TigerBelly - Episode 73: Steve Lee is Mr. Pringles

Episode Date: January 4, 2017

The Lee brothers do arts and crafts over the holiday break. Khaloko gets blocked. Gilbert is the object of dreams. We talk blackhole suns, a curious dick pic, and Papa Howie's.See Privacy ...Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today That was simple and you didn't do it right over time. I do it again. All right, let George get propped Five four three two You Welcome to Tiger Bob Ali everybody Happy New Year. I'm an Emperor Lee here talking and I got Gilbo here my girl Kalyla and George and we have a special guest tonight and the special guest is Steve what I tell you
Starting point is 00:01:16 On the fucking thing I already told you that three seconds ago on your intro, too. Yeah No, you're gonna mess it up. Yeah. Yeah, but don't chew on shit. Okay. We have our my brother Steve is on the show I want to start off with this and God 2017 has started off a little wrong for me guys because I Don't know how else to say it George sent me a dickplick What a dickplick a dick pic? You're welcome. No, no, dude. Dude. Yo
Starting point is 00:01:52 You don't send guys dick pics. It was a real dick pic George George. You serious. Yeah You want to see it? Yeah, please show me and also show Oh, it's even more disturbing that you I'm the only one you send it to. Yeah, not even to the I did not get this photo Sexual in a weird way. I feel like I can already imagine what it looks like. No, you don't You can't you can't imagine it. Let's get it. Let's get it. Hold on. I think it's actually quite narrow, but very long No, it's thick. I don't think that she's It's very thick. It can be erect in the picture. That's why I said very long but narrow
Starting point is 00:02:29 Look at noodle. It's erect in the picture. Oh my god No, oh my god, George, you sent me a photo of him hard you got big nuts Seriously be real. That's good. That's dude. He's got no that's no, that's a dick. That's a healthy That's it. That's all it does. George. You have a very big tip. You have a great leg You have a big head. Your legs are pretty good. Can we talk about his legs? Look at that sartorius muscle right there. If you sent it in a group chat, that's one thing. Funny It's a big thing. But just specifically to me. Hey, no, no text either. Even he's doing the Bobby way. Hold on He said no happy New Year's Bobby. May it be filled with joy and little surprises. I didn't get that text
Starting point is 00:03:14 That was a big surprise. Yeah, it's a bit. Thanks, dude The size of your dick head is very like surprisingly Large, yes, he's a tall like a tennis. Were you like semi-arrette? No, okay, okay, just just dude when you said that's not how I imagined it at all Send in a group text. Wow, that's why did Gilbert and I get that I don't want it. Oh, you have other ones. I don't want it. We don't want it. We don't want it. So as you know, my brother My dad got sick again. What does he have?
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yeah Parkinson's. Yeah, he's like probably on the last stage as a Parkinson's. He had pneumonia. Oh, yeah He had pneumonia. He had a low blood count. Yeah So my brother flew out there for a month. Yeah to take care of my dad. Uh-huh. Yeah. What was that like? It was harder this time because he was dealing with the dementia Yeah, he was saying crazy shit, you know, like where it's like I'd stare at mom like this is some different shit now Yeah, yeah one time we were watching a football game and he was like
Starting point is 00:04:26 He just turned to me and goes take me home. Oh my god scared me. He didn't think he was he doesn't even know where he is Sometimes. Yeah, and then he started talking about Stores that he used to have like he kept on bringing up Fresno We used to have a clothing store in Fresno. That was like over 25 what 25 years ago Yeah, so he thought like oh, we have to go to Fresno to I got to see this employee and make sure Yeah, he's not fully there. Yeah, I always wonder like when when our mind starts to go What do you guys think you'll remember like obviously for your dad Fresno was a big mark in his memory? Mm-hmm and certain things that he'll repeat over and over again, which is the clothing store
Starting point is 00:05:05 So that was obviously like a big portion of his memory. What do you think when your mind starts to go? You'll obviously feel very clearly remember. I don't know probably something ass Abstract yeah, like asparagus You know something that had nothing like nothing to do with anything like just like, you know, I mean You'll probably always want to skate Steve. Yeah, ask for your skateboard And that's what kept some of my sanity is just going to the Skate park so the Gilbert freestone. So I come I come to I fly into yeah. Yeah, our dad's dying, right? Huh, would you say that he's getting sick? I wouldn't say dying, but you know, he's sick. He's stable right now
Starting point is 00:05:44 So let me ask you a question. Is it appropriate when your dad's sick and you're in their house To look at your brother and go Bob Can we go to Walmart to get Pringles? Son of a let me ask you something. Is it appropriate? Um, and then yes and no, okay, so why why did you want me to get Pringles? Well, I was so bored. No, no, no you Okay, I was bored. So you know, girl girlfriends not around. Yeah I was sick of masturbating With just Vaseline because I was just masturbating with Vaseline and I would you know paper towel
Starting point is 00:06:26 Yeah, okay, and so I looked up on YouTube or Google Well, I looked this up. I said I looked up homemade pocket pussy So what I found out is you could take simple household supplies and make Kind of like a fee fee like a just a pocket. Tell me how from beginning to end it works good Surprisingly, how does it become a vacuum though? I'll show you I won't show you but we'll break it down. Yeah break it down for Well, let me just say this before anything. Okay, what happened that night? Well, I'll tell you
Starting point is 00:07:08 Okay, you go Bob. Yeah, check this out Which you think you're gonna see like You know a cool soccer footage of something or you know me or a fail, you know You don't think you're gonna see an instructional manual on how to make a fucking homemade pocket pussy They do we saw so we saw it. Mm-hmm. And then what did we see? Um, so what you need is two sponges What kind soft or the scrub part or the soft ones? Yeah, yeah cleaning. Yeah, the cleaning sponges They sell four packs at Walmart. Yeah, um
Starting point is 00:07:44 Rubber bands and then simple just like plastic like grocery store You know like the bags to stuff it in the Pringles Um, not regular plastic bags. Yeah, just regular plastic bags. Yeah, you forgot the most important part. Oh Latex gloves. Yeah, there we go. The vagina. That's the vagina Yeah, you line it. So what happens is? Well, we were at Walmart night. We bought two Pringles and what was the what was stops us? Okay? This is something that I would never do on my own Okay, yeah, it's like a brother. It's something that that's not bonding. That's not bonding even bonding
Starting point is 00:08:25 All right, what's fucking bond? It was fun. It was fun. It was fun It was it was it was because it was a lot of telling you all our trip late night Look at the club. Where do you get club? You're me that coffee walk around Walmart with me. I had to do it separate Yeah, yeah, I do that. Just yeah, you do get everything. I'll meet you. I'll meet you over here So he has to a Pringle, you know, the yeah, what do you call them cups? I think I got sour the onion and then just the normal there was like a new original. Yeah. Yeah, the brown I got salt and vinegar And also
Starting point is 00:09:10 We it went to waste because we didn't even eat the no, we we actually walked outside of Walmart looked around and Then and then I just I just dumped them Couldn't wait till you got home. No He was afraid. His main fear was like my mom discovering. Well, here's so So what you do is this? Okay? Rubber bands what you do is you take the two sponges, okay? You take the glove. Okay, so you sandwich the two stumps of sponges on the glove
Starting point is 00:09:47 No, no, no, you the two sponges are like this. Yeah, and then the glove goes in the middle. You sandwich it So what's touching your penis has to be the glove, right? Yes. Yes, because it's on the inside of the of the sponges The sponges are like the glove opening, right? You you wrap it. Yeah, right. So you sandwich it, but then you wrap it around the The two sponges. Yeah, so it holds in place and then outside Outside the Pringles the top of it and then you just rubber band it so it stays in place Okay, so it kind of like it just does that kind of motion. Yeah, and then you have two We had a little arts and crafts upstairs. Did you try it or did you try it? Mine felt great. Did you got one, too?
Starting point is 00:10:34 You made one, too. Get two but there's two. He's broken. Mine's broken. Mine's broken. Big dick, Bobby. No, it's not that. I did it too aggressively Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean he got mad cuz mine. I got the pink sponges and mine look more like a real yeah I got a green one I got like a green one and a blue one. Pandora's pussy. You're trying to mimic my pussy. It made me fungus. So yeah, it was a green one. Pandora's pussy. And so what what why what I found through oh, we we we forgot the lotion we bought. We'll forget the lotion. Fuck the lotion Okay, what I found is that you have the kind of rubber band the top that like the top entrance part Yeah, really tight because mine blasted open. I don't understand how the rubber band works. What do you mean? Okay, if you're lining it, you're lining the inside of the can with a sponge and then the inside of that is the glove, right?
