TigerBelly - Joe Gatto is the Elvis of Stand Up

Episode Date: February 26, 2025

Comedian Joe Gatto stops by and Bobby donates 10k for a plaque.  We chat Tynawese, Asian encounters, Gatto pups, black rain frogs, Mexican cows, and Bobby's boss. For more Comedian Jason Cheny cl...ick here! Make life easier by getting harder and discover your options at www.bluechew.com! And we’ve got a special deal for our listeners: Try your first month of BlueChew FREE. Visit www.bluechew.com for more details and important safety information, and we thank BlueChew for sponsoring the podcast. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions and reach your financial goals faster with Rocket Money. Go to www.rocketmoney.com/belly. That’s www.rocketmoney.com/belly.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Hey, don't look at me. You're not looking at me. I'm not looking at you. I'm not looking at you. I'm not looking at you. Hello? Hello, hello? Testicles, testicles? I hear Bobby playing piano. I hear you as well. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I hear you lose actually. Oh, you're good. Jason Chen is Chinese or something like that. But ugly nonetheless. Jason is totally Taiwanese. But Bobby just fucked him in the ass fuck you Jason Cheney fuck you back Bobby Lee Why is everybody fucking me on Ken's schedule? Because you're Taiwanese. Thank you for saying Taiwanese.
Starting point is 00:01:36 That's all I really care about. Anyway, where you been up to Jay? Don't make me say the N word. I don't want you to say it. I don't want you to say it dude. Know what I'm saying? I just did. Jason Chaddy almost said the N word.
Starting point is 00:01:57 He pivoted and said, said, know what I'm saying? Nah, I think you're cool enough to say it. Really? No, no, no. You're not. No one can say it and no one will say it. Not on my watch. Okay?
Starting point is 00:02:12 Because it's a different world that we live in. And I want to do like a little prayer right now. Why not? If you're a heavenly father, thank you so much for Jason Cheney's presence here. What are you doing? I just, it's hot. But I want God to, I want God to receive, I want to receive God's prayer. You only receive it through the fucking headphone, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Are you Jesus Christ himself? Yeah, yeah. I know why. Why? You have big Taiwanese ears. That's why. It gets hot for real. Your ears are too big for your face.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Are they though? Yeah, and I've always thought that you never thought that See, let's go. Hi. Let's not go low. I'm high. Okay. Hi. Hi. Hello. Hello anybody home Nobody home somebody home. So um We have Joe Gatto coming out. Oh, yeah Is he here it or? He'll be hearing like five. My lips are numb.
Starting point is 00:03:07 From what? So tired. From what? I did a red eye from Miami. Oh, how was that? Flew in, then flew in. How was Jake Paul? Great guy.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Little weird. Then I did Theo's movie yesterday. Oh, wow. Yeah. Barely got any sleep. I just did pot earlier. I have to do another one and then tonight It's just my time. Let's go. Yeah, I'm gonna suck my nuts and fucking sesame oil. Oh, yeah and fry them up I'm gonna fry my nuts up tasty. Yeah, very tasty. You look skinny
Starting point is 00:03:38 Does he look skinny? Yeah, you can see him with the shirt off. Oh, no, I didn't see it. God bless you Jaime Oh, yeah, Viva la Mexico. Yeah, viva la Raza. Viva la Raza. Did you see the Super Bowl, Jason? I watched five minutes of it, just to check the games, to the score. Yeah, horrible.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Oh, it's horrible for you? Why, you're a Kansas City fan? No, but I had money on the Chiefs. Oh damn. Yeah. How much money? $20? $30. Well it's not that bad of a loss.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I don't want to pay the $30. I think you lost since day one, you know? Day one of what? Your life. You've been on a losing streak. Me? I've been on a winning streak. Lately, yeah, but in the beginning it was bad. It was very bad. We all got memos when you were born you didn't yeah, yeah, what'd it say?
Starting point is 00:04:27 It's a negative and then had a photo of a pinto prudine And I was like, what is this and then I realized and then I said Jaime after that So I got negative pinto mean Jaime that's you're starting off wrong, but you you're now positive So it's plus five into beans. Yeah. Yeah, it's good enough and you're a dumpling and not it's plus five. Beans. Yeah, yeah. That's good enough. And you're a dumpling. And not a tasty one. Like a street one. In Malaysia. Were you like an expired pepper? From where?
Starting point is 00:04:56 Expired red pepper. From what year? From the Holocaust. I have no idea what you meant by that. But you know what? I'm going to go back to the music. Jason Chen is... Hey, but you know what? I'm gonna go back to the music. Alright. Jason Chen is... Hey, um... Are you friends with, um, Leslie Lau? Yeah, I love her.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Do you like Andrea Jin? Love her. Who do you like better? Oh my god! I love you so much, I'm so afraid to let you go. I love you so much, I'm so afraid to let you go. I love you so much, I'm so afraid to let you go. I love you so much, I'm so afraid to let you go. I love you so much, I'm so honest. But I like Leslie. But Leslie doesn't call me.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Andrea calls me nine to 10 times a day and texts me. She texts me a lot. I miss you, I'm lonely, I'm crying, all kinds of stuff. Her trauma growing up is more aligned with my trauma growing up. You too? Seriously, we talk every day. Really? What were you traumatized about aside from being Taiwanese?
Starting point is 00:06:09 That's so rude to say. Well it's not rude. Is that a good quote? Gilbert back me up. I need some backing today. Bobby, look my wife's Taiwan. You got molested. Whoa. That's in your face. He hasn't talked about it. He hasn't talked about it in years dude. He hasn't talked about it in years, dude. I was molested and it burned me up inside and my dick. Anyway, what I'm saying to you is that's rude and don't ever bring that up again. I've got a question for Jaime. Would you rather be Taiwanese or molested? Where's Tainoese? Exactly. And you know what? That question hasn't been asked enough. Tainoese? Exactly. And you know what? That question hasn't been asked enough.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Tainoese. I'm not making fun of Tainoese. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know you're not making fun of the Tainoese. It hurt me a little bit. I don't think he acknowledges it as a country. No, he doesn't know about it. There's a difference. There's knowing it and not acknowledging it, but he didn't know. You know where Tainuan is?
Starting point is 00:07:04 Tainuan. Okay, well, you know,. You know where Taiwan is? Taiwan, yeah. Taiwan. It was Taiwan. Okay, well, you know, that's another question that I've been asking myself. Why do you gotta say it like that? Yeah, yeah. That's how I heard it from him. Say it.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I said Taiwanese. Oh, Taiwan. Yeah, you're still saying it wrong. I'm just saying it wrong. I'm just saying it, so give me the pass. You think you were saying it. Well, you're not reading it. You just have to repeat it.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Yeah, you're just repeating it, you know what I mean? Sorry. Yeah, yeah. So let's try to get it. Yeah, just repeating it. You know what I mean? Sorry. Yeah, yeah. So let's try to get this word right. Okay. Taiwanese. Tai- Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Wan- That's good. That's fine. Wan- Nese. Yeah, it's not saying all the good- What? You did it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Taiwanese. There it is. Yeah, yeah. Where is it at though? Oh, it's 30 miles east of Cleveland. Anyway, um. Um. Anyway, um, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Is next to China a really good country? Is the food, what's the difference of the food, my friend? Well, what's the difference between the food, Korean food and the North Korean food? South Korean food and North Korean food. They don't have food in North Korea. I've never been to North Korea. Or China. What? Or China. China compared to Korean food. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:11 China, China. I like this one. Yeah. China, China. China Chi-ching-ching-ching-ching-ching-ching Chu-chu-chu-chu China That's the difference. Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't know you played the piano that well.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I don't, dude, but you know, like, let's see the difference. Okay, so the difference between China and Korea. Taekwondo is Korean and Kung Fu is China. Our movies are better. But a lot of pent up anger anger Very good, very good. That was something. You know, your face looks like the moon, but it's daytime, so it's very strange to me.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Is that good? You like that? Say it again. What? The country. You're from a Tidal one-ees? He didn't have to read anything. It got worse. He didn't have to read anything. Oh, I'm reading his lips. It literally got worse. You added an L. Why would you add an L? Tidal one-ees. I'm reading his lips. He was an untold thing for me.
Starting point is 00:09:43 What are some other words that... Because he and I are speech therapists. I don't know if you know this. Yeah. What are some other names, words that you can't say? And what would help you say them? I don't know. Give us another complex word.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Robust. Robust. Something people with an N in the middle of it. Oh, yeah This is the world's hardest words to say. I don't know why that's one. Okay, you say that word Jaime rule great pretty good. Oh Miss Chivas very good The chrono the chrono. Yeah, so uh, you could say Cornell Powell Crono. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:21 So you could say Cornel Powell. Cornel Powell? Yeah, Cornel Powell. Yeah. Yeah, that's very good. Okay. I don't think he knows how to say it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Wait, yeah, yeah. Can you say Cornel? Yeah, go back, go back, go back, go back. Go back, I think, yeah, yeah. Wait, no, I know how to say it. Three. Cornel Powell. What?
Starting point is 00:10:44 Well, what is Cornel Powell? I was confused. It's Colonel. Colonel. Oh, Colonel. But why'd you say Cornel? That's how he said it. Did you say that?
Starting point is 00:10:54 You say it. What is going on here? Dude. OK. Is that an epitome? Yeah. Let's go to number five. Go ahead, Jaime. Draft. Exactly. Oh yeah. Let's go to, okay, like number five, go ahead Jaime.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Draft. Exactly. No, wait, wait, wait. Draft. It's draught. This episode is draft through by Draft King. Draft King. Draft King. How about, oh yeah, seven.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Let's go seven. Me? Yeah. Yeah, you dude. Is that, I just that as for nauseous? Well, bingo, do you want to win that one? How is it? The thing you say 1010. I can't even say that.
