TigerBelly - Episode 142: Moshi The Nugget

Episode Date: May 16, 2018

Bobo calmly addresses an operator. Khaloko is scarred for life. Gilbert is Simeon. George is sterile. We talk Laurel vs Yanni, a Catholic dad, and new life perspectives.Support us by supporti...ng our sponsors!See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus. Five, four, three, two, one. Namaste. Bien. Mucho gusto bailar. Hola, que tal. All that. Nosotros papaya, for sure, 100% all day, every day, Hollywood nights. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:39 You guys get it. Now, listen. My name is Captain Bob, and I am the leader of this group. I don't control you. There's no Me Too's involved in this. There's nothing sexual, but I am the leader, and I'm your master. But there's no control. But you're a master.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Whatever. Okay. You get it. I'm your puppet master. Okay. We have here, I don't even know why I do introductions. It's awesome. Okay, because I do it every time.
Starting point is 00:01:09 But we have Coloco, Kalila, aka. We've got the beautiful Gilbert. Because I always make fun of you. Thank you so much. I always say flat face and all that kind of stuff. I'm not going to do that right now. You have the beautiful Gilbert. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:23 You have the beautiful. You have a beautiful. Thank you. Gilbert. We've got pristine conditioned, right? Up to par. You know, ready to go. Sterile George.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Sterile George. You know, we have the factory made, right? Sterile as in queen. High quality. Okay. High quality George Kimmel. Wow. High quality.
Starting point is 00:01:43 High quality. Make conditions. Okay. Squeaky clean. And we've got, again, me. Okay. The best. And the worst at the same time.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I can't begin this podcast without bringing up something that happened the other day a couple of nights ago and I'm, there's, there's no way to tell it. I just have to tell it. There's no way to tell it, but I just have to. You get what I'm saying though. Right. Yeah. And you don't have to, because I'm traumatized.
Starting point is 00:02:08 You don't have to do that right now. You're right. I'm sorry. Correct me. Okay. I'm your puppet master. All right. And the other day, um, Coloco's mom, Meredith, and I, I'm going to give up some information.
Starting point is 00:02:22 She cleans my house on Sundays. Can I say that? She cleans their house all the time. All the time. And she does. Her favorite hobby in the world. She's better than Mexicans. She's better than.
Starting point is 00:02:32 She's better than any Mexican that would do it. Any robot you can make in China. She goes underneath. She goes above. She's the best. She goes in between. It's just her favorite hobby. She cleans all the rust.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Every time she comes over, she has to clean. Yeah. Because I'm a nasty fucker. And everyone knows that. I've come on the walls, all that stuff. My bad. My point is this. She's cleaning.
Starting point is 00:02:51 We have colilism. I guess sister. She's my sister. Not biologically. She's your cousin. She's my. Yeah. She's technically my cousin.
Starting point is 00:03:03 But my dad adopted her. Okay. It's basically. So she's my sister. Honey. Here's her sister. Sister. My sister.
Starting point is 00:03:11 And, um, her two kids are here. My nieces. My nieces. Jules. And Izzy. Izzy is about 10. And Holis Jules. 16.
Starting point is 00:03:20 She's 16. And, um, she's so thin, she might as well not exist. She might as well just be nothing. Paper thin. So I'm in this podcast room because this is the room I use when I want to enjoy a meal and want to get away from it. So I'm watching YouTube videos. I think I was watching some VGT.
Starting point is 00:03:39 British Got Talent. I was eating some food. Have a good time and this is what I hear Okay, I don't get up right away It takes me a second to absorb the information that you're processing it, okay, right call 911 call 911 mama, you know all that stuff I Get up. I open the door and this is what I see Calliola has meritus in a Heimlich is It was a move developed by a guy named Friedrich Heimlich
Starting point is 00:04:21 By in the 1940s. I looked it up Right and he was a He's a physician, but he's also it was a chirope. They didn't call it chiropractic chiropractor back then and he knew the instrument the body within and Basically calliola's mom who's Filipino had taken a gigantic ball of rice She swallowed it. You make it sound like I want to laugh, but I was I'm traumatized Because I keep looking at calliola her lips. She ate up. By the way, I made up the for Friedrich Heimlich thing You did. Yeah, that's not really good. All right, so I apologize for the lie
Starting point is 00:05:01 Okay, okay. She's got a big ball of rice Well Little backstory my mom has a little form of dysphagia and trouble swallowing and rice is one of her trigger foods So but she's never had like a real choking incident in the past She's always just needed to kind of drink water afterwards to kind of clear her, you know her esophagus So basically I'm sorry. I'm eating Basically meritus is blue
Starting point is 00:05:30 Dying Calliola is giving her the Heimlich from Frederick Heimlich and She's doing it and she's doing it probably repeatedly like 40-50 times. I mean, it's getting like that as time goes on, right? You know that it's not gonna be good So she's like come on one one. I'm looking around the kids are screaming screaming my sister I'm gonna call her Sir William Wallace because of her bravery, honey Sir William Wallace brave art has her body completely turned away like from the situation
Starting point is 00:06:18 And mumble and shaking and mumbling. She's a nurse. She knows basic life support, but I'm telling you guys when it's a family member It's a different feeling and I think I felt the same way where like even though I sprung into action and I was doing the Heimlich I was so emotional on crying at the same time that I might not have been as effective as I would have been helping somebody else and my sisters My sister who's helped so many people in the past seriously froze turned around and was just shaking in a corner She was just wanting it to be a heart attack or something emergency happens You don't want honey in this situation. Well, you do because if she's not if you're related to her You don't want her in this. Yeah, if you're related to her. She cannot help you
Starting point is 00:07:02 So I'd see two phones on the couch now Klazoo screaming at the top of her lungs call my one one Okay, I look at the at the fucking two phones on the couch. I can't I don't know where mine is I Go, come on. Give me the phone and no one's giving me the phone. They're like the phone No one's giving me the fucking phone. The kids are screaming. No, also their phones don't have American You can't go. Let me ask you this though. You can't call 9-1-1. Mm-hmm on that kind of phone They only operate on Wi-Fi. I'm not sure actually Anyway, no one's handing me the phone So you didn't have your phone. I didn't know where it was because I didn't know this was gonna happen
Starting point is 00:07:45 So All of a sudden I find I jewels runs into the bedroom. I know she's sweating And I run in with her and she hands me Kala's phone We call 9-1-1 and Then you can hear the rice come out like it came out Flung it hit the ground. Yeah, and you all you heard was yeah, yeah, that yeah, that right I'm calling them. Well, and also I'm gonna find this lady's name the fucking
Starting point is 00:08:15 Open the door What's going on dog once in the lady? What's her name? What do they call it the operator? That's what you call it. Yeah, the operator right? How do you say it? I'm kidding. The operator is a fucking cunt. Oh, okay. I'm a cult I don't know Me do it. He knows the technique. Yeah, I know the technique. I gouge, I go underneath. The clitoral hood. And I do the clitoral hood. The clitoral hood. The clitoral hood, the
