TigerBelly - Episode 208: The Arizona Episode

Episode Date: August 21, 2019

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today Hey Hey, what's up? Hey, what's up Johnny Johnny Johnny neutron here Johnny you shows that you yes me, okay Johnny neutron here Hey, what's up? Yeah, hey, what's up? Just turn it on Hey, what's up? Shabba-dabba do be do to you man back. You're on K-Rock
Starting point is 00:00:54 93.9 the bridge The ridge Johnny neutron here. Good morning. Whoa the traffic out there on the one-on-one is The start let's just keep that in there. Oh, thank you for being a friend Travel down the road and back again Your heart is true. You're a pal and a confidant Stop right there. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. My dad died. My dad died Come in I can't use it Whoa too soon it happened yesterday too soon. All right, go ahead, babe
Starting point is 00:01:36 You would see the biggest gift from me and the card attached would say thank you for being Johnny neutron here on K-Rock 101.1 FM Listen You guys are confidants and I didn't even know what that word meant until that song and never used it But you're confident. Well, everyone in this room is a confident except for one. I'm gonna tell you why oh, wow because some FYI Yesterday, let's say it's Monday or Tuesday Monday yesterday. My dad died. I'm so sorry Bob Hmm interesting that you would say something like that because it's interesting that you would say something like that because I'm I'm just gonna give you
Starting point is 00:02:21 Some facts, okay my dad passed and I'm gonna tell you Mike Halloran Natalie Matt Blake Gilbert Goulon Steven you and Stone Street Giovanna from the get's kidding kids. That's kegging Whatever that's that's kidding kids kid just kidding news. I mean my brother. I don't know my brother. I'm with my brother Oh, yeah, he spent Benji Adam everyone Ike Barron holds Nick Rutherford my ex-girlfriend Christine
Starting point is 00:02:50 Saratiana Everyone who man the exes even exes and the only one that didn't leave me any kind of comment or message is George that's I had friends I have a talk to for 30 years giving me comments, but you haven't done anything to explain yourself Instagram and Textes and in every format you didn't reach out at all. Did my family reach out to you? Yeah, your sister Your mom not trying to help kill everyone Why would explain yourself? Well, I haven't had that much tragedy in my life
Starting point is 00:03:22 So I don't know how to react to these things so I tried to imagine how I would feel and I would probably just want to not have to respond to anybody and Given our relationship, and how much you don't like talking to me in general There's the hammer you would probably extra not want to hear from me. Whoa. No, that's not what it is That's not what it is. Okay. I just want what does that sound? What sound is that? I left my phone on. Yeah, but what noise is that? Wee-wee-wee two queefs. It's the minions beep beep beep. Oh beep beep beep. Oh, it's cute and very relevant. Thank you Anyway, so you did and it's fine. I get what you're saying, but let's just start from the beginning
Starting point is 00:04:07 Well, we did know we already did that we already did that. Mm-hmm So I haven't done this podcast in a while a month a month and a half because I've been out So I've had a crazy um, I went to a Montreal for two weeks I went to Hawaii for about a week and a half and then I got came back for a couple of days And then my mom called Monday last Monday to say you got to come now and I know if you don't want to hear this Turn it off, but I want you to keep it on so we can get the numbers stay on but listen, okay?
Starting point is 00:04:41 This is not gonna be a funny Episode this is gonna be trying going to try more real about it Okay, and I'm wearing my sunglasses because my brother bought me these and they were over $50 and he's never bought me anything That's where any women's sunglasses. I don't know, but he went to Costco to get it. Oh I think there are any $50 sunglasses in Costco, babe. He's a liar. We know that too So we can do some research on that after after that, but I don't want to do that now. Okay, so um So Monday my mom called I was at here's what happened Monday. I Wake up and I had to go to all things comedy
Starting point is 00:05:17 So I went to all things comedy to meet with Mike Bertolini What's his name Bertolina, whatever and we had a little meeting and then I go, you know what? I'm hongo I'm gonna go to a doghouse. Hmm for chili dogs. Delicious. Could my body crave for that sometimes? Mm-hmm. I order it get some catered thoughts as soon as the meal hits my get it from the thing My mom called saying you got to come now. So I called Kalyla She got me a plane ticket and my brother we flew over there and we thought that he was gonna die right then and there But when we walked into the hospice He was very
Starting point is 00:05:54 Cognitive alert and alert in there. He smiled when we walked in he said our names when we walked in We kissed him. We started crying. It was crazy. And um So then in my head, I'm like he didn't look as sick as My mom made it out to be she was just freaking the fuck out on the phone So when I saw him, I'm like, oh, he looks like he always does like he's there. He's talking But then the lady came in she said, yes, so we just put him off. We're not feeding him anymore and
Starting point is 00:06:29 No more water Well, that's you have to explain why that sounds cruel when you don't explain me. No, let's just start at that No context. There's a dirt. I mean, yeah, the people can fill in the blanks, right? It's like he has infections a lung infection anything that comes to his body that's solid, right? It's gonna turn into that's gonna feed into the infection and He's not gonna be able to digest the food and it's gonna come through. He's gonna vomit it all out and he's gonna die that way Because he has infections on the stomach because he's been feeding him through his stomach. It would just add a lot more distress. Yeah But when he said that my brother goes, I have a question. What do you mean you fucking can't feed him?
