Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 257 - The Dexter Killer Mark Twitchell

Episode Date: August 16, 2021

Mark Twitchell really wanted to become a serial killer. In 2008, after discovering the Showtime series, Dexter, it had become his latest obsession. The aspiring filmmaker felt like he related to Dexte...r Morgan, the methodical serial killer so good at continually covering his tracks. Mark thought he was just as clever as Dexter, and would be able to get away with murder just as easily. Boy was he wrong. Mark constantly overrated his abilities. As a filmmaker, as a businessman, as a lover, and as a killer, this compulsive liar would leave a ridiculous amount of evidence behind after his first murder that made it incredibly easy for detectives to catch him. He actually wrote down all the details of his murder in a document on his laptop called SK confessions. As in, "serial killer" confessions. The entertaining tale of probably the dumbest killer we've covered so far, today, on Timesuck. If you know anything regarding the disappearance of five year-old, Fruitland, Idaho boy Michael Joseph Vaughan, please click this link!: https://www.fruitland.org/index.asp?SEC=10B2C17A-DB5A-4256-8B6D-F589F7133F2DIf you know anything about missing Oklahoma native Christian Alexander Stoppel, please call 405 231-2121.We're donating $15,000 this month to The Wildland Firefighter Foundation. Go to https://wffoundation.org/ to learn more. Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_ivbD0Cno0AMerch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste) Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're over 10,000 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In October of 2008, Johnny Altinger, a single 38 year old Canadian man, was on his way for what he hoped was going to be a real sexy hookup with a lady named Jen. He had recently met on a dating site, plenty of fish.com. And he thought that because that's exactly what Jen had led him to believe. So on a Friday night, he put on some cologne, his best shirt, he drove to St. Albert, a neighborhood and an Edmonton, Canada to meet the attractive woman who had promised him an intimate encounter. Very unfortunately for Johnny, there was no gen. There was only Mark Twitchell. Two weeks before Alton Jürgen's disappearance, Twitchell, a wannabe independent filmmaker,
Starting point is 00:00:35 had shot a low-budget horror short film about a serial killer who impersonates a woman on an online dating site to lure victims to their gruesome death. And after an attempted attack on another man, he tricked the same way a week earlier. Mark brought his sick fantasy to life by killing Johnny in the exact same location where he had filmed that short movie about a man similar to Johnny being killed by a man similar to himself. Life imitating one's own art in the worst of ways. Mark rode out and filmed his murder fantasy, then he carried out an actual murder fantasy
Starting point is 00:01:07 on the same film set, both the movie and the murder part of a new sick fantasy of his inspired by the showtime series Dexter. Mark was obsessed with Dexter. He felt like he understood the character of Dexter Morgan, a soft spoken serial killer who hides in plain sight as a blood spatter analysis for the Miami PD by day and kills criminals by night. Mark wanted to be Dexter, at least his own version. He even roleplayed his Dexter. On a Facebook profile, he created for the character, dropping hints about his real life activities and updates like Dexter is patiently waiting for his next victim, a play date, buddy.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Dexter was not the first of Mark's obsessions. Previously, he had gotten really, really into Star Wars. And spent thousands and thousands of dollars of both his own money and investors' money, writing, directing, and producing the Star Wars fan film of his own creation that he thought would make millions, make him rich and famous, it would never be finished. And if it had been finished, it was not gonna make anyone rich or famous because Mark Twitchell
Starting point is 00:02:04 is incredibly delusional. Very strange man, terrible screenwriter, awful director, pathological liar with delusions of grandeur who tricked his wife into thinking he had a job for months while in reality, he just drove around Edmonton trying to sell scripts. No one in the actual entertainment business had any interest in. This pretender thought he was God's gift to showb biz, but in reality, he was a sad, talentless, and eventually murderous wannabe. Mark thought he was a creative genius and he came up with a plan to literally kill for his art. He believed in writing what you know and an obsession with Dexter led him to want
Starting point is 00:02:37 to know how to kill so then he could write this true crime masterpiece or maybe just write a really terrible Dexter knockoff. And it would not be the first knockoff he wrote. This story like so many others I tell here is so insane. Mark Twichel is what I like to call a real piece of work, real punchable douche, who I can't see you not hating early into this episode. By the end of this episode,
Starting point is 00:03:00 everyone who knew Mark seemed to hate him, even his family. And that hatred so deserved. Let's dig into another true crime, super nerdy, incredibly lie-filled, dexter-obsessed, Canadians are not always as polite as you think after all addition of Time Suck. time. So happy Monday, meat sacks, Dan commons, a suck master, Mark Twichel's assistant director, Albert Fish Productions vice president of show is associate director of cheekotelos. What's this big deal? Rasting Academy and you are listening to time suck.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Hail Nimrod, did I go anywhere, Luciferina, praise be to Good Boy Bojangles and glory be to triple M. Tour, merch, charity announcements, then a big old suck. Hoping I had as much fun and cleveland on the symphony of insanity standard tour as I did my first night back to stand up and spoke and holy shit. After a year and a half, I did not realize how much I missed the energy of a live show and vigor shit. After a year and a half, I did not realize how much I missed the energy of a live show in Vigorating. All the laughs, the smiles, always as rusty as I thought I was going to be,
Starting point is 00:04:10 started off with some old bits, 30 to 40 minutes of new stuff, few more old favorites, and it was a fucking blast. So thanks to everyone who came out of that show. Also grateful, many shows have been selling out. I have Texas this week. All shows already sold out except the late show. We added this Thursday, August 19th in San Antonio. And then it's off to helium in Portland,
Starting point is 00:04:30 August 26th through 28 recording this on August 9th. Some of those shows sold out. If you hear this and want to come, please don't wait to get tickets. Same with Philadelphia, September 9th to 11th, funny bone and Columbus, Ohio, September 24 and 25, Cobbs and San Francisco, October 8 and 9, more dates, tickets, links for all these dates, at Dancomas.tv. And last quick thing about touring, I forgot to mention last week, another current obstacle to meet and greets after shows
Starting point is 00:04:55 in many venues is this very real labor shortage. Seems like every club, every restaurant, is short staff right now, just across the country. And Spokane, I had to wait a while, quite a while in the green room to get paid after the show because the poor general manager was waiting tables after helping seat people, then helping clean up the show room after the show,
Starting point is 00:05:13 which is not normal. She just cannot hire enough staff to properly run the room. Cleveland's capacity reduced a bit, not because of COVID, but because they don't have enough staff to serve all the seats. It's fucking crazy. I've never lived through labor shortage like this before. So they certainly do not have the staff to help run a post show meet and greet.
Starting point is 00:05:32 They would want to murder me if I wanted to make them try and help me strange days. But at least right now, most of us are, you know, starting to get out and about for the first time in a long time. Didn't I? Did not realize how much I needed to be out myself, the hermit, dare I say it, actually missed interacting with the public. Now two more quick announcements and then some show. Now the fourth round of the bad magic street team is live now. So go to badmagicmerch.com to get those stickers.
Starting point is 00:05:57 They're free. There's only 500 sticker packs available though. Uh, first come first serve once they're gone. That's it. Only one sticker pack per person. Once you've received your stickers, all you have to do is slap them all over the place, snap a pic where you've put them. though, first come first serve. Once they're gone, that's it. Only one sticker pack per person. Once you've received your stickers, all you have to do is slap them all over the place, snap a pic where you've put them, then post that pic on Instagram, Facebook, use in the
Starting point is 00:06:11 hashtag bad magic street team. And that's it. And then a winner will be picked at random Monday, October 18th and we'll walk away with a $200 merch credit. So spread this suck with some stickers. And another quick reminder that our charity of the month is the wildland wild land. I also want to say wildland or something wildland firefighter foundation. Proud to donate $15,000 from Patreon this month.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Thanks in large part to our space lizards. Go to wffoundation.org to learn about this great cause. You can go to the Times like app to learn about this charity. So many others, all the charities we've donated to links to each of them, how much we've donated on the charities tab of the app. A lot of worthy causes. And now we head back to True Crime. The cover guy who really, really wanted to be a serial killer, a guy who did become a
Starting point is 00:06:58 murderer, an adieu to who was really bad at covering his tracks. Mark Twichell is many things and one of those things is a fucking idiot mark twitchell no ted bundy no john wangasey no richard remires all of those guys even remeres who certainly never came across as a genius uh... we're at least in the criminal sense much smarter than mark twitchell despite hit hit he thinking he was a genius marked not get away with trying to kill one person and then definitely killing Johnny Altinger for very long, but
Starting point is 00:07:29 he still got away with some sloppy, poorly planned out crimes for probably longer than he should have. The plan he put together to throw police off his trail, mind bogglingly stupid, especially for a guy who thought he was an extremely gifted storyteller. The tell mark story we head back to Western Canada. Albert at this time, last time we went to Western Canada, was British Columbia for Robert Picton, with his pig shit written crimes. Thankfully, there will be no Mama Picton in their dirty front button today's episode.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Do you remember her? I know that some of you didn't care for her. And some of your dogs really didn't care for my mama picked in character. What a house that Baba will it? Throw straight in cut. Throw it in the clean of the picture about everything. Give mama's go deep rush, Baba will it? Give mama's house boots. Other than that one reference, there would be no more mama picked in. Mark Twichle would not have the strange, filthy, and terrible upbringing that Bobby will he had.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Or from what we know, Mark Twichle suffered no abuse at the hands of his middle class, very supportive parents, maybe too supportive, who actually encouraged him to pursue his love of filmmaking, even though he was not good at it. He grew up in a nice, normal house, not an animal and wrote it in festive farm. He was raised by actual humans, not backwood swamp trolls. He had friends. Even if he was occasionally bullied for his big ears as a kid, big ears that his parents paid to have surgically corrected, they were very supportive. So why did he try to become
Starting point is 00:08:53 a serial killer? I can't say for sure, but I think truly being an empathy lacking sociopath definitely part of it, for sure, always helps. And I think because he truly thought he could get away with murder, he seemed to think he was better and smarter than everyone else around him all the time. And like most people who think that that I've met, he for sure was not smarter than the average bear. He thought his lack of empathy and understanding of fictional killers made him exceptionally intelligent when a reality just made him a creepy weirdo. A lot of us enjoy films about or media about killers, right? Some of us came in relate to aspects of them, but most of us thank God, even weirdos like me
Starting point is 00:09:27 who have plenty of vengeance-filled murder fantasies. I loved watching Dexter just like Mark Twichle and for sure fantasized about killing dirt bags like Dexter did, still doing fact, but I don't actually think I would be able to easily get away with murder. I'm aware that crime in real life tends to play out very differently than crime on TV. Almost all the serial killers we talk about here do get caught in the end. We tend to focus on the very rare few who get away with it, you know, the longest, but they are the exceptions to the rule.
Starting point is 00:09:54 On TV bodies burn quickly, police are often easily outwitted, not so much in real life. Once the evidence starts to point to you, you don't often get to pull some kind of Hollywood escape. Dexter managed to hide in plain sight for a year after a year, able to lie his way out of predicament after predicament where it looked like he was for sure going to get caught because that's good TV. Building tension and releasing it. Making you think like, oh shit, oh shit, oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, God.
Starting point is 00:10:19 And then you think, oh, thank God, when the protagonist, you know, works their way out of yet another jam. In real life, when you work yourself into it, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, moment, it doesn't often end. Oh, thank God. When the protagonist works their way out of yet another jam, and real life when you work yourself into it, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, moment, it doesn't often end and, oh thank God, it usually ends in like, ah, fuck. This is not good. That's how today's story will for sure end for Mark Twichel,
Starting point is 00:10:35 and you will be so glad it does. The Dexter killer certainly know Dexter Morgan, let's get into it. What is the most important thing to do? A big reason the case of Mark Twichel is so interesting Dexter Morgan, let's get into it. [♪ INTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ A big reason the case of Mark Twichel is so interesting is because he modeled himself after, of course, Dexter Morgan, the serial killing blood-spatter analysis from the center of the showtime series Dexter, which ran by the way from 2006 to 2013, and what a great fucking show. And if you don't know, Dexter is set to return this November for a 10 episode run called Dexter, New Blood.
Starting point is 00:11:07 It's gonna pick up 10 years after the season eight finale, right, you know, left off. Might have to watch the whole series over again now. And by might, I mean, definitely. I love that show. I guess there's a decent chance you did too since you're listening to a murderous podcast episode right now. I think they might actually redeem the terrible series finale
Starting point is 00:11:25 that myself and many other fans of the show really did not like. Maybe they're going to make it work now. Give the show a better ending, better send off. I hope so. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed. Mark Twitch will be watching. Apparently his obsession remains and he has a nice flat screen TV to watch his shows on in Canadian prison.
Starting point is 00:11:41 If you haven't watched the show that so powerfully inspired Twitch, old Dexter Morgan played fantastically by the great Michael C. Hall, uh, is a, he plays a man who was orphaned at the age of three when he witnesses mother be brutally murdered with a chainsaw by gang of drug dealers. Blood gets all over him. That experience changes him. Later, he's adopted by Miami police detective who soon realizes that young Dexter is a psychopath sociopath, you know, uh, but he thinks he can train Dexter to channel his psychopathic tendencies to only kill other criminals, to live by this code he instills in him. And in this way, he is successful. Dexter also has a, you know, he has a pretty good reason because of his code for everyone he directly hunts and kills. Some of what he does does lead to the deaths
Starting point is 00:12:20 of innocent people, but almost a hundred percent of the time, you could argue that who he kills deserves it if you're someone who believes in the death penalty. Dexter is extremely cautious and circumspect. He wears gloves, he uses plastic wrapped kill rooms, segments to corpses, disposed of them, and the Atlantic Ocean's Gulf Stream to reduce his chances of detection
Starting point is 00:12:38 throughout at all, Dexter dead pants, a lot of commentary via voice over narration, putting viewers in the head of a serial killer, possibly helping them relate to him or to him. It's that semi-related ability that makes the show dexter work. And also made it fairly controversial when it came out. Most viewers, myself for sure, included seem to like Dexter and we wanted to see him succeed and not be caught despite him being a serial killer. This is literally what the show intended to do. Make you root for someone, you feel uncomfortable rooting for. A fun creative challenge for the show creators. And they were not the first to do it, right?
Starting point is 00:13:08 There's been other famous anti-heroes like Scarface's Tony Montanya, Tony Montanya, Fight Clubs, Tyler Durden, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoos, Lysbith Salander, unfortunately with shows like this, every once in a while, some fucking lunatic like Mark Twitchell watches it and thinks they really get the anti-hero. And they want to become them. They forget that it's a fantasy. They can't seem to like the overwhelming majority of the rest of us just have a good
Starting point is 00:13:34 ol' fashion, escapist, vicarious fantasy. Enjoy the show, have a few fantasies of who you would kill if you were Dexter, which you are not, and then you move on with your fucking life. Unfortunately for the show creators, Dexter would help inspire more than Mark Twichel to murder. In 2009, 17-year-old Andrew Conley said the show inspired him to strangle his 10-year-old brother. In an affidavit filed in Ohio County Court in Indiana, police said Conley confessed that
Starting point is 00:13:58 he watches a show called Dexter on Showtime about a serial killer, and he stated, I feel just like him. On November 4, 2010, in Sweden, a 21- 21 year old woman known in the press as the Dexter killer or the Dexter woman killed her 49 year old father by stabbing him in the heart. During questioning, she compared herself to Dexter and a picture of the character would appear on her phone whenever her father called. In July 2011, she was sentenced to seven years in prison. Seems a little light, but I don't know all the details. British, British teenagers, Steve and Miles, 17 was sentenced to seven years in prison. It seems a little light, but I don't know all the details.
Starting point is 00:14:25 British teenager Steve and Miles 17 was sentenced to 25 years in prison, October 2, 2014, for stabbing and dismembering his girlfriend Elizabeth Rose Thomas. And Surrey, she was 17, police discovered Thomas' body on January 24, 2014. Determine the cause of death was a stab wound to the back. Miles arrested on suspicious of murder or suspicion. Excuse me, I've murder. He played guilty to the crime on September 9th. And according to Surrey police, Miles had dismembered Thomas' body following her death, wrapped up her limbs in plastic wrap, attempted to clean up the crime scene before he was found by a family member and reported to be obsessed with the TV series Dexter.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Due to all these inspired crimes, Michael C. Hall was asked if he worried about the violent impact his show seems to have had on some fans. And Hall said, all I can say to that is it's horrifying to entertain the notion that something you did inspired that. I immediately found myself saying, well, you know, he would have found something else to inspire him. But I don't know. To be perfectly honest, it's just a troubling thing to consider.
Starting point is 00:15:24 But then Hall also said he would not stop making Dexter because someone became fixated on the violence. He said, I don't think it's a primer on serial killing, or it advocates the lifestyle. I would hope that people's appreciation was more than some sort of fetish-ish-ization with the kill scenes. I wouldn't stop making Dexter because someone was fast-ended by it only in that way. I tried to tell myself that their fixated nature would have done it one way or the other, and then he added, but it seems that Dexter had something to do with it. In that sentence,
Starting point is 00:15:54 he was speaking about Twitchel's crime, specifically, it's horrifying. I think Mark would have probably killed had he not found Dexter. Dexter was not the first murderous anti-hero he had become obsessed with. Maybe it was just what tipped him over the edge. So I don't know. Mark at the end of the day, Mark is responsible for the murder of Johnny Altinger. Playing the media blame game for crimes of any kind is a censorship, slippery slope game. I've no interest in playing it all. Also, I love how none of these idiots obsessed with Dexter chose to target scumbags, which
Starting point is 00:16:26 was the whole fucking point of the character of Dexter. He wasn't just killing random people. He was killing criminals. Dexter, Morgan, went after other serial killers, pedophiles, a variety of dirt bags who were hurting people and evading or had evaded the law. People who if caught would not get the punishment he felt they deserved. He was all about being a vigilante, not again, just about killing random people, a Twitch hole in the rest of the people just conveniently skipped over that part.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Why didn't Mark Twitch go after hard and criminals? Probably because he knew that kick is fucking ass. You know, if he tried to kill him, not a tough man. He didn't have the size strength, the technical fighting skill to do that. Instead, he went after lonely, physically unimposing men who were looking for women to date online back in 2008. When internet safety was not talked about as much as it would be later. Mark also chose men responding to hookup messages because he thought he could put, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:18 divert any police attention away from himself by making it seem like his victims were still alive by posting messages on their social media accounts and writing emails from their accounts. And then he would quickly learn it wasn't that easy. And he would get arrested just a week after his first murder. And then there's actually a funny video online of the detective who helped arrest him driving around to try and search for Johnny's body before they found it, to give closure to the family, thanking him for making his job so incredibly easy for catching him.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Basically saying that he was the easiest, you know, catch he'd ever had in the history of his career because this guy was such a fucking idiot. Yeah, short time after they, you know, catch Mark, the police searches computer, and they find a document titled SK Confessions, which detailed not only the murder and the dismemberment and disposal of the body, but a previous attempted murder that the police had no idea about just gave it in great details. He just wrote a sense of ejournal entries, detailing exactly what he did. SK stood for serial killer, which was what Mark Twits wanted to be, but would never become. Oh my God, he was just hopeful when he was naming that document.
