Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 127 - Pedophile Island

Episode Date: February 18, 2019

Should we banish pedophiles to an actual island? That's essentially what Washington state has been doing since 1990 with the Special Commitment Center for sexually violent offenders deemed to be at a ...high risk to re-offend. McNeil Island is about two miles off the coast of Tacoma and has about 240 dangerous sexual predators living on it. If we're not gonna put these people on an island, what should we do with them? We thoroughly address the dicey topic of sex offenders - who they are, how many there are, how much damage they cause, why they have the sexual preferences they do, and more, today on Timesuck. PLEASE TAKE THIS SURVEY! (maybe win that $100 gift certificate) http://podsurvey.com/TIMESUCK We're donating $1600 this month to the Cancer Research Institute. www.cancerresearch.org to donate! Upcoming Tour dates: February 22-23 Salt Lake City, Utah - Wiseguys's Comedy Club CLICK HERE for tix! February 23 Salt Lake City, Utah - Wiseguy's LIVE ANTHILL KIDS TIMESUCK CLICK HERE for tix! February 26 Birmingham, Alabama - Stardome Comedy Club CLICK HERE for tix! February 27 Atlanta, Georgia - The Punchline Comedy Club CLICK HERE for tix! Feb 28 - March 2 Nashville, Tennessee - Zanies Comedy Club CLICK HERE for tix! March 3 Huntsville, Alabama - Stand Up Live CLICK HERE for tix! Listen to the best of my standup on Spotify! (for free!) https://spoti.fi/2Dyy41d Timesuck is brought to you by the following sponsors: Leesa! Get 15% off any mattress for a limited time at leesa.com/TIMESUCK and use promo code TIMESUCK For Hims! Try Hims for a month today & get started for just $5 https://ForHims.com/timesuckED Watch the Suck on Youtube: https://youtu.be/zndjGnsd0Jc Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Want to try out Discord!?! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG, @timesuckpodcast on Twitter, and www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna be a Space Lizard? We're over 3500 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dangerous high risk sex offenders. Those who will because of the way they're psychologically wired, almost certainly offend again. What do we want to do with them as a society? Put them on an island? Leave them there until we can come up with a better plan. That's what Washington State's been doing since 1990. Sex offenders deemed to be at a high risk to re-offend
Starting point is 00:00:20 once their prison terms have been completed are now not being let go. They're being sent to what's called a special commitment center on McNeil Island and the Puget Sound just off the coast of Tacoma. The inmates are no longer referred to as prisoners. They're referred to as residents, but these residents aren't allowed to leave the island until the committee that oversees the center deems them to no longer be at risk to molest, rape, sexually assault, otherwise harm or kill another person.
Starting point is 00:00:46 And that almost never happens. Very few residents are ever released from the island. Are we okay with this? Is it okay to essentially hold someone in prison indefinitely? And the Special Commitment Center is just a refurbished prison. Sometimes decades after they've completed their sentences under any circumstances, we'll explore that today. We're also going to look into the possibility of a cure for pedophiles and other sex offenders after they've completed their sentences under any circumstances. We'll explore that today.
Starting point is 00:01:05 We're also gonna look into the possibility of a cure for pedophiles and other sex offenders is their one. We're going to look at the damage they caused or victims those who live and look at how widespread the problem of sexual predators is in society today. This is different kind of suck and I like it. I kept having to reign myself and when it came to additional research,
Starting point is 00:01:24 it's a fascinating topic and an important topic. How do we keep our children and citizens in general safe from sexual predators? And can we do that without throwing away some of our constitutional rights? We'll throw away some of those rights come back to haunt us. Petaphiles, the island where they've been banished by Washington State and so much more today on Time Suck. Happy Monday, time suckers.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Happy Presence Day. Hope you've enjoyed your three day weekend. If you've had one, a work and wait for sure today. Hope you had a good Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day weekend. If you in fact still care about that holiday, never been a big Valentine's Day guy. Always just felt like an excuse for florists to jack up their flower prices by about 300%.
Starting point is 00:02:20 But if you like it, then get after it meets at lovers. Hail Nimrod, hail Lucifina. Lucifina can get down some Valentine's Day. Praise both jangles and triple M. Oh, Lucifina enraged by today's episode. People making sex wrong and bad. Mm-mm. She is not a fan. Special thanks to our space lizards for supporting the show via Patreon for allowing
Starting point is 00:02:42 this show to continue without your support. Time suck would have collapsed a year ago. I wouldn't be able to hire the help I needed to keep going would have been too much for one person who also relentlessly tours and has a family. You're not supposed to have favorite listeners, but space lizards. You're my favorite time suckers. Quick survey announcement to start the show today. Another way to support time suck is to support our advertisers.
Starting point is 00:03:06 When you take advantage of a sale through time suck and buy something from one of our hand-picked sponsors, we get to have more sponsors. And I want to make sure that we're getting the right sponsors, the ones that you want to have. You know, you're gonna buy some stuff from some place regardless just how life works, right? You need to spend to keep living.
Starting point is 00:03:25 So, you know, let's help you find the right places to spend your money, get the right deals. To find the right advertisers, advertisers, for the cult of the curious, we need to learn more about you. So please, please, please go to pod survey.com slash time suck, take a quick anonymous survey that will help us get to know what products you would like to get deals on. Let us learn more about you.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Plus once you've completed the survey, you can choose to enter for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card. Help us maybe help yourself. So please go to pod survey dot com slash time suck. It's pod survey POD SU RV EY dot com slash T TIME SUCK. Thanks for your help. He'll Nimrod. Link to this survey in today's episode description, making it real easy. And also on the, in that episode, you know, we'll also be on the website on the Times Like app just everywhere. So check that out. Thanks again for the continued reviews everywhere you can leave ratings and reviews.
Starting point is 00:04:25 And thanks to those who have stopped at the Shopify store that you can link to from either the time stock app or time stock podcast.com. I actually just got my Richard Ramirez, Triple M, Lindsey Meepins from Axis Apparel, also some chicken Joe condoms and time suck suckers in the mail back on Thursday when I actually had to record this episode before my Philly shows. In access, they did an amazing job. They're too good.
Starting point is 00:04:50 The condoms kill me. These little chicken Joe just blah, blah, blah, blah. I just little condoms fucking kill me. It's a real thing now. Just like our prayer candles time suck, you know, we just keep getting weirder and weirder stuff. I love it. I also have a time suck championship belt now
Starting point is 00:05:03 that a listener sent in. A really nice one. I've it a lot on social media. I'm a champion. I'm officially a champion now. And huge thanks to everyone who who who's come out or is going to be coming out to the happy murder stand-up tour dates of the live Ant Hill kids suck. This Friday and Saturday, February 26th, February 22nd and 23rd, going to be at wise guys in Salt Lake City. Some shows already sold out gonna be a blast Ant hill kid suck on Saturday the 23rd and then the following week at the star dome in Birmingham February 26 Atlanta sold out on the 27th gonna be a Nashville the 28th March 1st and March 2nd
Starting point is 00:05:39 Zaini's Thursday through Saturday gonna be a Huntsfield Alabama March 3rd and then I'm doing the mediocre time with Tom and Dan Cruz, March 7th through the 11th. And then no more shows until Naples, Florida on March 28th, Miami improv, Saturday, March 30th, Cleveland at Holarides, April 4th through 6th, another live Ant Hill kids suck on April 6th, more tour dates at Dan Cummins dot TV. Thanks for making this year starting off already the best year I've had on the road. So many laughs and fun to be had so many other time suckers and space lizards for you to meet at these shows. Petophile Island right now. Okay, before we look into how the McNeil Treatment Center,
Starting point is 00:06:22 a.k.a. Petophile Island is dealing with sex offenders and digging to other ways we could choose to deal with this problem. It only makes sense that we look into how big of a problem sex offenders actually are. How many are out there? How much damage are they causing? How likely is it, you know, for a caught and imprisoned sex offender to reoffend once they are released?
Starting point is 00:06:43 Is it fair to treat convicted sex offenders differently than other criminals? A lot of questions to look into today. You've likely all heard stories about people convicted for sexual offenses who were then released only to quickly reoffend hurt or kill others. Some of the dirt bags we'd covered in our true crime time sucks had sex offenses on their records before going on to hurt or murder more people. I mean, think about, you know, golden state killer, you know, Richard D'Angelo, serial rapist before he came in serial killer. But in case you haven't heard these stories or just to jog your memory or just to piss
Starting point is 00:07:17 you off and fire you up about today's topic, here are some examples of some dirt bags getting released from prison after raping or molesting someone only to quickly then commit similar or even worse crimes. Okay, you've likely all heard the name Pat Sejek and I'm guessing most you know he's been hosting one of the world's most popular game shows Wheel of Fortune along with Vanna White for over 35 years now, but I bet you didn't know that when he was 16 years old 1962, he's convicted of having sex with a nine year old boy. He's put away in a juvenile detention center for six months, and then three years later,
Starting point is 00:07:49 1965, when he was 19, he got caught abducting two eight year olds and served 90 days in jail with an additional four years for probation. And if you're shocked right now, I fucking get it. I was when I found out I was livid, CBS has been keeping this under wraps for years. They didn't find out until 1996, and by then they had too much money invested to risk, you know, letting out his criminal record, they kept it quiet. Of course, they did estimates now range from 30 to 70% of television network executives are also illuminati members are also part of child sex cults and are reptilian. And of course, all that was fucking nonsense. I past a jack, please forgive me.
Starting point is 00:08:25 I was a joke. I said it was a joke right afterwards. Just fucking craziness. That never happened. I've heard nothing but good things about Pat say Jack. I doubt Pat say Jack has even ever gotten a speeding ticket. He seems very wholesome. He is Polish.
Starting point is 00:08:38 That's true. That is true. So God knows what he's capable of. But that was nonsense. But I hope that some of you for a second were like, are you fucking kidding me? They put him on wheel of fortune? After that?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Anyway, the posting was an old inside joke if you're a new listener. So let's talk about some real creeps now. Some actual assholes who committed horrible sex crimes only to go on and reoffend after often serving shockingly short sentences. And to them, I don't know why that last thing just to pick him of all people just makes me laugh.
Starting point is 00:09:14 It's so I know it's so fucked up. 2013 Corbin scumbag brightened buck real real piece of shit now went to prison for rape in a 22 year old woman in Kansas. He was released on parole four years later year and a half short of it's five and a half years sentence, then just six weeks after being released by the Kansas Department of Corrections, less than two months after getting out of prison. This dirt bag brutally rapes a seven year old girl, authorities say Briden Box snuck into her bedroom in an apartment complex in Wichita, Kansas, around three a.m. on June 11, 2017, a real life boogeyman.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Authorities say he strangled a little girl until she was unconscious, took her to an outdoor balcony where he proceeded to rape her. He was arrested days later. It was charged with capital attempted murder, aggravated criminal satamy and aggravated burglary. And unfortunately, Bojangles, one eye three-legged, pit bull defender of time, so didn't turn him into a fucking human chute toy, starting with his evil dick. Unfortunately, as he tried to sneak into her room, her father didn't sneak up behind him with a baseball bat and turn his skull into a goddamn pinata. Sadly, officers didn't see him sneak in and weren't able to put about five slugs into his dick and balls, and then make sure he didn't die.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I hate this guy so much. And knows like him. Monsters who walk amongst his prey on the week in the defense list, lowest of the low, bow jangles actually just left a suck dungeon to go work on a hit and a heavy back at a local gym before he kills somebody. He can't handle hearing any more of today's suck. I get it. It's infuriating.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Good boy, bow jangles. Good boy. I know you want to buy them all, but you can't. Too much for one dog. Uh, Corbin allegedly didn't know this little girl. He just knew about her because he dated someone who lived in the same apartment complex. I saw this guy's mug shot and he doesn't look like the stereotype of a sex offender. Now what I expected him to look like, no wispy mustache, no comb over, no greasy, pasty skin, not shifty eyed, why did I think he'd look creepy?
