TigerBelly - Episode 168: Pretzel & Potato Pubes

Episode Date: November 14, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus I Know what to talk about Oh Five I don't know for no, I don't know three two One case you didn't know I'm crazy about you
Starting point is 00:00:44 No, the rest, but it's a really good song guys. I'm really getting in the country Yeah, country's good. What was the flip or switch? There's never been a flip. I've always I've always like all country I've always like Wilco and like, you know Any like any versions of that I like whiskey town He's getting into like Travis Tritt now. I'm getting into Travis Tritt like older stuff. Is this all because of the voice? Yeah Like I don't care what people say. Well, we're so well welcome to Tiger Belly. I Just feel you know, I'm asking myself
Starting point is 00:01:19 Why do I feel good? Why do I feel not must a serene? How do you say serene serene? Why do why why is um, why do I feel childlike and I think the reason why is it George is not here? You know, I like him. He's gonna come back. He's out of town. Yeah, but it's just we need the break We need the break from googly white, you know, I mean with his look googly eyes and it's a fucking and we have you know, Bryce I think you're doing a great job Which means that anyone can do that job
Starting point is 00:01:50 Because you're the dumb one. Yeah Don't don't do that don't do this, you know me. I'm just you're not you're not you look Are you not in camera? Are you on camera? He's not. Why are you not in camera? I'm just I'm the producer Yeah, you're not doing anything Okay, you're just a body. That's supposed to be George But Bryce Don't don't get me wrong. All right. I like you a lot, right and you're not that don't you're a very bright guy But you just seem dumb
Starting point is 00:02:27 Yeah, okay Yeah, I'm okay with yeah, I'm okay with it and then we got some gifts today guys and I love when other gifts come You know, it makes me feel good Somebody sent me a arsenal coffee mug, which is fucking dope as fuck look at this thing And then somebody sent me At somebody sent me 40 how many packages is this so many though probably 80 pouches 48 pouches of
Starting point is 00:02:57 Fundip interesting because somebody heard me say that I was molested And I liked fundip as a kid and they sent me all the and it's I'm not mad about The molestation part or that you remember that story and then you're trying to be funny I'm just mad that you're trying to kill me with this shit because it's all sugar And you already had to I had to with it or to thank you, right? Dinner, yeah, I had to and I was on and just a you know to have like PTSD. I PTSD I jerked off while I ate it Why don't you just stick your dick in the packet? Yeah, maybe I should do that. That's interesting. I will not lick it off
Starting point is 00:03:36 use Clota, what are you wearing? Oh? Yeah, yeah, well, I got this as a gift and it's from a company called cuddlers And they signed their name dolphin cuddlers and I really like it because my whole body's inserted into a dolphin body And now I'm asking Gilbert and Bryce to do everything like feed me my Cuz I don't want to move bring me the pineapple boy Bring it to my mouth, please I'm colliding one of our joys in life is we watch the voice
Starting point is 00:04:10 Mm-hmm. If you don't know I'm obsessed with any kind of talent show showcase auditioning kind of show I like it. I love when people rise up. I like when people handle pressure and deliver and This year on the voice. It's very good price This is getting Dave Dave Finley Dave Finley. Yeah, yeah, he's a beast this guy It's the best. He's got a growl growly grizzly kind of a voice So that's why Bobby likes Travis Tritt because he's auditioned he sang Travis Tritt song, but then he's also really versatile because his next song was Lionel Richie. Yeah, but there was it If you haven't seen the voice there's like different stages
Starting point is 00:04:50 There's the audition you get through the audition the blind auditions you go into this thing called battle and then you go and No, you knockout or knockout. It's battle first and then battle and then knockouts and the knockouts I Said we saw the best knock. It's somebody fell out. It was like a three-man knockout for Kelly Clarkson's team Here's another thing about I had no idea who the fuck Kelly Clarkson was. I don't know who Beyonce's I don't know I don't know her. Yeah, yeah, Marie Karelly I don't know makeup line. Yeah, I don't know Mary Kerry. I don't know Beyonce. I don't know
Starting point is 00:05:30 What's the other one called the other one? Let me just don't even tell me don't throw out names No, just in general. Just let me do Christina Quilla we have to try to guess a client. Christina Quilla Aguilera, Christina Aguilera Aguilera. Yeah, what else and then what's the other one's name is um, I forget But anyway, I don't know who these people are Mary Kerry beyonds any of it But the thing is is that this show it you know here when I grew up I haven't talked about this yet. Which bar when I grew up. Listen guys when I grew up. I was exposed to No, just just
Starting point is 00:06:12 You know obscure really cool stuff, you knew you just channel his inner fucking stop stroking your own dick, bro We get it. You have good taste in music But it doesn't you know what I'm gonna say this is pretty when you when you laugh Bryce. I see more gums and teeth I See more gums and teeth and I don't ever want to see that. I saw that comment. I saw it. I don't want to see your gingivitis Okay, all right, so close your mouth. All right, whoa, is that what I'm doing? I'll laugh with my bell shut Yeah, are you fucking Drisco boy? Why you have redirected rage your rage should be towards mean up. No, no, no, I said it He did I don't know. He's he laughed
Starting point is 00:06:53 Okay, so anyway, um, I grew up with um, not just you know Just a particular type of music that I I listened to and I always didn't like like R&B or Or people that are just vocal. I you know, I was more singer-songwriter or more You know bands I played people play instruments may I also comment that you went to a Predominantly an extremely white school. Yep, and you had no black friends growing up So that's unfortunate for you that you weren't exposed to hip-hop properly You weren't exposed to certain types of genres. Yeah, but it's you don't can't really tell though that I grew up in that area Because I can tell I always go. What's up dog? Yeah
Starting point is 00:07:39 Chill whatever I'm cool with it. Whatever. Yeah. Well, my point is is that you can't really tell now from the suburbs, you know Yeah, but up, you know when I see Jamaicans, you know, I see May have a coconut sir But up what up, you know, I only know one Jamaican in other words Anyway, but up but up anyway But I'm really, you know people that can sing Good have control. I'm really getting into it as my as I get older, you know, you know, I've always like classical
Starting point is 00:08:21 I've always like because I play the piano. So, you know, I was always taught Beethoven, but Mozart rock one on off, you know But like I never got into that, but I'm really excited about it So when I listen to Beyonce and all that stuff, it's great man to the left to the left all that. Yeah, I love it And I love the voice. It's a great show and I love Adam Devine No, no, no, what? I love you. I mean, I like Alan Devine Devine. That's what I meant. No, I mean, I know Devine is the comic Adam Levine Adam Levine is a singer from a room. Yeah, I like Travis Tritt on there No, I know no one's name. Let me get his name. Blake Shelton Blake Shelton. I like him I like Jay on his team who the black country singer
Starting point is 00:09:03 Oh, I stumbled upon that clip and I was like this guy's so good. Yeah, no, I don't think he's gonna win I think that Dave Fenley is gonna hit him and Dave are both on his team though And they're gonna be the the last three one of the last three. Also, there's a 13 year old Black girl named Kennedy. Yeah, she's beautiful. She's Johnny for Jennifer Hudson's team. Okay, and she is a beast, but There's some good ones in here, man. Kimberly joy the the Kai Kimberly joy that whole run It's a great show. Um, in fact, I would have what do I say whenever I watch the voice? This is the greatest show. No, no, no about about the job that I want. Oh, that's right He wants to take over Carson Daley's job. Oh, that'd be a fun job. I'm not I'm not even fucking lying like here
Starting point is 00:09:53 He practically rehearsed right try to do after each performance. We we do this Um, we pretend like we're one of the judges. So we give like critique to the the singers Okay, Jennifer, what's your final answer? And then yeah, we do that. We rehearse Carson Daley. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I need that job And I would I don't I wouldn't be funny. I wouldn't be I would just do it real. I'll read it off the teleprompter You know and also I want to cheer with the family the family, you know, I mean like when a chair turns like congratulations Yeah, I want to say that, you know, but I love the voice and here's another thing I used to be into the ask X factor. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and then every time every time what's the X factor? I would tell Kali let go
Starting point is 00:10:38 Yeah, but you know, I like X factor better because it's like, you know These are people that aren't singers at all and their dreams are coming true And she yeah, because they're more like, you know, I'm a busboy and you know, never seen the voice I've never seen the voice before. Oh, okay. As soon as I switch over the voice. I can't watch X factor It's fucking terror garbage. It's a little it's over the top. Yeah You know, the thing that happened to me today, which was I couldn't sleep that well I had to shoot in the morning and while I was leaving they go. Oh, yeah, we're going I go. I'm done You know, you're not your country Western dancing line dancing. I saw the video
