Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 295 - The Dating Game Killer

Episode Date: May 9, 2022

Rodney Alcala - the Dating Game Killer.  Not as well known, but just as vicious as any other killer we've ever covered here. Between 1968 and 1979, Rodney brutally raped, tortured, and killed at leas...t nine girls and women -  possibly over a hundred. His victims would literally be sexually tortured to death by the man they generally just thought wanted to take artsy pictures of them. Instead, he'd beat them, bite them, rape them, and strangle them until they were unconscious, and then bring them back for round after round of more sexual torture. And in the middle of his sadistic spree, he appeared on the popular TV show The Dating Game... and beat two other bachelors to win the episode's prize - a date with a single woman. She chose him. And almost immediately regretted it. The strange true crime tale of Rodney Alcala today, on Timesuck. Bad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation:  The Bad Magic Charity for May is the HALO Dental Network. Founded by Dr. Brady Smith, HALO Dental Network is a coalition of dental professionals who donate their services to the dental underserved. Services include dental implants, veneers, fillings and crowns. If you want to learn more, please visit halodentalnetwork.orgNot only can donate, you can also nominate someone you know who is in need.TICKETS FOR HOT WET BAD MAGIC SUMMER CAMP!  Go to www.badmagicmerch.comWatch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/8cMxCYeMLxoMerch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comDiscord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Though Rodney Alcala has never risen to a Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy or even a Richard Nightstock or Ramirez level of infamy, he's just as terrifying. Born Rodrigo Jacques Alcala Bucor on April 23rd, 1943, Rodney Alcala seemed to many to be a cool artsy, handsome, likable guy. But underneath his charisma, Rodney was a violent, particularly cruel, sexual sadist, a rapist and killer who used a big friendly smile, knack for small talk, and a talent for photography to get his victims to go somewhere alone with him for a photo shoot that would often end in their torture and death.
Starting point is 00:00:33 He was deceptive, manipulative, and charming. So charming, he managed to convince his parole officer to let him violate the conditions of his parole to travel from Los Angeles to New York. Once in New York, he disappeared for a few years under the alias of John Berger, where he would rape and kill at least one young woman before being brought back to LA. After a brief incarceration on the West Coast, if you're taking a plea deal for kidnapping, brutally raping and attempting to murder an eight-year-old
Starting point is 00:00:56 girl, he got right back to raping and killing. And after he killed some of his victims, he would pose their bodies to inflict more pain on whoever found them. He could have enjoyed further defiling the girls and women as well. Girls and women who had never wronged him. Before being posed, his victims suffered tremendously. My God, how they suffered. The women and girls who had the great misfortune of spending their final moments with Rodney were beaten, bitten, bound, and raped in a variety of extremely violent ways. They were strangled to the point of losing consciousness
Starting point is 00:01:25 only to be brought back for further torture, rape, and strangulation. And such an odd moment in history, in the middle of a spree of sexual violence, in 1979 Rodney appeared on the popular TV show The Dating Game. This will earn him his post-a-rest murderous nickname of The Dating Game Killer. Bachelor number one would even be picked to go out on a date, and then he got right back to his heinous ways.
Starting point is 00:01:47 In the end, Rodney was convicted of seven murders, but strongly thought by investigators to have killed at least nine women and girls. Many think he may have killed over a hundred women and girls due to an enormous collection of photographs found in a storage locker he rented in Seattle and photographs found in his home in LA. Many of the photos being sexually explicit and featuring obviously underage subjects, and many of the subjects have never been identified. So why did he do what he did?