Starting point is 00:18:22 SK Confession starts like this. This guy is such a douche. This story is based on true events. The names and events were altered slightly to protect the guilty. This is a story of my progression into becoming a serial killer. Like anyone just starting out in a new skill, I had a bit of trial and error in the beginning of my misadventures. Allow me to start from the beginning and I think you'll see what I mean. I don't remember the exact place and time it was that I decided to become a serial killer,
Starting point is 00:18:48 but I remember the sensation that hit me when I committed to that decision. It was a rush of pure euphoria. I felt lighter, less stressed if you will, the freedom of the prospect. There was something about urgently exploring my dark side that greatly appealed to me, and I'm such a methodical planner and thinker. I saw smart. The very challenge itself was enticing to behold. He is not a methodical planner and thinker. You will soon see that, holy shit. He also wrote, I just knew I was different somehow from the rest of humanity, right?
Starting point is 00:19:16 Because he's so special. I feel no such emotions as empathy or sympathy toward others, for example. He's right about that. He goes on to talk about how he, you know, never talked about his dark fantasies with therapists before and then he goes on a tangent about how he's not the one choosing the victims, fate brings them to him. He's only following his own nature, of course.
Starting point is 00:19:37 He's douche bags, I was gonna throw a little dash up, it's not my fault, I'm just doing what I was created to do. Almost every time, they just can't take, you know, full responsibility for B2P's as shit. Twitch will address this side step here in his SK Confessions document, writing, now this does not mean I shirk responsibility for my actions. I am very obviously as you will come to learn
Starting point is 00:19:56 deliberate, level-headed, and very much in control of my own actions. So smart. Although I won't deny that the aforementioned scenario would play well in an insanity plea. He will not be level headed. He'll be very careless. He continues, so here I was armed with this new insight into my inner self and an exhilarating new hobby that I was seeking to undertake. I thought long and hard to come up with a system that would work for
Starting point is 00:20:18 me, a method that would ensure I could have my playtime and keep from getting caught. It didn't take long before I settled on an MO. His MO is the fucking dumbest one ever. This cocky bastard. His, I just love how he writes about how great his plan is and you're going to see it's such a bad plan. His cockiness continues when he talks about how unlike Dexter, he was also going to kill for profit. Why? Because he's super talented and better. He's better at about how unlike Dexter, he was also going to kill for profit. Why? Because he's super talented and better. He's better at serial killing than Dexter.
Starting point is 00:20:49 He's like Dexter 2.0. Or as he puts it, oh yes, my friend, I am in for the profit. It has always been my attitude that no hobby or venture should ever be done without expected return on investment. I love how he talks about like he's some great businessman. You'll see also that he's not a good businessman. For many years, I crafted elaborate Halloween costumes, faithful screen accurate recreations of very big blockbuster movie icons.
Starting point is 00:21:12 The results of my efforts in these costumes were various first prizes in costume contest. That resulted in cash payouts worth at least 40 times what I spent to make each outfit. This would be no different. There was something so funny to me about him being cocky about making a few thousand dollars when he and Halloween cost him contest. Like is it really that big of a deal? I mean cool, he won.
Starting point is 00:21:32 But how competitive is cost to making at the going to a Halloween party in Edmonton, Canada level? Get the fuck out of here. Getting cocky about something like that is getting cocky because you want a county ping pong or yo-yo contest. I mean, that's cool for your kid.
Starting point is 00:21:46 And once you're an adult, it's like, okay, that's kind of neat, but it's not that impressive. Mark would soon figure out that being a proficient and profitable serial killer, we've been trickier than winning local Halloween costume contests. It was as if he won like one poker tournament where the only other players were his parents and then he immediately made plans to win all of the world series of poker's main events. I mean, that's like how he how he goes from this like winning costume contest.
Starting point is 00:22:14 So, I mean, if I could win costume contest, of course I could be a successful serial killer. It's like he beat his little sister in a game of horse and then immediately becomes convinced that just a few months later, he'll be fucking dominating the NBA. So delusional. The word delusional describes Mark better
Starting point is 00:22:32 than any other word to me. He's, he's a man. He's so annoying to me. But fascinating, which is why we're talking about him today. And now I'm gonna tell the truth about his chronic and pathetic lies in today's time suck timeline. Shrap on those boots soldier, we're marching down a time suck timeline. Mark Andrew Twitchell, Born in July 4th, 1979.
Starting point is 00:23:01 In Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, talk a little about Edmonton, A city once nicknamed Deadmonton, according to several sources, although I never heard it call that while touring through Edmonton years ago, a couple times. One of the northernmost cities in all of North America, 300 kilometers north of Alberta's biggest city of Calgary, Edmonton is the capital of the landlocked province of Alberta. It's North America's northernmost metropolitan area with a population of more than a million. Home to about 1.5 million now, it's called or was called deadminton for a couple reasons. Snowy winters take up about half the year, pushing everyone indoors. There's not much nightlife to speak of, or at least there isn't used to be.
Starting point is 00:23:38 And since oil was discovered nearby in the 1970s and its oil prices boomed throughout through the 2000s, Edmonton experienced a huge population boom in the form of young men looking for a good time much like the Anchorage, Alaska of Robert the butcher Baker Hanson. Once the oil industry started booming Edmonton became seedier a place to make a quick buck and have a dirty weekend. Of course, this is not to say that Edmonton is just a nightmare. In 2005, a record year for crime in Edmonton when the city was home to roughly a million people, there were only 39 homicides. To put that in perspective,
Starting point is 00:24:08 New York City during that same year, when about 8 million live there had 537 homicides, eight times the population, almost four times, 14 times, excuse me, as many homicides. Also Mark Twichel would never have anything to do with Edmonton's CD side on any level. He is easily the nerdiest killer we've ever looked into. And the CD Edmonton did not play into his crimes at all. He could have done the same thing anywhere. From an early age, Mark showed a passion for costume making, performance, and fantasy. His parents both encouraged his, both of them encouraged his creative pursuits.
Starting point is 00:24:41 His mother Mary, career graphic artist, so, you know, she was a talented creative person, his father Norman or the Normster, as Mark would call him a maintenance worker for one of the city's downtown office towers, you know, steady job, good benefits. Both Mary and the Normster had grown up on Albert, on Albert of Farms outside of Edmonton got married in the 20s. By the time Mark would be arrested, they would have been married for over three decades. And I have to imagine they regretted having Mark for his son for at least, I don't know, two of those decades. Mark has one sibling, a sister Susan, who's four years younger than him.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Tall, active in kickboxing, skiing, and mountain climbing growing up, very smart. The Twitchell family used to watch Star Trek next generation after dinner, which led to Mark calling his sister Q as a nod to one of the show's omnipotent, genius characters. No surprise that the family when she decided to pursue a successful career in engineering. The family lived in a 1950s single story home on the counter or the on the edge of the Kilarney suburb across the street from a nearby Catholic school where Mark and his sister went to school. So they had you know very like nice kind of middle class lives. The most part Mark seemed like an ordinary kid. If a bit picked on for his nerdiness, you know, like many kids before blossoming
Starting point is 00:25:48 into a socially awkward, super annoying dude. He was a socially awkward, super annoying Catholic schoolboy with reddish brown hair, big glasses, and ears that stuck out. It infuriated Mark that his classmates mocked his appearance instead of adoring him. He also seemed to think he was a fan fucking, fantastic, you know, human being could not understand why others did not recognize his greatness immediately. He always had a very healthy ego that way. He convinced his parents to get him corrective surgery to pin his ears back. So his classmates would take him more seriously and respect him. But then after the operation still mocked because, you
Starting point is 00:26:20 know, the operation didn't take care of him being annoying little fuck. It was never about the ears. It was always about what lay in between those ears. A social outcast for the majority of his early childhood, he often related, you know, retreated to his parents' house, where he and a friend, possibly his only friend, would fool around with the video camera and make up stories. His first so-called film was a compilation of various skits and short films that he and his little buddy did. You know, most of which used established concepts
Starting point is 00:26:45 from existing shows, changed them slightly to make them his own like parodies. That's something he'll never outgrow. He will consider himself to be a creative genius, but never seems to have an original idea. One of his early ideas was a parody movie trailer for the comic book, you know, Judge Dredd. Twitch will turn him into Judge Fred at the Flintstones.
Starting point is 00:27:02 This is probably the best thing he ever did as a kid. I the law judge fred shouted into the video yaba daba do uh... later skits became more violent to grow up a parody of will of fortune became will of torture contestant spending the wheel to determine which painful scenario to be subjected to next that might actually be his best project both of these projects uh... more creative than his later projects i gotta say right now young twitchal
Starting point is 00:27:24 uh... reminds me of a young someone and often angry nerd with dark comedic leanings. Someone who grew up watching a lot of sci-fi who also got bullied a bit. Someone who made jokes about Torch and others. He reminds me of my dad, JK. He reminds me of me. Ah, I caramba.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Twitchell's friend saw their little movies as a fun pastime, but to Twitchell their filmmaking was serious business. He was now and forever a filmmaker, at least in his mind. He was a creative force to be reckoned with. He thought he was so creative, he invented his own terminology to describe his powerful creative force. When Twitchhold felt inspiration strike, he described it like a rush of blood to the head,
Starting point is 00:27:59 something he began calling his ICG, internal creative genius. He actually told other people about this. When it hit, he had to be left alone. He had to keep writing, filming, drawing, because his mind was flooded with so many new, great ideas. Or more accurately, his mind was flooded with other people's ideas. He convinced himself for his own. Twitch will be in writing so frequently
Starting point is 00:28:19 that his friends and classmates thought he was obsessive-compulsive. If only he would have been able to figure out how to write actually good shit, he might be famous right now for very different reasons. He once handed a girl who sat behind him in high school an expansive 200-page report. No one asked him to write that he wrote on the Star Wars universe, expecting her to actually read it.
Starting point is 00:28:38 And he was so just heartbroken when she wouldn't read his 200-page Star Wars universe report. So maybe he wasn't actually that much like me. It's never that nerdy. I drew weird monsters and, you know, like he man like action figure dudes and class all throughout grade school that's, you know, some girls were curious about. And then, you know, we'd come check out and we're generally weirded out by. Uh, I didn't draw them for the girls expecting them to like them.
Starting point is 00:28:59 I certainly didn't expect, uh, any girls or just anyone at all to read a 200 page report on fucking anything. So weird. Also in high school, Twitch will start developing a rebellious streak. He often lied, stole money from his mother's purse. He just buy like junk food, just a little trivial shit. He was arrested twice for shoplifting from a grocery store, but managed to avoid having a criminal record because of the court's alternative measures program for first time offenders.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Man, I stole a lot. Growing up and I lied to cover my tracks. Now I'm worried again. Maybe the same person growing up soon 19 year old Mark would find his first anti hero in the form of Anakin Skywalker. The first one he become really obsessed with episode one, the Phantom Menace released on May 19th 1999. Mark sees it right away and goes back to see it several more times.
Starting point is 00:29:41 He loves it. Which is interesting because the first prequel to the original Star Wars trilogy is generally considered the weakest film in the Star Wars universe by many, if not most fans, right? Jar Jar Binks, big swing in a miss by creative genius George Lucas. Mark, he loved it because he loved the origin story of Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader.
Starting point is 00:30:03 It's so easy for someone on the outside looking into judge why Anakin's choices were stupid, but it's different when you're the one in that position. Mark wrote on the Force.net, a website hosting the popular online message boards used by most dedicated Star Wars fans around the world. Darth Vader was a great man, just misunderstood. He had to give into the power of the dark side. Sith Lord Senator Palpatine promised him he'd keep his wife, Padme from dying, so it was even sick.
Starting point is 00:30:27 He just had some nightmares as you might die in Charlworth. And so naturally Vader, part of the man he knew was evil and massacre the Jedi's who trained and mentored him. Of course, he killed pretty much all of his friends to maybe save his wife who didn't need saving. I mean, what would you do? He did what a good misunderstood guy does. I get it.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Mark Penn Long and Plentiful post about Star Wars through the years on the same websites under multiple accounts Of course he did. This is the guy who wrote a 200 page fiction novel for some girl at school One the force net or the force.net account is just not enough for a socially well-adjusted person Mark watched each prequel film at least half a dozen times while there were still in the theaters and was moved to tears watching them. He especially would cry during the Anakin's death as a fucking psychopath. When the message boards began discussing the pure evilness of Anakin after episode three released in 2005, where in one scene he slaughters innocent children in a fit of rage, Twitch will defend Zimriding. I know, isn't it sweet? The pure calculated precision of it.
Starting point is 00:31:26 It's admirable how he manages to have the stomach for it. I wonder what was going through his mind. And this scene from the third prequel, Revenge of the Sith, Anakin murders a bunch of kids called younglings, four sensitive kids recruited by the Jedi order from various species across the galaxy. Mark posting, it's admirable
Starting point is 00:31:42 about the slaughter of innocent kids, who Anakin was supposed to protect actually. Kids who thought when they first saw Anakin, they had come to protect him and Mark's like, fuck yeah, nice. Maybe a bit of a red flag there. These chat rooms market is posting multiple times in the same thread under different accounts under different names.
Starting point is 00:31:59 He had accounts titled grinning fisto, the Achilles of Edmonton, the Psycho Jedi. And he thought by doing this, by manipulating other chat users that he was smart of them. People who do shit like this are so annoying. People who confuse being smart or clever, which is being really obnoxious or pathetic. You're not pulling one over on other people online because you're smarter. People just don't expect someone to be so lame and have so much free time. They're willing to waste hours pretending to be three, four, five different people on the same thread over something very inconsequential. A Star Wars episode one, the Phantom Menace premiered in Canada. Some friends of Marx decided to turn the long queue into a charity fundraiser calling
Starting point is 00:32:38 it stand a thaw. It was decided the proceeds would go to the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada, Twitch will took part in it, starting the same like maybe sometimes he was a good dude, right? Not really. In the stand-up on Mark Auction, some illustrations claiming they were original conceptual drawings made by the production crew of Star Wars Episode 1, The Phantom Menace. People were blown away. How cool that EA got a hold of these.
Starting point is 00:33:00 And B was generous enough to auction them off for charity. And then later, people got really pissed off when they realized they were all forged. He to auction them off for charity. And then later people got really pissed off when they realized they were all forged. He didn't care about the charity. He just wanted to be the big hero. It looks cool. So it can be adored by other nerds. We confronted about this forgery. Twitch will refuse to admit it. Also at the end of the 90s, Twitch will was studying for a degree in radio and television production at Edmonton's Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in a it. Uh, think a Canadian ITT.
Starting point is 00:33:28 He graduated from the program in 99's as shy of his 20th birthday. Most of his fellow students who are interviewed after his later murdered rest, murder arrest, uh, will remember him being a weird loner. However, he did have a core group of friends. One among them was Drew Kenworthy. According to Kenworthy, Twitchel was a good guy, but just not trustworthy. So maybe not a good guy.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Maybe like a not good guy, but maybe not the worst guy. While doing joint projects in school, Kenworthy said that Twitchel very often failed to do his part. And then instead of owning up to it, he would invariably make wild stories up, make crazy lies up excuses. He lied unnecessarily, continually,
Starting point is 00:34:04 and not convincingly, according to Ken Worthy. So what's your good guy? I feel like Ken Worthy's good guy standard is a pretty low. Another person from this time period who remembers Mark Lyon continuously and needlessly was Tracy Higgins. Tracy was a few years older than Mark and this line is the huge theme in this episode. Tracy was a few years older than Mark was enrolled in the same radio and television production program. The two quickly dove into a hot and heavy relationship, possibly Mark's first sexual relationship, and that it didn't take Tracey long to realize that her new boyfriend was
Starting point is 00:34:32 so full of shit that he just lied and he lied constantly about things that didn't need to be lied about. He lied about his age, he lied about inconsequential details regarding his family's background. He lied like he just enjoyed lying, like he preferred it to tell him the truth. After a year of this, I don't know why she put up with it that long, she ends the relationship, she felt like she just couldn't be with somebody, she couldn't trust and mark his heart broken. I wonder if Mark lied because he thought he was just smarter than everyone around him
Starting point is 00:34:59 and they wouldn't catch him. He was never diagnosed with having some kind of mental illness that I'm aware of, never labeled as someone having a disorder like an anti-social personality disorder, which compulsive line is one of the hallmarks of that. So why do it? I wonder if he just thought he could get away with it because everyone else is so stupid, they just won't figure it out. I wonder if he just got off on messing around with it, the tiny minds around him, speculating here, but it feels right. In 2000, after graduating with his radio and TV degree, he gets himself a sales job and starts calling himself Logan, as if this is a nickname he has had for many years.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Is it a nickname? If you're giving it to yourself, it shouldn't be because he did get this to himself. Logan is a reference to Wolverine, the member of the X-Men, whose alter ego is James Logan Hallett. This guy's such a tool. Oh shit. He's just showing a pretend to be Logan from the fucking X-Men. Name's Logan, you know, like Wolverine? Not sure why people started calling me that, you know, might be the muscles. Might be the mysterious hero, but kind of bad S-Fives, you know. I just, people say I get a lot of people say I give off. All I know is I just gave up on my real name because so many people just started saying stuff all the time, like, hey, can I call you Logan?
Starting point is 00:36:14 You remind me so much of Wolverine. It's like the character must be based off of you since you are like a real life Wolverine, only cooler. I wanna give Twitch a different nickname. How about Mitchell? I feel like Mitchell suits this tool more than Logan. 2001 Mitchell meets an American girl, not named in any sources we can find.
Starting point is 00:36:34 He quickly marries her before spending any real time with her. Not enough time for her to figure out what a huge do she is. And he moves to the American Midwest, where they then live in Iowa and Illinois, spending according to Mark most of their time in Davenport. Mark hopes the move will be an opportunity for him to gain an American work visa, getting out of the snowy city in which he'd spend his entire life. He hopes he can launch his big film career in the US, but he has no clue to go as far as how to go about trying to do that. Or just doesn't have the ball to really
Starting point is 00:36:59 try or the talent. He ends up spending most of his time in the US, dicking around online, coming up with a bunch of fake profiles for a variety of sites, posting under various accounts, labeled as Satan, Jesus, random women's names. He's just your basic internet troll. Mark's new wife will watch and pretend to be a girl online, chatting with random men just to mess with her heads. He could trick him because he's so smart.
