Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 236 - The Yosemite Killer and the Abduction of Steven Stayner

Episode Date: March 22, 2021

We got a wild one today. Today's Suck is really three Sucks in one. There is the abduction of Steven Stayner, the backstory of a notorious pedophile, Kenneth Parnell, and the story of serial killer, C...ary Stayner aka the Yosemite Killer. In late 1972, Steven was abducted on the way home from school, at the age of seven, and he wouldn't see his family for another seven years. And that entire seven years, he'd be assaulted by Parnell. And then, after escaping, he'd move back into the room he shared with his older brother, Cary. And years later, Cary Stayner would become a serial killer in Yosemite Park, where the Stayner kids often vacationed. A lot of moving parts in this story, and I think they all come together to form a compelling tale that also involves Bigfoot. Seriously. Thanks for helping Bad Magic Productions give $12,500 this month to the USC Shoah Foundation. Click the link to learn more: https://sfi.usc.edu/ Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/OGPK_BKuMBc Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste) Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're over 10,000 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Yosemite Killer and the abduction of Stephen Stainer, that's what we're sucking today. Something Carrie Stainer, the Yosemite Killer, might have been able to avoid his dark urges if some horrible events hadn't have happened to him and around him as a child. Keyword might. Carrie Stainer was born to seemingly normal middle-class parents, Delbert and Kay Stainer in Merced California in 1961. And Carrie seemed to have had a fairly normal upbringing until when he was 11, two things happened.
Starting point is 00:00:27 He was molested by an uncle and his little brother, Steven Stainer, was abducted by notorious pedophile and kidnapper Kenneth Parnell, who kept Steven for seven years. Seven years. While these years were absolutely more horrific for Steven, it was also seven years of Carrie
Starting point is 00:00:44 living in an emotionally broken home A home where his parents didn't pay attention to him where the media was constantly covering his brother's kidnapping Where neighbors and classmates stared at him asked him about his brother seven years of that Kerry found respite in Yosemite National Park Camping and hiking in the mountains. It was the only place where he felt at peace, even after Stephen was returned to the family. Then there would be more tragedy, Stephen would die young in a motorcycle crash, and Carrie's uncle would get murdered, a case that's still unsolved while Carrie was living with him. Then Carrie would kill four women in the spring and summer of 1999, and then thankfully he'd
Starting point is 00:01:19 be caught before killing at least three others he had already made plans to murder. Was Carrie Stainer always destined to be a killer? Or did his brother's abduction and his molestation and his uncle's murder all combine to push him over the edge? And what the hell went on during his brother's seven year long abduction? What was Kenneth Parnell doing to him? Who is Kenneth Parnell? Two sucks in one episode today.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Really three. The kidnapping of Stephen Stainer, the story of Kenneth Parnell. Two sucks in one episode today. Really three. The kidnapping of Steven Stainer, the story of Kenneth Parnell, and the murders committed by Steven's brother, Kerry, on another true crime edition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck. You won't be staying. To talk some.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Happy Monday, Mets X. Welcome to the Cult of the Curious. Be glad your last name isn't stain or this week. Or if it is, hopefully you're not related to Carrie Stainer. Or if you are, be glad you're not like a sibling or a parent. Or if you are holy shit, sorry, your family experienced so much tragedy. I'm Dan Cummins, Suck Nasty, your Suckleberry, and you are listening to Time Suck. Hill Nimrod, Lucifina, Bojangles, and Triple M, and Hail You, you beautiful bastard. Recording again in the Suck dungeon at a cordal anide hoe, weather has been nice, sunny.
Starting point is 00:02:41 It has lifted my spirits. Happy to be alive today, happy to be telling a tale of tragedy and not living through one. And thank you for all the kind messages about pop award from the suck last week. Not sure why there seemed to have been technical difficulties with that episode. It's like a bunch of pollen or onions
Starting point is 00:02:58 got mixed into the RSS feed somehow. Lots of reports of that episode really kind of fucking with people's allergies in their eyes. So I'm not sure what's going on there. A lot of grandparent love coming out of those messages. I'll share some in today's time sucker updates. Emu war no mercy shirt and 14 ounce stainless steel water bottle in the store at badmagicmerch.com
Starting point is 00:03:16 right now. So we eat the picture Logan made of a militant emu cracks me up all kinds of fun stuff at badm... BadmagicMurch.com. Fun stuff for time suck, scared of death, as we dumb, lots of funny and great stuff. Thanks for supportin' us there. I'll love seeing all the pics of you wearin' Badmagic Merch. Still waiting, as a recording this on March 18th,
Starting point is 00:03:39 for our Cult of the Curious Private Facebook page to return, send in more review requests, it's still down. If it's still down in this episode drops, we'll be setting up a backup page. It'll just be culturally curious too. All of us here at Bad Magic got together to discuss and explore the alternative options. And sadly, there isn't any.
Starting point is 00:03:54 I mean, I mean, there are of course alternatives, but they're not nearly as robust as Facebook. And we just don't see it being remotely as active if we jump ship at this time. So here's a plan. Again, we're gonna start culturally ColtlCurious2. That group page, if the original is still down, if the original ColtlCurious page makes it out of review later, we'll close off the new second page, go back to the original
Starting point is 00:04:13 with over 26,000 members. You can bet your ass when a worthy competitor arrives, given they aren't just as strict as Facebook, we will readdress this topic at that time. But for now, we are staying with Facebook as our main community page. Time sucks brand of humor. Topics we cover make the Facebook morality police. Real nervous. They are all about sacrificing free speech
Starting point is 00:04:35 for hate speech right now, right? And the, you know, in the name of getting rid of hate speech, they're killing free speech, which is not what I would do, but it's not my company. I say let the hateful people speak, and then we know who they are, right? So that much easier to find them, which is now what I would do, but it's not my company. I say let the hateful people speak and then we know who they are, right? It's that much easier to find them, which is I think a good thing rather than just wondering where they're fucking hiding. We'll do our best moving forward to follow Facebook's vague guidelines and keep whatever
Starting point is 00:04:54 Colt's curious page we happen to have at the time up and running. Doing our best, navigate these strange waters. Guide us through the rapids Nimrod. Now let's, let's add another serial killer that the ever growing list of time suck true crime murders. Is Kerry Stainer actually a quote serial killer or just a regular old dirt bag murderer? Wikipedia says he's a serial killer.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Some documentaries say he's a serial killer. Some true crime junkies say no. Kerry killed four people in two separate attacks, maybe five in three separate attacks if you think he killed his uncle, which many do. But he was never charged for that murder and never confessed so we can't count it as far as killer definitions go. According to the FBI, the term serial murder means the unlawful killing of two or more victims
Starting point is 00:05:38 by the same offender in separate events. By that definition, Kerry Stainer is just barely a serial killer. However, some other agencies put the just barely a serial killer. However, some other agencies put the threshold at three victims in separate incidents, which Kerry would not fit unless you really think we should count the uncle. And then you have to factor in my dad, how many of Stainer's victims were actually killed by my dad, you know, or by your dad, you know, where was your dad? 1999. Mine was in peak physical condition, working quote out of town a lot. So that's interesting. But seriously
Starting point is 00:06:05 back to the technical definition of a serial killer, 1998, a federal law was passed by the United States Congress titled protection of children from sexual predator act of 1998. This law includes a slightly different definition of serial killings stating the term serial killings means a series of three or more killings, not less than one of which was committed within the United States, having common characteristics such as to suggest the reasonable possibility that the crimes were committed by the same actor or actors. Carrie did kill four victims, obviously more than three, but he didn't technically kill his victims in three separate killings.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Since three of the women were all together and were killed as part of one incident, kind of. He killed two of those women, abducted the the third we then killed a short time later. Now the more I think this out the more I think he was technically a serial killer. Certainly not as prolific the killer is many of the other dirt bags we've covered but had he not been caught when he did or when he was caught he definitely would have killed more women he admitted as much he had plans. Dude showed no signs of wanting to slow down or stop. He apparently almost killed a three additional woman the day he was arrested. Now, before I go further, I feel like I need to hit a button.
Starting point is 00:07:11 We are definitely past announcements, past segway into the topic and definitely into the heart of the show button. Harry Stainer. The story is one of both tragedy and brutality. He was both a victim and a victimizer. What his role as victim related in any way to his transformation into victimizer or merely coincidence, has been a fair amount of speculation about this due to the abduction of his brother coupled with his own molestation.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Carrie was molested by his uncle Jesse at a sleepover months before his brother would go missing. Then before, I'm sorry, actually his uncle Jerry, not Jesse, a little typo, I'm glad I caught. As we go, before he even really had time to process his own victimization, he was certainly again victimized in a way by a pedophile he never met. The one who kidnapped Carrie's brother Stephen and held him for seven years. Seven years of Stephen's parents seeming to ignore any of the needs of Carrie to wrapped up first in their own powerful grief over Stephen's loss. Then wrapped up in their joy of having their lost son return to them. Then not that many years later again wrapped up in grief over Stephen's death. Carrie grew up in a physically intact, but very emotionally broken home.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Doesn't justify any horrific DAT committed, but how much is it all connected, if at all? Many years later, Kerry became the victimizer, a man who killed in cold blood, taking the lives of four women, two teenagers, a woman in her 40s, and a 26 year old, who by all accounts were nothing but forces of good in the world.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Did what happened in Kerry's childhood, turning him into the monastery, became where those vents collectively, the straw that broke in Kerry's childhood, turning him into the monastery became where those vans collectively, the straw that broke the camel's back, turned the camel into a killer, or would Kerry have turned into a killer anyways. Had his brother never been kidnapped, had his parents been more emotionally supportive, more in favor of the therapy he clearly needed, would Kerry's story have turned out pretty much the same or very different.
Starting point is 00:09:02 To think about that is to think about the power of nature versus nurture, free will versus determinism, as most of us know, the overwhelming majority of people who were molested or otherwise abused in their childhoods do not go on to molest others or behave criminally in other ways. But on the other hand, many of the killers we've covered did have horrible childhoods that were marked by sexual, emotional, and physical abuse. So maybe these events didn't turn them into killers, but what if these events did flip a switch on in their dark brains that would have otherwise remained in the thank fucking god this hell switch is off position? Interesting to think about.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Before I do more than just pontificate and talk out of my ass about a bunch of dark I wonder ifs. Let's first get to know you, Assembly National Park, where Kerry Stainer's murders would take place, a park that was Kerry's happy place for years before he committed the murders he'd be caught for. Then we'll get more familiar than you're probably gonna want to be
Starting point is 00:09:55 with Kenneth Parnell, the dirt bag who kidnapped Kerry's brother, and began molesting and raping him shortly after Kerry himself had been molested, are looking to Kenneth will basically be a timeline before today's main timeline. And then we'll finish out this suck with our main timeline beginning with Carrie Stainer's births leading up to and then passed his conviction for four murders. So let us begin. We head to Yosemite first here. Yosemite obviously is the place the press would base Carrie's murdering moniker, the Osemini killer off of.
Starting point is 00:10:26 What if it hadn't been though? What if Carrie was called the Osemini killer because he was just a huge fan of the Osemini Sam cartoon. Osemini Sam! It's you, Sam! It's you, Sam! It's you, Sam! Yeah, you, Sam!
Starting point is 00:10:39 The roughest toughest he man, the toughest off-brares ever crossed the Rio Grande! Can I ain't no man be pandy! The ruffus toughest he man, stupless on bra is ever crossed a Rio Grande. Can I ain't no man be panty? God, I still love me some Yosemite Sam. He ain't no man be panty, whatever the hell that is. Little guy plumb fully yipp-y-ya. Uh, Bojangles loves Yosemite Sam as well. He's the same fight and spirit in him.
Starting point is 00:11:02 I can't, I can't not smile, I listen to Yosemite Sam. Uh, know, Sam, he was long before he commits some, uh, gruesome killings there, Carrie's refuge. The only place where he felt himself where he could drown out the noise of his family's grief and the media attention about his brother, maybe drown out his own violent instincts as well. I have not been to you, Sam, the national park. And every time he comes up, I kick myself. We're not having made more effort to do so. You know, Sam, the encompasses a vast area of mountain pass, Alpine wilderness,
Starting point is 00:11:25 and Redwood forests, one of the most beautiful scenic attractions in America. Situated on the eastern edge of central California, it's just 77 miles north east of Fresno, 80 miles east of Modesto, it's about a three hour drive, depending on, of course, a traffic, from either Sacramento or San Francisco. Surrounded by national forests on all sides, national forests that extends far to the North and South for miles and miles and miles. That's a large park at 748,436 acres, which is nearly 1.2 million square miles.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Over 3 million square kilometers, it's almost exactly the size of the state of Rhode Island. Your somebody is known for giant granite cliffs, scenic waterfalls, clear streams, massive groves of giants, Sequoias, mountains, meadows, glaciers, and a lot of biodiversity. 95% of the park is raw wilderness. And like Yellowstone, you'll somebody claims to be America's first national park. So who's lying?
Starting point is 00:12:20 Which national park is a no good, double crossing sneaky line, good for nothing, low down, deadlinkslin son of a bitch Maybe neither i'm not sure what all that was about uh while yellowstone is technically the first official national park in the u.s You know, somebody was actually protected first As far as protected land goes or land set aside for recreational use for the public by the american government Yousemaid is older Mountain man Jim Bridger first reported the site to yellowstone to other white settlers after an 1856 exploration the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman,
Starting point is 00:12:52 the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, the old woman, To see all that beauty all of you to be yellowstone and not be able to share it with anyone without having them think you're just a liar You're just spinning a yarn Hell itself rises near the surface. I tell you see it with my own two eyes The mud bubbles the ground rose the water boils You can swim in a river in the middle of winter five feet of snow on the banks and feel like you're in a heated Roman bath Guys are shooting steam and what five hundred feet into the air. I'll tell you, ah, shut up, Jim, you drunk again. Like, David Billy, I seen what I seen, I tell ya.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Uh-huh, and I seen the Queens under pants. Did you see flying pigs in that magical place, Jim? Did you swim with any mermaids and that heated river that only flows through your fabricatein head, or sufferin' suck attached, stop laughing, dagnavitt, this is why Jim Bridge lives alone in the mountains. Towns are just full of doubters and fools. Stop laughing, damn it. This is why Jim Bridge lives alone in the mountains.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Towns are just full of doubters and fools. We'll be very frustrated. Yellowstone wasn't really explored properly with interest from the US government. Be it some expeditions until 1869 and 1870. So for several years, I'd link three, four years, people like Jim Bridge is fucking liar. And then the land was protected federally by Congress in 1872.
Starting point is 00:14:06 By 1869, Yosemite was already well known to the US government. California's gold rushes had brought prospectors and settlers into the area of Yosemite in the 1850s. When early naturalist expressed concerns that California settlement could destroy the unique habitat of Yosemite, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Eosemite Valley Grant Act Senate Bill 203 on June 30th 1864. The legislation gave California the Eosemite Valley and the nearby Mara pose a big tree grove upon the express conditions that the premises shall be held for public use result in recreation. This grant will not technically making Eosemite a national park. We didn't have national parks park, it did open the door for Yellowstone Parks establishment eight years later. And it, you know, made the national park.
Starting point is 00:14:52 The national park was created on October 1st, 1890, but the state of California retained control of the land because the US still didn't have that national park service to administer protected federal lands. The NPS wouldn't be created until 1916 when control eosemite shifted from the state of California to the US federal government. And a portion of the natural beauty of the Sierra Nevada mountain range several peaks rising up over 14,000 feet above sea level has been officially federally protected ever since. The Oosemite offers an abundance of activities and sight seen destinations. The valley is a seven mile wide canyon with incredible rock formations, including El seen destinations. The Valley is a seven mile wide canyon
Starting point is 00:15:25 with incredible rock formations, including El Capitan, the world's tallest granite monolith, the cliff portion of this rock formation, roughly 3000 feet from base to summit. One of the world's top rock climbing destinations for those fucking maniacs who enjoy doing that. It's very impressive, but terrifies me. Half-dome is another popular sightseeing stop.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Granadome with the Eastern End of Yosemite Valley also popular with climbers. I just checked out a video on YouTube of two maniacs skiing down it. It made my stomach hurt just to watch. No part of me understands how extreme skiers or snowboarders just jump off a helicopter or whatever, in places like Yosemite and just hope they can make it down a cliff. Yosemite falls, the largest waterfall in North America. Breath-take can views drops a total of 2,425 feet from top of the upper falls to the base of the lower falls.
Starting point is 00:16:14 The park is also known for its giant Sequoia trees, which are estimated to be over 3,000 years old, which is pretty awesome. Still alive for 3,000 years. Some of these trees are over 130 feet tall. So you get it, you know, you get it. The Samadhi is very pretty. Full of hiking 3,000 years. Some of these trees are over 130 feet tall. So you get it, you know, you get it. The 70 is very pretty. Full of hiking trails, fishing spots, campgrounds, lots of open land.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And Carrie Stanner would work and kill at the Cedar Lodge Motel in El Portale, California, just outside the highway 140 West entrance to your 70. Just over 10 miles from your 70 village, we're about a thousand park staff and park contract workers generally live. El Portal is a census designated place of about 400 people, a couple hotels, small general store, gas station, post office, community center, little school, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:16:55 And prior to Stainer's Crimes, El Portal never really made the news. On a Swickipedia page, Carl Stainer's Crimes are the only thing mentioned other than just basic statistical information. For many Stander's crimes, brought a deep nagging fear to life that way out in the woods, a killer can easily slip in, kill you, and then just slip away. Before he was caught, his crimes felt like some sort of real life, 80s, slash or flick.
