TigerBelly - Sung Kang is Bobby Lee's Nutrient Rich Twin

Episode Date: July 24, 2024

Actor Sung Kang (Fast & Furious) makes his 1st appearance! We chat Jared Leto eyeliner, Leo synchronicity, bannans, body order, Shaky Shivers, how to date, and the famous Sung & Bobby MadTV Sk...etch. Plus, new players can get ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS INSTANTLY IN CASINO CREDITS with just a one-dollar wager, and ALL players get a Blockbuster Bonus every week. So, sign up with code TIGERBELLY and grab your popcorn, it’s showtime on DraftKings Casino! Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code BELLY for $20 off your first purchase. Again, create an account and redeem code BELLY for $20 off. Download Gametime today. Last minute tickets. Lowest Price. Guaranteed.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is sponsored by Game Time. Download the Game Time app, create an account, and use code BELLY for $20 off your first purchase. Download Game Time today, last minute tickets, lowest price, guaranteed. There's no water for this guy? All right. Yeah. Thank you. We'll ease into it. We don't have to start now. Thank you. Thank you. You're gonna take away my water, dog? You got your Red Bull though. Oh yeah, that's right. That's liquid. You never asked for water. Winston're gonna take away my water, dog? You got your Red Bull, though. Oh yeah, that's right, that's liquid. You never asked for water. Winston, when do you drink water, Bobby? I've been drinking water as of late.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Are these your sponsors? No, that's my hair care brand. That's her hair care brand? Please take some, yeah. What? Your hair is such nice hair. Thank you. But I, um.
Starting point is 00:00:40 No, it's shiny, she is. I'm a diver and I've had a light once. Oh my god, here we go. So this is specifically, really. Me too. Step in here, tell them what you do in the water. Backstroke and fly. I'm a diver and I like bunks. Oh my god, here we go. Me too. Step in here. Tell them what you do in the water. Backstroke and fly. I was a two-man water fly.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Yeah, I do breaststroke too. But now I'm free. I do reverse fly. Can you do that? I don't think so. This hair care brand was sort of like born out of like ocean actives or like water actives. Yeah, I'm water active.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And we clean hair care, meaning like nothing. Have you done a side breast-up? We go to the side? I will package, you know what, before we leave, I'll send you and your wife some products. I can hold my brother under water for three minutes. Yeah. Thank you. Of course.
Starting point is 00:01:15 That's great you have this. It's fantastic. Does Bobby use this? He does. I've never used it. Your girlfriend does. I don't have a girlfriend. Wow, you're gonna, I don't have a girlfriend,
Starting point is 00:01:30 and you're gonna start there? I don't have a girlfriend. I have nobody. Does she not use it though? I don't know who you're talking about. That's insane. Oh, you mean Felicia right here, dude? Ooh, talk to the hand.
Starting point is 00:01:44 No, I. Oh, are you Felicia Rockland? No? Ooh, talk to the hand. No, I. Oh, are you Felicia? No, no, no, that's my girl. Why would you choose Felicia to do this? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, this is Felicia, she. Anyway, you guys done talking about breast strokes and ocean life?
Starting point is 00:01:57 No, let me have my 10 seconds, okay? All right. It's not all about you, Papa. Where'd you grow up? Oh, stop. Philippines. Stop. That's why I. Talk into the. Where'd you grow up? Oh, Stuck. Philippines. Stuck, Stuck. Mm-hmm, that's why I- Talk into the mic.
Starting point is 00:02:08 If you're gonna talk, talk into the mic and talk to me. I am talking into the mic. No, not Stuck, have Stuck talk into the mic. Yeah. Go ahead. But that's how I got into diving. Do you know that he was a swimmer, Bobby? Did you know that about your own friend?
Starting point is 00:02:18 Mm, friend test. I did not know that. And what strokes did he swim? What? Guess what strokes he swam. Breast stroke. Breast stroke. Right?
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And also, um, fly. Fly, yes. Fly stroke? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fly and backstroke, right? Fly and backstroke. Not blackstroke. Nope. Okay, anyway, um... You want to correct yourself? What?
Starting point is 00:02:48 Yeah, and I didn't know you were a swimmer. I mean, there's probably a lot of things about you I don't even know about, you know what I mean? But it's like, that's not the nature of our relationship. So you know, there's a lot of things I know about you, but some of the things I don't. And that's not the nature of our relationship. Our nature of our relationship has been historical. And we've been around, known each other a very long time,
Starting point is 00:03:06 and that's the nature of our relationship. And sometimes you don't need to get in the little nook and crannies of one's life to know who one is and their heart. You know? You're all about surface. Everyone in this room is about surface, surface little information, but I know the heart. I know the heart. Wow.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I know the, what? So, so what? Judgemental. You gotta find the word. What is this called? I'm not being judgmental, you know what I mean? I'm being truthful, you know what I mean? I dive deep into the heart and the matters of the heart,
Starting point is 00:03:42 and I don't do surface things like, oh wow, you own an abacus, like I don't care. You know what I mean? Or like, you know what I mean? That would be a cool thing to find out about someone though. In 2020. An abacus? Okay, I just threw that out there, you know what I mean? Or I make figurines out of bark.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Amazing. Right? That sounds like an incredible hobby. I understand that, but my point is, is that I know his heart. I know that he wouldn't kill anybody. I know that he would see if he saw a homeless man, he would give them a sandwich. And those are the most important things.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I don't live in the surface realm. Wait a second. Let's ask Sine. Are those two things true? It depends. I would kill somebody depending on the surface. Oh, really? Oh, there we go.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Really? Of course. OK, so if somebody was robbing your house. Yeah. A gun point. I mean, if I was there alone, I we go. Really, really? Of course. Okay, so if somebody was robbing your house. Yeah. A gun point. A gun point. I mean, if I was there alone, I'd probably, but if they were trying to harm somebody in the house, yeah, then go.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Or you come home, someone's strangling your dog. Oh yeah, it's over. Yeah. Really? John Wick. Oh, John Wick, John Wick. Yes, 100%. Yeah, you're right, you're right.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Yeah, right? Yeah. Yeah, you're right. You're fucking right. Yeah, you're right, you're right. Yeah, right? Yeah. Yeah, you're right. You're fucking right. Yeah, I was just testing you now. Put in for our cats. Well, I would say a couple of things before. Like what, put the cat down?
Starting point is 00:04:56 Like what's going on? Like first, you gotta know what's going on. You don't know what's going on? He's strangling your cat. Well, what if my cat attacked him? Okay. Then regardless, who do you love more, the stranger or your cat?
Starting point is 00:05:08 Oh, that's true. Okay, that's true. All right, so he's, okay. Yeah, so I would go, hey, stop that. I would say stop that. Okay. And then if he keeps going, and then I'm gonna go, I would look around.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Oh, sorry. You always have to look around to see if there's anybody else in the house and via finding weapon, because I can't do it with my hands. Okay, so I'd grab a weapon and then I go, I'm gonna hit you with this fucking vase. You know what I mean, if you don't stop that,
Starting point is 00:05:37 and then I probably would kill him. You're right, anyway, let's start. Let's start. I don't know why. We did this. That, all right, so here we go. Five, four, three, two, one. Welcome to another episode of Tiger Belly. We have a special guest here because he's a guy that I've known for a long time.
Starting point is 00:06:16 You know, I've tried to get to know him. He's a guy that I've known for a long time. He's a guy that I've known for a long time. He's a guy that I've known for a long time. He's a guy that I've known for a long time. Welcome to another episode of Tiger Belly. We have a special guest here because he's a guy that I've known for a long time. You know, I've, I don't know, I just, I was just always shy to even ask him to do it,
Starting point is 00:06:33 but I finally did and now he's doing it and I can't fucking believe it. He, very successful actor. He's in this franchise, the Fast and the Furious franchise. And this is him right there with his orange car. And so the name is Sung Kang, great actor, old friend. Give him a round of applause, everybody. Woo!
Starting point is 00:06:54 Woo! Woo! So, Sung, hi. Hey, Bobby. I haven't seen you, how long have you... It's been a long time. It's been a long time, yeah. A decade?
Starting point is 00:07:07 I think the last time I saw you was when we shot that pilot, right? That's right. No, so yeah. Yeah. Oh. Was you and Danny. Yeah, Pudi, yeah. Danny Pudi.
Starting point is 00:07:15 They shot a Netflix? No, it was like a... It was a YouTube series when they were making... Oh, YouTube, YouTube, I mean. Netflix series. YouTube series. Well, it seemed... No, but it wasn't series. Oh, YouTube, YouTube, I mean. Netflix series. YouTube series. Well, it seemed, no, but it wasn't, when you say YouTube, it didn't seem like a YouTube, it seemed like an elevated
Starting point is 00:07:32 show, I mean, they had trailers and the whole thing. No, it was when YouTube was doing like actual shows, right? It was a real show. Yes. But I think they stopped that, so. Why didn't it get picked up? I don't think it was that good. Did you like it? No. Oh, why didn't it get picked up? I don't think it was that good. Did you like it? No. Oh you didn't like it? The concept was good. Yeah yeah yeah. It
Starting point is 00:07:51 didn't really turn out the way we were hoping. Is that bummer when you have no control and then they put it out you're like oh man I wish I was in there. Yeah. Right? But you were funny. I don't remember I remember wearing that one piece tracksuit. Yeah. Yeah so I remember wearing that one piece track suit. Yeah. So I remember that. And I always like, if you ever called and didn't ask me to do anything, I would do it. No, thanks.
Starting point is 00:08:12 But I'm bummed that didn't. But anyway, so what was the first Fast and Furious movie you did? Tokyo one. Tokyo Drift. So that'd be number three in the series. That was it. Look at it. Oh, I remember.
Starting point is 00:08:24 You remember that? Yeah. Yeah. That's a cool. Is that your outfit or was that? It's you guys. Did you keep that? No they never give it to me. Oh. I asked I think. But I remember, well that must have been within the last 10 years. Yeah. Yeah. I think it was maybe at least five, six years. Yeah. But I saw you, but I see you everywhere. I actually saw you in Portland. Whoa. Wait, Portland, Oregon?
