TigerBelly - Episode 81: Moth in a Jar

Episode Date: March 8, 2017

Bobo is Kang.  Khaly is a frog mom. We talk exoplanets, lack of context, and the nocturnal life.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art1...9.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today You can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today What's my life without you it's what's my life basically with my heart being by itself What about what's my life without these mud rivers? You know what we're gonna do we're gonna take a DNA test why do you think I'm Filipino? I hope so I'm not she texted me was like I think Bob is a little bit jungle Asian and she put a prayer or something I might be do you know how happy I would be if I found out like he was actually like half Vietnamese or something Why I love the Vietnamese people. What are you saying? It's his favorite type of people. I love all people. What the fuck are you saying?
Starting point is 00:01:42 I'm just saying you shit on us. I wouldn't know. I do it as a joke Okay, I love all people except for Eskimos I hate that Inuits. Yeah, no, I love Inuits. I love the apocalyptic Mexicans You know those ones the ones that wear G star. Yeah I learned that from you Bobby. You said star. You said look at that apocalyptic Mexican. He's wearing G No, I love it when like, um, but here's what I like Is I love it when like Mexicans sneak across the border. Yeah, then they work really hard But then they they go to G star because they can afford it expensive
Starting point is 00:02:17 But then their faces don't say G star. Ah, I see their faces are apocalyptic. Yeah What kind of face is a G star Pharrell? Pharrell is the face of G star right now. Yeah, that's a G star face for sure I think crystallia is a G star face I feel okay. Nevermind. I won't bash G star. No, I like G star. It's just not Rod Denham Yeah, I have a couple things from there and I'm not it rips apart like the first week you get it We are not sponsored. Shout out to our sponsor G star. We did shit on you. We lost you Yeah, and um, I just wanted to apologize to Kalilah because um, You know, you go through this relationship and you realize I'm a bad boyfriend and I'm very difficult to live with
Starting point is 00:02:56 I am very difficult to live with and I'm a disaster. I don't know how anyone deals with me I don't know either. I'm just moody. I'm I'm I'm fucking crazy I want I want to call all of your ex-girlfriends and give him like a like a civilian award or so of some sort Yeah, and just say hey look like thank you for dealing with him before me Why? Because I'm sure at some point to some degree they primed you to be a better version than You know, you were when they first met you so little by little each woman that has been with you has made you a little bit better And I think that finally by the time I received you you were a little bit more tolerable. I understand that but you know what?
Starting point is 00:03:36 I'm pure gold And I'm god, I thought you were apologizing. I know I'm pure gold and I'm pure spirit And those are two things that are it's a fact. Okay, and um, I have character defects But don't you ever forget about what I am or what I am is slap slap You know about sun came but him they heard about slap time. He's a new king. No, he slept king. I knew came but slept so um So I want to tell you what happened to me last week. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:04:08 And I don't I don't know, you know, we talk about show business. I don't I don't really like it, you know, but um I just want to throw this out. I want to throw this out. I really believe this about myself that I literally believe that I have no talent Because people go oh, you were funny. You don't know what's going on in the inside When I'm doing things, you know, like when I'm performing like they know You're terrible, you know, I don't have a good Self-esteem, right? Mm-hmm. So this year. I was just like, you know, my age is like, you know, there's not a lot of pilots You know, so I go I don't want to go out
Starting point is 00:04:43 I was like, well, you there's fives. You got to go out for at least the five. Yeah So literally every single audition they got gave me I just said I'm not doing it Oh, you went to two I did. Oh wait not network though. No, no, no. They were um, I did a couple of movies or something. Yeah, yeah So I just said I'm not doing policies and I'm because you know, I'm doing a little bit of love a couple episodes and then I got Diplo So I'm like, I'm fine And then last week. Oh, I'm driving down the street And everyone calls and they go congratulations
Starting point is 00:05:14 I go, what you got a pilot I don't audition Right So I go, what is it? Are you sure? This is a trick Just because you know, you know when people do it, right? But who are these people? No, just check it out when you fucking do it This is what you see You show up
Starting point is 00:05:35 There's about 100 people in the lobby. They're all reading for the same part You go and they go go you do it. Thank you And then you leave and you never hear from them again. That's all every audition And I just this year. I'm like, I'm gonna go through that again Because then once you get through that first one, then you get a call back We're producers watch you And then thank you if you get through that you have to do three or four other fucking things It's a nightmare
Starting point is 00:06:03 And I don't have the I don't have the spirit to do it But you have a pure spirit That's different though. Those are two different We've been trying to know about realms bro We've been practicing manifestation Yeah, you know, we instead of going to these auditions We've been we manifest it every day. We're like, look, we want a new house We want something to just fall on our laps every day. We pray for it
Starting point is 00:06:30 We want a new place so that we can get a bigger tiger belly studio So that we can have bigger guests and it's for you people I swear we're doing this for you a win for bobby is a win for all of us guys But then you check it out. So then I show up so I so I get it and I read it and I go Oh, yeah, I can't tell you who's in it. But the pretty okay pretty big people are in it and then um But then today They go well yesterday I was in houston flying in and they go you have to come
Starting point is 00:06:59 And you have to do a table read because they don't know if I can even do it Right. So now they're like come in you got the part we offered it to you But you have to read it in front of everyone and then you don't we're gonna we might go nah We my god, right, but I was my light my flight was delayed So I missed it. Oh, I'm in houston. Sorry But then today they go You got to do it again today. You had to come early So the whole cast like six people showed up with all the producers and it was my turn to talk
Starting point is 00:07:35 And I swear to god, this is what came out. So let's just say hey, bill I'm I'm not gonna tell you the character because I want to mention what a hey, joseph the grocery store is the other way I That's how it came out. Bobby. Okay. No, that's how it came out. And when I was talking You can see everyone through my peripheral side eye. He's done He he he's eating it And this is disaster and there's also four kids in the show and they're all like, you know, I mean Who said their lines perfectly are looking at me like yeah, this guy's done
Starting point is 00:08:11 Who is this? Yeah, who's this guy? and so After what was done, then we had to go to the big room Now in the big room you have Warner Brothers president Oh god abc president all the executives and I literally Did it like I was speaking your language, baby. Yeah, but yeah, but yeah, like it was literally so So then I took my script and I showed you guys this right and I wrote down little fucking notes
Starting point is 00:08:40 Yeah, oh, they can't see this And I put right here. I put I put right here. Just read it Right, just remember those most actors put acting notes. Yeah, I don't know. I don't I yell at myself No, I yell at my own self, right? Watch what I put here slow Those were your notes basically just because those are things that I understood because they're big bold letters, right? So, you know, what the fuck up man? It's as slow as I go. Oh, you know, I slow it down Because what happens to me? I I get so nervous. I read it fast and then I my mind is ahead of what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:09:19 And then it's it's a crane train crash All the words and then it comes up That's why that comes out that way Damn, right in the same way. Are you really I get nervous you get nervous, right? People are watching so you go right speed through the lines, right? Get it over with. No, you have to slow it down Sing it so fast. Right. They think you're doing Asian accent. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Fucking Oh, Bobby leaves my coach