Starting point is 00:17:18 A real Jason Voorhees could be out there in the woods ready to come out of crystal lake and just slash young women to death at any moment. Important note though that standards crimes were and still are the exception to the rule. Violards national parks are very safe. According to an article written in 1999 after Carries crimes of the four million visitors to Yosemite in 1998 just 15 were victims of violent crimes. A 70% drop from six years earlier. Homicides in America's 54 national parks are rare.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Indeed, 64 and a half million visitors throng the parks in 1998, and remarkably, there were no murders. Before Kerry's last victim's death, the last known homicide inside Yosemite boundaries had occurred in 1987, when a man pitched his wife off of a cliff to collect on her insurance policy. And he did not get away with it Quick deviation into this story real quick this guy seems like he was a real idiot Stevie Allen Gray when he was 24 a former Lamar naval air station sailor
Starting point is 00:18:17 Or Lemore. Yeah, it took out numerous. Sorry. I got that name wrong there It took out numerous life insurance policies on his new bride Dolores Guadalupe Contreras Gray also just 24 immediately after they got married in August 1987. And then this killer did not have any patients. He only waited around four months before he took his bride, Eosemite, showed her a beautiful vista and then pushed her off a cliff. He did that on December 5, 1987. Then when the insurance companies decided to not pay out because they found Dolores, quote
Starting point is 00:18:44 unquote, falling off a cliff on a hike with the man. She had just married a man who had just taken out multiple life insurance policies on her a few months back to be a wee bit sus as the cool kids say. Stevie sued the insurance companies and his lawsuit drew the intention of the FBI. He brought that shit on himself. And while Dolores's death was initially ruled as accidental, that classification changed to homicide, Stevie was charged, tried, found guilty of first degree murder, sends to life in prison.
Starting point is 00:19:10 In cases like grace, I'm amazed what people think they can get away with sometimes. Like how do you think that taking out several life insurance policies on his new, totally healthy, 24 year old bride worth a total payout of $500,000 and then going hiking with her and having her fall off a cliff or get pushed was not gonna look suspicious. Weird for him to take out that much life insurance on her when they were both 24 in the first place. Like the only people who think it's a good idea to do shit like that are insurance agents.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Or people easily tricked by insurance agents. Or people who wanna murder you for your insurance payout. I have life insurance on me over $9 worth, two policies, one where the kids are beneficiaries, one where my wife Lindsey is a beneficiary. And it makes sense because our livelihood is entirely dependent on me staying alive. Like if I die, our company goes away currently right now. These two were just 24 years old. No kids, starting out in their careers. The lowest dies, Teebe goes back to just how life was a few months before he was married.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Like her death wasn't gonna put him in a half million dollar hole. So if your 24 and your spouse wants to take up multiple life insurance policies on you, right after you get married, maybe it's nothing. Maybe they're just an overly paranoid person, or someone, you know, again, easily manipulated by life insurance salespeople, or maybe they're thinking about killing you.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Anyway, this murder took place 12 years before standard killings in between a dozen years of no murders in the park that we know of. Sounds like a pretty safe place, like all national parks. According to a statistician at the University of Florida, the odds of being murdered in a national park in 1995 were about one in 20 million, less than the odds of drowning in one's own bathtub. So worry less about getting killed in a park and worry so much more about drowning in your bathtub. That rubber ducky wants you fucking dead.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Refocusing now until the O'Semnity murders, perhaps the most terrifying crime against women in any of America's national parks, occurred three years before stainers killings and late May of 1996 when two experienced backpackers, Julianne Williams, 24 and Lolly Winons, 26 were knife to death at their campsite, a few hundred yards off the Appalachian Trail in Virginia's Shenandoah National Park. Julie's dad notified officials, the women were missing on May 31st. Two women had been out for a five day circuit hike in the park when they were attacked. No suspect ever been arrested. Lolly was found inside the couple's tent. She'd been gagged,
Starting point is 00:21:34 her hands and ankles bound with duct tape, her throat had been slit. Julie's hands also had been bound. She'd been gagged. Her throat also, yeah, her throat slit neither had been sexually assaulted, both found partially undressed. Julie's body, along with her sleeping bag and sleeping pad, were found about 30, 40, 30 to 40 feet away down a little embankment. If you don't want to, sorry, and if you don't know where your dad or my dad was on May 31, you may want to notify the FBI so they can help try and, you know, solve that. But seriously, while these killings were obviously tragic, there are outliers, murders in national parks, very rare, which is why Carrie Stainer's
Starting point is 00:22:08 killing got somewhat attention. The national park system and the FBI maintain open files for unsolved cases of either missing or murdered people. There are currently 29 people on this list of open files, including Julie Williams and Lolly Winons. And of all these cold cases, only a few are obvious crimes with a body and evidence of foul play. Most of these cases are just missing people, disappearances, such as the disappearance of, oh boy, Chiracawa, I should have put a pronunciation kind of, they went, Chiracawa, National Monument Ranger, Paul Fugate. I feel like I'm not nailing that one. The victims, yeah, like him mostly seemed to kind of like
Starting point is 00:22:46 vanish into thin air. He disappeared on January 13th, 1980, the age of 41. No trace of him ever has been found. He was working in the mountains visitor center. The day he disappeared, about 2 p.m. that day. He left the building, went to hike on a little park trail, and has just never been seen again. Super weird.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Investigators suspected foul play early on, but could find no clues regarding, uh, you know, what happened to his body, no scrap of clothing, no blood, nothing aliens. Sasquatch, lamerians popping out of their dimension into ours, snatching them. I don't know. For a lot more national parks, you know, facts, including murders, random deaths, disappearances, supposed cryptid sightings, uh, more spookiness, you can check out episode 131, is supposed to cryptid sightings, more spookiness, you can check out episode 131, National Park Mysteries of Time Suck. Let's shift gears now to Kerry, his brother's disappearance, Steven Stainer.
Starting point is 00:23:31 The Ossamini was Kerry Stainer's happy place, the man who cast one of the darkest shadows over Kerry's life that drove him to seek a place like the Ossamini to find solace was Kenneth Parnell. Get ready to get real fucking mad. I ended up taking a serious detour in the research and doing a lot more on the Kenneth Parnell, Steven, Stainer stuff, because I like the stories and saying, set out to just most, initially this was supposed
Starting point is 00:23:50 to only be a yo-semity killer episode. And then this other stuff was just too, there's just too much to ignore. If you don't believe in hell, get ready to wish it existed. So you can find satisfaction in believing this cold-blooded perverse motherfucker is down there burning into nothing just to be rebuilt to burn a new today's suck. Yeah, really kind of two slash three sucks.
Starting point is 00:24:12 And the first two parts sent around Kenneth Parnell. Parnell was a truly disgusting and deplorable dirtbag who changed Kerry's life dramatically, nearly destroyed the life of Kerry's brothers, Stephen Stephen who he abducted and raped for seven years. And some ways, Parnell might be at least partially responsible for Carrie, you know, becoming the monster he became. Kenneth Parnell was born on September 26, 1931, in Amarillo, Texas during the region's Dust Bowl era to parents Cecil Frederick Parnell and Mary Olive Parnell. Born just a year before a a pop-up award, born into similarly impoverished circumstances, but what a very different life he would choose to lead. I imagine Kenneth not being born the traditional way and instead literally being shit out into a cesspit. And then he climbed out of the shit like a monster and his mom found a little living
Starting point is 00:24:59 turd, took pity on this turd, and raised that actual piece of shit as if it was human. Kenneth's father was an alcoholic. His mother was a religious fundamentalist. He came up during took pity on this third and raised that actual piece of shit as if it was human. Kenneth's father was an alcoholic. His mother was a religious fundamentalist. He came up during the Great Depression, later moved with his mom, two half sisters and a half brother to Bakersfield, California. After Parnell's father abandoned the family when Kenneth was six in 1937. Separation of his mom and dad, his mom took the whole family west on the Santa Fe railroad
Starting point is 00:25:23 as dad stayed behind and never saw the family again Apparently this all which is understandable greatly upset young Kenneth Kenneth spent several hours pulling out four of his teeth with the parapliers Upon his parents separation. He would later say in a prison interview My recollection of the day of separation just as any kid would obviously be I was upset I wanted to go with my dad and of course I didn't. I just simply did not want to leave where I was at. I didn't want to come to California. Children tend to not want to have the world upset. Now they sure don't, Kenneth. One way of upsetting a child's world, you know, one could argue,
Starting point is 00:25:56 would be to kidnap a kid at the age of seven and then satimize them for seven fucking years straight, like he did to carry standards younger brothers to even. Too bad You didn't pull out enough teeth to somehow bleed to death that day. After a few years in Baker's field, when Kenneth's mom worked as a nurse's aides, a nurse's aid, she took the family to Texas to Waxahatchee, the fun town name. Where you from? Waxahatchee. I feel like you got to throw some excitement when you talk about Waxahatchee. No one's like, uh, Waxahatchee. Where you from? Waxahatchee. Waxahatchee. No one's like, uh, waxahatchee. Where are you from? Waxahatchee! Waxahatchee!
Starting point is 00:26:27 Texas! Uh, just south of Fort Worth, they lived there for three years where she was able to save enough money to move her brood back to Baker's field in early 1944 by a boarding house. Then in the spring of 1945, one of her borders befriended the slender troubled 13-year-old Kenneth. And after establishing a degree of fatherly trust in the fatherless boy, coerced him into engaging in phallacio. And this act would leave a lasting impression on Kenneth. It seemed to flip a switch on inside of him. Years later, the groomed would become
Starting point is 00:26:53 the groomer and he would do the exact thing he hated so much having been done to him to other children. Kenneth's anger over being molested led him to set in fires. He set a fire to a pasture soon after the encounter. He got caught taking into custody locked up in Baker's field juvenile hall, a psychiatrist who examined him at the time. Dr. Richard D. Lohenberg, Dr. Dick Lohenberg recommended temporary placement for Parnell in the juvenile hall in the hope that his marked emotional immaturity mixed with his sophisticated disposition toward perversion might be overcome. It would not. It's perverse disposition would never be overcome.
Starting point is 00:27:29 After several months in Juve, still 13 year old Kenneth was released early in the summer of 1945, that fall shortly after his 14th birthday, he stole a car, got arrested after court hearing sent to the California youth authorities Fred Nell's school and Whittier, a residential facility for juvenile male offenders. And Parnell would be in prison there from October of 1945 to February of 1947. During which time he later reported he engaged in homosexual behavior both passively and actively. He said that's just how things were. Sometimes you were the raped, sometimes you were the rapor. His sexual identity is now cemented in savagery. This will not bode well for many going forward. Upon his release from Whittier in 1947, 15-year-old
Starting point is 00:28:11 Kenneth returned us to live with his mom in Bakersfield. Just 10 months later, in December of 1947, now 16-year-old Kenneth is, quote, arrested as a homosexual, as the cringy legal record of the time put it it for public sex acts. No word on the age of whoever he engaged in these acts with was or if it was consensual. I doubt claims of homosexual rape were taken real seriously back then since America was extremely intolerant towards homosexuality at the time. Release to his mom's custody just two months later, Parnell steals another car. He lands in the California Youth Authorities Lancaster facility now.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Two weeks after being locked up, he escapes, he returns to Baker's field. He would say later he returned there because he was sexually attracted to a young boy he'd seen. Dude's only 16 years old himself. Now he's already a hardened sexual predator. Shortly after arriving back in Baker's field within days, he has arrested again, no word on whether or not
Starting point is 00:29:02 he found or harmed that boy. Now he's placed in the Kern County jail and Bakers field where he attempts suicide by drinking disinfectant. After emergency treatment at Kern General Hospital, Parnell is sent to the state mental hospital at Napa, northeast of San Francisco for 90 days. And before the 90 days are up, he escapes again. This time he goes to San Francisco where he steals another car. And he returns to Bakers field to to again try and find that young boy.
Starting point is 00:29:27 He's quickly re-arrested. Again, not sure if he found that kid or not, was returned to the landcaster facility where he remains until he is released as a 17-year-old in May of 1949. So he's had one hell of an adolescence here. Ken now returns to Baker's field, moves back in with his mom. Few months later, after he begins a series of short-term jobs. First is a kitchen worker at Kern General Hospital. Then is a stockboy for Smith's market. Then later is a stockboy for the local Sears Roboxtor. Then in mid 1950,
Starting point is 00:29:54 Parnell, just 18 now, still living at home, gets married to Patsy Joe Dorton. She moves in with him and his mom. And within a year, he has charged with a sex crime. Another one on March 20, 1951, Parnell driving his mom's black Chevrolet coupe approaches three young grade school boys playing your current general hospital. Flash in a fake deputy sheriff's badge. He he had bought at a Bakersfield Army Navy surplus store that morning. He talks one of them little nine-year-old Bobby Green into accompanying him. He then drives this poor kid east of Bakersfield to remote area in the Kern River Canyon where he sexually assaults him multiple times, then casually drives the kid terrified kid back to where he picked him up in Bakersfield and lets him out. Immediately young Bobby runs home, tearfully tells his parents what
Starting point is 00:30:37 had happened within a day. Parnell is arrested again, charged with three felonies revolving around the kidnapping of and satanizing of a minor. His defense attorney tries to plead that Parnell needed rehab more than he needed incarceration and he was evaluated by a court appointed psychiatrist Camario State hospitals doctor Nash and doctor Nash says it is this examiner's opinion that this prisoner is a definite psychopathic personality with well-defined homosexual drives and as such has a tendency and predisposition to commit sexual offenses to a degree constituting him as a menace to the health and safety of others. And it is recommended that he be committed to a suitable institution for the care and
Starting point is 00:31:17 treatment of this disorder, namely psychopathic personality and sex psychopath. So the age of only 19, Harnel has been declared a sexual psychopath. He sends to only four years in prison, which he serves three and a half, despite escaping from two different psychiatric hospitals while awaiting his sentencing. This dude escaped what, fucking nine times now? Three and a half years from personating an officer
Starting point is 00:31:41 to satanize a nine-year-old, and escaping incarceration twice after his arrest. Three and a half years after numerous sex crime convictions as juvenile, you know, right? Numerous, you know, cars, he stole an arson conviction, numerous escapes. And people have been imprisoned for decades in California for selling weed. It's fucking absurd. Robert Platt's horn leader of what the D.A.D.E.A. once dubbed the black tuna gang spent the mid to late 70s smuggling weed into the U.S. from Columbia before he was busted in 1978. He had 500 tons of pot is what they charged him with importing and he's sentenced to 30 years in prison.
Starting point is 00:32:15 He served 28 released in 2008. Guys who can't stop trying to fuck kids three and a half years. Guys who bring great times to thousands of people who love pot, 28 years. It's almost like a lot of people who decide what our laws are, are fucking idiots. In a 2000 interview, about the 1951 crime Parnell would say he kidnapped and molested that boy because his wife was pregnant and he quote, had to find another outlet. I hate his wording choice.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I had to. He had to find another outlet. He couldn't just jerk off. No sir. Wouldn't it be great if human brains were wired in a way where if you followed through on some urge to rape a kid, your next urge would be an overwhelming desire to take your own life?
Starting point is 00:32:55 No prison terms necessary for pedos, right? They could just remove themselves from the population. That's just a fantasy. Here's another one. I think the government should run a national pro masturbation campaign, right? Too many dirty motherfuckers out there commit and too many heinous crimes claiming that they're motivated essentially by horniness.
Starting point is 00:33:14 What if reducing horniness could also reduce sex crimes? Just stay with me for a second. The following is a public service announcement paid for by Wacket. Worried humans advocating for controlling pinkie interests and tragedies? When in doubt? Wacket. Bad horny thoughts floating about? Wacket.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Hoping to introduce your private parts to someone who hasn't consented or can't legally consent? Wacket. We hear Wacket. Believe that a lot more masturbation could lead to a lot less sex crime. A gun is only dangerous in the wrong hands. Same thing for a hard penis. Or a firm clit.
Starting point is 00:33:50 For more information on the dangers of firm clits, please visit our sister organization, Flickit. For us straighted ladies, interested in controlling kinky interest and tragedies. The basic message is the same. Wacket to keep your penis soft and your mind clean. Flickit to keep your clit-hidden and your focus pure. You may not be able to control your thoughts, but you can manage your libido with enough masturbation in most cases.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Thank you for listening. This public service announcement was paid for by Wacket. Worried humans advocating for controlling kinky interest and tragedies? Visit our website, Wacket.com. To have a 10 gallon steel drum of free industrial strength lotion sent to your home. Winning doubt, wack it!
Starting point is 00:34:31 Look, I don't know if more masturbation would actually lead to a lot less sex crimes, but it at least makes the defense of braw so horny, even more absurd than it already is. Anyway, Kenneth Parnell will be released in 1955 after his bullshit sentence. After he and his wife have a daughter while he's in prison, he was released on the condition that he received
Starting point is 00:34:50 a regular psychiatric treatment. And then he just didn't do that. He's like, I don't want to go. He just fucking didn't. And he didn't suffer any consequences. He did get in trouble for violating parole by leaving San Francisco where he'd been released and returning to Baker's field to be with Mama.
Starting point is 00:35:04 He went back behind bars for a couple of months then got out at his parole agreement to transfer to Baker's field and move back home. And nearly 1957 he gets divorced from his first wife, Patsy Joe. That August, he remarries to Emma, Naomi Schaefer. He has another daughter with her. Thank God he wouldn't stick around to parent either one of these kids. I doubt this dude was above molesting his own kin. In the summer of 1960, he moved to Ogden, Utah with a second wife and second daughter. He'd already completely abandoned his first daughter. Holds up a gas station with a revolver soon after settling in.
