TigerBelly - Episode 4: Keyser Soze vs. Elon Musk

Episode Date: September 23, 2015

Khalyla breaks the rules of improv which leads to penile shrinkage. Bobby kisses not one, not two, but FIVE whole mushrooms. Your life questions are answered. You're welcome. "A man can convi...nce anyone he’s somebody else, but never himself." -Kint, Usual Suspects   Recorded September 21, 2015 Music by Bobby Lee   Instagram: @tigerbelly Twitter: @thetigerbellySee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today Welcome to the podcast is Bobby Lee and this is Tiger Belly and this is Colila and this is Gilbert And this is our fourth one. Is it not it is our fourth one That's a fact and it's really good to be back here in my own house because I only woke up two hours ago. Yeah, I Woke up at what five yeah five actually I had to wake him up at five if she wouldn't walk woke me up I would have it still sleepings Sleepings forever. That's my favorite state of I love sleeping more than walking around and a lot and awake That is not a lie
Starting point is 00:00:51 Sleepings my favorite state of mind even during sex I Don't sleep during sex. That's fucking weird, but um, you know, I made a mistake for skin. Yeah, what is it? so People who've listened to Bobby and I before know that we engage in very very Let me say very Awful display we do for play. I'm not for play role play We do a lot of role play
Starting point is 00:01:17 But I feel like I made a mistake and I took it too far the other day the other day she did But couldn't just say something FYI to just now we had sex when I woke up and she punched me in the face And that's a fact and let's just You hit me in the face. Well, we role played and the Okay, so it's like, you know, it's like improv, right? What are the rules of improv? It's not improv. What are the rules of the groundlings? I'm having sex Yes, and right Well, I started
Starting point is 00:01:46 With the character so the rule is if I come up with a character he has to follow Right, he has to just accept it and then add information. Well today. I was the daughter of a white slave owner. Yeah, and He was the slave that I was in love with It's always a star-crossed lover type of situation like the other day I he was an American he started off as being I'm an American soldier and I was a jihadi bride Yeah, and I do things like will you give me green card? Yeah, and then I'll be like every time and he'll say things like I know, you know, I would never have your terrorist Baby, I would never put like, you know bullshit like that, but we really get into it. We're start always star-crossed lovers
Starting point is 00:02:25 No But this is how she fucked it up. I went too far. I didn't I broke the rules of improv because I He started off saying in improv. You should always agree. It's called. Yes, and okay So let's just tell me give this people an example, you know, I mean So if I have if I go to Gilbert, we're like performing we're an improv group and I go I got you a present And I open up my hand and obviously there's nothing there, right? But he has to tell me what it is. He can't say thanks for the shoe. Yeah. Yeah, he can't say there's nothing there That's disagreeing and that's not adding. You know, I mean so anyway, right?
Starting point is 00:03:02 So he started off we were in the dark and he started off by saying Are you my stepmom? Yeah, that's my favorite in any other given situation I'm supposed to be like, yes, you know, I'm supposed to say yes I'm visiting you in your dorm room blah blah blah blah blah, right? Like I just go into it like we always have Normal stuff totally normal stuff, but this time around I don't know what came over me and I forgot the rules and I said no I'm not your stepmom and then he goes well, who are you? Yeah, yeah, who are you and then I what she says go ahead and I said you're real mom and
Starting point is 00:03:42 then His penis shriveled into the size of a little pygmy mouse So fast and we had to turn the lights on and call it a day. We couldn't even continue to continue We laughed so hard when she said I'm your real mom I left so hard that we had couldn't continue. We just couldn't no that was so I made a mistake And I apologize and I'm gonna go back to the whole star-crossed lovers thing because we do incest sometimes No, but only if it's like stepbrother No, we don't do incest now. Let me say something. Okay, we
Starting point is 00:04:14 Christian-based podcast and we don't do incest I've done a lot of those things in my life though. My last girlfriend kind of just say one thing I did Don't get upset. I'm not gonna bring up other relationships but I was with this girl and that you know, she's cool and She's cool. She took my penis and she was kind of like Moving it around in a way that was not like against it's natural Direction, she's not hold it. No, she was just I don't know what she was doing with it And I said hey, it's not a joystick right not playing a game
Starting point is 00:04:46 That's what I said and then that fucked it up. She got mad. She's just like I don't want to do any more Oh, what a fucking pussy. Yeah, I would be like this is a joystick and I'm the operator And I am your mother That's what I would do. That's never happened in a sexual situation with you with other no I there are some people I just can't do it with like there are I've been really serious type of people where I know the stuff that we do would send them into An insane asylum that would be like they would just not deem it okay at all It would make them crazy. It would be like no, she's a scary monster and she I'm gonna lock myself up forever
Starting point is 00:05:27 Yeah, I can't I can't do that So after the whole Sex thing earlier We decided to okay, so a little backstory we were in Portland this past weekend and in Portland he had a A few friends come to his shows like old friends one of which was a girl who he went to high school with Right, so what we did today He didn't he remembered who she was sort of but didn't couldn't like put a face To what she looked like in high school, but she came to the show. She was really nice
Starting point is 00:06:01 She was a really nice lady and so we decided to go he pulled out his yearbook and We started to look at old pictures and he would he would give me names. He would be highway high school. I graduate in 1990 And I just had a birthday, so I'm 44 years old I know Because I'm a I think I'm a dog and my life is different. He's Benjamin Bolton. No, actually, no, it's opposite of Benjamin But yeah, so anyway, um, we looked at the yearbook my yearbook today. I'm highway high school I'm a Titan and I told her to Google not Google but find people that yeah I went to high school. So what he would do is he he read off names from his yearbook and I went on the internet and googled
Starting point is 00:06:44 Or Facebook everybody and he would be like, yeah, that's them. Oh, yeah, that's her now I remember we did this for about 15 people. Yeah, and then he came across a name, which I'm not going to mention And no, no, wait stop We're not gonna incriminate anybody. I know but say listen, oh All right, if you name a name, I am gonna fucking turn this thing off and number two, okay? Easy because I did it as you know me. I'm because I want to reveal Everything I want to reveal myself to you and I don't want to hide anything. Okay, so just go ahead But easy does it okay?