Starting point is 00:11:35 You say it then Worcestershire sauce Worcestershire sauce. Say it. Roll. He starts the road. Yeah. Roll. You opened wrong. Let's He starts the row. Roll. You opened wrong. Let's start with a W. Worcestershire. Yeah, that's hard.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Worcestershire. Is it Worcestershire? Worcestershire. Okay, thank you. Or Worcestershire. Thank you, Gilbert. Is that German pronunciation? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Is Joe Gatto here? I think so. It's hard. Hey, Joe. Hey. How's it going? How's it going, man? How you doing? How you doing? here? I think so. What? Sorry. Hey! Hey Joe! Hey!
Starting point is 00:12:08 How's it going? How's it going man? Hi man. Joe Jason. That's me. Kiss. Kiss. Bow. You bow on this Joe, okay? You just fucking shoot him, sorry. Don't even give it on. I checked your head Joe's on.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Keep it on bro. I'm totally kidding. You do it, Bobby. Cho-ca-to, Cho-ca-to, Cho-ca-to, Cho-ca-to. In Korean we go Cho-ca-to. That's how you say it. That's exactly right. Got it. Here we go. I love this guy. We don't have to start right away.
Starting point is 00:12:40 We don't have to start right away. We can ease into it. We can ease... I was hoping you wouldn't have the keyboard. Into it. Joe, let me say something about, how about a round of applause for Joe Gossett. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Thank you. He does many other things. Used to be my boss. For a hot minute, yeah. For a hot minute, he was my boss. I would never say, I would say I learned from you. No, I learned, well, you gave me notes. Not me.
Starting point is 00:13:04 You was you, dude, you gave me the most notes. Didn't give you one note. What's a little headed guy? What was a little headed guy? That's not me. Oh yeah, who's a little headed guy? That's not me. But who is that guy?
Starting point is 00:13:12 But take it back that I gave you notes. You did it, you did it. Because I pride myself and I let you do your work. Out of your group, there's a strange little headed guy. What's his name? I don't like him. No, he's got like a little head. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:13:23 Not the one we've had on. Not Sal. Not Sal, no. We had, yeah. Where's the bee? The one with the far leather. That little bee headed guy, man. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:13:33 It's like Andre Agassi went into a microwave. You know what I mean? And I'm not making fun of him. That's just the way God did that. Yeah. Is he a good guy? He's a great guy. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:43 He also looks a little Asian. He does. He has a little Asian face. Yeah. A little bit, yeah. Is he a good guy? He's a great guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He also looks a little Asian. He does, he has a little Asian face. Yeah. A little bit, yeah. Compared to the rest of us, definitely the least. He's like one of us. Most of us look kind of alike. None of us ever said, like you know when you're a group, people are like yell your name,
Starting point is 00:13:56 they think you're somebody else. Nobody yelled. All right. And was like, Murr, when they were looking at me. Because, but I've been called Sal and Q. You have? Yeah, I get Sal a lot. Oh wow. Yeah, it's crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:14:07 I think out of the group though, you probably are like technically the better looking one. On paper for sure. On paper for sure. But when you get into reality. Like if I was like, if it was a boy band, right Jason? It was a boy band and they were auditioning and we had to pick one. Which one? Who would you fuck, Jason?
Starting point is 00:14:25 Not fuck, no, sing. What did I ever say? Yeah, what did you say? Gang gang? What are you talking about? It'd be the answer for both, I would hope. Yeah, I think, no, I think for as far as it goes, I'm always pointing in the photos and stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I was always making fun gestures, so I always ended up in that spot in all the photos. If you look for each year, we had to do all those, you've done plenty of promo shoots. It's so, you don't know what to do, you know what I mean? It's been like we had to do all those, you've done plenty of promo shoots, it's so like, you don't know what to do, you know what I mean? It's been so long. With your body though, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:49 It's always so great. I'm not relevant anymore. Oh, stop it, you couldn't be more relevant. I used to do photo shoots, but you're the Adam Levine, like that's Maroon 5, that's what you are. And I always thought that. Thank you, thank you. Whenever I look at you guys, I go, that's the leader.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Wait, you thought for a while, you didn't like me though, because you thought I gave you notes. Yeah, because I thought you were the leader. I am? No, no, but I go, that's the leader. Wait, you thought for a while you didn't like me though, because you thought I gave you notes. Yeah, because I thought you were the leader. I am? No, but I thought you were like the, like higher than them even. You look like you're higher than them.
Starting point is 00:15:11 No, I just, I guess I present myself. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I'm kidding. You know what I mean? You guys are all even. Thank you. You guys are very talented. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:15:19 And what a great thing that you guys created. Well, thank you for that, Bobby. What do you mean? And I can't believe you get girls, that's your wife? That's my wife. Yeah, yeah. No, no, that's not my wife. No, I have a wife.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Who is this person? That's Lexi. Your assistant? Yes. Okay, hi Lexi. Yeah. Good to see you. Yeah, my wife is in New York.
Starting point is 00:15:35 She is? I live in New York. You look like, and I don't want to be rude, and I don't want to call it controversy, and Jason, back me up on this, because you're Asian. I have to back you up on this? I like funny.
Starting point is 00:15:46 You don't have to. No, we like him. Wait, wait. Yeah, but be honest with me. OK, be honest. You're white, right? Yes. Hallelujah.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yeah, I'm 100% Italian. Hallelujah. And so he looks like a white guy. Look at me right now. Yeah. Who's never had sex with an Asian. Look at him right now. Maybe like if he was really drunk one time.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, when he's drunk, yeah, that time, no, I mean like completely sober. Okay, yeah, that's true. Now is that true or not? I don't drink, I've been drunk, tried a cigarette or a drug in my life. He just got scared just now.
Starting point is 00:16:19 It was 100% and I've had one Asian encounter. Encounter? You went and encountered, I'm not saying a kung fu fight. Neither am I. Neither am I. Neither am I. I've had one encounter.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Oh, you don't drink? No. Are you an A sober? No, I've never been drunk, tried a cigarette or a drug in my life. Dude, it's, with the beat, dude, he's, Danes like that? Cook?
Starting point is 00:16:41 Yeah. You've heard of him? I've heard of him. Danes, there's some guys like that. Yeah. You know what I mean? And you're one of those guys. I'm one of those, yeah. You never done the... Nothing, no. So, why? Out of religious reasons? Nope. Just never got into it. But did you see history in your past like, I don't want to be like Uncle Joe. Oh wow. I went to college and I saw what drunk guys were like and I was never one of those
Starting point is 00:17:02 guys that needed as like a social fire up up like I was always just on the dance floor having fun laughing and what not I never had that so I never needed as a motivator and then I realized like I'd have more money in my pocket the next day I'd be able to wake up on time things like that so I just never really found itself with me. What do you call them? Edgecores? Edgelords? Edgelords is completely different. You're talking hardcore. What? Straight Edge. You think it's straight Edge? Straight Edge.
Starting point is 00:17:27 You're a straight Edge comic. No, I never really put it out there as part of my personality. People always thought I was fucked up all the time. They always thought I was like... All my friends half the time would have to explain that I wasn't coked out of my mind because I would just be going crazy. God, you talk so fast now even. Sorry, I'll slow down for you.
Starting point is 00:17:44 That's what I just heard, man. You got a lot of layers on you might want to take the hood off. It'll help with the hearing. Just make a suggestion. He doesn't have a shirt on this way. Yeah I don't have a shirt on. Oh really? Yeah yeah. Wow. You have beautiful eyes. I'm not gay but. Thank you. I'm still gonna still gonna beautiful eyes They're piercing, you know, it's the only thing I got so how long you've been married though I'm 53 years old Penis don't work anymore That's why I use blue chew That's why I use blue chew Have better sex with blue chew blue chew is the original brand offering chewable tablets I have some in my pocket right now
Starting point is 00:18:34 These erection enhancing tablets help men achieve stronger harder and longer lasting erections for sexual activities And also your penis becomes more mindful. I don't know if you know this. Oh, like it's a wear. It's a wear dude. I love that. Bluetooth is putting its money where its mouth is and offering you a month free. The process is simple. Sign up at Bluetooth.com and consult with one of their licensed medical providers and once you're approved, you'll receive your prescription within days. Bluetooth tablets are made in the U S A prepared and shipped directly to your door. Make life easier by getting harder and discover your options
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Starting point is 00:20:38 Rocketmoney.com slash belly. Rocket Money. Rocket Money. Rocket Money. Rocket Money. Rocket Money. Rocket Money. That's the only thing I got. So how long have you been married though? 11 years.
Starting point is 00:20:50 So you got married when you were famous? No, just before. That's always, oh beautiful. What a family dude. That's a family. Dude this is, is she Italian too? No, she's Lebanese. So my kids are half and half Lebanese.
Starting point is 00:21:02 What is that? Oh from Lebanon. From Lebanon. I went to Beirut. Oh no, I'm sorry, sorry. You've been there. Yeah, I've been there. I is that? Oh, from Lebanon. From Lebanon. I went to Beirut. Oh no, I'm sorry. You've been there. I've been there. I love Lebanon.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. My bad, I wasn't making fun of the people. You didn't know where the ease came from. The ease, the ease is fucking scary. Yeah, that's weird. You're hearing ease. When there's an ease in there. Yeah, you're going too far right.
Starting point is 00:21:16 You're just sticking to middle. It's the middle. Gungla ease, anything. You could just say, any ease is bad. You know what I mean? You can make it up. You know? Baruqa ease.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Ease. People of Baruqa. Baruqa. The salts. Baruqa, yeah, yeah. God, you know what I mean? You can make it up. You know, Baruka ease. Ease, people of Baruka. Baruka, the salts. Yeah, yeah, yeah. God, you're good, huh? Yeah, yeah, yeah, thank you. When are you guys gonna be done? I'm done.
Starting point is 00:21:32 No, with a impractical joker. I'm not on anymore. He's gone. I'm gone, dude. Wait, wait. He left. Yeah. When?
Starting point is 00:21:40 2021. I didn't know that. I'm sorry I didn't know that. Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't know that. That's okay. Yeah, it's the three of them now. Only three heads. And so why did you leave?
