TigerBelly - Steve Aoki & I'm a Playtapus

Episode Date: February 19, 2025

Steve Aoki joins us in the studio and brings gifts for Bobby. We chat Jiro's sushi, intense Warzone, Jules caked, Vegas-living, Bennihanna, & Jamie's gift to Steve.  Stop putting off those do...ctors appointments and go to www.zocdoc.com/belly to find and instantly book a top-rated doctor today. Start earning points on rent you’re already paying by going to www.joinbilt.com/belly  Go to Download the Saily app in your app store or by scanning the QR code on screen and use code Tigerbelly at checkout to get 15% off your first purchase

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music I'm gonna be a good boy, I'm gonna be a good boy, yeah Ground control to major tom Commencing seven, six Ground control to major tom Are you nervous? No You don't get nervous? Never again, man. Take a book, take a note out of Ari Shafir's book.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Don't be a. Yeah. That gave me more confidence. You learn something every day, I love it. You absorb one information every day and I love it. I take my. One piece of information. Don't be a pussy.
Starting point is 00:01:00 That's today's information, right? Yeah. Don't be scared no more. What about the tree thing, what was that about? Staying still in the river, don't be scared. What about the tree thing? What was that about? Staying still in the river? Don't push me out the riverbank Hey, then bear than Maya, I'm Angelo. I'll tell you that right now Everything you're hearing and seeing right now. Yeah, it's not real. It's a dream. It's a
Starting point is 00:01:18 Dude, that's another quote that you just made out. That's amazing. It's not made up. It's not been said by whom No, no Just say you just say you You don't have to have the book. Can you make up a quote? Yeah, give me something What okay? Um, that's one Yeah, that's a pretty good quote. Okay Give me a quote about
Starting point is 00:01:44 Procrastination okay, man Man's the beginning No, no, okay open up pack of Crackerjacks in 1999 call me twice Open up a pack of Crackerjacks in 1999 and call me twice That's really good, dude. That's really good, dude. Take me in the buff of the wild wings
Starting point is 00:02:10 and don't pay the bill. That's not about procrastination, but I like it. Hey, we're matching beanies. I like it. I like when we do the same. Same. Yeah. Do you want me to repeat everything you say?
Starting point is 00:02:22 No. We can do a bit. Yeah. We can do a bit. We can do a bit. You don't hear my German accent? Yeah, do your German accent. Yeah, we can have like one cigarette, two cigarettes. Remember that? Or Ralph?
Starting point is 00:02:32 You don't remember? That's not... You crazy Americans. You crazy... That's not your autistic Mexican character? No, it's not Mexican autistic. With a speech impediment? You don't... It's not that? You don't remember we did the little thing? I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I don't remember the things that we do together. Why? I called you like twice already. No, you didn't. And you didn't pick up. No, you didn't. I called you for some ice cream. Yeah, I mean, I'm gonna play the piano again
Starting point is 00:02:55 because I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, yeah. Dreams come true to those who chase them. You know, can I do the first couple lines first? I'm trying to help you. I think I had it. You didn't think you had it, bro. Dreams come true for you and me to gather in destiny.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yeah? Okay, that's good. Now you do the next one. You and me together in destiny Take me to Buffalo Wild Wings and leave me with the bill recently happened I feel like it recently happened yeah I didn't why'd you sound like that? yeah why'd you sound like that just now dude? hey Bobby don't you hate it when a girl tells you there's someone else yeah I do. Yeah, it happened. How many cheeks do you have, my little friend? Just one is enough for me.
Starting point is 00:04:14 You have two. You have two, bro. Everyone has two. Everyone has two. Two what? Cheeks. Oh, I'll tell you, chicks. Like girls, man. I have one girl, man. I don't have two cheeks. Butt cheeks. Yeah, not butt cheeks. Facial cheeks.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Oh, facial cheeks. Yeah. Yeah. You know, that girl told me there's someone else. I was talking to this girl. Hey! Hey! I was talking to this girl You don't have to shake everyone's hands you can shake my hand hey, what's up Steve? Dude bro, yeah, that's water. Yeah, yeah Dude, bro. Can I sit here? Water coffee. Do you work cans? Yeah, I can do that. I got gifts for you.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You do? What kind of gifts? I love gifts. I don't know when I should do it. We'll do it 8 minutes into the pod. Specifically 8 minutes. I'll know. I have an internal timer. Maybe put the cans on and congratulations on everything my friend. Thank you. Yeah you've been killing it for so many years. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:45 We got Steve Aoki here, he's full Asian my friend. Steve Aoki, give him a round of applause. Oh my God, the greatest DJ on planet Earth, a true Japanese king. Let me ask you something Steve, right off the bat. You're Japanese. I'm Korean, is there a problem? I wanna know if there's a fucking problem because if there's a problem I will adjust my attitude.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yeah, slightly. Really? No, no, no. When's the last time we ran into each other? I've only ran into you one time in life. Is that when I carried... Yes? Oh, you carried...
Starting point is 00:06:20 I carried you. Okay, you carried me. I need one of us to carry each other. Yeah, I carried you. That's a beautiful photo It's a great photo. It was in a hotel in Georgia's I think oh wow in Atlanta, Georgia I think it was in Georgia cuz I was sure it's either that makes sense Atlanta makes it yeah
Starting point is 00:06:35 Yeah, it was in Georgia cuz I was shooting a movie yeah, and I saw you in the hallway you ran toward me You jumped in my arms. Yeah, you know why I know the year why tell me the year because of this shirt. I'm wearing that's the dim-mock I designed that dim-mock shirt and it says 96 on the front. Yeah, that's a Japanese So we had Japan so that's 20 2015 2015 is that 2015 I don't remember. I should know because I only did like two movies in my life. 2015.
Starting point is 00:07:09 But I remember it was a cosmic. Ten years ago. Ten years ago. Wow. Ten years ago. We're getting old, bro. I know. You look good, dude.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Man, you look great, too. I know, but you look, your face. When Asians go thin face. I love it I mean when they go wide like you I don't like it so much. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you've always had a thin face a thin face Yeah, yeah long and so oh yeah. Yeah, okay. You like that. I didn't I never thought about it It's something I think about because I'm a fat face. I have a big like a wide face like a cheeky face like moon They get like a moon. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's good Yeah, it's gonna be other planets. You know me like Mars, but anyway
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yeah, and you've always had a thin face very handsome. Oh, thank you. Yeah, you're handsome. You're really handsome You think so? Yeah, I do. I do know what you should you shook your head Dude if I'm ugly,, bro, what are you? You have a nice mustache. You have a nice mustache. You know, it's so funny that a Japanese man says that because he knows that you can grow a beard. You can grow a beard and I can't and that's a diss. It's actually, I feel like it's a very small percentage of Japanese people that can grow beard.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I mean, this is kind of a sparse beard. Yeah. But I, you know what's really strange is that Tell me, tell me. That I couldn't even grow a mustache until I was 25. What? Yeah, yeah, so it started coming in in like my mid-20s and I'm like, did I just hit another period or something?