Starting point is 00:07:21 So he comes across a name maybe the 15th name and he says can you find this guy on Facebook? You know, so he gives me the name whatever. I'm like sure and I'm like, I can't find him and I'm like why like, you know Like who was he to you because he gave me a description of who he was was he the tenant did he play tennis with you blah blah blah? He goes no, he forced me to suck his dick So Bobby has been raped No, no, no, no, I don't okay. Let's let's backpedal now. You so you actually did it willingly No, it's not like no, let's say listen listen here. All right First of all, I don't think we should open our podcast with this but
Starting point is 00:08:04 Different story. That's already here. Okay. I want to say this. Okay It's not as if he grabbed the back of my head and goes, you know, I mean and I was pulling away He spent the night at my house, right and we got drunk Because you know, I'm gonna recovering alcohol. So I've been drinking since I was a kid, right? And then he goes suck my penis and I go, no, I don't want to He goes do it man. I don't I remember saying I don't want to like maybe 20 times But then eventually I did that's not how you you made it sound like right. I didn't want to do it You know, it's right. It is right because I didn't want to do it
Starting point is 00:08:43 But but I did it anyway. No, so what you're saying is rape So what you're saying is rape is a physical Physicality has something to do with rape or is rape something like I don't want to do it Well, no, he made if you felt threatened in any way, then I could see how okay, then it wasn't right It was inappropriate. It wasn't right, but if he asked you 20 times and on the 20th time say yeah, okay No, I didn't say it like yeah, okay. That's cool. Like we're going to Disneyland or something You know, I mean, it was a horrific experience And he's did you return the favor? Yes
Starting point is 00:09:21 Sweetie that you didn't get raped. I'm sorry. I was gonna share I never said I got raped. I just I just told you the story. I go, you know, I didn't want to do it I'm ashamed of it. No, you said to me earlier anyway, listen I don't know why will you bring this up because of the fact that it's a private thing You went on I don't give a shit me and said you and your cousin 69. That's different No, because that's incest Yeah, but it's family It's family it's different
Starting point is 00:09:54 Okay, so I don't it will whoever this we didn't see his name. I hope you have a great life if you're listening You know, I mean, it's not rape. I'm not gonna finally charges There's like 10 guys listening like I wonder if that was me. No, you've done this more than once I suspect that this wasn't a one-time. I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna be completely honest right now and tell you how many penises I've I've kissed and then let's just I'm gonna never talk about it again because it's like I'm just getting it off my chest Let's see one two
Starting point is 00:10:29 Three Four kind of What's five when what's five? How old were you the last time you kissed one? 14? And you've never thought about it as a sexual act. You kind of just did it as like an activity Listen to me right now. Okay. This is that My I mean my family. I'm just gonna talk about the Lee family my family. Okay. We were highly sexual beings Okay, almost perverse, you know, I you know and the thing is is this is that? when I lived in Poway women didn't look at me like a sexual being they looked at me like I was an
Starting point is 00:11:10 Ottoman or a gazebo like an object like there's nothing, you know, I couldn't get any girls I was always small and meeker than everybody else. And so and I didn't I've never done anything sober, right? So when you when I have when I'm under the influence and I'm drinking and also because of my high sexual, you know What do you call it? Libido drive, right? That I think the connect both of them, you know, I mean the combination of both of them made me do these things now I've been asked before am I gay and no, I'm not I don't think you're gay. I'm not I Even if I was I wouldn't care. I would say I was I why would I why would I be ashamed of that? There isn't a sell in me that thinks that you prefer men over me like that isn't a concern of mine that I don't
Starting point is 00:12:01 I don't prefer men in over anybody. I don't like dudes You know, I mean, let's just put that out there. I don't like dude If I did it would there would be nothing wrong with it, but I just don't right, you know, I mean I mean when I say I want Tony Thornberg, you know, I mean and David Dukovney in the previous the podcast I mean you see it, you know in a generalization. I'm just kind of being funny and also And you know what there's an actually there's a lady who wrote about it I think she wrote a book. I don't remember the title, but it's something along the lines of how to have How to have sex with men without being gay and she her her argument is basically that you know
Starting point is 00:12:39 For women, we're allowed to be more fluid with our sexuality in terms of going either way either being You know making out with girls hooking up with girls and then sort of just laughing about it and say oh That was just part of the whole college experience and then never being considered You know a lesbian right right or gay, but for men, it's like nope. You suck dick. You're gay It's so definite and there isn't you aren't allowed men young men aren't allowed the wiggle room And it has to be this idea that has to be continually swept under the rug and kept in secrecy And I actually think I wanted you to tell this story because there isn't a part of me that thinks you are gay But and I'm not here on the on the truth. This is that what I've said things on opening Anthony
Starting point is 00:13:26 I've said things on other podcasts and in my public life and in my personal life that these stories You know, I've said the comics. I've said I don't have my parents know Like the whole Andy thing my cousin my parents know that so my point is is that I don't I'm gonna shame Don't anything that I've ever done, right? I'm just more worried about The people that are like more conservative like for instance, I can be an example like someone like Brett Ernst He's a comic, right? He's a friend of mine. I really like the guy. He's very funny I think but I don't I would never told him that I you know, I mean did anything sexual with other dudes when I was a kid Because I always feel like he's gonna take it in a weird way
Starting point is 00:14:08 Right, so there were some people I don't talk to like I would never say that to Bill Burr I wouldn't say that to You know a lot of comics, but then there's some comics I would like I delia I could say it to I could say it to and I have said it in any like Moshe Kassher Although like more of the hipster II kind of like, you know those kind of comics I can say it to but I can't say it to certain guys But it's not because I just don't want them to think that you know, I mean anything bad of me, you know But you would need a very long discussion. This is your your issue It's like, you know what he says? Oh, I would never say that to another comic
Starting point is 00:14:45 That's because he literally opens with that. Hey, how are you? My name's Bobby I used to suck my cousin's dick like that. That's the first thing that he says that's not a very shocking, but it's not It's not the first thing, but it's also Comedians, you know, especially in there if they're newer in comedy, right? They just need to be trained They do they need to be trained with a certain language and the language is you know, I you know You're you are no longer allowed, right to be offended by things, you know, this is comedy You know, there's a rule. There's no crying in comedy. I mean, there was a couple of female comics that have cried in front of me
Starting point is 00:15:23 They're done with me That's right. You don't cry in comedy Unless unless it's unless it's like my dad just died. Okay, I get that. Okay, but it's like if it's like I I called in this week at so-and-so comedy club and I didn't get a spot You know, I mean, then it's like oh then no longer don't no a longer talk to me because that also applies to anybody listening right now We have disclaimer for this show. It's not for the onion skin It's not for the cry babies the super sensitive or anybody that's part of the PC brigade and we put that out there in a description of This show so if you're well, I don't know pussy. Don't listen. That's not even that
Starting point is 00:16:01 It's just I'm just gonna this podcast is I just want to say whatever I want to say and then that's it If you like it, you know, I don't give a fuck. I'm not I don't think about stuff like that I don't care people listen or not. Well, this is just this is my house. You know, I mean, this is my girlfriend Gilbert's a new friend, but he's our new engineer and this is gonna be fine. I don't give a fuck But anyway, I'm just I'm it's a relief for me to know that You weren't raped because I was gonna get into my whole story about how I was molested because I was like, oh You know, like maybe we can share war stories and stories about, you know How we were abused in that way, but I'm I'm just relieved to know that it wasn't like that for you
