TigerBelly - Episode 154: (Don't) Hold Your Breath

Episode Date: August 8, 2018

Bobo is a gash. Koloko is v blue. Gilbo is a delivery boy. We talk our insecurities, gold mines, five hundred dollar limits, and a meat foot. Patreon announcement. http://patreon.com/tig...erbellySupport us by supporting our sponsors!See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly ad-free on Amazon music download the app today Hey Anime Fuckin a yo, where does that come from I think Canada cool skater talk It's not cool skater. Let me tell you something right now. Okay. I think he's right Bucky I know Jimmy Jim Greco. I know Andrew Reynolds. I know a lot of skaters. Okay, they've never said fucking a Fucking a they have no they haven't I want proof. Yeah, I've I've done. I've done sketch with Tony Hawk I've done I've met all kinds of skaters in my life
Starting point is 00:01:02 Street, you know Style freestyle. He likes still says things like whoa bite my shorts, you know, so Bite my shorts like you should bring that back. I haven't used that but Dollars to donuts That before let's go through all those but fucking a though. Where's that is you think it's comes from the skate? Yeah, culture. It's no way. Oh, hell. Yeah, it's just like give me one skater Name me one skater aside from the skaters. I just mentioned Matt Hamill who I hung out with in high school. Isn't that the deaf guy from the UFC?
Starting point is 00:01:43 Is he a deaf guy from the you know, who's he signed by what's he's just the buddy that I skated with in high school Is he pro though? No. No, I need a professional skater that you know Well, then here's my point is you don't know what they say All right, I know don't I know what they say the streets level, you know, you know, you know what they say You know what they say at the big-time level, you know, I know what I know what you know What's happening in the streets, you know, but you know, uh, Kalisto and me when I lived in Silver Lake We were name-dropping so hard right now. He's a guy that lives in Silver Lake He's a skater, but we owned a skate shop called Juvie. Do you know that a good name?
Starting point is 00:02:24 I just remember I didn't know the name of it. Yeah, you've talked about a long time back Yeah, anyway a lot of skateboarders because we had a vert ramp. Mm-hmm It's what cool slang did they use there that didn't say fucking a what did they say name one thing? It just landed a triple flip kick awesome Let me get this straight you successfully opened a business on your own. Yeah, it could be a bankrupt in a year We opened it Like did you have a business plan? Did you get out like a business loan like you did all of that?
Starting point is 00:03:05 No, what it was was I you know when I when I was in San Diego, I um, a lot in when I was 19 I was at a there used to be a coffee shop in Pacific Beach called the Zanzibar. I don't know if it's still there, but Zanzibar used to be open 24-7 There was a Zanzibar in Santa Monica. There's a coffee shop. They had No, it was like a dance hall. No, maybe there's a bunch of Zanzibars. Yeah There's probably Zanzibar smoothies Zanzibar movie theater somewhere in the world, but in this specific situation Yeah, it was a fucking coffee shop. Sweetie. Okay, sorry
Starting point is 00:03:44 You just fucking pushed me over the edge All right, so anyway So at two in the morning I used to go there and play chess What why does that bother you why does that bother you because I know that's not who he truly was Bobby And you've admitted that no you fucking I you've admitted this to me You won't admit it to other people, but you've admitted this to me that you wanted to fit a look You wanted to read Dostoyevs Dostoyevsky and Have people watch you play chess. Yeah, it was it was not that you enjoyed it
Starting point is 00:04:18 Yeah, you just wanted to be at no shoes I would see the way I'm crossing my legs now you would sit like that I would purposely slip like this and have a cigarette one and express so in the other hand wave film Yeah, and I was Sad piano music played in the background of everything he did He lived in black and white We talk about existentialism Have you seen have you seen the movie Julejim. Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:47 Fuck you Julejim is a great movie anyway. Um back to my story Back in the day. I met this other guy named Kalisto Hernandez. He was Hispanic and You know, we just became friends and He isn't he was an actor at the time and he moved to LA and I moved up right after he did and we lived together in silver like and then one day is like I want to open a skate store and I go What do you need for me? This is right when I was making money. Mmm. And I gave him money when I was the early days of my mad TV years
Starting point is 00:05:28 And we opened up the skate store and it went bankrupt But it became bad between him and I after because of that because of the because of that business Because um, well one thing that he did was So basically I was the money guy, but he was on the he owned the thing even though my brother Steve mm-hmm helped out making the place like he he used to fucking drill and And and a cement sander and all kind handy. Yeah, my brother. Yeah, my brother would wear these masks and just go to work And my brother doesn't know you know, he just figured it out. I guess yeah, because he needs help like setting up his IKEA bed You know, I mean like he calls me for stuff
Starting point is 00:06:11 Bobby said he was doing cement. I know like while you're laying down floors I Yeah, I don't know. Anyway, and the one day I went into the store I just saw a shirt. I liked So I grabbed it and I go I'm gonna take the shirt. It's a medium. He goes. All right. Well, that's 49 95 And I By the way, I had thousands and thousands he had no money invested in it police. Yeah, and I go No, I mean, I'm I give you the
Starting point is 00:06:44 thousands of dollars He's like, yeah, but that was just a loan like I own the you know business. So it's 49 95 Yeah, yeah, and I go fuck it. I'm not but I'm not fuck you what yeah I'm not paying for a shirt when I gave you money you bitch also a $50 shirt And then like Anvil hundred percent caught and I have so many questions and then he like he is Oh my god, this guy's bad. I know you'd like him if you met him though. I'm sure I would yeah Yeah, I think you'd like but I'm a great chap But the reason why I don't hang out with him is because when the thing he he asked for another
Starting point is 00:07:26 10,000 to save the business So I gave him the money and they went bankrupt and then he looked at me goes Well, I'm gonna oh you 10 grand even though I had so much more money and invested in it and So I go all right. We'll fuck it and then He's his dad died, but he didn't know his dad Okay, his dad died in Mexico, but his dad was rich. Oh, so he came for money then. No, he didn't he was Adopted in America. Oh, but he found out who his real parents were and so his dad apparently like was rich and Left him hundreds of thousands of dollars in my head. I'm like. Oh, I'm gonna get my 10 grand back
Starting point is 00:08:08 I would call him. I'd never saw a dime So, um, have you bumped into him sends? Yeah, it's been nice So you guys are okay now. Well, I mean, I don't hang out with him But I mean, I wish I could or would but not after you told the world that he owes you You're never friends again. Well, I mean when somebody owes you that kind of money It's and and they won't pay you It it causes friction my my dad always doesn't know if somebody owed you 10 grand grand can cause friction That that causes friction great 20 dollars had a rule though. My dad always said
Starting point is 00:08:47 Never lend out something. You're not willing to lose or never lend out anything. You're not willing to get in return So if he helped people with money, which he did a lot of while we were living in the Philippines He just considered I know that now After the 10 grand now, it's like people call me all the time and they go hey, I'm strapped and I have a limit My limit is $500 And I like it's it would be almost impossible to get above that limit And so I had a friend I'm not gonna obviously say who it is, but this comedian he goes I Need a grand like I'm losing
Starting point is 00:09:27 My I had to pay rent And I go I have a rule $500 and he goes come on man, you know, and what if he asks you 500 today and then 500 no, that's it No, it's it's um, I mean if six months goes by he's another five I would do that. Yeah, I mean, there's a woman that's super famous now But and she she offered to pay me back But she but I said so this is girl who's super famous. I'm gonna say obviously who's super famous now He talks about this. I think George. He talked about Not a podcast. I know somebody that's super famous now that I would help
Starting point is 00:10:19 I hope helped out a lot over the years and then she eventually came up to me once she blew up and said Hey, how much do I owe you? And I said to her I Don't want that. I want if you're have any kind of say or power Get me in a movie You know me get me in a project, you know me help me out in that way I don't need it, you know, whatever I it feels really weird for me to borrow money from people Yeah, like I I don't think that I have I
Starting point is 00:10:59 Don't know if I find it to be Not in my DNA unless maybe I had children to feed and I was desperate Yeah, I would but I don't think I've ever borrowed. I never said. Hey, can I borrow this amount from I mean that that's why it's Actually, why I am not I can't I can't be homeless You wouldn't even I would be dead because I I would have such a difficult time Asking for money and what would your sign say? What? Oh, yeah, I'm not asking. I'm not asking. I need money That's my sign. That's good. Yeah. Yeah, just I'm ashamed of my situation. Yeah
Starting point is 00:11:34 I don't want to ask for any money, but I'm borderline almost dying I'm so hungry Please give me money. I would just ask for food. I don't think I could ask for you But the drugs you can't what about the drugs that you're gonna support your drug habit Are we hearing the puppy chew on this one? Yeah? Yeah, stop it. Stop it. He's teething. He's teething Stop it Right. I mean would you would you? It's funny because I was in a car in Chicago and I was with a super rich man
Starting point is 00:12:09 Like a famous person or just no, he's just a he's a busy. He owns the comedy clubs a lot of comedy clubs I want to say his name But he's three names. We don't know But he's you know, he owns a bunch of improvs Right and when I and when I play Chicago, you can look that up. He picks me up. His name is Tony and I was I was with Tony and we're doing press one morning Tony Hawk and we were sitting there It was really cold and there was a homeless man walking across the street
