Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 227 - Operation Paperclip: Nazi War Criminals Hired by the United States

Episode Date: January 18, 2021

In the final days of World War II and in the next few years after the war was over, the U.S. government helped hundreds and hundreds of Nazi Scientists whose knowledge and expertise was deemed crucial... to the development of advanced weapons - no matter HOW complicit they were in heinous Nazi activities - to relocate to the States and become integral pieces of the US military-industrial complex. The US wanted them to continue their work on creating atomic bombs, weaponizing plagues, making chemical weapons, and sometimes, even medically experimenting on people in ways that certainly violate the “do no harm” oath that doctors take, to find out either how enemies would be affected by weapons, how US soldiers and civilians might best recover from the devastating effects of their attacks, and more. Evil stuff. We look into who some of the Nazi scientists were today, and also into how the US was crossing plenty of moral lines without their help before and after WW2. Does being really good at science and making important medical and military progress justify committing crimes against humanity? Operation contributions likely changed the outcome of the Cold War - but does that make it right? Treading some murky waters today, as we dive into a morally ambiguous, top-secret, declassified Nazi history edition of Timesuck.Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Aumvi_h-WkQ Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste) Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're over 10,000 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Operation Paperclip. That's what we'll be talking about this week. In the final days of World War II and after the war was over, the US government helped hundreds and hundreds of Nazi scientists whose knowledge and expertise was deemed crucial to the development of advanced weapons. And we're how complicit they were in heinous Nazi activities to relocate to the states and become integral pieces of the US military industrial complex. The US wanted them to continue their work on creating atomic bombs, weaponizing plagues, making chemical weapons, and sometimes even experimenting on people in ways that certainly violate the do not harm oath, the doctors take to find out either how enemies would be affected
Starting point is 00:00:38 by weapons, how US soldiers and civilians might best recover from the devastating effects of their attacks and more. In the US government, a paperclip was affixed to the files of various scientists who were deemed desirable to recruit. And thus, Operation Paperclip received its name, and many former followers of Hitler were assigned some paperclips, at least around 1600, based on what we currently know. And these recruits did contribute to the strength of the US military, heavily. Their research aided both non-military and civilian technical and medical progress. Without them, we wouldn't have so much of the research
Starting point is 00:01:12 now essential to live in our modern world. Everything from insecticides to weapons of mass destruction, to cancer treatments, developed and or dramatically improved through American-funded Nazi research. Even some of the technology used in space exploration generated on the backs of human experiments and labor and concentration camps. And all this begs the age-old question,
Starting point is 00:01:32 do the ends justify the means? Did certain Nazis being really, really good at science, justify them getting away with some really serious crimes against humanity? The US today is a world leader and medical, military, and other sciences in part because of the work, Operation Paperclip Sciences did after they came over from Germany, after they willingly committed heinous crimes
Starting point is 00:01:53 on behalf of the Nazi war effort. Their contributions likely change the outcome of the Cold War and thus the world as a whole. And even if they hadn't been recruited by the United States, it's not like all of our modern tech medicine weapons, etc. would have been developed ethically without them. That's another thing to consider in this episode. The US had been conducting its own unethical experiments prior to World War II and would continue to do so after World War II, with and without former Nazis. When it really comes down to it, there are few areas of scientific progress that have not been tainted at some point in their history by immoral or unethical behavior.
Starting point is 00:02:29 We're going to tread some murky waters listening to Time Sun. To talk some. Happy Monday, Meet's X. How about you trying to ignore some of the craziness that may surround you right now and escape with me for a few hours into some very interesting history? Or can wait checking that news feed for more stories, you probably already read more stories that are probably just going to piss you off. I can probably wait too, right? Hail Nimrod. Love you, Lucifina. Praise the jangles and Yamo and right here. Triple M. I'm Dan Cummins. Nimrod's bootlicker. Lucifina's wardrobe stylist and you are listing
Starting point is 00:03:21 two time suck. Still no stand up tour dates to announce. Currently hoping, and this feels very promising at the moment, to restart my stand up tour. So late almost a year now, at the end of this summer and August. Very optimistic that at that point, shit will be consistently opened up around the nation. If it's not, well, I'm going to have a lot more to worry about since the old stand up company. And so will everybody else. So hopefully everything's opened up by then. For the time being, thanks for letting me get lost in some podcasts.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Thanks for getting lost with me. Super weird new shirt at BadMagicMarch.com. This tour today, a Dommers, Wings and Thangs t-shirt, Jeffrey Dommer and Chicken Wings. Combined, finally! After so much demand, a bit of long time since we covered Jeffrey Dahmer. We didn't ever do a Jeffrey Dahmer chicken wings joke, but our in-house art warlock Logan Keith, Phil's inspired, came up with something unique and weird, thought it was funny, and so do I.
Starting point is 00:04:14 And so it lives. Thanks again to all of our Patreon supporters for allowing us to donate $11,600 this month to the Rickins Idaho EMTs. Grandma Betty handed the check over personally, and I guess the woman who received it at City Hall literally burst into tears. Well, she didn't literally burst, but you get it. She cried. They never get donations.
Starting point is 00:04:36 I like that. It's going to help them so damn much. So thank you, thank you. Facebook.com slash Rigginsambulance if you'd like to donate more yourself. And thank you for the continued ratings and reviews, time suck online, very humbling and motivating. And last quick message before we jump into today's tale, for my American meat sacks, don't believe all the hype. We are still one nation undivided.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Might not always feel like it, but I do believe it. I'll let media focus on extremists on either side of the aisle, make you forget that there's a great, big, relatively silent majority right there in the middle. Don't let the fact you saw Biden sign. Make you think your neighbor wants to turn America into some Stalinist dumpster fire of communist gulags and despair, and don't let the fact you saw a Trump sign.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Make you think your neighbor, you know, saw the QAnon Capitol raid was true patriotism, or that they want to turn America and do white supremacist waslam lot of moderate liberals and conservatives out there in america lot of good liberals and good conservatives truly truly uh... i know many of both don't fall to the wrong echo chamber house a mirrors and let it distract you from
Starting point is 00:05:35 the fact that america is almost always run from the fucking center so hail them right to you all and now let's get not see uh... wait poor poor wording chose choice uh... let's let's not get not see let's get Nazi. Wait, poor wording choice. Let's not get Nazi. Let's not ever get Nazi. Let's instead explore some Nazi history, much better wording today on TimeSack. Operation paperclip was a post-war US intelligence program that brought German scientists, many of whom were very active in the National Socialist, aka Nazi Party, to America, under secret military
Starting point is 00:06:10 contracts. In many cases, these people literally got away with murder. Sometimes a lot of murder, mass murder, and torture, all kinds of torture of innocent people, young and old alike, under Operation Paperclip, which officially began in July of 1945, but was preceded by several lead up missions and recruiting and even the same operation under a different title. German scientists worked to develop rockets, chemical and biological weapons, aviation and space medicine, and a lot of other military grade weaponry during a time when America
Starting point is 00:06:40 really needed it, the Cold War. Easy Botangles. The communists don't win in this story. You know that. Sorry, three-legged commune, Hayton, One-eyed Pipple, mascot, botjangles, really been on edge recently. Anyway, roughly 1600 scientists were recruited by US spies as part of Operation Paperclip around the end of World War II.
Starting point is 00:06:58 So many, and many of these scientists were and still are seen as some of the most brutal war criminals of their time. Not all of them to be sure or high level ecstatic to be along for Hitler's ride, hateful to the core Nazi fucks, some were just talented nerds who just happened to be German. Like everyone when a war breaks out, you know, they didn't pick where they were born and they weren't overjoyed about who was in charge of their nation. But many of them were Hitler fans for sure. They were men who advanced through the ranks of the Nazi hierarchy in part because they
Starting point is 00:07:27 were very down for the cause. Very, very hard to make the case that all these elite brains were just doing their job, just following orders. Now, if they didn't comply, they'd be killed. Many of them could have definitely escaped from Germany as the war effort was ramping up. They had the means, they had the chance, they didn't take the chance. Some of them were literally award winning Nazis. They like being there.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Aided the scientists who had come over, Otto Ambrose, Theodore Benziger, Kurt Blum, Walter Dornberger, Sigmund Neymire, Walter Schreiber, Walter Sheber, not repeating the same name. One letter different from the last Walter, Werner von Braun, each at some point worked hand in hand with the most powerful Nazis of all. Herman Gurring, Heinrich Himmler, Adolf Hitler. What if Hitler ever confused to those Walters?
Starting point is 00:08:14 Send in Walter Scheiber immediately, I need to talk to him about the experiments. Yes, Fierre, at once Fierre. Yes, he does, it is I Walter Scheiber. He has to talk about the experiments. Nein, you're the wrong voter. I want to talk to shriver, not shriver. This is five years losing to all too many voters. I don't know, maybe that happened.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Also, I think we have to bring back crazy himmer from the Nazi search for the Holy Grail again, right? Let me some mockery, making some mockery out of a crazy himmer on his pet psychic, Carl Villagate, who literally was trying to find this sort of destiny and secret tunnel leading to Thuel, some Aryan realm of Nazi giants living inside the hollow earth if you missed that episode.
Starting point is 00:08:53 So much crazy, if you recall, that from our Nazi search from the Holy Grail Suck could be did here. That's my good friend Carl. He's making a map of the Sula instances so we can find the magic wizard vans, some ex-ice giants or something to win the war for Hitler. I forget exactly what kind of hawk is hawk us. He is cooking up. I love him. So he's such a wonderful mind. Carnar so excited to work with all
Starting point is 00:09:13 these vultus. So much insanity with the Nazis going over a lot of it today. Instead of looking into their insane occult beliefs, going to be looking at their insane treatment of, you know, random other meat sacks instead. Many of the Operation Paperclop scientists were dedicated members of Nazi party. Ten of them had also joined the ultraviolence, ultra-nationalistic Nazi party, paramilitary squads, the essay, the stormtroopers, and the SS. And you didn't become a member of the SS by being kind of sort of into Hitler and his ideology, for the most part. One branch of the SS ran the concentration camps. Another branch enforced Hitler's horrible racist agenda among the civilian public.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Many of the SS were the worst of the worst. SS has been described as the foremost agency of security, surveillance, and terror within Germany and German occupied Europe. Two operation paper clip recruits even wore the Golden Party badge on their suits, which indicated either long standing and unbroken loyalty to the party since 1933, or special favor from the Fuhrer, or both. As a scientist, you only got this badge
Starting point is 00:10:17 if you're one of Hitler's favorite pet Nazi nerds. Good nerd. Him or not, do you like this nerd? I'm crutch fond of him. Oh yeah, I love this nerd. Hit the good Volta. For the good Nazi boy. Like I said earlier, not all these recruits were people who happened to be born Nazi Germany
Starting point is 00:10:31 and became scientists and engineers. Some of them seemed to have became scientists and engineers to help Nazi Germany to further the ideology of Aryan supremacy. And it was some of these men who came to the United States at the behest of the joint chiefs of staff. Some of these men were welcomed by Uncle Sam into the armament of America. Why? Because the US was worried that if they didn't grab these Nazi scientists, the Soviet Union
Starting point is 00:10:51 would. And I have to say, that was not some unfounded fear. The Soviets were 100% for sure scooping up former Nazi scientists for their own military death machine after World War II. Stalin also coveted his pet Nazi nerds. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the next episode. Let's hear it in the Icom. Okay, fun. The Soviets recruited 2,200 German specialists in total of more than 6,000 people, including family members during just one night on October 22nd, 1946. Just one night they did this. Over 6,000 people and scientific equipment all moved into Russian hands. The Russians literally attempted to transplant
Starting point is 00:11:39 entire research and production centers, such as a relocated V2 rocket center from Germany to the Soviet Union and collect as much as material as possible. So if the US would not have recruited or imprisoned or killed the scientists, they did recruit into Operation Paperclip, the Russians would have almost certainly brought them east for their own Cold War purposes. And the US would use this reality to justify doing what they did. Both Russia and the US also seemed to justify doing what they did. Both Russia and the US also seemed to justify
Starting point is 00:12:06 doing what they did under a spoils of war mentality. They'd won the war, right? They defeated Nazi Germany, and therefore they felt entitled to certain spoils, like innovations that the Germans had made. Even if these innovations were made under some of the most evil conditions man had come up with. And any future innovations that could be made
Starting point is 00:12:24 by Nazi scientists, more spoils of war. All right, enough premise establishment. Let's set up the more specific dirt we're going to get into now and then get into it. In order to cover Operation Paperclip, we'll have to first look at just how far Nazi scientists managed to push ethics in their experiments back home in Hitler's Germany. Then we'll look at some of the Nazis who would get a second chance at life in America, you know, and get some American citizenship via Operation Paperclip before diving into this week's Time Stock Timeline, that will include not just important Operation Paperclip
Starting point is 00:12:55 dates, but also a history of unethical full-rays into medical experimentation, biological warfare, and more conducted by American scientists before and after World War II to illustrate this story isn't as simple as Nazi scientists. Bad American scientists. Good. Not at all. So what were the Nazis up to during the war? Exactly what kind of ethical breaches did the Nazis commit?
Starting point is 00:13:19 Well, from what I can tell, they really didn't do anything wrong or bad. You know, they seemed deep down like good guys, just kind of doing what they thought was best for the nation. Full disclosure, all of my Nazi research today came from stormfront.org. It was the most credible website I could find when it came to researching the Nazis. JK, Gasteng! So much JK. Stormfront.org is a white supremacist Holocaust IX Nazi loving racial hate site and
Starting point is 00:13:45 forum for paranoid racist lunatics. It's been around since 1996. Go there if you want nothing but the fake is to fake news. It's fucking trash. The Nazis of course committed all kinds of historical atrocities and ethical breaches. I think otherwise is to be, well, you know, really bad at thinking. For starters, it's well known that Nazi Germany, especially during the Holocaust, used human beings as slave labor. And they saw nothing wrong with using lives.
