Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 163 - The Church of Satan

Episode Date: October 28, 2019

The Church of Satan! How many babies do they sacrifice? Do the babies have to be Christian? How many virgins are presented to dudes wearing robes or devil horns or goat masks at their orgies? Do any o...f these questions actually pertain to real Satanism? Today we look mostly at LaVayen Satanism - the most common and well known branch of Satanic worship - and we look at its founder, Anton LaVey. Will your preconceived notions of what Satanism is supposed to be actually match the truth? You'll find out when you listen to today's Satanic episode of Timesuck. Hail Lucifina! Check out Lynze and I's new horror podcast Scared to Death. Listen on Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes, Youtube, and more! Here's the iTunes link: CLICK HERE Donating $3200 this month to the nonprofit - Holding Out Help. https://holdingouthelp.org/ Happy Murder Tour Standup dates: (full calendar at http://dancummins.tv) November 1-2 Columbus, OH Funny Bone Comedy Club CLICK HERE for tix! November 7-9 Denver, CO Comedy Works (downtown) CLICK HERE for tix! November 10 - Denver, CO LIVE TIMESUCK CLICK HERE for tix! November 21-23 Grand Rapids, MI Dr. Grins (at the B.O.B) CLICK HERE for tix! November 23 Grand Rapids, MI LIVE TIMESUCK CLICK HERE for tix! Listen to the best of my standup on Spotify! (for free!) https://spoti.fi/2Dyy41d For Hims! Try hims today by starting out with a FREE online visit. Go to ForHims.com/timesuckED Watch the Suck on Youtube: https://youtu.be/ZTEMoyoYGQQ Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Want to try out Discord!?! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're over 5000 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The person who takes every opportunity to pick on others is often mistakenly called sadistic. In reality, this person is a misdirected masochist who is working towards his own destruction. The reason a person viciously strikes out against you is because they are afraid of you or what you represent or are resentful of your happiness. That's a quote from Anton Leveye, founder of the Church of Satan. Is that what you'd expect to hear from the guy who wrote the Satanic Bible? The black Pope, Beelzebub's high priest, given pretty solid counsel and advice.
Starting point is 00:00:31 It doesn't reference burning your enemy alive with hellfire or setting a legion of demons upon him to gnash and tear apart their immortal soul. I mean, he doesn't even reference having an imp bite him on their ankles or something. Now what I expected, today's episode, not what I expected going in at all. And I love it when that happens. I love it when I was totally wrong about what I thought something was. I thought one way my entire life,
Starting point is 00:00:54 do a bunch of research and then I, oh, okay, okay, it's the exact opposite of what I was thinking. You're gonna learn a lot about Satanism today. And if you're already pretty familiar with it, I think you're gonna be pretty surprised. We're gonna examine Anton's legend in. And today's timeline will go over the tenets of the faith he formalized, including the 11 satanic rules of the earth, the nine satanic sins and the evolution of the church over the decades. I'll also walk you through
Starting point is 00:01:17 the most infamous of satanic rituals, the black mass, cue the spooky music, cue the goosebumps, feel the flames of hell. It's Halloween week, and who better to suck on than the worshipers of the dark Lord himself? Or to say this even worships Satan, find out, find out today on a Hail Lucifina edition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald, and you're listening to Time Suck, You're listening to Time Suck. Hello and happy Monday, Cole to the Curious.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I'm Dan Cummins, Suck Nasty, Triple Lambs Rode, Nimrods Altar Boy, Luciferina Sacrificial Lam, and you are listing the time suck. Recording in the suck dungeon today, gangs all here, Reverend Dr. Horsecott Johnson Paisley, high priest, his harmony belly camp, script keeper, Zach Flannery, Queen of the suck, Lindsey Cummins, Lindsey the co-host of Scared to Death, another bad magic productions podcast. And you know, if you want to spook your story, then today's suck for Halloween, check out
Starting point is 00:02:23 Scared to Death, making this week's episode about Satanism, you know, as you want to spook your story then today's suck for Halloween. Check out Scared of Death. Making this week's episode about Satanism, as well on that show, a tale of actual Satanic ritual murder, a tale of Satanic possession. So you want the spooks you head over to Scared of Death, you want a deep dive on Anton Leven, the church of Satan's beliefs. Well, you stay right here. It's gonna get weird and fun today.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Big thanks again to all the spaces, it's all hail to spaces. There's last reminder that we're giving $3,200 this month on behalf of Patreon to holding out help. Holdingouthelp.org provides those who come from a polygamist culture, the resources needed, to transition from isolation to independence. Link in the episode description,
Starting point is 00:03:01 if you'd like to learn more or donate more yourself. And thank you again for the recent ratings and reviews. For time suck and also for scared to death, every rating and review helps so much. And you guys have really been spreading this suck. Wow, this last week in Portland, Oregon was fucking crazy. So many time suckers, so many scared to death listeners too. And five sold out shows, added to six,
Starting point is 00:03:19 just a few days ahead of the shows, solid 100 suckers came out to that early show on Saturday as well. So please keep tagging the preview videos at, you know, at time, so I podcast or scared to death podcast on Facebook and Instagram. Tag friends, share those vids so new people can, you know, like what you like. Joe Paisley kills those videos. Thank you if you already do that.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And thanks again to the fans. Yeah, who came out to Portland this past week, doing that again, Columbus, Ohio, Funny Bone, this Friday and Saturday, November 1st and 2nd. Look and have a lot more fun than off the comedy works in Denver, Colorado, November 7th of the 9th to do it another time. Plus record a little special album of old bits for Series XM. Plus gonna do a live Ant Hill Kids Cult time suck on the 10th, one of the last ones for the year. Now let's talk about the order of the suck one last time,
Starting point is 00:04:10 order of the society for the understanding of critical knowledge, order of the suck, head to our time suck shop, vice-door now. We wanted the first 75 to sign up to receive one of our time suck free mason type stickers for your business. Now these stickers are only for time suckers who own a business or work in a business that will be cool placing the marking sticker outside of the business. Then once you receive your sticker, stick it, in other words, easily
Starting point is 00:04:33 visible, email in a picture of where you place that sticker to Harmony at time suckpodcast.com and the email include the name of your business, the location, and then we can make a running list of those businesses. And then fellow time suckers can visit order of the suck establishments. I think it's going to be awesome. Support those who support the suck out. Sweet as that. Hail them, Rod. And now, South of Satan, bills above, bafflement, the Prince of darkness, the king of lies, the great deceiver, the beast, the adversary, the pit twizzler, the lake of fire, sizzler, goat face killer, the stinkthink from East Manila, the Lord of the naughty gourd, the clove and hoof ransacker from powder, wof rusty tracker.
Starting point is 00:05:15 All right, now I'm just fucking saying weird shit that rhymes. Uh, you know, most of the time, if I'm, if I talk about Satan, you know, if I bring him up in day to day life, it's a little bit of a, not today, Satan. I have that on a little plaque in the suck dungeon, but not today. Today, I say, okay, Satan, today is the day. Let's do it. I want to kick this off by sharing an important quote to keep in mind throughout this episode. Anton Levay, founder of the Church of Satan,
Starting point is 00:05:41 father of the, you know, the Levei in Satanism once said, I'm one hell of a liar. Most of my adult life, I've been accused of being a charlatan, a phony, and a posture. I guess that makes me about as close to what the devil's supposed to be as anyone. It's true. I lie constantly and,cessantly, because I lie so often, I'd really be full of shit if I didn't keep my mouth shut and my bowel's open. This quote is listed right on the church of Satan's own website. And he's not kidding. The dude lied all of the time. Most of what we are about to learn about today has less to do with the devil, more to do with Anton Leves well craft itself orchestrated legend. That doesn't
Starting point is 00:06:17 mean it won't be interesting. It's very interesting. The founder of the Church of Satan didn't even believe in Satan that most of us think of. To quote him again, he believed Satan represented a dark hidden force in nature that was responsible for the workings of earthly affairs for which science and religion had no explanation and no control. And yes, I do see how through a Christian lens that dark hidden force could absolutely be interpreted as the Christian devil. So in that sense, maybe he did worship the devil, even if he didn't think he did. I hear you Christians, I get it. The Church of Satan is a religious organization dedicated to Satanism as codified in the Satanic Bible. And how is Satanism defined by the Church of Satan? Not like I thought it would be. The most concise and thorough summary I can
Starting point is 00:07:03 find actually come straight from the Levein Satanism Wikipedia page, someone up the best saying, the religion is materialist rejecting the existence of supernatural beings, body, soul, dualism, and life after death. Practitioners do not believe that Satan literally exists and do not worship him. Did not expect that. Instead Satan is viewed as a positive archetype, representing pride, carnalty, and enlightenment. He is also embraced as a symbol of defiance against Abrahamic religions, which Levei and Criticize for suppressing humanity's natural instincts
Starting point is 00:07:36 and encouraging irrationality. The religion propagates a naturalistic worldview, seen mankind as animals existing in an amoral universe. It promotes a philosophy based on individualism and egoism coupled with social Darwinism and anti-egalitarianism. Now the Abrahamic religions are Islam, Judaism, and Christianity by the way. And since I didn't know that egalitarianism
Starting point is 00:08:00 means I'll define that for you as well, the doctrine that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. So, you know, Satan does not think that people are created equal. It believes in survival of the fittest, or Darwinistic, thinks itself interests as the foundation of morality, which is subjective. Excuse me, subjective. Ha. And it sounds more like a selfish, but not entirely irrational. Philosophic outlook more than a religion. So yeah, right, devil. Ha ha, you try to get me.
Starting point is 00:08:30 That's now you believe in. I fucking get it. Well, I know you eat babies. You fuck witches or geese. You drink the blood of virgins. You just sacrifice and you're priest, transform into goats at will. I mean, come on. Come on.
Starting point is 00:08:42 That's gotta be true, doesn't it? Maybe they'll admit what they really believe on their official website. They have a fact page called Satanism Central and one of the questions is, do you worship evil? Mm-hmm. Now we're getting somewhere. And when I click that link, fucking Baffa Met himself arose in front of me to puff a smokes.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Pfff. He just showed up and goes, it is evil incarnateage, the great boffamates, each of worlds. And they walked on his little clothing hoofed, don't feet, over my favorite chair and he started making his horrible sound. I was like, hey, what do you do, boffamette? And he was like, I'm gonna sit on your chair. And the stain and the smell will never come out. And I was like, why are you doing that?
Starting point is 00:09:22 And he grabbed me because I'm an evil. When I'm done, I'll drink the last of your favorite gin. And I'll take out a jar of chocolate. You won't be able to have any more tonight because the stores are selling and calling are close to the day. I know the hours of everything. So I'll have a lot of knowledge and stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I was like, you bastard, Bob, from it. You really are Satan. No, of course they didn't happen. No, according to their fact page, you cannot even define evil without discussing what is good. Therefore, the two are inseparable. One cannot understand darkness without experiencing light. The definition of good and evil is subject to change because it exists only as a perception. Good are the things we like.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Evil are the things we dislike. It often depends on who or what you are. Here we go with that egoism again. As Diane Vera says, if you're a mouse, cats are hideous monsters, but the pet owner cats are heavenly. Therefore, evil is not an essence. It is a value judgment. Ah, that actually makes a lot of sense. I think it's way more sense than I was kind of hoping to make. From a Christian point of view, Satan is evil because he represents the savage instincts. They are attempting to hide or suppress Satanist or true seekers and desire to peek behind such labels. We look upon religion as the starter of wars and the breeder of hate and intolerance. We believe that people are intelligent enough to instill moral and ethical
Starting point is 00:10:38 codes into a societal structure without a threat of an imaginary supernatural being, wreaking havoc on an offender. Huh, okay, all right, well, I met and it sound evil at all. It sounded very rational actually. Yet, am I satanic? There's a lot I agreed with right there. There's another website, thechurchesatan.com that doesn't seem any eviler than the one I just read from. Couple of,
Starting point is 00:11:05 couple of satanic church website out there, at churchstatin.org. Yeah, this next one is, what did I just say? I wanted to remember, oh man, dang it, notes, too many notes. Oh yeah, churchstatin.org now.
Starting point is 00:11:18 They say, we also regret to inform you that this is not a criminal organization, terrorism is discouraged, and physical violence is necessary only wouldn't involve self-defense We do not use foul language to disseminate pornography or advocate reckless drug use we did not promote harm to children or pets What Come on you guys don't sound like evil at all hang it You guys don't sound like evil at all. Dang it. Alright, their website didn't have anything evil on it.
Starting point is 00:11:46 They had a cup, they had like one picture of a couple satanic priestesses. They were topless. You know, that was about as evil as it got. The priestesses were really hot. I don't know if that makes them more evil or less evil, you know. After doing a lot of research, you know, the church satan seems to be, you know, the source of less sex scandals and other types of scandals than many televangies have engaged in and do a stolen less money from their faithful as well.
Starting point is 00:12:09 What the fuck? You'll test them in more violent and sex craze. And that doesn't even seem like they promote drug-fueled orgies. I mean, they're not against orgies, but they're not demanding that you put on a go-to head mask. You just cross for a dildo, dress up like a nun or a priest and fuck a bunch of strangers brains out. They're kind of a real bummer that way.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Or are they really evil and just trying to hide it? Keep listing and find out if you dare. Oh, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha The satanic movement headed by LaVay came at a time when America was a divided nation. With the Pot Smoking Antiwar hippies on one side, the pro-establishment suit and tie-wearing brandy drinkers on the other, America was a hotbed for conflict and for the founding of new ideas. We recently revisited that special time in America's history with the source family cult suck. What did LaVay think of the counterculture revolution?
Starting point is 00:13:04 He said, I consider the 60s and 70s a barren, aesthetically destructive era. America, especially San Francisco, was a mire of ignorance, stupidity, and egalitarianism. Love that word. I created my own world, the Church of Satan. That's the only way I could survive. It turned out to be a real cudgel on the head of mainstream society at the time. Without us, there would have been no counterculture. All right. I'm sure there's a bigo on this guy. He's not a kind of a tool sometime.
Starting point is 00:13:30 He started the counterculture. Not true. Very few hippie say this. He was part of it though. It was part of it. Leveille explains in his book, The Satanic Bible, that he considers all gods to be externalized representations of humankind's ego. Therefore, religions are an essence worshiping themselves.
Starting point is 00:13:46 They've suggested since human kind seems to crave ritual and dogma, we are served best by eliminating the intermediary and worshiping ourselves directly. After writing the Satanic Bible in 69, they've continued writing a satanic trilogy with the complete witch, later renamed the satanic witch in 1971. Ah, better marketing, right? Pride in so many copies and it was just the complete witch. And then people like, ooh, Satanic Witch.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Finally, in 1972, the Satanic rituals were published as a companion to Levei's first book, comprehensive collection of what, you know, he deemed history's best authentic black magic rituals. Sounds super dark. We'll find out how dark you know, all this stuff is. When we go over these books and a black mass ritual and a little bit of detail later within a year and a half of its creation. And the spring of 66 Anton's Cloven hoofed organization become the center of immediate circus.
Starting point is 00:14:34 But they became a satanic celebrity. Then after a while Anton got tired of simply mocking Christianity and decided to work up some of his own rituals that will be blasts for mostly positive and exciting. He would say I realized there was a whole gray area between psychiatry and religion that have been largely untapped. He may not have believed in God or ironically Satan, but like a cultist in previous suck subject, Alistair Crowley before him, he did believe in real applied magic. He was, he was interesting to do, a lot of interesting thoughts. So let's dig in and get to know Anton Lave, as we partake in this very important cultural, the curious ritual, the time suck timeline
Starting point is 00:15:10 right after a word from today's sponsor. So time suck is brought to you today by hymns. Him is good night, wrinkle cream is the only thing keeping me from looking 1000 years old lately. Preppin for new standard special preppin for a separate serious XM recording touring each weekend, keeping three podcasts going each week. In addition to not completely ignoring my awesome family has left very little sleep time for me this month. Life will get easier next month and I'll get some rest. Until then, him's good night. Wrinkle cream has me looking like I at least sleep. And I have so much more than wrinkle cream, 40% of men by age 40 struggle from not being able to get and maintain an erection.
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Starting point is 00:16:29 or subject to doctor approval require an online consultation with a physician who will determine if a prescription is appropriate. See website for full details and saved information. That she costs hundreds if you went in person to the doctor's office or pharmacy. Remember, that's forehims.com slash time suck ED. Link in the episode description. Anton Lave, devil timeline, right now.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Shrap on those boots soldier. We're marching down a time suck timeline. So let's get to it. A lot of this info comes from the secret life of the Satanists, the authorized biography of Anton Leve by Blanche Barton pointing this out because while this book seemed to provide some of the best details about Anton's life, it was also written by Leve's style Satanist and the mother of one of his children. So let's take it all with a very evil, possibly haunted, most likely hyperbolic grain of salt. April 11th, 1930, Anton Leve, born with a much less evil sounding name of Howard Stanton Leve. Good call on switching Howard to Anton, right?
Starting point is 00:17:34 I am Anton, high priest of the fallen angel of Lucifer. Much better than I am built and perhaps chosen pavor of the way for the return of the Antichrist. It is I Howard. Now, I think Anton's sounds a little more evil. Born in Chicago, Anton's parents relocated the San Francisco Bay Area soon after his birth. He was called Tony in his younger years, which is even less evil in the sound than Howard. Where is the dark princess warlock? Where are Satan's wizards? Where is Tony? Hey, no, but seriously, is anyone seen Tony? I wouldn't say to him in hours. A Gertrude Leve and her husband Michael is a successful liquor distributor, kind of evil, the devil's drink. Raise Tony as they would any other bright, even tempered boy.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Attempty doing still useful middle class values without pressing any particular, you know, religious beliefs upon him. Anton was a musically inclined kid. According to Family Legend, 1935 at the age of five, Anton, while shopping with his parents, he just started playing a harp at a music store, like a savant. And his parents started throwing more instruments at him. As a kid, he would later tell people that he could play brass, woodwind strings, percussion, and instruments with piano keys. Sounded a little bit less evil right now, more like a more like a talented dork. Tony would later claim he began to be interested in the occult in 1937 at only the age of seven, being introduced to dark magic by his maternal grandmother, a Transylvania gypsy. But this is not
Starting point is 00:18:56 true because she was not a gypsy or from Transylvania. She was Ukrainian. But you know, he's like building a myth. Not raising a super Christian household. Tony did go to church as a young boy, but claims to have lost interest in Christianity entirely in 1939, age nine. San Francisco was hosting a World's Fair in 1939 and 1940 to celebrate amongst other technological marvels, the Golden Gate Bridge. It was called the Golden Gate International Exposition. And there was a very adult risk gay for the time show called Sally Rand's nude ranch in
Starting point is 00:19:26 the gay way fun zone portion of the expo. And young Anton snuck in and watched topless cowgirls spin laryettes and pitch horseshoes for at least 20 minutes before anyone found him and kicked him out. He saw the devil's nibbles, Satan's ha-ta-tos, swing around, free from God's oppressive bras. That's when he became evil. He did see boobs. And he also saw his normally proper and prudish Sunday school
Starting point is 00:19:50 teachers boobs. I bet those are some hot boobs. But they claimed that this was his moment of disillusionment with Christianity. Later lead him towards a Satanism, you know, path of Satanism. He saw as a hypocrite. Soon he saw many other Christians the same way.
Starting point is 00:20:04 By the age of 10 and 1940, Antonic Norris first legal name of Howard and Tyrely wanted to be called Anton instead of Tony, both derived from his middle name of Stanton. It occurred to me as a kid, you know? Like a messenger out of my name. My wife Lindsey did that, she changed his spelling of her name
Starting point is 00:20:17 which used like a third grade. Ah, I never thought of something like that or you know, add names. What if I would have altered my middle name of Brent, something like Breezy, move Dan to the middle, you know, but go with Danny. Breezy Danny Cummins, I could have been a mean soprano sax player with the name of Breezy Danny.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Breezy D.C., maybe just Breezy. Now I would have crushed the fuck out of some smooth jazz with own the contemporary instrumental charts. Around the age of 10 or 11, Antonin, you know, he read anything dark, he'd get his hands on, stuff like Br stokers Dracula Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and those popular expression of the dark side of its time this magazine called Weird Tales. I
Starting point is 00:20:52 Was reading Stephen King and Dean Coates when I was at age interesting We're to think that I was reading darker shit than the future founder of the Church of Satan Also around that time Anton got into the practice of hypnotism, or maybe not. He later claimed to have devoured Dr. William Wesley Cook's practical lessons in hypnotism, and he said he started to apply its methods with great success, but I don't buy it. No one else has corroborated, and this 11-year-old boy hypnotized the fool who's left to right in San Francisco in 1941. Seems much more likely that Levy, again, is just adding some early occult roots to make
Starting point is 00:21:24 it appear, he was destined to become the doc prince. You know, as a young child, he knew his destiny was Satan. Levy recalled having the following thoughts as a child. I look through all the, the grimoires, manuals of magic used by, you know, supposed sorcerers and witches. And all I saw was junk, casting a circle to protect yourself. When I started devising my own rituals at a frustration with all I'd seen, I shaped a glowing pentacle to attract these forces. Okay? Then I found William Mortensen, the boundary pushing photographer who wrote, the command to look and I realized this is magic.