Starting point is 00:12:39 And I go hey, Tony, what if? Could you hold are you Tony? He goes I'm 78 or whatever. She's he's old and I go Tony if Let's suppose God took everything away from you right now Like all your friends your family everyone that you know you have only you have an ID and that's it And you have no money and you were in that man's situation. He goes in three years. I'll be fine And I go I don't know I you know I don't know if I believed him or not at his age, but he's like I would do everything I could to survive does he have
Starting point is 00:13:18 Like a good family support system probably that he knows that he could get that from if he ever no I said in a situation. I said in a situation where you know nobody Did he come from money growing up? Well, I would believe him because he owns a lot of these improvs Yeah, definitely a good business if he's a rags the richest guy, I would be yeah He has a record some people really know how to hustle one of my friends Marianne. She came from nothing in the Philippines I mean absolute like Waller growing up, you know, every every time we had a typhoon her house would be like flooded
Starting point is 00:13:53 Yeah, if you could even consider that a house growing up in part of her life she lived under the stands in the swimming pool like the you know the grandstands where people would watch and stop She lived underneath that and then she eventually made her way into the Middle East and then eventually she now she lives in like Aspen Or not no, she's in Denver She was an Aspen for a while, but she's one of those girls that if you told if just if she lost her job today No, like married someone or no, she hustled She's a single mom now, but she really just she just has that hustle in her and if you told her today that oh You're fired. It wouldn't she wouldn't go into a panic. She's like, okay tomorrow. I'll find something else
Starting point is 00:14:36 Yeah, they're just people like that. I'm not like that. I don't think I'm like that. I think that I'm um That a lot of my success has been luck Here's the one thing that I do religiously is do stand up I've always religiously done it. You know, you know me. I I I go up every fucking night That's the only thing that's the only Trait that I have that's that's good, but it's not I don't that's not work ethic
Starting point is 00:15:05 That's just I just show up and I just do one thing and I do it often enough and I heard that if you Find you find that one thing and you're and you become the best you can at that one thing that you're gonna be fine But in terms of like if all of this was taken away my condo all my family friends You would still do stand up, right? But if you lost everything, you know, or even if I did if it stand up was even an option I would probably be like The they have I'd have the biggest asshole in the world because I'd just be a fucking whore
Starting point is 00:15:42 You'd really sell your body right away right away day two not even like I'm gonna start the stand-up circuit again No, no, no, I would like I would just be the gash Immediately are a hole. Yeah, and and I would have like just people just fucking me in the ass for like 50 bucks a pop You know, there are other ways to make money and just yeah Yeah, why do you go to that way because I'm so lazy I'm not gonna make a hamburger Yeah, I don't know how to make this cardio, but it's still work and another man is pounding you. No, I'm not moving I'm not gonna move at all. I'm gonna be on a matric and mattress in the forest
Starting point is 00:16:20 You can tie me up. Are you gonna get the drive up to the forest? Yeah. Yeah, you definitely So you don't feel pain do you just put a stretcher in your butthole to just keep it like Oh, yeah, I'm not even awake. Oh, so you're I'm gonna have another side guy like you Gilbert I don't want to be here. I don't want to be in the scenario. No, you're not you're not have to do anything, right? But I don't watch you. No, you're my money. You're like my money guy my cashier. I made the transaction, right? So you just basically go he's passed out step right up I'm on my stomach tied up, right? I'm completely passed out Just intoxicated. When do you wake up? I probably
Starting point is 00:17:05 For 12 hours, I just I'm passed out for 12. That's my working hours And then you wake up and then what happens? I wake up and I go give me the you know the money No, not the money not the money. Give me the the jellies Well, whatever it likes like stuff to heal my butthole. No, no, like I'm neosporin Not only do I have to sell you yeah, I pitch you. I also have not put a neosporin in your no I'll do it on my own. You'll have a first aid kit, right? I'll have you get the neosporin and you know No, I in a situation. I don't have you're the only one that I know, right? That's that's a scenario fucking a Fucking a no, that's the wrong use of it. Fuck it. Stop Gilbert. You're misusing. Actually, that was pretty good guild
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah, that was good. It sounds better coming. Although when I was in my early 20s. I did have jobs. I Worked hard as a waiter. Yeah, I worked hard You know at coffee shop you get slammed and you just I know what it is I you know, I like that kind of job where you're just constantly You got so many things going on in your head that you have to do that the time just passes You know, I remember like Where I would work an eight hour shift and it would seem like 45 minutes because I was just running around the whole time Well, it was what are the jobs that I had? I
Starting point is 00:18:29 Once all my very first job in America was when I was 16 and I worked at LA Fitness and I had a really creepy boss You were what a receptionist or trainer? I would sign people up. I would also pass out flyers when they had deals Oh, I love I had a free membership. I'd love to hear your pitch. Those are the worst Oh, God, I was horrible at my job elliptical machine Do you guys think Just because I'm from the Philippines that like I'm not grammatically I don't know not grammatically
Starting point is 00:19:01 I just had an accent, but my English was perfect. I just had a really thick accent. So what would you like to say like? Hello Hello, sir, excuse me, sir. Yeah. Yeah, would you like I don't have any money. I'm sorry. Yeah, would you like to have muscles? Yeah, but then I had um, yeah, then I would do that for like two years. Oh damn and then I had a weird job I would have a water company No posting signs on the water company in Vegas. You never played that ever. Oh Abercrombie. I was there a while That's what I'm saying. Yeah, but that was like after college You worked there after college because I will know when I came back from Nevada. Yeah. Yeah was my first round of college
Starting point is 00:19:52 I didn't graduate yet, but I came back from from Las Vegas And then I worked at Abercrombie for two years at the Glendale Galleria. What is that like? Like horrible. I was folding clothes all day. Oh my god. What is that lie? I also just Hello, welcome to Abercrombie. Do you want muscles? Do you want muscles in these shirts? Working retails the worst people are so rude. Yeah, you know and and So yeah, so I worked at Abercrombie and then there's a lot of creeps there That would probably hit on you at Abercrombie and Fitch. No, not really I wasn't very cute and then I worked as a as a shop girl for a tattoo shop because my ex-boyfriend was a tattooist
Starting point is 00:20:33 All right, that's right. And then when I met you I well before I met you. No, I was a Tutor for anatomy physiology chemistry and microbiology. Whoa at the University. Whoa It's amazing. That's big money. Not really tutoring privately. Yes, but if it through the school me Not really Yeah, so like I just did delivery driving for sandwich shops three sandwich shops in Georgia and Georgia and then I got hired in the third time They're like, I don't know why you're doing this cuz like they're like you're intelligent. You should just be a manager They made me a manager. Oh, how lucky do people still clock in I had to like you have a time card
Starting point is 00:21:14 I had to stick it in the machine. I had to do a time card. It wasn't computerized. Really? Yeah Yeah, cuz all that we used to do you'd clock in Like with it like a yeah, like it would machine it was like Flintstones. Yeah, like the flint stone Did you did you work George? Oh, yeah, I always worked farm now I always worked for my parents mostly uh since they always they should give me a job I wouldn't couldn't work other places at home, but in college. I think my favorite job was the Sinex gas station night shift And while Washington I was there a summer and that was just the best cuz you didn't have to give a shit at all I mean, we get worried that like you're gonna get Rob
Starting point is 00:21:52 I think he was hoping for that experience. No, um, you know, whenever I got robbed by my buddy You know a six-pack could be waiting for me out front and I'd be like tell my buddy Hey, like the other guy working like hey, I gotta sit. I got I'm taking a ten minute break out front Fucking a man what how used to steal from the fucking no no no walla walla Washington if anybody else stole you it's not worth your life You know the fucked up employee my friend. Oh, yeah, are you laundering money from us? Yeah Hey, look at us right now. Are you taking money from us? No, sir You don't have principles on I got principles most of the time. I wouldn't I don't you know, I don't steal Ever as a kid. Did you ever do it? No? I mean, yeah as a kid. I just shop. I didn't steal. I did somebody else gum
Starting point is 00:22:43 Yeah, I love doing. Yeah, if somebody else took it. I wasn't gonna like report them. I did I fucking stole Yeah, because I didn't really have money growing up and I really liked Where were your morals? You know, who are you? I I really wanted a couple bomber jackets And like my family could not afford when I was in high school. I only stole from like big corporations It's that makes it I never would steal a gas station from a mom and pop shop. That's horrible. Yeah, but from Macy's Yeah, that's socialist. Yeah, you're a good socialist. See. Yeah, I would never do that But yeah, I was fucking steal like a nice jacket or two and I never got caught could I get in trouble for this? Yeah
Starting point is 00:23:25 No, it's all fictional she never stole not And if it was someone's birthday that I really cared about and he didn't have the money I would yeah, I would steal go to Dillard's Yeah, I mean, I wonder what that I mean I wonder if like I always thought if I grew up in Nazi Germany Do you think about that? Oh, no, I was in that. No, I was still public and I was and I was like you're gonna be You're gonna be in the military and you're you know, you just conditioned You're gonna kill Jews. Yeah, this is what I do with It would you I don't I don't know. I don't know. I don't I would I would hope to think that I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:24:08 But you know, I've been watching a lot of documentaries about war and even like American soldiers coming from kids from the farm. Yeah These dogs are going crazy. I know man. We can't win 5 4, 3, 2, 1 Tiger Belly Welcome to another episode of Tiger Belly. I know we forgot to do the intro, but we're doing the intro now I am Captain Bobo Bob Oh, yeah, we got flat flat. What's up? What's up? We got a fucking name. Yeah, howdy amigos