Starting point is 00:14:08 They saw as a 100% expendable as lab rats as well. The people who inhabited their concentration camps, Jews from across Europe, Romani people, ethnic polls, Soviet POWs, homosexuals, mentally disabled Germans and more, often quickly put to death and gas chambers or shot and thrown in mass graves. Often they were also worked to death, which to me might be more cruel than a quick death in a gas chamber or death via a firing squad. Millions worked for
Starting point is 00:14:35 Germany during the war, furthering the efforts of the very war machine that focused on eradicating them, working under the constant fear of death, working while being fed starvation rations, while being beaten, while watching their fellow prisoners friends lovers family their children continually die around them Sometimes these prisoners were also cruelly experimented on and ways similar to what unit 731 did on behalf of the Japanese government at the same time across the world Covered those atrocities in our unit 731 suck in November of 2017, holy shit. Stomach turning stuff about as bad and dark as it gets. Like scientists working for the Japanese army, Nazi scientists cruelly experimented on people with no anesthesia. They conducted experiments that either fucked them up for the rest of
Starting point is 00:15:20 their lives or killed them in very unnecessary and preposterously horrific ways, unnecessary amputations, blindings, burnings, you name it, it was probably done. All done in the name of scientific progress. Rest of the world considered all these actions so depraved. There was even a special series of 12 trials during the Nuremberg trials known as the Doctors' trial to specifically address these war crimes. Numerous Nazi doctors executed for their war crimes. As they should have been,
Starting point is 00:15:47 Nazi physicians did truly horrific shit like bone transplantation, muscle and nerve transplants and these experiments, subjects had their bones, muscles, nerves removed without anesthesia, putting somebody else without anesthesia. When one of Hitler's buddies, high ranking SS officer, Ryan Hardhydrick died from gangrene after wounds. He sustained in a car bombing in 1942, after the wounds became
Starting point is 00:16:10 infected. Nazi doctors recreated his wounds and infections and concentration camp prisoners per his instructions. Men and women were operated on again with no painkillers. They're Nazi doctors maximizing the potential for infection by inserting glass shards and bacteria into their wounds before sewing them back up All to try and find out how they could have saved hydric fucking insanity Nazi doctors froze people to death. They gave others malaria and additional diseases They did so much what the fuck shit like a bashing children in the head with a mechanized hammer to study the effects of brain trauma on children, on people. They bashed one little boy over and over until he literally went insane, then killed him. They conducted unimaginable electroshock therapy with voltage levels that ranged all the
Starting point is 00:16:55 way up to lethal. They killed innocent humans in high altitude, poison, and mustard gas experiments, and so many other ways. Arguably the most infamous studies that took place in Nazi Germany at the hands of Nazi doctors, or in this case, mostly one doctor, Joseph Mengele's, study on twins. We can do a full suck on this son of a bitch,
Starting point is 00:17:14 Joseph Mengele, some day probably will do, did so many horrible things, his quest to help Hitler take over the world and remake it in his hellish image. Today we'll dig into just his infamous twin study, experiments on twin children and concentration camps were done to try and prove the superiority of heredity over environment,
Starting point is 00:17:33 nature over nurture, and to find ways to increase Aryan's reproduction rates. All things in line with Nazi seriously fucked up worldview. They wanted to scientifically prove that white Germans were racially superior to all others and then to find out how to create sign typically prove that white Germans were racially superior to all others and then to find out how to create the most of these white Germans as possible. They did not prove racial superiority on any level whatsoever, in case you were curious. And the conductor of many of the worst experiments towards these ends was Joseph Manglein,
Starting point is 00:17:58 aka the Angel of Death. From 1943 to 1944, Mangleye performed experiments on nearly 1500 sets of imprisoned twins, almost 3,000 kids, at Auschwitz, Brooklyn, only about 200 children survived. These studies roughly a 6% survival rate, so unbelievably fucked up, frightened children, siblings, painfully experimented on by a madman, literally tortured, almost always to the death. This is the kind of shit that makes current holocaust in ires so hated by anybody fucking rational. And you know, that it happened at all is obviously such a colossal unnecessary injustice and then to deny it and not even a century later.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Another heinous, terrible injustice, such a dangerous kind of ignorance. When people were brought into Auschwitz-Borkenau where the angel of death worked, or like the demon of death, twins were immediately separated from other prisoners at the camp's train platform at Mengele's instructions. They were then taken to a laboratory to be examined. Twins were arranged by age and sex
Starting point is 00:18:57 and kept in crude barracks between experiments. These experiments included amputations, blood transfusions, infection with various diseases. Mengele even had dyes injected into the children's eyes to change their color in some of his experiments. No anesthetic. This, of course, was unbelievably painful, led to infections, temporary and or permanent blindness. Other mysterious injections were given to just cause severe pain. Injections into spine were given with no anesthesia, diseases, including typhus tuberculosis, would purposely be injected into one twin and not the other, and then when one died, the other healthy child was typically killed immediately to examine and
Starting point is 00:19:33 compare the effects of the disease. Even more horrifying, Mengele once attempted to create a set of conjoined twins by fucking sewing to non-conjoined Romani kids together back to back. That's something straight out of like a lost episode of American Horror Story. This caused gangrene and of course unimaginable pain and eventually both twins deaths. Mengele saw twins as the perfect scientific opportunity because one twin could be experimented on while the other was kept as a control. Doctors could then look at the effects of experimentation and compare both bodies. This motherfucker was truly evil. Nimrod's butthole far too good of a place for his soul to ever dwell. Witnesses later described this motherfucker literally
Starting point is 00:20:15 whistling while he worked. Just a cartoonish monster like the villain from some sort of torture porn horror film. Just so-and-kids up and he'll grab, grabbing a Sammy, stepping on some soda, maybe putting on a record, listening to some classical music, talking about what a beautiful sunny day it was outside, while some tortured child let out their fucking death rattle, just a hundred percent sociopath, truly zero empathy. After the war, one former prisoner would describe how Mengele once ripped an infant from his mother's womb
Starting point is 00:20:42 then literally hurled it into an oven to burn alive. He was furious. It wasn't one of a set of twins as he had hoped. Another told of a mother killing her own newborn infant right after birth, so it would not starve in a Mangleh experiment. He was Christ. Third witness recounted how Mangleh kept hundreds of human eyeballs pinned to his lab wall, like a quote collection of butterflies.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Dude was as fucked up or even more fucked up than any serial killer we have ever covered. I mean, you know, sometimes he is maxed out on evil as some of our serial killers have done. And this guy was right there with him. Dude truly gave zero fucks about any of the innocent human beings brought to him before Auschwitz. Thankfully, Mangleee would not be recruited into Operation Paperclip. I don't think not everything has been declassified. We can't
Starting point is 00:21:29 know for sure. Sadly, Mangleh would for sure not to survive the war, but thrive. He managed to escape in prison. It fled this South America became a citizen of Paraguay in 1959, later moved to Brazil, where he met up with another former Nazi party member Wolfgang Gerhard in 1985, a multinational team of forensic experts traveled to Brazil in search of Mangalai and they determined that a man named Gerhard, you know, Wolfgang, who had died of a stroke while swimming in 1979 was actually Joseph Mangalai who had stolen Gerhard's identity after
Starting point is 00:21:59 his friend had died. The doctor would live to the age of 67, never once facing punishment for any of his crimes. Sometimes it's painful as this reality is, the very worst of us. Just get away with it. Just never face justice. At least not in this world. Is it okay to pray for hell to be real? Is that a good use of prayer? Please, please, God, please, they're God. Burn this motherfucker. Just burn this motherfucker alive forever and ever, never a man. Other Nazi doctors unable to escape doctors who would be caught and face trial would claim that they had been acting out of necessity. They compared their victims to civilians who died from allied bombing campaigns, nothing more than collateral
Starting point is 00:22:37 damage. We'll meet some of these dirt bags shortly. But first, let's talk about what sort of research many of these Nazis were doing and why the US wanted them so badly. For many in the US government, facing a new showdown with the Soviet Union winning the Cold War and beating back communism would absolutely justify the means of using Nazi scientists who had committed, who had committed atrocities on par with what we've just covered. And an intense arms race was ramping up between the world's two biggest and growing superpowers. Both sides needed new weapons to win it, or at least keep it to nothing more than a stalemate. And both knew that in Germany, there were some guys who knew an awful lot about, you know, weapons and
Starting point is 00:23:16 how they could be used to wipe their rivals off the face of the earth. So, carrying the mind to create true weapons of mass destruction is what lay at the real core of Operation Paperclip. Weapons of mass destruction, or WMDs, include biological chemical, nuclear, radiological weapons that can kill and bring significant harm to numerous humans or cause great damage to human-made structures, natural structures, or the biosphere. As a time of Operation Paperclip, these weapons were known as ABC Weapons, Atomic, Biological, and chemical. And the Soviet Union and the US were creating ABC weapons at breakneck speed during World War
Starting point is 00:23:50 2 and directly following it. What a cute scene name, by the way, for powerful agents of death. ABC weapons? What are you boys working on? Not much, Ma. Just baking up some cupcakes, making some fruit punch, and cooking up a few ABC weapons. By the time of Operation Paperclip, the US's interest in ABC weapons was already a few decades old. After World War One, the US won on a big chemical weapons bench, producing millions of barrels of mustard gas and Lewis site. Lewis site's a pale yellow odorless compound
Starting point is 00:24:20 that was used in World War One as a blister gas, which is just as nasty as it sounds. It would create chemical burns on the skin or in the lungs of its victims, giant debilitating pus-filled blisters, nasty shit. Thousands of US troops were exposed to chemical agents like these in the 1940s in order to test the efficacy of gas masks and protective clothing. We're at least 60,000 black and Hispanic troops were subjected to without their understanding of what was going to happen to them, a mixture of mustard gas and Lewisite during World War II and an experiment declassified in 1993. In 2015, one of these soldiers, then 93-year-old African American Rollins Edwards, who was
Starting point is 00:24:59 serving at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines during the war, told an interviewer that officers led him and a dozen others into a wooden gas chamber and locked the door. Had no idea why they were headed there, just ordered to like come with me and get in that room. It was fallen orders, then gases pumped inside and Edwards recalled, it felt like you were on fire. Guys started screaming and hollering and trying to break out and then some of the guys fainted.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Finally, they opened the door and let us out and the guys were just, they were in bad shape. So that's an example of a sea weapon and an example of some fucked up shit that the US government did to their own troops. Now let's look at some A and B weapons, then a few more sea examples. Atomic or nuclear weapons release explosions of energy as a result of nuclear fission, nuclear fusion or a combination of those two processes. Germany began its secret atomic program called urine. Oh boy. In English it's Uranian club. Why I don't think I need to pronounce the German word in April 1939. Just months after German scientists Otto Hahn and Fritz Snellsman had inadvertently discovered a fission. It's kind of like with Italian words. I find that if I do kind of a character, I actually do pronounce them
Starting point is 00:26:04 a little more, you know, uh, properly. Fritz kind of a character, I actually do pronounce them a little more properly. Fritz Straussmann, maybe I'll go back to that. Jörn Vardin, Jörn A.N. in the club, I don't know. They did a significant head start over the American's Manhattan Project, but Germany never delved further than preliminary research into atomic weapons, and it's not that they didn't have a smart enough scientist. Hitler oddly enough just wasn't that into atomic weapons. He considered it to be an inferior science. they didn't have a smart enough scientist Hitler oddly enough just wasn't that into atomic weapons.
Starting point is 00:26:25 He considered it to be an inferior science. It's almost like he wasn't that smart or something. Almost like he was a guy whose rage was at least partially based on getting denied. Not once but twice in the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. The US as I'm guessing many of you already know took their atomic research a lot further than the Germans did. Notably the US used two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Weapons that were developed by the Manhattan Project, the subject of Suck 164. I'm not going to really delve into the carnage and ethics of those bombings because we've already done that at length in several previous episodes. So what are biological weapons? In a word, fun. Most historians have described biological weapons as being a lot of fun. Dr. Otto van Schneider, history PhD from Phoenix Online, expert in experimental weapons says,
Starting point is 00:27:13 quote, when I think of fun, I think of frozen yogurt with crushed Oreos on top, playing fetch outside with a good dog on a beautiful sunny day, or biological weapons. Dr. Rosario Sanchez, doctoral level history professor at ITT Technical Institute, says, when I'm looking to have fun on the day off, my go-to is curling up with a good book
Starting point is 00:27:30 at my local coffee shop and then grabbing some paella at Cassandre Varo. My next choice, probably fucking around with some biological weapons. And of course that's made up Tom Fulery. They're not fun, they're not fun at all. Biological weapons are micro-organisms like viruses, bacteria, fungi, other toxins produced and released deliberately to cause disease and death in humans,
Starting point is 00:27:49 animals or plants. Biological agents, agents like anthrax, botulinum, toxin and plague can pose a difficult public health challenge causing large numbers of deaths in a short amount of time. They can be real difficult to contain, incredibly risky to use. Now, once you let that genie out of the box, you can't really control where it goes.
Starting point is 00:28:07 After wiping out a huge percentage of your enemy's force, it can then come back and wipe out a huge percentage of your own population. If you have not inoculated your population against it, it's so fucking stupid. We've done it. We spread our new skull-fuck explosion, played to our enemy. We've developed a new extra transmissible farm or deadly than ever strained in the bacteria. One that literally blows your fucking head off
Starting point is 00:28:29 and 48 to 72 hours. It will make Europe's medieval black death look like a walk down the beach. But Doctor, want that disease and our likelihood? And today's increasingly connected world, make it across our borders and then kill most of us painfully as well. Ah, god shit. Really wish you would have voiced that concern before we unleashed it.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Can't tell my lunch plans. We need to start working on a current one. Officially, the US started a biological weapons program in 1943, according to many researchers from the end of World War II to the end of the Korean War, the US government along with the Soviet Union made more than enough biological weapons to kill everyone on earth. So weat so fun. Good to know that that's out there, you know, and that odds are something worse has probably been developed since that we don't even know about, won't know about for many years.
Starting point is 00:29:15 By 1950, the principal US bio weapons facility was located at Camp Dietrich in Maryland under the command of the research and engineering division of the US Army chemical core. Many former Nazis would wind up in Fort Dietrich at one point or another. Most of the research and development was done there while production and testing occurred at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and the Dougway proving ground in Utah. Pine Bluff arsenal began production of weapons grade agents by 1954 from 1952 for many years onward. The chemical core maintained a biological weapons research and development facility at Fort Terry on Plum Island, New York.
Starting point is 00:29:50 The program continued until 1969. During most of that time, former Nazi scientists were driving the ship. Anthrax, typhus, plague, yellow fever, smallpox, you name it. They probably worked on it. They worked on an incredible variety of diseases that not only affected humans, but also plants and livestock diseases that could create crop devastation, water supply, contamination and more. It's even speculation that the US Biological
Starting point is 00:30:16 Weapons Program worked on early coronaviruses. How scary is that? The first coronavirus was discovered back in 1965 when the US program was possibly at its apex In the respiratory system of a boy in the UK found to cause symptoms akin to the common cold and this is a hundred percent Pure speculation by me know that but what a mind fuck it would be if it turned out that the US released COVID-19 is a biological weapon And then I just fucking backfired or made made it that accidentally got released. I literally know evidence, you know, to the out there that I know of, to think this is possible. I hate thinking that it's possible.
Starting point is 00:30:50 It probably isn't, because it's not that lethal, so it's not a great weapon, at least not a weapon of death. Fatal, of course, for some, obviously, but not enough to be a devastating weapon, but pretty good weapon for economic destruction. Certainly is that, I don't know, the US Biological Warfare program
Starting point is 00:31:06 worked on so many different pathogens. And they did that in secret for so long. I can't think based on that history that it's impossible to conceive that they could have created some COVID-19 possibly. I don't know. Or maybe some other nations lab did it, right? What a terrifying thing to think about.
Starting point is 00:31:23 And again, no major group of scientists are coming out alleging that this happened. The international medical community does seem to think it was a naturally developed pathogen. I hope they're right, but after everything I am going to tell you today, I'm skeptical. 1969, President Richard Nixon ended all non-defensive aspects of the US bio-weapons program,
Starting point is 00:31:40 so that now they can only make weapons needed for defense, not offensive tactics. But as we'll see later, there's not a whole lot of oversight for what's considered offensive and what's considered defensive. The military and US presidents have always maintained that their motives up a rendez, or operandé, operandé, fuck whatever, that word is scary, what's to use, operandé. There we go. Obviously, it's so hard.
Starting point is 00:32:02 What's to use bio weapons only is retaliation for the use of bio weapons against the US never in attack. But we'll see later some countries dispute that. And I'm very open to believing their claims. It's a pretty shady shit coming towards the end of this episode. Now on the US did. Now onto the last kind of weapons operation paper clip would make chemical the sea of ABC weapons. What are these horrific things? Chemical weapon is a chemical used to cause intentional death or harm through its toxic properties. There are five different types of chemical agents, choking agents, blister agents, blood agents, nerve agents, and what are called riot control agents. Choking agents irritate the nose, throat, and respiratory tract when they're inhaled,
Starting point is 00:32:42 making it difficult, if not impossible to breathe. They are the agents favored by incubus. BDSM, DOM of pleasure through pain. Get down on your knees, Slay for prepare for sexual ascension. Put this fostering rag over your mouth and inhale deeply. The moment you lose consciousness, incubus shall begin to reawaken you with heavy flogging and a two and quarter inch diameter, five inch long stainless steel military grade butt plug.
Starting point is 00:33:05 The obedience lessons commence now. Ready or not. Call back to a character from some previous episodes if you're very confused right now. Ancubus is not real, but choking agents are and they are typically administered in gas form, causing avalanche, air sacs and the lungs to secrete fluid, which means that those who inhaled them essentially drown inside their own bodies. So that sounds fucking awful. Chemicals like chlorine have also been used as choking agents, as well as chloropycan,
Starting point is 00:33:33 diphosphine, blyster agents. You can probably guess they're not very pleasant either. Unfortunately, one of the most commonly used chemical weapons we mentioned some earlier. These oily substances, after coming into contact with skin or being inhaled, affect the eyes, respiratory tract and skin. Exposure to blister agents causes large and often life threatening skin blisters that resemble severe burns. These blisters can result in blindness and permanent damage to the respiratory system. You can get blisters to be clear inside your body as well as outside. You can get them on your organs. So fun.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Not many people die from being exposed to blister agents, but they really fuck you up. They're really unpleasant, as you can imagine. Blister agents are dispersed to various liquids, aerosols, vapors, even dust. Some examples of blister agents are soul-fermustered, nitrogen-mustered, luocite, and phosphine-oxym. They're also blood agents. Blood agents inhibit the ability of cells to use oxygen, effectively causing the body to suffocate. Blood agents, as you might guess from the name, are distributed through the blood, generally
Starting point is 00:34:34 enter through inhalation. Some examples of these agents include hydrogen cyanide, cyanide chloride, and arsene. Hydrogen cyanide and gestion in high concentrations changes respiratory abilities in seconds. Loss of consciousness can occur within 30 seconds, breathing can fully stop in under a minute. Even low concentrations can cause vertigo, nausea, headache, weak legs, convulsions that can lead to a coma. Once out of the coma, the effect that may have permanent nervous system and brain damage. More fun stuff. Riot control agents sometimes referred to as tear gas are generally non lethal chemical compounds.
