Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 149 - OJ Simpson

Episode Date: July 22, 2019

OJ Simpson. It's been twenty-five years since his *alleged* murder of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. You've heard about the murders. You've heard about the trial. But how much do you really know abou...t "The Juice"? We dive deep today on the life of OJ and look into his childhood, football playing days, acting career and more to establish just why his trial was so shocking. Feel the Heat album Link: https://bit.ly/2WVJuax Donating $2600 this month: 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades Florida Rescuehttp://100plusabandoneddogsofevergladesflorida.org/ Come to my standup special taping at Crofoot in Detroit on Friday, October 18th. Two shows! First is at 6:30PM: https://bit.ly/2N3E1tP Second show is at 9PM: https://bit.ly/2FoADU6 Happy Murder Tour Standup dates: (full calendar at http://dancummins.tv) July 26-27 Cincinnati, OH West Liberty Funnybone CLICK HERE for tix! August 1-3 Charlotte, NC The Comedy Zone CLICK HERE for tix! August 4 Richmond, VA The Funny Bone CLICK HERE for tix! August 9-10 Orlando, FL The Improv CLICK HERE for tix! *** LIVE TIMESUCK *** August 11th - Orlando, FL The Improve CLICK HERE for tix! Listen to the best of my standup on Spotify! (for free!) https://spoti.fi/2Dyy41d Timesuck is brought to you by the following sponsors: MVMT Get 15% off today w/FREE SHIPPING & FREE RETURNS http://mvmt.com/timesuck The Great Courses Plus! Get an all-access trial, for FREE, with thegreatcoursesplus.com/TIMESUCK Watch the Suck on Youtube: https://youtu.be/o9zyaexmfdo Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Want to try out Discord!?! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG, @timesuckpodcast on Twitter, and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're almost 5000 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 OJ Simpson, a man who's trial for the killings of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman has been covered to death pun not intended actually, especially this summer. This past June was the 25th anniversary of the double homicide and everyone's talking about OJ and the infamous murder trial all over again. So why also cover it here on time suck? Well, despite the immense of the coverage, the totality of facts and speculation that has been scrutinized over and over by one legal expert after another, I'm still fascinated. I still want to know more. I'm still curious about the tale of OJ, the juice Simpson. Also, the overwhelming majority of the coverage of OJ revolves almost exclusively around the murders and the trial, but there's so much more to this story. I wanted to know more about the man, and I learned a lot this week.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Why did this trial become so famous? Not to be callous, but a lot of people get murdered in America every year. Generally, over 15,000 people are murdered every year in the United States. So why did the murders of Nicole and Ron get so much attention? In a word, fame. But it's about even more than that. The OJ trial became famous in part because people generally aren't murdered or aren't accused of being murdered by someone even in the ballpark of being as famous as OJ Simpson. I can't stress this enough in this episode. OJ was really, really super duper famous before the murder trial. He was one of the greatest running backs in the history of the NFL, one of college football's greatest ever athletes. And out of America's best
Starting point is 00:01:29 athletes, no one had successfully navigated into a film, TV, and commercial endorsement deal career quite like OJ had. Another running back, Jim Brown would appear in far more films than OJ, but he wasn't in America's face nearly as often as OJ. His exposure not nearly as prevalent. And OJ was more accessible to white America than Jim was. Jim played tough guys on screen. White America was scared of a tough black man. OJ was the picture of likability. Strong, yet harmless, much more comedic than brown.
Starting point is 00:01:59 He seemed ironically so safe. By the time of Nicole and Ron's murders, this seemingly safe African American man, this American dream poster child had been in America's living rooms on their television sets on a regular basis for over 20 years. He'd first showed up nearly 30 years earlier as a handsome breakout star for USC.
Starting point is 00:02:19 A year later, he's on the cover of sports magazines. A year after that, he's the number one pick in the NFL. He's popping up here and there on popular TV shows, soon he's smashing NFL records and being talked about constantly on sports radio nationwide. Soon after that, he's in films and then starring in literally hundreds of television commercials. By the time with the Brentwood murders, millions and millions of Americans had grown up with OJ. They cheered for him in years worth of games.
Starting point is 00:02:45 They laughed hysterically at him in the enormously popular naked gun movies. They bought products he'd pitched. He was an inspiration to many, especially to black America. Many knew his story, a kid who came from nothing. A kid raised in the projects of San Francisco, a kid who's family was so poor, he had rickets. As a young child, his bone suffering from improper nutrition, he was a kid who would be lucky to walk without a limp, and then he somehow forest gummed his way out of some homemade leg braces and into the NFL record books.
Starting point is 00:03:15 He openly dated and then married a beautiful white woman and almost no one protested. Who to thunk that was possible in the late 70s and early 80s in America? White America loved this black man. I can't overstate how important that was to this story and then he stabbed two people to death the safe guy The hurts rent a car guy nor bird from the naked gun movies get the fuck out of here. What? Now couldn't be OJ couldn't do that to everyone who believed in him His guilt wouldn't just be a personal letdown. It will be a racial one. His guilt would throw fuel back on the still smoldering fire of American racism, good old boys across the land will be saying evil shit like togeya, I told you, you just can't trust him.
Starting point is 00:03:53 The trial of OJ became so much more than the trial of one man for murder. If anything, the murders got lost in this nationally televised, nationally scrutinized trial. It felt like racism itself was on trial. If you were white and you thought he was guilty, you were racist. A guilty verdict would just prove once again that white cops and really white American general had to convict another black man for a crime against a white woman. He didn't, he couldn't commit.
Starting point is 00:04:18 We learned in some previous sucks that there have been a long tradition of framing black men for crimes against white women in America. OJ had just had too much success and white Americans couldn't stand it. They had to drag another black man down, try and pull him back into the projects. But as you'll see today, the real story of OJ doesn't have shit to do with race and has everything to do with the man who just couldn't seem to keep his hands off women. A man who saw his wife not as another person, but as an object for him to possess. I really think OJ did it. Holy fuck do I think he did it. Not an ounce of my being believes anything else
Starting point is 00:04:54 after spending a week looking over all this information. We'll look at a little of the evidence that led me to this statement today. And we'll look a lot into the life of the juice. The life OJ led up to his infamous trial, and the life he has led since he was acquitted today on TimeSuck. You listening to TimeSuck. Happy Monday, meet Saks, huddle up here in the cult of curious. I'm Dan Cummins, AKA the master sucker, and you are doing a lot of great shit with
Starting point is 00:05:31 your life right now, like listening to Time Suck and probably not killing anybody, or starting random brush fires. Kudos to you. Recording today in the suck dungeon in Cordelaine, Idaho, the first church in them not loose with Fena Bojangles and Triple M, going to my second Michael Mother fucking McDonald concert tomorrow night with Queen of the Suck Lindsey, Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley, doing the meet and greet. You bet your sweet, shine, sweet freedom, shine, you'll light on me as I am. Hoping to post some spectacular Michael McDonald photos on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I'm gonna try. Been yacht rocking, my balls off in preparation. Back from vacation, recharge, reinvigorated, working hard on time so that Apple updates this week. More beta tests of Lindsay and I's upcoming new horror show. Been reflecting on how to keep this suck and the secret suck fresh and fun. Thankful that the world did not fall apart since I left. Love and the love I feel here on this passion project.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Best job I've ever had. In the dungeon this week with not only the script keeper and the Reverend Doctrine, Queen of the Suck, but also Princeton student and fact sorceress, summer Suck intern Sophie Evans. Stick around for today's time sucker updates as well explaining my controversial choice of emphasizing the butcher baker's stutter last week. A little chance for me to explain my entire comedic point of view. Over 8,000 ratings and reviews on iTunes now and not too many people hate to show actually. So that's a win.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Thank you for your continued ratings and reviews everywhere. Spreads the sucks so well. And speaking of spreading the suck, time to reveal the winner of the second round of the time sucks sticker street team. Do a shitty drumroll. Nearly 2,000 stickers were slapped all over the world in the last couple months, mostly in the US, but still many made it overseas as well. Special thanks to the UK and Australia for leading the international invasion of
Starting point is 00:07:08 suckery. Fucking amazing. Once again, so much fun to steal the picks post online using the hashtag spread of suck. And out of all the posts, we randomly chose Austin, Andrada. Congrats Austin. Oh yeah, thanks for spreading the posts in every sticker you got. You just scored over $100 worth of time suck merch. Reverend Dr. Joe will reach out and contact you regarding your merch or you can reach out
Starting point is 00:07:31 to Joe. You can email him. Joe time suckpodcast.com, be like, okay, what the fuck? I won, give me my stuff. Will there be around three? I certainly think there will be. We'll have more details about that down the road. Looking to be part of more cool community stuff like the street team.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Well, over 10,000 people now in the Colpsel Curious Private Group on Facebook, for people looking for even more social interaction, almost 3000 on Discord, for people looking for even more social interaction content over 5,000 space lizards now on Patreon, links to all of that in the episode description. And thanks again to our Patreon space lizards for helping us donate $2,600 this month to 100 plus abandoned dogs of Everglades, Florida rescue. Link in the episode description for that as well, if you'd like to donate more to that no kill shelter. Back on the road this week, going to be just outside of Cincinnati, going to be in some
Starting point is 00:08:17 three-way chili mac Liberty funny moan. This Friday and Saturday, so get your ass there for some stand up, tool and everything up getting ready for a special recording in October. August 1st to the 3rd Charlotte North Carolina, the comedy zone, August 4th and Richmond, August 9th to the tent in Orlando, the next live, uh, Ant Hill kids suck in Orlando at the end problem, August 11th, Thursday, August 29th, Hollywood, California, showbiz. That's how they do it in Hollywood. Gonna be at the comedy store. Gonna be the other comedy store in La Jolla just outside of San Diego, August 30, 31st, September 1st.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Also a new access design, Rastomania, T-shirt in the store. Oh my God. Space lizards gobbled this bad boy up on Thursday, but we have more in the store this week for everybody. Ed Kemper, Woody, Chica Tilo, me, all in the same dream team, terrifying, also darkly hilarious to me. We're all dressed up like early, early 80s, wrestlers. What is big deal? We're rassles together.
Starting point is 00:09:16 We limp together with tuck socks, shamecocks, something in the cards together. Just like last week, at least just pop into the store, check out the artwork. If there was no time, so podcasts, but least just pop into the store, check out the artwork. If there was no time-soaked podcast, but I just had a merch store, I'd be so damn proud of all the cool, weird shit inside of it. Access on fire with the new designs, shirts made out of a thousand percent miracle tonic, 97% of any and all health problems gone, guaranteed or we will not give your money back. Also hope everybody's enjoying the feel the heat vinyl album just shipped out last week.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Some additions already sold out less than 15 tri colors left over half the Luciferina splatters are gone, linking the store, gift cards also in the store. If you want to give the gift of suck merch in the future, trying to figure out how to do Patreon, give cards. Patreon doesn't have them, so you can share the secret suck. We're brainstorming. We're trying to figure out how to share that to people who don't have the money for that right now.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Okay, so I had to get through a lot of that quickly. I try. Sorry for all the announcements. Shobbiz, that's saying that sweet pain about it. Now let's get back to the topic of the week. Let's get back to it right now here on TimeSuck. The OJ trial is credited for jump starting the modern craze of 24 hour news, even reality TV.
Starting point is 00:10:33 It was the most watched trial in history by far. According to a small study by GQ Magazine, the economy was so entranced with this verdict, the verdict day chaos that the economy lost $480 million in productivity on the day the verdict went down. Long distance calls went down by 58%. Stock market trading went down by 41%. That's insane. Sony electronics and Nielsen,
Starting point is 00:10:57 that television research company, they conducted a joint survey to find out which TV moments had the biggest impacts on viewers in recent history. The 9-11 terrorist attacks, to the list, but the OJ Simpson verdict made its number three. Excuse me, just under Hurricane Katrina estimated that 150 million people, 150 million, tuned in to see how the case turned out. Marsha Clark, one of the OJ trials prosecuting attorneys, explained America's obsession with the case, like this in her
Starting point is 00:11:25 2016 book without a doubt. When I finished writing this book in 1997, I couldn't imagine that we would still be talking about the people versus Orren Thal James Simpson nearly 20 years later, but really no trial since has been as heavily covered as widely followed or as intensely analyzed. Nor has any other case stirred up such a maelstrom of issues, race, celebrity, domestic violence, and the impact of media coverage on the criminal justice system. And Marsha firmly believes OJ did it. Arsha, I'm Arsha, I was a weird combination, Marsha in America.
Starting point is 00:12:00 America was in a strange space at the time of the OJ trial. It's been, you know, just two years since the LA riots caused by what America collectively deemed a egregious police brutality in Rodney King, racial tensions very high. In this episode, we'll wait through OJ's childhood, his long celebrated football career, we'll look at his romantic relationships, including his forgotten first wife and a woman who stuck with him for over 10 years after the death of Nicole. We'll run down a timeline for the trial of the century and we'll also look at the massive amount of crimes O.J. has committed since the 1995 verdict as well as what he's been up to recently.
Starting point is 00:12:35 The suck isn't just a murder mystery, it's a story of O.J. Simpson's rise from poverty to athletic greatness and then his fall as a narcissistic murder. Murderer, my God. Get him get warm back up again after gone a few weeks. greatness and then his fall as a narcissistic murderer. Murderer, my God. Getting, getting warm back up again after God in a few weeks. Let's get to a BFTT, a big fucking time stock timeline, right after a word from today's first sponsor. Time stock has brought to you today
Starting point is 00:12:56 by longtime fan and friend of the show, The Great Courses Plus. For many of us, school was about learning practical, marketable skills, that's good. But deep down, we really wanted to learn about what truly interested us, like dinosaurs, space exploration, painting, playing music. Lucky for us, there is now the great courses plus where you can learn about all of that and so much more.
Starting point is 00:13:16 The service offers a huge library of audio and visual courses on just about any topic you can imagine. All delivered by experts who present the material in a way that's both fun and fascinating, explore everything from the last worlds of South America and extraterrestrial life to writing great fiction and learning a new language. With the great courses plus, you can learn on any device and completely on your schedule.
Starting point is 00:13:36 A little bit more flexible to school with. For sure, couldn't roll into school whenever I felt like learning back in high school in college. For sure, can do that now. I like it. You wanna learn even more about the OJ trial after this suck? Well, go to the Great Courses Plus.
Starting point is 00:13:48 You can learn about famous trials in general. There's a course I found this fantastic called Great Trials of World History. Put your eyeballs and earholes on lecture 10, 29 minutes titled Litigation and Legal Practice, Closing Arguments, Driving Your Theory Home. Study the powerful example of successful of these successful Closing arguments, driving your theory home. Study the powerful example of successful, of the successful Closing arguments
Starting point is 00:14:08 of Johnny Cochrane at the OJ trial, a legendary argument. If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The famous trion of the murder glove, parodyed later in sitcoms and sketches, we're gonna talk about that more here in Times Act today. Fast-dating stuff, make the great courses plus your go-to for lifelong learning.
Starting point is 00:14:24 They're offering time suckers a free trial of unlimited access to their entire library. Sign up today using my special URL, the great courses plus dot com slash time suck. That's the great courses plus dot com slash time suck link in the episode description. BFTT right now. The story of the juice begins on July 9, 1947 when Ornithal James Simpson is born in San Francisco, California. Simpson's mom's family were from Louisiana, and it was his aunt who gave in the name Oranthal, the name of a French actor, she admired. Oranthal will be raised in the predominantly African-American neighborhood of Portrejo Hill, a San Francisco neighborhood known for a decent amount sunshine
Starting point is 00:15:19 for the Bay Area, solid views of the Bay and the city's skyline, a neighborhood that became quote-unquote gentrified in the 90s. In the 1940s, four public housing projects were built there as World War II wound down and the Simpsons lived in one of these projects. And shit was rough in Portrero Hill. Crime and street gangs became prevalent in the area in the late 50s and 60s. A lot of artists and members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community began to move into Petrero Hill, drawn by a location and affordable rent. This melting pot neighborhood is the backdrop for O.J.'s childhood.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Do a YouTube search with the neighborhood right now. Easy to see that the neighborhood still pretty impoverished in many sections to this day. Orrental is the third of four kids of Unice Durden, who is a hospital administrator in Jimmy Lee Simpson, who was a chef, bank custodian, and for a time a door to door knife salesman. O.J. spent a fair amount of his youth accompanying Jimmy door to door across Central California, selling knives until his father would go to prison for using one on a potential customer in Sacramento in 1958. Jimmy would be giving a public defender would spend 35 years in prison for a knife double homicide And ornithal was determined to never follow in his father's footsteps as a young child
Starting point is 00:16:32 He learned that if you ever end up stabbing the fuck out of a couple people You got to hire a good attorney or multiple attorneys if you don't want to go to prison O.J.'s dad did not sell knives. I hate would be a weird, fantastic detail of the story. He didn't spend much time with OJ either. OJ would be raised primarily by his mother, Eunice. She'd be his rock until her death in 2001. OJ's father would be around, but didn't spend a lot of time in the home. His parents would separate when OJ was five for reasons.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Good reasons that we made clear in just a few moments. Simpson ran with some local gangs when he was a kid. He got into a fair amount of fights as he grew up in the Portreau Hill projects. But for the area, he did have a pretty solid home life thanks to his mother. His mom, Eunice kept OJ away from a neighborhood cycle of violence, crime, and imprisonment for a while. She did that when he was young. She did her best. A long time friend of OJ's named John Greenberg would later recall the oasis of normalcy. Eunice had worked so hard to create for the Simpson family, saying, there were always three
Starting point is 00:17:30 meals on the table. The house was kept up and he always had a mother at home he could go to. When Simpson's got into trouble, it was his mother who helped straighten him out. Greenberg continued, it would have been very easy for him to get into a lot of trouble around here, but he had to wear with all and the mind to listen to people with good advice, namely his mother. Apparently Ornthal was not listening when she advised him not to beat the shit out of his wife on a regular basis when he got older or stabbed people. But again, she did her best.
Starting point is 00:17:57 At OJ's 975, Hall of Fame NFL acceptance speech many years later, he lamented about his mother saying, what do you say about the most important person in your life? I'm just glad she's here today. My mother, I mean, you just don't know what it is to be eight years old and have all your friends think that you have the best mother in the neighborhood. He also said, I remember when I was about nine years old, my mother worked all her life. And she took the whole family on vacation to visit her sister in Las Vegas. And she had two weeks off. She to visit her sister in Las Vegas, and she had two weeks off.
