Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 201 - The Columbine Massacre

Episode Date: July 20, 2020

My brain is back! Today we take a sober look at the Columbine massacre, when on April 20th, 1999, two Columbine High School seniors, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, shot and killed twelve students, one... teacher, and injured over twenty other students before shooting and killing themselves. Why? What possessed these two young men who were weeks away from leaving high school to do this? We answer that question as best we can today and also challenge the popular narrative that these two were bullied social outcasts who did what they did to strike back against the "jocks" who supposedly terrorized them. A deep dive into a tragedy that inspired so many future school shootings, today, on Timesuck. We've donated $6,100 this month to the Innocence Project. The innocence project exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice. To find out more, visit https://www.innocenceproject.org/ Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ochmzx7a94U Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Try out Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're over 9000 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On a sunny spring, Tuesday, April 20, 1999, Columbine High School in the suburbs of a city called Littleton in Jefferson County, Colorado, an offshoot of the Denver metropolitan area became the scene of a massacre. Two Columbine seniors angry at the world spent months planning to execute their fellow students and turn a quiet high school, previously one of the safest places on earth into a one-sided war zone, complete with the literal destruction of the school down to its foundation. As devastating as the Columbine masker was, it pales in comparison with the carnage two seniors, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold just weeks away from graduating wanted to unleash upon the world. They spent a total of about an hour in the school hunting
Starting point is 00:00:39 people, murdering 12 students, a teacher, and wounding over 20 others in their two-person war against humanity that would last around 45 minutes. In the aftermath, everyone wanted something or someone to blame for it all, and everything that young Americans did in 1999 was suddenly under the microscope. Was violence and music or video games or movies to blame? Was it bullying, prescription drug side effects? Was it easy to access assault weapons? Was it the school's fault?
Starting point is 00:01:03 The killer's parents fault, law enforcement's fault. Or was it mostly Dylan and Eric's faults? Part of what was so shocking with Columbine was where it happened. Prior to the massacre, Littleton Colorado and the suburban area around it felt like just about the safest place you could live. The perfect place to raise a family. Not worry about your kids. Local crime rate is almost nonexistent. Littleton's still well below the Colorado violent crime averages. 43 reported incidents per 100,000 people compared to 375 incidents per 100,000 people for the state of Colorado.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And 394 incidents per 100,000 for the United States based on 2017 FBI crime stats. How could this community be the scene of such an atrocity? That will be part of what scared America so much about this particular shooting. It felt like if the shooting had happened in Columbine, it could happen anywhere else in the US. It's another dark one today. Also a fascinating one, good chance to clear up some myths. The national media kicked off a huge blame game in the immediate aftermath of this tragedy
Starting point is 00:02:02 and they got it wrong. We're deep diving the Columbine massacre today and we're going to try to get the narrative right here on Time Suck. Happy Monday, meet Saks, hail Nimrod, praise loose to Fena, good boy, sweet, bow jangles, and glory be to triple M. Long live the suck! Made it to last week's trip. Listen back to some of it, and luckily I sounded way more coherent than I felt. Shroomed but not too doomed.
Starting point is 00:02:41 That was so fun. I went home afterwards, stayed out my yard until about 9 p.m. felt great for about seven hours, just at one with nature. Listen to tools 10,000 days in the hot tub for over an hour and made my peace with death. Not even kidding. Thanks for continuing out with this strange ride. You beautiful bastards.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Dan Cuvans, but I didn't see my name right there. I didn't sound right in my own head. I'm gonna say that again. I'm Dan Cuvans, I think, in the multiverse. Lucifin is personal mustache ride provider, Nimrod's assistant fluffer, Bojangles favorite dog walker, and you are listening to a fucking maniac.
Starting point is 00:03:13 And also you're listening to Time Suck. Recording here in the Suck Dungeon CDA with the script keeper, Mr. Zach Flannery, not with the Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley, sad to say that Joe has tested positive for COVID-19. I wish that was one of my Mr. Rex. No, and tested in dramatic fashion, he is okay. But he's going through some shit for real.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Saturday, July 11th, Joe went to the gym, felt great, drove home, felt great. As he walked inside, his hand started tingling, felt weird, dizzy, told his wife he didn't feel good, and then he hit the fucking floor. Welcome to EMTs at an ambulance ride. Heart rate was 155 just laying down, blood sugar dipped all the way to 51.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Anything below 70 is dangerous. Spent five hours in the ER, sent home, felt okay when he went to bed, woke up to chest pain, tingling in his hands and arms, and then loses his vision, but doesn't lose consciousness, scary. Starts having trouble breathing.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Back to the ER, he goes, spends all Sunday in the ER. Doctors still don't know what's going on. Run a lots of tests. Wednesday finds out he has COVID-19. That day his knee randomly swallows up to the size of a grapefruit, Thursday night, dizzy, couldn't catch his breath. Knee swelling came back, strange knee pain. Said it was the worst pain he's ever felt, fuck.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Since then, hopefully he's well. I'm recording this this past Friday. Mostly fatigue, low fever, overall, just not feeling great. It's a strange virus that keeps mutating. Symptoms keep changing. Be careful out there. Lindsey and I just got tested two weeks ago
Starting point is 00:04:43 for antibodies. The results came back negative. Now we got tested for COVID yesterday, Logan and Kate. They got tested yesterday. Script keeper getting tested. We're all minimizing our contact with the world outside of home and work and also everyone other than me working mainly from home. Well, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:04:57 We were doing that for a while. We're keeping our distance. We got a little space here. Working in different parts, coming in out of different doors. We're being careful. Joe won't be back in the suck dungeon until the end of the month, maybe not until early August, we're going to see how he feels, quarantine in his basement. Mostly folks, and I think I'm trying to set a new world record for how many times that
Starting point is 00:05:13 one man can beat off during a two week quarantine. I wouldn't bet against him. He's also working from home as he can, so he doesn't go insane, just being trapped in a basement with little to do, other than this record setting. But if you want to help him feel better, subscribe to He and I's new podcast as we done. It really would make him so happy.
Starting point is 00:05:34 He's very proud of it. I'm happy as well, I'm proud of it as well. The trailer's out on YouTube and on an increasing number of podcasts, platforms as it kind of populates around different platforms. It becomes a real show in August 12th when the first two episodes drop. That's also Joe's birthday.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Hope he's feeling tip-top by then and hasn't worn his wing down to a micro-pean nub. Would hate for him to get stuck with the micro-pean nickname again. Is we down trailer also at the end of this episode if you wanna have a listen? And I'll save other announcements for the end of the show.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Send Joe some good-ness on socials, meet sacks, please. And now let's head over to Columbine. Columbine high school named after Colorado state flower, the Colorado blue column, Columbine, one of three high schools in the unincorporated southeast portion of Jefferson County. County itself lies on the west side of the Denver metropolitan area. And is the, uh, most populated county in the state. It's about 15 miles southwest to downtown Denver, school open in 1973, home with the rebels,
Starting point is 00:06:37 uh, notable alumni, not associated with the Columbine shootings is Todd Parkmore, vocalist for big head Todd of the monsters graduated 1983 is Todd Parkmore, vocalist for Big Head Todd and the Monsters. Graduated 1983 along with bassist Rob Squires and drummer Brian Nevin. Those guys released one of my favorite tracks of the 90s. 1993's Bittersweet. It's better sweet, more sweet, better time, better time, sweet. That's a good one. Surrender.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I may have listened that song on repeat for several hours on a few occasions like a maniac. Maybe. Also released in 1983, Blink of an Eye, one of the lesser known albums of Michael motherfucking McDonald's full of blue eyed soul tracks like Everlasting. We've always been, we've always been, that's why we are everlasting. We've never lost in, we've never lost in, we've never lost in, we've never lost in, like my mustache shoots this song. Okay, back to Colorado now.
Starting point is 00:07:45 You're welcome. That sweet, sweet ear candy. The large, unincorporated region around the census designated area of Columbine, along with the county's southern plains and foothills has a population nearly 100,000 residents, and about 1700 of them attend Columbine High School. Just six miles away is heritage high school in Littleton, where South Park co-creator Matt Stone went to school, where he grew up, fictional town of South Park,
Starting point is 00:08:08 based on Littleton. South Park's so close to Columbine High School, and back in 1999, two rebel seniors were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. I believe I refer to them as micro-peans, stinking nuts, Klebold, and bed-wedding, mom-as-boy Harris in the Killer Kids episode, 194, few months back.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I stand by those degrading nicknames this week, but I will refer to them mostly by the real names in the suck. Cleevals and Harris's plans for attacking the school painstakingly premeditated. Recovered by investigators after the tragedy had taken place, evolved over a little more than a years time. There are diaries, videotapes and these two hatefully ranting about all sorts of things. They didn't know much about their mission was to kill as many people in the buildings as they could. Both students and faculty and police, if they could help it, they wanted to shock the world with their actions. They wanted to kill far more than they did.
Starting point is 00:08:56 They'd musen their writings of hoping to kill at least 500 students that day. And then they hope that maybe somehow they'd lived through it so they could keep killing. They wanted to invade neighboring homes, following the attack. They wanted to even ideally hijack a jet and crash it in New York. And this is months before 9-11. Columbine was never just meant to be a shooting. If these two had their way, they would have basically burned the whole world to the ground. These two killers built, they built bombs, lots and lots of bombs, pipe bombs, propane
Starting point is 00:09:22 bombs, even made car bomb, booby traps to blow up their own cars, to kill law enforcement officers. They wanted to blow up hundreds of students inside the school and then shoot any students who didn't get blown up, who were running out of the school and away from the explosions. Their initial plan was for the mascot to take place Monday, April 19th, but they just weren't quite ready.
Starting point is 00:09:40 While there was no specific reference made in their writings to this date, being an important anniversary, it should be noted that April 19th,, 1999 was the fourth anniversary of the bombing of the of the Oklahoma city bombing and the sixth anniversary of the end of the Waco siege against the branch to Vityan compound. And they were big fans of Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma city bombings. Old noodle Mc dry, Wayne. So why did they end up bombing the school on 420 instead?
Starting point is 00:10:03 Probably not because of the date association with marijuana. They weren't big stoners. More likely, they chose April 20th because it's Adolf Hitler's birthday. Big fans of Hitler. 1999 was the 110th anniversary of his birth. I think it's a pretty strong indicator that you're maybe not right in the head when you're a big fan of Hitler. If you were to put a list together of say the world's most a hundred admired people,
Starting point is 00:10:25 you know, most admired people, a highly doubt that any of the hundred chosen would describe themselves as a big Hitler fan. Can you imagine Bill Gates, now he's made several most admired lists. Well, what drives you Bill? You know, increasing global education access, ending systemic poverty,
Starting point is 00:10:42 reducing vaccine fear and extending herd immunity to the entire third world. And you know what? I mean, really also, I just want to finish what Hitler started. Just really, really admire that guy, big fan. Making this extra ignorant, Dylan Clebold was Jewish. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:10:56 He was a Hitler-loving Jewish team. This is the level of confusion and mindless hate we're going to be dealing with today. On one of the many tapes, excuse me, the two made, Eric finds out that while Dylan's father, Dylan's father is Lutheran, his mom is Jewish and Dylan's embarrassed by this. And Eric says, I'm sorry, man, that's a bummer. I'll find out. This is for him is Jewish and Dylan appreciates the sentiment. Makes it clear that he hates it, you know, this is attitude like, dude, don't think it's just because I'm Jewish, you know, I don't, I don't still love Hitler, please, please know that. Like, I get it, if anyone knows how inferior I am,
Starting point is 00:11:29 it's me, it's me. If only he had taken it further, I wouldn't be here. This guys were insane. Before we get to the timeline, they began shortly after these two start high school and end shortly after their deaths. Let's learn a little bit about each of these assholes, and I do say assholes.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I do not see these two as victims at all. And then after Massacolombine and narrative quickly formed, that these two were social outcasts, you know, just picked on just, and then kind of that they're like heroes of the sort, anti-heroes who did what they did in retaliation, they've been bullied, cast aside, marginalized, and they just weren't gonna fucking take it anymore.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Time to stand up for the little guy, time for the trench coat mafia, you know, give it to the jocks. Columbine was their way to strike back at a society that ignored them, a society that's shit on them. This is a story many media outlets pushed into aftermath of the attacks, numerous future shooters who saw themselves as fellow outcasts, who saw themselves as also being bullied. These shooters admired Dylan and Eric greatly and carried out their killings in part because of their influence.
Starting point is 00:12:26 prominent American sociologist Ralph Larkin examined 12 major school shootings in the US in the following eight years following the Columbine massacre found that in in eight of those. So you know eight of the 12th the shooters made explicit reference to Harrison Klebold. Larkin wrote that the Columbine massacre established a script for the shootings saying numerous post Columbine rampage shooters referred directly to Columbine as their inspiration. Others attempted to supersede the Columbine shootings in body count. American psychiatrist and schizophrenia researcher E. Fuller-Tory of the Treatment Advocacy Center wrote that part of the legacy of the Columbine shootings is it's allure to disaffected youth.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Recently in 2018, a lawyer for two teen boys who planned a Columbine type attack against their North Yorkshire school, Paul Greeney, referenced the appeal of the shooter saying in court to a jury, they intended to shoot and kill other pupils and teachers against whom they held a grievance. They also liked their heroes, intended to deploy explosives and researched bomb-making techniques to that end, Greeney added that Harris and Clebold became anti-heroes, and there was a strange dark subculture of adoration for them and their crimes on the internet. This is all bullshit.
Starting point is 00:13:36 These weren't two constantly picked on loaners, not by a fucking long shot. If you idolize these two after learning what we're going to learn today, congrats your fucking psychopath. Let's meet Dylan now. Uh, there's an interesting biography of 17-year-old Dylan that was thoughtfully written by a friend of a friend of Dylan's posted on DylanClebold.net. It reads, just who was Dylan Bennett Clebold? To his friends, he was better known as Vodka and earn names supposedly due to his pension for the clear alcohol. He was born on September 11, 1991, the son of Thomas and Susan Clebold and the younger brother of Byron. He began his schooling in Littleton, Colorado at Normandy Elementary, attending only the first and second grades for transferring to Governor's Ranch Elementary.
Starting point is 00:14:24 At Governor's Ranch, he was part of the CHIP's program, challenging high intellectual potential students. He then attended Ken Carroll Middle School, which proved to be quite a transition for the young quiet student due to his shyness. As a young boy, Dylan enjoyed playing T-Ball, baseball, and soccer. He was a pitcher on his baseball team. His coach stated that Dylan threw the ball harder than anyone else in the team and absolutely played to win. His favorite baseball team was the Boston Red Sox. And he was often seen wearing a baseball cap with the team's emblem. The story has it that the cap had to be replaced
Starting point is 00:14:48 several times over the years because it becomes so worn out. As most of you know, he will be found dead in the library of Columbine High School in 1999 and a pool of his own blood with the same hat lying a few inches away from his head. Self-inflicted gunshot wound to his left temple. Dylan and also been a Cub Scout and worked hard to earn his badges. He played the drums, was an avid Nintendo player, enjoyed a childhood full of happiness, which would become cherished memories for his family and friends. At Columbine High, he was active in the school play productions as a light and sound coordinator, was involved in video productions and Columbine's student run RNN Rebel News Network.
