TigerBelly - Episode 70: Tricknuts and Chips

Episode Date: December 7, 2016

Bobo burries white treasure. Khaloko wins the bread. Gilbert holds it in. We talk conversion therapy, alien cream, and the end of a long fought addiction.See Privacy Policy at https://art1...9.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today Yo, yo, yo if I can turn back time To the good old days. Oh, that's my jam right there dog. We hear with we hear with G unit What up, what up? Will you what's up? What's up? We hear with Kalilah? Skittles a girl a skittles. What's up skittles? What's up? What's up? We got George town. You were saying the hell Oh, sorry George, and I'm Bobby Lee. I'm Bobby Lee, everybody Now um, yeah, dude, I'm sorry guys, but I have to start off with some shout outs And I just some shout outs dog. Um, I want to do a shout out to
Starting point is 00:01:15 Weapons of chaos aka will the bank of what's up? What's up with the bank up? These are all people that play destiny with and they're they all want shout outs. Oh destiny shout outs I have shout out to sensei. What's up? What's up? Chew Chew is that the 11 year old? Yes. Oh my god. We got high fix who Took me to all heat what I what I had what I've done now guys is I've given people This guy high fixed money to play on my behalf So I gave him my gamer tag and your login information and my login information and now he's just playing on my behalf and George thought that was weird. Why did you think that was weird?
Starting point is 00:01:50 Cuz you're supposed to play video games for fun. Yeah, and you're paying other people to have fun for you No, no, no, are you gonna enjoy all your new embellishments on your or your shaders? If someone else got it for you and you didn't get it yourself. Is it as rewarding? Well, I'm not gonna be able to do it On my own. I don't have the skills. I think you do. I swear to God. I don't I sort I there's no way you said you got close once you playing right? No I went to the I went to the light house with high-fix and tomorrow and tomorrow land. What's up? shout out to Marlin Yes, but it was a fluke because we tried it again and I'm just bringing the team down
Starting point is 00:02:35 So I gave him my information. He he went to the lighthouse high fix with my character But you know what's fucked up? Also, he changes my Controls your settings and the settings. So when I went went back to play again. I didn't know what button did what it was like Layout. Yeah, lay the layout of it, but I think I'm done with it. I'm done with I'm done with destiny. I can't play anymore I don't have fun. I'm not good Well, I walked in though he looked sad was like I play told me George you played today and he did not have fun Well, no, I was playing the Iron Banner with three the team, you know, what's up, Danny Garcia, Danny Garcia See any Garcia, but he's such a nice kid this guy
Starting point is 00:03:26 He's Mexican and he's from Chicago area and he's really trying to help me He tries to include me. He texts me like hey, you want to do the raid and he's this nice guy And I want to I really like you Danny, but I think I'm done. I can't play anymore and Fat black is in Australia. So I can't play with him. My brother's in Phoenix You know me and Frank the doorman is driving me fucking crazy. What do you mean this motherfucker right here? So there's a doorman in Frank Castillo, that's the last name. Yeah, I love Frank. I want his face his face I want to squish his eyes and do his fucking sockets Jesus your eyes and your eyes fucker fucker fucker Bobby. Anyway, um
Starting point is 00:04:08 He was trying to steal those guys from me. He would message them last night do his own fire team No, hi fix says, you know got him Frank Castillo. Yeah, I go. Yeah, he's been going behind my back and Messaging my guys, right? Trying to go. Hey, I'm better than him. Just play with me and he's trying to steal. So he's dead with me So when I go to the comedy store tonight, I'm not gonna even lock eyes with that Is that not allowed in the gaming world to he didn't tell these friends of mine that I fucking Got our fans of mine They're not friends of his
Starting point is 00:04:45 You know, Danny Garcia listens to Tiger Ballet Mm-hmm. You know I mean hi fix his friend cool kid 19 Kid 92 Got really urban here, yeah but um Yeah, he's been trying to steal people but uh and also I play with this kid sensei. He's 11 years old and I there's a sense of number one. I can't if I'm he lives in Minnesota. I can't have lunch with him
Starting point is 00:05:19 No, you cannot he's 11. Oh his parents are present. Yeah, but can I do that? Hey? Hey? I'm playing a club in Minnesota. Let me talk to your dad No, just listen and then the dad goes. What's up, dude? I go. Yeah, um, you know, I've been playing with sensei for the last year I know he's 11, but you guys won't have lunch With the parents. Yeah with the parents. Yeah, I'm not gonna do it by myself everywhere I think Chris Hansen will show up and all of a sudden, you know, I'm sweating. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so sensei this little kid has a twin Yeah, he's not your conversations with him like. Oh, no this kid. He goes, you know, what are you doing? That's pretty much it. You don't know what you're doing
Starting point is 00:05:55 Bobby, he doesn't know who you are at all. No, I can't I don't have with Danny I can have a little weight because I can go You know, I was in the movie the dictator or whatever I can I can I can try to you know, I mean don't talk to me that way Because you know, you know, you know, yeah People some people know who I am your credits, but this some of these kids don't give a fuck So these kids these 11 year olds 12 year olds I play with you. They just they mute me or they'll just like talk to me in a way That how does that make you feel it makes me feel sad
Starting point is 00:06:31 But just I can't go I can't say hey go to my mdb. They don't give a fuck. My parents blocked that website I'm 11, you know, so um, yeah, I think it was done with the game and I'm gonna play maybe Dead Rising the new one or fan final fantasy. Who knows but I'm done with destiny for right now But I'm still gonna let this kid high-fix played for me every weekend So you just like people you like your character so having all the armor though It's not just armor. What it does is that if you get to the night lighthouse, you can get these things called on ornaments And what they do is they make they there's a hologram that happens onto one of your armor pieces It looks really cool. Yeah, like what whether like if you're a Titan, it gives you like, you know
Starting point is 00:07:17 These wings or whatever and when you're at the tower Or the wreath these are social spaces spaces when other people are walking around. I I just like chilling that I like sit down. I like chilling with my new gear So when you get everything that you absolutely want you're going to ask The fat black hope Steve Frank and everybody be like, hey, let's play. It's a fat black hope It's Eric Griffin. Oh, that's that what I call him. Yeah, is that what I call? Black hope it's called fat black. No That's the whole part for yeah, I don't know what okay. I'm gonna come from that. I didn't make that up
Starting point is 00:07:59 So what so you're just gonna just so they can see all the new stuff you have yeah I didn't really say much, but I know what they're feeling like damn. He's good No, they leave that you did it all yourself. I don't care Don't tell them though. I don't care if it. No, it's not cheating How is it cheating? It's a transaction. I mean if I have somebody else financial transaction That's like me going to a science exam and having my sister take it for me And then like telling everybody yeah, that's like you being having Down syndrome It's like you just listen George, it's like you having Down syndrome, right, but you want a degree at Harvard
Starting point is 00:08:38 Okay, no You shouldn't have it if you have the means get it to pay but get somebody to like get cosmetic surgery to look like you Have your ID get a fucking diploma and then now you have a diploma Call us 101 with Bobby Sounds like a great 80s movie. Yeah but anyway that happened and um I Was a bit of thinking about um Sword and scale and we listen to an episode the other day about the
Starting point is 00:09:08 um Craigslist Craigslist Craigslist killer And it was a really good sword and scale. It was two a two-part Sword and scale seventy nine and eighty and it's a lot of just testimony not testimony, but um interrogation interrogation room Interviews and it really builds and what baffles me every time when it comes to murder is Is the his fiancee had no idea? Give him a little bit. Okay, so to give you a little bit of a backdrop in the beginning
Starting point is 00:09:42 They introduced it as here's this girl who's about to who was engaged to this guy and they're about to get married You know in a couple months. He's a doctor. Yeah, right. He's going to med school It seems like relatively benign. You don't think at first that You think that oh, this is probably some type of like money embezzlement or something like along those lines, right? Because they talk about like casinos and whatnot But then you figure out like, you know ask the episode goes on that she has no idea why she's there She's just like she's answering answering questions like you know Why are you asking me about like my inner bit to provide her or like much money?