Starting point is 00:35:35 No shots are fired. He makes a way with 150 bucks. Not for long, he is quickly arrested. Then in 1961, he ascends to five years to life for robbery and one to ten years for grand larcency. A lot more punishment than he received for kidnapping and sexually assaulting a young child. Doesn't seem right to me. He sent to the Utah State Prison in Draper, South Assault Lake City shortly into his
Starting point is 00:35:55 sentence, his second wife divorces him. He would never see her or his second daughter ever again. He says GED in prison, then he's released in September of 1967, and then he's kicked the fuck out of Utah. Seriously, part of his release condition was to leave and never again re-enter the state of Utah. I love it. I didn't know States ever did that.
Starting point is 00:36:14 It doesn't happen anymore. They get rid of these laws, but States, when there were fewer civil rights laws and the ones that did exist weren't in forces often, they could just ban you as part of your release conditions. They could be like, well, if we fucking see you again, you go back to prison. 36 Parnell now headed to Phoenix. And actually they stopped doing that because other states just started doing it back to them and it became this weird, stupid game where you'd tell them like, you get fucking
Starting point is 00:36:36 get out of here. And then California's like, nope, you have to get out of here. And then we'd like to send people around like, oh, this is ridiculous. This doesn't work. Anyway, 36 Parnell now heads to Phoenix, where he works as a short-order cook at a Greyhound track. Claims he left that job to work as a cook for the Playboy Club that existed in Phoenix that time, but may have just been bullshitting.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Later, prison interview, he says he got married for the third time in 1968, but wouldn't say whom. Legal records not back up to this claim. By 1972, he's back with Mama in Bakersfield. It seems his third marriage, if it existed, was over by now. Mama must have been overjoyed. They have her sweet baby dirtbag boy back under her roof or sweet living turd. Things wouldn't work out with Mama for long. You move out a few weeks later. Maybe she frowned on baby boy looking at Kitty porn
Starting point is 00:37:19 or leering at kids at the park or dressing up a little schoolboy outfit, singing a dance in front of her in living room. I'm a little T-pot, chart and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spot. That's enough, Kenneth! You're not a little T-pot! You're a 40 year old pedophile ex-con who can't keep a woman around who's abandoned at least two kids I know. Get out!
Starting point is 00:37:39 Get out of my house! March 7th, 1972. Kenneth drives from Bakerfield to Yosemite National Park. 170 miles, almost due north, leaving his lengthy criminal and psychiatric history off his job application. He's hired and April to be the night auditor at the Yosemite lodge. Guessing they would have for sure not hired him, had they known who he really was. So it says here, you're a sexual psychopath and a predator not above a little
Starting point is 00:38:05 on robbery. You know what? I like it. Not afraid to play by your own rules. This is exactly the kind of guy we're looking here for here at the Yosemite Lodge. Eight months later, on December 4th, 1972, Parnell will abduct Carrie Stainer's seven year old brother, Stephen. He abducted him when he should have still been imprisoned to pull off Stephen Stainer's abduction. Parnell enlists Edward Irving Murphy, a co-worker at the Osemini Lodge. Murphy's been described in sources as a drifter who was slow-witted and easily manipulated by Parnell.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Not sure if it's true or not, but some sources claim that Parnell convinced Murphy that he just wanted the son to raise as his own in a good Christian home. A former co-worker of Parnell and Murphy at the O'Semony Lodge, Ralph Lurkin, would later describe Murph as those who knew him called him. It's the kind of person that if he needed $25 and he only had $20, he would give you the $20 that he had and then he would go out and borrow another $5 to give that to you. So maybe he was a good dude, just simple, maybe, or maybe Murph was a dirt bag too and just hit it like so many do. A dirt bag or a full Murph approach Stephen on his way home from school,
Starting point is 00:39:05 acting on instructions from Parnell. Murph was passing out gospel texts to boys walking home from school that day. He spots Stephen, walks out to him, claims to be a representative from a church that needs donations. He asked if Stephen's mother would be willing to donate to this church.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Stephen said she probably would. Murph then asked Stephen where he lived. If he could take Murph to his house, Stephen agrees. Now he's a little kid. Guy seems nice. Parnell pulls up on a white Buick. Stephen gets into the car, thinking he's headed home, and his family would not see this poor kid again
Starting point is 00:39:31 for seven years. Parnell first took Stephen to a cabin in Kathy's Valley, or Kathy's Valley, about 60 miles from Eosemite lodge, where Parnell worked in 22 miles north as Stephen's home and Merced. Merced's 81 miles, about a two hour drive from Yosemite, from the lodge there. Were said 60 miles from Elportal,
Starting point is 00:39:49 where Stevens' brother, Kerry, standard would later work and kill. And that very first night after presenting Steven with a manchester, Terry or puppy, he named Quini, Quini, a puppy, Parnell's mother had actually just given him, Parnell began molesting Steven, forcing him to perform a phallacio on him over and over again.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Right. The same thing that had happened to him when he was a kid. So if anybody should know how fucking horrific that is, it's him. Then he begins full on Analy raping the 60 pound child 13 days later in December 17th. Stephen was so young, he didn't understand what was even happening to him. He would say later, he didn't even know what sex was. He didn't know he was being molested. He stated later that after his abduction that it was just scary and confusing, but he didn't understand how know what sex was. Didn't know he was being molested. He stated later that after his abduction, that it was just scary and confusing,
Starting point is 00:40:26 but he didn't understand how actually wrong it was. Steven repeatedly told Parnell that he wanted to go home to which Parnell now replied that his parents couldn't afford to keep him anymore. And that a judge had given Parnell legal custody of him. And again, this kid's seven. First or second grade, Parnell begins calling Steven Dennis Gregory Parnell says, that's your name now.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Keeping Stephen's real middle name and real birthday when he would later enroll him in various schools. After a few weeks, the two move away from Kathy's Valley. Why? Because Parnell found out that in one hell of a coincidence, Stephen's maternal grandfather had just moved into a trailer about 200 feet from the cabin he was keeping Steven it. Holy shit. If Steven would have seen his grandpa, if he would have screamed and screamed loud enough,
Starting point is 00:41:09 his grandpa may have heard him and seven years of hell would have been reduced to a few weeks. Well, the two moved frequently around California after this. They first drive to Santa Rosa just over 50 miles north of San Francisco. 18 months, they bounce around the Santa Rosa area between ratti motels, low income slums, usually paying by the week while Parnell works a series of menial labor jobs as a short order cook usually, leaving steving wherever they were staying. It was too young, had been too manipulated to leave. He didn't know where to go. Parnell had convinced him that a judge really had given him custody, that his family really was
Starting point is 00:41:43 okay with that, so they actually couldn't afford him. His first Christmas away from his family, Parnell brings him presents. You know, he wraps, wraps these presents for him. He gets a toy gun, a toy bow and arrow, hot wheels, racetrack set, really fucking with his kid's mind. His provider and the predator, the constantly balanced back and forth between father, figure and rapist. Parnell soon started hiring babysitters to watch Stephen while he worked.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Before the first one arrived, Ken indoctrinated Dennis slash Stephen with some Parnell family background, though not the complete truth. And Parnell cautioned Dennis never to ever say anything to anyone about his being taken from her said. Or the by then almost daily sexual abuse threatening Dennis with a severe spanking and being locked up in a children's home for years. Should he ever say anything about their secrets. After Christmas Ken begins working as a day front day front desk clerk at the Santa Rosa holiday in on January 2nd 1973. He registers Steven
Starting point is 00:42:36 in the second grade at steel lane elementary school in the Bellevue Union school district. He's pulling off his fucked up evil fantasy. Everyone thinks his kid is his actual son. By this time, Parnell had brainwashed even into really thinking that he was Stevens of Dott of Father. The following school year, Parnell actually goes to the home of the parents of a kid who'd been picking on Stephen and sticks up for him.
Starting point is 00:42:58 So strange, right? He's still continuously raping him but also protecting him in other ways, spoiling him in some ways. He soon let Stephen start to drink in an early age, allows him to smoke, virtually come and go as he pleases. Sometime in mid 1974, Parnell brings a woman home he'd known for about a year. He and Stephen had recently moved and she and her husband, Bob, or neighbors.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Stephen was best friends with her son Kenny. And now one night this woman, Barbara Matthias, after separating from Bob her husband, comes home drunk with Kenneth Parnell and Parnell makes his nine-year-old son, well, son-in-quotes, fake son, have sex with her. So now he's being shared with other pedophiles. Barbara and Kenneth would live together for 18 months and according to Stephen, Barbara would rape him on nine separate occasions during that time. As Stephen entered puberty in late 1974, Parnell now began to look for another child to kidnap, telling Stephen he wanted to quote, build his family. So fucking gross.
Starting point is 00:43:54 How much you hate this dude now? Kenneth tried to get Stephen to facilitate the kidnapping for him, but all their attempts mysteriously failed after which Parnell would berate sometimes beat Stephen for being incompetent. Now Young Stephen begins to question his origin story with Parnell. He begins to think that the story about a judge awarding Parnell a custodian was bullshit. He begins to understand that Parnell is a kidnapper
Starting point is 00:44:14 that he had been kidnapped. Years later in interviews, Stephen would admit to intentionally sabotaging Parnell's attempts to kidnap other kids. After a botched kidnap attempt outside of the Santa Rosa Boys Club, Kenneth Barbara and Steven, who now identified as Dennis or has been identifying as Dennis for quite some time, move 80 miles north to Willets, a small town in Mendocino County. Willets has around 5,000 people and random trivia. On October 16th, 1867, election
Starting point is 00:44:40 day that year, a long-running local family feud in Willits between the Frost and Coats families came to a head. One family who's further confederacy, one was pro union, and near the voting booths, they got to John with each other, the talk turned into Fisticuffs, and then soon some guns were drawn, and the brawl turned into a downtown shootout, leaving four Coats family members, one Frost family member dead, and three others wounded. Hawkfolk, Talkfolk. That's one hell of a family feud match. Uh, and Willitz, Steven slash Dennis
Starting point is 00:45:08 enrolls in a new school. He's in fourth grade. By the end of that year, he knows for sure what Parnell is doing to him sexually and how truly wrong it is. He knows what rape is now, what sort of me is, uh, what was still frequently happening to him. Due to Parnell being unable to hold down a job in Willitz,
Starting point is 00:45:23 the trio then moves again to Fort Bragg in Mendocino County, 34 miles west right in the coast. Another town of about 5,000 people in Fort Bragg. Stephen would get arrested for shoplifting. He's 10 now. It's the first time he come into direct contact with the police since he'd been kidnapped. He would say later he didn't even consider reporting Kenneth for kidnapping and raping him. He was too worried about the police not believing him and about how hard he would get spanked with a belt for being caught shoplifting. In the spring of 1976, our other pedophile Barbara has her divorce with Bob finalized its full custody of her four youngest children, one being Kenny, Stephen's best friend, and
Starting point is 00:46:00 now they're all living together in Mendocino County. And then Kenneth soon tries to molest Kenny and Kenny fights him off tells his mom soon afterwards, but not right afterwards because Barbara was a fucking piece of shit too. Barbara and her kids move out and by July of 1976, it's just Kenneth and Steven again. Now alone with Parnell once more, the race become much more frequent soon. Ken and Steven move again, just 30 miles north to Comche, California another little census designated place on the coast only around 150 people A fair amount of other communities around it and the two would live here for over four years and Stephen would later say that he loved his life in Comche He said I spent a normal life at Comche. I went through school. I played in the football team I went to the routine of marijuana that kids experienced.
Starting point is 00:46:45 I experienced my first date as every kid is experienced. I had a lot of friends, I loved the place. I didn't think too much about my own family back then. I was afraid I might end up at a boy's home, so I just really thought, why don't I just leave well enough alone? Had this poor kid. Stephen loved most of his life, of course, at Comtje.
Starting point is 00:47:00 He didn't love all of it because the sexual abuse was continuing. Now, he would save this time years later, because of the sexual abuse, I was always scared of Parnell, and a lot of time I felt violence towards him. I bet. The sex was just whenever he felt like it. It was really fast. When he was in the mood, we did it.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Just took a couple of minutes and it was over. I was dressed and out to door. The anal intercourse was painful. Parnell screwed me about a hundred times, and about half the time he split my butt, Jesus Christ. It hurt, but he just ignored me. It And about half the time he split my butt, Jesus Christ. It hurt, but he just ignored me. It was like in the case of a man raping a woman. The man is not thinking about the woman's feelings.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Parnell had a split personality. When the urge hit him, he was somebody different. And after he done it with me, he always just went on like nothing had happened. We just sit down and have a meal or something. Just do what we normally do. My God, this shit's been going on for four years now. Starting when he was seven. Whew, what Parnell has been doing to Steven, he's just become his new normal. What an incomprehensibly evil and selfish thing to do to somebody.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Kenneth also molested some of Steven's friends, at least three, took nude pictures of a fourth, took nude pictures of Steven, proposition several other kids, tried to kidnap others, and he didn't get in trouble for fucking any of this. By mid 1979, Ken's sexual interest in Stephen now 14 is waning, and he's beginning to look more seriously for another kid to kidnap.
Starting point is 00:48:15 He again tries to get Stephen to help him. The two move to a nearby place called Mountain View Ranch in 1979 near Boonville, California, 21 miles southwest of Yucaya. That fall, Steven becomes a freshman at Mendocino High School, even though it's 40 miles away, it's where his friends are. Dennis, I'm sorry, Steven tries out for wins, a starting position on the Mendocino High School freshman football team.
Starting point is 00:48:40 And then Ken, still of course pretending to be his dad goes home to goes to home games. Cheers on the kiddie kidnap almost seven years earlier. I've been abusing ever since so fucking weird. And by the way, Dennis, if I say that sometimes it's because he was going by Dennis now late in 1979. After the football season, tired of driving Stephen slash Jennings to menace, you know, Stephen transfers to the much closer point arena high school. And Ken is now trying to talk Stephen again into kidnappings, you know, Stephen transfers to the much closer point arena high school. And Ken is now trying to talk Stephen again into a kidnappings, you know, numerous ones around Santa Rosa. He keeps refusing. Finally, Ken talks a friend of Stevens into helping him.
Starting point is 00:49:14 A kid named Sean Porman. Now, why did Sean agree to help him other than for some extra money that Kenneth was paying him? I don't know. Locals from the area of the time seem to paint Sean as a troubled youth who, it was a local drug dealer. A lot of kids didn't want their or a lot of parents didn't want their kids around him. I was Ken also molesting Sean grooming him in some way. Maybe I would say probably, but never proven. On February 14th, 1980 Valentine's Day, Parnell and Sean kidnapped five-year-old Timothy White and Yucaya, California. And this kidnapping finally motivated Steven to escape. He didn't want to see a young boy go through what he had gone through, so he decides to bring Timothy back to his real parents.