Starting point is 00:09:44 He's my acting coach So then I So then I did the notes and I literally I did a prayer to God because this could have been But the Lord Jesus because you know, I've talked about this My finger he's touching my finger right now, right? I've talked about that, right? I did that Right and he touched it
Starting point is 00:10:05 and it went perfectly Bravo and then after no, don't clap. Don't fucking patron on mo We're not patronizing patronize me. Patron. Patron normal. Don't patron on me me. Okay That's what you're doing right now. Oh, I'm not. No, I'm not. I didn't say it out of for applause I said it because I survived it. Sorry kang. Who's kang? Slup kang So, um, now I have to do it and I'm shooting it next week. That's huge
Starting point is 00:10:36 It'll be fine But you know what? Um This I I'm gonna be completely honest with you and I'm about to cry I really am. All right I've had The best career when I started this podcast Everything happened pretty much around this podcast
Starting point is 00:11:01 Do you do you guys know that? This this is where my fear sets in too. It's like While everything sort of snowballed every little thing that we've done into this pod in this podcast has snowballed into little projects for you Into bigger projects for you, right? But this is where it gets a little bit icky and this is where George and I have actually been talking a lot in the last week Because we're no you're out What the fuck look it's for we use them in this day and age. I feel like everyone's trying to drag Innocent people through the mud. Yeah, and I don't think that even I don't think there is as much free speech as we think there is
Starting point is 00:11:43 And so when what makes me nervous about it all of this is that you know You now have let's say like a network job and anyone essentially can get can take pull anything out of context of what you've said in this podcast because it is Just say this right now. Okay This podcast is out in the world It's already out there, right? So if they're not gonna vet me Before signing, you know giving me a contract. But we're not mainstream. I don't know but still doesn't matter It's not like as if it's not I don't you know the other day I go You know, I was on a radio show and they had a rewind it because I said I sucked dick and
Starting point is 00:12:19 You know when I was a kid, you know, this is a radio show. You can't say that I'm oh, I'm sorry. You know, I mean, I just say it. Yeah, so I'm not gonna edit. No, it's not it's not even about that what I'm saying is Let's say even if you listen to the whole podcast really it's it's you can tell everything is said in jest, right? But for what they did to PewDiePie say for instance Who's that who's PewDiePie? It's he's a youtube star with like 50 million followers. Yeah And He's the top youtube star in the world 52 probably 53 million subscribers now if you
Starting point is 00:12:55 If you took every one of those and they voted for president, he would be for the president of the united states Okay, so what happened what happened is he's backing up these youtube stars so fucking grossed out. He's actually I actually love this guy. He's interesting Uh, don't do his podcast fuckface Tell me what happened. Okay, so so what happened is uh, the wall street journal did a hit piece on him Yeah, basically taking uh three or four videos out of context Where he like dressed up in uh, nazi garb to make fun of like nazi putting in like some heroes Thing where you could like flag videos for being bad. So he was saying this is basically fascism So he was making fun of youtube once then once he like did a video where he was like
Starting point is 00:13:36 Saying that the media will take anything out of context And he dressed up and like watch the hillar speech. Yeah They took that and a few other videos completely out of context Did a hit piece on him So he got dropped by maker studios by disney. Yeah, yeah Okay a week before maker kind of imploded. Yeah, but Complete hit piece. I think uh for me. It's the end of mainstream like journalism because it's so obvious if you look at the facts That it was a hit piece to discredit him because wall street journal and everybody they're losing money
Starting point is 00:14:09 But the problem with that is for reasonable people or for you know, we'll we'll we'll look into it and be like Whoa, this was not he's not an anti-semite But for the majority of clickbaiters Of they're going to eat that shit up because they just love to recreationally be outraged So they're going to jump on that fucking bandwagon of like tearing this guy down just before this. I was on a tinder date and like Okay, it's going fine. Oh, really George. It makes sense. It's still lying, huh? Fucking tinder day. It was going great. And then I was sucking Bryce's dick Go ahead
Starting point is 00:14:44 It's a natural segue if you'd listen you Okay, go ahead. Um, oh or frickers So what happened tinder date? No, it was going great for 45 minutes that I that I mentioned like yeah Like you know, like I love youtube like watching just the PewDiePie like the youtube drama Like that's what you say on a first date George. It had progressed. I like what do you like? Why do you what do you watch on youtube? Okay? Okay. Okay. What do you want? Why do you watch youtube and I'm like I I don't watch it that much I just stay up on the drama like fun things like when PewDiePie gets in trouble and she's like, oh, you mean that anti-semite
Starting point is 00:15:14 Yeah, and I know you do that. You pull your dick out suck this. This is an anti-semite Yeah, god damn it. Why did I pay for this already? I just say this I'm gonna shut the fuck up for a second. It's perfect example of how it's not a perfect example Well, look another good. I'll tell you why it's not a perfect example. Okay I already know people out there that don't like me I can I can I know them Okay, there's comics that don't like me All right, and what I'm saying is is that he didn't lose anything. What do you lose maker? Well, he's
Starting point is 00:15:46 He can do it on his own. Yeah, he has his own entity. What's the point? He he gained his freedom. That's what I like He's a free person now and And kids no longer believe in like the media like they'll they know that things are taken out of context like everybody So you guys you guys are afraid that like something like, you know, I mean, I'm gonna get a job like this and then one day Somebody's gonna go what somebody's gonna make a montage of some bullshit that we said and because they're not fans of ours They don't listen to them. What are some of the things that I've said that you can you recall and then just say it? I'm not gonna give him a free I want you to do it now. Just tell me some of the things that I could have said
Starting point is 00:16:21 Jungle Asians that's number one. That's a fact Asians that live in the jungle. Yeah, that's a fact. Go ahead. I can't get in trouble for that You call us mud people like what else you I'm a mud person too, but we're in the snow. We're snow mud Slush Go ahead. Slush Asians. Tell me another thing Um, that black people are oily. No, baby. Okay. Look Freddie Mercury story Freddie Mercury. I didn't that somebody told me that story and then the other and I didn't do that If I'm the one if I'm the one that was the dry land
Starting point is 00:16:51 Sucked a little boy in the butthole and then as I pulled my dick out his butthole came out with my penis And I told the fucking madame. Can I get another one? I broke this one Right, then of course, I don't deserve anything. Yeah, but I'm just telling you a story of what I heard. Yeah. Yeah the great Fine, right. So I've never said anything. Not neither did beauty pie, but he dressed up as hitler though That's a big punch But it wasn't if you actually in the context it if you don't if you don't believe in what he did then satire is dead That's the thing. You cannot take something to the streets. You don't wear it. You don't make a hitler For instance, like, okay, I know that you know, I'm one of them. I but I don't like Milo
Starting point is 00:17:33 Yiannopoulos. Is that how you say his last name? All right guy, right? Yeah Yeah, obviously like this guy is hateful. Obviously like all all the adjectives apply to him I don't particularly like him But I do I think that he ought to not be allowed to speak in a college? No, I think that was BS to fucking He said something about Raping or having me have sex with underage kids. He was molested as a 14 year old. That doesn't matter. You you don't and he didn't say It was okay. He just said look the reality is that 14 year olds do get with older people in some countries