Starting point is 00:11:23 Where does the rubber band actually go? Well, this is Bob discovered this. He modified The next night the next night he goes dude, I got it He's like Steve And he's like cuz we had to read I'll redo it. Yeah, so he modified it. So before we even put it in the Pringles can he rubber band it all together The sponges the sponges with the latex glove. Oh, so it sticks together So it's a tighter vagina because if you don't put the rubber band around there then imagine it's like your dick will open it up And it just becomes like that's it. Yeah, yeah, poor pussy. Oh
Starting point is 00:12:05 Yeah, poor pussy or poor. Oh Yeah, yeah, but like so I put it, you know, I put tight end it tighten it Yeah, I tried it a second time just to see babe. Don't get angry. This is amazing to see My theory world kind of want you guys to make it. I know we should actually Yeah, dude, the thing is is this it's easy to make it the first night and I hid mine during the day My brother just leaves it out. I go. What if mom walks up there? No, I hid it like on the side of the bed and oh you did hide. Yeah Oh, I thought like you left it out. No way. No. Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, so you guys each have your little canned pussies
Starting point is 00:12:40 Mm-hmm, and then who tries it first you or him. We didn't do send the room same room I know but like you like brotherless do it together At what point did you guys convene and then say hey like did it work for you the next morning or the next day the next day And did you come to completion? We said good morning. Yeah, no, you say you don't talk about it right when you wake up. Yeah, you have coffee Yeah, later. Morning later like a couple hours later Awkwardly I turned to him. I go. Did you do it? Because yeah, it works so good Bob. Mm-hmm. I got my busted open. So, you know, well, this is my trick is I don't know if you
Starting point is 00:13:16 Try I don't know tricks. Well, it is like my um my style was I didn't use I didn't use lotion Vaseline, so I took Vaseline. You didn't tell me about that. I didn't know see that work. That's why you should tell me that I did you go dry, baby. No, we bought jerkins. We had like Vaseline. Yeah, we got like five or six different kinds Yeah, so my question is is this a one-time use pocket pussy, or do you not inside and how do you climb it? Oh, you take the latex glove out and then discard it. Oh, so you can It was a 50 glove package. Yeah, we bought a 50. Oh shit Yeah, we kind of made 50 if we wanted to yeah, we wanted to yeah, but anyway, um, we did that while my dad was downstairs dying
Starting point is 00:14:01 Jesus guys, you know, so it's a weird way to put it though. Well, yeah, but that's the thing I hear that sadness does cause people to be hypersexual. Yeah, I think so Made a homemade pocket with Pringles. Yeah, I mean there has to be a name for the both of you Yeah, like actually, you know what Pringles should give us money. Yeah. Well, we didn't eat it They didn't eat the product. Yeah, we didn't eat the product. No, they can't eat your dick. It wasn't the other way around We ate the we use the vessel. Yeah, you know, so I feel like they could make money off of it. Anyways, maybe shout out to Pringles Oh, yeah, they could. No, they can't Steve, they can't. All right
Starting point is 00:14:38 I mean working it that way. Oh, yeah. No, they can't They're not gonna have two Korean guys on their fucking can. Pringles. The new face of Pringles is a big billboard of you guys Yeah, with like Pringles on your dick. With the pocket pussy. You know how like Anthony Kitas with the socks on your dick, but then Pringles instead. And they just piles of Pringles on back of us because we don't eat them. We don't eat them. Yeah, everyone's gonna tweet Pringles corporate, okay? So here's another thing that we saw. What did we see when we were in? We went to Santan a couple times. Oh, Rogue. Rogue One. We saw Rogue One. Now tell me the truth. Were you excited going into it? I know you were. He kind of ruined my experience this guy a little bit. He tends to do that. Yeah. Why? Why? Tell me what I know. Well, the thing I don't like about, I know you love
Starting point is 00:15:21 Cinema and everything, but what you do, he tends to back me up on this. Yes. Before you even have a chance to enjoy the movie He reads all the reviews and then he's like, oh dude, we're not like he can't decide for himself. Exactly I just want to enjoy the movie experience. All right, so let me ask you this then. Fuck face. Yeah. All right, you enjoyed it. It was okay. No. It wasn't it was you hated it. Well, you know dude five minutes into the movie He goes It like points to the screen like Steve like and I'm like you couldn't go like watch and he totally like his vibe was negative Yeah, and it didn't help that there's only five other people in the theater. You know what I mean? So you think I ruined it for you. No, I mean you had a little bit to do with it. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:16:05 I'm sorry. Can I just say something? It wasn't good though, right? The characters were kind of yeah It's like who are these people? Yeah. Yeah, you don't feel emotionally tied. No No, it's like the reason why I like Star Wars is because like the characters like Chewbacca and Han Solo they're like dynamic Yeah, here's a 3PO and R2-D2. It's like the character you fall in love with the characters Yeah, even the Millennium Falcon had character, you know even in the old the JJ Abrams version, right? You still have The same some of the same characters from Chewbacca's in it. Yeah, right So there's an anchor of the past out there even when George Lucas tried to revive and they're horrible movies But still you're seeing a younger version of Darth Vader, you know, you're watching a younger version of Obi-Wan Kenobi
Starting point is 00:16:47 So, um, you know, but this one's just these new characters in this world and I we just I couldn't get behind it They just threw him at us like yeah, and then there's another thing. There's no likeability I didn't like any of the characters like you'd like Donnie in the the force of the Oh, no, I had a problem with that guy, too. Is he like the only problem was the problem Well, it's like dude, it's like he keeps repeating the same like I am the force the force is I am the force. Oh, what about forest would occur. Oh, dude. I don't get to that. No, he's not even a Jedi Yeah, I know he's not but it's like dude's like I don't know. It's like, um, you you could use that wouldn't stick like a light saber might as well I took out like 20 stormtroopers in that
Starting point is 00:17:28 Don't Samoan friend and let me just say something like how they mean if you're gonna use a Simone just use the rock No, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry was Samoan. Whatever he is It was brown and big just use fucking the rock I think he's the rock. Yeah, because I like him. He could be anybody in it. Yeah, just put him in I love Diego Luna though Spanish guy and other things maybe but this one I hear a guy is ISIS all of a sudden who that guy from up night. Don't ruin it for me anymore
Starting point is 00:18:03 I want to watch it just with a free mind and there's like a night off. Yeah. Oh, yeah, Riz. I'm it. Yeah, Riz. I'm mad I love him. Yeah, but imperialism. They're not Middle Eastern. They can be anything, right? I don't know Well, the main point is the characters. It was like not Middle Eastern development The writing was kind of like even when they you know, things happen. I didn't had no attachment to the characters Yeah, I like Star Wars because of what I said earlier. I like yeah, the care It's like I like Yoda. I like Luke There's one thing I think you guys both like was the Darth Vader at the end. That was cool Not really though. You don't like that. I mean ruin this. Oh, baby. I don't watch it. I want to watch it. I
Starting point is 00:18:43 Like to figure things out. No, don't don't chew. Don't chew on that What do you do? You're talking you can't chew. He's so hungry. Are you hungry when you eat afterwards? No, no, no, I just I wanted I let those are so good So today I Final question before we continue. So did you guys dispose of your Pringles cans you left it at home or did you bring it with you? No, I got rid of the evidence. Yeah No, no, I he went to my room. He went to his room. He broke him all apart Yeah, got rid of it and he put it all in a trash bag and he put it in the outside outside trash trash
Starting point is 00:19:18 And the big one. Yeah, so there's no evidence. I won't find it. No, but do you think your mom would say if she found it Pringles I don't know. She'd be so weirded out. She wouldn't understand it. What I mean. Yeah, would you say that you fuck it? So if I'm mom Steve, yeah, what is these? I Don't know. No, just something Steve. I would just it's just I'm making it something It's just making it something Don't worry about it. Yeah, don't worry. What are you making? Don't worry. See if dad needs to do feeding right now Shake
Starting point is 00:19:58 Yeah, that was tough. That was a tough month, huh? What is there to do in Gilbert really nothing? What did you do like to give us your day today? Well, I try to you know, go to couple 12-step meetings But I realized that it was the same meat like people like every day. They're at this church Yeah, and then they they invited me to some potluck dinner They go there's gonna be a lot of people and we'll bring you know, and then I went there and it was like literally like old people like bingo night Like I still do that. I mean, but it helped. Yeah, it does help. Yeah, it helped Yeah, but I just wanted to thank you on group level that you
Starting point is 00:20:32 Because I was too busy to make it. No, it's all good man. No, but look at me. No, but you did it It's family. That was really really and your tour ice when we saw you on that night at Los Globos Yeah, Steve's band Monksha hammer with David Cho and everyone played. You guys were so amazing and Exponentially better to Consider we just went that was our last show over the tour. So we had all those, you know, yeah warm-up shows or whatever And then you guys are now you were breaking up, but now what's happening? Wait, you guys are broken up Well, I think not officially. We're actually just kind of like taking a long break. Maybe I don't know though The email was a little little gray area. You couldn't really decipher it
Starting point is 00:21:12 But you guys are just because I know but David David has I'm not gonna name names, but David has a couple of guys If you don't know who David Cho is that are behind the scenes. They're good guys I love those guys, but they're protective over his money and they want to make good business decisions with his money and They don't seem to think that can't blame them. You know, yeah, I don't blame them. Yeah That's why I'm just explaining it in that way. Yeah, you know where it has to be profitable at some point Yeah, but I also feel like you guys would be very profitable very soon I feel like you're on the verge of really becoming our fan base is growing a little bit I mean people are rabid about you guys