Starting point is 00:08:50 Yeah, so I was in Portland last week. All right. I wasn't in Portland last week. Yes, you were. So I'm... You liar. You liar. I lie?
Starting point is 00:09:01 Okay, I mean, oh yeah. You're at, you're aura. My aura was, I know my aura goes there. So I'm in the- He loves fishing up there, my aura. So we went to Portland to go watch this race, right? This Formula E race. It's like electric Formula One, basically.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And so we were going to like this, like, you know, dinner kind of thing, right? And the Uber driver picks us up and it's just decked out, it looks like a manga kind of like anime, right? Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. No, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, is it red? Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah, so, well, no, check it out, right. So you were in Portland? No, no, no, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Leo his name. Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo. Yeah yeah yeah. So yeah so you felt my essence in that? So he pulls up. He's like in the car. He goes, hey! He goes, do you know Bobby Lee? And I go, yeah of course. So he pulls out his phone. You're in the video. You're in his car. Yeah I was in the car. And he goes, yeah you know I was taking him and he's like he was was saying, I'm so lonely, what are you doing? What? I know, I say that to every Uber driver. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You were lonely in Portland. I had three days off, I was shooting a movie and I-
Starting point is 00:10:33 You were sick. I was sick and he picked me up and I go, and he looked like somebody that's in my world, you know what I mean? And I go, I'm lonely, what are you doing? Yeah, so that's exactly right. Was he nice to you? Oh, so, he was nice to me, And he looked like somebody that's in my world. And I go, I'm lonely, what are you doing? Yeah, so that's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Was he nice to you? Oh, so when I went to Portland, I felt like there was some type of monkey on my back. It was like this negative kind of energy I was feeling. From the city. Not from the city, it was just like as of late. Oh, so you're getting a monkey negative feeling. Yeah as of late in your life in my life in general Yeah, and guess what bud me too. Yeah, like everybody. Yeah
Starting point is 00:11:17 So Leo picks me up and yeah, he starts to talk about you yeah, And then he's like, yeah, you know, I wanted to hang out, but I had to work. There was just some really interesting energy about him. And I felt like, I was like, you know, there's something really pure and angelic about this guy. Purest of angels. Yeah, sure. And so I was like, hey, if Bobby's gonna invite you to hang out, I'm gonna invite you. So I said, hey, you wanna come to this event with me? And he's like, really?
Starting point is 00:11:51 I was like, yeah, why not, come. So he hung out with me all night. No, no! Leo, was he, now here's my fear with Leo. My fear with Leo was, my fear with him was that I don't know what he's like outside of the Uber car. Amazing. Okay, so I read it wrong.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Because I wanted to hang out with him outside and invite him, but I didn't at the end. So you did invite him out. I hung out with him for two days. What? That's insane. Some restraint, so you have his number. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Oh wow. Yeah, I mean we literally hung out with his friends. Oh wow. What? That's insane! So we're straight, so you have his number? Yeah. Oh wow! Yeah, yeah. I mean we literally hung out with his friends. Oh wow! And I was like, you know, Portland, it's, you know, it's in bad shape because of all the fentanyl stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:35 So he's like, hey, let me take you out to, you know, like some Asian food. So he took me to a Hong Kong restaurant. Wow. Which is from Hong Kong. And he actually bought me dinner. Leo did? Yeah. And I was like me dinner. Leo did? Yeah, and I was like, Leo, why did you do that?
Starting point is 00:12:46 He's like, yeah, you know, you're a guest. I'm getting goosebumps. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Leo sounds magical. Magical, and then I was watching him, all right, like just kind of interact with all of these like corporate people, because you know, that event's very sponsored by,
Starting point is 00:12:58 it's heavy corporate sponsors. Just the way he navigated and just talked to, you know, the people that were working at the restaurant and then like all the executives. It was just this kind of fluid kind of way he interacted with people. Because he spoke from the heart. Well, he's not a Leo. What are you talking about? Well, he's Leo. He's not from the Matrix, I mean.
Starting point is 00:13:20 But rare. But rare guy. Wow, he's a rare guy. So here's my fear with Leo. If I took him to a corporate, like an industry thing, was it a show business industry thing? It was a car industry thing. Oh, a car industry thing. Maybe car would be okay, but would you be able to take him to like a Fox network party?
Starting point is 00:13:39 Absolutely. Oh wow, and you would be fine with it? Yeah. Wow. Because your fear would be they're gonna annoy people and then it's gonna affect... No, no, no, no. I think you just have a lot of previously bad experiences with up-fronts and taking the wrong girl. Yeah, yeah, I took the wrong girl to an network thing and it turned out real bad.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Yeah, no, he's not there to like star-fuck or anything. Right. He's not calculating. he's not there to like starfuck or anything right? He's not calculating he's just there to you know He I think he's just curious of people and he's trying to like extract like positivity from people and give back that positive We need to find hi we got to find them maybe we should get Leo on here He's amazing He really is amazing like Leo. Maybe we gotta get Leo on here. Leo DM us on Tiger Belly.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Yeah, DM us on Tiger Belly. You know what's so funny about that then, Sung? What? Is that just, cause that happened when? Last week? Yeah. Just out of the blue, I texted, I'm like when was the last time I texted you? Years. Many, many years. Yeah, I mean your text was, is this even your number?
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yeah, that's how far, years. Yeah, I mean your text was is this even your numbers? Yeah, that's how far long Yeah, and so out of nowhere I text you was that weird then because of the whole Leo situation and out of nowhere I could text you that must have been like a just kind of weird Well, do you believe now let's talk about that. Yeah, do we believe in synchronicity? Okay, so we argue a lot. I don't believe in fate or destiny. I believe in like the beauty of spontaneous, random occurrences, which is why I think
Starting point is 00:15:12 synchronicity is even more special, because I don't feel it's destined. I feel like it happened to align, and the chances for things to align like that are even rarer, so I do believe in it, but it makes it more special for me. But you believe that synchronicity is just random. It is random and that's why I find it even cooler because if it was destined,
Starting point is 00:15:31 I find it like, oh, this was already written. I didn't have control of this. But do you believe the synchronicity is manifested by you in some way? I think that I only half believe in manifestation. I think that when you plant a seed in your head, your body will move subconsciously in that direction. And so when things finally happen for you, you think that it's, you think that, oh, like, I don't know what you believe in. I think you believe more in like,
Starting point is 00:16:01 management. We debated for 10 years. What do you mean? You know what I believe in. It changes every Tuesday. That's right. There it is, changes every Tuesday. That's right. There it is, there it is. That's right, there it is, there it is. Yeah. But I don't know, I find comfort in like absolutely
Starting point is 00:16:14 like no rhyme or rhythm and things just happening and I find so much like more magic in that. Like Leo say for instance, right? Like just the chances of meeting Leo, like the both of you is really special in my head. Yeah, but the odds, here's the odds. I was in Portland three weeks ago, okay? I distinctly, once you said, right,
Starting point is 00:16:38 I just knew who you were talking about. So he had a real effect on me, this guy. Yeah. You do, right? What? He had an effect. Real effect, I'll never forget. Yeah, because guy. You know what I mean? You do, right? What? He had an effect. Real effect. I'll never forget. Yeah, because he hardly remembers anymore.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I'll never forget. Oh, but you should have seen his Uber card, though. You know what I mean? It looked like the inside of a Pokemon. Or Comic Con. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, he had little figurines on his dashboard, right? Red was the right color, am I not right?
Starting point is 00:17:01 Yeah, like red suede. Yeah, suede, red suede. And then he was like, also, when you're seeing a lot, like, let's be honest, Portland has a lot of liberally kind of hippie-ish, but the other half is insurrectionist. I mean, you have beards, and guys with axes, and they're like, where's Nancy Pelosi? You know what I mean? Yeah, right? and they're like, where's Nancy Pelosi? You know what I mean? You have a combination, but so then when that guy comes
Starting point is 00:17:30 into the equation in Portland, you're like, whoa, where am I? You know what I mean? And so, and he's also, I've been to Portland many times, he's the first guy to ever look like that or be like that. I mean, I just know that they made things like that. That's all, you know what I mean? It's crazy, and know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:45 It's crazy. And so I remember them, we shot some videos together, what not what not, but, so then Leo runs the song, right? What, two weeks, two, three weeks later, right? And then I call song out of nowhere couple of days after that, right? I don't know, man. I think it's something about like, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:02 you're in their heads and we kind of, I think, manifest it. DraftKings Casino DraftKings Casino In a world of slot reels and blackjack redeals comes the must-play event of the summer from DraftKings Casino, featuring nonstop action and all-star cast of games, including A-Lister, Loki's Luck, and this summer blockbuster is one you won't want to miss.
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Starting point is 00:21:14 Download GameTime today. Last minute tickets, lowest price guaranteed. That's right. Or no. Oh, I believe that because I think I'm a little witchy in that way where if I think of someone Oh you're definitely witchy. I'm witchy. So those things happen to me but I still believe in like the random nature in a seed planted and moving in directions where you subconsciously don't know. But I would like to explain the tide since it's like this large thing sitting next to me.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Well before we go to tide I want to ask Sung about how he feels about manifest and all that stuff. Hmm well I feel like you have to make yourself available. Like with Leo you know I could have just closed that sliding door on him like I could have shut down and like like hey man I don't want to talk to you but I was looking like I was like hey I need your seat. The I was looking, like I was like, hey I need. You were seeking. Yeah, yeah, like you know, it's like I needed kind of like this like mentor, some kind of like, you know, like I don't know, like some type of, you know, like lesson from another human being.
Starting point is 00:22:16 So I was like open, I was like searching. So as soon as I landed, I sat in the front seat and he just, I think he kind of sensed like, hey, I needed to. Well, he recognized you too. Yeah, but that usually. Without that, I don't know. That usually turned me off.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Cause if he's just like, hey, it's about that. But it was really, right away we just started. Or if I'm like, you're in my Uber and I went, holy fuck man, Tokyo Drift. Like that would have been weird if he said that. Yeah. Because then it's not's not like it's not hey Song it's the guy from the movie He recognized me
Starting point is 00:22:53 But it was a little annoying. He was too comfortable like really comfortable It was a man from Hong Kong, you know, I was like, what's up, you know I mean, and then there's just something about him that he knew what I was, but he felt comfortable in a way. But then he showed me photos of him in China performing or hosting something in front of a large group of people. So then in my mind I'm like, oh no, this guy.
