Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 251 - The Real Inglorious Basterds: Operation Greenup

Episode Date: July 5, 2021

Operation Greenup was a covert OSS operation carried out by a special group of men many have called the “real life Inglorious Basterds,” a reference to the 2009 Quentin Tarantino film in which a g...roup of US Jewish soldiers plot to assassinate high-up Nazi leaders. Two Jewish refugees living in Brooklyn - Frederick Mayer and Hans Wynberg, and Franz Weber, a Wehrmacht lieutenant and Allied POW who has belatedly come to his senses about the tyrannical, antisemitic, sociopathic nature of Adolf Hitler - parachute behind enemy lines to, amongst other intel objectives, gather intelligence regarding a mythical alpine fortress the Nazis may have built to extend WW2 by six months. Today's story reads like a movie - but all this bravery and espionage really happened. Hail Nimrod! Thank you Space Lizards for helping us give over $14,000 - I’ll know the exact figure next week - to https://supportsurfside.org/ - a hardship fund just established by the Miami Heat basketball team to help those impacted by the devastating building collapse in Surfside, Florida. Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/RLZKjQmei3EMerch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste) Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're over 10,000 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Operation Green Up, an operation carried out by a special group of men, many have called the real life in glorious bastards. A reference to the 2009 Quentin Tarantino film in which a group of US Jewish soldiers plot to assassinate high up Nazi leaders. Operation Green Up wasn't exactly like the Hollywood blockbuster. No one was catching Nazis and carving swastikers into their foreheads. Hitler doesn't get sub-machine gun down in a burning theater that also gets blown up. Got to love Tarantino's over the top death sequences. There was no assassination plan, but a lot of daring, cinematic and incredibly courageous moments did go down. There was a cast of characters that you know, feel more like Hollywood creations and real
Starting point is 00:00:38 people sometimes. It was an amazing high risk high stakes operation that did truly involve some Jewish men risking their lives parachuting in behind enemy lines to quote, kill some Nazis. They may not have been pulling off executions in the woods, but they did help give the allies valuable intel that saved a whole bunch of lives. Short version of their story is this, two Jewish refugees, United States living in Brooklyn, Frederick mayor 23, Hans Wien, 22, end up in the office of strategic services, the OSS, forerunner to the CIA, and parachute deep behind Nazi lines
Starting point is 00:01:11 into the Austrian province of Tyro in February of 1945. Their mission to compile reports on German rail traffic over the Brenner Pass between Italy and Austria. And make sure the Germans don't have a secret alpine fortress, and the intel they could glean there would help shape the Allies plans for a final World War II showdown with Nazi Germany. A third man also pairs you to then with them, Franz Weber, a very marked lieutenant who had belatedly come to his sentences about the tyrannical anti-Semitic sociopathic nature
Starting point is 00:01:41 of Adolf Hitler and his war. Operation Greenup ended up bringing the Allies' important information that shattered some troublesome propaganda. The Germans had concentrated a large number of men and weapons in the South. They could have extended World War II's bloodshed by months, leading to possibly tens of thousands of additional deaths. Not only that, but after being captured and tortured by Gestapo agents and refusing to give any intel, Frederick Mayer also negotiated the peaceful surrender of Innsbruck, the Tiroleian provincial capital to the US 7th Army on May
Starting point is 00:02:10 3rd, 1945, saving even more lives. He even ended up getting, after withstanding some brutal torture where he gave up zero secrets, some of his captors to surrender to him. Dude was a gutter fighter, which will make sense by the end of this episode. Operation Greenup was one of the OSS's most successful intel missions of World War II. And we're sucking this little gnome, but very important piece of history right here, right now, on another World War, always fun to rehash the Nazis going down military of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck. You're listening to Time Suck.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Happy Monday, Mates Axe. How are you doing? Are you able to enjoy this summer? Or for you Southern Hemisphere suckers getting any skin and do anything fun this winter. I'm Dan Cummins. I'm master sucker Whipple class action lawsuit defense attorney. Maybe it's giants with David Hatcher, children's executive producer and showrunner. A better parent than Fred or Rose West and you are listening to Time Suck. Symphony of insanity stand up comedy tour almost here. Go to dncomas.tv to get links to tickets,
Starting point is 00:03:23 to Spokane shows, Cleveland, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Portland, Philadelphia, Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco, Columbus, Tampa, and more. So many stops coming up this fall, starting in August. Less shows per market this time because, well, I've got bad magic productions to run now. And I love it. So, so, grab those tickets before they're sold out because won't be adding shows in every market, no matter what. No new merch for a change, but if you're here and this right after it. So, so, grab those tickets before their sold out because it won't be adding shows in every market no matter what.
Starting point is 00:03:46 No new merch for a change, but if you're here and this right after it comes out, there is a fourth July sale. Happy belated fourth, by the way. Same, or the sale runs until Tuesday July 6th, midnight Pacific time. Use code freedom 20, freedom 20 to check out or at checkout for 20% off site wide. Spaceless or to get 30% off with the spaces or code. And that's freedom to zero. And last quick announcement, hot sauce!
Starting point is 00:04:10 The BiddleXR team of Chris Paukeh and Zach Steele designers of the TimeSuck app and bad magicians, they are hot sauce lovers. And now they are hot sauce makers. They have a hot sauce company. Elixir sauce co, they're pumped about it. They just made a batch of three sauces, smoky ghost hot sauce. They grow their own ghost peppers, and they're pumped about it. They just made a batch of three sauces, Smoky Ghost Hot Sauce.
Starting point is 00:04:26 They grow their own ghost peppers and their hottest fuck. I would give a testimonial, but there's no fucking way I'm having ghost pepper hot sauce. But I know a lot of people love that shit, like these guys. The sauce itself is hickory smoked goodness, my bluer dick and or your lady ween off. They also have Smoky Habanero Hot Sauce. Same exact recipe as the Smoky Ghost,
Starting point is 00:04:44 but with Habanero instead of ghost pepper. So a little less hot, still could blow off some of your bits. And then they got garlic jalapeno hot sauce, the least hot, still pretty hot though. It's green, made with shallots, garlic, jalapenos, still spicy, but less chance of you shitting fire later. You know, throw it on your eggs fairly risk-free in the morning. So time suckers, get 10% off. Check out with the discount code TimeSuck
Starting point is 00:05:05 if you go to elixirsauce.com and get some of their first FDA approved batch before it's gone. Love being surrounded by so many entrepreneurs. And now, now it's show. Now we're diving back into World War II and covert military operations. Operation Green Up sounds like something out of a spy novel.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I have no doubt that certain spy novel authors have taken a great deal of inspiration from some of the real shit that went down in this operation in 1945. Feels like a movie, like some kind of thriller. One of the things that makes it so cinematic is its cast of characters. Recent US immigrants, European Jews, mayor, and Weinberg, Winberg, excuse me, have just escaped almost certain deaths at the hands of the Nazis years earlier. Now they're hell bent on destroying the regime that have persecuted them and their families.
Starting point is 00:05:50 And there was the third musketeer, Lieutenant Weber, a German soldier on the run from a death sentence for desertion. And there was a support staff at locals who helped these three men once they left Allied support to parachute in behind enemy lines like Anna Neaterculture, mother of Weber's fiancee who gave the team shelter support and protection for the Nazis at the risk of her own life for a time. A woman who once cried out both in despair and defiance, if Hitler wins the war, then I don't believe in God anymore.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Bear. The men in this operation, everyone who helped them were risking their lives behind enemy lines to fight the big behind enemy lines, excuse me, to fight the biggest evil that anyone alive had ever encountered in the 1940s in their lifetimes. A megal maniacal dictator who led a regime that had already executed millions of innocent men, women and children, a regime that wanted to kill
Starting point is 00:06:36 so many millions more to wipe out the Jewish population worldwide, to wipe out a variety of people off the fucking planet. To eradicate anyone who didn't fit Hitler's arbitrary and pretty much nonsensical definition of Aryan. Fred Mayer and Hans Wienberg had already escaped. Hitler's clutches once they'd made it out, so now they volunteered to go back into Nazi territory to help save others who hadn't escaped.
Starting point is 00:06:58 That is noble and as courageous as it gets. A lot of y-yeah, y'all, and this one. Hail Motherfucking Nimrod and here we go. Another pretty straightforward narrative today, like last week, complicated story structure needed. Gonna go over the OSS, who the OSS, you know, was since it was the organization that formulated Operation Greenup. Then in the timeline, we'll meet the core operation green up trio and some others, you know, integral to their mission as we actually, I think it's integral.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I second, I second guess myself too much, and I'm, I wrote down the first one correctly, I think my notes, as we marched to the, the deeds they did that earned the title of the real life in glorious bastards, that'll be our swash buckle and show today. So the OSS, the Office of Strategic Services, forerunner to the CIA, the organization that planned Operation Green Up, and in many ways shaped what the US military and national security system looks like today. We've talked about the OSS in numerous sucks,
Starting point is 00:08:00 but it's been a minute. Due to the sensory overload, Uber connected information age times we live in, where we have a ton of new shit thrown in our brain every day. And most of our brains might include it. Just don't have the ability to retain even close to all of it. I think they're worth reviewing. Formed by an FDR presidential military order on June 13, 1942, as an agency of the joint
Starting point is 00:08:23 chiefs of staff, the OSS was the forerunner to the CIA, and influenced the creation of the US Army Special Forces in the early 1950s and then the Navy Seals in the early 1960s. The Seals owe part of their legacy to OSS maritime group operatives. To understand the OSS and thus many of the modern government organizations it turned into, we have to understand how things worked before there was the OSS. The most basic form of intelligence gathering spying, well that goes back to the very beginning of America's founding. And of course it does. Basically every nation and the history of nations has used spies to gather intelligence on their enemies when they need it. The ancient Greeks had spies, George Washington had spies during the American
Starting point is 00:09:01 Revolutionary War. The Culper Ring was a network of spies organized by Washington and major Benjamin Talmadge. These spies led by Abraham Woodholl and Robert Townsend operated under the alias of Samuel Culper Sr. and Jr. And they provided Washington with all kinds of info by infiltrating British Army operations in New York City where the British were headquartered. Through their intel, Washington learned of surprise attacks and various raids being planned which obviously helped them defend against these attacks tremendously. Now it's learned that they had a traitor amongst their ranks, Benedict
Starting point is 00:09:33 Arnold, and they gathered a whole bunch of other intelligence. The Copa Ring could be a suck unto itself. An actual intelligence agency was not formed in the US until 1882 and it was pretty rudimentary. The office of naval intelligence. Three years later, the army created an information office in 1885. It would evolve into becoming the military intelligence division in 1918. World War I stimulated growth of both units as well as the cypher bureau within the State Department on June 17th, 1917. The need for coordination grew when President Franklin, the Roosevelt, or to the federal
Starting point is 00:10:06 Bureau of Investigation previously entirely involved in crime solving to carry out counter espionage activities in Latin America. But as well as it also created a propaganda organization with quasi-intelligence functions, the Office of Coordination of Information in 1941. And that agency soon evolved into a true intelligence organization, the Office of Strategic Services, OSS, was propaganda left to the Office of War Information. Before World War II, the US government traditionally left intelligence to the principal executors of American foreign policy, the Department of State and the Armed Services.
Starting point is 00:10:38 AttachAs and diplomats collected the bulk of America's foreign intelligence before the OSS, mostly in the course of official business dealings, and occasionally in clandestine meetings with secret contacts. I think about how most of the intelligence gathering was conducted through like official business dealings. I know this wasn't what it was, but I just picture some diplomat just asking some government official from a country
Starting point is 00:10:57 worried about going to war against us. Just questions about what they're up to, and then just accepting to just whatever answers they give at face value. So are you guys, are you guys thinking about attacking us? questions about what they're up to. And then just accepting, you just whatever answers they give it face value. So, are you guys, are you guys thinking about attacking us? Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nothing I'm aware of, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Okay, good, I was worried, because I heard you guys were making a lot of bombs, like so many bombs, and then you wanted to drop a lot of those bombs on us. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, definitely not doing that. Oh, okay, well, I mean, but you're making like some bombs though, right? What? Bombs?
Starting point is 00:11:33 Nope. Zero bombs. I don't, we don't even know bombs are to be totally honest. Okay, well, that feels good. Hey, but just when I was talking to you about that, I just saw two guys wearing your military uniforms walk behind you carrying a bomb. Was that your bomb? Be honest, was that your bomb? What? No, that bomb? No, we just found that bomb. We found it laying on the woods and we're trying to
Starting point is 00:11:54 figure out who belongs to you. Oh, okay, I feel better. Thanks for honestly answering my questions and just letting me gather some intelligence. Glad to know we don't have to, you know, bulk up our defenses or anything. Worry about an attack. And now let's eat and talk business. Before the OSS in Washington, DC, various desk officers scrutinized their intelligence reports, coming in from regional bureaus and military intelligence services. Important and timely information went up the chain of command, perhaps even to the president,
Starting point is 00:12:21 and might be shared across departmental lines, but no one short of the White House tried to collate and assess all the vital information acquired by the U.S. government. State military developed their own security and counterintelligence procedures, independently the Army of Navy created separate offices to decipher and read foreign communications. Senior diplomat Robert Murphy later recollected, it must be confess that our intelligence organization in 1940 was primitive and inadequate. It was timid, parochial, and operating strictly in the tradition of the Spanish-American war. But then when a real, real nasty-looking potential European war began to loom ahead in the not-too-distant future in 1930s, fears of a fascist and communist presence in America
Starting point is 00:13:01 prompted US President FDR to look for ways that intelligence departments could work together. He wanted to advance US intelligence capabilities dramatically and almost immediately. So on July 11, 1941, FDR appointed a World War I war hero, lawyer and diplomat, who had recently worked overseas in an intelligence gathering capacity, William J. Donovan of New York to sort the mess as the coordinator of information, COI, the head of a new civilian intelligence office that was attached to the White House. The office of the coordinator of information constituted the nation's first piece time, non-departmental intelligence organization, standalone organization. President Roosevelt authorized it to collect and analyze all information and data that had
Starting point is 00:13:41 any relevancy to national security. And this Donovan guy who ran it, awesome. Huge, huge hero boner alert. William, wild-built Donovan, as he was sometimes known, was a fucking badass. In his mid-30s, he led the first battalion, 165th Infantry of the 42nd Division, into battle during World War I and France, suffered a shrapnel wound in one leg, almost blinded by poison gas. After performing a rescue under fire, he was offered the Cross of War by the French government, huge military honor, but turned it down because of Jewish soldiers who had taken part in
Starting point is 00:14:13 the same rescue mission had not also been awarded the same honor. When that insult was corrected, then he was like, okay, now accept your honor as distinction. He was also awarded numerous U.S. war medals for bravery and valor and all that stuff. And he had the nickname Wild Bill for a few instances of few when he went kind of nuts in France and he killed some civilians. He did kill a couple families,
Starting point is 00:14:37 pretty gory allegations involving decapitations, babies on bayonets, that kind of rough stuff. And I know it's bad, but I'm not gonna judge him for that because it happened during a really tough war. It was under a lot of stress. And I just think overall, if you help in a war and you get some medals and you save thousands of innocent lives, but you need to blow off steam
Starting point is 00:14:53 from time to time by killing a few families, like two or three tops. In my book, you're still pretty good, dude. JK, gosh dang, that's not how you got that nickname. No, you got that nickname. Can you imagine if I just fucking moved, if I never said JK after that? You know, listen, greater good wise.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Yeah, fucking yes, he killed a few families, but look what he did. Overall, God, fucking juggie. No, he got the nickname for being fearless in battle. And for having more endurance and being stronger and more aggressive in battle than a lot of the younger men he led. He claimed not to like his nickname, but I love this little detail.
Starting point is 00:15:28 His wife said, deep down, he loved it. Wild Bill Donovan was an energetic civilian who shaped FDR's desire to do whatever it took to resist Nazism and the danger it posed to America. He recruited men he called PhDs who could win a bar fight. Love it. Recruited them into a new intelligence office, also calling them glorious amateurs who learned as they went. They were in uncharted waters. These guys, the COI wrote US intelligence historian Thomas F. Troy. It was a novel attempt in American history to organize research, intelligence, propaganda, subversion, and commando operations
Starting point is 00:16:01 as a unified and essential feature of modern warfare, a fourth arm of the military services. The office grew quickly in the autumn before Pearl Harbor with Donovan cheerfully accumulating various offices and staff members. And then with the American entry into World War Two, it would be their time to shine. America's entry into the war in December of 1941 provoked new thinking about the place and role of the COI. Donovan in his new office now is a $10 million annual budget and 600 staffers for the
Starting point is 00:16:27 objects of hostility from the FBI, G2, other old school wardencies who thought they were handling shit just fine without them. New kid comes along, tries something different, ruffles some feathers. Stories oldest humanity. The newly formed Joint Chiefs of Staff initially shared this distrust. The Joint Chiefs of Staff, they would officially form a 1947, if you're like, wait a minute, where are they around? But they had been informally created in 1942 as an oval office advisory body for you,
Starting point is 00:16:52 you World War II history nerds. They regarded Donovan a veteran, but a civilian as an interloper. And they came around to think and they would like to work with them. If his COI could be placed under their JSC control, it's not often the case. Well, we'll work with them. If he has to do, what would tell him? And then FDR endorsed the idea of moving COI to the joint chiefs and the COI became the office of strategic services.
