Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 254 - Jodi Arias and the Murder of Travis Alexander

Episode Date: July 26, 2021

Remember Jodi Arias? Remember why her trial back in 2013 captivated so many and made so many headlines? I'd forgotten. But I sure remember now. Most people have either dated someone like Jodi, or kno...wn someone who has, or... been that person. The girl who just doesn't seem to understand the difference between someone just wanting to hook up with her, and someone actually caring about her. The girl who refuses to go away and gets a little scary after a breakup. And most of us have either dated someone like Travis, or known someone who has, or... been that person as well. The guy who keeps stringing along with some girl who he has no intention of ever having a serious relationship with even though that's what she clearly wants. A guy who keeps toying with a girl's emotions and using her for sex instead of letting her move on. What's that saying? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? Travis scorned Jodi one too many times... and man did he face some fury. Jodi turned out to not just be a crazy ex-girlfriend, but a murderous one. Today's tale is a cautionary one. Careful whose emotions you are messing with! Thank you Space Lizards for helping us give $14,400 to https://supportsurfside.org/ - a hardship fund just established by the Miami Heat basketball team to help those impacted by the devastating building collapse in Surfside, Florida. Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ghtv5JwG1NUMerch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste) Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're over 10,000 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Jody Areas, remember her? In the early summer of 2008, the mortgage crisis in the US loomed large. Barack Obama was campaigning for the presidential election in the fall. The world was looking forward to the summer Olympics in Beijing. And a horrifying crime was going down in the Phoenix suburb of Mesa, Arizona. Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old Mormon motivational speaker of sorts, will be found five days after his murder by his friends and roommates in a scene that looked like something straight out of a slasher flick.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Blood was splattered on the walls of the bathroom where Travis' body was found, along the sink, mirror, and tiled floors. He'd been stabbed nearly 30 times, his throat slid, and he'd been shot in the head. And his friends and family immediately pointed their fingers at the one person who they all thought was most likely responsible. Jody Areas, a slightly built attractive woman with no criminal record. Someone who did not look like the person most would connect with Travis' brutal crime scene. She was the woman Travis had been dating off and on for the better part of the past year and a half.
Starting point is 00:00:57 An odd woman once she looked into their relationship, a woman who'd once slept under Travis' Christmas tree after he told her she couldn't sleep over at his house. A woman who'd snuck into his house through the doggie door after they'd broken up and crawled naked into his bed. A woman who they all suspected had slashed all four of his tires twice when he'd once started dating someone else. For over a year and a half, Travis and Jody had been involved in a highly toxic, sex craze, torrid romance after meeting at a Las Vegas MLM conference in September of 2006.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And while Joe DeHead is jealous, suspicious, and sometimes downright crazy behavior towards Travis set off a lot of alarm bells for his friends, and while Travis seemed to understand how unhealthy his relationship with Joe DeHead was, he would never totally break it off with her. He just seemed to have liked the sex too much, so he kept inviting her back in no matter what she did. And in the end, he did that too many times. In the last days of May 2008, Jody started putting together a plan to kill him. Or did she? Or was she framed?
Starting point is 00:01:58 Today on Times like I hope to prove to you that Jody Areas is completely innocent. Her trial for Travis's murder would captivate a nation that had just come off the case of Anthony Trial. Recordings of phone sex were played in court. Newed graphic sex picks were shown. Jody Areas herself testified for 18 days. She contradicted herself numerous times. She told crazy lies.
Starting point is 00:02:17 She gave a highly implausible story to investigators about who really killed Travis, but does that mean that she killed him? No. But I think I know who did. This week we get to the real bottom of this highly sensationalized murder mystery on a true crime, Mormon is heck, gosh dang, play with fire too many times and you're going to get burned edition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck, you listening to talk, son.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Happy Monday meet, Saks. Working wait. Dan Cummins, a master sucker, head attorney for Jody Erie says appeals team and you are listening to Time Suck. Hail Nimrod. Help me convince others of the truth. Lucifina, please protect Jody. Bojangles give her strength and soothe her innocent soul.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Triple M. And JK. Oh my heck, it's flip out of here. Totally kidding about Jody Areas being innocent. She is guilty as fuck. Do you think I'd lost it? More than normal. Probably lost some new listeners with that opening nonsense. Oh well, worth it for me. Jody Areas is an absolute maniac,
Starting point is 00:03:22 and I was captivated by her story this week. I forgot how crazy and also how relatable her story is. What a cautionary tale. A couple quick announcements and we'll get right to it. Symphony of insanity stand up comedy tour almost here. I can't believe I am about to return to stand up. Go to dncoma.tv to get tickets to Tacoma, Loveland, Colorado, Denver, San Francisco, Portland,
Starting point is 00:03:42 so many more cities, tour starts up in August. A reissue of some old favorites in the store at BadmagicMarch.com right now. Triple M and Nammalpin, the Richard Vermeer Ezpen, a pin of me, Lindsay, the original challenge coin, the most recent challenge coin, some patches, a lot of fun collectibles back in the shop. And that's it for announcements. Flute through them this week. Let's get into today's tale. I hope you like it as much as I do. I hope it grabs you like it grabbed me.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Actually, it was her victim Travis who had a childhood more on par with a lot of the serial killers we've covered here. Their story is a tale of a murderer and a victim who dated a random crime of passion. And that story plays out all the time sadly. More than 2,000 people killed by domestic violence related shootings alone in 2020 in just the United States. More than 2,000 just last year. In only one country, and that's only county domestic violence murders where a gun is involved. And I can't name a single one of 2020's victims, but I do know the name Jody Areas, and I bet you do too. So what made this case such a media sensation? Sex mostly, and a brutal killing committed by an attractive murderer made it feel a bit
Starting point is 00:05:16 more like a Hollywood drama than real life. Jody and Travis's relationship was defined by sex so much sex and not vanilla sex hardcore Pornotime sex being committed by two Mormons which made it that much more interesting late-night phone sex sessions one of which was recorded and played and court A lot of sex picks but sex alone didn't make this case memorable. I think it was just so relatable Much more relatable to a wider swath of America than most domestic violence killings. Neither Travis nor Jody were messed up on math or some other drugs. They weren't living in the wrong part of town. Their lives weren't in some free fall, downward spiral.
Starting point is 00:05:52 They didn't have lengthy criminal records. There was no history of physical abuse in their relationship despite what Jody would allegedly trial. They were two attractive Mormons who seemed to quick lands to be living pretty normal lives. Travis in particular seemed to be doing great It looked like a couple out of an olive garden commercial. I like they could be JC Penny models attractive, but average You know like they could be your neighbor. They could be your suburban neighbor on the surface
Starting point is 00:06:16 They seem so wholesome the last two people to expect to be involved on either end of such gruesome murder like this and Being consumed by sex behind closed doors. I think that made them even more relatable. So very American to try and seem pure and proper on the outside, but be a freak behind closed doors. I think so many people saw elements of themselves in this story. Travis came across as a guy who wanted to marry the quote unquote good girl, who also wanted to fuck the brains out of the quote unquote bad girl. He comes across honestly like a bit of a sneaky ass in much of today's tale, but a relatable
Starting point is 00:06:48 sneaky ass, a player, a heartbreaker, someone toying with the girls emotions, a girl who wants him to marry her, but all he wants from her is sex. I've had a, you know, I've listened to a lot of girls complain about this guy. I've been a version of this guy in moments of my past. I'm not super proud of when I've let my dick do too much of the decision making in my life. I've known a lot of guys like this very relatable. And Jody comes across as the psycho ex-girlfriend. I've let my dick do too much of the decision making in my life. I've known a lot of guys like this very relatable and Jody comes across as the psycho ex-girlfriend I've heard so many guys complain about dating. Girls they want to break up with but the sex is just so good so intense. I've definitely dated that girl a couple times. I think a lot of people heard this case and just thought oh shit that could have been me. My relationship could have ended like that.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I mean have you ever tried to make an ex jealous or stock them on social media, maybe driven by their house? Not saying you took it to Jody's level, but many of us have behaved in ways we're not proud of in toxic relationships, relationships that bring out the worst in us. And if you haven't, you probably know someone who has. You probably know, you've known someone who's a little too clingy. know you've known someone who's a little too clean. I won't leave their boyfriend alone. Someone who gets jealous and possessive and acts inappropriately in front of their boyfriend's friends. Maybe being too overtly sexual or hitting on them in a way of trying to inspire jealousy. The area's trial puts a morality of friends with benefits into question as well.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Made it a popular subject of national debate. Is it okay to just want to fuck someone and not ever see them as anything more than a booty call? Was Jody well not right to have murder Travis? Right to feel wronged by him. Had she been the victimized and sexually exploited by a man who was jealous when she dated other men but wouldn't call her his girlfriend? Did he push her too far?
Starting point is 00:08:21 I think today's story serves as a good reminder to not toy with someone's emotions when you're looking for an easy hookup. Make sure you're on the same page. I think it's a reminder that what may be just fun and carefree sex for you might not be that at all for whomever you're fucking. And you might be inviting a lot more crazy into your life than you are prepared to handle
Starting point is 00:08:41 all in the name of getting laid. As so many of these toxic relationships began, Jody and Travis' initial meeting was marked by a whirlwind of emotions and obsession. They met at an MLM convention in Las Vegas in September of 2006. Travis quickly invited Jody to be his guest to the company's former former, eh, formal, not former, dinner. And for the next couple of months, for the most part,
Starting point is 00:09:02 everything seemed to be going great. In an email to a friend Travis wrote about how deeply he cared for Jody. I went from intrigued by her to interested in her to caring about her deeply to realizing how lucky I would be to have her as part of my life forever. She is amazing. It is not hard to see that whoever scores Jody, whether it be me or someone else, is going to win the wife Lotto. Alexander said in that email, but despite her being so amazing, he would never, ever really commit to Jody. His religion may be partly to blame here. While Travis was a normal guy with a normal healthy libido, the Mormon church that was such an important part of his life made him feel like that was abnormal. In fact, when Travis had confessed to having a sexual relationship with a girlfriend,
Starting point is 00:09:43 Deanna, prior to meeting Jody, he'd been barred from the temple for a year, reinforcing a fear that having premarital sex, if people found out about it, would oust him from his community. A community was very important to him, important not only for spiritual reasons, but for his financial future, because his MLM interests were tied to it. We'll get into that later. Travis felt pressure to keep his sexual life a secret and also pressure to feel ashamed of it and Pressure to get married, but only to a good Virgil Mormon girl
Starting point is 00:10:12 He bought into a long-standing and destructive cultural norm psychologists called the Madonna horror complex Though Travis may not have thought about it in such explicit terms This complex would help to find his feelings towards Jody appears about it in such explicit terms. This complex would help to find his feelings towards Jody to peers. This complex describes the idea that for many men romantically, women are either Madonna's, pure and chaste, or sex-crazed horse.
Starting point is 00:10:33 The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, wrote about it way back in the early 1900s. He wrote that men with this complex saw women as either saints or prostitutes. Loving the first, desiring the second, never intertwining both. Basically, this means that people who think like this have the girl they take home and introduce to the family,
Starting point is 00:10:52 and then some other girl they actually have fun with. The girl they take home with someone who they may not feel sexually captivated by, they don't likely feel sexually captivated by, but they think she has the proper morals. Someone who will reflect on them publicly. While the girl they have fun with, she's, they're dirty little secrets.
Starting point is 00:11:08 She's sexually intense, but fills them with guilt and shame. Someone who may embarrass them with her sexuality in front of others. So fucking stupid. Don't marry the girl you have fun with. What are you trying to do? Have a fun sexually satisfied life, you idiot? Obviously, there are a lot of problems with this thinking. It leads to a lot of toxic relationships,
Starting point is 00:11:27 has led to a lot of divorces. As Freud said, where such men love, they have no desire. And where they desire, they cannot love. So ridiculous. This complex has led to people using other people just for sex and emotionally neglecting their sexual partners. Also, for the girls that you take home, these women are never seen as adults with sexual
Starting point is 00:11:47 agency and desires, so it can be hard and sometimes met with disgust for them to communicate their sexual desires to their partners. And for the person sleeping with both the Madonna and the whore, it leads to an alienated experience of compartmentalizing your sex life, these sufferings of guilt and adequacy, poor communication. This belief system is truly not good for anyone everyone's getting fucked in the situation just got just not getting fucked like they should
Starting point is 00:12:10 and aspect of this complex is reference uh... in the rich james song super freak actually never really thought about it before but it was lined she's a very kinky girl the kind you don't take home to mother fully fucked up when you think about it madonna horc on plexus are particularly rampant in subcultures with strong beliefs against sex before marriage like Mormonism because sex before marriage is considered a sin. The women who have sex before marriage are
Starting point is 00:12:33 seen by their partners as sinners and unworthy of marriage, which is a wee bit hypocritical because it takes two to tango. The LDS, the LDS faith's view of premarital sex cast a long shadow over Travis and Jody's relationship. Before we jump into the timeline, it is worth examining real quick. So what is the Mormon law regarding sex before marriage appropriately? It's called the law of chastity. And it's pretty clear regarding what is okay and what is not.
Starting point is 00:13:00 It reads, before marriage, do not do anything to arouse the powerful emotions that must be expressed only in marriage. Do not participate in passionate kissing. Lie on top of another person, or touch the private sacred parts of another person's body with or without clothing. Do not allow anyone to do that with you. Do not arouse those emotions in your own body. This can be found in chapter 39 of the book of Mormon. No dry hump and even, not technically. My first girlfriend who was real Mormon, I don't
Starting point is 00:13:31 think she read all of chapter 39. My God, did she love to aggressively dry hump? Too aggressive, literally bruised the tip of my deck one time. But Travis, like many other unmarried and horny moments, he looked her ways to get around this Mormon sexual law. He'd introduced Jody to some pretty interesting. This doesn't really count. Sexual loopholes that make zero sense, and they're actually really creepy when you think about them, but apparently pretty common in certain Mormon circles, before just saying fuck it and then doing whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:00 He performed oral sex on Jody the first time they hooked up, doesn't really count, it's just some mouth hugging, and the two of them often did what's locally referred to as the provo float or No, I'm sorry provo floats coming up later. There's a couple of provo terms. This is the provo push Which is this an intense form of you know dry-humping of grinding before having sex So that's got that's how my dick got bruised some hardcore provo pushing They also did some other shit with some pretty funny names. We'll talk about the timeline. Some of the hardest I've laughed
Starting point is 00:14:30 with some times like research in quite a while. And then once Jody was baptized into the LDS, they started having regular old sex. And then because of that old Madonna horror complex, the more they had sex, the less it seems, Travis viewed Jody as a potential and respectable future spouse. They break up, then keep sleeping together, and get back together, and break up again, and keep sleeping together. The more they slept together, the dirtier the sex got,
Starting point is 00:14:52 the less Travis seemed to respect her, and the chance of them ever getting married grew slimmer, and slimmer, and that drove Jody crazy. She was being used by a man, she didn't want to marry, or I'm sorry, she was used by a man she did want to marry, who didn't want to marry her. She was doing whatever he asked, and it still wasn't enough, actually pushed him farther away. Also, important to point out, she was fucking nuts. She was nuts long before Travis and her started doing
Starting point is 00:15:16 some creepy weird sex stuff, and before she started doing creepy, crazy girlfriend shit. She'd follow Travis to the bathroom, stand outside the door or eavesdrop on his conversations. She'd grab his cell phone, she'd go through it, she'd sneak onto his computer, go through his email, social media messages. She did a whole bunch of red flag shit. Travis caught her multiple times.
Starting point is 00:15:35 He'd be furious. He'd tell her to get out of his life. But then later, he'd get horny and call her up, usually in the middle of the night. And she'd answer. And the sex was so good. Travis wanted to keep having sex for so badly no matter what line she crossed,
Starting point is 00:15:49 he would just never completely kick her out of his life. And that good sex ended up costing him his life, not victim, not victim blaming. He did not deserve to be murdered, but man, he played a dangerous game with someone he was all too aware, was not incredibly stable for a long time, as you'll soon see. Now let's get into it in this week's Time Suck timeline, where we will examine the lives
Starting point is 00:16:08 of both Travis and Jody from birth until death and Travis's case and from birth until now in Jody's and of course how those lives intersected and do a sexual relationship that led to a murder and also expose some very interesting religious sexual views in a sensational trial that would captivate a nation. On July 28, 1977, Travis Victor Alexander is born. The first child of Gary David Alexander and Pamela Elizabeth Morgan Alexander. Pamela was Gary's third wife. She was 24. Gary was 29 with two children from a previous marriage. When their beautiful green eyed boy arrived joining half brothers Gary and Greg. Pam and Gary Alexander would go on to have two daughters
Starting point is 00:17:01 Samantha and Tanisha. The family lived in Riverside, California, large inland area in Southern California, about 60 miles east to Los Angeles, with the reputation of being one of the nation's most polluted smog belt communities. Despite the marriage and the children, it wasn't one big happy family. Far from it. Travis' parents were both meth addicts, self-absorbed, controlled by their addictions. In the self-help memoir, Travis was in the process of writing at the time of his death titled Raising You. He described his father as a person who was rarely around and who eventually abandoned the family. You'll find a lot of excerpts from this book of your curious book that was never
Starting point is 00:17:34 to be completed. On a blog, Travis wrote on the still available Travis Alexander dot blog spot dot com. Travis described his mother as a woman who'd started a family way too young. She couldn't even meet her children's most basic needs. The kids had no one to cook them a hot meal, did laundry, clean the house, shop for food, help with hygiene, care for them when they were sick. Pam would go on long weekend or long, you know, week long, excuse me, drug benders, then crash in bed for days, beat the kids if they bothered her. Travis described beatings at the hand of his mother who would violently go after any child who waked her up, which you sleepin off a bender. During these beatings, he mastered a way of twisting his body so he could deflect the
Starting point is 00:18:10 blows to less sensitive parts of his body, such as his back and arms. It hurt less and also the bruises could be hidden from school teachers and other concerned adults. Then there was verbal abuse. Pam frequently told her kids how miserable, how worthless they were, complained about how they'd ruined her life. Gary and Pam also fought explosively. He wasn't any better.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Pam wants empty to revolver into Gary's car, holy shit. On retaliation, Gary chopped up Pam's belongings with an axe. So Travis was exposed to what a very toxic relationship looked like at a young age to what, you know, a jealous and violent partner looked like. Travis and his sisters were left to fend for themselves with Travis as the oldest taken on the roll of caretaker. They'd eat anything that was edible, moldy bread, whatever they could find in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Travis would later recall being upset that he couldn't eat the canned foods in the cupboard because he didn't know how to use a can opener. The house was filthy, he would write, my sisters and I found some amusement in the fact that an entire colony of albino roaches had broken out. So the house looked like a bunch of moving salt and pepper crawling on everything. Travis would later write, to this day, I have only one phobia, roaches.
