TigerBelly - Episode 152: Mike Boudet From Sword & Scale

Episode Date: July 25, 2018

Bobo is the Eyebutt Killer. Mike shares the gruesome. We talk an AIDS bomb, premium love, rage blackouts, and talking to trees.Support us by supporting our sponsors!See Privacy Policy at http...s://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly ad-free on Amazon music download the app today Hey You You Come on five four three two one Ah Welcome to another episode of Tiger Belly. I'm uh uncle chicken chop That's my new name now this week, dude. Uncle chicken chop. How'd you get that fighter and the kid? They gave it to me
Starting point is 00:00:56 Brendon shop, I call him shoulders You know why because whenever I see him. Oh, that's all I see is gigantic shoulders He's got veins and veins neck. We also have a beautiful, um Woman next to me her name was Lila my girlfriend we got in a fight today man. It was crazy You know, I talked to her and you know what it's like I talked to her in a bad way and I want to apologize on On ground level To who to the audience
Starting point is 00:01:26 Let me tell you guys something the whole day. I've been waiting for an apology. He this is the first time On air sort of I refuse to look look at her and apologize because I don't know He talks to me. You know how we're in a room. We have a gas bay by the way He's like, okay. Yeah, we have a gas by the way, but okay We'll get it out later. Okay. We'll get it out at the end. We'll get it out. All right Yeah, yeah, yeah, I want to introduce everyone in the room. We got, um Gilbert, I like your wine shirt. Thank you. Is it new or what is it? It's new. I saw yours and I was like, okay. Well your hacks same bread your fashion hack. Yeah. I'm a biter
Starting point is 00:02:01 We got George whatever and uh, we got thin lips. I love him JJ Uh, we have a very special guest. Listen. I you know, I I I too am a fan of podcasts. I listen to them And when I do long road trips, sometimes when I go to sleep, I listen to one one and only a one called Sword and scale. It's literally one of my favorites Um, and we have the creator and the host here Hi, you know, I didn't see your name Hi, yeah, yeah, don't go high. I'll back up. I know I have to start over now. That's the portion All right. So anyway, you know, sometimes when I do long trips real long trips and I go to bed at night
Starting point is 00:02:39 Um, I listen to this thing called sword and scale. It's about different kinds of murders And um, we have the host and the creator here, Mike Pude. Give him a round of applause everybody Mike, how are you? Is it okay to say? Yeah? I'm doing good. How you guys been guy? You have a pint of bean face. I love it Yes, because you're cuban, correct? I am cuban. Well, my parents are cuban. I was born in the states But yeah, I'm Korean, but I'm an American as well. That's right. We're all Americans. Good to meet you Good to meet you too. We've met before I know we have yeah, but it's good to see you again Yeah, it's great. So yeah, another thing about you is is that when you smile it makes me so happy
Starting point is 00:03:14 Do you know why why because you just you have like you and kalala have the same I love gaps You know, I'm getting the teeth fixed. No Don't do it. No, I love it. I got that smile direct club thing coming You look good that way You don't like you better self-conscious about it. I am self-conscious about what else are you self-conscious about about your body my cuban heritage Thanks for bringing that up Now, let me say something man sword and skill. If you don't know what it is. It's basically um It's basically it's it's crimes and specifically
Starting point is 00:03:50 serial killers and mass murders and just weird things of that it's in that world And what I love about sword and skill is that they have things in it that I'm not aware of You know, you have ones that are remarkable and crazy and I'll give you an example that one HBO documentary What it was called a mommy dead and dearest might be dead and dearest. I heard about that I heard about it from yours for before even they even came out with that. Yeah, right. So, you know, you're I'm aware of A lot of things and how did that start? How did that story start? No, how did no, I don't know how that's how did you tell me the origin of the story You don't be a fucking asshole
Starting point is 00:04:29 You piece of shit I uh go ahead. How did you you were working at a what I was in marketing? I was in a desk job in a cubicle with the fluorescent lighting and you know Self-loathing that comes along with that. I could only imagine for like 20 something years It was like two decades plus and I was actually very good at my job But I wanted to get the hell out of it. Of course do something creative. Yeah Um, you you get a real rush out of doing something creative and feeling proud of it. You know, yeah I did this. This is mine. Even if nobody listens to it. It's it's nice to feel that
Starting point is 00:04:59 So what was the first one like you just kind of got the equipment or what happened? Well, I did like three other podcasts beforehand that were terrible and it took me a while to figure out what the Subject matter was going to be that I wanted to talk about and when I finally figured that out I was in a point in my life where I was so depressed and just at the bottom of the bottom. Yeah, and uh, literally drinking myself Into oblivion into oblivion on my birthday sitting at home alone Whoa while hating every aspect of my life and it just came some somehow It's just like this epiphany came to me that I love true crime
Starting point is 00:05:35 I love true crime tv Yeah, and and there was nothing at the time that that resembled anything like sword and scale. Wow Yeah, and that's I mean, that's one of the things that attracted me to it because it's like, um, there wasn't a lot of options And it's one of those things where I don't know why But I've always been fascinated by it And and there's that's only a specific kind of human being I think is right I think a lot of people are fascinated because of the fact that it's It's it says something about us like what is it that can turn someone into this monster?
Starting point is 00:06:08 And and and is that inside of each one of us and the answer is yes problem. I don't know Is it? Yeah, maybe I mean, let me ask you something. I mean, okay, if I had If I had someone's gene like let's say let's give let's let's say I was jeffrey I've had if I was jeffrey dammer. I had his genes. I was born in the environment He was born in and I had the same kind of life experiences Obviously, I would have probably done the same the same thing he did But what my the fabric of who I am from my parents from the way I was raised There's no way well, everybody knows that you're a very well adjusted human being so, you know, there's
Starting point is 00:06:44 No, I'm not No, Mike what I'm saying though, yeah, I have my frailties and have I'm uncle ching chup Uncle ching chup is there's a lot a lot of things that going on All right, but my point is is that You know, I don't know if I could ever resort to I could kill somebody out of self-defense Right, if somebody killed kalayla, I could probably kill that person But in terms of like scoping out and like when you first came in here The first thing out of your mouth was you want to see a picture of a dead body? Yeah
Starting point is 00:07:23 Which is not, you know, which is weird, right? Greet somebody. Yeah Right, that's like that shouldn't be the second or third thing that you say. How was your day? Yeah, how's your family? Yeah, I like your place. It's a little cold hot whatever the weather But this is gonna do it straight up. You want to see a picture of a dead body? Of course, I said, yes Yeah, and it was gruesome really gruesome and but I can't imagine myself and I that I could ever do that Could you most people can imagine themselves doing it? But but you know that there's this sort of darkness the seed of darkness inside which given the right circumstances the right sort of cultivation
Starting point is 00:07:59 Can flourish into a monster. Wow, that's really crazy to think about Really crazy to think about So what you're saying is this Okay, now I have a jaded view because I'm from Florida. So you guys are the masters. I grew up in the middle of that Yeah, psychopathy It's either florida or wisconsin wisconsin is some good ones wisconsin really well not wisconsin like the state Yeah, jeffrey domers from right. He did all this killing there. Yeah, and then you have the king again There's not a lot to do in wisconsin. So maybe murders one. Yeah, but all those two guys that that's where that was their playground
Starting point is 00:08:36 Yeah, but you know the thing is too. We don't tell a lot of stories about these serial killers That's like an extreme part of the scale. So we tell a lot of stories about just regular everyday people right you do somehow Turn into these things that Don't resemble human beings anymore, right like that teenager who in florida who was a party and And tyler had yeah, yeah, well, you know that there you know their names Well, I some of this a lot of stories. I remember the names. Yeah, tyler hadley tyler hadley He was the teenager you want to throw a party and he ended up killing his parents
Starting point is 00:09:08 So you could throw a let me guess to see what he did he took I know I know but I don't remember like he took a mallet of some sort or a hammer a hammer He went into his his mother's room when she was sleeping. No the mother. It's one of these It's one of these you know the homes where they have the shared computer in the middle of the living room or kitchen area I love those homes. Yeah That's a sure sign of a psychopath lives in one of those homes Yeah, but yeah, she's just on the computer checking her email or whatever and he's like standing behind her for like a full two minutes Yeah, just about to do it. Is it step mom or biological? I don't know biological. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow
Starting point is 00:09:46 Yeah, and then his dad comes in after good when he hears the commotion. He's just in the next room. Yeah, and then he claw hammers him to death And he's he's a big guy too Then he had friends who kind of like went along with it or like a friend who was like, all right, I guess No, no, what happened was he had the party he has the party right and people walked into that room We're right or no No, he somewhere along the way of the party like he's not having a good time at the party for some reason You know probably just killed Kind of liquor or don't want somebody to bring the ecstasy or snacks
Starting point is 00:10:17 But uh, but at some point he just starts to confess to a buddy of his At the party that that this is what he did and at first the friend doesn't believe him But then he kind of like Starts showing him some signs of blood in the hallway and stuff like that and he starts to go. Oh wait, this actually really happened Um Yeah, the party must go on I mean, maybe it was a really good party There is but you can we at least admit this
Starting point is 00:10:45 Is there's got to be something yet? Let me ask is there something wrong with the mind like he has some sort of Disease or something what's going on there? I get in a lot of trouble for this you do for me Really, let me guess. Let me guess. Yeah, people it's because people say, you know, 99 point something percent of people were mentally ill are not Um, are not violent Are blah blah blah. Oh, we all know that right. No, but you have to state that every time you talk about one of these cases Apparently. Oh, is that what it is? Yeah But yeah, it's true. I mean say something right now Can I just say something right now and I'm gonna say because I'm not you know in that world. All right
Starting point is 00:11:26 But if like Oh, excuse me Excuse, I just farted. Excuse me. I gotta turn my phone off if koreans. Yeah, I'm korean, right? If koreans like if most of the cases of like You know, the human beings are shitting in people's mouths when they're sleeping. Okay, but it was 99.9% of them were korean dudes Okay, right I would have to say You know what? Yeah, that's our thing or that's what we do
Starting point is 00:11:57 Right or no cultural. Yeah, if somebody said that right. Oh, yeah, it's probably a korean dude. I wouldn't be offended. I go. Yeah, it is korean Dude statistics. Yeah. Yeah, so why if that's is it a fat? Wait, I don't think you're understanding Yes, I hear no, here my logic. Here's my lips. Just listen. No Listen, what I'm saying is is this Serial killers and all these things that happen at this level right are generally done by people with mental problems, right? If that's the case, why can't we just say that? If all the shitting in the faces were done by koreans, why can't you just say it's koreans?