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah, oh my god, and we got the thief thief who steals the bases Anyway, welcome to another episode Tiger Belly and wow, what a week what a whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa everybody oh man Oh my gosh, we're like so far in the podcast. Yeah It happened sometimes guys you guys watch the show dark tourist. No, what's that about? It's the same Director, I'm sorry the same guy from the documentary that we talked about called tickled Documentary we did we saw we were mentioning about the tickling club competition. Oh, it has it takes a really dark turn
Starting point is 00:25:35 Yeah, that's not associated with tickling But it's the same guy does a show on Netflix called dark tourists. It's a it's I highly recommend it Yeah, it's pretty fun. It's fun because um, well sad, but fun No, it's fun because people travel to places where there was like mass death like yeah, I'm not there but watching it is fun Yeah, watching it. Yeah. Yeah, if I was there, it wouldn't be fun to be sad. No, but these people this guy will go into like um like areas like Kazakhstan Kazakhstan we're where you know where Russia did
Starting point is 00:26:14 500-600 oh my god We have to start over there. He's five five four three two 也 bag左搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭搭 What a week, what a week? what a year, what a good time What a year man things are going on. Wait is what this guy do? nobody in Kazakhstan um You get Russia over the years. You know there was an area where they would
Starting point is 00:26:46 detonate atomic bombs, you know, they would test it out, trial run, nuclear site, yeah, nuclear site. And this guy goes into, you know, the area, which is like with a Geiger counter. Yeah, with it is like, 10 times more radioactive than Chernobyl. And he in the water, there's like a massive like lake that was made from an underground bomb that they detonated in order to create this, basically this crater, which is now a lake, and they just go swimming in there. And people fishing. And they fish to eat the radioactive fish. Yeah. What happened to these people? They die? No, I mean, the guy goes to the fucking crater lake where the atomic bomb went off, you know, 50 or 60 years ago. And now people are fishing there.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And he's swimming in the water. And then he gets on shore. And these locals like, Hey, we're making fish. You want to eat? Meanwhile, they told them not to go anywhere below a certain amount. Yeah, because he died because there's a time there's the atomic levels are so fucking high down there. And then but the most interesting this episode is called the stands. But the most interesting part of this episode was after Kazakhstan, they go into a country called well, a neighboring country called Turkmenistan. And I I always knew that Turkmenistan was there. But I had no idea what kind of country this was. Have you ever heard of Turkmenistan? That sounds almost fake. Yeah. Well, there's I had never heard
Starting point is 00:28:21 of it. Yeah, there's Tajikistan. And you did the stands. You know them to that. That's a restaurant. Yeah. Turkmenistan. Yeah. Tajikistan. That's just next to Tajikistan is a country right next to all of us next to Zanzibar. Zanzibar smoothies. Yes, absolutely. Hey, shut the fuck up. Yes. So this this. But this place this country what's it called Turkmenistan Turkmenistan is run by a dictator. Okay, right. He used to be a dentist. I mean, I'm being real. No, but it's a hermit regime, right? What does that mean? It's like North Korea. They don't allow outside media. They don't allow outside influences at all. So that's the guy puts it. It's a cross between North Korea and Las Vegas, because it seems like
Starting point is 00:29:13 a very affluent, a very rich city all made out of marble. And the guy is like obsessed with things like world Guinness records. Yeah. So he has the biggest he has the world record of the biggest indoor Ferris wheel, the biggest statue of a star, a random star. Yeah, that's on a hill, right? It looks like, you know, you're at Caesar's Palace in Vegas. And it's just the whole city looks like that. But there's no one walking outside. Dead. Not a single person is outside. Where's the population? I don't know. Okay. And then they had this. They hosted this event that was called like martial arts or something, something like that. It was supposed to be a big event. And they spent $5 billion on the opening ceremonies,
Starting point is 00:30:00 which was far more than Rio Olympics. And it went on for four hours. You should see what went on for four hours. Dude, it was amazing. The light helicopters, people jumping up a helicopter, the light work, the whole fucking thing, the dancing, the choreography. And there's, they were expecting they were told there was going to be what hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands. And there's only like 30,000 of its citizens just sitting there, right? Just sitting there watching this light show for this tournament. And then they go home and then no one's out in the streets. It's really, I want that life. If you guys had your own small country like that, what, first of all, what Guinness records
Starting point is 00:30:43 are you trying to set? Oh, two, what's your big event? And three, I don't even know what you had to think of something really creative and interesting and like offbeat. Would you build it like a Las Vegas, just an empty Las Vegas like fallout? I, the biggest sausage sausage shaped like a foot. Okay. And it would be a yearly festival, my left foot, left foot festival, right? It would, and they would tainted green just to base it on my foot. Absolutely. And it would be probably the size of Madison Square Garden. Damn. Yeah, it's a sausage shaped like my foot, the size of Madison Square Garden. And it, if it does, if it's not finished, people die. So people have to finish this
Starting point is 00:31:29 foot every year, 24 hours every year until the next day. So that's one event. All right, that's a Guinness Book of World Records. Yeah. Yeah. The other one would be, um, um, you be smiling. Don't hold back. The biggest bronze statue of my brother's ass. Did you enter? I'm so distracted by these dogs. I can't get over it. Look at this. They're just chewing on everything. Yeah. I don't know. Should we just put them in the bedroom and leave them there? That way if they bark. Yeah, I turn off the things. I think I can't do it. I can't do it with all the animals. Really? Yeah. Okay. Turn it all off. I've never been in front of so many animals in my life before. So many. Should we give everyone
Starting point is 00:32:17 an update on the house that we bought? Yeah. Well, I don't want to, I don't want to talk about my financial dealings. No, no, no, no. The house that we said we got, we didn't. Yeah, because that's all. We didn't get it because I couldn't afford it. Oh, you see? But that's why. How can we didn't get it? I don't think it's because you can't afford it. Yes, I can't afford it. No. Yeah, that's what it is. Exactly what it is. Okay, but we didn't have to go there because people are giving us like housewarming gifts and there's no house to put it in. Stop giving us gifts for now. I overshot it, guys. I went and tried to get a house I couldn't afford and now I feel like a loser. Babe, we could live together
Starting point is 00:33:03 in a year forever. I'm just saying Joe Coy could get that house. Who else can get that house? Nick Swartz can get that house. Nick, wait, really? Yeah. Chris Delia could get that house. Russell Peters could get that house. A lot of people. Yeah. I love the slasher can get that house. Whitney Cummings could get that house. What else? Theo couldn't. Not yet, but he will. Sebastian Malsam and Scott could buy three of those houses. Could he? Yeah. Pretty much everyone I know could get that house except for me. Joe Coy can get that. Is it Joe already? Joe Coy can get the house. Yeah. Ken Junk can get the house. John Chou could get the house. Randall Park could get the house. Ally Wong could get the
Starting point is 00:33:53 house. Every Asian actor. Yeah. Daniel Lee Kim could get the house. Sandra O could get the house. See if you can keep going. How many Asian names can you see? I get a lot, right? Brian T can get the house. Ooh, Brian T. Yeah. Sung Kang could get the house. Okay, he's going to do the whole Cassifast material. Yes, okay. Yeah. Giddy Winanby could get the house. George Dikey. George Dikey could get the house. Masi Okie could get the house. He was in Heroes. Oh, yeah. He can get that house. Hero for sure. What's the fat guy from Entourage? Is he Asian? Rex? Rex Lee can get the house. Oh, Rex Lee. He's Filipino. What else? What do you, the guy, Benjamin, what's his name? That's his name is not Benjamin.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Who? Benjamin Bond. The guy from Marco Polo. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Benedict Coy. Benedict Coy. Bond can get the house. You know who can't get the house? Me and that fan. Hey, same both. Yeah, we're on the same boat. You see that fan buys the house. If you, if I bought the, if you bought the house, then, um, then I would probably coagulate and go into myself and not become a person that exists, you know, but any who, what happened was, um, just let me just get, might as well just, I want to be honest with my sub-kingdom. You can be honest without giving specifics, but here's another thing though. Don't say the numbers. Yeah, I'm not going to say the numbers, but I just needed an extra couple of a hundred
Starting point is 00:35:24 grand to get it. But here, check it out. No, but I want to, I want to bring up a point, right? So now I have friends because we talked about money earlier. Yeah. So I have friends like, you know, Delia, Koi, I have friends, uh, David, David for sure. And I saw David yesterday and in my head, I'm like, I could have asked him to loan me the money. Yeah. But I don't want to borrow money from anybody. Yeah, but he could, all, all he would have to do is this, if you're listening, if you're listening, if you're listening, you know, I'm on splitting up together, right? I'm getting that money, obviously. And as soon as those checks come in, I'll just give them to you. I don't think friendships and I know, but