Starting point is 00:08:40 Okay, well you were 25. Yeah. Were you an unknown person then? I was just coming up, you know, I just I just started DJing. Did you have money? No, no I was actually I was in debt. Oh you were in debt. I was in debt. So the money didn't happen Oh my god, look at that German camp Japanese That's we gotta lock that guy away
Starting point is 00:09:03 That's we gotta lock that guy away. Wow The hair is blonde the hair is blonde. Yeah, I was a hardcore kid So I like you know, it's what you do you you bleached your hair and wear ties and yeah, what's hardcore mean? Oh, I was like it's like punk screaming music like fugazi. Yeah, I'm a fugazi fan. Yeah Yeah, yeah, DC, B. McKay. You know him? I saw Fugazi. Yeah, you did. In the 90s when I was a kid. I was like, yeah, it's probably one of my favorites. Minor Threats. Yeah, obviously. All the Discord shit. I love that shit. I love, yeah. Dude, we're the same, dude. You know what's so funny? We're the fucking same, man! Are you familiar with Revelation Records? Oh, yeah, so I just I just came from there. No
Starting point is 00:09:46 I just was down there. I flew to Orange County to go to the Revelation So obviously, you know discord and Ian McKay, yeah, yeah the whole world. Yeah. Well Revelation is is straight-edge hardcore It's like it's not strange art, but it's like, name me a band that's signed. Gorilla Biscuits, Youth of Today. Oh, I know Youth of Yesterday. Shelter. They're one of my favorites. Oh, here we go. Yeah. Zoom in a little bit. Okay. So we've got. Gorilla Biscuits is by far the biggest. The biggest one. Yeah. I haven't got you on my band. Oh, I'll tell you a band on there that I'm a huge fan of. Quicksand. Yeah, Quick, love quick sand the guitarist of grill biscuits is the singer guitarist of quicksand Oh, so I'm gonna like I'm gonna like girl biscuit. I don't know. It's just kind of it's very different
Starting point is 00:10:35 It's not as melodic. It's it's more like hardcore. It's like I can go hardcore man. Yeah, I can go pretty fucking hard, dude Okay, I can fucking smash them. All right. You know know I mean I can get in the center and fucking stir shit up. I definitely can't I'm like hiding in the you know Yeah, yeah, I'm too small. It's good at your shows. Is there smashing uh Not really there's no mosh pits. I mean unless it's like a Big festival and like there's some rowdy mm-hmm kids in the crowd that started up. Yeah, but really it's not like that No, I was eating in a restaurant with my mom and my brother threw out some, a fact, I didn't know if it was true or not, I forgot to Google it, okay? But it's a little restaurant called Benny Hana, okay? And my brother was like, you know, dude, do you know about Benny Hana?
Starting point is 00:11:21 I go, no, let's just eat. And he's like, no dude, you know Steve Ioki's family? They started it, is that true? Yeah, yeah, my dad. There's no way. Yeah. Your dad is- It's actually an incredible story. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Be real with me. I swear, I'm not lying, I'm not lying. It's a- Because my family started Chipotle. I didn't know a Korean family started Chipotle. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mine's pretty big too. I don't know if you've heard of it, but you know we sold it to McDonald's or whatever. Anyway, yeah, so tell me the story. So my dad moved, he moved to America. From where? From Japan. From Korea. You never know dude, it could be Guam it could be anywhere From Japan, so he committed to to us in in 1961 Wow ten years before I was born Okay, sirs yeah, I said okay 53 okay
Starting point is 00:12:22 Well, I like wait for something so why would lie to you? I'm always thinking to myself like 61 I'm like what like that's a long time. I know I'm old. I'm like, well, you're like 90 or something Yeah, I would never lie to I love you. Thank you. Okay, so night 1960 when he comes so so he came to us in 61 and he was wrestling no No. For Japan. Oh sumo wrestling, he was a big fat guy? No, he was like a Greco-Roman style wrestling. So it was. Dude, I did collegiate Greco-Roman in high school.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Really? Yeah. So you just rolled down. It was not right now, but it was more like a, it's not pro wrestling, it's real wrestling. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So he was competing for the Olympics. Look, look, that's me high school
Starting point is 00:13:05 You know you look just like my dad. I am your dad You could be yeah, yeah, no, but like go like show a picture of my dad say rocky aoki Wrestling wow it looks just like similar to you looks like you look more Korean. Okay, well then There he is. Oh That's your dad type in like wrestling or something. Cause like. Your dad? He looks Filipino to me.
Starting point is 00:13:30 He looks kind of Filipino. I don't know dude. Yeah, so there's like a pic of him. Yeah, yeah. There's Rocky right there. Yeah. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:38 So yeah, he was a wrestler first and then, and then he kind of defected from the team because he hurt himself and he couldn't actually compete. I don't know the entire story but he ended up just... Why wouldn't you ask him? He passed away. I'm sorry but I mean before. Yeah I mean I don't know like I'm like my family knows the story better.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Oh okay. My brother's coming here. Is he here? Kyle's coming or no? Not yet. Okay. But you have another brother coming? Yeah. My brother's coming here. Is he here? Kyle's coming or no? Not yet. Okay. But you have a brother coming? Yeah, so my brother's coming here.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Is he half Asian or no? He's half. I can't have half. Okay, so we'll just... I can't have half. So on the other side, Porta Potti or... No, he can be in the building, but it's fine. Well, I mean, let me ask you about the half brother.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Does he lean more white or Asian? You could tell. Oh, I'm going to have to figure it out. it out. You're gonna figure it out. Yeah. Yeah, that's good Yeah, I can figure it out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right continue. So 1961 he comes here. He was a wrestler defected And he had a sort of energy injury. Yeah some sort of injury I think he was trying to defecting is a weird word. Why can't you just say I'm done guys. My back hurts so I some sort of thing happened some controversies thing happen because he actually wanted to wrestle for the US and They wouldn't yeah, because he wanted to he's like I wanted to stay in the US. Okay, but that didn't work out Oh, he defected from Japan. Yeah, he
Starting point is 00:14:57 Like he's still a Japanese citizen because he actually never became a US citizen Wow But he ended up you know his whole you know his whole like career actually never became a US citizen. Wow, but he ended up, you know, his whole you know His whole like career actually happened in the US. Yeah, where does like Benny Hanna come into play cuz he thought so so he was in in New York and and He wanted to figure out how to start something. So he before Benny Hanna's he was an ice cream man in Harlem and You know just think about this, he's a Japanese immigrant that could barely speak English. Well, my family started McConnell's. So, so.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Sorry. George, you didn't pay attention to that joke. Go ahead. That's why we got nothing in the room. There was talking, it was interrupted. Anyway, so what's the, that brand brand so he started being he made ice cream So he made he was an ice cream guy. What kind of ice cream selling ice cream? He's an ice cream man like vanilla like you know just like you play play music you drive down the street
Starting point is 00:15:58 And oh an ice cream man. Yeah, he's an ice cream man And the kids go, ah, yeah. And they run up and they fly like. And the Japanese go, run, run! You know what I mean? OK, let's move on. Well, you've got to think, this is the 60s. So it's a whole different.
Starting point is 00:16:13 That's what I'm saying. They might be scared. They don't get it. They don't get it. I mean, he dealt with a lot of racism, actually. Me too. Did you? Yeah, when I was younger.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Yeah, me too. We'll talk about that later. So anyway, put down racism, but, um, yeah, let me put a note, racism talk. And then he, then he opened the first restaurant in 1964, which is Benihana, which is actually, uh, my grandfather had a cafe in Japan and it wasn't like teppanyaki style cooking in front of you. It was just a small cafe called Benihana. So he worked with his dad and said, I want to open a restaurant where Americans can come and eat, you know, and you know, what I would think would be entertaining. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:17:02 So this idea of cooking in front of someone hasn't really been established yet. Oh, I'm probably sure it was probably the first Japanese dude to do it. Yeah, it was the first restaurant to actually do like this hibachi-style table, and you're doing this entertainment cooking thing in front of- So did he create the volcano?
Starting point is 00:17:21 Well, he created a lot of this, like that style, the teppanyaki- How about the shrimp under the hat? I mean a lot of that stuff was like Evolved through time Yeah it was like kind of the Benihana story Or like with the egg Yeah all of that
Starting point is 00:17:34 You get the egg too, thank you And then he started that From where? From Benihana Don't say that Dan You got food for him? I'm sure it was going to happen I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:17:43 Tell him who he is I'm sorry, no, excuse him,'m sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I It's just I had food was in there too, but I didn't say anything tell him yeah Massive diarrhea from that place you know I mean one time yeah, yeah now me too one time in one time. Yeah So um and then it became a hit no it didn't it was actually struggling in the beginning like just didn't really catch on and It was a dip. It's just difficult to be, you know, I mean, you know, we, we kind of stick with our people. If you're, if you're an immigrant, you're going to stick with your culture. So that's why there's Chinatown. That's why there's Tokyo, little Tokyo. That's what, you know, and that's how we're able to survive as immigrants.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Yeah. So he's, he just was like, fuck it.. I'm gonna just open on 56th Street and Really mark it to Westerners like the you know whites the whites. Yeah, and in order to do that the dirty whites In order to do that you got to cook them food that they understand because in the 60s They definitely didn't get sushi. No that didn't actually wasn a thing, right? The idea like raw fish was not a thing. Wow. So I was like I'm gonna cook them chicken and steak because that's what white people eat. Wow. So Japanese don't eat that? Well, it's just like that's a little white people love. They love the good chicken and steak. Why do you guys love it so much? Chicken's so dry. Yeah, so you have to put a little like you know a little entertainment in that action. And one critic came in, blew it up in the news.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Wow. And then he had a start, but before then, it was about to shut down. Wow. But it was- It's fate. It's a really interesting story because it wasn't like, boom, this idea was success.