Starting point is 00:02:13 That's one of the many questions we'll try and answer today in another true crime. Be thankful you are not waking up bound, bleeding, and staring into the eyes of this violent, depraved, and horny maniac addition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck. Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:02:31 You're listening to Time Suck. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:02:41 Oh! Happy Monday, Mets X. Welcome to the cult of the curious. I'm Dan Cummins, a suck master, troll farm fertilizer foreman. Guy happy to still be alive after talking so much shit about strong pony boy Putin last week. And you are listening to Time Suck. Hail Nimrod, help take my mind off this dark shit when this suck is overloose to Fina. No, it's a deal.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Praiseful jangles and glory be to triple M. Couple quick announcements and then a monster and glory be to triple M. Couple quick announcements and then a monster true crime episode to dive into. Thanks so much to everyone who came to the shows at Good Nights and Raleigh. You guys are fire. Looking forward to Salt Lake City Springfield, Missouri, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Davenport, Iowa, and Chicago, you know where coming up, all current standup dates listed at Dancomans.tv. For this week's merch, how do you guys and gals feel about business? Business, business, call 1-800-BUSINESS. If you'd like business money, 800 with a 1 in front.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Business, business, Princeton, interest, Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills dividends Profit losses more profit than losses business So much business chicken wings, convertibles, tennis lessons, business stocks, embonds and NFTs Silver dollars gold bars and golf Checks money orders wire transfers IOUs polo shirts khakis other business things 1-800 business We know how t-shirt with menendez brothers investment enterprise on the front and 1-800 business on the back for all you business lovers You gotta handle your business. It's bad magic merch.com put on your put on your khakis tie in your belt do business badmatchmarch.com put on your put on your khaki's tying your belt do business. Also, if you've liked the animations you've seen across the time sucks scared to death and
Starting point is 00:04:28 is we dumb Facebook and Instagram profiles for well over a year now and you've thought I'd like to have something animated. Well, you can hit up our animator Thomas Royal, great dude talented artists, super competitive animation rates and he's fast. His Instagram handle salty monkey 123 YouTube channel profile salty monkey. And you can email Thomas at salty monkey animation at gmail.com. That's pretty easy. Salty monkey animation at gmail.com. All right. Now now off to true crime. We go a topic that's strangely is not divisive.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Help us, help us, Nimrod. What's wrong with this? Why do I like this stuff so much? What do so many people like this stuff? So like learning about it. Not actually like doing this stuff. Oh my gosh, actually today especially graphic details of sexual brutality, toybox killer, Bob Bordella, Kansas City butcher, level of horror today. I don't often give a lot of warning sometimes you just forget Most times like episodes extremely graphic in a variety of ways, but today shit is just a specially brutal in moments
Starting point is 00:05:35 Let's get to work Fairly straight forward structure for today's episode. The life and times and of course the crimes of Rodney, Alcala. Sometimes pronounced, I think I did that in the previous last week, Alcala. I would say 80% of the people I found on videos would say Alcala. So I'm going with that. Well covers brutal crimes, his appearance in the dating game and the strange saga of trials that followed his final arrest.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Well, sometimes we talk about the circumstances surrounding a killer's life and crimes at the top of the show. There's really not all that much to talk about with Rodney. Unlike many of the killers we previously covered, he didn't seem to have a horrible childhood. Not at all. No history of abuse, physical or sexual, neither alleged nor confirmed. His father did leave the family when Rodney was an elementary school age kid, but that's sadly not that unusual. When Rodney was growing up, the divorce rate in the US was rapidly rising. And it was becoming far more common than it used to be to be raised by a single mom or a blended family.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Rodney was born in 1943 and there was a huge spike in divorce rates in the US after World War II. Some have suggested that, you know, because many families were strained under the burden of living with a man who may have been incapacitated during the war, or maybe he came home, much different man than he was when he left to fight some with severe PTSD back when no one knew how to treat that, that, you know, led to a lot of divorces. Also a lot of women had found a new kind of freedom while working during the war years. And with the war over, a lot of them didn't want to give that up.
Starting point is 00:07:09 There were 610,000 total divorces in the US in 1946 compared to 236,000 total divorces, far less than half of the 1946 total, exactly a decade earlier. And in addition to more divorces, plenty of fathers were staying around and abusing their kids are simply leaving without getting a divorce. No one had perfect parents. And Rodney's
Starting point is 00:07:29 parents, well, as mom at least, a lot better than most. And his dad seemed to be good before he left, you know, actually just by not abusing or molesting Rodney before he left, he was certainly better than many of the serial killer dads we've met here. It's really hard to blame who he'd become later on childhood father abandonment issues. Hard to blame who he'd become later on really any environmental issues. There just doesn't seem to be any,
Starting point is 00:07:52 aha, moment from Rodney's childhood or teenage years, the points to how Rodney became the killing machine he was. What we know, there was no point of trauma, no head injury that fucked up his brains, you know, ability to regulate morality and pulsivity, nothing that clearly unlocks some kind of hidden rage inside of him. Nothing clearly jumps out as the moment he crossed over into darkness. And I think that this makes him more frightening than he'd be if we could point to some moment
Starting point is 00:08:20 that turning from a regular person into a monster. You know, what's scarier than the idea that someone who's shown basically no signs of being abnormal, except a brief psychiatric stay in a hospital after deserting the army, and then just starts brutally attacking women and girls at the age of 25. But is that really when he started killing? Alkalus attack on Tali Shapiro in 1968, the first crime of his that we know about, once incarcerated, he never decided to clear his conscience and reveal the locations of more bodies Two selfish to evil to do anything like that and a lot of people think that he killed way more people than he was caught for
Starting point is 00:08:52 So who knows when it truly started He may have been attacking women long before and girls long before you attacked Tali authorities would later find more than you know 2000 photos of young women and girls in Oculus possession They knew for a fact that some of them were dead probably his victims than 2,000 photos of young women and girls in Oculus possession. They knew for a fact that some of them were dead probably as victims. The question was, just how many? And more than that, how the hell did he get away with it for so long?