Starting point is 00:21:55 Oh, but the same way with you guys I I brought this up to George earlier every city we went to there was at least a few tiger belly fans Portland Seattle like, you know, they're everywhere. I went I got belly tiger I think one of our listeners who had never seen you guys before it's she's a girl And I think she saw you in we do you guys were in Seattle? Yes, we were yeah Yeah, we did Tacoma than Seattle. Yeah, she wrote us and said she was absolutely blown away Do a couple of those shows were sold out. I mean, you know, they're they're only like 250 300. Don't don't ever do that Don't don't downplay it. So we say it again in the right way. We sold out a couple of our fucking bragging pieces shit
Starting point is 00:22:35 No, yeah, don't downplay it it was the yeah Vancouver was awesome. Yeah, that's a great city, too You guys were rated like top 10 Vancouver shows of the year. I was showing George that we're top 10 Made a list of shows top 10 shows in 2016. How would that make dolly Parton was in there? Ray Rihanna Rihanna was in there amazing. And we're number 10 So okay, not to be such a pessimist, but what would your life be like if all of this ended tomorrow? We were talking about that, too I don't know because it's like what was weird because I went from fat sales, right fat sales So if you're not listening if you don't know what you don't live in LA, you don't know what fat sales is
Starting point is 00:23:17 It's a sandwich. It's a sandwich shop and my brother. I was working in the kitchen was washing dishes. Dude. I was I was in it I was in the kitchen. Yeah bag and meat washing dishes the whole thing You know me and I went from that to like Monchi touring and on this bus and It's like, you know from here to here and then like if that ended it's like back You know what I mean? It's like probably not like that, but it'd be probably hard. I'd be a hard pill to swallow Yeah, but you know what we talked about though is because my brother mentioned to me that he might want to do his own podcast Yes, maybe but we're trying to figure out another who would I do it with I think maybe only one person in my mind It's either two people in my mind that would work for you because they've got to know who you are
Starting point is 00:24:00 Oh, you got to compliment each other. I don't know like you don't it's it's either two. It's either Eric or Ilani Those are the only two in my mind that would work Yeah, I'll talk. I think you Ilani could do it. Yeah, you and Ilani are so cute very peculiar together That I think that people would latch on to you. You're you're basically So complimentary my brother's eyes. He doesn't know I do no I was just thinking because I just talked to her sister and and you know, the sister's husband and they love Tiger Belly and You know, they have friends that subscribe to you guys's thing And they're so happy that you guys were that Margaret Cho came on and we're talking about like the Asian-American
Starting point is 00:24:39 Acting like the the mist the casting aspect of Hollywood and how you guys are a voice for Asians And stuff like that's really nice. It feels good. It feels good. Yeah. Um, so shout out to Irel Irel and Mark Shout out second. Yeah, shout out. She's a really bright girl. Oh, she's super smart anything under the sun She's super smart or Eric and we get excited. We also get excited on this podcast when we have Other artists and other people doing shit following us and vice versa. And we've got a new follower a couple of them this week Tell them who that they are who? Yeah, I Have an email from oh, yeah, please read the right. So yeah, please read the email and we'll explain it to Steve
Starting point is 00:25:28 This is an email from a fan. I don't know who it is. It says hey Bobby Thanks for sharing our YouTube video. We love your work and we want to work with you Afton will write you a rap and everything emoji space squinting. The struggle is real Afton Gillian Noah Throne. Okay Do you know who Afton Gillian is? No, remember that video I showed you of that girl rapping bigger than Dolly Parton Which one is it remember Sonic box? If she was rapping the struggle is weird real. You don't remember Oh Show me outside of Walmart In the car was already in the car
Starting point is 00:26:14 I go and then he goes dude. You got to see this rap video man. This girl check it out. Yeah. Yeah, she that was her Oh, wow, she got a lot of views on YouTube Yeah, this is like well, that's so weird because we talked about it. Oh We talked about her. Oh, I didn't know that yet and listen to me right now. Also this other guy spends Connelly I don't know if you listen you were harsh on him. I was a little hard, but let me say something right now If you're listening both of you spends Connelly and Afton Gillian and no other actor Afton's Afton's a boyfriend. Okay, I have seen your videos more than I've seen any other video in the world Yeah, so whether it's good or not. No, it's good. It's all good because it puts joy in my heart
Starting point is 00:26:59 It does. Yeah, I enjoy it so, um Take that for what it is, you know, um a lot of Tiger Valley fans went on there and They viewed some of the videos and Listen, one of my favorite movies of all time is Trolls 2. Oh Trolls 2. It's literally one of my favorite movies of all time It is a little weird. It's considered to be a bad movie, but it's more entertaining than rogue one In my opinion, so it's like, you know, take it for what it is, you know I like also on top of it. Also, it's like the other day on
Starting point is 00:27:33 Twitter some guy just at added me do your stand-ups awful. You're not funny. You know me You get that a lot when you're putting yourself out there. Yeah, a lot of people don't like me You know, there's a lot of people that love you. Oh, that's true. You know, there's a lot of people that love you, too Steve, you know, okay, do you get hate mail Steve? I had a couple. Yeah One or two like hater haters like what like they wrote an essay like you ruined DVD SA you're the worst fuck your music is the worst, you know what I mean stuff like that But you know, what are you gonna do when you read it though? You just can't take it personal
Starting point is 00:28:10 But do you do you take a personal? I? Could go to a dark place Yeah, what like what do you want to find them? Yeah Well, I just kind of want your fantasies Just finding out where they live or kind of like hey, is this where you live? You find what you see that you say to them so I kind of walks out of his house, right? Stevie Lee's on his lawn, right? Hey, what are you doing here? Yeah? Yeah, I'm here. I walked out of my own house and then what are you gonna do with no you're in your fantasy
Starting point is 00:28:45 Okay And just walk away, but Cuz yeah, cuz you're planting the seed like that that remember the NWA movie where that guy's outside of Jerry Heller And he goes you live here. Yeah, and he just drove away Yeah, it's kind of like that. It's like that's what you don't know where they're coming from and then the guy would probably think He lives in Ohio. Yeah But you had a hater back in the day remember me and Craig looked up we took we did we put it through that website Yeah, and he lives somewhere wittier. Yeah or something Bob had a huge hater
Starting point is 00:29:28 They're like every day On every like on every piece of the Facebook any social media He would just write these fucking oh dude, and I'm so retarded with I don't know how to block people Oh, no, I would block up and then he would create another yeah You would come back. Yeah, but then there was a website and Craig did it Yeah, and we found out the address of so then I said I know the whole thing You know me and he typed in the address. Yeah, it just ended it right there. It ended it. Yeah It scared the shit out of this kid. Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:59 You have to know where they live You know what the thing is is you can be a cyber bully if you want to right But they should make a law if you're gonna do it just reveal your real self Because look at a lot of like Trump like supporters if I go to like Trump's Twitter Yeah, I read a lot of the comments and the ones that are supporting them are like Obviously not the person, you know, I mean that's fake accounts. They're fake accounts They have two followers, right? And then they're following 10,000 people and they're just fake accounts a hot chick Right, there's no other photo and they're huge Trump defending him
Starting point is 00:30:35 You know you should in social media. You should be able to do whatever you want to do but reveal your true self Well, something very awful happened to me what happened to you. What a hater or troll. No someone blocked me Oh, on Instagram on Instagram that fan blocked me. I didn't even follow him. I Wasn't even following him. I don't know how he didn't block Bobby Life is so unfair, I wouldn't I'd probably only check his account when Bobby would tell me to check his account But I never followed him. Wait, I don't understand. How did he know you're even looking at his shit? Well, we talked about it on the podcast There you go
Starting point is 00:31:25 Okay, why would he block me and then not Bobby you think that's Hollywood politics Do you know I love him he knows it a bullshit Bobby shut the fuck up Let me tell you something right now. Okay. I'm gonna just show you one All right, Instagram. This is what I love. Oh damn. He had over 10,000. No, he had 12 and he dropped down. You see? I'm obsessed with them. I can't look at it anymore. So someone had to start a troll account I guess he did a New Year's Happy New Year's photo and he goes this is it. This is a happy new year everybody, right? And he does this photo. Oh, he looks like no, but it's his like model like, you know, I'm handsome kind of a It's like he's zoomed up from another picture. Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:13 That one kind of drove me crazy But it's causing me a lot of grief and misery and I don't know who to blame for the fact that he blocked me Oh, you know, what are you gonna do? Yeah? Yeah, but it's a great account. Yeah I think everyone is also this really fat guy in a canoe that hates me a lot. Why Instagram? Why I don't know He's just like yeah, I might be from Whittier actually He's a really really fat guy in a canoe and he's always like his pictures He's probably like 400 pounds. He might be like Filipino or Asian But all his pictures is just of him and his can like
Starting point is 00:32:43 Fat body on a canoe that I'm surprised hasn't sunk and like he just fishes. It's weird who hate me Here's another thing is that when I posted this one, right? The picture of all I was there you did that in Arizona, right? But then there was a guy on here that common is I think it's still there That's disgusting. Why would you hire a model that poor model? You may have to touch your penis and then some guys said that's his girlfriend. He goes. No, it's not. Yeah He's just a comedian. Yeah that Right and I was just and I'm reading it going. What? Yeah You know what it is to the outside world or other single men. Yeah, they can't
Starting point is 00:33:22 Come they can't agree with that or even that can't enter in their mind that a person that looks like you wait wait wait We'll stop Stop stop there. Just stop there. Yeah. Yeah, what you're saying. Yeah, what the fuck do you mean? No, but what I know you said a person that looks like you know just your vibe Or just my fucking no, no, no, no, no, it's my fucking energy. No, it's just your whole being To them they can't even believe there's no way it's like it all why why why I don't know Yeah, there's something about you. They can't accept you being with someone like that. That's a lack of exposure It's like that guy you told me in Tempe Bob went to the ATM, right?