Starting point is 00:23:21 You know how some things go, in Iran I'm a doctor, here I'm a cab driver. It this guy, you know what I mean? You know how some things go, in Iran, I'm a doctor, here I'm a cab driver. It was like one of those things. Yeah, yeah. So it's like, yeah, so. And he's lived life, you know, so. He's lived life.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Yeah. So you stay open and you meet magical people like him. And I didn't, because of my ego, I didn't fully involve myself in the magic, because I was untrustworthy. Which is okay. Thank you. You have to protect yourself.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I have to protect myself. Because you never know. I never know, I never know. You are very gracious though with a lot of very young comics. You take them out to dinner. You don't know anything about them. And I think you've been really great with usually with with a lot of random people yeah very good that's a that's what you call a young
Starting point is 00:24:09 I'm a young dog so what's the fuck the thing the tide so it's a I've been taught that it's tradition to when you come to someone's home right you come to somebody's house my parents oh my mom right never taught me that okay my wife yeah in Korean culture you go to someone's house you take um laundry detergent and I love watermelon we love it. Thank you so much. What kind of watermelon, where did you get that at? Ralph's. I only do Aero One watermelon.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Wait, Aero One doesn't have them. Bobby, how do you know, do you know how to choose watermelon? Yeah, you knock it on it. And what is it supposed to do? Hollow sound. Shape wise? You know what, lady? And what is it supposed to do? Hollow sound. Shape-wise? Exactly. You know what, lady?
Starting point is 00:25:07 You know how to choose, lady. Hey, lady, you know what? I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to make me a fool. No, I'm trying to discredit your Asian-ness. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you cannot, because I'm Asian through and through. Yeah, OK.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And Sung knows that. I just feel like inherently as an Asian, you you have to be proud of the fact that like we pick fruit really well. Like if I've ever had an Instacart and it's not like an elderly Asian person, I will never order fruit because I'm like they don't know how to like choose fruit. So that's why I'm testing you. Wait, wait, that's insane. You're saying in an old Italian-
Starting point is 00:25:40 We get from our parents- You don't think an old Italian woman knows how to choose fruit? Yes, yes, yes. Yes, but if it's someone under 30, and someone who's probably not ethnic, that person's gonna give me smashed apples or bruised everything. Whoa. They're not looking at the fruit in a way
Starting point is 00:25:59 that's fully observing and appreciating. What do you mean? So, banana, what do you look for in a banana? Oh everything. Don't get me started on bananas. I'm getting you started. They have to be only a certain amount of green and I would say maybe a quarter of an inch. Everyone knows that. No and you have to, it depends, is it Cavendish, is it Apple banana, is it Tundan, Lakatan, there's many types of bananas. I didn't even know that. They have red bananas.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Drop in knowledge. Banana knowledge. Fruit is an art form. Why does the bananas in Asia taste different than the bananas here? Because I think only here they only sell... Here they only sell the Cavendish. That's like the only... Which is terrible because in like 40 years years like we'll never we won't have
Starting point is 00:26:45 another kind of banana because there's like a you want to get into bananas no but I'll tell you what I want to get and I'm gonna let me let me go against that okay is it really that one but what's the banana we use here in America Cavendish Cavendish yeah right what if just I'm just gonna say something controversial right what if that's the best banana dog I'll tell you why What if that's the best banana, dog? No, I'll tell you why we think it's the best banana. Why? It's the programming.
Starting point is 00:27:08 No, it's not programming. Yes, it is, it is. So, okay, grocery stores here like things that look good on shelves for a long period of time. And the Cavendish, the reason that it's all over the place is because it holds well, not because they taste better, it holds well on the shelves for a very long time. And what's happened is we've been growing only Cavendish and there's this one very
Starting point is 00:27:29 very I think it's like a fungus that like kills all of them really quickly. So if we're down to one variety of banana and it attacks the Cavendish, we're fucked. So that's why we need to reintroduce more varieties of banana. But is the Cavendish the most tastiest? No, I don't think so. I love apple bananas. How many apple, how many bananas have you had, Tsong? Yeah, tell us everything. The variety, the variety of bananas you've had.
Starting point is 00:27:53 I didn't even know there was a- You should know, dude. I know there are, I've had plantain. Oh yeah, plantain is different. Yeah, plantain is a better. Yeah, plantain. But better for cooking. There's saba bananas.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Look at that one. Filipino cooking. That looks delicious. Blue Java. That's insane. Bananas used to be in the 80s like gay. Gay? What'd you say? Gay? Huh? You said bananas in the 80s used to be gay?
Starting point is 00:28:15 No, they used to be very expensive. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. I don't know what that... Bananas are gay. They're phallic. They seem gay to me. Where did that come from? That was insane. Have you seen that Japanese man who gets his really special mangoes and each one is like 10,000 yen and you can get them ordered here? See the whole thing again. There's a certain Japanese mango that you can order and each one is like 10,000 yen.
Starting point is 00:28:47 How much is 10,000 yen in American? I mean, for you it's going to be nothing. No, but how much is it? What is it, Gil? Let's see. 70 bucks. It's bad right now. 70 dollars.
Starting point is 00:28:56 70 dollars for one, not a clump, but one. They have the square watermelons in Japan too that are like super expensive. Wait, are the square watermelons organic? Or are they through years of just, I don't know what you call that. Engineering. Engineering it. Yeah, it's engineered for sure. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Oh my God. That's ridiculous. So it's ridiculous. So they engineered that. So the banana, I'm gonna end this banana thing because I don't think our audience is gonna want to live through the bananas the whole time. I just want to end it.
Starting point is 00:29:31 We can cut out a lot of my banana. No, no, no, no, we gotta keep it. No, we gotta keep it. But I want to put a bow on the banana. Yeah. I want to put a bow on the banana, all right? So let's just get down to the nitty gritty of the banana, right?
Starting point is 00:29:41 So what you're basically saying, just to put a bow on it, is that we should introduce ourselves to the other bananas as well. No, I think as an, that wasn't the point. The point is, as an Asian man, as an elder, as a young, you should know to pick good fruit for people and your friends.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I just, okay, I'll agree with it, but I don't, you know? I don't agree, but let's just move on for it. So I'll just say, I agree to disagree. Do you eat fruit throughout the day? I don't agree, but let's just move on for it, so I'll just say I agree to disagree. Do you eat fruit throughout the day? Oh, fuck you, Song! No, I'm good. Master, dude. Yeah, I eat fruit all the fucking time, dog.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Okay, all right. What the fuck, man? What's your favorite? Fruit? No! Fruit? Apple. What kind of apple?
Starting point is 00:30:20 Lax and superb. Woo! Whoa. That's cheating. Why's it cheating? Because that's the name of his band in high school. That's the only. Red Delicious.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Okay, good. Granny Apple. Yes. In your face. One more. Red Delicious, Granny Apple, and then, April Maple. April Maple.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Good enough. What's the third one? Envy. Envy. Envy. Honey Chris. Honey Chris. Oh, Honeycrisp. Okay, so I don't know my varieties of bananas. But yes, I do eat fruit, okay?
Starting point is 00:30:50 I love fruit plates. You know what I mean? And I love cheese as well. I just want to throw that into the mix, right? I love the fruit plate and cheese and some little slices of meat and I'm good. So let's move on from that, okay? Sorry. No, no, on from that, okay? Sorry. No, no, we love it, okay?
Starting point is 00:31:07 So anyway, you brought the tide over, you brought all these snacks. You know, I have to say, I loved, you know what I used to do? When I was over there over at Bretton Wood, right? I literally go, in my mind I go, oh shit, I'm gonna stop by your restaurant, right? And I remember your wife working there, and you working there sometimes. go in my mind I go oh shit I'm gonna stop by your restaurant right yeah and I
Starting point is 00:31:25 remember your wife working there and you working there sometimes he had a restaurant in fucking Brentwood I used to go in and this is you know he's you know he had done stuff as an actor but he's also this how long did you have that restaurant ten years Wow yeah what was it called Soccatini Soccatini yeah and I loveini. Yeah. And I love the food there. And what happened? My wife got cancer. I'm sorry. Really? Mm-hmm. Is she okay now? Yeah, she's fine now. Okay, great. Wow She got sick, so I just shut it down. Wow. I'm so sorry. I didn't know that That was a bit hard. I know but it must be tough That sucked. Yeah, that sucked, but it changed, it changed us for the better.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Mm-hmm. Did you, at that time, had you done a Fast and Furious movie at that time or? Yeah. Or you had? I had done several. Several? Yeah. Well I still needed the restaurant to survive. You did? Yeah Bobby, like I don't, they don't pay you man. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Look at my face, dude. You know what? Wait, wait. No, wait, wait. That's hard to believe. Why? Because you're in the franchise, right? How many have you done?
Starting point is 00:32:36 Three, four, five, six. Seven I did a piece, but then it was cut out. Then nine, ten. So like six, seven. Six or seven. Wow. Wow. And I mean, I mean, obviously we're not getting any money
Starting point is 00:32:50 but my point is that I guess, I don't mean, I don't know how, I guess, you know, I've been in movies, I guess you're right maybe. Yeah. You get a nice little thing but after taxes and all that stuff, it just, wow. Yeah, you can't, you can't, you don't make enough at that point to like survive, to like pay your rent.
Starting point is 00:33:10 I mean, for a little bit, but you need the restaurant because, you know, it also kept me busy. Yeah. Like I was in the back washing dishes and that's actually the name of my loan out. You know, like actors, you know, they incorporate themselves name for your company. And I was like, or your loan out. I was like, I'm busy. I was like, literally washing dishes.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Because I remember going to your restaurant and you coming out with a dirty, like an apron and stuff, and thinking to myself, wow, he's working really hard in my mind. You know what I mean? Well, you have, I mean, it was either that or you're like, I'm going to go to the restaurant and I'm going to go to the restaurant and I'm going to go to the restaurant and I'm going to go to the restaurant and I'm going to go to the restaurant and I'm going to go to the restaurant and I'm going to go and you coming out like with a dirty, like an apron and stuff
Starting point is 00:33:45 and thinking to myself, wow, he's working really hard in my mind, you know what I mean? Well, you have, I mean, it was either that or you go hungry. Wow. What do you do? I thought it was just a side thing you were doing. No, it was survival, man. It was so I could continue acting. Wow. Right?