Starting point is 00:11:17 Do you guys want to see a video of Bobby line dancing? There's a video of me line dancing Yeah, I got it in my email. Um, they wait, what they sent it to me in case you want to rehearse at home So you have footage of yourself and Oliver line dancing. Oh and um Travis yeah Travis. Yeah, so three of you guys just line dancing. They they have it down. I'm not so sure Was that difficult? What did they make you guys? You're doing some weird swing of the hips It's unnecessary. It's line dancing is very direct, babe. Yeah, you don't have to swing your hips that wildly. Yeah, I'm gonna do that Oh, hey, you haven't shot it yet. No, we shoot Thursday. Oh, I'm excited I'm gonna yell at somebody from the show for sending that
Starting point is 00:11:57 Because I those the first time I ever line danced. Yeah, and so for me to be judged based on the first time It's just by me when those other guys have done it before. Yeah, right is unbelievably rude crude and unprofessional If I'm the first I just the first I don't even know what it is. That is true. He said I don't know what line dancing is. I never you know, the last time I saw it. I think in the accused when Jody Wraped on the pinball machine. They were line dancing And that's because and I saw that's the only way I know it and in my mind I'm like, I don't like it because there's rape involved. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, it's the stick and ever like country So it's like I don't know it
Starting point is 00:12:35 Right. Have you line dance fucker? Never. It's all right. Exactly. Does electric slide count or no? No, it does not count. Okay, then I've never it does not count that I've never No, you got to go to like they have some um, they have some bars here where you can line dance and learn Properly and it's really fun. Yeah Making a murder. Let's go there. You guys end up watching it Well, she fell asleep I thought you're the one that was championing. Yeah, she fell asleep. Um, I I only fell asleep because I was really tired I didn't fall asleep because of lack of interest
Starting point is 00:13:09 It here's my just my problem with the making of her just in general. Yeah, it's just I just The anger That I know that Brendan Dassy especially Is he out? No He's not Look that up to see if Brendan and Dassy is out. He's not Well, just I thought that Brendan Dassy is still in prison And you're watching this
Starting point is 00:13:37 Write this documentary and you're just kind of going Just the whole thought that he's still in prison It infuriates me so much and I will protest and I will get involved, you know, I mean, but that's just the justice system That's really really slow. I think that's what Kathleen Zellner basically said. It's like a These things don't move at all in the higher the the higher up the courts that you take it The less you can really do a decade though, right? I mean, it's a human being that you're talking about. It's like Yeah, and all you my entire opinion of Manitowoc Sheriff's Department rests in the fact that they put
Starting point is 00:14:16 An innocent kid like Brendan Dassy on a convicted him off of a coerced confession All you need to know about Manitowoc Sheriff is that they did that whether you believe Steven Avery did it That's on you But you should know that they did put an innocent kid in prison off a coerced confession Yeah, and if they're able to do that You don't think that they're able to put another man wrongly. He was already wrongly convicted for like fucking 18 years Yeah, that's all you need to know about them That's enough for me
Starting point is 00:14:49 And also, why would a man just just in general? Who was wrongfully imprisoned for rape? Who's about to sue the county or the city? And get millions of dollars kill somebody 36 million. Yeah Why would why would one do that? Yeah, and restitution. Yeah, there's just no way Anyway, that you you're watching you just it's just and you're just getting you getting infuriated by watching it And no, we have she had they have Kathleen Zellner who's like this high powered lawyer from
Starting point is 00:15:26 Chicago. She's She exonerated 17 people before She's probably the best in the business But still, you know, I'll you know when when making your murder or two came out I didn't watch it right away because I was just wanted to see What they revealed from just from people that saw and stuff and then they said it's really good But just the no just the knowledge that they're still in prison it just
Starting point is 00:15:51 infuriates me Are we gonna get past the first episode? Do you think I mean, you know, I'll try a second one, but it's like You know, I'd rather rewatch the walking dead or something. You know, I mean, it's like Yeah, it's like it's really just heartbreaking. You know, I I saw it also then It reintroduces you to like this, you know, the the people that were in the first documentary like Ken Kratz and all these fucking people, you know And you just all of a sudden you have new enemies again Yeah, you let them go, right? You forgot about them
Starting point is 00:16:28 And the oh, yeah, this is who I hate Fuck this guy, you know It's just insane and Yeah The good news is that Arizona has their first female Senator and she's a democrat. What's her name? And she's also bisexual, which is I think a big deal I think that's that shows
Starting point is 00:16:55 A little bit of progress because when you go to Arizona, you know, you think oh, it's a red state, right? But you go to there, you know, you go to like Scottsdale and you go to a strip club. This ain't no red state It's crazy state. I mean, this is crazy. There's some other nice restaurants. This is good, right? My parents live there. Yeah, you go in you see people that look like people from LA, you know, like Tattoos diverse and this and that you don't run into like shirt talkers wearing navy blue cat blue khaki pants Penny loafers, you know walking around doing it with briefcase cases, right? They look like Bryce, you know You see like people just regular people. So you think to yourself and so I just think that um I don't when I read that that she won. I was pretty excited for her so not
Starting point is 00:17:42 You know, listen, whatever your beliefs are right left, whatever this and that right, let's just you know Can we just at least figure realize that? You know, let's just get to the point in the society where You know a gay person isn't persecuted for being gay All races are it's inclusive this country Our all religions is inclusive And then, you know, you have your random murders and you know and and and natural disasters and this and that We could deal with that and you know
Starting point is 00:18:14 As you know, you're gonna have that through the history of the world. You've had crazies. You've had You know tsunamis and you know, this is how I think about it I think of of my lifetime as being an eight season game of thrones show In that everyone is fighting each other until they realize that there's a bigger enemy and that's not enemy But there's a bigger problem at hand and it's actually mother nature killing all of us No, it's the alien invasion. Actually, no, we're killing mother nature. And then mother nature is just basically Giving us what we give her which is Kate, you know, mark walberg's the happening Is what it is. Oh, yeah, you know, I only got through half of that movie with air. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:56 But here's why the mother nature thing isn't going to change us because the thing is is that Because the environment I believe in global warming but because the environment happens You know slowly Right. Yeah, and people don't really You know, you know, you can have wet extreme weather shifts Sure, but people can justify it by going well, you know, it's cyclical That's that's a that's a an argument that I've heard before You know, remember the ice age, you know, yeah, but they're not taking into consideration
Starting point is 00:19:25 Just how many things are being like, you know, products are being synthesized. How much use of plastic? How much You know, there's just we're not taking into consideration. All those things might have been cyclical if without You know, but that's the factors that we're dealing with now, which is like fucking You know, the pollutants that we're dealing with now are far different than I understand. I agree with you But what I'm saying is is that what would change what unite the world As one race would be an alien invasion Yeah, maybe we need an independence day, right an alien invasion We'd be because in independence day because I've seen that 30,000 times that movie, right
Starting point is 00:20:05 Remembering independence day, right toward the end, right? Where there was like the israels and the palestinians were fighting with each other at that little air force, right? And they're like sharing like your maps and diagrams They're at you know, they're at a table with like, you know, I mean and they're going, oh, yeah, you know, man They're pulling at things, you know Um, that's what we need, you know, have you guys seen a rival? Oh, yeah That's like brought the whole world together. Yeah, it did That yeah, I think you're right. There's something that's like about an alien invasion that would force us
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah, it's a common enemy is the is the greatest unifier because it would make you realize is that oh They're killing japanese and black people and you know and all these people because in their heads We're the same we are the same and we are actually the same. We're just a different color of skin, right? Yeah, so and then we would be like we got we have to band together. I think that would be the thing You know, so aliens if you're listening Attack bring us together bring us together. This is 13 after that district 13. That's another problem. We got racism again Oh, but oh, that's another interesting thing. You just said that yeah, but you know what that's a completely different species To kill your own species is one thing, right?