Starting point is 00:07:07 Oh, like he said like no, you're not fucking but he was like kind of like shocked by it. Yeah He's like, yeah, he's just and I kind of pull my brother back and go do it It's just he'll have an infection and then he's like there's nothing you could do I go and she said you can bring him to the hospital and get him antibiotics and try to do it that way But you're only gonna prolong his life for another seven days Right, so I go all right And then that's when it hit us And then by Wednesday when you know, he
Starting point is 00:07:35 He Just we just started losing him like He there was nothing behind the eyes And my brother Steve was spent just days at night till three four five in the morning there just sitting next to him Because he didn't want my dad to pass and no one be in the room, which is like a credit to my brother Um And if you're listening to this, I'm sorry it's depressing, but this is it literally just happened So you had you had a weird couple days there the the conversations you were we were having were really weird between Monday and Wednesday
Starting point is 00:08:09 Why why? He would go back and forth between calling me and be like Babe, this is the most depressing shit ever. You would love the new athletic wear. I just bought And then you would go into like kind of to a half cry and then like Be like like excited about the new leggings. You're like a year ago. I saw jo coi With his family wearing these like Nike Leggings leggings the tight kind, but what he does what they do now the kids is they put shorts over it Covered so the leggings are exposed. So you get no just listen to me. They've been doing that for like 10 years
Starting point is 00:08:48 I'm learning. I never noticed before jo coi. We're learning. We're learning. Thank you. Gilbert. We're learning. Okay So I bought this combination this camo pants shorts It's tight leggings and what I was talking to you I was in remorse and I was feeling sad But then I would pop my eyes under my new fucking vibe from my waist down and I was excited about it So I just expressed to you that I love this new leggings I know it sounded senile because I was like in and out of crying freaking out, but that's the truth, baby And that's life. That's what happens when you're um in that situation, you know
Starting point is 00:09:23 So the week I'm just going to finish it so the week went on and then by I mean, I imagine didn't feed him since monday. So now come to friday And he there's just no moisture in his mouth He's staring at the ceiling is at times and then closing his eyes and sleeping for 20 hours
Starting point is 00:09:46 And then sunday, um It was like seven eight in the morning and I was sleeping And I heard my mom downstairs And it was um A sound that I don't ever want to hear again. It was It was I just couldn't my brother and I were in shock. My mom was crying screaming Get up He's dead or whatever we get in the car
Starting point is 00:10:17 We're erased there and I don't know. Listen. I want to say this to the hospice that my dad was in Everybody in that hospice deserves a medal And if they had penises at Sackham But they're women and that's that's sexist and that's being aggressive. Yeah, so I can't save the vagina thing Right. So you get what I'm saying. Yeah, but my point is is that they were so good. We it's 24 hours You can go slip in and out. There's a little vending machine. It's really nice. Very nice It's a great place and um, we walk in And the lady said he just took his last breath
Starting point is 00:10:54 And my brother and my mom collapsed in sheer devastation I've never seen anything. I mean and I did not cry I cried monday tuesday wednesday, but then when it actually happened You know, I had these fancy sunglasses on that my brother got me at Costco And um, I just stood there absorbing what was going on. It was like almost like I was in shock
Starting point is 00:11:23 And then my uncles and aunts all drove from San Diego. So they came in and this uncle Chunghae's dad my mom's older sister's husband who I just did the movie with Eric Griffin Chunghae's Husband EJ me and Eric Griffin and Sean Austin and Al Madge were on this new movie So they're so the my uncle who I don't I've never talked to in my life growing up. He was the doctor And he comes in the room and he fullblown goes
Starting point is 00:11:53 All right I wrote something he pulls out a two-page Poem or something. Yeah, wow and he destroyed he rocked the room out Really? Yeah, so from as soon as he opened his mouth. It was just tears galore. I mean and I didn't understand what he was saying, but He was going, you know, saying in korean you taught me that Golf that one time, you know where we couldn't know where to go. So you let us stay at your house for three months Just all these things and my brother. That's when I did weep
Starting point is 00:12:28 Because it was a powerful poem Then I go let's go have lunch and they go we want to go back. They drove They stayed for an hour. We went to In-N-Out. That's where they wanted to eat. I go. There's a fancy place called fucking What's that place? Maastros right there five star hotel a five star restaurant No, in and out. So I went and bought everyone in and out They drove away. It's been a blur since then Until you guys came up here. It's been an absolute blur. I don't know
Starting point is 00:12:57 what's going on It's just because there's still a lot of crying in the house And just sporadic Yeah, your brother just texted me saying your mom's in shambles Oh, fuck man Oh, I gotta go You can handle it She told me that afterwards
Starting point is 00:13:17 Yeah, that was I think that maybe he's just talking about not currently but just generally she's in shambles I think she's in shambles because she is going in and out of Tears I just how do you how do you how do you live with somebody? for 50 years Which is what she did and and she said he's the only man. She's ever been with she only fucked one guy that guy And I kept telling her there's bigger dicks out there She's like I don't care and I'm like there are thicker bigger juicier ones And she's like I don't that's the only one that I know so that's the third vibe
Starting point is 00:13:52 You really sold it on her too. Yeah, I did. I said there are black dicks out there. They're juicy and you know, I mean relevant Relevant yeah, and she's like I don't care Relevant now. It's in no way. All right, but anyway, um, she's only fucked him and um, also you have to understand that She doesn't really have a lot of friends my parents. My parents are like me What you have two or three people that you talk to my best friend is kalayla my lover is kalayla my
Starting point is 00:14:20 My everything is her. She does everything. She's also my assistant. She gets me playing tickets. She organizes And that's that's all that you know, she's everything So my mom's that same way. So my dad and mom For 50 years, that's all they do is just hang out for 50 years and imagine Imagine that now How did they meet again? She met through um, my cousin my uncle's Uncle goes I know this little guy to my mom, which is not a
Starting point is 00:14:48 Yeah And my mom's probably like does he have a big black juicy? Is it relevant? Yeah, it's not it's not relevant No, didn't he like leave a steak at her doorstep. That's what happened. She didn't so my dad my mom and dad met Big juicy steak. They went on a couple days. My mom my dad fell in love. My mom didn't want nothing He has a flat face. Yeah, it's a flat Fucked up face that he has like mine No, because you still have um Peaks qualities you have film qualities in your face
Starting point is 00:15:15 And you're gonna be a very big star one. Thank you. Okay, so I know that's what you wanted to hear And now my eyeglasses are off. I'm looking right at you. Yeah, you're gonna be a very big star one. I can't I know And your flat face is going to be an asset I imagined the kind of movies you can do But what are they bobby or like guardians again? Let's see three flat face. It's some sort of wall creature. Okay We'll ride it. I'd be how great would how funny would that be with that other big blue guy? Yeah, right? You're like, they're like walking by a wall and then you didn't say hi to jimmy. I am flat There we go. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Yeah, so it's a big feature for you. Thank you. But my parents um
Starting point is 00:15:55 That's all they did so what happened was my mom didn't want anything to do with them And so she moved to wisconsin with that uncle that did the speech Oh, yeah, and her older sister they lived in wisconsin My dad flew to wisconsin and then he bought the most expensive steak Now, I know americans women love diamonds And they like flowers and shit. Yeah, koreans want food and steak a good piece of meat to do barbeque Yep Right. I you know what?
Starting point is 00:16:26 That's true legit Right in fact if you pull out a steak out of your pot, okay but Here's this you fucking asshole. Why does this make me an asshole because I bought you that ring and then you I found on the ground of the rental car So he no no no no no no no no you're and see that's a lie. It's not a lie. I found it on the ground of the rental car Why I don't know why because when I was you don't give a fuck no
Starting point is 00:16:54 Because when I was on hawaii in the plane I I wanted to sleep and I didn't want to lose it Yeah, and I sleep like this with my hands on my face like I do this And it was piercing my face. So I said, can you put it in your bag and hold it until we get to LA? That's like saying can you throw it in the trash? If you want to give it to me, you that means you may never see it again. I love this ring. I've been wearing it every day Yeah, for the week. It's been here. It's fine. It's to you. You know, it's so weird He's been really sensitive about this ring very sensitive about it because it came in a very special like a
Starting point is 00:17:28 Like a box, right? He got it in hawaii If I was a guy, I would feel a certain way too if I did a test ring and you reacted that way Oh, this is a test ring. Yeah, and look where it was In the bottom of your rental car a hertz, right? Yeah, because I prefer steak And that's what I'm gonna propose with her Don't kill a cow A ship's no no no not steak. All right. Anyway, portobello mushroom. Don't lose it again Or we're gonna have a very big problem and let's not talk about it again. Okay, but that was rude
Starting point is 00:17:59 and admit it. Anyway, um, so what was I saying? Oh, that's how they met. So then my dad, my mom, my dad got a steak, ring the doorbell of this like apartment complex in Wisconsin somewhere, and she took them back and they've been with each other ever since. And, um, my dad was a violent, rage-aholic, alcoholic. And so growing up was very difficult, I think. I don't know what other people's lives were like, but I read storybooks and I've seen like movies. It's nothing like those movies. You know, we were at times running for our lives. So growing up, I didn't really, I don't know, technically love them. If he had died then, I don't think I would have, I would have been a bomber, but. But what was his life like before? Like did he
Starting point is 00:18:51 go through a lot of hardships before he came to America? Like he must have had his own fair share of, of a tough upbringing. Cause I think maybe that's what carried over into his adult life. Well, he didn't have an education. So what happened was when he was a young man, the Korean war happened and he didn't get good grades. He's not, he's not, I think I take after him, he doesn't have a lot of facts. What do you mean by no facts? It isn't a really information. Like if you say, where's Mount Fuji? I don't know. We know who's to share a Mofun. I don't know. He didn't know anything. If you played him a Beatles song, like anything, like let it be, this is the first time he's ever heard it.
