Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 293 - Jeffrey Epstein Suicide Conspiracies: Part 2 of 2

Episode Date: April 25, 2022

After laying out so much of what we know about Epstein last week, this week we get more speculative and we examine multiple conspiracies regarding Epstein's death. Did he not, in fact, die - and he's ...alive and well somewhere today? Did the Clintons have him killed? Did Trump have him killed? Did someone else he may have been blackmailing or the FBI have him killed? We also look into the origins of the Clinton Body Count conspiracy, and more. Hail Nimrod!Bad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation:  This month our donation will be going to Lifting Hands International whose mission statement is “We provide aid to refugees both at home and abroad. No politics. Simply humanitarian.”  If you are looking for a way to help those in crisis in Ukraine, please visit liftinghandsinternational.org and look for the Urgent Ukraine Banner at the top. We were able to donate $14,000 and also able to donate $1550 to our new scholarship fund! Thank you for allowing us to do this, Space Lizards!TICKETS FOR HOT WET BAD MAGIC SUMMER CAMP!  Go to www.badmagicmerch.comWatch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/uXZNVA-yYOUMerch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comDiscord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Last week, we looked a lot at what we know about the former wealthy financier and prolific sexual predator, Jeffrey Epstein. Glein Maxwell's partner and exploitation who used his wealth and privilege to prey on primarily teen girls between the ages of 14 and 17. The man who tricked young women and girls and to come into his private island in the Caribbean under the guise of being a masseuse, only to then sexually abuse and rape them. The guy who converted many of the underage girls, he sexually abused and Palm Beach, Florida, to find more underage girls for him to assault. Last week, we got to know a true fucking monster. And we scratched our heads at how he almost
Starting point is 00:00:33 completely evaded punishment after being caught sexually abusing at least 50 or so girls in Florida over a decade before being finally taken down in New York. This week, we look at how he died. And we ask, did he really kill himself? And if he didn't, what did happen? Was he snuck out of the federal facility in Lower Manhattan where he was being held and is he alive and free somewhere today? That's one of the conspiracies. Did the Clintons have him killed? That's another. Did Trump have him killed? Or some wealthy but unknown, powerful person he was trying to blackmail those are some other theories. We'll look at all this and more on today's part two of two. What the hell really went on with Epstein the night he died?
Starting point is 00:01:10 And if he was killed, who the hell did it? New World Order? Where are the bodies, Killery? Tin foil hat, but maybe some of the conspiracies aren't so crazy after all addition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck. Happy Monday, meets, Axe. Welcome back to the Cult of the Curious. You're just in time for the second of this two-parter. Oh, good job. I saved you a seat. Grab a snack. There are some cookies and punch next to the coffee machine on the counter. I'm Dan Cummins, the suck master, low lead expressed baggage handler, 1-800-business operator, now standing by, and you are listening
Starting point is 00:01:54 to TimeSuck. Hail Nimrod, Hail Lucifina, praiseable jangles, and glory be to triple him. May the good gods of the suck steer my research ship along a path of truth as I sail through the stormy seas of conspiracy today. A couple quick announcements and then we head back head back to Epsteinville. Hope I had a great time with this past Saturday night. I've been really looking forward to my show at the Wilma. Very excited for that venue. This coming weekend on me in North Carolina, good nights and Raleigh.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Weekends almost sold out. So thank you. Then I'm off to Salt Lake City, Springfield, Missouri, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Davenport, Iowa, and Chicago. Dancomans.tv for all the dates, or you can follow at Dancomans' comedy on Instagram or Facebook, also on TikTok. In the store, BadMagicMurch.com, the first batch of volume, one of the time-study collectible cards, first 50 episodes, plus five bonus episodes, still in the store, almost sold out as I record this.
Starting point is 00:02:48 To see if there are any left, head to badmagicmerch.com, hail Nimrod to all of you who have bought them, love it. I also have a new 1-800-business ringtone in the store, and that is free. And how about that's it for today. Let's fucking go! Tighten your tinfoil hats, lock the bunker door, and set your atomic watches to conspiracy a clock.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And 2019, a poll from Emerson College conducted shortly after Epstein's death, revealed that only 33% of Americans believed that Epstein had committed suicide. 34% believed he was murdered, and 32% were unsure. So did Jeffrey Epstein kill himself or was he murdered as part of some larger conspiracy? That's obviously the biggest question we're asking today.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Let's analyze speculation around his deaths from both the murder conspiracy and the suicide non-conspiracy sides. We'll look at how terrible incarceration conditions at MCC, the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan, where Epstein was detained, may have led him to take his own life. We'll go over the night he died in a lot more detail than I did last week and show how much incompetence, fucking comedy of errors, really did open the
Starting point is 00:03:59 door to conspiracies. If someone did kill Epstein, it's not like the guards who were on duty, a sleep for a few hours that night would have noticed. Then we're looking to four conspiracies out there on the web. Epstein is still alive, a mystery person who Epstein had dirt on, killed him, the Clintons killed him, and Trump killed him. And then I'll toss out a fifth conspiracy of my own invention. And then I'll recap and state where I stand on all of this.
Starting point is 00:04:24 So a lot of suspicious shit to dig into today. We'll go through some of, you know, some wackadoodle tin foil hat shenanigans, but I was not able to laugh off all of this stuff. So let's get started. People who believe that Epstein was not murdered and did in fact commit suicide. Believe he was able to do so because of how poorly the prison he was incarcerated and incarcerated in was run. They tend to think that horrible conditions at the facility he was incarcerated in also helped motivate him to kill himself. So let's take a peek at what those
Starting point is 00:04:53 conditions happen to be. The MCC, the Metropolitan Correctional Center, is and was long before Epstein, run down, understaffed, has been rife with scandal and corruption for years. Think about the 1980 New Mexico prison riot episode. We learned so much about how horribly underfunded American prisons in general were, and that problem has not been magically fixed since 1980. So what is the MCC exactly? The MCC is an FBI and CIA collaboration overseen by the NSA and the ATF servicing OPP staff mostly by MIL, MILFs, who want to give some TLC to guys with NFS and what WTF.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Sorry. I just wanted to see how many acronyms I can string together there. That made no sense. No, the MCC has a pretrial federal facility located at 150 Park Row in Lower Manhattan. Just a few blocks from the Brooklyn Bridge, just south of Chinatown and just east to Tribeca. It's ran by the Bureau of Prisons, which is part of the Department of Justice and oversteamed by Congress, that holds people awaiting trial on charges in the Southern
Starting point is 00:05:51 District of New York. The people it holds are presumed innocent, and the law ostensibly prohibits the punishment of possibly innocent people before conviction, but incarceration in this facility is certainly a punishment. Open in 1975, MCC today houses about 750 people in a facility built for fewer than 500 people, classic prison overcrowding. Federal detention centers chronically understaffed in general as a 2021 nearly a third of federal correction officer job openings in the US were vacant. I can't find stats from 2019 when Epstein slipped, you know, crawling in the bed and accidentally really busted his neck to fuck up, but I doubt it was much better than which means that these centers are roughly
Starting point is 00:06:33 33% less staffed than they would like to be. And even when they're fully staffed, generally still don't have great prisoner to staff ratios. Epstein began his incarceration in the general population of the MCC, but was being held in the SHU on 9 South when he died. SHU is the special housing unit. It's for people, the jail deems not safe in general population or who have allegedly broken jail rules. It features much more restrictive conditions than the rest of the MCC, including solitary confinement, no daylight, no socialization, while you're awaiting trial for a crime you might not even be found guilty of. Lawyers and people held here, awaiting trial of regulatory reported appalling conditions as long before Epstein was arrested. Complaints have included poor temperature regulation.
Starting point is 00:07:19 The facility is often squeltering hot in the summer, so cold in the winter that prisoners report having trouble thinking, having to wear multiple layers of clothing to be able to sleep, facilities run down in general, the plumbing elevators, often breaking mice and rats, commonplace as our cockroaches, behavior of the guards, regularly described as ranging from abusive to indifferent. Over a year before Epstein died, on June 19, 2018, a Viva stall, a Brooklyn-based investigative journalist who writes primarily about national security, prisons and immigration detention, had a piece published in the Gothamist about MCC, titled, Prisoners Endure a Nightmare Goulag in Lower Manhattan, Hidden in Plain Site.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Expose opens with half a block behind Manhattan's Federal Courthouse, two blocks from City Hall, three blocks from the Brooklyn Bridge, and less than a mile from the Hustle and Bustle Wall Street, sits a detention center that has been condemned by a United Nations human rights expert for exposing its inmates to conditions akin to torture. While reports of the horrendous conditions on Rikers Island helped spur Mayor Bill DiBlosio's pledge to shutter the jails, violence plagued facilities, far less attention has been paid to the environment inside the Metropolitan Correctional Center, the federal jail which mainly holds people who have been charged, but not yet convicted
Starting point is 00:08:32 of crimes, who in the eyes of the law are still presumed innocent. Yet those locked up at the MCC are subject to their own indignities and rights violations, say those who have spent time there on both sides of the bars. These include filthy conditions, vermin infestations, substandard medical care, and violence and abuse at the hands of guards. Interviews with the dozen people who spent time locked up there as recently as 2017, as well as with attorneys who have represented clients at MCC, humans rights groups, and others with direct knowledge of the prison,
Starting point is 00:09:01 confirmed that those incarcerated at MCC often endure a rat-infestedested high rise hell just yards from the federal courts that sent them there. So it sounds like even for a prisoner jail, this place is particularly shitty. The MCC is one of two federal pretrial facilities in New York City, Metropolitan Detention Center, located on the waterfront and sunset park in Brooklyn is the other. It's where Galein Maxwell has been held. Other part of the network of 11 such facilities run by the federal board of prisons with nine spread across the continental US, two others in Honolulu and Winobo, Puerto Rico. Many others awaiting trial and federal charges are detained in local jails. The MDC and MCC, New York facilities, share just a single psychiatrist between both of them.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Each have only a handful of psychologists on staff. How could that staff adequately treat roughly 500 inmates detained just prior to Epstein's incarceration who were suffering from significant psychiatric illnesses? Could this extreme lack of staff explain why Epstein's suicide watch situation was very bungled? Why, if perhaps he genuinely was extremely depressed and suicidal. That might not have been taken seriously and supervised as it should have been. One thing to keep in mind with all of this is that the MCC, he
Starting point is 00:10:13 was not given special celebrity status, prison, or treatment. While making sure nothing happened to him so he could hopefully spill the dirty dick beans on a lot of public figures, you know, made Keven alive a big priority for the general public, and a huge priority for conspiracy theorists. No special value is placed on his life by the staff there, by the administration, the CEOs at the MCC. And I guess why should it have been? You know, if you're a guard at this prison, if you're a psychiatrist or a psychologist, you're chronically overworked, you're not going to get a raise for helping keep Epstein
Starting point is 00:10:43 alive, you're going to make the same salary work the same hours, whether or not he kills himself or somebody kills him, you know, he's murdered. Do you really give a fuck what happens to him? Do you care about him any more than you'd care about any other random inmate? You know, no one was going to get some, yay, Epstein did it bonus. Yeah, he read it on a bunch of politicians or activists or, you know, fucking whatever. So now everyone working the MCC gets an extra 10 grant. Now that's not gonna happen. Uh, Jeannie Theo Harris, a distinguished professor of political science at Brooklyn College has written extensively
Starting point is 00:11:13 about terrible conditions at the MCC. She recently wrote, if I describe these conditions to you, filthy, freezing, no natural light, isolation, so extreme that you're punished for speaking to the walls, absurd rules prisoners are not getting to see the newspapers unless they're 30 days old. Secrecy so deep that people are force fed and lawyers can be punished for describing the conditions or clients are experiencing. You'd be forgiven for thinking that this was Iran or Russia. But in fact, this gulag exists right here in Lower Manhattan. According to one 2015 lawsuit filed against the federal board of prisons by an MCC prisoner named Levitt Fernandini, when the toilets broke down, men were given bags to defecate
Starting point is 00:11:50 in, which were then not removed from their units. So fuck yeah, bro. Bunch of people waiting to go in trial, bunch of innocent until proven guilty people in theory, at least sit next to literal shit bags in their cells. So men started using the shower as a toilet to avoid the shit bags. Nice. Step in the shower to get clean, come out of the shower, some kind of fungal infection after literally stepping barefoot and someone else is shit. On his lawsuit, Fernandini also describes the presence of rat and mice dropping throughout the
Starting point is 00:12:17 floor. States he had found rats in his bed, seen rats crawling on inmates while they slept. When he was bitten by one of these rats in January of 2014, he said the counselor for the unit was far from surprised. If anything, in light of the infestation, the only surprise is that every inmate had not been bitten. For an Indian, he accused the medical staff of ignoring his request for treatment for several days, even after the bite from the rat that got him, became infected. Medical care at MCC has been condemned by numerous former prisoners and defense attorneys. Unless his life or death, there's no immediate medical care.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Prisoner Marlon Roberts wrote to the Gothamist in a letter. It can take two months to answer your sick call request. And there are all kind of widespread allegations of either neglect or abuse from the guards. In the past 15 years, at least one correctional officer at MCC has been convicted of beating an inmate. And at least three guards have been found guilty of sexually assaulting inmates. In 2016, a former correctional officer at MCC was sentenced to seven years behind bars for raping a prisoner detained at the facility. Even if I even in my dreams, I'm suffering
Starting point is 00:13:17 flashbacks where I'm repeatedly raped, the prisoner told the court. In April of 2018, a guard was arrested for taking bribes to smuggle food, alcohol, and cell phones into the facility. When it comes to federal facilities like MCC, the primary responsibility for oversight falls to Congress, which has had a long track record of dereliction according to Amy Fettig, deputy director for the American Civil Liberty Union's National Prison Project. She says, Congress has so much going on that for them to oversee the Bureau of Prisons in a systematic and effective manner is almost impossible. Her words were echoed by Phil Fernacci, the director of the DC Prisoners Project of the Washington Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, an organization which has sued the BOP.
