Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 211 - The Immanuel David Cult

Episode Date: September 28, 2020

The Immanuel David Cult! Not much has been written about Immanuel David compared to more notable cult leaders like Jim Jones or David Koresh - but he was just as delusional and, in his own way, just a...s destructive. Immanuel David was born in the late 1930s to seemingly normal parents - he had what was likely a great childhood - and then, not long after converting to Mormonism, he decided that he was the REAL prophet that should lead his new religion. After the LDS church excommunicated him, Immanuel David created his own church… and went off to live on a communal compound where a group of people, including his wife Rachel and their seven children, would worship him - not as God's prophet anymore - but as God in the flesh. In true cult leader fashion, he gave his followers biblical names and tricked them into giving him money while they all waited for the US government and the LDS faith to collapse, and for Immanuel to rise up out of the ashes and lead a new church. And then David's rein as cult leader came to end in 1978 in a very dramatic and horrifying way. This week we’ll also examine into some of the fringier aspects of Mormonism’s theological history, as some of these elements lead to the construction of David's cult. And we'll give a brief overview of a few other FLDS cults, on today's messianic edition of Timesuck.ProCon Election Comparison: https://2020election.procon.org/view.source-summary-chart.phpDonated $7000 to the SBP. Founded in 2006 by a couple in St. Bernard Parish, its model is focused on streamlining the recovery process, which includes quickly rebuilding homes and restoring local businesses, and supporting policies that aid long-term recovery. Go to https://sbpusa.org/ to donate, volunteer, or find out more. Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/pf-en6av-2Q Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're over 9500 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A manual David, though this piece of shit hasn't gone down in the historical record like other more notable co-leaders Not your Jim Jones not your David Kresh He was a delusional and destructive zealot just like those other guys were a manual Dave was born in the late 1930s to seemingly normal parents Had what may have been a great childhood and then not long after converting to Mormonism as a young adult He started embracing its teachings with a zeal that was off-putting to many of his fellow members. Manual David born Charles Bruce Longo would soon twist and warp the teachings of his new religion into thinking he should be the church leader. And then the LDS church would excommunicate him for that.
Starting point is 00:00:39 And then a manual David created his own church. Went off to live on a communal compound where a group of people, including his wife, Rachel, and their seven children, would worship him as a God. And true cult leader fashion, he gave his followers, biblical names and tricked them into giving him money while they all waited for the US government and the LDS church to collapse. And then for Emmanuel to rise up out of the ashes and lead a new church, which of course never happened.
Starting point is 00:01:03 And then it all came to an end in 1978, at least for Emanuel David and his family in a very dramatic and horrifying way. Time for another story today about a delusional and power hungry and manipulative meat sack and the people who followed him will also get into some of the fringe your aspects of Mormonism's theological beginnings and meet some other fundamentalists who were just as crazy, if not crazier than a manual. Going over a lot of very wild and interesting history today on a messionic, have you heard the good news?
Starting point is 00:01:30 Run away from these people as fast as you can, addition of Time Suck. Happy Monday and Hail Nimrod meat sacks. Work and wait. It is time for time suck. Time for the cult of the curious to meet back up. I'm Dan Cummins, Prof. Nimrod, the master's sucker, cult curator, and you are listening to time suck. Hail Nimrod, I love you Lucifina. Myled Communist Trigger Alert today, Good Boy Bojangles and Letter Rip Triple M. Got an awesome
Starting point is 00:02:10 crafting with Edmund T-shirt and crewneck sweatshirt in the shop at BadMagicMurch.com today. So fucked up. And so awesome mother. Super cool design that you don't even have to be familiar with this podcast to enjoy. Thanks again for everyone checking out the new podcast, incredible feats, and for checking out, is we dumb. Both podcasts doing really well right now. I'm very grateful. And thanks for checking out scared of death as well. A lot more people coming over and listening to that podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:36 It's been a lot of fun podcasting here in 2020 for us here at Bad Magic Productions. And that's it for the announcements today. Just got to them quick. for us here at Bad Magic Productions. And that's it for the announcements today. Just got to them quick. And now for our feature presentation. Coat, coat, coat. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪
Starting point is 00:02:57 Here at TimeSuck, we've been assembling quite a little collection of coats over the past few years. I love it. What a fascinating look they provide into the human psyche, into how certain people amass power, into just what kind of crazy shit the right or wrong leader or group of leaders can get seemingly intelligent people to do. Studying cults over the last several years
Starting point is 00:03:15 has definitely influenced just the way I see the world around me. I see cult-like behavior exhibited all over the place. For example, in politics, the way some people choose to follow certain politicians seems to be very cult like to me. A cult leader can do no wrong. Their followers seem blissfully and mind-numbly unaware of their co-leaders' faults, no matter
Starting point is 00:03:32 how glaring and painfully obvious those faults may appear to be to others. I see cult-like behavior even in the world of professional sports. Some people root for teams. Others seem to almost worship them, or worship certain athletes within them. Right, there are fans, and then there are cult-like followers who will quite literally cry when their team loses, literally jump and squeal with joy when the team wins.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Truly furious at those who prefer their team's rival. Now, some people do all of that out of passion. Just passion, I know. Just passion displayed by an emotional person who really likes to get into things fine. But other people seem to have elevated their passion to a type of worship, a type of cult-like devotion. As he cult-like behavior displayed within all kinds of belief systems, one person may be a media pundit or a popular social media personality spouts extremely self-assured ideology that seems to me to be pretty loose, goosey, comes to an understanding of the facts regarding whatever they're rant and raven and pontificating about, but their fans slash believers seem to worship all their information as gospel, unquestionable truth.
Starting point is 00:04:32 If you start looking for it, you can find cult mentality all around you. Here on the suck, we've looked into at least nine cults prior to this one. We've covered the Messianic cults, which followers believe that person, the person they're following is a type of Messiah. Think of David Kuresh's branch to Vittians, Yahweh, Ben Yahweh's nation of Yahweh, Tony and Susan Alamo, even the tiny and incredibly strange children of thunder covered a UFO related cult, Marshall Apple White and Heaven's Gate. The cult had became a Doomsday cult.
Starting point is 00:05:02 We've looked into a few new AG sex cults like the Children of God and the source family. We've covered complicated, continually transforming and convoluted belief having doomsday cults like the Order of the Solar Temple and Jim Jones in the People's Temple. And we've touched on others. And there are so many we have yet to talk about. There are active cults all over the world.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Many of them doing a lot of super weird shit right now. Some we know about undoubtedly many others. all over the world, many of them doing a lot of super weird shit right now. Some we know about undoubtedly many others, we don't know about that we'll find out about later, sometimes tragically. The world has always had at least a handful of people who actually believe they have or at least who claim to believe they have all of the important answers, right? They know who God is, for sure. Just look into their wide and crazy eyes and get a feel for how confident they are.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And who is God? Usually they are. Or they will reveal that they are very soon. Rare for the cold leader to open up, announcing their God. Rare for them to kick things off with that. They tend to like to start by saying they have God's ear. You know, for the moment at the very least
Starting point is 00:06:01 they have the inside track to reaching God. You know, they and they alone are gods, maybe right hand man. And because they are God or closely associated with God, they know how to not just live forever, but how to live forever similarly to how you are living now. Rest easy. Your precious ego isn't going anywhere. If you follow them, you get to keep being you, but be way more powerful. Never have to live in strife or sorrow ever again. If and this is a big if, you know, you just stick with them.
Starting point is 00:06:26 You can't leave them. You have to help them. Maybe give them your wife. Maybe give them all your earthly possessions. Keep giving them your paycheck. But so worth it because buy, buy mortal coil, suck it, Grim Reaper. I'm with David now, and old Dave tells me he's got it all figured out.
Starting point is 00:06:40 We're all gonna live forever. You just totally devote yourself to the leader and shut off all of your critical thinking skills and be like a child to the role of their father. You don't have to worry about death or damnation or any of the shit you been stressed about, fuck your mortgage, fuck your career, fuck your friends and family in many cases,
Starting point is 00:06:55 doesn't matter anymore. What a load off your shoulders. And I didn't say they played the role of father instead of mother or parent, almost always a dude, leading the cult, almost always the male ego Susan Lammo a recent exception but even with her cult once she died her husband Tony a big dick things a lot further along than she ever did oh cults will I ever get bored by you I hope not will you ever go away I hope so but I highly doubt it today weeks for cult I find very entertaining
Starting point is 00:07:24 we're adding another uh messianic cult to our collection. Sorry if I mispronounced that word going forward, it's that, oh my brain just doesn't settle on. The Emanuel David cult, this still barely alive, probably cult, not probably isn't probably a cult, probably isn't probably barely alive. That'll make sense as we go through here
Starting point is 00:07:43 things towards the end of the episode, but they never got very big and things would end real, real badly for many of the key members. It's one of the more obscure cults we've sucked, kind of like the Children of Thunder. And I picked it because I just found it to be an incredibly strange and interesting story. A manual David, the leader and the man from whom the manual David cult got its name, was a former LDS missionary who was ex excommunicated from the church in 1969, for essentially trying to replace it, or at least restructure it with him, of course,
Starting point is 00:08:10 as the new head, the new prophet slash leader. And wanting to do that, just like children of thunder, Colt leader, Glenn Helzer wanted to do, MF! If you remember that episode, you know, they got a manual kicked out of the LDS church, which makes sense. Unless they've appointed you to be the leader, churches in general really, really don't like it
Starting point is 00:08:29 when you tell them that you're the new leader. It's like one of their least favorite things. If you're a sinner, that's okay, that's fine. That's good, actually. Right, you're giving them something to work with, something to fix. But you start claiming you know more about God than they do. Oh, get the fuck out, devil.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Many, many people have died throughout history for doing exactly that. Many of your heretic has been burned on a stake or hanged at the gallows for claiming to know more about God than their church. Pretty sure a fair amount of current religious leaders around the world wouldn't mind burning those who's tried to disagree with them alive.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Hell, I wouldn't mind doing that moment. And I'm sure some people wanted to burn a manual, David, but they didn't. They just kicked him out. Before we get into a manual's tale, we need to take a second look at the origins of Mormonism that we've already covered Mormonism and the tale almost exactly a year ago, September of 2019, we need to revisit that religion a bit today because it's the one that's strange little cult morphed out of. I'm going to go over some of the more controversial practices
Starting point is 00:09:25 and beliefs of early Mormonism, practices and beliefs and manual, many of these beliefs he would adopt and reinstate in his cult, not all of them, but they're all important to understand. Then we'll delve into the manual David family cult fully follow it through to its tragic near end, find out all we can about the present state of operation. As I said moments ago, before he was excommunicated,
Starting point is 00:09:46 Emmanuel David was a devout Mormon. And as we already covered once before here on Time Suck, the Mormon church called the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter-day Saints, began in 1823 when Joseph Smith, Jr. claimed that he had visited with God in Jesus Christ in upstate New York. And then Smith later translated the book of Mormon from a set of gold tablets.
Starting point is 00:10:04 He claimed to have received from an angel named Maroni. Tablets that would have weighed 200 pounds. He allegedly picked up and ran with, you know, through the forest, Defarman, would be robbers jumping over fallen trees. That kind of stuff. And he received them. Too bad God can't give powers like that to a few members of my fantasy football team this year. I need another RB1 to win the paid league. I'm in. Smith officially organized the Church of Jesus Christ Letterday Saints on April 6th, 1830 beginning during a period of great social experimentation in America the church instituted several novel Social programs which distinguished it from a mainstream American society such as Plegamy and some others will get to in a moment Since many of these practices and beliefs were at odds with society at large
Starting point is 00:10:44 It was almost inevitable that the letter D Saints would find some trouble and they did. As Mormons looked for their permanent home, they moved west and clashed with various groups of Gentiles in Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois, then in Utah. These Gentiles had the support of the US government
Starting point is 00:10:59 and army while the Mormons did not. Looking back, pretty impressive that this now sizable religion survived some of its early clashes. Even Utah, the Mormons were strongly persecuted for the practice of polygamy by taking multiple wives, found themselves an open rebellion against the US government. 15th US President James Buchanan went so far as to send the army in an attempt to enforce US law amongst the Mormons in 1857 and 1858. Random trivia. President Buchanan has either been ranked as the very worst president in U.S. history or near the bottom consistently for over 150 years.
Starting point is 00:11:33 He's most famous for helping push the country into civil war. Sending the army to Utah on many's eyes was basically the best most notable thing he ever did. And not surprisingly, in many Mormons eyes, it was the worst thing he ever did. Buchanan was another in what was already becoming a long line of persecutors back in 1857 and 1858. Knowing about how Mormons have been persecuted is key to understanding how certain fundamentalist
Starting point is 00:11:55 Mormons regard the outside world. While almost all Mormons in Utah feel to some degree that their ancestors were persecuted for their beliefs, the fundamentalist Mormons really feel persecuted. Not only that their ancestors were persecuted for their beliefs, the fundamentalist Mormons really feel persecuted. Not only were their ancestors persecuted for their beliefs, but their ancestors were and currently still are, they currently still are, persecuted by Gentiles and mainstream Mormons alike for refusing to abandon practices like polygamy.
Starting point is 00:12:19 And oftentimes, this persecution can cause extremists to double down on their beliefs. If a fringe religious group believes that God wants, for example, it's men to take multiple wives that doing so is God's wish that anyone trying to interfere with that is interfering with God's wish. And then by definition, they are aligned with the great adversary, i.e. the devil. And now the persecuted polygamist group can begin to see the government and mainstream Mormons in this example as all being in cahoots with Satan. This can quickly lead to feeling like one is surrounded by the devil and who wants to be interacting with the devil all the time so what a fundamentalist believers do. On a cult they often retreat away from society. The society they view as evil and they isolate themselves. They hide from all the perceived evil
Starting point is 00:13:02 in the world. In Christian derivative cults they tend to go wait for the end times in isolation, to wait for Christ to return and deliver them from all this evil around them. They separate themselves from the temptations of the Great Deceiver so that he doesn't trick them out of their souls as well. When a group of believers has gone to this place intellectually, it can be really, really hard to deprogram them. The more aggressively you push them to change their beliefs, to give up polygamy, for example, the more you feed into their into their belief, into their vision of you having the devil's interest in mind, of you being part of an evil persecution. I hope all that makes
Starting point is 00:13:34 sense. I rewrote that little die tribe several times in my notes, trying clearly articulate which makes, or what makes perfect sense in my head still feels like it took too many words to communicate. In the beginning of the formation of their faith persecution went along ways towards bonding early Mormons firmly in some of their initial beliefs. Beliefs had his time with on, some of them were more fanatical believers, fundamentalist believers had a real hard time let and go off. And this early history of polygamy is why polygamy keeps popping up today amongst fringe fundamentalist Mormon groups. Church leaders began the practice of polygamy is why polygamy keeps popping up today amongst fringe fundamentalist Mormon groups.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Church leaders began the practice of polygamy not long after the church was organized. Some accounts argued that Joseph Smith began experimenting with polygamy as early as 1831. Smith's revelation on plural marriage was not written down until 1843, but its early verses suggest that part of it emerged from Joseph Smith's study of the Old Testament in 1831. Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner, Smith's study of the Old Testament in 1831. Mary Elizabeth Rollins Leitner, Smith's ninth wife, a woman who would also later become one of Brigham Young's wives after Smith died, claimed to Smith at a private conversation with her in 1831 about having her become one of his wives, when she was only 12. He was 26. So yikes, super yikes. I'm going to be hard to eradicate the problem of polygamyne
Starting point is 00:14:46 your religion when less than two centuries earlier, your leader was taking child brides. To be fair to Smith, I do feel the need to point out, women did get married when they were just girls all the time to much older men back then in ways that would be blatantly criminal now, but were normal back then. Not usually 12, but they didn't get married when she was 12.
