Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 243 - The Angel's Landing Cult

Episode Date: May 10, 2021

Cult! Cult! Cult! We're back to sucking on a cult - a small and relatively unknown one which is surprising considering how crazy this story is. For well over a decade, conman Daniel Perez convinced a ...small band of followers into thinking he was possessed by three mostly evil angels, or maybe was an angel, and that he had the keys to heaven, or maybe reincarnation? And that he could make it rain, or maybe bring animals back from the dead? He was way better at talking followers into dying so he could get their life insurance money than he was at keeping his nonsensical claims straight. For years, he and his small band of followers lived on a compound called Angel's Landing just outside of Wichita, Kansas, messing around with ATVs, driving fast cars, playing with model airplanes, and getting drunk at weekend parties while everyone conveniently ignored the fact that he was doing stuff like sharing his bed with an eleven-year-old. This ridiculous pervert has been in prison for years now where he will thankfully die. Find out how he got there on this week's super strange tale. Thanks for helping Bad Magic Productions donate this month to The Ocular Melanoma Foundation, in honor of Alex Roach, a Timesucker who was taken from his family at the tender age of just 33 (amount to be announced next week). The Ocular Melanoma Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and is one of the leading research and patient support organizations focused on ocular melanoma-eye cancer. To find out more, go to http://www.ocularmelanoma.org/ Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/QT_eonHvS4s Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste) Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're over 10,000 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation Hebrews 114 new living translation Bible I think it's pretty safe to say when most of us think of angels whether or not you actually believe in them we see them as symbols of peace and protection I personally have never heard of anyone trying to use them to justify vile criminal and objectively morally repugnant actions at least I hadn't heard of that before I'd heard about scumbag Daniel Perez. Colt leaders tend to twist religious symbols and scripture
Starting point is 00:00:28 to fit their own horrific narratives, to serve their own selfish and dark motives. And Daniel Perez, leader of a very small cult, known as the angel's landing cult, was no exception. He twisted things further than most. Daniel Perez is living proof that if he keeps the right people they're lowest and most vulnerable points, you can get them to believe damn near anything. Perez comes across as maybe the laziest cult leader we've covered so far.
Starting point is 00:00:51 The least spiritually invested, he seems to have spent the least amount of time studying religious teachings and for his laziness, he was rewarded with over 10 years of easy living. He clearly didn't put a lot of thought into his cult leader theology and I guess he didn't have to. Get what he wanted. He didn't write any book, no David Berg, child of God type, newsletters. He didn't spin out of an existing church and poach former members like David Kuresh. He didn't come up with any crazy, but at least somewhat thought out prophecies like Yahweh, Banyahuay, no complex theology or ideology, no follower hierarchy.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Didn't predict the world was going to end soon like so many cult leaders, or that he was God or Jesus reincarnated or God's one chosen prophet or any of that. Do just set some real real crazy shit, centering around him knowing more than the rest of us and having heavenly powers, the rest of us don't have, and a few people with minds far too open to unprovable beliefs, a few people with far too much faith and celestial possibilities, they bought whatever he was selling. And that was enough to allow him to live the terrible life he wanted to live. Some of those chosen few sadly brought their families into his cruel insanity.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And then several of them gave up their lives so he and the other followers could live off the money he made through their deaths via his crazy life insurance scam that actually worked far too many times. Daniel Pres is a still living reminder of how dangerous it can be to dedicate your life to some wackadoodle who claims they can do things or know things that they just can't prove. Just don't ever prove. Daniel Perez is a reminder for us to be skeptical of the claims of others. He's a reminder to be real careful of who you trust, be careful in what or whom you put your
Starting point is 00:02:21 faith in. Trust in the wrong person, putting your faith in the wrong belief system can get you killed. It does get people killed. And you will have truly died in vain if you follow the teachings of someone like Daniel Perez. Perez claimed to be possessed by three different angels and that those angels made him commit horrific crimes against children, life insurance fraud, and murder. Followers believed these angels also gave him supernatural powers.
Starting point is 00:02:43 And somehow with his angelic claims, with a supposed and vague insight to and link with the almighty, he was able to manipulate and control a small group of people living just outside of which a talk Kansas. For being arrested in April of 2010, Perez got away with pedophilia, murder, live insurance fraud for at least around 15 years. He moved from state to state with a small band of followers and would still be taking followers and talking them into killing themselves to banquerel, his ego-driven insanity today, had he not died or been caught.
Starting point is 00:03:10 He can explore as much of these years as we can today. Much of Perez's life is somewhat of a mystery. Despite the fact that he doesn't need to worry about incriminating himself further because he's going to spend the rest of his life in prison, he refuses to open up and discuss what he went to prison for. He will not reveal any additional details. He won't verify claims made about him by numerous former followers. He chooses to live in complete and total denial regarding the very strange life he chose
Starting point is 00:03:34 to lead. What a weird tale we have for you today. It reminds me a bit of the children of thunder suck, children of thunder cult suck from last April, but maybe even weirder, even Glenn Helzer is messed out as he was, as crazy as his plan was to take over the Mormon church with an army of militarized orphans. At least he had a big theological plan.
Starting point is 00:03:55 At least he claimed to be super powerful, and then he would take his tiny band of followers with him when he went on to basically rule the world after some giant end times type battle. It was crazy, but at least I can see the incentive to follow him. Stick around and you get to be on the winning side of an apocalyptic war. It's big. You went big. Perez's plan didn't seem to lead to anything other than some vague notion of,
Starting point is 00:04:15 I can probably help you get to heaven or maybe bring you back to be a reincarnation or something like that. I'm not sure if you kill yourself so I can keep driving sports cars and riding ATVs and get in drunk and sleep with teen girls outside of Wichita. Pretty low rent, spiritual goals. uh... if you kill yourself so i can keep driving sports cars and writing a dv's and get drunk and sleep with teen girls outside which top pretty low rent spiritual goals today we're gonna look into everything we can about paris who we really was who you claim to be all the lies you told the girls he abused the mysterious deaths of various cult members
Starting point is 00:04:36 and how we finally got caught thanks to some excellent law enforcement sleuthing in today's what the shit is going on around here how could anyone believe this asshole? Cult, cult, cult edition of TimeSuck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to TimeSuck. You're listening to TimeSuck. Happy Monday, meat sacks. Welcome to the cults and curious. I'm Dan Cummins, Suck Nasty,
Starting point is 00:05:09 dog the bounty hacker, assistant coder, dude who needs to open his eyes a bit more of the dangers of Antifa guy who lost his voice early this week. So if I'm not as loud as not because I'm not as excited and you're listening to Time Suck, he'll them rot excited to see what you're wearing. The summer loose of Fina. You look fantastic. Praiseful,angles and it's Yacht Rock season. Michael Mulder-Flock and McDonald. Time for me to ease some humble pie real quick for we're getting to today's and in sanity. So much feedback came in from the QAnon and Antifa suck and I really appreciate it. I haven't looked at the YouTube stuff. I'm sure that's a little rougher than to avoid the YouTube comments, but I've been looking into emails and a lot of it disagreed with my coverage of Antifa
Starting point is 00:05:46 and a lot of it was really well written. You know, you fucked up here, suck master, but I still love you, constructive criticism. And I love that because that's how we learn, through disagreement. That's how we evolve and get better, much appreciated. No big pile of fuck you, you idiot emails. Just a lot of, hey, normally like what you do,
Starting point is 00:06:02 but I don't think you did it right here. And I will say that attitude may be pay attention, a lot more than just like YouTube kind of base hate flanger. I realize now that it might have been a mistake to pair Antifa with Q&O. We make decisions on how to approach new topics pretty quick. Sometimes we get it right, sometimes we get it wrong. OG sucker, Eric Astorak pointed out
Starting point is 00:06:22 that a better pairing would have been like the proud boys. And that's fair. I wish we would have thought of that sooner. We didn't. Lots of Antifa updates at the end of this suck to try and explain information that I should have originally included. So I apologize. I let myself get too sucked in to the insane sexiness of QAnon.
Starting point is 00:06:40 It's just so over the top of this claims. And I did not spend the time that I should have really thinking about Antifa, which I found you know like I said boring comparatively hard to compete with claims of kid eaters. And that's not fair to the topics not fair to you into what many of you expect from time so to make it clear fuck both the q truthers and any asshole looters and indiscriminate cop haters who twist antifa's original intention to fight fascism and become fascist themselves in the name of anti fascism. And I know that does happen. One thing to go after neo nazis, quite another to attack random cops or take over part of Seattle or attack businesses or people wearing mega hats just because you don't like them, right?
Starting point is 00:07:20 That's not being anti fascist. That's just mindless violent rage. So I will address that in the time, soccer updates. Also, real quick, the US government has recently recognized the Armenian genocide. Lots of messages about that. Fellowes important to put here about time. And it's gonna be interesting to see
Starting point is 00:07:36 what the political fallout might be. Right, definitely the more, morely the right thing to do, what consequences will come though. Gonna be interesting to see how Turkey reacts over the following months. The Turkish government is of course furious and also as you know if you heard that episode completely fucking insane that's a rough combo uh... thoughts go out to any service men and service women currently deployed
Starting point is 00:07:54 over in turkey stay safe around uh... some of those crazy fuckers and these announcements are a wee bit behind the times because i'm trying to say we can have to two weeks ahead on time suck uh... you know which works out great in instances like it did last week when I lost my voice. Very cool new T in the store today at BadMagicMarch.com, another BrentMur original. Time suck, Medusa, Ragland T, love the designs that keep coming. So proud of the BadMagic store. So weird and fun and different. Art Warlock, Logan Keith Keith redesign my standup site,
Starting point is 00:08:25 Dancomas.tv, some of my fall symphony of insanity tour dates are up there. The site looks so crazy. It has me excited to get weird, have fun with new jokes and stories. And last announcement, the most important one. This May, we are donating at least $13,800 to the ocular melanoma foundation in honor of Alex Roach, a time-sucker who was taken from his family at the young age of just 33 His widow Carmen asked us to donate many months ago and now we are in honor of her quote strong talented and amazing husband Carmen, we are making the monthly charitable donation here at Bad Magic Productions to Melanoma or in honor of Melanoma awareness month and an honor of Alex to the Ocular Melanoma Research Foundation.
Starting point is 00:09:05 And we'll do it in Alex's name. The Ocular Melanoma Foundation to 501-C3 nonprofit, one of the leading research and patient support organizations focused on Ocular Melanoma Eye Cancer. I'd like to find out more and please do go to ocularmelanoma.org. Thanks to all our Patreon supporters for allowing us to make a difference. So sorry for your lost car.
Starting point is 00:09:25 And now onto today's darkness and, you know, a macabre fun, at least to learn about. The annual Perez, a man who made the strange alarming and how the fuck did he get anyone to believe this decision to blame pedophilia on fake angels requiring him to hurt kids. A man who commits his followers, it was their time to die so he could use their life insurance payouts to fund his shitty little cult. He is also weird and different, but not fun. Cult, cult, cult. Let's get into it.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Witch of Tau. Just that's how to witch of Tau. This is where most of today's action will take place. Years after first hearing it, I still think of that 2003 white striped song. Wanna hear about witch ofichita, right? Seven Nation Army. I'm going to Wichita, far from this opera room forever more. Daniel President went to Wichita in 1997 and he brought a weird fucking opera with him. Let's learn a little bit about Wichita. But in a while since we've been there, I forgot that Wichita's nickname was once the air capital of the world.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And when I first read that for this week's suck, I thought they were bragging about how clean the air was or something. And I thought that was the most pathetic nickname ever. It's like come to Wichita, where the air is clean. And well, there's, you know, there's other stuff too. It's human as fuck in the summer. So try not to focus on that.
Starting point is 00:10:44 It's pretty damn cold in the winter. There's no hills for skiing or really anything. So don't focus on that either. There aren't really good views. It's it's flat as fuck to be honest. So I don't really come for the for the beautiful Vista's. We got the Arkansas River. Everyone's through town, but it doesn't have any rapids. It's pretty muddy. So maybe don't come for crystal clean water, water sports, but uh, about a pizza hut, and white castle started here. So there's plenty of stuff across pizza and gut bomb burger like meat things, so that's, that's, you know, it could be worse.
Starting point is 00:11:14 So uh, hey, uh, hey, don't I mention how clean the fucking areas, oh man, the air is so sick bra! The best air! It's the air capital of the world, noise! Uh, that's not what the nickname means. That's just me thinking some dumb shit for no reason other than I'm an idiot. No, Wichita was one's called the air capital of the world because it was once a major hub for airplane manufacturing.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Clyde Cessna started the Cessna aircraft corporation in Wichita 1927. He built his first aircraft, Cessna Comet in Wichita 10 years earlier, the long defunct Swallow airplane company. It's a weird name. Cessna Comet in Wichita 10 years earlier, the long-defunct Swallow Airplane company, it's a weird name. Founded in Wichita in 1920, and two early Swallow employees, Lloyd Steerman, and Walter Beach,
Starting point is 00:11:52 went on to found Steerman aircraft in 1926 and Beachcraft in 1932. Boeing bought out Steerman in 1934 and became the city's largest employer. During World War II, Wichita exploded in population when the city became a major manufacturing center for the B-29 bomber used extensively in World War II, Wichtalk exploded in population when the city became a major manufacturing center for the B-29 bomber, used extensively in World War II. The population went up 46.5% from 1940 to 1950. That's ridiculous. 10 years. Going from 114,966 to 168,279. I remember gluing together a model B-29 bomber
Starting point is 00:12:23 as a kid. Anyone else get really into a model planes? I can still smell that glue. I was terrible at making them. Every plane and car I put together had those like glue, fingerprint marks all over them. And yeah, I was a model, airplane model nerd. My kid, I'm still fucking nerds. Today, Wichita is still a pretty big manufacturing center
Starting point is 00:12:40 in the aviation world, just not as big as it used to be. Thanks to Boeing, ending its operations in Wichita in 2014. Despite that loss, still the largest city in Kansas with a metro area, population estimated to be around 650,000. The city was originally founded back in 1864, trading post at the site of a village of the Wichita American Indian tribe that had only recently returned to the area. They left a century earlier due to fighting with the Osage people. Your PNs first got out the area back in 1541, long time ago. I want a Spanish expedition led by explorer Francisco Vasquez, decoronado, traveled through
Starting point is 00:13:14 searching for the cities of Cebola, aka the mythical seven cities of gold. He never found them, but he did find Kansas. And then he made it back to Mexico, which is impressive. For the mid-16th century, when there was no maps of the area, he died two decades later in Mexico City, and he got me thinking about the age of exploration. How fucking exciting must it have been to believe that seven cities loaded with gold lay somewhere up ahead, right around the next bend, waiting to bestow immense riches on anyone who could find them? That's some real life Indiana Jones shit. Here was a huge bummer, you know, when he gave up looking for him after one around the
Starting point is 00:13:47 Midwest for not finding shit, you know, for two years and then going completely bankrupt, which happened to Coronado. But before then, very exciting, very magical. And he did encounter tribe after tribe that no European had ever seen before. That's pretty amazing. 1868, a proper town was founded along the Arkansas River, who's incorporated two years later. In its early days, Wichita was primarily used as a stopping place
Starting point is 00:14:07 for big cattle drives, coming up north from Texas. When the Santa Fe railway reached the city in 1872, it became a major player in the cattle industry. Cattle will be driven up from Texas to Wichita, and then beef would be shipped via the railroad all over the down place. Before was the air capital of the world,
Starting point is 00:14:23 it had the way less cool nickname of being cow town. That's actually kind of an awesome nickname. If you think about how tasty beef is, think about all the tasty steaks that were once walking through which a tall. And a smelly ground beef, right? Being cooked up on the stove, nothing but some salt and pepper,
Starting point is 00:14:40 maybe some onions tossed in, that's a good smell. Or the smell of a juicy steak, grown on the barbecue, love it so much. G the smell of a juicy steak, grilled on the barbecue. Love it so much. It gets me hungry. It makes me happy to be alive. Sorry, you're so fucking delicious, Kaus. It'd be so much easier to put, you know, put away the slaughterhouse hammer.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Avoid red meat, maybe shed a few pounds. If you weren't, so tasty, it's your fault. By the mid-1870s, grain became equally as important as cattle trade, and settlers came in quickly and large numbers to which it taught to farm the surrounding fields full of a dark, rich soil. By 1920, things in large part to cattle and agriculture, the population surpassed 100,000 Wichita transformed from a rural to an industrial town. Aviation industry now boomed, meat packing and aircraft manufacturing as well as the oil industry gave jobs, good jobs to many.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Right? There was a huge oil boom. Black gold, Texas T, the Wichita natural gas company drilled down far enough in 1915, 670 feet down. It's happened to the massive mid-continent oil field. The oil market in and around Wichita soon faded, but recently started making a comeback. New technology. Turning lands once thought to be suck-drive oil and gas into vast, untap reserves. It can produce more fossil fuels for about another hundred years.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Outside of oil aviation and cattle, lots of other good jobs, Wichita. Coleman outdoor products? Who doesn't love a Coleman thermos? Or a little Coleman flip lid cooler? I've had a ton of Coleman camping gear over the years. They're based in Wichita as our Coke industries. campaign gear over the years. They're based in Wichita as our Coke industries, KOCH, not COKE, massive oil conglomerate, not massive sugar soda maker, also ran by an incredibly wealthy family of libertarians. One of the current 30 richest people in the world, 85 year old Charles Coke worth around $46 billion, born, raised, based in Wichita, which shot overall is ranked as a great place
Starting point is 00:16:25 to live for many years, although it's been slipping in the last decade. July 2006, CNN, money and money magazine ranked Wichita 9th on their list of the 10th best U.S. cities in Wichita live, 2008, MSN real estate ranked Wichita number one on this list of most affordable cities. But then in 2019, in the best places to live survey, US news and world report ranked Wichita is 79 out of 125 US cities. Falling quite a bit. The publication noted that violent crime in Wichita had risen substantially over the past few years. And crime has risen high enough in Wichita to consistently rank it as one of the top 50
Starting point is 00:17:01 most dangerous places to live in recent years in the US. It's been home to some pretty famous violent criminals over the years. The most famous is someone we already covered when we last learned about Wichita way back in the fall of 2017. Holy shit, time flies. BTK, bind, torture, kill. Serial killer Dennis Raider, one of the most infamous serial killers of the 20th century, killed 10 people in Wichita between 1974 and 1921 before taking a long cooling off period and then a you know surfacing to you
Starting point is 00:17:31 know bring up old crimes would not commit new ones and then be arrested in 2005. Currently in prison in Kansas right now at the Eldorado Correctional Facility in Butler County where he will likely die in good fucking riddance. And another much lesser known arguably just as evil criminal, who also called Wichita their home is sitting in the Lansing Correctional Facility in Leavenworth, Kansas, where he will die. Daniel Perez, aka Lou Castro,
Starting point is 00:17:54 lived just outside of Wichita from 2001 to 2009, and a compound he and his cult called Angels Landing. Fast cars, nice houses, lots of parties, and what appeared to be a wonderful little group of friends is what characterized life on the compound on the surface. Under these all that was a lot of craziness and darkness, supposedly unbeknownst to the other members, but I feel like some of them had to have known Perez was raping the daughters of cult
Starting point is 00:18:18 member Jennifer Hudson hundreds of times. He sexually exploited and assaulted other children, he murdered at least one member of the cult. He was involved in the mysterious deaths and suicides of various other members, six accidental deaths, quote unquote accidental, over a period of seven years led to millions of dollars in life insurance payouts that he spent all that money kept the angels landing compound parties going and Perez got that money by convincing followers. He was more than human that he was divine. He actually convinced some people that he was a thousand years old and possessed by various angels, some good and some evil. And if he's telling the truth, I do have to admit, he looks fucking great. I got to get credit where credit is to when I first saw picks of him, I'll be honest. I thought he looked a little rough. I thought he looked a little haggard.