Starting point is 00:11:05 That's another problem with pedophiles and sex offenders rapists don't always look like rapists You know think about Ted Bundy. You don't want to think you can see him But you can't I mean oftentimes way more often than not the victim knows the perpetrator It was a met family member or friend of the family Corbin looks like he could be a personal trainer at a gym. It like he's maybe some fresh out of college school teacher, some restaurant manager, you know, clean cut, square jaw, handsome face. Looks like a guy you can trust, but none of that matters. Does it? That's not how life works. He's a good reminder of how you can't see these people
Starting point is 00:11:37 coming. You got to be extra safe with your kids. That everyone you think, you know, you can trust them with to be as sure as you can be. Then there's the case of Canadian dirt bag, Peter Whitmore. everyone you think, you know, you can trust them with to be as sure as you can be. Then there's the case of Canadian dirtbag Peter Whitmore. Whitmore has been repeatedly abducting and raping Canadian children since 1989. He keeps getting caught and he keeps getting released only to attack again and again and again. In 1993, sex offenses against four young boys earned him only 16 months in jail, four months per boy. Peter quickly abducted a molested an eight-year-old girl when he got out and that's sending back to jail for four years and eight months. And then in 2000, he was arrested in a hotel room with a 13-year-old boy
Starting point is 00:12:18 He was clearly not there just to watch movies with he wasn't there to show him how the remote works or Bring him some room service and then split. Peter was sent to prison for a year, then in 2002, he was caught with an abducted five-year-old boy and a rape kit that included zip ties, duct tape, K.Y. looper kit and child pornography. He was then executed on side by officers immediately, as per their right to do so, under a no tolerance for discussing child of doctors program, Canada had just launched. Uh, yeah, right, I wish. That would be so great. And reality, we sent to jail for only three years.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Three years, three fucking years, for being caught with a kid he'd kidnapped as a convicted pedophile already, and having a child torture and rape kid on him. Three years after numerous other convictions for sexual assaults against other children in 2006. After being released again, he attacked again. This time, he kidnapped two young boys, chained them up in an abandoned farmhouse for several days and raped both of them repeatedly. Incredibly, after getting caught,
Starting point is 00:13:22 he was still not given life in prison. He's been kind of ducting three different kids now caught raping torturing otherwise sexually assaulting total of seven kids. Right, and he's just the ones that he's been caught for about to rape two others. And then less than a decade later, he'd be up for parole. Yep. This guy's been eligible for parole since 2015 in 2016, one of the boys publicly, one of these victims publicly pleaded for him to never be released saying I deal with night tears every night. There's nothing you can really do I've just learned to let the emotions go just live through it I don't want to see this happen to another family to another child, but it just keeps happening
Starting point is 00:14:01 Current sensing laws in Canada. They just can't keep a guy like Peter Whitt more in jail and definitely despite all the horrible things he's done. Are you getting a little angry? Me too. If you're not, if you're not fired up, I'm a little worried about you. There's the case of another Canadian sex offender, Brian. I hope you hear this suck and I hope you shoot yourself in the fucking face, uh, Abro Simo in 1992. Brian broke into the home of an ex-girlfriend in a rapter. He was at a prison in 1996, shot somebody a few months later. 2002, he was out and free, raped the same ex-girlfriend. Again, 2004 handcuffed a prostitute brutally beat and repeatedly raped her, also in 2004.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Drow his van. Of course, he drives a fucking creepy van. Drow his van into two young girls in his neighborhood, like hit the girls with his van and does not call an ambulance. Luckily neither girl dies. While the girls are laying on the ground battered from the car accident, he grabs the youngest one, only 11 years old puts her in the van, tapes her eyes and mouth shut and raps her while he leaves the other one on the road to possibly die.
Starting point is 00:15:07 He sends to 18 years in prison and then is released just over a decade later in 2017. Despite numerous pleas by numerous family members of the victims, to please keep him incarcerated, why? Why are these guys given second, third, fourth and fifth chances? How is that justice? When you've committed crimes to that nature, time and time again, why the fuck would you ever be given another chance at redemption? At what point, as a society, do we throw in the towel and say enough is enough, fuck this
Starting point is 00:15:37 motherfucker? Over 30 years ago, James Dean Barnett, the James Dean of Child Malesters, was convicted in London, Ontario for sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy when he was 21 while he volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club. He gets three months in jail, another three months of probation. Then he gets a criminal pardon that wipes his record clean. He changes his name to Tyler Giles, and he starts molesting again. He befriends some neighbors to the point they trust him to babysit their kids overnight while they go on vacation. During this overnight, babysitting situation, he repeatedly molests these kids.
Starting point is 00:16:10 After he's arrested, another victim from an assault 10 years prior comes forward. Who knows how many other victims have stayed silent? He is currently awaiting sentencing and the list goes on and on and on. There is story after story after story of this sex offender or that sex offender being released and then molesting or killing once they get out. If you're wondering why most of the pedophile examples are Canadians, it is because Canada has the world's highest for capital amount of pedophiles. One in 12 Canadians have either been accused or convicted of serious sex crimes and the
Starting point is 00:16:44 ratio used to be worse during the early 60s cultural historians speculated one in four Canadians perpetrating sex crimes both in Canada and abroad. Some people believe some researchers that at least half of all Canadian hockey players are also child molesters. Victoria, British Columbia, was known as the rape capital of the world in the early 70s and Toronto is still referred to by some as Dittles City. And none of that is true. None of that is true.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I hope it's not. But I hope at least one person turned out to suck right after hearing me say Toronto is known as Dittles City. And I hope they bring that up to at least one of the person. Did you, that's how you're going to hang out going to Toronto for the weekend? Really? Dittles City. Are you bringing the kids? I mean are going to Toronto for the weekend? Really? Ditto city. Are you bringing the kids?
Starting point is 00:17:27 I mean, we are bringing the, wait, did you just say Ditto city? No more pedophiles than Canada per capita than in the US or any other nation as far as I know. I just happen to find those examples on a list of reoffending Canadian sex offenders before I found any others. For whatever reason, there is more studies available on the web, more articles about pedophiles from Canada than any other country.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Like by quite a bit, I have no idea why that is. When I look at news story after news story of sex offenders attacking this person or that child over and over so many stories, I start to wonder how big is the problem of sex offenders? Like how many are out there in society? I did find US stats for this Find in the stats wasn't easy, but here's what I came across the most recent survey I could find was conducted by the National Center for missing and exploited children in 2012 and they reported that there were
Starting point is 00:18:19 747,408 registered sex offenders living in the US. This does not include incarcerated sex offenders. I can't find any recent reliable information regarding how many are also in prison right now. Back in 1997, there were 234,000 sex offenders either in prison or in some type of halfway house or law enforcement supervised release situation. So back to the roughly 750,000 sex offenders living amongst us in the US right now, or recently, 2012, the US population in 2012 was 314 million. So doing some math, roughly one in 420 people registered sex offenders. How many sex offenders are caught, though compared to how many people are actually committing sexual offenses. What do criminologists have to say about that?
Starting point is 00:19:07 There's a lot of different numbers for this. But according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 63% of sexual assaults are not reported to police. The US Justice Department defines the term sexual assault, by the way, as any non-consensual sexual act prescribed by federal tribal or state law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent. So doing some quick, admittedly loose math, a bit of speculation, if around two-thirds of sex crimes are not reported, maybe we can assume that around two-thirds of sex offenders
Starting point is 00:19:38 don't get caught or registered. So that means that there could be three times as many sex offenders out there than that number of just 750,000 that I mentioned earlier from 2012 which would translate to around two million two hundred and fifty thousand offenders And if that was true That would mean that around one and a hundred and forty people could be sex offenders that number is pretty scary to me But that number still doesn't show anywhere close to the true scope of the problem because It's not like each sex offender just assaults one victim. Many of them assault numerous victims.
Starting point is 00:20:08 So how many people are being sexually assaulted? These numbers are more important. How many victims are out there? Well, 3 million, 501,000 kids receive CPS child protective service investigations in just 2017. 8.6% were sexual abuse allegations. That's 301,886 sexual abuse investigations. Yeah, just over 300,000 sexual abuse investigations.
Starting point is 00:20:35 In one year, as a lot of kids in just one country and one year being sexually victimized, and I know that an investigation doesn't automatically equate to guilt, but sexual offenses, particularly those against children, is still also a chronically under-reported crime. So the real number of kids being molested in 2017, probably at least possibly much higher than 301,086. According to the Department of Justice, stats as recent as 2012, at least
Starting point is 00:21:03 300,000 women are raped in the US every year on average. Every year. I mean, what? According to numerous sources, one out of every six American women will be the victim of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. One in 33 men will be the victim at some point in their lifetime. And there's a ton of other stats on a long list of websites regarding to how widespread and pervasive the problem of sexual abuse is.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Here's a few from a nonprofit organization called Darkness to Light committed to empowering adults and preventing sexual abuse of children. About one in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults, including assaults on adults, occurred to children age of 17 and under. 44% of rapes with penetration occurred to children under age 18, victims younger than 12, accounted for 15% of those rapes. Another 29% of rape victims were between 12 and 17.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Most kids are not abused by creepy stranger, about 90% of children who are the victims of sexual abuse know their abuser. Children living with either, excuse me, children living without either parents, such as foster children, 10 times more likely to be sexually abused than children that live in both with both biological parents, and then females are five times more likely to be abused than males. I did find a bit of good news and darkness to light stats. The number of identified incidents of child sexual abuse actually decreased at least 47%
Starting point is 00:22:32 from 1993 to 2006. But while the number of incidents seems to be declining and I found that corroborated on a number of other sources, the problem of sexual abuse is still far, far, far from over. Millions of millions of people in just the US have been sexually abused at some point in their lifetime. They've been molested, had nude pictures taken to them when they were underage, been raped and forced to commit other sexual acts, had other sexual acts
Starting point is 00:22:56 committed upon them when they were minors. The problem of sexual abuse is huge. We don't know exactly how big it is, but we know it's very big. And it's not like this is just a US problem or a Canadian problem. Kids are being molested and women and men are being raped or sexually assaulted in other ways, all around the world every day, every week, every month, every year. And the victims of sexual abuse suffer for far longer than just the duration of the
Starting point is 00:23:19 attack. Uh, children here are some more disturbing stats. Children who have been sexually abused are 3.8 times more likely to develop drug addictions, which substantially then also increases their chances of being incarcerated later in life. Female rape victims, 13 times more likely than non-crime victims to have attempted suicide at some point in their lifetime. I'm guessing the suicide rate is also higher for male victims. One of the better studies I found just happened to focus on women only.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Most of the studies about sexual offenses have focused either on women or children. Think about how many additional lives are affected by those suicides. How many parents sibling spouses, children, and friends are affected? When a sex defender molests someone, when a is rapes, they often victimize far more people than the person they're actually directly sexually abusing. Women who have been raped are 26 times more likely to have a serious drug abuse problem than women who haven't been raped. So in addition to the drug addiction stat earlier, just to develop some type of drug abuse
Starting point is 00:24:22 problem, way more likely. Sexual assault victims see their risk for major depression symptoms, triple, and their anxiety risk double. They suffer a far higher rates of PTSD than non-victims. They face higher divorce rates. Lead higher risk lifestyles in a variety of ways, suffer a variety of self-esteem issues, endure tons of other physical and mental issues. And another troubling, lasting effect of being sexually abused and childhood, is an increased chance of perpetrating sexual abuse later in life. This is the whole cycle of abuse theory.
Starting point is 00:24:51 There have been numerous studies done on this, and it seems that being sexually abused during childhood does make you two to three times as likely as someone who is not abused to become a pedophile. And this is a little bit complicated because it depends on who abused you, how are you abused, the exact age, there's a bunch of other facts. It gets real complicated and I don't want to delve too far into that because it just becomes this litany of stat after stat after stat after stat and it gets a little kind of hard to to process. It's tricky to nail down numbers because there's just so many different ways of being sexually abused
Starting point is 00:25:22 with so many different ages again by different types of perpetrators. Getting treatment right away can also affect your odds of becoming a perpetrator later, and a lot of other factors. It's complicated, but it does increase the chances that you'll become a perpetrator. Also important to note that the overwhelming number of victims of sexual abuse, including child sexual abuse,
Starting point is 00:25:41 do not go on to become sexual abusers themselves. I don't want anyone looking at someone suspiciously because you know you know that they were victimized. What a terrible way for that person to then be re-victimized. In one study conducted among 747 males, the risk of being a perpetrator was positively correlated with reported sexual abuse victim experiences. The overall rate of having been a victim was 35% for perpetrators and 11% for non-perpetrators. Just over three times is likely to become a molester yourself when you were molested. But still,
Starting point is 00:26:12 again, even in the study, which was high compared to some others, 65% of those victimized would not go on to do something similar themselves. And the rate was not as high for women in a study conducted by the same researchers. More likely to go on a reoffend if you are a dude for whatever reason. A study of 96 females, 43% have been victims, but only one would go on to be a perpetrator. And various other studies I found seem to reflect similar results. Most of the studies of sexual assaulters, I should note, have been conducted on men, again, which does make sense since most, but not all, sexual assaulters, I should note, have been conducted on men again, which does make sense since most, but not all sexual assaulters are men.
Starting point is 00:26:48 One study found that 80% of boys and 96% of girls have been assaulted by males. Another study found that 95% of Polish men were sexual predators, and that study also found that 100% of Polish Canadian men who played hockey were sexual predators, 100% and that's super fucked up and of course not true. But it does kind of lead into one of today's sponsors, that's the day's first sponsor. Time suck has brought you again by Woody's spirit supplies and more spectral Emporium Hi, guys, it's me, Woody again I love telling you that sales over Woody's Masked Man Monster Madness, but her
Starting point is 00:27:32 Grover sold a speak a few weeks ago and made me some real Brad about it hasn't been a big tickle of hilly The way I treated Charles Gutman a few weeks ago is is despicable and he wanted to give me a real knuckle of sandwich when I let him out of his cage. Well, long story short, he ran off. And I have ever seen him in three weeks, and it puts me in a real pickle. Says, we share a bank account, and he's out there living like a king.