Starting point is 00:13:59 There's no oversight unless there's a congressional hearing quality said. According to FedEx, while there's been increasing advocacy for reforms to local jails and prison conditions, federal prisons remain a kind of a political orphan. She said, Rikers is a good example of the power of people and a democracy to hold their elected officials accountable. But in the federal context, federal facilities house people from all around the country. So there's no natural constituency in the state, city, or county they're located in to express concern about what's happening on the inside. As a result, for people locked up at MCC, there's very little hope that conditions will
Starting point is 00:14:35 improve anytime soon that anyone will take their complaint seriously. Is all of this what led to Epstein possibly killing himself? Staying in this facility for roughly a month, knowing it might be years, even with the plea deal before he gets out, could he just just not take it? He'd never had to stay in a place like MCC before ever, nothing close. He'd never experienced anything even remotely like this. His first incarceration down in Florida was a fucking joke. He was home at the office, both luxurious places, most of the time for the 13 months, he was supposedly incarcerated when he was in his cell. It was still a lot better than his
Starting point is 00:15:09 MCC experience. At the age of 66, he stayed in a fucking shithole for the first time in his life. For the previous four decades, he had been living in like the most extreme luxury you can live in. Did the MCC just break him psychologically? Also, if he truly had so much dirt on a bunch of big names, dirt that was going to amount to a get out of jail free card, well, why hadn't he already played that card? Why didn't he play that card immediately? I don't know, maybe he was negotiating. Maybe he was holding back and waiting for the right plea deal, doing a bunch of lawyer in. If he didn't have that card, and as a smart
Starting point is 00:15:42 guy knew, he was very likely staring down years of this facility before being sent to a prison where he'd spend the rest of his life in a shitty little cell, would that be enough for him to want to take himself out? Epstein, he'd spent his final days in a cramped and musty cell that might have been filled with standing water due to a faulty plumbing they had. He was reportedly withdrawn, seemed depressed in his final days. Inmates also frequently reported that water with urine and feces was flooding the cells often while he was there. Nine South where he stayed, also especially infested with rats, mice, and cockroaches.
Starting point is 00:16:13 That's a far cry from Little St. James Island, or his New Mexico compound, or Palm Beacher, his Manhattan mansion. Epstein paid for his team of lawyers to spend up to 12 hours a day consulting with him, mostly, according to some reports, just to avoid being in his cell. And they later reported that he was fucking miserable in his final days. He stopped bathing, stopped brushing his hair, occasionally slept on the floor because he often found it more comfortable than a shitty ass bed. Alright, now that we've looked into the conditions of the MCC in general and how Epstein was
Starting point is 00:16:43 reportedly handling it, Let's zoom in. Let's zoom way in. Let's look at Epstein's pubic hair. How curly was it? How thick? How clean? How gray? How does it smell? Feel? Does any lice live in there? Did he like to tug on a few strands from time to time? Real hard just to make his eyes water a bit and feel alive. I don't know. Maybe not that close. Let's zoom back a little bit. Let's look at what was going on. There's supposedly the day he died. Does there seem to have been a chance that someone would have been able to sneak in and kill him? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. As understaffed and colossally incompetent as these motherfuckers were, it seems like a lot of things
Starting point is 00:17:18 would have been possible. This is absurd. The MCC was so understaffed around the time Epstein died that non-correctional officers like cooks and janitorial workers were regularly helping with guard duty. Kind of doesn't seem like anyone was doing much guard duty. This was not a fucking tight ship, not a well oiled machine at all. Two prison guards on duty the night Epstein died, were later indicted on charges of conspiracy and filing false records for trying to cover up their mistakes. But did they really make mistakes? Or is that a cover store?
Starting point is 00:17:47 Did they take an active role in Epstein's death? Were they paid to look the other way? Take the fall? But not really take the fall, since they really wouldn't get that much trouble. Toe and Noel, Michael Thomas, were the officers who failed to check on Epstein and the two filed numerous false forms stating that they had checked on him many times when they in fact had definitely not. This is a big smoking gun shortly following news of Epstein's death breaking, right?
Starting point is 00:18:08 The guards lied. Why would they lie? How suspicious that they would lie about checking on him? But is it really that suspicious or was it sadly just part of the course, just a norm? As we learned recently that 1980 New Mexico prison riot episode, this kind of shit seems to happen all the time and overcrowded under staffed prisons. On the night of Epstein's death, only 18 guards were in charge of the roughly 750 inmates. 10 of them were working overtime.
Starting point is 00:18:33 How exhausted were they? Just two were supposed to be monitoring the area of SHU where Epstein was being held. Both New Ellen Thomas were working overtime, one forced, one voluntary, one of them, not normally a CO, but had been in the past and was allowed to act as a CO occasionally. Let's look at these two a little closer. Despite the charges against them, neither would serve any jail time for the role in Epstein's death, there was a brief trial, then they both entered into deferred prosecution agreements with the Justice Department.
Starting point is 00:19:01 What's a deferred prosecution agreement? It's when a prosecutor agrees to grant amnesty in exchange for the defendant a green to fulfill certain requirements. So it can be a little vague with those requirements can be. Amnesty is essentially a pardon, right? Do what we want you to do
Starting point is 00:19:15 and you won't get in real trouble. So the justice department makes a deal with them where if they cooperate in some kind of details not available to the general public agreement, right, they get in no trouble. Some think this deferment nothing more than pushing out their punishment six months and that the punishment was just a hundred hours of community service. There's been so little press on these two. Does this seem suspicious suspicious to you? It seems
Starting point is 00:19:36 suspicious to me like what did they know what the justice department not want them to talk about with this deal. According to some court records released leading up to the deal prosecutors alleged that noelle and Thomas sat at their desks located between a dozen and 15 feet from Epstein's cell. The night he died, they shopped online for furniture and motorcycles, walked around the unit's common area instead of making required rounds every 30 minutes. And during one to our period, the pair appeared to have been asleep, according to the indictment filed against them. There's a fuck are these two people? Toa and Noel is a, or Noel is a resident of the Bronx
Starting point is 00:20:10 or at least was and is a registered Democrat, or at least was back in 2019. Prior to her job with the MCC, she'd been employed on and off from 2014 to 2016 by New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the state's transit agency, working in both operational and administrative roles. So maybe a bus driver, maybe a manager or something. Noel also served in the military.
Starting point is 00:20:32 She was in the Army National Guard for six years before obtaining a bachelor degree in criminal justice from John J. College of Criminal Justice in 2017. And that's a small college located Manhattan. She worked for the U.S. Postal Service, directly prior to working at MCC and Noel had been working overtime
Starting point is 00:20:49 during the morning of the incident, staffing an eight hour shift leading up to midnight in a regular shift the day before that. That's all we know. We know even less about Michael Thomas before working as a CEO, Thomas worked as a materials handler supervisor for the Bureau of Prisons,
Starting point is 00:21:02 although we still often worked overnight shifts as a correctional officer while doing that. The day before Epstein's suicide, Thomas worked in eight hours shift that ended at 8 a.m. So, why don't we know so much more about the two guards who were supposed to be checking on Epstein a lot more than they actually did when he died? Because you know, they're not who we're being fucking told they are! Wake up, world! They were never random prison employees. They were deep state operatives paid by the Rothschilds and Bill Gates and
Starting point is 00:21:30 Killery Clinton to keep the Adrina Crumb gravy train coming so town fucking hangs and Ellen de generous and Oprah Winfrey Can live forever on the blood of tortured and raped children. Hail Satan 15 was and is one of their best devil harvester's. He's not dead. If that confuses you, congratulations, you're fucking stupid and blind and you lack strong moral fiber and have a tiny penis or a gigantic vagina or at least misshapen balls that smell like old socks and shaman mildew or at least have lopsided titties with nipples pointed in different directions like when your booze has lazy eyes something
Starting point is 00:22:05 and you deserve it! Devil Puppet! Take care, of course. Uh, no. Uh, not knowing more about the guards really bothered me when I initially couldn't find more info, but then I thought, well, of course you can't find more info.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Right, put yourself in Tova's or Michael's positions. Right, let's suppose that you had nothing to do with Epstein's death, other than negligence, other than, I don't know, you fucking suck at your job. You know, he either was killed or committed suicide when you were sleep or something, or maybe your, you know, drink was drugged and that's why you slept, you were set up, or maybe you just sleep all the time at work, you know, because you're exhausted and usually get
Starting point is 00:22:36 away with it. However, you know, whatever the way, now it looks like you've just really fucked up, and the man America's conspiracists are most interested in, out of anyone in the world. That person just died on your watch and their pissed. Conspiracists are now convinced that you know something that you're not saying. They have questions. They want answers. They have too much free time. Not enough working brain cells. Would you want any of these people, the most hardcore of which are extremely mentally unstable and sometimes prone to violence to find out where you live to be able to find out where your family members live. Would you want to give any interviews to any reporters about what you may or may not
Starting point is 00:23:11 know. Interviewers where or interviews where you might accidentally drop clues as you wear about it. On top of that, you're involved in an ongoing investigation regarding negligence at the MCC leading to Epstein's death. The judge has forbade you from talking about any of this. You're not going to say shit unless you're a reckless fucking idiot. The owners and employees at Comit, you know, ping pong pizza and wings where a pizza gate conspiracies believe kids
Starting point is 00:23:32 are being held in cages and we're being tortured and raped and killed by global elites. They were harassed and threatened over that conspiracy. December 4, 2016, 28 year old Edgar Madison Welch all worked up about pizza gate fire three shots in the comment ping pong Right could have killed somebody Thank God he didn't hit anyone just recently on Tuesday April 12 10 people shot in a Brooklyn subway likely shot by arrested suspect 62 year old Frank James and James appears to be a complete fucking maniac a Huge conspiracist. He's posted dozens of videos online prior to the shooting going back years call himself the Profit of truth and the profit of doom. He's a fucking loser. He's ran at about 9-11 conspiracies the war in Ukraine the matrix dark forces
Starting point is 00:24:13 He believes you know would use atomic weapons to streamline reshape and resize the world Saying the United States will be ruined just like Egypt Greece and all the rest of that shit He's declared online that humankind should be wiped to fuck out. An early March he posted a 31 minute video title and now I am become death. Not a great grammar in addition to being very angry. And I could go into a whole lot more about Frank, but this episode isn't about him.
Starting point is 00:24:37 The point is back in 2019, there were just like now, a lot of very paranoid, unstable conspiracy theorists who are willing to commit violence to strike back at the Illuminati. See the QAnon crowd who rated the US Capitol January 6, 2021. That should have been building up for a couple years before the rate. Would you want those fucking lunatics to think you had something to do with killing someone so that they wouldn't spill the beans on Bill Clinton or Donald Trump, etc.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Would you want them to think that you were in bed with Illuminati forces hiding some kind of global pedophile ring? I sure as fuck wouldn't and Tova and Michael they are both black and that matters right the harassment they would receive if you could find them online on real life Would undoubtedly be worse than if they were white it would include death threats mingle with racist taunts You know, why would they want to risk bringing all that shit into their lives? I'm guessing they're laying real real low and that they don't say shit about any involvement
Starting point is 00:25:29 with Epstein's imprisonment at any point going forward. But also, in a nod to conspiracy theorists, if the conspiracies are real and they were actually involved, they certainly would not anyone to find that out about them. You know, so that's not the way to look at the guards. You know, I, and there's this point too, I thought about like, I bet they could have made some good money sharing everything they knew with some tabloids or magazines.
Starting point is 00:25:51 There was so much buzz around Epstein when he died. Why not take a big payday? Why not risk harassment for making a lot of money? If the check were big enough, would any of them, would either one of them take it? I don't think they're getting rich work at the MCC. Seems like most people do want their 15 minutes of fame, but I'm guessing even if they wanted to talk about it and get a payday, they probably couldn't. The condition
Starting point is 00:26:12 of that deferred prosecution deal. I don't fucking know. You can make some arguments, I guess, both for the conspiracy side and non-conspiracy sides of how they acted here. All this just adds more to the mystery. Back to the day Epstein died now. Tova and Michael were not the only MCC employees who seemed to have messed up with Epstein. According to court records, at least eight prison officials, new Epstein wasn't supposed to be alone in his cell the night he died. So why wasn't he given a new cellmate conspiracy or under funding combined with incompetence? Here's the official report of what happened in the day leading up to Epstein's death. 8 a.m. August 9, 2019 Epstein's last cellmate, a frame stone Reyes, was transferred out of the prison as part of a pre-arranged transfer. Reyes was a 50 year old informant in a Bronx drug case, a known snitch.
Starting point is 00:26:58 He later told his attorney he was worried that if he was transferred out of his cell, that Epstein would commit suicide. He said that the guards hated Epstein, that they harassed him, like, like, picked on him in particular refused to get him new bedding he asked for, tried to extort money out of him because he knew he was rich, et cetera. He said that Epstein was seriously depressed. You know, at least that's what he said according to his attorney. We can't ask him if he said all that because Reyes is no longer alive. How convenient. He died on November 27th, 2020, and his mother's apartment, the Bronx of COVID, supposedly, or what's he ready to finally tell the truth and then murdered by deep state operatives.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Anyways, Reyes was transferred out of Epstein cell 8 a.m. August 9th, 2019. Then Epstein does not get a new cellmate only 11 days after he'd been taken off suicide watch. This decision violated the jail's standard operating procedures regarding inmates who have recently tried to commit suicide. When the decision was made to remove Mr. Epstein from suicide watch, the jail informed the Justice Department that Mr. Epstein would have a cellmate and that a guard would look into a cell every 30 minutes. But then that shit didn't happen. Why not? Negligence or conspiracy? We don't know
Starting point is 00:28:06 Cameron Lindsay a former warden at the federal jail in Brooklyn and four other facilities told the New York Times that senior officials at the MCC Made a series of mistakes in handling Mr. Epstein. I mean they sure fucking did Mr. Lindsay said that Mr. Epstein should not have been taken off of suicide watch even if the prison's chief Psychologist had determined it was safe to do so He said that with the high profile inmate, the warden should have aired on the side of caution, kept him under close surveillance, separate from the other inmates. He added that the psychologist is going to think one way, but a warden needs to think a different way. You have to take the conservative, safe route, keep an individual like this on suicide watch. Mr. Lindsey pointed out that Mr. Epstein
Starting point is 00:28:43 was also at risk to be attacked by other inmates because of the nature of the allegations against him in the subcultural of prisons. It's a badge of honor to take someone out like that. Other former prison officials have also questioned the prison decision to only put Mr. Epstein on suicide watch for such a short period of time. Though it is not uncommon for an inmate to be on suicide watch for less than a week, that is typically done only in cases when an inmate receives bad news and court or from family. Not soon after an actual suicide attempt said Bob Hood, former chief of internal affairs at the Bureau of Prisons. And Mr. Epstein's case not
Starting point is 00:29:14 only did he apparently attempt suicide on July 23rd, but humiliating information was continually being released to the public through news outlets, you know, said Mr. Hood. And that would normally have prompted prison officials to keep him under close surveillance, not remove him from the 24 hour a day suicide watch. Why he was taken off of suicide watch is beyond me. So Mr. Hood and added, a man is dead. The Bureau of prisons dropped the ball period. 4 p.m. on the ninth. Tovon and Well begins her first of two back to back eight hour shifts at the SHU. Damn, 16 hours straight. Garden inmates.
Starting point is 00:29:48 That seems like a terrible fucking idea. Then Tova and another officer, whose name is just listed as officer one in reports, does not perform the required 4 p.m. count. They do not. They sign a count slip saying they did though. And then that count slip is sent to the control center. 5 plus 3 p.m. The control center clears the falsified 4 pm count. Then at 749 pm, Epstein returns
Starting point is 00:30:11 to a cell after visiting with an attorney. Tova and another unnamed officer escort him to a cell. 10 pm roughly two hours after Epstein has been escorted back to a cell. All the MCC inmates are locked up for the night. Tova and an officer list is officer two, then do not perform the 10 PM count, but they sign another council saying they did. They do what we learn happened all the time back in 1980 in New Mexico, leading up to that infamous prison riot at 10 30 PM, Noel walks up and, you know, tova, Noel walks up and down Epstein's tier and SHU. This is the last time anyone will walk, you know, to the entrance of this area until
Starting point is 00:30:44 6 30 AM, the following morning, when Epstein will be found dead. Unless, of course, someone not listening sources, because they did what they did off the record, was allowed to walk back there sometime prior to 6.30 to kill him. With the camera malfunctions, I'll be talking about that certainly seems possible.