Starting point is 00:36:15 that's the thing. It's weird. You shouldn't. Yeah. But how good are they? Are friends of mine? Because I'm going to say this. I know that Steve could ask me. Yeah, that's your brother. So it did. So that kind of money only is family. You can't ask friends. Yeah, I think so. I, um, I think so. Unless you were in an absolute bind and you wouldn't have no roof over your head tomorrow, then you would ask Dave Cho. But if you could just lower your budget, which I told you to do, and if we could just get a more modest home, which I, you know, which I, I'm totally okay with, he just wants a fancy fancy. No, I don't want a fancy fancy. I just want a fancy home with a yard. No, I don't want a fancy fancy.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Here's what I want. Okay. I, people don't, if you don't know my age, I'm 46 years old. Okay. So in order for me to get, cause I've been in this place, this condo for 12, 13 years. Okay. The next house I get is going to be the end one. I don't get that. Like not moving after that. Yeah, I don't want to. Cause there's so much money, babe. Yeah, but you don't know, like, for instance, if we have children, we want them to go to school at a better school district. Yeah. I'm incorporating all that stuff into it now. No, because the house that we wanted to go, the fucking, I want them to go to Beverly Hills High. No, they couldn't go there. The shitty school. Melrose, whatever that, what's that? High
Starting point is 00:37:45 school. Melrose. That's a fair fact. I want them to go there. No, that's not good gangs. No, and the good clothing stores, but we're there. Great clothing stores. Yeah. They'll be fashionable. Yeah. But anyways, I think that we should Gilbert, if I was a multi, multimillionaire and you needed a couple hundred grand to buy a house and I knew you were going to pay me back, I would, I would give you the money with the 500 limit. No, no, no. Oh, yeah. No, no, no, no. What I'm saying is, is that I want that to be a relationship and you, George. Yes, Bobby. No, he leaned in, but George comes from money. No, you could too. I let's just get to a point in our relationships where we can loan each other hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Yeah. When we get there, let's trust when we get there. But you know, it was a, I wanted that house really badly and it really broke my heart. Should I contact my cousins or family? I mean, they only, they're freaking multi. Yeah, but you don't talk to them. You don't have a relationship with them. You can't come out of nowhere and go, hi, I haven't talked to you ever. Hello. Hello. Hello. I would never do that. Yeah. You know, I should, I should have asked David. No, can you not? That would be so embarrassing. I would, I would. Oh my God. I would stall that. I would absolutely get in the way of that. What if there was a better house to come? That's why it didn't happen. How about we just get a simple home? Homebuying, stressful.
Starting point is 00:39:21 It doesn't have to be. Actually, I think that for most people, it's a really fun time. I don't think it's just been fun for us. Like even someone like Gardo was like, Hey, how fun is it? Got my new house, you know, like, and everyone is just moving in and it's painless for them. Oh my God. But I, but they don't have the same kind of requirements that I need. I need a podcast room. You know what I mean? I need location. I need it to look a certain way. You know, I'm more picky about image. And then maybe that's a, maybe that's a character defect of mine. Believe it or not, everything that I wear, even though it looks janky and dirty is the way I want it. Are we on?
Starting point is 00:40:13 We can be. We have been. Yeah. But we were, I was planning to cut it all. But yeah, whatever you want. No, keep it on. Yeah. You know, it's like, it doesn't all have to be funny. This podcast. Yeah. You know, why, why you love it? Cause that was funny. You say that. You're, you're so labile. Just like five minutes ago, you wanted to gouge my eyes out for saying that I wanted a simple home. And now you're like, you're saying, cut it out. Now you're like, don't cut it out. He said, he witnessed it. Is it on? Maybe there is something in there. You know how, how to tell if Bobby's angry or not. He turns pale. He loses all color in his face. I don't notice that. I noticed your eyes look a little more rageful when you're
Starting point is 00:40:57 joking angry. You can tell. Yeah. Come here, man. Sit up here. But then when you're like, babe, and it's like, whoa, whoa, I get that. It's the head shake. It's the head shake. No, I think he, his blood just shunts to his vital organs. Well, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's an, it's an emotion that I'm not, I'm, I've been, it's, it's something that my dad did. And I've tried to suppress that side of me of getting into that ragey thing. And I see my brother do it. And so I don't, it's, it's harder for me to get there. But I don't know what it is. It's just like, it, when I get there, I go blind for a second. You know, I'm better and I'm good now. But it's my rage. It's hard. But when I get there, and it was like, I wasn't going to yell at you.
Starting point is 00:41:49 I was just going to, I was just wanting to stop the camera and go, this is the reason why I'm telling you, you know, that's all. Just to let you guys know where my sensitivity lies. I think it lies in two things. When it, when you come, I'm very sensitive about stand up. If you're like really like, yeah, you're writing or you talk, you know, I get really like, I don't know what it is. That's what you're insecure about. Even from comments on that. I'm also insecure about where I'm at in my career. And that ties in with financial stuff. Like, you know, if those two things, I wish that I could be, you know, more open about it and, and not angry about it. I want to learn to like kind of be able to go,
Starting point is 00:42:44 nothing affects me. But for some reason, those two things do. I'm the same exact way. I, you know me. I don't speak about money to anybody other than saying to George and Gilbert, like I need to make more. Yeah. That that's the only thing you hear out of me. Like I don't, I don't talk about my monies with anybody. But is that more because as a personal goal to you or a perception of how people view you? You know, believe it or not, it's the Asian pressure. I think that I thought I was going to be a successful doctor or, you know, when I look at my friends from back home that I went to the international school with, everyone's doing something big. Every single one is doing something big. And they're all succeeding as
Starting point is 00:43:30 interior designers or freaking anesthesiologists or like in like, they're all like, you know, in some type of like big successful businesses, right? And I, all those kids, I was technically on paper smarter than when I was younger. I was class president. I was like top of my class, my whole life in the Philippines and all of them, all of their careers, it clips mine. And I think they're, America is great, but I think it's stunted me a little bit. All those kids stayed in the Philippines and I don't know, somehow they are able to parlay whatever they had there into something bigger. And I couldn't do that. So I am insecure about money in that way because I had such high expectations for myself. And she has great ideas about, I'm an idea machine. I just don't have
Starting point is 00:44:24 execution. The, not only in the execution, like I'm kind of similar to George, where I'm really, really good at making people, I'm a king maker. I'm a great side person. I'm a great manager. If, if somebody is wants to be successful, I can get them there. I just can't seem to get myself there. I can give them all the necessary tools and ideas and inspiration and motivation. I just can't do that for myself. And I don't understand why. And yeah, and it is a really big insecurity because I look at all my friends around me. And when I go home and I'm like, what do you do? I have a podcast. Yeah, but it's a good one. It's a successful one. It's a successful one. But it's, what is it though? Like, it's not, I mean, it's the Asian pressure of having the title.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Depends on what you put value on. Right. And I am happy doing what I'm doing, but I still, I'm telling, I'm explaining to you why I feel insecure about money and why I don't talk about it. Here's the thing. When you were talking, it's, I think everyone goes through whatever you're going through. Everyone does. You, and it, we're in the age of social media and comparing ourselves with other people's lives or whatnot. And I think that, that, that we just hit the root. And I'm the same way. The reason why, you know, I got a defendant defensive just now is because five hours ago, I saw a video of Joe Coy running through a crowd at some convention center. Why do you do this to us? Right. And there's a million people. Like, it was like the dawn of
Starting point is 00:45:56 the dead. Like they were just like mobbing him. Right. Like security. Right. And he had nine security guards and like thousands of people mobbing him. Right. And in my head, I'm like, Oh, shit. After my shows, no, I have no security because no one's there. You mean it's so in my head. And then, but this is the same thing. It's like we compare ourselves to other people, people that we started with. Or yeah, or even people I didn't start with even. There are people that they're younger than me that are doing well. And I go, Oh, you and I also, it's not a problem with really using our potential. I think we, there's a part of me that truly believes like inside my brain, I'm a gold mine. Yeah. Not in
Starting point is 00:46:46 like a narcissistic way, but just because of the things that I know I'm capable of. Yeah. I think that I am a gold mine. Yeah. But I can't fuck. I don't know how to mine. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Or I'm not choosing to mine. I noticed. And you're not choosing to mine. And Gilbert, tell me if you think like, I honestly have from all of our conversations with your ideas. It's like what you were saying earlier, like all your friends or people you want to help you pull the trigger for certain things for them. I noticed you have a hard time pulling the trigger for yourself. Totally. But I know that it's there and it's just, and I think the reason I wake up every morning and I'm feeling so depressed is because I feel like I'm in like a gridlock
Starting point is 00:47:24 where I'm like, I know what to do. You know what to do. Just do it. And I get so like, there's something in me that I'm like, I'm scared to just fucking do it. Yeah. I don't, I love when people fail because. Are you afraid to fail? I'm afraid to fail for myself, but I don't think other people who fail are failures. I'm like, yeah, that's part of the process. Keep doing it. That means you're succeeding, but I don't apply that to myself. I'm such a fucking pussy. I'm going to defend myself and I'm going to defend yourself. Just for a second though. Okay. Just for a second though. Is you're right. I mine. I have mined it before. Yeah. Okay. But I only mine when the pain gets great enough.
