Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 223 - The Craigslist Killer

Episode Date: December 20, 2020

Phillip Markoff. AKA, the Craigslist Killer. On the surface, Markoff seemed like a normal guy. A guy on the path to a lot of success. He was a six-foot-three, athletic-framed, blonde hair and blue-eye...d, soon-to-be doctor. A studious kid in his second year of med school in Boston. He was ambitious. He finished his undergraduate degree in just three years. He seemed like he had a good head on his shoulders. He didn't. Towards the end of his short life, Phillip was hiding a secret life from his family and his fiancée, Megan, whom he lived with. And none of them would know about it until his arrest. They had no idea he was trolling around on Craigslist looking for victims, or that he’d created some BDSM hookup profiles behind his fiancé’s back. They knew he gambled, but they didn’t know how much and how often - or what he was willing to do to get some extra poker money. They didn’t know he had random women’s panties hidden under he and his fiancé’s bed. Today, we look into both Phillip’s secret and his public life, and we dig deep into how the internet became a new tool for killers to find their victims. And how Craigslist in particular seemed to become the most popular tool to find a stranger to hurt, on another true crime edition, of Timesuck. For our donation this month, we raised/donated over $41,000 for the Bad Magic Productions Giving Tree, and have bought eighty Cult of the Curious families presents for Christmas. Hail Nimrod and thank you! Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/WzGbMbVyIbc Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste) Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're over 10,000 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ever used Kreg's list? Maybe you've used it to find an apartment to rent or a new cat. Maybe you've used it to find a new job or an old coffee table. Maybe you even used it to hook up with someone. No shame in that. What is shameful is using Kreg's list to rob and murder. And that's exactly what today's killer did. Philip Markov, aka the Kreg's list killer.
Starting point is 00:00:18 On the surface, Philip seemed like a normal guy. A guy in the past who a lot of success. Yeah, six foot three, blonde hair, blue eye, and assumed to be doctor, studious kid. In his second year of med school in Boston, he was ambitious, he finished his undergraduate degree, a year ahead of schedule, just three years, seemed like he had a good head on his shoulders.
Starting point is 00:00:37 He did not. Towards the end of his short life, Philip was hiding a secret life from his family and his fiance, Megan, whom he lived with. And none of them would know about it until his arrest. They had no idea he was trolling around on Craigslist, looking for victims, or that he created some BDSM hookup profiles
Starting point is 00:00:53 behind his fiance's back. They knew he gambled. They didn't know how much and how often, or what he was willing to do to get some extra poker money. They didn't know he had random women's panties, hidden under he and his fiance's bed. Today we look into both Phillips secret and his public life and we dig deep into how the internet became a new tool for killers to find their victims and how Craigslist in particular
Starting point is 00:01:15 seemed to become the most popular tool to find a stranger to hunt. While the internet offers us so many great opportunities, wouldn't be able to be a podcaster without it. It's also opened up us to some new dangers. Growing up, I can't tell you how many times I was told, don't talk to strangers. And now look where we're at. Most of us talk to strangers via social media or through chat rooms or comment threads or through sites like Craigslist literally every day. This week, we explore Craigslist, the Craigslist killer, others who have used the internet for murder and so much more on another big old true crime edition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're in here, meat sack.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Grab a seat inside the suck dungeon, the cult of the curious. Hail them, they're not Hail Luciferina, praise both jangles and glory be to triple M. I'm Dan Cummins, the master sucker, flying snake expert, and you are listening to Time Suck. Happy holidays to those who have just finished celebrating Hanukkah, to those about to celebrate Christmas and to everyone else. Hope Santa's good to you. And I hope everyone involved in the bad magic productions giving Tree this year are feeling
Starting point is 00:02:31 a little bit better than maybe they were a few weeks ago. And now let's talk about flying snakes. Damn it! Why Lusaphina? Why did you trick me into believing they're not real? I got a lot of emails this past week. Turns out there is a flying snake. Actually, it turns out there are five
Starting point is 00:02:47 of those tree climbing gliding bastards. How did I never hear of them? I added my flying winged bush cobra joke last minute to last week's general button, naked sucka, a little lie right before recording. I just assumed there was no such thing as a flying snake. I did Google winged snake. Didn't see anything pop up right away
Starting point is 00:03:05 So I thought it was good like an idiot I did not take five seconds to Google flying snake or gliding snake a lot would have came up if I would have So shame on me for not doing my due diligence I made up all my co-brand nonsense and then I said a quote get out of here snakes don't fly or glide. Thank God Oh, they do glide there are five different types of flying snakes. Members of the Christophelea genus found from Western India down throughout Southeast Asia into the Indonesian archipelago. Luckily, they are not nearly as venomous as my made up winged bush cobra. They can't kill you. Orcs case just some mild irritation around
Starting point is 00:03:40 the bite. They can glide up to 75 feet away from the base of whatever tree they climbed. They are remarkably similar to what I made up in many ways. They even climb up mangrove trees, just like in my lie. So the snake joke was on me. After all the tricks and fuckery, I've tossed out there, I deserve to have one horribly backfire. So thanks for the correction emails. Well, deserved. Apologies. We're not checking further into flying snakes. Lesson learned. Just wanted to address that right away. So why lose the Fina? All right, now that out of the way,
Starting point is 00:04:11 it is Craig's list killer time. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Today is not the first time we have dived into one of the darker corners of the internet. Way back in May of 2017, we dove into arguably the darkest corners of the web in episode 35, Tails from the dark web. So much craziness to explore there. If you're using toward, a browser round, all the places you just can't reach with a standard
Starting point is 00:04:37 internet browser, places law enforcement can't track to your computer. At least places where we're told we're led to belief cannot be traced to our computers and our private Wi-Fi routers. No IP address. And there are the old dark web, some parts of it. Harmless to explore, probably most of it harmless. Other parts, real bad. Be very careful if you dig around on the dark web.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You don't wanna be looking for a place to talk to like-minded personal freedom advocates who just don't want their IP address, being tracked down by the government or anyone else on principle and people just really value their privacy and then end up in the chat room where people don't want to be tracked because they are making and sharing kiddie porn
Starting point is 00:05:13 uh... while exploring the lives of some of our modern killers we've also looked into how some of these dirt bags have used the regular old non-dark web to aid them in their terrible quests like figure out a kill someone uh... like how casey and Casey Anthony Googled foolproof suffocation so she could possibly or let's be honest, almost certainly figure out how to kill her own young daughter allegedly. We also looked at how Eric Harris, one of the kids behind the Columbine massacre, used the internet to rant about his murderous desires on an early AOL home page before committing a mass shooting.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And today we look at how a killer used the Craigslist slice of the web to line up his victims. Philip Markov. Actually, while Phil is our main focus today, we'll also look into other killers who lured in their victims, via Craigslist. Craigslist to be clear, not inherently a bad place at all. Mostly a giant legitimate up and up marketplace, many used to find a good deal in all kinds
Starting point is 00:06:07 of shit. I mean, almost anything. Use refrigerator, someone down the street is selling a cheap crib in the next town over a snowmobile, a blender, parable boots, an extra swing for your swing set, maybe a little more foods for your foods ball, just whatever. It's a place where you can find a new base player for your band, new laborer for your construction crew, new lonely dork for your barbershop quartet, all kinds of shit. Craigslist is basically just a big old constantly updated newspaper classified ads page.
Starting point is 00:06:33 But one not just from a single city, one from basically all of the cities in the US and a few other countries as well. Craigslist can also be used as a place to hook up with a stranger or to pay to hook up with a stranger. Not used like this is often anymore, but when our tail took place back in 2009, back before Craig's list removed its adult services section, a section previously known as its erotic services section, it was used heavily for prostitution and other pay for play sexual services like erotic massages.
Starting point is 00:07:01 It used to be able to easily find a lot more than a new tattoo artist trying to build a client base or a job opening for a dental hygienist or barely use 17 inch Jeep tires. Philip Markov used it to rob and kill. Mr. Markov, aka the Craigslist killer, seemed to have had no reason to wind up turning into the piece of shit he became. His childhood as far as we can tell, doesn't seem to be full of horrific abusive experiences that would provide fodder for time sucks. Resident dark comic, Steph Coxkirri to make some His childhood as far as we can tell doesn't seem to be full of horrific abusive experiences that would provide fodder for time sucks, resident dark comic, stiff cockskirory to make some ghoulish, you might be a killer kind of routine out of.
Starting point is 00:07:33 To be fair, I guess no one is really forced to become a serial killer. And Philip was not based on victim count even a serial killer. I definitely think he was on his way to becoming one. And so do the detectives who caught him. Luckily, they napped him before he was able to rack up a big body count. Philip seems to be a different kind of bird than most of the killers we've explored here before on Time Suck. So many of the killers we've covered here had a really rough start to life before they
Starting point is 00:07:58 became killers, right? They were abused, you know, or sexually molested and or traumatized in a myriad of different ways. Some seem almost destined to become killers, not the case with the Craigslist killer. A private investigator in Boston described Markov as the perfect all-American kid. And at least on the outside,
Starting point is 00:08:16 Markov did seem to be the perfect all-American kid. Handsome, smart, well-respected. When he was arrested, he was a second year med student at Boston University School of Medicine, great school on the path to what looked like was gonna be a very promising future. Markov was engaged to his fiance. Another all-American kid, named Megan McHallister,
Starting point is 00:08:35 who planned on going to med school herself. If he would have chosen just not to give in to his violent urges, two of them might be married doctors right now. With a beautiful lake cabin, complete with a big boat, docked out front, a big main house, and some gated community near a golf course or something. Markov appeared to be at least to his classmates who knew him in Boston on the path to living a wonderfully affluent and fulfilling life.
Starting point is 00:08:57 But none of those peers seem to have actually truly known the real Markov while he was in med school, he was also leading a secret life. known the real mark off. While he was in med school, he was also leading a secret life. And he's far from the first killer to do this. Actually, I would say most killers lead secret lives, especially serial killers, maybe almost all do. If not all, I mean, hard to be really open about being a murderer and get away with it for very long. Oh, you know, what do you do for fun, Jerry?
Starting point is 00:09:20 Break into people's houses and kill him mostly. Sometimes I rob him. I always take at least some little trophy when I leave. Sometimes I do a bit of rape and depending on who's home, you know, I sneak in. Not my main thing, but I do enjoy it. I'm also in a bridge club that meets every Monday night. Let me know if you play and want to make a game some time.
Starting point is 00:09:37 No, Philip not the first killer to lead a secret life and he wouldn't of course be the last. He was the one of the first killers to gain a significant amount of notoriety for using the internet to find his victims. The web is definitely made it easier than ever to lead a double life. For better or for worse, you can reinvent yourself
Starting point is 00:09:53 and present yourself as whoever you really want to be. Easier to be a bit notier than it used to be, right? You don't have to sneak off to some CD bar anymore. No, a guy, you know, to find an escort, hard drugs, legal poker game, whatever. You can find all that stuff online. As we learned in the dark web episode, you can have hard drugs sent to your house,
Starting point is 00:10:10 sent to your PO box. You can find escorts, all kinds of other types of elicit services and various legal and illegal online marketplaces. And if you're someone providing these elicit services, say a drug dealer or a sex worker, the web can be a great place to expand your business to meet new clients.
Starting point is 00:10:25 No need to stand out there on some cold street corner, no need to duck into some dark alley and look over your shoulder to make sure no cops are nearby or somebody, you know, meaning to do your harm. But also, if you're someone providing these services in person like a sex worker or an erotic masseuse, the web can be yet another great place to be introduced to a killer. It's a place to make contact with some psycho who's real name, you probably don't know. You might not even know their real number.
Starting point is 00:10:49 They could be using a burner phone like Philip does. In this suck today, they could be communicating through an email address that no one else in their life even knows they have. Depending on where you meet up, you might not even know what kind of car they drive or what the Uber that dropped them off looks like. If they do something to you and you live, all you have to report is just what they look
Starting point is 00:11:07 like. The web provides a great deal of anonymity with these dirt bags. And one of them could use it to lure you to your death. The rise of murders where the victim meets the perpetrator from an interaction on the internet has led to the creation of its own special term, Internet homicide. And Internet Killer is a term found in media reports for a person who broadcasts the crime of murder online or more commonly who murders a victim met through the internet. Depending on the venue used, other terms are internet chatroom killer, Facebook killer,
Starting point is 00:11:36 Craigslist killer, etc. Some of these killers are serial killers and some are not like Markov. As many of you already know, serial killers are murders who target three or more victims sequentially with a cooling off period between each murder and whose motivation for killing is largely based on psychological gratification. Killers, serial and otherwise have used forms of social networking to attract victims long before the advent of the internet. For example, between 1900 and 1914, Hungarian serial killer baila kiss lure twenty four victims to their strangulation deaths by using personal ads
Starting point is 00:12:10 published in local newspapers might as a suckbell a one day uh... this creeps store his victims remains in large metal drums out hungry that he kept on his property their bodies soaking alcohol you would kill more women but he got called off to fight in world war one that for two years uh... after this bachelor who lived alone left for the war, his landlord thinking he might have been killed in fighting, it was never going to return, started clearing out his property.
Starting point is 00:12:33 And then he found the drums with the bodies inside. Who the landlord never found and who no law enforcement authorities ever found was Bella Kiss. Let's believe that Bella did not die in the fighting that he narrowly escaped capture in Europe and that he ended up in New York City. So much more to his story if we ever want to do an episode on him. So much weird with that dude. Before the internet, killers like Bella Kiss found victims through lonely hearts clubs
Starting point is 00:12:55 they were called matrimonial bureaus and newspaper, newspaper, personal ads. Just whatever print media was popular in nearby and had these personal ad sections. Printed personal ads have been around a lot longer than I suspected since the 1690s. Early postings were a product of their time and place when marriage was more about the responsible than the erotic. As many early ads emphasized social
Starting point is 00:13:18 and economic pragmatism over the possibility of romantic love. One might find a wealthy bachelor looking for a well-born lady or a recent widow in search of a new gentleman for the household. Back before the web, people paid to have small advertisements placed in the personal section of the newspaper all the time for a couple centuries. And I found some examples that I find humorous from over a century ago to compare against today's
Starting point is 00:13:40 modern digital personal ads. Oh, very different tones. Check out some of these personal ads from a January 13th, 1914 edition of the Seattle Star. The same year, serial killer Bella was still placing similar ads and similar papers over in Hungary. This first one, wish to make the acquaintance of neat, industrious woman, no tri-flus, object, matrimony, and leave a number.
Starting point is 00:14:04 That's it. So, so classy, very succinct, but also classy. Not like if we're a quick hook up, not like if we're someone into pegging or pony play or cuckolding, do just want someone neat and industrious, no tri-flers. So fucking sick of the tri-flers. Here's another one. Honest widow, 48, working hard. Once acquaintance of sober, kindhearted gentleman, over 35, with steady city position, object marriage, if suited. And then they leave again their number, so practical and modest. Now looking for no strings attached hookup, not gold digging, looking for depockets, just
Starting point is 00:14:40 what's a stable dude? Who's got a good work ethic, who works for the city. Isn't a drunk ass hole. Sounds like the 1914 Seattle dating pool was real shallow. Bar was low. Just I don't give a shit how ugly you are. How little your dick is if you have a job and you can keep your hands off a whiskey bottle, I am interested in marriage.
Starting point is 00:14:58 One more from this same 1914 personal page. A young man wishes to meet nice woman who has a few thousands to invest in good business, object business and matrimony. And then of course, you know, the contact number. No mention again, sex or attractiveness, very different from a lot of today's equivalents. I do think that last one sounds a little shady though, right? Maybe he had a legitimate business or maybe that dude, some kind of H H homes, Bell Gunnace, Bella Kis type wants to take your money and kill you.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Now Bellicus type killers use the digital version of these old personal pages, right? In 2009, Philip Markov used Craigslist. And while Craigslist no longer has a dedicated adult services section, other very similar websites still do, like classified ads.com. I had no idea this kind of shit existed. Never used a dating app or anything like this. And that's not some kind of brag or judgment that shit was around when I met my wife.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I just never tried it out. I just preferred asking people in person. Most of my single friends they'll use these dating apps. But I don't remember any of them ever talking about using something like classifiedads.com. Did not realize there was still classified classified ads type you know places to post on inside the personal section for classified ads dot com. Oh my god, I found the following sub categories casual dating men seeking men men seeking women misconceptions women seeking men and women seeking women. And I clicked on casual dating December 15th. I sort of got the very first post I find at the top
Starting point is 00:16:27 has a subject of ready to eat exclamation point written by some dude saying his name is Dwayne the perfect name for this post. And it says, I am a 40 year old orally fixated man seeking women in the Spokane area with one desire to have their pussy's eaten married, single, and everything in between. No strings attached, no reciprocation, no reciprocation required. You provide transportation and a safe spot to do the deed. Please direct all inquiries via text and then a 509 area code number is listed. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Duane's message is very different than the 1914 personal messages. Duane's not sticking a matrimony. He's not looking for someone who's neat and industrious. He's not trying to find an investor. He just is looking for a woman with a pussy and a hanker in to have it eaten. The 2020 Northwest dating scene changed a wee bit
Starting point is 00:17:22 since 1914. And I love that Duane needs these women to provide transportation. But he doesn't have a car. He might not have a job. He just has a desire, one desire. He has a working tongue and an eagerness to please with it. The very next ad posted is kind of similar. It has a title of Skinny Guys Feed Me.