Starting point is 00:17:13 The OSS on June 13, 1942. But Donovan still run on the show. The OSS then expanded in 1942 and do full fledged operations abroad with Donovan sending in intelligence units to every theater of the war that would have them. Like Operation Greenham. Major departments of OSS under Wild Bill included RNA, research and analysis for intelligence gathering, R&D, and analysis, of course. R&D research and development for weapons and equipment development, D&D, Dungeons and
Starting point is 00:17:40 Dragons for blowing off steam and having fun in the break room. JK of course. M-O, morale operations, or subversive disguise, quote unquote, black propaganda. M-U, maritime units for transporting agents and supplies to resistance groups, and de-conduct, and to conduct naval sabotage and reconnaissance. X-2 for counter espionage. S-I, secret intelligence to put agents in the field to gather intelligence covertly. S.O. Special Operations for Sabotage, the version 5th column movement in guerrilla warfare. BBBJWF, Bearback Blowjob with Facial for you know, blowing off steam and having fun in the break room. Yes, dang! That's not true.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Kudos to you, Urban Dictionary, for answering some filthy acronym questions I had. Finally, there was another real group OG. Does not stand for original gangsters. But that feels right for this group. It stands for operational groups. They specialize in sabotage and guerrilla warfare. OG units were composed of highly trained foreign language speaking commando teams. Operation GreenUp would fit in the OG category.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Get in some action movie territory here. It feels like this could all be backstories for some kind of expendables movie. Donovan's OSS sends a dozen officers to work as vice consoles in several North African ports where they established networks and acquired information to guide allied landings called Operation Torch in November of 1942 at his peak in late 1944 OSS employed almost 13,000 men and women. General Donovan employed thousands of officers and listed men, seconded from the armed services
Starting point is 00:19:09 and he also found military slots for many people who came to the OSS as civilians. US military personnel comprised over two thirds of the OSS's strength, with civilians from all walks of life making up the remaining third. About 7,500 OSS employees served overseas, about 4 4500 were women, some 900 of them serving and overseas postings, Hailu, Sipina, a lot of different meat sacks in the OSS. 1945, the office spent $43 million bringing his total spending over its four-year life to around $135 million. 13,000 employees even included some famous actors and public figures like John Ford,
Starting point is 00:19:44 Marlene Dietrich and Julia Child And with the new big investment in spying came new better spy gear OSS activities created a steady demand for devices and documents that could be used to trick attack or demoralize an enemy General Donovan Wild Bill. Yeah. Yeah Enthusiastically promoted an in-house capability to fabricate the tools that the OSS would need for its clandestine missions. By the end of the war, OSS engineers and technicians had formed a collection of labs, workshops and experts that occasionally gave OSS a technological edge
Starting point is 00:20:14 over their access foes. The products ranged from silenced pistols, to limped mines, to something called Anchimima and allegedly explosive powder package and Chinese flower bags. Tiny cameras and inconspicuous letter drops were devised to assist OSS agents in enemy territory. A disguises improved as well.
Starting point is 00:20:32 The latest German and Japanese issued ration cards, work passes, identification cards, even occupation currency all had to be secretly acquired, perfectly imitated, securely passed to operatives, preparing for missions that could end in sudden death if any part of their cover story went awry. An agent's appearance had to be just as carefully prepared. In the words of the OSS official history, each agent had to be equipped with clothing sewn exactly as it would have been sewn if it were made in the local area for which he was destined. His eyeglasses, dental work, toothbrush, razor, briefcase,
Starting point is 00:21:07 traveling bag, shoes, and every item of wearing a peril had to be microscopically accurate. Damn. How far would you be willing to go to disguise yourself for some clandestine mission? Like, what if you have great teeth? And then they're like, sorry, but your teeth are too clean. They're too straight to blend in. So we're going to have to pull a couple of your beautiful teeth, knock some pieces off a couple of your beautiful teeth, knock some pieces off a few of the other teeth, and really dirty the rest up. Also, going to need to graph more hair onto your face and back
Starting point is 00:21:32 and legs and well everywhere. Also going to need to connect your eyebrows. Take out one of your eyeballs. And remove a few fingers and sharpen your remaining fingers into claws. And then pin a tail of the base to your spine and make your hair on your head, release splotchy and mangy. I know it's extreme,
Starting point is 00:21:49 but if you wander into Poland looking too human, they'll know you're not local, come on! Oh my heck, that was fun. I left Poland alone forever, gosh dang. You know I love the pulse, and they don't even look like that. A lot of my wife's family have all their fingers, most of teeth, and separate eyebrows.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Only a couple have animal claws for hands. Another growing number of OSS coastal infiltration and sabotage projects eventually gave rise to an independent branch, the maritime unit. Right kind of a kind of a precursor to the Navy SEALs, to develop specialized boats, equipment, and explosives. The unit fashioned underwater breathing gear, waterproof watches and compasses,
Starting point is 00:22:21 and inflatable motorized surfboard. Sounds fun. And a stealthy, two-man kayak that proved so promising that 275 were ordered by the British. Some of the spy tools, not great, you know. You throw a lot of shit at the wall, some of the sticks, some of the doesn't, some of them pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Project Campbell, for instance, a remote controlled speedboat. The skies as a local fishing craft, guided by aircraft that would detonate against an anchor Japanese ship. The prototype sank a derelict freighter in trials, but the US Navy had no way of getting close enough to a Japanese harbor in real life to launch Campbell and decline to develop the weapon.
Starting point is 00:22:55 This is a funny spy weapon for me to think about. I'm sure my mind, I'm a picture in something that is not at all like what they developed. I'm picture them developing like a really cool RC speedboat, but not like a regular size boat, like a kids RC boat. Just a couple feet long, but super explosive, right? It's awesome, it's so awesome, but one drawback, you have to be within 500 feet of it to control it. And for some reason, a pilot ends up controlling it, because they were talking about aircraft, like with project Campbell. So the aircraft, like with Project Campbell. So the aircraft has to be really, really close.
Starting point is 00:23:27 So to pull off this stealth mission, you have to fly practically directly above the thing you're trying to blow up. Any stealthy RC boat provides is completely fucking destroyed by the loud plane flying so close. And since you can't hover in a plane, the plane has to like circle and they can only control the boat for like 10% of the time during the circle maneuver Stay with me now lose the control while it circles all the way around again I had the most convoluted worthless spy weapon ever is what I was picturing just all right Jimmy
Starting point is 00:23:54 Let's set this harbor on fire. You got it Ace. I have contact the boat is engaged headed towards the target and Fuck just lost it. Gonna need you to circle around. Oh, come on, Jimmy. We're sitting ducks exposed like this. You're gonna get that boat bomb on the dock, son. You got it, Ace. Hold on. Keep circling. Okay. I've regained contact. And the boat is son of a bitch. Lost contact again. Gonna need to keep circling around again. Come on, Jimmy. Why can't we just drop some bombs on this harbor? They're firing at us. I don't know, Ace.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I don't give the orders. Okay, keep circling. Keep circling. Almost got it. Yes, we have, Motherfucker. We lost contact again. We're taking damage. I think a seal just grabbed our bomb boat.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Most of the weapon concepts OSS worked on. We're a lot better than what I just described. R&D chief Stanley Lovell felt that no idea could be overlooked. They really did take some weird chances. He said it was my policy to consider any method whatever that might aid the war however unorthodox or untried. The OSS would have a lot of success in World War II. Operation Greenup would be one of their successes. Then following the war, the agency would transform into the CIA. The OSS trained many of the leaders and personnel who formed the CIA, the Central Intelligence Agency, their ranks included four future directors.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Alan Dulles, Richard Helms, William Colby, William Casey. Oh, wow, Bill would not lead the CIA. Why not? Fucking politics. Truly. You know, the new president, President Truman just didn't like him. The OSS was shut down after the war, and the CIA was formed a short time later, Donovan was out.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Truman even mocked Donovan in his diary, perhaps fearing that Donovan's proposed intelligence establishment or proposing that his intelligence establishment might one day be used against Americans. The mood in Congress, moreover right after the OSS was shut down, was running against war agencies like OSS. Once the victory was won, the nation and Congress wanted demobilization fast. The honor of it before he stepped down gave one hell of a farewell speech. He said talking to many OSS members on September 28th, 1945, and a converted skating rink
Starting point is 00:25:55 down the hill of his headquarters at 2430 East Street in DC. We have come to the end of an unusual experiment. This experiment was to determine whether a group of Americans constituting a cross section of racial origins of abilities, temperaments, and talents could meet and risk an encounter with the long established and well-trained enemy organizations. You can go with the insurance that you have made a beginning in showing the people of America that only by decisions of national policy based upon accurate information. Can we have the chance of a piece that will endure?
Starting point is 00:26:29 Then the OSS expired October 1st, 1945. Its successor, the short-lived CIG, Central Intelligence Group, was formed and then replaced less than two years later by the CIA, of course, with the National Security Act of 1947. And the CIA obviously still very much around. Now that we have a little bit of history under our belts about the CIA's precursor, the OSS, let's go back and meet two of its finest members, Fred Mayer, Hans Windberg, the real life in glorious bastards as well as several, several other operation greenout players in today's time suck timeline.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Right after today's sponsor break, thank you again for listening to our sponsors. Hope you heard something that sounded like a great deal to save yourself some money. Shrap on those boots, soldier. We're marching down a time, some time line. October 28th, 1921. Fred Mayer is born in Freiburg in the former state of Baden, Germany to a Jewish parents, an old city, 9,000 people back in 1395. Freiburg, about 250,000 now, around 90,000 when Mayer was born. Pretty place. A lot of wineries in the area down in the southwest corner. Germany bills itself is Germany's warmest and sunny a city. Also, how cool is this? Home of Herbert Nebling, master lace knitting designer. You may not know his name, but let me tell you,
Starting point is 00:27:51 his designs remain very popular today with a lace knitting enthusiast. Oh my heck, they fucking do. I was just talking about Herbert with some fellow lace knitters the other day. I was like, Gertrude, Archibald, does this lace knit design remind you of Herbert Nebling? And Archibald was like this lace knit design remind you of Herbert and Heblin? And Archibald was like, fuck yeah, bro, that's a sick ass lace knitting holy hell. And then Gertrude, she just looked up for the briefest moment, just kind of barely mumbled as just her way. And then went back to her lace knitting. Classic Gertrude. Fryberg really is the home of Herbert and Heblin. And he actually is a lace knitting designer. And then I don't know what that is other than i saw them with a bit of that's
Starting point is 00:28:25 nothing to do with the days tail red mayor born there nineteen twenty one hour back on track father hindrick mayor served in the imperial german army during world war one was decorated with the iron cross second class for gallon treat or in the battle of their done by the way if you're new listener uh... no these episodes are not built on wikipedia everyone's not a bit that they are not. Uh, we'll use that for peripheral, meaningless details only like, you know, Herbert Nebley. Uh, Fred's military training started early.
Starting point is 00:28:53 His father regularly told him about the horrors of the battle of Verdund, where hundreds of thousands of soldiers died. His father became a businessman after the war, trying to make a living in the chaotic post war and inflated economy of the Viama Republic. Uh, just talked about that crazy economy and the Carl Dinky suck. And we'll be returning to Germany soon to suck another interwar serial killer there. The vampire of Dusseldorf, Peter Curtin, teenage Fred. He was a great athlete. He was a member of the scheme and athletic clubs in his hometown and as a teenager sought
Starting point is 00:29:20 out an apprenticeship with the Ford Motor Company. Ford had a manufacturing presence in Germany all the way back in 1925. Did not know that, until this week. Fred was a charismatic young man with a lot of self-confidence, which helped him when he didn't quite know what he was doing with auto parts, it would help him in the war as well. Everything seemed to be going well for young Fred,
Starting point is 00:29:37 but in the background of his childhood, the Nazis are rising to power. By 1933, when mayor is just 12, Hitler and the Nazis have taken firm control over Germany's future. Same year, the first concentration camp has opened for political prisoners. There still be many years until Jewish citizens were rounded up in mass and sent to death camps, but the machinery to do that has begun to be built.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Despite Fred's dad's heroic service to Germany during World War I, mayor's family is immediately targeted by the new government whose official policy is anti-semitism. Fred would later recall walking home and just hearing people casually call him a Jew bastard. So that's not fun. Mayor's father hopes his distinguished military record would protect his family, but his wife insisted the family leave while they could, saying very bluntly, and what was she right? We are Jews and we are leaving. Good call, right? They just don't care what you did. And they would leave just in time. After a two-year struggle with bureaucrats on both sides of the Atlantic, the mayor's finally obtained their visas and they immigrated to the US in 1938, just a year before World War
Starting point is 00:30:33 2 broke out in Europe with just the clothes on their backs. Also in 1938, November 9th and 10th, 7,500 Jewish shops will be destroyed, 400 synagogues will be burned to what's called the night of broken glass. Now, it's a big cultural turning point in Germany where massive violence towards Jews and mass destruction of Jewish property became widely socially acceptable. Crazy. I've studied these moments so many times and still they're hard to process. Also, how crazy to uproot your life in that way.
Starting point is 00:30:59 We've spoken about this type of situation before. But I think about how shocking and jarring it would be to be well into your life. You're doing well career wise, you're fucking veteran, you're war hero, you've raised a law abiding family and then a new disturbing political party grows and it comes into power and they hate you, they just hate who you happen to be born, what race or what cultural persuasion
Starting point is 00:31:24 and then one day your government is just like, you know, they just agreed to open season on you and your family. Just fuck them, get out, don't care that you fought bravely for our nations to a few years back, leave your shit and go. Through no falls of your own, you have to start all over again in some place
Starting point is 00:31:36 you've never been before. Like what a blessing and also simultaneously, what a terrible thing to be a war refugee. Right, you're so happy you got out, I have to imagine, but so sad you have to rebuild your life from scratch in a place so far from home. You know what, we're oftentimes you don't have any family even how painful for mayor's dad to Heinrich
Starting point is 00:31:52 to accept that the country he fought for, risked his life for just didn't want him anymore. Just despised him, you know, just wanted him dead now. Entire mayor, family, they find a new job soon. Jacob Ultrait's Frederick mayor would by his own count end up working over 20 different jobs during his time in New York City. Once he switched jobs, one of his bosses made an anti-Semitic remark and Mayor responded by cold cocking him, knocked him on his ass,
Starting point is 00:32:15 and then resigned on the spot. Love that shit. Hail Nimrod and praise both jangles. How fun would it be to punch your boss in the face? I'm sure Joe and Zach and Logan, everyone here would like to smack me in the face from time to time. Lindsay, for sure. Of course he face. I'm sure Joe and Zach and Logan, everyone here would like to smack me to face from time to time. Lindsay, for sure. Uh, of course he would.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I get it. Sometimes you just wanna punch your boss. I felt that way. I've had several bosses I've wanted to punch. I never did. Mayor did. What a great feeling that must have been. To land a solid blow, actually knock him to the ground,
Starting point is 00:32:40 not getting any legal trouble and then feel morally justified, right? And then just walk out with the fuck this place, I quit. You notice I have one of those moments. That's a dream come true. I'd never shut up about it if I did that. Oh man, rest of my life, I've never shut up. Hey, remember that time, I, yes, the time you knocked your boss on his ass
Starting point is 00:32:56 for saying something you shouldn't, of course, dear. Everyone remembers. Because you've been bringing it up several times a day, every day for the last 17 years. Now back enough with bits, November 28th, 1922. Got to meet another operation, green up team member, Hans Wienberg born on November 28th, 1922 in a little town where nothing interesting has ever happened and no one ever talks about this place in the Netherlands.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Amsterdam does not ring a bell. Definitely have never done any drugs there a few times, for sure I know that. Anyway, Hans is born there, raised in the Venice of the North as the canal of city is sometimes called. In 1939, seeing the Nazi nightmare riding on the wall, thousands of Jewish citizens are sent to concentration camps that year as political prisoners, quote unquote. And the Nazis have taken Poland now. Well, Hans is fathered.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Hans is fathered Leonard, excuse me, sends Winburgring and his twin brother, Lewis to the US. The boys stay with their father's business partner there, a diamond cutter. The rest of the family are tragically trapped in Amsterdam. Nazi Germany will invade the Netherlands the following year in 1940. Hans enrolls in Brooklyn Technical High School, excels in his studies, particularly chemistry. When money gets low, he obtains a job as a research assistant at the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, where he actually assists the doctor who is one of the primary scientists involved with discovering penicillin.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Hans was actually present during some purification tests for that drug. The first use of penicillin in the US wouldn't occur until 1942, despite the drug being discovered in 1928. During the sweltering month of August 1943, Wynneberg joins US Army reports to boot camp. At about the same time, his father, mother, younger brother and sister who stayed in the Netherlands were captured by the SS and sent to Auschwitz, the concentration camp. Hans did not know at the time he just knew his family stopped replying to his letters. Winburg's life changed to boot camp.
Starting point is 00:34:37 He was sent on a new path that would lead to Operation Greenup. An officer approached him and said, we understand you speak German, Dutch, and English. Would you like to help your country?" When Birgit replied, sure, and two days later, he was on a train to Washington, DC, reconnecting with Mayer now. December 1941, following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Mayer and listen to U.S. Army. Hitler's declaration of war on the U.S. came in the morning of December 8th with in days, Fred Mayer tries to enlist his local recruiting center in Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Mayer felt that, quote, the U, the US had provided his family a haven. I felt I needed to give something back. But the morning mayor first reported to the draft board, he was dismissed, was turned away for being an enemy alien of German heritage. US government little leery of recent German immigrants, as you might expect. The scourge, but not willing to give up. Mayor's opportunity to serve as adopted country came unexpectedly again, as you might expect. The scourge, but not willing to give up, mayors opportunity to serve as adopted country, came unexpectedly again, or a second opportunity.
