Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 2 - Weird Sex Customs

Episode Date: September 26, 2016

Roman orgies! Columbian bestiality! Irish underwear! Find out what the Hell Dan is referring to and learn what Dan considers to be the ten strangest sexual customs of the world today and some odd sexu...al norms of yesteryear as well.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How are people doing it? What are the rules? What are the laws? What are some of the strangest sexual norms around the globe? Find out all this and more in a very sexy and or creepy and definitely fascinating episode of Time Suck. You're listening to Time Suck. You know, cultures have a lot of strong opinions about sex, like, you know, who you can have
Starting point is 00:00:26 it with, what happens to, if you don't follow the rules throughout history. Numerous civilizations have punished adultery, for example. Sex outside of marriage with death, not messing around. Occasionally, radical Muslim communities, women have been stoned to death for adultery and probably beyond Muslim culture as well. I'm sure a lot of ancient Christian cultures, or not even ancient, more recent, did similar things with kind of their abhorrent views towards women. A lot of misogyny mixed in there. According
Starting point is 00:00:57 to 2013, news.trust.org article stoning for adultery was still legal in 13 countries such as Iran and Somalia. Iran, a lot of interesting, horrific sexual stuff going on in that country, and Iran, according to ageoconsent.com, they raised the age legally of consent for girls to 13 from nine for girls about to get married. This was in 2002. So you know, you know, they just, you know, they're married. So somehow that makes it, uh, I don't know, maybe worse actually. According to this article, uh, you could legally have sex with a nine-year-old in 2001 if she was your wife. In America,
Starting point is 00:01:36 having sex with a nine-year-old, uh, wife or no, pretty illegal, pretty socially frowned upon, you know, as in an angry mob might beat you to death in the street for trying that frowned upon, kind of way. And I point out, not to pick on Iran, but just to show that, you know, what one culture decides is okay, sexually is morally repugnant to another culture. Like we have gay pride parades and same sex marriage
Starting point is 00:02:01 in this country right now, homosexual acts and I ran punishable by death. You know, in homosexuality, treated very violently in this country pretty recently. You know, and legally as well, was illegal. And then other countries, obviously, way more permissive than us, like the Netherlands. You know, they have legal prostitution.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Amsterdam being such an example, they're famous red light district. I've been Amsterdam numerous times seen it People aren't fucking in the streets. They aren't just going crazy with it people actually very calm polite city But they get topless beaches around there very sexually permissive and American social conservative is always kind of like pointing to these kind of things. It's like some modern day Sodom and Gomorrah Where you know, it's like people just going to be fucking dogs in the street if you let prostitution become legal and drugs and things.
Starting point is 00:02:51 But the stats don't back that up. Or Nordic common sense. But like teen pregnancy, for example, according to alternate.org, 5.3 per 1000 in the Netherlands, 39.1 per 1000 in the Netherlands, 39.1 per 1000 in the US. So, basically, eight times as much teen pregnancy in the US with all our sexual repression comparatively to the Netherlands. US also has more adults living with HIV than the Netherlands per capita. So you know, being sexually more open seems, more open seems to make Netherlands, you know, just kind of healthier. You know, overall. Yeah, and I do notice, you know, Europe,
Starting point is 00:03:31 there is just very different attitudes. I had a big culture shock when I went to study abroad when I was a, oh my gosh, I'm blank, a junior in college. It's been too long now. As a junior college, and I went from Spokane, Washington, you're going to Gonzaga, you know, pretty conservative for a college, especially at that time. You know, there was parties like at any college, but not the kind you hear about at a big state school. There was no Ohio State, you know, Greek, row level of partying. And I go from this little conservative area to stay with this host family in London
Starting point is 00:04:08 and they were actually pretty conservative. But one day I am in the family room one of the first days and they're just kind of like looking around, I don't know, is studying or something and look up on the wall, they got some family pictures. I think I noticed a little bit before, but excuse me, not really thought anything of it. And then I noticed a little bit before, but excuse me, not really thought anything of it. And, and then I look at this family collage and in the middle, I just have this,
Starting point is 00:04:30 I see this image. I'm like, what the fuck? Like, is, am I really seeing this? And I'm looking at the host mother, by the way, the family was a husband and wife who at that time where I'd say in their late 40s with one to four kids, three boys and a girl ages from 21 on the way down to about 11. All still living at home at the time. And the mom, you know, not a sexualized kind of woman, you know, just kind of, I don't know, just momm-ish for lack of a better adjective. You know, didn't wear anything scandalous ever or dress up, you know, in a sexualized way ever when I was there for like four months.