Starting point is 00:37:21 He thought it was a big laugh. I don't think his wife agreed. That it was that funny. At least he didn't think it was funny for long. Less than four years after getting married by the summer of 2005, they're divorced. Mark is back in Edmonton now trying to launch his film career back in Alberta. Mitchell gets busy putting together a fan film telling everyone that he has decided to return to Edmonton, not because his wife doesn't want him in America anymore, but because the Star Wars fan community is so strong in Edmonton that is going to complete this, help him complete this ambitious project.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Huh? That sounds logical. Everybody knows that if you really want to, you know, find the fucking die hard Star Wars fans, you get your ass to Edmonton. That's why Disney decided not to create a huge Star Wars themed area in, in, in a, in a high or Orlando, but instead that's why they built their new Star Wars theme park in Edmonton, where the real fans are, or they didn't do that. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Uh, Mitchell posts about his fan film concept on the force.net and a young man named Joss, no idea how to say his last name, and I can't find an interview's, Hanna Tiaq, uh, read about it and was excited that the prospect of helping produce Star Wars secrets of the rebellion. Joss would become a Joss would become Mark's friend and unknowingly to Joss years later he'd become Mark's accomplice. And Joss will not come across like the sharpest knife in the drawer for the rest of the
Starting point is 00:38:39 timeline. An old post of Mark's still archived on the forest.net describes Mark's vision for his film. He says this film is set a few days before A.N.H., which is a new hope. That's the original film that is now the fourth of the nine movies in the franchise. Mark imagined his film doing a better job of linking the prequel trilogy with the original trilogy than George fucking Lucas. And anyway, he writes, this film is said a few days before N-A-N-H and follows the true format of a Star Wars film to the letter, we incorporate droids, the Jedi element, good versus evil in a very classic way, with real character development in a heartfelt approach.
Starting point is 00:39:18 In fact, the whole film is going after an original trilogy feeling general. Bringing back the original most love characters of that saga in a very tasteful way is one way we achieve this. Since we follow true format, there are two or three things going on at a time that all enter we've back and forth and then collide at the end while still having something to do with one another. We tell the story of how Han Solo set the Kessel run record, how he names his ship as well as revealing why he had to ditch his cargo.
Starting point is 00:39:45 We also have a very artfully crafted way of showing how he won the Falcon from Lendo in the game of Subok and a flashback sequence that we had to make sure it wouldn't come off cheesy or contrived. This fucking douche. Oh my God, just the way he talks about himself. Hey everyone, it's Logan, you know, like Wolverine.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Just wanted to let you know, I'm not gonna take some cheesy or contrived, you know, approach. It's my film. It's gonna be a very classic, tasteful Star Wars movie. That will be better than anything. George Lucas has done since 1983. No big deal.
Starting point is 00:40:19 My internal creative genius, ICG, has been firing on all cylinders lately to watch out. I have more ICGs flowing through my veins than the Forest Moon of Endor as he walks through. Yeah. Mitchell, of course, would not fully deliver on his lofty promise. Mark planned to shoot the feature length film at his old college, N.I. N.A. IT in front of a studio green screen. And he did shoot some of it there. It's been $60,000. Most of it other people's money, hoping this would be a big calling card for the industry.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Actually, all of it. Other people's money, basically, the 60, it was $60,000 plus a tiny bit of his own money. He created top-notch costumes. He did do that. And then some not-so-top-notch computer-generated special effects. There were plenty of lightsabers and not a lot else from what I understand, reading about it. His new friend, Josh, would work hundreds of hours on this,
Starting point is 00:41:07 secret to the rebellion filmed here and there over two years. In 2006 and 2007, actress and performers from across Canada and the US, no big names actually flew to Edmonton to star in this movie. News of the project did spread among sci-fi fans in various internet chat rooms. Of course, it did. Bichel probably had a fucking hundred different accounts.
Starting point is 00:41:24 He's probably spent in six hours a day pretending to be fans posting about his new movie. The biggest name he got to appear in this project was Jeremy Bullock, the actor who did play Boba Fett in the original Star Wars trilogy. He convinced Bullock to make a brief cameo in this fan film and no offense to Bullock, long time actor who died in 2020 at the age of 75. He was not a big acting name. Boba Fed is a big name, but you never see the man behind the mask, right? Boba Fed's a badass character, but Star Wars nerds, you know, don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Bullocks portrayal in the original trilogy, not some acting masterpiece at all. His best stunt from what I can tell is just when he fell into the sand pit, the great pit of Carcun, uh, quickly rolling into the mouth of the starlac and just being eaten. And it was just a basic roll down the sand. Uh, and Boba Fett was Bullock's most notable career role, not trying to disparage Bullock, just saying this to demonstrate what Mark's film was. It was not some star-studded major production by any stretch of the imagination. It was never finished and released.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Uh, you can find some behind-the-scenes pictures and a bit of behind-the-scenes video footage online and it just comes across like a very so so student film. That a small crew, you know, worked hard on but maybe weren't destined to become actual players in the business. A shooting wrapped up in the late summer 2007, Mitchell declares how significant an achievement it had been. It's going to be a surreal experience bringing these long awaited incredible stories to the screen. I'm blown away that it gets to be me to bring it to the world.
Starting point is 00:42:48 He writes on his blog. It feels like destiny. Well, I was destined to never be seen by anyone. About six months before wrapping the filming up back on January 13th, 2007, Mitchell gets married again. This time we do know her name, at least her first name. He marries a woman named Jess, a college graduate with some type of steady government job. The two had met only months before in 2006 on Plenty of Fish.com.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Mark would later claim he'd actually forgotten about their date and was on his way to the movies when Jess called, wondering why he wasn't at the restaurant. He was such a big deal. I mean, Wolverine, hello, Logan. Come on. He probably had like 75 dates that day and he forgot one of them. Classic bitch. Oh, after the shaky start, Mark falls in love.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Jess is smart, three years older than him. She's 30, 27. She's a detailed oriented, oriented thinker where he was a big picture guy. At least that's what he described himself as. On a stroll to the park, only a few months after they met, Mark surprised Jess by pulling out a ring and she said, yes, she moved into his rented townhouse and to make room his roommate Jason Fritz moved out. They had a very small wedding with Mark's sister Susan
Starting point is 00:43:53 serving as the best man since he didn't seem to have her many friends. And then they're a honeymoon, took them to Costa Rica. Not long after that, in the spring of 2007, Jess would get pregnant and their daughter would be born just after their first anniversary. And sadly for his new wife and daughter, Mark Mitchell, Twitchell, professional liar, was not the family man he portrayed himself to be, would not be around as a free man for
Starting point is 00:44:12 very long after his child's birth. Early in his marriage with Jess, Mark's first love, Edmonton ex-girlfriend from his old film school, Tracy Higgins finds her way back into his life through Facebook and they meet up and they make out. Man, her dating life must have not been going fantastically back in 2007. If she was like, I wonder what that pathological liar I used to date is up to. That dude who pretty much lied every time he opened his mouth, I really miss that guy. Mark regretted stepping out of his wife, confessed to Jess who was devastated, not only because of the cheating, but because, you know, there are a couple months pregnant.
Starting point is 00:44:43 On Halloween 2007, things turn around a bit for Mitchell. Mark spends $300 and countless hours perfecting a costume of Bumblebee from the Transformers franchise, as soon to be father does. How is he supposed to provide for his child by not spending countless hours making a Transformers costume?
Starting point is 00:44:59 He attends two Halloween parties, accompanied by his wife, who's six months pregnant, and he does win, you know, to his credit, both costume contests. Fuck yeah. He then sells a Harley Davidson, he won in one of the contests and sells the costume itself, and he does net a profit of $16,000. He feels on top of the world, and look, it is cool that he won some contests, like knowledge that earlier.
Starting point is 00:45:21 I've certainly never won anything, or the top prize was his valuable as a Harley. Actually, I don't think I've ever won any contest. I did win some, some cake walks as a kid. I don't know if that counts, probably not. Cool, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but making that reservation under Mark Twichle, double grand costume champion, and then insisting they announce him that way. Mark Twichle, party of two, your table is ready. Excuse me. I believe I made that reservation under a slightly different title. Oh, Mark Twichle, double grand costume champion. Yeah, yeah, that's exactly. Would you mind starting over and just calling for me again by that full title. Okay, sure buddy. Mark Twitchell, Double Grand Costume Champion, Table for Two.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Someone kill me. A couple of weeks after winning his costume fortune, a friend calls Mark to recommend a new TV show Dexter, and at first, Mitchell is not interested. He's fucking busy. He's making a sample movie trailer for another film project of his called day players, hoping it will attract investors. Mark describes day players as a buddy comedy. He wrote about two guys who work as extras, aka day players on a variety of films and TV
Starting point is 00:46:33 shows. Day player stars Nathan Martin and Stephen Kepler playing Craig and Ronnie, talented actors trying to make it in the industry. Stephen is actually now a morning radio host on Easy Rock, Kelowna, and Nathan works as an editor for the Edmonton Sun Journal. If you're curious, uh, Bichels now defunct media company Express Entertainment made a promo that is on the Express Director YouTube channel,
Starting point is 00:46:53 day players, promo trailer, and it is fucking terrible. It is lit horribly, shot on one camera that seems to be poorly held. It's not bad enough, uh, to be so bad it's good. It's certainly not good enough to attract investors. It's the worst thing I think a creative project can be. It's boring. Let's listen to two minutes and 40 seconds of glory right now. Okay, people settle down. We're rolling in five minutes. There's like short breaths for us. You're not going to limous. It's just simple short breaths because you want to keep yourself in.
Starting point is 00:47:27 So the cameras on these two guys sitting at a table, eating a meal, and they're just like, you know, background extras in the scene, and obviously they're, you know, taking away too seriously and just getting way too into it. Go, Jeff. Go, Jeff. You got it. Nothing. Try to get it.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Every year, the film industry employees that was a big son screen It's good sniper no good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good You got it. We're gonna be here for how much would you check what you could just would Chemistry these guys have what's what's our backstory some actors get speaking roll Feeling good some may even become stars Com com energy down focused but down He can become stars. I can't get any more woman than this. Calm down. Calm. Calm. Energy down. Focused, but down.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Uh-huh. Okay, there's slapping his hands away from their food. I'm seeing it. You're excited. I'm ready. You're ready. My lines have been rehearsed. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:38 It's good. Roll camera. All they need is one breakout roll. Action. So. Hmm. I'm not doing Amy this morning. Action! So! Hmm. I talked to Amy this morning.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Man. Let's uh... Let's Amy have two. I don't know. I was gonna ask you the same question. Why would I know what Amy was up to at all? Weird. She... Well, she told me that what you were up to. Uh...
Starting point is 00:49:04 I don't know why she would know that I remember the last time I saw Amy it was definitely not last night You didn't see her last night. Uh-oh Not at your apartment. Where's this lean? Well, I mean you know what? Yes, oh yeah, you know what? Yeah, and I was I was okay. Okay, Amy is my girl. Oh, man I broke up with her jackass. Gosh dang. So, that doesn't give you the right time. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:49:30 You're not, and now the camera pulls back. And now it's revealed that they're, you know, they're in the background. And now this is Mark Twichel speaking right here, playing the director. Guys, can you keep it down back there? We're trying to keep the audio clean for the take. I don't want to have to do this 16 times.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Okay. Okay. Sorry And it says this story is not about them Okay As we're talking shit about the director day players I felt it Coming soon. Nope. And here, listen, is that the worst thing ever?
Starting point is 00:50:10 No, it's not. But Jesus Christ, I mean, this is something he worked on for months and then create like this promo video. Like that was an improv between those actors. That was actually like, you know, a script that Twitchell had scrutinized for fucking, like apparently around like two months.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Get the fuck out. That's the best you could come up with. Is this this long slow build to revealing like they're in the background? And like he thought this was gonna make him millions. Oh boy. Back to Dexter in late 2000, early 2008, a friend gives Mark a DVD with all 12 episodes of the first season.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Twitchell gives in, he ends up watching it and then he loves it, watches all 12 episodes and four days. Season two is finished airing that December. Mitchell watched it as well, then bought the Dexter series of novels by Jeff Lindsay, which inspired the TV series. He reads about how Dexter Morgan wore a silk mask to hide his identity from victims. He makes mental notes. In January 2008, Twitch will become a father.
Starting point is 00:51:13 He and Jess settled on the name Chloe. Jess lets her husband pick one of their daughter's middle names, even when she learns that his choice is taken from the expanded Star Wars universe, Jaina, daughter of Han Solo in Princess Leia. Chloe, Jaina, Twitch, which does sound very nice actually, better than like, you know, Chloe Anakin or Chloe Vader. Despite not getting any funding after making a little teaser for day players that we just listen to, crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Mark goes forward with his project, spends a lot of April and May of 2008 working on a, you know, a script for the actual pilot episode. And now to make this even worse, this day player thing I played for you, did I mention how similar to the British sitcom Extra is starring Ricky Jervet, day players is. And by similar, similar, I mean, he just blatantly fucking ripped it off. Extra has a two season run that finished airing in 2005, wrapped up on December 27, 2007, Mark's promo for day players uploaded to YouTube December 20, 2007, right? Just one week before, not a coincidence. He was
Starting point is 00:52:05 more than inspired by extras. He recycled almost the exact same idea right down to Jervais style of fast-talking comedy, which he doesn't pull off well there. You know, it doesn't execute nearly as well. Dude specializes in poor imitations. He tried to make a poor imitation of a Star Wars movie. No one fucking cared about it. He tries to make a poor imitation of extras and soon he will make a poor imitation of Dexter. Extras follows the lives of Andy Millman, his platonic friend Maggie Jacobs and Andy's substandard agent and part-time retail employee Darren Lamb as Millman muddles through life as an anonymous background performer who eventually finds success as a B sitcom star. So Mark took that idea and then just
Starting point is 00:52:44 made it less interesting and funny. Also after filming the promo piece and becoming obsessed with Dexter, he starts to infuse a bunch of Dexter-type violence into this buddy comedy in the script for the full pilot. He makes a lot of references to slit throats, duct tape, being restrained to a chair, like whatever he's into just bleeds into whatever he's writing. And an early scene of woman complains about a man who had deceived her with the fake online dating profile. I wish I could find a copy that's script online. But according to one source who claims to have read it, it is filled with corny, generic, really not funny jokes.
Starting point is 00:53:13 And then dexter type violent references. Maybe it goes, you know, something like this, right? Like the killer's a scene where the killer has his victim tied down in the kill room. That looks exactly like Dexter Morgan's kill room. And then the killer is saying, looks like you just got catfished, eh? And the victim's like, please, just let me go. I won't tell anyone.
Starting point is 00:53:31 And they go like, no can do, buddy. This cat scratches stab, stab, stab. And then Mark's killer character breaks the fourth wall speaks directly into the camera. Oh, sorry, eh, didn't see you there. Names, uh, Mextra Dorgon. No one at the Calgary PD where I work as a crime scene specialist blood person has any idea who I really am. They don't know about my dark passenger A not even my sister, uh, Dib Dorgon or my girlfriend, Bita Renett. Cause like the guy who wrote this awesome so cool short that will become a blockbuster
Starting point is 00:54:07 Hollywood franchise. I'm a genius a Mark and his old production buddy Joss that sucker from the Star Wars fanfiction project They pitched this concept to several groups of investors and they predict it will make 33.9 But the point nine 33.9 million dollars was in the first year of release. These fucking idiots. I love that they were like,
Starting point is 00:54:29 apparently they once thought about going like 34 and that felt like too much. Like what if we just say it was gonna be like 34 million dollars. Ah, I mean, that's a big, that's a big promise. Let's scale it back, let's scale it back. You know how like places, I bet Mark was the one who came up with that. You know, oh, a genius idea.
Starting point is 00:54:44 My ICGs are fucking firing right now. You know how like places, I bet Mark was the one who came up with that. You know, oh, genius idea. My ICGs are fucking firing right now. You know how like places instead of charging $10, we'll charge $9.99? That's what we do for our movie in our series. It's not gonna make $34, it's gonna make $33.99. It's a steal of a deal, which doesn't make any sense. Ah, boy. They don't attract any outside investors.
Starting point is 00:55:04 So now they look towards family and sadly they do talk some relatives into burn some money uh... joss's parents uh... fuck hand over thirty thousand dollars in three installments and then bichels brother-in-law also hands over thirty thousand dollars so now they have sixty thousand dollars for the shitty ideas uh... also unbeknownst to his wife just to encourage this mark to keep his day
Starting point is 00:55:23 job probably because you know all too well that he was not talented enough to make his filmmaker, Mark does not keep his day job and quit. And he quits, right? He has a $60,000 now. He knows he's going to make, you know, at least just under $34 million. You know, that's at the, at least, I mean, there's so much money's coming in between Star Wars and this project, he's going to be so fucking rich. And speaking of Star Wars in early 2008, Bichel does a weird flex about a project that has gone nowhere on the message boards of the force.net. And I will share his flex post right after today's sponsor break. Thanks for listening. It's early 2008. Mark is letting his fans at the force.net. No, he is moving
Starting point is 00:56:02 on to bigger and better things, even though he's accomplished absolutely nothing. Under his Achilles of Edmonton account, he began posting with the subject line, how to parlay fan films into a career. Then he bragged and said goodbye to the Star Wars community that had embraced him for years. He bragged mind you about one project that he got nowhere leading him, which he didn't to another project that was going nowhere. His career was based on two suckers, each giving him $30,000.
Starting point is 00:56:29 He writes, sweet zombie Jesus, I did it. I did my homework, made sure that all my ducks were in a row before hitting up the big boys, and now we're there. It's my first multi-million dollar feature, and we're looking very realistically at getting Alec Baldwin and Jeff Goldbloom on board. So I guess I think I described it as a series. He was trying to make day players as a movie, not a series. And then he writes, without my fan project to prove my crew had what it takes to get the
Starting point is 00:56:58 job done and do it right, this would not be happening right now. This guy, I would wager everything I own that Baldwin and Goldbloum's agents literally never replied to a single call or message mark ever sent. If he sent them, which I doubt, there's no way in hell. Either of these two actors were even aware of let alone interested in anything this motherfucker was doing. Chronic liars like this would delusion to grandeur and hopes of showbiz fame, so obnoxious. I've actually been keeping tabs on someone like this. For two decades now, not kidding. Someone so desperate to be a star. Are you gonna be an actor?
Starting point is 00:57:32 No, I'm gonna be a star. Oh, let me take you on a brief detour. Someone I have known whose story parallels Mark to some degree. It's why I became so fascinated, I think, with Mark's story. If I seem like extra annoyed by this type of personality, it's because of this other person I know. Mitchell keeps her mind even old, former friend of mine. I got, I won't name here because it would be too cruel to embarrass him. We haven't talked in almost a decade. His constant bullshit became way too much to handle for me. But I do follow him on Instagram. And every
Starting point is 00:58:00 time he posts, Lindsay and I have a laugh about it because he is such a Mark Twitchell and a non-murdery. I have so much going on, you guys. I'm going to be so famous tomorrow when I actually have nothing going on since. I have a text thread going on with two other comics for a couple of years now. They both enjoy watching the show as much as I do. We are perpetually blown away by the by constant lies that are so over the top. This guy, let's call him Robbie Delusional. I met him just a few months after trying to stand up for the first time in
Starting point is 00:58:25 spokane when he was around thirty one thirty two years old and he talked to big game about becoming a regular the comedy store about how he's way bigger and more respected in l.a. then he wasn't so can and because i didn't know any better i just got into the world of stand-up i bought all his bullshit for a month or two when i met him he was completely broke living in someone's basement who let him stay there barely had maybe two or three different outfits constantly getting chased out for child support payments by
Starting point is 00:58:47 two mothers of his two children. Things were not looking amazing for him. He had some stand-up bits that were pretty funny, but he didn't seem to pursue work enthusiastically. He talked a real big game though. He was talking about, you know, wasn't doing the local gigs, not because he wasn't any good or he couldn't get booked because of his skillset because he was too good and they were jealous and wouldn't book him. They were jealous because he was definitely going to be famous.