Starting point is 00:31:00 At 10.36 AM, the control center clears the 10 PM count. 10.36, I'm sorry, PM, not clears the 10 p.m. count. 1036, I'm sorry, p.m. not AM. They control the 10 p.m. count. At midnight, moving into the morning of August 10th, officer Michael Thomas begins his eight-hour shift at the SHU. At this point, Thomas Noel become the only two officers on duty in this area. They do not perform the midnight count,
Starting point is 00:31:19 but fill out another bullshit count slip saying they did. 1249 AM, the control center clears the bullshit midnight count between midnight and 6.30 AM officers, Newell and Thomas failed to complete any of the required 30 minute rounds in SHU, but they fell out a bunch more false five reports. In court, it will be discovered that all in all, Newell would sign over 75 30 minute round entries stating that she had completed rounds when actually she did not. She habitually did not check on completed rounds when actually she did not. She habitually did not check on prisoners when she said she did.
Starting point is 00:31:48 And it seems like this was standard operating procedure for the MCC. So she was paid to look the other way or maybe just not graded her job. I mean, it's not like there's a shortage of shitty employees in society. And while in Thomas, out of the officer's desk area, he used computers. As I referenced earlier, Noel used a computer to research for furniture sales, benefit websites. Thomas used another computer to search for motorcycle sales and sports news. They both slept for about two hours. 4 a.m. a supervisor visits Noel and Thomas and speaks to them before leaving.
Starting point is 00:32:19 What was discussed, something related to killing Epstein, was the unnamed supervisor checking to make sure they both understood the plan Tova Michael do not forget what we've been working on for weeks. This is go time be ready in a few minutes Hillary Clinton is gonna walk in here Toya you're gonna go make sure that the camera malfunctions and then take another nap Michael you're gonna make sure Hillary has the keys to Epstein cell. Then you're gonna go use the bathroom for about 30 minutes, check his, be in, pour in up. I don't care. Enjoy yourself. All right, Hillary assures us with her rare and exceptional combination of speed and power.
Starting point is 00:32:53 And her advanced martial arts training, it should not take her more than two minutes, three minutes tops to overpower Epstein, strangle him, then hang him by a bedsheet office bed frame, make it all look like a suicide. She's an old pro She's done this kind of shit before many times for killery taking human life as as easy as putting on a new pant suit or The supervisor just checked in and said hi and talked about some fucking boring work shit No, maybe that happened and he made sure all the evenings forums have been filled out or maybe complained at the snack machine We still have a cool ranch Doritos? Even though the email divender, three fucking times!
Starting point is 00:33:28 And told him to replace the Chexmix with more cool ranch Doritos, Because no one gives a shit about Chexmix. It never sells, it never sells, It sits there and collects dots, I mean, come on! Or something like that. 5am. No well and Thomas don't perform another count. Sinous lips saying they did. More power for the course. 5.30am, the control center clears the 5am. Noelle and Thomas don't perform another count. Sign a slip saying they did.
Starting point is 00:33:45 More power for the course. 5.30am, the control center clears the 5am count. Another CO now walks through the SHU common area, but not anywhere near Epstein's cell. 6am, Noelle and Thomas receive breakfast cards to distribute food to the inmates. 6.30am, Noelle and Thomas enter Epstein's tier for the first time in six hours. Find out that calorie had still not quite finished the job. Jesus Christ she's still trying to choke Epstein to death. Her skills have greatly diminished. She's covered in sweat. She's breathing a big labor gasp. Epstein is still conscious. He's smiling. He's
Starting point is 00:34:17 clearly erect. He croaks. Get back to the massage, Kilarie. Daddy like. Daddy like. You're a little old for my taste, much turn me on nonetheless. Maybe just because I've been away from women too long. Maybe just because I have a thing for pantsuits. Now shake those titties, shake them under the pastel pantsuit, jacket and took me harder. I don't know. I don't know what the fuckin' went on there.
Starting point is 00:34:39 They didn't say that, you know, at least they wanted myth that that happened. No, they find an unre-sens- responsive Jeffrey Epstein is the official story. He was found in a kneeling position with a strip of bed sheet wrapped around his neck, sheet tied to the top of his bunk, believed he'd been dead for about two hours at that point. He's then rushed to New York downtown, a hospital where he's pronounced dead. Of course, his body is transported to a medical examiner's office shortly after that.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Interestingly, I didn't know this before this week, the removal of Epstein's body from his cell was a violation of protocol. As the Bureau of Prisons mandates that a suicide scene be treated with the same level of protection as any crime scene, and which the death has occurred and he was clearly fucking dead. He'd been dead for what they thought was about two hours. And prison personnel failed to photograph Epstein's body as it was found. That was supposed to have been done. Don't move the body, take some pictures. To me, that's a pretty big protocol. Fuck up. Once again, conspiracy or incompetence, something aferious or staff who just either weren't trained right or just didn't give a fuck about
Starting point is 00:35:37 their jobs. Uh, what about footage of all of this? Aren't there cameras in this place that can confirm or deny whether or not Epstein was murdered? Well, the New York Post, citing law enforcement officials reported not long after Epstein's death that there was no footage of Epstein's suicide because the cameras were pointed outside his cell. Not inside his cell, like there was supposed to be. Okay. Weird.
Starting point is 00:35:58 According to the Washington Post, though, another article, one of the cameras did capture footage. Near, maybe even in Epstein's cell, the night he died, but it was, quote, unusable. And clear footage of the general area was captured by other cameras. Why the fuck was the Epstein footage unusable? According to the Post article, published August 26, 2019, it's unclear whether the flaw on the taping affected a limited duration of the footage or whether it was a chronic problem in the beleaguered Manhattan facility.
Starting point is 00:36:26 The article added that the incident was now being investigated by the FBI. Oh, cool. The same FBI that suddenly became unwilling to talk about Epstein's Palm Beach, many, many sexual assault cases back when they're working with the West Palm Police Department in 2007. The same FBI that agreed to end their investigation into both Epstein and co-conspirators and grant them immunity from further prosecution in the Southern District of Florida after Epstein got 13 months of kind of bot not really imprisonment when they had evidence of him sexually abused at least 50 underage girls awesome super fucking cool glad the FBI is on this the FBI never has revealed what went on with that footage the
Starting point is 00:37:03 post source was three people briefed on the evidence in early august 2019 but the shikis could be more twisted convoluted the bbc reported in january twenty twenty that a camera pointed into epstein cell did record him the evening he died but the mcc staff mistakenly saved footage from the wrong cell so the wrong camera
Starting point is 00:37:23 after they found him dead did not not save the correct, really important camera footage. What the fuck happened with all this? Was the camera pointed in the wrong fucking direction, or was the camera pointed in the right direction, and it did record footage of what happened to Epstein, but that footage was mysteriously unusable, or did the camera pointed in the right direction, perhaps capture usable footage, but then that footage was erased, yet another of so many fuck ups. This is too much. I mean, this looks really, really bad. Who the fuck was running the MCC, the three stooges, Homer Simpson, any of the bluths other than Michael from rest of development, Michael Scott from the office. I mean, did
Starting point is 00:38:01 you have to be a lazy idiot to get a job there? More fodder for conspiracies here, right? And rightfully so. This is a comedy of errors. Twice hourly checks on the inmates not done. The night Epstein dies. Epstein's supposed to have a cellmate tonight. He dies. That's protocol, but doesn't. Two guards are stationed less than 15 fucking feet from his cell. Never bother to peek in on him for like a six hour stretch. Not even one time. feet from his cell, never bother to peek in on him for like a six hour stretch, not even one time. I both of them were that lazy.
Starting point is 00:38:28 The camera that's supposed to monitor Epstein's cell, either malfunctions or does function and footage is confiscated by the FBI or they essentially accidentally erase this very important footage. So many different stories. Why are there so many different stories? That often happens when people are, you know, lying. I mean, when the story keeps changing, it doesn't look good. Staff go against protocol immediately remove Epstein's for sure dead body from a crime scene. Don't take a fucking picture. That's
Starting point is 00:38:53 to me. Looks the worst. Combine all combine all that with the evidence that pathologist, you know, Michael Baden found that former New York City medical examiner in the late 70s autopsy evidence suggesting Epstein was murdered that that damn busted, high-oid-born, bone, right, often though not always indicative of strangulation. Despite the assessment of New York City medical examiner Barbara Samson who conducted the official autopsy publicly stated that she felt confident that Epstein's death was in fact a suicide, this whole thing looks very suspicious to me. Investigators will later propose a simple explanation for how Epstein was able to kill himself, saying bureaucratic incompetence,
Starting point is 00:39:27 spanning multiple individuals and ranks within the organization was to blame. I don't know. I mean, maybe it really was just that much of a shit show at the MCC or maybe Epstein's killers used the fact that MCC was a known shit show as a great cover to have him killed. It sounds like a good place to have him killed. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:45 It sounds like a good place to do it. Okay. Before jumping now into the four main conspiracies out there regarding Epstein not killing himself in his cell. Let's look one more time at the possibility that he did kill himself. I mean, he did have motive to no longer want to be alive. Epstein was most likely going to spend the rest of his life in prison. His name was officially ruined forever.
Starting point is 00:40:05 He was going to lose all his precious possessions in a giant stream of humiliating civil lawsuits Maybe he just wasn't able to talk or bribe or blackmail his way out of the mess he'd made for himself this time He knew that no matter what names he gave his lifestyle a private jets private chefs his own island his own gigantic New Mexico Estate the largest private residence in Manhattan, all that shit was over And now it was gonna be prison food, prison bed, cockroaches and rats, no sex with teenage girls for the rest of his days Seeing that riding on the wall Maybe his felt his life was no longer worth living He was already depressed and struggling in a prison environment. He'd already attempted suicide in July 23rd
Starting point is 00:40:41 So maybe he did just kill himself. That is possible and I can't rule it out. But I fucking doubt it. I doubt his initial suicide attempt was genuine. This guy was a master manipulator, not a nice guy, incredibly selfish, smart, craved power. If you're gonna take himself out, I just don't see him doing that before naming a lot of names and taking a bunch of other people down with him.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Wouldn't he enjoy knowing that a bunch of other wealthy people, people currently free, were squirming in their seats, having restless nights, a shitty sleep, wondering when Epstein was gonna fucking rat on him? Wouldn't he love strategizing about how he could use his blackmail evidence if he had it, which I do think he did, to try and set himself free? I mean, he seemed to enjoy the challenge of getting away with the ton of shady shit, at least that first go around and Florida he did, would he really really stopped fighting even if it seemed like all the chips were stacked against him
Starting point is 00:41:29 I have a hard time thinking he would he could have I know he could have Just very surprising to me Okay, let's look at some conspiracies now Right after today's sponsor break Thanks for sticking around me to sax. Hope you heard deals that appeal to you Hope you use our that appeal to you. Hope you use our landing pages and or discount codes to take advantage of those deals.
Starting point is 00:41:49 And now back to the show, digging into those conspiracies. What if Epstein didn't commit suicide or was killed? What if he is still alive, right? That's one of the theories. Protocol was violated. There was no photo taken of him dead in a cell because he never died in his cell or anywhere else. On October 9th, 2020, almost exactly 10 months
Starting point is 00:42:09 after Epstein's supposed death, the Facebook page of ABQ Raw posted the following. Jeffrey Epstein may have not killed himself and he could be still alive. We visited the Zorro Ranch recently and saw some interesting things happening on sprawling property. On thus sprawling property. Take a look at our video and see if you believe Jeffrey Epstein is in fact alive and well post your comments. And then a couple asterisks
Starting point is 00:42:35 breaking all caps, Facebook or someone connected to them is decided to place a fact check banner on our post. We only report what we see. We leave the choice up to our audience, opinions matter, and our American rights afford us that. Thank you for your continued support, editor. Well, I watched the video. It's not long. It's only a minute and 19 seconds long. You can find it with the easy little search on the web of ABQ raw Epstein. Or you can just go to our show notes on the Timesuck app download them and click the link. Yeah, there's a lot of fact checking qualifiers below the post.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Disqualifiers I know is not a word, but I think you know what you mean. More on what those sources say in a bit, the only interesting footage shown in the post just lasts about 10 seconds. Two guys from ABQ Raw are standing at the property edge for the Zoro Ranch. They're holding signs. One sign says Epstein didn't kill himself. Other says investigate Zoro ranch now. The narrator says that rumors have long circulated that Epstein is still alive. And then some dude driving a red flatbed duly work truck looks like a newer Chevy Silverado to me.
Starting point is 00:43:41 As he's driving into the ranch or just along the edge of the ranch, he stops, takes a few cell phone picks of these two protesters, takes a sip from his coffee mug. You know, looks at the two guys holding the signs for a moment or two and then, you know, just slowly drives away. And they zoom in on the video of this guy when he was looking out the window, they freeze the video, they zoom in. He does look similar to Epstein.
Starting point is 00:44:05 I'll give him that. He also looks like he could be one of many middle-aged guys working on a fucking ranch. To me, he looks Hispanic, which Epstein was not. I personally don't think this guy is Epstein at all. Like, forget about the looks. Why would Epstein, if he's in hiding, be driving around in a fucking work truck,
Starting point is 00:44:24 not in disguise at the edge of his own property. No, he would be anywhere, other than where he lived pre-arranged. I mean, come on. That's just really stupid. He was a lot of things, but he was never stupid. Right. Why again, if he's in hiding, why would he stop and take a pick of these two dudes? Clearly filming him. No, he would, he would have someone else in that truck. So what do commenters say underneath this post? Jack Dessner, Jr. echoes my thoughts, writing, why would he be driving around taking pictures? That gets a couple of likes. Ronald Rice shares the same sentiment. He wouldn't be driving anything if he was alive. Much less a truck like that. He'd been a luxury limousine with blacked out windows in a show for. He wouldn't be seen by regular people. Agreed. Eight likes. Then old Ronnie Rice gets
Starting point is 00:45:10 a negative reply to this post. Jordan Scott Linniger writes, LOL, okay, detective LM A O into the mind of Epstein by Ron Rice. Ah, the dismissive LOL not followed by a good counter argument, classic barb of the idiot of the internet. If you think Ron's post is out of line or laughable Jordan, how about explain to us how credible this post obviously is? Why should we be taking so seriously? But that doesn't happen. That doesn't seem to ever happen in this comment thread.
