Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 213 - Hollow Earth Theory

Episode Date: October 12, 2020

I bet you’ve heard of Flat Earthers. But have you heard of… Hollow Earthers?? Variations of Hollow Earth Theory propose that our planet Earth is either entirely hollow or contains a substantial in...terior space. Maybe several spaces. Multiple worlds within worlds. Notably suggested by Edmond Halley in the late 17th century, the notion has been disproved time and time again by, basically, the entire scientific community. But that hasn’t stopped people from continuing to believe in it. Today, we’ll take a look at the mythological origins of the Hollow Earth theory, including many religions’ beliefs that there’s some sort of physically reachable underworld. Then we’ll head to the 16th and 17th centuries when some early scientists - just beginning to explore and understand the cosmos - theorized about the possibility of a Hollow Earth. We’ll touch on some works of subterranean fiction that captivated audiences and fueled hollow earth belief, and we’ll get to know several explorers who were determined to journey to the center of the hollow earth. We’ll even meet a man who started a cult based in part on some very interesting hollow earth beliefs. If the earth IS hollow - what’s inside!?! Cryptids? UFOs? Nazis? Do the inner earth inhabitants ever come to the surface and say hello? So many insane possibilities to go over on today’s wackadoodle-packed, science fiction interpreted-as-truth based, snake and mole people edition… of Timesuck.We donated $7200 to Girls in the Know. In a world that's hard on women, the mission of Girls in the Know is to empower girls to embrace a strong sense of self. To find out more, visit: www.girlsintheknow.org Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/cxaAvJiNN2wMerch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're over 9500 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I bet you've heard of flat earthers, but have you heard of hollow earthers? There are also a very real group of people who seem to care a lot more about their beliefs than, you know, science. Variations of hollow earth theory propose that our planet is either entirely hollow or contains a substantial interior space, maybe several spaces, multiple worlds within worlds. Notably suggested by Edmund Halley in the late 17th century, the notion has been disproved time and time again by basically the entire scientific community, but that has not stopped people from continuing to believe in it. In this episode, we'll take a look at the mythological origins of the hollow earth theory, including many religions beliefs that there's some
Starting point is 00:00:40 sort of physically reachable underworld. Then we'll head to the 16th and 17th centuries, when some early scientists just beginning to explore and understand the cosmos theorized about the there's some sort of physically reachable underworld. Then we'll head to the 16th and 17th centuries, when some early scientists just beginning to explore and understand the cosmos theorized about the possibility of a hollow earth. We'll touch on some works of subterranean fiction that captivated audiences and fueled hollow earth belief and we'll get to know several explorers
Starting point is 00:00:58 who were determined to journey to the center of the hollow earth, leaving me to man who started a cult, based in part on some very interesting hollow earth beliefs. It was based in Florida, of course hollow earth. We'll leave him meet a man who started a cult, based in part on some very interesting hollow earth beliefs. It was based in Florida. Of course it was. If the earth is hollow, what's inside? Cryptids, UFOs, Nazis, do the inner earth inhabitants ever come to the surface and say
Starting point is 00:01:16 hello? So many interesting possibilities to go over on today's wackadoodle pact, science fiction interpreted as truth-based snake and mole people edition of TimeSuck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to TimeSuck. You're listening to TimeSuck. Happy Monday and welcome to the Cult of the curious meat sacks. Do other meat sacks live beneath our feet? Do we live underneath their feet?
Starting point is 00:01:50 Shit's gonna get so weird today. I'm excited. Dan, I'm Dan Cummins, hollow earth denier, flat earth and taginizer, the suck master, the sock master, the master sucker, sucker. And you are listening to time suck. He'll Nimrod Praisebo, jangles, glory be to triple M and Lucifina. I'm still trying to get Lindsey to let you moving with us. A sweet Monday suck time suck Tumblr in the store at BadMagicMarch.com today.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Listen to the suck. Where the suck? Sip from the suck. Cult, cult, cult. Also thanks to all of you for spreading the suck by slapping time suck stickers all over the place. Makes me so happy to see those show up on the Instagram fee. It's so fucking cool. Hail Nimrod to all of you.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I have picked out this month's charity and I'm very excited to tell you what it is. I'm gonna announce it in this episode in the time sucker updates and you'll see why when you listen. Get your tissues ready. And that's it for today's announcements. Now let's dig down, down, down and find out what may or may not exist beneath
Starting point is 00:02:45 our feet. Today, we will try to answer the question is the Earth Hollow. It's a hard question to answer. It's going to require a lot of soul searching, a lot of experiments. I bought a lab coat and a clipboard this past week so that my research would feel more scientific. I've worn my glasses more often. I've paced back and forth and contemplatively met more. I've messed around with beakers, bunch and burners, rulers, slide rulers, slide whistles, yo-yos, go carts, all kinds of science stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I just kidding. I haven't done any of that stuff. Some of that didn't make any sense. The rest was unnecessary. I knew the answer in second grade, this question, no! Are you kidding me? Of course, the Earth is not hollow. The Earth being hollow flies in the face
Starting point is 00:03:30 of the accumulation of all the knowledge ever obtained to the entire scientific field of geology. The Earth is not a giant, hollow, plastic Easter egg waiting for someone to open her up and look inside for cash and prizes. If you have any interest in living in a rational, grounded, science-based life, you already know that the Earth is for sure not hollow, but maybe don't care about ration. If you frequently believe that you astral project your soul around the galaxy,
Starting point is 00:03:55 if you think you lived in the lost city of Atlantis in a previous life, if you think you can telepathically speak with your pets, or if you're in a long-term, romantic relationship with a ghost, or think you're a conduit for the myriad of ancients who share eternal wisdom through you, or if you don't get vaccinations because you think that they're part of some kind of evil, one-world governmental plot to control and slave humanity, human race, get off your knees, wake up, sheeple. Well, and fuck it. There's this hollow.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Yay, hello earth, boo! Well, document it, reasons to refute that silly notion. It might as well believe that the earth is flat too. It's hollow and it's flat. And protected by an army of space dragons or something. Why not? Go all in. Enjoy continuing to an indulge in imagination,
Starting point is 00:04:34 not limited or constrained by any established scientific principles. Keep believing that you know more than all of these smartest people our planet has produced over the past several centuries. I admire your moxie and I wish I had your confidence. In all seriousness, I will do my best today to explain to you exactly why the Earth can't contain another vast world inside of it.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I'll also try to smash my head into my computer out of extreme frustration that many people, way too many people, seem to still truly believe that the Earth is hollow. We're gonna dig much further into territory. We started to explore way back in episode eight of Time Suck recorded in November of 2016. When we touched on all of this a bit, you know, when we talked about John Quincy Adams, the six US president, who was for sure open to the idea that the earth was indeed hollow and idea pushed at the time. Adams was alive mainly by a man named John Cleves Sims.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Talk a lot about him today. Man who truly seemed to believe that our earth was indeed hollow and possibly populated by mole people he wanted to trade goods with. Sims hollow Earth theory laid the intersection of religion, science, fiction, and pseudo-scientific discoveries. And I use the term discovery very loosely. Maybe experiments is a better, more apt, descriptive term. Failed experiments carried out by conductors who didn't realize their experiments had in
Starting point is 00:05:43 fact failed. Several people influenced by these different schools of thought have actually attempted or gone on expeditions to find an entrance to the Earth's hollow interior over the years. They've hoped to descend into the Earth and meet a race of either super humans or terrible monsters or aliens or, I don't know, sometimes a little bit of everything. What most hollow earthers seem to believe lies beneath this reminds me of our fairly recent skin walker ranch, a number of fringy ideas and conspiracies brought together into a single, pretty insane, hollow earth narrative. Hollow earth theory, excuse me, encapsulates all kind of an all you can eat buffet of wackadoodle-ness.
Starting point is 00:06:16 I do like Atlantis, okay, well, maybe Atlantis is inside the earth. You have conspiracy theories about Nazi Germany, maybe Hitler's hiding inside the earth. You believe in aliens, maybe UFO Hitler's hiding inside the earth. You believe in aliens? Maybe UFOs come from inside the earth. And I should point out before I come across as more negative and skeptical than I really am about all this stuff, I am open to believing in some of these concepts. I'm willing to believe that aliens might in fact live inside the earth, not kidding, but maybe in some kind of like bunkers they've built or something.
Starting point is 00:06:43 I don't think it's very likely that they are. I've never come across any evidence, but I'm willing to think it's at least possible. I don't want to come across as a guy who isn't open to anything. Science hasn't proven or discovered yet. I'm willing to entertain all sorts of interesting possibilities. I'm just not willing to believe that aliens might live inside a gigantic world within our hollow world for reasons I will lay out soon.
Starting point is 00:07:02 All right, let's get a little more specific about hollow earth. What exactly do hollow earth believers envision when they imagine the world they positive exist inside our own? Unsurprisingly, just like flat earthers can't all agree on exactly how the earth is flat. Hollow earthers can't all agree on exactly how the earth is hollow or what's inside of it.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Or even how many hollow worlds exist inside of it. Something we're inside of another planet right now. It should have so insane. I knew it would be insane when we picked this topic about a month ago. It is way more insane, but I thought it would be. Today prevailing hollow earth theory states that the earth is a hollow shell with its inner surface being much like the outer surface where we live. And on this inner surface, kind of this upside down world, on the other side of the plastic Easter egg shell, oceans, continents, mountain ranges, vast forests, and entire atmosphere full of clouds lit by a miniature sun that warms the inner surface residents and all kinds of stuff. And yes, residents, more on them in a moment. According to this theory, near the North Pole and the South Pole are giant holes that allow travel between the outer and inner worlds. And there are other holes that have been theorized to existing caves, mountain ranges, other
Starting point is 00:08:11 places across the globe, generally much smaller holes. And when you head down one of these holes, you will meet if some crazy unknown land of the lost hollow earth creature as an fucking eat you first, a member of one of the advanced inner earth civilizations that live inside the world. Maybe a Lemurian, perhaps in a Garthin. A Garthus seems to be the most agreed upon civilization to dwell inside the hollow earth. At least since the Atlanteans fled to the surface after some kind of wizard war a couple hundred thousand years ago.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I hate that I knew that was a belief long before the research show we did for this suck. And members of this underground civilization, residents of the city of Agartha, much more advanced than we humans. Of course they are. What a fun thing to believe in. Of course the hollow earth is not filled with a bunch of dim-witted cave people. No, sorry Bob, it'd be a bummer
Starting point is 00:08:55 to find out that there's a world inside of her, ours, and it's just populated by nothing but monkey people jerking off from trees and throwing their own shit around. No way, there's a bunch of God-like geniuses chilling out inside of our planet. It refused to publicly announce their presence to us for reasons that, uh, well, they're kind of hard to understand. It's always something about we're not ready for them, or our comparative ignorance, discuss them, we're not spiritually pure enough or something.
Starting point is 00:09:18 The people of a gartha, the agarthans, are believed by hollow earthers to have populated the earth's surface where we live now millions of years ago, then they found out that life was better inside the earth, a nicer climate, more tasty plants and stuff. If you haven't had a hollow earth page, you haven't lived. They moved within, they built a magnificent underground capital city, structuring their own environment and necessities out of some kind of magic. Get old magic. Explaining shit, people don't understand since the beginning of human kind's existence.
Starting point is 00:09:48 When you don't understand how something works, when you can't logically figure it out, but you still wanna believe in it, you can always just say magic. How do those people get fishing animals and fruit trees and vegetables and an atmosphere to sustain all of that inside the earth? Ha, magic.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Well, how'd they get a tiny sun to fit inside the earth? And somehow hide somewhere, sometimes, so you can have Ha, magic. Okay, well how do they get a tiny sun to fit inside the earth? And somehow hide somewhere, sometimes, so you can have night. Magic. But no, seriously, where the fuck does the inside sunset? It's magic. Oh, all right. Okay, no need to yell. I shouldn't incorporate this loophole into my life, maybe raise my kids like that.
Starting point is 00:10:19 You know, my kids have to show their work when they're math homework. It's cool. Just writing the answer down doesn't cut it. They have to show how they arrived at the answer. I think they should start just only given the answer. And then in the section where they're supposed to show their work, just write the word magic. Some of Gartha believers think that these beans down there, these very smart, very tall beans who live incredibly long lives. They communicate with select earth, outer surface dwellers, at you and me, sometimes face to face, sometimes
Starting point is 00:10:45 telepathically. You're not suffering from delusions and hearing voices because your brain chemicals are out of balance and you're mentally ill. No way. Come on. Now you're talking to hollow earth monsters. That's all. Hollow earth earth, I think hollow earth, God folk helped the Egyptians build the pyramids. They think there were tunnels that would lead from the pyramids deep underground to agartha and the pharaohs would walk back and forth from our world to theirs. Bummer we haven't found any of those tunnels, not even one, even though so many people have dedicated their entire adult lives to studying the pyramids. So who are the people of a gartha talking to you right now?
Starting point is 00:11:18 The government of course, but not the government you know, the secret shadow illuminati government that controls our government i think it's not there's an agreed upon stanza they're either how does our government visit with these people uh... well they uh... they travel into the center of the earth through polar openings and secret caves and other things
Starting point is 00:11:40 and why have the rest of us never seen pictures of giant polar openings at least the whole earth because it's hidden don't worry about it why don't google earth satellite show the hall of earth opening because magic magic camouflage can anyone offer more details about these people who used to live on your surface despite the fact that we have literally zero archeological evidence of
Starting point is 00:12:00 that existence yes for a lot of digging it really was a lot of digging. I found an awesome definitive source, Diane Roberts. She has answers we're looking for here. I found a source about as good as any on the subject. I found a book called Messages from the Hollow Earth. You can get on Amazon if you feel like throwing your money away by Diane Roberts. Now, who's Diane Roberts? You may ask. Well, according to DianeRobbins.com, she is a light worker.
Starting point is 00:12:26 And what is a light worker? Well, according to me, and we've studied these types of people a lot on the secret suck, the companion to time suck, a light worker is a delusional spiritual lunatic whose ego needs to believe that they're much more important to humanity than they actually are. According to happiness.com, however, they are beans who feel an enormous pull towards helping others, also referred to as crystal babies, indigos, earth angels, and star seeds. The spiritual beans volunteer to act is a beacon for the earth and commit to serving humanity. So super cool.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Yeah, there are star seeds. Thanks, happiness.com. You're really clear things up for us all. Diane writes that she serves humanity by sharing her connection to the civilizations of inner earth. She discovered as a young child that she was a telepathic receiver and transmitter for the inner earth to restrials, cetaceans, crystal kingdom, tree people, and nature kingdoms. I bet her parents were super proud of all of these discoveries?