Starting point is 00:34:00 So that was that, it's either, you know, what are you going to do, right? Do you have another restaurant now or no? No, I don't think I'd ever do a restaurant again. I get why it's two, it just sounds like a nightmare. It's hard, man. Yeah, I can tell. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:13 It's like you're dealing with, you know, dealing with staff is very hard. Yeah. Yeah, cause it's a transient place, like no one's there to go, hey, my dream is to come to LA and work in the kitchen. Right. I mean, there are chefs, but actually regular employees.
Starting point is 00:34:27 You're dealing with the worst of people as customers coming in, right? I know. So you're like, so after a while you're like, well, thank God. Even if it made money, I don't want it. Like, I don't want it. But it was good because for the 10 years, you get to eat. You're healthy. I just remember being at a great restaurant. It was good because for the 10 years you get to eat, you're healthy and you know.
Starting point is 00:34:45 I just remember it being a great restaurant, you know what I mean? It was always a place I could see you. But so before we did Mad TV together, how did we meet? Do you remember or no? I don't know. Yeah, do you remember? I mean, last night I was thinking in my mind, I go, how in the fuck? Well, I mean, I guess in my mind, it's like there wasn't a...
Starting point is 00:35:04 Was there a lot of us then? No. Right, so let me throw out some names. Who was around, all right? Brian T. was around. Yes. Okay, are you friends with him? Yeah, I love him.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Sweetest man. Sweet man, handsome, just like yourself, you know what I mean? Who else was around? Daniel DeKimm? Yeah. Yeah, he was around. Yeah, yeah. Was Randall Park around at the time? He was. I feel like he was around. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Was Randall Park around at the time?
Starting point is 00:35:26 He was. I feel like he was around. Yeah, yeah. John Cho was around. Yeah. Yeah, and that's it. So I guess in that smaller, that small community, that's how we knew each other.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Yeah. But so then when I was on, people, you know, we did, so anyway, I'm just telling you how to handle it. Right, so I was, that. I just ran into her too. You did? Yeah, she's fucking, look at how I was that. I just ran into her too. You did? Yeah, she's fucking, look at how I was. Look at us.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Look at the both of you. Oh my god, I can't believe. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Why is this?
Starting point is 00:35:56 Ha ha ha. I don't know. Anyway. It's so great. It's a Korean thing and they put us in the Chinese right. Ha ha ha. I know, I know. All right, push box, I don't wanna see. I wanna see now. I know, I know. Alright, put your box down.
Starting point is 00:36:05 I don't want to see it. I want to see it. I want to see it. Wow, acting. At his finest. She's so great. My brother! My brother!
Starting point is 00:36:13 How is your brother? He's okay. That was great. So, I'm going I'll tell you how this came about. What year was that? Oh my god, what year was it? 2003? 2004? Wow. Right, maybe? That's crazy. It's crazy. So I'm at me being mad because I was like the first Asian dude to be on, I was the only one. And they would always go, what can we do with him?
Starting point is 00:36:54 Right? And it got to the point where like, and I just basically said, cause my mom was in the Korean drama. So I go, let's just do a Korean drama. And they were, I was just joking. And they're like, and then the next thing I know, they had written it, right? And I was like, and I'm like, I's just do a Korean drama. And they were, I was just joking. And they're like, and then the next thing I know, they had written it, right?
Starting point is 00:37:06 And I was like, and I'm like, I need a Korean dude. Because I don't think, is Brian Korean? He's half. He's half. The only good looking, good actor, Asian guy I knew was him. Except John too. Okay, yeah, I could have used John.
Starting point is 00:37:21 But you looked more like, like dramatic or face. I mean, I think John's handsome. Okay, we've had him on here. I just saw, recently saw, I love John. Very handsome man. You needed debonair. But he was more debonair. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Debonair. Debonair. And so when I, you did it, and how many times did you do it? How many, we did it three or four? Three, yeah, three or four. Three or four yeah three or four yeah and imagine okay so imagine this you watch back then you watch TV what you have the true your traditional shows in my mind I always found it to be
Starting point is 00:37:57 like so cool that for like three or four minutes on American television you had this weird thing mm- know what I mean? Where him and I, I wasn't speaking Korean, I mean I can't speak it, but I tried the best I could. But we did this fucking weird Korean drama spoof sketch. And in my mind I'm like, this is never, like even when we were doing it in my mind I was like, this has never been done on American television.
Starting point is 00:38:22 That's why it was like fucking so cool. And you guys were way ahead of the game too, because I feel like people but this has never been done on American television. That's why it was like fucking so cool And you guys were way ahead of the game too because I feel like people are only catching on to k-drama in the last like I don't know ten years really over here Yeah, so I think that's why like all of these ones that we watch are even funnier today Yeah, because you guys were kind of spoofing it what like 20 years ago. I Know and at the time I don't know if you, that was great, at the time I remember it was, like no one really, because internet was new,
Starting point is 00:38:52 so we didn't really know, right? I mean, did you ever go, has anybody ever gone, I remember you on Matt TV or no? No. Just in your whole life? Yeah. Oh you have? Yeah, they loved it.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Yeah. They loved it. I know. I love it. Yeah me too. So I'm glad. They say there should be some type of like spin-off movie show based on this specific sketch. This is so funny to me. Or like you know how you always had this idea of like twin brothers but like like you're fraternal. Yeah. This is it right there. That is it. Yeah, you just, let's say that Sung
Starting point is 00:39:31 got more nutrients in the womb. Yeah, yeah. And then. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He hogged it. Yeah, he hogged it. Yeah, he hoarded the nutrients. You were sharing a placenta.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then he got most of the nutrients. Oh, nutrients, yeah, yeah. And I got like, I had to resort to eating the fat. Yeah, you had to resort to something. Yeah, yeah, something else, you know what I mean? And we came out and it's so funny because our whole life we can do flashbacks. You know, we got everything.
Starting point is 00:39:56 You know what I mean? I always got nothing. You know how in elementary school they pick teams? Right? I'm always, he's always the first guy to get picked and the last guy, we could just go do a thing and now here we are, right? And then what happens?
Starting point is 00:40:10 Maybe he gets sick and I have to do something. Maybe, that's sad. It goes kidney transplant. So we need to stay drum. That's not a comedy. That's not a comedy. Why can't we put some dramatic elements into it? You can throw kidney transplant. What? into a comedy, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:40:28 I think you can. Okay. He can go, you know what I mean, I'm sick. You know what I mean? And then I have to do something. But he's already taken so much from you in the womb. Like now he's- I'm sick.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Yeah. Should I be sick? Yeah, I think you. I blame him, you took all the nutrients. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. So anyone listening right now for our podcast, if you're a screenwriter, write think you. I blame him, you took all the nutrients. Yeah. Right, right. So anyone listening right now to our podcast. Please write this.
Starting point is 00:40:47 If you're a screenwriter, write this movie. And I think we can make it. I think so. I mean, don't you think we can make this movie? I think so. Can I try? Can I take a stab at it? Will you take a stab at it?
Starting point is 00:40:57 Yeah. We should do a short. Do the short, yeah. Let's do a short. Yes. Why were you wearing a wig though? You had hair. You have great hair.
Starting point is 00:41:07 I think at the time I was doing Mohawks or no? No? Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. First, dude, I look at some of my, dude, I look at some of my like hairstyle choices back then. Mohawk? You're all good.
Starting point is 00:41:21 You think so? I think so. Your hair. That's cool. Yeah. the story of your hair has been like the most interesting thing for me because you have such great hair. The story of my hair. Yeah, when I was doing like Ebb products, and when we were doing like our launch for the show, I was like I want like a slideshow of Bobby's hair throughout the years because he's so experimental and I've loved every
Starting point is 00:41:41 single one even the more the little rat tail with the cowboy hat. Very cute. Okay thank you so much for saying that. Because I look at some of the photos. I mean do you regret when you see photos of yourself from a long time ago or no? I regret photos from yesterday. Look at that. I did that for a while. That's cool. Yeah. Oh thank you. Yeah. That's Johnny. Yeah yeah yeah. And you see that's when I kind of like back while. That's cool. Yeah, oh thank you. Yeah. That's Johnny. That's Johnny, yeah, yeah, yeah. And see that's when I kind of like back then. That's cool too.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Yeah, yeah. Look at my eyes. I like the big one. But I used to put eyeliner. Do you remember, I used to wear eyeliner or no? Why? I don't know. He was ahead of the times though.
Starting point is 00:42:18 No, because I would look at guys like Jared Leto and some of these other like rock star-y kind of guys, right? It's so funny? I saw cool actors do it at night, you know what I mean? Like they walk out of like Roxy or whatever, or what's the other one that Johnny? Even Johnny Depp did. Yeah, what's Johnny?
Starting point is 00:42:35 Viper Room. Viper Room, yeah. Right, so you know, and they would all wear eyeliner and I started doing it, but then people would, comics would rip on me. Yeah, but I think this is, bring it back. You have the painted nails, bring back the eyeliner. You think so?
Starting point is 00:42:49 Why do women put eyeliner to make your eyes look bigger? Um, I think it's to like, accentuate the eyes. To kind of add more drama. Better luck tomorrow. Better luck tomorrow. Wow. That was so young then. How old were you there?
Starting point is 00:43:07 I was still 30 something. Wow. I think I was 30, maybe just turned 30. Wait, who's older, you were like? I'm 52. Twins, I'm telling you guys! Same age. We're the same age.
Starting point is 00:43:19 What's your birth? 52, dude! What's your birthday? September. April. So you're a little older. Yeah. But not by a lot, friend. No. birthday? September. April. So you're a little older. Yeah. But not by a lot, friend.
Starting point is 00:43:26 No. Yeah, yeah. 52. Look at what life does. You're. Hey. Nutrient. Yeah, no nutrients.