Starting point is 00:10:16 We make and all those things she has no idea. So by the end of the fucking sword and scale She towards the end of the interviews. She's like am I and she figures out because they start giving her photos like Surveillance photos like is that you know, I mean your fiancee She kind of looks like him, you know, but she doesn't know and so I'm wondering how do you not know That your fiancee is a killer Some people are very good at living a double life and I don't think it's that You know in this particular case the guy was a closeted homosexual And I always think those are the most like when you can't be who you want to be
Starting point is 00:10:56 Because somehow you feel the pressure of society or your friends or family That's when they become the most destructive. So basically what you're trying to tell me like the Orlando killer He was the deal was about to kill a bunch of people. Maybe So But like like John and Wayne Gacy, you know who he is So he killed a bunch of kids. How do you keep that a secret that he hid the bodies in his mom's house? Well, she was living there. Hmm. So it's like, how do you like if you saw like, do you know it? Would you know if there's three dead bodies in this apartment? Absolutely. Well, there you go
Starting point is 00:11:39 Because you're very you're you wear your emotions and you're mood on your sleeve. You're not somebody who masks You do think you can hide bodies from Colada Not let me think let me think there are certain people who I could probably I would have a difficulty Trying to read. There are really people who are like cool as a cucumber in all situations Maybe George Kimmel. Yeah, he probably has a few bodies, you know in his backyard and his chicken coop But this guy is no way. There's just no way. He just comes with blood on his hands. Catch up. Oh No, I would be a horrible murder. So again, you killed bodies. You come in. I would have like chunks of brain on my face Right there ID in my hand, right?
Starting point is 00:12:23 Right on my right hand video of like, you know, maybe video me doing it like a selfie. I'd be like, I didn't do officer Officer, I didn't do it. Hey, you don't have an accent. What are you doing? Yeah? Yeah, I would be awful. I would not be able to get that's why I've never killed anybody Mm-hmm at the end of the day. I couldn't get away with it. That's why I can't get away with rape I physically wouldn't be able to do it. Mm-hmm. You know how exhausting rape is. Yeah Neither do I but from the movies I've seen it From like Jody do the foster movie. What was that called? Which one?
Starting point is 00:12:58 What was that movie the rest of the lambs? No, not sounds of the lambs. There was a movie where she gets raped and he's exhausting Look it up. I have to look it up. I know which one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's a pinball machine and everything Yeah, yeah But anyway, I wouldn't be able to get away with it or it also it's morally wrong. That's that's number one though No, no, but number one. It's morally wrong wrong and it's it goes against my values. They accused the accused but number two, it's also exhausting and You know unless I do Bill Cosby style which is which is hey you want to audition for ghost dad, too Yeah, and I'll be like, okay, we'll drink this cappuccino and the next thing you know
Starting point is 00:13:38 They wake up in their car Honda Civic completely naked going what happened. Did I get the part? Nope, you know and also I think one of the girls Cosby girls was promised or like an audition or something a ghost back ghost dad, too And what I'm saying is is that? Could have been a better movie Like don't get right for ghost dad, too. I'll go father to ghost dad one was my favorite childhood movie You're so stupid, babe. I love ghost dad. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard I mean for a kid. It was just really awesome. What was the premise? I don't even okay He dies. Yes, he dies and now he's a ghost. Mm-hmm the whole movie, right? The whole movie, right? And then he gives them treats
Starting point is 00:14:16 The kids I don't know what I'm happy Halloween. I mean, does he do the penny thing like in that one? The ghost? Yeah, the ghost. No, he doesn't do that But anyway, um, yeah, I want to talk about What happened in San Diego? You had My Why'd you bring that up? I don't want to say names though. No, we're not saying names But in the last episode we talked about all right Well two episodes ago. We talked about his brother Steve sending us photos of him and this other kid
Starting point is 00:14:55 Who he used to furiously 69 with childhood childhood, okay? And Bobby then talked about how he hasn't spoken to this guy in like 25 years or whatever But guess who left a note at the club for him. Good. God San Diego Yeah, but we were 11 did you feel butterflies in your stomach? I didn't feel fucking butterflies dog No, I didn't feel butterflies I I I Saw it and I read it. It was like a note in it Which is basic says his name
Starting point is 00:15:32 The phone number which I fucking Don't know why and Then it underneath this is I have the kids got the kids. I got the kids So so I just made an assumption that he has children No, he that was a code for us back in the 11 but we were 11 years old. They call them. You're saying But you're saying that you saved his number What does that mean though, I guess yeah, because you know at the end of the day, we were friends
Starting point is 00:16:05 I see you guys were real friends. Not real friends. I mean, we're he's a childhood friend First love never dies. No, but we did drugs together back in the day and stuff like that I mean, you know, there's other things and just sucking each other. Yeah, it's more than that It's more than that. We had spiritual ideas about life and philosophies to share hide-and-seek We talk about manifesting, you know things all the time and I think that you manifested that I don't know if I'm mad at what was what you think that I manifested that like I thought about it believe I think that because okay. Look, we talked about it two weeks ago. Yeah, and it happened. Yeah, okay And I'm okay. I manifested it. I made it. I made it. What are the chances that somebody you haven't spoken to in 25 years?