Starting point is 00:21:58 This is what I've been looking for, but it can't be. This is just a little book on photographic techniques. I went through squablins within myself, but finally I realized this was real magic. I relied more on fiction for magical truth, lovecraft, Hutchins, Kanaki, long hounds, long hounds of Tindalos. That's where I found food for thoughts that I couldn't find in the so-called dangerous dark books of magic. Hadn't anyone called forth the demons before as their friends? I thought surely they had. It makes one believe that people probably were doing it on a carefully guarded underground level. And maybe they didn't let it out because they were getting results.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Okay, so early on, he doesn't believe in the stories of organized religion, but he is open to the possibility of like real magic existing somewhere out there in the world. He's open to thinking there's like, you know, cool sorcerers and witches out there and all these powers. You can harness which, you know, that's cool. That's fun to think about as a kid. When I was a kid, I thought for a while that if I just focus hard enough, I could actually shoot fire for my hands. I could do some kind of magic superhero shit.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Like I really thought for whatever reason, I might actually be able to do that. Probably based on some random movie, like secretly watched on HBO or showtime or skin of an axe or something. I'd stand on HBO or showtime or skin of acts or something. I'd stand on my grandparents yard when I thought no one was watching. Like 9 or 10, and I would actively try to shoot fireballs out of my hand. Right, I would just picture it.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Like I just, I can focus hard enough. I can just pull off these fireballs. And then I would daydream about how the cute girls in school, how cool they think I was, you know, Kim Dowdy, Holly Thompson, Jackie Hardy, Michelle Kaczynski. It appears I like Polish girls even back then. You know, they'd see the little Danny Cummins and his true fireball glory. They would love and respect me. But then I grew out of that.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Anton did not grow out of these thoughts like fucking ever, like not ever his whole life. Spending all this time thinking about magic left Anton with a weird kid label. And it wasn't in his sports, you know, either either so he must have been some kind of social deviant. Despite not being one of the cool kids, Anton said he never had trouble making friends. And his home was always full of kids expecting him to devise some interesting activities for the day. I do love his imagination, powerful imagination. He would organize mock military orders and secret societies, but then get pissed off when the other boys broke character or lost interest. I love it. I'd say, uh, they'd come over to my place and
Starting point is 00:24:08 thouged his hell about what I was doing, bust up my stuff and then go home. I get that more than I care for. I didn't want my friends come over. I was a kid a lot of the time. You know, like, if I was playing with my G.I. Joe's out in the dirt, I had it fucking set up perfectly. I spent an hour getting on my little guys in the right spot have the whole battle planned out And then my buddy Kyler Cummins you'd show up or his brother chance nude fucking ruin it No, Snake eyes would never do that. He's supposed to fight storm shadow Stocker and dusty or supposed to fight crock master fucking destrode goddamn it. I had this planned out Love I had a good relationship with his parents
Starting point is 00:24:44 They encouraged his musical talents. He'd say, they pretty much let me do what I wanted. And he seemed to be a pretty good kid. He dabble in the occult, but didn't let his parents find out, saying, I didn't tell them much about what I was doing because I didn't want them to worry. So so far, so much less evil than I expected. He hasn't skinned any pets alive, even told his parents to fuck off. I'm the dark lord servant to my earth parents. You'll have no dominion over me. Halt Satan. Mum and dad. No, none of that. That pretty smooth childhood. The only
Starting point is 00:25:16 real difficulty Anton faced growing up, according to himself, was being burdened with a huge wing, not kidding. This is what he claimed. This is what he talked about. Ultimate humble brag. And the biography written by his ex-wife and devoted follower is written as with many young men who find themselves unusually well-endowed. Quote unusually well-endowed.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Anton felt self-conscious, undressing in front of other boys. Oh, that poor bastard. Oh, Satan! Why did God curse me with this giant donkey dong? What did I do to deserve this massive testament to manhood that leaves other boys to spread vicious rumors about my trouser python that inevitably peaks the interest of the most sexually curious and adventurous girls at school? Why must I bear this cross?
Starting point is 00:26:03 Oh, dark lord. Xanton became aware of his uniqueness. He grew to detest all the other boys. He called latent homosexuals and gung-ho types. He would constantly stare at his massive dragon tail in the locker room. Levet eventually convinced the doctor, the right man, now this is what he says.
Starting point is 00:26:21 He convinced the doctor to write him know to excuse him from Jim. So he could spend his ROTC and Jim periods in a special room far from the prying, curious eyes of those notty other locker room boys. How dare they let their mouths fall like a... How dare they permit their eyes to burl, bulge out of their heads and all of this powerful phallus. Anton would claim that his dick was so impressive.
Starting point is 00:26:43 It even drew unwanted attention from the hot young school nurse. He does, the sky was being like young and hot, to, according to Leve, if you complained of an ailment to the nurse, any ailment at all, he was instructed to take office pants every time you guys. He said, I don't know if you did to other boys.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I was too embarrassed to ask anybody else. When Anton was taking office pants, he claimed his nurse would turn around discreetly to preserve his privacy. But then LeVay noticed she was always sneaking peaks in her purse mirror like she would get out of the little makeup mirror and we just, you know, staring just gazing at his third leg is Vainey kickstand. Well, you know, pretended to kind of inspect her lipstick.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Get the fuck out of here. None of that happened. I mean, I know in theory that could happen. I'm not saying it couldn't happen to somebody and and it could be bad, but this feels like some, just juvenile fantasy, the hot young nurse being so overcome with lust that she just has to sneak peaks at young Leves horse cock. Remember when Anton talked about how he liked to tell lies,
Starting point is 00:27:40 oh, this has to be one of these times. It would be unbearable to talk to this guy to bar just one insane humble brag after another. Life left you, that's a shame. Yes, I've had my share of lady problems as well, my friend. My last 10 girlfriends, all of whom I was dating at the same time and they of course totally cool with it. I had to break up with all of them for the same reason.
Starting point is 00:28:01 They were sexually insatiable. All they wanted to do was make me give their multiple orgasms several times a day. A man can only bang so many models and beauty queens, you know, so many times and in one day no matter how much I gave them, they always wanted more a whole Tony's trouser tool. Anton's beaver basher, levets come gun satan's philopian squeegee you know I have finally I finally had to tell them I'm more than just one big always rock hard giant perfectly symmetrical cock that can come and then immediately be super hard again you know sometimes early teens and time got into some pretty hypocritical peeping after complaining
Starting point is 00:28:42 about having his own dong stared at or, or earning some extra change, picking up empty bottles around an outdoor dance civilian, he says he discovered a hole for two to sleep positions right underneath the ladies room. There was a gap between the floor and the front of the commode through which he could get a front row glance at any girl who happened to sit down. And apparently Anton made sure he was front and center whenever he spied an interesting woman walking in to relieve. This is his his words again. Oh my God. I'm so sick of everyone trying to get a sneak peek at my, hey, hold on. Some little hot redheads heading for the ladies room. Oh, I bet she trims it up. This is going to be a good show. Now, if I take out my horsecock and start jerking, please do not stare at it. It makes me feel gross and violated. During the base childhood, the voting athletics,
Starting point is 00:29:24 reading about magic, spying on women while they went to the bathroom, hating being burdened with his gargantuan love leg, he remained interested in music. Allegedly LeVais went on to become a second oboeist with the San Francisco Ballet Orchestra when he was just 15, excuse me, in 1945. There are no records of this, however, and actually plenty of evidence that this is another lie. But he did become a musician, so maybe.
Starting point is 00:29:45 The next claim of Levese is almost for sure a lie, but it's an interesting one, then involves Satanic Nazis. So let's take a peek. According to Anton in the spring of 1945, one of his uncles was hired as a civilian engineer to rebuild airstrips for the army in Germany. 15-year-old Anton went with him,
Starting point is 00:30:03 because that makes sense. Just to head to Germany with your uncle, what I imagine would be an extended period of time for his job, or he's supposed to be in high school. Could've maybe happened, maybe the summer thing, I doubt it. Anton claims that during this trip, he saw confiscated top secret Nazi horror films at a command post in Berlin as a 15-year-old does with her uncle.
Starting point is 00:30:22 A German interpreter explained that the films were more than fictional accounts, but rather, they were thinly disguised portrayal as a real Nazi occultist. I'm surprised he had an ad that he was only allowed to see these films because the Germans found out about his massive devil dog and they agreed to let him watch Top Secret footage, only if he agreed to star on some kind of underage underground porn ovary had to have sex with 10 or 20 of Germany's most beautiful women at the same time. Anton said the film is pointed to a black order of Satan worshipers whose members filled
Starting point is 00:30:52 the highest ranks of the Third Reich and learning of this order fueled Anton's interest in the occult. Now, we tried to verify if any of this actually happened. It seems as if Young Howard spent the entirety of 1945 in suburban North California. And that not only did he not visit Germany as a 15 year old, he never visited Germany at any point during his life, also seems as if his uncle was likely locked up in prison at this time in the United States. But what about these Nazi occultists? Did they exist? Yes. Yeah, he didn't make up that part. A deep dive on this would be more befitting his suck on Nazi occultism or Nazi conspiracy,
Starting point is 00:31:24 something in that realm, but it's too interesting not to talk, not to at least talk a little bit about here. Basically, Nazism itself was type of a cult. You know, centered around a belief in Aryan destiny, Aryan, you know, defined by the Nazis is basically just being Germanic and Scandinavian, which ironically, not even the real definition of Aryan, as much broader kind of race to people when the term first was arrived into the lexicon of people on earth.
Starting point is 00:31:50 And is this belief that the Aryans are gonna reign supreme and eventually cleanse the earth of all the races. And some of the Nazis believe that they can access hidden occult magical power. And that they can access that, it can aid them on their quest for world domination. And this would lead the Nazis
Starting point is 00:32:04 to hunt for legendary magical items like this would lead the Nazis to hunt for legendary magical items like the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail, and it led some to worshiping Satan, at least in some sense, or incorporating some elements of, you know what some people would consider as a tannic belief. Heinrich Himmler, top SS officer,
Starting point is 00:32:19 Chief of the German Police, Third Reich Minister of the Interior, and one of the leading architects of the Holocaust, super into the dark arts. He'd been interested in the occult since he was a kid. In 1933, he bought a Veevelsberg castle, a Bavarian Renaissance castle, and he had it remodeled to become the strange SS cult activity in research headquarters. Like this did happen.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Between 1936 and 1941, top Nazi party leaders would meet at this castle. There was people studying weird shit there. You're around. But these leaders would meet and under hit himmer's command that would take part in satanic rituals, read Coltish text of Germanic tribes, Hitler kept expanding the mythology of this little Colt as the war, you know, got ready to go on. Himmler envisioned himself as this kind of modern king Arthur and 12 of his SS officers were the 12 nights of the roundtable like the reincarnated versions They would gather annually put on night scare sit around this roundtable try to channel various pagan heroes of German legends So fucking weird
Starting point is 00:33:18 You know these Nazis all our penis batassan which is maybe channel the souls of eagle and ragna laugh rock peanut butter sandwich is maybe channeled assault of eagle and rock n' al-afroch make Satan grant us power to the nine ruins of the 13 monkeys and the three French hands and the two total dives and the parts written in the p3 harry christnah harry christnah here sit in just fucking whatever just weird shit him and how the walls decorated with the symbol of the Indo-European black sun symbol similar to a swatzika the Veveleevelsburg Castle believed to be in the area where the German hero Arminius defeated the Roman army in the year nine CE, essentially liberating Germany
Starting point is 00:33:52 from Roman rule. According to some German legends, one of the castle's rooms also served as a center of worship for the Holy Grail. And since early Germans were not Christians, Himmler rejected Christianity and incorporated Satanic occult elements into his cult as part of this rejection. And he understood the importance of psychodrama and knew that building
Starting point is 00:34:10 rituals could foster loyalty to a cause he wanted to be the leader of someday. So that is what Levei is referring to. So he wasn't Germany, but he is referring to shit that did happen in Germany. Now let's get back to his own mythology. Through his eclectic reading in occult research, Anton decided that three men had been truly successful at applying the devil's tools to the benefit of their lives in recent history. One was a guy we've sucked on before, sucked 47, a Gregorian Rasputin, the wild-eyed infamous Russian mystic who wasn't very good in the end and keeping the Bolsheviks from overthrowing the Tsars, he served, and he also got himself murdered, but before that he had a good run.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Now he tricked a lot of rushed women into sexually serving him. Remember, you reduce his own penis as a sacrament and get women to give him blood jobs thinking that that's how they were supposed to take the sacrament. So I guess Satan helped him out a little bit there. Another man Anton looked up to was an 18th century Italian magician and cultist who came known in the West as Joseph Balsamo. And almost all historians have viewed Balsamo as a fraud, con man, imposter after his death. While he lived, at least outside of the last six years of his life, he spent in prison at an inquisition trial for Heresy, for Heresy. Heresy, there we go.
Starting point is 00:35:17 He convinced the royal courts of Europe that he had psychic healing, alchemy, and scrying abilities. Healy with his mind. He could make gold at a dirt, and he could see the future, except he couldn't do any of those things. The third guy Anton looked up to is being a master of the Dark Arts
Starting point is 00:35:32 with Sir Basil Zaharov, a Greek arms dealer, an industrialist. Levei was so influenced by Basil, that he opened his book, The Satanic Witch, with an homage to Basil's use of power over women. He even had his grandson named Stanton Zahar harraf. The harraf was perhaps the most successful arm merchants of all times applying weapons for the borrower, the Russo-Japanese war, the Balkan wars, World War I, born in poverty. The harraf grew to
Starting point is 00:35:57 influence kings and parliaments eventually became a knight of the British Empire. So harraf summarizes philosophy as, I made wars so that I could sell arms to both sides. I sold armaments to anyone who would buy them. I was a Russian, went in Russia, a Greek, in Greece, a Frenchman, in Paris. So, interesting choice in role model, but very, very satanic in Le Vés,
Starting point is 00:36:17 you know, as maybe he'd come to define Satanism later. Somebody who lived for himself, somebody who did what benefited him, and, you know, lived by his own rules and didn't care about, you know, morality in the way most of us think of it. So, Harov used bribes and tricks to beat out rival war merchants. He planted rumors to set friend against friend, used the charms of beautiful women to defeat or tempt those he wished.
Starting point is 00:36:37 The ways respect for Zaharov grew even stronger when he discovered that even after Zaharov's death, those who trying to expose his manipulations or criticize him often lost their jobs, suffered ill health, even death, as if Zaharov was reaching out from his grave to exert his continuing influence on the earthly plane. And that's probably just bunch of bullshit. You know, Zaharov, you know, his followers have in hand and, or, you know, people who admired him writing, kind of writing his legend. At Zaharov's estate in the South of France, he also supposedly had a black draped satanic chapel hidden within its walls, and Levet wanted to be this guy.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Now, these kind of dudes were the true black magicians in Levet's mind. Satanist, he respected wanted to emulate guys who lived selfishly, guys who would manipulate the beliefs and others, you know, to serve their own ends. The beliefs of others, excuse me, to serve their own ends. And guys, he thought actually had figured out how to use some kind of true magical powers. Now back to 1946. And that's important kind of thing to remember too. Like he really did think he didn't believe in, you know, deities, but he did believe there was true magic. You could harness it on this earth. 1946, young Anton becomes more and more interested in the lives of magicians
Starting point is 00:37:41 and the literature of the occult. He starts studying judo supposedly to Duke Moore studio in San Francisco, where he says he earned several belts by the end of 1946 and he was just so good at it. He just started beating other boys' assets so easily with his judo mastery that they started accusing him of cheating. You got it? All right. You got a huge dong and he's a supreme fighter, all very legit. He also dropped out of high school in 1946.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Didn't need school anymore. You don't need to diploma to become a dark wizard. If there's hair grow out, sort of wearing leather jackets and dootsuits, sort of hanging out around disreputable pool halls, spending his time with gamutrips, pimps, prostitutes, hustlers, and pool sharks, kept studying to cult teachings. How did you make money? Well, I think his parents supported him, to be honest. He claims to have made some dough by saving pervert seats
Starting point is 00:38:28 as they gathered around what was known as the blowhole theater. This is the most ridiculous story. He says it was just a spot where unsuspecting girls could walk across this great, where little puff of wind would blow their skirts, quote, over their heads, exposing their legs and underwear or lack of underwear, and he said
Starting point is 00:38:46 he literally set up seats in front of this and charged guys a quarter to sit down on these seats and just enjoy this show. As if there's a never ending stream of women walking by with easily, you know, blown up a bowl skirts. No part of me believes that happens. There's another weird childish fantasy. Following year 1947, he claims to have joined the circus. After talking to a young man in a pool hall who worked for the Clyde Betty circus,
Starting point is 00:39:09 Levei said he became intrigued with the lifestyle and possibilities of circus life. While there are no employment records out there verifying Levei became an employee of the circus, I am absolutely open to this being real. He seems like the kind of dude who spent a lot of time in the circus. It said that in the spring of 1947, he signed on as a Clyde Betty circus roused about basically a laborer, lowest guy in the circus totem pole, and as a cage boy responsible for feeding and watering the big cats cage boy. Mm hmm. Sounds like a terrible job. Sarah, I'll do anything. You got to have some kind of job. Yeah, it's just got to say, I need the money. Well, we do need a new cage boy. Oh, great.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I'll take it. What does a cage boy do? That's pretty simple. He sneaks into the line and tiger cages and gives him fresh food and water and then sneaks out before they claw him to death. Oh, okay. What happened to the last cage boy? Well, he was clawed to death, of course.
Starting point is 00:40:04 According to Anton's biography, he developed an immediate rapport with the lions and tigers and in no time. 17 year old Levei was handling eight Nubian lions and four Bengal tigers in the cage at once. So now he's Tony the tiger trainer. And according to his official biography, he was great.
Starting point is 00:40:20 And clearly regarding at least this part of the circus experience, he was full of shit because he says he got so good at understanding tigers and lions. He was able to exert dominance and basically mind control over them. And he was able to do shit like set a hammer down on the ground beside their food and then eat it, you know, like a lion would eat it, mimicking their growling noises and just do that alongside of them as if they wouldn't just fucking slap his face off. I don't know, maybe someone could do it. I don't believe he did. He said he began sleeping in the
Starting point is 00:40:48 cages with them, you know, every once in a while, you know, he just, you know, he became one with these motherfuckers. You know, he's got a huge dick. He can kick anyone's ass with judo, and he can trick lines and tigers into thinking he's a liner or tiger. And, you know, he learned how to become a satanic leader working in line cage. He'd later say, I learned so much in the cage. Even getting knocked down taught me great lessons. That's where you really learn power and magic, even how to play God. Antown was able to put his music skills to use in the circus as well. One night he asked the circus, Cliope player, if he could try and figure out how to play it.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Now the Cliope is at insane circus instrument, similar to an organ, consisting of a series of whistles, sounded by steam or compressed air, an instrument truly befitting a minion of the devil. I thought father of Yo's music was my least favorite music, and I think it was, but now I may have a new, least favorite type music.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Circus Kaliope music. I've forgotten about it, and maybe even worse. This is the kind of shit he would supposedly play. Mm-hmm. I'm pretty sure of Hell is real. Someone is playing the Klype right now right now. And imagine that's super loud. Some of these things to be played so loud, you supposedly
Starting point is 00:42:05 could hear them one to two miles away. You know, they didn't have like a little handy volume, just fucking blasts and out your ear holes. That music, like 20 times louder. So that's something that was what Anton said is he said the circus collider player refused to let him try it out. So he used his occult mastery to curse him and the curse worked. He cursed the collider player. And because in a few nights later, the guy got sick and couldn't perform. So Anton got to step in, right? Take, take that.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Allah, peanut butter sandwiches, a spider, a frog leg, a beetle, a tick. Your fingers won't play because now you're too sick. Harry, Christiana, Christiana, Helds Hayton. I don't know if I can not picture and put and stuff and a little cold run and turn it around. Although the way it wasn't sure, you could even play the instrument. He of course was immediately awesome at it. If you can be awesome at that shit. Little loose usage of the word awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:59 He was so good he immediately became the show's regular Clipy player. He cursed that other motherfucker right out of a job. Levei said he made a number of interesting characters during his time at the circus. I don't doubt that a bit. One of his favorite characters was Hugo Zacini, the human cannonball. A former Catholic turned militant atheist Zacini
Starting point is 00:43:17 would go on tirades about the corruption of organized religion, and he gets shot through the air out of a cannon and Anton had found his people. I picture that guy going on rants about the corruption of religion as he's getting fucking launched out of a cannon. And there's no way that God ever intended this message to have been delivered to the common man through the,
Starting point is 00:43:34 no, you have to like the fuse first. The message shouldn't need to be delivered through priests. I mean, why outside of wanting to control the masses? No, hey, the fuse is just for show. You like the fuse and then when it burns all the way down, you just push it button, that's just me. Anyway, the church is business and it sells salvation through ties and then just, and I just think
Starting point is 00:43:49 they're back and act, that's kind of wrecked me. I've got it back to the studio. You get it. But they also met circus performer, Robert Bubber Johnson, an animal tamer, Robert Bubber Johnson, an animal tamer whose real name was Robert Barber Johnson. Okay, I see what you did there. James Robert Barber to Robert Barber.