Starting point is 00:21:50 I was having some personal issues with the Mrs. family, some stuff. So I had to work it all out. Can you go back? To the marriage I am, I'm back. No, you might go back to the team. No, I'm still friends with them all and it's not for me anymore.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Really? Yeah. Well, it was a long time. A decade. A decade, yeah. It's a long time. I did nine and a half seasons, 300 episodes. That's incredible.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Yeah. And eventually you probably got burnt from it. Well, it's a lot. It's so much. Because the seasons were a lot of, they were like 31 episode seasons. It was a lot of TV. Yeah. And when he did, I did work for him, we did a pilot.
Starting point is 00:22:24 And it was me and- We did it with Howie Mandel. we did a pilot. Yeah, and it was me and um We did what howie mandel howie mandel. Yep, and it was you owen benjamin You guys in a yoga studio in a yoga studio. I remember that hysterical. Yeah, why didn't get picked up? Uh, I don't know why I didn't go because in my mind at that time dude, I needed it really. Oh, dude Yeah, you think I would do it now No, I gotta to call practical. Joseph wants to know a pilot. I'll be like, fuck them. Would you know? No, I would.
Starting point is 00:22:50 No, it was it was it was really funny. I just think at that point, a lot of people were just like looking at jokers and being like, oh, it's not that. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I've seen his penis. OK, that's good. Was it nice for Asians? No, I don't want to. I don't want to get it racial. I mean, overall, For Asians. No, I don't want to get it racial. I mean overall. I don't want to be racially charged answer. I just want overall. Well, you don't have to say anything about it. I'm Asian. I can speak on other Asians penises behalf. Right, but what's your count group? How many Asian penises I've seen? Is that
Starting point is 00:23:21 what you're saying? Yeah. Let's be honest. This is a very good question. Okay Go ahead Bobby goes to the bath house a lot. Yeah the path. Oh, yeah. So in my mind I've had I've seen about 4500 that's a lot of that's that's a good sampling. Yeah, that's good 500 that speaks. That's good for you, buddy And the in terms of the percentile of your penis don't be honest Be honest don't don't say funny thing Dictating but be honest Well, I was going to but now you just made me mad
Starting point is 00:24:05 a little bit. Oh, why? Because you think that I was going to rip you apart or something. You were going to rip me apart, but you're going to have to tell me that I have a micro. No, I'm not saying you're a micro. That's not what I was saying.
Starting point is 00:24:13 I think the color was good. The color? Yeah, because sometimes when you see ethnic penis, I don't know why we always keep talking about that. That's my bad listeners. You know what I mean? I want to be more high brow about things. But we got to put a cap on this.
Starting point is 00:24:26 What? We got to put a cap on this. Let's finish this. This right here? No, I'm going to finish my thought, right? It's an apology first to the people and let's get back to the rating. So what I'm saying about it is that sometimes when you see ethnic penis, it's darker than the regular skin.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Sounds like a movie. What? Ethnic penis. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bobbie Lee in, ethnic penis. Ethnic penis. So when you see ethnic penis, it's like a darker color, right?
Starting point is 00:24:50 Like if you see mine, people always go, why is it so dark? Off brand. Yeah, yeah. Excuse me? Off brand. It's off brand. It's off brand, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:59 So, but yours, it's the same color as your facial skin, so that's good. I like the commitment to the color. You carried it throughout the body color as your facial skin. So that's good. I like the commitment to this color. You carried it throughout the body. Like is yours a different color than your regular skin? And are you OK with showing it also? Not at this table, but to people in general, yeah, normally. Oh, people in general.
Starting point is 00:25:17 So if you went to a spa. Yeah, I'm not modest. Yeah, if it's in a place that's supposed to be out, I'm OK with it. So if I were in a spa and we're getting unchanged, and I was like, what's up, Joe? And you were modest, yeah. If it's in a place that's supposed to be out, I'm okay with it. So if I were in a spa and we're like getting unchanged and I was like, what's up Joe? And you were like, hey, and I went. I mean, how would you feel?
Starting point is 00:25:31 I'm not gonna helicopter for you. I mean, I'd be putting, I'd be take off the towel and put on my pants. I know, but if I said, just look at me right now, okay? We're getting naked. Okay. And I'm like, yeah, it was a good spa. Great spa.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Yeah. It was so fun. That's right. Good. You would say that's right? That's right. That's right? Wow, in a moment. And. So fun. Mm-hmm. That's right. You would say that's right? That's right. That's right? Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:48 In a moment. And I'll go. Same concept. Thumbs up. But you didn't look at mine. I've had enough. No, no, no, no, no. When I look at yours, I want you to look at mine, right?
Starting point is 00:25:58 Okay, let's do it. Great spa. What a good spa. Steve was so hot. That spa was so hot. Dude, that's respectful. Your penis is a nine out of ten. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:26:10 That's not true also. It's not true. See that's what I knew that you were going to do that. That's why you couldn't give a good rating. Why are you doing this, Jason? Cause he gave you an odd rating. That's right, Joe! That's right, Joe! Fuck you! Because even if he went the other way you would have been pissed at him, but now he's speaking truth and complimenting you. It's never good enough. There's It's never good. There's no one. It's never good for you. Yeah, that's why I mean you know how comics are
Starting point is 00:26:28 I mean, what about yours Jaime is it like a Break you can't rate your own dick. Yes, I can Yeah, if we were so me Joe and Jason Chenny we were at we're all going to the spa letman, you know the Paul Sandman. To be honest. Yeah, if we were, so me, Joe, and Jason Cheney, we're all going to the spa. Let's go all the way to the spa. Yeah, we're all in the spa. We can come. The sauna was great.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Oh, let's do a four way. Let's see, how would that work? Oh, that's so. I want to do a four way. Build a scene out. Right. So, hey, Jaime, what'd you think of this Korean spa we just went to?
Starting point is 00:27:00 Is it nice? It's so good. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, the whole aspect. You work there all of a sudden? Yeah, yeah, yeah, dude, dude. What just happened? Dude, why are you doing an Asian accent, dude? You said Korean spa.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Yeah, you almost said barbecue. You heard it. No, what I'm saying is, you know, we're ourselves and we happen to go to a Korean spa. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? You know what I mean? Oh, I thought you were working at the Korean spa. No, that was never in play.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you weren't gonna do a character. You know what, let's do that. Let's be Korean. I was about to raise my hand and ask to see that. Let's be Korean, right? Whoa, that was... And when everyone do an accent.
Starting point is 00:27:44 No, no, no, no. Now I'm a spectator. Do whatever accent you wanna do, all right? Everyone do an accent. No, no, no. Now I'm a spectator. Do whatever accent you want to do. All right. Oh, it's very good. Koreans about today is so steamy. Very good. What? Very good. Very good. Something's chewing gum. How about you, Jason? You feel good? Very good today. He's an Indian guy.
Starting point is 00:28:10 I love his son. Holy shit. You said you were from an accent. I forgot that you were from Bangladesh. I'm from Bangarpur. Bangarpur, my bad. How about you Joe? Crikey. Oh my god, you're from Australia? Crikey. Oh my God, you're from Australia.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Crikey, that's the best down under I've ever seen, Governor. And now look what I do right here. Look, look, look. And then. Oh. Lot of penises. I'm not sure what's happening. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:40 I don't even know. Our apologies to the people who don't want to see. That's true, John. Lot of penises. You gave people still listening. That's true, John. Lot of piercers. You gave him a name, that's a good commitment. Yeah, yeah. How about you, Jim Jai? Jim Jai.
Starting point is 00:28:52 I couldn't think of an Indian name. Is Jai his last name? I know. Jim Jai, what do you think, Jim Jai? I think he's very good. I think he's very good? What about mine? Look at mine.
Starting point is 00:29:03 You was very nice. Very good. What about the Australian Cr at mine. Yours is very nice. Very good. What about the Australian Cracky? Australian Cracky. Shrimp on the barbie. Yeah, very good scene. It's good. The scene's over Jaime.
Starting point is 00:29:13 It's very pink. Oh my God. Wow, the timing. The timing. The timing. We'll keep that in in the editing. Don't fix it. We're not gonna fix it.
Starting point is 00:29:22 It's dead on. Actually, you know what? Move it to later in the episode. Yeah, yeah. The timing. The timing, right? We'll keep that in in editing, okay? Don't fix it. We're not gonna fix it. It's dead on. Actually, you know what? Move it to later in the episode. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Out of nowhere, he just says it. Have you been to a spa? No. Would you ever go? No. Well, that's, yeah. Would you ever go to a spa with me? With you?
Starting point is 00:29:40 Yeah. Probably not. Not that I don't think. Okay, okay. Not because I didn't want to not because I didn't want to, because I don't think we'd be in a situation where we would be at a spa together. What, if you invite me to go to a spa,
Starting point is 00:29:49 I go to a spa with you. I'm a spa guy. Yeah, okay, so- Are you a spa guy? 100%. Oh, really? Yeah, and there's one called Wee Spa. Like, we together?
Starting point is 00:29:59 No, WI. Oh. Yeah, and it's open 24 hours. They don't touch you, they just have the controllers. I'm gonna do this. Wee Spa. It's called Wee Spa, it's 24 hours. And there's a clay room, you go in there with men and women.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Have you been to a Korean spa? I don't know. It's different from regular spa. I've been to a rock salt, Himalayan rock salt room. That's the closest I think I've ever been to a sand room in a Wee Spa. Those are the clothes you wear? Jason, have you been to WeSpa?
Starting point is 00:30:28 Yeah, I love it because you can also eat inside. Yeah, there's a restaurant up there. That's really interesting. The restaurant 24 hours too? It's open pretty late, I think it is, yeah. And it's just like people live there almost, it feels like you can stay over overnight if you pay a little extra.
