. Yeah. Dude. But because.
Starting point is 01:25:38 How? I don't know. Yeah, dude. Have you ever said this before? No. This is so awesome. Did you plan to talk about it? I got a car accident on Fountain, right?
Starting point is 01:25:47 I hit another actor, right? I don't know what actor it was, but for some reason in my mind, I think he's an actor. Yeah. And then I died instantaneously. Wow. And then I, and I have this reoccurring image of it. You know, a feeling that I did do that.
Starting point is 01:26:05 Like, I can even like, you know what I mean? Like, see the wreckage and my, you know, I, you know, all that stuff. And then just me dying. But it was a dream or something. I don't know what it is. But yeah. So I think, you know, all this stuff, like Trump and all that. So I think I'm imagining, you know, like it's some sort of like alternate weird thing
Starting point is 01:26:23 that's happening, but we can get that next time. We can fight that out. Dude, that's insane. I know. But here's it is. I think we're all waking up. Don't you think we're all waking up? Don't fucking open up a different fucking topic.
Starting point is 01:26:37 A bars box. Yeah. Our minds awakening. Can you watch Westworld? Oh, fuck you, Kennedy. It is. It's becoming like, it's a parent. It's a parent.
Starting point is 01:26:46 So you think you're in a similar, what you're saying that we're like matrix and we're like tied up to a theme park. Dude, it's, you have to watch Westworld. It's so good. We saw five episodes. We didn't, we stopped. Oh, because the road, think of the robots being yourself. So they have what their memories of is just old data, right?
Starting point is 01:27:06 And they didn't get their hard drives erased. So what's the difference between humans right now? We were having, what's a dream? Is it a dream or is it just old hard drives? It's dope, dude. That's my, don't even get started on dreams. That's two hours. That's two hours right there.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Dreams are my thing. I wanted to be like a sleep scientist. So at the end of our podcast, we do it. I'm not done. I'm done. We're done. At the end of the yellow, we're done. At the end of the, we do an hour.
Starting point is 01:27:36 So at the end of our 20, I know there's a lot of stuff. No, we're not going to keep it like this. It's a true TV. Yeah. Do you want it? You want on? No, I'm fine with it. Tell me now.
Starting point is 01:27:47 I'm fine with it. Yeah, we're going to, we're going to keep all of it. I think it's fine. Okay, good. I don't care. So at the end of our podcast, we do a thing called on helpful advice and he has an email, an actual email from somebody that needs our advice. It can be helpful or not helpful.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Okay. Okay. So go ahead. Bobby Kalaila at Jamie Kennedy. Hello Tiger belly. I'm 30 years old and my parents are still married, but they have been separated for three years. My parents are moving to Arizona, which where I live four years ago from Miami, Florida. Once moved, my father started acting distance distant and kept going back to Miami saying
Starting point is 01:28:25 was to finish some work. After a few months of this, he told my mother you wanted some space and didn't feel the same way about her. They have been married 29 years. Oh my God. Turns out he was seeing another woman and still sees her, but it's also still married to my mother. My mom hopes that he will come back because she is very religious praying that he will
Starting point is 01:28:43 change. My father has not spoken to neither my sister or I since he announced a separation from my mother. My question is how do I approach my father and confront him with all of my feelings about stringing my mom along, not talking to the kids and how hurt we all feel. Thank you. Vanessa. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:29:00 Jesus Christ. Yeah. So her dad has a whole second life? Yeah. Still married to the mother, but he took off. He doesn't talk to anybody. How long? He's living this other life in Miami.
Starting point is 01:29:12 Yeah. Wait, so how long has he been out of her life? Uh, they've been separated for three years, but she doesn't say how long he's been going back to Miami. No, but he's obviously still giving the mom hope that they're going to for reconciliation by not getting divorced. The mom's got it. The mom.
Starting point is 01:29:29 Here's the advice. The mom's got it. You can't control the mom, right? You can't control another person. So if the mom wants to live the dream, that's what she's going to do. That's the moms. The moms got to get out of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:42 I think that you're on to the right point. I think that if he's not communicating and he, she's being dragged along, she has to let go. She has to end it and you just got to cut the guy out of your life. So does Vanessa talk, then instead of talking to her father, just talk to her mom. Yeah. You obviously have communication. It's like a mom, we got to get you to detach.
Starting point is 01:30:05 He's a piece of shit. Right? I'm sure there's a love there. He's your dad, you know, but, and you can deal with your, your resentments and all that stuff later. But I think that once there's, you know, you know, a lawful separation, a divorce, and then you let some time pass, you know, go to therapy and deal with it. But, you know, it's not, the mom is getting hurt.
Starting point is 01:30:29 She has to let go. She has to be free of it. Yeah. She has to find her own life. What do you think, babe? Yeah. You closed up. What the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 01:30:38 If I was, no, if I was the daughter. She's still debunked. I didn't know they're debunking each other. Yeah. They hit close to home. Yeah. No, not that close to home. Did your dad?
Starting point is 01:30:46 What's wrong? No, but I'm just saying I would, if I were her, I would absolutely speak to the dad. I think that he probably isn't aware of all the hurt that he's causing if no one's telling him. If I, if I have two kids and let's say we had two kids together, right? Our kids are grown. George and Bryce. What?
Starting point is 01:31:09 Your kids are George and Bryce. Yeah. George and Bryce are my kids. Right? And I, I, I meet, you know what I mean? Some girl in North Carolina, right? And I cut off communication with my two sons and you for years, right? I know, you know, what I'm doing, yes.