Starting point is 00:19:13 There was nothing more disgusting to me than to wake up to feel roaches crawling on my body. So far from ideal childhood, neither of Travis's parents worked. The family eventually were evicted from their house. They moved to a beat up camper shell in an onspack yard. The show was four feet tall by five feet wide by six feet long. It would house four people. The family minus Travis's dad. He'd have to sleep somewhere else, you know, anywhere else, or he'd just be off gone. There wasn't a shower. They'd go days without washing. As can be expected, Travis wasn't very popular at school. The poor kid literally and figuratively, you know, was mocked for his appearance, but it wasn't anything like the abuse he'd endured at home
Starting point is 00:19:50 so he didn't really mind. He did start to find comfort in spiritual thoughts. His parents weren't religious, but other family members were and he started believing in God. He's about six when he spent an entire day pleading with God, out loud, asking for his grandma to come take him for the weekend.
Starting point is 00:20:04 His mom woke up, beat him, went back to sleep. He kept pleading, sometimes screaming for God. Sure enough, his grandma came, picked him up. And that was how Travis came to have faith in God. And by the age of 10, he decided to run away. He didn't run very far. He ran into a few blocks to his paternal grandparents house. Jim and Norma Jean Sarvey.
Starting point is 00:20:23 He walked in, stood in the middle of the living room, and announced, I'm going to live with you now. In his grandma, he called her mum-mum, responded to the call, and took him in. She took in his siblings as well, and raised her grandchildren as her children. His parents would never really be in the picture anymore during his childhood. She gave Travis the love and security that he craved. She was also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, the latter day Saints, and she introduced Travis to Mormonism and he loved it He had a stable family. He had God life was good As you got older Travis settled into a normal and wholesome life with his grandparents He attended Rubido high school and Jarrupo Valley
Starting point is 00:20:55 The city of just over a hundred thousand in the northwest corner of Riverside County, California By around the age of 16 he felt like he had gotten over most of his early childhood troubles He become a confident and self-assured young man. The nightmare of Roach-filled evenings was over. Backing up now to three years after Travis was born, Jody Ann Areas is born July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California, the Bill in Sandra Areas. She'd have just about the opposite childhood as Travis. Her dad, Bill, tall muscular man with a well-trim mustache, a sweet stash and a beard who took pride in his physical physique.
Starting point is 00:21:28 He was an aspiring restaurant tour. Sandra was a homemaker. Selenis was a pretty ideal place to grow up, pretty affluent community overall. One of the most expensive cities to buy a house and in the nation actually. The median home price of a home back in 2018 was 550,000. Known for its flowers, vineyards, and temperate climate selenises
Starting point is 00:21:46 in the middle of the California coast, about eight miles inland from the Pacific Ocean, 106 miles south of San Francisco, just 19 miles from Monterey. As a child, Jodi attended Los Padres Elementary School on John Street. She was a happy kid with the wide circle of friends. She loved art, especially drawing and coloring,
Starting point is 00:22:03 was happiest when she was near a pile of crayons and some pieces of blank paper. Around the age of 10 she took on photography as a hobby, something you don't do in the 90s if you're a porcupine. Jodie had two younger brothers, Carl and Joey, and a younger sister Angela. She also had an older half-sister from her dad's first marriage. Years later, Jodie would say she was subjected to disciplinary beatings from both her mom and dad, claiming her mom hit her with a wooden spoon. She carried with her in a purse and then her dad used a belt to dole out punishments.
Starting point is 00:22:29 No one else has really substantiated these claims. What people have said is that Sandy and Bill were particularly strict with their daughter from a young age. And while some can interpret this as abuse, I'm not going to because Jody saying this and she will prove herself over and over to be a manipulative liar, but almost on par with Casey Anthony. I'm guessing she's exaggerated to very least. Also in the 90s, using a belt wooden spoon, that was more common than it is now. I watched her on an interview, say she had an idyllic childhood. In others, I've watched, mentioned her parents have had nothing, but you know, good things to say about them and her family. When Jody was around 11, around 1991,
Starting point is 00:23:03 the Aries moved just over 150 miles up the California coast to Santa Maria. Another absolute community surrounded by a lot of wineries. City of about a hundred thousand where Bill had bought a stay cows called the Brandy Iron. Jody seemed to adjust well to her new surroundings quickly developing a tight circle of six or seven girlfriends and taking to middle school easily. She attended the eighth grade at Orkut Junior High School. Thanks seem to be going really well. But trouble was on the horizon for the areas family, about four years after the family moved to Santa Maria. When Jody was about 15, her mom found something suspicious. Sandra discovered that a piece of her
Starting point is 00:23:36 Tupperware was missing from the kitchen. Looking for it, she then discovered that Jody had taken the container to the roof of the house where she was using it to grow. You guys, over the Jody had taken the container to the roof of the house where she was using it to grow you guys marijuana with a friend the devil's lettuce oh my god if they smoked that stuff they might enjoy music a bit more ponder life's real mysteries uh sandy and bill they decided to call the sheriff's office to turn their daughter in hoping the experience will scare her straight seems a bit extreme but whatever maybe not the crazy parent you move my wife Lindsey's mom had the cops called on her as a teen when she acted out and deserved. She was not a little rascal.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Part of what I love about her. She's got some loose to feed in her. The cops came over, sternly lecture Jody and a friend, warning them they could end up in Juvie and Jody feels betrayed. Up until this point, she had not been a rebellious teen, but the overkill response made her angry enough to start acting out or so she would say, you know, so it seems to have backfired. After this pot incident, Jody grew distant and paranoid. Her parents will later substantiate this. She began claiming that her parents would constantly search her room. She never really trusted them after this.
Starting point is 00:24:37 And maybe they had good reason not to trust her, you know, after this or even before this. She doesn't seem like a trustworthy person at all. Jody lied to her parents frequently. Occasionally, her parents will later say Jody was physically violent, especially towards her mom. There was an incident where she got so mad at her mom. She kicked her during a family dinner. Another time, Bill shoved Jody into a wall
Starting point is 00:24:56 and her mom didn't intervene. After the two of them got into it, a few semi credible sources say she wants punched her mom in the face. She's becoming a pretty rebellious team. It was getting to be a tense situation in the areas household. Around the same time in early 1995, making things even more complicated, Jody's parents decided to move again around 500 miles further north to Wyrika, California near Mount Shasta in the Oregon border. This is another big blow to Jody. First, I call the cops on air. Now they're ripping her away from
Starting point is 00:25:22 her friends. Jody was convinced that the move was intended to punish her. Why Rika's a lot smaller, a lot less affluent than either Salinas or Santa Maria, under 8,000 people, a lot more white, 5% white compared to 75% Latino. Compared to 75% Latino and Salinas and 70% Latina Latino in Santa Maria. So, Jody roughly half Mexican heritage wise. It felt like it was just tougher to be the new kid here that she stood out more. And the way that she didn't like, she began ninth grade in Y Rika, at Y Rika Union High School, despite her frustrations.
Starting point is 00:25:57 People who knew her during this time will later pretty much just have nice things to say about her. They saw her as a good girl kind and caring. Not sure what her parents did here, but there is a restaurant there also called the Branding Iron Family Steakhouse. So, it might be quincidence or maybe Bill was running that Steakhouse now. So what was Travis up to during this time?
Starting point is 00:26:15 Travis graduated from high school and the spring in 1995 worked a string of jobs to save money for a church mission. The following year, he was called to serve in the Colorado Denver South Mission. Part of his two year undertaking was volunteering to help the homeless in and around Denver. Great place for a mission. I love Denver.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Very cool city, so much sunshine, so many cool businesses, solid local vibe, and someone who had spent a good deal of his life without essentials. Travis knew firsthand the plight of the people his mission was serving, and the church was super happy with how he handled himself. He spent countless days handing out care packages to the less fortunate to contain food items, essential hygiene products. And on each bag, this is super sweet. He would write a personalized note back to Jody now in the summer 95 between her freshman
Starting point is 00:26:57 and sophomore year's high school. Jody meets her first serious boyfriend, a guy three years older than her name Bobby. Oh, Bobby. She meant Bobby to stay fair. Bobby was dressed in an 18th century long black suit and used crutches as a prop for his goth outfit. So mysterious and cool. That night he invited Jody to ride with him on the zipper. In the beginning, they were just friends. He already had a girlfriend. So nothing happened until they broke up. And then Bobby and Jody started dating. Bobby had lots of time to spend on her.
Starting point is 00:27:25 He had plenty of time since he just graduated from high school, but was unemployed. He regularly met Jody near the high school gates where they would just take walks, hold hands, share do other stuff. And Bobby sounds like a character. He really wanted to be an actor, but also really wanted to hunt vampires, not kidding. He wanted to go to San Francisco to find vampires. He was convinced a covenant of vampires will live in the area. vampires, not kidding. You wanted to go to San Francisco to find vampires. He was convinced a covenant vampires were living in the area.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Sounds like he watched the Lost Boys too many times and forgot it was a made up story. Jody really last on the Bobby. His interest became her interests. His friends became her friends a pattern she will repeat later. Jody was also outside of Bobby, the vampire hunter, miserable in Y Rika. She wrote a letter to a friend on September 16, 1995 saying, my dearest Patricia, I miss you so much. Nobody up here could ever take your place.
Starting point is 00:28:13 No one up here listens like you do. Everyone here is pretty much the same as down there, except for one thing. I don't feel like I belong. I can't even join in the conversation because I don't know what they're talking about. They'll say something to me like, can you believe so and so's going with so and so? And they look so funny together. And I'll be like, no, I don't even know who the hell they are. So it doesn't matter to me.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And that brings up another complaint. The only thing people do around here, I figured out two different groups of types of people getting stoned, the stoners, and the gossip's preppy snobs. Holy shit that letter is so high school in so 90s. Art seemed to be Jody's one bright spot. She bought a set of oil paints and was determined to improve her talents. I've seen some of her work in documentaries and she is actually a pretty talented artist.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Meanwhile, her relationship with her parents is getting worse. Now that she's in high school, she wants more freedom. While other freshmen and sophomores are allowed to stay out until nine, 10 o'clock in the evening, maybe later, she has a dinner hour curfew of six p.m. can't go out after that.
Starting point is 00:29:08 That does seem a bit strict. Her father even resorted to disconnecting the car battery to keep her home, which was a successful short term because she didn't know how car batteries work. And that seems a bit crazy. But again, I don't know how rebellious Jody was being at this time. It might have been warranted. Maybe Bill had reason to worry about what she was doing. And the final quarter of 10th grade, maybe to get her away from what they saw as bad influences, Jody's parents arranged for her to take part in a cultural exchange program in Costa Rica to learn Spanish and this backfires in their eyes. No time at all. Jody is dating the son of the host family, Victor, who's also 16. Bobby, the
Starting point is 00:29:40 vampire slayer is fucking out. Bye, bye, Bobby. Go grab some wooden stakes and take out your heartache on some undead creatures of the night or dress up in some more goss clothes and ride the zipper with someone else. Jody celebrated her 17th birthday in Costa Rica with Victor when she returned home to corresponded by mail. Jody was now on the end of receiving long romantic letters written in Spanish before long. Victor travels to the States for a month,long visit, two weeks of which he stays with Jody and her family. It was then he gives her a promise ring to express his romantic devotion to her. Oh, young love, promise rings, Lucifina, that's pretty cute.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Jody was also in love and she gives him a promise back. She promises to move to Costa Rica, where she will live and they will get married and they will start a family together. Unfortunately for Travis Alexander, this will not happen. Let's talk about Travis again. July 28th, 1997 will be Travis's 20th birthday. Also, be a Dave some bad news. His father Gary dies in a motorcycle crash at the age of 49.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Gary had been clean for more than a year when he died. And by then Travis's mother had also stopped doing drugs and been trying to get her life together. Both were a bit back in the picture with Travis now. A few months later, Jody breaks up with Victor over the phone through an October over junior year. Not sure exactly what led to this and it probably doesn't really matter. Oh, the capricious heart of a high schooler.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Right, one day you're promising your undying love to someone and next you're totally over them, and moving your life in an entirely new direction. By the end of 11th grade, Jody was clearly floundering. Small town and her rigid, controlling parents were weighing on her, her grades has fallen, started looking for ways out of town,
Starting point is 00:31:16 and then Bobby the Vampire Slayer comes back in, and they decide to give the relationship and they'll try. Jody influenced somewhat by Bobby, perhaps, makes up her mind that she's going to drop out of high school when her junior year is over in May. She's already getting a lot of Ds and Fs. It doesn't want to live with her controlling parents the second longer. She will drop out in the summer of 1998.
Starting point is 00:31:36 She turns 18 that July 9th and she moves out. And this takes a series of weightlifting jobs while BVS gets job bus and tables. I guess those Bay Area vampires will just have to have to wait. They get to live a few more days between them. They make enough to make ends meet barely living with Bobby. The vampire slayers adoptive grandparents. The first thing seemed to go well until Jody claims she discovers that Bobby is being unfaithful. According to Jody, Bobby the vampire slayer is exchanging affection to emails with another
Starting point is 00:32:04 girl, which Jody saw on his hotmail account when they were checking their emails on a computer in the library. When he got up to use the bathroom, she just started looking through his emails like a fucking psycho. And then, you know, told him that she was going to work. She then ditched Bobby, went back to the library, got back on his account, printed the letters or emails, you know, called and stick to work, then went to confront him. This kind of behavior does not often lead to good stable relationships.
Starting point is 00:32:30 The two now date off and on for a little while until Bobby packs up and relocates to Medford organ. He gets the fuck out where he will live with the roommate named Matt. Guess he decided those San Francisco vampires were just too powerful to confront for the time being. Maybe Matt was another vampire hunter and they could train together and Med for sharpen their stakes and skills, maybe grow some garlic and whatnot. Jody now goes back moves to Santa Maria to live with an old friend. Meanwhile, Travis also switching up his living situation. In 1998 around the age of 21, Travis returned from his
Starting point is 00:32:58 den for mission, settles back into California, sharing a home with some other single Mormon dudes back in Riverside, heck yeah, gosh dang guys, let's live it up. Let's get two liter bottles of caffeine-free coke and a couple bags of funnions. Throw on some edited for radio, you know, Dr. Dre, the chronic CD, maybe talk about Lyle Kiss and some ladies. Oh my gosh, I hear Jared has been provoked pushing with someone. Travis joins the riverside singles ward of the lds where everything calls in by his self proclaimed nickname of t-dog noise all flip yeah and the lds and the lds church of uh... war does the local congregation presided
Starting point is 00:33:34 over by bishops depending on the neighborhood of war can have anywhere between twenty five to five hundred active members who live in a certain radius around a meeting house based on how close uh close to other words it is, you know, the size of the radius, in places where there's a high population, a single adult, single wards, housing advice, members between the age of 18 and 30.
Starting point is 00:33:54 And what I understand, based on reading off the church's website, once you're 31, if you're still not on the path to marriage, you move on from the Young Singles ward to the gosh dang, what's wrong with your dinging, don't you wanna put it in a wife-hole ward ward or maybe that next ward is called a singles adult ward instead of just a young single adult ward or or that and actually before you move on the cutoff for that ward is 45 and if you're single at 46 well head on over to Facebook you unfuckable
Starting point is 00:34:18 bridge troll that seems to be the kind of vibe by looks of it not a top church priority to get you married anymore at the young singlesles award Travis makes a lot of friends among them a young Mormon woman named Deanna Reed. They meet in 1998 when Travis is on a date with the roommate girls in Deanna's house would hang out with the guys in Travis's house and they'd all, you know, drink caffeine, drink coke and become friends. Travis and Deanna had already known each other for more than a year when they began dating in the spring of 2000
Starting point is 00:34:47 Now let's switch back to Jody Jody arrived back in Santa Maria in the summer of 1999. She's 19 now. She stays there through Christmas She finds a job waiters in at a local Applebee's and soon becomes quite lonely. She is drifting. She doesn't know what to hell to do with her life She decides that she wants Bobby the vampire slayer back. Oh hell yeah Santa Maria was 10 hours from head for Oregon, but she made her way to his doorstep with a bag full of groceries left anonymously for him to find. She drove 10 hours unannounced. What the fuck? Jody claimed Bobby insulin to the care package was from her called her to thank her, but Bobby's friends saw Jody's mysterious delivery as a pretty creepy move. called her to thank her, but Bobby's friends saw Jody's mysterious delivery as a pretty creepy move. And I agree.