Starting point is 00:59:07 He was consumed by fame. The few books he had were biographies of like people like John Belushi, Chris Farley. He wanted to be a big deal on SNL. He had Johnny Carson's biography. He wanted to be the host of the tonight show, but had no plan to get there. Soon the more I learned about stand up in the business, the more I realized Robbie DeLusional was so full of shit, he would claim to get mysterious bookings from bookers, no one else had ever heard of, for more money than any other comic would get at that level.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Then I'll never forget him telling me one day, talking about why he didn't marry the mother of his second child, the two poor people should never get married. And then no more than six months later, he's dating a woman who is the heir to a local fortune. They're still together. The relationship has never seemed genuine to me. She's different. Based on who Robbie Delusional was attracted to before
Starting point is 00:59:50 and who she is, I don't want to be mean, but there's a very wide gap between the two. The only difference is she has a lot of money. I 100% think he married her for her money. And for what that money can do for his career. Suddenly Robbie Delusional flushed with cash is taking trips to LA and bring him back wild stories, talks about getting work on this sketch comedy show. He did get work as an extra in three years.
Starting point is 01:00:14 He appeared twice, two different episodes in three years, extremely might like day player, like background roles. He was an extra who can afford to continually hang around day after day, week after week, month after month, and always be available for extra work that rarely materializes someone who never has to make money because someone else is bankrolling them. And then he tells the local spoke hand media he's a full-fledged cast member on this show and he gets a front page right up in the paper. He gets a gig based on that front page right up. And he's telling everybody big things are happening projects around the corner big time manager all lies.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Even though his wife body in the house in Burbank, he messed up and told me the truth one time about her buying it. He tells other people that he's now made, he was able to buy that because of all the money he's making doing all these secret projects. And he does pop up on some VH1 shows. And I did some of those VH1 shows and they pay nothing. They're non-union. If you're not a star, you know, he definitely was never a star, you never would make more than like a couple hundred dollars
Starting point is 01:01:11 for like each taping. There's no way you can make more than $5,000 in a year, definitely not buy a house in Burbank money. And he's done nothing paid since. In years, he doesn't tour, doesn't have a job. He's roughly 50 now. He has starred in one film festival film. It was a short film, something like Mitchell would have written. It's like a 15 minute submission when you star in those. And he didn't, he was like six billion, I say star. He got like a couple hundred dollars.
Starting point is 01:01:38 And then he went into all these like red carpet premieres for film festivals that happened to showcase that film because he would pay him, you know, his way to go there, but then act like they invited him and were paying him. He talked his way and to get into the key to the city being based like where he grew up, which I can't also say so many fucking crazy lies. He literally just posted just today, as I'm writing, as I'm recording this, social media about how he just got a haircut because big things are coming soon, big TV project getting ready to announce it.
Starting point is 01:02:08 He's been saying that kind of shit for over a decade now and they never materialize. He's a Mark Twitchell, someone who confuses how admirable it truly is to pursue your dreams. I'm all for that. Fucking go get it. With living a lie and pretending you have made it much, much farther towards your dreams and you actually have that is so sad and troubling and just pathetic. And it helps no one. Be honest with yourself. Live in a lie just leads to more lies, to detaching yourself further and further from reality, which actually lowers the odds ironically that
Starting point is 01:02:38 you will achieve the dream you're lying about in the first place. Basing painful truth is a much more powerful agent of change. Then non-stop to Nile and Bullshit. Bichels lies did not lead to any filmmaking success. Just like Robbie Delusional's lies have led to zero entertainment success. They just led to more and more people thinking he's crazy, which has hurt him. Years ago, he'd make these posts about big project coming soon. Bunch of people would comment underneath it.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Now no one comments. It's just so sad. Had Bits will not been arrested for murder, I am certain he would have ended up like my old friend, right? Just a dude who post weird shit that people are like, God, come on, stop. Stop. Speaking of lies,
Starting point is 01:03:16 Mark in early 2008 is now jumping into his Pontiac Grand Am five mornings a week and driving to a job he does not have. Instead of going to work, he cruises around aimlessly. Daydreams sometimes ends up at a coffee shop where he quote-unquote works on his scripts. Fiddles around his laptop doesn't actually do much. Make some cold calls, trying to line up investors. Talks to friends about what a big showbiz producer he is to make the other people around him who can hear the conversation on the phone. Thank you super important. Sometimes he'll stop in his parents' house while he's supposed to be his fake job
Starting point is 01:03:46 and just watch TV there and eat their food. And then before they get home, he'll head to his house, tell his wife, he's fucking exhausted from another long day of soul crushing work. And then the money he deposited in their account is not coming from his job, it's coming from those two investors. This is painful.
Starting point is 01:04:03 By July 2008, Mark is getting frustrated by the less than expected enthusiastic interest in his film projects. At lunch one day, he sticks his Wi-Fi card and it was laptop. Remember the days of Wi-Fi cards? Hey, buddy, I'd forgotten about him. He logs into his Facebook account
Starting point is 01:04:18 and enters a new status update. Mark is getting pretty tired of depending on unreliable people to get back to him. A new financial stress. He just been added to his plate. It's getting harder to keep not working. Jess wants to move out of their townhouse and into something nicer. So to do that, Mark lies some more.
Starting point is 01:04:34 This is so crazy. He buys a second cell phone, registers it under a fake name, which back then was fairly easy to do. And when the mortgage broker would call his quote boss to make sure that he has the job, he says he does and can afford this new house. He'll just answer that phone in a disguised voice and pretend to be someone named Jim McDougal, this fictitious HR manager, an imaginary boss who will confirm Twitchell's fake employment details. And this does actually work. He does actually get the, you know, loan for the house. He's able to buy
Starting point is 01:05:05 this house. He uses the day players seed money, $20,000. He had borrowed for the down payment and he uses the fake job to provide. He has income coming in to pay his mortgage payments. His scam works. But with no job, how is he going to continue to make mortgage payments? Right? He'll have to just keep stealing from investors. Jess, Mark, and Chloe move into their new house, August 1, 2008, Little Brick Bungalow, on a corner lot in the North end of St. Albert. Mark's fake employment routine continues every week a morning, puts on his work clothes,
Starting point is 01:05:35 pretends to drive to the office, reappears at home eight or nine hours later. He's just doing this for months. Jess has no idea what's going on. His life as a filmmaker is going nowhere. Secret to the rebellion is held up in post production, which is a nice way of saying it's fucking sucked, and that no one wanted to work on it.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Day players still needed to be, you know, finance further to actually be shot because they're low on money because he's been spending it on his personal bills. And it's hard to get anybody to volunteer their services to work on day players because it's also garbage. Mark's production business account drops now under $200,000, $7,000.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Nearly all that money, right? The 60 grand is now gone. So what does he do? He doubles down on his entertainment career and decides to write and shoot something else. He now rents a detached double door garage for $175 a month and sends emails to a few people who had worked as his crew on the Star Wars fan film. He writes, what up bitches? Of course he does.
Starting point is 01:06:26 I have a month to kill, so I decided we should produce a short thriller. This one is about a serial killer who gets his kicks from taking out people who think they're getting away with something. The shoot dates are Friday, September 26th, and Saturday, September 27th. The actual main portion of the short will be shot in a garage. I rented it 5712, 40th Avenue, which has power, but no heat. So if the weather's being nice, great, if it's a bitch, we'll bring space heaters.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Fuck killing it. Look forward to having some fun, Mark Twitch will express entertainment. His email to the crew also included a description of his desired special effects. I need a severed ear. And there's one shot I'd like to get of the victims to capitation.
Starting point is 01:07:01 The more realistic the better. It's a darkly lit scene, so minor detail is not as important as overall weight and trajectory of the head falling from the body and the believability of the blood spurting afterward. The shot I have in mind is practically a silhouette of the victim. But I mentioned he's more obsessed than ever with Dexter now. He is.
Starting point is 01:07:17 On Friday, August 29th, Twitch will drive to the US border, a seven hour drive straight south that ends at the mouth of a security uh... ends at a security checkpoint. Excuse me. He planned to drive to Montana to buy props and supplies for this new horror short. He told Jess he'd been hired to direct and produce a music video down in the states. And then we'll see you know again in live course. And then he tells the custom officer the same lie about the music video who then asked Twitch to live he has a work visa to work on this video.
Starting point is 01:07:43 And he doesn't because it's nonsense and he's refused entry. He tried to bluff the wrong person like you can get away. We'll tell your wife that you're not going to get away with telling a customs officer. So mark now heads back in the direction he'd come. Reach his Calgary a few hours later, pulls into a hotel. There he surfs the internet until he finds a stun gun. He was looking for a sold by a seller who could ship it to Canada. His secret weekend in Calgary includes a variety of online purchases of meat cleaver, pair of handcuffs,
Starting point is 01:08:08 software to prevent tracking his internet activity through his web address. If it feels like some of this does not have to do with anything or it doesn't have anything to do with shooting a short film, it's because it doesn't. He's also preparing for a murder. In August of 2008, Mitchell has decided to do some method, you know, acting preparation for his dexter knockoff. A few days after he gets back from Calgary, Jess catches him on AshleyMadison.com, a site where married individuals meet singles looking to have elicit fun together.
Starting point is 01:08:35 This site founded in Canada in 2002, actually claims to currently have about 60 million users, which is disturbing. It's founder, Darren J. Morgan Stern, founded it with a slogan of life is short, having affair. What a nice business to be proud of. Just confronts Mark who tells her that he's working on an article about married men and
Starting point is 01:08:52 being on the website was research, which was not true. He wasn't looking for women to have an affair with though either. He was looking for murder victims on Saturday, September 17th, Twitch, all his crew, a few actors he found online through casting call websites, arrived at the detached garage he'd rented and converted into a makeshift film studio. And they spend 50 hours over the weekend making a short film.
Starting point is 01:09:13 His crew had already built a set and together they were going to make house of cards, is what they were calling it, an eight minute short film inspired by Dexter. For a guy who still thinks of himself as a creative genius, dude has no original bones in his body. He's making a Dexter knockoff, guy who still thinks of himself as a creative genius, dude has no original bones in his body. He's making a Dexter knockoff, naming it after another existing show. The original BBC House of Cards came out way back in 1990. Like in Dexter, the killer
Starting point is 01:09:34 and Mark's copy used duct tape to assrain his victims on a large table inside a kill room, lying with plastic sheeting to make the room easy to clean and prevent forensic evidence from seeping outside. Victims were dismembered and tossed away in garbage bags like Dexter, the killer got away with it because it was fictional. Mark was real deep in his Dexter love now, having watched both the first and second seasons over and over. Read all the books, right? One of the most inspiring pieces I've ever seen as an artist.
Starting point is 01:09:59 He wrote in an email to an American film contact, probably someone as delusional as he was. Maybe he's right into my old friend. Engaging does not begin to describe it. Mark was now even role-playing his Dexter Morgan on Facebook, right? He'd open an account under the fictional character's name, included more than a dozen photos of stills of the show. He was gathering online friends who seemed to like that he pretended to be Dexter, Mark re-communicate with his followers, responding to his Dexter. In his short film, Mitchell made a few changes to Dexter, creating a version of the killer who wears a modified hockey mask, who targets married men by pretending to be a woman on an online dating site. Where Dexter goes after killers, Mitchell's dexter
Starting point is 01:10:34 goes after cheaters, which seems a bit extreme. And in real life, he wouldn't even do that. In real life, he would just go for single guys, hoping for a fun date. The killer convinces men to meet the woman, quote unquote, at their at his home when they show up, they're attacked from behind duct tape to a cold metal chair, bolted to the concrete floor, then the killer tortures them for into revealing their personal bank information and social networking passwords. They're then brutally killed dismembered body parts stuffed in the garbage bags. And another twist on Dexter, Mitchell's fictional killer is able to get away with the random horrific murders by convincing everyone that the victims are still alive.
Starting point is 01:11:08 He uses passwords extracted by torture to send messages from their accounts, writing that they're just on an extended vacation that they told no one about. The killer explains in the script, they'll just assume you ran off with one of your hussies and decided not to come back. Bam! That's the Oscar line right there. And in the script, this works. And real life, you'll find out not so much. A young man named Robert Barnes, Lee, flew across Canada from Toronto
Starting point is 01:11:33 to play the killer in Mark's movie. He was excited about the prospect of a $30,000 paycheck that Mark had promised him that he will never receive. Mark has about $5,000 to his name at this point. He won't pay this guy anything. On the film set inside the chili detached to Reverend garage, the 20 year old actor
Starting point is 01:11:47 a bit freaked out when he realizes most of Mark's movie props are not props, they're real weapons. Sharp knives, a stun gun that is a real stun gun, a 30 metal table, you know, two steel samurai swords that are also not fake. Mark even wanted to use real blood from a local butcher shop for the film's murder scene. Luckily for Bobby, the crew settles on corn syrup and red food coloring to mimic blood
Starting point is 01:12:08 in the end. For the death scene, which the killer stabs the victim while he's duct taped to the metal chair, a bar and a holds a real sword, just as Twitch leather requires. This is not how it's supposed to go on a film set. The victim played by actor Chris Heward did not have to pretend to be rising in pain, also while he's being like a tormented. He actually was very uncomfortable because he had been very roughly taped to a chair. A bitch will also add a star in role in this movie after the victim's death. The movie cuts to a man.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Mark Mitchell sitting in a computer, riding out the violent premise for what he had just, for what had just been filmed. The writer then closes down a fake, female dating profile on his computer, packs away the hockey mask, just like the killers, implying that the movie is about to be reenacted in real life, which was what he was actually doing. As the writer walks out of the house, he stops briefly to have a chat with his wife
Starting point is 01:12:53 who happens to be reading a Dexter novel on the couch, she asks, off to the gym, honey, you bet, Mark replies, gotta relieve some tension from sitting so long. How's the story coming along, she asks? Really well, sweetie. It's true when they say the best way to succeed is to write what you know.
Starting point is 01:13:10 You thought it was so smart, he could just blatantly confess on screen to what he was doing. When the two days of filming wrap up, the crew celebrates with some drinks out before heading home. After wrapping, Mark continues to think about his new short film. He's fantasizing more and more about actually going through with killing people. He's also continued to pretend to be de his new short film. He's fantasizing more and more about actually going through with killing people.
Starting point is 01:13:25 He's also continued to pretend to be Dexter Morgan online a few days after wrapping one back and forth series of messages on Facebook with an attractive Dexter fan, turns steamy and he reveals his real identity. The woman whose name is Renee, the two now start sending photos of themselves back and forth and trading stories about dark fantasies, online little flirtation here. The first, they first made it out to be fictional saying they were just trading film concepts and then Renee confesses, I carry my own dark demons every day. There are days when all I want to see is broken necks and blood, but it never happens.
Starting point is 01:13:59 Mark writes back, there's nothing you could possibly reveal to me that would make me cease communicating with you. We all have a dark side, some darker than others. And you're not the only one to relate to Dexter. It sometimes scares me how much I relate. Mark also still shouting online with ex-girlfriend Tracy Higgins. He's flirting with her again, picking up with the two at left off with their little kiss little make-out session the previous summer. They make plans to meet up again and then Mark
Starting point is 01:14:22 organizes this plan through his dextr Morgan profile. He knows that Jess is currently monitoring his emails in personal Facebook account because she doesn't trust him and she doesn't trust him because he still lies all the time. Mark is now also browsing plenty of fish dot com pretending to be a woman. He makes a profile under the username spider webs pretending to be a blonde woman named Sheena looking for a fling in Edmonton. Meanwhile, despite not being able to catch Mark and all these lies, Jess catches him and enough other lies to demand that he starts seeing a therapist.
Starting point is 01:14:50 So he promises to start seeing a psychiatrist every Friday evening. His first appointment is scheduled for October 3rd, or at least that's what he told her. It was not. He lies about seeing a therapist to deal with his line. He's too busy planning on using the Sheena dating profile, trying to lure in his first victim to go see a therapist. deal with his line. These two bids he planted on using the Sheena dating profile, trying to lure in his first victim to go see a therapist. Doesn't have time. October 3rd, Zill Tetro, Zill, friendship, Zill Tetro excited to meet the girl he'd been talking to online. Sheena, they've been writing messages back and forth for four
Starting point is 01:15:20 days and today Friday is going to be their first date. Zill is a 33 year old newcomer to Edmonton who had just gotten a job at a local casino. Dating did not come easy to him. Yet a hard time finding women. He was attracted to who were attracted to him. He was lonely. So when he seized the the profile pic of the smoke and hot shina jackpot, he's willing to overlook some weird signs. Shina had given him some odd directions to her place.
Starting point is 01:15:44 She wanted him to drive down a back alley, park outside and detach double door garage. She'd leave one of the garage doors open a touch so he could sneak into the garage across the yard to the back door of the house. She explained how there was no parking in front because of a bus stop and the landlord padlocked the back gate. Pull into the only driveway on your left that is not paved. She wrote, Seriously, whoever heard of a driveway looks like the Amazon. It won't swallow your car, I promise. I wonder how many times bitch on the screenwriter
Starting point is 01:16:12 wrote those last two lines, right? Was that like the third or fourth draft? You know, he's thinking about. Seriously, whoever heard of a driveway that looks like the middle earth's murkwood, I'm not a hobbit, I promise. Ah, no, two smart mark. Stupid Jill probably isn't a token fan. Token fan. Not as well red as I am. How about uh, uh, seriously, whoever heard of a driveway that looks like the black forest of Shortsvalt.
Starting point is 01:16:32 I promise I'm not a bloodthirsty witch. Ha ha, brilliant. A Haunsellon Gretel reference that also spells out impending doom. Fucking genius mark. But what if you won't get it? Ah, alas. I must dumb down my message for the uneducated masses. I'll save it for a script. Meanwhile, the cross-town mark spends the day getting ready. Psyching himself up for premeditated murder. He brings duct tape. You know, he gets a new padlock.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Two disposable coveralls. He covers the ceiling walls. Floors of his garage. Movie set. Kill room with plastic sheeting. Set up his tools. You know, he has a painted hockey mask. The stun gun. Parahand cuffs. A fake prop handguning, sets up his tools. You know, he has a painted hockey mask, the stun gun,
Starting point is 01:17:05 pair of handcuffs, a fake prop handgun, just like in his film. He writes about his preparation. My shopping list was very thorough. I went out to several different stores to avoid buying all of my items from one location, and I paid cash to avoid a paper trail just in case. Okay, stop our phrase, Mark actually.