Starting point is 00:12:33 Now does it make sense? Because men to have mental illness is such a big You go from oh, let's get specific then as like manic depression all the way to like paranoid schizophrenia Or like all the way to the big, you know, I'm saying that you're not in trouble. All right. I'm gonna get in trouble Let's just let's just the korean community. No, but I think it's that's the other thing too Like it's almost like being part of a little club. It's like a little clique and people love to be in clubs or tribes or cliques And and it's like oh, you're talking about the mentally ill, but everybody's mentally ill everybody suffers from some sort of depression or anxiety Yeah, so it's not like you belong in a special group. I mean it's everyone But but we're talking about a very select group within that group really mentally ill. Yeah. Yeah, like extreme cases of mental ill
Starting point is 00:13:20 Psychopathy. Yeah, so why can't we just say that? Yeah, I don't know why it's so offensive to people maybe explain the korean shit in the mouth one more time All right, well, I will okay. I will all right speaking of koreans. I'm not done. I'm not done. No, I'm gonna do it So, um, let's suppose Right That all over the world, right people are waking up With shit on their face. Oh and everyone just yeah, just random people in india everywhere Why CNN is a different right? There's just a thing. No, let's just it's just a thing that happens an epidemic
Starting point is 00:13:57 Or it's something that happens throughout time even okay. It's in history books Right that people just wake up with other people share on their face and 99.9 of them are done by koreans Right. So if somebody, you know, if you hear about oh, yeah, you hear about joe. He got shit on his face when he woke up Yeah, and then somebody said yeah, probably korean, dude. Yeah, why koreans have no So why would they should they get offended if it's done by them? Am I getting in trouble for this? I don't know. This is an interesting You're mine. Am I not am I I'm happy you're saying koreans because I was hoping like I was pretty sure
Starting point is 00:14:36 Well, when I say korean mean philippinos And every when people are listening right now, they know that's what I mean Right is you you you you specifically you and your people I don't know what normally happens in this home Well, I love shits in bobby's mouth. Yeah. Yeah All right, so let's forget it. Let's let go of the mentally but I'm just saying though that um It's just it's you know And I think that I'm I the more than I know that probably all people have a curiosity about it
Starting point is 00:15:06 But like I know that like when I showed jordan peel Of a video of somebody getting murdered a long time ago. He didn't talk to me for a year And another thing that I learned from your podcast was that people Unknowingly due to can develop ptsd From like looking at things like children say for instance like remember what's in luca magnata? Yeah, like looking at those videos online of people getting beheaded and whatnot. Yeah, you know in that luca magnata Podcast there was this one youtube video of reaction videos because I show the reaction videos of people seeing the murder
Starting point is 00:15:42 Yeah, you do what can we where can we see that? Oh my god? See you guys? So they're all they're all youtube videos They're just reaction videos. No, I want to see the reaction. I don't want to see the video video I want to see the reaction. Yeah, you could still find them But but when I first started working on the story there was one reaction video that I really wanted to use And then it just got taken down right before I could grab it. Yeah It was a little four or five year old british boy. Oh my god Oh my god, and his little voice was it's so proper and so, you know so cute and so proper He's talking about like what he's watching and we I've seen the video. Yeah, and it's
Starting point is 00:16:15 Really really incredibly disturbing. It's so disturbing that it looks explain to the people listening who that person luca magnata was this canadian um In his early 20s, I believe who really wanted to be a star He went on all these auditions for reality tv And he never got his dream, but he decided he was going to be famous no matter what and what he did was he started creating this sort of false image online of who he was
Starting point is 00:16:45 like photoshopping himself in front of like a Porsche and like All over the world and doing stupid stuff like that and then starting getting all these fake accounts And and basically making himself look like he had all these followers when it was just him Yeah, and then he ended up basically getting his fame by putting out a craigslist ad Having a gay guy who he was going to have relations with come over Or and have like film a movie, but he ended up killing him and chopping him up on video Uh, and then didn't even love to the body made love to the body parts after after cutting off some Although I have to defend this part. Have you ever fucked an arm?
Starting point is 00:17:23 It really it feels I mean not pretty fast This area It's great, but the the the kid that he killed was that um exchange student from china, right? Yeah, yeah, and and and his I remember the chinese guy his parents didn't even know about it until like Weeks later and they're out in china in a farm. Yeah on a farm Imagine okay imagine you're a farm you have because in china you can only have one kid Yeah, so you're one kid is in canada in your head. He's getting in the education in canada
Starting point is 00:17:57 And you know you're working. I guess I guess they're making rice. Yeah Plenty other crops, but rice. Let's just say rice Or bok chai bok choy Right right right right right, so they're making they're just a little ching chong rice And they're just going oh Okay, we make our eyes. Yeah. Yeah classic. It means filipino. Yeah, I mean filipino. That's what I mean And then imagine like Do they see it on the news or did they somebody visit them?
Starting point is 00:18:31 I I think they they were notified through the authorities through various channels that that got back But then they were brought over to the us because they had to bury their son But just the way imagine hearing of the way he died Yeah, I would imagine they would think that that's what happens when you go to america at that point, you know So you saw the video. Yeah And can I can ask you some questions about it? Sure. It was a while back. So no, it doesn't matter. I know, you know, it's you know But do you remember just in general would did were you disturbed by looking at it? It's so graphic that it looks fake
Starting point is 00:19:07 Like it looks like a horror movie because we're all used to seeing like, you know the gore movies and stuff like that And that looks to us where that's fake. So it looks fake, but when it's real it actually looks fake because it's So real. Yeah. Does that make any sense? Yeah, you know exactly what you're saying. Yeah, and it it's very very very disturbing There's nothing more disturbing than seeing somebody have sex with a decapitated corpse Oh, man, let's talk about jesus for a second These are a little bit sad Dear lord, thank you for I'm grateful for everything. Thank you for having all my limbs Thank you for having Mike here. Thank you for his flat face. Thank you
Starting point is 00:19:46 Thank you for rice and the rice farmers Thank you for the Filipino shitting on people's faces But anyway, um Do you have PTSD when you see stuff like that? No, no, I think I grew up with uh, like I said, I grew up in florida amongst the psychopaths and um I've always had like a low opinion about human beings in general. So nothing really surprises me. It's disappointing. Yeah Now, what is your theory? Do you truly believe there is something in the air in florida that Causes these types of crimes to happen more
Starting point is 00:20:24 frequently there Humidity Yeah, well, that's why I said But my point is is that no, I I'll make a little argument here. I think south florida is one thing It feels south florida always feels like you're in america or like a modern city Is it when you go more north and in in inland and more where it's more southern? Is where that like i'm not going to say jacksonville, but I just said it Yeah, i'm not going to say jacksonville. Yeah, and then orlando's fine
Starting point is 00:20:59 But when you get outside of orlando, maybe get around the panhandler, right? Yeah So I think in those areas it gets like trailery and stuff. Maybe is that what it is Is it not just to meet how the media portrays florida? Like there's a lot of murder going down in in miami in fort lauderdale area Oh, sure. I mean, that's where the face eaters from from a few years ago. Oh, that's right. The guy on um salt uh back salts Yeah, I know if you watch the show, um For what another 48 hours? Well, that's the first 48. It's usually always in florida for some reason. Yeah, yeah There's a lot which is I always found that to be weird. Like why is it always in florida? It's very murdery Yeah, it's so funny because do you remember the miami improv?