Starting point is 00:15:22 He was a computer assistant at Columbine, helping to maintain the school's computer server. At almost six foot three and around 180 pounds, Dylan towered over. Most people his age. He was shy and quiet. You could be outgoing around his friends and family. He made fairly good grades. He took a philosophy class for a short time as well as psychology and calculus. Dylan drove a 1982 BMW 320i, reportedly attended St. Philip Lutheran church with his family,
Starting point is 00:15:45 and he had two pet cats, Lucy and Rocky, and a bird. Does it sound like the biography of some constantly bullied outcast? The kid who's good at baseball, the big kid who drives the BMW? Does the kid has been marginalized more than say, I don't know, one of many thousands of inner city kids living on welfare is trying to buy violent crime who are maybe smaller than average, aren't good sports, never sat in a BMW, don't shoot up a school each and every year. I know that Dylan could have still been bullied, but this bio doesn't seem to describe the kids severely, monumentally bullied.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And we'll learn a lot more as we go forward to this end. Dylan's bio continues, he kept journals in which he wrote poetry and doodled in. He was actually named after a poet, Dylan Thomas. Thomas, one of my favorite poets, wrote one of my favorite poems, Rage, Rage against the Dine of the Light. Ironic that this Dylan would rage to end so much light. These journals also included the daily happenings and struggles of everyday typical teenage life, which most young people experience.
Starting point is 00:16:38 He expressed love, hate, lust, sadness, longing, and everything in between. He quoted lyrics from his favorite songs and bands Enjoyed playing computer games like most normal teenagers. He enjoyed playing games such as Quake doom Hexen Diablo countless others his left ear was pierced and he usually wore a triple cross earring and the triple cross I forgot about that one so 90s I think George Michael rocked a triple cross earring maybe Rob Lowe St. Emiles fire Dylan was a cigarette smoker, smoking marble, menthols, preferably, enjoyed the occasional drink of alcohol, including mixed alcoholic drinks. It has been said that he had a legendary appetite as most teenage boys have eating cereal
Starting point is 00:17:16 from mixing bowls and candy bars and Dr. Pepper Soda is in a small refrigerator that he supposedly had in his room a gift from his brother, Byron. Had a phrase his room, dependable car to drive, a lot of nice friends, good brother. Also, it doesn't appear as if he was physically or sexually emotionally abused, living in a nice town or a nice home raised by a nice family. Dylan's dad, Tom, worked as a geophysicist
Starting point is 00:17:36 for Champlain Oil Company. His mom, Sue, counseled disabled kids at a rapaho community college. They made enough money to buy rentals and leave their jobs to form fountain real estate management to oversee their rental properties. They're kicking ass. Numbers, friends, family, friends, spoke out after the massacre to talk about how Tom and
Starting point is 00:17:54 Sue, great parents, again, Dylan, not some disenfranchised youth constantly having society. Kicks and his poor, weak little face. Didn't have a childhood, like say, 90, disenfranchised icon Kurt Cobain. Wasn't surrounded by dysfunction, bouncing from relative to relative. According to more of his bio, he very much enjoyed movies and music. Among his favorite movies were natural born killers from Dust Tell Dawn, Pulp Fiction. Yeah. I mean Pulp Fiction, natural born killers for sure, from Dust Tell Dawn. Weird. weird, but I liked it. Tarantino's role in that movie, super weird.
Starting point is 00:18:28 He loved the Lost Highway also, also anything by Quentin Tarantino, yet was a winner in his book, pretty typical for the 90s. Among his favorite bands were the smashing pumpkins, solid orbital, yes, chemical brothers, yes, KM, FDM, a German industrial band whose name, Kine, Murheit, Ferd-Dai, Miteleid, I'm probably butchering in Seoul, German. Lucy translates to no pity for the majority. Listen to nine inch nails and Ramstein. Yeah, a lot of good 90s stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I listen almost to all those same bands all the time. Back when it was cool to have CD binders in your dorm room. I had the fucking sweetest CD binders man. Pages and pages, kick ass music. To impress the ladies with, Hey, a Luciferina. Come sit next to me, flip through my binder of music. During the last year or two of Dylan's life, you made plans for the future. The more than likely this was the front to hide his true plans.
Starting point is 00:19:15 He and his dad took a trip to Arizona to check out the University of Arizona where he picked out paid for a dorm room. He planned a major in computer science. Dylan was badly depressed, although he did have many good friends. It felt he felt as though almost, if not all of them, weren't true friends and that they would only leave him in the end. Despite the vicious murders that Dylan helped commit on that horrible day, on April 20, 1999, he's remembered by his family and most of his friends as a wonderfully smart and
Starting point is 00:19:40 funny boy who is dearly missed. His actions were shocking to him mostly. Everyone who knew him and many still cannot believe that he had helped plan the massacre for over a year. Jesus. Micropean stinky nuts could have just not killed a bunch of kids and himself his dad would have paid for him to go to U of A, big party school and Tucson
Starting point is 00:19:56 for the beautiful sun-baked college girls. What the fuck? The depression drive him to commit this massacre? I'm sure it had something to do with it. I think having Eric Harris as his best friend had a lot more to do with it. Eric Harris was a fucking psychopath and she's closing. My mom worried a lot about some of the kids I hung out with and the older I like when I was you know you know going to high school and the older I get the more I understand how justified this concern was. Keep an eye on who your kids pal around with.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Keep a real close eye on who they look up to. A lot of articles about the killings Dylan is described over and over as a follower as a sidekick. Eric Harris is the ringleader. I wonder, had he just not met Eric Harris, the alpha of the two, would he have left Colorado for Tampa? He got a computer science degree, you know, or sorry, left Colorado for Tucson. I got it. I got the wrong Arizona school. Got a computer science degree. Had a lot of sloppy drunk college sex.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Be living in the suburbs somewhere with a nice family and a nice house. I think so. Maybe, you know, but instead he, he mind melded with Eric Harris. I hate to admit it, but I do understand the appeal of being the sidekick of a dark friend all too well. My Eric Harris was a kid named Chris, I almost did his last name, I should. Kid name Chris.
Starting point is 00:21:10 In Las Vegas, when I went to two years of high school, bananas at high school, before meeting Chris, I was a straight-laced kid from a small town in Idaho, never stolen anything, never tried to make a bomb, never raised really any hell with any kind. Kid name Russ lived a building over in this giant apartment complex and a sea of other giant apartment complexes, into Russ at the pool became friends met Chris and
Starting point is 00:21:29 Kristen give a fuck about anything. I had never met anyone like him. Smart, funny, didn't take shit from anybody. He did stuff like put smoke bombs and bananas of high school AC system evacuated the whole school got arrested for shooting people laying around the apartment complex pool with a pellet gun from his bedroom window. His dad was out of the picture. His mom was always at a boyfriend's house and for the most part he did what he wanted. Stole stuff constantly from 7-Eleven down the street. Still right in front of the employees and run out of the store and then run back a few
Starting point is 00:21:56 minutes later to do something crazy like open the door and just throw a fucking slushy at him. And to be honest, I loved it. And pretty soon I was Chris's sidekick. I was doing whatever he was doing right along with him. I was having a great time stealing shit, setting dumpster fires, breaking into cars, breaking into buildings, running from security guards,
Starting point is 00:22:11 running from the police, other random people, we'd infuriated or fucked over. It all seemed like a big game. Good way to feeling adrenaline rush. Never got caught, we just kept escalating our mayhem, started making plans for stuff like blowing up ATMs. Had my dad not moved his back to Idaho after my sophomore year, I often wonder where I would have ended up.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Probably know where good. Choose your peer group carefully, young meat sax listening. Actually, we should all do that. We should all choose our peers carefully. Don't hang around the Eric Harris' of the world. Let them drag you down. And this is coming from a guy who recorded the last week's suck, super high on shrooms.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Which actually, I hate that they're illegal. Anyway, I suppose I should probably tell you a lot more about Eric after talking all the shit about him. Eric was born Eric David Harris on April 9th, 1981, which talk Kansas? His parents Wayne Nelson Harris, Kathy Harris, were both born in Colorado. Wal-Wayne was working in the Air Force as a transport pilot. He held 11 different positions at six different bases in Ohio, Michigan, and New York. Famous around a lot of the first 12 years
Starting point is 00:23:08 of Eric's life. Like Dillon, he had one sibling, a brother, Kevin, born three years before he was. The Harris family moved from New York to Littleton, Colorado in July 1993. He met Dylan not long afterwards. He met middle school, seventh or eighth grade, possibly the summer between seventh and eighth grade. Eric's dad Wayne took a job with flight safety services corporation in Englewood. Kathy got a job as a caterer. Eric, not a big kid like Dylan, only five, six, 135 pounds when he died at the age of 18. His ego though, oh, his ego much bigger than Dylan's. Dude seemed to think he was a brighter, more insightful and basically anyone else on Earth.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Even though the world never provided any evidence to speak to that. The Harris is rented for the first three years after their arrival in Colorado and Eric Lyke-Dillin started attending Columbine in 1995. 1996, the Harris is bought a $180,000 house just south of Columbine High School on Peer Street. Then they bought a place on Reed Street and Little Ten that's worth over $500,000 now.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I looked at some pictures, super nice house. A lot bigger, a lot nicer than any place I live grown up. They were doing pretty well too, you know, solid middle class family. Around the time Eric met Dylan, he also met Brooks Brown, Nate Dyckman, few other kids who have become known in the media as members of the trench coat mafia,
Starting point is 00:24:18 even though that term was really given to some other kids who graduated the year before Dylan and Eric, kids that Dylan and Eric barely hung out with. So they were associated with some other kids who called the year before Dylan and Eric, kids that Dylan Eric barely hung out with. So they were associated with some other kids who called themselves at trench coat mafia and then that term got thrown out to the media. That wasn't a big, big thing that they were actually advocating. They weren't wearing trench coats even every day.
Starting point is 00:24:37 I just kind of how they became known. Eric and his buddies started getting into trouble like a lot of teens do. They started getting into more trouble. You know, it's time went on like a lot of kids do. They got enough trouble more trouble. You know, it's time went on, like a lot of kids do. They got enough trouble for Eric's father, Wayne, to start keeping a diary of Eric's misdeeds. We'll go over some of those misdeeds in the timeline. Eric also spent a lot of his time online,
Starting point is 00:24:54 playing video games, super active online, almost famous in some gamer circles, posting as many as 11 homemade Doom mods of his own design. At some point, he was active in a Quake team. They called themselves the RC Rebels. He was part of the generation that's pastime was exploring what was still the new frontier of the internet. He and Dylan had their computers set up on a network to play Doom together online. Some of Eric's web pages, many of them Doom related received a lot of attention immediately following the shootings. Most of the initial web concern revolved around two particular
Starting point is 00:25:22 pages. The Doom 2 site, he had set up starting somewhere around 96 and the WBS site that the news focused on which is just the lyrics posted From a KM FDM song son of a gun. He posted lyrics like apocalypse now wall is a flame billowing smoke who's to blame Funny to me how music like this was blamed in the aftermath of the massacre. I listened to way heavier shit when I was in high school than that. I listened to heavier stuff than that now. I'm so do most of my friends. None of them, I'm shout out to anybody.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I love to work out now to stuff like DEDS FM FY. Opening lyrics are, so fuck me and fuck you too. The world should start over new. Oh, it's so good. Fuck me and fuck you too. The world should start over new. Oh, it's so good. Fuck me and fuck you too. The world should start over new. Bring out the gear, your team.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Save all the sympathy. I don't actually want to bring out the gear team. Not really. Just fun stuff to work out to. Such a good song. Harris love KM, FDM, other hardcore bands. They didn't love him back. KF, I hate these fucking bands with acronym names. Never rules out the tongue.
Starting point is 00:26:24 KM, FDM. You guys should have. Never rules out the tongue. KMFDM, I you guys should have got a better name, maybe to be bigger now. KMFDM, another spoke out about the shootings about how their music was fantasy, escapism, artistic venting, not a fucking blueprint, why you should live your life. After the shootings, the band didn't appreciate being thrown in with Harris and Clebold as far as you know, people they admired. You know, they didn't like being thrown in with Hitler and Charles Manson. I don't blame him. Marilyn Manson was not one of Harris or Clebold's favorite bands, but they were nonetheless also thrown into spotlight by the media as being part of quote, everything wrong with America's youth.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Immediately after the massacre, significant blame was directed at Marilyn Manson with various media reports about Harris and Clebold portraying them as some sort of gothic cult kids who worship Manson. Not true. Early media reports alleged that the two shooters were wearing the group's t-shirts during the massacre. Those reports were wrong. They were not wearing Manson shirts. Rumor reported this fact.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Knowing it wasn't true. Various news outlets continued to run sensational stories with bullshit headlines slandering Manson such as killers worshiped rock freak Manson. Devil worshiping maniac told kids to kill. Oh my God. Fake news. Nothing new. A guest from the God scene stated on a 2020 broadcast covering the Columbine
Starting point is 00:27:33 shootings in the months that followed. Yeah, blame the music, the clothes. It's always the same story. Something goes wrong in the younger generation. The older one wants to blame clothes, movies, games, hobbies, pastimes. They don't want to look at how little attention so many parents offer their kids or the blind eye attitude to so many educators.
Starting point is 00:27:49 The graphic content from Eric's websites that was spoken of so fearfully by the media at the time referred primarily to images of characters straight from Doom II. The demonic pictures in his notebook that were so shocking, Doom picks. The horn guy is one of the Doom two boss gods. It was fucking great.
Starting point is 00:28:06 I played various Doom games off and on. I've played him since 1996. For years when I was younger, I played Doom for an hour or two a day. I did finally stop one day after playing. I went for a walk around my neighborhood and I found this cat and I just picked it up, you know, kind of play with and started petting for a second. And then I just kind of kind of, I don't know where. I just felt compelled just to yell doom,
Starting point is 00:28:25 all hail doom. And I grabbed that camera, I tell him, I fucking whipped it into the street until it was a dead bloody mess. Then I chewed into it stomach, I got hot blood and guts all over my face, and I ripped off all my clothes, and I just ran through the street,
Starting point is 00:28:37 howling doom, all hail doom. That was when I stopped playing doom, you know, because for a while, you know, I knew I was gonna kill somebody. Now of course that's nonsense. Never felt the non-violence, you know? Never felt non-violent, played a bunch of Doom, and then thought, I get it now.
Starting point is 00:28:54 I need to kill some motherfuckers. Just like in Doom. That's what Doom wants. Little ridiculous to blame a game for a crime is premeditated as Columbine, I think. Yet more or less still made the argument after the killings. Check out these numbers. As of 2018, an estimated 20 million people had already played the original version of Doom. How many have played all the other editions of sequels?
Starting point is 00:29:13 40 million, 50, 100 million. And how many of those players went on to carry out a killings free? According to Google, only the Columb buying shooters were obsessed with doom as far as school shooters go. So not a very strong correlation. Feels like we bit like a scapegoat. If you want a deeper dive on stats regarding violent media influencing or not influencing school shootings and other violent behavior, check out the killer kids episode of TimeSug. I break down a lot more info about the link between violent games of violent kids or the lack thereof. Eric kept a lot of doom and quake graphics on his AOL website as well, but far scarier than Eric gaming sites where the rants he dumped onto his homepage about just hating
Starting point is 00:29:49 the world at large. You know, where he wrote stuff like everyone in it, not just jocks or blacks or whites or rich people, everyone. He wrote about hating a lot of people, most people wrote about killing, wrote a lot about killing, did not write a bunch about vengeance, did not write a bunch about wanting to get back at all the bullies who made his life a living hell because as you'll see later they didn't make his life a living hell. I think you have a decent feel for who these two kids are now they weren't balanced from foster home to foster home.
Starting point is 00:30:15 It didn't come home every night to parents who hit them weren't being molested. They you know had pretty good childhoods. Let's get a better feel for them now though. Get a better feel for the who these kids were in the months leading up to the Columbine massacre in today's Time Suck timeline. Right after a quick commercial break, thank you again so much for supporting the awesome sponsors that support our show and everything we're doing here at Bad Magic Productions. And now it's time for today's time suck timeline.