Starting point is 00:18:07 And guess what he said he said that he should there should be a he should not be illegal Look my point is that's just the last thing that happened to him. What I'm talking about is More than that I'm not I'm not defending He's singing the song the Filipino song Like, you know, I dislike him deeply. I love him if he had just okay Put that in the montage motherfuckers Bobby and Milo But you know people always cry about like how dare people give him a platform like when he was on bill mar
Starting point is 00:18:39 How dare people give him a platform to like spew out this hate and stuff? And it's like look that exists everywhere you go if you can't live your life Knowing that that exists or hearing it and you can't possibly move on with your life I mean, there's something wrong. We don't have free speech It's we don't yeah, and that's my biggest fear about my listeners all know that I'm dumb And I don't when I say things I don't mean it ever Because I have no brain And I have my brain is mush
Starting point is 00:19:08 And so they know that And I don't feel like if I look back I haven't really said anything that was bad You know, I mean, I yeah, I talked about eating people legitimately. Yeah, but that's just hypothetical fun theories. You know, I mean, but I don't I don't know if there's anything out there that can blackmail me and if they and if they do And some network goes you're fired because of something you said five years ago. Then That's that And then what is that going to do? I'm not going to stop I'm not going to stop doing comedy. I'm not going to stop doing my podcast
Starting point is 00:19:40 just because you know You know a corporate Entity doesn't want to do business with me. That's fine I mean, I want to make money but You know, I'm not you want your freedom. I also don't want to play it that safe. It's like You I mean look at someone like I mean, don't get me wrong. He wants this
Starting point is 00:19:58 Ken Right, but you know, you you watch a show like Dr. Ken and that's what he wants to do. He wants to do a family show. He's a family man. He's got kids But that doesn't necessarily mean I want ever to do that. I don't ever want to do that You know, so it's like that's his Thing, but I'm not going to do that And there are people that think that I'm a vile disgusting person But most people believe that I'm a conduit for pure love
Starting point is 00:20:26 In joy, okay, and then I am a light No, don't do that because you're being sarcastic. No, I'm singing the song. All right. You're patronomal. You're patching on me But anyway, um If it worse comes to worse, we'll just go to that. No, it's a new planet. They discovered The trap is exoplanets. I meant to talk about this like two weeks ago when it was a big thing now Everyone's forgotten about it. What is it? Can we live? Oh those new planets? That's what they're called Exoplanets No, no, no because we had to guests, you know two weeks back to back so we couldn't talk about exoplanets, but
Starting point is 00:21:02 I really wanted to explain to us what those are Basically, you don't fucking know dude 40 about 42 light years away from here, which is basically Like not visible at all. There exists. It's 315. No, listen to how far it is This fucking bitch 15 trillion miles away. Oh 41 light years and you know between like it may not trillion You know, I mean miles though. We ain't going Yeah, but if you if we were going if kang and I were going Yeah, what would I mean a settlement if we could go let's say someone elon musk was like, holy shit
Starting point is 00:21:39 Here's a little space capsule. We're taking two podcasters. You guys are running And they were like, you know, we promise you that the air is breathable. The atmosphere is livable And we just don't know the types of animals that actually live there Would we go it? Well, if they didn't okay, we don't know could we come back though? Yes But there's always there's always no no we can't go back How about this you and I one-way ticket, but we know we're gonna live because there's oxygen, right? Do we know there's an oxygen? I don't want to implode when I land Well, that was a fucking stupid decision. I'm dead. All right
Starting point is 00:22:14 So you and I go but we don't know anything else. We don't know if there's water Hold on first question. We could take a third person. Do we take Gilbert or George or definitely Gilbert? You're gonna implode I'm the smartest you're not a part of my plans, bro Yeah, he's gonna your time. You're not survival man because if she dies, he's I'm fucking him. Yeah, and I'm gonna fuck you ever Okay, okay. I can get pregnant from the butt. Yeah Only in the exoplanet and only gay sex actually leads to reproduction. Yes, true But if we show up on this on this planet and we know there's oxygen there's probably water if there's oxygen, right?
Starting point is 00:22:52 Yes, for sure. Yeah, well don't some people don't know. No, right and there are hills Are there hills? Why after what? He goes there hills. I love to roll down hills I don't want it to be just water and flat If there's tectonic plate movement, there's gonna be water. Yeah. Yeah, good. So I need water I need hills and they're gonna be hills if there's plate movement pastures. Well, there'll be pastures. Just already just pastures Okay, this is good. We don't know what kind of animal, right? But then we'll have what I'll do is I'll go we'll go down to um Walmart There's a walmart in this no no no on earth. Oh, what are you getting first? We go to like
Starting point is 00:23:29 Like Arkansas we'll go to walmart. Yeah shotguns and guns and stuff, right? Three things only you can bring So that's bullshit. You can't just throw that in there space capsule We can only bring like a sack of potatoes and like a few other things to grow I would definitely bring the three things that you don't need then the smart only seeds. Okay. Uh you you name the first thing Um, obviously seeds. Bobby your first thing. Um one flipper Obviously for the puddles Yeah, yeah. Clala second thing. Um a very well sharpened machete smart. Okay. Bobby second thing a monocle Good good. Yeah, for my eye, you know, because he's the monopoly man. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So I hope three
Starting point is 00:24:10 Um Vibrant bottom hiking shoes Sure Beat it nerd. What the fuck is that? Bobby your third thing a jar with a moth in it Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hello. He walks, elon. You ready Bobby? Hello, sir. My flipper. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I would bring the three wrong things. I already know
Starting point is 00:24:35 But that's bullshit. We shouldn't you shouldn't put a cap on how many things bring whatever you want, right? I think we should be able to have shotguns and guns so that we can survive, right? Seeds so we can plant shit, right? and like some sort of like, um machetes and and things that we can build things with because if there's water we we can assume that there's wood right so we'll maybe we do need you yeah we'll have you chop some shit chop some shit we might have to Skype you what would you do you know how long that would take that transmission
Starting point is 00:25:08 billions of billions of years and we're dead yeah but um so yeah and but then we don't know what kind of animals yeah so what what type of animals do you what if there was just all naked women oh my god oh my god like an island of what I wouldn't cheat on me yeah I would wow you can scissor them all just fucking jerk off yeah the next one go my flippers happy I don't need them to scissors I scissors with you yeah you're my favorite lesbian you're my favorite lesbian where this is someone's gonna cut that out put her in a montage drop in there's gonna drop a lgbt comment but that would be exciting though I also
Starting point is 00:25:55 did these are these planets don't rotate so only one side of these planets get the sun so the other side is completely dark so day the whole day rotate on an axis yeah so you could but you'd have to probably live right at where you could cross over between light and dark so you would have to land very very specific yeah yeah yeah actually it's but it's pretty gradual so you'd have to walk like fucking yeah that's a good movie idea what you know a colony could they go to a you know I mean a planet that doesn't rotate so only sun on one side but they don't can't tell what's on the other side and they cross the thing and
Starting point is 00:26:35 it's like it gets crazy so what lives in the dark doesn't live in the line yeah yeah maybe it's like space vampires oh and they land on the wrong side of the planet where the now the whole movie they're trying to get to the other side of the planet where the light is write that down dude right it's like space aliens right that you know this this the colony ship whatever goes haywire yeah they crash under the dark part not knowing that right yeah stay dark right and then they realize that it's like some sort of like alien but they are like vampires and it's a whole movie they're just trying to get you know