Starting point is 00:43:34 No nutrients. You know what I mean? I mean, I'm not saying that I'm ugly. No, you're not ugly. No, no, I'm cute. I guess. And some women think that I'm hot or whatever. But my point though is that if they didn't know who I was No, no, I'm cute I guess and some women think that whatever you know
Starting point is 00:43:45 But my point though is is that if they didn't know who I was and they put a photo next week Like in you and I together and you went around to especially Asia and they would go who's better looking I think you would win the contest contest Asia in Asia. Yeah, be honest. Just be fucking on I don't think I'm Considered good- looking in Asia. Too dark. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Too dark, too big. Too dark, too big. Yeah. But you did that to yourself. What, too big? What are you saying? What are you saying? Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:44:20 You ate too much. No, yeah, no. No, what I'm saying is I think that if you grew up in Korea, right, you'd be albino white, because you would be conditioned to do that. But because you're an American, I guess that's what happened. No? Because they love being translucent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:38 And it's like the softer features in a lot of the actors there too. Yeah, well, it also represented your upper class if you're a white or darker you're a working class. You and I are working class coal miners. Gilbert what are you? Below coal miner, I'm very dark. But why don't you have liver spots? What's that?
Starting point is 00:45:01 He doesn't even know what they are. You don't even know what they are? See these little spots I have on my face? What do you, what do they call it? What's, where's that from? Supposedly from the sun, but he doesn't see any sun. That's what, that's what it means. It's because I'm dark. No, that's not why. Why? Then why? I think you're using a moisturizer or something on your fucking face dude, tell me the secret. I use Vaseline... Wow. Okay. Lotion. Oh, the lotion.
Starting point is 00:45:30 That you buy at the grocery store. It's called Vaseline lotion. Yeah. Look it up. Really? Yeah. It's called Vaseline lotion. It's like seven bucks, like you could get it...
Starting point is 00:45:39 It's not fancy at all. It's not fancy. This is so unfair. Yeah, yeah. I spent so much time. Eight dollars. So eight dollars for Vaseline lotion and then what do you do? Just put it on your face? I use it for my whole body. It's not fancy at all. It's not fancy. This is so unfair. Yeah, yeah. I spent so much time. $8. So $8 for Vaseline lotion.
Starting point is 00:45:45 And then what do you do? Just put it on your face? I use it for my whole body. Nutrients. Wow, so your whole body is soft. Well, you know, the reason I used that is that years ago, like I think it was probably like in the late 80s, there was like a 60 minutes or some type of
Starting point is 00:46:03 This is great. like news story about cosmetics and so they did a test and they had like all the expensive you know brands and it was really more about packaging is why it's expensive and then they they did this you know comparison test and Vaseline came out to be like the best because it's it's not oily It doesn't have a scent. You can get it anywhere. I completely agree.
Starting point is 00:46:29 This is why now I only buy just CeraVe or Cetaphil. I keep it very basic because I do think they are the best. And it's like you're right about the packaging. It's like you could put that in a La Mer bottle and people will buy the $300 La Mer and it's all the same. So what you're saying, can I ask you a question? I've never used moisturizer in my life. You think that I should?
Starting point is 00:46:51 You don't use lotion? I've never used it. No, nothing. Doesn't it feel dry? Yeah, I'm dry as fuck, dude. I'm like fucking tumbleweed right now, dude. Nobody's not, he's, I think you're wrong. His skin is so naturally moist and milky.
Starting point is 00:47:03 It's so unfair. They touch my skin. Well don't scratch it, just. It's so unfair. Touch my skin. Well don't scratch it. Just touch it with your hand. Yeah, there we go. Soft, right? Soft. Can I touch yours? Oh my God, dude. That's another level. Touch his skin. May I? Sorry.
Starting point is 00:47:15 That's very soft. Yeah. But mine's softer? I'm soft. Let me see. I'm really soft. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's nice. You have too many white girls. you forgot how soft is it though. Oh.
Starting point is 00:47:28 You're right. You're right. I think you're right, dude. All my guys should go back. Go back to the Asia. It's funny, you know, when you date, I've dated, Clyde and I have dated for 10 years. And now we're both, I'm free. And the bond is itself. I'm free from the bondage itself. And so I've been experimenting out there, you know what I mean? And when you're dating an Asian person for that long, you just get used to the soft skin, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:48:03 Oh, it's so funny. And then no wrinkles and stuff like that. There's wrinkles, but. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but then when you're dating other race, right, ethnicities, right, then you kinda go, oh, that's interesting. The skin's different, right? What's so funny?
Starting point is 00:48:18 Not in a bad way, I'm not making fun of it. The skin's not that different, Bobby. Oh, it's fucking different, dude. Like, less soft? Less soft. You know what I mean? Like Clint Eastwood-y. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:48:31 Like, you know. What kind of? These are women? No, no. Oh, no. These are men. These are all old men. What kind of experimenting are you doing?
Starting point is 00:48:41 No, no. No, they're women. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying is, you know, and also the skin is, there's more freckles, there's more like little moles and little, I mean, jagged edges, you know what I mean? And it's just different, you know, that's all. How about smells?
Starting point is 00:48:54 Oh my God, so different, dude. Yeah. Yeah, like, she doesn't have, I've never smelled any form of B.O. on you. Yeah. Okay? But dude, and it's not a bad thing, and I'm not blaming BO on you. Yeah. Okay? But dude, and it's not a bad thing,
Starting point is 00:49:07 and I'm not blaming people, you know what I mean? I'm not pointing fingers. What I'm saying is that when a white person BO's, they BO. But I think that's scientifically proven, right? Like a lot of Asian people do lack the aroma or the gene to produce the aroma? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:26 It's a whole scientific argument. My mom told me that when I was really young. What'd she say? She said, I remember I was really in love with this, my friend's older sister, and she happened to be black, right, African American, and she's like you know you should really like consider like if you're gonna have a girlfriend like have a Korean girlfriend or
Starting point is 00:49:50 Asian I was like why she's like well you know she had a attorney friend that was married to a French woman he was Korean like you know they divorced and I was like you know she's talking to like a nine-year-old old kid. I never forgot it. I thought that was hilarious. It's crazy. And she's like, so there's several reasons why you will get divorced if you marry a like white woman or American woman. What are the reasons?
Starting point is 00:50:17 And she goes, first, they like to go out without you. That's true. They're like, hey, I'm going to go and hang out with my friends, see ya. It's like, you know, Korean women don't do that. You know, if the husband says, you stay home, you stay home. I'm like, well, that's pretty... Okay, whatever. Okay, okay, that's old. She's old.
Starting point is 00:50:40 And then second... Imagine a girl going, I'm going to Coachella. No! You don't go! Korea! You stay! Make a kimchi! And then second... Imagine a girl going, I'm going to Coachella, no! Yeah. You don't go Korea! You stay, make a kimchi, Korea! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's insane. All right, so that's number one.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Number two. And two, she said, they will talk back to you. They do! Holy shit. Is that bad? And then third, she's like, you know, they have smell. That's a big one. Dude.
Starting point is 00:51:08 And you won't like that. I was like, really? These are all, I get it. I understand. But the first two are weird. Yeah. Well, yeah. I mean- For us. For us, it's weird. But for them, I guess I'm thinking of my mom. Yeah, my mom never went- Party.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Yeah. I'm leaving. You know what I mean? I'm thinking about my mom. Yeah, my mom never went. Party. Yeah, yeah. I'm leaving, you know what I mean? I'm gonna have drinks with the girls. That never happened. No. I'm going to Coachella or it's a little trip. That stuff didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Yeah, but I did see the trauma that my mom experienced. Because she did not participate? Yeah. No, I mean, because of like, you know, he was sort of a bully my dad and he you know whatever he said goes and she had no freedom you know and as a kid I saw that and I felt really bad for her. Like empathy. That's kind of the reason why I don't know if you guys have heard of the 4B movement and the 4B movement originated in Korea specifically because of this, what they view as like Korean toxic masculinity.
Starting point is 00:52:09 So the 4B is there's no... women in Korea are withholding sex, marriage, relationships, and babies. Right? No sex with men? Yeah, no giving birth, no dating, no marriage. That's what's happening in Korea right now? Yeah, because apparently there's still a very high rate of like, femicide and like, a lot of sexual assault, a lot of like, overpowering like, just general crimes against like, partners even, like wives and whatnot. I think that should be applied to every society. So it's picking up like kind of steam like everywhere. Yeah. And I thought that was interesting that it originated
Starting point is 00:52:51 in Korea because of like when I think about like your mom and like your dad and stuff and not to say that didn't happen in my own family. It certainly did in the Philippines. But like, you know, like it is very, it's traumatizing even for like the children. I can only imagine, yeah. That's right, the birth rate in Korea is like... Dropping, right? Yeah. It is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:12 How about America? Is it dropping? I think we just have too many ethnicities that just love to... I think you're right. I think you're right. We won't name those ethnicities, okay? But we know. Mexicans. We won't name them though, but yeah. I like those guys with four B's because,
Starting point is 00:53:36 even being a single guy, I love the fact that like, you go on some dates with like 10 times with somebody, you may make out and stuff, but they hold out. I like that. I like when they respect, you know what I mean? Because that means they hold out for other dudes too, probably, maybe or no. You think they're going hog wild out there?
Starting point is 00:53:55 Or they're only holding out for me? It's for you. Oh, fuck the 4B. 4B for Bobby. Yeah, 4B for Bobby. Hey, is it hard to date? It is. At 52. How are you dating? Don't say that.
Starting point is 00:54:08 No, I'm serious. I'm curious. I'm fine. Yeah, is it hard? It's very hard. When was the last time you were single? 30 years ago. Oh my god. It's crazy out there, bro. How do you date?
Starting point is 00:54:24 I barely do. It's so hard. I'll tell do you date? I barely do it so hard I'll tell you how I do online dating or is it I'll tell you okay? There's Three ways I do it. Okay, the number one way is old school the wild You go hunting. That's a terrible word to use. You do it out there in the wild. Where you meet somebody. You look for real life talent.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Yes, exactly. Yeah, talent in both. Well, I'm not an agent. Well. Oh, she's, look at those tits. She's just talented. You know, no, I don't do that. But like after, because I play, I do shows every night.