Starting point is 00:19:41 It just, right people at the right time. Is this your brother? This is my friend, my friend Brian. right people at the right time. Is this your brother? This is my friend, my friend Brian. That's my brother, Kyle. That's your brother, Kyle. Just sit down for a second. Sit down for a second. We have to test you on something.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Hello. I was trying to get like the right information about when dad came to the US. Zoc Doc is a free app and website where you can search and compare high quality in-network doctors and click to instantly book an appointment. My friends, we do this for restaurants, right? We'll go to a site and go, what's the best restaurant? Why wouldn't you do that with your health? We're talking about booking in-network appointments with more than 100,000 doctors across every specialty from mental health to dental health, but to primary care to urgent care,
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Starting point is 00:23:36 was trying to get on the American team but because of the Japanese Citizenship they're like, sorry. Let me ask you a question Kyle. Oh grilled cheese sandwich or Shabu Shabu Shabu Shabu Steven Spielberg or Akira Kurosawa Akira Kurosawa? Akira Kurosawa. Ding!
Starting point is 00:24:08 Wow. A beautiful naked Japanese woman or a beautiful naked white woman? Ooh. The ooh. I choose both. I don't like the now, which one both I'll do impressions of the women if that what are we talking? American Stephanie and I'm completely naked Kyle
Starting point is 00:24:43 I'm Stephanie and I'm completely naked Kyle. Look at my tities Kyle. And you can insert with no condom and just, you can just unload inside me. Or, Kyle. I have a little Japanese titty. Alright? And I shave my thumb down there, you know? They don't shave down there, that's just wild. Okay. You caught me
Starting point is 00:25:12 I think you would go Japanese woman or white woman Japanese okay, you know what dude you're more Asian than white that was the Context was this I knew that you were half. Right? And in my mind... But the white girl was like, ooh, that was like scary. I don't know. Why was it... Why is it scary, Kyle? I can't believe these are out. Insert in me.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Insert in me. Terrifying. Well, I don't know how Japanese people have sex. That's how we do it. Yeah, well, I was thinking like, do I have to take a number? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no number? No no no no no no no no no no no no this is the kind of this is this is it. You're at his show okay? Okay. Packed okay? There's a girl that the hottest girl there and she's kind of dancing by his I don't know what you call the little cubicle that you're at. What do you call it where you're doing the thing? Oh the DJ booth. I call DJ booth. The cubicle. I call it the cubicle. My bad, right? The musical cubicle. All right, and you're a stand, do you stand with them sometimes? And just pop?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Yeah. All right. And some chick comes in and she goes, hey Kyle, I just want to let you know, I just think your fucking brother is so ugly, but I've always had a crush on you. I'm in room 908, right? At the MGA, what?
Starting point is 00:26:23 I have too much. No, she's, no, he, no. Kyle, you listen to what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, okay, okay. 908 right What I have too much How you listen to what I'm saying okay, right, right Like I'm not racist why wouldn't fuck him. He just has a long a long Japanese face I was gonna go Asian. I want the cheeks Cheeky and you're more the cheeky kind of Asian, you know what I mean? So it's like, you know what I mean? I'll be in my room 908, I'll be completely naked, right?
Starting point is 00:26:50 And you could just insert it inside me and unload. Like I'm 32, I'm 32. Consensual. That scares me a little bit. Only because like. What the fuck's the problem? I can't, what the fuck, Steve, what's the problem? Of what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:27:10 You might have to diverse. Well, I mean, if she does it in like more subtly. Oh. If a girl like. Like, like, like. Like, you're cute. No, no, no, no. I won't even use words.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Okay. Oh shit. Like you're cute no no no I won't even use work It's still Bobby Lee's face You're talking about Gwyneth Paltry younger though, okay? Yeah, what do you think? Kyle I swear to God it's a yes or no I know no you wouldn't do it. What do you like, Kyle? You have a girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:27:50 No, I don't. Okay, so let's find you one. What do you like? I like more demure sort of girls. Demure? Okay. All right. So stay here for a second. Let's go back to his. Okay. Alright. So, stay here for a second.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Let's go back to Rocky. So in 1974, is that what you're saying? 1964. 1964, it hits. There was a food critic, he goes, this is the jam. If you want fried chicken and steak, dude, this is the place. Teppiaki. Teppiaki, right?
Starting point is 00:28:22 And then it blows up up and then what happens? Yeah, so it blew I took a couple years and then it blew up I think it took me one or two years and then and then he just started scaling it he started opening more and more and Learning the ropes of business and and how to be a marketing guy. That's really like the big part of his success and he's just he's a people person at the end of the day you know he like you know he's just a very hospitable guy you know at the end of the day when you when you have a restaurant if you're in that world it's like you just you're just you just got to be out there yeah and you know it's just come on in come on just Right, he's one of those guys Yeah, I learned this, you know, whatever yeah, whatever, you know me yeah, I wasn't there but yeah, I just uh,
Starting point is 00:29:14 the I think the the the incredible part of the story is that in the 60s This is difficult for any Asian immigrant to actually break through the attention of White people to be interested in what they're doing, you know So the fact that he was able to penetrate into that world and be like yo, we're doing some good shit over here Yeah, and introduce Japanese cuisine like that. That's a that's that's what that's the incredible part of that story Look at him with mama. Muhammad Ali. That's the incredible part of that story. Look at him. With Muhammad Ali, that's insane. Yeah. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:29:48 He just knew how to just, he just became a, like a figure, you know, you know, then, and was able to just cross different cultures and meet with different people. Oh my God. Look at that. Amazing. Because I went to the one in Phoenix, Arizona with my mom. It was for Christmas Day. And you guys opened.
Starting point is 00:30:11 It was packed. And my brother pulled some shenanigans and got me an earlier table by dropping my name. Is that wrong? No. Have you done it? Dropped my name? Benny Ha? No. Sorry, Steve it? Drop my name? Benny Hunter? No.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Sorry Steve. Yes. Many times. I'm sorry Steve. I mean it's a three hour wait. Are you sure? Yeah. I mean so, no what I'm saying is that have you been to, either one of you have been to
Starting point is 00:30:37 a restaurant, right, and the wait is a little long and then you want to be able to pull something. I always feel weird about it I This is what I do. Okay, tell me it's probably fucked up. But like so I I'm like I don't want to say that So if I'm like, you know if I'm if it's just me my wife or I'm I don't have like my wife is very beautiful by the way, she's amazing. She's But so when we go out like I'm like, okay, let's just show up and just, I'll be the bait. I'll be like, maybe they'll know who I am.
Starting point is 00:31:12 And then I'll be like, I don't wanna be like, hey guys, I'm Steve Aoki, can I get like, I'm just. Do you get bummed when they don't know who you are? I don't get bummed. I don't know how anyone would not know who you are, first of all. Yeah, but yeah. I mean, you would have to be living underneath a rock.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I swear to God. Me, I can, you know what I mean? Well, I mean, LA is different, you know, but are, first of all. You would have to be living underneath a rock, I swear to God. Me, I can, you know what I mean? Well, I mean, LA is different, you know, but like if you're like. Even in like, you know, Puria, Illinois, if you walked into there, I would think that they would know who you are. I don't know, I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:36 maybe different parts of the world I've been where I'm like, you know, for example, where, I forget where we were, I'm like, they definitely, I could just cruise around, it doesn't, like they don't bother, like China, for example, where, where, where, I forget where we were, I'm like, they definitely, like, I could just cruise around, it doesn't, like, they don't bother, like, China, for example. Oh, China, for sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, like, they, like, first of all,
Starting point is 00:31:52 like, there's some cities we go, and the population's bigger than LA, but they, no one speaks English. Yeah, yeah. And I've toured 17 cities in China, like, I've been all across China. Yeah. And, like, you have to have to like
Starting point is 00:32:05 someone walking with you a translator making sure they don't they don't know yeah they don't know yeah yeah but in America I can't see you going into like you know let's think of a restaurant who do okay okay give me another one I'm gonna give you another gap there right and maybe a restaurant like I don't know I'll follow our wings no a place where there's like a host okay? Let's do it again all right a place where you know all of our garden all of garden And all of garden So that's happened, so what do you what do you do so you go they don't recognize me. So what do you do?