Starting point is 00:13:26 Diane? Diane? Are you still interested in playing softball this summer, honey? No, Mom. As I've already made it clear, I am only interested in focusing on my telepathic transmissions to the inner earth terrestrials right now. Ha, okay, honey.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Hey, don't forget to help your brother pick up some dog poop in the yard later today. I will, mom, when I am done transmitting a Diane writes that she currently communicates with several different ethereal beings, including mycos, a being currently living in the hollow earth. And I guess we're Diane lives Mount Shasta, California, ding, ding, ding, of course, she does. Wackadoodle Central.
Starting point is 00:14:03 We learned all about that very interesting place. The beliefs shared by many residents of Mount Shasta in the National Park, Mystery Suck, back in March 2019. And Mount Shasta, wow, where no belief is apparently too crazy. Where people are waiting right now for the Lemurians, a race of extraterrestrials, they think, live inside Mount Shasta to pour out as a hollow earth
Starting point is 00:14:22 and reveal themselves. Where others think they've already come out of the mountain, they go back and forth all the time, we just can't see them because we're vibrating on the wrong frequency. They're in the third and a half dimension. We're just in the third dimension or some shit. Anyway, Diane has been sharing a Garth and Micah's communications with Earth for quite some time. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Thank you so much, Diane. I'm so glad you're willing to share your incredible gift. You're very credible communications. Diane writes on her bio that she has dedicated her life to receiving and publishing her telepathic transmissions from beans residing in higher realms of consciousness. She says, my goal is to spread these messages around the globe and hopes of awakening surface humans to the existence of those that inhabit the oceans, subterranean realms, hollow earth, and surface nature kingdoms throughout the publication of my books. So lucky to have Diane.
Starting point is 00:15:08 It's too bad she's not running for president. I know, that's the one thing, missing, from this election. Just what do the hollow earth people think? What do they want? According to her telepathic transmissions, subterranean dweller, Michael says the following, about how his people came to live inside the Earth.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Once we were adrift in space, living on another solar system in the Milky Way galaxy. At that time, there were what you today call Star Wars. People were engaged in battles to control our section of the galaxy. These battles brought great destruction to our planets, knocked solar systems off course. It was a dark time for our galaxy, and beans like ourselves yearned for peace to be restored so that we could continue our evolution. This is when we
Starting point is 00:16:00 discovered the Earth. We left our solar system and traveled here. God, this is really helpful. This is really detailed shit, right? There were Star Wars, no solar systems around. Peaceful beings traveled, I hear the escape body, got it. When we elighted on the surface, we were amazed at an all of the beauty and tranquility of Earth. We explored the surface and found the open tunnels leading
Starting point is 00:16:23 into the cavity inside. These were already existing tunnels from other civilizations for the Earth's very old and her civilizations ancient. Super cool. Right, there was other civilizations made tunnels that were here even longer than a few million years ago. We migrated through the poles and found our nest inside. The inside is so clean, so pure, so peaceful, that from time on we never left it.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Throughout the ages we have enlarged and expanded the tunnels leading to the subterranean cities and surface. As a means of travel for our inhabitants and yours, weird, you just said you never left it, but then you did see, you did leave it right after that, that's confusing. Huh, for our benefit, you decades have made these tunnels really hard to find. Hollow Earth is our home. We have been here for millions of years, slowly evolving ourselves into God-beams. Fuck yeah, noise! Our evolution has made great strides due to the isolation of being wrapped up inside the womb of Mother Earth.
Starting point is 00:17:20 All our lives have been spent in peace and bliss due to our location. We exist here in peace and tranquillity because of the proximity to the heartbeat of Mother Earth. All our lives have been spent in peace and bliss due to our location. We exist here in peace and tranquillity because of the proximity to the heartbeat of Mother Earth. The more deeply one goes into the Earth, the more deeply one feels the beat of the Earth, and the more one feels HER capitalized heartbeat. The more one resonates to her. Goddess qualities. If you're thinking that didn't really help me learn much of anything, yeah you're right. If you're thinking that didn't really help me learn much of anything, yeah, you're right. If you're thinking that was a bunch of fucking new-aged nonsense, mother earth, babble gibberish.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Right. If you're thinking, can you just give me a lot more details at to what is going on inside the fucking earth? No, I can't. There is no concrete, heavily detailed description that say a real life explorer would give because no one has been there because it's not real. But you probably know that. But we're not here to talk about real.
Starting point is 00:18:07 We're also here to talk about belief. And to further illustrate what modern proponents of Holler Earth theory believe, how about we check in with today's idiots of the internet? Idiots of the internet. I'll be into that, into that, into that, into that. I want you to hear a little intro to a roughly 44-minute long video titled, Inner Earth Civilizations Exist, and I Can Prove It. Posted by the Universe Inside You YouTube channel. Channel that has 1.32 million subscribers.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Awesome. This video has nearly 150,000 views. It would have many more if it hadn't have been apparently pulled down several times by YouTube. It has 37,000 likes, only 1200 dislikes, which is frankly equally infuriating and depressing because it is mind-bogglingly stupid. Before I play part of the intro, I want to read a comment pinned by the universe inside you channel. A few months after I first uploaded this video, it was demonetized and deemed unsteudable
Starting point is 00:19:01 for viewers by YouTube. I contacted them by email and they said that after a manual review, they confirmed it's unsteudable for viewers by YouTube. I contacted them by email and they said that after a manual review, they confirmed it's unseudable. When I asked why, they said they can't answer. Then I re-uploaded this video a few days later, my entire channel got demonetized. Luminati, damn you new world order. Thanks to all of your help and support you showed
Starting point is 00:19:21 by tweeting to YouTube, they're reinstated my monetization. Now I post this video for the third time. I disabled the notification because I don't want you to get spam for the third time with the same video, but this is one of my favorite videos, and my channel is not the same without it. Thank you for your support. So this is a very important video to these people.
Starting point is 00:19:37 In a perfect world, they would have zero supporters. So let's listen to just a little bit of this. The Earth is a spherical, spacious planetary body, with enormous, continent-sized caverns deep within it, and large entrances miles across the North and South Pole. They say inner Earth has water, oceans, and luminosity, and that it sustains not only plants and animals, but intelligent life If this sounds like heresy lay aside what you think you know and we'll show you the evidence the scientists The legends and testimonies behind the inner earth theory so that you can see why it may be the most game-changing
Starting point is 00:20:23 Information ever concealed from common knowledge that miles beneath your feet are ideal conditions for a life-sustaining and inhabitable in earth. She doesn't actually, I watched that video, there isn't like science, but by scientists she means like a very early scientist, a couple hundred years ago who will talk about whose theories were very quickly disproven. She doesn't have like, Neil deGrasse Tyson isn't coming on there, be like, yeah, that's fucking silly hollow. Yeah, absolutely, 100%. Giant, condensized caverns,
Starting point is 00:20:56 luminosity, intelligent beans, all living in the earth. Okay. Huh, does she give any extra details in this video about exactly who these beans are, what they do? Not really, kind of some big descriptions that we'll go over later in today's show. Before we get into the idiotic comments and they are idiotic, let me just try and explain why none of these commenters can be right. Why this video has to be nonsense, why the earth can't be hollow. Modern science is understanding of the earth's core began in the late 17th century, well over
Starting point is 00:21:22 three centuries ago, when Sir Isaac Newton, who realized that because of how planets move and the way our gravity is tied to a body's mass, our planet can't even have solid crusts. The center of our world has to be even more dense than the surface for life as we know it to exist. Overall, the Earth's core has to be twice as dense as the rock we see every day here at the surface.
Starting point is 00:21:41 If the Earth were truly hollow, the planet as a whole would be much, much lighter. Our gravity would be much, much weaker. I would for sure finally be able to dunk a basketball. And then it would probably float away in the space after dunking. But I probably wouldn't even dunk in the first place because I would have floated away as a baby.
Starting point is 00:21:59 And I probably would have never been a baby because our atmosphere wouldn't have been held in place by the gravity and I would have never been able to breathe in the first place. And well, you fucking fucking you get it. I hope. Change every time I said probably to definitely. Much more recently,
Starting point is 00:22:10 Geologist built on Newton's initial understanding with the development of remote sensing technology, using that technology they can determine the mantle's density, other characteristics based on how waves travel through the material during like an earthquake. And if you think you nope, nope, don't buy a fuck-noodin'. Fuck it, fuck earthquakes. All right, okay, you're crazy and you're unreasonable, but fine, I can talk about some other stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I can just prove the hollow earth in another way. Let's talk about the concept of an interior sun. That's where I kept getting hung up, an interior sun. How the fuck a star, some source of luminosity fit inside our planet. Well, the short answer, of course, is that it can't. It's an idiotic thing to believe in. But we're not talking about a big light bulb here.
Starting point is 00:22:51 We're talking about a giant burning sun. Our sun is more than 850,000 miles across, much bigger than the Earth itself, just shy of 8,000 miles across. However, there are smaller suns way out in the universe, much smaller suns, super dense neutron stars, less than a dozen miles across that could technically fit inside a hollow earth, but those little motherfuckers are real hot, like way too hot, well over a million degrees Fahrenheit hot. If you're really bad with numbers, you don't understand how hot that is.
Starting point is 00:23:19 You can burn yourself technically touching something that's just on our 110 degrees Fahrenheit. You have such a for a long time, it won't burn you much, but technically it will eventually burn you. A campfire reaches an average temperature of about 930 degrees Fahrenheit, huge-roin-bond fire reaches temperatures about roughly 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. If you'd like to grill, you probably know that around 500 degrees Fahrenheit, you can sear, stake, and less than two minutes. Keep that sweet steak juice inside where it's going to wait for your mouth muscles. I use a gas grill. I know, I know,
Starting point is 00:23:47 I'm no purist charcoal wizard. And the actual gas flame itself burns around 3500 degrees Fahrenheit. Human body can be cremated at 1800 degrees Fahrenheit, less than three hours your whole body reduced to nothing but a small amount of ash. Little neutron star is over 550 times cremation hot. A rock will begin to melt at less than 2400 degrees Fahrenheit. Little neutron star will over 400 times rock melting hot. A neutron star lighting up the hollow earth would completely and immediately fucking eviscerate our entire planet for sure. Whatever giants, other weird shit, we'll live it inside here. It will be almost instant instantaneously melted and don't even get me started on where
Starting point is 00:24:27 the sun is supposed to set inside the earth. Think about that. What? It has to rotate around the inside earth. What? Like, does it go behind some other little thing to create? I don't know. It hurts my head. Feel like I'm gonna be your brain tumor if I think about it for too long. And forget about heat and neutron star packs billions of times more gravity than Earth. It's much, much, much more dense. One of these fuckers inside our planet would give us billions of times more gravity than what currently have.
Starting point is 00:24:53 We would be so squished, like the most squished. Anyone has ever been squished. If that star showed up inside the Earth, all of a sudden, and for some reason, it wasn't hot. It's hard to say what would happen to us first, if it showed up. It would be squished or incinerated by hell like heat. And still not done, neutron stars produced a shitton of very deadly radiation.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Radiation beams would be squished, evaporated, viscerated, our bones melted out of our flat burnt bodies all the same time, we die so quickly and so many ways. All of that makes perfect sense to me and science was never my forte, never my favorite subject in school. You know, no, not crazy, discredited scientists are going to bump on the gist of anything I've just shared with you. I think about that as well. Why would all geologists, seismologists, astronomers, why would all of them lie to us to what end?
Starting point is 00:25:38 It has to, it also be true for the earth to be hollow. All teachers, you know, talk about magna, inside the earth, you know, talk about plate tiktonics, they're all liars. Thousands of people in the comment section of the hollow earth video, I just watched, they don't give a shit about anything I just said. And I bet most of them have or will breed. So that's fun.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Well, the idea of a world inside our world makes perfect sense to them because they disregard reason, improve in scientific concepts, and just like to believe in uh... you know magic uh... mister two cents post yeah pretty much everything you learn in school is wrong noise
Starting point is 00:26:12 fuck yeah bro school stupid thinking is for nerds uh... always read comments like that as uh... interpret them as bullshit rationalizations oh uh... mister two cents could have been valedictorian obvi mister two cents could have a stole classes, but he was too smart to be brainwashed while that stupid book learning, mm-hmm. Or he just doesn't want to admit that he struggled in science class, or that he gave up in school,
Starting point is 00:26:36 or that homework was too hard, or he's too lazy to do it, or maybe he didn't have the strength to accept that maybe just maybe he didn't have what it took to become the scientists that he wanted to. So what? I've never been some science whist. There were always students better at science than I was in every class I took. But I didn't let that fact twist shit around my mind
Starting point is 00:26:52 and end up in some place of like whatever nerd, fucking dorks, who cares about that stupid shit? I don't, because it's so stupid. I'm not, no, I respect those who are better than me and a variety of areas, and there are those better than me in my opinion in every area of life. And because I want to get better instead of hating them or mentally discrediting them or
Starting point is 00:27:09 ignoring them, I choose to admire them and to try and learn from them. I always got to keep an eye on that ego, right? Don't beat yourself up needlessly, but also don't metaphorically suck your own dick or suck your own lady wing. You get it. Next comment, Andreas Chana Tiyakis writes, It makes me sad I might die before this is confirmed. Might? No, wrong word.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I think you meant will. You should be sad, you will die before the hollow earth theory is confirmed because it's not true. Karama Gambino posts, anyone with the brain knows that this earth is exactly like Swiss Chess's. The reason why civilians haven't been able to utilize it is because of our military complex. What? Forget the chess cheese typo.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Focus instead of the mindless gibberish being spouted with arrogance and then making me even angrier, the first reply under this comment is from Mike Miller who writes, finally, someone with some critical thinking and common sense, you humbled me. What?
