Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 215 - NXIVM Cult

Episode Date: October 26, 2020

Cult! Cult! Cult! The NXIVM Sex Cult! Founded by Keith Raniere in 1998 - at its height, NXIVM counted thousands of members, including celebrities, heirs and heiresses who all paid thousands, and somet...imes MILLIONS of dollars to attend a never-ending series of classes at various NVIXM training centers. Lying at the intersection of a multi-level marketing scheme, a self-help group, and occasionally a summer camp, NXIVM was FOR SURE a cult. People started publicly worrying about how dangerous this cult might be all the way back in 2003. But it wouldn’t be until 2017, when the New York Times published an article about how some of its members were being literally BRANDED like cattle as a part of an initiation into a secret sex cult within NXIVM, that the group’s true and terrible practices would be brought into the light and exposed. Today, we’ll meet some people - seemingly ordinary people - that so desperately wanted someone to lead them to enlightenment that they allowed themselves to be slowly manipulated into paying to participate in weirder and weirder “exercises” until they finally agreed to be sex slaves. How did Keith pull this off? How did he manage to keep NXIVM going for almost twenty years? How do NXIVM and other multi-level marketing schemes keep manipulating people into taking their money? What psychological processes lead to people getting into and then staying in an MLM, or cult, or both? Find out today on a very different kind of episode. We donated $7200 to Girls in the Know. In a world that's hard on women, the mission of Girls in the Know is to empower girls to embrace a strong sense of self. To find out more, visit: www.girlsintheknow.org Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/UQzQPoiyFHEMerch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions: https://badmagicmerch.com/pages/contact Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're over 9500 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Nexium Sex Cult, founded by Keith Creepyass, super punchable face, Renere in 1998, at its height, this Nexium had nothing to do with acid reflux medication, and counted thousands of members, including celebrities, heirs and heirs, who all paid thousands, sometimes millions of dollars, to attend a never-ending stream of bullshit classes at various Nexium training centers. Line at the intersection of a multi-level marketing scheme, a self-help group, and occasionally an adult summer camp, Nexium was a true cult.
Starting point is 00:00:34 For a few diehards, it kind of still is. People started publicly worrying about how dangerous this cult might be all the way back in 2003, but it wouldn't be until 2017, when the New York Times published an article about one of its former members being literally branded like cattle as a part of an initiation into a secret sex cult within Nexium that the group's true and terrible practices will be brought into the light and finally exposed. We'll meet some people, seemingly ordinary people that so desperately wanted someone to lead them to enlightenment. They allowed themselves to be slowly manipulated
Starting point is 00:01:09 into pain, to participate in weirder and weirder exercises until they finally agreed to be actual slaves. And part of basically a heron, we'll meet Keith Rineri, the devious and perverted mastermind at the center of all of this who used his experience at Amway of all places a Michigan-based multi-level marketing company and then borrowed a lot from Scientology to make people think he was some kind of once in a lifetime guru Spiritual Jedi who had the answer to all of your and all of the world's problems But he wasn't isn't a guru. He didn't have any answers not really Keith Rineri is just a man a selfish, sick and bad man who convinced people that
Starting point is 00:01:48 doing what he wanted, even if what he wanted was to sexually exploit and degrade them, was the only way for them to lead an ethical, enlightened life. Now he's in prison. About to be sentenced possibly for the rest of his life. How to keep managed to keep Nexium going for almost 20 years? Who the hell is this guy? How to next year and other multi-level marketing schemes keep manipulating people and taking their money?
Starting point is 00:02:11 What psychological processes lead to people getting into and then to staying in a dangerous cult? All of this and more on another cult, cult, cult edition of Time Suck. Happy Monday, you beautiful, beautiful bastards. Hail, Nimrod, Hail Lucif Fena, Praise Bojangles, and Sing to Me, Triple M. I head one hell of a week. Dan Cummins, the master sucker, COVID Slayer,
Starting point is 00:02:52 and you are listing the time suck. It's past week for me and the crew here at Bad Magic Productions was all about COVID-19. Test positive was sick for a week, and still kind of dealing with some weird symptoms. The queen of the suck, Lindsey, tested positive. She's sick right now. In bed at this moment, Logan and Kate Keys,
Starting point is 00:03:11 tested positive, also sick. Zach, the scriptkeeper, been staying home out of the office away from all of us virus carriers and the Reverend Dr. Joe P. Well, he already had it. And we've been safe around him, just to minimize the very small possibility that he could theoretically get it again.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Pretty sure my daughter Monroe has it right now. She tested negative, but has since started showing symptoms. And I think my son Kyler is so far dodged it or is asymptomatic. And I'm extremely grateful that none of us ended up in the hospital. We all skipped suffering from any severe and scary respiratory symptoms. For me, mostly about a week of the worst body aches I've ever had and so many trips to the bathroom that continue. Just for the last one was about half an hour ago. Super fun. Pretty sure about McGill popped off my butthole several times. So much fun.
Starting point is 00:03:55 All that toilet paper stocked up on months ago has been coming in real handy. So glad it's mostly behind me now. Thanks for the well wishes. I hope you all, if you do get it and be careful, I hope you don't get it any worse than I had it. COVID has been spiking here in Cordelaine. The hospitals are currently basically at max capacity. Some are at max capacity, shipping people over to Seattle because there's just no fucking beds.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Hope that changes soon. So everyone who needs medical treatment can get it. Fuckin' 20, 20. Let's get some fun stuff now. I've been cracking up this morning at one of Logan Keith our art warlocks new designs, awesome new law office of camper, Yahim, and Kroll, shrubslett in the store
Starting point is 00:04:39 at BadMagicMarch.com. And I'm saying that wrong actually. It's Chase, camper, and Kroll The Shrub's Lettie. Very much like a better call, Saul Vipe. Check it out, it cracks me up very, very much. Also, happy Halloween to everybody. It didn't feel like, it doesn't feel like, excuse me, Halloween right now, or like Halloween's coming up.
Starting point is 00:05:00 This year just feels so weird. Time just feels very odd. I don't think a lot of trick or treating is gonna happen, but you know what? You can dress up at home and just eat your own candy, I guess. I know the next item called isn't necessarily a spooky topic, creepy, but not necessarily spooky, but guess what? Have another podcast with nothing but spooky topics. If you want some late October chills, check out scared to death if you haven't done so already. Almost 60 episodes now, literally hundreds of paranormal horror stories. They've now been told, come a creeper, a peeper if you haven't done so already.
Starting point is 00:05:31 And that's it. I feel a little unscattered, but I prepped into the last seconds some heady stuff in this one. I think I got it. I didn't spend as much time on the announcements as the actual narrative. That's where my focus was. And I'm very excited to tell you this story. I'm excited to end a crazy week recording this this past Friday.
Starting point is 00:05:51 And hopefully have a calm week next week. So let's get to Coltie. Let's learn about Colt at a hung around for roughly 20 years. A Coltie is technically just barely still alive. A Coltie is fascinating. Let's get to the bottom of Nexium's pyramid of fuckery, cult, cult, cult. What's the next thing you're gonna do?
Starting point is 00:06:10 What's the next thing you're gonna do? All right, feel settled in now. We've covered lots of cults on time, but we've yet to cover a cult quite like Nexium. The closest we've probably gotten is Scientology. Which only makes sense because Nexium's founder, Keith Reneerie, borrowed some terminology and concepts from Scientology when he was engineering his new cult.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Like Scientology, Nexium posed as an organization providing a path to personal empowerment. An organization that included notable celebrities who made huge donations to the cost. I say posed past tense because while they're are still a handful of followers, you can't really become a new follower because the MLM cult that this, you know, this cult is based in no longer open for business. And its leaders are either in jail or waiting to go to jail, hard to put on empowerment and corporate leadership retreats when you're behind bars. Like Scientology next year, wasn't based in any existing religion or really religion at all.
Starting point is 00:07:07 It's the rare Western cult that didn't spring forth in some way from some form of Christianity. Unlike Scientology Nexium, never able to become classified as a religion on the surface very corporate executive leadership seminars. But it wasn't really that. That's what it was supposed to be. It was supposed to seem to be leadership training. Had it been given more time to grow, I do feel like eventually it would have morphed into some type of pseudo religion. It certainly seemed to be evolving in that direction. The next time Colt blended elements of self-help programs, women's
Starting point is 00:07:38 and men's groups, corporate leadership seminars, summer camps even. The Keith Barrow, the most from, was multi-level marketing. Marketing strategy that actually has a lot of crossover with cult tactics. And within this web of fuckery, a secret group within a group called DOS, formed that helped or offered, excuse me, to help women achieve their own empowerment goals
Starting point is 00:07:58 by agreeing to become slaves to a female master. A female master who would demand that they have sex with their master, a female master who would demand that they have sex with their master, Vanguard, aka Keith Reineri, weird way to become empowered. This whole story is so fucking weird. Some of these women even agreed to be branded like human cattle. They rationalize this is just another exercise, an expression of loyalty, an empowerment exercise, like many of Nexium's other strange exercises. These assholes sold people on empowerment by getting them to do just the opposite, by
Starting point is 00:08:28 getting them to subjugate themselves to another's sick will. Pretty amazing mind-fuck to pull off. The only thing Nexium ever had to do with empowerment was just saying that word over and over. Today, in order to better understand the world, Nexium was born from, we're going to go over how multi-level marketing and pyramid schemes work, including some of the most famous schemes of all time. Then we'll dive into Nexium specifically following the life and times of its supposedly one of a kind genius, really more of
Starting point is 00:08:55 a typical master of lies, leader, Keith Rineri, right up to and then through the arrest of many of Nexium's leadership in 2018 on a variety of charges, including sex, trafficking, and child pornography. And as I record this, the group still lives on with Keith leading a few devoted, just can't let go followers from prison. I find it especially interesting how fresh all of this is. Most of the cults we've covered here existed long enough
Starting point is 00:09:20 go for us to possibly feel like, wow, can't believe we meet sex used to fall for that. Thank God we're smarter than that now. Don't get to do that today. People are still falling for this shit right now. Odds are there are other cults operating at this very moment that we will soon, you know, be talking about here on time stuff, covering in future episodes, cults yet to be brought
Starting point is 00:09:41 down. What's especially troubling about today is cult is how successful its members were and or are. The people who fell for keys, bullshit, many of them very successful, seemingly very intelligent people. People you wouldn't or at least I wouldn't expect to fall into a cult. At least not really, or at least not until you really dive into their story. That makes a little more sense.
Starting point is 00:10:02 If you're a big time spiritual seeker, be careful. You might find that enlightenment you seek or you might really get taken advantage of. Today's suck is a good reminder that you always have to keep your guard up. No shortage of con artists out there in the world. Probably never will be. Seemingly successful and confident folks pushing get rich quick schemes and hack your brain to solve all your life problems type. Philosophy still attract a lot of interest. It's such a sexier pitch than a pitch of work really hard for a really long time and maybe you'll get ahead. It just doesn't seem to have quite the same appeal, does it?
Starting point is 00:10:34 Who wants to just put their head down and bust their ass for years and slowly grind for it when someone else is promising you that you can skip all that shit? If you just listen to them and give them some of your money. Give them thousands to quickly earn millions. What are you waiting for? Stop living in fear and go for it. Give me all you fucking money. First, I favor a more pragmatic approach. I think your best odds for career success, for example, lie in first, assessing where your talents are. And second, look at the job market, figuring out where your career talents are most suited, figuring out within that slice of the economic pie, what you will enjoy doing the most, what will fulfill you the most, your odds of success always go up.
Starting point is 00:11:10 If you enjoy what you're doing because then you work that much harder, then third, give that job everything you have. Don't live above your means, spend only what you can afford, make purchases based on need more often than want, but that philosophy, again, that's just not that sexy. Good old pragmatism. need more often than want, but that philosophy, again, it's just not that sexy. Good old pragmatism. Rewarding the patient time and time again, but who has time for patience? We live in a, give it to me now, society.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Let me post those status shots on socials today. My philosophy of personal fulfillment is to write down what you want. Pretty simple. What do you want a relationship? Write it down. There's power and scene it written in front of you. What do you want to, what do you want to live? Write that shit down. What makes you feel relationship? Write it down. There's power and seeing it written in front of you. What do you want to, what do you want to live? Write that shit down. What makes you feel happy? Write it down.
Starting point is 00:11:48 If you're lucky enough to make it to old age, what kind of life do you want to look back on? What would fill you with pride? What legacy do you want to live? Or leave? Excuse me when you die. Write all that shit down. Hard to get what you want out of life if you don't really know what you want. You can't just have it be a vague concept and expect to achieve it. I write goals down, specific goals all the time. I write personal reminders, put those words where I can see them, I can see them every day where I can't escape from them, right?
Starting point is 00:12:12 It'll do that to hold yourself accountable. And that really is the gist of my philosophy. I could dig into little deviations and, you know, some more intricate details, but that's basically it. And I just gave it away for free like a fucking idiot. Damn it. Didn't even try and make any of my sex slaves, didn't even try and charge a 10 grand for a seminar. I don't even have one branded lady, let alone a harem,
Starting point is 00:12:33 I'm a shit cult leader. Forget everything I just said, cult's the curious member, you'll never be happy or successful unless you bind to my secret esoteric knowledge, you came out of the fucker, you're a dirty little ignorant sad worm, and you always will be until you buy my secrets, buy my secrets. Let me fuck some knowledge into you.
Starting point is 00:12:50 My secrets are mostly conveyed through fucking. You wanna keep struggling? Or do you wanna be fucking the success? Hail Nimrod. Only Nimrod has the answer to you, seek and only I am his horny prophet. Really wondering what my neighbors in the office complex were thinking right now.
Starting point is 00:13:03 I should start coming to work in my cult robe to really make them nervous. But seriously, real improvement regarding your life circumstances, emotional or financial, generally takes a lot of focused hard work to make meaningful improvements, always has always will. And dirty birds, like keystriinary, they know that, they for sure know that. Colators of the world, they know that there are always going to be people who just hate to face that fact. There's going to be people, you know, want a shortcut that there are always going to be people who just hate to face that fact. There's going to be people wanting a shortcut, and they're always going to be lurking
Starting point is 00:13:28 around to take advantage of those people to manipulate the desire of those who want some guru to give them a magical shortcut. Speaking of taking shortcuts, let's go over what a multi-level marketing scheme is. All right, the promise of a shortcut. More money, more happiness, faster than a traditional job. And the MLM, that's what next year, I'm started out as. According to a 2017 report, the World Federation of Direct Selling found that there were 116 million independent distributors in the world working under various MLM companies.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Is that number way higher than you thought it would be? Way higher than I expected. MLMs are multi-level marketing companies or businesses that sell their products through distributors rather than through retail or online stores. Pretty simple structure. In a normal or traditional business model, the product goes from the manufacturer to a wholesale distributor, then to a store, then to the buyer. But in MLMs, the manufacturer sends the merchandise directly to the distributor, usually to one person, where the multi-level part comes in, based on the fact that the existing workers are paid a percentage of new worker sales. New workers they bring to the company.
Starting point is 00:14:37 The more sales people you personally recruit to sell underneath you, the more money you make. And you need to recruit people to actually have a chance at making any real money in an MLM because even if you're able to sell your entire inventory, you only make a very small percentage of what you sell because the MLM company gets a cut and every distributor up to ladder from you gets a cut as well. No one's quite sure when these companies started, you know, uh, doing these tactics, like when MLMs first showed up. Avaun seems to be the oldest MLM in the world. At the very least, it's the oldest one still in operation today. Probably heard
Starting point is 00:15:15 of that infamous makeup company founded way back in 1860 or 1886, New York City. The second oldest MLM, I doubt you can guess that one You really got a you really got to know your MLM history to get this one most sources point to Walkters a weird California vitamin company founded in 1932 Walkers like Avon still around unlike Avon not doing not doing very well I don't think they're doing billions in annual worldwide sales. They sell organic sea products. Basically, they sell everything from vitamins to dog food to cleaning supplies. All of it made in some way shape or form from seaweed. Doesn't seem to be real popular.
Starting point is 00:15:55 I'm amazed they're still around at all. Hard to build a gigantic business empire when your entire pitch is essentially that seaweed is super cool. Let's send those little excerpt from one of their promo videos. Although their forms and uses are complex and diverse, we know them simply as seaweed. That early 80s promotional video is still the one embedded on their website. Not an indicator that they're crushing it. And in this type of business, while not everyone thinks it's ethical, is definitely legal.