Starting point is 00:44:06 That's a fun name I think that was awesome. He'd write a number, this guy would write a number of short fantasy stories for the popular magazine Weird Tales. He and LeVays struck up a friendship that would last until many years later. Till after the church of Satan was officially formed. In 1947, when the circus season ended, LeVay claimed he moved on to carnivals,
Starting point is 00:44:32 working numerous jobs. He would often play the colliope, which included working some of the sex shows, which they called human anatomy and health shows to keep the police away. So basically, the strip club, and he would play the colliope at these strip clubs. God, can you imagine at these strip clubs. God, can you imagine what kind of weird clown fucking strip club just that music? Now coming to the main stage is Cotton Candy. Look but don't touch. Careful around the edge of the stage. Cotton Candy gets sticky once she gets wet. Don't put her in your mouth or or she'll rot your teeth out! Ha, ha, ha! Fuck me. Anton also said he performed in shows with mystics,
Starting point is 00:45:11 fortune tellers, gypsy palm readers, hypnotists, magicians. He learned as much as he could in front of all of them. For in his time in the carnivals, Anton also met Joe Calgary, a man who has started him down the path of magic billet reading, which is describing while blind folded, what is written on a paper concealed inside a envelope.
Starting point is 00:45:26 In a variety of ways, you do this none of which rely on real magic. Another car named Johnny Starter, Ienton, had a play swami by sitting behind a table in a turbine, all a pretty girl collects folded messages from audience members, brings them onto a platform, drops them into a clouded crystal bowl. When the messages fall directly through the bowl. They fall down a shoot to the eager hands of somebody like Le Vé under the stage and then you know Anton would open up the papers, shine a flashlight on them and display them through a magnifying lens for the swami to see them on stage. The turban show in within miraculously recite exactly what the
Starting point is 00:45:59 audience members had written to the stupified delight, you know, the crowd, the wild applause. Anton got to see now how much people love being tricked. How badly they wanted to believe in real magic. He learns a lot about showmanship watching all this, how important presentation is. Leveille learning, learned everything he could when he was with the carnivals and circuses, you know, phonology, palmistry, hypnosis, astrology, more magic tricks. He'd become a stereotypical carny by this point, flashy sports coat, hand painted ties, penciled thin mustache.
Starting point is 00:46:28 He had a lot of fun, but his health did suffer tremendously. For two years, he lived on nothing but funnel cakes, caramel apples, elephant ears, cullicorn, fried pickles, cotton candy, root beer, and creme soda. He was a full blown diabetic, morbidly obese, and had to wear dentures due to tooth rot by the age of 18. Now, getting all the hell stuff was bullshit. As is this next claim about the time LaVay supposedly spent with previous sub-subject 32 Marilyn Monroe.
Starting point is 00:46:50 This is something he would talk a lot about the rest of his life. He would brag about his romantic, you know, liaisons with Marilyn Monroe. By the late 40s, young LaVay, only in his late teens, had already earned a reputation as a flamboyant bay area personality and as a reliable musician at Burlesque theaters. In 1948, he used some recommendations to get some jobs at some strip clubs in Los Angeles and he said he performed a club like the Mayan and the Burbank as well as a notorious Culver City spot called Zuckas.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Just so happened a young woman who went by the name of Marilyn Marlowe, Noreen Mortensen and Monum and Roe had recently been canceled by Columbia Studios and started working at Zucka, maybe the only reference online to this ever happening comes from Anton's biography. Anton said that when he was 18 and Marilyn was 22, they had a little fling. Uh-huh. I'm just I'm sure she was unable to resist his donkey wing and Chuck Norris like martial art skills and fucking musicianship right
Starting point is 00:47:48 What woman doesn't want to be wooed by the Kaliope? I doubt even matter He would say that it was Maryland's unusually white skin tone that attracted Anton to her in the first place I said she was really the awakening of this fascination I have for the translucent skin quality. I never had much interest in blondes in particular before I met Marilyn. The first time I saw Marilyn on stage, she turned around and had that pale, marsh-melowy flesh with little bruises on the backs of her thighs. That erotic feeling went through me that I hadn't really felt since that a party a couple of years earlier.
Starting point is 00:48:19 It was the awakening of a lust object. I must admit more than an actual love object. He said they moved into a cheap hotel on Washington Boulevard and had so much sex. He said, we can make love in places, whether it was some chance of being discovered. Not could we would, we would make love in places, like in a cemetery, the backseat of a car
Starting point is 00:48:40 and abandoned building. She liked the thrill. Get the fuck out of here. No way that happened. I would bet my life that didn't happen. In 1948, Marilyn was just about to break out as a huge star. She was already at that time, banging movie studio Top execs, the vice president of the William Morris agency, already wanted to marry her. There is no way she was dicking around with some 18 year old San Francisco carny and collider people here. It's just, you know, just Maryland.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Oh, Anton, can you play that music for me again? I'll be birthday, Mr. Carnigay. Play the collider to me. No, according to the LeVay Marlon, was fast named with the stories of life in the carnival. This guy is such a lunatic. And his every day, he's studying the black arts so hard. I keep bursting out laughing at this nonsense that he says was true. He says they would drive around in her Pontiac.
Starting point is 00:49:41 She just loved endlessly hearing to him, you know, talk about occultism, you know, and the practices LeVay was beginning to understand. Shortly after they started messing around, Anton became involved with the daughter of an influential Los Angeles business. Uh-huh. Now he's just fucking around on Marilyn Monroe, you know, because everybody wanted that sweet carny-dong. Well, he's not an attractive guy by the way, either.
Starting point is 00:49:58 This makes even less sense. He looks like a fucking career carny. It looks like a weird, pencil-stash, B.D like a fucking career carny. It looks like a weird pencil stash B.D.I.D. carny. And while he and Marilyn would occasionally hop on the phone and chat, you know, they'd, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, uh, they'd, they'd in life, like after he died, still annoyed that she would like to do press for the church of Satan or, you know, be on some show, you know, talking to the church of Satan and her database. But bring up the Maryland stuff. Just make sure to bring up the Maryland stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:32 1949, after things didn't work out with Maryland, you know, you know, he, because every other woman in LA also wanted him so bad, he went back to San Francisco, you know, makes sense. And he continued to work as a strip club musician. By the end of 49, the Korean War was looming. Anton worried he'd likely be drafted if a war to break out and a draft would be enacted in 1950. So in an attempt to avoid being drafted, despite not graduating high school, he claims
Starting point is 00:50:56 to have enrolled in San Francisco City College where he would study criminology. There's no record of him doing this. He also claims to have become involved with the number of militant Israeli groups while he was there. Claim he helped them run guns. He's running guns to the Israelis. Uh-huh. Ah, Jesus. I mean Satan. Gosh. What's the he's gosh equivalent for Satan? Ah, sash or something. I don't know. Baaah, bail's above. While studying, if you did in fact study, there's no record of him again. He kept working at Burlesque houses and he met his future first wife, Carol Lansie,
Starting point is 00:51:29 daughter of a Will's Fargo Bans bank executive. He was 20 when he met Carol and she was 14. I know it was a different time, but gross. And of course, he went after a 14 year old. No one his age with half a brain would have believed all his silly bullshit about Dayton, Maryland, row, being a judo badass, running guns for these rallies and having a dick so big, he stopped taking PE class because he was tired of the stairs. Young Carol had probably never seen a dick. So he was able to convince her that his was like 18 inches long or something, you know, and then he just strictly forbid her to touch a ruler or ever use a tape measure.
Starting point is 00:52:03 For poor woman, she probably had no concept of length for many years. Probably thought that the average grocery store, Delhi hot dog was like three feet long or something. Since Carol was underage, religious, you know, and cult leaders tend to like them young, don't they? Yeah. It was necessary for the couple to get her parents permission before they could marry. And this wasn't going to happen very easily because her parents, you know, thought that
Starting point is 00:52:23 he was a weird creep because he was. So 1951 Leveg gets out of the strip clubs and Burlesque joins, uses the education you may have gotten studying criminology to get a job as a photographer for the San Francisco Police Department. So, you know, he gets a more respectable job. So, Carol's parents will now give their now 15-year-old permission to marry the now 21-year-old Leveg. And this is what he claims.
Starting point is 00:52:43 He claims San Francisco Police Department hired him to do these photos like crime scene photos, even though they have no record of him ever working there. And he claims he wants several awards for these photos and even sold some to magazines and if this job would solidify his lack of belief in God, he wondered how God could sit and watch over all the bloody carnage that he had to photograph, which would make sense if he did take those photos, which I don't think he did. Now, here's something that did happen. Yay, real details. 1952, Carolyn Anton, have a daughter, Carla Moritzel-A, Carla would go on to become a high priestess in the Church of Satan. In the 80s and 90s, she'll be a frequent guest on TV shows like The Joan Rivers Show,
Starting point is 00:53:22 2020, 60 minutes. That kind of stuff. Speaking often to the cultural paranoia about the satanic panic of the 80s and 90s. And she currently runs the first satanic church in San Francisco. Thought to have a teeny tiny membership. And don't get your hopes up about this place. It's not open to the public. You can't just walk in. I'm sure they got tired of people just gawking around because they're curious. You got a past and test. you got to pay some dues. The year after the birth of Carla, Anton said he was assigned the all, or all of the repeater 800 calls that would come through various San Francisco police bureaus. Now that was the code number for what they called nut calls, reports ghosts, flowing shapes,
Starting point is 00:53:59 floating across the backyard, weird noises, UFO, you know, mysterious phrase, all that, all that kind of stuff. As a self-described avid ghost hunter, Anton said he loved this new job. A typical call would have Anton report to a house to find a freaked out couple, frightened, by unnatural mones coming from a locked attic or something. And he'd go crawl to the cobwebs,
Starting point is 00:54:19 searching out of the eaves of the house. He said he would usually discover the source of the unnatural mones, and it would be very natural, like Rusty Cane, Wilson, the wind, some half-star usually discover the source of the unnatural moans and it would be very natural like a rusty can, Wilson the wind or some half star of cat, you know, trapped in the attic. Anton noticed that when he would describe the simple cause of these problems, people were disappointed. But he was a showman, like a snake oil salesman. So he started spicing things up and just telling people like, I took care, you know, I took care of the entity, started making them believe that, you know, he diggered in some spirit. And within
Starting point is 00:54:44 a few short years, Anton developed a steady clientele of people who needed him to cleanse things and get rid of monsters and whatnot. I guess people would pay good money to have their houses cleaned of spirits, or to be hypnotized, also to help them smoke smoking, lose weight, muster up the courage to ask for a raise they needed. Now he's trying to dabble in all these kind of little side jobs. Eventually clients asked the Anton's advice to how to make simple charms, cast spells,
Starting point is 00:55:09 to make it some money. So he quits the police department. He probably never worked for in 1955. And then to supplement his new income as an exorcist and hypnotist and, you know, potion maker, all this weird shit. Not a lot of money and ghost hunting and all that stuff at this time, Anton returns to music. Playing the organ at a former speak easy in a house of Ilvapude called Mori's point back
Starting point is 00:55:29 to strip clumps. That's where the money is. About this time Anton moves his family to a flat near Sutro Heights, the outer Richmond district of Western San Francisco, overlooking playland at the beach. And he also gets a leopard at this time. Hmm. One of his friends, a writer named Junius Adams, knowing he loved big cats, somehow smuggles a 10 week old black leopard from Burma.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Gives it to Anton. It's a good friend. There's no way I'm smuggling a leopard kitten fucking anywhere to give to anyone. The cat was named Zoltan, and it would playfully terrorize guests of the Lave House for years. This part seems to actually be real. Anton claims the big cat was just part of the family and even crawling to the baby's crib to sleep with Carla, because that's a good choice for a parent to make. Anton also says he takes old tan for walks on a leash at night,
Starting point is 00:56:11 San Francisco, just terrifying people. And now let's get to another whopper of a lie. This is this is an important part of Anton's mythology, and it's not true. In 1959, Anton gets a house that became very infamous in San Francisco. I'll tell you how he claims he got the house first and then I'll tell you the truth. This is Anton's version. He says that on an outing to see a house to the exclusive sea cliff area, a few blocks from the Golden Gate Bridge, he was immediately intrigued by a weathered slate-grave Victorian home across the street. While his real estate agent tried to talk him out of it since the house already had a sold sign on it, it seemed like a lost cause, but Anton hit a feeling, a powerful
Starting point is 00:56:48 feeling about this house. So he goes over to the house, the owner of the home happens to be there. When Anton introduced himself as a historian, he's given a tour of the home. She leads him through each of the 13 rooms that she revealed the house had been used at various times. It's a speak-easy, that she revealed the house had been used at various times as a speak easy, a spiritualist parlor, and a house of ill repute, supposedly very haunted. You know, the home came complete with secret panels, trapdoors, hidden rooms. The history of the home included an owner named Mary Ellen Pleasant, known as Mami Pleasant, a very notorious matum in San Francisco's Barbary Coast days when the neighborhood was a local red light district for the second half of the 19th and 20th century. She tells him that many of
Starting point is 00:57:28 the clauses in the house contained hidden panels that were allegedly used to rob brothel customers when they were being entertained. Secret passages, web-throughts the entire place, it was possible to move throughout the house without being seen. Also had various devices hidden through the house that stimulated area effects during seances. When Anton told the owner that he desired to practice a cult magic in this house, she reportedly was overjoyed. And she just had a feeling she knew then she needed
Starting point is 00:57:53 to sell it to him. It was his destiny to own it. So we offered a bit more money than whoever had already bought it. She was able to break that contract with the previous purchase and then sold the home to Lave. That's his story. The infamous black house of San Francisco. Now here's the truth.
Starting point is 00:58:07 It was his parents house. Seriously. This guy could be such a piece of shit when he came to being honest about the details of his life. I mean, there's not remembering something correctly. There's exaggerating. The truth makes yourself look a little better. And then they're just making up a completely different nonsensical story to have a fuel
Starting point is 00:58:24 some mythology, to have people view you in a way you want them to. Mami Pleasant never fucking worked or lived in this black house. There was no secret passages before Anton built them later. He moved into the house his parents gave him his parents gave him a house because he couldn't afford one on his own because he's not fucking getting real jobs. He's just being a weird fucking colliopeie, carny player and playing the organ strip clubs and talking about ghosts and shit. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:58:50 So he moves into this house, he paints it black and he starts building all the secret passageways so he can turn it into the seathink church. After moving in and cornered his wife, Carol, he barely provided for the family, making less than 30 bucks a week, playing the organ at strip clubs. Anton would mostly unlike the weekend.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Anton would say that in addition to playing at one club called the last weekend, he was also hired to play the largest pipe organ west of Chicago at San Francisco Civic Auditorium and then became San Francisco's official city organist, you know, playing for cultural events, conventions and games. No, that didn't happen. Late 1959 in the early 60s, not having to worry about a mortgage, only having a weekend gig. Anton has plenty of time to entertain a growing group of friends who share his interest in the occult.
Starting point is 00:59:31 And they would come over, they started meeting regularly at the black house, hoping his stupid fucking jaguars, old-handed and clown, talk about stuff like summoning demons, making contact with the devil, how to cure people with fucking witch poachens, and what kind of spider you're supposed to put in your cauldron?
Starting point is 00:59:45 How many legs of newt do you need to protect yourself from a necromancer? I don't know who knows Price spent a lot of time listening to Anton talk about how big his dick was or what sex was Marilyn Monroe's like These friends would eventually become known as Anton's magic circle All kinds of people were part of the magic circle members of the magic circle circle began wearing odd-shaped black and red medallions adorned with a bat-wing demon, boffamette, you know, became boffamette, formed a group called the Order of the Trapezoid, which later evolved into the governing body of the Church of Satan. Those who attended Levee's Suarez came from wide variety of professions and pursuits, the Baroness Karen de Pleasant.
Starting point is 01:00:21 She grew up in the Royal Palace of Denmark, a magician, Dr. Cecil Nixon, anthropologist Michael Horner, writer, Shauna Alexander, underground filmmaker, Kenneth Anger, artist, attorneys, doctors, writers, young Liberace, the musician was supposed to there, law enforcement officers, real estate moguls. Apparently one regular attendee was a dildo manufacturer. No name is given. I hope that part is not a lie. He's described as a dildo manufacturer. I mean, somebody's got to do it.
Starting point is 01:00:49 You know, it's a real job. Dildos don't make themselves. Someone's got to work on a dildo assembly line. Someone's got to do it, be like a dildo secretary, answer the dildo calls. Someone's got to work in dildo shipping. And someone has to be the dildo president. What a weird job.
Starting point is 01:01:03 What do you do? I'm the owner and CEO of Clit, climax, triggering internal toys. Huh, what kind of toys exactly does Clit make? Premium general stimulation devices. What? Dildos, man, we make dildos. And you're the dildo CEO, I prefer dildo president, or the head packer. That's a little chucket in the industry.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Through his new circle of friends, Antowen met an important influence, Dr. Cecil E. Nixon, mentioned him. Nixon was an eccentric character, dentist by trade. He's in his 80s by the time Antowen met him and he had similar interests in the coat. Still dressed like a character from Victorian novel, complete with wing-tipped collars, high-button shoes, and a gold pinstances style of glasses perched on his nose. He was a lot about stage, magic, mind, reading, ventriloquism, hypnotism. I love the ventriloquism in there.
Starting point is 01:01:55 He also was a talented Ottoman inventor and Ottoman, or Ottoman. An Ottoman being a machine that performs a function according to a predetermined set of coded instructions. We talked about that with a Da Vinci episode, you know, he made those. You know, in the mechanical night and the mechanical line, you made it with the King of function according to a predetermined set of coded instructions. We talked about that with a DaVinci episode, you know, he made those, you know, the mechanical night and the mechanical line you made for the King of France. Those were automotons. Hopefully I'm saying that right. Anton loved the, you know, interesting eccentric.
Starting point is 01:02:15 I do too, actually. And, you know, and he was soon included in Dr. Nixon's Saturday Night Suarez with likes of former SUCC subject, the amazing inspiring Harry Houdini would be there or was once there, you know, many years before, uh, penis composer Ignacio Patoriski. Fucking Polish name. Actress Gertrude Lawrence. No, that I'd once gathered with this guy. Leve would play background music for dramatic recitations, magic acts, except the proper mood for the night.
Starting point is 01:02:45 The instrument LeVe was playing on, was an elaborate pipe organ that Dr. Nixon had built himself in his home, but never learned to play. And this Dr. Nixon admired Anton a great deal. And at least according to Anton, this Dr. Nixon shared magical secrets. He had learned over as many decades of life with Anton and only with Anton.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Now, is that true? I doubt it. I think it's more of a myth-building. I'm sure you met this guy. I doubt he got hidden secrets from him. 1959, busy year for Anton. He met his next wife. Carol was ancient by 1959.