Starting point is 00:49:54 On March 1st, 1980, while Parnell is away at a night security job, he just recently taken, before he had raped five-year-old Timothy White, Steven leaves with Timothy and hitchhikes into Yucaya. Stephen didn't know Timothy's home address, so instead he just walks him into a police station, asked for help. Once inside the station, Stephen tells police his story, the whole story, and exhaustive search of missing child posters and several interrogations confirms that Stephen was the missing child he claimed to be.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Stephen's written police statement, given in the early hours of March 2nd included the following. My name is Stephen Stainer. I am 14 years of age. I don't know my true birth date, but I use April 18th 1965. I know my first name is Stephen. I'm pretty sure my last is Stainer, and if I have a middle name, I don't know it. By daybreak to following morning, Parnell has been arrested again. The nightmare is over for Steven and Timothy. Both kids are reunited with their families and now get ready to get more upset, meat sex. Justice will not be served.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Kenneth Parnell was tried for kidnapping, stainer and white, but not charged for any of the sexual abuse he'd committed. Not tried for that. None of it. Why? Well, it's a little complicated, but basically after a lot of digging around, it sounds like the Mendocino district attorney at the time had shit for brains and we just fucking terrible
Starting point is 00:51:12 at his job. Sounds like a lot of people really fucked up Parnell's case. And some of the laws at the time on the books were really ridiculous as well. The Merced County District Attorney's Office, where Steven had been kidnapped and initially, when interviewed later, said that they were led to believe that the Mendocino County DA's office, or the trial would take place, would prosecute Parnell for his many sexual assaults on Stephen, assaults committed in their jurisdiction. The Merced Police Department had interviewed Stephen after he was returned home to his family, and they documented, based on Stephen's confessions, evidence of Stephen having been raped 87 times,
Starting point is 00:51:47 for whatever legal stuff. But this is so ridiculous, because of a crazy three year statute of limitations law, having passed on the initial Marseille County rapes, since Stephen had been kidnapped for seven years, hadn't been in the county for well over three years, they couldn't prosecute those rap, you know, for well over three years, they couldn't prosecute those rapes.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Basically, Parnell was rewarded for being really good at kidnapping. Had he stayed with Stephen and Merced County, had even caught after raping Stephen for two and a half years, he would have been sent to prison for life. No question, no possibility of parole. But since he took Stephen out of the county, kept him away for more than seven years, they couldn't legally prosecute him for the crimes committed there. That's fucking, for the, for the molestation crimes. And the Merced Police Department was then furious when Parnell wasn't prosecuted for the
Starting point is 00:52:33 sex crimes by the Mendocino counties, DA. Well, within the statute of limitations, so why weren't those crimes prosecuted? Well, Mendocino County chief, a criminal DA, George McClure, said essentially that Mendocino County chief, criminal DA George McClure said essentially that Mendocino County District Attorney's investigator, Dick Finn, fucked this case. That he was terrible at his job, that he had no balls. When McClure learned that Merced Police had provided Finn with evidence of Parnell's 87 separate sexual assaults on Stephen, plus evidence of sexual assaults on nearly a dozen other boys who weren't named
Starting point is 00:53:05 in the sources. He angrily told Mike Eccles, the author of the book, one of our best sources for this episode, I know my first name is Steven, that Finn never shared any of this with him prior to deciding what charges to hang on Parnell. He said, if in fact these assaults happened, and if there was sufficient evidence there that I could put on a good case, then I would blame whoever it was that was supposed to give them to me. And that person was dick fin. McClure said fin thought the kidnapping charges were just easier to convict on than
Starting point is 00:53:34 the pedophilia charges. He said that fin said to him regarding the sexual assaults, we're not going to go any further on it because we probably aren't going to be able to do anything much anyway. He thought it would be really expensive. Ultimately, would not end in convictions. And it seems like everyone else around him, at least looking back with hindsight, thinks he's fucking crazy to have thought that. And because Parnell was not charged with any of the sex crimes and only charged with two counts of kidnapping, and because at the time in California, it has changed since the
Starting point is 00:54:02 maximum sentence for kidnapping was seven years and both kidnapping charges would run concurrently instead of consecutively. This motherfucker was only sentenced to prison for seven years in 1991 after all that bullshit you just heard. And he would only serve five less time than he'd kidnapped Stephen for how truly disgusting. Like what a fucking colossal failure by the system, right? The laws on the books at that time, fucking were bullshit.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Edward Murphy, old Murph, old Murph dog, Parnell's accomplice from Steven's original kidnapping was sentenced to five years imprisonment, paroled after two. Sean Porman, the teenage friend who held Parnell in Timothy's kidnapping, was sentenced to a term in a Juvee work camp, and Barbara Matthias, Parnell's girlfriend,
Starting point is 00:54:45 the one who allegedly raped young Stephen nine times with never charged with shit. She cooperated with authorities in Parnell's trial to avoid charges. What an insult to the victims. We have to change the way people can cooperate with authorities to avoid punishment. And I think the way to do that
Starting point is 00:55:01 is to make a lot of the punishments much more severe. Like if the punishment for hurting kids was for example being pulled apart by team of horses or slowly being skinned alive, just having your skin flayed off or being like really slowly lowered into it like a giant boiling cauldron of oil, then the plea bargain could be not as severe as that, but still pretty fucking hardcore. Like you could testify against your pito friends and only end up with being electrocuted. Right? Or like only life in prison. I don't know. I'm just spitballing, just trying to toss some thoughts around. Because he got out of just a few years, Parnell's life of misdeeds didn't stop there. Of course he
Starting point is 00:55:38 didn't. That's what makes this story so much more disturbing. Our fucked up priorities having criminal justice system, let's out of monster and to know and with half a brain surprise, he continues to be exactly what he was, a monster. I just can't stand people who think that these people can be rehabilitated. No, they can't. No, they fucking can't. When you're this much of a just dedicated predator, you should just be fucking killed. On January of 2003, finally away from the prime eyes of the proloft sir, he'd been checking with for a while.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Parnell is arrested yet again. This is preposterous. He tries to coerce his caregiver and to buying him a four year old boy. He has kept going younger. Parnell at this time is 71 years old. He's in poor health. He's suffering from diabetes and infosima. He's suffering from other ailments brought on by a stroke.
Starting point is 00:56:30 He needs almost 24 hour a day nursing care in the clutter department in the 2600 block of Matthew Street He lives in in Berkeley. He was on a whole barely alive But his evil dick the most alive part of him by far on the edge of death still wants to fuck more kids The caregiver Diane Stevens is aware of Parnell's past, cooperates with police and setting up a sting operation. She hates his pieces shit, fucking hail Diane Stevens that would lead to his arrest. She pretends to have a lead on a kid who is not real and then he gets arrested.
Starting point is 00:56:57 According to Stevens later testimony, Parnell requested that the child have a clean rectum, Jesus Christ, which indicates exactly what this piece of shit had in mind. He was just a fucking, this guy was such a heinous, just evil boner that just happened to have a body attached to it. Parnell paid $100 for birth certificate, had $400 with him for the completion of the transaction. He was to receive the child on January 3rd, 2003, and instead he's arrested that day. He told authorities, I wanted a family.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Mm-hmm. I had a real weird notion of what a family was. Parnell was convicted February 9th, 2004 on the charges of attempting to purchase a child and attempted child molestation. Didn't get charged with a sex crime and Stephen Stainer's case. Did get charged with a sex crime.
Starting point is 00:57:40 In this instance, even though the kid he wanted to molest didn't really exist. Hopefully an indication that better sex offender law is now existing. There used to be the prosecution successfully argued that objects of a sexual nature and pornography found in the apartment. He's fucking almost dead. He sells his porn. Along with the antistastomony, we're enough to prove that Parnell's intentions were criminal and sexual in nature. Of course they were. Prosecutor Tim Wellman, very familiar with the Stephen Stainer case, argued his case before the jury by showing a slide show of Steven Stainer marked by the number one, then Timothy White marked by the number two, then a blank
Starting point is 00:58:13 screen marked by the number three to show that the child that would have been abducted if the police hadn't been notified would have for sure been, you know, uh, also molested. Wellman said Parnell was looking for one last hurrah, one last Stephen Stainer, one last Timmy White. Parnell remained incarcerated until his death on January 21, 2008, and at the California Medical Facility in Vacaville, California, he died of natural causes at 76 years old. He had finally been sentenced to 25 years to life under California's three strikes law, which is great.
Starting point is 00:58:42 But you know, years ago, you could have gotten that same sentence for selling Molly and LSD. You could have gotten caught selling Molly to music festival attendees three times and received the same sense as someone who was kidnapped and repeatedly fuck three different kids or multiple different kids. I mean, not that third kid because the kid was real, not necessarily too much white, but lots of kids. So, you know, good job court system makes a lot of sense. Glad that a lot of important decisions have been decided by the best and brightest minds. Luckily the three strikes laws in California was finally modified in 2012 to not be as harsh to nonviolent offenders.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Proposition 36 said revised the three strikes law to impose life sentence only when a new felony conviction is serious or violent. Okay, done with Kenneth Parnell now. Crazy. How insane all that was and it doesn't have anything to do directly with the initial Eosemite killer story we set out to look and do today. Kerry Stainer.
Starting point is 00:59:31 But indirectly, I think it has a lot to do with the Eosemite killer. Although Kerry Stainer wasn't legally one of Kenneth Parnell's victims, he definitely was a victim of Parnell, a man he never met. It's just so easy to mention the families of victims. Just leave it at that.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Do we often think about the psychological toll that a murder or seven years of rape and malastation takes on people who are close to the victim? Ah, now after all that, a true crime suck, all to itself, let's get into the real meetup today's tale in today's time suck timeline. Right after today's sponsor break, now let's meet the Osemady Killer.
Starting point is 01:00:18 August 13, 1961. Carrie Stainer is born in Merced California an agricultural town of about 65,000 people This brawls across the eastern flank of the Sandwalking Valley and calls itself the gateway to Yosemite As of the 2010 US census Merced County's population was just over 255,000 Up from just over 210,000 at the 2000 census and the total area of the county is approximately 1,980 square miles. Google says roughly 280,000 that they're now. And the city of Merced is the county's seat and its largest city. The county name derives from the Merced River or El Rio de Nuestra
Starting point is 01:00:56 Signora de la Mercedes, the river of our Lady of Merced. It was named in 1806 by an expedition headed by Gabriel Moraga, which came upon at the end of a hot dusty ride. And Carrie would grow up in a pretty, pretty idyllic blue car largely blue collar Merced community despite what happened to his brother. Stainer his three sisters Cindy Cory and Jody and his younger brother Steven raised in a little green shingled house on Bet Street in lower in a lower middle class neighborhood
Starting point is 01:01:22 at the edge of town. We weren't able to find birth dates for Cynthia or Cindy, uh, Corian Jody. Very little is written about them. Uh, even the book on Stephen that would go on to be adapted to become a TV minister, mini series and movie. I know my first name is Stephen. Doesn't mention his sisters. Uh, a Carrie Stainer, true crime biography titled the Samini part killer also doesn't mention them. I had to look at their dads obituary and Stevens obituary and one of them being mentioned in an LA Times article to confirm that they even, you know, for sure existed. Cory and Stevens father, Delbert Stainer was a mechanic who worked for various canneries made a solid middle class paycheck.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Their mom, Kay, ran a daycare business, worked a food service jobs and high school cafeteria is three and a half years after Carrie is born on April 18th, 1965, his baby brother, Steven, also born. Around this time, well before Kenneth Parnell enters the picture, Carrie starts to show signs of mental instability. He begins to nervously pull his hair out, ends up wearing a hat to hide all the hair he's pulled out.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Hens up getting diagnosed as having, it's trick-a-tomania, trick-o-til-mania, an impulse-control disorder that causes people to pull their own hair out. This disorder is classified under obsessive compulsives and related disorders and involves recurrent irresistible urges to pull hair from the scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, other areas of the body, despite repeated attempts to stop or decrease hair pulling. Other mental health disorders, people with trick-at-tilomania, often have our anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. High levels of stress tend to trigger
Starting point is 01:02:55 trick-at-tilomania. With little carry super-stressed outs, that a new boy showed up in the family, took some attention away from him. I don't know, maybe. Was he stressed out about something else going on at home? Maybe. Weird stuff going on in the stainer household. I feel like we'll never know the full details about. One source of biography written by Jack Rosewood about Kerry says that while the stainer, mom, Kaye was emotionally distant and not affectionate.
Starting point is 01:03:19 The child's, the children's father, Delbert was too affectionate. Delbert was ordered into treatment early into Carrie's childhood after being accused of sexually molesting one of his daughters. He was apparently never charged, but if true, this accusation doesn't show up in any source I can find. Maybe things weren't as idyllic as they seemed in the stainer household. Any other source, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Trica Telemania would be the first of many mental disorders, experts would diagnose and carry. By the time he was 38, a doctor had testified during his trial that he had more than 20 signs of mental illness, a doctor went on to report various disorders, they believed, stain or suffered from, including narcissistic personality disorder and schizophrenia.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Unfortunately for young Kerry, clearly struggling with some of his thoughts, his parents were real against therapy. They did take him to see someone when he almost pulled his, all of his fucking hair out, but in general, Delbert saw wanting to go talk to someone about your feelings as a sign his parents were real against therapy. They did take him to see someone when he almost pulled his all of his fucking hair out, but in general, Delbert saw wanting to go talk to someone about your feelings as a sign of weakness. He probably didn't like going to see a therapist because you know, make him confront his own pedophilia. That's true. Carries aunt Anna Jones, who lived in your
Starting point is 01:04:19 bio at the time, said, it would have helped if they had gotten some therapy, but you just didn't think of it back then. You told yourself you were strong and you could handle it. And I do bet that overwhelming majority of American blue collar families weren't big on therapy back in 1965. Unfortunately, but also typical of the time. Outside of some extreme hair pulling, Kerry's early childhood seemed to be free from any major traumas. Starting when Kerry was a small boy, the Stainer family vacation together in Yosemite
Starting point is 01:04:43 and the high country surrounding it often. They'd pile into the Stainer family van drive six years old miles east to camp, fish, hike, sometimes hunt in the beautiful mountains. Around late 1968, early 1969, according to what Stainer later told investigators, as well as a news reporter, he started fantasizing about killing women. He recalled a particular incident while shopping with his mom, musing about shooting all of the store in place. But a couple problems with this possible memory. First, he was when he reported this, really trying to get out of a life in prison sense or a death sentence by getting an insanity defense plea. He had a lot of motivation to convince the judge he had been suffering from pathological murderous impulses for years. And second, I also thought about fantasizing, or I also, sorry, fantasize about killing people
Starting point is 01:05:31 back in early childhood. It's normal. Come on, right? Say this. I'm doing that shit my whole life and I have yet to kill anyone. Gosh dang, not JK, actually. People can be really fucking annoying. I'm not ashamed to say I find tremendous joy in thinking about eliminating strangers from
Starting point is 01:05:44 the planet on a daily basis. I find it very cathartic Uh, kind of like physical masturbation can I think help prevent people from making a terrible sexual decision like cheating on a partner Uh, some mental murder masturbation in my opinion Uh, can keep you from stabbing the fuck out of some asshole at the bar who can't see the keep his drunk ass from bumping into you over and over again and not acknowledging it You know, it keeps you from actually doing that Then again, uh, I don't know maybe maybeing into you over and over again and not acknowledging it. You know, it keeps you from actually doing that. Then again, I don't know, maybe we're both crazy. And again, maybe Carrie Stainer was having these thoughts on he was a kid or maybe he was
Starting point is 01:06:12 just beefing up his eventual insanity defense for his crimes. A cousin of Stainer's, Ronnie Jones, would later remember Stainer being anti-social around girls when he was younger. He wondered years later if this indicated that maybe Carrie was having dark thoughts about women. He said he doodle pictures of naked girls in a notepad. And am I a Carrie stainer? When I was in grade school, I also was socially awkward around girls.
Starting point is 01:06:36 They made me nervous. And I also drew naked girls in a notepad. Not sure what was going on with Carrie. My impulse to doodle naked girls came from, I like to think less from a kind of pathological type of version and more from an inability to find pornography in my tiny Idaho hometown. I literally make my own porn. Hello, Savina.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Weird, maybe, but a forever later Carrie and cousin Ronnie would frequent the Merced River together and as Ronnie would remember it, when Ronnie would run down to skinny dip with some girls, Carrie refused to join him. He thought that was weird. Now, why was he refusing to join them? I don't know. Did he, you know, wonder if he got naked around some naked girls? He wouldn't be able to restrain himself from killing them, or did he have a tiny, ed camper micro-pean-win? And he was just embarrassed. Mother, why is he dragging my micro-pean into this episode? Does he forget I'm still a live mother and incarcerated the California Medical Facility in Voccoville?
Starting point is 01:07:29 I can escape at any moment, mother, and put his head on a stick. Maybe Carrie did have murderous impulses, dark desires towards women when he was a kid, or maybe he was just a typical kind of awkward boy. When Carrie was 11 and late 1972, his somewhat idyllic childhood comes to an end. His uncle Jerry Stainer molested him.
Starting point is 01:07:46 The guy I mentioned is Jesse earlier. Now Jerry Stainer molested psychiatrists George Woods would later testify in court during Kerry's trial for murders that although the uncle's sexual proclivities were well known to Kerry's older male cousins, he was nevertheless allowed to take boys for overnight and his tiny apartment. What the hell is going on in this family? Right? You got like a known pedophile uncle?
Starting point is 01:08:09 Dad's going to counseling for some type of molestation situation with at least one of his daughters. God, what the fuck is going on here? Why are these kids heading over for a sleepover with Uncle Jerobar? Uncle Sleepover seems suspicious. I wouldn't let my kids go for sleep over with Uncle Gerber. Excuse me. Is that sexist of me because he's dude?
Starting point is 01:08:28 Because that is why I wouldn't want to let the kids over there. Because would I care as much if it was a sleep over with an aunt? No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't care as much. Why? Mostly because of stats, because the math doesn't lie. According to race2a's.org, race against abuse of children everywhere children everywhere and estimated 80 to 90% of sexual offenders are male.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Well, only 10 to 20% of offenders are female, and that's actually kind of on the high end, according to a 2019 conversation.com article referencing numerous studies. Current research they say suggested only between 1% and 9% of sexual predators are women. Overwhelmingly, a lot more uncle sleepovers have kiddodalin on the list of activities than auntie sleepovers do, which really sucks. I know for all the good uncles out there, I'm sure the overwhelming majority of uncles are safe. Still, you're going to want to give those lone wolf uncles some extra eyeballin before
Starting point is 01:09:16 you pack your kid's sleepover back for their house. Sexists are not. I never let my kid stay the night with just a dude, so they're like a random family dude. Other than their stepdad, there's a good guy. But even with with him I used to grill my kids about good touches bad touches all that shit You know, maybe I'm paranoid. I don't care. I'm okay with my kids thinking I'm paranoid and crazy if it makes me feel safer Helps keep them safer. Anyway, it's a sleepover uncle Jare can't keep his wing clean showed Carl and his cousin nude pictures of girls Then he invited young girls, so he showed him kiddie porn Then he invites the two young boys to sleep in his bed with him and his cousin nude pictures of girls, then he invited young girls, so he showed him kiddie porn,
Starting point is 01:09:45 then he invites the two young boys to sleep in his bed with him. Then in the middle of the night, Stainer wakes up to find the uncle, removing his underwear, attempting to molest him, Carrie is able to get out of the bed, avoid what could have been worse, but the incident still serious, still traumatic. Uncle Jair, charged later convicted for child molestation,
Starting point is 01:09:59 and then whatever attention is paid to Carrie in regards to him healing from this event, it's over in a flash. If you need a therapy, which I imagine he did, he didn't get it. If he needed to talk to his parents, it doesn't seem like he got much of that either, just a few weeks later,
Starting point is 01:10:12 all the family's attention would turn towards his brother's disappearance. On December 4th, 1972, as you learned earlier, Kerry's little brother, seven-year-old Stephen, abducted by Kenneth Parnell, that fucking devil. Kerry is 11. Carrie's childhood friend, Mike Marcee's or Marcee's later said in 1999 that after Stephen's kidnapping, Carrie was very upset.
