TigerBelly - Episode 15: Who's Johnny?

Episode Date: November 20, 2015

Bonus Belly! Bobby has a super disco balls in the Middle East. Khalyla might have gotten herself banned from the motherland. Gilbert is Tia Carrera. We rate each other's friends, conjoin umbi...lical cords, and learn about solar powered inventions.   Recorded November 18, 2015 Music by Bobby Lee Instagram: @tigerbelly Twitter: @thetigerbelly www.thetigerbelly.comSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery plus That's real do yeah, I didn't do racism Kind of like tier career to me right now I get that for my family really are we starting you got like a tier career Kind of vibe. It's what it's face. Oh, I'll take the face not the vibe not the vibe You seem like you have a fucking loose pussy That is her vibe. How do you wait? How do you know she has a loose pussy? No, I mean No, I have we have we started no we haven't started. Oh dear god. Please don't say that out loud It's recorded. All right, ready three two one zero. I'm not done. I don't know
Starting point is 00:01:05 I don't go the way you go. Okay. He doesn't I do the way I do it. Tell me to sing you a Filipino song. Please don't Welcome to tiger belly, my name is blue Billy and we'll have Kailah and Gilbert Jesus come on man. Is that your name 15? I don't like that. We're just calling him Gilbert now It's so proper. I mean, I'm colloquial, right? You're Gilbert just sounds so oh we did you know we didn't name it's coming to you. We named his foreskin Yeah, and I can't wait until The Saturday because Gilbert's gonna do some stand-up at the Braille improv And it's gonna be great and I
Starting point is 00:01:55 Want you to come if you want if you're in the area Orange County area and you want to see failure live You got to come Saturday night second show because that's what's gonna happen Gilbert's gonna face the heat It's gonna get real and he's gonna feel things that he's never felt before like dread fear paranoia sadness confusion It's gonna be great and you think you're you think it's gonna go well I'm asking can we rewind back to before when I said I wasn't gonna bomb an open mic and has evolved into doing a show So I can technically bomb and be okay. The end is near my friend
Starting point is 00:02:34 Yeah, the end is near also if you missed the last 10 seconds of the last podcast, which you did Bobby I announced that when we hit half a million subscribers that Gilbert Gilbert is gonna allow me to perform a Filipino style poke poke circumcision. Oh Really? Yeah, but like because he named his the other day. He named his foreskin James Jonathan's private conversation. Is it Jonathan James or James Jonathan is your private conversations? So anyways, RIP to Jonathan James pretty soon if we hit half a million and not only that I'm actually gonna poke poke sauce. I'm gonna put it on like a little wooden stick babe
Starting point is 00:03:15 And I'm gonna hatch at it and then I'm going to chew guava leaves. I'm gonna shove it I'm gonna stuff his dick with guava leaves, right? Yeah, I'm gonna make him jump gonna sit in No, that's fucking rude and then you're a son of a bitch listen, babe after that We're gonna take his foreskin I'm gonna put it in some formaldehyde and we're gonna put put it in a little necklace like you said and fan give away I know I need the I need the rest. I need that skin Why do I don't know where it I just need it for my own usage. Thank you What are you gonna use it for it? Just I need it for you gonna wear it on your dick. No, no, no, no
Starting point is 00:03:56 Wait, I'm gonna you are you gonna wear Jonathan James on your dick. No, I just need his foreskin What if it doesn't fit Korean voodoo? Oh god. Yeah, well like you can do shit to my I can now feel it mentally Yeah, can I can I tell you guys something really gross my mom? This is not a joke my mom had this theory that if she combined both of my me and my sister's umbilical cord and she meshed them she stuck them together that we would be really really really close and She did that and she still has it and the freezer She still has it all rotten. She basically has a rotten meat that she's carried around with her for 30 years. You've seen this. I haven't seen it. No, I don't ever want to see it
Starting point is 00:04:41 It's disgusting. Oh, so basically that's how we're gonna keep your Forcing your schmuck for 30 years to or Bobby will. Well, it's a great open What do you mean for a podcast? Well, I'm just gonna say that um You know, I've found Jesus in my life Obviously, we did a prayer there the other day He said Jesus had a womb and I was really confused and he came to me in a dream and he said to That I can have a foreskin Anyway guys, um, what an exciting week it was
Starting point is 00:05:23 We literally haven't done anything this week Mm-hmm anything the world is exciting around us, but we you and I have done nothing I have done a million things and fall out for oh, okay I went to the red rocket gas station and I cleaned it all out I converted all the metal and the and the wood and all the stuff and I made Cabinets and you know, my dog hangs out there I have a little workshop for my power armor and I've been going out and venturing out and getting desk fans And I've been getting
Starting point is 00:05:57 Aluminum cans and just stuff that I need to improve my weaponry. I've done a lot of things I'm at level 32 now, and that's pretty good. How many levels are there? It's it's there's no cap on this one Oh, God, and there's so many though. There is so many Perks in it that you can get have you level when you level up. That's the addiction of it You know, so I want to be stealth. I want to do all that stuff So the game is just like follow-up three, but just the graphics are a little better But I don't think they aside from the fact that you can like Create me probably your own house and stuff like that. Have you done that yet?
Starting point is 00:06:32 Yeah, I just said that I converted a gas station and I built walls and I built things too. You know, I mean Yeah, you listen sometimes. I don't think you do. What's wrong with you today? You're a little feisty and in your eyes you have what I call Um social media eyes. It was a social media. I don't know why but I just say it now I had it's like this. I these are crazy eyes Asian eyes. What happened? I had to lift and I'm just tired of lifting Oh, wow, look at him. Lift what live not like weights. Oh I thought you like I live it. What a bro. We think to say why would you even say you know what you lift car? Oh, he's a lifted driver like an Uber driver. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:07:14 Yeah, whoa, that's what you did today. Yeah. Yes. You'd write your driver Uber lift What is the one with the pick mustache? It's the same as Uber, but like cheaper and so you lifted today in your own car Yeah, and then what happens? You I don't know. I'm not a cab driver You know, he's like you've someone request. No, I don't know. Fuck you man. First of all, fuck you. Okay I'm trying to understand things and educate myself. Okay in your life. All right. Understand. Yeah, so just don't I don't need the attitude You're right. Okay. It's all the stress. You have social media eyes right now, man But so check it out so what you you have an app and then it calls your Yeah, I make a ding-ding. It says you have to pick up so-and-so at this address
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah, ding I pick them up and then I type in the directions and I drop them off and they just talk and I had to act like I Enjoy what they're saying. Like what do they talk about? Hey, man, you've been doing it for a long time. What do you do? I'm an actor. Oh, let's go through that. Okay. Okay. So you hey Bobby you have to confirm first Bobby Lee. Yeah All right. Is it your address 1214 and we're going to Home tipo. Do you know how to read? I'm sorry. Lowe's. Yeah. Yeah, you know how to read. That's what I'd say. So now you pick me up
Starting point is 00:08:36 I get in the car. Okay. Hey, man. What's up with your eyes? I have social media. Yeah. Yeah, I can see that. Yeah. Yeah. So, uh You've been on lift long Two months. Mm-hmm. Hey, man, I'm just gonna drive. Hey, man. Are you to your Carrera? The fuck out of my car. No, you would do that. No, I'm sorry. Is he I want to say sit like I want to Listen to you shit box. Okay. Well, we do improv, right? I don't want to don't you just jump the shark You don't jump the shark. I was thinking you do exactly what you would do in real life. Okay. Okay. I get in the car Okay, you look like to your Carrera, man
Starting point is 00:09:15 Yeah, um, yeah, I get that sometimes you do Yeah, yeah, are you a girl or a boy? This time in my mind. I'm thinking Yeah, I need the ride. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So my my parents say I got I should have had a pussy when I was born You know, you know, there's everything. Yeah. Yeah. That's what you look like. Yeah, man um, anyway Okay, bye Excuse me, sir. You literally walked into my car requested a lift. I know because I if I saw you I would I would literally get in look at your little fucking eyes, right?