Starting point is 00:28:06 Critical thinking and common sense equals thinking that the world is hollow. It's an evil, cabal government is hiding that fact from us. It's amazing. You're able to believe that Mike Miller, that you are a bastion of common sense and critical thinking when you choose clearly to live an assess pool of ignorance. How does he humble you? You understand what the term's humble, critical thinking and common sense mean? When I first started to read Christopher Leslie's
Starting point is 00:28:28 Stanley's post, I thought he was gonna shoot on some of the other commenters. I got hopeful. He wrote, enough with the bullshit. I'm not speaking of this presentation. Okay, all right, maybe? No, my hope was quickly dashed when he kept writing. He said, the surface creatures of the earth
Starting point is 00:28:41 have been led away and astray. Why that is can be guessed at, but the keepers of a cult knowledge are not making the cut of the liars that used to be our official Earth history is all just so much misleading bunk. I want to throw myself out the fucking window and read stuff like this. We need to finally make higher education free, seriously. Let's take a quick little detour. I'll pay more in taxes if it means more people get to go to college.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Not kidding. And if you think more people get to go to college. Not kidding. And if you think that sounds like socialism, that is. Sometimes I think I come across like I hate all forms of socialism. I do not. Never have. I hate communism. Love certain socialist policies. And you probably do too, even if you don't think you do.
Starting point is 00:29:17 If you've been brainwashed into thinking that all socialism is bad, guess what? Social security is socialism. Anyone who says different is lying. If you really want to get rid of any and all socialism, you should start campaigning to take away your grandparents' retirement. I take away your own social security. Ready to throw those monthly checks into the fucking fire?
Starting point is 00:29:34 No, then maybe you don't hate all forms of socialism. The government, not individuals, not businesses, run the social security system. It's almost impossible to opt out of, not paying too much your omnisher, the member of some other conscientious objector group and can claim the very rare religious exemption from having to pay into the system.
Starting point is 00:29:51 And because the American government plays such a dominant role in the US social security system deciding how much and when we employees, employers must pay into that system. How much we citizens receive in benefits when we get them because the US government prevents almost everyone from opting out socialism. Case closed. And some base level of free higher education would be another good form of socialism.
Starting point is 00:30:12 I want it. I want it because I don't want society to devolve into some real life, hollow earth idiocracy. I don't want to live in a society where only the rich can afford to give their kids a good education. And then the rest of the kids have a decent chance is ended up like a like, uh, you know, Christopher Leslie Stanley, uh, or these other hollow earth believing commenters. Two more. The shaman anarchist posts, not a planet, no such thing as satellites, CGI images, not
Starting point is 00:30:37 photographs, NASA plus JPL equals OTO, turning the astral realm into a habitable physical one. Mass black magic spell on our consciousness awareness of where we are, shaman's unite peace. What? I think this motherfucker just said that whether or not the Earth is hollow is relevant because we don't even live on a planet. It's all CGI. We're chilling in the astral realm. We're living off of a mass, black magic stuff. And can you imagine working with this lunatic? Hey, Ted, did Lorenzo say we had until the end of the day to get our reports done or the end of the week? What reports? Oh, no, the reports.
Starting point is 00:31:17 We've worked on the past two weeks. There are no reports. There are just thoughts projected into the soul's scape, just frequencies and quantum vibrations. I live in the center of the great mind where my heart is pure and the tree of life feeds me through a thousand branches of pure energy peace Last one about 300 comments down finally I find someone who asked an intelligent question Mercaba writes how will the cabal gain from the keeping this hollow earth findings as a classified matter? No one replies. Of course, they don't. No one replies because the whole hollow earth, house of cards, theory falls apart when you try to answer this one question. No one has anything to gain by keeping the hollow earth a secret.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Four years ago when I started Times Look, I thought people leaving these type of comments were just fringy, rare wackadiddles, outliers. I don't think that anymore. They're not totally mainstream yet, but they're trending that way. Their ranks seem to be growing. There's a candidate running for Congress from Georgia right now who is an admitted QAnon believer, a straight up fucking maniac. And she might actually win. Intellectually QAnon is on par with hollow earth, flat earth, lizard people, those kind of beliefs. I try to be a uniter and not a divider, but I can't do that on the intellectualism versus anti-intellectualism front.
Starting point is 00:32:32 This is the cult of the curious, not the cult of the willfully ignorant. Please keep fighting the good fight. Please keep thinking deeply and logically, meat sacks. It's so important. I know I don't always get shit right here in times like I know sometimes. I reach too far. I'm out of my depth right here in times like I know sometimes I I reach too far I'm out of my depth, but dammit I try I try to promote truth and reason because I truly believe life will be so much better for us all If we all live by more truth in reason
Starting point is 00:32:54 Let us all continue to fight hollow earthers and the rest of the idiots of the internet It is an internet. Okay, I feel a little better now. Sometimes I have to get that shit out, right? Now I can, now I can be a little sillier again. Uh, in another version of the hollow earth hypothesis, instead of saying that humans live on the outside surface of a hollow planet, sometimes called a convex hollow earth hypothesis. Some of claim that our universe itself lies in the interior of another hollow world, calling this a concave hollow earth hypothesis. In this
Starting point is 00:33:32 version, we live on the inside of a planet and there's someone else above us. NASA is lying to us. I take back everything I said in the days of the internet. No, I know. This theory to me is even dumber than the last one I just hit on. Where did these come from? Like a lot of other bad ideas we meet, Saks, just can't seem to collectively shake. They come from a long, long time ago. In ancient times, when people knew a lot less about how the world around them worked, the idea of subterranean realms seemed pretty reasonable.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And it became intertwined with the concept of places like the Greek Hades, the Nordic Sfartalheim, the Christian hell, the Jewish show, with details describing inner earth and capitalistic literature as well. For these pre-industrialized, pre-scientific thought societies, hell in heaven were not metaphorical concepts. There were places. You could literally descend into, you know, climb out of, of course they were. People living over a thousand plus years ago legitimately worried about sea serpents, pulling
Starting point is 00:34:29 their ships to the bottom of the ocean. They worried that a dragon could fly over and burn down their village. The combination of religious redemption, utopian thought, and the tension between the underside as a metaphor or reality would continue to exist in a hollow earth theory for centuries. There were ancient hollow earth believers living in the Americas as well, such as South Americas, Makoshi people and North Americas, hope people. The Makoshi are indigenous to the Amazon, Brazil, Guyana, Venezuela, Makoshi, actually Makoshi, not Makoshi, Makoshi.
Starting point is 00:34:59 And their shamans claim that a vast network of tunnels connects our world to the mysterious chambers under the surface of the earth. According to their legends, they are descendants of the sons our world to the mysterious chambers under the surface of the Earth. According to their legends, they are descendants of the sun's children, the creator of fire and disease, and the protector of the inner Earth. And the Makushi legends state that travelers enter a cavern and journey for 13 to 15 days
Starting point is 00:35:19 until they reach the Earth's interior said to be inhabited by giants. What a fun thing to believe. I'm kind of jealous actually. How exciting to go on some big adventure looking for a mystical cave. Thinking that if you find it, you can find a door to a magical, subterranean world inside.
Starting point is 00:35:34 This concept of magic in this culture still has not been demoted to, yeah, maybe, but that doesn't line up with science. I think they still just get to believe this in certain parts of the Amazon. The Makushi do still live in the Amazon today and maintain their ancient belief systems. They live much like they did in centuries past and villages linked together by tracks and paths with houses built around a central courtyard.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Like the Makushi, the Hopi people in Arizona and the Southwest, Southwestern United States also root their creation in an underground world. According to legend, they emerge from a massive, or they once emerged from a massive underground shelter after a flood destroyed an earlier version of the above ground world. Interesting that a giant flood would destroy the land above a big cave,
Starting point is 00:36:19 but not somehow drip down and flood the people in the cave below. Must have been a very airtight cave. In the Hopi culture, they specifically referenced emerging from the Grand Canyon, and they talk about ant people, the crucial to their survival. I know we've talked about ant people before.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I wish I could remember when. According to legends, the ant people saving the Hopi from dying in massive, saved the Hopi people from dying in massive natural disasters. The so-called first world was apparently destroyed by fire. The second world was destroyed by ice and then the third by flood. During these events, the virtuous members of the Hopi were guided by an odd shaped cloud during the day,
Starting point is 00:36:53 moving star at night, led them to the sky god named Sotukanang. Sotukanang took them to the ant people, known in Hopi as Anusanom. The ant people then escorted the Hopi into subterranean caves where they found refuge and sustenance. Ant people were generous and industrious,
Starting point is 00:37:09 given the Hopi food when supplies ran short, teaching them food storage and survival skills. Another legend says that the reason why ants are thin in the middle today is because they once deprived themselves in order to feed the Hopi. One of these Hopi ant people are the ancestors of the deadly, um, um, um, um made up that one time. Based on random YouTube comments I found some people seem to still believe that the ancient ancient hopey ant people are real. Why not?
Starting point is 00:37:33 Right? If you believe the earth is hollow, why not believe in ant people? I think once you go hollow earth, you know, just about everything spare game. There's other ancient routes to these hollow earth ideas, Buddhism, a religion over 2,500 years old, has long incorporated a belief in the subterranean, a place called a Garti. And if you're thinking, hey, a Garti sure sounds a lot like a Garta, that's because they're one of the same.
Starting point is 00:37:54 A Garta is known to hollow earthers as a Garti, a Garta, ancient Buddhist texts, state that a Garti was first colonized thousands of years ago and a holy man led his tribe underground. This tribe and their descendants were industrious and intelligent and over the years became a race of Superman and super women whose technological progress was far beyond that of surface dwelling humans. That's what happens when you work hard and apply yourself in the hollow earth. You become a superhuman. I think the water down there is full of steroids or something.
Starting point is 00:38:20 These superpeople occasionally came to the surface, still come to the surface sometimes to oversee the development of the human race. According to some type, Tibetan Buddhist teachings, the sub-training world has millions of inhabitants and many cities. It's capital being Shambhalla. Kind of like how with Christianity's Garden of Eden, something it never existed as a real place, it's the only metaphor. Others think it was a very real place.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Still others think it still is a real place. it's only a metaphor. Others think it was a very real place. Still others think it still is a real place. We just have to find it. Shambhala said to be a land of a thousand names, it's been called the Forbidden Land, the land of white waters, land of radiant spirits, land of living fire, land of the living gods, land of wonders, land of hot totas, land of sweet sugar nips.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Maybe that's what's last to. It's also known as Shangri-La. There are various ideas about where the society's located. It's often placed underneath Central Asia, north of Tibet, the idea of Shambhala, a real place, Shambhala, Shambhala. I've heard it pronounce both ways. I'll go Shambhala.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Real place we could find maybe became popular in Europe and the US and some spiritual circles in the 19th century. A very influential 19th century wacky little named Helena Blavatsky, who's shown up in a few of our stranger topics over the past few years, promoted it amongst so many other interesting ideas. She said that Shambala was fertile, fairy-like land, once in Ireland, now in a way, since of incomparable beauty, the place of meeting of the inheritors, of the esoteric wisdom, of the godlike inhabitants, of the legend, fucking this stuff scrambles my brain. It's just, I pulled that quote, it is insane to me.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Kind of like with David, there are books and books and books and every single sentence is just borderline gibberish. Blavatsky said that quasi immortal Tibetan ancient teachers would meet their meat in this place every seven years to share in the wisdom of the gods. She said a lot of crazy shit. She also said that the lost kingdom of Atlantis was destroyed in a wizard battle over 200,000 years ago. We talked about that in the Atlanta suck battle where Cameras with human bodies and the heads of lions, tigers,
Starting point is 00:40:27 and bears, eight corpses on the battlefield. Ah, we might want to do a suck on Blvasky, in a philosophical teaching someday, or maybe not. Hindu theology also speaks of an underground kingdom, the Hindu text, R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R Rama, oh my god. Ramayana. One of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India tells of the great Avatar Rama. It describes Rama as an emissary from a gartha or Arva, Arya Varda, which translates to the land or realm of the
Starting point is 00:40:59 Aryans or the land of the noble, worthy ones. And the Nazis would later really grab on to this little teaching. The Samasay Aryan called. Did he hear some say would later really grab on to this little teaching. The summer say, Aryan, call, did you hear them say it? It's called, this is wonderful. This lines up with all of you are the wonderful prophecies. A little call back there. The Nazi search for the Holy Grail set.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Various Hindu texts described a sub-training race of serpent people, according to the legend, the Waged War on the Kingdom of Agartha. Agartha, the snake people also called the Nag, a half human, half cobra, an advanced race with a highly developed technology who hardwood, a disdain for humans. They would abduct torture and eat humans. They were total dicks. And they were also sometimes focused and breed with us.
Starting point is 00:41:36 It's very confusing. They hate us and they lust it after us. Sometimes maybe loved us. They were written about a long time ago by authors who were not good at storytelling. Fucking snake people. I'm pretty sure a co-oper commander from GI Joe is one of these Naga snake folks. They live in an underground kingdom called Naga Laka,
Starting point is 00:41:54 filled with resplendent palaces, beautifully ornamented with precious gems. They're bougie. They're bougie snake people dickheads. And there are other ancient versions of a gartha. The list goes on and on. It's actually hard to find an ancient religion without some sort of connection to an underground world.
Starting point is 00:42:10 A lot of old religious beliefs and the sub-training kingdom seem to center on the idea of a place that's far beyond us in terms of both technological development and while I didn't get into this above spiritual goodness. To find these places you have to know where to look and you have to be pure of heart. That second part is a great way to explain why some people can't find it, right? Why naysayers like me can't find it or too wicked. If my damn heart was more pure, I could for sure sneak into the center of the earth, but no, I'm too busy motorboat and loose of fena. Be gone, loose of fena. You keep me from finding shangrelaw. You keep me stuck
Starting point is 00:42:44 on earth shitty old outside crust. Wing your sexy, distracting ass, those new set of high boots. Are you, are you, are you, are you hip scrubbing? Okay, I'll stay on the crust with you. Anyway, a lot of ancient religious beliefs, especially Eastern ones, teach that a Gartha is a place that we could literally physically reach if we just keep looking. It's a place of protection. There's some sort of more developed species living there that could look after us if we could find them before the fucking snake people eat us.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Taken metaphorically, the concept of a gartha could just mean that there's a way to achieve a state of inter-peace. And if everyone did that, we could all live in a utopia right here on the shitty old outside crust. I like that message. That's something I can get into. But a gartha taken literally, I get the fuck out of here. Guest, guest dang, there's no way.