Starting point is 00:09:34 clitoral hood, upper cut. Yeah, upper cut. They know, they know, right? And what I do is when I get up there and I punch, right, I take my two knuckles and I clinch the clit and I pull it out. Ah, that's like some mortal combat. You want a clit, bitch? Anyway, the ambulance comes. By that time, I had already. Are you crying at that point or what's going on? I'm not crying. I don't cry in situations like that because I'm in full fight or flight mode. Yeah. And I have adrenaline. I don't think that one can cry at that moment. But I was, I just like, I was so tired because I'm carrying this like, you know, adult and I'm thrusting so much. Oh my God. The best of my ability and it's not working. And at
Starting point is 00:10:18 that moment, I felt like such a failure. Like, why isn't it dislodging? And I realize now that maybe rice is a little bit harder to dislodge and like maybe a chicken bone, but still like, I was so freaked out and I might be scarred for. So the ambulance come. They do their thing. They come up, they ask questions. Should we bring her to the hospital? She seems fine. She's, Meredith is going, I'm fine. I'm okay. You know, they leave. I just basically said, Meredith, you're not going home. You're staying here. We have to keep an eye on you. Yeah. And I spent the whole night. I made her sleep in the living room and I watched her sleep until she woke up. Yeah. I could not. I was so frightened from my mom. And this
Starting point is 00:11:00 was Mother's Day. You know, like we had such a good day. It was just fucking scary. I'm in the other room trying to sleep and I'm thinking, what would you think? You in the other room? Yeah. What would you think after an event like that? You'd probably be like somewhat traumatized. No, this is what I thought. False. I was not. Which he's shared with my mom. So what kind of Asian doesn't know how to eat rice? That's the whole thing. It's like, you're Asian. That's the one thing you should know how to eat. You've been training since day one. It's rice. Right. Yeah. It's like, it's like a Mexican choking on free holes. Free holes. You mean or an Italian choking on spaghetti. You should know how
Starting point is 00:11:48 to eat rice, lady. All right. That's shameful. That there's a flaw in the thing. Yeah. Yeah. In the gene. Yeah. We all honestly, he came out of the room and he had this like epiphany, right? And we were all, we were all sitting in the, in the chair. And I know it was such a stressful situation, but the moment he's like, meritus, what kind of Asian does not know how to eat rice? It was, everyone just like, this is not, I'm not doing it as a joke by the way. Yeah. Yeah. This is like, I need to know the answer. We burst out laughing so hard and it was such like a much needed like comedic relief at that moment. So at five in the morning, Kalana comes back into my room. No, it's like eight in the morning.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Eight in the morning. I can't sleep. I haven't slept the whole time. I'm just laying there. She's lays next to me and then I close my eyes and she's asleep and I just start weeping. I start crying. I, it was, I was so traumatic. I've never been in it. I, to see her mom blue almost dying, right? And just, you know, it is, it put my life, it was an awakening I had about how fragile life is and all that stuff. And more importantly, my mom is somebody who is so regimented and because she suffers from OCD and she has like very like high anxiety and a lot of fears. So her life is very calculated and she never takes risks ever. She's, when I ask her if she wants to travel with me,
Starting point is 00:13:21 she's always like, no, I don't fly. She doesn't do a lot of things because she has fear. And I told her, what does this tell you? You were in the company of your family. You were eating rice and you almost died. I don't care how, what, what measures you take to not die. You can die in, in, in the comfort of your own home. So you might as well start living. And I think it changed her a little bit. She's like, you know what, you're right. So you just don't die from eating rice because that's on your tombstone, right? That's how you're remembered. Okay. Car accident, right? You know, a terrorist attack, you know, something like that, right? Not eating rice.
Starting point is 00:14:02 What would it say on the tombstone? Bitch died from eating rice. Bobby Lee. Bobby Lee. Bobby Lee. Bobby Lee. I paid extra thousand dollars for that. I'd spray paint that on there.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Okay. What was my face like? It's like, you know what guys, what was traumatic also about it is the way as time went on, she has her mom in the Heimlich and it's not dislodging. And the, you know, it just as time goes on, the more panic, right? And the screaming, people are screaming at the top of their lungs. It was, you know, it was the most traumatic thing I've ever seen. I've seen a lot of things, but that, because I do love Meredith and obviously I love Kalayla and I'm just glad it ended
Starting point is 00:14:54 in that way because in any other way, we'd be not doing this right now. Yeah. I'll never be the same after that. That's after I went to Mitzi's funeral. Yeah. It was right after. Yeah. I went to Mitzi's short funeral and I spent five hours, four hours there. And to witness that, oh my God. That's why we're recording on a Tuesday instead of a Monday because yesterday we just needed
Starting point is 00:15:22 time to decompress and sort of find a way to make light of it, which is really hard. Like the turnover, because I was like, okay, like how, how do I shake this feeling of like I just keep running it back in my head. Could I have done better? Could I have been more effective, faster, less panicked, you know? And then we were both feeling like shit. So what Bobby did, which was like the nicest thing ever is that he took everybody that was in that room that day and he took us on Gala, he took us on a field trip to little Tokyo and we had such a blast last night. And we went to the restaurant and I said, no rice for her.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Did I not? I said, no, I said the waitress. And then we all under any conditions, no rice for that. And they're like, they're Asian too. They're so confused. How come no for us? That's always something. Because she could die. And we were just watching her chew the whole time.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Chew the whole time. But when we came home, it felt lighter. It's felt like, you know, when the kids shoes, we went some shopping, you know, there was like a little, that one guy, there's one guy there in the Tokyo Plaza. He's, you know, he's that one man band guy. Yeah. And you know, he has a drum machine and nine keyboards and he's singing in Japanese. I danced, you know, I celebrated life that day.
Starting point is 00:16:37 May I say something? Yeah, go ahead. A couple of years ago, when there was a woman in need in Seattle, okay, you didn't spring into action. And I remember you saying, I'm not going to call. I don't want to be that person who calls 911 because I don't want to sign papers and do all that. Let me just say that you came through for me so hard.
Starting point is 00:16:57 There's a difference between some random white lady. I don't fucking know. Yeah. All right. And your mom. No, but you know what? Like you could have froze. I did.
Starting point is 00:17:08 I did freeze for a second. Not like honey. No. I was like, where's the file? Where's the file? You know what I mean? You were trying. And then when you went, I heard you screaming at the operator.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You were my ally in that moment. And I, I honestly don't, I think you're trying to give me props and I'm going to tell you right now. I'm still a coward. I'm still weak.