Starting point is 00:15:04 But sadly 12 also not that unusual, very different times in so many ways. The Oxford English Dictionary records the first printed instance of the phrase child bride in 1843. A search of American newspapers from the 19th century reveals its regular use beginning only in the 1870s and 1880s. Why wasn't that term used before? Not because marriages to children were not happening actually quite the opposite. They were happening. They were just happening so often and it was seemingly so
Starting point is 00:15:35 unremarkable and normalized that no one thought to give the practice any kind of pejorative term. Regardless of when the practice of polygamy started, by the time Joseph Smith definitely informed the elders of his revelation regarding the practice of polygamy started, by the time Joseph Smith definitely informed the elders of his revelation regarding the practice of polygamy in 1843, clear that Smith was married to at least seven women. After 1843, the practice of polygamy amongst church elders became a fairly common practice, although the church did not officially sanction the practice until the general church conference of 1852.
Starting point is 00:16:02 And this public declaration was generally not well received by non-mormons across America. It drew immediate criticism and outrage outside of, I imagine a few especially horny dudes, were probably like, fuck yeah, ha, ha, finally. Woo! Ha, ha, oh, oh shit, oh, sorry. I mean, uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:22 But boo, so hot, so stupid. I love my wife, never want my penis to ever touch another vagina. No way gross. All right. At its 1856 National Convention in Philadelphia, the Republican Party quickly tailored his platform and opposition to the twin relics
Starting point is 00:16:40 of barbarism and they deemed those twin relics to be polygamy and slavery. It shows how hot of a topic this was in the days leading up to the Civil War. The Democrats of the day not wishing to imply support of polygamy by their support of slavery became just as vehement as their political opponents in denouncing the Mormon institution of polygamy. Early Mormons getting it from both sides, national news. Most living in both the northern and southern states saw the practice as abhorrent. Early Mormons getting it from all sides. Even people who
Starting point is 00:17:09 own slaves were like, slavery is obviously totally cool. And just, I don't understand why some people get so worked up about only know the human beings, but polygamy. That is clearly the work of Satan himself. Shortly after President Buchanan entered the White House in 1857, largely due to the public practice of polygamy, he became convinced that the Mormons were in a state of open rebellion against the government, and that they wouldn't accept adhering to U.S. laws unless forced to. So he sent in the army under the command of Albert Sidney Johnson, John Stinner, I could get that T in there, a man who would later become a noted Confederate general to Utah Utah and the Mormons did not prepare to just lay down in surrender when they heard that the army was coming.
Starting point is 00:17:51 They undoubtedly recalled the 1838 Missouri Executive Order 44, aka the Mormon extermination order that Missouri governor Lil' Bern Boggs had issued a following a clash between Mormons and a Missouri State Militia unit. Bogs declared, the Mormons must be treated as enemies and must be exterminated or driven from the state if necessary for the public peace. The outrageous are beyond all description. 17 Mormons will be killed in a vigilante action at a settlement called Hans Mill and Missouri. Mormons then moved to Illinois, founding the town of Navu,
Starting point is 00:18:24 they're in 1840 under a charter, they gave the city council, which Smith controlled, authority over local courts in militia. The settlement grew to about 15,000 people, making it the biggest population center in the state for a little while. And then in 1844, authorities jailed Smith in the town of Carthage after he destroyed a Navu newspaper that alleged he was mismanaging the town and had more than one wife, which, to be fair, he had done. In a raid on the jail in anti-mormon mob, then shot the church founder to death.
Starting point is 00:18:49 It was only 38 years old. The early Mormons had absolutely been persecuted out of both Missouri and Illinois now. Angry mobs had first sure come for them. And in a few instances, when they hadn't properly defended themselves, they'd been killed by people in Angry Mops. In a 1945 biography of Joseph Smith, historian Fawn Brody wrote, few episodes in American religious history parallel the barbarism of the anti-Mormon persecutions. So when B.K. and sent the military after them, the Utah Mormons had flashbacks of these earlier attacks and they re-fortified their militia, conducted small-scale guerrilla warfare
Starting point is 00:19:23 against the army as it made its way to Utah in 1857 They also were definitely considering standing up to the US government to the point of creating their own nation I was also part of their motivation historian David Bigler author of forgotten kingdom the Mormon theocracy of the American West 1847 to 1896 Says of the build up to this war in the late 1850s Mormons believed that the world would end within their lifetimes. They believed the four fathers who wrote the American Constitution have been inspired
Starting point is 00:19:51 by God to establish a place where his kingdom would be restored to power. The Mormons believed their own kingdom would ultimately have dominion over all of the United States. The same time the American nation was pursuing a manifest destiny to extend its domain westward all the way to the Pacific and the continent just was not big enough to accommodate both of these belief systems. Blood spilled and what became known as the Utah War. In September of 1857 in a clash that would become known as the mountain meadows massacre between other settlers traveling in the Baker fancher wagon train and the Navu Legion, the name for Utah's Mormon militia at the time, 120 to 140 members of that wagon train were killed.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And while an in-depth investigation of the incident would require more time than today's topic warrants, it appears that Brigham Young tried to blame this incident on local American Indians and the men who did the killing were not held accountable for their actions outside of one man, Major John D. Lee, a Mormon who was finally executed for these killings in 1874. So many years later at the age of 65 and he died claiming to be a scapegoat for the killings. He stated that the church had authorized. John had been an LDS member who at one point had 19 wives and who fathered 67 children, 67. No way he remembered all their names. For sure, a couple of Elijah's were mixed up with some Zoroms. Looking back now, does it seem like early Mormons were the aggressors in this confrontation?
Starting point is 00:21:14 It does. Looking at it from their perspective, I can't blame them. They thought God had called on them to form a new nation. They had to defend it. Many Mormon settlers saw the Utah War as trying to defend their new land and more importantly, their faith from non-Mormon persecutors helped bent on destroying their religion and taking what was what was to be their new nation away from them. When Brigham and early church, other early church leaders realized they were not going to be able to win a war against the US Army in agreement between the US government and the early church finally led to the acceptance of Buchanan's appointee as a governor. And in return, Mormons were allowed to continue practicing polygamy for a while.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Mostly because the Civil War was looming and the government, you know, they had more important shit to deal with. They'd get back to polygamy later, which they did. Polygamy continued unabated during the course of the Civil War with most of the nation's attention focused on the issue of course of slavery. Once the war ended, the popular sentiment to end polygamy return. Federal government attempts to stop the practice of polygamy continued throughout the 1870s and into the 1880s, under the provisions of the Edmonds Act and the Edmonds Tucker Act,
Starting point is 00:22:17 Mormons were kept from voting because of their polygamy. Their wives and children were declared illegitimate and the property of the church was even confiscated at one point due to a refusal to abandon polygamy and other practices not in accordance with the U.S. law. Many Mormon leaders were jailed or had to go into hiding and response to such intense persecution late 19th century Mormon president and living prophet Wilford Woodruff, signed the Woodruff manifesto under duress in 1890, put an official end to the church's practice of Pellegrimmi at least publicly. Six years later, Utah became a state
Starting point is 00:22:49 which made Pellegrimmi even harder to pull off. The federal government now more involved in their affairs. According to historical records, the practice of Pellegrimmi continued within the church in secret and was even somewhat common right up until the 1930s. And as to be expected, many members in the early years of the 20th century did not want to practice polygamy secretly. They did not accept the
Starting point is 00:23:10 Woodruff manifesto. And a lot of these members became Mormon fundamentalists and continued practicing polygamy under the scrutiny of both federal and church officials forming their own splinter groups and churches. Some groups you could definitely call cults. When the church leaders began to realize the perception of polygamy carried out by these splinter groups, these cults was greatly hurting the public image of the church at large in the 30s and 40s. And that a lot of non-mormons weren't really doing a very good job of doing their due diligence to distinguish between mainstream Mormons and their fundamentalist counterparts. They were all just getting kind of lumped in together.
Starting point is 00:23:41 The mainstream church leaders began to denounce the practice more strongly. Under the leadership of J. Ruben Clark, Councillor to longtime church president, heber J. Grant led from 1918 to 1945, the church instituted a program of forcing Mormon men to sign loyalty oaths beginning in 1933, stating that they would denounce the advocacy and practice of plural marriage and that I myself am not living in such alleged marriage in such a alleged marriage relationship. Those who refused to sign this were immediately excommunicated. This action definitely cut down on the number of polygamists, but the fight against polygamists
Starting point is 00:24:17 still was far from over around 1940 because of continued polygamy. Clark began to direct loyal priesthood leaders to spy on people attending meetings at houses of known fundamentalists. He also encouraged the Salt Lake City librarian to remove fundamentalist literature from the library. It struck to the Salt Lake City Postmaster to prohibit all fundamentalist mailings. And he encouraged the criminal prosecution of fundamentalists. This harsh treatment of fundamentalists continued throughout the 1940s and 1950s, culminating in the short creek raid of 1953. Arizona governor Howard Pyle ordered more than 100 law enforcement officers to place the fundamentalist community of short creek sprawled across the Utah, Arizona border under
Starting point is 00:24:56 martial law. Pyle attempted to have the town's leaders arrested and the incident created national outrage of a violation of civil rights, except in Utah, where ironically, wanting more mainstream American acceptance, the Mormon church supported the law enforcement officers efforts 100%. Everybody, a lot of other people have worked out about religious freedom, but the Mormon church is like, nah, fuck, and get them. Get them out of there. Today, the short-creat community divided into the towns of Colorado City, Arizona, and Hill
Starting point is 00:25:22 Dale, Utah, and Polygamy there continues. Until 2007, the United Effort Plan Trust, a fundamentalist real estate trust, essentially own both of these communities. Still seems to own a large portion of the land in the area, and both towns with a combined population of around 8,000 appear to still be primarily controlled by fundamentalists sex today. One of the most notorious and still active fundamentalist polygamous groups is based in this area, technically in Hilldale, Utah, the F L D S, the fundamentalist church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We covered this group a bit and they're currently incarcerated leader, massive piece of shit, piece of shit, worn Jeff's in the Mormonism FLDS suck.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Won't go into his entire shitty deal all over again here, but this messionic pile of cult-leading garbage was convicted of sexually assaulting two kids, believed to have sexually assaulted at least 26 women and girls, the youngest of whom was only eight when it began, and the 64 year old who was arrested in 2006 will die in prison. Warren Jeff's loves, pligimme so much, when when his father Rulon Jeffs, who is the president of the LDS church died in 1906. He told high ranking F LDS officials, I won't say much, but I will say this hands off my father's wives.
Starting point is 00:26:39 When addressing his father's widows, he said, you women will live as if father is still alive and in the next room. Yeah. Within a week he had married all but two of his father's wives, one refused to marry Jeff's and was subsequently prohibited from ever marrying again while the other Rebecca Wall fled the FLDS compound. That's so fucking creepy. Take your dad's wives when your dad dies.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Imagine what kind of seriously disturbing dirty talk he could be having with him, right? You like that? Is that hard enough for you? My fucking use hardest, my dad did? Who's your daddy? Me or my daddy? So creepy. As the sole individual in the FLDS church with the authority to perform marriages,
Starting point is 00:27:18 Jeff's was responsible for assigning wives to husbands. He also had the authority to discipline male church members by reassigning their wives, children and homes to another man. husbands, and also had the authority to discipline male church members by reassigning their wives, children, and homes to another man. Man, you thought 2020 had been shitty to you. Imagine if you had to give your family over to a neighbor, like one of these type cults. How much that would fuck up your year? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Hey Warren, yeah, it is a lovely day we're having. Good-nast for better weather, uh-huh. Sure. Okay, yeah, I'd love lovely day we're having good and ask for better weather, huh? Sure Okay, yeah, I'd love to come over for a barbecue. It'd be nice to see my nice to see my former wife There's now Shares, shares your bed. So so blessed so blessed And the kids who get to see them the kids you know for once mine, but now you're stuck to care for Under his eye blessed be the fruit May the Lord open your fucking skull with a hatchet
Starting point is 00:28:07 so I can watch your brain spill into the lawn. What was that? Nothing just mumbling to myself. See you tomorrow then. Now that we've established a long standing tradition of blaming me introduced by early Mormon leaders and then carried out by leaders of the Mormon fundamentalist sex tradition a manual. David will not participate
Starting point is 00:28:25 in, but it is important to understand that there is this history of people holding on to early practices of the church and then leaving because of them. And some of these beliefs we're going to go into will be some of the ones that he would, you know, resurrect and bring into his own cult, such as the gathering of the saints. The gathering of the ones that he would, you know, resurrect and bring into his own cult, such as the gathering of the saints. The gathering of the saints was created by the church leaders. Walty Mormons were still living in Kirkland, Ohio in the 1830s. Going forward, we'll see this a little bit.
Starting point is 00:28:54 He would kind of do something in December when you have his archangels. Church leaders wanted to bring all Mormons to Zion, the mythical homeland of the Mormon faith. And so they dispatched Mormons to Europe, Canada, South America. The new members from abroad encouraged to congregate with the main body of the church and prepare for the coming of Christ, which they believed was imminent. As Mormons moved west, the gathering policy continued. Members of the Mormon faith were expected to congregate in one area, which eventually became
Starting point is 00:29:17 Salt Lake City. But then in 1893, church leaders noticed high levels of unemployment in Salt Lake City as new converts just kept moving there, you know, and moving there, only to find a lack of professional opportunities and a lagging infrastructure. Church leaders now began using new converts from or encouraging, excuse me, new converts to remain in their homelands and grow the church abroad. The policy that clearly worked as the church is now a growing worldwide religion with an estimated 15 million total members.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Well, the fundamentalists disagreed with bringing these gatherings to an end. They believed and continue to believe that the return of Christ is eminent and Mormons need to gather and prepare for his return. They believe that communities should be close knit, self-sufficient, have futiles to the outside world, further paving the way for fundamentalist isolation, you know, based communities, the isolate to avoid persecution and to prepare for Christ's return. And the isolation of fundamentalist groups, as we've also seen in other cults, goes a long way to create a sense of otherness,
Starting point is 00:30:12 according to Stuart Wright, professor of sociology at Lamar University. And isolated religious groups followers can get to a point where members are not afraid to die for their beliefs, convinced that their acts of religious conviction can be defined as martyrdom, earning them spiritual rewards. A group separated from mainstream society can bake an opposition towards the rest of society into their very sense of self. They can reach a point in their ideology
Starting point is 00:30:34 where they believe that if they let in outsiders, their entire purpose becomes destroyed, leading to violence when they believe that their group may be threatened. Following up on this, let's talk about the law of consecration and the United Order. Early doctrines of Joseph Smith's that led towards
Starting point is 00:30:49 more isolation amongst Mormon fundamentalist communities and cults. The law of consecration was revelation received by Joseph Smith in 1831. It stipulated that all the property of the saints should be held in common and distributed that every man who has need may be Amply supplied and receive according to his wants. So Mormons, though I doubt they
Starting point is 00:31:11 would have defined themselves as such, were actually in many ways early Communists. Easy, Bojangles! Easy! I warned you! Well, I'll need you to hate that. The early church attempted to put the law of consecration into practice in the early 1830s, but they were largely unsuccessful. In part because of an economic downturn caused by the panic of 1837, a national financial crisis in the US that led to a major depression. Brigham Young attempted to implement the law of consecration under the auspices of a plan he termed the United Order on two separate occasions in the 1850s and 1870s with varying
Starting point is 00:31:42 degrees of success. This economics system designed to create self-sufficiency amongst Mormons and isolate them from the Gentile economy was ultimately abandoned as the economy of Utah became more and more integrated with the national U.S. economy. It was abandoned by mainstream Mormons. It was not abandoned by fundamentalists, by many of them. Fundamentalists still believed in these teachings of Brigham Young and other early church leaders. They believed that the only true economic order was the United Order. You know, they would use a statement by Orson Pratt, one of the first Mormons, as part of their
Starting point is 00:32:13 justification for believing that the law of consecrations should continue to be practiced. Here is that statement, which I shall read over the top of some organ music, which both seems fitting and I think makes it more entertaining. The Lord said in that revelation that the principle which He had revealed in relation to the properties of His Church must be carried out to the very letter upon the land of Zion. Those individuals who would not give heed to it, what sought to obtain their inheritances, in an individual way by purchasing it themselves from the government should have their names blotted out from the book of the names of the
Starting point is 00:32:51 righteous. If their children pursue the same course, their names should be blotted out as well. They and their children should not be known in the book of the law of the Lord as being entitled to an inheritance among the saints in Zion. We find therefore the Lord drove out this people because we were unworthy to receive our inheritances by consecration as a people. We did not strictly comply with that which the Lord required. Neither did they comply in Kirkland. This ought to be an example for us who are living it to later period in the history of the church of the living God and who walked by this time will become thoroughly experienced in the law of God. Okay, easy to
Starting point is 00:33:34 see the message here. The reason things didn't go well in a few places early honest because they stopped following God's laws. One of which is that God wants him to live communally. I salute, stop fucking out of the Gentiles. Right, keep the money in house. Also, isn't it amazing how important music is, how important the instrument or the instruments are when it comes to setting the tone of how the written word is received?