Starting point is 00:21:38 Mm-hmm. Yeah, so when I I only played that room once. Yeah, and they had me in a hotel You know who I saw there. Sorry to interrupt go ahead oj OJ Simpson in that club. He was there as a just a just sitting there just watching the show. Oh my god. Yeah Wow, we've been trying to get him on this podcast But when I was at the hotel, I'd never had this happen before The owner of the hotel walked me to my hotel room when I first checked in and he goes So this is streets. Okay Don't go left
Starting point is 00:22:10 Jesus I go, what? He goes. Yeah, just don't go down that street and freaking just go right keep going right I've never had that before where it's like, please don't go left. What's that? What's on the left? What's on the left that's a coconut grove and there's yeah coconut grove is a very rich part of town That is surrounded by really really bad parts of town like the worst parts of town And that's a lot of miami too. miami in general has a lot of that So what you're saying is in miami there are like pockets, but around the pockets There's like little segments of bad area. Yeah, and it'll literally be one street One street where all of a sudden everything changes and if you cross that street, you're kind of in a bad place
Starting point is 00:22:55 Whoa, like if I take the wrong turn, I don't know much much about it. What could happen to me at night It's gotten a lot better in the last 10 years. Let's say but but yeah Oh, wow back in other cities. I mean, it's not like in LA. You just know not to go further South beyond USC, right? Is that what it is? Okay? I think that you're wrong there Because I am frightened of Hollywood. I think because there's such a meth epidemic here I'm I'm terrified of meth heads. I don't care so much about living in the hood or living amongst like Um gang members or all of that they don't they never fuck with me. Yeah meth heads fuck with everybody They'll go speeding, you know on the wrong side of the road at 3am on a fucking BMX bike and fucking try to stab you while you're
Starting point is 00:23:44 They're at it. Yeah, but they can clean your house too. They're really they can they're really good at it See because when when like two blocks from where we live here, I never walk there alone Yeah, but if you throw me anywhere else in the hood, I feel completely okay Yeah, I just seen too many movies. I think maybe yeah I think your idea of of like Compton and like Watts and all of that even though there is gang activity Yeah, it's not I think the Hollywood meth heads are far more dangerous. I think now it's changed I think that because You know, you don't see here much about the Bloods and Crits because I think ms-13 now
Starting point is 00:24:20 Is the top dog right in the that's what I heard in the hood in the hood I don't know what you know about the hood though. What do you mean? Are you thinking I'm making that information up? No, no, no, I mean it's a big organization. Yeah, what ms-13 is. Yeah, it's a very nice organization They have great management skills and they have health benefits. Yeah, that's because yeah, they do right. They have good 401ks. Yeah Um, that's crazy man. What are some new up and coming serial killers? I should know about you know some new kids on the block new kids on the blog, you know, I mean stars Yeah, like like independent serial killers, you know, I don't think you know about them until they you know Perform their last act
Starting point is 00:24:55 Right, right, right date. So what let me ask you this though What it's what's worse? I mean, they're both bad but like mass like if you were gonna be one a serial killer Would you rather be a mass murderer or a serial killer? One-time mass murderer. Yeah, Cho song we Virginia Tech was a mass murderer. He did one day one day of hard work Yeah, I'm a little lazy. I think I'd want to get it all done with. Yeah. Yeah It's you want to play like games with the cops kind of like give little clues about yourself You go you want to be like the zodiac? That's too much work. Yeah. No, I want to do the I would probably if I were Clues I would not clues, but I would just do weird shit like
Starting point is 00:25:40 Well, I would do things like take the eyeballs out and stick it in the butt And then the incident they're gonna what is the you know No, they would try to analyze it. That's just your signature move As they're doing the autopsy they're like, there's an eyeball in the butt. Yeah, like this is a so this is his trademark Yeah, like that's your trademark. I but I but killer Yeah, you talk about your podcast or like Or here's another thing I would do is maybe Split the body in half
Starting point is 00:26:15 Just listen. Just listen and put one of the bodies in new york and the other half in um Like singapore, are you mailing the yeah, that's what i'm saying So they pick up god, they found one half of mr. Johnson In this one area, but then if they found the other half, but so in their head, there's two eyes in the butts Yeah, like I want people to go let go this is is an alien I mean, I want to be the real you or not. You won't be the first person. I think there's a guy also sent body parts That he cut up to the cops. I'm a hack. Yeah
Starting point is 00:26:49 I steal I steal I steal he's stealing from luka. Yeah, but I would probably do something, you know But I didn't want you see why don't you even say stuff like that? I feel guilty now Yeah, but there's no such thing as thought crime. You're good. We just like to speculate about what kind of demons we would be Yeah, let me ask you is there is it hard to come up because I listen you some of your shit, dude Hmm. It's like talking to all the professionals and producing the fucking thing. Yeah, sometimes I listen to years ago That must have taken a month Yeah, they they used to take me a long time I had a now I have a team but it used to take 60 hours as far as 60 hours to produce one episode
Starting point is 00:27:25 You should do by yourself. Yeah, I used to do by myself and I had the job. I had a regular job Oh my god, imagine. Yeah, so you had to do your day job and then You used 60 hours for one episode. Yeah, and then you put when you did the first one. Did you think to yourself? I can't do much more. No, I thought it was I thought it was good Yeah, and I thought it was worth doing and once People actually started to listen to it then it was like oh now I gotta keep doing this But then two years in when you've been doing this and not making a penny from that There was a point where I was like I have to either make money off of this or
Starting point is 00:28:01 I'm gonna quit it because it you know, it's too much Well, so let me ask you that so you do two two years of it. Yeah, you're getting people listening, right? People started listening about Nine months into the first year nine months into the first year because cereal came out cereal came out. All right Yeah, so cereal came out and then now Two years in you have a fan base But you're not making any money. That's right And then you're going what do I do and then how did you you just got ads like we did or what would you do?
Starting point is 00:28:29 I tested it out with like a like an indiegogo campaign and We made almost 30 000 dollars and I was like, well, maybe this couldn't be something I can do Wow, and then I still waited another eight months after that before I finally started a patreon And then eventually I got on wondery and started selling ads, but that was a long ways in there's a lot of work behind You know, a lot of these guys now start a podcast and they think they're gonna get rich overnight And it doesn't work that way. No. No, we were unless you're already like a massive name like chris delia Like he was good at the start, but it took us a while too. Did you guys hear the chris delia?