Starting point is 00:17:43 And here's what is written by someone claiming to be named Michael living roughly two hours from Spokane in Richland and Spokane only a half an hour title of Skinny Guys Feed Me. And here's what is written by someone claiming to be named Michael, living roughly two hours from Spokane in Richland and Spokane only a half an hour from Cordillane where we are. He says, I'm 36, male, 511, 200 pounds. I keep my body hair trimmed short. I'm looking for Skinny Guys in Richland who will sit on my face and feed me. Call me name, slap my face, slap my dick and feed me.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I can be a stress relief guy on whom you could let out your frustrations. I'm willing to discuss terms. I look forward to being humiliated. That's the whole post. Showbiz. Richson Michael, just a red-blooded American male looking for some pipe and hot paint up about it. He doesn't want business money.
Starting point is 00:18:22 He doesn't want investors or matrimony. He just wants you to sit on his face and feed him. He just wants to be your real life stressed all. I'm not totally sure what he's talking about with the feeding, but I assume, I strongly assume he wants to do to shoot his mouth, right? He never mentions blow jobs. Never never mentions oral sex.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Just wants to be quote fed. I also like how he writes, I'm willing to discuss terms. Like this is a formal business transaction. Hello, I'm Michael. Hello, Michael. I'm Ted. Nice to meet you, Ted. Let's get right down to business, shall we? I'd like to discuss terms. Excellent. How does sitting on my face for a period of no less than five minutes, no more than 20 minutes sound? Hmm. Would you be willing to make the period at least 10 minutes? I'm afraid I find that only five minutes will not suffice.
Starting point is 00:19:11 It will be unsatisfactory. Okay, I guess I can bend a bit, I guess. You're a tough negotiator. 10 it is. I can agree to those terms. Now let's talk about fecal consistency. And I'll stop now. Let's hop over and see what's being posted in men seeking women.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Very first post. Seeking a woman in Spokane to give parental spankings. Sounds interesting. I'm intrigued. Someone going by the name of Casey writes, the title pretty much says it all. I'm interested in finding a single mom who's firm with giving OTK spankings, preferably on the bear. And with an open mind of starting an FLR that would have domestic discipline included. I've only experienced a little, but would like to meet someone with similar interests. OTK stands for Over the Knee. I'd looked that up.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And when I did, I came across some very interesting video thumbnails. FLR stands for female lead relationship relationship according to Urban Dictionary. It's a romantic heterosexual relationship in which both partners agree that the woman will act as a leader and ultimate authority. Again, with this post, I think of Albert Fish. Come on, Bimbo's and Bickeh. Can't you grab a switch and spank my fat bottom bloody?
Starting point is 00:20:17 Show me his. My show of his voice, show of his voice makes no sense to you. Please check out the Albert Fish suck. It's done a while back. Also, my favorite part of this post is it Kaze. He's not looking for any old single women to spank him. He doesn't want some single childless lady. He's putting him across his knee and spankin' him.
Starting point is 00:20:32 He wants a mommy. Mommy's only please. Fine. And that all sounds, you know, pretty harmless. And now my kink shaming a bit here, yeah, I probably am. And I'm not gonna apologize for finding some of this stuff fucking hilarious to me. If you feel shamed, well, you know what? How about you choose to get over it? You have fun doing it. Get your spankins in. Get fed and I'll have
Starting point is 00:20:51 fun laughing. Deal? Okay, deal. Haley's the Fina. One more clicking on women seeking men now. And the first post as a title of looking for hot fun, solid title to get a horny dude's attention. Short to the point, clicking on it, someone going by the name of Anna writes direct connect me, followed by a phone number and then call and text. I'm guessing that Anna is probably an escort. Maybe she's someone truly looking for hot fun, but I doubt it because she doesn't include a photo,
Starting point is 00:21:18 it doesn't include literally any details about who she is, just a name, and just someone looking for hot fun. I'm gonna go with sex worker. literally any details about who she is, just a name, and just someone looking for hot fun. I'm gonna go with sex worker. Something I find creepy about a lot of these personal ads when thinking about them in the context of the Craigslist killer, they don't often provide a picture.
Starting point is 00:21:36 You, Dwayne, Dwayne had a photo, it was exactly who I thought it would be. Usually though, just a number. And what does that number belong to like a burner phone? Again, you know, something goes wrong. You don't even have a real number to give to police. What if you reach out to someone you don't know? Don't even know what they look like.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Agreed to meet them in some random location where they might not have any ties to. You're just so vulnerable. And if you don't have someone come with you and you disappear, I mean, how is anyone gonna be able to find you? How will investigators track down your killer? Like it has changed so many other things,
Starting point is 00:22:04 the internet has also changed how one can be murdered. Easily easy to see, excuse me, why internet killers are drawn to the anonymity and information the web offers. Maurice Godwin, a forensic consultant, argued that there are some sadistic predators that rely on the Marty Graf effect, the ability to hide one's identity on the internet to lure and murder repeatedly.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I had never heard of the Marty Grah effect before this week. If I had heard about it out of context, I would have assumed it had something to do with boobs and beads. Nope. It's defined as a term referring to the ability to mask one's identity on the internet as a way of expressing oneself freely and anonymously in online chat rooms and news groups, or to assume various personalities to lure people and commit murder. This kind of anonymity played out in the most insane way in 2007,
Starting point is 00:22:54 when Thomas Montgomery, a 47 year old married man and father was convicted of murdering a workmate in a case called the internet chat room murder. Gonna give a few examples of other killers who have used the internet now. And I find this this this first story I don't think there's enough information on it to really make a full-time suck, but I wanted to throw it in here Zach, Zach found this I got sucked into such a wormhole looking further into this this story is so fucking ridiculous
Starting point is 00:23:18 And just sad and tragic so many things So convoluted okay Thomas Thomas had been posing online. This Thomas Montgomery is 47 year old Mary. Dude, father, he've been posing online as Tommy and 18 year old Marine. And he entered a teen chat room for the popular game site Pogo.com. There he meets a user tall hot blonde claiming to be a 17 year old girl named Jesse, supposedly a softball playing high school senior from West Virginia. And they start flirting, 47 year old dude asking for nude pics of a 17 year old high school girl, you know, Thomas is a fucking creep talking about all the sexual things he'd like to do with her.
Starting point is 00:23:54 She's playing right along all this, you know, kind of, I don't know, message sex, like phone sex, whatever. Then Thomas's, you know, teen daughter sees an instant message pop up on her dad's computer. They're sexting. Sorry, I don't know, you couldn't think of that. And she tells her mom, Thomas's wife. Thomas's wife finds out about this virtual affair. All kinds of ludes, sexual messages that Jesse had been sending her husband, nude pics,
Starting point is 00:24:15 supposedly of her in a provocative poses, I say supposedly, because this is going to get weirder. Jesse even sent a pair of panties to Tommy, that Thomas's wife found. Thomas's wife then sends Jesse a photo of her and her husband and their daughter until 17-year-old Jesse, that the single 18-year-old dude, the 18-year-old Marine, that she thinks she's been talking to, is really this then 46-year-old dude with a kid who was in the Marines many years ago. Now Jesse breaks things off with Thomas.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Then, pissed off at him, she tracks down and emails a coworker of him of his. This 22-year-old good-looking part-time machinist and college student named Brian Barrett. And now she starts an online romance with Brian. And then Brian and Jesse Taunt, Thomas, Brian's coworker. They tell others in the chat room that he's a creep, he's a liar, he's a pedophile. Thomas is fucking enraged.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Other coworkers here about, he becomes a laughing, he's a pedophile. Thomas is fucking enraged. Other co-workers here about him becomes a laughing stock of the office. Now stay with me. Jesse starts flirting with Thomas again. She breaks up with Brian. Then she sends Thomas more provocative photos. Then she breaks up with Thomas again, goes back to virtually dating his co-worker, Brian.
Starting point is 00:25:22 So much drama for this fucked up pathetic love triangle where none of the players involved have ever met each other in real life. Now Brian makes plans to go visit Jesse in real life. Jesse tells Thomas about this plant and Thomas fucking snaps. On September 15th, 2006, his Brian is leaving work three shots ring out. Brian's found dead a few minutes later in the parking lot where he worked shot three times by a military rifle. Police quickly learn of the internet love triangle from co-workers. When they can't find Thomas Montgomery right away, they fear he's heading to go kill Jesse. So they track her down through Brian's messages. They're able to get her address. When the police arrive at her home, they are surprised to find a middle age woman, a Mary Sheeler opening the door. Mary is Jesse. Mary is not a high schooler.
Starting point is 00:26:06 This is gonna get weirder. Jesse is described as a middle-aged woman whose age is not given in sources that we came across. So the woman calling Thomas a liar for lying about his age, also a liar. And so gross, Mary has been using pictures of her own fucking daughter to flirt with dudes online her college age daughter.
Starting point is 00:26:27 She pitted these guys against each other at work. She helps get one killed. Thomas Montgomery ends up losing his family and his freedom over all this. He pleads guilty to the murder of Brian Barrett in exchange for his plea. He gets 20 years. He's in prison right now. No charges are filed against Mary. What she did was clearly unethical, but not illegal.
Starting point is 00:26:45 She was punished Mary's husband, left her and her daughter, the real Jesse, apparently cut off all ties with her creepy ass, deranged and now a strange mom and stopped speaking with her. One dude dead, another in prison for murder, two different families torn apart. Well, three, I guess a a Brian has a, oh, I got all over this anonymous chatroom fake love affair, so sad of a thetic. The web can be used in such weird ways. The first serial killer known to have used the web to find victims was John Edward Robinson, arrested in 2000, referred to in law enforcement news as the USA's first internet
Starting point is 00:27:23 serial killer, and the nation's first documented serial killer to use the internet as a means of luring victims. John Robinson born December 27, 1943 found guilty in 2003 for three murders committed in and around Kansas City, Kansas, and he received a death sentence. In 2005, he admitted responsibility for an additional five murders across the river at a trial in Kansas City, Missouri. His killings began in 1904 when Robinson hired Paula Godfrey, 19 years old, ostensibly to work as a sales representative. Godfrey soon told friends and family that Robinson was sending her away for some training,
Starting point is 00:27:57 and then she disappeared. And then after hearing nothing further from her, Godfrey's parents filed a missing persons report. Police questioned Robinson, who denied any knowledge of her whereabouts. Several days later, her parents received a typewritten letter with Godfrey's parents filed a missing persons report. Police questioned Robinson who denied any knowledge of her whereabouts. Several days later, her parents received a typewritten letter with Godfrey's signature at the bottom, thanking Robinson for his help and asserting that she was okay. It did not want to see her family. The investigation was terminated, as Godfrey was of legal age, and there was no evidence
Starting point is 00:28:18 of wrongdoing. Now, Robinson and Kilder, no trace of Godfrey's ever been found. Well, John would go on to kill two more women before finding the internet in his early days in 1993. He started roaming some of the very first social networking sites using the name Slavemaster, looking for women who enjoyed playing the submissive partner role during some BDSM sex. We're back with the BDSM already. So soon, after the truck stop, killer suck.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Inhumus demands you return, Slave. Lay on the bondage board grab the steel restraints and prepare to be floored Robinson would kill former women initiated contact with contact with over the internet Sheila faith and her daughter Debbie Faith So said mother daughter combo a Polish immigrant named Isabella Lewica not even gonna make any references and Susette Trouton Lwica, not even going to make any references, and Su-Zet Trouten. Robinson was arrested in June 2000 as Kansas farm near the little town of Laceen after Laceen, you know, Kansas, after a woman filed a sexual battery complaint against him and another charged him with pretty hilariously stealing her sex toys. Dude serial kills for years doesn't get caught, then he steals the wrong lady sex toys and down he goes.
Starting point is 00:29:23 On the farm, a task force finds the decaying bodies of two women later identified as LaWica and Trouton in 285 pound chemical drums. And soon John Robinson is behind bars. Now he's on death row in Kansas after pleading guilty in Kansas, Amazon to a total of eight murders. And he may have killed more. Another internet killer who murdered before the Craigslist killer was making headlines, was Hiroshi Maui or Maui Maui aka the suicide website murder.
Starting point is 00:29:49 This is such a weird story too. The birth of the internet quickly gave rise to chat rooms and in some suicide chat rooms, that's where this Japanese serial killer found his victims. He typically posed online as someone who wanted to make a suicide pact with someone else. And then when they met in person, he would choke out his suicide partner and then of course, not kill himself. Kind of skipped the packed part. He did eventually die due to his action, though, after being convicted of three murders,
Starting point is 00:30:13 he was executed by hanging in the Osaka detention house in July of 2009. Odd dude, we could do a full suck on Hiroshi diagnosed with a parapheral psychosexual disorder. He could not achieve sexual release unless he was strangling someone. How terrible. That is the only way you can come by strangling someone. So glad I don't have extreme sexual needs. My wife's naked body really does the trick. You know, I mean, most of the time when it doesn't, I call Michael from Richland. We agree to some terms and I sit on his face and I feed him a bit, you know, no big, no big whoops. Or I give Dwayne, or I give Spokane area Dwayne call.
Starting point is 00:30:49 And I wait to be picked up by some random woman, any woman in need of some no strings attached, you know, kind of lingus. J.K. Gosh dang. Shobis. No, Hiroshi loved to strangle. Man, did he ever get a drop out of the canna's cannaza? Oh my God, canna zawa.
Starting point is 00:31:05 There we go. Canna zawa, Institute of Technology, after trying to strangle a classmate, then he got fired and in legal trouble for trying to strangle a coworker. Then he got arrested and sent to prison after getting caught trying to strangle two different women. Then after he gets out,
Starting point is 00:31:17 he goes back to prison for trying to strangle a junior high kid. Then he starts lurking around suicide chat rooms, strangling people he'd met there. Dude, it was one strangle, happy son of a bitch. A lot of weird creepy shit has gone down in online chatrooms over the years. Of course, it has good old, marty groff effect. People feel so free to reinvent themselves on the web
Starting point is 00:31:35 or to reveal their true selves for better, for worse. When no one knows who they really are, when they feel like they can pretty much, you know, say anything, type anything, suffer little to no consequences. Not me. I have not reinvented myself on the web at all. I am who I have always been here. A shy, beautiful 19 year old Vietnamese woman trying to make it in this cold world as a hot
Starting point is 00:31:58 Instagram model. When I'm not podcasting, as you know, I'm laying around on the beach trying out new microkines and setting thirst traps for hungry dudes wanted to be fed a couple more quick examples of internet based meetups gone wrong now and then onto a more detailed overview of Craigslist then on to our Craigslist killer timeline. Even consensual homicides been planned out in chat rooms before being carried out in real life such a strange case here. Not everyone online wants to be a killer. Some people want to be murder victims.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Seriously. And they've explored this dark wish in the anonymity of the web as well. In 1996, a 35-year-old married Maryland woman Sharon Lapotka, asked to be tortured and strangled to death in a series of conversations she'd had with a man she'd met in an online chatroom. Investigators found six weeks worth of correspondence between her killer and her. Six weeks of her asking some dude to please torture her to death. She wanted to die and she was turned on by the thought of being tortured to death and thought that she would really be turned on by actually being tortured to death. I hope that last orgasm was a powerful one.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Remember in the truck stop killer stuff when I talked about how not every consensual sexual act is okay. How some, you know, maybe aren't very ethical. How some consensual sexual acts are at least highly morally questionable. This is one of those acts. Robert Frederick Glass, her 45 year old single killer later, pled guilty to voluntary manslaughter and sexual exploitation. He was sentenced to at least five years behind bars, then died two years into a sentence of a heart attack. At Sharon's request, Robert strangled her to death in October of 1996, three days after she arrived at his North Carolina home. In the LaPacca case, reportedly the first where a murder suspect was put into custody by the police department, mainly due to email
Starting point is 00:33:43 evidence. And it received a lot of media coverage with most of the media focus being centered on the dangers, consequences of spending too much time online and the wrong corners of the internet. And internet-related deaths, of course, continue. There isn't a lot of good data related to homicides, you know, born from dating websites and apps. It for sure happens, but it's hard to qualify and to quantify.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I mean, do you only count people who've been killed on their first date? What about people who've been killed by those they met online and then later developed a relationship with? Do you count them? In December 2016, a 26 year old woman in Mexico city went missing after having gone on several Tinder dates with the guy her age. Her bones were then found in a trash bag at his home and he was accused of dissolving her body in hydrochloric acid after she refused to have sex with him. April 2018, a man in Winnipeg, Canada, stabbed by two women in an 18-year-old boy after he'd swiped rights on the wrong Tinder profile. So many other homicides. 26-year-old Bailey Boswell recently found guilty of first-degree murder in proper disposal of
Starting point is 00:34:41 human remains and conspiracy to commit murder back in October for killing Sydney Loof, a 24 year old sheet met on Tinder. Her 53 year old boyfriend, Aubrey Trail also charged with murder. The couple killed Loof in their Wilbur Nebraska apartment, then chopped her body into 13 pieces, using a hacksaw and tin snips they'd bought from Home Depot just a couple hours before the murder. Then they scattered her remains, which were wrapped in plastic bags along country roads in Clay County, Nebraska. Why did they do it? At their trials, the court heard testimony from people who knew the pair saying they talked
Starting point is 00:35:13 about, quote, gaining powers by committing murder and making videos of both torture and murder. Like General Buttonake all over again, they're going to gain some powers. What the fuck? How terrifying. City of Thoughts, he was going on a tender date, ended up with two psychos who killed her, possibly tortured her. They can think he gained some kind of power from a murder.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Okay. Enough about the rest of the internet now. Let's focus on Craigslist for a bit more before I dive into how Philip Markov used Craigslist to commit his murder and some other crimes, but first a quick sponsor break. Today's time so far is brought to you by Can Dummies, House of Flying Snakes. Woo!