Starting point is 01:10:34 I heard stories about him going out and wishing on a star that his brother would come home. I believe he was supposed to have been with his brother, so I believe that there was some guilt with Carrie on the fact that maybe he felt a little responsible. God, think about that. Think about the guilt in 11 year old feels when he's supposed to walk his little brother home from school, doesn't, and then his brother gets abducted. Guesting his parents yelled at him more than a few times over this. What does that do to an 11 year old head? Shortly after Stephen doesn't make it home from school, after exploring the route he took between home and school, his parents soundly alarmed. They called the place. They search and search and search. Postures are put up all over the place. Stephen's picture is shown
Starting point is 01:11:13 on the news. It's a big story around Merced. Parents' worst nightmare. Kid goes missing on the way out from school, volunteers looking all over the place. There's an intense search for many weeks, flyers put up for months, but as we know, they found nothing. Now for the next seven years, the only traces of Stephen Gregory Stainer and the Stainer family home are snapshots and memories. Recollections of a quiet sweet boy who had once tended to a fallen owl
Starting point is 01:11:35 who liked to ride his dad's tractor around on the family almond ranch near a snowing. They put up billboards, passed out leaflets, consulted psychics. According to family friends, they were never the same again. Yeah, how could you be? Cari later said, before Steve disappeared, how he saw my dad was like the rocket Gibraltar.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Never trembled at all. All of a sudden, one day, December 4th, 1972, my little brother is gone, and my dad is crying all of a sudden. Never saw my dad have a tear in his eye, my whole life. All of a sudden, life changed. Cari's mom, K, born Roman Catholic who left a church over being emotionally and physically abused in a Catholic boarding school. So much fucking abuse in this family. Then join the LDS faith, raise her family's Mormons.
Starting point is 01:12:16 She becomes cold and distant, seldom displaying physical affection towards her children. She loses herself and her sorrow and her faith trying to make sense of it all. K would later tell people magazine in an in an interview, I'm more or less closed up. I didn't leave the house for a year. And if I had to someone else had to be there in case Stevie came home, I chose to believe he was alive. Dilbert was openly devastated by the loss of his son. According to some his favorite son, he said in that same people interview, I went berserk for a time. I'd ride around on my pickup with a sawdoth shotgun on the seat in case I saw some with
Starting point is 01:12:50 Stevie. I began to suspect everyone had something to do with it. Friends, neighbors, even family members. If a child dies, you bury the child. With a missing child, you have a not in your chest that never leaves. So this family is fucking destroyed. Carrie would sometimes find his father rummaging through Stevens dress her drawers weeping. Delbert wants to chewed Carrie out for painting over the name Stephen, but his younger brother had scratched once into the garage door.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Carrie's aunt said that the four kids remaining in the stainer's house became like ghosts in a house filled with heartbreak. She said, maybe the other kids didn't get as much love as they should have because of all the pain and sorrow around this time. Carrie starts acting out a bit, especially towards women. He exposes himself to one of his sister's friends at a sleepover, not sure what her age was. I think it was close to his age, not sure how serious it was either. Kids do do weird shit.
Starting point is 01:13:38 And of course, he's acting out. Why wouldn't he act out? Who wouldn't act out? You know, his parents don't seem available to talk to him about anything that's going on. He's not talking to a therapist. Kerry's place to escape the emotional pain of all this is to go to Yosemite, to head out to nature. By the time he's a teenager, he's an accomplished outdoorsman and his favorite outdoor destinations
Starting point is 01:13:57 are in Yosemite. He's also spending a lot of time on his drawings. In high school, he finds a measure of self-expression as a cartoonist for the high school newspaper, the statesman, showing so much promise that classmates assume he will someday draw his own comic strip professionally. His cartoons are featured throughout the yearbook, humorous caricatures of his fellow students playing tennis, looking cheerful and silly. He's voted most creative at his school, his senior year in 1979, and I get to feel his parents didn't really give a shit about his accolades here or his duels Martin Purdy a friend of both the stainer brothers remembered Carrie as kind of a quiet guy our days would be
Starting point is 01:14:35 Just get on our bikes in the morning go to the park hang out with friends or skateboard We would later say to a ABC news Classmates also remembered Carrie is shy and modest. He had no interest in talking about his brother Well, yeah, I mean, why would he want to talk about that? Hey, Steve, mind if I sit next to you to eat? Hey, hey, so like, your little bro is still missing, right? Like, for years now. Oh, man, what do you think, dude? Probably dead.
Starting point is 01:14:54 That's what I think. Oh, man, were you supposed to walk him home or something from school? That day, that sucks, man. I feel like shit, that was me. Man, do you feel like shit? Hey, what's wrong, man? You seem sad.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Oh, you don't want to talk about one of the most painful memories of your life right now at school? Weird. Whatever, dude, you fucking bumming me out, man. I'm outta here. March 2nd, 1980, Steven is reunited with his family at 14 years old, Kerry is 18. All right, how shocking is this?
Starting point is 01:15:17 He graduated a high school about nine months earlier, he's still living at home. Kerry is returning from a camping trip in Yosemite with some friends. Here's a radio report that his 14-year brother Steven that escaped from his abductor and will be arriving in Merced that afternoon. Carrie later tells reporters that he almost drove his car into the Merced River. He was so excited to see the brother he had assumed for years was dead. Can you imagine that that mind fuck? Holy shit. Thinking you would lost
Starting point is 01:15:42 someone a child sibling parent, whoever you're close with for seven years, then they show up at the house. That day, Stephen comes home to a hero's welcome, moves back into the tiny bedroom he had once shared with Carrie years earlier. The contrast between the two brothers, very stark. Despite going through hell and back, Stephen is cheerful and engaging, a people pleaser, outgoing, very willing to talk about his experience. Carrie is quiet, sullen, loner, a breuder. Stephen, despite having been subjected to continual horror for years is by all appearances. A happy, go lucky, jovial kid. He soon gets a
Starting point is 01:16:16 girlfriend. All right. He's quick to smile. Carrie is the opposite, not quick to smile. She shows no interest in girls. No interest in most other people. Has a small circular friends outside of that as a loner who likes to be outside in the woods. And these two brothers who were close before Stephen was taken do not become as thick as Steve's upon Stephen's return. There's tension almost immediately. First there's the massive media attention to deal with for the family, a true crime book, a TV movie, both title.
Starting point is 01:16:40 I know my first name is Stephen or made about the ordeal within days of his return home. Stephen is on Good Morning America. His parents are over the moon to have their kid back. Of course they are. It was a non-stop Stephen parade at the Stainer household now and this all left Kerry feeling really jealous. In an interview with JP Miller, a screenwriter who spent a long period with the Stainer's doing research for a 1989 NBC miniseries, he vented his frustrations about his brother.
Starting point is 01:17:05 Kerry told Miller, his head was all bloated out. We never really got along well after he came back. All of a sudden Steve was getting all these gifts, getting all this clothing, getting all this attention. I guess I was jealous. Yeah, I'm sure I was. I got put back on the back burner, you might say. Then in the midst of getting all this attention,
Starting point is 01:17:21 Steven starts acting out and having problems at home. Right, if returning to his family, Steven has trouble adjusting to a more structured household, because with Parnell, he'd been allowed to smoke, drink, do what he pleased. In an interview with Newsweek, shortly after his escape, Steven said, I returned almost to grown man and yet my parents saw me as, uh, saw me at first as they're seven year old. After they stopped trying to teach me the fundamentals all over again and got better. But why doesn't my dad hug me anymore? Everything has changed.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Sometimes I blame myself. I don't know. Sometimes, if I should have come home, would it have been better off or would I have been better off if I didn't? So that's fucked up. And so fucked up about the dad, this not hugging shit is mentioned in several sources and interviews makes me sick. Steven said in another interview that his dad would not look him in the eye after he comes
Starting point is 01:18:07 back was not affectionate at all with him once you heard what part of had done to him so true or not Stephen seem to interpret his dad's emotional distance as discussed regarding the sexual acts he'd been involved in the been forced upon him out fucked up Stephen is now being emotionally revictimized made to feel shamel for shit he never wanted to have happened in the first place. Dude was a hero to say that other kid, little five-year-old Timmy White and his dad can't bring himself to even hug him. Stephen's parents were also not supportive of their abducted son getting counseling
Starting point is 01:18:36 after coming back home, not good, not a big fan of the stinger parents. He told his dad, or he said later, his dad told him he didn't need any counseling. Stephen also ended up being bullied by other kids at school for being molested and eventually because of that bullying drops out, how tragic is that? Kids can be such pieces of shit. You get molested for seven years and then your dad won't hug you or look you in the eye and then also the kids at school mock you for being molested. Stephen begins to drink frequently.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Of course he does. He eventually gets kicked out of the family home before he turns 18. Meanwhile, Kerry, he's heading off to the mountains more and more. He'd become depressed towards the end of high school. He didn't really pursue a career as a cartoonist, even though everybody said he should. He didn't want to go to college, a former friend said it was like,
Starting point is 01:19:21 he just decided that he was a loser, even though his peers saw so much talent in him. He sat around his room, a lot of the time smoked weed a bunch, waited for the next camping trip. He drifted through a series of relatively menial jobs for the next 18 years, hauling furniture, exterminating insects for a pest control firm, working for an aluminum company, finally getting a job at the Merced Glass and Mirror Company. That was his longest term of employment. There he would work with Mike Martisi, that guy we mentioned earlier, who
Starting point is 01:19:49 would later recall about Kerry. He'd say a woman was nice looking, and he'd go so far as saying it would be nice to get together with her, but nothing ever came of it. People thought it was odd that Kerry never had a girlfriend because he seemed to like girls. It was smart, talented, and really good looking. He described, you know, a lot of sources, ruggedly handsome. Now they didn't know he suffered from a rectile dysfunction at this time and was embarrassed by it incredibly and that led to awkward feelings towards women. And it may have led toward a lot of anger towards women. Man, more limp dick rage. How much does this come up? Echoes a chiquitilo here. What is big deal?
Starting point is 01:20:25 So I have soft shamecock. Why not go to doctor? They may have many treatment now. You should get a taken care of. No need to suffer and bring misery to others that are many medicine. And a JK, it is too fun to wrestle. I thought chiquitillo was evolving for a second there into a better meat sack. 1985 Steven Stainer now 20 Mary 17 year old Jody Edmondson, right? Despite all the shit he's going through He's moving forward with his life. They dated for a year beforehand The two would go on to quickly have two kids together Ashley and Steven Jr They struggled financially as many young people do especially young parents
Starting point is 01:20:56 They live at first with Jody's parents then with some cousins and their mobile home with three jobs between them Despite these hardships things seemed okay Steven seemed to be getting his life together more than his brother Kerry was. He worked with child abduction groups, spoke to children about personal safety, gave interviews about his kidnapping. Good for him. How fantastic, right? Using what happened to him to help others avoid the same fate.
Starting point is 01:21:18 About as nobles it gets, it was a hero. Hail Nimrod. Steven wanted to make sure nothing like that ever happened to, you know, another kid. Again, accompanied by his mother, Kay, Stephen would testify before the Ways and Means Committee of the State Assembly on a bill that would increase penalties for kidnapping children and another requiring parents to have their kids fingerprint it. He also joined the Church of Jesus Christ, the latter day, Saints becoming a Mormon, like the rest of his family.
Starting point is 01:21:40 He'd obviously not been going to church with Parnell. He got a job he liked, it pizza hut. And then on May 22nd, 1989, the maid for TV movie, I know my first name is Steven heirs. And while 24 year old Steven is being treated as a bit of a local celebrity, his 27 year old brother Carrie is now getting way into Bigfoot. Uh-huh. Around this time, Carrie claims to have had an interaction with Bigfoot. They saw him up in New Semity. But you do not see that twist coming. He's a prized friends and family members by claiming to have had an interaction with bigfoot they saw him up in your semifix but you did not see that twist coming uh... he's a prize is friends and family members by claiming to have seen big foot the legendary half man half ape of the civic northwest
Starting point is 01:22:12 uh... desperate attempt to direct some attention away from steven and onto himself uh... what what what what what what what i'm sorry uh... someone's knocking at the uh... suck dungeon door right now this is uh... uncomfortable yeah uh... yeah uh... resident cryptologist david jolars here someone's knocking at the suck Dungeon door right now. This is uncomfortable. Yeah. Yeah, resident of cryptocurrencies, David Childers here. I would not rush to the speculative conclusion that Carrie lied about scenes to ask watch
Starting point is 01:22:32 in some kind of a misguided attention grab. Second to Washington State, you should know that California has the most total reported bigfoot sightings in the United States. Many Sasquatch sightings have been reported in your sanity. It's not by sound to be the home of the most Bigfoot activity in the world. You could have also mistaken the Fresno night crawler,
Starting point is 01:22:54 another humanoid cryptid offspotted in your sanity for being a stage. David, I keep telling you that I never hired you to be a resident cryptid expert. Yeah, no, I realize it's more like a volunteer. David, please wait out in the hall. We can talk about this later. Yeah, sure, no problem.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Sorry about that, everybody. Carrie did suddenly get way into Bigfoot. It's cousin, Kathy, a me, said Carrie spoke about Bigfoot all the time. She said he absolutely knew that it existed. You couldn't have told him anything different. Another family member who gave an anonymous interview said, I remember when he first had told me
Starting point is 01:23:26 and my brother of what he had seen. He would go very blank in the face as if he's been very serious or like somebody was watching him. He would tell us about the smell the creature had that it was a lot bigger than him. We were very young, but we knew he wasn't playing a joke on us. I remember when I went to camp green meadows in the sixth grade. He told me to stay close to the teachers,
Starting point is 01:23:43 no matter what, do not go out at night. He never really seemed the same to me after he thought he had seen Bigfoot. So that's a weird twist here. The weird way that Carrie talked about the creature made it difficult to know whether he feared it or identified with it. Very strange. Tragedy then strikes again shortly after the premiere of that May for TV movie. September 16, 1989, just over a month after Carrie's 28th
Starting point is 01:24:05 birthday when his younger brother Steven dies. Just before 5 p.m., Steven is finished with his shift at Pizza Hut at 16th in G Streets. It had been raining heavily. His manager Todd Smith suggested he drive the franchise's pickup home and stay dry. Steven reminded Todd that his license had been suspended that an accident in the truck might not be good
Starting point is 01:24:22 for Pizza Hut business. He declines the offer. He rides off down on Santa Fe drive on his motorcycle at 4.55 pm three miles later at a less than they posted 50 mile 55 mile per hour limit. He rams into a car that according to California Highway Patrol investigators pulled into the street ahead of his cycle at 5.35 pm at the Merced Community Medical Center young Stephen Stainer is declared dead. His skull had been fractured, he died from massive brain trauma.
Starting point is 01:24:49 The driver of the car, none other than the man who had abducted him all those years ago, Kenneth Parnell. That sexual predator had been released from prison several years earlier, looking for Stephen, recognizing, pulled out in front of his motorcycle. He'll be charged with manslaughter, and he'll serve 60 days in jail. Fucking kid me. I'm actually kid myself. That was fucking nonsense.
Starting point is 01:25:08 It wasn't part now. That piece of shit was living free, though. In 1989, I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happened in this weird story. No, the driver was identified by officers as Antonio Larea, an employee of a tomato-packing company. And he fled the scene. He later surrendered in Tijuana,
Starting point is 01:25:20 was returned to the US, arraigned on felony hit and run in manslaughter charges. A sad, reckless, ironic end for Stephen. He died driving a motorcycle. He was not licensed to operate. A blue and white 1989 Kawasaki X500. He wasn't wearing a helmet. He had bought the motorcycle with some of the $30,000
Starting point is 01:25:36 he had received for signing over the rights to his story for I know my first name is Stephen. 500 people would attend his funeral. Timmy White, the kid Stephen had saved when Timmy was just five, is now 14 and is a Paul bearer. One of Stephen's sisters, Cindy, said at his funeral, she kept waiting for the telephone to ring.
Starting point is 01:25:52 This is so sad. She said, some one will say it's okay. Stevie's here, he's alive, because that's what happened before. Jesus Christ. Jody, his 20 year old widow, was left with two children, her husband's troubled legacy.
Starting point is 01:26:03 She found solace in the fact that Stephen wasn't hurting anymore from past trauma. She chose a special children and her husband's troubled legacy. She found solace in the fact that Steven wasn't hurting anymore from past trauma. She chose a special inscription for her husband's casket, it said, going home. The following year, 1990, 28 year old Carrie is now living with Uncle Jair. Yes, that Uncle Jair, another weird twist, Uncle Sleepover.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Uncle Jair can't keep his wing clean. How weird is that? What the fuck is going on in this family? He's limb with a guy that was convicted of trying to molest him as a kid. Carrie had settled into a job repairing windows from her said glass. Jerry was a truck driver for a truck dispatcher, excuse me, for a hey company. Later that year, and late December, just before Christmas, 42 year old Jerry is found sprawled dead in his bedroom with a shotgun wound to the chest. Carrie is questioned about the killing. He's the one who found Jerry's body when he came off from work, but he has an alibi.
Starting point is 01:26:50 He said he'd been at work when the shooting took place. He was not considered a suspect at the time. Police focused on investigation on an unknown vagrant whom Kerry claimed had been lurking around the house shortly before the killing that no one else ever saw. The vagrant was never found. The murder went unsolved. After Kerry's arrest later for four murders in Yosemite, police would begin looking into the possibility
Starting point is 01:27:09 that Carrie was the one who probably killed Jerry. I'm gonna guess you did. 1991, Carrie temps suicide by Carmen Monoxide inhalation is unsuccessful in his attempt. Did he receive any kind of psychiatric care afterwards? We don't know, but probably not. Next five years, not a lot to report on. Kerry spends a lot of his time alone when he's not working at the Merced Glass and Mirror
Starting point is 01:27:28 Company. He goes to Eosemite National Park as often as he can to look for Bigfoot, not getting what we're detailed. We've got over a lot of serial killers here on Times Rock. I can't recall one covering one before who was real in the Bigfoot or any other cryptids. A psychiatrist who would later examine Kerry said that Kerry thought Bigfoot was tied to quote the meaning of life. Okay. Then in 1996, the maybe not, you know, terribly mentally stable Stephen loses his shit.