Starting point is 01:31:33 And I'm stringing you along because I still, there's still love there, you know? And I'm living in, I still feel bad, but I'm still getting a piece of both a little bit. You have to end it. You have to end it. Yeah, that's true. You have to be free. But it's not going to, if one of our kids decided that they wanted to give you a piece of their mind, I think that you ought to hear it.
Starting point is 01:31:59 I'm not, this is just a scenario, babe. I don't know why you're fucking George is not my son. Yeah. Okay. If I fucking had a son that looked like that, if I saw that look like that, kill myself. Oh no. He changes color. All right.
Starting point is 01:32:12 Maybe him. He's fine. He's a son I like. He's a son. Wow. Yeah. Okay. It's called unhelpful advisory.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Yeah. I don't get the movie I auditioned for today. You want to double suicide? How hard? Yeah. How hard? How many times are you going in? Twice.
Starting point is 01:32:32 I sent in a tape, they liked it, and I did a screen test, like chemistry test. Is it a big movie? It's something I want. It'll be a hot movie. That one comes out. Yeah. You can't talk about it. No.
Starting point is 01:32:47 But is it a studio movie? It's a Netflix movie. Okay. That's all I can say. Okay. That's it. Anyway, guys. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 01:32:55 No, I'm being real. I'm being real. Can I debunk that? Yeah. I really do. That was, you're a great cast. You're amazing. And I wanted to go shorter because I know you're tired.
Starting point is 01:33:05 But it just happened. We could have done another hour. I think. Yeah. That was natural. We would love to have you on again one day, man. You're fucking amazing at this. You are.
Starting point is 01:33:13 Well, thank you. Yeah. And if you... Maybe you'll see me in the parking lot and ask me again. No, but if you... I really strongly suggest that you do one. I gotta get that advice. Maybe you should tell me off.
Starting point is 01:33:23 Bert told me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's... I mean, Bert's done it. It was here three weeks ago. He did ours.
Starting point is 01:33:31 And it's changed my whole road numbers. Really? Yeah. It doubled my audience. Just like that. Wow. I go to like Ontario. I was there a couple...
Starting point is 01:33:40 I sell half the room. I sold out every show. This time. Wow. And it's because... And there was no ticket preta... And I go, trust me, they're coming. Tiger belly fans are coming.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Do you have to do... Can you do your jokes? Or do you... Do they want to just... Can you just do podcast stuff and talk like topics like that too? I mean, you could do live... Your live podcast as well, but, you know... This has been going on for what?
Starting point is 01:34:06 Three years this show? Two? Two years? Two years, yeah. Two years, yeah. In the beginning it wasn't... You couldn't see it, but I think after a couple of years and, you know, last night I was at the comedy store and there was gay Korean man from Hawaii came up to me because
Starting point is 01:34:20 I just don't kind of come to clubs, but I'm a huge Tiger belly fan. I love all everyone on it and he goes, I just needed to see you. I just needed to meet you and we took a photo and we talked for a bit and then this other fat Korean dude came out separate. But... I'm from Ohio. I came here. I don't, you know...
Starting point is 01:34:40 I don't go to a comedy... But you... I had to say hi. So what is the... I don't have... He calls Slap King... Slap King. Slapa Slap King, right?
Starting point is 01:34:48 Do another one. Who else came up? What are the other...? ät? What are the other Korean...? China China. This is like, you're getting mad at me. You're doing the voice that you wouldn't do in my movie.
Starting point is 01:34:59 A kid said to me. He goes, the voice! I'm 45. The voice! How long do I do? It was really funny, it's true. The voice! Sure.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Sorry... Anyway give Jamie and Kerry a round of applause because everybody was wonderful. Jamie any handles or anything you need to yeah promote my Twitter is at Jamie Kennedy at the Jamie Kennedy is my insta Check out tremors on tremors nine on Six on Netflix, but let me say something. They I was on Instagram. They're promoting the fuck out of that thing Yeah, man, they it's you know, and it looks fun and campy. Yeah, it's cool. Dude. It's actually I'm gonna watch it Yeah, you watch. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, any shows Bobby. I'm gonna be in Calgary this weekend. Mm-hmm. I yuck yucks Yeah, yuck yucks a black foot. Oh, yeah, I just played yuck yucks, dude in Calgary. We're Vancouver. I love Vancouver
Starting point is 01:35:52 It's good. It's a great club. I saw your picture. Okay. Wait. I love it. Can I plug one? Yeah, go ahead to coma comedy club It's weekend. Yeah. Yeah, if you're in Tacoma, dude, check out fucking Jamie man. Do it. All right He's a good dude. Thank you You go say hi to him after the show, right? Do you do that meeting great or no all the time? But you're doing Calgary so plug that already did it So make sure you follow us on Instagram at tiger belly on Twitter at that tiger belly and emails any questions at the tiger belly at gmail.com and make sure you get those sheets that Jamie loves so much at Brooklyn in promo code tiger belly
Starting point is 01:36:28 Check out the movie dictator. Why who's that? Oh Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, watch it. Watch it. Yeah, we talked about that. We talked about it. We loved it. All right. Bye guys Hey prime members, you can listen to tiger belly ad free on Amazon music Download the Amazon music app today or you can listen ad free with one Dree plus in Apple podcast Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at one Dree comm slash survey

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