Starting point is 00:35:28 I'm excuse me, his opportunity, second time in front of the draft board, a week's later, his brother is summoned before the draft board. His brother was a college student at the time, and mayer wanted to finish school. So he went before the draft board, and his brother's place and volunteers again, seen his determination now the board agrees. Twenty-year-old Jewish mechanic was then shipped to Fort Rucker, Alabama, where he received several months of basic training, graduating boot camp, private mayor, then received orders to report to the 81st Division in Tennessee, the Wildcats.
Starting point is 00:35:54 After Tennessee, Fred's division shipped to Camp Horn and Gila Bend, Arizona, for desert training, and it would be in Arizona, where he would distinguish himself above the rest of his recruits and change the course of his life dramatically. October 7th, 1942. It bounced over to Europe for just one sec. Hitler speaks to German people, as well as the German armed forces proclaiming all terror and sabotage troops of the British and their accomplices who do not act like soldiers, but like bandits are to be treated as such by the German troops.
Starting point is 00:36:22 They must be slaughtered ruthlessly in combat wherever they turn up. From now on, all enemies on so-called commando missions in Europe or Africa challenged by German troops, even if they are to all appearances, soldiers in uniform or demolition troops, whether armed or unarmed in battle or in flight are to be slaughtered to the last man. Okay, that's, you know, pretty clear fucking message there. Speech laid the groundwork for Addenda A and B of Directive 46, more widely known as the infamous Commando order,
Starting point is 00:36:53 which provided for the immediate execution of all captured enemy commando's and spies, whether they were caught in uniform or not. And how does that relate to our story? Well, this would now be the environment into which Operation Greenup would be heading. Certain death, if they're caught and their true identities are uncovered. The line 1943 during a training exercise in Arizona, back with Mayor now, he crossed the
Starting point is 00:37:15 quote unquote enemy line and captured several officers including a Brigadier general and then the general said, you can't do that. You're breaking the rules. And Mayor replied, war is not fair. The rules of war are to win. The general just kind of nodded his head and was like, okay, fair, then raises hands in the air and admitting defeat. And before I go further, doing the last name of mayor,
Starting point is 00:37:35 I keep thinking about John Mayer. Just me, anyone else? Probably just me. Obviously they have different first names, but ever since I started referring to mayor by just his last name I started to think of John mayor and I've been wanting to toss John mayor lyrics into his backstory Right like the like the general says you can't do that you're breaking the rules
Starting point is 00:37:53 And then mayor says wars and fair sir, especially when you know it's heartbreak warfare Red wine and ambience. You're talking shit again. Hot break, hot break. On necessary. Okay. I'll move on. It's very hard, especially when you're a shitty singer, to sing with no music behind
Starting point is 00:38:15 you. Brigadier General Marcus Bell, assistant division commander of the 81st is impressed by the young Jewish corporal from Brooklyn, likes his moxie. Next day, he summons mayor after capturing that general in the training exercise to his command tent located at Camp Horn, Arizona. For the past four months, mayor had been assigned to a special reconnaissance unit within the 81st Division. As a wildcat ranger, he'd learned advanced infantry skills such as infiltration, demolition,
Starting point is 00:38:39 raiding, sniping, hand-to-hand combat techniques. He excelled the training and became the unit's lead scout, a position reserve for only the most daring of men. And this meeting bell tells Mayor that he's wasting his time here with the Rangers and asked him if he wants another challenge and to do something quote more interesting and mayor was like, fuck yeah, bro. Now, he was like, yeah, I want to take that challenge. I want to take on Hitler. I'll tell you what I don't want to do. What I don't want to do is just keep on waiting, waiting on the world to change. We keep on waiting, waiting, waiting on the world to change. One day, our generation is going to rule the population. Sorry, that was more horrifically, sung John Mayer lyrics. Mayer actually responds with, get me out of the infantry. He wants a bigger challenge within a few weeks.
Starting point is 00:39:27 The letter arrives requesting that Frederick Mayer report to the headquarters of the office of strategic services in Washington, DC. The OSS, it's all connected now. He helps on a train and after several days of travel arrives in DC, orders and hand Mayer reports to Captain Howard Chapel, commanding officer of the German operational group. A former parachute instructor at Fort Benning, Georgia, chapel is like an American G.I. Joe figure, come to life. Six foot two, tan, blonde, loaded with muscles, his muscles had muscles.
Starting point is 00:39:53 After brief instructions, I'm sorry, introductions, chapel rounds up mayor and all the other new OGs as they were called. A more eclectic group of desparados could not be found. Former Luftwaffe pilots, a KAA former German Air Force pilots, a Jewish escape ease from German death camps, Polish deserters, some world-class athletes, even a former convict. Six years later, one recruit would muse, the whole bunch with the craziest people I've ever met in my entire life. Fred felt right at home.
Starting point is 00:40:20 A chapel informed that they all been gathered there for one very important reason. You see, who can hold five popsicles, no no more no less in their butthole one time and not done to not let them fall out and touch The ground until they were melted down to the sticks They weren't allowed to use their hands to hold them in either. There's gonna be a man's game Who could melt in the fastest it was the race to end all races? It wasn't gonna be easy. It would require a lot of concentration pain tolerance the confidence to overcome a lot of cultural shame The courage to smash through taboos, much like those popsicles that smash through sphincters,
Starting point is 00:40:49 enough faith in the military to never ask why such a thing must ever be done. The vision to understand this was breaking new ground that could help defeat the Nazis. And the patriotism to stick five popsicles in your ass and melt them, if that's an uncle Sam, that was the best course of action. Make sure the star's bangle banner would get waived
Starting point is 00:41:03 in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Let's play ball. Sorry. Got a bit dizzy there at the end. I didn't breathe the right. What was I saying? Oh yeah, Captain Chapel informed them. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:41:17 I wish that my neighbors could, I don't think there's many people in the building right now. But that's one where I wish to get here clearly. I don't think anyone would come knock on the door and ask us to quiet down if they heard that. They'd be like, well, he's clearly very insane. And we should, you know, just take a steer clear of him. Take a wide berth around him.
Starting point is 00:41:33 I was saying that Captain Chappell's informed them that they were all gathered there for a reason. Dependentrate enemy lines and strike at the heart of Nazi Germany. Yes, that's the correct thing I was supposed to say earlier. The basic unit of organization consisted of four officers and 30 enlisted men. Further segmented into two sections of 16 men. Each section required a variety of operatives with different functional skills, radio operators, medics, demolitionists, weapons specialists, team leader. Obviously, various team leaders for each team.
Starting point is 00:42:01 All OG operatives, regardless of specialty, had to have two things in common. Gressiveness of spirit and willingness to close with the enemy. Chappelle whipped his men into shape, Mayor was trained in demolition, infiltration, rating, sniping, more hand-to-hand combat. Mayor recalled that he was pretty good at the hand-to-hand combat, especially that you did so. Men learned their fighting craft
Starting point is 00:42:22 from a 50-something gray-haired combat instructor from Shanghai, British Major, William Thair-Baren, who developed one of the deadliest systems of street fighting known to man at that time called gutter fighting. Not making it up, such a great name. We'd love to see some MMA fighter introduced as being a gutter fighter. Fairbaren's gutter fighting style evolved from hundreds of street fights he was involved in as the assistant municipal police chief and one of the most dangerous cities on earth at that time Shanghai China.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Fairburn summed it up like this, there is no fair play, no fair rules except to kill or be killed. He added, get tough, get down in the gutter, win it all costs. I teach what is called gutter fighting. Do sound like someone more from like an old Clint Eastwood action movie than he does a real person. Some dude who throws out, you know, great cheesy tough guy lines before beating your ass or killing you. Kind of like Alexander Solanick did in the super killer times of the episode. Yeah, you're tough, but tough doesn't mean nothing if you're fighting a man who's gutter tough.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Hey buddy, you dropped something down there in the gutter. Your ability to defend your life. Sorry, did you just beg for mercy? Did you just say this isn't fair? Life's not fair, kid. Life is a gutter fight. The major emphasize knife and close combat fighting saying real quote again this time. Gunner fighting is for fools. You should always have a pistol or a knife. However, if you are caught unarmed, the tactics shown here will greatly increase your chances of coming out alive.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Fairburn's gutter fighting tactics involves shit like a karate chop called the axe hand, a single blow to the Adam's apple with a bony edge of a hand can kill a man. He said, noise. Mayor and the other OGs also learn knife fighting the art of weapon improvisation, such as how to roll a simple newspaper into a stiletto that could pierce the soft tissue underneath an enemy centrist chin. That's terrifying. Bearbaring shaped the hand-to-hand combat fighting style for allied soldiers in World War II more than any other single person. Then mayors 30 man group a click formed among the five Jewish refugees including mayor who would all escape the clutches of Nazi Germany.
Starting point is 00:44:31 There were George Gerbner from Hungary Alfred Rosenthal from Germany burned Steinitz or Stinitz from Germany and Hans Windberg from the Netherlands. I know and it's by the way it's not Weinberg. Just if you're curious about this more common it's it's WI-J-N, Wynneberg, I believe. We know Hans. They all spoke German. They all wanted vengeance for their families suffering at the hands of the Nazis. They all shared a sense of duty to serve their adopted country.
Starting point is 00:44:54 It would be Hans Wynneberg, who Fred Mayer would work with most closely in their training. It was discovered that Hans was a natural-born radio operator. He had a mathematical mind and an ear for music, which for him made the dashes and dots of Morse code sing. He'd become Fred Mayor's radio operator. His only tether to the outside world once he was behind enemy lines. I've learned in hand-to-hand combat, demolitions, other infiltration tactics. The men were sent to Fort Belvoir where they learned to drive tanks and other military vehicles. All of some of the recruits looked like drunken fools driving the tanks and accidentally drove one of the vehicles into a ditch. Mayor was a natural. He later described his tank driving skills saying I was a damn good tank driver. I gotta say sometimes I hate that level of confidence.
Starting point is 00:45:32 He can come across as you know so cocky, just kind of arrogant. You know, guys talking about being good at everything. It doesn't bother me with mayor. It doesn't bother me in this context. Let's do it. Hey, those fucking Nazis wanted revenge so badly. He put everything he had and learning how to best take him down. He was really good at it. You know what he's trained to do and he was proud of how good he was. I like it. Mayer and his unit then moved to Fort Benning to undertake an airborne training program aka learn how to parachute.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Men underwent rigorous US Army parachute quality or went through a rigorous US Army parachute qualification program during which they learned how to pack their own shoots. Training was brutal intentionally brutal. It was meant to weed out the less dedicated recruits. To maintain their cover as normal soldiers, the OSS issued them with regular M42 pair of trooper jumpsuits. Discipline was strict at Fort Benning, including several daily rituals as Hans Windberg would recall later. He said, we had to wash our uniforms every night and put them on in the morning.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Boots had to be polished, including the souls. We also had to refold our own shoots after we jumped. The 16 risers, the ropes, were of course usually entangled because as you hit the ground and were tugged along by the partly inflated chute for a few yards before being able to gather the chute together. This exercise refolding the chute has given me a lifelong expertise and untie knots. Punishment for frequent even for the smallest of infractions. One of the instructors actually punished Weinberg for merely looking up into the air.
Starting point is 00:46:50 And he would explain why. He said, punishment was frequent, but fairly mild. Twenty pushups for minor infractions. Since other teams were of course also training to Fort Benning, planes were overhead all the time and pair of troopers were jumping out on neighboring fields. There was a strict rule that we were not allowed to look at the men who were jumping. This was done in order to prevent us from counting. Every jump consisted of a stick, meaning 12 men who would jump.
Starting point is 00:47:12 And if we did watch and count, it might occur that we counted 11 men instead of 12. Thereby realizing that one parachute had not opened. So watching the jumps was a no-no. I was caught one time, watched the jumpers, and my punishment was running around our training field while having my arms out and rotating my arms while shouting, I'm a bad soldier, I am a bad soldier, I'm a bad soldier. I watched the planes, all this doing double time.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Holy shit, did everyone catch what's really, what's really going on here? Like what he's really saying here. You've got in trouble for looking up at other parachutists and the reason that was a no-no was because apparently back then, a fair amount of these guys fucking died when they jumped out of those planes, like their shoots didn't open.
Starting point is 00:47:50 I couldn't find any stats directly relating to US domestic parachutist training deaths in the early 1940s, but there were clearly so many of them that the military decided to forbid other soldiers from watching so they didn't think too much about how there was a decent chance that they were gonna die doing that. Imagine something similar to that in a civilian job setting, right? Just, hey, don't look at that meat grinder when someone else is using the meat grinder
Starting point is 00:48:14 if you want to keep your damn job. What? Why? Well because it rips off a lot of people's fucking arms, that's why. And if you keep seeing that happen, you're going to be a little jumpy when you have to use it, which makes sense. Because there's a decent chance it's gonna rip your arm off And more you think about it, you know the greatest of chance you probably gonna fuck up and lose an arm
Starting point is 00:48:30 Or you're gonna quit cuz you're gonna get scared and then I got to find some other asshole to bring in here whose arm is also Probably gonna get ripped off and I don't feel like deal with that shit right now Jumping out the planes was a dangerous task. They had to do it again and again Equipment failure was an ominous threat and incorrect parachuting rigging meant death. Ah, during one of the parachute jumps, may are recall being blown off course across when caught us and we ended up in Chattahoochi. Maybe a bit of an exaggeration there, but exaggeration, but you got to have blown off course. They would need to be expert parachuters because their task was to go behind enemy lines and
Starting point is 00:49:02 scout the heavily fortified area of Austria's Alpine Redout. Also called the Alpine Fortress. The Alpine Redout was a redout. I'd never heard that word before this week. That means it was an area that a country can retreat into following defeat and combat. Plan by Heinrich Himmler and November in December of 1943 for Germany's government and armed forces. Remember Himmler?
Starting point is 00:49:24 Remember Himmler's crazy ass from the Nazi search for the Holy Grail Suck and his pet insane, a cult and myth-obsessed fake psychic, Carl Villigate? We must have an Alpine radar call. We must guard it with the Sue Dianns of France and the Underground, and in the cities, you keep saying so much about. Which are two sons and no more people are a shum seen. It's so hard to keep it straight. I could not do it alone.
Starting point is 00:49:43 I could, I could not hope to stay safe and I'll find red out. Carl, that's such a wonderful mind. This plan was never fully endorsed by Hitler. And no series attempt was made to put this plan into operation ever. But just as plan existing would end up serving as an effective tool of Nazi propaganda, in military deception by the Germans and the final stages of the war. In the six months following the D.D. landings enormity in June of 1944, the American and British armies advanced to the Rhine River, and they seemed poised to strike into the heart
Starting point is 00:50:09 of Germany while the Red Army advancing from the east through Poland reached the Oda River. It seemed like that Berlin was, you know, you know, fall very soon and Germany would be divided and crushed, but what if the Nazis could make it to their fabled Alpine Fortress? A lot of faulty intelligence reports identified this non-existent fortress is having enough military supplies to tens of thousands of german soldiers fighting for around six months it's not a good even be harboring weapons producing facilities which could extend the fighting possibly even further
Starting point is 00:50:37 now obviously this additional fighting would cost the allies you know a lot of additional lives and billions in additional military spending so where is this bad intelligence coming from? The Nazi minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, set up a special unit to invent and spread rumors about the Alpine fortress, and everyone bought his lies. He was very good at propaganda. The New York Times, he ran an article with the ominous headline, last fortress of the Nazis, reporting SS formations are likely to retreat swiftly southward to a region already selected, as the last theater of operations in Europe. It will stretch from Lake Constance to the eastern
Starting point is 00:51:09 approaches of Gratz and Sterea, with an approximate length of 280 miles and a width of 100 miles, a total land area slightly greater than that of Switzerland. It will be relatively easy to defend this fortress for a very long time, behind the formidable barrier of a giant chain of eastern Alps. The few gaps in the valleys can be sealed with more fortifications and pillboxes dug into the rocks. There is little doubt that the taught organization is already being used to the limit for that purpose. We can assume that the Nazi command has started hoarding arms, munitions, oil, food, and textiles in a series of depots deep within the Alpine quadrangle. How does this so great?
Starting point is 00:51:49 Maybe we can find some yetis Takata out of alls. What about the dragon? Oh, an ice dragon will be so cool, Carl. Use a wonderful mind to get us some dragons for ice fortress. Global Synod rumors that this mythical last stand stronghold to neutral governments over and over, keeping the readout myth alive in a state of readiness unclear. Even enlisted the assistance of the intelligence wing of Hitler's SS to produce fake blueprints, fake reports on construction supplies, armament production, troop transfers to the readout,
Starting point is 00:52:19 as complete and total deception of allied military intelligence considered to be one of the greatest World War II feats of Nazi military intelligence. According to US General Omar Bradley, who would go on to become the first chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Alpine fortress grew into so exaggerated a scheme that I am astonished we could have believed it as innocently as we did. But while it persisted, this legend of the readout was too ominous a threat to be ignored. So they were really worried about this. And the propaganda was jamming up Allied military plans for advancement. Once the Allied armies crossed the Rhine, advanced into Western Germany, a decision had to
Starting point is 00:52:54 be made, whether it was advanced on a narrow front towards Berlin, or in a simultaneous push by all Western armies spanning from the North Sea to the Alps to keep the Germans from retreating into these mountains into their redout. They needed to know more about this place. They needed some intel and operation green up would soon help with that. Let's check back in with Mayor and Windberg now. Now done with parachuting qualifications are inglorious bastards are undergoing more training.
Starting point is 00:53:20 They're learning how to survive once they get on the ground. After learning parachuting to Fort Benning, the men are moved to California's Catalina Island, located 20 miles out to Southern California coast, which have been a boy's summer camp before the war. I kick myself every time this place comes up in stories. It lived in LA for six years, never once took a trip to Catalina Island. I've heard only good things, heard just great. Looks so cool.