Starting point is 00:29:08 podcast he did about My podcast. No, it's called yum. He makes fun of the computerized voices talking about eating little kids And he does the voice so real that the first time I heard it. I was like, is he playing that? Is what is he using to generate that voice? Wow? Yes. Have you met him yet? I haven't met him in person But we've twittered, you know, I feel like you're gonna one day do an episode about him too But I'm gonna say that on group content in front of everyone. There's a couple of whites In comedy a couple of whites in comedy that if they it came out, I'd be like, yeah You know, not surprised the obon another one
Starting point is 00:29:48 Yeah, you wouldn't be surprised. I'd be so surprised if I didn't do anything. It's for sure It's funny you say that because I sent him a bunch of like people's eyes That like four of them were serial killers and one was his yeah, and he's like, oh, yeah, totally Really? Yeah, but here he that's an example though. He's an example of Um, because of his upbringing, he would never do it because I know his family's families. They there's so much love there And there's just a lot of it runs the of like my family just now Okay, speaking of that. Do you believe that the murderous gene can be embedded in somebody's? like
Starting point is 00:30:28 Yeah, I think there's definitely a psychopathic genetic makeup We actually just talked to dr. Drew about this yesterday what makes up a psychopath and it was like It's it's a sort of a genetic thing that happened the brain isn't formed properly The like physically and so there's there's uh Some people are just born that way and they're born evil to be evil basically Although a lot of people can with the right support and the right family structure and love Can sort of work their way out of it and still be productive members of society But they still don't have any empathy for anyone they fake the empathy
Starting point is 00:31:04 Right and they don't have that remorse and they just kind of they they sort of know They know what it what you're supposed to do and they just kind of act their way through life Just to not be it's a gaze a hundred years ago Well, they were they got married and had children, but they they just they faked through it Do you ever feel like you empathize with some of these psychopaths where you're like, hey, I kind of feel for this person even though they You know severed and Fuck this person's head
Starting point is 00:31:35 Whoa, babe, just say kill I I hope so because the way that I want to tell these stories is so that the audience Does sort of see some sort of hint of themselves in not just the victim, but the killer as well There's a riccardo lopez Series of videos that we put out on patreon. Riccardo Lopez was this guy that wanted to kill bjork. Yeah, I love him I mean Big fan, no, I love him because he wanted to make the booklet right made the booklet with the age button The age button. Oh, you're my favorite. I love his work
Starting point is 00:32:10 I love creative Look Riccardo Lopez His pictures are creepy. Yeah No, no, no, no, he has he lost some weight. He'd be cute. He test well. He's dead. He'd be mouth shitable Yeah, yeah for sure So he has 10 videos that he put out that he basically bought a video camera just for this to tape himself Leading up to it and there's 10 videos that are each two hours long and I watched all of them You can see them on youtube still. Yeah. Well, not all of them. I have the whole thing
Starting point is 00:32:39 Whoa, you have like the um blu-ray disc. There's one where there's one where like He misses like he's waiting for some bjork appearance on some tv show and this is before dvr's and shit like that So he's waiting for this the whole time and then he screws up and he misses it. So in order to punish himself He gets in front of the camera and shows his ass pimples to the camera As like a self humiliation thing. Yeah, it's really weird But there's after watching so many hours of this guy you start to kind of like almost empathize with him because he's He's he's he's such a he's a he's not a dumb guy. He talks about himself being stupid but he's very very intelligent to be able to put this thing together and
Starting point is 00:33:20 He has sort of like an artistic sort of way about going about it And and the more he talks about himself the more you kind of like start to empathize But then you go, oh, yeah, he tried to kill someone I don't have any empathy. I'll tell you why the reason why he wanted to kill her in the first place Is why because he was looking at a magazine with Bjork in it And she was over the black eye right and this dude is so racist That in his head he goes that's right now. She has to die. But also what he was saying earlier
Starting point is 00:33:50 His brain probably didn't develop properly. He probably no shit all of no fucking shit Proper wirings to make sense or reason with with with things that are normal So he so he what I'm saying is this fool even though if even though Even though someone is pure evil and they were born with You know missing wirings in their brain. Do we have it in our hearts as full-brained people to empathize with the fact that they were born that way Because they didn't have a choice right this cha cha. I'm gonna listen to listen Chicha this chicha, right? He sees the black eye in Bjork, right? Yeah, and he goes that's she's gonna die And then this is what his thing. What do you know what he was gonna make?
Starting point is 00:34:34 He made did he make it? So he tell him what he was gonna make it an AIDS bomb which was basically some sort of book I look like a book it looked like a book that she would get is some sort of publicity PR thing That was gonna be very crafty He's gonna have like velvet or orange velvet with gold and all this and then it would have like a series of buttons And you push the buttons to open it Yeah, and then it would stab you with needles full of AIDS that he would get from a from a hooker apparently Yeah, so what I'm saying is is that that is that
Starting point is 00:35:03 First of all if I get a package in the mail A publicity package like here's a prototype and I look at buttons Right and there's little holes in the buttons, right? I'm not gonna stick my thumb and press it I'll probably go in the outskirts and see what sticks out of that thing. Yeah He told the and if little AIDS needle sticks out. Yeah Oh my god, imagine he ended up changing his mind because it was going to be too complicated. So he ended up Really? No shit. It's pretty easy. It's like very Mr. Gadgety. Deanna Jones over here. Yeah Yeah, so he instead he he basically
Starting point is 00:35:42 built an AIDS bomb he MacGyvered himself an AIDS bomb out of The same sort of concept of book that would open up and it would spray you in the face with AIDS He actually tests the AIDS on like a slice of pizza at one point, which is fun to watch Not not the AIDS the the acid. Oh the acid on a slice of pizza to see if it destroys the pizza Oh my god. No, it's the wrong type of acid. He's got to go get a different type of acid Oh my god, I imagine this guy But but you'll never She never got the package. She never
Starting point is 00:36:10 He never she never even saw him, right? Here's his mistake He uh, he got so nervous once he sent the package that he was just gonna off himself immediately He wasn't gonna wait to see what would happen. So he he basically killed himself that night and because of that the body basically Rotted for a few days and blood started dripping down through the ceiling Into the apartment downstairs And when they complained the cops came out and they went in and they found the body and then they found the videotapes
Starting point is 00:36:42 Which he confesses to doing everything to know that park Maybe we shouldn't um open our own packages anymore. I think so. Yeah, we get packages I think that would scar me for life. Oh, for sure. If they found that a fat like mexican dude back up there Or just blood in general Gabriel lacyus is up up there just dead dripping Well, he's a friend. I can say that Why am I fucking up? Look at your eyes right now. Everything I'm saying is wrong It's like I feel like you you you play this like oh, I'm super cool with dead bodies
Starting point is 00:37:16 I'll watch beheadings and you know fucking watch Dwyer off himself. Yeah, cool I bet you fucking anything that if and if we were to ever see a real body I feel like you'd pass out instantaneously and you'd like run screaming the other direction and I'd be left to clean the thing You guys kill the person off you and I killed it. You'd be like babe. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Oh, yeah, you would have to do the cleanup. Oh, yeah, I know. I know you and I could never No, I would know if I saw a dead body like like in that way like the photos you showed me I would probably have to go to hospital and get locked away. I would really be really traumatized by it Like in any kind of war
Starting point is 00:37:51 Even when you know world war two, I'd be one of those guys that just was That just ended up in an asylum deserter No, I wouldn't know. I would fight because I'm an american citizen. I'm a warrior And I'm proud of my country You fucking asshole Right, but I would fight like an american not like the philippines where we just get taken over And act like victims You know, I mean, we have I'm a man. Anyway
Starting point is 00:38:21 Philippine says a really hot um serial killer Who Andrew cananen the guy of Gianni Versace killer. Conan is great. You know, I met Versace. Really? Yeah Did you really? Yeah, but I ruined the uh, the story by telling you that so I was I was in a Edit that out and now continue. Well, imagine if six cents started like that. Yeah Bruce Willis is really dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. Just pretend I didn't say that Just just pretend I didn't say that at all. So so I was in a band when I was, uh, you know When you sit to the mix me what
Starting point is 00:38:56 What kind of music is in a band this guy? What kind of music? Uh, they were called the gaps Because of his teeth And ladderman was in it calyla Yeah, Madonna's in it. Uh, yeah, no, so I was in a band And uh, I used to write my own songs and stuff and I had a buddy who was also a singer-songwriter We both played guitar one friday We were like, what are we gonna do? We go out and we decided to go out to south beach And just go out and jam in the sidewalk. We'd never done that before
Starting point is 00:39:26 You know open the cases and see if anybody comes by drops a dollar in or something Um And it was fun. We were having a good time. There's people coming by and you know dropping a dollar to maybe some change in the guitar case And this really nice Mercedes pulls up like top of the line really nice Mercedes this old guy gets out walks up to the case And drops a 50 and then gets back in the car and takes off And we're just sitting there. I'm sitting there strumming still we're in mid jam And I look over to my buddy and he looks over at me