Starting point is 00:27:59 And he's like, you know, he has allergic allergies to grocery stores. And it's okay to eat three square square-bales that is everything. Anyway, I'm drinking too much. In Bicharros, if you even hear this, I'll stop if you come back. Okay? I'll at least drink less. I promised not to drink before noon. Not during the week unless it's Friday or holiday or it's president's day to day.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Now, I have been, I have been celebrating and then that's my rock you know daddy Oh, but any who here's on sound. I'm selling myself today. I'm writing myself out Doesn't have anything to do with ghosts or demons, but of course I will do exorcisms and house paintings I also do birthday parties Bart mitzvah's Family reunions rose barbecue, barbecues, bowling legs, for 20 bucks an hour. You can just talk to me around in an alley if that's what you would have to for it.
Starting point is 00:28:52 As a puppet, I have a lot of experience with hands. I'm used to them going, I'm pretty much everywhere, so he, he's in a real tough time. Hoi! Hee hee hee hee! Hey, so to take advantage of this great offer, please head to Woody's Spirit Supplies and more spectralinporium.com slash time suck to get 50% off whatever deal you and Woody negotiate for whatever services he is willing to offer.
Starting point is 00:29:22 And please, Mr. Gutman, if you hear this, please come back. I wouldn't need you. He's in a real tight spot. Of course, that is not today's real sponsor. Today's time sucks brought to you by four hymns. It's totally normal to have sexual performances, you know, kind of frustrations with sexual performances.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I've been lucky. I have not experienced sexual dysfunction myself yet, kind of frustrations with sexual performances. I've been lucky, I have not experienced sexual dysfunction myself yet, but I hope I do, because that means I'm still having sex, and I'm not worried about it because it's totally treatable. If you're having problems, don't worry about it. Listen to this. Thanks to science, a rec-towage dysfunction can be optional.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And you can take that wing into the virtual, no one ever has to even touch your penis, Autobotty shop known as forehims.com. And Autobotty shop for your wean, a one stop shop for everything man. What can you find at forehims.com? Hair loss, right? This is where you can, you can't find it.
Starting point is 00:30:18 You can, you can, you can treat it. You can treat it. You, that'd be weird to find it there. They're not selling that. You, what can you treat? Hair loss, skin care, sexual wellness, a berserker battlefield ability, mind control, ability to speak telepathically, to animals, especially tires and bears. I may have made up those last few, but the rest is legit.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Hems connects you with real doctors and medical grade solutions to treat erectile dysfunction. They carry well-known generic equivalents to name, brand, prescriptions, not snake oil pills, not gas station counter supplements, product your ship directly to your door. So get some erectile without the dysfunction. Put the lane back in your wing. Put the lane back in your wing. Stand up straight. Try himz for a month today. Get started for just five bucks. Wall supplies last year website for full details. this would cost hundreds if you went to a doctor or pharmacy, go to forehims.com slash time suck, ED. That's F-O-R-H-I-M-S dot com slash time suck, ED. T-I-M-E-S-U-C-K-E-D.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Link in the episode description, forehims, sponsor button on the time suck website and app will take you straight to the deal. All right. Okay. Now, just so you know, when it comes to space, those are voted in topics like today's. Sponsors do not know ahead of time what the topic will be that features they're at. I just want you to know that the execs at four in an awesome sponsor, an awesome sponsor
Starting point is 00:31:43 who has been very supportive of TimeSuck. The execs did not see Petophile Island on the topic list and think, yes, this will be perfect for Narek Toudd his function at. Petophiles need boners too. Yes. No, Petophiles do not need boners. They really, really don't need boners. I know that and for him, snow's that.
Starting point is 00:32:04 I just, I felt like I had to address that. Ah, moving on. We know now, we likely already knew before the sex offenders are a real problem. That's why I wanted to throw those numbers out there. It's not an opinion, it's a fact. They damage a lot of lives in a lot of different ways. We know that at least sometimes once released,
Starting point is 00:32:21 they heard again, but how often does that actually happen? Do the majority of sex offenders once caught and imprisoned not attack again? Once the sex offender always the sex offender? That's what I've always believed, but is that true? Is the recidivism rate or the rate of reoffending nearly 100%? Let's look into this critically and not just emotionally. GLS 11, Dr. GLS 11, an American social worker with the PhD in social welfare has been studying sex offenders for decades.
Starting point is 00:32:48 The numerous studies on them and she's found that the general public seems to believe that 75% of sex offenders will reoffend, which is obviously a very high and terrifying number. Gilles strongly personally disagrees with the general public and thinks this number is way too high. Sex crimes researchers are Carl Hanson, Kelly E. Morton, Burgeon of Public Safety, Canada, conducted a large-scale meta-analysis of recidivism rates among adult offenders and found a rate of 14% over a period averaging five to six years.
Starting point is 00:33:18 So 14% of these people reoffended within five to six years. Recidivism rates did increase over time reaching 24% within 15 years. But even that figure is clearly out of alignment with the public's belief in a 75% recidivism rate. The rate also varied a lot for the type of sexual predator. The 15 year recidivism rate is 13% for incest perpetrators 24% for rapist 35% for rapists 30 sought 35% for child molesters of boy victims. A comprehensive 2014 meta-analysis review of 211 recidivism studies by a team of leading scholars found that 32% of sex offenders assessed as high risk to reoffend did so within 15
Starting point is 00:33:58 years. Four offenders judged to be low risk, the number was 5% and for high risk offenders who made it 16 years with no reoffenses in this particular study, their reoffense rate was zero. Dr. Levison states that we have lots and lots of recidivism research over 25 years and all of the recidivism studies are remarkably consistent that the number of people re-arrested for a new sex crime is somewhere between five and 15%. But can numbers that low be trusted?
Starting point is 00:34:28 Is that actually accurate? Dr. Levinson is a highly accredited expert. I am not, however, a lot of other highly accredited experts disagree with her assessment, because these stats, when it comes to sex offenders and recidivism rates can be extremely misleading. And full disclosure, Dr. Levinson, I should point out, has been convicted of child molestation for separate times, most recently in 2015, and the stats she gave her, taken from an interview conducted while she remains imprisoned. And I should stop with those type of vlies in this episode.
Starting point is 00:34:58 It's terrible. It's terrible. That would be so ridiculous if I was giving stats about how there's not that many pedophiles out there, and the source of the stats was a petafile in cars rating. Come on, no. Pat say Jack and Dr. Levinson are going to shout this podcast out. But a lot of other experts do disagree with Dr. Levinson. The leadership council on child abuse and interpersonal violence group of about 50 child abuse
Starting point is 00:35:20 researchers and experts cite a 1990 study of adult women that found that only 12% of those who said they'd been raped actually reported it to authorities. Only 12% of women who felt comfortable admitting they'd been raped in an anonymous study had actually reported those rapes to law enforcement. Based on this low reporting number, the council offers a hypothetical. If 100% of a sample of release sex offenders commit another sex crime but the rate of reporting is only twelve percent and only half of those reports of those reported are convicted in the official recidivism rate
Starting point is 00:35:56 would be listed as only six percent when it is in fact far higher it would actually be fifty percent using their math half of pedophile is going on to reoffend much bigger problem for society overall than 6%. Not that 6% should be taken lightly. I do understand the argument that even one victim, one additional victim is unacceptable. So what's the real number? I would guess probably quite a bit higher
Starting point is 00:36:18 than the five to 15% proposed by Dr. Levinson. Possibly also quite a bit lower than the 75% the general public believes in. But again, even if the risk to re-offend is only 6%, roughly one in 17, is that a risk we're taking, we're okay taking as a society? You know, what if, what if, you know, some kid that falls into that 6% is your kid?
Starting point is 00:36:40 Okay, so now we still have yet to ask what to me is the most important question regarding today's suck and we are going to talk about the actual treatment center here soon. But first, let's explore this. This is important. Competifiles or serial rape is high risk ex-defenders. People who are literally attracted to raping or to children, can they be cured? Is it even possible?
Starting point is 00:37:01 Can they ever be rehabilitated to the points that they are no longer attracted to children or to a criminal act like rape? I think there was a much more important, I think this, excuse me, is a much more important question than, you know, will they re-offend? Do they want to re-offend? Would they re-offend if given a good opportunity to do so thinking they could get away with it? Well, the short answer is terrifying. And the short answer is what I remember studying 20 years ago now, and the science hasn't changed. Pedophilia cannot be cured. Additionally, an actual attraction to the act of raping or an actual attraction to some other violent, non-consensual act cannot be cured.
Starting point is 00:37:42 There's no cure for pedophilia. This is a really important point to keep in mind as we think about how to deal with pedophiles as a society. A 2010 article on pedophilia published by Harvard researchers actually opens with the sentence, there is no cure. So the focus is on protecting children. This article continues with classified as a perifilia and abnormal sexual behavior. Researchers have found no effective treatment. Like other sexual orientations, pedophilia is unlikely to change.
Starting point is 00:38:11 The goal of treatment therefore is to prevent someone from acting on pedophile urges, either by decreasing sexual arousal around children or increasing the ability to manage that arousal. But neither is as effective for reducing harm as preventing access to children or providing close supervision. I read into that, that preventing access to children, putting them on an island. Here are some more interesting data gathered by researchers. These same researchers, nearly all people with pedophilic tendencies are male, studies of child molesters have reported that only 1 to 6% of perpetrators are female, co-occurring
Starting point is 00:38:44 disorders such as personality disorders or mood disorders, are common in people with pedophilic tendencies. And about 50 percent to 70 percent of people with pedophilic tendencies are also diagnosed with another parapheralia, such as exhibitionism, voyeurism, or sadism. The researchers also state, several reports have concluded that most people with pedophilic tendencies eventually act on their sexual urges in some way. Typically this involves exposing themselves to children, watching naked children, masturbating in front of children, or touching children's genitals, oral, anal, or vaginal penetration
Starting point is 00:39:22 is less common. Man, think about that sentence, Most people with pedophilic tendencies eventually act on their sexual urges in some way. That's scary. Most, don't like to hear the word most in this context at all. The Harvard researchers also further stress their point that this problem is a scary one, is a tough one to solve, stating, fear is about predatory behavior or valid. Most pedophiles who act on their impulses do so by manipulating children and gradually desensitizing them to inappropriate behavior. And finally, they say estimates of recidivism vary because studies define this term in different ways. One review found recidivism rates of 10 to 50% among pedophiles previously
Starting point is 00:40:06 convicted of sexual abuse. Although this could include anything from an arrest for an offense to reconviction of a crime against a child, one long term study of previously convicted pedophiles with an average follow up of 25 years found that one fourth of heterosexual pedophiles and one half of homosexual or bisexual pedophiles went on to commit another sexual offense against children those numbers A lot higher than 6% and here's what James Cantor PhD an international expert on pedophilia associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto Not not called Dittles City ever and the editor-in-chief of sexual abuse a journal of research and treatment not called Dittles City ever. And the editor-in-chief of Sexual Abuse, a Journal of Research and Treatment,
Starting point is 00:40:45 had to say about treating pedophiles in a 2013 interview. He said therapists have been attempting to turn pedophiles into non-pedophiles for a very long time, but no one has presented any objective evidence of any enduring change in sexual interests. Pedophilia can be meaningfully, meaningfully, described as a sexual orientation. Scientists have more specifically called it an age orientation.
Starting point is 00:41:07 How could you be that? Some people are attracted to an age. It could be 14, it could be 10, it could be five, it could be younger. Dr. Cantor continues the best treatments we have available for pedophiles, helped them develop the skills they need to live a healthy, offence-free life, and in some cases to block their sex drives if they feel this would help them. We have not yet found a way to convert pedophiles into non-pedophiles that are any more effective than the many failed attempts to convert gay men and lesbians into heterosexuals.
Starting point is 00:41:34 So obviously, not being able to change their mode of thinking very concerning. There is no cure for pedophilia anymore than you can cure heterosexuality or homosexuality or bisexuality or any other sexual preference. As the end of the day, researchers still aren't sure exactly why we all are attracted to what we are attracted to. On various studies, pedophiles show signs that their sexual interests are related to brain structure and that at least some differences exist in their brains between them and non-pedophile. And those differences may exist before birth.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Now an important thing to note here, we talking about pedophiles and when talking about other sex offenders with an actual sexual attraction towards something like satism, is that not all sex offenders share this attraction, share these attractions. A sex offender who was convicted of rape after getting really drunk and ignoring someone's demands to stop is sometimes a very different offender than someone who is actually attracted to the act of raping. Not everyone who rapes wants to rate more and more and more, not everyone who molest one child wants to molest as many as they can get their hands on.