Starting point is 00:35:08 They're not supposed to kill you, but every once in a while someone does die. They are intended to temporarily make people unable to function. By causing irritation to the eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, and skin. 2020, seeing a crazy uptick in usage in Riot control agents in America. I'm sure you're not surprised to hear that. Right control agents used by law enforcement officials for crowd control and sometimes by individuals in the general public for personal protection.
Starting point is 00:35:32 For example, pepper spray sometimes also used against law enforcement recently. The effects of exposure to right control agent, usually short-lived about 15 to 30 minutes after the person has been removed from the source and cleaned off. They can cause blindness, glaucoma, and they can cause extreme cases respiratory failure. And we couldn't talk about chemical weapons without talking about nerve agents.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Nazi scientists had a lot of experience with these. Experience they would bring to the US. Nerve agents block an enzyme called bear with me. It's a fucking one hell of a scrap award. A cedal, coley, nestarase. Acedol, coly, nestarase. Acedol, colynestarase. Haha, feeling pretty good about myself in this second. Uh, in the nervous system.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Acedol, colynestinate, it's goddamn. I tried to go through too fast. Acedol, colynestarase, aids in the breaking down of a certain neurotransmitter. Acedol, colyn. Acedol, colyn. And without a neurotransmitter, transmitter builds up between nerve cells and across synapses, leading to the hyperstimulation of muscles, glands, and other nerves. And after being absorbed to the skin or inhaled nerve agents work quickly and are highly toxic. Nerv agents can be dispersed,
Starting point is 00:36:36 via liquid, aerosol, vapor, dust, main nerve agents are the chemicals Soren, Soman, and Tobin. And also VX. These agents are known to be present in military stockpiles of several nations, including the US. You may have heard of VX in recent years. On February 13th, 2017, North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un's brother, Kim Jong-nam, was assassinated while in Malaysia at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport with some VX.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Some assassins put some VX by his mouth and dude went down, fuck, and fast. The VX molecule interferes with the way glands and muscles function by blocking an enzyme that allows them to relax. That causes muscles to clench uncontrollably and eventually prevents a victim from being able to breathe.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Early symptoms can include pin prick pupils, running nose, wheezing, muscle twitching. Death can occur anywhere from within a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the dose and method of contact. Arguably the worst of the chemical weapons, nerve agents were discovered in Nazi Germany and they were discovered accidentally. In 1936, Gerhard Schrader, a 33-year-old German chemist at the IGFAB in chemical conglomerate had been tasked with developing new insecticides.
Starting point is 00:37:47 The goal mandated by third-rikes strategists was to reduce Germany's reliance on food imported from abroad, and to do so the country needed to prevent pests from depleting its own food supply. Shrater created a compound called Preparation 991 that was so deadly IGFAB in alerted the German military to it. When some other German scientists first studied it They were so impressed by by its toxicity. They named it Tobin a riff on the German word for taboo Existing chemical weapons such as mustard gas and phosphine took hours to days to kill their victims But Tobin could kill in just 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:38:21 So the army gave Schrader and a colleague a 50,000 mark reward, about 20,000 dollars at the time for the discovery. And then Hitler and other top Nazi leaders gathered in a circle and watched each other beat off until they were all finished in a private celebration as well as customary at the time. The Nazis figured out, every time the Nazis figured out a more efficient and or more painful way to kill someone, you know, they had a little celebratory circle jerk, JK. Maybe I wouldn't be surprised. Soon, German military researchers began weaponizing
Starting point is 00:38:53 Tobin finding ways to insert it into projectiles. They could be safely stored without leaking. Other scientists tested the compound on animals, developed processes to manufacture the poison, research antidotes, tried building analogs, aka compounds with similar molecular structures. In other words, other nerve agents.
Starting point is 00:39:09 In 1938, Schrader himself synthesized a new nerve agent that was twice as toxic as Tobin. He wanted another $50,000 mark. He wanted to kick off a new Nazi circle jerk and be getting invited this time into that inner special circle. He tested its efficacy on monkeys and thought to be a good predictor of how the stuff would affect humans. By June 1939, Schrader was in talks with the Spoundau-Sidadel in military chemists about this new compound, which they called Substance 146. The military chemists began developing new methods for producing it and studying its physiological effects. And this poison was named Soren,
Starting point is 00:39:45 Tobin's Shittier cousin, an acronym built from the last names of the scientists who had spearheaded his development. Now they need to find out how to best deliver their horrific creation. By the spring of 1943, a few years into the war, the first large-scale nerve agent factory was built in Poland and produced 350 metric tons
Starting point is 00:40:03 of Tobin per month. Not as deadly as this new cousin, but less volatile, easier to produce. By the end of the war, the factory had produced 12,000 metric tons of Tobin, which they loaded into aerial bombs and artillery shells. And the factory where it was made, Dianne Firth, was also notably a forced labor factory. No one was working with his substance hands on because they wanted to. And over the course, the war hundreds of inmates died of toxic exposure, overworked disease and malnutrition.
Starting point is 00:40:31 The workers, according to nearby residents, looked like walking corpses, like people in Gilead's The Colonies, or other hands-made, hand-made tale fans. Despite all the effort expanded on Tobin, by the war's midpoint, it was becoming increasingly clear to military researchers that Saren was the better chemical weapon. Saren, while more challenging to manufacture, also made so to speak, the fears hate Dick Carter. So in 1943, the German military approved construction of an entirely new Saren factory at
Starting point is 00:40:58 Falkenhagen. Falkenhagen, get to Falkenhagen, make it a Saren! A site just over 43 miles outside of Berlin. The same year, the German Army Ordnance Office recruited Richard Kuhn to study nerve gas. Kuhn was an extraordinary chemist. He'd won the 1938 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his efforts to understand the structure and function of vitamin B and careteeing compounds. Also, really into being an Nazi. And he switched over from working on shit to help him live longer, like B vitamins to
Starting point is 00:41:25 shit that made you die a lot quicker, like nerve agents. What a career shift. It's like switching over from being a trauma surgeon to an executioner. Koon and his colleagues were tasked with determining how nerve agents cause damage. They discovered that the nerve agents blocked the breaking down of acetyl-colling, the neurotransmitter that we talked about earlier, which is released into the synapses that connect nerve cells to other nerve cells or muscle cells during electrical signaling.
Starting point is 00:41:50 They found that when this enzyme, the breaks down acetyl-colling, is blocked nerve cells in the brain and muscles are stuck in an overstimulated state. This would make people excessively sweat and salivate, vomit, have seizures, and it's fixate. It's part of their research, Koon, and colleagues synthesize a brand new nerve agent, Salmon, twice as strong as Soren. Upon this discovery, the following Nazi celebratory circle jerk was rumored to have been so intense that three of the Nazis in that special inner circle ended up in the hospital with broken
Starting point is 00:42:23 shaftss and one of them had to have their butthole amputated. You heard me. His butthole was amputated. Gosh dang. How is that even possible? It's hard to wrap one's head around. No explanation given in the sources.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I just made up my head for that. Hitler would never end up using his stockpile of bees and seas much though. He thought his with his success with his blitzkrieg attacks, followed by an invasion of ground troops, that would be more than enough to be successful in conquering what he wanted to conquer. And it's thought he was worried about retaliation. If he unleashed, you know, WMDs, ABCs on allied forces, he was certain they would respond to kind and also Hitler himself may have been subjected to mustard gas while fighting in World War I is believed by some that he just didn't want to risk subjugating his own troops to something similar. Also random fact, Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross first class medal for his service in World War
Starting point is 00:43:13 I, an award normally given for bravery and battle. He was so proud of that medal. He had it on him when he killed himself. And who recommended that he received that medal? Hugo Gutman, a German Jewish lieutenant, right? The medal, the award he was most proud of, was awarded to him after he was recommended to receive that medal by a Jewish German lieutenant. And what a motherfucker. Luckily Hugo was able to successfully free from the nation. He once defended it in 1939 with his family,
Starting point is 00:43:45 made it to San Diego where he worked as a typewriter salesman until his death in 1962. For their part, the Allies initially had no idea that the German military discovered and was stockpile in a suite of such extraordinarily toxic chemical weapons, even though someone had actually literally told them in May 1943, after Germany lost a six-month battle in Tunisia, Allied forces took some 230,000 acts of soldiers prisoner. Among these prisoners of war was a German who informed his British interrogators that he was a chemist who had worked at a secret chemical weapons institute. The aforementioned Spondyle, Citadel, and Berlin on a new poison with astounding properties.
Starting point is 00:44:23 His descriptions of the colorless, nearly odorless chemical that could kill victims in just 20 minutes or less sounded too good to be true. British intelligence officers back in England did not believe his story and the 10 page report filed by the interrogators was completely ignored. Then after the war, I'm guessing some dudes got their asses chewed. You knew about the top on three bloody years ago. We thought they were joking, sir And what else did you think they were joking about? Four other nerve agents 22 biological weapons the location of Hitler's bunker papers that contain the Nazis and Tais strategy for war in the Western Front and the Holocaust in general saw how in the Queen's name did you get your bloody jobs? With the Queen said Kesson twice or move saw. Ah, yes, it makes sense
Starting point is 00:45:02 After the Nazi party fell or as the Nazi party fell, they continued to move and hire their and hide their stockpile. They also executed prisoners who had worked in the factories to make sure they didn't notify the allies. The allies would finally get wind of what was going on when American soldiers encountered a barge traveling down the Dan U. River in Bavaria. They began to fire at it and then to the American surprise after just a few rounds of fire, the Germans on board waves, surrender flags, and then admitted that the cargo, tap and filled bombs,
Starting point is 00:45:28 could have killed them all. Whoops. When Allied scientists discovered this potent, unknown nerve agent that was much more toxic than anything they had in their own weapons inventory, they scrambled to get their hands on these weapons and the men who made these weapons. Operation paperclip type dealings long before it had officially begun. Soon the Americans in British pulled resources and began searching for and rounding up scientists involved in chemical weapons research. When they later
Starting point is 00:45:53 arrested Schrader at his home after the war was over, the German chemist who had begun creating these chemical weapons, he immediately handed over chemical formulas and other details about nerve agents. Bringing down Nazi Germany now had a whole other dimension to it, appropriating its knowledge, its knowledge of weapons. So it would be in quote unquote, good hands. They'd soon learn and it also fell, excuse me, fallen into hands they considered bad. American British intelligence discovered that Russians had rebuilt a dion first, top and and sovereign plants and Soviet territory,
Starting point is 00:46:25 a chemical arms race now is underway. It's now about who could get their hands on the best research, the best minds, no matter what atrocities these minds had taken part in. So what are the ethics of all this? There is an argument for the US to recruit these scientists. But should they have then imprisoned them instead of pardoned and worked with them?
Starting point is 00:46:42 Should they maybe have allowed them to work for the US War effort as part of some type of prisoner release program? Maybe they could have agreed to financially take care of their immediate families, thanks to their contributions to the US War effort, but then not have guaranteed their freedom. Would it have been ethical to use their knowledge for allied weapons manufacturing
Starting point is 00:46:58 and then put them in prison following the war? Or should they have been recruited so that they didn't fall into Russian hands, but then immediately put on trial for war crimes in the US and executed it found guilty. Where is the line? If Dr. Mangalay was the one man on earth who could give the US the winning edge in the Cold War, would it have been justified to pardon him, right? Can you overlook torturing 3,000 children to death if you think you can save millions
Starting point is 00:47:22 from dying in a potential World War III? Think past initial fuck that guy got response on that one. If you think you can save millions from dying in a potential World War III, think past initial fuck that guy got response on that one. I mean, what truly is the right answer there? Let's meet some Nazis now who were recruited, not hypothetically into Operation Paperclip after it kicked off in July 20th, 1945. While Russia would get thousands, get their hands on thousands of former Nazi science folks as we mentioned, the US got 1600 of the very best or the very worst German minds
Starting point is 00:47:48 been on how you look at it. We'll start with Werner von Braun. Werner von Braun arguably operation paper clips brightest star. Someone we covered in a suck 164, the Manhattan Project. Von Braun was a physics and engineering genius. Incredibly charismatic. Many of those who knew him thought he was a visionary. When NASA was created, he joined it as director
Starting point is 00:48:08 of the Marshall Space Flight Center, was put in charge of the Saturn V rockets that sent Apollo program spacecraft to the moon. Given the nickname, the father of Americans Space Program. In recognition of his services, he was later awarded the National Medal of Science in 1975. Sounds like a hero, right? But can a hero also be a war criminal?
Starting point is 00:48:27 During World War II, Von Braun was in SS, Stubbenführer, equivalent to an army major who developed and oversaw the manufacture of V2 rockets, the world's first ballistic missiles. His rockets carrying one ton explosive warheads, rain down fucking terror and claim the lives of thousands, the overwhelming majority of them civilians in London and twerp in other cities. However, if Von Braun is war criminal for doing that, how many World War II US officers
Starting point is 00:48:55 and politicians are then also war criminals for the civilian bombing, you know, if Nagasaki and Hiroshima for dropping those atomic bombs on those civilians. Hard to throw that particular stone is an American. There are also the death of thousands of slave laborers who perish while toiling on his rockets and atrocious conditions. Conditions he definitely knew about to consider when thinking about a fise hero or a war criminal monster or both conditions. There are no records of him ever objecting to an estimated 20,000 slave workers, most of them Jewish, toiled away to build Von Braun's rockets until they died of starvation,
Starting point is 00:49:28 maltreatment, or were just straight up murdered by their sadistic guards while building his rockets. Von Braun was often at the factories while this was happening, definitely had firsthand knowledge of horrific workplace conditions. After the war, he would claim to be an oblivious scientist, two in grossed in his blueprints, you know, in calculations to fully comprehend the horrors of what was going on around him. To fully comprehend the horrors of the regime, he served. That's, come on, that's fucking nonsense.
Starting point is 00:49:52 That's bullshit. Doesn't pass a sniff test. You don't show up with that factory every day and just, you know, not notice thousands of scared and emaciated Jewish prisoners being screamed at by Nazi guards, being sometimes beaten, publicly executed by these guards, you know, and just think something like, what a strange and unorthodox management style. Those guys must have really pissed off their boss to get shot like that. Weird. Well, not my department.
Starting point is 00:50:13 I'm sure there's a perfectly ethical and reasonable explanation for it all back to work, or just like not even literally notice at all. I don't know, these blueprints, just people, you know, getting fucking hanged, you know, around you getting shot by Nazi guards. You're like, oh, God, I forgot this equation. So gross. I don't even know it's got to figure out this equation. It's so ungrossed. I don't even know what's happening right over to the right. Even if he had known about it on bronze, there wasn't anything he could have done about
Starting point is 00:50:31 it. And not entirely true, right? Might not have been able to stand up to Nazis to stop them for sure without being hurt or killed, but he could have removed himself from association with it all. He could have tried to escape, suffered whatever consequences came his way, had he been caught, not saying that would have been easy, would have been fucking horrible. Would have been all likely to just ended with, you know, his death and his, and the death of his family.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Von Braun would spend the rest of his post World War II life putting distance between him and the war crimes he participated in after the war. He was one of the first Germans secretly moved to the US for Operation Paperclip. He was put to work by the US Army to develop its intermediate range ballistic missile program. He also developed the rocket that launched America's first space satellite. And as we've said, went on to have a illustrious career in space exploration. Verna was not the only member of the Von Braun bunch. The Von Braun tribe to be recruited by Operation Paperclip. Verna's brother Magnus von Braun also recruited by the US military. Magnus, very interesting character.
Starting point is 00:51:27 We have not talked about really much before on time, so he was Hitler's favorite professional wrestler in Germany during the war and before the war, super famous at the time, massive dude, six foot three, 265 pounds of solid muscle back when that was not even remotely common for a professional athlete. Most of his wrestling opponents were 50 plus pounds lighter than him was not even remotely common for a professional athlete. Most of his wrestling opponents were 50 plus pounds lighter than him, not even as close to his muscular as the man who wrestled under the moniker of the Bavarian Vervulf. He was also based on pictures, very hairy, probably led to that moniker. Why would a wrestler be recruited into Operation Paperclip?