Starting point is 00:35:55 Located in Dorkalene, Iowa, Can Dummies, House of Flying Snakes sells very real, very capable of climbing trees and then gliding back down snakes. To everyone who knows, the flying snakes are real. Everyone who's not a complete fucking idiot. Canedumans has all five varieties. Of how could anyone not know they're so fucking real? Flying snakes! Woo!
Starting point is 00:36:20 So unless you're some kind of lazy stupid pile of shit who takes research shortcuts, come on down and check them out And if you still don't think they're real after hearing this ad, go fuck yourself Wow, I gotta say that was one of my least favorite sponsors Whew, I felt personal, you know, I'm happy they bought an ad, but can dumbens He seems like a dick. I mean, anyone could have made them, anyone could have made that mistake! It could have happened to anyone.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Okay, one more quick ad before we jump into what Craig's list is all about. Time Suck is also brought to you today by Spokane Area Dwayne. Spokane Area Dwayne is a standing offer to provide free oral pleasure to literally anyone in the Spokane area with vagina. Literally anyone. If you have a pussy, Spokane area Dwayne will eat it for as long as you'd like. No questions asked. No reciprocation required.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Married? Dwayne doesn't care. Shrub slug? Dwayne don't care. Feminine hygiene issues. Dwayne cares a little bit, but he'll still chow down! Spokane area Dwayne has but one request. He's right. You provide the transportation. Spokane area Dwayne will provide the destination. Your pussy 100% eaten. Gare on teat. Spokane area Dwayne has a deep hunger. And only one thing can satisfy it. Your pussy, 100% eaten, guaranteed.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Huh, interesting. Odd sponsors, I do feel like I like that one better than the snake guy. Now let's talk about Craigslist. I'm insane. I first heard of Craigslist.org over 15 years ago. I actually only used it one time as far as I can remember to sell a couch. I think I sold it pretty fast. Remember feeling surprised. Maybe that same day, then totally forgot about it. By the time I started working on this episode, completely forgotten about how it worked. Let's go over it.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Craigslist is an American classified advertisements website with sections devoted to jobs, housing, items wanted, services, community service, gigs, discussion forums, so much more. According to a 2019 article, Craigslist provides classified ads for over 700 cities and in 70 countries. It's essentially a gigantic online bulletin board and you go to place for millions to find an apartment, a job, a book club, an auntie, a hook up, a coffee table, trampoline. Again, so many things. Craigslist sites collectively get almost 600 million
Starting point is 00:38:47 visits a month. Despite looking, at least in my opinion, pretty fucking janky and outdated. One of the most frequently used websites in the entire US gets more hits a day than Netflix. It's around the 15th most popular site in the US. 14th, the other day when I looked, beating out internet, behemoths like Netflix, Zillow,
Starting point is 00:39:05 Walmart, Pinterest, LinkedIn, CNN, Craigslist still gets more hits than all those places. A ranks around 118 when it comes to the most traffic sites in the world. When Craigslist blew up, it destroyed the traditional system of classified ads printed newspapers. Newspaper classified ads sales, or excuse me, newspaper classified sales fell 77% in the 10 years following the site's founding. Between the year's 2000 and 2007, Craigslist took a gigantic bite out of US newspaper revenue. Over five billion dollars worth of income. Craigslist was conceived in the early days of the web by Greg
Starting point is 00:39:42 List. I mean, Craig Newmanck. How funny would it be if a company called Craig List was founded by a dude named Greg List? Like, why, why you need to call it Greg List? Craig Newmanck began the company in 1995 as an email distribution list to friends about local events in San Francisco in the Bay area. It started so small and then it grew so fast.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Quick to became a web based service in 96, expanding into other classified categories, and it looked a lot like it does now back then. The site's mostly text-based layout has been left largely unchanged since the early 2000s. The story of the founding of Craigslist, pretty cool. Craigs father and insurance salesman died when he was 13. When they were living in Morse Town, New Jersey, his death left the family financially hurting.
Starting point is 00:40:25 He and his mom and his brother, Jeff, moved from a house into a small apartment. They struggled with money for the remainder of Craig's childhood. Craig went to Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland on an academic scholarship graduate with a bachelor's degree in 75, a master's in 77. Then he went back to New Jersey, worked for IBM for the next 17 years as a computer programmer, starting in Jersey, moved to Florida, then moved to Michigan, and then he's in Detroit, 1993, to self-profess nerd, moved to San Francisco to take a job with Charles Swab. That's when he's introduced to the internet. Two years later, he's 43, he gets laid
Starting point is 00:41:00 off from Charles Swab. He also gets a huge severance package. Think about what he wanted to do next, he decided what he wanted to do next. He decided that he wanted to do something charitable, something to help people out, give back. He makes Craig's list initially not to make money, but to bring people together in this free marketplace where they could exchange ideas and products, uses his new found free time and being laid off to launch the mailing list of San Francisco art and technology events that would morph into Craig's list.org.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Craig's list first launched just five months before the online browser company Netscape went public, which was a big internet coming of age moment, came out right before the launch of the Windows 95 operating system, which was a big deal at the time. And it got popular real quick. It's worth a lot of money now. Three years ago in 2017 Forbes conservatively estimated that Craigslist was worth at least $3 billion. Newmark now 68 owns at least 42% of the company, making him as of three years ago, at least worth $1.3 billion, at least.
Starting point is 00:41:55 And while I totally forgot about it, most other people did not, and it continues to get more popular. A 2019 article listed Craigslist as the number one classified advertising site in the world, both by revenue and traffic. And they claimed it took an over a billion dollars in annual revenue. The way this company is organized, I find it very unique and interesting. A new mark has been very up front over the years and discussing his lack of social skills, organizational aptitude, and business acumen.
Starting point is 00:42:21 And because of these perceived shortcomings, he's kept his Craigslist organization very small, citing a concept in psychology known as the Dunbar's number. Dunbar's number. Yeah, which suggests that there is a cognitive limit to the number of people with whom any person can maintain stable social relationships. British anthropologist Robin Dunbar proposed that this number is no more than 150. So Newmark and current Craigslist, CEO Jim Buckmaster, have endeavored to limit the size of Craigslist to allow, you know, Craig and other employees to have healthy working relationships. Currently Craigslist only employs about 50 people. How crazy is that?
Starting point is 00:42:57 A company of 50 people making a billion dollars in revenue annually. Craigslist, one of the big names from the early dot com days, not only to survive, but to thrive. Craigslist has seen other once giant internet companies come and go like net scape, Napster, pets dot com. Remember pets dot com? I still love their sock pocket mascot, but then they died in 2000, net scape, you know, breathe their final breath in 2008, AOL, they've seen, you know, them come and go kind of.
Starting point is 00:43:26 AOL is, you know, still around, but not nearly as big as it was before. It peaked as a company back in 2001. It was bought out by Time Warner in 2000 for $165 billion. Then sold eight years later for massive loss, then bought by Verizon in 2015 for $4.4 billion. Obviously, still a lot of money, but a lot less than $165 billion. It's fallen so far when I looked up some info on AOL, a popular search regarding AOL showed up as does AOL still exist. Craigslist has outlasted hundreds of web businesses that at one time or another were valued at more than Craigslist was. The biggest business threat to ever hit Craigslist may have been the negative media scrutiny that came in the wake of Philip Markov's trial.
Starting point is 00:44:06 The Craigslist killer headlines brought a lot of bad press to Craigslist. Phillips case and a few other similar cases, some concerns over sex trafficking led to the company dumping its adult services section in September of 2010. They shut the section down despite it costing them millions to do so. It's estimated they lost $44 million in revenue in 2010 alone due to no longer taking 10 bucks opposed for adult services ads. So how safe or unsafe is Craig's list now? By far the biggest crime on Craig's list now is scamming.
Starting point is 00:44:37 A new study from the New York University Tandon School of Engineering points out the particular parts of Craig's list of which you should be wary. In the first systematic empirical study of Craig's list scams, the team analyzed more than two million listings on Craig's list over a period of five months. They found about 29,000 fraudulent listings in 20 major American cities of which only 47% were flagged as suspicious by Craig's list. I don't know, maybe Craig should use some more of that Craig money to hire some additional quality control specialists. Maybe knock his payroll up from 50 employees,
Starting point is 00:45:11 I don't know, 60 or something. With a billion dollars in annual revenue, I think you can afford to hire a few more people. The NYU research team also identified the most frequent scams on Craigslist with the credit report scam leading the way. This is a scam when someone responds to a fraudulent post,
Starting point is 00:45:25 likely trying to rent an apartment or buy a house, and they're instructed to purchase a credit report for the property that doesn't actually exist. You end up literally paying for nothing. And you also get your credit card information stolen often times so they can rack up more charges. Pretty sweet! Another super common scam, the team found
Starting point is 00:45:40 were clone listings, rental listings from other sites reposted on Craigslist, offering the same listing at a lower price Most of these scammers are actually Nigeria. They put up the ads then request then request rent deposits via wire transfers from the people responding to the post And again in addition to taking the money for the transaction where they don't get anything They're not actually taking a rent deposit They often steal their victim's credit information. Use it for other purchases. We talked a lot about how popular various online scams
Starting point is 00:46:10 are in Nigeria way back in the early days of time suck in episode 23. Scams aside, why does Craigslist still seem to have a reputation for harboring more violent attackers than other websites? Is that deserved? Hard to say. We couldn't find any studies that compare how many people
Starting point is 00:46:24 have been killed due to someone meeting their killer on Craigslist compared to say Facebook or you know Twitter someplace like that doing a lot of googling it does seem like in the court of public opinion at least Craigslist is linked to murder the most often by 2019 128 murders and counting linked directly to Craigslist why two things that make Craigslist a particularly attractive platform to would be killers and other criminals according to Jack Levine in Northwestern University criminal criminologist. First Craigslist allows users to operate in total or near total anonymity. Not everyone's putting up their picture like Dwayne. Meaning they can both pretend to be just about anyone and can expect to meet a range of potential victims.
Starting point is 00:47:07 You know, it's not personal picture and video based, like say Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok or Instagram. This is the same reason newspaper ads used to be a favorite tactic for killers who wanted to brag about their crimes, right, second, unlike, or you know, lure in victims. Second, unlike newspaper ads, correct list postings don't require leaving a phone number or even a name. Unlike, say, Twitter or plenty of fish, other places where you can meet strangers anonymously. Also, Craigslist is seen as having a legitimate commercial
Starting point is 00:47:33 purpose that causes users to act differently. Levine said, they're more willing to take risks and tolerate eccentric or suspicious behavior because there's money on the table. I interpret this as meaning basically when you're selling a couch or when you think you're picking up a ping pong table or whatever, your guard might not be up. The same way it would be if you were heading out on a date. The first Craigslist killin' thought to have taken place in October of 2007 where Michael John Anderson
Starting point is 00:47:57 killed Catherine and Olson, a nanny who frequently used Craigslist to get jobs. She answered an ad for a babysitter. When she visited Anderson's home to inquire about the position she disappeared. And when the 24-year-old, Minneapolis woman's body was discovered in the trunk of her car abandoned in a park,
Starting point is 00:48:12 police search Anderson's home five blocks away, found Olson's blood inside in a gun in his bedroom. Anderson claimed he was there during the slain, but that the killer was a friend of his who just thought it would be funny. That's a quote, just thought it would be funny. And the police were like, oh, cool. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Sorry to bother you. And then the left of my loan, they just never came back. Yeah, right. Now, I received a life sentence without parole in prison right now. Most recent killing that a blog called Craigslist Killings, the tracks murder's link to the site happened on April 18, 2018 in Norman, Oklahoma. Alize Ramone Smith and Jaronn, Kionte Moreland were killed by Freddie or Betty Bottle, Kevin,
Starting point is 00:48:52 oh, sorry, Betty Boller, Kevin Boller and Johnny Barker. The trio meant the victims after they deranged the sale of a gun to take place in a grocery store parking lot. Craigslist has attempted to deal with the various crimes facilitated through its site in a pretty limited way on Craigslist safety page. They say that the overwhelming majority of Craigslist has attempted to deal with the various crimes facilitated through its site in a pretty limited way on Craigslist safety page. They say that the overwhelming majority of Craigslist users are trustworthy and well-meaning, with billions of human interactions, the incidence of violent crime related to Craigslist is extremely
Starting point is 00:49:16 low. And that's correct. And they're right. With that much traffic, there's going to be a few people here and there that are bad, but the overwhelming majority of people are gonna be good. And they haven't done a lot to really beef up their staff or anything to try and ensure that less horrible things happen through hookups and Craigslist, but how could they even
Starting point is 00:49:39 do that? And I don't feel like it's their responsibility to make sure that every transaction is safe. I mean, that's just impossible. I don't think the owners should be on them in that sense. They should try and prevent obvious scams and they do, you know, maybe they could hire a few extra quality control employees, you know, that they could afford, but really what can they do? When you respond to an ad on their site, I think you have to accept that you're dealing with a stranger. And there's going to be some risk involved, right? You don't want to take that risk. Don't use a site. It's pretty simple to me. No one's forced you to buy or sell anything
Starting point is 00:50:07 on Craigslist or any similar sites. So I'm happens to you, not Craigslist fault. It's the fault of whoever, you know, did that to you. In 2018, after the US Senate passed HR House Resolution 1865, a bill known as the fight online sex trafficking act, Craigslist shut down its personal section completely rather than open up themselves to potentially a lot of litigation. This new bill allowed law enforcement to prosecute websites, which allowed sex workers to use the site. It's kind of an interesting phrasing, allowed. I think it's sad that they had to do this, actually.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Even though Craig's is already shut down their adult services section, almost a decade before, now they shut down all their personal so they don't get sued, which cost them a lot of money. It was the most popular section. I'm sure they lost literally hundreds of millions of revenue doing this. You know, if you choose to sneak in a sex worker ad to the personals page, code the language somehow, how is that Craigslist responsibility to find it?
Starting point is 00:50:58 You know, you get killed, that's horrible, obviously, but is it Craigslist fault? I don't think so. So when you fucking lawsuits in this country, too many. Despite shutting all the personal down, people are still sneaking in sex ads. I don't know how you could stop it completely. I hopped on Craigslist and found some random sections.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Check out, discrete elite gardener, handyman model photographer. That's the title of a post in the CDA slash Spokane Craigslist posted in the Creative Services section on November 30th. Snuck in between a post for a Facebook ads agency and a Get Your Business Online post. Let me play some music to really set the mood for discrete elite gardeners magical words. Hi. A lot of us are at our wits ends.
Starting point is 00:51:44 We have frustrations built up to the blowing point. We are bored out of our gores and really, really need a release. What could be more fun than a romp around the pool of the garden, or yes, even the kitchen? I'm a super healthy corona proof. Have been isolated a long time and have an incredibly developed immune system. I am all organic. Use no fragrances or lotions. Smell like a sensual man.
Starting point is 00:52:09 And I'm a mature, critical thinker who I'm appreciates excellence in my discrete clients. As you can see, I enjoy life. Get a hold of me if you are inclined for some adventure, some laughter, and some moaning all caps. Oh, and I may additionally request you do not smoke or drink alcohol when we are engaged. As those substances tend to degrade our overall performance and satisfaction levels, namaste. You know, he's no dwayne from Spokane area, but he's clearly looking to provide some adult services.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Maybe not a sex worker. I don't know if he's charging for anything, but he's clearly looking to provide some adult services. Maybe not a sex worker. I don't know if he's charging for anything, but he's definitely not somebody looking to share some coffee and conversations. He's snuck that ad in there. And these type ads, at least around here, they do seem very hard to find now, but they do sneak him in. I found another ad for a blatant hookup in the same section right here in CDA, something about a top bear chub looking to hook up with
Starting point is 00:53:06 a bottom, a bear bottom, I think, tonight in downtown CDA. But I forgot to copy and paste it. When I went back an hour later to grab it, it was gone. The old Craigslist police nabbed them. Or maybe they found their bottom and they took it down. Craigslist can and has done a good job of reducing sex worker postings by ridding their side of personal ads. But how could they ever rid it of murderers?