Starting point is 00:17:30 I don't think you're a coward. All right. But, and that woman in Seattle, I'll still be playing Candy Crush. Know that. Know that. I don't know the lady. If he doesn't know you, he's not coming to your rescue. I might.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I don't know. But this, if that lady in Seattle would have died, it would have been weird. I'd be like, ah, if your mom would have died, it would have been, it would have been so devastating that it's life altering. She wasn't going to die. Not under my watch. I would have kept working and working and working. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And I, even if she had passed out, I still would have done compressions. I would have not stopped. And Mitzi's, but Mitzi's funeral was great, by the way. I want to talk about that a little bit. So I don't, you've heard me talk about Mitzi and whatnot, but they finally had her thing Sunday and, um, I just talked to Natasha Legerro and Mosha Casher, like an hour, a couple hours ago. They were there too as well.
Starting point is 00:18:33 And they said something that would, they go, that was probably one of the greatest nights. Not that Mitzi had died. I mean, we got to celebrate her death, but just in terms of like bonding and unity, it was really cool. And it was like, I sat next to Jim Carrey. It was Al Madrigal, me, Jim Carrey, Kevin Christie, Whitney Cummings, Natasha, everyone was in our area. And you, you got to see all the legends go up and talk about Mitzi because I'm from a
Starting point is 00:19:06 later generation. So they were telling stories from the seventies and eighties. And it was Jimmy Walker, Yacov Shmironov, Dice. Mike Binder. I mean, all these guys, and it was, it was insane. And I saw some people that I didn't want to see, but that was like neutral ground. You know, that was neutral ground and it was a really cool, you know, it was a mix of like superstars and open micers.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And it was a really cool night and it made me realize that, um, at the end of the day, I've had an amazing life. I mean, this, her mom, the thing is, you know, you just kind of reflect and you go, my life is so amazing. And I don't really, you know, sit there and, and, and, and appreciate it because, you know, I have that ism, that thing that wants more and wears mine and fuck that guy and all that stuff. And I don't know if I want to live like that anymore.
Starting point is 00:20:13 I, I think that, you know, these two events in one day, it just kind of, you know, put a perspective on things, you know, um, that I, at the end of the day, I mean, just this podcast and the way things are going. And if, even if I didn't have this podcast, I didn't know Calyla, I'd still be in a pretty good place. You know, I mean, this makes it better and it makes it full. No, I'm just saying, I mean, If I didn't know you and I didn't know who you were, then I wouldn't, wouldn't, if now,
Starting point is 00:20:51 at this point, yeah. I want you to be like a poor, imbalanced human being without, you know, it's funny happiness. Yeah. You're right. But guys, it's like, you know, that's why, you know, I didn't call you flat face cook in the beginning. Call me the beautiful.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I called you, you know, sterile and pristine. So like clean. Okay. You can still have babies. Yeah. You can have babies. Yeah. Like washed out.
Starting point is 00:21:15 No, no, no. Just washed. No, washed out. Clean, washed. Really washed. So, you know, if you're listening right now, you should just appreciate what you have, you know, and, um, and it's so funny because here's another thing and this, and I don't want to make it, this podcast is already dark and sad.
Starting point is 00:21:33 I'm trying to uplift it to be, you know, but, um, like when you see it, you know, you see, you know, the Gaza Strip, the Palestinians that died, right? And each one of those people have family and people that are devastated that they're gone. You know, when you see a news clip or you read it, it's just a number, right? But it's a real human and people are just, I just, you know, we should just always put that in our front mind that, you know, anyone that a single person that dies, there's a probably a thousand people that are affected. Whose hearts are breaking.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Like just, yeah. And just that one event to me is like, oh my God, that was so traumatic. Imagine. So you know, we live in a crazy world and I just, um, I just, I, I feel like I need to do more. I think we can all do better. That's what I got out of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And even it made me realize because I have a very good relationship with my mom. We love each other dearly, but it can be contentious sometimes because she has OCD and I'm not, I'm so the opposite. So she wants certain things a certain way and it like, you know, just grinds my nerves sometimes and I snap at her often. And even then I'm like, why do I need, why can't I just be patient with her? If I know this information about her and she struggles with OCD, why can't I just practice patience?
Starting point is 00:22:57 But after that, I was like, you know what, I'm going to hug her more. I'm going to hold her more. I'm going to watch her breathe. Cause I'm freaked the fuck out, you know? You're not eating rice for a month. No, she's not. I told her like, as a matter of fact, you can only eat like smoothies for a whole month. And another thing that's happening, which is a new thing is that, of course, a week
Starting point is 00:23:15 ago, Khalilah goes, Hey, can we foster a puppy? Oh yeah. You know, cause I don't know if you know this, but Khalilah is an animal hoarder. Nah, let me just say something. This is a special situation. Okay. Okay. Let's hear this out.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Let me hear how special this is. There are a few things I'm good at and one of which is bottle feeding orphaned animals. Yeah, I know. I know how to wake up every two hours. I'm very disciplined about that. When they cry, I'm there. I also spend a lot of time at home. This puppy had been orphaned.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Nobody was going to take time out of their day because they have to go into work. I'm here all week. You know, so I thought, okay, let me just commit two weeks of my life to bottle feeding an animal and then I return it to the rescue. I'm going to tell you right now, I was like, I'm like, you're not going to be able to give it up. She's like, I can. I'm going to.
Starting point is 00:24:11 I don't know if I can give it up. Are you attached? I mean, this puppy is so cute. You saw him. Oh, so cute. I mean, it's like storybook, like the opposite of Remy. Like Remy is an old pirate, right? One-eyed.
Starting point is 00:24:28 He's a piece of angry piece of shit, right? And I love Remy. Yeah. Bad breath. This little guy is, it's like a showcase animal. It's true. Right? It's like something that you present at a show.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Yeah. Like, look at this breed, high quality. Yeah. It's the cutest little thing I've ever seen in my fucking life. Cuter than Bojo, I think. Bojo was really cute. Bojo was cute. Yeah, but.
Starting point is 00:24:54 But if you guys are interested, he's only three weeks old now, but he'll be available for adoption through May Day Rescue. So you can go to their website and fill out an application and do all that. Or if you want to be a foster, it's a great organization to work with. It's M-A-E-D-A-Y. So let me ask you this. Let me just, so now what happens? We.
Starting point is 00:25:15 I bottle feed. For a couple more weeks, we bottle feed. And then when I wean him off of the bottle. Yeah. Then I'm able to hand him back to another foster. But who could, I'm going to ask you this. Who calls who? This was already pre-planned.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I understand that, but I'm just saying in two weeks will they call you? All right. You ready? Oh, I see. Or is it something that you call and go? I think we're ready. I think he's. I'm in contact with them every day because I'm obligated to send videos and photographs
Starting point is 00:25:40 of his progress. Yeah. So this is a very controlled. Could you do this? Would they allow this? Just hear me out. Hey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:49 He's look at the photos and the videos. It looks great, right? Yeah. Great progress. Could you go? I'm keeping them. Yeah. I could.