Starting point is 00:09:13 Several factors helped him keep killing. No ability to use DNA to link killers and rapists to their crimes in the 70s. Less stranger danger when he was active compared to now. No one was listening to podcasts like this one for one thing, and he was one of many other similar killers. Detectives had their hands pretty full when Rodney was active. He hunted during especially active era of serial killers and hunted in a few cities that were notorious
Starting point is 00:09:39 for serial killers, you know, New York and LA. Criminal Justice expert Peter Vronsky says that more than 80% of all known American serial killers operate between 1970 and 1999. We've covered many of them here like the Golden State Killer episode 90 suspected of committing at least a dozen murders 50 rapes and a hundred burglaries in California between 1974 and 1986 wouldn't be until 2018 that Joseph DeAngelo would be arrested for those crimes and then in 2020 He'd receive 11 consecutive life sentences for 13 counts of first to remurder and 13 kidnap related charges There's also John Wayne Gacy
Starting point is 00:10:13 Episode 68 would go down as one of the most notorious US serial killers in history 1978 Gacy confessed to murdering 33 teenage boys and young men Most of their bodies found buried under his house. Well, Gacy targeted young men, most other serial killers went after young women in the 70s, most in general have. The man who should have, inside of the most fear, probably seemed least suspicious of them all
Starting point is 00:10:37 to people he met Ted Bundy, episode 11, probably need to redo that episode. So I didn't dive as deep back then. Before his execution, 1989, Bundy confessed to killing 30 women. Sucked in, dive as deep back then. Before his execution in 1989, Bundy confessed to killing 30 women. Many believe he was responsible for the deaths of a hundred or more. Crowded playing field definitely seemed
Starting point is 00:10:53 to have helped the dating game killer get away with more crimes. For a while, investigators thought the hillside stranglers were responsible for some of Rodney's crimes. I'll refresh her on them, we've mentioned them, but yet to properly suck those dirt bags from October, 1977 to
Starting point is 00:11:06 February, 1978, the body is a 10 women found in the hilly area above Los Angeles with no leads. The media began attributing the victims to the hillside strangler. There was only after Kenneth Bianchi was arrested for the killings of two women in Washington that he would confess to the hillside strangler murders and then implicate his cousin, Angela Wono, as his partner in crime. Also at the same time as Rodney, I was murdered in Young Women in New York, the son of Sam, David Berkowitz, episode 167, in the middle of his reign of terror. His six murder victims were usually young women with long dark hair, reports of which caused many
Starting point is 00:11:39 New Yorkers to panic, beginning with his first killing in April 1976. He wound over half a dozen others. And though you might suspect someone like Berkowitz, Rudd, Dirty, seemingly insane, the crimes he committed, you probably wouldn't have suspected Alkola. It was charming and attractive. Those who knew him knew that Rodney was doing some red flag shit, like taking pictures of boys and girls naked, Rodney even assured them that he was doing it because their parents asked. And just part of like an art project of sorts. And for some reason, they found that to be an acceptable reason. While that makes zero fucking sense to me, as a reason explanation now, I guess it was
Starting point is 00:12:17 a different era, a very different era. I would hope now that if some friend of yours showed you their portfolio of essentially Kittie porn, a story of, well, their mom asked me to take these pics would not deter you from contacting the authorities call the authorities of them and Trying to act on like his mom You know no dude. Uh, is this what it looks like a photo of a naked kid playing with the dildo? Yes, but let me explain. It's cool. It's totally cool You know, it's well and, well, and her mom, her mom brought the deal to the shoot.