Starting point is 00:53:28 They can't. No way you can stop some murderer pretending to just want to study some tires from really wanting to kill you. And that's how a lot of Craigslist killers and would be killers. You know, we're not covering today. Have committed their murders, right? They act like they're just selling a car, a phone. And then when somebody shows up to buy they attack them.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Sometimes the victims are skilled or lucky enough to get their hands on a weapon and fight off the attack or sometimes they're not. Okay, now that we know a decent amount about Craigslist and Spokane or Ejewane, and how it works and how other troubled meat sex have used the internet to commit their crimes or be victimized. Let's dive into today's main event, the life and crimes of Philip Markoff in this week's time suck timeline after a short sponsor break. today's main event, the life and crimes of Philip Markov in this week's Time Suck timeline. After a short sponsor break.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Now it's Time Lime, Time Lime, my god, Time for Reels. Shrap on those boots, soldier. We're marching down a Time Suck timeline. line. On February 12th, 1986, Philip Markov is born to Susan Haynes and Richard Markov. Old Dick Markov, aka Dickoff. Sorry if that's what kids called you and junior high Richard. Dickoff was a dentist in Syracuse, New York and Philip was his second child. Philip had an older brother, Jonathan. After his parents divorced, he'd have a younger half sister named Haley from his mom's second marriage to Gary Carroll, who was a banker. Gary, his longtime stepdad, Philip grew up in the small town of Cheryl, New York for four
Starting point is 00:54:55 hours northwest of New York City, just 40 minutes east of Syracuse. Little town, population of just over 3,000, Richard and Susan divorced when Philip was an elementary school. He stayed with his mom, was his older brother, went with his father, who continued his dental practice and Syracuse. Philip grew in a two-story colonial house with blue siding. For most of his childhood, he lived with his mother, Susan Haynes, stepfather, Gary Carroll, his older brother, John, and younger half-sister Haley. Susan spent most of her children's early years at home with them. The family moved in the Cheryl neighborhood of Thurston Terrace in the mid 80s and for
Starting point is 00:55:29 the most part kept themselves, neighbors said, many said the family seemed normal, but you know, pretty quiet. Some remember seeing Philip shooting a basketball on the driveway. That's about it for the neighborhood. The family occasionally attended services together at St Helena Roman Catholic Church in Cheryl. The local said more often Carol and Haley would come without the rest of the family. Susan eventually did a good job at turning stone resort in casino, one of their gift shops. She was a regular meetings at the local quilting guild. She enjoyed making crafts. When Philip was in first grade, she also made a tissue boxes first classroom.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Some neighbors also recalled Susan sorting through some neighbors trash, once pulling out valuable postage stamps that she later sold. So you know, maybe a little weird, not every mom digging through their neighbors trash for stamps, but mostly normal. Quiet family kept themselves. Dad's a dentist, stepdad's a banker, mom worked at a casino gift shop. All sounds very middle class. No major scandals that anyone is aware of.
Starting point is 00:56:23 No one seemed to worry about anything terrible going on behind closed doors. Terry Law, who is Phillips first grade teacher at EA McAllister Elementary School, remembers Mark Off's white blonde hair and his quiet nature and sense of humor. Law said, I just remember him being a bright boy. Others remembered Philip having an early fast nation
Starting point is 00:56:39 with money, coins, and trading cards, and causing no trouble in the neighborhood. I also got way into trading cards, baseball cards, football cards, basketball cards. My grandpa had a coin collection I was fast in it with, I had a savings account I was really into. What kid isn't fast-nated by money on some level? Again, all feels pretty normal. By the time Philip started going to high school at Vernon Verona, Cheryl High School, VVS for short in Verona,
Starting point is 00:57:05 New York in 2000 is still like the neighboring community. Tall handsome kid big frame with broad shoulders. He'd be six feet, six foot three inches tall by the time he graduated. Look like a football or basketball player, but instead he was a strong competitor on the VVS bowling team. The Red Devils. It was also on the golf team. So big kid, but maybe not a big athlete. I feel like referring to someone as a strong competitor means that they were, okay, you know, it's funny phrasing. If they were really good, I think you would just say that they were really good, wouldn't you?
Starting point is 00:57:35 Was, was, was, was Philip really good at bowling? Ah, he was a strong competitor. That was like a very nice way of saying, eh, he's okay. Philip was more dedicated to academics than athletics. He was a member of saying, hey, it's okay. Philip was more dedicated to academics than athletics. He was a member of the history club, the youth court. He was an honor student and a member of the National Honor Society. In 2004, Philip graduated from VBS. And in his senior yearbook, he lists Carol and Haynes as his parents. Curiously, no mention of Dickoff. So even though dad lived nearby, this leads me to believe they were
Starting point is 00:58:04 not close or there was tension between them speculating here. But pretty big oversight to accidentally forget to mention your birth father is being your dad in the yearbook. Unless you're either really mad at him or he's just not in your life, like your step that is. After high school, Philip and Rolls at the State University of New York in Albany, Suni Albany as a pre-med student and continues to show a strong work ethic and desire to succeed.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Around the time of his high school graduation, Susan divorced her husband and Gary moved to downtown, share it with Haley, who was a current student at VVS. If any of this was particularly upsetting to Philip, I'm sure it was on some level. He didn't show it. And then the second son of Dick Offes hustled off to college. And he did well in college, taking extra courses, graduated in just three years with his degree in biology, socially, not a very outgoing person.
Starting point is 00:58:51 He was described as reserved around his friends and awkward around women. And to be fair to him here, if he's knocking out four years of college in three years, and he's trying to get into med school, he didn't have a lot of time to be outgoing. I wouldn't think. Not a lot of time for small talk and hanging out
Starting point is 00:59:06 when you always have to study. He did spend most of his time studying when he wasn't in class and what time he didn't spend studying, he spent volunteering at the Albany Medical Center Hospital where he worked in the emergency room, so he's busy. And when he wasn't doing all that, while he didn't have much of a social life, the social life he did have seemed to revolve around playing poker very common in the mid 2000s
Starting point is 00:59:26 At that time poker was all the rage it really started to pick up in popularity in the late 90s Sometimes there be three four different poker tournaments on cable TV in 2006 the same time I remember watching a lot of those tournaments fill Ivy these different players. I really into it Not as into it is fill up but pretty into it. I was never that good Even though I did actually buy a strategy book at one point, that I read and tried to implement its techniques in some games. I may have dreamed for a moment or two
Starting point is 00:59:53 about becoming some rounder type kickass hot shot poker player. From 2003 to 2006, the online poker pool doubled in size each year in the US, often grew more than that. The boom ended in 2006 when the unlawful internet gambling and force but act became year in the US, often grew more than that. The boom ended in 2006 when the unlawful internet gambling enforcement act became law in the US. Several online poker sites, including the industry leader at the time, party poker. I remember them left the US in October of 2006. Our own script keepers, act flannery produced Washington state's first two televised poker
Starting point is 01:00:20 tournaments. Ringo's rumble, one and two in 2005 and 2006. I'm not the only suck dungeon employed. I've gotten a bit into poker. Script keeper, dough further than I did. Philip played all night games with his friends. His reputation was out of a serious player, a good player. Also known as a terrible loser.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Took the games way too seriously in his friends opinions. Got a two upset when he lost. Later he would spend copious amounts of time playing poker casinos. And when you hear the word copious now, do you also think of YAHIM KROLE? Hopefully not just me. One private eye later said a fill up after he got caught,
Starting point is 01:00:55 he had a terrible gambling habit. There's no evidence I'm aware of at this time that he actually had debts that he had to pay off. No bookies or loan sharks, that type of thing. There's no evidence of that. And I suspect what was happening here is that he needed to feed that habit and getting the cash to be able to go immediately to the casino and gamble it. This will make sense a little more when we talk about his crimes.
Starting point is 01:01:14 2005, Wallet the Albany Medical Center, Hospital Emergency Room, Philip Meatsy Woman named Megan McAllister, a native of New Jersey. She's a fellow volunteer, two years older than Philip, and those who knew her described her as an attractive and sophisticated young one Megan was from Little Silver, New Jersey and by all accounts for upbringing was picture perfect Her parents Jim and Lynn had four children Megan the youngest and the only daughter Megan asked Philip out he accepted and they continued to date regularly and became college sweethearts And 2007 Philip graduates from SUNY Albany
Starting point is 01:01:46 and applies for medical schools after taking the MCAT. Also around this time, he sets up an account on alt.com, a BDSM site. Inhumus demands you put this gag ball in your mouth, get in the holding cage, wait for suspension training, slay. I need to pick out the right whip to punish you with. Prepare for ball bust, you in sexual ascension.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Sorry, another truck stop killer suck. Flashback there. Phillips accepted into Boston University Medical School in 2007 and he and Megan moved to Boston. And things seem to go well for the young couple there. Very well. On May 17th, 2008, as Philip is finishing his first year of medical school,
Starting point is 01:02:20 he takes Megan on a nice little horse and buggy ride around Boston and he proposes to her. She accepts. She then puts her own dreams of medical school on hold to plan a big wedding. They set an August 14th date. Make plans for a first-class extravaganza. The wedding registry list mainly expents of brands of China, silver and crystal. Some speculated that Megan hoped to be living an affluent life in the very near future. Maybe a little more affluent in Philip was anticipating. And this may have led to Philip feeling more pressure than he could handle to pleaser, pressure to lead him to looking for a variety of pressure releases in a secret life.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Not saying any of that is her fault whatsoever, but just that he felt, you know, extra pressure. Philip came from a world where a microwavable casserole dish would make a great wedding gift, not high end China. Also, at this time, Philip is already in debt for $130,000 from all of his college and med school loans, and he's living entirely off credit. Even the $1400 a month, he's paying in rent comes from credit borrowed money.
Starting point is 01:03:17 A lot of stress. We'll look into how he may have tried to hide from that stress very soon. While Meghan planned their wedding, Philip attended his classes, most of which were in Boston, South and neighborhood at 72 Concord Street. And he did very well in medical school, smart guy, good student. Boston University would not divulge his grades, not even to homicide investigators, but they would go as far to say that he was a very good student and good standing with no disciplinary history.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Now, let's fast forward to the day before Philip would commit his first Craigslist related crime that we know of Enter Trisha Leffler On April 9th 2009 Trisha's flight from Vegas to Boston lands around 6 p.m She'd booked a flight for her first trip to Boston on hotwire.com But she wasn't there to catch her red socks game Which is a fun thing to do there Fenway fucking love it Trisha was in Boston to work as an escort.
Starting point is 01:04:06 This was not Trisha's first gig. She had a criminal record for solicitation of prostitution. She changed quite a bit from the young sheltered girl who grew up in a Mormon family in Utah. She had bleach blonde hair, her best friend was her tiny, pomeranian name, Pixie. Ojangles suddenly interested in the show. After arriving at the Weston Coply, our coply place hotel, and the more absolute back bay area of Boston, Tricia Logged onto our computer, placed an ad on Craigslist.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Even in 2009, sex workers rarely made sure, you know, not to make it explicitly clear that they were sex workers when posting, or they, I'm sorry, they often made sure to not make it. I did a little double negative there. They wanted to make sure it wasn't blatant that they were a sex worker when they were posting. Patricia recalled later that her message said, some version of, if you'd like to come spend time with a sweet blonde, give me a call so we can spend some time together. Read them between the lines.
Starting point is 01:04:59 We can spend some time together means, I think, you know, you can pay me for sex. And then she put her number in the ad and waited. And thanks to the popularity of Craigslist, she quickly got a few calls. The first few weren't serious, maybe she thought that they wanted to fool around for free or something, doesn't say, and then she gets a call from Philip about an hour and a half after she posts the ad.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Over the phone, Philip asked her how much it will be for a half hour, how much it will be for the hour. Trisha tells him it's $200 for the hour. There's no talk of sex, no explicit promises made, but both people knew what they were talking about. About a half an hour later, Philip calls her, he's already in the lobby of the hotel. He's downstairs. By this time, it's after midnight, early in the morning of April 10th, Trisha uses the routine she always used when meeting a client for the first time. She gave her client the floor number,
Starting point is 01:05:41 not her room number. Then she would go to the elevator like she was trying to go downstairs and then size him up. If she didn't like how he seemed, she would just pretend to be a random hotel guest or just tell him if he recognized her and no things. That night, Trisha wore a short black jersey knit dress that showed off her curves. You walk down the hall to the elevator bank, and the moment the door is opened, she liked what she saw. Philip was a tall, good looking dude, and he seemed normal. They've said hello, then Trisha motioned for him to follow her down the hallway and into the room.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Philip was dressed in a black leather coat, dark jeans, tan shirt. Trisha estimated he was in his late 20s. A little older than he was. They go into a room, Trisha closes the door, then as soon as she turns around, Philip, uh, already pointing a gun at her in a tone she described as polite, Philip orders Trisha to lie down on the floor. I wish I could ask her questions directly about like how do you politely pull a gun on someone and order them to get on the ground. Excuse me, Miss, I know you have an expectation of me paying you for a sexual experience and then leaving but plans have regrettably changed and for that I do apologize. It pains me to have to say this, but I'm going to need you to not scream for help, please,
Starting point is 01:06:48 and lay down on the ground and just await patiently further instructions. Nobody would hate for me to have to shoot you for disobeying me more than I would. Thank you for understanding. Thank you very much. Trisha knows that she has to stay calm and do as he asks. So she gets on the floor. She knows there's no chance of beating him in a physical fight. She's five foot two, weighs about 135 pounds.
Starting point is 01:07:07 He's a much bigger human beam. And he has a gun. He puts a gun in his back pocket, goes behind her, kneeling with one knee between her legs, tells her to put her hands behind her back, which she does. Then he ties her up one hand at a time. At this point, Trisha later recalled saying something like, you don't have to do this. You don't have to tie me up. I'll give you whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:07:24 You don't have to tie me up. And he responded with whatever you want. You don't have to tie me up. And he responded with, if you just be quiet, no harm's gonna come to you. Okay, all right, what are you doing here? Super fucked up. What he does, he doesn't seem pretty polite. No name calling, no screaming, no pretty polite way to tie up a stranger at gunpoint.
Starting point is 01:07:39 At this point, he pulls on a pair of black leather gloves. The first thing he begins to think that this might be some strange sexual fetish type thing. Maybe the gun's a toy. He's in a BDSM. Maybe it's not loaded. Despite what's happening, she's not currently terrified. Because Philip seems to her too oddly calm and gentlemanly to be someone in the middle
Starting point is 01:07:58 of committing something violent. Philip then clumsily looks for her purse and takes out $800 in cash, which he then puts in his pocket. Fuck, she traveled to Boston to make money. Now that's not going to happen. He then takes each of her credit cards, asks her for her pin numbers, which she gives double fuck. She also tell, he also tells her, or I'm sorry, she also tells him there's no money to be accessed on them. That better be the pin number or there's going to be a problem. He says, he calmly puts all the cards in this pocket, including her ID.
Starting point is 01:08:28 She begs to have her ID back saying, can you please leave me my ID so I can get home? Amazingly, he takes it out and after studying it for a long moment, maybe he wants her to know that he's memorizing her address or something. He throws it down with the rest of the stuff, he's not taking. She then decides to be bold and asked,
Starting point is 01:08:42 can you please leave me at least one credit card? And he responds with, I thought you said there wasn't any money on them. There's not she says, but I, I can have people put money on them so I can get home. Which one do you want? He asks the one and he then seven, six, four, nine to your applies and then he slips that one into his pocket. Throwes down a different one. Not polite. Trisha is scared, but not worried something terrible is going to happen to her now. She finds herself thinking he's incredibly calm, seems to nobody's looking for. She thinks he's probably done this before, maybe many times. With gloves on, he erases his number from her phone, takes the battery out, throws it behind the entertainment center, also picks up a pair of her underwear, a white thong from Victoria's
Starting point is 01:09:18 secret, puts it in this pocket. He then asks her about her new laptop. She says it's old, and then he probably doesn't want it. And so he, he assumes I guess it's old and then he probably doesn't want it. And so he, he assumes I guess it is old and he just doesn't take it. How great would that be if all robbers and muggers were like that? If when you told them that something that they thought they wanted just wasn't worth anything, they would just let you keep it. Just move on.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Give me your fucking purse lady. Why? There's no money in it. Oh. Oh damn. Seriously? There's no money. No! Oh! Ah, damn! Seriously? There's no money. No, truly! Not a dime!
Starting point is 01:09:47 Ah, well, shit. Forget it then. Who needs a purse with no money? Hey, how about you give me that diamond ring? Uh, that wedding ring. Give it to me! There's a big rock there! You don't want this?
Starting point is 01:09:57 It's a fake! It's a toy! My daughter! Botted a chucky cheese, probably 50 cents. Really? It's not a bitch! Alright, well 50 cents. Really? Son of a bitch. All right, well, keep it then. Do you have anything to value at all? No, no.
Starting point is 01:10:11 All right, well, I guess I'm going to take off then. No offense lady, but I'll have time to dick around with you. A rinky dink bullshit. Philip now continues to look around the room, checking the safe, which is empty, then moving in front of you around. Uh, tells her he's looking for some place to tire to, and at this point, Trisha wants him to leave so badly, she starts suggesting things for someplace to tire to and at this point, Trisha wants him to leave so badly. She starts suggesting things for him to tire up to. How weird to help your attacker. Help tie you up.
Starting point is 01:10:32 I wouldn't tie me up to the bedpost. When you leave, I could easily lift up the bed there in the corner. But what if you tied me to one of the doors or something? Oh yeah! Good idea, lady. NICE! Finally, they agreed to tire her to the bathroom door. Then he moves to a different part of the room where she can't see what's happening.