Starting point is 00:32:46 well, if there's at the lines too long, we're probably gonna leave and You know like we went to go eat pizza say oh Pizzarra say yeah, the line was long. So I'm like, I don't know. I don't know if I mean we might have to go somewhere else Yeah, it was just me and my wife and we're just walked in and then You know they pretend like this thing about LA is like they pretend like they don't know you like they know you know What I mean, that's the thing about LA LA in New York is it's like it's interesting out of all the cities and all the places I travel yeah, I get you know, oh people come up to you ask for a photo Yeah, LA doesn't happen too much never because they Because they know you, but they do the sneaky,
Starting point is 00:33:26 like, kind of like, they won't, they're too cool to ask, they're doing the sneaky, the photo thing. So that's kind of interesting. Because you know why? They have a dream too. And that's what's, and their dream is never gonna come true. That's mean. Yeah, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:33:44 That was not, that was not motivational at all. That came out, that came out. The odds are, you know what I mean, it may or may not, right? But what I'm saying that, I mean the odds are they're gonna try, right? Yeah, yeah, that's why you come to LA.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Yeah, because they're trying though, right? They think that, oh, we're on the same thing. Right, right, right, yeah. You know what I mean? Because we both have dreams. Yeah. You know what I mean? But they, so they got us in
Starting point is 00:34:05 But we did have to wait a bit Now I feel like a dick because there's all these people in line and I know if like they get me in I'm gonna have To like kind of tiptoe walkway because they're gonna they I mean I just walk you have an assistant No, yeah, but like you call your assistant Well, usually that's how we do when we prep things when we go to like a nice restaurant We have someone call in and be like, hey, can we get, you know, situated there? And if we, if they can't help us, then, you know, we just go for the next option. But it's, we definitely, if I really want to eat somewhere, we're definitely going to
Starting point is 00:34:37 pull that, that card, you know, if we can. But my brother did this. I gave him a couple hundred bucks, right? And I go, can you, you know what I mean, do the old school, hey, I just wanna let you know, right? No chance. My brother did that. I don't believe that.
Starting point is 00:34:52 And it worked at Benihana. Benihana takes bribes, everybody. Benihana takes bribes. You know one place that I still can't get in, I've been trying to go for like probably 10 years. What? Is Jiro Ginza. Oh. In Tokyo. In Tokyo. I still can't get in I've been trying to go for like probably 10 years what is a Jiro Ginza oh In Tokyo in Tokyo they won't they just because you need like a what's a one-year waiting list and they don't care
Starting point is 00:35:14 They don't they don't care. They don't care. I've been trying to go there Hiroito who else is there like literally? Is emperor here to even alive so I know you know really can't get in still to this day Who else is there like literally? Can't get in still to this day What's it called? I'm gonna give a shout out now euro euro. Ginza Ginza, right? Let me tell you. Oh, Ginza Yeah, the og the og. Ginza thing is is that like the chef the the main chef. He's like 95 Yeah, I want to go I want to go while he dies Yeah, but I don't think he's like there anymore because he's so old But it's like his first son does that one and his second son Which is kind of like you know that's how it is in Japanese culture has its own shop
Starting point is 00:35:53 So it's like you know second thing you have to have your own. Oh, it's another Giro Oh, you're talking about the sushi stuff in the subway. Yes that one Oh, but can I say something about that guy the old guy? Yeah, Andrew Schultz went there Yeah, and heultz went there. Yeah. And he said it, I think on this podcast maybe. I think it is, be careful though. I'll be very careful.
Starting point is 00:36:10 This is his opinion. Well, this is why the Japanese mafia can come after you. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, that place, and he, and maybe it was a joke, but I do it, I go, did you go there? And he went, he spit, and and he got that's how I think
Starting point is 00:36:25 Of it. Wow. Yeah, so yeah, I know it's definitely high 1000% who's that if you're gonna kill somebody kill him Just the messenger here. Yeah, but okay, so Giro Roppongi. That's the second shop. It'll be just as good It's it's like I walk in and I get seated right away What's the difference? I mean I go there all the time because I go there and I go there sometimes I go alone because like it's so Small yeah, you can only go one or two people like it's like you can't bring a mob of people hundreds It's actually pretty cheap. It's like 300 400 bucks for like a full omakase
Starting point is 00:36:59 Oh, wow. Wow, you like think about what it LA omakase is like it's now and no one if people don't know what we're talking about There is a documentary called euro dreams of sushi. Yeah, right zero dreams of serious. Yeah, what'd I say? Euro, it's like Spanish There's a J there right yeah, but it's a silent J no, yeah No, it's euro dream dreams of sushi what who said is silent, but in my mind, I don't know Yeah, well, you're sure but of sushi what who said is silent, but in my mind. I was an always yeah, but you're You're Asian you're not or whatever is it a Korean thing maybe oh, maybe it's a Korean Koreans. I've silent J I don't think so I
Starting point is 00:37:35 Think I'm just drowning And I'm trying to get out of it. So let's just move on zero zero Everybody watching that is a great document. It's incredible. It's an from that. So, Giro, Giro Dries. Anybody watching, that is a great documentary. It's incredible. It's an incredible documentary. So good. He actually, David Gell, produced my documentary.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Oh, the one in Nutflex. Yeah, I'll Sleep When I'm Dead. Sleep When I'm Dead. So after this one, my manager's here as well. Yeah, yeah, I met him. He's a little arrogant, but I'm on. Okay, we had a great talk. He talked to David Gelb about, you know, doing something around my crazy
Starting point is 00:38:12 you know, hectic schedule in life and he dove right in and then made our documentary. Wow. So he did this and then he did yours. Yeah. Then you were the next documentary. Yeah. All right, um Kyle Jules is here So she's gonna sit there now. Okay get it for Kyle Okay, I did not expect this by the way Thank you Kyle and you were very entertaining and you're more Asian than white. And that was a good test. But he has a white name. Kyle.
Starting point is 00:38:48 You know what? I was thinking about that too. But you know- Because he's American. Yeah, but sort of Steve. Yeah, I'm American. Yeah, we're American too. We're both like, we're very American.
Starting point is 00:38:58 That's the thing, we're Japanese, but we're culturally American. Like we're, you know. Dude, I'm culturally American. I'm only American. Yeah, that's why you're Bob. I'm Bob Yeah, Jules did you meet Steve Aoki? Have you know Jules is from the Philippines. Do you know who Steve Aoki is? Yeah, he went to my school CSUN I think I see that. I DJed there last year yes that was a
Starting point is 00:39:27 great show show at see son yeah yeah yeah oh you were there at the show yeah I went with my friends oh you know it's a really fun show I still remember that show yeah super fun it was a good show you got kicked yeah what all right you about cake in your show what the fuck's going on? You wait hold on a second. You don't know about this? Bob, it's like so- I've never been to your show dude. I got my own shows, you know what I mean? I thought I was gonna cake you! No, I'm kidding. I know you've thrown cakes out in the audience. Look at how many people there are- Oh my god dude!
Starting point is 00:40:04 Why so hard? you throw cakes out in the audience. Mike, look at how many people there are. Oh my God. Oh my God. Why so hard? Yeah, why so hard? No, you have to throw it with a certain velocity or else the cake spins and you wanna make sure the cake hits the person. Yeah, but what if someone really gets hurt? You know how many people I've caked?