Starting point is 00:45:42 It's mostly filled with variations of post like, obviously he's still alive. Where are the bodies, Hillary? But no one seems to write that this evidence is actually evidence. No one seems to think that the guy in the photo is actually Epstein. Greg Johnson writes, Bill Clinton should finally go to prison. Criminal for years, protected by corrupt judges, FBI and DOJ must stop. 19 likes.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Okay. I mean, nothing to do with the claim of the video, whatever. J. W. Allen, Jr. writes, I believe it. I believe it. There was no way for Donald Trump to get him off the charges, laugh, little emoji. So they just fake his death. 11 likes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:22 All right. Nothing to do with the claims made in the video, but whatever. Daniel, Nauronjo writes, many of them still alive. This is a game where we're the losers. They're trying to make us look like fools all the time. Wake up. Yeah, wake up fools. No comments on the actual claim from Daniel, but you know, wake up and I don't know, figure something out. Nine likes. Thanks, Danielle. Really adding a lot of value to this thread. We're all thankful for your insight.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Michelle, Denise, Speaker, also adds a lot of great food for thought, writing, he's a billionaire, just saying, never saw a funeral. Seeing there's a pandemic going on. Great thoughts, Michelle. Seems a little disconnected, not helpful at all, but who cares? This comment thread is not the place for coherence. So glad you didn't just keep all that to yourself. Literally nothing interesting and intelligent is written in the comment thread as far as I can tell. Just a lot of people convinced that Epstein is either alive or that he was murdered and no one
Starting point is 00:47:16 lays out again any evidence for any of their claims. I was hoping there would be so much more to the Epstein is still alive conspiracy, but it looks like this one post as it as happens as we learned here was then used as a source for dozens of online media size to write clickbait articles titled with some variation of Epstein still alive spotted a new Mexico. I clicked on so many of these. None of them very long informative, almost all then before providing an overview of just the bullshit I just went over, you know, uh, state some version of conspiracy theorists say that Jeffrey Epstein is still alive after reports of a Siding more than a year since his death. That was one quote wasn't more than a year, but whatever. I haven't been multiple reports
Starting point is 00:47:56 Unless you count some random person on Twitter or Facebook or Reddit just saying Epstein is still alive and then back in that claim Opened nothing more than gibberish and then they kind of just give a summary of, you know, things that we went over in the first of these two episodes. Uh, who is the poster ABQ raw? According to the about section on their Facebook page, ABQ raw is a run and gun web video gorilla documentary filmmaking news channel created by and for a connected generation. Our often short raw video clips summary reports, documentaries and Dr. dramas bring you an unvarnished look at some of the people events and happenings in Albert Kirkking, New Mexico and sometimes beyond. We shine a light on often undereported stories, unorthodox and at times irrefent. We get to the heart of our community and call
Starting point is 00:48:41 it like we see it. Hashtag ABQ Raw hashtag ABQ Raw clips. For new story suggestions or inquiries, please contact ABQ Raw through Facebook messaging. Fuck yeah. They call it like they fucking see it. You guys hot takes. Actually, they're taking it. I didn't see that hot. I checked out their website and in general, they seem to stay away from conspiracies.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I was surprised. Mostly just a pretty benign stories about local politics, local arrests, local sports, an hour curky, pretty tame. I can't even find any profanity. They call it like they see it. And how they see it most of the time is pretty safe and tame and boring. As for the fact check links under their Epstein post, here's what US today, USA today has to say, as to say. The claim in this post has been rated false. The post offers no evidence that Epstein is live.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Multiple official sources, including Epstein's lawyers. The US Bureau of Prisons and New York City's Chief Medical Examiner have confirmed his death. Additionally, autopsies, which were performed on Epstein can only happen to those who are dead. I like that last sentence. Hey, everybody, you know how you had an autopsy? I don't know if you know this,
Starting point is 00:49:48 but you can't have an autopsy performed on you unless you're dead. I picture someone reading that who somehow actually didn't know that, like that was surprised to them. Like, oh shit, oh shit. Oh, I didn't even think of that. Oh, he did have an autopsy. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:50:07 I just, I didn't know you had to be dead in order to get an autopsy. God damn, I guess he, I guess fuck. Maybe he's not alive. Obviously for this theory to be true, the corner had to have publicly lied about performing an autopsy and falsified their autopsy report.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Not the first falsified report in this case. And then that falsified report would have had to have been sent out to, you know, other corners, forensic examiners, et cetera, they would have weighed on it as they have, and then, you know, none of them would have raised any concerns that it was falsified.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Now, do I think this could have happened? Probably not. Do I think there's a tiny chance that I can be wrong, and maybe it's true, and maybe he's still alive? Yeah, sure. I mean so many reports were falsified. So many protocol violations. Who the fuck knows? Maybe he was snuck out of there. And maybe the two guards who, you know, just paid to ignore him, you know, didn't go his cell near, you know, the night he died, they're supposed to die because they knew he's gonna be snuck out of there. The body of a double could have been brought in, I doubted, I highly doubted, but you know, maybe
Starting point is 00:51:07 who knows? If he did sneak out and he is still alive, I just don't think there's any fucking way he's gonna be in New Mexico or Palm Beach or you know, Little St. James Island, the US Virgin Islands or Manhattan. Come on. Next theory. The vague blackmail theory. This is the one I next to the one next to the one that I will add at the end. This is the one I like the most out of the four that are out there. This theory states that Epstein was murdered, but it doesn't try and assert who killed Epstein. It states that whoever did kill him was someone who was going to expose. Right. Someone who Epstein had dirt on someone Epstein was blackmailing trying to use his dirt to get himself out of a life sentence
Starting point is 00:51:45 in prison. And this theory, I think, has some decent logic surrounding it. We know that Epstein was obsessed with sexually assaulting underage women. He did that a lot for a long time. We know he did that a lot in places in Florida, or, you know, like his place in Florida, New Mexico, New York, and the US Virgin Islands.
Starting point is 00:52:00 We also know that he hung out with a lot of wealthy and powerful people. Based on flight logs, we know a lot of people visited him at these lavish residences. We know a lot of people spent time with Epstein after he registered as a sex defender. Now let me speculate about what we don't know, but seems very possible to me. Seems possible, probably almost certain even. Especially when you look at what happened with Prince Andrew recently. Some of these people also had sex with underage girls in one of Epstein's residences.
Starting point is 00:52:26 According to Epstein victim of Virginia Gufre, Epstein had blackmail dirt on numerous powerful people. In her 2015 lawsuit against Epstein, she claimed that Epstein forced her to have sex with men and then debriefed her to get intimate and potential embarrassing information for blackmail purposes. And a lot of what Gufre has claimed
Starting point is 00:52:44 has been proven to be true the last few years. And according to at least a few victims who were assaulted on pedophile island, Epstein had surveillance equipment. Did he use that equipment to record some of his associates committing sex crimes so that he could then use the footage to black mail them later? Did he have other evidence that could harm them? Did he use the black mail them later? Would that evidence be out there in the public provide, you know, motive for some wealthy elites or maybe a small, you know, group of them to really want him dead to actually have him killed? Yeah, yeah, I think it would. Epstein's little black book of addresses published by Gawker in 2015 plays in the possibility of this theory having some likes. This book reveals that some of Epstein's
Starting point is 00:53:22 friends and or acquaintances where people like Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, multiple Kennedy family members, Earl Spencer, Courtney Love, former Israeli Prime Minister, Ud Barak, Alan Dershowitz, his lawyer who I think definitely sexually abused young women with him as Virginia Goofrey claimed he did, but I do not have legal proven evidence to back up my belief. It is just my opinion. Therefore, not defamation of characters since I admitted evidence to back up my belief. It is just my opinion. Therefore, not defamation of characters since I admittedly cannot back up my strong dislike
Starting point is 00:53:50 of this guy. I personally just think is a slimy fucking pito dirt back in his book. Also, Alec Baldwin, Ralph Fines, Richard Johnson, your post head Kennedy, David Koch, Coke, excuse me, Koch, a filmmaker, Andrew Dureckki, Les Wexner, that retail billionaire Titan, who's wealthy managed and man who had maybe used, he may have used to build his own wealth.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Governor Bruce King, Governor Bill Richardson, Peter Sors, many more. Any of them really want him dead and have the means to make that happen. Epstein's former house manager Alfredo Rodriguez tried to sell this address book in 2009 called it the Holy Grail to unravel in a huge sexual abuse network. Rodriguez tried to sell the book to one of the attorneys suing Epstein, but then this attorney reported him to the FBI and Rodriguez was charged with obstruction and would spend 18 months in prison. For trying to profit off of exposing a possible list of other sexual predators, he spent more time behind bars than Epstein would after molesting and or raping over 50 women and girls in Florida.
Starting point is 00:54:47 So cool, seems fair. Did Rodriguez really think that the book was connected to a massive pedophile ring, or was he just hyping it up, trying to get a big paycheck for selling it? Rodriguez was Epstein's Palm Beach Florida house manager, slash Butler, for years. Claiming one of his job responsibilities
Starting point is 00:55:01 was to clean up the many sex toys Epstein would leave lying around after using them I wonder if I could get Joe or Logan to do that for me Seven of attacks from home. Hey guys lensi and I are done. Please give everything laying around a good scrubbing and do not use it for yourself Nothing you find is for your holes. Seriously. Keep our shit out of your holes and really clean it It gets gets a lot of use especially the sex wing and the new vibrating wand. It's just been getting wild. I doubt they come over.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Rodriguez died at the age of 60 in December of 2014 from a variety of sexually transmitted diseases he picked up from not wearing gloves when he cleaned all those toys up. He had 76 different strains of sexually transmitted diseases. He had every single version of anal warts You could get by the time he died including anal face warts anal finger warts anal lung warts. You had a hard time breathing had anal eyeball warts at a hard time seeing Whole body was covered in an awards also herpes sores a lot of his anal warts had herpes sores on top of them And then those herpes sores had more anal herpes on top of them and then those herpes sores had more anal warts on top of them and then some of that had
Starting point is 00:56:10 syphilis kind of a lacquer on top of it all. It was a long, very painful, super gross death. Everyone was so glad when he finally died, even his widow, who would often say to him in the last weeks of his life, things like, just stop, stop trying to hang on, stop fighting, you look like shit, you look like an actual monster, everyone, everyone hates being around you and seeing you. Even the doctors just want you to please finally die so they can burn everything you've ever touched,
Starting point is 00:56:37 just please, please die, you're fucking disgusting. No, this guy Rodriguez died after a six month battle with cancer, so we can't get any further info from him about the address book Did it contain a lot more than addresses? Maybe a list of who had sex with who? Gokker did not seem to publish that, but I guess we'll never know maybe some pages got tore out. I don't know This Rodriguez got had any real dirt before he passed away from cancer. Why didn't he leak that dirt out? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me He had nothing to lose towards the end who cares what they're charging with, right?
Starting point is 00:57:07 I think Rodriguez strongly suspected a lot of people of fucking teens, you know, along with Epstein, but I don't think he had any solid evidence or I think you would have shared it. At least on Facebook or somewhere, Mike is why not? Adding more fuel to the fire of this black male conspiracy, Epstein 2008 plea deal reference unspecified information. Excuse me, supplied to federal investigators. Epstein was a federal witness in the prosecution of two bear stern's executives. Years earlier, is it possible, you know, he just knew inside
Starting point is 00:57:33 or trading shit or something like that about the company and was blackmailing them or did he have info about sex crimes committed by his co-conspirators that the FBI has kept under lock and key for some reason. Maybe the FBI is still investigating those other people, or maybe there's coverage shut up. Maybe the FBI hadn't killed. I'll talk more about that later. That's my theory. Finally, no one is quite sure how Epstein made all his money. Did he blackmail anyone to get it? All right, he was never fully forthcoming about his business or clients. Some think that he really specialized in blackmailing. For many years, less Wexner is only confirmed billionaire clients.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Right, that's weird. Epstein allegedly made up to $500 million from his businesses, but how exactly? No one on Wall Street has any real evidence of him managing money outside of Wexner. It feels impossible to find any evidence that any other big fish ever traded with his firm or with his firm.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Following Epstein's final arrest, Tammy Roberts-Mier, the company spokeswoman, made the following statement on behalf of Wexner to the New York Times in July 2019. While Mr. Epstein served as Mr. Wexner's personal money manager for a period that ended nearly 12 years ago, we do not believe he was ever employed by, nor served as, an authorized representative of the company. His Meyer said that at the direction of the company company's board, L Brands recently hired lawyers to conduct a thorough review into the relationship. She declined to say what the investigation would entail.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Through another spokesman, Mr. Westerner declined repeated requests for an interview. In letter to in July to L Brands employees, he said he was never aware of the illegal activity charged in the indictment. But then the following month in August, right after Epstein died, Westerner was a lot more forthcoming. Why? In a 564 word letter, he sent to the Wexner Foundation. He accused Epstein of misappropriating vast sums of money from him and his family.
Starting point is 00:59:13 And the letter Mr. Wexner said that the misappropriation was first discovered in 2007, as he separated from Mr. Epstein during Epstein's Florida trial for sex crimes. Also, in the letter Mr. Wexner said he had been able to recover some of the funds that he said were misappropriated by Mr. Epstein, and some of that money included transfer of about $46 million worth of securities and a virgin island business controlled by Mr. Epstein to a foundation run by Mr. Wexner's wife, Abigail Wexner, according to tax documents, misappropriated. Nice way of saying that Epstein stole from him.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Stole what sounds like probably well over $46 million. Huh, the timing of this reads is very, very suspicious to me. Let me get this straight, Mr. Waxner. You knew back in 2007 that Epstein supposedly stole over $46 million of your money. This guy who is also, according to so many accounts, one of your best, if not your very best friend, and you don't take any legal action against him.
Starting point is 01:00:08 You know, publicly disclosed that he's betrayed you like this. He's done this. Why not? Maybe because you did some really shady shit right along with him. And you knew if he went public with that information while he was still alive, he would fucking destroy you. So you wait until right after he's died, Orbin killed was wexner, the guy who hired someone to kill Epstein. If in fact, he was killed.
Starting point is 01:00:30 How else did Epstein maybe build his fortune outside of wexner? Who else could he have blackmailed? Did you run another Ponzi scheme? Like the one he was suspected of masterminding for a business associate, Steven Hoffenberg. the guy we talked about last episode who pled guilty to SEC charges in connection with $475 million in fraud upon this game. Epstein supposed to masterminded that he have a money laundering operation. That's been remembered too. Was he just really good with investments like he claimed could he have turned 10 or 20 or 30 or 46 million dollars into hundreds of millions or maybe even a billion or more through savvy investing? That means possible.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Where did you blackmail some friends to make that money? It had been blackmailing Wexner for years. Did one of his former friends or associates not name less Wexner have him killed? If so, who can you guess the internet's top two suspects for killing Epstein? I bet you can. That's right. Bird and Ernie from Sesame Street, there's a lot of online speculation, a lot of heat. The F-Team was involved with several different muppets, the Cookie Monster, Big Bird, Oscar
Starting point is 01:01:30 the Grouch, Elmo, Guy Smiley, Kermit, the Swedish Cook Guy. But Bird and Ernie are the only ones known to have taken multiple flights on the Lolita Express, several trips to pedophile island, supposedly, not confirmed, supposedly. Bert likes to receive oral sex from teenagers and Ernie likes to watch and jerk off. Here's some anonymously recorded, released audio of Ernie watching Bert have sex. Uh, Thursday, I guess, is his code for wanting Bert to finish up and ejaculate because he can't finish until Bert finishes. And when Bert tells him to quote, get a glass of water,
Starting point is 01:02:07 that's code for Ernie to go find his own team to have sex with from what I understand. I guess he would get tired of Ernie always watching him. If you listen closely, most disturbing part at the end, you can actually hear what clearly sounds like Ernie beating off a little bit. Hmm. Boy, am I thirsty. Am I thirsty? Am I thirsty?