Starting point is 00:18:26 She worked a graveyard shift in San Francisco General Hospital for 30-something years. And while we were down there, about five days into the vacation, I had to play in my first little league baseball game, and I was moping around, and she noticed how sad I was.
Starting point is 00:18:38 And I don't know. She drove me 700 miles in the middle of this vacation. She took me 700 miles back to San Francisco, so I wouldn't miss my first little league game. I know I wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for my mother's prayers. So strange to me, for someone to value their mother so much, to appreciate a woman so much,
Starting point is 00:18:57 have a woman be the most important person in his life, and then be so abusive to another woman. The mother of his children, his wife, at the same time he's given this speech. And I know that, you know, he was found innocent, obviously, at the little, you know, the criminal trial. He was, you know, convicted with spousal abuse. So when I mentioned him being a domestic violence person, there's no doubt about that.
Starting point is 00:19:18 He absolutely beat women. In 1952, O.J.'s father, Jimmy Lee Simpson, separated from unis, but would remain in the neighborhood and have some presence in the life of OJ into three siblings. Brother Melvin and sisters, Carmelita and Shirley, brother Melvin a year older than OJ would force sure kill a woman in 2005, by the way. It was an accident, but still one of the odds of that. He was driving a San Francisco airport shuttle when he ran into a concrete support column. They think he fell asleep and then a 57 year old Phoenix woman was thrown from the transport
Starting point is 00:19:47 van and died instantly. Six other people also injured. Again, just weird random detail. Back to OJ's pro football hall of fame speech. OJ had this to say about his dad. He said, my dad, Jimmy, what do you say about your dad? There are people who are raised and broken homes. Even though my dad didn't live under the same roof as us during most of my youth, he was
Starting point is 00:20:06 always there, dad, he was always there. I always had a father. I love you for it. OJ's relationship with his dad was a lot more complicated than he made it seem in that speech. Ornthal's father, Jimmy Lee Simpson, had lived a secret life for quite some time. He was a gay man when it was a lot harder to be openly gay than it is now, even a San Francisco. Especially if you were a black man. Jimmy became a well-known drag queen in the San Francisco Bay area. And OJ reportedly was incredibly ashamed of his father's sexuality. Jimmy would later die of
Starting point is 00:20:35 AIDS during San Francisco's AIDS epidemic, not long after his Hall of Fame speech on June 9, 1986. Having an openly gay father did not prevent OJ from becoming aggressively homophobic to illustrate this. There was an alleged incident during New Year's Eve, Night City 9, when according to a friend of Simpsons, OJ freaked out at Nicole for allowing their son to simply sit next to an openly gay man at a restaurant. This friend found out the next day that Simpsons apparently beat the shit out of Nicole the previous night over this incident. Again, allegedly, one of the many, many, many times he allegedly would beat Nicole.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Clearly, dude probably had some shame and anger issues around dad. Early in OG's childhood, no one would have predicted future athletic greatness. Simpson developed Ricketts. Ricketts had skeletal disorder. We learned about in the Joseph Fritzel suck that's caused by a lack of vitamin D calcium or phosphate We're braces on his legs until the age of five given him a bow leg it stands and apparently superhuman fucking strength Maybe that's how you get a really fast kid make him overcome Rickets Not a lot of kids growing up in nice neighborhoods full of plenty of money getting cases of Rickets
Starting point is 00:21:41 According to a handful of accounts as an infant OJ's legs were so bowed and misshaped that his grandma actually took the curtain rods down each night to brace his legs while he slept. She would also allegedly tie his high tops on backwards to desperately straighten, to try and straighten his feet. I don't know about the high tops today. Maybe that's myth, but maybe the curtain rods and not not a lot of affluent families tying curtain rods to baby's legs to counteract rickets.
Starting point is 00:22:04 That is some poor people shit. By 1960 now 13 year old OJ no longer in need of curtain rods for a little ricket legs. His ricket legs had grown big and strong and straight, kind of. So it was head. He had grown a big old head that would lead to a very shitty nickname. OJ was a tough scrappy street kid in 1960, even joined a gang, a gang called the Persian Warriors. That's fucking dope gang name, by the way way way better than the nickname I'm about to reveal
Starting point is 00:22:28 for him. The Persian warriors ran out of the Portrero Hill slums and according to a few of OJ's early friends this gang nicknamed Simpson waterhead because he was born with a way larger than normal head which he still has. Find a picture of OJ anywhere. He has a fucking massive head. If you may, I'm not kidding. If you made a bobble head figure of OJ, you would not have to increase the existing head to torso kind of ratio of size there. Just do, just do what as is. He's
Starting point is 00:22:57 naturally a bobble head. Poor little dude gets past his ricket legs. Now he's got a water head, which is such a terrible nickname. If you don't know, water head is also slang for someone developmentally disabled who has a large head. Essentially, water head was the equivalent of the derogatory term retard. Basically his nickname was retard, which you know, less than ideal. The first time a water head everyone to jail was when he was running with the Persian warriors. The details on the crime sketchy seems to have been something like he some theft, some beer, some, some youth shit after getting released from a youth center in California
Starting point is 00:23:32 after one of his youth arrests for some type of petty theft crime. OJ was required to have adult supervision every afternoon to help OJ his grandma figured out a way for Simpson to become the manager of the junior high football team. She had no idea this decision would lead to one of the greatest NFL running back careers of all time. After about three days, watching other players, OJ felt like he was, he was better than those who were playing, wanted to give it a go. Trouble was, I'm not making this up. The team would not have a helmet big enough to fit his giant melon.
Starting point is 00:24:03 You know the Persian warriors who he was still running with had a fucking field day with that. The legend goes that some of his warrior buddies located the helmet large enough for water head. He was given a crack at making the tea. And then after pounding the shit out of his teammates for a week and practice, the other boys learned real quick they should not be calling him water head. They tabbed his strong and speedy oranthal with the new nickname using his initials O OJ, Orrental James. The nickname, the juice came out of that as in OJ for Orange Juice. That's how the juice became his nickname.
Starting point is 00:24:33 The following year, 1961, OJ would be a freshman at the public high school, Galileo Academy of Science and Technology. OJ, someone who was never a good student, earned a C-minus average, would barely graduate, but he would dominate on the field. In 1962 as a sophomore, OJ would meet another important influence in his life. One of his first coaches, Jack McCaffrey. McCaffrey had such an influence on OJ that Simpson with thank him profusely 23 years later when he was being abducted into the pro football hall of fame.
Starting point is 00:24:59 While OJ was a tremendous athlete, his Galileo team sucked. In OJ's junior year, the Lions lost nine games, one, zero. OJ did make some lifetime friends on this team though, like the future driver of his infamous four Bronco police chase Galileo offensive lineman, Al AC Callins. AC also introduced AJ to his first wife, kind of. AC was dating 16 year old Galileo high school sophomore Marguerite Whitley. And when Calians and his girlfriend were having issues as a couple, AC asked OJ to talk to her. And OJ talks so well to her, he stole AC's girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:25:34 The Calians was reportedly arranged, but he eventually cooled off, sucked by Simpson's side. Calians would actually follow Simpson to the City College of San Francisco and then on to USC where they played football together. And Whitley and OJ would date the rest of the time they were in high school and beyond. OJ's senior year, his team went five and three, including upsetting the favorite St. Ignatius high school team. OJ almost single handedly won that game, scoring all four of his teams touchdowns to help beat St. Ignatius, the defending city champion 31 to 28.
Starting point is 00:26:02 That's about as dominant as one player can be in a football team. Oren Thaw would also participate in track and baseball, a Galileo, and then graduate in 1965. Despite being recruited by several top universities, Simpson's grades did not qualify him for a four-year college. And from 1965 to 1966, he attended the City College of San Francisco, a member of the California Community College System. They had a football team, Simpson played on both sides of the field. On offense, he was starting
Starting point is 00:26:28 running back and on defense, he was one of the starting defensive backs and he was a fucking monster, cutting and slashing through the feds with ease. So hard not to constantly say things like that. OJ broke junior college records with 26 touchdowns and an obscene 9.9 average yards per carry his first year. For non football fans, that stat is insane. You have four downs in American football to get a first down and keep possession of the ball as you try to score a touchdown or field goal on offense. OJ averaged a first down every time he touched the ball. The only thing better than that would be to score a touchdown every time you got the ball, which only happens if you discover a cheat code on a video game.
Starting point is 00:27:07 He was the closest thing to a cheat code in a real life football game. On June 24th, 1967, at the age of 19, Simpson marries his high school sweetheart, Margarit L. Whitley. The forgotten first wife, they'd spend over a decade together. They'd also have three children, daughter Arnell L. Simpson born in 68, son L. Simpson born in 1970 and daughter Aaron L. Simpson loved L nicknames Middle name excuse me born in 1977 Now back to 1967 that fall Simpson got an athletic scholarship to attend the University of Southern California in Los Angeles O.J. I wanted to play at USC because it was a football powerhouse and as he would put it, a place where I can learn which fork to use for dinner.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I actually still internally panic when there's more than one fork put down in front of me. You know, I've just, Lindsey just finally told me, you go outside in, salad fork to the left, meal fork by the plate. I had to Google that even though she told me. Once you start adding multiple knives and spoons and another shit, I don't even, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I get confused. I did figure out that I'm pretty sure you what you can do is you can always grab the sharpest knife affront of you and then stare menacingly at other diners and use that knife to point at them. And then if I remember correctly, you'd eat how were the fuck you want and no one bothers you. OJ struggled at USC for about a day, then dominated. And his first practice, according to USC, head coach John McCay, he fumbled and was hesitant. But by the time the season began, back to complete domination. And his first year of NCAA division one football, OJ ran the ball 291 times for a nation leading 1543 yards, 13 touchdowns and 11 games. He was an all-American, close runner up for the Heisman, led the Trojan to the conference championship.
Starting point is 00:28:45 A lot of the time is one of the greatest football games in college football history. The game pitted OJ and his USC Trojans against their pack eight now pack 12 rivals UCLA. And the man who just barely beat out OJ for the Heisman trophy that year, UCLA quarterback, the great Gary Beben. For you non-foboffans, Gary Beben is arguably the greatest quarterback in NFL history, easily top four. He's on the rush more of NFL quarterbacks, Brady, Montana, Manning, Beben. If people around you are talking about football and you want to at least come across like
Starting point is 00:29:16 you casually understand the game, just reference number 113. That was Gary's number when he played for the Kansas City Thunder. You can talk about the Beben bomb. Dude had a cannon for an arm. 1971, he withdrew for over 85,000 yards and 91 touchdowns. He threw a then record 250 yard touchdown pass that season in an overtime victory against the Houston Black OX. He won the Saiyong.
Starting point is 00:29:37 He won the Masters Green Jacket that year, not bad for a welterweight. And as actual football fans know, our people familiar with just American professional sports, just on fucking any level at all. That was complete nonsense. Beacon was drafted by the Rams, traded to the Redskins, rode the bench for two seasons, rode the bench a year in Denver, went on to kill it in the Southern California real estate game. So don't feel sorry for the beeps. And this big USC versus UCLA victory, Bell rivalry game. USC was down by six points in the fourth quarter with under 11 minutes to play on their own 36 yard line.
Starting point is 00:30:08 USC backup quarterback, Toby Page called an audible on third and seven handed the ball to OJ, not normally good to run the ball on third and seven. OJ runs for 64 yards for a game time touchdown. The extra point provided a 21-20 lead that would go on to be the final score. OJ was the hero. His touchdown run has been referred to by some as one of the best runs ever in the history of college football. This puts OJ on the front page of the paper nationwide.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Talk of the town as they'd say. Maybe the first, first front page of the sports page nationwide. Let me clarify that. Still, still a big deal. Front page of the paper overall in LA. The talk of the town, less than a year prior, you know, he's a junior college running back, living in some San Francisco projects.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Now he's killing it on a national level. He starts taking acting lessons, makes a cameo and the popular fictionalized LAPD TV show Dragnet, the Jews becoming a big deal. As soon as his ego will master size with giant head. Then on January 1, 1968 in front of nearly 103,000 people at the game, OJ scored the only two touchdowns for, and became Rose Bowl MVP.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Huge deal in college football. His team finished rank number one in the final associate of press and coaches polls that season ended the year with a 10-1 record. OJ ran for over 1500 yards, 13 touchdowns again, 11 games, 23 years old. People already saved one of the greatest running backs that were lived just getting started. Well, OJ didn't win the coveted Heisman by a small margin 1967. He did win the Walter Camp Award, another award for one of the best players in college football, six foot two, two hundred and twelve pounds.
Starting point is 00:31:40 His combination of running speed and size made him a rare athlete, not huge by today's standards. A lot of running backs now hover on two pounds and are just as fast or faster as modern training techniques, but dude could run the 100 yard dash and just under 10 seconds, 100 meter dash just over 10 seconds. Bucking grease lightning. NFL general managers and coaches were tripping over themselves to draft this guy, but he had one year of college left back when college athletes tended to spend multiple years in college. In Simpson's senior year at USC, 1968, more dominance ran for almost 1,900 yards.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Now, 23 touchdowns in 11 games. Over 2,000 all-purpose yards lead the Trojans to another nine-win season. USC again ranked number one in the nation going into the Rose Bowl. This time in the Rose Bowl, OJ and Trojansans did lose to the Buck ice. Buck in Buck ice. Really fighting yelling OA right now because my wife is from Ohio. While the Trojans lost, Simpson had a great individual game running for 171 yards. That's a lot, including an 80 yard touchdown run. That's a great run. Simpson's season was so good in February 1969. Sport magazine named OJ Man of the Year, proclaiming most experts are rating OJ Simpson as the
Starting point is 00:32:49 greatest running back in the history of college football. And yes, I did say sport magazine, not sport illustrated. Back in the 60s, the biggest magazine in the world of American athletics was simply called sport. Uh, last year until 2000, after his popularity faded dramatically in the 70s. I just, I love the title. I love how simple it is. Very caveman. Sport. What are you reading? I read in sport. It's like calling a news magazine just news or any kind of like adult, you know, picture magazine porn, sport, car, fashion, travel, food, movie. I like sport car, food porn, wife like fashion, travel, movie.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Maybe porn too. OJ also won the famous Heisman on 68. The illustrious Heisman awarded 81 times, never before nor since, has the voting margin been as great as it was for OJ Wanted in a unprecedented landslide Far and away the best college football player in America 21 year old OJ's 20 year old wife Marguerite Also out of their first child in 68 daughter Arnell and OJ lands a few more small acting rules such as ironically playing a prison guard in the name of the game one of the
Starting point is 00:34:03 1968 most popular TV shows a show that gave a young Steven Spielberg, one of his first directorial opportunities by the way. After the 1968, 69 season, Simpson indeed become the first person in NFL draft, first person chosen, picked by the Buffalo Bills, the lowly bills, terrible team, but the money was good. It would be record breaking money for Simpson, the owner of the Buffalo Bills, Ralph Wilson, set of Simpson's deal. Simpson will be getting more money than any rookie has been paid since the merger between the American and national leagues.
Starting point is 00:34:33 And Buffalo will be getting what it feels is an outstanding football player, who one day may take a place among the great running backs of this game. Simpson was the Buffalo Bills top priority and his contract earned OJ a bonus that made him rich. Simpson's contract was for four years, presumed to be in the ballpark of $350,000, which sounds terrible now, but a lot of money in the 1960s. That would be over $2 million today. Still way lower than what most NFL players make now, but a ton by 1960s professional athlete standards. Despite paying Simpson so much money, the bills used him sparingly in his first three years. And his rookie season in 69, OJ would touch the ball
Starting point is 00:35:10 about 15 or 16 times a game. Bill's won only four out of 14 games. Simpson finished his rookie year with 697 Russian yards, total of five touchdowns in the 13 games that he played in. Despite the low numbers, Simpson was selected in his first pro bowl team. He and his wife split time between New York and LA and OJ continued to land a few small TV roles. OJ, second year in the NFL in 1970 produced even lower numbers. OJ played only eight games due to injury average only 61 yards in those games. He would run for under 500 yards, not be selected for the pro bowl. He did have a few bright spots including the kickoff that you know, he's returned, he returned to 95 yards for a touchdown
Starting point is 00:35:47 OJs bills at a terrible season won only three games People starting to wonder now if Simpson was a bust and his personal life OJ and Marguerite celebrated the birth of their second child Jason in April of 1970 Let's get away from sports stats a bit further talk about OJs first marriage a tiny bit more until this week I don't remember knowing that OJ was even married before Nicole. Marguerite has been described as shy and private, given very, very, very few interviews over the years. She was an incredibly beautiful woman. In my opinion, as a track to remorse out, then Nicole was, Nicole was known to be beautiful. She's still alive, possibly remarried to a furniture salesman according
Starting point is 00:36:21 to the internet, definitely doing her best to stay out of the spotlight. OJ would claim it was famed to destroy his marriage to Margarit. She hated being recognized in public. There might have been more to it than that. She was once interviewed by Barbara Walters for 2020, 1995 after the murder of OJ's second wife. And she claimed that while OJ was not faithful to her, he was notoriously unfaithful, actually, also not abusive. She said, if OJ had hit her, he would have
Starting point is 00:36:46 got, quote, a frying pan upside his head. There was just no way that I would allow that to happen to me. Maybe true, but I don't buy it. A month following this interview in February 1995, a retired LAPD officer named James Jim King spoke to inside edition about a domestic violence call to Simpson home in West LA during the mid 70s saying Marguerite indicated that OJ had punched her, kicked her, choked her, had forced her to the ground. He never denied touching Marguerite to the contrary. He said he should have not touched her. So you can decide for yourself who to believe.
Starting point is 00:37:19 I will also add that after the death of Nicole numerous LAPD officers came forward reporting that they've been called out to the Simpson home many, many, many times for domestic violence issues. Chargers almost never filed. So while there is no record, no arrest record of OJ beating Margaret, that does not mean he didn't do that. And there really isn't much else known about Margarit. Very little has ever been written about and he gets feeling that's kind of the way she wants it. In one old picture of OJ, Margarit, OJ has a decent size afro,
Starting point is 00:37:51 and holy shit was that not a good look at him. Especially accompanied by Tidass, early 70s polyester pants and a tight button up shirt. It looked like someone photoshopped his head to be twice as big as the head should be. Like I have a big head, but goddamn. The horrible water head nickname makes so much more sense to me than more like these old pictures.