Starting point is 01:17:22 A street hockey mask that I would soon cut the mouth out of and paint gold streaks into for dramatic effect. Weird. Basic dark green hoodie, something comfortable with pockets that hides distinctive marks, body type and hair. Two sets of disposable overalls, for what was to be sure a messy cleanup process, and I would use the plastic bags all this came into wrap
Starting point is 01:17:39 my shoes up for the process. What a fucking creep. Painting gold streaks for dramatic effect as if this is not a real murder in just a story he's writing. Less than an hour before attempting to kill this man, he flips open his laptop, checks his Dexter Morgan profile, updates his status to Dexter is patiently waiting
Starting point is 01:17:56 for his next victim play date, buddy. After 15 minutes past, or at 15 minutes past seven, she'll get out of his truck, ducks under one of the partially open garage bay doors. As soon as he enters this garage, Mark grabs him from behind, stun guns him, sending an archivalic touristy into Jill's chest. It's a good shot, but the stun gun Mark and bot didn't incapacitate Jill. It didn't cause anything more than a short shock and a small burst of pain.
Starting point is 01:18:22 This is how Mark described it in SK Confessions. The typical taser gun used by police carries a charge of 50,000 volts, and we've seen what they do to the people hit with them. The stun baton boasts 800,000 volts, with which sounds practically lethal, but you have to understand that it isn't the voltage but the amps delivered by the weapon that matter.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Either way, I was confident in the weapon's strength, but my confidence was misplaced. Jill spins around, pushes Bichel away now, then tries to make a run for it, and then Mark pulls out the prop gun. It's a fake, but of course Jill doesn't know that. Mark commands him to get down, put his hands behind his back. Jill's obeys. He's hoping that this is just going to be a robbery.
Starting point is 01:18:58 He tells Mark, take whatever you want. If you cooperate, this will only be a standard robbery. Mark tells him, enjoying, I imagine the idea of getting Jill's hopes up. For a moment, he feels so powerful, so in control, but the feeling will not last. I love this Jill's guy. Jill turns out to be a lot tougher than expected. Something in Jill's snaps.
Starting point is 01:19:14 He doesn't want to die like this. He leaps up, surprises him, Mark, then lunges for the gun, and then when he gets a hold of it, he finds out it's a fucking fake gun, and now he's pissed. With the burst of rage in adrenaline, he starts beating the shit out of Mark. His first attempt of murder is not going well. He tries to bend the gun in half. He rips it from Mitchell's hands, tossed into a corner. Then he picks up a pair of handcuffs. He had found on the floor. Mark is now the scared one. He's winding, put those down. Just put them down. He throws them down and then he starts punching Mark.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Now the two guys are wrestling, unable to firmly gain any kind of upper hand, he's actually losing. Bichel is trying to get away and then Jill thinks, okay, maybe I should get away, maybe because this guy, because he doesn't have a gun, doesn't mean he doesn't have some other weapon. He just wants to get the hell out of there.
Starting point is 01:19:58 And then he's also trying to get the hockey mask off of Bichel so he can get his identity, he can't get that. They wrestle for a while longer. With Mark gripping Jill's jacket jill manages to slip out of the jacket and then he rolls under the garage door now he crawls along on his hands his knees for a little bit through the dirt mark lunges after him it's very dramatic grabs his ankles then he starts to pull him back into the garage what a fucking nightmare but then when mark releases jill momentarily to maneuver the door for their open jill springs up and runs again. Mark would write later, he made it into the driveway.
Starting point is 01:20:29 That's what I knew I was pooched. And he staggers, Jill staggers back to this crossroads where the alley meets the walking path and he spots a young couple out for an even stroll. Please, he gasped, collapsed into her feet. There was a guy attacking me. He's trying to mug me. And then Mark Twitchell runs into the alley, still in the hockey mask, and Jill pointed him, says, that's the man. The couple looks at the
Starting point is 01:20:48 mass stranger. And then Mark says, cheerfully, oh, hey, friends, Mark thought he could convince a couple that he and Jill were just friends doing a reenactment. And then they'd be like, oh, okay, these guys just having fun. But Jill is disjoubled. He's obviously scared, and they don't buy it. And now the couple and Jill, they run away from Mark. Mark knowing that someone is going to call the police. Now beat the quickly treat. Jill makes it to his car and gets the hell out of there. When he finally gets home, he catches the glimpse of his battered appearance in the mirror because he did trade some punches and then he passes out. And we wake up later. He checks his plenty of fish.com account and Sheena's profile is gone. It had been erased.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Mark's first attempt at murder did not go the way he envisioned it. Kind of like his film career. But despite, you know, being a total failure much like what the failure of his film career, he spins his defeat into victory and he feels accomplished. He listened to a police scanner. He had set up in the garage when he ran back in there determined that she'll had not reported the attack. Neither had the couple.
Starting point is 01:21:42 He writes an SK confessions. I wasn't sure if I should believe it worked. I walked calmly out to my car, got in and drove away across the entire city back to my home, where my wife and child waited for me. During the entire trip, I kept thinking surely this douchebag would call the police, not that it mattered if he did. I covered my tracks well. Haha, not that it would matter. The police are no match for Logan Wolverine, the great Mark Twitchle. They might as well try to arrest Darth Vader. Mark continues writing, no patrol car would come to take me away bound in handcuffs
Starting point is 01:22:16 to be brought up on assault charges forever ending my serial killing career before it began, bringing down my marriage with it when my wife finds out what I really am. Despite his false bravado here, he was actually a little nervous. He's paranoid that a text from his wife asked him to pick up a package, was actually his wife trying to get him home because the police were there, and he wrote, it's pretty fucking hard to concentrate on anything. When you live in constant expectation to police arrive in your doorstep,
Starting point is 01:22:38 turns out my wife did need to pick up a package. A Pilates chair, she wanted me to assemble. The directions couldn't be any more complicated, the directions for making mac and cheese, but I had a really hard time because the apprehension was already there. Of course, I can fucking build anything with directions, because I'm a genius, but you know, I was a little worried about getting picked up for murder, so made it, you know, harder. And that's why I fucked up some screws and some bolts and stuff, you know. He was able to concentrate enough to start planning his next murder attempt.
Starting point is 01:23:02 He decided he needed a better weapon than a shitty prop kind of weak stun gun. So poor Johnny Allton Jour will pay for his new preparation. Friday, October 10th, 2008, Johnny Allton Jouric, excited to meet a woman he'd been talking to on plenty of fish.com, a girl named Jen, who based on her pictures looked about 35 years old and smoke and hot. She said she wanted an intimate encounter. Fuck yeah. Very easy way to lure a lot of dudes, including myself back when I was single and too not thinking clearly and just doing something stupid.
Starting point is 01:23:30 One of her most recent messages had read, although the sounds exciting, I have to make sure you're not some kind of weirdo. And so far you seem fairly well put together, but anyone can lie online, right? Oh, he loved writing that. Ha ha ha, like me! The real Dexter! So I have an idea for how both of us
Starting point is 01:23:46 came and made comfortable with this situation. And by both of us, I mean me, LOL. I bought this, well let's call it a handyman special. I'm all about resale. And the back gate is a little screwed up, so I locked it off and everyone's just been entering through the garage, so it works out okay. When you see it, you'll know what I mean.
Starting point is 01:24:01 If you do this, I can direct you to the house from the alley without giving away this street address, and I can see before I let you in. Maybe this is paranoid on my part, but I have to look after myself. My first instinct is about people are never wrong, and I know to trust them. I want to play very much. But I have to be cautious, as I'm sure you can understand. If you're okay with this, let me know. If not, we'll have to miss out on each other.
Starting point is 01:24:24 On a lighter note, though, if we really gel, you said you had four days off. How long can I keep you if I choose? Maybe you should pack for a few days, LOL, Jen. LOL. If you just walk to the back eight big guy, I'ma try and suck your dick off.
Starting point is 01:24:39 If you don't want to, say la vie, happy travels. But if you do want to, I'm gonna let you loophole my poop hole. Do you're only able to come dust because your balls are dry, your choice. Unsurprisingly, Johnny Chozos chooses to come over. He's excited, of course he is. He's a 38 year old who worked in an oil field,
Starting point is 01:24:54 equipment manufacturer, and quality control spends most of his long shifts measuring part. He's been single for a while, he's horny. By the summer of 2008, Johnny had long been looking for a softish place to try and break his dick off, a place not composed of five fingers that was also attached to his arm. He'd met a woman named Deborah on plenty of fish back in 2006, but that relationship hadn't worked out and he'd been on a dry spell.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Other than that, life was going great. He loved motorcycles. He owned two, a Honda 500 CC, a Yamaha 1200 CC, a sport touring bike. He kept his motorcycle helmet jacket always at the ready, those bikes were his babies. If he's going out of town, he'd carefully cover his touring bike and at times even have a friend come by to check on it. Everyone's to want. Make sure it was okay. Besides his day, Johnny also had other plans for the weekend. He was supposed to take his good buddy Dale Smith for a motorcycle driving lesson on October 12th, the Sunday before Thanksgiving that year in Canada. Canada, just like the US, also has a fall holiday called Thanksgiving, second Monday of every
Starting point is 01:25:46 October. When Dale talked to his friend on the Friday before the long weekend, Johnny sounded light-hearted. He was going to meet a sexy lady he'd met on an internet dating website. Since she'd forward him some weird directions, Johnny smart enough to pass those along to Dale. He told someone where he was going. Meanwhile, that afternoon, Mark meets up with Tracy. He'd write about her in SK Confessions, using the name
Starting point is 01:26:06 Lacey to disguise Tracy. So fucking smart. He writes, oh, my sweet Lacey, just in case you are wondering, Lacey is not my wife or my daughter. Lacey is my ex-girlfriend. On paper, she's the complete opposite of everything that should be my perfect match. She has two small dogs that she treats like human children.
Starting point is 01:26:24 And those people usually drive me up to wall. We wouldn't get along. She also periodically depressed. She's also periodically depressed and suffers from very frequent anxiety attacks, whereas I usually prefer a much more together woman. Uh-huh, as if you have such a choice of whoever you want. All these things exist, but I love her uncontrollably and always will. Mark loved Tracy so much. He even talked about a test he would do on his relationships, unbeknownst to his future partners, where he'd ask himself, if Lacey walked into my life and asked me to run away with her, what I'd do it.
Starting point is 01:26:54 If the answer was yes, he ended the relationship. If the answer was no, he knew the relationship was real. And Jess had passed that Tracy test kind of. He thought she did. But when the opportunity arose to meet up with Tracey again, Mark went for it and the two planned to go to a movie at South Edmonton Commons, Cineplex, Odeon. They did not plan which movie they were going to see, but once Mark got to the theater, saw what was planned.
Starting point is 01:27:13 He knew what his choice would be, quarantine. Psychological thrillers similar in his mind, at least, to his house of cards project. Although it was fiction, it was shot like a documentary from the point of view of the cameraman, making the film appear like a recording of a real incident. I saw it not long after it came out. I remember really liking it. And quarantine stars Jennifer Carpenter, who bitch will knew from Dexter,
Starting point is 01:27:33 where he played Morgan Dexter's adoptive sister. Well, I guess Morgan was adopted and played his sister on the favorite show. The chewed by popcorn, claim their seats at the matinee showing, talk about their past relationship. Mark makes it seem like he and Jess are separated, you know, and they make out. And then the movie's over, Tracy rushes home to feed her two dogs. He's hoping for more than that, but oh well, Mark, Mark
Starting point is 01:27:54 had plans anyway. He heads to the garage and repairs some plastic sheet that had fallen down, gets his kill room ready, make sure his mask and two steel pipes are right where he wanted them. Johnny arrives the garage a few minutes after seven. Cautiously appears in. Mark is waiting in the shadows and he hears Johnny call out, hello, and then Johnny decided not to come inside the garage and Mark had not planned for that and had to improvise. Hello, Mark calls back. Hey, hold on a second. He flips on the lights of this fucking kill room.
Starting point is 01:28:22 The two men see each other, Mark a hoodie and jeans Johnny's wearing glasses no Jen in sight Hey, I'm Mark Mitchell said I'm a filmmaker. I'm dressing this to look like a set He motions to the plastic sheeting covering his metal table ceiling floor walls He pretends to be Jen's friend who's using the garage as a workshop. He tries to keep up a cheery tone Showing him a couple of props. I was the guy who made that Star Wars fan film. He blurs out. Have you heard of it? Donnie says he had not. Of course he had not. It was never finished. Seeing the conversation is going nowhere, Mitchell tries to wrap it up and says, listen, Jen's not
Starting point is 01:28:54 back yet. She's out on a short trip with her friends. She should be back in a bit. Maybe I don't know, 10 minutes. And then Johnny nods. Okay, I'll come back. Jump into this car, drives off. And a couple minutes later, the poor bastard comes back the lure of hot sex is strong Mark grabs his phone now pretends to be on a call. Oh, hey Mark smiles. Hey, I just got to phone with Jen She said she stuck in traffic won't be back here for at least a half an hour. Do you want to stick around or come back her? Johnny says not leave Then so he goes he leaves again I go to his car unbeknownst to mark calls his friend Dale, tells him about this weird fucking guy.
Starting point is 01:29:25 He met in the garage, where he's supposed to meet Jen for their date. He returns to his condo, writes a quick message to Jen, 20 minutes later, she writes back, apologizing for the delay, saying that she is now at the house. Would love it if he could come back.
Starting point is 01:29:37 Johnny reads his message, her message over, thanks for a moment, consults with little Johnny, who gives him enthusiastic, one thumb up, and responds to people soon head over. He knows Dale's going to want to know about this. So he fires off an email. She's home now.
Starting point is 01:29:49 I'm heading over again. Hey, hey, lack can be read and dead. Hey, who cares about that weird guy with knives and what not in the garage? Little Johnny is going cave diving. Woo. Uh, just like before he ducks under the garage door, walks into the movie, said to find Mark still there. I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment johnny says referring to how he's
Starting point is 01:30:07 driven the garage several times now you have no idea mark with later claim he said and he follows this by saying i doubt he said that i doubt he said something that scripted i i bet he was like i don't know what's happening and he is in the swings of metal pipe johnny crack in the base of johnny's school johnny does not go down as quickly as market expected then. He's expecting to fall to the ground immediately, like in a movie, instead he screams
Starting point is 01:30:28 and starts to try and fight back. Mark swings again and again and again, Johnny still doesn't go down. Now he's screaming for the police. And then Mark hits him with the pipe again, blood sprays out across the floor, still doesn't go down. Johnny now offers Mark money, thinking this is a robbery and a kind of was.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Mark wanted to torture him for his pin number. You promise Mark says that, you know, as far as like, you know, you're, you're, you're money. Johnny promises Mark, a begs Mark to stop hitting him with the pipe. Mark does not stop swings the pipe again. Johnny now tries to fight him off again. Mark then grabs a huntie knife and thrust it into Johnny's stomach. According to SK Confessions, Mark later wrote his reaction with pure Hollywood.
Starting point is 01:31:04 The lurch forward with the grunt was dead on TV movie of the week. What the fuck, Indus bag? Johnny groans again. Mark is now stabbing him in the neck. Later, Mark would say he wished he had tricked Johnny by offering a call to the ambulance if Johnny gave Mark his pin number. And then he would have just killed him anyway. And again, what a douchebag. Finally, Johnny does die. This poor bastard, Mark is covered in blood. He wonders if a neighbor had heard this long, prolonged, you know, like violent struggle and called the police, but no one did. Mark now heaves Johnny's body under the table,
Starting point is 01:31:32 gets out his game processing kits, takes Johnny's wallet and keys, then cuts off his clothes, most of them anyways. I put all the Johnny's things into a steel drum, except his underwear. As he would later say in SK Confessions, I cut the shirt off too, but left the underwear. I don't need to see my kills dead junk hanging out while I'm trying to work. The sociopath is trying to work on his comedy writing in his murder description.
Starting point is 01:31:54 I left the underwear on, all saved the necrophilia for when I'm home with my wife. She's not dead, but my boner shirt dies every time I see her naked, ha, ha, ha, about a boom, about a bing. Mark cuts Johnny's legs off with the knees, puts the severed legs and trash bags. Then he takes the arms off the elbows, uses scissors to cut off Johnny's fingertips. My God, cuts off Johnny's head, cuts his torso into two pieces. The work turns out to be more boring than Mark expected, he said. So he found ways to entertain himself, singing, talking out loud, playing.
Starting point is 01:32:27 He wrote, I grabbed his jaw with my glove, hand, and moved it all, making a funny voice to make it look like it was talking, and chuckled to myself at the total silliness of it all. This is fucking psychopath. Around 10 p.m., Jess starts getting worried about where Mark is. He should have been home from therapy by now.
Starting point is 01:32:42 The therapy he didn't go to. So she dials his cell. He said he's just coming back home from the gym. But then she reminded him of how could you be doing that? The gym closed at nine. And then he was like, he's like, no, not that gym, a different old gym. This was not a great lie.
Starting point is 01:32:56 Because Mark had told Jess that he had canceled his old gym worship a month ago and Jess called him out on this and then he tells her he's like, well, actually, I know, listen, I said I had canceled the old gym, but I forgot and have two gyms now and forgot about the new gym to work out at and was working out at the old gym. Like, he forgot who lies all the time. He's so bad at lying. Mark finally gets home around midnight. She tells him to pick some baby formula up on the way home. He does not. He
Starting point is 01:33:25 showers. He puts his blood so close in the washer, socks, pants shirt, dark green hoodie. The next day, Saturday, October 11th, Jess and Mark go to Bourbon Street, a wing of the West Edmonton Mall designed to look like their French quarter in New Orleans. After dinner at a restaurant, they head to a comedy show. This is so weird at Rick Bronson's, the comic strip comedy club. He's a few doors down. So weird because I performed, I'm not kidding at that club at some point in 2008. I can't find the old booking email I tried, I don't hold onto my emails for years,
Starting point is 01:33:53 and the 2008 calendar for them seems to have not been archived. I legitimately might have been the comic mark watch that night. I remember it being cold, so it wasn't the summer. There's probably like a one in 30 chance that he watched my show, which is so weird. Next day, Sunday, October 12th, you know, cold, so it wasn't the summer. There's probably like a one in 30 chance that he watched my show, which is so weird. Next day, Sunday, October 12th, Canadian Thanksgiving, Mark Jess and Chloe are planning to head to Jess's parents' house for a big meal. At five in the morning, Mark wakes up before his wife and daughter to drive to Johnny's condo. He'd gotten the address from Johnny's ID and the keys to the
Starting point is 01:34:19 front door or in Johnny's pocket when he was killed. And this is so fucking stupid to do. For such a smart guy. Even if his body doesn't turn up, Johnny is going to be reported as being missing eventually. And if anyone sees Mark go to Johnny's apartment right when he goes missing, of course he's going to be suspect number one. And now he's putting fingerprints
Starting point is 01:34:38 and fucking DNA evidence in Johnny's apartment. In this apartment, he steals some cash, changes the automatic response on Johnny's email to say that Johnny was going on a two month vacation to the Caribbean, right? That's just like from his little short. He's going to get away with this because he's going to make everybody think that Johnny just went on a vacation. He told no one about because people do that, right?