Starting point is 00:19:00 But that's when I thought I was looking at picks of some pito crazy creep in his 50s. For a Pito crazy creep who is a thousand years old, if you don't think he looks dynamite, you're just hating. He is without a doubt by far the best looking 1,000 year old dude I've ever seen. Every other person I've seen around that age is literally just a rotted out skeleton who's been dead for a long time. You know, maybe they have a little bit of dried out skin covering their bones, but that's it. Perez looks fucking way better than that.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I mean, he even had a pretty sweet ponytail just a couple years ago. So, hopefully he launched some kind of anti-aging vitamin and skin care product company from behind bars to share his angel-based stay-young secrets with the rest of us. I'll be the first in line by his angel cream. It sounds pretty gross. Seriously though, this fucking jackass actually did convince some people he was a thousand years old. He also convinced his few followers that he had magic powers like being able to predict followers deaths
Starting point is 00:19:48 That's the conveniently occurred right when the groups bank account got pretty low on cash weird not suspicious at all Now how did they get people to buy all this nonsense? Well, he's a really really good con man. He was also an idiot. You'll see that But he did know how to spot a mark. He knew how to strike, who to strike, win to strike him. He knew how to befriend and build someone up when they were at their lowest point. He knew how to worm his way into their psyche, and corrupt their mind, and bend into his will. Now get started from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Get to know this morally bankrupt sociopath. And Khan artists is best we can in today's odd, creepy, and very unusual time-sub timeline. According to two sources we found, the only ones we could find that had this date on it, on November 26, 1959, Daniel Yurivey Perez was born in a Kansas-Past, Texas, a little coastal community of just over 8,000 people. Just 20 minutes from Corpus Christi, right? Down in South, South Texas.
Starting point is 00:20:54 You probably know that it's home to the largest hummingbird garden in Texas. If you're one of the three people on earth who care enough about hummingbirds, the store random hummingbird trivying your head like that. What did he do back in Iran's past growing up? No clue. No one seems to have any idea.
Starting point is 00:21:09 His childhood is a total mystery. He has not given any details. None of his followers know any details because none of them knew him, you know, before he was, you know, about, you know, in his thirties. Most of the people who did know him then are dead. If he has any old friends or family, they're not talking. I do have a guess about who his dad is,
Starting point is 00:21:29 and this is admittedly a total guess. I did some digging around at Ancestry.com, look at some obituaries from Iran's this past, and I did come across an obituary for one, Jose Angel Perez died September 11th, 2009. Born May 30th, 1915, which would have made him 44 when Daniel was born. I think this guy was his dad.
Starting point is 00:21:47 He had six sons and a daughter. One of his sons, Daniel Perez, is Perez a common last name. Yeah, not super rare. Is Daniel a common first name? Super common. But in 1959, there were only about 7,000 people living in a Kansas. Hispanics make up 37% of the population there. Now, if the percentage of the population was similar in 1959,
Starting point is 00:22:06 that would make the pool of possible people, down to about 2,500 people. That's not many. How many parresas could there have been out of that number? How many could have been the right ages for this all to work? Also kind of weird that his middle name is Angel and that Daniel will be obsessed with angels, would call his compound angels landing.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Sadly, can't find shit though about Jose Angel Perez's life either. According to his obituary, he just says he was devoted to family man and a man of God. He'll praise seven kids. Google all his siblings names. Nothing came up on any of them. No criminal records. Wish I could find out more. Seems like maybe he had a typical childhood.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Maybe he was just a bad seed. But again, totally guessing. According to law enforcement statements, we know that when Daniel became an adult, he joined the Navy. No real details on how long he served. It sounds like between 10 and 15 years, based on some other details we do know about it. We know he was an airplane mechanic in the Navy. After his service, he worked as a correctional officer at a few different prisons.
Starting point is 00:23:01 They worked in the aviation industry as a mechanic for a period of time, which may have led him to Wichita. Very little records out there about him, partially because he constantly was living under various aliases. And because he was a pathological liar, and still is, you know, spends a lab at webs of lies regarding his background all the time, to this day, whenever he's given a new interview, it's like a fucking different story. He gave so many different stories about his origins to so many different people. Some people thought he was a descendant of Jeronimo, he was American Indian, he told him that, he told others, he was Mexican, he's gone by all kinds of different names. Daniel, Lewis, Oze, Joseph, Joe, probably others told some people he was a seer, a psychic who could see the future
Starting point is 00:23:41 and heal the sick, but he didn't tell everyone that. He gave various accounts of his various powers to various people. His supernatural abilities seem to be pretty slippery. Right, they shifted from person to person. He told some people he'd bring both animals and people back from the dead, told others he had the ability to reincarnate people, told others he had like basically a shortcut to heaven.
Starting point is 00:24:00 He could send them to heaven. He sometimes claimed he could predict when you would die or that he could speak to people from the past, that he can bring the rain, that's a fun one. So annoying when someone this fucking dumb is able to become a cult leader, may my god. So thankful not wired right to become a cult follower. I just have way too much skeptic of me.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Way too much, get the fuck out of here with that silly bullshit. If someone was like, I can bring animals back from the dead, I would offer to turn over all my belongings to them. I would give them all my money, everything, if and only if they could bring one dead animal back in front of me. I got to make sure that it's dead and then they bring it back alive. Then I'm in. We could just drive around until we found some roadkill. I make sure it's dead. It's like, all right, bring it back, Falker. We go to a pet store and I know this is a bit sad. If I could just buy goldfish, laden
Starting point is 00:24:44 the counter for about 10 minutes. make sure it's totally dead. Maybe get a little tiny fish, stethoscope or something. Make sure it doesn't have a little tiny fish heartbeat. And then just, all right, let's bring it back. Breathe new life into Nemo, you piece of shit, you dark magician. Let's go, Neckermancer. No, all right, that's what I figured. If it was a sunny day outside, just pop out and like, all right, make a rain dip shit.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Nope. Okay, talk to someone from the past. What's pop ward up to? And then if he claimed to speak on behalf of my grandpa, I would know he was the liar. I like my grandpa wouldn't fucking spit on your ski v-ass if you were on fire. Get out of here, go on, get. No new cult member for you today,
Starting point is 00:25:18 better start running for it aside, take you out in the woods, tie you to a tree, tape your mouth shut, and just leave you to die. If you have magic powers, you can just use them for yourself. Arguably Daniel's craze is claim, was that he had three different angels inhabiting his body. Arthur, Daniel and Amber.
Starting point is 00:25:33 God, it's so good that those details. Can we all agree that those are probably the dumbest angel names of all time? What kind of fucking idiot names an angel amber or Arthur? It sounds like he never even bothered to read the Bible. I mean, he didn't even try to sound biblical. Right? I mean, God, come on, put some effort into it. I mean, you don't want to go too big.
Starting point is 00:25:54 You know, if you're picking on a fake angel name, you don't want to go to like to arc angel Michael or Gabriel, too well known, too obvious. Maybe as real, right? The angel who separates the soul from the body at the moment of death, or maybe Celefiel, or, you know, the lesser known archangel, more known in Eastern Orthodox Church for presiding over exorcisms.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Maybe go for like a naughty angel, like a powerful demon like Mollik, sometimes called one of the devil's angels. This moron did no homework. He went with Arthur. Arthur, Arthur? Arthur sounds like the name you would give like the patron angel of like circus clowns or something.
Starting point is 00:26:30 The The Hey kids, I'm Arthur the angel. Do you know how heaven has clouds me now, cotton candy? The know that heaven blue animals never go flat. It's true. Here, pull my finger if you don't believe me.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Broom! Smell that? Yeah, Angel Farts smell like fresh, like cinnamon, stewed cookies. They didn't know the Arthur, the Angel can pee glitter. And I poop grilled cheese sandwiches? Ah, can't wait until we can hang out in the heaven. See you when you die in a few weeks. Ha ha ha! Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh- You want the nicest angel better than Arthur and Amber?
Starting point is 00:27:25 More like the friendly Lou with the cult, no. Amber, fucking, Amber was the angel of death. Did not expect that. I thought Amber was going to be maybe like a lesser minion of Luciferina, maybe like a sexy dancer angel or something, like a lap, a lap dance angel. Victoria's secret angel. Nope, the angel of death, Amber. When Amber took over, I'm not making this up, Perez would stop blinking.
Starting point is 00:27:47 He would put on an evil grin on his face, and he would talk to a monster voice. And Amber would threaten to send people to purgatory, and followers would get scared. Holy shit, it would be so hard not to laugh at this clown, going into one of his Amber transes. How extra sad and crazy, by the way, to lose a friend or family member to occult this fucking stupid. Like to watch them get scared when Daniel made some over-the-top crazy scare face. Right, and then they tell you like,
Starting point is 00:28:13 quiet, don't draw attention to yourself right now. Be careful, Amber, the angel of death has arrived. I swear to you, if one of my kids got sucked into a cult like this, and I went to the compound to try and rescue them, and then some little five foot six, 135 pound dip shit, that's a prezza size, sat down and pretended to go into a trance.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I made a scary face of me and said he was Amber, the angel of death, when I was done laughing, I hope that I would have the strength to kick him in the fucking face. That would snap him out of a trance real quick. And if no one saw me, I hope I would just keep kicking him until he admitted that he was full of shit and begged me to stop.
Starting point is 00:28:48 I actually think that would be worth going to jail for. In the early mid 90s, Daniel Perez in his 30s now, old fucking Amber, is still living in South Texas somewhere near a ranzas past where he grew up. He just finished serving in the military as that airplane mechanic. When his service ended, he met a woman named Patricia Gomez, nicknamed Trish, who was
Starting point is 00:29:06 only around 17 or 18 when she met this fucking psychopath. She would later change her name to Patricia Hughes for reasons unknown. Maybe he was going by Hughes at the time and she took his fake class name. I assume she did a concealer identity because she's probably doing a legal shit with Perez, but I can't say it with certainty. Patricia allegedly did not know Perez as Daniel Perez but knew him as Lou Castro. Why did he start living under aliases or inalias? Well, because he was hiding from pedophilia charges. More on that in a second. Trish is his first real follower. She's someone Perez will later talk in a dime so that he and other members can live off
Starting point is 00:29:38 of her life insurance money. They will be romantically linked early on and then basically she will get too old for him. You'll see. In April 1996, around the time he met Trisha, perhaps just before he met her, Perez 36 met a woman in Texas named Mary, her son and her daughter Maggie, who was 11. Perez let them stay with him in his apartment while Mary prepared to move to Amarillo. Young Mary will later go into testify that she was sexually assaulted numerous times by Perez. She was only 11. When her mother married filed charges against him.
Starting point is 00:30:07 She apparently didn't believe his bullshit about angels making him do it. It looked like Perez was going to go to jail. His case ended up getting dismissed though because he was presumed dead. Now, this sucks Perez initially did plead guilty to charges. Then right before his sentencing hearing, he fucking bounced. He disappeared. Then an ID was found on a body just over the border in Mexico with the name Daniel Perez size and age seem to match investigators assumed that our Daniel Perez had died after fleeing. It's not the case was closed kind of you know made
Starting point is 00:30:34 his record a little harder to access and for many years no one would connect Lou Castro to this Daniel Perez until a law man in Kansas would do a lot of due diligence pursuing this dude. In the summer of 1996, Perez and Patricia traveled to North Dakota. There he meets a 15 year old girl named Catherine. Perez was 36. He told Catherine he was much younger and she believed him even though he was actually much older than 36. He was a thousand.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Remember, he told Catherine he had powers to make a reign, see the past, present, and future, and get information from the other side. And she believed him larger because, you know, she's 15. Perez and Catherine began a sexual relationship, and both Perez and Catherine would later testify that after three months of their relationship, law enforcement, arrested Perez. The Catherine's home and supposedly deported him. Catherine's dad, Lionel, a lamir senior,, found out about Perez immediately didn't like what he saw, called authorities, good dad.
Starting point is 00:31:28 One confusing detail regarding all this, the story is, how was he deported? Why was he deported if he was born in Texas? At his later trial, he testified that he was a US citizen, which would have made him harder to port. Out of a lot of inconsistencies, mystery in this guy's tail, after he left town, either through deportation or more likely, he just left probably with
Starting point is 00:31:48 Trish. Perez never returned to North Dakota, but he and Catherine will continue to talk over the phone, which again makes it even less likely that he was deported. Perez is probably just calling, you know, checking on her, making sure if Catherine's garden or lawn maybe needed watering, maybe she had some pets he needed to bring back to life. From late 1996 to 1997, Perez still going by Lou Castro's back in Texas, living in Corpus Christi with Patricia Gomez.
Starting point is 00:32:12 There he meets soon to be dedicated follower, 33 year old Mona Griffith, her eight year old daughter, Lindsey and her son Cody, Lindsey Zolder brother. Mona, her children, Lou and Patricia, now they all move into an apartment together, who's you sleeping with? Don't know for sure, but sadly, if I had to guess, everyone but Cody. After a few months, maybe not Mona, maybe not Mona and Cody, but the other two. After a few months, this little group without Cody moved to Wichita. Cody will remain in Texas with his father.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Now, why did Mona pack up and take off with this fucking weirdo? She's going to a messy divorce, extremely emotionally vulnerable, known to be a free spirit. She was into and open to unusual spiritual beliefs. She'd always wanted to travel, and she just made a terrible fucking decision. She's the perfect target for Perez. After the move to Wichita, but before the angel's landing compound, he would later set up, Perez and Catherine regain contact. She's only 16 or 17 at this point. She stays with Perez and the others for two weeks
Starting point is 00:33:10 before she goes back to North Dakota to finish school. And she would later say she was jealous of Perez's relationship with Lindsay, who is no older than nine right now, and that is obviously super fucking creepy. I've tossed out a lot of names. Sorry if you hear that, please, Sarah and go by. I've tossed out a lot of names. Sorry if you hear that, please, Sarah, and go and buy. I've tossed out a lot of names, so to bring everybody up to speed in 1997, Daniel Perez,
Starting point is 00:33:30 man of the three weird dumb name, having angels, is now living somewhere around Wichita. With Mona Griffith, she's around 34, Patricia Gomez, roughly 20 now, Mona's daughter, Lindsay, only eight or nine, 16-year year old Catherine is coming to stay with them, you know, off and on. Hard not to judge Mona here. Impossible not to judge her, for me. Now, I'm making good mom moves. Why would you bring your daughter to this bullshit?