Starting point is 00:53:40 The Umpten to the remote unpopulated section of the island, they split into six man teams and chapel instructed them to live off the land for five days on their own. So cool. The umpteenth of the remote unpopulated section of the island, they split into six man teams and chapel instructed them to live off the land for five days on their own. They slept under the stars, officers and enlisted men alike, and only their sleeping bags. During an initial training exercise, the teams were ordered to capture an airport. In charge of one of the teams, Mayor later recalled that his team took the airport, came in from the back. There were only a few guards protecting the airport and we took them to may are always
Starting point is 00:54:05 approached things unconventionally instead of for a mountain frontal attacks. He preferred taking the unexpected route and like to use surprise to his advantage. After they successfully completed survival training to Catalina Island, a chapel felt his OGs were ready for the real deal now. They're in the balmy early summer days of 1944 Fred and the other OGs finally get their call to action. They receive orders to get to Europe, pronto. The ship they take across the Atlantic is packed with regular infantrymen as well as chapels group of 30 of America's special operations troops. Everyone
Starting point is 00:54:33 on board takes a part in a guessing game as to where their final destination will be. The OGs think they're headed for England. That's what they're supposed to meet up with OSS officers and get more mission details. After weeks at C playing cards, shooting crafts, generally being bored out of their minds, they arrive in O'Ran and Algerian port city, different continent. O'Ran had been captured by the allies in 1942 and became an improvised depot for men
Starting point is 00:54:56 and supplies on their way to the Italian front. It suddenly became obvious to the OGs that no one in O'Ran knew we were coming and no one knew what to do with us, recalled Windberg. Soon, they learned why they were in the wrong fucking city. At this point, the war, very few people had any idea what the OSS was because it was still a very secret organization whose existence was disclosed only on a need to know basis and really, unfortunately, OSS headquarters was equally disorganized.
Starting point is 00:55:23 By the time the OGs arrived, there wasn't an OSS office in O'Ran or instructions on what to do with these guys. What a shit show. Can you imagine that? You're working for a secret organization that very few people know about. And the few people who do work at this organization with you,
Starting point is 00:55:36 they don't know what the fuck they're doing. Good thing this mission wasn't super dangerous or anything. I picture some OSS dude, maybe in, maybe in some London headquarters panicking. You know, getting that feeling you get when you realize you've missed an appointment or slept through your alarm, you're late for work, but way worse. We're all just sitting around the time these guys land in Africa. He's like, oh god, what is it? Oh fuck, oh god, I forgot to tell anyone in Africa.
Starting point is 00:56:00 The OSS guys were coming. Oh, this is bad. Oh, this is bad. Oh shit, I think I was supposed to stand into London, but almost no one knows they're supposed to be there, but me, if I help them get in trouble, if I pretend I told them to just go there, maybe I keep my day job and maybe I just don't talk about it.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Maybe I just don't talk about it. They'll probably be fine. They'll figure something out. I don't know if it went down exactly like that, but they always said it did fuck up big time. And then they were not looking for chapel in this man in Africa. They just kind of, they got misfiled, and they were on their own.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Winburg, I'm sorry, chapel took matters into his own hands. He finds out about an OSS secret base in Algiers, then he obtains train tickets for all his recruits. Weinberg or Winberg later recalls the train ride there saying the train trip to Algiers was slow since the train stopped at least at a half-duzm. Half the train stopped in at least half a dozen villages in between. When the train stopped it was immediately surrounded by dozens of yelling and just tickulating Arabs, youngsters as well as grownups. We soon realized that they were aiming at buying our bed sheets. It's used as clothing. Without hesitation, I joined my fellow comrades
Starting point is 00:57:08 in arms and making money by opening the windows at the next stop and with my bed sheets in hand, offer them to an Arab boy who was waving a pack of paper money notes. As the train pulled away, the boy grabbed the sheets and pushed notes in my hand. As I sat down to count my money, I realized at the top where the bunch of notes was indeed a low value piece of paper money. While the rest was merely blank paper. He got got the old let me pretend to buy your used bed sheets for 50 to an hour, but really I'm just paying one to an hour. You just got out of your winberg. If you are as journey the train rolls and out years and the OGs disembark, they set up camp about 20 miles outside of town. And then they find out that even though they've
Starting point is 00:57:44 made it to out years, they're still in bureaucratic limbo. They sit at camp in about 20 miles outside of town. And then they find out that even though they've made it to Algiers, they're still in bureaucratic limbo. They sit at camp day after day now, wondering if they're gonna be used at all in the war. God be still frustrating. Jappelle or chapel, his name is spelled very closely to Chappelle. I keep thinking of Dave Chappelle. No, chapel continued to push his men and made them,
Starting point is 00:58:01 you know, do exercises to ward off boredom, one such exercise, once again narrated by Hans Wienberg, went like this, peppin' it up with a bit of music for some tone. In Algiers, we had, of course, nothing to do. So our officers had to think of keeping us busy. Our captain, a bit of a cowboy, ordered us, Freddie, Alfred, George, Bernie and I, he had those five others to march to the airport
Starting point is 00:58:23 back to do this without rations. Only our canteens with water. After a few hours of marching, we decided that we'd go into a village and into an eating place in this village. We were greeted with enthusiasm by the Algerian owner, whose daughter weighed on us, waited on us and served us delicious eggs and pancakes. We left the cafe and pitched tents about two miles outside the village. As I woke up early the next morning, I saw a group of about two dozen Arabs marching towards our camp. I woke the rest of the fellows and as the group arrived, it became clear, up to much shouting and just to just take the lation that the father of our waitress had the impression that if he talked to his daughter, the way Alfred had, it meant marriage.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Took at least an hour of shouting and some money to convince the father that Alfred was not going to marry his daughter. Ooh, little, little, uh, cultural mix up here. How nuts is it if that happened as he wrote it, that the daughter was talked to by an unshapuroned, you know, man. So a marriage must follow, right? Or she was, you know, there was a little shapur on between them. It is talk at a cafe where he's having fucking pancakes and eggs. And then this guy's like, well, talk to my daughter, you know, 10 minutes straight. Ha ha, you better fucking marry her.
Starting point is 00:59:26 How insanely patriarchal. I picture this dad just so mad. Oh, you think you can disrespect me like that? Oh, you think you can channel my daughter, eat her pancakes that you pay for. Either her eggs that she brought to you with his waitress. And then walk away without marrying her? Or you some kind of playboy who just talks to waitresses
Starting point is 00:59:41 that women are waitresses at restaurants, left and right, taking the precious talk to guy vocal hymns. What kind of dimension pervert just chats women up where they work as a customer and then doesn't marry him. I love that they give him some money and then he finally backs off. Oh, you think you can give me a 50 bucks? 50 bucks.
Starting point is 01:00:03 That's real, okay. All right, well, her honor has been restored. After being trapped in North Africa for months, the OGs were eventually on the move again, again by ship Captain Chapel has finally been able to contact OSS headquarters in Italy, near the near enemy lines and arranges for the group to travel to Europe, to prep for their missions.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Windberg says, in complete secrecy, we broke camped out morning of 5 a.m. Got onto our trucks and headed for the harbor of Algiers. We were repeatedly told that we were traveling under great secrecy. We got aboard the ship being greeted by the British soldiers and sailors and as I wandered to find a place to sit for the trip to Italy, I noticed that the ship was tilting towards the shore where it was anchored.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I went to the railing of the ship as 500 British soldiers and sailors were cheering and staring at a pretty French girl. Jesus, standing on the waterfront, waving her arms and shouting, George, George, it was governor. Don't leave me, take me along. I feel like George did more than just order pancakes from that, not lady.
Starting point is 01:01:00 What the hell was going on down there? So many women, so desperate, just to get the fuck out of L.G. is apparently. Once they make it to Italy, once again, they do not have a mission. The OSS, not running a real tight ship to kick this stuff off. Confined for weeks now to play in whatever games they could think of, just to cure boredom, just waiting around,
Starting point is 01:01:17 mayor eventually has had enough. He decides now to grab an acoustic guitar and work on some more songs, but all those women who wanted to leave Africa and how overly patriarchal things were down there. And he wrote, you know, one of his better songs, I think, Father, speak good to your daughters. Daughters will love like you do.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Girls become lovers returning to mothers. Some mothers be good to your daughters too. That may be John Mayer again. Sorry, Dr. Fred Mayor. He worst 20 gag of all time. He and some of the other men with him without chapel permission, decided to go to allied intelligence in Kiserta, located just outside of Naples, and tried to get a mission assigned to them. Winberg later said we essentially mutinied. They made their way to LTC Howard Chapin's office. Before the war chapin was an advertising exec for General Foods, now he sends intelligence agents into Central Europe, including Austria and Germany, from marketing frosted flakes
Starting point is 01:02:15 to managing spy missions. Finding the men makes some progress. They find a sympathetic listener. When the five men walk into his office, Chapin nods and asks them to take a seat, they take turn selling Chap' their unique stories as to why they're there. Mayor spoke first and spoke directly as was his way. As he recalled later, I told him I was Jewish,
Starting point is 01:02:31 and I wanted to jump behind the lines to help end the war. Said I wanted to kill some Nazis. Now they spoke, turned by turn, made it clear that they knew that getting caught, likely meant to descend, not only because they were enemy spies, but because they were Jewish. Each of them wanted to return to Germany specifically to lay down their lives for the country that
Starting point is 01:02:47 had taken them in. If you're hearing all the amount, which happened noted, said plainly, you will hear from me. True to his word, the next day he ordered that the Jewish five be sent to a body, an Italian seaport, where they would soon be transported behind enemy lines. Upon arrival in Bari, they were escorted into the offices of Lieutenant Alfred C. Olmner, Jr. A sales and advertising exec before the war pulled from the ranks of the Navy, the 28 year old Floridian, Floridian. There we go. We ran the day-to-day operations at OSS's German Austrian section in Bari. Section tasks involved in starting agents into the
Starting point is 01:03:19 heart of Hitler's Third Reich, perhaps the most difficult of OSS's spy missions. So far, their mission results had been mixed. Actually prior to May or an operation, Greenup nearly all of their missions into the Austrian Germany or into the German Austrian territory had been adumed, not mixed, which meant, of course, that a lot of OSS agents had died. Their first mission to Pant, in which the team was dropped by Parachute near, in which A team was dropped by Parachute near Vienna, October of 1944, had been a disaster. The team was led by Jack Taylor, former dentist
Starting point is 01:03:49 from California who'd become an OSS agent. Their parachute drop was successful, but then the radio that they brought, to talk back to base fell into a lake. So shit. And I thought dropped from my iPhone and a toilet was bad. They nonetheless continued with their mission, found several safe houses from which they did some spine.
Starting point is 01:04:05 They got a lot of data, including the locations of some anti-tank ditches, artillery sites, and more, as well as some good targets for allied bombing raids. But then their entire mission went sideways when one of Taylor's men bought a local girl, a diamond ring, and proposed to her. The big purchase aroused the interest of the Gestapo, who quickly arrested the team member
Starting point is 01:04:22 and took Taylor into custody after hearing about Taylor from the team member. He was tortured, sent to Matt Howeson concentration camp where he refused to transmit a false message back to OSS headquarters. He was forced to carry unbelievably heavy loads then of rock, up steep hills that were guarded by SS guards with whips who frequently tossed prisoners two week to work off the fucking cliffs at the top of the quarry. Not a great place to be taken to. When Motowzen was finally liberated by the allies in 1945, Taylor had withered away from
Starting point is 01:04:51 an already very lean 165 pounds to a skeleton 115 pounds, holy shit. But he and his team were rescued days before their scheduled executions by Allied forces, so at least they survived. Also after hearing that I wondered, did that girl say yes after all that shit? How much more mad at you if you're getting tortured over some guy in your unit asking a girl to marry him who wasn't even interested. I just pictured Taylor wasting away carrying load after load of rock up some horribly steep hill get whipped, mumbling to himself like a madman, she had him say yes, she had him like him.
Starting point is 01:05:25 I'm gonna die, I'm gonna fucking die. Cause corporate divs, she had, does seem to know the difference, and romantic interiors, and just being polite. They didn't even go to date, she looked at him. She looked at him from across the mirror house. And now I'm careful, it rocks, can't whip, but Nazis, life's funny.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Another mission recently failed, OSS mission was orchid. Not long after being dropped behind enemy lines, the Orkid agents mysteriously disappeared. Strongly assumed that enemy forces wiped him out somewhere in Yugoslavia. Another failed mission had been codenamed Dylan. Operatives were dropped in Nazi occupied Austria
Starting point is 01:05:56 in December of 1944. The team got some useful intelligence, but then Gestapo captured one of the teammates in February of 1945. That teammate ratted out the rest of the group and all of the teammates in February of 1945. That teammate ratted out the rest of the group and all the agents were executed. Back in the office now, Omar lays this out for mayor, Windberg, and it doesn't scare them away.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Then he inquires about the perspective agent's background. He asks each man if he could kill. If he would kill, mayor responded, yes, without hesitation. Classic mayor. And Hans Windberg actually uh... allegedly says no and immediately following saying no they're old combat instructor fairbare he drops down from the ceiling he'd hang in from a fucking rafter by only spinky toast were hide and for weeks they alive by intimidating humidity
Starting point is 01:06:36 in the air and the so can into his skin for hydration a reverse sweat technique that he invented he grabbed winber by the throat held a sixteen inch inch knife to his stomach, a knife he had made at a two gun wrappers and assessed me seat. And he said, what do you mean, you're not going to kill Nazis? This isn't a Sadie Hawkins dance kid, it's a fucking gutter fight. And of course that didn't happen. Ulmer was just like, okay, and they just moved on.
Starting point is 01:07:03 He asked again if they really understood the risk. Could you, do you appreciate what can happen to you? Mayor said this is more our war than yours. All right, fair enough. Um, I knew that things in Germany would not go well for the spies if they were discovered, especially because after the failed July 20th, 1944 plot to kill Hitler, they could stop on the SS were given wider authority to roll up enemies of the state. As I mentioned earlier in the timeline and just execute them. A range of terror now enveloped the Southern Alpine districts, given wider authority to roll up enemies of the state, as I mentioned earlier in the timeline and just execute them.
Starting point is 01:07:25 A range of terror now enveloped the southern Alpine districts, including Tirol, the Austrian state, where they'd be dropped. Ulmer couldn't believe these guys actually wanted to go there willingly. The five Jewish operatives, you know, these two guys and three others were soon met by two fellow Jewish refugees, Dino Lowenstein and Walter Haas, both had escaped the horrors of Nazi Germany before the onset of the war. We're now working for the OSS Homer divided them into teams gave each
Starting point is 01:07:56 gave each room. Oh my god gave each team a room. There we go. That's how you talk in an old Italian mansion known as the villa Sapa Loan seen in Haas instructed them to create their own missions based on personal expertise and knowledge about German politics geography culture Real life in glorious bastard Fred Mayer Hans Wienberg, Chera Ruhm, the man who's given code names. Hans becomes Hugh Winn, Frederick becomes, actually, he stays Frederick, because his name works. And Paul Koch was given the nickname, or name, Alias George Mitchell. They also got more lessons on how to identify German units, operate undetected behind enemy lines. Some of their training was a little less sophisticated and comprehensive than other aspects, like
Starting point is 01:08:28 this moment described by Hans Wienberg. When we got up in the morning, before we sat down for breakfast, Lohanstein made our very small group of OSS members stand up and take out our 45 caliber pistols. Then he took out his pistol, removed the clip and bullets, told us to do the same, and then pointing the gun at some fictitious German, he would squeeze the trigger over and over, telling us that was the only exercise we needed. Just pull the trigger when you see a German. Okay, pretty direct, pretty plain instructions.
Starting point is 01:08:55 Loanstein also sent two friends on several mock missions to hone their spy craft, one mission involved they're posing as German agents, wearing allied uniforms and infiltrating Italy's Brinduzzi. Brinduzzi, Brinduzzi, there we go. Brinduzzi Harbor under British control is time. Given the task of Perloneum maps of the Harbor's defenses, the men got to work quickly. The infiltrated the Harbor compound wearing no insignia on their uniforms. They found the people in charge, offered a sergeant to bottle a scotch, which he accepted,
Starting point is 01:09:21 and then just like that, they walked out with their maps. Turns out they were good actors. Now knowing that they had the real deal, the only remaining question for the OSS was if Mayer's German could cut the mustard behind enemy lines. So they developed one last test, insert Mayer into a POW cage with captured Germans for three days, and see if he could pass himself off as a real German soldier. It's pretty fucking crazy, but smart. Put this guy in a cage with POWs who fought for the man, you know, who wanted mayor and
Starting point is 01:09:48 every other Jew in the world dead. Who knows how many of those POWs, you know, were strident, aggressively anti-Semitic Nazis, but I have to imagine many of them were, how badly he must have wanted to kill some of them. Fred Mayor starts his three day mission in the German POW cage in January of 1945, a Jewish man dressed as a German officer. Many of the people in the POW camp were proud and unbroken, still sure that Hitler would be victorious.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Mayor had to say, hi, I'll Hitler, to the others, as a greeting to keep up his roots. Turns out his German was solid, no one suspected he was not a fellow German soldier. It would be in this POW camp that Fred would meet the third member of the eventual operation green up, the third member to go behind enemy lines, John john matrix was from east germany but without loving father who had actually retired from the military life years earlier but then ended up back in combat doing whatever he felt he needed to do to protect his beloved daughter Jenny years after he thought he left his life a war behind his former superior general franklin curbie informed him that members of his old unit just been killed by mercenaries hired by a ruthless warlord known as president areas matrix tried to
Starting point is 01:10:48 stroke off the warning then some of those mercenaries loyal to areas attacked him kidnapped his daughter and he had to fight to get her back weight uh... no Fred did not meet john matrix is Arnold Schwarzenegger's character in commando nineteen five action blockbuster i was just reading that movies plot description no Fred met 1985 action blockbuster. I was just reading that movie's plot description. No, Fred Mitt, Fred Mitt, Franz Weber. I wonder if anybody picked that up. You have to be a real diehard commando fan. Oh, yeah. Fred Mitt, Franz Weber, a real German soldier in this POW cage. And Franz Weber, not an ordinary soldier, born and raised in the Austrian city of Innsbruck, the 24-year-old veteran of the Vermox Polish, Russian, and Yugoslavian
Starting point is 01:11:23 campaigns, battle-tested German officer, but not a big fan of Hitler. May or figure it veteran of the Vermox Polish, Russian and Yugoslavian campaigns battle tested German officer, but not a big fan of Hitler. May or figured out while undercover that France, not anti-Semitic. He did not think Jewish people were the evil pests that the Nazi regime made the amount to be when he traveled through Poland in April of 1941. He'd seen weak and starving Jewish people and he felt terrible for them, wanted to help them. In short, this guy was in Hitler's army because he'd been born and raised in Germany,
Starting point is 01:11:45 not because he was a member of Hitler's fan club. Also, if he deserted and got caught, they would execute him. Fred Mayer made it through his three days in the POW camp without breaking cover, then back at Villasapa, he told Loanstein about Weber, saying, frankly, I trust him. Loanstein agrees that Weber is a potential asset. Weber is brought into the villa for some vetting.
