TigerBelly - Episode 82: Fahim Anwar and the Toefingers

Episode Date: March 15, 2017

Fahim is the king of Rite Aid. We talk pipe dreams, fleeting moments of stardom, and the beloved Lance (who belongs to the world.) Watch Fahim's special now on SeesoSee Privacy Policy at http...s://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today You can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today Welcome to another episode of the Tiger Belly. I'm your Slep King the captain admiral Emperor Mr. Lee captain whatever you want to call me but I'm the top and the bottom all right and just everywhere in between I'll tell you that right now we got Kalilah my girlfriend my shitmate I love her we got flat-faced gook what's up what's up what's up after that don't talk yet I have not introduced you you're already fucking it up all right number one you fucked with my fucking mics all
Starting point is 00:01:47 right I love you but let me just do a proper intro all right all right okay I gotta start over now man no no no no Tiger Belly and I'm very very excited today because we we don't have a lot of guests lately we'd be getting some but in general we don't get a lot and this is our first Indian in this climate just because I want you to be safe well I don't think that's even better Indian like why not just go like Eskimo all right well let's just do that then start over we he's gonna ask him in this climate Trump said there's too many Indians in America so technically all right so he's our
Starting point is 00:02:43 first afghan guest give him a round of applause everybody that's what I don't like about this guy because I'm gonna I'm gonna give you a lot of props okay yeah but but I'm gonna I'm gonna push you down first yeah I get it and then I'm gonna build it back up that's what we do like the Marines okay um years ago I think my seventh year on mad TV maybe my sixth or seventh year I met Faheem Anwar and I wrote a sketch in this house this is when I first moved into this place I wrote a sketch you know I used to do those sketches 24 with Bobby Lee so Dave Navarro wanted to do it you knew Dave Navarro stop everyone because of MTV thank
Starting point is 00:03:37 you but what band was in what but no be real what band was Dave Navarro in I just know what he looks like he has nails a car he was in a band called you know for him I didn't I'd escape in me right now are you being real does he wear fishnets on his arms all the time he was the guitarist of Jane's addiction yes Jane's addiction alright so already it's weird this podcast but um anyway so I wrote the sketch with Navarro and I wanted to do a scene where I'm giving a tour of the house and I open up that closet and Faheem sitting there in the turban with no shirt on cooking something you know I mean no no you said
Starting point is 00:04:21 sharpening a sword oh so sharpening a sword whatever I forgot what it was and then he said no did you smell that did the doctors take a shit look look we just have to take a shit in here where do you smell it I told you just take a shit in here what if he took the shit yeah did you take it I'm sorry we're not gonna stop we're gonna have the shit in here do you smell it do you smell it I don't smell it I'm coming off a cold oh yeah yeah well that's fine that's fine is it me I just farted yeah oh maybe it's this is my mind anyway let's keep going anyway this is how it goes yeah yeah and he said no do you know why you
Starting point is 00:05:15 said no because he doesn't want to play an after you like anything Middle Eastern I get that and if you watch his set he doesn't I mean in the beginning also there's years or you don't even really bring it up and now you do kind of a little bit I've always used it as a dash or like seasoning or it's not the crux of my thing yeah I don't dance around it but it's not kind of a central thing yeah I don't think that way really you're an American yeah that makes that also what do you want him to do just like do a dad fan accent for like the whole set no but to his credit like anybody in my position would have chopped at the bit
Starting point is 00:05:48 to do that yeah but I respected him I respected him at Sandy Danto did it he got naked he just went in the fucking thing and he was in that closet yeah yeah and Sandy did it but that's when I went oh my god I respect this guy you know and then and then you watched him perform to stand up over the years he got better and better and here's how I know I could he used to open for me right yeah you did a bunch of dates you're great like younger comics you know like featuring for you please don't do that no I was please don't all right what's it like going on the road say it again no because a lot of guys don't have to do
Starting point is 00:06:25 what Bobby does but Bobby makes an effort to take younger comics on the road and he'll fly them out and because it's hard to do and you know pay for the meals and everything and you get great stage time doing the middle of the country and other just like cool venues that you wouldn't do on your own yeah and yeah so yeah that's not always the case with like other comics who like how do other comic street like they're there like you'll take us to eat sometimes and you'll kind of tell us how it is and he's a mentor figure to a lot of comics yeah yeah yeah and we appreciate it and I get
Starting point is 00:06:58 disrespected here and I just want that to be known right that that's sometimes my vibe sometimes my vibe is I'm a giver and I give my heart and my soul all right but sometimes your vibe everyone in this fucking room not side from you all right you disrespect and you look down and you don't give me credit okay so that's that so anyway so I was at set I was at the San Jose not San Jose I was at the San Antonio right laugh out loud with you yeah it's like an airport hanger yeah yeah yeah yeah the club looks like a club like airport hangers like they parked jets in the daytime yeah yeah it's like gigantic and vacumus like
Starting point is 00:07:42 shy ceiling it's a very difficult room to play if it's not packed and for him was on stage in a couple of local comics were leaning against the wall and they go you gotta follow that I go what do you mean I mean he's so good and then it got in my head and I went holy fuck I fucked up so then I went up I did okay I didn't do the best I could and then I realized that it just that's it I could no longer bring him on the road it was like here's the two people that I felt that with for him and war and Adam Ray oh yeah oh yeah well one was Adam Ray there was a year a couple years before like maybe a year before you I said oh
Starting point is 00:08:27 yeah cuz Adam's a funny guy he's a very funny guy you guys are from the same area to Seattle yeah Seattle boys yeah good music too and um but Fihim has grown you have a special out yeah what's it called there's no business like show business on CISO CISO what why do you say it that way on CISO no I don't say like that way say it again then it's a yeah I'm gonna ask you again I'm gonna ask you again I was more confident we'll punch this and we'll edit out no we're not gonna edit out no yeah but more confidence okay pretend to do a special out mm-hmm it's called there's no business like show business on CISO
Starting point is 00:09:02 I like that it's different it's different and it's better yeah I punched it up yeah and you get a free month free free month free with my last name and or or that's the promo code and what is CISO CISO's NBC Universal's digital platform sort of like they're trying to do Netflix but with comedy mmm specifically comedy they have like Doug Stanhope has his on there joy Diaz has his special on there Rory Scoville um Jeanine Graffalo has his on there so they're starting to do more of specials and but is CISO I do they edit your shit I mean do they give you large notes no it's great I what's funny is I literally haven't talked to
Starting point is 00:09:43 anybody from CISO throughout the whole process yeah which is odd I would have thought that I would have had a meeting or it but I haven't talked to anyone comedy dynamics produced it yeah they do a bunch they'll do specials for Netflix like they develop bill Burrs Chelsea Peretti's right and CISO just happens to be the outlet for I have the ride it it's the sunset and what if it's just in writing I put it next to the rocky road I call it a billboard that's your right that's my right it right you didn't see me oh yeah that's you no cuz it cycles every 12 seconds so maybe you saw like
Starting point is 00:10:35 righted coupons oh did you wait there and just like oh yeah of course I got my picture taken we had we had a time it we're in the middle of the street we only had 12 seconds to get that photo before yeah we had a time with the crosswalk yeah and with the picture rotating yeah but we got I've only been on one billboard which one for animal practice that's pretty cool though yeah but still it's like in 20 years in the game you get one like and I'm on it with like six other people and I'm also in the back you know so it was just like but I remember my brother and I we drove around LA took photos it was weird
Starting point is 00:11:14 yeah it's like the first time I like kind of felt like maybe I was people recognizing me you know so I went to that mall in West Covina to get the same kind of thing oh yeah yeah yeah me and all the mad TV guys would go because it was a lot of Mexicans at West Covina so we would hang out at the whatever the food court you know by the end and then like Latino dudes would be like what's so bro you're funny bro we like hey man thank you I mean and it's just like that's how we survived you know Mexicans love do Mexicans are the first people to ever recognize before they don't have Asians no I mean just in