Starting point is 00:33:53 So easy, I think, for many of us to paint cult members as blameless victims. But if we're going to judge cult leaders for their terrible shitty decisions, shouldn't we also judge some of the cult members for the terrible decisions they make to join? Like, no part of the story feels like, oh man, it could happen to anybody. No, not just anybody. It's going to fall for a prez's insane bullshit. You want to go into some weird fucking spiritual quest with a two-bit con artist that sometimes tells you this body's taken over by Amber Angel of Death.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Okay, throw your life away. Are you going to bring your eight-year-old into that? All right, fuck off. You bring an eight-year-old who based on other sources could have easily stayed with dad back in Texas, like her brother Cody did, fuck off, and bringing her daughter, led to her daughter being molested by press. I guess he was blaming not the angel Arthur for doing all of it because that's what he would do later. Such a ridiculous reality to live in. Shortly after Wichita, the group moves to Rapid City, South Dakota, where they will stay for a few years and then they in. Shortly after Wichita, the group moves to Rapid City, South Dakota, where they will stay
Starting point is 00:34:45 for a few years and then they'll come back to Wichita. Lindsey's brother Cody will visit the group in Rapid City. He later reports they lived outside the city in a very small cabin when he visited, kind of off the grid. You know, nice, included spot where Perez can continue to have sex with all of them and twist their minds into his crazy angel nonsense. In Rapid City over the next three years, Patricia meets a man named Brian Hughes and the two will start dating.
Starting point is 00:35:06 He will become a cult member. Mona meets a man named Jim Chase, Rapid City Realtor. They soon start dating and get engaged. He won't really have a chance to become a cult member because he's not gonna live very long. Is Perez still sleeping with his women? Probably not. He used to sleep with Trish,
Starting point is 00:35:21 probably never slept with Mona. The sick fuck preferred is ladies real young At some point around this time presumably at Perez's urging Mona purchase a life insurance policy Here starts this little chain with $750,000 list her daughter Lindsey as a beneficiary also list Patricia as Lindsey's caregiver If something should happen to both Mona and Lindsey the life insurance money will go to Patricia and Shortly after purchasing this life insurance policy something does happen to both Mona and Lindsay, the life insurance money will go to Patricia. And shortly after purchasing this life insurance policy, something does happen to both Mona and Lindsay. On February 19, 2001, a plane with Mona, Lindsay, and Mona's fiance, Jim Chase, all inside, goes missing. The three of them had left Rapid City in a twin engine beach,
Starting point is 00:35:59 barren aircrafts, and routes in Norfolk, Nebraska, where Chase had some business appointments. Lindsay was now 12, about to turn 13. One source says she was along on the ride because she was celebrating her upcoming 13th birthday. Jim was an experienced pilot, but he'd never filed a flight plan this time. That made it difficult for the rescue team to find the plane. They didn't even know General Area to search in Lou, aka Daniel Perez, made efforts to talk to the search and rescue team.
Starting point is 00:36:24 He seemed extremely upset and concerned. He also may have been the reason to play and crashed. They were reported missing on February 23rd. Coding his father were not contacting until about a week after all the group disappeared. Lou never called them. Coding finds that pretty suspicious. Lou and Patricia visited the insurance office multiple times during the search, trying to obtain Mona's insurance money.
Starting point is 00:36:44 On March 30th, 2001, the bodies were to obtain Mona's insurance money. On March 30, 2001, the bodies were found after a six-week search. The crash site was about four miles southeast of Norris, tiny little south Dakota town of about 150 people. When they find the bodies of Mona, Lindsay, and Jim, everyone is devastated, including Lou, or at least the acts like he's devastated. An investigation of the plane reveals no mechanical problems. So the search team theorizes bad weather cause. The crash, Mona was 38, GM 50, and Lindsey 12. Now for the bodies we're found, the $750,000 worth of life insurance goes to Patricia Hughes.
Starting point is 00:37:13 And some wonder of Perez, who did work for years as an airplane mechanic, did something to the plane to make a crash, despite the investigation, finding nothing. Others, and I know this sounds real insane. Others wonder of Perez, I should call Lou now, since that's where he's going by, and I know this sounds real insane. Others wonder if Perez, I should call Lou now, since that's where he's going by and has gone by for years, they wonder if Lou convinced Mona to crash the plane and kill herself with the others
Starting point is 00:37:32 on board. For right now, since I know this claim is super bizarre, I'm just going to toss it out and move on. But remember it, it won't seem as crazy later on when you know more about Perez. A moment will not be the first person former members think Lou convinced either take themselves out or let him take them out In the summer of 2001 Patricia Brian and their new baby daughter Nora Lou and Catherine yes, she's living with him full-time now. They all moved Lee summit Missouri Right, this little little quick little stop before which it is the summer of Kansas City home to about a hundred thousand people There they meet real estate agents soon to be cold member, 41 year old Jennifer Hudson, who helps them find a home.
Starting point is 00:38:10 The home was purchased under Catherine's name. Catherine's now just 22 old for Perez. He wants girls to sleep with and he finds them, some younger girls and he finds them in Jennifer's two daughters, more on that in a bit. Perez finds another great mark in Jennifer. She was a huge believer in angels. I guess she was borderline obsessed with angels.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Always talked about him. How they watched over people, how they protected people, Lou of course notices this. I'm sure has a little fucked up like a-ha! Moment. Starts talking to some of its angel, gibber jabber tour.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Tells you that he's an angel, he has special powers or that he's infested with angels. His angel story seems to shift around depending on who he's talking to. Sometimes he's an angel, sometimes he's possessed by angels. Again, this fucker's lazy.
Starting point is 00:38:47 He didn't really write this stuff down. He didn't create like a character log or anything. He didn't put a lot of effort into his mythology. Jennifer later wrote in her journal about the first interaction she had with the group in 2001, saying the first time I met Trish, Brian, and Lou, their innocence and trust of people in situations was a little alarming to me.
Starting point is 00:39:03 I began to sense that I needed to watch out for them more than I did for other people. It was almost as if we had some sort of instant bond or connection. My sole purpose being their protector. Oh boy. Lou was lazy and as you'll see over the course of this episode dumb in many ways, but he was a good con man. Just like a lot of those Nigerian spam email authors.
Starting point is 00:39:20 He got hurt. I feel sorry for him. Make make her her think that he, you know, he needs her. He plays to her maternal instincts, ego and love of angels. Three months after moving to Missouri, the group sells the home, they just bought and lease some it, move back to Wichita. They move into some town homes initially
Starting point is 00:39:35 while they try and figure out where they're gonna live more permanently. After they leave, Jennifer begins fighting with her husband. Sarah McGrath, her daughter remembers her mom saying, I don't like being so far from Lou. Oh boy. She and Lou are now keeping in contact. That human turd is worming his way further and further into her head.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Trish convinces Jennifer that she should choose a new family, a better family. She should come live with them. They'll have a compound. And then Jennifer makes the worst fucking decision of her life by far. She listens to Trish, lose right hand to Cypul. Jennifer divorces her husband, moves herself in her two daughters, lose right hand to Cypil. Jennifer divorces her husband, moves herself in her two daughters, Sarah and Emily to Wichita. Sarah is 17 now, Emily is 10 when they move. And at first, Sarah does not like Lou. Her instincts are Sarah and her in the
Starting point is 00:40:14 right direction, but he tries as hard as to when both the girl is over and he does. Their mom, Jennifer, is fastening with them and the story he tells, she buys it all, quickly becomes, quickly comes and believes that he is in fact an angel or and maybe also possessed by angels. He's a psychic, he has magical powers, you know, all that shit. Doesn't matter how little sense it makes. She just wanted to believe so she did. How often does that happen and how sad is it? Now with all that life insurance money, the group buys a 20 acre property on the edge of
Starting point is 00:40:43 Wichita or land is cheap and they start building three nice houses for everybody to live in. They also buy some sports cars, some ATVs, they get a pool built, fuck, and living it up, throw on parties, inviting random people they meet to these parties, getting drunk, listen, allowed music at night, buying lots of guns,
Starting point is 00:40:58 fucking around with model airplanes more on that later. Just have a good old time, listen to Lou talk shit, at night about angels and magic and how you can see the future and stuff. I wish I had more specific details, some quotes on what he would say in his rambling sermon-ish monologues. I doubt it made much sense.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Just the mutterings of a fucking lunatic. And that's how I knew that Amber, the angel of death, hadn't habited my soul. And then Northor entered my body as well. Oh, you've, oh shit, you don't wanna know about Arthur and what he wants, okay? And I began to have psychic visions. And I could, I could hear the word of God
Starting point is 00:41:33 and God said, go to witch-at-tall, eat, drink, be a mirror, hey, could someone grab another mirror? Hey, no, out in the back, cold one. And then God said, get some nice guns, get a couple of four-wheelers, get a 91 T-top Camaro, burn that fucking rubber son. God said do not take the lolly jobs of men. Honest work, that's the devil, that's the devil's distraction.
Starting point is 00:41:52 That's how the king of lies is going to get you. You're not going to hear God's word anymore. I will give you to the keys, to the kingdom of heaven. Hey, can someone, can someone grab me a fresh bag of potato chips? These ladies, I don't know, they've been open or something. People keep leaving open or stay. God in his angels said you have to first play in the mud and drink natty light and await my word party on children. Fuck yeah bro. Nice. Right. Have a good time and one more thing to hell with the devil.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Turn up that stripper. Okay. Lou started working on some pito grooming. I started pito grooming Jennifer's daughters right away. For Emily's 11th birthday, he bought her a horse. Told her she could always have whatever she wanted. Started buttering up Sarah as best he could as well. I tried to convince her. He really wasn't angel.
Starting point is 00:42:41 He did convince her to convince the girls to believe lose claims of being an angel Trish told a story about a time when he died. He for sure died and then he came back to life and that story convinced Sarah that he was telling the truth now Now why would Trish tell the story and the girls trusted Trish? I Don't know. I don't know. I wish I knew pressure from Perez Maybe did he maybe have some dirt on her that he was starting to expose if she didn't go along with his fucking nonsense Does she actually somehow believe that he really was angelic? She never said and she will never say now because she's dead. Lou killed her more on that soon
Starting point is 00:43:14 Shortly after moving to angels landing after Tritian her mom convinced her that Lou was a good dude and an angel Sarah realized that angels aren't always kind of protective when Lou rapes her for the first of what will be many times She was too scared to tell anybody realize that angels aren't always kind of protective when Lou rapes her for the first of what will be many times She was too scared to tell anybody later said that she uh, you know, had also been brought up very very innocent And naive and she didn't fully realize that she'd even been sexually abused Ah, these poor people uh, November 1st 2001 Sarah sister Emily is raped for the first time One of the most disturbing lies he tells Emily to convince her that it's okay for him to have sex with a very young girl is that he's an angel, a hundred years old, a thousand years old, and he needs to have sex with young girls or he'll die. That's how he stays alive. He said he would literally die if she didn't have sex with him. There's some kind
Starting point is 00:43:56 of crazy like, sorry I have to do this, I'll make the rules I just work here, kind of insane bullshit. What a fucking nightmare. That would be if that was actually true. You ever have weird thoughts like, what if God is real? What if he does exist? But, and this is the big but, he's completely fucking insane. And we're all fucked. Like, what if Perez was right? Like, ever let your mind go to that crazy and dark of a place. Like, you know, God exists. He has angels. He has his angels, presents to humans. They're named like Arthur and Amber and fucking of a place. Like, you know, got exists. He has angels. He has his angels possess human, humans. They're named like our third amber
Starting point is 00:44:26 and fucking dumb angel names. And then the angels actually do need young girl vagina to keep from dying. Like, what if Jeff Reppstein, it's up in some kind of horrific heaven right now, sitting on the right hand of God, just getting high fives from the Almighty, for quote, getting it.
Starting point is 00:44:42 You know, God's like, you always got it, Jeff. You always understood what life was really about. Help yourself to all the kids all up here. That's why I made him. God loves little children. They sing it. They just did no divin. Meanwhile, the devil's down in hell,
Starting point is 00:44:55 trying to cure cancer or something. He's actually a fucking great positive entity. That's just been the victim of a horrible smear campaign from millennia. Please let that not be reality. Oh my heck, that'll be the worst. Come on, Nimrod. Let it virtue be rewarded, let that not be reality. Oh my heck, that'll be the worst. Come on Nimrod. Let virtue be rewarded, let the wicked be punished.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Luke convinced the young Emily, it's her job to take care of him, have sex him, so it can stay alive. What a mind fuck. He would even read random Bible verses. I'm like a twist, their interpretation, justify his actions, make her think it was all godly. So I guess he, you know, look at the Bible for like five minutes.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Poor young Emily fell in love with with Lou who's now 42 years old she goes along with anything he asks even if she feels uncomfortable about it because you know uh you know god is uh this is what he wants he thinks yikes uh she keeps the true nature of their relationship quite somehow our older sister Sarah will later claim that other members did not know that Emily was being continually raped by Perez even though Emily now moves into his bedroom and they sleep in the same bed together every night. Emily's mom was apparently aware of this, but somehow didn't think anything inappropriate
Starting point is 00:45:54 was going on because, you know, angels. Haha, it's just angels. It's okay for that, you know, 40-some-year-old fucking guy to sleep with a, you know, 10-year-old, you know, hey, who might have judged? We bit of a fucked up mom moved there. Angels don't molest kids, dummy. They don't show on earth. It's 42-year-old dudes who share beds with 11-year-olds.
Starting point is 00:46:13 She's a fucking terrible mother. It's, I just, how else can you fucking look at it? Both of Jennifer's daughters now being regularly raped by Perez right under her nose. Sarah will later talk about how a Lou abused them both, but differently. She says she was always more violent with her than Emily showed Emily preferential treatment. Lou always told Sarah that he wasn't the one being violent. It was the angels inside of it. It was Arthur. Arthur is an abusive pedophile angel. If only the nice angel, Daniel could booty Malibu, he can't because Amber, who's even stronger,
Starting point is 00:46:44 likes keeping him around. You get it. Sarah said later that her being treated worse than Emily It's only the nice angel, Daniel, could booty Malibu, he can't, because Amber, who's even stronger, likes keeping him around, you get it. Sarah said later that her being treated worse than Emily caused her an incisor to fight, that Lou hated when they fought, and would tell them that Amber, the angel of death, would take them to purgatory, and they'd be stuck forever
Starting point is 00:46:56 if they didn't fucking shut up. And they believed that shit, because they had nothing but crazy people around them. God, I hope both Emily and Sarah get continual therapy now. I can't imagine how grown up with that as your reality would fuck your head up. To further illustrate the kind of crazy they were living with, Sarah later told a following story in one of her documentary interviews.
Starting point is 00:47:13 She said that when she disobeyed Lou, who'd often shouted her to grade her and tell her that she was broken. And she said that one time, when the two of them were home alone, he told her that she would be broken for the rest of her life if she didn't let him fix her. He told her that the only way for her to ever be able to get married and have children of her own would be for him to let him fix her so creepy by fixing him at raping. After it was over, Sarah asked him if she was finally fixed to which Lou said that the fix was temporary.
Starting point is 00:47:41 In order to keep her fixed, he would have to continue having sex with her, or she would go back to being broken. Then he told her that if she ever told anyone how he was fixing her, you'd have to kill her father. Spoken like a true angel. That's what angels do. If you know one thing about angels, you know, you should know that they rape you and then they tell you that if you tell anybody that they're going to fucking kill your dad, they're men. Louis continued rape Sarah for seven years, from the age of 17 to the age of 24. Sarah says it took her years to realize
Starting point is 00:48:06 she was even being raped. My God, this is why you talk to your kids about sex. Not kidding, this is like an extreme example of why you need to talk to your kids about sex. You let them know exactly what it is, right? So they know what it is. So they know what's being done around them, possibly to them, right, you let them know who should not be having sex with them
Starting point is 00:48:25 and why. You let them know how some people are insane evil liars and you talk to them about how they will make threats and how the threats are bullshit. You tell them if there are lunatics out there in the world that who will try and who will tell you crazy shit in order to get in your pants, you tell them that God does not work in ways
Starting point is 00:48:42 anywhere near that mysterious. God doesn't want anyone molesting kids. Anyone who tells them otherwise is a dirty motherfucker who needs a reckoning. My kids are sick of me checking in on them, but perverts. And I don't want to be care. Right? I check in with them about the friends, friends, parents. You know, they go sleep over. What are their parents up to?