Starting point is 00:25:59 I could. Officially. But I'm not going to do that because I want to foster more animals and we're animal doubt. What if Bobby says I want to keep it? If Bobby wants to keep him, yeah, we would have to get a house immediately. I know. But would you, would you talk me out of it? Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Oh, okay. We'll then keep that little fucker away from me. Oh, because you're in love. Because I just, what he does is, um, he'll, he climbs on your face and he licks your face. And he makes these really cute noises like that. And he looks at you like, here's the thing. When an animal looks at you like you are their parent or, you know, provider and they trust you and they give you that, then what are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:26:52 You can't go by. So for me, what I got to do now is just know, don't touch the fucking thing again. You can't help it though, because he has so fucking cute this thing. Like I want to eat it. That's how cute it is. That's how cute it is. Like just to put a spear, like a little stick in the butt, a cute little spear. That's it.
Starting point is 00:27:11 A cute one. Figurative. Yeah. We'll figure it out. I'm kidding. I'm not going to eat it guys. Mayday restaurant 100% the best. Best organization in town.
Starting point is 00:27:19 You're going to get me in trouble. I'm kidding. I'm not going to. No, I just, they know I'm a comedian. All right. We're not going to eat the fucking thing. They call it tomorrow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I heard your Asian boyfriend is going to eat the dog. Yeah. No, it's cute. So if you guys are interested, I don't know man. I'm going to call it. You guys will probably keep it. I've actually. Do you really believe that?
Starting point is 00:27:39 I really do. I saw it. I know how you guys are. I know you piece of shit. You're smiling at me. You're saying no. Because just historically, I've never had problems giving away puppies. Well let's give away Remy.
Starting point is 00:27:50 No. Remy, I can't give away. He's a senior and he's, he's, you know, he's broken. He has a broken spine that those are the dogs that are, that are not going to be easily adoptable to a lot of people. Those are the ones I want to keep. But the puppies, they're so, everyone wants a puppy and those I have no problem giving away.
Starting point is 00:28:10 And plus by the time they start to teeth and I, I'm not in a phase in my life where I want to deal with eight months of teething. Well, we'll give you an update because I don't believe a word she's fucking saying. Bobby. Yeah. You wait. I've given up puppies before. I bought a fed puppies before.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Now let me ask you this. Okay. When I, today, um, Jim Norton is in town. I did his radio show with Sam Roberts and Kalyla calls me and goes, is that Laurel? Do you hear Laurel? Oh my gosh. You're the same thing to me. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:42 So then I, and then Jim looks at me and goes, it's Laurel. Fuck. It's fucking Laurel. Right. I hung up and they did the test for me. Yeah. So what should you do right now? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Everyone. So, okay. So everyone. You're listening. Yeah. What was the thing on the internet with the, the dress? The blue dress. The blue dress.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Yeah. Everyone knows the blue gold dress. I saw both. So. I only saw one. But in this case, I really wanted to hear both, but I only heard a man's voice saying Laurel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:11 What, what is it? What else do they hear from? Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. I heard that, a variation of that. I heard Yammy.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I heard Yammy too. She does? Yeah. I hear Yammy, not Yanny. There's some, a small percentage of people that hear Yammy instead of Yanny. But it's Laurel. How the fuck did they listen to that fucking? Are you hearing Laurel?
Starting point is 00:29:29 Laurel? Let the audience decide. Let's hear it. Yeah. Put your comment after you hear this. Yanny. Oh, it's. Wait.
Starting point is 00:29:37 That's Laurel. I heard Laurel. Yeah. Yanny. Me too. It's Laurel. Laurel. Yanny.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Out there. I heard Yanny. Jules. It's. Yeah. Can you come in here real quick and tell me? Wait, play it again without the headset. Play it again.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Okay. Hang on. Yanny. It sounds different. Yanny. It sounds Laurel with the headset for me. Yeah. I take it off.
Starting point is 00:30:03 It says Yanny. What do you hear? Yanny. I heard Laurel. Yanny. Yanny. Yanny. Hey, come here.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Put the headset on really quick. Come here. Watch this. You hear Yanny? Yanny. Put this on. Yanny. It might be the same for me.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Yanny. Yanny. Still? Yanny. Okay. I'm going to put my headset on. All I hear is Laurel now. Put this on.
Starting point is 00:30:28 All I hear is Laurel. You really hear Yanny? Here. Oh my God. Really, Jules? She's one of those. Get out of my house. You're a witch.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Go. You're so scared. Yeah. Eat something. God. It's the Laurel. It's the Laurel. It's Laurel.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yeah. I did not hear Laurel until now. Yanny. Yanny. Okay. It's Laurel. I wonder what that is. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:30:53 All right. Now you're a scientist. Tell me what it is. So the explanation is that it's more of a mechanical thing of our ears being able to pick up on different frequencies. So if that audio actually has both a high-pitched Yanny or Yanny, I think I don't know. I've never heard it. But Yanny.
Starting point is 00:31:10 And a low male voice saying Laurel. Yeah. Some people can hear both frequencies of sound. Some people can only hear like a lower register. Some people can only hear a certain one. But it's the fre... So it goes to... What?
Starting point is 00:31:24 Do dumb people listen to hear Laurel then? I don't think. I think like... Because they used to... First they were saying, oh, only old people hear Laurel. But it's like there were young kids who heard Laurel and older people who heard Yanny. So... I heard Yanny.
Starting point is 00:31:37 That's so... I want to hear Yanny so bad. Me too. I keep trying. I heard both now. It's so weird. What's gonna happen next? I need...
Starting point is 00:31:45 For a second, I can only hear Yanny. As soon as I put this on, I'm heard Laurel. I think that some people can hear a different one if it's further away from them. So I don't know. I can't hear. Yeah, I've never... I'm on Laurel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Or there's a show. And nobody I was with... Nobody I was with, Jim or Sam, heard Yanny. Interesting. That's an interesting thing. Yeah. But doesn't that go to show you that like we were just talking about last week about how what we see or what we hear, what we perceive is not as accurate as you might think?
Starting point is 00:32:16 That two people can hear two separate things. You know? Yeah. So... Oh, speaking of last week with Jamie Kennedy's episode... Yeah. Great episode. Fucking freak me the hell out.
Starting point is 00:32:29 The day after the episode release, I was getting a bunch of tweets saying that when I was saying the phrase that our reality is just a hallucination. My voice distorted and I sounded like a demon for it. Like it was like a remix. When I listen to the whole podcast, unedited, fine. And then as soon as I export it and I send it off, apparently something happened in there. And then it goes, your reality is a hallucination. Or like, what?
Starting point is 00:33:00 What? It freaked me the hell out, baby. It is the shift. Is it you? I'm a believer. Are you real? Am I not real? Am I a droid?
Starting point is 00:33:08 That would be crazy if this whole time you're an android. Wait, hold on. What do you call it in Battlestar Galactica? Not a Cylon. A Seed. Sleeper Cell. What do you call those? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:33:18 You know how like... If you're a sleeper... They don't know themselves. They don't know that they're... It's a sleeper cell. It is a sleeper cell, right? Yeah. When you're a soldier.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Damn. What if I'm a sleeper cell? But what is your goal? To kill you. Oh, shit. What if that happened? What if I was conditioned to kill Gilbert and I just didn't? I wonder what the word is.