Starting point is 00:11:51 general like even if you're a white comic I think that Mexicans especially in Southern California they just don't have they're they're good at you know going bro yeah you're good you know I mean there's no filter about yeah and you're like oh yeah that's what I'm saying yeah it's almost just a reflex they can't help you know bro like it's out of their mouth before they even know it right a fucking right you know you the right a guy yeah but that's why I love him you know so I just props to Mexicans in general the culture is when I did comedy in the 90s that was the that was the only rooms I could really play in
Starting point is 00:12:34 terms of like you know large audiences and being embraced by people was first Hispanics like they brought me in like I that's why when I I would open up for Mencia and I would open up for you know just be around you know like what's his name Marino Rudy Romero what's his name that's the name Marino Rudy Marino would have his shows you'd do shows with Jeff Garcia and Gabriel Iglesias and all those guys and that's how I started really you know so props to Mexicans shout out to Mexicans they really embrace their performers they do like yeah like JLo Mark Anthony yeah they really just latch on and support their own yeah
Starting point is 00:13:17 sometimes they kill them too I had an idea of doing a podcast where you interview just despicable people throughout history we have the woman who shot Selena like what made you decide that gun why Selena the guy that shot John Linda was his name yeah what was his name but he like went to get an autograph you know I mean and disappeared and then came back you know I mean yeah yeah but only ten minutes yeah just ten minutes because that's all you want for the improv you don't want an hour podcast you get the jizz you have to do a small talk yeah shoes do you wear it's gonna be great distilled yeah
Starting point is 00:14:00 yeah who shot Selena talk yeah is she she's not that she's not she's not remember we went through this already she's still in prison I think I don't remember shit babe when and when did we go through it you remember a couple podcasts ago we did yeah all right my bad my bad to the fans listening yeah sometimes I don't remember shit okay here's another thing about for him I want to talk about I don't know I also I am out if you if you don't like the directional okay no but look at me yeah we're friends right yeah so I will go to directions I don't know if you're comfortable about it right and then we'll I'll sway back into the you
Starting point is 00:14:39 know I mean the warmth of the on the beach okay okay okay but let's go in the cold water for a second okay okay um so you were a engineer correct yeah oh at Boeing Boeing yeah and you were making how much entry level like 60 61 I was 22 I think right out of college you got a job with Boeing yeah and your parents were what happy no I mean I mean happy that I got a degree and that I got a job but not that I was on this quest to do comedy no but they were happy that you got a Boeing job yeah the comedy that we're not happy about yeah but like ideally I would be a doctor or a dentist or something like your brother yeah my
Starting point is 00:15:20 brother's yeah older older younger older I know his brother his brother is so fucking nice yeah he's great yeah I mean every family member I met from Paheem so fucking you haven't met my cousins and stuff yeah yeah what yeah for some reason I was like did you meet my parents yet no I've never met and so what age did you decide to say fuck it I'm gonna give comedy a whirl well I started very young I was 18 when I started so doing Mike's yeah Mike's and doing all that and I knew this is what I wanted to do but I had to go to college my parents gonna pay for it so I was gonna go to four years to college and yeah engineering
Starting point is 00:15:59 was the lowest degree I could get and have him still pay for it yeah because at first I wanted to get a theater degree yeah just because you're naive you're young you think you need that degree to do what we're doing right and you don't need it you don't need anything thank thank God I have no degree yeah so my my I don't know anything my dad forget things about yeah yeah my dad is like yeah I'm not gonna pay for a theater degree and then I was like what am I directing what about English major and there's no no no no no and then mechanical engineering is where we settled and then it's also not an easy
Starting point is 00:16:30 degree no engineering is just not easy at all tell me about the day well you told your parents that you were no longer gonna be an engineer and you're gonna go straight into comedy were you already living here I was already living in Long Beach working at Boeing oh yeah yeah so I was working there for about three and a half years and they knew that this was always the plan cuz I had said so when I was just like living it out I guess they never thought that I would see it too fruition or that there would be a point in time where I actually had to make that leap from going you know your parents are like our stout
Starting point is 00:17:04 and practicing Muslim I mean not hard-liner it my mom I'm not they're not hard-liners all right I know but they're on the cell I know but I'm just saying they're like I mean any immigrant family or parents are gonna want the best yeah their kids so yeah to tell them that I I got to the point where I had to leave I was doing that MTV disaster date show which was filming for three and a half oh I remember that yeah yeah and I didn't want to quit but they wouldn't let me take the time off I wanted that safety net of coming back to work after it was done filming yeah but they're like yeah you can't take
Starting point is 00:17:42 that much time off and so I had to quit and then I told my and actually it wasn't I thought it would go over much worse than it did but I think we had kind of like fought for a bit over like it had been going on for so long they had to know this was on its way like yeah and plus your proximity to LA yeah and I'm not living in their house and one one one point of pride that I have is that I've never had to ask them for money since I left I've always been self-sufficient and I like if I had to hit them up for money and everything and I was like I'm leaving comedy or I'm leaving engineering to do comedy then
Starting point is 00:18:18 they could hold that off my head mmm be like oh it's not panning out you're asking for money mm-hmm but I've yeah I've never asked for a dime oh so how older you when you finally said fuck it I'm just gonna 25 or 26 yeah but here's my problem though and I've always you know I've always wanted to sit down with you especially your dad uh-huh and look at him because I know that he still is arm he's not on the other day I was talking to my mom and my mom was like your dad you know I was worried about you yeah I'm on right he's still worried about me yeah but I want to sit down with them and look at him and go yeah I mean
Starting point is 00:18:55 sure you know you could have a son that's a doctor or a lawyer whatever it might be that you want him to be but he actually has a talent right I think I don't think you can ignore that I just want to tell your dad that your son is really like gifted you know I mean and here's a guy look I mean listen look at your life okay you're a guy I mean you did a special your first one right on seesaw what are you doing what the fuck are you doing his hand hovered over his dick yeah but you see the white guy go yeah don't ever do that again dude I'm your freaking everyone out right now that'd be great if you just had your
Starting point is 00:19:41 producer dressed up as a ninja yeah yeah yeah I would just say hey I'm gonna do this that was like what the fuck are you doing you could have been a cell and like I don't know man I love that you're still trying to hold your thought while you're watching it go down and then eventually you have to break you just stop the fucking thing bro sorry George all right I love you sorry I love you look at me right now I love you but don't fucking do that again anyway what would you say tell my dad I'm a talent and and I just I just it upsets me because I know my parents were like that too how old are you when you stop
Starting point is 00:20:26 asking money from your parents well as soon as I booked a commercial how old are you then 20 829 you know but from 18 to 29 they would send me money every month and every month it was a fight I mean I'm like where we would cry come on you know no no more you're gonna go to college right come on I'm gonna make it no no more right and every month was like that to the point where you were afraid to call but then if you didn't call and then I would go to like Isaac Mencia and go hey and he would give it to me but I you can only tap that two or three times and then I would go to my manager you pay for my phone bill or
Starting point is 00:21:20 whatever it might be and Abby would do it but it was always like a fight or something I hate asking yeah right but you know you didn't ask you know which is probably you don't seem like an ask her at all I also had the day job of engineering so yeah yeah I was so responsible and put together yeah and so and that's what I always wished my parents would know was that like trust I'm not a crazy guy mm-hmm I've been pretty premeditated about getting an engineering degree don't you think that I'll put enough thought into this other thing as well yeah but let me ask you this has your dad seen your special I