Starting point is 00:19:37 He's that one of those kind of immigrants. Your mom is so the opposite. My mom loves music. From the one beyond that, her, his mom loves history and she loves like learning all these tidbits and new languages. And she's such a, she's a very like eccentric and very colorful woman. And we also had albums around the house, like all the Beatles album, Simon and Garfunkel, things like that, where even as a young guy, you would go to the record player and play it because you don't know, you know, and so my love for Elton John or any of these kind of like the Everly brothers or whatever, she would have it. She liked music and she even likes new stuff. If I said like Rye and like I'll play her ride, she'd go, I like that, you know, whatever. But
Starting point is 00:20:20 my dad, in fact, when he had his first stroke, we put in his earphones, Eric Clapton, Tears from Heaven. And he, imagine he had a stroke. So we have headphones and we pushed play and he literally started crying. And he said for the first time, I like music for the first time, he got it. You know, so he's just one of those kind of guys. So growing up, he went, you know, he grew up in the Korean war. He was, it became a street. He used to pickpocket pickpocket. It was an actual pickpocket. Yeah. He was a pickpocket. He was supposed to sell gum to the American soldiers, but he's also a hood. Like he had like a little street gang and stuff. But then as he got older, he didn't do good in school. So he went and joined the military.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Right. So he was in the Korean army. And I don't really know how he got to America. I just never really, I didn't know who got him the ticket. I don't know how he got a visa. I don't know any of that. So anyway, um, so Sunday happened and, um, now, um, I cancel a bunch of road dates. I'm so sorry. Um, I have to go back to Hawaii. Let's go back to it because I haven't talked about Montreal. I haven't talked about Hawaii five, uh, what's the show I did? Magnum PI. And I didn't talk about any of those things. So as you guys know, it was the first time I was invited to Montreal. Now get this. Okay. What I've been doing for the last month and a half is I spent two weeks in Montreal. Yeah. Almost two weeks in Hawaii to do Magnum PI. I got home for two, three days and my dad was sick.
Starting point is 00:21:59 So I've only been, I've only slept one night in the new house for the last month and a half. So I'm dirty and I'm lost and I'm confused. I don't know what the fuck is going on. And so, um, so I went to Montreal and I want to say to people at Montreal and how I'm in Dell and all these fucking people. It was one of the greatest comedy experiences of my life. It's something that I have always dreamt that it was going to be like that and it was more than that. That's awesome. And I was so angry that they, it took me 20 fucking years to get there. In fact, every comic that found out that was my first time in Montreal, it blew their minds. But this is, you've never, I don't know. I don't know what anything is. Yeah. But as soon as I went
Starting point is 00:22:48 and, you know, my, I hosted the nasty show. So Andrew Schultz, I didn't really know him, but he was the one that blew my mind. Yeah. I was so jealous you got to hang out with him and meet him. Yeah. Blew my fucking mind. And him and I became lovers almost. That's awesome. Like cheek to cheek hugs. I mean, the whole thing. I love that dude. Andrew, when you're in LA, you're going to do this podcast, Tiger Belly. Yeah. What's up? And then I hung out with Jimmy Carr for two weeks. I hung out with Jim Jeffries for like three days. Talk to him a lot. Everyone. That's not everyone, but a lot. Yeah. Okay. But what I loved about it is, you know, you go to an elevator at the hotel or whatever. And then you see Craig Robinson, you see Jim,
Starting point is 00:23:32 oh, Jim Norton came in town. He's like, let's get dessert. So the first night I was there, I was at a coffee shop with him and his girlfriend and Bonnie McFarland. What a great experience. And the whole thing was great. And every show was 1000 seats. I hosted every show. It was always sold out. And I did 413 shows. I did a TV show and it stand up on a TV show crushed it. Right. I did Jim Norton's late night show with not Jim Norton. It was Bonnie and Rich Vasa's show. And then I came, then I came straight from there to Hawaii. The first three days of Hawaii was the worst acting experience I've ever had because I flew from Montreal, which is 12 hours difference. Yeah. I couldn't sleep on the plane. Once I landed, I had to go right to set and shoot every scene
Starting point is 00:24:24 30, 40 fucking chunks of lines. They went as fast. A lot of it's like dialogue that I'm not used to saying. Yeah. And it was really hard. And I, the first night I was there, I was like, I don't want to do this. I went out. But then as days went on and who I love, all my scenes were with that Mexican fool. Jane Hernandez. That Mexican fool dude right there. Oh, yo, Jay listening right now, man. I'm telling you something right now, bro. You, you're a special one, man. Handsome, right? Hispanica. Yeah. Which I love the best. Great actor. And he's playful. And when I see a fool, right? Now you're playful, I guess. You're very, you're whimsical. I like you. Thank you. You live in the fucking, oh, she's the thing. She's Narnia. She's Narnia. Oh, wow. Yeah. She's the playful,
Starting point is 00:25:21 most playful. She has cherub. Oh, I don't even know what one is. But anyway, you're great, babe. You're mythological. Thank you. But um, and then so, and then this other girl that's on the show, Purdy, fucking great actress. And we hung out last two, three days were fun. And I'm going back in three weeks to do another episode. And um, and Jean, Jean, Jean is the right head, one of the writers. And he's the one that wrote me into the show. And he's Korean. And he, let me say something to you for our friend. You took me to the best Acai places on earth. Remember that place? What's it called? The Cove. The Cove. If you're ever in Honolulu and you want Acai, please go to the Cove and get whatever. It's the best. So then I did. So I went out there for the last couple of days,
Starting point is 00:26:10 and then I came back and then my dad died. So that's pretty much the whole, the whole month of my life. And um, I just want to tell people, you know, all the people that left messages and comments, I really appreciate it. I have a really fully grieved. I'm afraid it's going to come out in a way that I'm not intending it to come out because I don't think Sunday, I think I was being strong for my mom and my brother, but I don't think I fully grieved. What does it feel like right now? I feel my eyes are has pressure, but that there's no exit. There's no exit. I feel pressure in my eyes and I want to cry now, but I can't. And it's going to come out in a weird way. I'm going to play tennis or something. Wait, that's not a bad thing. Yeah, but I'm going to