Starting point is 00:33:37 What? For you to kill me. I don't know like antler. No. What is it? Bobby says antler. What the hell is happening? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I feel like it would be something like okra or something like you don't hear daily. Right. You know. Mamamusha. Yeah. That's a pretty cool one. Yeah. If somebody said Mamamusha.
Starting point is 00:34:00 You just hear a Russian guy walk up to Bubbly Mamamusha. Mamamushka. Like the Adams Family. But what happens though if you're a sleeper cell and the K word happens then you realize oh my god I'm an assassin and then do you. Oh, you're self-aware? Yeah. Are you self-aware?
Starting point is 00:34:16 Are you like oh yeah. I think it's like. I'm an assassin or you just do it. I think you just do it. I don't know how you turn it off. Hey. What? Congrats on the pickup.
Starting point is 00:34:27 We haven't even talked about that. What pickup? Everybody a round of applause. Season two. Season two. Oh my god. Give it up. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Slap King everybody. Oh god. Listen. Listen to me. So excited. Okay. Are you. Yeah dude.
Starting point is 00:34:44 When I saw that post I was like I never posted any of your pictures. I was like this is a big day. This is huge. You know it's it's it's it was one of those things where I knew was coming because the numbers are good. Yeah. You know in my head I'm like you know we're beating everyone in our time slot. They were slipping through through the weeks but still we're still holding and you know
Starting point is 00:35:03 and in the talk amongst the actors and stuff we're like yeah we're probably gonna get picked up. So when we did it was a joyous occasion but I'm not on it a lot. You are. No people say that though. They go how come you're not on it. Oh. Like last week's episode I wasn't on it right.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And so maybe you know and you know I hopefully they'll use me more but other than that you know I don't know you know because I'll tell you why if you were on a sitcom in the seventies and eighties you would and it was a success. You would immediately feel it in your life. Like just financially. I mean not just that it's like you know there was three channels back then. Oh yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:50 You know instead of three or four million people watching you had like 30 million watching and you would walk down the street and people would be like oh yeah right that's not one person has said I like you on splitting up together not a single person and I've been in Denver since then Vancouver I've been in Texas I've been all over not one person. I think that there's just a disconnect though between network TV watchers and the standup scene. I think that podcast listeners are more inclined maybe I don't I don't just go into a comedy club I go to restaurants I go to grocery I go to Walmart Walgreen I'll do all that shit
Starting point is 00:36:36 all the walls I'll do all the walls yeah and no one's ever said anything I walked on the street. Is it still mad TV I don't know I get like Tiger Belly the most I was in Cal I was in Calgary last weekend and the son that last show I did Saturday night second show was the toughest one it was packed and the comics were getting out stays in there like God they were tough and I go do you know why I go these are the Tiger Belly fans and as soon as I got up there you know I mean but like this podcast is reaching things that I couldn't believe so tell us a story about the dad and the son the Irish man and Calgary oh my God
Starting point is 00:37:24 I mean I'm on stage and I talk about you know the bit I do about going to a brothel in Thailand a woman's eating my butthole and all that and I feel the bit and it's crushes and from the back of the room I see this little leprechaun stand up he's wearing green he's an eight-year-old Irish man I can't do an accent. Was he really wearing green? Yeah he was, he was wearing green. Was he wearing a top hat? I don't know about that but it could be one of those things like you know you I perceived
Starting point is 00:37:56 a pot of gold yeah yeah yeah yeah he had a Conor McGregor t-shirt on and you guys you think that's funny? That's not bad. That's what he says and I go yeah they laugh that's not funny right and I go well dude fucking laugh right people are laughing at this one still yeah yeah and I go um so then I don't know if you guys see my act but I do a lap dance thing at the end and I picked his nephew who was like who was like 22-year-old kid yeah right and I go I want to show you funny did he volunteer or you just said he did volunteer but there was a lot of people
Starting point is 00:38:42 that volunteered yeah and I just honed right in on him the leprechaun thing and I go leprechaun look right and I went so sexual and I could see him get up and walk out of the room and I didn't go out and greet anybody that show because I don't want I've never fought a leprechaun before you know oh my gosh it was crazy he got up and walked away I wonder Gobi can you freaking stop Gobi stop Gobi come here Gobi God Gobi but you what oh we have to check it out when I was flying here from Calgary yeah bro so I didn't know what to watch so I downloaded a Takashi Miki movie if you don't know Takashi Miki he did some of my favorite movies each of the killer audition he's basically the Japanese Quentin Tarantino he's done like
Starting point is 00:39:30 a bunch like 60 movies this guy's a beast wasn't he the same guy who did that movie with a sex in the greenhouse yeah visitor queue which if you haven't seen visitor queue it's unwatchable almost but it is because you don't know what's going on in it but there's a scene in it where there's a man who makes love to a corpse it's the funniest thing you've ever seen he's making love to a corpse and he's basically saying in Japanese like oh my god the miracle of life you know even in death women get wet right so he starts having sex with her more okay and then he pulls his hand up and it's her shit and he shows the shit in camera it's really great great one of the great cinematic masterpieces so what's his new movie the title
Starting point is 00:40:21 Blade of the Immortal and it's basically based on an anime and it's about Samurai and in the beginning of the movie he fights like 300 other Samurai and he kills all of them right but by the end you know his hands chopped off you know he's bludgeoned and he's got like 50 like you know I mean stab wounds yeah he's about to die but he kills the last guy and he falls to his death and then this witch appears out of nowhere and he goes kill me kill me and she goes I'm not gonna kill you and she opens up his chest and she puts blood worms inside them leeches no there's these little worms they're called blood worms and they go inside them and then they heal all his wounds and stuff so he can't ever die
Starting point is 00:41:06 that's why I play the immortal yeah and it's like um he's like Wolverine or Deadpool yeah but it's not he still feels a lot of pain but he can't die like this is a scene where he fights another guy that's immortal too who has blood worms and they're killing each other and like at one point it just cuts to like them fighting and then it cuts to a scene where one's on top of the other one but one of them has like a hundred store swords sticking out of his body it's really funny this movie why why are you laughing it's really funny no it's that scene's funny I laughed out loud in the plane yeah and then another scene where he um he tried he drinks a lot of sake because he wants to get his blood worms drunk drunk
Starting point is 00:41:50 yeah because because he says like they they like to party he tells this girl that and then they like they heal his wounds faster or whatever but it's a really really weird movie and I think what if you would if you were sleeping and then you had a one eye open and you saw Kalala just putting worms in your mouth blood worms when you hit you'd have to open up a wound because they're blood worms aren't they go in your blood okay she's cutting your belly well as soon as she cut my belly I'm out hey bitch bitch what are you calling my belly for two light blood worms you know but um if you know I somehow I had blood worms in my body I would be a vigilante and I would like yeah yeah I would like I don't have any
Starting point is 00:42:34 samurai skills so it like it's basically he doesn't have he's not stronger for having blood worms so basically I would have to fight people with my own power like my own strength and like if it's George and it would take me probably forever but he wouldn't be able to kill me and eventually I would kill him so just out of like sheer stamina and being able to regenerate yeah and I'd be like and also another thing is that I would I'd wear an outfit but I have to work out because if I don't like wear an outfit yeah if I wear an outfit the people will be able to recognize my body because I have like you know me a weird shaped body and people would like oh no that's you know instead of going who did