Starting point is 00:34:10 Yeah, and you're you guys are standing together and then there's like a frat dude Look, and then he looked at you guys together and he couldn't believe it. He was like fucking Yeah, it's like that thing but to me it's like but to me it doesn't it's not I don't you know first of all I don't look at Calyla like I she's like family now Yeah, I'm so unfuckable. No, that's not what I mean. No, but you know what I mean. You'd rather fuck a Pringles cam But she's like I love her right it starts to feel that way though after you've been with someone for a while They it becomes so functional. Yeah, yeah, you love each other a lot But it does start to feel like a sibling. It's kind of gross
Starting point is 00:34:56 I want to we got a snap out of that. We got to be lovers again because we had sex last week and it was weird Huh, it wasn't weird. You just it's my shit always gets itchy. Oh Dude, let me I think I know what it is because it's a Pringles in my vagina. It's his feet. Yeah, it is They smell so bad Let me tell you in Arizona. Oh, he was wearing these shoes the cost ends and I'm like, oh, you got the costumes too. They're good, right? But he had a different color way. He had the like the the neon color whatever and so And so we're about to watch the whaling with my mother, you know the whaling and he takes off his shoes Yeah, and then I'm like we're sitting by the table and I go. What's that fucking smell?
Starting point is 00:35:39 The movie came with a smell. No, no, it was his feet. I know man. It's like deep rotten And then we're at Walmart and then like Dr. Scholl's I try to put it in there. He's like, dude, I don't need that It's because he loves his phone. He's like and then I even sprayed it He was watching something on his iPad and I he bought a spray and he wasn't using it So I go, can I spray it and he goes? Yeah, and I just yes Yeah, I sprayed it. It's not crazy. It's a smell. Yeah, has he always had like So my going back to the thing of the itch. I think it's maybe all right, Steve. You're not a fucking doctor. No, you know
Starting point is 00:36:20 Yeah, it's a great hypothesis. It's a great pop up up. Oh, yeah And Kalyan Kalyan Kalyan I We watched a great documentary that the other you watched several but the one that really hit home for me was at the fork At the fork. What's that? What it is is it's about And it's a it's a documentary about guy. He's a filmmaker and he has a wife who's a vegetarian and His he comes from a deep Italian family. They do barbecue Right and
Starting point is 00:36:57 She was just basically like you don't know the suffering These animals go through and whatnot and you should you know to kind of explore Something on this topic and so he did a documentary about it and it was really eye-opening man Yeah, I think that people might be turned off at the idea that maybe this is trying to like push like Veganism or it's not but it doesn't it actually just it's very unbiased in the sense that it just it tells you to just be Responsible about the where you get your meat like wait, I miss what you said the whole thing. Yeah, like my mind wasn't even here I Swear to God, I don't know what happened. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. I knew you know why
Starting point is 00:37:40 Why was I because when I was talking about it? This is what you did. This is what you did And if you can see it on this I sometimes he doesn't look at me and he's looking at something else He's having a conversation Somebody yeah, like I'm in the car with him dude and like we'll be driving and I'll be talking to bottom and I'll look over and he'll just be like Yeah, it's like a scenario in his head right and he just did that. I don't know. I've had that for a while I'm so sorry. You know you're not hearing like voices, right? No, no, no, it's like I just tune out What were you thinking about though? I had a dream about you the other night. I was thinking about that dream
Starting point is 00:38:17 Don't look at me right now. You being serious. No, I'm serious. What was the dream? It we're you may you weren't there you were in the dream But you sent me and Bob you lived in San Diego in a house. That's where you lived in a house in San Diego. Yeah, okay, and And then the whole reason why you lived there is because you're like, I don't like I like the commute from San Diego to L.A. I wrote some of it down. Oh, you wrote it down. Yeah, I wrote it down. Oh, please tell my brother wrote down Please read it cuz right when I woke it. Maybe if I can read it Let me see if I could read as a handwriting Let me just read it. I won't read it online. Let me that's a grocery. Let me see. Let me see. Oh
Starting point is 00:38:57 It is true. Look at it says right here on the top Gilbert dream Please read it. Can I read it? Yeah, well, it won't make any sense I think you can let me read the whole thing and let's interpret it. Okay My brother wrote down on a piece of paper Gilbert dream in a parentheses not parentheses. Uh, those are parentheses. What are you called those? parentheses bracket bracket San Diego house Miramisa question mark Papahawes Pasta sausage
Starting point is 00:39:29 Long jalapenos One bedroom no bedroom San Diego house. Oh, yeah, and this is I left room you guys order More commute back and forth Oh Okay, get on your carpet resolve spray resolve spray. Yeah Bob went down. Kaleila said us went to gas station to set you blunts Phillies a pack It's a zigzag
Starting point is 00:40:09 expensive No slide shooting it. What it's a skater. No, no slides shove it No slides shove it infant Recognize a a blank dude. Wow. That's like very poetic. So, okay. No, that's your next song. Yeah So what happened was close to the mic, okay? So what happened was you live down there? And so we are in your living room and I Like went outside and you guys had ordered food without me like I was with Papa John's No, you had it delivered and what this but it was from Papa John's it. No Papa Howie's
Starting point is 00:40:50 What's Papa Howie's is just the name of this Italian restaurant No, it was a real place in my dream No No in your dream it was Papa Howie's that you ordered Papa Howie's I were Papa Howie. Yeah, that's your favorite But Papa Howie's doesn't exist. It doesn't exist. So in your mind you created Papa Howie Papa Howie's in my So Papa Howie's you got and I went into the back into the house. Yeah, and you're eating this delicious delicious Pasta platter and it had those long sausages you would get in pasta. Yeah, but then meatballs too So meatballs long sausage. Yeah, and jalapenos
Starting point is 00:41:39 And I remember in the dream like whoa, you guys didn't order me any and then you guys were eating it like like really enjoying that So I left and then somehow okay commute back and forth and then my mom entered the dream I don't know when that happened, but she stepped in dog shit and try to go on your Carpet and got it used resolve spray. Yeah, because I think that's that here and my mom has it at home Yeah, so so good. I'm glad I read it first now. Everything's cleared up Yeah, it's like kind of yeah resolve spray to get the shit out of the carpet because that's resolve sprays and my mom and dad's and Gilbert Okay, okay, and then somehow we ended up the gas station because you wanted to you had weed and
Starting point is 00:42:27 And then I got you you like You want to blunts and I got a Philly's eight pack once and that's when I did the skate There's red curbs and I did a skate trick and then oh no slide. You did no such love it And then these guys in a specific walked up and I go. Hey, what are you guys doing here? It's you're in San Diego too, and then now it's a dream How did it make you feel? Why did it and you write it down? I wrote it down. Why is there's it was deep the reason why I wrote down because there's details in the dream You know what I'm saying interpretation of it. I don't know
Starting point is 00:43:02 Last time I saw you was like two months. I know but you're in it. It was your house It was your house in San Diego. Maybe because you had just come back from Gilbert, Arizona There is a correlation with my name and the city Yeah I'm sorry for it. I'm just stuck with me. I'm like, I gotta tell I don't know when did you write that down last night? Two or three nights ago. You wrote it down two or three nights. Well, right when I woke up I I'm like, you know, I should write because I remembered the name of the Italian Italian restaurant, but how are we always? Yeah, we got a war for one
Starting point is 00:43:41 Sound good. It's a pasta dish. Listen. Listen. Yeah, pasta dish marinara sauce Meatballs and sausage and long jalapenos long jalapenos on that in every Except the jalapeno. Does that exist George? That was weird. I'll pay when he's not Italian I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Why don't you know? Yeah, I don't know. Well, that was really interesting Yeah, why did you always write down your dreams or is that the first time? No, there's a couple I have a couple like a notebook. I have a couple dreams. I think here's what here's what I need details I like the details is we need you to come and and read some of your dreambook to us Yeah, I'll start a dream book. He has one. Yeah details, huh?