Starting point is 00:27:14 and then they get to the light part and something worse happens there's Mexicans yeah what a good movie what a good M. Night Shyamalan Mexican Stan which pitchforks and shovels and stuff but um and um and also gonna say this and we don't talk about politics I don't like talking about what I'm gonna say much about it but is it me or no no is it mean or it's getting strange Trump it's just him Saturday morning just out of nowhere accusing Barack Obama why are tapping and then it's like the FBI is like what you know like Barack Obama needs the FBI to do that right right he's not gonna go to
Starting point is 00:28:10 Trump's tower himself that'd be great if he did but it's like it's it's crazy you have this leptis king in his ear Steve Bannon so yeah where do you think he's gonna get his information from from an alt-right article in bright Bart like Steve Bannon just hands it over to him and then he receives it is like oh this is news and you were saying we were watching you yesterday you had a video of that the lady talk about that her name is Megan Phelps Roper and she's actually the daughter of Shirley Phelps from the Westboro Baptist Church the we hate the gays they're the they're the people who basically they pick it
Starting point is 00:28:51 outside of like funerals of dead marines and soldiers that have nothing to do with hate the gay but they're like you're trying to protect a society that you know enables gayism you know so like some poor father whose son died for our country and these fucks are like you know picketing outside yeah you know base well she left the church in 2012 and she was actually a key member in the church and she did a TED talk yeah and she is a very bright girl she's married now too she's completely just left to marry the demon who's a demon a Jew but when you go ahead we putie pie guys a joke and that's
Starting point is 00:29:36 not you know I mean yeah Washington post watching the post calm down that was just a joke okay a joke text matters context matters yes there you go I don't know what context you can pull up and I'm calling it we hit on Mexicans already jungle we know we've gotten the whole gamut and I just want to say this and I hate when people go well I'm not raise it but I have my manager Abby yeah right he is extremely you know Jewish right and I love her okay she takes a chunk of my money with fine that's all managers right and one time just listen to me on her birthday I went to I got her a hat you know that we
Starting point is 00:30:16 didn't use the hat I got our hat like a what do you call it a like from the Kentucky Derby like it's like I went to a hat maker and I made her a specific hat for her specific head okay right so I made a hat to hide her I I made a hat to hide her horns oh yeah yeah your demon horns it's a joke another joke what's again another joke guys guys comedian Bobby Lee so anyways watch her Ted talk she makes very very valid points about not people like who are very you know either we when we're called like liberals who are out of touch or bigot bigots and racists or whatever and basically she draws parallels from
Starting point is 00:30:59 being in a church and just that otherness that she always felt it's the same otherness that we're feeling with this like identity politics it's either you're liberal or you're a bigot right and so there's not enough listening and not enough like of us trying to see where the other person stands and as long as we're always pointing fingers and as long as we're always uploading Facebook posts you know passively aggressively targeting the people who in our friends list who we know it's going to affect we'll never get to a place of actual where she is we'll never get it to a place of understanding you know babe I'm
Starting point is 00:31:32 just saying this that's what her Ted talks about so like listen to it it's good oh yo yo yeah she was she showed me this lady yeah I do believe that this lady did change and she seems like extremely like woke she really is she really is and her her speech was clear and she married she's in love with this you know she's married to this really cool and nice Jewish guy I don't know if he's Jewish actually why'd you say that last night then I thought because she lived with a Jewish family yeah she's not no yeah anyway I don't know why you just make shit up my point is this is that then she started going into that
Starting point is 00:32:14 political angle of it what what you just said and it's like I'm sorry but I don't agree I'm just done feeling angry because Nick Yusef try to this weekend try to do it my my opener Nick Yusef was saying you just got to be sympathetic of what their needs are and what they it's like what yeah here's the thing Bobby you can still resist and you can still believe all the things you can you can stand strongly for something but not go on the offensive all the time that's all I'm saying okay you can still like I might my all all the things that I believe are still there I still consider myself a feminist and in ways like I'm very
Starting point is 00:32:51 liberal but I'm not gonna fucking not sit with someone no I sit with them you know what I told fucking already told you when I was in Dallas and I went no what are you laughing I was in Dallas and I sat through the manager of the club voted for Trump and the owner of the restaurant and his family voted for Trump and I listened to them you know I mean and I ate their bacon and I left right yeah and I'm like wow that's fucking weird yeah but I don't see I don't understand where they're coming from you know why why because I know they're not willing to listen to your side it wasn't you in that situation that
Starting point is 00:33:29 was doing wrong they're not a they're not able to deal with you without going being offensive of not going in the offense you understand so you sitting down with them and listening to them you were doing something right but them not allowing you to either state your case or like make comments they didn't and then he goes yo so their approach is wrong and it can be it can go back and forth sometimes my approach is wrong because I think that you know I've had a very aggressive approach in the past and I just think that nothing is all that way pen give me a pen I'm gonna show you something okay anyways I'd like to change
Starting point is 00:34:02 I'm not changing shit okay I'm not changing shit yeah I know we're not we don't ever talk about it okay but okay so he said it's not boring this is a good diagram though all right so he said what as a celebrity it's okay to grab a woman's pussy this guy Trump are we really going that far well he didn't say that can I just tell you Bobby every single argument that you're gonna come up with we've our ears are bleeding our eyes are bleeding because that's all we read on social media I get it no I get it but what I'm saying to you is this shut the fuck up first you don't get to talk you don't talk to me because you
Starting point is 00:34:42 are me too is this is a respite from politics we're not gonna talk about this ever again dear dear we'll never talk about it again but I just say this the last thing okay it's is that with all the things that he has said and done right and the lies right and the deception what is there for me when I look at the picture there really isn't anything in there where I go ah I see I can now I can glom on to that one thing that positive thing and go I get it there's nothing and I'm not I'm not I really believe you know what he want I'm like you know what maybe he's doing a switch and bait you know me he he he
Starting point is 00:35:24 he catered to a certain group so we can get elected and then he's gonna be he's gonna reach his hand out and his liberal side because he was a Democrat for so long that he was gonna you know do something do something that it's gonna unite the country he did the opposite as far as I can tell right he's a fucking bad dude he's a fucking liar so what how am I I don't understand what you're trying to say to open your eyes and heart I'm not fucking these people I'm not saying to open your heart or eyes to him but this citizens who actually either voted him into office I'm just saying Bobby all this aggression and
Starting point is 00:36:01 all this like hostility it's I have no hostility I eat their bacon I went to the breakfast was that good it was really good he's a really good Texas be there really good you know what baby please don't do that to me right now what am I doing you go oh yeah all that stuff I thought in the beginning of this podcast you were apologizing to me and now I speak I did I'm sorry yeah go ask what was that thing you said 4 a.m. he did what he said he oh so don't okay so oh my god last night I couldn't sleep because I was so nervous yeah today so for I look I woke up and I looked at the window okay okay so before Clila moved