Starting point is 00:16:47 Drops a note at the comedy club. Yeah a week after you speak about it. It's really weird. He listened you think Yeah, that's what I'm saying right now. What's up, dude? Oh, you're 11 Drop it already. Yeah, you got kids. You've moved on. I've moved on. I got a girl podcast two dead kids one dead kid Hey, you have we have to bury fetal remains now, so we can't have any more shmash martians That's the thing for real people do in Texas That's like they're making that law to bury the fetal remains like for that's so dumb It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard Texas. Why don't we just bury our cum too? Like just dig a hole. I'll just not inside of be a lot of holes in front of my heart. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:17:33 It would just so many like is this the moon. Oh, it's like craters alien cream everywhere Alien cream alien cream all over the place. Yeah. Yeah, buried. Yeah. I mean, it's like that's the most ridiculous thing It's kind of hippie for so you would go to an abortion clinic Mm-hmm, you get an abortion and then you and then you would get this fetus, right? And then you would have to have a funeral service or can just bury it in any hole No, no, I think it you don't like let's say for instance if I go to plant parent head I don't have to do it. Yeah parent head has to do it because they're the ones who are keeping all of the Remains, I mean, what am I supposed to do? Hi, can I have my little, you know meat baby back? Well, don't call that
Starting point is 00:18:15 Me baby, but a name Francis friends was our first one was goby. That's why we need our dog. Yeah Well, that's first of all if you're gonna bury a fetus Can I have my fetus so we can bury it because it's ours? Yeah, why can't we can we can't request it you create it Well, it's you know, this you know how abortions are done. Yes. Tell me I'll tell you how it's done Okay, there's two ways. I'm gonna just tell you what how it's done. All right, and um So you go to the clinic, you know, I mean plan parenthood. Yeah, you fill out paperwork Right your address social security number The form yeah, if you're Pacific Islander or African-American true, yes, right? Yes, if you're male or female
Starting point is 00:19:03 Hopefully female if you're pregnant. Okay, then female, but if there's maybe there's not a box like that. Maybe it's trans. Maybe trans Yeah, so there you go male or female. Thank you. And then you You go into a little room, right? And you spread your legs open and the doctor takes a microscope and Binoculars or something. Well something and he looks like a magna flying glass Is Sherlock Holmes? Yeah Moriarty, you know Yeah, he looks inside. Oh, there's a finger or whatever, right? No, no, no, no, they know what you know
Starting point is 00:19:41 I know what they do. They you get on a table, right? And they put little Suction cups on your stomach to do a cat scan. Oh, right. So they see Inside right cupping cupping. Yeah, right. So then they they see a little tiny like Baby inside and they go, okay. Well, you are pregnant. So are you sure you want to go through with the transaction? And then you say, um, yep, check please. Here's my 800 bucks. I don't know how much it costs and then, um There's two ways they either give you a pill Right or the second way is they stick a tube inside your vagina
Starting point is 00:20:18 Deep down inside and it's like a vacuum cleaner. Yeah, that's not right. So the turner Is that it's a vacuum cleaner? It's a vacuum because it has to suck out the contents of the uterus and then you this is what you hear Like that and but if you really listen closely. Oh, no, no, if you listen, but you hear The fetus is why? Oh, Francis. Yeah Bob and Lee everybody in the house. Yeah. Now. What's up pills too? So, uh Is that am I close? I mean that that at towards the end pill also, right? So pill and yeah The pill is like a two-step process, but the pill is it can be very very very painful and it's not a hundred percent because the
Starting point is 00:21:08 Like my first When whatever no, I'll say it talk about it. We had he talked about it when we took when I took the pill It didn't work. It didn't work. So um And two weeks later. She was still sick. Yeah, and I still felt pregnant. We looked at the baby again And now the baby looks like Harvey Dent And so I I told that joke so many times never gets a laugh The room gets never gets a laugh, but I'm gonna continue to tell it It's really sick and morbid and I want to say this I feel guilty about it
Starting point is 00:21:43 Dude, it feels I mean, maybe, you know, I I'm not judging any woman if she feels absolutely no remorse A lot of women feel like wow like a huge relief And I don't blame them because if they're not in like the financial like situation if they're you know, you don't know their circumstances So yeah relief is is an okay way to feel but I didn't feel relief. I felt absolutely depressed for a few weeks after that not not because I feel I felt like what I was doing was wrong It was because like my body wasn't able to Have a viable offspring anyways at that time
Starting point is 00:22:16 So I just felt fucking sad and can you and I make a pact sweetie? Yep Stop sending me photos of this ultrasound. Oh, I'm sorry It was the anniversary. So I sent him the picture. Yeah, like two weeks ago. I was like, what the fuck is this? And it was so cute little Gobi in the tummy. Oh, and you know, I couldn't keep the baby I know, but we also killed another one recently. No, we didn't. Why do you keep saying that look at me? We didn't no, we didn't I had I mean, we didn't you were pregnant like a couple of months ago. I wasn't You swear to god
Starting point is 00:22:53 Don't do proper up there. Truth time. Truth time. Are we having truth time? Yeah, yeah We had a second one and why I don't know because there's just I talked to my cardiologist. I talked to my doctors and they said that you know, you're just Pregnancy is going to further exacerbate your SVT your all these other things And you know, you're more of like a high risk right now. It doesn't mean I can't have kids Later, it's just that right now. I can't I want to say this to the lord I want to listen. I want anyone christian listening right now our christian fans That I swear. I swear
Starting point is 00:23:34 That i'm not gonna have another one ever again If we get pregnant again We're keeping it Because it's to decide that I've made a decision Nobody made this decision. I have to carry that then I can't do it. Well, you just can't you always like do this Is trick-knutting in me. What's trick-knutting? What's trick-knutting? You don't know what trick-knutting is. You don't know what trick-knutting is. It's an old I need to know what trick-knutting is. It's an old technique that I got from my ancestors
Starting point is 00:24:06 It's a korean thing. Yeah, he nuts quietly and then Whoa, you mean like a quiet orgasm? Yeah, and then you know, you do two orgasms. Yeah, one is real. The other one's fake One is not, right? So this is what you do you go um So you're having sex when you're having when you're having when you're having sex you don't really have an organ You don't you're having an orgasm But you don't you don't sound like you are having one, but you actually are coming like yeah So you're just going yeah, this is great, but you're really coming
Starting point is 00:24:31 And then so then you nut inside them. Okay, and then like two minutes. So you go Right the fake one the fake one, but why do you do that? It's fun It was so acting like I want to practice my acting skills. You know what I mean? That's how I didn't go to Meisner technique class or um You know, so the second coming goes and seen and thank you for participating in my workshop Yeah, it was just really just me practicing trick-knutting. Yeah, everyone give it a try this weekend But he also has what we talked about at the leaky dick. He has Well, I don't know that's a technical term, but um, yeah, I do have a lot of uh, that's normal that pre-com pre-coms He has more pre-com than he does like final come. Well, well, I don't call it pre-com. I just call it come
Starting point is 00:25:15 So you know, so my thing is I come for like three minutes at a time. So it's a slow steady stream It's like a faucet. That's like, you know, I mean It's like I do that style that style it doesn't come in one chunk. Yeah, you know, I mean like I kill it for two minutes, you know Yeah, so um, but we're not gonna have another one. I think it's a moral And I just think that in a trump world. We can't do it. What? Yeah, I'm converting. I think to what the trump So really am I feeling believing conversion? Oh, I really believe Mike Pence has really opened my eyes to conversion conversion therapy to electrocuting the gaze. Yeah What is the logic behind that? I don't know. Well, it's it's not logic. It's real, but