Starting point is 01:03:15 She was 23, gross, and he was sick of her nastured lady parts. So he met Diane Higgardy at Mory's point. Another club he popped into play the piano. She's described as a 17 year old voluptuous beauty with long blonde hair and enchanting green eyes. She worked at night at a theater, days doing office work for an insurance company. She was perfect.
Starting point is 01:03:34 She had two jobs. She was way into the cult. She was gullible. And her vagina hadn't turned 18. She had everything now 29 year old Anton wanted in a woman. Anton and Diane began an affair in the following year 1960. It led Anton and Carol to get into divorce. Anton kept his parents house and the divorce Diane quickly took Carol's spot as the hostess
Starting point is 01:03:54 of the magic circle. Ouch. And apparently the other members didn't seem to mind. Man, if I cheated on Lindsey and she found out and divorced me and then I made the new girl, the new queen to suck. I don't think that would sit too well with you, mead sex. I hope it would not. Anton began to formalize his little get-togethers in the early 60s, holding magical lectures, some sort of, you know, different topic every Friday night at midnight, opening these lectures to the public, started charging
Starting point is 01:04:19 people's $2.50, you know, to get in. And in no time, the front chamber of the black house was packed to capacity. People would listen to Anton and his magic circle. His lectures included the occult esoteric knowledge on topics like vampirism, like canterp. I'll say that word correctly in a little bit. I have a pronunciation for that. I won't always stress me out. Which is where we'll.
Starting point is 01:04:45 You know, we talked about methods of torture, various devices for pain, the methods of self-medilation established by the Catholic Church. You talked about sex theories, revitalization techniques, gland transplants for monkeys, goats, recipes for aphrodisiacs, ESP, zombies,
Starting point is 01:05:00 haunted, all kinds of shit. And honestly, it sounds like a good Friday night. Sounds like a good Friday night midnight show, right? Go get messed up at a bar, you know? Maybe hit a joint, take some shrooms, and go to this weird house, where people are wearing robes and shit. There's all kinds of a cult imagery all over the walls,
Starting point is 01:05:14 and listen to Levei talk about werewolves or something. And he was super into werewolves, by the way. We did a werewolf suck on August 3rd, 2018, and he at least claimed to believe in man's ability to transform into a werewolf suck on August 3rd, 2018, and he at least claimed to believe in man's ability to transform into a werewolf. He thought learning the right cult, a cult magical spells, this dark magic could let you become a werewolf. Even though he never pulled that off, huh, it's weird.
Starting point is 01:05:36 You must not have been able to get the spell just quite right. You know, it couldn't nail down. The ingredients correctly. Was it one leg of newt or two and which leg? Was it one of the front ones or those count as newt arms? You know, how much spider is a pinch of spider? Well, part of you pinch the abdomen, the head, the legs. Are you supposed to use black widows or ronoke recluses? There's a page dedicated to light cancer p. I did have it right. Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:59 The supernatural transformation of a person into a wolf on the church of Satan.org. And it's so great. It includes actual instructions on how to person into a wolf on the church of Satan.org. And it's so great. It includes actual instructions on how to turn into a wolf person, not kidding, before the instructions is a warning. My throat is a little bit trash in the week. I'm gonna take a quick sip off my mic. Like a professional. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:22 So here's the instructions on how to turn it into a wolf person. Before the instructions is a warning, I love it. It's like warning, big letters. Never use like cancer people angry unless you are in a safe uninhabited environment. Doing this could cause a violent reaction, which will just make the situation worse. You guys, please, if you're going to become a wolf, please do not become an angry wolf. That's the last thing that you or anyone else need. There are too many angry wolves out there as it is.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Number two, only use like canterpie around people who you trust and fully understand what you are doing. However, it is best that you use it alone. This better facilitates uninhibited release. Uh-huh. I think doing it alone also increases the odds dramatically that no one will keep annoyingly telling you stuff like, dude, you're not a fucking wolf. Stop growling. You're just high. You look exactly the same, except you're walking around all four
Starting point is 01:07:15 like a weirdo. Number three, only use like philanthropy in a proper environment, such as your own property away from prime ice. This better facilitates the transformation and you know, makes it easier for you to tell yourself you pull it off and will help keep police calls about wild animals roaming the neighborhood down to a dull roar. I swear to God, I just read that verbatim. That's when they act and they're not joking. Number four, do not let like canterpity dominate your life. Obsession is a possibility so you must from time to time, examine yourself from the standpoint of an objective objective observer. Treat like canterpied dominate your life, obsession is a possibility. So you must from time to time, examine yourself from the standpoint of an objective observer.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Treat like canterpied as something special and don't overdo it. Jesus. Don't overdo it, you guys. It's because it's super easy to turn into a wolf whenever you want, it's not safe. You know, like you don't want to be a wolf with a grocery store, okay?
Starting point is 01:08:02 It's gonna scare other shoppers. And you don't have the hands that you would need to pay for you know, shouldn't stuff at the end. So, and don't be a wolf with the grocery store, okay? It's going to scare other shoppers. And you don't have the hands that you would need to pay for, you know, shouldn't stuff at the end. So and don't be a wolf of the gym either. We've had a lot of complaints about that. Sure, it's funny to scare people like a spin class or something, you know, and watch them kind of pedal fast, or just the bikes going to start moving. But don't do that's hard to work out.
Starting point is 01:08:18 You know, wolves are strong, but not good at bench press and, you know, hamstring curls are literally impossible when you got little wolf legs. The instructions on how to transform into a wolf are long and tedious and super dumb. So I'm not going to repeat them because they're born as fuck. I'll summarize. Basically, you're supposed to do it during full moon. You wear, and you're supposed to wear a wolf costume. Ideally, you get some wolf fur and you put that on with nothing else just you and your wolf fur and you relax and meditate and just focus super hard on being a wolf, right? Actually, what you're supposed to focus on first, you want a wolf to be right behind you.
Starting point is 01:08:48 You're sitting there wearing your wolf skin, just focusing on a wolf just sitting there right behind you. And then you want to focus on that wolf, just kind of magically entering your body, and then press though, I don't have a peanut but a sandwich, now you're a wolf. Now you're a wolf, right? You just fucking focus your way into wolfdom. Sometimes Levegue Friday night speeches how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that.
Starting point is 01:09:05 I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that.
Starting point is 01:09:13 I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that.
Starting point is 01:09:21 I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. I don't even know how to say that. were to free the stifled and traumatized when the religion inspired psychic burdens. Satanic ceremonies employ the inverted cross, black candles instead of white, desecration of the host, and the backwards recitation of prayers. So it's less about the worship of an actual evil entity,
Starting point is 01:09:37 more about FreenOne's mind from the guilt and shame, some sufferer thanks to the teachings of certain denominations of organized religion. Other times, they talked about stuff like cannibalism, one seminar, one Friday night seminar on cannibalism and human sacrifices. And it actually had these motherfuckers eating people, like for real. Students at night were invited to partake of a cooked thigh of a young Caucasian woman that had been provided to the black house by Berkeley, by a Berkeley physician who attended Anton's lectures regularly
Starting point is 01:10:07 and hopefully was fired immediately. If anybody found out he had taken a leg and you know, and cooked it up with this little party, the meat if you're curious was described as tasting somewhere between pork and lamb with the consistency rather fibrous like pork chops but sweeter and not quite as tender or salty as lamb called it long pick.
Starting point is 01:10:23 And I don't doubt he actually did that. Anton also developed witch's workshops that concentrated more on the skills of applied magic, you know, enchantment, love potions, fortune telling, all that stuff pertinent to witchcraft. I'm sure these workshops had a lot less to do with actually learning how to perform spells and more with getting Anton's peepers on some more young ladies. 1963 Anton and Diane would have their first and only child. Zina Galatia Levei, now known as just Zina. Zina would grow up to become the church of Satan's spokesperson in the 80s.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Then in 1990 she would leave the church, renowned Satanism, start hating her dad, openly at least, become a Buddhist. She now lives in Berlin, Germany. In 2012 she helped found the Sethianation movement, a religious body that allows people to learn and practice magic without answering to an impressive sect and helps free ex-Colt members from their troubled past. So, if you don't want to be decoding more, but you want to keep doing spells, look her up.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Sounds totally legitimate, sure it works. She would later say that her father around the time of her birth was experimenting with various gimmicks at the black house. It was just being intentionally weird, hosting burlesque shows with women dresses, witches and vampires, giving his lectures on zombies and werewolves just to get attention, trying to figure out what would draw the biggest crowd, get people talking to most. She says he actually didn't do anything particularly, say, Tannin can tell a publicist wrote a story about him being the first priest of Satan.
Starting point is 01:11:46 And then when people started really talking about that, you know, it's like the light ball went on, more people started showing it to the black house, then he got, you know, heavy into Satanism. She compares her dad's founding of the Church of Satan to Elrond Hubbard's founding of Scientology. It was just a money grab. With all the cults starting to spring up in California
Starting point is 01:12:02 in the 60s, Anton was inspired to start his own religion. She said, you know, her mom, Diane, was mortified when he did this. She just like, you know, talking about spooky stuff, dressing up like somebody in the Adams family. But now I'm going to head of myself. Let's go back to 1964. And 64 Anton's antics started to gain simplicity. Monique, Wenwa, society columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, wrote of Anton as a psychic investigator, spending nights investigating haunted houses and cemeteries, now holding strange rituals in his menacing black house. Bay Area Curiosity starts getting peaked. Who is this pencil stash BDI master of the dark arts? In 1964, another friend of Anton's associates purchased a 10-week old newbie and lion for him. His second big cat. Yeah, I know yeah, another, sorry, I said that weird, another friend of Anton's.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Yeah, one of his associates, purchases a second. He, I guess he's gonna look super cool. You know, when he's talking about werewolves and zombies and Satan and stuff, if he's wearing a pentagram necklace and sitting in between two big cats, he names this one Tagari. Tagari and Zoltan, way more intimidating than the names of my little doodles, Penny Pooper and Gigi Bell. If I sat on an altar with Penny Pooper on one side and Gigi Bell on the other, I would not be taken seriously. It's a master of the Doc Oats. Anton's big cat experiment wouldn't last long.
Starting point is 01:13:13 It's not legal to have a line or leopard for a pet in most places and you end up half into donate than most of the San Francisco Zoo. Also in 1964, young Carla now 12 chooses to stay with her dad Anton instead of her mother. I'm guessing things were a little more loose, goosey at Devil Dad's house. Yes, you don't have a hard curfew at the black house. Probably wasn't too strict when it came to drinking or weed. Or I let her listen to whatever she wanted to listen to. As publicity swelled, more curious people began to show up.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Anton is forming this new religion. There had always been some sort of satanic underground going back before, you know, recorded human history. If you classify, you know, being satanic because anyone worshiping a deity that represents the darker side of life and people here and there, you know, never that many have worshipped the Christian or Jewish devil since, you know, early in the history of those religions, but no one had formalized satanic worship until the mid 60s, not really, not until Anton did it. 1966, according to Anton, he had a fling with another sex symbol. Actress Jane Mansfield did meet Levei in 1966 while attending the San Francisco Film Festival. Uncleared whether Mansfield had a previous contact with him and set up the meeting,
Starting point is 01:14:18 or she just wandered into the black house uninvited. Regardless, Mansfield and Levei did spend some time together during the final year of her young life, which she was 33 years old before she died in a brutal car accident in 1967. According to Leveille before her death, Mansfield and Leveille would go on dates, do photo shoots, you know, have all kinds of sex. Leveille even publicly announced that he had made Mansfield a high priestess in his church. Everyone in Mansfield's camp would say this was a bunch of bullshit. They said that Mansfield was seen with Leveille a few times and it was a calculated publicity stunt. She was a sex symbol in the 50s.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Her star was fading. She needed to be noticed by the growing counterculture movement. She wanted to edge up her image a little bit and she knew if she showed up at the black house, got a few picks with Leveille, I'll fucking Satan down with this weird costume. You can find these pictures. You got these little devil hounds. It looks silly to be telling honest. He's holding skulls and stuff and she has this white, virginal kind of outfit on like she's
Starting point is 01:15:11 going to be his sacrifice. And she was right. It worked. It got people talking about her. Got her some good publicity. And then when she died in the car accident the next year, people started whispering that it was because she was fucking around with Satanist. Anton himself perpetuated a rumor about cursing her boyfriend
Starting point is 01:15:26 to get him out of the picture because he also died in the crash. But again, get ahead of myself, not ready for 1967, still have more 1966 to talk about. Anton chose the German Christian holiday of Valkyrie's night, 1966, the holiday that stretches from, you know, the evening of the April 30th throughout the evening of May 1st to officially found his new church.
Starting point is 01:15:49 And he chose this because it has, you know, pagan associations. This holiday celebrates the life of Saint Velperga, an 8th century British missionary who brought Christianity to much of Germany. And then it became associated with witchcraft. Well, let's find out why. It has to do with old rituals for protecting livestock. Back when animals were traditionally moved to summer pastures, bond fires were lit by communities
Starting point is 01:16:10 across Europe to scare away predators. And that was spooky. All these fires at night. In 16th century Ireland, hairs were killed on Mayday and the belief that they were shapeshifting witches, bent on sucking cow's dry and stealing butter. That was something people were actually fucking worried about. Scotland pieces of row and tree were placed above the doors of cow bears to keep witches
Starting point is 01:16:31 away. And the area of witch trials, the Danish law code of 1521 observed that witches were active at holy times, such as the Lepurgy's night. What's interesting is that there's no evidence. There's ever been any type of pagan or witch-like or satanic activity, activity more associated with that time of year than, you know, any other time of year. But it just became a thing. In German folk, Lord of Alpergus Night became associated with a tradition that witches
Starting point is 01:16:56 would gather from across the land for a great Sabbath at the top of, you know, Blocksburg. Now Brockin, a summit in the Hars mountains of central Germany. This great witch's meeting may have been much depicted in 19th and 20th century art literature, but if you look closely at witch trial records, there's not much evidence for it being true, probably never happened. From the hundreds of confessions beat out of likely innocent people by self-righteous inquisitors, confessions brought up by torture, confessions, just given to make the torture stop, tell the torture what you think they want to hear.
Starting point is 01:17:27 It's clear that pagan rituals deemed pagan or satanic. It happened at, you know, any time of year, not Volpergus night in particular and probably didn't happen much at all. These people were just saying what the inquisitors wanted them to say. Then in 1668, the Volpergus, which is Sabbath Sabbath firmly located at Brockin in a weighty tomb about the history and geography of the mountain and the region called the Blocksburg performance. Book includes an illustration of orgasm or I'm sorry, orgy type celebrations taking place in this mountop.
Starting point is 01:17:56 There's these old pictures of people, you know, hanging around and having sex, these villagers and there's devils and demons, big devil wings and horns and shit all around them. Then a century and a half later, German philosopher and poet, Johann Wolfgang von Goeth drew upon this old brak, or this old brakken book for his famous play, Faust, published in 1808. In which he depicts the legendary 16th century magician, Metastopheles, traveling to the summit of the brakken, accompanied by witches and demons. The witches strike up this famous chorus, or literary nerds, which is bound for the Brocken are we, the stubble is yellow, and the new grain is green.
Starting point is 01:18:33 All that number will gather there, and you know who will take the chair. So we race on over hedges and ditches, the hegoat stink so do the witches. And fast-later references Valpergas. It seems for Sooth a little strange when we the Brocken came to range. And this Valpergas night to see that we should quit this company. Well, Ghost Foss provided inspiration for subsequent, you know, artists like writers, Bram Stoker, you know, they would continue this association between Valpergas nightgas night and Satan and the demons and blah blah blah. And Brock and continues to be referenced and popular culture today by heavy metal bands, you know, black metal bands, horror films,
Starting point is 01:19:13 and it was referenced in 1966 by Anton Levitt. I just find this a fascinating where you know, there's these holidays out there but oh, careful, that's a pagan. That's a satanic call it. Actually, no. Actually, it was just a fucking rumor that started 600 years ago in the telephone game, got it whipped up and going, and then, you know, scared religious people, we're like, oh my God, we're gonna watch out for the witches on that night. And it became a thing when it was never originally an actual thing.
Starting point is 01:19:38 That's so fast, nice to me. Professional publicist Edward Weber claims he was the one who told Anton to turn his Friday night gatherings into religion. He says he suggested to Anton that he would never make any money by election and Friday nights for donations. It would be better because I guess he started doing that as well. He'd be better to form some sort of church and get a charter from the state of California. I told Anton at the time that the press was going to flip out over this and we would all get a lot of notoriety. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:20:00 he was right. Anton did kick off this religion around this time. He'd say we established a church of Satan, something that would smash all concepts of what a church was supposed to be. This was a temple of indulgence instead of the temples of absence. They've been built up until then. We didn't want it to be an unforgiving, unwelcoming place, but a place where you could go to have fun. So again, it's not really a religion. It's just more of an anti-religion. Within a year and a half of its creation, the organization would be the center of three separate So again, it's not really a religion. It's just more of an anti-religion. Within a year and a half of its creation, the organization would be the center of three separate media sensations that splashed front-page headlines about Satan's church around
Starting point is 01:20:32 the world. Helped Anton sell a lot of copies of the satanic Bible a little bit later. The first of these was the marriage of two of Anton's members, February 1, 1967. John Raymond, a politically radical journalist, Judith Case, a New York socialite, daughter of a prominent attorney, they asked Anton to perform their wedding ceremony, blessing their marriage in Satan's name and Christians worldwide freaked the fuck out.
Starting point is 01:20:58 If we start allowing marriages to be blessed in Satan's name, the Antichrist will be here in any second. I'm a heck, gosh dang! The world's gonna be flooded with demons and get some a lot of press. On the day of the ceremony, newspaper from California to Europe had more reporters and photographers at the event,
Starting point is 01:21:12 more than any event since the opening of the Golden Gate Bridge. Now, the black house was packed with reporters witnessing this supreme blasphemy. The Los Angeles Times devoted four columns at their front page of the event, while most of the other paper stories lingered on the naked lady altar, the way used in the ceremony. I got them some press too. Titties, a woman's naked body. I think that will rile up social conservatives. You know, almost as much as the hard dick. A naked body, a naked woman
Starting point is 01:21:40 with a woman titties out and full of you. But what if a child saw those filthy devil titties? Even worse, what if a child saw one of Satan's pussyholes? Oh, my flip, they might like it. They might want to touch one of those pussy someday. They might want to suck on those titties or put their adult penis in one of those adult pussy's or in between those adult titties. My Lanter!
Starting point is 01:22:00 What if they wanted to someday rub their own pussy up against the other pussy in some kind of sexual scissoring fantasy that I'm 99% sure a dude made up because I doubt that happens often and lesbian sex just because of the you know, triglygistics of rubbing one clit up against another clit in a way that it feels good and be rhythmic and it would take a lot of work and you probably cramp up and it'd be, you know, awkward position. Klingy boingy, ufta, ufta, putin' to holdsy woalsy against another holdsy woalsy. Two tug-a-boat captains fighting it out on the high seas, ufda. Seriously, 1960s social conservatives were disgusted at the idea of a nude woman alter.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Got a lot of people talking about the Satanist. He was adorned with the title of the Black Pope. And the media from around the world, they just started falling all over each other to get an interview. Men's magazines, print and picks of these nude alter girls, mainstream magazines to end up cover stories and interviews with Anton Leveille, the doc prints of Satanism, Leveille loved it. He pushed the envelope more and more,
Starting point is 01:22:56 blaspheme more to rile up, you know, people more get more attention, came up with more rituals that parody Christianity, started doing stuff like producing strip shows like a topless witches review You know in San Francisco or one of the girls he hired to perform these shows was actually Susan Atkins Future member of the Manson family Couple years later Atkins would commit the murders and Sharon Tate's Benedict Canyon home allegedly licking the blood off her fingers after the deed We talked about that way back in suck 18
Starting point is 01:23:29 Atkins would later say that Levevet was a start of her mental downfall. Anton would later remember Actions as just another hate street burnout. Perhaps a bit more drug befuddled than some Susan would die in a California prison in 2009 at the age of 61. That would be an imprison for more than four decades. Now, the second major offense of the public came when Ant Anton decided it was time to perform the world's first public satanic baptism. Rather than cleanse the child of original sin as in the Christian baptism and posing unwarranted goats, we will glorify her natural instincts and intensify her lust for life. Right?