Starting point is 00:33:58 Let me illustrate this with some contrast. Here's the beginning of that same piece, set to the colliope instead of the organ The Lord The Lord said in the revelation that the principal which he had revealed In relation to the properties of his church must be carried out to the very ledger upon the land of Zion and Those individuals who would not give a heat to it, but sought to obtain the adherence
Starting point is 00:34:27 in an individual way. By pushing it themselves from the government should have their names brought a good God when you turn that off a Zekiel. I can't take it. I should have never let you talk me into the trading out church organ in for Satan's backfives. Very different tone.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Not all fundamentalist groups practice the law of consecration, but several groups use modified forms. Most notably the Kingston Group, aka the Latter-day Church of Christ, a fundamentalist group based in Salt Lake, with about 3,500 members, operates a conglomerate worth hundreds of millions of dollars, which group members require to transfer, and group members are required to transfer all personal property to this group. Talk about them at the very end of it today, suck. And in Colorado City, Arizona, and Hilldale, Utah, the land for the FLDS community there is held in that common trust I mentioned earlier, that United effort plan trust. So this is still happening in a lot of places. And like
Starting point is 00:35:21 all Mormons, fundamentalists tend to tithe one tenth of their earnings to their leaders, which makes the leadership of a fundamentalist group a potentially very lucrative situation. Something to manual David clearly understood it very well. He definitely wanted a lot of money. He wanted some of that sock money. Terms sock money will make a lot more sense later. Various splinter groups have implemented this law of
Starting point is 00:35:43 consecration, a law that obviously puts a lot of pressure on its members to not leave the main group because they're departure. Because a great deal of economic hardship. Members can end up feeling trapped because they can't leave without sacrificing their property and their assets once they've handed them over. Let's look at an example of this in action, talk about the church of the first born on the Lamb of God. Scary and violent fundamentalist group. Not surprised. That's a scary ass church name. Welcome to the church of the first born on the land of God. Grab your gobblet of blood and nourish thyself. Sounds intense. Guess a lot of their sermons were heavy on screaming about vengeance and light on cookies and refreshments. Alma Dyer, LeBaron, moved his family to Mexico in 1924
Starting point is 00:36:26 after being excommunicated from the LDS for practicing polygamy. Settling near Colonia, Juarez, he raised a large family in established his own church, the church of the first born. Of his 11 children, his son, Irville, was one of the most religious, thriving in a Mormon household that centered on religion and their father's obsession with heavenly visions. A cult household fixated on heavenly visions, what could go wrong here? A herbal labyrinth would listen carefully when God told him to take many wives and he would marry
Starting point is 00:36:54 13 women. He didn't want to, but you know when God calls the answer, especially when he's like, listen my son, I need you to get to fucking one post is not enough my son. So say the Lord. When God told him to have children, he had at least 50 again, just following orders, you know, just doing how to do after Alma died 1951, Irvall's brother Joel broke away from the church. Their father found it and established his own polygamist church. The church of the first born of the fullness of times. God told him to fuck a bunch of ladies and also tell his brother
Starting point is 00:37:25 and other relatives to go fuck themselves. They're still an estimated several hundred members of various splinter groups that splintered out of this splinter group around by the way. This split was not well received by many in Joel's dad's church. The church was a family enterprise with various relatives serving in various leadership positions. Irville became second and command of brother Joel's church, other brothers held other positions, but then eventually Irval got tired of being second in command, challenge Joel's leadership over the matter of blood atonement, a policy I'll describe in a lot more detail soon. And in the late 60s, Irval began his own church, the church of the first born of the Lamb of God. And I strongly believe that Irval also challenges brother,
Starting point is 00:38:04 perhaps mostly challenges brother because he wanted all that law of consecration money that came with controlling the cult's finances. In August of 1972, followers of Ervil Moral Lebarron murdered Joel and abid to establish Ervil as the leader of both the church and the firstborn of the Lamb of God and the church and the firstborn of the Phones of Times. So we combine both titles into the worst longest church name ever. Welcome to the church of the first born of the fullness of the times on the land of
Starting point is 00:38:30 the God. When Irville trying to seize control, some of Joel's followers went to the authorities to have him charged with murder and then a civil war broke out. Irville proceeded to direct his followers to murder more than 30 other opposing polygamists and polygamist group members. Before the Baron died in the Utah State penitentiary 1981, he wrote the book of the new murder more than 30 other opposing polygamists and polygamist group members before the barren died in the Utah State penitentiary 1981. He wrote the book of the new covenants, which detailed a list of former followers who
Starting point is 00:38:52 were also to die in the name of God. And then they still fucked up. Then throughout the 80s, children of LeBaron went on to murder several of these people and Dallas Houston, Utah, and Mexico by one experts, the group has committed 25 to 30 murders. Investigators can only guess the total number of slains because the bodies of some of the presumed victims have never been found. And all these killings can be traced back in part to Joel, a bear in controlling a lot of cult money and herbal wanting to have it instead. Crazy shit. Now let's talk about having God's ear, having that direct line to
Starting point is 00:39:23 heaven. Emmanuel David, like Joel and Irvall's dad, Alma, start his cult larger on the claim that he spoke with God, that God gave him revelations, visions. Many, many splinter groups have broken away from the Mormon church over the years, have begun their Exodus by claiming some version of, I should be in charge because I, in the true living prophet of God, wearing Mormon scripture does this belief in the ability to be a modern living prophet come from? It comes from personal revelation and heavenly visitations. The Mormon church began with a supposed personal visit
Starting point is 00:39:54 from God in Jesus Christ and alleged visitations from heavenly personages were common occurrences in the early years of the church. Numerous stories of visits from angels, apostles of Jesus, even God himself graced the pages of church history. Members of the early church believed that personal revelation was a gift from God and then it came frequently when one kept the commandments and lived a righteous life.
Starting point is 00:40:14 There are literally hundreds of accounts of how people were directed through numerous personal revelations. Early Mormons also believed in living prophets. They still believe this. Actually Mormons now believed that only their president is a living prophet per the Church of Jesus Christ or the official church website We sustain the president of the church as prophet, seer and Revolator the only person on earth who receives revelation to guide the entire church
Starting point is 00:40:42 Why can only the president be the true voice of God now? At least when it comes to how the church is supposed to be ran? Well, because let anyone else speak for God in that way creates theological fucking chaos. You know, there's numerous examples in the early history of Utah where various groups broke away from the main body of the church to follow different prophets and then little splinter groups continue to form in this way. This policy of anyone can be a prophet if they're really, really faithful and righteous and true is a great way to start a religion.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Also a terrible way to keep it going. You know, it's a great way to have a religion continually keep fracturing and mutating. Because anyone who wants to be the leader can just say, wait, no, he doesn't speak for God. I do. No, I have divisions. Me, right?
Starting point is 00:41:23 And then they see how many members of the church they can pull into a new church, where they get to be leader. And when the church abandoned the practice of polygamy, wouldn't you know it? A whole mess of new prophets started springing up, weird. Two of the most influential of the early polygamous leaders were Alma the Baron, who we just talked about
Starting point is 00:41:36 and Joseph Muser, or Muser, who was excommunicated in 1921. Both men, extremely devout, believed that they had received special keys from God, which instructed them to continue the practices of polygamy and other fundamentalist beliefs. These new fundamentalists believed firmly in the gifts of modern revelation and prophecy and held a firm faith that other worldly beings would continue to visit them on earth and instruct them in ways to keep the true and living church alive here on earth. Now let's establish the theological justification for breaking the law that a cult leader
Starting point is 00:42:07 like a manual David would do pretty casually. A manual had no problem breaking the laws of man whenever it suited him. Let's talk about the laws of God and the laws of man. Joseph Smith planned the establishment of a true theocracy in Ohio, in Ohio, and later in Missouri, a country within a country. Smith wants to clear that Mormons had religious sovereignty, meaning that Mormons can
Starting point is 00:42:28 constitute a separate religious nation within the political entity of the United States and held that theocratic ethics, excuse me, meant that Mormons could ethically ignore the laws of the state when those laws were in conflict with the laws of God. And if you believe that you're a prophet, basically, this means you have carte blanche to do whatever you want to do, regardless of the law, because your will is God's will and God's will trumps man's will. Boom, never ending loophole. Sounds pretty fucking sweet. I should try this. I should tell local authorities that I'm Nimrod's prophet and that Nimrod wants you to do.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I don't know. For example, a little target shooting in my backyard because that's more convenient for me. Nimrod doesn't care if a stray bullet takes out a neighbor, it says, well, Nimrod also would like me to take the property directly behind me and turn it into a guest house for friends and have a sweet infinity pool and not done. Nimrod would like me to pay for all this by taking a few other neighbor's houses and selling them and still not done. Nimrod would like me to pay for all this by taking a few other neighbors houses and selling them.
Starting point is 00:43:26 And still not done. Nimrod would like me to have a moat constructed around my new property, turn my house into a castle, you know, big, big rock walls, big rock castle walls around the outside. And then Nimrod wants me to have dudes dressed up like a naval knights wearing chainmail, who will legally shoot flaming arrows out of crossbows at anyone who tries to batter down my drawbridge until they are dead. So please do not do that. It angers Nimrod. I gotta say I'm liking this new fucking plan. The more and more by the seconds I come up with it. Hail Nimrod, may your will be done. However many caucus banals must be stomped, sacrifice to please you. They
Starting point is 00:43:59 will be stomped. Sweet, sweet Nimrod. Once the church started to align itself more fully with the United States government, fundamentalists turned the early doctrine of religious sovereignty and theocratic ethics back on them, claiming that the laws of God were more important than both the laws of the state and the new position of the church, the traitorous church, any action these fundamentalists took were justified under these concepts. They just illustrated fairly recent example of a fundamentalist who resist to the government's laws and favor of what he interpreted to be God's laws was John Singer, much to his detriment. John Singer born in New York City in 1932 was excommunicated in 1973 for constantly
Starting point is 00:44:35 questioning Mormon doctrine according to church officials. Married his first wife, Vicki Lemon in 1963 and her parents, not happy. They said that singer brainwashed her daughter, even try to get their daughter committed to a mental health hospital to stop her from marrying him. On March 29th, 1973, the ex-communicated fundamentalist pulled his five school age children out of the public school system to teach them himself when he objected to the worldly lessons, the satanic lessons his kids were receiving. The local school board allowed this, but when singer and Vicki refused to submit their children to the school board for progress tests,
Starting point is 00:45:08 charges were pressed because you can teach your kids at home in America. You just can't have them not learn fucking anything useful without risking facing some legal consequences. Ron Robinson, whose job it was to bring singer into court, into a court hearing on the misdemeanor charges about his children's schooling, showed up at the singer house, unarmed on several occasions to ask singer to voluntarily address his court case and he refused. You don't have time to deal with that shit. He's busy expanding his family, taking a second wife, Shirley Black and her five children
Starting point is 00:45:36 in early October of 1978. Singer felt persecuted. He felt as if he and his godly family and his two wives were under siege by the evil US government. He installed wire covering over his windows to keep out tear gas. The sheriff's department decided to try and smoke him out. Then in January of 1979, he did get into a standoff with authorities and they did not use tear gas to try and smoke him out, but he was shot at.
Starting point is 00:46:00 He was shot and killed during his attempted arrest when police feared that he would shoot one of them. And King's death would unleash a blood atonement. They'll talk about blood atonements now. This is the story gets even crazier. In 1842, Joseph Smith received a series of revelations regarding the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth. His goal was the establishment of a Theocratic Kingdom at Navu, Illinois, where he'd be the King of Israel, and the council of 50 would be the government structure around him. As part of the elaboration for this deocratic plan, Smith presented what would become known
Starting point is 00:46:30 as the doctrine of blood atonement. It was a form of capital punishment. Smith decreed that people who committed particularly grievous acts against the Mormons would have to shed their blood to atone for the sins they had committed. Under his eye, may the Lord open. Blessed be the fruit Basically, he tried to create a nation that would be eerily similar to Gilead and the handmade stale Uh numerous handmade and stale handmade stale. Ah now now I'm second-guess myself one of those for sure
Starting point is 00:46:58 Uh numerous early Mormons uses doctrine of blood atonement is justification for some violence They committed during their war against the miserings Warren Porter Rockwell also used the concept of blood atonement is justification for his assassination attempt on Missouri governor, Lil' Burn Boggs. Joseph Smith was killed on June 27th, 1844. His assassins created the circumstances for what became known as the Oath of Vengeance. A corollary to the doctrine of blood atonement, the oath of vengeance, was created on the first anniversary of Smith's death as a formal prayer for God's vengeance upon those who had shed the blood of the prophet. Six months later, the oath of vengeance became
Starting point is 00:47:34 part of a Mormon temple endowment ceremony. The Mormon temple endowment ceremony. The specific oath stated the following, let me get the proper mood music for it. You and each of you do solemnly promise and vow that you will pray and never cease to pray and never cease to importune high heaven to avenge the blood of the prophets on this nation. And that you will teach this to your children and your children's children until the third and fourth generation. And again, that sounds way cooler, being read to some organ music than it does to Clivey music, as I will illustrate.
Starting point is 00:48:17 You and each of you do solidly promise and vow that you will pray and never cease to pray and never cease to pray and never cease to import to in high heaven. Who bends the blood of the prophets on this nation, and that you will teach this to your children and your children's children, until the third and fourth generation, that is enough as a kill! That infernal clarity is the being of my existence! I said enough!
Starting point is 00:48:44 Thank you Ezekiel. That is quite irritating. God damn you, Ezekiel. Damn you and Satan's backpipes to lose the first burning pit of fire. Haven't too much fun with that. When the doctrines of blood atonement and the oath of vengeance were dropped from the official church doctrine, fundamentalists saw this as yet another instance of the mainstream church caving into political pressure and putting man's laws before God's laws. As an example of a fairly recent active blood atonement, let's return to that story of John Singer. On January 16th, 1988, two days before the ninth anniversary of the death of John Singer, Adam Swap, singer, son-in-law, broken to the comments, LDS stake center.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Singers actually the rare double son-in-law. He was married to two of singer's daughters. Not weird at all. To be fucking two sisters in the same family at the same time, same house. Seriously creepy, three-some. Adam and one of John's widows, Vicki Singer, filed a filled, excuse me, the cultural hall with 50 pounds of dynamite, with a booster of ammonium nitrate, which doubled the explosive force. The bomb was detonated at 3 a.m. causing $1.5 million in damage.