Starting point is 00:52:02 Because this wrestler was also a chemist who knew a lot about anabolic steroids. Of course, he did. He didn't invent them, but he did invent a way to very efficiently synthesize them and inject them into the human bloodstream. And the US military thought that they could use his knowledge of anabolic steroids to create a new class of super soldiers. The Marvel character of the Hulk, who showed up in 1962, based largely on Magnus Von Braun.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Magnus famously once wrestled an actual razorback gorilla in a private cage match with only Hitler, a himmler, and a few other high-ranking Nazis as witnesses. Let's get ready to rumble in the cage today we out the Bavarian werewolf! 265 pounds of really racist muscle. Today he's hoping to trade this girl like an innocent Jewish fellow citizen who has never done anything to him or his family and just happened to be born and do different culture and religion! And in the other corner we have a very confused razor back gorilla.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Or brought from the jungles of Africa doesn't understand why we're worded out Nazi, has turned him down like he owes the man money even though he's not intellectually capable of understanding the concept of currency! Let's get it on! Magnus was not a wrestler. He didn't know anything about anabolic steroids to my knowledge. an election capable of understanding the concept of currency. Let's get it on. Magnus was not a wrestler. He didn't know anything about anabolic steroids to my knowledge. It doesn't appear that Nazi Germany had any sort of professional wrestling league either. Not like what we're used to in America at least.
Starting point is 00:53:14 I just helped it, you know, a few, you would believe that nonsense all the way through the announcer voice. Who was Magnus really? I wish he was a wrestler. I wish he was what I just described. Now he was a chemist and engineer who for a time also worked on the V2 program in Nazi Germany alongside his brother, Werner. And it was Magnus who made sure that once it was clear Germany would lose World War II,
Starting point is 00:53:33 V2 rockets would be turned over to the Americans, not the Russians. The V2 team was on the run in May of 1945 when Magnus encountered a young American private Fred Schneichert. A German speaker, Fred yelled in German, stop, come forward and keep your hands up and Magnus replied and broke in English. My name is Magnus Van Braun. My brother invented the V2. We want to surrender.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Schneichert reportedly told Magnus, I think you're nuts, but he did get his superiors to investigate his claims. Good thing he didn't hand it over to British intelligence. Sounds like Bullocks again, foul it with the top and guy's claims, and all yet alice, ignore it. Fortunately, the US intelligence believed the story, same afternoon, Magnus returned to tell some of his fellow scientists that he had made arrangements with the Americans. And six months later, the Von Braun Brothers
Starting point is 00:54:15 were on their way to the US aboard the SS Argentina, along with several other key members of the V2 team. Along with his colleagues, he took up residency in a former hospital at Fort Bliss, shared knowledge with the Americans, along with technical documents and blueprints. Magnus went on to have a very long and successful career with a Chrysler motor company, ironically, working out of London, later in his career, a city he had helped bomb before he retired to the Arizona desert in 1975. How fuck is that? Let's learn like one of the guys who built the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, then
Starting point is 00:54:45 taking a job at some company in Hiroshima a few years later. So what do you do during the war? Yeah. Well, hey, check out that squirrel. What a cool squirrel. Yeah, I gotta get back to work. Nice talk. Magnus would die in 2003 in Phoenix at the age of 84.
Starting point is 00:55:03 He was buried in his Bavarian Werewolf outfit and his championship belt. Now let's meet some even more controversial Operation Paperclip figures. Some of the doctors who similar to Mengele had performed experiments on human beings, horrible experiments. Dr. Walter Shribat, Dr. Walter Shribat, one of those two vultus, with almost identical names, was a prominent epidemiologist. And why can't I say, I can say epidemiologist just fine.
Starting point is 00:55:30 And then like a word that shouldn't be as hard as that, I'm like, I can't talk about it. This guy was a well-regarded biology professor as well before it became a Nazi scientist. Shriver was a medical student when World War I erupted in 1914, at which point he voluntarily enlisted in the German army. He was wounded early in the conflicts after his recovery resumed his studies, then served as a military doctor until the war ended. After the war, he became a professor of biology and hygiene,
Starting point is 00:55:58 became one of the world's foremost experts on epidemics. Just prior to World War II, he rose to the rank of major general in the Vettermacht Medical Service. He was also a member of the Reich Research Council, where he conducted cruel and sadistic medical experiments on prisoners. A Schreiber introduced the use of lethal phenol injections as a quick and convenient means
Starting point is 00:56:21 of executing troublemakers. It's his quote. He conducted experiments on prisoners in Auschwitz by freezing them in order to examine the effects of extreme cold at the Robin Brook, women's concentration camp just outside Berlin. He conducted experiments on female prisoners by cutting open their legs,
Starting point is 00:56:37 deliberately infecting them with gangrene, then giving these previously healthy women unnecessary bone transplants. Fuck. And of course, no painkillers for any of this. The subject of experiments usually suffered slow and incredibly agonizing deaths. At the end of the war, he was captured by the Red Army,
Starting point is 00:56:55 taken to the USSR, where he was imprisoned. Unfortunately, he was not tortured mercilessly there. His captor soon discovered his true identity and the Soviets then put him to work, providing medical care to high ranking German prisoners 1948 he evaded his handlers escaped made it back to Germany where he was then hired by the US military and the CIA to work as a chief medical doctor in camp king a Klandestine POW interrogation site in Germany Operation paperclip would snap him up in 1951
Starting point is 00:57:22 He began to work at the Air Force School of Medicine in Texas, but some American journalists found out what a monster this motherfucker was, and the subsequent publication of newspaper articles, soon thereafter, about his medical atrocities, you know, under Hitler's Germany, led to public outcry as it should have. His intelligence handlers then relocated him and his family to Argentina in 1952, where he worked as an epidemiologist in a research laboratory. Most likely, he's still working on biological weapons for the US government until his death
Starting point is 00:57:49 from a heart attack in 1970. Another medical monster who got a new life thanks to Operation Paperclip was Dr. Herbert Bruner Gersner. Dr. Herbert Bruner Gersner brought to the US in 1949. In the 1930s, Gersner worked for the University of Leipzig. He started off by interning as a research assistant for Dr. Eugene Gildemister, leading researcher in the field of electromagnetism, electromagnetism, there we go. And how electricity affected the human body.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Regular Dr. Frankenstein. Gerstner also got involved with a psychiatrist named Pants, who develops an extreme electroshop therapy that a US government report described as pure, unadulterated sadism. This Walter studied under some of the third Reich's finest sadists. Then he joined Action T-4, a program Hitler started in October of 1939, which empowered his personal physician, Dr. Karl Braunt, and chancellery, chief Philip Boulart to kill those deemed unsuitable for life. The two were charged with responsibility for expanding the authority of physicians so that patients considered incurable, according to the best available human judgment of their
Starting point is 00:58:58 state of health, can be granted a mercy killing. Yeah, right. Mercy killing. These are people who did not fucking want to die. A Gerstner worked on this program, which claimed the lives of tens of thousands of those deemed unfit to live because of incurable illnesses, both physical and mental. The T4 program, which swept through German hospitals for chronically ill patients, looking for people to put to death, was a precursor and segue to the Holocaust, and many of its techniques and operating procedures
Starting point is 00:59:22 would be used a few years later on a grander scale against European or against Europe's Jewish population. Victor Frankl, you know, from our recent inspirational suck, would intentionally misdiagnose his patients when the Nazis came to Vienna to save them from this very program. And Gersner and his mentor, Guildemiser, didn't just murder T4 program selections. They went the extra mile in horrificness and subjected them to sadistic deaths before euthanizing them. The duo conducted cruel experiments on hundreds of human test subjects, uh, subjecting them to electric shocks and burns in order to examine their wounds. Many of their victims were selected from quote, feeble-minded children who have been slated for euthanasia, these mother fuckers, burning handicapped children alive. Just to see,
Starting point is 01:00:04 you know, what the fuck would happen? You know, and if they didn't die from the burns, they just want to see how they'd heal. And then if the, you know, burns didn't actually kill them and they did heal, well, then they would execute them. Gersner was selected for Operation Paperclip despite openly admitting to US officials that he had done this shit.
Starting point is 01:00:20 It was actually sort of a bonus to US officials who wanted to know how electrocution and radiation would affect the human body, how burns would affect a human body in case, you know, the Soviet Union deployed arms against them to these effects. Operation paperclip ended up using this motherfucker to treat US cancer patients in San Antonio with radiation with a primary aim, not being to cure his cancer patients, but rather just to gather information about what radiation did to the body. 263 cancer patients
Starting point is 01:00:45 were experimented upon with full body irradiation, which subjected them to extremely high doses of X-rays that would eventually kill them. According to US naturalization records, this monster became a US citizen in Laredo, Texas. On August 8th, 1952, along with his wife, Helga, a picture of Dissy Wernher, you know, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no with the Oak Ridge Institute for Nuclear Studies in Tennessee, died in 1984 at the age of 73. His wife also worked at Oak Ridge until 1987, and then following her retirement, she remarried and spent her time playing golf at the country club,
Starting point is 01:01:32 tennis and bridge with her country club friends until she died in 2014. Fun, there's a couple of Nazis, living a good life in Tennessee. The HLG playing bridge and golf, maybe playing with the relatives of people, her husband once tortured and killed, that's interesting to think about.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Now for another monstrous human experimenter, Frederik Friedz Hoffmann. Dr. Friedz Hoffmann was a German scientist and chemist who worked at the Lothdwaffe's Technical Research Institute from the 1930s until the end of World War II. As part of his research, he conducted experiments with poison on human subjects selected from concentration camps. Hoffmann was based in Frank Furtinberlain, conducted many of his research, he conducted experiments with poison on human subjects selected from concentration camps. Uh, Hoffman was based in Frank Furton-Berlin, conducted many of his experiments in the dockow in that concentration camp in Upper Bavaria. He was saved from accountability after the war when he was selected for Operation Paperclip
Starting point is 01:02:16 and sent to the U.S. A large and gregarious man who spoke English pretty well, Hoffman claimed after the war that he had been opposed to Nazi ideology, but there is no evidence to support this claim. During the dockout trials after the war, he testified about his involvement in the murders of 324 Czechoslovakian Catholic priests who were deliberately infected with malaria to examine its effects. And he escaped punishment because, well, initially Britain wanted his brain.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Hoffman ended up in Britain as part of Operation Matchbox, the British counterpart to the US's Operation Paperclip, and a precursor to Operation Matchbox 20, and attempt by the US government to create the best alt pop musicians of the late 90s. And it was arguably very successful. That's right, Rob Thomas, built by secret Nazi doctors. You heard it here first. Of course, JK. As part of Operation Matchbox, not Matchbox 20, Hoffman worked on developing synthetic
Starting point is 01:03:12 poison gases. However, Hoffman didn't get along with his British colleagues, and the British passed him off to the Americans. At 1947, Operation Paper Clip swept him up, and he went to work for the US Army in Fort Dietrich, and the Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland. His research included furthering the development of the nerve agent Soren and psychoactive agents like LSD. Hello, Project MK Ultra. Some of the operation paperclip form an Nazis absolutely worked on that CIA Mind Control program. Check out that suck from August of 2017 for more info on the not so secret anymore
Starting point is 01:03:45 program. Hoffman's test subjects in the US were mainly enlisted military personnel and federal prison inmates who were not told they were being given toxins in 1950s. Hoffman go on to develop a variety of chemical agents for the US government such as agent blue, agent white, agent orange, agent orange, a herbicide used to defoliate vegetation. Its widespread use during the Vietnam War would have incredibly adverse health effects on soldiers and civilians from both sides of that conflict. More on the deadly effects in today's timeline. Starting in 1952, Hoffman also began working side gigs for the CIA.
Starting point is 01:04:18 He worked on oxygen deprivation experiments, very similar to the ones conducted by the Nazis and concentration camps. That's fun, just do that for the US. He later joined the staff of a CIA front organization called Chemropole Associates and worked on developing the chemicals used in the CIA's various attempts to assassinate Cuba's Fidel Castro. Did all kinds of shady shit for both Germany and the US and then died in 1967. Another paper clip recruit, Volta Shiba, not to be confused with Volta Shiba, a critical
Starting point is 01:04:50 player in the Third Reich's wartime production. He just pre-war experience in chemistry and textile manufacturing made him immensely useful to the National Socialist Party. And when World War II broke out, he joined the Reich Ministry of Armaments and war production, where he held a variety of high-level positions. These are big-time fucking dudes recruiting. He was also a member of the SS Roge to the rank of SS Abrigada Fiore equivalent to a one-star Brigadier general and US Army. He was awarded the war merit cross by Hitler in 1943. He was also performing bizarre and cruel experiments on prisoners for
Starting point is 01:05:21 Hitler and one of these experiments which took place at the Malthausen concentration camp in 1943, Shiber wanted to find out about the impact of food shortage on slave labor. This shit is fucking absurd. He picked 150 slave laborers, and instead of giving them actual food, instead of giving them the usual diet of watery broth, which was in and of itself shitty, he gave him some far shittier. Shiber gave them an artificial paste soup like substance made out of used clothing. Jesus Christ. You guys are working their asses off somewhat literally, unfortunately, and this guy feeds them old t-shirt soup.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Just to see what the fuck would happen. What did they think would happen? Unsurprisingly, the experiment concluded that people can't survive if you feed them scraps of clothes instead of actual fucking food You can't live on t-shirt soup of the 150 subjects 116 died before the experiment ended I'm guessing odds are the rest didn't survive the war who came up with that one Him la yes fierre Get some of the vultures in here. Which one it does not matter? Oh yes, Fira. A Voter, I'm feeling well, I'm feeling kind of bored today
Starting point is 01:06:28 and I want you to lift my spirits. So I was thinking, what if you took say 150 factory workers and fed them some T-shirt soup? A T-shirt soup, a Fira? Yes, T-shirt, so you're endable, invincible, imbecile. I'm so flustered, I cannot say to word to imbecile. Why do you look at me like I'm crazy? I want you to feed them to T-shirt soup.
Starting point is 01:06:50 And send report back to me. It's a perfectly reasonable request. Bring me a bowl of it as well. I've always wanted to taste just a tiny bit of T-shirt soup. I'm serious. It will amuse me. You motherfucker, get that fucking T-shirt soup made. Of course, Phil, we're lucky to have you as our Vice Leader. I'm so sorry. Shit, it's insane. Shibra was also the armament's ministry's official liaison
Starting point is 01:07:10 with IG Fobbin, the chemical conglomerate that produced the poisonous toxins used in the Holocaust, where all those developments in nerve gas have been created. The oversaw the chemical giants production of Tobin and Soren gases working closely with the company's chief chemist, Otto Ambrose while working on IG Fobben are working with them. Sheber was linked to thousands of deaths from numerous chemical experiments on live subjects. After the war, Shyber became friends with a US Army Brigadier General in the chemical core named Charles Lachs.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Charles Lachs stationed in Heidelberg where he worked on nerve agents including Soren and Tobin because Shyber had intimate knowledge of the gases used by the Nazis during the war the two hit it off Maybe they hit it off too much Laugh soon called back to the Pentagon where he was reprimanded by his appears for getting to Chummy with the Nazis Weird the way it's all written interesting Laugh. What are you thinking? We want you to work closely with these guys get all their secrets make sure they're productive Have you know maybe a drink with them. Sometimes, sometimes tell them an okay joke, get a polite laugh.
Starting point is 01:08:11 But do not be playing drinking games until three in the morning and killing your best jokes and getting belly laughs and taking them out to a goddamn Yankees game. He's Christ, man, in case you forgot, he got your fucking Nazis. It's a weird line to draw. As a 1947 official memo stated, Dr. Shibers' talents are of so important and nature to the US that they go far to override any consideration of his political background. That's an interesting thing to write, right? They go far to override any consideration of his political background.
Starting point is 01:08:43 So whatever the fuck is the did, we don't care. He has some important knowledge. Shiver worked there for 10 years, who was instrumental in helping the US develop its own saw and gas capability. And it is due to his work for the Army's chemical core, Shiver became a CIA assistant, or sorry, CIA assistant, CIA asset for their remainder of his life.