Starting point is 01:27:57 A former coworker, again, this guy Mike Marchese goes out into the yard of the Merced Glass and Mirror company to find Kerry slamming his fist against a piece of wood and bleeding, you know, profusely from cuts on his hand. Mike asked him what was up, Carrie says he feels like he's having a breakdown, that he's nervous. He doesn't know why. He said he felt like getting in his truck, driving into the office, killing everyone there, and then burning the place down. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Mike then tells him he may have a chemical imbalance. And Carrie says I've been told I have but nothing's ever been done about it. I was hoping he'd say I don't have a chemical imbalance Mike Bigfoot does. He's the one who wants me to kill everyone. Don't you see? Don't you see? Company owner Gordon Echis caught wind of what went on.
Starting point is 01:28:39 He personally drives Kerry to a Merced Psychiatric Center where he's counseled. Soon afterwards, Terry, a stinger comes back into the Merced Glass and Mirror office, picks up his last paycheck, and then they don't seem again ever. He tells former co-workers, he's thinking to move into Santa Cruz to pursue a cartoonist career. Unfortunately for future victims, he would not do that.
Starting point is 01:28:56 Instead, after either not being able to get another job around Merced or not trying to, he just heads to his happy place, Yosemite now to live there. In 1997, Kerry Stinger heads to the little, Yosemite, now to live there. In 1997, Kerry St. Ainer heads to the little town of El Portal, just outside the park. That little census designated place we mentioned earlier.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Now 35, he drives his car in 1972, pale blue international scout to El Portal before even looking for a job. It shows up in hopes to find one. He soon finds one at the Cedar Lodge, seven miles outside of Yosemite, a sprawling complex of rustic pine bungalows that straddle the Merced River.
Starting point is 01:29:28 And he begins working there as a handyman. Kerry rents a room above the Cedar Lodge restaurant in Lounge, a 1950s themed diner with red, noggar-hide banquets, and a vintage jukebox, sounds like a place I would love. And he does odd jobs around the motel. He was a cool guy who mixed easily with the rest of the staff according to a waitress at the diner. She'd say, at night we'd hang out, watch a video in somebody's room, he was totally likable, he was ordinary.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Ah, no, it wasn't. Sometime in 1998, Kerry starts a data woman whose daughter later did an ABC interview going by the name of Lena. Lena didn't mention the name of her mother. Lena was just 10 or 11 years old when her mom began dating Kerry, started having a relationship with him.
Starting point is 01:30:05 Her mom was a waitress in the restaurant below the apartment where Carrie lived. He seemed like a safe person to be around. To Lennon's mother, Lennon and Lennon's younger sister. He brought the girls illustrations. He would draw himself. He would buy them new beanie babies. Each time you'd see them, Lennon said he also taught her and her sister how to drive. Lennon said he was a big teddy bear.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Toward her and her sister, he was just our friend. I love Carrie. My sister and I adored him. My sister and I will be walking up the driveway and we'd see Carrie Stainer coming up in his scout and jumping the truck and he'd give us a ride up to our house. She said, Lennace said she could only remember one occasion which Carrie Stainer made her feel uncomfortable. They were all in the Merced Head River.
Starting point is 01:30:42 She said when he started removing all of his clothes. Why did he do that? Well, she didn't say, but we'll soon learn why. Carrie was sexually attracted to her, and he was having some real fucking dark fantasies about her, her sister and their mom. Lena's mom was also the first real girlfriend Carrie seemed to have ever had.
Starting point is 01:30:58 That coworker of his back at the glass company said that one time when the subject girlfriends came up, Carrie said he had never dated a woman for more than a few weeks. Lennon would recall later that Kerry always carried a backpack, which authorities would later describe as containing his murder kit. It contained a gun duct tape and a knife. And she would learn later that she very nearly avoided Kerry using the backpack's contents on her and her family.
Starting point is 01:31:20 After Kerry's stainers arrest, Lennon said FBI agents contacted her mother. She said the FBI went and spoke with my mom privately to let her know that Carrie Stainer had confessed to initially wanting to kill my mom and rape and kill my sister and I. My mom was extremely shocked. That's when our lives were flipped upside down. My mom went off the deep end and harbors a lot of guilt. I don't blame my mom at all. Nobody could have known.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Holy shit. Some teddy bear Carrie Stainer was. How much of that fuck with your head to hear that? That this dude, this kind of father figure, your mom was dating, who you looked up to, you thought was this, you know, super nice dude. Actually wanted to rape and kill you. Do the same to your sister. Also kill your mom. The family learned from the FBI, the Carrie Steiner had nearly killed them on three separate occasions. The day he'd gotten arrested for four murders, Carrie Steiner had gone looking for them, but Lenin or sister just happened to be at the grandma's house when he came by. Had they have been home, his confirmed body count
Starting point is 01:32:12 would have jumped from four to seven. In February of 1999, around two years after showing up on L. Portale, Steiner is still working at the lodge, living in that room above the lounge, thinking a lot about Sasquatches probably. And then on the 14th of February Valentine's Day, he sees Carol's son 42 and her daughter Julie 15 arrive in their bright red Pontiac Grand Prix rental with Julie's friend Silvina Paloso 16 and exchange student from Argentina. Carol had planned the fateful trip to Yosemite National Park two months in advance, a reward to her daughter for doing well in school. Her husband, Jen's stayed home with her three other kids. They picked up a flashy red rental car at the airport made their way to Yosemite National Park two months in advance, a reward to her daughter for doing well in school. Her husband, Jen's stayed home with her three other kids. They picked up a flashy red rental car at the airport made the way to Yosemite. It was a dead a winner, and the Cedar Lodge was mostly deserted with much of the staff on a hiatus until the spring.
Starting point is 01:32:56 At Yosemite, they spent a long day admiring El Capitan, Half Dome, other granite monoliths, ice skating and curry village in the Yosemite Valley and taking snapshots along the Merced Head River Gorge. At some point Carol talked to Jen's on the phone, Carol said there were plenty to go to the park again but had concerns about construction at the entrance. The conversation lasted less than four minutes and it would be the last time Jen's would speak to his wife. The three women had dinner at the Cedar Lodge restaurant, then strolled back along dimly lit pathways, lined with wooden statues of bears and bald eagles to room 509 in the far west wing of the hotel. That same day, Kerry Stainer had stalked four young girls staying at sea or lodge with the intention
Starting point is 01:33:32 of abducting rapian killing at least one of them. He ended up backing off because they were accompanied by a man. He decided on targeting Carol Julie and Silvina after spying them through a window. The next day, February 15th, 1999, Kerry puts a horrific plan into action. At 11 p.m. Kerry, who was carrying a toolbox with duct tape, rope,
Starting point is 01:33:51 a knife, and a gun hidden inside, knocked at the door of 509, identified himself at the motel handyman. There was a leak in the room above, he explained, and he needed to check whether water was dripping through the ceiling. Suspicious, Kerry looked around, said there was no sign of a leak.
Starting point is 01:34:05 She refused to let him in. He then told him if he couldn't come in and fix it, they would just have to move to a different room and not wanting to deal with that hassle, Carol does let him in. Carrie chatted with her for a moment, fiddled around in the bathroom for a minute or two, then walked back out of the bathroom, brandishing a gun.
Starting point is 01:34:20 He tells Carol and the girls not to panic, sadly, they don't. He says he's only come to rob them. Then he binds, gags them with duct tape, plays his silvena and julie in the bathroom, and then turns to Carol's son. If her shut in the door, she's lying on the bed. Silently, quickly, he strangles her with the rope. Does not sexually assault her, it was not part of his dark fantasy. He takes her car keys, drags her corpse out to the dark, deserted parking lot, heaves it into the trunk of the Pontiac while the two teens are still bound to gag in the bathroom. I didn't realize how hard it is to strangle a person. Kerry would later coldly and calmly say in a tape confession.
Starting point is 01:34:52 It's not easy. I had very little feeling. It was like performing a task. After stuffing Carol into the trunk of a rented Pontiac Grand Prix, Kerry rips and cuts the clothes off the two girls leads them back into the, uh, onto the bed. He commands him to perform various sexual acts on one another. They don't comply. They're terrified. They're crying. He becomes so irritated by Sylveena sobbing that he leads her alone back into the bathroom,
Starting point is 01:35:15 shuts the door quietly strangles her as, uh, as she knelt in the bathtub. He then sexually assaults Julie in the family's motel room and in the room next door where he took her to use the bathroom, not wanting her to see Sylvanas body. He tries to rape her, is unable to penetrate her as he is unable to get an erection. The damn ED, he probably been stewed on it for years and his impotence seemed to fill him with the murderous rage. Finally, he leaves Julie on a bed tied up watching TV while he cleans up the crime scene and dumps Sylvanas in the car trunk with sun with Carol and it ranges the room to so it appears that the women had
Starting point is 01:35:48 checked out and left. I felt like I was a control for the first time in my life stain or later set on tape. That confession tape. He's cleaning his cleaning of the room was so thorough he even got all of his hairs off of the bed sheet later an FBI agent asked him why he did that and he replied I want to discover a channel. Roughly five hours after the attack began at about 40 in the next morning, February 16th, Stainer wrapped Julie naked in a pink motel blanket, drives away in their rental car with her bound in the passenger seat. Her mom and her friends bodies are on the, you know, trunk. I don't know. I didn't know where I was going or what I was doing.
Starting point is 01:36:23 He later told investigators, I just kept driving and driving. Along the way he comes to like Julie, who told Stainer her name was Sarah. She was a very likable girl. He said she was very calm. Liking her did not make him want to not kill her though. With Don approaching, Stainer turns off at Lake Don Pedro and carries Julie up a worn dirt path to a small clearing, overlooking the water. He said, I told her I wished I could keep her.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Some seriously creepy shit to say. He then sexually assaults her again, no word from the sources on the state of his impotence during this attack. Then this fucking maniac brushes her hair, fans it out on the ground beneath her head. He said he then told her that I loved her and then cut her throat.
Starting point is 01:37:00 She made a hand gesture to him after he cut her, which he interpreted as her asking him to finish her off. And he looked away while she died over the next 15 to 20 seconds. At least that's what he said. Did she really gesture to him like that? I fucking highly doubt it. I really doubt she wanted him to quote finish her off. Strongly assuming a lot of this shit only happened in his head.
Starting point is 01:37:19 Stainer would say, I didn't want her to suffer the way the other two did. Not sure if that's true. He drove the knife so hard into her throat he nearly decapitated her. After hiding her body in a thicket, he drives the car with the bodies of Carol Sundin, Sylvina Paloso in the trunk, so as far as he can into the forest. He then walks two miles into Sierra Village, telephones for a cab after dawn. The cab driver Jenny Paul was bemused by the haggard looking man who asked to be driven to the O'Semnity Lodge.
Starting point is 01:37:46 She never reported the trip to police until after a stinger's arrest, months later she remembered an unusual conversation that transpired along the route. Her passenger asked, do you believe in Bigfoot? No, she replied, you should, he said, because he's real. And then he paid the fare with $150 bucks, I had stole from Carol's purse. These fucking Bigfoot details are killing me. Carrie wouldn't get the insanity plea he'd hope for as upcoming trial, but he was clearly as I once heard a kid say growing up, nuttier than squirrel shit. Fuck, it's going on with
Starting point is 01:38:14 this guy. The instaF claimed that when they cleaned room 509 the next morning on February 16th, they detected no evidence of foul play. Check out. I have been in advance. He's left on the front desk as was customary. Jen's son, Carol's husband and Julie's father had scheduled to meet them at San Francisco airport that evening on his way to Arizona. While he attended his meeting in Arizona, his wife, daughter and her friend were going to tour the Grand Canyon. That's what he thought. He did not find his wife for the airport. Assume she had flown ahead. The next day on February 17th, Carrie returns to Carol's, uh, uh, yeah, sorry, I got confused by Carrie and Carol. Carrie returns, it's right.
Starting point is 01:38:51 Carrie returns to Carol's rented Pontiac Grand Prix with a can of gasoline. After scratching, we have Sarah. Remember, uh, uh, his daughter, the, um, oh my god, Julie's, Julie's son, uh, told him her name was Sarah. He scratches that on the hood with a pocket knife, saying we to throw off investigators, and then he sets the car on fire. Then he drives two hours west, dumps, Mrs. Sun's, uh, billfold insert onto a, a, Modesto street corner to further throw police office course, and it would work, uh, just like his
Starting point is 01:39:19 brother Steven had vanished 27 years earlier, now three women have vanished. Several days after Suns and Palosos disappearance, a wallet, driver's license, credit cards belonging to Carol are found, but there's no sign of the woman or their Pontiac Grand Pre-Renocar, no sign of the women, excuse me. And the last days of February soon stumbling to March, the public still is hoping that the women will be found safe. In Modesto, a march and vigil are held for the missing persons. They think that's where they went missing was in Modesto.
Starting point is 01:39:44 Unefficiently, Jen's sons now offers a $250,000 reward for info that will lead to the return of the missing women. And for a couple of weeks, he upsets to 300,000. Mrs. son's parents, Francis and Carol appear on Good Morning America to entreat the prayers of Americans to help locate their daughter and the kids. Over a month after the murders, Carol's son's rental car is found.
Starting point is 01:40:04 March 1999, 2 charred bodies are in the trunk, right? Sons and polosos. A hiker discovered the vehicle in the mountains of the Stanislaus County. Over 30 miles from the lodge, where Stainer abducted them. The same week, the two bodies are found in anonymous letterless sent to the FBI with a hand drawn map. The disturbing note later determined to have been written by Stainer read we had fun with this one again with the we to make investigators think there were at least two attackers what they did. Also, he paid a young Hispanic kid to spit into a cup.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Use that spit to seal the envelope, which further threw off the FBI. They ended up looking primarily Hispanic suspects for weeks because the DNA they found on the envelope. The Mappy Center of the police led them to an overlook at the Don Pedro Reservoir several miles from the logging trail where the car had been found. There they find Julie Sons corpse. A massive manhunt has now launched to catch the murderer or murderers for several weeks, hundreds of FBI agents, California Highway Patrol officers, a national park service
Starting point is 01:41:01 rangers, com, you'll see rugged backcountry backcountry and the adjacent stannis law stannis laws national forest with dogs and helicopters two dozen fbi agents common deer part of the headquarters of the stannis law hot shots a forest firefighting squad based in the old gold rush town of sonora to siftoo evidence as they collected tv crews and reporters swarm over the assembly area descend on the b Modesto holiday in with the families of the missing tourists, maintain a vigil. A task force rounds up suspects, arrested several known sex offenders, drug users and ex-cons with the record of violence
Starting point is 01:41:34 from within a 75 square mile area between Modesto and Sonoma. The police figured that the killer of the three women was someone familiar with the area, whoever was guilty had successfully maneuvered a Pontiac through rugged terrain, ravines, lakes, dense woods, country roads. They thought only a native would have been aware of the site where the car was abandoned. The March 29th edition of Newsweek reported the FBI believes that the killer knows the area of abandoned gold mines well enough to hide the car off a spur road where locals dump old refrigerators, cars, and washing machines. And well enough to know that the smell of a burning car would likely not attract attention
Starting point is 01:42:08 because the air often reeks from people burning their garbage. Uncettled locals are starting to whisper about possible murderers in their midst. By mid-April, the FBI comes to believe that the key players in the site-seer slanes had been arrested and were in jail on unrelated charges. Although not named in print at the time, their names were later published by the Fresno B. And these primary suspects were Michael
Starting point is 01:42:31 Mick Larrwick, 42 of Modesto, part of a vagabond group of meth users and friends centered in the Modesto area, Eugene Rufus Dykes, 32, also of Modesto, Larrwickix half brother, dude with a long criminal record, including sex and weapons convictions. Billy Joe Strange, perfect criminal name, 39 in L portal and parolee who worked at the Cedar Lodge lounge in restaurant where the murdered women were last seen. He was arrested when he allegedly reported to his parole officer with liquor on his breath around the time the disappearances. Darl Gray Stevens, 55, Stranger's roommate, convicted in 1978 for rape and robbery. He was jailed March 14 for failing to register as a sex offender. Daniel Neal Cummins, 45, my dad loves outdoors.
Starting point is 01:43:15 We would have been right at home in New 70, supposedly living 800 miles away between Reagan's and New Meadows and Idaho at the time, but because he can't account for his wearabouts that February, because he also didn't know, you know, for certain where he been during so, so many other murders in the 70s, 80s and 90s, he is considered a prime suspect. Jake, they're running dad, gag. It's not warranted for me yet. By the end of June, well, no one has been charged. The FBI were sure they had the person or per people responsible for killing the three women. Obviously, they did not. Meanwhile, at the Cedar Lodge, Kerry maintains a cool facade, even Escort's FBI agents from room to room so they can gather fiber samples. The only time he seems to have commented on the
Starting point is 01:43:55 killings before he's arrested after the, obviously after the killings, says a female co-worker was the afternoon he cast an annoyed glance at a pairb i agents having lunch at the diner he muttered why didn't the fb i ever search my brother interesting he may be think he could get away with what he was doing because he didn't think law enforcement was that good at catching people due to how they never found his brother uh... july twenty first nineteen ninety nine four months after stainner killed three
Starting point is 01:44:20 women and had seemingly gotten away with it he decides to kill again. Joey Armstrong, who had grown up in Orlando, was one of the most popular members of the Yosemite Park staff, a bright energetic young woman who led kids on hikes through Yosemite's backcountry, sharing her knowledge about the park's history
Starting point is 01:44:37 and indigenous plants, animals, and insects. Armstrong and her boyfriend, Michael Ruffelli, another instructor, commuted a few miles to the Yosemite Institute from their Pine Cabin, which they called the greenhouse. Conditions that the greenhouse were primitive, they chopped their own firewood for heat, hauled water up to drink from crane creek. Armstrong was content with all this. I love it here in this house.