Starting point is 00:35:25 You do have 10 hours anonymously to leave a bag of groceries on your ex-boyfriend's door. That is some crazy ex-girlfriend shit. I mean, sometimes I'm sure that kind of big gesture can lead to a quality reconciliation. Sometimes romantic, but I'm gonna say nine times out of 10, it's just crazy. I've talked about it before at some point,
Starting point is 00:35:40 but a girl I dated for nine months in college from like the end of my freshman year to half a year, my sophomore year. One day she just brought me lunch to a pizza place. I worked at it my junior year. We had not been talking. I did not find this romantic. I found this kind of scary and creepy.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I made it very clear. For a couple of weird things she'd done previously, shortly after we broke up, that we were never, ever, ever, ever getting back together. I did not eat that lunch. Bobby the vampire slayer, he did eat the groceries. This worked for him. And now ever getting back together. I did not eat that lunch. Bobby the vampire slayer, he did eat the groceries. This worked for him and now they're back together. Following the first visit, she makes a drive to Medford on numerous following weekends. That is, man, a 20 hour round trip to hang out some more with him. But Jody will not remain satisfied
Starting point is 00:36:19 with BBS for long. In January of 2000, Jody confides her dissatisfaction with Bobby to friends who suggest she make a list of pros and cons to see if the relationship is worth saving. She comes up with three pros right off the bat. Made me feel beautiful, could make me laugh, would scrape the ice off my car in winter while I stayed inside and warmed up. Then she moved over to the cons column. Won't shut up about hunting vampires. Watch his lost boys too much.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Continually points out what characters are doing right or wrong regarding fighting vampires for a whole movie. Has the walls of his room completely covered in posters of Sarah Michelle Geller from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Concee tells me if you ever meet her, I'm out. JK, no, her real complaints are unsympathetic when I need a shoulder to cry on. Tells me to fuck off on a weekly basis. Trashes my name to anybody who will listen. Tells me he loves me, but takes it back minutes later.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Trashes my family and my friends, my God. If half of that is true, why in the hell was she driving to Medford to see him? I do wonder if it was true. She will reveal herself during her trial as someone who loves to lie to get people to feel sorry for her. Jody Aries loves sympathy and is incredibly manipulative. She accused Bobby of flirting with other girls on the party line, the internet, and parties and bars, claimed he had called her the worst, filthiest, most unimaginable names in the
Starting point is 00:37:40 dictionary. She added the list doesn't even begin to mention the fact that he likely cheated on me, including all aspects of an alternate love affair. But if you want to me to go away so badly, why didn't he just tell me, uh, thing was he did kind of tell her by fucking moving away and not asking her to come say with him. He did not beg her beg her to come back. She spontaneously drove to Medford without telling him to try and get back together. And why didn't she call him first? I think maybe because if she would have done that, he would have told her not to make the drive.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Maybe because when she shows up, she knows she can use some of her freaky sex to try and change his young vampire hunt mind. Despite this list of hers, Jody now moves to Medford. Okay. So she did on you. Calls you the worst, filthyest name is imaginable. Trash is your name to anyone who will listen. Is unsympathetic.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Tells you to fuck off weekly and you move to Medford to go names imaginable. Trash is your name to anyone who will listen is unsympathetic, tells you to fuck off weekly and you move to Medford to go live with him. What is going on here? Jody is nuts is what's going on. She'll repeat this pattern with Travis complaining about how horribly he treats her but then moving closer to him to spend more time with him in spite of the pain he's supposedly continuing to cause for her.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Adding more drama to her life, shortly after moving to Medford for Bobby the Vampire Slayer, she starts dating Bobby's roommate, Matt. So did BVS trash her name? If he trashed her name so much, why does his roommate now want to sacrifice his friendship with Bobby the day you? Guessing Jody severely manipulated both of them.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Jody will quickly find a job at Applebee's and soon she and Matt will rent to one bedroom apartment together. February 6, 2000, just weeks after moving to Medford to live with BVS, Jody believes she is now in love with Matt. Things are moving fast in a different direction. She writes in her journal that this day that she feels blessed to be with a man so kind
Starting point is 00:39:14 and caring. She writes, it is simply incredible. The fact that we are here building our dreams together. Remember when a few years ago she was ready to move to Costa Rica? Start a family with Victor. Jody really seems to very quickly hitch all of her hopes and dreams on whatever dude Remember when a few years ago she was ready to move to Costa Rica? Start a family with Victor. Jody really seems to very quickly hitch all of her hopes and dreams on whatever dude she has just started dating.
Starting point is 00:39:29 She doesn't seem to understand how dysfunctional that is. It doesn't seem to be a strong and dependent young person looking for a partner to build a life together with. She seems to have a hole in her. She's always looking for a man to fill. I'm not talking about that hole, which I'm sure she's also constantly having filled in Hale de Saphina. Things will soon sour with the new perfect guy Matt.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Just three months later in May of 2000. She'll write in her journal about how she misses Bobby the vampire slayer again. No idea if he's even still into vampires, by the way, he'll just always and forever be Bobby the vampire later to me. Then two further months later in July, she's back to writing about how much she loves Matt. And then by October, Matt's out again. She begins her journal on October 8th, 2000 with,
Starting point is 00:40:09 I feel utterly fucking worthless, useless and destructive. Like, maybe I'm failing at life, failing at my comic lessons, and failing in my relationship with my beloved. Oh, I vey. Jody and Matt's relationship begins to truly crumble in January of 2001, a year after they start dating. So often it seems like Matt really doesn't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Sometimes I feel like I'm just a stereotypical woman who sits at home and isn't important. It's your journal entry on January 3rd. And maybe she really is picking some bad dudes. Very possible. Or maybe she is just walking drama. Her relationship ended with Matt when he started secretly dating a woman named Bianca. And when you and when you and Jodie find out about it, she drives an hour and a half north to confront Bianca. It doesn't sound like they fought physically. Just went off on her verbally. Bianca will later confirm this happened. She obviously tells Matt, now Jodie
Starting point is 00:40:56 begs Matt to stay with her, but he leaves her for Bianca. Let's check back in with Travis now. Spring of 2001. Travis is still dating dating Diana, the LDS young lady. He started dating in the spring of 2000, after knowing her for a year. For a job, he is selling day planners at Franklin Covey, a retail store in Riverside, a store that is LDS owned headquarters in Salt Lake City. I find this hilarious. I remember those Franklin Covey stores. There's not really any more around retail wise, just one in their Salt Lake City headquarters.
Starting point is 00:41:27 I used to stop in during my early standup days to get some fancy notebooks throughout my jokes. As if writing, you know, in like a little mole skin book would provide better jokes than if I just used a spiral notebook about at the grocery store. Most of Travis's relationship with Diana had been long distance. After just a few months of dating, she had left for Central America for her mission, and since then, it had just been a lot of letters. Phone calls, email, or not permitted, at least at that time, the church had a strict communication
Starting point is 00:41:54 policy for members on a mission. They could actually only call family twice a year on Christmas and Mother's Day, and they were forbidden to have telephone contact with boyfriends or girlfriends. Gotta stay focused on the mission. Gosh dang. Can't let the devil or a boyfriend or ant-murdle distract you. Suddenly in June of 2001, Travis writes to tell her that it's over. He has seen someone else.
Starting point is 00:42:16 The 24-year-old has just fallen in love with a young woman he had met at a Young Singles Ward in Riverside. Her name is Linda Ballard. She's 19, a student at Brigham Young University in Provo. Travis and Linda met once before while Linda was still in high school. He'd flirted with her then, but then his sister reminded him that she was too young. But then when she comes home, you know, for the summer after her freshman year, he's like, old enough. Reconnex was there, and the pair quickly become a couple. Their first date and first kiss are on June 4, 2001, exactly seven years to the day before Travis has murdered.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Travis adored Linda. She just, she just described as beautiful with a slender petite frame. Linda found Travis exceptionally handsome. He was thin as well, athletic. She was taken in by Travis's charisma and his easy way with people. And before long, their relationship became serious. But then some distance would get in the way again and an MLM. That August, Linda Provo Provo for her second year at BYU Travis wanted to go to Provo to with her saying he'd find an apartment near campus and they could continue dating But Linda that was a bit much for her told him not to come yet She wanted to wait a semester before he made such a big leap Didn't want the pressure of having someone moving his whole life to another state for her. She wanted to date long distance
Starting point is 00:43:23 They could visit each other as often as they could. That fall, Travellis. Travellis? That's it. I don't even know where that came. That'd be a weird name. Travellis. Travellis.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Short for Travellis. That fall Travellis is struggling financially. He's not making a lot of money at Franklin Covey. Not selling enough moleskin notebooks. He shares a house with several other young men, but can still barely pay his rent and bills. So he ends up doing some job search in and he finds a company called Prepaid Legal that an LDS friend named Chris Hughes works at. And Prepaid Legal seems a little flippin' fuckin' gosh dang damn sketchy. This company still around, founded by Harland Sea Stone Cypher. That's a fucking name.
Starting point is 00:44:06 On August 8th, 1972 is the Sportspin Motor Club. I can't believe that's a real name. Sounds like a weird character in a book. Harland Sea Stone Cypher. That sounds like a 19th century dude who shows up in a little dusty western town and starts a doomsday cult. In 1976, Sportspin's Motor Club
Starting point is 00:44:23 is incorporated as preppaid legal services incorporated, pre-paid legal now known as legal shield. Cells are at least sold, plans based on multi-payments, similar to insurance for healthcare or car accidents, but for legal representation. It's a multi-level marketing company. Encouraging its employees to enroll others to sell legal insurance underneath them, and the more people you sign up to sell the insurance underneath you, the bigger your take, the higher you rise in the company's ranks, a structure that sounds pretty pyramid-like. Sounds a lot like the good god, am I? Make a refined and affordable nutrition,
Starting point is 00:44:59 beauty and personal care products like neutralized, busy, and fabulous for vest and tablets. Let your inner beauty bubble and sparkle with gochibaries for skin health, buy it in for healthy hair, and no artificial sweeteners. More than a reasonably priced, just 8, 50% tablet container. Hey, oh, I am way, blessed to be the savings. Fucking MLMs. Hurt more people than they help you after a year,
Starting point is 00:45:20 beating them delusions of riches. For young Travis prepaid legal, seems like a fun way to make money while meeting lots of new people. And it was for him. Travis would be one of the rare people that actually did make a great living working for an MLM. He had a real talent for it. Chris Hughes was looking for a person to help him build his MLM business in Southern California. Chris was new to town. He didn't have the connections he usually takes to get your pyramid scheme off the ground. Travis knew Riverside like the back of his hand and thanks to his personality combined
Starting point is 00:45:47 with LDS connections, he knew a lot of people. It was a perfect fit. Chris hired Travis onto a sales team at PPL where Travis used the story of his childhood struggle, his childhood struggles to win over potential clients and kind of becomes like a motivational speaker slash salesman. PPL was great for Travis's bank account but not great for his relationship. Linda not comfortable with PPL's multi-level marketing approach. Good for her.
Starting point is 00:46:14 She founded Awkward when Travis tried to sell the company's services to her friends constantly. Yep. They'd be on a double date and Travis would quickly turn the conversation over to PPL and encourage the other couple to join. Holy shit, dating someone doing stuff like that would be a hard pass for me. I don't like being given a hard sales pitch when I go somewhere to buy something. I like seeing what the product is, you know, asking for someone to give me more info. If I want it, please don't pressure me. If you're pushing shit on me at dinner, it's going to be our last dinner. This may be imagine like the podcast version of this.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Like you hear me do ad breaks on the show because ad breaks are where ads are supposed to go. What have you made me in real life? And I just went on and on trying to get you to buy a mattress or some vitamins. You know, just to just out the gate. It's not nice to meet you too. Hey, how's your back? You getting enough rest?
Starting point is 00:47:01 Dinner's to understand how a better night's sleep is proven to lead to less back pain and over 25% more productivity? Did you know that I can get you 15% off your best mattress and help you make the best decision of your life a little bit obnoxious? Meanwhile back in Oregon, Jody bounces. In the fall of 2001, after things with Matt got bad, Jody does not get back with Bobby the Vampire Slayer again. She moves down to Big Sur, California, where she takes a job, waitress scene at the Ventana
Starting point is 00:47:25 Inn and Spa and Carmel. Carmel only about 20 miles from her birthplace of Salinas. At the Inn and Spa, a man named Darrell Brewer is in charge of hiring and training employees. And Jody soon develops a crush on him. To her, he is sophisticated, older, or real George Clooney type. It doesn't even talk that much about vampires. Six months later, by the beginning of 2002, now 21-year-old Jody and 42-year-old Darryl are in a relationship. Weird that this won't
Starting point is 00:47:50 work out long-term. There was much more mature and stable relationships than her previous ones, but Jody being Jody, she does do some weird shit again. She seemed very intent on mimicking Darryl's ex-wife, an attractive blonde and successful career woman who would put herself through college by working at the chic Carmel restaurant where Jody would eventually work. Daryl's ex had blonde hair. Jody dies her hair blonde. Daryl's ex gets breast implants, then Jody does. Jody even gets the exact same model of car that Daryl's ex has. Despite her weird behavior, she doesn't seem to have a strong sense itself. You attach to her identity, whoever she's with. Darryl and Jody do have a good
Starting point is 00:48:29 life together for a while. They hike, camp, enjoy the outdoors. Darryl often leaves Jody alone with his son who starts to look to Jody like an aunt. Jody proves to be a mature partner, working two jobs to contribute to household expenses and they date and they live together for a few years. A couple years into the relationship, Darryl and Jody even decide to buy a house together. Darryl and Jody find a reasonably priced house down in Palm Desert, 440 miles away, East to LA, by about 100 miles. Jody gets a job there at California Pizza Kitchen. Their house costs $350,000.
Starting point is 00:49:02 They intend to treat it as an investment. When they close on it in June of 2005, their hope is to live in the house for $350,000. They intend to treat it as an investment. When they close on it in June of 2005, their hope is to live in the house for two years, then flip it for profit when the time is right. It would turn out they had jumped into real estate near the peak of the market. And soon would be saddled with the house worth less than their outstanding mortgage. It would be upside down. And on top of that, Jody and Darrell's relationship would soon hit a wall. Darrell did not want to get married again. Did not want to have more kids. Jody did, the relationship starts to unravel.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Now let's back up a few years, reconnect with Travis. Despite her MLM reservations, Travis and Linda still going out in January of 2002. That month, the two caravan to Utah using walkie talkies, stay in touch over the long drive. Pretty cute. Linda had found Travis a house to share with some other single Mormon dudes, helps him move in. This place is not far from the house she shares with
Starting point is 00:49:49 several other young Mormon women. As expected for two devout Mormons, Linda and Travis never take things further than kissing and cuddling, gosh dang, but Travis is getting ready to make a change to that. In the form of buying a ring and asking Linda's dad for his daughter's hand in marriage, but Linda has doubts She's not sure the Travis is the one and that may just four months after Travis moves to Utah for her She decides to move on Travis is heartbroken Then finds comfort in the arms of his old flame Deanna Reed the girl he had broken up with to date Linda when Deanna was on her mission For the next three years they now date exclusively while they live separately
Starting point is 00:50:24 With Deanna back in his life Travis feels a sense of security and stability. He now can focus on becoming his best possible self. In order to do that, he develops some interesting routines. He begins each day with a motivational exercise. On a 3x5 index card, he lists the six things he believes are essential to do every day. Prayer, reading scripture, reading 10 pages of a good book, listing to 30 minutes of personal development lectures, working out, and making money. Okay, fine. I would probably have Jerkinoff Dallas, but maybe he didn't feel like he needed
Starting point is 00:50:54 a reminder for that. He wrote the same list on a new index card every morning until the six items became a routine part of his day. This time goes on, he adds a seventh item to the list, then an eighth, and so on. He also creates other lists of things he wanted to do just for fun. Maybe Jerkinoff made that list. He created another list of things he needed to do out of necessity. And actually, since he was celibate due to his strict religious ideals, that's the list Jerkinoff probably fell on. I mean, if you don't have sex and you don't jerk off your 20s, you're going to fucking explode. And reality, the kind of things that made his list went from updating his calendar to 30 minutes of practicing Spanish. Once a list were made, he would study them, ask himself, if this was all you get done, would it be an amazing day?
Starting point is 00:51:33 Sometimes the answer would be yes, other times it would be no. Either way, he wouldn't start his day unless he could say that it was going to be one for the ages. Wow. I believe in having a plan. I actually do find daily affirmations to be very helpful. But he took it to the next level. And these lists did help him. And I honestly respect the discipline he employed here. I joke around, but this is not a bad idea if you need help focusing and you need help getting more productivity out of your day.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I print a checklist every week to make sure I'm knocking out what I need to do. With this routine, Travis became more confident and improved in his public speaking skills. He organizes events now and meetings for large groups of people selling a shit ton of MLM lawyer insurance. Dan and Travis are together for about a year by the spring of 2003. When she now tells him she wants to get married and start a family. She's 24, getting pretty old, getting pretty old made by Mormon standards. Travis is 25 and this time he's the one who is not ready for marriage, but they stay together a while longer. In 2004, Deanna learns that her company is relocating
Starting point is 00:52:29 this operation to North Phoenix, Arizona. Travis wants to buy property, but it is priced out of the Southern California market, so he's eager to go with her. He travels to the area a couple months ahead of Deanna to look at property. He first looks in Mesa, 20 miles east of Phoenix. It has a large Mormon population. Almost immediately, he finds a five bedroom house on Queensborough, Avenue, and Mesa for the right price. The house is huge, 4,500 square feet. He thinks the enormous house will be a great investment. The more bedrooms, the more roommates,
Starting point is 00:52:56 he can have him help pay his mortgage. In Mesa, Travis joins the local LDS church on Haas Road. Quick, quickly becomes a popular member of its young single adult ward. To help pay his mortgage, he rents out rooms to church members, friends, and singles looking for a monthy arrangement. And it's not long before he has a full house, all young men who are either affiliated with Mormonism, PPL, or most often both. The church was Travis's best source for PPL sales by far. Now, Deanna does not move in with him. She gets her own place, right?
Starting point is 00:53:27 Their families of the church, they would frown big time on some unmarried cohabitation. I can lead to a lot of provo pushing a dangerous amount. It sounds like it was a fun house he lived in. There was an open door policy. The roommates would gather to watch UFC fights, have parties, you know, parties with no alcohol. It was not get crazy. You can bet your sweet bottom.
Starting point is 00:53:44 They had a whole mess of sugar. Let me tell you, you can get pretty flipped up if you eat too many double stuffed Oreos. Oh my heck, the room is spinning. My dumb dumb hurts. This party's wild. And Halloween, Travis and Diana dressed as Johnny Lingo, a Polynesian trader and Mahana, his small and wife from the 1969 film Johnny Lingo, produced by the LDS church. Okay, that seems a bit awkward uh... they played the newlyweds game came within two points of winning beating other couples have been together for years but still travis is conflicted about marrying her
Starting point is 00:54:14 why possibly the old madonna hor complex we talked about earlier what travis's roommates and friends do not know was that he and diana had begun having you guys guys, sexual relations. What the flip? The provile pushes clean wean right out of his good boy slacks, past her Mormon muff and straight into her Holy Spirit hole.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Jesus, weas, heavens the Betsy. These sexual relations are making Travis question whether or not Diana is marriage material. The two keep their physical relationship a secret for more than a year before going to the respective bishops to confess, the weight of the sin became too much. And in the LDS church, at least at that time, the confessions took place face to face in the bishop's office.