Starting point is 00:25:59 It's a factual thing where you find out somebody's gay and you electrocute them to the point where they get straight Where they're like, please stop the pain. I'll be straight. Yeah I mean, I there's another way to do that in my opinion. If I had a son, I would not do conversion therapy You know how that old trick like I had a friend tell him tell me once when he was a kid He got caught smoking a cigarette And so his dad goes got him like three cartons and he said smoke All this all three cartons in the closet chain smoke, right? So he did it. He never smoked again He gave his kid black lung. Yeah, but yeah, but I would do that with dick
Starting point is 00:26:39 You would just your side of the in a closet full of gay man No, just like no, but if I caught I'm having this sucking dick I would like have 90,000 990 dicks just ready. And so he had to suck 90 dicks and then I'm done. I'm done with dick dad. No more This is 80. Yeah. Yeah, please. I'll stop. Yeah My name is Gilbert. I don't know if that'll work, sweetie. Yeah, well, that's your bobby's conversion therapy. Yeah Just an ultimate dick sucking. Yeah Yep, I bet you anything if you propose that to mike pens he'd actually consider it
Starting point is 00:27:12 I don't really believe that folks. I Just to pull this full disclosure I'm a huge fan Of the lgbt community and I believe in equal rights for all I do and um, I think that mike pens is um Medieval crazy and crazy. Yeah, but You know, I really just kind of thought not thought about the election really and I you know, because on twitter I've I've tried to argue
Starting point is 00:27:41 And at the end of the day, it's polarizing and people just have these these deep divisions and I don't understand why The other side feel the way they do and and you know, they don't listen to me. So it's like it's fine Cognitive dissonance on both sides. Yeah, it's just a just a different way of looking at the world really to be honest with you. Um I am I don't understand how a minority though Can be a gigantic a female minority Can be a big trump supporter. I don't understand the mentality behind that Is that how you were fighting with on twitter? No, I'm just I just I've always thought like because I've seen people, you know
Starting point is 00:28:20 In their minds though. Tila coot tequila. Let's suppose. So let's let's um Assume that they're probably not super educated But beyond that like some people don't see it as anything other than they wanted They wanted to shake shit up. They either the anti establishment shakes it up. Those are the only Criterion And you know that that was the only criterion for them like that that was it shakes it up no matter at what cost and for some people that was You know what what led them to vote for trump not because they actually thought you know anything else
Starting point is 00:28:57 Let's Yeah, but tila tequila Yeah, but tila tequila is just come on guys. She's her 15 minutes of fame has run out She's desperately looking for an avenue To be heard again to be seen again and who's going like what better way than to be to be completely Absurd absurdly racist because it's like if she posed and became a model No one would pay her anymore if she just spoke like a
Starting point is 00:29:27 You know fairly intelligent woman. No one really have true interest in her anymore. No one She's so dried out in every single way as a person That the only way for people to look at her or to for her to get attention is to be a fucking nazi And that's really all the explanation there is Shots fire. Yeah, but I mean, yeah, how do you like I'm just gonna say this that I don't feel like Like I'm where I want to be I don't feel like I'm A-list or anything like that and I I've had Pockets in my career where I had nothing going on, but I don't resort to like things that I don't believe in
Starting point is 00:30:07 It's like grass for some why I think oh, I'm gonna reinvent myself. I'm gonna believe You're not seeing you know, I mean, but some people like for her. I'm guessing if I were in her position I'm like, what the fuck I need food on my table. How are people how how am I gonna get eyes on me? Well, they go job get a job at kinkos and people are gonna be like, hey, isn't that tequila tequila on my point? Is this copy machine? No, she's gonna say this. It's like if this doesn't work out for me, right? And I'm not gonna be the before I become a republican Or a trump supporter. I'm gonna get a job Before I have that
Starting point is 00:30:41 Point of view, you know, so it's like What would be your first job? What would be the first place you applied to? Let's see if my nobody wanted me as a stand-up like you're done. This tiger bell doesn't work out Let me just think about what do you walk to an aspirin application Without I mean, it's a what is Bobby Lee Lily walk into an aspirin application Well, I would probably move out of LA. Oh, where would you move to? So you and I aren't together Oh, we're in this scenario. Oh, no, she has to get a job too. I don't know what you get a job. Absolutely broke I would obviously go back to go back to nursing
Starting point is 00:31:17 That or get get my PhD and then provide us like a middle-class life Hmm. Yes, I would absolutely Well, I would be so depressed because then how am I gonna play pay hi-fix to go And play for me. So that's number one number one. Yeah, we can't eat out as much We can't eat out every day. We'd have to get rid of the animals. No, we don't yeah We do there are a lot of people that have animals that don't have your income I cannot I just spent 300 dollars on them today and I doesn't I can't do it. We just have to go back to no not kill them. We just give them away
Starting point is 00:31:52 Because we just have to go back to feeding them. Um fancy feast instead of that fucking organic. Okay. Okay. So I all right So what I would do for a job would be I would probably go to CAA Work as an and go is there anything I can do like as an agent. No, not even as an agent as like a I'll work in the mailroom Oh, you know, I mean, I'll figure out a way the comedy department Some of that. Yeah, I mean for me. It's like I feel like I would maybe need to be around Show business Or if I had to get completely out, I would probably go down to San Diego would go down San Diego
Starting point is 00:32:28 We get we'd run a little house in Miramesa And then my aunt owns a beauty supply. You've been there. Oh, no, you haven't been there yet, but I've just talked to you You've talked to my cousin on the phone on there. I would probably work at their beauty supply store. Oh my god Hi, welcome. Hi, welcome. And she has a little thing on the side. I'll probably help her with that and then um, Yeah, no, we'd figure it out. We'd absolutely There's no way I can live in L.A. You wouldn't stay in L.A. I there's no way that I could like work at like a beauty supply store in L.A. Oh, because your friends would see you. And all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:32:56 Crystal Lea walks in with his girl and then you go, hey, it didn't work out Can I ask you something then would you be okay if I became the breadwinner? And you became the stay-at-home dad and raise their kids. Oh, that would be the best scenario. Really? Shake on it. Yeah. Yeah. Then we can have a baby now. Wow. That would be the best Yeah, that would be the absolute best for me. I will never leave the house But I mean this is without me doing stand-up or any of my dreams Yeah, yeah, yeah in that scenario. Yes, I would we would for sure figure it out. It might even be fun To kind of switch roles for a little bit. I think you might be really depressed for a while
Starting point is 00:33:36 But once you see that, hey, like we're still alive and working it out and Kalila's like making decent money Yeah, and we had children. I think we'd be fine. You think so? Yeah, absolutely I would go to a lot of AA meetings because I would need it and um, you know, it's but that's not that's fucking crazy Yeah, I'm not gonna do that. You know what I mean? In fact, it's so crazy. I'm gonna fart a little bit right now Okay, good. So hi fix you hear that you still get in paid. Yeah Yeah, dog Now listen, um We also saw a documentary we cried yesterday and it was about
Starting point is 00:34:07 The boston marathon bombings. It was on hbo go if you don't have hbo go who's on hbo. Yeah, and it literally Made us cry so hard. Yeah, especially to two brothers They follow the two brothers. No, not not not this are not our brothers So you you think, you know, we know everything essentially about the bombing, right the news Yeah, but then this one goes into the individual lives of the victims and a lot of them where we're family members So it's like two brothers and then uh newlyweds and then a mom and daughter, you know, and they lost like limbs together They were in the hospital together But there's this particular scene where these two these two brothers, right?