Starting point is 01:09:00 He lived at the age of 63, spent his final years working for the US from West Germany, after leaving the country, when investigative journalists discovered what he'd done for Nazi Germany, and we're not real happy about it, exposed him. Now let's meet yet another cruel experiment, we're almost at the timeline. Dr. Hubertis Strughold was a prominent German medical researcher, who served as the Lufthof office chief error medical researcher from 1935 until the end of World War II. He was a big wig, another big wig. During the war, he conducted some horrific human experiments on prisoners, got many of his
Starting point is 01:09:30 test subjects killed. Those activities were swept under the rug, however, and he was of course brought to the U.S. under the protection, again, of Operation Paperclip. After earning a medical degree in the 20s, Strukehold, excuse me, got into the emerging field of aviation medicine. He won a Rockefeller Foundation scholarship and traveled to the US in 1928, where he conducted aviation medicine research at the University of Chicago and at Case Western University in Cleveland.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Back in Germany, he became a professor. Then in 1935, when he was hired by the Nazis as director of the research institution for aviation medicine, which was sponsored by Herman Gore as director of the research institution for aviation medicine, which was sponsored by Herman Gorene's Ministry of Aviation. Strugehold's institution conducted pioneering research on the physical effects of supersonic flight and high altitudes. When the war broke out in 1939, the institution was absorbed into the Luftwaffe. And during the war, Strugehold was part of medical studies that used inmates from the Dachau
Starting point is 01:10:23 concentration camp. Test subjects were, again, forced to endure surgeries without anesthetics. They were immersed in frozen water to examine the effects of hypothermia. They were placed in air pressure chambers to test the human body's ability to withstand or not withstand various levels of air pressure, very cruel way to die. Not that many years before, he was studying at the University of Chicago in case Western probably grabbing some drinks with some American friends, maybe cheering for the cubs or the white socks or the Cleveland Indians eating a hot dog, admiring a home run. Then over in Germany, not that long afterwards, you know, freezing, scared
Starting point is 01:10:55 Jewish concentration camp victims to death, how very disturbing. After the war investigators of the Nuremberg war trials listed as strugehold as one of 13 persons firms or individuals implicated in the Dachau Medical Attrocities. Because the U.S. government figured he possessed valuable information and experience, he was never charged with war crimes. He said he's brought to America where Strugehold held high ranking medical positions in the Air Force as head of its school of aviation medicine in Texas at one point. He then went to work for NASA as head of the Department of Space Medicine, Strokehold conducted pioneering work in the physical and psychological effects of manned spaceflight and his efforts
Starting point is 01:11:30 helped get American astronauts to successfully walk on the moon. Because of his contributions to the field, he became known as the father of space medicine, space medicine partially evolved out of concentration camp torture. Since 1963, the Space Medicine Association has given out an annual Hubertist Strooghold award to top physicians or scientists for outstanding work in space medicine. Strooghold denied participation or even knowledge of the Dachau human experimentation.
Starting point is 01:11:55 And for years before class, excuse me, before classifying information was released, most physicians and scientists in his field took him in his word. He was also beloved by his colleagues and students, many of whom found it hard to believe that Stroog Gold had lied about his involvement in Nazi human experimentation, but he did lie. Strue Gold's expertise in keeping people alive in space was derived at least partially from his intimate knowledge of just how much the human body can endure under extreme stress
Starting point is 01:12:19 in those concentration camp experiments. And many other Nazis who conducted horrific experiments on prisoners during World War II were also recruited into Operation Paperclip. Let's get back in those concentration camp experiments. And many other Nazis who conducted horrific experiments on prisoners during World War II were also recruited into Operation Paperclip. Let's get back to the Rocket Men for just a second here. Dieter Grau, did not only develop rockets, he developed tortures, punishments for those deemed traders as well.
Starting point is 01:12:37 As a member of the Von Braun Rocket Group, Dieter Grau was a central part in the development of the V2 rocket during World War II. During his time as a Nazi asset, Grau was briefly posted in Middleverk, an underground slave labor rocket factory run by Arthur Rudolph, another Nazi who would also be recruited into Operation Paperclip, and at Middleverk, Grau developed his expertise in debugging or in the detection of worker sabotage. The slaves that he outed at Middleverk were subjected to a special punishment reserved for saboteurs. Public
Starting point is 01:13:07 hanging in the factories main hall by a crane that was raised very slowly while other horrified laborers looked on. So your neck wasn't broken, you just slowly choked a death as you were hanged. After he was snapped up by Operation Paperclip, Grouse served as a quality director on a number of rocket projects including the development of the Saturn V rocket. Uh, and did the man who slowly hang prisoners only in prison because of their heritage received comic retribution and died slow and painful death to young age? No.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Groudered a long time to the ripe old age of 101 and was fondly remembered by his American colleagues for his attention to detail and everything he did. How sweet. What a nice detailed man. One of his colleagues knew he paid great attention to the details of dramatically executed innocent Jewish slave labor force to work in that prison camp. Just a few quick hits now and then we'll be on to the timeline. Walter, another Walter, Robert Dornberger was a German artillery officer and World War
Starting point is 01:14:01 II major general who was in charge of the manufacturer and deployment of the Nazis, V2 rockets, like many other operation paperclip dirt bags, like at least two other Walters. He was slave labor in his projects, tens of thousands of slaves worked to death, perished of maltreatment, were straight up executed, and Dornberger's hellish factories and work sites. He became chief of the US Army's weapons department, was put in charge of America's V2 missile development program. And later on, had a hand in creating the space shuttle upon retirement, lived in Mexico,
Starting point is 01:14:30 and returned to Germany where he died in 1980 at the age of 84. So many of these motherfuckers lived so long. Clearly they dealt well with any guilt they may have felt over doing the horrible shit they did. Nazi scientists, Hermann or Hermann Oberth, first positive the idea that rockets could operate in the vacuum of space. He developed a German V2 rocket alongside Werner von Braun, working just like him in that big Nazi factory built via slave labor. He joined von Braun in America with many others to develop a Saturn V rocket. One final Nazi rocket man, Kurt Debus.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Next to Werner von Braun, Kurt Debus, the most famous former Nazi to occupy a place in American rocketry's Hall of Fame. Debus was the director of the John Braun, Kurt Debus, the most famous former Nazi to occupy a place in American rocketry's Hall of Fame. Debus was the director of the John F. Kennedy Space Center in Florida from 1962 to 1974, back in Nazi Germany. Debus was Hitler's flight test director during the development of the V2 rocket. Debus was part of the group led by Magnus von Braun that negotiated, you know, the Bavarian Werewolf that negotiated the surrender of the German rocket scientists at the end of the war.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Almost immediately, Debus was shuttle away to begin work at Fort Bliss, soon transferred to Huntsville, Alabama to oversee the construction of the NASA facilities at Cape Canaveral. With Debus at the helm, NASA successfully launched 13 Saturn five rockets into space, including the rocket that carried the Apollo 11 astronauts to the moon. And Debus would never have achieved any of this for America without first working in
Starting point is 01:15:46 that deplorable not CV2 factory. Kurt Debas would be awarded the US Army's highest civilian decoration, the exceptional civilian service medal, the Scott Gold Medal of the American Ordnance Association's Missile, and the Astronautics Division and NASA's outstanding leadership award. Sorry, a lot of awards there, a lot of awards in them. He went on to win a lot of awards. I could spend 10 minutes listening them all off. He was elected to National Space Hall of Fame in 1969, and the dude, you know, was a Nazi. One of some of 1600, at least German scientists and former Nazis that came to the US
Starting point is 01:16:17 to continue their work via Operation Paperclip. All 1600 in some way, shape or form, I would have to guess, committed serious ethical breaches on behalf of the Third Reich. And then the US brought them across the Atlantic in secret to work for the US military industrial complex, where some of them continued to engage in morally bankrupt behavior. All justified by the Cold War, anything to keep them and their secrets and knowledge out of Russian hands. Many of the Nazis recruited into operation paperclip went on to live long and comfortable lives, were respected by their colleagues, some even managed to talk US government officials into bringing their Nazi friends over to help them.
Starting point is 01:16:50 The US officials morally struggle with these decisions, maybe, maybe not. As we'll see at the top of today's timeline America didn't need Hitler's former soldiers to help them cross the moral line of conducting non-consensual human experiments. It was already happening. And you couldn't even use theconsensual human experiments. It was already happening. And you couldn't even use the cold water justify it when it was first happening.
Starting point is 01:17:08 The following examples, we will interspers in our examination and the formation of operation paperclip, not a comprehensive list, probably not even close. Let's jump into some dates, names, and what the fuck did that really happen moments in today's no longer classified time suck timeline. After a word from today's sponsors, thank you for listening. Hope some of those deals appealed.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Shrap on those boot soldier. We're marching down a time suck timeline. 1932. Just kicked things off by going back almost a decade before the US entered World War II to talk about the Tuskegee experiments. While Nazi Germany was gearing up to do their own human experimentation, the US was doing its own long before they brought over Germans with Operation Paperclip. We've covered the Tuskegee experiments before, but for those who haven't heard about it, important enough to go over here again. In 1932, the U.S. Public Health Service in collaboration with the Tuskegee Institute, the precursor to Tuskegee University, a historically black college located into Tuskegee, Alabama.
Starting point is 01:18:15 I, with this location, U.S. Public Health Service, began a study to determine the natural progression of syphilis when left untreated. It was called a Tuskegee study of untreated syphilis in the Negro male. 600 poor sharecroppers from Alabama, 399 of whom had previously contracted syphilis were selected as subjects for this study and not told the true nature of the study. They were lied to. Many of them were told that they were being treated for syphilis when they weren't. Some were given bullshit placemos, diagnostic procedures,
Starting point is 01:18:46 as treatments. Some were not told they had syphilis at all when they did have it. They were told the study was going to last for six months. It would last 40 fucking years. At least 28 would unnecessarily die from syphilis in this study. Researchers told patients they were being treated for bad blood. A local term used to describe several ailments including syphilis, anemia, and fatigue, because researchers wanted to see the natural progression of the disease, subjects were strongly discouraged from seeking treatment for the disease elsewhere.
Starting point is 01:19:14 I'm seeking help from any other doctors who actually might help them. In 1947, penicillin became widely accepted as a very efficient treatment, a very effective treatment for syphilis, and these subjects still not offered it. And they didn't even know to look for it. Because again, many told that they had something other than syphilis. Doctors kept telling they had bad blood.
Starting point is 01:19:34 How fucked up is that? It's not even a thing. It was only when the story went to press and sparked widespread outrage in the public in 1972 that the study was finally terminated. Then in 1974, a class action student filed by the NAACP resulted in an out of court settlement worth 10 million. 10 million seems mighty fucking low here. The last study participant died in January of 2004. Then in a 1944 sequel to the Tuskegee experiment, the US Army and Navy hired University of Chicago doctors to infect 432 prisoners in custody at the Illinois
Starting point is 01:20:06 State Penitentiary at Stateville with malaria and experiments designed to get a profile of the disease and develop a treatment for it. Most of the inmates were black, zero of them received proper information about the treatments risk or what it even was. Yeah, of course, highly doubt if they would have been asked, hey, would you mind being given malaria? We want to know what the fuck happens. And then we'll probably, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:26 try some experimental treatments on you that we're not gonna show, you know, we're not sure they're even gonna work. I doubt in that situation they would have said, fuck you at noise! I would love to be given a disease. Sweet, that's exactly what I was hoping for. When I got into prison was a disease.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity. And experimental treatments that might not work, but you know, it could really mess me up in addition to the disease for free. Excuse me, while I pinch myself, I must be dreaming. Nazi doctors on trial at Nuremberg in 1945 in 1956 would cite the state-ville penitentiary malaria study as part of their defense for what they did. It was hypocritical to be charged for human rights atrocities by others, also committing similar atrocities. Now the US take it as far as the Nazis did.
Starting point is 01:21:09 No, no, they didn't. Not in numbers or in severeness of the program, but they did take it way, fucking farther than they should have way farther than what's even in the ballpark of moral. And because they did, the Nazis did have an argument to be made here. Classic pot calling the kettle black here. So hypocritical. The US was committing its own atrocities in the name of science while sentencing former Nazis for doing the same shit.
Starting point is 01:21:31 On December 23, 1936, Gerard Schrader, accidentally develops Tobin as we talked about kicking off Germany's and then soon the world's production of chemical weapons. October 3, 1942, Germany's first successful test launch, those V-rockets secure. That rocket designed, worked on by numerous men, as we've talked about, who will become Operation Paperclip scientists. The V-2 rocket would be first used in September of 1944. Soon, over 5,000 V-2s will be fired on, you know, Britain alone. Approximately 1100 will reach their target and killing 2,724 people, badly injuring around another 6,000, almost all of them civilians.
Starting point is 01:22:08 By early 1943, the German government began recalling from combat a number of scientists, engineers and technicians from fighting and actual battles to work in research and development to bolster German defense for a protracted war with the USSR. This recall from frontline combat included 4,000 rocketeers, who were sent to factories that were staffed, as we've already said, by slave laborers. Werner Osenberg, the engineer scientist, heading Germany's Defense Research Association, recorded the names of many of these men recalled back from the frontlines, and what became known as the Osenberg List, as they were reinstated to scientific work. The Osenberg List would
Starting point is 01:22:43 later be essential to the formation of Operation Paperclip. In May of 1944, a series of secret operations that led to Operation Paperclip began when World War II wasn't officially over, when things were not looking really good for the Axis powers. Enter Samuel Gaudsmith, a Dutch-American physicist, in May of 1944, Gaudsmith became the scientific director of the Manhattan Projects All-Sauce Mission.
Starting point is 01:23:05 The All-Sauce Mission's members, a team of British and US military, scientific and intelligence personnel, moved with the advancing allies to learn firsthand how close Germany was to developing its own atomic weapon. It was up to these men of science to determine just how close the Third Reich was to waging atomic, biological, or chemical warfare against Allied troops. The All-Sauce Mission members were the first to label weapons of mass destruction, ABC warfare. They all saw outsmist mission.
Starting point is 01:23:30 The third part of this mission enters Germany on February 24th, 1945. The first two missions had investigated Italy and then France. By this time it was obvious to mission members that none of Germany's nuclear materials and absolutely none of the German scientists must be allowed to fall into Soviet hands. This new objective became crucial as the Allies advanced towards Berlin. One key German facility lay square within the planned Soviet zone that would become East Germany, now enter Operation Harbourg. For France, falls to the Allies, it was decided to give the French a zone of occupation in
Starting point is 01:24:02 Germany when the Nazis finally surrendered. The zone given to the French was originally designated as an American zone. Several suspected nuclear research facilities were in this planned French zone. The strategy behind Operation Harbridge was to have a sizable force cut diagonally across in front of the Advancing French Army and seize the area long enough to capture any German scientists, season remove all available records, and destroy remaining facilities. In March of 1945, at Bonn University, a Polish lab technician finds pieces of the Austinburg list, stuff in an impropagely flush toilet, and he then flushes them properly, and the
Starting point is 01:24:38 list is lost forever. Fucking Polish. And that is all for today's time suck timeline. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. No, not at suck. That'd be a terrible, terrible ending. No, he grabs it. He hands it to someone important to that person, hands it to someone else important and so on and so forth. The list eventually reaches the British intelligence agency, MI6, and then they flush it down the toilet along with a lot of other important intelligence information that they should have taken more seriously.
Starting point is 01:25:06 No, they pass it along to US intelligence. Reaches the hands of US Army Major Robert B. Staver, Chief of the Jet Propulsion Section of the Research and Intelligence Branch of the US Army Ordnance Corps, or Corps, and he uses the Austinburg List to compile a list of German scientists to be captured and interrogated. And Werner von Braun heads major stavars list. Second on that list, the Bavarian werewolf, the body slamming brought worst, the Deutschland DDT Magnus von strong. Braun.
Starting point is 01:25:37 No, that's fucking nonsense. Let's move along to April 12th. April 24th. What am I doing? 1945 Operation Harbourage is successful. The US makes it into strategically important areas of Germany before the Russians do. An officer named Colonel Posh
Starting point is 01:25:55 ceases a large atomic physics laboratory. Maybe Colonel Pash. And takes into custody several sought after scientists, those scientists tell the Americans about a group of other scientists who had fled to Bavaria. Three days later on the 27th, the capture German scientists are transferred to the city of Heidelberg for further questioning
Starting point is 01:26:12 where information on the whereabouts of German atomic research records are revealed by a German nuclear physicist, Carl von Weizacher. The records have been sealed in a metal drum, stored in a cesspool in back of a vise, vise act at his house. So thank you, I de-stored him. While Operation Harbage was underway,
Starting point is 01:26:29 continued investigations at the AllSauce Forward headquarters at Hyalberg are making significant progress. Another major accomplishment of AllSauce III was an operation headed up by John Lansdale into an area near Strasford. After season assault mine, known as the Weefo plant, Land's Dale and his man discovered inventory of close to 1100 tons of uranium ore.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Don't want the showbies to get that. Let's make enough to, or that's enough to make. Once it's converted to your enriched uranium, and as long as I didn't forget to carry the one about 20 atomic bombs, I think. I couldn't find any exact understandable answer for how many tons of uranium ore do you need to make an atomic bomb?