Starting point is 00:09:49 And your face and I would go by and I would leave and I would call uber Good, I hope you call uber because I drive for lift. Good Baby, what are you doing? You haven't talked to one. Yeah. What are you doing? What are you fucking doing? You can't leave me to bob it to talk by ourselves for that long Um, I'm going through a Shirley Phelps tweets I love her give us one Shirley Phelps. Um, if you don't know who Shirley Phelps is she's um Um, her father started the west borough baptist church and they're in what kentucky? Are they kansas? And they're an extremist right
Starting point is 00:10:26 wing christian Group, right? I think they're right the christians, correct? And what they do is they protest um, they would be like in some people's weddings if ices They are to christianity. Yeah, what ices is to islam, but then without the Terrorism, it's more like verbal terrorism. I fucking hate her I hate her and her fucking daughters and I'm too sorry, but you know what I would do I would stick m80s in their pussies and let them on fire Baby, that's and that's not a retraction. That's true. That's what she tweeted
Starting point is 00:11:00 Anderson cooper was punched in the face 10 times in egypt It's like god heard my prayers and carried them out through 10 egyptian fists And then some guy was like you really are a sick cunt and then she replied with Um, oh, you'd be perfect for our church too bad. You're a mexican That's what she said. Yeah, and then that's when I take the m80s. I light her fucking pussy on fire So surely fell out for crafting So she basically hates anybody who's been in the military anybody who's gay anybody No, she what they believe is that if a kid dies or anyone dies, right?
Starting point is 00:11:39 No matter what the circumstances is god did that because they support gay ideology Okay, so let's say pose you died, right? Then that they would protest. No matter. Let's let me let me figure out how you would die Let me see Yeah, you get speed m80s. No, no, no, you get beat with fucking sticks and shit I can deal with that. Yeah, and it gets it. Let's get you beat by sticks right Okay, randomly in the middle of LA in the middle of LA just a bunch of fucking Mexican vampires, you know the rocker ones. Yeah, Mexican. I love them. They're my favorite by the way
Starting point is 00:12:15 Mexican rockers with the long hairs with the skateboards are my favorite and they beat the fuck out of you with sticks Right, and we're all at the fucking funeral, right? Yeah, I'm not crying. Thanks for coming. I'm not crying. You're there. Not because I care I'm crying. She's crying. I'm not sad. Okay I'm kind of cry laughing Why is Bobby just laughing hysterically? Is he crying or laughing? I'd still circumcise you and your death just to keep a souvenir No, I would keep that skin, right to do voodoo later in the afterlife But my point is is this and then they would come to your funeral and protest, you know
Starting point is 00:12:48 Gilbert, you know, I mean deserve to die because he supports you mean homo faggots or whatever And that's what that's how they say it. Yeah, and that they say it that way. Yeah I know you just did that so you can save me that like I'm not gonna get in trouble. Yeah, but that's what they say They go, you know, I mean They effort a lot. I don't like how they go to funerals. That's fucking Oh, it's Military funerals guys that fought for our fucking country To risk their lives, you know, you want to know what I want to do which really helps all day
Starting point is 00:13:17 You know how um that dentist that went to um, was it zimbabwe? and he hired that um guide to to find um Um, um Cecil the lion so he could hunt and kill Cecil the lion Well, I want to pay a similar guide But he has to be like a big gay black army ranger type to guide me through her little town in kansas So I can like take a little like deer rifle with a scope And just hunt for Shirley phelps like she's a fucking animal like the animal that she is What I said was dark
Starting point is 00:13:52 Yeah, like my shit was I want to settle the lion I think that I feel like I could probably pay someone off to guide me through kansas and just take her out She's a she's fucking. She's just a vile pig man. You're getting very angry. I'm so calm. I fucking hate her I hate everything about fred phelps his videos. I've seen every single one of his videos too He's you know, what reminds me of is is that you ever see poltergeist too And that creepied man that were that like pilgrim outfit. He was at the oh, okay. We'll remember him. Yeah. God is great You know, I don't know what he's saying. I forgot but he's scared the shit out of me That's what fred phelps reminds me of that guy
Starting point is 00:14:32 and um surely phelps looks like um A white version of your friend marianne. No except really skinny. Yeah, but marianne. Okay. Let me just tell you about this fucking We already talked about it. I don't give a fuck. I have to say it again. No more. No more because she just tested me I don't care. No, no, baby. She's a family friend. Stop it already. I have family planned She had family planned marianne if you're listening just last last thing and we'll never mention again I'm watching you No, I'm watching you and I got you on lockdown She lives in she lives in denver. I know how are you watching her and I want to let you know that when you cross paths with me
Starting point is 00:15:09 Because what you did to me when you cross paths with me, you'll see what happens Okay, I'll hunt you down. Can we just make peace. It's the I love you. I mean, Merry Christmas Skip Thanksgiving. Yeah, do you want to get into what you told me earlier? Are there people that in my life that you don't like? Um, probably name me some Why would I ever do such a thing name me somebody that in my life that you just don't care for just only use exact names I think that you are around a lot of people that are annoying Shit, but it's like look that's we can't I think what you're saying is is that?
Starting point is 00:15:52 We every human being right has people around them. They're annoying. Yeah, because I mean in your circle, especially Everyone just likes it's a different world from my world like my friends are You know like super simple. There's no there's no it's not a chess game It's not a chess game at all. Like my friends have regular jobs. Like it's The people around you it's always this like aura of just like trying to like either one up each other a lot of like Fake hellos. Oh, I'm really happy for you, man. It's like none of you guys are happy for each other, sweetie It's like that in every section. I'm happy for my friends. No, no, no, no, no. Don't you ever say no?