Starting point is 00:49:52 This act of terrorism was Adam's way of notifying the LDS church in Utah that he'd begun the atonement with the vengeance. Swapen his family then proceeded to hold off an army of roughly 150 ATF and FBI agents in Utah police officers in a 13- standoff before authorities finally stormed their cabin, took them into custody following a violent gun battle in which one officer, Utah Department of Corrections Lieutenant Fred House, sent there to assist the raid using police dogs, was shot and killed. Singer was released from prison after serving 25 years of a potential 75 year since as a result of a letter sent to the judge by Anne House, the, uh, the widow
Starting point is 00:50:30 of Fred House, um, stating that, you know, singer had spent enough time behind bars and shown remorse as well as shown personal growth and stability during his final hearing swap would apologize profusely to the house family. His son, John Timothy Singer, who actually pulled the trigger killing lieutenant house, had been released from prison the year before and then Vicki had been released back in 1994 for her role in the bombing. Crazy shit. Several lives ruined. You know, one person killed over some blood, atonement, just nonsense. One more concept to go over before jumping into the timeline of the Emanuel David cult, the early Mormon belief in the imminent downfall of the U government, which we, I know we've already touched on here. Part of Mormonism's original belief system, as I did mention before, was a conviction
Starting point is 00:51:12 that the government of the US would soon collapse. When Mormons failed to receive federal aid for their cause against the Missouri mobs in the late 1830s, church leaders prophesied the end of the US government, was very near, like any second now. And then a few years later, when the end of the US government was very near like any second now And then a few years later when the government had not collapsed yet. They were like, no, jakey And government isn't collapsing. It's not collapsing now Do we make it seem like it was going to collapse now? He's silly goose is cached dang
Starting point is 00:51:39 We meant pretty soon TBD Get back to you with specifics. Yeah, sheesh. Then when the nation began to slide closer and closer to a inevitable civil war in the late 1850s, church leaders, again, we're like, now is the time. It's almost at hand. For sure.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Coming down, all unraveling. The next few years done deal. And the US government, of course, did survive the civil war. The federal government actually emerged from the war stronger. And church leaders like, oh, okay, I'll be darned. Oh my heck, wait, wait. Did you think I made the government was gonna be over like now?
Starting point is 00:52:16 Like today now? Gosh dang, how you silly, no. Back to flip up for a second. Pretty soon it will be over. We meant that kind of now, a TBD now, OMG. G isn't gosh, to be flipping clear. It's time went on the mainstream Mormon church. Let go of this Doomsday centric origin belief.
Starting point is 00:52:38 But various fundamentalists still convince that the government, you know, that is so badly persecuted, God's chosen people that it must not survive. Many of them still preach and hold on to this early message. They see the mainstream church as the band in mid again of this policy. It's just more proof that they are not real Mormons
Starting point is 00:52:53 that the fundamentalists are the real ones. The ones who have stayed true to the original word of God. Okay, before recapping what we've learned so far, one quick funny example of a Utah cult having calling out the demise of America backfire in them. I love this. August of 1994, former Mormon church member Jim harmston organized his own church named the true and living church of Jesus Christ of saints of the last days.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Does that sound like a fun church of the last? Whenever they had like of the last days, I can't. Ah, sad, sad sermons. Group founded on again, you know, polygamyism, a little bit of polygamy, and also on the, you know, the, the coming return of Christ and, and America crumbling soon. Jim before dying of a heart attack in 2013, preached that Armageddon was at hand and the federal government was corrupt and about to collapse. He also preached, this is why that was funny. He preached the Christ would for sure a return. He's going to come back for sure. April 6th 2000. Oh, buddy, you fucked up.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Should have studied cults a bit more before you launched one. Never give an exact date. Ever for Armageddon. That shit has never worked. Never put an exact date on Christ's return. JimiNus followers retreated into the mountains of Utah to prepare and unsurprisingly many of them were pretty disappointed when April 6th rolled around. And you know, no Jesus. And two followers were so disappointed with Jim's bullshit, they literally sued him for $300,000 specifically
Starting point is 00:54:21 for not seeing Jesus. And they won $60,000 in a settlement because he didn't get to seeing Jesus. And they won, $60,000 in a settlement because they didn't get to see Jesus. And I love that so much. So weird. This picture, Jimmy's lawyer, saying shit to the plaintiffs like, listen, listen, Jim feels terrible
Starting point is 00:54:35 for Jesus not showing up. He understands how excited you both were to say hello to the Savior. Is there any way you can find in your hearts to forgive him? No, you still, okay, you still want all that money? Okay, let's look here. Jim doesn't have 300 grand. Could he cut you a check for say 60 grand?
Starting point is 00:54:53 And then I don't know, maybe you can sue Jesus for the rest. I mean, if you really think about it, really, it's not Jim's fault for Jesus liking out, you know? So Jim shouldn't be stuck with all of Jesus' bill. Okay. Enough context has been set to much better understand where Emmanuel David was coming from.
Starting point is 00:55:12 When he started his own cult, the history, the tradition of splinter groups within the Mormon church, some of their early beliefs that he kind of pulled from with his cult leader craziness to recap many more men fundamentalists believe strongly in the gifts of prophecy and revelation claimed that they are frequently visited by heavenly personages. They are instructed in how that they should conduct their lives. They believe that they are following the laws of God, which is superior to the laws of society.
Starting point is 00:55:39 And when these laws don't line up with government laws such as in the case of polygamy, they have no problem breaking the laws of man when they're attacked, they feel spiritually justified and attacking back. And in their, in their totality, these beliefs separate the fundamentalists from society at large. They can't share their lives with their mainstream neighbors. They might go to jail if they did. They will definitely be judged socially, probably harshly if they do. So the isolate, they hide once isolated, it becomes easier and easier to lock in further and further to their beliefs. No one else is around now to challenge those beliefs. So they transition from a fringe religious group to a true cult. Uh, excuse me, fringe religious group to a true cult,
Starting point is 00:56:16 you know, such as the cult of a manual David. Now with all this context laid out, let's delve into the story of the manual David cult in this week's time suck timeline before we do. Know that we did our best to put together this information as accurately as possible piecing it together from news reports and a few articles here and there that have emerged over the years. Thank God for archived articles on the web without them. We could not have done this topic at all. Unfortunately, there is no Emanuel David documentary at least not one we could find and we
Starting point is 00:56:41 looked pretty hard. Also, even though we look pretty hard, no biography or any book written about him and his cult that we are aware of. But still we did find enough to tell an interesting story. So let's tell it. After a quick word from our sponsors, and now we're back from a brief break, ready to dive into life of a manual David and the cult. He started. Shrap on those boots, soldier.
Starting point is 00:57:06 We're marching down a time, some time line. On November 9th, 1938, Emmanuel David was born in Yonkers, New York, just 15 miles up the Hudson River for Manhattan. And he was not born as a manual David. He was born as Charles Bruce Longo, way less property name. Like, if you were on a game show and you had to pick which one of two men was a profit of God to win the grand prize. One dude is a manual David, another's Charles Bruce Longo.
Starting point is 00:57:38 I'm guessing you're picking a manual unless you think the game shows trying to trick you by giving one dude such an obviously way more property name Charles would grow up being called Bruce and Bruce was the elder of two brothers his younger brother Dean would grow up to be a police officer and live and work in Florida became the police chief in Auburndale, Florida and was working in that position as recently as 2000 Bruce and Dean with the sons of a well-established family physician Frank Longo Dr Longo was 34 years old by the time Bruce was born, a well-established doctor,
Starting point is 00:58:06 providing the life that comes along with that for his family. So in the blue collar at the time, city of Yonkers, the longos were fucking crushing it, doing pretty darn well for themselves. Prior to World War II, Yonkers was mainly a city of manufacturing, home to the wearing hat company, the nation's largest hat manufacturer back in a day when a lot of people wore hats, the war just baseball hats back when there was a lot
Starting point is 00:58:29 of hat scratch to be made. The Alexander Smith carpet company also had a large manufacturing facility in Yonkers. The oldest elevator factory employed a lot of people in Yonkers. A little bit of manufacturing has actually returned to Yonkers recently, but nothing like it was back when the long ghosts were living there. A well-respected doctor would have been a member of the town's, you know, a high society. Bruce's mom, Luzanne Elizabeth Longo, 26 when baby boy number one showed up was an Episcopalian homemaker. Dad Frank, Dr. Longo was a lapsed Catholic.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Neither were extremely religious, but the whole family did go to the local Episcopal Church on Sundays back when way more people, Casuant's Church. On the surface, sounds like Bruce was set up for a pretty, pretty darn tootin good childhood. There are not a lot of stories, and by a lot, I mean, any, there are no stories of abuse or mistreatment
Starting point is 00:59:19 or times of struggle that come from his childhood. Just a year later, his partner in crime in future wife would be born on November 4th, 1939, Margit, Brigitte, Margit, Brigitte, Erickson, was born in Sweden. She would later change her name to Rachel David, a little bit more biblical than Margit.
Starting point is 00:59:38 And we don't know anything about her childhood, back to Bruce. Bruce was an alter boy. He was also a kid with a gift for convincing people of extraordinary things, early indication of a future co-leader perhaps. He'd often show up late for school with wild excuses saying his dad, etc. Another broken leg, or some terrible crisis had been falling him while he was on his way to school. Now this dog chase him two miles and his teachers would believe these stories. He's very convincing. And when he was five
Starting point is 01:00:02 years old, he did this, he threatened to run away, claiming that his mom didn't pay enough attention to him. Not only did Bruce make good on this threat, but allegedly he talked to police officer and to lend him some money to take a bus and then attack you to his grandpa's house. He's a smooth talker, even as a young kid. And unfortunately, that's about all we know about
Starting point is 01:00:19 a manual, David's, I mean, Bruce Lungos childhood. Big thank you to all the investigative journalists and nonfiction authors out there who do write biographies, who do write historical accounts of various events, groups, eras, and people. I never realized how much I lean on your work until I don't have it in an episode like today. He'll nimrod to the world's historians.
Starting point is 01:00:38 In 1956, Bruce graduates from high school. He graduates from Gordon high school. Yonkers oldest still active high, been there since 1923. Random trivia, if you're a fan of the John Travolta in Olivia Newton, John, Little Starmaker, musical movie, Grease, the musical it was based on was co-written by one Warren Casey and Casey grew up in Yonkers and based his stories, Redel High School on Gorton High School. For a big high school to spin around for damn year century,
Starting point is 01:01:04 Gorton doesn't seem to have any super famous alumni, unless you consider Ed Fitzgerald former editor of Sport magazine. To be famous, Bruce Longo is probably their most famous alumni and Bruce joined the Marine Corps at 17. He went to South Korea after he graduated high school, missing the Korean war by a few years. Then after spending time in Korea, he was sent to Fort Bragg in North Carolina where he trained as a paratrooper. It was here at Fort Bragg, where he met some Mormon soldiers who told him about their
Starting point is 01:01:29 face and he became very, very interested. Soon, he was going to church with them, began reading the Book of Mormon and other LDS texts. 1958 at the age of 19, Bruce officially converted to the Mormon's face. He became an LDS youth leader and an assistant Boy Scout leader. Year later, when he was discharged from the rains, he finally told his parents he had converted to the Mormon's faith. He became an LDS youth leader and an assistant Boy Scout leader. Year later when he was discharged in the rains, he finally told his parents he had converted to Mormonism.
Starting point is 01:01:49 It was the right answer to everything, his mother, Lusanne. I would later say when interviewed 1978, he became fanatical. This thing changed him so much. All his friends, the people who had known him since he was born didn't know him. Some of the changes were good.
Starting point is 01:02:04 He'd go enough smoking and drinking, Bruce told him and keeping with the healthy living tenants of his new church. Some of the changes his conversion brought about were bad. He had a book of Mormon quotes he would carry around, prepared with a quote for every occasion. He was constantly preaching. And he also found full-time work for the LDS church in New York.
Starting point is 01:02:23 He became an obnoxious zealot, told his entire family, then unless they also converted to Mormonism, they were definitely doomed to spend eternity in hell. One day he looked as Godmother in the eye, told her that because she was not Mormon, she was no longer his Godmother. Regarding this behavior, Mrs. Longo would say, hurting was very easy for him to do. Oh, gosh dang! Literally one of my biggest fears with my kids, they will become a devout believer, really any religion, and then become relentless in their belief that I have to join them.
Starting point is 01:02:54 And then if I won't join them, they will turn away from me. What a nightmare for the non-believer. I'm very aware that religion can be a beautiful life, a saving life, a firming belief system, a support system for many. It can also rip a family into pieces pieces and it's done that many times. Which I guess any belief system can really when taken to a fanatical level.
Starting point is 01:03:12 In 1960, Bruce heads to Uruguay as part of his Mormon mission to convert indigenous people to the LDS church. Fellow missionary Skip Danes would later remember Bruce as being a very, very excited missionary. If you live in Utah, you may recognize Skip's name. Skip Danes runs Danes Music in Midvale, the oldest retail business in Utah and the oldest continuously operated family business in Utah since 1862. And Skip remembered Bruce is being pretty smart
Starting point is 01:03:38 and having a fantastic memory. He was quickly able to master Spanish by the end of his mission. He could quote, most if not damn near all of the book of Mormon from memory He was a charismatic and effective Prosthlessizer of course he was you know, I'm come a cold leader if you're shitty when it comes to spread in the word And how many times is the ability to quote scripture from memory come up with cold leaders over and over again?
Starting point is 01:03:59 My son Kyler has an incredible memory Maybe he can become a really effective cold leader someday. I lead a podcast called, maybe someday, he fires up a compound and leads a real cult. I don't know, might create a very different kind of family business and skip Danes is running. Bruce was so excited about his mission. He spent so much time memorizing the book of Mormon. He would apparently keep forgetting to eat,
Starting point is 01:04:18 got sick because of that. He paid so little attention to his health. He got hepatitis and jaundice, was sent home after a hospital stay in Montevideo. According to Dane's Bruce was such a good missionary. He baptized his doctor and two of his nurses into the LDS church before heading home to America. Guy was serious, so focused on spreading
Starting point is 01:04:38 his religion, he gave himself jaundice. I did was a true, true zealot. Also, this episode got me thinking about missionary work. I just don't understand why it's necessary. I mean, just listen, hear me out. Why can't God, if God truly does exist, just give weekly magical sermons to the whole world at once, instead of forcing his people down on earth
Starting point is 01:04:57 to pick from between such a wide variety of theological options? I mean, if A, God is real, and B, God wants us to receive God's word and follow certain rules and worship in a very specific way, why not just tell us directly? Right? Just cut out the middleman and then no more cults. They would literally all be gone if that happened. Since I'm already armchair quarterback and for God, let me share a few other religious reform ideas before you go forward. I think God should point out who's full of shit when they say that they are godly or when they say that they're a man and
Starting point is 01:05:27 woman of faith. Like how great would it be? If when some politicians trying to bullshit everybody, I hold up a Bible or some other religious book when they don't believe a word of it. And then they start talking about, you know, what a great Christian or whatever they are. Everyone just suddenly hears God's voice is booming from the clouds. Bullshit. Nope. Not true. Never gone to church pandering for votes, liar. God could be the ultimate heckler. No more dictators rising to power via a bunch of propaganda. God could just call them out. Some want to be desperate. Just starts throwing around a bunch of lies. You know, we can just all hear God's voice. Just give it a rest already. Shut up, sit down before I smite your ass.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Sounds pretty cool. When it comes to God word, it would be nice to hear directly from God. And last thing, why does God have to send his word to just a few humans, right? Like these living prophets. And then those humans risk looking like lunatics to spread God's word to others
Starting point is 01:06:21 when as an all-powerful deity God could just easily do that. To me, it's like having a superhero who instead of using their awesome and superpowers to save people, they just boss around regular and not nearly as capable mortals into doing their superhero work. Like imagine Superman, if instead of flying around, using his incredible speed and strength and virtual indestructiveness, telepathy is actually a vision to continually save the world. What if he just grew out his beard and hung out all day into fortresses of solitude, in like a bathrobe? He just couldn't get him out of it. And then when some world threatening disaster needed
Starting point is 01:06:52 to be dealt with, you know, you had to pray to him. And then he only got back to you sometimes, and instead of helping him when he did get back to you, he just kind of told you to help yourself. There having these superman who are in the fortresses of solitude, please hear my prayer. Lex Luthore is destroying Metropolis. Many will die if you don't help it soon.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Please hear me. Okay. All right. All right, Rachel. Superman here. Listen up. You're in a tough spot. You're going to need to take, you know, whoever he has
Starting point is 01:07:17 wearing one of his war suits, you're going to need to drag him into space. And then, you know, you're just going to throw him into the sun to beat him. I can't do that. Superman. Only you can. Listen, him into the sun to beat him. I can't do that Superman, only you can. Listen, I'm kind of busy, Rachel. I really want to try this new beard oil.