Starting point is 00:30:57 We begin in late 1997, learn a little more about Eric Harris. The parents of Harris' buddy Brooke Brown Browns, filed a police report with investigator, Michael Guerra, regarding a number of threats and rants aimed at Brooks from Eric. Apparently, the two friends had a following out because Brooks was chronically late and giving Eric a ride to school. Damn you, Brooks! How dare you not pick up your friend on time, even though it's not your job to take him or any other student's school, and if you wanted to get there early, you should fucking, you know, find a different rider to take the bus. Apparently, Eric should broke out about this one too many times
Starting point is 00:31:26 in Brooks who wasn't getting any gas money for the rides, did tell him to find someone else to take him or to ride the bus, and then Eric in response, smashed Brooks windshield with a rock. And then Eric terrorized the entire Brooks Brown household by doing shit like putting firecrackers on their windowsill at night,
Starting point is 00:31:40 making them think someone's shooting right outside their home, then Eric glowed at about doing all this and more in his private journals and in public online rants during his investigation to these incidents before the massacre Jefferson County deputy that Michael Guera found that Harris had written out a hit list. A manifesto delisted everyone he hated, people he would like to kill. That list has never been released unredacted to the public. Guera also discovered some of Eric's rants and notes about bombs he and Dylan were making. Based on all this, Gwera wrote in affidavit for a search warrant for the Harris household,
Starting point is 00:32:12 but it was for reasons that have never, ever been properly explained, ever filed. In 2004, a grand jury investigation ordered by Colorado's attorney general to time into a possible police cover-up of the police knowing that Dylan and Eric were very dangerous well before the massacre discovered that a few days after the massacre several high ranking county officials met secretly and resolved to suppress key documents stemming from this earlier investigation into Harris documents like the ones that were found. They conspired to treat them as if they did not exist in short to lie about them. Whoops.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Pretty big whoops here. I do get the motivation to suppress that information in the wake of the attack. Had a search warrant been issued, they would have found homemade explosives in addition to more general writings, revolving around Eric wanting to murder basically everyone on earth.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Because of the Columbine massacre and the later shootings that inspired shit like this today, taken very seriously. You post a manifesto and people to kill list online now? Pretty good chance. Law enforcement will be talking to you real soon. Eric apologized about the incidence of the Brown family and for a week or so, it seemed like everything was gonna be okay,
Starting point is 00:33:15 but then he decided to post Brooks's phone number onto one of his online rants around this time. Wayne Harris, Eric's dad began logging his son's problems and to be an armchair parent here, what he should have done was taken his kids Around this time Wayne Harris, Eric's dad began logging his son's problems. And to be an armchair parent here, what he should have done was taking his kid's fucking computer away from him. His precious doom computer. No more doom, bud. Not until you get some counseling. Video games are a privilege, not a right. They'll be a fucking psycho for a few months. No more people to kill this.
Starting point is 00:33:41 And we'll talk about you getting your computer back. Also, time to read your diaries. Or at least time to hand those diaries over to a therapist to have them read them. You lose the right to have your journal remain private. When in an online journal, you write about how much you love Hitler and how much you want to kill everybody. A January of 1998, Harris and Clebold were cop breaking into a van which charged with theft, criminal mischief, criminal trespassing because it was their first offense they were enrolled
Starting point is 00:34:04 in a diversion program. The diversion program consisted of community service and counseling. This included anger therapy for Eric and the stipulation that neither youth would be allowed to own a gun. Eric was pissed about this, ran it about the injustice of all of it in one of his diary entries that we'll go over later. Both boys were given early release from the program due to their apparent excellent progress within the system and they were both giving high recommendations from the people who signed
Starting point is 00:34:27 their release forms. They both were so good at hiding who they really were from everyone around them. Ah, man, me and my mayhem buddy Chris, back when I was at deviant sophomore, same way. My dad and stepmom, they thought Chris was awesome. Super polite, he knew how to win over parents. I was super polite too. Got straight A's in school. My teachers loved me, never cause problems in class.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Then on the weekends, I was slashing tires and trying to make fucking pipe bombs and run it from security guards. On March 25th, 1998, Eric Harris filled out a mental health selfie about self-evaluation form that was given to the therapist he was seeing for his anger management. On this form, he described experiencing homicidal thoughts, mood swings, anger, anxiety, depression,
Starting point is 00:35:06 and loneliness. He made at least one attempt to reveal who he really was. His parents seemed to downplay all this, though. They did get him psychiatric medication. He was put on Lou Vox, aka fluvoxamine, a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, used mainly to treat OCD and depression. Rare side effect of the drug, one that sometimes occurs during the first few months
Starting point is 00:35:26 of treatment or during a dosage increase or decreased dosage adjustment is suicidal thoughts, homicidal ideation, not thought to be a side effect. And important to note, he was writing about really wanting to kill people before he started taking this because a lot of people would blame side effects of this drug for what happened.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Ah, it doesn't hold up with me. July 4th, 1998, fellow Columbine student, Peter Mayher and his friends have a scary encounter with Eric Dylan and a few others at a local convenience store. Peter said that he saw one of the boys in a trench coat holding a big pistol grip shotgun in the air. Later that day, Peter and his friends say Harris and company, they saw them at a fireworks stand
Starting point is 00:36:04 where another altercation began. He claims that one of the trench coat boys pulled a knife on him while another mention they had a shotgun said he and his friends were able to talk the situation down and get away. So sounds like Eric and his buddies may have been more bully than bully victim. And late 1998, Dylan and Eric made a video for film class where they pretend to shoot their friends friends who are dressed up as jocks with real weapons. And the video ends with Colin Byin-Hi looking like a blows up. Heeeeeek! Looks real bad in hindsight. They did not get into any trouble. Again, this is something we've taken way more seriously today. You don't get to make a class
Starting point is 00:36:38 project about blowing up your school, shooting your classmates, and not get a talk into from the police. You're for sure spending a lot of time in the counselor's office after that. You're like, ah, whatever, just take a, can I do over? Right, come on. Give me some extra credit. Uh, nothing, okay. Dylan and Eric began to write down their infamous master plan in journals, notebooks that will later be found in the boys' rooms,
Starting point is 00:36:59 along with a sought-off barrel of a shotgun and an unused pipe bomb. In one early journal entry, Eric writes, I will soon or die than betray my own thoughts. But before I leave this worthless place, I will kill whoever I deem unfit. What's the fucking kitten? He also wrote extensively about how he wanted revenge against anyone who he thought had ever wronged him.
Starting point is 00:37:19 In another entry, Eric details how he thinks society could be improved by boosting natural selection. He details out initial plans for how he and V, V is in vodka, you know, the nickname for Clebold would carry out this boosting complete with a short weapons detail and tactics disclosure. In October of 1998, he writes again about the maskery helps to commit at one point asking, someone is bound to ask, what were they thinking? And he answered, I want to burn the world. I want to kill everyone except about five people. If we get busted anytime, we start killing right then and there.
Starting point is 00:37:49 I ain't going out without a fight. This fucking dude is a psycho. And we'll get more to the psychology of that at the end of the episode. Like I'm not just talking shit, saying he's a psycho. November 17th, he writes that he wants to have violent sex with a woman quoting a line from a Nine Is Nail song closer a great bedroom song Uh, to have some carnal and Consentual sex with it. I love that song. You bring me closer to God.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Eric didn't want uh, that he didn't want a consensual sex. He wrote about how he wanted to overpower some woman He wanted to know who he could trick and do his room first Then uh after after raping them. He wanted he wrote about how he wanted to eat them as well. Oh yeah, totally understand or start, I really like the story. I didn't realize, I've been late to much, I've been to the young American lads, so very much, and there's lots of Germans, that's fun. I wish I could have made a special little lady butt take dinner for them boat and just maybe I had to, not now, yeah, I'm cruel, goddamn it.
Starting point is 00:38:49 God, this suck, you sick Campbell fuck. Sorry about that, everybody. Eric really did write about how much he would want to taste human flesh, he would love cruel. And then he said, wait, from cannibalism to journal to write him about how he wanted to kill a freshman, writing down, just tear them apart like a fucking wolf. them who is good strangle them squish their head bite their temples into the skull rip off their jaw rip off their collar bones break their arms and half and
Starting point is 00:39:13 twist them around the lovely sounds of bones cracking and flesh ripping awe so much to do and so little chances gizess so many journals journal entries like that. We'll never understand. I know there wasn't a history of school shootings before this man, truly abumber that law enforcement, you know, when, where I found some of these randings, they didn't take it a little more seriously. But again, hindsight, 2020, context wise, there wasn't a history of shootings like this
Starting point is 00:39:41 when they were looking into this. There are links to the two diaries in the show notes. Show notes, full of citations, always available via the time stock app or time stock.com. So if you want to read more, you can go check our notes and you can read all kinds of crazy journal entries. Murder preparations escalated in December of 1998 when Dylan's 18-year-old friend, Robin Kay Anderson, purchased two shotguns and a rifle at a gun show for Eric and Dylan. She acted as a third party buyer for them since they weren't 18 at the time.
Starting point is 00:40:08 She bought the boys a high point carbine, nine millimeter rifle, a pump action shotgun, and a double barrel shotgun. Had no idea what her two friends intended to use these weapons for. Once the guns were purchased, Eric and Dylan would saw off the barrels of the shotguns for easy concealability. Robin would later testify about this purchase at a house judiciary committee meeting or hearing in January of 2000 saying Eric Harris and Dylan Clebold had gone to the Tanner gun show on Saturday and they took me back with them on Sunday. I remember this as being in November or December of 1998 when Eric and Dylan had gone the previous day
Starting point is 00:40:41 a dealer told them that they needed to bring someone back who was 18. They were both 17 at the time. This was a private dealer, not a licensed dealer. While we were walking around, Eric and Dillon kept asking sellers if they were private or licensed. They wanted to buy their guns from someone who was private and not licensed because there would be no paperwork and no background check. At one point, Eric was interested in a gun from a licensed dealer.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Dillon asked me if I would fill out some paperwork and I said, no, I don't feel comfortable with that. I don't want to put my name on something that I wasn't going to have control of. They bought guns from three sellers. They were all private. They paid cash. There was no receipt. I was not asked any questions at all. There was no background check.
Starting point is 00:41:17 All I had to do was show my driver's license to prove that I was 18, Dylan got a shotgun, Eric got a shotgun and a black rifle that he bought clips for. He was able to buy clips and ammunition without me having to show any ID. The sellers didn't write down any information. I would not have bought a gun for Eric and Dylan if I had to give any personal information or submit to any kind of check at all.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I think it was clear to the sellers that the guns were four, Eric and Dylan. They were the ones asking all the questions and handling the guns. I had no idea what they were eventually going to do with the guns. When I looked back at they were eventually going to do with the guns. When I look back at it, I think I was kind of naive. I wish a law requiring background checks had been an effect at the time.
Starting point is 00:41:50 I don't know if Eric and Dylan would have been able to get guns from another source, but I would have not helped them. It was too easy. I wish it had been more difficult. I wouldn't have helped them by the guns if I had faced a background check. And that shit is pretty fucking crazy. Pain cash for guns, not having to fill out any paperwork. It makes it impossible for law enforcement to track a gun using a crime, you know, unless you get caught in some other way. As far as I can tell, doing quite a bit
Starting point is 00:42:12 of digging, this loophole still exists in most states. I'm a gun owner, gun owner, excuse me. And I think it's ridiculous, you know, great way for people with nothing good plan to get some guns. I've had fantasies about buying guns this way, you know? So I'm not tied to the purchase of the gun anyway. You know, guns I fantasize about using to fucking kill people who've hurt my kids or something in my crazy brain. And because I have these fantasies, I know it's not a good idea for me to buy guns in this way.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Hey, yeah, yeah. By early 1999, seniors Eric and Dylan were both employed at Blackjack Pizza. Here they met some other people who would unknowingly help push their dark mission along. Philip Durand, one of Eric and Dylan's co-workers at Blackjack PETA, introduced them to 22-year-old idiot Mark Mainz, a computer tech like guns. Market purchase to tech nine at a gun show in August for 500 bucks and just agreed to sell it to Dylan and Eric for the same price. They actually paid him 300, promised to give him the rest of the money later.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Videos with later service of Dylan and Eric engaging in extensive target practice with all their new weapons. Uh, fucking Mark, what? Can both the pro gun and anti gun crowd maybe agree that you should probably never sell unlicensed firearms to underage high school kids you work with at a fucking pizza place? Sweet Jesus. March 25, 1999, the whole Clevold family drives to Tucson to visit the University of Arizona where they paid a deposit for what was supposed to be Dylan's dorm room. He's supposed to attend at U of A after graduating April. His family later said that he genuinely seemed like he was looking forward to college life. Was he? This point is less than four weeks away from the murders. What's going through his mind? What was he thinking about telling Eric,
Starting point is 00:43:48 you know, that maybe he didn't want to go through with it? Was there any chance that, you know, part of him wanted to tell Eric that he wanted to back out? Was he struggling with his plan? Or is he just faking happiness for his family? So close, so close to a new life. Just months away from being done with school, months away from, you know, dorm rooms, kegars, good education, a sea of bikini bodies, the endless sunshine and Tucson. And he says, no to that future. And instead goes through with the murderous rampage that he knew would likely end in his death. Still very hard to understand.
Starting point is 00:44:13 On April 2nd, 1999, Eric Harris spoke with staff sergeant Mark Gonzalez about joining the Marines. Why? Why do this if your weeks away from a massacre, even planning for months? Was he also maybe having second thoughts? No. He for sure was not. He for sure was lying. All the cover.
Starting point is 00:44:27 He wrote about this in his journals, didn't want anyone to see the attack coming. Three days later, just 15 days before the shooting, Harris shows up for his scheduled Marines testing. It's an average score on the initial screening test. Another three days later, Harris returned to the military recruiting office to speak to Staff Sergeant Gonzalez again
Starting point is 00:44:41 about enlisting and forming him. He's ready to commit. Harris arranges for a home visit by Staff Sergeant Gonzalez on April 15th. Yet another three days later, April 12th, Eric and Dylan recorded tape discussing their mass murder plans and how the event will impact their parents and the people who care about them. While they expressed regret for the trouble, it's going to cause their families.