Starting point is 01:27:08 But I did Google that exact question, which I'm pretty sure sent whatever FBI agents is keeping an eye on me now, some type of push notification or alert or something. Fucking comments. Now what's he looking up? Why can't we just arrest this guy already? Tired of him blowing up my phone. Early May of 1945, along comes Operation Epsilon. Operation Epsilon was the code name of a program in which allied forces near the end of World
Starting point is 01:27:30 War II detained 10 German scientists, including Werner Karl Heisenberg, Kurt Debener, Otto Hahn, Karl von Weisecker, Max von Laugh, who was thought to have worked on Nazi Germany's nuclear program. He's a scientist, we're captured between early May and late June 1945, interned at Farmhall, a bugged house in Godman, Chester, England from July 3rd, 1945 to January 3rd, 1946. The Americans at this point, just trying to figure out how close the Germans had been to developing an atomic bomb. So the, uh, listen to the German scientists' conversations. And when the German scientists learned that an atomic bomb had been dropped on Hiroshima, they expressed, they expressed surprise and shock that the Americans were able to develop
Starting point is 01:28:12 the weapon in such a short amount of time. Amusingly, they also had this interaction. Uh, Deamer said, I wonder whether there are microphones installed here. And Heisenberg said, microphones installed and laughed. Oh, no, they're not as cute as all that. I don't think they know the real Gestapo methods. They're a bit old fashioned in that respect. I love the use of old fashioned here. Silly Americans, this old fashioned, respectful people privacy. Not even bugging people's personal conversations or anything. Little did they know that we here in America like to invade everyone's privacy. and we've been doing that for many years
Starting point is 01:28:46 We're not old fashioned and are in fact very Gestapo in some ways. Thank you very much I do actually wonder how much of what we all do and say is monitored and stored in service And in like if you ever end up as a priority and a watchlist How much of your former private conversations and movements purchases search history, etc. Can be tracked? I'm guessing so much. A lot of former parlor users, finding that out now, if they didn't know already, pretty scary, how much of our information, whatever we post and stuff,
Starting point is 01:29:13 it just fucking just lives out there somewhere. With many of our smart devices listening to us, supposedly only when woken with their smart words, the government, clandestinely be paying big companies, like Amazon, Apple for that info, then store it all in massive server farms. I have to think that could, in fact, definitely be happening. And someone will be talking about, you know, operation, whatever the fuck that's called,
Starting point is 01:29:34 and some future podcast, decades from now. Eek, May 22nd, 1945, major sovers, original or stabbers, original intent with operation overcasts was only to interview the scientist But then he you know when he learned from them change the operations purpose major Stabber is the chief of the jet propulsion section of the research intelligence branch the US Army ordinance core Dude come into the Austin Brick list in case you forgot lunatics. He'd track up in the suck And on May 22nd he transmitted to the US Pentagon headquarters He tracked up in the suck. And on May 22nd, he transmitted to the US Pentagon headquarters, Colonel Joel Holmes
Starting point is 01:30:06 telegram, urging the evacuation of German scientists and their families as most important for the Pacific war effort. Most of the Osamburg list engineers worked at Peenaminda village in northeast Germany, containing a German center of the same name dedicated to missile and rock research and manufacture where Nazi Zill with the B2 rocket. And getting to go ahead to capture these rocket scientists, the allies initially housed them in their families in Landship Bavaria and Southern Germany. Then in the summer of 1945, project Safe Haven now launches to prevent German scientists
Starting point is 01:30:38 from going to work for Spain or Argentina or Egypt, all countries that sympathize with Nazi Germany. America's newly formed combined intelligence and just objectives subcommittee now responsible for scouting and kidnapping high profile individuals for the deprivation of technological advancements by the US's enemies. The US instigates an evacuation operation of scientific personnel issuing orders such as on orders of military government you are to report with your family and baggage as much as you can carry tomorrow noon at 1300 hours at the town square in
Starting point is 01:31:09 bitterfield. There is no need to bring winter clothing. Easily carried possession such as family documents, jewelry and the like should be taken along. You will be transported by motor vehicle to the nearest railway station. From there you will travel onto the west. Please tell the bear of this letter how large your family is. Those with special skills and knowledge were taken to detention and interrogation centers, such as one code named Dustbin, to be held interrogated in some cases for months.
Starting point is 01:31:34 A few of the scientists were gathered up in operation overcasts, but most were transported to villages in the countryside, where there were neither research facilities nor work, they were provided stipends, forced to report twice weekly to police headquarters to prevent them from leaving. The Joint Chiefs of Staff, directive on research and testing, stated that technicians and scientists should be released only after all interested agencies were satisfied that all desired intelligence information had been obtained from them.
Starting point is 01:32:00 Beginning on July 20th, 1945, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff manages the captured German rocketeers under Operation Overcast. Then when the camp overcasts, the name of the scientist quarters becomes locally known, the program is renamed, dan dan dan, Operation Paperclip in November of 1945. July 20th is therefore the date when Operation Paperclip really began, even though it wasn't named that. Some sources listed date as July 19th, if you see that online. Also in 1945, the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency formed to manage Operation Paperclip.
Starting point is 01:32:33 The JIOA was created solely and specifically to recruit and hire Nazi scientists and put them on weapons projects and in scientific intelligence programs within the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the CIA, started in 1947 and other organizations. The CIA was, you know, the part that was starting in 1947. And in this new department, recruiters, whitewashed scientists files to remove their Nazi affiliations. They wrote new, clean biographies for the scientists. They issued them with military security clearances. They gave them tickets to America.
Starting point is 01:33:03 They were dotting the eyes. They were crossing the tees. They were deleting shit like freezing Jewish prisoners to death or burning disabled kids alive. World War II is declared officially over then on September 2, 1945. When representatives from the Empire of Japan signed surrender documents aboard the USS Missouri. Soon after the war is ended, later September, the first group of seven rocket scientists, all aerospace engineers, all operation paperclip recruits arrive at Fort Strong, located on Long Island in Boston Harbor, only roughly 1593 left to go. Beginning in late 1945, three rocket scientists groups arrive in the US for duty at Fort Bliss, Texas and at White Sands proving grounds to Mexico as war department special employees. On November 20th, 1945,
Starting point is 01:33:50 the Nuremberg trials began with the most famous of the trials, the major war criminals trial. Held to bring Nazi war criminals to justice, the Nuremberg trials were a series of 13 trials carried out in Nuremberg, Germany between 1945 and 1949. The defendants included Nazi party officials and high ranking military officers, along with German industrialists, lawyers and doctors accused of committing war crimes. The best known in the Nuremberg trials was that opening prosecution, the trial of major war criminals, held from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946. Most of the time in the Nuremberg trials a reference. This is the trial being referred to.
Starting point is 01:34:26 24 individuals are indicted along with six Nazi organizations determined to be criminal like to get stop-o. And the end, the international tribunal finds all but three of the defendants guilty, 12% to death, one in absentia, and the rest are given prison sentences ranging from 10 years to life behind bars. 10 years to life behind bars.
Starting point is 01:34:44 Yeah, this is what the Nazi scientists were avoiding by making deals to either come to America or go to Russia. A strong possibility of either a death sentence or a lengthy imprisonment. On September 3rd, 1946, President Truman officially approves Operation Paperclip, which I find amusing, since it had been going on for quite some time. Now, let's head back to America. I guess let's stay in America since we were just talking about President Truman in 1949, the green run takes place in Washington State, just a couple hours drive from the suck dungeon,
Starting point is 01:35:11 did not know about this until this week. On December 2nd, December 3rd of 1949, the US government released on purpose radioactive fission products from the Hanford site, Platoonian production facility located in Eastern Washington. Radio isotopes were then supposed to be detected by US Air Force for condosants. Sources site 5,500 to 12,000 curries of I-9131 released in an even greater amount of Zena 133. In an oral history of the event, Leland Fox says that his father was in the military and was bivouac on the banks of the when actually river during the green run. Then there's this quote, people with radiation suits walked around and moved the little color
Starting point is 01:35:52 flags as the radiation was detected. The cooking was done outdoors as they slept near the beach. The officers did not stay long except to give orders and then drive away. Almost everyone that my father knew was there, who was there, has died of cancer. My father had chronic lymphocytic leukemia and died from the complications of lung cancer. The fed said that leukemia cannot be caused by iodine 131, but his doctor, Dr. Bonnie,
Starting point is 01:36:18 Takasui of Burian, Washington said that it most probably was. Why the fuck did they do this? A physicist, Carl C. Garmt's feldor, PhD, familiar with this operation, believes it was done so that if the Soviets ever secretly contaminated the US with dangerous radiation, we would know how to determine just how bad they had contaminated us.
Starting point is 01:36:37 So basically in 1949, the fucking US military knowingly radiated American soil to try and find out how to be able to know if Russia ever radiated American soil in the future. out how to be able to know if Russia ever radiated American soil in the future. It's like shooting an innocent person in the face, and then having a forensic team immediately swoop in to see if the crime scene evidence matches the crime of someone getting shot in the fucking face.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Yep. Yeah, checks out. Mm-hmm. Yeah, all checks out. Now drag out that innocent corpse. This happens a few years after Nazis are sentenced to death for experimenting on innocent people. And I know that what happened in your hand for not even close to the same
Starting point is 01:37:09 is burning disabled children to study burn wounds and treatment, but also really not a good look. Also 1949, they knew how dangerous radiation was. And then they did this. Best case, really negligent. Worst case, they knowingly sacrificed the health of some of their own soldiers and workers to study radiation effects, aka they experimented on innocent people.
Starting point is 01:37:30 Then in 1950 the US military does something even worse, harder to justify, really hard to make a case for any sort of negligence on this one. The army sprayed large quantities of serratia, marshesens, a bacterial, a bacterial logical agent over San Francisco, a biological weapon, promoted an outbreak of pneumonia-like illnesses and directly causing the death of at least one man, 75-year-old pipe-fitter Ed Nevans. Over 25 years later, the Senate subcommittee, or in, excuse me, in Senate subcommittee hearings in 1977, the US Army reveals that weeks before Mr. Nevin, Mr. Nevin's second and died, the Army had staged a mock biological attack on San Francisco, secretly
Starting point is 01:38:09 spraying the city with agents thought to be harmless. Mock attack? Harmless? Tell that to the Nevans family. A case filed in relation to the incident resulted in the suit being dismissed as the judge determined that the government had exercised due discretion in its experiment. And again, tell that to the Nevin's family experiment. They did not have to conduct killed ed. The Nevin's family never received any compensation for this incident leading to Ed Nevin's death. From 1950 to 1953, the US Army released its chemical clouds over six U.S.
Starting point is 01:38:40 and Canadian cities. The tests were designed to test dispersal patterns of chemical weapons. Army records noted that the compounds used over Winnipeg, Canada, where there were numerous reports of respiratory illnesses after this happened, involved cadmium, a highly toxic chemical. The Pentagon never told the US federal government that it would be spraying a chemical on Winnipeg and two Alberta towns, and they sure as fuck didn't let Canadian officials know about this. They just secretly dropped carcinogens on unsuspectg and two Alberta towns. And they sure as fuck didn't let Canadian officials know about this. They just secretly dropped carcinogens on unsuspecting Canadian and American cities.
Starting point is 01:39:09 Why? Just testing some Cold War shit that they believe would help them prepare for the possibility of war with Mother Russia. No big whoops, it's the Pentagon doing some, you know, Nazi shit. When these chemical clouds are being created in 1951, the US Army secretly contaminated the Norfolk Naval Supply Center as well in Virginia with infectious bacteria. The Army released an organism called whole Aspergillus fumigatus at the Norfolk Naval Supply Center because they said most workers were black, and for some reason the testers imagined
Starting point is 01:39:41 an enemy might target black soldiers at military bases with this specific organism. Uh-huh. A report said since Negroes are more susceptible to Cuck City Oides, then our whites, this fungus disease was simulated by using Aspergillus fumigatus. Aspergillus further was known to cause lethal infections at the time. That report sounds like so much bullshit. No, what?
Starting point is 01:40:07 We didn't pick that supply center because we're racist, and we wanted to target innocent black Americans rather than white Americans. How fucking dare you even think that? No, what we were trying to do in case anyone's interested in the truth was, you know, make sure our enemies aren't going to come up with some kind of super fungus and kill all of our black citizens who we love so much Avi and we wanted to get proactive in
Starting point is 01:40:35 Protecting them so we risk many of their lives without talking to them about it like good friends do for people they care about Two similar experiments were undertaken years later. The Army conceded that it had released microorganisms at Washington National Airport in 1965 and into the New York City subway system in 1966 during peak travel hours. No real word on how they justify those experiments. Well, they said the purpose was to see how the bacteria spread and survived as people went about their routine activities. So that's, that's fun. What the fuck? Uh, at least I guess those attacks don't seem racist, you know, just equal opportunity
Starting point is 01:41:09 fucking over innocent citizens. On 1953, two experiments are conducted that were far more nefarious. The United States Atomic Energy Commission, the inheritor of the Manhattan Project conducted numerous radiation experiments. Experiments considered grossly unethical today. I don't know how they weren't considered grossly unethical then. Two were particularly bad. At the University of Iowa, newborns and pregnant women were intentionally exposed to radioactive
Starting point is 01:41:33 iodine, knowing this would be severely detrimental to their health. The first study involved exposing pregnant women to radioactive iodine, then studying their aborted embryos in order to understand the way the radiation affected their pregnancies. These were not, I don't want this baby abortions here. Now this was, my body is kicking out my baby because radiation has fucked it up type abortions here. Also in 1953, the AEC sponsored a study to discover if radioactive iodine affected premature babies differently than full-term babies.
Starting point is 01:42:02 So they, you know, just radiated a whole bunch of fucking babies on the experiment, researchers from Harper's Hospital in Detroit, Orally administered iodine 131 to 65 premature and full-term infants who weighed anywhere from 2.1 to 5.5 pounds. And researchers at the University of Nebraska College of Medicine fed iodine 131 to 28 healthy infants through a gastric tube to test the concentration of iodine in the infants thyroid glands. What happened to these fucking babies? Released reports don't seem to say. And there were other similar studies done. Pretty fucked up, pretty Nazi-like.
Starting point is 01:42:36 From 1953 to 1973, the secret CIA project MK Ultra took place. I already did a full suck on this one. I know I mentioned it earlier in this one. I'll just give a quick summary here. MK Ultra, a series of experiments conducted by the CIA to test many different things. From electric shock therapy to the effect of mind-altering drugs, they wanted to discover
Starting point is 01:42:55 and then counteract amongst other things, means of controlling people's minds, especially those of military prisoners. They wanted to develop some sort of magic truth serum to use in interrogations. And they dosed unsuspecting people with LSD to see how they would react. Sometimes they were given huge doses, unknowing subjects where it bars or at the beach when researchers drop drugs and their drinks that observe their reactions. This one out of all the fucked up,
Starting point is 01:43:19 it's still so fucked up, but it also was kind of funny to me. Somebody out of the beach just enjoying themselves and then this kid randomly dozed. The CIA even dozed its own agents without their knowledge, and then one of their own died when he was drugged without his knowledge, he threw himself from a hotel building. He had another instance of the US government using meat, sacks, and guinea pigs. I hope I'm never used in any of these sick experiments,
Starting point is 01:43:38 obviously, but if I am any CIA agents who might be listing, can you please do this kind of experiment with me? Just if you have to dose me with something, if you have to like, I don't know, fucking give me some kind of drugs or radiate me or something, if I get to choose, can I have hallucinogens? Even if it's a fucking lot of them, and then maybe give me a bag of more of them,
Starting point is 01:43:56 explaining where they are, where I can get more of them. If I get to choose. On April 14th, 1955, Werner von Braun, along with many other former Nazis, applauded as their sworn into US citizenship. 1956, 1957, Operation Dropkick takes place. The fucking great name, Operation Dropkick. Sounds like a band name.
Starting point is 01:44:17 I can probably think of the Dropkick Murphy's, but it's pretty horrifying. Army, chemical, and biological weapons researchers released millions of mosquitoes on Savannah, Georgia, and Avon Park, Florida, in order to test the ability of these insects to carry and deliver yellow fever and dengue fever. Hundreds of American citizens fell ill, suffering from fevers, respiratory distress, still births, not good, and cephalitis, typhoid.
Starting point is 01:44:40 Then Army researchers disguised themselves as public health workers in order to photograph and test these victims, but not fucking tell them what happened to them. Oh my god, American citizens giving yellow fever. Yellow fever is no joke. It still kills about 30,000 people a year. Worldwide. And this all makes me think, what if we face a new threat now as serious as a threat of Soviet Russia was to the US government in the 50s?
Starting point is 01:45:02 What might we as a nation justify doing to our own citizens in the name of weapons research today? Thanks to the dark web, I'd like to think we're a little more safe than we used to be, thanks to hackers who could expose new secret tests a little easier than it was to do so in the 50s. But does the US military possess new technology that makes it easier than ever to get away with this shit? They might be able to hide things on the web or make things disappear more than I think
Starting point is 01:45:26 they might be able to do. I don't know. No part of me believes that we're ethically above doing these things now. Also, of current or future unethical experiments help us win another war or stop another one from starting. How unethical is it really then? If you think about greater good, big picture.