Starting point is 01:07:31 I just got, there's a harp concert starting about 10 minutes and best of luck, right? Best of luck, mysterious ways. Just some thoughts. Back to Bruce in the fall of 1961, 22-year-old Bruce enrolled at Brigham Young University in Provo, 45-minute South-Ansolic City, where he majored in Spanish, spent time studying political science as well. It was here at BYU where he would meet fellow student, 21-year-old Marguit Ericsson, and he would declare after a revelation, Marguit Ericsson's roommate would later say that she was
Starting point is 01:08:00 to be his wife. I feel like that would have scared off most women, but there is, as we learned a history of dudes, doing she liked that in the Mormon faith. If I were to told Lindsay shortly after meeting her that God told me that we were to be wed, guess and she would have stopped calling me back. Margaret was also really into Mormonism at that time. She'd only recently converted. She'd become a Mormon three years earlier at the age 18 baptized in Sweden by Gordon Riddell.
Starting point is 01:08:21 She was a soft, spoken young one with dark hair who loved to laugh, also very quick to accept the teachings of the church. Riddell would later say, not what you would call one who would challenge everything. Perfect lady for a cult leader. Reel into the same religion, not one to question shit. A market had a market, I believe, market had immigrated to America to serve in the church. And when Bruce a good looking and an articulate Mormon proposed, she dropped out of school mid semester to marry him. And not surprised that she dropped out at that time. There was a running joke about BYU that most Mormon girls studying there were actually majoring in marriage, like not like literally, but they weren't there to get a degree. They were there to get a husband. Bruce and Marguits would quickly have two children, both daughters, who were described
Starting point is 01:09:02 by their paternal grandmother as rambunctious, noisy, and charming. So typical happy little girls. 1965 Bruce graduated from BYU. He and his wife now had three children at a family that had an interesting look about them. They presented quite the visual out in public. Bruce was six foot four. He weighed roughly 300 pounds.
Starting point is 01:09:22 He'd be much heavier later, but 300 pounds of that time wore his dark hair in a long ponytail as did his children. They all kind of dressed the same. I just picture one of those awkward family photos. His Bruce and the kids all wearing match and outfits. I picture them as like a variety of different sizes of Steven Segal for some reason. I'll stare it up into the left.
Starting point is 01:09:40 At this time through some Mormon study groups, Bruce met and became close friends with Sterling Peacock, Gil Hibben, Paul Chipman, Hibben and Chipman had met while studying karate with Sterling peacock near Salt Lake City earlier. And a few weeks after meeting these guys, these other young die-hards, Bruce tells his friends about a vision he's had, a revelation, turns out, gotta told him he would become a prominent member of the LDS church. Fuck yeah, Bruce, it's way to start small, okay?
Starting point is 01:10:05 Way to test the waters. Much riskier to tell them out the gate that you're going to lead the LDS church, right? You've only known for a few weeks. Baby step it. See how they respond to a more modest, somewhat vague revelation, ramp it up later. Why does God always give people good, ambitious news in revelations, by the way? Right? They're always told they're going gonna have a very important role.
Starting point is 01:10:26 They're gonna be a leader, often the main leader. I think we find to hear more revelations like, listen up, bros, this is God. I need you in the coming days as I pave the way for my return to really focus on not fucking it up. Just don't ruin it. The best way you can help me, bros, is to stand aside and let smarter, more important
Starting point is 01:10:46 children do the heavy lifting. Stay in your lane, Bruce. I will pick a leader soon and your job will be, I don't know, to take some notes for them or maybe copies of the notes someone else, I trust more takes it. You can probably run some trivial errands and little consequence. Soon after getting his first revelation, as is often the case, Bruce started having more and more visions and they got more grandiose and he wasn't shy about sharing him.
Starting point is 01:11:07 He declared now that he was going to be a key figure in the church and reportedly blessed his first son, Joshua, saying the boy was going to be a prophet. Nice ramp it up a little bit. Deflect some of the word to your son, right? It makes it seem like he's less narcissistic. Well, a lot of Bruce's fellow Mormons, I didn't appreciate all this. His new visions were pissing a lot of people off. They didn't care for one member in their community, suddenly claiming to be a lot of Bruce's fellow Mormons didn't appreciate all this. His new visions were pissing a lot of people off. They didn't care for one member in their community, suddenly claiming to be a lot more important
Starting point is 01:11:28 than everyone else. And then when Bruce really rocked his church with some news that God wanted him to be his prophets, he was hearing God's word directly and going to be a leader of the church. Well, then people really, really got frustrated, really got discussed. They told him that, hey, since I'm like, you know, God's profit, you should donate 10% of your income to me and not to the church. And here's where the split not really begins. Here's where the fundamentalism really begins, right? Culturing, leave in the station in five minutes. Next stop, starting to compound. On June of 1969, Bruce was of course ex-communicated. He didn't leave the church alone.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Some of his friends, Sterling Peacock, Gil-Hibbon, Paul Chipman, they stood by him, they believed he really was a prophet and charmed by his persuasive powers. We're also ex-communicated. And now this little band ex-warmen, these new fundamentalists began living a communal lifestyle. It's living in a cult compound in Mantae. Small city of less than 4,000 people in central Utah, two hours south by car of Salt Lake City.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Here we go. Coat, coat, coat. Mantae is an interesting little town, very important town in Mormon history. Even though it's never been anything other than a tiny town, it's just as old as Salt Lake City, Ogden and Provo. Provo, excuse me, was dedicated as the city way back on February 6, 1851, the fourth city in Utah. Salt Lake settled just four years prior in 1847. The fifth Mormon temple was built in Mantae. In 1970, while living in
Starting point is 01:12:58 Mantae, Bruce legally changes his name to a manual David, feeling that it better reflected his prophethood. And then Margaret changed her name to Rachel David. The group of followers that moved with the manual David to Utah, which consisted of David's children and about 20 friends, became known as the David family. They lived communally in Mantae, worshiped a manual David as God's one true living prophet. Now truly occult, David's visions continue. He quickly transitions from a dude who's told by God that he will have an important role in the church to, you know, being told that his son was going to be a prophet, to be
Starting point is 01:13:28 told that he is the one true prophet of God. All of that happens, you know, just a year's time. Where's the God that, you know, just didn't tell him he's going to be the one true prophet of the gay? But again, like I said earlier, you know, you got to start small, you got to ramp it up. Life on David's commune could be terrifying as to be expected with living with a lunatic who claims to, you know, be the prophet of God. A woman who didn't want to be identified who spent time in David's cult as a child later
Starting point is 01:13:51 recalled, it is not possible to describe in words what growing up in that atmosphere was like. As a child living in the commune, she was periodically beaten and weirdly beaten. Once when she and the other children she was playing with were laughing're laughing, I guess, more than Emmanuel David Carefour. He held her down, took a socks off, and then stuck his bare foot in her mouth. Not heard of that one before. And not being someone with a real strong love of feet,
Starting point is 01:14:15 that's how fucking gross to me. If you held me down and put your bare foot in my mouth, I would immediately begin plotting your death. I would want some blood atonement. This one also recalled other instances when adult cult members would simultaneously pull in opposite directions on the arms of a child until the child would scream and agony. What the fuck? Didn't create it with the sadism.
Starting point is 01:14:36 A lot of weird and violent shit happens in the Bible and other Mormon scriptural books, but I'm pretty sure this specific punishment is not written about anywhere. Like we explored earlier, there were also economic incentives for manual Davis to start his own church. Follow where Gil Hibbim, knife maker, Todd his skills to some of the other two dozen members of the group, according to reports in the Salt Lake City newspapers, through this, the group made some money and then an manual would spend this money on gourmet food and other luxuries. All right, their money was his money, the love, consecration, what is yours is ours and by ours. I mean mine.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Well David's followers were cool with all this crazy bullshit the fellow residents of man Thai were not so into it. Before the group kind of got ran out of town the following year David was starting to scare many of them. One former neighbor later told the Salt Lake City Tribune that David six foot four again, you know, huge you well over 300 pounds at this point, big bearded, long haired. He started walking around the neighborhood on a regular basis, carrying a three and a half foot long sword made for him by his followers. And he would openly claim that a time will come when it will be used to drop off thousands of heads.
Starting point is 01:15:38 What the fuck? My neighbor says, that's shit to me. I'm gonna show him one of my nine millimeters. I'm gonna let him know that it may, you know, one day be used to put several bullets into the head. I'm one of my crazy fucking sword-wielding neighbors. Get outta here, that's terrifying. That's when you can't let the kids play out the yard.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Was that watch them like a hawk? When your giant neighbor thinks he's, you know, God's prophets walking around the battle sword, talking about lopping heads off. Now, when he gets this sword and walking around, now he starts thinking he's straight up God, early into his time in Mantae. He stopped saying he was a prophet
Starting point is 01:16:07 and started claiming that he was just straight up God. He was God, he was Jesus Christ, and he was the Holy Spirit, all wrapped up into one. It's fucking straight to the top, Ma, straight to the top. While he lived in Mantae, David and his followers started to occasionally show up at the Temple Square in Salt Lake City, chanting singing songs about how David's God, how the church needs to let God, you know, lead them, the police
Starting point is 01:16:29 and LDS security officer would show up and be like, Hey, God, hey, buddy, you're fucking scaring people with your, with your, with your big ass and your sword. Okay. So, I don't want to throw God's, God's bottom in jail, but I will. Despite freaking a lot of people out, there was never any violence, no one was ever arrested. At some point 1970, David found time to visit his home in New York. What if he flew first class? He must have, right?
Starting point is 01:16:53 I mean, he's God. I would think of God, you know, it doesn't just teleport or have his own private jet, he could at least fly first class. Back in Yonkers, David tells his mom, his dad died of the year before 1969. He tells his mom, and apparently in the same congenial sort of voice you might use to describe the weather that he has got. And then after what I imagine was a very long awkward pause, his mom says that she is
Starting point is 01:17:16 sorry if that's how he feels. Because she doesn't seem that way or believe that to be true. Very mom thing to say. Also during this same visit, David tells his mom that she's welcome to come live with him, provided she does acknowledge his holiness and obey his rules. And then she declined and changed the subject.
Starting point is 01:17:35 What an awkward conversation that would be. I picture him throwing a tantrum when he doesn't get his way. Mom, you've never listened to me. You've never treated me like I deserve. I have a lot of people in back in Utah who were to me, mom. They know that I'm God. And they want to meet God's mom and you're ruining it. You make me so mad, mom.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Conversation's not over. I'm grabbing my God sword. I'm going for a walk to cool down, click my thoughts. And why I'm gone? You should pray about your simple ways. And we can talk about it when I get back. I'll hear your prayers, because I am God.
Starting point is 01:18:15 David left following this rejection. He'd never spend more than five minutes with his mom ever again. He would sometimes call home usually from a hotel to let, you know, her know, the family was fine. Of course they were. God is raising them. He would sometimes call home usually from a hotel to let, you know, her know, the family was fine. Of course they were. God is raising them. 1971, a manual David and his followers traveled to Nebraska, Washington and Montana looking
Starting point is 01:18:32 for new recruits. Not finding much success. By 1973, the David's have seven children, Rachel born in 1963, Elizabeth born in 1965, Joshua born in 1968, Deborah born in 69, Joseph born in 70, David born in 72. Yes, he actually named one of his kids David David. Hey, David David. That's that stupid name. Sorry if your name is David David, but you fucking get it. You already been harassed. And then Rebecca, I think it's for like, it's a weird spelling of Rebecca Rebea YCA, the youngest born in 73. By 73, David was moving with his family
Starting point is 01:19:07 and his cult all over the country. Again, from hotel to hotel, established himself as a good customer. This is a new scam, he's starting to run now. Established himself as a new customer or a good customer by paying cash and large amounts up front, then run it up a huge tab and then bouncing out of town without paying it.
Starting point is 01:19:23 And in an earnest commanding, often courteous voice, Emmanuel David was now telling anyone who will listen to he is the son of David and a prophet of God. And the Holy Ghost and Jesus and everything else. He's a lot of stuff. It's getting a little hard to follow now.
Starting point is 01:19:36 He's son of a prophet who lived over 2000 years ago. He is a prophet, he is God in various forms. It's almost like he's crazy. It's almost like he's really crazy. He's also telling people that the Mormon Church is evil, inspired by the devil, which of course is why he was excommunicated. And he's prophesying that a great cloud will descend on the Mormon temple in Salt Lake City and from it a bolt of lightning. I should probably put some music behind this. His proclamations.
Starting point is 01:20:01 A great cloud will descend on the temple in Salt Lake City and from it a bolt of lightning will shoot out and split the temple in half. And the entire complex will be consumed by holy fire and not done. Mount Timpanogas at 11,752 feet, one of the tallest mountains in Utah, second highest beacon of wasat range. And we'll be transferred to the town of Manthai, and it would smite the town! My followers would admire my glory. Again, much better to have that kind of talk than if he's dealing with this, which seems more appropriate for him. I will, I'm sick of the mistreatment,'t me you guys my mom isn't respecting me and
Starting point is 01:20:47 There's I'm gonna do some stuff with the mountain come on please Just get on board so I'm not smited, you know, I don't just Refrastrated that not everyone's listening to me That mountain thing feels like you took the scripture about God being able to move mountains or faith be able to move mountains way too seriously. I just picture this guy saying all this shit to like the hotel clerk. Are you saying these hotels?
Starting point is 01:21:13 Now just them half-ending listen. He's like, oh, okay, yeah, very cool. Mr. David Supra Groovy, yeah, you're gonna show them. You're gonna show them. I hate to cut you off, but there's a couple folks standing behind you, they'd like to check into the rooms. Here's your first towels and please, you need to square up on your bill. Right tomorrow, we're gonna have them. I hate to cut you off, but there's a couple folks standing behind you. They'd like to check into the rooms. Here's your fresh towels and plates. You need to square up on your bill.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Right tomorrow, we're gonna have to call it please. Not only would geological miracles occur, but David also claims he'd be wealthy, so wealthy. He once told Skip Daints that he could just march right on down to the shopping center in downtown Salt Lake City, and buy, and I love this detail, a million dollars worth of socks. As we told you skip,
Starting point is 01:21:47 I'm gonna get a million dollars with a sock, so much sock money. What an incredibly odd and specific statement. Very peculiar go-to for what you do if you suddenly had a million dollars. All right, I've never, I've fantasized about that. I've talked to people about, oh, if you had a lot of money, what would you?
Starting point is 01:22:02 Socks have never come up, but they came up for manual. Oh, totally. Yeah, man, that's loud. Yeah, no, that sounds awesome. Big mansion, huge heated pool. That would be super cool. That would be super cool if you had the money.