Starting point is 00:43:27 But the belief in a literal regard that continues to the present day people still look for it. Let's now explore how the hollow earth movement developed in the West over the last several centuries, how it even made it to the White House in today's time suck timeline. Right after a quick sponsor break, thank you for listening to our sponsors. Yeah, yeah!
Starting point is 00:43:49 Shrap on those boot soldiers, we're marching down a time suck timeline. In 1692, the first scientific theory about the possibility of a hollow planet, at least in the West, comes from famed astronomer Edmund Halley, after whom Halley's comment was named when he correctly calculated its orbit. And I'm sure you will not be surprised to find out that I have mispronounced that comment my entire life.
Starting point is 00:44:19 What? Oh, oh, oh, mush mouth! Fuck, I've worked out of here! No, I've always thought it was Haley. Like Hale. oh, mush mouth. Fuck, I've worked out of here. No, I've always thought it was haily, like hail. Nope, haily. Haily proposed that the magnetic pole may have been movable because it was not attached to the earth's surface,
Starting point is 00:44:32 but was instead embedded in a freely floating sub-sphere inside the earth. He suggested that there were as many as three of these layers around a solid core, all gravitationally centered, all separated by atmospheres. It's possible, he thought, that the Aurora Borealis could be caused by luminous gases leaking out of a polar opening from the atmospheres inside the Earth. Holy shit!
Starting point is 00:44:54 Uh, dude, that we had basically three different worlds living inside of our world. And this proposal made him the scientific godfather of modern hollow Earth theory. Newton had already shown that the Earth was in a oblet or oblet sphere, one flattened at his poles that was thickest at the equator, which is true. The distance from earth center to sea level is roughly 21 kilometers or 13 miles greater at the equator than at the poles. That made sense to Halley who figures that the outer crust is thicker at the equator to account for the oblation and thinner at the
Starting point is 00:45:26 poles so thin that there could have been permeability for his luminous gases. He also reasons that if there was light and an atmosphere between each layer each might also be inhabited by other beings. Half a century later in 1741 some of the first science fiction about the hollow earth theory is penned by Ludwig Holberg, a Norwegian writer, essayist, philosopher, historian, and playwright. Holberg published the novel Niels Climbs Underground Travels, in which a man Niels Clim falls through a cave while spielunking and spends several years living on a smaller globe within our own. As was convention for the time, the novel began with a forward that assures that everything in the story is a real account of the title characters exploits in the underworld. These days most of us
Starting point is 00:46:09 hopefully would realize this was a marketing play kind of like how a horror movie will often get more buzz if it's a quote based on a true story. Back then a lot of people just really thought what he wrote about was nonfiction and some people still do. A few years later in the mid-18th century, Swiss mathematician and physicist Leonard Euler considered the hollow earth theory in one of his books in which he speculated about what would happen if you drilled a hole through the earth and dropped a stone through it. And actually, it's said that he speculated about hollow earth theory. He really was just doing a thought experiment. One of many he worked on. He wrote, if you were to dig a hole in the earth at whatever place and to continue your labor incessantly, digging
Starting point is 00:46:47 always downward and downward perpendicularly, perpendicularly, you would at length reach the center of the earth. It is true. Such a project could never be executed as it would be necessary to dig to the depth of 3,956 English miles, but there is no harm in supposing it in order to discover what would be the result. And he goes on to work out a hypothetical scenario to present a mathematical concept. He did not actually promote a belief in a hidden world inside our own, but years later, hollow earthers will twist his words around, put new ones he never spoke into his mouth, and eventually attest that, or they're proposed the possibility of a single show hollow earth
Starting point is 00:47:23 with a small sun, just a kilometer across the center providing light and warmth for the inner earth civilization. Civilization that never had to, or that had to invest heavily, I guess, in blackout shades to get some sleep. But he never believed any of that. He never said that last part. Other intellectuals in the mid-18th century than supposedly proposed that only, not only excuse me, was the earth hollow. It also had two inner
Starting point is 00:47:45 sons and Scottish mathematicians are John Leslie allegedly even named them Pluto and a prosirping. Pros, but he didn't a couple of authors made all of that up. The alleged not true but reported to be true interest of oiler and Sir Leslie has kept modern hollow earthers pointing to them to scientifically legitimize their theories for decades and slides the two people who originally purported that Euler was a hollow earth believer and that sure Leslie was also a hollow earth believer with 20th century sci-fi writers lion spray to camp and Willie auto Oscar lay.
Starting point is 00:48:20 They made it all up to help sell their book lands beyond they asserted all of this without providing any references because there weren't any. 1755, yet another hollow earth science fiction book is published, a voyage to the world in the center of the earth. The novel was published in London anonymously to this day. No one has conclusively identified the book's author. It was published over a century before Jules Verne's 1871 book of almost the exact same title. The novel's narrator who remains as anonymous as the book's author parties away his inheritance
Starting point is 00:48:50 then ships out for Italy. While exploring on Mount Vesuvius, he accidentally falls into one of the many holes that led into the interior of the earth where another world awaited. The inhabitants of this interior would dress in silk robes and live to be 200 years or older, possess limited telepathy, their strict vegetarians. In addition to the usual above ground animals, inner earth also has gigantic birds who are trained to provide air travel. And the anonymous author, whoever he or she was, never interested in the earth's holiness as a matter of scientific fact. After the narrator meets the king of inner earth,
Starting point is 00:49:21 he sets off on a wild ride to other planets, travels through time. He visits Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. He follows a 4,000 year old ghost. He parties with Alexander the Great. People in 1755 must have been stoked, right? There was no game of thrones, no Star Wars. It's probably the craziest shit they've ever read. I bet a lot of people loved it.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Some hollow earthers now refer to this book as if it were factual. The author being anonymous really gets them fired up because they feel that he had to publish or she had to publish his book anonymously because they were speaking the truth and the Catholic Church would have him killed if the real identity was discovered a quarter of a century later, more hollow earth speculation. 1791, Jean Antoine Leclerc Milfort, a French military officer in Adventure, leads hundreds of Creek Indians during the American Revolutionary War to a series of caverns near the Red River John Antoine Leclerc Milfort, a French military officer in Adventure, leads hundreds of
Starting point is 00:50:05 Creek Indians during the American Revolutionary War to a series of caverns near the Red River above the junction of the Mississippi River. According to Milfort, according to their spiritual traditions and folklore, the Creek Indians ancestors are believed to have emerged from these caverns. He wanted to check them out. Of course, he didn't find anything. But he wrote later in his memoirs about how the caverns could easily contain 15,000 to 20,000 families and about how maybe there was a tunnel somewhere inside of them that
Starting point is 00:50:32 might lead to a hidden underground world. And this of course was added to the mythology of the Hollow Earth theory. European interest in the Hollow Earth theory continues a few years later in 1788, that year Geocomal, Kesseneva, and Italian ecclesiastic writer, soldier, spy, and diplomat wrote the story of Edward and Elizabeth, a five volume, 1800 page story of a brother and sister, Edward and Elizabeth, who fall into the earth and discover a sub-training utopia, populated mainly by a race of multicolored hermaphroditic dwarves.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Fuck yeah! Finally, I was wondering when their her mafreditic dwarves were gonna show up in this story. In the dwarves peaceful land where flood, famine, war, slavery, or unknown, the couple, brother and sister spawned 40 pairs of twins who in turn populate the universe. Sounds like this dude used a fantastical backdrop
Starting point is 00:51:21 to kind of distract from wanting to bone and sister, maybe. This worker fiction has naturally been interpreted by some as being nonfiction. Two decades later, John Cleaves Sims, boom, we're one of the big dogs now. He enters the hollow earth scene. He will arguably become the most famous hollow earth proponent in modern history, neck and neck with Richard Byrdt, for the title of the name most associated now with hollow earth theory. We'll talk about birds in two.
Starting point is 00:51:47 There's still a monument to Sims hollow earth, his ideas about hollow earth in Hamilton, Ohio when the local Hamilton, Barry, Barry and ground was turned into a park in the 1840s. All of its bodies were dug up and moved to a new cemetery except for the body of John Cleve Sims. His son had his gravesite turned into a monument, complete with the globe on top with a hole through the middle of it, inscribed with Sims' belief that quote, the earth is hollow and habitable within. Sims, a soldier, yeah, and still there, you can check it out today. Sims, a soldier and author was born in Sussex County, New Jersey,
Starting point is 00:52:20 November 5, 1780. After receiving a common school education he listed in the US Army at 22, attained the rank of captain, continued in the service until the end of the War of 1812. After the war he moved to St. Louis, Missouri, established a trading post, immersed himself in the natural sciences, reading whatever books he could get his hands on. In 1818 the War of 1812 veteran broached the theory of concentric spheres. A theory that says there are smaller and smaller earths within the earth, much like Russian dolls. I like it! This is the craziest one yet." In 1818, he wrote a circular type of newsletter, writing,
Starting point is 00:52:55 I declare the earth is hollow, inhabitable within, containing a number of solid concentric spheres, one within the other, and that it is open at the polls 12 or 16 degrees. I pledge my life and support of this truth, and I'm ready to explore the hollow, if the world will support and aid me in this undertaking. Sim cent this declaration, a considerable cost to himself, to each notable foreign government reigning prince, legislature, city, college, and philosophical society, throughout the union and to individual members of our national legislature, as far as the 500 copies would go. Oh man, I'm sure his wife married loved that great use of the family money. Throughout 1820 Sims wrote a lot about the hollow earth.
Starting point is 00:53:40 In one of his numerous memoirs, he explained his theory, with dividers describe a plane of matter of loose texture, and in the center add a very small circle, then draw a line to the center. It is evident, as matter gravitates matter in proportion to quantity and distance. That is more jimbers, that either half of the inner circle being almost equally surrounded by a matter must be very little gravitated center-wise wise so being suspended only a rotary motion is needed to throw it compactly toward the outer circle. I just picture people when he's rattling off about this. They're just like, okay, sure, like just to get him to shut the fuck up. Like he's been talking for two hours and the center wise suspended the rotary then do
Starting point is 00:54:18 it. Yeah, I get it. I'm with you. Right, right. Everyone seems to be with me. Now they do this when you shut up. He goes on a little bit more. This speed admitted it follows that halfway from the outer to the inside of the circle of matter, the throat out like a like rarity, suspension
Starting point is 00:54:34 or balance of gravity should prevail and hence a disposition to concentric circles. Therefore, it follows that successive similar subdivisions should exist, gradually loosening enforce a quantity by applying this principle to the earth. I find the necessity of hollow consent. Similar subdivisions should exist. Crashly loosing and force of quantity. By applying this principle to the earth, I find the necessity of hollow consent. This guy's a fucking maniac. Ultimately, Sims would simplify his theory abandoning the series that's confusing. Right? The series of concentric inner spheres, this babble, and he lands on, nah, never mind.
Starting point is 00:55:00 There's just one. There's one holler. It's not five. I just pictured him pacing back and forth in some old log cabin when he comes to the decision. Trying to decide, you know why people won't, you know, understand his five worlds. They laugh at you, they all laugh at you, why? Why can't they accept their five worlds inside of this one?
Starting point is 00:55:16 I talked about the centers, the divisions, the gravitational gravitates, the twisting, the spinnering, the spiraling. I carried the one, I did did the math I drew a circle I do five more circles I stacked on my twisted out my moved them around I talked about how there must be warm and rich lens Stocked with 50 vegetables, but they have no interest in funding my expedition to make contact with this five worlds Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait then he goes over to a chalkboard like Philip went to fucking crazy numbers and equations that make no sense to anyone other than him. Dear God!
Starting point is 00:55:49 I multiplied here and I should have invited! You fool sims! There was in five worlds? That's crazy talk! No wonder no one will take you seriously! There's one world inside our own! Probably if not likely populated by mole people. I must promote my new rational hollow earth theory ideas immediately. He does. In 1820, Sims begins to promote his new theory, lecturing on it in Cincinnati, and then he travels, he tours with this presentation, other towns and cities.
Starting point is 00:56:19 He brings along a wooden globe with polar sections removed to reveal the inner earth. He tells audiences that there's an opening 4,000 miles or 6,450 kilometers across at the North Pole and then there's an Antarctic opening about 6,000 miles across over 9,600 kilometers across. He said that the earth shell is about 810 miles or 1,300 kilometers thick and people don't laugh or throw shit at him Those are huge fucking holes 6000 miles across you would think that NASA could find those holes The private satellites, you know would for sure know about them and have photographed them by now Why don't we have pictures of them magic
Starting point is 00:56:59 Luminati magic it keeps the wicked folks from seeing them That really is kind of like the basic idea Sims ideas began to filter into the public consciousness, a popular support for an Arctic expedition he proposes, starts to build through his lectures. He gains two of his most famous disciples, James McBride and Jeremiah Reynolds. James McBride was a wealthy and prominent pioneer
Starting point is 00:57:18 statesman in Butler County, Ohio. He was Hamilton, Ohio's first mayor, prominent representative to Congress, Ohio's leading pioneer author and antiquarian. Miami University secretary and president of the Board of Trustees. He was the Butler County fifth sheriff. He was the surveyor. He was an officer of other various entities.
Starting point is 00:57:37 He basically did everything that area. And he was a hollow author. James married the daughter of Judge Lytle of the Lytle family of the Ohio River Valley and became through her relative of Senator Homer T Bohn of Governor Andrew L. Harris, Governor of Ohio, as an archeologist. He lived and worked near the great Miami River, examining evidence of ancient life in the region. And this powerful man will become one of Sim's biggest supporters.
Starting point is 00:58:00 The second of Sim's notable supporters, Jeremiah Reynolds. What a life this guy left. He was a newspaper editor, lecturer, explorer, author who became an influential advocate for scientific expeditions. Born into poverty in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, he moved to Ohio as a child. In his teen years and early 20s, he did farm labor, taught school, saved his money, attended Ohio University in Athens for three years. He's Athens Ohio. He then edited the three years. He's at Athens, Ohio.