Starting point is 00:42:34 And again, you can argue that one time is too many times and I hear you. I just want to clarify that when it comes to the issue of is it convicted sex offender bound to reoffend if we let them out of prison? Some, depending on their kind of attractions, much, much, much, much more likely to reoffend than others. A lot of the research I came across stated that molesting a child doesn't necessarily mean that someone's a pedophile, that they're hardwired to have sexual kids. Sometimes it's a random crime of opportunity, not part of a pattern. I remember learning years ago about how sexuality exists on a spectrum. The
Starting point is 00:43:06 Kinsey scale, you've probably heard of it. Famous exologist Dr. Alfred Kinsey and some other researchers, he worked with developed theory of sexuality, the sexuality's fluid. It first was published back in 1948 and the Kinsey team interviewed thousands of people about their sexual histories. Research showed that sexual behavior, thoughts, feelings towards the same or opposite sex were not always consistent across time. Instead of assigning people to three categories, heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, the team used a seven point scale and there's actually another kind of category that's through in there.
Starting point is 00:43:38 It ranges from zero to six with additional category, with an additional category of X. So zero exclusively heterosexual. One, predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual, some bestiality and tendencies. Two, predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual,
Starting point is 00:43:54 pretty into bestiality. Three, equally heterosexual, and homosexual, and into animals. Four, predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual, and interested in groups and group sex situations with animals. Five, predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual and attracted to horses or other
Starting point is 00:44:14 large animals. Six, exclusively homosexual, and hopefully all the animal references in this scale were made up nonsense by me. But the rest is legit, and then X, no socio-sexual contacts or reactions, kind of like it's a sexual. So where are you on the scale? And thinking about the scale, we'll lead to some thoughts on pedophilia.
Starting point is 00:44:33 That's where I'm bringing this up. I'm a zero, which doesn't make me homophobic. I've actually been so not homophobic for a number of years. I've often been a thought to be homosexual by a certain, probably someone homophobic people who think men shouldn't, you know, hug too long or kiss each other on the cheeks or sit too close to each other. I can hug dude friends, I'm a hugger.
Starting point is 00:44:51 I can give dude friends a little peck, even on the lips in the right situation. You did a beautiful bastard, you're engaged. Mwah, whatever. I don't get aroused in these moments. If I did, I'd be at least incidentally homosexual. Dick's just don't do it for me other than the one that I have. And I wouldn't even want to put that one in my mouth if I was that flexible. The good feeling of having a mouth on my dick
Starting point is 00:45:12 would be canceled out by the uncomfortable feeling of knowing that the dick was in my mouth. But when I have, when I was going to puberty, I have had sex with items outside the homosexual or heterosexual spectrum. This would parapheralia kind of comes in and you know, pedophilia falls under parapheralia. Like some pillows, a banana peel one time and a grocery store bathroom, grocery store I worked at, not gonna go into great detail with that incident,
Starting point is 00:45:35 but there were several incidents of, I wonder what that would feel like if I put my dick on it or put my dick in it and then I found out. And I doubt any long time listeners were surprised. But I wasn't really outside the scale, I I guess because I still fantasized about some woman, you know, my dick may have been in a cushion, but I was thinking about Anna Nicole Smith when she just become a playboy centerfold or a few other centerfolds or some girls going
Starting point is 00:45:59 to school with or my mom's friend Paula. I thought about, I thought about, I thought about them while I fucked a pillow or whatever. The attraction wasn't to the pillow. The pillow was just a mass, pitory accessory. That's not the case for everyone. You know, space, literature, patreon, literature, recent, I heard the secret. So I got a guy who sexually attracted to cars. He likes to fuck his car.
Starting point is 00:46:16 He has a sex relationship with his car. He's on a whole other scale outside of the Kinsey scale. That's a, that's objective failure. Sexual and sometimes also romantic attractions to an intimate, inanimate object. Objective failure is another type of parapheralia. Other parapherias are necrophilia, sexual attraction towards corpses, pecorism, sexual arousal by piercing the flesh of another person most commonly through cutting or stabbing with a sharp object.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Think of Russian serial killer, Andrej Yekater, a raptofilia, sexual attraction towards raping someone, a coprophilia, attraction towards feces, literally turned on by shit or the act of someone's shitting. And of course pedophilia, sexual attraction towards pre-pubescent children. And there is no cure for paraphealias. What's that quote? The heart wants what the heart wants?
Starting point is 00:47:01 Well, unfortunately for some, so do the generals. More specifically, even though some women pedophiles do exist, usually it's the ween wants with the heart wants? Well, unfortunately for some, so do the generals. More specifically, even though some women pedophiles do exist, usually it's the ween wants what the ween wants. And some people have super fucked up evil weens. They want to stick themselves in terrible places, like a variety of holes that don't want them to be there. And we've talked about various other paraphernalists before, like Jeffrey Dahmer. He was attracted to specific body parts like the bicep, sexually aroused when cutting someone's bicep off. Again, Chicatilo, sexually attracted the bloodshed specifically to stabbing and cutting
Starting point is 00:47:32 someone. Stabbing would sometimes cause him to spontaneously ejaculate. So there's actually a much wider spectrum of sexuality than what you would think of on that Kinsey scale. And what seems to have been proven time and time again with studies is that your sexual orientation isn't necessarily based on who you're having or what you're having sex with in the moment. It's based on what you fantasize about, if that makes sense. So like a pedophile might be able to have sex with an adult.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Sometimes they can be attracted to both. The spectrum sexuality is very fluid that way sometimes where people can have numerous attractions, think about like bisexuals. And sometimes, you know, some people are more sexually attracted to children than others. And what's terrifying about it is even if they're not having sexual decay, that's what they have to think about to turn themselves on. Like for me, if I wanted to ejaculate, I had to fuck, when I was fucking a pillow, I had to think about a woman.
Starting point is 00:48:35 I couldn't think about, man, it's fucking sexiest pillow. Man, I should love fucking pillows, you know, because my orientation is heterosexual and that will never change. Study after study has shown that whatever your sexual orientation is that way, whatever your sexual preference is, excuse me, sexual preference, it's going to stay that way. You know, if you like dudes, you're always going to like dudes. If you like women, you're always going to like women. If you like both, you're always going to like both on some level. And unfortunately, if you want to fuck kids, you're always gonna like both on some level. And unfortunately, if you wanna fuck kids,
Starting point is 00:49:05 you're always gonna wanna fuck kids. And I know some people don't necessarily believe in the spectrum of sexuality. It makes a lot of sense to me. I just think about how complex we meat sacks are in general. Like think about our preferences for music. What one person passionately is to be the best band ever, another person despises.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Some meat sacks don't care about music in general. Crazy I know but I've met him. You know meat sacks taste and preferences vary widely. Think about how different we all are physically. How many different conditions and syndromes and disorders there are where you know someone can have much harder skin than someone else or have a totally different arms of torso ratio or not have arms or legs but be otherwise fine or have arms and legs and have those be fine but have some digestive problems or have arms and legs and have those be fine, but have some digestive problems,
Starting point is 00:49:46 or have facial deformities or speech impediments like me, like a mush mouth. So many obvious physical differences we have. Well, the mind is very different as well. We think in so many different ways, math comes easy for some, but not for others. Some people have better vocabulary skills, some people have better memories.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Some people are just much smarter over all than other people. Just like some people run faster than the rest of us. Some people think faster, think better. So why would sexuality be any less diverse, any less complex? There are just so many different attractions and fetishes and interests and sexual inclinations,
Starting point is 00:50:20 and to pretend otherwise I think is a little bit silly. So we now know that there are people who are attracted to children in a way that cannot be cured. That is there. That's how they're wired sexually. There are others who are wired in a way that they're attracted to sexually harming others, the act of harm, you know, so a form of sadism.
Starting point is 00:50:37 And that can't be changed. So what do we do with these people? What do we do with this specific type of sex offender? The career criminal of sexual offender, so to speak. Well, I can't think right now, or sorry, what we should do with sex offender is probably different than what we do with other criminals. I can't think right now about how we should punish someone
Starting point is 00:50:59 for shoplifting anymore than I can think about how to punish someone for date rape or a sexual crime of a opportunity. Today I'm just looking at the very specific crime of sexual offenders who are very likely to reoffend and cannot be here. I do think there are very specific type of criminal and legislators have felt the same way. And that all brings us to pedophile islands. So now we're here.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Hopefully everything has made sense. I know it's a lot of information. I wrote and rewrote and rewrote and rewrote this over and over again to try to get it the most clear. Okay, so off the coast of Washington state, are many picturesque islands populated with wealthy vacation owners, but McNeil Island, that's a different one.
Starting point is 00:51:37 It's currently inhabited by around 240 sexually violent predators whose prison sentences have ended, but the state still refuses to release them. These residents are in the view of the state, the rapists and child molesters who are most likely to commit new offenses. And sex offenders finish serving prison times, you know, after they finish serving prison times for the crimes they committed, an end of sentence reviewed committee assessors whether or not they believe this person will be a continual offender. And if they are deemed to be, you know, high risk, then deemed to meet the definition of a sexually violent predator, then they're sent off to this McNeil Island
Starting point is 00:52:12 Treatment Center, established in 1990, for an indefinite period of time to receive treatment. Once sent there, it's proven nearly impossible to convince a court so far to re-release them. The island referred to some as pedophile island, only accessible by a ferry that runs every two hours, sits deep in the Puget Sound, less than a mile from other islands, you know, not home to nothing but sex offenders. About two miles west of Tacoma, it's less than seven square miles in size as a long history
Starting point is 00:52:39 of incarceration. Normally, at this point, I jump into a time line, but that's just not going to take long for this part today. Open in 1875, the McNeil, you know, treatments that are previously served as a territorial correctional facility. So that's what it opened as first in 1875, is a territorial correctional facility, and then it changed to a federal penitentiary. American sentence to terms of imprisonment by the US courts that operated in China in the late 19th and early 20th century Would serve their terms of McNeil Island and the 1910s inmates included Robert Stroud the bird band of Alcatraz
Starting point is 00:53:12 Who fatally stabbed a prison guard on the island March 1916 During World War II 85 Japanese Americans who resisted the draft of protests their wartime confinement were sentenced to prison terms of McNeil All were later pardoned by President Truman in 1947. For a short time in the 1960s, the island was actually the home to infamous cult leader and early suck subject Charles Manson. The state of Washington began to lease the facility from the federal government in 1991. Later that year, the state department of corrections began moving prisoners into the facility, renamed it McNeil Island Correction Center, and the island was deeded to the State government in 1984. The special commitment center for these high resex offenders was established on the island
Starting point is 00:53:56 in April 1990 to manage those committed under it or committed to it under a new act, an act called the Community Protection Act of 1990. More on that controversial legislation here in a bit. In the beginning, the Committment Center managed only six people. That number grew at a rate of about 22 residents a year. In late 2001, a temporary secure community transition facility was established in order to comply with legislation that allowed court-ordered conditional releases. In 2003, the SCTF, that security community transition facility was moved to its president, to its present permanent location
Starting point is 00:54:34 in the North Complex on McNeil Island. In May 2004, in the same complex, the SCC Special Commitment Center opened a dedicated facility known as the Total Confinement Facility to House Confined Residents. On April 1st, 2011, the McNeil Island Corrections Complex opened a dedicated facility known as the total confinement facility to house confined residents. On April 1st, 2011, the McNeil Island Corrections Complex was closed because of state budget cuts, but the Special Commitment Center remained open. So, you know, for a long time, for many, many years, it was a prison, and then for a little while, it was a prison, and it also had the Special Commitment
Starting point is 00:55:00 Center, then the prison went away, and now the only thing on the island is this special commitment center. So why do Washington State open this special commitment center in 1990? Why did they suddenly start putting pedophiles on the island? I mean, there were obviously pedophiles. High risk pedophiles long before 1990. Why not do it sooner? Well, it has to do with some public outrage. Public outrage over a string of terrible sex crimes committed in the late 80s by three
Starting point is 00:55:24 sex offenders who had already been caught previously for similar crimes and this push legislators to push through new sex offenders specific legislation. These crimes were committed by previously convicted sex offenders. The state knew were dangerous, knew were at a high risk to reoffend, but couldn't legally keep them in prison. The first of these three, of course, was Pat St. Jack. No, it was not. Why do I want to keep saying that? It was Earl Schreiner. In May, 1997, Earl K. Schreiner, a mentally disabled man with a long criminal record,
Starting point is 00:55:54 completed a 10-year sentence in Washington for kidnapping and assaulting two teenage girls. He had a 24-year criminal history of killing, sexual assault, and kidnapping. Prior to his discharge, prison officials learned that he intended to torture children after he was released. And they tried vigorously to detain him through existing civil commitment laws that covered mental illness. However, they were unable to legally prove he was dangerous under those existing laws, and the state had no choice but to release Shreiner a man They knew they were gonna hear from again
Starting point is 00:56:29 two years after his release Shreiner raped and strangled a seven-year-old boy into Kama, Washington Cut his penis off and left him in the woods to die And he did die Fuck They knew he would do something like this, but they couldn't stop and they knew he was sick. That he suffered from a compulsion to sexually and violently assault children, but they had to let him go. The Schreiner case came to public attention
Starting point is 00:56:57 one year after a young Seattle business woman was kidnapped and murdered by a different inmate and inmate on a work release program, Gene Raymond Kane. Gene had been placed on work release after serving his 13 year sentence for attacking two women. Kane had been turned down. I mean, this is unbelievable to me. Kane had just been turned down before this release to this this work program turned down
Starting point is 00:57:18 by the state's existing sexual psychopathy program because the mental hospital considered him too dangerous for them to handle. How crazy is that? Too dangerous for a sexual psychopath program, but not too dangerous for work release. They knew he was fucking dangerous, but again, they just didn't have the legal means to continue to confine him. Shortly after being released on September 26, 1988, Jean abducted Rape than murdered a 29-year-old woman. In response to these crimes, and significant public outcry from these first two offenders,
Starting point is 00:57:52 the governor, then governor, of Washington Booth Gardener appointed citizens, professionals, and legislators, and May 9, 1989 to a task force on community protection, asked them to recommend changes to state law. And then during the task force deliberations, Washington state had a new child murderer make headlines, arguably the worst of these three. One Wesley Allen dot. Wow. This fucking, oh man, off the charts. One afternoon in late 1989, 28 year old Wesley walked into the bathroom of a movie theater
Starting point is 00:58:21 in Kamis, Washington, little suburb that borders Vancouver just across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon. In the theater, Don had spotted a five-year-old boy and waited for him to use the bathroom. A few moments later, Don grabbed him, started moving towards the door. As Don is walking out of the theater with a boy in his arms, the child starts crying, theater employees immediately become suspicious, the boy starts fighting to get out of his grasp when the boy begins screaming for help they knew they were witnessing an abduction and they ran after dot realizing he wasn't going to get away with taking this kid dot let's the kid go runs to his car meanwhile employees tell the child's mother and her boyfriend William Graves
Starting point is 00:58:58 that her son had almost been abducted Graves immediately asked for a description of Dodd's car and and runs after it on foot. Fuck yeah, man. Protect this kid. He finds Dodd's car just a few blocks from the theater. It broke down pretending to offer Wesley health. Graves approaches Dodd. Then puts him in a headlock and hopefully it's not going to a few fucking punches.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Graves then physically holds Dodd back to the theater like a fucking champion where other witnesses bound Dodd's arms with the belt as they wait for the police to or I hope this guy was given a key to the fucking city. Hopefully more punches were snuck in. Maybe a knee to the head, maybe a stomped the nuts, right? Just keep y'all not the person to stay put. Just keep y'all at them to try to stop trying to escape as you continually stop on their nuts. Once in police custody, Dodd starts to confess to much more than this attempted abduction. The incident in the movie theater wasn't the first.