Starting point is 00:05:16 But in this picture, she's topless. She's on a beach, kind of laying on her belly and she has her, kind of like that, what is that? Yoga pose where you push off with your hands, arch your back and look up. But like when you're laying on the beach and you just on your stomach and you just lean up and she had big breasts and just her big tits, just, ah, right there in the center of the family collage
Starting point is 00:05:37 is that picture of the mom. I remember that American roommate and like, you know, running over to him, be like, dude, you gotta check this shit out. These people are fucking weird. And at some point it came up to like one of the sons and he was just like laughing at me. Like, what's the big deal?
Starting point is 00:05:55 And I realized in hindsight, he was right to laugh. Like, there is no big deal. So what? There's boobs. Like we get so crazy in America about like, oh my God, you know, how could you see that or, you know, and I have kids have eight and 10 year old, you know, and we let them, you know, now actually eight and 10. Tell them this, you know, they're going to be naked
Starting point is 00:06:14 staying in your rooms. But if they're like, need a towel or something out in the hall and run out naked to grab one, we're not like, what the hell? Get in there, you see, he's in sinner. What the hell? Get in there. You see he then sinner you with your shame penis like you know, it's just like whatever it's a body Um But other people would be you know, I've talked to stories on store share stories on stage about my kids, you know Doing weird things naked. You know as far as like want me to check out their pubes or you know, whatever They think they have pubes and just like my my son whipping out his, you know, his wiener. And, it was my wife hate to want to use that word. She thinks it's childish.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Whatever, it's funny word to me. But it whips out his wiener. And, you know, and I was like, oh, okay buddy, now let's save that for after dinner, but I wasn't like, go to your room. You're dirty pervert. No, because then he's gonna have all this weird shame that people have about their genitals
Starting point is 00:07:08 and all that shit. I don't know. So it's a fascinating kind of top to me, like how, it's all subjective for the most part, what we consider normal about sexuality. You know, in history, it goes all across the map. Like in Rome, Rome culture, sex with servants, wasn't considered adultery.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Sex with a prostitute was also not adultery. Basically, adultery was only if you were having, what sounds kind of like an emotional, like if you were having sex with another dude's wife and you weren't paying her, she wasn't a prostitute, she wasn't a slave, she was a free woman. And you guys were having this like, you know, ongoing liais, that would be considered cheating and that would be illegal.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And their punishment was interesting for a while in Roman law. If you like, let's say you catch some dude banging your wife, having sex with your wife. Well legally, if you can prove that he did it, you get to, to, to satanize him, you get to fuck him, in the ass, in front of an audience if you choose, as like a payback, which kind of awesome. I'm like, you know, a weird way,
Starting point is 00:08:20 like, like, kind of poetic justice. Oh, that's so crazy, that is poetic justice. Oh, that's so crazy. That is so crazy. Oh, but then now that I really am thinking about it, I mean, it's like, yeah, like, I don't know who exactly, I mean, he's being punished, but at the same time, to punish him, you have to fuck a guy in the ass, and if you're not of that persuasion,
Starting point is 00:08:42 I guess you could just make it like a non-sexual thing. You know, like you're not even, just go to a different place in your head, which that is, yeah, that's pretty dark. It's pretty dark. But, yeah, that's also very funny to me. That man, I make you think twice about cheating. If instead of just, you know, like a social taboo of like,
Starting point is 00:09:06 oh man, you shouldn't have done that. If the husband of the woman you cheated with could bring you out like in front of your friends and family and fuck you in the ass. Oh my god. That's crazy. But orgies were common for rulers throughout ancient Greece, Mesotamia, Rome, India, Mongolia. It was actually the norm at various historical points,
Starting point is 00:09:33 but like rulers, I don't know, I don't know if I should use the word expected, but I think so. What it seems like from what I've read, where it'd be weird if you weren't having a harem. Like how crazy is that? And think about how different that is to us now. You know, that was totally the norm, like,
Starting point is 00:09:50 you're gang is con. Yeah, man, you fucking, you spread your seed. That's what you did. That was, that was like a symbol of your strength, you know? It's like, oh, man, he's a great ruler. He's fucking banging chicks that can write. Killin' people left and right. He's doing a great job.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Bill Clinton, you know, is recently, as you do, well, that's like been like last, last 30 years. He was almost crucified for getting a blow job from an intern from Monica Lewinsky, nearly impeached. You know, back in Rome, for a ruler, that would have been a fucking boring day. It's like, well, you got your dick sucked by that. By the chubby girl down the hall.