Starting point is 01:22:14 What would I do? Oh, man, what would I do if I had millions of dollars? Gosh, I have thought about this so much. Now I'm gonna tell you this, the very first thing I would buy is a million dollars worth of socks. So many socks, the most. Two socks, ankle socks, sport socks, crew socks, quarter socks, no shows, dress socks, rib socks, wool socks, cotton socks, argyll socks, seamless toe cotton, rob, rope, dress socks, silk socks, polka dot socks,
Starting point is 01:22:40 stripe, floral, performance socks, I'd wear a new pair of socks every 10 minutes. Because that's what multi-millionaires do, as everyone knows, they constantly put on new pairs of fucking socks. God damn it, I'm fucking a fox! David also showed his old buddy, Skip, who was not in his cult. Photographs of an $8,800,000 Spanish colonial state
Starting point is 01:23:01 in Phoenix, he was gonna buy it any day now. I also showed Danes what appeared to be a sign purchased order for something like $320,000 Spanish colonial state in Phoenix. City was gonna buy it any day now. I also showed Danes what appeared to be assigned perched order for something like $320,000 worth of rare imported China. Did he actually buy that China? I don't think so. I don't think he ever had that much money. He just liked to pretend. Like people to think he was doing great things.
Starting point is 01:23:17 He was wealthy. He would even visit a Rolls Royce car dealer on a regular basis to study the car, sitting it, pretend to own it. Oh my god, I can only imagine how much the dealer sales people fucking hated him. Ed's up guys. Looks like God's here again. Five, got it five o'clock. Did he pay for that hole in the leather?
Starting point is 01:23:36 He put in the passenger seat with the sword last time he came through. Okay. Once a year or so, he would drive out to a huge Salt Lake City homie light. One on almost two acres of land. He'd knock on the door, tell the owner that he admired the home and would like to buy it from him. It's a random, crazy looking dude. This is big six foot four, 350 pound dude.
Starting point is 01:23:56 You know, big ass bushy Godbeard long, you know, braided ponytails at this point. He's walking up to your front door. I'd like to buy at my house very much. You would like to buy it from you, but you didn't have any money to buy it. And the home wasn't for sale. How did this complete maniac convince anyone to follow him? It's kind of infuriating. Apparently, most of the people he interacted with in these insane ways didn't actually mind
Starting point is 01:24:16 talking to him, whether he was trying to convert people or convince them how fabulously wealthy he was. Even if someone didn't buy any of the bullshit he was selling, they still found him charming. He would gaze directly at them with his blue gray eyes, so passionate about his cause. Even people who are positive, he was for sure full of shit, found him interesting to talk to. It's brother Dean would later say he could have sold refrigerators to the Eskimos. He would have made a terrific salesman. Also in 1973, David started contacting various politicians and state officials.
Starting point is 01:24:46 He wrote letters to LDS church headquarters in the Israeli Parliament, Knesset. David told the Israeli Prime Minister in Knesset 1973 that he was God. Writing, I am the father of Jesus Christ that you slew. I am the only one that can deliver you. Without me, you will perish. I am the father of Israel, and the blood of Israel runs to my veins. My first read that I thought, man, that letter must have freaked them out.
Starting point is 01:25:10 But then I thought, that probably wasn't even the craziest letter they got that day. Can you imagine the kinds of letters placed like this get every day from just religious zealots? Like Knesset, the LDS headquarters, you know, like the Vatican, the Vatican especially must get so many good crazy letters. Dear Pope, or should I say anti Christ, buckle up buttercup, it's going to be a long ride. And another letter of manual, David proclaimed himself the new president of the LDS church. I'm president now.
Starting point is 01:25:42 He wrote a letter to LDS president at the time, Spencer Kimball told him, is evil shepherd. You people are parishing in your ignorance and unbelief. I guess he Kimball didn't take that letter too seriously. Follower, Sterling Peacock who changed his name to Matthias David and Paul Chipman who became Jonathan David, both biblical names. They traveled to Spokane, washed in around 1974, opened a karate studio just about 30 minutes from where I'm recording here in the suck dungeon. Matthias, by the way, when interviewed in Spokane
Starting point is 01:26:09 in 2000, told the reporter he was now Moses re-encarnated. Awesome. No word on who Paul became. Maybe he thought he was Spider-Man or something. Maybe a fun and unexpected twist. The two men's center actually, Paul would leave the church by this point. We'll get into that later. The two men's center actually Paul would leave the church by this point. We'll get into that later. The two men's center profits, a karate studio profits to support Emmanuel David, his wife
Starting point is 01:26:28 and their seven children. From August 1974 to June and 1975, David and his family resided at the Bethesda holiday in in Maryland, moving eventually into a five room suite that cost about 120 bucks a day order in room service meals, paying at first with what he said were money orders from Sweden, money orders likely came from a relative of his wife who's still a family in Sweden, a long distance phone calls would come in from Sweden almost every day. Pretty soon, the money stopped coming. David did pay between $20,000 and $30,000 for his room and lots of room service. By the time the hotel evicted him for nonpayment, he'd leave a bill of around $10,000 that he did not pay. His mom later remembered him calling her from this hotel,
Starting point is 01:27:10 telling her that he'd occupied a whole floor of the hotel. He didn't. And then he had big plans to buy a yacht, a big mansion, and to take her on a huge shopping spree in New York City, and that they would stay at the famed Waldoorfist Astoria, where are you getting this money? Mrs. Longo asked him, and apparently, he just said, you'll see. She was very surprised by this because, you know, he'd been asking her for money ever since he left home and she just stopped sending him money a few years earlier.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Yeah, you'll see. You'll see, mom, I'll get it. I'll get my yacht, my mansion, you don't know faith in me. I'm gonna go in that shopping spree without you now, mom. You will look on in all at this sheer magnitude of the socks I'll be purchasing, socks made out of Angora, bamboo, polyester, cotton triblin socks, nylon socks, rayon, latex,
Starting point is 01:28:00 marino wool socks, smart wool socks, mohair, modal socks, lurex socks, flack socks, elastic socks, panic socks, leather socks, snake skin socks, combined cotton, mercurized cotton socks, recycled cotton, organic cotton, cotton top socks, muffin top socks, mole skin, cardboard, aluminum alloy socks, stainless steel, fucking socks, cock socks, rock and sock, and robot socks, every sock! In the world be owned by me mother, and you will rule the day. When you refuse to acknowledge your one true God,
Starting point is 01:28:27 you mommy will get no socks. Not even thrift store holds in the toes, socks for you. Oh man, loving the sock talk. Actually, all the sock talk reminds me, sorry about this. We do have one more sponsor to go over today. Today's time sock is brought to you by a manual David's House of God and Socks. A manual David, I'd like to call him God. He cares about two things more than anything else, your salvation, which can only be found
Starting point is 01:28:56 through following his word, and also providing you with the finest high quality socks from around the globe. Here to manual David's House of God and So socks, we have everything you need to keep those feet warm, clean, and heavenly. We have all kinds of cotton socks, silk socks, polyester socks, wool socks. For the more adventurous, we have deer skin, llama for rabbit hide, even seal skin socks. For the really adventurous, who like to live more fabulously, we have silver socks, solid gold socks, albino tiger hideight Sox, even Bald Eagle Feather Sox.
Starting point is 01:29:27 And for the most adventurous, we have Lemur-Lavius Sox, Blood Diamond Sox, Dem Cell Sox, Dead Puppy Sox, even Super Sox, Human Force Gans Sox, so many Sox, we guarantee we will knock your Sox off, and then promptly sell you a new pair of Sox. And then promptly sell you a new pair of socks. So come on dad do a manual, David's house I got in socks or you were in your nasty fable burnin' hell. Sorry. That of course is not a real sponsor. I've lost my mind today.
Starting point is 01:29:57 That's just me having more fun than I should with sock talk. Okay, refocusing. Of course David did not get his big shop he's free. Yacht mentioned or socks. He got kicked the fuck out of the holiday in Bethesda. And he and his family headed back west, ended up in Montana in June of 1975, where they would stay for about six months,
Starting point is 01:30:14 and where David pulled the same bullshit at the red line motor in, Mizzula. Or he'd live until January of 76. His followers lived and worked elsewhere while David and his family just hung out in the hotel, waited for the US government to control uh, I'm sorry to collapse You know waiting for the time to be right for him to finally lead. Get all the fucking socks of man Could want uh wall and mizoola david of course continue to have visions
Starting point is 01:30:36 He decided that his three most important followers Matthias Jonathan beta david There are actually arc angels He renamed them Michael Raphael and Gabriel. What a cool phone call Yes, Jonathan, Peter David, you're actually Archangels. He renamed them Michael, Raphael and Gabriel. What a cool phone call. Those guys must have gotten.
Starting point is 01:30:51 Hey, Matthias, this is David, and I have great news. What? Yes. Now, yes, yes, things are fine with motor in. Counting in a little breakfast, little skimpy, a waffle maker's been out for a few days, but all in all, the coffee's hot, the grapefruit juice is cold, and the muffins aren't too hard. That's not what I'm calling about. Yes, yes,
Starting point is 01:31:08 I did get the socks you sent me. They came in the mail yesterday. I did not already have those patterns. No, thank you very much. But again, not why I'm calling. I wanted to tell you that your new name is Michael as in Archangel Buddy Hickia. You deserve it. You're in Archangel now. Feels good, doesn't it? Be sure and tell the karate students to be careful sparring with one of God's warriors. David also declared to his followers that the federal government was again about to collapse, but fear not, you promise to save the Republic and become the new leader. Told followers Sterling Peacock, aka Matthias, aka Archangel Michael and Paul Chipman aka Jonathan David aka Archangel Raphael to sell their Spoke King karate studio, leave their families, go to Washington DC along with Peter David
Starting point is 01:31:51 aka Archangel Gabriel. He has to have his three archangels in DC to be prepared for the imminent collapse of the government. He gave me a couple hundred bucks. You know, there's not much money. It wasn't going to be long. And you know, send him off to live in DC and it didn't go well You know, they're not working now. They only have a few hundred dollars
Starting point is 01:32:11 They quickly run out of money and soon they are homeless now. He has three archangels sleeping on the sidewalk Sleepy on heated grates at night to stay warm hanging out in parks and shit Looking for scraps of food during the day just waiting for the the end of the government Incredibly their faith in a manual is undiminished by this. They call him, collected the motor in every day until he's kicked out in January of 76. So, you know, overall, things go real well for the crew right now.
Starting point is 01:32:36 When David Leaves, Missoula, he leaves a $6,000 hotel bill, it turns to Utah. In late 76, maybe even early 77, after about a full fucking year of these guys sleeping on sidewalks, the three arch angels are called to meet and salt lake city for the gathering. Or David will show them the original tablets given to LDS church founder Joseph Smith. Big news guys. Big news. Sorry about you sleeping on sidewalks in DC for a year when you could have spent that time with your families and Spokane. Continuing to run that karate studio, I made you sell, but fear not.
Starting point is 01:33:06 The weight has been worth it. I being God, have some cool socks, and also the same tablets, Joseph Smith once had, yes, the magical tablets that launched the Mormon faith, it's undeniable. God will destroy their false temple soon, rebuild it with me as king. We will move mountains yet. I cannot wait. Only one of the archangels actually made it back to the rendezvous for the big reveal. Years later, Paul Chipman, slash Jonathan Davis, slash Raphael recalled, and I got back to Salt Lake, of course, he did not have the tablets.
Starting point is 01:33:39 He said he was the tablets. Oh, Mary fucking kid me. I love how pissed was Paul. It's like somebody telling you they got like a huge, beautiful, sprawling compound for you and your family to live on with them. You know, something you maybe even sacrificed in for for years, giant houses, pool, beautiful grounds, on a lake, huge dock, giant boat, and you show up, but it's just like a small patch of dirt
Starting point is 01:34:01 off the side of a park. There's no structures on it. And then they're like, see, isn't it beautiful? What? No, that's just a little bit of like a dirt. That's like a dirt lot. They only think you own, there's nothing on it. It's next to a park.
Starting point is 01:34:16 Well, yeah, well, it is when you look at it with your human eyes. Look with your mind's eye. Then you see the lake and the boat and the pool on the house and I talked about, motherfucker, me and my family can't live in your mind's eye. Then you see the lake and the boat and the pool on the house. And I talked about motherfucker me and my family can't live in your mind's eye. 1977, the FBI began investigating some fraudulent David family fundraising activities. Matthias David and died it as Jörgene Peacock and another follower, Gail Hibben, charged with
Starting point is 01:34:38 wire fraud by a federal grand jury in Salt Lake City, accused of making up phony hard luck stories to raise money. Matthias would be convicted, end up being sent to terminal island penitentiary in California, just outside of Los Angeles after he called in acquaintance and claimed that he was related to a nine year old girl suffering paralysis in a hospital and pleading for a donation to help her with medical expenses. The acquaintance sent the money, but was suspicious, ended up contacting the FBI and investigators found that the family of the paralyzed girl who said that they were not related to Matthias David and had never seen any of the donation money.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Matthias convicted of wire fraud and never seemed to show remorse for this later. Years later when he was interviewed and spoke in in 2000 said, actually, I just borrowed the money. I had no intention of ripping anybody off. I kept track of every dollar. I really don't want all those kind of stuff brought back up. Your hashing stuff has been gone for years and years. Oh boy.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Gil Hibben also got into, you know, the guy that was charged, may have been, it's a little murky with him. Can't find the right source to pin down if he was indicted or not. He may have been convicted, may have not. But Emmanuel David now is getting nervous. Federal investigators are closing in on him. They want him for both tax evasion and wire
Starting point is 01:35:50 fraud. Police also concerned about the David children like John Singer, David, you know, not sending his kids to school or teaching them anything. Salt Lake City school authorities and other school districts lost track of the kids over the years because they were living in hotels all over the country. And life of these kids must have been so strange. According to interviews, they were barely ever seen while living in hotels. Staff don't remember them ever using like the swimming pools or even leaving their rooms very often,
Starting point is 01:36:13 rarely seen in public. Hotel employees would later say they would emerge from their suite about once a week. And when they did, they would just quietly follow behind their, for the dad, you know, boys wearing the same neatly braided hair that their father did, all of them very orderly and polite. One hotel employee said like ducklings.
Starting point is 01:36:29 When people spoke to the kids, they would just look up at their father to see how to respond, wait for him to smile or not approval. And then if they did, you know, they'd speak back very few words. Employees described the family as loners, complete loners, sort of fucking terrible childhood. Guy robbed him of that.
Starting point is 01:36:43 When they were living back in Salt Lake City, 1977, the police knew about them, knew that they were living in a hotel, knew it was strange. Police would tend to Roger Kinner's Lee would later say they just didn't see what they could do about it. They couldn't prove David was doing anything illegal. And because Utah was more tolerant, especially that time of fringe religious beliefs, it would have been difficult to have a manual, David declared as an unfit parent. Kind of recently said in New York, they would call him a nut out here because it's the
Starting point is 01:37:08 home of Mormonism and organized religion. They're a little more kindly. And the children didn't seem to be in any immediate danger. They were quite well fed, literate. They seem to adore their father. May of 77, a manual and racial started to live on the 11th floor, the altous suite of the international dunes hotel, paying $90 a day in cash, usually in $100 bills, ordering catered meals several
Starting point is 01:37:30 times a week from a French restaurant. So accustomed to David's lavish taste that the manager sometimes created unusual Napoleon's and cream puffs for especially for him. Some reports say his meals would cost a hundred to 120 bucks. You know, that's a 1977 money. You would pay in cash. They would stay there for just over a year. For those familiar with Salt Lake City, this hotel became the Shiloh Inn, the big one downtown located at 206 Southwest Temple downtown at the intersection of 200 South and West Temple. Now a holiday and express.