Starting point is 00:38:08 I get why he started keeping his throw nice and tight for the rest of his life. No acting roles for OJ in 1970. Perhaps his interest was fading as his on field star power also fading. 1971 NFL season would be OJ's best so far, but still like a great one. Still underperforming based on expectations.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Runs for over 700 yards. For the third year in a row scores five touchdowns. Bill Bill's win only one game, no acting roles, fame meter continuing to drop along with his football start of meter. As you might guess, OJ not super happy about a situation in Buffalo, but new head coach shows up changes everything helps launch OJ to new fame heights For the 1972 NFL season loose Saban becomes head coach to the Buffalo Bills Centres the bills offense around OJ starts to give him the ball more than 30 times a game the team still only wins four games ties one ties another out of 14, you know, but OJ finally gets to show what he can do in the NFL field He runs for 292 times 14 games leads the NFL with over 1200 Russian yards, named the probell again.
Starting point is 00:39:09 For the first time named to the first team, all pro squad best of the best, resumes his fledgling acting career, making an appearance in the TV series Cades County, playing someone who murders an art collector. Nice. And then 1973 will be huge for OJ. Some football experts believe that 73 in 73 OJ had the best season a best season running back has ever had statistically in the NFL like fucking like ever to this day. Others say OJ's 1975 season was even better. Both seasons make virtually every
Starting point is 00:39:38 list of top five best seasons for NFL running back again to this day, do dominated in 73 in the NFL. Like he dominated college football in 1968. The juice let fucking loose became the first player to run for more than 2000 yards in a season, gained 2003 yards in the ground. He will forever be the only player to ever rush for 2000 yards in a 14 game season. It was changed to 16 games in 78. OJ is 143.1 rushing yards per game. Still an NFL record.
Starting point is 00:40:07 OJ also had three games in 73 season with over 200 yards rushing in the game. That's nuts. That's almost single-handedly taken over an NFL game. Only one player, another NFL great name, Earl Campbell, had four such games in 1984 would ever have more. To go with his record-breaking Russian yards, he also scored 12 touchdowns ran for a career
Starting point is 00:40:26 high six yards per carry. Few runners will ever rush for over five yards per carry by the end of the season. Ezekiel Elliott of the Dallas Cowboys led the NFL in rushing last year. Average 4.7 yards a game for perspective. Simpson was easily named in 1973's NFL 1973 NFL is most valuable player MVP, allegedly the pro bowl, all pro team, first team again, or enthalled James Simpson kid from the projects known as waterhead. Now one of the most famous athletes in America, the Buffalo bills even had a winning season.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Go nine and five and up second in the AFC, AFC East, OJ's rise and football fame makes it easier to get acting gigs. He appears on Lucille balls. Here's Lucy. Doesn't even play a prison guard or a murderer. He also appears on Owen Marshall, counselor at law, which sounds like some shit I made up. It was a real show. He even appeared in his first film, a movie called Why. He plays Bud, professional football player who has issues with his conservative father. It was a film no one saw. It was a film commissioned by Technicolor as an experiment and how to transfer video to film.
Starting point is 00:41:25 But still, still was a movie and he was in it. In 1974, OJ went from over 140 Rush N yards game to just over 80, from 12 touchdowns, only three. However, still rushed over 1000 yards, still recognized as an elite running back, selected the pro bowl for a fourth time, put on the NFL all pro team for a third straight year. The bills had their second straight winning season, Again, ranking second AFC East nine wins five losses this time.
Starting point is 00:41:49 They do make the playoffs. It was OJ's first time the NFL playoffs. It also be his last. The bills would lose in the first round to the eventual NFL champion Pittsburgh Steelers 32-14, but OJ did score the bills only two touchdowns. Also received parks and two Hollywood films that year appeared in the Klansman, which started Lee Marvin. In the Klansman, OJ did score the bills only two touchdowns. Also received parks and two Hollywood films that year appeared in the Klanzman, which started Lee Marvin. In the Klanzman, OJ plays Garth, a friend of a man accused by the Ku Klux Klan of raping a white woman.
Starting point is 00:42:13 The movie was a huge box office flop, pan by critics, but it was a real movie. OJ was on the big screen. Also appeared in a small role, playing a security officer, in the towering in Ferno, starred Paul Newman and team McQueen. Huge film dominated the awards won. It was nominated for eight Oscars. Highest grossing film of 1974. So OJ's acting is now getting a lot of eyeballs on it. Juice is killing life.
Starting point is 00:42:37 That's accidental. Exadental. 1975 OJ takes zero film of television jobs and has either the second best or the best season ever for running back according to some people in the NFL. Despite not showing up on any TV show, Simpson is all over the small screen. He lands numerous endorsement deals in 75. He's extremely likable, charismatic. This is what made his case so exceptional. America fucking love the juice.
Starting point is 00:43:00 1975, he became the face of a huge Hertz rental car ad campaign that would last all the way into the early 90s. To give an idea of how big this campaign was, how prevalent he was on television, think about flow from the progressive commercials. If you don't know who I'm talking about right now, you apparently haven't watched any television since around 2007. Flow is the bubbly, brunette character with the bright red lipstick, always wearing a white uniform, always pitch and progressive.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Now imagine if the actress plain flow also the biggest star in America's favorite college sport, also the biggest star in America's most popular professional sport and in movies and in sitcoms. That's how popular OJ was. Household name. Simpson was a star for Hertz, depicted in their commercials running through airports, serving as the embodiment of speed. Simpson himself would later estimate that as Hertz commercials raised his recognition rate
Starting point is 00:43:51 among random people he'd meet on the street in the United States from 30% to over 90%. Almost everybody knew who this dude was. 1975, OJ led the National Football League with over 1800 Russian yards, over 2200 yards overall, career high, 16 Russian touchdown yards, over 2200 yards overall, career high, 16 Russian touchdowns, NFL record of the time, 23 total touchdowns. Simpson's 129.8 yards per game in 1975, Russian-wise, still fifth highest NFL history. In 1976, OJ returns to acting, playing an interpol agent in another flop, the Cassandra Cross and Starrings, Starrings to feel a grin, Martin Sheen, the film literally booed and hissed at my film critics at a preview
Starting point is 00:44:30 screening. Richard, Edner of the New York Times called the film profound, a profoundly, offensively stupid. It makes me laugh so hard to think about pretentious film critics literally booing and hissing. I just love that people actually did that at a movie screen. Boo! I don't like it, boo! We get it, you self-serious fuck, you don't like it.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Just write your bad review and shove your hisses up your silly little ass. OJ also appeared in Killer Force, aka the Diamond Mercenary starting Telly Savales, Peter Fonda, Christopher Lee, OJ's biggest role in a proper film, playing a member of a Diamond Stealing Gang, B movie for sure, but top 5 billion for OJ. Now 29 year old Simpson's 1976 NFL season was another huge year for him. It was his final truly great year statistically, NFL running backs tend to generally not fare too well as they get close and pass the age of 30 too many hard hits. Simpson led the NFL in rushing for the fourth time in five years with over 1500 yards on
Starting point is 00:45:33 290 carries in 14 games four times in five years is insane. While Jim Brown led the NFL in rushing eight times between 57 and 65. Since OJ entered the league only only Eric Dickerson, Emmett Smith and Barry Sanders have also led the league four times. Emmett Smith, the only other one to do it four to five years. Domination. Simpson scored eight touchdowns on the ground, caught another one for a total nine scores. Third, Simpson of a season of Simpson's career that he would average over a hundred yards of game, a rare feat for running back to do once in a season, even today.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Simpson also had the best game of his career during the Thanksgiving game against the Detroit Lions. You master then record 273 yards and 29 carries two touchdowns. Still, the six highest number in pro football history for a single game in 1977, not a huge football year for Simpson, huge year for our tale today in the summer of 77 30-year-old OJ meets future second wife future murder victim Nicole Brown while she's working as a I just turned 18 years old a few weeks ago waitress at a private Beverly Hills club called the Daisy although still married to Marguerite Simpson began secretly dating the just graduated from high school Brown Simpson said an interview that he and his first wife weren't officially divorced when he met Nicole, but that the night before OJ and Nicole met, he and Marguerite had agreed
Starting point is 00:46:52 to a separation. Maybe true. Maybe convenient, but maybe OJ just trying to look good. When OJ met Nicole, Marguerite was pregnant with the couple's third child, daughter Erin, born in September 24th. Simpson's 77 season with the bills would be his last in the cold ass outdoor child, daughter Aaron born in September 24th. Simpson's 77 season with the bills would be his last in the cold ass outdoor games of upstate New York. OJ started out strong in 77 averaging almost 80 yards game, but he would play in only seven
Starting point is 00:47:13 games due to injury going to have knee surgery later in the year. And then Simpson will be traded to his hometown team, the San Francisco 49ers, 1977, also a breakout year for OJ's film career. He scored a role in the wildly popular, critically acclaimed TV miniseries Roots. Also started a made for TV movie called a killing affair, playing a homicide detective who has an affair with his white detective partner. What was no worthy is that this interracial relationship garnered almost zero controversy during a time when interracial romance, especially on the on the on the screen, not wildly accepted in a still overtly racist aside. That's how beloved OJ was. He wasn't seen by generally still pre-racist America as a black man. He was the juice. He transcended
Starting point is 00:47:56 skin color. He was a kickass running back who's also really funny, well spoken and polite and handsome and all those hurts commercials. If you were super racist as a white dude, where your daughter had to marry a black man, it was a good chance you're gonna pick OJ. If not OJ, maybe Michael Jackson, who would just turned 18 and hadn't yet transformed into a weird creepiest fuck mannican person, who if not a pedophile, certainly not someone who should be your go-to choice for babysitting. In 77, OJ also started alongside Elliot Gold and James Brolin as an astronaut in Capricorn one, a movie about NASA, faking a Mars landing. Illuminati!
Starting point is 00:48:30 The whole Hollywood thing started to look real promising for OJ. 1978, clear that Simpson's football career is winding down. The Niners, they're terrible. They score the lowest amount of points in the league that year, set an NFL record with 63 turnovers. OJ plays only 10 games, rushes for under 1600 yards scores only one rushing touchdown, fumbles five times, ran for a career low of 3.7 yards per carry and his next season wouldn't be any better, but he was rich, making tons of hurts money, dating a hot blonde 18 year
Starting point is 00:48:59 old Beverly Hills waitress. March the 79, OJ and Marguerite finalized their divorce. Now OJ is free to openly date Nicole and he does. And then just five months later, tragedy strikes, OJ and Margarit's two year old daughter, Aaron, Lashone, Simpson, drowns in the family's swimming pool, less than a month after her second birthday. Paramedics responded to a call, OJ's home, when they arrived, they find a little toddler laying lifeless beside the pool.
Starting point is 00:49:24 The cause of her death would be listed as respiratory failure. We do not have any additional details other than no wrongful death or negligence charges were finally against OJ or Margarit despite the two-year-old wandering into the pool alone. Was there a locking gates trying to the pool that somebody forgot to lock? Does someone leave a slider unlocked? Was the someone OJ? Was the someone Margarit? Ascibbling was OJ supposed to be watched for that day But he was too busy fucking around his new girlfriend. We don't know Her death could have been an entirely accidental or it could have been somebody's fault
Starting point is 00:49:53 As far as football 1979 Simpsons last season in the National Football League plays in 13 games Again for the Niners starts in only eight the juice not on the the loose. The juice is contained. Juices in the bottle, cap is on fucking tight. OJ would carry the ball under 10 times a game, finished with the lowest output of his career, 460 yards, and the Niners win only two games. In 11 seasons in the NFL, OJ played for a winning team, only three times, played in only one playoff game. However, finished his career
Starting point is 00:50:21 with over 11,000 career yards rushing, which when he retired was the second most NFL history behind legendary Jim Brown. OJ still ranks 21st all time in career, career rushing yards, 40 years after retiring. Despite playing, you know, when they played two less games a season, Simpson also still 12th all time in average rushing yards per game and a career, which ended up at 83.2 yards a game over 135 games played. So again, OJ wasn't just a good football player, one of the best of all time.
Starting point is 00:50:49 When he retired, he was arguably the greatest running back in the history of the NFL, at least in the conversation with Jim Brown. And thanks to tons of hurt's commercials and cameos and several TV shows and a few films, wildly famous, wildly popular with both white and black America. With his football career now behind him, he devotes even more time to acting, which would only increase his fame. In 1979, he starred in a British thriller with 45 year old bombshell. So feel a rent.
Starting point is 00:51:15 One of the most beautiful women of all time in my opinion, James Coburn called Firepower. He gets third billion this time. He's on the official film poster now. The movie was pan by critics, but still a movie and OJ still one of its stars. Also in 79, OJ starts up his own film production company, Oranthal Productions, which dealt strictly and made for TV movies where people get stabbed. They made 73 stab movies. No, they didn't. They made several TV movies though. The first of five made for TV films
Starting point is 00:51:42 Simpson would make was called goalie in the boxer also came out nineteen seventy nine oj would be the executive producer on the film as well as a star in in the critically acclaimed it was not critically uh... in the movie oj played a man named Joe Gallagher who was an unknown boxer who gets spurred on to fight for the title again by the ten year old daughter of deceased of deceased boxing champ uh... little goalie the movie was pan by critics but, but rated well enough for NBC when it debuted on December 32, land a sequel on NBC called Goldie and the boxer go to Hollywood. In Goldie and the boxer go to Hollywood, Goldie turned 16 and the boxer again played by
Starting point is 00:52:15 OJ starts to have a sexual relationship with her. Then just a few months into the romance Goldie catches the boxer cheating on her over and over again. When she finally confronts him and threatens to leave leave he beats the ever loving shit out of her. Eventually, concern family and friends encourage Goldie to call the police when she does charges are not filed. This happens time and time again. Finally, Goldie divorces the boxer, strikes out on her own until one day the boxer in
Starting point is 00:52:37 a fit of jealous rage stabs Goldie and John Goldman, her friend impossible lover to death in front of Goldie's Brentwood condo. And then the boxer gets away with it through some legal tom foolery critics found the film wildly distasteful it rated well enough for a third film to be greenlit and the trilogy was completed with the next uh... release of now that goldies did the box refining was a prison for sealant of his old
Starting point is 00:52:57 championship belts back from a collector critics felt a title was lengthy but most were happy that the boxers character finally got some goddamn justice. And of course, that's not true. But the plot of the, that's not true about the plot of the second movie, the existence of the third, two movies were made. In 1980, with O.J. Retirement NFL is a sure fire, fire hall of famer, his new girlfriend
Starting point is 00:53:20 and his acting star and a film production company on the rise, OJ is living the American dream. Nicole and OJ get a new place in Beverly Hills. Unlike Marguerite, Nicole loves the spotlight. OJ and Nicole are often seen together with other celebrities and athletes at high profile Hollywood parties. Behind the scenes, different story though, while OJ and Marguerite may have had their own domestic violence issues, Nicole and OJ had them for sure.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Nicole did not come from OJ's neighborhood. He did not meet her when he didn't have a dollar in his pocket. They didn't grow up together, come from nothing together, experience the first taste of success together that a very different relationship dynamic. Nicole, well she was actually born in Germany, grew up in Orange County. She was a so-cow kid. She was a homecoming queen in high school who grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood, not far from the beach. When she met OJ, he was already a celebrity. He was rich, famous, and much older than her. He was 12 years older, which isn't a huge deal when one person is like 32 and another
Starting point is 00:54:13 person is 44. But for sure a huge deal when one person is 30 and another is 18. In that situation, one person is fully an adult, one person is comparatively still a kid in so many ways. And if you disagree, I'm almost certain you're under 30. With rare exception, one person knows who the fuck they are and one person just starting to find out. Nicole was an OJ's partner.
Starting point is 00:54:34 From the beginning, I think it's pretty fair to assume he viewed her as his possession. In my opinion, when someone in their 30s or older is dating people in their teens, they're generally not looking to be challenged in any way. After Nicole's death, the world would learn that Nicole had survived seven or eight separate occasions of reported domestic violence and quite likely several dozens of other incidents that were not reported. More on that a little bit later.
Starting point is 00:54:59 In 1980, OJ was part of only one Hollywood project, a made for TV movie he produced and starred in called D Tour to Terror. OJ was once again, the executive producer on this, his official one sentence description, makes it sound like possibly the greatest movie ever made. A homicidal dune buggy trio, terrorizes a busload of Las Vegas bound tourists with the intent to kidnap one of them. I'm sorry, do you say dune bugs?
Starting point is 00:55:23 You say Vegas tourists being terrorized? Holy shit, I'm in. OJ plays the bus driver and even sneaks Nicole onto the bus in a non-speaking cameo role. There's only one user review of this film at imdb.com and it ends with, if this is the only thing on TV, playing on the TV late at night,
Starting point is 00:55:40 run, do not walk away, it's that bad. You know, made for TV movies. You can't all be hits. Didn't matter if Simpson could really act or not, America loved him. And more sweet endorsement money rolls in to go with his nationwide Hertz campaigns, which had to have made a millions. OJ has now started cutting commercials for the now almost totally defunct Pioneer chicken chain. Only two locations remain out of the nearly 300 locations it would possess in the mid 80s. OJ even owned two Pioneer Chicken franchises and random trivia. One of these restaurants destroyed during the 1992 LA riots.
Starting point is 00:56:09 They had a great slogan. That's great chicken. No bones about it. And a little ditty. Nothing tastes quite as good as Pioneer. Lot of older Popeyes chicken locations used to to be pioneer chicken locations for some random chicken trivia Check out one of their commercials. I love Commercials from the 70s and 80s. Oh, they're so fucking good. This is OJ and a pioneer chicken commercial
Starting point is 00:56:34 summertime Relaxing with friends and enjoying pioneers summer fun special you get eight large pieces of gold and pioneer chicken That's what they just created in coleslaw for just 6 699 shit Yeah, and pioneers even got free coupons for a universal studio with the biggest discounts including a free There of exciting attractions like Transformers Basecamp 2000 a chance spacewalk and much more. Whoa Of course, Pioneer Chicken Summer Fund Special for 699 is a great way to make new friends right fellas hilarious Oh at the end there there was people dressed up in weird costumes and he gave him a funny look It's a great way to make new friends, right fellas? Ha ha ha, hilarious. Oh, at the end there, there was people dressed up in weird costumes and he gave him a funny look.