Starting point is 00:34:47 We're literally at the epicenter of I think the second bomb the second. Yeah, the second right and They lost their legs, you know, and they were in two different hospitals in the beginning And so they weren't able to see each other and they were there for a month or whatever Yeah, one of them was in a medically. Yeah, and then they showed them seeing each other for the first time in wheelchairs In wheelchairs, they go right right next to each other and they hug And oh my god, we cried so fucking hard. We cry hugged for 20 we cried hard hugged. Yeah It was so touching you guys And they cried too because it's the siblings. They're they they grew up. Yeah, it would know they were tongue kissing
Starting point is 00:35:24 What the fuck you're talking? Yeah, they were crying fuck face. Yeah. Yeah Oh god, it broke me up. It broke me up, too Damn, what other families were they and then there was another family? I mean, it's here's what the thing is is that These two brothers that the sarnayas are their brother names are not the white people No, they're the guys from kyrgyzstan the brothers that were radicalized. Oh that one. Yeah, um What they did was we don't see as like civilians really unless you watch a documentary like this like the effects it has But it affects so many people You know, and it's just these lingering effects of not not having limbs and having to deal with
Starting point is 00:36:04 The new life that's ahead of you this this pain like one girl had her leg for a year And but she just she didn't want to lose it, but the pain was so So excruciating excruciating Yeah, that she she had to get an appetite. Yeah, and so like when we think that oh, they survived that, you know, that's it Yeah, they're finally, you know, we're happy they survived But a lot of these people on a daily even three years four three years after the fact are still completely just
Starting point is 00:36:38 Devastated at the fact that they can't move on with their lives like they're Oh god, it's you guys just have to watch it I think that I would be able to like if I was in a situation like that where I lost legs I might be able to move on If I lost an arm I might be able to But if I lost my dick No, let's be honest. Do you think you'd feel sadder? I'm out. Okay. Choose one thing to be Yeah, I'm out. I wouldn't be able to do it. Okay arms dick or legs you choose
Starting point is 00:37:08 Which one arms either one but not my dick Or ear ear Fuck my ear. I'll cut it off right now I can still hear you Gilbert. Oh, you mean losing your sight. Okay. Oh, so this is what you're saying The scenario is this then or let's this is a good scenario. So look at me Gilbert, right? A palm goes off, right? So you can choose between Losing one of three things your sight
Starting point is 00:37:33 Shit your ears, which is hearing, right? Yeah. Yeah, you're hearing. No smell. It's smell. Gilbert Is it? Because I smell with my ears. I'm creepy like that girls Yeah, he said you're or your um penis. What would you want? Oh, man I'd choose I'd choose vagina penis Take that. Well, it would with okay. So now eyes and ears are involved now. Penis could be something that could go As I know because I want to be able to see still see because I want to see like, you know
Starting point is 00:38:03 No movies. Can I still orgasm without a penis? No. Yes. Why why? Because Let me see for a woman It's we would be more likely for us to still be able to orgasm because we use our internal muscles anyway Yeah, yeah, but for men it's the sensation of like actual ejaculation and the liquid passing through The shaft could be a shorter shaft. Um, it might be just like I I don't know. I don't know You know what I would do is I would just like if I put a straw no, no, no what I would do is Bomb goes off, right?
Starting point is 00:38:35 And I look down And if there's any left you grab that shit No, I would just grab on like I would cover it Yeah, the one little piece of dick that had left, right? Jesus right and and I would go to be in the emergency room And the medics are like, how come his hands are on his dick? He saved an inch of his penis. Yeah, like a little okay. What and then when I woke up I'd go I'd go just tuck it inside
Starting point is 00:38:59 I'll turn it into vat. Yeah Drill a hole and stick it all inside Can I ask you this? Yeah, okay. What is that's the first thing you do with a bobby's clothes not run Find the tiny penis Okay, a bomb explodes right and you look around and you only find Like you're searching searching, but you only find the cap the head of the penis Yeah, just a monster. Well, I would grab anything that even looked like the head So you're gonna be like a finger or somebody else's fucking someone else's penis. Yes, Jen
Starting point is 00:39:30 Anything that looks like my dick. I would just grab it and wrap it And then at the hospital, I would like like, you know, like figure it out You know archaeologists do you know what I mean? Like when they find like the uh, like bones and stuff I would put it all on a little table and go which one I'd be like, which one's the dick? I think with that one Or I just stick it inside. I just stick inside my fucking you just put a finger in there Give it bobbily
Starting point is 00:39:56 What if they said you you only could have your tip left just the head on on on the flat Also the actual full So you only have the cap left Just a bump would you would you like we can attach this but just a cap Just as long there's feelings, you know, I mean because the tip is all the feelings anyway Yes, so like for instance, you know, I could just still move on if I can come I mean, I know it sounds juvenile And basic it's an important like a dumb person would say something like that
Starting point is 00:40:26 But I like coming Me too more than you like seeing or hearing. No, I want my eyes and my ears. Yeah, that's a tough part But like if I could just have the head there Like it's like a little mound, right? And I could just Take a bottle of water and just squirt at it. I don't know what I would do. You know what I mean? Or just like well, you know what I would do I would call Larry flint and their their company or some sort of toy company and just make something You know, man, we're just vibrates or something, you know, that's what you do now. I know
Starting point is 00:40:55 I know that's exactly what I just thought I'd have to do that. But um, I'd lose the penis I'm not losing my hearing or my sight. Yeah, for sure. Just like take my vagina, please movies I cannot lose movies. No, no music music movies. Okay. Would you be able to act though? If you have no dick? Yes You duck like this. Okay. Well, no, I don't have my dick. I have my balls Yeah, he still has all his apparatus around it. No, if you lose your balls to change your voice You might have some issues with testosterone. We'll testosterone. All right. So here's where we go. Here we go
Starting point is 00:41:26 Now here's the real question to you specific things being blown off. No bombs don't work that way. Listen to me. Listen to me right now. Okay So what about this scenario eyes ears, right? But your balls and penis because you can't act out for that own thing But can I just say that my career is my point. Yeah, your career is yeah, but I testosterone isn't necessarily made in your ballsack Where is it? I think it is. No, it's made in I think I'm pretty sure it's made in your adrenal gland like the precursor to testosterone Their little things that sit on top of your kidneys. Oh, can you can you inject testosterone in your body? TRT Yes, of course. I would just do that. I'll just do that. Cut my balls off
Starting point is 00:42:08 Yeah, yeah. I'll do it for you. You can take T blockers like if you're transitioning Um Into a woman. Yeah, that's what they give you. They give you T testosterone blockers. Yeah. Yeah But don't I I'm not actually sure where they're made, but I think they're made in the adrenal gland They're not made in your ballsack. I hate when we talk about sexuality and stuff like that But I just have one last question scenario. Okay. There's not a scenario as a question If you lose your penis in your balls, okay, and you think about sex, what happens? Where does the blood go? Oh, man, did your foot get a little bigger? I mean, what happens?