Starting point is 01:12:04 When Weber sees the person, he thought was German officers sitting in the Italian villa with the OSS, his job reportedly hit the floor in surprise. Mayor asked him, are you willing to perish? Should behind enemy lines with us? Yes, Weber replied, without a moment of hesitation.
Starting point is 01:12:17 They then introduced him to Hans Windberg and Fred, Mayor declared that he was willing to risk his life alongside the two of them. And now we have the power trio of the real and glorious bastards. And now they begin to plan Operation Green Up and Ernest. They'll need two major things, equipment and a pilot for the mission. For the pilot, they find Lieutenant John Billings, a man who'd done scores emissions behind the lines to deliver allied agents into the Reich.
Starting point is 01:12:39 If they're crazy enough to jump, we're crazy enough to fly him, said Billings. For the equipment, low-incine and hostage, we rated the supply room to equip operation, green up and took the following items out of storage. 14 boxes of rations, skis, one British type hand generator, a Eureka homing beacon, complete with gelatin batteries that were fully charged,
Starting point is 01:13:00 various weapons, including roughly 1,000 knives, thanks to gutter fighter, fair burn, that training he instilled in them. All of that was true, except for the knives part, as far as the numbers. They put their supplies in three containers, each with colored parachutes. I also took some creature comforts, four cartons of cigarettes, boxes of gars, two pounds of tobacco, and several, not making this up, several packages of condoms. Love it. Adventure can come in many forms on a dangerous mission. Hail to Suspena. Mayor and Weber also carried leg bags that held their personal items, rucksacks, clothing, food supplies,
Starting point is 01:13:32 even 60 small flashlight batteries for the radio. And maybe most importantly, they brought a fuck ton of Whipple. And that brings me to one more sponsor. Today's episode is brought to you by new fan favorite sponsor, the Energy Drink Whipple. Hey, I'm Whipple President, CEO, Gunther Whipple. And I have more money than you and a bigger dick. Is that because I drink Whipple?
Starting point is 01:13:54 No, I'm just bigger, better, stronger, smarter. People keep asking, what's in Whipple? And after I'm done, punch in there, fucking bitch faces into oblivion. I tell him Wimple is made with a mixture of cocaine, caffeine, gunpowder, stop asking questions and shut the fuck up! Order a case to Wimple now and get a free alarm clock.
Starting point is 01:14:13 We can't even smell the Wimple! Get out of bed, you lazy piece of shit! It's Wimple o' clock! Grab life by the dick and suck that cock! Fuck you! Fuck your family! And drink Wimple! I'm not gonna say no to Gunther. Oh, let's get back to the radio. The trio brought, brought. Obviously, they didn't pack any Whipple.
Starting point is 01:14:28 The radio was the most important item. They packed by far was their lifeline in the mission. The tech that would enable them to send the radio to the crew. And they would say, they're not gonna be able to do that. They're not gonna be able to do that. They're not gonna be able to do that.
Starting point is 01:14:44 They're not gonna be able to do that. They're not gonna be able to do that. video, the trio brought, brought, obviously they didn't pack any weapon. The radio was the most important item. They packed by far was their lifeline in the mission, the tech that would enable them to send coded messages back about what they discovered. Everything would be coded including locations. German and Austrian cities in the missions radius were given pseudonyms. Innsbruck was Brooklyn, Munich, Jersey, Garmisch was flatbush, Obers Salisburg, Bay Ridge, and Switzerland was the Bronx. They transposed the area around New York City onto their map. They were ready, no sleep till Brooklyn.
Starting point is 01:15:11 They were, they were to get some real info was the, you know, one of the objectives, my god, other mission on the mythical Nazi, Alpine Fortress, if possible, was it real? There were numerous other mission intel objectives. The mission was planned to begin with a flight over potentially flat-filled skies deep into enemy territory. The plane would have to dangerously fly through the canyon-like crags of the Alps and arrive
Starting point is 01:15:33 exactly at a pinpoint drop zone, where the men would parachute onto a fucking glacier. This was some James Bond mission impossible type shit. The slightest deviation to the left or right could have them corining over the side of sheer cliffs or getting their shoots entangled in the rocky fingers of the Alps. The first two times they plan to do the drop, they had to back out the last minute because of weather. But then on February 26, 1945, go time. They're blacked out, beefed to two bombers, supercharged, quad 1200 horsepower engines roared as the plane plummeted down the mountain range, rushing by snow-capped peaks.
Starting point is 01:16:05 John Billions, as he'd done many times in the past, skirted disaster as the plane blew powdery snow off of the gray crags while treacherous updrops from the valley floor threatened to smash the bomber against the mountains. Using lakes and other landmarks as signposts, the plane soon approached the drop zone. In the back of the cigar-shaped interior, the three agents of Operation Cree-Nup, Fred Mayor, Hans, Winburg, and Franz Weber got ready to jump to the Joe Hole and head down over 10,000 feet. The plane slowly slowed briefly and they jumped.
Starting point is 01:16:33 And then several minutes later, their feet plunged into the deep powder, all three landing within a hundred yards of each other. For the next few hours, they fumbled through chest deep snow, uncovered their equipment, minus the package in which they packed two pairs of skis. And lost that one. Without the skis, they would assemble the crude sled, wild shit, drop behind enemy lines. If they get caught and their captors find out who they are, they are fucking dead. No allies can save them. They are on their own. It feels more like a movie to me than real historical event. I have a hard time processing this is real life. Six balls of steel dropped from the sky
Starting point is 01:17:03 that day into the snow on a German glacier. Hail Nimrod! The morning of February 27th, Don called and bright around 6 a.m. with the first light creeping over the glacier. The men resumed their journey down the glacier. Takes hours to go even a mile in the snow after 10 hours of crawling and trudging. They spotted landmark, a stone building that had been a skier's lodge before it was abandoned. Inside they find blankets, beds, wood for the fire, and some dough and pick and pickled vegetables. Jackpot. They nourished themselves, tried to contact the OSS based with the radio, but were unsuccessful. He spent the next few days resting inside the lodge, probably jerking off the bay, let's be honest,
Starting point is 01:17:38 and recovering before setting out again. Green Ups current cover story was that the German were setting out again. Greenhouse Current Cover Story was that the German was at the German Weber using the name Eric Schmitzder had captured two American pilots that was bringing them into custody. Finally, they make it to the small German town of Greece. Weber such an asset knew the area like the back of his hand and confidently brought them to the town's mayor, a top Nazi official. Weber told him, I don't know how to pronounce it, probably weaver. Weaver told him, I am Lieutenant Eric Schmitzer and I was accidentally detached from my Alpine core unit. I need your assistance to get to the bottom of the glacier.
Starting point is 01:18:12 He introduces Mayor and Windberg now with a new cover story that better suits this moment as Dutch collaborators who are also separated from the unit and they all need to get back as quickly as possible to Innsbruck. The mayor is more than happy to comply and gives them a sled. And now they have even an even more perilous journey than walking it been. The sled would all go barely up to 16 miles an hour down the slopes and a bump in the wrong place could have led to a deadly wipe out. Oh my God, that's so fast. Fred and Hans later said it was a scariest part of the journey. But to Franz Weber and experience sletter, it was routine.
Starting point is 01:18:45 I love the description, experience sletter. I don't think you run into a lot of experienced sletters anymore. It's not in this country. The trio now made their way to a railroad line that would take them to Inzing on the train. They were approached by some Gestapo, some Nazi-Sever police who demanded to see their papers. Franz handed them over, cool as a cucumber.
Starting point is 01:19:03 If they were identified as forgeries, you know, no big whoops, they're just gonna be executed. Their forgeries look legit, they live for now. They disembark at Inzing, one stop before Innsbruck, hoping that the smaller city wouldn't have the same checkpoints that a larger city would. They were right.
Starting point is 01:19:16 After about an hour on foot, they reached the little roughly a thousand person town in the outskirts of Innsbruck, Ober, Ober, Ober perfuss. Ober perfuss. It's not an A's that rolls offbruck, Oberpuffus. Oberpuffus. It's not an A's that rolls off the tongue, at least not mine. Found a few videos, it's very cute. They then went to the former mayor's house who was an anti-nazi
Starting point is 01:19:35 and a friend of Franz Weber's, and he risked, I can't make up my mind, Weber, Weber. He risked his life to welcome them in. I keep thinking of Weber Grill. I'm like, ah, is that the Americanized version of the Germaners? Over the next couple days, a team moved around hiding in different safe houses attempting to radio their OSS mission contacts. Then on March 7th, Windberg first hears from headquarters.
Starting point is 01:19:56 The following day, he sends back a message, all well, patience until March 13th, Hans. He uses a small circle of family and friends, still in Germany. Mayor builds a solid set of operatives to support his team. Louise, the mayor, farmer's daughter, mayor met, he had the hots for named Thomas Marie and Annie Weber's fiance, fuck I'll say Weber, recruited his couriers as were Weber's two sisters, Eva and Gretel. It's rumored by me and no one else that may or wrote your body as a wonderland for Thomas Marie. Body is wonderland. Your body is wonder, Thomas Marie. I'll stop. These individuals carried messages from
Starting point is 01:20:35 may or to Windberg, allowing Windberg and his radio to remain hidden. Fred eventually grew tired of staying hidden and he assembled a German officer's uniform from whatever pieces people would give him and some phony documents he got, said he lost his credentials in northern Italy and this allowed him to go around town during the day, you know, going to little taverns and stuff at night hanging out with people while dressed as a German officer, get to fool people, he soon made his way into Innsbruck to go after some mission objectives. For the next three weeks, he'll talk to different people in Innsbruck establishing contacts with various people who are part of the local anti-Nazi resistance. March 21st, 1945, Mayer is now starting to get some real intel about Hitler's legendary Alpine readout. He makes his way into a
Starting point is 01:21:16 beer hall like room for recovering soldiers where wounded men sit around tables temporarily enjoying an oasis from the horrors of war, like a veteran's group. They're the men tell stories about their experiences and sometimes give valuable information about Germany's military tactics. One drunken Austrian engineer even tells Fred about Hitler's whereabouts, the most closely guarded secret of the Third Reich at that time. Mayor would strain to remember all the details from the conversation when he would write
Starting point is 01:21:41 them on a document dated March 21st. Number 1. Führer headquarters is one and a half kilometers southeast of the Zaws and Lager rail station. Zaws and his RZ91 near Berlin. Located in a group of five houses parallel and facing each other, with one house lengthways in the center of the East End. Hitler's house is the first one on the southwest end. The houses are built out of reinforced concrete.
Starting point is 01:22:04 The walls are 1 meter thick and the lowest floor is 13 meters underground with 4 c-leads. Each 1 meter thick above it. Their roofs are steep and camouflage green, black and white. And the center of the house group is the air raid warning tower. How? At how excited would that be to think you like, okay if I can get this information they might be able to fucking bomb Hitler and kill him. Hitler is now at the Reich quenzyly where he meets General Staff, Knightley at 2200, GMT. Two courier trains, each with 24 cars, are kept constantly under steam. One at Pabruke, two kilometers south of Drebitz, are 763 and one with SS guards at Barth. Hitler's alternate headquarters is not at Obersthalberg, but in Ordruf.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Hitler is tired of leaving. I guess I'm sorry, I stopped in the numbers. This is like the little fifth note he had, the last one. Hitler was tired of, sorry, of living. He watched the last air raid prior to March 21 from his balcony, but only the officers' club was hit. The intel, not wrong. Hitler would kill himself just barely over a month later,
Starting point is 01:23:05 he was tired of living. Mayors meant the next week, gathering more gems of info from the loose lips of convalescing Nazi officers. The next day on March 22, Wienberg radius back to OSS headquarters, St. Old Dullamite, frontier of 1917 being rebuilt and occupied by Volkstrom, already called up in South Tyrol, source Vokstrom leader. The Vokstrom was Hitler's Hail Mary. It was a national militia established by Nazi Germany during the last months of World War II. Arming as many men as they could between the ages of 16 and 60 who weren't already in the
Starting point is 01:23:37 army. It's the last bitch desperate attempt to stop the Allies from infiltrating Germany. Windberg also radios that there are doubts amongst local soldiers that the Alpine fortress is real. On March 25th, Fred Mayer reports the presence of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, providing details even down to the hotel, the Italian dictator was staying in. He'd give this intel just a month before Mussolini was captured and executed. This intel didn't lead to Mussolini's death, but had the war gone on longer, they could
Starting point is 01:24:03 have. He was as soon exhausted the intelligence available from the soldiers, so he moved on to another one of Green Ups objectives, getting intelligence about the rail and road traffic moving from Germany to the Italian front. Mayor gathered perhaps his most valuable intelligence at the end of March and beginning of April
Starting point is 01:24:18 towards this end when he strode into the rail yard and watched German soldiers and railroad, railroad workers loading the trains and preparing the tracks. Miraculously, he was lucky enough to run into Inbrook's yard master. Oh boy, there's a lot of trains, Mayor said, not to not lead to the man.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Yardmaster replied, wait, wait until tomorrow morning. Assemble at Hall, we can have over 26 trains, each with 30 to 40 cars loaded with ammo and tanks. That will be leaving April 3rd and going straight through the Brenner. Nice. Also the real master of volunteer information about how the Nazis always managed to repair their bridges after bombings by the Allied Air Corps.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Air Corps mayor said, thanks pal, can I tell my allied leaders about, I mean, how Hitler is stuff? Of course, you didn't say that he just kept listening to this yard master. We just kept talking. The guys told mayor that the bridges were collapsible. That's how they kept popping them back up and were stored in tunnels scattered to the crags of the Alps during the day to avoid detection by the ever present allied fighter bombers. At night, they would be rolled out to allow trains to move through the printer
Starting point is 01:25:13 pass. And that's just crazy. I try to find more info on these Nazi collapsible bridges, but unfortunately, could not. Mayor then wrote what would be one of his most important messages ever detailing this info. He then moved on to getting information about German jet production. One of the OSS's highest priorities is to be harder. He couldn't just walk into the jet factory posing as a German officer, but there was another way he could get in and get his intel. He could sing his way in, right? So he grabs guitar, he sat outside the jet factory, and quickly got some people's attention singing a song gravity. Whoa, gravity is working against me. And gravity wants to bring me down.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Come on, even if you hate all the other forest genre references, you have to admit that one kind of tracks. It kind of plays and kind of fits in there. Of course, you didn't sing as way in. The war was coming to an end and end brokensbruck was becoming a magnet for displaced foreign workers fleeing the chaos and destruction of advancing armies. From one of his contacts, Mayor learned that a jet factory in the mountains around Kementen, less than 10 miles from Innsbruck was looking for more workers.
Starting point is 01:26:16 In Kementen, German engineers had to haul it out to the side of the mountain and built an underground factory that produced the ME262 jet. With a top speed of well over 500 miles per hour, at least 93 miles per hour faster than any allied aircraft, the ME262 was well ahead of its time, and in the hands of experienced Luftwaffe pilots, the plane was deadly. Of course, the OSS would like to know as much about it as possible. Frederick Mayer now pretended to be a French electrician, complete with civilian clothes and a dark blue beret.
Starting point is 01:26:42 He got papers smuggled in by the OSS, confirming his new identity and biked 80 miles to the factory. He was hired on the spot and for the next week he worked in the machine shop. So impressive. Responsible for maintaining the electrical inside of the assembly line. Bullshit is his way.
Starting point is 01:26:55 And to make it them think he knew what he was doing. This guy was fucking good. I don't think there was any way I could pull something like that off. You know, I probably just, like if I got the job, I didn't have to stand there like a jackass, just like just touching the same two wires together over and over to say, ah, that looks good. No, not quite.
Starting point is 01:27:09 It's almost. Oh, no, oh, all right, okay. You know, get coppery quick. Just getting into all sorts of, just getting all sorts of intel, pretending to be various people over there. He now learns there's not enough raw materials to complete production.