Starting point is 00:21:55 don't know my mom I know she's seen it she likes it I don't know if my dad seen it yet did your mom come down for no they weren't there for the taping oh my god I've got weird bet like they can for the next one but for the first one because there was so much strife and it's like this whole weird that it would be too weird because they haven't seen me for so long to be there in the special yeah it's such an important show I wouldn't want to like I don't know how I would be yeah I just wanted to do what I'm used to yeah second one sure who cares I got it out of the way but it's just it just it just it just bumps me out that your
Starting point is 00:22:26 dad's not on board I think he will be he fucking better he will be once I have nice things yeah but that's then at that point it's like fuck you I mean I took your dad right just saying like even there is a little bit of like a fuck you to your parents when you actually kind of go oh alright I'm kind of doing it now you know because of all the like you know questioning yeah it would be it would be nice to have a little validation yeah if I get to that point to be like you didn't have to worry everything's okay yeah all that was for not trust me yeah for me I think Leno when I did Leno was the night where they
Starting point is 00:23:06 kind of backed off because it's like now they can see holy shit like he's on it with Christina Ricci I think and Cheryl Crowe was the musician which you know Cheryl Crowe and Stevie Nicks did a duet or whatever so my parents you know they're kind of aware of pop culture I'm sure they watched this tonight show to see their son in this magic box yeah it wasn't a reality that's got to make it very real for them yeah and also didn't you do Conan I did Conan yeah they saw on TV I'm sure but you don't know they saw it I think they did yeah but you didn't hear anything my mom has seen everything my mom has seen everything I've
Starting point is 00:23:44 ever done your mom feel like lurch on the internet and just see every post I've ever done right right right the question is if it's filters through to my dad yeah if he sees it I know I know you know that whenever I see him like we do love each other but this is just one yeah okay when you see him he doesn't give you shit a little bit not not too much yeah yeah maybe it's less and less now but I remember I went on vacation with my parents they went to Europe and they're like you want to come to Europe with us and I had nothing going on at the time so sure so I went to Europe with them it was great we went like Paris I think I
Starting point is 00:24:19 remember that yeah everywhere it was great and then we had to go to Europe for one day before we flew back to you know LA and Seattle for them so we're in the hotel and and I'm just I'm staying in their room cuz you know the pink for everything and then that's when my dad uses it as an opportunity to like kind of like give me a life lesson yeah and I'm like oh this is a trick though all expense trick like when a guy takes a girl out to Europe and then she realizes she has to sleep with him and I'm like oh here it is nothing's free yeah so he gave me that talk and what is the talk consists of like what is what is his
Starting point is 00:24:59 point you've been you know running around willy-nilly like I think he thinks that I've been putting my real life on hold all this stuff that I've been doing hasn't been working towards something it's just me getting sidetracked to what I should be doing does he see this as more as like a hobby a hobby or a pipe drink yeah yeah cuz you know immigrant parents can't this isn't a real fantasy world yeah so I get it but I do see that there are steps and there are things you do and there is a ladder to climb yeah and it's hard to explain that to them or I've given up on doing that and I'm just I think they're
Starting point is 00:25:37 starting to see it with with more and more success like when I did the whiskey tango foxtrot movie I took my mom to the premiere in New York amazing and I think that was a huge shift in her thinking because she's on the red carpet with Tina Fey getting pictures with Marco Robbie and Billy Bob Fortin oh that's amazing yeah she loved it and they're treating you so well because you know you're I mean when you're in a movie they treat you nice for the premiere and you're back to being poor that's what I hate about like in this profession we get windows of being superstars no but you're not really like I live in a
Starting point is 00:26:12 studio apartment in Koreatown look at the look at the years of work I put in in this piece of shit place I live in you know I mean but yeah it's like I live in the studio apartment in Koreatown and then they're putting me up in the like the Mondrian Hotel next to Columbus Circle and like you're having to tip all these people and like I'm not a rich guy I'm staying at it like I realized whoever yeah whoever touches your bag wants money so I'm like don't tuck my back and they assume while he's you know staying here yes probably in the movie in the production he's a millionaire so yeah and then when you give them
Starting point is 00:26:46 five they're pissed yeah yeah give you a look so it sucks when they put you up in a really a ritzy place because you're expected to tip like a ritzy person yeah and then you're in the hole like you're not even going to losing money yeah going bankrupt because what people don't we also realize is that you don't make a lot yeah in a movie you know unless you're like the first six leads maybe right but it's like in every movie I've been in I have a scene maybe two yeah and then you go home right so you get what a couple of grand right a flight out there and sometimes when you're on set or we were in New Mexico shooting yeah so
Starting point is 00:27:25 they would go out and eat and stuff and this is like Tina Fey and them eating and okay and then you would go yeah you gotta go yeah and then how would so these at dinners are I would never buy these if I see more than two dollar signs on yelp you don't go I'm out I'm out yeah but I would like being a four dollar sign life would they pay for it uh sometimes alpha Molina he's so he's so nice yeah yeah I think too is just you get a hang out with people you'll be right yeah it's not a mind fuck it's it is a little bit for me like no because it also you realize though that you listen to their fears you listen to their
Starting point is 00:28:06 like little quirks and stuff like that you go oh I do that you know I mean yeah like everyone's human yeah even when I was hanging out with you early on are getting to know you just some of the stuff that like oh man you'd worry about your sets and you'd crush yeah this never ends yeah yeah never this self-doubt and this hunger for more in your career I'm like because in my eyes I'm like oh Bobby has everything I don't have anything but here's another thing I want to say about you have you ever seen his fingers please can you just give me an honest assessment of what you see for him especially the thumbs of thumbs yeah
Starting point is 00:28:42 they're mutant thumbs I people make fun of me Jordan Peele makes fun of me of on I burn holes they wouldn't they look like to you Wolverine toes well that's fucking you could have held back on that one he just called you talented yeah I have fucked up fingers man and what are you gonna do sometimes when like if I'm in a TV show or whatever I purposely do this yeah I've already got like I'm sitting on a table I do this to hide my fucking thumbs wait you're about to do a magic trick that never happened yeah you know me or I'll just you know I mean well the one time I go put makeup because I did do fingers oh they show my
Starting point is 00:29:23 fingers and I had I did a whole makeup thing with my fingers they put makeup on my fingers and stuff like Chloe Kardashian's revenge hand that's not talking about that anymore I feel insecure sorry you're doing you're twiddling your thumbs and I just get my focus just went straight there I'm sorry but here's another thing that Faheem does that's magical there's okay so at the comedy show he'll go up as himself some nights but some nights are we like to talk about this yeah he goes up with in a character yeah and the character is Lance Kanstopoulos and Lance Kanstopoulos I'm not even fucking
Starting point is 00:30:11 kidding you I'm one night I was in the OR the comedy star maybe a couple years ago yeah and I was there with Krystalia Andrew Santino everyone was in the room the room was packed Lance Kanstopoulos went up on stage I'm not I'm not a fucking kidding you I have never seen and I've been at that club for 20 fucking years a room react I mean I've never seen anyone crush that way where it was like people are standing and like jumping up and waving their arm like the to the point like us all the people in the back right I mean it was so I mean it was fucking magical I mean I'd never seen anything like it I remember that
Starting point is 00:31:00 night you told me in the parking yeah yeah I go that was you I've never seen that like I've seen Chappelle I mean I'm not taking away from Chappelle Chris Rock or Lucy K or any of those guys they tell jokes they're the best joke tellers Bill Burr they're amazing comics point of view everything but when Lance Kanstopoulos is on fire there's nothing else that's better I'm not telling I'm not kidding you and you're doing a show right you're I mean you're pitching it yeah pitching a Lance show with what's his name with Bill Lawrence yeah Bill Lawrence he did scrubs I know I know I know I know but I'm wondering