Starting point is 00:59:54 There had been many others and not all the victims had been lucky as lucky as this boy and been able to escape. After three days of questioning Dodd ends up to confessing to having murdered or ends up confessing to having murdered three children. Armed with a search warrant, police search Dodd's room in the town of Vancouver, Washington, inside they find photographs of one of the murdered children and the boys underwear. Nearby is a homemade torture rack, and a diary containing a meticulous record of his murder. And Dodd's arrest, criminal history and subsequent insights into the into the mind of this violent pedophile lead legislators to to push through legislation that would
Starting point is 01:00:30 lead to pedophile island. Wesley Allen Dodd grew up in Washington in a somewhat troubled home. He was a shy kid who had a dark sexual compulsion to expose himself to other children. This guy is like the the poster child for high risk offenders. He began acting on his compulsion to expose himself to other children when he was just 13, exposing himself wasn't enough. And Dodd began to molest his younger cousins and neighborhood kids. At 15, he was arrested for one of these incidents. But due to his youth, the police declined to pursue charges and recommended he could counseling. Dodd continued molesting kids for the next several years. In 1991, he joined the Navy.
Starting point is 01:01:07 He was discharged after his superiors discovered he was molesting kids on base. This time he serves 19 days in jail, 19 days, and is ordered to undergo counseling. The counseling has no effect. On Dodd's compulsion to harm children, He falls into a routine of molesting more kids, getting caught over and over and over again, being released with a slap on the wrist. Dodd's sexual desires grow darker over the years. He wrote in his diary about a desire not to just molest children, but to murder them. Darker still began writing about the possibility of performing medical experiments on his child
Starting point is 01:01:41 victims to turn them into kid zombies. He could victimize over and over at will. He's like fucking the pedophile version of Jeffrey Dahmer. Some dude want to turn kids into sex zombies. September 1989, he lures coal and William Near, 11 and 10 respectively into a wooded area, forces them to undress, ties them to a tree, molest them, tortures them, stabs them repeatedly, and leaves them to die. A month later, he lures a four year old boy into his apartment, keeps him overnight, molesting him, all taking photographs, wants to wait to kill him so that the body will be fresh
Starting point is 01:02:13 and out to perform his fucked up zombie experiments. In the morning, Dodd strangles him, hangs his body in the closet before leaving for work. When he returns, takes the body down, disposed of it in the trash bags, and some trash bags only keeping the boys underwear. Only the little guy's body is discovered. A man hunt is launched. Wesley Allen Dodd, meanwhile, stays in his apartment making plans for future murders and constructing that torture rack. The torture rack where he was going to torture his next victim, which would have been that kid from the movie theater if people had an intervened. And while this next part is nothing to do really with today's story, I found it too interesting
Starting point is 01:02:44 not to share about Dodd. Less than four years after confession of these murders, Dodd was executed. I guess this will have something to do with today's story. I'll tie this in later. He refuses to appeal his case and he asks for capital punishment. He insists that he is uncontrollable and that he will kill again, stating in one court brief, I must be executed before I have an opportunity to escape or kill someone else. If I do escape, I promise you, I will kill and rape again and I will enjoy
Starting point is 01:03:12 every minute of it. That's what he says in court. He also says in some interviews that deaths would give him relief from guilt he has over the murders during his trial. He actually writes a pamphlet for parents on how parents can protect children from child molesters such as himself. He also chooses to be hanged because that's how his final victim died. His hanging was the first use of that method for an execution in the U.S. in almost 30 years. So clearly this guy felt a strong uncontrollable compulsion to sexually abuse, hurt, and kill kids for his own sexual pleasure. He knew he was very, very sick.
Starting point is 01:03:49 He would have volunteered. I'm sure to be put on this island. The public outcry that follows these crimes eventually leads to then governor Booth Gardner to sign the Community Protection Act of 1990. And we're going to talk about this act right after a word from today's final sponsor. Uh, time suck is brought to you today by Lisa. Seriously, they, they didn't know either by the way, love Lisa. They didn't know what today's topic was going to be either for fuck's sake.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Today's pedophile island time suck is brought to you by both an erectile dysfunction ad and a mattress ad. Two things pedophile should stay away from boners and beds. Just re emphasizing Lisa didn't know great sponsor. They've been amazing in time suck Times look is brought to you today by Lisa everybody has the right to rest except maybe the subjects of today's suck The key to getting your rest your best rest is the right mattress Meet Lisa with two awesome mattress plus accessories and bases for better, deeper rest. They've been upgrading. The all foam Lisa mattress is new and improved. It
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Starting point is 01:05:18 that work and causes like foster care prevention. I didn't know before today that that was a specific charity you know, charity they worked with or organization they worked with. Fantastic. The more I learned, learn about least, the more love them, keep getting better. To date, they've donated more than 32,000 mattresses through more than a thousand nonprofit organizations. Lansing, I love Lisa. We love our Lisa mattress. We love to sink in, but not so much. You can't bounce out in the morning. I love their memory phone. They don't overdo it. They don't underdo it. It's like the Goldilocks third bowl of a porridge. It's Goldilocks mattress. It's just right. Not too soft. Not too hard. And Lisa's having a sale. You want to get in on, I want to get in on. Excuse me. Don't miss
Starting point is 01:05:58 Lisa's president's day sale. Get 15% off today. Right? Get 15% off any mattress for a limited time. At Lisa.com slash time suck, use promo code time suck. That's L-E-E-S-A.com slash time suck, promo code time suck. Link in the episode description. Lisa sponsor button on the time suck website and app takes you straight to the deal. Mattress in a rectile dysfunction. I did not put that together until right before the show,
Starting point is 01:06:27 and it is darkly hilarious to me. Okay, excuse me. Back to Washington State's Community Protection Act of 1990. The controversial act was a package of laws aimed at sex offenders, including tougher sentences, a sex offender registration and the creation of a procedure that allowed authorities to indefinitely lock up sex offenders when a court believes them to be continued threat to the community. The task force focuses attention on remedying the powerless, powerlessness that state officials
Starting point is 01:06:53 face in 1987 when Shriners released every proposal for reform was tested against this key question. Would it offer the state the necessary power to contain someone like Shriners who would reach the end of their maximum criminal sentence and yet clearly pose extreme risks to the public. The task force solution enacted by the legislature addressed a small group of sex offenders called sexually violent predators. Individuals in this category were defined as those who have been convicted of or charged with a crime of sexual violence and suffer from a mental abnormality or personality disorder,
Starting point is 01:07:26 which makes the person likely to engage in predatory acts of sexual violence, which includes pedophilia. The law authorizes prosecutors or the attorney general to initiate civil proceedings for a person who sentenced for a sexual violent offense as expired or is about to expire, and that person, one, has been convicted of a sexually violent crime and is nearing the end of the criminal sense of their criminal sense. Two, it's committed to sexually violent offenses to juvenile and is about to be released. Three has been charged with violent sexual offense, but has been determined to be incompetent to stand trial or four,
Starting point is 01:07:57 has been found not guilty of a sex offense by reason of insanity. So if they fulfill any of those criteria, they can be sent to this, you know, civil commitment center. Since the passage of this act, 19 other states have enacted similar civil commitment laws, there are now more than 5,200 people civilly committed in the U.S. according to a 2017 survey of 20 civil commitment centers. About half of the states with such laws allow the commitment of individuals who offend that is juveniles.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Many of these committed are diagnosed with some sort of parapheralia. And out of all these centers, Washington's Civil Commitment Center pedophile is unique because it's the only one on an island dedicated to how the only sex offenders and also the first of its kind. And all of these centers have been and continue to be controversial. You know, I mean, basically just centering around, is it okay to continue to hold someone and what essentially is a prison after their prison sentence has been completed for any circumstance? You know, I mean, what if we had some test to see if someone was going to probably murder
Starting point is 01:08:53 again in a non-sexual way or probably going to rob a bank or probably going to deal drugs, would it be acceptable to have similar detainment centers for any other area of criminality? Is allowing these civil commitment centers to do what they do creating a slippery slope to detain other people past their sentences. Are we getting into weird, you know, 1984 or wellian territory here? There have been a number of constitutional challenges to these centers, typically involving due process,
Starting point is 01:09:20 X post facto, double jeopardy clauses, legal questions, them and raise regarding the civil commitment of sexually violent predators for those of similar designations. And the US Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of these centers every time so far, in three major cases so far. And every time they're like, nope, it stays. The floor to civil commitment center currently holds up to 720 residents, build as the worst sexual predators in that state. But the committee who decides whether or not to continue to
Starting point is 01:09:48 detain these inmates has a slight conflict of interest in its hands. It's a private treatment center. The commitment center is ran by four correct care recovery solutions to spin off company of the GEO group, one of the nation's largest private prison contractors and it's the source of over 270 million dollars in revenue. So that, that, I don't love that. I don't love the privatization of this. I mean, again, if any group of inmates, other than high risk pedophiles were being detained, would we be okay with a private company holding these prisoners indefinitely for profit?