Starting point is 01:27:21 So the assembly line isn't doing shit, it's idle. This is great news for the allies. He sends his info back to Winburg who reports to OSS the production and the Kempton factory had been idle for the last three months because of a lack of supplies. Big Intel win for the OSS that will of course affect battle strategy. Now mayor has bigger and better ideas than intelligence on his mind. He suddenly wants to capture Innsbruck for the allies. Gunner fight, mother fuckers. The message Windberg sent to the OSS was this, if desired, can take Innsbruck and area ahead of airborne landings. Political prisoners would need 500 pistols, details, a weight answer,
Starting point is 01:27:55 hoping to mount an insurrection killing in the name of he had some key allies who were top officials who could liberate political prisoners and put troops under mayor's command. Mayor proposed capturing key drop zones and creating roadblocks ahead of an allied airborne assault. Not a completely unrealistic proposition considering that the allies had the 13th airborne division as well as other airborne units in reserve. This particular plan though would never get off the ground, but Fred mayor would soon be instrumental in liberating innsbruck.
Starting point is 01:28:24 On April 14, 1945, mayor, Wienberg, and Weber, along with mayor's girlfriend and top agent, Thomas Marie, that's right. Official girlfriend now. Wonder if he has any condoms left by this point. Several other Confederates making 10 and all assemble at 11.30 p.m. on April 11. Sorry, 11.30 p.m. this night to await the first attempt to deliver supplies to help mount a takeover over Innsbruck. The dropletsplet is a consist of eight large... Oh man, this word, I fucking hate this. Sillendrical? Sillendrical. I think it's cylindrical.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Like cylinder, I get that. Sillendir, but then you add the Iql on the end of like, it's not cylinder, Iql. Sillendrical. You know what, if I fuck up, whatever. Eight large, so fucking eight large round containers. They're each weighing up to 275 pounds and holding everything from a German context camera, pistols, ammunition, radio,
Starting point is 01:29:18 50 gold pieces, 10 tubes, insulin, for a desperate diabetic Nazi, would agree to work with mayor and return for access to the life-saving serum. But the plane never arrived the next night in case the plane maybe just showed a plate for a decided to stay at a nearby hotel. Despite SS troops coming the area mayor manages to slip back into Innsbrook where Wynburg informs him that Ulmer had rescheduled the supply drop for Monday April 16th. Then when Monday April 16th comes mayor's crew once again arrives at the drop site with a truck. Then when Monday, April 16th comes, mayors crew once again arrives at the drop site with a truck.
Starting point is 01:29:45 But the plane's second engine burst into flames on the way and the bomber knows downward before it could identify the drop zone to avoid smashing the mountainside, the pilot ordered all the cargo be immediately, the cargo land on the side of a mountain miles away from the drop zone. All on board, the plane survived, but may or did not get his supplies. No one would find those supply containers until the war was over in the snow and melted. Mayor now goes back to gathering intelligence so much for the takeover. No insurrection.
Starting point is 01:30:10 And actually, he wouldn't gather that much more intelligence either. The USS was closing in on him. April 20th, 1945, just 10 days before Hitler will die. SS agents Walter Goudner and August Schiffer are hot on Fred Mayor's trail. On the afternoon of April 20th, Goudner captured one of Mayor's black market contacts and another one of his sources. And tortured some info about Mayor out of them. Then 11 p.m. these fuckers pounding on the door of Eva and Greta Weber's tiny apartment
Starting point is 01:30:34 in Innsbruck, where Mayor was hiding. Inside, Mayor heard men's voices, shot off the couch, threw his incriminating documents into the fire, then six men burst into the room with MP40 pistols, like machine gun pit, like, you know, automatic pistols drawn. Are you Frederick Mayer, one of them demanded? We, Mayor said, trying to act like he's still French, like he's being interrogated for not showing up to work as the French electrician, you know, it's a factory, but on your shoes, one of them barked, and then remembering fairbearance, training, Mayor suddenly yelled,
Starting point is 01:31:00 gutter fight, motherfuckers, and then he immediately turned some of his own eyelashes into makesh shift throwing knives and violently sent them through the air by blinking really hard. He killed both Nazis before they knew what the hell was happening. Or he put on his shoes like they asked him to. And he was taking outside and stuffed in the back seat of a green van and whisked to Gestapo headquarters in Innsbruck, you know, or that. There he was brought into an interrogation room where he kept pretending to be the French
Starting point is 01:31:25 worker. Eventually they showed him the contacts. They'd arrested and Mayor knew that they now knew he was an American. The rules was up. Right, not good. He now claimed to be an American agent who had traveled alone to Austria from Switzerland and they didn't buy that. His Nazi captors now cut off his clothes, discovered $600 and gold coins on him, bad news for
Starting point is 01:31:41 Mayor. He started slapping him around, believing that he was Jewish. Mayor wasn't breaking. The more they hit me, the less inclined I was to talk, he news for Mayor. He started slapping him around, believing that he was Jewish. Mayor wasn't breaking. The more they hit me, the less inclined I was to talk. He'd later say, and Patrick Donnell's book, they dared return the true story of Jewish spies behind the lines in Nazi Germany.
Starting point is 01:31:54 The author describes the beating Mayor took this way. Since this real-life story has kind of like a crime noir vibe. This feels like the right background music. In the dark room, the Gestapo officers slapped and punched the spy in the face. His cover wasn't holding water, so the tall one stripped him from head to toe. Despite the agent's bullish strength, the SS men brutally manhandled him, shoving him to the floor. Copping his hands in front of him and pulling his arms over his bent knees, they forced
Starting point is 01:32:22 him into a constricting fetal position, then shoved the barrel of a long rifle into the tiny gap between behind his knees and his cuffed hands. With a man on each side of the rifle, they lifted his naked rolled up body and suspended the human ball between two tables, like pieces of meat on a skewer. Uncoil in a rawhide whip the tall one puts his full weight behind each swing, mercilessly thrashing the agent's body like a side of beef. Then the Nazis asked, where is the radio operator? Where is the radio operator?
Starting point is 01:32:52 When the whipping didn't work, the Gestapo men decided to waterboard their prisoner. They brought out two pictures of water and tipping their captives face to the ceiling. They poured the cold liquid down his mouth and nose. Mayor felt like he was drowning. The Nazis headed down to a science. One man poured while the second refilled the other pitcher. The torture assembly line kept running for six hours.
Starting point is 01:33:13 In between beatings, one of the SS agents shoved a pistol into Mayor's mouth, breaking his front and back teeth. They also whipped his genitals with a cow-hide whip, bloodying them. Holy shit that would hurt. I mean, based on some horrific ball-busting videos I've watched, well, because I work with Joe Paisley, I know that some dudes seem to enjoy that, but not me.
Starting point is 01:33:34 God, you start whipping my balls, bloody. I'm gonna talk, okay? I'm gonna spill some secrets. You know who ball whipping would not work on, for sure? Serial killer, Albert Fish. Right, the party just begins to start off. That's done with a bitch. Showbiz, put you back into it back at me.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Yo, take another crack. Can and will come again. Now tell you what, Hollywood. Don't worry about that if you didn't get it, if you're new. Check out the Albert Fish episode. If you must know, maybe listen to it alone. Eventually, Mayor's torturers threw him naked into a cold damn cell. The weather was freezing, which ironically did help his wounds from becoming infected.
Starting point is 01:34:09 One of the guards, an old man took pity on him, reached through the bars, dilucent the rope that bound Mayor's hands, gave him a handkerchief to wipe off his wounds, offered him half a ham sandwich, but Mayor's fucked up teeth. We're too broken for him to eat it. Same time, same time the mayor was tortured, Herman Mattel, another American led OSS agent was being interrogated by the Gestapo as well. Mattel is kind of an interesting figure in all this. He was from the same German POW camp in Italy where Franz Weber had been held and was also tapped, you know, like him to be an OSS spy, but he had some baggage.
Starting point is 01:34:39 He had some bad kidneys had a tendency towards bragging, which raised red flag with the agents in charge of his operation He also had a bad hand wound though it didn't impede his ability to parachute out of an airplane It actually would be his hand that would give him a good cover story part of operation deadwood The OSS gave him papers that said he was going to travel back to Germany for treatment on his hand He jumped blinded in northern Italy or Austria carry packages from soldiers at the front addressed to their families The skies in his spy radio in a suitcase.
Starting point is 01:35:07 A couple of the packages he carried weren't even from families, they were just sugar. He was on a unique mission, rare for the OSS to send a single volunteer instead of a group. Everyone wondered, could he be trusted? What were his real motivations? Once he got behind enemy lines,
Starting point is 01:35:20 would've become a double agent. They also had to make sure his hand kept looking injured so they got Chris, Chris, Chris a Robin, an anti-parasitic and a powerful skin irritant that Matt was supposed to apply to keep his skin inflamed and scarred. So strange. But only gave him a minor rash. So they had to look out for some, had to look for some other chemical. The doctor wrote down the ingredients in a file for something new, menthol.5,5, phenol, 3.0, psilocylic acid, 1.5 petroleum, 9.330, Wilburn skin, poison. Now skin was all kinds of irritated.
Starting point is 01:35:53 What's trained sacrifice is these spice. I had to make to do their work. Madel Paris shooted and landed seven miles north of Genboc, Austria. From there, he took a train to Munich and reported that he thought he was being followed. He ended up getting caught because he was openly smoking some American cigarettes, lightened him with American matches. That was all it took. All that hand-skinned irritation nonsense for nothing.
Starting point is 01:36:12 He vaded the Gestapo for nearly a week when they started looking for him, but then they finally captured him in an interrogation. Madel was shown a picture of Mayer's beaten up face and asked if he knew the man. And, and, and Mato, former German soldier saved the American Jewish soldiers life by doing some quick thinking made a claim that mayor was a big shots in American command and that if mayor was shot the Americans would kill everyone who had mistreated him beautiful this worked made even assisted that the man is a senior as mayor should only be interrogated by regional Nazi party leaders
Starting point is 01:36:39 at the Austrian state of Tyrol which innsbruck was capital of, and that man would be the top of their regional government, you know, government would be Franz Hofer, also an interesting guy to talk about. Hofer was a bona fide Nazi. An early leader of the nascent Austrian Nazi party, he'd formally put his life on the line for his Nazi beliefs. 1933 serving as the regional Nazi party leader, aka the Galiter, he was imprisoned by the Austrian government for his activities. For S.A. man dramatically broken by the Austrian government for his activities. For S.A. man dramatically broke into the prison to free the 31 year old Hofer and shot their way out. Wounded him in the gun, wounded amid the gunfire, Hofer and the Nazis escaped to Germany. And from a stretcher, he addressed the Nazi party rally in Nuremberg only two
Starting point is 01:37:16 weeks after the prison break. Following the German annexation of Austria, he was again appointed Nazi party leader of the Tyrol region. During the war, Hofer's power in the region grew to enormous proportions. And on September 1st, 1940, he was appointed governor of Tyrell, which is that position of like Galiter. Following Italy's capitulation in the summer of 1943, Hofer is chosen to be the supreme commissar in the operations zone of the Alpine foothills, which included Tyrell, as well as some neighboring Italian provinces. But now, Hofer, the ardentzi believed that the defeat of Germany was inevitable.
Starting point is 01:37:47 To the east, the Russian army was fighting in Berlin, while to the west, the allies were advancing through Italy. America's seventh army, including the 103rd Infantry Division, was advancing on Innsbruck from the west. He wasn't an idiot. Now, he was looking for a way to surrender to the Americans, rather than to the Red Army, hopefully get better treatment. He ordered the Gestapo to bring mayor to him. Meanwhile, the Gestapo to bring mayor to him. Meanwhile, the Gestapo was looking for Hans Wienberg. They brought Fred Meyer along for their raid on April 22nd when they reached the home with a farmer who quartered Wienberg.
Starting point is 01:38:13 They found the spare parts for the radio, extra equipment, gold pieces, a chemistry book, and three chemistry textbooks that Wienberg had been reading. The Gestapo investigator then interrogated the farmer in his 19-year-old son, pressing them for more info, and they confess saying that they did know Fred that Hans and Franz had left the night before accompanied by mayor's girlfriend Thomas Marie. The Gestapo quickly tracked down Thomas Marie and threatened her with execution on the spot, barking, lead us to the radio operator or we or you will be shot confronted directly by his girlfriend and top operative mayor looked or straight in the eye and according to legend winked and the Gestapo didn't catch on
Starting point is 01:38:48 and she understood what to do and she bravely led the officers on a wild goose chase on a fruitless chase around the mountains for about five hours. Frustrated believing Thomas Marie actually couldn't find Windberg the Gestapo didn't make any arrest. They didn't kill her. Then that evening in full defined the Gestapo the village of the Windberg was hiding in did something truly extraordinary. Some sympathetic villagers went to the local church, prayed that Frederick Mayer would
Starting point is 01:39:09 be delivered from the clutches of the Gestapo. They are in the heart of the Third Reich, built around an ideology of racial hatred, Austrian villagers, are praying for a Jewish spy. Pretty cool, very little known historical moment. Meanwhile, Franz Weber and Hans Weinberg, they take, or Windberg, they take shelter at a nearby farmer's house. On April 24 24th, 1945 after three days in captivity. A man comes to Fred Mayer's cell wearing a military uniform now. Fred's rough shape at this point, bearded and bearing the visible bruises of torture, wearing
Starting point is 01:39:35 only an oversized tunic pants without underwear and shoes that don't fit. Mayer looks up and sees two Nazis. One of them takes Fred to the back of a BMW convertible and tells him who he is. Dr. Max Prims, deputy to Franz Hofer. Again, as the galleiter, it's essentially the governor who controlled the region's troops and defenses. Prims admits quietly that he and several other Germans admire mayor for his courage during three days of torture. Then he told mayor that he was about to meet Franz Hofer at the mansion, at his mansion. How weird must that all feel? Mayor is headed to a meeting that never would have happened if it wouldn't have been for Mattel's brilliant lie convincing the SS that mayor was a powerful figure in the US military.
Starting point is 01:40:11 At the mansion mayor is introduced to Hofer. Hofer's wife in the German ambassador to Benito Mussolini's government, a man named Rudolph Ron, some access powers bigwigs. On top of the large fine wooden table in the main dining area is the cornucopia of fine food. Hofer offers mayor as seat as the kind of guest of honor to sit down for a meal. Large bowl of soup, a glass of wine replaced in front of mayor who's starting to think that this is just another elaborate way of getting him to reveal the location of his radio operator. While the other guests began to eat, mayor doesn't make a move.
Starting point is 01:40:38 Even after hofer and prims reassure him, he still won't eat. Finally, hofer comes over, puts his spoon into the bowl of broth and eats assuring him that his bowl had not been poisoned. And then Mayor laughs and yells, God, or fight! I poisoned my own soup with some tainted earwax. I snuck in here. You fool. And then just like that, Hofer drops dead. Mayor jumps up, punches off Hofer's leg, uses it as a sword to decapitate, uh, prims, and the other access assholes. Right? Fucking goes bananas. I wish. No, Mayor now eats some soup. And then the table began to discuss the war
Starting point is 01:41:09 and eventually touched upon the possibility of Germany joining the Allies to fight the Russians. How weird is that that that was a possibility? Look, I know we've been enemies, right? I know you know. I know the U.S. and the Allies aren't big fans of Nazi, but hear me out, what if we team up? Come on, think about it.
Starting point is 01:41:24 We team up. Fuck up Russia, come on Come on, think about it. Team up. Fuck up Russia, come on, let's just try it. Brazenly mayor asked how Germany could be trusted, how they think they could be trusted after they've broken all of their prior treaties. The table replies that the Russians were the only real enemy. Mayor begins to wonder,
Starting point is 01:41:37 are they actually talking about Germany surrendering as the discussion continues and bastard Iran says he is going to burn until his mayor, I'm going back to Zurich and I plan on contacting your people and letting them know your life these guys know the war with the war is almost over and sure is there now we're uh... that we're now six days from Hitler checking out once again mayor since the trap but he nods he agrees to run suggestion of contacting the osss in switzerland since it's the only way
Starting point is 01:41:59 to get a message to the oss without revealing the location of his radio operator eventually conversation tapers off the intercom to an end as a parting gift, over hands mayor, a sausage and a roll of bread. Neither of which is much help considering he can't eat because of his fucked up teeth. He still suspects it's a trap, but it's not. Ron was true to his word, delivers the message to the OSS office in Switzerland, headed up by future CIA director Alan Dulles. Dulles then cables OSS headquarters in, because they're to Italy. Fred Mayer reports he is in Gestapo hands, but cable don't worry about me.
Starting point is 01:42:29 I'm really not bad off. Meanwhile, mayor is whisked back off to jail, not quite out of the woods. On April 27th, the bellowing voice awakens mayor in his jail cell. It's a gooner, that SS agent who had found mayor, you know, and participated in torture and knocked out his teeth. This guy now drops a bag of cookies into mayor's lap and remorsefully explains, I did not mean to torture you. I was just doing my job. Sorry about whipping your balls, bloody, and knocking out your teeth, you know, jobs and job, you know, you get it, it's fallen orders.
Starting point is 01:42:59 What an interesting moment, man, war can be so strange. I find it so funny that he gave him a bag of cookies. Like I wonder if some part of him thought there was a chance of all being forgiven, things like that. Like, mayor, after the allies free him, he's going to be like, you know what? I want to hate you. You whip my balls, bloody. You broke out so many of my teeth, I can't even eat a fucking sausage, but you also did give me a bag of cookies. And I like cookies. So, yeah, we're cool. All's forgiven. A gooder than explained that the entire jail and insbrook was being evacuated.
Starting point is 01:43:26 The inmates were being moved to another location. Surrounded by armed guards, mayor is marched now to the courtyard and then whisked away by car to the Reichenau concentration camp. Holy shit. The war is end need, but now there's a real good chance he's gonna die.