Starting point is 00:48:06 When you have to, when I'm suffering so much, what, you know, I'll give you an example. I have one new joke that I wrote in the last month, right? Yeah. But the reason why I did that joke was because when I was driving in the store, I was going to jump off a cliff. Like I was like, I was like, I was like, I'm going to kill my, and I'm like, you, if you don't, in my head, if you don't try that joke, you know what I mean? It's it. You're going to relapse. So I went up on stage with that mindset and I said it and it did well. And now it's a part of my repertoire, but I have to get there. Can you go to that place? I can't. How did you do it before? And here's the problem. I'll tell you, it has to do with, this is going to sound crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:55 It has to do with video games. And because at that time I was in between video games. Just hear me out. I was, it was, I was done with Far Craw five. Yeah. I had done the, the Mars, the Mars. I did all that, right? And I had nothing. And so did you notice that I was watching a lot of Star Trek next generation? Yes. Right. And watching a lot of videos and movies. That's, I do that. And also I did that with Handmaid Steals as well. I go into that when I have no video game to play, but then No Man's Sky can. And it's consumed me. Right. So, so to get to that place, you have to have no options of video games. Yes. Yeah. Dave, we talked to Dave Cho yesterday and he was like, dude, most addicts don't have just
Starting point is 00:49:54 one form of addiction that comes in. They usually have a dozen addictions. And I'm going to tell you why No Man's Sky, right, is an addiction and why I like it and why I escape through it is because it's a game where you have 50 things you have to do. And so you're, you're focused on, I got to get copper. I got to get to make this because I have to build this to get this ship to make this money and to get this freighter. And I have so much to do that it just, it takes me out of my own self and my problems. And, and if I'm not doing that, then I start like feeling the pain. And then when I feel the pain, I go to Star Trek Next Generation. Right. But, but it's in those moments of, it's when I start writing and this and that, but like
Starting point is 00:50:57 video games really affects it. You know what I mean? What's the matter? Oh my hands. Yeah. Thanks Gil. You saw that. Yeah. I think that we have a lot of growing up to do. I, I have laid my whole life down for, I think for you and I'm happy that I did and I'm happier succeeding. Yeah. But I think I, I forgot that I needed to put the crown on my own head. Oh my god, you're getting emotional. Yeah. Oh no. You can easily put that on there. Yeah. I think I, like, you don't have to be perfect. I'm just a really proud person. I think I know that because I know every time we try something, it's like, you're always talking about, I need to, like, it needs to be perfect. All the pieces have to land. If it doesn't land, I fail, which is weird because you
Starting point is 00:51:51 champion people to fail. Yeah. I think that failure is part of the process. There's two things that I know that I am, is that I'm proud and that I'm depressed. And that's a really bad combination because you're never, you don't allow, like, honest thoughts to come through, which is Klyla, get up and do it. I'll always find excuses as to what I'm not doing it, whether it's depression. And when someone calls me out for not doing it, then I become too proud. So what happens is just I'm a hermit. I stay at home because I don't want to, you know. That makes sense. But I need... I think that the problem too is we get this way. I don't get this way, but you get this way because I've kind of dragged you into the sleeping cycle. Yeah. For sure. It's not your fault. I'm a fucking
Starting point is 00:52:42 adult. I know, but you woke up at what time today? Like one o'clock. Yeah, yeah. You were getting better this year. You were doing like 10 a.m. No, I was getting up at like 8.30 a.m. Oh, yeah. Yeah, but she was being doing the day before 2.30. Like getting into that. I'm falling into this, like... I, my brother and I love it. Yeah. I love it when it was three and I wake up. It doesn't work out for her. I don't. Me too. I think that's... You do? I get depressed. Oh, no. I get depressed when I wake up early. I think the past three weeks. I do. I get so depressed. I believe you. Really? Yeah, because when I, when I'm up at, because sometimes I have to get up to do stuff, to work. So you're not happy to go to... So when I'm driving to like my call time and I see people jogging at
Starting point is 00:53:27 like 6 in the morning, in my head, I'm like, what the fuck are these people doing? Maybe, maybe more things would come out of you if you gave it a chance. Um, when you said that, sorry. When you said that was so like Disney. Yeah, yeah. I, let me say something. I, um... That's beautiful. Listen, I, I know how I work and I, and for me to change... Just hear it. Just for me to... That's the problem is that you really, truly think you know how you work and I don't think you know how you work the same way. I don't know how I work. I'm so, so sure that my way is the way that... No, no, no. That's what I'm saying. I know how I work in terms of changing. Okay. That for me to change, it's, it, for me to change again, it has to, the pain has to be,
Starting point is 00:54:24 I had to feel spiritual pain and because you know, I'm on the sitcom and we're starting and things are great there and I'm getting all the spots I want at the comedy store and improv and laugh factory and you know, I'm getting, I have this other couple of other jobs that are on the works that I feel at my age. I feel like I'm, it's going, it's going well. You know, and because of this podcast, this podcast doesn't help facilitate a spiritual pain because I see it work in the real world. When I go on the, I, you don't, you guys don't get to see what I see. When I go on the road, I, and I've been everywhere since this podcast, every city, every, even Canada, right? Everyone knows this podcast. Not, it's not, it's not the Ellen DeGeneres show where it's not Joe
Starting point is 00:55:33 Rogan, but what I'm saying is, is that I see people coming out, buying tickets and hundreds of people of show. If I say tiger belly, people go crazy, right? And this is, you're talking about, you know, Cleveland to Portland to Chicago to Houston to San Antonio to Calgary to, right? And so we, we're in this little box here in this little apartment in, in Hollywood and it seemed, you know, we, we live here. It seems like it's nothing, but it is something bigger than we can ever imagine it to be, right? And it really is. I don't know how to express that to you, but I, I know it to be true. It's up in it. It's an extension of my career. This podcast, it remade me doing theos, then Theo doing mine, doing Diaz, you know, I'm going to do Rogan soon in a couple of weeks.
Starting point is 00:56:39 It's all a part of what has kept me relevant, right? And it's done. It's, you don't see all three of you. Don't see it immediately now, but it's like this. It's like when I was on mad TV, nobody watched it and we would go out and nobody had any respect for it. But also I didn't do the road at all for eight years. So I couldn't go out there to see what mad TV was really. I stayed in LA and I did spots here. Every once in a while I would do open for Mencia in a stadium or something, right? But other than that, no, but it's only later when I went on the road and I saw, oh, mad TV reached here, you know, and what happened was the younger people that watched the mad TV, some of them became industry people or show runners or people that worked in the business.