Starting point is 00:10:28 What do you, what do you vice president? Come on, you're the fucking president, man. Get out there. Get out there and do some fucking. But yeah, but I mean, it's just, it's interesting how reality just shifts, you know, what's, that's why I always question the rules, kind of like side-know on this, that's why, you know, like I have a very loose respect for law,
Starting point is 00:10:50 which some people just find like ridiculous. But I'm like, nah, it's just some dudes, you know, large in it is, large in it is not being me being sex, is that's just historical, you know, mostly just some dudes who decided, hey man, here's how you're supposed to live your life. And that's it. And if you don't do it this way, you get in trouble. And you know, some people are like, well, okay, that's the rules, you know, rules, rules, I don't do that, I don't know. Where I have a different instinct, where I was like, who the fuck are those guys? Why do they get to this side? What do they know? I don't know. You know the older I get I realize shit. They don't know
Starting point is 00:11:25 Shit You know, it's like I have less and less faith and people's leadership as I meet more and more leaders Especially in Hollywood fucking hey man meeting executives these people who are in charge of projects dumb as fuck Some of them very intelligent, but other ones, we should have a sound button for that dumbass fuck. Like, yeah, you just realize, as you get older, that some people have just kind of fallen upward
Starting point is 00:11:53 into positions of leadership, or just like tenacity. You know, that kind of person that's like, he's not really that smart, or she's not really that smart, but just like tunnel vision, just like, no, I'm gonna read all these self-help books. I'm gonna read management books. I'm gonna climb. I'm gonna do what I need to do. I'm gonna push whoever down. I need to like just so focus, so goal-orientated that they then achieve this goal. But don't necessarily have the skill set to like, like they're more skilled at climbing the ladder than they are at performing services along the rungs,
Starting point is 00:12:27 you know, along the way. But I digress. Anyway, I'm just making the point that a lot of this shit's subjective, you know. I mean, for me, the basic rules of sexuality is no kids, and, you know, everyone has to consent. That I think should be just the basic rule, common sense, don't fuck kids, they're not emotionally ready for it. So that's damaging, so that's wrong,
Starting point is 00:12:53 because you're damaging somebody, you're taking advantage of somebody, that's wrong. And people will have to consent. They're not consenting, well, then that's wrong. Then again, you're damaging somebody, so don't damage people You know and and no animals, you know because they can't consent I think is is pretty much common sense, you know, but that one I think that the animals one honestly
Starting point is 00:13:15 Just going logic here. I'm gonna put an asterisk on that one Okay, because if you like like for example, you have a doberman that really enjoys peanut butter enjoys its flavor texture If you like, for example, you have a doberman that really enjoys peanut butter. It enjoys its flavor, texture, likes to eat it, doesn't have any, as a doberman, it doesn't probably have any sexual hangups about human genitalia, and you really like having peanut butter licked off of your dicoid and-or balls by a doberman. I don't really see a victim, you know? One person's getting their jollies and the other person's getting a tasty snack, you know? Who's losing there?