Starting point is 00:55:00 So after a show, you know, I mean, sometimes I'll meet, so I'll do it that way, number one. But that's, that's, I think that's less in terms of it working for me. Is it more interesting though or do you get more excited when you do meet them in the wild? Versus just like... It is, but it always doesn't turn out well, I think. Okay. The wild. The best way I've been... It's direct messages really. And Instagram. Yeah. And you wait for them to message you first. Yeah I've never like a looked at a hot
Starting point is 00:55:37 girl's profile and went, oh here's a message for me. You've never shot your shot like just cold. You know what I realized and this is something that's true. Um I'm in a position Where cuz nobody that I like ever likes me back. I'm sure George understands He's happily married I know but I understand you understand what I'm saying, right? Yeah, we're the same type I think Right, so what we will we have to do is, whoever's interested, those are the choice. The people that like me, then I have to like, that's the group, and I have to go,
Starting point is 00:56:15 oh, she's the best one that likes me, or whatever. I can't go like, that girl, because that girl will never like me. How do you know that's a victim? I've tried. Defeated. I've tried! I've tried I've been out there man in the wild right so are these women all kind of fans are they like I don't know saying that do they know like Bob yeah I mean at the end of the day right I'll say yes, and I'll tell you why.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Can I tell you why? Yeah. Is if somebody sees me and they think I'm cute and then they Google me, I don't know if that's the best way, you know what I mean, to meet somebody. I think somebody needs to understand what my style of comedy is, who I am as a person, all these things, right?
Starting point is 00:57:08 Because if you're a lay person and you're like Googling Bobbie Lee, it's odd. I've done a variety of weird jobs, different things, you know what I mean? I don't know, I don't know. But there are some really decent people out there who know that the internet is right at your fingertips and who won't just immediately Google you and who want wanna get to know you like on a real basis, I think. I think you're limiting your pool by just going with fans. Okay, I'm gonna tell you a story. Okay?
Starting point is 00:57:34 This is just, this is one example. I don't like getting this, putting this out there anyway. That's okay, we don't have to. Yeah, yeah. But we can say that, let's just say this, okay? It's hard out there. Because at the end of the day, what you have is what we all want.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Real love. Not just the physical, what? Sorry, what? I'm talking to him. I know, I was listening. No you weren't. What did I do? You looked at these guys in a sigh.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Oh sorry, I didn't know I did that. We had real love. We did. Yeah, yeah. That's why I sighed. Yeah, yeah, but I mean, I know, I was listening. No you weren't. What did I do? You looked at these guys in a sigh. Oh sorry, I didn't know I did that. We had real love. We did. Yeah, yeah. That's why I sighed. Yeah, yeah, but I mean, I would, you know, to find that, right, is very difficult. So why'd you let it go?
Starting point is 00:58:15 I knew that was coming. Shut the fuck up, man. What the fuck you talking about, dude? To find it. That Portland guy, that Portland guy. To keep it. Lio, Lio. Lio, Lio, where's Lio?
Starting point is 00:58:23 To hear that, to find it is to keep it, Bobby. Keep it is hard. It's fine to be. Yeah, to keep it. Yeah, to keep it. Dude, that's it. Keeping is hard. And also, I wanna say,
Starting point is 00:58:33 I think that she was the first real relationship I was in in terms of like deep in that way, you know what I mean? And it's like, I think if I had to change certain things, I would, and I didn't. But me too, by the way. By her too. Me too. Oh, definitely you too. There were a lot of things I could have changed.
Starting point is 00:58:53 And him and I, we just never fought, and that was a mistake. We didn't know how to address hard feelings or hard situations, and we would always just play and giggle and then be like, okay, fine, everything's fine, and everything was not. No boundaries. No boundaries. Yeah. We don't like confrontation her and I. Yeah. Right. So we never got, you know what I mean? We let it build.
Starting point is 00:59:12 It was only in the last two years of like, oh, we need like couples counseling that we were like, oh, we have issues we've never talked about. Yeah. And also our fights then became really explosive. Because we were just holding it in. We held it in for so many years. Asian style. Asian style. And it became like pounding and that kind of yelling. And that's not the way.
Starting point is 00:59:33 So now I'm mindful about it. And if I ever meet somebody that I think, then I'm going to just kind of do it differently. That's beautiful. 30 years is incredible, though. That's incredible. Yeah. Those are goals.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She put up with a lot. She puts up with a lot. Yeah. I don't know. I think you're pretty nice. Just I don't know. You're moody.
Starting point is 00:59:55 It's hard to be married to me. Yeah. Really? Yeah. So we're only seeing a little bit of what you really are. Yeah. You only see. I mean, everyone has their masks, right? You put on your social mask. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Everything's put together and you go home and everything starts to fall apart. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right, you know. Let's take our masks off, you know. Let's be real with each other. I wanna talk about this song. What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:00:19 So how many more of these are you gonna do? I don't know. They're gonna go on forever? No. No, I think it's slowly. I think the world's changing and we're getting older I mean, maybe the the franchise will continue without us. Right, but You know, it's like it was it's been great. You know, it's been great So you can't I think and when it ends it ends and maybe we have like another one Yeah, great to say bye to everybody. Yeah, you know
Starting point is 01:00:50 My dream has always been to be a part of something like this and I never had it. Well, we should. No, we should. It's fine. Campaign. No, you can't campaign. Because I think that this, being, this is an anomaly. What is? To be a part of like a franchise that's as long as a decade or whatever is Like kind of winning the lottery almost I mean this is what every actor or somebody I think aspires to do is to be a part of something like this, you know I mean I've been in movies before but like you know, I've never been in a movie where it was like like a classic You know I mean, I mean Yeah, I mean her look maybe
Starting point is 01:01:24 Yeah, I mean Harold Cunard maybe. Harold Cunard, yeah. Yeah, maybe, yeah, but you know, but I've always wanted to become a, be in a franchise, that'd be cool to be in a franchise. How does it feel? I mean, you must feel great, because you have, there's a whole army of people that worship this shit, right? And so that must feel great, no?
Starting point is 01:01:42 It's great that there are people all over the world that feel very comfortable around me. Yeah, yeah. Really, it's not like, hey, he's an actor. Yeah. It's like, hey, it's a guy, Han, that we grew up with. You know, so, you know, my engagement with the fans of the franchise, you know, it's almost like, you know, you're meeting like a cousin or an uncle You know, I feel the same way about tiger belly fans and bad friends fans. I do podcast I I feel like they know me. It's there's it's comfortable. Yeah. Yeah, what's the downside? The downside is that you know people think that that's all you can do Right. Oh, you mean in this in the yeah,? Yeah, there is this I think kind of stigma or
Starting point is 01:02:28 I don't know if prejudice is the right word is that you're the guy from Fast and Furious and you don't really, that's not acting but they forget that that character came from an independent movie Better Luck Tomorrow. Oh wow, that's right, that's right. So there's downsides to everything but i also you know when i started acting i was like you know i hope
Starting point is 01:02:51 i get to leave something behind yeah and a contribution to something like positive and i do feel like at least that character because the franchise allowed yeah is that you know the change i know it changed perceptions of what an Asian male is. Yes. Like we're invited to the picnic table. You know before you're like, hey you can go over there and do the kung fu thing, you know, and you're over there. Right? It's funny that you say that because I think you and I were, have been in long enough to
Starting point is 01:03:26 witness the shift right because in the 90s I remember going on auditions and it was fucking tough I mean the kind of shit that we would that was available to us was garbage you know I mean and then it's like I would show up at an audition and there'd be dudes like him and Brian T. And were completely different types of characters, right? But they were like, well, any Asian, whatever, right? It was just fucking hard. So in my mind I'm like, I'm just so glad that I have another skillset almost, right?
Starting point is 01:03:57 Because without that skillset, I would just be starving. You know what I mean? But it's like, yeah, so it's funny that you and I, because you know, some of these younger people, they never witnessed the bullshit that we witnessed, you know what I mean? So there's more stuff available to us now. When I like, I would say Margaret Cho
Starting point is 01:04:17 is killing it right now. You know what I mean? And I always in my mind, I was like, why didn't this, but it's like because she was able to ride the wave. And we hung around enough to ride the wave. Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry, that didn't come out smoothly. Can I say that again?
Starting point is 01:04:33 Yeah. We hung around, I can't. We hung around enough to ride the wave. That's good enough. That was natural. We're better? Natural, yeah. Natural.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, hung up on hung. I know. So what else do you want to do? I want to direct now. Yeah, so I directed in my first feature in a couple years ago and then started writing because you know I look Fast and Furious is great but I don't want to leave being the guy from Fast and Furious. I don't want to go out like that. I'd like to actually do some work and film and TV that I feel artistically like I've been waiting to do. Those roles are not being written for me. So I have to create it and also as a director it's great because you know I can take all the lessons I've learned from all
Starting point is 01:05:29 the good directors I've worked with. You get to be the kind of the I guess the conductor of the tone, the energy. What kind of director would you be? I think I'd be... You're not a screamer I know know that What's a screamer I don't think I don't think screaming helps, you know Like if I okay cool you directed that yeah, oh, I want to watch it. Take these shivers. It's like a it's a horror comedy It's like that was it's like a Bill and Ted kind of oh wow. It's just goofy comedy I had a it was really fun to make oh really I want to watch that um so let's say I do a take for you mm-hmm and I don't you don't like anything that I did in the take how would you like so
Starting point is 01:06:14 I'm on set you come from video village or whatever how would you approach me try the line the hung line what hung line what was that give me the line again hung and rode the wave yeah we hung in there and rode the wave. We hung in there and rode the wave. Cut. You come up to me. Yeah, what's up? That was good.
Starting point is 01:06:33 That was good. Great director. That was a really good. Anything else? You want to do it again? No. I know. Hey, could you help us out?
Starting point is 01:06:44 There was like a focus, like technical problem. There it is. So good. Yeah, yeah. Oh, I'll do it again. Okay. Just have fun, Bobby. Wow, that's how you would do it.