Starting point is 00:16:32 No, no, no, no. I've had friends since I was 15 deep down inside if you let's like I beg to differ I beg to differ completely. I think you don't even know what I'm gonna say lady You think that deep down inside people are not Inherit like are not deep down inside right if you were like, okay, if you were still a nurse Yeah, right and your friend got promoted at the hospital Deep down inside They'd be like, oh Bitch, look if I felt like I right dog. Give me a pound
Starting point is 00:16:57 Look if I felt like I deserve the position and it wouldn't be something that I would say behind her back I would be like, yo, like, you know My turn next time I wouldn't resent her for it. I wouldn't be fake about it. Absolutely. That's not my style Even if she didn't deserve it You knew deep down inside that your friend didn't deserve it and you deserved it, but they they got promoted You wouldn't you wouldn't have a resentment. I mean not to that person. I'd have a resentment to the system Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That's what life is. Yeah, but you don't take it out on that person like Like I don't take it out on
Starting point is 00:17:31 You know what I mean? My you you're talking about specifically Show business, right? So it's like I don't take it out Like paulie shore is that you know, I'm he's a friend, right? and he's You know, he's as has said things to me in front of me Where he behaves in ways that is like what the fuck are you doing? You know, but it's like I I knew paulie shore is even before I was in show business
Starting point is 00:17:59 You mean everybody, you know, you know, I mean, there's always somebody like that I mean paulie. I love him. He's like a brother, but it's like, you know, he's he's He does outwardly like, you know racial things like, you know, you know, like he'll go. Yeah, chinese man There's the chinese guy or whatever And you know, I you know, I know it comes from love, but it's like But when I was a kid they did that There was always some kid at school that did that So it's like, you know
Starting point is 00:18:31 show business is like any corporation or any business or any You know, I mean social I think what are you looking at me like that for eyes? Put it this way. I the only people that I truly like That I know through you or your brother steve is like a brother to me Okay, I like and I like charlie. Let's play a game then. Okay one through 10. Okay. This isn't healthy. I don't care one through 10 Okay, so I'm gonna give you names and you're gonna give you how much what and 10 is you like them a lot
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yeah, and zero is obviously I don't need to give my reasons, right? You don't have to give your reasons But okay, but this gets back to me. No, no one's gonna know this is these people the people that listen to our podcast Are quiet. They're tattletales. No, they're not. We're quiet. We're social ninjas or like Instagram And they're gonna be like, hey, listen Kalayla rated you. All right guys. All right. So if you're listening to this right now, all right Please Do not tattle tattle tail. Okay This is between me And you guys niches get stitches. They get stitched. All right. So here we go. All right. Look at me right now one through 10
Starting point is 00:19:41 Okay, round one my friend charlie finn Uh, a nine. I love charlie. Okay, good Paulie shore oof you went early there Um, probably a negative 86 Oh, okay. I get what you're saying that so zero just say zero a zero. Bobby literally said just go to zero Just go to zero. Okay Steve burn
Starting point is 00:20:05 Um, I don't know him that well that it doesn't matter your first impression in passing. Yes, uh, I'd Like I'd probably give him a solid Six and a half or seven Steve run is easy He's sweet. Yeah. He is sweet. Yeah, so he always has he always gives me a warm. Yeah. So what is it? He does give me a little bit of rabies. It doesn't matter So for the rabies, I give him a 10. You know what? I give him a 10 just for giving me a rabies. Okay. So that's a 10 Yeah, Joe Rogan
Starting point is 00:20:33 Oh, I love him. I know just because it's more. Yeah, it's a 10. That's a 10. Yeah, okay So now let's get into the you want to get into the meat. Let's get into the meat. Let's get into the meat Okay, I got some good one. Brian Callan. Oh, I like Brian a lot. Yeah. Yeah, I'd give him nine and above Nine and above. Yeah, I like him. How about um, are you know, you're not this isn't a test Everyone I like so far. I know I'm gonna get there. Oh, can I get there? Yeah, I get there. Um I'm mad. I'm mad I'm mad. I'm mad. Can I play the fifth? No, um, probably, uh, um, because okay, it's not that I don't look at me right now Listen to me. I'm going to just defend my number before I even say it
Starting point is 00:21:17 Here's the thing. You know when you meet some people and they you're you're little you get a ping you like you get a Like you just there's something about them and that tells you don't trust that person Yeah, and it's something that it's like it might not be real or it might be real But your body is telling you that person do not trust and that's why I have to give them a three Not because he's done anything to me and he's always nice to me But there's something about him That that gives that rate makes my hair stand. Okay. So I'm mad. I'm mad. I got a three. I'm oh my god All right, but not for any nothing he did
Starting point is 00:21:54 I think this is a friendly game and I want you to play play the same game with me. Okay, but we have to remember I'm going to play the same game with me. I'm a very difficult person to so am I we're both very difficult No, I'm I'm there's something wrong with me. So me too. I have a lot of things wrong. I have trust issues. Me too So I meet someone for the first time and I'm always like I'm not done yet. Okay, christilia Chris I like chris. You know what here when I first met him when I first met him Uh-huh. Probably a two. But now two years after I probably give him an eight. Wow. Wow. I actually sincerely Like him now. Wow I do. No, that's great. Will Sasso. Oh, he's the best like by far. Will is probably like the highest rating of all your
Starting point is 00:22:39 I want to cry right now. He is just a fucking. I love him. He's a good guy. Give me hard ones. Test me Is he your best friend? Will Sasso. No, he's not my best friend, but I do love him a lot. You know, he's a he's a You know, I love him He's a brother because I'll tell you why because when I first got on the mad tv, right? Um, there was a war going on Oh, okay. I'm going to tell you what was going on, right? Half the cast Wasn't talking to the other half
Starting point is 00:23:09 like for instance, um Debra Wilson was suing Alex Borstein And then Alex Borstein was suing or was in a law situation Legal situation with the owners of the show, all right So the Debra Wilson Alex Borstein one was back then was was apparently Alex Borstein did a Sketch where she played a coal miner. If you don't know who Alex Borstein is, she's on family guy But she's also she played missus swan miss swan super talented. Yeah. Yeah, and she's on that new show on HBO called um
Starting point is 00:23:46 I forgot what it goes. It's the hospital hospital one. Yeah. Anyway, Alex did a coal mining sketch where she had like fingernails that were Dark because they had to put makeup on it. Yeah to make it look like she was in you know Mining anyway, um, she made a joke in the makeup room saying hey, it looks like I just got raped by a black guy Oh god, but you know, you know, let me say something comedy though, but it's Fuck you number one Gilbert. Oh me what? Yeah, because you go. Oh my god. I can't believe she said that Is that what you're saying? No, I mean, I can't be there suing over all all that. Okay, my bad Hey, man, I know I know you're on my side. I say raped by black people all the time. I know every day
Starting point is 00:24:24 I'm saying as a statement right now. Yeah. Yeah, but She's out Debra Wilson sued her Right for doing that for that statement for that statement. Did the sketch and get aired? I don't remember I because I wasn't there because that when I first got on they had already been in this situation You know, I mean, so there was this fucking civil war And then on top of that the writers all hated me They really did just because you're the new guy or no, I just wasn't good. I sucked. I really did I never really taken classes