Starting point is 00:16:40 Yeah, but I was molested. Oh, that's right. And the thing is is that yeah, and I don't feel Any I don't feel bad about it or I don't feel Even as a kid, I didn't feel resentful or weird about it. Lucky you there are some people who come out of it unscathed I think that I came out of it relatively unscathed and I I took it as you know, I was molested when I was eight years old by like my 16 year old male cousin and I took it as He was severely mentally ill. He has schizophrenia. He was also abusing meth at that time so for me, it's more empathy and I take myself out of the situation and I
Starting point is 00:17:23 Can see it in a very objective way But you know what a lot of people don't come out that way a lot of people really hold on to it in the and in a way That really affects their lives For a long long time negatively. So you and I, you know, we made it out. Okay. I think I was more scarred by my dad's violence then then and also I you know when I was Probably five or six years old My mom told me a story of what happened to her in Korea. It was a brutal story. I mean, I'll just make a short, you know But when she was a kid, she used to walk to school
Starting point is 00:17:57 You know me in Korea and I've been to the house where she lived She they lived on like this mountaintop and there was like a gigantic kind of road that kind of went down this mountain, right? So it's like it was pretty wicked terms. You know, I mean anyway She used to walk her little sister of my aunt to school and this is during the Korean War. Okay So one morning she walked to my aunt, maybe I don't know a half a mile or whatever from the house and She forgot a book So she told my aunt to stay, you know, I mean on the side, you know on the side of the road and she'll be right back So she ran ran to the house
Starting point is 00:18:37 While my mom is running the house an American military truck was zipping around the corner. Okay, and Ran over my aunt So when my mom came back my aunt was split in half like one part of her body was on one side of the street the other They like there was an entrails and she was very specific About the story, right? And then I remember my uncle had told me that they he remembers because he was in high school at the time He remembers taking rice bags and picking up his little sister and putting in these rice bags and the whole family Because it was such a warrent or in country, you know, it was chaos that they had to bury the body Right and then my mom later told me that she was haunted by her aunt's ghost for years
Starting point is 00:19:21 It was which is another story in itself, right? But the thing is is that when she told me that when I was a kid, I went, holy shit. I think just subconsciously You know, I mean deep down inside. I thought wow, this is a crazy world and it's a really violent world It's a sad world. So when then when the guy would down syndrome less to me. I was like, this is nothing Yeah, you know, I mean, I'm alive, you know, I mean my brother's still alive. Everything's good You know, I mean gave you a little bit of perspective. Yeah, I mean, I think early on in life. I thought I Knew that it was harsh You mean that's why when people like parents are trying to protect them kids about they protect their kids from swearing or
Starting point is 00:20:02 You know, I mean crazy shit on TV. I don't think that's good Because it's like I feel like I'm gonna give my kids everything education housing love Clothing food, you know, I'm gonna give them culture. I'm gonna give them everything But I also want to prepare them for You know me what life is but you can't harden a child too young because what happens is that they lose their Their excitement is being children. They lose their childhood and I think a lot I I can say that from firsthand experience. There's so many I
Starting point is 00:20:37 still feel like I Was hardened too young. Yeah, and because of the fact that I was put to work at the age of eight And her mom was crazy Not anymore. No, but her mom I sort of fucking got I hear stories about her mom and I hate her But then when I see her her mom, I love her because she's she's so cool But the things she used to do to Kalilah and Coinda is crazy, but that's also part of it's not my mom specifically It was every parent in the Philippines Culturally rearing their children, right? So it's like I always tell people this is the best way that I can explain it
Starting point is 00:21:15 I know the taste of Banana and blood. I know what banana and blood tastes like because my mom was just that type of of parent where That's as I was chewing by the way banana and blood. Yeah, break that down banana and blood as I was chewing mid chew You know, I'd get punched because you know, I didn't do something, right? I was out of line for something. I I tore my swim cap whatever, but that's not I don't want anyone to think that what my mom did was different from how any other parent dealt with their children
Starting point is 00:21:52 and my mom came from a really really poor family of 10 And that's how she was raised and that's how she was told to raise her children and she saw everybody else around her doing the same and It hardened me too much to the point where I resented my mother a lot when as a teenager so That that in itself like, you know, when you're saying like you want to expose your kids to a lot but Not too much. I know but our kids aren't also going to be raised by if you want to have kids
Starting point is 00:22:25 by immigrants You know, my my you know our parents my parents I like your parents They come from a just a different land and a different way of looking at the world and a different outlook, you know So it's like to them my parents Struggled so hard to get here, right and they you know, every immigrant comes to this country So that their child could have opportunity, you know, I mean for things that they never had right like education or whatnot and so
Starting point is 00:22:54 My parents got here They had two kids But what they didn't realize and what immigrants don't realize is that when they have kids here the kids no longer become You know, I mean Korean they become crazy Americans, you know, I mean and so Because I was American and because I behaved in you know, I mean such an erratic crazy way You know, I mean that they Found it to be like me being ungrateful for not knowing that they did all the sacrifice to be here, you know, I mean So it's like we don't have that kind of mentality. You and I basically that's that's basically what my mom's
Starting point is 00:23:29 um reasoning is for everything she wanted my sister and I to only Swim twice a day represent our country get paid by the government to swim And eventually make it to America get college paid for because you know at that point my my parents had lost all their money So it was such a push for us to be the best athletes and that push came with a price and it You know, it caused me a lot of resentment that I no longer hold because you've met my mom She's the fucking she's the chillest person ever But she had her reasons too and it's like
Starting point is 00:24:04 You know, it's you can't It's so easy to paint the picture of someone who hits their child is just all you to She's an abusive person and she's a bad mom and whatnot, but it's like look like She she was just She did the best she could with what she knew With how how she knew, you know, I mean with how she was raised as well like she could only She could only look at her own bag of tricks based on her own her parents bag of tricks It's like how did they do it with me? That's how I'm gonna do it
Starting point is 00:24:34 Mm-hmm. So it's like, yeah, it's but you know what um Speaking of children. I was reading this article that said that having children causes a higher level of unhappiness than for first-time parents than divorce unemployment and a death of a family member You know, let's forget it. I can't do it
Starting point is 00:24:58 Because let me tell you something. I'm already miserable. You know what I mean? Let's not I can't do it But they said that I cannot do it. If that's a stat. I cannot do it the reason that The level of unhappiness is even higher is that usually when people get divorced or unemployed or have a death it's normal for us to Um to talk about it and to say, hey, you know what like to feel bad about it It's okay to feel bad about it. But socially we're not allowed to say that
Starting point is 00:25:29 Fuck like I'm tired and this kid is ruining my life Socially, you're not that's not the right thing to do socially You're supposed to put 150 pictures of your newborn on instagram and say oh he or she is such a blessing and has made my life complete Which not to say that it's not true, but you're not it doesn't look good on you necessarily if you say fuck this little piece of shit, you know Do you know what I mean? And it's like when I were in portland my friend Kathy Stopped by the show. This is a girl Kathy. Yeah, it was a girl that I when I first moved to LA. We were just friends and we
Starting point is 00:26:04 We just were friends and she was a young girl in Hollywood I don't know what she wanted to do But like a group of us hung out and stuff Anyway, we're in portland and I hadn't seen Kathy in about 10 years or whatever And so she showed up and she's a mother and she has a baby and she came to portland Because it's too expensive in LA or whatnot. But anyway, I asked her is it worth it? And she goes, yeah, it's really worth it. And when I looked at her face, I knew she was lying to me And you know why parents do that young parents?