Starting point is 00:57:10 But anyway, he really was good. He was good in comedic roles. Also a spokesman for Honeybeck Ham, so delicious, by the way. The PX Corporation, the Calistoga Water Company's line of natural natural soft drinks and even appeared in print ads and commercials for dingo cowboy boots. If you're not walking around and dingo cowboy boots right now, you can go fuck yourself. That's all I've worn in my whole life is dingo cowboy boots. I wear them with shorts.
Starting point is 00:57:36 I wear them naked. I wear them to bed. You're not a man if you're not sleeping in your dingo cowboy boots. No, but I never heard of them before. But check out this. This is great. This is a great old commercial here. This is O.J. Simpson, bunch of women around singing, looking at him, how handsome he is. He's strutting around his goddamn cowboy boots. No, you know, you're not hoping that you don walk up to me No, you know you're not hoping that, you don't want in the wrong place You're stopping if it works so much
Starting point is 00:58:06 I follow him till I catch you's eye He's a defendant and he sure is tall The dingo man, he's got it all, he's walking Yes, need a dingo man down to his feet I'm hoping that you'll walk up to me No, you're not hoping that Dingo boots, get in step Get in step you guys with some dingo boots Today's time's suck, brought to you- Dingo boots, get in step. Get in step, you guys with some Dingo boots.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Today's time's suck. Brought to you by Dingo boots. The best boots to wear when you're walking away from a double homicide. Fucking Dingo. It's not, I don't even know if they're around anymore. Money was thrown in, OJ living it up in Hollywood. Social media had been around the dude
Starting point is 00:58:41 who had been killing Instagram. I'm guessing what, 30 million followers at least. 1983, OJ lands, another spot in the limelight, limelight when it becomes one of the commentators on the one of the most popular shows on TV, Monday Night Football, the juice is in the booth. You know they said that at least 10 times. In 1983, Simpson appears in two of the best made
Starting point is 00:58:59 for TV movies of all time based on titles. He starts in Hamboa and hilly and even better title, cocaine and blue ice. How great are those movie names? Fuck yes, I'll watch cocaine and blue ice. Sold. Actually, I won't. I tried. The whole thing's on YouTube and I tried to find one good like line and it's so bad. It's not even so bad, it's good. It's just fucking boring for a long time. You can, yeah, again, you can watch the entire thing on YouTube if you just have an hour and a half, you don't give a fuck about or you can buy the DVD on Amazon. If you have an hour and a half and 20 bucks, you don't give a fuck about.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Fast forward a couple years, 1975, February 2nd, now 25 year old Nicole, 37 year old OJ, get married, former close friend of Nicole, former actress Robin Greer, would later say OJ made sexual advances towards her after wedding. Classy. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Could be just slander, but based on other things you'll hear soon,
Starting point is 00:59:50 also not out of his character. 1985 also is the year OJ is elected to the pro football hall of fame, Kent, Ohio, and August 3rd, overwhelmingly selected in his first year of eligibility and his acceptance speech, mentioned that coach from high school, Jack McBridge, says, you know, there are people in your life
Starting point is 01:00:06 who teach you things to stay with you. And I can recall that Jack McBride, excuse me, Jack McBridge, one of those guys who had that effect on me, you know, I have written down both ways, the fucking who cares, it's McBride or McBridge. This is one letter of difference. I'll never forget Jack because he told me he said, oh, Jay, in this world there are rules
Starting point is 01:00:22 we must all live by. He said, you've got to learn that if you're going to be successful in this world, you're going to have to learn to accept the responsibility for your actions. You tried to help him, Jack. God knows you tried. If only we'd apply that less and a little more in the coming years. October 17th, 19th, five, Simpsons have their first child together. Oh, Jay's fourth child overall.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Daughter named Sidney Brooks Simpson. Sidney would go on to defend her father as she growled her, calling him her best friend at one point after the murders. Poor Sidney, just eight when her mother was killed. She managed to stay out of the spotlight. Despite several tabloids, best ever to track her down. I do know that she graduated according to the internet from Boston University in 2010, hopefully has done well for herself ever since. During the remainder of the 80s, OJ would continue to work as an internationally known endorser color, color commentator for professional football and an actor and several TV shows and movies Most of his acting roles small or unforgettable films
Starting point is 01:01:11 But he did land a regular role on one of HBO's or in one of HBO's very first sitcoms first and 10 OJ showed up in season two playing TD Barker touchdown Barker That Parker excuse me touchdown park a veteran running back forced to make the transition from player to coach. He played TD the last five seasons of the series. And then Simson's biggest and arguably most memorable role came in the 1988 Zucker Brothers comedy The Naked Gun, starring Leslie Neilsson and Priscilla Presley. Huge hit grossed almost 220 million of the box office on a $65 million budget. Simson's blundering, but lovable character
Starting point is 01:01:45 Nordberg widely applauded the character would return with the movie sequels. The naked gun two and a half to smell a fear in 1991 and naked gun 33 and a third, the final insult in 1994. These movies were my intro to O.J. Simpson. He was in my opinion, fucking hilarious in these movies. I went back and watched the hospital scene and the first movie where Neilson aka Frank checks on Orbert after he gets pretty banged up and he sits on his hospital bed and folds in half with him in it and then folds his face on his crotch. It's just goofy slapstick but it's so well performed. Truly one of my favorite childhood comedies, non-stop jokes from start to finish. If you're want to study
Starting point is 01:02:23 the density of jokes in a movie, study the naked gun, it's fucking mind-boggling. Okay, that's enough about OJ's football heroics and TV and film career. Let's talk more about his dark side. Right after a word from our final sponsor, TimeSuck has brought you today by movement. Movement now making more than watches.
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Starting point is 01:03:10 Kalman's comedy. I have several pictures of me on vacation and in every picture that I'm wearing sunglasses, I'm wearing some movement sunglasses. If you want to be a sunglasses, 20s, if you want to be sunglasses, buddies, I got the Reveller, Milky Gray, Cobalt, just 60 bucks after I use my own time suck discount. And they truly have the same quality as other sunglasses. I've paid four times that much for in the past. So get 15% off a pair today with free shipping with free returns by going to movement.com
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Starting point is 01:04:10 average amount of TV during the 70s, 80s, early 90s, you would have felt like you knew OJ Simpson. He was a celebrity you'd watched for over two decades. And then he's at a Ford Bronco heading down the freeway, accused of stabbing his ex-wife to death and her legend lover. What the fuck? The closest famous athlete comparison I can come up with today for OJ Simpson is actually former star quarterback Peyton Manning Similar wholesome image not quite the same background, you know, Peyton's dad was also an NFL quarterback But same ah shucks. I'm just I'm just trying to do the right thing play hard kind of football image and same comedic abilities Peyton's really funny commercials. What if Payton had also appeared in a bunch of movies
Starting point is 01:04:48 and TV shows, not just playing himself? Imagine if Payton Manning had become a sitcom regular for like five years, he played some staff on Veepe, and then he'd been in like several fast and furious movies and had a large role in one of the hangover movies. And his wife was an Instagram model and he had more of a leading man look. Now he's on the news is brother Eli, drive down the freeway and escalate after Peyton
Starting point is 01:05:10 possibly stabbed the fuck out of his ex-wife, one of her friends. How big of a trial would that be? And then one of you added some sort of racial tension, like a lot of racial tension, like there was with the OG trial, a black men and trial for the murder of a white woman, black America, Tyler, seen young black men wrongfully incarcerated. Do you understand the stakes of this crime? The social magnitude of this trial. America viewed OJ as so wholesome, mainly because they had no idea that for years behind closed doors, his violence had been building. Nicole Brown Simpson's murder forever changed the way
Starting point is 01:05:39 America looked at domestic violence. Prior to the OJ trial, Spouse's abuse was seen, although perhaps in mostly unspoken terms, as a private matter. But after the trial of OJ, and the amount of abuse that was alleged at his hands plus the allegations of his stalking, aggressive measures of control, overall violence of her murder,
Starting point is 01:05:56 it was made clear that if you suspected domestic violence, you needed to report it. Growing awareness about the pervasive danger of domestic violence, largely because of the OJ trial, was instrumental to helping getting the violence against women act passed to Congress in 94 with funding from this act policymakers began seeking new ways to address domestic violence beyond sending battered women to shelters and giving them restraining orders that were largely ineffective. Advocates now saw the need for comprehensive services to
Starting point is 01:06:23 help victims start over and be protected. Nicole's death launched a lot of new studies about domestic violence towards women. We now know, for example, that the biggest red flag regarding homicidal potential is an instance in which an abuser tries to choke off a person's airway. San Diego detective Sylvia Velas says, statistically, we know that once the hands are on the neck, the very next step is homicide. They don't go backward. That's terrifying. We also know the nationwide more than 1100 women are killed each year in America by intimate partners.
Starting point is 01:06:52 According to a 2018 report by the violence, the violence policy center that used 2016 FBI data, we also know that domestic violence, high lines receive an average of 20,000 calls a day in the US. According to the national network to end to domestic violence, high lines receive an average of 20,000 calls a day in the US, according to the national network to end to domestic violence. 20,000 a day, that's nuts. Think about how many women don't call? What, 50,000?
Starting point is 01:07:13 100,000, half a million? A lot of Nicole Simpson's own abuse was detailed in a letter she herself had written to OJ as part of their divorce proceedings. A letter she locked away in a safety deposit box, as if she knew it might come in handy one day, OJ indeed killed her. During the trial, Simpson's lawyers were quick to dismiss past alleged and proven abuses against Nicole as irrelevant to the case, but that's fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 01:07:36 The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. I've always loved that quote, a quote attributed to numerous psychologists. And I think it's true. I think someone who is violent towards Nicole numerous times before she was murdered had much better odds of killing her than someone who was not violent towards her. Nicole's writing illustrates that the abuse against her was carried out in many ways. It ranged from Simpson giving her disgusted looks with each pound she gained in her first pregnancy in 1988, to quote beating the holy hell out of her a year later.
Starting point is 01:08:03 According to Nicole in one case, when she needed to see a doctor after one of OJ's beatings, the couple told an X-ray lab tech that she fell off a bike. The letter and other documents show that she'd been planning to escape from Simpson for many years. It demonstrated the kind of fear and complications that come with attempting to get away from an abuser, especially one a victim has children with. Not only did Defendant Verbaly abuse, physically abuse, degrade, and humiliate Nicole throughout their relationship,
Starting point is 01:08:28 but he stalked and harassed her as well. So, O.J. Prosecutors said in an introduction to the 85 pages of abuse documents entered into court. At least it does and Nicole's friends and associates describe an often gruesome detail, more than 50 incidents from the couple's stormy relationship. And a 2014 date line interview Nicole's friend, Chris Jenner, yes, the matriarch of the Kardashian clan said that Nicole told her just weeks before she was killed, things are
Starting point is 01:08:55 really bad between OJ and I. And he's going to kill me and he's going to get away with it. How fucking creepy is that quote? He's going to kill me. He's going to get away with it. Said just weeks before. Court documents portrayed Mr. Simpsons a hard-drinking foul-mouthed man whose jealous rages led to violent encounters that left Mr. Simpson or Mrs. Simpson bloodied and cowering. The evidence shows that the defendant was an extremely jealous and possessive man.
Starting point is 01:09:19 The prosecutor said alleging a pattern of behavior, a systematic plan to control her that ultimately resulted in the killing of Mrs. Simpson and her friend, Ron Goldman. And one's incident, detailed in the documents released by the prosecutors, Mrs. Simpson has said to have told her mother that OJ was stalking her. I'm scared her mother Judith, Judith Brown, quote, says, shortly before she was killed, I go to the gas station. He's there. I go to the payless shoe store.
Starting point is 01:09:44 He's there. I'm driving the payless shoe store, he's there. I'm driving and he's right behind me. Dude! Any of you listening, do not fucking do any of that ever. If you're stalking someone like this, guess what? Unless you're trying to prove they've committed some type of crime against you, or one that detrimentally affects you, you're just a fucking creep. If you're doing this because you're jealous and worried that someone who doesn't want
Starting point is 01:10:06 to be with you is seeing someone else, you're acting like a fucking psycho. Nothing good will come from this. You sad and or scary fuck of a meat sack. Nicole Brown met OJ. It's pretty much a child and she spent the other half of her life under his thumb. The marriage lasted seven years during which the time they had two children. A daughter named Sydney, as we mentioned, born in 1985, a son named Justin, born in 1988. Throughout the rocking relationship, Simpson investigated multiple times by police for
Starting point is 01:10:33 domestic violence, pleaded no contest to spousal abuse in 1989. This is now infamous incident. This happened New Year's Eve, 1999. It called 911 was made from OJ Simpson's estate located at 360 North Rockingham at 3.58 a.m. The 9.11 dispatcher who answered the call, Sharon Gilbert, had no dialogue with the caller, but heard a woman scream. And what she believed to be a physical altercation happening in the background.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Although she never spoke with whom over made the call, based on what she heard occurring in the background, Gilbert rightly dispatched officers from LAPD's West LA station to respond to the potential incident. When the first officers, Detective John Edwards and his partner officer, Patricia Moleski, Polish, they arrived. Nicole started yelling, he's going to kill me. He's going to kill me. Detective Edwards asked Nicole, who was going to kill you?
Starting point is 01:11:26 Nicole answered, Oh, Jay, the detective responded, Oh, Jay, who? Do you mean the football player, Oh, Jay, the football player? And Nicole said, yes, Oh, Jay Simpson, the football player. Detective Edwards testified that he observed the following injuries to Nicole's face. She had a cut approximately one inch, I believe, on her upper left lip. She had a swollen right forehead. I believe her left eye or right eye was starting to blacken. It was swollen. She had some sort of imprint, some sort of swollen mark
Starting point is 01:11:51 that you can see on her cheek. I believe that was on the right cheek. She had a hand imprint on her throat on the left side of her throat. Next detective Edward said that they asked Nicole to tell him what had happened. He testified that Nicole said, OJ had slapped her, hit her with his fist and kicked her
Starting point is 01:12:07 and pulled her, I think, pulled her by the hair. Officer Malusky proceeded to enter the vehicle, sit in the right front seat and take the crime report from Nicole. During this time, Nicole made a series of spontaneous statements to Detective Edwards and officer Maluas fucking stupid Polish name. Got damn it. Malewis, fucking stupid Polish name, got damn it.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Malewski, purred Detective Edwards testimony. She said, you guys never do anything. Something to the effect that you never do anything about him. You come out, you have been out here eight times, you never do anything about him. And she says, I want him arrested, I want my kids back, I want to go in the house. Then Detective Edwards observed Mr. Simpson walking towards me from the house, wearing an open
Starting point is 01:12:47 bathroom with a pair of shorts underwear and no shoes. Detective Edwards testified that when OJ reached the close gate, he said, I don't want that woman in my bed anymore. I got two other women. I don't want that woman in my bed anymore. What a fucking asshole. It's like he's bragging to the police about his sexual abilities now. Telling the officers, he doesn't want his wife and his bed
Starting point is 01:13:07 because he has two other women. He's fooling around with in the same house he's living with his wife, the move of a cocky dirt bag. The detective testified that he told OJ that Nicole had obvious physical injuries to her face, that she said that he had hit her and I can see trauma and open wounds to her and that she wanted him arrested
Starting point is 01:13:24 and I was going to have to place him under arrest for spousal battery. Edwards also stated that while he was not sure he believes O.J. responded to this statement by saying, I didn't hit her. I just, I just pushed her out of the bed. It's right. Yeah, I should fucking she just felt like so many times after I pushed her out of the detective Edwards.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Once again, explain to O.J. The due to the injuries to Nicole's face, they had to place him under arrest. The detective then testified that OJ said, you've been out here for eight times before, and now you're gonna arrest me for this. And then he said, this is a family matter. Wow. This is a family matter. That's all.
Starting point is 01:13:55 It's just one of the many times. You just superior size and athletic ability to beat the shit out of a small terrified wife. Just family stuff. You know, it's like taking the kids to trick or treat and watch the T-Ball game. Ah, this is due to a six, six, six, one, two and twelve pounds in his plane days. So usually you get a little heavier after that. He's probably two twenty two thirty. Nicole five, five, no more than 120 pounds. Dude had a hundred pounds on her. And a lot more muscle and he doesn't think slapping around is doing anything wrong. It's
Starting point is 01:14:21 his family shit. The police report continues. Approximately two minutes passed, and OJ Simpson comes back out now, now dressed, he approaches the clothes gate, says to Detective Edwards, what makes you so special? Why are you doing this? You guys have been out here eight times before. No one has ever done anything like this before.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Detective Edwards explained to OJ that he was going to have to place him under arrest, that the law required me to place him under arrest, and that there was no ifs, ands, or buts about it and then check this shit out. As Edwards began to explain the situation to his recently arrived supervisor, OJ jumps in his Bentley and just fucking drives off.
Starting point is 01:14:56 He says, as I was explaining to the supervisor, what it transpired, what we needed to do. I saw a blue Bentley start up, the lights start up, turn on, it went out of the driveway. I was not aware it was there. It went out of driveway under rocking him out another gate, similar to the one I've been standing in front of, and the vehicle went south, went out of rocking him. O.J. and his white Bronco, not the only chase he led police on in his life. When this, when this dude gets caught, he flees. That's a fucking pattern. Detective Edwards and the supervisor,ant Glenn varner push uh... pursues
Starting point is 01:15:25 excuse me oj is barely but since both men you know in squad cars when you exit the property and the dude had a pretty good hot head start he just uh... he fucking gets away they they can find him following the furthest pursuit upon returning to rock and hand detective Edward testifies that he offered to drive Nicole to an emergency room get her treated right then in there she declined saying she just wanted to be taken back into the house.
Starting point is 01:15:46 She wanted to be with her children. Understanding the importance of documenting her injuries via photograph. Edwards testifies that he asked her if she would go to a West LA station and have Polaroid photographs taken of her real quick. She said, yes, those pictures still online today, very telling. He ruffed her fucking face up pretty good. Although it was never mentioned to police report or any of the documents associated with the incident, a detective Edwards testified the wall at the West LA station.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Nicole told him that the incident occurred because Nicole was upset that there was two other women living in the house and then OJ had sex with one of them prior to getting into bed with her that night. If this accusation is true, what kind of fucking megalomaniac? And then a guy who just drives away from the police, like whatever, and he didn't get in trouble for that part. Ah, man, just a fucking athlete
Starting point is 01:16:33 who has been catered to way too much, his ego's out of control. Think of what kind of self-centered sociopath you have to be, to be fucking not. Just two different women who are your wife, but you've also brought them to stay in the same house as your wife, and then beat the shit out of your wife because she's mad, you just fucked one of them
Starting point is 01:16:48 before climbing in the bed with her. Brown wouldn't fall for divorce until over a year after this incident. She falls on February 25, 1992, citing irreconcilable differences. Yep. She didn't like being smacked around and humiliated by OJ, and he liked smacking her around and humiliated her. Pretty irreconcilable difference.