Starting point is 00:31:38 that night was it because there was the heckler in the crowd because it might have been the added layer of like justice I don't fucking remember did I think it might have been this crazy heckler don't give a fuck alright you I mean I gave you the props you're in the documentary I made the Lance Kanstopoulos documentary I know I did yeah other people are in it too but I mean you're in it too that's fine thank you for doing it and you weren't on that TV yeah I guess you could have said no despite me yeah you're generous enough to do it would you if you if you had to take it back would you have done it no you would have never done it no there's just no upside to it for me yeah yeah I think younger
Starting point is 00:32:17 comics they're just hungry for anything right and they don't look big that's what I would love to hear that integrity integrity not only integrity but like you have an idea of where you want to be and what you want to do in this town yeah the things you say yes to do they put you closer to that or further away yeah but he also questions a lot but you also have a really really obvious lack of thirst you never appear thirsty to me yeah and maybe that's why it's taken me 14 years to get a special and a lot of other things but also why I think that people like Bobby or Kristen they everyone respects you that's nice
Starting point is 00:32:52 yeah we do and then um can I talk about all the relationships or not a little bit but nothing too no I'm not that specific yeah sure oh I speaking of Lance Kansopolis I had a friend who who only saw who was at one of you Bobby told me about this a little bit so yeah yeah so she didn't know that that was a character yeah and actually called texted me and said hey do you know a comic named Lance you know and she was like no no no Lance so I was like okay I'm not gonna like burst her bubble now right yeah she's like I just found him on Instagram and I messaged him she thought that legit yeah
Starting point is 00:33:33 yeah and if you don't know Lance Kansopolis what is he no one knows no one knows where he is from right it's very at Andy Kaufman ask I guess in many you know it like when he'd you know when it just like you there's a lot of people who thinks a real guy like half the audience thinks it's a real he has a mullet he wears a wife beater he's somewhere from the misogynistic misogynistic is somewhere from the Middle East we don't know we don't know he has an accent yeah he has an Eastern European accent right you do a lot of karate a lot of dancing on stage agile and you just rip people right it just
Starting point is 00:34:13 takes questions from the crowd Q&A so anybody can ask any question yeah and then it's just like where are you from he never answers that one though but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you don't you know as as the guy that created the character do you know where he's from I don't and I kind of like initially I never addressed it because I didn't want to paint him into a corner where he's got to be this thing and it's actually kind of worked out not defining him to a region because everyone feels like they can adopt him like Greeks feel like he's great yeah so by nature just dancing around it yeah he's everyone
Starting point is 00:34:50 everyone wants to adopt yeah and there's all these preconceived notions when you say you're from somewhere so they want to put you in a certain box when you say you're something yeah but when you and then who cares about that shit we're having fun in the room right now about about everything but where I'm from right so he belongs to the world he belongs to the world yeah so you gotta follow him on Instagram L can't stop a list all right can can Lance come back to Tiger Bell you can you can get it Lancer that'd be great yeah we'll bring Lance on here you know I want to also talk about just a side note it's not all about you okay okay we saw a movie
Starting point is 00:35:29 there tonight that was pretty fucking good dude which one logo Logan that's a channel Marvel's logo really good I'm telling you right now dude Logan then I say you saw it yeah I cried why didn't cry you see it to him I haven't seen it yet you heard ruin it for him I'm not gonna ruin it but you you know what I want to see it you know I mean I was the X-Men or the Logan yeah yeah Wolverine Wolverine it literally is let me say something it literally is what they all should have been in many ways more real rated R gritty you know because it was really like I for the first time in any X-Men movie I literally went yeah like I
Starting point is 00:36:12 wanted to yell is that what it is it's very like Nolan ask in terms of how he reinvented Batman but also really gory it's really brutally violent yeah you know I heard John Wick 2 was violent this was up there yeah it's up there you know but I saw the first John Wick is it on par with that or no I heard his way more yeah and then um yeah but Logan was do you see it you know about it I have a bone to pick with you I have a bone to pick with you should I say it again because I hate the way you said it pick the bone or no pick the bone pick the bone definitely pick the bone and I have everyone's sorry baby
Starting point is 00:37:10 are you mad at me no have an accent you asshole what was the bone with George so I've always seen George is like a really nice you know respectful type of guy yeah right you we know the story so I was talking to a friend of mine and she told me that you know George was regularly having sex with a friend of mine and completely just ghosted on her low-key ghost what's the name what was the name I'm gonna say you don't tell me the name right now we're gonna have a very big problem what is it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you ghosted a fucking girl I would have never thought that was number one DNA
Starting point is 00:38:01 blueprint to do sorry to put you on a spot but yeah George you fucking ghosted a chick I swear to God I'd I'd rather watch my mom masturbate than watch you fuck would you know okay I mean not not I wouldn't I mean I would I know that's real yeah like in a scientific way yeah like watching my mom like just in terms of like you know there's electrodes and there's a needle moving when you're watching both of them which has more reaction but I would that would make me vomit watching you fucking have sex but anyway apparently you do fuck he fucks we've been wrong all this time he's a slayer what if everyone gave you $20 like
Starting point is 00:38:51 the bet that you fuck to all right but that's the other person doesn't text you oh maybe I don't know what we tell us in one sentence she said yeah he goes that honor anyway George besides that's the only reason I brought that up is because that seems to be something that people do regularly today there was a segue I don't even know what it means like not responding just kind of like going in commutato or softly being less responsive like you fuck and then don't respond anything but also like not even when you fuck just people just ghost on you just in general and that seems to be such a normal thing to do is it just an
Starting point is 00:39:38 LA thing or is it like a universal new thing to do with young people I think it's the latter yeah it's the new young people thing to do goes speaking of what if you misunderstood ghosting and you were just doing pottery behind it yeah moving up moving a penny on a table yeah the guy finds out like you mean you guys are breaking it off I've been getting deeper um I want to talk about this town and I want to tell you about something that happened to me today and really made me sad really did so um I don't know if anyone knows but um you know so love season 2 came out you know and pretty good reaction people
Starting point is 00:40:24 really like it you know I'm feeling good about it I booked a that we talk about a pilot yes yeah I just got a bit part of the movie and so things are good right I mean you know it's a pretty good couple of months been a good week yes it just all came in a couple weeks right so then um so I met in and out burger the other night and I'm sitting there and a Korean man walks up to me I'm not even fucking kidding you know this guy must have been 55 6 years old big accent are you are you a bubbly but then yeah he goes on young asia he says in Korean like hello I go this is respectful I go hey and he goes what happened to you
Starting point is 00:41:11 I go what I mean you don't want to be disappear Jesus your money he asked me if I had money your money you have a job and he goes render park TV show oh my can TV show you nothing what if it goes in and out and so then I go I wanted to go hey fuck off man back up but since he's Korean you know and he's a you know I wanted to like then I started going into like no because what happened was I did the road you know I'm not gonna understand the nuance he doesn't know yeah he's like I don't know and that the flu yeah they don't he didn't know and he literally literally just brought me down to where
Starting point is 00:42:01 I normally am I'm like ah it sucks that's what this town is though it's his highs and lows yeah she would stand up you're constantly humbled like I did a special which is fantastic just came out yeah and then I did some show with the Virgil where there's like five people it was terrible yeah yeah but like I put up I posted a photo on Instagram with James Vanderbake just because I'm doing that show and then some guy you guys are both half celebrities my point is why do that'll always happen I know but why I was driving to you know this podcast and I saw that you guys tweeted like hey we're