Starting point is 00:39:57 And he gives me a look and I give him a look and like did you see that? um And we're done and the crowd kind of disperses and I and I look at him and I say Did you see that? We just you know just give us a 50 and he goes. Do you know who that was? and you know being A heterosexual male. I did not know who he was. Yeah, uh, and he goes, uh That was Versace. That was and and it turns out we were actually standing on the very spot Where he would be shot a year and a half later. Oh my god. Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:29 Oh my god, it's put chills on my spine and so That guy andu kenan is from San Diego. You know that? Oh, I knew it. Yeah, he's from uh, he went to bishop high school Private school in la joya. He was a good-looking guy. He was a cutie patootie. Yeah, and um That's crazy Why do you Also, is that a downer that story was a downer? Yeah, you know what it is though because it was real to you specifically
Starting point is 00:41:00 I was just thinking about I was really invested in what you're saying Um, at first I was like laughing because you weren't a band and you were singing But then like once I accepted that part, right? Well, I moved on from it. That's the funny part of this, right? And but when the end was actually really kind of just really weird well, the the funny part is when he got shot right on the steps of his front door and The it was it's made of coral like that old school coral. That's very porous So the blood stain was there for well over a year. Oh my you tourist walking up and down the street on ocean drive Would see the blood stain and they'd come and they take pictures in front of it and you know selfies and whatnot
Starting point is 00:41:37 So that was a little more disturbing than anything else I also want to ask you about canada the laws there Mm-hmm because we listened to one that the the china man that was in the boss vinsely You know his name. Yes vinsely So let me get this straight. He if you guys don't know vinsely He's chinese He was on a greyhound bus. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:42:00 And there was a white kid sleeping there like he was right. He was leaning against the window sleeping Yeah, and the chinese dude just out of nowhere decides. I want to you know He started stabbing him first, right? So, yeah Yeah, large knife almost decapitates him with this very large knife He just had in his uh, and he was sleeping this kid though The kid was sort of like yeah sleeping wasn't really paying attention and he was kind of Trapped because he's in the window seat and vinsely's in the aisle seat So the bus pulls over now people are running out of the bus people run out of the bus
Starting point is 00:42:32 Yeah, and vince now has the kids organs in his hands Well, he keeps stabbing him until he basically almost cuts off his head He starts stabbing him in different places and cutting open ripping different parts off He starts eating parts of him. He takes parts of him and and puts him in his pocket for later You know nice little yummy snack. Yeah And uh, yeah, and everybody get runs outside and they try to block the door at one point He get he tries to get out But they're blocking the door to keep him in there until somebody some help can come
Starting point is 00:43:02 And so he goes back to the bodies keeps stabbing him Decapitates the head completely and then throws the the head into the The well of the bus, you know, I was like the steps coming in At the people that are holding the door shut. Oh my god And then oh my god, so they arrest him Yeah, it took hours. It took hours because people were afraid to get him in a giggle in there, right? Yeah I think the first responder to like didn't he kill himself? There was one of the first responders committed suicide
Starting point is 00:43:30 About a year and a half later. Why he couldn't deal because he couldn't get PTSD. Oh my god So is this true though after that the mom of the kid Found out that he went shopping somewhere What what she said it was basically the bus Had a stop No, what I'm saying is is that the kid the Chinese got arrested, but didn't he get like leave or he was able to get out of prison To change his name and then yeah, I think he was only he was only Held for about 10 years and it was mostly in a psychiatric psychiatric hospital
Starting point is 00:44:05 And they gave him more and more release For you know time and freedoms and like first it was supervised But then after a while it was unsupervised, but also didn't they allow him to change his name? Yes, canada does that Yeah, the first story we ever did was Bruce Blackman another schizophrenic that murdered his whole family and they did the same thing for him He's basically protected by the courts But not only do you get out and you after killing a bunch of people But they'll actually protect you by changing your name and your identity. Well, it sounds like this is absolutely insane A psychotic break, right? Yeah
Starting point is 00:44:38 What's to what's to Oh, no, I know, but what's how do how do the courts how are they so sure That he's going to abide by his medication regimen that he's going to stick to all of that that there's nothing happens again So it's not there's no assurance none because let me tell you something like you know My uncle my uncle in the Philippines Here we go my other uncle broad daylight machete with that day life Severed his spine and everything. Oh, wow And the reason I asked you if you had like empathy for some of these people is because I had empathy for him apart
Starting point is 00:45:12 You know, I grew up. He's my sister's godfather. I had such great memories of him growing up But he got released. He's released now. He's free. He only was in prison for let's say, I think 13 years um I find him to be still scary. You can have empathy, but these people still need to be locked up He's you know, yeah, you have empathy for him, but they don't belong in society Yeah, I think once you do something like that And I'm not saying that he they should be in a maximum prison situation, you know, we're Maybe they they could create a system or prison system where it's far more open
Starting point is 00:45:53 And there are just more things to do. You can get a job. There's just a little They make maybe build like a little fake starbucks Where they pretend they can you know, I'll have a you know, double cap. It's just water. Yeah, with almond milk So they can just pretend that they're in society, you know, and then give them like, you know television and like a dvd. Maybe we could have blockbuster video We have a little blockbuster video there Bring that back so they can rent stuff, you know, numb no murder only like there's only like romance Rom-coms and fantasy. Yeah. I wonder what the statistic is for canada for people like
Starting point is 00:46:27 Like committing crimes again people that they have re-released or released back into society. They're just very sort of The whole justice system seems to be very hell-bent on Letting dangerous criminals out. Do you ever see dear zack? Newfoundland, yeah, newfoundland That was let me just say something. I'm gonna look at you right now, man Oh god, let me say something to you man. It's all right. I'm so close. It's very uncomfortable But what I'm gonna say to you right now is this all right and everyone listening It is imperative that you see the documentary
Starting point is 00:47:05 Dear zackery It's one of the best Because it is so I mean, I've never felt so angry after a fucking document. Did you cry? Not only I cried there's there's like I googled the judge. I googled like Canada law and I try to like go. What the fuck is up with that? Yeah, but I don't want to give anything away because I want people to Watch this documentary basically the documentary is
Starting point is 00:47:31 About a guy that dies and his friends his real friends are making it initially a documentary about His life to show his son zackery Mm-hmm. That's the initial purpose of so when you first see it it looks like a home video You're just friends going. Yeah, you know so and so you saw we love them and this you know and then It just kind of turns Toward the end and it just becomes more shocking And it's unbelievable really Canada Yeah, and I love can't I listen, you know, we have a lot of tiger belly listeners that are from Canada
Starting point is 00:48:06 No, but you guys are I love I'm a liberal you guys are open really when I do shows there. I it's It reminds me of all the old days of sf San Francisco used to be the best place to perform because it was just so rowdy and raunchy And some parts of Texas is like that, but I love Canada's audiences and I and you and for the most part I I relate I relate to you. In fact, I'm I would even move to Vancouver I literally would that's how much I love Canada But some of those laws are fucked up If you eat somebody this should be a universal law
Starting point is 00:48:47 If you kill an innocent person and you eat them You should be in prison for life. Well, don't they I mean if if somebody falls into enclosure at the zoo and the animal kills them They put down that animal, right? Again, I don't agree with I don't agree with it either because it's doing its animal thing It that that right there is what hey kid. What are you doing in the gorilla's nest? Yeah, you don't belong there kid Yeah, and if you're gonna get mall, I was rooting for the gorilla when that happened Well, you had to cut that out We're not cutting that part out Wait, let me just say you can be team gorilla. That's fine
Starting point is 00:49:25 When the kid fell in the thing raise your hand. We who you're rooting for the kid or the gorilla Uh, raise your hand gorilla. I was rooting for the gorilla to be alive and for the kid to be alive No, that kid has to die If somebody if someone was gonna win or lose right so raise your hand gorilla Yeah, yeah, yeah, raise your hand kid Raise your hand kid And gorge has to break it. All right. Well, you're not animal lovers We're animal lovers. You're right. I love I love humans too much. Yeah
Starting point is 00:50:01 How old was the kid? Five six. Yeah, five or six I'm gonna say something and you don't have to cut the sound Yeah, I'm gonna say something I have to cut it out Okay, all right. I'm gonna just say and you cut it gorilla one human zero. Yes. Well, let's just say that Yeah, no, it's actually human one. Yeah, because the kid that would they they both died right the no, the kid did not die Well, what's the kids? What's the gorilla's name? Harambe
Starting point is 00:50:40 That was that was a mics band. Yeah, yeah, we are the zombies But harambe became infamous Yeah viral and memes were made of him. Yeah, can I ask you another question? Sure This is you don't cut this part out. Don't cut this part out. All right, but babe. Just all right. Just bear with me. Okay Mike, Mike, Mike, listen to me Listen to me Do you find that? And this is a real question