Starting point is 00:13:54 I'm not bringing that up like it's like a weird thing of like so you know when you find out that I'm having the overmins lick some peanut butter off my wing. No, that's not where I'm going with that at all. That's not at all. I just try to be logical. So anyway, I wanna get into this time suck that I got sucked into a while back and dig into the weirdest sexual customs in recent history.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Because I've wondered about this ever since the sociology class, I took, I think sociology 101 back in the day I get, we're talking about sexual customs and we're about this tribe in Africa that believed some, I don't remember where in Africa But I remember his African tribe that believed that in order for a man to become fertile Here's how you got fertile in this tribe your uncle when you started going to puberty it would take you out in the woods And fuck you in the ass for a couple weeks and ejaculate that was as important when ejaculate into your butt.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Because they believed that they knew that the seed coming out of the man's penis was what made babies. Now they didn't have science, but they knew that. And they just kind of did this weird logic where they're like, well, okay, the seed's got to come from somewhere and like seeds like from the plant world, you know, this tree drops seeds and then it starts another tree and then that tree drop seeds.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And they kind of follow that model and they're like, well, so the uncle puts his seeds into the kid's butt. And then that way, the kid is fertile and he can, you know, put seeds into a woman. But man, what a rough place to grow up. That's a rough, that's a rough puberty ritual right there. That's, that's not fun, man. I have to go out to the jungle with Uncle Buttfucker.
Starting point is 00:15:28 God. Wow, but totally normal to them. And for all I know, it's not like the uncle's like some list, you know, pervert. He might not have wanted to do it. It's just like out of duty. Might have been like the most mechanical, sodomizing ever, or just like, well,
Starting point is 00:15:44 this is, I don't get it either. You know, it's like, like, these two guys are out there in the woods, you know, having butt sex, and kind of had the same feelings of it that a lot of people do, like church on Sunday, we're like, I don't know what this should mean,
Starting point is 00:15:55 but my wife wants me to come here. You know, that's where we're supposed to go. I don't know, I don't get it. I just out there in the woods, some version of that. Oh my gosh. So anyway, all right, all right. Let's get into the meat of this time's sec.
Starting point is 00:16:10 With the top 10 weirdest sex customs in the world. Okay, nerve.com, scoop, woof.com. This is where I found this first one. This number one, and actually I'm building, I think, roughly, number 10 being the most interesting to me, a weirdist. But this is number one, in the Sandbian tribe of Nugini, young men are kept away from women for a set period of time.
Starting point is 00:16:33 It must flate. And then swallow the semen of the tribes, might as warriors. It's just party grown up. Star-Turón Seven, separate for about 10 years. Yeah, these kids are also like taught to attach themselves from their mothers and other women in the triumphs. They can learn to live without women. And they're also like, have these sticks
Starting point is 00:16:55 that are put up at their nose, the cause of their nose is to bleed a lot so they can learn about pain and the ability to withstand it. And then, yeah, and then they get the semen in them because the semen contains like the masculine spirit. Kind of similar to the African tribes talked more earlier. And young boys can only attain this
Starting point is 00:17:13 through a second sump dick. So that's, that's weird. What a weird, have like that does not translate at all to our culture. You know, in our culture, that's like this homophobic slang put down where it's like, you know, and again, this is homophobic and misogistic, but it is what happens in our culture.
Starting point is 00:17:35 So it's silly not to act like it's not real. But when dudes culture dudes like me fucking pussy, you know, fucking homo, you know, you fucking want to go soak some dick? Like that's very like locker room, straight guy, kind of talk for making fun of someone, making fun of someone's masculinity, like a put down, but in this tribe,
Starting point is 00:17:55 you don't become the mightiest warrior in that tribe unless you have sucked some warrior dick. Like that's literally how you get to become a warrior. You know, Every single warrior of the tribe such dick as a kid. That's insane sentence. That's true for that. Oh my god. So crazy. So let's move on to number two. Number two, Cambodia. The crewing tribe, the elders build a love hut for their teenage daughters. Different boys spend the night here day after day until she finds a suitable partner who then marries for life and has a monogamous relationship.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Now, this one, I think, is actually kind of cool. As much as I don't like to think about my daughter growing up and becoming a sexual person, I just don't like to think about my kids that way at all. But I think it's just because it makes me sad just that they're not going to be little kids anymore. Because, you know, you know, like. But I think it's just because it makes me sad just that they're not gonna be little kids anymore. Because you know, like every, I think good parent, you just got, you just, you know, you wanna see him grow up, but you don't.