Starting point is 01:23:59 This gives people fucking free doubt. Now, who better to be baptized in such a public ceremony than Leves own three-year-old daughter Zina with her soft blonde hair? She in such a public ceremony than Levese's own three-year-old daughter, Zina, with her soft blonde hair. She's such a cute little kid. Soft blonde hair, engaging smile. She captivated reporters, horrified the public with the image of this little girl in this robe, with this pentagram necklace being, you know, dedicated to the devil. May 23rd, 1967, her mother dressed also in a bright red hooded robe.
Starting point is 01:24:24 She gets sat on the edge of the altar while photographers from New York to Rome were snapping pictures. And Anton resides in evocation that he would later adapt to in his book, The Satanic Rituals. They went like this. And this would be pretty freaky if you were religious and saw this. He said, in the name of Satan, Lucifer, welcome a new mistress,
Starting point is 01:24:43 Zina, creature of the static magic light. Welcome to our company, the path of Satan, Lucifer. Welcome a new mistress, Zina, creature of the static magic light. Welcome to our company, the path of darkness. Welcome's thee, be not afraid. Above you, Satan heaves his bulk into the startle sky and makes a canopy of great black wings. Small sorceress, most natural and true magician, your tiny hands have the power to pull heaven down and from it build monuments to your own sweet indulgence. Your power makes you master of the world of frightened, cowering and killed ridden men. And so in the name of Satan, we set your feet upon the left hand path. Zina,
Starting point is 01:25:15 we baptize you with earth and air, with brine and burning flame. And so we dedicate your life to love, to passion, to indulgence, and to Satan, and the way of darkness. Hail, Zina, Hail Satan. Well, Christian organized organizations, obviously, appalled, but there's nothing they can do about it. Maybe a wee bit hypocritical of them if they try to step on, you know, freedom of religious expression.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Funny to me that if you take out the nods of Satan, if you take out some of the language, the underlying message there is actually pretty good. It's basically just carpe diem. Enjoy your time on earth. You know, experience pleasure, experience joy. Don't just exist, fucking live. You know, get the most you can out of your rotations around the sun.
Starting point is 01:25:56 Hail Nimrod. Hail Luciferina. Hail Satan, I don't know, I love the message. In December of 1967, the third of Anton's great satanic publicity stunts, occurs after Anton was approached by Mrs. Edward Olsen. Mrs. Olsen wanted the high priest to perform a funeral for her recently deceased husband. Naval officer named Edward who was killed in a traffic accident in your San Francisco's treasure island station. Oh, shit. It's a tannic funeral. Load the Greg aim the Greg file the Craig hail Satan.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Well she and Edward Olsen become members of the church of Satan and she said of her husband he believed in this church and it is in this church that he would have wanted his funeral. The Navy not stoked about it. Legally kind of have to agree with his request. There was a chrome helmeted honor guard in attendance in the ceremony, standing rigidly at attention alongside the black robe which is in Warlocks wearing boffamette medallions. I found a picture taken in this funeral and holy shit, it is worth a glance. So surreal.
Starting point is 01:26:57 Looks like a screenshot from some old movie, just dudes in Satanic robes standing along naval honor guards. To end the funeral, the Navy fired three volleys with their rifles and Navy musician played taps after the mourners shouted, Hail Satan! I can only imagine how uncomfortable some of those soldiers were. How was Eddie's funeral, Harold? Well, kind of a better! Could have done without the Hail Satan's! Didn't mind the naked older girls, much or so much, but the Hail Satan really kind of kind of chat my ass really kind of made me uncomfortable. LaVay's dark star continued to rise in 1968 when Rosemary's baby Roman Polanski's film about
Starting point is 01:27:31 the child of Satan was about to be released on June 12, 1968. Publicists took advantage of the high priest high visibility by passing out small black buttons that read pray for Anton LaVay. The Vays said that Rosemary's baby did for the Church of Satan with the birth of a nation did for the Ku Klux Klan, complete with recruiting posters in the lobby. Touch the movie to reference. Okay, all right, fine. Rosemary's baby helped boost the Titanic enrollment, like the birth of a nation boosted the clan enrollment.
Starting point is 01:27:59 His comparison, not mine. 1969, Anton financially capitalizes on his new notoriety by releasing the Satanic Bible. There were rumors in 1969 that membership in the church of Satan had grown to well over 10,000. Anton himself claimed the church had hundreds of thousands of members, not true. According to insiders, membership in the church of Satan, like actual membership, has never exceeded 300 people. Despite not having impressive membership numbers, the Satanic Bible has sold well enough to have never gone out of print. The paperback version has over a thousand ratings on Amazon. And we're going to look at a few of those ratings in today's 80s of the internet,
Starting point is 01:28:33 not going to do that segment quite yet. First, let's see what Anton said about his most infamous book. Let's go over some of what's inside. Regarding what he wrote in the book, Anton said, I never set out to be a writer. I wrote the Satanic Bible out of disgust. I'd looked for years for a no bullshit, how to book on black magic. Without the protection of the pentagram
Starting point is 01:28:51 and evoking the names of Jesus, I couldn't find anything like what I had in mind, so I wrote one. This religion of Satanism, Anton wrote about, again, really anti-religion, with some kind of witchcraft thrown in. The book doesn't talk much about gods or Satan, more about people worshiping themselves. Now. The current high priest of the church, Peter Gilmore, current high
Starting point is 01:29:09 priest of the church of Satan, a couple of variations, elaborated on Satanism's atheist roots in 2007, saying, Satanism begins with atheism. We began with the universe and say it's indifferent. There's no god, there's no devil, no one cares. So you then have to make a decision that places yourself at the center of your own subjective universe, because of course we can't have any kind of object contact with anything that exists. So by making yourself the primary value in your life, you are your own God.
Starting point is 01:29:37 By being your own God, you are comfortable about making your own decisions and about what to value. What's positive to you is good. What harms you is evil. You extend it to things that you cherish and the people that you cherish. So it's actually very easy to see that it's a self-centered philosophy. But it also requires responsibility. Since you're taking on for yourself to complete honest for your personal success or failure, you can't be praying to a God or blaming a devil or anyone else for that matter for what happens to you, it's on your own head. Shit. Feel a little bit Satan again. Taking responsibility for your own actions or success or failure depends mostly on you,
Starting point is 01:30:14 so stop blaming other people. That sounds like some shit I might say. Okay. Now let's look at the main teachings of the Church of Satan. Let's begin with the nine Satanic statements coming from the opening chapters of the Satanic Bible. Let's begin with the nine Satanic statements coming from the opening chakras of the Satanic Bible. Number one, the first statement is that Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence. Nothing is to be gained by denying oneself pleasure. Religious calls for abstinence most often come from faiths that view the physical world and its pleasures
Starting point is 01:30:39 as spiritually dangerous. Satanism is world affirming, not world denying. However, the encouragement of indulgence does not equate to mindless submersion into pleasures. Sometimes restraint leads to heightened enjoyment later, in which case patients and discipline are encouraged. Finally, indulgence requires one to always be in control. If satisfying desire becomes a compulsion, then control has been
Starting point is 01:31:01 surrendered to the object of desire, and this is never encouraged. Okay, so what I just got out of that is it's okay to do a little bit of blow from time to time. I mean, don't snow your mortgage payment away. But you can do a little bit. Okay, I'm listening devil, well, see you out. Second statement is that Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Reality and existence are sacred. And the truth of that existence is to be honored and sought at all times and never sacrifice for a comforting lie or an unverified claim one cannot bother to investigate. This one is tough for me come from Levet. The king of bullshit telling me to watch out for bullshitters and bullshitry. I mean, I agree, but you know, maybe should have followed your own statement a little closer Anton. The third of these statements is Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit. True knowledge takes work and strength. It is something one finds rather than something handed to you. Doubt everything and avoid dogma. Truth describes how the world truly is, how we would like it to be.
Starting point is 01:31:57 Be wary of shallow emotional wants. All too often they are satisfied only at the expense of truth. Holy shit, did he just describe the core ethos of TimeSuck? Is Nimra Satan? Is Satan awesome? What the fuck's happening? The fourth statement is that Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates. There is nothing in Satanism that encourages want and cruelty or unkindness.
Starting point is 01:32:21 There is nothing productive in that, but it is also unproductive to waste your energy on people who will not appreciate or reciprocate your kindness. Treat others as they treat you will form meaningful and productive bonds, but let parasites know that you will not waste your time with them. Holy shit, I love that one a ton. Very level-headed, right? Love those who don't damage you. For parasites and assholes, fuck off. Hail them, rat. The fifth satanic statement is that Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek, cheek, cheek, leaving wrongs unpunished merely encourages miscreants to continue praying on others. Those who do not stand up for themselves end up being trampled.
Starting point is 01:33:00 This is not, however, an encouragement for misbehavior. Becoming a bully in the name of vengeance, vengeance is not only dishonest, but it also invites others to bring repribution on you. The same goes for performing illegal actions of retribution, break the law, and you yourself become the mischrent that the law should come down on swiftly and harshly. If I can love it, write just vengeance! It's starting to feel like Satan gets me. The sixth statement is that Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Satan advocates extending responsibility to the responsible rather than acquiescing to psychic vampires. True leaders are identified by their actions and accomplishments, not their titles. Real power and responsibility should be given to those who can wield it, not to those who simply demand it. All right. So, you to those who simply demand it. Okay? So, you know, pretty solid pragmatic advice. The seventh statement says that Satan represents man as just another animal,
Starting point is 01:33:51 sometimes better, more often worse than those who walk on all fours, who because of his divine spiritual intellectual development has become the most vicious animal of all. Elevating the human species to a position somehow innately superior to other animals is blatant, self-deceit. Humanity is driven by the same natural urges that other animals experience. While our intellect has allowed us to accomplish truly great things, which should be appreciated, it can also be credited with incredible and wanton acts of cruelty throughout history. Okay? I mean, I also like that one. I mean, I've thought for a long, long time that humans, while we can be so beautiful and so inspiring and so godly even
Starting point is 01:34:28 Also, overall the worst thing by far that's ever happened to earth. I mean bears and lions aren't constantly thinking of new ways to kill each other Dear aren't dumping toxins rivers and streams and killing fish and poisoning water So they can make some extra money to buy an infinity pool or you know option out of range rover That being said, I do prefer humans to any other species. Doodles being a very close second. The second to last statement for the Satanist, the eight says that Satan represents all of the so-called sins
Starting point is 01:34:53 and they all lead to physical mental or mental gratification. Satan champions the so-called sins. In general, the concept of sin is something that breaks immoral or religious law and Satanism is strictly against following of such dogma. When a Satanist avoids an action, it is because of concrete reasoning, not simply because dogma dictates or because someone has judged it bad. In addition, when a Satanist realizes that he or she has committed an actual wrong, the correct response is to accept it, learn from it and avoid doing it again. Not to mentally beat yourself up for it or beg for forgiveness.
Starting point is 01:35:25 All right, Satan. I don't know, I'm not opposed to that one either. The final of the nine Satanic statements is that Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had as he has kept it in business all these years. This last statement is largely a declaration against dogmatic and fear-based religion. If there were no temptations,
Starting point is 01:35:41 if we did not have the natures that we do, if there was nothing to fear, then few people would submit themselves to the rules and abuses that had developed in other religions, specifically Christianity over the centuries. Now, you know what? That's inflammatory, but maybe my favorite one. I mean, if you want to believe in God, do it because you love God, not because you are afraid of the devil.
Starting point is 01:36:00 Also worship, loving, forgiving God, not an angry God God willing to set your soul on fire forever, because you don't worship him specifically. That's my opinion. So those are the nine founding Satanic statements, but of course that's not all. There's also the 11 Satanic rules of earth and much shorter. First rule is do not give opinions or advice unless you're asked. All right, not too evil. Satan's starting to seem like a grumpy grandpa. That one. Next rule is do not tell your troubles to others as you are sure they want to hear them. Again, kind of grumpy grandpa advice.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Shut up already. Tireless and you whine. I didn't ask for your advice. The third rule is when in another's layer, show him respect or else do not go there. Yeah, if you're gonna be an asshole, get the fuck out of my layer. Fourth rule says that if a guest in your layer annoys you treat him cruelly and without mercy,
Starting point is 01:36:48 mm-hmm, good. You know, you don't like me calling you an asshole, but then fuck and get out of my layer care. Get out of the layer care. The fifth rule, the fifth rule is a good one. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal, all right? Don't be a rapy creep. Rule six, do not take that, which does not belong to you, unless it is a burden.
Starting point is 01:37:06 Another person cries out to be relieved. So don't steal unless they want you to take it. Rule seven, Satanism states that acknowledge the power of your magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after you've called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained. So that's took a little break from the decent advice there there just to kind of witch it up a little bit. Now make sure he still sounds a culty.
Starting point is 01:37:32 The eighth rule is do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself. I can't do that one. If I follow that rule, I'm not going to have a fucking career anymore. It's a stand up comic. Now I got to complain. Sorry, Anton. Rule number nine, do not harm little children. Big fan of that one.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Wish more people followed it. Tenth rule, do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked for your food. Fair, all right? Don't hurt animals unless they're attacking you or are tasty. Final rule, also nice, says that, you know, some people might not interpret as nice. I think it's nice.
Starting point is 01:38:02 Says when walking in an open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him. Don't fuck with me, motherfucker. I might have to kill you. So those are big dick Tony's basic rules. There's also the nine Satanic sins Anton wrote
Starting point is 01:38:18 to give us a more complete understanding of, you know, Levain satism. All these sins weren't written down, you know, around 1997, or it weren't written down until 1987, they were taught in the early days of the movement. Again, just like more common sense stuff, but some of it I just like the way it's worded. The first is stupidity. Stupidity is the first and cardinal sin of Satanism. But they write, it's too bad that stupidity isn't painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity.
Starting point is 01:38:48 It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable, but laudable. Satanist must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid. Amen. The second major sin is pretentiousness. Anton describes this sin when he says empty posturing can be most irritating and isn't applying the cardinal rules of lesser magic.
Starting point is 01:39:13 On equal footing with stupidity for what keeps the money in circulation these days, everyone's made to feel like a big shot. Whether they can come up with the goods or not. Yeah, don't fake it till you make it. And when you do make it, don't act like you're the shit. I read this sin is like, you know, just be fucking cool, man. Selipsism is the third major sin. Salopism or a salad, oh Jesus,
Starting point is 01:39:35 Selipsism, there we go, this is tricky word for me. It's the viewer theory that the self is, you know, all that can be known to exist. Leve says, Salopism or God damn it. There's an extra SNL that I hate. Saul, Ip, Sism, Salipsism can be very dangerous for satanist, protect, projecting your reactions, responses and sensibilities
Starting point is 01:39:57 under someone who's probably far less attuned than you are. It is the mistake of expecting people to give you the same consideration, courtesy and respect that you naturally give them. They won't. Instead, Satanist must strive to apply the dictum of doing to others as they do unto you. It works for most of us, requires constant vigilance, lest you slip into a comfortable illusion of everyone being like you. As has been said, certain utopias would be ideal in a nation of philosophers, but unfortunately,
Starting point is 01:40:19 we're far from that point. It's all like this one. And I can work on this one. I get mad mostly when I think someone is not acting like they're supposed to, but I'm defining that for what I think, it's very subjective. I can't expect someone else to act like I think they're supposed to act if they were raised very differently than I was. You know, you get it.
Starting point is 01:40:37 The fourth sin is self deceit. Also mentioned one of the nine satanic statements, but Anton decided to include it again. Number five, satanic sins is hurt and formity. Anton says, that's obvious from a satanic stance. It's all right to conform to a person's wishes if it ultimately benefits you. But only fools fall along with the herd letting an impersonal entity dictate to you.
Starting point is 01:40:58 All right, I don't mind that one either. Sixth sin of satanism is a lack of perspective. Anton describes it's something you can, you know, they can lead to a lot of pain for satanists. He says, you must never lose sight of who you are and what a threat you can be by your very existence. We are making history right now every day. That is an important key to both lesser and greater magic. So this one, you know, just comes as more of like
Starting point is 01:41:18 the acting like a satanist is superior because you know, you know, you know, magic, you know, you know, more magic than the average person, even though they never actually demonstrated, you know, doing anything magical. This is like a BSatiness, you know, by my books, you'll learn the inside secrets of how to be better than everyone else.
Starting point is 01:41:34 Number seven, forgetfulness of past orthodoxies, the way it writes, be aware that this is one of the keys to brainwashing people into accepting something new and different. When a reality is something that was once widely accepted, what is now presented in a new package? Kind of ironic that he puts this one in here, considering that anti or Anton likely plagiarized a lot of these satanic thoughts from the philosophic teachings of other people, you know, previous to him, none of whom were Satanists.
Starting point is 01:41:58 You know, many claim that Leveye plagiarized the majority of the Satanic Bible from the obscure 1896 book called Might is Right. Written by someone under the pseudonym of Ragnar Redbird, or Red Beard, excuse me, something Jack London wrote this book, and it was a piercing Darwinistic critique of Christianity. It rejected conventional notions of human rights, advocated a typo-psychological hedonism. It was best for you. Fuck everyone else on the subtitle of this book is survival of the fittest. And it's very similar to the Satanic Bible. Another third of the Satanic Bible consists of John D's,
Starting point is 01:42:32 Anokian keys taken directly, but again, without attribution from Alistair Crowley's equinox. And then the nine Satanic statements actually could be taken directly from Anne Rand's Atlas Shrugged. We forgot his rule of crediting the original there. Number eight of the sins is counterproductive pride. He says the first word is important. Pride is great. Up to the point you begin to throw out the baby with the bathwater. The rule of Satanism is if it works for you great, when it stops working for you, when you paint yourself into a corner and the only way out is to say,
Starting point is 01:43:00 I'm sorry, and say you're sorry. Like that one too. Final scene number nine, lack of aesthetics. He writes, this is the physical application of the balance factor. You know, and this is just a bunch of fucking weird drivel about like magic again. And kind of like a little bit of message of, don't be a slop. Don't worry your projama is out to dinner, comb your hair, brush your teeth,
Starting point is 01:43:20 have some respect for yourself. The rest of us have to look at you. And Levei stood behind all these statements until his death. He would actually double down in the 90s when he said, if people simply had to face up to their own actions, their own evolution, and make adjustments for their own progress,
Starting point is 01:43:34 the population will be cut in half in one generation. Instead, we've devised laws and lawsuits to protect people from themselves. If these feeble, modern, and bred creatures had to live by their wits and take care of themselves, they'd be too scared to go out of their houses. They'd be dead. They wouldn't be able to move fast enough or think fast enough and they'd be eliminated. Holy shit, am I the devil! I don't know, right? This kind of resonates with me. Of course there are exceptions, you know, there's some people have
Starting point is 01:44:00 like brain damage, mental illness, cognitive disabilities. Then there are other people, you know, who just choose not to try, not to put forth the best effort, they choose not to adapt to evolve, sacrifice present happiness for future reward, choose the easy road, the lazy road, choose to identify as a victim even though they're own, they're their own primary victimizer.
Starting point is 01:44:17 No, why should we kind of support these people? Which is what he goes on to talk about more and a lengthy description of that rule. You know, basically like why do we, the rest rest of society that are working hard and trying to evolve? Why do we have to constantly try and help lift up people who don't fucking care, who don't try? Why waste energy on those who choose to rot? Why not let them rot?
Starting point is 01:44:37 Is that not what they deserve? Or are they not the architects of their own demise? What if you took the energy you spent helping them and instead spinning on helping people actually helped themselves? Gosh dang, gosh dang, Beelzebub, are we buds? Oh my heck? Like the way you think sometimes. So that's the gist of the satanic Bible. Very little to do with the Christian notion of the devil. In a Christian sense, the only thing really satanic about it is that it rejects Christianity as a valid, you know, theological belief system, which of course of your Christian is very satanic. But really, no more satanic than any other religion,
Starting point is 01:45:07 if you think about it in a way, I mean, if you're Christian, you could view every other religion as one that is teaching you to not worship Christ in a sense that would kind of make it satanic, right? I mean, I guess, maybe. On a philosophic non-theological level, it's a satanic Bible,
Starting point is 01:45:21 it just actually offers a lot of good advice, mixing with a lot of weird kind of, you know, ritual stuff. At least that's how I see it. Let's see how some other people see it on today's idiots of the internet. It is an idiot to that. It's an idiot to that.
Starting point is 01:45:39 So here are some Amazon reviews of the mass market paperback edition of Anton Levay's TANIC Bible. As a thousand 31 ratings at the time of me putting these notes together, overall four and a half out of five star rating. 73% of the Raiders give it five stars. User Kellyn Watkins is not one of those five star Raiders. He gave the book one star this past August 24th with the title of really disappointed. Right, I ordered this book out of curiosity that views of Satan worshipers for funsies.