Starting point is 00:27:04 just burst into tears or something because my dad and I used to play tennis together. Something like that's going to happen where, but um, but I think that you should allow it to come out any which way it wants. You know, it's something I don't, I think that it's, it's a process. You have to go through no matter what, and you have to expect that it will come out in one way or another. So just, will it, is it a chance where it will come out? Unlikely. It always comes out. Like, I think that, um, um, when I heard the news about your dad, I was, you know, sad for you, but I didn't have a good cry until you posted that picture on Instagram. And then I called you sobbing because I think that's just that, that, I don't know that encompasses
Starting point is 00:27:54 all like, I know you told stories about how your dad was, you know, violent and all of that, but in that picture, you could see just so much tenderness and love with this little baby that was you. That's what it is. And here, that's the point that I thank you for saying that because don't get me wrong with my parents and I, and I wasn't the best kid at all. I was a fucking crazy kid, you know, but I knew, I've always known that there was love no matter what they did. That's, I've always, my brother and I've always known that that we've been loved. And, um, and also I understood at an early age that he's just doing the best he can. Yeah. With what the circumstances that he has, you know, so, um,
Starting point is 00:28:43 um, yeah, I understand that. And also I don't know if without that kind of childhood and that love that I would have been able to do this business really even, I think they gave me enough foundation where I wasn't like a crazy person, you know, and I did know what love and all that stuff was. And, um, also my dad is very, just when he finds that thing that he needs to do, he just does it constantly. And that's what I do with comedy. You know, I don't, I go up a lot, you know, and, um, that's because I think my dad or something, you know, he just lays her focus on one thing and he did that with his business, you know, but I don't know how it's going to come out. And, um, and it's, it's, my brother and I keep saying it's surreal. We don't
Starting point is 00:29:34 know. This is, it's a nightmare. I also don't think that you've had a lot of sleep in the past couple of weeks. I haven't know. So I don't think that you're able to, to, I don't think you're living in a, in a, in a reality right now. Yeah, I'm not. I'm in a, it's a blur. I've been eating terribly too. Yeah. Because, um, just we don't have to go into the hospital. It's like right by the other house, they live in an area where it's more far me. And so there's only like Canes or like, you know, at late at night, our only option is Albertos. What's that? It's like a, they have them in California. They're like late night, 24 hour Mexican restaurants with really weird meat, you know, the mystery meat or mystery, but I like it because it gives me
Starting point is 00:30:24 nostalgia from when I grew up in Poway. We had one, but yeah, I've been eating terribly. I've been sleeping and, um, I just kind of get my mom to what's the, what's the plan? I know you guys didn't want to do a service and that was it today. So your dad just didn't want a service or he was just, um, no, I, my brother and I walked into the place. The lady was like, nice, but very Adams family. Like what does that mean? It's just dark hair, pale skin, real round eyes and just, you know, with the same clothe, you know, it was just a little much. Yeah. And then, um, she was explained, I know that because I watched six feet under. That's like one of the shows I saw. So I know, I know the game a little bit, you know, upselling and stuff, you know what I mean? And it's a
Starting point is 00:31:12 business, a big business. What did you trade? I just basically said, put them in a brown box, put some engravings on it. She goes, it's going to be this much. I go do it. And then there's no service. We're having no, my, my Koreans do it that way. Really? Yeah. My Korean, the Koreans that I know are just like very, especially my mom and my uncles and stuff. It's just like, who would, who's going to go? I, he called me last week and he was like, we're just going to cremate, cremate my dad, no service, but that's not what the phone call was for. He called me to basically give me a, an entire spiel about how he wants his funeral to be, how it's going to be a large procession of thousands of people. Thousands. Yeah. He wants thousands of people. No. He wants
Starting point is 00:32:03 like performers and singers. Yes. And he's like, and you know what he said? And you know what he said? He's like, the slide show, babe, the slide show, it better be good. I'm axe Dolby. The slide show is the most important. What did I say? And I'm like, you got it. I'm Scorsese. What song am I, what do I want? Um, God, it's a red house painter. No, it's not a red house painter song. Velvet underground? No. Um, hold on. If you don't know, then we have a problem. No, you didn't tell me last week. You know already. No, I don't. I give me a classical. Oh, I know. It's Eric Satie piano. There we go. There we go. Of course I know. There we go. That's all I wanted to hear. What's mine? Golden girl soundtrack.
Starting point is 00:32:51 You don't know it. You don't know it. You never told me. There's two songs. We never told me. There's two songs. You memorize this. Memorize it. People are crying and then thank you for me. No, there's two songs. Go ahead. Okay. It's Beatles. Which one? My bird. Yes, he got it. No, he's my life. And then Roy Orbison's blue by you. You know this. I'm going to do my life. I'm going to cut the Roy Orbison. Why? It means a lot to me. Or we'll put it in. At the end, when people are leaving. Okay. What's your second song? Because Eric Satie ends. Put on a loop. I want that song put on a loop. Infinite loop. Because I really like that movie being there. It's one of my favorite movies. I've talked about it before. And I want that. John C. Gardner.
Starting point is 00:33:35 If we have a kid, the kid's name is going to be John C. Yeah, it will be. Yeah. Yeah. It's not a very good name. It was a good basketball player. John C. Lee. John C. Billups. It really is a guy. Yeah, he's good. Yeah. I had a basketball player do a little comment. Was it Danny Green? Yeah, I love that guy. Championship Danny Green. You guys friends now? Yeah, he's friends. Because they did a show in Montreal together. No, we had a lunch thing. Me and, um, don't tell me the name. Me, John C. Not John C. What the fuck is that? I love him. He's Don L. Rawlings. So me, Don L. Rawlings and Danny Green. John C. Billups. Had lunch and, um, and then I said something. And then she got mad.