Starting point is 00:36:38 into my house okay there's a gigantic window a sliding glass door oh yeah yeah right so I took oh someone died so I took black tape blackboards and cardboard and I blocked out the light oh so you can never even open it it's just I don't want to open up that's where the outside is you know me when I'm sleeping I want pitch black not I don't want I don't want a beam of light yeah it irritates me okay it gets under my skin singes his skin it singes my vampire yeah well you know but anyway um but then Calila when I was on the road one night I'm not fighting with you I'm just stating a fact all right she goes well there's a
Starting point is 00:37:22 balcony there we should have more light I think it has to do with my you know my mood the darkness right so she tore all the fucking things you know down right and then now there's a little brown blanket you know I mean that's on there and there's all this light going through I can't sleep so what did you do so last night I was I woke up and I took tape and I'm trying to put the blanket back on the thing using like duct tape yeah blanket yeah I was watching him frantically hey snapchat it was like losing his mind it was four o'clock that the Sun wasn't out so he was because I was foreseeing I can feel the earth
Starting point is 00:38:06 rotating and as the Sun is coming within the next two hours felt it and I didn't want to meet it yeah okay he was also just very anxious so every movement that I made he turned the light off and like the light is off like he would just make these weird like and then I know he was on and then I'll open my head look at her and she's just staring into her phone like I don't even know what you're looking at I'm watching something on my iPad no there was one point we're just looking at a phone I don't know you're that's what people do on their phones is look at it usually all right what do you do for a phone not
Starting point is 00:38:35 look at it for like an hour just hold it and not look like this right that's even weirder and then my dog wants to sleep on my face what do you mean she prefers to his the warmth of his dirty head so if she literally where is it on my head like a hat you know and I had to goddamn it you know I mean I get fucking furious listen my listen it's the Leaf family is this man you know being a slept king right you need sleep it's a it's in the title if I don't get nine ten hours of deep sleep there's trouble on the way okay so tonight before I go to bed tonight I'm gonna take this black tape George with your name on the
Starting point is 00:39:21 side of it look at please return look at this is black tape on the sizes is please return to George Kimmel yeah cuz I bought that why do you label all the things you all that's gaffer tape it's worth like 20 bucks 20 bucks here's 40 I'm taking it we're gonna do for your next center day and I'm not accepting it you're taking it I'm taking all this tape though sweetie we do have all this tape for somebody who will easily throw 40 bucks at the gentleman across the way couldn't you just have invested in some blackout blinds when you moved in here if you hate the Sun so much I don't know how to do that you mean you just call
Starting point is 00:40:02 company and say hey I'm not calling nobody I'm not calling nobody but you should see what he actually uses to block the light what do I use toys toys like he buys toys he bought it was blank illustration boards boxes of his toys yeah three layers of blanket aluminum of like foil yeah you play fallout man you know how to build that see and that's the positivity I was looking for you all day that you know what you're right there right there right there right now that's gonna win with me okay okay that positivity and that gleaming smile right there and back no look at me right now I feel like I'm gay right now
Starting point is 00:40:36 look at me right now dude right now yeah okay all the time you have a soft smile come on what and it seeps into my shit okay and I love it keep doing that shit do you know you you have another thing coming what do I have coming but like put the fucking thing back on what son isn't gonna kill you Bobby we met George's parents last week oh you missed out so I couldn't make it where's parent where your parents I'm so glad you didn't bother it oh yeah they want to meet everybody I was really afraid so I couldn't make it next time next time you're in Chicago we can go up for a whole like weekend a whole weekend with
Starting point is 00:41:14 the ranch I'm pretty serious we can go canoeing it's like the biggest and oh I could possibly say right now no parents are listening I don't are they listening no they're not okay good first thing I'm doing something I really enjoyed but don't listen to it you guys are farming white gypsies out there doing some sort of fucking white magic or whatever and fine do what you do it's America but I'm not getting involved my friend just come for a relaxing weekend that's what happens how every horror movie just out no that sounds like get out yeah oh I saw you guys should watch it Jordan texted me Friday and in in
Starting point is 00:42:05 a rage did you see it why in a rage so because he wanted me to see it because him and I we love movies and I haven't seen it yet but I texted him I go and I read the reviews and and a lot of people have seen it and you know it's unbelievable here's what so I don't know if you know this but Jordan Peele was I worked with him on Matt TV for six years Jordan didn't have a car oh yeah so we would have to like it sometimes you'd he'd walk down Highland to get to this the studio and I'd have to pick him up you know in my car and we I love him he's like a brother to me he's so talented but him doing key and peel him writing
Starting point is 00:42:47 directing get out makes me feel so fucking lazy and sad for myself that I spent I spent 10,000 hours playing fucking destiny while he's like being proactive and make getting shit done and he's super talented I mean his you know I mean his ideas of things you know are very you know creative and wow like our fucking vampire move with the planet but my point is is that yes so I'm so fucking proud of him and then I ran into Josh Myers last night at Gelson's when I gain your eggs and Josh was talking about the movie how it's amazing and because Josh was also on that TV with us and yeah it's I'm just really
Starting point is 00:43:40 really and he's a nice guy too you know a lot of people you know when they when they make it you know I don't I don't get happy because I know that deep down inside they have black hearts you know but he has a white he's a nice he's a nice dude he's a soft one I love him I really do and he's like one of those guys that well one time I showed him I was on the internet and I showed him some Russian guy get his head bent beheaded I just out of nowhere I go check this out and he saw it and he didn't talk to me for a year for a year yeah because of the scar don't you guys will don't ever show me shit like that
Starting point is 00:44:15 again oh shit he's a soft one he's a good dude and he's life he's pure life and in fact I want to get him I think we can get him for the podcast awesome we get him soon okay put that down Jordan Peele and I thought that Delia did a good job last time you know and I also love Esther she's been texting me do my show I might do her show and listen this podcast right now I love it it's my life it is it's my life I go to the fucking I was in Houston and all these kids come up and then where's Kalayla you know where's Gilbert where's George has a pink dick you know nobody was asking that I swear to God people say it's
Starting point is 00:44:54 people say to me all the time face people yell it from the crowd George has a big take and then I have to explain to the people that don't know oh this producer yeah his dick is really pink he sends a picture I think it's had the opposite effect on me like Gilbert he goes out and like he gets recognized and he like it's it's kind of a cool thing for me like many sense videos of like tiger belly they love you guys I know they love you too what do you they really do okay and I know you told me you tried to pull me out of the house yes I tried to get her to go watch something's happened to me in the last year