Starting point is 00:42:58 gonna have female or does anybody have any questions and somebody just tweeted nah I tried to delete that right away I don't give a shit yeah it's hilarious really they said that there's no way you could do art in a large form and have everybody love you there's gonna be yeah there was a time right we're not everyone had a voice in the 80s early 90s yeah like you know you now know what people from the forests and the woods and we're so connected it is funny I have YouTube comments forwarded to my phone so sometimes I'll be about to hit the stage and I'll just get a message like like fuck you and then I got a
Starting point is 00:43:36 fucking hit the mic we're like you stink yeah but why my question is why because I mean there are people that you know I think that are awful I do where I don't think they have any talent you know and or whatever I don't know why they made it but that's just inside but if I saw them or if I saw a post of theirs I wouldn't go hey I fucking hate you yeah they've got some issue or they got there I'm just saying what is the purpose of because I know that they're gonna read it I know that probably or it's gonna affect their day why would I be a fucking asshole in that way I wanted to do a show where we actually
Starting point is 00:44:17 like investigate trolls so we see when they say something and we go to their work fine they'll be like why did you process and you like bust them and then they're so embarrassed because they had that that wall of anonymity yeah take that away and it's like how do you how would you dad yeah and he has to explain why he wrote someone's a dirty conch or they don't have a profile picture yes is that and that the name is some sort of like you know mysterious you know yeah and then how would you find them though I'm sure there's what because they probably have the same username for Instagram or something else
Starting point is 00:44:51 I'm sure there's a lot of it's pretty easy to have a digital footprint digital digital what you said digital footprint I learned every day did write so then you would then you would knock on the door go to their work yeah and go what's up dude you tweet what was going through your head or why did you write this yeah yeah yeah why'd you write that and then to see the back pedal or stand up to it that's a great idea they're unprepared they're not gonna they're going to back pedal you'll be great it was called troll hunters yeah yeah let's do that let's do that that's a what what why can't you do that there's we can do
Starting point is 00:45:33 it there's some really good articles on advice when they interview actually like like online trolls that make it like they're daily up daily part of their lives there are some really hardcore trolls who are unapologetic and like this is just my release it's what I do I find sheer entertainment from it those are the hardcore trolls that I wouldn't hunt for but the dads yeah those ones we would hunt for the ones who actually have something to lose by being exposed yeah what if you just like dog the bounty hunter yeah all this equipment yeah this is my troll net and it feels as a connection to our podcast because
Starting point is 00:46:12 Fihim's girlfriend what's your Haley uh-huh who's she used to date who yeah so there's a connection I haven't met your girlfriend I love Haley no I'm being I'm you know I ran into her work at the Mexican restaurant okay and she was with another dude that's a friend from like I know but I didn't know that right you text him immediately no I didn't I was gonna observe right so I see it with a menu I did that I kind of did that I saw them walk in and I went oh man this bitch right here right and then she immediately came up to me oh it's I am Haley this is the friend and you were like oh I was like oh fuck I wasn't thinking
Starting point is 00:46:58 anything yeah yeah yeah never assume bad intent yeah but when you see a girl with a guy like I have to answer this in this town if you saw be real if you were at a restaurant in Long Beach whatever I'm out of town I used to live in Long Beach right right and you saw her walk into a restaurant holding the hands of another guy yeah would you tell me yeah for sure what if it was another guy you knew but you were also friends yeah it was crystallia not that he would right let's not say it Jason Collins because he lives in Long Beach yeah Jason Collins right Jason Collins right he's a comic friend of Bob I love Jason I love
Starting point is 00:47:39 this I want to know you right yeah and he you're at a restaurant he's holding hands with Kalilah right would you tell me yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't like but would you tell Jason that you told him it's tough yeah what do you do you're loyal to both people right so Jason with dude please don't tell him it'll ruin my career you know he'll treat you know me it's not gonna be good for me dude I'll never see her again I would ask around and pull people and yeah the engineer me's coming out yeah yeah I would ask a lot of guys what they would do you man you tell me all right you fucking tell me dude there's your fucking
Starting point is 00:48:25 poll you're gonna fuck a poll where you're gonna call five fucking people you're gonna call our agent you piece of shit you fucking tell me all right I'll tell you no don't all right fucking bullshit dude because let me tell you something right now if Hailey was walking in with the Leah or I don't keep saying that I know why do you want to another friend of what we know like Mike Linochi oh fuck I'll wrap Michael Linochi I'm gonna fuck that guy fuck that guy Brent Brent uh-huh what's his brand more more and more yeah more right I would pull Brent aside write that in there and go hey Hailey are you still seeing for him yeah Brent do-do-do I
Starting point is 00:49:10 go I have to tell him I'm sorry I have to tell him or you're gonna tell him I'll give you a day I'll give you 24 hours right that's it and I expect everyone in this room to do the same from this fucking scarlet wench okay do you mean to say Harlett or Harlett I like Scarlett wench now yeah all right what do we have time 50 okay I always get it's good I have a 50 cents the rapper at the right I have a 50 cents let me ask you this yeah you feel good you want anything else to plug the specials the we just did that I know I know we fucking did that I know I'm thinking there is a social you know for him and yeah whatever for him and war
Starting point is 00:49:51 and also that's about yeah so my Instagram and Twitter is at for him and war and then for Lance can stop us it's at L can't stop alice yeah and he actually has a website Lance can't stop alice calm it looks like it was made in the 90s yeah I love it yeah the karate kick yeah yeah yeah he has a lot of music videos I really I honestly like you know I've brought many people on the road you know and I just you're just one of the best I've ever have I really you really are and I really believe that it's just one of those things where you know we're just lucky to have them on this podcast right now I believe that I wish I could
Starting point is 00:50:35 say it's the same thing about some of these people in this room I don't know if that's genuine or they'll just use his ploy to hurt everybody else it's what he he he does this every week yeah I'm a just yeah I do that he just shoots poison dart frogs are from John from what do you call those yeah I don't know but here's another thing I want to say to you Kalilah oh god okay I got it I got it I have to wake up early I haven't set the alarm and so do you need me to order you food should I eat here I can't make those decisions for you Bobby I can order you know I'll either chicken pot pie I'll order yeah I'll play some fall
Starting point is 00:51:13 out and I'll yeah they do that anyway yeah go ahead so it's on CISO and you can get on Amazon too so you get a CISO add-on for price and Amazon that's it all right yeah I'm done no you're not saying anymore I am done until now no here what we're doing right now is called unhelpful advice unhelpful advice okay and so people email questions and you you're you're you're you can participate the directions go ahead unhelpful advice with Bobby Kalilah and right a alright this is from a girl who does not want her name to be known my boyfriend is a huge fan he suggested I listen to your podcast he swears it
Starting point is 00:51:52 helped him with our relationship we've been together for two years and I was really intrigued so I started to listen to the podcast and I must say I love it my question is I am a hopeless romantic and my boyfriend not really I listen to your podcast with David so in the language of love and my language of love is number three words of affirmation and he doesn't get it he thinks that with gifts he will be able to compensate for the fact that he doesn't give me words of affirmation we argue about it all the time and I feel that he doesn't want to validate how I want to be loved am I wrong for wanting him to understand Bobby
Starting point is 00:52:24 he hates like romance questions and then just for the audience I just want to say this okay this is that it's just that longing that you guys want your hearts to be caressed you want us to put our hand on your heart please don't caress me with those toe fingers whatever I love you you feel good you know and just by be me being in your in your realm should you should know you know yeah not everything's gonna be like a romantic comedy like you can't have it all like trust the person loves you and so try you could have that discussion and you could try to be better but you're never gonna it's not gonna be la la land it's not for the