Starting point is 00:42:39 But you lose your penis and your balls. Yeah, you know how you're like, okay So I have my penis and my balls are gone. Yeah, and I'm watching like the arrival. Yeah, what's this girl's name in it? Amy Adams, you know, I go, oh, she's cute right there, you know, and I feel aroused. Yeah, where does the blood go? I don't know probably don't get aroused then probably in the general area where your balls and dick Why are you getting aroused by Amy Adams going human? I made a very big mistake in Portland. Um, there was a woman who I mean, I'm sorry a man who came to his show and um, he was he was trans And I made I didn't know that you're not supposed to ask them this but you know, he used to be a woman
Starting point is 00:43:24 And I asked him like do you plan on getting the the surgery? But I asked it discreetly not around Bobby, but she he yelled at me He basically you're not allowed to ask that like that's very rude Like she basically gave me a schooling and I I was like, oh shit. I'm so sorry like I didn't know because it's just it's my but It's my innocent curiosity because I really do like, you know, I have It was just my curiosity, but I didn't I learned a lesson. You're not supposed to how about a new law in this country And I've been thinking about this myself. Okay is that if you know somebody as a dude, right for like 30 years And then they become they change come a woman. You still get to call them what you called them
Starting point is 00:44:06 Why? just because it's like I'm used to that You want to help I'm gonna call you bruce. No, I'm Caitlyn Bruce, but you want your friend to be happy, right? Yeah, but from then on anyone that he meets as Caitlyn Jenner They have to call him Jenner. Caitlyn. Caitlyn. I will do anything that makes them happy. All right Forget the law then Cogret don't pass it. Yeah. Yeah, you're about to but don't pass it. Yeah, I just put it. Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:44:33 Yeah, you're right because if your brother a transition and he said bob. It's really important to me that you call me shelly Call me shelly bobby. Oh my god. What would I do? I'm your sister now. I'll go. All right Wait, angrily. Yeah. Yeah. So every time I would call him I go, what's up shelly? It's all angry. That's not supportive Bob. I don't care steep. That's how hell he Steesh out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I would just be angry about it But let me tell you something right now. My parents would not go for it I think your mom might know what in fact the mother will always right? No, I would tell but I pulled shelly aside I go look at me shelly, okay
Starting point is 00:45:12 I know you're gonna get the surgery and I know that you're a woman. No, but you can't tell mom and dad until they die You can't tell them before you can't tell them ever. Oh, yeah, I don't want them to I don't want that a lot Not that there's something wrong with it. I'm open. I'm supportive of people that want to go trans and stuff It's because that's who you are But my parents are old school korean and they're just at the end of the live I just don't want that in one last thing At the end have happening to deal with they already dealt with my brother and I's drug addiction and our rebelliousness and our fucked up things and now that
Starting point is 00:45:48 You know, it's that all we've like come through for them, you know, like my brothers. They're taking care of them You know, I'm there for them financially. They're proud of us. I just don't want one next thing Last thing to make them feel weird about earth and their lives No, is that wrong for me to think that's protecting your parents and also it's 40. He's my bro. I mean, yeah, but katelyn came out Changed when he was 60. So yeah, I mean it could happen at any time. Yeah Yeah, but you already know little you'll get they'll leave you little breadcrumbs along the way
Starting point is 00:46:21 They didn't know like no, I don't think I don't think chloe'd Kardashian on them now knew that about yeah, they did because the younger kids would catch Bruce Jenner cross dressing and they just never said anything and they would find women's Um stuff that didn't belong to their mom and they thought that he was cheating on her So he had been across he wanted to transition way back in the 80s They never should on this reality show that right and apparently Kris Jenner had some idea like she knew this wasn't like she wasn't completely blindsided You know, she wasn't she just didn't know that he was gonna actually like transition Fully and get the the T blockers, you know, they get the boob job and all of that Yeah, I mean I we saw before I saw the Boston bombing thing I saw
Starting point is 00:47:06 Or afterwards I saw a little documentary about trans trans trans on HBO also and um Yeah, I mean I believe I believe that some people are born You know in the wrong body and I get it I do And even if I didn't get it I would still Believe them. Yeah respect. Yeah, even if I was like, you know, I don't know about that
Starting point is 00:47:29 But you know, they believe it and they want to do it. I support them fully That's the thing. I don't understand about conservative people that they can't have that mind frame of like All right, I don't really believe that gay people should be married But do your thing if they want to just do it if that makes you happy, you know, just why don't they have that? Why do I have that? Empathy it's not empathy though. It's just common sense. It's like Listen, you okay. We're alive, right? Mm-hmm. We're alive, right? We and this is the same thing. I want to say
Starting point is 00:48:03 Against isis Right, just hear me out Is is that I know that I Love you guys. All right. I love Kalilah more than you two for sure. Understand I love my brother. I love my parents. I have deep love and if any of them were to be removed By someone killing them or they died it would Really alter my life in a devastating way. I would feel it. It would just change everything
Starting point is 00:48:33 And it would be the worst, right? Why don't other people know that that is the consequence like everyone feels that way, right? So when isis is killing people, they don't they put that into play that Wow, this we can we're ruining people's lives um, I think that when you're fully radicalized like that and And they're you're made to believe that there's more to life than just Now that you're actually doing
Starting point is 00:49:01 You're doing a service for an afterlife Then and then if that's what that's all you're surrounded by and you know, that's all that yeah, but the boston bombers They killed a kid. They were radicalized. Yeah, but it's like you don't know that that's gonna be All right, I mean, I guess you know people people are missing multiple chips like thank god We have empathy. Thank god that we're sensitive people, but a lot of people are missing many chips And that's just the reality of the world, you know, and I'm sure we're missing some chips I don't think I am I think I'm missing several chips
Starting point is 00:49:37 Like what chips am I not missing? What chips am I missing the cleaning chip? The washing your own ass chip. Yeah, but those aren't chips. Those are chips. Those are pretzels. Those are pretzels You have chocolate. That's a pretzels. Yeah, you have chocolate chips in your butt. Yeah, my butthole The state of my butthole doesn't affect The people around me. Are you sure? Yeah I beg to differ. I ever asked you to eat my butthole. I've there's a reason why I smell like butthole. Yeah, but that's like I mean, that's like, um, I smell the chocolate chip. I know that's like living in turkey and then like smelling what's going on in syria Yeah, it's adjacent
Starting point is 00:50:16 I don't know if that analogy makes sense. But yeah, it's adjacent. You have it. They're adjacent. They're close together, you know So, um, yeah, that you don't think you're missing any chips I really don't and if you can tell me what chips I'm missing I can maybe address it to you right now But I don't think that I have any chips missing. No Um, are you like I don't believe I think that nascar that sport is ridiculous They're going in a circle in a car 200 miles per hour 200 miles per hour. I don't give a fuck I don't know why anyone likes it, but they do and I believe that it's fun for them And I'm going to give you an example of that the baseball
Starting point is 00:50:54 I hated it. I don't like watching yet, right, but then I'd never seen a game I mean, I would try as a kid or throughout my life to watch and go this sucks But that fucking cubs, um Was it cleveland cleveland game that was exciting. Those were amazing. Okay, then you got it. You go. Oh This is exciting. I get why people You know, so I have a chip to grow. I can grow but I don't have any chips What chips do you think you're missing gilbert? Um What are the different chips like what are the main chips? I mean just in general like what do you think is missing in your overall character?