Starting point is 00:44:23 Didn't let me ask you did it when he read the stuff. Did it sound like a crazy person wrote it? No, it just sounded like you were jotting down notes. Yeah to trigger the memory. Yeah, why did you keep that? I don't know because I knew I would see you and I'm like, you know what this be interesting to bring What is he gonna go? That's cool, dude. No, I don't know what it meant. I don't know why yeah, I don't know why maybe we Shouldn't analyze it. Oh, can we get a maybe a dream interpreter? No How do we do that? We already figured it out Gilbert Arizona It might not be that too. It might be how you feel about Gilbert Yeah, I have a house in San Diego. You don't want to move near you
Starting point is 00:44:58 He's so not the type to smoke blunts either smoke. No. Yeah, maybe it's his future No, it's not his future. I book a show then I move to San Diego. No, I get out of the business You get so depressed. You start smoking blunts San Diego though. Yeah, but you're such a foodie So you open a restaurant called Papa Hawes, but then I like the commute to LA for no reason. Yeah, I just do the podcast though Oh, yeah It's the only thing you can hang on to Oh, I think that's about to happen to you this year, but think about it Papa Hawes. Maybe you'll have your own Italian chain of restaurants or Papa Hawes That sounds like good it like a good
Starting point is 00:45:40 You know how much improvement and how many new things are happening this new year What do your brother has essentially almost quit smoking completely? I've never seen this before though. I'm proud of him Well, I smoked one yesterday and then um Today I smoked like 10 again. Oh Jesus. I didn't know that because I lost my fucking thing and well, I'm doing the show For Comedy Central called on the goddamn comedy jam. And so um You know, I knew what song I was gonna do for a couple weeks, but then I was like, I'll just Memorize it the night of last night because I knew I had rehearsals today last night at two in the morning I'm reading I couldn't do it. She even got me a karaoke machine. I couldn't fucking do it. Really? It's too hard them words
Starting point is 00:46:27 So then today I woke up and I emailed them. I can't make it to rehearsal And they're like you're coming you have to go Everyone's gonna be there. Everyone's coming But then I show up Nick Swartz and didn't come some people didn't yeah, yeah So he didn't come but I have to go so now I have to sing and that's why sang full band All the producers everything and then they go hate to mark for can you meet a voice coach? Yeah, I have to meet a voice. What song you can't say it right now. I can't say it Yeah, so it's like dancing with the stars kind of but I'm singing a karaoke. Yeah, but then you know, I
Starting point is 00:47:07 Told them to get me up like a Now feel where I can just take it off. Oh, I show my dick So if you can't sing just make up for it with your dancing. That's what I'm gonna do Yeah, dude, it's just fun, right? It's not because tonight and then tonight all the executives came down to see my story You could have to tell a story beforehand. Oh So that it's it's a lot of pressure. What do you mean with story like tell a story? Why? Yeah, get closer tell a why I'm singing the song Oh, yeah, but you didn't tell him who wrote that though. What do you mean? Oh, yeah, and Kalilah wrote the story Oh, you wrote the thing. You're a writer. Great. No, what happened was this, okay?
Starting point is 00:47:45 Last week, I'll just tell you what the artist is Rod Stewart. Yeah, Rod Stewart. So comedy center went Hey said went to Rod Stewart and said or his people and said we have a guy who's gonna do our show He wants to do your song. He said no So then what they said to me was if you wrote a plea to their people a good letter Then we might be able to get the song. So I didn't want to do that. I go fuck you do it Okay, so she does it she sends it and then the note there the comedy central's notepad
Starting point is 00:48:18 We love the story. Not only are they doing the song, but we want this the story to be in there So she whatever she wrote. Wow. Good job. Is what made them go. Let's do like like we were excited about this Yeah, so she killed it give her a round of applause But you know I have to take the voice lessons and this and that and you don't want to do and I know you don't want to do And you know I did the same thing Like the reason why I didn't do well in schools because if I had a test I wouldn't do it until that morning study here Which sometimes works for some people like I've always been a very efficient procrastinator Were you did you get good grades in school Steve?
Starting point is 00:48:59 A's B's. Oh, okay. When you were a freshman. I was in high school and we had the same math class Oh, wow, so you were a senior. He was a freshman. You're a class with your little brother. Yeah, I don't remember Yeah, we had the same ones. Yeah one half of the semester. So you're probably still at algebra. So my brother was in regular Freshmen and I'm in retard class Yeah, like that's you never you just never excelled in school. I'm done. Even like no, you're not done But even in junior college, you didn't it was yeah, I wouldn't know I was in it. You didn't I would go to a room. It's not good with structure. Yeah, he doesn't like it
Starting point is 00:49:33 We'll go to a room. There's a Palomar campus. It's a community Palomar San Marcos They had these like little rooms that you could just walk in and there's a piano. Oh, you would play the piano I would just play the piano for eight hours. You're just a creative person They say now that the the rate of graduation has actually gone up because high school is so much less boring Like there's they you know, they curtail it to more of what works for a learner like him or a learner like you know Everybody learns the same way, right? Yeah, so they're trying to curriculum to make it kind of more More specific to one student like you're in science ago You want to build build a snow castle or whatever they do, you know, and then I build one
Starting point is 00:50:12 They don't have subjects anymore. So they learned it in like a more holistic type of way So I hear that high school is so much more fun now than when we were in high school, which sucks. I fucking yeah It's like high school was like High school was like then you'd be in biology class and you don't understand a word. They're saying Right and then you I learned how to sleep with my eyes open No, I did I could fall asleep with my eyes open. I can't do that. Yeah, I'll be full of deep sleep with my eyes open And then one time my junior year. I Was such a bad kid. They had me, you know, like they had regular desks, but then they had a desk for me with the walls
Starting point is 00:50:49 Right. So I had it was not last row, but I had the walls So because they knew I wasn't gonna listen anyway So it just sit there and one time and then Mr. What I forgot his last name, but he looked he went over the wall He saw yeah, and I was like this and he didn't say anything. Do you watch what he saw? He caught me jerking off. I mean, I guess I've done that too. We had a substitute teacher, Mr. Holt Yeah, and we were there's two parts of the chemistry room There's the where the chairs are at and then there's a lab behind it
Starting point is 00:51:21 And I guess I blew someone well because he put on a movie He was like the laziest substitute teacher. So he was just kind of like you blew somebody in class In the middle of class Damn, I really liked him. I really like it was my crush of all crushes never do that with me You wouldn't blow me in a fucking class. You take him to a science lab right now. Yeah, I've blown you in the weirdest places ever What are you talking about right now? Yeah, yeah, you have like where give me give me three places I want to know three because he here's another thing. I used to do though is when I was on because when I was using I Would ditch class math. Yeah, I'm not I would ditch class and I would go to the fucking library of the school and I would read
Starting point is 00:52:08 scientific like books about like Weird sexual shit, and I would drug off in the fucking library Oh, hey, yeah, who are your friends in high school? Like I was on the wrestling team and I was a Christian. I was a part of that student. He was he was I was he was not even a Christian. He was like one of those. I was a die-hard like No, yeah, take the Bible and then paste the fucking pages on his wall. Yeah The verses it was like, you know hard core hard core dude. Do you still pray? I?