Starting point is 00:45:28 that like I find myself to be unrecognizable from who I used to be and Gilbert last over the weekend was like Kalayla like put your come on let's go out and I don't know how to be outside anymore like I've become like a fucking recluse I turned it I turned her into me and I'm not this is serious no don't give yourself that much credit I'm not giving you any credit yeah you didn't sway me to become a recluse I know my anxiety because I haven't seen the Sun in three years well you saw it a couple days ago open the black hole yeah something is going on I think that I need but there is influence you know
Starting point is 00:46:05 there is a little influence yeah I mean the way I behave because if I don't sleep at 5 a.m. I'll never see you we won't have a relationship if I go about being the person that I used to be which was you know somebody who got up at a reasonable time in the morning let's say 9 a.m. and I go to bed let's say at 1 a.m. right if I do that and if I live by those hours we won't be in a relationship you need someone nocturnal like you and that's your sacrifice thank you and that's what you get to board the ship to me to the half-dark yeah I think what's happened is that I'm living sacrifice thank you I'm living this like a great
Starting point is 00:46:45 yard hours yeah I think it's caused me a lot of but you have to admit the rest and like anxiety and depression and I think that's the reason why I don't want to go out and be you safe tadpoles I do I go out and hike a lot but that's I don't want to be where people are like if you tell me to go hike run in Canyon I'd like nope because there are going to be people there I go to the fucking back hills over here and rescue tadpoles that's what I do you're cool yeah we have a 15 tadpole Bobby looks really excited about that no I he's actually pretty excited about it he's never seen frogs a morph because you
Starting point is 00:47:23 know they and I think that if you've never seen a morph it's worth you know kind of yo dude you know I've been watching Planet Earth part two you know and let me say something right now man I get I get invigorated by shit like that you know the birds paradise the way they clear they clear out you know the clear little clearing yeah right and you're right and to call the mate right and then like the mate the women will go on a stick to look down and the birds of prey will go check it out and they'll show their chest but it's like a it's a beautiful color yeah and then the bird girl the lady bird bird goes nah and
Starting point is 00:48:02 then she'll fly away but no but my point is is that they too you know I mean have to hit on chicks yeah you know me and do all that stuff and I did not know that and some of them have to work way harder like some birds have to make nests that are attractive to the female birds yeah so they make different types like each bird's gonna have different architectural style and they're going to adorn it with flowers and bright things to attract the mate and if the mate comes you're like no I don't like your house she'll go and find somebody else with like a bigger better house so gold diggers are also in the bird species I
Starting point is 00:48:39 guess and then you look you learn about sloths on the island they swim they swim to find their mate yeah so slow they can't even know they're pretty good swimmers but I thought I thought when I was watching it if like if like let's suppose like animal rape mm-hmm like was a thing there's probably six guys in the world that do that ducks rape no but at human beings oh if human beings like I like raping animals what do you mean you can't get away can't get away oh and I think that when I watch stuff like that why that's not a good frame of mind to be in I know I have other thoughts like oh look at the way they swing but then he
Starting point is 00:49:22 goes back to but I go back to like that animals I was yeah yeah because as soon as they hit the ground it's like 50 guys gang bang yeah yeah yeah I don't care I don't give a fuck about it and then also I just FYI I just saw the last if you if you haven't watched lost long-lost family I'm just telling you to watch it again the last one was really made me cry again they all make you cry Bobby all of them okay what are we doing now and helpful advice what do we do on time oh we're at 50 people are like we wanted longer why do people say that they want to do like a three-hour one but then there's gonna be people like
Starting point is 00:50:13 no please don't do a three-hour one oh but check it out dude so um here's good news when I did that thing with Bill Burr and Al magical you know we're with all things comedy and you played poker was that I saw the picture yeah with Bill Burr and out for a video that they're doing and I cheated and and I think Bill is mad at me how did you cheat I looked at his cars a couple times on camera yeah he has a four in a seven yeah and then I never seen anyone with that kind of reaction like he literally was like you're dead to me I think we should have him on the podcast oh we'll get him we'll get him but my point though
Starting point is 00:50:53 is is also they said that they're really happy with us on their channel so you know that's gratitude all things comedy and we're grateful to them too yeah it's a really good place to be and they have great people and tons of other good podcasts too so if you're running out of podcasts just listen to us just listen to us just re-listen to all of our great comments subscribe do all that stuff oh that's right okay we'll talk about that at the end yeah what is it I'm we'll do two unhelpful advice because I have one on my phone that was I have one that I got an hopeful vice with Bobby and Kalala or before you go I'm sorry can we
Starting point is 00:51:26 talk about the UFC after I was through this okay okay okay got that okay this is from Twitter from at bag of emotions how do I keep pushing through life when the universe constantly hands you setbacks are we too dependent on time how does one keep going jeez that's a broad broad no I got the specific thing right and I really mean this less is more less is more don't want it don't want good things minimalist take you know I mean live simply right dream big visualize you really have to visualize because I'm gonna tell this right now and ask anyone in this room ask anyone in the comedy industry who's the latest
Starting point is 00:52:17 one right here I haven't done anything I knew as a network division no that's not what I'm saying I'm just saying that I've been able to survive because I closed my eyes right no I'm being over the way no I know I'm doing it now right I close my eyes and I envision like you know being I don't know why but at the Academy Awards and then I go hey Daniel and he turns around and go hello Daniel oh Daniel Craig whatever either one hello it goes up and then like just being you know I may never get there but I think I will I think one day one time I'll be in a fluke thing but not you know and then they're gonna be like he got nominated
Starting point is 00:52:57 or something and then we show up it's gonna be a fluke but I visualize it and I really believe it and you can laugh all you want right now I know people are laughing like fuck you it's never gonna happen it may not but what I'm saying is is that I have these fantasies I really do I fantasize about things all the time and I believe it and I you know I just try to touch and feel the you know where I'm at but you also go to work what I mean you're the laziest person but you make as you're it's wrong to say just fantasize and wait for things to fall in your lap because you go out there you go to auditions you work hard even though
Starting point is 00:53:30 you are lazier than the bunch you still go and show up to work so show up to work that's what I'm saying yeah you can't just not do something yeah I know but still you don't have to like no but still it's like you do the minimal thing of showing up and then you dream big next question one more quick one more quick I have another one this is to both you guys from at Wormslide on Twitter I want to become a hipster and yet be attractive to a certain Korean chick how do I go about it is that even possible he wants to be a hipster want to become a hipster and yet be attractive you're either a hipster you're not what is that
Starting point is 00:54:07 no because there are a lot of fucking fake hipsters they run around just dying what do you do what do you define as well hipster starter kits I mean come on no he's not a hipster no he's not he doesn't dress he's a hippie intellectual redneck that's my new branding if I could vomit out of my asshole and I would pick up that vomit and I mean how was that tinder date I mean that's he didn't go on to this guy Wormslide yeah what do you think why would you need to turn yourself into something simply to attract the woman like if you can't be yourself and think you can pull her like you're you're