Starting point is 00:26:35 And they say oh, it's worth it worth it so that we could so they can I get a baby So they they can recruit us to have the same level of unhappiness as that and then when I have a baby They're gonna be like I lied Sorry, and then I'll kill them just kidding. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but also the people who are generally most unhappy with having children Or a newborn and have most difficulty with it are people who Have a higher IQ People with good jobs and people who can financially support a family And that was the interesting part about the statistic. It wasn't poor people who regretted it. It was
Starting point is 00:27:11 Well-to-do people who found it difficult and saddening to have children. Why again? Because for them, it's like They can't resume with their normal Way of life or it's a burden to the fund they used to have. I don't know. Yeah Whereas well, you know people I would have to number one stop playing video games as much and that already Makes me saying that makes me sad And number two stop smoking. I'd have to smoke. That's makes me sad number three
Starting point is 00:27:43 I'd have to go on the road more Which makes it even more sad. He hates the road You know, I mean to make more money and don't escape the family So that would make me, you know, and then um, yeah, so I already know That it's gonna cause like josh wolf You know, if you don't know, he's a comedian. I was on chelsea chelsea lately with him We just saw him and it reminds me, you know, josh was A single father raising three kids on his own
Starting point is 00:28:11 And he and he still did stand up Before well, I don't know. Yeah before he made it. Yeah But um, it's really interesting. He's a strong guy. His affect his daughter was at that show we did last week and she was 21 it's crazy to see because to me josh looks You know young, you know, like it's watching the yearbook today with you know, looking at I was looking at pictures of people that he went to high school with And I couldn't believe it. I'm like look like I just don't see you as As part of that. I mean these people were they looked like
Starting point is 00:28:45 40-somethings who looked like 40-somethings Who were just, you know, who had families who went just the usual route of life And I look at bobby and he didn't get up till 5 p.m. You know, I mean And the first thing he went for was the ice cream in the fridge. Yeah The first thing I ate in my body was mint chocolate chip ice cream It's so delicious and I thought to myself he doesn't have peter pan syndrome He's never had to have peter pan syndrome. He's just been peter pan. He will never grow up
Starting point is 00:29:18 I don't think that even if you forced it upon him that he would ever lose that childlike You know Sense about him. He will always be a child And I and I always you know, I'm making it seem like I'm lazy, but you're not children aren't lazy children work hard Well, I I had no money at 21. I think For me, it's like I had to work like real work Like, you know, I worked at a farm. I worked on a consulting side. I worked on
Starting point is 00:29:51 Um, I worked several restaurants, you know, I mean, I I've always had, you know, I mean manual labor kind of jobs Where I was out sweating and hating life and then you will come home. You're just exhausted You know, I mean, you still have no money, you know, and And yeah, so I didn't I couldn't afford to live the way I live now But the reason why what motivates you to do something like stand up Is you're number one. Well, I'm not in college I I'm you know, I don't know what I want to do with my life and this seems like Even though that, you know, it's the odds are against me. It's like I'd rather take these odds
Starting point is 00:30:28 Because if I do get in Then it's just going to be an easier way to live when it has been You know, I was very lucky, you know, you know anyone listening. It's like you take big risks You're gonna get big rewards, you know, and if you take You know the easy, you know, not easy because people go to college. That's not easy You know, I mean what I'm saying is is that if you take the traditional routes, you know, you're gonna, you know Have stability, but you know, I just feel like you're not gonna have The freedom that you might have if you do something that you've truly loved
Starting point is 00:31:01 You know And it's been a tough week for me because of the whole renazizi situation Can we not talk about that though? Why it's topical and I want to I want to defend him. Okay Um, you know what's going on Gilbert. You knew who Steve renazizi is. You don't know what happened Explain so, um Steve renazizi basically fabricated his story about Being in the second tower During 9 11 when the towers hit and he said that he worked for Merrill Lynch
Starting point is 00:31:37 And then I think he said he was like on the 54th floor and that he basically, you know, barely escaped and The reason that he moved to LA and really pushed hard to become a comedian was because Of that particular incident that gave him that made him realize like life is precious life is too short And I'm gonna relocate with my girlfriend who's now his wife to LA. That's how I understood this story Yeah, I mean when I first met him. I don't remember hearing that until later Maybe I had known him for because like the thing is is that I'm the one that brought Steve renazizi to the comedy store to get Him a job
Starting point is 00:32:15 You know, I'm the one I've met him at a pizza joint called Domianos on Fairfax And he was with his wife Tracy. They had just moved from New York and he goes. Hey, dude. I'm from onyanta That's where he went to college He goes is there any way because I just started doing stand-up. I could open for you And this is in 2001 or two, you know, it was a while ago and I go Yeah, you seem like a nice kid and just as long as I don't have to Pay for his flight. He was already going to be out there or whatever
Starting point is 00:32:46 So he did the show with me in onyanta and then he did all I had had a string of colleges throughout new york And he followed me at all these gigs and he opened for me, you know And we became friends and then when I came back to LA We got him a job at the store And then um The first time I heard about it was through dice Andrew dice clay because dice used to call Steve
Starting point is 00:33:10 number two Referring to tower two or he used to come tower two and um And then I asked and he told me that once that you know, he was in the building whatever But he never brought up again, but that was always a sense of that. It was a joke I so what bobby's saying is that he always told That story to other comedians in like a joking way like an exaggerated way Which a lot of them do with each other to be honest. Yeah, I never thought I never took it to be real I took it as something that he was just kidding around and also, you know in comedy
Starting point is 00:33:43 People lie and exaggerate. So it's like, you know But he is always since I've known him 100% always been a good friend a good guy honest, um You know all those times I was on the league It was because of him. He brought me in and then um I did a pilot for NBC many years ago before he was on the league called state of romance It was with me Steve Howie Zoey Lister Jones, and we were in Chicago And um
Starting point is 00:34:12 I was the last guy to be hired. I was replaced to somebody on the show And I flew in and I was thrown right into the shooting, you know, it was hard It was hard and Steve was there by my side. He would do line readings with me. He was So supportive of me And he wanted me to discuss it And then later I found out that he was the one that got me the job in the first place because of the fact that They NBC was like we need a minority because you know, you can't have six white people on the show and Renesies he told the director and one of the producers I guess that
Starting point is 00:34:44 Bobby Lee and then I read for it. I got it flew there So he's always been a really good friend Um, I don't know anyone in comedy that has anything bad to say about him Um, he has a lot of friends in comedy and um It's it's for me. It's a I understand why people are angry It's mostly I don't think there's anybody out there who's met Steve Renesie who doesn't think he's a great guy except for My brother
Starting point is 00:35:19 Yeah, but they Steve's not your brother's not here to defend his argument. I think his arguments valid It was like they went they went for the same audition I don't know why my brother has a thing against somebody does um, in any case I I do think that look it's like we've all Done some atrocious things in the past and we never have to We never have to apologize for them because there's no one who's going to dig up anything about us