Starting point is 01:02:31 Ernie, Ernie, if you're so thirsty, why don't you just get up and get yourself a glass of water? Okay. Well, because I'm so tired. The only thing I am more than tired is... ...Bursty. Jesus. And I am... ...Bursty. Uh-huh. It's disturbing. Oh, that's it! I'm... ...Bursty.
Starting point is 01:02:51 That was the noise! God! Eh! Obviously not true. Uh, good luck watching Sesame Street now. I'm not thinking about those two being uh... uh... ...Peto Purverts.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Uh, no, the internet's top two suspects for who killed Epstein are Bill and Hillary Clinton. Where are the bodies, the other right? Most popular Epstein conspiracy theories on the web by leaps and bounds it seems is that the Clintons had Epstein killed because he had dirt on him or at least dirt on Bill that Hillary was worried would ruin her political career if it were to get out. Remember Epstein was friends with the Clintons or at least you know very acquainted with Bill. Remember, Epstein was friends with the Clintons or at least, you know, very acquainted with Bill. Friends get tossed around a lot with a lot of these series, but you know, those who don't believe the series
Starting point is 01:03:31 quick to point out that they're really as any document evidence they were like, you know, fucking buddies. Politicians are friendly with lots of people. They go on humanitarian or fundraising trips with all sorts of different folks, big part of their jobs, rub elbows with the movers and shakers who have lots of money
Starting point is 01:03:44 so those people can help fund their campaigns donate to causes they're aligned with But also Maybe known horn dog Clinton had sexual teens on pedophile island So how and winded bill and Jeffrey meat 1993 during Bill Clinton's presidency Epstein attended a reception hosted by the Clintons on September 28th Epstein donated $10,000 to the White House Historical Association to help pay for White House renovations. He attended a reception honoring donors, Epstein Maxwell, other attendees took a tour of
Starting point is 01:04:14 the White House, Epstein received a letter on October 4th thanking him for his contribution. But also hundreds of other people attended this reception and got letters. Not sure if billed anything more than shake Epstein's hand and thank him and maybe post for a pick in this instance. Epstein also met while Clinton was in office with White House aide Mark Middleton, at least three times. Should be noted here that Middleton was banned from visiting the White House 1996 after he was discovered he had used his access to the White House to impress clients for his
Starting point is 01:04:40 personal business ventures. Two years after that reception in the White House, 1995, businesswoman Lynn Forrester to Rothschild, wrote a letter to Clinton thanking him for their talk about Epstein. Interesting. By 1995, Clinton clearly does know him. Clinton attended another reception with Epstein,
Starting point is 01:04:56 95, not known if they interacted. Sounds like they probably did though, based on what I just said earlier. A Gleimaxwell Epstein's teenage girl, Pimp, Pito assistant, who's currently awaiting sentencing for what will likely be a very lengthy prison sentence. She and Bill and Hillary's daughter, Chelsea Clinton, were friendly by 2010. There is photographic evidence that Maxwell attended Chelsea's wedding that year, Chelsea invited her.
Starting point is 01:05:19 I had a good seat too, right by the aisle. A spokesperson for the Clinton family said the two were only connected through a mutual friendship with Gateway Found founder Ted Wait. A former Clinton aide Doug Bando said that Chelsea invited Galein in a status grab at the high society lifestyle. Bando told Vanity Fair, Galein had access to yachts and nice homes. Chelsea needed that. Galker obtained Epstein's flight logs in 2015, showing the bill Clinton flew on Epstein's private plane to lowly to express 11 times in 2002 and 2003. He shared some of these flights with young women in Galein Maxwell. Some of these flights connected to the 2002 week-long touring South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, Mozambique, touring AIDS prevention and treatment sites with actors Chris Tucker and Kevin
Starting point is 01:06:01 Spacey. We talked about that trip in part one. That trip organized by the same White House A Doug Bands seemed to be innocent enough, but what about other trips in 2002 and 2003 after Epstein's 2019 arrest, Clinton admitted to six encounters with Epstein in 2002 alone for flights. A trip to Epstein's office in Harlem and a visit to his New York apartment. But he saw Epstein more than this, according to band in the flight. So why lie? That doesn't look good. Not at all. Clint denied ever going to Epstein's fuck island, but multiple witnesses, including Virginia Gufre said that he did go to that island. That looks really bad. Clint has
Starting point is 01:06:35 never been accused of sexual misconduct regarding Epstein's victims. He's been accused accused of plenty sexual misconduct. Just not here, at least not publicly. But again, this does not look good. Online rumors spread around saying that Epstein made a plea deal under the Obama administration in Protect Clinton. But Epstein's plea deal was finalized before a bomb took office. So that part definitely not true. So sorry, I can't spare this. It's gonna need to add a time machine
Starting point is 01:06:56 to make that particular detail work out. July 12, 2019, an ABC News review of campaign finance reported that records showed Epstein donated to Democrats in the 90s in early 2000s. One of them being Hillary Clinton donated $20,000 in 1999 to her joint fundraising committee with the Democratic Party. Bill Clinton received $1,000 donation in 1992.
Starting point is 01:07:15 During the 2016 presidential race, R.N.C. chair, Ryan's previous would openly speculate that Bill Clinton was involved in Epstein's death. He told Bloomberg, when you hang out with a guy who has a reputation like Jeffrey Epstein multiple times on private jets, on weekends, on trips, on places, at least where it's been reported, not very good things happen. It would be good to know what our former president was doing. Uh, yeah, agreed. Our president, Trump, retweeted a tweet from actor and comedian Terence K Williams on August
Starting point is 01:07:44 10, 2019, died of suicide on 24, seven suicide watch. Yeah, right. How does that happen? Epstein had information on Clinton and now he's dead. I see Trump body count trending, but we know who did this retweet if you're not surprised. The conspiracy theory that the Clintons have their enemies killed on a regular basis. It actually been around since the 90s. The most popular example supporting this theory are Vince Foster suicide 1993 and the 2016 murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.
Starting point is 01:08:13 So I think we should take a peek at both of those deaths since they are the cornerstones, cornerstones of this theory. Vince Foster was a deputy White House counsel who died as suicide July 20th, 1993. That's the official story. Colleague of Hillary's at the Rose Law firm in Little Rock. He was supposed to vet all administrative officials, but felt like he failed. The president when Clinton's first two picks for AG were forced to withdraw because of revelations that they had hired undocumented immigrants.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Foster was also wrapped up in scandals about the termination of staff in the White House travel office and legal disputes about access to records about Hillary Clinton's healthcare task force. Foster shot himself most likely to stress and depression. That's the official story, right? That he shot himself, the corner did rule his death of suicide, but a lot of people rejected this ruling. Here's how politifact.com, a fact checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected
Starting point is 01:09:04 officials and others. A site that's been accused of having both a left leaning and right leaning media bias. I find it pretty neutral. Here's how it rates the conspiracy that the Clintons had foster killed. It rates it as false. Let's walk through how they came to that conclusion. Critics of the Clinton speculated that the Clintons had killed foster Dan Burton, then a Republican congressman from Indiana famously shot a melanin as his backyard to prove that Foster couldn't have killed himself, but he didn't
Starting point is 01:09:28 prove anything other than it looks like it's pretty fun to shoot a melon. Brett Kavanaugh before he was a Supreme Court justice was on independent council Ken stars team when it looked into whether Foster was murdered. Star was initially appointed to investigate the suicide of deputy White House council Vince Foster and the whitewater real estate investments of Bill Clinton. In early 95, Kavanaugh offered star the legal rationale for expanding his investigation of the Arkansas financial dealings of President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary to include the foster death, the Washington Post reported.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Kavanaugh then 30 argued that unsupported allegations that Foster may have been murdered gave star the right to probe the matter more deeply. Foster's death had already been the focus of two investigations, both concluding that Foster committed suicide. One investigation by then special counsel Robert Fisk involved four lawyers, five physicians, seven FBI agents, approximately 125 witnesses and DNA tests, the post reported 94. According to Fisk, the paper said, Foster's death was a personal collapse, not a White House scandal. According to this report, Foster complained to his physician,
Starting point is 01:10:29 Little Rock Arkansas, about depression and anxiety and his symptoms worsened when he got to Washington to work in the White House. After he bore some of the political fallout from an incident that became known as travel gate, in which seven White House travel office employees were fired amid hints of financial shenanigans. He became increasingly obsessed with the affair and the possibility of a congressional hearing the posts reported. Though he was confident he and the White House had done nothing wrong. The paper wrote he told his friend Webster L Hubble that in Washington, you are assumed
Starting point is 01:10:57 to have done something wrong, even if you have not. After a series of critical editorials in the Wall Street Journal, he became more distraught Fitzgound. His anxiety over the congressional hearings, deepened according to the post. He told his sister he was depressed and that he ultimately shot himself once in a mouth with a gun. Kavanaugh himself eventually affirmed the suicide, finding an October 1997,
Starting point is 01:11:18 or you know, in in October, 19, seven star issued a report on foster's death, also concluding the fostered kill himself. So the third investigation, you know, to come to this conclusion, but to this day, conspiracies continue to flourish because the headline, the accusation is what everyone remembers, not the retraction or the verdict. Sadly, the Clintons have for sure been involved in numerous scandals and cotton numerous lies, but it does not seem like they had Vince Foster killed. What about the 2016 murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich? Rich was a 27 year old DNC staffer, shot in an attempted robbery in DC.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Conspiracy theorists again have blamed the Clintons, especially when Julian Assange of Wikileaks hinted that Rich provided Wikileaks with a bunch of DNC emails, not Russian hackers. This could be the Clintons motivation for having him killed, the website also offered a $20,000 reward for information on Rich's death. You know, Fox News reported that the Clinton's were responsible and then were sued by Rich's parents. Rich's parents quickly won a settlement in Fox News apologized.
Starting point is 01:12:19 The network had basically reported in May 2017 that Rich leaked thousands of Democratic Party emails to Wickeleaks during the high to the 2016 presidential campaign. Story was reported by Fox News Malia Zimmerman and then retracted a week later. It suggested with no evidence that Democrats, you know, might have linked the killing to the 27 year old rich, a crime that has not been solved this day. Zimmerman was let go. It seems over this fuck up.
Starting point is 01:12:42 The settlement with Fox News closes another chapter in our efforts efforts to mourn the murder of our beloved Seth whom we miss every single day Joel and Mary rich wrote in the statement concluding their settlement adding we are pleased with a settlement of this and sincerely hope that the media will take genuine caution in the future. Fox News is your own statement through a spokesperson saying we are pleased with the resolution of the claims and hope this enables Mr. and Mrs. Rich to find a small degree of peace and solace moving forward. Rich's family have repeatedly and publicly denounced the conspiracy theorists who promote their son's death as part of the where are the bodies Hillary Law and have publicly said that politicians who have done this have exploited their son's death for their political gain. And their spokesperson calls conspiracy theorists promoting all this, disgusting sociopaths. So it doesn't look like the Clintons probably had a foster or rich killed. So how did the Clinton body count conspiracy ever get going in the first place?
Starting point is 01:13:34 I was very curious about this. It officially originated in 1993 from a former Indianapolis lawyer and militia movement activist Astrix on that kind of, Linda Thompson. Thompson compiled a list of 34 people connected to the Clintons who had died under what she considered to be suspicious circumstances. She titled it the Clinton body count,
Starting point is 01:13:53 coincidence or the kiss of death. Thompson admitted she had no direct evidence to support her claims, even say that the deaths were probably caused by people trying to control the president, but refused to say who those people were. Why not? Well, probably because she didn't really seem to know anything. She said her allegations seemed groundless only because the mainstream media
Starting point is 01:14:11 haven't done enough digging. So how credible was Linda? The person who, and I cannot stress this enough, came up with this, invented the very popular Clinton body count conspiracy. This is her invention. She is the Q source to all of this. Linda is fucking insane. Truly. This isn't me playing partisan politics here. She was his wacky doodle as he gets. She was Q from Q and on before there was a Q and on. In 1993, she splashed onto the conspiracy scene when she made a VHS tape that got passed around the conspiracy circles called Waco the big lie huge critique of the US government siege on Waco Right the branched-to-video and cult compound compound, you know how dare the US government use force to try and stop a cult leader David Kresh from fucking more kids
Starting point is 01:14:55 Linda alleged three of the four ATF officers killed in the siege were former bodyguards of Bill Clinton and that is that is not true Absolutely not that she just pulled that out of her ass She said that in the siege Clinton had them assassinated by what looked like friendly fire, that is not true. Absolutely not. She just pulled that out of her ass. She said that in the siege, Clinton had them assassinated by what looked like friendly fire, but was not. And that's pure crazy talk. She made another Waco film in 94, a sequel to her first blockbuster, another VHS tape, it's sold and passed around. She makes the rounds on French pre-Alex Jones far right radio stations,
Starting point is 01:15:20 probably a lot of AM stations, I'm guessing. And then also in 94, she makes a third film titled America under siege, accusing the government of using black helicopters against patriots, and the federal emergency management agency of establishing concentration camps, facilities she claimed were to prevent patriots from interfering with plans to establish a new world order. Fuck, of course, the new world order, the deep state, FEMA camps, where American citizens are being enslaved, wake up, shapel. It's always the same shit with these paranoid clowns, been the same shit for, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:52 fucking 30, 40, 50 years. Also in 94, very busy year for Thompson, she declared herself acting a, a, a student, a student in general of the unorganized militia of the United States and announced plans for an armed march on Washington DC in September of the unorganized militia of the United States and announced plans for an armed march on Washington DC in September of that year. She declared that militia men would arrest and try for treason and citizens courts, any congressional representatives not living up to their oaths of office. Let's go to the fucking capital and get these mother fuckers. She called for a fucking QAnon capital rate almost 30 years before it actually happened. The proposed march, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:23 they never actually came close to happening was immediately immediately denounced by right wing militia groups, including the John Birch Society, and then Thompson subsequently canceled the march, but kept all the fucking money she raised for the march rumored to be around $300,000. So it looks like it was a pretty good grift. And because she did that, basically all of America's actual militia groups were like, fuck that lady, and called her out for being a con artist and also lunatic.