Starting point is 00:34:28 What is it? Can you say it? Nope. I took it. They took it out. Well, here's the thing. He knows that when he does things on camera, he can say anything about me, anything at all about my vagina, but my delicious, by the way, anything at all. When he was in Montreal, he did the show with Danny Green and Don L. Rawlings and John C. Billups. He threw my mom under the bus. It was one of those. It was, they brought a pig set out with a little, right? And I go, meritus. No, no, no. That's not what you said. That's what I said. You said, oh, that looks delicious. That looks like my girlfriend's mom. No, I go, meritus. And they go, who's meritus? That goes with my girlfriend's mom. I
Starting point is 00:35:14 said like that. It got a big crush. Got a really big laugh. But, you know, I called them to take the laugh out. And it wasn't a personal thing. It was just a funny moment. And when you're improvising baby, you throw it out. And if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. And you know that, you know the rules. I know, you know, I love your mom more than anybody. I love your mom. Like she's my mom. I really do. When I see your mom, I feel safe and I have a good relationship with her. I love her so much. And so, and you know that, but you called her a pig's head. It doesn't matter. It's just for the joke. I know it was my mom. I know it's a joke. Or I should have said, oh, Kalaida's vagina. Is that what you did? That would have been like,
Starting point is 00:35:49 yeah, all right, cool. I'll do that. I'll do that joke next time. No, no, yeah, no, none taken. But you know what's great about Montreal is that in here's the deal is I did Andrew Santino's podcast in Montreal. It was packed. How many people were in that one? Maybe a hundred. But in that little room, it was pretty good. And it was free flowing and fun. And and I said to the people in Montreal, I go, you know, we'd love to have tiger belly here. And they said, yeah, for sure. So we're going to work on that. It might not be this because I just went maybe the next year that we're going to keep going. This podcast, we're going to keep going. And I'm going to say something exciting to everyone listening. Okay. I know I've been out
Starting point is 00:36:37 and I know I've been doing other things. But you know, this podcast is very important to me. And we also have great guests coming up when we moved into the new studio a lot. And that's going to be soon. But we have great people coming on, like big names. It's going to be great. And how do you feel about Eric sitting in for you last week? You know, I want to be honest with you. I make fun of that guy so fucking awesome. I say so many bad things. I'll tell you a text that we had just recently. And I just felt real bad about it. But I might as well just get into it. You know what I mean? Where is it? Where is it? Eric? He was telling us that Andrew Santino called him to ask permission if he could do a podcast.
Starting point is 00:37:22 And Eric was like, fuck no, I would be salty. Yeah. So Eric, okay. So Santino and I want to do a podcast together. Right. Something like that. Right. And I told Andrew, I said, I can only do it if Eric gives his blessing. Blessing. So Andrew, do this best. Nope. No. I mean, for real though, he would, he was being serious. He would be devastating. I know. That's why we're not doing it. That's why we're not doing it. Or you all three could just do one. Yeah. That's what I said. I was like, why don't you all three do it one together? Where Bobby's the mainstay host and then just alternate with Bobby. And then I'll steal him back after the third episode.
Starting point is 00:38:03 I think it's hard with, I think it's hard with three, you know, three is hard. I don't know where this, oh, I don't know where this went, but it was basically, it was basically he goes, how are you? And you know, I'm thinking about you. And I go, I'm in Phoenix. What's the best place to get doughnuts? God. Oh yeah. Yeah. I saw that. And he goes, I hate you. But it's just, that's how I treat him. And it's, but like so, but let me say something. You know, I make fun of his weight. I make fun of everything. He looks like digital underground. If he was a balloon, you know, a floating balloon. And if you've seen Eric Griffin's body up close and let's say, let's
Starting point is 00:38:43 be honest, it's not the best. You know what I mean? I mean, if you have the rock, that's type of body. Yeah. The polar opposite is Eric Griffin's and one being better than the other. Okay. Jesus. But now that's not me attacking him. He's a good guy inside. Yeah. But here's what, here's what he proved to me though. What proved to me is that Eric Griffin is a true friend. What he's done for my brother, what he's done for me, his attentiveness to, especially at this time of our lives, he's the only one that's been constantly aside from obviously you, not him, but you, fuck you, fuck you and fuck you. Okay. And fuck you. How about this, fucker? How about this? Why don't you comment on people's things
Starting point is 00:39:34 when the guy dies? Let's start. Why don't you comment, babe, text? Why doesn't he text you? I just wanted anything. Because I didn't want to make it about me. You're right. You're right. You're right. You said that. I'm sorry. You're a good guy. You know what? I'm, I apologize because I've had a rough 24 hours and I'm attacking you and I really apologize. I do like, I do find your coping skills kind of interesting, babe. Babe. Why? I mean, just the amount, just the photos you keep texting me. Okay. Okay. So, okay. That's interesting that you would say something like that. And you send it to me like, I'm alone at home and I'm not gonna show anybody, but
Starting point is 00:40:12 can I just say what he's been, what you've been sending me? Bobby has been sending me texting me pictures of his dead father from 80, from 80 different angles. That's a lot of angles. Babe, how many angles? Babe, enough. Oh man, that's sad. Does that, does that make you feel better? Because when I get them, when I receive them, it makes me feel. Okay. I'm going to say this. Sad. I'm going to say this. You're following your mom's order. Are you crying right now? Just sad. Wow. That's interesting. We don't cope with, um, with sorrow very well, huh? As a team. Oh man. Thank you. It's the idea of a parent. Yeah. Thank you for that. Don't make me cry right now, man,
Starting point is 00:40:57 because it's going to fly out. Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have showed you that, but this is my mom's fault because since Saturday, she kept saying, film, film, film what? Everything. So she's like, take photos. So she took, made me take videos, photos. And then when she died, he died. She's like, more. So we took a morbid photo of me, my mom. I did it in a timer on my phone. I know it's weird. I saw the picture. And morbid and morbid, I know, but that's my mom. Yeah. Right. And then when I showed her one of the photos, she cried for three hours. I think she has the same thing. I think some sort of tragedy porn thing or something. Yeah. Yeah. It's just something weird that we're going on, but
Starting point is 00:41:42 we get, that's what we're not, I don't want her to get addicted to remorse. So we're not giving her anything. What would she be remorse? You know, a lot of people like, I saw an HBO series, if you have HBO now, there used to be a great show that I used to watch called autopsy. Yeah, with Dr. Bodden. With Dr. Bodden, right? So it's a show about like forensics. Okay. It was the first show of its kind. Now there's millions of shows, but back then that was the only show like that. And they showed real bodies and stuff and real cases. So it was really interesting, but there was a lady who in it that had, I think, I'm not lying, 11 kids died. Yeah, I remember. Right. She would have kids and then two years later, tragedy, they did, the tragedy would happen where they would find,
Starting point is 00:42:29 be found blue in their cribs, right? And so they, she, they, the doctors thought that she had some sort of disease, some sort of disease that's like not, and for 10 years, every kid would die that way. Yeah. They thought that they had, she had passed on like a genetic type of thing that was like fatal after like a certain one of her kids that died was she adopted. Yeah. This Mexican guy or kid, right? So then the doctor was like, no, this kid has the same symptoms as your other kids, but this kid, you adopted. And then she, so she was addicted to, what's it that munch constant munch? Is that what that is? Munch housing? A little on the extreme end of that. The munch housing by proxy or people like tragic things so that people go, because that's what she was