Starting point is 01:17:06 The divorce would be long and messy. They would seemingly reconcile. They want nothing to do with each other. Then try and be friends. Then date, which I think was more just OJ's pursuit than part ways. OJ himself never considered himself fully out of her romantic life. On October 25th, 1993, currently, currently definitely not romantically involved with OJ and living in a Brentwood rental home.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Nicole called 911 in a panic, saying that her ex-husband was just, was outside, excuse me, in a white Bronco, shouting obscenities that he had just knocked down the back door. The call lasted for 15 minutes with OJ at times, audibly screaming obscenities while Nicole told police dispatch, he's OJ Simpson., audibly screaming obscenities while Nicole told police dispatch, he's OJ Simpson. I think you know his record, just send somebody over and she said he always comes back. What a haunting quote that is. He always comes back.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Nicole's story is so fucking sad. When officers arrived, Nicole's or excuse me, OJ is still there. And according to an official incident report, admitted breaking the door, took full responsibility for its replacement. Hey, it's just a family matter officer. Don't worry about it. Just kick down Maxwell's back door. Do not any killer.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Call her a whore and some shit, you know? Just family stuff, come on. The following summer, just five days before her murder, Nicole contacts a shelter for battered women, telling an employee there that she is being stalked, that she's being harassed by OJ Simpson. She tried so many times to get help, and this motherfucker still would be found not guilty. women telling an employee there that she's being stalked, that she's being harassed by O.J. Simpson. She tried so many times to get help.
Starting point is 01:18:26 And this motherfucker still would be found not guilty. Get the fuck out of here. June 12th, 1994, the most infamous day of this tale after all the warnings, after calling the police so many times, after telling her friends and family she worried about O.J. killing her and getting away with it. After putting the letter detailing her abuse and fears in a safety deposit box ever calling a domestic violence shelter just a few days before Nicole Brown Simpson, Ron Goldman found stabbed to death outside of Nicole's condo in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. Now, here's a rundown of the hours leading
Starting point is 01:18:58 up to her murder. 6.30 p.m. after attending her daughter's dance recital. Nicole has dinner with friends and family at the Brentwood restaurant in Mesaluna, where her friend Ron Goldman worked as a waiter for the previous few weeks, maybe even a little longer, 35-year-old Nicole, 25-year-old Ron had been spending a lot of time together. While I want to say they were romantically involved, excuse me, there is no concrete proof of that.
Starting point is 01:19:20 Ron was a good-looking charismatic guy whose life consisted of waiting tables, dance their nightclubs, hitting the gym, plant tennis. He and Nicole have been working out together, grabbing coffee together, grabbing dinner together, go out dancing together. I should have had that Ron was straight, had a healthy dating history and told friends how attractive he thought Nicole was. To me, how are they not dating?
Starting point is 01:19:40 But he didn't seem to tell anyone they were dating. A friend he known since kindergarten, Mike Pinkis would say that Ron always told him he was dating someone and he never mentioned Nicole that way. So maybe they were not dating or maybe they were dating, but because OJ was an insane fucking psychopath and super jealous and stalking her, maybe Nicole told Ron not to tell anyone because she was afraid of what OJ would do. Pure conjecture on my part, but those dating situations for sure exist. OJ had also attended the recital, allegedly asked to join Nicole and the family for dinner
Starting point is 01:20:12 at Mezzaluna and Nicole told him, no, probably pissed him off a little bit. Told the guy, no, the guy she had just called the domestic violence shelter about a few days back. At 8 p.m., Nicole Brown, Simpson and her children leave Mezzaluna. Stop for ice cream on the way home. I can picture this all so well on my head right now. I used to go right at some coffee shops around where all this went down when I lived in LA.
Starting point is 01:20:33 9.15 p.m., one of Nicole Brown Simpson's sisters calls Mezzaluna to say that Nicole's mother had left her glasses at the restaurant. Her friend, Ron Goldman, still working there volunteers to return the glasses to Nicole's condo. Somewhere between 9 p.m. and 9 30 Brian Kato K. Lee.
Starting point is 01:20:50 K. Lee's, excuse me, friend of O.J. and Nicole's who was staying in O.J.'s guest house goes to McDonald's with O.J. for dinner. But O.J. was fucking season at McDonald's. Quick refresher on Kato. The random dude who became famous for a little while only because of the O.J. trial. Before the trial, Kato was a 35 year old model, not that successful. Casting agent who met Nicole in 1992 and asked Ben Colorado on a ski vacation. A month later, Nicole invited Kato into a party to rent with home on Greta and the green way where he noticed
Starting point is 01:21:19 an empty guest house near the pool and asked if he can move in. The rent was $500 a month with a discount based on how much time he would spend watching her young son and daughter. But when Nicole planned to move to a smaller condominium on nearby Bundy drive, Kaylyn was going to move with her, taking an inside downstairs room, but OJ didn't like it. Uh, Kaylyn would later state that OJ told him it just would look right that a dude was staying with Nicole when he and Nicole were trying to reconcile which they weren't. That was just an OJ's head. During the trial prosecutor, Marsha Clark asked, Kato, were you in Nicole lovers?
Starting point is 01:21:49 No, Katelyn replied to his friends. I don't know. Maybe Nicole really did have just numerous platonic dude friends. Not impossible. OJ offered Kato a better arrangement. Stay rent free in the formal football stars larger guest house. That's so weird to me. OJ letting Kato stay at his place rent free.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Just so a dude is not staying with his ex wife because he thinks they're reconciling when they're not. OJ was so obsessive and delusional. Also, the condo Nicole moved into located 875 South Bundy Drive. For six years, I lived at 1419 South Saltair Drive, 0.7 miles away. The Ralph's grocery store, I shopped at just a few blocks away. The last time I gave jogging to go, probably will not happen again. I jogged directly in front of her condo. That was my little route.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Had no idea until this week's suck. It was where all of this went down. Had no idea I was so close to such an infamous address. Being where these things happen, always makes them feel so much more real to me. Not just words on paper, real lives, real tragedies. Kaelin and OJ return home around 9.45 pm OJ's home located at 36.0 North Rockingham Avenue, just two miles away. If you're driving the speed limit, just six minutes away. I can personally
Starting point is 01:22:56 vouch for that for there not being a lot of traffic in this neighborhood at that time, time of day. Goldman leaves the restaurant around 9.50 pm with a white envelope containing the glasses. And this is about the time the murder happened. The scene was gruesome. Nicole's head nearly cut off in her own condo courtyard. She was murdered in front of her condo in a little walkway where anyone passing by could have seen, you know, the murder happened if they just looked past some foliage. The killer almost certainly, oh, Jay, for reasons I'll lay out soon, stab Nicole four times the neck before delivering the final
Starting point is 01:23:28 devastating throat wound. The four stab wounds in a close set pattern, suggesting Nicole Simpson was held in some way and gave little struggle. The medical examiner would later testify. The prosecution asked if an assailant could have knocked out Nicole, attacked Ron, then returned to cut her throat. It is possible. The examiner answered none of Nicole's smaller stab wounds or head bruise would have been
Starting point is 01:23:47 fatal right away. The medical examiner said she was alive at least a minute or so before the last wound was inflicted. He also said that he knew she was lying face down because the blood flow to the ground rather than into her lungs or a softicus. I would say she died within a few minutes, probably less said the examiner who added that the entire attack probably lasts only a few minutes, probably less. Said the examiner, who added that the entire attack probably lasts only a few minutes
Starting point is 01:24:07 as indicated by the few defensive wounds on her hands. All the slash wounds to her body could have been left by one single edge knife about six inches long. A double edge knife could have also left some of the smaller wounds, but those cuts could have been attributed to the tapered tip of the single edge knife.
Starting point is 01:24:24 As for Ron Goldman, he was founded that death along with Nicole on the walkway leading to the condo. He was just a few weeks shy of his 26th birthday. His death also occurred quickly in minutes at most according to the examiner. Goldman died from blood loss, largely from two stab wounds to his aorta, and he suffered numerous other stabs and slashed ones to his head and body. According to a world-renowned forensic pathologist who testified for the prosecution, this pathologist felt that it took only a single attacker, about 15 seconds to kill Nicole, and only one
Starting point is 01:24:56 additional minute to kill Ron. During the reconstruction of the events, the police came to believe Goldman had arrived either during or shortly after the attack on Nicole. Goldman's family believes that Goldman died trying to save Nicole. At around 10, 15 pm while watching TV, Pablo Venn Yebes, a neighbor of Nicole Brown Simpson, a screenwriter. Here's the cries of constant barking of a dog. Pablo would later go write an infamous book called If I did it, uh, where, uh, with OJ Simpson, roughly a decade later, after spending a lot
Starting point is 01:25:29 of time with OJ working on that book, he came to firmly believe that OJ killed Nicole and Ron 1025 PM limo driver named Alan Park arrives at Simpson's home to pick him up for a scheduled trip to the airport, sees the figure of a man rushing around inside Stempsons house, not suspicious at all, huh? Uh, OJ quickly stabs Ron, uh, or excuse me, if OJ, if if if, uh, OJ quickly stabbed Ron and Nicole to death around 10 p.m. He would have had plenty of time to get back home by 10, 25 p.m. Somewhere between 10, 41 and 10, 55, another neighbor of Nicole's is out walking her dog. Notice his Nicole's dog, a white Akita named Kato, weird, by itself barking with blood on
Starting point is 01:26:08 his paws. Too bad Kato was knocked both jangles. Bojangles would have saved Nicole and Ron and pinned OJ by his nuts until the police showed up and then ripped off old water heads nuts for all the beatings he'd previously given to Cole. Good boy, Bojangles. Good boy. 1055, the limo driver, Alan Park,
Starting point is 01:26:26 still waiting for Simpson. He's buzzed Simpson numerous times. Simpson is not answered. Causes boss tells him Simpson's not a home. Park is told by his boss, just wait until 1115. Simpson is usually late. At 1101, OJ's limo driver reports OJ does finally exit the home.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Over half an hour after he thought he saw someone scurrying about inside the house, not so spacious at all. What was he doing in there? Sharing off some blood, changing out some bloody clothes, going over some new lines for a new Hertz Renekar commercial? Ah, I'm OJ Simpson. Did you know that if you get somebody's blood all over your Hertz Renekar, you don't even have to clean it? It's covered in your rental agreement. Hertz will clean the car and never ask questions. The next time I stab the fuck out of some people, I want to be sure to drive off in a hurtz
Starting point is 01:27:10 rent a car. Hurtz, there's no better rental to drive away in after a double murder. Uh, OJ then driven to LAX to catch his flight to Chicago. 1145, OJ leaves California, takes off to Chicago to attend a Hurtcher Renekar function. After the event, OJ had planned to place him golf just, you know, wind down a bit after a stressful and impulsive double murder. At 10 after midnight, June 13th, police said a passerby found the body of Nicole Brown Simpson, 35 sprawled on the steps of a walkway in front of the condo.
Starting point is 01:27:38 The body of Ron Goldman, Ronald Lyle Goldman, found a few feet away in the shrubbery, both fully closed. Over four hours later, 415 AM, OJ, who has landed in Chicago, checks into the O'Hare Plaza hotel. Around 5 AM, detectives Mark Furman, a name that would soon become infamous, dude whose previous use of racist language would be manipulably introduced by OJ's defense team to completely motherfucking hijack the trial, a dude who had moved to Idaho to the panhandle, settling beautiful sandpoint, roughly 45 minutes from the sucked dungeon, and Philip Vaneter arrived at Simpsons rocking him mansion to inform him of Nicole's death, but instead they discover his blood stained Bronco and a bloody glove
Starting point is 01:28:18 that matched another one, found near Goldman's body in front of Nicole's house. Ha! Feels like so much fucking evidence. Around 540 AM, Detective Ferman decides to jump to all the property in order for police to get inside the estate. Once on the grounds, the detectives awaken Simpson's daughter, 25-year-old Arnell, who is staying in a guest house. She takes the police to the main house.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Between 7 and 7 30 AM, Detective Van Atter declares the area a crime scene goes to get a warrant to search the house. 1045.M. With search warrant and hand LAPD search O.J.'s mansion find even more traces of blood in the property, including the Ford in the Ford, you know, the Bronco. At noon, O.J. is told in Nicole's death and says, yeah, tell me something. I don't know. I did she was dead.
Starting point is 01:29:00 Oh, I got to stab in her left. Oh, I mean, oh my God. How could that happen? O.J. hits the airport to return to L.A. immediately arriving early in her left. Oh, I mean, oh my God, how could that happen? OJ hits the airport. To return to LA immediately arriving early in the afternoon, returns to his Brentwood mansion, where he's handcuffed, taken to the police station and questioned after about two hours,
Starting point is 01:29:15 Simpson leaves the police headquarters and is driven home. Its reported that OJ told his kids about their mother's death while reading them a story. Stories that went something like, hey kids, let me tell you a story about Nikita. So, a new story you haven't heard of yet. It's a story about a bad woman, horrible mother who doesn't want to live with her kids daddy anymore. Nikita doesn't want to do what she's fucking told.
Starting point is 01:29:37 So, in order to protect his family and save his kids, Nikita's ex, but should be current husband, BojJ has to kill her and her boy toy Don, and she won't admit she's fucking him even though he knows she is, he's been spying her for months. I don't know what story we read. June 15th, 1994, the family was Nicole Brown, Ron Goldman, uh, attended the funerals. Simpson and his two children attended the coals funeral. How awkward for Nicole's family.
Starting point is 01:30:07 They had to have known he fucking did it. It's amazing, as my fucker's still alive. It's amazing, someone hasn't been avenged killed him. Two days later, public chaos begins. June 17th, 1924, OJ Simpson officially charged with the murders of Brown and Goldman. Although Simpson originally promised a surrender to authorities, OJ instead flees becomes a fugitive. He's later spotted off the 405 freeway in the past year's seat of his white Bronco.
Starting point is 01:30:29 OJ's old high school friend Al Callins, the man whose girlfriend he stole so many years earlier, was driving in the media circus and so's. These guys drive down the 405 from Brentwood all the way down to Laguna de Guel, down in Orange County, back up to five to the 91 to the 110, back up on the 405 to the 10 and then east headed into downtown LA. The police chase last over an hour and a half. So many people watch OJ's low speed chase that Domino's pizza reported superble like numbers. I remember watching this chase back in Riggins sitting there in my bedroom, first watching
Starting point is 01:31:02 the NBA finals comes on the screen, then I head into the and rigthens. It's in there in my bedroom. First, watching the NBA Finals comes on the screen, then I head into the living room to watch with my mom. It's OJ and AC are followed by police cars and helicopters and estimated 95 million people tune in to watch the 60 mile pursuit, which did famously interrupt the broadcast the NBA Finals. Despite OJ being a possible murderer of the streets, immediately began to line up with OJ fans.
Starting point is 01:31:21 There's pictures of guys online you can find holding up signs, saying stuff like, save the juice, we love the juice. Simpson was talking with LAPD on his car phone, and he was certainly talking about suicide, a transcript of the conversation available online. OJ also wrote a note that most people consider his suicide note, and he wrote, I think of my life and feel I've done most of the right things.
Starting point is 01:31:41 So why do I end up like this? Probably because you fucking stabbed two people. I can't go on. No matter what the outcome, people will look in point. I can't take that. Well, you are and you can. I can't subject my children to that. Ah, you did.
Starting point is 01:31:55 This way, they can move on and go on with their lives. Later in the letter, he claimed victimhood. As Narsis often do in these situations, saying, Nicole and I had a good life together. All this press talk about a rock relationship was no more than whatever long-term relationship experiences. All her friends will confirm that I've been totally loving and understanding of what she's going through.
Starting point is 01:32:13 At times, I have felt like a battered husband or boyfriend. He actually says this. But I loved her. Make that clear to everyone. And I would take whatever it took to make it work. Don't feel sorry for me. Ha ha, no, don't. Definitely don't.
Starting point is 01:32:24 Wouldn't have if you would have killed herself. I've for me. No, don't. Definitely don't. Wouldn't have if you would have killed yourself. I've had a great life, great friends. Please think of the real OJ and not this lost person. God, what a way to not take responsibility for being a racist shit. The balls this dude has to say that he was battered. Live in his own world.
Starting point is 01:32:40 It's like part of him never left those projects, man. Part of him was fucking still waterhead. Simpson's white Bronco adventure eventually ends OJ surrenders at his house before 9 p.m. thrown in jail without bail and OJ's position at a handgun His passport Which he claimed he always had on him Get out of here Who the fuck always carries their passport outside of people who have to suddenly and routinely leave the country for work or
Starting point is 01:33:04 People who are fleeing from justice. He had $8,750 in cash. Oh, Jay would deny that, but he had it. And he had an actual disguise. I can't have fake fucking beard on him. He had bought weeks earlier. Said he was going to use it to take his kids to Disneyland, so people wouldn't bother him. Bullshit.
Starting point is 01:33:20 Dude, love to be bothered. He loved fame. There's no history of him disguising himself in public so we could avoid autographed figures. The evidence against Simpson was extensive. His blood was found at the murder scene. I repeat, his fucking blood found at the murder scene. Blood hair and fibers from both Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman found in Simpson's car and at his home and repeat that again as well.
Starting point is 01:33:45 Nicole and Ron's blood in hair were found in his fucking Bronco. Nicole and Ron's blood in hair were found inside his home. Why was Ron's hair in blood and eat of those places? He never set foot in no J's house. He never went in the Bronco. It was there because, oh, obviously did it. Also one of his gloves found in the brown's home. The other outside his own house, the bloody shoe prints found at the scene match exactly the pranus and shoes owned by Simpson.
Starting point is 01:34:09 God, I wish they would have been dingo boots. Dingo boots, nothing like dingo boots to walk away from a murder. Police also found video, uh, OJ had made, he'd quickly made video where he'd filmed himself in front of Nicole's condo directly after the murder. He was covered in blood. He stood over their dead bodies, knife in hand, and recorded himself doing a quick touchdown celebration. And he spiked one of the bloody gloves on the ground.