Starting point is 00:54:56 already on starting off on the wrong foot be yourself fuck fuck the labels don't need to be anything but yourself and try to get her that way more is less more it's less apparently I have a kind of a long one so Bobby you have to keep up with me okay let's paraphrase it because I didn't want to answer this question in a message and it was directed directly at me so I figured I'd kick the can of worms over to you guys okay so long story short that usually means the longest story ever my girlfriend broke up with me five days ago five days as she broke up with me she told me she cheated on me a couple
Starting point is 00:55:33 nights ago we live together and she paid the last month she offered that I can stay as long as I want I have nowhere else to go due to how expensive rent is in the area only option is to go back down south to my family it's really the last thing I want to do since I'm still staying although most of my friends told me to leave and not stay I've decided to stay anyways and find closure these past three days it seems we had a huge spark between us we planned for a kid in the future and she promised she'll have a baby in the future and that we will get married we had sex more times in the past few days and we did all last month
Starting point is 00:56:07 the sex and a love is like how it was two years ago when we first started dating we first are dating passionate and in love again we still but anyways here I want to stay here for the last month and have the time of our lives together and do a lot of things we missed out on I haven't told her I've forgiven her but I'm acting like I did and she's getting it anyways but here's the question mm-hmm she's she has been a hundred percent honest with me when I ask about the other guy she answered a lot of my questions about them and blah blah I'm extremely conflicted and not sure if I'm being fair to myself she's
Starting point is 00:56:42 still fucking she's she's fucking other dudes still and still but telling him about it we stop it I get that can I say what I want to say oh my god whipping boy no that's not it basically that's his dilemma he's like he wants to he's desperate okay go ahead this is what you do this is what I would do is you go okay you want to break up you cheated on me fine I'll stay here until I get my back on my feet I'll live through the pain suffer through it right but you know fuck her again and you close the door on her she's done with you you you are way more okay I mean you got to respect yourself man what the fuck are
Starting point is 00:57:25 you doing she she she crossed that line and fucking lied to you that lying in that way cheating right is the biggest sabotage okay like if you cheated on me you I'm just right or bright yeah yeah or you know you bitch Brendan so what I'm saying I love Brendan okay but my point is this okay is if you did you would see a side of me you've never seen before I wouldn't get violent but I would get even okay fucking believe it in yourself man leave her yeah she doesn't respect you back yeah but also you I understand what he's doing he's just so desperate to have a little bit left of her or with her so he
Starting point is 00:58:16 thinks that she's not changing her mind she's still fucking other dudes coming home and fucking she's basically her having her cake and eating it too and I'm not gonna lie I think that I have been that girl before and I'm gonna tell you right now that I didn't have I there was I didn't have respect for guys like you I've done a lot of bad shit in my past and I've I've come home to a person and told them yeah I've slept with other people and he still wanted to have me in his life because I don't know and I I didn't have respect for him really that's the perfect answer he was like a doormat you know and I just kept him for like
Starting point is 00:58:54 convenience or like just yeah and I feel really fucked up even talking about it it's not a good but thank God that person was Kobe Bryant yeah that person is still and yeah that person is still one of my best friends now but he'll be the first to tell you like get the fuck out yeah you know we should have him on the show but yeah like he he was you and he hated me ended up hating me for a long time before we patched things up and became good friends you have seen in it oh yeah you see 209 MMA minute sweetie MMA minute if you guys don't like MMA check out of this for a couple seconds come back for the end for pink dick
Starting point is 00:59:35 announcements UFC 209 Tyron Woodley for Stephen Thompson wonderful fight very active not boring worth the 60 bucks Bobby my take is this is that Stephen Thompson I after two or three rounds I didn't want you to win because you were playing it so safe you just wanted to get points so and then when I was rooting for you but when Tyron Woodley in the fifth round got you on the ground and knew that at that point it was so close that that was going to be the thing that's gonna sway and I was happy for it for Tyron because what you did was bullshit and also Tyrone should get fucking penalized you should have went
Starting point is 01:00:22 for it yeah that was fucking Khabib how am I gonna go about Khabib fuck you very professional good job your your the reason why I wanted to watch that thing in the first place yeah you against Tony Ferguson and you bail out the day before cuz you got sick or whatever when you get a different trainer or whatever and a nutritionist and get your shit down to because let me tell you this okay the Dana White's pissed I'm pissed the world's pissed erase that no yeah yeah I'm sorry I don't care to ever be his friend in my entire life I'm not fucking beholden to the UFC I can say whatever the fuck I
Starting point is 01:01:02 want okay you know I swear to God you're gonna regret what you said you can be friends with him no you're gonna regret what you said why you think that I want to be front seat at the UFC no I can still be about to offer us tickets next week stop you guys yeah but yeah and then um you know that's that mark hunt satisfied yeah that's what I'm saying like you know I just don't like the whole mark hunt situation with a whole lawsuit and then Dana White high-fiving what's his name Ari Ari right after like mark hunt takes a fucking gets knocked out and it's just like dude you could have been a little bit more subtle about your
Starting point is 01:01:37 excitement there because the guy has given basically the best years of his life to this sport and you owe him a little bit of respect you know and I don't think mark hunt is suing the UFC because you know he has this multi-fight deal and he's had to fight guys who've been roided and you know these exceptions are given to guys like Brock Lesnar where they don't have to test four months before they don't have to pay fines and they don't have to pay the fines for the road for for coming in for pissing hot basically and sure enough you know Brock Lesnar failed two drug tests after he fucking beat mark hunt so
Starting point is 01:02:10 it's like yeah it is unfair it is unfair for a guy that big especially heavyweights to come in that roided it's fucking dangerous you know and I'm on mark hunt side because I think that he's the realist and I he I'm one of his biggest fans ever and but congrats are you good job oh like I love all else they're over him and that's another bullshit thing is like both those guys should have been the Colmaine yeah I don't understand great Colmaine no it was a great Colmaine with Vanada Vanada and Tamar Tamer yeah it was good any shows for Bobby we don't know anymore we don't know anymore we do we do go to
Starting point is 01:02:50 Bobby Lee live dot go to Bobby Lee low go Bobby Lola Copacola don't go to that site yeah and then cloud you know when love comes back on March 10th March 10th guys Netflix get that stream on see your captain Bobby Lee the slap can the slap Kang Kang Kang Kang George I'll wait first we'll look at the camera George the people know you you're here he looks like this oh where's the car you close the door really quick because there's a lot of a ambiance noise guys we're gonna do our end of the podcast house cleanup talk about things talk with you guys all right we have a live show coming up soon we don't have a specific where will it
Starting point is 01:03:32 take place in terms of this city the greater Los Angeles area yes guys probably up in Burbank maybe not sure yet yeah we'll see but yeah look out for that probably in a month or so I might announce it in a month away every podcast for the next two or three add to that I've been buffing to a lot of you guys in the LA area and so if I see you in LA you can come to the live show because I think that's cool that you guys support the podcast and love Bobby Cloud a bunch yeah and I think we'll have more a lot more space than we did the last time we'll probably still have to vet them a little bit and don't be