Starting point is 00:24:55 I was on drugs straight stand up. Yeah. I was a drug addict I don't you can't even believe it. Anyway, my point is is that but will Was the only guy that said hey, let's be friends So he would call me and went to his house, you know, we hung out a lot And I think that and then he only did that he left after that my first year But that was like, um, we a really nice gesture on his half I don't think that would have lasted with it without that, you know, I mean because Every spirits didn't say a word to me for two years. Michael McDonald didn't say a word to me for years
Starting point is 00:25:31 Oh, really? Oh, no. I mean, yeah, because I was on the show for eight years So the last six, you know, I was friends with everybody But the first two like I just was so I wanted people to like me so much And I wanted to sort of survive so much that I think I became needy Almost like I was like this open like, you know, I mean needy guy. I was so so drugged out and also on top of that I wasn't good on the show, right? So nobody wanted really anything to do with me. But my point is is that anyway, that's why I love will so much
Starting point is 00:26:00 Now give me some names and I'll give you a Wait of my friends. Yeah, and I'll tell you what I'm sorry. I can't do that Did you give her all the hard ones already? I mean, I was I already come on. You can't give me any more than that Give me some names I mean, just throw some names out. I don't I don't have people just your friends. Just tell me I'm not in the industry. I know, but just tell me your friends. I'll tell you what I ranked them Oh, okay. Um
Starting point is 00:26:27 I'm gonna leave my sister out of this 10. Okay. I know you love my sister. Um, jessica You love jessica 8.5. Okay solid. Um, gardo In eight eight. Oh, that's a pretty high score. Yeah, um, jenna He doesn't like, you know, hippies seven Because you know, she has a good heart. You just hate her hippie tendencies. No, I love her seven's good Okay, um, I think that's basically all I have in my life. There's more There's more you know, she's waiting for those names. Okay. We already know maryanne. Obviously Uh, now we know what I'm gonna throw out the names. I think you should say
Starting point is 00:27:10 Okay, go ahead. All right. So that guy rogers Daughter's boyfriend. He's not my friend. What's his name? I don't even remember. What's his name? I don't remember zero Yeah, he comes into my house Okay, so we have this you were here during the pacquiao fight. Oh the boyfriend of the yeah Yeah, so I love that white girl. I invite strangers into my house right for the pacquiao You know fight And what happened was My girlfriends don't be too specific. Okay. Anyway, my girlfriend's mom's
Starting point is 00:27:45 You know me boyfriend somebody on my side. Just somebody on my side boyfriend comes over to my house And at the end of the night, he doesn't say much. I don't think but the end of night he comes into me goes What's your name? Was it brandon? Is it brandon bullshit? I swear to god. You were here that night And then I want to say excuse me excuse me Number one, this is my house number two I'm fucking bobby Lee you motherfucking cocksucker. I'll fucking kill you You should know the name of the person's whose house you're going into and I mean gilbert had never met you before
Starting point is 00:28:21 But he brought food he brought Yeah, I'm like who is this gay dude coming to my house and acting all Hi bobby Yeah, we had whimsicle on like a you know island ferry where can I put my dildo? Is that the only name that you wanted me to say? I didn't I don't even know Mary Ann and that guy is my zero Oh boring I don't know your uncle that murdered his your other uncle. Yeah a ten And if you're listening sir, carlo
Starting point is 00:28:47 Carlo Carlo Carlo if you're listening sir forever you shall be ten Forever because I shall stay alive Am I not right? True true If you kill anyone with a machete and then you got out of prison You're attending my book because Um, you basically just want to stay alive though. Not because you truly feel that way
Starting point is 00:29:12 So, Carlo, I don't think that he's being genuine. Carlo. I'm being so genuine. I don't know the fuck you're doing, baby Literally, my uncle carlo doesn't have a single Technological gadget like he still does smoke signals. So I think you're safe. I know even if you said he was a zero You'd be safe. Carlo. You're a fucking hundred All right, if there's an affinity, that's what you are. You said something very very hurtful to me earlier today. What? You said that um, because geographically because of where the Philippines is located and being that we don't have any seasons other than hot and rainy that We we are not
Starting point is 00:29:54 industrialized or innovative That it's impossible for a country like ours Get like unlike Korea that has seasons that we're never forced to be innovative from America continue All I'm my point wasn't I first of all if you're Filipino and you're listening to this. I didn't strictly say Anyone that lives in climates that are Hot seasonally all year around, right? You know, I mean aren't as technologically advanced as Countries that have seasons because throughout the ages
Starting point is 00:30:29 Countries that have seasons and have the have had to develop Technologies to survive. Right this day of life. I mean the difference between you mean Japan and Cambodia is just a weather thing I think I don't think that as people one is smarter or Have a better work ethic. I just think that it's culturally, you know, I mean a part of who they are To develop listen, man. If it gets like 30 below zero when you live You're gonna think quick how to develop technology and things to survive Right, but when it's like hot year around you do math
Starting point is 00:31:10 You know, I mean, and you you know, you dance, you know in a bonfire You know, I mean and you hack up people with machetes. I mean, you know But it's not a it's not a racial thing. I just said I think a lot of it too. I mean, look, I'm gonna say something really inflammatory and probably really fucking ignorant on my behalf Yeah, on my part um, but I honestly think that it has a lot to do with the Philippines not thriving And I'm gonna get burned at the stake if I go back home
Starting point is 00:31:41 It has a lot to do with the Catholic sentiment Catholicism as a whole. I don't think it it sets us back in terms of population control I mean, there's there's just I mean for the longest while even before like the RH bill like anything Nobody talked about family planning or contraceptives or anything of that sort and they just always like You know, they're proponents for the idea of always like, you know, reproducing, right? So if you think about it just like Catholic nations like across the world even like think about one prosperous country that is Catholic other than maybe Italy Or like right off the top of your head think of one. Mexico is not Central America is not Most of South America isn't think about just one prosperous nation that is fully Catholic and Philippines is the only Catholic nation in Asia
Starting point is 00:32:31 Like and I know that this is probably like I'm telling you now I will not make more enemies in the Filipino community more than me saying that exact statement So I might have to retract it next episode. I'm just warning you guys because that's like I still think that it's it's has to do with Weather I so because you said that I made I had to google a list of things Of of like famous Filipino inventions that you are not aware of. Okay. Okay. Number one. Wait. No, no Well, first of all, let me just okay that just I have to go to Korean invention. Koreans invented everything. No, we didn't know we got it We'll compare. Can you just let me have a moment of pride. I'm gonna let you talk as All right, I'm gonna get Cambodia. I'll represent Cambodia
Starting point is 00:33:14 You do nothing. Okay, you do look a little more Cambodian than you do Filipino. Yeah, so go ahead Okay, we invented the yo-yo Oh, yeah, and what butterfly butterfly yo-yo the yo-yos were actually used as combat weapons against the Spaniards That's during colonization and they used to have little studs and spikes on them What a yo-yo is pretty badass. That's a really good one. We're cool. It's a string and a I know a blade And a blade guess what else we this is this isn't gonna be a surprise to anybody listening out there But we invented the karaoke machine. Wow Impossible. I thought Japanese would have. Nope the whole sing-along disc or the tape inside the system right now google