Starting point is 01:45:39 If you kill 500 innocent people, to save 500,000 other innocent people from dying. Are you a monster? Are you a savior? Are you both easy to take a high horse and, you know, have some stance of it. It's never okay. It should never be done. And I lean towards that, but is that true?
Starting point is 01:45:56 Is that a good mentality to lose a war with? Not saying any of this is right or justified on any level. Just, man, think the ethics. It's around to this. So complicated. All right, between 1966 and 1972, the US dumps between 11 and 13 million gallons of agent orange, a dioxide powered, powered herbicide over about four and a half million acres, South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, the government of Vietnam estimates that local civilian casualties from agent orange are more than half a million.
Starting point is 01:46:25 Holy shit, half a million. That's more than the total civilian deaths estimated from the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So the US use of agent orange on the jungles of Vietnam, you know, count as a war crime. I mean, if you think it should not, what if some other nation fought a war on your nation's soil and used agent orange or something similar and then half a million of your citizens died To this day areas that experience a high level of saturation report birth defects and other health problems like an abnormal amount tens of thousands of us soldiers were also the victims of agent orange poisoning
Starting point is 01:46:57 They didn't know what the fuck was you know going on with it either about three million Americans served in the armed forces and Vietnam nearby Areas during the time of the Vietnam War. Many of these veterans exposed to Agent Orange during their time, you know, very not handled properly as far as like benefits and medical, you know, treatment payments by the U.S. government. How many have died of cancer that Agent Orange gave them? They don't even know. On November 25, 1969, President Nixon discontinues all offensive aspects of the US biological warfare program kind of
Starting point is 01:47:27 Over the course of his 27 year history the program weaponized and stockpiled the following seven bio agents and pursued research on many more anthrax to the remeah to the remeah to the remeah Bruce so God dang it these fucking words you like I'll never say these words again Bruce Losis, Q fever, Venezuelan equinine, Venezuelan equine and Sepulitis virus Bachelism, Staffel Akakal, Enduro Toxin B, okay? Defensive research on biological warfare continues after 1969 and because sometimes the
Starting point is 01:48:05 best defense is a strong offense, we might still be doing some of this, some of this shit, as you're going to see here, 1981, Fidel Castro blamed an outbreak of dengue fever in Cuba on the CIA. The fever killed 188 people, including 88 children. So maybe we were not done using biological weapons offensively on July 27, 1981, speaking to a crowd of about 75,000. Mr. Castro cited US congressional testimony about the development by the US of biological weapons, including plans to use mosquitoes and biological warfare to carry diseases such as yellow fever and dengue. Seven years later, it's reported that in 1988, a Cuban exile leader
Starting point is 01:48:45 named Eduardo, Aracino, or Aracina admitted to bringing some germs into Cuba from the US back in 1980. Tough to verify this, but considering the history of the CIA and Cuba, we've touched on in other sucks. I would not even be a little bit surprised if this happened. 1992, an epidemic of dengue fever strikes. monoghwood, Nicaragua, nearly 50,000 people come down with the fever, dozens die. This was the first outbreak of that disease in Nicaragua. And this outbreak just happened to occur at the height of the CIA's war against the Nicaraguan Sandinista National Liberation Front, a socialist party the US did not want to take over Nicaragua
Starting point is 01:49:23 again. A part of the US had been opposed to since its formation in 1961. And this outbreak directly followed a series of low level, quote unquote, reconnaissance flights over the capital city by US planes. Weird. What a weird series of quincidences to this day. Many blame the US for the epidemic. And if I was forced to bet on this, I would bet that we are responsible.
Starting point is 01:49:44 The piece is fit. A 1996 to Cuban government once again, accuses the US of engaging biological aggression. This time it involves an outbreak of thrips. Thrips palmy and insect that kills potato crops palm trees and other vegetation. Thrips first showed up in Cuba on December 12, 1996 following some low level flights over the island by some US government spray planes while we're more very unusual and extremely suspicious quincidences. It almost seemed like the US may have attacked Cuba with biological weapons as recently as 1996.
Starting point is 01:50:15 1999 the US Department of Defense starts project Boccus, a covert investigation to determine whether it was possible to construct an anthrax production facility with off-the-shelf equipment. During a two-year simulation, the facility is constructed. It successfully produces an anthrax-like bacterium, supposedly to figure out whether other terrorists could do this as well. Also, though, in doing this, the US is making biological weapons. The participating scientists were able to make about a kilogram, 2.2 pounds of highly refined bacterial particles. Project back is one of three similar projects claimed to be perfectly legal by both the Clinton and Bush administrations under the biological weapons convention. However, a lot of people
Starting point is 01:50:54 in other countries disagree. The US government's desire to keep programs like this a secret was according to Bush administration officials, a significant reason that Bush rejected a draft agreement signed by 143 nations to strengthen a 1972 United Nations Biological Weapons Committee treaty. Why would we not want to strengthen that treaty? Probably because we were still definitely making biological weapons. And I think that's enough examples to make the point that as this fucked up as Operation Paperclip was on a lot of levels and as fucked up as all the things that Nazis recruited
Starting point is 01:51:24 into Operation Paper clip did, how bad they were, we can't just blame Nazis for cruelly experimenting on innocent people. The US government has also done it. Recently, as has Russia and so many other nations, I could use so many other examples. Sadly, we may never know all the ways the US government and other governments,
Starting point is 01:51:42 institutions, corporations, and private individuals, maybe secretly experimenting on us, meat sacks, even right now. And I don't want to go full conspiracy nut and suddenly find myself in a QAnon or Antifa chatroom, but I also don't want to go full blind to reality optimist and pretend this shit doesn't happen. Maybe if we talk about it often enough from time to time, it'll happen less. 2014, an investigative journalist, Annie Jacobson, publishes Operation Paperclip, the secret intelligence program that brought Nazi scientists to America. Jay Watkins of the CIA Center for the Study of Intelligence called it the most comprehensive
Starting point is 01:52:16 up-to-date narrative available to the public. It was the main source used for a lot of today's info. Interestingly, the majority of the Operation Paperclip files have not been declassified yet. So much more may have occurred that we just don't know about. What are we going to find out in the future? What if someday we learned that we did actually work with Dr. Joseph Mengele, that we did hire him to do more barbaric shit? What if we knew where he was the whole time following World War II until his death? Now, when we were working with him that entire time, pain him to be a monster. And after everything, you know, we've gone over today with that really surprised you. Let's
Starting point is 01:52:49 hop out of this week's time suck timeline. Good job, soldier. You made it back. Barely. Operation paperclip. It happened and left behind a legacy of ballistic missiles, saw and gas bombs, underground bunkers, space capsules, weaponized bubonic plague, and so much more. For many Operation Paperclip beneficiaries, it was a legacy of blood and bodies, both in Germany and in the US, where innocent people were either horrifically tortured
Starting point is 01:53:20 or given fake treatment. You know, when sick, that made him even sicker, may have also won the US the Cold War, though. The race to the moon would very likely not have been won by America without Nazi help, also enhanced weapons of mass destruction. Those ABC weapons developed in part by former Nazis for the US may have prevented World War III from ever happening. Not kidding. That good old mad doctrine of mutually assured destruction. If Nazi scientists had not been recruited into operation paperclip, would the US have developed enough weaponry to scare the USSR into a giant? Let's not maybe create an actual apocalypse that kills everyone's stalemate.
Starting point is 01:53:57 Maybe? No, maybe not. Also, interesting to learn or remember that the US was doing some of the same evil shit long before bringing over Nazis with the Tuskegee experiments and numerous other unethical and secret programs. And interesting that the US continued to conduct unethical military experiments after World War II. After the Nazis were long gone, or at least no longer working for Hitler, can't blame the Nazis and those experiments, Americans weren't following their orders.
Starting point is 01:54:20 But in some cases, they were following ours. And we could have done a whole separate time suck or several of them on other nations On ethical and sometimes downright fucking evil human experiments Check some of this shit out during the 70s and 80s 1970s 1980s South African defense force forced lesbian and gay military personnel to undergo sex change operations Forced them part of a secret program to purge homosexuality in the army. The program included psychological coercion, chemical castration, electric shock, and other unethical medical experiments, and estimated 900 forced sexual reassignment operations may have also been performed between 1971 and 1999 at military hospitals. There are all kinds of rumors about shit that has gone on in North Korea over the years.
Starting point is 01:55:06 A former prison guard who defected reported that prisoners were used for medical operation practice. Talk about practice to quote Alan Iverson, by young doctors, no anesthesia. He also described deliberate efforts to study physical resistance by starving prisoners to death. According to him, he saw state sanctioned status hit prisoners with hammers in the back of
Starting point is 01:55:26 their heads until they lost their memory became basically fucking zombies. Then they ended up getting used for target practices, all sorts of heinous shit. Starting in 1939 and lasting throughout World War II, the Soviet Union tested mustard gas and numerous other biological and chemical weapons on prisoners in their gulags, who knows how many were tortured and killed and on and on and on. We already did a suck on Japan's unit 731 whose researchers were every bit as barbaric as Nazi doctors like Joseph Mengele. There are sadly countless examples of state sanctioned cruelty from around the globe.
Starting point is 01:55:56 The days of medieval torture did not stop when the medieval era ended. Torture just took on new labels like experiments or interrogation. It seems that, you know, historically no matter what, no matter what one's nationality, at least in small government circles, that the ends of scientific progress have tended to justify the means of using human beings to get there. The most shocking aspect of operation. Paperclip to me, when you look at the context of similar atrocities around the world, is that it's not that shocking? It's in a dark way, you know, kind of par for the course. Does that make it right? No. No, I don't think it does. I don't think the ends always justify the means. Probably a very good thing that I'm not in charge of
Starting point is 01:56:33 any nation, you know, probably too soft. I couldn't sign off a lot of this shit. I don't think so. Maybe end of it, any of it. I'd want to find another way. And then if some, you know, animation was willing to do what I wasn't, any place I'd be in charge of, you know, probably get fucked. That's depressing, right? But you know, it's not depressing technology. Technology has advanced to the point that through the miracle of computers, through living tissue being able to be created through innovations like stem cell manipulation, 3D printing of biological tissue,
Starting point is 01:57:02 you know, this is the same progress that previously could only be achieved through horrific medical experimentation on innocent, unwilling, often unaware human beings can now be achieved in other victimless ways. That's exciting. Maybe this shit's behind us now. You know, maybe it's at least almost behind us. I don't think meat sacks are done
Starting point is 01:57:19 doing bad shit to one another, probably not even close, but at least maybe this chapter is almost fully written. I hope so. Time now for today's top five takeaways. Time, suck, tough, five takeaways. Number one, Operation Paperclip for Gabe and even rewarded former Nazi war criminals. By bringing them to work for the American government, they just tried so hard to destroy. It's not alone, That part is so weird.
Starting point is 01:57:46 They just tried to destroy the U.S. and its allies and now they're working for it. The alternative was to let Nazi knowledge fall into Soviet hands. The American government wasn't about to let that happen. And they weren't going to do another alternative, which would have been just kill them. Number two, some of the former Nazis, like Werner von Braun, had illustrious careers in the U.S. in both the public and the private sector after the war. Number three, the US government has done experiments on its own people over and over again. Even before we brought over the Nazis, notably with the Tuskegee experiments and the state-filled Penitentiary Malaria study.
Starting point is 01:58:19 Makes me wonder what we're doing today. Number four fucking T-shirt soup! That's gonna stick with me. makes me wonder what we're doing today. Number four, fucking T-shirt soup. That's gonna stick with me. One of several Nazi Walters we went over today, Volta Shaiiba picked 150 slave laborers, and instead of giving them, you know, just usual gruel of watery broth,
Starting point is 01:58:36 gave them this weird fucked up T-shirt soup paste of the 150 subjects, 116 died before the cruel experiment ended. I can't believe any of them lived through that. Number five, new info, not all Nazi war criminals sprung by the US and other World War II victors were scientists, physicians or technological experts. Some like Reinhard Gaillin were given fresh darts
Starting point is 01:58:55 because of their intelligence gathering expertise. Basically, they were like really good torturers. Gaillin, head of Germany's foreign armies, East intelligence unit during World War II, had been Hitler's chief intelligence officer on the Eastern front. His agents brutally interrogated millions of prisoners, most of them Soviet POWs. Many of them tortured murdered starves. Galen organized Nazi collaborating paramilitary groups from Ukraine and other Slavic countries that then went on to commit even further atrocities, believing that they'd be spared or given better treatment by the Nazis if they helped persecute Jews and other minorities themselves.
Starting point is 01:59:28 And in May of 1945, they're being captured by Allied forces. Galen offered to hand over a treasure trove of microfilm on the Soviet Union in exchange for his freedom. His considerable knowledge on the Soviet Union made him not just a good resource, but an attractive, prospective employee. Galen and three assistants were secretly flown to Washington, D.C., where they were interrogated. N.D.C., Galen met O.S.S. four-runner of the CIA, chief Bill Donovan and Alan Dulles, who headed O.S.S. operations in Europe at the time. Dulles would eventually be appointed CIA director by Eisenhower.
Starting point is 02:00:01 With the O.S.S.S.'s help, Galen worked out a deal that shielded him from prosecution for war crimes. He was then hired to reconnect, to reconnect, and oversee a vast network of spies to get intelligence on the Soviets instead of for Hitler. And he signed a contract with the CIA for $5 million a year in 1949. And as long as Galen's organization produced valuable information, the CIA gave him essentially whatever he wanted, including helping to get other Nazi war criminals out of Europe.
Starting point is 02:00:27 And Galen then set up an undergr- so then, you know, Galen set up an underground escape network to help over 5,000 Nazis, flee Europe, to South and Central America. All on the CIA's dime. How fucking crazy is that? He would die in West Germany in 1979, the age of 77, another Nazi to live a long post-war life. Time, suck, tough, five take away. Operation paperclip has been sucked.
Starting point is 02:00:55 I found today's information extremely interesting and of course, you know, pretty disturbing. Very, very, very provocative. I hope you did too. Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team for helping, making time so every week. Queen of Bad Magic Lindsey Cummins, Reverend Dr. Jill Paisley, the Scripps Keeper, Zach Flannery,
Starting point is 02:01:12 Sophie Fax, Source for Sevens, Biddle Lixer, working on the app and the website. Logan Art Warlock, Keith, running BadMagicMersh.com, kicking out weird shit like Domher's Wings, working on our socials along with Liz Hernandez, and again, the new and improved customer service email, store at BadMagicProductions.com. to and are all seen eyes for running the cult of the curious space with Paige. Thanks to beef steak and the mod squad, Jesse Becky and Cody for running wild on Discord. Thanks to all of you space scissors
Starting point is 02:01:49 playing Time Stock trivia on the app, Boatey 210 currently in the round seven lead with 3,000 63 points. So many people playing a love scene at next week, we get back to true crime, the exchange war crimes for true crime with Israel keys. Israel keys, lesser known serial killer, but that doesn't make his crimes less horrific.
Starting point is 02:02:07 A man who made his home in Anchorage, Alaska, just like previous suck killer, Robert Butcher, Baker Hanson, Israel managed to fool almost everyone he came across. They believed he was love and father and boyfriend and super soldier who performed well when he's in the army, business donor, his own construction company,
Starting point is 02:02:22 keys construction, and I guess you know, he was those things. He was also though a sociopathic serial killer, someone who traveled the country, often renting cars and driving hundreds of miles across state lines to deposit various kill kits. In these kill kits, where everything he needed to perform his horrific deeds, ropes, guns, ammo, drain-o, used to accelerate,
Starting point is 02:02:41 body decomposition, dude, prepped for his crimes. He studied literally, took pages directly out of Ted Bundy's book, spending hours reading about serial killers, both real and fictional. And he may have gotten cosmetic surgery even to alter himself to become the best serial killer he could be. Took it very seriously. And in 2012, he was arrested for the kidnapping and murder of Samantha Kohnig and 18-year-old Berista.
Starting point is 02:03:03 Then with the police found him, they soon realized not the first time he'd done that. Investigators soon came to believe that Israel probably started murdering as early as 1996 when he was 18, flying under the FBI's radar for over a decade. How did he manage to do that? What horrifying fates that his victims suffered when they were unlucky enough to find themselves
Starting point is 02:03:21 in his sights, find out all that and more next week on TimeSucker. Right now, TimeSucker updates. Rupdate's, get your time, sucker updates. Let's open things up with some comedy after another heavy episode. Limp Dick Sucker, Christopher Fanning has something to share with us all. Call back to a really old episode here about one of my many lies and about how this one, how you can spread general rewards by hand.