Starting point is 00:54:55 First, repentant person reveals his or her sin, at which point the conversation turns to demonstrating a desire to change. The process continues with weekly meetings with the bishop, who shares applicable scripture and spiritual advice. When she confesses, Deanna feels supported and cared for by her community. Travis does not. His temple recommends that his ID, card type thing, let's him go into Mormon temples, be taken away. Neither Travis nor Deanna are now allowed to participate in sacraments in their churches for a time. Janna goes through a 10 month repentance process.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Travis's bishop won't let him back in for a year. And the stress of all this seems to have helped lead to the end of their relationship. Now Travis has experienced first hand that if he sleeps with a woman and is open about it, he will be punished by his community. The same community that had essentially saved him from an abusive mother and terrible childhood,
Starting point is 00:55:43 you know, a deadbeat dad is now ousting him on the basis of premarital sex. This experience will impact his relationship with Jody Areas. And their timelines are about to intersect, by the way. But first, in 2005, Travis gets a puppy. He gets a black pug. He always loved pugs because they were the dogs, says mom, mom loved. And he names his puppy Napoleon.
Starting point is 00:56:01 But because he hadn't been celibate, little known rule the church makes him put it down. If you can't keep your wing clean and your good boy slacked, you don't have a fucking puppy. Rules is rules, amen. Of course, that's not true. I don't know why I think things like that. I really don't. I'm sick. Meanwhile, back in Jody World, she is about to make the move that will bring her to meeting Travis Alexander. Fed up with her finances, working at CPK, Jody starts looking around for better options. When you know it, a coworker introduces her to prepaid legal.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Hail the good God, Amway. That Amway craziness is a reference that comes from the next year in cult episode, by the way, if you were thoroughly confused, prepaid legal seemingly unlimited income ceiling appeals to her because she is scared and desperate. She's been making some real financial choices recently. She started putting about a half of her mortgage on credit cards.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Her financial situation is becoming pretty precarious. And also while she's still living with Darrell Brewer, they haven't officially broken up yet, but their relationship is fizzling to an end. They're no longer sleeping together. Back to her financial woes, Jody is counting on prepaid legal to solve her money problems. In September of 2006, the now 26 yearold decides to attend PPL's Las Vegas Convention of 4-hour drive away. And it is here where Jody and Travis will meet.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Before I share that meeting, this seems like the least obnoxious spot for today's sponsor break. Thanks again for listening to Time Suck Sponsors. We're so lucky to have them. Now, let's jump into Jody Aries's first meeting with Travis Alexander on September 13th, 2006 Jody and Travis meet at the MGM Grand Hotel in Casino and Las Vegas at the Rainforest Cafe. I have eaten there myself Jody was impressed when she met the single 29-year-old Travis had done well in PPL He done exactly what she was hoping to do
Starting point is 00:57:45 29 year old Travis had done well in PPL. He done exactly what she was hoping to do. He was such a successful salesman that by early 2006 he'd already become an executive director by achieving at least 75 sales in one month, including sales made by those underneath him. He was now earning close to the $100,000 mark, which was a level at which sales people were awarded a special ring for executives known as ring earners, noise, and get a cool ring. What a tremendous honor. I wonder if you could get like a cape at the $500,000 level, maybe a ceremonial sword at the million dollar level, maybe get a wizard hat. Jody was a newcomer who'd first started working with PPL that March. She wasn't making shit like the majority of people at any given MLM. Jody just finished lunch with standing with a group of people near the gorilla bench at
Starting point is 00:58:27 the entrance to the rainforest cafe when Travis walked up to her and introduced himself. Then went for a stroll to the casino, wandered away from the group, he was interested. Travis invited Jody to be his guest at the executive director's bank with that very night. Jody initially turned down the invite because she didn't have anything to wear, but her friends told her to go, it would be a good experience. Then Sky Hughes, wife of Travis's friend Chris Hughes, offered a loan Jody address. And when Jody emerged wearing it, Travis was blown away.
Starting point is 00:58:55 I thought she was gorgeous. She was five foot six, 115 pounds, curvy for a thinner woman, the blonde bombshell. And they spent the next five days hanging out. On Sunday, the last day of the conference, the two met for breakfast alone. Oh my gosh, on Shaperone! After we're at Jodi, a company Travis to the front desk where he checked out of the hotel, got an attack seat for the airport. He gave him a phone number.
Starting point is 00:59:17 He reached out to very next day, and then things got serious fast for the two of them. Travis was 10 months shy of his 30th birthday, still unmarried, an odd thing in the Mormon church. He didn't, if he didn't get married soon, he's gonna start looking weird, he's gonna start hurting his PPL networking. He feels pressure to get married. Jody meanwhile, 26 wants to get married and start a family.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Both of them think their romantic luck has turned around. Soon became a nightly ritual. The Travis would call Jody around 8 p.m. when she's getting home from a job at a restaurant. People yell, not working for her. She didn't have the personality for it, but she'll stick with it. The phone call has quickly become longer, even more frequent. Multiple calls a day soon. As the days go on, Travis is vice-jody to join him at Chris in Sky.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Hughes is home in myriad of California. The first weekend after they'd met, Jody now quickly breaks things off officially with Darrell. She goes to myriadta and she and Travis socialized with other guests who were there for a party when the other guests leave. Travis and Jody go to separate bedrooms and then scandal. Travis comes to see her in her bedroom.
Starting point is 01:00:16 After everyone else had gone to sleep, it was a rendezvous. They had planned earlier in the night. Travis came on hot and heavy ride away. She didn't resist. They made out. Travis began taking off her clothes and he performed oral sex on her. He had her little mouth hug. She reciprocated. Sky Hughes would later say this did not happen.
Starting point is 01:00:32 She said that Jody lied about this because the following morning Travis told her that he and Jody had kissed, but he, you know, he respected her too much to move too quickly. Now could this have been a lie to throw off his Mormon's friends suspicions to not get in trouble again with the church? I think so. Travis did boast to some other friends, some guy friends that Jody wanted the T-dog, quote unquote, sky christened Jody and Travis then go to Sunday morning church service before Jody leaves for Palm Desert.
Starting point is 01:00:58 The next week when Travis is driving back to Mesa, he makes a stop in Palm Desert to give Jody the book of Mormon. Well, he didn't just give her that. He didn't drive all the way there to just give her a book. Get the flip out of here. Horting Jody, Travis also tells her that he's horny and they decide to act on it, driving separately to a local park. She still live with Darryl.
Starting point is 01:01:18 There she says Travis gets into her car and she performs oral sex on him or some more mouth hugging. When it's over, Jody recalls it. Travis readjusted the car visor. He pulled down and she performs oral sex on him or some more mouth hugging when it's over. Jody recalls the Travis readjusted the car visor. He pulled down and put his pants back on. Jody called the refuse to kiss her afterwards saying it was gross. He kissed her on the cheek and left. Classy.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Later Jody says she gets a voice bill from Travis, which he expresses regret about the experience. Oh boy. Despite his weaned shame, Travis and Jody continue to speak on the phone for hours every night. The call is now typically occur after 11 p.m. sometimes is late as 3 a.m. Some dirty talk starting to go on now after a month of talking to two meet again in person in October.
Starting point is 01:01:54 They planned to meet up for a romantic vacation. IE Fuckfest in Ehrenberg, Arizona on the Arizona, California border, a little dusty community home to about a thousand people in between the two lived. Jody said they were physical from the moment she walked to the door and they started passionately kissing. Soon they were both naked on the bed doing some provo pushing grind, grind, grind. According to Jody, the rest of the weekend is spent engaged in mutual oral sex watching television, eating at Sizzler and going to a movie and uh... Sounds like a fucking great weekend.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Low jobs sizzler in the movies. Live in the dream, hailer's the fena. Uh, wasn't the kind of romantic vacation jodiod pictured. But Travis did spend some time talking to about spirituality as well, you know, in between blow jobs. So her hopes held out for this turning into something more than a series of hookups. Interesting. She says Travis also told her about some unexpected aspects
Starting point is 01:02:46 of Mormonism on this trip. Here we go. Oh boy, here we go. I laughed so fucking hard when I came across the info I'm about to share with you. Travis taught her about his interpretation of the church's law of chastity. Vaginal sex was off limits kind of,
Starting point is 01:03:04 but everything else, oral oral anal, totally fine. It may seem like Travis is just trying to trick her here, but in practice, LDS youth have often come up with some very interesting interpretations of virginity over the years. For a lot of Mormons, if the penis is not thrusting back and forth inside the vagina, everyone's still a virgin. No one's sitting. Anal sex has become a common way for different groups, young Mormons over the years to have sex and think that they are still virgins. I shit you nuts.
Starting point is 01:03:31 It feels like there's a pun there. It's called the old Pupo loophole. Truly not making this up. Pupo loophole. Oh, the Pupo loophole. Oral sex, seen by many is okay. And then there's the weirdest sexual act to me called soaking, also known as parking, marinating, and the provo float.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Good God, this is weird. The provo float is when a dude sticks his penis inside the vagina, but doesn't move it or come. Just no thrusting, no grinding, no climax. You just pop it in and you hold it still and bingo bingo it doesn't count what the fuck religion meets a sex it twists folks into the strangest situations and rationalizations i just never see to amuse me this is the craziest logic really think about this think about this logic think of people convincing themselves that God is totally cool. Totally cool. With you sticking your dick into a pussy if you don't move it around.
Starting point is 01:04:33 That makes God seem like some kind of weird, super creepy purve. Watch, do you have sex? Just like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, that's nice. That's nice. That's good. Oh, that's wholesome. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the vert that's virtuous. That's what I would know what the flavor you're doing. Stop moving it. No, no, no, no, that's devil sex. Oh, now I have to burn you. I'm gonna play that to anal sex. Think about how weird it is. The thing is that God doesn't want you to have vaginal sex, but God is so cool with anal. Again, it makes God seem like a weird, creepy purve. Just hiding in the bush, he was watching you fuck.
Starting point is 01:05:11 It's, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's nice. Oh, that's holy, oh, that's holy. Oh, stick in that butt. He'll frick that butt, frick that butt so hard. No, no, not in the pus. Oh, God. No, you gotta burn!
Starting point is 01:05:25 It's so insane. It is so fucking insane what people can bend themselves up. So now Travis and Jody are doing everything except having the most basic vanilla form of sex. Jody claims later she's bummed out by how sex focused Travis is. She likes the sex, but she wanted more than sex and Travis. She wanted more than just some poop hole loop hole.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Poo poll loop hole. Poo poll loop hole. Loop hole. There we go. The whole weekend in Aaronburg has the error of an illicit trist for her, not the romantic classy vacation she envisioned. Travis's sexual guilt rears his head again after the weekend. He doesn't call her for two days.
Starting point is 01:06:01 When she calls in text, he doesn't answer. But then a week later, he leaves her kind and reassuring voicemail. Probably thinking about her butt. And he start up, their nightly phone calls again, talking about spiritual and sexual matters. The following month, on November 11th, 2006 Travis sends Jody a dick pic as the good lord intended his spiritual shepherds to do. Travis is not thrusting in that old devil puts everything's kosher.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Two weeks later, November 26, 2006, Jody's baptized into the church of Jesus Christ, Latter-day Saints. And then, interesting makes a God and Dick here going on this story. I during her pre-baptism, baptism interview with the branch president asked if she's obeying the law of shastity. And she supposedly replied, based on a technical sense yes.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Thanks a lot for the poop hole loophole. A jody's request Travis performed this performed the ceremony. The baptism took place at the LDS church in Palm Desert and afterward according to jody they go back to her house and have anal sex. You know, the kind of Godlox likes, you know. As one does directly following a baptism, you got to frick that Mormon butt. Frick it so hard. You got pound that loophole.
Starting point is 01:07:10 This is insane. Around this time Travis's friends start to have doubts about Jody, not sure that she's right for him. Travis's friends skeptical about Jody's faith. They noticed she doesn't seem that dedicated to Mormonism. She'd sit and look at the book of Mormon, but only when Travis was in the room. She would glance at him frequently,
Starting point is 01:07:24 like she was making sure that he saw her reading it. And although Travis is friends with Mormon, they didn't just sit around reading the book of Mormon all day. It was like Jody was just faking it all, just doing what she thought Mormons did, trying to impress everyone, which sounds right for her. Jody quickly becomes consumed by her relationship
Starting point is 01:07:41 with Travis, which also sounds right for her. When she takes shifts at Bing Crosby's, a restaurant and palm desert she now works at. Her coworkers will see her in her car, what she's supposed to be working. She's trying to call her text Travis. Won't go back to work until she hears back from him. That Christmas Jody goes to Arizona for a prepaid legal corporate event in Phoenix. Phoenix, of course, right by Mesa, Travis. Travis is putting up about 30 people at his place
Starting point is 01:08:06 for this event, but tells Jody, awkward, he doesn't have room for. Can't let the church find out that they're hooking up. Not after all that trouble, you know, they got in last time. Several hours later, Jody appears that this is at his house uninvited. It is particularly awkward because Travis's ex-girlfriend,
Starting point is 01:08:22 Diana is one of his guests. Jody walks right in, announces herself as Travis' girlfriend while Travis is in the middle of giving a motivational presentation. That night Travis tells people that Jody is not his girlfriend. They've just gone on a couple of dates. This is super awkward. And so the real craziness of their relationship begins. Jody spends the night anyway.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Friends remember coming downstairs the following morning to find her asleep under the Christmas tree like she's one of Travis's presence as so uncomfortable. After the Christmas party, even more awkward for Jody, Travis tells her that he's been seen other women. He tells her in plain terms, their relationship is not exclusive. He is fricking other bottoms, thrust in loopholes, doing some holy soaking, and some other sweet pushes. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Jody now goes on a few dates with some men back in California, make sure to tell Travis about it. Tell him how sassy men are with her, playing this jealousy game. She also visits his friends to Hughes, PPL Big Wigs, tells him about how men just won't leave her alone, but she doesn't care about them because her heart belongs to Travis, her heart, and her loopholes. And this jealousy mind game, this works with Travis for a little while.
Starting point is 01:09:29 In February of 2007, Travis and Jody come out now as an official couple after, you know, kind of messing around since September of 2006. Jody made Travis jealous and she had pulled off some classic areas manipulation to accomplish this. She'd become friendly with Sky Hughes, you know, Chris's wife. Jody tells Sky that she feels like Travis doesn't care about her. Like he just wants, you know, some soak-in and some loo-pulling from her. Sky then emails Travis, recommends him for using Jody sexually without giving her a commitment, calling him a quote,
Starting point is 01:09:57 heart predator, saying Jody was being treated horribly. You weren't beating her physically, but you were emotionally. She has given you everything, all control, and you give her 3 a.m. calls and make out fests. A little more than making out, I was going on whatever. Now Travis feels pressure to make her his girlfriend. So, you know, his guy's not his boss, his wife. Chris isn't really his boss, but, you know, he's a big wig in PPL and he's a big wig in PPL.
Starting point is 01:10:21 He doesn't want, you know, his pier sink and he's a womanizer, some dirt bag. He also knows that Jody isn't right for him. He tells Sky that he'll end it with Jody and Sky encourages Jody to move on. Jody starts faking emails now from anonymous stalkers who say that Travis doesn't deserve her sending these emails to Travis. Uh, he's far, far too way to protect her. And then on the first week in February, Jody shows up at Travis's house unannounced. And then rather than be upset, I guess he's happy to see her. For craziness worked.
Starting point is 01:10:47 And as a February second, 2007, now they're a couple. And now they have so much sex, all the kinds, even that super kinky, hardcore porn kind when you're thrust in back and forth inside of a vagina, the kind that God hates. Jody would later claim in the trial that Travis had a voracious sexual appetite and sometimes border that sometimes border on abuse. Travis's friends remember that it is Jody not Travis who seems to have had a hyperactive libido. So they both did.
Starting point is 01:11:13 One of Travis's best friends Taylor Surle later say, we were driving one day and he was talking about Jody and was describing how she was an infomaniac. He was explaining that Jody had gotten herself off eight times in one day. Might have been nine, might have been 13. It was a high number. But he was just using that as an illustration of how over the top she was. He was like, she's crazy. She's an info maniac.
Starting point is 01:11:32 And we were like, whoa, oh gosh dang. And he was just explaining just how big of an info she was. That's his statement. So much sexual concern in this group. And probably a lot of hypocrisy. I imagine Taylor, you know, and Travis's friends, other friends, judge in areas for being a nympho and then soaking their wings and their ladies before having anal sex with them and finish, then somehow feeling sexually righteous. Jody was not endearing herself to Travis's sexually repressive social circle.
Starting point is 01:12:00 They didn't like how sex positive she seemed at an LDS wedding in the spring of 2007, Jody came up behind Travis and started sucking on his ear in the middle of church. E.G. God dang. What the children see that affection? They might want affection themselves someday. Travis seemed oblivious to her inappropriate behavior. Others were not.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Sky who'd gone to bat for Jody started doubting that she made the right call. She didn't care for the ear sucking. Oh, scandalous. She didn't care for how Jody seemed to be doing some shady shit out in public to try and make Travis jealous, either. One time at a hotel, Sky saw Jody walk over, passed an open door where a group of men were involved in a business meeting and flipper hair and check herself out and in the reflective glass for them to see. She had plenty of opportunity to observe Jody firsthand because the Hughes house was the midway point between Travis and Jody's house.