Starting point is 01:34:33 Look, juice! The juice is on the loose! Fuck these motherfuckers! Ha, kill them! I killed them both and I'll get away with it. I'm like a Scooby-Doo villain. If after they get caught and handed, they just get let go. I could do anything I want.
Starting point is 01:34:44 I'm the greatest running back of all time. Now, we're not even Jim Brown could kill like the juice can. The juice is above the law. The juice is a living God. They didn't find that tape, but they might as well have. They found so much fucking evidence. Now the trial is century.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Now, let's get to that. It's been covered in depth. So, you know, a million other places. We're just gonna skim over most of details here. July 22nd, 1994, OJ pleads not guilty by saying he is absolutely a hundred percent not guilty to the murder charges. Then he turns the camera and does a quick hurts rena-car commercial. Hey, I'm old. If you're wearing some fucking dingo boots, you need to get away. Anyway, on September 9th, the prosecution decides not to pursue the death penalty. Seek slight without parole. The jury selected. November 3rd, 1994, the initial jury not to pursue the death penalty seeks life without parole.
Starting point is 01:35:25 The jury selected November 3rd, 1994. The initial jury selected as made up of four males, eight females, eight of the jurors are black, one Hispanic, one white, two are mixed race. I include their races here because the defense team's main strategy would be to make the jury think this case was all about race. Racist cops, plant an evidence when it wasn't, it was about murder. On January 11th, 1995, the jury reports for duty, OJ's defense team gets to work. OJ would use what would later be called a dream team of defense attorneys.
Starting point is 01:35:53 The team included Robert Shapiro, Sarah Kaplan, Johnny Cochran, Carl Douglas, Sean Chapman, Gerald Juleman, Robert Kardashian, Alan Dershowitz, F. Lee Bailey, Barry Shrek, Peter Newfield, Robert Blasier, and William Thompson. Fourteen attorneys. And yes, one of O.J.'s lawyers was his longtime friend, Robert Kardashian, father to the family who would go on to become famous mostly for just being famous. This is army of attorneys. Reportedly costs somewhere around $50,000 a day.
Starting point is 01:36:22 Money will spend if you can buy your way out of a murder conviction, which you absolutely can sometimes. This dream team claims before a national television audience that Simpson had been framed by racist LAPD detectives, mostly Mark Furman, and it worked. They manipulated jurors into believing officers who had not been convicted of plenty of evidence before did plan at this time. Why? Cause they're racist. That's the racist people do this.
Starting point is 01:36:48 They can't wait to fucking plan stuff. Here are some of the closing arguments made by Deputy District Attorney Marsha Clark. Given September 27th, 1995, she started by addressing the issue that the defense was focused on. The racism of police officer Mark Furman. I love what she says here. On August 29th, the jury had heard old tape recordings of Furman making many racial slurs.
Starting point is 01:37:08 Slurs he had denied making during his cross examination, he would actually be charged with perjury for this. And also about him bragging about his enforcement of police brutality, which would be investigating it later and be found that mostly it's like he just got caught up and talking tough. And most people think he greatly exaggerated his claims. He was though for sure a racist and a liar. However, again, no evidence of him ever framing anyone before, lying in racism do not equal framing someone from murder. Clark says, let me come back to Mark Ferman for a minute,
Starting point is 01:37:35 just so it's clear. Did he lie when he testified here in this courtroom saying that he did not use racial effetets? I think it's racial effetets. Joe, how do you say that word? Don't know. That word I read. I learned it and I forget it by the time I see it again. He used racial words. In the last 10 years, yes, is he racist?
Starting point is 01:37:56 Yes. Is he the worst LAPD has to offer? Yes. Do we wish this person was never hired by LAPD? Yes. Should LAPD never have hired him? No. Or have ever hired him?
Starting point is 01:38:09 No, should such a person be a police officer? No. What did she say to you? In fact, do we wish there were no such person on the planet? Yes, goddamn, she does not hold back on Furman. Made it very clear the prosecution well aware that he was a racist liar. She continues by saying, but the fact that Mark Ferman is a racist and lied about it on the witness stand does not mean that we have improving the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Starting point is 01:38:35 And it would be a tragedy if with such overwhelming evidence, ladies and gentlemen, as we have presented to you, you found the defendant not guilty in spite of all that because of the racist attitudes of one police officer. Exactly logic. If only the world ran less on emotion and more un-fucking logic, democracy would be so much better. The court system would be so much better. Then Marsha Clark turns her attention to the sloppiness of the LAPD's police work saying the defenses are not many, many other questions. They've thrown out questions about whether LAPD is some bad police officers. Does the scientific division have some sloppy
Starting point is 01:39:13 criminalists? Does the corners office have some sloppy corners? And the answer to all these questions is sure. Yes, they do. That's not news to you. I'm sure it wasn't a big surprise to you. But those are not their important issues. You know, we should look and do the quality control. Things should be done better. Things could always be done better in every case at every time. There's no question about that. We're not here to vote on that today.
Starting point is 01:39:36 The question is, what the evidence that was presented to you that relates to who killed Ron and Nicole, what does that tell you? Does that convince you beyond a reasonable doubt? Yes, Marsha. It does. It really does. Most importantly, for Marsha Clark's finale, she unleashes a flurry of evidence, most of which would be a slam dunk in a heartbeat for guilty verdict with today's DNA technology. She says, let me summarize for you what we have proven one piece of the puzzle. We've proven the opportunity to kill. We've given the time window in which he was able to kill because his whereabouts were unaccounted for during the time when we know the murders were occurring. We have the hand injuries that were suffered on the night of his wife's murder to the left hand
Starting point is 01:40:18 and we know the killer was injured on his left hand. I didn't even bring that up before. It's even makes it even crazier. We have the post homicidal conduct that I told you about, line to Allen Park, Elimizing Driver, making Allen Park way outside, not letting Kato pick up the little dark bag. That's another thing we didn't get into because again, this suck is so long already. His reaction to Detective Phillips when he made notification. When Detective Phillips said to him, Nicole has been killed. Instead of asking about a car accident, the defendant asked no questions. We have the manner of killings.
Starting point is 01:40:47 Killings indicate that it was a rage killing, that it was a fury killing, that it was not a professional hit. The manner of killing indicates that one person committed these murders, our murders. One person with the same style of killing. We have the nit-capped Bundy. We have the Evias, another piece of important evidence, so there's so many in this thing. We have the evidence on Ron Goldman's shirt, the blue, black cotton fibers, the defendant's hair.
Starting point is 01:41:08 We have the Bruno Magli-Suprents, size 12, all of them size 12, his shoe size, all of them consistent going down the Bundy walk. We have the Bundy blood trail, his blood to the left of the bloody shoe prints. Exactly. Just that, his blood to the left of the bloody shoe prints. We have the blood in the Bronco, his and Ron's super. We have the blood in the bronco. His and Ron Goldman's. We have the Rockingham blood trail up to the driveway in his bathroom in the four year.
Starting point is 01:41:30 We have the Rockingham glove with all of the evidence on it. Ron Goldman fibers from his shirt. Ron Goldman's hair. No calls hair. The defendant's blood. Ron Goldman's blood. No calls blood. And the Bronco fiber and the blue black cotton fibers.
Starting point is 01:41:45 We have the socks and we have the blue black cotton fibers on the socks and we have Nicole Brown's blood on the socks. There he is pointing at the oldie Simpson. I mean, holy shit. There's so much evidence. The following day, the defense presents their closing arguments. They're now famous arguments. Johnny Cochran delivers his now famous phrase.
Starting point is 01:42:07 It makes me so angry every time I watch this video, which I did multiple times for this suck. If it doesn't fit, you must quit regarding OJ's murder gloves being too tight. It's infuriating. If you go back and watch the courtroom footage of OJ putting the gloves on, they do fucking fit. They fit. This is all a thing is insane! He's putting the gloves on over a pair of latex gloves. So the evidence isn't contaminated in this famous fucking scene from the truck. The texture of latex,
Starting point is 01:42:37 un-lubricated latex, is very different than human skin. It's like, try putting on one of your socks, one of your socks that for sure fits when your feet are wet. Your foot isn't bigger when it's wet, but there's a different type of surface friction that exists between a wet foot and a sock that does exist a dry foot and a sock. It's harder to put a sock on a dry or on a wet foot than it is a dry sock. And I know that because I'm impatient and I don't often drive my feet off while I've figured out a shower. And I try to jam my socks on and I don't often drive my feet off. Well, I forget out of the shower and I try to jam my socks on.
Starting point is 01:43:07 I'm like, oh yeah, that's the thing I've done in a thousand times. Now if you want to do another experiment, put on some gloves that just barely fit. Then put on, but like, but they fit properly. Nice and tight, but fit. Then put on some latex cleaning gloves. Now try to put those gloves on over the latex gloves.
Starting point is 01:43:22 I did it out of curiosity. Guess what? Harder to get the fucking gloves on over another latex gloves. I did it out of curiosity. Guess what? Harder to get the fucking gloves on over another pair of gloves. OJ strolling with those gloves was the best goddamn acting moment of his entire career and it worked. Why did it work? More on that in a bit, my opinions. After deliberating for just four hours, the jury acquits Simpson on October 3rd, 1995, Marsha stands up, yells at the jurors on camera. You stupid fox!
Starting point is 01:43:47 Shame on you, you stupid fox! Then she lifts her skirt up. She takes a shit on the courtroom floor. She gets up, she points at it, and she says, you did that. You did that to date a justice. Then OJ steps into frame and says, you know, you didn't just shit on justice today. You know, who didn't? Hertz ran a car.
Starting point is 01:44:07 Did you know that you can shit inside your rental with Hertz? And now I'm gonna have to pay for it? It's covered in your rental agreement. You shouldn't shit on justice, but you can. Shit in Hertz. I did y'all. OJ says it's above the law.
Starting point is 01:44:19 No, the less if didn't happen. There was a great deal more to this case, but I don't wanna do a 10 part OJ series. That's been done over and over. The trial has been examined, re-examined to death, but here's one interesting additional piece of info that points to OJ being so very guilty, something that happened years later. In 2006, he was supposed to release that book. If I did it, the one he wrote with Pablo, the ghost writer, a book that Ron Goldman's family would later release and collect proceeds from because of a civil trial verdict. We'll talk
Starting point is 01:44:43 about here in a few minutes. OJ did a two hour interview with the publisher, the head of the publisher Judith Regan, that would not air later until 2018 to promote this book. In the interview, Simpson goes to a quote, purely hypothetical discussion of what happened on the night, his ex-wife and Goldman were murdered on the steps of Nicole Simpson's brownwood condo. One of OJ's prosecutors, Christopher Darden, truly believes in this interview OJ confesses to the killing. Simpson says he went to Nicole's condo on the night she died with a friend.
Starting point is 01:45:11 He described as Charlie who gave him a knife and he encountered Nicole later on Goldman. No one knew OJ to know Charlie Simpson in the interview details what he describes as reports from friends and Nicole had become involved in drugs and sex parties with fast living female friends. He tells Judith Reagan that he blamed Nicole's death on the unsavory people he claims were associated with Nicole. Reagan said Simpson before the interview told her that he agreed to speak and quote unquote hypothetical terms so he could maintain deniability with the children. Excuse me, basically he told her that he did it. And Reagan has since said the interview absolutely convinced her, oh, Jay,J was the murderer. There's no doubt in my
Starting point is 01:45:49 mind, she said, the OJ Simpson criminal trial was actually just one of three trials. OJ would be involved in the mid 90s. The second trial was a custody trial while OJ was in jail during his murder trial. Nicole's parents, Lew and Judith at Brown had taken custody of OJ and Nicole's children. And when he was released, you know, they didn't want to give the kids back to him. I mean, can you imagine giving those kids back to the man that you know, you know, beats a shit out of your daughter over and over again, terrorized her. The man you got to know murdered her now coming to your house, demanding that you hand over your grandkids.
Starting point is 01:46:20 Again, it's a miracle. Someone didn't snap and kill this motherfucker. At least try and poison yourself. OJ would win this battle as well, although it would take five years to do so. Eventually the judge in this case would state, or yes, would state, psychological testing, clinical observations and review of Mr. Simpson's history with the children does not yield a picture of a man
Starting point is 01:46:39 who has in the past or is likely in the future to lose control of himself in such a manner as to emotionally or physically harm the children. Then there was the third trial, the civil trial over Nicole and Ron Smurnd. Now what is a civil trial? In general terms, a civil lawsuit is the court-based process to which person A can seek to hold person B liable for some type of harm or wrongful act. Usually a person A is successful here, she will be awarded compensation for the harm that resulted from person B's action or inaction. Also note that liable doesn't equate to guilty. It's more can do responsible is person B responsible for what happened
Starting point is 01:47:18 to person A. In reality, it's the closest thing we have to try and someone twice for the exact same crime. Interesting that a judge felt that there was enough evidence for the Goldman family to bring a civil case against Simpson for a crime he'd already been found not guilty of. Our judicial system so very complex in many ways. Unlike a criminal case, which is looking to punish the wrongdoer for the crime, a civil case is meant to compensate the person who was harmed, again, usually in the form of monetary damages paid from the defendant to the plaintiff. The Goldman and Brown families filed a civil case in late 96, granted a trial that began in January of 97 in Santa Monica.
Starting point is 01:47:54 No TVs this time around, no racist cops taking a stand, no dream team defense, and OJ loses. On February 11, 1997, Los Angeles County Superior Court jury ordered OJU pay. I financially debilitating 25 million and punitive damages to the families of Nicole Brown, Simpson and Ronald L. Goldman. The same jury awarded the Golden family in additional 8.5 million and comments and Tory damages the week before the total would be 33.5 million dollars. The jury also deemed the Simpson had battered Nicole on the night of her murder. Ron Goldman's father, Fred Goldman said this about the verdict, the money is not an issue.
Starting point is 01:48:30 It never has been. It's holding the man who killed my son and Nicole responsible. Contrary to the media's shitstorm, the engulfed the previous criminal trial, the jury made a quick decision in this non-television trial, uh, televised trial over Simpson's guilt. Uh, juror number 11, a woman in her 30s would say finding OJ Simpson liable of the murders and acting with the pression and malice was one of the easiest decisions I have ever had to make. Hail Nimrod. Yeah, yeah, yeah. In the end, OJ got away with murder kind of forced to pay a bunch of money
Starting point is 01:49:02 that he certainly didn't have, uh, not after all those fancy lawyers, Nicole and Goldman's families agreed to split the proceeds from an auction of Simpson's memorabilia, personal belongings, including his high-smit trophy. The Goldman's also got proceeds from that, if I did a book, later repolish with a new subtitle, Confessions of the Killer. A few years later, OJ would lose another court case in California, right after he moved to South Florida, where he'd spent many years. In 1999, the state of California issued a tax lien against Simpson for owed personal
Starting point is 01:49:28 income taxes on top of the money he owed Nicole and Ron's family. On February 16, 1999, the auction house Butterfield and Butterfield sells nearly 400,000 worth of Simpson's artifacts. With all the proceeds going to Nicole and Goldman's families, his eyes been trophy accounted for more than half of that total. September of 2000, OJ is vited by Florida police officer after more domestic violence allegations. Simpson's new girlfriend, Christy Prody,
Starting point is 01:49:54 called the police and alleged that Simpson had broken into her home. No charges were filed. It would be one of four such times, police were dispatched to handle domestic incidents between this couple. Makes him look that much guilt here. Still beating women or at least accused of doing so.
Starting point is 01:50:08 Christy when OJ dated her looked eerily similar to Nicole. So creepy. I think it easily be sisters. In 2000, Christy's 25 OJs 53, they started dating in 96 when she was just 21 and he was 46. Hello daddy issues. Meet needs to control young women and abuse them issues. OJ and Christie would date for 13 years, uh, living the Miami, Florida area, area together on OJ's NFL pension. By the time their relationship ends in 2009 after
Starting point is 01:50:39 OJ would go back or would go to prison, uh, Christie would say OJ threatened to kill her. She also came to believe he absolutely killed Nicole and Ron. Said he also tried to get her to look more and more like Nicole, the longer they dated. Had her hair dyed more blonde, to look more like Nicole, had her get breast implants, so her breasts were looking more like Nicole. That's so fucking weird.
Starting point is 01:50:57 December of 2000, Simpson's arrested on battery, an auto burglary charges in Miami after an alleged confrontation with another motorist, guy named Jeffrey Pattinson. I remember when that story broke. October 24th, 2001, Simpson is acquitted of all the charges, but there would still be so much more legal stuff. On December 4th, 2001, the FBI, DEA, and other local law enforcement searched Simpson's
Starting point is 01:51:17 Kendall Florida home, Kendall a quiet suburb of Miami, for evidence that he might be involved with an ecstasy smuggling ring as well as money laundering and Accordinated efforts to steal satellite TV signals They find nothing Simpson is neither arrested nor indicted though some of the satellite equipment is confiscated It would lead to him getting in trouble later. However several months later all the FBI documents called from a lengthy wire-tap investigation that led up to the December search of Simpson's home feature testimony from reputed drug smugglers regarding OJ allegedly having an insatiable co-cabit and, you know, being pretty charming with a lot of prominent dealers. One Miami dealer, Andrew Anderson, told federal agents, he was supplying Simpson and his
Starting point is 01:51:56 girlfriend's, still messed around with numerous women, with the illegal drug ecstasy. Anderson said that throughout his first two years in Florida, as Simpson was trying to restore his public image to hospital visits, media interviews, he was also indulging in cocaine and ecstasy abuse frequently. Think about the pictures of all paints. Dude, get away with murder. Loses in civil court, but still gets to keep enough money
Starting point is 01:52:17 to live a comfortable, you know, life in Florida, having early retirement, sip and drinks, playing golf, doing blow, doing some E, fucking a Nicole look alike. I hope this do get hit by a fucking bus. I hope ideally, I hope it gets hit by a bus being driven by Casey Anthony, who's not wearing a seatbelt.
Starting point is 01:52:34 And she gets shot to the windshield and she lands on OJ and that impact kills them both. What a great wrap up for those two tails. On July 4th, 2002, OJ gets in more legal trouble. So much more, Simpson finally, justice. He gets cited for speeding on his powerboat through a manatee zone. He has to pay $130 fine. We got him, boys. We got OJ Simpson killed to his days long, taking the juice down.
Starting point is 01:52:58 No way he slipped out of this $130 fine. Not even Johnny Cochran can stop it this time. Simpson gets in another weird bit of legal trouble. July 26, 2005, he loses a civil trial, brought on by Direct TV, over signal theft charges, stem from the 2001 search of his home. We talked about yesterday, $25,000 for this satellite cable company. Got your Gando J. Just isn't run loose in Miami.