Starting point is 00:16:32 1979, the Federal Trade Commission ruled that MLMs were not illegal in the United States. In April 2006, the FTC ruled that as long as an MLM company provides appropriate information to perspective participants so they can make an informed decision about whether or not to buy in his kosher. Of course, companies don't always do this and how much information is quote unquote appropriate. That's pretty subjective. Probably the most famous legal American-based MLM company currently is Amway. Company that primarily sells health, beauty, and home care products.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Amway founded in 1959, just 12 miles east of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and ADA. I have performed a number of standup comedy shows and Grand Rapids over the years, and I have made a lot of jokes about Amway and they have never gotten overwhelmed, like at all, creates a lot of tension in the room. People in an MLM seem to be very sensitive to being teased about it.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Always gotten the vibe that folks around, you know, Grand Rapids, real touch about M-Way being labeled as a multi-level marketing scheme, probably because that's exactly what the fuck it is. It's not a pyramid scheme, but it is an MLM. How does the M-Way work? They make home, beauty, and nutritional products, stuff like bleach, dish soap, meal replacement bars, smoothies, lotions, toothpaste, whips, throwing knives, satanic alter candles, cockarings, pipe bombs, robot spider monkeys, and more. I might have made up those last few, but the rest were legit. And they sell a lot of this shit. They do almost $10 billion
Starting point is 00:17:59 a year in sales. Some years they have done 10 billion in sales worldwide. They're huge. And each AMO product is assigned a certain point total. And the more products you sell, or those you've recruited to sell underneath, you sell the more points you earn, and the more points you earn, the more money you make. Simple, right? Not really. I would have to study their fucking point system for at least two, three days to get my head mostly around it. It's complicated complicated, in my opinion, algorithm that factors in how many points each person beneath you sells also factoring in how far those people are beneath you level wise, also factoring in a certain
Starting point is 00:18:35 percentage of each sale you make the changes based on the total volume of sales you and those beneath you make and well, it makes my head hurt. Many pages of diagrams and equations are required to explain it all in their own company literature. I downloaded some PDFs, I watched some of their tutorial videos and it still feels very confusing. But I'm sure the right charismatic amway seller
Starting point is 00:18:54 could break it down and if I wasn't so skeptical, have me convince, not only is it easy to understand, it's also impossible not to make so much money. What are you doing? Not making all that amway money. I don't know. It just all feels very less than honest to me. Just less than honest.
Starting point is 00:19:09 You know, like why not just buy shit from a store? Buy directly. It's a more pure transaction to me. But if it works for you fine, I mean, the products do look good. And if you don't feel taken advantage of, maybe you're not being taken advantage of. Just not for me.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I remember being approached about M-way by the brother of a girl I was dating right after high school. And my immediate reaction then was, I don't want to be the guy has to never want to know it by fucking soap and vitamins. Still feel that way. And Avaan and Amway and walkters, weird seaweed shit vitamins. Just three of so many MLMs worldwide. So many companies offering new recruits the opportunity to start their own business under
Starting point is 00:19:43 a parent company. And these MLMs almost always make lofty promises about how much people can earn just right away just a few months. Start making millions now. Don't miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime wealth building opportunity. These companies set you up with your own business for a small percentage of the profits. And in turn, you get to empower people to start their businesses. It's an empowerment train.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Choo-choo, all aboard empowerment train. MLM companies tend to really push a perceived sense of autonomy and empowerment. You're not, you're not buying into a shitty business model. You're starting your own small business, your business owner, Astrix. You're a business owner who has to sell their products, which on the surface isn't so different than owning like a franchise, like a Sonic, drive-in or Taco Bell, except, here's the big difference with me, if you own a Taco Bell, you're not badgering your grandma to also own a Taco Bell.
Starting point is 00:20:33 You're not telling her that she should also open a Taco Bell and then convince her friends to open more Taco Bells underneath her Taco Bell. You're not starting a pyramid of Mexican pizzas and locos, Taco Supremes. Does that make sense? I think you can see why a lot of people find MLMs. It's a very least just super fucking annoying. You're not just trying to get new customers all the time, like a normal business owner. You're trying to indoctrinate your customers into selling the same shit that you're selling.
Starting point is 00:20:57 And that way, to me, it feels culty. One newer MLM I find especially shady is Lula Ro. Founded in 2012 in Corona, California. One newer MLM I find especially shady is Lularo. Founded in 2012 in Corona, California, they sell women's apparel, unlike Amway, which does not require you to buy any inventory. You just direct people to Amway's website. It's like you have a little derivative slice of their website, so you get your points and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:21:20 With Lularo, you have to buy their inventory and then sell it. So a lot more risk with their business model. And when they first hit the scene, you had to buy $6,000 worth of shitty women's clothes to get started. $6,000 bucks! That's a big commitment right off the rip. Enough to really fuck over someone who's only
Starting point is 00:21:36 getting into Luluru and the first place because they're low on cash. And then, you know, once you spent that money, you don't get to choose your inventory. You didn't, the company sent you whatever was in in stock and then you were expected just to sell it. Uh, Lula Rowe currently has more than a dozen big lawsuits pending against them from disgruntled former consultants. I hope it bankrupts them.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Now you only have to spend $495 and you get to pick your products. Products that are notoriously shitty, very low quality. People keep signing up thanks mainly to the testimonials of a few members who have legitimately become millionaire selling the stuff. And you can technically become a millionaire by joining an MLM. That's the big appeal. That's the basic dream they sell you in almost limitless financial ceiling, which is true technically. It's just really unlikely that you'll be the one to do that. According to the Consumer Awareness Institute, only one quarter of people who get involved in MLMs managed to actually ever make any money at all. 75% of the people who try this shit, three at a four, will literally never,
Starting point is 00:22:35 ever make any money. None at all. Of the 25% who will make money, 14% will make less than $5,000 total. 6% will make between 5,000 and 10,000. Just 3% will make between 10,000 and 24,000. Another 3% will make 25,000 or above. That's a lifetime total. And just 0.05% will ever make 100,000 and above. Just one in 2000. No figures for millionaires are listed, but I'm guessing it's way less than one in 2000.
Starting point is 00:23:07 As you can see, you do have a chance. Better chance to get rich than you do if you just buy a lottery ticket, but the chances of making decent money from MLMs pretty slim. A lot of people lose money. They don't tell you that. They never recoup their initial investments. 27% of respondents to an AARP foundation study said they only broke even during their time in an MLM company.
Starting point is 00:23:30 And for those who do make a little bit of money off an MLM, they generally have to work so hard for it. A website magnifymoney.com surveyed over a thousand multi-level marketing scheme participants from a variety of MLMs found that most people when it was all said and done were making less than 70 cents an hour. And that's before deducting their business costs. And 60% of the participants said they had made less than $500 in the past five years.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Not exactly in Ticing numbers when you look at the cold hard facts. So any company that says, you know, you're gonna make hundreds or thousands of dollars in just a few weeks, that's the exception to the rule, not the rule. Good to keep that in mind. All right, now we've gone over what a legal MLM looks like. A place where you might make some money if you work really hard and even then you probably
Starting point is 00:24:15 won't make much. Now let's go over what an illegal MLM looks like. The infamous pyramid scheme. I'm sure you've heard that term. A multi-level marketing company becomes an illegal pyramid scheme when the salespeople encourage you to buy a small stake in one of Egypt's ancient pyramids. Under the pretense that you can turn around, sell that stake to someone else at a pyramid profit. That's one form. Another form of a pyramid scheme is when you're sold a piece of sandstone brick
Starting point is 00:24:40 from one of the pyramids and you're told to sell that to a museum at an enormous profit. Another, especially shady, and you're told to sell that to a museum at an enormous profit. Another, especially shady pyramid scheme, will claim to sell you a time share apartment located inside of one of Egypt's pyramids, and then your job is to find other people who will go stay in your time share for a profit. And then when those people realize they've been conned, when they go to Egypt, get there and get arrested for trying to break into a pyramid apartment, the pyramid comes crashing down. And that is where the name pyramid scheme comes from.
Starting point is 00:25:11 It's all about Egypt's pyramids. And last thing, I really hope at least one person bought that bullshit, then pushed pause on this episode. And it's currently trying to convince someone that pyramid schemes have everything to do with actual Egyptian pyramids because that's fucking crazy talk. No, a real pyramid scheme is an MLM that doesn't actually sell any products to customers. They simply just recruit new members, new members who have to pay to join, who then turn around and recruit other members who then pay them.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Let me illustrate with this with an example. Founder Dave Dingelberry sits atop of Shit Mountain, represented by the number one, even though he's a walking pile of number two. Mr. Dingo Berry then recruits 10 second tier turds to the level directly below him. Each new turd must issue him a cash payment for the privilege of standing on the slopes of Shit Mountain. Not only do those buy and fees funnel directly into Dave's pocket, but each of the 10 new members must then recruit 10 tier three turds for own, for a total of 100 dumps.
Starting point is 00:26:06 And these tier three turns must pay fees to their tier two recruiters who must then send a percentage of their take back up to Dave, Dingleberry, and so on, and so on, and so on. Now, this is different from a multi-level marketing scheme because there's a negligible or non-existent product. The main product, sometimes the only product in a pyramid scheme, is literally recruiting new investors. In the mid-2000s, a pyramid scheme, scam, swept through Ireland, where people were asked to invest 10,000 euros, around 14,000 US dollars of the time, and also to entice other friends to invest. The money was then paid to a fictitious, headquarters in Germany, supposedly in Germany to get around Irish tax laws. Investors were told they get 80,000 euros in profit when after a predetermined period of
Starting point is 00:26:48 time, they hopped over to Germany to collect those profits. But no one collected shit because the money never went to any type of investment. People just got sent on a real expensive wild goose chase. They just threw their money away. All together before the Irish government shut it all down, the scammers behind the shit mountain cost those bottom tier pyramid turds almost 30 million dollars. There was another pyramid scheme that ran in the US in the mid eighties called United Sciences of America.
Starting point is 00:27:14 William Shatner, Captain Kirk endorsed them. And while I couldn't find a video of him speaking to this, searching for that video led me to William Shatner singing Elton John's Rocket Man in the 1978 science fiction film awards, and I need to share a snippet of this because it is one of the biggest, what the fuck is going on here, Clips? I have come across in quite some time. Please listen to this. I'm just touched, I'll bring me around again. Fine, I'm not the man they say, I'm a rockin' man.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Oh, no, no, no. I'm a rockin' man. What the fuck is going on there? Who thought that was a good idea? I have no other info to share about the United Sciences of America Pyramid's game. I literally brought that one up, just as an excuse to play part of that clip for you. You're welcome. Please listen to the rest of it if you ever get a chance.
Starting point is 00:28:09 The link is in the YouTube or in the show notes. Now let's round out our understanding these types of games by talking about another racket related to MLMs and pyramid schemes. And then we'll move on. This is the Ponzi scheme with Ponzi schemes. Investors give money to a portfolio manager. Then when they want their money back, they're paid out with incoming funds contributed by other investors, later investors. So unlike a typical pyramid scheme, there's just two levels. There's the manager level, the manager makes all the money. On the other level, there's everyone risking being royally fucked over by said manager. The scheme is named after one Charles
Starting point is 00:28:42 Ponzi, an Italian man who was sent to Rico in Boston, Massachusetts, figured out that international reply coupons, a type of document you can send with a letter to pay postage for the reply could be exchanged for stamps. Now the US Postal Service Stop selling these in 2013 because not enough people wanted them and because they're fucking confusing. I know a scheme based on coupons and stamps sounds stupid and boring, stay with me. And only started out is being about that and then quickly became its own thing. And places where the value of the currency was low
Starting point is 00:29:11 like post-World War I Italy, these IRCs could be bought in exchange for stamps in the US where they had a higher value. So basically these coupons created a potential financial loophole. You could buy the equivalent of a US stamp with the Italian money overseas, pay a lot less than it was worth, and then sell it in the US for an immediate profit. In theory, Ponds, he quickly figured out how to sell
Starting point is 00:29:33 the possibility of an almost immediate positive financial return on investment to a number of investors. He set up his own company, the Securities Exchange Company, in January of 1920 in Boston, and in the first month, 18 people invested a total of $1800. And he paid them promptly the very next month, but he did not pay them with money he made buying IRCs for less than they were worth back in Italy and then selling them for a profit
Starting point is 00:29:57 in the US. No, he paid them with more investment money obtained from new investors, and the Ponzi scheme was born. As time moved forward, Ponzi realized it was actually way harder to change the iris season to cash than he'd first assumed. It worked in theory, but not in real life. And the more iris changes he sold the more impractical it became to cash them all in. It became a logistical impossibility. For example, for the initial 18 investors of January 1920 for their $1,800 investment, it would have taken 53,000
Starting point is 00:30:26 postal coupons to realize the profits he sold them on Gideon. That's a lot of coupons. And that's just for the first 18 investors. For the subsequent 15,000 investors, he would have had to fill several Titanic-sized ships with postal coupons, just to ship them to the US from Europe. He needed to transport millions upon millions of these coupons. So Ponzi gave up on ever completing a coupon transaction. Once he got going, he realized he didn't need to do anything with him. He just needed to keep selling more and more people on the money they could make with said coupons. So he could just keep his house a card scam from
Starting point is 00:30:58 caveman in on his stuff. And for a little while, this worked beautifully. Investors kept investing and reinvesting, especially after July 24th, 1920, when the Boston Post printed a favorable article on Ponzi and his scheme. Soon Ponzi was making $250,000 a day, a day in 1920. It was as if he had literally built a cash machine that just printed money, but it didn't last long. By August authorities had caught on, on August 11th, it all came crashing down. First, the post came out with a front page story about some of his criminal activities in Montreal.
Starting point is 00:31:29 They'd uncovered 13 years earlier, which included a forgery conviction. That sent a wave of investors to withdraw their funds. And when more people started to withdraw, then people were investing, the Ponzi scheme fell apart real quick. That afternoon, the bank commissioner, where the Ponds held his money, froze his funds due to numerous irregularities. The gig was up after his money was frozen and investigators had begun to examine his investment firm. The ponds knew he was going down, turned himself in and was in prison. And most of his investors were shit out of luck. Some lost all their money, some got a little back and totally lost about 20 million in 1920, approximately $193 million in today's dollars.
Starting point is 00:32:07 One more Ponzi scheme example, just because it's interesting and more recent and fairly well known. Let's talk about Bernie Madoff. Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme collapsed in 2008 and cost his investors roughly $18 billion, so much money. Madoff was at one time the chairman of NASDAQ. He knew all too well what he was doing with investments.
Starting point is 00:32:27 He started his firm in 1968 as a penny stock trader with $5,000 money earned from working as a lifeguard and sprinkler installer. And the way Maidoff claimed he was investing was complicated. We won't get into that here, but he wasn't actually doing much investing. He was just putting money in a checking account.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Investors who gained access to Maidoff typically did so on word of mouth referral, believing that they had entered the inner circle of a check-in account. Investors who gained access to made-off typically did so on word of mouth referral, believing that they had entered the inner circle of a money-making genius. And his scheme began to unravel in the fall of 2008 when the market downturn accelerated with the real estate market collapse. As the markets declined, accelerated investors tried to withdraw $7 billion from his firm. And to pay off those investors, made-off needed new money from new investors. But due to the markets decline, those were those people just weren't coming in. By November
Starting point is 00:33:08 of 2008, the balance in his business account where he stored all of his investment money dropped to dangerously low levels. He just had barely enough in the account to meet his payroll on November 19th. By December, he was stalling with investors. He didn't have the money to pay all of their withdrawal requests. On December 10th, he suggested to his son's Mark and Andrew that their firm paid over 170 million in bonuses two months ahead of schedule from 200 million in assets the firm still had. Mark and Andrew can further ask him like, what do you fucking do and how can the firm pay bonuses if they can't even pay investors? And at that point, made off assets, sons, to follow him into his apartment where he admitted
Starting point is 00:33:42 that he was, quote, finished. And that the asset management arm of his firm was in fact nothing more than a Ponzi scheme in his words, one big lie. Mark and Andrew then reported their dad to authorities. How sad for them to realize that their father's business, the business he'd hired them, you know, to help him with was a giant con. It wasn't a financial guru. It's a big fucking liar. On June 29, 2009, made off was sent to 150 years in prison. He's in prison right now. So Pyramid scheme, Ponzi scheme, MLM company, why do these people do it? I think the simple answer is greed.
Starting point is 00:34:13 They do it because they want a lot of fucking money. You know, and this type of crime, when you can get away with it, it pays a lot more than running a legitimate investment company. Also, and I'm guessing a bit here, power and control. And who else loves power and control? legitimate investment company. Also, and I'm guessing a bit here, power and control. And who else loves power and control? Coat leaders, they love to have God-like influence over the lives of their followers. I wonder some people who run these financial schemes
Starting point is 00:34:32 love the con itself as much as the money that comes with it. I wonder if they truly love the con people to prove to themselves over and over again, over and over again that they're smarter than all the people who've trusted them. Even if they're not smarter, just less scrupulous. And what about the people who buy into these schemes? Why do they keep falling for too good
Starting point is 00:34:47 to be true investment promises? Some MLMs are able to drag their profitless participants along the ride for years. How? Because MLMs often affect their victims in a psychological way similar to how a cult affects cult members. According to Rick Allen Ross, an expert cult D programmer, cults and
Starting point is 00:35:05 MLMs are incredibly similar. Over the years, Ross has helped D program more than 500 cult victims and MLMs pop up so frequently in his D programing attempts and his line of work that an entire chapter of his book, cults inside out is devoted specifically to an AMWA intervention. An AMWA is actually where next-yam cult leader Keith Ranieri got his start. According to Ross, most destructive cults in MLM share three defining characteristics. One, a charismatic leader who is worshiped and revered,
Starting point is 00:35:35 two, a culture of coercive persuasion or thought reform, in which all members of the group are taught to think alike and isolate themselves from anyone who questions their devotion. Three, sexual economic or other forms of exploitation of group members by leaders. Obviously with MLM's exploitation, usually economic, not sexual. Like a cult leader, the MLM leader controls everything regarding how individual members operate within their group.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Charmed by the opportunity of making money, having a community, people suddenly find themselves under the control of a powerful institution. Like cult leaders, MLMs heavily promote the success of the distributors who do profit, and they shame those who don't. If in a cult, you don't believe the leader is the one true God or a prophet of the one true God, right? That's not the leader's problem. That's your problem.