Starting point is 01:12:50 They'd meet there fairly often. One time Skycott Jody listing at the door, while Travis was on a phone call, also called a lingering outside the bathroom, waiting for Travis to come out. And then she told the Hughes quite frankly, that she had found flirtatious emails from other women to Travis when snooping on his emails and forwarded those emails to her
Starting point is 01:13:09 own account. Why do people do shit like that? I've had someone look to my phone before without asking and I told them if they ever did that again, like we were done and I meant it and then we would break up a month or so later and she didn't even find anything. I wasn't even doing anything. I told her I'm not going to play those games. If you don't trust me, just go.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Find someone else. Like I hate what people keep catching their partner doing shit and then they just keep staying with them. Fuck that. If you know what someone's cheating, just leave them. Like you think you can for whatever reason, then start making a plan. But don't become a paranoid weirdo,
Starting point is 01:13:39 always wondering what they're up to and delusional up to think that you can change them. When does anyone ever caught their partner cheating on them over and over and over, especially early in the relationship when it's supposed to be the psych honeymoon phase, best behavior, and then it's gone on to become this healthy, happy, committed relationship. I'm sure it happens on rare occasion, the exception to the rule. So easy for these two to break up with this point.
Starting point is 01:14:01 The easiest, it's not like Jody and Travis have their financial futures tied together, our kids, they're not worried about custody and all that. They don't live together. They don't live in the same city. You catch him flirting with other girls at this point. Have some fucking respect for yourself. Just go find someone better. Believe that you're worth it.
Starting point is 01:14:16 If you don't believe that odds are, those who date you will not believe it either. Might not be fair, but true. Fucking Jody. Addicted trying to win over guys who just don't want her, like she wants to be wanted. In April of 2007, when Jody and Travis are staying with him, Chris and Sky now confront Travis about Jody. Jody is creeping them out. They begin to express their concerns about Jody when Sky gets a weird feeling that Jody is listening to the door. They quickly change the subject. Sure enough, moments later, Jody knocks the
Starting point is 01:14:44 door. Ask what they're doing. Travis tells her that he was just about to head to bed and then she leaves. Well, they think she leaves. 40 minutes later, Travis gets the feeling that there being, you know, that she's eavesdropping on them, that she's nearby, listing somehow. He opens the front door and she's just standing there. She's just been hanging around outside the door for 40 minutes. After claiming that she left, trying to listen to the fucking wall, that is Cree B. If I'm Travis, holy shit is the relationship
Starting point is 01:15:12 over right then and there. Find another loophole to frick. I had a girl I was dating pretty seriously and between my ex-wife and Lindsay, looked at my phone, and find this text thread of me flirting with the girl that I was casually seeing, hooking up with whatever.
Starting point is 01:15:25 But before we had started dating, and then she called me on the road one time, accuses me of cheating with this person because she had written this person's name down, thought she had found her online, she had not just found somebody else by the same name, found out that girl that I'd never even met happened to live an hour or so away from the city. I happen to be doing shows that weekend based on that and nothing else, you know, is furious. And I was, I was like, this is fucking crazy. We're done.
Starting point is 01:15:49 I told her that, you know, like this, this paranoid creepy, just crazy, cyber detective shit. I'm not going to live like that. And that was it. Came home, gave her a shit. It was in my apartment. Never saw her again. Told her we were done, ignored all texts and calls from her from that day forward.
Starting point is 01:16:04 And I've never regretted that decision for a single second Kick the crazy out of your life made sacks. Don't look back. Life is too short full of too much pain You can't avoid to add nonsense. You can't avoid to the pile Don't he areas as nuts before she killed it is clear. She was highly unstable normal well-adjusted people do not do shit like this Especially not at almost 27. It's not she's 15 even then it'll be weird. The next morning, now I actually afraid for themselves and their children. Sky and Chris tell Travis that he and Jody no longer welcome at their house.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Travis is obviously upset by this. Jody's putting a wedge between him and some of his best friends. This alarming behavior continues a couple weeks later when Jody and Travis are at a PPL conference and Jody feels like Travis is ignoring her. When Travis is married friend Clancy Talbot has a few glasses of wine and stumbles. She grabs onto Travis for balance and then Jody follows Clancy into the bathroom and confronts her, ranting about how angry she is at Travis and for her to stay away from Travis. Jody's blocking the exit door.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Clancy is afraid. She notices that Jody's blocking the exit door. Clancy is afraid. She notices that Jody is literally shaking with anger. Finally unsure of what to do. Clancy pushes past Jody and then avoids that lunatic as much as she can going forward. Jody's unraveling. Now actually after following hopelessly behind on payments, her home and palm desert is being foreclosed on, which makes her more unstable. And it's not looking like Travis is going to offer her a place to stay or his hand and
Starting point is 01:17:25 marriage anytime soon. So not knowing what else to do, Jody packs up and moves to big sur now, 45 miles from Salinas. She's fucking mess. She and Travis continue to date traveling frequently and visiting Mormon holy sites in Illinois and Missouri now. They also visit places from a book he'd bought, called a thousand places to see before you die visiting
Starting point is 01:17:45 Niagara Falls, the finger lakes in New York, as well as the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum and Cleveland, Ohio, which is an awesome place. By the way, that June Travis and Jody go on a short trip to Sedona, Arizona, and the Grand Canyon with some of Travis's friends, siblings Daniel and Desiree Freeman. They will later remember things being pretty tense between Travis and Jody on this trip. The one point Travis pretends to be ditching Jody, which he gets out of the car to take a picture. And Jody gets very angry about that. Doesn't like to joke. They yell at each other. And then they don't speak for a big part of the trip. But after this trip, they keep traveling together. On another trip, a short time later, they
Starting point is 01:18:19 go to Daniel's summit lodge outside of Heber City, Utah, their meeting friends there. One of these friends happens to be Eek, Clancy Talbot. Travis is married friend, the one Jody cornered in the bathroom. Jody accuses Travis now straight up of cheating on her with Clancy. Does not appear to be a credible accusation at all. Travis gets angry. The relationship is rapidly becoming more and more toxic, held together only by jealousy and sex. A few days later, Travis falls asleep on the couch with his cell phone nearby. Jody sneaks over and takes it. Sneaks into the bathroom, reads his text, finds evidence of Travis flirting with other women. Now, is this shitty a Travis? Yes.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Did Jody have a right to be upset? Sure. Should she have been looking through his phone? Fuck no. She should have packed up her shit and left. After she reads the messages, she does not confront Travis immediately. They're about to go on a trip to Sacred Grove in Powell, Powell, Myra, New York, where Mormons believed Joseph Smith received his first vision. But that road trip doesn't happen. The two get into fight on the phone on June 29th, 2007. Jody breaks out with Travis,
Starting point is 01:19:14 and for them arguing about the text. The next day, he calls her back to apologize. Why? He promises to change. They don't get back together, but they both agree. They may give it, get back together in the future. Jody is crushed.
Starting point is 01:19:26 She wants to marry Travis. Travis seems relieved. After the break up, he quickly moves on emotionally. He's ready to start the next chapter of his life. According to friends, he is optimistic about finding true love elsewhere, but then Jody starts texting him. She calls him, he answers. They start talking again.
Starting point is 01:19:41 They start having phone sex. And they start meeting up again for real sex, not just a poop hole loop hole or some silken, hardcore shit, penis, vagina, full thrust. Got probably cried when he's watching that happen from the bushes. Then Jody does something crazy again. While they've hooked up a few times since the breakup, they are not a couple again, but about a month after the breakup, Jody moves to Mesa.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Stays with a friend named Rachel, and then finds a accommodation from a church website called lbshousing.net, a new place, about 10 minutes from Travis's house, and Travis is not happy. He did not want Jody and Mesa. What they've been doing was just hooking up in his mind. He wants to move on.
Starting point is 01:20:18 And he starts dating a fellow church member now named Lisa Andrews. She's 19, Mormon, he fell head over heels for. She tells him that she's not ready to get married. You know, they move pretty fast. First Travis finds himself in a condom now. The girl he wants to get married to doesn't want to marry him. The girl he does not want to marry him is patched crazy and does want to marry him. Or the girl who yeah, does want to marry him is oh my god. Life, Lisa, excuse me, seems a little crazy here too. She was a strict adherent to the law of chastity, took it more seriously than Travis did.
Starting point is 01:20:49 This is how seriously she took it. Once when she and Travis made out, she could feel that he had an erection under his pants and that he didn't even talk about and it gave her some bone or guilt. She thought it was her fault. She thought she had done something sinful to give him lustful thoughts that led to that devil boner.
Starting point is 01:21:09 This is also insane. Meanwhile, surely after Jody settles into Mesa, she gets a job at PF Changs. And then Travis also gives her another job. This is so stupid. She complains to him about needing money, so he pays her to now clean his house. Why don't ever do this. Don't ever offer
Starting point is 01:21:26 to pay your jealous, crazy ex to come over and clean your house. It's insulting to them for one thing. It's weird. It's dangerous. Like, they're not going to snoop around and then get mad and do something crazy. If you feel like you just have to help an ex out financially, just give money. Don't employ them in your house. Jody heard a new cleaning job. Of course, leads to the two of them having more sex. And that of course leads to expectations of being more than a house cleaner for Jody, which then leads to fights and around and around they go. Some of Travis's frustrations with Jody around this time were made clear and some text messages he sent to her in 2007. I'm sick of you playing stupid and dealing
Starting point is 01:22:00 with childish tactics. It's just always something Jody, it just gets old. You don't care about anything that doesn't involve you. Just forget it. I know how you operate. If you're tired of me, leave me alone. We didn't have sex, Jody. How many times do I have to explain it? We poop all loopholeed after some vaginal soaking. That's what casual friends do.
Starting point is 01:22:18 It's like holding hands, but with coming. Okay, maybe he didn't send that last one. In September of 2007, a year after they'd met Jody and Travis go on another road trip together. This is, it just doesn't end. This time to have a supai falls in Arizona. Beautiful waterfalls inside the Grand Canyon. When they get back, Lisa learns from a friend
Starting point is 01:22:36 that Travis is cheating on her with Jody and ends things with him. Oh yeah, he was still dating the 19 year old who asked God to forgive her for giving her boyfriend a boner when they kissed. On September 23rd, 2007, Lisa sends Travis a link to email. I'm sick of hearing about Jody Areas. Lisa wrote, what woman would hold on for so long without some sense of reassurance? If you really cared, you would tell Jody to back off regardless of your past. So interesting. She doesn't just mad at Travis for, you know, cheating on her. She also thinks it's at Travis for, you know, she'd not or she also thinks it's wrong for him to keep leading on Jody when he has no intention
Starting point is 01:23:09 of turning their relationship into anything serious. And she's right. Jody's nuts, but what Travis is doing is also wrong. He's nuts in his own way. And October, Jody and Travis traveled together to a balloon festival now in New Mexico, or the fuck a whole bunch. And then when they get back to Mesa, he gets back together with Lisa, all kissy face, boner guilt. So many terrible decisions being made. It's just non-stop. Jody is, of course, furious. Two months later in December of 2007 when Travis is at Lisa's place, someone knocks at the door. Lisa answers, no one's there. And hour or so later, Travis heads out to his car parked in front of her place. All four of his tires have been slashed. Both dismiss it as a random act of vandalism, but I'm sure Travis knew who did it.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Most examining this case think obviously it was Jody that she had followed him to Lisa's place. The next day he gets four new tires and then that night all four new tires are slashed. The next day Lisa receives an angry email from John Doe, which she saved, filled with hostility and mentioned her relationship with Travis. At one point at red, you shameful whore. Your heavenly father must be ashamed of the hordoms. You have committed with that insidious man. If you let him stay in your bed one more time or even sleep under the same roof as him, you will be giving the appearance of evil. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:24:25 There were a number of religious references with the email signing off. Be thou clean, sin no more. Heavenly father loves you and wants you to make right choices. I know you are strong enough to choose the right. Your father and heaven is pulling for you. Don't ignore the promptings you receive because they are vital to your spiritual well-being.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Keep your poo-po-lupal clean. Obviously not that. Lisa thought it was Jody. She just couldn't prove it. Also, it seems like Lisa's gotten over her boner guilt. Maybe Travis explained to her that they can, you know, they can provo float all day, airy day, and not upset creepy lurker, God.
Starting point is 01:24:57 Jody now seems to have gone full crazy. Travis is now no longer hiring her to clean his house, but she still keeps coming over to his house. He'll lock the door, lock the windows, she'll do weird shit like crawls into the fucking doggy door. Travis is now no longer hiring her to clean his house, but she still keeps coming over to his house. He'll lock the door, lock the windows, she'll do weird shit like crawls into fucking doggie door. And he'll come home and doze be sleeping on his couch or in his bed naked.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Time to get a security system and get rid of that doggie door. Time to call the police, file a restraining order. Things start to go missing from his house, someone uses his computer when he's not home. And then after all this, Travis starts inviting her over and hooking up with her again. Dude was addicted to that loophole. He's now cheating on Lisa with the girl.
Starting point is 01:25:32 He has to know slashes tires all four of them twice. The girl who freaked out his girlfriend, the girl who's breaking into his house. That's now January of 2008, Jody is sending him explicit texts. Stuff like, ah, I fell asleep. But to answer your question, yes, I fell asleep, but to answer your question, yes, I want to grind you, and I want to be all caps loud. And I want to give you a nice warm mouthhug too, smiley face. A month later, in February, she sends him a very direct text, maybe you could give my ass a much needed pounding. Well, all right. That February, Travis and
Starting point is 01:26:03 Lisa now break up for good. Jody takes this as a sign that Travis wants to be back with her. Travis does not. Travis promptly instead starts dating a young woman named Marie Mimi Hall. In March of 2008, Travis asks Mimi Hall on a date she accepts. After two dates, however, she tells him she's not interested in anything romantic, but the two keep hanging out as friends. Travis hopes he can get her to hang around long enough for him to be released from the friend zone.
Starting point is 01:26:27 He likes her. He wants to, he wants to loophole that poophole. He wants to frick that butt. Jody meanwhile now decides to leave town and head back to why Rico where her parents still live. Sandy Areas has become worried about a 27 year old daughter who has seen more and more mentally unstable lately. When they talk on the phone, she either sounds like she's in the best mood ever or she starts crying hysterically. She convinces her daughter to move back in with Jody's grandparents in YRICA. Jody moves in with her grandparents, gets two jobs,
Starting point is 01:26:55 works as a waitress at two restaurants, costs of ramos and the purple plum. She's not in a great headspace, obby. She's come crawling back with her tail between her legs a decade after dropping out of high school. She's back in little town. She's never like living in. This is not how she envisioned her life working out.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Things seem to be going better now for Travis. He wins a trip to Cancun from his PPL sales. Hail the good God, Amway. And he invites Mimi to be his guest. He's thrilled when she agrees. Maybe she'll let him provoke a float that weanboat. Maybe he can soak, soak, soak. They're flight schedule for Tuesday, June 10th. Travis takes two months before the trip to really work on himself. He meets with his bishop, trying to give himself temple worthy again. The bishop knows about his sexual behavior with Jody. Travis
Starting point is 01:27:41 is working on rectifying that kind of not really. He also goes to Jim regularly, loses some weight, and April he writes on his blog, this year will be the best year of my life. This is the year that will eclipse all others. I will earn more, learn more, travel more, serve more, love more, give more, and be more than all the other years of my life combined.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Then in another post, dated April 14th, 2008, he writes, we only live once. We don't get another shot if we screw it up. Why not live life to the fullest? On our deathbeds, none of us will wish they watched more TV or read more tabloids or listen to found more foul music. And they certainly won't wish they blamed their lives
Starting point is 01:28:17 on someone else a little more. What they'll wish is that they loophole so many more poop-holes! No, he doesn't say that. He, uh, I agree with most of what he wrote there, except the foul music part. I love some foul music. Uh, despite writing about loving more, giving more, serving more, he also fucks with Jody's head more late April. He opens the crazy door again, texting her now asking her to send him a dirty picture. Dude is conflicted. Also 13 days after Travis starts his blog, Jody,
Starting point is 01:28:43 who's been reading it, she starts a weird mirror blog reading Travis's blog makes her feel connected to him and she'll leave comments on his blog and then when he writes on spiritual matters she will write the same things on her blog she'll be quote his passages uh she also starts dating someone else bobby the vampire slayer she tells him about the loophole and suddenly he doesn't care about Dracula anymore he has a new mystery to explore and said looking for immortals who can disappear into the shadows. All he cares about is making his nots for auto peen disappear into Jody's butt shadow. Like a vampire lives for fresh blood. He now lives for his back door soak. No, I don't know what BBS is up to. Probably running a weekly vampire theme, LARP and Medford or something.
Starting point is 01:29:22 Jody starts dating another PPL dude that she had met when dating Travis, Ryan Burns. That does not mean she has let go of Travis. On May 2nd Travis sends Jody this text, there's not a day where I haven't dreamt about driving my shaft long and hard into you. My God, you are the ultimate slut in bed. You'll rejoice in being a whore whose sole purpose in life is to please me anyway
Starting point is 01:29:45 I desire so he seems a little less motivational speakerish here Playing with so much fire here. I got to say now the true crime. I have covered he has made it the hardest for me to not Victim shame and I will reiterate that he did not deserve to be murdered I know that but holy shit was he making a series of terrible fucking choices He just kept fucking with and literally fucking the wrong can of worms to be opened. Jody is sending these kind of text back to Travis. He's also seen Ryan Burns, although their entire relationship so far has been long distance. By mid-May, Jody agrees to come visit Ryan and begins making plans to drive to Salt Lake City,
Starting point is 01:30:20 Utah. There's a prepaid legal business briefing in June and Jody tells Ryan that she's gonna, she's gonna go. And the early morning hours of May 10th, 2008, Jody and Travis have one of their signature late night phone sex sessions. Like other late night calls they had, the point was to bring it to their climax, but this time Jody recorded it. You can find it on YouTube if you're real curious. The sound quality is terrible. It's hard to understand what they say a lot of time. And you know, pretty creepy. The same day, Jody writes, the final entry on her blog, I cannot ignore that there is an ever-present yearning and desire that pulses within me. It throbs for gratification and fulfillment.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Her loo pole is hungry. Also shortly after her post, Ryan texts her angrily. I have no idea what he's talking about here when he writes, Why don't you have him come and fuck you in the woods. I can only imagine you are so worried about me reading. You are paranoid because you have no respect for people's privacy and you dare insult me of all people. Through your actions, you hate more than love by denying me a human right of privacy.