Starting point is 00:12:46 It was, uh, it was her deal though, that the kid was playing with. Yeah, that doesn't make it okay, Rodney, that actually makes it more disturbing. Why is this girl wearing lingerie and Ben over spreading her butt cheeks? Because her mom said that she had once taken the same kind of photo herself.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And she wanted to do some kind of mom, daughter, collage for her mother's day or something. And put them in the fridge. Dude, that's even more fucked up. Why do you call the place on the mom? You fucking creep. More you talk the words it gets. I'm not sure that the photos of Roddy's,
Starting point is 00:13:15 you know, the people who were seen of Roddy's were quite that explicit. I don't think they were. But many were apparently very sexual in nature. Many were sexually graphic. And many were so sexually graphic They've actually never been released to the public had Rodney tried to pull off his killing spree now I would hope he would get caught quicker
Starting point is 00:13:32 Rodney was killing during a time before stranger danger was the mainstay of children's education when hitchhiking was still a common and socially accepted way to get around and when a lot of people believed You know, it was okay. I guess to pictures of fucking the new kids as a fine art photographer and uh... you know as an arrow when he was killing when people couldn't fact check you online on their phone really quick make sure you are who you say you are uh... too many people mistakenly believed also the good looking people must be good people and that when the dating show for example meant you uh... must be a good cool guy
Starting point is 00:14:02 rodney alcolla not a good cool cool guy. Let's find out who he actually was. Take a long journey. I think a very interesting journey. Darkly interesting down today's time stock timeline, but first let's listen to some of his dating game appearance. I just want you to hear this creep before you get to know him any better. Yeah, he was uh, he was, he was a hit on the show. Well, let's see. Back to number one is a successful photographer who got his start when his father found him in the dark room at the age of 13 fully developed. Between takes, he might find him skydiving or motorcycle-ing, please welcome Rodney Alkalaw. Rod, welcome.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Welcome. And it's time to get a young lady for game number one, and here she is. Here is a young lady with a welcome experience. She once earned a living, massaging feet, but she quit when her boss adjusted that she worked her way up. Then she taught school in Phoenix, Arizona. Now she's here to educate at three bachelor's in the art of art. More welcome, if you will, sensational, Cheryl Bradshaw. Hello, Arizona. Now she's here to educate our three bachelors in the air to the board. Welcome, if you will, sensational,
Starting point is 00:15:06 Cheryl Bradshaw. Hello, Cheryl. Don't sit down yet, Mr. Minute. Wanna make sure everything is safe. You relax, you feel okay? All right, you know there are three bachelors over there. There'll be one, two, and three. Ask them anything you like to find out more about them,
Starting point is 00:15:20 except their name, age, occupation, or income, okay? And we're gonna start by having them say hello to you and see how they show. Number one, would you say hello to Cheryl? Please, we're going to have a great time together. Cheryl. Okay. Here we go. Bachelor number one.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Yes. What's your best time? The best time is at night. Night time. Why do you say that? Because that's the only time? The best time is at night. At night time. Why do you say that? Because that's the only time there is. The only time? What's wrong with the morning after?
Starting point is 00:15:53 So that's so creepy in this context of who he is. I mean, a weird thing to say, I think already. Because that's the only time there is. There's just no, that's just fuck right now, Cheryl. He just feels very forward. No. Well, they're okay, but night time's when it really gets good. Oh, really? just know that's just fuck right now, Cheryl. He just feels very forward. Noon. Well, they're OK, but nighttime's when it really gets good. Oh, oh, really.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I'm a drama teacher, and I'm going to audition each of you for my private class. Bachelor number one, a direct dirt to old man. Take it. Come on over here. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz A Bachelor number one. I am serving you for dinner. What are you called and what do you look like? I'm called the banana and I look really good. How was the audience laughing at our hard? I'm called the banana and I look really good. All right, easy ground.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Can you be a little more descriptive? Peo me. So that's him. That's him. I didn't think he was nearly as funny as Cheryl did or the audience. Maybe it's because though I know who he is now. And I don't like you made a sexual association with Banana. That's my thing. You don't know why I'm saying that. Don't you worry about it. It'll take so long to explain that reference.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Looks wise Rodney seemed totally normal. Just a regular horny dude in the 70s trying to hook up with a hot single lady. Same guy who charmed both Cheryl and the audience. I don't know how he did it, but he did. That day, she'd pick him up for her for her for her or she'd pick him for her date. And he had already savagely raped sexually tortured and killed women by this point. All right, now let's meet the boy who would become this monster in today's Time Suck timeline. Shrap on those boots, soldier. We're marching down a Time Suck timeline. April 23rd, 1943. Rodrigo Jacques Alcala Buchor. Born in San Antonio, Texas, to Raul Alcala, a Buchor, and Anna Marie Gutierrez. He had an older brother, Raul,
Starting point is 00:18:31 born two years prior in 1941, an older sister Marie Teresa, born the year before 1942. On April 24th, 1947, Raul's youngest sister Marie Christine. That's fun. Two, oh boy. Okay. So you named, um, named both girls the same same first name. That's, uh, that's really cool.