Starting point is 01:34:54 They just suddenly go on a vacation with no warning. They don't tell their employers that they're just going to the Caribbean for two months. That's not going to raise red flags. Mark changes Johnny's Facebook status, deletes Johnny's online dating profile, steals Johnny's laptop, and steals randomly his printer. In the printer tray was a letter to Johnny's insurance company with Johnny's signature at the bottom. So he thinks he can use this signature
Starting point is 01:35:14 to forge a bill of sale for the car of police ever asking about it. He's also going to take this guy's car. He writes all this down in serial killer confessions, making all this even more stupid. He is still not disposed of Johnny's body. Now he goes to a Thanksgiving dinner with his wife and kid before he deals with that. After a family lunch, Mark cannot resist returning to the internet, dropping some clues about
Starting point is 01:35:32 what he'd been up to, to some of his dexter pals. He wrote the, uh, to fellow dexter fan Renee, I've also had something else keeping me busy. I'm really concerned about telling anyone because of the implications. So, FICE it to say, I crossed the line on Friday and I liked it, leaving more evidence. Also, at some point in the next few days following the murder, Mark makes a full confession to his baby daughter that he will write about. The cool thing about a seven-month-old is that you can openly tell them anything and they can't rat you out. He'd write. I needed that for my daughter since anyone else I could spill too would be dialied 9-1-1 before
Starting point is 01:36:04 I finished I knew I only had a limited amount of time before Zoe's comprehension, right code name Zoe for Chloe that no one would figure out Before Zoe's comprehension got to the level where they where that wouldn't fly So I got in as much talk time as possible in her early development when the words are just soothing sounds to get her used to the English language What is happening a cover 13th 2008 mark writing now as murder victim Johnny sends an email to Johnny's friends. Hey there, I've met an extraordinary woman named Jen who is offered to take me on a nice long tropical vacation. We'll be staying in her winter home in Costa Rica, a phone number to follow soon.
Starting point is 01:36:41 I won't be back in town until December 10th, but I will be checking my email periodically. See you around the holidays. Johnny Again, what a fucking idiot. This is 2008 not 1888 people are are you know real easy to get a hold of Johnny had a cell phone Did he think that no one would find it suspicious that with no warning whatsoever? Johnny would suddenly leave the fucking country for two months and also stop answering his cell phone. Did you forget that cell phones worked internationally back in 2008? For a guy who thinks he's a genius, he's so goddamn stupid. I hope he hears this in prison. Mark, if you're listing, you are so fucking stupid.
Starting point is 01:37:16 Mark logged onto Facebook now as Johnny and Post, Johnny Altonger is taking off to the Caribbean for a few months. See you all when I get back. He changed his relationship status to interrelationship. Now some of Johnny's friends online are thrilled to hear about this because they don't keep up with his life like any online people. Have fun, take lots of pictures, replies one friend. For a couple of months, another asked tough life.
Starting point is 01:37:36 As if to prove that he was finished with online dating now that he'd found this amazing woman, Johnny's plenty of fish, you know, .com account is deleted that morning. It's now three days after Johnny's date. While many of his online friends are not concerned, his real life friend Dale Smith is very concerned. None of this feels right, of course, at all. Johnny's not responding to his calls. Johnny had missed their motorcycle lesson without saying a word about it, you know, and Dale and Johnny had talked the night Johnny disappeared.
Starting point is 01:38:02 Dale knew that a weird dude had shown up at that garage instead of his date. Also, when Dale went over to Johnny's condo, he notices that his cherry red Mazda is missing from the parking spot. And much more alarming, Johnny had not covered up his motorcycle with a tarp. And there's no way he would ever do that. So Dale now tries to report a mission to the police, but the officer initially doesn't see if there's anything fishy about a middle-aged man running off with a romantic woman for a long time, get away or long get away.
Starting point is 01:38:27 And I guess to be fair to that officer, sometimes I'm sure some version of that does happen. Lucifina's sweet magic is pretty powerful. So now it looks kind of like Mark might be getting away with a really poorly thought-out series of crimes. And of course he won't. Meanwhile, the week after the murder, the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Mark still keeping up the rules that it a full-time job from his wife
Starting point is 01:38:47 uh... he goes to collect johnny's remains uh... the steel drum and a can of oil from the garage and then he goes to his parents house sets up in the backyard as parents fucking yard puts the bad remains in the steel drum johnny's remains and lights them on fire genius where should i burn the body? I know in my parents' backyard,
Starting point is 01:39:06 where I'm sure the smell of burning flesh in a fucking steel drum will alarm zero neighbors. And he finds out it's not as easy as he thought to burn a body. It's almost like this is real life, and not a fucking scene from Dexter. Soon mark your sirens, thinking someone had called, you know, the fire department, he douses the fire, waits for the sirens to die down. The fire department actually had been called to somewhere else. Then he opens the wet bags and finds that while the bags had melted, the remains inside were not damaged at all. So what does he do? Does he bury the remains somewhere else? Does he take them, you know, to a different location, get a hotter fire burning. Does he put the pieces in heavy bags with rocks and throw the remains into a lake or other deep body of water? No, he packs up the parts, then now it smells like
Starting point is 01:39:48 fucking burnt plastic and he brings everything back to the garage and he calls it a day. Then when he gets back home, he plays with a daughter for a while, chats with his ex-tracy on Insta Messenger, she invites him over now for a late night rendezvous and Mark waits for Justin fall asleep. And when she falls asleep, then I instead of going back to the fucking garage and disposing of a body that will send into prison for life he gets in his car and drives an hour and a half to Tracy's place. On the way he gets a ticket for speeding. Another incident you'd have to try and keep from his wife with more lies. Then mark gets to Tracy's and I'm sure you can guess what happened next.
Starting point is 01:40:20 We'll let him tell it. So he talks about everything here in SK Confessions, where he replaces Tracy's name with the, you know, codename of Lacey. Since Mark writes about this, like he is riding a porno scene, let's set it to the proper music. I got to Lacey's without further incident. She let me inside dressed in her pajamas,
Starting point is 01:40:40 and no sooner had I dropped my bag on the floor than we were making out intensely. We moved to her bedroom and shut the door to keep the dogs out. We kissed passionately in juicy anticipation of what was coming next. She lay on her bed and opened the pajamas to reveal a sexy set of white lingerie style underwear. Who had underwear to that? The bottoms were a thong which always gets me insanely turned on.
Starting point is 01:41:08 Lacey looked better than I had ever remembered her. A decade ago, at the tender age of 24, she was gorgeous. But still not as fine as she looked on this very night in question. She'd been hitting the gym, gone 10 inches prepare for her vacation, and had taken up the hobby of belly dancing. I have never been a fan of scrawny girls. In my opinion, if you can see Rives bugging to the skin, the woman needs a hefty opening of cheeseburgers very badly.
Starting point is 01:41:35 Lacey was beautiful, sensual with curves in all the right places. Now she was the ideal textbook of what a woman should look like, with the added skill of how to rotate her hips, in ways most women could only dream they could. Her large, deep green eyes stared seductively into mine, and I couldn't resist her even if I tried. Not that I would want to try Wolverine! Being with her, I added the Wolverine. Being with her took on the pace of quickly catching up to how we used to be. Lacey and I explored each other for a good two hours that night, trying several positions, all of them making both of us crazy.
Starting point is 01:42:09 I was free to suck on various parts of her body and go down on her for as long as she could take it before needing me inside of her again. The way she felt, the way she tasted, also familiar and so amazing to have again. She came to orgasm four times before I let myself get to the same place. And when we were done, there was no describing the contentment we experienced. What a fucking stud you guys, easy, wow, calm down Luciferina, you're gonna flood the
Starting point is 01:42:43 place. He's the best lover ever. I wonder if Tracy would remember this night going down like this. No, no, she will not. I would love it if she wrote a version where he came in his pants before he'd get them off and then she held him in her arms for a while while he cried until he fell asleep. On the morning of October 14th, amateur jiggle, low, Mark Mitchell, twitchal, leaves Tracy's house and goes back to the garage.
Starting point is 01:43:06 Now that he was done with a couple of hours of constant orgasm and doosiness, stud fucking, he can get back to genius body disposal. He fashions a makeshift apron out of some plastic sheeting, starts cutting the body into smaller pieces, like carving a turkey, he wrote, zero guilt, zero remorse for this. He actually writes about how happy the murder made him feel. The experience changed my sense of place in the world forever. He gushed. I felt stronger, somehow above other people.
Starting point is 01:43:30 I felt like the proud owner of a very dark secret that no one would ever be in on. Things that I said to people would carry double on tendras like they hadn't before. Oh, honey, work was murder today. Would be more literal than test would ever know. God, he's a fucking terrible writer. When he takes breaks, he fantasizes about how Tracy had been a total porn star in the
Starting point is 01:43:50 sack. And by breaks, I'm guessing he means beat off sessions. Once he's finished, he loads bags into his car. His new plan is to wait for nightfall and then dump the bags into a river. And he's going to fuck this up too. Also, everything is not going amazing with Tracy. She doesn't seem to be reflecting his positively about their passion night as he was. When he gets home from his murder garage, he finds Tracy online, but now instead of trading steamy messages, she
Starting point is 01:44:11 has something very different to say. As Mark says, she was horribly depressed from reflecting on her past relationship situations and behaving erratically. She said she couldn't continue to see me because she was messed up and didn't want to put that on me, even though I expressly said to her, that I could take things at whatever pace she felt comfortable with. But it was more than that. Lacey had discovered that her ex-husband met the clinical definition of a sociopath. Weird. What really pushed her over the edge was reading all the traits of women who fall for people like this and bring the problem onto themselves. She was certain there were several things terribly wrong with her, and tonight she had spiraled into contemplating suicide.
Starting point is 01:44:44 So now Mark Beggs are not to do anything she can't undo. He wants to go over to her, but she doesn't want him to come over. He also doesn't want just to find out. So then Mark, the man who had killed somebody just a few days before calls the police tells the cops his friend is contemplating suicide. Then when he gets off the phone, he tells Tracy that he had just called 911. She replies he was being ridiculous, said he was adding to her stress and they get into a huge fight.
Starting point is 01:45:07 Following morning, October 15th, Mark wakes up to an email from Tracy who now apologizes for causing him alarm the night before. So now they're not fighting at the moment, but Mark's day will not be stress free. He still needs to dispose of Johnny's body. So he gets up all still dark out, drives over to a bridge, over a river near the freeway, and it quickly proves impractical to dump the body here. There's not a shoulder to park his car on and he can't stop without turning his hazard lights on.
Starting point is 01:45:32 So weird that an unemployed criminal mastermind with so much free time on his hands, since he only has a fake ass job who fucking grew up in Edmonton would have no idea where to find a body disposal site. He had so much time to find a place and he does not. He keeps driving. He soon spots a path down to a dock along the river, but decides it would be impractical to carry several bags down the steep rocky path in the dark. Again, he's born and raised here. He has no clue where to take this body, some dexter. Now it's starting to get light out. And the first commuters are on the road. So Mark, he stumpped, he has no to do. Then he think, maybe I can hide the body in the sewer.
Starting point is 01:46:07 And he now heads to a suburb, east of Edmonton, and eventually does find an uncovered manhole and then just throws the bags down the manhole and speeds off. Good thing no one who works for the city or county will ever check a manhole. Good thing once you put something down into a manhole, it disappears forever. Back at the garage, Mark burns his cleaning supplies, some other evidence instead of just throwing it all away in one of the many dumpsters around the city. That would be too easy. He doesn't burn all of it.
Starting point is 01:46:32 Right about now, unbeknownst to criminal mastermind, Mark Bichel-Twichel, late in the evening of Friday, October 17th, exactly a week after Johnny's murder date, police do agree to look for Johnny Altinger. The agreed to investigate after Dale Smith and two other friends of Johnny's had broken into Johnny's condo and found his passport. That is clear proof that Johnny had definitely not gone on an unplanned international vacation. A patrolman then follows the directions to the date. He'd went on the previous Friday.
Starting point is 01:46:56 Details Johnny had sent to Dale, which led, of course, to Mark's detached garage. Later, police will investigate the condo and they'll find nothing to miss in Johnny's condo. No signs of forced entry, no bloodstained, but an empty spot on Johnny's desk where a printer would normally be weird. Someone seems to have been in there. The same day, Mark calls up his friend, Joss, tells him about a guy he'd run into at a gas station who was leaving town with a rich sugar momma and wanted to sell his car, Amazda, Johnny's car, for whatever Mark happened to have on him. Mark said he paid 40 bucks for it, but decided to sell it because he couldn't drive a stick,
Starting point is 01:47:29 asked Josh to drive this fucking evidence over to St. Albert and Josh agrees. Josh, how could you be so, how could you buy that non-sensical story? That non-sensical story, sorry. I'll address that ridiculous story about buying the car here in a second. On the night of Saturday, October 18th,
Starting point is 01:47:47 Mark's cell phone rings, he sits home with Jess and the baby. To his surprise, it's a cop on the other end. The officer wants to know if Mark was rent in a garage. If he'd been there recently, if he saw a man there on the evening of October 10th, or knew anything about the woman the man was supposedly meeting, Mark says, I don't know anything.
Starting point is 01:48:03 Says, I haven't been there since before the 10th. The officer then asked him to come down to the garage. Excuse me, make sure everything is in order. At the garage, the officers look around while Mark signs a witness statement. The officers then ask if he can see Mark's credit cards to check them again, some receipts they'd found. When the numbers match, the officers discovered that Mark had been in the garage as recently as a few days ago. So now they've caught him lying about not having been there since October 10th.
Starting point is 01:48:23 He immediately becomes a prime suspect in Johnny's disappearance. Formal questioning will start the next day. A few days later, October 19th, Mark says he discovered that his front door was unlocked and claimed he and his wife would never have forgotten to lock the door. He's troubled by this. You know, he didn't see anything of missing side, but someone's messing with him. Then Mark said that back in October 15th, he was going to Home Depot for some cleaning supplies when he got pulled over, you know, when he pulled over for gas. And then a man came up to him at the gas station, knocked on his window. According to Mark, the guy said he had just met a wealthy girl who was going to take him on vacation. And he asked if Mark wanted to buy his car. So this idiot doubles down on the shitty, not believable lie about Johnny
Starting point is 01:49:01 meeting a woman who right away takes him on vacation. Clearly he doesn't know that Johnny's passport has been found in his apartment. It does not look good for him. Mark tells police, he told the guy that he didn't have enough money for the car. The guy asked him how much was in his wallet. Mark had $40 and the guy just sold it to him on the spot. This has never happened in the history of Canada and modern cars. No one has ever met a lady in Canada, who a day after meeting them, wants to take them on a two month vacation to the Caribbean.
Starting point is 01:49:25 And then they take their car to a random gas station, approach one dude and just take whatever happens to be in that guy's wallet for the car that they could have just left fucking anywhere else that they just cared so little about it. Now of course Mark would tell the police this, his script suck. So it was lies. He's just not a good storyteller. Mark says the guy whose name he claimed was also Mark then drove the car to his rented garage and left it there.
Starting point is 01:49:46 What the fuck? The imaginary version of Johnny is now going through a lot of trouble for 40 bucks and also calling himself Mark for some reason. Mark's greatest weakness, it seems, is that he's just not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. He thinks everyone around him is so stupid, but like 99% of the time, they're smarter than him.
Starting point is 01:50:02 And it just backfires. The police have to know that Mark is unbelievably, unbelievably foolish. He proceeds to tell investigators after buying this car, then he notices that the car is a stick shift. Mark can't drive a stick shift, so he asks his friend, Joss,
Starting point is 01:50:15 to park the car at his parents' house a few blocks away. The police now are convinced that Mark has done something to Johnny. They're already starting to think he probably murdered him. Mitchell's ship is sinking fast. One of the police officers now asked Mark to follow him
Starting point is 01:50:27 in his car to police headquarters. Meanwhile, the forensics team is dispatched to Joss's house to investigate the Mazda. And the police get there, Joss tells police that he had helped Mark with a short film about a serial killer who targeted unfaithful husbands. He's reluctant to share any more possibly incriminating details about Mark,
Starting point is 01:50:44 because this idiot still thinks that Mark is going to make both of them millions. This fucking dynamic duo, they're like Batman and Robin. If the dynamic duo collectively had the IQ of a fucking donkey, just had a lot of emotional incentive to think Mark's movies were going to make him a lot of money, right? He had talked to his family and to give him $30,000 to him. Back at the police station, now Mark spends two hours riding a detailed statement in it, of course, he makes himself look guilty. A back at the police station now Mark spends two hours riding the detailed statement in it. Of course, he makes himself look guilty.
Starting point is 01:51:06 He now writes that he'd come home to find the padlock on his garage changed. Then inside, Mark discovered that someone had used duct tape, garbage bags, and paper towels, and burned something in an oil drum. I don't know what. So weird. Someone broke into my garage to make it into a murder room because that happens. Murderers break into other people's places and change their locks and then dispose of bodies there. What? How did this guy convince like anyone to marry him or date him or work on any project with him? How did he get a degree in
Starting point is 01:51:39 anything? How was he still not just living with his parents at this point in his life? Parents who continually fantasize about him never being born. Part of his statement read, It seems that whoever broke into my car in the eighth used all of the information they stole to use my location and personal property for who knows what. I'm alarmed that unknown persons now know where I live and may enter, be entering my premises. But I'm supposed to be in control of. I don't know if the person who sold me the car is involved, but looking back, it certainly
Starting point is 01:52:06 feels that way. And I have to wonder if I'm being targeted or if it's all a nasty coincidence. Dun dun dun. Holy shit you guys. What if Johnny murdered Jen? What if Johnny saw me at the gas station, thought there's a guy who I bet has a garage. I could trick him into letting me access so I could use it to chop up the body of a woman I just murdered before I flee the country. Oh man, I'm gonna probably have to write this
Starting point is 01:52:27 into an awesome creative project. Police, of course, not fooled by any of this. They just keep Mark talking, hoping he'll eventually say something that they can use to concretely charge him with murder. That night, the interview Mark further, who he now tells him all about his film career and his obsession with Star Wars.
Starting point is 01:52:43 He says he just dropped off a custom cod piece he'd made for a Darth Vader costume at the post office By the time they wrapped up their first talk. It was nearly four in the morning on Monday, October 20th, 2008 those poor officers They had just listened to Mark talk about his films and costumes for several hours many hours I'm surprised they weren't put on mandatory suicide watch I'd four in the morning the police tell Mark directly, they're certain he's involved in the disappearance of Johnny Altonger. They tell him not in these exact words, but that his story is really stupid.
Starting point is 01:53:12 Mark tries to deny it, saying he doesn't understand why they would think that. You know, he denied that he's lying. Then he literally curls up into a fetal position. Is the police list numerous reasons why he's a suspect and he stammer and whimper's he crows up into a ball in Christ. Just when I thought he couldn't get less likeable.