Starting point is 00:36:22 You just don't have enough faith you maggot You don't make money in an MLM. That's not because the MLM system isn't built for everyone to succeed It's because you aren't trying hard enough to succeed. You're the problem not the system systems perfect maggot Worship the system Sell those vitamins you lazy fuck Hail the good god, M. Way Oh, I just felt 10 central Michigan members lead the coast of curious I just felt 10 central Michigan members lead the Coastal Cures. Once people began working for the company, the MLM doesn't tolerate questions or criticism. I do not defy thy God, am we?
Starting point is 00:36:52 Hail, am we! Take a. I think am we is probably the most harmless MLM group, by the way. Just cracks me up to tease him. Douglas Embrooks, an attorney who represents victims of pyramid schemes, describes what often happens when I distribute her questions in MLM's authority. He says, you're trained to avoid people who question whether this is a viable business or not, which is exactly the same technique that cults use.
Starting point is 00:37:15 They try to isolate you from people who question your belief system. I've been contacted by a number of people who deal with cult survivors and some of their clients are former MLM people. As time goes on, participants lose money. They're self-esteem diminishes. They feel it fault for their failures. Anytime they attempt to blame the MLM system, the blame is shifted back on them by other distributors who are unwilling to accept criticism about their company. Like a cult, MLMs also tend to target the desperate who to cults go after. Often they go after people who are down in their luck in some way people who are lonely spiritually hurting
Starting point is 00:37:47 lost souls desperate looking for a home lonely souls looking for a sort of family MLM typically go after people who are financially hurting people who don't seem to have or at least don't feel like they have many other financial options now let's talk about some very fast dating psychological principles that we've talked about it to some degree here in the past in the suckverse, but definitely worth discussing here again.
Starting point is 00:38:09 The key to why people throw more money away after initially losing money in a shady MLM lies in the psychological principle of doubling down when our brains try to prevent us from acknowledging that we've made a bad decision. Doubling down on a bad decision is the result of two psychological processes at work, cognitive dissonance and the backfire effect. I find all of this so interesting and kind of a bit depressing, but also interesting. The former involves a difficulty in reconciling two opposing ideas. In the 1956 book, when prophecy fails, psychologists Leon Festinger and his co-authors describe what happened to a UFO cult when the mother ship failed to arrive at the appointed time. Instead of admitting error, quote,
Starting point is 00:38:50 members of the group sought frantically to convince the world of their beliefs. They made a series of desperate attempts to erase their wrangling dissonance by making prediction after prediction in the hope that one would eventually come true. This UFO cult scenario is an example of cognitive dissonance, the stress we experience when we hold two contradictory thoughts, beliefs, opinions or attitudes. Cognitive dissonance is what we feel when the self-concept, I'm smart, I'm kind, I'm convinced this belief is true, is threatened by evidence that we did something that was not smart,
Starting point is 00:39:21 the memory we did something that was not kind and hurt another person or ourselves, that the that was not smart. The man we did something that was not kind and hurt another person or ourselves. That the belief is not true. To get away from these uncomfortable feelings, you either have to modify your view and accept a new evidence and come to terms with the fact that you fucked up and made some terrible choices,
Starting point is 00:39:37 or you can deny all incoming evidence that points to you fucking up. And if you choose the path of denial, uh-oh, you start walking down a real shitty path that has literally never made anyone a better person. Uh, when you refuse to admit your mistakes, you train yourself to be less open to constructive criticism, which is not good if you care at all about evolving and improving. Constructive criticism helps hone skills, correct bad habits, improve yourself overall,
Starting point is 00:40:02 ironically doubling down on a shady MLM company that claims to empower you, but does the exact opposite make you stop growing as a person. When the whole reason you were there was to grow as a person. And I get it, taking criticism, it's not fun. I struggle with it every week, getting nice emails, good reviews, that's a blast. Getting critical emails, I definitely sting sometimes. And it stings the most when I know they're right. I got some emails regarding the American ride suck,
Starting point is 00:40:30 this tongue, you know, this tongue because I realized I did get some things wrong. And that doesn't line up with how I like to see myself as someone who works really hard to try and get things right. That I perhaps didn't analyze some evidence to the best of my ability, that I used the wrong descriptive terms, that I kind of shorted a portion of the episode
Starting point is 00:40:47 and should have spent more time on it, that really bum me out, because the criticism was correct. After beating myself up for a while, I had to remind myself that it's okay to be wrong as long as you use that experience to motivate yourself to work harder to be right the next time to improve. I had to remind myself, it's okay to feel stupid,
Starting point is 00:41:01 sometimes to be stupid, okay to feel inadequate, that I should use those feelings again to improve what's not okay It's the brush off criticism. Just think fucking nailed it Yeah, they're wrong. Good job coming to the best That type of arrogance great way to quickly become the worst and I only bring up myself here as an example because I'm amazed how hard Admitting to be wrong is for so many people. I feel like many people see it as a sign of weakness Don't do that. It should be seen as a sign of strength. Be strong enough to admit that sometimes, yeah, you fucking weak. Everybody fucks up. And the person who can't do that, the person who never
Starting point is 00:41:31 apologizes, the person who can't handle criticism, who has no humility, ah, watch out for them. Never trust that person. That's the kind of person who either runs or joins a cult, who either runs or joins a shady MLM, right? Refusing to accept that you messed up, that's a great way for a member or follower to fall further into something like a cult or an MLM. Instead of cutting your losses, realizing you made some shit decisions and getting out. The other psychological process, I mentioned,
Starting point is 00:41:56 that keeps people from throwing away more money or that keeps people, excuse me, not from, keeps people throwing away more money after initial loss, is the backfire effect. The backfire effect illustrates sadly how our brains in some ways they know work too good. This describes this frustrating concept when being corrected actually makes some people feel more correct in their original, original, faulty belief. This was originally proven, this counterintuitive principle by two grad students, Brendan Nyhan and
Starting point is 00:42:26 Jason Riefler in 2010 based on their research of a single survey item. They asked a bunch of people whether they believed that, immediately before the US invasion, Iraq had active weapons of mass destruction, but before US forces arrived, Saddam Hussein was able to hide or destroy them. The people who responded, yes, that's what happened, were then presented with evidence to the contrary. Well documented evidence that Saddam had not hid or destroyed the weapons, and then they were asked again,
Starting point is 00:42:53 did Saddam hide or destroy the weapons? To the researcher's surprise, the participants said they still believed he did, and many of them now believe this to an even greater degree than before after being presented with evidence to the contrary. How fucking maddening is that? Interestingly, this concept may hold the key to why arguments online rarely get solved. According to David McCrainy in his book, you are not so smart.
Starting point is 00:43:17 What should be evident from the studies on the backfire effect is you can never win an argument online. When you start to pull out facts and figures, hyperlinks and quotes, you were actually making the opponent feel as though they are even more sure of their position than before you started the debate. As they match your fervor, the same thing happens in your school. The backfire effect pushes both of you deeper
Starting point is 00:43:36 into your original beliefs correct or not. How depressing, right? For some of us, when our deeply held beliefs are challenged with contradictory facts, not opinions facts. Instead of relenting to the new knowledge, we instead doubled down on our now proven to be incorrect beliefs and defend them even more instead of changing our minds. Why the fuck does someone do that? So incredibly logical, so annoying.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Unfortunately, we do it because we're not cold, emotionless robots and our brains aren't built on just logic. According to researchers, as human beings, our brains love consistency more than logic sometimes. We want to stay consistent with our self-image, and we prioritize information that is consistent with our current beliefs over other information, even when the other information is actually correct. The backfire effect helps us stay consistent with our previous beliefs and patterns by strengthening those beliefs when they're threatened. Psychologically, it's easier, more comforting
Starting point is 00:44:30 to stay consistent than it is to be right. Change is stressful, even when it's the right change. And right there, that's why it's so hard to fucking argue about politics. Doesn't matter if you're right, some people will just never ever hear your truth or the truth, and this is also why it's so damn hard to get some people out of a cult or to get them
Starting point is 00:44:46 out of an MLM, right? Or in the case of the next year cult, why it was hard to get people to recognize they were in an MLM and in a cult. The more facts people threw at them about how shitty their cult was, the more they doubled down and defended it, the more entrenched they became. And this is why, and I know this sounds crazy, if a cult ever gets their hooks into one of my kids, it's going to be real hard for me not to just straight up fucking murder the leader.
Starting point is 00:45:08 It's like killing them will be a lot easier than trying to deprogram the followers, right? Murder. Sometimes I am very much morally in favor of it, not kidding. Too bad no one killed Keith Rinerie long time ago. The world would have definitely been better off without that son of a bitch that pile of shit. All right, let's explore the formation of Keith Rineri's
Starting point is 00:45:25 manipulative MLM sex cult now in today's time suck timeline. Right after today's sponsor break, huge thanks to our sponsors, we've gotten more than lately and we feel very, very lucky to have them. Thank you for building this show up. You meet Saks and let us get them now. It's time suck timeline time. Shrap on those boots soldier. We're marching down a time suck timeline. On August 26, 1960, Keith Reneerie is born in Brooklyn to middle class parents and with
Starting point is 00:46:01 his arrival. The sky above New York suddenly crackles with explosive lightning, angels fill the sky and blast their heavenly trumpets to announce his important entrance. A solar eclipse occurs at the exact moment, the chosen one floats out of his mother's virginal body or none of that should happen. And it's just another day. Keith's father James worked in advertising and his mom actually named it any sources I can find taught ballroom dancing Family moved to Suffern New York 30 miles northwest of Manhattan
Starting point is 00:46:29 Place once described by the New York Times as small town American near the big city and Keith was five Neither parent as far as I can tell seemed to recognize that Keith was some sort of once in a lifetime Prodigy a spiritual master He was not it seems place in any kind of school for the gifted. His dad would tell one of his girlfriends later of Barbara Boucher that Keith was super intelligent and apparently Keith really ran with this. Barbara said that James his dad relate to her when he told his son he was very intelligent, maybe even gifted that with Keith it was almost like a switch went off. Suddenly overnight he turned into like Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:47:05 He was superior and better than everybody. He was a deity. He said it was that dramatic and profound. He went, he said it went right to his head. Sounds like a super fun kid. Keith's parents divorced when he was eight. His mom, who was living with a heart condition and who Keith references being somewhat of an alcoholic
Starting point is 00:47:21 became his sole caretaker. Dad wasn't around much. Then when he was 16, his mysterious mother mysteriously dies. Cold leaders, man. So hard to dig into their backstory sometimes because they love to hide it. Right, the more people know about their childhoods, the harder it is for them to lie about their childhoods.
Starting point is 00:47:36 And he lied a lot as we're gonna find out. Around the same time, Keith dropped out of high school, moved to Albany where he enrolled in the Rensselier Polytechnic Institute, America's oldest technological university. That actually is fairly impressive, not necessarily indicative of the genius Keith would later claim, but proof he was no dummy. RPI alumni include the current president of Marvel, one of the founders of Silicon Valley, the co-founder of NVIDIA, the co-founder of Texas Instruments, the founder of Garmin,
Starting point is 00:48:03 the founder of House Stuff Works, the inventor of the fucking microprocessor, a man known as the father of modern television, astronauts, tons of professional hockey player, senators, military commanders on and on and on. It is a prestigious university, but you know who's not listed among the very long list of notable alumni? Boy genius Keith Reneere. Keith will later claim that he received three degrees from RPI math physics and biology It claimed to have also minored in psychology and philosophy, but he did not that's nonsense
Starting point is 00:48:33 Record show him having just one degree a bachelor's of science and biology if you majored in anything else it was bullshit Keith would claim that he was a genius student, but his transcripts say otherwise You maintain a 2.2 GPA at RPI, on exactly a genius level, see student. Keith would convince followers, he spoke in full sentences at a year old, read by two years old, and taught himself to play concert level piano at 12.
Starting point is 00:48:56 The same year, he allegedly learned high school math, all of it, in 19 hours. Exactly zero family members have come forward to validate these 100% unsubstantiated claims. Keith also claimed to have won an East Coast judo championship at the age of 12 and set a record for the 100 yard dash in New York as a teenage dude. He was the smartest fastest kid in all of New York. If only was possible to validate or invalidate these additional claims, it is. Renéry born in 1960, became a teen in 1972, which means you stop being a teen in 1980.
Starting point is 00:49:27 So if you set this record, it would have happened during that eight year stretch, right? Well, the New York sports writers reference website lists all New York State high school state champions from 1972 onward for outdoor trek works out nicely for us here. 1977 was the last year the hundred yard dash was run. It then became the hundred meter dash and those state champions also listed and Keith Reneerie not listed on this fucking website anywhere weird that the kid who set the state all time record never even one state. And what about his judo champion claim? Reneerie was 11 in 1971. The age he most often claimed he won that judo championship. Searching 1971 and going every year for a decade
Starting point is 00:50:08 on either side of 71, there is not a single news report of Nuri winning any judo championship in any of the 5100 newspapers archived by newspapers.com, including Reneerie's hometown newspaper, the White Plain Journal News, White Plains, which might have thought it was newsworthy that an 11 year old hometown boy defeated the assembled judo masters of the fucking plane journal news, white planes, which might have thought it was newsworthy that an 11 year old hometown boy defeated the assembled judo masters of the fucking entire
Starting point is 00:50:29 East Coast, another obvious lie. The only proof that Keith ever did this shit is Keith saying he did this shit. And big thanks to investigative journalist Frank Palato, a man who helped take down Keith's hope for that information. Frank used to be the group's publicist before then dedicating his life to destroying this group once he found out how terrible they were. So yay, Frank. Hey, Frank. Keith also claimed to possess one of the top IQs in the entire world.
Starting point is 00:50:53 This is my favorite nonsense claim in his. This is because it's so over the top. A Forbes article, he was on the cover of Forbes in 2003 when there were real suspicious about this guy. They were talking about how he's just a weird executive coach stated that he claimed that his IQ was 240 240 is fucking absurd
Starting point is 00:51:14 Any score over 160 is considered genius the highest official score ever recorded Maryland voss's aunt parade magazines ask Maryland advice column, who logged a score of 228 as a kid. I recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. So how did Keith score over 30 points higher than that? The short answer, of course, is that he didn't. Another lie, he was with great success to get people to follow him. His fake IQ, one of his biggest selling points,
Starting point is 00:51:39 one of his most important recruiting weapons. He can even follow after follower. He was literally the smartest man in the fucking world. And he had kind of proof for that, kind of. This has helped him sell this lie. He did get listed in the Australian 1989 Guinness Book of World Records for being one of the top three smartest people in the world
Starting point is 00:51:58 according to this super IQ and part of the super IQ group called MEGA. Like a men's alike collection of supposed geniuses requiring a minimum one to a million IQ level formed by philosopher and librarian Ronald K. Hoffland. But then this record was taken out of the book the very next year and it never showed up in any other country's editions.
Starting point is 00:52:17 In 1990, Guinness worldwide retired the highest IQ category after concluding the IQ tests were too unreliable to designate a single record holder. Weird coincidence, almost seems like after reviewing Keith's record, they realized he'd conned them and they should just get the shit out of the book. If the people at Guinness won't accept a record, you know it's nonsense, because they accept almost fucking everything. There's people with their names in this book for most, most toilet seats broken by the head in one minute. 46 by Kevin Shelley. Most watermelons chopped on the stomach in one minute, 25 by Jim Hunter. Right, their names are in the book. Keith, not so much.