Starting point is 00:51:12 Then you we we we both know that when it comes to Serial killers or weird things like that murder and whatnot. It doesn't matter what color you are. There are black people Mm-hmm that kill There are Asians that kill. Yeah Cubans that kill whites down the line. Mm-hmm, but do you think that whites Take it to the next level Hmm
Starting point is 00:51:43 Like for instance You can't cut you don't have to cut that out. Did you just shock a george when he said that? Yeah, george just shocked when I just said that. Wow. He went like that whites. He said it was just fucking crazy But yeah, I'll tell you one thing. So, um This is interesting because I was talking to a psychologist recently who said that Uh, so for some of the really really fucked up mental illnesses like uh, paranoid paranoid schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, um Those are the ones that can be dangerous at some point
Starting point is 00:52:17 Uh for for and again not for the vast majority of people but a small percentage A large, you know, the percentage is larger in that group than it is in the general population. And that's a statistic It's a fact So move on. So here's the funny thing. So paranoid schizophrenics Schizophrenics think that there's a voice talking to them telling them to do things, right? And in certain parts of the world like india and parts of uh, the pacific, um Probably where they they shit in mouths. There's people who, um The people that are schizophrenic the voice that they hear is actually telling them nice things
Starting point is 00:52:59 It's telling them like positive things to do positive things like do your chores and clean your your house and things like that But in the states overwhelmingly negative murderous violence Things like that and I don't know why that is it's I can already tell you what it is. It's this country. It's a culture No, I can tell you what it is right now
Starting point is 00:53:22 And this is and I've said this before I think okay, but I haven't seen it in a long time Just you're not have to cut this out You're looking at me in certain ways. No, because if you if you look at like sweden's history These have they've had like five serial killers throughout their whole history All right, you look at any other like thailand's had six or something throughout their history Serial killers is what I mean specifically. Okay America has thousands a year thousands a year
Starting point is 00:53:55 I mean if you look at no if you look at wikipedia It's there's pages and pages and pages and pages and pages and pages. I mean it goes on and on Well, you're not talking about just serial like mass shooters and Matt all of it. Okay. I'm putting it all in one clump we I mean we We're the kings of it And I believe in western societies and I'll tell you the reason why and this is a theory Is I believe it has something to do with Christianity
Starting point is 00:54:21 Christianity just listen to me listen just listen The whole idea of demons evil devil. It's in the folklore of the bible, right? So people it's in our movies It's in our it's in our culture You know Demons the devil and in some other cultures. That's not in it. Yeah, but Using that theory. Why is it that specific? Yeah? Yeah, like he just mentioned india and the philippines philippines is the most devout Catholic like deeply in grain with demons and and all that stuff that you just talked about You know what it really is. Your uncle just chopped somebody up with his other brother with his fucking machine
Starting point is 00:55:00 What are you talking about? Well, what I'm saying is like he's not having auditory hallucinations He did it in like in a survival rage. I think it's cultural though. I think that has a lot to do It is cultural. I think it all has to do with also Hollywood and a lot a lot of that's what I was gonna say That makes more sense. No, no, no. I think it's all a part of it. I think I really do believe Christianity has something to do with that religion. We're just inherently violent Are we consume violence on a daily basis and all entertainment? Mediums, I mean, it's just it's part of our culture. I mean, sweetens. They play fortnight
Starting point is 00:55:34 They get yeah, sweetens. They they get the same Sweetens sweetens. They get the same things that we get Maybe, you know, it's something that but if there is something about in america That um Sturs that pot. I think that his theory of just like consuming violence on a daily basis is a lot more like plausible No, I think religion because religion is so white the devil the devil demons Just the idea of that there is a
Starting point is 00:56:04 There a lot of people with like paranoid schizophrenia do get fixated on a lot of like, um, like very biblical things That's what biblical and political things. Yeah, like those weird two those two things are very much ingrained in like paranoid schizophrenia Yeah, they say demons made me do it. I did I was hearing demon voices The devil political because they're always like, you know, I they're they're looking they're watching us the fbi See like there is a lot. Yeah, the president was talking to me through the television Right, but imagine living in a culture where there was no dead devil. There's no demon That's that idea is not it is completely foreign. Is there a culture like that? There might there probably is like where iceland
Starting point is 00:56:46 Is that a fact? No, I just made it I said it was so much conviction. I was like, no, I just I just completely made it up. How about I mean, I would say Okinawa Yeah, but okinawa Okinawa Okinawa I love saying that word. You're at a spelling bee. Okinawa. Okinawa. We say it in a sentence You know, you know, I get wild with you
Starting point is 00:57:16 That is He's really close again Can I say something right now? The reason I am the way I'm right now about all this stuff is because the subject matter is so fucking crazy You have to be able to have some sense of humor in it. Yeah, but I'm going a little too far with it, but um You know, we'll let the live listen to it. I think also just talking about it the way we do which is like with a half giggle It makes it not real in our heads. Yes, we're able to compartmentalize it a little bit better. So when we see a dead body I don't put it in the corner of my head. That's reality. It doesn't seem real and that's like a protective thing for me
Starting point is 00:57:53 Yeah, when you think about how many people consume Uh true crime podcasts or true crime tv shows as entertainment on a regular basis But there's real people involved real tragedies real death That is very real to those families. Yeah, I'm gonna focus on love I want to focus on helping other people You know, man like Mike if you were damaged in some way You know If we were in a war together
Starting point is 00:58:21 You were damaged in some way Your leg was all your leg was all mangled mangled up I'd like to carry you man To the zone the good zone the doctor. Let me see the medic And then I like hold you, you know, you're looking at me like am I gonna live? Give my mom this letter Well, you know, they sometimes do that and the letters got like blood on it. Yeah, I go. No, Mike. You're gonna give that letter yourself That's what I would say to you, right? Is he like lieutenant Dan?
Starting point is 00:58:51 No, there's a fantasy And then Mike's like, you know, he's trembling and he's like looking at me and you know He's wide eyed and you're looking at me and I could just put my head on your hand on his head and wipe, you know The sweat the blood and good. Look at me, man Um, you're gonna be okay And then we go to the medic and then like a year later. I see him at some VA hospital in Virginia Right and he's got no legs Right. He's he's in a little machine. So why didn't you talk to me for a year?
Starting point is 00:59:20 Because I'm still in the war. Okay. Yeah, I'm still in the war. I come back. I visit you, right? And you're just like a head half a torso. Do you have a what do you have like a fledgling shrimp company at the No, it's not for us gum Are you gonna go on a sailboat with lieutenant Dan? That's not what I'm doing That's not exactly. That's not what I'm doing Right I would go you want to live with me, Mike? You go, okay, because he's got his voice is half gone All right, he got struck by lightning
Starting point is 01:00:00 And since he's just a head a half a torso and an arm I just grab him by the back of the neck and I walk around with him Right and I there you go. Here you go. What where am I gonna live in your house? I go, you don't get a room All right, you're so small. You just live in this cabinet So I have like this little cabinet. It's good air conditioned. Oh, that's nice Right, you get like a little iPad at your TV. That's your widescreen TV, right? I didn't shrink in size Yeah, you did. Yeah, you did your head. The sun the sun out in the war zones
Starting point is 01:00:37 Just struck your head in a way where it shrunk it a bit. Okay, right? I met a guy who got struck by lightning and met him at a party and I was drunk and then when he introduced himself You blew him. I know. I know the story I know the story, babe No, he but he did sound like that like, you know that voice he just did yeah, like his name. My name is pa pa I swear to god, pa pa. No tata. Oh tata. Yeah, he had like a little like throat tingling. I pa pa like that Mike, how's the um, how's your post situation? Oh
Starting point is 01:01:09 You killing the game or what you hitting that shit or what how's your game? Uh, you know, it's all right You should be ripping it right now, man. Really? Yeah. Yeah You should be in the I must be doing something wrong. No, are you dating anybody or what what? No, no, I got out of relationship a few months ago Did she leave you she did Is it because of your what you do for a living? No, it's weird I get into these relationships where like I'll fall madly in love with one person and they end up Having issues of their own
Starting point is 01:01:42 And ending and breaking my heart and then I'll just go out with somebody I'll rebound for like five years with somebody after that Yeah, I just don't know how to do it right and then I'll fall into and crazy in love with some other psychopath So that's usually what that's interesting. That's interesting. You choose as your partner. Yeah, I'm terrible with relationships I'm pretty good over the podcast. You think that are you better with people who miss like Do you find yourself falling harder for people who have a higher ability to hurt you? I seem to really like independent strong women
Starting point is 01:02:19 that seem to have a lot of internal issues You know why if you were going to produce a movie Yeah about a You know a killer that people that aren't really aware of What would be your number one thing right now?