Starting point is 01:31:18 Countless times, you have a lot of freaky nerve. We are all not like you in that aspect. I love the rights fuck in the first sense. And then later you got a lot of freaky nerve. We are all not like you in that aspect. I love that he writes, fuck in the first sense. And then later, you got a lot of freaking nerve. Their dynamic is again so toxic. 10 days later, Travis posts his last blog entry, titled, Why I Want to Marry a Gold Digger. He writes, I want someone to love me for the gold
Starting point is 01:31:40 that is within me and is willing to dig with me to extract it. I did a little soul searching and realized that I was lonely. I realized it was time to adjust my priorities and date with marriage and mind. This type of dating to me is like a very long job interview and can be exponentially more mentally taxing. Desperately trying to find out if my date has an axe murderer penned up inside of her, knowing she's wondering the same about me. God, that is, uh, creepy, considering what's going to happen. inside of her knowing she's wondering the same about me. God, that is creepy considering
Starting point is 01:32:05 what's going to happen. If only he just could have committed to the ideals he was writing about he'd probably still be alive. On May 26, 2008, Travis is on his Facebook page when he gets logged out, a sign that someone else had just signed into his account. A couple of the Slater he's bounced out again. He thinks it's Jody. He accuses her of being the one who's doing this. She admits it is her. You are the worst thing that ever happened to me. He texted her repeatedly calling her evil, sociopath. He adds that her grandparents will be ashamed of her. If they knew what she was doing,
Starting point is 01:32:33 tells her to stay away from him. She of course will not now events quickly escalate towards murder. Jody's grandfather calls the police on May 28, 2008, 340 PM to report a break in. Police arrived to find a broken door jam with the entrance to the home. There have been a rash of burglaries in the area recently, but this one didn't feel like it had been committed by whoever was responsible for the other break-ins.
Starting point is 01:32:56 The TV appeared to have been moved, but only the DVD player had been taken. Also, Mr. Allen had an extensive gun collection, which he kept in an unlocked cabinet and now one and only one of his nine firearms is missing a 25 caliber caliber pistol May 29th, 2008 Travis's last post to social media, he been working out a lot and noticed to his dismay that his butt look flat flat underneath his photo. He wrote T dogs gluteus rest in peace Julyth, 1977 to May 29th, 2008, we'll miss you big guy. Also, so creepy, considering what's happened. It gonna happen. The photo was taken in the very same bathroom,
Starting point is 01:33:33 his body would be discovered in just days later. June 2nd, Jody Pax and overnight bag with some clothes, a cell phone, a charger, and all likelihood, and by likelihood, I mean, definitely even though they didn't find again, her grandfather's 25 caliber pistol. She tells Ryan that she is coming to Utah on Wednesday, June 4th, the day of the prepaid legal briefing. And I before Jody stays up late talking to Travis, to 1 in 4 a.m. Jody calls Travis four times. The longest conversation lasts you just a few minutes.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Around 3 a.m. Travis calls Jody twice and they speak for over an hour. More phone sex. She rents a white Ford Focus then in Redding, California about a hundred miles south to Y. Rika. She tells the budget rent a car staff that she would only be driving the car locally. But when the car is returned on June 7th, it has been driven over 2800 miles. So not quite driven locally. It was also missing all of its floor mats, and there was what looked like cool-aid stains on the front and rear seats. The car was cleaned before police were able to examine it, not suspicious at all. Jody drives the rental car south to Monterey when she then borrows two gas cans from her
Starting point is 01:34:38 ex, Darrell Brewer, on June 3rd. The guy she had the Palm Desert plates with. She later bought gas and Pasadena at an arco gas station first eight gallons with her mastercard then four minutes later nine gallons with cash the gas cans would mean that she wouldn't have to stop uh... you know for quite a while there be no evidence of one segment of her upcoming journey down to mesa in the form of receipts so premeditated leaving Pasadena she sets off for mesa calling Travis intermentally uh... we're that she would uh... plan you know, not having to get gas, but then not really think about cell phone records.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Bit of an oversight. She also calls Ryan Burns. Tell some, she'll be in Salt Lake City at 11 p.m. the following night. Okay. 4.30 a.m. now. June 4th. Jody arrives in Mesa. Travis is expecting her.
Starting point is 01:35:21 She calls into bed with him. For most of the day, they hang out together a lot of time spent in bed. Of course. At 3pm in Rekate, one of Travis's roommates at the time arrives home from work as he's grabbing something to eat from the kitchen. He hears voices coming from the din. Sounds like Travis is talking to someone and Rekate assumes it's a conference call. An hour later, and Rekate leaves the house for the night.
Starting point is 01:35:41 4.19pm. Travis checks his email on his laptop in the den. And hour later, he goes back upstairs, 5.22 PM, he takes a shower in his master bathroom, eight minutes after stepping into the shower, where Jody would take several nude photos of him. Travis is slaughtered inside his master bathroom. He is shot in the face, is throw to slit, he stabbed more than two dozen times. Pictures are also taken of his dead body. At the edge in the face, his throat is slit, he stabs more than two dozen times. Pictures are also taken of his dead body.
Starting point is 01:36:07 At the edge of the bathroom hallway, Travis gasped his last breath, collapsed on the carpet, his corpse was then dragged along the tile floor, stuffed back into the shower stall, where he was washed clean of blood. Jody then deletes the pics, she had taken, throws the camera in the washing machine to try and destroy it, police will recover it later. For more than a day now, Jody's phone has been turned off, so she did kind of think about the cell phone situation.
Starting point is 01:36:29 She switches it back on a few hours later, at 11.48 pm on June 4th, hours after murdering him, Jody leaves an upbeat message for Travis, in which she apologizes for not making it to Mesa, and tells him that she and her friend Heather were planning to see Othello in early July and invites him to join them.
Starting point is 01:36:44 She also calls her new boyfriend Ryan Burns, who's worried about Jody after she'd failed to show up in Salt Lake City on time. Jody tells Ryan that while in route to Salt Lake City, she got lost and driven 100 miles in the wrong direction. Then as she drove, her phone battery died and she couldn't find the charger anywhere. She pulled over to the side of the road and she slept for a while. And then when she woke up, cashed hang, when you know know it There's the charger. It's right under the passenger seat Weird that you wouldn't look for it a pretty shitty story and it will not be the dumbest lie She will tell in all this not even fucking close a real doozy's coming up On Thursday June 5th, Jody finally arrives in Salt Lake City Ryan does not notice anything particularly unusual
Starting point is 01:37:20 Votter behavior. He may have been a little distracted playing some poop hole loophole She hung out with him the seminar and then a group of more than a dozen PPL folks go to dinner at Chili's. Jody Dines was riding his friends laughing, chatting afterward. They go to his place, they watch a movie, they do other stuff, fall asleep for a while, then they leave Salt Lake City between 2 and 3 a.m. For the next few days, Travis's roommates will notice weird things about the house, like the fact that the front door is locked, which Travis never did, and that no one was around to feed Napoleon, which he always did.
Starting point is 01:37:50 They assumed that Travis had maybe already left for Cancun and just didn't go upstairs to check on him. On June 7th, Jody returned to her rental car with far more miles on it than the short trip she said she was taking it for. She returned to her grandparents house, text Travis, sends him an email asking why she hadn't heard from him. As if she didn't know. On June 9th, five days after he'd been murdered, Mimi Hall keeps trying to get into contact with Travis since the two of them were supposed to leave for Cancun
Starting point is 01:38:15 that morning. On the evening of June 9th, she goes to his house in Mesa, Knox waits for someone to answer. When no one comes to the door, she goes home, calls her friend Michelle Laury and Michelle's Michelle's boyfriend, Dalin Forrest, two of Travis's friends as well. The three of them go back to the house, and her by using the keypad code of the garage, immediately, maybe knows something's wrong. There's a bad smell. The three move to the garage into the house where they find Zach and Zach's girlfriend, Amanda McBride, and Zach's bedroom, Zach's another roommate. He hadn't heard the doorbell. The group tells Zach that Travis isn't answering their calls and they're worried about him. Zach tries to open the door to Travis' bedroom, but it's locked. So he goes to get a spare key. When he returns, opens the door, the four C huge blood stain on the carpet between the bedroom and the master
Starting point is 01:38:57 bath, and they call the police. At 10.30 p.m. officers from the Mesa Police Department respond to a 911 call at 11 428 East Queen's Burrow Avenue. They find, of course, Travis' body. There are large amounts of blood in the shower, splattered on the floor's wall and sink. Travis had nearly been beheaded. Just before midnight, homicide detective and lead investigator Esteban Flores arrives at the scene. The bathroom has gruesome. Flores has a hard time determining the cause of death because of the massive number of wounds across Travis' torso and head.
Starting point is 01:39:27 His body is hunched over in a sitting position on the bathroom floor. Looks to the zoo, it had been rinsed off. There's a bullet casing that had been carefully removed from the cake blood and of the sink, but the handgun is nowhere to be found. There's also one bloody palm print, very distinct. When I look to pictures on the wall between the bedroom and the bathroom, it does not seem like a random killing. Nothing in Travis' bedroom is out of place except for the sheets and blankets from the bed, which have been stripped. His roommates have been living in the same house with their dead landlord for days, suggesting Travis was a very specific target.
Starting point is 01:39:57 When Flores interviews the people who were present, when the body is found and asked them if they have any idea who could have done this. One name immediately comes up. Jody Areas. The detective floor is a surprise. It was not hard to get in touch with her. She spent the days after Travis's body was discovered making long distance calls to Arizona, reaching out to Travis's friends, trying to find out what's going on. She also calls police headquarters twice.
Starting point is 01:40:19 She leaves her number where she can be reached. Did she help? Did she help? Did she get deflect suspicion by offering to help?, or did she just need to know for some reason what the police knew? Around 10 in the morning on June 10th, Detective Flores calls Jody. She offers her assistance, but claims she doesn't really
Starting point is 01:40:33 know what was going on. Then says she wanted to tell the detective about the last time she talked to Travis. She tells Flores about a couple of trips. She and Travis had been planning to go to DC and Oregon, and immediately Flores gets a sense of Jody is painting a picture of a relationship where everything was perfect Not the impression he'd gotten from talking to Travis's other friends They talked for a while longer Flores tries to give the impression that he is on Jody side
Starting point is 01:40:56 He is not right away his spidey senses got tingling about Jody Meanwhile back at the house once the medical examiner's office removes the body, investigators start to look at the rest of the room and the house as a whole. In the laundry room, they find a set of brown stripes, sheets and the dryer. There was a reddish stain on the inside rim of the washing machine, along with a Sony DSC H9 video camera and a couple of articles of Travis' clothing. On June 12, 2008, the autopsy of Travis Alexander takes place at the Maricopa County's Forensic Science Center. An examination of the head reveals two oblique linear full thickness in sized wounds of the right and left post-serial scalp, each measured
Starting point is 01:41:35 two inches in length. There's also a one and one quarter inch stab wound on the lower scalp, just below the right ear lobe, and a one and a quarter inch shallow in sized wound on the upper left forehead within the hairline. The wound on Travis's neck with the most severe, with a number of shallow stabs around his upper neck, along with a gaping incision that stretched across the upper neck. He'd had his throat slit, a cut that measured 6 inches across. The cut perforated his upper airway, strapped neck muscles, and severed both the right jugular vein and right carotid artery.
Starting point is 01:42:03 Basically, Travis had been cut from ear to ear ear and then all the way down to his spine. It was brutal, a crime that indicated a possible crime of passion. So much rage. On his torso, more stab wounds. It was a cluster of nine stab wounds on the upper right and left side of Travis's back, right between his shoulder blades. That ranged in size from three quarters of an inch to one and a half inches. The most severe stab wound was on his chest, a three and a half inch deep gash at the
Starting point is 01:42:28 sternum between his third and fourth ribs. The wound penetrated a major vein near the base of the heart. Worst of all, the presence of a hemorrhage associated with many of the wounds determined the Travis had suffered almost all of the stab wound while still alive. X-rays determined that the bullet entered Travis's head just above his right eyebrow. The medical examiner determined that the fatal wounds were the single stab wound to the center of his chest and the final throat slicing Seems as if he was shot after already. He was already dead. Matter of door the matter of death. Of course homicide The tech to florist follows up about a message left on Travis's phone. Well, Clancy Talbot who'd last seen Jody at a PPL seminar in Salt Lake City on June
Starting point is 01:43:05 5th now. Clancy tells Flores that Jody had left California on Tuesday, June 3rd, but hadn't arrived in Salt Lake City until Thursday, June 5th. Clancy knew that the trip from Northern California to Salt Lake City was typically about 10 hours, but Jody had been traveling for nearly two days. She and other people of the conference had tried to contact Jody, but couldn't. And also concerned Clancy because of what she had seen later. Clancy had had dinner with Jody, Ryan, and about 20 friends at Chili's the night of June 5th. Jody had band-aids on fingers on both of her hands.
Starting point is 01:43:38 What did you do to your hands, one of the friends asked? I'm a bartender. I cut my fingers. Jody replied. Clancy thought that was suspicious. So did Detective Flores, and of course, Clancy had previous run-ins with Areas, right? Seeing her shake with rage. She knew about their toxic relationship. At 6 p.m. on June 17th, Mimi, Dalin, Michelle,
Starting point is 01:43:57 Jody all arrived at the Mesa police headquarters. They were there to be fingerprinted and provides saliva for DNA testing. Jody was the only one who declined to sit down with the detective for a follow up interview. She said she'd been speaking with a close friend who convinced her that there were a number of people talking about her involvement in Travis's death, talking shit about her. And as a result, she was now uncomfortable speaking to law enforcement without an attorney present. The others were uncomfortable with Jody's presence.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Few days earlier, Jody had posted a photo gallery on her Myspace page of 25 photos of Travis, captioned in loving memory of Travis. Following day, she signed his online obituary guest book. She even reached out to his family on June 13th. She'd sent 20 white irises to Travis' grandmother. Ugh. Travis' family doesn't have any proof that Jody is her son's killer at this point,
Starting point is 01:44:44 or that, you know, his killer. But unbeknownst to Jody, the police do. They now had the photographs from the video camera. Though the camera had been put through water, you know, like, or through the wash, you know, like soaked in water. Computer forensics managed to recover numerous pictures from it, including some that had been deleted. The deleted photos included images of Travis who is naked, standing in various poses in
Starting point is 01:45:03 the shower, reaching his arms up as he soaked his body. One of the last photos of Travis alive shows him staring intently into the camera. I've seen it as a, it's an unsettling photo. His hands and face betraying a subtle anxiety as droplets of water roll down his cheeks. Time stamped, June 4, 2008, 529 PM. Less than a minute later, 530 PM. Another photo shows Travis sitting on the slippery floor in an extremely vulnerable position. 44 seconds later, there's a blurry photo of the bathroom ceiling, and then just a minute later
Starting point is 01:45:37 another photo taken upside down and apparently by accident shows Travis lying on his back with a large amount of blood around his neck and shoulders. The bathroom in the background. The photo also reveals the right pant leg and foot of the killer. The murder is wearing a dark colored sock or shoe, striped sweatpants that are blue with a zipper on the back of the cuff. Jody had a pair, just like that.
Starting point is 01:45:57 And then there were photos of Jody on the camera. Not in the murder scene, but photos taken just a few hours earlier. The proof she was there. Time stamp, starting at 140 pm. The first showed her posing naked on Travis's bed. There were four photos of Jody posing in the nude and extremely provocative and graphic sexual positions.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Showing off that loophole, there were two of Travis who was also naked in both images, a bottle of K.Y. Lube next to him. The police now had proof that Jody was lying. She had been in Mesa on June 4. They now asked her about her supposed movements on the days where she had been unreachable. She said that Jody was lying. She had been in Mesa on June 4th. They now asked her about her supposed movements on the days where she had been unreachable. She said that on June 2nd,
Starting point is 01:46:29 she left California for Salt Lake City for the PPL conference, renting a car and renting. Then she went to Monterey, California to hangout friends, then she drove to LA, and she headed northwest to Salt Lake City. She claimed her long drive to Salt Lake City, took her through Boulder City in Las Vegas,
Starting point is 01:46:42 and then she slept her car for a few hours at one point, and her story really wasn't adding up for these guys because it was bullshit. She claimed the driving from Y Rican to Salt Lake City via Los Angeles and Las Vegas had taken her 48 hours. Mapping that route, including a 10-hour rest stop, the detective Flores concluded her trip would have taken a maximum of 29 hours, which is quite a few less hours. Adding mason to the route would have added a few hours, but there were still 10 or 11 hours of additional time to spare. On July 9th, 2008, exactly one month
Starting point is 01:47:11 after Travis Alexander's body had been found, a grand jury in Maricopa County in Dite, Jodi, on one count to first degree murder under two theories, premeditated murder and felony murder, which is when the murder occurs during the course of a felony, which the jury said was burglary. They didn't think she was trying to steal anything. The definition of second degree burglary is entering or remaining unlawfully in a residence
Starting point is 01:47:31 with the intent to commit any theft or felony therein. Jody had no idea about the indictment. When she was given it, she was celebrating her 29th or 28th, excuse me, birthday back in YRICA. On July 14th, five days after her birthday, Detective Flores, two other investigators from the Mason Police Department, Danny McBride, pretty funny, the name was Danny McBride, and Tom Denning fly to YRICA to arrest Jody
Starting point is 01:47:52 on charges of first degree murder. Just after 9.30 pm, they execute the arrest warrant and the search warrant leading Jody from her house or from the house, you know, Grandford's house in handcuffs. Jody gets interviewed by police on July 15th, morning after her arrest, dressed in white pants, form fitting grave v-neck shirt,
Starting point is 01:48:09 and a pair of flip flops. Jody appeared lifeless as the cameras in the tiny interrogation room began to roll. She alternates between sitting at the table, sitting at the floor, back pressing against the wall, legs extended straight out. At one point, Jody whispers to herself.
Starting point is 01:48:21 It's cold in here. Five minutes later, Detective Flores enters the room. Jody's bizarre behavior in this interrogation would go down as one of the weirdest parts of this strange case. More than two hours in July 15th, Jody denies being anywhere near Travis Alexander's home. The night he was brutally murdered,
Starting point is 01:48:39 telling the detective question her, that if she had killed her ex boyfriend, she would beg for the death penalty. She spends hours sticking to her story that she wasn't anywhere near Mesa, but she's got stuck in California. Flora has let her talk, giving her a piece of paper to show him her supposed route.