Starting point is 00:35:45 We have that freedom because we're not I'm not in the spotlight For skin you're not in the spotlight and to a degree, you know, it's like look We really are Mindless sometimes and we're children and we can be pathological So in that sense, you know, I don't think that it's that big of a deal My own the only thing that I find just a little bit like unnerving was that he piggybacked on the biggest tragedy To ever hit America and I can understand why people who who were survivors of 9 11 who who go through
Starting point is 00:36:22 extreme Bouts or you know ptsd say for instance, I can understand how they would feel like fuck are you talking about Understand that too. I understand it too. Okay. I understand why people are mad Okay, but the things that I'm reading right especially on facebook or whatever Or things like, you know, you deserve to die And your kids and you know, I mean and all these things and it's like He never made it in show business because of the fact that he lied about that He's extremely talented. He's extremely talented and he got everything through his talent and hard work. Okay
Starting point is 00:37:01 Why he did continue to lie about it is beyond my I don't I don't know why I mean, but I don't think you you need to know why because you know what the guy has always been a kind and generous That's all I know. I don't I know is is that you know, he's a good dude. He's a friend I would fight for him, you know, and it's like You know, and the things that I'm reading about him is like It's crazy and it's like I also understand how people feel. I'm sure. Uh, yeah It's outrageous and it's wrong for what he did. Okay
Starting point is 00:37:33 But, you know, I don't think that he deserves to be thrown out of Hollywood and never work again or You know what I mean or have Severe consequences where You know, I mean, he loses money to support his family whatever it might be, you know, because he already lost that ad campaign What I mean for the chicken ads. All right, buffalo wiling Buffalo wild wings. Yeah, they dropped him. But point is is though You know, he's gonna bounce back because he's talented and he's a good guy
Starting point is 00:38:01 But you know, I just wish that people I understand it. Okay. So it's like the consequences They're happening. I get it. You know, it's just really difficult to be to to be To witness it because I love the guy so much, you know, and it's just like I've never really, you know, I kind of went through it with Carlos Mencia, but Not I didn't defend him as hard because I knew That Carlos did steal. You know what I mean? I just You know, he had done some nice things for me and
Starting point is 00:38:34 to me You know, I mean my relationship with Carlos or Ned is Good, he's a friend, but it's like I didn't defend him You know, I mean in media or anything like that because of the fact that I knew That what he did was wrong. Okay, but and I still feel that what Steve did is wrong but I I know deep down inside that he feels really bad about it and that he's Suff suffering right now and it's wrong, but so forgivable to me in my eyes
Starting point is 00:39:03 I think I feel like it's forgivable, but Well, you know only time will tell but um, can we talk about something a little bit? Can I get my happier? Why don't you talk? I need to get a beverage Okay, get a beverage while I explain the situation and just what is it about though? It's about hyzer soze Oh, yeah, go ahead. Hurry up. Hurry up. Get a beverage Hyzer Oh, yeah, you're one person I should ask about this. So, um, should we wait for Bobby? Okay
Starting point is 00:39:33 so, um Oh, Bobby and I totally got into it about see Renna's Izzy yesterday, by the way um We we are now But it wasn't always because like I always feel I'm always creeped out by like pathological liars And I'm not saying he's a pathological liar, but that it is it it's unnerving for me Um, but that's his friend. So, you know, I support him
Starting point is 00:40:03 anyways, so Bobby and I were in the car. We had just eaten at a Mexican restaurant and um We got into the discussion of he you know, like you talk about like how famous do you want to be? How do you want to be known? Do you want to just make money? Whatever? We were just talking about life in general and I said my ideal situation Would be to have a lot of money but to not be Um, identifiable to not have people recognize who what I look like who I am To just be no not at all like trust me. I'm still and I'm still okay
Starting point is 00:40:40 I want if if I And I talked about and I couldn't come up with an example I couldn't come up with an example of who is so rich, but whose face is unrecognizable And so Bobby was like, you know, I said that I would like to be you know, I mean Have a name that would instill fear within people You know, they don't know my face, right? That's not what you said. Yeah, I said if I know I that's what I said I said I wanted to be unrecognizable and you said oh like Kaiser no, that's not what I said
Starting point is 00:41:09 I that's exactly not what I said I said this is that I said that I would want that the same thing, but I would want my name to be To instill fear so that when people heard my name, you know, I mean people would like Get scared and then we remember we kept saying about that hot Godzilla thing and that you know Kaiser Suze Kaiser Suze and then we were referred to Godzilla Godzilla, right? Yes, that's how that's how I know that that was my point of view, right? So then I brought up Kaiser Suze Suze and she goes, who's that? And then he went crazy on it
Starting point is 00:41:43 And I said who's Kaiser Suze? I go, oh Shit, let's start from the beginning then. Do you know who Darth Vader is? Do you know I'm gonna add no, I'm not done. I'm not done. Listen to me. Look at me right now, baby Stop being so confrontational I'm not being confrontational. Do you know who Casper the ghost is? Do you know who I'm just I'm I'm I'm Tom and Jerry. I'm just throttling it off. Okay. Hold on Scooby-Doo. Do you know who that is? Can I just say something? Yeah, listen for skin. This is what Bobby will do to you
Starting point is 00:42:15 Due to me and due to anyone don't look it up. Put the phone away So take the put the photo down put it down. He loves to make feet. He loves to make people feel Really dumb and it gives him a sick gratification And he does it all that. Oh, you don't know who the Red House painters are I didn't never said that about the Red House painters. The Red House painters is a lo-fi Sadcore band out of San Francisco that I understand that nobody knows who they are exactly okay But basically basically what I'm saying if he says look like listen His brother your brother says the same thing I'm saying if you don't know everything that is
Starting point is 00:42:56 pertinent to him He's gonna make you feel like the dumbest person on earth So in in order to defend myself. I said, okay, you seem like you're mr. Know-it-all. Do you know who Elon Musk is? He goes no, who's that? And I had a moment of oh my god My boyfriend is straight up retarded if you don't know who Elon Musk is in this day and age Yeah, and then he goes on to say Kaiser Soze is way more famous than Elon Musk
Starting point is 00:43:29 and then I This conversation went on for about a whole hour And then we finally decided okay, we're gonna conduct a survey We're gonna we're gonna ask random people if they know Kaiser Soze if they know Elon Musk and who they feel is more Relevant or who they feel is more popular and I even said it's like look that's like saying who's more popular Barack Obama or Mickey Mouse Kaiser Soze has just has been around forever, right because he was in the usual suspects Elon Musk is only coming into the minds of people now because of Tesla and because of the hyperloop and because you know of all the Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:44:09 So what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna let's ask um Gilbert no, I'm gonna ask Gilbert. No, I have we're gonna call five people and they're gonna pick up Yeah, but first of all, let me say this I I don't trust you. How because I believe that you prep them. How would I prep them? We'll call yeah, I don't care We'll take turns calling. I'm gonna call my stepdad first Okay, actually no, no, no, let's call my buddy Matt. That's not fair because your stepdad is a teacher He might not ever seen the usual suspects Bobby, which would yeah, but he would my point. No, they'll prove the point