Starting point is 00:52:50 I kicked out. Keith did take the mega IQ tests and at home IQ tests, which means it was real easy to cheat on it. And very few people took the test he took. It was never peer reviewed. There's no way of knowing how tough this test was, how rare Keith score is. So safe to say like a lot of cult leaders, Keith made up this crazy, impressive backstory just to recruit people into his cult. Then at some point in the early 80s, Keith worked for AMOI. The MLM we mentioned earlier sources don't provide an exact date. And in AMOI, he would learn many of the tactics he would later put into use when he creates
Starting point is 00:53:23 next year. Hey, AMOI! Blessed be the sacred vitamins and carpet cleaners! way he would learn many of the tactics he would later put into use when he creates next year. Hail, Amway! Blessed be the sacred vitamins and carpet cleaners! May the Amway open in bestow quality organic protein bars among us. 1984. Keith is 24. We have the first known red flag appearing in regards to how truly monstrous this dude is. That year Keith meets Gina Melita,
Starting point is 00:53:46 a 15 year old who performed with him at an RPI theater group that included members of the community. After meeting, they started going to arcades together, playing Pac-Man, hanging out, having soda. Keith describes himself as this genius, this judo champion, she's impressed. She thought it was cool to hang out with an older accomplished, smarter guy,
Starting point is 00:54:02 who might help her graduate from high school earlier, early as he promises. Then he takes her virginity and they have a four month relationship that she hides from her parents. Man, that's how you know that you're operating on a higher spiritual level, how you know you're a real guru. When you're 24 and you either can't get another adult to fuck you or worse, you'd prefer not to fuck other adults.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Also in 1984, Gina Melita introduces Keith to another 15-year-old girl, Gina Hutchinson. Guess I need to pry, can tell where this is gonna go. Gina's older sister Heidi goes to the cops, accusing Keith of having sex with her underage sister after catching Keith, sneaking into her little sister's room one night through her bedroom window. Another indication of greatness, when you're old enough
Starting point is 00:54:43 to be a doctor and are climbing into the bedroom of a 15 year old at night. Too bad Gina's dad wasn't home. And some 24 year old breaks into my daughter's fucking room. I'm gonna take great pleasure and take in some fucking batting practice swings against her skull. I'm gonna paint the wall with her fucking brains.
Starting point is 00:54:59 I hate this guy so much. Have you seen pictures of him by the way? He is so fucking punchable. And he looks like the dude who would do this. He straight up just looks like a pito. And that's coming from a dude rocking a real creepy stash at the moment. I hope Keith gets savagely beaten in prison.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Keith told Heidi he was enlightened bean, an enlightened bean, excuse me, and that Gina was spiritually older than her physical age. That's a new one. No, I was not molesting a 15-year-old. I was having sex with a 30-year-old. She is older than me spiritually. He tells authorities that Gina is a Buddhist goddess
Starting point is 00:55:34 and that the two of them are meant to be together forever. And then charges are never pressed against him because he convinces Gina's parents that he's going to marry Gina. He does not. Years later, so sad sad when Gina is 33, she goes to a Buddhist monastery in Woodstock, New York and shoots herself in the head killing herself. Hard not to wonder if Keith sent her down the path that eventually led to that sad and tragic
Starting point is 00:55:56 conclusion. Dude is fucking poison. Around 1988, excuse me, not 98, 88, Keith moves to a townhouse in a middle class suburban development in half moon, just a few miles from Clifton parks, cluster of chain stores and restaurants in Albany. Years later, when he starts next year, followers will flock to Albany and droves. But before, before next year, there is consumers by line. This is the first MLM Keith founded. It does this in 1990.
Starting point is 00:56:23 It sells groceries, other goods, and a discount to those who sign up for memberships. Members are responsible for recruiting other members at his height in the early 90s. Reneerie has 250,000 distributors nationwide and 173 direct employees. Local papers and Albany portray Keith as an eccentric appealing genius. Noting that he only slept a few hours a night, he's working so hard. He can juggle, he can write a unicycle. How did the paper know he was a genius? How did the paper know he was sleeping
Starting point is 00:56:51 a few hours a night? No, because he told him, no, the proof. Also in 1990, Keith, the future benevolent guru allegedly rapes another kid, a kid much younger than the other kids. As super geniuses are want to do, he hires a 12 year old dog walker who was unnamed to the paper that broke the story, the Albany County Times Union. He appears to have hired her to groom her and get close to her, showering her with
Starting point is 00:57:16 attention before he takes her virginity. He's fucking 30 years old. She's 12. This guy has followers dancing and supporting him outside the prison where he's being held right now. So fun. Why do they support him still? Cognitive distance, backed by our effect, doubling down. According to Times Union, this young woman, this girl said she had sex with Keith, at least 60 times, including in the office for his members only buying club consumers byline, where her mom worked.
Starting point is 00:57:41 It's how he met her. She later grew so uncomfortable with the relationships she ran away from home, went to the police in 1993. There wasn't enough evidence though to charge him based on her confession and she was too uncomfortable to wear a wire and get Keith to admit to it. So he gets away with it again, 1991. Keith meets Tony Natalie, an actual grown ass woman who would become his girlfriend for several years.
Starting point is 00:58:03 They met at a holiday in the Rochester, New York airport in 91 Keith's multi-level company consumers byline rapidly expanding. He's coming to the holiday end to pitch Natalie and her husband to become new members, some cajoling from her then husband Natalie decides to hear a reneary out despite being burned previously by a different MLM. She'd long been self-conscious about her own education, having dropped out of high school in the 10th grade, not knowing when she dropped out that she was dyslexic. When she heard Keith speak, she was convinced he was the real deal.
Starting point is 00:58:30 He was a genius. He said so, and he would make her rich. He also said so. Natalie and her husband bought into consumers' byline. They went on to become top sellers in the Rochester area, often traveled to Clifton Park, the Albany suburb where Ranieri lived lived to visit Keith at the company headquarters. First time they visited Reneerie noticed a smell of cigarettes on Natalie, she later said, he asked if she wanted to stop smoking.
Starting point is 00:58:52 She told him, yeah, she did. He proceeded then to lead her to a quiet room and they talked about what made her nervous about what made her anxious. He touched what he called her trigger points on her hands, killing her to touch them whenever she got the urge to smoke. And she returned, Natalie's husband asked what took them so long. Lost in conversation and in something of a meditative state, she thought it had been about 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Now he told her it was more than two hours. Because dude, hypnotizer, talk about that later, within a year, like literally hypnotizer, within a year, Natalie and her son now moved to Clifton Park after Ranieri secures her a job with the skincare company that consumers byline had partnered with and then it wasn't long before Natalie's marriage ended and she took up with Keith.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Man how fucking pissed was her husband? He talked her into joining Keith's MLM and then this dude seducing her away from him. How much does this guy want to kill Keith? I am continually surprised that more co- cult leaders are not murdered by the family members of their followers. I truly am. Also, this little example shows how smooth Keith could be.
Starting point is 00:59:50 How did he steal Natalie away? Well, there's some hypnosis stuff we'll get into later, but also he was a really good listener. And some interviews I watched with former members, they talked about how Keith could make you feel like you were the only person on Earth. They talked about how he has this gift, this ability to listen so intensely, to focus on you so intensely. How could he make it seem like your problems were the only problems that mattered in moments
Starting point is 01:00:14 when he focused on you? He made you think that he knew how to fix you. I've heard followers of Jim Jones, David Kresh, other cult leaders talk about them in similar ways. He was able to do that because these guys know how to pray on people. They know who to pray on, they know what people need. Attention, just basic need to feel cared about.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Attention, they know how important that is to us. How many of us desperately want someone to really, really listen, to really focus on us, to have someone who really, truly seems to care about our struggles with the human condition. All of us want some form of that, and a lot of us sadly don't get it from our current friends or partners or families, and these co-leaders they fucking know that. It's like if we were all plants, they know how to recognize which one of us, or which of us, are the driest.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Which of us need the most water, and then they just give us that water. And it feels so good. We feel just, you know, so loved and understood when really we're just being manipulated. Not competitors, man, narcissistic predators who have no problem manipulating others to put them under their control. 1993, the New York Attorney General files a lawsuit against consumers byline accusing it of being a pyramid scheme
Starting point is 01:01:19 because it is. Renere claims that his company does not require its distributors to pay for the opportunity to sell memberships or earn commissions on the sales of the people recruited below them. People who wanted to could pay separately for the membership in the buying club, he said. The New York Attorney General, however, is like, nah, fuck that. Attorney General feels that the difference between people who pay for membership and those who don't is fictional.
Starting point is 01:01:40 The state's complaint said, the emphasis in CBI is clearly not on the sale of a product, but on recruiting new organizational rows to boost membership. Indeed, the only product in CBI is the membership. CBI is a classic pyramid scheme. When served with this lawsuit, Reneerie attempts to, or excuse me, admits to no wrongdoing settles with the state for $40,000, he makes changes, tries to walk his company back from being a pyramid scheme to a legal MLM, and then he closes shop in 1997 when he can't do that, and he closes under a mountain of lawsuits. And then he starts another MLM in 1997, the National Health Network, which sold vitamins
Starting point is 01:02:18 and never really got off the ground. It only lasted two years before collapsing in 99, but opening this company, which did include a brick and mortar store, a Hell store, did lead him to meeting his second and command more on that person in just a second. Also in 97, Tony, Natalie and Keith's relationship begins to break down. Natalie would later say in interviews, what he kind of does is he elicits as much information as he can, almost as a friend you're sharing with. Then he takes those things and he manipulates you with them.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Far more troubling, Natalie alleges that Renere raped her numerous times during their relationship. She said that he began to force himself on her against her will, sometimes while her son slept in the next room, due to such a sexual deviant molesting kids, raping adults. In a 2011 statement to the police, Natalie wrote, prior to leaving him, I was raped repeatedly by Reneerie each time with him telling me it was harder on him than it was on me, and that we needed to be together so I could share in his energy. Gross. Natalie
Starting point is 01:03:17 sent her son to live with his father, 98 left Keith in 99. A little over a year before Natalie left in late 97, Reneerie meets a psychiatric nurse, Nancy Salzman, at the health food store he owned in Clifton, the one he tried to launch that MLM off of. Nancy will become his second command. These two wackadoodles really hit it off. Keys told her he was an enlightened being, a world-class genius who wanted to share his gift of enlightenment with humanity, and Nancy buys this bullshit because she is also crazy. Nancy's a con artist. When she met Keith, she was super into hypnosis
Starting point is 01:03:50 and neural linguistic programming, a method of changing other person's thoughts through communication techniques. Awesome cult recruiting tool. She was a trained hypnotist. Cult expert Steve Hassan thinks she taught Keith who was very interested in hypnosis at the time, how to literally hypnotize people into following him. Steve Hassan thinks she taught Keith, who was very interested in hypnosis at the time,
Starting point is 01:04:05 how to literally hypnotize people into following him. In an interview with Vice Hassan said, I've talked to more than a few ex members, now who talked about their first meetings with Keith, they have no memory of what happened. These are two or four hour meetings, remember that meeting earlier with the smoking day. As an expert who studied NLP, I think that's indicative of them being put into a hypnotic
Starting point is 01:04:28 translate and specifically giving a suggestion that they'll have no recollection of later when it's, you know, what was said or done. How fucking scary being hypnotized into joining a cult, being brainwashed that way and divine as bullshit. Dude, was a fucking evil wizard. 1998, Salisman incorporates the group that will become Nexium and Delaware for tax purposes while a headquartering it in upstate New York. Salisman wrote in a brochure, there is probably no discovery since writing as important for humankind as Mr. Renaries' technology.
Starting point is 01:05:02 High praise. And what technology is he talking about? Nothing. He didn't have any tech. He just had ideas that he called tech. They started the organization as a self-improvement, multi-level marketing company that offered executive success programs or ESPs,
Starting point is 01:05:17 corporate leadership coaching. And they were real successful. Roughly 16,000 people will enroll in these personal development classes and workshops to overcome psychological and emotional barriers. Renieri didn't just promise to unlock clients greater potential. He claimed that his methods could do shit like cure ailments like Tourette syndrome, even help kids speak up to 13 languages.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Let's look at Nexium's insane methods in philosophy. This ESP, Renieri based Nexium around a series of techniques or technology, as he called it, that he believed could heal individuals and transform the world, at least that's what he said. The courses taught that everyone was responsible for their own reactions to the outside world and with enough integrations, you could reach unification in which you'd be happier, better, more meaningful. Nexium featured a 12-point mission statement,
Starting point is 01:06:07 which participants resided, pledging to purge themselves of all parasite and envy-based habits to enroll others in such courses, and to ethically control as much of the money, wealth, and resources of the world as possible within my success plan. Classic MLM bullshit. In order for this to work for you,
Starting point is 01:06:25 you gotta get others to join. You can't keep my incredible technology to yourself. The most important technology the world has seen since the invention of writing, that would be too selfish. Don't be selfish. Get others to pay thousands and thousands of dollars for me to hypnotize them with my bullshit.
Starting point is 01:06:39 You know, get rich, help the world, buy getting so rich, and then give me a lot of those riches. Next year, I'm conducted intensive classes for 12 hours a day for 16 days with new members, more classic cult shit, wear people down, get them tired. The more tired they are, greater the odds, the eventually just let's go with their critical thinking
Starting point is 01:06:58 and just buy whatever you're selling. One sided price for these workshops was $7,500. Classes were divided into modules, and one module, relationship sourcing. Students were instructed to explore the benefits. They would receive the event of a partner's death. That's not shady at all. Hey, find out how much money you'll get
Starting point is 01:07:16 if you're a partner dice, so you can give it to us and take more modules. Another module, Dracula and his ghouls, fun name, reportedly discussed cycle paths and their followers, how ironic. Other module titles included Best People Perfect World and the heroic struggle. Next, he also offered the rainbow cultural garden
Starting point is 01:07:36 and attempt to raise super kids by immersing them in a different language each day of the week from infancy. Children spent most of their time away from their parents in this module, thus making them ripe for cult and doctrination. And not, you know, terrifying at all, that this is, you know, a module run by a fucking pedophile. Another group, Jane S, claimed to be about the empowerment of women with multi-day training
Starting point is 01:07:56 courses using core nexium materials, but we'll see later it was breeding ground for a secret sex cult. Oh, pervacues was cooking up in the background. Photographs of Reneerie and Nancy Salisman were displayed during all of these seminars, which always concluded with participants having to show gratitude to the two leaders. Cult, cult, cult. This gratitude portion, so critical, is it turning from an MLM to a cult, fine line between demanding gratitude and encouraging worship. And these courses were tiered, kind of like in Scientology, how you can pay to level up, you can
Starting point is 01:08:27 buy more secret and sacred knowledge. With NextYM, you paid thousands to take a series of initial courses, and then you were offered the opportunity to pay far more for advanced classes, classes taught by people with no teaching accreditation. As members leveled up, they earned new fun sashes. That's super fun. You pay millions to get a sash. Each sash to note it to different enlightenment status. Next to him, classes rank was signified
Starting point is 01:08:53 by the wearing of these colored sashes, very similar to how color belts are used in various martial arts classes. You wanna be a six degree spiritual enlightened black belt? Cool, just get down on your knees and suck, he's dick. I mean, ha ha, pay thousands to take his classes and suck his dick. Or if you're lady, if you're lady, impreffably no older than 15. Each color in the hierarchy, not only a higher state of self-awareness, but also reflect
Starting point is 01:09:16 the members ability to recruit more members. The process for moving up and rank was up to the leader Keith, you know, Renere who wore a white sash always claimed to be a student, a forever student, the humble master, generally involved taking more classes, paying more money, and of course recruiting new members. White sashes were for students, those who would just joined. Anyone who paid to join, got a white sash, it's like a white belt and karate, whatever. Yellow sashes were for coaches, members who worked for free for the organization, teaching lower level classes, members who still paid to take
Starting point is 01:09:48 classes. Seems ethical. Orange sashes, that's the next sash. Those were for proctors. These people were able to earn a small salary or commission for recruiting new members. However, you had to pour a lot of money into the organization to make back a small salary. Green sashes were for senior proctors. Green sash, this is insane to me. A green sash cost around a million dollars. It's a lot of money for a green piece of fabric. I wonder if someone listening has a green nexium sash, folded up in a drawer somewhere,
Starting point is 01:10:17 and I wonder how badly they want their million dollars back. Blue sashes were for counselors, and they cost five million dollars the fuck These members could make a salary with a blue sash, but allegedly it was nothing compared to the money They just put in and there's even further purple sashes are for senior counselors. No word on how much for this one cost But allegedly only three next year members ever got a purple sash those poor Meisel bastards I'm guessing what 10 million million bucks, at least,
Starting point is 01:10:48 for each of those black sashes, we reserved for pedophiles who figured out how to molest 12-year-old girls in Nunkikot. Keith would wear his black sash under his white sash, and then he would wrap a second black sash around his hard, evil, tiny dick. Okay, but probably not about the tiny dick, speculation. And then there was one more real sash. There was one gold sash, and that was reserved for the prefect. And the prefect was co-founder Nancy, evil wizard hypnotist, Salisman.
Starting point is 01:11:14 This rigid hierarchy pushed members to revere those with a higher level of sash, to whom they were encouraged to pay tribute in words and deeds to worship, worship the satchess. Worship the good God, amway. I mean, next year, along with all their satchis and classes, next year I'm also had a batshit personal dictionary. For example, a Luciferian was next year
Starting point is 01:11:35 preferred term for a type of sociopath. One with severe behavioral problems that are massed by good psychological adjustment, who is described in a patent, a pending patent, typically experiences pleasure or gratification in situations where normal people would be repulsed or disturbed. I love the kids trying to patent
Starting point is 01:11:52 the use of the word luciferin. Should I try and patent luciferina? Hey, luciferina, great goddess of the suck. Did you know by the way that if you pay me five million dollars, I'll give you a fucking sash, and I'll conjure up the real lucifina and she'll sleep with you and bestow divine sexual conquest powers unto you that will make you able to seduce anyone at any time.