Starting point is 01:16:48 She was later arrested for blocking a presidential motorcade and Indianapolis, no big whoops. She also once told a reporter how her dog had been killed by secret government ray guns. Sounds plausible. And how she had been shadowed and shot at by enemies from black helicopters. and how she had been shadowed and shot at by enemies from black helicopters. Man, helicopters, snipers, not capable of taking out an unathletic-looking middle-aged woman. That's interesting. Clearly, the black helicopter, 18, was not chasing her down. Her resume, Thompson, boasted that she had been assistant to US Army commanding general NATO. But no, reporters and investigators found out she was a secretary. So that's a little different.
Starting point is 01:17:26 After suing the national inquire for labeling her the queen of hate, Thompson faded from view first moving to Alabama, then to Durham, North Carolina before I ended up in Florida where she died. Let's hear from her. This is her opening monologue from her 1994 cinematic cinematic fucking masterpiece America under siege Love the dramatic music It's about 36 more. This is a beautiful and wonderful country I mean, I should say it was before it was taken over by murderers liars and thieves Oh, no, yes We do have a crime problem. And our biggest crime problems are the people running this government.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Strong language. Yes. And I'm prepared to back it up with proof. Oh, yeah. Linda then spends the next hour not backing anything up with proof. I keep playing it, but she's going to talk about like, uh, where she lives in anapolis and then she has a nice guy. I mean, just like, just nonsense.
Starting point is 01:18:24 She's, she's fucking, she was fucking crazy. Um, she died of a prescription drug overdose in Florida. May 10th, 2009 at the age of 56. She was, uh, she was not well. She seemed to deteriorate more and more towards her later years. Uh, after the incredibly credible Linda kicked this conspiracy off, William Danamire, former congressman from Orange County, California, grabbed her conspiracy baton. I'll take it and run
Starting point is 01:18:46 Then edited her Clinton death list down to 24 people then sent it to the House of Representatives in 1994 His account was titled whatever it is Bill Clinton probably did it. He said that these people died under other than excuse me natural circumstances Did I mention that Danemire was a strident anti-Semite and conspiracy theorist. Big conspiracy guy who believed the Jews were trying to take over the world, or as he wrote on his website,
Starting point is 01:19:12 the main goal of the Zionist Jews and their new world order. There we go again. It's exactly the same as it was when Jesus was on earth to exterminate Christ and his followers. Man, they're fucking bad at it then. You would think of that was their goal going back to when Jesus went on earth to exterminate Christ and his followers. Man, they're fucking bad at it then. You would think if that was their goal going back to when Jesus went on earth, they could have fucking snuffed Christianity out like real quick. If that was like a new world order and there was like fucking 10 Christians,
Starting point is 01:19:36 why just have them all killed? I just kill them all fucking get rid of everything. But I guess I guess they're really incompetent a bunch. And of course again, he references the new world order. Yeah, he's actually crazy. He died in California in 2019 at the age of 89 after suffering from dementia for many years. I'm sure he was a real treat to be around for his final years.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Paranoid mind plus dementia, how fun is that for the caretakers? So we can we just ride off this conspiracy theory? Hmm, maybe not so fast. let's look a little bit more. FactcheckingSiteSnowpes.com gave this conspiracy theory a gander in 1998, and they did note that 50 colleagues, advisors or citizens who either knew the Clintons or were going to testify against them did in fact die. Now, they just know a lot of people, of course, but still this does look a little suspicious. For example, James McDougal witnessed in the whitewater land deal case died of a heart attack
Starting point is 01:20:29 in March of 1998 while in solitary confinement believed he was going to testify against Clint the whitewater scandal was a controversy for the Clintons do primarily to allegations that Bill Clinton while governor Arkansas uses political might to pressure David Hale former president of a small business investment firm, and to make it alone for the whitewater land deal. Deal where the Clintons would actually lose money. Three separate investigations of all this never led to charges against the Clintons. Would they have been found guilty? Had McDougal?
Starting point is 01:20:57 McDougal lived though. A lot of people think they would have. Next death. Mary Mahone, 25-year-old former former Clinton intern shot inside the Washington, DC Starbucks. She worked at near Georgetown in July of 1997. Suspected that she was going to testify about sexual harassment at the White House. She was one of three employees killed at that Starbucks at that same time. Their bodies were found the next morning by an employee shown up to open the store.
Starting point is 01:21:21 They've been killed after closing. Their bodies found in a back room and they were the first three Starbucks employees to ever be killed on the job. It's often reported online that their killer was never caught, but that is definitely not true. You know, the theory is that, you know, some Clinton assassin did it, but Carl Derrick Cooper did it and he was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole. Two years after the murders, Carl gave a detailed account of the incident to DC police, according to Peter Slavine at the Washington Post, Cooper confessed to shooting the manager Mahoney when she refused to give him keys to the safe, which held over 10,000 in cash. She said no, Cooper then shot a warning shot into the ceiling, freak Mahoney out.
Starting point is 01:21:57 She started running into the hall, Cooper ran, caught her, wrestled with her over the keys when she resisted he shot her dead. Give him the fucking keys. For everybody listed this, if you get he shot her dead. Right, given the fucking keys. If you're, yeah, for everybody listed this, if you get a, a heist, it worked, given the fucking keys insurance will take care of it. Just given the keys. Do what they say. Not worth dying.
Starting point is 01:22:13 He then shot the other two Starbucks workers at the store at that time for being in the wrong place the wrong time. Right, for witnessing the initial murder. Cooper only got caught thanks to America's most wanted, bringing extra attention to the case. Hail Nimrod and hail John Wallace. That guy's a fucking hero. Cooper was a bad dude.
Starting point is 01:22:28 He suspects in another murder when he was arrested, suspects a drug dealer, minor gang leader, no known ties to the Clintons. Never reference a Clinton that is trial. He'll die in prison. He has yet to run in the Clinton's. He even had a lot of time to do so. Next death. Victor, see Victor Reiser, the second former national finance co-chair of
Starting point is 01:22:47 Clinton for president and his son Montgomery, riser died in a plane crash in Alaska, where they going to testify against the Clintons. There's no evidence of that whatsoever. But the conspiracy was out there now. And the tinfoil had crowd stop was stopping at nothing to link any new corpse they could find to the Clinton body count. It doesn't seem to be a real strong association here. So next death Paul to Lee DNC political director, we're not going to go through all the
Starting point is 01:23:08 deaths, by the way, just some of the key ones to get reference blood. Found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, he had a heart attack at the age of 48. Key member of the damage control squad came up with Clinton strategies in a statement after his death, Clinton called Toly a dear friend and trusted advisor. Paul had one of the nation's greatest political minds and one of its biggest hearts. So weird that the Clintons would want to murder someone, who was helping them and was a friend. So next death, Ed Willie or Willie, it's W-I-L-L-E-Y. Clinton fundraiser, Dytas suicide in the Virginia Woods, did Clinton kill him? No, but he did, it seems, sexually harasses wife,
Starting point is 01:23:46 Kathleen, who worked at the White House. At least was accused of that. She said that Clinton made an unsolicited sexual advance towards her in a sworn deposition. So Clinton may not have killed him, but probably did try to fuck his wife, uh, which I'm sure didn't help with mental health struggles. Next death, Herschel Friday, another Clinton fundraiser, uh, died in a plane explosion. His plane exploded. Clinton had to have killed him, right? Fucking Hillary probably put on a mechanics fucking pantsuit. I'm just, you got into the plane and, you know, switch some of the wires around. Uh, it doesn't look like that happened. Was he going to testify against Clinton? No, he just, uh, helped with the fundraiser once and then later
Starting point is 01:24:23 he died. Pretty, pretty weak connection. Uh, Jerry Parks, former security team members, supposedly had an extensive file on Clinton activities for he was gunned down in Little Rock. He's a big name in the Lord. Jerry Parks, his murder does remain unsolved. Here we fucking go. Before his death, he reported a break in and his family's out there being followed. Here are more details about this case from an article published February 23rd 1997. Luther Jerry Parks was a private investigator who owned a security company in Little Rock. He was a big man, sometimes described as a bully, and a 1991 he contracted to provide private security for the Clinton campaign headquarters in Little Rock.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Later, he argued with campaign officials over money he felt he was owed. I knew he was in a hassle with the White House says Jean Wurges, a newspaper journalist famous in Arkansas for his crusades against official corruption in Conway County in the 1960s. He just complained about it at a couple of meetings. I attended a people who were hacked about the Clinton machine. On September 26, 1993, Jerry was gunned down as he drove to a wooded intersection at the edge of Little Rock by a man in another car using a nine millimeter semi-automatic handgun. Clyde Steelman, the homicide sergeant of Little Rock police force, says that the killing looked to him like a professional job and assassination.
Starting point is 01:25:37 After his father's murder, his son Gary Park said he freaked out. He said he walked off his job as the go-to guy at a car dealership. He then ended up working as a pimp. Literally ran a female escort service. He helped his mom who he said was now afraid for her life to go into hiding. Said he turned down money from the national inquire, refused to talk to national reporters for a while. I didn't trust the East Coast media. He told a reporter in 97, Justin talking to them on the phone. Their intentions came through. I didn't care if they were
Starting point is 01:26:03 liberal or conservative. It was that i feel that they were going to print what i said or print what they wanted to say that i said gerry park's core had quarrel bitterly with the former business partner shortly before his death that guy became a suspect in his death but gary came to believe his father's death was connected to political forces loyal to clinton he says his father had told him about a uh... a file he had built up on cl's indiscretions. He was governor, guessing probably sexual discrescence, knowing Clinton. Gary says he believes his father was using the file, which has never been located, by the way, to try to blackmail the Clinton campaign. Officer Steelman, you know, the sergeant
Starting point is 01:26:38 work on the case said he discounted Gary Parks and his mother's theories of Jerry Parks killing as unsubstantiated nothing to grasp. Feels like a nice wave saying Officer Steelman did not look into Gary's claims because Gary was fucking cray cray. Without the Clinton file, Jerry Parks was supposedly keeping Steelman said he couldn't investigate the assertion that the murder had some vague political dimension. Parks went on to cooperate with the makers of Clinton bashing mail order video company. What's all? What's all these fucking mail order conspiracy videos by the way uh... he said on camera i feel that bill clinton had my father killed but then offered literally no
Starting point is 01:27:11 evidence to back up that claim then interestingly parks told the reporter interview him in the 97 that he got carried away admittedly with his clinton accusation saying on the first to admit some of the things i said on video or i just come out of a trance i don't think my head was completely back on straight even so he continued to believe that politics somehow were behind the killing first to admit some of the things I said on video are wrong. I just come out of a trance. I don't think my head was completely back on straight. Even so, he continued to believe that politics somehow were behind the killing and that authorities didn't care about his dad's death. And he went on to say that
Starting point is 01:27:32 repeatedly on far right radio talk shows. So maybe can we actually kind of write out this theory. I mean, the more you look into it, my opinion, the more water down and just kind of nonsensical to kids. You know, a bunch of people wanting something to be true, doesn't make it true if the sources are just wackadoo. So this is, you know, the Clinton body count seems to be nothing more than a bunch of unsubstantiated rumors, VHS tapes, fucking wackadoo websites, ran by people, some of whom seem blatantly mentally ill.
Starting point is 01:28:02 The supposed death list goes on and on. Some of the people who died were just loosely related to clinton's others in the inner circle uh... but none of the death make me think holy shit that does look bad and it's strongly points of the clins could the clins have had someone killed of course any president could have someone killed theoretically just like you could have someone killed or i could have someone killed
Starting point is 01:28:22 do i think that they have had people killed? Probably not. Do I think that they had Epstein killed? I fucking doubt it. When the hashtag Clinton Body Count trended in the wake of Epstein's death, especially on Twitter, Bill Clinton spoke first and called it ridiculous. And of course, not true. And Donald Trump knows it. Speaking of Trump, let's move to the other side of the political aisle for another conspiracy theory, right? The hashtag Trump body count also trended in the wake of Epstein's death. Former president Trump was friends with Epstein at one time. When they were kids, this did not get reported as much as I thought it should have been. They used to play putt putt hide it in the butt.
Starting point is 01:28:58 They play this game where they would pretend that their winners were golf clubs. And you know, like, and then the other kids nuts were like the golf balls. And then you'd slap your ding dong around each other and whoever could hit a ball first with their club would then have to try and sneak their club into the other players whole while screaming par to win. Uh, an Epstein always won, I guess. Some say Trump would let him win. And I don't know. I don't know where any of that came from. Sometimes with the weird dots, I always, I feel like I'm cursed. But for real, they were friends at one time.
Starting point is 01:29:27 In 2002, Trump told New York magazine, I've known Jeff for 15 years, terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do. And many of them are on the younger side. And that quote has not age well. Pun not intended. 2016, a woman named Katie Johnson sued Trump, claim that he raped her during one of Epstein's parties in 1994.
Starting point is 01:29:48 She eventually dropped her suit before the election. 16 women in recent years have came out in accused Trump of everything from harassment to rape. To be fair, at least 13 women have also accused Bill Clinton of everything from harassment to rape. That combined with those two fucking purfs, hanging out with Epstein, you know, it doesn't look good at all. After Epstein's 2019 arrest, Trump tried to distance himself
Starting point is 01:30:09 from Epstein saying, I had a falling out with him a long time ago. I don't think I've spoken in for 15 years. I wasn't a fan. But he was a fan for a while, at least. There's new, there are numerous photos of Trump and Epstein together in the 90s, early 2000s, showing that they maintain a friendship for several years. Trump said he wrote an Epstein's plane from Palm Beach to Newark, New Jersey in 1997. And just like with Clinton, he's not telling the whole truth here. Fucking politicians. Just as a group, does anyone lie more? Does any group lie more?
Starting point is 01:30:37 Not my favorite group. It's so fucking slippery. Flight logs revealed by federal prosecutors in Galein Maxwell's recent trial appear to show that Trump flew on Jeffrey Epstein's lowly to express, you know, half a dozen times more than was previously known. But just like with Clinton, again, to be fair, he may not have flown alone with him. A woman named Marla apparently, Trump's then wife Marla Maples listed a join in him on a June 1994 flight, along with her then infant daughter and a nanny, Trump son, Eric listed
Starting point is 01:31:04 as joining him on August 1995 fly between Palm Beach and New York. Some people have wanted to connect Trump to Epstein through Alexander Acosta, Trump's Secretary of Labor, and also through William Barr, Trump's Attorney General. According to the Politifact website, the group Union Thugs posted online, DOJ Underbar has jurisdiction over the prison Epstein was in. It's been reported that the security cameras failed at the moment of the alleged suicide. Trump cabinet member Acosta gets Epstein a pass and court previously. Trump is a frequent flyer on Epstein airlines.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Yeah, sure. He killed himself. I mean, does all that look a little bad? Yeah, it does. But as we went over last week, did Ac to really give Epstein a pass or was he forced to give him a pass by the FBI, some other political force above him? Was it really his call? I have strong doubts.