Starting point is 00:43:15 it they'd say that's that's mochi the nugget that's Bobby Lee no mochi the nugget that's my name mochi the nugget yeah see how that played yeah do you know that they actually use see how that played yeah yeah mochi the nugget mochi or mochi mochi the nugget mochi the nugget um do you know that they actually use like maggots in the hospitals and stuff to heal wounds yeah in your land no okay you guys we don't do that at fucking Cedar Sinai you guys didn't believe me when I said that they actually have like poop pills to like repopulate your gut biome and your gut bacteria yeah but they're not really poop there's like elements of poop pills they're straight up poop pills oh don't ever yell
Starting point is 00:43:58 poop pills at me like that I've never seen that well they use maggots to eat away all like the dead skin and stuff if something is like let's say for instance like you know gangrenous or something like that it eats away at the dead skin they would do like what they would do like civilized um white people do they use this in hospitals they use poop pills there too as well yeah they do all the time all the time you know maggots and pellets poop pills insects are crucial to any type of like even even for like forensic entomology to figure out when a body how long a body has been dead based on the maggots like life um the stage at which it has grown yeah let's say for instance if they look inside
Starting point is 00:44:41 your body your corpse and let's they they inspect the maggot and say hey this maggot is only four days old they'll be able to determine how long your body has been deceased exactly to the hour I have a question for you yeah I always thought this like what when I saw like Gilligan's an island as a kid yeah I always thought like you know what would I do if I was it could and I thought could you eat your own poop and if you did eat your own poop a couple of days what comes out of you more poop or something yeah what kind of poop comes out I mean no they're not making people fucking eat like a parfait of their own shit I'm just saying yeah I'm curious it's toxic you would die because other things
Starting point is 00:45:20 like E coli are coming out of your butt what it came from within me what happened yeah but you also have things that are pathogenic even in your gut I don't know that I'm sorry that I won't eat my own poo even in your even in your nose you can be a carrier for many different things so I shouldn't eat my boogers no well actually no I think that eating your boogers are fine because your stomach acids are just gonna destroy that shit it's salty yeah so what so if you because I know an Australian guy who would drink pee yeah but pee eventually you would have a buildup of ammonia in your system and that would eventually probably be toxic to you and it would affect your brain somehow but the likelihood of getting
Starting point is 00:46:09 sick from one time drinking your pee is not as severe as eating your own shit like don't have a fucking like what about this what if I was a surgeon I think I heard this before where surgeon was you know deserted on an island and he had a surgery stuff and he would peel parts of his skin I like meat off his body to eat it yeah to survive wow so eventually he was just a nub man like okay that's what I would do I would shoot up I should shoot myself up with morphine yeah I would probably if I could probably and coherently dress my own wound and make sure there was no infection yeah I would do that but what he does is he's opening himself up for sepsis and eventually having that wound become infected but if he
Starting point is 00:46:54 has everything to make sure it doesn't get infected yeah and yeah I guess theoretically that would make sense oh I see so he had antibiotics and all that kind of stuff yeah but still let's say you're in a very humid area you're not you can't keep clean you're not you don't have access to water you know cartoony islands you'd see in cartoons where it's just a mound of land and one palm tree one palm tree and there's a man laying against that yeah in a situation like that you're probably dead then for sure yeah and unless you're me and you can like spearfish and stuff the cartoons don't have yeah but if you know but in a small little island like just literally an island the size of the room this room or for instance
Starting point is 00:47:33 yeah and you have a tree in the middle of this room you're fucked because you especially when you don't have access to water you can't drink ocean water yeah you're fucked yeah or you could do this if it's rainy you can drink the leaves off the water like use the leaves as a receptacle receptacle to capture the water yeah if you let's if it is a rainy island but if it's like fucking like you know if that's assuming that you're in a very you know precipitous environment yeah okay just fyi i just want to know you was i'm also i also did see one time that there a man i don't know who it was there is a way to separate the salt from seawater i think it's just a little bit harder so you're not going to ingest all that like oh i got a question come
Starting point is 00:48:22 you want to eat your own i think that's only nine calories is there a protein there's got to be protein there's no guy swimming in there but i think it's only nine calories how's that gonna fuck it is that cannibalism are you eating your own nuts eating your own child no you do that now i know you smell and taste it every time i know i know you guys want a question yeah let's get a question going all right i'm hopeful bye bye kajun fried rice hi i hope you guys are doing good big fan of the podcast i'm a 24 year old male from the uk until recently i'd been working by a lot in a local pub my friend's dad who must be about 70 would drink in there pretty regularly about three times a week i'd met him a handful of times over the past five years or so and his son
Starting point is 00:49:06 is one of my best friends he is old and a very devout catholic who currently works in the church and to my knowledge always has i've got a bit of a weird vibe from him and he started to see him even weirder after he recognized me in the pub he started off by giving me big tips of five euros and 10 euros and holding my hand for like 10 seconds when he gave them to me and he just would stare into my eyes saying all these weird complimentary stuff about me at the risk of sounding like a dick i'm fairly attractive guy gross and i've got a quiet of a lot of attention gross i also have a i look quite young yuck then i went away look and i could easily pass for 18 yeah me too dude especially 47 after i shave after a few months of generous tips from him and weird encounters with
Starting point is 00:49:52 him one day he had about five large glasses of red wine and got pretty drunk as i was walking around the pub collecting glasses he called me over to him and he pulled me to one side he said now Liam i've got a proposition for you well first off i just want to make it clear i'm not gay i'm not gay at all man but what i do have is an appreciation for the male form i used to have a boy who i would pay 150 euro a week to allow me to look at his naked body for two or three hours during the week i wouldn't touch him or force him to do anything he would simply get undressed and i would appreciate his body from a distance does this sound like something you'd be interested in i immediately said no but i wasn't a dick about it i kind of laughed it off and was like sorry
Starting point is 00:50:46 i'm not interested i was actually kind of flattered uh fast forward i realized i'm 24 but honestly i could probably pass for 18 and maybe even younger i've got no beard i'm skinny and just generally all right all right get to the question boyish looking all right all right all right definitely more of a boy than a man yeah yeah yeah come on come on i'm basically as close as you can get without doing something illegal anyway so my question to you is should i bring it up with my friend what should i do it would be the most awkward fucking thing to say to one of my best friends your dad wants to pay me to get naked in front of him so my gut instinct is to just never mention it to anyone but a second opinion a second opinion would be great my question is he's