Starting point is 00:44:59 They appear dedicated to and even a proud of there are two men wore against everyone else. Eric also recorded the following on the 11th on video, a line in bed. He said, for the past few weeks, my parents have howling me about the things I've neglected, my application to the Marines, my car insurance, my checking account. They don't know that none of that matters to me. On April 15th, staff Sergeant Gonzalez meets Eric Harris and his father at the Harris residence during during a casual conversation between Gonzalez and Duane Harris about Eric's future with the military.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Eric's mother comes downstairs joins the conversation. As if Eric will still be eligible. If he's taken an anti-depressant, shows him the prescription bottle for Luvox. Gonzalez says he'll check in on it. The next day, according to the Columbine report, Staff Sergeant Gonzalez leaves a message on voicemail at the Harris residence for Eric to call him. Never receives a call back. Gonzalez said he had no further contact with Harris was unable to inform him that he
Starting point is 00:45:50 would not be eligible for entry into the Marines. On April 16th and 17th and on the 18th, Harris family neighbors Debbie Wilde and her husband who live two doors down from the Harris's notice that there are sounds of breaking glass and power saws coming from the Harris' notice that there are sounds of breaking glass and power saws coming from the Harris' garage. Dylan's Clebold, Dylan Klebold, BMW parked in the driveway all three of these days. Police are certain the boys were making the shrapnel using the construction of their pipe bombs this time. How did Eric's parents not know what was going on here? Well, I guess they did this while his parents were at work.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Saturday, April 17th, the boys go to the Columbine prom. How fucked up is this? They're going to prom with a bunch of kids they're planning to kill the following week. 12 kids, including Dylan Clebold and Nate Dykman, drive together in a limousine. Dylan goes with Robin Anderson, the girl who bought the guns earlier,
Starting point is 00:46:38 super cute kid turned into a beautiful young woman. She told a friend shortly before the prom, I convinced my friend Dylan who hates dances, jocks, and has never had a date let alone a girlfriend go with me. I mean, they're really cute or just really persuasive. Clearly she liked Dylan. He was not an outcast. Lots of friends, good family, a beautiful girl who liked him. And it wasn't enough. Stop him from wanting to leave the world in a pool of blood. Uh, Dylan lit it. Excuse me, date, Jesus Christ. Nate later said, Dylan's attitude that night was normal.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Like any guy going to a senior prom's attitude might be, other friends described Dylan as seeming very upbeat. It was talking about how he wanted to say in touch with folks after leaving for college. Nate said Dylan seemed excited about Arizona. Eric Harris did not have a prom date. He asked a few girls, they all said no. But he did make plans with Susan DeWitt, local, really, made it great clips,
Starting point is 00:47:27 where she worked as a receptionist. Another pretty girl. Talk to her the night before at Blackjack Pizza. She went to his house where they watched the movie Event Horizon. That's a great movie. Clearly he wasn't socially struggling all that much, you know, as well. She was a pretty girl. I wanted to hang out with him alone on the couch and watch a movie. She would later deny romantic interest in him, but she would also write a poem about him that makes it clear to me that she did like him. Eric complained that night to her about a friend being a jerk, but he didn't talk about wanting
Starting point is 00:47:57 to kill anybody. Didn't even talk about hating anybody. Eric invited her to go to the after prom party with him after the movie. I just climbed and went home. So he went alone two days later, the day before the murders, April 19th, Eric and Dylan skip creative writing class. Their second to last class of the day with friends, Brooks Brown and Becca Hines.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Brooks and Eric had passed things up by this point to hold rock to the windshield, set not firecrackers outside the family's windows, water in the bridge. Doesn't even matter since you know, I'm planning to fucking blow you up. Brooks and Becca, they went on to McDonald's where Dylan and Eric met up with him after a side trip to Eric's house. And again, how fucked up? And you're grabbing some Mickey D's,
Starting point is 00:48:33 grabbing some McNuggets, some McFlurry's. With the kids, you know, very likely you're gonna kill the following day. Dylan wrote about eight pages in his notebook that night, the first of which read about 26 and a half hours from now, the judgment will begin. Difficult but not impossible, necessary,
Starting point is 00:48:50 nerve-wracking and fun. What fun is life without a little death? It's interesting when I'm in my human form, knowing I'm going to die. Everything has a touch of triviality to it. So they clearly thought they were gonna go on to some, I don't know, other dementia, who the fuck knows. One of his last journal entries read, walk in, set bombs at 11.09 for 11.17 leave, set car bombs, drive to Clemente Park, gear up, get back by 11.15 park cars,
Starting point is 00:49:16 set car bomb for 11.18 get out, go to outside hill, wait when first bombs go off, attack, and then he ends it with, have fun. What the fuck? Eric also asks Mark Mainz, a 22-year-old pizza co-worker and idiot to buy some more ammo for him. Mark buys 100 rounds from a local K-Mart, gives it to Eric later that night because Mark is pathetic. Desperately trying to impress high school kids he works with at a pizza place. Not a big Mark fan. Neither was local law enforcement. He'd later be arrested for his involvement all this and go to prison for basically being an idiot, being an idiot. On the morning of April 20th, about 10, 30 AM,
Starting point is 00:49:49 Cleveland and Harris film one last video, detailing exactly what they plan to do and how they felt about it. Apologies are offered to their parents. They admit that they knew a lot of innocent people are gonna be hurt and they weren't going to let that stop them. Eric quoted Shakespeare on one tape as he swigged some Jack Daniels
Starting point is 00:50:04 saying, good wounds, hath born bad sons. He indyllen demonstrated how they could fit their sawdoth, weapons and their coats, talked about all the people they hated and what they'd like to do to them. And they both seem giddy as fuck to do what they were about to do. At one point, Cleveland looked into the camera and says, hey, mom, gotta go. It's about a half an hour before a little judgment day. I just wanted to apologize to you guys for any crap this might instigate. Just know I'm going to a better place. I didn't like life too much.
Starting point is 00:50:29 And I know I'll be happy wherever the fuck I go. So I'm gone. Goodbye. These motherfuckers were so crazy by this point. Does he think his mom is gonna watch this? He's gonna be like, good, good for you son. So glad you're in a better place. Kind of annoyed that you had to kill a bunch of kids
Starting point is 00:50:42 to get there, but you know, happy for your buddy. Eric and Dylan skipped their first three classes and pull up to Columbine High School at 11, 11, 10 a.m. on the 20th. Parked their cars flanking the exits and entrance to the cafeteria. Their cars had good views of the front student entrance as well as the entrance to the cafeteria. Brooks Brown had just stopped outside for his cigarette when he saw Eric pull up in his car. He confronted Eric from missing his third period test. And then Harris laughed and told him, it doesn't matter anymore. Then Eric told him, Brooks, I like you now. Get out of here. Go home.
Starting point is 00:51:14 And then he tuned Brooks out. His Brooks began to speak and unloaded the duffel bags. He had the trunk of his car. Brooks got creeped out, headed across the parking lot towards pier street, filling uneasy, not sure what the hell was going on, how he must reflect on that moment now. At 1114 AM, the two gunmen dressed in black leather dusters or trench coats wearing wraparound sunglasses carried two duffel bags into the school's cafeteria, each containing a 20 pound propane bomb attached to timers set to go off in just three minutes at 1117 AM during a lunch when the cafeteria
Starting point is 00:51:45 would be the most crowded according to Eric's notes. Eric and Dylan then quickly returned to their cars to wait for the explosions. Based on information, found later in the home videos and journals, the two intended to blow the school up, then gun down any survivors that were trying to escape when the bombs went off. There were nearly 500 people inside the cafeteria at the time the propane bombs were supposed to go off. Had the bombs actually detonated as planned. Luckily the timers weren't wired correctly.
Starting point is 00:52:10 You know, they would have likely all been killed. The library would probably collapse into the lunchroom due to structural damage. Just two minutes later, some other bombs do go off distraction bombs. The Jefferson County Dispatch Center received a 911 call from a person who reported hearing an explosion in a field on the east side of Wadsworth Boulevard about three miles southwest to Columbine High. The two backpacks are the two backpacks loaded with pipe bombs, aerosol canisters and small propane tanks.
Starting point is 00:52:35 They've been placed in an open grassy space. Only the pipe bombs and one of the aerosol canisters detonated but the explosion and subsequent grass fire enough to divert the attention of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office and the Lutson Fire Department. A minute later, 11.20 a.m. back at the school, Eric and Dylan get tired of waiting for the cafeteria bombs to go off. After setting up car bombs and their vehicles, they each take a duffel bag and a backpack collectively containing two sawdust shotguns, a nine millimeter somatomatic carbine rifle, a nine millimeter tech nine somatomatic pistol and several hundred hundred rounds of ammunition and a fuckload of pipe pumps.
Starting point is 00:53:09 They proceed up the hill towards the top of the West entrance steps, the highest point on the school grounds from that position. They were near the north side of the library in the cafeteria with the cafeteria entrance below them. The West entrance was to their left, the athletic fields to the right, a witness heard one of the gunmen, then shout, go, go. And then both Harris and Cleeble, pull out their shotguns and open fire.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Brooks Brown was quoted as saying later, I went to go have my cigarette and heard gun shots. So I took off and started running. I went to random houses, called the cops, told them I knew who it was. It was Eric. It had to have been. Brooks was seen by witnesses around this time
Starting point is 00:53:41 heading south on Pierce Street in the direction of his home. Students, Richard Castaldo and Rachel Scott were sitting on the grassy knoll between the gunman and the West entrance when the shooting started. Richard was hit with eight bullets, but survived, though he suffered critical injury to his spine that would cripple him for life. Rachel hit four times by bullets from Eric's 9-millimeter high point, taking a fatal bullet to the head. Interestingly, the name Rachel is mentioned on Eric and Dylan's basement tape in which they make fun of girls always talking about Jesus.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Rachel, good kid, had plans to visit Botswana as a member of a Christian outreach program to build homes the upcoming summer. Another 17 year old, instead, the first person to die in the Columbine massacre. Eric Harris takes office code after shooting her, drops it near the stairs, reloads his weapon, lands Kirkland, Danny Roerbaugh.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Sean Graves had just left the cafeteria to the side entrance of the bottom of the stairs, with plans to go to the Smoker's pit at Clement Park, Cross the street, or Clement Park. Excuse me, Lance saw Harris and Clee Bulls standing at the top of the outdoor stairway, but thought they were just playing a senior prank, and he and his two friends turn around, head up to stairs. Lance said later, he didn't remember hearing gunshots, but he was hit in the leg and chest. Danny also shot in the chest, fell back into Sean. Lance turned to run, was shot in the leg, caused him to fall to the ground.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Sean ran past, taking several shots to the back and abdomen before a gunshot wound to the leg, down to him just outside the door to the cafeteria. Five students who have been sitting to the west of the stairs now also shot at as they run for cover. 15-year-old Michael Johnson hit, but able to reach the outdoor athletic storage shed where he hides with three unendered students who'd already made it there. Mark Taylor suffers a critical hit falls to the ground crippled unable to flee with the
Starting point is 00:55:15 others. He plays dead. Junior Ann Marie Holtter had made 80 lunch with friends in the grass. You know when the shooters open fire, she got up tried to run for shelter of the cafeteria shot by Harris. She also fell to the ground. She's now paralyzed from the waist down. The gunman attempted to shoot some more people who were near the soccer field several yards away. Luckily, didn't hit anyone. They then lit and threw some pipe bombs onto the school roof toward the grassy hill to the right and down into the parking lot. Witnesses reported hearing one of them
Starting point is 00:55:43 say, this is what we always wanted to do. This is awesome. How surreal. They're fucking loving this loving killing kids, some of whom they were partying with just a few days before teacher Peggy Dodd who was in the library at the time said she looked out the window could see Dylan standing on the hill just shooting. He had been a student in her computer class the previous year and she remembered him as being a troublemaker who hacked into computers and wore Nazi boots and an overcoat. Dodd said that Clevold was holding a weapon with both hands and using a sweeping motion
Starting point is 00:56:14 was pointing toward the South Parking Lot. While the gunmen were fleeing, our firing on the fleeing students, Sean Graves managed to crawl into the doorway in the cafeteria, but weakened from blood loss. He couldn't make it all the way inside. He rubbed blood on his face and lay there playing dead. Eric didn't head it down the stairs where he shot Daniel Rarbaro, a close range killing him. Dan had just turned 15. He was a good kid who helped his father's stereo business every day after school and who during the summer worked on his grandpa's farm harvesting wheat.
Starting point is 00:56:42 He used that money. The money he used, working on the farm to buy christmas presents for his family but doing that for years uh... dilland shoots lands curkling again now this time point blank in the face lands critically injured uh... by the shotgun blast uh... mangled is jaw he would survive incredibly uh... but be severely disfigured
Starting point is 00:57:01 he lost consciousness still left him for dead from their dilland goes to the cafeteria entrance at 11.22 a.m. The school custodians sets their surveillance camera in the cafeteria to record again. On screen students are beginning to notice what was happening outside some going to the big front windows to have a look. Also at 11.22, Jefferson County Sheriff's deputy, Neil Gardner, a community resource officer at Columbine High, sitting in his patrol car over by the smokers pit. He receives a call on the school's radio from the custodian telling him he is needed at the back lot, the student parking lot of the school.
Starting point is 00:57:31 At 1123 a.m. 911 call from a student at Columbine reports a female fallen on the South Parking Lot saying she might be paralyzed. Deputy Paul Magger, who was in route to that diversionary explosion, was advised to this by dispatch, deputy Gardner, the dispass message over the sheriff's radio as well and put his lights and sirens on as he headed back to the school. At 11 24 just four minutes after the first shots were fired coach William Dave Sanders and the school custodians John Curtis and Jay Galantine entered the cafeteria to find out what the fuck is going on.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Realizing active shooters are looking about these men with the help of a school security officer risk their lives to direct students to get down to hide under tables and to get out of the cafeteria by leaving through the East Exits. Fucking heroes. A lot of us might think we'd act that way to help others. You know, in the midst of an active shooter situation, they actually did it.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Studs, fucking studs. Students began to realize the situation was more serious than they initially thought. Many panic and ran, leading behind their books, backpacks, even running literally out of their shoes in haste to get to safety. Aaron Brown, younger brother of Brooks, among the students running from the cafeteria,
Starting point is 00:58:40 he made it out of the school safely, did not stop running until he made it to his house. As the same time the cafeteria is being evacuated, motorcycle patrolman, deputy Paul Smoker, upon West Bowles Avenue, north of Kalamine High, hearing the dispatch report about the female down in the South Parking Lot, he radios, he's responding, and heads that way. 35-year-old part-time teacher Patricia, Patty Nielsen, was on a hall monitor duty when she heard the commotion outside the school. She looked at the West Endurance, saw a male student carrying what she thought was a toy
Starting point is 00:59:07 gun, assumed the school video production was being taped, or as part of some prank. She didn't approve of how real it looked, and went out to tell them to knock it off. This whole prank thing, there was a tradition of seniors at Columbine carrying out elaborate pranks, and this tradition is why so many were slow to react to the sound of the shooting. Everybody just kept thinking it was firecrackers, just some kind of prank. Student Brian Anderson have been told by another teacher to get out of the school because of the explosions and commotion, not realizing where or what the danger was. He went out through the first exit he came to, West entrance, going through the first set of doors. He saw Eric Harris
Starting point is 00:59:41 outside the second set of double doors, but he knew Eric was in film class. So Brian assumed that the gun he was holding was a prop. Patty was right behind Brian. Turning Eric saw the two of them head in his way, shot at him, shattering the glass doors, that separated them from him. Glass and metal fragments sprayed into the corridor, hitting Patty in the shoulder, forearm and knee, hitting Brian in the chest, bleeding and terrified by the realization that she had just been shot at. Patty turned and ran to the library while Brian stumbled his way out of the west entrance way.