Starting point is 00:44:46 Roger what Roger when he goes to a fucking Chinese restaurant or any foreign restaurant Will only he goes to a Korean restaurant. He asked do you have chicken? You have chicken. That's all he yeah, because he's from the old school. He's a white old man. I love him Roger, I love you buddy But the thing is is that you cannot call him because he was born in the 30s He probably knows fucking that guy elie musk. No, but elon musk has only come into the media full force Just as a reason I'm gonna I'm gonna call him right now. No, no, don't call Roger because I say all right call Roger He'll be our first guy. I'm not talking to him though. You talk. I'll speak to him
Starting point is 00:45:23 Can you hear it on the thing? Hello? Hey, roge Hi Hey, I have a quick question for you Okay, I may have an answer Okay, do you know I can't help it. I look so good When I was 55 years old Did you just smoke weed? No
Starting point is 00:45:45 All right, I saw the picture with me and you were here proud Oh, yeah, you did look good Anyways, that's besides the point roger I have a question. Do you know who Kaiser soze is? Kaiser who? Soze Kaiser Soze
Starting point is 00:46:07 Doesn't ring a bell. It's okay. I'll move on to my next question Do you know who elon musk is? No, oh damn We both lost. Okay. Thanks roger. I love you. I love you roger. Love you. Bye. You lost you lost Elon musk is the tesla coils guy and he's a hyper loop guy in your face, baby Um, now it's my turn Kaiser soze is a character in the usual suspects bobby and I are having an argument. I love you. I'll call you later. Bye I'm gonna call steve
Starting point is 00:46:41 I think we already asked. No, we didn't We did not okay. Go. I'm calling steve and then I'll call my next friend. We have to have That's true. Why is that it's still his ringtone? That's his that's his ringtone He's not gonna pick up Hey steve, can I ask you a question? You're on my podcast right now? Yeah, do you know who kaiser soze is? Yes, do you know who el what's this guy's name elon musk, you know elon musk Okay, thank you so much. I love you steve. I'll talk to you later. Bye. Okay my turn
Starting point is 00:47:29 One zero, okay All right I can't believe my my stepdad didn't know either. He's getting older. He's really high right now. I can't tell Okay, I'm gonna call. I'm gonna call my buddy from vegas. Yeah, he's like a total like, you know Hey, dude, can you speak a little louder? Okay, um, you're on my podcast. I have a question for you Just okay. Do you know who kaiser soze is? Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:03 Who is he? Oh, no, no, no, it's okay. Fine. You don't know who he is. He's the guy from the usual suspects Do you know who elon musk is? Yeah, thank you. Thank you Thank you so much One one. Bobby and I are having a debate that who know who's more famous kaiser soze or elon musk Ask him a question real quick. Okay. Have you seen the usual suspects? Have you seen the usual suspects? No, no, he has. Okay. So make sense. Okay. Thanks, dude. I'll call you in a little bit
Starting point is 00:48:36 One one. So we're one one. Yeah, but you already had, um Rogers, so this is my second one You know what I mean? So like oh, okay. I can penalty kicks and you know, maybe we get five. Okay, so in penalty kicks So I have to win this one. Oh, you have to win this one or it's a tie or if it's it's a tie so far Eric is gonna know. No, he's not This is Eric Griffin. He's on the show workaholics Hey, Eric, you're on my podcast. Can I ask you a question? Yeah, what up?
Starting point is 00:49:06 Do you know who um kaiser soze is? Yeah, who is kaiser soze? He was the bad guy in uh that movie kevin spacey. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Do you know who elon musk is? No, okay. Thank you. You just you just be you just um supported my um argument. I'll talk to you later I'll see you in space later. Okay right Two one Is that a final you win? No, there's five. I think we're gonna call you want to go to five. We're just gonna do one more
Starting point is 00:49:39 Let's go to three. Let's call my sister. Let's go to three your sister. Oh, yeah. I used my brother Yeah, all right. So your sister's never not gonna know why because she has the same Um island pumpkin fucking cultural fuck knowledge that you do we didn't watch american movies all the time It's a classic ding dong. But see I told you that I had seen it that I just didn't remember who kaiser soze was But if you knew seen it you would know and if you if he was so if you were so young and you don't remember kaiser soze Then you didn't see it But like I remember bits and pieces of the movie I remember what it was about when I was a baby And then I saw it again. I'm like, oh, yeah, I never saw it. I remember it
Starting point is 00:50:17 Yeah, my parents taken me to it, but I never fucking remember it. All right. We'll see what my sister says You see that's your third one then. This is my third one. Okay God there was another we'll we'll do the other survey next time she doesn't pick up that means that you have to do another one If we call jenna, she's not gonna know either Yes, that's a lot. You just lost you gotta find somebody else You're gonna find somebody else right now that she's out We should call my mom. No, no not your mom your mom doesn't even fucking speak english There's no way she's gonna know could we just call her for fun later for something else but not for this
Starting point is 00:50:56 Okay, find somebody Hi moms, it's my sister. Hi, you're on my podcast. I have a I have a kestin for you Don't feel dumb if you don't know Okay, do you know who kaiser soze is? No, okay. Thank you. Do you know who elon muskis? Yeah, who is he who? He is special. Yes. Thank you. I love you. I'll call you later. Bye. That was your third call, but now it's two two Okay. Bye. Okay
Starting point is 00:51:48 Can I just say something right now It's that's absolutely an affair because it's it's as if she called herself You called you yourself No, because steve was born and raised in this country anyone born and raised in america would know that any What are you sad right now? No, I think it's a really pointless thing to argue about because kaiser soze is not real and elon muskis and he's real to me And he's making advances in the world And he's making an impact on our lives on a daily basis. I don't know how kaiser soze is doing that for any of us
Starting point is 00:52:25 So we're gonna go to three. Okay. It's two two and this is my last call and if this person doesn't answer We're tied. Okay. Okay. All right. So i'm just gonna find the first person. Who should the fuck should I call? Who do I know that we call pick up the phone right now? God, we forgot one thing and every person's question What because gilbert and I got into another debate last week because I was talking about eating butt and he was like No, no, I don't eat but what the fuck like both of you were talking about how you don't eat but and I was like, wow They make songs about that about literally eating but like, you know eating booty like groceries Yeah, and neither of you are on board with that and I said and then right like two minutes after
Starting point is 00:53:03 After you said that you were like you told me that you take all your clothes off And poo naked in public restrooms And I said, hmm, and you think eating ass is weird I said, that's weird and then you said in whose world galila and I said in everyone's world I got somebody I asked them if they think I got somebody I got him something. I got him. I got somebody that if he picks up. I'm gonna fucking win this So you're choosing people. I'm choosing family members. I'm choosing people That's cheating. I'm choosing people that are born in america usa number one
Starting point is 00:53:39 Who knows things about things? Okay, and I am going to call court mccowan He's kind of know both. No, he's not. Yes Court mccowan is a stand-up comic. He used to be in the 80s He was in a couple of movies. He was in teen wolf and he was also in camp on me love with patrick demsey And now and then for years he did drugs and now he does stand up and he's a friend of mine And I love him dearly and I'm here. I'm calling him right now and this is the for the championship right here Hey court, it's bobby you're on my podcast. I need to ask you a question Okay, I already told the audience who you are and they're all prepped, okay
Starting point is 00:54:24 And I mean collider having an argument to see who knows who or whatever. Okay, so I'm going to ask you a question Do you know who kaiser soze is? Yeah, okay, who is kaiser soze Kaiser soze is in The what's the fucking movie with kevin? Yeah, that's it. That's all you need to know. That's all you need to know Okay, now here's the second question. Do you know who elon musk is? Yes, yes Well, you just fucked it up for me friend and um, I just lost a bet. So thank you so much. I'll talk to you soon this week