Starting point is 00:58:25 He then edited the spectator newspaper in Wilmington, Ohio before selling his shares at it around 1823, joining up with Sims. Reynolds and Sims went on tour together full time, spoke to full houses all across the East Coast, charged $50 for price admission, which is about $45 in today's money. When Sims died in 1829, Reynolds would continue the hollow earth lectures. Their lectures were said to have inspired several different authors, including Edgar Allen Poe, back to Sims in 1820, he petitioned Congress to fund an expedition to test history. It did not pass, but he also did not give up. In 1823, Sims
Starting point is 00:59:03 lobbies, a US Senator from Kentucky to support a bill funding a proposed expedition to explore trade routes in the Southern hemisphere with subterranean people described in at least one source as mole people. Okay. The Senator, he had lobbied Richard M. Johnson later became vice president of the United States under Martin van Vierne. Dick Johnson, we got to get Dick Johnson on this. What a terrible name. I'm sure that slang, you know, wasn't quite the same then. Oh man, Richard Johnson's day. If you name a kid Richard Johnson's day, you're, you're not going to win parent of the year award. Oh dick Johnson, oh dick dick. Uh, the Congress voted 56, 46, not to spend money on the
Starting point is 00:59:41 expedition. And that is insane. That means roughly 44% of the country's congressmen were willing to spend taxpayer money to try and contact mole people. God, so much funnier if they would have fun that it's so close. So crazy this made it to a vote that it got a lot of votes. 44 congressmen were like, I like it. We simply must make contact with the mole people
Starting point is 01:00:04 and establish trade routes before the Brits or the French beat us to the punch. By God, we will be the new world's colonizers. First, we will trade with the mole people, then we will dominate those nearly blind mother fuckers. Then, to make it easier to get to our new land, we'll dig a lot of holes. Yes, I need to invest heavily in ladders.
Starting point is 01:00:23 No, no, not ladders, trains. Yes, trains. We'll angle the holes and dig train tunnels I have to run down and put all my money into train stock at once in 1828 President John Quincy Adams indicates that he might approve funding for Sim's expeditions and not try it again The following quote was used in episode eight of the suck I'm gonna repeat it today because it really does illustrate where the sixth US president's head was on this subject This was published in his memoirs
Starting point is 01:00:47 The John Quincy Adams memoirs volume 8 page 168 Mr. Reynolds is a man who has been lecturing about the country in support of Captain John Cleve Sims theory At the Earth is the hollow earth open at the poles His lectures are said to have been well attended and much approved as exhibitions of genius and science The theory itself has been so much ridiculed and is in truth so visionary that Reynolds has now varied his purpose to the proposition of fitting out the voyage of circumnavigation to the southern ocean. He has obtained numerous signatures in Baltimore to memorial to Congress for this
Starting point is 01:01:20 object which he says will otherwise be powerfully supported. It will, however, have no support in Congress that they will come. But not yet. No, on my time, may it be my fortune and my praise to accelerate its approach. Same says, been asking for 100 brave companions, well equipped to start from Siberia in the fall season with reindeer and slaves on the ice in the frozen sea, with plans to slip between the concentric spheres, which he believes are open at the polls 12 or 16 degrees. Holy shit. For a minute, look like Sims McBride Reynolds might finally get their expedition, you know, funded. They've lobbied so hard for. But then Adams didn't win his bid for second term as present. In 1829, his successor Andrew Jackson
Starting point is 01:02:01 nipped a bill funding the proposed expedition right in the bud. So there was a bill. It did look like Adams was going to approve it if you would have won that second term. Again, too bad the trip wasn't funded. Maybe we'll have taken some steam out of the hollow earth theory when they, you know, did this big expedition and didn't find shit. But at probably not. May 28th, 1829, Sims dies.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Reynolds and McBride continue campaigning on behalf of his cause after the failure to get the government to fund the hollow earth expedition of 1829 Sims dies Reynolds and McBride continue campaigning on behalf of his cause after the failure to get the government to fund the hollow earth expedition of 1829 Reynolds joins a crew sailing to the South seas to hunt some seals. Interesting turn of events. If you want fun, my journey into the into world at once, I will I guess club some seals or something. A few years later, Reynolds is back at it, garners some support from private sources. He does get an expedition that sails off from New York City.
Starting point is 01:02:48 They encounter a lot of danger. It doesn't go well. They do reach the Antarctic shore and then they return north after not finding, you know, a giant hole into the center of the earth. And then off the coast of Valparaisio, Chile, the crew mutinies, they apparently don't like Reynolds and also don't like this artist named John Frampton Watson and they drop these two ding-dongs off on the shore. And then Reynolds is stranded there for two full years.
Starting point is 01:03:08 You can't make it back to America. Just stuck down there, African kicked off his own expedition. And finally he hops aboard the U.S. frigate, Potomac. Man, stewed about not quite finding the tunnel to the center of the earth for two years. I bet he was a lot of fun to be around. Reynolds had not found the entrance sims had preached about but he wouldn't be done trying to find it in 1836. Reynolds helps renew efforts for funding a Southern hemisphere expedition. He speaks before Congress again emphasizes the national glory that would accompany
Starting point is 01:03:38 scientific discoveries, expand foreign relations. The expedition would become the United States exploring expedition of 1838 to 1842. And Reynolds is not invited to attend. He became so impatient with the methodical planning of this voyage that he gets fired before they leave. What a fucking terrible day. He finally gets his expedition and then they fired him. It doesn't get to be a part of it. I bet he complained about that shit on a daily basis until a day died. In 1838, the US Exploring Expedition kicks off, also known as the Wilkes Expedition,
Starting point is 01:04:08 named after its commander, Charles Wilkes, this expedition not approved to find the center of the earth by the way. That's just what Reynolds was hoping to also accomplish on this journey. It was approved to map much of the Pacific and it did. They'd explore 280 islands map, most of the Oregon coast. They would collect over 60,000 plant in bird specimens. When the expedition was completed in 1842, they'd
Starting point is 01:04:31 effectively map the landmass where Sims had envisioned that large hole. Of course, this landmass is Antarctica, and this is the first time it was officially recognized. The lack of a giant hole effectively shut down Sims theories when they didn't find it on this expedition. But the belief in the hollow earth would grow even more popular because fuck facts. Facts don't beat magic dummies. If you just believe in magic, any idiotic notion is always still up for grabs. In 1846, the discovery of a woolly mammoth has people speculating again about the existence of a hollow earth.
Starting point is 01:05:03 While frozen woolly mammoth carxes had been excavated by Europeans as early as 1728, the first fully documented specimen wasn't discovered near the delta of the Lena River until 1799, excuse me, by a Siberian hunter. And then in 1846, another woolly mammoth is found. This one perfectly preserved in ice and Siberia. It has frozen to death so quickly that there were still undigested pine cones in its stomach. This set off the hollow earth people who thought that there was no way
Starting point is 01:05:32 this mammoth could have frozen between 10,000 and 40,000 years ago. They theorized it probably just like a day or so ago. Right? It wandered out from the hollow earth. It came out of the hole, near the, you know, the North Pole or whatever. Some other hole near the you know the North Pole or whatever Some other hole near there some little side tunnel if only someone would have followed the mammoth tracks. They could have found a hollow earth tunnel In 1864 Jules Verne's novel journey to the center of the earth is published in French and becomes an instant subterranean fiction classic
Starting point is 01:06:02 The novel follows professor Otto Lindenbrock, an eccentric German scientist who believes there are volcanic tubes that reach to the center of the earth. He is nephew Axel and their Icelandic guide Hans descended to an inactive volcano in Iceland then faced danger in the form of cabins, subpolar tornadoes, and underground ocean, living prehistoric creatures from the Mesozoa conceonzoic eras. And Verne's novel keeps the dream of a hollow earth alive for many. Another popular hollow earth book comes out that same year. In 1869, the hollow earth movement goes full,
Starting point is 01:06:33 cult, cult, cult. That year, future cult, your Cyrus Teed breaks onto the hollow earth scene. Born October 18, 1839, Teed was an American alchemist and physician from upstate New York Tid studied medicine before opening a medical practice in Utica, New York and he was interested in unconventional experiments such as alchemy Often involving dangerously high levels of electricity and in the autumn of 1869
Starting point is 01:06:57 During an experiment, he is badly shocked and he passes out and while he's unconscious He believes he is visited by a divine spirit who tells him, of course, that he is the Messiah. So wait. Once he wakes up, he vows to apply his scientific knowledge to redeem humanity. He promptly changes his first name to Kuresh, the Hebrew version of Cyrus.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Another crazy Kuresh. David, David Kuresh wasn't even the first crazy Kuresh. A teased vision consisted of a beautiful woman who revealed to him the secret of the hollow earth. He promptly publishes an account of this experience, the illumination of Kuresh, marvelous experience of the great alchemist at you to come to York. Finally, I think we've uncovered the real entrance to the hollow earth. You got to shock the fuck out
Starting point is 01:07:41 of yourself. You got to scramble your brain until it thinks an angel has told you that you're in the Messiah and showed you, you know, how to get to the hollow earth. You know, showed you what it looks like. Makes me think of a better way to find the inside of the earth. I think if I took enough shrooms, if I listened to the right YouTube videos for long enough, I think I could see the inside of the earth. This guy's crazy fucking book based entirely, 100% on his visions,
Starting point is 01:08:06 Teed denounces the idea that the earth revolves around the sun and instead pioneers his own theory of the universe known as cellular cosmogony. And check this shit out, according to Teed's theory, we already live inside a hollow earth. We live on the inside of the crust, not the outside. You've been fed lies your whole whole life, Sheeple. Our son is some sort of giant battery-operative contraption
Starting point is 01:08:28 who changes those batteries. Don't worry about it. This theory is built for truth, not questions. What about the stars? What are they? Well, they're refracted battery sunlight. Teads I idea is called a crescinity. Catch on with others.
Starting point is 01:08:43 And I'm never shocked by someone talking about shit like this, Heads ideas called a Christianity, catch on with others. And I'm never shocked by someone talking about shit like this, right? You get, you fucking shock your brain and you say a bunch of crazy stuff and you write a crazy book. That part makes complete sense to me. I'm like, no, okay, yeah, sure. People do stuff like, you know, you lose your mind.
Starting point is 01:09:00 But then to convince other people that you're just legitimate, when if this crazy is, it'll never stop being mind-boggling to me Coruscantity preached cellular cosmogony which we talked about we live inside of hollow earth. We watch a battery powered son You know Alchemy you can turn various shit into gold with the right recipes reincarnation you know the soul upon the death of the body comes back to Earth and another body or form. Immortality, we live forever. Celebusy, don't, you know, let Dix end up in Butzer, Virginia, Zermallis and stuff.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Communism, put all your trust in the state, a state run by a maniac who thinks we live inside the Earth, who thinks he's God, who thinks you can turn the lead into gold, and he taught a few other radical ideas. And he thought he thought he was the reincarnation of Jesus, if I didn't mention that already. Teed started preaching Koresh Anadi in the 1870s in New York forming the Koresh Anadi, which later moves to Chicago.
Starting point is 01:09:55 After many years of very enthusiastic lecturing, Teed establishes the College of Life in Chicago in 1886. All of this based on him having some kind of psychotic break when he got shocked. One of Tee's fundamental principles involves the gathering of his most devoted followers into communal living groups and his first commune is former Chicago in 1888. 1902, a second correction community is established in Chicago. Then a short-lived community is established in San Francisco, other small church groups are established in other little towns.
Starting point is 01:10:26 He starts a magazine, the Flaming Cross, which continues to be published regularly into the 1940s. He founded a community on a 300 acre tract in Florida in 1894 by the mid 1890s. You know, a couple of years after they found this town, this place has blossomed into the town of Estero near Fort Myers, Florida. At the time, it's named the New Jerusalem, the golden age of the correction unity in Estero last from 1903 to 1908 when they have over 250 residents and you know incorporate into this theocratic town. He will die in 1908 upon his death. His followers wait for him to rise again. He had prophesied he would after three days
Starting point is 01:11:06 And incredibly he never comes back, which is so surprising. I mean, he said he was Jesus. I mean come on Like could you've made all that up? All of Teads followers and adherents now have died Until the last follower headwick Michael Deeded their remaining land to the state of Florida in 1961. Teeds followers continued to believe that we lived inside another world 1926 Someone actually tries to see what's going on in the North Pole from above on May 9th 1926 American Richard bird old dick bird Acton is navigator and Floyd Bennett as
Starting point is 01:11:42 Dick Johnson and Dick bird we got a lot of dicks in this sucks so far. Yeah, Richard Bird, Actions Navigator, Floyd Bennett as pilot, make what they claim to be the first airplane journey over the North Pole, flying from Kings Bay, Norway to the Pole and back. The flight last 15 and a half hours with no mishaps beyond an oil leak from the starboard engine of their Falker Tri-Moder airplane. Now, of course, Bird does not report seen any holes into the center of the earth. Bird and Bennett are both awarded the US Congressional Medal of Honor and are acclaimed as national heroes for this journey. However, some do doubt
Starting point is 01:12:15 that their plane actually reached North Pole. One of birds early associates burnt Balkan, Bouchon even claimed after bird's death that the flight to North Pole had been a hoax discovery in 1996 of the diary that bird had kept on his famous flight shed new light on this question. His diary entry suggests that the airplane was still about 150 miles short of the North Pole, but 240 kilometers short when bird decided to turn back because of concern over that oil leak. He didn't quite make it to the pole, but he did make it close enough to, you know, see if there was a massive hollow earth entrance there, not. And it wasn't. Three years later, on November 28th, 1929,
Starting point is 01:12:50 an expedition led by Birdheads to the South Pole. Once again, he does not find a hole. He would travel again to Antarctica in 1946, 1947, 1955, 1956, before Dine in 1957 at the age of 68, and he would never find holes, never find those pole holes. But conspiracies around his journey have sprung up in recent years to make it seem like he did. Hollow Earthers like to cite a different lost diary. They claim belonged to Bird. According to Bird's other diary, the government ordered Bird to remain silent for what he witnessed
Starting point is 01:13:23 during his Arctic assignment in this lost diary by lost I mean made up Bird allegedly tells of entering the hollow interior of the earth along with other travelers He talks about traveling 17 miles over mountains lakes rivers green vegetation animal life He tells of seeing tremendous animals resembling mammoths Moving through the brush. He he eventually find some cities. He finds a thriving civilization. He says that the temperature is 74 degrees Fahrenheit. It's perfect.
Starting point is 01:13:50 It's utopia. His airplane is greeted by flying machines of a type he's never seen before. They escort him to a safe landing area where he's graciously greeted by emissaries from you guessed it. A gartha, after resting, he and his crew are taken to meet the king and queen of a gartha. They tell bird that he'd been allowed to enter a gartha because of his high moral and ethical character. Nice.