Starting point is 00:43:17 addicted to. Yeah. People going, I'm so sorry, Elizabeth, whatever her name was, right? So, um, I don't want my mom to get that. I don't think your mom has that. I just don't want her to get it. That's all. She doesn't even want a service. Yeah. I mean, that goes to show you that she doesn't want any attention. She's just grieving on her own and doesn't want to hear from anyone. What did Steve say? Okay, hang on. That's it. So your brother is taking it clearly different from you. Like he's already just like your mom. I think that Steve is, is really grieving correctly and letting himself feel all the feelings, which is, which is a good way. You know, he's not trying to hold anything back, which is good. I don't know. I'm afraid for this guy. Yeah, I'm afraid too.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I don't know what's going on. Something is going on though. That's a little bit. But when you get home, I'm going to have you sleep and just relax and catch up on rest. And I think that when that happens and you can reflect more than maybe you'll be able to let it out properly. I feel it in my chest and my throat and my mind. I feel it in my bones, man. I want to cry. I just not doing it. I think I did it already when I got there. For three days, I cried all day long. And I know, and you did tell me that when you didn't want to see him pass, like your brother wanted to see him pass. I thought that was weird. And I get it, but my brother didn't want to be him alone. But he also was kind of obsessed of being there because he just wants to be there
Starting point is 00:44:48 at every second. I was the same way with my dad. Oh, you were? Yeah. I wanted, I wanted to watch every single rise and fall of his chest until the very end. Yeah. Why? It made me feel like I, the finality and the full circle-ness of it, it gave me some relief and closure to be like, okay, this is life. Like he saw me at my beginning. I see him at his end. So it kind of, I like that full circle feeling of it. Here's, here's the thing that I want to say, which is my dad was an avid golfer. He taught a lot of Koreans. He put a lot of white dudes in here in Phoenix. Like when I do shows in Phoenix, I'll have all the white men come to my shows. I used to play golf with your dad. He was amazing. My dad was a good golfer. My dad played tennis to every Sunday,
Starting point is 00:45:45 my mom and dad and all my family would place tennis at this place. And then afterwards we'd go to round table pizza and we would play video games and then they would get pizza. And it was a big, we did that for years and it was up every Sunday. They would do that and it felt, you know, and that's when I had a car. I, you know, when I was 16, I got a car. So we would go and it was on drugs, but when I was lucid and there, it was fun. And my dad was always athletic and he was a hard worker. For the last year, he hasn't moved. He literally can't walk. He can't be in a wheelchair. He's constantly just in a bed, getting fed through a tube and a stomach and not being able to talk or communicate. And he wouldn't be able to poo properly. She would have
Starting point is 00:46:39 to, every day we had a hospice nurse toward the end. They'd have to dig the poo out of his butt. And it, to me, and I know what he is, he, that's powerless. And it, he's in a situation that I know he doesn't like cause he's an active dude and he was suffering. Okay. And so, and by being there and watching this man suffer that way, especially when they said, we're not going to feed him or, you know, imagine what he was going through. All right. And when my brother and I were there when he saw us, you could tell that it like, they're here. And that's when I cried. But then when he went into his coma, I was like, I wanted him to go now. Yeah. Not because I wanted over. I want him there. It's just, I don't want him to suffer. I really don't. And so,
Starting point is 00:47:30 to me, there was a sense of relief. Yeah. When I saw him, I was like, God, thank God. You know, but my mom and my Steve weren't like that. They were like freaking out. I mean, and I want to be too. I feel the same way. It's just that I look at it a little different than they do. I just cannot do it. And I know him. And I just, I think, and I also, this is going to sound really crazy, but there is a sense that I'm going to see him again. And I'm not a religious person. I don't, there's no facts. It is a real, and I express that to my dad and my dad, my brother and my mom, you know, that I'm going to, I feel like I'm going to see him again. It was a real distinct feeling that it wasn't the end. And it could be. It could be nothingness, but I don't
Starting point is 00:48:15 know for sure. But that's a good feeling to have. But I did have that feeling. And who knows? Yeah. I like that. There are a lot of people in America that don't bother to say my name correctly, even if I tell them to say my name correctly. Bobby's dad on first go, the man has had multiple strokes. Can't really talk that great. And he nailed my name the first time. That's right. Right. Remember that? And I was shocked. But he, in my mind, I'm like, Oh, he had been told what my name was, and he probably like, practice it in my head. So when he first met me, he just said my name. And I was like, Yeah, yeah, my guy. And this event, you know, we're, it has nothing to do with your due, George. What I'm saying is, is that
Starting point is 00:49:02 it really has nothing to do with you. But I had a couple of friends, Allen Meadows and my friend Jensen, who I haven't talked to their high school friends. And Jensen was really mad because he has to know this, but I don't text anyone back. Ask Kristalia. It's just, it maybe it's a habit. I'm going to change about myself. But a lot of these high school friends, if I don't text them back right away, they freak out. And they, I feel like they think that I'm doing a Hollywood thing, or I'm not, you know, but so there's a lot of older friends. I was able to say thank you to them. And then some newer friends too, like, like, I don't know Ronnie Chiang, from the Daily Show. Ronnie Chiang. But I was an elevator in Montreal and it was happening. I knew
Starting point is 00:49:46 what he looked like. I knew who he was. So I just turned to him and I go, I like you. And he, we hugged because I like you too. And he texted, you know, he texted me, you know, I just met Jay Hernandez. He meant nice, you know, so people, you know, Mike Castle and Lauren, you know, they did it. And everyone, every guest we've ever had from Bisbing to the Ruin Brothers to Erson Street to everyone, they all reached out and said, what can we do? In fact, Michael Rosenbaum has left many audio messages that were really sweet. Nice. I could play one if you want. I think you can only play it twice. If you don't keep it, you lose it. I don't even finish them. You lose it. Right? The audios? You can save it, can't you? Yeah, if you decide to keep it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I didn't really listen to it all the way through though. He's the best. Michael Rosenbaum. You know that he was really worried about you and he reached out to me. He was probably the first person to know that you were out here. And every day he was like, Hey, how's he doing? How's his dad? And he reached out to you immediately, right? Yeah. And I'm going to tell you another guy that shocked me. But as soon as I, because a lot of people aren't in LA, they're on the road or whatever, they're busy. They don't know that. I'm obviously, they don't think about me all the time, right? As soon as I posted it, it's, I'm not taking 20 seconds into the post. Delia called me from, because he's shooting that movie in New Mexico. Action movie. He's an action star now. And he literally goes,
Starting point is 00:51:22 What do you need? I'm here. What do you need? And then That shouldn't shock you though, sweetheart. Delia is a good guy. Yeah. You know, what a nice guy. You know, George is having a hard time keeping serious. I can see his lips percing. You're like, he's not real, man. He's, he's farmed. He's farmed. It's farmed life, man. They don't know. They think they know, but they don't. But I love him. Thanks for the food, the grazing and the potatoes. So over the farm, the farm, the farm, the farm. Thank you for all that. Thank you for all the fertilizer. So over dinner, you were telling us about the plans for your father's ashes.