Starting point is 00:21:18 But if it's a completely like, you know insect like, you know, but they're intelligent fuck them Yeah, obviously they're intelligent enough to come to us first. We didn't go to them first Yeah, you know what okay about this Julio your fart is I have a question for you. What alien? Okay. I'm gonna there's a you know, we've seen a lot of movies And we've seen a lot of aliens depicted in these movies many And I'm gonna just I'm gonna ask you guys some questions to see what aliens you would rather prefer and from what movie to attack Okay, trying to get there. So I need there's so many so I'm gonna go um
Starting point is 00:21:54 We got the et's That one come on All of you et's. Yeah. Yeah. We do got the et's. Invade us. Please. So we got the et's, right? Then we got the independence day ones. That's pretty hardcore. Yeah, we got the arrival ones Yes, yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and now um, okay, then we've got I'll tell you what I don't want close encounters ones Yeah, or aliens No, yeah, yeah Yeah, alien pass. Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:23 Aliens, yeah aliens because why are their mouths so moist moist? Yeah, I mean they're always called killers, man But they just when they open their mouth if there's always like phlegm On their teeth like, you know, get a tissue What don't you isn't it poison or it's like it's caustic It burns. No, I don't think they're I don't think the um, I don't think the um, yeah, it burns. No, that's their blood It's their blood. Yeah, the the the fucking boogers Right in there on their mouths on their teeth when they open their mouth. Yeah, that's just being rude Right. That's like that's like, you know, blow your nose
Starting point is 00:23:00 Okay, Kleenex Kleenex. So we got those aliens and then we've got um, do you count predator? Oh, yeah Yeah, predators an alien. I don't want them hunting us. That's enough to take on them. We can take a predator Our armed forces can take on a predator though. How it's just a dude with a bunch of weapons. They're invisible Okay, yeah, you need infrared Done. Yeah, no thermal you fucking idiot, man. I'm sorry. Arnold did it. Arnold. Yeah, but he had to go in mud Do you remember so the Filipino people The Philippines are fine. The only thing you miss left is not that much mud in the Philippines I know that's why I stopped swimming in it
Starting point is 00:23:42 I mean a lot of aliens. I mean I would take et All day, but that's not going to bring us together because it's not going to put a threat to us No, we need we need an alien to attack that's going to be threatening and that's going to unite us But that we could defeat them. I know which one. Oh, I know which one. I know which one too You go ahead. Is it is it mel Gibson's aliens? science Those are the ones because number one We can defeat them. We can we can because we we all have water. We have water. Yeah, we all have water
Starting point is 00:24:10 Right. Also, they can't open doors. Yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so I'll just live in the middle of a house. Yeah Right. Yeah, they can't open. I'll have like nine doors before you can get to me There's no way they're gonna get me. That's the perfect one in or how about the Um, the Emily Blunt and john christensky Oh, oh, yeah from a quiet place for the quiet place Well, that's scary because I can't you can't that's when the philippines philippines would die because you guys are so fucking loud We are and how koreans would die too. We would all die. All asians would die No, japanese would be quiet. Yeah, they would survive. Yeah, the japanese would be
Starting point is 00:24:47 You know what I mean? Yeah, they keep like You know cover their mouths. Yeah, and yeah, they would they would be live. Yeah I think white people would die too right No, we'd be great Oh my god, and what would you do brice and that's that you were survivors bob What white people? Yeah, you guys are we are I mean, you really yeah, we've been through a lot We'll be around for a while. Yeah. Oh, no, you guys. I know I all right. I love how you're representing
Starting point is 00:25:13 He's trying to wipe you out reach the choir. I get it. I like that argument Um, we'll be around for a while. You guys are nordic, right? You guys are from the snow Yeah, swedish. Yeah, you guys know how to um live in the environments Correct. Yeah, we didn't have much up there in Scandinavia rocks beach farm rocks and yeah Yeah, that's about it. You guys are good at um fishing Correct. Yeah. Yeah, yeah And you guys love to burn villages, huh? Just love pillaging and pillaging and all sorts of stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Looting. You love it. Looting. I love looting people
Starting point is 00:25:49 Oh, um, yeah white people they're arrogance just now. You're arrogance right now. It's really fucking infuriated me Look at me right now, man It's arrogant, bro But I love you. Thanks bob. You're welcome. So different from george. You are very different the energy Yeah, your energy is so different. I feel like I'm back to like the early george right now. Just very yes, bob Whatever you say bob. That's early george. Yeah, bob george is more of a yes man earlier on integrity. I think and it's shifted I'm sorry baby. I got angry with you earlier. I mean, I I just got really defensive and um I don't know what it is. I just get so defensive. I get into a rage
Starting point is 00:26:30 In my mind And it's it used to turn into violence When I was younger like my brother has it. Yeah But now it just I internalize it and it just builds in my head and I just start I can't I don't can't think Why do you let it build it just does so someone will say something or do something It'll just put me into a and only a couple of people can do it Steve Kalilah
Starting point is 00:26:56 my parents Hold the key Kalilah duck and do it I can cut deep. She can cut deep. Well, she knows also sometimes you really deserve it. No, I don't Babe, I don't humble. See that's the problem between you and I is that you don't think you're ever wrong I am wrong all the time. No, no, no, you say you're wrong when there's an audience and then when it's just you You take back all apologies everyone listening right now. Everyone listening right now. This is looking bobbing a nutshell for you Here are my character flaws. Here's this. I'm faulted. You know, I'm a faulty man
Starting point is 00:27:30 But between when it's just him and I he's never wrong And he will harbor all of this resentment even though he's wrong That's why I love this podcast is the only time I hear these things from memories like yeah, sorry, babe You know, I hear real apologies on here and they're not even real because as soon as the mics are off Look, he's already starting again. You were putting me back back in a rage. I'm back in a rage right now You know, I gotta I gotta speak my truth, babe. I cannot these people can have to know this about you uh-huh So the people need to know that because you're so lovable and funny and all these things on a mic
Starting point is 00:28:06 And I just kind of wish they saw just a little bit of the other side of you. Well, um Last night I would I was shooting in the desert And on the way back home I went to a panda express in palm dale I'm sitting there eating and they don't have tofu some places don't have eggplant tofu. That's so good Infuriates me. I love it. And when you ask they we don't have it You know, they do have it. They just want to cook it because it's a separate thing They don't leave it out there or it's not even on the menu though. Oh really? Yeah, and I go
Starting point is 00:28:35 Oh, you don't have the best thing you guys make you fucking idiots It has it's that you don't use like 90 of the shit that you make is infused with sugar The honey walnut the orange chicken the Beijing beef. It's just sweet, you know, sweet meats sweet meats So, you know, you want something like the eggplant tofu because it's It's savory. It's there's no meat in it. It's delicious. I love it If you're listening from panda express right now Put it on your permanent fucking menu and taco bell the enchirrito. Put it back on. What's that? You guys don't even know anything about life. I only taco bell. I'm a grilled stuffed burrito forever kind of gal
Starting point is 00:29:18 One of the original things on their menu was this thing called the enchirrito And basically an enchirrito is this enchilada burrito It comes in a black cylinder and they still make it even though it's on the menu It comes in a black cylinder. It's basically a bean burrito. It's a wet burrito. Yeah, and they wet it with this ranch sauce So you eat it with a spork With a spork you eat it with a spork and every scoop is delicious and then one day you go It's not even on the fucking menu anymore. Yeah, because I do like seasonal like
Starting point is 00:29:53 Things no, they do they do these cross, you know, promotional things with doritos and they make you know Oh, it's a that's why it's a ito. It's from the dorito. No, the enchirrito doesn't have that's burrito and enchilada Oh, it is. I would write it. Ito is not dorito Ito is not dorito. That's another term. Ito is not dorito guys. Arito is not Yeah, science alert. Yeah, okay. So what's the the dorito one? That's just well, no, I don't eat those ones because I know they're the cross, you know Is it a taco shell made from doritos? Yeah, it's a dorito. It's a taco shell. That's a dorito But it's a taco shaped in a taco shell sounds delicious taco shell just with some seasoning on it. It's not that good
Starting point is 00:30:32 I think it's it's definitely overrated. Oh, so what you're saying is that it can't it would never be able to be um It sell itself as an actual it takes horrible by itself just despite the tip of the edge of it off Yeah, there's a big difference. Well, why don't they try to actually make a taco shell made out of an actual dorito? It's a fake ito then. It's it's not even real. Oh, that's so sad. It's heartbreaking. Del taco. Yeah, you gotta throw some real itos in there Del taco that's where it's at. Um, del taco. Yes, especially like we talked about the one in um, um Awful glenwood in the middle. You told us a special one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's not a special one Oh, yeah, it's the special del taco. Yeah, here are some things that fast food joins that they don't you know, you have the mcdonalds that are the king