Starting point is 00:40:19 How many? Over 20,000 people. Wow. Yeah, cause I do like 10 a show. Wow. Amazing. You got good aim, bro. Is it good cake or bad cake? The way it tastes. I care more about like how it hits your face. Yeah And how it looks after like I want that cake to be like super how great would if you found the cake that was also delicious
Starting point is 00:40:41 I mean, it's very it's, the sugar concentration is pretty high, so it's gonna taste pretty good. Okay, so that's a lot of people at your show. That was in Dubai. All right, what's the biggest amount of people that's been in a show? That's my wife caking me, and that's when we found out the gender reveal.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Of your baby boy? Yeah, we have a little baby boy coming. Oh, congratulations. Thank you. I'm gonna clap for that. But the sanctity of life. Of your baby. Yeah, we have a little baby boy coming It's actually quite important for the Aokies because my whole family is all old girls, which I love girls Yeah, you know Kyle's not gonna meet anybody family line died to Kyle. I'm kidding Kyle! You're a sex machine! Come on! Come on Kyle! Yeah so I like I need an Aoki to you know. I'm the last of the Lees too. So you need a boy. My brother's not gonna have one. I'm not gonna have one. You're not gonna have one? It dies here.! We don't! Dude, let me say it, my history with my family, it's not a good history.
Starting point is 00:41:47 It's all girls? No, it's just like we haven't accomplished anything. What are you talking about? You're Bobby Lee. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I'm like the only one that, but it's like, you know, I barely did it, you know? What do you mean you barely did it? You're fucking Bobby Lee.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Okay, well, I will have a bit. Well, no one will fuck me right now anyway. No one will fuck me right now. It's crazy. It's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Hey Steve. I actually have a gift for you. Oh, yeah Oh, there's a gift section for me. Yeah, I thought eight minutes we passed it. Yeah. Yeah Okay, anyway, um, let's go gift time go ahead. Okay. I made how you have a gift. Yes, I do This book my grandma Lola. She used to read this to me for a boy, oh I thought this was like like a gag prank I mean fish is gonna you put your fingers in here and then okay
Starting point is 00:42:46 We're not that kind of show man. I think we're a prank show. I mean, I wouldn't touch him because he touched him. It's a real book. It's for me, not for me. We don't do that kind of thing. Thank you. Thank you. Bobby, what's your gift?
Starting point is 00:43:04 He's doing the podcast now. That is the gift. That's fucking- I didn't get your gift. So you read this like, what do you do with it? My grandma read that to me. Wait, so this was like a family heirloom kind of thing? No, there's a bunch of books out there like that. Okay, but this is your personal book? No, I bought that book.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Oh, okay. For you. Is it a boy or a girl? Can we say? Yeah, it's a boy. Yeah, perfect. It's just said it's a boy That's what yeah I'm now waiting for my gift. Okay, you ready? Yeah. Yeah, I have a lot of gifts for you. Yeah Why why why because that's what we do I know but I you know, can I be honest with you? There's nothing worse than landing in a new country. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I hate that. Like where am I? Need internet and realizing there's no wifi. Where am I? Bungalow go? It's frustrating. That's it. I just made it up.
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Starting point is 00:44:54 running out of data. Go to download the SAILI app in your app store or by scanning the QR code on screen and use code Tiger Valley at checkout to get 50% off your first purchase. You should probably start doing that. It's a nice gesture. I know, I know, I know. You're right. I feel so ashamed. So how about this? I will get you a gift Wow the next time I see you, okay? Okay, so ten years from now. No, no, no, no, no, we should do it more often. Yeah, I'd like to do it Yeah, yeah, and also can I before you give me a gift, right? Why you like that on fucking a warzone? You guys played wars on you played one time. He's so good demanding He played one time, he's so demanding. Revive me, revive me Bobby.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Behind the wall, why are you behind the wall? I'm like dude, I just started playing with you, why are you like this? Bro, I get so into it. I know, but why are you, I'm just a casual player. I'm just like, if I'm about to get shot, I need my teammates out. But it's not real, dude, you act as if it's real.
Starting point is 00:46:00 I only played you with you one time, I'm not gonna fucking, you and Dane Cook are the worst. Okay, so when I was looking for you... Dane is like, hey Lee, get behind that fucking wall! I was looking for you on the map and I see your character moving in a circle, I'm like, what are you, Bob? I'm looking at the fucking flowers and stuff. Yeah, I'm like, come on, I need your help, man.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Alright, so would you ever play with me again? I mean, there's a reason why I haven't played in like four years. I know. You're too much, dude. And you know what? I'm still, I was playing last night too. I'm like still addicted to this game. It's a reason why I've been playing for like four years. I know It no you're too much dude, and you know I'm sorry was playing last night, too I'm like still like addicted this game. It's a great game. It's insane. How many wins do you get? I'm still the worst out of my whole crew so you know like you know two to five kills Yeah, you have killer crew. Yeah, they're like I mean they're just let's say it's like not actually that fun because I'm just like on their med
Starting point is 00:46:46 I know all right. I'm just reviving them the whole time. You know let me say something you got these guys No, they're not your real friends. You got them because of who you are and they're like that's true. I'm good, too That's true. No, they don't want they definitely would not Set you know how this crew yeah So it's not your skill set. You're not you don't have this crew. Yeah, they're Fucking Anyway, so if we play together, we'll just die. I know but you have two good guys, right? Okay, so So they come I'll be your med guy
Starting point is 00:47:23 You're their med guy. I'm your med guy. If you're still spinning in a circle while we're playing it's like not fun Dude fuck you Steve fuck you I still spinning in a circle while we're playing it's like not fun. I don't Fuck you Steve fuck you. I was spinning in a circle That's I wasn't doing that. I was probably just going around a building or something. Oh, okay. Where are you? Where are you and going in a circle you still play? Yeah, I sometimes I do Yeah, okay, and it will play but next time like I haven't seen you online. I know I haven't been playing Yeah, but I will play I want to play again cuz I'm bored. Yeah. All right, so I will give you a gift But give me your the gifts. Okay, ready? I'll grab them right behind you. It's not the Louis Vuitton bag It's that's just carrying it. Okay. Okay. So first off. I have a bunch of gifts for you Okay, so this I'm gonna one-up him too
Starting point is 00:48:05 this is my manga of my my Intellectual property it's a story. I wrote I'll hero quest side. I signed it and it's graded I don't know if you know about Don't talk to me like that Okay, I know about baseball cards. I see antique road show. I see pawn stars. I know about grading. You know about, have you ever had a-
Starting point is 00:48:29 Night But Tooth, very good. Have you ever had a graded manga? No, no, no, graded manga. Sorry. He's giving you a gift. Oh no, Steve, honestly, you're giving me this? Yes, that's yours. You swear to God.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Yeah, it's yours, that's the first gift. This goes into my bedroom. Okay, where are you gonna put it? Where the ladies are gonna see it. Right, and it's gonna be staring right in their little beady eyes. Yeah, I think that's not gonna really help in the bedroom. I know, but it's just cool to think that has.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Definitely, it's geeky, you know? I love it, dude. You know what I mean? Thank you so much, Steve. Yeah, for sure. Okay, that's the's the first one. So okay this one right here, you know Pokemon, right? Look at me right now dude Let's talk. Okay. I'm a platinum. I'm a sorry. You're platypus I'm a human being on planet Earth And I know listen I know all the things you know, okay make that assumption okay, so when you say you know Pokemon
Starting point is 00:49:35 It's insulting because I'm Asian too So let's get that back over again Let's get that back over again. Okay, all right. Wait, hold on. Hold on, thank you so much. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so this is a new set from Pokemon. It's other individuals.
Starting point is 00:49:51 And we're gonna, I wanna open this with you. Oh. Why? Oh my God, I've seen that reveals before. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll do it together. But do you know what the good ones are? No, I don't. Well then how we know? We need someone here that knows.
Starting point is 00:50:02 What set is that? What's that set called? I can't look at it. You know? Yeah need someone here that knows. What's that set called? You know? Yeah. This is Chrismatic Evel. This is the one that people are literally fighting in Costco. Oh wow, wow, wow, I wanna play this game.