Starting point is 00:52:15 And you were telling us about your concerns. Oh, yes. Yes. So, um, my brother and I are concerned that if we put all his ashes in one urn, that that's definitely his ghost will haunt. So we split up his ashes. And I kind of sidely said, I want the bottom half. Yeah. Only the bottom half. Yeah. But I don't think they're going to do that. I don't think they have that, that kind of technology. What is the reason for the bottom half? Because if his legs are haunting me, that's, that's not that scary. It's upper body. That's upper body. Yeah. I mean, okay. If you have two ghost legs with a dick flailing around, nobody or me hiding underneath the bed and you can definitely see the legs. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, but,
Starting point is 00:53:04 but, um, no, and my mom's like, so she's like, well, it'll be done in two weeks. You know, we'll have the engraving and all that stuff. Cause obviously I ordered the supreme package with the name and the dates and the face engraving. Why are you rubbing it in my face? Cause you knew my dad's like urn was like $20 Tupperware. I know because I just want to let you know that that's wrong. We didn't have a lot. That's not right. Okay. Don't use, you didn't have money as an excuse. Figure it out. It was the saddest thing ever. Honestly, they came out and they were like, this one is the cheapest one. It's $30. And it looked like a cheaper version of, it was like a cardboard box, a thin cardboard box. And I remember my mom and my sister and I,
Starting point is 00:53:47 we were just so in a state of like death, we were in a state of desperation that we just collapsed and laughter. Like it was, we were so delirious and, and, and sad and all of the emotions rushing that we just, we were cry laughing in this mortuary because we were looking at the box, like this stupid flimsy cardboard box. I'm like, this is what life comes to. That's crazy. Especially a guy like that, a man who traveled the world, had so many interesting experiences, a long life, a complex adventurous life that your dad had. That's crazy. And we're all just, that's why he deserved more than a plastic box. Tupperware. Just get like a regular wooden box and get some engraving. That's all. Some engraving. You didn't afford it. I know, but you know, figure
Starting point is 00:54:34 it out. But anyway, that's too late. You fuck that up. But the next time, make it better. I'm sorry. I think you're being, I think you're being excessive. I think you're being excessive. Come on. Don't get angry. Don't get angry. Come on. We're here. This is a comedy podcast. We're in a hotel. We're in a hotel. So, yeah. So we're, so even my mom though, she goes, the boxes will be done in a week or two weeks. And she's like, we can just send it to your house. She goes, no, keep it here. I go, why? She's like, I'm not having that in my house. She doesn't want the ashes in her home. Why? She believes in it. Superstition. Wait, but she, but that's a thing with ashes. I thought ashes was just the remains and the
Starting point is 00:55:16 soul. I don't know. She doesn't know the, she doesn't have the details. You know, she just knows that the feeling, the feeling, and she'll probably manifest something in her mind. Yeah. And so we'll just, hold on. Are we bringing the ashes to our home then? The bottom half. Or we could split it maybe half. I don't know how they're going to do it. And didn't you say you wanted full bones in it? I was confused by that. I almost feel like, you know, here's the thing. That's a silly thing to say, my friend. You said it three hours ago. Very silly thing to say. You said you wanted bone chunks in there. I said it, but that's silly that you don't know the reason why. Oh, what is the reason?
Starting point is 00:55:52 Yeah. And I don't know how it works. Why are you laughing? Steve were thinking about it. No, I don't know how it works. Okay. But I feel like in those, it's an oven, right? A hot oven. It's a hot oven, right? Now they put a body in there. They take the ashes out, but they don't take all the ashes out. Do they clean it between two bodies? I don't think they do. I think they do, babe. They would water it down and make it completely ash free. Probably not. You're probably right. What I'm saying is that we're getting, right, not full, my dad. We're getting chunks of some old Jewish lady that died fucking four years ago. Yeah. Right. The little Puerto Rican kid that had a heart defect. He died. I know I'm sad.
Starting point is 00:56:39 So we're getting multiple ghosts in her home. Right. So what I'm saying is that, but she's like, we can grind it down to an ash or she gave us the option that there can be chunks of bone. She gave you the option. Oh, that was an option. Yeah. And I go bone. Oh, bone in. Bone in. Yeah. Dark meat, please. Yeah. Cause if you grind it all the way down, I don't know what I'm getting, but I feel like chunks of bone, you know, instead of putting the oven to a 10, she did a seven. That's all I want. So they have chunks. So when I rattle the box, I go, yep, he's in there. You hear something. Yeah. And then they're like, they go close because my mom went to go get his favorite outfit, which looks like
Starting point is 00:57:26 pop a Smurf light blue golf pants, a white, I'm not kidding you. Oh, a white turtleneck, right? And a blight, bright blue pants, bright blue golfers jacket. Who chose this? My mom. His mom is a very, very eccentric. She goes, this is he at the way this, right? And they're like, well, should we take it off when you, she wanted it with the clothes too. Oh, I see. So they're burning the Smurf outfit and the whole thing. And that's happening tomorrow. And we did, we chose not to attend that because why? Yeah. What? It's morbid. Why? In fact, today when they were like, you want to see the body one last time and my mom was almost leaning, I go, mom, it's enough. He was just in a refrigerator for 24 hours. He's not going to look,
Starting point is 00:58:16 he's going to look frozen, you know? And she's like, all right. And then she was giving me kind of, are you sure? I feel guilty. I go, no, no, we're done. We're not doing that again. We did it. Oh my God. You have to understand when you're dealing with, when you're supposed to be the oldest and responsible one, and I'm not responsible, you know, I'm a fuck up. But when you're supposed to be, I did don't cry. I'm strong. That's probably what it is. I'm going, all right, let's do, we got to do this. We got to do this. Fill out this. We fill it out. You money, please give the money. All right. Tell me where you're going to, you know, because if I'm in shambles, then what? Nothing gets done. Nothing gets done. I had to do it. Yeah. And I think I'm not going to,
Starting point is 00:59:00 maybe it's not going to come out in a weird way, but you know, I know this is not the funniest podcast, but I can't fake it. We have to talk about real things and that's what happened. And you guys want to talk about any of your lives or what? There's nothing going on. What's going on with your life? Mine? Gilbert first. Well, I just got sad because that was great. Yeah. You know, keep going. Sorry. No, I was thinking about my grandpa. Oh, yes. He was his Lolo's 80th birthday this past weekend. He flew to Chicago. It's just the way you describe how your dad like was an active tennis player, played golf and to see him suffering. I just to see my grandpa's hand now shaking. It's like, Oh, wow. That's so weird. Would you fly back if they said
Starting point is 00:59:43 he's at the end? Yes. Well, good luck. I'm sorry. It sucks. It sucks. I'm sorry. How about you? Aside from cliff fucking. What have you been doing? Just working hard. I don't know. No. That's farm. Good. That's far. Answer it. Answer me, man. Yes. Say yes. Not actually my mom's going through it since they are actually I shouldn't. Is that blood on your shoulder? Oh, God. From what? I've been looking at that. It reminds me of the movie. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Let me shoot your shoulder. Are you bleeding dude? He has fucking zits on his shoulder and they're popping like fucking popcorn onto his shirt. That's how that's fucking crazy. Give me a hug. I don't think that's it. Give me a hug. Hug on camera. Give me a hug, man. I'm sorry about