Starting point is 01:44:56 She wrote to a friend in Florida earlier in the summer. I love Michael with my soul and every last cell in my body. I love the big metal with all its daisies and incredible history. On the morning of July 21, Joey Armstrong arrived at the O'Samondi Institute around 8 a.m. worked on normal day, then drove the five miles home. Her boyfriend and her other roommate were away aware of the murders of the three tourists at the Cedar Lodge. She told colleagues at the Institute that she worried about spending the night that she worried about spending a night alone at her isolated cabin. Just before dusk, as she packed up her car for her trip to Sausalito, a blue and white
Starting point is 01:45:31 international scout came down the dirt road towards her house and stopped. According to his later confession, Stainer stepped out of his vehicle, approached Armstrong's pickup truck and said, hello, Stainer apparently attempted to put the where a young woman at ease. Of course, he does this. Why asking if she had ever seen Bigfoot in the area Adding that he had one spot at the creature in the fields just beyond her cabin What a weird fucking way to try and put someone at ease How weird to think that was the the normal type of social interaction you should have with the woman you've never seen before
Starting point is 01:46:02 Right like he's in his brain just come on think, think, think, put her ease. Make her relax. What a normal non-merderous that I talked to women about. Come on, come on. Car batteries. Nah, no. I shouldn't seem like the car battery type. God damn it, Kerry. Car batteries are boring.
Starting point is 01:46:18 You know that. Soft pretzels. Yeah, maybe. A lot of people like soft pretzels. Especially ones covered in big chunks of salt with warm cheese dip. This is good Okay, this is good. This is going somewhere wait Bigfoot everyone loves talking about bigfoot the cab driver. She liked it when I talked about bigfoot my family
Starting point is 01:46:33 Not so much, but they're fucking dicks. This is gonna work. This will definitely make her think that the manager you're talking to is not crazy Excuse me, ma'am Did you know the bigfoot lives around here? Yeah, I've seen him. A lot of people have. You can smell him. He's real stinky. Kerry truly was a bit out of his fucking mind. Yeah, David, children's here again.
Starting point is 01:46:56 Stainer is right about their smell. Sightings of the large seven foot to 11 foot tall bipenal creature are often accompanied by a foul scunk like odor that back in the hall Children's uh, yeah sure no problem. I'm sorry about that Uh, when Kerry realized arm stock was alone and was his sass quatch jibber jabber not exactly making her Want to invite him into her cabin. He pulls a gun orders her inside the cabin where he binds her hands gags her with duct tape Then the orders are back outside in the gathering darkness
Starting point is 01:47:24 He shoves her into the front seat of his scout, begins to drive back up the road. Then at the parking area, where the dirt track from her cabin joins the forest road, Armstrong manages to open the scouts past and adore leaps out of the moving vehicle, badass, hailed us with Fina. She staggers to her feet,
Starting point is 01:47:39 begins running through the brush and trees along Crayon Creek, heading towards a cabin where friends of hers live just a few hundred yards away, Stainer jumps out, crashes into the woods and pursuits, Armstrong made it 150 yards before he caught her, he grabbed her from behind, drew a long knife, quickly cut her throat, then slashed her again and again and again until he had literally completely decapitated her. He dumps her body in the drainage ditch, then discards her severed head about 40 feet away.
Starting point is 01:48:04 Investigators initially thought Armstrong had been killed by someone she knew that it was a crime of passion. They thought that because of the anger and the rage displayed through the killing, it must have been someone she had some sort of relationship with. Nope, just Stainer. Stainer furious. She had tried to escape from him, that hard. Because there had been so much noise and chaos, Carrie leaves a scene of the crime in a hurry,
Starting point is 01:48:24 leaves several clues behind, including tire tracks from his vehicle as well as footprints. Kerry returns to a scout, fled back up the road towards Yosemite exit and he didn't get very far. On L-port towel road, a few miles short of the cedar lodge, his vehicle breaks down, and then he flags down a ride from a passing Yosemite park ranger. The ranger later recalled his trainer had been easy going, affable, and calm. Nothing seems strange. You know, just a cool cucumber who just happened to have, you know,
Starting point is 01:48:50 cut someone's fucking head off just a few minutes earlier. Now he's just chatted them up calmly, you know, probably talking about Bigfoot. Car broke down, huh? Oh, that's a bummer, man. Any idea what the problem is? Well, if I had to guess, I'd say Bigfoot. Probably messed around under my hood.
Starting point is 01:49:04 You know they are squashes. Look at for some parts, first time machine or foot. Probably messed around under my hood. You know they are squatches. Look at for some parts, first time machine or something. Probably just not to hose loose or. I'm not crazy. Next morning, Thursday, July 22nd, Dr. Desmond Kid, Yosemite National Parks Medical Doctor, had just finished a busy 24 hour shift of the park's clinic. It was after all the height of the summer tourist season.
Starting point is 01:49:22 And the 36 year old physician was beat. He was looking forward to heading back to the log cabin he shared with other park employees in Yosemite village. But as soon as he got back, his pager went off. A park dispatcher asked him to join a search for a missing person. A search to dispatcher said with law enforcement implications. Kid was told that Joey Armstrong, an abuliant strawberry-blown naturalist at the nearby Yosemite Institute and a casual acquaintance of kids have been planning to spend the weekend visiting friends in Sausalito when she didn't show up her friends feared something had happened to her. Turning off turning left off the main Yosemite
Starting point is 01:49:54 highway kids steered his Jeep down an unmarked road into forest or 30 cabins inhabited mostly by park employees were scattered along the bottom of a wooded Glen. The area was cordoned off with yellow police tape. Joey's white pickup trucks still parked in the driveway packed with luggage for her trip. Having decided to begin their search in the immediate area, the squads split up into five groups. Kid and four of their members of the search party walked the woods along Crane Creek. But he's a hot noon day sun. They bush waxed through dense brush, watching for rattlesnakes, looking for of joy joy and only a few minutes in at kids spotted a key ring glinting in the sun just beyond to lay something else a woman's body
Starting point is 01:50:31 clad in a white t-shirt and blue jeans as kid drew closer he noticed that something made him gag Jesus he said and ran back to the ranger in charge we have an 1144 that's code for a dead body and she's been decapitated unsurprisingly Armstrong's beheading spread fear through your assembly park rangers received a flood of phone calls from parents and youth group leaders asking if certain areas of the park should be avoided a request for guided hikes especially from women rose sharply then the authorities got a lucky break a park employee noticed a blue and white 1979 international scout parked near Armstrong's house the night of her death.
Starting point is 01:51:05 On the afternoon of July 22nd, the day Joy's body was discovered two rangers spotted the scout parked on the shoulder of California 140 in the Merced River Canyon, about 12 miles from the Western entrance of the park, descending to the Rocky River bank. One of the rangers accompanied by a Mariposa County detective came upon a handsome, solidly built man smoking a joint, sunbathing in the nude, probably talking about Bigfoot. No big deal, right? Just chilling out naked in the woods, soaking up some sunshine, keeping his eyes peeled
Starting point is 01:51:32 for squaches. The man calmly identifies himself as Kerry Stainer, says he's employed as a handyman at Cedar Lodge. I think he put on some clothes to introduce himself, but I'm not sure. I like to imagine he stayed naked and just talked about, you know, Bigfoot with his dick swinging around. The officers, officers, officers, I've tried to combine officers and confiscated. The officers confiscated his marijuana, let him go. No arrest for the joint.
Starting point is 01:51:55 I like it. Shortly after this encounter, FBI investigators compare tire tracks at the crime scene with photographs of stainers' treads and they get a perfect match. They had their guy, a naked, murdering bigfoot freak. On July 24, Kerry Stainer is arrested at the Laguna Del Sol, clothing optional resort in Wilton, California. I like this other weird twist, more nudity. Dude got arrested seriously at a fucking nudist colony.
Starting point is 01:52:21 How great is that? This place is still in business, by the way, and still nude, still very nude. Went to their website. Looks nice. Police discovered Kerry there eating breakfast. As if they could talk to him. My mind was definitely going with different scenarios of how this little interaction went down.
Starting point is 01:52:37 Kerry Stainer, we need to talk to you. Would you mind putting some clothes on? Could you maybe at least cover up your dick with a copy of Squatch Hunter Monthly? Thank you. What was that, ma'am? No, I'm not a stri on. Could you maybe at least cover up your dick with the copy of Squatch Hunter Monthly? Thank you. What was that, ma'am? No, I'm not a stripper in a cop suit. Now, this is not a costume.
Starting point is 01:52:50 I'm a real cop. Ma'am, ma'am, please stop pulling down on my zipper. Sure, that is not a prop. That is a real gun. Hey, hey, you with the nipple rings. No, not you, other nipple ring, dude. Would you mind opening up the door for us? Ma'am, ma'am, would you please stop trying to motorboat me
Starting point is 01:53:04 with your titties? I want a official business. Stainer goes with the officers to the nearest FBI office. They recognize him as the brother of Stephen Stainer on the way, Billips and Report, and then Stainer almost immediately confesses to joy armstrong's murder. He then said he had a role in the son and polo star murders and that he would tell them everything they wanted to know, but first he wanted quote, a good sized stack of child pornography as condition of his confession.
Starting point is 01:53:28 He wanted photos and videos, ideally naked kids quote, involved in crime scenes. What the fuck? I interpret that as pictures and videos of naked dead kids. He actually asked for that shit, like it was a reasonable request, like he was asking for a cheeseburger. He also told the FBI agents that maybe if he would had more
Starting point is 01:53:44 access to Kitty porn previously, he wouldn't have had to kill anybody. Jesus Christ. Then he says he wants his trial to be held down and were said, as if that's the thing you can just, you know, request. And then he says he wants his parents to get the reward money. That's $300,000. That that Carol Sun's husband had offered for clues regarding the whereabouts of her and
Starting point is 01:54:04 you know, the other two women. Jesus Christ. The FBI agents are like, uh, no, that's crazy. Get the fuck out of here with all that. And then he just kind of goes, okay, and then he just confesses anyway. He tells the FBI that he had fantasized about hurting women since he was a kid, but unable to stop his compulsion to kill. For five months, Carrie had been living under the noses of investigators, fixing leaks,
Starting point is 01:54:24 handing out bed linens at the Cedar Lodge until the urge to murder and struck him. Ages had interviewed Stainer twice in the early stages of the investigation, both time dismissed him as a suspect, and remember he'd been interviewed years before for possibly killing his uncle, been dismissed. He just seemed like two nice of a guy, two ordinary, they said. Not only that, but Stainer's background, his own family had been victimized by a monstrous crime, made them think that there Was no way he could do something like that to anybody else
Starting point is 01:54:49 Two weeks after his arrest on August 6 1999 Kerry Stainer shuffles into a courtroom at the U.S. District Courthouse in Fresno to answer federal murder charges His parents Delbert and Kay Stainer sat motionless hand in hand eyes fixed on their son as he stood before the federal magistrate motionless hand in hand, eyes fixed on their son as he stood before the federal magistrate clad in a yellow prison jumpsuit, his wrists and ankles shackled, and he enters a plea of not guilty, a strategy that would leave the door open for an insanity defense. His mother cried softly, rested her head against her husband's chest, their son grim face, avoided eye contact with his parents. Holy shit, man, their first kid gets kidnapped, missing for seven years, then shows up, then dies young and motorcycle accidents, roughly a decade later.
Starting point is 01:55:26 Now they're only other son, confesses to killing four women in the assembly. And a letter to the Fresno B that he sent from his jail cell in mid August, Dana wrote that I am truly very sorry for the pain he had caused and said that he hoped to sell the rights to his story to Hollywood, to compensate the victim's families. How much do you want to bet that his idea for his movie about all this heavily involved Bigfoot? Kathy's trial or, oh, carry's trial, excuse me. His name, I've never met a dude named Carrie,
Starting point is 01:55:52 C-A-R-Y. Just never looks like a real name to me. Carrie's trial begins in 2001. During his trial, he pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity due to various psychological problems. A doctor testified during St. Andrews trial that he had autism, had obsessive compulsive disorder, right, others would testify, he was like schizophrenic,
Starting point is 01:56:09 depressed, Stainer's lawyers also argued that Stainer allegedly had to deal with sexual abuse in his past, which could have played a role in him becoming a murderer. Dr. Jose Arturo Silva testified during the third week of Stainer's triple murder trial at St. Jose, the Stanford educated psychiatrist spent more than 21 hours interviewing Stainer and jailed more than three hours
Starting point is 01:56:28 talking with his parents. He sifted to five fat binders containing the defendant's medical history, which included interviews with friends, acquaintances, and the FBI. And he said that Stainer, like his dad, suffered from parapheria, a sexual disorder, in which individuals become aroused only by inappropriate objects or fantasies.
Starting point is 01:56:43 We talked about that a long time ago with Jeffrey Dahmer. Like his mother, he said that also Stainer suffers from depression. So, last shit going on in this family. August 27, 2002, Kerry Stainer is found sane, convicted of four counts of first degree murder. December of 2002, Kerry Stainer asked for a new trial on the grounds that none of the jurors had been molested. It is not granted. I'm surprised he also didn't complain that none of the jurors were squatches or squatch hunters. Stanger receives a death sentence on December 12th, 2002. He is currently on death row at St. Quentin State Prison in California. Although the state of California
Starting point is 01:57:17 technically still has a death penalty, California governor Gavin Newsom extended a moratorium on the death penalty in 2019 California has not executed any inmates since 2006 far more likely standard will die of old age than be executed. He's currently 59. On January 21st, 2008, Kenneth Parnell finally dies in prison. May his soul, if he has, will never find peace. On August 28th, 2010, a statue of Steven Stainer and Timothy White is dedicated in Applegate, Park and Merced. The statue shows a teenage Stephen, five-year-old Timmy, hand in hand, while the two of them escaped their captivity. I love it.
Starting point is 01:57:52 Sadly, neither Stephen nor Timmy would live to see the statue. On April 1, 2010, just shortly before the statue is dedicated, Timothy would become an LA County Sheriff's Department deputy, died of a pulmonary embolism at the age of only 35, and that takes us out of this time stock timeline. Good job, soldier. You made it back barely. What a crazy story, right? A tragedy, double header, really triple header. You know, Kenneth Parnell, Stephen St A tragedy, double-headed, really triple-headed,
Starting point is 01:58:25 you know Kenneth Parnell, Steven Stainer, Carrie Stainer. First, the kidnapping, seven years of Steven Stainer being raped, then the Stainer family being reunited only to see Carrie and Steven drift apart as brothers, then Steven dies in a motorcycle accident, then Carrie probably kills his uncle, then he moves away to a somebody, kills four women, wanted to kill more,
Starting point is 01:58:43 fuck is going on on the stainers carry stainer what an odd life he led uh... he went from a shy artistic boy who missed his brother to a cruel big-foot obsessed murderer who killed four women brutally one of them after sexually assaulting her after he killed her mother and her friend
Starting point is 01:58:59 uh... were those final four murders preventable would carry not become such a monster if he hadn't been molested, if his brother hadn't been kidnapped, if he'd been raised in a more emotionally stable home? He said he'd had murderous urges since the age of seven before his brother was kidnapped. If that is true, would he have found some way to deal with those urges if he'd had a different childhood? How much nature, how much nurture goes into the making of a serial killer? Could you, Deirmeet Sack, have been a Ted Bundy or a Kerry Stainer or an Eileen Warnos? Had your childhood taken some different turns? Now fun to think about, but you know, could a certain sequence of tragic events in
Starting point is 01:59:35 your childhood turn you into a serial killer? I think maybe so much of who we are is formed by the way we're raised by who we're raised by, by what happened to us in our identity, identity, forming years, right? Throwing a couple real, real dark curveballs. You know, who could you have ended up as? I don't know. I imagine your nature would have also had to be pretty dark to end up going where Kerry Stainer did. Time now for today's Top 5 takeaways.
Starting point is 02:00:03 Time, suck, top five takeaways. Number one, pedophile can'tethyparnell harmed a lot more people than just those he abducted than those he raped. He also harmed Kerry Stainer, the Stainer parents and countless other family members. He kept Stephen Stainer for seven years, but ultimately only served five years in prison himself for it. Motherfucker. Number two, Kerry Stainer killed four women in four months in the spring and summer of 1999. He stalked his victims before making sure that there wouldn't be others around them to protect them, then killed them brutally. He sexually assaulted two young girls before he killed them. He also nearly or fully
Starting point is 02:00:41 decapitated two of the four women he killed. Number three, Kerry Stainer believed in Bigfoot. Talked about Bigfoot, the cab driver who's driving him back after he dumped Julie's body. Well, at the shit. Number four, after seven years of continual abuse, Steven Stainer got away from Kenneth Parnell because he didn't want to see another boy. Timothy White could take an advantage of like he'd been. Then Timothy became an L.A. Sheriff's deputy, putting himself in danger in order to protect others. Couple of bright spots, such a dark story. Number five, new info.
Starting point is 02:01:11 Carrie Stainer was sentenced for his crimes in the O'Sellenty National Park, but did you know there is a legal theory out there where some people think you could literally get away with murder in part of another US national park. Yellowstone National Park is almost entirely within the state of Wyoming, but a slither of it reaches into two other states, Montana and Idaho. And the Idaho part is where the danger or opportunity is thought to be Brian C. Call it a law
Starting point is 02:01:33 professor at the Michigan State University College of Law had a good look at this region, published in an academic paper entitled The Perfect Crime back in 2005. In it, called wondered about a hypothetical place where there were not enough eligible citizens to form a jury and theorize that there could be no trial and therefore no punishment for major crimes in that area. He later realized there is such a place, the Idaho section of Yellowstone National Park.