Starting point is 00:50:13 So let me ask you something. You know, you've seen those videos, like just punching each other and get this box. Yeah, punching, yeah, yeah. If I hit a coveted card, what happens between us? We can rip it and keep half. Oh my God. No, but like, let's say I get a really good card. Like? We can rip it and keep half. Oh my god. No but like let's say I get a really good card. You can have it. But you know this is what I
Starting point is 00:50:30 want to do. I want to what I want to do is I want to open all this. Yeah. And then I want to do a scavenger hunt in LA and hide it and we're gonna sign some cards for some fans. Wow. That'd be great. That's what I'd like to do with it. Oh that's a good one. Let's keep a couple. Well, the really good ones we can. I want a Bobby Lee autographed Pokemon card, too. Oh, fuck yeah. Yeah, and I'll give you a Steve Aoki autograph.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Amazing. So let's break this, let's have fun with it. I don't give a shit. That seems like a long time, though. Yeah, so we can do this later. We'll just save this. Like tomorrow, like the next time? No, no, we'll do it today.
Starting point is 00:51:00 We'll save it, we'll just put it right here. I know, but you have to leave at 5.30. What time is it? It's five almost. Okay, we'll try to do this later. Okay. Okay. Let's keep going with the president Yeah, so let's open that up. No, well what no, I don't even know. Let me ask you about this Asian here There's a couple Asians that he's actually Korean. Yeah. Yeah. I know I can tell I can trust him He's actually could be related you his last name is Lee too look look can I sir what's your name Lee? Jacob why do you look at me like that? Jacob doesn't watch it
Starting point is 00:51:34 Anyway, um open that car up and we got at least so Jacob. You know he started working for me 17 18 years ago, so he's been with me, you know, for a long time. Wow, Jacob. Yeah, okay. I got lots of fun stuff for you. It's like a... Okay, I got some more rated stuff. Oh my, dude, what is going on today, dude? Okay, so this is a hero quest card, and I think this character right here looks like you a little bit.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Can we show the camera? Okay, I mean... Hold it next to your face. Let me try to make the... looks like you a little bit. Can we show the camera? Okay, I mean. Hold it next to your face. Let me try to make the... Look, his face is round like yours. Okay, I'm with it.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Is this a good card? It's a great card. It's in the thing. Is this mine? Oh my god, dude. I can sign it for you as well. Okay, so you got the manga there? I don't need this one. You know one actually you can have this to read it if you want to read Oh, I'd love to read it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that's for you. So you can read that and
Starting point is 00:52:32 This one just for the collect your collector. I collect everything. Okay, so this is that's the first edition manga This is the first edition graphic novel. This is the very first Copy of of of hero quest one. So I have to keep it safe Yeah, copy yeah first copy only 1,100 of these made so I yeah I'm as a collector. I swear to God. I'm gonna put this in a very safe place So you can keep that do what I'm hiding in the vending machine Later that's kind of cool I could autograph it and then someone can get the autograph leave it out leave it out to me to autograph okay, and then this is You know like you know, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:06 those graded cards and graded comic books and manga. Now there's graded vinyl and music. So you grade everything. So this is a company called Audio Media Grading that I founded. So I founded this company that grades music. I thought that was a whole... It's a pretty cool idea. Yeah, it's really interesting. So this is Dim mock my label and so if I had been the 16 AMG 10 the original Vevel and Underground Banana album Yes, and you put it in there. It would be worth billions of dollars. Yes. Well, maybe not billions, but a lot a lot Yeah, that's amazing. You kind of want to do that with the grails, you know, you don't want to yeah I'm out. So I think it's a no dust or dirt or anything get through that. Yeah, this is sealed forever Wow Amazing. Yeah, and it's a grading at 10. That's it's a and that's the highest grade possible. That's mine. That's yours Theoretically, yes theoretically, you know if he dies or something hopefully doesn't
Starting point is 00:54:03 Right, but you know I mean and they're like, and the record company burned that to the ground, and I have one of the only ones. Bro. What's this? So this is a pillow. Yeah. It's from my show. Like, I don't cake people in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:54:18 So I pillow people. Oh, wow. So I just throw pillows at people in the crowd. Throw it in my face. Throw it in my face. Throw it in my face. All right. Ready? Oh, wow, I just throw pills at people in the crowd Wow, that kind of hurt a little bit Is this mine yes, yeah, man. Yeah, that's perfect. Is that all okay? That's amazing. Yeah, I have literally nothing for you
Starting point is 00:54:47 Say something okay. Yeah, I think I think I'm a little offended at my at my staff Did you know that he was bringing gifts? No, okay. Well then all right all right don't get defensive All right, this is gonna be fun, okay, We can do this right now. Yeah, mine's great Betty Hanna stamp card Here's $300 You better take it Because that's rude or I'm gonna throw your shit out. Okay. I'm only you know what I'm only gonna take it It's a sign it no no Who's got a sharpie? Yeah, Bobby Lee Otto I'm only you know what I'm only gonna take it. Okay. Oh, yeah, it's not it. No. No. Oh, yeah Who's got a sharpie? Yeah Bobby Leado. I want Bobby Leado's on all three of these things
Starting point is 00:55:30 It's not worth anything when I sign it, but it's fine. Yeah, dude nice right nice little notes to me. Okay, I will Okay, um later now. I want to do it now. Hold on. Yeah, keep going. Okay. All right So while you're signing this, I came, you know, I was in Orange County at Rev, Revelation Records, getting like test presses of Minor Threat and Fugazi, the kind of stuff we're talking about, which is kind of interesting that you brought that up. And then I went to Burton Snowboard's store, they're a snowboard shop, and we did a collaboration with them that we launched today and we made these HeroQuest
Starting point is 00:56:07 Burton cards there's only a few of these. Oh my god. So I brought you a couple we're gonna I want to they're so fast we could rip them right now. Okay. And if there's a one-on-one you know it's a special card and they're for you so let's rip that when you're done. Okay and hold on almost done okay there we go. Because have you ever ripped a pack of cards like live Let's do it together. Okay, there's two packs. All right, so this is your pack Say one of one that's huge one of one. Yeah one of one Okay, so we get the camera on Bob see people do on YouTube your cameras there Okay, so we'll get the camera on Bob. Some people do on YouTube. Your camera's there. Okay, right here. Okay, so. Oh, there's only one card in here?
Starting point is 00:56:47 There's only one card, so you could get like a base card, you get a number to 50, number to 25, number to 10, number five. I already opened it, but I had to look at it. Okay, all right, so you show the camera. Yours is right there. Mine is over there? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:57 And do I, how do I face it? One side's like. Oh, I got it. Ready? One, two, three. Okay, you got a base card It's still it's still like only like a two hundred Two of these days so cool you gave him $300. Okay here. Okay. Here's another one. Okay. Yeah, we have another chance ready
Starting point is 00:57:20 We got base and you got the same exact one as I did okay Well, yeah, so you have to sign this for me, okay? Okay, I'll sign that one. It's a special day What do we got? Base. You got the same exact one as I did. Okay. Is that the same exact one? Yeah. So you have to sign this for me, okay? Okay, I'll sign that one. Because it's a special day. We were doing this interview together. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Are all the cards this? Are all the cards this character? It's the two characters snowboarding. Okay. Because it's a Burton Snowboard promotion. Oh, okay. You know, like, to give you an idea, Bob, These promo cards are really sought after like for example The the like Pokemon right it's a great the biggest IP in the world right so one of the best and the the first
Starting point is 00:57:56 Illustrator promo card when they launched this this kind of award for people drawing Pikachu's yeah Logan Paul bought that card a a PSA 10 version, for $5.2 million. Logan Paul did? Logan Paul bought a PSA 10 Pikachu illustrator card. Why? For one card for $5.2 million. Plus, he spent $1.1 million for a PSA 9
Starting point is 00:58:20 to trade with the guy. So he spent $6.3 million to get that card. For a promo card. Not saying this card's worth like that, but I just, you know, people love these promo cards. You can't get them. You didn't impress the nerds? What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:58:34 It's geek culture, man. It's like, you know, on the highest level. See, you know, I'll be honest with you, Steve. The reason why I haven't gotten in that game is because I would be completely addicted. A degenerate. I became a degenerate. Because what happened was remember
Starting point is 00:58:46 I was I was dating a woman believe it or not And she had a child and her son it was a huge Pokemon right so I got some connections And I would go you know mean Calabasas Yeah, and I go to the store and I made boxes and boxes of shit Yeah, right and when I gave this kid these boxes it was like the just the Everything it was everything. Yeah, right and I thought to myself Oh, I love going out there and like looking at the boxes and I would watch him open up and him get excited about The things that he would get and I thought to myself I go this is gonna be a bad thing for me
Starting point is 00:59:20 Yeah, it's it's a scary scary journey because I'm a recovering alcoholic, you know that yeah So like you need like another dopamine hit that's the kind of like for me. I never got into drugs I never got into alcohol like that Maybe drinking when I was DJing early on so this is like my thing. My passion is like Well, yeah collecting and you still do it. Yeah, I mean I don't I don't what's the most expensive What's the most expensive collectible you have? Well, not art, well, I have the PSA 9 Pikachu Illustrator card, the one that Logan Paul got at PSA 10 of.