Starting point is 01:12:13 Then you can use your newfound sexual power energy to manipulate those around you and to gaining basically anything your heart desires and Lucifina will even change gender. She's gender fluid to appeal to whatever your sexual preferences. She could be a man, she could be a woman. If you don't believe me, we'll just give me that $5 million. And I'll disappear and go live on a beach somewhere. I mean, improve it. One former next year member, speaking on a condition of anonymity,
Starting point is 01:12:37 learned about such a person, a Luciferian, in a course called the Fall, as in the Fall Lucifer took in Milton's paradise lost. She said there were meant to understand that people who left Nexium were Luciferians, lost people for whom bad feels good and good feels bad. So basically Keith and Nancy just stole a page at a Scientology's playbook here.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Luciferian is just the equivalent of a Scientology suppressive person. In the Nexium program, which Renere has claimed as copyrighted and also tried to patent, Renere described some people as parasites, a term usage wise, he bar from Anne Rand. All parasitic strategies lower self-esteem and therefore destroy value, and he said in his patent application, it is our intent to rid the world of those things that destroy value. We can do this by modeling effort strategies
Starting point is 01:13:25 with our own behavior and helping others learn to use them. This is spreading the mission. Our Reneerie also borrowed the term, Suppressive, from Scientology. Just gave it a different meaning. It referred to a next-yam those who impeded progress up the precious sash ladder. Stop trying to stop me from sashing up, you supressive. He also came up with cool nicknames for himself and Nancy. Reneerie was called Vanguard, because he was the leader of the philosophical movement. Salzman, his first student, was prefect.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Mm, Vanguard. I have to admit Vanguard, that nickname sounds more legit and impressive than any of my nicknames, like Suckmaster or Bojangles Ball-Warsher. Okay. Keith Bogus' technology also played a huge role in convincing new members that they were doing the right thing
Starting point is 01:14:10 by joining Nexium. Keith was always talking a lot about his technology and his patents. His patents shit so weird to me. He never invented anything. He submitted patents all the time, but he never actually made anything. He submitted a patent for some kind of fine-my-i-phone type device that no one bought. He submitted a patent for a sleep guidance
Starting point is 01:14:28 system that was never made, no one gave a shit about. He submitted so many patents because it made him look cool, like a genius, right? Genius is patent shit. To quote Vanity Fair, Heathrow and Erie exploited a common misconception about a tedious bureaucratic process to spread the gospel of his genius. And by this they mean you don't have to be a genius to submit a patent for anything. You have to fill out paperwork. A rational inquiry, the behavioral therapy at the center of Nexium's public facing work almost always described as patent-pending technology and company literature. Reneries Bio says that he has 147 international patents, including 47 in the US, and a variety
Starting point is 01:15:03 of technical fields. This claim is very debatable. 2017 Vanity Fair investigation did find about 40 US patent applications he filed. One form of members said the patents were always a conversational piece amongst members. They were touted all the time as not just what he's working on, but why he is great, why he is so amazing.
Starting point is 01:15:23 He's so humanitarian, he's building all these things to help the world. Patent Penny was a phrase used by those next to him's highest ranks all the time. Former follower recalled that it was placed at the bottom of many of the ESP curriculum sheets. The anonymous former member explained, we took it to mean that patent is in effect, that it has been proven. This is his invention, you know? But that's not what patent penny means. The phrase simply means that a patent is in the process of review. And anyone with any kind of know-how of patent filing
Starting point is 01:15:51 can just file an application and have something that's patent pending. And a lot of his pending patents were fucking nonsense. One example, the method apparatus for improving performance is apparently a way of increasing performance on a treadmill by increasing speed over time, layman might recognize this approach as exercise. Do try to patent walking on a treadmill.
Starting point is 01:16:14 I should submit a patent for method apparatus for improving performance through stationary respite, aka sleep. Sometimes the delusional reinary thought he really didn't vent something and he would try to make money going after companies who use technology, he claimed to have patented. This Jack asked, he went big, he went after Microsoft and AT&T with a claim that he invented some type of teleconferencing tech and he didn't. He lost in 2015 when he couldn't prove he owned the patent. He couldn't prove it because he was a delusional maniac. He's all smoking mirrors.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Uh, as many patents were always a big talking point at Vanguard week, V week, next year's week long celebration of Keith's birthday. Hmm, before the dude's cult fell apart, this motherfucker was making his followers celebrate his birthday for an entire week. Sometimes over a week. And this event began as a single day to honor the birthday of Renere and it eventually expanded to 11 days. Members of next year would come from all across the country, Canada and Europe to worship their
Starting point is 01:17:09 idiot king. Hail the good god, amway maker of quality, multi purpose and affordable laundry detergent. Key celebration was held on various campgrounds and resorts sometimes on the west coast, sometimes near Albany. Attendees would pay up to $3,500 to stay to resort and attend V-week according to one former member, and this is on top of all the money they're spending on classes. According to one former member, there was always some sort of entertainment or some different kind of tribute to Keith
Starting point is 01:17:36 from the different centers. There would be performances of singers, directed to Keith. It was all kind of centered around Keith. An idea of the tribute to Keith, so very Keith work, out. During one V-week, one member testified It was all kind of centered around Keith's an idea of the tribute to Keith's self-writing Keith's work. Out. During one V-week, one member testified, an attorney stood on stage with Reneerie who held large plaques engraved with five to six patents at Reneerie.
Starting point is 01:17:55 That really is even all this fucking crazy patent talk. V-week included areas of interest called objectives for members to work on, like singing, dancing, drumming. It was kind of a summer camp for adults. It would feature, you know, reneary on stage, you know, talking about, thanks for, I don't know, worshiping me, I guess, October, 2003. And a Forbes piece on next year, Edgar Bronferman, senior, a Canadian-American billionaire businessman, tells reporters that he believes Nexium is a cult.
Starting point is 01:18:25 This seems to be the first time anyone had done this publicly. Ron Fman's daughters Sarah and Claire were in the group and Claire had already given Keith a $2 million loan that he would never pay back to help fund it. This is the first widely reported instance of someone again in the media labeling Nexium as a cult. Michael Friedman, the author of the Forbes piece wrote that Keith followers described him as quote, one of the smartest and most ethical people alive. A pedophile, a line pedophile. The Forbes piece goes on to say they describe him as a soft spoken humble genius who can diagnose
Starting point is 01:18:56 societal ills with remarkable clarity. They say his teaching as a teaching as an inspirational executive coach can empower some of the most successful people in the world to attain ever higher levels of status and money. Why his program can even cure ailments like diabetes and scoliosis? Oh boy, the dude who never went to medical school, curing scoliosis now, probably submitted some kind of nonsensical spine straightening patent. Submitted some series of pictures of someone laying on some table that looked like a medieval rack type contraption, pulling their feet and hands at the same time in opposite directions until pop,
Starting point is 01:19:31 that spine is straight, baby! By this time, Keith is amassing quite the following, including celebrities prompted by a word of mouth network. They include Sheila Johnson, co-founder of BET, Antonio C. Navello, former US surgeon surgeon general Stephen Cooper acting chief executive of N. Ron Seagran fortunes Edgar Bronfman senior who took a course and then bounced out was like now this is a cult But you know that got us daughters and a Christina Fox daughter of the Mexican president Dude was straight hypnotizing all these motherfuckers intelligent people successful people and ambitious people
Starting point is 01:20:04 Just desperate to become more intelligent successful I guess in 2005 Keith sunk his next he and hooks and Sarah Edmondson Let's see how he did this as a you know more in depth personal example of how this cult stuck in members Sarah decides to attend a spirituality themed film festival with her husband good to recruit called members, people open to new spiritual ideas. Sarah felt like her life was a standstill. As an actress, she was barely getting enough work to keep herself in a basement apartment. She done some beer commercials but felt the work was meaningless, nothing like the artistic career she'd once imagined.
Starting point is 01:20:38 At the Film Festival, she meets a man named Mark Vincente, who'd made a movie called What the Bleep Do We Know? A movie that looks fucking terrible, super wacky doodle. 34% approval on Rotten Tomatoes. This is to show what kind of films are being played at this festival. Peter Howell from the Toronto Star gave it the following review. The film with the year's most unfortunate title also happens to be a candidate for the year's worst film. Lou Luminek from the New York Post, more succinct, saying, two hours of new age, Hoey. Jack Matthews from the New York Daily News gave my favorite
Starting point is 01:21:10 review saying, quantum bull bleep would be a more apt title for the conclusions that this movie draws. Wackenoodle nonsense, the movie describes itself as a film that takes viewers on a journey to unlock the secrets of life. How very ambitious. Here's a snippet from this pile of shit's movie trailer. The real trick to life is not to be in the know,
Starting point is 01:21:33 but be in the mystery. Ponder that for a while. Yeah, ponder that for a while, motherfucker. Ponder that statement that sounds intelligent, but means nothing. Pretentious assholes. Something that kind of shit someone says when there's three days into their first philosophy class and they're desperate to sound deep Sarah of course loves this terrible movie tells Mark so he replies that if she liked the movie she might like a 16-day empowerment program. He recently took here. Do we go coat coat coat
Starting point is 01:22:01 A group of people including Mark Sarah and Sarah's husband go out for dinner after the film festival. I'm guessing having an incredibly punchable conversation that would make me want to take my salad fork and jam it into either one of their mouths or one of my ears. Sarah was coughing badly at this dinner, trying to hide a cold she'd had for weeks between hacking fits. Vincente took her aside and asked her a bizarre question that she'd never heard before. He said, what would you lose if you stopped coughing? As in, what would be the downside if you weren't sick? This is the kind of counterintuitive bullshit questions people would ask in next-eem courses to spark, quote, unquote, epiphanies.
Starting point is 01:22:38 And it prompted a burst of self-reflection in Sarah. She realized her coughs were an attempt to get her husband's attention. She had subconsciously believed that sickness would earn the care and love she's so craved. I remember thinking, wow, whatever Mark from what the bleep was up to, I want to know that too. Edmonds and told a CBC interviewer. Sounds like Mark got really lucky here. I feel like the first 99 times you probably asked a question, other people, they said or at least thought stuff like, what are you talking about, asshole?
Starting point is 01:23:03 I've fucking cold. That's why I have a cough. And Sarah did have a cold. That's what's so crazy. She just let him trick her into thinking it was some other bullshit. Somebody hearing what they want to hear. Sarah decides to take the intensive course but is skeptical at first.
Starting point is 01:23:16 Her parents were therapists. So she thought there was nothing that these people could teach her about her emotions that she didn't already know. She found the group to be strange initially because it was at the end of the meeting, they bowed and said, thank you, Vanguard. She thought that was strange,
Starting point is 01:23:30 but the facilitator's explained that everyone has titles, doctors have titles, sensei has a title. Why can't Keith have a title, right? He's the Vanguard and he's earned his title. It means he's a leader of philosophical movement. And how did he earn it? Through the triple P method of guru ship, philosophy, patents, pedophilia, boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Sarah also noticed that people were sashes. She figured that, you know, whatever, people in martial arts were sashes, you know? Everything she had an issue with was explained away. She was still a little weird about. At the first day, she Googled a company called Mark, said, what did you get me into? Then Mark said, don't think, what did you get me into? Then Mark said, don't think, what did you get me into?
Starting point is 01:24:07 Think, what did you get me out to? Ponder that for a while. Then he hung up, adjusted his man bun, transitioned into a new yoga pose, and then mumbled to the air around himself. I'm the wisest of them all. Now, he didn't do that stuff. Feels like kind of douchey shitty, do they?
Starting point is 01:24:23 He actually said, anyone can write anything about anyone online. Of course there are smear campaigns and haters and stuff like that. Classic defense. Anyone can use to defend anything. Sarah decides to go back. On the third day, she has some profound realizations, what the executive success program called integrations. Sarah would later write that by the end of the fifth day,
Starting point is 01:24:43 I had more clarity. I was making better decisions. I understood people better. I thought this was the end of the fifth day, I had more clarity. I was making better decisions. I understood people better. I thought this was the key to success and happiness, but there was also this nugget they left you with. There was this problem with you. You had to resolve. And of course, to fix that problem, that required more trainings. There's a momentum to being committed to a group that you think is good.
Starting point is 01:25:01 And there's a certain amount of cognitive distance to make your choice a good choice. When you spend $3,000 on a five day training, you want it to be good. You want it to be a good choice. Yeah, something I got out of it, or I got something out of it. Yeah, it was amazing, really good. Same thing, a psychological phenomenon.
Starting point is 01:25:17 You stick with it. And I think it was a part of me wanting to be right that it was good. Yeah, when you spend $3,000 on five day training, yeah, you want to make it good. Of course you do. No one wants to feel like they threw away that money, right, doubling down.
Starting point is 01:25:29 So crazy, I've watched recent interviews with Sarah, and she seems nice, but she does not seem like someone who has their shit together now. She spent all that money. And she would go to these classes for years, and she still seems like someone very unsure of how life works on a basic level. Classes didn't teach her shit.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Probably just made her more insecure. From 2005 to 2009, Sarah travels back and forth It still seems like someone very unsure of how life works on a basic level. Classes didn't teach her shit. Probably just made her more insecure. From 2005 to 2009, Sarah travels back and forth between New York and Seattle, where there's a Nexium Center to take all kinds of lessons, and spends all her money on these fucking lessons, goes into debt every three months or so. The center takes a, does a five day training program
Starting point is 01:25:59 where people fly from New York to teach the training. Sarah ends up taking on this new role, managing five day programs after paying for a bunch of them. By her own admission, she was good at it, good at bringing people in. She was working for free, also paying for other classes, feeling she's getting a deal. She would eventually make some money, but probably not as much as she spent. Sarah noticed that next year was much more than classes. It was a community.
Starting point is 01:26:21 People who were in next year had friends outside, but increasingly found themselves getting closer and closer only to people inside the group, obsessed with discussing Nexium techniques. Coat, coat, coat. Having a dinner party with Nexium friends meant constantly dissecting your fears and insecurities. Sounds annoying. Somebody said they didn't like sharing the food on their plate. For example, other group members would chime in with probing
Starting point is 01:26:42 questions in an effort to overcome the block. What would you lose if you stopped this behavior? Is refusing to share holding you back? Dear God, I would have never lasted a day with these annoying lunatics. Hangers holding me back at greedy dickweeds. If you wanted some skinny and meatballs, you should've ordered some, or some, or just shut yourself. Get the fuck away from my plate. 2006, Reneerie Takes is coldest step further, creates J-Nes, a group focused on female members. Some of the teachings initially seemed reasonable enough. In the beginning of the course titled,
Starting point is 01:27:12 Raw, Men and Women were encouraged to talk about their gender's genuine experience of life and sex, and how the other sex often made them feel repressed, denigrated and ashamed. By voicing these feelings, which can be taboo to speak out loud, men supposedly developed compassion for women and vice versa. JNES was priced at $5,000 for each eight day workshop of which there were 11, a chill 55k to become a JNES fucking Jedi. What a deal. Thank you, Lord, amway. Great God of quality,
Starting point is 01:27:42 reasonably priced cookware. As the workshops progressed, Renere told followers that they must accept that women and men are wired differently. Men are repressed and do not enjoy the same rich experience of existence as women, but they have an understanding of right and wrong. Women can be disloyal, have tantrums, and get away with whatever they prefer. Renere then introduced a theory about ancient men that he called the primitive hypothesis, emphasizing that men are naturally promiscuous and there's nothing you can do about it, and women are monogamous. And the grooming begins.
Starting point is 01:28:12 I bet my life used pain, real close attention to which attractive women, you know, bumped on this, which didn't, starting to pick out his hair. For men only next to him offered a club called the Society of Protectors. In this group, Reneerie introduced a concept called Collateral, or Collateral, Collateralizing Your Word, which members understood to be adding extra leverage to your conscience. If a man didn't uphold his word about running, for example, perhaps the whole group would be punished and have to forgo the next morning's coffee.
Starting point is 01:28:42 As we'll see later, collateral took a different approach for women. In 2006, actress Alison Mack attends her first Nexia meeting. She's gonna become a main figure in all of the ensuing insanity. Born July 29th, 1982 in West Germany, Mack lived the first two years of her life in Germany before her family moved to California.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Her first acting job at a little toddler was for a German chocolate company in a series of print ads and commercials. She went on to appear in dozens of television movies and shows, including the direct-to-video, Honey, We Shrunk ourselves, her childhood manager, Diane Hardin would later say, she was just this great kid who seemed happy, mature for her age, and very responsible. But as she moved into her teens, she was poised, but lacked sophistication, needing help with her makeup and style, recalled her former agent Judy Savage. Also had a touch of, now you have a Tay, set a former friend.