Starting point is 00:31:18 You say mcdonalds? No, okay. I will eat up or I will go because right down on western there's There's you have breakfast 24 seven a book muffin. So I if I'm super hungry and I desire it At three in the morning, I'll get an egg with my friend. Yep. You don't eat fast food Still not as much but not as much but the fast once a year But here in LA here's the fast foods that Or that you just in the country The ones that don't get a lot of like people don't talk about it as often Arby's
Starting point is 00:31:50 Oh, yeah, Arby's the five for five when I first came to america the roast beef Was probably fries the best and I know their meat is light purple. It is. I don't know if it's real Yeah, it's pretty purple. Yeah, if you look at it in the light, it's shiny. It's a shiny light purple Okay, and and also, um And it's pretty if you just get the without it's just a bull it's just a bun And like stringy meat. Yeah, but you put the sauce on it the horseradish sauce. It's delicious Yeah, right they also have jalapeno poppers delicious from Arby's. Yeah Oh, I didn't know that they have the fries are nicely seasoned
Starting point is 00:32:27 But here's another fast food chain that I go to sometimes baby That people don't talk about Wienerschnitzel I feel like people go to Wienerschnitzel. Do you go to Wienerschnitzel? I'm vegetarian I know I've never been is that famous here? Yeah, they even have the little Wienerschnitzel car that drives around Not only that what you do is this don't they have the pretzel thing there. That's really good. That's the thing Is that every hot dog can be substituted the bun with the pretzel bun?
Starting point is 00:32:57 Oh The I'll tell you why the pretzel bun is the king of all buns I'll tell you why please let me you can guess if you guess if you can okay. I okay. Yeah You go first. Why it's the king. Yeah Yeah, because of the large pieces of salt. This is I was gonna say the salt. Nope. Damn. That's why I like pretzel Nope, it doesn't fall apart or get soggy with the mustard. That's right exactly what it is. It's it holds structurally Structurally sound it's like It's what the titanic should have been made out of
Starting point is 00:33:37 It absorbs chili It absorbs hot dog juices, right? You know, sometimes this is what I do. I've I don't eat it right away You know, I'll take a couple of bites and I'll play like, you know, ruzzle or something on my iPhone I'll take a couple of six sips of lemonade. Yeah, you know, I'll go to twitter. I'll ponder the news Right, and I'll go back into it. Right. It's always the same. It's you can you trust it Interesting you trust the foundation Okay, that's that's why it's good
Starting point is 00:34:06 Any fast food place also that has I don't give a fuck and you can you can argue this to the end of time Okay, I don't give a fuck and I'm swearing. Okay Okay fat fries beats skinny fries Any day of the week agreed a thousand percent. I hate skinny fries. Yeah, like like McDonald's size When people do string when they when they came out with the string one, I don't want to eat potato pubes It reminds me of earth. Like if the earth had pubic hair, that's what it would taste like. It'll look like potato
Starting point is 00:34:44 Yeah, I want thick ass golden steak fries steak fries. Yep. Am I not right? I do like curly fries too okay Chick-fil-a is a pretty good one, babe Waffle fries, okay, too. Waffle fries are great. Just no super skinnies. Yeah, but I just do love I mean But in fast food And you have to eat it right away
Starting point is 00:35:09 But the best fries in fast food And I'm gonna start I'm gonna start war maybe we were Is mcdonald's They're not even that thick. Yeah, it doesn't matter. I'm just saying mcdonald's fries straight from The fryer to your mouth They something happens in if you don't eat it for 30 minutes It just it turns the shit, you know
Starting point is 00:35:35 But straight from the, you know, the fryer to your mouth So good. I have mcdonald's discussion ptsd What one time I was at a house party in vegas and I saw another guy like break a A beer bottle over someone's head because they were arguing about the mcdonald's menu Dollar menu and he was don't tell me about my mcdonald's bro Like he would he got crazy and he was so drunk and the other guy was like, I'm gonna tell you you're wrong And he like broke a bottle I was like, I never want to talk about mcdonald's when people are drunk again. Oh god. Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:12 I was at a mcdonald's once And this lady was being yelled at by this other man She was like, bitch, you know, I complimented you or something on something I complimented you, bitch And I just my hero. I was like, I'm You're on our level. I literally was like, this is my moment in life This is it. This is my moment in life. And I'm gonna defend this late. It was an old mexican lady
Starting point is 00:36:35 Yeah, I looked at the guy I was about to say something that he looks right at me He goes, what you looking at dude? I know it. Yeah, you know what I said nothing. No pretty good What you say bro, I'm pretty good Okay, that's what I said at my moment Like some of my it what he said went into the my fear center center of my brain And my brain readjusted the question How are you? I love your brain. My brain does that. It changes the question. It saved my life to protect me
Starting point is 00:37:12 It just, you know what I mean? It coagulates the the thing. That's pretty good, babe. Yeah. It's a good evolution. Yeah, I've evolved Yeah, because I could have died What did you want to say? What in your heroine? Hey, my heroine is like, hey man That's uncalled for All right, she didn't hear you or who cares. You don't treat other human beings like that But that's not what I said. I said pretty good. I feel like you said that though That might have shut him up and embarrassed him. Yeah, but I didn't kill Bert. Oh, sorry. Okay. Sorry All right, and I don't think I don't think I don't see you doing
Starting point is 00:37:46 any heroic things in life Stepping up to the play Once what did you do? I remember this wait, which one are you talking about? Uh, okay. Oh, I told why a while while I chased a kid and I apprehended him for stealing a phone from a woman Oh, wow Did you really do that? Yeah, I go and when I was still fat Bert. I was on the brown line and a kid an african-american kid jumped on the train took a lady's phone
Starting point is 00:38:17 Uh, that she was holding and he ran away Jumped off the train. So I took my groceries and I chased him to the other platform I went to like a fight or flight mode. He got stuck because he missed the other train escape So, uh, he turned around and that's when we both collided and I jumped need him And then we wrestled on the platform And then I got him in a just from watching UFC. I put him I pinned him with arms behind his back But then what pissed me off. I've told us before is that the ladies were like, yeah, you got him and they started saying the n-word And that's when I kind of got annoyed. I wanted to let him off
Starting point is 00:38:49 But I kept him there to the cops. Yeah, I should You should have let him out. I was like relax lady. It's a kid if he's like 18 you're like 40. Yeah, he's wrong You should you should have whispered it. Let's get him. Yeah, you could you could just jump the lady No, when you got the phone you got the phone back She got the phone back. Yeah, she they followed after I chased. It's the lady dead. Yeah, and did she thank you? Uh, not really. She was more like in a like she was just her emotions were hiding Oh, okay. Okay. I just want to say this. I would have let him go take it. Yeah, if she didn't thank you She was just you know angry at the person was saying certain things
Starting point is 00:39:30 Yeah, but the first person I look at is gonna drop the n-word is likely not going to be the most Wait, wait, wait with the lady that The lady that the phone that was missing. She said the n-word is what you're saying. She definitely was saying it Uh, she was definitely yelling at the kid like to his face while I had him pin and then you and were She she dropped it once but I can definitely hear her saying it's her friend as well Um, well that yeah that that's uncalled for that's crazy. You should let him go. Hey, buddy. This is it. Yeah, we're on Babe, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:40:06 Dolphin Oh, did you guys see the Iyer fight with Korean zombie made Bobby so sad. I was so sad, but also a good fight Yeah, Korean. Yeah, you know, I hear here's why I feel sad about it Because Korean zombie had to go to the military for two years. Yep, and he left And when he came back his first fight back You could tell that he was so grateful to be back. He hugged like Uh, what's the commentators now that the ring announcer buff Bruce buffer Bruce buffer Bruce buffer. He hugged him. He goes. Hey man, my friend and he hugged him
Starting point is 00:40:43 He was just so happy to be back And he's shaking everyone's hands and just so grateful. His wife was there. She had never seen him fight before Made a vent. Yeah And then he fights you I haven't seen it yet because I forgot about it, but um, I read about it I heard it was a great fight. He was winning. I heard that he was winning right at the buzzer though And I let the buzzer he get knocked out But then here's an elbow, right? Here's another thing that I know that they had a conversation afterwards Korean zombie and Dana white
Starting point is 00:41:14 What was it? And then if you look at Korean zombies Instagram, Dana white posted something like commented something on the thing Is it good to see him my friend my old friend or whatever? So there's a good relationship there. That's all I care about is I want Korean zombie to continue to fight, please I want him to I'll have the opportunities, you know, yeah What's up with your eyes right now? Too much red dead redemption Yeah, so, uh, you know, let me let me tell you can I is that right if we ask him some questions about my dad?