Starting point is 00:59:54 So that's over a million. Wow. But I bought it for 400 grand raw and graded it, and that's a gamble. And it luckily graded PSA 9, so I got really lucky. You gambled with it. And it went up so now Where is this guy in your house? Yeah, it's in a vault. Yeah. Yeah, so like a lot of my code It's in a vault in your house. No, no, no, it's in a vault like in an undisclosed location with PSA
Starting point is 01:00:18 So what else is in there? There are 30,000 of my cards 30,000 yeah, so I don't need the physical card anymore. Because I could just sell it right away. So like it's in this vault where I just like click a button and it's for sale. I don't have to worry about shipping it. I don't have to worry about anything. Wow. So they have responsibility of my...
Starting point is 01:00:39 But don't you want to see it? I have a picture right here. Okay. If I want, they can ship it to me for a picture. I don't want to necessarily have these cards in my possession right here. Okay. If I want, I can, they can ship it to me for a picture. I don't want to necessarily have these cards in my possession so much. Okay. It's just, I have it, I see it cool. Now it's an asset.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Now it's an investment class. I can just store it, sell it when I want. It's crazy. Wow. Wow. It's crazy. You know, I like, I spent 400 grand, took a risk, and you know, if I want to sell it, I'll, you know, I'll sell it. Can you sell it I'm you know so you do me a favor then can you do me a favor what's that it's not a difficult thing yeah it's basically I want you
Starting point is 01:01:14 to tell me what boxes to buy one day yeah yeah no I'm being right like if a new if a new box drops cost go to yeah you'd have to like you see Bob you lead the next video punch you and go you know um this is dropping this date you got to get a couple of boxes of this I will get it okay do you promise no we'll be in touch I'll be I'll give you the alpha on on what I what I what you think it is what I would get to and Kyle will you make sure that because he's gonna forget about me I love you dude I never met you before dude, but I already love you dude, right? I'm on your side Okay, so what I'm saying to you right now is that will you push him to do it? Because I don't really like five years on the road like he fucking didn't text me and this box came out
Starting point is 01:01:57 Yeah, I don't want that. I want to get into it. Oh, let me sign this card for you Yeah, which one the other one? Okay, so you have one and I have one So you sign me yours? Okay, that's mine. Thank you To Steve Kyle's better Gonna frame that oh my Okay, I like this one. I love you. Yeah. All right to Steve fuck you Okay, I like this one. I love you. Yeah, all right to Steve fuck you Where's the other card yeah, what happened to the card? Oh, I put I kept it in the thing right here Okay, let me sign that
Starting point is 01:02:34 And then we open the cards for you Pokemon cards. Okay. Yeah, we could we could do that later I mean, let's do around can I don't want to waste him. I know we're not can we my two? Employees here we could all open it up. Yes, everyone everyone one one pack Yeah, let's do that. That's a fun. And then that way it's a fun game That's me that time right there which one okay the sharpie alright Can you do me a favor though give me the packs that I'm gonna pick my own pack cuz I you know I mean, I have a sense of these things Yeah, I don't think I do but give it to me. Okay, so
Starting point is 01:03:07 Did you just call us in your employees we're friends Bobby you want to read this up yeah it says you're not I Get a little job back. I know but I didn't get personal All right, so I'm gonna pick this one yeah, that's exactly you have to pick your pack Pick your pack my wife always picks which one should I pick I got two one two three four or five six Three all right wife picks three And we usually win and right it's like you paste all the cards down and left at the last one yeah Yeah, yeah, something like that. Actually, I don't know I've never opened this one, but this was the one everyone's fighting in Costco for so Wow here. Okay, that's so the Umbreon is the main hit So it's a the rarest one is a thousand six hundred right now, but I'll probably go up. Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:06 What are the odds though of getting one? Okay, here we go you guys ready It's the last card right Yeah, I don't know Is there gum or no no good, okay? That was like 80 years ago. I I got all right, okay, wait wait so um you face it what so this is like That's a shit car. Okay. Yeah, you don't need that card, so I'm So yeah, so it's like the last all right ready one you just kind of go through one It's not the shiny one that you don't care about okay there we go so one I got a shit
Starting point is 01:04:44 I got a shit deck all right, so All right, so what's this? That's not good. Okay? That's not good. Okay? What's what's this little guy? That's not good either good. You want the one with the star. That's the main and energy. That's not good Yeah, okay, fuck my ass. Yeah, so that you didn't get shit Hey, let's have another. I have another site. Oh you got another one. Let's like oh Well, all right Espeon wait, what's it? What's on the list? Larry on
Starting point is 01:05:14 So my got the espion I got the espion mine's $84. All right. Oh my god. Congratulations. Okay, so that one That one let's both sign that one Okay, I opened up another pie cheated. I need another round here. So boom boom boom that might be the hit of the whole box All right, we got a Sylveon from EJ. That one's a hundred dollars. Okay, that's even bigger Earthen vessel nothing. No, okay What about great tusks that's tusks are always expensive no, it's like five cents, okay? Great test you're always expensive. What about jolte on oh? That could be something let's take a look jolte on right here. No, but that's the wrong one. Oh
Starting point is 01:05:55 Fuck man. Yeah, you know one. Oh jolte on 74 bucks wait wait. Oh this box is banging. It's bang This one is damn. one is Oh fuck yeah We're gonna like actually put them all here But I'm gonna give me a little let's both autograph every one of these things No, don't don't ruin it. No, no, because we're gonna give them away. Okay. Okay. Yeah, so we're gonna do some fun So I'm a great I'm a giveaway. Okay, the Bobby Lee Steve Aoki out of people gonna want this Alright before you go though. I want to get into um, cuz you grew up in the 80s and wait in the 90s in high school Yeah, so what do we years you graduate? I?