Starting point is 00:51:31 In your ability in your just like your emotional ability Uh, I would say to be Very vulnerable to people So you some people I talk to even like you guys, but just other people they're open and talk about their problems Yeah, but there are chips that affect other if you're missing some chips that affects other that affects other people I don't think I have those chips. Oh, I see what you're saying. Okay, you know, it's like I don't know, but I might I do what is that affects other sometimes I You know, you and I speak so freely and in this podcast
Starting point is 00:52:05 We think this is our real world that we can talk about, you know, like blown off penis parts But when when I step out of my doctor's office or I step out into the real world I can't speak like that. But sometimes I do and it makes people not so comfortable. Yeah, but see to me To me That's them missing a chip. That's not you missing a chip. No Because you know, but no because I'm gonna tell you this right now that we live in america
Starting point is 00:52:33 Right, and I can say whatever I want if it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings And by me talking about my butthole of what I would do if my If I was an explosion of my and I took a head and I stuck it on my thing, you know, I mean I believe that that's not you know, I mean that's on you I can sit talk about that if I want to yeah, that's not me missing a chip Sometimes I have a lack of impulse control chip Where I think and I act so quickly emotionally and then I say things to people and then I You know that hurt them and then I fully regret it after
Starting point is 00:53:06 Yeah, I have a lot of character defects man. You don't have a lot just a few We all have character defects. I have many of them, but that's still like Normal a normal amount. You know, I mean, I just don't think that But maybe I'm right or I'm wrong. Maybe I do have I'm maybe I'm a damaged person And I have a lot of things that you're missing and these are things I want to discover later and grow But that's a point of life, you know, you're right because I find that my favorite people on earth are damaged I've never had a pleasant like Like encounter pleasant, but that's it. It stops right there. It's pleasant encounters with people who are just
Starting point is 00:53:48 You know, not rule breakers who are very like in the box Did everything right? I find that I don't often have a lot of things like in common with them or even just to talk about Like they're nice. They're pleasant, but that's where it ends, you know Like I like people I like people like you just destroyed. Thanks, babe. You're destroyed, too Oh You know guys, um, this has been a Pretty good podcast. I thought that's fun. I thought that um, we learned a lot today And I did I really did I learned so much more about you guys
Starting point is 00:54:24 about chips about um bearing cum That one that was that was very helpful. I learned that, you know I learned about um, if we lose our penises or not, what would we do? What would we do? Yeah And um, I thought that we just covered a lot today. That's great. And um, I might be A huge trump supporter now. What that's what you learned from all this What's that you have a question or no
Starting point is 00:54:50 A helpful advice with bobby and kalala. Do you guys want to uh, these are all kind of blue Lowbrow. Do you want to what do you want to help a guy with a relationship thing or let's do two? Let's do two. Okay, we'll do this one from Um, uh, uh, aruha I am 24 years. Hi, uncle bobby. I am 24 years old recently graduated from university but with no job My question for you is would you let kalala fuck you with a strap on? Thanks aruha Just take her time with that. No No, because there's no pleasure in it for me
Starting point is 00:55:24 I know that you guys believe that there's pleasure spots inside the butthole I don't believe it. I don't believe it either. So um, for me, it would just be suffering And that's it. I take it back. I think there are pleasure things I've never put anything in my butt, but I used to do this when I was little. Are you sure about that? Yes, I used to Hold my poo. I don't know if I said this on here. I used to hold my poo until I'm sweating I used to plank facing up and hide under tables and my grandparents would look for me like Where's digi boy? And they'd find me drenched in sweat smiling in a plank position holding my poo
Starting point is 00:56:00 And I never knew why I didn't yeah because you're gay That's why you listen to me right now. You wanted a brown log up. I want it. I think that's it That is the weirdest fucking thing. I was a child ever. You said when we're kids we could do whatever you want You suck dicks, bro. Except that gilbert. That's taking it too far. He sucked a dick. I held my poo I know that's why you're getting so defensive because I held my poo, but it's not a thing. I've never heard of that before It might be though. I'll be honest. I surveyed people. No one else has done it. I get it But all right. All right. So you help let me just get it worked straight. Okay, because maybe I even heard it wrong So this is what I thought you said go ahead, which I don't think this is what you said
Starting point is 00:56:39 So you had to take a shit. Yes, but you didn't you clinched your butthole to hold the shit Then you would hide from your grandparents Right and play a game while you're clinching your shit I'm under a piano and under a piano table and you're you have a smile on your face And you're arching your back like this. No, it's actually like this way. What is this concave? What is this? I don't know what you're doing right now. I'm just tightening my whole body. No one ever does that I'm sharing it. Right. So then and then they would go gg. Where are you? Did you boy? Where are you and then they would find you and what you would just shit right then and there or what? No, I just like
Starting point is 00:57:14 Would they be like, what are you doing? I have to go poo and like then go poo and they pull me That is literally if my okay, I'm gonna see if your kid does this. What if I was a grandfather And my grandkid did that. Yeah, I would call the hospital right away And get you like checked in because it's fucking some weird shit right there dude Just try it once but pooing itself is so pleasurable. It is but that's it felt good. No, but then when I did it it was like Whoa, whoa I'm just saying try this next time you have to do it. Hold your poo. Yeah 15 minutes past doing it Yeah, till you sweat and then go in the toilet take a shit. Look what happens
Starting point is 00:57:49 Well, I don't think you know what since I've never tried that before I'm gonna try it. Thank you before I make judgments Thank you for being open. Kalilah. I you know, I A podcast listeners everyone try this. I pass. Well, you're not being open because I like the feeling of pooing I don't like the feeling I get what he's saying that he's holding it so that when it does happen It feels so good. It's like when people like same with orgasm They try it to orgasm right away right away. They let it build and then when it happens It's eureka or trick me the next question because I don't want to hear about anymore. Okay. This is uh from tristan Hey tiger belly. There's a girl I work with that. I've liked for some quite some time
Starting point is 00:58:23 However, I know she doesn't feel the same way I really want to get over her but haven't been able to stop my feelings for her What advice slash tips could you give me to get over a crush? He's a girl or guy. This is a guy. I don't know Oh, yeah, guys. His name is Tristan Tristan a guy getting over a crush. Oh my god. Those are the worst kind just I don't know. I mean, it's like when I had a I've had many crushes like that when I was younger Oh, you tell us about the diary Not only that like when I used to like there was a girl I worked with us as waiting tables I used to walk by her when I smelled her hair
Starting point is 00:58:53 But you went up and like when she wasn't like no Well, I was a busboy and there was this girl Anna that I had a crush on And I would try to get the same shifts at her and then while she was at a table I would walk by her with like a bussing tray And smell her hair And then I would end up going to coffee shops where I saw her there once and wait there all day just so that I could run into her Yeah and
Starting point is 00:59:18 There that's a dad Because when I did finally a year later, I finally said something She was already seeing somebody else and she didn't feel the same way. It's a dead thing Tristan, it's over. Just Either go ahead. Uh get rejected move on. Yeah, get rejected. Get a solid rejection. George is really good at this He knows about he's gonna get a solid rejection. I mean a bunch of people have done it. So yeah, you tell him No, once you get rejected you can move on. That's the case like but I think you're addicted to those that pain That's why you get rejected. You like getting rejected. No, because no, no, no, he's been through it a couple of times, right?