Starting point is 00:48:58 What are their parents doing? No one's touching it, right? They're like, God, no, dad. All right. Okay. You tell me if they were, right? Yes, of course. I'd rather have them things that just paranoid and crazy and risk them having to live with that kind of secret. If I ever end up in prison,
Starting point is 00:49:09 it'll probably be for killing some dirty motherfucker for just fucking with the wrong family. Which is I think the most noble thing you can go to prison for, my opinion. Sarah would later say that the abuse she and her sister suffered usually happened late at night. When their mom, Jennifer, was asleep in the house next door, Emily, though, would later say that it was not uncommon at all for Lou to sneak her away for like
Starting point is 00:49:27 an hour in the middle of the day. And no one thought anything of it. And she's sleeping in the same bed with him. It's all insane. Other than this sick shit, what else is going on at Angel's Landing? Well, everyone living there always had dinner together, often breakfast and lunch as well. Like one big fucked up family with a dad, says he's possessed by angels and raped some of the kids. Trish isn't charged a cooking. No one ever really does chores. Jennifer and Brian end up getting day jobs. Everyone else remains unemployed. Trish took care of the girls while Jennifer
Starting point is 00:49:54 was gone in the mornings and after school. Girls love Trish, considered her to be a second mom. There are parties every weekend. Emily and Sarah, you know, would watch over Patricia's youngest while the adults drank and socialized, drinking with commonplace. That comes up a lot in sources. Most pictures of Perez show him holding a beer bottle in both, you know, one of his hands. Sarah says, Lou drank every single day, kind of an all day, every day, kind of dude. Those angels, they be thirsty.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Sometimes Lou would hold family meetings where he would yell at people, criticize them, drunk and tell them what to do. We'd verbally beat everyone down and maintain control of them, build them up and beat them down. A lot of back and forth. Everyone off balance craving his approval. By spring of 2002, the group completed building two of their three houses on the property. The houses they bought in their compound in Sedgwood County, angel of landing almost complete.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Property with three large houses on it located on the 9500 block in North Oliver, just north of Wichita, near Valley Center and Keechai. One house had Sarah, Emily, Lou, and Jennifer, and another had Trish, Brian, Catherine, and Little Nora. Lou events she would move into the third house, not fully completed until 2005. According to Sarah, each little family had their own little house. Despite the rapes, which she says at this point, she saw as mostly Lou fixing her, Sarah thought they were all a real family. Everyone was supportive and close. She said in the beginning, things were fine and dandy, but it didn't take long for things to turn. Now, sad in that, that she's talking about in the beginning, it was still,
Starting point is 00:51:18 that was during the raping part, that comparatively was fine and dandy, compared to what's coming later. Life seemed outside at least, and maybe everyone is where does it sounds on angels and to be pretty good there were large houses expensive cars horses pool anything anybody wanted to have sir would later tell that the investigation discovery show we had everything we ever wanted but there was always a price to pay in april 2003
Starting point is 00:51:41 someone with the ability to investigate Lou Castro finally gets suspicious about his piece of shit regarding what's going on at Angel's Landing. Local detective Robert Goodwin. Goodwin wondered about the unexplained wealth the group seemed to have. Start to poke around, hurt from a few people about how Lou was always bragging about his luxurious lifestyle, started to wonder how they were all living on this 28-year property, how they had cars worth $40,000 roughly each, swimming pool, multiple houses, but only two of them had J-Jobs.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Jennifer worked as a realtor, Brian worked as an auto mechanic, no one else made any money. How was this operating? Detective Goodwin didn't think their combined income came close to covering the expenses of angels landing. Even more suspicious, he couldn't find any background info at all on a dude named Luke Castro
Starting point is 00:52:25 who matched the age, address, etc. of the dude he was looking into. Nothing. No record of the guy existing on any databases, he was searching. Good one made a bunch of large drug trafficker bus previously over the course of his career and how Castro and those around him were living reminded him of the lifestyles of the people he'd busted. So he started keeping an eye on things, and kept digging. He soon found out that the angel's landing houses
Starting point is 00:52:47 did not have very many personal items or homey touches. They seemed like staged homes, very suspicious. Also weird, the parking area, written in the concrete was the name angel's landing. All the group's cars had vanity plates labeling them. Angel one, angel two, angel three, et cetera. And the women in the group always paid for everything using various credit cards to purchase what they needed, never the men, good ones started to wonder.
Starting point is 00:53:09 These people in some sort of cult, ding, ding, ding, yes. And then even more suspicion arises when one of the angels dies. Before we dive into the details of this death, this seems like the best spot for today's sponsor break. Thank you for listening. Now let's see what happened to one of those angels on June 23rd, 2003. First follower, Patricia Hughes, drowns in the pool at angels landing. Young Emily then called 911 at three o'clock p.m. She called Sarah after calling 911. A firefighter took the phone from her said, Sarah, I need you to come home as quick as you can. Service at school. She and Lou rushed home from the Cardiolorship. Oh, I'm sorry, she was at the Cardiolorship.
Starting point is 00:53:46 She was not at school. I'm going to tell you. Sergeant Benjamin Blick was one of the first responders. Blick spoke to Sarah's sister, Emily. She was sobbing uncontrollably. It hardly talked about what happened. They tried to revive Trish for 45 minutes to know a veil. She was dead and arrived at the hospital.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Despite finding evidence of blunt force trauma to her head, Patricia's death was declared an accidental drowning. Remember that blunt force trauma? Things are, Patricia's death was declared an accidental drowning. Remember that blunt force trauma? Things are not what they seem here, of course, not. The paramedics noted that they thought it was strange. The Patricia was found in the shallow end where she could have stood up, stood up in the water. Also, Patricia allegedly did not know how to swim.
Starting point is 00:54:18 So why was she even in the pool when no one else was around? This death to a concerned detective goodwin was it truly an accident or just another piece of evidence in his growing case against Castro? He looks further into Lou. He finds out that his license plate was registered in South Dakota. I'm sorry, his driver's license was registered in South Dakota. He's adding details, not the notes. He began hearing stories that Castro may have had a wife and child who died in a plane crash. He read in some reports that's like, says, wife and child, not his wife and child. Is that what Lou told some people?
Starting point is 00:54:48 Probably. He finds a story in a rapid city newspaper about the plane crash in the obituary. Lou has listed his monogryphus brother. He was not a brother. Did he tell other people that? Probably. He was definitely not good at keeping his story straight. Good when further search databases and found information about every compound member except Lou Castro.
Starting point is 00:55:08 So he's more concerned than ever. I just can't find any details about this guy other than being named associated with some people who died in a plane crash. And he would have been able to make an arrest if you knew more details about Trisha's drowning details that will be revealed in 2011 by Emily, let's go over those details now. A week before Patricia's death, Lou foretold his followers that Patricia was going to
Starting point is 00:55:30 die, right? This is one of his magic gifts. Remember, Patricia and Lou sat Emily down days before she died, told her something big was happening. They told her it was Patricia's time to go to the other side, and that they needed her help. Emily's upset, asked Perez why he couldn't just do it himself. He tells her that it would take him too close to death
Starting point is 00:55:46 to be there when Patricia died. Emily insists she didn't want to be there when Patricia died either. So Lou then tells her that he will just bend time. So she could be at the pool, when Patricia died, and also be somewhere else at the same time. So she could not be there when she died.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Does that make sense? If it's hard to follow, it's because it's fucking gibberish. I had to go over this a few times to get my head around it. And it feels like a poorly written knockoff of Season 1 of True Detective. Reminds me of like a janky version of Matthew McConaughey. You know, his time is a flat circle monologue. Emily, this is a world where nothing solved. Someone once told me that time is a flat circle. Everything we've done or will do, we're going to do over and over and over again. You'll be there with Trish and also you won't be there. You might be on your horse.
Starting point is 00:56:49 You might be watching a rerun of Saved by the Bell. It's hard to say specifically, Trish will still be there. But pay attention, she won't be there. She'll be in the pool, brown, but also not there in making breakfast like always. Or perhaps buying some new flatware at Pier One, because they were having a good sale. Or maybe playing Monopoly with Brian, they enjoy that. And there will be angels.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Amber, definitely Arthur, probably Daniel. All be Mona's husband. But I won't be. I'll be your brother. And I won't be. And I won't know her. And I will know her. And I'll be Lou., I'll be your brother, and I won't be, and I won't know her, and I will know her. And I'll be Lou, and I'll be Daniel. Maybe the same time, I'll be Joe or Helen Henney.
Starting point is 00:57:32 There's a chance I'll be Helen Henney, the chicken lady who plays bass and the chuck and cheese animatronic band. And this will happen again, and again, and again, again forever. Do you understand this fucking crazy? Seriously, crazy is all this sounds. Oh my God, Patricia comforts Emily, agreeing with Lou, it's her time to go. She promised she'd come back,
Starting point is 00:57:59 Lou assures her, she will come back. Lou convinces Emily that Patricia's dying is a good thing. Fuck it insane. Insane the Patricia went along with this or appeared to go along with this on some level. Like that she bought this guy's crazy bullshit enough that she agreed to let him kill her to collect on a life insurance policy because she thought that he could just bring her back and that wouldn't even matter because she just be back alive. Maybe she seems to have had second thoughts when it came to dying as we will learn when
Starting point is 00:58:23 we go over the trial info Seems that at least at the last second. She's like, maybe I don't want to do this On June 23rd, Lou Patricia Nora and Emily they went to the pool when no one else was around Before Patricia walked into the pool. She kissed Nora goodbye told her she returned eventually Lou told Emily to take Little Nora into the pool house her age is never given in sources But based on where in the timeline she would have been born She could have been more than four likely a year or two younger based on how she was used to help stage her mom's death. Once she ignores inside Emily, here's a small screen followed by a splash. Perez then comes
Starting point is 00:58:55 into the pool house few minutes later. So can wet panting out of breath. He looks sad, looks distraught. He tells her to stay in the pool house for 20 minutes. So he could go to the car dealership to meet up with Sarah. He tells her not to look outside. Emily agrees. 20 minutes later, Emily calmly carries Nora into the pool where she sees Patricia floating dead in the shallow end. She and Nora jump into the deep end to get thoroughly wet, then get out quickly as further instructions from Lou. She waits 20 to 30 minutes further to call 911. And then, you know, on the phone, she tells him the script at Lou Gavre. Lou now has a nice alibi. He's at the car dealership with Sarah while Nora has died. But in reality, of course, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:33 she agreed to let him drown her or change her mind at the last second and he killed her. Is what, you know, he will be found guilty of in court. Earlier that day, Sarah had been instructed by Lou to go to the car dealership at a certain time. As, you know, she was getting ready to drive over, Lue drove up next to her in a Corvette, said, let's go with the dealership. He pretended to receive news at Trisha's death for the first time, then returns home with Sarah. It's a big elaborate, you know, ruse.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Patricia's life insurance payouts $1.24 million, which her husband Brian receives in 2003. And how interesting is this detail that Lue never receives the money himself and someone dies? All right, to put some distance between himself and the people and cuz he's using an alias It's probably for legal reasons. He can't collect another cult member will collect and then that cult members off in the next to die This way, I guess he's not so stupid pretty ingenious evil plan. He has here this weird fucked up domino life insurance system He has Detective goodwin will eventually be able to dig into the financial record of the cult and see the strange pattern. Trisha's body, taken back to Texas for burial,
Starting point is 01:00:29 some members go to her funeral. Lou carefully instructs them not to tell anyone in Texas that he's in Kansas. Guessing he doesn't want local authorities down there to realize that he's not dead after all and should be in jail for that previous child molestation conviction. Brian becomes severely depressed after Trisha dies. He often sleeps with their wedding picture in the bed with him. So it's fucking sad. Lou starts spending more and more time with Brian now talking to him more than he ever did before, specifically about death, working on his brain. He convinces Brian
Starting point is 01:00:56 that going over the other side is the ultimate goal in life. It's a good thing. If you lived right, if you died right, it was just stepping through a doorway right into a much better existence. Now you get to live in a place where you couldn't fill pain, you don't fill peace. He tells Brian, one day you can get your chance to go to the other side. Too bad he couldn't get his rape angel Arthur to go to that peaceful place. Louis getting Brian mentally prepared to sacrifice himself like Trish teams to have at least initially agreed to.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Then they can have even more money to fuck around with by sports cars and more ATVs and keep getting drunk Such a weird crafty and also unambitious Coat leader doesn't seem like Perez ever wanted to lead a big coat Never did any real recruiting that would take too much work I was like you hung around drank pretty much every day He just wanted enough followers to be able to have you know one dive a couple years so he gets him life insurance money Keep his cool cars has more cool toys pool with a nice house,
Starting point is 01:01:46 have a few people think he's an angel or an infest with angels and be able to have sex with an underage grower too. Shortly after Patricia's death, Emily and Sarah somehow learned about the plane crash in 2001. Now they become a little bit suspicious.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Emily later recalls how after Patricia's death, when they got the insurance money, the car is increased in both number and price tag. Emily actually talked to Lou about her concerns and he told her not to worry, because Patricia, she's not really dead. She's gonna come back to life. He said the incident didn't really occur. Also, the way that she thought it did, that's just her mind playing tricks on her, manipulating her to some more time as a flat circle bullshit.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Three months after Patricia's death in September of 2003, Lou donates $19,000 to the city of Wichita, to help them buy a new police vehicle, trying to curry some favor here. Said he only wanted to return was a sticker on the vehicle and remembered it's a Patricia. Really, I think he just wanted them to think he was a great guy, not a murdering cult leader. Lew actively now befriending local officers. Sarah will even soon start dating an officer. A few officers will stop by the compound and regular basis for a while, hang out at some of the Perez's parties.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Both Sarah and Emily are too afraid, still to tell these officers what's being done to them on the compound. Also, and later in 2003, Sarah and Emily's mom, Jennifer Hudson, begins dating a man named David Quirring. David had recently gone through divorce, they want to be alone.
Starting point is 01:03:02 He wanted to feel like he was part of a community, which is what drew him not just to Jennifer, but to the angels landing group. Few months later in early 2004, a woman named Morgan joins the group. Morgan and Lou began a romantic relationship. Eventually they will have a daughter together, really hard to find info on Morgan.
Starting point is 01:03:18 I don't know her last name or how old she was, guess what she was young. If a Morgan joins her little cult, Lou forces, or maybe I should say strongly pressures his group members and take out more life insurance policies. When they first moved to which the top, Patricia took out the million dollar policy that included an accidental death writer. Ryan was the beneficiary, Catherine the co-beneficiary.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Now Brian, Catherine, Jennifer and Morgan also take out expensive life insurance policies. According to later court testimony, Lou was present whenever anyone took out a life insurance policy and he dictated the amount, the beneficiaries, all that stuff. All the reason I'm sure wrapped up in some type of angel mumbo jumbo. You know, why do you have to take out a life insurance policy as well? Well, you know, you know what? I mean, I guess you are young and healthy.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Maybe you know what? Maybe you don't need to take one. You know, I think, oh, oh God. Oh, not now, Arthur, please don't possess me. I'm not Daniel. I'm Arthur now. I'm Arthur the angel of violence. And did I say Daniel, I meant Lou. No, I'm not, I'm not Daniel or Lou.
Starting point is 01:04:19 I'm definitely Arthur angel of violence. And if you don't sign the policy, I will make Lou rapie by the power of grade school or by Jesus or something. Anyway, just do it. Or Amber will send you to a purgatory. Oh, no, not another angel. Oh, dang it. Amber, I'm now Amber, who sounds exactly like Arthur.
Starting point is 01:04:37 And I will send your soul to purgatory like the definitely different angel of Arthur said earlier. Okay, don't try to reason why. I ask what I ask you of little faith. You know not what the hour passing through camel needles. Uh, water wine. Yada yada. And then I just picture a really confused cult member just being like,
Starting point is 01:04:54 half a second, whatever. And then just signing some shit. Uh, Catherine and Morgan both lied about their net worth so on their life insurance applications to get more credit. Yep, in order to be able to buy even more fun, shit, Liu has group members take out lots of credit cards to purchase more vehicles, yet in order to be able to buy even more fun shit, Lew has group members take out lots of credit cards to purchase more vehicles, more toys, during their time in which talk.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Lew directs the application process, the paperwork is always in someone else's name. You know, it's perfect for him. What does he care if he ruined someone else's credit? And in his mind, they're not gonna be dead soon anyways. You know, if he starts camping on payments before they die, oh well, he's not gonna be in the hook for the dead, so carry, he reminds me of some kind of fucked up cattle rancher. Right. These people
Starting point is 01:05:26 were his cows. You harvested them. He helps feed them treated most of them pretty well. He molested a few but the rest pretty well. Then at a certain point, you know, he has them slaughtered and he just feasts off of their deaths. Soon, Lou and Morgan get engaged. This doesn't stop him from continuing to rate both Emily and Sarah uh... he does uh... kick Emily out of the master bedroom though now which was emotionally traumatizing Emily who was only twelve she later said it is trial that it felt like she was getting divorced
Starting point is 01:05:55 poor kid for sorry for a sister Sarah as well but i mostly feel sorry or i feel the most sorry for Emily to be raised in this madness from such a young age to be victimized from such a young age also in two thousand four davidirring officially moves into angels landing compound. He and Jennifer get married It seems unless there was another David Quirring at the right age to be married Jennifer at this time that David passed away in which talk Just recently on February 5th this year at the age of 60 due to complications from COVID-19
Starting point is 01:06:21 In late 2004 detective Goodwin now enlists FBI special agent, John Sullivan, into investigating Castro. To work together on some drug cases back in the late 90s, Sullivan, like Goodwin, was unable to find a photo or description of Castro. There was seemingly no trail for him still. Goodwin now has heard stories from locals about Castro, telling members how much to withdraw from ATMs
Starting point is 01:06:42 at local convenience stores. He's now heard about Castro giving a variety of different explanations to community members about where his money came from. He tells some it's oil money. Tells others he invented an airplane tank. Tells others that he sold cattle to the government. It's guy so fucking dumb. Some ways it's amazing to me.