Starting point is 01:10:49 She hears him rustling in his pocket for something and then the zipper on her suitcase. He returns, proceeds to put three pieces of tape over her mouth. She notices, and while he's doing this, he's not wearing gloves. He's taking him off. So she lets him put the tape there without struggling,
Starting point is 01:11:02 hoping that it'll capture some of his DNA or his fingerprints on the tape. Very smart. This will indeed provide solid evidence for investigators. I wonder if she still thinks he's done this sort of thing before now. He's not seeming like an old pro at this to me right now. At this point, Trisha notices he's holding a huge knife in his hand. Now she's terrified. She expects the worst, but then Philip uses it to start cutting the phone lines. Then he takes off right after saying, just stay where you are in 15 minutes. I'll call security and tell them I heard something in the room.
Starting point is 01:11:28 They'll come up and set you free. Uh, he takes a pair of panties, cash, cards, also took her camera. Oh, and one more thing. A few days later, Trisha realizes he had taken a second pair of panties of V shaped pink song with black bows. Uh, Trisha now waited tied to the bathroom door. Her mouth taped shut. Her hands tied behind her back with zip ties. She stays quiet, doesn't move. She wants to be sure he's not
Starting point is 01:11:49 waiting outside the door waiting for her to do something. She doesn't want to give him a reason to come back in and hurt her. After a few minutes of silence, she twists out of the ties, takes a tape off her mouth, waits another few minutes. She hadn't planned on calling the cops, but then she realized that he might still be in the hotel. There was at any chance of the cops are security catching him. Now was the time. So she steps into the hallway, looks both ways, make sure he's gone. And she grabs her room key, room key, runs to the nearest door, pounds on the door. After a moment of man opens the door, Trisha is shaking.
Starting point is 01:12:18 The man in Tennessee doctor in town on business is hesitant to open the door all the way. Trisha begs and pleases, I need to call security, I've just been robbed. The man then screams at her, no, solicitors! Between telemarketers and door knockers, I'll never get any sleep! And then he slams door on her face. No, I just, no, that's fucking crazy. No, he's normal. He's not a crazy doctor, he opens the door, he lets her in.
Starting point is 01:12:39 It's 12.45 AM. She calls the next two hours, Bostonives speak to Trisha much to her relief They take her story very seriously. They rope off her room treating like a crime scene One of the investigators is Sergeant detective Dan Keeler a Boston PD legend nicknamed Mr. Homicide who had closed more than 200 murder cases in a dozen years as a detective pretty awesome nickname for detectives That'd be a terrible nickname for like another kind of cop. They called me Mr. Homicide. Oh, whoa, cool.
Starting point is 01:13:11 That's the way you're like a homicide detective. No, I'm a school resource officer. Why? Kiela began building his legend at the very beginning of his career in 1980. When he leapt off the Boston University Bridge, fell 60 feet to rescue a suicidal man in the Charles River and he did save that man's life. So this guy sounds like a real badass.
Starting point is 01:13:30 After being arrested for prostitution before, Trisha was hesitant to answer the detective's questions, truthfully. Only saying that she was from Vegas, he was afraid the ordeal would end in her arrest, not her attackers, but an officer keel set her mind at ease to show her. He met business. He was like a good cop. He threw in the Charles River, then jumped into saver to prove that he was, you know, solid detective. Still got it. No, in his gentle, but firm way, he persuades her to talk.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Doesn't treat her like the criminal, you know, treat her as the victim. Trishel later described him as very nice and understanding and a great listener. When the question stopped, he was escorted back to the hotel where she was given nice and understanding and a great listener. When the question stopped, she was escorted back to the hotel where she was given a different room on a different floor. The next morning, April 11th, Trisha goes back to the police station to take back her phone. I guess they kept it to examine it for evidence
Starting point is 01:14:15 and to look at some mug shots. She doesn't see anyone remotely familiar in the photos, but then they show her some grainy still photos they pulled from the hotel surveillance cameras. In them, she sees a big blonde guy with leather coat hat walking outside the hotel and she recognizes him immediately. Investigators also tell Trisha that her attacker had used her debit card, but an hour after the robbery, Philip had gone to an ATM outside a nearby pizza parlor had taken the last $20 in her account. What a piece of shit. She has 20 bucks.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Took all her cash and he takes the last 20 bucks. And a few days later, Philip will take again. April 13th, 2009, the day after Easter, Jelissa Brisman, a 25-year-old New Yorker, packs a bag, boards an Amtrak train from New York City to Boston. She had a few massage clients lined up intended to find some new ones by placing an ad on Craig's lists, adult services section,
Starting point is 01:15:03 advertising herself as an erotic masseuse. Although her parents were both Dominican, she was a New Yorker through and through. She didn't like being away from New York City, a post on Facebook shortly after leaving. Ah, I missed New York City so much. I missed the rude cab drivers and bipolar weather. Ha ha. LOL. On her Facebook profile, Jelissa Braggs, that she was a born and raised New York City hottie, finally getting a hold of this wonderful thing we call life. Jelissa was a little over five feet tall, weighed about a hundred pounds, again much smaller than Philip Markov. In addition to massages, she worked as a part-time model posed for photos and bikinis, underwear, and lingerie. On 2005, she'd first crossed paths with a crossed paths,
Starting point is 01:15:42 with one of her future best friends, Sarah. I have for Sarah posted an ad on Craigslist looking for a roommate. So much Craigslist in the story. According to Sarah, Jolissa was maybe not the ideal roommate. She drank too much, weighed too much according to Sarah. She loved the party. She always seemed to have a different boyfriend would bring strangers over to their apartment for spontaneous parties.
Starting point is 01:16:01 She was in the late 20s, you know, like Sarah and by Sarah's own admittance, Julia, Jolissa was fun as hell. Sarah and Jolissa, despite some differences, soon become nearly inseparable. They go to the gym together, they go to eat together, go eat sushi, watch sex in the city together. She and Sarah would test their potential boyfriends by making them watch sex in the city. And for two years living together, Sarah's patients though, with Jolissa beginning to wear thin. Jelissa in Sarah's opinion, just not growing up, making some
Starting point is 01:16:28 terrible choices. Sometimes she was drunk all day. She wanted to keep the non-stop party life going when Sarah's ready to move on to the next phase of her life. Jelissa seemed like she didn't know what she wanted to do with her life. So she moves out, the two drift apart. Jelissa goes on to work a wide variety of jobs that don't go anywhere. She works as a bartender, shoe saleswoman, at a tanning salon. Spends a lot of time with her new best bud, a male half chihuahua and half silk terrier mix. She named Coco Chanel.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Well, Jane goes back into the story, more dogs in the story now. Her friend Mark Pines later recalled she would often say, I love Coco more than all my boyfriends combined. Pines who was in his 50s and 60s when he knew Jelissa considered himself to be her mentor. They met when Pines held an open audition for a photo shoot when she was 20, when Jelissa walked in, he decided on the spot, she was perfect for the role, and he eventually featured her in a public service
Starting point is 01:17:19 announcement he was producing. Pines like all of her friends worried that Jelissa was abusing drugs and alcohol. But then on April 14th, 2007, according to Jelissa's diary, she was inspired to change your life. It would be exactly two years to the day before her untimely death. When she would write, I can't do this anymore. I'm turning 24 in two weeks and need to change. Jelissa swore off drugs and alcohol, joined alcoholics and otomus,
Starting point is 01:17:41 quit bartending, focused on her sobriety, tattooed the date of her sobriety on her ankle. Her mother is overjoyed, tells Jelissa on Mother's Day in 2008 that her daughter sobriety is the best gift she could have been given. She goes to AA meetings consistently, even daily, reconnects with old friends, including Sarah, begins taking psychology classes at a local college, goes from bleach blonde to brunette, talks about becoming a substance abuse counselor, becomes a vegetarian. She's so serious about changing her life. She enrolls in classes at the city college in New York where she meets jack Bennett coordinator of the school certified alcohol and substance abuse
Starting point is 01:18:14 counselor program. But all the stuff is going on like she's really turned her life around friends and family are worried that she's still hiding something or that she is hiding something. For one, even though she was no longer working as a bartender, has no regular job, friends noticed that suddenly she always has money. She purchased a new computer for a little sister, always had to design her clothes and accessories. They're thinking, where is this money coming from? When Prada came out with this new gold and black aviator sunglasses,
Starting point is 01:18:41 which at the time retailed for around 300 bucks, she immediately buys a pair, writes on her Facebook page, that she couldn't wait until the new Chanel glasses came out, so she could buy those as well. She's traveling a lot, way too much for somebody with no job. She travels to London, Iceland, DC, Boston, Los Angeles. Jelissa's story is about how she made money, didn't make sense to her friends.
Starting point is 01:19:02 She told one friend that she could make as much as a thousand bucks a night working bachelor parties, even though all she supposedly did was walk around in the bikini. She told them she got paid that much just to look pretty and a lot of them didn't buy it. Her friends started to ask her if that was really all she was doing. She insisted she didn't touch any of the men she worked with, but that wasn't the truth. Jolissa was working as an erotic masseuse. She took classes from a massage teacher, bought her own massage table, placed ads for these erotic massages on Craigslist
Starting point is 01:19:30 under different names like Morgan, Susie, and Rachel. In the ad, she write no full service to indicate that she didn't have at least penetrative sex with her clients. According to her friend, Sarah, she didn't think of what she did as prostitution. In fact, she looked down on sex workers. She thought sex work was dangerous, even though it sounds like she was a type of sex worker.
Starting point is 01:19:49 She at least walked right up to that line if she didn't cross it. Soon, sadly, thanks to Philip Markov, she would find out that erotic massaging could be just as dangerous as full-blown prostitution. On April 13, 2009, Jolissa checks into the Marriott Hotel in Coply Square. Back at Coply, I think I've stayed at this hotel randomly way back in 2002. I think it was this one, right in the heart of Boston, where the Boston Marathon comes to an end. On Jellissa had regulators in Boston, but she wanted to drum up some
Starting point is 01:20:15 more business. So she asked a girlfriend to post a new ad on Craigslist under the name of Morgan. It's labeled hot prunette model and masseuse visiting today. And it read high, my girlfriend Morgan, the massage therapist, will be visiting Boston Monday, April 13th, available from 1pm to 11pm, Tuesday the 14th from 7am to 11pm, and Wednesday the 15th from 7am to noon, check out. She visits only once every one to two months, so don't miss her, her pics are real, recent, and attached to this message. She is visiting just these couple of days and I highly recommend her. If you would like to schedule, please email back
Starting point is 01:20:50 several time preferences that work for you during Morgan's window of availability, I will do my best to accommodate you. Be sure to include your phone number. I do not give out a contact number until you have provided yours, kisses, exo exo, Morgan and Mary. So this is the kind of stuff
Starting point is 01:21:04 people used to post on Craigslist. They didn't get a lot of responses initially, business slow at first, that first night. So Jelissa stays in posting on Facebook, ordering some room service. She watched a dang cook movie that went to sleep. The next morning, April 14th, Jelissa wakes up on her 20th floor room and posts almost forgot just how good staying in and watching a funny dang cook movie can be. She didn't left the hotel to attend an AA meeting and then at 404 p.m. She posted her favorite bands on her Facebook page.
Starting point is 01:21:31 They were in order the killers nice noise Led Zeppelin third-eye blind. Okay. I'll get the cure in every avenue. Good taste. I forgot about every avenue. Their track Tell me I'm a wreck. I getting a lot of play in 2009. I looked them up during the research, ended up listening to, I think every single one of their tracks, on Spotify. By 503, Jelissa was texting back and forth with the guy from high school, she had recently reconnected with on Facebook,
Starting point is 01:21:55 then later that evening, Jelissa's friend gives Jelissa's number to a man who had responded. The Craig's list at. Soon enough, a polite, sound sounding man calls Jelissa. He's visiting from out of town. We'd like to see her that night. You know, that's what he says around 10 o'clock and that he is not from out of town.
Starting point is 01:22:10 He's of course Philip Markoff. Poor Jelissa and her poor friend who helped set this up, the guilt she must have soon felt, couple minutes before the son of Dick off, the second son was due to arrive. Jelissa is on the phone with Sarah. She says she has to hang up because she's expecting her new client.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Sarah tells her to be careful. And like usual, Jelissa brushes it off. Sarah insists that Jelissa send her a text message when the man arrives. She agrees. And now a woman named Jill Stern enters our story. Jill, who is 49, also staying on the 20th floor of the Marriott, just down the hall from Jelissa's room. Jill was with her 17 year old son, Len Lenny on a trip to look at some colleges.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Good town to do that in, Boston, no shortage of amazing colleges. Around 10 p.m., Jal had settled in for the night with a book when she heard some commotion from down the hall. Sounded to her like someone was moving some furniture, but then she heard a shriek. What the hell was that she thought? It was high pitched into her ear, a sound like a child. Maybe she reasoned a little kids having some kind of temper tantrum. She tries to continue reading,
Starting point is 01:23:08 but the shrieking continues. Lini hears it too. Jill decides she has to see what's going on. She opens the door, looks outside. Down the hall is a girl laying out on the hotel floor, half in her room, half out. The girl is so small that in Jill's mind, she is the child.
Starting point is 01:23:22 She's the child she imagined having a temper tantrum and she calls out, are you okay, buddy? It was Jelissa and Jelissa does not answer. Her son Lenny also now peers out the door. The two of them interrupted by a woman exiting a nearby elevator. The woman stops immediately when she spots the body on the carpet. She says, holy shit, she scared the shit out of me and then just opens the door to her room, the room next to Jelissa and then she slams the door shut and goes inside. Not okay. Come on.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Not gonna check on a woman who's not moving. Lane, you know, face down on the floor halfway on the hallway. That's a, that's some cold shit lady. Jill, here's a gutter will sound now come from Jalissa's direction, who still is not moving or responding. She calls the operator tells him to come to the 20th floor immediately. A woman needs help and they do a security guard comes up very quickly, uh, bends down to examine Jalissa,
Starting point is 01:24:09 moves some of her hair away and Jill sees blood. The guard then starts panicking repeating Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ. And he tells Jill to get back into a room. She does not. She watches the guard call from EMTs and the police. Jalissa is still alive at this point barely. Another guard comes up, the two men turn her over. She's been shot multiple times, even though neither Jill nor Lennie had heard any gunshots.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Silence her maybe. I don't know the source to say. As Jill walks by Jelissa's room, she notices that the mirror has been shattered and the two holes have been left, you know, by what she assumed to be bullets, two holes in the wall. 1036 pm, about 20 minutes later, Jelissa dies from her wounds, which included a bullet to her heart in an emergency room at the Boston Medical Center. Back in New York, her friend Sarah, getting worried, Jelissa hadn't texted
Starting point is 01:24:54 her, hadn't answered the phone when she called Jelissa's hotel room. She then sends a text about a boy from Yale that Jelissa had said she had met on the train to Boston. The message red, have fun with your Yale boy. Just text me when you get a chance. Let me know you're okay. Cause your friend had not told her, Jelissa not told her what the real purpose of the visit was.
Starting point is 01:25:11 When Sarah woke up around four in the morning on April 15th, she sees that she still has not heard from Jelissa. She starts to panic. She calls the hotel a second time, ask for security. One of the guards suggests she called the Boston police. She does and she learns that one of her closest friends has been murdered. Jolissa had resisted Philip Markov's attempts to rob her. He had smashed her in the head with his 9mm and then fatally shot her three times.
Starting point is 01:25:35 In his interactions with Jolissa, he had communicated as Andy in both emails and by phone. An Andy's email address would soon be in the hands of investigators. April 16th, the day after Jolissa's murder, the beginning of the media circus about the Craigslist killer. Within 24 hours, the story of Jelissa's murder is circulating nationwide. Now, everybody knows she'd met up with a man through Craigslist that he'd killed her. The media is running with the moniker, the Craigslist killer.
Starting point is 01:26:00 That day, Boston PD released a statement about the crime and include hotel surveillance photos. The man they believe is responsible for Jelice's murder. Markov's face now plastered all over the news, grainy photo, but still the Boston PD quickly set up the Craigslist killer task force, specialist assigned to the Boston Regional Intelligence Center. Our charge was sorting through tips that pour in from the public. They have that fun job of separating the nuts from legitimate leads.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Even the NYPD cyber crimes squad ends up assisting. Though the crime had not happened in New York, the cyber crimes squad was the best at that time at tracking down people via their digital footprints. And Boston PD really wanted to make sure this guy got caught quick. Meanwhile, Philip left Boston the day after the murder for his happy place, the Foxwoods casino in Connecticut. That's 100 miles away. He'd been there 19 times in the previous three months playing poker. Before checking in on the evening of April 15th, Philip made a stop. He wasn't broke, but he didn't have a mid another stop.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Excuse me. He's going to try and get some more money and try and do another Craigslist crime. He's not broke, but he doesn't have enough money to enter the $75 a hand poker game he preferred to play. So he goes back to Craigslist. He connects with Cynthia Melton now, a 26 year old exotic dancer that won online reviewer called the Raining Hot Cycle Bitch of the Cadillac Lounge strip club in Providence, Providence, Rhode Island. Pretty sure that's a compliment is what they're saying there. Using a disposable track phone, he had several, using them with the previous two women we've met.