Starting point is 01:02:35 It's got to be something that people aren't aware of but that is something that could turn into a movie or that's interesting Yeah, so I think it would be the you know the pictures I showed you before we started here Yeah, that that guy's name is Matthew Hoffman and I'm actually writing a book right now Which is a series of short stories and the first story I wrote was about him. Can you talk about Matthew Hoffman now or no? Yeah, he he explained to me Matthew He had he was a weirdo. He was a tree climbing weirdo He would climb trees and and hang out in the woods And and he would like kind of like spy on like little kids that were in the neighborhood and stuff
Starting point is 01:03:08 He was a weird guy. Well, you know, look at it. Can I ask what would he be wearing up there? Like just camouflage gear usually like Matthew Hoffman Uh, he was young and he was actually very good looking believe it or not. Uh, he's in probably in his Late mid 20s something like that. Yeah, I kind of look I'm gonna want to see what he looks like so Matthew Hoffman Matthew Hoffman Yeah, so and he he he was obviously very sick though He thought this this tree out in the middle of the woods was talking to him That uh, that it's that it spoke to him and told him to do things again paranoid schizophrenia But this was this very large american beach tree that had
Starting point is 01:03:47 Died sort of and it had the interior of it was hollow at this point, but it was still standing for for a long time and he decided uh to appease the tree By murdering A bunch of people and bring you the body parts. He's a good looking guy, right? Oh, yeah Yeah, very handsome. Yeah, so would you shit in his mouth? So what so what so the tree? Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:13 Said to him what so the tree was We don't know what the tree said to him exactly But we know that even in prison when he was imprisoned afterwards He told an inmate that he was in with that the tree was had talked to him and you know that trees could talk to him And he could hear things they said But anyway, so he cut he go he breaks into this family's house He murders a woman and her friend And her son who was only 10 years old
Starting point is 01:04:42 Oh, and he abducts the girl who was 13 And he uses her for sex for in his dungeon. He puts her in in in his uh basement And and keeps her there tied up with with zip ties and stuff and raping her and stuff and He goes and goes to walmart gets a bunch of plastic bags and tarps and he cuts up the body Of the little 13-year-old no of the mom of the friend and the boy And he and oh and he also kills the dog and he cuts in a different Basically dissects the whole thing cuts up each body, you know each body and body parts and sticks it down this tree Um, he hollows out a tree almost like offer it to feed the tree. Yeah. Was he he hollows out the tree
Starting point is 01:05:22 No, the tree was already hollow. It was it had just died and it hollowed out somehow And so he made a little hole in the tree because I saw a little hole No, the hole the cops made to take the body parts out How do you put the first stuff in the tree then he climbed the tree the hole was in the top He climbed the tree 20 30 feet up and then he built a pulley system to hoist up the body parts and drop him down the tree He would have nobody would have ever found that of course behind told me that tree smells. Yeah like So then um and then so they how did he get caught?
Starting point is 01:05:52 What happened to the 13-year-old girl? So the cops It's a it's an amazing story of how they figured this out. So, uh, Uh, basically the the woman didn't go to her job that day and the neither the women went to the job The other woman was a neighbor just down the street and she never came home. So they called the cops The cops came out to the house They couldn't go in the house. They just did welfare checks for a few days But then one of the co-workers came out
Starting point is 01:06:18 Basically let broke into the house and found blood. So then she called the cops and now that she's found blood They can go inside So the cops can't even do anything first of all. So they go inside they find Blood coming from different spots in the house and then streaking into the bathroom, which is apparently where he cut up the bodies In the in the garage, they find the neighbor woman's car Which was weird that it would be inside the garage because they didn't use the garage anyway um, and next to the the car they found a Walmart bag with some tarps and A half used roll of plastic bags didn't have a receipt, but they were able to go to the Walmart
Starting point is 01:06:59 And get video footage and find a guy and also look at the receipts in the register to figure out Who had bought tarps and plastic bags of that particular brand And they were able to Sort of go backwards and then they could then they basically went to the cameras outside They saw the guy that had bought those things getting into his car read the license plate pulled it right up in the dmv And then so they go then they find them at home They go to his house and they find him sleeping on his couch in the living room
Starting point is 01:07:29 And here's the fucked up part. This guy was really off his rocker The middle of the living room where he he's sleeping on the couch right in the middle of the living room there's a big plastic tarp and on top of it a Three-foot pile of leaves dried leaves like eight to ten feet across three feet high When the cops first come in he's asleep they they arrest him and stuff But then they look at the the pile of leaves and they're they're not sure if there's somebody hiding there to ambush them So, you know, they start poking at it carefully while having their guns drawn And eventually they find like a padlocked door that leads down into a basement
Starting point is 01:08:05 And in the basement there's sort of like a crack in the wall that leads to another sort of basement area It's really creepy when you see the pictures, but it's all an unfinished basement and it's super dark And then they find a bed and a little 13 year old girl alive alive Thank god Yeah, here's the sad part of the story once they rescued her they brought her back now her mom's dead her brother's dead She gets finally put into custody of her father And her father ends up abusing her a year later and ends up going to jail for it So she got abused
Starting point is 01:08:39 On top of that God You okay Horrible Sounds like a almost like a sick alice in wonderland fantasy this kid has Not a good movie man. I I see three cameras sitcom Okay Let's make it a rom-com. Maybe because this doesn't feel like it's uh, it's so dark. It is very dark. It's so dark. I don't understand
Starting point is 01:09:10 I wonder what he was like in conversation Like did he have friends at all? You can hear him in the interrogation tapes. Although he basically for the first uh Almost two days of interrogation. He doesn't say a word He just stares at the floor and his um his parents any family members around him He had some family it turns out that he had gotten dumped just two weeks before by his girlfriend after he had tried to strangle her Oh, uh, he had a living girlfriend and uh, and he tried to strangle her and she and her kid took off and Two weeks later. He's killing this whole family. I know but I wonder like I always wonder like how do you start that obsession with trees?