Starting point is 00:34:00 Fact checked who created the karaoke machine. Give us something. Jesus Christ. What do you have the fact check it? Okay, do you want a third one? Uh-huh a rethromycin? I don't know what that is. What is that? It's an antibiotic But where does it come from like mangoes? Come on. It comes from the soil I'm upset by that coffee. Why? Actually a lot of things come from like fungal plants. Yeah, but that's if if it wait, it's already in the soil No, it's yeah, it's there are a lot of
Starting point is 00:34:33 Most medicines that you have things like the jocks and everything is from they're all from plants Yeah, but they have to mix things together and of course put on a bunsen burner or something They're naturally occurring antimicrobials out there. All right, so they created something that was in the soil already This one's a this one's a good one. This guy banatao He he he invented the 16-bit microchip to make our our computers faster. Oh, that's a good one Oh, shit in my face. That's good one. Okay, another one. Yeah, which I thought was really good Was a solar powered balut maker Okay, I think we're the only country that can use that but do you know what that does
Starting point is 00:35:09 Do you know how fucking ingenious that even is gilbert? Do you know what balut is, babe? Listen to me. Do you know what balut is balut? Balut say balut the the duck the duck egg thing. It's a duck embryo Yeah, yeah, right that Filipinos eat and you can anywhere between 15 to like 20 days and like you can eat it 20 days when it has all the full feathers and the beaks and everything so what this particular invention does Is it takes a regular duck egg? Yeah, so it's not even it isn't an embryonic egg It's just a regular unfertilized duck egg and it it this solar powered incubator turns it into an embryonic egg so it's really not that
Starting point is 00:35:52 That sounded but it's solar powered I was like, come on. We got bobby. We got bobby and I mean, okay, because based on inventions, right? Koreans would win in a war Do you know why this guy? Okay, and one more Filipino invented the method to control leprosy Didn't control it. That's even che Guevara couldn't do that. Yeah, but you guys probably started it too though No, we didn't leprosy. You know what leprosy comes from Uh, don't they come from like armadillos? I don't know. I feel like I need to fact check a lot of things being said right now. Check it. Check it
Starting point is 00:36:27 leprosy and armadillos. So Koreans we we in a war we we created the multiple rocket launcher called Oh, we have those too. We've created our own weapons and and planes time bomb What do you mean? What kind of time bomb? The time bomb the one that goes the yeah, the very first time bomb was called pick yuck Chikchong charla wait does it have it's a digital bomb or you can see the countdown We have naval artillery. We created. Oh, yeah, but every country has that stuff No, you didn't say no because I okay. No, let's go into electronics. Let me start with the electronics then The mp3 portable player
Starting point is 00:37:04 Really? mp3 phones in general what completely touchscreen mobile phone we invented a Touchscreen mobile phone nothing trumps the yo-yo lte mobile Well, then you'd stick with your fucking yo-yo and I'll stick with my fucking rockets and my phone and all the good shit
Starting point is 00:37:26 Those all sound boring yo-yo and karaoke machine and a solar powered balut maker. I think I fucking win I think Filipinos win I'm sorry about that Catholicism comment. I said earlier. I'm probably really really just stupid and uneducated for saying that But I think we win guys. We invented the invisible invisible axion It's a hypothetical elementary particle predicted by some theories of particle physics Theoretical physicist kim jing yu suggested the existence of a very light particle named the invisible axion And made a solution to the strong cp problem in the standard model. I will say I used it It's not but he didn't find it in the dirt
Starting point is 00:38:10 In soil That's a naturally existing thing too. Let's not have a race war here guys We're all the same is basically my point of this podcast You know, I mean, it's the we're all the same. We all breathe. We all have dreams. Yeah, right You said that um people who lived the reason isis is radicalized and crazy Is because they live in a desert and that there are probably some micro Organisms in the desert that entered their brain. That's you made up the micro organism But what brought me to the thing was is that I really think that if you could build like a six flags out there
Starting point is 00:38:45 do you know, I mean or like, you know, or you know Have you been to Saudi Arabia? I've been to I'm not talking about Abu Dhabi or Abu Dhabi or or you know, I mean Bahrain or any of those fucking places. I'm talking about where their Isis is Follow them around open up star boxes and pink berries or jamba juice or whatever you need to do right and get shit going, you know, some, you know Some rides it. I think they're just bored out there. You think that it's lack of recreational activities Let me tell you something right now. I'm at Ahmed the guy that you hate that got a
Starting point is 00:39:18 I didn't hate him. I just gave him a three Ahmed Sebastian Manascako and Eric Griffin and I all went to the middle east We went to Abu Dhabi. We went to Dubai Abu Dhabi I went to Bahrain. We went to Beirut We went all over the place, but let me tell you something right now It was fun. People are nice shows were amazing But it's just sand
Starting point is 00:39:44 and desert and all these things that you know, Dubai created like skiing The snow skiing inside these hotels and all that stuff is the stuff that they manufactured based on oil money and the thing is is that But I think that it's it's it's bored My dad used to you know, my dad's favorite place to visit when he was younger was well number one was Tunisia And the second was Beirut. He used to tell me like really he's like, you know, it's really sad that Beirut is What it is today. I mean, I have friends who live there still and love it there
Starting point is 00:40:17 But he he was like, no, it used to be the jewel of the Middle East. It used to be the place to vacation in his time So it's a pity, you know I only know is in Beirut. I did a show Great shows we did in a theater And we worked with a group of people They're called some of them were a part of a thing called Hezbollah And I'm not even kidding. So I'm backstage one of the dudes we're working with right
Starting point is 00:40:45 The nicest guy in the world. Sort of one of the nicest guys you ever meet Because I want you to show you my tattoo. I go, what is it? It was a fucking tattoo of Hitler Jesus on his stomach It's a beautiful country Is it it's a beautiful city what have you ever told that story about trying to find sex in the Middle East? On any other podcast. Can you tell me that again? Sex in the Middle East. Oh my god He well, you can't have you don't have porn there. He couldn't like
Starting point is 00:41:14 Well, okay, I'll tell you it's the Johnny story Yeah, yeah, yeah, who's Johnny? This is called who's Johnny bud So I go on this tour with Sebastian and Eric and I didn't know to bring my own porn. I didn't I thought I could just log on to reality kings You know me when I get to um Abu Dhabi, right? You can't they block that shit, right? And I'm not a visual masturbation guy. I haven't done that since I was a kid So if you weren't if I can't don't have porn, I can't do it You know, I mean, I would think of you know, I mean, I just I wouldn't be able to get off on it
Starting point is 00:41:50 I'm visual And so I'm out there for weeks, dude. I can't get off You know, I'm single And I'm just I'm agitated, you know, I'm sweating grumpy all the time, you know and When we finally got to Beirut I don't I'm gonna name names, but
Starting point is 00:42:13 Fuck it. I am no come on. Don't do it protect people. They're your friend. I know nothing. No one did anything wrong Okay, but they're not doing anything wrong in the story All right, I I'm editing in my head. I'm like did it will it make them the shittiest editor alive, bobby Hey, babe, just protect your friends. I'm not I'm protecting them Okay, good by telling an amazing story that they have nothing to do with. Okay, so we go out there and The first thing guy I see is Uh, Danny Masterson Okay, and it's brother because he they're friends with my friend Camille and Danny was DJing out there, right?