Starting point is 00:18:52 April 24th, 1947. Yeah. Okay. Christine is born and young Rodney only four years old, uh, takes photos of her birth. He somehow even talks his mom and let him take a spread eagle picks of her vagina in the days and weeks leading up to Marie's birth, saying he needed to figure out what best angles and lighting to use. Kidding, obviously, at least I hope that was obvious. The following year, 1948, Rodney starts kindergarten. First goes to St. Joseph Catholic Elementary, St. Joseph Church now surrounded by a bunch of big shops at River Center, retail and entertainment complex in San Antonio, not far from the Alamo actual St. Joseph School,
Starting point is 00:19:25 from what I can tell no longer around. At some point in his primary education, Rodney moves to study at Mount Secret Heart, Catholic School, which is still there today, serving kindergarteners through eighth graders. Mount Secret Heart, that's kind of a weird name to you. Not as expensive as some of the schools we've covered in the Epstein Suck, but not super cheap either, between six, eight, K a year. Looks like a good school. The Alcala kids all attended either public or private Catholic schools in their elementary years. I guess it's Alcala. Yeah, I always want to put Alcala, Alcala.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Alcala, Alcala. I don't know his name. I've written so many pronunciation guides, instead it's so many times in practice in a just, maybe just've just don't know any other Alkalas Alkalas Just not real off the time. There were lives education very important. They're devoutly Catholic mother The kids all lived in an average middle class neighborhood in a four bedroom home not far from the Alamo
Starting point is 00:20:18 Rodney and Raul each other own bedrooms sisters had to share one two sisters same first name sharing room I guess this family Girls don't matter as much. Uh, elementary school, not as much to report on Rodney. Excellent student getting good grades said to be respectful and kind with above average intelligence. He may have had way above average intelligence. Various sources will list his IQ online is being anywhere, uh, from 125 to 170 genius being 116 above. He shows up in some online list of serial killers, is being the smartest serial killer ever caught, but you know, these sources, none of them seem to point to how his IQ was determined.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Other than one book, he just like says that he was in Mensaa and I don't know, maybe he was a genius. At the very least, I do think he was very intelligent. Definitely a little brighter than Ed Geen, Carl Dinky, Yacht him Crow, many of the dirt bags we've covered. 1951, when Rodney is eight, his maternal grandma becomes terminally ill, exact illness, not cited in sources. And she decides that she wants to spend her final years back in Mexico with her family. So Rodney and his family, they pack up, they moved to Mexico where Rodney attends his first non-Catholic school. It goes to a private school ran by the Satanic Temple. Just like Catholic schools, there are Satanic schools in some places. Interestingly, no one molest him. It gets, you know, great education, learns fantastic humanistic ethics,
Starting point is 00:21:45 time to have a very healthy relationship with sexuality, all sort of think critically, not based as personal code of ethics, and then he sort of fear of divine punishment, and he does great, you know, for a couple years. Jake, no, he just goes to a regular public school. Can you imagine if the Satanic Temple did open some schools?
Starting point is 00:22:01 I would find it fascinating. I would think it would be great. Just because I bet it would be great schools, I would think it would be great. Just because I bet I bet it would be great schools and just because it would just cause so much disruption. So all the wet people like the Westboro Baptist Church, they would lose their fucking minds. Anyway, well living in Mexico, his grandma passes away in 1952 or 1953 and then in 1954, his dad leaves the family. Looked through multiple biographies, multiple sources, none of them give a good reason why he left.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Almost all of them talk about him just leaving. It appears that either Rodney never knew why or he just never chose to tell biographers or journalists. And one source that did say that Rodney's father had grown incredibly close in the 18 months prior to his dad leaving, and that his father's departure hit him the hardest out of his siblings. And I'm sure it was devastating.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Again, though, not sure how you twist that around in your head and use it to justify raping and killing girls and women. His abandonment by his father and his later violence towards women, I would think at least mostly if not totally unrelated. If paternal abandonment led directly to the serial killing of women, holy shit, America might have a bit of a lady shortage right now. Soon after Rodney's dad leaves, still in 1954, the family leaves Mexico and relocate to Los Angeles, California. Rodney's mom enrolls the 11-year-old in Saint Alfonso,
Starting point is 00:23:16 and East LA, where he goes to school for two years. That school is still there today. 1956, age 13, Rodney finishes eighth grade, then attends high school at a private school called Cantwell Sacred Heart of Mary in Montabello, California, small city board in East Los Angeles to the east of East Los Angeles. During his last year of high school, well, you know what, I think I might have written that down right. It's right next to East Los Angeles. I think it might actually be West.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Now that I'm pictured, my head on a map. During his last year of high school, he decides he's had enough of religious education and insists on being transferred to public school. It was to Montabello High School. That's still there today as well. If anything bad happened to him in any of these schools, he never said anything about it.
Starting point is 00:23:59 1958 for his 15th birthday, Rodney, his mom gives him a camera, nothing too fancy, not top of the line or anything But he loves it it immediately becomes his most prized possession and now I've joking earlier But now he talks mommy into a photo shoot nothing too scandalous just some art house stuff Nothing too sexual outside of a ballgag and some nipple clamps and you know topless a lot of anal play I can't even get now the camera does become his most prized possession though Last night when I was finishing my notes, maybe that's tired, but it became very funny to me just to picture him constantly, pushing his mom to take scandalous photoshoots.