Starting point is 01:27:26 Phillips set an appointment with Cynthia at the Holiday Inn Express in Warwick, Rhode Island. When Philip arrived around 11 p.m., he's wearing a brown baseball hat pulled down partially concealing his eyes. He bought the cap at Walmart just an hour earlier. By now he must realize that his face is all over the news. Did he think he's going to get away with murder? He's just going to go do some gambling Like nothing happened, come back to Boston, keep going to med school, just move on with his life,
Starting point is 01:27:48 get married. Security footage from the holiday end would show he was wearing blue jeans, pink polo shirt, same black jacket. He'd worn on his dates with Jelissa Brisbane and Trisha Leffler. Unbeknownst to fill up Cynthia is prepared to deal with someone like Markov.
Starting point is 01:28:03 More than Jelissa or Trisha had been, she had a system worked out. Her husband Keith stayed in the hotel lobby while she turned Tricks. What a nice guy. What a nice husband, Pimp. Just respectfully, staying nearby, while his wife turns Tricks in the room,
Starting point is 01:28:18 just a little ways down the hall. It's made the family some money. As soon as Philip enters the room, like he'd done with Trisha and Jalissa, he pulls a gun on Cynthia. She noted later that he looks really nervous. His hands were shaken, not as calm as he'd been with Trisha. Wonder if that had anything to do with the fact that he was now wanted for murder and that his face was plastered all over the news. Despite his nerves, Philip plunges the head, tries to pull a or tries to put a ball gag on Cynthia. She fights back. She knows her husband is,
Starting point is 01:28:44 you know, not far away. And that he'll back, she knows her husband is, you know, not far away, and he'll be coming soon, because she didn't, you know, text him as part of their system. She always texted a minute or so right after the John showed up and another room to let her husband know that she was okay. And again, what a gentleman! Keith is. If only every straight woman could be lucky enough
Starting point is 01:29:01 to have such a man, a knight in shining armor in her life, that's when he know he cares. When he insists that you text him, Every straight woman could be lucky enough to have such a man a knight in shining armor in her life. That's when he know he cares. When he insists that you text him after your John shows up to reassure him that he's only there to fuck you, not to hurt you. Philip does not manage to get the ball gag in her mouth. He does manage to tie her hands up with zip ties as he's doing so. He says, I'm not going to kill you.
Starting point is 01:29:19 I'm not going to kill you. I don't want to kill you. I just need money. Don't worry. I'm just broke. I need some cash or some cards Then as he's quickly going through her belongings He's interrupted by a knock on the door who is that he else and then Cynthia's husband is like I'm Keith Cynthia's husband and then Philip is like she's fine. Go away
Starting point is 01:29:36 And then Keith is like okay, cool. Thank you And Philip's like no problem. I get out of here come back tomorrow or something and Keith doesn't say anything because he's already put his headphones back in and he's walked down the hall to play some more solitary in the lobby on his flip phone. No, luckily that didn't happen. Instead of answering Keith, this is extra key and just lets himself in. He knows something's going on. Now the two men are facing off against one another, facing each other inside the room.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Philip has a gun raised, pointed at Keith. Slowly Philip and Keith kind of dance around one another and then Philip exits the room takes off empty handed stumbles as he you know falls to the ground picks himself up runs out of the hotel into the night Keith and Cynthia then called the police I wonder what Keith told him hello officer this is Keith Keith who you know Keith the dude who hangs out in the lobby of the holiday express warwick
Starting point is 01:30:24 the guy who plays out in the lobby, I was a holiday and express, a warwick. The guy who plays solitaire on his flip phone, while his wife is having illegal sex with men for money and one of the rooms down the hall. Yeah, that, that Keith. Good, how are you doing? That was a fam. Fantastic. Hey, I'd like to report a crime.
Starting point is 01:30:38 After running away, Philip drives to the Foxwoods Casino or he's hiding out for two days or he's going to hide out for two days. He must not have been too shaken up by his narrow escape or the fact that he just killed someone. And the Boston police had an entire task force dedicated to him because he placed him great poker. He's on fire that weekend or those couple days, turned $700 into $5,300 while he's winning the poker table detectives are connecting the attack on Cynthia to the Craigslist killer
Starting point is 01:31:04 attacks. After hearing about the attack, Cynthia to the Craigslist killer attacks. After hearing about the attack, one task force detective reportedly says, he's a brazen prick, huh? His picture is all over the news. On Saturday, April 18th, a Boston PD get a name to go along with their pictures of the Craigslist killer. Through the emails and descent, the police are able to obtain his IP address because he wasn't on the dark web.
Starting point is 01:31:23 They get some court orders and by subpoenaing his server live.com, they're able to determine that the emails are sent from a computer inside of a building where Mark Off lived with Megan at eight high point circle and Quincy just south of Boston. They obtain the names of the residents of the building, then do some Facebook searches based on these names. And one with Phillips name turns up the wedding page that Megan McAllister has fiancee had enthusiastically compiled. Detectives think that the dude in the hotel security camera footage from both Boston and Warwick looks a hell of a lot like Philip
Starting point is 01:31:54 Markov and these, you know, wedding page photos. They then learn that Philip Markov is a med student at Boston University. So they obtain a copy of a student ID picture. They compare that picture with the video images they have of the suspect, really seems like he's the dude. The police now set up a stakeout, right? They take up positions outside the building. They're going to keep an eye on Markoff until they can get just a bit more evidence to really have more than enough for their arrest to make this an open and shut case. Because the IP address pointed to the building,
Starting point is 01:32:25 and not specifically to Phillips apartment, or one of his computers, they're not quite ready to bust him yet. It's a Saturday night, and now six unmarked police cars are around the building, making sure that Philip will not escape. When Philip leaves to go to BJ supermarket detectives follow,
Starting point is 01:32:40 they take some items Philip touched, send them in for fingerprint analysis. That same day, other officers show some photos of Philip to Cynthia and Trisha, both positively identify him. That dude for sure is our attacker. Police also pleasantly surprised that their suspect has made a number of really big fuck-ups during his crimes, like putting his gloves on after he bound and gagged leftler, right, how he took them off for a little while there, like walking right by security cameras,
Starting point is 01:33:06 not hiding the space. Now with Philip Markov's name and the IP address pointed to his building, the two witnesses positively identifying him looks like it's going to be a pretty open and shut case. The following day on April 19th, some detectives interview his med school lab partner. Our name is Tiffany Montgomery. She and Phil had spent a lot of time together working on various projects and she told detectives that Philip creeped her out. She said he had terrible mood swings. Sometimes she thought about telling school counselors that he
Starting point is 01:33:33 was suicidal, but then at other times he seemed so happy and carefree. She thought maybe he was fine. She said he was either really upbeat or practically comatose. She didn't know what was wrong with him, just that quote, he wasn't right in the head. And then task force detectives discovered through a search of Philip Markov's email account that he's leading his secret life. On his computer detectives find a picture he posted of his torso and his hands wrapped around his rect penis
Starting point is 01:33:58 on an alternative lifestyle website called all.com. A paper month site that builds itself as your online adult personals, BDSM, leather, and fetish community. We discussed similar sites on the truck stop killer suck. Philip seemed to be interested based on his browsing history in many different fetishes, including quote, transvestitism and had profiles on numerous sex sites like passion.com, extreme restraints, and gay club list. Calling himself sex addict 53885, he describes his preference on one side as submissive, and his experience level as I am new with this.
Starting point is 01:34:33 He wrote, I am currently a graduate student looking to experiment with the BDSM lifestyle. I am very interested in being dominated and being made to do different things. Among those different things, anal sex, being forced to wear a collar and leash and cross dressing. I am looking for anyone open-minded, try new fetishes or show me what you know. I enjoy women, but I really want to meet a TSTV TG, Transsexual, Transvestite, Transgender for Friendship and Experimentation. I'm looking for Dom's and Switches,
Starting point is 01:35:02 but I am open to experimenting with subs. In his profile, he uses his real birthday, February 12, 1986. His real description, blonde, blue eyes, six foot three, the actual city where he lived. When I first read all this, I thought that he really intend to experiment and have some BDSM sex, or whether he's just going to be more people, he was going to try and rob for some gambling money. When I thought about how he used his real information for these sites, real birthday, real description,
Starting point is 01:35:28 I think he was on these sites for sex, not money. He wanted to meet incubus. Put on the dress and get in the holding cage, slave. Stick your heart dick through the hole in the cage, Kate. Allow me to whip it. Scream and you stay in the cage on night. Yeah, I mean, he knows something like that. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:35:42 I'm probably getting to get into that incubus character. No wonder his lab partner thought he might be suicidely. Probably was. He's planning to wedding with a woman who clearly was not right for him. He wasn't exploring these fetishes with her. He's roving people. He's meeting through Craigslist for poker money. How did he think all of this was going to end?
Starting point is 01:35:57 He was a smart dude. Didn't he have to know that his two worlds were destined to collide? Maybe not. The ability to rationalize the most irrational things. One of humanity's greatest gifts, also one of its greatest curses. Some of us are just so damn good at believing what we want to believe, regardless of true objective reality. Investigators learned that Philip has begun to set up or had begun to set up his BDSM profiles on alt.com and other sites two years prior back in May of 2007, just after he
Starting point is 01:36:25 graduated from SUNY Albany, like we talked about earlier, back before he'd asked Megan to marry him, who apparently had no idea he was into this stuff. Interestingly, no evidence of Philip acting on any of these desires will ever turn up. They don't appear to have any direct relationship to his crimes. These interests, just another confusing piece of the Philip Markov puzzle. Monday, April, 29th, the police was spent two days now surveilling Markov's apartment building. Now they watch his Philip leaves, the building carrying luggage, Megan is with him, undercover investigators, tailed a couple as they shopped for food, run other errands. They note
Starting point is 01:36:58 the McAllister seems affectionate while Markov does not, of course, he's not affectionate with her. She doesn't want to tie him up and spank his naughty bottom. She's not incubus. Guessing. The couple drove on I 95 South and Wallpole, Massachusetts, heading back to the Fox Woods, Casino, but they won't make it. The police worry that their guys now going to try and cross state lines and complicate the arrests. They flip on their sirens, pull the pair over, police approach the vehicle with guns drawn. Philip says nothing while Megan pleads with officers to stop insisting they are making a mistake. An officer says, Philip Markov, you are under arrest for the murder of Jelissa Brisman
Starting point is 01:37:31 on April 14, 2009. Murder, Megan repeats now sobbing, you have the wrong guy, you have the wrong guy, but they don't. Not only do they have photo evidence, but they have cell phone records, digital fingerprints, analog fingerprints, Thanks to Philip. I haven't gloves on when he taped up Tricia Leffler and witnesses. Please put Philip and Megan in the back of one of their unmarked cars. Megan's Toyota is towed back to Boston PD headquarters until investigators can get a warrant
Starting point is 01:37:55 to search it and then release it. During questioning, Philip arrogant as ever, argues about his Miranda rights, won't give specific answers to any of the officer's questions. Megan insisted detectives that they have the wrong man. Boston PD put out a press statement. That evening saying that they've apprehended the primary Craigslist killer suspect. Megan is released, goes home to stay at her family home in New Jersey. Philip, of course, stays.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Now, he's not going anywhere. Two days later in April 21st, 2009, Megan McAllister decides to take the matter of her fiancee's innocence to the court of public opinion. She tells the Boston Herald, I will stand by Philip as I know he is innocent. This poor woman here, uh, in the interview, she gushes about her fiance, who is set to be a rain done murder kidnapping and gun possession charges. Uh, she says sends an email to ABC's Good Morning America, where she says unfortunately you've been given the wrong information as was the public.
Starting point is 01:38:45 Philip could not hurt a fly. She calls him a beautiful person inside and out. The message is read on air. She also says, we expect to marry in August. We share a wonderful, meaningful life together. Unfortunately, the Boston police tried to make money out of these things. Nullie don't. And release things without my knowledge or consent.
Starting point is 01:39:02 She says, I will stand by Philip as I know he is innocent. I love him now and always will. She also contacts people magazine. Tell us them Philip is a beautiful man inside now. He did not commit this crime. Unfortunately, someone else did and needs to be penalized. New in this day, Mark off is charged with the list of Brisbane's death after investigators find even more evidence. He pleads not guilty. He's held without bail in Boston's Nashua street jail. The the additional evidence police find comes from Philip and Megan's apartment. This is a preposterous amount of evidence. They find a gun hidden in a medical
Starting point is 01:39:37 textbook, Gray's Anatomy. It had been hollowed out to gun Philip had purchased under a student him, Andrew Miller, a driver's license for Andrew Miller is found on Philip at the time of his arrest. When police looked at the bill of sale for the gun, they find Philip's fingerprints all over it. This obviously looks really bad, especially because they also find bullets for this gun. The exact kind of bullets used on Jelissa Brisbane, and then Ballistics tests will confirm this is the exact gun used to kill Jelissa. Hard to weasel out of all this evidence, you know, oh, what, what is that all you got?
Starting point is 01:40:10 Oh, you got the murder weapon with my fingerprints all over it? Oh, and proof that I bought it. Okay, oh, you found it in my apartment, stored in a medical book that I bought, that had been hollowed out. Here I was worried you had a case against me and this might go to trial. They also find a bunch of plastic zip ties, the exact kind used on the victims.
Starting point is 01:40:30 They find duct tape that matched the duct tape used on Trisha. They find a laptop with fragments of communication between Philip Angelissa, Philip's laptop. They find disposable unused cell phones purchased in February of 2009. The kind that he had used to talk to victims, still not done. They find under the couple's mattress rolled socks stuffed with 16 pairs of panties, four from the victims that police already knew about owners of the 12 others never identified. Had he robbed others? Had he perhaps killed others? We'll probably never know. It was Mark off so cool and collected when he robbed Trisha leftler because, you know, he had done it before so much evidence.
Starting point is 01:41:08 Yeah, no way you can weasel out of all of this. Oh, I don't know. It sounds pretty circumstantial to me, off-serts. I mean, sure you have the murder weapon connected to me and video surveillance connecting me to scenes of all three crimes when they happened. And sure you have numerous eyewitnesses I spoke with and or assaulted and fingerprints and victims panties under my bed and a lot of other wishy wash you bullshit. But let me ask you this were you personally at any of the crime scenes when they happened? No. I think it's time you let me go. No, he's never
Starting point is 01:41:39 getting let go off the record of policemen will say that there is so much evidence that it was like a part of him wanted to get caught. Oh, and one more piece of evidence. There was blood on the shoes he was wearing the day he got arrested, like they could see blood splatters on his shoes, Julissa's blood. It really was like he wanted to get caught. On April 23rd, a law enforcement official tells the Boston Globe that Markov had been placed on suicide watch after an officer at the Nashua Street jail notices marks on his neck.
Starting point is 01:42:07 The indicate he might have tried to hang himself. He's given paper clothes put on 24 hour surveillance. The next day, April 24th, Rhode Island investigators announced they've linked Phillips fingerprints and text messages to Cynthia's assault at the war we call it in. That day, Philip broke down during a visit with his parents sister in law and a strange brother Jonathan first time he'd spoken to Jonathan years I sobbing he knows he's fucking done the emotional family visit the first time the 23 year olds family had seen Philip since his arrest according to mark offs attorney Phil's family is very
Starting point is 01:42:39 supportive of him megan has yet to visit him in jail her family takes charge of canceling the wedding plans. Uh, they contact a band member of the B Street band. A Bruce Springstreet cover band and tell them that the wedding is off. The B Street band, another victim of the Craigslist killer. Were they able to replace that gig or did they lose that money? What happened to fake Bruce and the fake E Street band? Did their fake band lose real money? Incredibly, I can't find sources for that exact information. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:43:09 But before you break into tears, I know this is probably the most upsetting part of this entire episode. I want you to know that the cover band seems to be doing pretty well right now. B Street band still around and according to their website, be street band.com, they play Bruce's music quote, almost spot on. Yes, that is a quote, not spot on, but almost spot on. They'll be celebrating over 40 years of writing springsteens coattails May 16th, 2021 with an anniversary, Bahamas crews for all their fans or maybe for all of real Bruce's fans, not sure whose fans they're referring to fake Bruce or real Bruce.
Starting point is 01:43:42 Please, if you want to know more, visit B StreetBanCruz.com for more details, not even making any of that up. April 26, 2009, news outlets began reporting on Philip's secret life. They revealed that while he was a second year medical student, he had not received any financial support from his family for many years, was living off the student loans and excess of $130,000. Did they not have the money to support him? Was he robbing and gambling to try and pay his way through school?
Starting point is 01:44:08 Also a trip to the Hina's brother had been estranged for years, trying to his brother, as a, you know, visit him in prison, mentioned that they were estranged. What the fuck was really going on in this family? They've never spoken much about Philip. They're very private. I mean, they might just be really quiet, private people. They might just not want to talk about such a painful subject, which is totally fair and makes sense or Just totally speculating are they hiding something?