Starting point is 01:00:37 it, man. There he is. Hug it out. All right, man. Yeah, you don't have to. You don't have to. Not just for technical reasons. Yeah. Yeah. Well, there's something going on. Yeah. If there's like legal stuff going on, we'll get into it later. Okay. Yeah. You're a great sidekick and a great producer and I really appreciate it. I've been hanging out with Steve Greed and he's been making fun of me for just being the best sidekick ever. So easy to make fun of. You're such a good sidekick. Eric's trying to steal me. Did I tell you that? Yeah. Eric Griffin wants to do a podcast with Kalaila and I think that I thought he was joking at first. I think it would be good. I'm just saying if you did it like a once a month thing with him and not do a committed thing,
Starting point is 01:01:22 just do one little thing. I love Eric. He was very, very easy to, I just love Eric. You know how much I love Eric. I think that, you know, when I go on the, when I go travel, when in Hawaii or Montreal, wherever I go, Phoenix, even when the elevator, they looked at us, these two guys and they go, we love the podcast. And I think that honestly, especially Montreal, when I would walk around with my agent and my manager and people, half the people would go, where's Kalaila and they know your name. I think that that is so powerful for me because you're very good at what you do. And I think Eric gets it. I think a lot of like Christine, right? Get Christina. Who? Christina. Oh, Christina. Pazitsky. Pazitsky. Yeah. Christina gets it. These people get it.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Yeah. Right. I think that H3 podcast, Hila, Hila. Hila. Hila is very, I love you. Hila. We're going to do their show in a couple of minutes. Yeah. So I think that that, I think just think that you're just somebody that you can't replace and you're just very good at what you do. And I don't know how much time that's was. How much was that? We're good. We're pretty good, right? Yeah. How much were we at though? Over an hour. Yeah. I think that we should keep it at that, maybe? Do I think? No, yeah, just keep it. I don't think we need it. Yeah, I think that's it. I don't want to push it because there's a lot, you know, there's a lot of things I want to talk about. We can may save for
Starting point is 01:02:46 the next one. Yeah. That was, you know, I haven't done it in a while. And I think that's a pretty good one to put out for the kids. I think my brother and I are going to do an, before I leave a Patreon. And he, I told him he can't get any of the money out of it. You need to sleep. Are you trying to start wars? Yeah. You need to rest, sweetheart. Yeah. You're going to sleep well tonight. No, no, I got to go to the store. All right. Let's get you some sleepy stuff. Any final words? Yeah. Many final words for people. No, so it's just, yeah. Yeah. Kimbless lives. Oh, RIP. RIP. He died for a while. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:30 For a while. Wait, is he back alive now? It's been, it's, it's the whole news, right? Oh, shit. What do you mean he's alive again? Can you talk about the fights really quick? Yeah, I want to do that really quick in the main minute. Okay. The week before the fights were fucking terrible. Oh yeah. I'm sorry. Every fight was terrible. Not the best. Boring. But this one, oh fuck, my brother and I were at the hospice Saturday and he goes, let's watch it with that. I didn't want to watch it with my dad in the room. So we went to the living room area of this hospice and we put it on and I'm, my brother and I, every match we're like, this is fucking good. It's a good card. Beginning to end it. I know all of it was so fucking good.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Palocasta and Romero. I mean, just how many shots can he take? Dude. Oh, so you know, he's 42 years old. Romero was good. I like him a lot. He's 42. He's good. He'll never be champion, but he's good. And then the Nate Diaz, amazing. So good. Amazing. So good. He hadn't fought in three years. It's so funny how good that second Conor was three years ago. I thought it, I know, it's crazy at the time flies. And then even the last Mio chick. Oh my God. So good. Thank you. Hey, DC was put a body shot over. No, no, no. Like the first round, DC was amazing. Oh, 1-0 for sure. But after the second round, he looked at his corner and he said, did I lose that round? Yeah, but I still thought that he was, I know, but he's never said that. So now we have an
Starting point is 01:04:58 insight into what he's thinking. And what he's thinking is, holy shit, this guy's hard this time. Yeah, I think he knew that though, because I was watching the embedded before that. And then he went to go shake Mio chick's hand and Mio chick's hand. And he went back to his team. And he was like, that was a hard hand shake. Oh, yeah. You saw that part? Yeah. He was actually like, and his, his team knew that Mio chick would be, you know, much harder fighter this time around. And also he is a guy that I don't think the UFC appreciated that much as a champion. Yeah. I think that they didn't promote him as much. Yeah. I think that he felt that too through just interviews and things that glimpses. And I think that he could end up being one of the greatest
Starting point is 01:05:48 heavyweights of all time. Totally. Yeah. I love. Yeah. I love him. He's a, he's very good, but no one beats DC for me. DC's like my, my favorite. We've got a trilogy now at least. Yeah. Also, Daniel, I want to say this. I know you're not, you know, we have this thing that's fine, but I want to see this Daniel Karmé. Okay. Do Tiger belly also. Secondly, okay. We think you're one of the greatest of all time. Yes. We really do. I've been following your career since day one. I mean, it's early strike force, strike force. And I've always liked you. I think that you're a very good commentator as well. That new show that you have on ESPN about like, you know, like the breakdown theory, breakdown, very good. And I, and I think that you're one of the greatest of all time. So don't
Starting point is 01:06:32 let this, I know you're not listening, but fuck it. Listen. Okay. I know you're not, but I want you to, and I want you to know that we love you here at Tiger Bell. We also love the Diaz brothers or anybody that wants to do our show, come cause we're as busy. It's pretty good. But also we have, I know that Rose Nam, Eunice's direct message to me on Instagram saying that she's on town. She went, I want to do it. Oh, Johanna, right. So, you know what I mean? But that be Rhonda, you're invited. Connor, you're invited. Wait, but you didn't say, we didn't say nice things about Rhonda. You didn't sweetheart. So why would she want to come on your show? Plus she's like super rich doing WWE now. We're nothing to her. Thanks for listening. I don't want to hear that negativity.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Yeah, but stop there. But anyway, seriously guys, thank you for listening. I'm, I cancel a lot of road dates because I'm just not in the right frame of mind of doing it. I will be in Hawaii and then my next road date that I'm going to do is Portland. It's the next one on the books. It's been a really crazy year for me. I haven't really fully, it's January. I was still on spilling up together. Yeah. You know, I mean, imagine what I've gone through since then. I mean, you know, a lot happened then. A lot has happened. This is the craziest year of my life. And so peace out. Namaste. Cliff fucking. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Was there housekeeping? No, just make sure you follow us. Everyone on Instagram at Tiger Belly on Twitter at that Tiger Belly. Follow everything at Calyla at Calamity K. Everything at George at George underscore Kimmel. And for all those road dates, Bobby canceled any future road dates. Check out his website at Bobby Lee live.com. We're following on Instagram at Bobby Lee live. Guys, I'm Gilbert's. Hey, prime members, you can listen to Tiger barely ad free on Amazon music, download the Amazon music app today, or you can listen ad free with one Dree plus in Apple podcast. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at one Dree.com slash survey.

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