Starting point is 00:30:42 It's like a WeWork? Yeah, yeah, yeah, it kinda is. Same people. And then, you know, during the days, you see very beautiful women there too, sometimes. It's, well, I was just gonna say that, probably the clientele changes at about 10 p.m. Yeah, you get a lot of hippies and night dwellers at night.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Okay. You know what I mean? Do you like night dwellers? I don't have anything against them. Because you're a family man, and I'd like to ask you something. Please. Giogato, Italian. Bobby Lee. And practical jokers.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Do you stand up? Yeah, you do stand up, right? A lot. Let me ask you something. What time do you go to bed at night? You know, it's a good question for both of you because you both are fathers, okay? And I don't know anything about that lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:31:33 So what time do you go to bed, Joe? I fall asleep probably around 1 a.m. Oh, so you still have a comedy? Yeah, no, I just, I've always not slept much. I've always been a five, six hour kind of guy. Like Elvis, Elvis was like that. Elvis was like that. I'm I've always not slept much. I've always been a five six hour kind of guy like Elvis Elvis was like that Yeah, I'm the Elvis of stand-up comedy Yeah, do you know I helped to go to bed I don't know you guys just go right in yeah I go in you know, I'm in the bedroom early
Starting point is 00:31:58 My wife goes to bed early so I'm in there and you know writing and working or doing whatever until She goes to bed like eight o'clock. All right, So she's a bed in bed. You're still in the room. Yeah. Next to her. Yeah. And she could just fall asleep. You're just, you're just watching stuff or doing stuff. Yeah. She sleeps better because we have a lot of dogs and the dogs sleep with us and the kids will come in and stuff. So she could just like fall asleep. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, this is the thing about white people. You don't sleep with your dogs. We do. On the bed. Yeah, eight of them.
Starting point is 00:32:26 You have eight dogs? I have 12 dogs, eight sleep on the bed. Really? Yeah. What? Yeah, I have 12 dogs. Do you? Yeah, they're in my freezer.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I'm not gonna do it. Okay. I appreciate it, I appreciate it, but I'm not gonna do it. I can't have that still out there. I have four dogs and three cats. I can't have that freeze frame. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:32:43 Yeah, yeah. I have, yeah, the dogs that we have are rescues. I run a rescue out of New York. Oh, I see. So you're not a good foster parent then? No, we keep them. I know, because I used to foster when I had my Kaila, and we kept half of them, right?
Starting point is 00:33:04 Or most of the dogs we had were fosterers and then we have four of them. Wow, you do. Yeah, we do a senior dog rescue. We had New York gato pups and friends. I know that's a picture from a shoot we did, yeah. Okay, so Joe, I have a really, aside from the comedy.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Yeah, sure. Okay, I wanna, let's talk real for a second. Always. Okay. Yeah. And I don't want people to think that I'm being like, you know what I mean? I really mean this. We gotta stop the dog eating in the world.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Yeah, for sure. Right? Like if you see in China, like, you know what I mean? I think they got rid of the Yulin dog eating festival. We have two dogs that we rescued from there. From Yulin? Yeah. Wow. Virginia and Fredo. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Did you, I guess you can pay them $100 and they'll give you the dog, right? Yeah, I've seen those TikToks. The guy goes around and buys them. Yeah, buys them, yeah. But I wanna, and then being real, I wanna invest or help with that process. I don't know what to join.
Starting point is 00:33:57 No dog left behind. Really? That's the name of a company that- No dog left behind. They go, he literally goes. It's an amazing organization. They actually go into and save dogs, rip them out of hand.
Starting point is 00:34:07 God, I mean, and I obviously, there is no dog left behind. There it is. Right, and so, I mean, obviously, you know, I'm not a vegetarian, so I feel like I'm being hypocritical in a weird way. Do you feel hypocritical or no? I'm a vegetarian. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Oh, fuck, man, really? I'm a vegetarian. Fuck. Fuck, man. Really? I'm pescatarian. I eat fish. Oh, yeah. Oh my God. Do fish have feeling? I don't know. They feel good in my belly.
Starting point is 00:34:32 That's true. That's true. Yeah, so I'm going to donate. I'm going to help with this. You're going to donate to my charity? What's it called? Gato Pups and Friends. And what does that do?
Starting point is 00:34:40 It rescues senior dogs out on Long Island. I don't care about that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't like... He wants the Chinese dogs. Yeah, yeah, yeah? It rescues senior dogs out on Long Island. I don't care about that. He wants the Chinese dog. No, no, no. Really? I'll do your thing too.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I'll invest in it. What do you call it? Donate? Donate. Donate. Yeah, yeah. All of a sudden you're a partner and you're looking for a tax break? What's going on? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's mine. I'm going to do that for sure. Oh, thank you, buddy. And then is there some sort of plaque I get or is there a sidewalk where I put my name on it? I like when that happens.
Starting point is 00:35:06 We actually, yeah. I like when that happens. I'll brand one of my children with your. No, I'm being real. Is there like a thing like this, you know how you see a building, you know what I mean, this is a donation. I'll 100% get you an award.
Starting point is 00:35:17 I'll get you an award or a plaque that you can hang in here. I just wanna, you have a building. I do have a building. Right, so I want my name, like this is, you know. It's a rental. It is? It is. How about a little frame thing, you know what I mean? Bob donated. Yeah, I'll put a frame right so I want my name like this is you know rental Frame thing you know me Bob donated Really depends on what's so commands will talk offline
Starting point is 00:35:36 That's gonna go really yeah, all right levels to this oh there. Oh, there is yeah Yeah, but how many dogs you gonna help before you get the plaque? I did not understand a word just said he said how many dogs you have to rescue before you get the plaque Thank you very much, man. You're always attacking people. He's the translator So, um how much would I have to donate to get a plaque yeah together because it seems like you just want to get the plaque Is ten thousand fine Okay, when I get a plaque for ten thousand you'll get a're gonna put in okay, so that's how much ten thousand dog really no No, I really I really do care don't you can't know you don't have a dog I do have a dog I love my dog you how many dogs you have one dog
Starting point is 00:36:23 Because I want to give her everything. Yeah, that's interesting. But it's really hard to- Besides friendship? Sorry? Besides a friend? I mean, the dog likes you, but dogs is friends. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:34 You gotta get another dog. Oh, I know, but I don't have enough energy. What's your dog doing right now? She's in the- Crying by herself? Because you're at work? Okay, let me- No, joke, joke. No, joke. Keep it. You're onto something, keep going. Okay, let me. No joke, no joke.
Starting point is 00:36:45 No joke. Keep it. You're on to something. You're going. Okay, but if you have 12 dogs, who's watching the dogs? Each other. Yeah. Oh, that's his point.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Oh. And my wife's there too, but I'm saying the, no, two dogs is a nice thing. There's been studies showing about how dogs do, how about friendship and stuff, and it makes them actually live longer. You should look into it. I want to. Two is, if you have one, you have two.
Starting point is 00:37:06 You're going out for a walk, you take a second leash. You already could do it. It's not really that much of a change on you. No. And it helps them a little bit. But then if you ask somebody to be like, hey, can you watch my dog? And then they're like, two, no.
Starting point is 00:37:16 You need better friends. Well, you pay them. Yeah. Yeah, I don't have. You pay them. I don't have two dogs' money. I have one dog's money. He has one dog's money. Oh yeah, one dog's money. I didn't know, I didn't know. Yeah, yeah, I don't I don't have you pay them. I don't have two dogs money. I have one dog I didn't know I didn't know yeah, we know you're 12 dogs money
Starting point is 00:37:30 I don't know. I'm 12. I have basic cable But can I ask you this and this is gonna sound me I might be wrong but um You can spread your love around that much. Yes So what I'm saying is, is there a dog, if he passed, God willing he doesn't, that you would cry even harder than you do? Biscotti, 100%. So Biscotti's your dog?
Starting point is 00:37:51 My first rescue. She was our first rescue. We got her 10 years ago. And Biscotti's still around? She's still around. Oh my God. Yeah, so we said we had. So you can't spread your love around equally?
Starting point is 00:38:00 Well, to give love, yes. To receive the love, that's Biscotti. That's my girl. Oh my God. See what I'm saying, Bobby? That's what I'm talking about. You know what I'm saying? Oh my God, what a cute dog.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Yeah, she's sweet. But she was the first rescue too, so it opened up my eyes to a different whole world and a different experience. It started me on the journey, I think. So there's a special place in your heart for that. It's like your first kid. Yeah. Like I love my son, but...
Starting point is 00:38:21 Yeah, yeah, yeah. My daughter. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Biscotti, when you come into the house, oh my God. Forget it. Forget it. There's nothing better than that in life. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow. It's funny, because you think about things that are happy to see you, like your kids could be in a bad mood, or your wife has got something going on, but you walk in the door and it's like, ah, life is back, you know?
Starting point is 00:38:41 Really great. Oh man, you become the center of the world. You are the center, yeah. Wow. How come you like? How come? Did I sound like that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:53 A little bit, how come? Who said yeah? I have never. I mean. There's a little Taiwanese that come out, it's fine. How come? Go ahead. Well now I don't want to say a thing,
Starting point is 00:39:02 because you fucked me. Just don't say how come. Yeah, yeah, don't say it. It fucks me. Just don't say how come. Yeah, yeah. Just say it fucks me up. Why? Why? Yeah, yeah. Why?
Starting point is 00:39:10 Pressuring. Why is great? Oh, oh. I was going to say, the sentence only works with how come. How come? I'm trying to think of another one. Alright, start with the do how come. Okay, I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Alright. How come? Good job. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. How come you really love the dogs? How come you think you'd like? I swear to look at me right now. You get one how come. Yeah, my paragraph needs to. Oh, it does? That's all you get yeah. My paragraph. Nilly nilly how come around here. My paragraph needs two how come.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Oh, it does? Yes. That's all you get though, so go. All right. How come? One. You can't put pressure on me. You like dogs more than, do you think
Starting point is 00:40:00 you like dogs more than humans? No. Oh, OK. But you have so much love, because you said when they walk in, this guy come in, and then you're like, oh, they light like dogs more than humans? No. Oh, okay. But you have so much love because you said when they walk in, they start to come in and then you're like, oh, they light you up more than... It's their... I light them up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Oh, you light them up. And then from their joy, you get happy. 100%. But then you don't feel this... But with your kids, you feel more. Yes, for sure. Yeah, of course. Well, no, some people really love dogs more than...