Starting point is 01:46:05 Disappointed that the Church of Satan doesn't even worship Satan. I love it. Not really an idiotic comment. Just funny to me. I dude, I get me embombed, but that's not the author's fault. That's your fault. You know, you could have looked at Wikipedia and in two minutes, gotten a feel for what the book was before you ordered it.
Starting point is 01:46:22 Maybe don't want to start selling it just because you don't bother to look into what it actually fucking is. I just love that he wrote, disappointed, that the church of Satan, doesn't even worship Satan. A user woke Quagmire gave another one star review with a title, Be wary, whoever packs your book might be offended and rip it. And then for his review, he wrote, book was torn to the lower right hand side, looks like it was done on purpose by the looks of it. And he attaches a picture of the tiniest little tear. Dude, what are you talking about? You really think some Amazon employee sees this book and then he's only wants to read about Satan, huh? Oh, this will teach him, and then just make the teeny tiniest little tear in the corner. Ha ha, I'll teach him and talk about Satan. And also why are you one story on the book?
Starting point is 01:47:09 It's not the book's fault that someone working there might have ripped at you, Jackass. It's not a fucking email like a grown up, the customer service, like someone who understands life. What you did was like giving a movie a bad review because you didn't like how much butter the kid working the fucking concession stamp on your popcorn. An anonymous Amazon customer won't start it for the same reason, title, damage book.
Starting point is 01:47:30 And then you wrote great book, bought it as a gift for a friend. However, the copy I received appeared to be used. The paperback cover and the back were bent and damaged. Another picture attached again, tiniest little bend, not used, teeny tiny little bend. It's a paperback book, you fucking idiot. And I love how you call it great, but then give it one star email or call customer service. How do people not know that? Some with an extremely offensive username, dog and bomb left another one star review titled,
Starting point is 01:48:02 when do I get the Satan? And then wrote Satan didn't come out of the book, waste of money, but fun to leave out to scare the Mormons. Oh, but if you're leaving it out to scare people and you enjoy that, can't you at least give it two stars? A lot of harsh reviews here. Another anonymous customer gave it one star review,
Starting point is 01:48:21 titled Disappointed Really. I didn't know what I expected. And the review is Disappointed Really. I didn't know what I expected. And the review is disappointed really. I didn't know what I expected. And then I read a lot on different religion practices, but it's dumb. Knock on a lie. This is dumb book.
Starting point is 01:48:34 Arrived fast though, exclamation points. That part of crack me up. Arrived fast though, I hated it, but I did love how fast it showed up. I don't think you give it to Star's lease, weirdo. Saber Bob gives it a very good one-star review. I'm not against one-star reviews if they're done with thought. This is one of the most well-written one-star reviews I've ever read.
Starting point is 01:48:53 He titles it Waste Not Your Money or Time, and then writes, and Rand and Aleister Crowley had a love child, and this screed was the result, with more than a little bit of Nietzsche and the Marquis de Saad in the mix as well. Given this book and modern Satanism much attention, gives them far more power than they deserve. Tony Leve was a carny, never a lion tamer, but he picked up enough to handle one for a while. And the carny attitude shows through just about every word he spoke and wrote. He also beest about his being a crime scene photographer, so the story of his cannibal dinner
Starting point is 01:49:24 dining upon some poor auto-accent style, was almost certainly just a pork roast supper. He inflated the story of Jane Mansfield death via his supposed curse. She was partially scout, but not to capitated. Her death was from impact and neckbreak. As a carny, Lavey could play the role of black pope to the hilt, but the contempt he felt for anyone who swallowed his rehashedest, atheistic occultism just oozes through this pretentious book.
Starting point is 01:49:47 All right. I like you, Bob. I'm scared of what your review of TimeStick would be, but you honestly, you know, you seem like you put a lot of thought of that. I like how you justified your one star. Well done. Now, for a silly one, they just maybe smile. Another anonymous Amazon customer gave the book five stars, writing a title of Order
Starting point is 01:50:04 Itself, and then they wrote Oddly enough, I don't remember ordering this item. I woke up to an email saying it was on its way after it had sat in my cart for several weeks. The thoughts that this is a panic Bible may have ordered itself made the experience a thousand percent better. Yeah, Satan just picked out for him. Satan just put in, shouldn't start. What else do you put in your cart? It's gotta be more self than just that book. Okay, one more. Kaden Fox is a Satanist. And someone I hope I never meet or communicate with
Starting point is 01:50:32 in any way whatsoever. He gives the book two stars with the title of, yeah, okay, whatever. And then he writes, let me first start out by saying for the record that I am a Satanist. I became interested in Satanism through the Satanic Bible. And at the time I read it, the book really impressed me. However, the reason I give
Starting point is 01:50:49 it to stars is that half the book is common sense that everyone should know already. The other half is just made up languages disguised as powerful rituals. Made up languages like Latin and Hebrew and French. You fucking dummy. I've never seen anybody do that. Huh, this isn't the language I know. I guess it just made up then. And how dare you two-star book that got you into the religion that apparently you like. This book completely changed my life.
Starting point is 01:51:16 Two out of five stars. You're worse than the three-star guy. Great book. Wouldn't change this thing. Three out of five stars. And that's enough for just a little idiots of the internet Now I know you guys tease me for these buttons being it. Yeah, I will now not complaining at all But here's what's always gonna be tough about this show not having another person in the room
Starting point is 01:51:44 I've done so much radio over the years. I'm so jealous of them in that sense, where it's like, yeah, they're pushing the button because they don't have to be fucking talking at the same time. They get to listen to somebody else talk. Oh, half the time when I'm doing jokes on like radio, the guy's not looking at me.
Starting point is 01:51:57 He's looking at the control board, looking to cue and shit up. I'm not a multi-tasker, okay. Let's jump back into the timeline. We're gonna land in 1970, the year after Anton releases the Satanic Bible. In 1970, Anton publishes the complete witch, later renamed the Satanic witch. Basically, he's a guy who's a witch's workshop. He's running at the time of the black house. The publisher describes the book as undiluted Gypsy lore regarding the forbidden knowledge
Starting point is 01:52:20 of seduction and manipulation. It's all about secrets women can use to manipulate and control men, and in my opinion, it's trash. It's just a straight up money grab. Anton divides people up along a clock by things like personality type and physical appearance, making weird claims such as that two slender people would never desire each other,
Starting point is 01:52:39 a man with masculine, muscular, inverted triangle type of a figure would never be sexually submissive, men across the board or attracted to smell of women's menstrual blood, like that's actually his advice in this book. And that last thing was true, the best-selling perfume in the world would smell exactly like period butt, which is not the case, thank God. You know, just damn, baby, smell good. That's fucking sexy. Are you ready to perform? Or did you just take a dirty timepun out of the trash and just rub it all over your neck?
Starting point is 01:53:10 In August 16th, 1971, Newsweek article titled Evil Anyone. They have a picture of his daughter, Zena, captioned, building a better race, and they quote Anton's goal of the church being the creation of a police state. It's the week or weed it out, and the achievement-oriented leadership is permitted to pursue the mysteries of black magic. Okay, it's going on a little bit off the fucking rails now. We need to allow ourselves to be, you know, we need not allow ourselves be mistreated,
Starting point is 01:53:36 right? We should be free to enjoy our lives, not worry about the judgment of an angry God, right? And we don't hurt kids, right? Or animals needlessly, correct? Okay, exactly. That's what I thought. And that is why we need to create a police state where the week we're destroyed and the strong can figure out how to finally make these goddamn spells work. I'm second out being able to fucking teleport. I've been working on it for two goddamn decades.
Starting point is 01:53:58 Can't even fucking levitate because of the idiots just distract me. We need a police state. 1972, the satanic rituals, publishes a companion to LaVay's first book, and it's a comprehensive collection of history's best, supposedly most authentic black magic rituals. He includes this directive to his followers. He says, now it is the higher man's role to produce the children of the future.
Starting point is 01:54:19 Quality, more important than quantity. One cherished child can create, or I guess you know, maybe what one cherished child, or one cherished child who can create, will be more important than 10 who can produce, or 50 who can believe. In another interview, this time for fling, he vows that he will enhance the growth of new, more intelligent generations if he has the chance by selected breeding. Then he says this is terrifyingly related to Hitlerism, so usually I can't even talk about it.
Starting point is 01:54:45 Okay. All right. I mean, I've had some of those, you know, I've had thoughts about, you know, what if we just fucking did my brain be bleeding more? And by certain people, I just mean dummies. Like, you know, chronically ignorant. But it does kind of bring a little hitlery. So it's, you know, usually not good to bring it up.
Starting point is 01:55:01 Mostly this is Hannah Gritchwell's just a book about rituals. So finally, let's get into this. The black mass. All right. Let's talk about it. People in robes, cult symbols, daggers, sacrifices, orgy. That's what's going to be right. Well, no. But it's going to be kind of interesting. And for us, you know, none of the rituals have to do anything with kind of sacrificing, you know, babies or virgins, which some say this do, you know, but just not the religious type say no. I mean, not really. I mean, if you're thinking like, well some say does do, you know, but just not the religious type say no. I mean, not really. I mean, if you're thinking like, well, that does happen.
Starting point is 01:55:27 It has happened a few times. People have sacrificed people in many religions. Many people, like, think about the Aztecs. We learned about a long time ago. And yes, people have, you know, sacrificed people in various little cults and then done it to, you know, the word Satan or the concept of a, you know, demonic entity, but it's very, very rare. And a lot of like a Leveille in Satanist
Starting point is 01:55:48 wouldn't even consider that person a Satanist. That's part of the problem with Satanism. There's no central text really. There's the satanic Bible, but not all Satanist agree that that's what they're supposed to use. You know, there's no equivalent to the Christian Bible in Satanism. It's not organized like Satanist, very loose.
Starting point is 01:56:04 You know, the Satan's can arrange from a cult-minded atheist, you know, heeding this kind of Anton Levay types to, this is some God's teen anarchist who just hates Christianity in the world at large. You know, and he wants to worship the Christian devil. So, yeah, it's so, all that being said, this is Levay's version of the black mass. I'm sure other people will be, well actually, you're supposed to This is the most agreed upon version the one most closely linked with mainstream Satanism So let's examine with this ritual in tales the Le Vais he titles the section where explains the black mass the original
Starting point is 01:56:37 psychodrama and a psychodrama I didn't I've forgotten what that means is it's a therapeutic technique Defined as a spontaneous dramatization role plane, basically. Dramatic self-presentation for a person or a group to investigate and gain insight into their lives. So really, this is just a way to kind of be deprogrammed from Christianity is what Anton intends with this ritual. And he even downplays the significance of it in that sense. The black mass is a valedict panic ceremony ceremony only if one feels the need to perform it.
Starting point is 01:57:07 He says, historically, there is no ritual more closely linked with Satanism than the black mass. Long been considered the principal elective of Satanists who assume never to tire of trampoline on crosses or steal unbaptized infants. If a Satan has nothing else to do and is independently wealthy, newer and more blasphemous versions of the black mass have been invented in order to nourish their jaded existence, this is kind of three-wind. Though a titillating concept to many, it is without validity.
Starting point is 01:57:35 As devoid of logic as the assumption that Christians celebrate good Friday every Wednesday afternoon, although the black mass is a ritual that has been performed countless times, the participants often were not Satanists, but would axially on the idea that anything contradictory to God must be the devil. And again, that's important. A lot of times someone who defines himself and says, he's just like a mad at the Christian God.
Starting point is 01:57:56 And then he goes on to talk at great length about how most tales of black masses have just been propaganded to tales spread by various historical Christian denominations. Basically, anyone who wasn't a member of a church or of the Christian church, they would use some kind of evidence of them doing something non-Christian as a way to justify burning them or torturing them or expulsion for the community. That sounds right to me. Historically, convincing community that someone is satanic and you can get rid of them. See the Salem witch trials.
Starting point is 01:58:25 See the Spanish inquisition. Thousands of other examples. Anton says black mass was employed as propaganda against heretical sex and orders. Few cared about the finer points differentiating the witch from the sataness, both for one of the eyes of the inquisitors, although to say to say that unlike the majority who bore the label of which, those who conducted themselves satanically often earned their stigma. This is not meant to condone the actions of the inquisitors against such free thinkers and rebels, but to concede that they were a very real threat to the Holy Fathers.
Starting point is 01:58:54 Such men has got a leo and da Vinci, accused of traffic with the devil, most certainly were satanic in the sense that they expressed ideas and theories destined to break down the status quo. The supposed high point of the black mass alleged to be the offering to Satan of an unbaptized human child was not quite the way the collectors of baptism fees glotingly told it. And now Anton provides an interesting and as far as I can tell, do an extra research, accurate explanation of the original, you know, kind of, you know, black mass performed by many who called themselves Satanist today. He says, Catherine, the Shays, known as Levoison, was a 17th century French-business woman who peddled drugs and performed abortions. Levoison arranged rituals,
Starting point is 01:59:35 charms, and spells for clients, all of whom wish to retain the safety of the church, but whose ineffectual prayers drove them to seek darker magic. This sort of desperate miracle seeking is as prevalent today as it was then. And the performance of one of her more popular productions, a clandestine highly commercial inversion of the Catholic Mass, the voice and provided authenticity by actually engaging willing Catholic priests as celebrants, and sometimes using an aborted fetus as a human sacrifice. Records indicate that she performed over 200 abortions. The priests would supposedly celebrate the black mass
Starting point is 02:00:12 for her, they supplied the Holy Propaganda's more material. If ordained priests were occasionally prone to take part in heretical rights, it is understandable that one considers the social conditions of the time. For centuries in France, many men became priests because they were from upper class families, and the priestess was expected for at least one son of cultured, well-to-do parents. The first son was to become a military officer or politician, and the second was sent to a religious order.
Starting point is 02:00:37 So controversial was this arrangement that had produced a catchphrase La Rouge et Noir, the red and black. If one of the young men happened to be of an intellectual bent, which was often the case, the priesthood provided virtually the only access to libraries and avenues of higher learning. It was to be expected that the hermetic principle of as above, so below, and vice versa, would apply to gifted and intelligent individuals. An acquiring, well-developed mind could often be dangerously skeptical and subsequently irreverent, so that's why they would do these rituals.
Starting point is 02:01:07 So there was a steady supply of depraved priests, you know, depraved in quotes, ready and willing to celebrate satanic rights. And he says, the 17th century priests who celebrated the black mass need not have been intrinsically evil. Heoretical, most certainly, perverse definitely, but harmful evil probably not. The exploits of the poison, which have been recounted in such a sensational manner, if simplified, reveal her as a beautician, made wife, lady pharmacist, abortionist, and someone who had a flair for theatrics.
Starting point is 02:01:35 Nevertheless, the voicing gave the church what it needed, a real honest to Satan, black mass. The voicing put the black mass on the map, and so succeeded in working some very real magic. You know, this is, well, a lot of things. Far more important than this, more potent than the spell she Levoisen put the black mask on the map and so succeeded in working some very real magic. You know, this is, well, the way things, far more important than this, more potent than the spell she concocted for her clients. She gave people an idea. Those who lean to the ideas expressed by Levoisen's rights need little encouragement to attempt to duplicate the rights.
Starting point is 02:01:58 For those persons, the black mask provided a setting for various degrees of perversity ranging from harmless and or productive psychodrama to actual heinous acts, though it substantiated the chronicles chroniclers wildest fantasies. Depending on individual predilection, those who received inspiration from the likes of the levoisen could either affect a therapeutically valid form of rebellion or fill the ranks of the Christian Satanists, miscreants who adopt Christian standards of Satanism. And then Anton brings up another good point writing, one fact is irrefutable for every unborn baby offered up in the name of Satan during the Voisins clan des Dyned playlets, countless
Starting point is 02:02:33 thousands of living babies, and small children have been slaughtered in wars fought in the name of Christ. Might not be fun to hear, but think about that for a second. How many people historically have died in wars fought? Supposedly for the glory of God, compared to how many babies have an all likelihood actually been sacrificed to Satan. I would guess far more have died than the name of God. And died fighting others who thought they were fighting on behalf of the same God. Not saying this point makes Leveil less of a tool in some ways, but, you know, valid. And now most of the context out of the way, Leve gets into the ritual, right? And the black mass, which follows,
Starting point is 02:03:06 is the version performed by the society, De Luciferians, in late 19th and early 20th century France. While it maintains the degree of blasphemy, or blasphemy, necessary to make it effective cycle drama, it does not dwell on inversion purely for sake of blasphemy. Its prime purpose is to reduce or negate stigma acquired through past and doctrina.
Starting point is 02:03:25 Right? It's just a, you know, kind of a middle finger towards Christianity more than actually worshiping a devil. Requirements for performance participants consist of a priest, a celebrant, his immediate assistant, the deacon, a secondary assistant, a subdeacon, which is a satanic nun, which is just a woman dressed up as a Catholic nun. But you know, during the Satan thing, there's no nun in the church of Satan. This is, again, just a fuck you to Catholicism.
Starting point is 02:03:50 There's a naked woman needs to be the altar. There's the illuminator who holds a lighted candle needed for reading, a thoroughfare, a person who carries the thoroughbale, a container in which incense is burned, and then a gong striker, an additional attendant, and the congregation. This is if you do it, traditionally, proper. Hooded black robes were worn by all participants except two. The woman dressed as a nun, who wears the habit,
Starting point is 02:04:14 and the woman who's the altar, who's nude. So, Hailu Saphina. The priest conducts the mass, conducting the mass is known as the celebrant. Over his row, he wears a chausible, that sleeveless garment worn by Catholic priest, delivering the mass, conducting the mass is known as celebrant. Over his row, he wears a chausible, that sleeveless garment worn by Catholic priest delivering the sermon, except one that bears, you know, the symbol of Satanism, the sigil of boffamit, complete with an inverted pentagram and inverted cross.
Starting point is 02:04:35 And I've mentioned boffamit a few times here. If you don't remember, because he gets to know that name, it's tossed around. That's from bonus suck 23 from the Knights Templar. Boffamit is a made up thing. Boffamit is the deity that the Knights Templars were accused of worshiping in 1307 by a former disgruntled Templar named Esquind De Florian in France, a lunatic who said the Templars practiced satan, sped on the cross, worshiped a demonic idol called Balfamett, first ever mention of Balfamett, and then King Philip, if you'll recall, seized on those accusations
Starting point is 02:05:03 because he was an unscrupulous piece of shit. When Pope Bonifist VIII threatened him with excommunication for kicking clergy out of the government, he had that Pope being to death. He loved accusing people of satamy, did it a lot of times, you know, when their demise would benefit him and that and he owed the Templars a lot of money at the dawn of the 14th century and they were coming to collect. And so it just paying his money back, he figured out a way to get rid of the Templars and he ran with the Balfa Met accusation and brought them to an end and had them burned at the stake. And since 1307 Balfa Metanyale for being heretics.
Starting point is 02:05:35 And since 1307 Balfa Metanyale has developed its own mythology. You know, it's become this a name synonymous with the beast, sometimes a demon, sometimes Satan himself, the dark lord of many names and he's totally made up. Okay. So back now to the black mass ritual, the naked traditionally hot woman who serves as the alter lies on the platform with her body, writing, writing goes to its length, her knees at its edge widely parted, a pillow supports her head, her arms are outstretched crosswise, and each hand grasped with candle holder containing the black candle.
Starting point is 02:06:04 When the celebrant is at the alter, he stands between the woman's knees. I mean, I gotta say this is way sexier than any sermon I've ever attended. I feel like I have a boner the whole time at the black mass ritual. The wall over the altar should also bear the sigil of boffamette or an inverted cross. If both are employed, the sigil of boffamette must take the uppermost or prominent position. The cross occupies the space between the lower halves of the altar's legs. You know, there's all this exact detail of how you stuff this pageantry.
Starting point is 02:06:30 All implement standard to satanic ritual are employed, bell, chalice, phallus, sword, gong, et cetera, a thurable and incestor used. The chalice containing wine or liquor is placed between the altar's thighs. And on it is a pattern, a fancy ceremonial plate, maybe patent, holding a round wafer or turnip or a coarse black bread. That's the symbolism of Satan's body, again, just inverting Christ's body.
Starting point is 02:06:56 The chalice and patent should be shrouded with a black square veil or a square black veil, preferably the same fabric as the celebrant's chausible. Immediately in front of the chalice is placed a phallus idol. The ritual book placed on a small standard pillow. The illuminator standing to the side of the altar in the ritual book. More blocking, more stage instructions. Anton says, music should be played, something, you know, the turgical and mood, preferably played, you know, on the organ.