Starting point is 00:53:17 final it's never perfect but what this girl is asking is how she perceives love or how she feels love is by you know occasionally being told like hey you know I love you you're special to me versus the gift-giving you know people he were as he thinks that that's the way love is shown is just like constantly giving her things rather than saying things so is she wrong in you know asking that he show her a little bit of verbal display you know Nick you self right yeah he doesn't come from a home that says I love you same like my mom showed a lot of affection my dad I don't think he's ever said I love you yeah I
Starting point is 00:53:59 know that he does yeah but it's not a thing we do yeah so some like even I have a problem with that my parents said it too much my dad would beat me and go I love you and like you don't even know what it means it's conflicting yeah it's conflicting like I mean it's just words but some people are raised with this so this guy could have that kind of you know upbringing but you can't you can still try to appease somebody by you know giving maybe I love you yeah I guess you can ask you can ask your angel hearts but be understanding that maybe it might be it's not in his DNA he's gonna try but it's not gonna be as fast
Starting point is 00:54:39 as the way you imagined you know somebody just work with him and be understanding yeah and also he's not gonna say I love you after sex some people do no just as like a standard throw away guys don't lay here's you know sperm is liquid love is it not I mean before you're you know you have sex with your girl you're like oh my god I love this girl and then afterwards it's like you turn into a black guy you know man why are you looking at me like that with those Chinese you're a liar because after a liar you're such a big show in front of your friend tell me baby cuz after sex you're always like why don't
Starting point is 00:55:28 you want to hold me you're so different you act like a dude she is like that though but I've never been in with anybody words just like just don't touch me it's not a don't touch me it's kind of like give me my moment to process everything yeah dick was just in my mouth so like just give me a second yeah you know I don't want to immediately embrace you like I don't feel that passionately for you and if you think my fingers look weird my dick yeah exactly a cool down you want the two minutes on the treadmill after you're yeah she had this insider yeah and so I and but immediately he actually every time all
Starting point is 00:56:12 right so weird you're so different is there any other question emails or no yeah we have a question from Twitter to Tiger belly and for him on war my beloved can cucks with 40 plus years of misery any advice to soothe my soul knowing I'll never see them win a cup wait what the can cucks so like the hockey team Canucks the can cucks can cocks I was thinking about Bobby's penis this whole time there's cans cocks but basically if you have a shitty team should you stick by by them how do you deal with it I should you watch sports yeah a little bit yeah who's your teams Seattle you know everything's yeah well
Starting point is 00:56:49 I think Bobby could probably speak to this it's arsenals like ninth on the table yeah I you know I'm my favorite sporting club is arsenal FC and they've slipped and I've not watched any games so what are you are you gonna jump on to another no I never do I'm a fan I still Google it what's going on what's the strife who are they getting all that stuff but my I show love you know me through and disappointment through just completely avoidance because it hurts you yeah so if my kids I feel like that's not a good because if like if I had kids and they were like bad I would probably just shut off until they got
Starting point is 00:57:30 good until they got good and then I'm back yeah you know so yeah that's my advice that's actually pretty good parenting advice just like instead of always like harping on your children or always getting on their case about it they start to fuck up just like dissociate and not give him I'm doing no I'm gonna go down a dark no because no nurturing your care about your kid okay and you you you got kicked out of school and I'm your dad say something so wait I got kicked out yeah I got kicked out of school dad yeah I know how do you know and then I walk away oh fuck right I walk away I wanted that approval
Starting point is 00:58:13 yeah I don't care he's not even mad I thought you'd be mad at me oh that's no but I won't talk to you for a year that's oh dang that's very Korean yeah yeah that's a whole year and you won't even hear anything you know you get no money nothing oh no money either so no no there'll be food in the fridge my mom and my you'll talk to them oh I get to talk to the kid yeah yeah yeah yeah but you're your dad's so mad yeah straight get straight go back to school prove to me that you're fucking worthy okay so since you didn't go to college and you were a fuck up in high school are you gonna apply do you want your children to do
Starting point is 00:58:47 well in school no it's not necessary do I want to breed with you then it's not necessary because it's a dangerous game because I'll tell you why because my brother went to college you know I know but like I mean just at least get a GED finish high school these things are like I graduated from high school bitch I have a degree bitch diploma I got diploma I know but you when you graduated you had to go back I tried I don't I can't comprehend information you do in your own way no I don't know what do you mean what are you talking about you wouldn't be successful if you were totally inept and had no skills like you
Starting point is 00:59:30 can memorize lines yeah I can do that yeah I can read yeah yeah yeah okay you're fine you have a skill set okay great any shows for Bobby actually all his dates are now in a jumble so updates just go to Bobby Lee live comm for things of that sort cool make sure you check out faheem's special yeah and just thank you for coming and you know your brother for life bro and just tell people you're Indian from now on so Trump Trump's gone machine tweet faheem that is Indian but she falls on tiger belly on Instagram at that tiger belly on Twitter at that tiger belly and we're gonna do some house
Starting point is 01:00:15 cleaning so I mean you guys you guys we're done we take a photo though yeah we will take a photo first and then do your house clean no no no we got to do the house cleaning now what's house cleaning in house we're just going to talk about the things that we need done on Reddit yeah can we take the photo first and then cuz if you came can leave oh yes okay yeah God unless you really took photos over here yeah take a photo yeah oh you're doing house clean on air yeah oh I didn't know that and for him just left and we're back okay so let me repeat the story let me repeat the the account of you know events just
Starting point is 01:01:01 transpired on the podcast right had rage eyes so I went to I went to the movies to see Logan Logan with a couple you see you said logo to with a couple friends and you the topic of you all I know is I'm not gonna remember specifics until I'm driving home in the car and then I'm gonna be like I should have said that I it's okay and so we were like you know he's like oh how's George or whatever and then I was like oh he's doing good and she was like oh did he ever like you know is he like with Jessica now I was like no no no I was like nothing ever transpired there I was like why like what are you seeing and then this
Starting point is 01:01:42 person was like yeah you know he ghosted on my friend I was like what do you mean ghosting like they went out on a couple dates like casually like no like they were having like sex like regularly and he she never like heard from him again because and then she later heard on the podcast it's because he was trying to go after Jessica and so I was like wow George ghosts on people wasn't recently this is like a while ago a long time okay but my my thing I have like rules on ghosting because I don't I really don't I and I was like wait not my Georgie my Georgie doesn't go stone okay I know he's a gentleman I was going through a lot
Starting point is 01:02:21 then okay so I I didn't text is it ghosting if they don't text you though that's the thing I but here's the thing with a lot of women right especially if we've already like engaged your living sexual with you yeah it not that there's always the automatic assumption that you it's your job to call us but being like at least from my vantage point like we tend to feel a little bit more vulnerable once we've already slept with you so oftentimes we're just waiting to hear from you so if we've been sexual like yeah the next day or the days after at least my move is I usually wait I don't I don't reach out to the
Starting point is 01:02:59 guy because there is a sense of like that type of like fee female fear rejection if I don't really care about you and I just want to have sex I'll probably reach out to you and be like hey you want to fuck again but if I do have a little bit of feelings I usually tend to wait and say hey you know like let's see if if he shows any sign of interest before I open up even some more for for the next occasion so if she didn't text you perhaps she was maybe waiting maybe I was no I didn't know what the right call was because I discovered I had feelings for Jessica I want to like go after Jessica then like I didn't