Starting point is 01:10:21 I mean, doesn't that slightly fuck with a citizen's constitutional rights? Isn't that a scary territory to walk into? While 20 states have laws that allow for the involuntary and indefinite civil commitment of sexually violent predators, only Florida has turned the operation so far into a private for profit or turned it turned it turn the operation of his commitment center over into the hands of a a for profit private contractor. Moreover, Florida involuntarily commits more people than any other state. California ranked second. A new law that increases the pool of offenders Florida can consider for civil commitment will likely increase the number of residents even further.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Other measures are also being taken to put sex offenders behind bars for longer periods of time in Florida. A law signed recently by former Florida governor Rick Scott, he just became a senator in January, extended civil commitment eligibility to offenders serving jail senses. Yeah, again, that makes that makes me nervous. That makes me nervous. What if more civil commitment centers become for profit schemes? Businesses that indefinitely can confine or incarcerate individuals under the guise of treatment or under the beliefs that they may commit future crimes. A center in Minnesota was recently decided to have a lawsuit because in the over two decades
Starting point is 01:11:40 of its existence, it has never released an inmate. The association for the treatment of sexual abusers does not take a position either in favor of or oppose to the use of these centers. However, ATSA believes that jurisdictions choosing to implement such legislation should be careful. Be careful in a manner consistent with relevant research and the best practices in assessing treating and managing sexual offenders. They have some summary or some recommendations for who should be detained and how should these detainments be handled. It says for a small group of chronic violent or predatory offenders confinement and treatment may be appropriate and necessary to safeguard the
Starting point is 01:12:19 community. Sexual predator assessments should be conducted using empirically validated risk assessment instruments measures and methods. The state should provide a contemporary properly designed prison based treatment program to enable incarcerated defenders to receive treatment in order to promote risk reduction in successful community reintegration. The state chooses to implement civil commitment. It should be reserved for sexual offenders who are found to pose the highest threat to public safety. civil commitment should be reserved for sexual offenders who are found to pose the highest threat to public safety. Treatment that follows the end of incarceration slash criminal jurisdiction in cases where a state elects to implement civil commitment should also be consistent with current research and professional standards and guidelines.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Prior to being considered for a civil commitment, offenders should be offered opportunities during their regular criminal senses to address their risk-relevant mental disorders and needs through properly designed and competently implemented treatment, so give them a chance to rehabilitate before they can be reviewed. So basically that's how these centers are set up. So what is life like in these places? How is pedophile? Island actually kind of ran.
Starting point is 01:13:20 McNeil Islands unpopulated, again, except for those 214 people, Iish, who live in the special 214, 240, found a few different numbers. Between 200 and 250 people, probably currently right now, live in this special commitment center. The people sent to the McNeil Island are called residents, as we said, not inmates.
Starting point is 01:13:39 And many of those committed are diagnosed with some form of parapheralia. Mental health professionals, mental health professionals are split as to whether that diagnosis for commitment is appropriate, though, Dr. Sean, Dr. Sean, I guess, Sean, I don't know, Sean jumper, President of the Sexual Offender Civil Commimate Programs,
Starting point is 01:13:59 Network, told an interviewer in October of 2018, many of the sexual violent predator evaluations for men convicted of rape are diagnosed with parapheralia, not otherwise specified. The controversy lies. He said in the fact that the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders does not have a specific classifications for adults who are sexually aroused by those who don't consent. So they have a hard time determining if someone, you know, and they have a hard time determining in like a psychological way, if someone truly is attracted to the act of like raping or
Starting point is 01:14:30 not or truly attracted to the case of that. Fundamentally these laws are about predicting a person's future risk, which presents its own kind of, you know, philosophical and moral dilemmas. To assess risk, the states use actual wearl scales scales which predict an offender's risk kind of the same way a car insurance company determines insurance rates you know they they have this test and that produces a score based on a number of mostly unchangeable things including criminal and relationship history so basically once you fail it is very hard to pass it later based on your past actions you can't change that is very hard to pass it later based on your past actions that you can't change. Current research and actual tools are designed to predict or not designed, excuse me, to predict individual risk.
Starting point is 01:15:12 It says, Dr. Michael Minor, a professor of human sexuality at the University of Minnesota, he says, to some extent, the criminal justice system is requiring opinions to be made, requiring decisions to be made that goes somewhat beyond the knowledge base that we have. So this is a tricky ethical dilemma of this. You know, there just, there isn't enough information to really truly figure out if it's impossible to cure these people and to truly determine if, you know, there is some better way to deal with this problem. Minor says that aside from the problems with risk assessment, he questions the entire civil
Starting point is 01:15:47 commitment process. He says, you either have a mental defect that makes it unlikely that you can control your behavior and therefore you're not guilty by reason of insanity or you're responsible for your behavior. It seems to me that a more honest system, what did the front end say, we think you're a bad guy and we're not going to let you out. We're going to give you a life sentence. I'm not advocating for life sentences for sex offenders, but that seems like a more honest approach.
Starting point is 01:16:10 I like that thought. I mean, at the very least for Pete sexual offenders should be maybe given life. You know, if you mess up once, maybe you were falsely excused or something, but twice highly doubt you were that unlucky. And maybe some, you know, certain sexual offense crimes should just be one and done crimes. In therapy on pedophile island, offenders are encouraged to disclose all of their sexual deviants to help them understand the scope of their problem. Clinicians then target the factors that make them vulnerable to reoffend. But then these things can be brought up later.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Like, oh, sorry, sorry. I'm skipping ahead here. I was thinking about, sorry, bounce on my notes. I'll get to that in a second. They're supposed to, they're encouraged to bring up all of their problems in the past and reasons where they may reoffend. And then the goal is to mitigate risk
Starting point is 01:16:59 by modifying the thoughts and emotions regarding these problem issues. Dr. Elena Lopez, chief of resident treatment at the SEC, says, we focus on what we can change, different for every person. They might have their own internal personal handles that keep them from progressing. Personality traits, motivation, acute medical condition, stressors, et cetera.
Starting point is 01:17:17 All civil commitment centers offer treatment, but participation isn't mandatory. On McNeil Island, about 62% of the residents participate in treatment, which is weird to me. So, once, so 38% are just resigned to just stay in there forever. Once someone is labeled a sexually violent predator and committed to a civil commitment center, yeah, very difficult for them to get released. They have the right to an annual review, in which the court goes over their history and treatment progress and considers release. They have a yearly evaluation by a forensic team which reviews documents, interviews,
Starting point is 01:17:47 offenders, clinicians, and collects results from a polygraph and penile. Plus this, oh man. Plus, plus this, plus this, plus this, plus this, a tool designed to measure sexual rights. I should have, I thought I had a hand-align one. I didn't, I read it. But there's this tool basically a little band put around your wing, and it's like a blood pump, or blood pressure pump, you know,
Starting point is 01:18:10 a reader for your wing, right? Just finds out how hard you're getting. What a weird job somebody has. Somebody's job right now is to show a perv pictures of kids and find out how hard that makes their dick. I would have fun. I was thinking about about the weird job. I always think that the people who have to carry out
Starting point is 01:18:27 these kind of things. There's somebody in a lab coat just being like, what about this kid? What about this kid who's wearing a jumper? What if they were holding a ice cream cone? What if you were holding a ice cream cone that you were gonna give to them? What if they were jumping rope while you held the ice cream cone?
Starting point is 01:18:43 And then ding, ding, ding, like alarm goes off. Oh, back, nope nope back in your cell Charlie You're not getting out the island until jump rope start giving you stop giving you half-chups It's fucking crazy. That's somebody's job Dr. Holly Coriel chief of forensic services at the SEC said forensic evaluators are ultimately looking to answer three Psycho legal questions when determining if a resident is ready to leave Does the person continue to meet the like legal criteria for a sexually violent predator are less restrictive alternatives in the person's best interest Can conditions be imposed that would adequately adequately protect the community they're being released into
Starting point is 01:19:18 Friends of evaluators answer these questions in a recommendation that is then forwarded to the court creating the opportunity for release hearings, but arguing that a sex event should be released to the community, very uphill battle. The state gets to say at the beginning of trial, he is a sexually violent predator, can he already said, getting the jury to be on board with the idea that he may not be violent anymore is very difficult. And then making it even harder to earn a lease, although offenders were encouraged to disclose everything in treatment,
Starting point is 01:19:45 that's what I was thinking of earlier. Sorry, popped in my head. I wasn't quite to the place where I should bring it up. But remember, they're encouraged to disclose every detail of their impulses in treatment, but then everything they say in treatment gets to be used as evidence in this trial to decide if they're going to be released or not.
Starting point is 01:20:04 And so when people hear about all the things that they're fantasizing about, probably not going to let them out. Kenerys says, when the jury hears this stuff, you have your clients saying, well, sure, I'm at risk to reoffend. Kind of hard to have somebody put that in perspective and get the jures on your side. So through the Washington court process, a civilly committed person came to be released to Lex restrictive alternatives, which typically include outpatient treatment, tight restrictions, or they can be released without conditions. The number of people released nationally from
Starting point is 01:20:32 these facilities extremely low on average, they each house about 260 people of the 16 states that provided release numbers to a 2017 survey of civil commitment centers, the average number of people released from a facility per year with seven. Five states released an average of less than one person per year. The low number of people released from these facilities makes it hard to research the effectiveness
Starting point is 01:21:00 of these laws and these facilities. Because you don't know if the people they're housing would actually reoffend because they're never being let out. So are these treatment centers that the right course of action when dealing with pedophiles? I have some thoughts that you may be able to guess that I'm going to share here soon. Before I share them, let's check in with today's idiots of the internet. of the internet. It is an internet.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Okay, so for today's video, I found an April 2018 TEDx talk titled Let's Be Mature about pedophilia. And the speaker was a bad, I can't say it. Speaker was bad, say Jack, no, it was not. What? Why does that want me to be so stupid? Oh God, okay, no, the speaker was Madeline Vandor, Vandor Bruvain, who works as psychologist
Starting point is 01:21:56 and criminologist and combines both in her work for the Dutch national police. So Madeline talks about, I just can't, sorry, I gotta get this out of my head, I just can't stop thinking, I gotta get this out of my head, I just can't stop thinking, oh, I'm fucking got a little fortune. We're like, hey, we all have our crosses to bear. Oh, that's so fucking, why, why?
Starting point is 01:22:13 Okay, I don't understand why my brain thinks the way it does sometimes. Madeline talks about how 0.5 up to 3% of the male population has some pedophilic interest. I did not research that particular number. That's what she says. She isn't kind of an expert in this area. And again, kind of the stats kind of very wild in the stuff. But she makes this, she brings this up to in her speech
Starting point is 01:22:34 to say that basically, probably everybody at least knows a person whether they know it or not, they have some pedophilic interests. According to Madeline, most people don't act out on these interests because they know it's illegal. And although they never act out on it, they will also never be able to talk about it to anybody. But sometimes they do. And when they do, she says we shouldn't hate them or judge them into a racks, excuse me,
Starting point is 01:22:54 at a Fender's house, this is not going to solve this problem. We need to be able to talk about it. She asks that we be a mature society, agree that only when we are open about this topic, will people be able to find the strength to come forward and then we'll be able to do more research and help out society as a whole. And that's all from the digest of the written description
Starting point is 01:23:12 for the video. From watching it, I feel like the thrust of Madeline's talk is that A, there are different kinds of sex offenders which we've already talked about here today. B, research shows that many pedophiles did not choose to be attracted to kids, which we know, and see we need to talk about what to do with them and not just immediately go to kill them all.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Well, the internet does not agree. Almost 180,000 total views for her talk and from a TEDx talk, I don't think I've ever seen this thumbs up thumbs down ratio. So far, her video has gotten 1400 thumbs up 14,000 thumbs down user Alex posts. Let's talk about public hangings and why they should return. And in that comment gets 1400 likes that comment gets as many likes as the video itself got on your snow replies with the guillotine is more classy. All right, so not really interested in that.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Let's talk it out angle, but I got to say, full disclosure, I don't hate these first two comments. I don't hate this next one either. User Fabrizio posts children are sacred. You don't mess with them. You don't defend those who do either 1300 thumbs up for prison does bring up an important point. Why are pedophiles the most hated group of people even in prison? Why are they considered the lowest of the
Starting point is 01:24:35 low because because they attack the same people that the rest of us work so hard to protect children. They prey on the most vulnerable members of society. Gordon M. Post, let's legalize murder to 1800 upvotes more than the actual video. It's topic, sending the comment section to a violent feeding frenzy, which I get, it gets my blood boiling as well. The iller, the iller, fucking, I can't even read some of these names because they're not real words. People's YouTube handles are just fucking made up nonsense half the time. Some nonsense word posts.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Comment section gives me hope for the future 1800 likes. Okay, so so far, in my opinion, so far so good. At this point, starting to think that I guess I'm the idiot of the internet this week, because I do agree to some level with everything that I've seen posted so far, and agreeing with a lot of comments in a YouTube video thread is typically not not a good thing from what I've seen. But then mountain hair jumps the shark taking this all needlessly into conspiracy bill. Like people on the web seem to love to do posting this is the end of the quote unquote rainbow. Many of us predicted the diversity equality agenda was a tiptoe approach to legitimizing the abuse of innocent children. We see the agenda. It will be resisted.
Starting point is 01:25:54 What the fuck you talking about? I get it. I get it equal opportunity. Okay, day number one. I got to hire my Nordic. Okay, day number two, I can't hate homosexuals indiscriminately. Day number three, everyone's fucking my kids. Like, what are you talking about? It's all part of the Illuminati's plan. They desperately want to fuck kids. And the best way to do that is to normalize pedophilia, right? Which is not what Madeline is talking about in her talk, by the way. She's asking society to think about this issue more.