Starting point is 01:06:31 graduated high school in What fuck was it 95 95 and I grew up and I graduated 90 okay, okay? Yeah, so so um and you and I experienced Racism differently than these younger kids. Yeah. Let me ask you some questions. Back in your day, could you date white women in high school? I eventually did. I was like the last guy in my friend group.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Yeah. But that- But is your friend group mostly white? Yes. Yeah, so you were the last guy to lose your okay So I'll just put it this way. Yeah, Newport Beach is 96% white Okay, so and it's funny cuz like 10 minutes ways Irvine. It's like 90% Asian exactly, you know, so my mom moved the wrong She's going but Newport Beach is still nice. It's a nice city. It's a nice city. Yeah, but it's got a lot of
Starting point is 01:07:25 covert racism, it's got a lot of Covert racism. It's got a lot of like, you know, I mean this is also the eight I was in the 80s just different time period, you know, there's a lot more blatant It's much more upfront. It's more it's changed It's more covert now, but like it was there's covert and blatant racism that was happening and as a kid people would come Oh, I thought thought thought you know, and you're like what the well, that's a lot. You Yeah, it's I mean yeah, I have been quiet. Can you see? Yeah, I mean it was like the the two fights I got in when I was a kid or because people were like straight-up saying Every single racial epithet possible yeah to the point where I was like fuck you I'm charging at this guy who's six foot.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Like I didn't even give a shit. Wow. Yeah. You're just so like, like how do you just get away with just saying all this shit in front of everyone else? They did back then. Yeah. And especially when people are laughing with that, that's what just triggered me on this,
Starting point is 01:08:23 during this one fight that I got, that I had in high school, that it was just so, it was so like upfront and loud and no one was stopping this guy and all his friends were laughing and I'm like, dude, this is fucked. I don't care if I get killed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:38 And I just charged this guy. I won because like he was completely like Ambushed because I was just like I was walking away and the guy just started to say more shit in the I'm small No, so then he said it again. I hear the laughing like all his eight friends laughing I'm like, these are all like big, you know football player kind of guys and I said fuck it. I just turn around I just charge like screaming You know what they could we call that the pearl kamikaze pearl harbor kamikaze the kamikaze. Yeah, I did a full kamikaze I will die for this one sneak attack
Starting point is 01:09:12 Yeah, I did a fucking full like and I just charged him like a my nostrils I just like and I didn't know what I was I was just like this. Oh, I don't think I even hit the guy And I somehow grabbed a shirt and I was like closing my eyes kind of like I don't know yeah I'm ripped. I ripped his shirt. He was just like holy shit. There's little kids got some scraps You know oh wow and then all his friends like backed away, and then I got pulled off, but like there was no like punching really it's more like kind of Strain of scrambling around what a fuck with you after that no, huh? Well, then no there's like, here's where it got funny.
Starting point is 01:09:47 I guess not funny, but at the end, I had confidence now. Because I was like, dude, I scared this big guy. Yeah, yeah. Like, I'm proud of myself. And then we were both sitting in the bleachers after this game. By the way, the coaches and stuff, they didn't even give him a talk or anything
Starting point is 01:10:04 about what he said or what he did It just was completely okay. Yeah, and at the end of the game. I was a Batman player at the time and I split Batman which for Asian thing to do And we I followed him to the parking lot. With your Batman racket? Hey buddy, the lightest racket. Smallest racket. I followed him to the parking lot and I just had this confidence. I'm going to beat this guy up.
Starting point is 01:10:36 He's big and I'm small. You're still doing it. You're still in the race. I was just so angry. And then I just like, I like got walked up to him like, Hey man, you're dick or whatever, I said something. And then he was like, I'm like, you need to like get punched or something. I forgot what I said, something like this.
Starting point is 01:10:53 And then he turned around and he's like, alright, let's go. I'm like, oh, fuck now. Why did you do that? I know! You won already! I know! So you got beat up after that? Yes, yes!
Starting point is 01:11:03 Oh my God! You doubled down! I know! It was a stupid thing. I just thought, I had this confidence, cause this guy was like, stop saying shit and he was scared of me. And he was like, this little ninja is gonna fuck me up. And then like, when it came down to the real scrap, I was like, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. And he just like, beat me down and that was it. And I was like... Did you cry?
Starting point is 01:11:24 No, I cried inside, but yeah, but he walked away He didn't like completely demolish me but he just knocked me down to the point where he I was on the ground and then and then he just bounced but Yeah, I mean that you know like you know racism. It's just it's changed. It's definitely changed. It's so much better. It's definitely It's a lot of that thousand times better. Yeah, I haven't had anyone say anything in many many years. Yeah. Yeah. Do you cry often? Sometimes yeah, what do you cry over? Just like you know, the last one was I was with my wife and we're you know It's talking about my mom and she's 81 and that's hard. Yeah. Yeah, like when we got married
Starting point is 01:12:07 We got married in Montenegro. I mean I cried like 30 times 30 different times When you were getting married? Yeah. Yeah, cuz like everyone's making speeches about our families like her family and like it's so like sure, just it's just a beautiful moment of Vulnerability and sharing and it was like I I mean I just couldn't stop crying Wow, I know it's just like great when you could cry and like be okay with it Yeah in front of people. Yeah, you know Yeah, I don't I'm crying ears I feel like you're gonna cry right now
Starting point is 01:12:41 I cry when I see something on when I'm scrolling You're gonna cry I cry when I see something on when I'm scrolling You mean like one of those babies, you know You're me my algorithms weird In pain like you know me whatever you have a genetic I had something going on but my point is or some random thing like that or like, you know what? I cried over the Korean crash The JJA airlines that left that devastated me. Yeah, but then my therapist said, you know, she thinks I do it obsessively and It ruins my day weeks because that's also I think about and I just doom scroll
Starting point is 01:13:20 You know I mean and it's unhealthy. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, would you like to- See, I think it happens to a lot of people. Did you have fun here? Yeah, I did. No, how much fun- I really did. How much fun did we have? This is crazy. That was cool.
Starting point is 01:13:33 That was great. I met Kyle. You know what I mean? What a good guy. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? I met your wife. Beautiful. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:13:41 You gave me gifts and I gave you $300. Yeah, man. Put that in your pocket, please. You know, I'm grading these. Yeah everything. I like grade myself. I could do you want to promote anything Steve before we go? um I Mean we talked about hero quest we talked about audio media grading my company Neural mints is that you well. I'm an investor. I love that. Yeah, I'm an investor So I've been I've been but I I've also friends with the company for eight years. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:14:07 From when they were giving me a plastic bag of the first samples. I just use it a lot when I'm on the road. Shout out to Kent. Yeah, Kent and Ryan, they're good friends of mine. Also, if I move to Vegas, me and Andrew are thinking about moving to Vegas. It's the best move you could possibly do
Starting point is 01:14:25 But we because I'm from LA would we see you dude I want to build the community of friends like it's it's a big part of you know We've been talking about it. We want to go somewhere else. Please move to Vegas. That'd be fun. Yeah Like we could do cold plunges and I could plunge with you. I got five of them my house Oh, I'm ready for you. I'm ready for you and your whole team. I love to cold plunge with you Yeah, yeah, I'll do cold plunge sauna the whole nine yards. I have it Plunge with you. I got five of them in my house, so I'm ready for you. I'm ready for you and your whole team. I'd love to Cold Plunge with you, baby. Yeah, I'll do Cold Plunge, Sawed into the Hole, 90 Yards. I have it all in my house.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Steve, I have to say... Wait, I have one more question. Go ahead. Is your favorite anime One Piece? Yeah, I'm wearing the One Piece hat. I got the One Piece jacket. So this is all Dimmox, my brand. So we collab with One Piece.
Starting point is 01:15:03 I've remixed the one piece theme song We are I'm really tight with the toy animation team. So let's talk about one piece Okay, yeah, because I'm watching anime again. You have to watch. Okay, so I've been watching solo leveling. Oh, yeah You don't like it. No, it's awesome. She won't watch it. I There's a new one on Netflix. I like Sokomoku. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw that. I want to watch that. But One Piece always comes up. Where do I start? Is it episode one? Well, it's 1,200 episodes.
Starting point is 01:15:35 I know, that's what I'm saying. That's why I won't start because I feel like I'm buried and I'm so behind. Yeah, you watch it in double speed. But is there a storyline? it's a whole incredible storyline Which is a lot and isn't there a live action one piece one pace net? One piece dot net one pace one pace dot net But I feel like you have to just watch it without the pace because I did it for two months, and I finished it Oh, I mean that's dedication though. if you don't have that much time.
Starting point is 01:16:05 But it captures your attention the whole time? Okay. Anyway. I'm just a fan of Toei animation. That's the company that does Dragon Ball. Oh, why? They do One Piece. Yeah, what else do they do?
Starting point is 01:16:20 Sailor Moon, the classics. Those are the classics. Yeah, and I like work with them with like attack on Titan Do you like that? I love attack on time. Why don't they do a TV show on that? I didn't even a movie It's not that good. I saw well you the anime the anime Oh, you like live-action unlike dude a Netflix attack on Titan TV show would kill it with the big big big giants. Oh, the amazing. Yeah, I think they
Starting point is 01:16:47 did something. They did a movie, Japan did, but it's not good. I saw it. Anyway, give Steve Aoki a round of applause, everybody. Thank you for watching!

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