Starting point is 01:43:39 Before the party, Mayor gives the bag of cookies to the old guard who had treated him kindly. It's not like he could enjoy him. Reichenau is a concentration camp established in 1941 that held Jews from Northern Italy and members of the Austrian resistance. Like so many concentration camps, basically all of them ascend a scene of daily atrocities for funds, some SS guards in this camp once forced Jewish women to walk in a circle with
Starting point is 01:44:00 sand cupped in their hands. If they noticed any of them dropping even a grain of sand, they would open fire with their machine guns, and then of course they did. Just evil shit. Mayor found himself in the exact type of places family had fled Germany to avoid ending up in. Thankfully, he would not be there for very long at all.
Starting point is 01:44:16 Hours after his initial internment, old Dr. Max Prims boldly walks through the iron and barbed wire lace.k that's around at the camp finds mayor. And when questioned by SS guards, currently replies, he's in my custody now. Max Prims boldly walks through the iron and barbed wire lace stockade that's around at the camp finds mayor. And when questioned by SS guards, currently replies, he's in my custody now. Prims took mayor back to his office, which was next to Hofer's office. For the first time since he had been picked up by the Gestapo, mayor has left alone while Prims dashed out of the office to take care of some business.
Starting point is 01:44:37 He could have escaped, but mayor reason that he was better off in Prims hands than on his own. When he returns, Prims explains to mayor that Hofer is about to make radio speech the population of Innsbruck and two thousands of SS soldiers defending the area. Hofer was preparing to bolster the defenses, as well as implement plans for the werewolf movement, an underground insurgency to be led by fanatical SS men in Hitler youth who would continue to struggle and occupy Germany and Austria. He was going to exhort the population and the troops to make a last ditch stand fight
Starting point is 01:45:05 to the death for Germany. Primusoth this was madness. Go talk some sense into him. Make him declare Innsbruck an open city. He told mayor. Mayor then went into Hofer's office who was busy writing his speech. Mayor told Hofer that if the Germans decided to make a last stand, America was essentially going to fuck them up.
Starting point is 01:45:21 Their air power in artillery would flatten Innsbruck. Did Hofer not have any regard for the lives of Innsbruck civilians. Mayor continued, once armor troops break to the mountain pass, as Innsbruck will be destroyed, it is insane to order a last-titch effort. If you love Innsbruck and his people, why destroy it? You haven't got a chance. Hopefully, look conflicted. I need fair treatment," he said, referring to conditions of his surrender. Mayor jumped on the opening.
Starting point is 01:45:44 I will make you and your staff my prisoners and guarantee your lives. Mayor told him, you're right. Hope for sheeplessly responded. He wasn't going to make the call now. Mayor did it. He bluffed this Nazi governor essentially into standing down. Mayor recalled 63 years later, I had no authority to take anyone prisoner or guarantee their safety.
Starting point is 01:46:00 I just thought it was a good idea. Solid bluff. With Mayor in the room, the Galiter got on the radio, made the announcement that the insbrick was an open city and that forces should lay down their weapons in surrender. Thousands of SS and regular army troops, Garrison and the insbrick could have slowed the L.I. advance and caused hundreds of thousands of deaths on both sides had he not relayed this order. The dream of a last stand at the Alpine readout had now really truly officially died.
Starting point is 01:46:24 Mayor's plan to take over insnsbruck has become in reality. Once a message had been made, Fred Mayer goes to find Winburk who could be critical or who would be critical to get messages back to the allies that the city of Innsbruck is ready to surrender and that there would be no last stand, no Alpine fortress. Hail Nimrod. He finds Winburk at the farmhouse where he was hidden. And in the BMW, they drive back to Hofer's mansion. They make their way to the four year where Winburberg is now treated to dinner with the Hofer's. A very
Starting point is 01:46:48 strange. Hofer will later be sentenced to death for war crimes. Dude was tried and true Nazi, cool with your medication on the Jewish race. Now he's having a nice meal with two Jewish Americans as World War II winds down to an end. At dinner, Dr. Prims discusses allowing mayor to fly his aeroplane, which sat in a hanger at a nearby field. I know you usually say airplane, but it was written in the source as arrow plane, as I was pretty cute. Mayor wisely said, no, considering the heavy presence of allied fighters. Went Wienberg later recalled the scene, there was high tension. I had trouble putting the spoon to my lips without shaking.
Starting point is 01:47:18 I was 21 years old in front of some of the most powerful Nazis of the Third Reich. Also present at the dinner table was Major Alfred von Fraunfield, former Galai to Vienna. He discussed his post-war plans to write a historical treaty about the fall of the Nazis. All of the table agreed that mayors somehow needed to get through to the American lines to relay Hofer's message of the pending surrender of Innsbruck. Hofer was the first to retire that night, while the rest of the party stayed up until dawn, debating and arguing the course of the war. The Germans asked these guys, why did America have to mix herself up in a completely European affair? The American's answer was that the word of Hitler meant nothing, and that no country was
Starting point is 01:47:52 safe from Nazi aggression. And I imagine the Germans saying something along lines of, what? Yeah, not, yeah, that's not fair, attracts. That night the Nazis also hinted at the coming of the Cold War, citing numerous examples of friction between the Russians and Western powers. They kept on warning us that the menace of Russian domination of Europe recalled Wienberg later. Early afternoon, the next day, April 28, two days before Hitler's death, Hofer approaches
Starting point is 01:48:15 the two Jewish spies, says, blindly, he's surrendering unconditionally with Hofer having fulfilled his end of the bargain. Mayor assumes command, places Wienberg in charge of the 15 15 man police guard and some other Nazis, including Hofer. And they put them under house arrest. My how the tables have turned three dudes, two of them young American Jews, parachute and behind enemy lines. Couple of months later, they have high ranking Nazis taking their commands under house arrest. They have to feel pretty damn good about themselves right now.
Starting point is 01:48:40 Mayor now sets out toward the American lines to relay news of the surrender officially. Still injured from his days of torture, but victorious. Fred mayor felt the wind hit his face as he drove down the road toward the American lines to relay news of the surrender officially. Still injured from his days of torture, but victorious. Fred Mayor felt the wind hit his face as he drove down the road toward the American lines to the west. Now, it's about 20 minutes. He noticed an American outpost in an MP standing guard and officer arrived and used a field phone to call the 103rd Division headquarters, major bland west from Norman, Oklahoma, arrived in the scene and then accompanied Fred Mayor back to Hofer's office.
Starting point is 01:49:03 There they had talks with Hofer who officially surrendered to the major and was promised fair treatment. Meanwhile, Hofer had a long talk with Fred and Hans, who convinced him to make an additional radio speech telling the people and the SS and Army garrison surrounding Innsbruck that the war was absolutely lost. Do not participate in where will activities cooperate with the Americans? Oh, and Hitler now dies. That also happens.
Starting point is 01:49:25 More on that in a second. By May 4th, the 103rd was occupying Innsbruck and Mayor and Windberg are congratulated. Prons Weber also now comes out of hiding the green up power trio team is reunited. Meanwhile, Hofer is placed in her house arrest, which is a points mayor who had promised him to be treated fairly. He demands and receives for a major blend west, a letter promising hope for would be treated fairly. But then while under house arrest, hope for pulls off a remarkable escape.
Starting point is 01:49:48 He flees to Germany where he will get back to work in his trade as a salesman like he did before the war, unrecognized, and eventually using his true name, he lives free and dies in 1975, lives a long life. He was tried to them sent you up for his war crimes by the people's court of ins book in 1949 and was given a death sentence, but obviously that lives a long life. He was tried in absentia for his war crimes by the People's Court of Innsbruck in 1949 and was given a death sentence, but obviously that was never carried out. Shortly after midnight, on May 7th, 1945, the Nazi surrender with both fronts collapsing
Starting point is 01:50:13 and defeat inevitable, Hitler committed suicide in his bunker deep below the right, cancerly, chancelry on April 30th, 1945. His successor was Admiral Carl Donets, but he saw the writing on the wall and surrendered. As the news of Germany's surrender reaches the rest of the world, joyous crowds gather to celebrate in the streets, clutching newspapers that declared victory in Europe, be day. With Germany's official surrender, life slowly begins to return to normal and insbruck.
Starting point is 01:50:37 The local paper returns to the press. Our returns, you know, to press, to start printing papers again, businesses gradually re-open, Hans and Franz attempt to get their first goodnight of sleep in months. American troops are now busy quickly hunting down the areas Nazi official, Nazis, the areas Nazi officials, including Walter Goudner, the SS agent who'd given mayor the cookies after bus and teeth out and whipping his balls bloody. They apprehended him and asked Fred mayor if he wanted to see him. Mayor brisley walked to the very halls with a stoppage a old and once housed him, he made his way to the dang corridors to the cell that held his nemesis, trembling, gooteneers stammered to mayor, do anything you want to me, but don't hurt
Starting point is 01:51:10 my family. Mayor looked gooteneer directly in the eye and responded, who do you think we are? Nazis, noise. And then when gooteneer let his guard down, he yelled, go to fight, pull that a bag of stale rock hard cookies and beat him to death with him. Now, of course not. What he did was turn his back on Walter Goedner for the last time, not sure what happened to Walter when he came to war crimes punishment. Not a big enough Nazi to rank much being written about him, I guess. On May 17th, Hans and Mayor, they say goodbye to their friends in Innsbrook and prepare to head out.
Starting point is 01:51:39 Fred and Braze Thomas Marie one last time, she's staying. He's heading back to America, right? They're breaking up, but on good terms, I guess. Mayor and Windberg, they shake hands with Franz Weber. A few days later Weber and his fiance travel back to the glacier. I love this detail. They travel back to the glacier where they all dropped
Starting point is 01:51:54 in behind enemy lines. They locate the white silk from Operation Green of Parachute Canopies and then she will use that fabric to make her wedding dress. That's fucking cool. Hello, Suspina. Before departing innsbrook, Hans taps out a final Morse code message, gats into base, closed my circuit
Starting point is 01:52:11 net, taking over this morning, many thanks to three months cooperation, best regards from Fred and Hans. Of course, Fred mayor and Hans Wynbrook. Wynbrook, there we go. The Jew also, they now they traveled to Salzburg, Austria, where the OSS had established a new headquarters, and where they are reunited with other Jewish OSS recruits. Meanwhile, as American troops are liberating concentration camps, the men learn of their own family's fates. Wienberg learns that his mom, dad, sister, and little brother have been killed at Auschwitz,
Starting point is 01:52:40 and that, of course, is so tragic. After his epic victory, and for saving so many lives, the worst possible news. The war now over, the men now head back to America to live the lives of ordinary civilians. They've been sworn to secrecy, which meant that they didn't receive any recognition upon returning home.
Starting point is 01:52:55 So what happened to them? What happened to some of the other characters involved in Operation Greenup? Thomas Marie was happily married after the war. So she's fine. She's found another guy, another fella. She's also awarded the Austrian liberation medal for her heroic sacrifices after the war. So she's fine. She's got another guy, another fella. She's also awarded the Austrian Liberation Medal for her heroic sacrifices during the war.
Starting point is 01:53:09 You know, Lohanstein became the owner of a small graphics business, wrote several books on graphic, graphing techniques. Herman Matel got his last payment for his duties, was never heard of again or from again after 1945. I was a guy with the messed up hand who saved Mayor's life with this bullshit story about him being a big wig. After retiring from the military, he's life with his you know bullshit story about him being a big wig After a time for the military is a captain John Billings that pilot becomes a commercial pilot This is this is a really cool footnote at age 96 in 2019. He was still piloting and assessed necutless
Starting point is 01:53:37 Most of the time he was flying angel flights transporting people in need of medical attention He just stopped flying. He's still alive and healthy. And article just came out about him a month ago. He's alive and well and falls church for Virginia. He just wrote a book, finished writing it, a special duties pilot, the man who flew the real and glorious bastards behind enemy lines. You can pre-order it right now. Comes out in August 31st. Love it.
Starting point is 01:53:59 Hail, Nimrod. Dr. Max Prims spent several months behind bars following the end of the war and then returned to a successful plastic surgery practice After the war mayor became friends with Prims visited him several times while working in Europe over the years Hans Wynberg built himself a very distinguished career You received a PhD in chemistry. Remember him reading those chemistry books from the University of Wisconsin taught at the University of Minnesota and Telaen University Eventually returned to the Netherlands to chair the chemistry department at the University of Groningen. He authored hundreds of papers, supervised a group of PhD students who became leaders in
Starting point is 01:54:30 their fields, started Sinccom, a company specialized in an organic synthesis, and he died in the Netherlands May 25, 2011 at the age of 88. Fred Mayer, he was discharged from the OSS in 1945, received the Purple Heart and the Legion of Merit. After the war, he worked with General Motors, later worked for from the OSS in 1945, received the Purple Heart and the Legion of Merit. After the war, he worked with General Motors, later worked for Voice of America as a supervisor, traveled the world. 1990, the Austrian government awarded him the Tirolian Order of the Eagle in gold. He died on April 15, 2014 in Charlestown, West Virginia at the age of 94.
Starting point is 01:55:01 He had volunteered for meals on wheels in Charlestown for more than three decades. And he was delivering meals in the area just a few weeks before his death. He was, he was survived by two daughters and a long time partner, Virginia Nash, and interviewed his home. Two months before his death, he said he never really liked being called a hero, but he sure was, wasn't he? His former OSS pilot, Billings interviewed shortly after his death said, I was in awe of him. He was born without the fear gene. He feared nothing, and he was able to be whatever he needed to be. Of course, he feared nothing.
Starting point is 01:55:31 He was a motherfucking gutter fighter with a first degree. Hail Nimrod, you real and glorious bastard. Let's get out of this timeline. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. And I'll begin when Fred Mayer and immigrant who had initially been denied entry to the US Army, enlisted again, is led in and based on how well he did in training, his supervisors determined he'd be a good candidate to join the OSS, the four runner to the CIA. Shortly thereafter, he meets Hans Wienberg, who would become Operation Greenhouse Radio operator,
Starting point is 01:56:17 the duo then joined by Franz Weiber in Italy, former Nazi current POW, who decided to become a spy to help them. And the real life in glorious bastards are born. After months of training and waiting around, including learning how to parachute from planes, they finally get their mission to investigate the area known as the Alpine Readout, the place where it was thought that Hitler would try to lead the Third Reich when Berlin fell. Germany's propaganda campaign about the Alpine Readout had been so effective that no one really knew what was going on there, and peed in the Allies' ability to successfully
Starting point is 01:56:44 launch the final military campaigns to close out World War II. Operation Greenup would get that info in so much more. Eventually, it would liberate the city of Innsbruck, not before Fred Mayer pretended to be a French electrician, got discovered by the Gestapo, was subjected to some horrific torture, some ball weapon, even placed briefly in an Austrian concentration camp, a combination of bravery and extreme luck saved him, another OSS operative.
Starting point is 01:57:07 Herman Matal told the Gestapo that Fred Mayer was a high ranking American official. There would be serious consequences for his captors if he was killed. A lot of bravery, a lot of quick thinking in this tale. Fred Mayer, especially, what a legendary dude. Fred Hans, Franz, all right, they wouldn't be able to do what they did without the cooperation
Starting point is 01:57:22 of so many other people, living in Nazi occupied territory, who were not fans of Hitler. People risking their being labeled traders, risking their lives, risking being executed or sent to concentration camps for help in the OSS agents. Some of them like Thomas Marie directly assisted operations. Others are great risk for themselves. How is the spies? Some of their friends and cared for them, even prayed for them.
Starting point is 01:57:42 Some were strangers who just believed in what they were doing. Interesting to me that even senior Nazi officials who had conversations with Fred and Hans to facilitate Innsbruck's surrender, treated them with respect and dignity and clearly liked them. They were clearly some very, very special meat sacks. I'm glad we got to hear their story. Let's look at their amazing story. A few more times in today's Top 5 Takeaways. days. Top five takeaways. Time suck. Top five takeaway. Fred Mayer, Hans Windberg, and
Starting point is 01:58:09 Franz Hofer went behind enemy lines by parachuting into Naki into Naki. They parachute into Naki to Naki, the Naki toki land. They parachute into Nazi occupied Austria and traveled on foot for days before reaching the town of Innsbruck. Or friend would sneak into a factory, talk with some real yard officials, enter a German soldier's clubhouse, get important information for the OSS. Also traveled by rail, also traveled by sled, up to 60 miles an hour.
Starting point is 01:58:34 In sanity. Operation GreenUp was just, number two, excuse me, Operation GreenUp was just one of the OSS's missions, many missions, the wartime intelligence agency that was the forerunner to the CIA. Number three, Fred Mayer was tortured for days, his dendals whipped, his teeth broken, water boarded, left in a freezing cell, and none of that broke him. Then when he had a chance to get some revenge on the Nazi that tortured him, did not stoop
Starting point is 01:58:55 to his level. Honorable man. Number four, also called the Alpine fortress, the Alpine Redout. Was a redout, meaning an area that a country can retreat into, follow me to defeat and combat, planned by Heinrich Kimler in November and December of 1943 for Germany's government and armed forces. It was also a big lie that Operation Greenup uncovered. The Nazis would make Noah Heveley fortify well armed last stand. It was just a plan they made for propaganda. Number five, new info. We mentioned some of the other people who involved in OSS operations, some of them Hollywood
Starting point is 01:59:26 actors, actresses like Marlena Dietrich. In 1920s, Berlin, Marlena had won fame for her acting in German silent movies. Her performance in Lola Lola in the 1930s, or as Lola Lola in the 1930 movie The Blue Angel brought her international claim in a contract with Paramount Pictures, who would appear in dozens of movies. She was also a spy who vehemiliously opposed Hitler. In 1937, Dietrich, who was then a German citizen, was approached by Nazi representatives,
Starting point is 01:59:50 asked a star in some propaganda films for the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, himself allegedly, personally requested. She support this cause. Dietrich, who was staunchly anti-Nazi, refused. Two years later, she renounced her German citizenship, applied for US citizenship, and the Nazis branded her a traitor. In British wartime radio broadcasts and over German
Starting point is 02:00:09 airwaves, Dietrich spoke directly to her former countrymen, saying Hitler is an idiot. Hail Marlena! Dietrich also worked with the OSS to record a series of anti-Nazi albums, using propaganda to weaken the morale of Nazi troops. The broadcast of these songs and interviews were meant to create tension between the access powers and it worked. The US strategic bombing survey discovered that the programs were just as devastating to German morale as an air raid. As he broadcast continued, more and more Germans and Italians began to doubt Nazi and fascist
Starting point is 02:00:39 propaganda. Pretty cool. How you can make such a big difference during a war without ever picking up a weapon. If you did that kind of social activism today, how many fans would be bitching about how she just dig your singing, just stick to making movies, we don't want to hear your political bullshit. I'm sure she had a lot of people back, a lot of people back then saying the same thing, but she didn't listen to them. Thank God she helped the allies to feed her home country. She was a lot more than an internationally famous sex symbol.