Starting point is 00:24:33 He'll hop on his bike, he'll pedal all the way to Hollywood and Hollywood Hills looking for celebrities to take pics. He really does that, thinks he's like a, imagine he's a part of the paparazzi. So, I was telling people he's gonna be a professional photographer someday 1960 Rodney to 17 now graduates from high school at the top of his class People knew him as a fun and outgoing guy who handsome smart a ladies man who always seem to have a line up of dates God, I wonder what those girls would have to say now about their dates was Rodney None of them to my knowledge have ever come forward and shared details. And I guess why would they? Interestingly, future Southern California police chief David L. Snowden would graduate to same high school to following year 1961. I wonder if he remembered
Starting point is 00:25:14 crossing past with Rodney. He's listed as a notable alumni of Montabelo High School. Rodney is not for some reason. It doesn't seem like he would ever end up investigating Rodney. June 19, 1961, Rodney enters a program in North Carolina to become a paratrooper after enlisting in the US Army the previous year. He'll serve primarily as a clerk in the Army for four years. Why'd he put his photography career on hold to join the military? No idea. August 1, 1962, just a couple of weeks before Rodney's 19th birthday, he gets a letter from his mom informing him that his dad had unexpectedly passed away into Larry County, California.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Rodney had not spoken to his father in years, but he and his family attend the funeral, and Rodney is shocked to find out his dad had remarried and had more kids. That would be pretty fucking weird to not find that out and tell the funeral. What does trains thing some people do Completely walk away from their family, you know, their kids, and then just have like more kids with somebody else. Wish I knew why he did it. About a year later, 1963, Rodney suddenly turns up at home
Starting point is 00:26:14 while his mom's cooking dinner one night. She's incredibly surprised. When she has Rodney, why is home? He tells her the truth that he's hitchhiked home and gone AWOL. He had hitchhiked over 2,500 miles. Just sit set with him, tell us when you turn himself in, he doesn't want you.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Instead, he wants to take some pics over. That's a weird, nothing weird, nothing weird this time. Just a normal son and mom, just a budwarshoot, just a healthy son, taking some lingerie, and maybe some topless, maybe some full-newty pics of a sexy, sexy mommy. Oh, sorry. Now that I've started that stupid joke, it's a hard for me to stop it. Roddy's mom really did want him to turn himself in. After a few days, he re-lended,
Starting point is 00:26:52 he went to the local army detachment, told him about how he deserted. He's now interviewed by several different officers. He's eventually sent to an army psychologist who hospitalizes him, tells him that he needs urgent psychological care. When the hospital checks with Rodney Superior officers back in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, they learned that in the last two weeks before he went AWOL, Rodney had been unable to perform his regular duties and seemed to have suffered from some type of nervous breakdown. No one seems to know like what triggered it. Rodney was diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder by a military psychiatrist and was honorably discharged on medical grounds now.
Starting point is 00:27:27 So what is anti-social personality disorder? A very serious, very concerning mental illness. It's fucking scary. Anti-social personality disorder is a mental condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. We've talked about it before several times, but rarely, if ever, by that name, it's oftentimes called sociopathy. You know, so it means it's your sociopath.
Starting point is 00:27:54 I did not know the two terms were synonymous, actually, or if I knew ones, I forgot. People with anti-social personality disorder tend to antagonize, manipulate, treat others harshly, or with callous indifference. They show no guilt or remorse for their behavior, lack empathy. Other symptoms can include but are not limited to disregard for right and wrong, persistent lying or deceit to exploit others. Errogance, a sense of superiority, and being extremely opinionated, repeatedly violating the rights of others through intimidation and dishonesty using charm or wit to manipulate others for personal gain or personal pleasure
Starting point is 00:28:27 That'll be a big one for Rodney unnecessary risk taking or dangerous behavior with no regard for the safety of self of self or others and that'll be another big one for Rodney Didn't give a fuck about other safety Individuals anti social personality disorder will often violate the law, becoming criminals. They may lie, behave violently or impulsively and have problems with drug or alcohol use because of these characteristics. People with this disorder often can't fulfill
Starting point is 00:28:54 responsibilities related to family, worker, school. Well, of course, not all people with anti-social personality disorder become serial killers. Almost all serial killers have antisocial traits if not this full blown disorder, right? But that makes sense, a lot of social pass. When Rodney's released from the hospital, he returns home seems to feel more like himself.