Starting point is 00:55:09 Okay, thank you so much for being on tiger belly Okay, bye. Bye. Yeah, well, I don't know babe. I I think it's too too. We tied But you know now you realize that I am not as big of an idiot as you think I am because you didn't know who elon musk was Yeah, but I here's the thing is is that I am I am an idiot. I'm not admitting that I'm smart I'm admitting that I'm a fucking moron. That's not true. That's certainly not how you made me and let me say something this Okay, it's this is that I don't I I'm only talking about it through a sheer Pop culture relevancy, right? That's all I'm saying. I feel like elon musk is just as relevant pop culture right now
Starting point is 00:55:54 With all this artificial intelligence talk and everything it's like, how can you not know? You must be living in a cave if you don't know who elon musk is and maybe you would do there I'm sure there are a lot of people that don't know who darth vader is and they know who elon musk is That's not what my question is to me in my world and the way I think about the world is is that I feel like darth vader is more important And that's how I look at it. I play video games all day. I like to listen to music. I like movies and that's the way You know what I mean? So next week next week survey and we'll probably line up our callers Closer together and before the show so that we there isn't such like a Dead air, but we're going to close this
Starting point is 00:56:38 Podcast by doing a segment called unhelpful advice. Okay, so we put up What do you call it a picture on Instagram and asked people to basically, you know, ask us questions and and our only job is to give them Um, unhelpful advice. Okay, so there's already a disclaimer saying we might make you a worse person than you already are We're not necessarily here to save your life. You know, we're not a bible for the broken. We're just Going to give you our own personal You know Advice so i'm going to pass the mic over to gilbert and he's going to read us a few of the emails
Starting point is 00:57:21 Unhelpful advice with bobby and kalilah tiger belly. All right. Uh first question comes from b through email Now here's my question for some life advice. I am a 26 year old dude who is still a virgin and it's starting to ruin my life I think it's because i'm a bigger fat guy Who is a bit of an introvert? So my social skills are a bit lacking and I have self-confidence issues due to having a tiger belly aka pretty bad stretch marks That messes with me more than being heavy. I'm working on losing weight lost 18 pounds last month I used to eat emotionally to get any sort of good feeling that was lacking due to no real connection with women I have a spotless record, but i'm considering hiring a hooker just to get the nervousness that comes with that first one out of the way
Starting point is 00:58:08 Does bobby or you kalilah? No, I know he's not reading these no any tips of finding a safe option in that venue It would be in upstate new york go to montreal. Maybe okay I Here's here. Okay. I thought that he was initially asking advice on just life But I think he's just asking us advice on where to get a hooker. No, no That was the final question of all the things that you read. I just took Oh, he wants us to see if we can if we know any hookers in upstate new york when you're a virgin
Starting point is 00:58:39 You put so much you put high value on pussy Okay, you regard it on this pest pedestal and then when you actually do the act It's a great act sex. Okay, but when you do it, you mean Over the years you realize that it's just You know, it's not what you think it is. Okay, so this is what I used to do with my friends
Starting point is 00:59:04 Well, we couldn't get girlfriends There was always like a time where I would like see somebody and then a euro go by and I haven't seen it So what we developed is something called the launching pad and a launching pad is basically you go to tiwana Okay, and you get you bring I don't back in the day when I used to do it You would bring 200 bucks. You can probably get three girls for that. We used to do a trifecta Okay, so me and a group of 10 guys would go down there. We'd go to the brothels We did three girls two or three girls, right? I'm not kidding you right now a week later. We all had girlfriends afterwards It's called a launching pad and the end women read it on you and they smell it on you that you've been getting some
Starting point is 00:59:45 Because the thing is is that, you know, why once you do it too with two or three different girls that are hookers or whatever It might be I protect myself But you know, it's you don't put the value on it and I feel like your behavior and your energy Shifts and the end women can sense it. Okay. That's my advice. Go ahead kalilah Oh, I feel troubled by that advice I feel troubled because I I'm not against prostitution. I just don't feel like tiwana is where There's there's probably a whole lot of human trafficking there and that's the reason why I I can't Co-sign your with your advice. I didn't say just go there. I'm just telling you what I used to do you can wherever you live
Starting point is 01:00:34 You mean go do where we know be safe about it But you know, well, let me give you my opinions on fat boys in general from a girl's perspective I think that fat boys are totally fuckable and very fun to fuck And the only thing that I will say is no one wants to fuck a sad guy. Whether you're thin or fat No girl will ever look at a guy with zero confidence Who's just totally morose and sad and hating life and say hey, I want to get on top of that So that's a big thing. You can't be this Sad person
Starting point is 01:01:09 You can you can have moments of downtime and depression and you can go through all of those things But when it's time to meet a woman, you just gotta you gotta put Your game face on you gotta be like look life is good to get on top If you look sad to me, I will not ride you. That's all I'm saying And another thing it's like look It's okay to be heavier set. It's what you exude. I'll give you a perfect example I used to be really really turned off with this guy. I used to date he He he had he was maybe six foot three perfect body perfect ass perfect abs perfect everything
Starting point is 01:01:48 But every time we would get naked and do the deed He always covered up He would always try to be like, let me put this blanket over my butt or let's turn the lights dimmer and I found that to be so unattractive Months later. I meet this guy. Yeah, this guy Bobby is five foot three five four We're weirdly weirdly shaped big ol potbelly Tattoos in places. There's no one should ever have tattoos. Yeah And the first time he ever got naked in front of me. You know what he did? he went
Starting point is 01:02:24 without Any for no reason at all. He goes to the corner of my room. Yeah naked. He starts swinging his dick and doing the air guitar Yeah The first time ever and he's not even looking at me. He's looking at the corner. He's just facing a corner and starts doing the air guitar Like I'm the shit. That's why full on air guitar And I was really turned on I said this guy does not give a fuck He has he just doesn't give a fuck And I like it's what you exude
Starting point is 01:02:53 that to me exudes confidence that to me exudes All the traits that a man should have in order for a woman to feel like she wants to be like, okay, I'll get on top of that Also fat boys shouldn't fret because there is an upside to having a belly during missionary sex I love this about you They inadvertently their belly inadvertently rubs on the clit Totally by accident just because they have a belly and that friction alone makes it the best feeling ever So there is an upside to having that's why I have it. You know a little pot belly
Starting point is 01:03:34 You're fat. I know but I want to make my girl happy now This guy says that he's an introvert right and I don't think that being an introvert is a bad thing And I don't think that you have to change anything about that you don't have you can be a confident introvert and Confidence just isn't something that you learn overnight Unfortunately, it's gonna have to be a seed you plant internally and you have to let it nurture and you have to watch it grow
Starting point is 01:04:00 And I think we all have it are in our insecurities like I have stretch marks too an ungodly amount of stretch marks I have one or two strange nipple hairs that sprout up on the most like In you know Like times when I don't want them to sprout up And I just you know I'll pluck them off because it's just what girls do. We don't tell you about it, but we do Bobby has a green foot He Bobby has a green foot and he has a strange color gradation to his penis
Starting point is 01:04:31 But you know what you just get over that You nurture all the other good things that you like about yourself and you just You know you work with what you have So in saying all that I'm saying yes get a prostitute to get your release out Sit down I'm saying Don't go to Tijuana Find a nice friendly prostitute