Starting point is 02:03:51 He writes, you motherfucking mush mouth, mood killing son of a bitch. Just wanted to let you know how you screw up things between me and my lady. Well she was taking care of me, so to speak. And all of a sudden she says, I'm sorry,, but this cold dry air has made my hands not so smooth So all of a motherfucker second you fucking pop into my head talking about warts and how STDs can be transferred by hand I know you were full of shit about that, but your bearded face pops up into my head with your forehead full of warts It's quite an image. You want to talk about a mood killer? Well, thanks a lot for fucking up my blowjob.
Starting point is 02:04:26 You sick bastard. So of course she is wondering why I went soft. I didn't know how to explain it to her. Now she does not listen to any podcast, but says it's not a big deal. I'm sure it happens to most men. Well, guess what? Now all I can hear when she says that is you
Starting point is 02:04:40 and Chica Teel is voice saying, the boss has been Neil. Fuck you, Dan. Fuck you for forcing me to tell her that a dude in the serial killer was what popped into my head while she was giving me head. Hope you suffer some soft shame, cock. JK, not really. Keep on stocking.
Starting point is 02:04:53 Chris, holy shit, Chris. I had tears in my eyes. First time I was reading this. I really did fuck you up here. What a hilarious saying to try and explain. I hope you were able to power through and redeem yourself at another time after this massive extent. I hope that you do not continue to forever connect my forehead
Starting point is 02:05:10 covered in general warts with oral sex. But if that does happen, please write in about it because we all get a good laugh out of it. Now SuperSucker Griffin Hayes writes in with a connection to the FLDS section of the Mormonism suck, I found very interesting. He writes,
Starting point is 02:05:24 Greetings Suck Master Flash. My college roommate put me onto your stand-up. He whispered to me. And late, on last August while driving from Arizona to Pennsylvania for college, I listened to the Patty Hearst Suck and I was hooked. Now I'm transferring schools. Excuse me, my dad and I are currently driving my car with all my possessions across the country. I've gotten him hooked on the suck as well. Today, we listened to the Mormonism suck and lo and behold, my dad has a Warren Jeff story. He's a long time police officer, currently a sergeant in criminal investigations, but when he was a rookie, fresh out of field training,
Starting point is 02:05:53 he and another officer responded to a domestic violence call between two women. Upon arriving, they were told by one of them that they were sisters. She was like late 40s at the time, the other woman appeared to be in her 60s or 70s, little suspect, but hey, oops, children happened. They had a fight, her sister had gone to her room and they were going to stay apart for the rest of the night. There's a big ass house, my dad and his colleague figured there would be no big issue here. As he went to the house to take her sister's statement,
Starting point is 02:06:18 my dad noticed there were a bunch of pictures of people on the mantle over the fireplace, but he didn't think anything of it. They took the other woman's statement, and matched up, and they left. As they walked back to the patrol car to their patrol cars, the other officer asked my dad to meet him at a nearby park. Turns out they were not sisters. They were Warren Jeff's first wife and mother, respectively.
Starting point is 02:06:40 The pictures on the mantle were of the elders of the F.L.D.S. and smack in the middle of all of them was that motherfucker himself. It was believed they were in town about six hours south of Colorado city looking to convert new FLDS members. My dad was told that if you ever saw men at that house to call his supervisor because there was a good chance they were wanted by the FBI, crazy world we live in. He never heard from or saw them again and seen as they are close to one of the worst fucking people alive in America today I totally understand why on the off chance you read this on the show
Starting point is 02:07:09 Can you give a shout out to my dad? He served in the army for 10 years and yeah, there are some really bad cops out there But he is not one of them. He's coming up on 14 years protecting people in our community I could not possibly be more proud of him Keep doing what you do time suck has kept me sane over the last several months, largely because of episodes like the Nexium Suck, reminding me how much more fucked up people can be than myself. I know, right?
Starting point is 02:07:31 That is a nice benefit of that. Wouldn't change a thing, three out of five stars. Hail them, Ron Hall is the thing. Now, praiseable jangles and glory be to triple them. Sincerely, space lizard, big griff. Thank you, big griff. And thank you to officer Hayes. Thanks for your military service. Thanks for being one of the many good officers out there. Like you said, there. And thank you to officer Hayes. Thanks for your military service.
Starting point is 02:07:45 Thanks for being one of the many good officers out there. Like you said, there's some bad ones to be sure bad bad people are in every field. But to throw them all in that lot, what a shame for so many others who risk so much, you know, a cordal lane PD doing a lot to help out many in my neighborhood. As I finished research on the suck this week, the week before it was released, sorry, this huge wind storm, just fucked up, cordal line. Really hit my neighborhood hard. Power lines down, phone landlines down, some cell towers damaged, giant pine trees smashed through some of my neighbors' home.
Starting point is 02:08:16 Actually, right before I started recording, my wife said that they got a tree off of one of our neighbor's houses. I was hoping it wasn't going to be really, really bad. It completely fucking destroyed their house. Like right, like mashed it right in half. Just big ass pine tree laying in the living room and these poor bastards second pine tree on their property fell over and smashed one of their cars.
Starting point is 02:08:37 Looks like a new car, just bad shit. And while all this chaos is going on with it when the storm first hit, a lot of cops out there and the wind crazy, winds, the cold directing traffic, helping the MTs, other first responders, et cetera. Another big shout out to the Avista lineman really quick for bus and ass to cut logs out of the roads and get logs out of people's homes and get power restored. And again, yeah, thank you, Griffin.
Starting point is 02:09:00 Thank you to your dad, crazy your dad once responded to a domestic disturbance call involving cult leader Warren Jeff's mom and his first wife. And if you don't know, yeah, Warren Jeff's, well, you do know if I'm listening to that suck, but if anybody else listens to does no Warren Jeff's in prison right now where he will remain for the rest of his life, good, and stay safe out there, Griff. Top shelf sack Whitney Birchfield almost died because of me. Luckily I did not kill her. She seems like a good one and she writes, dear he who sucks the hardest longest deepest and most
Starting point is 02:09:29 hilariously. I just wanted to write it and tell you about how you almost killed me motherfucker. Glad Ben Rogato's are sounds down despite your horrible parented. A coworker of mine introduced me to the suck last year and I was instantly hooked. I'm an on-call nurse for a hospice company and I spend way too much time in my car driving around Indianapolis and basically
Starting point is 02:09:48 everywhere else in central Indiana going from patient to patient. So I've been working my way through the back catalog of episodes to make the long drives less tedious. The other night I was listening to the suck on the Darwin Awards while on my way to a patient's house I grabbed something to eat for the drive. It was all good until you got to the point about the great Ohio drunken pig heist slash stampede slash pickup crash. I started laughing so hard. I inhaled a french fry and started choke laughing. Since I was doing about 80 on the interstate, I pulled over so I didn't take a hasty detour straight into Nimrod's ball sack. I dislodged the offending fry and then had to sit there and hysterically laugh for a few minutes while I pondered why shit like that always happens to me and picturing a
Starting point is 02:10:27 pick up full of drunk red necks tearing down a country road with a squealing hog hanging out the back of the truck and farmer brown taking pot shots at him. I literally almost died laughing. And while it's all your fault, I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for this podcast and all the all that you do surrounding it. I'm a mom to the four best little space. Newt's out there. Wife to my awesome husband full time hospice nurse and him in the last semester of my masters to become a nurse practitioner. So needless to say, my life gets a little
Starting point is 02:10:53 stressful from time to time. Work can get pretty fucking heavy emotionally. Time suckers become one of my favorite ways to de-stress and relax and forget that my kids are out of clean underwear. I have a paper do. I lost three patients this week or whatever other fuckery is going on. And all the wonderful things that have come from this community you've built shows that laughter really can be the best medicine and that people have the capacity for such good. Even if it is super fun to talk about their capacity
Starting point is 02:11:18 for the strange and fucked up. Sorry, this is so long. Seriously, even though I know everyone says that. Hey, Elizabeth, you know, praise, beat, and numerotic. Good boy, Bojangles. And get your ass to Indy, where the world is quasi normal again. Husband and I would love to buy you beverage. Thank you in person.
Starting point is 02:11:33 Keep on sucking. Whitney Birchfield. Well, thank you, Whitney. Very nice. I do love Indy. Glad you didn't die. Good on you for what you do. Hospice nurse, holy shit.
Starting point is 02:11:42 That is so heavy and so important. My grandpa loved his hospice nurses. So to my grandma, you're like a real life fucking angel to people. And I appreciate the shit out of the service you provide. Good on you. And good on you for getting your nurse practitioner degree. Get ready to get ready to to blow that bank account up. Glad I can provide some laughs in this crazy fucking world of ours. He'll him right to you. Both hands on the wheel, unless you're dipping those fries and some ketchup. It's the only real way to eat them. Sad but important message now coming in from concerned sucker Amanda George, who has a very
Starting point is 02:12:14 important message to get out there. She writes, dear Dr. Reverend Suckmaster MD, PhD, and CDC, Prof. Nimrod, your scratcher of our beloved Bogeangles. I'm writing to ask you to do a PSA for me to my fellow suckers whom I love, which is all of you. You beautiful me to ask, teach your children gun safety. I know what you are thinking. Fuck off. I don't allow guns in my home. I get your fine or maybe fuck off. My kids have been learning guns
Starting point is 02:12:38 ages since they were knee high to a grasshopper. They hunt. They know how to respect a gun or maybe I don't know what you are thinking. I mean, I'm not a psychic. I fucking love you, Amanda. This long disclosure cracks me up. Amanda then writes, I am however hurting. On December 18, 2020, my 13 year old nephew, Kyron, was shot in the head point blank with a pellet gun.
Starting point is 02:12:58 Please know that this was a tragic accident, not an act of malicious intent. How you ask could be in shot point blank be a tragic accident. I have three words for you stupid teenage boys. He was life-flighted to children's mercy spent the next 10 days in a coma. He has had three brain surgeries at this point is currently fighting an infection in his brain that is drug-resistant from the dirt the pellet had on it. The coin of his life is still in the air almost a month later. We don't know which side it will land on. He was shot because he pressed the gun to his own forehead told his friend
Starting point is 02:13:27 it's not loaded. Shoot me. And so he did. They thought the gun wasn't loaded. They thought it was just a laugh. They thought it was just a pellet gun, just a toy. They were wrong. Their lives are now forever changed. One of them may still be ended to my fellow suckers creeps peeps and dummies. I know that most gun owners are very responsible. Mine are all unloaded and locked in the gun case unless they are in use. Even so, I have to say this and know it comes from a place of deep love and hope to keep anyone from dealing with a tragedy like mine. If you have a gun in your home of any kind, teach any child who comes into your home. These three things, if nothing else, guns are not toys. The gun is always, always, always loaded and they are not a share and tell moment. If nothing else, guns are not toys. The gun is always, always, always loaded. And
Starting point is 02:14:07 they are not a share and tell moment. If you don't like guns, don't keep them around or allow them in your home, please teach your children the same three things. My sister is not a fan of guns. Doesn't own any, doesn't keep them in your home. But Kai's friend thought the pellet gun or brought the pellet gun over while she was out of the house, Christmas shopping, and he was playing with it and acting like an idiot of real life. He knows nothing about guns. He saw pellet gun and thought nothing more than a toy.
Starting point is 02:14:32 The young man who pulled the trigger didn't have much knowledge of guns either and thought the clip was empty and that meant the gun was empty. That isn't how it works as we all know. So, dear suckers, whether you have guns or not, please teach the young people in your life's gun safety for their protection and for their friends protection as well. At 13, these boys have changed their lives with so many people and if I can make it so at least one of their lives is for the, one of those lives is for the better, I will. Kai will have to have at least one more brain surgery once he's fought off this infection.
Starting point is 02:14:59 Suck master, I don't know if you'll read this. I hope you do. I hope my nephew survives this. I hope all of you take a moment to hold your children close. Tell them that you love them, because as I have so forcefully learned, you never know if the last time you said it was the last time. Much love, Amanda George,
Starting point is 02:15:13 PS, not sorry for the long message, but I did try to use easy to pronounce words from one mush mouth to another. Well, thank you, Amanda. So sorry for the shit you're dealing with. Hope Kai's out of the woods by the time anyone hears this. And what an important message. Guns are always loaded.
Starting point is 02:15:30 Always fucking loaded. I was raised that way. I've taught my kids, Kyle Mn. Rowe, that I probably need to remind him now. And just because you may not have guns in the house like me, minor locked in three different safes unloaded, sometimes it was fully loaded magazines nearby, but still unloaded. The kids know to A, don't fucking touch them. And B, if you do, they're always loaded. Teach kids to hold them the right way. As if they
Starting point is 02:15:54 are always loaded. B, teach them to be aware of where they're being pointed at at all times. And teaching that even if you hate guns, because that isn't going to guarantee that your kids are going to find them in somebody else's home, as this story really describes. Even fucking pellet guns. Thank you, Amanda, that is a great message, and I love the way you worded it. And now let's end on some more laughs.
Starting point is 02:16:15 Super sack, Josh Robley, got Cummins Lawt. He writes, greetings, master sucker. I've been Cummins Lawt multiple times, but this time is even better than the time, and this, by the way, I forgot about this for a second. As I'm reading this, this is one of my favorite ones ever. This time is even better than the time
Starting point is 02:16:31 that a family of four hurt an ad for Captain Whisk or horns. Pony play and pour you. I graduated from and still live near a Catholic Benedictine University that just so happens to have a disc golf course. I'm in the parking lot of the course, waiting on some buddies. Window open, listing for cars and stuff, playing with my phone, listing to the dark eight of this episode, somewhat loud, but not blaring.
Starting point is 02:16:52 I'm not really paying attention, but occasionally looking around and see if any friends have arrived. You get to the part in the suck with the angry monk drill sergeant and begin, be afraid monk. God is angry. God hate your scrawny worthless ass private monk. You fucking maggot. Let it play
Starting point is 02:17:07 It continues and as you get out of that bit I peak up and see and see three actual fucking monks One of them was my Spanish professor while I was attending the university It's a Catholic Benedictine University and Abby there are monks living on campus and apparently three of them We're out on an afternoon stroll that I hadn't really seen They didn't react, but I know they had to have heard it It wouldn't be very monthly of them to stop and say anything. I died a little inside I turned it down and he continued until my friends arrived out of all the times I've been commons law This one takes the cake I had to share it keep on sucking Josh. Well, holy shit Josh
Starting point is 02:17:42 Just the odds the odds that actual monks would accidentally hear just such a strange and a hateful anti-monk rank or anti-monk rants. I love it so much. Uh, I wonder if they talked about it privately later. I had to have prayed about it later. Dear, dear Lord, why would anyone have that much anger towards us? What have we done, Lord? Why are we maggots? Why are we, why do they feel we're scrawny? Hope you had fun playing disc golf. I want to play that with kind of the summer. We have of course no more than five minutes away.
Starting point is 02:18:12 Thank you for the messages everyone. Keep sending them in. Thanks for constantly reminding me how many good and cool people, caring people, they're really are out there, really good to hear. It kind of in times like these too, with everything going on, you know, culturally. culturally so so good on you for being good and that's all for this week's time sucker updates Thanks time suckers. I need a net. We all did
Starting point is 02:18:37 Thanks for listening everybody more bad magic productions pumped out every week Spooks was scared of death late Tuesday nights bad magic productions pumped out every week. Spooks with Scaradodess, Late Tuesday nights, silliness with Isvy Down Wednesdays at noon Pacific time, more time suck, Monday's at noon Pacific time. Please do not unethically medically experiment on unwilling participants, human or otherwise this week. Maybe just, you know, I don't know, don't be evil instead. And just keep on sucking. Oh
Starting point is 02:19:14 Man, so have the cough. Yeah, I know it hurts. Uh-huh Your penis hurts Don't even worry about it. You got you got Your bad case you got a bad case of Sick guy stuff. It's very common. You got a sick guy stuff virus. And what I want you to do is I want you to take probiotic clean solution. I want you to drink all this.
Starting point is 02:19:36 And I want you to spray all this in your butthole so I don't have to amputate it. Lice all. If this affects it, it's the quickest way to get it into your body. Trust me, I'm a doctor. That's why. Okay, it was way too late. Yeah, I was gonna ask you about your high school, let him get it. Yeah, that's because I'm a doctor. I got it from high school, from my high school doctor
Starting point is 02:19:55 to class. Okay, so just I'm a... Yeah, all of it. No, butthole. That goes in your... you're gonna... you could kill yourself. That goes in your butthole. That goes in your mouth. Oh. Butthole that goes in your you're gonna you could kill yourself that goes in your mouth. Oh

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