Starting point is 00:18:53 You don't wanna keep him as little innocent creatures as long as possible, where they just wanna love, you know, love dad and snuggle up on the couch and play board games. Huh, I don't want that to go away. But thinking about just someone's happiness, that's actually very practical. For it's like, you know, she's gonna have to have sex with this dude for the rest of her life.
Starting point is 00:19:13 I wanna give a little taste to the village. You know, there's no shame, no taboo, so she had it with it, excuse me. And she's, you know, she's sampled and then she's like, all right, this guy, he fits the best and I like his technique and you know, he doesn sample, and then she's like, all right, this guy, he fits the best. And I like his technique. And he doesn't annoy me too much. So, all right, you'll do.
Starting point is 00:19:30 You're the one that's gonna do it. Cause I think that's actually way better than the Christian, puritanical repression of no sex before marriage. Cause sex is an important part of marriage. It's like you don't wanna have like adulterant things but then find somebody you enjoy fucking. If you're gonna go on this premise of fucking one person
Starting point is 00:19:48 for the rest of your life, which I believe is not natural, biologically, I don't believe we are monogamous that way, like we're not built for it as men, but if you're gonna like expect somebody, man or woman, to I think, go against some natural impulses and emotionally commit to just one person, well, at least have it be someone that they enjoy fucking because that's going to give your best chance of a long term, happy marriage.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I think common sense. Number three, Nepal. This is some Nepali tribes in the Himalayan region. Practice polyandry. Basically, all the brothers share one woman, so they don't have too many children for their limited farmland. Because it's a really cold environment.
Starting point is 00:20:34 It's up there, there's not a lot of natural resources for a huge population in some of these regions of the Himalayas. And so to cut down on procreation, brothers will just kind of share a wife. Ha, that's... Ah, I get, I don't even have brothers, but that's just... I get it, I get the logic, I really do get the logic they're coming from on this one, but man, that just sounds
Starting point is 00:21:02 emotionally horrible. I mean, I guess if you're used to it, I guess that's what the norm is. But just like, what do you, we're like weird sibling rivalry would go on there. Like, you know, that poor woman, that poor woman, you know, she's like half in, if there's like four brothers,
Starting point is 00:21:20 she's having sex with four brothers, you know, she has to like placate each of their egos until each of them that they have the biggest dick and the best dick and they're the best in bed. And you know, the other brothers, you know, she just, she doesn't care about them. It's just, you know, the culture, but she really just cares about, you know, this one dude.
Starting point is 00:21:39 And then, you know, the brothers talk to each other and get in fights, which, no, she said it to me. You know, she said it to me. It just, that sounds, that sounds like a fucking nightmare. That sounds the only thing worse than that would be if you inverted it. Some guys, you know, like joke around, like twin sisters or whatever. Can you imagine, like, as a dude, if you had like four sister wives, like four sisters, and you're sleeping with all of them?
Starting point is 00:22:03 Oh, have you seen sisters fight? Not pretty. Not pretty. The rivalry that can go on there. Oh my God. Yeah, that sounds, nope. No interest in that in either way. India, number four.