Starting point is 02:01:02 She was a social justice warrior in the best possible way. Time, suck, tough, five takeaways. Operation Green Up has been sucked. Hope you enjoyed that gutter fight. I love saying that gutter fight. Such a fun term. Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team for all the help of making time suck.
Starting point is 02:01:22 Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins, Refford Doctor Joe Paisley, Sophie the Faxor, Swiss Dr. Joe Paisley, Sophie the Faxor, Swiss Evans. Run a point on this week's research. Bit of lecture for continuously refining the time suck app, Logan the art warlock, Keith,
Starting point is 02:01:33 running badmagicmerch.com, working on our socials along with Liz Hernandez, being the visual artist for all things Bad Magic. Thanks to all those who joined the new Cult of the Curious Private Facebook group, Cult of the Curious 2, or one of the many online subgroups out there. Thank you to Liz Hernandez and our all-seeing eyes running our Cult of the Curious Private Facebook group. Colt the Curious Two, or one of the many online subgroups out there. I thank you, Liz Hernandez,
Starting point is 02:01:46 and our all-seeing eyes running our Colt the Curious Facebook page, and to be staking the mod squad for running Discord. Next week on TimeSuck, we go full Colt, Colt, Colt. Very excited to learn about Dwight York, and the Nahuabia Nation of Moors. Once a simple suburban kid from New Jersey, Dwight York, AKA Malachi York, AKA Dr. Love, AKA a whole bunch of other bullshit names.
Starting point is 02:02:08 I would rise to power as a cold leader, now he more chaos to an already chaotic time in place in York City in the 70s. York led a group in Brooklyn in the 1970s called the Ansaru Ala Community, or the AAC. And that's where he got his first taste and what it felt like to be a cold leader. He would then change locations and names eventually
Starting point is 02:02:24 setting on the Nahuatlian nation of Moors. Called by the Southern poverty law center, a black supremacist cults in Nauvians under Dwight York, Tahted Adam and Eve, or Hawa, or Nubian. And the white people were devils, which according to Dwight York was evident in the word Caucasian. Hello. Carcass Asian is what it almost kind of looks like, which could mean denigrated Asian. So, you know, that's how you think when you don't understand how words are formed. Dude, I've had a lot of crazy shit. Whenever he needed something new to keep his followers in line,
Starting point is 02:02:53 he distracted them by giving them something crazy to focus on, like when all of a sudden, he tells them they're really Egyptian UFO believers. Took some weird twists, this is cult progressed. Finally, the early 2000s, the lockout up with him, when it did, York was living on a massive Egyptian theme park like compound called Tom Array in Georgia with a couple hundred followers. Yep. Among those followers, a lot of kids, sadly, children do I, York were abusing. Of course, he was. Eventually, he'd be charged with hundreds
Starting point is 02:03:18 of counts of abuse. So many that the prosecution had to knock off some of the charges because they thought the jury would find it too unbelievable that one person could do all that, but he did. So much crazy coming next week here on TimeSucker. I can't wait. Now time for this week's TimeSucker updates. Updates, get your time sucker updates. Now let's start off with some comedy. Our first episode of this week comes from Kamazoviktom, and funny sack, Paul Albano. Paul writes, hey, Pecker, I love this word. Hey, Pecker, head, permission to swear.
Starting point is 02:03:52 250 some odd episodes and Kamazlow finally and epically rams me heart. Fair amount of set up here. I use that correctly, never know when you use a semicolon. Well, I think you did. My son's daycare is near my office, so I picked him up to bring him to his pediatrician's office for an appointment.
Starting point is 02:04:06 My wife met me there. I pulled in, shut off the truck, started to get out when she wavy down, walking from her Jeep, pandemic and all, there's still not allowed people to stay in the wait room, so you have to wait in your vehicle and they call you. She decided to come sit in my truck since the baby was in there.
Starting point is 02:04:19 She got in, I started the truck back up to get the AC blowing, and what can only be considered divine intervention, the Bluetooth kick-down started playing the HP Lovecraft suck at the exact moment the pediatrician's office called her phone to tell us to come in. She answered her phone on speaker just as you said, you got to be careful what you jerk off to. It's hard to define the roller coaster of emotions in that moment as I tried to decipher the pregnant paws on the other end of the phone
Starting point is 02:04:45 and the simultaneous look of utter embarrassment shock and off my wife. You know on one hand, well done, comey boy, well done. But on the other hand, now I have to navigate explaining to my wife what exactly I was listening to and make eye contact with the poor front desk attended in the pediatricians office. All in all, three out of five stars would get Cummins lot again. He loves good work, Paul. Love it Paul My god, I never get tired of hearing those messages about just the most uncomfortable situations So you know I guess you know what I guess you don't have to see him that long and you interact with the the front desk intended
Starting point is 02:05:20 And you know there's huge labor shortages people just leaving jobs all the time right now to go to other things. You know, maybe show, I don't know, bounce out to somewhere else pretty soon. Best luck. Now a quick and funny pronunciation update coming in from furious sucker Nathan Fessler. Nathan writes, dear suck master, or dear suck master flex. I'm not good at pronouncing things,
Starting point is 02:05:38 so I am sympathetic to your mush mouth, but this one's out of hand. I love these as well, so I'll fire up people. I've heard you mess it up every time it comes up. And I don't know how it hasn't been pointed out. Any town that ends in Shire in the UK or US is not pronounced Shire like some mother fucking hobbits. I know it spelled the same, but it's pronounced sure. You know, like the fucking state new Hampshire. Anyways, that was bothering me. I just never understand why people in the West think the syllable changes when you go to the UK.
Starting point is 02:06:09 Your little time is like your late, 11th night. Thank you. I don't understand either. Fucking English, you know, it's complicated. I didn't even realize I was doing that. Yeah, New Hampshire. That's a great point of comparison because they just spelled like New Hampshire. And the Hobbit reference that killed me.
Starting point is 02:06:22 Now another update coming from the UK, about all kinds of things, from sweet sucker Mark Burrows, Mark Wright's Sardin Dan, the Suckmaster man, Lord of all who sucketh. Greetings from Worcester, England, not too far from the west city of Gloucester. Hopefully I said, I don't know if it's Worcester or Worcester. My Worcester started advanced
Starting point is 02:06:39 to the long message, probably Worcester. I'd like to start by saying how great this week's suck was. You did us Brids Proud Apart from one reoccurring pronunciation, Shire. All right. And then this is interesting to me. Now Mark writes it as Sheer, SHER. So like Sheer instead of Sure.
Starting point is 02:06:55 So I found out so much more than I previously known. I've listened to Time Suck for almost a year now. Love it. I've been working my way through the episode as being a postman. It means I get my headphones on and get at least one and a half episodes a day in my lug holes.
Starting point is 02:07:06 This week has been an ear bashing like no other. I love this. This week so far I've listened to the toy box killer, pen her hospital, Albert Fish, Shobiz. The 100 drunk is fuck special. And this week's fantastic British installment, which left me a bit red-faced. Little comments on here.
Starting point is 02:07:21 While listening to the episode, a group of elderly ladies were out for their weekly walk. We always stop for a quick chat. while listening to the episode a group of elderly ladies were out for the weekly walk we always stop for a quick chat So I pause the episode suddenly mid-sentence an advert for Whipple starts blasting out of my phone Is I frantically try to unlock my phone to hit pause ladies stand straight face the ad ends and I managed to hit pause While most of the women look gobsmock gobsmacked one little old lady says they won't sell many of them with all that swearing He got smacked. One little old lady says, they won't sell many of them with all that swearing.
Starting point is 02:07:45 I hope that she walked away from that thinking that was a real product. He's like, wow, wow. Good luck getting people to buy your inner drink when you call them pieces of shit. Tell them to go fuck themselves and suck their mom's dick, whatever it is. I could have told him it was a podcast,
Starting point is 02:07:59 but it's funny what a podcast was, what it would have taken too long. So thank you, you beautiful bastard. On the episode in which you sucked yourself, you gave no top five takeaways. Guys, been so long, I forgot. I'd like to add some if you don't mind. We were all little shits when we were young.
Starting point is 02:08:10 Number one, we were all little shits when we were young, but take those experiences and make yourself better. Number two, if you want something enough, work hard, believe in yourself and read your goals. Number three, humor is fantastic. If you don't have any, get some, meet sex. Number four, stay inquisitive. Keep asking questions, use your knowledge for good.
Starting point is 02:08:26 Number five, keep fucking sucking. That was nice. I could go on all day, but I'll cut it short. One last thing, my kids love the Piny song. I have the original as the ringtone, as my ringtone. Oh, that's awesome. They're not sure what a butt baby is, but they don't ask luckily.
Starting point is 02:08:39 They've even made a perversion for when our loss so, opso, pup, joy eats our leftover curry and has an orange beard. Dorable. But you please give a shout out to my wife, Amy, who I always update with recent episodes. She was nearly sick when I told her about Jupiter's twist in the Spanish Inquisition app. My kids, Louis, Ruby, and little Timmy. And please give them a special, piny ho down.
Starting point is 02:08:58 Take care, all you time, cyclisters. Thank you to Dan, your family and the whole team for a great podcast. Hail, name, rod, praise, my dangles, triple, lamb, and curses, who's a a great podcast. Hail them, Rod Praiseworthy Daniels, Triple M and Kirchley Loose the Fiend of Sometimes. Kindness regards, Mark Burrows. Oh, that was very, very nice. Mark, thank you. What a thoughtful message. Glad I got most of my UK pronunciations, correct?
Starting point is 02:09:14 Thank you, Amy for listing and Lewis Ruby and little Timmy. Look at here now. You got a good dead, good as dead. It's you ever did. Head. Be glad he's not Fred West. Yikes. Thank you, Guillain Mark.
Starting point is 02:09:27 Now an entertaining message related to the PT Barnum Suck from Funny Sucker, Ashi Rawls, Ashi writes, Hey, Dan, the team. I was listening to the PT Barnum Suck this morning where you talk about tellers of tall tales. And I thought you might like to hear my experience with the banquet chef. It's the venue I work at.
Starting point is 02:09:41 I love hearing about these kind of people. On the surface, he seems like a normal guy. But wouldn't you know what? He was in the CIA and in the FBI. He's constantly running out to luncheons to me with them because they so desperately want him back on duty. Apparently, he left to be with his true love, sports illustrated model, Christie Brinkley.
Starting point is 02:09:59 But then he had to break off their engagement because she was demanding a for some with her quote sexy model lady friends to which he was morally opposed to heartbreaking don't you hate it when that happens mind you this guy is around six years old lips as parents and has the biggest that has the biggest beer belly in Wisconsin just paying such a visual that has not stopped but that has not stopped him from being a red belt in brazilian juditsu is nearly impossible to accomplish checked wiki page And he was the personal bodyguard
Starting point is 02:10:27 to none other than Heavily Boxer Mike Tyson, to whom he is a great personal friend, and is still his in case of emergency contact. I love it when they just don't know how to fucking scale it back. Incredible. I hope you get a little laugh out of that. Clearly I did.
Starting point is 02:10:42 Thanks for all you do. I recommend you to everyone that's so nice. Keep on sucking. Keep your tails tall, but believable. Actually, you're all God lucky you actually get to work with such a natural born storyteller. You'd be so bored by today's story just Mayor and Wimberg didn't even date one supermodel in that story. I didn't have a single for some nice I spoke of yeah, okay. I Think we start telling that shit,
Starting point is 02:11:06 you should just start saying like, what? Me too. Just like always me too. Like, what? Yeah, me too. Holy shit. And obviously not the hashtag me too. I just thought of that app where I said it clearly. Weird quints is there.
Starting point is 02:11:18 But yeah, but if you're like, well, yeah, same. Same as these. Oh, you did it, Chrissy Brinkley. Get the fuck, I did it, Chrissy Brinkley. You're being recruited by the CA and the FBI to be, oh my God, me too. You are friends with Mike Tyson. We should all hang out, because I'm like one of his best friends too. Now for more comedy, another Cummins Law victim,
Starting point is 02:11:35 poor sucker Thomas Larsen writes, you son of Lucifina, you got me with the Cummins Law moment. I thought I was immune to that, but it turns out where there is Whipple, there was a way. I recently moved to a different state, leaving even got the chance to meet you in person, the suck dungeon. I was a big ass. Ed Kemper look and dude, they probably smelled like road trips swamp ass.
Starting point is 02:11:52 Sorry about that. You didn't. And then my new job there pretty relaxed about using earbuds to listen to music. Well, I was listening to your HP Lovecraft suck, heard my battery low warning, but was busy with my hands thinking it would just pause the episode. It did. But then Nimrod had other plans. My phone must have turned the screen on and I pocket played the episode just in time
Starting point is 02:12:11 to hear from my pocket. Stop sucking your mom's dick, you basement drilling mouth breather at full volume. Needless to say, I got some odd looks from my brand new co-workers. Luckily after a quick explanation, we all laughed it off. Love the podcast. Listen to them all. Making me a bad magician. Keep it the suck. Three out of five stars wouldn't change a thing. Well, thank you, Thomas. I do remember you staph and buy. I do not remember
Starting point is 02:12:30 you smelling all good. Glad you work with some cool co-workers to handle that one, because they could have easily not handled your explanation. Hope you're well. And finally, an advice request from turning this shit around, Whipple Drinker, Nicholas Archdecki. Archdecki? Archdecki? Archdecki? I have no fucking idea how to say your name. Nicholas writes, hello master sucker and bad magic crew. I write to you today seeking the guidance of our glorious Lord
Starting point is 02:12:53 Nimrod. I've suffered from very strong depression and cut myself off from most everyone. I've taken solace and food and all things fatty, but no more. Listen to your podcast and your openness about mental health issues. I decided it's time to kick this in the butt. So I'd like to ask your wisdom.
Starting point is 02:13:06 What's the best way to shed these pounds and attempt to rebuild relationships with not only others, but with myself? Thanks for all that you've done. You've kept me from some awful things. Got to meet from a very dark place, and I'm forever in your debt. You got to be back.
Starting point is 02:13:18 From a very grateful space that you keep on sucking. Well, what a nice message, Nicholas. So happy to hear that you're making some positive changes. I'm clearly not a counselor or a trainer, obviously as well. I think there's going to be a lot of advice out there. I think the key with both rebuilding relationships and with rebuilding your body is patience. Don't look for immediate results. You want results too fast. It's easy to have that turn in disappointment and then into giving up. Focus on small victories. Understand, not every relationship is meant to be rebuilt, not every body is going to look like it should be on the cover of a muscle and fitness
Starting point is 02:13:51 magazine, and that's okay. Big of a healthy eating plan, activity is right for you. There's so many out there, talk to an expert, you know, do some digging, find the one that you think could work, because everybody's going to tell you like, oh, you got to do this. Oh, you got to do this. No, you don't. There's a lot that can work. Find the one that resonates with you. The one, you know, there's definitely not a one way. And maybe, and this, you know, people can tell you different things, I say throw away the scale.
Starting point is 02:14:13 I'm not a big fan of scales, truly. Just focus on how you feel and how you're close fit. And I say that as somebody who is definitely not in the best shape of my life right now, but I'm fine with that. I'm fine with where I'm at right now. And you know, when I get more time down the road, find maybe I'll get better shape,
Starting point is 02:14:26 or maybe I'll fucking keep having more cocktails tonight. But celebrate small victories. You can only speed walk, you know, for two minutes, maybe at first, and also when you can do it for five, you know, feel good about that. Don't wait until you can run a fucking marathon or run a mile, whatever.
Starting point is 02:14:41 And just know that every journey has setbacks. It is part of the process truly. Some days you're gonna move backwards and that is okay. Play the long game. Too many people want that magic bullet. And that it just doesn't fucking work in the long run. And lean in, lean in to enjoy small victories. I hope that's somewhat generic advice helps.
Starting point is 02:15:02 And ask a lot of people, you're gonna get a lot of different advice. Reasonable goals, that's why I think I'm all about reasonable goals. And ask a lot of people, you're gonna get a lot of different advice. Reasonable goals, that's why I think I'm all about reasonable goals. Rome wasn't built in a day and you don't have to transform your whole fucking life in a day either. And also, you know, I know it sounds cheesy, but love yourself. Here's something slack. And Hill, name Rod you beautiful bastard.
Starting point is 02:15:18 That's all for today's Time Sucker Updates. Next time, suckers, I need a net. We all did. updates. Thanks for listening to another Bad Magic Production Podcast Meat Sex. Please don't get any fights this week you never know when you're gonna go ahead with the gutter fighter. They're Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

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