Starting point is 01:38:00 I've seen this place many times. And this hotel would soon become the scene of terrible tragedy. July 28th, 1978, David Barrow, Skip Danes Jeep says he's taken his family to see a new expensive house that they're going to move into. And later he brings back the Jeep, saying that, you know, the kids declared that they love the hotel too much to leave, skip what later say he looked really bummed out, Crest fallen, Then two days later, on July 30th, David dashes into Dane's shop again. This time, Yelsey, he needs to pick up truck has to borrow it immediately because finally everything's coming together. Dane's long used to David's crazy antics. Replied this. Yeah. The keys on the truck. Go ahead and take it. David takes off drive to the mountains. You know, I guess in, you know, probably,
Starting point is 01:38:42 skip right. I thought he had a meat. You can have a meat with God or something. Some type of vision. And the talk, if you right ahead of me, you can have a meeting with God or something, some kind of vision. And the talk, if you did have a vision, must not have gone well because the following day in July 31st, a manual David is found dead and skips truck at the age of 39. The police found a hose running into the truck through the window on the driver's side with rags stuffed around the hose to seal the window. He had just five dollars in his pocket, no suicide note. Why did he do it?
Starting point is 01:39:04 No one will ever know for sure. David seemed to have made plans for the future, including the perspective purchase of two pianos via skippedanes, who was to loan David $47,000 a piece for them to arrive from Sweden. This guy skippedanes by the way, very generous guy. He donates, I got kind of sucked into some side stuff with him.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Donates stuff all the time around, it's like, it's like, city. David said that Rachel had been in good penis and Sweden and he wanted the children to learn. He was impatient with the $47,000 pianos, asked all sorts of questions. Was there nothing better? Obviously doing this today and to have a plan on swindling skipped gains out of the hundred grand. And then I don't know, bounce out of the country with it. Who knows? The main theory behind David's suicide is that the law was about to catch up to him. Right? They were catching up to his schemes and he couldn't just bear going from cold leader,
Starting point is 01:39:50 living it up in a hotel, eating fancy French food, to being a con artist trapped in a prison cell. On August 1st, Rachel David is informed, his wife via telephone, by the local police of her husband's death. Of course, she, you know, becomes hysterical, not surprised. According to the officer's spoke with her. She expressed fears about how she was gonna continue to pay the bills, how was she gonna care for her family.
Starting point is 01:40:11 She told the police she couldn't even pay for the burial. At some point over the next two days, and if she didn't have enough money to pay for the burial, and he was only found five dollars in his pocket, that could have been a motive for his suicide as well. Whatever cash he was using over that past, you know, year plus ran out, and he just couldn't handle bouncing to another place and leaving another hotel again.
Starting point is 01:40:31 I don't know, speculating. Some point over the next two days, Rachel comes up with a terrible solution to the problem of how she's going to provide for her family. She decides that she is not going to. At 7.20, at 7.21 AM, the morning of August 3rd, Rachel helps their seven children step one by one. This is fucking terrible. Really, really bad.
Starting point is 01:40:51 Has them set one by one onto two or three stacked chairs set out on the 11th floor balcony. And then she has them climb over the gold railing encouraging them to jump or be thrown to their deaths below. The oldest children, true believers and their fathers bull shit willingly apparently jump off of the balcony or seem to they would fall 200 feet to the roof of the hotel coffee shop below or land on the ground next to it. Holy shit. Rachel then threw the younger children off one of the younger children at least one reportedly
Starting point is 01:41:21 grabbed the railing fought to hang on. And then mom Rachel pulled him loose and threw him off as well. Kim Miller, a resident of Salt Lake at the time, recalled that the news reported that onlookers were shouting, no, stop. As a children either jumped or thrown off, then when Rachel got to the railing, after all her other children were already on the ground, now the onlookers started to jump, jump. And then she jumped to her death.
Starting point is 01:41:45 What a surreal and horrific and truly unforgettable event to witness. God, if you just watched some woman also throw seven kids off of fucking balcony, what would you yell when it was her turn? Would you yell stop? Or would you yell fucking jump, you piece of shit? At that point, ah, be real hard for me in that moment to feel any sympathy for a woman who would just murdered her entire fucking family in front of everyone.
Starting point is 01:42:10 A witness of the event said people were shouting again, yeah, no, stop, there was no noise at all. She simply lifted them up, tossed them one at a time with so many children falling to their death. It wasn't long before a lot of people down on the street took notice. Ah, yeah, the full horror of the incident became apparent when one of the young girls landed
Starting point is 01:42:26 in the gutter, still alive when ambulance attendants picked her up minutes later, police and first responders tried to get the kids to a hospital to save them to died almost immediately after arriving at different hospitals. One died at 10, three in the morning, one died at 10, 10. Without their family to identify them, the only people they'd seen, you know, really over their whole lives for Anything more than just a few minutes. Please couldn't figure out which kid was which initially The crime was so baffling initially that please couldn't figure out if it was a homicide or a mass suicide
Starting point is 01:42:55 If the man originally named Bruce Longo sweet tongue native of Yonkers had convinced himself in his family that he was Divinity and that was all that mattered if he had built such impenetrable walls against the outside world. So the one they died, they felt they had, when he died, they felt they had no choice but to follow him. I guess it would have been a mass suicide, but people recalled again, at least one child holding onto the railing, screaming and crying. And if that's true, then, you know, mass murder. Police Lieutenant Roger Kinner's Lee reported we are classifying it as six homicides and one attempted homicide with Rachel and a manual David classified as suicides. And yes, he did say six homicides, not seven. Incredibly, one of the kids who fell did not die.
Starting point is 01:43:35 One of the children, a girl originally identified as Elizabeth, 14, but then re-identified as Rachel 15, taken to the intensive intensive care unit of a local hospital brought there with two broken legs, multiple injuries to her pelvis, arms, jaw, teeth, tongue, and shoulders, spleen. Kinner's Lee said, about as bad as you can get it not be dead. In just the first few weeks, she received the equivalent of five complete blood transfusions, 10 hours of surgery, so complicated, the chief surgeon refused to guess to how much it would cost. She would amazingly survive the incidents left with major, irreparable health problems, including brain damage.
Starting point is 01:44:11 We can find to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. And she may be living right now in Sandpoint, just north of us here at the Suck Dungeon, more on that in a bit. When investigators searched the hotel room, the family stayed in before jumping. They found artwork left by the kids, charcoal sketches, watercolors of perfectly ordinary looking landscapes. They also found notes that children had written talking about how their dad, their father was a holy man who's going to save the world. The words on one piece of paper and carefully printed pencil red, praise the to a manual king of holiness, our father, how fucking sad. On August 9th, 1978, the funeral for the majority
Starting point is 01:44:46 of the Davids was held in the small cemetery, South Assault Lake City, eight caskets, pink ones for the girls. The parents caskets were bare. It was a public funeral, but not that many people showed up. David's mom and his brother Dean made it, stood together with a few dozen others, some old friends, some cult members. It was a hot day. The funeral director stood silently before the caskets for a moment before, looking at the people standing and reciting the Lord's Prayer. Rachel David, the surviving 15 year old daughter, later released to a foster home after months of surgeries.
Starting point is 01:45:12 Eventually she went to live with her uncle, Jacob David, another cult member. Yep, a man who had sucked in one of his wife's brothers with his bullshit before he died. He would eventually become her legal guardian, live with her in a rented home with his three sons and Ruth David, Matthias David's former wife and Colorado. On April 10th, 1993, the Deseret News published an article with the headline survivor of 78
Starting point is 01:45:36 family suicide jumps as her father will return to earth. The sole survivor of the mass homicide set an interview. I remember my father said he'll be back. I know he will. My father never lied. Man, this poor woman. All her dad did was lie. I get her now wanting to, you know, not wanting to accept that, you know, to accept it would mean that your parents and your siblings all died for nothing,
Starting point is 01:45:56 died over a bunch of bullshit. That's a very tough pill to swallow. I can't imagine. Then 30-year-old Rachel said she couldn't remember what happened to her on August 3rd, 1978. It's all hazy, she said, something I want to shove out. I want my family back. Rachel claimed she jumped willingly. The 93 article went on to say that while Rachel still couldn't walk on her own, she could
Starting point is 01:46:13 move with the aid of a walker. She's like to work on paint by number art. I had to drink coffee, listen to Neil Diamond. I like to be outdoors. Said she only got out twice a week if somebody took me. And family members said she struggled to control her emotions and would sometimes erupt an anger. Remember, she did suffer permanent brain damage.
Starting point is 01:46:29 Tragically, Rachel tried to join her family and deaths several times over the following years. As far as I know, none of her suicide attempts have been successful. In addition to Rachel, who'd be 56 or 7 now, still possibly believing in her, or still possibly even that her dad is God, you know, there may be others still waiting for his return. And the most recent articles we could find referencing Matthias and Jacob David, they still believe that Emanuel David's God. Matthias was second in charge. It's faith in Emanuel never wavered. Right. One of his archangels, 96. Matthias and Jacob published a testimonial letter restating their commitment to a manual David.
Starting point is 01:47:05 They say they still wear the star of David believe they are reincarnated biblical figures like Moses and Abraham, other cult members, they claimed were believed to be reincarnated figures of like Adam, Eve, others testimonial letter given to those who asked about the group's belief. They said that 96 they weren't processing anymore. I weren't trying to get any new members. Messiah said the groups from any members would not repeat the suicides and murders that occurred in 78, but that he also didn't consider those crimes or those deaths to be crimes.
Starting point is 01:47:33 Excuse me. He said, what I believe in is David and Rachel and their family. They could not be apart. When David left, they left with him. That was their choice and a shock to us. They couldn't live without him. Can you imagine what kind of faith it would take for a whole family to leap from the 11th floor of a hotel? Can you imagine what kind of faith that would take? Wow. Man, some people's
Starting point is 01:47:52 mind just can't be changed. Instead of being appalled by their senseless deaths, he's like, he's like, impressed. I mean, that's proof. That's proof. He was God, right? I mean, what else would they do that? When interview responded to what he said by telling them that most people would say that what a manual and Rachel did was just disgusting, was a sign of madness, a sign of obsession, rather than a sign of faith, Matthias replied, well, they could think what they want. But that's not true. Former members living in Spokane, washed in a roar Colorado, at least as late as April 2000, when regular contact with each other frequently met during
Starting point is 01:48:26 campouts at pre-slake in Northern Idaho. In 2002, articles from the spokesman review reported that members of the family of David still living in Spokane. Yeah, still living in Colorado. These followers told the spokesman review that they believed a manual David still God, still preparing for his second coming. This was troubling to another former member of the cult Paul Chipman aka Jonathan David aka arc angel Raphael. One of the dudes who spent a year being homeless in DC waiting for the US government to collapse. A man who was working in it as a nursing spoke can in
Starting point is 01:48:54 2000. Seems as if he moved from Spokane to midvail Utah after that and maybe living there now. And he said in an interview, it's hard to believe that his influence is still hanging over them. The ex member was at a loss to explain why he or the others followed a manual. The best answer he could come up with was, I can tell you this much. I had spiritual experiences in that group. Spiritual I guess doesn't mean it's necessarily from God, but they were experiences to keep you hooked, to keep you thinking that if I had this experience, then this must be right. I look back now at that time and it was completely wasted years,
Starting point is 01:49:25 just totally wasted. Chipman and Gil Hibben said they were both invited to rejoin the family of David by Matthias and Jacob in 1998. Matthias and Jacob told Chipman that they believed that if the group would just get back together, a manual David would for sure return. Holy shit, 20 years after the suicide of the leader, 20 years after their leader's wife killed herself and killed all but one of the
Starting point is 01:49:48 kids. Uh, she also tried to kill it and they're still in. Still think there's something to all this. Uh, Chippen wanted nothing to do with them. Neither did Hibbon. Uh, when the old members wouldn't rejoin, Matthias and Jacob told the remaining followers that Chippen and Hibbon were like Judas, the follower who betrayed Jesus. Also in 2000, manual David's brother Dean was interviewed about what he thought about his brother's cult after having a few decades to reflect on it. And he said, I don't recall seeing anything God like about my brother, who was a mortal in every sense of the word.
Starting point is 01:50:17 He was a very flawed mortal. So for him to have gained this kind of influence over people is amazing, particularly for it to still exist. There must have been a charismatic side to him that the rest of us just didn't know about. I do believe there's a God Dean said, but I don't believe it's my former brother. Interesting choice of words, not dead brother, not deceased brother, former brother. If he disowned him, 2005, the surviving daughter, the surviving daughter, Rachel, was moved to San Point, Idaho, less than an hour north of where I'm recording, Matthias said in 2008, she's in a care center there, real nice care center.
Starting point is 01:50:49 And again, at least as recently in 2008, Matthias still at it. That year, he sent letters to LDS church leaders in the media for claiming that a manual David still God still should be recognized as such. Thies predicted that fire from the sky would still eventually destroy David's enemies. He wrote, I think Mount Tim, uh, Tim Penelogus is going to land on Manta. It will be picked up and dropped on Manta. He also added, I'm guessing, for legal reasons that he was not personally proposing to do anything destructive. I'm not gonna drop any than anybody, but God will. I see. Uh, Dave is going to show up in the sweet as pair of fucking socks you've ever seen
Starting point is 01:51:24 and drop a mountain on your sit-air. Gil Hibben went on to become a renowned knife maker. Let's talk about what he is up to. Hibben told a report in 2000, referring to the other former members, I don't wanna talk to those people ever again as long as I live. If you're a big fan of knives, particularly throwing knives, you may very well recognize Gil's name. Gil designed the first line of Browning Honey Knives in 1968. If you're a big fan of knives, particularly throwing knives, you may very well recognize Gills name.
Starting point is 01:51:45 Gills designed the first line of Browning Honey knives in 1968. He designed the American Campo knife for Ed Parker. Dude, we met in the Bruce Lee suck and when Ed invited Bruce to the International Crotty Championships as part of an exhibition of his skills, which would lead to his career in Hollywood, Gills also designed the famous Rambo knife, used in Rambo and Rambo 3. His knives have been used in over 37 films, including several Star Trek films where he designed several Klingon knives. He owns the company Hibbon knives currently the president of the knife makers guild a member of Blade magazine's
Starting point is 01:52:16 Colory Hall of Fame from Colt member to America's number one knife guy. That's kind of terrifying. And that's all for today's time suck timeline. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. We covered a lot today. Took a trip back to a brief study of some of Mormonism's early beliefs that evolved to produce isolated sometimes, you know, violent fundamentalists that believe that they can do anything they want because God's on their side or in the case of Emmanuel David that they are God.
Starting point is 01:52:55 And if you're wondering what about polygamy, did Emmanuel take a bunch of extra wives on? No, maybe, not sure. I think there may have definitely been some kind of polygamy going on within the cult, especially when they lived in Man-Type, but nothing was ever said explicitly. I just thought it was important to cover it because the early practice of polygamy
Starting point is 01:53:11 and then the official banning of it seems to be the main reason. A lot of fundamentalists sex broke away from the main church. Sex established a long tradition of Mormons breaking away to form their own Mormons cults, cults like a manual David's. Manual David changed his name from Charles Bruce Longo to a manual David because he believed himself to be a prophet of God Anytime he went on to claim to be God Jesus Holy Ghost all rolled up into one all while racking up enormous hotel bills
Starting point is 01:53:35 Eating fancy French food having his followers scam people out of money weird shit for God to do Once a devoted Mormon the LDS church decided in 69 that David's behaviors were too far out there Especially when David demanded that this community, you know, pay a tith to him, not the church. Once he communicated, David really got going. He started his own commune with friends, which eventually became the family of David. Sennis followers on insane and pointless missions like going to DC wait for over a year for the government to collapse. Haven't stayed on sidewalks while he lived in the hotel rooms where he kept his seven children inside the room at almost all times continually indoctrinating them and to believe he was God.
Starting point is 01:54:10 God liked living in a hotel room and fantasized about sock shopper trips. 1977 FBI agents investigated the group's fundraising and at least one member was convicted of wire fraud, possibly two, probably fearing that the FBI was closing in on him. Mandel David decided to commit suicide, leaving God's wife and seven kids to fend for themselves with no money, no life skills, no ability to defend for themselves as poor abuse. Ultimately murdered children were described as bright, well dressed, very polite by a family friend that absolute faith in their father and his godly power.