Starting point is 00:22:20 The Murriot tribe from the Chettis car, I think it's like state, they have a very sexually liberated culture, they have mixed sex dormitories where adolescents are sent to practice, primarily sex. Sometimes with a single partner, sometimes serially discouraged from becoming emotionally attached to their partners, it's like the deer horned myriad, I guess, is a forest-dwelling tribe, and it's central India India where this region is. Yeah, it's just a festive mingling of teenage men and women, the other teach them songs, lore, dance, sex. And I guess if the girls get pregnant during this, because they give them some like herbal drinks that
Starting point is 00:22:57 supposed to be like a homeopathic contraceptive, but if it doesn't work and the girl becomes pregnant, the entire village should just adopt the baby. So the girl doesn't have to raise it, because no one knows who the father is. Like if it happens in this period. Man, I gotta say, if I was 17, 18, like I don't know what else is going on in that culture, but this part, fucking, what a party. Are you kidding me? Or you just get a fuck fest,
Starting point is 00:23:21 like in a dorm full of a bunch of other people your age. Can you imagine? Oh, 19-year-old me would be like going to get a passport photo right now doing res. Well, I'm actually always not that brave. Would be fantasizing heavily about doing so. That sounds pretty cool. Okay. so number five, this island, this sounds like the worst, this is like the worst puritanical place to live. It's this island of, it was called Innis Big by this anthropologist who did this study on there.
Starting point is 00:23:59 John Cohen Messinger, he observed in a study called Sex and Repression in an Irish folk community. This is 1958, 1966. It's Ina Sheer, is the island, little tiny island off the coast of, on the Irish coast. It's like a couple hundred people. And they're so sexually repressed, they keep their underwear on, even during sexual intercourse. They look at it as just like this horrible chore. There's no kissing, there's no physical affection. It's all front, it's all like evil and horrible and gross. And this is like a little fishing village
Starting point is 00:24:33 where the people live. And it's just like menstruation, menopause, regarded with fear and disgust, breastfeeding was avoided. Like they're so sex-represed Primertical primertal sex almost non-existence Yeah sex also practiced only in the missionary position Any variation of that was seen as completely deviant sinful Whoo average marriage at was 36 men, 25 for women,
Starting point is 00:25:05 man was considered a boy until age 40, dogs were whipped for licking their balls. Wow, man, that is. And this guy, this anthropologist, said that there was high levels of masturbation, drinking and alcohol-fueled fights. Well, of course, man, they're fucking pissed off and horny.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Yeah, they're drinking, yeah, they're jerking off. Yes, they're drinking. Yeah, they're jerking off. Yes, they're getting in fist fights. They got no other outlets for, you know, physicality. But man, that sounds like fuck that place. Just a pure tanical nightmare. No thanks. No thanks. What a horrible place to be like born, live, and die, where you just never could do experience any joy of sex Yeah, okay so All right, so that was number five. I got way too many numbers in here. I did something
Starting point is 00:26:00 with my with my list a prep. Okay, they're now back on track number six Australia first-porsche portion of this there was this Marjohara Aboriginal right where they do this penile It's like a form of circumcision, but it's not it's not it's not just like oh my god. It's like a crazy here's what I'll just say here's what it is oh It's not it's not just like oh my god. It's like a crazy. Here's what I'll say here's what it is. Oh my god Okay, so the when the boy is like 10 or 12. He gets his front teeth knocked out and That considers he's symbolically dead because this gets a septum pierced and Then he's taking to the wilderness by a bunch of other dudes. He's circumcised, but then this crazy circumcised where it's like a penis from your balls
Starting point is 00:26:49 up the front of the dick. It's kind of like you peel a lot of skin off of it. It's cut lengthwise on the inner side. And blood is dripped from this bloody penis into the fire to purify it. And then it's the worst part. And then you have to eat your foreskin, I'm not kidding, you have to swallow it. And without chewing for some reason. And then for the rest of your life,
Starting point is 00:27:13 you're gonna pee out of this little hole on the bottom of your shaft now because they mutilated your penis. And then you go hunting with the boys. And then you return to camp with food, and you're covered in blood, and you're reborn as an adult male. What in the fuck?
Starting point is 00:27:30 That, you know, on some of these things, I feel like a part of my brain can be like, well, you know, who am I to judge another culture? And we have our crazy weird little rituals and you have yours and tomato tomato. No, no, no, no, that one needs to, I don't know if that's happening anymore, but that's one of those ones we're finding the air.