Starting point is 01:53:20 You thought we were done after the manatee fine. Now motherfuck, that's just the beginning. Got your own signal theft charges now. Oh, you thought you could done after the manatee fine. Ah, no, motherfucker, that's just the beginning. Got you on signal theft charges now. Oh, you thought you could watch college game day, huh? On our time? No, this rate, we're gonna have you in jail for a few days by 2020. Now let's actually take a quick break from this timeline
Starting point is 01:53:36 to talk about how in 2006, OJ also attempted to sell a tasteless reality prank show called Juiced. A show he made a demo real for. It's been too long on Time Sox since we checked in with the idiots of the internet. The idiots of the internet. The idiots of the internet.
Starting point is 01:53:58 Juiced was supposed to be a hidden camera prank show. And the style of punked, if you remember that show, with OJ Simpson as the prank master in general. It's supposed to be a big comeback vehicle made during the time when reality TV was exploding. It's very wild west, I put all kinds of shows on the air. OJ and a production crew, OJ hired filmed,
Starting point is 01:54:14 OJ pretending to be homeless, trying to sell oranges on the street and one prank, waiting to yell at the show's signature line, you've been juiced. Except he doesn't trick anybody. It's pretty cringeworthy. It's pretty awkward. He pretends to be a bingo number, collar, another sketch. He's really bad at calling numbers. And he pisses off a bunch of people at a senior center. Ha ha, he's got juiced. There's a prank where a topless woman jumps on a trampoline for quite a while. That's that's it. There's nothing else to this prank.
Starting point is 01:54:43 It's weird and easily the best part of the show. Hey, Luciferina, there's other weird pointless sketches and then there's a rap video. And it is the fucking best. And by best, I mean worse. Oh, but it's so good. So it is so bad. This video shows how OJ is completely tone deaf
Starting point is 01:55:01 and how he lacks any self-awareness regarding how America sees him. The video features OJ is completely tone deaf and how he lacks any self-awareness regarding how America sees him. The video features OJ dancing around surrounded by topless dancers. Dancers literally roughly 40 years younger than him. He's saying shit like, don't you know there's no stop in the juice. I want him on the floor. I'm like a lion on the loose. Better shoot me with the tranquilizer dart. Don't be stupid. I'm not a Simpson named Bart. So good you guys Listen listen to just Listen to just a bit of this beauty before we talk about the comments underneath it
Starting point is 01:55:31 Don't many pictures of strippers Is your murderer Hardware It's a lot of stuff there's a lot and I got the most things with you under your arms. Ah, they'll talk about football. They'll talk about football. Mm-hmm. Okay, this whole time, yeah, he's also surrounded by predominantly young blonde white women. I mean, just knowing what we know about him, maybe don't do that, maybe a little clueless, maybe a little, again, a little tone deaf. It's got to fucking idiot
Starting point is 01:56:26 Dragon blazer 97 posts. Please God no one report this and get it taken down To which user micro applies he done shut the rap game down. Hmm. Well, we'll play there. We'll play there Commenter Zayed obeyed writes. So apparently he murders music also exactly so far Most of the comments actually make sense. Oh, then thank God. Papa wolf shows up. Papa wolf writes he needs a hard on first.
Starting point is 01:56:54 Uh, I'm sorry. What? Uh, making this even make this even better. He spells need as in like like your like your knees, like K and-E-D-D-It's not a real word, but like it would refer to the middle part of your like, who the fuck watches this video and thinks, ha, what is missing? It's got a great beat,
Starting point is 01:57:16 solid lyrics, good camera work, lots of boobs, but something still feels off. Ah, is it the fact that it features a woman beating murderers surrounded by women who resemble the woman he murdered? No. That can't be it. Oh, I know. If you look really close, you can tell that the Jews
Starting point is 01:57:34 doesn't have a boner. Why did they have a boner? This video makes a boner. My God. User, Credo Ape Thor posed something to crack me up, writing, I wish he wasn't a murderer. Yep, me too.
Starting point is 01:57:49 Wait, wait a go, credo ape Thor. Wait a, wait a throw that out there. Yeah, we were all thinking it, but only you had the balls to write it down. User Ernesto Ortega goes way out of his way. I love when people do stuff like this. It goes way out of his way to let us all know. He is very straight. He likes having sex with attractive women for sure.
Starting point is 01:58:07 He writes, I like the music video strippers. All of them look sexy. I would date and screw all of them. Okay. Good job, Ernesto. Way to get that off your chest. No one's going to ever question your sexuality. Ha, ha.
Starting point is 01:58:19 Not now. After that definitive statement, uh, finally user, Mr. Marvelous posts three simple words. He did it. And then Dragon Blazer 97 comes back to win the internet, writing, yeah, but this makes up for it. That's all for today's it, it's all the internet. Fortunately, juice never gets picked up for TV. And the following year in 2007, OJ actually gets caught for a serious crime. On September 13, Simpson is arrested and charged with several
Starting point is 01:58:59 cumulative counts of robbery with the deadly weapon, burglary with the deadly weapon, and conspiracy to commit a crime. According to the police report, two sports member billiard dealers claim that Simpson and five other men, some of them armed, barged into their Las Vegas hotel room and stole various OJ Simpson member billiard items, which Simpson claims had originally been stolen from him. I love it. Dude gets arrested for stealing his own member billiard. I should try that. Next time someone brings like one of my vinyl records
Starting point is 01:59:26 to a show for me to sign, I should just fucking take it. Nah, nah dude, not giving it back, it's mine. Dude, it's mine, look at it, has my name on it. October 3rd, 2008 Simpson found guilty on a dozen weapons robbery and kidnapping charges for the Vegas crime. December 5th, he sends to 33 years in prison, eligible for parole after nine. Simpson simply remarks the judge, I didn't want to steal anything from
Starting point is 01:59:48 anyone. Well, then you shouldn't have fucking stole it. And then in my mind, he winks at the camera in the court, turns and says, if I had to do all over, I would use a Hertz rent a car. Hertz consistently rents the best getaway cars in the business. If you need to flee the scene fast, take it from the juice. There's no one faster than Hertz. There's no way Hertz is ever going to respond to this show now. After this verdict, Ronald Goldman's father, Fred tells the media, it was satisfying seeing him and shackles like he belongs. Lesson two years ago, October 1st, 2017,
Starting point is 02:00:15 OJ released from prison on parole after serving his minimum sentence, nine years behind bars. After his release, the state of Florida says that Simpson is no longer welcome there. Right, right, right. Our state should not become a country club for this convicted criminal. Damn, not even Florida wants him. That's saying a lot.
Starting point is 02:00:33 The home of Florida man doesn't want OJ Simpson. A state famous for headlines about Derbex. Simpson is currently living in Las Vegas. That sounds about right. Active on social media, historic continues. Just last month Simpson joined Twitter. He already has almost 900,000 followers.
Starting point is 02:00:52 So safe to say, he's gonna be making some endorsement money all over again like he used to. How fucked up is that? And how terribly great would it be if he started tweeting about Hertz? Please, please do that. Hi, this is Oji Simpson, don't tweet and drive. But if you are gonna tweet in a car doing a hurt rent car
Starting point is 02:01:06 We like I do tweet about your football glory days tweet as if no one thinks you're a cold blood murderer Tweet like you're not someone with a long history of domestic violence I'm done putting some of the hurts on the lady folk, but I ain't done with her to rent a car It's pretty sickening scrolling through his feet. What you can do without following him by the way? He looks good looks healthy post about a a day, seems to be enjoying his life. Next seems to be still supporting his giant fucking melon, just fine. Posting tons of videos about him playing golf, boasting about his NFL accomplishments, pontificating about politics, talking a lot about fantasy football,
Starting point is 02:01:41 popped up a few weeks ago in a Buffalo Sports Radio show and Buffalo podcast. Do's probably gonna have his own podcast soon. Still living large on the NFL pension money. Free after all this. Let's get out of today's time suck timeline. Good job, soldier. You made it back. Barely. Before we go to today's takeaways, I have some last thoughts on the OJ trial. I just want to say that I get why the jury let him off with murder. I really do. Emotionally, it does make sense to me. Like I said earlier in the episode, LA, still reeling from the Rodney King beating, the race riots that followed the occurrences two short years prior to the murders, racial tensions still very high. African Americans
Starting point is 02:02:30 in the LA area knew damn well that many LAPD officers were racially prejudice against blacks to try to just reconfirm this, especially against black men that watched the King video. And that was but one of many racially motivated brutality incidents. Many had seen friends and neighbors beaten unjustly by police and many of them just wanted a win. Now a hero of the black communities on trial, someone who would become a symbol of how a poor black kid from the projects could conquer white America and live the American dream to the fullest. And now this hero, this mascot of hope, wanted for murder. It must have felt like a punch in the gut.
Starting point is 02:03:07 And it looked bad, it looked like he really did it, it looks really, really fucking bad. But OJ hired a lot of smooth talking top shelf attorneys. And there is this powerful psychological phenomenon. We've talked a lot about here on this time, so it's called Confirmation Bias. As a juror, I can see how you could choose to just focus on the racist cops. You could let some of those smooth talking attorneys convince you that, you know, what
Starting point is 02:03:31 you must know deep down inside about his abuse, about his murder, it's just not true. You just confirmation bias, let's let's let's float on by and you just focus on these fucking cops that must have framed OJ. They hated OJ, right? They hated black Americans, they hated. They hated OJ, right? They hated black Americans. They hated you. So fuck them, right? Through acquitting OJ, you get to give a little fuck you back to the system that has always
Starting point is 02:03:51 been so stacked against you. Wins hard to come by. And this is a big win. I get that as much as a white dude living in Idaho can get that. I really do. It's just a shame that OJ of all people got to be the recipient of this racial payback. To me, that's the real tragedy of this trial. To me, the OJ trial, good reminder that we meet sex are highly emotional creatures. Emotion
Starting point is 02:04:15 can and often does cloud our judgments. I've talked about it before, but I was on a jury for a day and it was an open and shut DUI case a couple years back. Dude was beyond guilty. Young dude passed out behind the wheel, drove across the freeway on the oncoming traffic, then flipped down the bank at 3 a.m. Like drove across both sections of the freeway when the cops found him his blood alcohol limit was over three times legal limit. And he said that because he was shook up by the wreck, he decided to start pounding beers by the side of the road
Starting point is 02:04:45 until the cops showed up, which no one has fucking ever done who started off sober. I almost laughed out loud when he said that. Ludicrous. And yet, two of the other jurors I worked with wanted to let him off. Two emotional thinkers with axes to grind. One of whom, when I grilled him, is like,
Starting point is 02:05:02 why? Why can't you just go along with the guilty verdict? He said it was because he thought cops were assholes. He's got local cops for assholes. He'd had some bad experiences being pulled over and he essentially felt like a guilty verdict was letting the cops win. Not kidding. Dude got so mad when I pressed him on this, he literally started shaking. Dude was a fucking basket case, by the way. He reminded me you don't have to pass the psychovalid to be a juror. Don't have to pass an IQ test, either. It's fucking terrifying. Even worse, the other jurors were gonna go along with Captain Crazy Pants, because too
Starting point is 02:05:30 many people are just not confrontational. They just didn't want to confront an emotionally unstable nut job. So many meat sacks are such terrible decision makers. In my opinion, not only did OJ do it, but the prosecution proved he did it. But because we meat sacks are so often so scarred and flawed and have so many biases, that proving that just wasn't enough. Sometimes we meat sacks are just going to hear what we want to hear. Period, end of story.
Starting point is 02:05:56 We're just determined to get things wrong sometimes. To me, flawed human nature is the only reason why OJ is out there tweeting. We got it wrong. We got it wrong with OJ and the juice is still on the loose OJ is out there tweeting. We got it wrong. We got it wrong with OJ and the juice is still on the loose time now for top five takeaways. Time suck, top five takeaways. The OJ murder case ended up becoming something, becoming about something that it should have never been about. Race.
Starting point is 02:06:22 Yes, there were some races, assholes involved, C Mark Ferman. But the evidence of OJ's guilt was and is overwhelming. Ferman didn't plant years of domestic abuse allegations against, you know, with Nicole. He didn't plant motive and opportunity. He didn't plant future legal analysts and acquaintances thinking that OJ is for sure guilty. Outside of OJ's legal team,
Starting point is 02:06:39 and a few conspiracy minded authors, almost no one thinks he was actually innocent. A lot of people think he was guilty. A number two, OJ should forever be remembered as a batter of women while his first wife, Marguerite, insisted that he never harmed her. Nicole reported abuse eight times. Dozens of other cases not reported. Even OJ's girlfriend, Post Nicole's murder, Christie Prody, who stood with him for, you know,
Starting point is 02:07:01 almost 15 years has come out saying that OJ was a violent serial abuser as well. In that 2006 interview in which OJ for all intents and purposes admitted into killing both people, he also admitted that he worried that he would be remembered as a batter of women. Well, he should be number three, the OJ case changed the way America looked at domestic violence because of this case. Domestic violence was quickly taken from the privacy of the home and placed into the public discourse.
Starting point is 02:07:24 Sometimes something great can come from something terrible. Thank them, Rod. Number four, two murders can't take away athletic greatness. Holy shit. I got to get it to them there. Bo-legged water head, fucking destroyed football. This peak five years between 7175, perhaps the best five straight years any running back ever had in the history of the NFL.
Starting point is 02:07:44 OJ still holds college and pro records 40 years after retiring, including most 200 yard games in the NFL career with six highest amount of yards rushing average per game in an NFL season a over 143 largest margin of winning votes for the high smithrofe in NCAA history. Also ranked second currently all time and murders committed with a knife by a current or former NFL player. Of course, this record comes with an asterisk because he was found not guilty. And I'm not kidding about the second thing. A crazy fuckhead named Robert Rosir, another murder from Alaska last week has killed more.
Starting point is 02:08:18 Dude only lasted a few games in the NFL played defensive and for the St. Louis Cardinals in 1979. He was released for drug and alcohol issues, also spent two weeks in camp with the Raiders. Rosir was a member of the Yahweh, Ben Yahweh's Temple of Love, weird Florida cult in 1995, the story goes that in order to enter Yahweh's elite inner group known as the Brotherhood, he had to kill a white devil
Starting point is 02:08:37 and return with the body part to prove it. Rosir would admit to killing seven white people to please Yahweh. He was arrested and charged with murder on October 31, 1986. Halloween, the textual report that Rosera's fingerprints have been found in the scene of two random murders where trans people have been killed. Their ears have been sliced off and press releases linked him with at least five other murders in Miami.
Starting point is 02:08:58 After agreeing to testify against Yahweh's organization, he was sentenced to 22 years in prison after serving 10 years of the sense set free 1996. You could possibly have some drinks with OJ and his is a story, a possible story for another suck. Number five, the last takeaway, something I didn't mention, it was the final Hollywood project starring OJ before he murdered his ex-wife and her friend. The project was called Frogman. It was a movie length pilot for what OJ and NBC were hoping would be a successful TV show. The show was discussed but never introduced as evidence
Starting point is 02:09:29 during Simpson's criminal trial. In a chilling echo of those killings, a scene in the two-hour movie meant to launch the action drama series, feature Simpson's character grabbing what he believes to be an intruder. The young woman turned out to be his daughter and momentarily holding a knife to her throat. The prosecution also investigates reports that Simpson received military training, including how to use a knife in preparation for that role. Frogman was NBC's attempt to recapture some of the fun love and spirit of the A team. Yet for all his notoriety, Frogman has been kept locked in vaults at Warner Brothers. Few have seen the final product, including many of those involved, who found themselves
Starting point is 02:10:03 caught in the center of a media storm even as they watched a lucrative career opportunity ride off into the sunset, hitched a Simpsons Ford Bronco. We believe that many levels for many reasons broadcasting the program in whole or in part was inappropriate. Said studio spokeswoman woman Barbara, Rodley Adi, all those reasons seem as valid today as they were then. And that is how we suck the juice. Yes, I know there are arguments out there in books about how OJ didn't do it, but I didn't
Starting point is 02:10:35 include them because this is already, at least based on the notes, the longest episode of Time Suck yet, and also because I don't, I don't buy it. I default to the philosophic principle of Occam's razor once more. Suppose there exist two explanations for an occurrence. In this case, the one that requires the least speculation is usually correct. For me, the one that requires the least speculation is that he 100% did it. Thanks to the time-soaked team, thanks to Queen of the Suck Lindsey Cummins, high priest of the Suck Harmony Village Camp, Jesse Gardy Guardian of grammar, Doberman, Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley time suck high priest Alex Dugan the guys at Biddelixer danger brain
Starting point is 02:11:11 Axis apparel thanks to Heather knowledge ninja Rylinder for the preliminary research Zack Scripp keeper flannery for the additional research and me for some more research We do our best to thoroughly explore these topics. And then I mush mouth them up every single week. Next week, still more true crime before we take at least two week departure from the true crime based on these subsequent topics. Next week, a female serial killer and old time you wanted that. You know, I love me an old time. He stuck. Bell gunness nor region born. Bell gunness immigrated to the US in 1881 and had a series of suspicious fires and deaths followed her that followed her immediately. She was like the female HH homes in some way.
Starting point is 02:11:51 She loved to collect and life insurance policies. Like homes, Belle would recruit lonely folks looking for some romance and then they would just fucking disappear. She posted notices and loved Lauren Columns to entice wealthy men to her farm and then they were never seen again. And the authorities eventually found the remains of over 40 victims on her property and then Bell disappeared without a trace. And she didn't even need a Ford Bronco or an old football buddy trying to get away.
Starting point is 02:12:15 Hell's Bell next week. Time sucker updates right now. Time Sucker and Gun Expert Zach Recarpenter sent an update to the Robert Hansen Suck. I got a similar variation to this update from many of you. Zach wrote, I'm listening to episode 154 and you mentioned the Mini 14 looking like the M16, AR15 on the civilian market. But the Mini 14 is designed as a scaled down M14 that was an older service rifle chambered in the 308. The Mini 14 is similar to the M16 in the fact
Starting point is 02:12:51 that they use the same bullet and magazine, but they look much different. Fair enough, fair enough. One of my sources described the gun as looking like an M16 and I just accept that. And I was kind of wrong. I will say, doing some Google image searches, certain minium 14s with the right coloring and slight modifications to the stock look to me as being very M16-ish.