Starting point is 01:14:12 In his false diary, the king tells him the following, our interest rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the flugal reds. It's where they got the flugal red. Okay. To your surface world to investigate what your race had done, you see we have never interfered before in your race's wars and barbarity, but now we must. For you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for your man. Mainly that's of atomic energy. Our MS series have already delivered messages to the power of your world and yet they do not heed.
Starting point is 01:14:50 According to the king, places such as Tai Bet, the great pyramid of Giza, North Pole, all have tunnels leading to a gartha. And of course, of course, none of that happened. I love that they're like, we've decided not to interfere before, but now we must take action. And we've left our internal home and we met with your leaders and they were like, shut the fuck up, get out of here. And we were like, okay, and we came back here and we were pretty annoyed about it. And there you go. It's a bunch of gibberish.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Who wrote Richard Bird's fake diary? I have no idea. No one's be able to figure that out. No serious source treats it as truth. And no one else from any of his expeditions, his many expeditions, ever mentioned anything about finding a giant hole that leads to the center of the earth.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Oh man. No one's better though. They're descending into hidden holes than Dick Bird. And a lot of people's minds. The hollow earth theory would find a lot of supporters in Nazii germany in the late thirties early in mid forties it was everything the nazis love bogus science misticism that proved they were the most superior beings on the planet bogus science experiments and needed a large bureaucracy to be carried out the thoole society uh... some meetings of which were intended by eight of hitler reports about Tybeth myths of openings into the earth of giants, Aryan giants living down there.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Henry Kimler, his personal occultist psychic Carl Maria Villagate, right? They were all about that shit, if you remember, from the Nazi search for the Holy Girl Suck. Carl, did the Aryan's talk of the soul giants in their sides of the earth? They did? That's what I thought. I knew this is Dan Bumman's, my out comins, was just a filthy liar.
Starting point is 01:16:29 He has blue eyes, but he's quite dark and smart. He doesn't look pure, don't you think? There's even a theory, maybe just a conspiracy, that Hitler ordered a research journey for such an opening in Antarctica, Arctica, based on a speech of Admiral Donets in front of a German submarine in 1944, when he claimed the German submarine fleet is proud of having built an invisible fortification for the furor anywhere in the world.
Starting point is 01:16:53 During the Nuremberg trials, Donets spoke of an invisible fortification amidst of the eternal ice. Okay. According to this theory, Hitler and his followers wanted to create a race of Aryan super soldiers to rule the world combining to belief and social Darwinism, eugenics, mythical origins of the Germanic people, hollow earth theory, other crazy ideas they believe this place, you know, to do this was underground. Another legend claims that Hitler and his chief advisors escaped the last days of the Third Reich by going through an opening in the South Pole
Starting point is 01:17:22 into the earth's interior. According to the hollow earth research society in Ontario, Canada, Hitler Earth's interior, according to the Hollow Earth Research Society in Ontario, Canada, Hitler and his buddies, they're still down there, and they're just fine. You make it to the Hollow Earth, and you get to be God people, and you get to be immortal, okay? 1943 would be an important year for a Hollow Earth-theirian supporters.
Starting point is 01:17:39 It was the year one of the most controversial tales of inner earth dwellers began, the so-called Shaver mystery. This is my favorite part of the timeline. A little backstory on Richard Shaver. Dick Shaver. We got Dick Johnson. We got Dick Bird. We got Dick Shaver. So much dick in this stuff. Dick Shaver would be the main player in this very tall tale. Born in Burwick, Pennsylvania, 1907, he married fellow art student, Sophie Gervinovich in 1933. The couple has a daughter that same year. During the Depression, Shaever finds work as a welder in an automobile factory and he goes a little bananas in 1934. He started to think that the welding guns, as job,
Starting point is 01:18:18 are allowing him to hear the thoughts of the men working around him. But if that isn't enough, he thinks he receives a telepathic record of a torture session conducted by malevolent entities living in the hollow earth. And then his wife has input in a mental hospital. Of course he does. Decades later, Shaver claims that his state this hospital was merely due to shock from a case of heatstroke at work. He's only there for two weeks. He says, but his biographer, Jim Popes, found evidence that Shaver spent a much longer, longer
Starting point is 01:18:50 time at the hospital. A few years later, 1936, the magazine Science World runs an article by Albert F. Yeager, in which he argues that six letters of the alphabet represent concepts as well as sounds. The article catches the not mentally stable at all Shaver's attention, and he sends a letter to the magazine, claiming that he knows what the hidden meanings of all 26 letters of the alphabet are.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Shaver calls this alphabet of concepts, Mantong, and claims that it is the oldest language in the world. And Mantong, according to Dick Shaver's theory, the letter A represents the concept of the animal. B means simply B, okay. C means C, like vision. D is one of the most important letters in the Shaver alphabet and it stands for detrimental
Starting point is 01:19:35 and represents everything that is negative in the world. So that's why I'm a skeptical, fun killer. My name starts with detrimental. It's opposite is T for integration, which represents positivity. And there's other stupid shit assigned to every fucking letter of the alphabet. A shaver claims that using this alphabet, real definitions can be found. For example, bad means BAD. That is to be bad is to be detrimental because it has, you know, the letter D in it.
Starting point is 01:20:00 The word devil is a combination of D for detrimental and vial. Morbid becomes more BID. A phrase which shaver claims means I don't want to be anymore. I want to die. This is just gibberish. This is just gibberish from someone who has spent recently considerable amount of time in a mental institution for thinking his well and gun was allowing him to receive telepathic torture records from the hollow earth.
Starting point is 01:20:22 In 1943, shaver sends a letter outlining his linguistic theory, somehow citing it as definitive proof of Atlantean legend to Ray Palmer's pulp fiction, periodical, amazing stories. We met Ray Palmer back in the men in black suck. I think he popped up one of the alien sucks too. prolific American publisher of crazy talk for many years. Palmer publishes Shaver's findings in the December 1943 issue of his magazine according to Palmer, as written in his autobiography, The Secret World, Palmer writes back to Shaver,
Starting point is 01:20:53 asking how he had learned of Man Tong. Shaver responds with an approximately 10,000-word document entitled, A Warning to Future Man. This document literally the ramblings of a madman, and it's also highly entertaining. In 1945, the article is printed in the form of a rewritten 31,000 word story called I Remember Lemuria. Yes, we're back to Lemuria. It's a big hit with readers. Reportedly, fan mail went from about 50 letters a month to 2500.
Starting point is 01:21:19 So people are fucking loving this. And Shaver's adapted story. He claims he had recently been the guest of a giant race called the elder race, or the Titans, an underground civilization that lives in caverns under the earth who communicate with him telepathically and did so when he worked at the factory. He believed that he'd been named Muton Mayan in a past life. He'd lived in these underground cities, inhabitants of these caves, although human, originated in another solar system, right?
Starting point is 01:21:47 We can't touch on that before. Eventually, they decided to seek a new home and a new planet evacuated in the earth, leaving behind their underground cities, which were populated by artificial beans, the evil Dero, who were detrimental robots, hide because their names started to be a giga, and the good Tero, names started to be T,
Starting point is 01:22:02 so it's positive, who were integrated, helpful robots. Shaver claims to have met the Tiro, name starts with T, so it's positive, who are integrated helpful robots. Shaver claims to have met the Tiro. According to Shaver, the Diro lived underground, still using their machine's torment, humans living on the surface. Shaver claimed that he himself had been tortured by their voices, right? The torture session put into his mind,
Starting point is 01:22:19 fucking Diro's, ah, V, no way those thoughts were just the product of untreated schizophrenia. Thousands of readers then wrote to the magazine to confirm that they too had heard Fiendish voices from inside the earth. Or so Palmer claimed. Probably made that up. From 1945 to 1948, about 75% of the issues of amazing stories featured shaver mystery
Starting point is 01:22:40 content. Palmer encouraged shaver to share more and more of his truth, write down more and more of his literal insanity. And Palmer just kept printing it and printing it to the near exclusion of any other topic at times. Then in 1948, amazing story ceases all publication of Shaver stories. Palmer would later claim the magazine was pressured by sinister outside forces, illuminati to make the change. The magazine's owners would later say that the Shaver mystery had just run its course and sales were dropping because people were fucking tired of hearing about it. Although few really believe this story, many suspected that shavour was very mentally ill, shavour, not surprisingly,
Starting point is 01:23:16 always maintained that a story was true. Of course he did. Soverearly mentally ill, untreated people, suffering from insane delusions don't generally think their delusions are insane. If they did, their delusions wouldn't be delusions. They would just be unwanted annoying and truce of thoughts they knew were nonsense. So another wacky, doodle chapter of the book of Hollow Earth is written through the really not credible rantings of Richard Shaver. Dick Shaver. Dick Shaver.
Starting point is 01:23:40 Dick Bird. Dick Johnson. Ah. Let's take a quick break away from all the dick in this suck with a one final sponsor. Today's time suck is brought to you by a manual David's House of God and Socks. This week only we're having a hollow earth blowout sale 50% off. So many new types of specialty hollow earth-styled socks we have the Murion socks. Kymiris socks, snake people socks, Theosophical socks, a Garthin socks,
Starting point is 01:24:13 Shangri-La socks, time socks, lizard people socks, ancient-tibedan elder socks. What we don't have are Illuminati hide the real hollow truth liar socks get behind me Satan. 50% off. We do have Dero socks, Tero socks, robot socks, tiny sun socks, and people socks, telepathic transmission socks, torture session socks, myco socks, what the fuck am I talking about socks? So many socks were guaranteed we will knock your socks off! And then we'll probably sell you a new pair of socks.
Starting point is 01:24:47 Sorry about that, everybody. I just need to break from that craze. I need to go even crazier to recalibrate my brain to fucking handle more of the hollow earth craze-ness. Oh, okay. 1959, US submarine, as US submarine journeys beneath the polar ice cap surfaces at the North pole based on precise calculations we finally make it to the North pole. And you know what?
Starting point is 01:25:11 It didn't even fall into a hole. At least that's what they want you to believe, sheeple. I don't believe it when I hear it from QAnon. 1964 a book by a doctor Raymond Bernard a pen name for a mystical leader named Walter Seagmeister, called the Hollow Earth, the greatest geographical discovery in history, made by Admiral Richard E. Bird in the mysterious land beyond the poles. That's a fucking long-ass title.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Argus that UFOs come from inside the earth. Bernard tells supposedly true stories about people who have allegedly entered this inner earth and what has happened to them. He mentions a photograph published in 1960 in the Globe and Mail in Toronto, Canada that shows a beautiful valley with lush hills. A photo he claims was taken by a pilot flying into the Hollow Earth. Seems legit. In his letters from nowhere, a collection of letters Bernard wrote published years after his death in 1992. He claims to have been in contact with great mystics and secret places under the earth. He's talking to the grand llamas and various folk. He seems to have accepted every legend, every associated with the hollow earth idea.
Starting point is 01:26:10 He believes that Eskimo is originated within the earth, that in you it's, I think actually sorry, is the proper term advanced. The civilization dwells within the earth now. There's UFOs coming back and forth from the hollow earth to the earth's surface. Bernard accepts without question all the crazy claims of Dick Shaver. There's UFOs coming back and forth from the holoworth to the, you know, Earth's surface. Bernard accepts without question all the crazy claims of Dick Shaver. Uphology and holoworth would continue to intersect in weird ways in 1974. That year, Laporte French, whose full name was William Francis Brinsley, Laporte French,
Starting point is 01:26:38 eighth Earl of Clancardi, seventh Marquess of Heutzon, publishes the secret of the ages. UFOs from inside the earth. We're just a discount with all these titles would even get into U-Fology to begin with. From 1956 to 1959, Clank Cardi edits the Flying Salsa Review. He found the international unidentified object observer core. 1975 he succeeds to the Erldum on the death of his half-brother,
Starting point is 01:27:01 giving him a seat in British Parliament. He uses his new position to found a UFO study group at the House of Lords, introduces the Flying Saucer Review to its library, pushes to declassify UFO data, in secret of the ages, Trench argues that the interior of the Earth consists of large tunnel systems, connecting a large cabin world. Trench also believes that the lost continent of Atlantis once existed and that the tunnels were probably constructed all over the world by the Atlanteans for various purposes. Like this guy's in the House of Lawrence when he's talking about this. Like others, he said that the entrances to the interior were located at both the north
Starting point is 01:27:35 and south polar areas instead of a north pole. He thinks there's a large area with the warm sea that dips gradually into the interior of the earth. So there's some kind of water near the north pole. Not a big obvious hole. It's just like some water. If you find out it's warm and you swim down, that's how you get in the hollow earth. And he's talking about the stuff in the 70s. In the 1970s, not the 1570s. He was his nuttyest, Dick Shayer. Trench also suggested that a large proportion of unidentified flying objects come from the earth's interior. These objects likely to have been created by a group much more technically advanced than
Starting point is 01:28:06 we are similar to humans, but not humans. They have extra sensory abilities. They can manipulate psychic phenomena. They may be Lemurians. One of trenchous early books had actually disagreed with the hollow earth theory, but then trench later walked that back saying he was basically tricked by receiving a traditional education and to believe in the earth was not hollow. He was a traditional education and to believe in the earth was not hollow. He was brainwashed and to believe in the earth was solid.
Starting point is 01:28:29 Now he knows the truth. Fucking scientists always trying to trick us. You know, you know, because they're tricksters. And if they can trick us and to believe in the earth is not hollow, you know, I, I, they, I don't know. I'm not sure what the motivation is. A conspiracy theorist never do a good job of selling that part of it Right, what is the motivation again always vague concepts of control and enslavement
Starting point is 01:28:51 1975 Michael grumbly a cryptos whoologist takes the UFO's the area step further argues in his book There are giants in the earth that bigfoot and other cryptids Come from hollow earth boom Even bigfoot's part of Hollow Earth, poor old Bigfoot. No wonder he's so good at hiding. He's been hiding from all those fucking snake folk
Starting point is 01:29:11 for centuries. Try not to get killed by those cobre people. In 1988, Bigtime Ding Dong, David Hatcher's children's, authors, The Lost Connons and The Hollow Earth, in which he reprints the Dick Shaver stories they're just not going away uh... he defends the hollow earth idea based on a leg tunnel system beneath south america and central aia uh... for you space list into time so great now you may remember the name that your children's
Starting point is 01:29:35 from the secret suck one of our favorite wackadoodles one of my favorite quotes giant stone balls uh... he's a nut uh... two thousand five and explore an outdoor tour adventure guide named Steven Curry plans an expedition to the North Pole to find the opening to the inner earth. Right? 2005, people are still trying to figure it out. People who wanted to take him up on it to help him out had to pay a deposit of around $20,000 and they don't do that.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Fun to talk about hollow earth theory, not just fun to invest in it. 2005 trip never happens. Then another Hollow Earther named Brooks Agnew takes over his leader after Curry's death in 2006. He plans on taking 100 scientists and filmmakers to the Arctic opening in 2009 and that fucking never happened is no one wanted to pay for it.