Starting point is 01:31:52 And putting bar in charge of the MCC, come on, that's absurd. That's like blaming Biden if your mail gets lost. Oh, come on, he's in charge. It's his post office. Okay, they's in charge. It's his post office. I can't say find my letter. Bar probably had no fucking idea what was gone at the MCC, but is it possible he helped orchestrate Epstein's murder on behalf of Trump? I mean, sure, a lot of things are theoretically possible, but there's no proof again. None, not even a little. Do I think Trump had anything
Starting point is 01:32:22 to do with killing Epstein? No, I don't. I don't think he or the Clintons did it. If I had to guess who killed Epstein, if anyone, I think it'd be someone working on behalf of the FBI. This theory is not out on the web to my knowledge. I can't find anything on it. This baby's mine. Hear me out. Going back to last week's part one episode, early on,
Starting point is 01:32:40 Epstein's adult life, nitrogen-y-one. Right after he leaves Bear Stearns, he launches soft girl hands and type man muscles and corporate, I mean intercontinental assets group incorporated. Right. Remember, right before he started his billionaire boys, you know, investing club shit. And he began telling friends and colleagues that he was an intelligence agent who recovered lost or stolen money for the US government. And that might have been crazy talk, but maybe not. He really was a math and financial wizard, like an actual genius, perhaps.
Starting point is 01:33:11 I think he probably was possibly a savant-like intelligence in certain arenas. And the FBI strangely intervened in an investigation into multiple underage rapes involving Epstein and Florida, 2007. They stopped helping the investigation carried out by local law enforcement, odd. And that's just not me in the tinfoil hat crowd thinking it's weird. Local Palm Beach police chief, right? Michael Ryder, thought something strange was going on behind the scenes, too. 2008, Epstein gets the plea deal of the fucking century. 18 months, you know, you kind of have to go to jail, but not really. It's only 13 months and go ahead and keep getting underage massages and sexually assaulting teens pleading. And the FBI also agrees to end
Starting point is 01:33:48 their investigation into both Epstein and his co-conspirators, grants him immunity from further prosecutions in the Southern District of Florida. What the fuck? It's not normal. Then after Epstein dies, the FBI opens another investigation into his death and haven't shared anything other than, oh yeah, no, no, no, yeah, he killed himself. Uh-huh. What was your fucking deal with this guy? I think totally speculating here that Epstein was working for them, I've been working for them for many years. In what capacity, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:34:13 but I think he had a special mind. Maybe he was recovering vast sums of money from them, right? I think they wanted his mind and were using it for something that just not anyone could do. I think he was a highly valuable asset. And I don't think he was allowed to virtually walk in 2008 because he could rat on powerful people out massages. They got sexual teen girls.
Starting point is 01:34:31 I think that what he was doing for the FBI was probably important enough to them that they were willing to make a deal with the devil and let him probably continue to molest and rape teens. Maybe he gathered a valuable intel for them. Maybe he was a fucking spy of some kind. Probably was just able to help make their department a lot of fucking money. I don't know, I he gathered a valuable intel for them. Maybe he was a fucking spy as some kind. Probably was just able to help make their department a lot of fucking money.
Starting point is 01:34:48 I don't know, I have no idea. This is purely by gun intuition that there's something there. Why do they finally let him be arrested again though? Well, I don't know. I would guess that for whatever reason, they no longer needed him. He was no longer a valuable asset. All speculation, I know, but it is what I think.
Starting point is 01:35:04 So could any of these conspiracies be real? Mine are the others. Yeah, sure. Why not? I mean, maybe he was snuck out of the MCC. You know, as a play, I could probably fucking have snuck someone out of complete shit show. Were the Clintons or Trump responsible for his death? I mean, maybe, sure. Maybe some other wealthy connected person that him killed. I have no idea if he was blackmailed anyone if less Waxner or some equivalent one of him dead and had the means to do that. I am skeptical of the claims that some wealthy person had him killed outside of the FBI or maybe the CIA or something because of recent events with Galein Maxwell though. This makes me pause on a lot of this. December 29th, 2021, she's found guilty of conspiracy to entice individuals under the age of 17 to travel in interstate commerce with intent to engage in illegal sexual activity, conspiracy to transport
Starting point is 01:35:50 individuals under the age of 17 to travel in interstate commerce with intent to engage in illegal sex activity, another count, transportation of individual under the age of, okay, yeah, another another count, and then conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of individuals under the age of 18. All in all, she was convicted of five of six charges she was facing. She's 60 years old. She'll face up to 65 years in prison when she sensed her current sentencing date is June 28th, you know, to be determined, but she will almost certainly die in prison.
Starting point is 01:36:19 Elaine Maxwell was very involved with Epstein's sex trafficking operation. Basically, she ran it for him. She knew most of the same people Epstein did, probably had all the same information on those people Epstein had, or you know, it was a chance, good chance. I would think she had to witness powerful people committing some sex crimes.
Starting point is 01:36:35 So if someone had Epstein killed, well why haven't they had her killed? How the fuck is she still alive? You know, just recently, Tuesday, April 5th, the judge in New York rejected her lawyer's arguments for a retrial based on a juror who helped to convict her failing disclose. He was sexually abused as a child. Doesn't seem like the justice department has taken it easy on her, cutting her any deals.
Starting point is 01:36:52 Doesn't seem like anyone in power. She may have dirt on as using their power to try and, you know, help her or have her killed. Why is she not dishing dirt if she has it? Maybe because she doesn't have any dirt to dish. Or maybe she's scared. Maybe she knows whoever got to Epstein could easily get to her. And who could easily get to someone being held at Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center, another federal facility. I don't know how about some feds. How about the FBI pulling that out of my ass, I know. But to me, if any
Starting point is 01:37:19 of this stuff is true, that's the one that's true. There's no strong evidence pointing to who may have killed Epstein. But I do actually think he was quite possibly killed. Right? So many fucking errors at MCC. The guards never checking his cell. The 90 died. His cell might have just left not given a new one, even though a protocol dictated he was supposed to be giving a new one.
Starting point is 01:37:37 All the weird camera bullshit, the changing story about why there was in footage. The guards taking him to the hospital two hours after he thought he was dead. What the fuck, no photo taken of his body before moving it out of the cell, broken bones in the neck, the tend to point strangulation more than they point to suicide. You know, there isn't just a few irregularities regarding what went on here. There's so many. Combine that with that insane plea deal. He was given previously in Florida, combined it all with the many rich and powerful people he hung out with.
Starting point is 01:38:06 Epstein didn't kill himself. That conspiracy meme might very well be true. He probably in my mind did not kill himself, but I don't know who did. And I realized that this plus my beliefs that the CIA had something to do with the Sasting D.A. Okay, you know, makes me a bit of a wacko in some people's eyes. Oh, well, I just can't ignore the story laid out in front of me in front of all of us Before I finish my recap so sorry about this we do have one final sponsor today
Starting point is 01:38:33 Time suck is once again brought to you by Whipple F-T didn't kill himself edition. Don't get suicide. Feel more alive than you've ever felt you're fucking pathetic non-Island owning Don't you have your own playing or banging teams with Clinton Trump? LIFE! Just drink Whipple! Epstein didn't kill himself for this shit.
Starting point is 01:38:51 Don't be an island boy, be an island fucking alpha male or a boss bitch, ready to rule your own Caribbean kingdom once you fucking pound us a mixture of Molly, Adderall, liquid nitrogen, helium, uranium, bath salts, organic grape juice, fentanyl, bleach, drain-o, anaphrase, and coconut milk. Fuck you, fuck your family, and drink Whip-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O God, with a man's really nice to have a partnership with a world's best energy drink. Now back to finishing off Epstein. Too bad someone couldn't have finished him off sometime around, you know, 1970.
Starting point is 01:39:30 Epstein was born in 1953 in Brooklyn, New York, grew up in a working class family with dreams of being successful and rich and probably fucking molesting a lot of people. The rich dreams, you know, a lot of people had those, but unlike a lot of people, Epstein had the brain to pull that dream off. By his mid-twents, he was a millionaire. His mid 30s, he was likely worth tens of millions of dollars. By his 40s, he had the largest home in Manhattan, Palm Beach mansion. His own fucking island in the Caribbean, big one.
Starting point is 01:39:54 Huge ranch compound in New Mexico is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He was flying around on private planes, helicopters hanging out with celebrities, politicians, billionaires. He's having delay in Maxwell, round up teens for him to abuse and rape by the dozens if not the hundreds. Then in 2005, a Florida parent reports him to the police for having sex with their underage daughter, Palm Beach Police Department, launches investigation, learns that girl is far from the only victim. Looks like he's going to easily go to prison for life, going to be a slam dunk open and shut case. But then the fucking feds stick their noses in. 2008 Epstein receives an unexpected sweetheart deal, serves a cushy 13 months.
Starting point is 01:40:29 I mentioned a bit earlier. Fed's save his ass, weird, keeps abusing, keeps building his wealth. July 6, 2019 Epstein arrested on federal child sex trafficking charges. And this time, no deal. Looks like Epstein was going to go to prison for the rest of his life, unless maybe he gave up a bunch of big names. Names many of us expected him to give up. We're waiting for them. Then suddenly August 10th, 2019 Epstein dies in incredibly suspicious circumstances. Found dead in his prison cell in the solitary confinement union of the Manhattan Correctional Center.
Starting point is 01:40:59 Well, maybe found there, no pictures. His official cause of death, suicide by hanging. His official cause of death in the court of public opinion, murder, and the conspiracy swirl. And here we are. If he just didn't give up and kill himself, if he really was killed, will we ever know the truth? I hope so, but I seriously fucking doubt it. I hope we at least learn why the feds
Starting point is 01:41:20 protection him in Florida, but I doubt we'll learn the truth there either. Someone knows, knows that right? Maybe someone listening? Maybe you can send an anonymous email, maybe include some picks. Come on, new world order, throw us a bone, bonus points, for let me share it as an update. It would be great press for the podcast. Time now for today's top five takeaways.
Starting point is 01:41:47 Number one, Epstein was found dead in the cell at the MCC. The Metropolitan Correctional Center in Lower Manhattan, New York City, 6.30 a.m. each and a day like time, August 10, 2019, probably. No one took pics? Security cameras malfunctioned. He committed suicide, maybe, but I doubt it. Number two, the MCC was a shit show. Long before Epstein died there, it was infested with rats, cockroaches, apathy, abuse,
Starting point is 01:42:11 understaffing, and competence. Most of the inmates incarcerated there haven't been found guilty of anything. So that's fun, presumably innocent people being essentially fucking tortured. Number three of Epstein is alive in well in New Mexico, staying at the Zorro Ranch. He is not driving a flatbed work truck and taking photos of dipshits with protest signs at the edge of his property who think he's still alive. Come on AB Qraw. Get the fuck out of here. Number four, the theory that the Clintons have had their enemies killed did not start with Epstein. It's been around since 1993, and he napless lawyer, militia movement activist, complete maniac, Linda Thompson, Compoundless 34 people connected to Clintons who had died.
Starting point is 01:42:50 She titled the Clinton body count, coincidence, or the kiss of death, and it is nonsense. Has Clintons actually assaulted numerous women? Oh yeah, quite possibly. I would say probably. Is he a serial killer or mob boss equivalent, uh, you know, uh, mob boss equivalent ordering hits left and right. I doubt it. I think he's just mostly a perfect number five new info. Q and on a fake low lead express flight log really added all the conspiracy law around Epstein's death in the summer of 2020. A screenshot of a supposed Epstein flight log with the names of celebrities and politicians
Starting point is 01:43:22 like Beyonce, Ben Affleck, M&M, Katie Perry, Lady Gaga, Steven Colbert, Barack Obama. Many others began showing up in comment threads on Twitter at 124 names on it. QAnon crowd got ahold of this fucking bad boy, postings skyrocketed, starting getting a lot of buzz. Fake list first appeared in a Q drop, number four, five, seven, seven on July second, and the daily beast. It's investigating found versions of the fake log dating back nearly a year before. Early is known version appearing August 25, 2019 on a conspiracy website called Common Sense Evaluation.
Starting point is 01:43:56 Earlier versions of a similar list, go back even a month earlier. Chrissy Teigen on that list, Q crowd went after her heart. Kuhnon had hated Teigen for years, in part because she frequently clashed with Trump on Twitter, and then hostility against the former model reached a fever pitch, October 2019, when she shared a photo of her kid dressed up as a hot dog. In the fucking warped brain dead Qverse,
Starting point is 01:44:20 hot dogs, like so many other foods, are codes for sex trafficking due to an email that emerged on WikiLeaks in 2012. Tegan had previously been a target of conspiracy scorn during the Petskate scandal, but she'd never been harassed like she was being harassed now. She ended up blocking over a million users, making her account private, contacting Twitter for help, which became concern for her and her family's safety. Accusations of her molesting teens, along with Epstein and death threats surfaced,
Starting point is 01:44:45 you know, by the fucking thousands. You know, she was on Epstein flights, you know, molesting these kids. But actually, if you look into it, she would have had to have been underage herself for the timing to work out for many of the accusations. Why am I bringing this up? To remind everyone that conspiracies are fun to learn about, interesting to entertain, but if you don't actually have proof, don't fucking harass anyone over them. You're not a truth seeker or a freedom fighter for doing that. You're just a crazy dipshit asshole. You're the bad guy now.
Starting point is 01:45:17 So don't claim to be the fucking person going out of the bad guys, you're the bad guy. So maybe don't do it. Look for evidence. Also, get off your computer from time to time, get out of the fucking basement, get a life, get a little more balanced to it. If you're harassing, you know, Chrissy Teigen or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or anyone else for maybe doing shit with Epstein, you're helping absolutely nothing. You're wasting your life.
Starting point is 01:45:39 And you're probably drawn attention to yourself and now the FBI is watching you and they might suicide you just like they suicide an Epstein. So be careful. Time suck. Top five takeaway. Jeffrey Epstein's suicide conspiracies two of two has been sucked. I enjoyed. I don't know a bit more about US conspiracy lore. And also now I really understand the hype around the catchphrase Ep Epstein and Killings Up. Thanks to the Bad Magic Productions team for their help making time suck every week. Thanks to Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins.
Starting point is 01:46:12 Thanks to the Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley for production. Thanks to Bitelixer for upkeep on the time suck app, Logan the Art Warlock Keith, create the merch at BadMagicMarch.com. And if you're running social with Liz, the Enchantress, Hernandez, thanks to Yadaghan to Olivia Lee for kicking off the research on this one. It's a great job. And thanks to the all-seeing eyes moderating the Colt and Curious private Facebook page. Thanks again to BeefStake and the Mod Squad running Discord, more and more people talking lately about,
Starting point is 01:46:37 you know, how much they have, how much fun. They're having over in Discord. So good on you Discord meets Acts. You can link to Time St discord community view the time suck app You can also find time suck on reddit time suck subred over 7,000 members now So if you're ready user you can go check it out Next week another space lizard voted in topic just like this two-parter Vladimir Putin that motherfucker Putin is the name we all know and name that many fear right now
Starting point is 01:47:02 How much do you know about the leader russia Vladimir Putin terrifying the world. Actually been scaring much the world for decades. 2022 invasion of Ukraine, not the first time Russia has invaded land that's not theirs. And those nukes, so many nukes. And the corruption, so much corruption. Vladimir Putin has been synonymous with Russia since he first became president in 2000 when he made some of the first speeches on national television. he promised to protect freedoms. Uh, human rights, he promised to bring Russia out of an economic depression, promised to, uh, restore Russia back to greatness. After the fall of the Soviet Union, how much of all that has he done?