Starting point is 01:29:31 The only thing I can think of is she so badly wanted to connect to something that she didn't see the rational side of things. The person I knew way back when was very curious about the world in relationships, I think she was just constantly searching for something that was missing in her life," her friend said. Mac was 18 when she was cast as Clark Kent Sidekick, Chloe Sullivan on Smallville, an addictive TV series about a young Superman, and a ran for 10 seasons. On Smallville, Chloe was the clever but grating best friend next to the ethereal dream girl, Lena Lang, played by Kristen Krueck.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Fans were cruel when contrasting the two young woman's looks, and it was not lost on Mac, who is sensitive to the criticism. After high school, Mrs. are Ms. Mac, moved from her family's home and lost Alamedo's California to North Hollywood, had a group of industry friends, including her co-star, Kristen Kruch,
Starting point is 01:30:20 and Kruch brought Mac to her first meeting of Janus, that women's group under the umbrella of Nexium. The weekend seminar was held in Vancouver Hotel, one Saturday morning in late 2006, several dozen people filed into an unremarkable hotel conference room for the two-day introduction to Janus. Max seemed to bask in the attention from co-founder Nancy Salzman. Salzman, Mrs. Salzman, was teaching a workshop
Starting point is 01:30:42 speaking about how men are genetically polyamorous, said Susan Dones, owner of an XM center, who was there that day, or I guess former owner. By the end of the seminar, Alison had grown close to Ms. Salsman and her daughter, Lauren. She was excited, sorry, it was Mrs. Winnwan, I wrote a wrong way now, she was Ms. Not that you guys were like, wait a minute,
Starting point is 01:31:04 she misses her, Ms, I need to out. She is missed. Not that you guys are like, wait a minute. She misses her miss. I need to know. She's missed. And by the end of the seminar, Allison had grown close to miss Salisman and her daughter, Lauren. She was excited when Sarah Bronfman aired to the singer, Seagrams liquor fortune offered her a ride on her private jet to meet Keith Frainary back in Albany by the end of the weekend. Matt Ketanouba's friend, Lauren Salisman, and the prospect of meeting with the guru who taught everyone at the seminar. She said, yes to Albany, and that decision led to other decisions that have her now home on bond, waiting to judge to sentence her to probably 30 to 40 years in prison. After that weekend, Mack returned home to her boyfriend, Chad Krochek, who would immediately tell her that she was thrilled, or who could immediately tell, excuse me me that she was thrilled about something.
Starting point is 01:31:46 Crochuk and Mack had been living together for about three years. I'd seen a couple of their actor friends already get involved with Nexium. Mack told him she wanted to share this powerful experience with him. And even though Crochuk was a little uncomfortable, he agreed to go to Albany to meet the Nexium inner circle. That was the part that scared me the most. Crochuk later said of his girlfriend's sudden shift in perspective. Before we had conversations about it, and we both thought it seemed kind of weird
Starting point is 01:32:10 and creepy. I don't necessarily know if she thought it was creepy, but we agreed it seemed messed up. Now Mac was 110% on board, which he still had reservations. Crochette wanted to himself. If the tools were really so powerful and the leaders were such committed humanitarians, why weren't they giving it away for free? Exactly. They were running the sex cult. Mac was invited into Nexium's inner circle very quickly. Crochuk tagged along in the beginning, but soon realized he didn't have the money to go
Starting point is 01:32:36 further with his coursework. For a while, Mac paid for his courses. He tried to pay her back. She eventually spent between $20,000 and $30,000 on his courses. Yee. December 1st, 2007, Mac host Acapella Innovations in Albany. She then judged an Acapella Innovation Competition that took place from April 4th to April 6th, 2008.
Starting point is 01:32:58 Next year, I'm attempting to attract college age recruits with Acapella Innovations, a festival for college Acapella groups. I'm guessing Keith was using this as a way to scope out some young potential future sex lives. In 2009, Mark Ponder, that for a while, Vincent A. and Sarah Edminson opened an X-Sem Center in Vancouver, Canada. Also in 2009, Barbara Boucher, financial planner, confronts Keith about his secret sexual relationships with both clients and board members, as well as other improper business practices.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Barbara had been Keith's girlfriend until about 10 months before the confrontation. According to Barbara, who we met earlier when talking about Keith's dad, Keith pursued her from day one and Nancy and his inner circle continually saying Keith's praises tried to encourage Barbara to date him six months after they met in 98. They did finally start a relationship. Then about a year after the relationship began, Barbara began to suspect that Keith was seeing multiple women, at least three of them. She found out later he was seeing at least nine other women while she was dating him before
Starting point is 01:33:53 she left next to him. When Keith would disappear for days at a time and Barbara openly wondered where he'd gone, a first renery and then a high-ranking next to him women pointed to her abandoned issues, as a daughter of an alcoholic father as the root of her suspicions. Her issues with a problem, not Reneerie. Perhaps he was absence because he was trying to teach her a great and wonderful lesson about one's expectations of another being.
Starting point is 01:34:15 Perhaps he was having other relationships for her benefit. Nice. Maybe if you wanna look at it like I'm fucking around on you and betraying your trust, and possibly giving you some STDs That's on you. That's your shit, right? That's your perspective from my perspective I'm taking my dick and I'm using it to teach you to be more forgiving of others every time I put my lesson cock
Starting point is 01:34:36 Inside another teachable moment plus you should be thanking me Thank you Keith by helping me evolve by fucking fucking other women, open, evident leader. Now bow down before the good god, amway, omnipotent god, of environmentally friendly dish soap and knock off energy drinks. Barbara ended the relationship a year before she left next to him. Says that Keith gave her the silent treatment, told anyone who asked that Barbara had committed an ethical breach. That was so bad.
Starting point is 01:35:03 Couldn't talk to her ever again. Totally. How dare she try and take his flandering and use it against him after Barbara confronts some eight other women leave with her, which effectively closes down multiple training centers, including the one in Seattle. Now instead of Vancouver rights, comedian salsa, the border for coursework like they did in the early 2000s, American clients start coming to Edminson's thriving new center, Sarah's benefiting now. By the time Barbara left, she had given Keith $1.6 million of her savings, so much money. Money she gave him as a loan. Right? This is
Starting point is 01:35:34 pattern here. People fucking throw money this guy. Money, Barbara gave Keith to cover some bad investments that the genius made. Using all the money he was getting from his bullshit courses. Eventually, Barbara asked to get the money back, he refused, he encouraged her to think of her loan as a humanitarian donation. She was upholding his great mission and to take it back would be incredibly selfish. And she never got that money back. She found a lawsuit but Keith was used to dragging those out in court. Human pain, a new class, is offered at Nexium centers beginning in 2011, the curriculum
Starting point is 01:36:05 is an eight day level two training and starts with the concepts of collateral and penance. People are encouraged to put down collateral as weights to their word for their commitments. If you didn't complete your goals or something you said you were going to do, people were encouraged to sleep on the floor, take cold showers. For women, penance was all about calories. According to Sarah Edminson, a woman who we've met earlier, she was put on a 300 calorie diet, 300 calories a day, because of some breach she'd committed. She was only eating frozen zucchini and tomato stew, and this calorie punishment
Starting point is 01:36:38 had nothing to do with self-help and everything to do with Keith liking his women to be exceptionally thin. By this time you're sleeping with God knows how many of his female followers. February of 2012. Some cult experts publicly state that Nexium is for sure a cult now and not just some MLM bullshit. And a time as union piece, some cult experts point out that the terms and rituals in Nexium are very cult like one cult expert, even likens, renairied to David Kuresh of the of the branch dividends claiming the leader directed one of the most extreme cult you'd ever studied. As far as Keith on 2015 Keith takes his cult even further forms DOS the secret group within a group that would lead to his
Starting point is 01:37:17 downfall. DOS stood for Dominus of sequa's Sororium, a Latin phrase which roughly translates to master of the obedient sisterhood. Now this group was designed so that women would recruit other women and give them assignments as their quote, masters all framed as an exercise in mentorship. What the group was really about was providing keys with an endless supply of young women trained to do whatever they were told sexually. He now starts keeping a rotating group of around 15 women for sex, forcing them to eat highly restricted diets because he liked his women again to be exceptionally thin. Women are assigned periods of celibacy while they wait for their turn for keys to fuck
Starting point is 01:37:52 them. When it's not their turn, they're not even allowed to masturbate. According to a later FBI complaint, masters would give quote slaves assignments that either directly or implicitly require them to have sex with Reneerie, which they then did. Other assignments appeared designed to groom slaves sexually for Reneerie down the road, shits getting crazier! How was all this rationalized? How can they still think of him as a benevolent ethical leader?
Starting point is 01:38:15 He's convinced that these women he's sexually healing them now, by literally fucking them? That's how brainwash they are. He's pushing them past sexual trauma and empowering them sexually by demanding they perform sexual acts they're not comfortable with. Women in interviews I watch wouldn't say what these acts were other than they were He's pushing them past sexual trauma and empowering them sexually by demanding they perform sexual acts They're not comfortable with women in interviews. I watch wouldn't say what these acts were other than they were exceptionally demeaning and degrading Where he's doing it for them doing it to help them push past some issues In 2017 next time continues to spiral downwards into further insanity one member later recalls that when she is diagnosed with breast cancer Nexium associates tell her that she has given herself breast cancer.
Starting point is 01:38:46 Why? It's a desperate attempt to get her husband's attention. And then they do something even more gross. They tell her that instead of spending the money, she has raised online for her breast cancer treatment, she should give Nexium that money and make the ethical decision to die. Cult, cult, cult, give us your cancer money. Please, the good God, amway, Lord of affordable anti-requel cream and multi-action fluoride toothpaste. I know by the way that
Starting point is 01:39:11 next time has nothing to do with amway at this point, just cracks me up to call their God amway. Just a fucking rile up amway people, even though they didn't even have a gun. Also in 2017, Lauren Salisman travels to Vancouver to visit Sarah Edmondsson, catch up and visit. The old women, catch up and visit. Though the women had previously been very close, Lauren had been the maid of honor at Sarah's wedding, was Sarah's son's godmother. Lately, they drifted apart a bit. Sarah was hopeful that this visit was going to bring them back together.
Starting point is 01:39:36 And it would, in a way, she did not anticipate. After a few days on the trip, Lauren takes Sarah's side and tells her that she wants to invite her to something really amazing, like the most amazing, something that's going to change Sarah's life. Lauren says it changed her life already completely, but before she can tell Sarah about it, Sarah has to give her something. Sarah has to give Lauren something to prove she's not going to talk about it with anything with anybody else. Like what Sarah asked, Lauren said it could be anything.
Starting point is 01:40:01 Nude photo, family secret, nude photo, nude video, anything that would keep Sarah from talking about it. When Sarah says this makes her uncomfortable, Lauren tells her that that's a good sign. She should feel uncomfortable, right? Uncomfortable is good. It means that you're pushing into new territory. Giving Lauren a nude blackmail photo
Starting point is 01:40:20 would obviously be a good thing. Wake up and smell the spread eagle crotch, Sarah. This is for you're good. Sarah agrees. She writes down a list of bad things that she and members of her family have done. Lauren says not enough. So she writes another list. She lies about things, makes up bad shit, you know, makes up stuff like her, her husband beating their kids, which wasn't even true, that he was unfaithful.
Starting point is 01:40:41 That wasn't true. And then she gives Lauren some nude photos. This shit is so crazy. Lauren then tells Sora what the big secret is. It's an international women's group. It doesn't have anything to do with executive success programs. Doesn't have to do with next year. Doesn't have anything to do with keys.
Starting point is 01:40:55 And this is of course all lies. It says everything to do with keys. She says it's a worldwide group of women, a badass bitch camp, as she described it. Some women called the group The Val. Others referred to it by the solemn name Doss. Dominus, you know, Dominus of Secret Sororium. So it's Doss again.
Starting point is 01:41:10 Lauren describes it as a sorority. The first step is a commitment to Lauren, a lifetime commitment. Sarah, as deep as she already is with all this bullshit, still finds it's concerning, but she figures, well, she's already made a lifetime commitment to Lauren by being her best friend. What's so different about this? The second thing is a vowel obedience.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Sarah would be the slave. Lauren would be the master. The concept, especially how it's worded, creeps Sarah out, but Lauren explains, it's just an exercise. Come on. Gosh dang, come on, stop being so weird. Just be my slave, stop being weird about it. Masters would help slaves count calories to save them from the trap of emotional eating.
Starting point is 01:41:44 Masters would dictate an act of self-den denial like cold showers or rousing yourself from bed at 4 a.m. Slaves were told to do acts of care for masters, perhaps bringing them coffee. Slaves might be also commanded to abstain from orgasms for a period of time to help them heal their negative sexual patterns. Such weird shit. Now, she told her that each master was supposed to bring in slaves and then to become masters, those slaves would recruit more slaves of their own and estimated
Starting point is 01:42:10 150 women would ultimately join some of the slaves, call these other sisters and Sarah agreed to be Lauren's life. And then in March of 2017, the infamous Nexium branding goes down. Sarah flies to Albany for this kind of fucking slave master ceremony. She told us going to be a special initiation and it's going to have a tattoo element. And this worries Sarah. It should have. This is all insane. She doesn't have any tattoos. No piercings besides your earlobes. Wasn't something she wanted on her body. When she tells Lauren, Lauren says that they need to work through Sarah's fears together. The tattoo's meaningful says Lauren. It's just going to be mountains and water to symbolize inner strength. Lower than bring Sarah to a guest room, tell her to get naked and put on a blindfold.
Starting point is 01:42:49 As one does for a tattoo. All my tattoos, every single one of them. I got naked, I got blindfolded, and then the tattoo artist shoved stuff from my butt as part of the tattoo process. That's how the ink cures. You have to have stuff shoved in your butt. Hey, you get it? Come on!
Starting point is 01:43:04 That's how you got yours. But no, so she goes in your butt. Hey, you get it? Come on. That's how you got yours. Uh, but no, so she goes this thing. She's blindfolded. She gets naked. Sarah does this. She hears movement in the house. It's other slaves. Lauren has more slaves. They would all be gathering together for the first time. Sarah had actually been excited about this now. Oh, she thought I was going to be like a family reunion when she talked about it later. This is, uh, she's brought to a living room. She has her blindfold taken off. Now she finds herself sitting there with four of the women, all of whom she knew from next year.
Starting point is 01:43:29 I'm all naked. All the women are shy, trying to cover themselves up. But Lauren tells me, get over it. Get over your body issues, your sisters. Your sisters being naked together. You know how that works? As with the rest of next year, anytime anyone has a concern,
Starting point is 01:43:42 it's immediately pinned on their fears, right? It's their issue. Dr. Daniel Roberts enters the room. Lauren tells one of the women to get on the table. The women now take turns holding each other down as Dr. Roberts uses a cauterizing device to see a two inch symbol below each woman's hip, a procedure that took 20 to 30 minutes per person. It's really painful. Women are crying and shaking. At one point, they put on surgical masks because of the smell of burning flesh in the room. Each time a new woman gets on the table, Lauren instructs her, instructs her to say,
Starting point is 01:44:13 master, please brand me. It will be an honor. Sarah wants to run, but she can't think of what to do. She feels paralyzed. She's naked in the house in Albany. She didn't contact anyone. She didn't contact anyone. She can't contact anyone to tell people about what she's already done, what she's given in his collateral, the new pictures, the video testimonials trash talk in her family.
Starting point is 01:44:34 She feels committed. She listens, watches, two women receive brands, then gets on the table herself. Later Sarah would realize the brand wasn't a mountain, wasn't a river. It was fucking Keith's initials. They put a K-R on her hip. After realizing she's been branded to be Keith's sex slave, she finally leaves Nexium. Turnin' over at Controlled the Vancouver Center to other Nexium members, she urges Mark, Mr. Ponder, and Centae to leave with her, which he does. And the two spend the next several months cold calling other Nexium members and their families urging them to sever ties with the organization.
Starting point is 01:45:04 One of the people they contact is actress Catherine Oxenberg, mother of India Oxenberg, who joined next year when she was just 19 in 2011. Catherine had actually introduced her daughter, India to the group, figuring they could help her daughter develop leadership skills. A few years later, at Raniri's trial, an ex-next year member known as Nicole would testify that Alison Mack forced India into a star starvation diet, allowing her to eat only 500 calories a day until she got down to 107 pounds. And you also received a brand became part of Keith's harem before she left the group in
Starting point is 01:45:36 2018. Okay, October 17, 2017, the New York Times publishes a major expose about the organization and its branding ritual. Keith has finally pushed shit too far. Having these women literally branded, turned out that was the line that ends up bringing him down. Sarah Edmondson speaks out about her experience about being a doze, being branded. She poses for a picture for, you know, The New York Times where she shows the brand on her
Starting point is 01:46:02 pelvic bone. It shocks readers shortly after The New York time article appears. Reneerie bounces. He flees to Mexico where he spotted several times walking through a secured gate community in a suburb of Monterey. Many of his rich Mexican donors live nearby. Rumors start to swirl about an FBI investigation to find him. Reneerie disappears.
Starting point is 01:46:21 March 26, 2018, the FBI does find Reneerie. They find him in Mexico, charging with sex trafficking and forced labor crimes. Finding Reneerie was very difficult because he had begun to use end-to-end encrypted emails. He had stopped using his phone. He wasn't using his own money down in Mexico. Federal authorities said that Reneerie did not hold bank accounts at his name, had no driver's license. For more than a year, he had used a credit card account associated with a dead lover to make purchases. Prosecutors wrote, in the past year and a half, the defendant and the mother of his child have accessed hundreds of thousands of dollars from a bank account in the same dead lover's name, which contains over eight million dollars. That account belonged to Pamela and
Starting point is 01:47:01 Kifritz, a next year member who died in November of 2016. along to Pamela and Fritz, a next year member who died in November of 2016. Renere taken into custody after Mexican immigration officials help FBI agents track him to a luxury $10,000 a week villa near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, where he was staying with several of his sex slaves. I guess, yeah. Just one day after the FBI caught Renere, news outlets start to speculate about what other people are involved in next year's suspected criminal activities. Other arrests go down.