Starting point is 01:06:56 I mean, like when you directed that, was there every, and you're not going to say it, but was there any moment where like, I didn't get it the way I wanted it, but we're just going to have go let it go and move on Yeah, yeah There's a lot of compromise especially with like a no-budget movie all right like you got maybe like how much does that cost to make That was around like I think at the end of day., it was right above 300,000. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Wow, that's not expensive at all. I had no money. So it was also, I needed to do that to see if I had the ability to finish the movie from beginning to end with no money. And also, I grew up in the indie film, so I'm comfortable in low budget environments. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:45 And so, but I needed to see, like, you know, I can't, you know, because movies cost a lot of money. Yeah. It's like, it's a business at the end of the day. And so I didn't want to like start with the feature that costs millions of dollars just in case. Like I'm not cut out to do it. You know, because in theory it's like,
Starting point is 01:08:02 it's great actor turned into a director, but you know but acting and directing is totally different. It's a different beast. You know what I mean? I think I want to do it. Directing? No, you just influence. Yeah, I think I need to try. I need to direct one thing before I die. Yeah. Yeah, I think I know you just did it. And I can do one for like $300,000.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Yeah. No, Bobby, I genuinely- No, I know I have to do it. No, no, you just dude. That's it You just did it for me. You did it. I'm gonna do it do it amazing, dude And um, so they're in it if there's a part. Are you fucking crazy? Why you're not in it You know so funny cuz I had lunch guess who had lunch with Justin Chon. Oh, I love him. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:46 And we had sushi over there at Katsuya and I had never met him before. And we talked for hours. And he was another guy that I was just like, oh shit, you can just make shit. Right? I mean, he's not the kind of guy that's like, I'm going to, I went around to see if Hollywood calls me.
Starting point is 01:09:03 No, Justin Ch John is incredible. Everything he's ever done is good. That's why I directed this movie. Because of Justin. Yeah. He influenced you. Yeah, because we were in New York. He was on a TV show, I was on a TV show.
Starting point is 01:09:16 And he was playing this role that he was just, he just needed money to eat, right? Yeah. And he's like, this is not why I started acting. And he and I were just, you know, we'd meet and we'd talk about all the BS that you're dealing with. And he's like, I'm going to go direct. And then he directed it. And then we met again. He's like, Sung, you got to go direct your own film.
Starting point is 01:09:41 You have to create. And I was like, but how, man? And then I would. And so he started with like a really low budget film with Kev Jumba. So I think it was like a hundred grand or two hundred grand. And so that's where you learn, right? And there's really, there's nothing to lose, right? Cause it's not, it's, 200 grand is a lot of money, but it's not 20 million or 12 million. Cause you do a film like that, it's done. You won't have a second chance. Right, right, right. But a director's chance.
Starting point is 01:10:09 No, I'm not thinking right now. So I would, in my mind, I would probably fund it myself then. Or like a Kickstarter. Oh, a Kickstarter. Because you have fans that will support you. Right, right. And so. Oh, yeah, you go, hey guys, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:10:22 Yeah. Wow. And they get to come to the you know, the premiere or they get some swag. And you get to make your story and try, right? And so then Justin was like, hey man, no one's writing roles for us. We have to do it ourselves. Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:38 And so. Because you look at Blue by You, it's like. So good. It's so good. But it's also, it's like, who would write that for him? You know what I mean? Yeah. It's by you. It's like, it's so good, but it's also, it's like, who would write that for him? You know what I mean? Yeah, it's very specific. It's so specific.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Yeah. Yeah, I mean, wow, it's really inspirational, man. Yeah. Let me ask you something. Would you, cause you know, I'm not gonna tell you who, but I had a little discussion about, with another Asian actor, about Asian accents. You know and I mean I've always been okay with that but what do you think of us doing them? I've done them.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Yeah. And done them where you go wow this was really bad but yeah I'm serious and then people you know people I you know once in a while they'd be like why would you how could you do something like that? It's like, aren't you embarrassing your people? And I'm like, hey man, I gotta eat. I gotta practice. Where do I go and learn how to work in front of the camera? Like, I'm getting one audition a year. I'm getting one job every four years.
Starting point is 01:11:41 I gotta take what I can get, right? So, you do it, you learn, and you go, this is, hopefully it changes, right? Like, you don't take it so personal, right? But you gotta eat, man, you gotta, even like medical insurance, people take that for granted, unless you don't have it, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:00 And then somebody in your family's sick. You gotta go. I should've done that fire movie. Here's what I'll say I fucking turned down a vampire movie because of this fucking lady. I totally understand. It was a good movie, man Fucking because I don't Asian acts. I should have fucking done the accent I understand why you've had to do Asian accents like in those years. Yeah, that was absolutely necessary That was all that was available, right? but I think now the reason I said no to that is context is everything.
Starting point is 01:12:27 And it was a white guy, and the role did not require him to have an Asian accent, he just wanted you to do it, and it was a guy saying, hey, can you just do it just to do it, and I just thought it was like, it felt, now if you were to do an Asian accent to play your dad. You're not starving, you don't need to do that. Yeah. I love vampire movies.
Starting point is 01:12:48 When the last time I could be in a vampire movie. If it was a role where that was like, oh, the accent makes sense. There's a context that makes sense for you to have it. I want to be a vampire. But the vampire didn't need to have it. Immigrant, vampire. Yeah. We never see immigrant empires.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Vampires, I mean. Or umpires. Yeah, we don't see immigrant umpires. Are there any Asian umps? In the US? I don't think so. I gotta find that. Oh no, there was that one Korean movie that was an Asian vampire movie. Oh, the one from Korea?
Starting point is 01:13:22 Yeah, yeah. That's from Korea. That was so good. Is that the one where they're stuck, yeah. That's from Korea. That was so good. Song Geum Ho? Yeah, yeah. Is that the one where they're stuck in a building? I think so. I'm not sure. When you were stuck in a building.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Oh, that was, sorry, that was Zombie. That was Zombie, not vampire. Sorry, big difference. My bad. That's the actor from Parasite. He did a... That's right, that's right, that's right. Yeah, yeah. I love that movie. Would you ever do a Korean movie? I'd love to do a Korean movie. Yeah. Yeah, but I've been offered a few opportunities, but there are roles that...
Starting point is 01:13:54 I'm playing pretty much like a Korean American guy. There's no Korean. And I can't speak Korean well enough to actually really act in Korean. You know what I mean? Why didn't we learn? Why didn't we learn? Well, because we come from a generation that was trying to assimilate. There was no Korean school.
Starting point is 01:14:17 You weren't proud to be Korean. Yeah. Now, being Korean is like, hey, there's this like, you know, just this pride right because of soft culture and like kpop And the cars and the you know, the TV is probably Korean. Yeah, you know somebody Right, so like we don't have to like, you know make excuses for ourselves. You know, I mean, it's interesting I think you're right. I think all my life, because I grew up in the suburbs and around a lot of white people, I think all my life I kind of strived to assimilate
Starting point is 01:14:50 and to be like them, right? And to sort of be, not ashamed, but you know, yeah, I was ashamed at times growing up about being Korean because people would walk into my house and like, what's that smell? Or people would say like, Bobby's house smells? Right, or like, you know, people would say like, Bobby's house smells like, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:06 a fish market, so gross, right? And then I would come home and I would spray things, you know what I mean, in the house to make it smell better, or I would hide the kimchi in the refrigerator. If I had friends coming over, I would take the kimchi and put it in the back and put like mayonnaise and stuff to cover it. Aw.
Starting point is 01:15:21 What? That makes me so sad, the kimchi should always be in the... I know, but like, yeah, now I have 15 jars of kimchi in my fridge. I know you do. I don't give a fuck. You know what I mean? But I think you're right. And then it's funny, something did shift in me a little later in life.
Starting point is 01:15:36 You know what I mean? And probably in my 30s where I went, no. I mean everything that I have is because I am who I am, that I am the way I look, my upbringing, all of it. And I would look at myself on TV and stuff or whatever and go, wow, I look so different than everyone else. And especially they told me I was never gonna make it in the 90s.
Starting point is 01:16:04 And then when I started working I was like no I proved them wrong and and then I met other people like you and other people and now it's like I think when I go out I mostly only hang out with Asians. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's weird It's like did you feel the same growing up in Georgia? Like did you were you oh, you're from Georgia Yeah from Alpharetta, Georgia. Oh Oh yeah, I'm from Georgia. What part? Clarkston and Gainesville. Oh God, that's like not Asian. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:31 You're from Clarksville? Not like Atlanta, you're from like Georgia. That's a completely different experience. As a kid? I'm from the poultry capital of America. So what was that growing up? Was that, that must've been tough, Dan. Yours must've been wild.
Starting point is 01:16:44 There was a period where I fought every single day. Like every single day I physically was in a fight. With like 5, 6 people. Because of racism? Yeah, I just thought there was something wrong with me. Oh my god. As a child, racism, you don't understand it. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:04 You're like, what? The concept of it, yeah. And you're just a c***. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just a c***, right? And then it's like, hey, can you do the karate? And you're like, no. Like, pow! All right?
Starting point is 01:17:15 I can't do it! Good! Tchoo! Get him! Wow. Right? Wow. Right?
Starting point is 01:17:23 So every day, I would go to the bus stop, and I would hide in the bushes, because I knew, Get them! Wow. Right? Wow. Right? So every day, I would go to the bus stop and I would hide in the bushes because I knew if I showed up too early, they're going to strip everything off of me. And then off the bus, you're running home. So it does make you stronger. I think that's why I could survive in Hollywood. I don't take things so personally because I never feel like I will belong here I know that I'm an outsider. That's just what I'm so fucking funny, dude
Starting point is 01:17:52 It's like right. I feel the same exactly. It's so funny and I and I listen the reason why I think I can handle a lot of pain and I think I can handle a lot of pain and like, you know what I mean, suffering, is because I just did it all my life. And I'm just used to it, you know what I mean? I won't even let myself have joyous moments. I don't think this is healthy. I don't think it's healthy and I wanna be able to do it,
Starting point is 01:18:18 but I don't experience joy. I know. I don't. I find a way. Same. When you're confronted with it and I look at him, I'm like, I know that he's enjoying himself. He just like will never admit that it was a great time or that he's happy. It's like he will hyper focus on something in the future that's already, he's worried about or something in the past. He can just be like you know what this is a really beautiful
Starting point is 01:18:47 moment and I'm loving I'm trying I really literally am trying I really do what I do is I do the my exercises to be in the moment but still it's like and I say it out loud because I see myself doing it yeah I recognize it you know I mean so you know but you, it's a shame that I can't enjoy it. Because I'll tell you what, the last two, three, four years of my life has been the best of my career. Bobby, you live a really cool life. It's cool, yeah. But I can't enjoy it. It makes me sad. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I was just talking to my niece and nephew about that this morning. What did, can they enjoy their lives? They, they, yeah, to my niece and nephew about that this morning. What did they enjoy their lives?