Starting point is 00:29:12 He will later claim that racial abuse contributed to his nervous breakdown in Fort Bragg and he now americanizes his own name a bit and goes to Marauderigo, Jacques Alcala Bucourt, to Rodney, James Alcoo in order to sound less Mexican. Maybe he did experience racial abuse and Fort Bragg in the late 60s, he probably did, but that can't turn you into a sociopath. And before I move on, I think I said, you know, he worked as a clerk for several years
Starting point is 00:29:36 and the timeline doesn't seem to match up with what I said when he got discharged. Totally. There was a lot of off- and with these serial killers. There's just so many clickbait articles. And even like biographies where you look through enough of them and watch tough documentaries, like, well, this is clearly bullshit. This is based in no court records or nothing. And with this guy, maybe because he's not as well-known, it was tougher than usual to discern fact from fiction. And also, the people who are writing these, this guy light his ass off all the time.
Starting point is 00:30:09 And told people a lot of different stories, which is also common with these serial killers. And when they're being interviewed, they'll tell one journalist, one story about their childhood and their young adulthood, another person, another story. The timeline's getting a little fuzzy. So sorry if that happens here and there. But back to his possible racial abuse, yeah, he maybe did,
Starting point is 00:30:28 but yeah, that can't turn you into sociopaths. The exact cause of anti-social personality disorder, how you become a sociopath, not known, but they strongly believe genes may make you more vulnerable to developing this disorder, and life situations may trigger the development. Changes in the way the brain functions may result during brain development. So as you're growing up, certain environmental like triggers, genetic triggers can suddenly
Starting point is 00:30:54 kind of change your brain chemistry. And I don't know, now you just don't have any fucking empathy. Basically, he had it by the time he made it to Fort Bragg. After leaving the military, he enrolled in the find arts at ucla in loss angelus and then we lose sight of any real details regarding his life for about five years until uh... nineteen sixty eight uh... was he raping or killing during these years uh... it's very possible
Starting point is 00:31:15 in the spring of nineteen sixty eight Rodney graduates from ucla with a bachelor of fine arts and photography also falls into some unexpected money on the day he graduates, his step-mom, a woman he hadn't even known until his dad died, until right after his dad died, paid his portion of his father's life insurance policy into his bank account. And now he moves into an apartment on the Longprey Avenue, or Boulevard, Longprey Boulevard in Hollywood. A neighborhood he'd always dreamed of living in, completely with a little white picket fence out front in a cozy veranda in the back. The bottom self-too further luxuries a beige Chevy convertible
Starting point is 00:31:49 and a brand new Halena 35x viewfinder camera containing a two-bladed leaf shutter the speeds of one 20 you know one slash 25 seconds up to one slash 200 seconds with this purchase came 10 free rolls of 35 millimeter film. And now if he wasn't already doing this before, 25 year old Alcala starts taking a new kind of photo. He was done photographing celebrities, birds, trees, any of that kind of stuff. Now he is ready to just kind of finally focus on his mom.
Starting point is 00:32:19 No, I mean, he's now gonna start taking pictures of women underage girls and also underage boys. So actually, actually worse than his mom. He uses new film roles exclusively for these kind of photos. Then a few months later, if he hadn't already done something similar before, he does a lot more than take some pics. Yic, now we're getting into the shit. September 9th, 1968.
Starting point is 00:32:39 H-25, Roddy's cruising down sunset Boulevard. He sees an eight year old girl, he finds attractive, decides the time is right to strike Fucking eight years old so so young Tallisha Pierro walking down sunset Boulevard and away to school gardener elementary She's new to the area of West Hollywood. She's in right now is her home and burned down recently and telling her family now staying at the famous Chateau, Vermont Incidentally, Chateau, Vermont one of the most luxurious hotels on the strip, one
Starting point is 00:33:05 of the most famous hotels in the United States. In the first half of the 20th century, stars like Greta Garbo, Betty Davis, John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, were regular faces there in the 60s now when this is happening rock stars uh, frequenting the hotel. Chateau Marmont, uh, the place where Jim Morrison from the doors jumped off the balcony and is sweet, uh, where John Bonham from Led Zeppelin famously drove his motorcycle into the lobby Talley probably had no idea about all that though. She was fucking eight years old She just knew that she her and her parents stay in there because her house had burned down right now. She's supposed to go to school
Starting point is 00:33:38 So she sets off Rodney drives up pulls up to the curb officer a ride She's torn. She's been told not to talk to strangers, but also respect her elders. She also never had to worry about the world hurting her. Didn't really understand how evil a stranger could be. Rodney tells her he knows her parents. They've told him he can give her a ride, since she is not used to adults lying to her. She believes him and gets in the car. And she would have never lived to let us know these details if it weren't
Starting point is 00:34:05 for a good Samaritan Donald Haynes who watched her get into Rodney's car. He just happened to be parked nearby. Something about their exchange did not sit well with him. He didn't like to look so Rodney, a guy whose car had no license plate. And for colleague under the car, he follows them to an apartment complex. Once there, he watches Rodney, lead her into an apartment and he uses the pay phone to call the LAPD. LAPD officer Chris Kamacho gets the call from dispatch to go check things out. When he gets to the apartment, his spidey senses also going off, you know, something doesn't feel right about all this. He calls in another officer for backup. Then he goes up to the apartment door, starts knocking, calls out, you know, needs to speak to Rodney. Rodney,
Starting point is 00:34:42 barely cracks the door open, has a little security change still attached. Ask what the problem is when Camacho says he needs to come inside and check on a report on a young girl. Rodney tells him there's no girl and he's nude. It's just gotten out of the shower and we need a few seconds to get dressed before letting him in. Then he slams the door shut. Now officer Camacho really has a bad feeling in his gut. If Rodney just got out of the shower, why wasn't he wet? Camacho now breaks the fucking door down. Hail officer Camacho. Once inside, first thing he sees is blood in the kitchen floor.