Starting point is 01:54:41 That faith sadly led all but one of them to their demise. Those who still belong to the family, David believes that the star of David belongs to a manual, not to Jesus, or I guess to both since David was Jesus, I think, I don't know. He claims so many things about being God. It's hard to keep it all straight. And as recently as 2008, some of us followers still out there still believe in still waiting from the move mountains and return. What a sad way to spend their rest of their days.
Starting point is 01:55:05 Time now for today's top five takeaways. Time, suck, top five takeaways. Number one, Emmanuel David couldn't have been a prophet or god with a name like Bruce Longo. So he and his wife went full biblical and changed their names to Emmanuel and Rachel, even named one of their poor kids, David David. Other members of their cult would follow suit, change their names to biblical names, and then change their names again when a manual David announced that three best friends were
Starting point is 01:55:32 clearly archangels. Then later they would change their names again, professing to be the reincarnated spirits of Old Testament prophets like Moses, other biblical figures. Nobody liked to fuck around more with name changes than this weird little cult. Number two, while David may have actually believed he was God. He definitely believed that having other people think he was God could make him rich. He seemed to be mostly in it for the money for all that sweet suck money, suck money. David used his gift of bullshitting people to get his followers to pay for him to hang out in hotel rooms for years. All they
Starting point is 01:56:01 worked and sent in ties, he fantasized about mansions, yachts, shopping trips, and of course, you know, socks. Number three, August 3rd, 1979, terrible, crazy day for the residents of Salt Lake City. After horrified onlookers watched Rachel David throw her children off a balcony, then they started to taunt her to throw herself off the balcony and then she did. And then I imagine as this happened at roughly 730 in the morning, downtown, a lot of them went on to work that day. What a fucking crazy day that would have been.
Starting point is 01:56:30 It would have been a wee bit hard to focus on your job after witnessing all that, after chanting for Rachel to jump. Number four, the David family cult, but one of many to pop out of the world of the F.L. DS, the beliefs of Mormon fundamentalists have led numerous times to albars of messianic thinking. As Mormonism continues to grow, there will undoubtedly be more cults to come. Number five, something new. Feeding off at number four, another Mormon fundamentalist cult, we touched on in this episode.
Starting point is 01:56:57 We may want to suck someday, is the Latter-day Church of Christ also known as the Kingston clan, the Kingston group and the order. It has roughly 3,500 members based in Salt Lake City, and they do still practice polygamy. And according to a 2011 Rolling Stone article, they are the most powerful polygamous Colton America and one of the most dangerous. The order runs what some investigators believe to be one of the largest organized crime operations in Utah. On the surface, the operation seems legit.
Starting point is 01:57:23 From Salt Lake, the order controls some 100 businesses spread out over the Western States from a casino in California to a cattle ranch Nevada to a factory that makes life like dolls in Utah. Over 75 years as of 2011, the Kingston's had a massive fortune, worth an estimated $300 million. According to many who've left the order, they've made most of that money illegally. They called allegedly exploits many of its members as virtual slave labor hides the profits from tax collectors echoes of Tony and Susan Alamo there. Children born into the clan supposedly make up much of the labor force. Girls, many of them teen brides who have supposedly been forced into a range polygamist
Starting point is 01:57:58 marriages, answer phones at the order's law office, bad groceries at a supermarket, tend to declans many, many children. Boys working the cult's coal office, bad groceries at a supermarket, tend to declans many, many children, boys working the cult's coal mine or stacked boxes at standard restaurant supply, a massive discount store that the order owns, and they are not paid in cash, but in script, an arcane form of credit used by Mormon pioneers that can only be redeemed at company stores. If the order doesn't have it, the clan teaches, we don't need it. Should we suck these shady fuckers? More law of consecration and united order and polygamy bullshit? Old ways the church, they just, they won't seem to totally die.
Starting point is 01:58:34 They keep spiraling out and creating more coat, coat, coat. Time, suck, tough, right, take away. The Emanuel David cult has been sucked. Cult, cult, cult, suck, suck, suck. So weird. I found it very entertaining. Hope you did as well. Oh man, these cults always get me. Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team for all the help and making time suck.
Starting point is 01:59:01 Our own little cult here put everything together. Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins, Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley, the script keeper, Zach Flannery, Sophie Fax, source for seven's, Biddelixer, always kicking out new time suck app updates, Logan Art Warlock, Keith Kate, bad magic Baroness, Keith running bad magic merch.com and the socials. The Keith. Thanks to the over 22,000 people who've joined the Colt of the Curious Private Facebook group. Hope you're having fun in there. Thanks to Liz Hernandez and the all-seeing eyes for running that Curious Facebook page. And thanks also to the wonderful weirdos having fun on Discord. Thank you, beefstick.
Starting point is 01:59:35 Almost 8,000 on Discord now. Easy to link over to our Discord channel from the TimeSuck app. And thanks to all you space users for playing the TimeSuck trivia on the app, C Gallagher 3 currently leading around three with five thousand three hundred and forty three points. With this week's a next week trivia still to go so someone can still catch him. Round four starting on October 5th. Next week we return to some more true crime with the Boston Strangler. I can't believe we haven't sucked the Boston Strangler yet. Come up a lot on the secret
Starting point is 02:00:03 talk, I think. Many residents of Boston between June 14th 1962 1962, and July of 1964, lived in fear of a man, the newspapers dubbed the Boston Strangler, who seemed to knock on women's doors, forces way into their homes, then murder them in gruesome ways. Many of the details were printed in the papers, riling Boston to a state of near hysteria, and panic, police and five jurisdictions scrambled to track down every known pervert, petty criminal person with a history of mental illness who could have possibly been responsible for these crimes.
Starting point is 02:00:29 And then 11 women would die before the police landed on Albert Salvo who confessed to everything. Case closed, right? Not necessarily irregularities in the crimes gaps in the Salvo story and the pressure on authorities to solve the case. Excuse me, led some to believe that disolvo, not responsible for most of the murders. Why would disolvo confess to crimes he didn't commit? Was disolvo the monster he initially claimed to be?
Starting point is 02:00:54 How did the stranger get into women's homes even though they knew there was a sadist out on the streets? All that and more on next week's Sucks. Next week's Suck, and now let's head on over to this week's suck. And now let's head on over to this week's time sucker updates. All right, since last week's updates were, you know, long and heavy, keeping today's
Starting point is 02:01:18 little shorter and lighter, at least a let, let's pull the rise. One of the updates actually is quite heavy, but in a good way. The American rights email still continue to pour in with perspectives on all sides. A lot of great job emails, a lot of you nailed it, also a lot of, uh, many fucked up. Also a lot of, uh, you miss this, you miss that. You didn't explain that right. You didn't explain this, uh, um, you know, and also a lot of like, uh, you get it. All kinds of messages.
Starting point is 02:01:43 Uh, the national discussion, of course, continues, but it get it. All kinds of messages. The national discussion, of course, continues. But it doesn't have to continue here today in a place. I know many of you come to for some needed psychological escapism. Escape to escape from the 24 hour news cycle that is often so negative, which I do understand. Very well, I often need it as well. So let's escape and let's start with the Cummins law update.
Starting point is 02:02:02 But first, I did find a very cool unbiased website to help with voting this year that I keep meaning to pass along. All I wanted to do a little while ago was figure out where various politicians stood, like actually stood, not where their websites may say they stand. In the coming U.S. November elections here in America, and it really bummed me out. It was super fucking hard to figure that out. And then I finally found this website procon.org, going to put a link in the presidential election platform comparison or to that, uh, in the episode description, uh, they, they compare
Starting point is 02:02:32 the democratic, republican, libertarian, and green party candidates platforms. And it's just super straightforward and easy. The list out 69, yes, exactly 69, Elizabeth issues like should the US continue to build a border wall, uh, should the US switch to a Medicare for all health care system, uh, should I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea.
Starting point is 02:02:49 I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea.
Starting point is 02:02:57 I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I know it's not a good idea. I more about it through a thorough explanation. You can find links to find out where each candidate stands where they talk about it in their
Starting point is 02:03:08 own words or based on their voting record or whatever. And there's just no editorializing, no spin that I can find, real basic website, meant to have as little personality as possible, which I like in this case. Not going to tell you who to vote for, just want to pass along a place to better educate yourself. So you make the best choice for yourself. And if you know of an even better site, please let us know. And again, link in the episode description.
Starting point is 02:03:31 Now let's get to this first message, a Cummins law, Super Sucker Sean Shomo writes, fucking Cummins law update. Greetings Suck Master Flex. I would like to inform you that I, a stupid meat sack space lizard sent his first friend first rendition of this email to the wrong place. Please help other slow spaces by helping us know what to send these updates, both jangles at timesickpodcast.com, especially since
Starting point is 02:03:54 Pandora plays your podcast in reverse. Weird. Not start for the long email. Your fault for not telling me the first time recently discovered your podcast months ago. I've for haven't been a fan of your comedy for quite some while, never been to a show. Hope you come through chat and do get Tennessee sometime after the playgains.
Starting point is 02:04:07 All right, update. So I drive a lot, like 40 to 60,000 miles a year a lot. Start to listen to your podcast, heard about the commons, lot bullshit and thought, how do these imbeciles get commons, lots so often. And I now join the ranks of these imbeciles was listening to the Bobby Yaga and you kept singing. Tassuk going to your wit, I've seen the show. was listening to the Baba Yaga and you kept singing tassakoyin tuyo witsha I've seen the show, my brain slowly becomes OCD about needing to sing along throughout the show
Starting point is 02:04:30 well in the mornings I like to get breakfast at a drive-through and most of the time I just pause the podcast and order but for some reason that day I just turn it down so I can barely hear it Lady comes on, hi may I take your order and I respond with yes can I get a number seven with a toss a coin to your witcher? Oh, valley of plenty. Oh, valley of plenty. Oh, oh, I immediately pop back into reality. Oh, there goes gravity. Realize what just happened. So I finished the order. Usually you get responded with your total. I get nothing dead silence. I see the total pop up on the screen.
Starting point is 02:05:04 Pull around. I get to the window and this lady looks at me like I'm covered in y'all him, crowl special sauce, just as fucking seriously dude, of a face. Needless to say, I will always remember to pause the suck now. Love the podcast, Hail Nimrod, Hail Lucifina, three out of five stars. Wouldn't change a thing. Thanks Sean Shomo. Well, thank you, Sean. Thanks for your message.
Starting point is 02:05:22 It's quite a visual. I'm sure they were very, very confused. Thanks for the last. For enjoying the show and for reminding me to start watching the Witcher again. Toss it coin to your Witcher, O Valley of Penty. Next up, a real good decision was recently made by Top Shell Sack. I will, even though he did send his name, choose to leave his anonymous. He writes, Lucifer can lick my hairy meat sack. Hey, Dan, I just wanted to send an email to let you know that I have just listened to the sack suck while sitting in my car waiting to drive off a cliff. And I heard you say that you will be my content any day. As a throwaway, as it may have been,
Starting point is 02:06:02 well, this as well as all the other listening letters in the past has stopped me. After struggling through a crappy time at work and starting to improve, I got hit with sexual harassment accusations from someone anonymous that took out all the progress I'd started to make. What frustrated me the most is I don't know who it was yet a lot of other people do. I've been treated like I'm guilty of sounding I don't even know about. It's ruining me internally because I've nothing to respect for everyone I work with. Yet a comment like this destroyed almost seven years of reputation and worked through rumor alone.
Starting point is 02:06:28 However, to know that with everything going on in the world, the community of like-minded people can come together and support one another is truly a beautiful thing. I'm not out of this yet. It'll be a long shitty fucked up struggle to get out of the hole I'm in, but I look forward to starting to engage with the secret sub community when I have the mental fortitude to reactivate my Facebook profile. Also tries their mind. I cannot remember the term for someone making an obvious comment in order to get praise. Can you refresh my mind?
Starting point is 02:06:53 That is commenting. This is so bad and shouldn't happen. I'm like a video of animals, contraption fires, et cetera. Thanks for everything, guys. Well, thank you, dude. So glad you chose not to end it. And virtue signaling is the term you're looking for. A lot of more and more all the time, I think, virtue signaling.
Starting point is 02:07:08 Sorry, you're having a real, real rough time. Hope things turn around for you soon. And if you keep working hard, keep pushing forward. Don't give up. I do believe odds are things will get better. Also I've been de-stressing lately with a meditation app called Waking Up with Sam Harris. I think it's so good. He'll let you access all the content for free if times are tough as well
Starting point is 02:07:27 So I hope that helps if you choose to check it out. Hail Nimrod Now another Cummins law message from someone some funny sucker who didn't leave their name they wrote god damn it Dan I just started listening to suck one 21 DB Cooper. I got around the three 10 mark my boss walked into the office He stopped dead as your voice penetrated the silence with, oh man, I'm a suck you off today, I'm a suck you so hard, I'm a suck your knowledge ween. Yep, he went red, started laughing with white eyes, and very carefully went out the door. Dammit, damn, damn you, to Nimrod's butthole, much love, much suck. Much suck to you, anonymous sucker, sorry, not sorry, for making shit super weird
Starting point is 02:08:05 with your boss. Hey, I'll lose a Fina. And now one more. One more today from Spaces or Ron, a fine meat sack. Where's the shout out to you, Ron writes, hello to the time, suck crew. This is your loyal Spaces or Ron. I just wanted to write in for a possible shout out
Starting point is 02:08:19 to an awesome meat sack and fellow sucker. We connect on the cold to the Curious Facebook page while back and have pretty much kept in touch every day since. She's a high school psychology, world history, and sociology teacher. She's a great mom and a great human in general. She may not be Polish, but she is red-headed in Jewish, and that's almost as bad. Uuuh, JK, oh my heck. There works that mine. But you know the joke. Her birthday is September 23rd, and I know she would love a shout out by one of her favorite podcasters and comedians.
Starting point is 02:08:48 Her name is Stephanie Campbell or Soup, because of Campbell, you get it. Thanks for advance if you're able to make this happen. Thanks for the content. Hail Nimrod, praise Bojangles, praise Triple M, get over there, Lucifina, or get over here. Sorry, it changes a lot. And keep on sucking. PSI, I'm not sorry for this long email. Well thank you, Ron, and happy. And keep on sucking. PSI am not sorry for this long email. Well, thank you, Ron.
Starting point is 02:09:05 And happy belated birthday, Stephanie. Ron sent it in on time, as my fault. Happy birthday, Stephanie. Soup Campbell, adorable nickname. You sound lovely. Keep being an awesome mom. Don't let Ron give you too much shit for being a ginger. And keep teaching world history.
Starting point is 02:09:20 Please have so much love and respect for teachers. Such a noble profession. Please keep it up. The world needs you. And thanks everyone for your messages and for continuing to listen to this show. And that's all for today's Time Sucker Updates. Thanks, Time Suckers.
Starting point is 02:09:39 I need a net. We all did. Thanks for continuing to rate and review time, Suck Meat Sacks. Appreciate it. I keep seeing those pop up. It helps us. More scared to death Tuesday night. More is we dumb on Wednesday.
Starting point is 02:09:52 More incredible feats Monday to Friday. Don't start a cult this week. And instead attempt to make all that sweet Suck money and keep on second. Thanks for coming back to a manual day of house of socks. We got some new socks in today. Oh, we got unicorn socks. We got reddened, base socks, gray socks, pink socks. You get it. We got blue and poodle socks.
Starting point is 02:10:23 We got a, this looks like a lizard skin sock Maybe some wool. We got a we got a kid sock. We got some purple socks We got some green socks. Maybe not a gayer skin socks. We got some yellow socks. We got all this one We got some red and green and white Christmas socks. Oh, we got a we got a crystalline sock here This made a quartz I believe we got somebody fucking socks I got a crystal-y sock here, this made a quartz, I believe. I've got so many fucking socks!

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