Starting point is 00:52:43 Don't believe in religion Anyone when did that happen for you college? No, maybe. Yeah, maybe in college when I took acid or something It's something shifted. I'm like, this is just Yeah, this is all bullshit because there's other there's other dimension in my dorm room and there's dead people This does not making sense right now what I've learned. You know what I mean? It's fucking what they've taught me throughout all you know all this shit's not real Yeah, you're gonna, you know, I always feel like Bible literalists are are I always I always associate people who are Bible literalists with some type of like Mental disorder like every time I some you know how people like anytime you speak to them
Starting point is 00:53:22 They're so like blindly faithful that they just recite back verses at you instead of trying to like reason with you I always feel like there's a degree of like psychological like Unwellness there, but they also have they don't have the we're a product of our environment, right? And we have to understand that right so it's like when somebody is a jihadist and they're doing I mean it's In my eyes evil and bad, but it's not as if they were raised with that, right? I mean it's like if we were in that situation is what you know, that's all they know Yeah, so it's like but I you know if I was a Christian I would make an assumption that listen we're a product of our environment
Starting point is 00:54:02 And if somebody doesn't believe right not judge them and just understand that they just Were raised, you know mean differently and they were exposed to different things So what do you since I know that he talks about God removing his addiction? What what is your God like we need I can't really you know, there's no name attached to it But it's not like you believe God removed your addiction God that's God that's put me on the spot I mean in a way it does because it's a power greater than yourself. Yeah, we can't label it. Yeah, but Yeah, I just I literally feel I'm not getting this is real. This is I really do believe and I don't know why I believe this and I've had this discussion with Kaila that
Starting point is 00:54:49 That some spiritual power has literally removed it because I Used to be a fiend. Oh I love I love the taste of beer more than like Anything like yeah, it's like wheat soda to me and I like that obsession has been removed I don't know when that happened, but yeah, I don't know somewhere along the line of my sobriety I just didn't fiend for it anymore. You know what I mean, but you think you didn't do that though No, I come on dude, right? So you believe I could have got bearded night. I went to Trader Joe I know, but you believe though that like something
Starting point is 00:55:26 Intervened. Yeah, I just don't know what that is. I don't want to put a name on it Yeah, like I was Mohammed or Jesus or Buddha, you know, it's it is what it is You just can't something out there. We can't see. Yeah, that's what I believe, you know, but um, that's not good enough for Yeah, and then religious people the reason why they oh they they're They're so big on like if you don't believe the way we believe you're going you know what I'm saying like you're going to hell It's like dude like come on dude. You can't really damn people like that There are a lot of like different sects of Christianity now that are so open or so open to like the LGBTQ No, some of the principles I did like the prince of some Christian principles I did you know, but just not the whole damn nation part or
Starting point is 00:56:09 I feel like you're going to hell or whatever. I think most Christians that I know aren't like that most Christians that I know are reasonable people You know, not my experience every Christian I know thinks that maybe have gay friends, but they think that it's an abomination Not the people I know like not probably they're not Christian. They are though. How are they Christian if they don't believe that? I think they go to church. They believe in God. They do good will so they believe your Christian friends believe In tolerance and understanding because but it doesn't matter. They're gonna go to heaven Nonetheless, yeah, they don't they don't subscribe to that portion. It's not Christianity Then I feel like that's kind of like an older way of thinking that people still subscribe to but not a lot of Christians What are the seven day evangelists think?
Starting point is 00:56:57 No, no, but what is what does that you're the people like the foundation is bad, but it's not one of the top 10 commandments Yeah, but are they gonna go to hell? Oh It's mixed it's next to the official view is probably yeah, I thought there was no hell We're in hell. Oh, yeah, we're in a matrix. This is hell. We are. Whoa. Oh shit. Wow Yeah, oh My brother's about to do some shit. It's like even like in school. Yeah. Yeah. Here we go diagram. Oh Oh, that's the tennis courts upside down from division division. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:57:38 Mathematics, right? Yeah, but you know what this really means. What? This is The Sun above us. Yeah, and this is the black hole Sun like sound garden This is the stranger things upside down. Yeah. Yeah, this is this is this is real shit This is what so tell us what the Sun is and the black. The Sun is the what we see above you Yeah, but the black hole Sun is you know, we can't see it. Yeah But we're always believed like even in Christianity that don't go down here. This is hell
Starting point is 00:58:10 But it's this that's really everything we've talked is reversed. It's real. This is really on the land of perpetual Twilight we need to go down there to the black hole to the black hole like you ever notice like when you wherever you pray You know, you put your head down. Yeah, you're really directing your attention to the black hole Sun. Yeah, you know, I'm saying Yeah, this is a division like we're divided and that's the way out of this matrix Because that's not too far from the idea of like to be free of grounding. We're recycled here in this world We're we're all we have all been recycled. What's the theory? I'm not so much about it. What do you mean? We were in Gilbert doing the Pringles And you could have said something at the Walmart where we're gonna the Pringles thing
Starting point is 00:58:56 No, I'm just starting to realize stuff now because I taught you that where did you read this? But isn't it cool? I just look stuff up man. It's all okay. It's the stuff that I've been like the reptilian stuff Eventually Gilbert's not familiar with your reptilian belief. Yeah. Oh, you know, just bought reptilians. They live off human energy like negative Most presidents. Yeah, you can't see them. They're outside of our Spectrum. Yeah. Yeah, they're in the fourth dimension. Yeah, and they're they're they're like parasites. They live off of our Our energy. Yeah, they use humans as like puppet But this stuff's interesting because I'm like because it all talks about symbols and like the way we're like controlled by symbols
Starting point is 00:59:38 Like everything like through the media the all-seeing eye and how is there a YouTube video I can watch. Yeah quasi loom quasi luminous You know so much about this. Yeah, and then there's another kid named Devin Madge. Look Devin Matt So if we look up quasi luminous, yeah, right? He breaks it down, dude. Just do know some is he what color is he? He's a white dude and who is he? I don't know. He's just he makes YouTube videos and you'll learn a lot though Yeah, I'll tell them our sound guy on tour like I think I scared him though. So shout out to Chris Yeah, we're talking one night in the hotel room and I was like we're like talking about conspiracy theories and yeah Yeah, and this and then but then when I saw that I'm like whoa symbols are like there's like deeper meanings and all these symbols Like the CBS symbol that means something own video games member. I know I have Horace in all that stuff
Starting point is 01:00:28 Yeah, Egyptian symbols here. There's Red Bull is two bulls that you know ironically enough that is that does that is a symbol Yeah Duality and stuff the Sun something that has just I don't know about the Fiji bottle See the pedals they all represent wings The Red Bull one definitely She's a demon look at her. She's a lizard demon She might be That's really interesting though. It is
Starting point is 01:01:06 I'm not super into like deep conspiracy theories No, but this makes sense because it's a symbol that we've known as a Division symbol, but there's a deeper meaning. It's like we are divided with between worlds when you put that picture up of the division symbol Like he didn't know what it was. I don't think he knows how to divide. I know how to divide I don't know how to do long long Just a short calculator. Um, wow, you know, what's so weird about you is that you and I were remember that book that I got I was at the post office. Yeah, and then and then and then it's scared of he was he threatened to Get me locked up in an insane asylum
Starting point is 01:01:44 Because he goes he was around my neighborhood and I'm oh, hey, dude I'm on Wilcox. I'm at the post office because I ordered a book online. Oh my god Um, what's the name it the other dimensions the glimpses of other realities. Yeah, I think Barbara or or Or something and then we start opening it. I opened it and then there was like crazy pictures of like aliens Yeah, yeah, or and then like And you're like you disappeared for eight hours at night and at five in the morning came home I was high. I was smoking weed. I know the aliens. Look at the ghost I was so high notable people that are alive right now who you for sure think are reptilians
Starting point is 01:02:22 Like which is there anybody in like politics is Donald Trump a reptilian? The Queen in England. Yeah, late of the white hair. Yeah fucking the pope. Yeah All the popes that have ever existed. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Well anyone in politics, maybe they're they're not reptilian But they're definitely fuck, you know cross spread positions. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So when I'm so when let me ask you this No, no, so Bill Clinton looks in the mirror and he's aware that he's half a lizard. I Don't know. I can't answer that. I don't know. I don't know. So you don't really believe it. I Mean, I can't name off the top. I don't know exactly who's crossbred with Reptilians, you know meeting with you just believe they're out there. Yeah, I just you know, it's interesting