Starting point is 01:44:29 What's his childhood really that all American? How many skeletons are in their closets? Philips fiance Megan learns about his erotic pastimes when NBC news Jeff Ross and reports on this day show about Philips hidden sex life and his sex addict five three eight five account he had a slightly different number there. I think the one I said earlier had a few different accounts. How shocked you in that beef? He had no idea. How much of that fuck you up? On April 28th, Megan tells the media she will continue to stand by Philip through her new through her new attorney, Robert Hannecker, Jr., Megan releases a statement in which she thanks friends and family for their support and expresses sympathy for all those afflicted by these events. I also love my fiance.
Starting point is 01:45:09 She says, I will continue to support him throughout this legal process. What has been portrayed and leaked to the media is not the Philip Markov that I know. To mean my family, he is a loving and caring person. And in the eyes of the law and the constitution, he is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I just can only hope that the criminal justice system will not be overwhelmed and persuaded by what is being put forth in the media. My fiancee's fate should not rest in the court of public opinion, but rather in a court
Starting point is 01:45:34 of law. And what she's saying is true, but come on, they have so much fucking evidence. Megan added that she did not recognize the man in security camera photos that someone else must be responsible for the two robberies and the murder, the power of denial. So strong. She thought that man in the footage, you know, wasn't her man. She just wasn't seeing what she wanted to see. Dr. Michael Wilner, a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at New York University's School of Medicine, offers up some insights on how she could have ignored so many warning signs, how she could ignore all this evidence, how she could still be able to think Philip is innocent
Starting point is 01:46:07 at this point, he said, think about it. You've got your whole life wrapped up in someone, your whole future is invested. It's a belief and a hope that's as intense as a religion. And suddenly to be confronted with that possibility that that's just not real, that it's a fantasy, you can't click that off overnight. It's a belief that you organize your life around.
Starting point is 01:46:26 And then, again, the soul searching, whom have I picked? Is there something I didn't see? Am I a fool? Can I trust myself? A very difficult and vulnerable place to be. And I absolutely feel for this fiance. She's asking herself, how did I get involved with a con artist who I thought was charming?
Starting point is 01:46:43 What happens when the person that we love turned out to be someone entirely different? And when we find out when it's way too late, what happens when the person we love turned out to be someone we never recognize? And we find out way too late. We've talked a little bit about the doubling down effect and the backfire effect here on time suck before, most recently in the next young cult suck, how people can make a bad decision and because they just can't deal with the idea that they've made a bad decision that it reflects poorly on their
Starting point is 01:47:08 judgment, they refuse to admit they've made a bad decision, they won't see the truth and they just continue to make more bad decisions. Some of that for sure come into play here. Bloggers, columnists, Barbara Walters, the ladies of the view all maintain that Megan is in deep denial that she should distance herself from Philip immediately. I mean, he looks again so guilty. Yes, he has not been tried, but man, looks really bad. The same day, April 26th, Philip is taken off around the clock, suicide watch.
Starting point is 01:47:35 Still has to wear paper clothing. April 29th or April 30th, Megan and her mom leave New Jersey, head up to Boston to see Mark off in the Nashua street jail. It'd be the first time she had seen him since the tour pulled over by those detectives on 95. During the 25 minutes, Megan spends with them. She breaks off their engagement. She've been planning on doing so. She'd come to jail without her engagement ring on.
Starting point is 01:47:55 She'd been apart from him long enough to finally see whom for who he really was. She tells Mark off she would probably never see him again. Philip does not say much except I'm sorry. Megan's lawyer announces to the press that the engagement has been terminated and that Philip and Megan are no longer getting married. Her lawyer tells the press that she would be moving back in with her parents and resuming classes in the fall. On April 30, Philip attempts suicide again by using a metal spoon to slit his wrist, doesn't do much damage and the attempt is unsuccessful. May 4, prosecutors formally now charge Philip Markov and the attempt is unsuccessful. May 4th, prosecutors
Starting point is 01:48:25 formally now charge Philip Markov with the Rhode Island attack on Cynthia Melton as well as Jelissa's murder. By June of 2009, Philip has been moved out of the infirmary into the general population. Apparently, he quickly became friendly with some of the other inmates, even start setting up some poker games. While accounts, he is suddenly now adjusting well to his life in prison. On June 11th, despite saying she'd never seen him again, Megan McCallochir visits Philip one last time to tell him she's going to attend medical school in the Caribbean. As she said, she didn't plan on seeing him again for a long period of time, if ever. Soon after her visit, Philip is caught with a stockpile of anti-anxiety pills that have
Starting point is 01:49:01 been prescribed by the prison psychiatrist. Look like he was preparing for another suicide. He's placed back on suicide watch for a few days. Then he's released back into Gen Pop. Of course, he was probably placed on suicide watch after that meeting. I have tough with that. He has to know now he'll never become a doctor, never be a free man again and all likely. Meanwhile, his fiance is going to become a doctor and going to get her doctorate in the
Starting point is 01:49:21 Caribbean. That'd be a tough pill to swallow, sit in a prison cell, especially during a Boston winter. Think about the girl you're supposed to marry, living down in the Caribbean, and possibly worse, knowing for sure that you are never ever going to get to watch the B Street Band announce your marriage in an intimate setting in front of family and friends before playing a nearly spot on rendition of Born to Run. I mean, that's, you know, something you should probably think about. On June 19th, a grand jury returns a seven-count indictment against Philip in the Brisbane and leftler cases.
Starting point is 01:49:51 June 29th, it's announced that the murder trial has been set for March 14th, 2010, after a hearing in suffix superior court, what Philip is not planning on going to that trial. On August 15th, 2010, Philip finally succeeds in killing himself on the day after the anniversary of what would have been his wedding day. I'm sure that is not a coincidence. In his suicide note, he writes only three words, be street band, and those words are followed by a frowny face. Fake Bruce is real devastated when he hears about this, this connection to the tragedy,
Starting point is 01:50:26 that night in a New Hampshire banquet hall, because he is so shaken up, he sings according to media reports some not even close to spot on renditions of glory days in my hometown. JK, gusting! Of course that's nonsense. No, no. Phil Suicide is actually pretty fucking intense. And normally I would treat a suicide with more reverence, but this guy did a lot of naughty things.
Starting point is 01:50:48 His death was incredibly violent. It seems very well thought out. He for sure did not want to be brought back. He'd spread out photos of Megan McAllister on the table inside his cell. He wrote Megan and pocket in his own blood. Above the doorway, this is going to get more intense. Pocket was a term Markov and McAllister used for each other, you know, to get more intense pocket was a term mark off from a college for each other, you know, when they were together, pet term poor Megan.
Starting point is 01:51:08 I wonder if he did this to partly hurt her. I mean, he had to have known she was going to hear about all this to make sure his suicide is successful. He slashed major arteries on both his ankles and both his legs and the crotted artery in his neck. Then he used plastic bags to catch the flowing blood, then swallowed toilet paper so that he could not be resuscitated and pulled a plastic bag over his head, tightened it with gauze to finalize the act. He laid down in his bed, covered himself up with the blanket, and then died. What the fuck? Man, that was an intense way to go out. That was not a cry for help. That was, uh, you are done. September 16th, prosecutors file a legal brief, meaning they will not proceed further
Starting point is 01:51:48 with the trial. Uh, per Massachusetts law, they dismissed the charges against Markov. Since he dies before a verdict, he cannot legally be found guilty now. So technically, I can't say for sure that he did all that I've just said he did, but come on. All that evidence, that motherfucker was guilty or the no, but come on, all that evidence. That motherfucker was guilty of the no-j. Let's hop out of this timeline now. Good job, soldier. You made it back, barely.
Starting point is 01:52:17 The Craigslist killer, Philip Markov, we still don't know really why he did what he did. On the surface, he had no reason to. He was a handsome second year med student who was engaged to a smart and beautiful woman, had everything going for him, on the possibility of a comfortable, successful life probability of that ahead of him, had a wedding to look forward to, had the B Street band booked. But seriously, he had all that on the surface. Below the surface, the behind the scenes, he was a small stakes gambler, you know, curious about some BDSM stuff that his fiance was not apparently into or at least didn't know about.
Starting point is 01:53:00 He's doing this behind his, you know, fiance's back. He was a serial criminal robbing at least two people, killing at least one, all three were women. He'd met through Craigslist. Why can't he've just dealt with who he really was? Why not see a therapist secretly if you're gonna hide something? I mean, if you're leading a double life,
Starting point is 01:53:18 man, get some help. How long do you think you can keep it all going before it all comes crashing down? I mean, don't you think it always does eventually come crashing down? Don't those two worlds eventually almost always collide. Even when they don't, don't you get sick of carrying the weight of all those secrets? Is it worth keeping it all going to live in constant fear of finally being exposed to know that at any moment, your partner might get the wrong DM, the wrong phone call from
Starting point is 01:53:43 someone in your other life, maybe the police will show up. Then when it all comes crashing down, any hurt you would have caused by confessing your secrets earlier has been amplified. I think about how in between my two marriages in one relationship, I was a double life leading dirt back. Cheated on my girlfriend at the time, many times,
Starting point is 01:54:00 it's terrible, always feel guilt over it. And having been that guy and now no longer being that guy, man, I do not miss being that fucking guy. Always worried when she gonna find out, when is this all gonna end so badly? And it didn't badly. Right when all that was starting for me, a comic friend of mine knew something was going on.
Starting point is 01:54:19 I didn't tell him exactly, but he knew. And one night when he was over at the apartment, I shared with his girlfriend, he told me, I don't know exactly what you're doing, but I know how this ends with a you haul and some tears He was absolutely right like absolutely spot on right I also think about my grandpa warned how he's always been able to fall asleep at the drop of a dime This is gonna relate I promise One day I asked him grandpa. How can you fall asleep so easily, so quickly? And he gave me the best reply. Just two words, clean conscience. You can fall asleep because
Starting point is 01:54:51 then have shit to worry about. So if you live in that double life, do yourself and everyone, it's eventually going to hurt a favor. Just confess. Probably going to be painful as fuck, but better than the alternative. Lighten that load you're carrying. Clean that conscience. My marriage now, I don't go to a fuck of Lindsey Graves on my computer or my phone. She can go to my search history, which is full of horrible shit. Thanks of time, Suck, but I don't care what you find.
Starting point is 01:55:15 She got my phone to look up stuff all the time if it's closer than her phone. Some people think that's weird. Oh, you wife just goes to your phone. I don't give a shit, I can care less. Nothing to hide and it feels so good. Secrets I think oftentimes, man, they can become infected. They can fester.
Starting point is 01:55:29 They can poison your heart, corrode your soul. They can turn you. If you're not careful in some version of the Craigslist killer. So don't do that. Let's get to today's top five takeaways. Hail Nimrod. Time suck. Top five takeaways. Top 5 Takeaways Hail Nimrod.
Starting point is 01:55:48 Number one, the Craigslist Killer. A bit of a deceiving Miss Nomer. Many think he was a serial killer. No, while it's a good sounding moniker for a new show, Philip Markov killed as far as we know, one person, Jelissa Bristman in 2009. Using Craigslist, he did rob at least two other women while he was certainly a bad dude, probably, possibly, but probably not a serial killer. Number two, Craigslist, while mostly good, can be a pretty dangerous place.
Starting point is 01:56:15 Craigslist has been used his way to lure victims into the hands of a variety of criminals, including almost 130 murderers. Meeting up with strangers from the internet is always a risky proposition. So meet up in public, well lit places where your friends and family will know where you're going to be, or maybe don't meet up at all. Number three, the B Street Band will be celebrating over 40 years of never writing their own music on May 16, 2021 with an anniversary Bahamas crews for all of the E Street band fans who can't afford to see the real Bruce and concert. Please visit be street band cruise dot com for more details on how to hear almost spot
Starting point is 01:56:50 on Bruce Springsteen cover socks. And I'm such an asshole. They're probably awesome dudes, but that's funny for me. Number four, no one really knows what made Philip Markov snap. No one knows a lot of things about Philip Markov, including where all those panties came from at his apartment, where there are other victims. Is that why he seems so confident in his first robbery? Because his victims were sex workers who statistically are more hesitant to report crimes to the police. And the rest of the general population, uh, I
Starting point is 01:57:17 guess we'll probably never know. And number five, something new is a staple of the internet Craigslist has been used for so many things. Did you know that a bank robber, once used it, to stage an elaborate movie-like diversion during a heist? Back in 2008, a creative criminal, the flair for the dramatic rob in armored truck, parked outside of a Bank of America in Monroe, Washington, is the half hour Northeast of Seattle. Anthony Cursello, crowd sourced his robbery
Starting point is 01:57:42 by placing an ad on Craigslist for road maintenance workers. He asked applicants to meet near the bank wearing yellow safety vests, goggles, a blue shirt, and a respirator mask. The same disguise he was wearing when he overpowered a guard with pepper spray, stole money, and fled the scene. Police arrived to find several men matching the suspect's exact description. Pretty fucking genius, but he would get caught. Curseos undoing would come a month later.
Starting point is 01:58:07 When a homeless man reported to the police at several weeks before the robbery, he'd seen a man drive up to that bank of America, retrieve a disguise from behind a trash bin. The man found it suspicious enough to write down the license plate number of the car, which he later provided to the police, and that car which was registered to Curseo.
Starting point is 01:58:23 What the man had seen was one of Cursecio's practice runs to ensure proper timing of the heist. At a presence since 2013, Curcio is now an author and a public speaker. Time suck, tough, five takeaways. The Craigslist killer has been sucked. I know so much more about Craigslist now. Interesting tale. Hope you enjoyed it as well.
Starting point is 01:58:47 Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team for all the help in making time suck. Queen of Bad Magic Lindsey Cummins. Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley, the Scripps Keepers, Zach Flannery, Sophie Faxx source for his Evans, Biddelixer, Logan Keith, the Art Warlock, running Bad Magic Merch dot com in the socials. Thanks to all those who've joined the cult of the Curious Private Facebook group group over 24,000 members who continue to make time suck more than a podcast. They make it a community, hail Nimrod to all of you. Thank you to Liz Hernandez and her all seen eyes running the cult of the curious Facebook
Starting point is 01:59:15 page, where the, what is it? We are Dan thing is still going on. Megan howe Ellie darling Danny, Robbie Erickson, Jacob Carey, Kaley Fitzpatrick, Jeffrey Bistrin, Adam Gustafason, Kathleen Salar and Shelley Aniston. I apologize for my mispronounced any of your names, but I'm sure you're not surprised. Thanks to beef steak and the Mont squad of Jesse Becky and Cody running wild on Discord. And thanks to all of you space losers playing the time suck trivia, portion of the app of the time suck app, Bodie 210, currently in the round six, lead with 3000 points, a couple of weeks yet to play. A next week is our last suck of 2020. What will it be about? Not sure. Half of it will be a recap of what's happened this year with time suck roughly half
Starting point is 02:00:01 with bad magic productions. You know, it's been a, it's been an interesting year for sure. The other half will be some shorter inspirational tale like we did last year. I like to have been a little tradition now. I look forward to telling a lighter story, also sharing some, you know, behind the scenes info with all of you. And again, yeah, what a wild, wild year to recap, but we have been very fortunate. And yeah, very, I'm proud and just grateful for what we were able to accomplish here in 2020. And now let's head on over to this week's Time Sucker update. It's the last update, especially touching update
Starting point is 02:00:33 to an update that touched many people's hearts quite some time ago here in our community. Updates, get your time, sucker updates. All right, we got a lot of these messages. I'm just gonna share one. It's about snakes, of course. First up, an example of one of the many flying snake related messages sent last week from snake,
Starting point is 02:00:54 fearing meat stack, Dylan, investor, Dylan writes, Dan, you awakened my nightmares. Greetings main Dan. This is one of the many Dan's that have come about in recent times. I'm here because you are recently making up some bullshit that got me in first because it resonated Greetings, main Dan. This is one of the many Danes that have come about in recent times. I am here because you are recently making up some bullshit that got me in first because it resonated with something I vaguely remembered learning about during my childhood.
Starting point is 02:01:12 There is a snake that glides and is venomous. It terrified me as a child and you woke up that fear that had been stuffed deep into my psyche. I'll attach a picture with the description below, signed Dylan Ivester, AKA Dan number 1,366. Thank you, Dylan, AKA Dan 1366. Yeah, the fear is real. And also, again, I love how the we are Dan or the Dan Sember, as it's being called by some movement continues to grow inside the cult of the curious Facebook group. How wonderfully weird. She cracks me up.
Starting point is 02:01:51 Thanks for everyone playing that play along with that joke. Hail, Nimrod. Now very cool new update to an old episode coming in from Super Sucker. Kenzie Evans coming in from across the Atlantic. Thanks to everyone else who also passed us along. Kenzie writes, zodiac killer cipher sust, mother fuckers. Dear master sucker, mother fucker, danian,Dannyus, Cummins Anus, I'm your Huckleberry, the Third Esquire, sorry for the aggressive subject line. Just wanted to get your attention. I'm a huge fan of the podcast. I've been listening for a few months now, though still way behind. Just finished listening to the Spanish Inquisition.
Starting point is 02:02:19 Listening to the podcast has been a lifesaver on my long car journeys. I drive two hours each way to work. Wow. And you've really helped break up the monotony of the drive. Your brand of comedy is exactly my sense of humor, and I love your wacky segways and character cameos like the infamous Chica Tilo. Well, that's this big deal.