Starting point is 01:47:38 Uh, you know, some of the many questions will be, uh, our, our, some of the many things we'll be looking into when I try next week. What am I talking about? Uh, who is Vladimir Putin? How do you become a ruthless leader that he is today? You know, why the fuck did he invade Ukraine? And more next week on Time Sucker, and now let's head on over to this week's Time Sucker updates. [♪ bad magician Justin Kando has another Reddit situation
Starting point is 01:48:08 to talk about. He's created another subreddit. Not just for time, suck, but for all the bad magic. Justin Wright, say master sucker, hope you're doing well. Just wanted to write in and ask you to give a shout out to a new community of suckers on Reddit. It's a platform I saw pretty heavily underrepresented. So I created a community for all bad magicians to gather and discuss the shows and talk about
Starting point is 01:48:27 anything related to any of the bad magic podcasts. We're really small right now, but I think with the help of MCSuckNasty himself, we can get a good community going. That's all, as always, three out of five stars. Wouldn't change a thing. Keep doing the good work you do over there. Well, thank you Justin. Thank you for expanding our community over at our slash bad magic productions.
Starting point is 01:48:44 Oh yeah, Reddit. I'm starting to look at more and more. It's, I'm late, I'm late to the party, but it's very cool. It's, that looks good. Hope you keep it up. Hail Nimrod to you, sir. I promised you for sucker Brian Horseman. I would include his message in this week's updates.
Starting point is 01:48:59 Promise fulfilled. Brian writes, dear slim master sucker. I'm sorry, dear slim master sucker. I'm sorry, dear slim suck master, the twisted tongue grand master of positive suckitude. I'm writing this two days away from attending your sold out mizulu show. I know by the time you read this, it will have happened. So let me say, how great it was. I'm hoping it was great too. I've been following your comments since back in the name your jokes days and greeting cards. And I told people, you are my favorite comedian. I've always told people.
Starting point is 01:49:25 Then one day three years ago or so my son-in-law pointed me to your time suck podcast. I'm a laughin' and learning ever since. We had lots of adventures together listening the car while we camped, hiked, hunted, and fished together all over Montana. Then last year my whole world fell apart. Wife of 32 years passed away from COVID and if that wasn't enough, my best friend, my son-in-law, couldn't stay married to my daughter anymore. They divorced, I haven't talked to him since. I also have a 16 year old daughter still living at home. So many months just trying to keep everything running
Starting point is 01:49:55 with massive grieving all around on every level. On top of that, my job required me to work 50, 60 hours a week during that time, but my story doesn't end there because that would suck in the opposite of the time suck way. After reaching the point of acceptance and that this is my new life, I decided to try dating. I would say try dating again, but really I haven't dated since I was 16 when I met my first wife. She was my only love, the only love I ever had and the one I planned to die of old age
Starting point is 01:50:21 beside. So one of my first matches is a woman from three and a half hours away across Montana. I reached out with a long corny story about growing up with my dad and grandpa and the town where she now lives. She responded about how different I was than the normal first message of, hey, how you doing?
Starting point is 01:50:35 Well, we started texting a lot. And a few days later, she asked to meet me halfway in but. No, not meet me halfway in the but, down loose with Fina down. I told her about my favorite podcast. She hadn't heard of you. I figured I should give her a second chance anyway.
Starting point is 01:50:47 And she saw you had one of Betty White, a great mentor to her. So we both agreed to listen to the podcast while we drove in from different directions to our first date. Next thing I know, you're talking about Miss White powers, porn career. And that's basically the thing, well, this relationship was fun for two days.
Starting point is 01:51:02 When we finally met, she was all smiles and was laughing her ass off at the podcast. Needless to say, we spent five hours in but on the best first date ever, there I asked her if she wanted to come with me to your show in Missoula, she said, yes, we've been able to meet up every weekend since and talk nonstop and we're apart. This is really going well and you sir are a part of making it happen. We're going to be more different in politics or religion, but that's okay. If we listen and respect each other, we see that we
Starting point is 01:51:26 all really have the same desired outcome, just different ideas on how to get there. I hope we get to meet you with a show. Hope to see my son-in-law out there as well. Keep on sucking, sugar bear, three out of five stars. Wouldn't change a thing. Brian. Brian, fuck man. Did you put penicillin in your message somehow? I asked that because I'm allergic to penicillin. And for some reason, when I read your message early this morning, it really fucked up my allergies and parts. It made my eyes watered stuff.
Starting point is 01:51:54 I love you, man. God damn, I love how after going through some shit. And I'm so sorry if you're lost. You could have said fuck it and died inside and walked dead eyed to the rest of your life, but you dug deep, you made your peace with some really hard stuff You know you were strong enough courageous enough to risk having your heart broken again You put yourself back out there to love again laugh again
Starting point is 01:52:15 To go halfway in the butt again. I get it. You're hung like a horse small holes killing hails so much man meat We'll get it. No, but seriously good on you. I love what you said about being different, about politics and religion, but both having the same desired outcome, just different ways of getting there, and respecting each other. Fuck man, if you were running for office on that platform, you'd have my vote.
Starting point is 01:52:36 Hail Nimrod, you beautiful motherfucker. I hope you have a blast at the, or had a blast, I guess, when this is recorded, at the show, Mizzula, and I hope you got all the way in. JK, but I do, I do hope you had fun. Hope you both had fun. Next up, an island update from Island Boy, Zane L. Bernie, Zane writes,
Starting point is 01:52:55 Hi Dan, and everyone in bad magic, my name is Zane, and I have an interesting side note, and or story about Little St. James. Buckle up, this is gonna get strange. When I was 14, my family and I moved to St. Thomas from New Jersey during the times when we would take the ferry to St. James buckle up is gonna get strange. When I was 14, my family moved to St. Thomas from New Jersey. During the times when we would take the ferry to St. John, we'd pass little St. James.
Starting point is 01:53:10 It was always known as a no-go zone by locals. At the time, my dad was working construction was talking to one of the contractors who Epstein hired to work on his private island. And passing this individual mention that there was some bad shit going on there, but if the pay was good, No one really knew what was happening. Fast forward two years, my parents divorced,
Starting point is 01:53:27 my dad moves back to New Jersey, I'm living on a boat with my mom and my stepdad. Every day I would walk home from school to the town of Red Hook, where I would meet mom at the dinghy dock behind fish tails. Every time we'd go to and from our boat, we would always pass a 40 foot barge
Starting point is 01:53:40 with little St. James painted on the side. My mom and I were always curious about who owned it, but there were plenty of deterring signs. So we left it alone. Shortly after I graduated high school, moved off the island, fears in the college, heard the news, couldn't believe what happened, let alone that it happened a half mile from where our boat was anchored. To clarify some points about the Virgin Islands in st. Thomas specifically, it's a place where dirty, dirt spreads quickly, similar to everyone else folks in the Caribbean love gossip. In the respect to the police force, even though it's gotten better over the years, bribery and workarounds not unusual throughout the islands.
Starting point is 01:54:13 Especially if you're someone who has lived there for generations or a wealthy fuckhead like Epstein. To assume he was a buy, to assume he was buying them off is correct. It's hard to hold a moral compass as a citizen when someone is offering any amount of money to make your problems go away. Lastly, for any victim to swim away from Little St. James, we've been super difficult at best. The water conditions between St. Thomas, St. John and Little St. James are super choppy, pretty much all of the time. In regards to the island itself, no one was allowed near it. Any unauthorized vessel that got close to the island was met with
Starting point is 01:54:43 armed guards, just adding to more of the strategic planning, this dirt bag used. All of this fit, the common St. Thomas expression of, welcome to St. Thomas, you can't make this shit up. On a serious note, I hope all the victims received the proper help they deserve in any event. Just wanted to share that info, keep on sucking, respectfully, Zane L. L. Bernie.
Starting point is 01:55:03 Well, thank you, Zane. Yeah, man, I bet, I've seen, you know, scouted all that out, knew the local authorities, would take bribes, knew about the current, knew he could have so much privacy on the island. And I've had numerous messages coming this week about his private security detail and their, you know, boat patrols being very aggressive, a lot of armed people and boats that would, you know, anybody trying to get close to the island, a lot of armed people and boats that would, you know, anybody trying to get close to the island, they would come after them and get in their faces real
Starting point is 01:55:28 quick. Also, how fucking cool to live on a boat in the Caribbean? Like, what an interesting childhood you had. I hope you still make it back down there from time to time. And thank you for the update. Another, another island boy, at least for vacation, sweet sack dust and Hanson, share some more Epstein info, writing, her suit harbinger of the mighty Nimrot. I'm a late convert to the cold to the curious and a brand new space. Even though I've been a fan of your comedy for years, somehow time suck has escaped my attention until about a year ago. I have finally finished all the time suck or all of time suck and I'm now slowly making my way to the secret suck.
Starting point is 01:55:58 I never thought I would have anything to add to a suck until now, but I have pictures of petafile island. It's not what you think. Just let me explain. And I'm not going to say that I never thought I would have anything to add to a suck until now, but I have pictures of pedophile island. It's not what you think, just let me explain. In 2016, my boyfriend at the time, now my husband and I went on a Caribbean cruise. One of the stops of the US was the US Virgin Islands. We booked a catamaran trip out to some outer islands for snorkeling and swimming with the group. Captain of the boat was an islander and knew the area. So he was pointing out landmarks
Starting point is 01:56:24 and some celebrities houses on the islands. Then we passed Little St. James. This is what we call Pettifile Island. It belongs to a stockbroker from New York, he said. This was after his first arrest, but before his re-arrest, I was aware of who Jeffrey Epstein was at the time. But the residents of the Virgin Islands knew who he was. The captain said he was going to get as close to the island as he could before the boats
Starting point is 01:56:44 came out. Sure enough, as we got closer to land, two speed boats came racing out of nowhere. One staying away is back of us. The other keeping pace with us separating our boat from the island. The occupants of the speed boats were tactical gear and sunglasses. I couldn't see any guns, but only an idiot would think they weren't armed. So there we were. A cadem around with tourists and our captain and shorts and flip flops being escorted by military wannabes. Everyone wave was the next instruction from our guide, and he also told us that they hated when we take pictures of the island, of course everyone on our snorkeling party boat was waving and taking pictures.
Starting point is 01:57:16 We could also see security guards on shore of the island. As soon as we pass the island, the speedboats turn around to try to intimidate the next vessel. Our captain told us that the owner of the island was a friend to Bill Clinton and he regularly flew in young girls for parties. He also threw in some thinly veiled races in souls to then President Obama, so take his word as you want. I was on vacation with my partner and not in a mood to get into a conversation about law or politics, but I did listen to a few questions from other passengers. This is from seven years ago. I'm trying my best to remember. But at the time, the islanders hated Epstein more about developing great St. James Island, more than the pedophile. He tried to dissolve the nature reserve. The police also not allowed on the island. Local police would also not answer any questions about the island, according to the
Starting point is 01:57:58 captain in his first mate. Epstein's helicopter was parked at the far end of the airport, so nobody could see who his guests were. Had I known what an absolute piece of shit Epstein's helicopter was parked at the far end of the airport so nobody could see who his guess were. Had I known where an absolute piece of shit Epstein was the time I would have asked more questions from other locals. I apologize for not being sorry about the length of the email. Hell, Nimrod. I will appease Luciferina with as much hot man on man action as possible. Hopefully Bojangles knew his true toy will be a Russian dictator school.
Starting point is 01:58:21 And if you do read this, give a shout out to my brother Chase. We will be at your Milwaukee show Dustin. Dustin, man, funny message. Good use of her suit. Let's fucking crazy at locals. We're openly calling Little St. James pedophile Island before his second arrest. So sad, right? So many people knew. And the girls I'm sure just kept coming on in. And you painted a good picture of your boat captain. I'm pretty sure I've met that guy about a thousand times my life Look it forward to seeing you and your brother Chase and Milwaukee you and your husband keep that man-on-man action hot Lupolz and lips baby. Lupolz and lips Hillen imrod dude
Starting point is 01:58:58 Now for a really quick message that made me really laugh because I Propechly a 12 year old boy Super sucker and Polish champion, Ryan Tordalski, writes, first I must say that yes, I am Polish. I was having trouble writing this message because I could barely get my phone on. But that is not why I wanted to call you. When I was in college, I knew a guy named Harold Hardman. At first, his name doesn't seem to be weird, but his grandfather on his dad's side was named Richard Hardman. At first his name doesn't seem to be weird, but his grandfather on his dad's side was named Richard Hardman. His alcoholic dad decided his name was son after his dad, so his sons, my friends full name, was Harry Dick Hardman.
Starting point is 01:59:37 I beg your forgiveness for not making this message longer. Oh, and can you give a shout out to my wonderful wife, Alissa, who is also Polish and can't pronounce her own name. Who listens to time suck on her walk to work because you can't drive? JK my wife is wonderful. So give her a shout out or I will drive a bomb filled 18 wheeler into the suck dungeon like noodle McDrywing Thanks Ryan Prodowski. Okay, Ryan. Okay, Alissa You you are lovely. You are beautiful. You are so smart, and amazing, you're the fucking best, and Ryan is lucky to have you. Is that keep me from getting bombed? Man, dude, Harry, Dick, hard man.
Starting point is 02:00:15 Harry, Dick, hard man. That might be the greatest name I've literally ever heard. He should run for president. You get so much extra press. Thanks for the laughs and thanks for the messages everybody. Thanks time suckers. I need a net. We all did. Thanks again for listening to another Bad Magic Productions podcast made sex. Please don't do so much stupid and horrible shit that you end up getting suicideed by the FBI in a federal correction
Starting point is 02:00:45 facility this week. Just keep your hands and wean and vaginas clean. Play some putt putt, hide it in the butt, but not with kids! And keep on sucking. Oh Unmogic productions Damn yeah, go You know how last week I threw out the invite yeah to come to my my island right and my helicopter is outside Oh, you're serious. Yes. I Yes. We were waiting up there for 30 minutes. You have an island.
Starting point is 02:01:27 Yes. And so this is your last chance. Okay, last chance. I'll look at your outside right now. Okay, come with us. Okay. And we'll go to the cool island. All right.
Starting point is 02:01:35 Who else is gonna be at the island? Burton Ernie. Burton Ernie. Oh my God. The fuck is going on with this island? I shouldn't go, but uh, bird and Ernie. It's gonna be quite a show.

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