Starting point is 02:07:20 Maybe the colliope, maybe a little circus music. No, he says the works of Bach, Scarlotti, Marchon, and others are the most appropriate. Then when everything is set up, dude hits the gong and the celebrant with the Deacon and subdeacon preceding him enters and approaches the altar. They halt somewhere short of the altar, the Deacon places himself with the celebrant's left, the subdeacon at the right, the three make a profound bow before the altar commends the ritual with the following verses and responses.
Starting point is 02:07:48 The celebrant begins to chant in Latin. In Namune, Magnede, Nostria, Satanas, In Robil, In Altere, Domini, Inferi, and then the Deacon and subdeacon chant. Ad Iom, Que, Lafakata, Minyom, and the celebrant chant, Ad Justorium, Nostrom, In Namune, Domini, Inferi, the Deacon and Justory Om Nostrom in nominee Dominion Ferri, the Deacon and subdeacon chance Quay, Regis, Taram, the altar girl starts the chat, hangi bangi,
Starting point is 02:08:11 uf da, uf da perta dingi dingi, hodi wozi, or something, you know, I mean, why not? Bill Gunn is just showing up in the sub, she probably loves Satan. The seller says some shit in English now. Before the mighty and ineffable Prince of doctors, and in the present of all dread demons of the pit, and this assembled company, I acknowledge and confess my past error, renouncing all past allegiances, I proclaim that Satan looted for rules the earth, and I ratify and renew my promise to recognize and honor him in all things without reservation, desire, and return to his manifold assistance in the successful completion of my endeavors and the fulfillment of my desires. I call upon you,
Starting point is 02:08:50 my brother to bear witness and present me this nude woman. I offer to glorious Lucifer to pay tribute to his glorious hedonism. None, I call upon you to hand me this sacrificial knife. I will cut off some of this woman's pubic hair just a little bit. Just enough to complete the ritual. And then I need all of you to leave the room immediately so I can get to ballin' baby. Ballin', this sweet young haldagirl, the name of Satan, the son and the ghost, coast to coast. So I want to get my God-raud baptized if you hear what I'm saying. That's deep ballin' baby.
Starting point is 02:09:18 All right, I made up everything after the bear witness part. You get the idea. That was a little father of yod there. Just a whole bunch of, you know, preaching repeat now, back and forth between English and Latin, inverting Christian, rituals, Satan's the best, God's the worst. Then the celebrant replaces the chalice upon the altar and with hands extended palms downward. Everything's backwards, recites the following.
Starting point is 02:09:40 Come, Momati, Lord of Darkness. Look favorably on this sacrifice which we have prepared in thy name. The Thuribault and Incess boat are then brought forward and the Celebrant Thrice sprinkles incense upon burning coals while reciting the following in sentient misdude ascendant ade, domine and fetus, its descendent subar noce beneficium tomb. The Celebrant then takes the Thuribault and proceeds to the incense to incense the altar in the gifts. First, the incense is the chalice and wafer with three counterclockwise strokes. Makes a profound bow. Then he raises the thermal three times to bafflement or to the inverte-cross bowes again,
Starting point is 02:10:16 then assists it by the deacon and sub-deacon. He incense is the top of the altar, the sides of the platform, if possible by circumnavue. Oh my god. the sides of the platform, if possible, by circumnavue. Oh my God. Circumnavulation. As I fucking hate that word. It just means to walk all the way around something. It's a fancy word for walking around something. The Thoroughble is returned. The Thursefer and the Celebrant and Deacon and Subdeacon go back and forth. Quite a bit, you know, a whole bunch of Latin mumbo jumbo. Lucifero is way. Evil yea, Iqbe, I'm ye, Tay, Aitensay is, yay, Iqbe, Ostrway, Ostrmay, evil, yay, Uge, Ever, yay. That was actually pig Latin, but you get the idea.
Starting point is 02:10:54 Thank you internet for a pig Latin transitor. Yeah, yeah. After all the Latin dark spooky goblet gook, celebrantin says, therefore almighty, and terrible load of darkness. We entreat you that you receive and accept this sacrifice, which we offer to you on behalf of this assembled company, upon whom you have set your mark, that you may make us prosper and fullness in length of life under thy protection. That may cause to go forth at all bidding thy dreadful minions.
Starting point is 02:11:19 I am minions, crack me, I just sound so fucking silly. For the fulfillment of our desires and the destruction of our enemies and concerts, this night we asked the I unfailing assistance in this particular need. At this point, the celebrant says what the special purpose is for, you know, like why this mass is being conducted, what's being offered. We are gathered all dark Lord because we are sick and tired of Randy's bullshit. He always forgets his wallets, oh Satan, when his sis turned to be for dinner.
Starting point is 02:11:43 He has plugged in flood of the toilet not once, but Thrice at writers, at readers apartment for a weekly dungeon and dragons forgotten Realms campaign. We are pretty sure he created a Yelp account under a fake name. And one star, Jamal's coffee shop, when Jamal wouldn't hire him, even though he had no coffee shop experience, and Jamal was very clear about that. He did his new hires, resume need to be, you know, certain situation. And loser fuck, please, plaguing with the, uh, a spider's a cursing with a painful bout of consultation for at least five days, but no more than fucking ten and thank you, Doc Limp, in person,
Starting point is 02:12:12 and the other whatever you get it. I have no idea what purpose is the gather for. He leaves that open end, whatever you want, whatever you want to call upon, say, and for. Anyway, after the purpose for the gathering is stated, the Celebrant says, in the unity of unholy fellowship, we praise the honor of the first the Lucifer, Morningstar and BLZubab, Lord of Regeneration, then Belyal, Prince of the Earth, and Angel of Destruction, Leviathan, Beast of Revelation, Abaddon, Angel of the Bottomus, Pits, Asmodeus, Demon of Lust, we call upon the mighty names of
Starting point is 02:12:40 Astoroth, Negral, Behemoth, Bel Belfuckin, bunch of dumb, weird stupid names, but you made up demon names. And by the end, by their assistance, we may be strengthened in mind body and spirit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The celebration extends his hands, palms downward over the offerings on the altar, recites a whole bunch of Latin again,
Starting point is 02:13:00 and someone hits the gong, and then shit gets weird. The celebration asks for a blessing. And then the subdeacon brings forth a chamber pot and the nun lifts up her habit and pisses it in the pot. Not kidding. This is part of it. Show me. Get some of that hot apple cider there. That's how they do it in hell. And then the deacon says about her piss. She makes it to the font resound with the tears of her multiplication. The waters of her shame become a shower of blessing in the tabernacle of Satan. For that which has been withheld, paused forth and with it her piety, the great
Starting point is 02:13:29 boffamette who's in the midst of the throne shall sustain her for she is a living fountain of water. And then they say some more dark Lord mumblejumble and gets pretty boring. And the deacon fills the aspergerant with the nuns piss, holds you in front of his dick, not kidding. Does little hip thrust, you know, first face in the South, then east and north and west each time, you know, sprinkle out her piss. In the name of Satan, we bless the symbol, disemboweled the rod of life,
Starting point is 02:13:54 and you know, spills a little piss out again. And then the celebrant takes the Satan wafer, you know, the dark bread or whatever, and touches the naked altar lady between her breasts, and then touches her vagina, and then someone hits the gong. And then they say about some more boring shit. And then the celebrant makes a mockery. The Lord's prayer is saying prompted by the precepts of the earth and the inclinations of the fresh. We make bold to say our father, which ought to hell, how will be thy name? Thy kingdom has come. Thy will is done on earth.
Starting point is 02:14:22 And it is his ed, God damn it. On earth as it is in hell, we take this night our rightful do when trespass knocked on paths of pain, lead us on to temptation, deliver us from false purity. For thine is the kingdom and power and the glory forever. And then the deacon and the subdeacon they start fucking jerking each other off, you know, they have to be hard at this point. And then the and then the nun starts kind of like playing with their nipples and then a fucking goat comes in the room. And one guy grabs a goat and starts, ah, I start fucking I, ah, Satan, fucking the fucking goat.
Starting point is 02:14:51 Uh, no, doesn't get that crazy. The decanent subdeacon say, let reason rule the earth. And then the celebrant says deliver us almighty Satan from all past air and delusion. And having our foot set upon the path of darkness and vowed ourselves to thy service, we may not weaken and all resolve, but with eye systems, grow and wisdom and strength, the deacon and subdeacon say this a bunch of times, say some mumble jumbo I mentioned earlier.
Starting point is 02:15:13 This is a tough word. Shamhama Frash, it's some Hebrew word meaning the explicit name. It's kind of a hill Satan in this particular ritual. Then they say more Latin, bunch of mostly born stuff in English, more sacrilege. And then the celebrant says, Oh, lasting fountess of Bethlehem, we would have the confess, the impudent cheats, the inxpial crimes, the inexfeable crimes. We would drive deeper the nails into thy hands, woo, get real sacrilege here. Press down the crown of thorns upon thy brow, bring blood from thy dry wounds of thy
Starting point is 02:15:44 sides. And this we can and we'll do by violating the quietude upon thy brow, bring blood from thy dry wounds of thy sides. And this weekend, and we'll do by violating the quietitude of thy body, profana of the ample vices, abstractor of stupid purities, cursing, Nazarene, impotent, okay, they fucking gone and on and on, smiting people, legions of hell, crashing down the gates of heaven. The murders of our ancestors are going to be avenged. And then she gets super weird again. The celebrant inserts the wafer into the vagina of the altar lady.
Starting point is 02:16:09 I'm not kidding. Removes it, holds it aloft to boffamette and says a bunch of shit in Latin and then says, vanish into nothingness thou full of fools thou vile and uphold pretender of the majesty of Satan. Vanishing to the void of thy empty heaven for that what's know, no, no, shild out ever, ever be. And then the celebrant raises the wafer and dashed it to the floor. I'll tell him he's going to eat it. And he gets trampled by him and then it's fucking trampling. The guys roped. Ah, get out, get out, get out, stupid wafer. And then they hit the gong a bunch of times. And then they drink wine from
Starting point is 02:16:41 the chalice and then lot more back and forth to Latin. And then do a bunch of bows and make little fucking devil horn signs with their hands not getting You know saying stuff like aves atana, which is you know Latin hey, it was Hayton And then the celebrant says let us do pot it is done And then the deacon and subdeacon repeat that it's not about some candles They head out to I don't know probably finish playing fucking Dungeons and Dragons or watch Lord of the Rings Whatever probably maybe get some food, maybe get some, uh, lots of all super stuff, probably hungry after all that chin. And that's it.
Starting point is 02:17:09 You know, very sacrilegious, very blasphemous, but no babies are killed. The craziest thing that happens is the celebrant, you know, was way, was way further in the, ultra vagina, but then doesn't even eat it. I expected more. And I'll read it, but it all does read out like I expected after getting to know the way a bit. You know, it reads like some ghost teenagers just mad at their Christian parents. You know, people interested less and please the devil more interested in just trying to
Starting point is 02:17:29 spook some Christians. It reads like a, it reads less like a real religion again and just, it's more of a rebellion towards religion with some practical like live your life advice sprinkled it. Well, Levea now in his 40s, out of these books, he's tired of the hands on nature of his homework shops. All weekly public ceremonies in the black house come to a close in 1972. Responsibility for satanic activities shifted to the dozens of satanic grottoes established around the world. Anton would say, I realized many people were joining our ranks simply because it was
Starting point is 02:17:56 a guarantee of friends or because they wanted the glory of passing tests to earn degrees. Much like the Lodge Hall Grand Poo Boss. He's tired of, you know, as an organization grows, he says group activities only cause contention, drain vital energy, they could be better applied elsewhere. Eventually becomes counterproductive. Teaching people that they're all right, society's all wrong,
Starting point is 02:18:14 that the only ones who really understand them that they can relate to are within the group is damaging to them in the long run. Wait a minute, he's not talking about the clothing to Curious. Group is he? No way, no way. Our group is awesome that way. We have a good echo chamber.
Starting point is 02:18:29 Ha ha, hail the Ron. Hey, 1975. Anton continues to make a living selling Satanist literature. Also works as a Hollywood consultant. The guy, journalist named Dick Russell, wrote Anton Leve, the Satanist who wants to rule the world for Argus, the magazine, and he wrote it while he followed Anton
Starting point is 02:18:45 from Hollywood to Durango, Colorado for the filming of the Devil's Rain. And they finally ended the interview with Levay in Mexico City. Dick also wrote about how Levay had recently become all but inaccessible to the public at this time, become a mythical recluse, which I guess works for his image. You know, it's time to, you know, I can't bother with talking to people, he's got to work on his dark potions and shit.
Starting point is 02:19:07 Four years later, mid-April 1979, in the issue of the Klovenhoff, the newsletter of the Church of Satan, and on Leveye announces a new phase for his organization, the development, promotion, and manufacture of artificial human companions. Yep, sex robots. The dark lord focused on sex robots. phase of Levay's life could super weird That's coming from me What could make robots, you know, what could I have to do? What could they have to do with Satanism over the next few months?
Starting point is 02:19:33 Levay explains in a series of follow up articles What he has in mind including methods of construction and how this new phase ties directly into his vision of the growing satanic movement Few would become privileged to ever see, you know, his work, his, his dolls. He offered the showcases weird sex doll as arts. I'm sorry, he was offered to have, you know, the showcases art, but he declined. I did find a video online of him, you know, standing in front of his dolls. They're just kind of some shitty mannequins. Not going to go deep into the six doll, sex doll is here, but it seemed to consume him
Starting point is 02:20:04 for his later years. Essentially, he thought that sex robots were going to go deep into the six dollars here, but it seemed to consume him for his later years. Essentially, he thought that sex robots were going to promote healthier interactions between humans by giving the weirdos an outlet for all the weird stuff they wanted to do to other people. If other people didn't want those things done to them, which, you know, again, I kind of agree with him on that, you know, bring on the Satan sex robots. Anton meets Blanche, May 1, 19, 24, 28 years to the day after he founded the church. She would become the author of the official biography, the source we leaned on for a lot of this timeline, and she would become his last long term romantic partner.
Starting point is 02:20:37 Anton would leave Diane for her, Diane got way too old. She was 42, yuck. She might have great pubes on my heck. Blanche was a little old for Anton's taste. He was 22, but better than 42, you know, Anton was still super young. He was only 54. Levain in the 80s saw a growing movement
Starting point is 02:20:54 of what he considered to be the second wave of Satanism. He saw an entire generation practicing whether knowingly or not versions of Satanism. Even the heavy metal devil horns, you know, people given, he saw as part of this satanic wave. He said for every one of those kids, you see the rock concert holding up the sign of the horns, not knowing anything about it. There are maybe five more kids who have read the satanic Bible. I got it. Does it give him the devil horn? Make you satanic? I don't think so. I do that, you know, I like that thing. For me, it's more like a rock and roll. They're like, fuck yeah. I don't think it's like, yeah, Satan.
Starting point is 02:21:23 I don't know. We'll see, we'll see how this maybe, maybe I'll end up a road behind an altar. Maybe we chant, we're shitin' laden a couple years. By 1988, Anton's in financial trouble. His ex, Diane, Heggardy, files a lawsuit against him, wanted to be compensated for all her help
Starting point is 02:21:37 form the Church of Satan. Spellis of support. He files for bankruptcy in 1981, because this lawsuit, he stipulates under oath that he owned nothing more than 50% of the house as parents had given jointly to him and Diane, along with personal items in the house. Never recovers financially from this second divorce. His final years are subsidized by California state aid.
Starting point is 02:21:56 Assessors declare his house is in such poor shape. It's nearly worthless on the real estate market. The house no longer exists by the way to duplex now, 6114 California Street in San Francisco. Family member stated that his earliest late 70s, the live days were near poverty, frequently having to rely upon Anton's father's generosity. Jesus. It's hard to respect this guy. You know, dude is writing about all this shit, about being, you know, selective breeding and being superior and don't waste your time helping people who won't help themselves while he lives in a house, house mommy and daddy bought for him.
Starting point is 02:22:26 And it's 50 still living off of daddy's allowance. How pathetic is that? Middle-aged man putting on a fucking devil horn costume and a robe hanging out with nude women with pentagram necklaces, living off daddy's money. Oh, Doc Lord, thank you for making me your powerful high priest. Thank you for bestowing your secret Doc wisdom upon me. I have an evil favor to ask Oh Satan could you please please work your way into daddy's mind. Please convince him to give me more mine Heratons now all great be able to bob. Pretty please baffo met I need some new roads
Starting point is 02:22:57 But I'm low on money. It's been hard to get to work at the strip clubs like lead Satan They want to hear the new music. They want the motley crew the two live crew They don't want the devil's organ anymore please get my collier be career back on track all great dark load August 5th 1991 his ex Mrs. Heckerti granted a judgment against levy she wins a you know more than a million dollars so now is now he's really broke man if only his magic works it's almost like this proves his magic never worked you know you think you'd be able to curse his ex so you could win a divorce battle. The black house, all the treasure artifacts therein, order to be sold within 60 days, all the proceeds supposed to go to Mrs. Heggardy and her lawyers. Later 1992 of the day, rights
Starting point is 02:23:37 as fourth book to devil's notebook contains a bunch of essays about, you know, weird shit, Nazism, terrorism, canalism and stuff. No one really reads it. But I began in 1993, one of Anton's long-time comrades, San Francisco, hotel owner and multi-millionaire, Donald Warby buys the black house, allows the black pope to live there again. Diane doesn't love it, but you know, she gets a bunch of money, it's $100,000, and he gets to avoid, you know, being out on the street, I guess. November 1st, 1993, the day of the dead in Latino cultures, Satan, Zerce, Kanaki, Levet was born. Figures would be a Polish name worked in there.
Starting point is 02:24:14 He and his new lady Blanche, actually named their kids Satan. So that's fun. And when you Google images search, yeah, he looks like a dude whose name's Satan. Very gothy, very dark lordy. Antonia released an album in 1968 called The Satanic Mass. You can hear on Spotify, Pandora, YouTube, whatever. Never sold well.
Starting point is 02:24:31 And then in 1994, he's needing money. He releases another album called Strange Music. And in 1995, he releases Satan, takes a holiday, and it is fucking terrible. We have been on a really bad music theme lately, starting with Father Yod. The Clipy, maybe it was worse. This is worse than both. This is a little track from Ant on the Vey.
Starting point is 02:24:51 I'm guessing you're curious. This is from Satan Takes a Holiday, it's called Answer Me, and it's just kind of sad. It's like a romance, Satany, kind of vibe. Oh, it's... Not dramatic, you know? It's a ballad. Answer me. Oh, my love.
Starting point is 02:25:15 Just what's in me, have I been guilty of? Ah. Tell me how I been guilty of? Tell me how I came to lose your love. Oh my god. Please answer me. Sweet heart. It never gets better than that. You're fucking the black pope.
Starting point is 02:25:41 You're the high priest of the Church of Satan. Justin Bieber has more edge in any of the songs than that one. Gosh, Satan was real. He'd be so embarrassed. Dude, what's up crying about this girl you want back? You fucking pansy? Come on Satan up, son of a bitch. February 22, 1995, Anton and Blanche. They're expecting to have a friend and local church official over for dinner. According to Blanche, just before they began to get ready for the evening, little Satan took his first steps. They're little boy. So weird to me.
Starting point is 02:26:10 Can you say, Satan? Satan? No, you have all your juice, Satan. No, you do not get a cookie until you finish your juice, Satan. Blanche says of this night, we ordered Chinese food, and while we were eating, we listened to the master tape of what you just heard But they listened to the full length thing of Satan takes a holiday and then Anton suddenly closes his eyes and slumps sideways and he flatlined Listening to his own album Temporarily killed him. It's that fucking bad. I don't doubt it. He couldn't handle hearing himself Handle hearing himself. Yes, good day. Ugh. They revive him, you know, they revive him,
Starting point is 02:26:48 they bring him back. He lives a little bit longer. He's hospitalized five times last six months of his life. Then on October 29th, 1970 dies. Fearing what one of his fans or enemies would dig up his body and hide it at a worse, he opts for cremation. Zena comes forward to proudly announce
Starting point is 02:27:01 that she had cursed and killed her father, this weird family. Oh my God. And that takes us out of today's Time Stock Timeline. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. There you go.