Starting point is 01:00:08 He followed her to the library where he quickly hid in the utility closet, Eric Harris and Dylan entered the school shortly after through the same entrance. Eric had just fired on. Then they were distracted by the arrival of law enforcement outside deputy Neil Gardner. First on the scene, another hero, someone put his life on the line to try and save these kids. Another stud. Gardner decided to park in the senior lot where he would have a good view of the school and grounds. That lot happened to be a lot close, uh, a closest to the West entrance where the gunman were as soon as Gardner got
Starting point is 01:00:36 out of his car, Harris fired roughly 10 shots at the deputy, uh, but then his gun jammed deputy garden and return fire aiming four shots at Eric.ed a stop for a moment, he hit Eric. When the gunman turned sharp into the right, Eric was only clearing a jam. Seconds later, he began shooting at the deputy once more. After the quick exchange, Eric retreated through the shattered West entrance back into the school. At 1125, Patty Nielsen made it to the checkout desk at the school's library, frantically called 911.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Try to get students in the library to hide under the tables. Tables weren't very large, not designed to have people under them, but the students compiled a complied as best they could, though they didn't initially really understand what was happening. Many thought it was some kind of drill and possibly some kind of, again, prank. At 11, 26, Gardener radios for backup, telling dispatch, shots in the building, I need someone in the South lot with me. Jefferson County dispatch sends the word out that multiple shots have been fired in the library. Patty
Starting point is 01:01:28 tells a 911 operator she can see smoke coming into the room. She wants to close the doors that lead into the hall where the smoke is coming from, but the sounds of gunfire and pipe bombs, too frightening. She had children of her own to think about and rightfully was afraid that she would get shot if she left her hiding place. Deputy Scott Taborski and Paul Smoker now arrive on the west side of the school. They quickly rescue two injured students who are lying on the ground in the baseball field, more heroic actions. Down the hill, Smoker sees Deputy Gardner with his gun out. Gardner yells to Smoker to find cover just as Eric Harris reappears in the West Endurance.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Eric exchanges more shots with Gardner, firing his rifle out one of the broken windows of the West entrance. Deputy Smoker fires three times as well when Harris retreats back inside the building with the deputy could hear more gunfire. The deputy could hear more gunfire inside the school see several more students flee the building. Many students who weren't at lunch were still in classrooms, still had no fucking idea what was going on around them. Student in the gym hall hallway sees Dylan and Eric now walking east down the North hallway firing weapons and laughing. Dylan fired his semi-automatic down the east hall, bullets ricocheting off lockers, lodging of walls as students are fleeing. Students Stephanie Munson and Melissa Walker stepped out of a tech
Starting point is 01:02:37 lab classroom into the North hallway just in time to see a teacher and several other students run towards the schools main entrance to the east, the teacher screaming, run, get out of the building. Dylan fires his tech nine at them as they run for the East entrance. They made it to the exit. Stephanie is shot in the ankle, but both girls are able to escape the building and make it to the safety of Leewood Park across the street. Holy shit. Student in the counseling hall sees Dylan chase a group of students east down the north
Starting point is 01:03:02 hallway towards the main lobby. Eric not far behind. After evacuating the cafeteria, Coach Sanders heads up the stairs where he passes the library, motioning to Peggy Dodd that she and the others need to stay put. Seen Eric and Dylan ahead in the hall. Coach Sanders turns back the way he come, but he is now shot in the neck by Eric Harris just before making it around the corner. Varsity basketball player Greg Barnes, a junior, was in a nearby science room and he looked
Starting point is 01:03:26 out the window when he saw Sanders go down. He said, I saw a coach Sanders turn around, take two shots right in front of me. Blood went flying off of him as he fell. He told reporters later. Sadly all the trauma Greg would witness that day would lead him to commit suicide a little over a year later. May 4, 2000. Eric Pauses now to search his double bag for something
Starting point is 01:03:45 possibly ammunition for a reload. Dylan fires down the North hallway again. They run to the top of the cafeteria stairs right pass where coach Sanders lay bleeding. After a moment, Dylan doubles back to the library hallway, rejoins Eric. After Dylan was up the hall, coach Sanders was able to crawl to the corner of the science hallway where teacher Richard Long helps him into a classroom. Chaos, a group of students, including Eagle Stounce, Eagle Scouts, Aaron Hansi and Kevin Stark, he attend to his injuries administered first aid while others called 911. They were told by emergency dispatch, help us on the way.
Starting point is 01:04:18 11, 27 a.m. just seven minutes into the attack now, deputy Neil Gardner radios, a code 33 officer needs emergency assistance. He also requests medical assistance to the west side of the school on pier street deputy magger sets up a roadblock where he is immediately approached by a teacher and several students who want to want to report a person as a school with a gun. Inside the school Harris and Clebold paced the library hallway for nearly three minutes firing their weapons throwing pipe bombs here and there doing lots of damage not injuring anyone at this time in the library patty Nielsen continues her 911 call from under the desk reporting what she can see in here another teachers on the phone with 911 at the other end of the
Starting point is 01:04:56 Hall reporting everything she heard patty split her attention between trying to talk to 911 the operator and ordering the kids in the room with her to stay down on the floor. She's afraid the shooters will enter the library where she, three staff members and 55 students are now hiding. Student Aaron Hansi, hid with the injured coach standards and a handful of other frightened students who were trying to help the injured man. They heard pipe bombs go off into the door and the students grew scared that the window in the door would allow the shooters to see them not wanting to be shot at as well. The kids hide when the gunmen walk by leaving standards laying on the floor where he can be seen in the hope that, and they hope that Clea Bolden Harris will distinct that he's
Starting point is 01:05:32 already dead and not bother with the room. Once the gunmen passed, the students moved back to the critically injured man side, trying to keep him company, start showing pictures of his family to keep him talking. Again, more heroes. 11, 28 a.m. Deputy Smoker radios in that the shooter was wearing a black trench coat going off statements from the students who had made it out of the school. Eric throws a pipe bomb at this time outside the library.
Starting point is 01:05:52 We're patty nelson still on the phone with 911 tells the operator the shooters right outside the door. She lowers her voice to a whisper speaks very little after this, but the operator stays on the line records what the phone can pick up. 11.29 a.m. Eric and Dylan enter the library, hollering for everyone in the large room to get up. They hollered loud enough that they can be heard over the phone, patty's holding. Witnesses hide in the library's rooms to say Eric shoots out a window now at the officials, start shooting at the officials below. They hear the gunmen say things like everyone with the white cap or baseball cap stand up all jocks stand up We're gonna get the guys in white hats
Starting point is 01:06:28 wearing a white hat at Columbine, you know seen a sign of being a jock There were several hiding the library at this time when no one stands up one of the shooters then says fine I'll start shooting Dylan and Eric proceed to the library towards the west windows and the opposite side of the room past two rows of computers to the north The library towards the west windows and the opposite side of the room passed two rows of computers to the north. Clebold shoots at the computer lab while Evan Todd quickly moves to a new hiding place behind the administrators desk. 16 year old Kyle of a last quiz who would suffer to stroke as an infant and was intellectually
Starting point is 01:06:55 disabled is sitting at the computer table in the north row when Dylan Clebold comes up to him and shoots him. Kyle takes a shotgun blast point blank to the fucking head dies instantly. How does this fit into the Dylan and Eric were bullied narrative? Were these two seniors bullied by an intellectually disabled sophomore? No. At 11.30 a.m. dispatch reports possible shots in the Columbine High Library. Jefferson County patrol deputy Rick Surle has his hands full of evacuating fleeing students outside who had taken cover behind deputy Tabooreski's car. In three trips, he took the young refugees, including some who were injured, south to a safe
Starting point is 01:07:30 place on Yukon Street and Kayleigh Avenue. They will become a triage area for the injured. More students were hiding behind Taboreski's car by the time he returned. Meanwhile, deputy Kevin Walker provided cover for the students fleeing Columbine's lower level. By that point, County Dis county dispatch had swamped, I've been swamped with 911 calls, had to go into a emergency command system deal with the volume of reports,
Starting point is 01:07:51 bringing in additional dispatchers to deal with the overload. The shooters now set their backpacks, filled with ammunition and Molotov cocktails on the Southern computer table. After reloading their weapons, the gunman moved between the North and South computer tables toward the Western windows where Eric is down on one knee, start shooting out the West library
Starting point is 01:08:06 windows at law enforcement officers who are evacuating students, shattering the glass between them. Clea bold kneels down to the east of Harris, fires out the broken West window as well. Dylan steps, uh, or stops to take off his coat, dropping at near a table before firing his shotgun in a nearby table, injuring Patrick Ireland, Daniel Steebelton and Mackay Hall. Outside the school police return fire, but can't get a clear shot at either gunman. gun in a nearby table, injuring Patrick Ireland, Daniel Steebelton, and McCuy Hall. Outside the school police return fire, but can't get a clear shot at either gunman.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Eric Harris turns away from the windows, opens fire on the nearest table to the north. His first shot kills 15-year-old Steve Kernow, who was hiding under the last desk. The shotgun blasted hitting him in the neck. This kid, he was the fifth and youngest to die that day. He loves Star Wars, his favorite character was Han Solo. Remembered as a huge fan, he watched Star Wars movies so many times he could recite the dialogue along with the actors, science fiction fans nationwide put together a go-to Star Wars Memorial Day in his honor when Star Wars Episode 1, the fan of menace premiered in theaters May 19, 1999. This kid had been anxiously awaiting its release. Also a kid who had never bullied Dylan or Eric before he didn't even know him.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Harris's next shot gun blast injured Casey Rougsegger. Outside the school reporters and ambulances wait as deputies help get escaping students and faculty to safety. When she got hit in the shoulder, she started crying out in pain and Harris told her to quote, stop your bitching. She then laid down and pretended to be dead. At 11.31 a.m. deputies, sir, all reports seeing smoke coming to be dead. At 11.31 a.m. Deputy
Starting point is 01:09:25 Suril report seen smoke coming from the school. The fire alarms go off. Blaring so loud. Some people on the phone with 911 can't be heard by emergency operators. On the 911 call from the library, one of the gunmen can be heard yelling, Yahoo! And several shots are recorded. Mathieu de Pue, son of one of the officers later on the scene makes 911 call from the kitchen looking for his dad, 1132 AM. The sheriff's office fielded the first media call from reporters seeking info. Media are now flocking to the scene in droves. They were total close to 400 by the time it would all be over.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Several Denver police officers arrive on the scene as well, responding to incoming requests for more emergency backup. Inside the library, Eric moves south, seen two girls hiding under a table. Once there, he slaps the table twice, then he bends down and says like this shit is just a fucking game. Peekaboo before he shoots and kills 17 year old Cassie Bernal. The recoil from the shotgun catches him in the face, breaking his nose and making it bleed. The side of the blood on his face disturbed several students who told reporters afterwards it looked like he had been drinking blood.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Born again Christian as of 1997, Cassie was active in church youth programs in Bible study groups. She loved to go rock climbing and Breckenridge and her parents called her funny rabbit. Student Pat Ireland moved out of his hiding place to administer first aid to Mackay Hall now, seeing him Dylan shoots him twice in the head once more in the foot. Pa would miraculously survive these blasts, try to call, try to crawl back undercover, another hero. Macaque and Dan Stapleton played dead to avoid being shot more.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Bree Pasquale, crouch down in the open, just south of the table under which Cassie been hiding. There was no other place for her to hide. And when Eric turned her way, she was completely defenseless, gun aimed at her, Eric Harris asked, Bri, do you want to die? Bri answers, no, please don't shoot me. I have a family and a fiance. He laughs. Finally seems to notice his nose is bleeding.
Starting point is 01:11:17 He says, Dylan, hit me in my nose. Then according to Bri, past quality, he starts laughing again. Everyone's going to die. He says, and then he adds, we're just going to blow up the school anyway. Dylan then calls his attention to two boys hiding under another table in Eric distracted, forgets about Bri and moves to join his fellow gunman. Man, how much how she must think about all this constantly. It'll be four days before she would ever sleep again.
Starting point is 01:11:41 She was so traumatized by her encounter with Harris. Dylan was at another set of tables east of Harris where three friends were hiding. Matthew, Ketcher, football player, Isaiah Sholes, ex-football player and wrestler who father later said he had a dispute with the shooters and Craig Scott, younger brother of victim Rachel Scott. The shooters flanked the table to the east and west sides.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Isaiah has heard by witnesses to have told the shooters that he was scared, that he wanted to go go home that he wanted to see his mom. Dylan then makes some racial comments towards Isaiah who is black tries to pull him out from under the table when Dylan can't pull him out. Eric shoots and kills him. Isaiah played keyboards wanted to become either a comedian or a record producer like his father Michael who's a president who's the president of notorious records and Fort Knox entertainment affirm Michael started to promote black musicians in the Denver area. Michael, who was the president of notorious records and Fort Knox entertainment, a firm
Starting point is 01:12:25 Michael started to promote black musicians in the Denver area. He'd overcome a heart defect to play cornerback on the high school football team. He was a jock. He was also a very small jock. He looked at pictures of this kid, real hard to imagine him intimidating anyone. Dylan then shoots and kills Matt Ketcher. Matt a big kid, 16 year old, 210 pounds off more played on both the offensive and defensive lines for the football team. Straight A student loved to lift weights.
Starting point is 01:12:50 His friend and fellow student Greg Barnes would say him, he was always in the library studying. He always put academics first. He had straight A's, but he would never brag about it. I kind of looked up to him because of it. He was never in a bad mood consistently happy. The football team ofollumine would dedicate their following season to his memory. Craig Scott miraculously un-injured, left to laying his friends spilling blood and he pretends to be dead. Eric then throws a CO2 cartridge, another type of homemade bomb, the shooters called Crickets, under the table where McCoy, Daniel, and Pat are. Lands on Dansthy, he's too afraid of being shot to move. Even though
Starting point is 01:13:23 he can see it's lit, McCoy Hall grabs the bomb, throws it back out further south away from the government in the table. It explodes mid-air, doesn't hurt anyone. Another fucking hero. McCuy would survive, get married, have kids, become a nurse and dedicate his life to help healing others. After throwing his bomb, Harris heads over to some bookcases between the center and west sections of the library where he jumps on the shelves, shakes him, starts swearing, fires a shot. Meanwhile, Dylan crosses the room to the east side of the library where he shoots out the trophy case, moves around the broken display, shoots underneath the nearest library table to the south, leaving Mark, uh, Kington with shotgun pellets in his head and shoulder, Mark
Starting point is 01:14:00 would live. Cleeble didn't turn his shots, the students hiding under the table to his left, injuring both Lisa Krutz and Valene Schnur with the same bullet. Then fires eight times in rapid succession, followed by a ninth shot. And that kills Lauren Townsend, who had been beside Val Schnur. Lauren was a senior, captains of volleyball team, honor society member. I had a shot at graduating as the school's valedictorian.
Starting point is 01:14:24 She also volunteered at a local animal shelter, planned to major in biology at Colorado State University when she graduated from Columbine. Had a bright future of these two mother fuckers stole. Dylan then moves to join Eric who went to another table or two girls were hiding. He bent down so we could look at them, dismiss them as quote, pathetic. Valene who had been forced out of her hiding place by the shot she'd taken, cried out in panic. Oh my God, help me.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Several times. One of the shooters who is reloading his weapon at the time asked her if she believed in God. She flounded in her answer, saying, no, at first, then yes, trying to get the answer right. He asked her why. She said it was because her, uh, is what, it was what her family believed. And then she crawled back under the table and pretended to die. Uh, popular belief has that Cassie Bernal, the peekaboo victim, was the individual who was asked
Starting point is 01:15:08 do you believe in God, but the above account is what, or above account is what witnesses in the library reported and what was entered into the Columbine report. Eric Harris moves now to another table where he shoots and injures Nicole Nolan and John Tomlin. John tried to crawl out from out of the table at that point, Dylan Clebo shoots and kills him. John was a sophomore. Devout Christian who didn't know either shooter. He was in the library because that's where he usually spent his lunch hour study. Eric then walked around the table back to the table where Lauren had been killed. Kelly Fleming was hiding behind it. As was the case or as was brief as quality or as was
Starting point is 01:15:42 a case, excuse me with brief, but quality there wasn't room under the table for Kelly. Eric shoots her in the back. She dies instantly. I shoots under the table once more. Hits Lauren, who is already dead. And Lisa again, also wounds Janipark, who is hiding under the table as well. Kelly was a shy sophomore,
Starting point is 01:15:57 also didn't know the shooters, loved to write poetry, songs and short stories. She was getting her learners permit and was excited to get her driver's license soon. 11.34 a.m. The shootings have gone on now for almost 15 minutes. Dylan and Eric moved to the center of the library where they reload their weapons at a table
Starting point is 01:16:14 midway across the room. Man, time must have been moving so slow for everyone during all this. Eric then kept a sign of a student hiding under a nearby table, recognizing him tells him to identify himself. With Dylan aiming to gun in his head. John Savage identifies himself in a quattence of Dylan.