Starting point is 00:40:24 Well, people... But their own children? That's tough. Your own kids. Yeah, your own children. I respect everybody's perspective. I know, but you have kids, right? And a dog. How the fuck do you feel? How the fuck come to you? How come? How come? How come? I think it's like a difference. There's two levels, two different perspectives, right? The given the love and getting the love. I think from a dog, you get this ridiculous amount of love. No matter what you're really giving them.
Starting point is 00:40:54 So it's. And look at the eyes. There's no pupil. No, I like it when it's all black. Yeah, just straight up. That's actually that's like a puppy picture of her. She's older now. But you know what else I like?
Starting point is 00:41:04 I want to get a black rainfrog Those now now you tell me about that now you're talking you love those they love you so much They look like oh They look so sad they do yeah, what do you think of that? I get one of those I made you like it Yeah, cuz that's what Jaime is Jaime look at me of that? Should I get one of those? Jaime didn't like it. Yeah, because that's what Jaime is. Jaime, look at me. Jaime, frown. You put a bean in my face. Jaime, frown. Jaime, frown. Frown. No. Because that's you, Jaime. Yeah, yeah. But dude, that guy, is he, you think he's miserable or? Yeah, yeah, I do. He's like, I'm a frown. It looks like he's doing too many push-ups. Like he's trying to get one more in. Oh, see,
Starting point is 00:41:42 and the hand is really cute. And the hand's adorable. Those fingernails are dirty though. But that's a really pretty picture. Do you, let me ask you about dirty fingernails. Do you trust somebody with dirty fingernails? No, I don't. You judge hard. We're on the same page, I judge hard.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Yeah, yeah, yeah, hard. Is this when you're on a date? Or even when you're in like, when you notice it and you try it, like that's all you'll see. Right. Or even when you're in like, when you notice it and you try it, like that's all you'll see. Right. I give you like an example. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Or when you want a date, right? And they're like an artist, right? So they have paint all over their clothes and they have paint in their finger. Did they come fresh from work? I know, that's what I'm saying. They want to show that like, listen, I'm creative. I was so inspired, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, get the fuck out of the car. You know what I mean? You're getting paint all over my face. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And was so inspired. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like get the fuck out of the car You can paint all of my yeah Hippie They're at the Wii spa. Yeah 10 p.m. But it's also um If because I see a lot of I get matched, you know, I'm on dating sites, of course Yeah, and I get matched with artists. Is that is that you're like, no I just said they just kind of like me right and I have to and then when I see their paintings
Starting point is 00:42:44 And if I don't like it, I can't say yes to her, right? Or no, let's be honest. No, I think you can, and I'll tell you why. They're getting that out of their system. That's not part of them anymore. What do you mean? I don't get what you're saying. Their art is inside them.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Is there inside them? So you don't like, and they put it out there, and you don't like that art, doesn't matter, it's not part of them anymore. It's already out of them, it's out of the world. I know but then I have to lie Hmm, that's a choice you're making Let's say you're single. Yes, I'm a girl. Okay. Yeah, I'm Patricia Morion. I'm Patricia Morion. Yeah, I love I love your overalls out of covered in paint
Starting point is 00:43:20 And then she's like, and she's like do you like it? No It's over then. Why? Cause they get offended. It's not for me. Oh. I'm sure that people will like it. But I'll tell you something,
Starting point is 00:43:33 my wife didn't like the practical jokers. She didn't like the show I was on. So I mean, I'm looking at it from that. Yeah, but if you're doing standup and she goes, I just don't think you're funny. Yeah, she's never said that. Yeah, I think that's it from that. Yeah, but if you're doing stand up and she goes, I just don't think you're funny. Yeah, she's never said that. Yeah, I think that's what that is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:49 I don't think you're funny. Yeah, I don't think you're talented. Yeah, you have to go, oh, that's good. And I just can't do that. That was super believable. I don't know why you're trying. You just told it. You're like, I loved it.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Or a musician like, this is my new single. And you're like, it's just terrible. You just can't go out with that. That's even worse to have to listen to a song because of the runtime. You can look at a picture, it's over. You gotta sit through two minutes to 24 seconds. It's like, oh my God, they can stop.
Starting point is 00:44:16 I know. Yeah, but what if it's good anyway? You know. Hey, are you in dating sites or dating apps? It's two different things. Corrected. Wow, what a burn. Dating sites are- What a conundrum I'm under.
Starting point is 00:44:32 To me they're the same. No. So what you're saying to me is that Plenty of Fish, the site and the app are two entirely different things? I don't know what that is. Is that a dating app? They're both two things. There's a site. Plenty of Fish is a site.
Starting point is 00:44:50 But there's also an app. But they're the same thing. There's a Plenty of Fish app? Joe. Frown. Are you on Match.com? That's his dating site. So Match.com has an app as well and a site.
Starting point is 00:45:06 He came at you but he doesn't know there's two multiples. Come up with that. That's a multiverse of Marvel. You can wrap your head around it. I know. Yeah, I can't even, yeah, yeah. You come in with such strong, like, you know what I mean, assurance and conviction, but there's nothing behind it. Like, you're wrong, dude. No, um, they ain't saying like, you know, Korea and Hawaii are the same place. But they're not. They're not, exactly. Yeah, but they-
Starting point is 00:45:32 They're both islands. Yeah. They're not. I know. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, very good, very good. You want to come, I'm on your side. Trying to help you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow, yeah. So they're, yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Wow, yeah. So they're both the same thing, I think. Yeah, but the site, you gotta be on the computer with keyboard. I'll tell you what I think makes them the same. They pull from the same data, right? So you would look at the same people on your computer
Starting point is 00:46:01 that you would look, the same people would match you on your phone. So it's not like two different things. It's databases of people. If I watch a complete unknown in the movie theater, and then I watch it on my iPad, it's the same thing. But that's what we're saying. But dating is different because you have like- It's not a movie.
Starting point is 00:46:17 It's not a movie. It's not a movie. Oh my God. You have people great. You're not gonna win this point, I'm sorry. No wait, hold on, one last point. I think this is a good opportunity for you to understand that sometimes you're wrong.
Starting point is 00:46:28 No. And you say, I'm sorry, I was wrong, right? But I think you, okay, go ahead. And sometimes you're wrong. You're gonna, oh, all right, you're gonna die on this hill. Go ahead. Because look, dating sites is like for people your age, you know, past their 50s, like on the keyboard.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Yeah, if you like, it's the same thing, but then. Okay, I can't believe you're doing this right now. No, but the way you're using it, if you if it's an app young people swipe But then older people go like what's okay? So I have a phone Like young people do right, but then I swipe right like young people do but are you fuck do you mean? But maybe you're more comfortable on the keyboard. I'm not I don't have a computer as them He doesn't know I would just I thought I have no idea what comfortable on the keyboard. I'm not, I don't have a computer, ask them. He doesn't have a computer. Well I didn't know, I was just, I thought.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so I have no idea what you're saying, dude. I'm sorry, Joe, you know what I mean? But I got a little riled up. Listen, you're allowed to because I'm with you, bud. Yeah, good, good, good, good. But I think you're doing great. I'll only jump in if you.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Well how old are you, Joe? Me, I'm 48. Yeah, so, whoa. Whoa. I look 60, I know. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm 53. I know, you are. Yeah, and, yeah. I'm 53. I know.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Okay. You are. Yeah. And what I'm saying to you is one day you will. Yeah. Right? And I'm going to tell you something. You're going to feel the exact same way as you feel now.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Okay. We don't look in the... Oh, you don't believe me? No. No, no. Let me just say something. No, no. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:44 So, I'm sorry, Joe, but, right? How do you feel right now? We're on the same page, yeah. You feel like a kid. Yeah, no, I think, oh, 100% I feel like a kid. Yeah, yeah, I always do. But I think what your point is incorrect. So I would, yeah, yeah, I think it's incorrect.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Yeah, yeah. So go ahead, say what you're going to say. Let me just say something that. Yeah, I think it's incorrect. Yeah. So go ahead, say what you're going to say. Let me just say something that. Yeah, go ahead. The women your age, like they're art teachers or hippies or God knows what. I'm just saying dating sites and dating apps. So what you're saying to me now with this logic is that,
Starting point is 00:48:18 how old are you? 28. 28. There are no 28-year-old hippies? I think that is younger. You look like 14. Yeah, yeah. Oh, thank you. But I date women my age.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Good, thank you for clarifying. Thanks for the disclaimer, I wasn't aware that we had to... So do I. Jason, help him out. Yeah, yeah. It's us versus you. Go ahead. We're a debate team. Say go ahead. What was your point? Yeah, yeah, it's us versus you. Go ahead. We're a debate team. Say go ahead. What was your point? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Let me try to double. Go ahead. Dating apps and dating sites are two different things. That's what I said. Okay. But he was trying to say about my age and the women. What is that point? The motivation that he took from it was that you're dealing with a different pool of people. You said artist, by the way. You didn't say art teacher. He put that on his own. He took some...
Starting point is 00:49:08 Thank you, Joe. Thank you. Yeah. So he pulled that out of his ass. Yeah. But I will say that I do understand your point that you think, but they share a login, right? So that's the same exact thing. For me, it's the same thing. So I went on a date Friday with a 30-year-old. Oh. Okay. So you think I'm dating like, you know what I mean,
Starting point is 00:49:25 Talia Shire? Are you? No. No. I'm not dating Talia Shire. I love her by the way. Yeah, I know, you would. You'd love me a lot there.
Starting point is 00:49:33 I met her before, she's very nice lady. But legend, Coppola, you know what I mean? Right. And I love her sons, you know what I mean, but Robert we know, you know what I mean? But my point is that, you know, I date, you know, anyone from 30 to 45, you know what I mean? But they're all that you know I date you know anyone from 30 to 45 you know I mean it's but they're you know they're all you know so 28 year olds you what
Starting point is 00:49:50 did the professions because you threw around art teacher what else so what's it what are you dating at 28 Instagram models and property manager. Seems like an old job. Yes. That seems really old. I wouldn't trust a young kid with my property. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dental hygienist. That's for sure. OK, I'll give you that one. A chiropractor. That's not.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Yeah, yeah, that's not. That's old people problems. Old people problems. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Should've stopped at dental hygienist, buddy. I was with you. Well, I just see Bobby in a couple of years, like in the laptop, or like a computer, or a keyboard.