Starting point is 01:03:38 chat with this girl for a while so then I was like I did wait two weeks and then like our schedule was kind of like every two weeks like I'd text her if I had activity to like invite her to yeah yeah this is the background where George being serious okay but this is exactly what I thought because I was like there's no way in hell because Bobby and I were like what that's not true cuz I know the two week like you know I was the two weeks of my inner turmoil yeah and I was like it's about time to text her again but then I was like if she listed like what is the right thing to do there that is like oh I'm done with Jessica now so
Starting point is 01:04:16 now I'm gonna come crawling back to you like it was like I was wondering what it's because we had talked about it on the podcast blowing up his spot and so many so what yeah what is my like the right what is the nice thing to do I didn't know I didn't want to be like okay I'm coming back since I got rejected yeah you're gonna be like no it's like no one wants to be I didn't wanna yeah I didn't want so I had no idea what yeah I didn't like didn't want her to feel like a consolation prize yeah no no it makes sense I didn't take into account that immediately when that was or when that was so yeah so maybe I think the night
Starting point is 01:04:56 better thing would have been a warning beforehand you know like hey I talked about this okay so that would have been yeah probably the more gentlemanly approach just like never knew that was a thing I actually now I get that you were in a difficult position but just as a general rule rule of thumb for you Bryce and everybody I don't hang out with guys who ghost on women who are un-gentlemen like so I'm glad that we we because for me it's a big thing like I I love you guys because I also know that you're the type of guys who would be really you know just respectful in general to like that whole process and I
Starting point is 01:05:37 hate people who ghost there's something just fucking like vile about there's if there's a text you respond like yeah in kind like with something like yeah you either say what's up or don't you know but yeah but okay I hadn't make sense to me now in Georgia not a go I was not the last texture I could tell he wasn't because he was furious I've never seen your nostrils open up that wide it wasn't even that that I knew that it upset him because he lost all his pinkness and he just went why he went pale I was like oh my god okay maybe I said something that really struck a right I never think of like the reasons
Starting point is 01:06:14 for anything until after like if a client was accusing me of something it must be true and then like that was his face though he was going like fuck she accused me it must be real yeah no it we all get nervous when you say shit because we're like oh god what is it cuz you never will like cause I was like I am an awful person I already kind of felt that way because I didn't know what to do but now I have my advice is if you still are in if you still are in you know I think you should have just apologized for even making her feel like you could have possibly ghosted because that's that's what I was told
Starting point is 01:06:48 it was like he just goes in and I was like nope not my Georgia he wouldn't do that no I yeah I know I could have done it but I had no idea what the right call was there I'm still like how long has that been going I can't believe I just put it together see now you know okay I was like oh shit that's the only possible person okay more housekeeping what else all right and now on to housekeeping guys thank you to everybody who uh with does the hashtag George Matters wait I wasn't aware of this movement I saw there's a hashtag going around this is hashtag George Matters I think is Bobby is one of the recent episodes we
Starting point is 01:07:29 all go through those phases though at one point it's the one time it was a lot of it's caught up every day but then one time was me for like what 90 episode it was Bryce a little bit at what a weird point yep yep it's just a part of the process guys all right it shout outs to Frankie Thomas Fontano Jr. for starting the Facebook Tiger Belly Facebook group thank you sir so go I have an announcement to make I'm to cut off the George Matters announcement yeah fuck that hashtag George doesn't matter I'm gonna start that hashtag George Ghost is on girls yeah George ghost hashtag George ghost yeah George the
Starting point is 01:08:06 ghost that's a new hashtag this week I already haven't had any opportunities to get any opportunities to ghost on everybody it's the one time I wanted to try it okay guys a couple episodes ago we mentioned that we were helping out our friend Kobe with his foundation to help provide scholastic materials to kids in Uganda so I'm gonna remind everybody to visit www.nation-foundation.org again that's www.nation-foundation.org so this foundation helps to sponsor students in Uganda through their studies so for only $80 a year you can basically provide things like room and board and all the things they would need to for school and
Starting point is 01:08:56 right now Uganda is going through an awful drought so I know that this is a comedy podcast me always bullshit but this is something that Bobby and I really want to help do so please visit that website and you know any amount is is yeah we'll help so please do that and we're gonna put the link on the YouTube video right yeah the link will be and I'll put one up on Instagram as well and you guys just have to remind me to say this every week or at least let's like touch on it because we gotta get back we'll put on our website too maybe somewhere there okay got it good all right thank you to everybody who left
Starting point is 01:09:35 us an iTunes review we're up to 840 so far only 160 from a thousand which we asked for so we appreciate it the most recent comes from a Domo Genesis great great show then also thanks to Jay Burnham Steinberg I'm here to reach a thousand so we appreciate very explicit Jewish last name I believe so great thank you then Moco CJ says this is one of my favorite podcasts I've been here since day one listening to the slept King Coloco Gilbert and laughing my butt off every single time much love so nice thank you guys so much keep it going we're trying to get to a thousand this month we're trying to stay competitive
Starting point is 01:10:23 I guess yeah and more this grows the more stuff we can do for you guys as well yeah and I think that ultimately that's the goal is to not stay stagnant we've sort of hit a plateau where we're getting comfortable with doing these shows weekly so now we're trying to get get it to a point where you know if we build up enough steam and we have enough or we garner enough help within the podcast then we can possibly put out the video the same day possibly we can have two podcasts a week so you know we ask these things because we do want to continue to grow and continue to provide you guys with this re-podcast yeah you guys get
Starting point is 01:11:02 more content too yeah also last week Lila asked oh you guys what should she do to get outside more gunned she should do what should she vlog about so here's our recommendations from YouTube Jim Bob says a copy bear grills I like that I like bear grills racist narrow says buying sex toys for Bobby and your pets I don't know if I want to have have sexual relations with my pets but I think he might have just meant toys at that point but that was a very confusing one okay if they had sex toys for animals that would be hilarious so maybe let's let's just interpret it buying sex toys for Bobby and buying toys for your pets
Starting point is 01:11:44 okay okay let's interpret it like that there were quite a few Ahmed shot on says learn to surf quite a few people said to serve but that's really weird because I do serve okay so I have three boards I the only problem is that I now live with a partner who absolutely hates the Sun so it's been hard for me to you know surfing alone is not fun for me doing anything alone is not fun for me I always need sister right Jessica they all water folks they are but they're not like big on surfing so my best friend is also who used to be my surfing buddy is in a relationship and so it's just I I don't have anyone to go to I don't want
Starting point is 01:12:31 to go alone but yeah I serve I'm not the best but I can definitely hold my own guess we're doing a surfing trip all right but if you guys I mean I have extra boards if you guys want to it doesn't matter I've never snowboarded in my life I've only seen snow twice oh my gosh yeah yeah I'm such a sun baby mountains yeah I'm I don't know what it's like to even walk on snow I've I've been to one where like in one freak day they had some snow and so I felt what it was like when it was snowing but it was very like Vancouver snow which isn't heavy snow home of the Kencox so yeah another recommendation that I saw a
Starting point is 01:13:19 lot was a take a jujitsu class for real that could you even do a lot of this physical stuff right now at the state of your health condition I think I could I could you know most of my heart issues don't happen when I'm exercising it happens in my sleep so interesting that's so yeah it sounds like it's weird but yeah I think I could or I could at least pretend that I that I can I can mind trick myself into believing I can so and then we got a few for a on reddit kill cam 83 said geocaching and then we heard like do scat a tiger really scavenger hunts around LA that should be fun okay I'm gonna take the surfing