Starting point is 01:06:59 It wasn't caught so much earlier. He just cannot keep a story straight. In a desperate effort to get more info, Goodwin gathers trash from the compound, but the crime lab doesn't find any prints on Castro. Once he sees Castro and a woman in a restaurant, he got Goodwin, follows him, watches him, gets permission from the manager to collect the glasses they use,
Starting point is 01:07:16 but he still can't get a fingerprint. Poor guy cannot catch a break when it comes to finding out who the fuck Castro really is. Luckily, he will not give up. In December of 2004, Mystery Lady Morgan now gives birth to her and lose daughter Alice. What a lucky baby. Her daddy's an angel or maybe three or probably none.
Starting point is 01:07:34 On March 2nd, 2006, wouldn't you know it? Brian Hughes dies in a freak accident. He's crushed beneath the car he was working on. Brian was an experienced mechanic and a lot of people find it odd. He'd put the jack into position to be able to easily slip like it did causing the car to fall on him and crushing the death. Former cold members Sarah thinks that Perez talked him into killing himself and making
Starting point is 01:07:54 a look like an accident. So that the little crew could collect a third life insurance policy now. Brian was visiting family in South Dakota was working on a car and his brother's driving when it happened right before it happened. He called back to Wichita and spoke with Lou. Then he'd asked to speak to his daughter and he told Nora goodbye over the phone. Pretty weird. Then just a few hours later, the people back at angels landing receive a call about his death.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Both Emily and Sarah can't believe it. Brian was extremely safety conscious, worked as a mechanic for a long time. He knew how to be safe around cars. Sarah, Jennifer and Emily all believe Brian kicked the jack out from under the car committing suicide because Lou convinced him it was time to cross over and make it look like an accident. Brian's life insurance payout over $700,000.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Colt member Catherine's the beneficiary. What a crazy and dark gift this dude had. The ability to warm his way into someone's mind so far, he could talk to him and to die in for him. He was like a small time Jim Jones, but sneakier, right? And in a really fucked up way, I hate to use this phrasing, but I don't know how else to express it
Starting point is 01:08:51 in way more impressive. As far as dumb as he was in some ways, like not keeping his story straight, he was real smart when he came to this specific ability to convince someone that it was okay to die. That it was good to die and make them think you could come back from the other side. Make them believe it so thoroughly.
Starting point is 01:09:05 They would leave their young daughter behind. Might as well give you, you know, angel, you know, some life insurance money as well. And unlike heaven's gates, you know, martial appawhide or Jim Jones, President didn't get a group of people all worked up to kill themselves for some fabricated singular purpose, like hopping on a spaceship or standing up to a tyrannical government, hell bent on him, prison them or destroying them. He convinced separate members to take their lives over and over, probably for different reasons based on different bullshit stories.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Like, he would just work on the psyche of each person, break them down, get them to take themselves out when it was the most financially beneficial time for them to do so for him. When his bank accounts, you know, we're getting just low enough. It was like some kind of dark wizard who used his warlock powers to buy more Corvettes and ATVs out in Kansas. Later in August 2006, a woman named Susan visited the compound with her eight-year-old daughter Claire to see if she would like to join the family.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Sources do not say how she came into lose orbit only that she did. And Lou talked Sarah into filming a video of eight-year-old Claire undressing twice. He told her he just needed to see if she had a birthmark that had showed up in one of his angel visions. He definitely was not having her help him make child porn. No way, definitely not that. The birthmark would tell him if Susan was meant to join the group.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Sarah didn't want to do it, but agreed because this sick fuck kept threatening to kill her dad if she didn't do whatever he wanted. In 2007 Detective Goodwin is able to get permission from the US Attorney's Office now to open up a case to review the Angels Landing Group's finances. There's just been too many mysterious deaths, three died in that plane crash, then Trish, then Brian can't figure out who Lou is. Goodwin wonders if Lou is just extremely unlucky to have the people around him die left and right or if he's involved in some way.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Goodwin now learns about Brian's death or he learned about Brian's death because there was a custody battle over Nora between Lou and the girl's grandparents, Lou sadly would eventually win custody of Nora. That's horrible. With access to the cult's financial records, Godwin or goodwin, I always wanna say Godwin. Goodwin soon discovered life insurance policies,
Starting point is 01:11:02 taken out by various members, then cashed in by beneficiaries who are also cult members. He sees the pattern. Whenever their collective cash reserves would fall below $10,000, another death would occur. It would only occur when they had less than $10,000. Good one began searching harder for more evidence, you know, something to charge Lou with, desperate to prevent another death.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Good one's investigation would prove extremely difficult. Unfortunately, although he had the financial records, he has no police reports, victims or even a real name to look up with, you know, with Lou. And then later in 2007, goodwin's detective work will be interrupted when he's placed on a task force against the Crips gang. During his time on the task force, Goodwin will tell a coworker detective, Clint Snyder, all he knows about Castro and the mysterious group on the compound. Fun fact about Snyder, he was one of the witch-taught detectives who helped hunt down the
Starting point is 01:11:48 BTK killer. And now Snyder will help goodwin catch Daniel Perez, giving him various tips on how to nab him. But goodwin will have to wait thanks to that new assignment. But you know who didn't have to wait, this is pretty fucking cool. You know who stepped in and busted Daniel Perez single handedly? Take one guess. I bet you got it right.
Starting point is 01:12:09 Dog the Bounty Hacker In the season 1 premiere of the Shirt of E hit on A and G this fall, Dog the Bounty Hacker World's Most Elite MIT educated hacker takes down Daniel Perez with nothing but an old Dell desktop some aol Dialup and some bleach blonde wits Starting with crank home escalating to doxing Luke Castro's real identity Then raiding the compound kicking indoors and lecturing Daniel Perez about the dangers of meth and fedamines Even though I'm pretty sure he never touched meth nothing gets past dog the bounty hacker
Starting point is 01:12:42 Even when he has a hard time seeing his Dell screen at night, because he still has his Oakleys on the dark room. He's almost 70 designs with the youth of me. But he's still Dog the bounty hacker. It's not the size of the Dog in the fight. It's the size of the code, the Dog and Q-upper. We're still working on a better tagline. Dog the bounty hacker.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Tuesday's 8 p.m. Central Time. This summer on a and g Obvious JK Good one would have to wait. Oh, thanks. He was new assignments and you know, thanks a not being helped by dog the bounty hacker March 1st 2007 Perez commits count of rape that part's not funny. I was lying from the other dog bounty It was a poor time left He commits a kind of rape. He'll be found guilty of a few years later. His trial this incident provides further evidence of how crazy Perez was. Per testimony at 2 a.m. Sarah woke up Emily told her to get dressed. Go outside to the pool house because
Starting point is 01:13:33 Lou was angry. Lou and Catherine inside the building when they arrive. He grabs the girls by their throats threatens to kill them makes all three women on dress points at gun at them shoots near them shoots computer tower near them them, tells them to go to his bedroom. There he forces Emily and Sarah to get on the bed, makes Catherine stand in the corner and watch. He raves both Emily and Sarah with the beer bottle, forces Catherine to drink from the beer bottle, fucking maniac monster. Then he makes Catherine leave the room, continues to rape Sarah and Emily.
Starting point is 01:14:00 And how would he later rationalize this horror? Same as he always did. He wasn't him doing it. He was angels. Damn you Arthur. Why do you do things like that? And how would he later rationalize this horror? Same as he always did. Wasn't him doing it? Who's Angels? Dam you Arthur. Why do you do things like that? He was like the cult leader version of Jeff Dunham. I didn't say that horrible thing.
Starting point is 01:14:14 The puppet did. Now the jalapeno did. You pull that deflection off and you can get away with anything. I didn't write anyone with a beer bottle. Arthur did. He did it. Not me, I hate it.
Starting point is 01:14:25 I'm sorry. This dirty angel traumatizes both. You know, in mid September 2008, about a week before Jennifer's death, Lewis hits Sarah down, tells her it's Jennifer's time to go now. She's next in line to die. Money's getting low. Someone's got to go. One of you actually said shit like that, the big grandma's face, you know, and then just followed up with, check it. No, just kidding, I'm really have to die though. Well, one of the angels said so, and everything. Also in attendance at this dark meeting, our Emily and Catherine, she allegedly told Catherine, she needed to step up, and she didn't want to also die.
Starting point is 01:14:55 And then after this meeting, Lou raves both Sarah and Emily, because why not add more darkness to this fucked up tale. The night before Jennifer dies, Sarah approaches her mom and tells her, I can't live without you. I don't want you to go anywhere. Jennifer reassures Sarah. She's not going anywhere. She'll always be there for her daughters and then the next day Jennifer dies.
Starting point is 01:15:12 So 10 22nd 2008 Jennifer Hudson dies in a car crash. She's 48 according to eyewitnesses. She seemed to blatantly intentionally swore for car into the oncoming traffic lane. Just in time to collide head on with the big ass gravel truck And this lifetime seat belt seat belt wear not wearing her seat belt She's a jecker from the vehicle dies almost instantly. She goes to the windshield fuck her did it again dark wizard Talks another person and taking themselves out Remember way back when when I said that Mona may have intentionally helped crash out planes shoes on with her daughter and a fiance
Starting point is 01:15:43 Do was an evil Jedi just killing people with Jedi mind tricks. The day Jennifer dies Emily calls her before her class started or had called her. Jennifer didn't answer Emily remembers feeling angry about her mom ignoring the call. Doesn't think of anything of it. About 30 minutes into taking her tests. She was pulled out of class given the news. How terrible. Lou called Sarah told her Jennifer was in an accident.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Wouldn't tell her anything else. Sarah screamed into the phone because she knew what was really going on. She screamed, what did you do to my mom? She knew Jennifer would not be coming back from the other side. She would later say, like, Lou always promised because Trish and Brian never came back. Everyone in Angel's Landing is confused by Jennifer's death. She had just purchased a dog, seemed happy with her life. Sarah and Emily both believed, you know, Luke had somehow convinced their mom to commit suicide.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Fucking worm. He got in her head. It's like a walking talking computer virus that corrupted, you know, brain files. Jennifer's life insurance payout was over a million dollars. Source, she don't specify who the beneficiary was other than alluding to it being another cult member. Towards the end of 2008, Sarah and a friend go to Club rodeo. She meets future husband, Daniel McGrath, the two quickly fallen love. Sarah begins to slowly reveal details of the horrors she's gone through over the years, and Daniel will soon help dog the bounty hacker. No, we'll help detective goodwin. Take an evil motherfucker down. Daniel was a member of the National
Starting point is 01:16:59 Guard, began to visit Sarah Angel's Landing often after they met. At first, he thought like many of the angels landing, you know, it seemed like a nice place. When he met Ludo, he didn't like him. He thought he seemed to stand off-ish. He thought it was weird how many women on the compound, you know, were around him compared to men. And then after he met Sarah's younger sister Emily, just a teenager, he noticed how she always sat next to Ludo
Starting point is 01:17:18 and how Ludo was always touching her in ways he felt were inappropriate, you know, rubbing on her leg, not outright molestation, but weird, not okay. He felt even before Sarah told him what she'd gone through like he had to do something and he started trying to gather evidence. He started trying to get, you know, he kept real close eye on the way to frame to slip up, do something blatantly illegal. He paid attention to that, see something, say something, rule. And he'll help with the investigation later. On November 10th, 2008, goodwin and a colleague go to angels landing under the rules of investigating some burglaries
Starting point is 01:17:45 that had been happening around town. At the advice of Detective Snyder, he hands Castro a set of glossy photos, trying to get him to unknowingly leave a fingerprint, but that fucking son of a bitch won't take the bait. He's careful to never touch photos with his fingertips. It wasn't dumb in some ways, unfortunately. He held him with his palms,
Starting point is 01:17:59 dumped him on a table, used his fingernails, moved him around, gave them his name, but not his ID. Instead, he gave them a fake social security number. This wasn't enough to charge him with anything substantial. In March of 2009, Lew abruptly moves to Columbia, Tennessee, small city of around 40,000 just outside of Nashville, about 45 miles from downtown Nashville with Morgan, Alice, and new member Blake. No info on this Blake character.
Starting point is 01:18:22 It's another person who fell for Perez's bullshit. Somebody planned on, you know, making take a life insurance policy out and taking them out when the time was right, I'm sure. A castman stayed with Emily and Nora in Wichita so they could finish out the school year. Then the three joined Perez in Tennessee in June of 2009. The group sold the houses in Wichita
Starting point is 01:18:38 made $400,000 in profit. Sarah stays behind with her future husband. She still hasn't told him, though, what Perez has done to her, not everything, not the worst of it. And you know, it hasn't told him what she, what he has done to Emily and some of the others. In April of 2009, Perez purchased a large home in Columbia with Morgan, his daughter, Alice Emily.
Starting point is 01:18:56 The house cost about $400,000 puts it under the name of two acquaintances. Lou tells Emily, they're, they're all moving for her. They're moving closer to the Vanderbilt. The college, she wanted to attend. Lue also explains, excuse me, to Emily that he wants to change his name to Joe Vanegas now. And he needs some documents to establish a new identity in Tennessee. Angel told him they needed a new identity. Daniel will later recall an instant after this move where Lue calls Sarah and starts screaming at her over the phone. He took the phone from Sarah told told Lou not to call her anymore.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Daniel now finally asked Sarah if Lou had ever sexually abused her. He was suspicious. She says yes. She had been sexually abused all those years when Sarah falls asleep. A few hours later, Daniel logs on to the FBI's website, sends an email that will change everything. Fucking hail, Nimrod. About time, we got some good news out of this crazy story.
Starting point is 01:19:44 December 29, 2009, Daniel McGrath writes an email to the FBI revealing all the info he collected about the group. His concern about the crimes, Lou may have committed. This email happens to time out with Detective Goodwin wrapping up his time on the crypt's task force. Goodwin and Detective Snider, that BTK guy,
Starting point is 01:20:01 had just been assigned to the US Attorney's Office to focus on financial investigations. Everything's lining up. Now FBI Special Agent Sullivan is calling, asking Goodwin, K guy had just been assigned to the US attorney's office to focus on financial investigations. Everything's lining up. Now, FBI special agent Sullivan is calling asking, good one, if you can send him a facts. He sends him the email that Sarah's boyfriend had messaged in. Goodwin now has the lead he needs inside access to someone who knows what's going on this group.
Starting point is 01:20:19 Few days later, early January, 2010, Goodwin and Sullivan interview Daniel. They learn Lou is now going by the name of Joe Venegas in Columbia, Tennessee. They learn that he's living in a house with five people and disturbing that he has just taken out a life insurance policy on his baby daughter, Alice, his own flesh and blood, little baby cold shit. Angel doesn't give a fuck. Goodwin Snyder and Sullivan do more investigating now, find a license plate register to Joe Venegas.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Then they also obtain security camera footage from a local bank where a guy named Joe Vanegas who looks exactly like Lou Castro sets up a new account. And setting up a new bank account under a fake ass name as identity fraud. That's a federal offense. Now they can arrest this piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Get some fingerprints, find out who he really is. April 21, 2010, Lou Castro is arrested in Columbia, Tennessee. Hail Nimrod, praiseable jangles, he's pumped. April 21st, 2010, Luke Castro is arrested in Columbia, Tennessee. Hail, Nimrod, praiseable jangles. He's pumped. His tail's wagging like crazy. A search warrant issued at 810 AM, Detective Goodwin, part of the team that arrested him, that had to have felt great.
Starting point is 01:21:15 When they approached the house in Tennessee, they called him Joe Vanegas. He corrects him, saying like, no, I'm Luke Castro. Then he's arrested, charged with aggravated identity theft, fraudulent use of a social security number. inside the house They find 11 guns two wallets with IDs for Luke Castro and Jovenegas and a social security card and a birth certificate for Jovenegas No idea how he attained obtained all that maybe dark web You never said how he got all those fake documents. Maybe maybe angels, you know, just made him for him That seems like the kind of thing that evil angels do make fake IDs or something
Starting point is 01:21:44 Detective good one calls Emily who's in school, tells her that she needs to come home. He informs her, Lewis has been arrested. She will not tell him anything though, and criminally about Lewis when they question her. She's still too scared. That monster raised her brainwashed her for years. It's going to take a lot more than one round of questioning for her to say anything. Lewis slash Joe slash Daniel slash Angel fuckface McGee, also not giving up any info. Even after a six hour interview, he won't crack.