Starting point is 01:04:57 in upstate new york who's understanding And just get it out of the way. It's just the v-card is nothing. It's nothing in your 26 It's about damn time. Just don't go to Tijuana and do the launching pad thing that bobby did But yes, women will smell it off of you and we can move forward from there Also, I talked about a couple of podcasts ago about that guy ben the midget that used to work with that I ever tell him about that I used to live with a I used to work with a dwarf
Starting point is 01:05:22 Um at a comedy coffee shop in san diego and he used to get really hot chicks And he basically I said one day I go. Hey, dude. How come you get so many girls like your dwarf with no fence? He had tattoos. He looked cool, but um He goes. Hey, Bobby. Um The reason why is because hey, man, I've seen you at parties a man And um, you never you would never talk to them. You never swing, you know, I'll swing a hundred times And I'll ask a hundred times
Starting point is 01:05:47 At 99 times they'll say no, but I always get a yes, you know So you got to go out and you got to go to bat And if you get rejected, it's nothing. Well, what happens if you're an introvert like this guy? What he what he has to realize is like if you're gonna fucking if you want fish you got to fucking fish You know, you got to go out and fish You know, you can't sit there and desire fish And go, oh, I tried one it hopped out onto the beach, but then I tried to live in and went back You know what I mean? You can't you got to go out there and eat like you're hungry
Starting point is 01:06:17 And listen, um big B. That's his name, right? That's a pseudonym. It's like You're doing all the right things dude. You're getting healthy. You're starting a new company all of that breeds confidence. So you're well on your way to Definitely, you know to finally penetrating I think I think that was Okay, let's move on to the next one. No, no, no, no, I think we should save the No, we have one more. It's a it's a quick one. Yeah, but we're at our hour and 10 minutes already We'll stretch out a little bit this episode No, this one a 12 step Bobby can give advice on okay, go ahead My best friend has gone through rehab and a 12 step program
Starting point is 01:06:59 I'm very proud of him as it's been sober for three plus years now. Amazing. However, he still has drug addict habits Such as relying and placing blame on others for his own faults uses people to the best of his ability example Hey, dude, want to go to a show? Can you pay for my ticket? And oh, yeah, it's a thousand miles away Can you drive? How should I confront him about these habits? I am proud that he's sober But all the habits have stuck with him. How did bob you cope with having drug issues so early in his life? Dark dark skin Korean dark skin Korean. Well, the thing is is that I'm not a professional. I'm not a licensed counselor but I've been I've been in and around a for
Starting point is 01:07:35 30 years almost Yeah, and um, I The thing is is that recovering from drug addiction alcoholism You're never cured, right? But you do become recovered. But for you for it. That takes a long long time It takes a long time. I know dudes that like and also it depends on I don't know how I mean if you're in the middle of AA and you're You know, I mean actively involved you have commitments. You sponsor kids. You have a sponsor You're sponsoring people. Um, you're um,
Starting point is 01:08:08 You know doing h&i groups or whatever you might be doing, but if you're highly active you become You know, I feel like you You know recover fit faster, but then there are people like myself that like there are Years where I'm highly active and then there are years where I'm work focused on my career or whatever and I'm not as active And it takes a long time, you know, and the thing is is that it just depends on, you know I feel like I know guys like that. I don't think that has anything to do with drug addiction I just think that's to do with someone being, you know, shitty. That's what I was just gonna say It's like look that's that's essentially the core of that guy
Starting point is 01:08:43 It has nothing to do with his alcoholism. I mean, it's easy to to tie in those traits to You know him But you should alcoholic or an addict sure sure But it's like look there are many sober people that I know that are just shitty people and who do the exact same things That that guy does If you're in the middle of AA and you're doing the steps and you're doing it that stuff because through the fourth step And through the eighth and ninth step that you will though. Those are things that you will confront and that you will overcome Okay, and God will relieve those things those character defects
Starting point is 01:09:18 But if you're not working a really good program, you can still stay sober, but it's not, you know You're not dealing with your character defects or whatever, right? So it's the thing is is that as a friend you should confront him you should say listen, you know, really just, you know I mean, I'm so glad you're sober, but this I get resentments because you know, you know, whenever like you want to go to a show I have to pay for it and you you never drive, you know And I just think that those are things that he should hear because he needs to know what How he's affecting people, you know, I mean through his behavior, you know How somebody going to correct themselves that people are, you know, I mean telling them him, you know, so it's like
Starting point is 01:09:53 You know, I think that he for me. It's like I'm we've been very angry lately and for the voyage I know exactly why is because I'm not going I'm not I should be going to four or five meetings a week And I should be having commitments and sponsoring kids and calling my sponsor every day and praying every morning But I'm not doing those things. That's why I'm rageful You know, I mean, I'm aware of it, you know Yeah, but what I'm saying is Like I Look, it's like that's your sobriety. That's I don't try to like get in the way of how people get sober whatsoever
Starting point is 01:10:29 But I don't like the the idea that just because you're now getting sober It's going to Relieve or it's going to take away all your bad character defects because it's like look I've never been an addict in my life But let me tell you I've got a sack full of character defects that I I want to work on And that may have already those things that that this guy dislikes about his friends could have already existed well before the alcohol So at at the very least it's always worth confronting anyways because if a friend does that to you sober Or not you should confront the person and say hey, dude. No, I'm not gonna drive a hundred miles
Starting point is 01:11:09 Like get your lazy ass to to the fucking car and meet me halfway. I mean, those are just things that basic things that apply to With or without the drugs with or without alcohol. That's all I'm saying. But yes, I don't have much experience with AA or addiction. So What Bobby's saying is probably more insightful. I'm probably the no, you're what you said was correct, too I mean, there's no right or wrong. We're supposed to be unhelpful That was more helpful than I thought the questions aren't you know, I mean are real guys when I said ask me questions Like maybe set us up for more atrocious answers. That way we can like, you know, be evil about it
Starting point is 01:11:51 No, no, no, no, I think that we should just do the way we're doing it now The way we're doing it now. I like the fact that we're trying to help people Yeah, but the conversations that we have literally tether On the like on the edge of sociopath. No, it does and I don't think it does our topics of my murderous uncle I don't I don't I don't that's that I think that we're talking about real life I think we and real things we and thank you for listening for to the the fourth episode of tiger belly And that was a great human experience and thank you for tuning in and I'll see you the next time I'll see you guys. Oh wait one more second. Let me plug a few things since you're not going to do it
Starting point is 01:12:31 Bobby is going to be in ventura at the What is it the crown plaza ventura wednesday september 23rd He's going to be in indianapolis at crackers comedy club next week october 1st to the third Find us on instagram at tiger belly on twitter at at the tiger belly And we'll see you guys next week. Bye Hey prime members you can listen to tiger belly ad free on amazon music Download the amazon music app today or you can listen ad free with wondry plus in apple podcast Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondry.com slash survey

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