Starting point is 01:26:28 Work on finding the best solution, and then this user's like, I ha ha, suit you're doing. Okay. All right. You don't, I can never hire you for a baby suit. You son of a bitch. Use your Nick Rodriguez. Further this line of thought, as a lot of other people did in this thread. He posts, this is what the Clintons have been waiting for. For God's sake.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Like Bill Clinton's at home watching this video and just furiously beating off. SORRGH! Yeah, it's almost here, Hillary! Finally, oh slick Willie! Cause they're fucking the little ones. Woohoo! I've already addressed the Clinton pedophile link and what nonsense it is in the Pizzagate suck. I don't fucking buy it. I know some of you don't agree. We will forever agree to disagree then. To me, it's just random slander and propaganda, no more valid than the thought of lizard people
Starting point is 01:27:16 ruling the earth. But so many people in the web, they just, ah, they so wanted to be true. They so want the illuminati to be somehow tied to pedophiles, right? Like that's why people want power. So they can just fuck kids. That's all they want. Money and kid fucking. User Terry Smith posts in all caps.
Starting point is 01:27:35 The second time, PEDEX has tried to normalize the abuse of children. PEDEX supports pedophilia. Okay. Now, I know a lot of you know that I recently did a TEDx, so I do have some insight into this. And I wish I could say something different. This actually is true. My TEDx will be on YouTube in a few months before I did it, they did ask me if I would help quote normalize the fucking of kids.
Starting point is 01:28:03 And I said, yeah, yeah, of course, I get it. SETX. The topic of my initial TEDx talk was my sexy summer as an ice cream truck driver slash a roddick child photographer. And I didn't even get to do that topic because it had been done so many times already. So I had to change it to a talk titled Secrets, how to get the sexiest kids to keep.
Starting point is 01:28:23 So, I have a TEDx here where like two boners up. We love it. Actually two TEDx dudes came out, no clothes, they don't wear clothes in the meetings and just like, did it like, Bishwing, like flip their boners up and we're like, PAPA, love it. That's how they pick.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Actually, if you get two boners up, then you get your topic. No, it's fucking, of course it's not true. That's not, it's not, and the better failure. What they're into is discussion. Let's talk about complicated issues. Not just be like, fuck, I see what you're doing, Luminati. Let's talk about complicated issues like what to do with sex offenders. My TEDx guide, if you guide, I guess, or mentor of you, wonderful man named Eric, and
Starting point is 01:29:05 he told me that my talk shouldn't be about providing answers, right? Don't tell people what to think, just get them to think about an interesting issue, hopefully in a new way. And I do feel like that's what Madeline did in this talk, but the web, whoo, clearly did not understand. And I'm not saying I agree with her. I don't. I don't agree with what seems to be her bias.
Starting point is 01:29:24 I am harsher on this issue than her, but I wasn't like, fuck you, lady. I see what you're doing. No, he's just bringing up a different point. User for Brazil, we heard from him earlier. I I didn't mind him earlier. Now I do mind him. Because now he posts, when people talked about how normalization of homosexuality was a gateway to this sort of thing. They were accused of being paranoid and here we are This old lie man, it's fucking well this one ever go away this old homophobic hate-mongering nonsense school lie There is no link between pedophilia and homosexuality Right, it's all in the same spectrum of sexuality that heterosexuality also exists.
Starting point is 01:30:06 I know some people just never understand that ever, ever, ever because of a variety of other belief systems, but no, no, no science supports that they're being homosexual doesn't make you any more likely than heterosexual to molest the kid, right? Plenty of heterosexual molesters out there, Very ignorant thought. Then smiley attitude goes captain obvious. I love a good captain obvious. Steven haven't heard one of these in a little while. And smiley attitude posts,
Starting point is 01:30:33 yeah, if they're gonna offend, then they should be locked far away from children. Fucking good thought. Smiley, nice to have you at the meeting. Thanks for showing up at work today. If people are gonna try and murder other people, they should not be allowed to do that. I'm out. Contributed myself for the day. Good one. Good one.
Starting point is 01:30:52 And finally, user vestigo posts. Why does this have to show up in the comments so often? Under this video, user vestigo posts, why is it always all caps? Jews pushing for this. what are you talking about she never mentioned anything about the Jewish people never mentioned that she was you you don't even know that she is Jewish she might be fucking who cares and since when has happened a big Jewish agenda since one of the Jewish people even had a fucking you know collective agenda right other than to maybe you know, collective agenda, right? Other than to maybe, you know,
Starting point is 01:31:28 have a country to live in, but like, really, to my less kids, it just feels like when it comes to the dumbest people on the internet, it's like if they're too dumb to think of anything relevant to posts, they just post something like this shit, something about, you know, just like homophobic or something about
Starting point is 01:31:46 The Illuminati or like or the Jewish people right? If they're this if they're stumped or I don't fucking understand what the word she is she's using God by war post something I gotta put some something I'm on a computer. Oh, yeah, I got get something on there. Oh I get it. I see what you're doing Jews. What the fuck? This comic gets likes this comic is. This comic got 102 likes. Got zero dislikes. Well, no, not true. I got one dislike because I disliked it. Thanks, idiots. Way to contribute to today's discussion. Okay, so do I agree with the whole pedophile island solution or do I have what I think is a better idea? I do have a different idea.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Now hear me out on this. This is radical, but please don't get emotional and please follow the logic. On the one hand, you have a lot of pedophile society doesn't know what to do with thousands and thousands and thousands of sex offenders who want them a less kids. And it's very expensive to lock them up. McNeill Island, it costs 180,000 per resident per year, cost more in other treatment centers. On the other hand, there's a lot of kids in orphanages that are having a hard time finding a home.
Starting point is 01:32:58 And it's expensive to keep them cared for as well. So don't freak out. What if we put pedophiles in charge of orphanages and just whatever happens happens, hear me out, they don't get paid, but they get what, you know, they want more than money, they get access to kids and we provide, we don't have to provide funny for orphanages anymore than they get a chance to have a parent who might not be less than, that's why I'm saying they might not is that are we not willing to take that chance? I mean, that's something and that's the most fucked up thing I probably ever sent to you. That, that, of course, was intentionally
Starting point is 01:33:28 fucked. That's a terrible idea. That is a terrible idea. I hope you knew that the whole time. I hope you knew the whole time that I knew the whole time. That was terrible. No, but for real, for real, what do we do? Well, while the trampoline of some constitutional rights concerns me regarding the whole premise of continuing to keep someone locked up even after they've served their sense, you know, the thought of letting people out of a prison who are attracted to harming children, who are attracted to raping adults or sexually torturing people like a Ted Bundy type person, that thought bothers me more. You know, paraphernalia is like pedophilia.
Starting point is 01:34:02 It's a mental disorder. Only with this mental disorder, you don't wash your hands way too often or feel far too sad or hear voices when you don't get treated. You fuck kids. You know, you forget to take your bipolar medication. The consequences will affect others in the way of having to deal with someone who's very depressed or unnaturally up. I mean, there could be the consequences of suicide, but even that is very different than
Starting point is 01:34:24 forgetting to take your meds and fucking a couple of kids one weekend. I mean, I mean, do you see what I'm saying? Pedophilia is disordered that experts admit we have no cure for. Counseling and supervision may lower the odds that you'll relapse and molest someone, but they don't cure it compared to alcoholism. Some alcoholists are able to go to meetings weekly or daily for years, surround themselves with a good support system, never touch a drink again. Sometimes they fall off the wagon and they get drunk. Sometimes for the rest of their life, sometimes for a day, a week, a month or a year, and that's tough for them.
Starting point is 01:34:55 And that's tough for their friends and families, but it's not as tough as if, as if when they fell off the wagon, they started molesting or raping. A pedophile falls off the wagon, someone gets sexually assaulted. Someone's innocence is taken. Someone is given brutally painful memories. They can never erase or worse someone dies. I honestly feel bad for pedophiles if they are in fact born that way. That's fucking, that's terrible.
Starting point is 01:35:18 How terrible. Truly, truly terrible to be born attracted to kids or attracted to sadistic torture if that's in fact what has happened. I also feel terrible for a dog who doesn't get vaccinated against rabies and then gets rabies. That's fucking sucks for that dog. It's not that dog's fault. But in order to keep other safe, that dog has to die.
Starting point is 01:35:38 That dog has to be put down for the for the for the greater good of general society. I feel the same way about violent high risk pedophiles. I sorry that you're wired that way, but you're too much of a threat to continue to get to live in the general population. Wesley Allen dot knew that. He knew he had to be removed to keep society safe. Maybe someday there will be a cure, some surgery to rewire one's brain to eliminate this compulsion and if that happens hooray for society hooray for science But until then I think locking these predators up in special commitment centers like pedophile is probably the best way to go I don't like them to be privately owned. I'll just say that I personally am against that
Starting point is 01:36:20 Private prison that's a whole other suck. I don't want to go down that road too far, but I do think they should be locked up. And also, I'll take it further. I don't think they should be allowed to just hang out and receive treatment. I think they should have to work. They should have to build something. They should have to make something profitable. And that's something that's being sold. The profits of that something should be split between the victims,
Starting point is 01:36:45 they've harmed, and the families of the victims they've harmed, if those victims are deceased, and with nonprofits that further help the victims of sexual abuse. And if anyone is not willing to do that, not willing to help out and help contribute some money to torch research or something, well, then good night, motherfucker. Rope or the bullet. You sexually abuse others and then refuse to work to help alleviate the damage you've done. In my opinion, you absolutely deserve to fucking die. You're the lowest in the low.
Starting point is 01:37:15 You have no right to be part of society. You've chosen to do nothing but bring pain to society, pain and damage, so fuck you. Get off our planet. Hail fucking Nimrod. Time for top five takeaways. Number one, the McNeil Island Special Commitment Center aka Petophile Island was opened in the Puget Sound two miles off the coast of Tacoma, Washington in April of 1990. First facility was kind of in America, initially housed on the handful of offenders. First facility was kind in America, initially housed only a handful
Starting point is 01:37:45 of offenders. Today there are more than 5,000 high-risk sex offenders civilly committed in the United States and 20 different states. Number two, pedophile island was created in response to Washington's passage of the Community Protection Act of 1990. The act was passed because of several incidents of previously convicted sex offenders who served short sentences, killing a woman and some children in brutal fashion in the late 80s, most notably the horrific crimes of Wesley Allen Dodd. Number three, the stats vary, but at the very least hundreds of thousands of children are molested. Hundreds of thousands of additional women are raped in the US alone every single year. Number four, currently there is no cure for pedophilia and other destructive parafilias, such as raptophilia, the sexual attraction towards rape itself. Number five, new info.
Starting point is 01:38:31 If you look into a cure for pedophilia, you will very likely quickly stumble upon the research of one psychiatrist Paul Federov of the University of Ottawa. He published a paper in December of 2018 titled, Can people with pedophilia change? Yes, they can. Federov's perspective is that pedophilia is not a sexual orientation. Instead, he characterizes it as a sexual interest, or something that a person just happens to want to do sexually.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Sexual interest, he says, is something that we acquire from learning experience and observation, and as such, is changeable throughout life. Federeroff actually goes as far to say that there is no evidence to suggest that sexual interest is different in terms of changeability compared to, for example, interest and vegetarianism or kale or oysters. In other words, in his view, just as you can continually learn new food preferences, you can learn new sexual preferences.
Starting point is 01:39:24 One day, maybe you want some enchiladas, maybe the next day, you want a kid's butt. You know, you like fucking Taco Tuesday, you like Friday kid win. Uh huh. So convinced of this idea as Fedorov that he said, now I routinely tell new patients with pedophilia that there are prognosis, this is excellent. And then they can expect to have no evidence of disease in less than a year. But is this true? It doesn't fucking seem so. None of his peers to my knowledge seem to agree with him on any in any way whatsoever
Starting point is 01:39:51 You know, I I hope he's found something. I hope he's found something that no one else understands yet Maybe he has I don't think so maybe he has but even if he has until longitudinal studies have been done regarding the recidivism of right of those who have undergone this treatment after five years 10 years ten years 20 years and longer until then get to the fucking island Petophile island has been sucked hell to the patreon space lizards for supporting this show and picking that topic. I would have never found it otherwise. Until we find a cure for molesters, separation society or death are the only rational options in my opinion for dealing with the problem of high risk sex offenders, violent sexual predators,
Starting point is 01:40:38 offenders attracted to the offenses that they commit. Thank you to the Times of Team. Thanks to Queen of the Suck, Lindsey Cummins, priestes of the suck harmony velocamp, Jesse Gardin of grammar, dobner, Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley, time suck high priest Alex Dugan, the guys at Biddlelicks are danger brain, acts as a peril, Heather knowledge, Ninda Rylander. Got to see her in Madison recently. It was great to meet up Heather. Love you. And got to see fellow researcher, Kai Beamer as well. Great seeing you as well, Kai. Now, have you joined the cult of the curious private Facebook group? There are more than 7,000
Starting point is 01:41:12 times, suckers in the private cult of the curious group now on Facebook and more than 1500 discord members. So get in. Link to the discord chat room messaging app right in the time. So app link to the private Facebook group and the discord channel in today's episode description as it has been for a while now. Okay, next week, we talk about another child killer. I did not plan it that way. Next week's topic, the preliminary research was done before this week's topic was picked. We're going to be looking into Pedro Lopez, the monster of the Andes Colombian serial, who, according to Wikipedia, was sentenced for killing 110 girls, but then claimed to have raped and killed more than
Starting point is 01:41:50 300 girls across Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and potentially other countries. He was released from a psychiatric hospital in 1998 for good behavior after initially being found insane. As of 2019, his whereabouts are unknown. Is this all true? Gonna dig way deeper than Wikipedia. Find out a lot more about this piece. Shit, find out what's real. What's not. On next Monday's show, I hope you enjoy that. I hope you enjoy time-sucker updates right now. Updates. Get your time-sucker updates. Okay, first update comes in from Jesse Stitton.