Starting point is 01:30:19 We'll decide to stop it, nothing to suppress the real truth. And no big Hollow Earth developments have happened since the let's uh... let's hop on out of this in insane timeline good job soldier made it back barely okay so uh...
Starting point is 01:30:42 what the journey uh... obviously unless you believe in the unlimited power of magical trickery, there are no giant hollow earth holes at the North and South Poles. Could there be other holes though? One big aspect of hollow earth theory is that in order for there to be a hollow earth, there have to be multiple entrances from the surface to access the interior. Believers have come up with all kinds of theories about where these entrances might be. Other than the North and South Poles, there are smaller, supposed entrances and locations, such as Paris-France, Staffordshire, England, Montreal, Canada, few places in China, few places in the Amazon rainforest, the Great Pyramid in Egypt, the Bermuda Triangle, Himalayan entrances in Tibet and India, the Cueva de los Tios in Ecuador, the Gobe Desert, Mongolia,
Starting point is 01:31:23 mammoth cave in Kentucky, all kinds of other locations. So many hollow earth tunnels. It's amazing that the surface of the earth has not been overrun by the snake folk or the lizard people. Because some people also believe that these tunnels are infested with the lizard illuminati, and that they live also in the hollow earth. Damn you lizard illuminati in your tunnel concealing black magic. So with modern technology and GPS available, is it possible that this technology has somehow missed some of these giant holes in the earth?
Starting point is 01:31:50 Maybe technically it's possible. Most of the earth's surface has been mapped and photographed and or explored, but only 20% of the sea floor has been properly mapped. You know, in some polar regions and parts of central and South America remain to be, you know, completely mapped. Technically, there could be tunnels. I guess we haven't found yet some small ones. Even if these holes exist, though, the Earth still can't be hollow because of what we talked about in the interest of the internet because of geology, right? Because of gravity. Because of gravity wouldn't be the same if the Earth was hollow because the sun can't exist inside a hollow Earth without fucking obliterate without cooking us.
Starting point is 01:32:29 Right. And again, where does the where does the hollow earth sun set? I could I search for that so much. I have the most ridiculous search history from this past week. Just stuff like how does the sunset inside the hollow earth? Most hollow earths seem to think it doesn't. They just think that the always daylight down there. Some some of them, I guess, think that the sun somehow sneaks out of the North or South pole, and then we just don't notice, I guess, that sometimes we have two suns, because of magic. So many things. I feel kind of insane. After all this, do you feel insane?
Starting point is 01:32:58 I don't feel like a welding gun could be sent to me telepathic messages insane, but close. Let's try and recap this madness. Modern hollow earth theory has been built on the back of religious beliefs from a few thousand years ago on a few educated people's speculations from a few hundred years ago, and mostly science fiction lies and literal insanity ever since. According to the many tales of a hollow earth,
Starting point is 01:33:20 the inhabitants may include giants, Nazis, hermaphroditic dwarfs, ant people, big foots, and light and master snake people, Aryans, lizard people, the Mirons, other various godlike entities, of course, the agarthans. Time and time again over the past few hundred years, more and more conclusively in the past few decade science has proven hollow earth theory to be utter nonsense. Yet people still believe because who cares about science? If you don't have enough education to understand that it is real. Gotta, gotta get that college thing figured out.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Let's recap the silliness in today's top five takeaways. Time suck, top five takeaways. Number one, the earth is not hollow. Get the fuck out of here. Number two, where does the sunset inside the hollow earth, anyone? Does anyone have a decent answer for that? Number three, many cultures around the world have some sort of subterranean myth as part of their religion, including many indigenous religions that continue to be practiced in
Starting point is 01:34:14 some form to this day. Number four, cult, cult, cult. Cyrus Teed claimed to have received a vision from a beautiful woman that told him to seek with the universe, and that he was Jesus Jesus and that, you know, the hollow earth is real. After he shocked the shit out of himself trying to turn not gold into gold, he believed. All of the stuff, you know, for the rest of his life after he was done being shocked, he, you know, turned his theory of the universe, this cellular cosmogony into a religion essentially. Now, a lot of peopleony into a religion, essentially.
Starting point is 01:34:48 Now a lot of people are like, nah, okay, make sense, I like it. Number five, something new. What about hollow moon theory? Can't have a hollow earth, not a hollow moon to go with it, right? You're damn right, there are hollow moon believers. And like hollow earth believers, they don't all agree on how or why the earth, or excuse me, the moon this time is hollow. One hollow moon theory, the spaceship moon theory, proposes that the moon was originally a piece of the Earth's crust that broke off after it was struck by a massive, Mars-sized object and remains in our orbit.
Starting point is 01:35:15 What does that have to do with it being hollow? I'm not sure. It doesn't really explain that part. Others believe the moon is artificially created or is otherwise just not a real moon. In 1970, Michael Vassen, Alexander, Sherbakov, of what was then the Soviet Academy of Sciences advanced to high-posities that the moon is a spaceship created by unknown beings. UFO researcher, JP Robinson, says, the fact that the moon rings like a bell or gong when struck means it must be hollow and therefore artificially constructed, despite being coded in rock.
Starting point is 01:35:46 We talked about this in the moon landing conspiracy suck. Why does the moon ring? Because, hello, aliens live inside, the ones that made it. Or because of a lack of water. There's moisture in the materials that make up our planet expanding their structure. As energy from an earthquake moves through our planet, that damp material acts like a sponge absorbing the energy of the waves, ultimately deadening their effects. But the moon is a dry, cool, rigid place, much more like a solid rock than a sponge. So even if a moon quake
Starting point is 01:36:15 is less intense, there's nothing to deaden the vibrations. They just go back and forth through the body until the solid stone eventually stops them. That ringing bell sound is the shock waves reverberating through that dry stone. If you believe in science, another supporter of a hollow moon theory is conspiracy theory king David. Ike thinks that reptilians ancient extraterrestrial reptilians built a moon, turned it into a mind control base used to manipulate virtual reality frequencies beam to us through the sun's waves.
Starting point is 01:36:42 And if we could just destroy the hollow death star moon, we can finally all be happy, right? We can be living in the proper matrix, not in the moon matrix, no more war famine, no more strife that literally feed the shape-shifting evil lizard and newticky people that live inside the hollow earth, wake up! Seriously, that's what he fucking believes.
Starting point is 01:37:00 He's that fucking crazy. And he's getting more popular by the day. Yay, magic. He's that fucking crazy. And he's getting more popular by the day. Yay! Magic! Time suck. Top five takeaways! The Hollow Earth theory has been sucked. Our world is not hollow, but it is certainly filled with people who have some... It's pretty strange beliefs.
Starting point is 01:37:20 Now I feel like I need to watch a football game. Maybe, uh, you know, maybe a basketball game. Talk about the weather with my neighbor football game. Maybe a basketball game. Talk about the weather with my neighbor something. Something normal and boring. So I can recalibrate my currently warped and bent mind. It's just too much crazy. I write about so much crazy this week.
Starting point is 01:37:34 I just, I just, I guess so frustrated because I just, I want to make sense of it so badly. I kept, I searched so much, I found so much information that I didn't use this week, because I just kept hoping that I'm like, oh, wait a minute, something has to explain this. Something has to really explain this hollow moon theory hypothesis in a very coherent manner. Nope. And then I go to these YouTube videos so many more
Starting point is 01:37:58 than just the one I show today and just would read these comments. And these people that leave these comments they seem so sure themselves. They act like it makes perfect sense to them and there's no fucking way it makes perfect sense. Because it's crazy talk. So there's all these people just hearing
Starting point is 01:38:13 utter gibberish going, yeah, okay. I like it. And those people vote and raise kids and it frustrates me. But you know, it is entertaining. Is there, I hope it's entertaining for you. Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team for all the help and making time suck. For reminding us this week, why education is so fucking important.
Starting point is 01:38:36 Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins, Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley, the Scripkeeper's Act, Flannery, Sophie Fax, Sorceress Evans, Biddelixer, Logan and Kate Keith, the Art Warlock and the bad magic Baroness, running badmagicmerge.com and the socials. Thanks to all of those who have joined the Cult of the Curious Private Facebook group who make it a community, who help each other, especially during a very stressful year, hail Nimrod to all of you. Thank you to Liz Hernandez and her all-seeing eyes who run the Cult of the Curious Facebook
Starting point is 01:39:02 page. And thanks to the wonderful Weirdos having fun on discord. Congrats to round three trivia champion, Chase Gallagher. Enjoy that cowboy pigeon trophy, dude. You've earned it, Space Lister. Round four has begun. Next week, we're going to keep it weird. Not as weird as this week, but pretty weird. And we're going to go a bit darker as we return to both true crime in Russia. The space that's voted for a suck on a little old, a little Russian granny. Her name is Tamara Samsonova. She's from St. Petersburg. And of the many nicknames she's been given the granny ripper is the one that seems to have stuck in the Western world. Russia, she is known primarily as Babuska Yaga, a twist on the terrifying
Starting point is 01:39:40 folklore character of Baba Yaga. Babuska means old lady, you know, granny in Russian. It's claimed by many that this monster in a president of a knitting club's body is responsible for over a dozen murders. And she didn't just push fellow blue hairs down the stairs. Brutal murders that include dismemberment, reports of cannibalism. She even detailed some of these horrific crimes
Starting point is 01:40:00 in her diary. There's a black magic element to this story as well. She may be one of the worst grammars of all time. For that suck, since we couldn't find much info about her on the web in English, we tracked down several dozen Russian articles, translated them, spent so much time on Russia's version of Google. We're probably on yet another watch list. We found that a lot of the information we have in the West, on the Grand Eripe, is questionable
Starting point is 01:40:23 at best, local enforcement in Russia. Not sure on whether or not she is the living embodiment of the information we have in the west on the granny ripper's questionable the best local enforcement in russia not sure on uh you know whether or not she is the living embodiment of the bobby yaga uh she for sure murdered a few people but the russian media definitely ran with this story created a sadistic sensation what's true what is russian rumour in this case that she really killed a bunch of folks for satan and eat them for dinner uh tune in next week to find out what we found. And now let's head on over to this week's time sucker updates. Updates, get your time sucker updates.
Starting point is 01:40:55 Our first update, little connection to last week's Boston Strangler suck coming in from a marvelous meat sack, Barb Allen, Barb Rites, at home, making a homemade mask for Halloween, listening to the Boston Strangler episode. My parents were attending Boston University and living on Commonwealth Avenue during his reign of terror.
Starting point is 01:41:13 My parents living in the synath time, lived above a restaurant and would get stoned and get takeout from the place below. They also had a habit of scaring each other for fun, hiding and jumping out and whatnot. Then the Strangler kept attacking and they discontinued playing that game. Just an interesting and fun story from my mom, love the pod, hail Nimrod and happy Halloween. Well, happy Halloween to you, Barb.
Starting point is 01:41:34 Love your parents. They sound like so much fun. I'm such an asshole. If I was your dad, I'd probably have to scare your mom one or maybe two or three more times during the height of the strangler fear. My God, he must have really scared the shit out of her before he stepped out doing that, your dad. Glad your mom never met the real Strangler.
Starting point is 01:41:50 Next update comes from Carrying Sucker, Jeremy Schwab. Jeremy writes, Dan, I've got a favor to ask. My girlfriend is, I don't want to say obsessed, but she's obsessed with you. All right, okay, Jeremy, I see what you're driving at. Read you loud and clear. Yes. I will sleep with her Hey, Lucina. Oh, wait. No, he keeps writing He says I introduced her to your comedy a few years ago
Starting point is 01:42:12 And now she listens to every single one of your podcasts has got me into them as well She's heard just about everything you've got as a huge fan Currently, she's been very stressed out with college and with life I was wondering if it was possible for you to say a quick hello to her and one of your next podcasts during your time sucker updates. My name is Tori and I know it would mean the world to her and would hopefully provide a bit of relief for her. Thank you master sucker best regards Jeremy. Well hello Tori. Keep grinding away. Now just keep grinding away odds are strong in your favor that things will get a lot better and give yourself some time to breathe here in there right even if you don't have much and give yourself some time to breathe here and there.