Starting point is 01:19:25 They they have because my my niece she just graduated from college so she's visiting right so us and then she's I was like Hey, what do you want to do? You want to go here? You want to go here? She's like no. I'm just All about leisure. I just enjoy chilling I can just sit here and have coffee with you, and I happy and I'm like, I wish I could do that. Yeah, I know. Right? I was like, I can't be in the moment. I'm thinking about tomorrow and all the noise in my head. Yeah. Right? It's like, who are you to enjoy? Like I've never vacationed. I don't know how to do that.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Neither does he. Neither do I. Like you go to a hotel, you're like, what do you mean? Like we're going to sit at a pool and what? Yeah. Like, come on. No, no that doesn't it doesn't and then you know because I that's I feel like first of all I don't belong there yeah like what are you doing here? It's incredible. It's like I'm looking over my shoulder going do I I'm supposed to be here right then you go well I work for this but then I would love I I
Starting point is 01:20:21 really enjoy watching my family and friends enjoy right yes I curiously okay, so When I went I went to a facility for my mind I've been there a couple times and I remember like, you know I was doing some sort of meditation workshop people with the people that work there and I was like your happiest place It was a hypnosis thing, where if I do this, I can go back to it. It never, it doesn't work, I can't go back.
Starting point is 01:20:49 But my point is that, and my happiest moment is when we're in the Philippines, right, and we're on an island that we had taken a little jet, like a boat there. A pump boat, yeah. A pump boat, right. And I remember you were with your family, and I was in the water, and if you go, the water is so blue and crisp,
Starting point is 01:21:08 and this island had no buildings on it. There's no one there but us. There's no one there but us. I don't know how many people have been on this island, but not a lot. And I was floating on my back, and I remember hearing everyone play, like you guys were on each other's shoulders
Starting point is 01:21:25 and laughing. So through the water, I can hear them, you know what I mean, in the background having joy. And my only joy is hearing them have joy. Do you understand what I'm saying? It's not me, you know what I mean? Maybe that's why you are a comic, because you love your joys hearing other people laugh.
Starting point is 01:21:46 That's a good point. Maybe. Yeah, because they're having the night of their lives listening to you. And I'm suffering up there. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's all pain. It's all pain. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Yeah. It's so interesting. But honestly, it breaks my heart, but that is also so beautiful, because I do think that if you look back at your own parents, like when I look at my mom and dad, I never, I cannot remember a single memory of my mom seeming happy or not anxious or not afraid. It was always a grind and it was always a worry.
Starting point is 01:22:17 And I think that her external self became my inner monologue somehow. And that's why it's hard to like feel joy if you've it's never been exemplified in your life. You know what I mean? Did you see your mom and dad like genuinely be like never chill and be happy? Never! Like his niece, like your niece just being there just like I like this I like that we're having coffee is like pure joy to her like makes me want to cry because I'm like oh my god that is so special and we didn't have that I don't think. I
Starting point is 01:22:44 think we can though and we should. Totally. This is fucking garbage. I'm tired, oh my god, that is so special. And we didn't have that, I don't think. I think we can, though. And we should. Totally. This is fucking garbage. I'm tired of it. We've got to find joy. We're 52, dude. It's going to end.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Jesus Christ. Not a good start. No, no, no. We can't sit in this fucking. I got to change. You're hearing us talk right now? I'm just like, no, I can't. But can I just say that it sounds like Leo
Starting point is 01:23:05 was like a true magical, like joyous encounter. Yeah, I think we're gonna get Leo here. We have to get, we have to find Leo and bring him to Tiger Valley. Bring Sung back too for it. Maybe Sung has to come back, right, with Leo. That'd be fun. Don't you think?
Starting point is 01:23:20 Yeah. And then let's get into the nitty gritty of it all. You know what I mean? Did you remember your parents like like Experiencing joy no I mean it was for my mother especially to this day She cannot really enjoy herself like even with You know With a little money like that she saved up or whatever money she has she's still
Starting point is 01:23:45 of money like that she saved up or whatever money she has she's still well she like she lives in Korea right and I went to her place and it like it almost killed me why because she has you know she has like a house or whatever and the apartment and stuff but she rents it out and she lives in the basement of this apartment building so she can make money? No. It's like she barely even makes any money. She just feels like she doesn't deserve to enjoy this or that. So she lives in the basement, right?
Starting point is 01:24:18 And I'm like, where's that coming from? And she's like, well, you know, in America, she was not even a... I don't even call her a second. She considers herself like not a second class, like a third class, like you're invisible. I mean, my mother was a, like a housekeeper. She cleaned toilets. She was treated like garbage.
Starting point is 01:24:37 Yeah. So her self-worth has been kind of formed in a certain way where I look at her and I'm like, how come you can't enjoy this? So then it's passed down to me and my sister where we're like, there's guilt. Like anytime I fly somewhere, like you know, studio, like when you get a job, they fly you. First class. And I sit there and all I do is think about my mom. I go, she has never ever
Starting point is 01:25:05 Flown this and she never will if I buy her that ticket. She'll refund it. Oh my god I know exactly what you mean when we went to Japan I Had to surprise my mom with her Upgraded seat because I knew that if I told her or if I gave her her boarding pass the day before, that she would make me refund it. Yeah. Because she just is so uncomfortable with being treated like she deserves to be treated. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:33 And when she got to her seat, she was in such a blur, she didn't even realize like halfway, she was like mad the first two hours. She was probably calculating in her head how much money I had spent and going through all the reasons why she didn't deserve to be there. And that's why when she got to her seat, I remember boarding first, she's like,
Starting point is 01:25:52 why are we boarding first? And then she sits down and she's like, this isn't my seat. I was like, yeah, that's your seat. And she was so visibly uncomfortable. Like she looked at me like angry almost. Did she say thank you? And then my mom and my sister and I were just like, surprise, ma. And she me like angry almost. Did she say thank you? And then my mom and my sister and I were just like,
Starting point is 01:26:07 surprise ma, and she's like, why? Why? Did it fold into a bed? Yeah, it was a life flat to Tokyo. Wow. And then eventually, like maybe the third hour, she was like, oh, there's free champagne. And then it turned very quickly from there.
Starting point is 01:26:23 And then she eventually, like there was a sense of like gratitude, but it was still like the guilt in her was like palpable. When we took my mom to Hawaii, did we fly her first class? Yes, of course. She had never done that. No, never. Yeah, but she had never been to Hawaii
Starting point is 01:26:37 and I did that because of that. And then she fainted on the first day. Yeah, she fainted on the first day. Why? Like excitement. Yeah, excitement. Oh God. Well, she had never gone to Hawaii. She had never been on the first day. Why? So happy? Excitement. Yeah, excitement. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Well, she had never gone to Hawaii. She had never been on, you know, right? And I was like, it was right when my dad died, like maybe six months after that, right? I'm like, you know, she was, you know, trapped with this man for 40, 50 years, right? I mean, he was abusive. In the last 15 years of his life, he was sick, so she had to pull shit out of his ass. You know what I mean, he was abusive. In the last 15 years of his life, he was sick, so she had to pull shit out of his ass, you know what I mean? And he was bedridden, and you know,
Starting point is 01:27:11 and so she became the abused and then a caretaker, and then when she died, I was just kinda like, when he died, which is so sad, it's like, I miss you, Dad, but like, I went, I have to do stuff for her. I want the rest of her life to be comfortable. So I flew her to Hawaii. We got into a big fight.
Starting point is 01:27:30 You guys got into a big fight after. But I honestly do remember when she fainted. She fainted when the curtains were drawn and she saw the view of the ocean. And she got unsteady for a second. And I was like, oh, when was the last time? Yeah. Because she had never been there. And like she got like unsteady for a second. I was like, oh when was She had never like been there and then you guys like ruined it by fighting with her but okay I just said what don't bring that idea. I brought it up. Sorry my bad. Sorry mom
Starting point is 01:27:54 Yeah, you guys were me sir is what BTS but anyway, let's move on Yeah, she hung out with me. So anyway, so what a great guest you were. I Want to do it again? With you, but we're gonna bring we're gonna fly Leo here. Yeah, we really are So what a great guest you were. I want to do it again. With Leo. But we're going to fly Leo here. We really are. You know he's getting his aviation license.
Starting point is 01:28:12 That's why he's in Portland. So cool. Wow. Because he's going to be a pilot. Wow. We have to know him because aviation perks are like. Yeah, we want aviation perks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:22 I need those buddy passes. But you know, Song, I just always wanted to thank you for doing those sketches with me back in the day. It's a big memory for me, a very positive memory. And I was, um... And I, you know, when I... You know, I've never seen any Fast Furious movie, I'm sorry. But I know that you're in them.
Starting point is 01:28:40 You know what I mean? I know that you're successful in them. And people know you from them. And I'm so happy for you. I'm so proud of you. You've always been, here's the deal, dude. I can name some Asian dudes back in the day that were fucking rude as fuck to me.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Off camera. Off camera, right? But you were always nice. You, Brian, there was a couple of you guys, Daniel, just sweethearts, and John Cho. It's a hard enough business being who we are as an Asian dude, but to walk the road with people like myself, going through the same things, made it doable. So I just want to thank you for that, man. And I think that this is just the beginning for you. You've also influenced me. I think I'm going to do a movie. And I think this was all positive,
Starting point is 01:29:37 but I'm so glad you came and thank you for doing our podcast. Thanks. All right. Do you want to plug anything? No. Okay. Nothing. Okay, good. All right. Give you want to plug anything? No. Nothing. OK, good. All right.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Give Songarano a round of applause. That was great. Thank you for watching!

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