Starting point is 01:47:29 In April, 2018, the New York State licensing board charges Brandon Porter and Albany-based doctor for moral unfitness to practice medicine, negligence, gross incompetence, and more for his role in the cult. Also, that April's smallville actress, Alison Mack, is arrested, charged with sex trafficking for a labor and a Brooklyn court assistant, US attorney, Moira or Moira. Pensa says, Ms. Mac was one
Starting point is 01:47:53 of the top members of a highly organized scheme which was designed to provide sex to Reneerie. Under the guise of female empowerment, she starved women until they fit her co-defendant sexual feminine ideal. On May 30, 2018, Mac claims she came up with the infamous branding ritual. In a Times interview, she explains the inner workings of DOS. In order to join the alleged slave master sorority, she says members were ordered to adhere to low-calorie diets, subject themselves to humiliation, and undergo the branding ritual. On July 24, Claire Bronfman, Nancy Salzman, Lauren Salzman, and Kathy Russell are arrested in charge with racketeering for their alleged involvement in Nexium.
Starting point is 01:48:30 Prosecutors alleged that the four defendants recruited and groomed sexual partners for an area and used harassment, coercion, and abusive litigation to intimidate an attack perceived enemies and critics. On March 13, 2019, Nancy Salzman pleads guilty, confessing that she has tracked and monitored women within Nexium and done other shady shit. She becomes the first person to take a guilty plea associated with Nexium, saying in court that she closely monitored suspected moles within the cult and ordered people to destroy videotapes that documented some of Reneerie shady her teachings. She said, I want you to know I am pleading guilty because I am in fact guilty.
Starting point is 01:49:06 She said through sobs. I accepted some of the things I did were not just wrong, but criminal. On March 14, 2019, Reneerie is hit with additional child pornography charges. Federal prosecutors say that Reneerie had sex with a 15 year old girl who later became his first, quote, sex slave, and then he documented the encounter.
Starting point is 01:49:24 He also is accused of possessing child pornography going back to 2000 or 2005. Damn. During Renere's trial, it will come out that he had more than 100 slaves and that they were as young as 15 and a message is shared with one young slave. He requested the follower find other virgins on Tinder saying younger is fine. Younger as in younger than 15, this piece of shit. It was also alleged that if his slaves didn't do as he asked, he would punish them by putting them in a cage, sometimes making them hit each other with leather straps. Why would he do that?
Starting point is 01:49:55 Because it was what the good God am weighed to creed wise, Lord of water purifiers and empowered drinking water. On April 2nd, Lauren Solomon confesses to helping and slave a woman for two years, as she pleads guilty, when the woman did not complete a request, Solomon confessed that she threatened to deport her back to Mexico. On April 18th, Allison Mack pleads guilty
Starting point is 01:50:16 to one kind of racketeering, conspiracy in one kind of racketeering. I have counted the conclusion that I must take full responsibility for my conduct and that's why I'm pleading guilty today, Max Edden Court. Next day on April 19, Claire Bronfman pleads guilty to conspiracy to conceal and harbor an illegal alien for financial gain as well as fraudulent use of identification. June 19, 2019, after nearly six week trial, Renerius found guilty of seven charges including sex trafficking, sex trafficking, conspiracy, racketeering, conspiracy to commit forced labor.
Starting point is 01:50:48 Dozens of women testified as trial about the abuses they suffered at his hands and it began for all of them by taking courses with nexium. One young woman, Danielle, originally from a small town of Mexico, testified that she was so inspired by nexium, she decided to move to Albany for one year to be mentored by Reneerie. When there, Reneerie punished Daniela by forcing her to stay in her room for nearly two years. She's lady who's put in a fucking cage basically for two years, unable to see anyone from
Starting point is 01:51:13 her family. Daniela said she had a sexual relationship with Reneerie as did her two sisters and that they were forced to have abortions when they became pregnant. Nicole and actor who became involved in the group after taking courses testified that she was blindfolded tied to a table sexually assaulted by an unknown dude while reneary stood nearby and asked her invasive questions about her sex life. When the incident was over, she was told by reneary that she was brave and that nothing bad had happened. He claimed the exercise was helping her become sexually empowered. It's all about empowerment. Interesting way to rationalize rape.
Starting point is 01:51:46 Jay and actor and model told the court that the reason she joined DOS was because it was described to her as a program where women pushed one another to be better. Jay testified that she had confided in other DOS members about her experience being abused as a child. She testified she was stunned when Mac instructed her to then seduce Reneerie, telling her it would heal. Her previous sexual abuse trauma. That's how you get over sexual abuse by being sexually abused some more. January 2020, Nexium faces a lawsuit, a big one. Plain have some 80 individuals allege that they've
Starting point is 01:52:18 been lured in by false scientific claims before paying thousands, if not millions of dollars, becoming victims of a pyramid scheme. And painstaking to tell the lawsuit explained how people with college degrees and white color jobs got trapped up in Nexium. Membership in Nexium was by invitation only before the first class recruits were required to fill out long questionnaires about their views on wealth, religion, children, other topics. The goal, according to the lawsuit lawsuit was to pinpoint their insecurities and weed out skeptics. One former participant said that nexiums recruiters looked for trust
Starting point is 01:52:50 fun babies and Hollywood actors and that many nexium members had been survivors of sexual assault. Their fears and abuse confessions would be used against them if they tried to leave nexium. How fucking evil. And speaking of lawsuits, I almost forgot about, uh, we do have one final sponsor. TimeSuck is brought to you today by the law office of Chase, Kemper and Crowell. Have you been branded by a fake genius? Has your mind been melted by never-ending patent-talk? Have you paid thousands of dollars for months of useless cycle-babbling? Have you been tricked into bowing before the great
Starting point is 01:53:25 God amway? If your life has been negatively impacted by Keith's such a punchable face for an eerie, please call us today. Also, we're currently still investigating claims that his cult may have been infested with shrubsluts, that did further damage to members, destroying their relationships while Keith destroyed their minds. Keith, may himself be some kind of male shrub slut. Shrub sluts. It's a goddamn epidemic.
Starting point is 01:53:55 If your marriage counselor divorce court attorney has not taken seriously your claims of either cult abuse or shrub sluttery or both get the money you deserve. Call the law office of Chase, Crowley & Kemper by dialing toll free 1-800 shrub slut. The call is free. The advice is free. Call toll free 1-800 shrub slut. For an in-person consultation, our office is located just EF East. Not EF East, guys EF East guys, haha. Off I-95 between I-HOP and Cash & Go.
Starting point is 01:54:28 Look for the giant shrubs. Huh. That was weird sponsor. Okay, let's get back to this timeline. July 2020, winding down. This cult is still alive barely, but still alive. Beginning in July 2020 to few months ago, at least six Nexion loyalists were organizing dance protests
Starting point is 01:54:46 outside the detention center that houses Reneerie as you wait sentencing. Operating under the name, we are as you, no you're not. Dancers include Canadian actress Nikki Klein, actress who played Kelly Henderson Tyrol on the sci-fi channel television series, Battlestar Galactica, Branding Doctor Daniel Roberts, Nikki just revealed a few days ago
Starting point is 01:55:07 that she was in a sexual relationship with Keith for a decade. Nikki also married to Allison Mack, federal prosecutors have claimed that Mack and Cline were wed at the behest of Keith Reineri, more sex slave shit, just days ago, just a couple days ago, October 18th, 56 next year members wrote letters to the judge
Starting point is 01:55:25 that will be sentencing Keith soon defending this pedophile. They're still in. He was originally supposed to be sentenced back in September of 2019, but defense motions delayed it and then COVID delayed a sentencing further. His sentencing hearing as I record this is set for October 27th, set to begin at 10 a.m. He's being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, New York and US District Judge Nicholas Garofis will hand down his sentence and he is expected to receive a life sentence. Next year's website is no longer an operation and as far as I can tell, none of its centers are
Starting point is 01:55:57 currently open. Odds are with a sentencing the cult will be for all intent and purposes dead in the water. Co-founder Nance is awaiting a date for her sentencing, which was postponed due to the pandemic as well. She faces up to 20 years in prison. And without being the latest info, let's head on out of today's time suck timeline. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely.
Starting point is 01:56:32 All right, before we wrap up, let's talk about how NXM relates to Scientology, because that's a big influence. Like good old Elrond Hubbard, Reniri based a lot of his claims on him being such a smart man, before he introduced members to the more spiritual side of NXM. The two men both heavily fabricated their backgrounds. I guess there really wasn't a huge spiritual side, but it just felt like it was moving in that direction. Well, they're crazy talk. Like most of Hubbard's exaggerated bullshit claims, youngest ever, Eagle Scout, Daredevil Pilot,
Starting point is 01:56:55 Blood Brother to the Black Feet Native American Tribe. Renere's claims were ludicrous, easily disproven. Nick Names and Worship, that's another common denominator between the two. Renarian insisted that followers call him Vanguard, such as Hubbard wanted his minions to call him source. The sort of naming serves a very important purpose and cult indoctrination, causing believers
Starting point is 01:57:18 to see the founder as more than human and infallible. Beware of people who force nicknames on you, like Vanguard or Sir Sucks a lot or Prophet of Nimrod or Suck Master. I'll show myself out. Litigation. Renary used the same scorch earth litigation tactics opponents against opponents that Scientology has.
Starting point is 01:57:36 One critic website suggests that Renary may have spent $50 million in legal fees over the last 20 years. Most of it attacking detractors, such as suing journalists who tried to expose his cult. Tech and secrecy, nexium, Scientology, both claimed use revolutionary technology that's not bucking technology. That helps people work out the trauma, live their best lives like the auditing bullshit
Starting point is 01:57:58 of Scientology, ludicrous. Because they know their tech is ridiculous, they don't let the outside world see it and expose it for how fucking stupid it is Next year materials have been subject to extraordinary secrecy just like Scientology's before Scientology's teachings became widely available over the internet For we all know it's a bunch of dumb shit about fictitious aliens A next-dem students signed extensive non disclosure agreements members of the inner circle gave leadership collateral intended to be used to keep them from either leaving or sharing secret teachings. Ethics, Renere followed the same playbook of Scientology and many other cults claiming that he and his fellow higher up were the most ethical people on earth.
Starting point is 01:58:36 That's a common cult technique for engendering feelings of superiority amongst members were the best with the most ethical for redefining members sense of morality, to enable leaders to get members to engage in highly immoral, amoral activities, following the leader's dictates over their own consciousnesses. Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So what does next-hymns collapse mean for the future of other cults like Scientology?
Starting point is 01:58:58 Some have argued that next-hymns collapse is a sign that Scientology is doomed to fail sooner or later, but sadly, not necessarily true. Scientology is so much bigger for one thing. Next, Jim claimed to have enrolled 16,000 people since 98 in his training classes. Investigators have estimated this number is probably less than 5% of the number of people who have actively pursued multiple training courses through Scientology. And as far as we know, Scientology's leader, David Miscavige, while he seems like a huge douchebag, he at least is not fucking kids and branding a harem that we know of.
Starting point is 01:59:28 One of the best ways for a cult leader to eventually incur a lot of backlash as we've learned over and over again on past cult episodes is to start fucking everybody. But there's still some hope for the demise of Scientology. The more we expose these cults and to announce them, the greater the odds, new recruits will think a little harder about joining. And what should you think about when approached by a member of a group or a person claiming to have all the spiritual answers you are looking for?
Starting point is 01:59:52 Well, look out for signs of coercive and manipulative behavior. Do they claim to be able to improve your life practically overnight? Are there followers only devoted to their group instead of having a wide variety of interests? Do followers give a lot of money in time to the group, insisting they'll someday make it all back and more?
Starting point is 02:00:08 Those leaderships seem abusive. If so, stay the fuck away. Now let's wrap up. I went over a lot today. I hope it all made sense. It's a complicated topic in some ways. I'm sure more info will come out going forward concerning next year when it's shady practices. It's also fresh.
Starting point is 02:00:25 I'm sure there will be other shady pyramid schemes and MLMs that will ruin more lives as time rolls forward as well. Maybe we'll suck them too. The lure of the get rich quick scheme. Always so appealing. Gotta be careful with that. Don't get sucked in. Don't let cognitive dissonance and the backfire effect pull you in further and further
Starting point is 02:00:41 and destroy you. Odds are no one's's gonna change your finances overnight. There's no magic get rich pill. I mean, sure, you could win the lottery, but overwhelming odds are against that. You can achieve personal empowerment and enlightenment, but you don't need to pay thousands of dollars for stupid woo-woo mind-fuck courses to do that.
Starting point is 02:00:58 Real meaningful change requires a lot of hard work. Like going to a good licensed therapist, really working on your shit for a long time. Going back to school, getting a better degree, working a ton of hours to start a small and successful business to improve your financial lot. This is what I think. But I've stopped for a long time. I've hoped to get rich quick, you know, many times in my life, never worked out. Podcasting seems to be working out now, very thankful. Just took over 20 years after starting on the path that led here. At my lowest points, I never jumped on the get rich quick bandwagon, not complete,
Starting point is 02:01:27 not because I'm some genius because, you know, I'm not, you've listened to the show enough. I just watched too many others around me try that when I was younger and I never sought work out, right? Like, I'm lucky. My grandparents showed me a different way, another way, the right way. Grandma Betty and Papa Ward, they don't make meat sacks any finer than these two, never have never will. Papa Ward, we're gonna job he hated as Somile for over 20 years,
Starting point is 02:01:48 provide for his family, grew up with nothing, beat by an alcoholic father, mom abandoned him, dad stole from him, and he doesn't complain about any of that shit. We're construction other labor jobs, he also didn't like for around another 20 years
Starting point is 02:01:59 when the Somile shut down, never made much in any given year ever. But he worked second jobs on the weekends, bought cheap land, slowly built rentals and set a watching TV. You're going to the bar. My grandma never left little rig in Zydeho ever in her life. Never went to college. Got a job at the post office taught herself how to invest about a couple bucks worth of stocks a week for years. Didn't blow her money at the bar or get rich quick, you know, or on any get rich quick bullshit. Just always slow and steady with those two.
Starting point is 02:02:26 Eating at home, not out at restaurants, planted a vegetable garden, eating from it every year, can and fruit, checking out books from the library, instead of buying them, watching airwave TV, instead of getting cable, never living above their means, never got rich, but made enough to always be there and help take care of their families when their families needed them. And that's enough for them. Many would look at their lives and consider it boring, no big fancy vacations, no fancy cars, no fancy clothes, nothing fancy ever. But for me, they're the blueprint.
Starting point is 02:02:53 Pop award and grab a betty, those two should have started a cult. A cult where no one gets fucked, everyone's just told to put their head down, not worry about what the Joneses have and you don't complain less, work harder and grind motherfucker, grind. So grind you beautiful bastards. I pre-stash shit because I live it. I'd love nothing more than to see all you, you know, listen, you know, get the success, the most success you can in life and I truly believe the best way to do that is just to stay
Starting point is 02:03:17 focused, grind, slow and steady course, fuck shortcuts. Hail Nimrod, fuck Nexium, I hope Keith Renehrig fucked. Hope his new nickname in prison is raw dog butt fuck McGee. And uh, hello, top five takeaways. I hope it pleases the good God am way Lord of delicious and nutritious weight management meal replacement bars. Time suck. Top five takeaways. Time, suck, tough, five, take away. Number one, XMU's multi-level marketing to make millions and successful and have a successful run for just under 20 years. Multi-level marketing, a legal tactic is ruled by the FTC, is when instead of in a normal supply chain,
Starting point is 02:03:58 when a product goes from a manufacturer to a wholesaler to a retailer to a consumer, the product goes directly from the manufacturer to the distributor, usually one individual directly for the manufacturer to the distributor usually one individual. That individual responsible for getting other people to sign up to sell for the manufacturer. And MLMs can end up operating a lot like cults. Instead of empowering you to start your own business as they advertise, they often just take
Starting point is 02:04:17 your money, make you feel like you're not doing a good enough when you don't succeed in a business that literally almost no one succeeds in. And then they shut down your complaints, not, right? It's not their fault, it's your fault. And they isolate you further and further from your friends and family by being so immersive. Most MLMs are bad news, even if they're not illegal. Number two, Keith Ranieri told us followers that he had three degrees was a child prodigy and athlete, learned calculus in an afternoon was the smartest man on earth.
Starting point is 02:04:44 Basically, had all the humanity figured out. In reality, he was a pedophile sex maniac who enjoyed manipulating people and writing really stupid patent claims, including one for increasing heart rate over time, aka exercise. He was not a genius. He was someone with a complete lack of morals who wanted to have sex with a lot of women, most of them underage and to be worshipped. Number three, next he embarked from a lot of sources to develop its executive success programs, a series of workshops that cost upwards of 5,000 bucks a pop.