Starting point is 01:22:10 He just pleads guilty to one of the two charges against him and he's actually booked into prison is John Doe. John Doe is sentenced to two years in prison. They still don't know. He's in prison now and they still don't know who he is. But they do take his fingerprints, you know, it took that when they brought him in, but, you know, his prints, they can't find a match in the system. Good would now dedicate himself, you know, even further to nailing who this piece of shit
Starting point is 01:22:32 is. He has two years to do it. He does not want Castro ever to get out of prison. The detective goodwin his nighter and special agent Sullivan go on over the next several months to interview 85 different people trying to get dirt on this dirty angel. No one is very willing to talk, but they do learn more than they knew before. They learn about a few other aliases, some of which were the three evil angel nonsense. You know, he claimed we'd take over his body.
Starting point is 01:22:53 The one really goodly they get from an interview is in May 2010, Goodwin interviews Patricia's mom, Rosalinda Gomez. And she gives them his real name, Daniel Perez. Using his real name to search, they find his old criminal record, at least part of it, from the 90s. See that his records were hard to find because local authorities thought Daniel Perez was dead. Now they head back to Kansas, confront Perez with his new info.
Starting point is 01:23:14 He still refuses to admit it to him. Oh well, they don't need him to admit it now. They definitively match his prints with the old Perez prints. Then they travel to Bville, Texas, obtain more police reports on that sexual assault from 96.97. Also after exposing more of Los Lies, they now get Sarah and Emily to talk. After being assured nothing will happen to them, they have, you know, new crimes to punish Perez with. They finally started giving police the info.
Starting point is 01:23:38 They so desperately needed to put him away for good. Goodwin coordinates the first interview with Sarah to discuss what really happened at Angel's Landing. That interview lasted close to four hours Then the interviewed Emily who gave the final evidence to put Lu and Jail for the rest of his life She was reluctant at first but after losing arrest in 2010 She had gone to prison to visit him and they'd had an argument and this is what led her to tell everything This is so crazy when she went to visit him prior to her, you know, visit with the detectives, she noticed he looked healthy and well, even though for years,
Starting point is 01:24:10 he had been telling her that if he didn't have regular sex with a young pure girl, he would quickly die. And I mentioned that part of his insanity, right? It's hard to keep track of it all. After realizing he was a liar and his raping had nothing to do with angels and staying alive or whatever other bullshitty told her, she finally agrees to tell good when everything. This guy was incredible when it came to getting people to totally believe the dumbest shit ever. Too bad he was such a perf, right? With his salesmanship skills he could have made way more money and say, amway, that he did with life insurance claims, right? My name is Daniel, three angels perazz and I need you to bow down to the good God, Amway. Maker and seller of divine and affordable home goods,
Starting point is 01:24:48 nutrition and beauty supplies. I get a new artistry skin nutrition hydrating gel cream, only 3650, which sounds like a lot, but it's over 50% less than almost all leading competitors. And I'm back. And we now told investigators that Lou made her lie to police about Patricia's death. She told him that she'd heard a splash,
Starting point is 01:25:03 all of my scream, then saw him soaking wet and gasping for breath. She eventually told him about all the sexual abuse she went through at the hands of Louisville. Thanks, Emily, the case is now a murder investigation. Good one frequently calls the prison to ensure Perez is not gonna be released early. He's rushing to build up a good case against him. On September 1st, 2011, Patricia's death
Starting point is 01:25:21 is now reclassified officially as a homicide. On September 2nd, the murder in various sex crimes charges are filed under seal. The charge will become public in January 2012. The charges were first to remurder, 10 counts rape, 10 counts aggravated criminal satamy, three counts aggravated assault, 11 counts false information, one count criminal threat. In January, the charges against Perez become official. The prosecution files the charges against him while he's in prison, leading to his immediate re-arrests once his two-year sentence ends. This trial will begin a few years later, starting in 2015. On January 19th 2012, Perez makes his first court appearance, the court part of this,
Starting point is 01:26:00 by the way, usually it's like, I think it's kind of like the most boring part of these episodes. It's the most interesting to me. Intertainment-wise, there is some weird shit coming up. His defense is legendarily bad. One of the first witnesses to testify at his trial is the guy who owned a remote controlled airplane store. Fucking love this detail. This makes his weird story even weirder. George Nappel, owner of the hangar on West Street in Wichita, a perfect name for a model airplane store owner, a testifies that he sold numerous toy planes to Lou Castro over several years. He spoke of extravagant spending on airplanes, saying he started spending money like a drunken sailor tearing the hell out of him and then buying some more. He spent a ton of money on those things. He said the
Starting point is 01:26:42 Lou frequently ordered planes to cost $15,000 more each. And then each time Lou would enter the store, he had an entourage with him that often included younger women and a teenager Emily who he called Baby Girl. Gross. Also, why does Perez buy a bunch of toy planes with life insurance money he gathered from people he either killed or talked to and he killed themselves? Money that also allowed him to continue living in his bed of. Why does that make you even more creepy to me? Like if his hobby was collecting like, I don't know, 1930s movies posters, not as creepy. Kind of interesting, but don't really care.
Starting point is 01:27:13 If he was way into expensive whiskey, don't really care. But toy planes, super creepy. Roughly as creepy or maybe creepier than him being like a model trained enthusiast or super into like, yo, yo, I. It just adds to such an odd and disturbing overall portrait, right? He talked people into killing themselves. He warned people to not make Amber the Angel of Death mad.
Starting point is 01:27:33 He blamed raping underage girls on Arthur the Angel. He told at least one of his victims that if he didn't have sex on a regular basis with a young pure girl, he would die. He told some people he was a thousand years old and he could bring the rain. He told some people he could speak with animals and no one people died. He really liked a party, have some beers, drive sports cars, ATVs, and really liked model airplanes. It may be more than everything else. And talk about marching to the beat of your own drummer. On May 12, 2012, the preliminary hearings for Perez's case continued. Sarah testifies about how Perez foreshared a sexed him hundreds of times gave testimony about the shooting from 2007.
Starting point is 01:28:09 She testified about her involvement in Patricia's death. Osborne asked Sarah Perez was drunk the night of 2007 at shooting. Sarah responded probably he drank a lot. Osborne's defense attorney. Susan mother of the girl Perez had Sarah had Sarah filmed naked to see if she had a birthmark. She spoke about how Perez tried to persuade him to live with the compound. He told her, I'm here to help people. It's all about the children, which it was just not the way that he was making it seem. Susan said she had reservations about living there because there was too much drinking going
Starting point is 01:28:38 on. Her daughter Claire, only eight when she met Perez, now 14, testified about how Perez hugged her too often and that she saw him kiss and touch a teen girl The family also suspicious of how many people died of the compound and that was the main reason they didn't live with the group Interesting reasoning. Hey, huh, should we move on to Perez's compound? I don't know. He makes out a lot of teen girls were there and he looks at me too much and hugs me often You know and that that bothers me. Yeah, I don't I don't like that either bothers bothers me too But it doesn't bother me that much Hey, I don't like that either. Bodies bothers me too, but it doesn't bother me that much.
Starting point is 01:29:06 I don't like all the drinking though, but I still think we should move there. But what about all the people that keep dying? Oh yeah, I forgot. You know what you're right? The messing around with the young girls and the drinking and the deaths when you add it all up. That's when it becomes too much.
Starting point is 01:29:20 May 32, 2012, Emily gives testimony at the preliminary hearing. She speaks about her involvement in Patricia's murder and the sexual abuse she endured. He told her how Perez 51, when she last lived with him, or she told her, told her that his body was the body of a 30-year-old man. And you needed to have, you know, again, sex with young, pure girls to live. She revealed he most often forced her to engage in oral sex with him, but she had been also raped hundreds of times. She didn't really understand what was happening when she was younger. She spoke about how he would call himself by different
Starting point is 01:29:51 names, how the names correlated with different personalities, names of the angels, all that fucking jibber jabber. As Emily grew older, she started to understand she was being raped, but she kept allowing it to happen because it was all she knew and because he kept threatening to kill her fucking family, it showed the truth. Alice Osburn, president of defense attorney, points out that Emily made a choice to go with Perez to Tennessee and asked her why she never spoke to counselors if all this was happening. Emily said it was because Louis against counseling.
Starting point is 01:30:16 I have a gross defense attorney move here. When they moved, Emily was just 17, maybe just turned 18, finishing up high school, legally an adult, but not financially independent of a parent to live on her own, especially after all the grooming and abuse she went through. I know it was Osborne's job to defend Perez, but come on, that's fucking low blow. Also found this interesting, doing a little bit of digging on Osborne in 2016, Alice Osborne left criminal defense, switched to the other team, criminal prosecution. She is currently the chief attorney who supervises the division that prosecutes crimes involving sex offense and domestic violence in Sedgwick
Starting point is 01:30:48 County, Kansas. I have to wonder how much defending a piece of shit like Perez pushed her towards fighting for the other side. June 7th, 2012, Perez was ordered to stand trial for the murder of Patricia Hughes as well as other crimes. His defense argued there wasn't enough evidence to put him on the trial. This argument was quickly dismissed. I imagine the judge muttering something like, if I got her as a weak shit. The trial would go forward with the prosecution to be led by DA, Mark Bennett, and the defense led by Alice Osborne.
Starting point is 01:31:15 But they would have to wait three years due to various boring legal delays. February 4, 2015, Daniel Perez's criminal trial begins. The prosecution defense presents their opening statements. Kim Parker, chief deputy district attorney, gives the prosecution's opening statement. She describes Perez's manipulative, violent, with a sexual appetite for children. He was someone who persuaded his followers to take out expensive life insurance policies, after which he staged their deaths to fund his luxurious lifestyle. Life at the commune was characterized by domination and control.
Starting point is 01:31:45 She stated there were multiple instances of sexual violence, multiple instances of physical violence. And then later she ended with, this is the case that will take a while. I will give you a lay of the land, but the real accounting will come from the witness stand from the mouths of those involved. And then Alice Osburn, that defense attorney,
Starting point is 01:32:01 gave her opening statement saying, three naughty angels did it. To judge them is to judge them as a judge, God, and judge God is to burn in hell defense rests. And then president was released. Now he's back in Nashville living on a compound that doubles to sleep away preschool. J K that would be the worst. No, Osburn presented Perez as a welcoming person, a friend is community.
Starting point is 01:32:20 His house was an open home to friends and police. He spoke about how he donated $19,000 to the city for a new police vehicle. Yes, she admitted, Perez was attracted to younger women, but these women were always of legal age and consensual partners. His defense argued that his followers conspired together to blame him for the false documents once police started investigating them.
Starting point is 01:32:38 She said that most of his relationships with the women in the commune were not like a father figure. You know, kind of a big brother, huh? She said that the women he had sex with with legal age and consenting. He never had sex with underage girls. He did share a bedroom with 11 year old Emily, but they never shared a bed. Even him just sharing a room with her is so fucking creepy. Doesn't make him look innocent.
Starting point is 01:32:59 I think she knew that she had to just, she didn't have much to work with here, right? She, she, she didn't have much to work with for the defense. No, no, he's not a pedophile. He just, you know, he shares bedrooms with kids. You know what, he's a lot like Michael Jackson, but he just doesn't have the musical talent and there's lots of weird angel talk. Moving on, she admitted that when Emily was a legal age,
Starting point is 01:33:20 they did have sex, but that it was her decision, then she continued to paint a really weak defense picture because again, there's just no way to make him look good. She said that, yes, Perez had no job, but come on, he did spend six years building up the compound a little bit. She said that the women in the group were in charge of the money.
Starting point is 01:33:37 They bought the homes in the life insurance policies. It wasn't his fault, a lot of people died around him. She said, Perez never asked anyone to make false claims on his applications or on applications for credit cards. You know, what they did is his job directed by a woman was just to scope out different cars and find the good deals. She said that he didn't even own the cars. Didn't even know where the money came from. Now, he's just happy to be there. He told the jury. She told the jury that when Patricia died, he was at a witch dog car dealership. He's there for 30 minutes when he received the call from a neighbor. He told him there was emergency vehicles at angels landing.
Starting point is 01:34:06 Emily did see him wet and out of breath. Yes, but that was on the 24th. That was the day after Patricia died. That's what she closed and that was the best thing she had. Yeah, some of that stuff happened, but like the next day, I imagine her finally just throwing up her hands in the air at the end of her to defense opening speech and just be like, I don't know. Come on, look what I'm working with hard. It's hard to defend someone who's so fucking guilty. It's so hard.
Starting point is 01:34:33 The defense didn't have a leg to stand on. The prosecution will bury them. Investigators find the tapes of or they found the tapes of the naked eight year old Claire amongst the parrises things right after his arrest. of the naked eight year old Claire amongst Perez's things, right, after his arrest. Sarah and Emily testify about all the sexual abuse. Other former followers like Catherine, they corroborate all the stories, or, you know, the stories of like Perez being violent, carrying a gun. I mean, Catherine did witness at least a couple of the rapes, you know, like threatening followers, sometimes shooting near them and during drunken, drunken, rambling speeches about his angel, gibber jabber, Catherine testified that she was just 15 when she met Perez
Starting point is 01:35:08 North Dakota that they had sex. She believed his name was, was, uh, lieu at that time. They had special powers because he once made a reign supposedly, you know, lots of testimony against him. According to various cult members, Perez would decide who took out the various life insurance policies, how much they were worth, who was the beneficiary? He was never a beneficiary, but he did get access to the money and an account wants to remember, received it. Everyone talked about how told him he was a seer, whose body was inhabited by angels. The prosecution brought up a broken hair clip on the bottom of the pool related to nutritious drowning. This hair clip helped prove the Perez broke it while drowning Patricia.
Starting point is 01:35:47 Chris Sparry, a forensic pathologist, testified that Patricia's injuries were consistent with someone gripping the top of their head of her head. There was also small bruises on her body, not consistent with her slipping and hitting her head. She was violently held underwater. She fought back. She did not want to die as he'd ordained. Maggie, the girl Perez, raped way back in 1996
Starting point is 01:36:06 in Texas. She came and testified, testified that when she was 11, she and her mom, you know, Mary visited press in Texas. When her mom left her alone with them, he touched her inappropriately. Press told her he had magic powers, use those magic powers or, you know,
Starting point is 01:36:19 claims of magic powers to convince her to perform sexual acts, then threatened to kill her, or kill her family. If she said anything, but she reported him acts, then threaten to kill her family. If she said anything, but she reported it in many ways, she told her mom what happened. You know, the file charges in 1996. The jurors learn that this is why he fled Texas 1997 and on and on and on. Basically, every character, you know, you met today who didn't already die, testified against Perez and painted the picture you heard today.
Starting point is 01:36:43 Most of the info I laid out was taken from court testimony. Then on February 12, 2015, here's where it gets good. Perez testifies his own defense and it really, really, really does not go well. Learning what he said here made me think again that he was for sure an idiot. Like he was really good at ruthlessly manipulating a very small group of people,
Starting point is 01:37:04 really open to a bunch of angel jibber jabber and kids, you know? But overall, stupid and crazy. He was on the stand for over four hours. And the following statements we cherry picked from those four hours are not a joke. He actually said this shit in court is if it were reasonable things to say that might get him off and free.
Starting point is 01:37:24 When asked, did he take on the alias, Lou Castro, he said, yes, he said he suffered memory loss after being beaten close to death by a group of uniform men. He said, from what he's been able to piece together, this beating took place right before he was scheduled for a sentencing with a plea agreement, you know, on the child's sex crimes he committed in Texas, you know, back in 1996, 1997. And when he woke up in the hospital later, he was severely injured and already on some sort of medication. And then when he left the hospital, knowing nothing, a woman recognized him for some reason and called him Luke Astro. So he just assumed that was his name and he just went with it. And that woman was Patricia Gomez. He testified that Patricia was his friend and sometimes
Starting point is 01:38:00 lover. And then he met her while dancing out in B.Vill Texas. B-Vill is about an hour inland from Iran's past. So, you know, he just wandered aimlessly in our inland, not knowing anything at all, and just found himself at a dance, not knowing who the fuck he is. Makes sense. And then this Patricia lady, she's gonna say, hey, you're Lou Castro,
Starting point is 01:38:19 and he's like, okay. And then he says, the Patricia took him to either Brownsville, Texas, or maybe Mexico to recover from his injuries further. He can't remember. He says, I didn't recollect anything at the time, but I knew that I knew her. He also said for the for some reason, Patricia allegedly did know his real name, but wouldn't tell him what it was.
Starting point is 01:38:36 It would only call him Luke Castro. And then he and Patricia moved to Corpus Christi and then they moved to various other places. And over the years, Patricia would just, I don't know, just kind of invite people into this some sort of cult thing that was happening around him, but he didn't really know what's going on. And he just rambled on nonsensically with this weird like, I took a fake name because you know, I got beaten into Amnesia and then the lady, you know, called me the random name of Numi, Numi, real identity.