Starting point is 00:50:21 He gives you arthritis, dude. Have you noticed that? Your fingers are doing this. He makes you look so old. I have no idea what the fuck you noticed that? Your fingers are doing so old. No idea what the fuck you're doing, dude. But I like it. I like it a lot. Give us another mean Joe or a debate team and give us another thing that people would
Starting point is 00:50:35 debate. I want to see if we can debate. Well, I want him to be convicted in it because he has crazy convictions. What's something you really feel strongly about? Yeah. And we'll go the opposite. Hmm. Pizza, pineapple. That's good. I'll have to leave. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we'll go the opposite. Pizza, pineapple, pizza.
Starting point is 00:50:47 That's good. I'll have to leave. I will have to leave. He's in Italian. I don't like it. You don't like it? Yeah. I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:50:54 You have to. You have to. What, you can't put pineapple on pizza? No. You can. He's Italian, dude. I have to say that you can? Yeah, that's the challenge.
Starting point is 00:51:02 You're really asking me to reach you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you listen closely, you hear my grandmother flipping in her grave. All right, yeah, you know, pineapple is a couple. So you know what? If you don't like fun, it's the most fun fruit, first of all. Name a funner fruit than a pineapple.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Yeah, durian. Durian's a pretty fun fruit. But you know what durian fruit is? No. It smells really bad. We're supposed to be on the same team. Jesus, I'm trying here. Here's my pineapple pizza you know what I mean? Support of okay. You're pro pineapple. We're both pro pineapple. Yes we are. I couldn't be more pro. So what I'm saying is that you know there are certain native foods right like pizza from Italy right but things evolve and that's what's great about culinary delights. Things evolve. Things evolve.
Starting point is 00:51:47 And there's fusion, right? And in Hawaii, for instance, they love the pasta, the pizza sauce and the cheese and stuff like that, but they also want uniquely put on a flavor that Italians might not have even thought of. The Hawaiian Italian is starved for culture. And they're looking to be part of it. How many Hawaiian Italians are there? Probably seven? Yeah. Seven or eight people? And these people started a movement. They were all on board with it.
Starting point is 00:52:08 It got to the mainland, and it got to make some change. Yeah, yeah. It got to dominoes. It got to, I don't know. There's Hawaiian Italians? Why'd you say seven, then? I was trying to make a joke. I was really curious.
Starting point is 00:52:22 We were drow, Joe and I were drowning. Yeah, it was tough. Yeah, it drowning. Joe and I were drowning. It was tough. It was tough. It's tough to defend it. Yeah. So let's go back to your home life though. Yeah, I'm here for a buddy. So you sleep with 12 dogs under the bed?
Starting point is 00:52:34 Eight dogs under the bed, yeah. And then what are the other four sleep? Their own couple dog beds and we have like a chase lounge that two of them sleep on. How do you sleep like that? Do they wake you up? Like Tetris. I just get in and go. Yeah, but they don't wake you up. Mm-hmm But you know what they don't move once they once they intimacy though. How does the intimacy happen? I don't fuck my dogs Getting it, but they watch
Starting point is 00:52:57 Are they like on the edge of the bed? They cheer? What do you have against cats? So much. Oh. Oh, here we go. Not a debate. Here we go, I have three cats. What's up?
Starting point is 00:53:12 You have cats? I have three of them, yeah. Fuck you, and you don't, I'm kidding, I love cats. Oh. Look how many cats I have. I love cats, I love cats. You're gonna get me going. I don't know, I just.
Starting point is 00:53:22 You don't have any. I do, there's a cat in my house. My in-laws live with us and they have a cat but it stays in their room And so the cat doesn't get along with the dogs The cat doesn't like anybody the cat likes my mother-in-law and that's it and pretty much that's it and it lives downstairs with them And they're like little that's what I like about cats a cat is is that you know They're very fickle. They love who they love. Yeah, and you know my cats. I'm their guy Yeah, when they look at me in the morning they all come and they give me a headbob They're very fickle, they love who they love. And my cats, I'm their guy.
Starting point is 00:53:45 When they look at me in the morning, they all come and they give me a head bop. You know what I mean? And they can just do their own thing. It's all about connection with your animal though. I like dogs, I like cats, it doesn't matter what it is. If you could connect with the animal. That's why it's so hard to eat cow now.
Starting point is 00:53:59 You shouldn't, I met a cow, that's what made me stop. Because I see them on TikTok. They're like dogs. They're like dogs. Yeah. They're like 800 pound dogs. I know, they follow their, you know, their owners. They get nuzzled. Yeah, owners. They roll it down, they lay down and pet them.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Yeah, it's crazy. There's that connection and it's really hard. Pigs too. Pigs have made their way into home life though. People like have pet pigs. Yeah, I know, that's what I'm saying. So it's like, it's getting harder to do. The chicken, fuck the chicken though.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Chicken is meat to be eaten. You get like, no. I would not get a pet. I don't eat chicken, but I get it. Why don't you eat chicken? I just don't eat meat. In general. Is it because of that though?
Starting point is 00:54:34 When I met the cow. Yeah, I stopped eating. Wow. Yeah, I met Caesar. That's his name. His name was Caesar, yeah. Tell me about Caesar. 800 pound dog, basically. He walked out of a bar and he came up to me.
Starting point is 00:54:43 I was like, wow, this thing is gorgeous. And I just, it was six feet tall. It was like, wow, this thing is gorgeous and I just it was six feet tall It was like six and a half feet tall and I just pet its head and it nuzzled down like a dog and like Nuzzled into me it was unbelievable and I was like, alright, I don't have to eat meat and I just stopped eat meat I didn't really eat much meat because my wife was vegetarian anyway, and she doesn't cook I cook so I was like Oh, this is beautiful. So you could give it up if you tried It tastes so good though. I know, I know, thank you Jason. But that makes me sad though.
Starting point is 00:55:09 It's a dilemma for me I think. I think if they put a cow. I tell you if you met one, I think it would change your mind. Not you, you're out. You and me. I know, I know. You give up on me? Yeah dude, you're one of those dude.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Yeah. No no, but I feel like if they have a cow, like in the city, in the downtown, and everybody passed by, that would change people's mind, I feel like. Like sex in the city? Like, cow pose. It is it. I'm a Miranda.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Yeah. Miranda, I should have said. That would have been better. Yeah, that was, yeah. But, it's good. It's still okay. Yeah, no, I think if you meet one, but it would. I think that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:55:44 I think, where does this cow live? It's okay. Yeah. No, I think if you meet one, but it would yeah, I think that's what it is I think where does this cow live? It's dead now Hi, man, he said what's up, dude what he said was a living being just I was up It was a cow. It didn't see that's what I'm saying. You're out out what Mexico we have cows running around we eat them all day Okay, so cows are good. He's got a good foot. Okay. I'm just saying cows Cows are good. The cows are good. Do you have a completely different? I know They ready to say you didn't meet a kid. You don't know what a cow is We're like you have no idea what a cow we have in the Mexico We're like, you have no idea what a cow is. We have them in Mexico, bro.
Starting point is 00:56:24 That was so funny. Come at me with it. That was crazy. Yeah? You have a Mexican cow. Tell us about these Mexican cows. Yeah, tell us more about Mexican cows. They're delicious, man.
Starting point is 00:56:34 We eat their head, their tongue. Okay, all right, that's fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Try it. Yeah, you know, it's funny. I've been watching this Ken Burns documentary about the Vietnam War. And there was a,
Starting point is 00:56:49 Alex? Ooh. You just had a flashback from the war? He was a nom, he served two duties. He's among a palm tree back there too. Charlie! But there was this incident that happened on Mylie. Have you heard of it?
Starting point is 00:57:06 No. Mylie incidents where American soldiers killed hundreds of children, men and women. But some soldiers lured villagers outside so they wouldn't be killed, you know? And I think I'm gonna be one of those. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:23 You started this whole thing, by the way, by this is funny. That was your first word. You go, this is funny, but I've been watching this documentary. Oh, really? That's how you framed it. Did I really?
Starting point is 00:57:33 That was your Mexican cow. Oh. This is funny. I was watching this documentary. I was like, I was waiting for the whole. Well, you know how some things are funny alone? Gotcha. And then when you say it out loud, it's not so funny. I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:57:47 What I'm saying is, what kind of person would you be in that situation? Oh, I think the Laura. I know you would. I'd be luring children. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. See, you're right, it's what you say out loud. But some people did it because everyone else was doing it,
Starting point is 00:58:01 is what I'm saying. You know what I mean? They're like, I don't know what to do. One person has to start it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What kind of person would you be, you think? A person? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Me? Yeah. Myself? And I? Yeah. What do you mean, like what? You know what? I don't think he heard what you said.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Okay, okay, okay. Stop, stop for a second, okay? I think there's a problem there. You think? I know. I think there might be a problem. As an outsider? Yeah, you're telling me there's a problem.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think the problem. I think the root of the problem is, Jaime, is that you're not really listening. I think he's listening to a different podcast. It's just coming in. Are you listening to Tim Dillon right now? No, I am, but okay, what's the dog name? Forget it, forget it. We can move on for a minute.
Starting point is 00:58:42 And do you wake up early then? Yeah. 5 AM. 5 in the morning. early then? Yeah, 5 a.m. Five in the morning. Oh my God. Five, 5, 30. And what do you do? Keep the dogs out? Get the dogs out, get them out,
Starting point is 00:58:52 then the kids get the kids ready for school and stuff. What a life. I go back to bed a little bit sometimes in between. They'll be done and fed by 6, 30 and the kids don't have to get up to like 7, 30. So I grab an hour, nap back out. Is it worth it? Yes, 100%.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Sell it to me. Are you happy? Do you want to be? I'm happy. Do you want to be? That's a good question. OK, so this is a great question. I'm not saying your happiness has to be defined by that,
Starting point is 00:59:18 but I'm genuinely happy. No, here's the question. And this is a very good philosophical question, right? I think I would be, I think I was made to have a family. What? When you oof. That's real. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:33 I love it. Yeah, I think that I work well in that kind of environment. It gives me goals, a reason to get up, a reason to, it's in many respects, service work. For sure. Right? And I think's in many respects service work. For sure. Right? And I think when you're doing service work, you get out of yourself, you stop thinking about
Starting point is 00:59:49 your own problems. Put it in others before you do. Yeah, and you have shit to do, right? I'm sure you experience the same thing. But also I have this thing where it's like, you know, I love hotties, baby. Yeah. No!