Starting point is 01:04:12 crazy please like oh also if we do the same thing as last time where you know we have people like write in their emails or whatever just a couple tips okay never mind no no no tip I know you know what right right right what you want well we'll figure it out we'll figure out the rules for you know what you're right what you want it actually tells it tells us a lot it tells a lot if you're writing me eight pages you're definitely not getting invited that's for sure George like thank you but thank you so much yeah I'm a person who really respects brevity and I love nice short emails yeah George is like damn it that's why she
Starting point is 01:04:53 hasn't been reading my George like sure I just haven't gotten a response like dissertation I just send five in a row never I don't think in the history tuna I ate it wow get him a pizza from brothers what do you want I'll order you something Bobby's decided what to eat but he's doesn't know what to say I stole his food apparently I'm sorry sweetie yeah I know it's only if you had something where you can order food and make it at your house jeez I think don't say it cuz it's not we're not supposed to talk about that but you guys know I'm talking about slash belly slash belly they didn't pay for this month this week
Starting point is 01:05:30 oh yeah um but yeah so we're talking about yes the live show yeah and then another thing in the LA area I'm thinking of just doing a what is it a fan meetup what are we calling it okay so it is a meetup with George and me we're talking about it but Bobby Clialo will not be there so I'll be hold on unless you want it I didn't know about this well we didn't want to show up just a random thing I think if for anybody who can't like it since we have limited space for the live show just a meetup of all the fans because we do have a good community here so what are you guys gonna do at the meetup I just learned
Starting point is 01:06:01 this before the podcast so continue George we'll we'll discover that maybe we'll have discussions on Reddit or somewhere else let's chat on social medias guys and let me know what you what you want to do I was thinking just a barbecue in Elysian Park and everybody who listens to the show that's in the area can show up yeah send a one-minute video submission on YouTube to George Kimmel if I have to fucking do self-taste for auditions you guys don't show up don't even come it better be good anything else I to interviews guys we are very close to a thousand but let's get up to a thousand please where there's
Starting point is 01:06:43 so many others like podcasts that look you guys like this podcast if you're listening let's beat out some other podcasts on the iTunes charts I think we can do it I think that we have a very very our numbers are really good yeah but because of the iTunes algorithm of needing reviews to bump you up in the charts that's where we we fall short because yeah we need to to that's where we need improvement I think yeah so I'm really just happy with our numbers always going up every week yeah I'm content with that but if you haven't already kindly leave us a review unless you're not feeling charitable we
Starting point is 01:07:28 don't want anything less than four stars I think or we just say five if you're gonna go just just toss the five stars if you want to still listening you're probably gonna give us five stars if you don't like it just walk away don't even give it a one-star don't even just walk away don't do drugs walk away anything else George on your own that's it for me okay cool Clala anything you would like to announce I'm not pregnant not pregnant but she is although I am a new frog mom she is recently I rescued about 80 tadpoles over in a mud puddle yes this past weekend and I I relocated them to a
Starting point is 01:08:11 running creek next door but I did keep three for myself because I want Bobby to see the metamorphosis basically I want to see that too that's cool when they it's really cute when they start they still have the tail but then they grow their little legs my only dilemma is that I'm gonna end up having to buy a large terrarium to house three giant toes what happens to the other tadpoles you just move those back to the creek yeah I just 15 right no no no now I had I just have like two or three oh you just okay I thought you had 15 yeah no I had over like I had over 80 yeah but I just moved them over to the creek and yeah
Starting point is 01:08:48 that's my only new life announcement if anyone that's your huge Clala's a big announcement found three tadpoles we're gonna watch them metamorphosis I'm gonna do better well this weekend I'm going lobster diving that's cool because it doesn't involve people so that's basically the only thing you're gonna get you guys are gonna get me to do I don't want to go to the movies of any of that you're gonna go to the movies during the day at a matinee oh hell no I'm already sweating where there's old people you have to talk to them no which is give me some give me I'll go dive I'll go spearfishing if we get a boba tea at 2
Starting point is 01:09:24 p.m. where there's other Asians you can interact yeah maybe I need to get back out in the world you guys I'm gonna try better I'm gonna I'm gonna live my life again there it is guys if you want if you're listening on YouTube make sure you comment and give us suggestions for what Calala should do to live her life again once again the question is what's your Calala do to live her life again oh wait that's a good thing tell me what I should do and I'll do it it has to be within California because I'm not willing to fucking go to Alaska and like fish for halibut I'm not ready but I'm saying if you want me to vlog doing
Starting point is 01:09:59 something like silly not not doing anything also skip all the sexual jokes haha yeah pass but if you want to help me through my my my social anxiety and my unwillingness to be out in the public offer up your suggestions and I might vlog myself you know doing it to try to get out there more we just gonna do it for you not for me couple people just already commented they want you to do a live improv show in front of an audience of 80 people 80 at UCB 80 can I do like I just said open Mike oh they want you to do solo solo improv show by yourself improv show yeah I could do it and they say also try not to fucking sweat during
Starting point is 01:10:40 it oh god impossibility sweat stash all the way George wins your open Mike show again just go see you I'm at the tribal cafe third Wednesdays of the month yeah super excited about my material so that's you can hear the voice you're fine you're gonna blow up one day you could all right guys I'm envisioning it I am where can we send packages again to be having 1626 North Wilcox Avenue number 161 Hollywood California 9 0 0 6 8 no that's mine shoot oh no no no no that's also wrong to wait to wait I just do figure out the zip code fuck you toss it all in Google and then you can figure it out yes all of you have something
Starting point is 01:11:27 behind him he can check it a lot of you have sent packages we were a little behind on opening them but we do have all the packages now you guys have sent the past three months we will open those on camera possibly in a vlog you heard it vlogs are coming back y'all okay cuz cloud is gonna live her life and then we're going to open these packages and thank you guys for all the lovely gifts so make sure you follow us on Instagram because honestly if you follow us on Instagram and Twitter that's you get the latest news which is at tiger belly on Instagram and at that tiger belly on Twitter email us any questions you may
Starting point is 01:11:59 have or concerns at the tiger belly at gmail.com or also check out our website at the tiger belly dot com is it cool I forgot what it was I never go on it anything else oh follow Klyla on all social media at calamity K it's a really good stuff guys check out our snapchat too it's super funny blue it George your stuff now I'm good super secret announcement on reddit official launch coming in a week or two I don't know you're talking about I know I don't either I love how George makes I don't even know half decisions I learned all this stuff on our weekly meeting we learn all these things when you guys
Starting point is 01:12:40 learn yeah I'm like oh you saw shirts can I get one we're sold out yeah well Bryce is there now so oh okay good good good things good things all right guys thank you for tuning in we will see you next time hey Prime members you can listen to tiger belly ad free on Amazon music download the Amazon music app today or you can listen ad free with Wondry plus in Apple podcast before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at Wondry comm slash survey

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