Starting point is 01:53:31 Around six in the morning, he asked for a lawyer. Uh, while Mark walks down the hall, chat on a cell phone, hiring a lawyer, investigators leave him with a station, rushed to the house, Mark shared with Jess and baby Chloe. They asked for his computer, Jess tells him that Mark kept his computer gear in the basement. At this point, investigators think there's a small chance Johnny might be alive and being held somewhere for ransom. They try to act fast to find out where he disappeared to, even if they're fairly certainly been murdered. Murdered. They also hope they can find clues on Mark's computer that will reveal why he would just kill a random man. They also start to wonder
Starting point is 01:53:58 if Mark might have been making snuff films at that garage. So they start to interview his recent casting crew. And these people tell them that Mark has been obsessed with Dexter. They also tell investigators that Mark had met Jess to the dating online or site, plenty of fish.com, same website where Johnny had met his own date before disappearing. Suspicious. The forensic team does an investigation on Mark's car on October 21st, 2008. The Pontiac Grand Am, Grand Am had seen better days. Front bumper is cracked, splintered on one side, deep gashes on the other, the rear bumper, crushed on the driver's side, just below the spoiler, the tailpipe had been punctured, or a tail light, excuse me, the punctured piece of clear plastic tape was covering a huge
Starting point is 01:54:38 hole. Mark is driving the car of a man who was lied about having a job for quite some time now. They find a receipt in this car for the movies, a duffel bag, an unpaid speeding ticket, a roll of black hockey tape, a business card that reveals his film company is called Express Entertainment, and its motto is independent film at its finest. I can think of some better models for Express Entertainment. The best unfinished projects you'll never see. Express Entertainment borrowed ideas poorly executed.
Starting point is 01:55:07 Express entertainment tired of watching movies? No problem. We don't make any. Investors also spot a key in the cup holder. Cresting the bottom of the keychain makes another vehicle in the impound lot beep. Johnny Altinger's red Mazda parked nearby. They also find neon yellow posted notes. This is my favorite thing in the whole episode.
Starting point is 01:55:27 On one of the fucking posted notes, he had left in his car for over a week after fucking killing this guy, there is a fucking map that leads from Mark's house to Johnny's apartment. He left this note. He could have thrown it away at so many points. And there was even more incriminating notes. One red destroy wallet contents.
Starting point is 01:55:51 And another red kill room clean sweep. Jesus. Most embarrassing note, maybe, fuck Tracy Senslas. I just had these fucking notes all over his car. We've covered some killers who were crazier than the sky. Like Richard Chase, Vampire of Sacramento, some who are more blatantly mentally ill, like, you know, Ed Gain, and also, obviously, Vampire of Sacramento.
Starting point is 01:56:12 We've covered killers who are more, you know, they're less as able intellectually like Carl Denke. Not sure we've covered a killer before who just tried to cover their tracks, but did this bad of a job of it. Behind the driver's seat is a copy of dearly devoted Dexter, one of Dexter's novels, a receipt for a hockey mask. How lazy is this guy? How do you not throw away receipts for items used in a murder? And worse, how do you just not throw away a post-it note reminder to clean up your kill room?
Starting point is 01:56:42 Also, who needs to write any of this down? Who is so forgetful? They're worried they will not remember to clean up your kill room. Also, who needs to write any of this down? Who is so forgetful? They're worried they will not remember to clean up a kill room. What these guys to do list look like? Okay, let's get tomorrow's to do list knocked out. Number one, wake up. Number two, pee and poop if needed. Of course, wipe afterwards if needed. Number three, brush teeth, shower, comb hair, put on the other end. Number four, get dressed. Number five, eat breakfast. Number six, try to poop if not already pooped.
Starting point is 01:57:11 Wipe afterwards. Number seven, bring wallet, phone, car keys outside, open and shut front door to leave dwelling in that order. Lock closed door, after leaving dwelling. Number eight, put car key in ignition after entering car, not before. Turn key clockwise to start, go over driving notes before driving to make sure I know what pedals to push. Number nine, use phone to call big time Hollywood execs to tell them how much money they can make financing my genius projects. Number 10, Rest of Day, TBD, maybe kill someone, maybe spend time with wife and kid, maybe fuck Tracy senseless,
Starting point is 01:57:49 maybe give her romance novel level orgasms. The front of Mark's car was the most startling discovery of all a backpack with a military blade inside a weapon typically only used by combat marines. The rubber handled seven inches, a carbon steel blade was in a black leather holster attached to a belt and had blood on it. He didn't even clean his fucking murder weapon. They also find another computer a Toshiba laptop covered in Spider-Man stickers. had blood on it. He didn't even clean his fucking murder weapon. They also find another computer, a Toshiba laptop covered in Spider-Man stickers. On Wednesday, October 22nd, the police start their investigation in Bichels house. Jesse and Chloe had gone to stay with Jesse's mom,
Starting point is 01:58:14 Mark has chosen to stay with his parents. In Mark's basement, they searched the desk, which is cluttered with empty cans of energy drinks and juice puddles, half eaten bowl of noodles sits by the keyboard. Among Mark's computer desk shelves are burned copies of all 12 episodes of the second season of Dexter.
Starting point is 01:58:28 His desk stretched out along the basin wall to an adjoining sewing table. It was buried by a collection of fabrics, string, and costumes. A Star Wars alien mask with three eyes sat in the corner, next to a black Jedi baseball cap, Detective noticed a street hockey mask. It had been painted black with three stripes of gold, shaped to form a vicious animal claw,
Starting point is 01:58:46 and the bottom of the mask had been cut away. None of this is the, uh, he for sure killed Johnny Clue they were looking for though. Luckily the digital forensics team finds just that. They finish a sweep of Mark's computer and find a document in the trash labelled SK Confessions. Serial killer confessions. They could not believe their luck. They were literally blown away by how stupid this guy was. The document details exactly how Twitchell had lured and killed Johnny Altinger.
Starting point is 01:59:12 The document reveals a kill room had been chosen, a double door to touch garage, with the dirt driveway in the south end of the city. The diary details marks the skies, which had just been recovered at the house, the black hockey mask, the forehead painted with the gold streaks, the mask Mark wrote, served the double purpose of facial protection and identity shield to give the victim a false sense of security and thinking they would be let go. Then he picked out his kill knife from a military surplus store and got to work. The knife they had just fucking found, which on his blood on it.
Starting point is 01:59:42 Mark then wrote, the trap was, the trap was set. The trap was set. Now it was time to bait the hook. My kill room was perfectly prepped. Plastic sheeting taped together around my table, large green cloth screwed into the drywall seal. They just give all the details. He just gives all the details there. Talks about the stun baton, everything.
Starting point is 01:59:59 Police ready themselves to hear about the murder but SK confessions are abruptly digresses to a different event for a bit. Another attack on October 3rd. Now they understood that the person they were dealing with had tried to attack someone before, right? Jill, the guy we met earlier, meaning that whatever happened with Johnny,
Starting point is 02:00:15 wasn't just a fight they got out of control. It was a premeditated plan. And I say that fight they got out of control, because at some point, he tells the police that, he will later tell the police that, you know, this was a fight they got out of control. I'll explain that tells the police that uh... he will later tell the police that you know this was a fight to get out of control i'll explain that a bit to it's it's so ridiculous october twenty thirty two thousand eight mark sends out this email to his friends and former film crew
Starting point is 02:00:32 urging them to not talk to the police like an innocent person does what one of the worst people on the planet i cover in their tracks rights gentlemen first off i want to offer my deepest apologies if your lives have been disrupted in any way by what's going on lately. I wish I could talk to you about it and maybe one day in the future that will be possible.
Starting point is 02:00:51 But for now, I have to recommend that everyone stop talking to the police or not to start if you haven't already. If you aren't sure what I'm referring to, you will be soon. You all have a right to silence and you should exercise that right. I'm sure no one in this group carries guilt, so you have nothing to fear, but I've been screwed around and I don't appreciate it. So it's time to stop this and make them do their own jobs. I'm serious.
Starting point is 02:01:13 The time for dry sarcastic humor and flaky jokes is over. This is no prank. Sometimes what we see on TV is in fact a true representation of how they work. Sometimes they do lie and make things up in order to get people to say things. They otherwise not just otherwise would not just so they can have an answer for the media. I don't think this was the case or I didn't think this was the case until this week when I was proven otherwise. So please, if they ask you questions, just tell them that you don't know anything. And if they want you to come in for a statement, kindly refuse. I highly doubt anybody has given them the slightest
Starting point is 02:01:45 Provocation to get arrested so nothing will happen to you if you tell them to pound salt and this will go away faster Thanks for your cooperation. I'll keep you posted He still thinks he's trying he's gonna out smart him. Oh my god. If I'm his friend reading this and now think he's a hundred percent guilty Mark also logs on to Johnny's Facebook page adds a friend logs out Still trying to keep up the rules that Johnny's just a way of vacation sip in my ties fucking on the Johnny's Facebook page, ads are friend, logs out, still trying to keep up the ruse that Johnny's just a way of invocation, sip in my ties, fucking on the beach, a ruse that no one's buying. Friday, October 24th, that friend's ex team arrives at the garage now. Once inside, they discover that the garage is fairly empty, at least it appears to be,
Starting point is 02:02:16 the floor is swept and dry, but a bunch of boxes haven't pushed up against the sidewalls. And inside these boxes, and on some shelves on the walls, they find a pair of black handcuffs. They find a key from Mark's home office. It opens a lock, locked case in the garage. And inside that, they find a gas-powered BB gun and a stun gun. They find an oil drum next to a metal table, a drum that had been recently used to bunch of, you know, burn a bunch of shit, you know, like Johnny's body. They find an extensive inventory of cleaning supplies. Towards the back, they make their most important discovery, too long metal pipes. The end of one of the pipes is charred black because sometimes a guy likes to burn a pipe for no reason.
Starting point is 02:02:53 And the second pipe had been wrapped in black hockey tape and it was stained red, like blood red, right? They're still blood on the pipe. Inside the mouth of the pipe, resting just inside the tip is a collection of small bits, no bigger than grains of rice. They will later determine these are bone fragments and bits of fat and skin from Johnny. Like he did not fucking clean the pipe he used to hit this guy with. The investigation was stretched into its second week now.
Starting point is 02:03:18 Police are hesitant to pull the trigger though still on a resting mark. They want even more evidence. They want to be 100% sure that SK Confessions is not fictional. There's more than 300 Pacific facts to cross examine in this, cross reference, they want to make sure no procedural errors will end up being able to be used by Mark later at his trial. The police also confused in regards to what had led to Johnny meeting up with Mark. They still thought that a businessman and father just decided to become a serial killer
Starting point is 02:03:45 didn't make any sense. So now they try some less than forensic experiments. As an experiment, one officer signs up for plenty of fish.com, designs a few fake profiles of his own. The first fake profile is looking for romance. The second is a woman looking for a casual no strings attached to a rendezvous. The officer would later state that the results
Starting point is 02:04:04 were markedly different course they were uh... noted contacted the relationship seeker but the woman wanting casual sex had a profile view nearly four times uh... more often receive more than fifty instant messages requests so almost no one contacted the relationship seeker uh... they were not blown away by these results what there's a lot of guys out there looking for a lady who just wants to fuck
Starting point is 02:04:24 and never asked them to meet her parents or go shopping with her? That's crazy. Meanwhile, Mark is still making costumes. He was staying with his parents. Police surveillance was on him 24-7. Make sure he doesn't flee. He really left their house. He stayed busy building an Ironman costume. Halloween was coming up and he had his eyes on a big costume prize again, not kitty. He still thinks he's going to get away with everything and win a bunch of money with an Iron Man costume. I'll be forgiven. Then suddenly a bright spot appears in the horizon for Mark. A potential new investor had seen his website,
Starting point is 02:04:51 emailed him, asked him about a Star Wars fan film, and now he could help. And how he could help. Mark tells him about day players and his efforts to raise money for that film. And the businessman writes back, you certainly got my attention. I have a busy week coming up,
Starting point is 02:05:03 but I might be able to open up a slot for a meeting. Is this really happening? A day later, the potential new investor emails again was more good news. He wants to meet Mark and we'll be bringing an interested friend with deep pockets. What two potential investors? Mark suggests a meet quickly, even on the weekend if possible. I'm free all day Saturday, all day Sunday. He writes, just let me know.
Starting point is 02:05:23 They confirmed their plans to meet Friday, October 31, 2008. I think that once he sees the data in black and white, he will be just as excited as I am. The businessman wrote about his rich friend, Mark could not wait. It seemed too good to be true. And then October 31, Halloween, the day of Mark's big meeting, he gets up, he puts together a list of things to do,
Starting point is 02:05:42 writes more stupid stickers, I'm sure. Don't kill anyone today, not the right time. Work on a future disappearance story, better than guy suddenly heading off to Caribbean with girl he just met and selling car to a random guy at gas station for 40 bucks. Remember to throw away to do lists after next murder. He puts his final touches on the Iron Man suit,
Starting point is 02:06:00 puts the name of the interesting businessman, the interested businessman in his contacts on his phone, grabs two tickets to the Halloween costume contest, and then he gets to rest, heads out. He has a brisk 20 minute walk ahead of him to reach the coffee shop on time. There's gonna be this big meeting. As he crosses the street, a white van intercepts him,
Starting point is 02:06:16 skids to a stop, the van stores fly open, a group of police officers and tactical gear, swarm him, yelling at him to get on the ground. No! He's so close to his huge film career taking off my meeting. Not my meeting. There was no meeting. The businessman who is interested in investing in Mark's movies was part of a sting operation to arrest him. An officer in the hate crimes unit had orchestrated the entire week-long conversation with him.
Starting point is 02:06:41 Why do all this instead of just go arrest him at his parents house? I have no idea and I don't care. I just fucking love it. I want to believe they did this just to fuck with him. I'm sure there was a reason that wasn't explaining the sources, but it's great. Marcus Cuffs placed under arrest for first degree murder. He's brought to the police station where he's processed, fingerprinted and interrogated again. Unbeknownst to him, his ex Tracy is being interrogated just a few hours down the hall. She has shown a copy of SK Confessions. And in reading, Mitchell's descriptions of their big romantic night, she immediately tells detectives that Mark has a conceded asshole that she'd grown to hate.
Starting point is 02:07:13 It's biggest fan, quickly turns away. Meanwhile, back at Mark's parents' house, forensics experts are coming to the property for evidence. Mark's parents and sister are standing nearby. They're very cooperative. They actually didn't see that upset. And at one point, Mark's father turned to the investigators and actually said, officer, can I offer you some advice?
Starting point is 02:07:33 Have a vasectomy. Holy shit, it's fucking dad hates him too. He's so unlikable. Mark would be interrogated all of November first. Instead of the confident person who had seen troubled as he gave police to fake story about Johnny's cell in his car a few weeks earlier, now he's near silent. Refuses to answer almost all their questions or even make eye contact. They try everything, cooperating with him, not cooperating with him, driving him around in the hopes that he confess where
Starting point is 02:07:54 he dumped the body. There's that, again, that video online. It's great of that. He will not confess. The case is now hitting the media. Many of Mark's friends and acquaintances are finding out about the murder on TV. Two weeks later, Jess Files for divorce mid November. She demands full custody of Chloe. Once restraining order against Mark, she was zero time. Everyone is quickly expressing zero love for this douche. Also, interesting that Mark did not murder until after he and Jess had Chloe, right? Think about that.
Starting point is 02:08:21 He did not kill until he became a dad. Is that a coincidence? I don't know. Also, where was my dad in October of 2008? You know, he was living within a day's drive of Calgary and McCall Idaho. Other than that, I don't know anything. Is Mark Twitchell taking the fall from my dad? I don't think so. So much evidence against him. But did my dad train Mark how to kill, how to try to become a serial killer? Maybe. What is the showtime series Dexter partly inspired by or maybe even written by my dad. I'm not sure he hasn't talked
Starting point is 02:08:49 about it. I wish anyway that sneaky son of a bitch was right now. I feel safer if I did. You get it. Anyway, as his divorce goes to Mark is still in jail at the Edmonton Romance Center still not talking after being shipped from floor to floor finally resides in room 11 cell block 3D a floor design for long-term inmates. He hates who he's surrounded by now. He writes later, uh, I have nothing in common with dope dealers, robbers and crackheads, low-brow sensory deprivation tank. On his poor genius. As inmate 236702, he now spends most of his time in his cell, scribbling on his notepad, working on future scripts. He just will not quit.
Starting point is 02:09:25 Using toothpaste, he also tax up a dexter poster, probably not a good look. Meanwhile, investigators still trying to find Johnny's body. They find a description about the sewer body disposal in SK confessions, but not the exact location. It's hard to find that there's just a lot of sewer. Then on June 3rd, 2010, Mark and his lawyer, Charles Davidson,
Starting point is 02:09:43 his second lawyer, actually, after firing his first one, they have a meeting with investigators. This is so weird. Mark requests this meeting. He stipulates the meeting has to be secret. No press, no media, no detective Clark as well. Detective Clark was an investigator. He had grown to hate. And if this meeting Mark doesn't say anything to investigators, he just slides them a print
Starting point is 02:10:02 out of a Google map search. Below the map of Northern Edmonton are a few words crawled in blue ink. Location of John Altonjur's remains. Twitch will sign data to the sheet of paper, provided the three sends description of the exact location. On the map, he had drawn in an alley
Starting point is 02:10:19 north of downtown Mark Tussour great site with the red circle, and that was it. Meeting over. What the shit? Why did he do this? He never says. He's never revealed why he did that. Maybe he thought it would make for a cool scene
Starting point is 02:10:30 in a future movie, right? When a man being held on suspicion of murder, then gives the police the last piece of evidence they need to convict him of murder without actually saying he murdered someone. Maybe it started watching saw movies. And this was just some sort of, you know, bad jigsaw imitation. Would you like to play a game?
Starting point is 02:10:46 I have given you a map with the location of a body of a man. I may have murdered somewhere on the map. If you can find the body, I go to prison for the most, for the rest of my life. If you cannot find the body, I am free to go and kill again. Good luck. Oh, oh, fuck, oh, God. I circled the location of the body, didn't I?
Starting point is 02:11:04 God damn it, that, okay, that sucks. That makes. I circled the location of the body. Didn't I? God damn it. Okay, that sucks. That makes it really easy for you to win this game. Also, I just said I'd kill again, which kind of applies that I've already killed. God damn it. I'm not good at puzzles. Friends of teams will make several trips into labeled manhole before discovering a human torso. Subsequent trips reveal a pelvis bone kneecap intact tooth teeth fragments, buckets of mud, gravel, wood, metal, plastic, smaller bones, all in all they had about half of a decomposing skeleton. The limbs, the skull were missing, probably flushed down, the sewer farther during like a heavy rainstorm and DNA evidence will confirm that these remains are Johnny's remains.