Starting point is 00:41:40 Yeah, go ahead I convinced so you so Gilbert convinced you to buy the game. Yeah Okay, you you takes nine days to download so you downloaded it. No, I bought the game. He asked me I said go to gave stop buy it right now. I bought the cds. It took three hours three painful hours two disc Two discs you see you've downloaded it. You started playing it So, you know the first hour the tutorial is long Right, you're you're walking around with Dutch and the crew and the snow all that stuff, right? And then when you got out tell me what happened
Starting point is 00:42:13 So I got out. I'm at uh, I'm doing normal stuff. I'm hunting. I'm trying to learn stuff trying to be a good guy Not shoot random strangers. Look at somebody wrong. They're like, oh, look at me wrong. Pull the gun nearly started shooting at you So I end up at up in the mountains Kill this amazing grizzly legendary grizzly Skin it It's brutal the thing is just it's it's graphic get on my horse and walk it down the mountain Somebody's like help help help She's under a horse. So I'm like, I'm a good guy
Starting point is 00:42:46 I'm a good guy. So get off my horse Pull it out Like, okay. Have a good day. I get in my horse. I walk away. Um, sir. Could I get a ride into town? I have a grizzly on my back. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, stop You don't have a grizzly on your back You have the one and only Legendary grizzly. Yes. All right Which is the only one in the whole game. All right. So don't make it seem like it's just a regular grizzly of one of a million
Starting point is 00:43:14 No one out of one all one out of one, bro How the game there's so many decisions. Yeah. Yes, right. Okay. You have to choose either this fucking guy did I'm gonna tell because you're just I'm just gonna tell what this fucking guy did Was he got off it now Visualize it. He gets off his horse He takes a legendary beer pal takes a while to get from the back of his horse lays it on the ground in the old west I hit it behind the rock, but
Starting point is 00:43:41 Oh, wow Yeah, good on you. Right. I'll find that rock this lady back into a town, which she doesn't even give you money, right? No, no, she gives you a ring. She gives you the ring. It's four dollars. But can you go back and get it? That's what so I went back to get it. It's gone Right Did you think you were gonna get some pussy? Is that what it is? I just never know you never know what'll happen You just got that you'll try you gotta try. You know what that girl that was stranded was that Korean methods girl, huh? You would fucking let go of legendary beer pelt yeah
Starting point is 00:44:23 The game is It makes you make these decisions and you have there's it's so sensitive to what you do the karma is real Yeah, yeah, and so that's right. I because I think that that is a part of the game karma Well, no, no, it's no that when you get that legendary beer because it's I remember the late She was a white lady. I think she was a kind of bluish dress or something. Yeah, right I remember the lady and I remember going in my head going It's out loud Fuck you
Starting point is 00:44:50 And tagging I said it out I didn't even order because I knew Because I knew that you she has to ride in the back of my fucking horse And I know that you can't put a human being wait Did she get her out from out of the horse then just no she's dead underneath the horse my friends She died she died underneath the horse. I said fuck you to her and rode by and I pressed a to gallop faster Yeah, yeah, yeah question. Do you guys if you see a car on the side of the road tire waving? Do you stop and help? Here in LA and just in LA
Starting point is 00:45:22 No, probably not right in a busy area if it's like somebody who's a little bit of an older man You would like I like to assess the situation. I like to pick up on certain things if it's someone younger and I'm able-bodied. No, you're good. Like you could go to a fucking, you know And especially if it's in a busy place and like you have resources. You're fine. Yeah, I mean she's the type of person, right? She's gonna get out of her car. Just listen and this is gonna be like an older white dude Trying to get a couch into her van Classic he's gonna be like you going back in first so she's gonna back into it and next, you know, she's in a well Yeah, but I also I carry a knife everywhere. I go. Oh damn. I didn't know I also know how to defend myself
Starting point is 00:46:05 I do look at my fanny pack. There's two Oh, oh the ridge wall of Once once the other one George gets me where if you just once I pull it out of my pants it automatically The blade is already out. What's the one that you did? Oh, yeah, I was doing knife tricks for him. It's really scary her knife work I was like I said I kept doing this and like drawing the knife and then Showing him like tricks and stuff because I was getting cocky surprise. You started the game over I started over
Starting point is 00:46:37 And you're back now. You're so mad. Yeah. Yeah. So you got now. Did you get the beer pelt? We got the bear pelt. Yeah my bear head thing. It's so cool walk around. Yeah, I buy all yeah I just wear that bear. Yeah, so proud of it. Um, I love that lay this side of the road The beaver is the toughest one. I mean so far I don't have that. I know but there's a there's a legendary beaver And he's what you know how fast they are they're tiny and he's white That's the only way that's if he wasn't white you'd never get that fucking thing He was so fast. How do you kill it?