Starting point is 00:59:51 Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, and I think that you're addicted to that kind of love unrequited love And you keep yourself putting in yourself in those situations I really believe that with you that you like that feeling of being rejected And you like being sad and it motivates you to try harder with your business or whatnot, but that's how you use Where you get your motivation George, I didn't know that about you. Neither did I but I believe that I really do. It's not a joke I don't think a lot of people have fun getting rejected sweetie. No, I people no I got I think I was addicted to it
Starting point is 01:00:28 Yeah, I loved I love getting heart crushes on people right and then have been getting rejected and then just like Getting depressed over for four or five months. I got addicted to that being the victim in that way And listen to sad music and smoking cigarettes and feeling sorry for myself. I was addicted to that Oh the emo feel and then what motivated me To do stand-up in when I was 23 was those feelings of rejection I it gave me motivation. So I look at George in the same way No, I can't get any work done when I'm sad That's what like I have to be working hard. Like I have to like to be happy
Starting point is 01:01:05 I have to be accomplishing things. So if I'm too sad to accomplish something I hate it and I can vouch for this because When stuff was going through a few weeks ago when stuff was going on with George and he got rejected and we were supposed to Do a vlog together. He said look, I'm just not feeling my best and I can't do any work today And I was like whoa George said he can't work him and that was such a new thing for me because you're always so reliable So I believe that I'm sorry George, but um no my fail quickly I you have to know the fact like you have to get the failure so that you know you you can move on
Starting point is 01:01:41 But also that's so great though because if you start getting used to the possibility of rejection It does make you bolder. It's like look. Yeah, there is a 50-50 chance It could she could say yes. She could say no, but just play the fucking game at least say it out loud There's nothing worse than sitting on a maybe possibly or I should have had just fucking swing Yeah, those situations you played wrong Which ones all of them You know he's not a closer As it was said many times on a podcast where George they hear. Yeah, I mean you're just not a closer
Starting point is 01:02:16 And that's what you need to work on is to close the deal fast and be a predator You know you you up front you get the rejection if they don't want it you move on That's exactly what George said Yeah, but that's not what he does. Ah He did move on. No, he didn't He's holding a picture of Jessica right now The audio people can't see it. Anyway, get rejected fast. That's it. Is that all those are the emails you go quick Tristan? any shows
Starting point is 01:02:44 I'm not playing until Irvine January 13th to the 15th any TV stuff to look out for I mean love comes out, but then other than that I got nothing. I mean, um I mean today, I I know Audition and then they're like there's no There's no script because it's so private So what kind of fucking audition is it? So then I and then I got up to go and then all of a sudden I was emailed like some sort of security thing star wars
Starting point is 01:03:08 You're a star wars thing and then a thing, you know, I mean and then I never even went so That's it. I want to do a shout out. Give your shout outs I want to shout out to harmless harvest coconut water You want to be a sponsor if you're listening to this and you would like to sponsor us We do we don't always always require monetary payment You could also just send us cases and cases of your product great I'd like to give a shout out to hbo go and hbo now We talked about two of your fucking documentaries and we talked about game of thrones a lot and westworld
Starting point is 01:03:39 So hbo hit us up George do you have any announcements for the fans the family tiger Billy? just uh, we've got a lot of new of viewers or listeners so know that we both have a youtube channel and audio audio so If you can't listen to one or one of you the other And here here's the schedule just so we put on the instagram. I don't want to change it. That's awesome I did people. Thank you. Like people get confused. So audio is always first So that comes out on a wednesday and then that friday you should see the video right and you guys um this the past
Starting point is 01:04:14 November the month of november was a really huge month for us We went from half a million to To inching closer and closer to a million. We're right at it. I think a little bit over 800,000 downloads in one month because of you guys and I want to thank you guys so much for all your support and if you haven't already Left us a review on iTunes. We'd love for you to it helps and it helps us kind of just you know keep this machine moving and
Starting point is 01:04:45 What else do we have guys? I think someone messaged me. We forgot we've haven't been saying the address to the mailbox Oh, I think I remember it 1626 north wilcox number 161 hollywood california 90028 Cool and make sure you send kalilah hats. I what do you like around christmas time sweaters I'm gonna request that um for now halt on sending me hats because I have 500 Hats I just I literally got a lot of send more hats than 500 hats That's insane and which I love all of them and I I just haven't worn them on the podcast
Starting point is 01:05:23 But I do wear them out But they love bob and claud do love art when you guys send your own stuff that you draw for them They love that stuff. Yep. Somebody sent us a clona willy for to mold bobby's penis, which I thought is fucking genius That's amazing. I but I don't know if they want me to send it back to them Like do you want someone wants to get fucked by bobby's penis? So my question is to this guy from australia Thank you for the clona willy and I will in fact mold bobby's penis But do you want it returned to you or do I get to keep it? So just shoot me an email and let me know contact tachypillia gmail.com
Starting point is 01:05:58 Yeah, and if I get to keep it. Thank you very much. But why can't you just get fucked by the real thing? I just like to have a mold and a reference for so that you guys can see what it's like without you having to actually see his Hard dick, right to experience So you can experience the bobby. That's what it's like. Wow Surprisingly good available on the merch shop. Oh god. We'll sell that in the merch shop. We'll vlog it I'm gonna vlog the the whole process of molding his penis and we won't blur it at all. Yep. Yeah All right, uh, george any other announcements you want to put out there? No, keep keep going to the reddit. It's growing. Everything's growing all good
Starting point is 01:06:34 Cool guys, uh, make sure you follow us on instagram at tiger belly on twitter at the tiger belly And email us any questions Well, uh, we get a lot of them, but I save them So ask us questions you we you haven't heard on the podcast yet What type of questions do you want? Uh, I don't know. What are some new? Yeah, what are some new ones? We helped a lot of guys on this podcast about girls. So let's Let's hear more for more women. Let's mix up for more women Also, if you're sending us emails, keep in mind that, um, we do get a lot of them
Starting point is 01:07:04 And if we don't reply to you in a timely manner Just don't send us a second email like being angry about it. We probably read it We read we take the time to read almost every single we do we appreciate it very much And sometimes it's just not at the top of a priority list. It doesn't mean That you aren't yeah, we didn't read it or we aren't paying attention to you. It's just, you know Yeah, other things in line first. Yeah. Kala has better things to do So just her youtube channel where she does makeup tutorials Why do you keep pushing for me to do if you guys want kalala to have a makeup tutorial youtube channel?
Starting point is 01:07:38 I honestly think you want that more. I want to I need to contour my face I can guarantee you you do better makeup than me. That is true Okay, uh, well that was our show guys. We'll see you next week. See you guys next week. Bye. Bye You have seen next hallway. Can you take her out sweetie? Oh my god, we didn't even talk about you Hey prime members you can listen to tiger barely ad free on amazon music Download the amazon music app today or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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