Starting point is 01:42:45 Even if you don't have much time, just take some little moments to enjoy just being alive. Feel that sun hit your face, enjoy the fall beauty of some leaves changing color. Just a minute, two minutes, five minutes here and there just, nice deep breath, focus on a little moment of peace, enjoy and fuck to you know 2020. It'll be over soon Keep on sucking and hail Nimrod to both of you Next up a funny message from Mama meet sack Kyla Mills who writes dear master sucker Listen fucker aggressive. I like it your podcast is completely taken over our lives my husband and I are peacefully sitting down going over Some spelling words with our daughter who is six. I'm reading off the words. The word that happens to come
Starting point is 01:43:27 up next is mother. Before I can finish saying it, my husband Derek says in his best camper impression, mother. Obviously, we both start to laugh like hyenas. Our six-year-old daughter has no idea what is going on. Then he continues to carry on about his apples. So thank you for wheezing your way into every part of our lives, your loyal space lizard and fellow Mochemouth Kyla Kyla, not fucking Kyla. Got it. PS, if I can make the updates, can you please have, give my husband Ed a shout out? Well, yes, I can.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Hello, Ed. If Kyla gives you too much shit, put her head on a stick. Don't let her get your apples too loud. Don't do that. Please don't do that. So glad you both enjoy time. So cherish every moment you have with that with that little kid of yours. So fun. Six, six years old. That's a, that's a fun age. Next up, sweet sucker Renee Avelsgarge shares a peek into what seems like a great relationship. She has. She writes, for my space lizard soulmate, hello, Mr. Master sucker. I wanted to reach out and tell you about my amazing husband,
Starting point is 01:44:26 Mike, who introduced me to your podcast and stand up. He was a fan of yours before when he started working as a driving, uh, driving, I got a driving job. He got hooked onto your podcast. Then the bastard would come home, spouting off weird things like, what this big deal? Or show me. Then STD started and he talked about how he loved
Starting point is 01:44:43 listening to you and Lindsay. He reminded him of us. Me being a crystal loving hippie, hippie witch, and him being a skeptical, cynical asshole. Fair. That's fair. That's accurate. We were on a road trip and being stuck in the car, he turned on STD. I fell in love. Then I started on time sucks so I could understand the things he was referring to. Albert Fish was my first episode. I need dot, dot. Needless to say, I'm hooked. We watched SCD together and talk about the newest episode of Times Look Every Week. He even cursed your name when I told him I bought some ritual vitamins from your ad. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:45:12 I bet you guys are going to have a lot to talk about with this hollow earth stuff. Please send an update to anyone who listens if you know somebody who believes in the hollow earth. Can they make sense of it better than anything I found? My brain is still spinning. Anyway, since birthday is October 28th, he's finally taken time off from self this year. He's so hard working for me and our son,
Starting point is 01:45:29 and I am forever so lucky to have this amazing man in my life. Thanks for all the laughs and giving us something to enjoy together. And thanks to the bad magic team for all the behind the scenes action. Yep, there is a lot of work that goes on from everybody here. You are all so appreciated.
Starting point is 01:45:44 Though the Whipple, I don't know what that's supposed to create. The Whipple of a faithful space, the wish maybe the wish of a faithful space is a Renee Avels guard like apples guard, but with the V help for your moshmouse. Well, thank you Renee. I did. I do need the moshmouse help. And hail Mike Avels guard. Cool fucking name, by the way. We better than Dick Bird or Dick Johnson or Dick Shaver. Your name sounds powerful. I'm pictured with the Viking helmet and holding a war hammer. Glad you two get
Starting point is 01:46:09 a lot of our silliness and joy. It means a lot to hear that. I hope you have a wonderful Halloween such a fun holiday. Such a great excuse just to go ape shit on some sugar, right? I feel like somehow when you eat a lot of the little candy bars, it feels like less sugar than a few of the regular size candy bars, even if it's like two or three times as much. Keep on stuck in you too. Now for the first of two final messages. Both pretty serious. This first one of the last two definitely heavy. So just a little gear shift here. Herding meat sack, Adam Zaleski. Needs our reassurance. He writes, Dan, please read this. It's a post I made for the
Starting point is 01:46:46 Facebook page, but I don't know if it will go through. I can really use your advice. Here's the post. Oh, okay, I'm sorry, use the advice, not just of mine, but also from the cult. So you address this to the cult. Hey, cult, I've got a question for you that's been rattling around in my mind. Now here's a quick TLDR. I'm so old, I had to look with that up. It's too long, didn't read. If you don't wanna read all of this, but I was best friends with a person who turned out to be a pedophile and I'm not sure how to deal
Starting point is 01:47:13 with the memories in such. Now to the story. I became really close friends with the guy when I moved to my new town. He was the first real friend I had after a bad breakup. It was nice to be accepted. As someone who has always had low self esteem and depression, the fact that I could be myself
Starting point is 01:47:27 with this guy, he didn't judge me, was awesome. We became as close as family. Maybe more so, because I treated him better than some family. He left his wife and I gave him a place to stay rent free. At that point, we had a bunch of great times. I made memories that I still laugh about. Whether it's playing games or eating certain food, I think about those times.
Starting point is 01:47:45 He lived with me for two years, as he rebuilt his relationship with his wife. He then moved back with her right before my wedding. He was one of my groom's men. The man is forever in my wedding photos. About six months after the wedding, his wife calls me saying he's run off again. I wasn't shocked because he was always on the fence
Starting point is 01:48:02 about going back. I waited to see if he would show back up at my place he didn't, and here is your trigger. I waited to see if he would show back up in my place. He didn't and here is your trigger warning. Get out now. If you don't want to hear more, I got a visit from the police. A detective showed up looking for him. He had told me that he had an old felony, but it was just for theft.
Starting point is 01:48:17 But the detective said it was for child rape. They were looking at him for raping another child now, his stepdaughter. He been raping her before leaving his wife. When he went back to her, he started up again. She finally told her mother when she became pregnant. He was trying to force her into getting an abortion. He ran because he was a monster. Thankfully, he was caught and he is spending the rest of his disgusting life in prison now. I've been struggling with dealing with this because I stood up for this man before learning all of this. I encouraged him to try to make his marriage work.
Starting point is 01:48:49 I sent him back to his poor baby girl, more, I have fond and happy memories of barbecue's gaming, laughing, road trips, all with a fucking monster. I told him before he went back that he wanted to have the kids at the house because he said he still wanted to be good dad. It's been time with him. Did he rape her in my house?
Starting point is 01:49:08 Cult, what do I do? It's been a year or so since this happened. I don't know how to deal with the guilt. There's a longer story, but I've said the key points here. Please let me know what you think. If you wanna look into it, you can see how the name Brandon Daly on the, you can find the name Brandon Daly
Starting point is 01:49:23 on the iFibre news site. Thanks for your time. Whew. Yes, Adam, I put the link to this article about this piece of shit in the show notes. If anyone else is curious, you have 20 years to life, minimum of 20 years from what I read, no possibility parole, hopefully longer than that based on prior offenses. I mean, I always take you to take him out behind the president and put a fucking bulletin's head.
Starting point is 01:49:43 First off, none of what he did is your fault at all. Sexual predators, as we've learned over and over on TimeSlock, are master manipulators. Think about all the serial killers. We've gone over. Loving fathers devoted to husbands, some of them who also tortured and killed for decades in some cases before being caught. And oftentimes their family's completely blindsided. Families they were very involved with.
Starting point is 01:50:06 These people are experts at compartmentalization. They know how to hide their evil side very, very well. And monsters, you know, they're not often monsters in every aspect of their life. They can be great friends, they can be great coworkers, great partners, great husbands, and also rapists, murderers, pedophiles, what have you. Second, be sure to get some counseling for this.
Starting point is 01:50:28 You need more than the cult. I recommend starting with betterhelp.com if you can afford it, if you can do it from home. Seven cups, the number seven, C-U-P-S.com is another good one. As is psychcentralforums.com and the show notes are all these links. Talk to someone much more adept at dealing with this sort of thing than I am. I hope the members of the cult do contact you. You did nothing wrong. This motherfucker could have done the same thing to anyone.
Starting point is 01:50:52 If they weren't really good at hiding, we'd catch them a lot quicker than we often do. Right? There wouldn't be that many serial rapists. There wouldn't be that many serial killers because it'd be obvious that someone was wrong with them and you would get them right away. But that doesn't happen because they are master hiders. You sound like a really good dude, Adam.
Starting point is 01:51:09 Love you, man. Hail Nimrod and get that help and get it now. Last up, a whole bunch of good stuff to think about coming in from borderline superhero sucker, Grace Abafi, Grace Wrights, dear Suck Nasty, King of the Suck, Tamer of Bojangles and Nimrod's plaything. Disclaimer, I'm not sorry for the long email, because why would I be? If it's too long, don't read it.
Starting point is 01:51:30 It's fair. Sub, dude. I've been listening to a listener of Time Suck for a little over a year now. I was introduced to it through the Rizudo show in St. Louis. I love those guys. My brother, sister-in-law, and mom are suckers as well. I'm in St. Louis. I'm a St. Louis native.
Starting point is 01:51:43 Oh, I'm sorry. You didn't say. I'm a St. Louis native born and raised within 30 miles of the hospital I was born at. Love this city with my whole heart. I've almost written into the show a few times to put in my two cents. By the way, I had to Google if it was two cents or two cents. Yeah, that sounds like some I would do.
Starting point is 01:51:54 About different topics, but I haven't taken the time to do so until the sucka-sode of the 92 LA rights. Honestly, it took me a week to decide if I wanted to listen to that episode or not. As we all know, 2020 has been a week to decide if I wanted to listen to that episode or not. As we all know, 2020 has been a shit show, slash dumpster fire. Fucking sure has.
Starting point is 01:52:12 Part of that has been because of the recent instances of police brutality resulting in the deaths of several black Americans, including Brown Taylor, George Floyd, Ray Shard Brooks, Daniel Prude, 80 others in the first half of 2020. This email is not meant to flood you with my opinion, which does happen to be different than your own. I actually want to praise you for how well I think you did.
Starting point is 01:52:28 You always do the best to remain factually impartial on controversial topics, and I greatly respect that. I've listened to your TEDx talk about how polarized the media is, I agree wholeheartedly. I've long searched for news outlets to do their best to remain impartial, their hard to come by. I stick to NPR and CNN for most of my news.
Starting point is 01:52:44 I would recommend maybe like the BBC as well, Grace, CNN, NPR, pretty strong liberal biases in my opinion. And that's coming from someone who, you know, leans more liberal than conservative in a lot of ways. Grace continues, not only do I think you did very well on remaining as fact-based as possible, but for being so upfront with recognizing your white privilege and the fact that you don't know what it's like to be black, nor would it like to be a police officer. You've repeated over and over again, you can only have your viewpoints as someone who has never experienced that world firsthand.
Starting point is 01:53:13 I respect that. As I said, I disagree with your conclusions. Maybe that's because we live in different cities. Have different political opinions overall. Die hard bleeding, heart-liberal social work major working in a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, overall. Die hard bleeding, heart-liberal social work major working in a very racially divided city here. But that also isn't really why I'm emailing you. I mentioned I'm from St. Louis and if you don't already know already know, we're one
Starting point is 01:53:30 of the most racially divided cities in the country. This is a systemic, or there are systemic issues that go back to the founding of the city. I can bore you with the history and how we have low performing schools in the area due to low economic resources, low property value, segregation, etc. I've a feeling you may already know that. I know a feeling you may already know that. I know a little. I learned so much in the Josephine Baker suck a while back. Still one of my favorites, by the way.
Starting point is 01:53:50 I said earlier that I'm a social work student, currently finishing up my bachelor's degree in social work at the University of Missouri, St. Louis. My school is nestled right next to the city of Ferguson, made famous a few years ago after the Michael Brown shooting riots followed. I'm in my last year of school, started my practicum, like an internship, but for college credit. school, started my practicum like an internship
Starting point is 01:54:05 but for college credit. In August, my practicum site is a nonprofit organization called Girls in the Know. I'm gonna provide a link to their website at the bottom. Attach a flyer that tells you more about this organization. Essentially, they provide a virtual four week workshop done in one hour weekly sessions, geared towards empowering and educating
Starting point is 01:54:23 pre-teen girls about safety, puberty, conflict resolution, body image, suicide prevention, healthy friendships, and so much more. The most common thing I'm asked lately is why do you want to be a social worker? The hour's suck, the pay is notoriously crap, overworked, underappreciated. None of that matters to me though.
Starting point is 01:54:39 I want to be someone that I didn't have when I was younger. For the longest time, I thought that meant being a mental health counselor of some kind, maybe working as a licensed therapist, maybe at a mental health hospital, but doing this practice, I realized I've already reached my goal. When I was a preteen, I didn't have someone who told me about periods when I would get pubic hair, how to put a tampon in, how to handle it if someone gives me an inappropriate attention, what to do about bullies or mean girls. These workshops do exactly that. Again, I'll let you go to the website and read more material about the organization, but I truly believe these workshops make a definite difference in
Starting point is 01:55:08 the lives of girls who need it. There's such a racial equity divide in St. Louis that has only become more apparent due to the effects of COVID. Young girls, particularly young black girls in St. Louis feel isolated alone and helpless oftentimes. They need to know they're still connected and have someone who can they can turn to. Now to my main point, I'm hoping and praying to them, Rod, that you will promote this organization through your social media or in the time-sucker updates done. My dream is that you'll make a monthly space-lister donation to girls to know, but I understand that may not be an option. The workshops do have a cost. There are payment options. You can apply for a scholarship to potentially get a spot for free. I wouldn't be reaching out to you if I didn't believe in this
Starting point is 01:55:43 cause. Honestly, I thought about Lindsay and Monroe joining one of the sessions. I have forwarded your message to Lindsey, so you know, we have an option for girls to attend with their trusted adults. I hope at the very least you take a look at the girls in the know website, pass around the information to your family. If anything, you're learning about a great cause. At this point, I am a bit sorry about the length, but fuck it. Thanks for reading. And as always, hail Nimrod.
Starting point is 01:56:07 Girls in the know.org, much love from a loyal space that's a grace, a baffee. Well, grace, what a fucking wonderful, well thought out, well written message. I was supposed to be a social worker. At one point in my life, I was on that path for about a year after college. I could not hack it, didn't have the stomach for it.
Starting point is 01:56:22 I know I don't show it often, but Lindsey knows, I'm a huge baby, very sensitive, fairly prone to depression. It't have the stomach for it. I know I don't show it often, but Lindsey knows I'm a huge baby very sensitive, uh, fairly prone to depression and it was just too much for me. Uh, you're gonna be an amazing social worker You're gonna be a fucking game changer for a lot of people's lives and your email really touched me So in addition to mentioning your charity, uh, we're donating Man, I got me I thought I was gonna hold it together. Uh, we're donating $7,200 to girlsin'the-no.org. So, hell fucking number on grace. Keep fighting the good fight and keep on sucking.
Starting point is 01:56:51 Next time, suckers, I need a net. We all did. That's all for this week, me, Zack. I got punched by Grace, right in the fields at the end there. I thought I was gonna keep my shit together. More scared to death on Tuesday night, more as we down on Wednesday. Please don't quit your job and dedicate your life to being a conduit through which the underground are Garthons can speak to lesser surface earthlings this week.
Starting point is 01:57:18 Keep fighting the good fight, a lot of you guys... and keep on sucking yeah no it's uh... it's uh... out of the side get uh... it's uh... the whole earth i'm allergic to the uh... the whole earth and i just the sunset inside the whole earth it gives me this nipples sometimes ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I'm the sunset inside the hall. It gives me this nibbles sometimes. Yeah.

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