Starting point is 01:03:13 I mean people believe in like look people die for the name of in the name of religion. It's like I can't I can't have Like study other things. You know what your shit is because I'm outside of like that that religion shit's like a fucking to control you It's a belief system. Yeah. Yeah. This is all yeah. Yeah, so it's like I wanted to I like like looking up Alternate yeah, that's great. Yeah. Yeah, that's all good angry. I'm not I'm just kind of defending myself. Yeah, don't defend yourself No, I accept you for who you are, you know, but yeah quasi-illuminous and a Devin Maggie I look at my second one a Devin Maddie Devin Maddie MADGY Devin. Yeah, he's a fucking smart kid. This kid knows what's up. Yeah, the kid. Yeah, no He's in his 20s, you know, he's not a kid, but you know mid-20s
Starting point is 01:04:00 Yeah, I don't know but just look at my man. How does anyone know about anything? Where are we at? We're passing out. Oh, wow First before we do the questions you have to talk about the past you have. Oh, yeah, you have C207 Rhonda Rousey Amanda Nunez Incredible Absolutely incredible. Well Rhonda and Amanda. I'm gonna this is what my opinion about it is. Okay. I was telling my brother this is is that You know, my brother and I have been fans of the USC since the beginning. I mean, we're in the pride We're in the pride of the soccer robber. That's it. But even before that you would see guys like Coleman or Mark Kerr remarker of the wrestler Igor Vochanchin
Starting point is 01:04:43 Yeah, yeah, and even like Tank Abbott, right? So they were great. Yeah for their time, but a Tank Abbott can't beat a John Jones. Oh, right and because Bar brawler because The the sport evolved. Yeah, and you got when you have more money and more eyes watching it as when it becomes more legitimate you get more legitimate athletes wanting to participate and Now you have Excellent athletes the greatest in the world competing in men's UFC. I think that Rhonda Rousey was good for her time Yeah pioneer pioneer, but there wasn't a lot of people in that time great doing it
Starting point is 01:05:28 Yeah, they're hard. Hey, there hadn't been a lot of girls who were either Muay Thai girls or Decided hmm, okay, let's try MMA because it's a lucrative career for us It just wasn't an option then because it really wasn't a lucrative career So Rhonda Rousey didn't have the pool of women to actually to truly compete with I mean there were a few not you can't discount The fact that you know, she did beat cats and gano. Yeah, she's beat Misha. She's she's definitely fought some strong girls But it's still very limited pool of of women. Yeah that she fought, but if you see the dismantling of Misha Tate versus Amanda Nunez. Oh, she destroyed. Let me ask you something. Okay, if I'm
Starting point is 01:06:09 Rhonda Rousey's Matt coach. He's dumb. Who Edmund. Yeah Right, I'm the worst and you watch the Misha Tate fight right you would have to like show Rhonda This is Amanda you fighting Misha Would you then encourage her to do? Striking with her No, I'm at a newness isn't wrong in saying that Edmund is stupid for convincing Rhonda that she's a boxer Dude, she didn't even try to level change or anything. She was just standing upright
Starting point is 01:06:39 Trying to hit a clinch, but it was not working. That was like a half a second. She tried to do that And then she just what was her game plan eat a shot so she could I don't know the gas That's what I thought was gonna look at the training videos like the little shot She's a bag and like Edmund going. Yeah, that's right. That's right. And right. She and she's pretending. Yeah, but it's like You don't do that in real fighting. No, which is jiu-jitsu and judo and all that shit This is my thoughts on it. I mean, I don't think that I Don't think that she would have won that fight regardless of whether or not she was trained by Edmund
Starting point is 01:07:14 But I think that she probably would have lasted longer than 48 seconds if she got with somebody who didn't Mindfuck her into believing that she's a boxer and it and also it's like even if the game plan was okay Eat a shot to close the gap and then clinch and then you know judo throw her You can't eat a shot from Amanda newness without getting hurt that girl hits Oh, I know Misha said that too earlier the right hand and you know what that meant that when she won She was shushing Edmund like and she had her own opinion towards Yeah, she was like dude like why you telling this girl to strike with me Yeah, you should do fo she should focus on judo and what she knows how to do
Starting point is 01:07:50 I feel like he did her dirty But also that's also a very a very conscious choice on Rhonda's part to stay with him So it's not all his fault. That's a very, you know, that's 50-50 my mom hates her Yeah, I mean, I really do think that Rhonda is naturally talented though. She's good. I thought she was gonna win She could get an arm bar on anyone Is she done though? Is she done take the Holly home fight, right? Mm-hmm, and then the Amanda newness fight you pasted them together And then you put it back in time ten years ago before people knew who Rhonda was and good
Starting point is 01:08:24 This is the the female face of MMA Mm-hmm, they'd be like that chick is awful. Yeah, I mean just her punching when she went when she fought Holly And that one thing where she was rushing and then she just did a little matrix matrix. Yeah Yeah, she got confused where am I? You know, I mean it was it's embarrassing Well, that's what I'm saying though You have women like Holly who've competed as Boxers or kickboxers their whole life and all of a sudden in their 30s They're like, you know what I'm gonna give MMA a shot
Starting point is 01:08:53 And so now they're all coming out of the woodwork and they've had 20 years of competition experience and they're there's different It's a different monster. No, it's different. This is what she had. That was her time. I okay. She loses the Holly home Then you pull a fucking Batman. What do you mean by that? You go to you go. I'm leaving Edmund Yeah, you go to a camp. Go to a camp in China. You pick out a blue fucking rose. You train with razan ghoul like I'm not I'm not what you're I know what I mean is is like you throw it all away, right? Fuck the movies Fuck Hollywood. This is the most important thing in my life to get this belt back And I'm gonna do whatever it fucking takes if that means lose my house lose my cars And I am gonna train with some fucking master sensei. I mean, I'm that's the mentality go Michael John
Starting point is 01:09:41 I here's what I think I think with Edmund She's her evolution as a fighter has completely been stunted plateaued No, I think that had she been with somebody who can you know be realistic with her and say hey You know what? You are very talented in judo and you can destroy anybody From from this distance. Oh, yeah, but let's be real like you you're not a natural striker No, I say someone could at least Give her that guidance and are we okay with ronda rousey being the number three or number four fighter? I don't mind. Yeah, I'm I'm okay with her not retiring and just being in competition. Let me ask you something
Starting point is 01:10:15 I don't think she she had no warm-up fights. You're gonna like be gone for a year Yeah, you're just gonna go out for a year then fight the champ. No, no, no, no tune up fights Yeah, it's like when we saw that pal Peralta Bones Brigade documentary. Yeah, what did you learn out of that a lot of things? But here's what the main and most important thing to learn in that documentary Tony Hawk was a prodigy for a guy, but he was always being made fun of right because everything was straight on straight list, right? Yeah, and he was miserable and Rodney Mullen had quit doing competitions a year before oh, that's right, right and Tony went to Rodney and said
Starting point is 01:10:54 Rodney Mullins with the greatest street skater. Yeah, he's he made up half the tricks more than half the Legendary yeah, okay, and he said what why are you so happy because I don't compete anymore. He's free. She's he's free Yeah, and so Tony Would go into competition not wanting to win but just to have fun Yeah, and not needing to be number one just to be whatever if I take number one. That's cool Yeah, I'm fit. Yeah, and then the pressure's lifted and then you can have fun. That's exactly I think that's what Rodney's that's exactly Here's my I would love to see Rhonda Rousey continually be a contender in the top five
Starting point is 01:11:29 I don't need and that would make me respect her and maybe love her even more to just always be in fighting contention To just always be in the top, you know top five top, you know top ten even I would do want to continue I do want to see her fight again. Yeah, but to her she needs to be one or nothing, right? Yeah, but she's such a big name. She's gonna draw regardless and the thing is she doesn't have to fight anymore She doesn't need the money. She's she did it But I didn't already know that's not enough, you know that yeah, it's like you saying to you all the doors You didn't want you a little bit. You're done Yeah, right you'll break your heart. I want to be gone exactly
Starting point is 01:12:03 That's what it is. I think that she has a very very strong competitors heart And I don't think she can kick it out of her system that easily. Oh, okay done. I have my money I don't think money was ever her driving force especially in the way. She was defeated. She was beat the fuck up Was it 48 48 seconds 48 some of those shots? She was just look at her face. No head movement. It's just huge. She got stunned dude. She got stunned by one of those hits She didn't know where she was man. And for those of you who um You guys know that I'm a huge Arsenal FC fan. I love soccer so much and I love that team and do you know? You know what happened today?