Starting point is 00:57:51 And we're going to get that too. They're going to be creative people somewhere along the line, even when Tiger Belly dies eventually, that's going to go, oh, I know him from that. And I grew up listening to that. So I'm a fan of that guy, Gilbert George or Kalila, and it's going to facilitate itself into other work and other adventures. So this podcast, I know it seems like it's not, you know, as powerful than it really is, but it's powerful. These people listening right now, the sleepers out there, you know, they love us. I don't know why, you know, because this specific podcast has been all over the place. You know what I mean? There's been cries and this and that, but I know, but I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:58:49 and in Kalila, you know, you can say all the things that you want negative, but you did start this, and this is a big thing. You don't see it because you're in it, right? It's like me, it's like when I'm, even when people come up to me and go, this lady came up to me at the comedy store and she goes, oh, splitting up together. And I go, yeah, that was my reaction. And people come up, you know, comics, oh man, you're back, you're doing show, a TV show. Yeah, I don't see it as a big deal because I'm there and I'm working on it, right? So it doesn't seem fancy or it doesn't seem, you know what I mean? You, I know everyone there and you just kind of show up and, you know, and you put the makeup on your face and you do it and then you leave. So it doesn't seem
Starting point is 00:59:47 in my head when, when they were doing undatable, Brentmore and Delia and all the punches and all those guys, Glassman and they look like they were like having so much fun and they were in the, the center of, you know, if at all. And I think, and I thought to myself, because at that time I didn't have anything. I thought, I want to, I want to be in that party. But now that I'm at my own party, it doesn't seem that, but that's what, that's human nature. But what this is, is the party because people want to work here. But is it what, for me, this isn't the level, the, the limit of my potential. I always saw myself as somebody not in front of a camera doing things more and then kind, I just had expectations for myself. No, I know, I know. And I, you and George have been
Starting point is 01:00:42 trying to like unlock me for three years. You're like, I can see you guys trying and then getting discouraged because it's like, this is a girl who sits here for two hours and all she does is like spit out ideas. You get close. But then you guys can't like for some reason like unlock me. You're like, okay, what are you going to do? And then I get all of a sudden I'm like in a paralysis. I'm like, I don't know. What do I do? So I just need to get there. But that, but that right there is what life is, right? Life is, you know, somebody doing some, a job that has nothing to do with what they want to be doing. Or even if they're doing interning for a job, they don't, they want, but they're not high up in it. And it takes their career, they meet somebody and then they,
Starting point is 01:01:32 it offshoots and goes this direction, but it's still successful. But it's not exactly what they want. But that, but that in itself makes life exciting. And it's full of adventure, right? Because if, if, if life was, we, we, I got everything that I exactly planned out to get, it wouldn't be as exciting as, oh, fuck. Like I remember being in Thailand doing that shitty movie and I was in the forest with Chin Han from Batman, right? And we were going to go get a fruit plate somewhere, right? And we're like on these bikes. That's what you guys were like. Yeah. And we're on a bikes trying to get to this fruit plate place, right? And in my head, I'm like, in my head, I was like, I never thought, and it's not something that I
Starting point is 01:02:24 really dreamt about doing, but it was just a weird, you know, experience that I didn't plan, right? Or when I was in South Africa for two months and I did shows at that festival, it wasn't glamorous. But I remember being in a cafe in Johannesburg with Orney Adams of all people and we're writing jokes in this shitty little cafe. It was so hot and there's flies buzzing around and we're just laughing, you know what I mean, making jokes. And in my head, I'm like, I never wanted to be with Orney Adams in a different country. But since then, but I am, right? And this is something that was a surprise to me, right? So Tiger Belly isn't something that you ultimately maybe never dreamt about doing, but it is a
Starting point is 01:03:24 successful thing that it's, it's also, imagine this, there's a lot of comics that have tried podcasts and they don't work. It's not a guarantee. You have to hit what lightning in the bottle. There's just something weird about this specific chemistry in this moment that we're doing this that works. And so you did that. Thanks. I have a wish for you. I wish you'd stop waiting for the pain to get moving. I wish you didn't require pain to get moving. I know, but I need pain. Because I'll tell you why it has to do with my drug addiction. I also think that you romanticize the whole like artists like living difficultly and then coming out of it like a fucking, you know, up Phoenix. But it's like sometimes you just have to be systematic about
Starting point is 01:04:18 the way you work. Sometimes it's just about committing to doing like, you know, writing, even if you get nothing done, 20 minutes a day, just putting it there. Even if you hate it, just the discipline of it. Why are you waiting for the pain? Because it's like my drug addiction, right? The reason why I quit doing drugs and I turned my life over to 12 step groups and did the whole thing was because I couldn't deal with the suffering. I cannot be motivated without suffering. And it's been like that since day one, right? And sometimes I can handle a lot of spiritual pain. But what's happening now is there is pain there. I can feel it. Okay. Okay. And but it's still not greater than No Masked Guy.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Like, do you need me to take all the animals, pack up and leave for like six months and pretend like I'll never come back? Four specials. Four specials. If that's what you need to get a Netflix special, I will pack up the whole family and be like, fuck you, I'm gone. And I need that. Oh, shit. You guys, I might have to do one for. We'll be out of the podcast for a month and a half. I'll just podcast from a remote place and let's let's store some. Let's store a few up. I'm going to tell you what would need to happen for me to reinvent myself and to lose the weight and to work out and to write scripts and to write a full hour and everything. I'd have to lose spilling up together. Jesus, don't put that out there though. I would have to. I'd have to lose
Starting point is 01:06:09 Tiger Belly. Okay. You would have to be, you would have to leave. Okay. It makes me so sad. And then my parents have would have to die. Wow. So basically, don't, don't hold your breath about that Netflix special. It ain't happening. It's never happening, you guys. Let's keep enjoying the live shows guys. What are the days? Oh my God. Yeah. Also, if you know, that makes me so sad to hear. Yeah. When were you most creative? What was your schedule like when he was hungry? He stopped, he's not hungry anymore. He's, he's not staying hungry. I was so good when I was hungry. When there was no food, we didn't know his, when it, where his next meal was coming from. That's when people do their best. But also when you, when you finally get fed, you should use that,
Starting point is 01:06:55 the fuel in your cells to actually like, keep on going. I'm going to say this though, and, and you guys now it's so funny that you guys are doing this. I was making a joke earlier about what it needs it to take. Okay. It's, it's getting that to the point because of, I'm just going to say, I'm not going to say it, but when I went on Netflix yesterday, right, I saw a couple of faces. When you visited, you were watching, what's that show that we talked about earlier? Actress. Yeah. But then, you know what I mean, in the little boxes, there was a couple of boxes. I'm like, what? Comics? Yeah. Yeah. Are you what? I think I know you were talking about. Yeah. And that right there was almost motivating. Almost. Almost. Again, don't hold your breath, you guys.
Starting point is 01:07:49 No, hold your breath. I'm using reverse psychology. Yeah. Hold your breath. Hold your breath. That's the special call. Hold your breath. What a weird, what a weird podcast we have today. Oh, gosh. It's going to be everyone's favorite. How emotional was this? But I'm going to say this, sweetie, right now I'm not at a point where I can stop No Man's Sky. I have to get afraid or first. Okay. Have I said anything about you playing games? All right. Also, I want to ask you a question. When you look at me as a person, like when you first met me, you thought like I had it going on or had it together, right? Yeah. You thought that, oh, she is a responsible adult with her own plays, her own pets, money in her pocket, right? Yeah. When you see me now, do you
Starting point is 01:08:37 see somebody that's succeeded past that? Or do you see somebody who's like down in the dumps? Baby, if you were down in the dumps, I wouldn't be with you. Oh, damn. I know what you meant, but that sounded so hard. I mean, no, if you were somebody, right? If you were somebody that I was like looking around, go look at this fucking, you know what I mean? Piece of shit. Do I seem like someone lazy and not a go-getter? No. No. No. And I think a lot of it has to do with, you know, this. I feel like I'm lazy and not a go-getter. When I look at you, I don't see that at all. On group level, I have been severely depressed. Also, should I start eating meat again? And
Starting point is 01:09:29 if you guys are vegetarians and you have advice on how to deal with- Let's go to Korean barbecue tonight. I think we deserve it. I think it has something to do with not getting enough B12. I think B12 supplements, but I cannot- Let's go to Korean barbecue tonight, babe. And no trigger too. Like everything's going fine in my life. I am just so blue and I cannot climb out of it. I'm trying to exercise every day, but when I'm done exercising, you know you get that endorphin rush? I'm not getting that. Eat some pork. I know, but I think it has to do with my diet. There's something that I'm not getting that's keeping me blue. Meat. Meat. I've been a vegetarian for six months. Tonight. Let's
Starting point is 01:10:05 get some Korean barbecue, okay? Eight months. We deserve it. We deserve it. We deserve it. You think so? Yeah, yeah, we deserve it. Okay. Do you think that it's going to make me happier tomorrow? I think it is. I think it is. I'm so hungry. So, um, what do we have time? We're great. We're fine. We are golden. But you have to listen to it. Yeah. Honestly, you have to listen to it. Do you know, I listen to these podcasts like twice before it all the way through. And remember, this is an entertainment podcast. I don't want people to be dragged down. This might be the first one where you didn't see anything racial. I'm really proud of you. Reverse psychology. Here we go. Oh god, just cut it off now.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Um, should we do a question? Yes, do one question. Okay. I think we got personal enough without a question on this one. I don't know. Oh yeah, we don't need a question. I think it got deep enough. Like the question is the deep part. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think like, I'm on too much of an emotional roller coaster. Yeah, let's save the questions. Yeah. Yeah. No one told us. No, I just didn't want to hear that voice to be honest. Any shows for Bobby? If you want to hear more of this kind of material, check out the show. No, we should talk about our Patreon though. I want to do the housekeeping. Oh, you don't have to stay for this. Yeah, I want to go see the dogs. Thanks for listening, guys.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Thanks. But any shows though, we should people be looking. Yeah, I think Bobby does Brea in September. I think that's the only one that he has because he's currently filming right now. So he's not beyond the road. What is that? I think it's in September. Yeah. And then I think October and onwards, he starts, he's a little bit more free. So if you, for more road dates, you can go to bobbylealife.com. Damn, I hope. I have so many weddings that on September, but I hope I'm here. I'd like to for all of us to be at a Brea show together to meet some folks, but we'll see. Hey man, unlock yourself. Unlock myself. I need you to figure out what that is. But do you see that? I'm sure it's really obvious to you guys. Because I know you,
Starting point is 01:12:23 you know we know because you're, you're very close to a lot of things. You, it's all laid out there. You just need to pull the trigger. And I think my theory is that you want perfection. Probably. You want perfection. Yeah. I think I hold myself to some like absurd standard, but also it's like, why would I do that? I, you know, I'm not. Everything gets good after the third draft. It's never good at the first draft. That's the key to anything is like just doing the first draft. That's what I learned. Like it's, yeah, but I've also spent my whole life and my whole college career procrastinating. So you need, you need a, yeah, then you need a deadline because you have to, you use that procrastination to work. There's some things like, yeah, you need
Starting point is 01:13:02 like that little endorphin rush to get you to, like that rush of like it has to get done to get you to get out of perfection mode. Yeah. That's the, like there needs to be some, some, something that pushes you to get it done at this point. Yeah. Cause you're, you, I think you're a perfectionist and that's that you need the procrastination to turn off that, the judgment part of your mind so you can go purely into creative mind. Yeah. Cause I, I start feeling resentful and I'm just being completely honest. When I look at other people and like that person is not a better writer than me, but they're getting things done and I bow down to them, but I'm also like resentful, probably towards myself cause I'm like, I know that I can do that and better. Of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:49 And I, I'm fucking so just lost, I think I've lost faith in my own abilities. I wake up in the morning and I'm like, okay, you have ABCD to do, but I lately I've just not been able to even start before I could at least start, maybe not finish, but at least start. Maybe also just, I don't know, surround yourself with like like-minded people with the things that you want. Maybe. Yeah, but I hate people. I know. Maybe that's another thing you need to address. No, I don't, I don't hate people. I just, I, I'm anxious. I think what it comes down to is I hate to say it, but I hope that maybe anyone who's listening, maybe the same boat phenomenon makes you feel better, but even someone in my position gets fucking depressed as shit.