Starting point is 01:16:30 He asked Dylan what he was doing to which Clebold replies casually, oh, just killing people. John asked if they were going to kill him too. And Dylan told him to get out of the library. John left immediately escaping through the library's main entrance. What the fuck? Besides their friend Brooks Brown, who was told to leave school by Harris, John Savage was the only person they spared like this. At 11.35, only other person. At 11.35, Eric turned and fired on the table directly north of where they'd been, shooting Daniel Mauser in the face at close range, killing him. Dan was a sophomore who excelled in math and science. He was named columnine's high school best biology student,
Starting point is 01:17:07 and he got straight A's on his last report card. Love watching Simpsons, love the ex files, volunteered at the local Swedish hospital. So many good kids. Not that it would matter if it were that they weren't good kids, but I just want to point out all this. Both Dylan and Eric then move south to another table, where Jennifer Doyle, Steven Austin,
Starting point is 01:17:26 U-Banks, Cory DePooder were hiding both gunmen, open fire on the kids hiding there. Cory's killed. Cory was a junior, technically a jock, love wrestling and golf, love fishing, been working at a golf course to save up money for a fish and boat when he died, also an avid camper and the last kid to die in the attack. After killing Cory, the two murdering fucking ass clowns head towards the administration desk, Eric, those of Molotov cocktail towards the Southwestern and the library. Luckily, doesn't explode. Eric comes around to the east side of the counter. Dylan joins him from the west. They both converged near where Evan
Starting point is 01:17:57 near where Evan Todd had moved after being injured. Dylan makes fun of Evan. Discusses killing him. Tons him, but doesn't. Evan was the last kid to be spoken to by the killers. Eric then suggested they go down to the school's common area before leaving Dylan fires a shot into the library staff break room, hit the television, then slams a chair down on top of the computer terminal that was on the library counter beneath which Patty Nielsen is hiding. At 1136, the gunman leaves the library, Patty Nielsen is still on the phone with 911,
Starting point is 01:18:26 whispers to the operator that she has to go, and she ducks into the library's break room and hides in a fucking cupboard. As the same time, the shooters are leaving the library, deputies, surile reports, a man on the roof wearing a red, white, and blue stripe shirt. The man was thought to be a possible third shooter at the time, later identified as just an air conditioning repair man out on a service call to fix a leak above the girls locker room. This poor son of a bitch. He was just on the roof.
Starting point is 01:18:48 When the first shots were fired, he used a pair of vice grips to clamp shut the roof's acts as hatched. So no one could come up on the roof and then just tried to hide so we wouldn't die. God, he's not named any of the sources. Dude just shows up to check on some AC ends up in a war zone. Guess and he didn't sleep real well that night or for a lot of nights afterwards. At the same time, Jeff Coe, Jefferson County, SWAT team commander, man wearing arrives at Pierce and Lee Wood and declares that to be a SWAT staging area. Silence falls over the library for those left in it. The gunfire is now stopped for the longest time.
Starting point is 01:19:19 No one moves. No one looks at each other. No one speaks. Finally, those left alive creep out of the library through the north, northern emergency exits that leads to the sidewalk where the massacre began. From the library, Dylan and Eric make their way back down the hall to the science area. They look in through the door windows of some of the classrooms, even make eye contact with several students. Dylan actually tried to break into the rooms. Still have tons of ammo.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Witnesses said that Eric and Dylan didn't appear to be overly intent on gaining access to any room. Easily could have shot the locks off the doors, but they had other plants. They wanted to give their bombs another go. At 1140, a teacher sees the gunman in the science hallway in front of the chemical storage room, just east of the science room three where she's hiding. Several students see Dylan and Eric shoot into empty rooms after they tape a Molotov cocktail to the storage room to the door. Next to the area where coach Sanders and several students, he'd Dylan and Eric shoot into empty rooms after they tape a Molotov cocktail to the storage room, to the door next to the area where coach Sanders and several students are hiding. The explosive causes a small fire in the storage room when it goes off.
Starting point is 01:20:13 A teacher puts out the fire, short while later, once the gunman leave the area, coach Sanders dies nearly three hours later from blood loss. His last words were reported to be, tell my family, I love them. Since his death, coach Dave Sanders has had a softball field of Columbine and a scholarship named after him to honor his memory and post humously received the Arthur Ash award courage left behind a wife for kids five grandkids. 1144 Dylan Eric head down to the cafeteria Eric stops on the stairs, kneels down to fire several shots with his carbene at a duffle bag containing one of the 20 pound propane bombs.
Starting point is 01:20:47 It still doesn't go off. Dylan walks over to this bomb after Eric fails attempts to detonate it. He tampers with it, tries to get it to go off. Still nothing. A witness hiding in the cafeteria. Here's one of the gunmen say today the world's going to come to an end. Today's the day we die. The boys drink from some water bottles now.
Starting point is 01:21:04 The cafeteria surveillance tape shows cleavage light something possibly a CO2 cartridge or pipe bomb throws it at the propane bomb. Fucking still doesn't go off. Small containers of flammable liquids are attached to the bomb. These are ignited by whatever it was that Dylan threw causing a fire but no explosion. At 1146 shooters give up and go back upstairs. Then there is an explosion or small one. Luckily, it wasn't a 20-pound propane bomb. And the second complete bomb, Duffel Bag, beside a nearby table,
Starting point is 01:21:31 doesn't also explode. If these bombs had exploded, you know, would have brought down the whole library on the cafeteria. 1149 AM, almost half an hour after they started shooting Dylan and Eric head to the main office. We're an unarmed security guard in secret area hiding. Outside the Denver SWAT team arrives
Starting point is 01:21:47 on the east side of Columbine, three minutes later, Jefferson County under Sheriff, John Dunway arrives at the command post, police had set up, authorizes the SWAT team to enter the school. At 1153, Eric and Dylan moved from the offices to the art hall firing weapons into the ceiling as they go. At 1156, they go back to the cafeteria looking
Starting point is 01:22:05 defeated. And poor bombs didn't explode. Sprinkler system would put out the fire they'd manage to start. They're super bumped, super sad now. At this time, the first reports of two gunmen at Columbine High are beginning to air on television. At noon, the shooters head into the kitchen very briefly, head back upstairs on an uninterrupted broadcast on television, now airing on television stations nationwide between 12.02, 12.05, the gunman back in the library, a fire somewhere out of the broken West Windows, fire at more emergency workers, fire at more law enforcement, we're trying to get people to safety.
Starting point is 01:22:35 The Denver SWAT team now starts an approach to the school under the cover of a commandeered fire truck at roughly 12.05 pm, 45 minutes after the two shooters first open fire, they finally give up on blowing up the school and they killed themselves. Investigators believe the committed suicide shortly after opening fire on more rescue workers. Eric Harris had shot himself in the roof of the mouth with his savage 67-H pump-action shotgun. Dylan shot himself in the left temple with his tech 9-7 out of Maddokangan.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Both die in front of a bookshelf not far from the second floor library windows, 12 11. The poor bastard air conditioning dude is removed from the roof. 109 Jefferson County SWAT team makes your way into the school. They find students hiding in kitchen storage rooms terrified up to their ankles and water from the sprinkler system. 20 to 30 students are evacuated from the kitchen and storage rooms. They even found two male students shivering half frozen in the freezer. Most of the
Starting point is 01:23:29 evacuees sent out to the school, out of the school through the staff lounge window. The SWAT had used to enter the building. This site is what many who saw Columbine in the news remember seeing first kids being let out of the broken window with their hands atop their heads like they were being taken prisoner. The SWAT, thought that the shooters might still be alive and trying to escape by changing their clothes and blending with other students so they checked everyone who left the building for weapons. 325, the SWAT team makes it into the library. Four officials who enter have to step over numerous bombs trying to get to wounded victims.
Starting point is 01:24:00 337 Lisa Krutz 18 year old senior who have been shot multiple times carried out of the library. She pleads help me help me as she's taken out last surviving victim to be removed from the school 4 p.m. Littleson police enter the library find Eric and Dylan dead 430 Columbine officially declared safe, but then more officers are called at 530 when explosives are found in the parking lots 615 the bomb squad finds a live bomb in Dylan's car. So the sheriff declares the whole school, the crime spree can donate it off with police tape.
Starting point is 01:24:30 Still dead bodies inside. Dead can be moved until a full investigation is done, all those poor parents. 1045, the car bomb goes off when an official tries to diffuse it, damaging the BMW without injuring anyone. The next day, April 21st, Jefferson County School, Superintendent Jane Hammond closes all district schools, Clement Park, just north of Columbine,
Starting point is 01:24:52 becomes the unofficial gathering place for mourners. Governor Bill Owens declares a state of emergency, the Colorado Avalanche, Avalanche, canceled the first of two playoff games, and the NRA announces it will drastically scale back its Denver Convention, that was supposed to be the next week. The following day, another bomb is found. Authorities find a powerful 20 pound propane tank bomb in the school's kitchen that Harris
Starting point is 01:25:15 and Cleebult had planted. Officials later say had it gone off hundreds of additional people would have died. April 25th, 70,000 mourners crowd a movie theater parking lot near Columbine for a community-wide memorial service. Man 70,000. On April 30th, Brian Roerbaugh, who's son Daniel had been murdered, takes down Crosses, erected a Clement Park for Harris and Clebold, saying it's inappropriate to honor the killers alongside the victims, and I agree. May 3rd, dumb shit, marquee, Maine, surrender to Jefferson County authorities to face felony charges to selling a handgun to a minor. He admits to selling a tech nine, semi-automatic handgun to Harrison Clea Bulls for 500 bucks. Column mind students head back to school for the first time since
Starting point is 01:25:55 the massacre finishing out the school year at nearby Chatfield High. August 18th, Mark Maine's greased to plead guilty. First criminal conviction stemming from the Columbine massacre. August 20th, partially paralyzed student Richard Castaldo heads home from Craig Hospital, last of the wounded, wounded students to leave the hospital. September 26th, relatives and friends of slain students Daniel Robal and Kyle Velasquez chopped down two of the 15 trees recently planted by members of the West Bulls community church. The families contended to two killers should not be remembered alongside those they killed.
Starting point is 01:26:27 And again, could not agree more. These stupid Fox do not deserve any memorials. October 25th, the first time since the shootings, Eric Harris's parents, Wayne and Kathy Harris meet with investigators. The Harris has agreed to be interviewed only if some questions such as whether Wayne found one of Eric's pipe bombs and detonated in a field or not are off limits. Weird. They wouldn't want to answer that. How much did they know? Maybe a lot more than they will ever admit. On November 12th, Mark main sentence of six years in prison for selling the sematomatic handgun to Harrison Klebold, December 4th, the Columbine Rebels win the schools for statewide varsity football title after dedicating the
Starting point is 01:27:04 season to Matt Ketcher. On April 10th, the families, April 10th, 2000, the families of slain students, Kelly Fleming and Daniel Robal, demand release of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department's investigative report on the shooting and other related material, both Eric and Dylan's writings, you know, their journal entries become available to the public at this time. Here's one of Eric's last entries. Maybe we will even start a little rebellion or revolution to fuck things up as much as we can. I want to leave a lasting impression on the world,
Starting point is 01:27:33 and God damn it, do not blame anyone else besides me and V for this. Don't blame my family, they had no clue, and there is nothing they could have done. They brought me up just fucking fine, Don't blame toy stores or any other stores for selling us ammo, bomb materials or anything like that because it's not their fault. I don't want no fucking laws on buying fucking PVC pipes. We are kind of a select case here, so don't think this will happen again.
Starting point is 01:27:56 Don't blame the school. Don't fucking put cops all over the place is because we went on a killing spree. Doesn't mean everyone else will and hardly ever do people, and hardly, yeah, whatever, ever do people bring bombs or guns to school anyway. The admin is doing a fine job as it is.
Starting point is 01:28:11 I don't know who will be left after we kill, but dammit, don't change any policy just because of us. It will be stupid. And if there is any way in this fucked up universe, we can come back as ghosts or what the fuck ever. We will haunt the life out of anyone who blames anyone besides me and V. If I some weird ass shit luck me and V survived and escape, we will move to some island somewhere, or maybe Mexico, New Zealand, or some exotic place where Americans can't
Starting point is 01:28:34 get us. If there isn't such a place, and we'll just hijack a hell of a lot of bombs and crash a plane into New York City with us inside firing away as we go down, just something to cause more devastation. Now we'll take us out of today's time suck timeline. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. BANG! BANG!
Starting point is 01:28:58 BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! So that was brutal one. dead 21 other shots several other kids injured as well. Also I think the big question is is you know we've been kind of looking at but why did they do it?
Starting point is 01:29:16 Well despite everything you just heard they didn't do it come on. Ha ha ha wake up sheeple can't believe you fell for all this shit. None of this happened saw smoking mirrors and falls flags and crisis actors. C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!
Starting point is 01:29:31 C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!
Starting point is 01:29:39 C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! Wackadoodles, idiots of the internet like Mark Tokarski. Before I really try and answer that question, I'm gonna do an idiots of the internet segment, a little differently today.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Couldn't find a good Columbine video. Did find a good blog post though. So today's idiots of the internet, it's really just singular, one idiot. Mark Tokarski, a Polish monster, of course. Of course, a Polish person would think this is all fake. You know, the nine out of ten Polish people don't believe in mirrors. I think they're just having to be a lot of people living around them who look exactly like they do. People hide behind windows and glass doors. They can't figure out how to open. J.K. Gashdank. No Tukarsky, regular contributor to the virtual think tank and IB League
Starting point is 01:30:27 equivalent educational website, piece of mindful.com, holy, wackadoodle. He wrote a gigantic dissertation about Columbine that would take about, I don't know, 12, 16 hours to fully dissect. So many pictures, so many diagrams, lots of schematics, a lot of arrows, a lot of dots being connected, put a lot of work into a lot of insanity. Essentially he thinks that quote, Columbine was a fake event done to scare us. Frighten people are much easier to govern than confident and knowledgeable ones. He says, the Pulse Night Club shooting, Boston Marathon bombings, Sandy Hook, 911, Columbine,
Starting point is 01:31:00 you can almost hear him laughing. Fake, fake fake fake. All siops, he says all staged illuminati operations are scary and to be in easier control. How are you being controlled? Well, he doesn't he doesn't make that part real clear. He just keeps saying that you are being controlled and enslaved. He's big on claims, light on details regarding those claims. This preposterously paranoid motherfucker says that Dylan, Clebold and Eric Harris never existed.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Not real, fictitious names. Really seems to believe this. Think about how crazy this is. There have been a lot of documentaries done on Columbine. So many interviews. Many of the survivors have gone on to give more additional interviews about how the shooting changes are lives.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Many books have been written. Hundreds and hundreds of witnesses who weren't at the school when the shootings began, were near the school school watching events unfold by the time things ended watching, you know, bloody students flee from the building students who all told the same basic story about what happened over a thousand students going to school that they didn't die anything said all these people crisis actors Sue Cleeble who did a TED talk viewed by millions about her son Dylan ah fake who did a TED talk, viewed by millions about her son Dylan, ah, fake. And not one person who knows Sue in real life
Starting point is 01:32:07 has ever called her out on talking about her fake son. Crazy, the TED talk people also in on it, or at least, duped by this false flag. This crazy fuck goes on and on talking about how Dylan and Eric's yearbook photos, which look very normal to me. Nope, Photoshopped. All the videos, not them, actors. And this is my favorite part.
Starting point is 01:32:26 They think behind a lot of this are the South Park guys, right, the South Park creators. They're in on this conspiracy big time. These two fucking Hollywood elite globalists are working with the government to suppress the American people for reasons that Mark does not ever make clear. South Park co-creator Matt Stone is the crisis actor. Who's, he's a fucking talented crisis actor.