Starting point is 01:12:36 No, don't we play we play Burnman. What happened? No, this is what happened. Oh In the first half we played Burnman First half we were losing 3-0 to Burnman Really? Yeah in the second half we tied it. So we got a point out of it. We got a point out of it Oh, thank god, but it was a great point. We got a point. But two days ago We played Watford
Starting point is 01:13:02 Right. No Crystal Palace. Crystal Palace. It was Crystal Palace. My bad and Our guy Olivia Drew who plays for Arsenal did a kick Goal of the year goal of goal of the year like the goal of it. Yeah. Yeah, and the Mekaterians doesn't count He was offside. Yeah, but yeah, but Drew's goal was so creative and beautiful Yeah, whether or not you're a soccer fan at all you have to YouTube Jiru's goal. You what you Google is this Olivia Jiru Scorpion kick it is So beautiful, I mean he was that is dark
Starting point is 01:13:39 Yeah, yeah, yeah back foot did a scorpion thing. Yeah, it was amazing. Yeah Anyway, yeah, when does this Chelsea and Tottenham played tomorrow? Yeah, okay So how will you how here's what I want to do with you Steve? Yeah Is in your mind figure out who you want to do a podcast with yeah, you'll be how do we do it? But we'll figure out a way to figure something out. Yeah, you know, maybe I Mean, I love all things comedy. Yeah, so But maybe but we could it doesn't stop you from having some an independent Kidney they be under our umbrella or no, I want to figure that out our network make people make networks
Starting point is 01:14:17 They could be so even we're with all things comedy. We could have our own network underneath that or no It's part. It's a Tiger Belly product. Yeah, you want it to be okay. We're gonna I want to do that That's what I want to do. I enjoy this. But what's it? You have a question? Yeah an helpful advice with Bobby Kalala and Stevie Weeby Hi Tiger Belly, it's Bianca a different one. I have a situation There's this girl in my English class and I'm not a fan of her I said to my friend that I didn't like the girl and the girl's friend heard about and heard about and told her ever since then She's been flirting with my boyfriend She laughs at everything he does and blushes and flirts
Starting point is 01:14:51 But only when I'm around and he's so stupid and doesn't realize she's flirting every time I bring it up He doesn't think she's flirting but it's very obvious. What do I do to handle the situation? How do I let her know to back off and how do I get this through her head that she's flirting? Okay, I'm gonna repeat it to Bobby as a quick synopsis. I know nothing went and entered his head right now Yeah, I love it quick synopsis It sounds like it keep doing keep doing it. She's still in high school. It seems like a high school for sure Yeah So a girl she doesn't like is flirting with her boyfriend and boyfriend kind of plays into it a little bit because he thinks it's harmless
Starting point is 01:15:26 But it's pissing her off Uh-huh, I know I know exactly what it is. What can I tell you what it is? What there's this girl. She's in school She's a boyfriend Babe, she's asking for advice. What to do. She's not asking you to I know what I'll tell you what it is I'll tell you what it is. Okay, dude. This is girl. She's in some science class or something She doesn't like this other girl. She told her friend I don't like that girl But that other friend told that girl that she was um didn't like her so that girl is now flirting with that girl's
Starting point is 01:15:57 Boyfriend boom and um, I don't I had I really don't have an opinion because if I was that girl I'll just like who gives a fuck. Yes, I was missing. That's exactly yeah Like just tell your boyfriend if he doesn't as long as you're not flirting back. Yeah, I mean, I'm sure he doesn't mind it Yeah, because it's when you're that young anything flatters your ego. I just want to say young lady I don't know your name. What is her name? Bianca. Let me just say something. I swore to fucking God and just listen to me The people that you knew in high school, you're not in ten years from now. You're not gonna know who they are true, I Mean, it's not that it's not like I want to be friends with my friends from high school
Starting point is 01:16:35 It's just that they live other places. I lost contact and I have a whole new set of friends. Yeah, but we did like Christelia No, I'm kidding. Michael Rosen, Michael Rosen Margaret show my point is is that my point is is that You choose Steve money mark. Yeah. Yeah, name drop Steve. No, I don't want to You're in high school, you know, so can I just say something right now when I invite you to a UFC fight You can invite 50 other people. Oh, I'm so She's cool with it look at me with it. I'm fine with it. Yeah, but not many ten minutes before Right, right. He's at my party my youth. Oh Frank Jimmy and Tonya coming. Yeah, fuck entourage, bro Yeah, no, I like who came I love but they're all respectable. No. Yeah, listen. Listen. I love who came
Starting point is 01:17:29 Yeah, I live you just tell us like a weekend. No, not even week at the day before Okay, so I can get the appropriate amount of food and beverages and be prepared for there was a like there was a lot last time Yeah, yeah, Finneck what advice would you give this girl Steve? Um, don't um Cuz it's gonna feed her like if she sees that it's bothering her if she doesn't like show that it affects her Yeah, then that would that be a good way to deal with it. Yeah She's really with me. You're not gonna know who these people are ten years from now Yeah, yeah, but when our parents told us just don't acknowledge like my when I was in high school It's true. Like your world is very small. It's not and everything feels so intense
Starting point is 01:18:10 So when someone gives you advice like who cares, you're not gonna know this boy ten years Did we listen to our parents? No, no, we we you know We fed into the drama of our little lives because we just not you know, it's a small world still so it I think your best route Bianca is to completely ignore it And if you see them flirting leave the room leave the room Oh like or just not show any emotion towards it because it's like yeah, it's gonna fuel her even more Yeah, if it doesn't mean anything to you. She's not getting what she wants out of it Which is to retaliate?
Starting point is 01:18:44 And there you go, Bianca Bianca also I want to say this To you have a happy new year and just live in the moment enjoy your life. I want to say this Steve Where do you want to eat? Oh, whatever you're hungry ruin pair. Let's just not tofu. Oh god. No Oh my god, my I shit the other like I shit it out the next day. It was just this red fucking Yeah, BCD fuck me I heard something yesterday Steve I heard something yesterday that was I thought was an earthquake. It was Collider's fart Was it from the BCD? No, no, he she farted yesterday on the couch. It was like a earthquake
Starting point is 01:19:29 But it was it was one of those that I didn't know was coming out and I was looking right at him And then I saw her today peeking her nose and eating it Come on fabricator Skyrim right I'm looking over it. She's this bitch is gonna eat her own burger. No, I mean I What's the purpose? You would know do you Steve one's last to be honest look at me right? Yeah, I eat my boogers still every day I've done it. Yeah, what are you rolling a little ball? No, just you know, all right
Starting point is 01:20:03 Guys happy new year. I love you guys all you happy new year We're out any shows wait any show Yeah, we do but I don't know the date on it. We're doing the thing at the end of January and in New York I don't know your Instagram and your Oh, uh, kwangu q u a n g o u. Uh, monchi hammer. That's it and people want to ask are you done with twitch for now? We're gonna break people want to watch you. So yeah, but it's like our I Yeah, that's you brought that up, too I wanted to keep it going but like the you know Bob's not playing destiny and part of it is like our fire team
Starting point is 01:20:40 Yeah, and everything I'm out of destiny. Yeah, I know I'm playing sim city build it and now they have this thing where you could have your own clan so Yeah, it's under tiger belly guys start a sim city build it join the clan Go to tiger play belly club and we're on it. Okay shows cloud Um, Bobby will be at the Irvine improv next weekend January 13th to the 15th. Um, the following weekend Is that michael rosenbaum on that one? Right, correct. Hey, michael rosenbaum still doing all the whole weekend. I don't know, but he's gonna definitely do a night
Starting point is 01:21:21 Come one of those nights. You might see michael. Well, I'm going to um Tell you guys next week if he's gonna be there just one night or all nights. We'll figure that out next week Um, but also bobby will be at the Addison improv as well as san antonio this Every week after I'm sorry, I had a break So san antonio and Addison improv and then next month he's going to be at um shomburg improv in chicago And if for more dates go to bobbyleelive.com You can follow me on all forms of social media at calamity k great content by the way And make sure you follow us on instagram at tiger belly and on twitter at the tiger belly
Starting point is 01:22:05 And uh email us any questions like Bianca today at the tiger belly at gmail.com And our address is mail us anything. Uh, any gifts you want us to know if you can open our mailing address is 1626 north wilcox avenue number 161 One hollywood california 900. What is this two eight? Yeah, nine zero zero two eight and um this episode was brought to you by pringles So make sure you go on google and look up how to make your own pocket pussy with a pringles can brought to you by steve lee Have a good night. See you guys next week. Ciao
Starting point is 01:22:39 Oh, that's fun. Thanks, Steve Oh Hey prime members you can listen to tiger belly ad free on amazon music Download the amazon music app today or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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