Starting point is 02:01:58 Say you decided to murder someone in the Idaho section of the park. If you're caught, you'd be arrested and taken to Wyoming to be tried. The US Constitution, however, demands that any trial should be held in the state where the crime itself was committed, which in this case is Idaho. So you demand your constitutional right to be tried back in Idaho where they then take you. A local jury would then be called a but amendment six states that the impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime
Starting point is 02:02:21 should have been committed is required. And in this case, the state is Idaho, but the district is Wyoming. That means that the only people available for the jury must live in the Idaho section of Yellowstone, but no one lives there. It's federal land. No one's allowed to live there. So unless you allow them to try in Wyoming, they legally cannot try you at all, technically.
Starting point is 02:02:40 No known felonies have yet to be committed in this zone of theoretical lawlessness. I doubt you could get away with murder there, but if you just have to murder someone, it's probably the place to do it, right, in the US. I mean, if we don't do that, you know, I'm not telling you that, you know, I'm not saying that's a good idea,
Starting point is 02:02:56 but, you know, if someone needs to be murdered, then maybe that's the place you do it. You know, just maybe just J. Cane, I don't know, just thinking, I'm just thinking some crazy thoughts. Time, suck, top j-cane. I don't know, I'm just thinking some crazy thoughts. Time, suck, top five takeaway. The Yosemite Killer, the abduction of Steven Stainer, story of Kenneth Parnell has been sucked. So much drama, tragedy centered on one family.
Starting point is 02:03:19 Man, if you were on the fence before about, I don't know if you know a lot against pedophile should be more harsh. I hope you're not anymore. After that Kenneth Pornel bullshit, man. God, this is what a crazy, crazy story. Really suck me in this way. Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team
Starting point is 02:03:32 for all the help and making time stuck every week. Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins, Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley, the Scrip Keepers Act Flannery, Sophie Fax, Sorceress Evans, Biddlelixer, Logan, the art warlock Keith, running BadMagicMch.com, working on our socials along with Liz Hernandez. Thanks to beef steak and the Mod Squad, keeping Discord fun, congrats to the Raven Queen, currently in the lead of Round Nine on the Time Suck trivia, little game we have in the
Starting point is 02:03:55 app, with 4,245 points. New Round Round 10 starts on Monday, April 5th at 3pm Pacific time. We stick with True Crime next week on TimeSuck. We get dark and we get smelly. We get pretty much covered in pig shit with Robert Pickedin, one of Canada's most prolific serial killers, the butcher of Vancouver aka the pig farmer killer. As the son of pig farmers, he didn't give two shits about personal hygiene or other kids getting a solid upbringing.
Starting point is 02:04:22 Robert first turned to Butchery as a living and then this weird hillbilly turned to a very different kind of Butchery. This guy is so fucking disturbing and cartoonistically horrific, he doesn't even feel real. He feels like a B-horror movie villain come to life. He'd ultimately be arrested in 2002 in the subsequent investigation of his house of horrors with yield evidence of numerous other murders, ultimately leading to his being charged with 26 murders. He would dispute that. He would tell an undercover agent he had killed 49 women, one shy of his goal, his stated goal
Starting point is 02:04:50 of 50. Who were these women? They were women that polite society preferred to ignore. They were women struggling with drug addiction, but turned to sex work for money to fuel their addictions. Many of them struggling with homelessness. They lived in Vancouver's east side downtown, which rapidly became a Robert Pickickedin's hunting grounds. He'd take them back to his pig farm where they would meet their doom, maybe be incorporated also into some pig meat that may have been sold and consumed by Vancouverites.
Starting point is 02:05:15 Seriously, how could such a thing happen? How did Robert get away with it for so long? What in God's name was happening at his nightclub called Piggy's Palace? This ridiculous story, in next week's Deep Dive into the disturbing world of Robert Picton. And now let's head on over to
Starting point is 02:05:29 a not disturbing world of this week's Time Sucker updates. Updates, get your time sucker updates. Kicking things off with some positivity after all that darkness. Inspired meat sack just in, Soft Street rights, but actually Justin gave me a phonetic spelling for his last name. Soft Street.
Starting point is 02:05:49 Ah, there we go. Justin, Soft Street rights. Hey, fuckface. Ha, ha, ha. Awesome, now that I have your attention, I can continue. The main thing I want to say is thank you. As I'm writing this, I'm listening to the Victor Frankl 2020 wrap-up episode. I started listening to Time Suck in November of last year.
Starting point is 02:06:04 You have been one of my favorite comedians since at least 2010, or whenever crazy with the Capitol F came out. For the longest time, I refused to listen to podcasts because I thought the idea of someone just talking for hours would be stupid and boring. How wrong I feel now. All my work days are now filled with tales from all over the world and throughout history.
Starting point is 02:06:19 I'm writing this email because I finally feel like I have a direction to shoot for my life. I recently came to the cult when it was still in existence. I'll be back. About going through a hard time and one of them pointed me to a book, Man's Search for Meaning. I'm a slow reader kept putting it off for a few weeks, then decided to get the audio book. I listened to it last week, now I feel like I can look at my life a bit more accurately.
Starting point is 02:06:39 I'm still in the pursuit of my why, but I think I've narrowed it down. As I was listening to the Frankl suck, I got to the point where you mentioned Graham's award passing, needless to say, my allergies were severely acting up. Fortunately, I was already home from work when this happened. That's when I had to stop the episode and try to write in. My father passed away five years ago to December 29th. He was an amazing man that gave his kids
Starting point is 02:06:58 and wife all he could and so much more. Most of this time I felt lost and not sure what to do with my life since he left. I feel like I should have, I have been living without any purpose. Slowly the haze has been lifting through this time I felt lost and not sure what to do with my life since he left. I feel like I should have, I have been living without any purpose. Slowly the haze has been lifting through this time and I can feel myself becoming more the person I was before I lost him. I'm so lucky to have found someone that pushes me to become the best version of myself and was part of the reason I got back to feeling like my old self. My beautiful girlfriend,
Starting point is 02:07:20 Megan, trying to get her to time suck. She really enjoys scared of death so at least there's that. Even though I didn't listen to the podcast, when it started, I did listen to your comedy all the time. I wanted to say thank you. Thanks for being such a bright light in this world. Your dark comedy gives me more than I can put into words. It's always so funny to me that dark comedy brings people like, I love it though. In this podcast, fill my heart with hope. Well, now that I'm dehydrated from all the allergies, I'm going to finish this episode, become a space is I'm waiting to want to do that because I wanted to catch up I'm basically there. What's this big deal? Thanks for reading my ramblings. He'll never put praises of fena glory be to Michael motherfucka McDonald sincerely just in Saustry
Starting point is 02:07:56 I like how you also provided finesse spelling for Justin PS please do another shroom suck PSS if you ever look into Paul McCartney is dead, I think that would be interesting to suck in my opinion. Yes, thank you Justin, man. Glad you're on the path to finding your why. Such a cool thing. We did get into the Paul McCartney is dead conspiracy
Starting point is 02:08:15 on the secret suckle while back. And I think in an upcoming episode of Time Suck, we're gonna explore that one and numerous other celebrity based conspiracies in one episode. Glad you found Megan. She sounds like a great influence. And sorry about your dad. I'm sure he's proud of you for taking charge of your life,
Starting point is 02:08:30 for doing what you're doing, and pursuing happiness as much as any means that I can. And yes, Shrooms, I need to get more. I keep forgetting to get more. I need to recalibrate my mind again for summer. Next up, Happy Sucker, Karina Hammond has a great update to share. She ride Steersuck master. I'll keep this short and sweet. The waste of oxygen named Joseph
Starting point is 02:08:49 Duncan was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Hail Nimrod and let's hope it's painful. Yep. Hail Nimrod. That fucking piece of shit not expected to make it past the summer. This past fall, he was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. He is choosing not to receive treatment. He is still writing the occasional blog post at fifth nail bullshit. He's allowed to write. His most recent post from January, he writes about how most of the people around him are rude to him.
Starting point is 02:09:13 Doesn't talk about his victims at all. 80% of the post is complaining how rude the guards are to him, how the nurses don't seem to care much about him. Yeah, buddy, they don't care. He's your monster. You belong back in the dirt from once you came.. So soon one less child killer will be breathing. Super sack, Matt Lee had an allergy attack last week at work. Let's hear about it. He says, Dan, you son of a bitch. I just finished listening to the pop award suck at work, bad move. I made it
Starting point is 02:09:38 all the way to the end and lost it. Mind you, I'm a fabricator, special effects tech for stranger things. Oh, what? That is so cool. I missed that the first time I read this. Oh my God, it's fucking awesome. I love that show. Typically, consider myself to be pretty tough. Fast forward to listening to this episode. I'm crying like a bitch.
Starting point is 02:09:54 I'm crying like a bitch in the middle of the FX shop. Hearing the way you reminisce and tell stories about pop award brought me back to my family story about my pop-hop. All the things I didn't get to say to him before he's taken from me, all the things I never got to ask him, the fact that he never got to meet my daughter. I've since retreated to the bathroom to ugly cry, and to tell you that I hate you for this.
Starting point is 02:10:14 But also to thank you for making me think back on so many fond memories, three out of five stars, loyal spaces, or creeper, dummy Matt Lee from Atlanta. I mean, thank you, Matt. It is good to remember, isn't it? Even when it's painful. Helps keep the dead with us, keeps them alive. Glad you had a good papa, man, it's a special thing.
Starting point is 02:10:31 Sorry about the ugly cry. You know, it's, you probably won't even cry. For someone who's probably eating an onion or something near you, you know? Probably wasn't even a motion. Now you're good. Super sucker Avery Medcalf now has his own granpa tales to share Avery Wright's dear Dan.
Starting point is 02:10:44 I felt compelled to write you after listening to the Ward Hall episode, my condolences to you and your family. I frequently listened to Time Suck during early morning drives to the boat ramp and long days on the wall and during long days in the water for bass fishing tournaments. That's awesome. The reason I'm writing today is my grandfather passed away January 30, 2020, the age 89. Oh man, almost exactly the same.
Starting point is 02:11:08 Age never to say that was a tough way to start 2020s and understatement. My grandfather, Aubrey James Metcalfe Sr. had a lot of similarities with the grandfather that were worthy, that are worthy to share. Aubrey was born in 1930 and still water Oklahoma during the Depression to a large family of siblings was always very frugal, never complained and valued hard work and family. Right, what a great generation. He was always telling stories of the old days while driving me around on Saturdays, going to garage sales and fishing excursions.
Starting point is 02:11:32 My favorite was when his uncle acquired an old rundown Model T Ford in the mid-30s, when he was five, six years old. It was my grandfather's job to wind and crank the engine. And one day he forgot to put the crank up and the crank sticking out of the front caught a pothole and launched the engine completely out of the front caught a pothole and launched the engine completely out of the front. He said this was the only time he had ever heard
Starting point is 02:11:49 his dad cuss yelling fuck. Oh, he thought that was funny. He met my grandmother and they were married at a young age. Then he joined the Air Force during the Korean War. The station in England had many more stories about being a hillbilly yanking England or had many stories. He returned to be a brick layer in which he retired from in 2000 to age 70. There is not a brick building in a Tulsa area in which he didn't seem to have either worked on or knew who built it. He would always remark about building that school, that church, that high rise, or know the old fellow who did.
Starting point is 02:12:18 He was a lifelong union man and blue dog Democrat. He believed in the social programs with a great depression. He also didn't go to church, believing that a good God would understand the good life he lived. He went to every sporting event my cousins and siblings had, he was always there. He would always make everyone the best chocolate milkshakes any time we came over.
Starting point is 02:12:34 What I wouldn't give to have another one of those. He always had a calm demeanor and would always start a conversation with a story. Always laughing and say, anyhow, change direction to the conversation. That was like me. My cousins and siblings siblings and I have so many fond memories of planning the yard running down the trail to the big pond to fish and play hide and seek. He and my grandmother and would frequent the casino in town.
Starting point is 02:12:54 That was their entertainment. And I would always drive by there seeing their blue minivan parked up front. I know this is running long, but I just had to relay the message. I was brought to tears listening to the end of your podcast where your grandmother and grandpa talked about you. My wife and I just had our first baby girl several months before Aubrey passed away. Thank God they got to meet. Aubrey has missed our family immensely and everyone always talks about him and get
Starting point is 02:13:15 together. That are not the same without him. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Have a blessed day. Avery Metcalf. Well, thank you Avery. You have a blessed day as well. Man, damn.
Starting point is 02:13:23 Sounds like Aubrey Metcalf was one, thank you, Avery. You have a blessed day as well. Man, damn. Sounds like it sounds like Aubrey wet Metcalf was one hell of a man. Build and shit that would last a lot longer than any of us will around Tulsa. Making those grandpa milkshakes. They just don't taste the same when anyone else does it. Hell yes, man. His legacy lives on with you and yours. Hailed Nimrod and one more with some comedy mixed in. This is fantastic. Silly sucker Joe Crab was reminded by my grandpa's weed prank on Buckhorn of a prank of his own. This is so good. He writes, hello, suck master.
Starting point is 02:13:52 I just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the suck on a pop award last week. I lost my grandpa February of 2020 and your grandpa reminded me a lot of mine. He was a very hard worker, loved his family more than life. He was blunt, yet kind, and had a dark sense of humor like me. Sounds like we would have gotten along great. I really enjoyed the prank that he pulled on his neighbor. I also enjoyed the prank you pulled on Kyler that you talked about on Scared of Death a few weeks ago.
Starting point is 02:14:13 I wanted to share the best prank I have ever pulled so that you could expand on that one because they are similar in nature. My son is autistic and one thing that is pretty common with people with autism is being a flight risk. I can't tell you how many times I've seen articles on young children with autism getting away from their family and drowning, which is my worst fear because my son loves water, but can't swim yet. I lived in the country with a big pond in front of my house, so it was a real fear. I do swear I'm getting to the prank.
Starting point is 02:14:39 Because of this fear, we got an Alexa for the house and smart switches for the doors. So when the door opens, the switch triggers the Alexa to send us a notification that the door is open. You can do all sorts of stuff like even have it tell you a joke when the sensor is tripped. Well, my family went to Disney World in Florida and I am from Indiana, so we drive because that's what Midwesterners do.
Starting point is 02:14:59 Our friend was watching our house and feeding our cat while we were gone that week and while we were on the road, I had a brilliant idea. I can control Alexa from my phone. And our friend is terrified of birds. Can't handle them. So I set up the Alexa to play nature sounds whenever the door was opened. She got there to feed the cat that night, thought there was a bird loose in the house with
Starting point is 02:15:18 her. She yelled at my cat to do her job and get the bird. I was a little proud of her because she put on her big girl pants and searched the house trying to find the bird. Then when she walked past a little speaker in the living room, she noticed the sound got louder. I received a text that just simply said, you're a dick. I didn't do anything the next day to give her a false sense of security. Ah, it's a smart play. And the day after that, I cranked it up a notch. I said it to play kill switch engages when darkness falls at full volume.
Starting point is 02:15:50 For some reason, Alexa decided to help me out a little because there was delay just long enough for her to get to the kitchen before the sound of Howard Jones started screaming through the house. She threw her phone, hit the deck, and her heart rate went so high it registered on her Fitbit. Then I got a call from her. She was yelling, make it stop! I told her to tell Alexa to stop and proceeded to laugh until it hurt. She sent her six-year-old daughter in the next day to test the waters, and I had it said to play let it go from frozen. So her daughter was just singing along when she walked in. By far the best prank I've ever done, I only wish I had thought of it before I left
Starting point is 02:16:20 so I could have set up a camera. Love the show, rest in peace to pop awards, seems like he was an amazing meat sack, Joey. Holy shit, Joey, thank you. And so good. I don't have an Alexa or any of that. I didn't even know that was possible to set things out that way. I feel like you just inspired myself
Starting point is 02:16:35 and so many people to fuck with their friends and family. I need to fire up another prank. I was gonna prank Lindsay, but I just, I fear the retaliation. I don't know how bad it would get. And then I got Kaira last time and he kind of forgot about it, but I know, I fear the retaliation. I don't know how bad it would get. And then I got Kaira last time and he kind of forgot about it, but I know if I got him again, he would be really pissed off and he'd come, he'd come at me hard. I have to get him in row. I have to target him in row next, but she would also retaliate hard. You're giving
Starting point is 02:16:57 me a lot to think about Joey. Thank you for the laughs. Thanks for all the grandparent messages everyone. I'm sure I'll be sharing more on next week's Time Sucker Up days. Thanks for listening to this bad Magic Productions podcast, Meet Sacks. Please do not abduct anyone this week, and maybe keep your excited Sasquatch talk to a minimum, and of course course keep on sucking Lindsay no calm calm down calm down why are you so kind of worked up right now come on damn think think think think think what comes people down uh... peter but i'm just not what's talking about no
Starting point is 02:17:42 not like so so she actually likes a combination uh... hot wheels no she never played with uh... Peter better enjoy sandwiches, talk about no, not everyone likes those. I don't think she actually likes that combination. Hot Wheels, no, she never played with... Sasquatch. Think about it, it could be a Sasquatch running around here. Big old beast, and then think about it, that's it, call me down. Nothing to be afraid of with a Sasquatch. Come on, big food, you know?
Starting point is 02:17:58 Maybe he's writing unicorn or something. You don't know what he's doing. You don't know what he's doing.

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