Starting point is 00:42:54 Not weird at all. That's so yeah Yeah, so we you know, we're at Camille's house and and it's Sebastian Ahmed and Eric Griffin and I go to Camille. I go dude. I have a masturbate in like Three and a half weeks. I'm just I need to get off He's like, well, you want to go to super disco? I go, what's it called? It's super disco. I go, what is it?
Starting point is 00:43:24 Because well, they're like basically brothels and they're right outside of Beirut I got on my hands and knees. I said, please Camille take the super disco. Please. And he goes, all right, let's do it And so Danny and his brother Was going to go to the super disco, but they didn't want to do anything that you know, because he you know, he It's Danny's A guy that just wants to experience things. He's a Scientologist, you know, I mean, he's Open, I guess in that way. So he him and his brother went and I swear to God. They didn't do anything. I did though So, yeah, so we go to the we go outside of Beirut
Starting point is 00:43:59 And first of all, when you're driving you have to stop like every two miles because there's a tank And kids with machine guns Asking you a bunch of questions. It's fucking terrifying So then we go way out outside of Beirut and along this freeway you see these hotels and on top and they look like Vegas hotels, but they say super disco on top, right? And so we go to one and To one and we go downstairs and it's literally like Everyone's seen a shitty play where it's just like black
Starting point is 00:44:31 Like black boxes, you know, man That's what it reminded me of like a shitty play that you're in Because like people are just sitting on these black boxes and there's music And there's a bunch of women just walking in circles. It was like a it was like human trafficking It was really weird, you know, man, but fun. I danced And Trafficking but fun and then Camille goes dude, you ever met
Starting point is 00:44:58 Julia Right. I go, who's that? And he goes, she's moroccan. Let me go find her She he comes this chick dude You know, I mean, I mean, she's a six collides a collides a 10 hubbabe But this girl was really cute. Okay So she sits at the table. We talked this and that and then I go, can I do you know, I mean and Camille goes Yeah, but you can't do it now. I go what you guys know, you have to take her on a date It's illegal in Beirut. So you have to disguise it as a date. Oh, I see. Okay, so I'm like
Starting point is 00:45:35 Oh, well, when are we going to go on this date tomorrow? Tomorrow is this process? Yeah, and I go win during the day Uh, so it's like a girlfriend experience type right. So then he goes, uh, I go, oh What what time do you want to come here tomorrow? He's like, I'm not going anywhere I go, I gotta come here myself Yeah So you had to pick her up from the same place. No, no, no, no, no, no
Starting point is 00:46:06 So what happened was I get up the next day and, um Camille gets me a car. I get in the I'm in the taxi And he goes tell us the tax driver where to go. Right to wait for me there to drive me back You know, so we get in the car with this guy And we drive all the way out there. I'm by myself it's during the day. Okay I walk into, okay. So then this is what he does. He writes on a piece of paper This is exactly what you have to say Julia room two or three Johnny said it was okay
Starting point is 00:46:43 That's what I have to say Okay, right, right. Okay. I don't know what yeah, I know I've never met Johnny. Okay So it's during the day. I go to the Super Disco. It looks really like a 70 is like I just a building that looked like it was like it's just old and crusty-looking. I Walk in I Kichunot. There's six. They look like Russian dudes, right with the guns Tattoos and they're drinking Turkish coffee and smoking cigars in the in their lobby And as soon as I walk in they all stop what they're doing and they just stare at me
Starting point is 00:47:25 Right, and I probably shit my pants. It's a little pellet tiny one. Yeah, I'm so scared because I'm by myself Yeah, right And I do the slow shaking walk to the front desk and there's a little bell. I would ring it and The biggest Russian dude I've ever seen Walks out right like just tattoos on his neck. You know, I mean guns exposed. I'm not kidding you like a movie Yeah, like there's a movie. Yeah, well you want that's what he says Jesus I go um
Starting point is 00:47:57 Julia Room two three Johnny said it was okay. You know he says who's Johnny? That's what he says who's Johnny So I left So they had given me this like like regional phone to use I call Camille back I go, there's no Johnny. I'm gonna take the cat back. It's cool. I'm fine. He's like, no, you have to do it We pay for it. Everything's set
Starting point is 00:48:28 You have to go in there. Trust me. There's a Johnny owns the fucking place So I go back in there Same Russian got six guys. They all stop and stare at me And I go back to the bell Yeah, yeah, and he comes back out and he you know, I said, I don't know my friend Camille Said to say two or three Julia Johnny says it. You know what he says? I'm Johnny. Oh my god That's what he says that he's Johnny Then everyone laughs like they're like dying on their knees laughing. Wow Camille
Starting point is 00:49:02 I already told them that I'm a comedian to do this thing, but I'll fucking don't know. Yeah, right So I'm laughing it up. I get some coffee. You know what I mean? So then they give me this remote controller right to the TV and also a controller for the fucking air conditioning All right, and I go upstairs and I literally had to wait in this fucking dismal room watching Beirut MTV For like an hour and a half before she showed up But then I did it and guess what I mean, I baby, I'm sorry. I've heard this story I know I know but look at your eyes right now. You have jealous in your eyes, but no you have social media Yes, you have social media eyes
Starting point is 00:49:42 Was it worth it? No, let's check that. Yes. So basically it's 200 bucks. It's not bad. No, it's it gets better So she comes in we watch a little MTV Beirut Right, and then she um wait for it. Hold on. She's Moroccan. She's Moroccan. She's fucking gorgeous then stunning. Okay Then she starts making out with me You mean like it was no damn thing And then we get on the bed. We're making out and then she just gets naked and there's condoms that she brought I Put it on and I probably lasted for about I'm not even kidding you 12 seconds As soon as I went it was done. I was like good. I want to leave. She says you can't leave
Starting point is 00:50:27 I go why she goes you have to legally like kind of stay here for two or three hours because we're supposed to be on a Day. Yeah, I go what the fuck do we do for two or three hours? You couldn't get it back up again in that space of time Yeah, no, she goes no for you can for $200 you can fuck me as much as you want Yeah, so I you know I had sex with her like five times, baby. Okay, good I mean, that's what I I would be like, yo like you need to fucking like your refractory period needs to not let you down It needs you're you're you know, you need to hurry up and What a fucking process my my thing is in the Middle East Do they I mean what I don't know man like that story only makes me uncomfortable if it was in fact like human trafficking. I
Starting point is 00:51:16 Don't know the logistics. I don't know who they are Not against any type of prostitution at all. It's like look dude like I'm against it, but I do it anyway. Look it can be a very strong statement I think that a lot of feminists, you know, will agree with the fact that it's like look It's the same reason why any sex worker if you're a sex worker and you you do it responsibly and you're you're proud of what you do Whatever like I'm okay with that human trafficking. That's that's a whole different story. Yeah, I don't agree with it And I let's put a stop to it Just just for the record just say that she you didn't think it was human trafficking. It's not human trafficking. It was free flow