Starting point is 02:27:16 There you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. Some quick final thoughts after a word from our final sponsor. Time's Lug is brought to you today by Woody's Spirit Supplies and more spectral
Starting point is 02:27:27 important. Today Woody is giving you 50% off your purchase of his new Beels Above Earplugs. Hey everybody it's me Woody. I know you've heard a lot of evil tunes today and that's not good for your soul, your mind. So keep Satan out of your sound holes with his new Beels Above Earplugs. Here's what you hear if you're not wearing them. So keep satin out of your sound holes with his new Beels and Bubby Airplugs. Here's what you hear if you're not wearing them.
Starting point is 02:27:48 I believe the love for snare to stay. And here's what you hear when you do win. So that's pretty cool. I mean, do you want to hear sound like this? Or this? So get my Beels and Bubby Airplugs. Please don't need the money. Sales go directly to my Venmo trolls to go
Starting point is 02:28:05 from my PayPal account. And he controls my cash flow. I'm down to Dragon Mouthwash. I can use your help. I hear trolls coming. Save me some drinking money. Weeeeeee. Okay.
Starting point is 02:28:19 All right, well, nice to hear from Woody's been a while. Tonight, no more than you ever thought you would, about modern Satanism and his founder. Some say the truth is stranger than fiction. And sometimes it is, than you ever thought you would, about modern Satanism as founder. Some say the truth is stranger than fiction, and sometimes it is, but not in the case of living in Satanism. Now the fiction is way stranger than truth here. His lies are more entertaining than his actual life and the superstitious beliefs about Satanism,
Starting point is 02:28:37 more entertaining than the reality. Dude never conjured up a single demon. It wasn't some scary dark glory, it was just a compulsive liar. Like to play dress up and live off pop his money. But he did have, I do think some great thoughts about how to live a life free from some of the judgemental shame-based constraints
Starting point is 02:28:51 that religion does hinder some people with. However, he's still most of those insights from other sources. I don't know, but worst case, at least he shared some good humanist info. You know, he shared some bad info too. Don't rub menstrual blood all over yourself if you wanna get some guys to chase after you, I mean, it might work,
Starting point is 02:29:06 but with the guys who are chasing you, they're gonna be fucking creepy. And of course, there's numerous other forms of Satan as a mother of similar ideas in the modern world from the Satanic temple to Luciferianism, set worshipers, Christian based dual theists, even a thing called transcendental Satanism. Interestingly though,
Starting point is 02:29:24 none of them really kind of picked the Christian Satan and say, let's just be evil for evil's sake. Mostly they just seem to be trolling Christians, mostly atheists who just are also on a troll Christians. Mostly just preach a basic message if don't worry about God's judgment because God's not real, you do you. And I found all this fascinating
Starting point is 02:29:43 because so different than when I was taught growing up, I thought, you know, Satanists were actively worshiping the devil trying to like bring actual demons in the world and fucking eat babies and kill virgins or, you know, whatever. But I, which never made sense to me, like why would you worship the guy who wants to burn your soul alive for all eternity?
Starting point is 02:29:59 I mean, I know some people are massacres, but that's some next level massacism. But it's not that. Satanism is basically again just atheism and pageantry. Couple rituals. What I don't understand, you know, with all of this kind of magic stuff is, where does the magic come from?
Starting point is 02:30:14 It's there's no God, you know, or create a force equivalent of a God. I don't know, maybe that's just me trying to make sense of the unknowable, I guess, you know, just like, you know, atheists can believe that we're here and we don't need to have been built I guess, you know, just like, you know, the atheists can believe that we're here, and we don't need to have been built by some, you know, deity, I guess you could also choose to believe that magic is real and also not built by some deity. So that's it. That's the best I could explain it. Let's rehash some of the best moments from it, or the most important points,
Starting point is 02:30:39 with today's top five takeaways. Top five takeaways. Number one, Anton was less an evil dark lord and more of a bullshit artist and kind of a dork. He was complicated. He was a troll and a con man. Also brave enough, I will say to push Contrarying and mostly, you know, pretty common sense, you know, opinions in a culture that, you know, could have gotten him killed. Number two, Anton never had sex with Jane Mansfield or Marilyn Monroe.
Starting point is 02:31:08 And also, Daudi had a donkey wing or was a judo badass or smuggled guns to the Israelis. Number three, most Satanist, religious atheists, people interested in various occult practices who typically aren't big fans of Christian dogma. They almost never sacrificed anyone of the devil or have orgies, which is kind of a bummer when you're trying to tell an exciting story about them. Number four, Anton Lové wrote the satanic Bible, how evil does that book sound? But as you now know, not very evil and neither is the satanic church, not much of a church. Levain, Satanism, not really a religion, you know, there's some rituals and some philosophic principles. It may qualify as a religion for tax purposes, but no more of a religion really than being like a free Mason. You know, it's pragmatic
Starting point is 02:31:48 advice wrapped up in some blasphemy. Twisting a Christian commandment such as honor thy father and mother and to don't harm children. Number five, new info. On the Church of Satan's websites frequently asked questions page, which I love, one of the questions is how to sell your soul to Satan. And their answer is hilarious. Satanists do not believe in God, Satan, heaven, or hell. There are no souls and nobody to buy them. If you want something out of life, get off your lazy butt and work for it.
Starting point is 02:32:16 That is their quote. And I like that last thought. Thank you, Satan. Time, suck, suck tough five takeaways. So that's it. Church of Satan sucked. Thought it would be so much more evil. If you did too and your bum that it wasn't more evil, head over to scared of death.
Starting point is 02:32:35 You silly Satan pants person. More fear and spook over there for sure. Thanks to the time suck team. Thanks to the Queen of Suck, Lindy Cummins. High priest of the Suck suck Harmony Velvet Camp, Reverend Dr. Joe H.J. Paisley. I bet Joe's wing way bigger than Adam. I shouldn't say that stuff.
Starting point is 02:32:52 He works here. Thanks to the Bit of Lixxer app design crew. Thanks to Axis Apparel, big thanks to the script Keepers Act Flannery. If you want to meet more time-sluggers, I keep seeing more and more shows, more and more out in the wild. It's awesome, the airports, wherever. more out in the wild. It's awesome.
Starting point is 02:33:05 The airports, wherever. Join the Cold Secure as Private Facebook Group. And for more social interaction, head over to the time-sug discord group from the time-sug app. Link for both in the episode description. Next week, the Manhattan Project, recent space lizard vote winner. Manhattan Project was the code name for the American lead effort to develop a functional atomic weapon during World War Two.
Starting point is 02:33:29 You know, spoiler alert, it worked. The Manhattan Project was started in response to fears that German scientists have been working on a weapon using nuclear technologies as the thirties, and that Adolf Hitler was prepared to use it. It's a succinovolves Nazi scientists, Cold War Tom Foulery, conspiracies, some actual science, nuclear bombs, and a lot of interesting info. So get on it. Now let's see what's interesting, you know, in the, going on in the, in the, in the cold to the curious in the church of Time Suck on today's Time Sucker updates. Updates, get your time sucker updates.
Starting point is 02:34:02 Since it's the week of Halloween, let's get spooky with a spooky update. Time sucker and Rip Tilly and Nicholas, Razolo, right? Hey, Dennis Nick again. I don't reach out like this, but I figured that while this is about an older episode, my problem is a fucking creepy one. I'm trying to play catch-up, and I've just recently finished the two-part of the 20th bonus episode.
Starting point is 02:34:21 When I started listing, I felt like I got creeped out by something hanging around me. I assumed it was just my imagination due to the fact that it was nighttime. Now I was in an apartment with no lighting because we were in the process of remodeling, so all I had was a flashlight. It was tolerable until the second part of your episode when you started going over the exorcism
Starting point is 02:34:36 and playing Anna's audio logs. I started hearing the walls and ceiling creaking and the units were empty around me. I finished up, grabbed my shit, started walking for the door and then there was a thud. I didn't want to look back. No, I didn't want to psych myself out. Since I had more stuff to grab from units,
Starting point is 02:34:51 so I got the stuff back to where we kept our tools, I go to grab my tape measure just really quick, and the fucking thing is gone from my back pocket. I then went back to the room with my flashlight in hand, grabbed the rest of my stuff, can't find the tape measure, so I look around as I get into the bedroom, which is directly down the hallway from the door, I look around the tape measure is in the corner directly to the left of the door.
Starting point is 02:35:11 I don't know how to explain what happened. I don't believe in demonic possession or ghost, but my sister is complaining for a long time about a man standing at the end of her bed. It's harder to pretend that it could have just been a series of odd coincidences. I can't stop thinking about the damn tape measure. How would it travel 20-ish feet? But now that I share this shitty story, I am proud to share that even with only the first half of your podcast listened to, I'm officially a fully fledged space. Wow.
Starting point is 02:35:40 Well, thank you for sharing that. I appreciate that, Nicholas. Nicholas, if you're getting spooked, you might not want to listen to the last time sucker updates in this update. It's even spookier ongoing tale. Yeah, man. Yeah, it sounds like you weren't standing in that corner, at least your recollection of the tape measure would be.
Starting point is 02:35:56 That is weird. I had something last night in the studio. I forgot to talk about this. I just ignored it. What about my business? But I sat my stuff on the little couch in the sucked-on-gen studio when I came in to do some late night work last night
Starting point is 02:36:08 to get this stuff finished. And the dogs, sometimes when they come in, there's this little black racket balls that we throw for them. And they're like, they'll be under the couch. I set stuff on top of the couch, and then the ball shoots out, I meet like rolls out, very like from under the couch.
Starting point is 02:36:24 But it was weird because I wouldn't think the error would travel through. It's not like, it was just weird to matter. I didn't put anything next to the couch, but the error would have pushed it out. It was very odd. It's like I went inside some stuff down and a ball just, roop, rolls on out. Okay. I love that people are sucking.
Starting point is 02:36:39 Thank you for sending that in. I love that people are sucking who are from my tiny part of the world where I grew up in Centlido. Idaho's sucker, Richard Pate wrote in saying that he knows some of the same people I knew. Dear Grandmaster sucker, long time list and first time writer. I love the suck. Praise both jangles. I recently started listening to old episodes when I got into the end of time.
Starting point is 02:36:58 I found it quite interesting how small the world is. Your youth group teacher and her husband were my music teacher and principal. Mmm, the cooks. I grew up in a small town, horse you bend. Oh, no, well, about 150 miles south of Mrigans. I have so many things to say about the suck. We'll write it in the future. For now, I want to say thank you for the countless hours of entertainment and for helping me get to work every morning.
Starting point is 02:37:17 The suck keeps me going. It has recently become a point of conversation for me, my 10 year old daughter, who love the episodes. I allow her to list do. I get it. Thank you ever so much, your loyal sucker, dick pate. Man, the cooks can't believe you had them too, dick. I hope they were less weird for you than they were for me.
Starting point is 02:37:33 I bet you know all about the scandal that affected them in, you know, in John's later career. I could do an entire time suck on John Cook. My God. Two more messages. First, a sweet one from Autumn Shobb. Swabb. Sorry, autumn. Autumn writes. Dan Cummins, I want to thank you, Two more messages, first a sweet one from Autumn Schwab. Sorry, Autumn.
Starting point is 02:37:46 Autumn writes, , Dan Comments, I wanna thank you and your team for the amazing show that are night in Pontiac, Michigan. It was one of the very, very places where I felt like I truly belonged. I know it sounds weird, but it's true. I could tell I was the youngest person there. I just turned 18, but I talked to other people
Starting point is 02:38:01 and they understood me. I've never related to other teams, so I've always listened to stand up as a way to cope. I hope you know that you and others like you have gotten me through my teen years. I'd say I have the mentality of about a 28 year old dude, so high school has made me senile. Also, I love your comments on autism and the anti-vax movement. Autism should not be treated like a disease. I have high-functioning autism.
Starting point is 02:38:20 And I guarantee you that most of my hardships lie in the ignorance of others. I feel like asses are forgotten in the whole autism movement because we aren't seen as autistic but rather weird, odd, or lazy. I tell people I have it and the answer is always, oh my God, I would have never guessed. So you can't tell unless you are familiar with Asperger's. You just assume that it is nice but it is not. I'm expected to behave exactly like a neurotypical person and when I don't have and, and when I don't, I have been called inconsiderate, lazy, and mean, even by my own family members.
Starting point is 02:38:49 I fight a battle every day, but because I fight it so hard, it gives the impression that there is no battle at all. I've been repeatedly denied support at school due to my good grades. I want emotional support, not academic. Barely no one sees all my work in the constant fight against my battles to seem normal. And a much lighter note, you should do a show in Marquette, Michigan next year. If all goes well, I'll be attending college there. I don't know how many people would show, but it would make for a nice vacation. If you go in the summer, you can see picture
Starting point is 02:39:11 rocks, do lots of hiking and see waterfalls. And you can literally pull off to the side of the road to swimming lakes, the best, great lake. Thanks for listening to my frustrations. And just for your general existence, autumn, well, you made my heart happy, autumn. I just loved hearing about how you belonged. I loved getting into the cold, the cold, the curious, right? Getting into that Facebook group, meet more people, meet more people you, you, you understand you and, you know, and you can enjoy their company. I just love that we have that for you and I love having you in it. And now last story, this is, this is scary one. From Sunny Hill, nice little spooky way to exit right before Halloween, sunny rights.
Starting point is 02:39:46 This is so long, maybe it could have been used on the my story section of scared to death, which we're gonna get into this week. Oh, hail the suckiest of all suckers and Luciferina's devotee. First off, I wanna thank you enormously for what you've created. I came across time, stuck after the boys
Starting point is 02:39:59 at small town murder, love James and Jamie. Keep talking about you. Everyone needs more stilliness, laughter, and knowledge in their lives, so thank you for providing that trifecta. Also shout out to the entire team for producing it because I know it's a team effort. You make me want to imagine hitting less people during my road rage, anger at all the idiot drivers out there.
Starting point is 02:40:15 Yes, it is a team effort. Anyhow, shout out people. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Without a doubt, I am certain they exist exactly why they exist. I'm not sure. A strange, succubus, incubus hybrid, a creature from another dimension,
Starting point is 02:40:27 universe, ghost, bojangles, holy nutsack, who knows? What I do know is that from the early age of five years old, to about when I turned 18, I was hunted by one of these. So I heard what it was about to be a somewhat long message, but this thing was so much a part of my life during my formative years and effects my sleep to this day. I say five years old because that's about the earliest memories I have of it.
Starting point is 02:40:47 The shadow person existed for me. My dream is opposed to being something seen in real life for the most part. I remember the first attacks so vividly. Every nightmare after that got pushed back in fear that remembering them would bring on more attacks. The first encounter with it was in a dream of me sitting in the living room, playing while my parents were watching TV. It snuck from various corners in the room to behind the couch my dad was sitting at, just
Starting point is 02:41:08 staring at me, waiting. Waiting to grab me at the right moment when my parents were unaware, it was dark, tall, lanky. Seven or eight feet tall, long, tangling arms, long fingers, and you could stare at it all you want, but there were no features. You could really point out, just like a shadow, a shadow were given form. And at eyes, but you couldn't see them. Its face was a blur.
Starting point is 02:41:28 I have shivers right now riding this. Its goal for this dream and every dream nightmare that would follow for the next decade would be to try to take me. I woke up screaming that night as it leapt for me. These nightmares would occur probably an average of three to four times a week, every one of them the same. Totally normal day today scenario
Starting point is 02:41:44 until it would appear. I can be dreaming about having dinner or playing outside with friends than would show itself, creeping and hiding, trying to get closer. I somehow came to believe that if it caught me, I would die or at least not wake up. So every time I fought to wake up, every time that involved yelling at the top of my lungs, often to the dismay of my parents, actually rushing in from the middle of the night, mostly thinking an actual attacker was in my room. This was on for years and years. I used to have a ghetto blaster that I used to record TV shows and play them back during
Starting point is 02:42:10 the night. I fell in having my brain somewhat focused on something generally helped minimize these visits. Almost 40 years later, I still go to bed with the movie or audiobook plane. This went on until I was 18. I had learned about lucid dreaming. Some extent, you know, could control my dreams. Though I pushed out the memory of almost all these,
Starting point is 02:42:27 I do remember the last time it happened. Perhaps not being able to feed on the fear or having a stronger mind to deal with it went away. I wouldn't even think about it for a second in fear of bringing it back. So I just put it out of my mind, never thinking about it until I was perhaps about 22. A friend and I went out to a secluded park
Starting point is 02:42:42 after hours just exploring a somewhat old fort. You know, there was located in the park. It was about 15 past midnight when it happened. We were walking through a hilly wooded area and I felt something. You know that feeling you get when you think something or someone is watching or following you? I looked up at the top of the hill, illuminated by the moonlight and saw something move. I immediately froze, asked my friend, do you see something? At that moment, we both saw something moving along the crest of the hill and freaked the fuck out, ran out of the woods, left
Starting point is 02:43:08 the area. Without telling my friend, I asked him what he saw. He described it tall, dark, lanky creature moving from bush to bush. And dark it was. All you could see was a solid shadow. And in that moment, he would have put it at about nine feet tall. This was the first time I had ever seen it in real life. As for my friend, he and I never talked about that being from, or I had never talked about that being from my nightmares to him, not even to my parents, not to anyone.
Starting point is 02:43:32 None of my friends knew I had those nightmares. I never talked about it for fear, they would bring it back again. Always quiet after that for the next few years. I would purposely not think about it and it seemed to work. When I was about 25, I was lying on my couch watching the movie and I drifted to the sleep. At the foot of the couch across the hallway, I had
Starting point is 02:43:47 a mirror hanging on the wall. Out of nowhere, this shadow person appeared in the mirror and reached out of it, trying to grab cheese. That just gave me these hills. I jumped up right away yelling and recalling. It was gone. It seemed so real that to this day, I don't know if I was dreaming what I was doing. If I woke up, if I saw the thing appear in the mirror, if I saw it when I was asleep, I'm now 45. That was the last time I saw it. It affects my sleep to this day. If I get solid four hours of sleep, that's amazing.
Starting point is 02:44:13 At one point, I got into a cycle of going to bed around 4 a.m. getting up at 7. I figured and still do that if I get to bed super tired, I'll at least have decent sleep for a few hours. Most of my nights were spent tossing and turning, waking up half a dozen times. I usually get in bed for five, six hours these days. The most amazing sleeps I get are the first day of recovering from a flu or cold.
Starting point is 02:44:33 When the previous night was spent with the fever, I sleep so good the day after that. In my late 20s, I used the fairly new internet to look up shadow sleep monsters and sure enough came across stories that people have in similar experiences. It was a relief in some way known, I didn't just make it up. I'm sure there's a shitload of stories now online,
Starting point is 02:44:47 but I'll just stay away from any more research on that subject. Listing to the time suck suck of the shadow people was the first time since then that I'd heard anything. It was around 1979 to age of five when I first encountered this. I'm from a very small town in Quebec
Starting point is 02:45:01 that has like three TV stations or had them at the time. For this thing to exist in my mind at that age, at that time, here without being influenced by outside sources for so many people around the world, that have similar experiences that I have to think it exists. As much as we know over the world in universe now, it is so naive of us to think that we just that we know now, that what we know now is the sum of everything that could possibly exist. Just like it was naive a hundred years ago,
Starting point is 02:45:25 when we generally thought we knew everything, it's naive now as well. So who knows what's out there? Who knows what really exists? I've had many experience over the years. This was long enough. Sorry for the long email, devout space, there's Sunny Hill.
Starting point is 02:45:38 Fuck, man, thank you, Sunny. Yeah, that is crazy, man. That is crazy. I joke about all this kind of stuff. Now joke about Anton Leveille, doing all this weird dark magic. But what if we had figured it out? What if he would have actually figured out how to do some spell that actually works? You know, it just takes one time for it to change everything.
Starting point is 02:45:55 And then instead of making fun of these silly ghosts, I'm fucking way more scared. So part of you want that to happen, part of you does not. Thank you for your update. I'm glad the shadow people no longer haunt you. And that's it for Time Sucker updates. Thanks, Time Suckers. I need a net. We all did.
Starting point is 02:46:15 That's it for today, Time Suckers. Man, I tried so hard to make this so much shorter. Happy Halloween, see you some of you in Columbus, Ohio. If you're gonna worship Satan this week, I hope your Satan Church has better music than anything ever done by Anton Levey. And, yeah, hey, Joy come candle the main stage. And just keep on sucking.
Starting point is 02:46:35 Hi! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Starting point is 02:46:42 Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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