Starting point is 01:32:46 He's had a good show for a long time. He's a crisis actor whose face was used as the basis from which to create the fake face wake up of Dylan Clebold and Trey Parker. The other South Park co-creator, his face was used to create obviously Eric Harris' fake ass face. And he has all these, he has like numerous pictures put together attempting to show this transition
Starting point is 01:33:05 and it's so bad. Neither guy looks anything like the shooters. But he presented all as this type of aha type revelation. The South Park guys look about as much as Dylan and Eric as I look like Denzel Washington. Mark Tukarski ends his insane breakdown of literally everything we went over today and more by writing only know this. I call him by in high school on April 20th, 110th day of the year, as if that's important. 1999, no one died, no one was wounded and not one real tear was shed by any victim or
Starting point is 01:33:39 onlooker, it was a sigh up. Nothing more. If you read those words and now realize that our most trusted institutions, police, SWAT, media, news, school district and court system all played a part, then you are officially now in on the game. No event will again surprise or shock you. Normal you ever again, trust a news report. Welcome to the real world. Oh, Mark, I wish I could welcome you to the real world. I don't know whether fuck your living It's not on this planet
Starting point is 01:34:08 Mark also to give a little more context for who Mark is. I doesn't think COVID at 19 is real Doesn't think think the Cuban Missile Crisis ever happened Doesn't think that AIDS is real doesn't think so many other things are real my favorite one. I've never heard this before He thinks that Jesus was real, but he thinks that Jesus faked his own death. Mm-hmm. Anything that Jesus has a twin brother who pretended to be Jesus for parts of the Bible.
Starting point is 01:34:32 So like there was one Jesus for part of the Bible, and there was another Jesus, his twin brother for another parts of the Bible. And then the first Jesus, he snuck off with Mary, Mary Magdalene to live on Crete. And he thinks, he thinks the apostles were, quote, crisis actors, I fucking love it. He thinks the apostles were early crisis actors. And my favorite part is he tries to prove it with pictures.
Starting point is 01:34:54 He has these, all these pictures in the blog of Jesus, drawn by people who obviously never saw Jesus. There's no historical, you know, exact account of what this person is supposed to look like. So he just took like paintings that would be found in various churches. And because all of the paintings don't look exactly to the same, he came to the conclusion, obviously,
Starting point is 01:35:16 it's more than one Jesus. He doesn't understand that like the pictures he's comparing are not fucking photos. They're just random artistic interpretations. Imagine this level of paranoia. Like imagine you go to one church and you see a pain in Jesus on the wall and I'm like, oh, okay, all right.
Starting point is 01:35:31 That's what it looks like. Okay, I mean, that's what he told me. He told me, he Jesus, okay, that's what it looks like. And then later you go to another church and the picture looks a little different. And you're like, hey, wait a minute. Okay, Stunner, you guys trying to pull? Yeah, I get it.
Starting point is 01:35:46 He has a twin brother. Mark, like any other Columbine denyer, is an idiot of the internet. It happened. My God, please don't be like Mark. Don't believe that they're all in on it. They're not. Sometimes people lie.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Sometimes people conspire. But to pull off something like faking Columbine, are you fucking kidding me? I mean, if you're gonna believe that, then you can't believe in literally anything. What do you think you're looking at right now? What do you think you're hearing? Ah, fake, siops, baby.
Starting point is 01:36:12 Just chips in your brain. You're not where you think you are. You're not who you think you are. You don't know anything you think you know. All implants, all reality matrix manipulation. That's the real world. Get the fuck out of here. It is.
Starting point is 01:36:27 I'll be into that. It is. I'll be into that. It's for that. It's for that. It's for that. So really why did they do it? Was it because they were social outcast bully by the Jocks?
Starting point is 01:36:39 I don't think so. Peter Langman is a psychologist who has studied school shooting so extensively that Dylan's fake ass crisis actor mom, Sue Clebold contacted him for insight about her fake son, Dylan, while she was writing a fake memoir, said, a thorough look at the shooter's lives, one not based on panic students reports, refused this, you know, refused the notion that they were bullied. Langman added, they both had a lot of friends. They both engaged, and he's referring to right there that some people immediately interviewed,
Starting point is 01:37:08 and by like, some, I mean like a couple, said that these kids have been bullied, they said there was a bullying culture, but you know, there's a bullying, you could say that about any school. Langman adds, they both had a lot of friends. They both engaged in school activities, out of school activities, they worked part-time jobs
Starting point is 01:37:23 with some of their buddies at a pizza shop. Both were in a bowling league. Harris had played on a school soccer team as a freshman in sophomore, continued to play soccer in volleyball after school, according to the Sheriff's Office report. Clevel was in a fantasy baseball league, and like we covered, had gone to prom with the female friend a few days before the massacre. The New York Times initially reported that Harris and Clevel appeared to target peers who had poked fun at the group in the past.
Starting point is 01:37:45 The Washington Post said students described them as a constant target of derision for at least four years. The Los Angeles Times said students considered the attack lethal payback for old taunts and prejudices. But Langman and many others don't buy this shit for a second. Langman says yes, Harrison Klebold were sometimes teased, but they were nowhere near the most bullied in the school, and were much more frequently the bullies than the victims of bullies. And he says, Harris's and Clebold's own writings speak to this.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Langman added that Harris's personal writings show many reasons for his desire to kill. He wanted to see himself as the law. He killed for a sadistic pleasure. He killed because he fell to court into the writing that the human race is only worth killing and also as revenge for being teased. Revenge, one of many reasons. More often than not, Harris expressed the desire to kill complete strangers. Finally, Harrison Klebold didn't kill any of the students they alleged had teased them, despite hunting classmates for 45 minutes. So clearly, it wasn't much of a fucking priority. The FBI also came to the same conclusion that these two were not excessively
Starting point is 01:38:50 bullied. Three months after the massacre, the FBI convened a summit in Leesburg, Virginia that included world renowned mental health experts, including Michigan State University Psychiatrist Dr. Frank Ockberg, as well as supervisory, special agent Dwayne Fuseler, the FBI's lead Columbine investigator and a clinical psychologist. Fuseler and Ockberg concluded that the killers were less interested in revenge as though, at those who tease them, more interested in terrorizing the entire nation
Starting point is 01:39:15 by attacking a symbol of American life or school. They bragged about dwarfing the carnage of the Oklahoma City bombing. They were gunning for devastating infamy on the historical scale of a till of the hunt. Their vision was to create a nightmare so devastating and apocalyptic that the entire world would shudder at their power. And why would they be motivated to do this?
Starting point is 01:39:35 Mostly because Eric Harris was a fucking psychopath. Dylan Clebold was his depressed suicidal, hot-headed follower, his sidekick. The psychiatrist of the summit added that Harris was not merely a troubled kid, he was truly a psychopath. His journal entries were not the rantings of an angry young man, picked up by Jocs until he couldn't take it anymore. They were the rantings of someone with a messionic, that's such a tough word for me. Sorry. A psionic grade superiority complex out to punish the entire human race for its appalling
Starting point is 01:40:09 inferiority. He also love to lie another psychopathic trait. I lie a lot, Eric wrote, almost constantly into everybody, duping delight, a key characteristic of the psychopathic profile. Harris marries this deceitfulness with a total lack of Isn't America supposed to be the land of the free? How come I found free? I can't deprive a stupid fucking dumb shit from his possessions if he leaves them sitting in the front seat as fucking van out on plain sight
Starting point is 01:40:34 and in the middle of fucking nowhere I can't even imagine a man who was in the back of the car and was in the back seat. And he was in the back seat. And he was in the back seat. And he was in the back seat. How come I found free? I can't deprive a stupid fucking dumb shit from his possessions if he leaves them sitting in the front seat as fucking van out in plain sight and in the middle of fucking nowhere on a fry fucking day night, natural selection, fucker should be shot. Harris also verbally taunted victims he'd shot, no empathy, no emotional reaction to killing
Starting point is 01:40:59 them. Victims mean nothing to a psychopath. And the FBI, summit of mental health experts thought that Clebold would have never been able to pull off Columbine without Harris and may have gone on to had a normal life had he not been pulled into Harris's world. So who's to blame for Columbine? Not violence and music or video games or movies,
Starting point is 01:41:17 not bullying, not prescription drug side effects, not the school's fault, not law enforcement's fault, sure they should have caught some red flags, but that doesn't make it, I would say, quote unquote, they're fault. Easy red flags, but that doesn't make it I would say quote unquote their fault. Easy access to assault weapons certainly didn't help, but the blame falls mainly on Eric Harris and Dylan Clebold and bad mental health. Should the school as parents and law enforcement have taken the you know disturbing that disturbing
Starting point is 01:41:39 online people to kill this the violent class projects more seriously. Well, of course, but they couldn't have known where that would lead. A lot of kids claim to want to kill lots of people. A lot of kids do disturbing shit, make disturbing drawings. Most don't, you know, try to blow up a fucking school. Still, you know, you shouldn't ignore shit like that. When my daughter, Monroe, was in preschool, some kid on her preschool bus forced his way into the seat, hit her, kept trying to grab her crotch.
Starting point is 01:42:03 Monroe said she was, that he was doing this other kids in the bus as well. And then he got in cot several times. He was still riding the bus. And I went straight to her preschools, administer his office, fucking hot. Screw a phone call, fucking appointment. I'm coming in there.
Starting point is 01:42:17 I wanted to know why this kid was still in the bus. She didn't have a good answer for me. And she told me that she'd spoken with the boy's family. And then he had been suspended for a few days from riding the bus. And I said, not good enough. I told her I was going to make an email, going to write up an email, send her a little summary of our exchange, making it real clear that I felt like my daughter was in danger of basically being sexually assaulted on the bus and that I had spoken to her and that she hadn't taken
Starting point is 01:42:38 it seriously. And I told her that if that little mother fucker rode the bus again, touched my daughter one more fucking time, I'd show that email to the police, a lawyer, and then I would dedicate my fucking life to make sure she lost her job and I'd sewer ass, sue the school, and that little dipshit's parents. And guess what? Well, fuckhead got banned from the bus. Stream reaction on my part?
Starting point is 01:42:57 Yeah. But I thought it might get results, and it did. But I think that little four year old was gonna be, was a rapist? No. Do I think his parents probably ended up so embarrassed by all that? They ended up getting a very memorable amount of trouble. Maybe enough to send him on a path
Starting point is 01:43:10 and not being a creep? I hope so. Fuck that kid, still a decade. And fuck Dylan Cleeble and Eric Harris. They weren't victims, pushed to their breaking points. They were sadistic killers and at least one truly a psychopath. Some people just don't wanna play nice. Some truly a psychopath. Some people just don't want to play nice.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Some people born bad. Some people are dangerous, heartless predators, disguised as fellow humans and I wish I could magically know who those people were and if I couldn't magically cure them, I'd like to push a button and just obliterate them and remove them from earth. Okay, I think Colin Mind has been sucked. Let's recap today's bad news and we're going to end on some good news in today's top five takeaways. Time, suck, top five takeaways.
Starting point is 01:43:53 Number one, Columbine was meant to be a much larger tragedy than it was. Micro-pean stinking out his cleavage and bed wetting mama's boy Harris wanted to kill at least 500 and literally blow their fucking school up. Why? According to Harris's journal, so they could start a little rebellion or revolution to fuck things up as much as we can. They wanted to leave a lasting impression on the world. Well congrats, assholes, you did it.
Starting point is 01:44:15 The world will always remember you too as sadistic, delusional pieces of garbage who should've been drowned at birth. Great impression. Number two, these two assholes were not relentlessly bullied. They're so-called enemies where people who didn't give them a ride to school on time. Or kids who wore white hats who called them names sometimes, may have pushed them around a time or two,
Starting point is 01:44:34 just like they called other kids names and pushed them around. They were bullies who pretended to be victims. Eric even thought he was the victim for getting in trouble for vandalizing someone's van. Number three, Eric Harris was a psychopath and ringleader of the Columbine massacre. And you know, something was clearly fundamentally, fundamentally wrong with Dylan as well. Maybe counseling would have saved him. Maybe not.
Starting point is 01:44:57 Maybe some people are beyond saving. You know, even some kids, perhaps there's some truth to the way Dylan used Shakespeare to describe why he and Eric turned out the way they did. Maybe this was the case of good wombs, hath born bad sons. Number four, bittersweet, not all famous Columbine grads have been dirtbecks. Was that for a palette cleanser? Thank you, Big Head Todd. Ah, this is good as the first time I heard it.
Starting point is 01:45:28 A number five new info after all this negativity, let's end with something positive. How about this, schools are safer today than they have been in previous decades. Is that true? That's what James Allen Fox, professor of criminology at North Eastern University, who has studied the phenomenon of mass murder since the 1980s,
Starting point is 01:45:44 said in 2018, Fox and doctoral student Emma Friedle, Crenson Numbers, and the results were surprising. Their research says that while multiple victim shootings in general are on the rise, that's not the case in schools, there is an average of about one a year in a country with more than 100,000 schools, and according to Fox's numbers, the overall number of gunshot victims at schools is down. Back to the 1992-1993 school year, about 0.55 students per million were shot and killed in 2014, 2015, for example, years after Columbine. The rate was closer to 0.15 per million.
Starting point is 01:46:18 The best number of course would be zero, but Columbine did not kick off a wave of school shootings that just continued to grow and grow and grow. They didn't kick off some dark revolution Despite terrible tragedies like this one in many other school shootings your kids are still statistically speaking very very safe at the schools They go to time Shut up. Five take away Columbine massacre has been sucked. I am glad I learned so much about that.
Starting point is 01:46:47 I hope you are. I did buy into the narrative before this, that they were two kids who were, you know, picked on a whole bunch. I still thought I was, you know, no excuse for what they did at all, but I did think they'd been relentlessly bullied and with these outcasts, not, not the case. Thank you again to the time suck team. Thanks to Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins, Reverend Dr. Joe Horstcock, Johnson, Paisley Gitt,
Starting point is 01:47:07 better now, Biddelixer, Logan and Kate Keith at Spicy Club running BadmagicMarch.com and the socials. Thanks to the ScriptKeeper, Zach Flannery, doing production work this week as well and next week as well. Thanks to Liz Hernandez and her all-seeing eyes running the code to the curious Facebook page. Thanks to everyone who goes into that little group, continuing to turn this podcast into
Starting point is 01:47:26 a community. And thanks to everyone at Discord as well for even more community. Also thanks for letting us donate $6,200 this month to the Innocence Project to find out more. Go to the InnocenceProject.org, link in the episode description. Also, sweet new time suck, UFO tanked a bad magic merch.com Logan continuing to kill it. His designs hail Memorad, you beautiful bastards.
Starting point is 01:47:51 Thanks also to everyone who continues to rate and review the show. The suck continues to spread makes me so happy. More people find it all the time being able to continue to podcast. It's been such a bright spot in this strange, often dark year. Praiseable jangles. Next week we're getting goofy. I am very excited. We're sucking a cult.
Starting point is 01:48:08 Tony Alamo in the Alamo Christian foundation, do you remember this Alamo? I doubt it, but it was memorable. Tony Alamo was a one-time street preacher who's a poccaliptic ministry grew into a multi-million dollar network of businesses and property before he was convicted in Arkansas
Starting point is 01:48:23 of sexually abusing girls. He considered to be his many, many wives. Yeah, of course. Here we go again. Tony, Alamo Christian ministry is attracted hippies and alienated youngsters when it started on the streets of Los Angeles in the counterculture of the 1960s. Fuck yeah. Love these LA counterculture cults.
Starting point is 01:48:39 Call themselves Jesus Freaks, Mr. Alamo's followers, followers preached a wrathful version of Penteostalism, had a little bit of Westboro Baptist Church in them, a lot of angry God talk. And also, they did a fair amount of bedazzling. You heard me. In the 1970s and 80s, members of his ministry made a laborally designed denim jackets.
Starting point is 01:48:57 They were sold to celebrities like Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, and several country music stars. Former followers said Mr. Alamo made all decisions for them. Who got married? What children were taught in school? Who had to wear clothes? Or who got what clothes? And who was allowed to, you know, who was allowed what to eat?