Starting point is 00:51:54 She wanted free wills free will okay free will right? Let me ask you this. Have you ever had a prostitute? No, why? You know what he said to me the other day, sweetie What he said that he would be really upset if we got him a high class a very pretty prostitute He says he just doesn't want him He's really not into it at all. I didn't say that. Yeah, you did. I just said I don't dude I honestly I couldn't be honest with you. Yeah, why Bobby what no, don't dad. That's attitude. I don't need that right now Okay, I want to be real with you and we'll be frank. Okay Ever since I saw that dancing video of yours. I literally I am convinced that you're gay
Starting point is 00:52:34 Okay, no, I'm serious because you you don't do that if you're straight What do you mean that dance hold shoulder? I thought you meant not being with a problem. I actually know a lot of guys who you know Gardo Gardo would never he doesn't He hates strip clubs like he's just one of those guys I know you and I went to one together for your birthday. We had a good time But I I was the reason why I'm so Open to it is because when I was a kid Girls didn't like me
Starting point is 00:53:03 They didn't you know in land fact when I was at San Diego a couple weeks ago a couple of my friends I guess I didn't mean I wasn't that close to them But two girls that were like the hottest girls in my high school came with their husbands to my show and I was really happy to see them I can't hug them. We talked and stuff, but in my head. I'm like You know girls had nothing to do with me back then. I mean, so I had to resort to go into Tijuana You know because it's either of that You because I was highly sexual, you know, you put when the first prostitute. I Must have been
Starting point is 00:53:36 17 okay, I Was 17. Yeah, so, um, I would that's all I had sex with up until I was 23 I still have fantasies about and Bobby will tell you this I I don't know what's wrong with me, but I have fantasies about being a madam and running a brothel Have I mentioned this? Yeah, I know but she has told me a business plan even I give him a whole business plan But no, it's a brothel for women for me for a working woman someone who works Let's suppose like nine to five is tired at the end of the day and just needs, you know Sexual attention just to have a release and I want it to be so regulated
Starting point is 00:54:19 But like so again, I know what women like I know we're so psychologically sexual people We're not necessarily purely we're not purely physical a lot of our orgasm comes from the experience itself Not the actual cock itself that that's why dick pics never do anything for women I don't even understand why guys continue to send dick pics like it literally doesn't moisten me Not even in the slightest like when someone sends me a dick pic So just stop it stop with that. I think we should have abolished that all together I don't do that, but I've realized if you wear your underwear, but have your boner like poke out For some reason the girls like is like just show me give them like I think that's probably a little better
Starting point is 00:54:56 But like the the whole like, you know dick in the daylight. That's weird Yeah, I'm not not into it at all, but I have presented an actual business plan and when I thought for a second there that I was gonna live in Melbourne because you know, they have You know, it's brothels or legal there, right? Mm-hmm. I I thought to myself and I'm sure it already exists I thought to myself like what a great thing for women to have access to I mean if I was single and if I was making like you know, if I was a if I had the money to spare for and a Fingerblast when if I just didn't have to reciprocate or give the guy a blowjob in return
Starting point is 00:55:34 How much would that be by the way? What do you mean? Like how much would I pay for that? Yeah? I don't know like a hundred dollars. I mean, he wouldn't have to have sex with me. Let's suppose it's like It's for free. It's the same as like a My go you do that to my girlfriend for free any girl. Oh No, not and he's not directing it to you. Don't attack him who Gilbert would never have sex with me We've already established that I'm like his out there. I'm his sister. I think he would I don't think he would at all Let me just tell you something enough friend No, just don't even smile. Look at me right now. No, if you smile right now, I get I get to just some bloody knuckles
Starting point is 00:56:10 Okay, that's okay. I think you're gonna. Oh, we're not done with that game anyway. Come on, man I know I can't let that I know all right. So look at me right now without smiling. Okay, I Swear to fucking God give me a minute. Let me just really gonna get me you're getting me so fucking angry right now Look at me right now If you ever You're smiling. I'm not smile. If you ever took Don't took took me don't took took no took took me Gilbert. You took took I'm your out there. Okay?
Starting point is 00:56:40 Don't took your out there. I swear to fucking God. I will devastate your eye. I have fire face He will fuck you like a black man. Yeah. Hey, whoa, whoa So, um, this is great, I'm We're really clicking as a group and um, I I think that it's time that we read a question Is it that time yet unhelpful advice over really quick by the way the karaoke machine? Unfortunately, it's saying it's from this Japanese guy. No, it's not the sing-along version No, baby Oh, so you're baby if you don't allow me to stay claim to fucking karaoke. I'm going to jump off our balcony
Starting point is 00:57:22 Okay, so give me karaoke. I was made it. Yeah, they credit that Because you know what Gilbert? This is why I don't trust you bro Because you said that Yolanda Selena's killer was dead and that bitch ain't dead. Hey, who's this guy? The Yoko song when you say I can in new way. Okay. Well, yeah, that guy I've heard of I suck a new way Yeah, I don't believe it. I don't believe it. I'm sorry It's easier to believe that he did it than the Filipinos. Why? I don't know Am I racist? You're racist. Why don't you think we can invent anything? You know what? You can we have cool martial arts, too Like Kali is Screema Arnis. I know I've seen the movies
Starting point is 00:57:59 The Cali the Cali movies Baby, we're all the same and we're if you're listening right now. I'm not racist. Okay. I Hope I'm not am I? No, I think I Know you don't call them Muslims. No, yeah, you you don't you don't strike anyone as this guy right here, man We're getting to the question. Come on. I know right fucking here. I'm I'm on his Instagram. He's driving me fuck I know I know it drives me crazy. I don't even know what you're looking at, but I think I know what you're looking Yeah, I think you know focus on helpful advice with Bobo and Coloco
Starting point is 00:58:34 Hey tiger belly. I am a 19 year old Persian guy and I want to work in the film industry one day I often find myself being too critical of my work. I put online and how I live my life Anyways, how critical of of yourself and your work to you guys think you should be until pushing too hard Also, Bobby, will you ever you coming to Sacramento to perform? Love the podcast you go first Okay, I play Sacramento every year dude. What's his name? Uh Persian guy Persian guy every year. I play the beautiful and luxurious Sacramento points line. Okay, so that's number one number two I'm very self-critical like the other day like I just did an audition maybe two days ago, right?