Starting point is 01:14:01 recommendation and I'm gonna take instead of I'm gonna take you guys to surf okay so I think that we can have no I I went to Mexico one summer to Mazatlan and like one of my goals was to learn to surf I just did maybe two days and one day all I did was I was like paddling and everybody was like surfing on the waves and I realized like there was like a tide going sideways so I was just paddling for like an hour and not moving and I decided surfing wasn't for me no you know it's really you it's so easy to learn to surf in Hawaii they give you these boards that are like 11 fucking feet long long ass
Starting point is 01:14:37 ones so you only have to paddle one to stand up and then the this beautiful gradual wave takes you but in California it's not easy you know the obviously if you've been doing it your whole life it you know it's easy to you but I didn't we didn't have waves in the Philippines other than like La Union which is like the north of the Philippines or like Shargao and that's not where I live we didn't have we didn't have a break anywhere around Cebu where we could surf so I didn't learn until I was 19 and in California and I put a fucking mouth guard because I was so scared of losing my teeth from
Starting point is 01:15:11 the surfboard and I just I ate shit for about a whole week straight I self-taught but I was so determined because it is hard to learn in California we don't have these nice little pretty waves they will fucking crash on top of you you will get you know and you know Malibu is not so chill let's not do that either no we'll go on a small day when it's like two to three feet and then you know hopefully no one dies and drowns but you won't in two to three hopefully we can go to like Venice Venice or Santa Monica and you guys can I can push you on the whitewash and so instead of catching a wave you
Starting point is 01:15:50 just catch the I have some boogie boards to and we can we can just do you can boogie board we can yeah we'll make it a whole thing guys we'll bring out the go pros we'll have a I just want to put Kalyla on a sleigh and snow and see how she reacts I it's gonna be like a trash can top I'm so like my sister just went to Germany and she went to this area called to to see I guess nice name but I guess the ski resort and she was in awe of like the powdery white snow and I never touched that so weird it's so weird like I'm a traveled person but I have never just now ventured into the the cold yeah guess guess who had a
Starting point is 01:16:33 birthday up in Mammoth and didn't invite you here Kalyla happy birthday as long as we're calling out no no Bryce that was like a couple months ago fuck you Bryce yeah no it's okay I forgive you Bryce you know what that was probably a good call just not I'm not a good person to take on a trip right all right two more from Reddit Urban Bobby says she should go out to her favorite restaurants in LA vlog and talk a little bit about the culture the food how she found it etc like a sexy little Filipino Anthony Bourdain I feel like we that's all we do is go out and eat yeah but we have many vlogs that that was his point was
Starting point is 01:17:11 to vlog like do more vlogs on specifically on food yeah maybe we can do it but I'm not like a if I if I talk about food it's going to be from a very like amateur food eater like I'm not gonna be like oh this like you know flavor of saffron and you know this fucking it I don't first of all stop eating Indian restaurants yeah it's gonna be like this is good or this is not good this is greasy I like it this way this is not greasy this is grass this is bok choy but yeah I should we'll look into it and let's see last one from eat 34 cats let George plan a day trip for you guys I like this one is that why you
Starting point is 01:17:55 chose it yeah exactly that's it pretty much all of these it's whatever appeals to be geocaching let George do something yeah make lists for an hour five paragraph emails yeah you sound all fun guys you know what we should do is we should make a collection of all of George's emails to us all the essays and I like just I don't know how you have so much time for scales of justice the emails responded to and the emails not responded to as long as we're okay well I'm all about you know just three sentences if you don't capture me in three sentences I'm all about three sentences that is like the and I'm not
Starting point is 01:18:35 I'm not super ADD but if debate what is the what is the general thesis here what am I looking for I'll give you a TLDR at the top of every email I've started DR today I learned no too long didn't read too long okay I've never heard of that before is there anything else there we need to touch on should we do the Edison thing later let's do that save that we got too many asks yeah let's just thanks again to blue apron again that's blue apron.com slash belly mm-hmm we're not doing it today though we are doing today we did it earlier in the podcast oh really yeah we remember before Fahim came here oh yeah yeah yeah that's right
Starting point is 01:19:16 yeah we're just giving you our reminder of blue apron blue apron.com slash belly also anyways also really quick before we go Kaila did you watch the fights this weekend I I didn't glimpse anything the Fortaleza fights I only watch are you from Brazil Brazil for the Zeta fights no you also it's Fortaleza Fortaleza facts I didn't I just read up on it because I was out and lobster diving unsuccessfully lobster diving but yeah quick MMA minute guys fucking Kevin Gaslam that guy is good is he gonna stay did he fight at 185 he fought Vitor at 185 so he's gonna stay there now because
Starting point is 01:20:01 he obviously can never make welter right I mean he's not allowed to technically because he really missed weight twice but he's so talented I really like him he will be so undersized if you ever fought Luc Rocco he does want to do a legend kick ass tour so he wants he called out Anderson Silva oh yeah that I heard what about the Shogun fight Shogun won right Shogun look like a slow-motion version of him it's he wants to fight for a time he wants to fight the winner of Glover or Alex yeah I'm like dude you look so bad he won but he looks so this Alex completely healthy now because you know how he threatened to retire and I was
Starting point is 01:20:34 like really sad about it is he just that that injury that was supposed to sideline him forever is no longer an issue it's not it was weird I thought he was done because of that yeah he's like I'm back now yeah it's weird but yeah those were the good fights no that's it no I think the whole card was supposed to be really good I mean Brazil cards oh no that I what about the Bescohea fight I didn't watch that which you know was that some like border oh Renault Renault yeah she's a mom she won almost knock her out who Bescohea won but she'll hey I want I think oh god I gotta watch we're supposed to know our shit if we're
Starting point is 01:21:14 gonna talk about MMA minute Gilbert I didn't watch I didn't watch the card I just caught the last two fights and they were great um anything else oh um I guess want to send us any packages you can do that at Tiger to Tiger Belly and at 1626 Wilcox Avenue unit 161 Los Angeles California 90028 so send us any packages and we will open them up in a vlog whenever the vlogs come out I was like is there a date now whenever they come out I have a vlog for you are you gonna upload it by tomorrow yes I will okay cool and George is doing and by yesterday as we were yeah so it'll be out so yeah make sure once again follows
Starting point is 01:21:57 on Instagram at Tiger Belly or on Twitter at the Tiger Belly let's get those numbers up guys we're almost at 20 can Instagram and that's where we've started this podcast was on Instagram which is so crazy I released the the first post I ever released on there about the episodes was episode one two three no I corrected him I was like Gilbert you used to many exclamation points and I was like can you please fix that caption did I not used to write posts and use emojis like George yeah I'm like hey we're really not that type of like super animated people if you can just scale back on the emojis and
Starting point is 01:22:29 exclamation points that'd be really nice and so he started posting really basically I'd like it this is our episode watch yeah here is this thing yeah bye and then also email us any questions guys to the Tiger Belly at gmail.com and you can follow Kyla on all social media at oh at calamity K please don't forget the hashtag this week is George the ghost George the ghost and speaking of George the ghost George where can we follow you or people can hit you up on George Kimmel on Instagram maybe we can maybe we can change that to George the ghost George the ghost George matters this week next week George might matter
Starting point is 01:23:15 again so we can resume that hashtag in a week but this week it's gonna be George the ghost so that's all we have for this week is there any question we have for this week for the audience any question should we present anyone with a question top of your head I have nothing Gilbert nothing what can we do to help Kalila's brain what can we do to secure it don't kill yourself damn it all right guys go watch logo and get get in watch about those movies we'll see you guys next week thanks for tuning in hey Prime members you can listen to Tiger Belly ad-free on Amazon music
Starting point is 01:24:18 download the Amazon music app today or you can listen ad-free with Wondry plus in Apple podcast before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondry.com slash survey

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