Starting point is 01:14:43 And I think I need to get out of that. I need to keep my head above water right now. I'm not above water. It was like chin or like mouth. I am like, only my eyes are out here. Like I'm really struggling and maybe I am really like good at pretending that everything is okay because I do that. You're not. But also if you are suffering from depression, just know also if you're like me, sometimes there's no trigger. Sometimes you don't need to have something wrong in your life to feel this blue. Sometimes your fucking chemicals are just off. But if you're feeling like me, I should probably see my therapist more, which I haven't been because I thought that I might. I'll probably help. I'll probably help. Also eat meat. Eat. You lunatic. I know. I need to,
Starting point is 01:15:29 I need to eat meat. Nothing wrong with being vegetarian. Shout out to Bryce. Bryce Halleck. Make sure you follow Bryce Halleck. He still has less followers than George. As it should be. As it should be. The world is in order. The world is in order. You guys are so great though because when I do hang out with it, both of you, those are the times where I feel like I don't have to be perfect. I can just say things out. You know what I mean? Like all my ideas, I can just lay out there and you guys just listen. I would never do that with anybody else. I'm too insecure for that. But you should try. Okay. Answer this question honestly. Other than your girl group, which is
Starting point is 01:16:06 like basically family and then Tiger Belly, fam. How many new friends have you made in the past six months and not like acquaintances like, Hey, let's meet up for coffee. How's life going? Like deep friendships? Yeah. Or at least trying to cultivate one. Dude, you're going to make me feel bad now. That's something I had to look at. Aside from you guys, aside from Jessica, my sister, Eduardo, Jenna. Jenna was the last friend that I made. We're just five years ago. Yeah. Ask yourself why. I also feel like in order to be really great friends to them, I don't have to have 80 different acquaintances. Like my energy, I work in small groups the best. I just do. I think that in order
Starting point is 01:16:56 for me to love them the best way that I can, my energies are always when I wake up in the morning, I make sure they're everyone's okay. But five is the number. That's my limit. Yeah. Anything else, I feel like I'm spreading myself too thin. I get that. You know, but you're right. When you invite me, I need to say yes. And I need to get out of my hole. But also just join. You gotta join. Gilbert invites you to. He invites me all the time. Come out this to this food thing. It's really just a punter off on you. Interesting. Are you complaining? I just hooked you up with a girl on Instagram. You did? You should not respond to the friend. I got two more. You did? I got two more, by the way. Didn't work at all. You didn't contact you?
Starting point is 01:17:35 No. So one of my friends, I posted a very good picture of George on my Instagram. A very average picture just, but it did look good, right? Your jawline was great. And some girls like, oh my gosh, can I introduce that man to my friend? I was like, yeah, you got to be all dumb. Hey, can I hook you up with a family member? Is that not good? Say no unless she makes a new friend this week. That's our currency now. You have to go talk to someone. You have to show proof. I am hoping to all, all hookups as long as it's not insulting. I asked my friend Andres's wife to like, like it was my last, like the last new person. I was like, Oh, hey, do you have any friends? And she was like, Oh yeah, I've got somebody perfect for you. Yeah. I have never been more
Starting point is 01:18:17 insulted in my life. I went to into a depression for like three months. Can I just describe her to you? I've known her since I was 17 years old. She's a family friend. She is 2028 now. She is, to me, the most sincere, most badass girl I know in the Philippines. She doesn't come from money, but she is just a straight shooter, honest, outdoorsy cool chick. I love her. In fact, I love her more than 99.9% of all my family in the Philippines. We didn't grow up in the same circle. I just met her later on in my life because I went to her province and she took me up the most dangerous hike I have ever been on in my life because she said we were looking for monkeys. And she fed me bananas that were all full of seeds. If you don't think bananas have seeds, try, try
Starting point is 01:19:13 this one little province. But she was like, Come on, you need a snack. Your sugar is dropping. And she did this hike in fucking flip-flops. I had hiking shoes and I was dying. And there was lightning and rain. There was like torrential storm. She is the dopest, most productive, most the best person I can think of. And every other day, she checks in on me and says, Kalyla, how are you? I miss you. She's just a great person. I think I know who it is. Who is it? Maine Mendoza? No, she's a celebrity. I'm saying is it Maine Mendoza? No. And Curtis. You're so dumb. You don't even know Filipino actor. It's not like I have a list of top 10 Filipina celebrities. Maybe who you know, put the computer down. Angel Lawson, Sarah. Do you
Starting point is 01:20:04 say Lokeson? Yeah. Sarah Geronimo. Do you know Marian Rivera? Marian Rivera. Marian. I know Tony Gonzaga. Name me the guys. Sam Milby. From Ohio. Shout out to Ohio. I don't know. A lot of my friends went into the industry, you know, back home. You could have. Hell, though. You could have been a judge on Angel's Got Talent. Maybe. What was my particular talent, Ian? It doesn't matter. You're a great judge of talent, obviously. See, you've proven that. Before we move on from that, I think you should join a class without your sister. That's so funny. That's thinking of joining classes just to like get out more. Because I always, I always have somebody with me. Yeah, you need to do one alone and just see who you meet. You never know. It might even be someone
Starting point is 01:20:57 that can help you with that drink company you're trying to start. Did I seem really excited about that company? Yeah, and I wish you'd follow up on that. Thank you. Why'd you just give it away, though? People don't know what that is. Soursop. No one knows what that is. Soursop. You need Tiger Belly money to start the company. I need capital, guys. There's an investor out there. I'm sure there is. Yeah, Tiger Belly. We're sitting on some money. But you got to go to industry things so you can meet these people and hear your, we can hear your great ideas. Also, why fucking why, Kalyla? Like, your life is fucking fine. I hate when I get into this, where I'm like, everybody, like everybody has these feelings. So that's the thing. Like, you can't like say, like,
Starting point is 01:21:39 the richer people are, the more depressed they are, is the thing. Like, the better somebody's life is, actually, depression, or people, the only people who are suicidal are ones who are actually like half of their basic needs met. Because if you're fighting for your basic needs, you're not thinking about that. You're just thinking about survival. So like, the more your basic needs are met, the better you are, the more you're thinking about like, what does my life mean? So the higher you are actually like in life, the more like difficult it is emotionally. Yeah. So you're doing, the problem is, yeah, you're actually, you're doing well. So you're always, you're going to think about like, what does my life mean? What am I doing? What am I
Starting point is 01:22:16 contributing to society? And that only happens like once you're, if you're working three jobs, and you have to struggle just to like, make ends meet, you're worried about that you might be a little depressed, but you don't have time to like, really feel it. So I think like, people, yeah, it's people are worse when like, I pity rich people, I pity people who are doing well, like that's like doing a lot better than me. I pity people who are born with more because they have more to prove. Your baseline of where you have to be to be like, feel good about yourself is higher. Yeah. And I think that, I think you're absolutely right. They also do think that I, you know how they say like, throw yourself in new situations or uncomfortable, but I have not,
Starting point is 01:23:01 my idea of uncomfortable is, oh, you should do, you know, dive deeper in the water. And I'm like, why, I do things that are like, outdoorsy uncomfortable, but I'm like, that's not helpful. That's your comfort zone. Yeah. I'm like, wait, this is what I'm comfortable. And like, I think that I'm pushing myself or I'm like, come on, you got to hold your, you know, hold your breath, like a minute longer. And you got to like, really push it and be uncomfortable. I don't think that's what they mean. I think I should probably go out and shake like a hundred strangers hands because that's what I'm scared to do. If that was a training thing for the pickup artists when I used to do it back with the hands, but you have a dry hands. Fuck you. No,
Starting point is 01:23:38 they get to just meet a hundred people and just introduce yourself and walk, compliment them and walk away. So you're used to compliment. Okay. What are the compliments though? Hey man, love your hair. Have a good day. That's it. How weird is that to walk up to a stranger and say that? But it's weird. But do you mean it? We got to just be genuine. Okay. Good. Cause I was going to say, don't do that. Hey man, love your hair. He's like, I'm bold. I'm sorry. It was fake. There are people who are really good at that. And I sometimes I think that's necessary to do because you don't know who you're actually going to make feel better. So even if they don't know if you're being genuine or not, but it does make them feel better. But for me, I can't do that.