Starting point is 02:13:13 You know, it's funny over the course of this of time. So I have learned that gun experts have way more in common with comic book nerds than I would have ever expected. You guys notice details. No one else gives a fuck about it. And I love it. Keep teaching the rest of us. I like it.
Starting point is 02:13:31 Polish Korean time sucker Dan Dabakowski, actually, Dabakowski, send in a cool Napoleon update. This victim of Polish evil, Tom Foulary writes, Dobakowski, he wrote it phonetically, to preempt the jokes. It is a Polish last name, but I am fully Korean. Yes, that confuses people, including employers and teachers I've had over the years. I'm adopted.
Starting point is 02:13:57 Well, I'm sorry, Dan, I want you to tell me where the Polish monsters who stole a fucking human baby live. And I will have them exterminated like the filthy savages they are. The end continues. Just wanted to put this out there regarding your comments from the Napoleon Bonaparte suck. Specifically about truth lining up shoulder to shoulder
Starting point is 02:14:15 instead of hiding behind trees and rocks. Yes, I'm late. Just started listening a few weeks ago. I apologize if someone has mentioned this to you before, they have not. This is such a good update. Line infantry tactics in the late 1700s weren't entirely due to the commander's total apathy for the lives of their soldiers. It actually made a good deal of sense given the circumstances
Starting point is 02:14:34 of the time. Number one, muskets had no rifling and thus were extremely inaccurate. The only way to reliably hit anything was to send dozens and dozens of muskets balls into a general area. Rifle muskets existed but were not issued in large numbers and were typically hunting weapons. During the Revolutionary War oftentimes militiamen were using their hunting rifles for combat, hence why they shot much better than the British and why they utilized things like cover. 2. Communication sucked. The best way to communicate information was by screaming loudly and musical instruments, meaning that people had to stay close to hear any kind of orders. Muskets and cannons are really loud.
Starting point is 02:15:13 3. Cavalry charges were still a real viable thing in which shred infantry that were spread out and disorganized. The best defense was a huge mass of dudes with long bayonets creating a spike wall for horses to crash into. Holy shit, spike wall sounds terrible. I'm loving this update, Dan. Number four, troops were not well trained. Other times needed to be instructed on virtually everything, especially during battle. Most of the soldiers weren't battle hard and professionals
Starting point is 02:15:37 didn't have the initiative to work well alone. Another great point. Five, lastly, firing in three groups is pretty common. One line of soldiers would fire, then begin to reload. As they reloaded, which would take a ton of time, a second, and then third line of soldiers would fire, by the third volley, the first could fire again, creating a constant fire with no pauses. Anyway, my apologies if this was already brought up in a previous update, and I did post this to the Facebook group, so the cult will hear of this regardless. Hopefully this helped explain a little bit as to why a few hundred years ago, they were
Starting point is 02:16:10 employing tactics that seemed totally suicidal to us today for reasons other than a callus disregard for peasant lives. What an incredible update. Thank you, Dan. So happy to see that those Polish bastards did not completely destroy your human mind. Love the extra warfare. Now, I love these kind of updates so much. One of my favorite things to learn, these additional details that I would never otherwise learn.
Starting point is 02:16:31 Hail to him, Rod. Now, let's hear from an angry fellow Idahoan and time sucker Eric Urban, who completely missed one of my jokes and got kind of fired up about it. Eric wrote, the fuck, dude, you went to Glacier National Park and found it three out of five. Basically, that means that you shame me as a fellow Idahoan and fellow rigging citizen at some point. You shame yourself as a time sucker by underrating the national parks and you should always encourage people to visit and donate to parks. Your three out of five Glacier National Park rating is a failure of your own. Please revisit. Please
Starting point is 02:17:05 continue this suck, but also suck yourself when you feel compelled to rate a national park. A three out of five is a place to go. You love Teddy. You should push any person to enjoy seeing them and continue their patronage. Love the outrage here, but, uh, God, there's just too many inside jokes now to keep track of way back. This is why said this. Way back in the 100th episode, the drunk is fuck suck. I went under a rant about some edit of the internet who supposedly loved everything about a book they read on Amazon. And after just nothing but nice words about the book, they raided the book three out of five stars and it fired me up. And I went and I went off about it. I was a little drunk too.
Starting point is 02:17:42 And then the joke stuck in the Facebook group for a while. It's been too long since I brought it up. Probably should have explained that when I was saying three out of five stars for Glacier, I meant it was it was perfect. I meant like five or six out of five. Okay. Are we good now, Ranger Rick? Quick shout out on behalf of Evan Hare who writes, dear masters time sucker, wanted to
Starting point is 02:18:01 write you a quick note, tell you how much I love time suck. My amazing brother-in-law took me to your live podcast, stand up, and Grand Rapids. It's the end of last year. I've been hooked ever since. I think your podcast are amazing. They're the only thing that gave me to the work day. I just have one request, not from me, but as there's any way you can give a shout out to my brother-in-law on one of your podcasts.
Starting point is 02:18:18 His name is Jay Dancer. It would make his year. He's a space lizard and one of your biggest fans. I understand if you can't because you probably get a million of these requests, but thanks for all you do. Hail, name, Rod, Hail, Lucifer, and a praiseable jangles. PS can't wait to see you again in Grand Rapids. We already have our tickets. Oh, fantastic. Hail, Jay, dancer. Thank you, Jay, for bringing in your bro and law. Glad that, you know, that you two have no shortage of fucked up stuff to talk about now. We're interesting subjects. And now, final updates, a big one.
Starting point is 02:18:48 Final update comes in from an amazing time, sucker Jessica. I will leave her last name out, not because she requested that because she did not. But I want to protect her for many unwanted criticism that may come her way based on her criticism of me, which I was glad to hear. Let me state that very clearly. This gives me a chance to address some of my thoughts on what I think is acceptable when it comes to my humor. Jessica writes, stuttering dot dot dot. Hello, Dan, come as master of soccer.
Starting point is 02:19:11 I'm a huge fan of your podcast and we've turned on to it by the love of my life and 11 year partner, Charlie. He's funny, kind and smart. He shares a lot of the traits that you do with his hilarious yet quite on an unpoint, quite on point, rantings. We think you're amazing and have been spreading the suck as much as possible. And I even became a spaceless. I always thought that if I wrote to you, it would be in the context of sharing something
Starting point is 02:19:31 funny, we're asking for a shout out until I listen to the recent Robert Hansen suck, what a douchebag. However, I felt like I was getting punched in the gut each time you mocked his stuttering. Charlie has lived with the stutter his whole life and the bullying is real. I have heard his stories about being mocked and ridiculed by family members, teachers, peers, strangers, and friends starting from a very young age. I have seen the shock on people's faces as he struggles with words to start with the vowel. I have heard people repeat his stuttering back to him thinking it's funny or that he simply fumbled a bit on a word. I have watched him have to explain his stutter to people and worse, I've seen
Starting point is 02:20:04 him apologize for it. This is the thing that he deals with literally every day and I've heard him wonder how different his life would be if he didn't stutter. This breaks my heart. He was the kid who always did the answer in class but would never raise his hand for fear that he would stutter and people would laugh. To this day, he has anxiety over simply making a phone call or talking to new people. I just wanted to raise some awareness as he and I were for the first time ever not on your side of the joke. Don't worry, we love that hell out of you and always will.
Starting point is 02:20:30 But I also know you were always open to different perspectives. And I wanted to share that the Stuttering Joke seemed off sides and made both of us a little sad inside. It was hard to listen to. Stuttering is actually kind of fascinating, although devastating to the one suffering from it and perhaps deserves a suck. Anyway, thanks for making me feel like I could reach out and be heard.
Starting point is 02:20:47 You are an awesome human being. Hail Nimrod, big hail to Lucifina, and a huge thank you to you and your team for nailing it hard. Love for Minnesota, Jessica. Well, hello, Jessica, and hello, Charlie as well. I love that both of you have enjoyed the show overall, and I love that you feel that you can reach out and be heard, because that's absolutely true. I no longer get back to everybody's messages or, you know, and I, sorry,
Starting point is 02:21:09 I have had, I have to say this, before I get into this little last final tire, I went, I was in Mexico last week and I don't know what happened. Lend me, I got some weird virus. I have had none. It doesn't matter if I eat or not, none for three days, non-stop air pressure in my chest. Feels like there's a balloon, somebody he's pumping up inside. So I apologize for all the weird stops. Trying to fight through it here.
Starting point is 02:21:32 But yes, I know I don't get back to all the messages, but I appreciate all the messages sent in. The only reason, you know, all your messages don't get responded to is because of that damn enemy of us all, father time. It's not enough time. That friend of the Reaper, first off, sorry the Suttering Jokes, Stung, sorry the Charlie's had to deal with Suttering.
Starting point is 02:21:48 And as you point out that has not been fun, it does not continue to be fun. As far as the running gag being off color, I'm not sure it was, and I'll explain why in some detail here. Actually, I'd like to use this and excuse to explain my kind of philosophy of comedy, which encompasses those jokes.
Starting point is 02:22:04 Someone once said, or perhaps numerous people have said, analysis is the death of comedy. We'll get ready for some, some unfunny, but I think interesting comedic construction here. The most popular character on this show so far, based on emails and merch requested, based on people actually dressing up like him coming to shows, based on people yelling his catchphrase, during live shows, has to be be Andre what this big deal? Chicatillo. And why is that? Chicatillo was a fucking monster as was Hansen, as was fish, camper, et cetera.
Starting point is 02:22:33 Mostly I feel that people have laughed at Chicatillo because of a his impotence and b his comedic frustration over an obsession with his impotence. And of course, see a silly accent which could be seen as offensive in its own right, if anyone has been teased for having an accent. I think many of us find it funny that a monster, a murderer, someone obsessed with proving his dominance suffered from an ailment historically, right or wrong, that has symbolized a lack of manliness, a lack of traditional masculine power, impotence. But is impotence funny for everyone?
Starting point is 02:23:05 Fuck no. I think you see where I'm going now. Many men suffer from impotence. Many men have been mocked for impotence. Many men suffer so much embarrassment over it. They have a lot of dating problems. They refuse to see a doctor treated. I've talked about this with the Hymns commercials.
Starting point is 02:23:19 It's a real source of true, not funny shame for many people. So is it okay to make fun of Chica Tilo's impotence? And if it is, is it okay to also make fun of Hansen's stutter, I think it's interesting where we draw our lines, is it not? And notice that I say, Chica Tilo's impotence and Hansen's stutter. I'm not saying if you have a stutter, you are an idiot
Starting point is 02:23:39 and deserving of mockery. If I heard some random person stuttering, I wouldn't start openly mimicking them, I wouldn't mockery. If I heard some random person stuttering, I wouldn't start openly mimicking them, I wouldn't mock them. I'm not making fun of stuttering in general. I'm making fun of how it relates to Robert Hanson and what I think is a comedic way. Also, I do know a little something about speech issues.
Starting point is 02:23:56 I am the Moshmau's king. I love getting teased about being a Moshmau. My Moshmau's is not a stutter, but I am physically tongue-tied. I probably should have seen a speech therapist as a kid. It wasn't one in Riggins. I have, you know, based on how I've been teased by others of myself and based on the words of several dentists, and I've normally small mouth. I'd have some teeth removed as a kid to make room in my little mouth for some new teeth
Starting point is 02:24:18 coming in. And my mouth is, you know, looks even smaller because of I have a pretty big head. My young niece, Ellie, has been pretty good about pointing that out to me. Sometimes I mispronounce words that of ignorance. Other times it is genuinely physically very difficult for me to get my tongue tied little mouth to cooperate. Also, super prone to kanker source, which makes speaking even more fun. Sometimes quite literally painful to speak because I have the equivalent of multiple stomach ulcers inside of my mouth sometimes four or five at one time I run through a healthy amount of a leave and advel to kind of dull the pain enough so that I don't try to move my mouth in ways to
Starting point is 02:24:53 Avoid the pain and speak in an even worse mushier way. Do I get mad about the teasing? I don't why I can't help it Might as well embrace the mush mouth tile. I'm always gonna have it We all have little eccentricity some of my teeth are crooked as well. I Moshmau style. I'm always gonna have it. We all have little eccentricities, some of my teeth or crooked as well. I don't care about braces. I'm gonna talk about super straight teeth. That bothers some people. Some people their teeth are very important that way.
Starting point is 02:25:12 But again, I know what I have is not as severe or as noticeable as a stutter, but also I think it's important to own our quirks, our shortcomings, our disabilities, our differences, whatever semantics you wanna use. It's the best way to control how they affect us. If you're self-conscious about something, can you not find a way to own it
Starting point is 02:25:29 and take power of mockery away from others? It's best you can. Maybe for stuttering, and I'm not kidding, maybe carry a little card in your wallet. It says, yeah, stutter, so what? At least I'm not an asshole, mocking someone who stutter, so fuck you. I'm like, how great would it be to hand that to somebody
Starting point is 02:25:44 who's being a dick about it? Stab him right in the gut. Just no Jessica that would I make a joke like the Hanson joke, I know I'm gonna upset some people, but if I don't tell that joke, where do I stop? What's the next joke I don't tell? Where is the line? It's subjective.
Starting point is 02:25:59 We all collectively decide where it is. Like I was telling my kids the other day, never forget that all of our laws, customs, philosophies, to me, even our religions, they're just some meat sack opinions and thoughts that a fair amount of people have agreed upon. None of it is set in stone. What's offensive? Well, whatever we choose to think is offensive. Nothing verbally is inherently offensive.
Starting point is 02:26:18 For me, dark humor is acceptable when the joke is directed at the right target and what I find subjectively to be the right way. I feel my stuttering target with Hanson, you know, is Hanson. I'm making fun of him having a stutter, not stuttering himself. Why is his stuttering funny to me? Because of the frustration it gave a murderer. He craved power, he craved dominance. And stuttering rightly or wrongly doesn't verbally convey power. I found it funny, still doing it's funny, for him wanting to say some dark, super villain shit and not be able to and then be super annoyed with himself. For another example, I wouldn't make fun of obesity in general. A lot of people struggle with obesity, hurtful, sensitive subject to many, many people. I'm not going to say something along the way, you're fat. That's so fucking funny. You're fat. To me, that's mindless
Starting point is 02:27:00 and cruel. But if I come across a serial killer who's very overweight, who victims often get a way because he's too overweight to catch him, if he has to take a lot of breaks while torturing somebody because of his weight, if he dies of a heart attack, trying to chase the victim down, that's fucking hilarious to me. Probably gonna make some jokes, expensive his weight. Will those jokes offensive people? Sure will. She could see a little offended many, But I'm gonna keep making these jokes
Starting point is 02:27:25 because I would rather live in a world where there's a lot we can laugh at, rather than start tightening and tightening what we can laugh at into a little tiny bubble of just a few little things so we don't hurt anyone's feelings. There's a Bill Burt quote out there that I cannot fucking find for the life of me
Starting point is 02:27:38 and it's driving me crazy today. Two years ago, it felt like it was everywhere. The gist of it is Bill talked about how for a lot of people who love comedy, it's all jokes, all fun and games until a joke, touches on something personal to them, then suddenly the comedy's over, now it's a hate speech. That really resonated with me.
Starting point is 02:27:55 With my own standup, I've had instances of that many times. I wrote these jokes about mean greeting cards years ago. Big crowd pleasers, closed a lot of shows on them. I had over 10 of these fake greeting cards, making fun of marriage, kids, Christian holidays, Jewish holidays, all sorts of stuff. I had one about troops getting cheated on by their girlfriends while they were on duty overseas and I got hate emails for some military. You know, I got some emails from people who be offended on behalf of military members. People offend on behalf of others
Starting point is 02:28:22 by the way, always the fucking worst. I had another card making fun of pet condolences cards. Got some emails for some animal lovers. And I found it hilarious that people couldn't see the hypocrisy at laughing at all the other things I've said. And then I mock something dear to their heart. Suddenly, I'm not joking. Almost done with this community explanation. Now I promise. But I've been thinking about this for a lot of episodes. I also had an old joke about making a blind friend think I just pushed him into the grand canyon. And then I worried about what blind people would think about that joke. And then I had two blind fans show up with a show sitting in front and I skipped that
Starting point is 02:28:55 joke like a coward because I was worried about defending them. And then afterwards they came up to me and they said they'd come to the show specifically for that joke. They fucking loved it. And I was so mad at myself. Why did I assume they couldn't take it? Why did I ever tell any joke? That I was worried about somebody not being able to take.
Starting point is 02:29:12 Why was I gonna cater to someone's sensitivities at the expense of bringing my brand of laughter to others who do for sure enjoy it? I hope that all made sense. I like to laugh. Life is too sad if you think too seriously, but I like to laugh about things many people find if you think too seriously, but I like to laugh about things. Many people find it appropriate. And if I start curbing that now because it might hurt somebody's feelings so much laughter is gonna go away.
Starting point is 02:29:31 This whole show is gonna go away. So while I don't want to hurt feelings, I'm not gonna hold back when it comes to a dark sense of humor. I'm gonna try to minimize. It's hurtfulness. I put a lot of thought into it. I really do, but the dark humor will remain Luciferina is strong inside me. I hope that made sense Jessica. I think it was completely okay for you to be offended. I just hope that when you or any other listener gets offended, you think, was that really too far? Or just too far for me because of my personal experiences. And if I laugh many times, other things that were equally that far. Glad you and Charlie will still have the podcast. Tell Charlie Love them. Maybe someday we'll stutter and mush mouth our way through an incredibly sloppy conversation. And last, last I promise. Maybe you're right.
Starting point is 02:30:10 Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe we're both wrong. Maybe we're both right. I'm trying to be confusing. Just want to remind you that we make all this shit up as we go along. I'll keep trying to keep, you know, to stay true. Listen to me fumble now.
Starting point is 02:30:20 To my own dark sense of humor, while minimizing collateral damage and I hope most of you continue to enjoy this show, fuck most, all of you. That's what I say most. Thank you for your continued input. Jesus Christ! Thank you for your continued input. So it makes this podcast special and I'll talk to you next week. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. I love how my family shows up as I'm trying to do a subway. Have a great week, everybody. Don't expect this much info next week.
Starting point is 02:30:51 God dang, I keep going and getting these episodes longer. Eventually, I'll just stop recording one podcast and time to start the next one. Don't stab anyone to death this week, even if you're pretty sure you can get away with it and keep on sucking! If the squirrel puppet doesn't fit, you must quit!

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