Starting point is 01:00:02 You love the dating sites. Yeah! I'm on the dating sites. Yeah, no! You love the dating sites. Yeah! I'm on the dating sites. Look at me! No, no. I struggle between two different things, you know? But if I met the right person, I think I would do, I think what I'm doing is I'm doing meditations again.
Starting point is 01:00:17 And in my still mind, in my still mind, I'm trying to manifest somebody that's gonna have a family with me. But it's just not happening. But maybe, what? What do you mean? How come? How come? How come?
Starting point is 01:00:37 How come? How come? The title of this episode is not how come. How come? How come? You have to spell it that way. I forgot. I forgot. How come what? You have to spell it that way. Yeah. I forgot.
Starting point is 01:00:46 What is wrong with you, dude? You're being too close to him, I think. Is it working its way down? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a disease and something's happening. So what is it? I forgot. You fucked me.
Starting point is 01:01:00 How did I fuck you, dude? I forgot. Wait, what was, what did you say? He said the sites, he thinks he wants that family, he's trying to manifest it in his stonewalk. Oh yeah, you were talking about kids, but how do you not know maybe that you actually do want it? What?
Starting point is 01:01:13 You know what, I just... No, no, it's okay. Express yourself. Okay. You know, whatever I just said right now was like filler things because I couldn't think of my thing. Yeah, you're doing what he does I just say Bobby I'm so I'm locked in you're not
Starting point is 01:01:31 You're trying to punch in the cone We for sure by those anything yeah, we're locked in but locked in but Navy or anything But yeah, yeah Yeah We're locked in but we don't know where the snipers were lucky It looked like my grandfather was so locked in or locked out You're locked in okay, yeah, don't be scared. Hey, yeah You're locked in, okay. Okay. Don't be scared.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Hey, it's crazy. Go ahead. No, nevermind. Oh, too quick. Oh my God. He lost it again, the target. He lost it. He lost the target.
Starting point is 01:02:10 No, I don't wanna get you mad. You know, dude, we've worked enough together where you can say anything to me. I'm not gonna be mad at you. You know, you could have been a grandpa by now, right? Oh, 53? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:26 I'm not mad. He's locked in. He's locked in. I'm not mad at all. He's locked in. I'm not mad at all. He's locked in. Yeah, I feel great.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Excuse me? But, yeah. I'm sure, yeah. That's true. That's true, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I ran the numbers, it comes back true. It comes back true, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:43 You know, if I had a baby at 18 and then- Or even 21. Yeah, yeah, sure. 21 year old has a 21 year old. Exactly, yeah. So you were right theoretically, you know, but. I'm not, so. You know, it's one of those inevitable things, Jaime,
Starting point is 01:02:55 that one day you will also be 53. Well, you don't know, he could die. I think the latter, but. But you know, one day you will be, right um, I hope you're as happy as I am I'll be your son No, why there's no way Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I'm very happy. Aren't you the happy in your late 40s. You are you the happiest you've ever been? I'm in the happiest I've ever been in my life for sure right now Yeah, I always felt that about myself too that, that in my 50s and my late 40s were the best years
Starting point is 01:03:30 of my life so far. But did you ever think that before? No. That? A lot of times I always felt like I was happy, but I would never be able to say it as confidently as I can now I think. Yeah. Because I think you've been through some shit too that helps you realize the happiness.
Starting point is 01:03:43 You also realize what's important what's not and you know, it's also you know, the ending is close Yeah, yeah, so you lock second. Yeah, so you sort of like kind of weed out what to worry about I'll say that's one of the weirdest thing about having kids though Why instantly when I have my daughter my mortality clock kicked in I was like, whoa I was like I got to make memories here I got a been it be an impact because I lost my dad when I was 19, right? But he was still one of the most impactful people in my life. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:04:08 You didn't do it. I did, though. Well, nice to meet you, pancreatic cancer. Oh, shit. Sorry. Sorry. Wow. Nice to meet you.
Starting point is 01:04:17 That's what it sounded like. That's right. That's right. I did my pancreatic cancer. Oh, you should have done that in the voice when we were at the spa. I ain't nobody who's pancreatic cancer. How about that sauna?
Starting point is 01:04:26 RFK is my friend. I think what we did... That's funny, but... I think what we did the... When I had that impact on my life, it was like, oh, that's a thing, but when I had a kid, I was like, oh shit, I gotta start. I gotta do that. You know, you're gonna be a mortality.
Starting point is 01:04:42 You only have a limited amount of time with them. So how old is your oldest? Nine, she's nine. And your youngest? Seven. So they go, daddy, daddy, you know what I mean? Pretty dead on. What?
Starting point is 01:04:52 Pretty dead on. Yeah, yeah, pretty good. Daddy, daddy, can you... She's nine, not nine months. Daddy, daddy. Oh, they don't do... They talk, they're children. Father.
Starting point is 01:05:00 That's right. Father. Papa. Papa, can we go to the mall? Would you do that? Go to the mall? Like just, no, that's, that's, that's, okay. He's burping.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Okay. What I'm saying is, is that like, do you, if they ask for something, do you do it right away? Not right away, but I do make it a priority for sure. Like that, I want the new Jordans. No, not like that. Not materialistic stuff. Why? Uh, I mean. What want the new Jordans. No not like that. Not materialistic stuff. Why? I mean what if the new Jordans are dope? That's true. Maybe I'll get it for them. That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:05:31 It's like I because I spoil my dogs. I'll go buy treats whatever you mean. I'll even if I go to a steak house I'll buy another steak just for them. Stuff like that right. I want to please you know because I'm a giver. I'm not good at receiving gifts because of my upbringing, you know what I mean? But I'm good at giving, right? So I feel like I would spoil the fuck out of my kids. How do you discipline yourself from doing that? I did this thing for a while
Starting point is 01:05:56 when you started feeling guilty being on the road and not being around them. So I would come home with like, would you bring me? And then when my son said that to me one time, I was like, I brought you me, I'm back. And then I was like, I just stopped bringing stuff home. And then they didn't care, and they enjoyed that I came back.
Starting point is 01:06:11 And I was like, wow, it's really time. It really just is that kind of thing. So that was a big thing. I think a lot of people have fallen to that guilt thing. I gotta buy them something when I'm out. How old are your kids? Two, just one. You have one kid?
Starting point is 01:06:23 Yeah, a boy and a girl. A girl. And when you go on the road and you come home, is she excited to see you? No. Give it a year, you'll be all right. Yeah, the first two don't matter. Really? Yeah, we're little kids, they don't really give it up yet.
Starting point is 01:06:35 When did they give it up? Are you making me feel better? Five years old. Oh, okay. Yeah, five. Oh, at five they got? Four or five. Really?
Starting point is 01:06:43 When I was, my daughter, at five years old, I came home from, we did something like, we we were on one of our I was away from a while I think came back just from one more cruises or something and my daughter came and she's like oh daddy I love when you come to visit and I was like, oh It's like hysterical but also so painful at the same time and I'm doing something when you don't know sometimes Do you do like a like a goofy funny thing to say bye? This is how you do it. Yes, it's a goofy funny thing to say bye, but then it hurts. This is how you do it? It hurts. This is the goofy funny thing?
Starting point is 01:07:06 Ah, I'm gonna kill you. I'm so goofy. What is this? What is arms? This is goofy funny? You look like a pterodactyl. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Yeah, yeah. You also look like Bobby's searching on match.com. Yeah. Yeah. He just founts them by the night. Yay! No, yeah, I do see the goodbyes do get harder as they get older.
Starting point is 01:07:28 It hurts when you say goodbye. It hurts way more, dude. But then you try to smile and then when you leave, you're like, oh my God. Cry in the car. Are you being real? Have you done that? 100%.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Oh damn. Multiple times. So I don't remember my dad leaving and me going, dad? I was like, yay! Like, he was like, yay. Like, he was so violent. But I think that, I think the whole family dynamic
Starting point is 01:07:50 has changed from when we grew up. Like, you know. Well, explain to me, I like that. You know, the father is way more involved, I think, in the family dynamic. I think so too. Especially post-COVID, when everybody worked from home and everything, they really got a shot
Starting point is 01:08:02 of having two parents in the house. Moms have to work more. I mean, my mom didn't really work growing up. So I think the whole dynamic has shifted. It's a whole new thing up now. I think you're right. I think the reason why I never had children is I was afraid to perpetuate my dad's behavior.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Not that I'm him. Yeah, you're not. But it's just like, I just didn't want to scar my children. So you didn't give yourself the opportunity to. But now I believe that I'm mindful enough, I'm in therapy and all that stuff. I think I'd be able to do it. I know you would.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Because number one, I would never yell. You won't though. How do you know? You won't though. Yeah, but you do this. That's pretty wonderful. But I don't say anything. Oh, a silent monster bye you leaving you gotta poo or poo or pee have a good pee I think I I don't I think you'll be the, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:07 it's the father that you are versus the father you wanna be and then the father that you had. You know, if you had a good father, you'll take the good. You'll try to not do the bad. In my, my dad was great and I didn't have him long enough to like end up hating him.
Starting point is 01:09:20 So I think that's a thing. I think you'll just take what you thought was great and build on that. Joe, what is that like at 19? I mean, that must've been, I just don't know how that is. I mean, that must've been tough. It was rough. Dark.
Starting point is 01:09:32 For sure. Very dark. Yeah. When did you do comedy after that? I started right after college. So my dad thought I was a sophomore in college. Wow. And then we started our improv comedy troupe after college.