Starting point is 01:24:15 But be genuine. Like I, when Jenna comes through the door, I'm like, dude, you look like shit. Dude. And then she'll say the same to me. She's like, Kaila, you look crusty as fuck. I'm like, damn, I am. I'd be like, Jenna, stop pushing and hashtag pussy so lit. I was over at her house and I was like, Hey, what's your wifi? And she's like, go through it and guess. What was it? The same thing. Really? Yeah. Plus he lit series. That's serious. I was thinking I should need to start my account. Just do dick so lit, you know, just do a parody account. Anyways, would you have any shout outs? Shout outs. Shout out to uh, Demetrius Johnson and shout out, you know, for just being a champion. I thought he won.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Thought he won. That's all I'm gonna say. That's all we're gonna say. I thought he won. Shout out to what else, Theo Vaughn. Um, I still can't get some of the things he said on the last podcast out of my head. Just weird things, that guy. And Bobby's so right. When he closes his eyes, I've been studying him now in interview. When he closes his eyes, that's when he just makes up shit. He goes like, Oh, no, man. Gang gang, bro. Yeah. Yeah. Colada. This is a baby maker. Yeah. Like what? He's a genius. He's a genius. Him and Bobby should have a show. Um, any shout outs for you, George? Shout out to Dumbfounders. He's got a great new podcast. Oh my God. Fun with Dumb. Who's producing it? Oh, yeah. Okay. I'm a little involved,
Starting point is 01:25:44 but yeah, we've had Jimmy Yang on. Oh, we've got a few, uh, I'm coming to guess. Oh, I wish Bobby was here. I wanted to say. I'm coming to guess Roy Choi and Aquafina. So, uh, be sure to subscribe to get the all the new episodes. I want Roy Choi on this podcast. Can you get Roy Choi on this podcast? Yes, we can. Thanks to, uh, thank you. Thanks to my Konect. Yeah. So, uh, thanks for letting me do the shout out and shout out to all our five star reviews on iTunes. Pam and Simba from San Francisco, Joey Ketoy, Kevin Necru, Jason Arceo, and remember to sign your name to the, uh, review just so we can, uh, shout you out here. And, uh, and, um, a lot of people have been asking for more Targaryen Rebellion guys. Yeah. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Olivia Munn's been asking about it.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Olivia Munn, if you're listening to this, we've been trying to get you on. Okay. Okay. I saw her at, um, you just derailed this. I know. I know we're trying to, you are so, but I know, I know what we're about to do, but let me just get this out there. I want to try and experiment. I want to see how, Bobby was saying how big this Tiger Belly thing is, how powerful, you are a derailer. One second. How big this Tiger Belly thing is. If Tiger Belly is really this big and the Slop Kingdom is huge, I want everyone to tweet Olivia Munn. Oh, we can do it. Oh, we can do it. And tell her to get on Tiger Belly. Let's just see what happens. I feel like she'd be perfect on it. But let's just see what happens. Anyways, I have one more shout out.
Starting point is 01:27:05 I want to do a shout out to this girl named Lexi. She wrote a really thoughtful email. Oh, yeah. The first half of it was the first why she hated me for a long time. Oh, this was for Kala's eyes only, but I read it to Lexi. Sorry. You read it? Oh, because you have to check the email. I have to screen him. Yeah. I'm the one that reads them. Yeah. But she says that over time, I grew on her and that when she saw my sweaty hands, she was like, oh, I fuck with that girl. So shout out to you, Lexi. I'm glad you sort of like me now. And then I've grown on you. I really appreciate it. But your email meant a lot to me. So thank you. I kind of want to read what she wrote at the beginning. What? When I first started watching Tiger Belly. Oh, wait, this is for her.
Starting point is 01:27:51 Okay, I won't share. I don't think she wants you to read it out loud. Yeah, I'm not going to read it out loud. It was very funny, though. It was. She basically. Gilbert, there's confidence here. Sorry, Lexi. Trust. Anyways, you know, people have been wanting more Tiger Belly. If you are still listening, you want more Tiger Belly. What can we do with that? I mean, we only record once a week. So it's like, Bob is not gonna do more than that. Gee, I do wonder myself. Tell us, George. Oh, but maybe he will. Hey, guys, we're starting to patronize with bonus content for anybody who wants to join. What's patron, though? How does Patreon work for a dummy like me who's never done this before? Please explain Patreon. Hey, we're gonna discuss after this the levels,
Starting point is 01:28:33 but probably for like five bucks a month, you can get four extra bonus episodes of Tiger Belly. Probably many episodes, but you get bonus episodes. So for less than the cost of a latte one month, you can get four weeks of entertainment, guys. Yeah. Give or take. Yeah. Let's just leave that for give or take. Yeah, give or take. I'll do four. We'll do four. We'll do four. We have to do four. They're not gonna be long episodes, but they're gonna be short and sweet episodes, at least. Well, yeah, I'm not gonna give it away. It'll be worth your time. I won't give you at least. Yeah, but it'll be fun. More information will be released throughout the week. Yes. We just wanted to make the announcement that there is a Patreon. So if you want to support Tiger Belly
Starting point is 01:29:10 and also get more content, this is the way you can do that. Yep. Patreon.com slash Tiger Belly. It may be a work in progress when this comes out, but the week after this, for sure, we will be. So if you are not ready to go, if you're just on audio, make sure you are following our Instagram, because you will be getting the update. I'm excited about it. And I'll tell you why I'm excited about it. We've done a couple, actually. We've done a couple. It was fun. And it feels different. And I feel like we're wilder and a little bit more, we're a little bit more, and not to say we're not authentic on here, but it feels more fun. It feels like, actually, it feels like before you got on the podcast. Well, thank you. I'll say this because the lights were off,
Starting point is 01:29:50 which is how we used to do it. Yeah. It was so, it's such low pressure. Yeah, these will be, yeah, these will be audio, I got a special audio hidden audio RSS feed that goes to. What makes it dangerous, though, is because it feels so low pressure and all the lights are off when we record that. I feel like we might spill more. My goal is to be the first person to get centered on the, on the bonus episodes. Oh, really? Yeah. I mean, it's a good goal. Well, I'm not, I'll say something that needs to get censored. That's what I mean. I'm going to go harder than anybody else. That's my goal. Don't do that. Be authentic, man. Come on, fucking, fucking, hey. Well, maybe, maybe my authentic has been hidden here because I know
Starting point is 01:30:30 it's always rolling. I'm in the producer role. That's why I'm changing my goal. As you know, I got to be the fun me, the outside of me. I wonder what the fun George is. Oh, god damn it. I'm frightened. You made me sound like such a dwarf. Yo, when I chase chickens. No, feeding chickens bacon is the most funny thing. George, that was disturbing. I saw that. I was like, is he really doing that? Is it real? I thought you would never do that. I felt like you got too much out of, too much of a kick out of that. I've never seen you laugh so much. Also, I was like, I even asked, I was like, are you high right now? Cause I've never heard him laugh that much. It's a once a month, like when I just need like a pick me up in the morning just
Starting point is 01:31:05 cause they, they can't eat it. So when you're having a bad day, you sit there and you're like, I need to pick me up. I'm going to go feed some chicken, some bacon. Fast forward tomorrow, you'll see Kalala at a chicken farm. Does that work? Because I'll do it. That water? My head might, that might take my head above water level. I knew you shot us for you. You didn't give any. I did to Lexi. Lexi, come on. You didn't get one. My new friend. All right guys, that's, that's, that's it. Bye. Bye. Just bye. Say bye. Just wave. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. And if you've gone this far in the podcast, there may be a new merch in September or November. It's still not done. All right guys, have a good one. But follow us on instagram.com slash valley on twitter at
Starting point is 01:31:50 that tiger valley. And email us any unhelpful advice or questions or giant letters to Kalala talking about how you used to hate her. And now you love her at the tiger belly at gmail.com. Follow George on all social media at just George underscore Kimmel at Instagram. I would do the other crap. Everything at Bobby Lee live and everything for Kalala at calamity K. All right guys. That's our show. Goodbye. Make sure you follow Bryce Khaled. Get for viewers. Hey, prime members, you can listen to tiger belly ad free on amazon music, download the amazon music app today, or you can listen ad free with one Dree plus in apple podcast. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at one Dree.com slash
Starting point is 01:32:57 survey.

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