Starting point is 00:27:48 It's like, now we're going to that tribe and they're gonna fucking stop doing that or they're gonna be killed. We're gonna start executing anybody who tries to do that to a kid. That is, ah, general mutilation man. Wow, fuck. So be glad you don't live there. Temporary marriages and I ran this stuff, going back to I ran, there's this thing, Wow, fuck. So be glad you don't live there.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Temporary marriages and I ran this stuff, going back to I ran, there's this thing, it's illegal to have sex outside marriage. So it's funny to me what people will do like to create loopholes. And so what they've done here is they found like they do a temporary marriage, where you can pay some woman's family
Starting point is 00:28:20 to marry her for like a few weeks, months, whatever. And then you get to have sex. And then she has to, after it's done, go through a couple of menstruation cycles, and then she can be remarried again. What's my condonsense? Oh, I ran. Number eight, Africa.
Starting point is 00:28:37 In the Banyukul tribe, a minority tribe living in Uganda, marriage means quite a burden to the brides' aunt. A couple wants to get married, the aunt has to have sex with the groom as a potency test. Furthermore, has to test the bride's virginity. She's, some traditions assert that the husband would have first have to have sex with the aunt before proceeding to have with the bride. And then she kind of like listens and watches to the sexual intercourse between the brideggroom and her niece and I guess she must What to test the bride she must like check to see if the hymen still in there so man we're weird we're placed to be an aunt
Starting point is 00:29:13 Number nine indonesia Not too far away from polyandry being practiced in the home Himalayas surprising sexual celebratory ceremony taking place in the island of Java It's addition this came up on a lot of websites called PON, PON, and it's seven times a year they have these crazy festivities, something like a big like a luau or something,
Starting point is 00:29:32 dances and all kinds of stuff. And during these seven days of the year, you can have sex with somebody outside your merch. It basically kind of, it sounds like encouraged to have sex with somebody other than your wife or husband. And if you have sex with the same person all seven times, the same non-spouse, then you get good luck for the next year. So, okay, weird loophole, and monogamy there. I just feel like, what a weird argument.
Starting point is 00:30:00 I know I don't like Maria, Susan. We fucked at six of the last festivals because I'm trying to bring us luck. Do you want a bigger house next year? Well, then help me fuck Maria at the next festival. That's what a crazy rule system would come up with. Okay, this brings us to number 10. This is the weirdest one. We're just one of crazy sex costumes for this time's duck is Columbia.
Starting point is 00:30:26 In some rural villages, it's Columbia Donkey fucking. Yeah, you heard me right. This tradition's widely known and accepted in parts of Columbia as a right of passage for many boys to become men. Fathers will often take their young boys out to teach them how to have intercourse with farm animals. Once these young men get a taste of intercourse with Donkeys, it seems like it's hard to stop. There have been lots of cases of married men repeatedly cheating on their wives with donkeys well into adulthood.
Starting point is 00:30:50 The practice is believed by Columbians to benefit the boys a great deal, given that the means to practice having sex. And Columbia is an extremely Catholic nation, so pre-marital sex is frowned upon, extramarital sex is frowned upon. So the donkey is just kind of a, they're the donkey, the old donkey but hole loophole. That's how that works. I don't know why I put the hole in there.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Because why did my brain is so assumed that it was a male donkey? I don't even want to know what that says about me. Why would, no, this donkey vagina, I would imagine. I mean, you know, there's probably, there's probably occasionally stick it in the Donkey butt too. It's not like the Donkey's gonna be like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo askman.com article. So there you go. So there, they'll hopefully learn some interesting tidbits to share with people in your life about strange sex
Starting point is 00:31:49 custom. Just Google, if you want to learn more about this stuff, a lot of these customs came up in multiple articles. Just stuff like strange sex rituals, strange sex customs around the world, those kind of Googles. All right, man. And I hope you had fun listening, and let's do a quick top five recap of today's time suck. One, don't ever marry a girl in remote Uganda without first checking to see how fucking hot her aunt is.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Number two, never be a member of the Aboriginal tribe, Marjora, if in Australia, if you have any respect for your dick whatsoever. Number three, hopefully things have gotten a little better on the Irish Isle of Ineshire. Wow. Number four, Iran sounds like a truly fucking terrible place to live all around.
Starting point is 00:32:36 And number five, don't fuck a donkey because apparently it's addictive. See you next time.

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