Starting point is 01:49:12 I appreciate that like the gay people were tools of Satan and he told a reporter in 2008 that consent is puberty. That's a quote, consent is puberty. When questioned about child rights, he's a real piece of shit. And there's so much more craziness to his story. And you may have the best cold leader name of all time, Tony Alemois, sounds like a used car dealer.
Starting point is 01:49:33 He was born Bernie Hoffman. It's gonna be entertaining this next week. And it's gonna be more entertainment right now in today's time-sucker updates. Tucker Updates. Our first message today coming in from Super Sucker, Ace Johnson, calling me out on a mythology blunder that I made in the Bruce Lee suck. Ace Rides, hey Grand Suck Master, you fucked up on your mythology. You're right.
Starting point is 01:50:01 When you said that Bruce Lee was like Mercury and flew too close to the Sun, my bullshit meter went off, it was Icarus who flew too close to the sun, not Mercury. The story you were referencing is a Greek legend of the inventor, uh, Deadly's, who was said to have created the labyrinth. He and his son Icarus were trying to escape from the Isle of Crete, Deadly's crafted wing from feathers and waxed to fly to freedom. He and his son were able to fly away, but before they did so, Icarus was warned not to fly too close to the water, or he would be swallowed by the waves, and warned not to fly too close to the sun, or the wax holding the feathers would melt. The story ended with Icarus being amazed by the view, and then wanted to see how high he could go and he flew too close to the sun and fell to his death.
Starting point is 01:50:39 Mercury was the Roman messenger god. So not only did you mix up the names, but also the civilizations they were from. Still love you, and all that the suck team does, your loyal space is from the dry shitties, Ace Johnson. Damn it, Ace, you nailed it. I did mix all of that up big time. That's what I get for going off my notes in a moment and trying to wing it.
Starting point is 01:50:58 I love it when you meet Saksa, correct me and increase the accuracy of the suck. Very important to be as accurate as possible. More and more important all the time with the media blitz we get of twisted truths and see a clickbait and social media bots and Russian disinformation campaigns we gotta wait through.
Starting point is 01:51:12 Hope life is good down in the dry shitties. Speaking of fake news, Top shelf sack, Michael Dunlap has a great story for us. Sends it a fantastic example of how dangerous fake news can be, how some good critical thinking can help us avoid falling for fake news. Michael writes, hello time suck team. I managed a military surplus store and had an incident happen that thanks to having some critical thinking skills, a thing you talk about often, may have helped a young man who came
Starting point is 01:51:40 into my store. Here's a situation. A young black man wearing a rainbow mask and necklace entered my shop, these descriptors will be relevant. He was visibly shaken and asked to see knives. I engaged him in discussion and found out he was worried about being attacked by the KKK. Showed him my line of self-defense products
Starting point is 01:51:59 and he eventually settles on some things that should be effective and defensive needed. During our talk, he shows me that a notice his grandmother had sent him stating that the NAACP has credible information that white nationalists are going to be hunting young black men in the area this weekend for initiations. Being young black and gay made him feel like a prime target. I can't even imagine waking up to a message like that. My first reaction was, oh shit, I need to warn my friends. Then I reread the forwarded message and notice things. No date was given. This weekend could have been any weekend. This area doesn't mean anything. There's no context. Is this from Florida, Texas, Idaho, Vermont?
Starting point is 01:52:36 I start seeing all the hallmarks of a fake message that has gone viral spreading fear. I check the NAACP website, Google NAACP warnings my area, nothing. Showing the young man this and pointing out how to critically judge these kinds of memes and messages took him from being afraid to being calm. I don't know where this thing started. It certainly did its job and made someone afraid. I'm angry that this young man is family and so many others with the victims of this fear baiting.
Starting point is 01:52:59 I'm angry that this fake message was created. I'm angry that this is a very believable message into 2020 America. I shared with him my own motto that I try to live by which is live aware, not afraid. Be vigilant and know the dangers that look around you. Be prepared to handle them but don't let fear rule you or then they quote unquote win. They the ones who spread hate and fear. It can be a fine line to walk and it is okay to ask for help when you need it. Mike Dunlap, Spaceless or Team Meat Sack, Hail Nimrod. Well, Hail fucking Nimrod to you. Love this message. Yes, live aware, not afraid. Good on you. So much good on you for turning another scared meat sack away from fear, giving him a good tool to use to be
Starting point is 01:53:39 less afraid and future situations. And yeah, it really is. Beyond fucking sad that in 2020 America, a message like that of such bigoted hate does sound pretty credible. Now it's super cool. Idaho Bruce Lee connection connection from Bruce Lee to the cold to the curious send-in from super sucker Justin Wall. Justin writes, dear suck master flash, long time listener first time caller. Just got done listening to the Bruce Lee suck, and as per usual, you killed it, sir. Thank you. I fucked up. I fucked up on a chorus, but you got it. Okay, fairly familiar with the story of Bruce
Starting point is 01:54:13 and Brandon Lee, as I assume most people are, but who knew there were so many juicy carotene nuggets sprinkled in there, so tasty. Anyway, I wanted to write into sharing my personal experience with Lee family. First off, I live in Idaho. You live in Idaho, correct. But as you may or may not know,
Starting point is 01:54:27 Linda, Bruce's widows, Bruce's widowed wife actually calls Idaho home as well. Back story time, and I did not know that. I work in the AV trade. For those who don't really know what that means, I put in high-end electronics in people's homes. Nowadays, that means fully automated homes, audio, video, lighting, security, media rooms.
Starting point is 01:54:43 You name it. But I've been in the business for a while and back then it was mostly hookin' up big stereos, landline phones, and moving around unreasonably heavy, big-ass tube TVs. Those things are ridiculously heavy. So you can imagine how excited I was when I found out that on this particular day back in the early 2000s, I was going to be hanging my first flat screen. It was a 35-inch plasma, super new to the market, somewhere in the ballpark of about 15,000 if memory serves.
Starting point is 01:55:07 That is crazy. How much does, you can get a 35 inch plasma now. I don't know, 70 bucks, probably 100 bucks on some crazy black Friday type sale, 15,000. As excited as I was to hang this stupidly expensive TV, I was really blown away when I found out that we were going to be, or when I found out who we were going to be working for,
Starting point is 01:55:24 the one and only, Linda Lee Cadwell. My business is a small family business here in Boise. Start about my dad and at the time it was just me and my brother. My brother has always been a Bruce Lee fanatic. He's been doing in Jeet Kundo for years. Even his one and only tattoo is a small dragon. That's awesome. So needless to say, he was on another level. I was bouncing in my seat when we went through the gate to our house. We go inside and just normal house. No gold nunchucks hanging over the fireplace, no movie posters, no big shrine to Bruce, no sign of her past life with an icon. And why should there be? She had remarried years ago. It would be strange that pictures of her dead husband ex-husband littering the
Starting point is 01:56:02 mantle regardless of his namesake, but truth be told, I was a little bummed. That was until Linda came home. She was instantly one of the nicest people I'd ever met, not everyone with money treats the workers who come into their homes like people, but she was great. And inevitably my brother let it slip about how big of a fan he was. And rather than begrudge his fanboy, she embraced it. They talk forever about all kinds of things, you know. All kinds of Bruce Lee and his philosophies
Starting point is 01:56:26 He was in heaven at the end of the day Linda showed us around her house She pointed out pictures of Brandon and Shannon on the mantle on the fridge took us to a workout room where she has up a few movie posters and Headshots of Brandon's she was just a proud mom. It was great Finally, she led us to a closet in the back hallway open to cupboard and inside was her Bruce Lee stash I don't know why my my mind went to the weirdest place. I just have to share this. When you said like I wrote the show, but I've recovered, I wanted you to say an inside who's fucking Bruce Lee. He's still alive, never died. He's been hiding him all this years in the cupboard. No, but she had three stacks of books. She proceeded to sign both the book she wrote as well as the Tao of Jeet Kundo for us. In mind, she wrote simplicity, peace, and happiness.
Starting point is 01:57:07 That's awesome. In the pursuing years, we've worked for her many times. She wants to flew us to Palm Springs to work on her house there. We stayed at her guest house. So for half a week, we'd work all day, then we'd just hang out with her in her husband at night. One night, Linda cooked us a fantastic Chinese dinner.
Starting point is 01:57:20 One night we went to a local brewery for drinks. My favorite memory of her was drinking a beer with her, sitting in a table while she told us a crazy story about Brandon stealing the family car when he was 15. She told us about how Bruce was unbeatable when it came to arm wrestling. We somehow ended up all arm wrestling with her. I let her win. She gave my brother that 35 inch plasma TV years later to his kids room now. And she just recently gave me her 65 inch when she upgraded. She's such a nice person. I'm so proud to say she's a family friend. She even came to my
Starting point is 01:57:49 brother's wedding. She's a super great person. I'm super lucky to know her. That's my story. I would apologize for the long letter, but I'm not. It had to be long. That's how words work. Thanks for all the suck. And for opening my ear holes, my heart to some sweet, sweet yacht rock. I'm forever changed. Get your ass to voicecey. Please, your faithful space says are just. Bonus fact, Linda married another guy named Bruce. He's a golfer. Talk about some shoes, two fill, yeep. Justin, I love that story. I love hearing about how cool Linda is and getting some behind the scenes, Lee tails. I love how she still treasures Bruce's legacy. Man, that suck still inspires me. I hope you get to boys see one of these days as well.
Starting point is 01:58:27 Who knows with COVID when that'll be? Who knows? Enjoy that beautiful boycy summer. Love that town. Inhale them run. Now for some laughs coming in from Snort and Sucker, Jackie Berry, Jackie Wrights, you ruined my car. Hello, Suck Master.
Starting point is 01:58:41 I just had to tell you really quickly that I ruined my car and I totally blame you. Well, listening to the Bruce Lee suck, I was driving to New Mexico to be with my fiance, and I got to the part where you were talking about the medication lead took just before his death. I was already laughing while listening to you struggle to name this medication, and I went to take a drink of my bang energy when you very loudly went fuck these medical words. It took me totally by surprise, made me laugh so hard that bang came spraying out of my nose and mouth all over my fucking car.
Starting point is 01:59:07 It covered me in my entire driver's side. All I could do was yell damn you, suck master. Well, laughing hysterically and trying to clean up the mess I made. Thanks for the laughs. And for the stickiness, now codes my car. Hill Nimrod, praiseable jangles and don't go too far, Lucifina, Jackie B. Thank you, Jackie. I truly am glad that my supreme frustration was not being able to speak the only language I can speak, as well as I would like to, is in many moments at least good for some
Starting point is 01:59:34 laughs. I hope you had some fun in the land of Enchantment, Enhail, Lucifina. And I will leave with a good message speaking to the strength of the cult of the curious. Great full meets at Kyle Short, share some hard times and sweet support with us. Kyle writes, greetings, master sucker. First off, I'm a big fan of your comedy and a recent fan of time, thank you. Appreciate everything that you do. Now, the real reason for this email is to give a shout out to the entire cult of the curious. I'm going to, I'm going through some of the darkest times I've ever been through in my life so far
Starting point is 02:00:05 Being the only source of income from my family and working two jobs Still totally struggling feeling like I'm failing at everything I post to my story to the Clothic Curious page I simply just mentioned the fact that I've desperately made a go for me I wasn't asked for money at all just some kind words of encouragement One person went and found the go for me posted it to my original posts The cold came together started donating money to help me out. I was getting Facebook messages from people donating money along with several emails saying the same thing.
Starting point is 02:00:31 I almost broke down in tears of the fact that complete strangers were going in and helping out of fellow meat sack. You really have something great going here. And to you and to everyone in the club that curious, I would just like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Just when I was thinking about taking a one-way trip to Nimrod's fiery asshole, these great people have pulled me out of a bind. Words cannot explain the amount of gratitude that I feel and I'm tearing up just writing this.
Starting point is 02:00:54 Thank you again, thank you to everyone in the cult. I truly love each and every one of you guys. Well, well done, cult and well done Kyle. He-he-ya! Don't punch that ticket, buddy. You let Nimrod punch it for you. Tell them you fucking fight. When life hits you, you kick it back like Bruce fucking Lee,
Starting point is 02:01:11 kicking Kareem Abdul Jibar in the head until his goddamn sunglasses finally fell off. Never give up. Love you, dude. Hail the cult of the curious. Hail you. Thanks, everyone. Thanks, time suckers, I need a net. We all did.
Starting point is 02:01:31 That's all for today. Have a great week. Please do not make any pipe bombs or solve any shotguns. Please, it's a lot more fun. Just stick around and just keep on sucking. It's gonna be your home to come and laugh at the 80s of humanity. So you're not just pissed off about it all the time Which is fun. Yes, I mean we get we get fired up Mm-hmm, but it also it's bad for your heart and no one's a sad heart all the time No, it's real sad
Starting point is 02:02:12 But we're not just gonna laugh it you know expensive other people all the entire show no We'll make fun of ourselves as well for the dumb things that we've done the dumb things that we continue to do Dumb things we're doing right now, and if we find out that you've done something stupid You know we're gonna make fun of you as well. We'll track you down. We'll search for you. We know where you live. So basically, it boils down to this. We're here for two reasons. A, have a lot of laughs. And then B, you want to try to leave every episode a little less dumb than we were heading into it. And we do that by looking at an example, after example, of exactly how not to live your life.
Starting point is 02:02:45 Laughing our way through a variety of segments, like dumb dumb idiots, where we share random stories from around the web of people being perfect examples of the stupid side of the internet. They have been hired to carry out client's fantasy of being tied up in this underwear, and stroked with a broom. Oh, okay. They've been hired to carry out a client client fantasy of being tied up in his underwear and Stroke with the broom. I can't even picture what that is. What is stroked with the broom?
Starting point is 02:03:12 Now we're also gonna highlight our weekly supreme example of stupidity in apocalypse pending What look at that? Oh, that's like a newer Audi S2V. That's a nice vehicle What is she thinking? We're gonna explore just how ridiculously petty and self-absorbed we humans can be when writing shitty reviews online in a segment called One Star Heroes. A-tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Oh, really? You're just this nice, kind person out in the world, and restaurant after restaurant. People are like, uh-uh, nope, don't want your business. She's here, Laurie's here! We've used to take her order and hide. There's only one place ever in the world that when you pull up to a drive-through they might disappear. Yeah. And that's if like a magic store had a drive-through. And because we do know not everything online is terrible. A lot of it is, but there's actually a lot of good stuff
Starting point is 02:04:05 out there too. We'll highlight an example of something positive each in every week with Slyver of Hope. Yay, some positivity. So here we have, bring it up on the screen here Zach. Zach, bring it up, fuck! Okay. Captain Thomas Moore, your war two veteran who captured hearts
Starting point is 02:04:19 around the world after successfully raising millions of dollars for healthcare workers fighting the novel coronavirus has been officially knighted. Plus, we'll inevitably end up with a variety around the world after successfully raising millions of dollars for healthcare workers, fighting the novel coronavirus, has been officially knighted. Plus, we'll inevitably end up with a variety of other segments that will shed light on the endless amounts of utterly insane products for sale, musty videos, stupid viral trends,
Starting point is 02:04:35 and the countless other gifts the internet keeps throwing away. In every time that you give me something, like, you think I'm working? Yeah, I'm not. I'm looking at a cool shed I could buy. I get a lot of fun stuff up That's great stuff So join us for new episodes of Is We Dumb every Wednesday at noon specific time We'll have our official two episode launch party on August 12th, and you'll be able to find it
Starting point is 02:04:54 Um, I don't you know wherever the fuck you listen to your broadcast. He's in August 12th your birthday Yeah, but I don't don't think anyone cares. I care. Happy birthday. Fuck dumb idiot. Oh Thanks so much, fuckface. Yay! It's the only gift I want. Listen to this, you dumb.

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