Starting point is 01:39:00 It wouldn't tell me. And I was like, okay, whatever. And I just rolled with it for, you know, over, well over a decade. And just watched her recruit people in this cold thing, I guess I was kind of in, you know, if you really get down the bottom of it, I picture the judge asking the prosecution, are you fucking gonna let this happen?
Starting point is 01:39:15 Are you gonna, will you please object this nonsense? And then the prosecution just says, no, no, no, we're good, we're good, this is fucking great, this is gold. I just sent out for popcorn. I'm looking forward to the rest of the show, your honor. And the show does get better. Then he's asked, how did he sustain
Starting point is 01:39:28 his luxury lifestyle? That was just so dumb. He says that he had a red devil bag full of cash. Come on, you know, come on. How did I do it? Well, I had a red devil bag full of cash, you know, how those things are. Sometimes you find one and you're like, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Now he says that Trish gave him this devil bag, right after he lost his memory. And he says the money probably came from selling a house, and some cars in the previous life, I don't, who knows? I can't remember, you know? This is so great. How did you pay for your lifestyle, Prez?
Starting point is 01:39:58 I had a red devil bag full of cash that Trish gave me, and I spend the money, you know, for like over 10 years. And you know, I just never bothered asking her where the fuck it came from. Listen, I don't like to rock the boat. I was just happy to have a bag of cash. I was raised to not look a bag of cash gift in the mouth or whatever that, however that goes. I just didn't ask, you know, because that's how I was raised. I think I was raised that way. I don't remember. I don't remember. It's hard to remember things. Oh my god. It's like to remember things. Oh my God. It's like he was hoping the courtroom was just as desperate and gullible as some of the people he tricked.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Then his defense gets even dumber still. Now he brings up his scar tissue penis defense. He was asked about some scar tissue on his penis. Where did he come from? And he was asked this because this was a big part of the defense. It was to prove he couldn't rape because he had a scar in his dick, not kidding. I picture his defense attorney Osborne begging him to please, please don't insist on using this defense.
Starting point is 01:40:53 It's embarrassing. Now I picture her saying like Daniel stop. No, come on, please. I'm trying to get people to take me seriously. I know you're going to say so many dumb things. No matter what I tell you because you're an idiot, but please shut the fuck up about the scar tissue dick defense. And he was like, no way Jose,
Starting point is 01:41:10 a man, jeal Arthur, or maybe Amber tells me my scar tissue dick defense is a key to my freedom. Perez actually tells the jury that he had an injury in the 90s, got an injury in the 90s, even though he can't remember what happened in the early 90s, that left scar tissue on his wing. Can't remember his name, but he does remember that someone jacked his dick happened in the early 90s. That left Scar tissue on his wing. Can't remember his name, but he does remember that someone jacked his dick up in the early 90s.
Starting point is 01:41:29 And he claims that this injury made him unable to rape anyone. You know, he still have sex, but only consensual sex because of this scar tissue injury. No doctor back this up because it's one of the dumbest or maybe the dumbest I couldn't have raping one defenses of all time. What? Rape?
Starting point is 01:41:49 Me? No. No, I can't. I can only have gentle sex. Was very lubricated and extremely receptive in inviting vagina and or mouse. I mean, look at it. Look at my weenis. Look at that scar.
Starting point is 01:42:01 You know how out she it feels to put my scar pain into a dry no-thank-you-hole Touch it. Come on touch it poke poke a little bit. Okay. I'll do it. You know what I'll flick it. Oh Owie wowie that hurts so much Look at the tears of my eyes when I flick my pain scar. I'm crying Thrusting that scar pain in a dry no-thank-you-front, but gee willikers. I plum pass out from the pain God damn it. he's fucking stupid. Then when asked why he would call himself a seer, he said even more dumb shit.
Starting point is 01:42:33 He said, and I'm paraphrasing. Nah, nah, nah, nah, I never would call myself a seer. I call myself special, referring to some special education I received in school. People just misheard and misinterested me I was obviously someone used that kind of misheard logic and like an attempted murder defense. What? She's saying that I said and I quote I'm a fucking kill you bitch tonight. You die. That's what she says No way
Starting point is 01:42:59 What I said was I'm gonna I'm gonna thrill you sis tonight. You die. I Was offering to cook her dinner which is also why I was holding a butcher knife come on. Uh when president asked did he tell Patricia Hughes she would be reincarnated. He said and I quote no we watch a lot of movies. This guy is the king of lame defenses. He acted like it was just something she misunderstood about a movie. He went on, this picture's a prosecutor. Did you tell Patricia Hughes that she'd be reincarnated if she killed herself so you could get her life insurance money?
Starting point is 01:43:32 No, never, never ever. But when I think about it, okay, okay, I think I know what happened. We watch that Chris Rock movie down to earth where he plays a struggling comic who gets hit by a truck and then takes over the body of a rich white dude. You know what, that's what everyone's probably talking about, that right there. After six days of presenting witness testimony, the prosecutors arrested their case in the morning of February 12th, the defense arrested their case after all the dumb bullshit you just heard.
Starting point is 01:43:58 Prezzle was facing life without parole for the murder of a trish, numerous counts of sexual abuse of a child under 14, another kind of sexual exploitation, exploitation of a child, et cetera. And on February 18, 2015, Perez is finally convicted for his crimes. His incredible well thought out plausible defenses did not let him get away with anything. His three angels let him down, especially Amber. The jury deliberated for just three hours in order to find him guilty on all those charges, which is not much time for the for that many charges and how serious they were. They're like, fuck this guy.
Starting point is 01:44:27 Let's hang out, have some snacks for a couple hours, and then fucking March 24th, 2015 Perez now 55 sends to life in prison for Trisha's murder, plus an extra 406 months tacked on for other charges. These senses will run consecutively, which means he will spend at least 80 years in prison before he's eligible for parole. It'll be 130 when that time comes. Or like 1130. And he'll probably be fine, you know,
Starting point is 01:44:51 because he can live so long, unless he's telling the truth about the young vagina keeping him alive, then he should, you know, he should already be dead. At a sensing hearing poor Emily made a powerful statement, saying, I was 10 when my child who was over, while other 10-year-old were riding bikes or playing with dolls,
Starting point is 01:45:04 I was laying naked in a bed with a pillow or my head, just waiting for it to be over. My God. While other 13-year-old were getting boyfriends and holding hands, I was holding onto my secret, losing the people I love one by one. When other 16-year-olds were experiencing the freedom of learning how to drive and planning parties with their friends, I was planning my own death every day when I drove to school. Holy shit. Since 2015, Perez has been serving
Starting point is 01:45:26 his sentence at the Lansing correctional facility, Lansing, Kansas, Kansas on the edge of 11 worth Kansas. As a 2020, sister Sarah and Emily had resolved their old conflicts caused by Perez and had a close relationship. We're also close with her father. Sarah now is happily married to that Daniel MacGrath in Wichita. is living in South Carolina, working as a paralegal. She wants to help others who are in situations similar to her and what she went through. Detective Goodwin, the guy who would not give up on busting Perez, has become good friends with Sarah. And on that nice note, let's hop on out of today's timeline.
Starting point is 01:46:02 Good job, soldier. You made it back. Barely. of today's timeline. leave their families to go live on a compound. They did think he had secret spiritual knowledge, supernatural powers. He was definitely their leader. Seems to have had so much control over a few of them that he talked them into dying for him. That is pretty cool. He was a lazy cool leader. No robes, no ceremony, no theology, just a drunk guy.
Starting point is 01:46:36 He rambles about being possessed by angels who tells you he can bring animals back from the dead and make a rain and shit. No church, just ATV, sports cars, you know, beer and fucking model airplanes. And quite a bit of death for a small group. In 2001 a plane crash killed follower Mona Griffith, her fiance Jim Chase and her 12-year-old daughter Lindsey Griffith. 2003 long time first follower Patricia Hughes, 26 drowned at the compound. 2006 Patricia's husband, follower Brian Hughes, killed when a car jack slipped and
Starting point is 01:47:03 he was crushed by a car. 2008 follower Jennifer Hudson died in the car crash. How did he pull off what he pulled off? Former follower and victim Jennifer Hudson's older daughter Sarah says that cold leaders like Perez are sneaky in their abuse. She says, I think that in my situation, I think that my situation was very uncommon. My mom just kind of accepted all these whimsical things that he would tell her. She was just sucked into it.
Starting point is 01:47:24 I don't think it's a very common thing, but I also think that people who are in a cult may not realize they're in a cult until they've been out for a while. I didn't realize I was in a cult until I've been out for a few years. FBI agent Sullivan also shared his thoughts regarding how Perez pulled off what he did saying he was adept in identifying people who were vulnerable. He would talk and recruit women who were going through difficult times either through a divorce or broken home. He would take and recruit women who were going through difficult times, either through a divorce or a broken home, he would take advantage of people that are absolutely worst. I don't think these assessments paint the complete picture though. This is not something they can happen to anyone.
Starting point is 01:47:53 It's not unless your parents drag you in unless you're born in, you do have to choose to join. Plenty of people who end up down their luck do not get lured into a cult. I don't think going through a rough divorce is a good excuse to go through, or to go into a cult. And like Jennifer was apparently happily married. And then she met him and then she chose to initiate her divorce and go into this cult. Now the people who believed Perez's claims chose to believe someone who made
Starting point is 01:48:17 just the most outrageous claims that were so easily to identify as being bullshit. And that was a terrible choice. You know, he said he can make it rain. All right, well, make it rain motherfucker. He said he can bring animals back from the dead. Okay, let's head to an animal shelter. See what you can do.
Starting point is 01:48:30 You said he can see the future, all right? So make some specific prediction of fuck off asshole. So it reminds me of the cue drops from the cue not a bit. All right, if you choose to believe in foolish claims that consistently don't come true over and over again, what does that make you? Doesn't it make you a fool? So don't be a fool.
Starting point is 01:48:44 Don't throw your life away. Don't make that choice. Be more protective of your life and the lives around you, your children, value them more. What's that old saying? There's a sucker born every minute. I do believe the basic truth of that saying adamantly. There will only be cults for as long as there are people fool enough foolish enough to join cults and fall for their bullshit. Bullshit that is sometimes as blatantly stupid as Perez's bullshit. He was not some criminal mastermind. Right, he just had no moral qualms in exploiting fools.
Starting point is 01:49:11 And again, I'm not talking about the kids. Very different with the kids, they were dragged in. I'm talking about their parents, how sad and totally avoidable for some of them. Right, I think about Jennifer in particular. Educate yourself. Ask questions, don't let yourself be manipulated like others have been. Easier for some with better intellect and others.
Starting point is 01:49:28 I know, but these people were not intellectually limited. Jennifer was a successful realtor, brined a successful mechanic. No one mentioned any of them being slow in some way mentally. They had full mental faculties and they chose for various reasons to ignore the obvious signs the Perez was full of shit and that he was a pedophile. They chose to ignore the fact that he has a fucking 11 shit, and that he was a pedophile. Right, they chose to ignore the fact that he has a fucking 11 year old in the same bed with him.
Starting point is 01:49:48 Careful who you trust, meat sacks. If someone makes outrageous claims, ask them to prove it. If they can't prove it, tell them to fuck off. Reminds me to get rich quick schemes too. Right, usually when someone is saying something that sounds way too good to be true, it's because it is way too good to be true
Starting point is 01:50:02 because they're a fucking con artist. There's a lot of good people in the world, but also a fair amount of unscrupulous motherfuckers who will say whatever they think will work to get you to bend to their dark will in a variety of ways. People who will for sure take advantage of you, possibly lead you to your death, defend yourself from these dark wizards with some good old critical thinking. Now let's look back at today's dark wizard with today's top five takeaways. Time suck. Top five takeaways. Number one in December of 2009, Sarah's boyfriend, Daniel McGrath stepped up and did what was right. Send an email to the FBI revealing everything
Starting point is 01:50:39 he knew, right? See something here something, say something, little did he know others were already work on the case against Luke Castro. and his letter gave them the big break they needed to pursue things further. Although his letter didn't directly contribute to his charges, if Daniel had never sent that email, Daniel Perez might still be leading a cult and sexually abusing young girls right now. Number two, Perez told his followers he was possessed by three angels, Arthur, Daniel, and and Amber Arthur was sadly not a weird clown But cruel angel who often committed acts of violence and sexual abuse Daniel was kinder more similar to his persona He would you know his put on to make his followers love him to trick outsiders into thinking they were big happy family
Starting point is 01:51:16 Amber was the angel of death pure evil would terrify Sarah Emily and other members by threatening to send them to purgatory After Perez was violent or abusive. He would profusely apologize saying it wasn't him. It was these damn angels. Number three, Cody Griffith believes Perez did something to the plane, Jim operated to make it crash to kill his mom. He did work on airplanes in his past. And perhaps he did something to make it crash so he could collect Mona's life insurance policy. He was only charged with Patricia's murder, but five other people, four of them called members,, one of them, the fiance of a member, three of them with large life insurance policies died under suspicious circumstances, wall on the commune or wall associated with the commune. Monogrippath, Jim Chase, Linda Griffith or Lindsey Griffith, excuse me, Brian Hughes,
Starting point is 01:51:58 Jennifer Hudson, all perhaps dead because of Paris. He only murdered Patricia, Bacote believes, and Sarah and Emily also believe he convinced both Brian and Jennifer to commit suicide. These deaths are still ruled accidents, but family believes Perez was involved in all of them in some way. Number four, because of the dedication of detective goodwin, hail detective goodwin, who first discovered the mysterious group and unexplained wealth, Perez is in jail. He could have given up. I've for not being able to find evidence over and over again, but he continued to work the case for almost nine years,
Starting point is 01:52:28 gathering what evidence he could, never giving up in his pursuit of justice. Good one helps Sarah and Emily overcome their fears of telling the truth. Got the info we needed to get a murder trial against Perez, putting him in jail for life. Both jangles salute you. And number five, new info during the filming of Dateline, angels and demons in 2015, gender Perez was interviewed.
Starting point is 01:52:47 When asked who he was, he says, I'm known in particular, I'm just me. He now denies ever telling anyone. He was a prophet or an angel. Did he ever claim to any of those things? He, you know, he denies claiming that, you know, he had sex with young women telling them that they would keep them alive.
Starting point is 01:53:05 He denies having anyone call him Lou. After being charged with a sex crime, he says he left Texas because he was working in a legal job, moving money for his new bosses. The money came from illegal operations. He's the victim. That detail never came up in court
Starting point is 01:53:18 because it's likely another lie. He claims he still has a bunch of money from his former employers, close to $500,000. I'm sure he's kind of dangling out that out there thinking that maybe it'll get him free somehow. He gives him some kind of plea deal. He'd not deny. It's literally everything he did.
Starting point is 01:53:33 And he gets very angry when accused of making Sarah film the little girl. For example, he got angry about that on that show saying they found the video and pictured a little girl or on Sarah's computer. When asked about the repeated rapes, he says, we were just having fun. We were just having fun. That might be an even worse defense than the scarred dick defense. Time, suck. Top five takeaway.
Starting point is 01:53:57 The angel's landing cult has been sucked. We may have used the most sources ever, but this one, or the, the, the most like randomly hodgepodge together. It's crazy to me. It's insane. As a story is, no one's written like a definitive book or anything about this yet. I wonder if they will someday. These maniac continue to fascinate me.
Starting point is 01:54:15 You need to be amazed by the lies some people choose to swallow. I mean, fuck Daniel Perez, right? I hope other inmates in prison are treating them like he treated so many young girls. Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team for all the help and making time suck. Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins, Reverend Dr. Jill Paisley, Zach Flannery, Biddlelixer, Logan the Art Warlock,
Starting point is 01:54:33 Keith, running BadMagicMarch.com and the socials. Thanks, Liz Hernandez, are all seen eyes for all their work on the socials and emails. And big thanks to Olivia Lee. For taking the research lead on this one, I had to watch a lot of shows, had to piece a lot of things together from like boring court testimony. Well done. Thanks to beef
Starting point is 01:54:50 steak and the mod squad on discord next Monday on time suck on time sucks. Excuse me. Thanks to curiosity, the spaces were sucking the topic of crazy us loss. And I cannot wait to share with you how gloriously insane some of this is, whether it's about regulating sex, acting out legal vengeance, trying to stop a very specific kind of dumb thing from happening. Most of these laws pass in present, pretty stupid. Take for example, the idea of an Arkansas politician who in his nearly unmatched hubris declared that it is illegal for a river, the Arkansas river, to reach a certain height. What are you going to do if it goes past this? Throw the river in prison a very misguided man
Starting point is 01:55:26 threatening a body of water with legal action. One of the many weird laws coming your way. Join us next week. It's gonna be a fun one. To help us out crazy us laws, maybe you'll discover some crazy laws you are breaking right now, that even knowing it. Now let's head on over to this week's Time Sucker Updates. Updates? Get your time, sucker, updates.