Starting point is 00:51:23 like i'm gonna watch you from a distance like how far of a distance are we talking like i don't know like a fucking football field away a hundred yards maybe babe we need your opinion what does he do does he does he tell the friend about the dad no you can't tell your friend yeah what i would do is how much is he charging 150 euros which is 203 dollars okay i would do i would go listen mate hello talk back yeah okay hello mate yeah all right um i would like to um consider your proposition all right 150 euros now now now listen i have some adjustments okay i'd like a thousand euro hear me out all right and then i'll put the line between you and me okay i'll put a line so you can't cross the line and 800 yards away 800 yards away you know that's a whole it's eight
Starting point is 00:52:20 football fields well what's one football field 100 yards 100 yards away okay my bad my bad my bad my bad 100 yards away i will dance around naked i'll give you binoculars you can jerk off if you want to i did never say anything about you can jerk off if you want i don't want to well i'm giving you the option thank you for the option cheers cheers cheers and um yeah okay um i appreciate the male form so let's do it all right and then we do it yeah easy a thousand pounds every time you can jerk off i didn't say that i allow stop saying i don't want i don't want to jerk off guess what yes cheers okay and i would just that but if not that no don't tell the friend yeah what are you how do you open that up yeah i'm the guy i'm the friend you're the guy
Starting point is 00:53:19 simion simion yeah that's your new charlie never called me simion before it doesn't matter you look at simion to me but did you want to talk to me i'll guess so what's up your father has been coming into the bar lately my masculine father who likes devout catholic who likes to fuck the shit of my mom or my mother thank you for telling me that and i am i was weird but simion stop calling me simion you know my name is ricky god um so your dad has been giving me weird vibes lately oh that's interesting he proposed this thing where he wanted to pay me and he wanted to appreciate my body from what you stabbed me sit there that's it you'd be dead that's it that is pretty english yeah he would do some shit like that you talk about my father like yeah yeah you want
Starting point is 00:54:06 to talk about my father's like no dad yeah yeah yeah you'd be dead simion that is true they'd probably go down i wouldn't say a thing it's not like the dad did anything illegal like he had fucking you know grab your dick or anything he just asked nicely it's gay gay yeah but he's a fucking catholic like that pressure of like not being able to live your true self i know this in this society can we just be who we are yeah if you're gay gay be gay gay you know if you're american indian be american indian you know yeah just be that yeah you know anyway so the next question is hey tiger belly so i'm a 22 year old native american from canada uh canada currently pursuing my dream of becoming a professional fighter either mma or kickboxing or even boxing my question is that
Starting point is 00:54:52 i started fighting at 20 years old and i currently have a six fights under my belt in moitai and kickboxing i feel as if i'm not going anywhere with it but i just wanted to know if i should give up and pursue something else i have a four two in record i currently lost in a canadian national bout i'm still near the bottom of the totem pole and working my way up i feel the pressure of these younger athletes who are still in their teens as they're winning against me so overall should i keep going or give up i love the fight game but my dream is to make it pro while i'm still in my 20s i would appreciate it if you guys helped me out love you guys whatever you do in life um you should go into every match and just win losing shouldn't be an option um you know guys like
Starting point is 00:55:31 connor mcgregor does he is does he have the skill is he better than everyone else or is it a mental game i think it's a mental game i think it's a mental game i think that he doesn't have an option he has to win and he's gonna do everything he can you know and if you put 100 into every fight and just go in there to die oh my god no i mean just risk your life i'm gonna i'm not gonna leave this unless he kills me no i'm no i'm i'm not saying literally okay okay i don't want him to die literally yeah but for me it's like i mean if i'm doing like when i did j leno when i was a kid yeah i just in my head i'm like i can't fail i have to kill it there's no option you have to have that mentality because people have gone i don't know this on it and then they you can't
Starting point is 00:56:26 i can only speak from my experience as a swimmer because it is a very individual sport like mma and i will tell you that all the races that i ever swam when i was turning my head and looking at my competitors to the left their competitors to the right are are races that i never won or set a good time in it was always the races where i kept my head forward and swam my own race in my own way that i always broke my own record or broke some record so i say fuck the young ones fuck the old ones if you love this sport and you want this is something that that takes that you want to continue doing every day day in and day out that you shouldn't live in the results you shouldn't live in you shouldn't even bother looking at who's who you should beat
Starting point is 00:57:20 who you shouldn't beat you should just do it your own way and keep pushing that's what i wanted to say really at the end of the day i agree with you too let's put blinders on i also agree don't live in the results okay but it's a mental game and you can be the greatest fighter ever to be in the octagon as well if you believe it i want this guy to be a champion that's why i'm saying what i'm saying right i don't want to be like eric oak oh don't say that koki doesn't mean that i don't mean that eric oak is a really he's very talented as well he did lose the last two fights bobby green but that was a really close play guita big names yeah but those are all close well i'm only saying that to antagonize him he did something yes i want him to be a champion as well okay he's still so
Starting point is 00:58:15 young oh yeah and that's a perfect example you're 24 eric oak is what 28 29 yeah yeah and he's he's gonna keep pushing you know he's had some losses where am i gonna be anywhere soon um you are bobby is going to be in um seattle or belview when um the first week of um june and the week after that you're gonna be at san francisco punchline oh my god and do you have any announcements for the slept kingdom um no new merch soon new merch new merch coming soon um also just to clarify for some people we will not be at vulture fest oh yeah can you tell me what happened with that bobby but no i'm telling them though i'm letting them know it's just so they yeah we're not yeah we can discuss after we discuss after but uh no vulture fest in new york possibly la
Starting point is 00:59:07 we'll keep you guys updated um george any uh things we need to wrap up uh just all the thank you everybody who gave us uh five star reviews on itunes we got one of those yeah you got one on the back of the other thing okay uh shout out to tj benett dick and a shout out to splitting up together from him uh sunny sunny square uh gave us the ustedes tamarindo as a variation of nosotros papaya but that's actually like oh tamarindo oh here's one you want to read this one here the bottom one it's a little longer i'm a 37 year old midwestern single mom oh this is from leslie gallerna gallema gallema i'm a 37 year old midwestern single mom who had never heard of bobby lee until about a year ago when i watched love on netflix as i was watching splitting up together oh there you
Starting point is 01:00:04 go babe as i was watching someone compliments him about splitting up together as i was watching splitting up together i recognized bobby and also felt his depiction of his character was endearing so i googled him i had no idea he was a comic i watched videos of him with news anchors and was so impressed with his energy and sense of humor then i discovered this podcast and have not stopped listening in over a week oh my wow i work from home and most days feel a sense of loneliness that i miss in a typical work environment bobby callila george and gilbert are my new best buddies it is refreshing how authentic and open they are with their lives in hollywood and a great escape from the mundane reality of indiana and the soccer mom life tiger belly watch out i believe