Starting point is 01:48:52 And that eventually, he tells her that he simply doesn't believe her and that he has so much proof that she was in Alexander's home when he was brutally murdered. The proof he tells her includes her hair and her blood mixed with Alexander's and that bloody handprint that and her blood mixed with Alexander's and that bloody handprint that had her blood in it. He tells her there is no way anyone else could have left your palm prints in blood on that
Starting point is 01:49:13 wall. Jody still will not admit to be in there. She says there must be some other explanation. She says she once cut herself while bathing Alexander's dog in the bathroom that maybe the blood. I don't know, maybe it came from that. There's no reason I would ever wanna hurt him, she says. And later, if I was going to ever kill somebody,
Starting point is 01:49:28 I would use gloves. I have plenty of them. Over and over, Detective Flores asked her to come clean. Why won't you admit it? Yes, you were there, quit playing this game. Over and over, she denies being involved. I've never been that angry at him, she says. If I did that, I'd be fully ready to face the consequences.
Starting point is 01:49:44 I'm all for the 10 commandments that shall not kill. I'll shut the fuck up with your Bible stuff at this point lady. Flores then outlines the evidence against her the bloody palm print the gun her DNA the gaps in her timeline and when jody still will not admit it he shows her the pictures on the camera including x rated close-ups of her but hole in vagina. Jody admits that okay yeah right, that looks like me. The girl in the photo does look exactly like me, but not me. She still wanted a minute.
Starting point is 01:50:13 They have nude full body timestamp photos of her. Like close up her faces in them, everything. Close up shots of her ass or pussy, Travis could not have taken better photo documentation of her. Her fingerprints are all over the crime scene. Her blood is mixed with his blood, clearly defined palm print in the wall. The kind of gun used was the exact type of gun that went missing from her grandpa's house in YRICA. There's a fucked up timeline. Everyone is pointing their suspicion at her. There's a cuts on her hands, the day after the murder. She's lied so many times to the police and she's like, uh, no, I don't think so. No, I, that's, oh, that's, that's someone else's loophole.
Starting point is 01:50:47 Flora's tells areas that she's gonna be booked into local jail now. And she says, tearfully, this is a really shallow question and it's going to reveal how shallow I am. But before they booked me, can I clean myself up a little bit? Flora says, no. And soon after he leaves her alone in the interview room, she laughs and says to herself,
Starting point is 01:51:04 you should have at least done your makeup, Jody Gosh. Dody then proceeds to angrily play with her hair. Rubber shoulders before she bizarrely breaks out and do a song. She sings a Dino song called here with me. And then she waits as she waits to be booked. She looks for the trash for a while. Then she has a handstand against the wall for 30 seconds. That night should be booked on charges the first degree murder when her mug shot is taken she grins into the camera Like she is posing for her yearbook photo. It is so tonally off. It's so creepy Jody is interrogated again the next day July 16th. She's now waiting wearing a jail issued orange jumpsuit When no one else came into the room for several minutes, she began to sing the final verse
Starting point is 01:51:47 of Beth Middler's love song, The Rose. When interrogation started, once again, Jody rambles for hours about a relationship with Travis. And then finally says she's gonna come clean. Jody now says that she had been afraid to talk about it before, but she's ready to give the story. And she says, the real killers made her scared to tell it because they threatened to hurt her family This is this is crazy. She said she had gone to Travis's house that afternoon and yeah, okay
Starting point is 01:52:14 They didn't have sex a few times sure he'd taken a few close-up picks over loophole Then she'd fed the dog Napoleon and then Travis had gone upstairs to shower and shave and then yeah Okay, she started taking some naked pictures of Travis and the shower. Real artsy stuff where he looked like, I don't know, he was scared that someone was pointing a gun at him. Then all hell broke loose. And this is the dumbest lie I said she'd tell that I hinted at earlier. She said she suddenly heard a loud bang and Travis began screaming and then she blacked
Starting point is 01:52:39 out maybe. When she woke up a few seconds later and maybe she didn't wake up, maybe she was still awake. She saw two people near Travis, a guy and a girl, both wearing ski masks. You know the kind of ski masks, bad guy, robber people wear, murderers who have guns. And immediately when I heard this, I did think
Starting point is 01:52:59 son of a bitch. I don't know where my dad was until I was 16th, 2008. Right, and he lived in Arizona for two years. He knows the area. And further, I don't know, my dad was until I was 16th, 2008. Right, and he lived in Arizona for two years. He knows the area. And further, I don't know where my mom was that day. Did they get back together? For that day, to frame Jody Ares? Where are my parents?
Starting point is 01:53:14 Where were your parents? We might need a formal mom watch group to compliment dad watch. And of course, that's nonsense. A back to this horrible story, then in this really poorly thought-out script for a shitty action movie, no one would ever produce, because it's so fucking stupid. She says that the people who killed Travis debated about whether or not to kill her after shooting him, but then ultimately, they let her go, because that seems like the kind of thing that cold blooded killers do. They let eyewitnesses live, and then just leave. You know, well, they stay behind at a murder scene.
Starting point is 01:53:39 Jody says the girl wanted to kill her, but the guy just wanted to kill Travis, and he said, that's not what we're here for. And then the man rifled through her purse to got some of her cash. And when he saw her car registration, he said, you must be that bitch from California. Weird detail. She's not a good storyteller. Then she says they told her to leave. Yeah, go on, get out here. And even though Travis was still alive despite being shot, she did leave. And then I guess they stabbed him and stuff and just hoped that she wouldn't call the police
Starting point is 01:54:07 after she leaves and they just let her leave. Cause that's reasonable. And then she doesn't call the police when she leaves, but she does call Travis, who she knew had just been shot by people who wanted him dead. And she left him an upbeat message, apologizing for not making it to Mesa and telling him that she and her friend Heather
Starting point is 01:54:19 are planning to see Othello and her late July and they invite him to join. You know, the kind of voicemail and innocent person leaves. And she drives us all like city, goes on a date, like.T.O. and her Ligelai and invite him to join. You know, the kind of voicemail an innocent person leaves. And she drives a Salt Lake City, goes on a date like an innocent person does. I watched her tell this stupid fucking story while being interviewed by 48 hours correspondent,
Starting point is 01:54:33 Marine Marr, who seemed on the verge of rolling her eyes at Jody the entire time. It's so great, highly recommend. When Jody tells it to her, she changes some of the details, as one often does when line, she says that after the guy shot Travis, she charged the woman in the mask who was holding a knife, knocked her to the ground because she's tough and brave, and then she yelled at Travis,
Starting point is 01:54:56 let's go. And then he told her, I can't feel my legs. And meanwhile, the guy with the gun, who I guess has just been standing by quietly, waiting to say his next line, like a stage actor, and a play written by a fucking five year old, he now decide to put the gun against Jody's head. And then he and the woman argue over whether or not they should shoot her. And then in this version, he does decide to shoot her and pulls the trigger, but miracle the gun jams. And then the lady with the knife, I guess she's forgotten she has a knife and she's standing there waiting for her next poorly written line And then the two masked killers just keep standing there like two idiots while Jody gets up grabs her purse
Starting point is 01:55:34 Runs out of the house gets in her car and drives away and they do nothing. They do not try to chase her down Watching the dog I laughed so hard at what happens next Marine gives some voice over to a dramatic reenactment of this nonsense of Jody driving away and she says it was an unbelievable getaway. The outro was after hearing the story. Marine says you get in the car. No one's followed you. You drive away. Where do you go?
Starting point is 01:56:01 She asked this staring daggers at Jody also managing to give a look that screams bitch are you for real? Jody says she drove forever and ever until she was in the desert and then marine asked did you call 911 and Jody says no She asked did you go to a neighbor did you call a friend and Jody says I didn't call anybody or tell anybody Then marine asked why would you do nothing? Nothing to help him. And, Jody says, my butt hurt from all the loophole in, and I was distracted. My front butt hurt too.
Starting point is 01:56:30 He sucked the shit out of me. J.K. No, she gives a weird pause, maybe realizes on some level how utterly stupid she sounds. And then she says, I was terrified, and I was scared for my life. And I think there was a naive belief that I could pretend like it didn't really happen. And that's it. That's her whole story. That's the
Starting point is 01:56:48 story she hoped would set her free. That is the dumbest story. Anyone who is not actually severely, mentally handicapped has maybe ever told to try to get out of her murder. Who just drives off and leaves behind someone they claim to love who has just been shot but is still alive. And they just don't fucking call the police. Even though they're safe in their car and they have their cell phone. No one, no one does that ever. Detective Flores, after hearing a version of this horseshit, tells her that he doesn't believe her, especially the part about the attackers just letting her go.
Starting point is 01:57:17 But Jody, he's like, well, you know, it's my, it's the truth. Jody's an ex-adred to Mesa, Arizona, September 5, 2008. She's kept at Maricopa County's Australia women's jail in Phoenix. Six days after her arrival in Arizona, Diody enters a plea of not guilty. At her arraignment at Maricopa Superior Court in downtown Phoenix, Bond has said it two million dollars. From jail, Diody schedules press conferences with local news stations
Starting point is 01:57:37 and one national network and defense lawyers worst nightmare because in all these interviews, she tells the public about the two assailants that she claimed killed Travis. A story of the media openly mocks and they call it the Ninja Theory. It's just a ninja snuck in and killed Travis and then just let her go. October 8th, Jody gets some bad news. The Maricopa County Attorney's Office has filed a notice of intent to seek the death penalty in her case and she deserves it. I mean, even if you're against death penalty, even if you don't think you deserve it because of the murder, can we all agree? She deserves it. I mean, even if you're against death penalty, even if you don't think you deserve it because
Starting point is 01:58:05 of the murder, can we all agree? She deserves it for telling that story. In order to seek the death penalty, the state was required to prove at least one aggravating circumstance that qualified a particular murder for the death penalty. In Arizona, the law sets out 14 aggravators, which include scenarios such as killing of a police officer or of a witness, killing for monetary gain, and killing in an especially cruel heinous or depraved manner. Since Travis was stabbed and sliced more than two dozen times and shot in the head, the
Starting point is 01:58:31 state concluded that he suffered physical and mental anguish, uh, yeah, and was conscious long enough to know that he was going to die that qualified the murder to be considered for the aggravating circumstance of especially cruel heinous and depraved affair. fair after hearing of all this jody does not back down from her crazy story she'll stick to it for four more years which is how long it takes for the trial to start we'll skip over all the pretrial years mostly just a lot of determining of what evidence will be allowed uh... the day after new years january second joday 2013 jody's trial finally begins with prosecutor Juan Martinez seeking the death penalty.
Starting point is 01:59:05 Jody is represented by El Kirk Nermey and Jennifer Wilmot, who now argued the Travis's death was justifiable because it was committed in self-defense. The story she's told all over in the media and two investigators for four years will now change drastically. With a trial, Jody changes up her look, that'll be in a blonde bombshell with tasteful makeup. Now she's, you know, Brunette, Whispery bangs, thick frame glasses. Jody's called to witness and February 4, 2013.
Starting point is 01:59:31 She'll testify for 18 days and will not help her case. Because she is a maniac and an idiot. On the first day of her 18 day testimony, she tells of being violently abused by her parents, beginning when she was seven years old. No one will corroborate this. This is echoes of Casey Anthony's line as here. Areas testifies that she rented a car and ready instead of YRICA
Starting point is 01:59:51 because a budget website gave her two options. One to go north, one to go south, where her brother lived and ready. On her second day, on the stand, she says that her sex life with Travis included a lot of oral sex and anal sex, a lot of loophole and poophole. She said the anal sex was painful for her the first time.
Starting point is 02:00:05 She described and vivid detail in front of Travis's friends and family every kind of sexual behavior she and Travis had engaged in, including how they experimented with pop rocks and tootsie pops. And now her bikini waxes, they're mutual masturbation sessions. Even the phone sex tape is played in which Travis says he wanted to zip tie her to a tree
Starting point is 02:00:24 while she was dressed up as little red riding hood. She testifies that Alexander secretly found young boys and girls sexually attractive and she tried to help him with those urges. Now she's trying to make Travis look like a pedophile, which no one else has ever accused him of being ever and herself like some kind of sexual rehab position. Again, like Casey Anthony should here. And then as I alluded to, she ditches the ninja theory. Now she says their relationship became increasingly physically and emotionally
Starting point is 02:00:49 abusive. Travis's sister can be seen in the gallery during her testimony, rolling her eyes, shaking her head, disbelief with this. Jodie claims that Travis shook her the night he died while saying, I'm fucking sick of you. And then he began screaming at me after which he body slammed me on the floor at the foot of his bed and taunted her, saying, don't act like that hurts before he called her a bitch and kicked her in the ribs. Afterward, Jody said, he went to kick me again. I put my hand out, Arias held up her left hand in the courtroom now and showed that her
Starting point is 02:01:16 ring finger was crooked. No one who saw her and saw like, sitting the day after this happened, remember her finger being crooked. No one. Then according to Jody, the dysfunction of the relationship reaches his climax when she kills Alexander himself defense after he becomes enraged, following the day of sex and some kind of gun accident, forcing her to fight for her life. Prosecutors note that this was a very, very different account of how Travis's death had gone down than she had been, you know, telling for four years.
Starting point is 02:01:42 March 14th, psychologist Richard Samuels testifies for the defense for nearly six days, saying that Jody was in a fight or flight mode to defend herself and that caused her brain to stop retaining memory. And a response to juror asks whether this scenario could occur, even if it was premeditated murder. Samuels replied, is it possible? Yeah, is it probable? No. And he diagnosed his Jody with PTSD. That's why she clung to a really stupid lie for four years. Then suddenly remembered a better, more sympathetic story once her trial starts, because of PTSD.
Starting point is 02:02:13 Uh-huh, sure. The defense would bring out a lot of people to testify to Jody's behavior, beginning on March 6th, Alice LeVylet, a psychotherapist who specializes in domestic violence, testifies that Jody was a victim of domestic abuse, and that most victims don't tell anyone about abuse because they feel ashamed and humiliated.
Starting point is 02:02:30 Way to discredit actual victims of domestic abuse, Alice, you fucking quack. A clinical, incredible psychologist, Janine Demart, testifies for the prosecution that Areas does not suffer from PTSD or amnesia, and was not abused by Alexander. Instead, DeMart says areas suffers from borderline personality disorder, showing signs of immaturity and an unstable sense of identity. Ding, ding, ding, bingo, bingo. We have a winner. I love you, DeMart. Thank you for being good at what you do. She said the people who suffer from
Starting point is 02:03:00 this disorder have a terrified feeling of being abandoned by others. Ding, ding, ding. If Bobby the vampire slayer would have been in the courtroom, guessing he'd be nodding his head in agreement. Closing arguments will wrap up on May 4th, a full four months after the trial begins. It had been an incredibly chaotic trial, from warring psychologists to Jody's 18-day testimony to a juror getting dismissed for being arrested for DUI. May 8th, 2013, after 15 hours of deliberation, Jody is found guilty of first degree murder. Out of 12 jurors, five jurors find her guilty
Starting point is 02:03:29 of first degree, premeditated murder, seven find her guilty of both first degree, premeditated murder, and felony murder. As the guilty verdict is read, Jody struggles to repress tears, poor baby, as Travis's family smiles and hugs each other. Several people who had gathered outside of the courtroom began celebrating by cheering and chanting,
Starting point is 02:03:46 but it's not over. In the Aggravation phase, which starts on May 15th, the jury determines that Jody is eligible for the death penalty. And then the next day, the penalty phase begins. May 16th, prosecutors call on Travis' family members to offer victim impact statements in an effort to convince the jury that Aries' crime merits a death sentence.
Starting point is 02:04:03 May 21st, Jody begs for a life sentence. This was a reversal from her statements on TV four years earlier in which she had asked for the death penalty. She said, each time I said that, I meant it, but I lacked perspective. Until very recently, I cannot imagine standing before you and asking you to give me life. She said she changed her mind to avoid bringing more pain to members of her family who were in the courtroom. At one point she held up a white t-shirt with the word survivor written across it. Fucking the balls on this maniac. Telling the jurors that she would sell the clothing and donate all proceeds to victims of domestic abuse, shut the fuck up, Jody, you piece of trash.
Starting point is 02:04:38 So many women out there actually have been domestically abused. Women who aren't domestic abusers themselves who have murdered their lover, they don't need Jody's help. They don't need her to be the face of this fucking anything. She also said she would donate her hair to locks of love while in prison and it already done so three times full and jail. She's a great person. Sensing trial results on a hung jury and the judge has no choice but to clear a mistrial. The judge senses Jody to life in prison without possibility of parole. Do you think if she was a man and did the same shit the jury would have voted to
Starting point is 02:05:06 have her killed? I do. I think her looks played a part, uh, being attractive, been an attractive woman got her life instead of death. Uh, they just felt sorry enough for if she would look like me, oh, fucking death. And late January 2013 artwork drawn by Jody began selling on eBay. I hate this. Uh, the seller was her brother. He claimed that the profits went towards covering the family's travel expenses to the trial and better food for areas while she's in jail.
Starting point is 02:05:31 What is Jody like in prison? Same as ever, it seems. Her fellow inmates say that she's not well liked, that she flirts with guards to get special treatment and comes across as phony and manipulative. In October 2017, Jody filed an appeal of her conviction, but it was delayed due to systematic errors. Then in October of 2019, she tried to appeal again, citing cumulative misconduct by prosecutor Juan Martinez, just like, get fuck outta here.
Starting point is 02:05:55 You peel his denied. She's now doing time in Perriville, prison located in Goodyear, Arizona, less than an hour from Travis Alexander's, less than an hour from Mesa. Excuse me. Now, let's get out of here and recap the strange sad story. Good job, soldier.