Starting point is 01:42:30 This is from the plague. Talking about whistle picks, right? I didn't know what whistle picks were. And numerous times, there's a lot of times that there's actually a cent in this. Let me know that whistle picks are ground hawks. Jesse said, I've only heard them call that in South Idaho. I've heard other people, or I've gotten messages from other people in the Midwest.
Starting point is 01:42:48 So now we know what a whistle pig is. It's a ground hog, which is not as fun. There's a little pig out there in the woods, just like. Pigg, Pigg, Pigg, Pigg. Pigg, Pigg, Pigg, Pigg. Just a little fucking pig walking around. Maybe a little stick on its shoulder, little hanger chiff tied around,
Starting point is 01:43:02 like a little hobo walking down some tracks. Pigg, Pigg, Pigg. Okay. stick on its shoulder, little hanger chiff, tie it around like a little like a little hobo walking down some tracks. Okay. Now now, another message coming in regarding the black panther suck. This comes in from time sucker Sierra Emmett. Sierra says, got damn a master sucker, follower of Nimrod and coward, Lucifer. I'm listening to the black panther suck and I'm in your opening comments. You said happy black history month to your melatonin enhanced friends.
Starting point is 01:43:27 The word you're looking for is melanin. Damn it. Ah! Melatonin is a slow associated with sleep. Melatonin is the chemical determined skin shade. Sorry for busting your ass. I am as well just a white meat sack. But it's important to know the difference.
Starting point is 01:43:40 Keep on saying, it is important. I got a lot of messages about that as I should have. Melatonin, not melatonin, those words are pretty close. Those words are pretty close. But yeah, very different meanings. So thank you for that. Another black panther message coming in from Time Sucker Tiffany. Tiffany says, good morning to Suck Master Cummins.
Starting point is 01:43:59 First let me say you did a hell of a job of sucking on the black panthers. This Melanated Meat Sack was very elated at your unbiased presentation. I must say I was a little hesitant as to how they were going to be portrayed since a lot of our history has been whitewashed and watered down. Dammit by the power of old jangles, you fucking did it. I just have one correction to the story. It may be minor, but to me, it's very significant. Yes. And many people wrote about this as well. As you were telling the story of Malcolm X, you stated his father was Marcus Garvey.
Starting point is 01:44:23 This is incorrect. Although the story of although the story of how his father was killed was correct his father's name was Earl Little Marcus Garvey was political activist and leader from Jamaica again I know it's just a minor part of the story just so you should know. Thank you for taking the time to read my email continue to suck on Hail Lucid Fena, Hail Bojangles and then also Black Power in my hillbilly voice your loyal time sucker listener from Arizona, yeah, I do love the white, white hillbilly going, oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:44:52 Yeah, so yeah, a couple of mistakes, thanks for sending those in. Black Panther episode, insight from law enforcement sucker, James Pitt, who writes, and hey, Dan, look, you know I'm a white guy in law enforcement. And frankly, I'll save you the, I'm not racist and here are some facts, blah blah. I just want to ask you and possibly other
Starting point is 01:45:08 space lizards what will break the fucking cycle of this madness. It seems like both sides are fighting against one another for the sins of their fathers. I lobby against every time we have a community outreach which basically means let's go to the hood and talk to the kids. And this is why we as law enforcement do not need to convince children we aren't bad people or racist. It's the parents and grandparents we need to reach out to in predominantly black and Latino neighborhoods. They are the pillars of their communities and the children will listen to them.
Starting point is 01:45:39 The parents and elders of these communities aren't the ones being arrested on a nightly basis and then resist and fight with us every single fucking night whom are predisposed to fearing and hating us. It is almost always men under 30. This is the part where I rant for white people so you can skip this till you see the keep on sucking. Um, okay. Well, you know, I feel like, um, you say some really good things here though.
Starting point is 01:46:03 You know that media does not help this because they love to report white cop black suspect stories and television movies has made it an encouraged ideal to make slight comments about white people. Yesterday, I'm watching one of my favorite movies, ironically, it's Marvel's Black Panther. And the Black Panther sister makes the comment, another broken white boy, I got to fix. I'm watching this and I don't get angry, but I cannot help but think, what was the point of that comment? There are tons of other examples. And please I'm not trying to bitch and moan. I promise anyway I feel that you will understand not necessarily agree with me
Starting point is 01:46:31 And can tell me if I'm wrong in the sense just wanted to get that off my chest I'm sure you will get a ton of emails about today's black panther suck I will leave the rest to you. You did a great job. Appreciate your support and your criticisms about today Keep on sucking and he'll name rot And then I asked yeah, I asked him so I could share his email and he said, yeah, you can share as much of it as you like names at all. I want everyone of every type to succeed in life.
Starting point is 01:46:51 And hope everyone I come in contact with, especially at work, exceeds me in success. Also, I tell everyone that is up for release, do better than me. Thanks for the reply and how great. Oh man, I love you, James. And you know what? No, I agree with you, man. It's just not helpful. It's not helpful when, you know, in the aim of
Starting point is 01:47:11 creating more equality for one group, another group then becomes continually shit on because then all you do is just continually perpetuate the cycle of this group gets to shit on this group. Then that group gets mad and then they eventually start shitting more on the the group a and an aggregate's mad and it's over and over and over and endlessly and tell you know with with racial quality we just like no everybody should fucking succeed everybody and then it shouldn't matter that's what I argue for I'm not real into me person I make jokes about like you know let me polish history I think heritage is cool but when people go bonkers with it, and then it starts to feel to me like,
Starting point is 01:47:48 okay, well now I can't be close to you because you care so much about your heritage that it kind of puts this attitude off to me and fuck everybody else's heritage. My heritage is the best. No, team meets sack, fuck that's it, that's it, that's it. If you're a human, you know, if you're a good person, if you're a good person, if you're not a fucking pedophile,
Starting point is 01:48:09 then I don't care what your skin color is. Another black panthers update from Time Sucker, Akiba Howard. She says, well, I've been list, or actually, sorry, wait, Akiba, I don't know. Okay, I don't know, actually, I'm not gonna throw gender onto this. I apologize, just I don't know that, I'm not familiar with this name, the first name I keep up before, I like it, but I don't know, I have not met them in person. Keep it says, I've been listening for a while now,
Starting point is 01:48:37 many of your pods are great, summer okay, that's fair. That is fair. But the one you do on the panthers deserves recognition. You are a white man, a white man who lives in Idaho. Goodness, goodness knows you live in the heart of whiteness. Heck, I can't fight that. But despite that, this episode showed you get it, you understand while you were off and on, that's understandable considering, well, you're a white guy.
Starting point is 01:48:56 The point is you said things need to be said and for that, I thank you and I salute you, sir. That's very nice, Keith. Thanks for taking the time to send that message. Another message about the black panthers from Jody Johns who says, as a black meat sack, you did good on the panthers. Keep nailing that shit boo. Oh, that's so nice, Jody.
Starting point is 01:49:13 You are very, very sweet. I appreciate that. An anonymous sucker sent in a message thanking the suck for the support of law enforcement. This sucker wrote, I'm a civilian employee of the Virginia State Police and a faithful disciple of the suck. I listen to every episode. Evil and I am unsure civilian employee of the Virginia State Police and a faithful disciple of the suck. I listen to every episode, even when I am unsure if I'm interested in the topic, as it turns out,
Starting point is 01:49:29 I always end up finding the subject interesting and I always learn something. I was listening to the Black Panther suck from February 11th, and my heart nearly stopped when you mentioned Trooper Lucas Dow. The last thing I expected to hear, this was the last thing I expected to hear,
Starting point is 01:49:40 and I started to cry while sitting in my desk. Thank you so much for acknowledging his sacrifice. I did not know him personally, but often saw his name on paperwork and occasionally saw him around during certain events. The past week has been very hard for everyone with the Virginia State Police, but hearing that someone way off at another state
Starting point is 01:49:55 cares about his life and shares our grief, it gives more comfort than you can imagine. Thanks for emphasizing that there are many good law enforcement officers out there and that they deserve respect. Absolutely. Actually, thank you for saying that most meat sacks deserve respect, except for those banished in Nimrod's buttole. Like someone people talked about today.
Starting point is 01:50:13 You're crazy, funny, informative podcasts make work bearable, bearable, and give me something to look forward to. If you do happen to the present in your podcast, please leave off my name. Did it, did it. And I hope you and your dedicated crew keep on psyching for years to come. Me too. Thanks again. Thank you, anonymous sucker. And I'm going to leave today with a shout out
Starting point is 01:50:31 to a wood, wood, would have been sucker who's no longer with us mentioned by time sucker who is with us, Brandon supernont. I don't know, I say your name, Brandon, sorry man, supernont, S URE, N-A-N-T. Paisley, I mean, any guess at all on that? Supernont? I am.
Starting point is 01:50:51 Okay, there we go. I'm not alone. Brandon writes, my grandfather, who although not a listener of the podcast itself, is a man that embodies all the ideals of time suck. For example, although having never gone to college, my grandfather, a veteran of the Air Force, taught himself enough to not only be on a team that helped to invent one of the first fiber optic cables,
Starting point is 01:51:10 currently cited in the book City of Light, but retired the head of R&D at fiber optics technology a company based in Palm Freight, Connecticut. Wow! That is impressive. He taught me so many things throughout my life, how to find Venus in the sky after sunset. I don't know that. What a black hole actually is. And so many other things who shaped me to the things to start my life. How to find Venus in the sky after sunset? I don't know that.
Starting point is 01:51:25 What a black hole actually is. And so many other things who shaped me to the curious person I am today. However, four years ago, he suffered a stroke and he's had a great difficulty communicating since. I can only imagine the amount of frustration he must have felt no longer being able to rely on his one strong mind.
Starting point is 01:51:39 Recently, I've seen his appetite greatly diminished. My mother, who also took care of him, took him to the doctors only to discover a mass on his pan greatly diminished. My mother, who also took care of him, took him to the doctors only to discover a mass on his pancreas. Pancreatic cancer was a diagnosis and it took only another two weeks when on January 27th, the head of our family, a man we all look up to passed away. I'm so sorry, Brandon. That is the patriarch, man, that's tough.
Starting point is 01:51:59 That's tough. In honor of his memory, I will be getting attached to of the times like emblem. Oh, man, my first ever tattoo and a perfect symbol that embodies the pursuit of knowledge that my grandfather endearingly referred to as Papa, always nurtured never single member of our family. Despite facing several tragedies and hardships in his life, bearing both his wife and son who died of cancer, he never once complained, never once was selfish, choosing to set the focus on the wants and needs of his family.
Starting point is 01:52:23 Paul J. Dobson is his name, and I know he would be honored to become an honorary member of the Colton Curie should and you and Nimrod allowed, oh done deal. Paul Dobson, whatever dimension you're in right now, I hope you're listening and you're you're fucking in. You know you're in. And I would be honored to have other time suckers here, his name and help carry on this amazing man's memory. Absolutely. People should hear about men and just meet Sachs and general men and women like Paul J. Dops absolutely. I'm currently realist in chronological order is my OCD requires to all the time. So it's currently on 54.
Starting point is 01:52:55 So even if you're able to read this email, it may take a while before I hear it. Well, you got something to look forward to. You'll know it though. That being said, it would be an amazing and an appreciated surprise. One I know, both I and my family would never forget. Thank you again for just taking the time to read this and all that you and your amazing team do like Papa. Leave this world a better place and you entered it.
Starting point is 01:53:14 You truly are an awesome, wonderful sucker. Oh, thank you. I try. I don't always get there. I give it the effort. Sincerely respectfully, forever a fan and a space. So just Brandon, Michael, aka Phoenix. All right. Thank you. Brandon. I appreciate that very much. sincerely respectfully forever a fan and a space such as Brandon Michael aka Phoenix
Starting point is 01:53:33 All right, thank you Brandon. Uh, I appreciate that very much. Appreciate all the messages you all send in and that is all for today Thanks time suckers. I need a net. We all did Thanks again for listening. Keep telling your friends about this little world of ours. Don't maless anyone this week, like anyone at all. Uh, get counseling. Uh, if you even think about it, that you will stay in for the rest of your life. And outside the context of non-consensual encounters with adults or any encounters with kids, keep on sucking.

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