Starting point is 02:02:33 I just rassled to make sure I'm strong Russian youth. Ignore soft, cuckoo shame. Anyway, to the point of this email, I thought you would have been, I thought you would be interested to know that the Zodiac Killer Cyiphers have finally been solved. An Australian software engineer, an American cryptographer and a Belgian software engineer sounds it to be any joke, crack the final cipher after 50 years.
Starting point is 02:02:54 The cipher reads, I hope you are having lots of fun and trying to catch me. That wasn't me on the TV show, which brings up a point about me. I am not afraid of the gas chamber because it will send me to paradise all the sooner because I now have enough slaves to work for me, where everyone else has nothing when they reach paradise. So they are afraid of death. I am not afraid because I know that my new life is life because I know that my new life is life will be an easy one in paradise death. What an absolute creep. People who are capable of thinking like this, chill me to the bone, right?
Starting point is 02:03:28 Start with a long email. I just thought you'd like to hear the news on the breakthrough after all this time. Keeping an awesome thanks for making time suck a thing that I never knew. I needed your faithful, yold English time sucker and soon to be space lizard, Kenzie Evans. Well, thank you, Kenzie. Appreciate the info and the kind words. Now, the FBI recognized an international team. Yeah, as you said, of three private citizens for cracking this code. And they released a statement saying the FBI is aware that a cipher attributed
Starting point is 02:03:54 to the Zodiac Killer was recently solved by private citizens. The Zodiac Killer case remains an ongoing investigation for the FBI San Francisco Division and our local law enforcement partners. The Zodiac Killer terrorized multiple communities across Northern California. And even though decades have gone by, we continue to seek justice for the victims of these brutal crimes. Due to the ongoing nature of the investigation, and that of respect for the victims and their families, we will not be providing further comment at this time. Yeah, 46-year-old software developer in Virginia Dave,
Starting point is 02:04:22 Aranchek seems to have led this team. The mention of the TV show and gas chambers refers to a call made to a talk show on KGO TV a month prior to sending the cipher, you know, to the zodiac killer sending it. How cool to be if this somehow led to either an arrest or if the suspect is dead, which is probable at least an announcement of this guy probably did it. The zodiac killer sent in that code 51 years ago and they just cracked it. Next up, SuperSucker TJ Smith delivers us an interesting MLM, AMway related message, TJ writes,
Starting point is 02:04:52 Hello Dan, he who sucks highest and hardest on Suck Mountain, Satan's wingman guard him the suck. I've been listening to Time Suck for about a year now and can tell you my life is so much better for it. I started listening for the true crime episodes, then because of your dark comedic tangents and inside jokes, stay to listen to your breakdown of historical events and figures. You often offer stances on debates and polarizing people, and they are supported by interesting facts and research. Sorry, it's taken so long to finally contact you, but I absolutely had to. After listening to an older episode on the cult of Tony and Susan Alamo. I type as fast as an arthritic champ in the dark,
Starting point is 02:05:26 so this message takes time. In the episode you discussed in detail MLMs in AMway specifically. When I was in sixth grade, my teacher ran our class like a business. We would get in play money $100 for an A, $50 for a B, and $25 for a C. With $1,000, you can buy a share of stock.
Starting point is 02:05:42 At the end of the year, we divided the money in the treasury by the total of stocks in the class and paid out how much each share was worth. It was a great lesson on economics that age, and while it may be ancient history at this point, I still remember that I made $163 for my time in sixth grade. Anyway, our way of raising money was to sell items
Starting point is 02:05:58 from a kid-friendly version of Amway. I looked into the company in high school only because of hearing the name and thought how funny it was that I got to sell it back then. It wasn't until listing to that old episode that I realized for years that teacher probably moved up to Amway ranks because each spring he had 20 to 25 new recruits to sell to their families and friends. How crazy to think that he was padding his teacher salary with great God Amway money. And wait, anyway, just needed to take 44 minutes to write you. Made me laugh and had to share, sorry, one more thing.
Starting point is 02:06:29 As a fan, I know you're a dad and so am I, to three beautiful meat sacks, two boys, 18 and 15, as well as a beautiful little eight year old daughter. As the boys in particular get older, I worry about having things we can really bond over and thus be involved in their lives over a time when they really want to be independent. Well, time suck offers, off, there.
Starting point is 02:06:46 Well, time suck offers just that with my oldest at least. He and I both listen while going about our day. We really like to zodiac and, oh man, Simo Hayak, I can never remember his last name. The Finnish sniper episodes. So thank you more than you know, and as a parent can understand, to be able to have conversations last with him over something you created, it hits in the fields, thank you, Sir and as a parent can understand, to be able to have conversations
Starting point is 02:07:05 last with him over something you created, it hits in the fields. Thank you, sir. Well, thank you, TJ. I hope you like today's Zodiac Killer Update. Glad to suck and help us in parental bonding. I know that can be tough. That's awesome. And how bossy that your Amway teacher, your Amway member teacher, I had been using Amway
Starting point is 02:07:24 in the classroom, getting kids to sell some Amway member teacher had been using Amway in the classroom, getting kids to sell some Amway products. Hail the good God Amway, maker of safe, affordable, and ammonia-free glass cleaner, and many of their useful and money-saving home-care products. Now let's hear from a Cummins Law victim. Funny sack, BB Lynn writes, Cummins Law, and disorder. And I thank you. Never thought I'd get Cummins, but goddamn it, you motherfucker,
Starting point is 02:07:46 I've been baptized in embarrassment. I was walking back home the other day when I asked my boyfriend to come pick me up, I underestimated the distance and overestimated my physical capabilities. Anyway, he pulls up to where I am with his new car automatically connects to my phone. I've been listening to the Dark Ages episode
Starting point is 02:08:02 and my boyfriend became very confused when Crowe began talking about mostly beef food and semen fry sauce. Needless to say, my boyfriend had some questions. So fuck you for making my boyfriend question my sanity. It's mostly beef, I promise. Now that I'm done cursing your name, it's time to give you my thanks. In the early days of the suck, you brought up how much you can't stand complainers who whine about their lives, but make up excuses and don't do anything about it.
Starting point is 02:08:24 I was one of those boo-hoo babies and I needed to hear that. My anxiety wasn't an excuse to give up on life, and even though I think comfort is an assessed in life, so is hard work. This is what made me finally decide to join the military so I could afford school, get some experience under my belt. I've been in for almost two years now,
Starting point is 02:08:39 and joining the military has made me grow and change more than all my life. I've met my boyfriend who has taught me to love myself. I have learned to put myself first sometimes. I've learned that there are way more good people in the world than one could ever know. So thank you, but still, fuck you. I hope to have answered you to be able to go
Starting point is 02:08:55 to one of your stand-up shows. Happy holidays, the entire Bad Magic family and fan base. Yours, Trilly Brook, follower of Lucifina. Brook, thank you for your service and so happy for you. You fucking did it, right? You chose a better life for yourself. So many don't. You made some moves, didn't have to.
Starting point is 02:09:12 You pushed yourself for change. That's hard. But you wanted to change for the better. And you're now reaping the rewards of I'm sure would spend a lot of hard work. And Nimrod is so pleased. As is Lucifina, hail you Brooke. Now for some more inspiration. From Happy hunting sack, Eric Santa, Eric writes, banner fucking year. Hello to master sucker
Starting point is 02:09:32 and the great time suck crew, Eric Santa, loyal time sucker in space is here. This is going to be a long one. So buckle up, buttercup. I was born and raised in a small and essential Nebraska town and listed in the US Army at 17 and 2003 was in the infantry for six glorious years. Did two tours in Iraq and being infantry, I saw more than my fair share of horrific shit. Medically separated for hearing loss, the army wanted to put me in a non-combat job. I opted to be separated. It was during that six years that I developed my dark sense of humor.
Starting point is 02:10:00 Balance from place to place, from job to job, I was a regional manager under Captain Wishcorn, known to customers as Lieutenant Sugarbretches. Nice. It was also a field tester for Woody's rape repellent. And that was a rough stretch pun intended. Woo! Skip to 2020, found time so I can, after you're get out of here, devil album.
Starting point is 02:10:18 A binge listened sense and I'm caught up. Found my community in the process, realized I'm not the only dark son of a bitch on this flat rock we call earth. Through this shitty year of pestilence, I got engaged to the mother of my six kids. Three step kids, three directly descended, have made a jump in status, no promotion, but a big raise, more responsibility at my work. Also got the biggest white tail buck of my hunting career this year, hunting is my therapy,
Starting point is 02:10:41 war memories, instead of going through life drugged up on VA mitts. This year has been rough, but it is what you make it. Nothing can stop hard work in a positive attitude, cliche, but true, with a little dark, cited humor thrown in. Thank you and the crew for simply doing what you do and helping anyone and everyone with what you can. PS all pictures attached, taking in Nebraska, the one of me on one knee, taking it Fort Robinson, same Fort Robinson where chief crazy horse was killed.
Starting point is 02:11:06 Also wanted to send you guys some venison jerky, but don't know the address to the suck dungeon. And would you guys even eat it, especially with COVID and such would you even want? Thank you guys for reading this. And as always keep on sucking. Uh, well, wow, Eric, uh, that view from near Fort Robinson is beautiful. Not to sound like a dick, but I genuinely didn't realize Nebraska had vistas like that. I just think of it so flat. And that buck is a beauty. Thank you for the pick. Yeah, you got a good one.
Starting point is 02:11:29 COVID kind of fucked my honey plans for this year. Everyone getting sick here, including me, but too much work in my plate. I would love some jerky. PO Box 3891, cordaline Idaho A316. I already had COVID, I'm not worried. And I will eat it, but please don't poison me. So glad you found your community. Thanks for your service. You got a beautiful lady. Thanks for the pics, congrats. That was weird. I added that about the pics.
Starting point is 02:11:50 I just meant like in a nice way you shared your life. Not like, I think for the pics you're a lady. I congrats on a great year. Keep on grinding. Hail Luciferina and keep it dark. Two more, first a quick shout out from a Hurt and Stucker. Charlie Ward, Charlie writes, Hey, Danimal, I'm gonna listen to your podcast for a while now.
Starting point is 02:12:07 I started at the beginning, skipped around a bit, and I listened to Is We Done as well. I used to have more time to listen, but being in the hospitality industry, I'm rarely going to the office for work. I wanted to thank you, forgiven me, something to listen to in order to take my mind off things recently.
Starting point is 02:12:20 Had to put my dog down and listening to your podcast made things better. He was my best friend for 12 years. I wanted him to go down with some dignity instead of breaking his leg after falling down a staircase. At any rate, after listing to a recent time suck and subsequent is we dumb, I remember you were talking about how ridiculous the name Harold Richard would be. And I wanted to let you know that my father was the owner of that unfortunate first and middle name. First and middle, okay, Harold Richard, it was always a little annoying when
Starting point is 02:12:45 my friends in school would figure it would figure out that my father's name was Harry Dick. At any rate, thanks for doing what you do, especially with all the charity. And if you do read this on the podcast, can you give a shout out to my dog Cooper? I imagine he would have gotten along well with Bojangles. You're welcome for the long email, CW. Well, sorry for your loss, Charlie. First and foremost, and good boy Cooper, wag your tail up there in Puppy Heaven. Ojangles is pleased, have some extra table scraps on him. And I hope Harry Dick was a fantastic father. Too bad he didn't give you the exact same name, right?
Starting point is 02:13:15 You could have been Harry Dick, whatever your last name is, junior. Could have been a Harry Dick junior, probably ended up as a serial killer. Glad we could help turn things around, Charlie. Keep on sucking. And now the last one big update Long time listers will remember Adam from Canada and his baby boy Jacob who was suffering from cancer
Starting point is 02:13:32 Adam wrote in some messages that definitely made me cry Many but I think everybody here at the suck down to cry many of you as well The cold to the curious sent little Jacob a lot of presents We all hope to hear some good news eventually. Well Jennifer Jennifer Smith, Adam's wife and Jacob's mother has some good news. Thank you. Nimrod to share with us all now. She writes, dear Dan and Lindsay, my name is Jennifer. And although you do not know me, you do know my husband and son or at least no of them. I am the wife and mother of Adam, the random Canadian meat sack and Jacob respectively. This letter has been a long time in the making, but recently, while listening to Time Suck and scared to death, I've heard your announcements for the giving tree. It was completely struck,
Starting point is 02:14:10 and I'm not embarrassed to say brought to tears by the amount of money people have raised to help their fellow human beings and ensure a magical Christmas for their children. Hearing this made me think about all the kindness my family has received from the Time Suck family, I wanted to write and give you an update. Full disclosure, I'm not quite the word Smith. My husband is. You're a very good writer, actually, both you. And there is no way I could ever be a professional letter writer, but here it goes. Since last, Adam wrote you, many things have changed, as you can imagine. While in a hospital for a chemo treatment for Jacob, we found out that the treatments were not working. And although the cancer was not getting worse, it was certainly not getting better.
Starting point is 02:14:45 This led us on a long path to discover that he is one of the lucky ones who has a mutation of his cancer genes, and this mutation makes the cancer resistant to chemotherapy. This is extremely rare. And in fact, at the time, he was the only patient with this mutation in the type of cancer that our doctor was aware of.
Starting point is 02:15:02 Now, there are many things that happened in this time, including the sling of a bunch of scientific jargon, jargon, consulting with the top neuroblast tomogod in Canada, tests, and finally being given a diagnosis of Jacob needing a very specific drug to fight this mutation, and learning that if he didn't receive this drug, he would likely only have three months to live.
Starting point is 02:15:21 Although learning that the mutation was the cause of the chemo, not working was a good first step. We ran into a number of issues, including the fact that the mutation had never been seen in this type of cancer before. And because this drug needed was not approved to be used in pediatric patients, cue the quest to petition the powers that be to allow this drug to be given to our 10 months old son. The next step was trying to determine whether we could even afford to buy this drug for our son, as we were told this was considered experimental and therefore it could be quite
Starting point is 02:15:49 pricey. I cannot even express how stressed and scared Adam and I were, cannot imagine. We were basically given the worst case scenario and told it would come with a hefty price tag. And then just like that, our doctor got word that health Canada would approve the drug for use and against all reason mainly because the drug was only newly approved in Canada. Our benefit company said they would cover the majority of the cost within a couple of weeks. We were able to start Jacob on the new medicine. We were able to watch cancer numbers that have once been in the 2000s drop and drop and drop and drop
Starting point is 02:16:18 felt like a miracle by the time the next scan a couple months later. Most of the cancer was dead. Although I cannot say that Jacob is cancer free. I can say that he is living with a small amount that is currently being managed and no major side effects from the medication. I'll be honest and say that I'd hoped I would be able to tell you all that he'd been able to ring that cancer free bell, but that's not where we are, but he's doing amazing. He is now two and a half and is a wonderful little boy. He's busy doing little kid things like riding his bike. Yes, even in December and Canada, watching Paw Patrol, eating goldfish crackers, all things we once thought we'd never watch him do.
Starting point is 02:16:51 We are blessed to have this beautiful person in our lives. He is the light I can't imagine life without him. And because life wasn't quite crazy enough, we decided to add another person to the mix. On March 12, 2020, we welcomed our daughter and pandemic baby grace to the world. She is smart and beautiful and perfectly completes our family. I am grateful every day for all the thoughts, prayers and waves that we have received from you and the time suck family. My heart is warmed when I think of all the love we received and wanted to send my sincere thank you to both you and all
Starting point is 02:17:19 of your listeners. I hope that one day when the world reopens and standing less than six feet from another person doesn't mean a potential death sentence, you can meet my wonderful family. I can shake your hand and thank you for your kindness. Not just for my family, but for all the families you work so hard to help in a world with so much hate and uncertainty, it's so refreshing to see true kindness and caring for other people. Please know that you and your team will always hold a special place in my heart. I wish you all health and happiness sincerely, Jennifer.
Starting point is 02:17:44 Well, holy shit shit Jennifer. Wow. So glad we got that kind of message. I'm not gonna lie pretty nervous when I heard you had written in. So happy for you and your family. Hail Nimrod. Hail fucking science. Hail the scientists who continually push it forward. The researchers who saved your son who developed that medicine, that is miraculous. Can I wait to meet you and your family to see Little Jacob? Goldfish crackers has got good taste. I had some of those last night. Still eat those all the time. I hope you get some in so many bike rides this winter. Tough little Canadian dude. Congrats on Little Grace. Hug your wonderful family from all of us. And hail Nimrod.
Starting point is 02:18:31 Next time, suckers, I need a net. We all did. Wow, I was, uh, that was intense. Well, I'm so glad I was good news. More bad magic productions content coming the rest of the week, me, sex. Uh, Spooks was scared to death, late Tuesday night, silliness with Is Is We Done Wednesday at noon Pacific time. Please don't arrange robberies on Craigslist this week to feed your gamut addiction. How about you enjoy the holidays? And instead, you just, I don't know, maybe just keep on sucking. We know episode the episode's done.
Starting point is 02:19:05 No, I know. I just wanted to reach out to Spokane area Dwayne. Oh, it's Dwayne. Yeah, I just wanted to see if he just needed any help. Maybe a ride, maybe a teammate. I just know I know some guys who like that sort of thing. What, pussy? you

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