Starting point is 02:05:13 And while we don't know to what extent Keith Renieri was inspired by Scientology, the two of a lot in common. Scientology pushes a supposed end goal of becoming clear. The Scientology term for achieving a state of total psychological perfection. Nexium's term for this is unification. Get enough sashes and you're fucking unified, baby. Number four, next year in a sister group, J-Nes produced DOS, a secret sex cult led by actress
Starting point is 02:05:38 Allison Mack under Keith Winnery's guidance, told women they would become empowered by a green to be slaves for other women. And those slaves would in turn become masters to other slaves and everyone eventually would get fucked by Keith. Slavery consisted of providing collateral to make sure they couldn't tell anyone about the group, checking in with their masters multiple times a day, asking what food they could eat, you know, getting punished for disobedience.
Starting point is 02:05:59 And included receiving a brand of Keith Winneries initials. Sarah Edmond sent along with four other women were branded in January 2017 and Sarah's description of that experience to the New York Times led to Nexium's end. Number five, new info while in prison. Reineri instructed his followers to solicit the assistance of one Alan Dershowitz, the attorney who successfully negotiated a non-prossecution agreement of Jeffrey Epstein. Who is Alan Dershwitz? Why have we seen him in the news so much?
Starting point is 02:06:28 Alan Dershwitz is an American lawyer and legal scholar known for his scholarship of US Constitutional Law and American Criminal Law. He taught at Harvard Law School from 1964 all the way till 2013, and he's known for taking on very unpopular clients. In 1995, Dershwitz served as an appellate advisor on the OJ Simpson murder trial, part of the legal dream team, alongside Johnny Cochran and Eiffely Bailey.
Starting point is 02:06:51 Dershowitz also a member of the defense team for NASTIAS Harvey Weinstein in 2018. And then, you know, as I said before, Jeffrey Epstein. Is he a terrible guy? Not necessarily, he said many times that he just supports the constitution, not any particular person or party, or maybe it's terrible.
Starting point is 02:07:08 In December 30th, 2014, Florida court filing Virginia Jew free alleged she was sexually trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein, who lent her to people for sex, including Dershowitz. The motion claimed that Dershowitz was also an eyewitness to the sexual abuse of other minors. In the week that followed the release of Dershowitz,a, David Dershwitz denied the allegation, sought disbarment of the lawyer's filing the suit. Dershwitz has also stated he plans to suit Netflix over including this allegation
Starting point is 02:07:33 in the recent documentary Jeffrey Epstein Filty Rich. It's a complicated figure, Dershwitz, due to seems to have no moral qualms regarding defending dirt bags. But even he chose not to defend Keith for nearly. Does that speak to how defenseless Keith is based on the evidence against him, or does even Alan Dershowitz think, ah, man, fuck that guy. I can't represent that next year in dirtbag and still look at myself in the mirror. The next year in sex cult has been sucked.
Starting point is 02:08:07 Very different type of cult, right? No doomsday predictions, no real compound, no Messiah, no profit. Turns out you don't need to talk about God to start a cult. And how weird to combine it with an MLM, pulling from Amway instead of the Bible. Also, never going to be able to look at Amway or any other MLM, same way again after today. Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team for all the help and making time suck. Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins, hope she'll fill better in a couple of days.
Starting point is 02:08:32 Reformed Dr. Joe Paisley, the Script Keeper Zach Flannery, Biddelixer, Logan and Kate Kees from BadMagicMurts.com and the socials hope they feel better in a few days. Thanks to all those who joined the Cult of the Curious Private Facebook group, over 22,000 members who continue to make time suck more than a podcast, making it a community. Thanks Liz Hernandez and all her all-seeing eyes running the Cult of the Curious. Thanks to all the wonderful weirdos having fun on Discord. Thanks to, excuse me, thanks to all of you, Space Sisters playing time suck trivia on the app, Bodie 210. Currently in the lead with 4758 points, new round starts on
Starting point is 02:09:07 November 2nd, 3pm Pacific time. Next week on TimeSuck, we will feature yet another waste of carbon. They wicked entitled sociopath from World War II, era England named John Haye. The promise is not always going to be a dirt bag every week, but they are fascinating. Are they not? Besides being a monster, Haye was a very intelligent dude who played piano, loved classical music, great, another smart dirt bag. John Hela loved high living,
Starting point is 02:09:32 but he definitely wasn't about to work for it. That was so beneath him. Instead like a well-adjusted meat sack does, he decided to murder people and just take their assets, make their shit his. He even appropriated one of his victims' dogs, because of the odd, maybe clever, but certainly gruesome way he disposed of the multiple bodies,
Starting point is 02:09:49 he deprived of life, the tabloids gave him the nickname, the acid bath murderer, also called him a vampire, as he had quite the inappropriate relationship with other people's blood. Spy growing up completely isolated by an extreme religious family, he became an outgoing con man, used his gift of manipulating others
Starting point is 02:10:05 to increase the social status in his bank account. At least when he wasn't being thrown in jail for schemes. He soon graduated from con artistry to murder as he believed that as long as no bodies were found, he couldn't be charged with a crime. He was not correct about that. In this spirit, he filled 40 gallon drums with acid and well, you'll have to come back next week
Starting point is 02:10:23 to hear where all that went. So next Monday, we sucked the acid bath murder on a very bloody bangers and mash edition of Time Suck. And now let's yippip yah on over to this week's Time Sucker Updates. Our first update is a collective one. It was brought to my attention via numerous social media and YouTube comments that, Sergei, I was saying Sergei, as far as S-E-R-G-E-I, it's pronounced Sergei, not Sergei.
Starting point is 02:10:56 Apologizes, or apologies, excuse me, I apologize. Apologize to pronouncing the Russian name wrong. Now sharing a Boston Stranger update from Super Sucker Mark Valin, just because I put a smile on my face. Mark wrote, got the end of your comments. Firstly, I hope that you get to feel
Starting point is 02:11:11 in better soon, Suck Master's Supreme. It's come, come, come get in there. So I'm outside cleaning up an old mower and I've got the Boston Stranger episode on. Jesus fucking Christ, fun Frank is the piece of shit. Anyway, when you describe his dick as looking like a mangled snake on the road, I flat out snort laughs and fell back onto the ground.
Starting point is 02:11:28 Dude, that is the best laugh I've had in a long, long time. Get well soon. Thanks for all the laughs. Thank you for making me smarter on a daily basis. And thanks for your nice message, Mark. I'm glad you fell down. Oh, but seriously though, it makes me really happy. So now that this shit makes you happy,
Starting point is 02:11:43 I hope you keep enjoying it. Now we'll move away from fluff, get to some great constructive criticism. First piece coming in from a quality minded meat sack Leah Taylor, Leah writes, hi there, your podcast has been on my favorites for years now. As a female, excuse me, as a female identifying meat sack, however, I was wondering if you could stop noting whether or not a woman in a story you tell is or isn't attractive. You always use descriptors like an attractive woman or a pretty woman or note if they aren't attractive by your standards whenever you talk about females. I realize this is cultural programming and likely you don't even realize you're doing it but it would be really great
Starting point is 02:12:19 if you consider if you could consider that you're helping perpetuate a cultural problem, where the worth of a woman is based on her attractiveness. I say this as a quote or as in quote, attractive woman myself, who for my entire life was told I was pretty or not pretty enough thin and beautiful or not thin enough. And my body is the constant subject of attention. Men don't have to deal with this and I'd love to see a world where women don't either. It takes nothing away from your stories. If you stop noting the attractiveness level of a woman in your story, we are more than just our looks and your word choices matter and either perpetuating this or leaving this moldy
Starting point is 02:12:54 misogyny in the dustbin of history where it deserves to go. Thanks kindly for your consideration. Hey, Luciferina, Leah. Well, thank you, Leah. I will work on that. I will work on that going forward. If someone's attraction is pertained to the story, male, or female, I'll comment on it because I'm attracted to women. I will reference from time to time being attracted
Starting point is 02:13:13 to certain women on a conversational way. I do realize women are much more than just sexual objects that said, I do find women sexy. And I would feel like I was holding back if I didn't let that out from time to time. But I don't want to perpetuate this objectification. I don't want to just continually reduce female characters to being sexual objects
Starting point is 02:13:31 when it doesn't have shit to do with the narrative because you're right. Men don't have to deal with that like women do and I don't want to keep that pressure going on women. So hail Nimrod and hail is feeding and thank you for that. More constructive criticism coming in now from a sucker not afraid to call me out of some shit Jenny Taylor host Jenny wrote
Starting point is 02:13:49 I'm a fan of a listing since my boyfriend turned me on to your shit during the baby time suck days I think rather than talk shit about a bunch of poor ass oppressed Russians who believe in witchcraft because they probably have literally no other Option to get medical care you should leave them out of it and shit talk the asshole and government that exploited them. Shouldn't comedians punch up? That's a thing, right? The whole ha ha look at those stupid pours trying to survive as low hanging fruit and lame. I know you're busy because I listened to your other podcasts.
Starting point is 02:14:15 I'm just used to you being the good funny kind of dick, not the deback kind of dick. Please feel free to school me and tell me how I'm wrong and how you didn't shit on a bunch of poor ass people on a communist rule That that they probably hate or reflect on your statements. I know you're good people So do you so you did your best sincerely Jenny PS. I'm not Russian. I'm a mixed native Alaskan white lady and to my own detriment Stand up for anyone if I think something is not cool because I know what it's like to get shit on Let you know because it gives context. Well, this message I'm gonna admit, this message pissed me off at first. And I sent a defensive message back to Jenny.
Starting point is 02:14:49 And that message led to a great back and forth with Jenny the other night. And I want to make it clear, I don't think Russians are stupid. I do just find they're a cold fast nation in that episode very amusing. But I don't want to come across as picking on people for making terrible choices because they're uneducated, you know, can't afford to do something else. I just wanted to point out how crazy these choices are and how they're not helping anyone's lives. To me, the jokes were more about the wizard swindlers than the people seeking the Russian
Starting point is 02:15:15 sorcerers. I tried to punch it to exploit or not to exploit it, and I appreciate you reminding me to make sure I'm doing a better job of making that clear, Jenny. And Jenny, thank you for the conversation that we had. Too much you didn't do here, but it ended very nicely. It ended very nicely. And yeah, made me think, which is good. Again, criticism, good.
Starting point is 02:15:36 Now for some nice words. From hardworking military sucker, Shelley Miller who writes, hello, all the great names everyone gives you. Only been listening for a short time, thanks to my son Doug who said, oh, mom, you gotta listen to this one. Skin walk a ranch because I grew up in that area.
Starting point is 02:15:50 Have been jumping around your past episodes ever since. Anyway, my reason for sending this is to thank you for getting me through my last event of my army combat fitness test, the two mile run. After rounding the corner on my last lap, all I could hear in my head was your voice saying, good job, soldier, you made it back. And I laughed as I finished that mother also in your voice. Thanks to your entire team for keeping my daily drive fantastic, Shelley. Well, thank you, Shelley.
Starting point is 02:16:15 Love that you and your son listened to the same stuff. Hope you kicked ass on that run. Drive safe. Keep on sucking. And most importantly, thank you for your service. Now for a granny ripper, key from knowledgeable sack Brian Kramer writes, Deer's or Suckmaster Moshmouth, when you mentioned how funny it was that the granny ripper used the excuse that she didn't have the keys to the apartment when the social worker knocked
Starting point is 02:16:37 on her door, as hilarious as your mocking her was, granny's excuse, not as far a fetch as one might imagine. Having lived in Germany for seven years, I know how different the doors in Europe can be. For example, I gave my best friend also from America the task of opening the front door upon his arrival, visiting me in Germany. Despite being an engineer, he was not able to figure out the simple task of opening the front door.
Starting point is 02:16:59 Crazy, right? Everything is different over here. Over there, the windows, the toilets,, electrical outlets, the doors, everything. Basically the doors over there do not have door knobs. On the outside of the door, there's a piece of stationary metal slash handle that has a similar purpose to a door knob, but it has no function other than for one to be able to open the door with these. On the inside, there is a handle that one can push down in order to open the door.
Starting point is 02:17:21 However, the door is also featured double locking mechanisms. And if you use your key to double lock your door, you can either open the door from the outside or the inside. Even if you pushed down on the inside handle, this may be an important detail in the case of the granny ripper. Theoretically, the granny ripper's roommate could have double locked the door from the outside and if granny on the inside didn't have a key, she would be stuck in the apartment literally unable to open the door. Also in theory, but completely idiotic, the Grand Eryper could have double locked the door from the inside and then thrown the can't the window.
Starting point is 02:17:51 Of course, all these scenarios would still be suspicious to the social worker, but theoretically not impossible in comparison to how it would be with an American door. They can always be open from the inside no matter what. There have been many occasions in which I double locked the door to my apartment in Germany as a safety precaution
Starting point is 02:18:03 only to become worried I wouldn't be able to immediately find my key in order to get out. For this reason, it's often customary to leave the key still hanging from the inside of the door at all times. Anywho, I bet Granny was bluffing either way. PS, sorry to make this email longer than it already is, but I do have to mention how much your podcast means to me. I remember once you mentioned how there's probably no one agrees with you 100% on everything. But I do have to say that I agree with you at least 99% of the time,
Starting point is 02:18:29 which is a big reason why I listened to your podcast. Listening to your podcast is not only entertainment, but it's also a voice of reason inside my ear hole that speaks to me in logical terms, something that is desperately lacking in my surroundings. Sad to say. I appreciate your opinions beyond words. I wish I were surrounded by more people who think like you. That's very sweet. And then PPS, this email makes it in the time, sucker updates. I want you to give a shout out to my sister Monica. I do not know if she listens to your podcast regularly or if she ever has, but she introduced me to you and your podcast. Her and I are no longer speaking due to a traumatic event that her and I experienced together for which we both give each
Starting point is 02:19:01 other the blame. But she needs to know that I still love her very much, then I wish no negative things on her, and then I'm grateful that she introduced me to the suck. Your loyal spaces are in the fight against David I can whack a doodling this Brian Kramer. Well, thank you, Brian, and I hope you and Monica patch shit up soon, man. Siblings drive, that leads to a heavy heart. I hate it when there's tension between my sister and myself, such a special relationship. So work that shit out. I hope you can.
Starting point is 02:19:24 Thanks for the key knowledge. And glad I make you feel less alone. You all make me feel less alone on a regular basis. Hail Nimrod. And last one now, sweetest sack. Joey Dernitz. Joey, listen up. Joey wrote in with some kindness.
Starting point is 02:19:38 And I want to return the favor. Joey wrote Suck Master and team. Sorry for the long message. I love all three podcasts, STD, or as, yes, scared of death, time suck and as we dumb, and also the secret suck. Anyway, I'm 24 and I have autism and I'm developmentally, development, I'm in.
Starting point is 02:19:56 I can't read it. And I'm developmentally delayed. And I bring this up because when I listen to your podcast, I don't feel like I have a low IQ. I feel average. I'm a janitor, I listen to your podcast, I don't feel like I have a low IQ. I feel average. I'm a janitor. I listen to your podcast at work and during the day I go to an adult day services and I recommend time suck to a couple of staff.
Starting point is 02:20:14 And one of them I joke around with, the air band Joe and I joke with him that he believes he's here with his flat with other staff and everyone knows he doesn't. And another staff I recommend at the Russian episode is because she's Russian and her father the owner of the adult day services is from Russia. Anyway, thank you and hail Nimrod. Joe, I fucking love you, dude. I think whoever gave you the IQ test, I think they fucked up.
Starting point is 02:20:34 I bet you have a much higher IQ than you think. And you definitely have an awesome heart and a better brain than today's cult leader, that's for sure. I think you're very much above average. You wrote a better email than most, no misspellings, no grammatical errors. I can't read sometimes, but that's for sure. I think you're very much above average. You wrote a better email than most, no misspellings, no grammatical errors. I can't read sometimes, but that's me. Everything was spelled right.
Starting point is 02:20:50 You're a smart dude, fuck anyone who tells you difference. Thank you for the job you do. Cleaning related jobs more important than ever in 2020. You are keeping people from getting sick. You could literally be saving somebody's life, doing what you do. Be proud of that, or Nimrod will kick your fucking dick off.
Starting point is 02:21:06 And keep on sucking, you beautiful bastard. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. And that's all for this week, Meat Sex. More bad magic productions, content, coming the rest of this week. Thanks for the ratings and reviews across all of our shows.
Starting point is 02:21:23 Three out of five, trained fucking kills me. News books was carried to death Tuesday night, pure silliness on Wednesday with Is We Dumb. Please don't launch an MLM or a Pyramid's game or a Ponzi's game this week or brand sex slaves or fuck kids. Please do keep on sucking. Let's listen to a little more Shatner. He's smoking a cigarette and for dramatic effect in between singing. How? The fact it's cold as hell.
Starting point is 02:22:12 How is this guy had the career he's had? And there's no one there to raise him. If you did. I guess he's shattering or having to cope. If you did, I could see Shatter Habitat Court.

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