Starting point is 00:59:14 Mm-hmm, and when I left the audition I was screaming at myself in the car You fucking cocksucker you fucking idiot Yeah, that was your fucking chance, you know, but it was a big movie. It was with um, that's what it's yeah What was it for if it's for um, it was a big part and you could tell that they wanted me to do well Yeah, and I just fucked up a couple of scenes, you know man, and it you know, it just wasn't there's no way I'm gonna get it. My point is is though this is is that I am so So difficult almost like like like this show love, right? Can't wait for that. I'm on that but like like remember the first episode I did I literally came home crying
Starting point is 01:00:03 First text I got in the morning. I blew it He texted his manager and me. I blew it. I fucked my career up And I came home for a week. I literally was unconsolable. He is probably the most self-critical Person I have ever encountered in my entire life to it So much so that you would think that him having done stand-up for so long would would be nothing for him, right? But every every five five minutes before he actually goes on stage I'm gonna eat it. I'm not gonna do well. This is gonna fucking suck. They're gonna hate me
Starting point is 01:00:40 I can't follow that person and he destroys the room right after that, but that's how self-critical he is It's almost like he plays psychological war games with himself He is his own worst enemy No, the key the key to Bobby mr. Persian guy is that he goes up to bat. He just does it In even if he fails. Yeah, regardless even if I'm prepared or not I will go in and do it Yeah, and I will look like a fool and I will go through fucking a process of just torment in my head and my heart But at the end of the day, you know, man, I will continue to always try
Starting point is 01:01:20 I think that unlike you that the biggest detriment in my life is not going up to bat So Bobby goes through these, you know, he has a lot of nightmare stories about auditions and failures and whatnot But I've had the opposite. I'm the opposite where I was always when I grew up I perfection was always expected. So it was like I was, you know, a perfect athlete I was, you know, class president the top of my class everything had to be Perfect. So what happened was that as an adult it made me if I knew I wasn't gonna be the best at it I just wouldn't do it at all. So as as an adult, it's been my biggest detriment And even now when it's like doing something as simple as a podcast with my friends after each after this recording
Starting point is 01:02:12 I'm gonna sit and I'm gonna think and I'm gonna criticize and I'm gonna tell you Gilbert Hey, can we get this part out? Can you edit this out? I'm unsure even something as simple as this and the last one we did She hated it. I hate every single one that we know, but she was like literally in tears But this is why like so many people from when I was younger always think always look at me and I almost feel like I'm I didn't live up to everyone's expectation Because I just never went up to bat because I never I was oh I've always just been so afraid to pull the trigger in anything in my life, including this Do you know how long I guess what guess guess what you met a dream weaver. Oh, so you're taking full responsibility
Starting point is 01:02:52 No, I'm just saying that together we create dreams. That's all right So we weave dreams and I'm good at consoling. I also believe I believe I really believe that Everything in life happens for a reason it has nothing to do with some sort of God or really I just think that Things are pretty much etched in stone and because there's just too many coincidences in my life And things that have happened that were just too weird for me to explain as just freak, you know chances So I just believe that everyone we're all here at this moment, and we're supposed to be here doing what we're doing And I know she doesn't she doesn't believe that she thinks she thinks of chaos But my point is this if you're listening to me right now, okay? I
Starting point is 01:03:39 love you May know may your week Go smooth and let the rocky battles of the plains Go that in and out of the abyss and just preserve persevere That don't say and yet. I'm not done yet create it believe in it It's nocturnal trust and a willing
Starting point is 01:04:03 Why are you fucking laughing? It's a nocturnal trust and a willing to co-habitate with your own environment and creating ideas and And mesmerizing in your own beliefs. That's all amen. So to To top that off mr. Persian guy. There's a saying that goes Perfection is the enemy of progress So if you continually do things in fear of being criticized or to continually seeking that Perfect anything you're never gonna pull the trigger and you're gonna end up like me being miserable in your in your 20s So just do it whatever it is whether whether it's a good product or a bad product
Starting point is 01:04:44 You're gonna get criticized at some point. So just thicken your skin now You're only 19 so like learn to take the abuse from the world harden up and it's gonna take you so far in life It's like when young comics when comics wanted to stand up They haven't done it yet and they come up to me go well I'm just writing and I'm waiting for the time when my writing catch. No no matter what you do The first time the first hundred times is gonna be awful no matter how much you prepare Okay, you just have to do it Say that when whenever a young guy goes I want to do it and I just put him on stage
Starting point is 01:05:21 regardless of what happens if They went up on stage and they talked into that mic and walk through that fear That's all I care about All right, so it's Saturday night. That's all I'm gonna care about When you go up there and when you bomb, yes, I'll be laughing and yes I'll make fun of you, but I'll be very proud of you also at the same time. Thank you miss about gay social media eyes We're gonna take you out to eat right after all right. So this weekend guys Friday through Sunday Bobby is going to be at the Brea improv in Orange County and
Starting point is 01:05:57 Gilbert is going to do a guest spot Saturday second show at 9 p.m. Find us on itunes at tag itunes. What the fuck am I saying dear? Jesus Christ you can't find us on itunes if you search Tiger Belly in the search engine That's right. See you always come you always come through You can find us on Instagram at Tiger Belly on Twitter at the Tiger Belly and yes, please kindly subscribe leave leave a review Like I was almost said the review Review review, you know what some guy said what he goes? Oh, I never heard your accent when you did DVD ASA But I think when you get mad I hear it more now and or when you're doing the outro clearly
Starting point is 01:06:39 Oh, I just came out see here's the thing if I'm talking to you or I'm talking sounds normal Okay, if I'm if I'm conscious if someone's like, oh you have an accent Then it's like I I try so hard to cover it up that my overcompensation to try to cover it up Brings it out even more if I talk to my sister or my mom because there's more of a level of comfort I hear it. I hear it. Yeah, then I the accent comes out like very thick if I talk to my family in the Philippines It's just hard ours and hard these and come on Yeah, like very yeah, I mean I don't mix up my peace and abs come on Gilbert not like that come on come on All right guys, thank you for listening and we will see you next time. Bye
Starting point is 01:07:48 Hey Prime members you can listen to tiger barely ad-free on Amazon music download the Amazon music app today Or you can listen ad-free with Wondry plus in Apple podcast before you go Tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at Wondry comm slash survey. I

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