Starting point is 01:55:50 Okay, so a bunch of, like I said, I'm gonna start off with a bunch of Antifa updates. Just so I don't forget to say it later. I was thinking about this, but I didn't make any note about my thoughts. Part of the reason I did not go hard, I should have gone harder on Antifa, and I'll talk about that here.
Starting point is 01:56:04 But part of my dissertation was, it's just harder to trace what they have done than it is with QAnon. So it just kind of felt like spreading like a bunch of rumors, which is not what I'm trying to do. But that being said, I did make mistakes. A lot of you pointed them out. We're going to start with some some dissent, the starting sucker, critical thinker, name redacted. Gives us more antifa info than I did. He writes, hey, Dan, I'm a big fan of yours, have been ever since crazy with Cap Elef. This day, I'll never forget your joke about ants.
Starting point is 01:56:34 I've never written in before, but this time I feel like I had to speak up. I listen to your show every Monday, but the episode about antifa QAnon really bothered me. Throughout the whole episode, you often justified antifa's actions saying there was some moral right to it, or saying that it couldn't be proven that Antifa was behind it, and it could possibly have been someone in black framing Antifa. I believe that there may be some people who would want to join for a good cause, but the core ideology of this group is very destructive
Starting point is 01:56:58 and they are in truth a terrorist organization. If your belief is that you will be violent to stop possible violence later on, that's a terrible reason to hurt people and businesses. Also a very dangerous way of thinking. The irony is that antifa themselves can be seen as fascist. They will force people to see things their way. And if you disagree, they attempt to shut you down with violence or get you canceled. It can lead people to justifying almost any action because something else was possible. Yet you continually said many things they did was understandable, glossed over many details. I live near Portland and the amount of fear and damage
Starting point is 01:57:29 that have been done to our communities insane. I'm starting to take up a ton of your time and know you're busy. I just think that episode really bothered me. As someone who stands out for the police, freedom of business I could never support Antifa. Well, thank you, anonymous sucker. As someone who also stands out for the police oftentimes
Starting point is 01:57:43 and freedom of business, I also do not support many of Antifa's actions, some of which will be laid out in other updates. And you're right, when you proclaim that your way is the only right way, and anyone who disagrees with you is fascist, you can in fact then become fascist yourself. And I think that will be further illustrated
Starting point is 01:58:01 in more of the updates. So sorry for what you saw down in Portland, I know things got fucking crazy there for a while and Yeah, you know seeing the businesses damaged by antifa there. Yeah, I would I would hate them too Next up a long time sucker awesome sack James pit is disappointed and rightfully so Let's hear James writes Dan deep dramatic sigh Let me start out by saying that nothing to change my opinion of you as a person, comic and podcast host, but holy shit. Putting any group of people in the same podcast as QAnon believers would make the other group seem as harmless as preschoolers. At first, I thought this was going to be an assholes versus idiots. Then when you went from barely talking about
Starting point is 01:58:38 Antifa to QAnon, I thought, huh, maybe he'll circle back and all those shit and Teeve has been doing. Next thing you know, you're reading the Time Sucker updates. Sure, it's great to have a group of people to want to put the hammer down on fascism. But just because you point the finger in a vague direction and scream fascist doesn't make everyone harmed and everything broken and set a flame fascist. What is even fascist anymore? People that claim to be in Tifa think they're hammers, and everything that's not in Tifa are seen as nails.
Starting point is 01:59:03 That's a great way to put it. Charlottesville seems to be the only time a counter protest against white supremacists seem I think they're hammers and everything that's not antifa are seen as nails. That's a great way to put it. Charlottesville seems to be the only time account of protests against white supremacists seem like a necessary evil by antifa. But since they're more an ideal than an actual group, then you can say either every protest of multi-colored haired people screaming behind black masks and hoodies at anything not pro-communist is entirely antifa or not antifa at all. Was the autonomous zone chaz seized by Antifa and BLM affigment
Starting point is 01:59:26 of our imagination. I guess my cousin must have been a fascist. When a group of people dressed in black sporting Antifa logos kicked in his door, set up camp in his apartment after kicking the shit out of him. The local law enforcement couldn't help him because they weren't allowed in since the mayor decided the side to side with the protesters. The only thing to save him was the fact that he was forced into the kitchen where he kept a pistol and was able to hold him off from further harm. He didn't want to hurt anyone, so it was basically a standoff until they took anything of value, sprayed painted swats to cousin, his apartment.
Starting point is 01:59:56 Zero consequences befell those assholes, even after he was able to positively identify all the two of them. Now onto the law enforcement side of things. We like most agencies, have immediately aes on. Their job is to be the spokesperson, the spokesperson for the police department, or Sheriff's Office, and much like everywhere else, anytime the news inquires about a mass group of people
Starting point is 02:00:15 creating a disturbance, for example, a riot, looting, vandalism, they turn their heads when we say, all subjects identify as members of the group Antifa. Nobody wants to report that Antifa are hard left terrorists. I know I'm side tracking on some personal shit here, but man, I can't keep from thinking why I put both groups in one podcast. One group is a bunch of misinformed self-proclaimed saviors as long as you think the way they do or else they will assault you and burn down your livelihood.
Starting point is 02:00:38 The other group is a bunch of idiots of the internet that can't accept that their guy lost in 2021. I wouldn't tell you to do it different, but I think you went to Easy on Antifa, sorry not sorry if I fit the idiots of the internet that can't accept that their guy lost in 2021. I wouldn't tell you to do a different, but I think you went to easy on Antipa. Sorry, not sorry. If I fit the edits of the internet category, always in forever fan, hail Nimrod, praise the eternal hater of communism, but jangles. No, you not fit the edits of the internet segment, James. Maybe I do, from not remembering chas, I honestly am embarrassed that I did not include them. You're right. I should have, I should have included them. And I should have not have put into even the same suck. Holy shit, the Capitol Hill organized protest, which is another thing I should have, you know, that
Starting point is 02:01:12 was so incredibly ridiculous. That was surreal. And in its own way, as bad as the Capitol insurgency, the media should have reported more on how much lawlessness and violence ensues when you remove the police. People in the far left who focus on police brutality, I feel like often forget that with no police, there will be far more brutality. You just won't come from the police. And at the end of the day, you know, shouldn't less brutality carry out by anyone?
Starting point is 02:01:33 Be the goal of a civilized society. So yeah, should have covered more than I did. And thank you for calling me out. Next up, another perspective on why Antifa is more deadly than I portrayed them from OG sucker, Erica Stork. Erica writes, Hi Suck Master. I listened to the QAnon and Tifa suck and the QAnon portion was hilarious and really
Starting point is 02:01:49 well done. So thank you for the amazing entertainment there. They truly are some wacky deals. I want to preface the next part by saying I'm very left leaning myself. So please don't take this as a biased point of view. I voted for Bernie Sanders twice. I think that you could have done a lot more research on Antifa and all the bad things that they do
Starting point is 02:02:05 while they call themselves anti-fascists, they use a lot of fascist tactics to silence who they label as fascist. Even when they are not fascists in the slightest, that's where the problem comes in. They label everyone who isn't as extreme all left as they are fascists and will use that to justify violence.
Starting point is 02:02:21 Antifa literally thinks the democratic party are fascists, which is so obviously untrue. I think you should have paired it antifa suck with like proud boys or a group like that because that will be more equal and opposite. Both groups use their ideology to justify violence and that is not okay. Another thing I think that would have been good to explore much deeper was how antifa uses deplatforming to silence people to disagree with. Antifa has deemed themselves to know best about who can say what? Would that not be a fascist tactic? Disagreement is treason.
Starting point is 02:02:50 I know that you are a major free speech advocate as MI, and Antifa is anything but pro free speech. So I found a very strange that you glossed over that. It also seemed like you didn't really make a distinction between the original Antifa, fighting fascist Italy in the 30s, and Antifa being violent in American 2021, which are two extremely different things. So I have a long email, jk, gosh dang sincerely your loyal spaces are Erica Stork, Erica, like James, you are correct.
Starting point is 02:03:17 A lot of things you're saying here. I also did not think of the anti free speech angle. There was a lot to contemplate. I missed that. I think honestly, I think, honestly, I just kept thinking about the people who originally stood up to Mussolini and Hitler when I would think of Antifa. And it's hard and was hard for me mentally to totally denounce a group whose ideology begins with fighting those assholes. So going hard on them made me feel like I was being a neo-Nazi or something. But that's absurd because the group now and the group then
Starting point is 02:03:46 are not the same groups. And I do see that more and more now. And again, thank you for pointing out a different perspective and pointing out things that I for sure missed. Another thought that I did not bring up now, coming in from another anonymous sucker who writes, Hey, master's sucker, quick question for you. During the whole storm, the capital situation with QAnon, I had a thought while I disagree with QAnon and that event,
Starting point is 02:04:09 isn't it better to, when mad at the government to riot and protest government buildings instead of small businesses like Antifa? I don't think they should have been so violent, but in my opinion, if your problem is with the government, is it better to protest at a government building instead of at your local Starbucks? I'd love to hear your thoughts, hail Nimrod, anonymous space lizard. Again, this is a great point. What does smashing up small businesses prove? Nothing. It discredits your movement.
Starting point is 02:04:35 If you are super angry with the government, I mean, you're going to be consequences depending on how far you take it, it does make more sense to bring the fight to the government, not to random small businesses. I think I hesitated here, again, with some of these things because I just got hung up on, yeah, but I can't prove who Antifa is. Why didn't go hard on the looting? Because we'll just never know exactly. And just, you know, QAnon did leave a more identifiable, easily identifiable online trail. But it's not there was no trail for Antifa and I should have dug deeper.
Starting point is 02:05:09 Okay. Now an entirely different detail. I left out of the QAnon Antifa Suck that I shouldn't have. A very positive one. I brought up by Super Sucker, Tarell Swanson. I love this. Tarell writes, good evening, Suck Master Cummins. Excuse me. I'm writing to you from the toilet. Okay. To let you know, I just listened to the Suck on QAnon and Tifa in the January 6th, right? I would give the entire thing three to five stars, except there's one thing I would change. At some point you mentioned Eugene Goodman, but not really anything that he did
Starting point is 02:05:36 or what makes him a gosh darn hero, excuse my language. The way you brought up his name, it seemed like you wanted to tell his acts of bravery, but edited it out because while incredible, it didn't fit with the rest of the story. Eugene Goodman was one of the few capital police officers on duty on January 6th, the day of insanity. He's also black, which is important for the story as the writers, which possibly included
Starting point is 02:05:54 your dad. You know where he was at day nice, uh, search into the building toward the Senate chamber. They went up a set of stairs and reached a landing where they could turn right and go directly to the chamber without anybody in their way. That's where Eugene Goodman comes in. I'm sorry. Yeah. Goodman comes in.
Starting point is 02:06:08 He realized that the riders were probably either a really stupid or b racist or see all of the above. So he slung as enormous and dense uranium balls over his shoulder and met them at the landing to make sure he had their attention. He shoved the guy at the forefront of the mob then turn and ran away with the crowd following him in the direction away from the Senate. Every so often while running away, he stops and turned to face them again, knowing that if they wanted to, they could easily overpower and kill him.
Starting point is 02:06:29 He kept running, slowly led them away from the Senate towards another group of officers, therefore buying time for the evacuation of the Senate chamber, which without that day could have been so much worse. Because of his quick thinking and bravery, he was almost immediately promoted to deputy sergeant at arms of the United States Senate was given the honor of escorting Kamala Harris during the inauguration and he was hailed as a hero across the internet I know you probably read all about this while doing your search Research but just in case I just want to give him all the recognition he deserves truly being a good man
Starting point is 02:06:57 Thanks for reading Hail Nimrod and I still want that Bobby Willie song to be released as a single My voice is not nearly strong enough for Bobby Willie right now Please I'm begging you also are refused to apologize for the length of this email want that Bobby Willie song to be released as a single. My voice is not nearly strong enough for Bobby Willie right now. Please I'm begging you, also our refuse to apologize for the length of this email. I know you're immune to eye strain with your feelings gray, blue light filtering glasses that filter more blue light than any other brand anyway.
Starting point is 02:07:15 Thank you, Terrell. Yes, I should have highlighted Officer Goodman, but didn't because the episode was already getting really long. I was trying to focus as much as possible, so much to cover. He was awarded the congressional gold medal in February for his bravery. Yeah, brave brave man who risked his life to do a job that day. How many of us would have been brave enough to do the same? Dude stayed calm and collected in a real crazy stressful situation. Hale Eugene Goodman. Thank you, Taro. Next to last update now, a counterpoint to a different suck.
Starting point is 02:07:46 SavvySack, Mitch Palmer writes, what's up to any boy? I know in a few podcasts you mentioned, the legalization of prostitution. I was just wondering if you knew about an organization called Operation Underground Railroad. You can Google them, they have a website. Done. Did that. Yep.
Starting point is 02:08:01 Children are often hidden within the sex business and the legalization of prostitution would help child trafficking. I'm all for escorts and adults doing whatever, but doing some research makes you think, is it worth it? Uh, just something else you may consider doing a podcast on. The guy who runs Operation Underground Railroad has some interesting interviews and stories. Love your show. I hope to see you live someday whenever the COVID-19 shit ends. Peace, Mitch, P. Well, thank you, Mitch. I was not familiar with that operation, but I am now appreciate that. Yeah, looking into it. I mean, yes, you, you find some stuff like a legalized prostitution in Nevada, right now, for example, has led for sure to some
Starting point is 02:08:35 pimps hiding underage prostitutes because the pimps have supplied fake IDs. Are they doing that more than in states with illegal prostitution? It's very hard to say because we don't have the numbers, the true numbers in the states with illegal because it's more underground. I think if it were legal, this could be fixed as problem by more supervision. If we legalize vice including prostitution, then I think that has to come with some serious governmental
Starting point is 02:08:58 oversight and harsh penalties for those who've been the rules and do shit like supply underage girls with fake IDs. And no matter what we do, things that people like Daniel Perez in the world, there's always going to be victims. No matter what's legal and what's not, I just think legalization will lead to less victims overall because it will take, you know, more dark shit out of the shadows and make it easier for law enforcement to investigate it and to supervise. Great topic suggestion I need to research further.
Starting point is 02:09:24 So thank you for sending that my way. And now we're gonna end on some laughs. Instead of ending on me missing something, Cummins Law Victim Chris Call writes, Master Sucker, quick one for you. One of my favorite listener updates is when we write in to share the embarrassing moments caused by unexpectedly sharing our private suck moments
Starting point is 02:09:40 at a context with others. You read them, we all giggle, and I think to myself, I don't know how that happens to people. For shadowadowing. Last week I rented a truck to bring some stuff to the dump. I picked it up. Notice when it's when I started it, the radio was totally unresponsive for about a minute for whatever reason. Can't turn it off, can't turn it down, can't pause it. Truck, don't care. I got rid of the junk, returned the truck, and while the guy was looking at over, you had me turn it on to check the lights. He was standing right outside. When suddenly from the speakers, I hear your voice. while the guy was looking at over, you had me turn it on to check the lights. He was standing right outside.
Starting point is 02:10:05 Suddenly from the speakers, I hear your voice. Oh no, it's happening to me. We awkwardly continue to check the truck while I frantically begged the truck to listen to the dial and turn down the podcast, which will at the time very loudly sharing helpful information about stopping the scourge of dad crimes that this planet faces, specifically describing how dad's struggle to find internet porn. Who's your dad talking to online? What's your jerking off to?
Starting point is 02:10:30 Do you know when and where your dad is jerking off? It can happen to anyone. Love the suck. Keep doing what you do. Keep sharing it with us. Well, thank you, Chris. I gave you a good laugh and I read that. I needed that.
Starting point is 02:10:40 And I needed all those corrections. I really do appreciate it. It'd be easy just to not do that. I feel like so just not do that. I feel like so many people do that. That's how you become like a weird podcast. You called the guy. Just everyone is bugging the grease with you.
Starting point is 02:10:52 Keep him coming, right? Let's all learn together. This podcast would fuck it suck in all the wrong ways. If the cold is like curious, then call me out on some shit. Help steer the ship. So thank you and I hope you enjoyed today despite the voice.
Starting point is 02:11:06 Let's get out of these updates. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. Thank you for listening to another Bad Magic Productions podcast, Mesa X. Please do not tell anyone you're controlled by three evil angels or that you can't rape anyone because you're dick is scarred. That's fucking crazy crazy do something saying just keep on sucking
Starting point is 02:11:27 hey Joe they got me thinking like listening to that like okay now now is that a scar because I think I or is that a vein or is that my whole weener? That's funny. I It's pretty high up the scar. Yeah, no, sorry That's a circumcision that's a problem when you came out but below that like if you pick it up pick it up The belly button. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, no pick the my ween up. We interrupt. Okay. Okay. Okay. I just want to see your balls Okay, we're back down. Okay. I'm yeah That's a scar. Did you have a prince Albert? I Used you okay?
Starting point is 02:12:10 college Rob solves problem solves. Wow my weeners fine. I don't I don't have a scarpe in another Thank you.

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