Starting point is 01:09:43 So three years after that, 99. And my dad died in 95. Wow. And then we started our improv comedy troupe after college. So three years after that, 99. And my dad died in 95. Wow. 99 is when you started. 99 is when the Tenderloins, which is our improv comedy troupe started. Who was in that? Me, Sal, Murr, and another guy.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Wow. And then Q replaced him, the other guy that dropped out and started a family and got a real job. Oh, really? Yeah, Mike. He's a good guy. So the Pete Best of the? No, because he won at that
Starting point is 01:10:05 moment in life was the right move. You know Pete Best does? No. You know Pete Best? No. Do you know what? He's the guy who left the Beatles. So Pete Best was the drummer for the Beatles and he quit like and then six months later they were the biggest thing in the world. Yeah. And he's in art school going, I think I have. I mean, imagine being Pete Best. Oh my god. That's Pete Worst. That's the Pete Worst. Yeah, so that's Mike. Mike is the guy my arms around.
Starting point is 01:10:36 So the little head guy was still in it. So that's Sal Murr. And then his name's Mike and then me with my hand on my hip. And my shirt tucked in. Wait, that's you? That's me, yeah. Wow. Yeah, that's 1999.
Starting point is 01:10:47 You had a lesbian's body then, huh? No, it looks like I ate one. Wow, that's amazing. So that was 90, yeah, I think that's 99. How did you meet your wife? She worked for the company. I was working for a company called Giggle, a baby company. And she worked on the West Coast and I opened up a new store there. I was part of a company called Giggle, a baby company. And she worked on the West Coast,
Starting point is 01:11:06 and I opened up a new store there. I was part of the training program manager, and I worked long distance, came, met her there, and then we dated for two years. Was it instantaneous when you saw her? Yes. So it was long distance? For a year and a half.
Starting point is 01:11:17 For how long? How long the distance? She's from San Francisco. This big? You want to visit Lake? Yeah, yeah, yeah. She was in San Francisco, I was in New York. That's tough. Time change. Oh my god. You probably flew back and forth a lot?
Starting point is 01:11:28 A couple, yeah. But then a year and a half in, I was like, look, you gotta move to New York or this is, we're not gonna do it. And she called my bluff and moved to New York and that was it. Wow. Then my mom, we were just dating and stuff and then my mom passed away and she got me through that tough time. Oh my god, what the fuck? And then I ended up marrying her. Your brothers and sisters?
Starting point is 01:11:45 Two sisters, older. So they were probably, were they there for you when your dad died and all that stuff? We were all there for each other. It was kind of like, and my mom. It was made like a real hardcore family unit. And then my mom passed away, my sisters and I super died again.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Oh wow, yeah. That's life, man. It's hard. It is. You gotta love him while you got him, man. You really do. I think you've inspired me to do a couple of things here. What? What are those things?
Starting point is 01:12:11 You know what? Oh, I was just wondering, I don't know. It's crazy, you know. I'll tell ya. How come? I... I... I...
Starting point is 01:12:23 I... I... I... Yeah. You know, I was about to say it. You know what I mean? How come? Okay. Yeah. You know, I was about to say it. You know what I mean? You just never give it the opportunity. Oh, sorry. Yeah, yeah. I thought maybe you would like to explain.
Starting point is 01:12:33 So this is how it's supposed to go, all right? You've inspired me to do a couple of things, right? And then these are the things. But instead you go, what are they? It's an undead filler. It's an undead set. I'm not gonna tell you what they are. My bad.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Yeah. Number one is I'm gonna highly consider figuring out this cow thing, meat thing. I'm beginning to like feel a little weird about it. I feel it too. Really? Yeah, but you love Korean barbecue. I know, that's the hard thing.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Yeah. Yeah, well I love to, a prosciutto mozzarella sandwich and buffalo wings and I got to love it. Right. Maybe we can open up a Korean restaurant vegan. Anyway, and the second thing is this, that was the loudest ice for some reason.
Starting point is 01:13:24 It's like the Titanic? Yeah. Yeah. I, I, I, I. Did he hit it with his face? Yeah. Is your mouth sinking? That was the loudest ice. It's like the Titanic. Did he hit it with his face? Is your mouth sinking? Yeah. That was crazy. And maybe, you know, maybe a family one day. Those are two big swings.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Am I too old? I think 53 is pretty old. Why did you do family last? You supposed to family first. No. Why'd you do family last? You supposed the family first. No. Why in that order? Can I ask you about your family? Are they living?
Starting point is 01:13:52 What? What's going on here? Your parents, are they living? What's happening? I'll come. Well, I'll tell you why you asked. You said, is it too late for you? Are your parents still?
Starting point is 01:14:01 My mother's still alive. She's 81. She lives in Phoenix by herself herself and she's very happy. I have a brother, Steve, who lives in LA. Older. Younger. And you know, I met Steve. He's wild.
Starting point is 01:14:15 You'll meet him one day. And then this is it. So if you're 81. That's my family right there. You got 30 years. There's my dad, past. There's my mom holding the baby like that. That's my family right there. You got 30 years. There's my dad past. There's my mom holding the baby like that. That's weird.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Like why did you hold the crotch like that, mom? Well, I was looking more at the peek-a-boo situation. I was looking at the peek-a-boo situation. She was like, you can look, no you can't. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's insane. And then, yeah, we look like North Koreans for some reason, do we not?
Starting point is 01:14:43 Yeah, this feels very... You know what it looks like? It looks like a painting more than a photo. You know what I mean? Yeah. No, but look like North Koreans for some reason. Yeah, did it still look very like North? You know what it looks like? It looks like a painting more than a photo. You know what I mean? Yeah. No, but so like 81, like you'll at least have 30 years with this kid if you pop one out soon. Oh, that's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's more time I had with my father. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:55 So that's, I think that's going to be in the agenda, you know? And then, do you have any other projects that you want to promote? Aside from... We're talking about all this deep and he's like, what's your Instagram handle? I think we're going to talk more about your like. I know. Let's go get, let's talk. I'll tell you, I'll tell you, I'll tell you what happened. It's at Joe underscore. I'll tell you what happened. It got so real. You want to say that I wanted to get out and maybe I should stay in it. That's how you'll change. That's how I'll change. I'm gonna stay in it. I'm gonna stay in it.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Only grow in the uncomfortable. Why do you think it's too late for you? For it to be a father. Let's say you get 30 years, right? I hold my father the highest regard. I had him 19 years. Yeah. Probably, you know, so like what makes you think that you wouldn't be able to do that in 19 years? Well, first we gotta find somebody that will do it with you. I think that's the key. Two years, met and married my wife two years, had a kid in three.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Yeah, yeah. So that's the first thing is to meet somebody, right? And I think my qualifications are gonna change a little bit. 100%, they have to lower. Yes. So this is very interesting. No, I'm kidding. No, no.
Starting point is 01:16:06 I think that you're real. I think you'd hit a nerve, okay? Lower my qualifications in terms of physical attraction, I think. Okay. You could say that, but what I would say is that don't put that foot forward. Don't make that the deciding factor because you'll get into different things. You could find somebody more attractive when you get to know them. You won't find them less attractive.
Starting point is 01:16:26 When you get them, people become more attractive to you if you get their person. Now you get attractive on an emotional level and it only increases the physical. That's my opinion. That's true. Jason, you don't know shit. No, that's true though.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Thank you. I learned that on my dating websites. Jason, why, do you feel the same way? Yeah, I think so because we're together for a pretty long time and sometimes the attraction, yeah. Sometimes the connection is good and the sex is better, but when we fight, then no sex. He's definitely listening to a different podcast. I really don't think you're here right now. I'm here.
Starting point is 01:17:08 I'm locked in. I don't think you're locked in. Did you hire them as day players so we weren't alone at the table? No, I mean, we always have this many people, right? But Julie Jules is here, but she's not here. And your gum-tooth ratio on your mouth is a little... Perfect. It's perfect. I like it. You...
Starting point is 01:17:27 Anyway, yeah, very good point. Aren't you glad you went to him? I'm so glad you came. Thank you. I love you so much. Yeah. Have you seen him do stand-up? He's so funny. No, I haven't. I'm looking forward to it. So, Joe, do you have any dates you want to plug?
Starting point is 01:17:41 Do you have fun here, by the way? I actually had more fun. Be honest. I had more fun than I thought I was going to. Why did you say that? I'm being real. I didn't know how much fun I was going to. Oh my god, look at that.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Did you guys have a relationship before now? No, I mean, we've been in the same room, and we've been in the same room, I think one other time. But now it's going to be, now I feel like if we cheer those hugs and. Well, you definitely didn't like me because you thought I was somebody else I was like No, I think that if I see you next day will be like hey that kind of thing. Yeah, I'll be great
Starting point is 01:18:11 Yeah, no, I'm you could go to Joe Gatto official comm for a little bit of a official Yeah, you know this next I don't know when this comes out But this is my next weekend coming up Valentine's Day week Are you doing more theaters than clubs or all theaters all theaters? Yeah. Wow Wow You like theaters? I do. Yeah. I like the stage. I like to, you know, I move around a lot so I feel a little cramped. Where are you going to play in San Diego? Oh, we just played the bubble. Yeah, that's fun. Oh, I love that. Yeah, it's a fun theater. Yeah. Wow. That's amazing. Yep. So awesome. So go check out
Starting point is 01:18:39 Joe Gatto. Official.com. Official.com. And my new special is on Hulu. Yeah, his own. Also you did you do you got one in Hulu too? Yeah, I did the 800 pound gorilla. I produced with them and oh, that's amazing. Yes. It was a while now. It's on Hulu and this is my kids coming up. You see them in the beginning.
Starting point is 01:18:56 That's my daughter. Oh my God, dude. Oh my God. It's really sweet moment. It's so sweet. You could have that too, buddy. Wow. They must be so proud of you.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Love it. Yes, they do. I get to take him on the road with me sometimes. That's a lot of fun Wow, that's fucking amazing, dude. Yeah. So anyway, give Joe got to a round of applause It's very pink.

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