Starting point is 00:47:09 You get the you know, you do the same thing you swim out there. No, you you press the two buttons You know me and then you follow the yellow the yellow thing and you the clues. Yeah eagle eye eagle eye. Yeah, yeah Um, you know, whoever made that rock star. I'm going to just tell you something right now Good job. You even you know, Oliver Hudson has been watching it on youtube. Oh, he's going during the december I'm getting the game. That's funny. It really is there is I'm telling you right now There is moments in that game where you kind of laugh and you go wow you thought of that You know, it's you know, it really it makes me excited to think of what they're going to do with the next Grand Theft Auto Because if they're making it like this this game like this, I I can't even imagine
Starting point is 00:47:55 What Gta is going to look like It's going to be nuts because even just just the wind Right and the the way animals die Where it the way it breathes and it's like struggling for life And then you have to re kill it Right and just the skinning of it just the whole thing The way you make things where you're in a fire and you have to you know, put your arm across the the fire to mix it You know the food
Starting point is 00:48:23 It really is a great taste the taste of the animals down at the lasso lassoing horses and stuff It's there's so much depth to it. Wait, so that's another thing is is that I've seen wild horses out there You can lasso them lasso and you're saddlebag And so if you know, I know I've used the lasso for Don't be a fucking smart ass to ask you a fucking question. What do you think you do the lasso? Well, what I because when somebody like when I have a witness that see me excuse me do a crime I chase him down and I swear to God. I did this. I swear to God that I lassoed a man Who was going to narc on me? I carried him on top of a tower and I shot him in the back of the head
Starting point is 00:48:59 Wow, very honorable of you I'm pretty proud. I lassoed a deer I'm pretty proud. I lassoed a deer that took a lot of work. They're so fast and small But why would you lasso a lot of you just kill it just for fun? Oh, just for fun No, but what I'm saying is that with the horse though I'm asking a real question is if you see a wild horse out there and you lasso it You can bring it back to camp and sell it or train it. Yeah, you can train it. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:49:22 So if I see a beautiful horse out there, I can get it for free. Yeah, you gotta just calm it down Yeah, yeah, you got to break in the horse. That's a lot in terminology That's a yeah, it's so funny about the horse too. It's like The longer the horse is with you the more the bond is You can start doing tricks with it Parallel Yeah, parallel and all that it really is just the little things that they thought of It's and even like here's another thing
Starting point is 00:49:50 Even that's just the simplest thing of like Sometimes in a game like an open world game when you kill somebody Like in in fallout, you'll kill somebody and you don't even know where the body is Right and no, you know what was like like that in fucking far far cry five Far cry five you would kill a deer and then all of a sudden you don't know where the fuck it is Because you had you're dealing with something else But with this game, there's like a little tiny axe When a dead man his body, thank you
Starting point is 00:50:21 It's thicker when you haven't looted it and then once you loot it it becomes a little thinner I didn't notice that. Yeah, little little subtleties like that. It really makes me appreciate I love looting bodies. Me too. It's there's something great about it It got me a trouble couple and also looting houses is just something gratifying about it I could never loot a person in real life You neither What do you mean? Like if I saw just a person lying on the road, I don't think and I saw like wads of cash
Starting point is 00:50:46 It depends on what environment in what your situation in life is my friend Yeah, also like true. Yeah Yeah, it in like a fucking zombie apocalyptic. Yeah, you gotta You gotta loot. Yeah And also like Is it called looting if it's just out there and no one's coming to claim them anytime soon? But you're just it's just a resource that you can use Do you know what I mean? Like if it would have gone to waste anyways, and it's like in a disaster area
Starting point is 00:51:14 um And it's like a fucking can of beans. I'll fucking loot that can of beans And but if it's a gold watch, I don't care about that. You think if somebody has a can of beans in their pocket No, I'm saying looting for food. I don't consider necessarily looting But if you're looting to me, I always imagine is like getting Like a watch or a tv or things that they can sell right to make profit But if you're just going for food and survival stuff that that to me isn't looting Like people loot after the the hurricanes or the wildfires look in california
Starting point is 00:51:45 They they try to prevent people from driving in stuff because a lot of people just go up there to try to loot stuff Yeah, because they're going to ban their homes And It's terrible. It is smart though Like if you've never had like truffle oil in your life like yeah, maybe yeah, let me go to that I mean that that is an interesting premise of a movie though To loot. Yeah, but something happens. You know what I mean? But like um, I mean just just that is an interesting thing where you if a rich neighborhood right like the palisades
Starting point is 00:52:16 You wear your the mask of some sort You have only a certain amount of time or you'll die But you could probably get some good shit. You know what that's actually what's happening in the fires right now And we shouldn't encourage people to do don't do it as one of my oh, I meant Yeah, because people are yeah people are looting Yeah, well not not a whole lot of like reported cases But I have read here and there that people there as attempted looting also a pity Oh, so it doesn't don't when you go to your fucking house and you only have a couple of seconds
Starting point is 00:52:44 You take the things you need your kids and your animals Anybody that leaves their dog Is a fucking piece of shit? Or a cat Gerbil fine Or a horse or a giraffe. Yeah a giraffe Yeah, you guys don't know the fucking drama would Stanley the giraffe from Malibu wine No from safari from the Malibu safari
Starting point is 00:53:07 You know Stanley's okay, but Whitney, you know went over there like basically went rogue Whitney Cummings Um because they said that they had evacuated the animals and apparently um Stanley's famous Um, yeah, I don't know the situation, but there was some drama With um, I think like the verbiage that they use And I don't know there was some shit there did a giraffe heist that's insane No, she didn't hide she didn't they couldn't transport the giraffe or they say they they said they couldn't so they let the good lady I love Whitney. She really is a good. She's loved animals. She's a good lady, but I don't know the really like if I'm
Starting point is 00:53:45 If I'm running for my life and fucking flames are shooting my way And you have 80 animals in a You they they probably should have a better contingency plan My opinion but fires also like yeah Yeah, what I want to talk about as a group here and what the fans want is is that who should get as a guest There's some people on the fence for me Guests, yeah, you mean like just future guests. Yeah We want Nikki Glaser. I think she's I want Anna Ferris
Starting point is 00:54:15 Anna Ferris. She's gonna be tough Why Because she still has to do Bert and Tom Segura's podcast because they did hers. She's she's a busy girl I kid I imagine yeah, it's probably hard people have been requesting just more mad tv friends even like Michael mcdonald Mike will be great. Mike. Mike agreed to do it. Mike agreed to it. We'll get more Collins. What about Keegan or Ike? Keegan. I've asked Ike I've asked like by and hold Eric by and holds five times And he always goes i'm busy or he won't return my text. I think i'm done with it. No, he's probably I love him
Starting point is 00:54:45 No, I love him. He's busy. I love him and I will always love him. That's not what i'm saying. What about Keegan? Keegan will say no No, I don't think so. I think he will just send him a clip of Jordan doing it YouTube I think Keegan will say no. He's gonna say he's too busy. I mean he is and then you're sure he is But Mike mcdonald 100% Aries Spears wants to do it. We don't know wait. How would happen there? Were we talking about like we would have will sasso be here. No, Aries Spears asked to be on this I know but we should have will sasso be here at the same time because he brokered the deal, right? No, no
Starting point is 00:55:17 I think I think I honestly think this is the honest truth I think we should try And if it doesn't work out he gets violent or something weird happens that we just don't air and we'll do two that day or something I think it's really The risk We have to risk it. Do you know is he coming in like angry at you? That's the general sentiment I don't think he's gonna get violent, but he you know Aries and I are friends I know but there's been some back and forth between it. Yeah, but it's all just jive
Starting point is 00:55:46 Jive talk. It's jive talk. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, it's just like a fake instagram beef It's jive. It's jive talk Okay, jive turkeys. Yeah. It's jive talk talk. So um, we can get you know, Mike said he would do it. Yeah Um, Aries is you know question. We'll see. Okay Um, and then we have you know, mo collins depra wilson Those two will do it so many people and we'll get them I think mad tv because they're also, you know working with michael last week. How was it? It Um
Starting point is 00:56:24 And we him and I said something together regardless of the any of all, you know any regardless of What you how you may feel or have resentment or this and that at the end of the day It's almost as if we were in the same war Or platoon or something Where we went through an experience was one of my first experiences And it's like they're family
Starting point is 00:56:52 It's a weird you've seen me with mad people. Mm-hmm. Do you think there's a family vibe? Yeah. Yeah It's a real family vibe And it was really just a nice thing man You know, what are we doing on time? We're over. How much would we add? We're at a 105 Even with the cut Don't say that. We didn't have cuts. That's still over We didn't have any cuts. What are you talking about the 10 uncomfortable 10 minutes we had in there. We didn't fight We talking about you didn't get butt hurt and turned pale and stormed out. Yeah, none of that happened