Starting point is 01:00:47 with this new hit tv show see babe um you will see that your audience grows and a wide variety of women like me will start following and bobby if you read this i was compelled by your first by your acting first to find out more about you you don't need to worry about being good enough you already are and we are all cheering for you warning don't listen around your kids that was from leslie galima thank you that was so thank you leslie that was so sweet that sweetest can't come you're the best mommy ever thank you you don't need to leave those longer thank you uh you know but but that would we appreciate them there are some other reviews that's personal i like that um this is from bonerific george is a modern day bababa buoy bobby is an asian
Starting point is 01:01:32 howard stern gilbert is fred and califah is robin my point is this fantasy is an illusion keep up the great work i'll keep listening with my kimchi ice cocktail can i just point something out that's really bothering me so you've handed us this piece of paper with reviews but you've underlined you've underlined the sentences where they're giving you praise okay george you've highlighted the one shout out to lilan from utah hey you know if you want you're fired you're fucking gross i'm we're not even gonna read that all right let's go go bye uh so guys make sure um you go for a five dollar trial month uh for him's dot com slash belly and if you want to meet very pretty girls download east meet east uh to spring
Starting point is 01:02:19 into a better sleep with our favorite mattress lisa dot com slash belly uh any other announcements take this time to do reverse shout outs shout outs anything else you guys want read out underline compliments to yourself from a sheet because that's normal i know george what the fuck gross i gave you that one to read you know uh that was the best party george is so handsome thank you as i'll read it for you give me the fucking paper jesus christ no no i need to do this now i need to he's getting nervous now he's trying to i need to read the highlighted the things that george has highlighted just say the highlighted stuff i want to see it i've come to the conclusion that this is what's highlighted that george kimmel is the greatest podcaster of all time thank you mr kimmel oh it
Starting point is 01:03:03 says yuck brice howlick okay that's his cousin jesus christ that's hilarious you're fired oh i like that i was called his wife yes yeah uh any shout outs reverse shout outs uh shout out to mayday again is that what it's called yes um shout out to mayday rescue i foster for them if you love animals and you'd like to um help with fostering an animal and finding them a good home they're a really good organization to work with their instagram handle is mayday that's m a e d a y rescue that's it i was like wait a second i was like is there a dot com at the end rescue i know that's it uh and then like kalala said we do have new merch coming out uh so just to remind everyone like the way we do it here is always a new um new merch product so it won't be
Starting point is 01:03:55 any repeats but we may have a repeat on this one maybe i don't know why i said that but if we have a repeat this will be the first and only repeat so you got to get your hands on it quickly um they sold out in 10 minutes the last time and this time it might be seven minutes so so yeah and we are going to actually be very good about um the time that it's released we'll be honest this time it wasn't that we're not honest we were surprised yeah no because the last what happened the last time is every time that we've ever released merch we've always we've had it the first time we released it we had a problem and that when the site went live there were there were issues with the site so we took it down and people were like where's the where's the site go blah blah blah
Starting point is 01:04:37 so now what we did was just to err on the safe side we went live a few hours we wanted to have a soft launch to make sure that yeah a soft launch to make sure that things were running correctly but people caught on to this and now they were logging in to the website a few hours way early posting it online telling and then telling other people and i think what happened was people found out on reddit and so by the time we went live most things were gone which is totally our mistake yeah i think that when we have a time set we should stick to that time from here on out but if you want to get new merch follow us on reddit or on the join the facebook group so you know it's uh there's some good advice here regardless a good a good point you know a great
Starting point is 01:05:20 moral here and uh definitely also follows on instagram because that's definitely when we typically will announce it you'll probably see on instagram before this audio so make sure you follow us there um anything else oh really quick did you watch the fights i did i only watched and then they did it with kalayla kin i only watched the calvin gasillum jaquere and then the amanda newness and um rakel pannington oh i did watch the cooper and um mckenzie durne mckenzie durne mckenzie durne came in heavy they probably like yeah where were people pissed about that oh they were very pissed but like yeah she's gonna get a dietitian she she tried to do it on her own wait hold on but she didn't take the fight on short notice or anything like that she did not she just
Starting point is 01:06:05 did not time it out right yeah because she is a thicker girl thicker and they she's had problems in the past uh and then the commission stopped her they're like you're she passed she almost passed out like three days out trying to cut so like poor girl that's it yeah but i mean there's a 125 division you know jump on that yeah she's very good though what did you think about uh i guess just um the controversy with rakel pannington rakel pannington and uh amanda um her corner yeah i don't know where i stand on that rakel pannington after the fourth round was like i'm done oh she said i'm done i can't so there was um but i guess her um corner either met like where they were basically pushed through yeah like fight through fight through i don't know where i stand on that
Starting point is 01:06:48 because i'm not a fighter i've never been injured in that way but if my noses fucking smashed into my brain and i say i'm done just protect my face a little bit but also like i get it though because they know her best you know they have a relationship that other people don't know yeah and i'm sure she stands by it but she publicly said she did yeah i'd be a horrible corner man for corner woman for somebody that i cared about because they would have like a gash over their eye i mean under their eye even and it'd be like okay like throw in the towel yeah first take down yeah stop stop the fight her back hit the canvas stop what do you think uh i would say i mean i don't know and that i'm like it's hard to say because i feel like the other argument is she didn't
Starting point is 01:07:31 have to take all that other damage in the fifth round it's the same result right she was already losing so much at that point but also you're hoping for that lucky shot that's happened so many times in this sport yeah the only thing is the fighter she's straight up said i don't i want i'm done i'm done she was a fighter you know i don't know in boxing it's more way more common for the and if no one she's not frowned upon in boxing when you throw in the towel it happens so many times yeah but also like rakel pennington was like she was hard to to beat she's a really tough girl so for me knowing how tough she is and for her for her to say i'm done i would probably be like okay she's done yeah like she's i it doesn't seem like one to throw in the towel ever
Starting point is 01:08:18 so i would probably take her word seriously she said she felt like her knee was about to explode oh was her knee or i mean i think she knew she was losing but like she said like she cannot get off on punches because that leg kicks apparently were just like every time she just felt it because it was the first round she got yeah those kicks were pretty brutal um but yeah and i thought the calvin gas of them fight was a good one that was a good yeah but i wanted you know jacarita jacarita i think that's it that was our MMA minute MMA minute with kind of cute seara one fc in asia she's named me the new host make it happen contact victor true everyone tweet uh tweet him uh you can follow kalyle on all social media at
Starting point is 01:09:00 oh calamity k george kimmel on instagram george underscore com and bobby at bobby lee live and you can follow tiger blade at tiger blade on instagram on twitter at the tiger belly and emails any questions or unhelpful advice at the tiger belly at gmail.com have a good night hey prime members you can listen to tiger belly ad free on amazon music download the amazon music app today or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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