Starting point is 01:09:52 I know it was probably hallucination and the tree was talking to him But it's like why trees, you know, you know, let's just talk about let's just talk about love man Say a prayer. Dear lord. Dear lord heavenly father Bless everyone bless the cubans Bless the koreans bless the filipino and I'm being real. I love white. I love everyone We're together, you know, and let's you know, there's a lot of good in the world There's a lot of love in the world as well, right? Correct. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 01:10:24 and um I think, you know, like I said, Mike if we were in the war Yeah, that's one of my things with you You know, and baby, I love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And sorry for talking to you that way this morning Oh, can we talk about that? Yeah, I was so rude. Boom. Oh, yeah, what happened? I don't know really why This is what the world doesn't know about uncle chicken chop uncle chicken chop when we do this podcast You guys only get a glimpse of who he is. He's funny. He's laughing. He's trying to put on a show, right? Every other time he's an absolute asshole to me
Starting point is 01:11:06 And on in the elevator today, I don't care that he talks to me a certain way while we're at home You want to yell you want to call me a bitch? You want to do all that? That's fine. We're in the confines of our home, right? That's ridiculous. It's an abusive relationship. It's not abusive at all. It's not I don't find it It's the only way he knows how to show love and I receive it as love. I perceive it as love. It is love It's I'm sick in the head. It's pure love. It's pure love. By the way, it's the purest. Yeah Yeah, it's what works for us. Whatever if you were to sell love at a store If you mine's in a cabinet high end Pre-high-end premium love
Starting point is 01:11:37 It costs a lot of money my love, but go ahead But he is the grumpiest person just don't wake me up in the morning. It was 2 p.m. Don't wake me up We're in the elevator And he just I asked him like a basic question. Did you call the realtor back? And then he goes off, you know, I told him I was like, oh this so-and-so this happened. He's like, why the fuck that was fucking it Fuck this and there was someone else in the elevator And he just goes off on me and I just ask it simple like we need to make sign signatures today Do you know that fucking why fucking bitch blah blah blah? I didn't say bitch
Starting point is 01:12:12 And then I didn't say bitch. I'm just clenching my jaw just waiting for this person to exit so I can Don't talk to me like that in front of other people Oh, but I waited for the person because I'm like this the whole time. Mm-hmm. Okay. Well, well, okay, sweet I'm a nightmare. Yeah, and that's what I'm a nightmare. The domestic abuse hotline is one Mike Mike. No, no, no, no Um Do we have a you know how this works? No, we do a question at the end. Okay. Let's do an internet question But what do we have time wise over an hour? It went well
Starting point is 01:12:45 It went real well Unhelpful vice with bobby collina and mike buddha Hello tiger belly. I'm a guy in my early 20s and I have an anger problem I try to be aware when I'm being uh petty and I let it go when it gets really bad in my mind We'll go to dark places. I'll start fantasizing about torturing the other person won't care what happens to me And I sometimes black out from the rage It's not until I've calmed down that I feel ashamed of myself a couple months ago I had a public incident and decided to change that about myself
Starting point is 01:13:14 I've been meditating and exercising to help the anger has gotten way better, but I still get cold at times What else can I do to channel this aggression? And is it possible to turn this into a positive personality trait? I love you guys k from toronto Well, canada boy girl boy girl a guy it always is young rage I do but the podcast actually has given me a lot of patience in in that Uh, I mean i'm cuban. I'm hot-blooded you know hispanic boy, but uh The the seeing the sort of ways that some of these scenarios end up
Starting point is 01:13:48 When you let it go too far when you let your anger get the best of you is a real eye-opener or very sobering But I think that the person that that is saying that they're having blackouts because of their rage Really needs to go get therapy. I mean just trying to do meditation on your own and stuff like that is is fine You can do that, but this person Really really and I can stress can't stress this enough. You need to go seek some help Professional help Whoa Are you saying what are you are you saying this are you saying that people that have those that kind of rage
Starting point is 01:14:20 Can't control they can't control their violence. It sounds like he can't if he's having a blackout He's having a public thing that that all of a sudden he's embarrassed about and you just can't control his rage I wonder where the rage comes from if you deal those on with the underlying symptoms of where that rage comes from then You can fix the problem over time and it will probably take some time, but you can't just be on your own Uh suffering through this and trying to navigate it yourself. That's a mistake Yeah, but uh, you know, I have a rage myself and my way don't say We were on the island of kawaii the most peaceful paradise And he was yelling at people out the window he's giving me dirty looks no, no, I like you
Starting point is 01:15:09 He had rage moments in paradise like over the smallest little things. No, no, no, no You're just you don't have rage. You're just impatient. No, no, no, no, no Um, no I don't have rage, but I do have a I do have moments where I snap the even in my Worst murder is never in the thing. I would never do that But you don't black out and you're easy to console like I can get you out of it in 40 seconds Steve too, my brother Steve has
Starting point is 01:15:44 He has it much worse. Yeah, but he would never kill anybody. I've seen he's pulled knives out But he's never put the knives inside me Yeah, which is like but he has to try to swung knives Yeah, you could do a lot of damage without resorting to killing someone Yeah, I mean you could do a lot of damage not just to other people, but to yourself end up in a lot of trouble Right like saying the wrong thing Even the wrong person I mean if you could if you're in rage and you say a blackout rage
Starting point is 01:16:11 You see the wrong thing to the wrong person and maybe that person will hurt you sure because you call them something It happens all the time in la like like road rage. Mm-hmm. We're doing murders just from road rage. Yeah. Yeah Um parking spots that there was a there was a murder on fountain These two actors young actors and one of them was working But there was two young actors. They were they didn't know each other and there was a confrontation A road rage confrontation and one guy killed the other guy And the guy's in prison for life
Starting point is 01:16:44 Um, so yeah, it can result to that go to therapy my friend. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah you seem like you You you you would not be violent toward anybody though I've never been why I I get very very angry at times because I have a very strong sense of justice like somebody's being doing somebody's doing something wrong to me I feel like I need to correct that or to even to someone else, but I I'm not like a physically violent person. Yeah, you know what, you know what man
Starting point is 01:17:16 Oh, he's gonna get too close again. No, it's not close. No, man. I'll say this right now. Hold his hand, Mike Oh god I believe that I am one of the chosen ones And I believe that I do live in the dream And I do I do touch touch the heavens I do believe that I'm one with the the good lights I'm a good light And I don't like what you're accusing me of
Starting point is 01:17:40 Okay, I have to take a very high offense to that Right. Are you gonna go on your no, because I'm pure light. You're gonna go on your elevator. Uh angry mode. No, man. I'm not okay I have um families Sometimes I fantasize about killing people Oh my god I do I have fantasies of sometimes I like to sit there and lay it down in bed
Starting point is 01:18:08 And I have a fantasy of like killing I had a fantasy once of killing a senator. Do you really? For real you're not you're not joking. No, it's the fantasy of like what I would do. Oh, you so foolish. Yeah. Yeah Anyway, what a great podcast Just leave it there. Yeah, I'm gonna leave it there. Yeah Devin Nunez That's a senator. There's a name Devin Nunez. I'm not sure. Yeah. Um, Mike everyone should listen to sort and scale Yes, it really is the best out there and um You know, I gotta say one thing. Sorry. I have to say this one of my biggest fans
Starting point is 01:18:47 Who's been donating on patreon 50 bucks a month for three years ever since the very beginning of patreon heard about me through uh through you guys And loves you guys So her name is tanya. That's all I wanted to say tanya. Oh tanya. I love tanya. You know her. Yeah. Yeah, okay great I can't remember her last name. That's her last name. Okay tanya, right? Yeah, she's the best. Um, we will you've given us a lot of content? I think that you have we've talked about at least like 40 of our episodes have
Starting point is 01:19:18 Yeah, you've you've opened my eyes to the that side of the world, you know And I think that what you're doing is it's well, you know what it is It's well thought out and you could I appreciate the research And I appreciate the professionals that are on it And I appreciate all that stuff and um, I like your voice too on it. Thank you. It's nice You really have a like a a real good Um Broadcasting voice. It's really it sounds pro. It's not cuban at all. You know and also on top of it
Starting point is 01:19:46 You know, I I don't know what you're doing right now in hollywood But the things that you're going to do but I really think that you Should do think about doing television and and and all that we're working on a tv show. Yeah. Yeah, and uh, I think that'd be great and um I just hope the best for you man. Thank you, Bobby. Thank you. Yeah, we want to pull your book Yeah, we're I'm I'm working on writing a book right now, but it's going to be a collection of sword and scale stories Told in a in a bedtime story format. So it's like bedtime stories for adults based on true things that occur. Oh, that's cool That's really cool. Yeah, um
Starting point is 01:20:19 And um, I just really appreciate that you're on this podcast with us. I thank you so much for having me on I've been dying to come on for for a long time And um, you know that fantasy about us being in the war together and use the torso. No, let's stop It's not sexual At the end of that man when you live in my cabinet with the tea iPad, you know, there's no fucking. Oh, no fucking Okay, how disappointing when he's sleeping in my in that fantasy Like I give him a little drug sometimes Gosh, I give him a little drug because you know, he says to the head a torso and one arm
Starting point is 01:20:52 And he lives in a cabinet that somehow shrunk for some reason Do you need to drug him to rape him if he has no arms? No, I don't want no, I don't want him to know about it And then every once in a while he goes, I had a deep sleep. My mouth is salty Oh Yeah, anyway, give Mike a round of applause Yeah, um I'm gonna be in Portland, Oregon next week Um, please come out and check it out. I have some Iranian dude opening for me. I like him a lot
Starting point is 01:21:19 It's great. His name is Assad. I think he's india or whatever and um Um And we got everyone here and I think we're gonna have to cut a little bit of this up a little bit Some of it, but not a lot. Yeah, it's a couple of things. Yeah, be open to it. Yeah, be open to it Um, and uh, thank you so much guys You can follow us on uh Tiger belly on instagram at tiger belly on twitter at the tiger belly emails any questions or helpful advice at the tiger belly at gmail.com Hey
Starting point is 01:22:13 Prime members, you can listen to tiger belly ad free on amazon music Download the amazon music app today or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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