Starting point is 00:57:27 Yeah, we went to the cheesecake. You didn't get personal. Yeah Why almost has something that like kind of totally derailed is the whole podcast Really? Well, it could have he would have had an extra edit. Yeah, but why would you do that? Why does that come to your head? Why does your heart go black so fast? Because it's just a banter, right? Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god. You're harboring resentment I think I have my harboring resentment toward me. Let's do it after the pot Yeah, yeah. What are the resentments? Why do we need to air it out now? I just want to know what they are Just generally. Yeah, I think that you're very self-consumed
Starting point is 00:58:08 Yeah, and um and And I think that it's I think so much of what we talk about is just you Like I don't think that you ever ask me about My life and my dreams and who I want to be or any of that. It's all that we talk about Is you and I think the moment I start to Express anything about my life or my thoughts you kind of just tune out or you play video games So I feel in the last like Just a past like few days. I think I just feel a little alone
Starting point is 00:58:40 But and again, it's cyclical with you. So I think we do have good moments. Like we had an amazing time Last night until I fell asleep To making a murder or those moments I treasure But I feel like just that's just generally but I I I know but I also I'm that's my mistake because I don't know I I want to support you and I never want to like it's just been a tough I'm gonna be honest with you. It's been a tough tough couple weeks at work. Yeah, they've been working me like a dog Because they weren't working me and they're like, oh my god. We got to get our money's worth So they're giving me so much to do
Starting point is 00:59:16 And it's like taking line dancing and you know, I'm getting this is it underneath my nose. I'm a little stressed Yeah, that's why I don't say anything. Now you just force it out. No, I think that you and I this is our podcast Okay, and I think that you should have You should say those things and I should be able to go you're right But there's a place in time. I don't think that I should be saying those things when you are under a lot of pressure I'm okay holding it in and just taking a nice shower and letting it roll over into the next day Yeah, and I think that when you're when your rough week is over and when you're able to actually have you know
Starting point is 00:59:54 A moment to yourself and when you're receptive Then I can talk about it. I'm not I'm not dying on the inside. So don't think that I'm gonna also say the reason why I railroad everyone in this thing It's a it really is um, something that I have to take a look at but For me, it's like, you know, I feel like There's more like a responsibility To put out a good, you know, I don't like dead air, you know and this and that and I put pressure on myself To keep it entertaining and to keep going and this and that I mean to do this
Starting point is 01:00:30 Every week it is a lot and I also do We all do other podcast and stuff. It's just you don't know what stories you've told not this and that and and I also want this to continue Tiger belly is so important to me. I should be able to like step back and go, you know, let other people You should be more conscious about how people are feeling About the thing. I think you misunderstood me. No, I didn't misunderstand. I got what you're saying No, I don't think I'm not talking about how you treat me on this podcast. You treat me fine on this podcast I'm talking about in a real life. Oh, how you feel. Yeah. Well, you can talk about yourself all it's be my guest Yeah, I think I just been a lot, you know, I haven't been I you know, it's been um
Starting point is 01:01:14 A tough couple weeks and um I um You know, hawaii you you're just tired and you're you feel Exhausted and that's fine like especially today. All your cells are at work I don't I don't expect for you to come home and say tell me everything about your day. I mean last week There's no way. I was literally a zombie I don't even remember, you know me coming home sometimes. Yeah. Yeah, I was beat But anyway, you know, I thought today without George I thought this podcast, right?
Starting point is 01:01:49 I thought this podcast was great. I think I think Bryce did a great job and Bryce you are I can talk about your mouth All day long. I can talk about your inability to slam You know, that's what's slamming slam that like like slam. Wow That's a little but I want to say this because I'm not able to steal a deal with the love of my life Doesn't mean I'm not out there getting action. Is the Korean church girl still the love of your life. Whoa, Lisa She's not the love of your life. You fucking it only feels that way because you can't slam Is that the term we're using? No, it's just every swap. There's somebody who you you decide like, okay This is somebody I would probably move across the country. It's like there's there's only a you ain't moving anywhere for nobody
Starting point is 01:02:32 But there's there's at least one person out there for everyone who you would like consider. Yes. There's a light person in my life Yeah, who I've considered changing who I am, which is what I realized is dangerous Whoa, that's dangerous And that's I've recognized that because I just I don't change And so And so I would consider this girl dangerous for me that way You get that but just because it's moving slow doesn't mean it's not moving in the right direction I don't know if I want to move the right direction. Bob is right though. Bob this
Starting point is 01:03:08 I don't like who I am. You're the only one that calls me that And I like it. Yeah, for some reason when it comes from you Right I I for some reason when you say it makes sense. It makes sense. Same here. But if anyone else calls me bob, I kill him Okay, so go ahead. I like it. Yeah, I appreciate that. I know why it is because I think you've never called me bobby Yeah, yeah, I like bob. Yeah, it's And I feel grown up when you say it I feel like a man
Starting point is 01:03:38 When you say it Bryce empowers you you empower me make his balls big. I'm not you know, I you know, I want to lay into you right now I want to lay into your shit right now Because you're just really infuriating me right now. Okay about this girl thing. I want to let it go. All right I'm just gonna say this though All right, that you're wrong All right, and and I see bigger things for you He just said that No, you're right and wrong everything he's doing is he said bob's correct and he's right and you said you're wrong
Starting point is 01:04:11 No, no, no, no, no, okay. What I'm saying is there's no confusion. All right I want big things for you. In fact, everyone listening right now the tiger belly fans You know that guy at the panda express in you know, when I saw you there was a guy there Yeah, he was a fat brown guy Sure, and he goes slept king. I was eating my food. It's so cute, right? And I got up right and he did a bow, which I appreciate He bowed. Well, yeah, that's because you're a sleeper. Yeah. He was a true sleeper Yeah, he couldn't believe that I was at this fucking random random Panda Express in Palmdale
Starting point is 01:04:44 He was in Palmdale. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, he was just he was a nurse He had like nurse gear on right? Yeah, and he was just kind of going through and he looked at me and he couldn't believe Is that slept and I got up, right? You know as you know as his captain. Yeah, I did a salute. He saluted me as well Yeah, I do that with the kids. I love it. You know when they go how nosotras papaya. I take photos with them So that's why this is this is this podcast and the people that listen to it is so important to me They they're not they're not you guys are not Just fans
Starting point is 01:05:18 You're a part of the family. True. You know, I don't want to get to know you Yeah, I don't want to get to know you. I want to get to know you wait. Maybe you know, I give your your phone number cloud Yeah, yeah, but what I'm saying is is that see if I but I want you to know this that you know I mean your my love for you is immense And it makes me feel alive And when I see you out in public I enjoy it. I love meeting you and I love being with you for those beautiful moments Okay, and brice I want great things for you
Starting point is 01:05:49 And if I I'm never I don't want to ever hear about this Korean bitch again Why does she have to be a bitch? Also, look at your nail bed. Your nail bed is flattening out because you haven't smoked So you're better oxygenated now. You don't have clubbed fingers anymore. Is that what it is? Yeah, they're getting well his thumb is just I don't know what that is, but the other fingers are looking better This thought which thumb is the worst? Oh, fuck, babe I think they're right just because it's Too twice the size of the left one even though you eat. Well, this is the left one
Starting point is 01:06:22 This is the left one. I know, but why is the right one so much bigger than the left one even though it's half eaten Because I want them to be individuals. See there it is That's what I love about you Gilbert. There you go with that anyone and that's why you're here That's why you're here and that's why you're our sidekick. Why am I here? You're a psychic too, but you're You're an antagonizer, but this one right here. This one plays the game and there it is right? Am I not right? Look There it is. There it is. Yeah. Well, there it is and that's why that's why All right, so give me the um the question if there's any helpful advice with bobby and koala Hello, bobby young and company. I have an 11 year old kid that likes to sing
Starting point is 01:07:04 But the problem is she isn't that great at it Especially in the high notes But due to my mistake of giving loving positive reinforcements since birth She wants to sign up for her school's talent show Should I let my daughter continue down this path just to possibly be made fun of forever by her peers? Or should I just tell her that she should just sing in her room or nobody can hear her No, no, she's certainly father of the year Oh my god, regardless of what you say or don't say I'm going to tell you this right now. She will find out really quickly