Starting point is 02:06:15 You made it back. Barely. Jody Areas and the murder of Travis Alexander, what a story. Before I recap it, so sorry, one last sponsor. Today's time suck is brought to you by the Church of Jesus Christ, the latter day Saint Sinless Primordial Sex Outreach Committee. If you're a young Mormon and you're looking for a release but don't want to lose your standing in the church, we'd like to present some new alternatives to soaking, coupons, loopholes, and staying moral with oral. Now feel
Starting point is 02:06:52 free to indulge in handless sternum massaging, also known as chest docking. The sternum can be a real source of tension for a lot of women. It's where the pectoral muscles attach and rubbing those muscles with one's rect penis can be a great way for both the one getting massaged to relax and the one massaging to climax. The massage without your hands please rub your rect penis back and forth along this sternum with your female partner pushing her breast together around the penis to aid in the tension release stretching the muscles. This will typically lead to ejaculation often on the face and the skin care properties of semen are widely known and approved of by God. So keep keeping it out of the vagina kids, at least when it's moving, and keep poo-poo-loo-pollen, staying more with oral, soaking, and now keep it rocking with some flipping chest-talking. Happy Holestom love and everyone, God is watching!
Starting point is 02:07:39 And he likes it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah, that's nice. That's real nice. What's the interesting interesting sponsor? Um, chest talking sounds fun. Anywho, let's recap now. The trial following Travis's murder in June of 2008 would captivate the nation as they followed along tales of ronti sex, secret meetings and alleged abuse. And I'll seem like a horrifying way for what could have been an ideal relationship to end Jody and Travis were both at turning points in their lives when they met at the prepaid legal conference in Las Vegas in September
Starting point is 02:08:07 of 2006. There was an instant attraction. Travis extended an invitation for Jody to join him at the PPL Gala, but it was never going to be an ideal relationship because, you know, Jody was Jody. Jody had already exhibited stalker-like behavior in previous relationships. Also Travis knew by the time he met Jody that open premarital sex would get him kicked out of the Mormon community. The more Travis pulled away the crazier Jody got, sadly Travis, never did what he should have, which was to stop having any kind of contact with her. He wanted to sex too much and he paid for it with his life.
Starting point is 02:08:39 His throat would be cut ear to ear. He'd be shot, stabbed almost 30 times. His murder was so premeditated, premeditated to an insane degree. Just a few days before, Jody had packed her bags with a stolen gun, rented car, gotten gas cans so she wouldn't have receipts, turned off her phone,
Starting point is 02:08:54 set out to mace it, to kill Travis. You know, after having sex with him for a while. Incredibly, she left a camera at the crime scene. The smoking gun would be those digitally recovered photos. Some of the last photos of Travis Alive are so chilling. Standing in that same shower, he will be murdered in a look of horror and deep sadness in his eyes. Thankfully, Jody was convicted and will spend the rest of her life in jail.
Starting point is 02:09:16 Careful who you shack up with, Meat Sack stay far away from Jody's brand of crazy. It's not worth it. Let's head to our top five takeaways. Time, suck, top five takeaways. Number one, Jody Aries killed Travis Alexander on June 4, 2008 by stabbing him multiple times, slitting his throat, shooting him once in the head. This came on the heels of a week's long plan
Starting point is 02:09:41 to kill Travis, it started with her stealing a gun from her grandfather at the end of May. Number two, Jody lied the entire time, all the way through her trial. She actually told three main stories, the first was she wasn't even in Mesa, which was quickly disproved.
Starting point is 02:09:54 So, you know, then she tells the second, the Ninja Theory, that two people killed Travis and just let her go, which was even dumber than trying to deny she was there. And then the third, that she killed Travis,
Starting point is 02:10:03 but it had been in self-defense after a month of abuse, which did not happen. Number three, Mormonism and most religions that banned sex before marriage do so at the cost of some of the mental health of their members. The shame can lead to a lot more destructive emotional issues surrounding sex than a healthy experimentation does. Teaching young people that it's bad to feel arousal leads to guilt and compartmentalization and to soaking and to poop hole loop hole in provol pushing chest docking. Travis might still be alive today if he hadn't felt such shame
Starting point is 02:10:30 about having premarital sex and was able to find a partner he could communicate with in a healthy way about sex and love. Number four, Jody slowly escalated her behavior towards Travis over the years. She tried to make him jealous. Well, over the lesson to yours, you get it. Drop by his house unexpectedly announced to his friends that she was his girlfriend, even snuck in his house through the doggy door. If you or someone you know is in a situation like Travis's or that seems so unhealthy and unstable,
Starting point is 02:10:54 please reach out to someone in your community or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline if you're in America, 1-800-799-Safe. That's 1-800-799-7233. If you're in other countries, as many of our listeners are, there are equivalent phone numbers in I think all of them pretty much. No one should have to live in fear of being harmed
Starting point is 02:11:13 by the person who's supposed to love them the most. And number five, new info. One more goofy LDS sexual term. One young LDS said that there was a strong push for oral sex amongst he and his single friends. We're horny, one of this actually experiment. Here... said that there was a strong push for oral sex amongst he and single friends or horny one of the section experiment here when i was a graduate student at brigham young university and i understand this continues to be true today there were some students who adopted the slogan stay moral
Starting point is 02:11:35 go oral and then failing that uh... many would just get married and then uh... divorced shortly after their after to really get their fuck on it's unclear how often this happens but some some BYU students and probably other young warm as well will go to Vegas, get secretly hitched for a weekend or a few months so they can have guilt-free sex before mutually divorcing and then going on their merry ways. Here's some testimonial of this.
Starting point is 02:11:58 In the mid 1960s and again during the early 70s, when I was at BYU, it was called a Wendover Wedding Weekend. The couple would zip over to the border to Wendover, get hitched, and then have all the sex they wanted back at BYU. Still lived apart, and if they were caught, they were legally married, which file for either an annulment or a divorce with a cheap lawyer after a bit and then go find another partner to hitch up with. We are such a weird species. The Jody Areas and the murder of Travis Alexander has been sucked. Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team for all the help and making time suck.
Starting point is 02:12:35 Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins, Reverend Dr. Jill Paisley, Sophie the fact source for his Evans for running point on this week's research. Biddle Lixer for continuously refining the Time Suck app. Log in the art warlock. Keith running BadmagicMarch.com, being the visual artist for all things bad magic and working on our socials with Liz Hernandez, who runs our call to the curious Facebook private page, along with the All-See and Ice. Thanks also to Beef's Take in the Mod Squad, running Discord. You can link to the TimeSuck Discord group through the TimeSuck app.
Starting point is 02:13:02 Next week, we mix history and Wacadoodle. We head back to the common era to the first legitimate civilization on Earth known as Sumer and Mesopotamia. To explore the culture of the ancient Samarins means we'll be celebrating some of the most amazing first in human history. Things we couldn't live without like the first wheel, even the first fully expressed concept of time. So much more, the society came up with hundreds of concepts and systems we use today from government, taxes, land and sea vehicles, literature. Not to mention perhaps the most important concepts, agriculture, you know, the written word,
Starting point is 02:13:31 beer. We'll also meet a few prominent people and or wackadoodles who say amongst many other things that the ancient Samaritan people were given all their groundbreaking knowledge of civilization and complex systems by extra terrestrials. More than 6,500 years ago, ancient aliens! Remember your triumphs. Story goes that aliens came here from a rogue planet called Nibiru that came into our solar system, or comes in almost every 3600 years.
Starting point is 02:13:57 And these aliens do Anunaki, apparently came here to fuck with our DNA, throw some knowledge our way, and put us to work mining above all things gold. Why would aliens need us to mine gold for them? We will get to that, and so much more crazy next week it's gonna get goofy. It's gonna get fun. Now let's head on over to this week's Time Sucker updates. Let's start with some laughs today. Recorded this in advance in preparation for a vacation, so no docile dwarf emails yet. Suckered, sucker, Josh, his commons lot. Josh writes, dear Sukboy master, John Bond, Bonjangles.
Starting point is 02:14:37 I wanted to let you know that you got me with the commons law. I was at my new job a lesson a month, a quiet accounting office. I was working on a spreadsheet, listening to a random episode. I don't remember which one when my Bluetooth headphones die just as the master sucker declares loudly. And that's when he starts raping his sister. Nobody said anything, but I am quite sure at least a few of my few of my coworkers heard this happened a few days after I thought to myself, I better be careful not to get Cummins law to work. So thanks for making my work day short and weird.
Starting point is 02:15:08 Best wishes, probably not Albert Fish. Everyone knows now Josh, everyone knows we listen to, right? So I say just play everything out loud from now on. Poupole, loophole, all the stuff. The damage is done. Lean into it. Now let's hear some gratitude and inspiration. From a solid Utah sucker, Matt Dougal, Matt writes, Hey, Dan, my name is Matt and I live in Utah.
Starting point is 02:15:30 I've been a loyalist since the beginning of this podcast and even before I was a massive fan of your comedy, this is going to be a thank you. This is going to be a long message. I just wanted to thank you for your years of comedy and this wonderful podcast you've created. You've impacted my life greatly and it's done so much more for me and for that I'm eternally grateful. It's been a really hard month for me. And your podcast has helped me laugh through these tough times I'm facing. I have some challenging mental health disabilities, some physical health challenges that don't make things any easier. I have autism and pretty severe anxiety and depression.
Starting point is 02:15:57 The doctor's think my heart is growing and I've started to develop arrhythmia. Three weeks ago I got a CT scan of my sinuses because I've been coughing up blood, and they discovered a mass they think could be cancerous. I guess that's life sometimes. I got an assistance animal to suggestion of my wife and to the help of my doctor and my therapist. I wanted to do the right thing and let my landlord know I was getting the support animal
Starting point is 02:16:17 because I believe in living honestly. Well, my landlord decided that he doesn't want some with my disabilities and my need for assistance animal on his rental property and told me I either need to get rid of my dog or leave his property. This really hurt me deeply and greatly stressed me out. Following night my wife almost had to take me to the hospital for my safety because I wanted to kill myself.
Starting point is 02:16:35 In the last two weeks I have wanted to every single day. I guess I figured the only way out of this situation is if I'm not here anymore. If I didn't have these problems, the situation never would have happened. My therapist and my doctor told me what he was doing was illegal and that I'm not here anymore. If I didn't have these problems, the situation never would have happened. My therapist and my doctor told me what he was doing was illegal, and that I'm supposed to be protected by the Fair Housing Act. Well, today he got an eviction lawyer involved,
Starting point is 02:16:52 and both of them seem to think he's exempt from those laws, and that he can discriminate however he wants. Now my medical bills are mounting up, and I need to find a new place to live. My wife doesn't deserve to go through this, and I can't stop thinking about how the problem and the equations, me, even right now, as I'm riding this, the answer seems obvious
Starting point is 02:17:06 that I need to remove myself so everything can move on in a better way. Then your podcast has saved my life in the last few weeks. It's literally been one of my coping skills, your humor and life outlook, give me hope for myself. And I've heard about the other members of the cults that curious, make it through hard things in the time-soaker updates.
Starting point is 02:17:21 Now it gives me a small amount of hope that I can too. And my darkest moments recently, I've been religiously listening to your podcast. I'm a bit behind right now. I just finished a kidnapping of Patty Hearst, and I was almost in tears laughing about the communist bug references you made. Thank you for the laughter.
Starting point is 02:17:35 I don't know how. I'm gonna get through this time of my life, but I know I can somehow. Thank you for giving me something to take my mind off the world and an escape from the problems I'm facing right now, being discriminated against for my disability's hurts and makes me feel worthless. I would never wish that on anybody.
Starting point is 02:17:50 Thank you for your comedy. Thanks so much for creating this podcast. I said it before. I'll say it again. I'm eternally grateful for what you've done here. I don't know what the future holds for me, but I'm trying to wake up every day with courage. Hail Nimrod, you beautiful bastard. Keep on sucker for me, Matt.
Starting point is 02:18:00 You keep waking up with courage, Matt. You beautiful bastard. Keep fighting, right? Because it's just better than any alternative, isn't it? I mean, you're waking up with courage, Matt, you beautiful bastard. Keep fighting, right? Because it's just better than any alternative, isn't it? I mean, you're far from worthless. You just wrote that message. You now know that someone else is going to hear it too. It probably needs to hear it, and you'll have help save them, and that is not worthless.
Starting point is 02:18:17 And fuck that landlord, right? Just keep fighting, just despite that fucking landlord, nothing else. Keep laughing. So many better days, maybe ahead in your days right now will be better with more laughter. Things are bad, but at least they're not vampire of doseldorf hitting you with the fucking hammer bad. They should not eat in some Albert fish, is peanut butter. You're right, your wife does need you.
Starting point is 02:18:38 You got a dog needs you right now. Don't let that little dog, you know, you know, you don't protect that dog. Well, then the next vampire of doseldorf can come around and fuck it. You know, those people are out there. So just stay strong is best you can. Thanks for sending that message. That was a very courageous, love you, dude. Keep it moving.
Starting point is 02:18:58 Now for a shout out from an OG sucker, Austin Stork. Austin writes, hello, bad magic crew. But mostly Danny Lindsey, my wife and I are OG time suckers have been huge bad magic fans since the very fears first few episodes of time suck Whether it's laughing our asses off about the newest time suckers a secret suck episode Talking about what story spuptus the most from scared of death or snuggled up on the couch every Wednesday night to watch the newest episode It is we dumb if you dummies can manage to figure out how to work the camera that week Nice bad magic has clearly played a huge part of our lives our last for our excuse me our Watch the newest episode of Is We Dumb. If you dummies can manage to figure out how to work the camera that week. Nice. Bad magic has clearly played a huge part of our lives.
Starting point is 02:19:28 Our last, our, our, excuse me, our five year wedding anniversary is coming up on August 13th this year. And if memory serves me right, this is also yours and Lindsay's five year wedding anniversary as well. It is. So as much as I want to congratulate you
Starting point is 02:19:40 on your five years together, congratulations. I also wanted to selfishly ask if I could get a big shout out to my wife, Erica for our-year anniversary. She's my Polish monster, my Lucifina, my Albert fish. Okay, not the last one. J.K. Gosh dangled my heck. Best wife, ever three out of five stars, wouldn't change a thing. The past five years have been an incredible journey and I love her so flip and munch. If you happen to read this on the show, thank you so much for doing so. And thanks for everything you do and everything, bad magic productions, making this world a brighter place for many people.
Starting point is 02:20:05 OG bad magician Austin Stork. I was very nice Austin. Happy anniversary. Austin and Eric, happy five years. I hope you two are still in love as much as Lindsay and I are. After five years, may she always be your loose Athena. Hail, hail love. Right?
Starting point is 02:20:21 Love inspires love. Keep pushing it forward. Keep sitting on example. Example, gosh dang. And you know, if you guys are into it, maybe, maybe loophole that pooble. He'll love. Love inspires love. Keep pushing it forward, keep setting that example. Gosh dang. And you know, if you guys are into it, maybe, maybe loophole that poople. I don't know, maybe do some chest-dockin.
Starting point is 02:20:31 Spice it up. Now one more from Smart Sucker Sarah, Sarah writes, Hey, I'll lose to Fina and all her minions. I said before that I will mention your podcast in my serial killer's class. I also wanted to praise you for your TEDsock that we make his way into my media class. Honestly, I have preached these ideas
Starting point is 02:20:44 from the pulpit of my college podium for years. I have not really found a video that explains my feelings about the penny press and yellow journalism quite like you do. I'm not a political person. I will vote for whom I believe to be the best candidate, which has been hard in recent years. I struggle being at an extremely liberal college where I agree sometimes, but not always. We will put it this way. I am a conservative, gun-loving country,
Starting point is 02:21:05 love and gal with the big heart. I've always preached socialism, leased communism, but there are attributes of socialism that are good and decent. I just don't want the D-student doctor working on me and waiting months for MRIs or CATs against. So weird. Any who think, oh, so weird. Any who. Thank your perspective. It is hard these days to find that. My media class exposes a great deal of if it bleeds its leads commentary. And I also have my students watch Nightcrawler.
Starting point is 02:21:31 That is a great fucking movie. That's a really good movie. I love to use the word meat sex as my favorite TV show of all time is supernatural. And to use the term meat suits. I didn't know that. Keep on sucking and being you, my degree in psychology and your overall work is made to a T.
Starting point is 02:21:46 Sarah, you made this to me feel smart for a second. That was thank you very much. Thanks for that. I'm glad you find a kinship in my perspective. It makes me feel less alone to hear it from you. So you know what you know what I did for you. You just did for me. Here you want politics. Yeah, I'm open to either side on any given election. And it often feels like I don't love any of my choices. But I will say things seem to be going pretty well right now overall for many, and that makes me happy. That's whoever's in, just like just have life appear to be getting better for many, and okay, on board. Glatter economy is doing a lot better
Starting point is 02:22:21 than it was in Peter Curtin's time from last week. And I'm honored, yeah, that you use me in a class keep teaching keep teaching so important keep preaching common sense critical thinking the more you do The better the world you know for all of us and so hail Nimrod country gal That's all this week's time sucker updates Thanks time suckers. I need a net. We all did Thanks for listening to another Bad Magic Productions podcast, Meatzaks. Please crawl through any X's, or please do not crawl through any X's doggie door. You know, crawl naked into bed hoping to get your proof hole loophole this week.
Starting point is 02:22:59 Just keep on mouthhugging. I mean, you know, suckin'. Hey, Dan. Yeah. You see my spoon? Oh. You're spoon? That's my spoon. No, I don't have spoon. No. That's my spoon? No, I'm not holding a spoon. I don't know what it's meant. I don't have a spoon. You're holding a spoon right now in your hand. You're tapping a spoon in your hand. No, I'm just that's my finger. I have a metal metal looking finger Not a spoon. No, no, no, no for a second. I would let I would help if I had a spoon If I had a spoon I'd give you a spoon mine has the same the same handle if I had a spoon on the bottom of the handle If I had a spoon, I'd get I don't no no spoon
Starting point is 02:23:43 Don't have a spoon. Wish I did wish I could help you with the spoon. Okay, which I knew which I knew where a spoon, I'd get it. Nope, no spoon. Don't have a spoon. Wish I did. Wish I could help you out with the spoon. Wish I knew where a spoon was. All right. That Jody areas, Jedi shit works sometimes.

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