Starting point is 02:11:40 And with that, the police investigation will end. Now let's skip ahead to the trial. Mark will enter a not guilty plea on March 16, 2011. Uh-huh. If I can give the location of the body to detectives and pleads not guilty, very little of what this guy does make sense. Uh, now I keep thinking about his dad wishing he'd had a vasectomy for a creative mark. Over the course of the trial, six men, six women on the jury,
Starting point is 02:12:01 here from forensic officers who testified about the hundreds of pieces of evidence they seized from Mark's St. Albert home the garage you run it in south edmonton uh... twitch old parents residence altrugers condominium it's a company's uh... should come as a surprise that sk confessions is the center piece of the evidence against him twitch old main defense was at sk confessions was fictional and that the murder weapons and other evidence had simply been props for his film that happened to be have actually been used in a real murder. His lawyer, Charles Davidson, argued that market changed parts of the document to make
Starting point is 02:12:30 a better story. A story about an accidental killing would not have fit the genre mark with trying to perfect he claimed. And that's how they said Johnny died accidentally and how did this accident happen. He will reveal this soon. It is the cornerstone of this amazing defense strategy. Uh, during the trial, prosecutors will call 46 witnesses to prove SK Confessions is true, save for some very minor discrepancies, probably about the orgasms Tracy had. At one point,
Starting point is 02:12:55 Twitchell writes about getting a speeding ticket days after Alton jurors killed the crown called a sheriff to testify. He had written Twitch, Twitchell a ticket on October 13th. Everything is matching up, including the story about the attempted murder before Johnny's murder. Two and a half years after his attack, Jill Tetro tells the court he had come to Twitch also renegraged, tells that whole thing about the online dating site getting catfished all of it. Attacked.
Starting point is 02:13:17 Mark tells the court he didn't attack. Tetro, yes, that's true, but not to hurt him, he said the attack was to help create an online urban legend for a movie and book project. It never ends with this guy shitty, not even remotely believable ice. He was just pranking him for an online legend. Come on, you get it. Similarly, Twitchell said that a game processing kid found in his garage, which is a prop for the movies, would you claim were driven by his quote, "'Savant power.'"
Starting point is 02:13:45 What is Savant power? It is Mark's incredible ability to create a screenplay masterpiece that sometimes leads him to do crazy things, like a tax someone to create an urban legend to create buzz for a book and film project. That's actually what he tells the court. And then Crown Prosecutor, Avril Inglis says, well, cross-examining Mark,
Starting point is 02:14:02 so because of your Savant inspiration for your project, you just happen to have all the tools lying around to dismember an actual body. And then Mark replies, you can paint it as any kind of coincidence you want. And then there's the matter of Johnny's remains. Why if it was all a hoax, did Mark know where the remains were? Twitchell on the witness stand makes a startling admission now. He did kill Johnny, all to enjoy. But it wasn't what the prosecution thought.
Starting point is 02:14:24 Here we fucking go. Here's where he walks that a court, a free man hoisted onto the shoulders of adoring Star Wars fans who break out into cheer for he's a jolly good fellow for he's a jolly good fellow for he's a jolly good fellow. He's gonna make millions on his movies. Wasn't murder mark said it was another prank. Come on. He's pulling a prank on Johnny same kind kind of prank he tried to pull on Jill.
Starting point is 02:14:47 One of these fun pranks where you lure him in inside of a windowless garage after days of flirtatious cat fishing, then brutally attack them, making them think they're going to die. That's the fun prank part, in case you don't know how pranks work. And then you let them go create an urban legend that you're working on to help launch a book
Starting point is 02:15:03 that you'll make millions off of. There's a fine line between genius and insanity and Mark Bitch will be the first to admit he walks it. And sometimes he teeters. During this prank, Johnny for some reason got angry that a stranger was attacking him. Maybe he was also a prankster. Maybe this is like a double prank gone wrong. And then Johnny attacked Mark back and Mark is like, what the fuck? And he has to act in self-defense. I'm just supposed to attack you for a little bit and you're supposed to run off. But instead he attacks back. And that? And he has to act in self-defense. I'm just supposed to attack you for a little bit and you're supposed to run off. But instead he attacks back.
Starting point is 02:15:27 And that's why he has to kill him. And I fucking shit you not. This is Mark's defense. My God. After both sides, it presented their cases. There was an opportunity for Mark and the victim's family members to speak. Mark chose not to speak to Johnny's family
Starting point is 02:15:42 when given the chance to address the court. He pauses for several seconds when asked, and then says, I'll pass on that, because he's very likable. Johnny Aldridge's mother tells the court in a victim impact statement that she still calls her son sometimes on his cell phone two and a half years
Starting point is 02:15:56 after Mark has killed him just to hear his voice message. She also say, people have asked me if I wish there was still the death penalty, my answer is no. My wish is for the perpetrator of this unforgivable and horrific act to reflect on his actions and die a slow death every day of his life. Nice.
Starting point is 02:16:10 On April 12, 2011, the jury deliberated five hours before deciding Mark Twichel was guilty of first degree murder. I don't know how it didn't take him just five minutes. After nearly four weeks of testimony for more than 20 witnesses and an excess of 100 exhibits entered into evidence, it was over. I'm shocked, again, it it just took them that long. Uh, Altonjer's family gasped, cried after hearing the verdict and they smiled, Mark was sentenced to life in prison.
Starting point is 02:16:31 He will not be eligible for parole until 25 years of a sentence have passed. So that dumb fuck, uh, will sit in his cell until at least 2036, will be 57. And I doubt he will get parole, not when the parole board reads the SK Confessions doc, he wrote, since he was given the Mac board reads the SK Confessions doc he wrote. Since he was given the Mac sense, a trial for his attempted murder of Jill Tetro was
Starting point is 02:16:49 deemed unnecessary. On May 9, 2011, Twitch will file a handwritten notice for appeal, which blamed media attention on his trial for influencing the jury. His appeal is fucking thrown in the trash can. Uh, uh, in 2013, it was reported that Mark acquired a flat screen TV and cable package, all in Maximum Security Prison, how nice. And guess what he did with that as soon as possible? He watched all the episodes of Dexter, he had missed due to incarceration, and then
Starting point is 02:17:13 started watching reruns. The next update on Mark comes in 2017 when a Canadian news outlet reports that he is using a dating site. He's still fucking using dating sites, one for inmates now. The then 38-year-old wrote on Canadianinmateconnect.com, I'm looking for an interesting, intelligent, open-minded, delightfully imperfect woman to relate to and share amusing observations with, as well as potentially, a long weekend every few months, if it gets there naturally, not sure if anyone's
Starting point is 02:17:40 taken him up on that yet, fucked up that someone could, I hate this, in Canada, all inmates and federal correctional facilities. Excuse me. With the exception of those on disciplinary restrictions or those deemed at risk for family violence are permitted private family visits of up to 72 hours duration once every two months. Someone could stay in his cell with him for 72 hours, watch Dr. Fuck his brains out, you know, every two months.
Starting point is 02:18:05 I hope he takes his dad's advice and gets a bisectomy before this happens. How gross is given that possibility? They will have to marry him first, but still. Mark is now 42 years old and furious that he's not allowed to work in prison on editing and then selling his awesome Star Wars fan movie. A project he still thinks will make him millions. Mark has recently been trying to get this project completed from prison. He wants footage returned to him.
Starting point is 02:18:27 It was seized when he was arrested. He wants to edit it and publicly release it. He has written in prison letters, all the footage is sheer gold. To ret quote, Wait too many amazing people gave so much to themselves to make that film magic. I will see it completed if it is literally the last thing I do. Ah, good for you. Still no one will watch it.
Starting point is 02:18:47 You fucking piece of shit. So delusional, let's jump out of this timeline. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. The Dexter Killer has been sucked. What a strange and disturbing story. October 10th, 2008, an innocent 38 year old man named Johnny Altonjir would arrive at
Starting point is 02:19:10 a garage expecting to have an intimate encounter with a woman named Jen. He'd met on plentyofish.com. And then after returning to the garage twice, bitch will attack Johnny with a pipe and a knife. Two weapons he didn't even bother to clean up afterward, a murdered him, spent the following days just remembering his body cleaning up evidence. Kind of. He left so much evidence.
Starting point is 02:19:27 Like a fucking sticky note reminding himself to clean his kill room. Investigators would find bloody pipes, Mark's bloodstain clothes are written out confession, SK Confessions. This idiot thought he was a genius. SK Confessions would become the center of his murder trial in which he tried to claim that it was all fictional and that he'd killed Johnny after a prank had gone wrong. It's just a little silly, lure someone to a garage filled with weapons to be assaulted prank.
Starting point is 02:19:51 Come on. People don't know how to have fun anymore. The jury didn't buy any of this because it's super dumb. And they sent him to life with a, you know, the possibility of parole after 25 years, which is a bummer. He should have no possibility of parole. Will he go free in 2036? I doubt it.
Starting point is 02:20:12 This guy, he's still in prison, still working on, you know, trying to get his projects finally done, things they're gold, still openly watch his dexter. He's too crazy to ever be released. I'm sure he's dumb enough to think he would be able to get away with more crimes once he got out. Okay, just look a few more, a few more times back at this weirdo in today's top five takeaways. Time, suck, tough, right takeaway. Number one, Mark Twitchell murdered Johnny Allsinger October 10th, 2008 after luring him to a rendez-grage by pretending to be a woman on plentyofish.com. This came only a week after an attempted attack on a different man, Jill Tetro. As Jill managed to get away and though he didn't report his attack to the police at the time,
Starting point is 02:20:48 his testimony later in Twitchell's trial would be an important piece of evidence as far as proving that SK Confession was a real account of Mark's life and not fictional. Number two, Mark Twitchell wrote about his plans and the murder in a document called SK Confessions that police found on his laptop. Detailed what he would tell police if he was caught, detailed his extramarital sexual relationship with ex-girlfriend Tracy, and overall, it was pretty much handed police every single detail of his crimes that would possibly want on a silver platter. Number three, Mark Twitchell was obsessed with Dexter.
Starting point is 02:21:18 He modeled his kill room and methods off of Dexter's, which made his case create a big splash in the media. His love of anti-hero heroes did not start there. Twitch was also a huge fan of Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader. Number four marked Twitch will spend thousands of dollars of his money and about $60,000 of others filming a Star Wars prequel fan fiction movie called Seek into the Rebellion and that shitty little promo day players. The Star Wars was a fanfiction movie was never finished.
Starting point is 02:21:45 Thanks to Canadian authorities, it probably never will be. Number five new info, randomly one of murder victim Johnny Altinger's most treasured possessions was a copy of the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know? Do you remember when we mentioned that very little known movie on a previous episode? We played a clip actually. It was co-written, co-directed by Mark Vicente, who would later become deeply involved in the Nexium cult. Keith Reineries now defunct cult. Weird little time suck connection there. Just a bit more weirdness to add to this oh so strange story. Time suck, tough, five take away.
Starting point is 02:22:19 Mark, Twitchel, Bichel has been sucked. Mark, again, I hope you're listening. I know you can listen to stuff in your prison cell. Good luck trying to finish your shitty movies. I, you know what, unfurl the thought. I actually hope the police do let you finish your movie just so you can release it and then have the internet fucking destroyed.
Starting point is 02:22:36 Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team for all the help in making Time Suck every week. Queen of Bad Magic Lindsey comments. Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley, Sophie the fact source for Sevenths, running point on this week's research. Bid a lecture for continuously refining the TimeStuck app, Logan Art Warlock Keith, running badmagicmerch.com,
Starting point is 02:22:52 being the visual artist for all things, bad magic, working on socials with Liz, the enchantress Hernandez, about time she got a new nickname. I forgot, she had the nickname count, it's for a while actually. It never stuck. Liz runs our Colt and Curious Facebook private page,
Starting point is 02:23:06 currently Coltly Curious 2, along with her wonderful all-seeing eyes moderators. Thank you all for helping curate an online community that means a lot to so many. Thanks also to beefstake and the mod squad running Discord. You can link the time stock Discord through the time stock app. Let's get really goofy and weird next week and talk about clones.
Starting point is 02:23:23 Yes, celebrity clone conspiracies is going to be our topic clone clone. Did you know the back in 2010, Disney had Miley Cyrus killed and dumped her remains in the California desert. Wake up. She wouldn't play along and do what she was told. So Roy, Disney's undead homicidal corpse put her down. Miley Cyrus clone conspiracies give two different reasons for Miley being a clone. One is in the months before her accident.
Starting point is 02:23:50 Miley leaks some nudes, smoke some a salvia, and wrote in a song that she was hot. Gosh dang, to save its brand, to not let her destroy her wholesome image, Disney had her killed, which doesn't make sense, because then she went on to do much more risky things. Another possibility is that the then 17 year old was killed for refusing to have sex with various high level Disney execs had to be killed to keep her quiet. Megan Fox, Beyonce, Britney Spears, are you seeing a pattern here? All clones according to various people online with the IQ of Mark Twichle. Not all clones though are young young, sex, symbol ladies. Some clones have winners, like M&M.
Starting point is 02:24:27 He was obviously cloned in 2005. After the Illuminati had him killed for refusing to join the Illuminati. And there have been other murders followed by clone productions. We're going to look into these claims. And we're also going to look into the real science of cloning and how far it has actually come.
Starting point is 02:24:43 And next week's science and wackadoodle mashup. Right now let's head on over to this week's Time Sucker updates. Updates, get your time sucker updates. I'm gonna start off light since the last two messages it messages today are pretty heavy. I fucked up a common name last week that I used to fuck up then stop fucking up based on other people calling me out, then start it fucking up again. Sweet sack, Sherry Cortez writes, dear master sucker and pleasure boy to the great god Nimrod in Lucifina, I have a bone to pick with you.
Starting point is 02:25:14 In both last week's episodes of Scared of Death and this week's Time Suck, oh, in both last week's episode of Yeah, Scared of Death and this week's Time Suck, you kept pronouncing Miguel as Miguel. The flipping you is flipping silent. Oh, my heck. Every time you missed pronounced it, you kept pronouncing Miguel as Miguel. The flipping you is flipping silent. Oh, my heck. Every time you miss pronounced it, my buttock clenched. I had to stop myself and scream me at my phone and look like a lunatic in my car. How do you manage to pronounce Eric Vandana can's name correctly and yet screw up a very
Starting point is 02:25:37 common Hispanic name so spectacularly? That is my only thing to add and I do love all your podcasts here to death is we dumb and of course time suck three to five stars Wouldn't change a thing keep on sucking Thanks, Jerry fuck Miguel I wish I knew why that name keeps giving me problems, right? I would also be annoyed annoyed if I were if I were you that's like if I kept pronouncing Michael as Mikhail my friend have you heard of Mikhail Jordan? He was a great basket, basket bowel player.
Starting point is 02:26:06 A great, Buscott bowel player. I'm glad he gave me a heads up. Hopefully I will get it right for a bit now. Now an old time suck joke reference from the Gary Ridgeway Green River Killer Suck that just made me laugh. Funny Mama Meat Sack, Lena Wegman writes. So my daughter was at Walgreens
Starting point is 02:26:22 and I texted her to pick up some Mama Ridge Ways clean wing. She actually looked for it. Then texted me back asking what it was. Later on, she just texted me, brah. Laugh my ass off. I fucking love you, master sucker. Comments. I just thought this might brighten up your day.
Starting point is 02:26:35 Make your laugh as hard as it did me. Keep on sucking and hell them, right? Ah, I fucking love you, Lena. I love that she actually looked for a while for Mama Ridge Ways clean wing at Walgreens. I wish she would have asked a clerk to help her. And I can just picture the eye roll. This bra, why? Keep having fun with that kid of yours.
Starting point is 02:26:53 And our next to last update now, compassionate meat sack, Andrea Levit shares information about a young boy who sadly could use our help. She wrote back on August 5th, praise be master sucker. I know you guys are all about community outreach in Idaho and there was a five year old boy that's been missing in fruitland for over a week now. Being a fellow Idaho and I was wondering if you could boost this on the podcast to get the word out farther. Hail Nimrod Bojangles and triple M. Thank you, Andrea. Yes, this poor kid's name is Michael Joseph Vaughn. Nickname Monkey went missing
Starting point is 02:27:23 from the area near his home in fruitland, Idaho, July 27th. The city of Fruitland has created a page on their website, Fruitland.org to help locate him. I have a link in the episode description. They have a photo taken of Michael just a month prior to the last time he was seen when he went missing, he was wearing a light blue Minecraft t-shirt, dark blue or black boxer briefs, green with a green stripe, child size 11 blue flip flops, three foot seven inches tall, 50 pounds blonde hair, blue eyes.
Starting point is 02:27:48 If you know anything, email find Michael at fruitland.org or call fruitland's dispatch to await 6426006. So hopefully he is found soon. That is, yeah, got wrenching. Last update, another serious one. Super sack, Hannah Chandler is the kind of friend we should all be lucky enough to have. She writes, hey Dan, I know this is a long shot,
Starting point is 02:28:13 but I was hoping you could give a very special shout out on the show. My friend Nicole is an amazing meat sack. She's a single mother, librarian, incredible poet, and author who just published her first book and officiated my husband and I's wedding. I have the absolute joy of nannying her daughter a few times a week. It has made me an infinitely better person. Now for the hard stuff. Nicole
Starting point is 02:28:31 son Christian has been missing for almost two years. She's done everything in her power to find him to know. Avail. I thought given how many people all across the country time suck reaches that it'd be worth a shot to send out a virtual have you seen him on the suck. As a parent, I'm sure you can imagine the absolute horror of not knowing where one of your kids is. I know I can't find him myself, but I cannot sit by and do nothing. And so I'm asking you to take two minutes and share his name, last location, and maybe a picture of Montsocials.
Starting point is 02:28:55 Let's use the suck for something good. Try to get this kid home. If this sounds like something you can help with, I can get you more info. Thanks for reading, and if you can't get this no hard feelings, I know how busy you are. Thank you for everything you do. The suck help me keeps my own darkness at bay. Hannah. Hannah first off. Thanks for being such a fucking good friend than the cool. Sounds like she is an amazing meat sack. Sounds like you are as well. Yes, we're going to post Christians picks to socials in this episode or as this episode
Starting point is 02:29:21 releases. I truly hope it helps. If it does, you better fucking let us know. What a terrible thing for a parent to not know whether a child is adult or not or not. Obviously, I hope he's okay. I hope he's getting help for whatever demons he's been fighting to share some details. He's 24 years old now, Caucasian male, 5'11", 175 pounds when he was last seen at the city rescue mission in Oklahoma City, November 27, 2019. He has a Celtic knot tattooed on his back, dark curly brown hair, brown eyes, full name,
Starting point is 02:29:51 Christian, Alexander, stoppil. If you have any info, please call the Oklahoma City Police Department 405-231-2121 or call the We Help the Missing Tip Line 866 660 4025. Keep on sucking Hannah, keep on keeping that darkness at bay and I hope we find them both obviously. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. Well thank you for listening to another Bad Magic Productions podcast meet sacks. We also do scared to death and is we dumb every week. Please do not kill anyone this week because you think it'll help you write a better true
Starting point is 02:30:29 crime story. Obviously, Mark Twichle is proved it doesn't work that way. You can just listen to stories like this one instead, and just keep on sucking. Alright, time to check these profiles and plenty of fish. First one, Becky. I'm a doctor. I love deeply. I care about my friends and no messages.
Starting point is 02:30:57 Okay, let me check another one. Okay, we got Monica here. Okay, Monica is looking for adventure, a serious relationship. Nothing, okay. Check this other one here. All right, we have Rosa here. Rosa just really wants to get to know someone deeply. No messages, okay.
Starting point is 02:31:21 See here. Tatiana, I want you to wreck this pussy. Oh my God! 10,000 messages. Holy shit, I think I'm onto something.

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