Starting point is 01:07:33 If she has it or not let her fly in whatever direction when it comes to what she thinks her talents are and I think that kids learning rejection that kind of Is is important. I mean for somebody else besides their parents to say, hey, you know what you didn't make the cut is important They have to learn that early on When I was in sixth grade, I did a talent show at my school And I did a um a tampon commercial that I'd written Pause you did it. Yeah, I did. I did. Yeah, and I played all the parts in it And then after I was done, um, did it and no one liked it
Starting point is 01:08:12 You know, I was so nervous too Like, you know, and I didn't even really know what a tampon was So how did you still know? I know what it is. I know it goes in some places, but I remember I remember that like the teacher said to me, um Um, you're the subject matter of that was uncalled for like she got really angry, right? Yeah, and I remember enjoying her response to it So many so what I'm saying is I just remember the feeling of going Wow this lady is
Starting point is 01:08:43 Fucking live it I didn't know those words, but in my mind I was like, gosh, she's really upset I think she threatened to call my parents too or whatever, right? But I just remember liking That response from her You know, you know, like there was something about it So it didn't go well, right? But so let this girl sing Who knows and also even if it's she's let's say She's saying she's not great, but she tries out for theater and a different seed is planted
Starting point is 01:09:13 She's like, okay. I maybe you know, I initially wanted to sing, but I'm actually better at acting I'm better in something else creatively Or she's singing and all of a sudden she gets so nervous that something weird happens to her voice And she does an octave lower and then she starts killing it. Yeah Yeah, you don't know you don't know, right? You also don't know how her voice will develop as she gets older and with practice and with time and maybe if she You know, she could be her own thing the best For me, my favorite artists aren't the ones who could belt out
Starting point is 01:09:46 Anthems my favorite artists are the ones who make me feel things. Yeah, it's not the voice It's not the octave. It's the feeling I get when I hear When I with the way they the way they sing it the way they say it or what if like she forgets the words she panics She says something that's really funny and the audience laughs. Yeah, and the inner head. She's like, oh, that's what I want to do Yeah, yeah, yeah, let her try. Let her just let her go. Let her go Um, is that it? Yeah. Yeah, could we we did this on a Tuesday because I had to work yesterday So um, we have to upload this immediately cut that chunk out. Well, you know, we were Kala is being negative and then um
Starting point is 01:10:24 antagonistic antagonistic and um Which you know, I appreciate You know appreciate you You know, there's there's something to be said Kalilah about you you know You you're a part of my being
Starting point is 01:10:46 Because people can't really get to me in that way. You're the only one that can't Oh, you mean there's something about our closeness That you're able to do it and you know How to press my buttons You know me so you do, you know, you know how to rub me. You know how to get me to the rage zone You could do it within five words. He couldn't do it Bryce could there's no way there's no way you could do it. I don't know how to he doesn't know how to Although I don't use that ammunition
Starting point is 01:11:16 Willy-nilly. I'm very careful if if And I could do it to you as well You do it all the time. No, but I could really get down to deep, you know, I mean you honestly you came home yesterday And you made a fucking whole three-minute song about the touche You called me like you made a song about me and you called Stanley Tucci and you sang it for three minutes Lovable and he and only that but he started to record it. Yeah. He's like, this is my love song to you Yeah, the touche is in the house. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's love. It's love. You know, it's pure love And Bryce, when does George get back?
Starting point is 01:11:47 He refuses to tell me I've texted him twice. I don't want him back. I want you I want to hear next week Monday He's here Monday. No, I want you to be the guy he gets a break break. All right No, I'm being real. Tell him he doesn't do Monday. He because we have a guest next Monday But you know what that means for George, right? Yeah paid leave because he's still getting paid Bryce Are you getting money for this a little bit a little bit good Good the goal is to bring him on 2019 And then what does George do? Let's get him out George and have you
Starting point is 01:12:16 Uh, I was Bryce wants to deal with taxes. That's not but George, babe Do you know how much George does with all our monies and paperwork and all of that? We had meetings with him. We had meetings twice a week our meetings. We enjoyed how come I got kicked out of those meetings Because you didn't really like them. We could tell. No, I like the creative stuff And then that's what we do the merch together mean you handle the merch Yeah, I know but like how come I got because was I not a good listener? No, we just don't want to bore you. All right. Anyway guys, and then thanks for this and doing another episode of tiger belly Um, you know socials papaya. May god save your world
Starting point is 01:12:50 and many others The wind blow between your eyes To give you consciousness beyond levels of pain suffering And let your equilibrium Become balanced with nature That's a good message. Thank you. Bye Any shows for bobby colilo or yes? Listen, I have to shoot friday. It's the only I'm only doing shows at the brand improv saturday and sunday
Starting point is 01:13:19 So get your tickets at something something and then um, I'm also playing arlington, virginia november 29 to december 1st Yeah, so go see me there and I'm at the San Diego comedy company third week of third week of december And then my show got picked up for five new episodes And there was also some good news that I found out today, but I'm not gonna tell it online Thank you cliffhanger And uh, before we go colilo just quick thoughts on uh, you know the movie i'm talking about
Starting point is 01:13:53 I want to know why I was disinvited to the meetings all of a sudden. I didn't see him in my calendar anymore We took them off because we do phone calls now Although I do have secret meetings with george, which I did have yesterday. You feel jealous a little bit Actually, I Prefer if I didn't have to do the phone calls at george We should have just shorter holy shit. I was on the I honestly I was like I'm just gonna call him for two seconds because it's just he just has one question You know that one question about um scheduling. Yeah, and he oh, I dealt with all of that yesterday. I know
Starting point is 01:14:24 Did he give you the new schedule? Uh, I just don't want to look at it yet Guys, we have a lot in store. Just get ready. Just get ready guys. We're we're doing a lot for you guys So at the end I was just like, okay. Okay. All right. That works. That works. We just realized you don't have to Do all that but really quick thoughts on um I don't want to talk about it. I'm not over it. Okay. She might cry. We'll just say this She cried I don't care if you tell me that I'm being
Starting point is 01:14:50 Um, a corny bitch or I'm too if this if you think I'm mainstream for this or I'm not cool But I think a star is born very good is One of the best movies I've ever seen. Yeah, we should have talked about that. Are you saw it? No No, wait, wait, wait till you see it. All right guys Uh, make sure you follow us on uh, uh, instagram at tiger belly on twitter at that tiger belly You most any questions at tiger belly at gmail.com. You can follow klila at calamity k brice her obsession with that movie has gotten to the point We're I'll walk into it. What my socials. I need fall. Oh, yeah. Yeah. What's your social at brice hallock. Thank you Good
Starting point is 01:15:27 Go ahead. Tell us about my obsession babe I had to do a scene this morning where I had to sing a glady gaga song from the movie. Yeah And I don't give a fuck right I just look at the clip that they want me to do. I did it at the table read it worked And she's like if it was more dead on be better Like I'm not lady gaga bitch Sorry I didn't even hear the bitch part. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's let's okay. Let's stop it now. Let's do the yeah
Starting point is 01:15:56 Because I have to eat and I have to go to sleep if you follow everything else at bobbilylive.com. Have a good night Hey guys, we are back. We forgot. We have some real papayas from our patreon for a patreon and we do the shout outs here We have bang bang bennie rample. Love him. Great name. You know, just I like the name Chicago kanazawa Love you chikako Havies from singapore I mean, these are all like band names or something. They're not real. They're not real Juan J. Aguirre again. Oh, yes. He didn't say Aguirre this time
Starting point is 01:16:27 Well, Juan J. Aguirre again. Lazlo Tatay again. Thank you, Lazlo Melvin Flores again again, Rachel Wilkins again. Yeah, and Sansei Seraj again. Seraj again. Let me ask you this. These are the only ones that do patreon No, those are the elite members that are I'm not going to reveal you have to check out patreon.com But I see you're they're paying a certain amount to get their names. We call them the real papayas They're the real papayas. Well, thank you real papayas. I enjoy you. I love you and then maybe one day we'll have a You know what we should do a meal or something once a year We should have just a weekend a tiger belly weekend where people fly from all over the country
Starting point is 01:17:08 To hang out with us at at a place like a real fucking cult guys and we'll do seminars Oregon, let's do it in Oregon. We'll do seminars. We'll do seminars. We'll hang out. We'll go eat Play play a chikachah. Yeah Yeah You know, everyone has to show the genitals at a certain point No for medical reasons. Yeah For medical reasons. Hell. Yeah. So anyway, those are the real papayas. All right. Let's go. Bye guys Guys
Starting point is 01:17:58 Hey Prime members, you can listen to tiger belly ad free on amazon music download the amazon music app today Or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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