Starting point is 00:35:13 So much blood. Then he sees a pair of Mary Jane's on the floor, next to Tali's body. She's not moving. Rodney's gone. He just slipped out the back. Camacho first thought Tali was dead. She's laying nude motionless on her back next to a pile of her crumpled up clothes.
Starting point is 00:35:26 She'd lost so much fucking blood, but then he hears gargling. She's choking on some of her blood and officers see that, you know, Tali's alive. But barely. She'd been raped, strangled, beaten. Now the choice was to go after Rodney or try to save her life. So Camacho tries to save her life. His partner chases after or the backup officer chases after's after, oh my gosh, Alkala Rodney, but doesn't find him.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Kamacho will later say, when I was in Vietnam and we were in combat, I was trying to save this guy and didn't do it. He died. So with Tolly, it was kind of like God gave me a second chance to save someone. He was a towel to lift a 10 pound metal bar off her neck then he carefully tilted her
Starting point is 00:36:05 head to the side, allowing her to cough up blood and clear her airway. Once she was breathing normally again, he covered her nude body in a blanket before calling for an ambulance in LAPD backup. The girl had been beaten with the metal bar, then brutally raped. A pool of blood on the tile floor had come from between her legs. Fuck her. Pulse's faint, but come on, so somehow knows she's gonna make it. Ambulance is there within minutes,
Starting point is 00:36:28 and after you make sure that Tali is safe with EMTs, you can ducts a quick search to the apartment without touching anything with his bare hands to contaminate the crime scene. Finds dozens of printed photos of young girls on a coffee table in the living room. And one corner behind a black velvet curtain, a makeshift darkroom with film, more prints, negatives,
Starting point is 00:36:46 plastic, chemical containers, other, you know, photographic equipment. Many of the girls in the photos clearly weigh underage in their underwear or in the nude, often captured the photos through their bedroom or bathroom windows. Girls who had no idea, some fucking creep was out in the bushes, snap in photos. Later that day, after speaking to neighbors and finding a UCLA student idea in the apartment, investigating detective Steve Hodle determines that Rodney, Alcala, is the main suspect. But Rodney has bounced out of the Lala land already. Tala will recover physically, then she'll move out of town with her parents down to Mexico. Shortly after the attack, Rodney gets accepted to NYU, New York University School of the
Starting point is 00:37:27 Arts undergraduate program under the alias of John Berger, who he may have hurt or killed over the course of the following, you know, few years unknown. July of 1969, about to turn 26, Rodney goes to work as an arts and drama counselor at a summer camp in George Mills, New Hampshire. Still loving living under the alias of John burger, little does fellow camp counselors or anyone else who worked at or attended the camp. No, the Mr. Burger, the drama teacher was one of the rapen attempted murder of an eight year old back in L.A. He would work at this camp for three consecutive summers, taking
Starting point is 00:38:00 God knows how many fucking creepy picks of teen girls. And he'd go to NYU and study film during the school year. He would even study under fellow sexual predator director Roman Polanski for a while. After leaving almost all his belongings in California when he fled, Alcala bought himself a newer model, Helena camera. He had an absolute blast whenever he was at camp on the edge of lake sunnepi, taking pics of teenage girls doing cartwheels and tightfitting shorts, or sitting while wearing
Starting point is 00:38:25 their skirts. Alcala, you know, is a developing sexual sadist and he's in his depraved elements. I'm sure build lots of horrific fantasies. Meanwhile, 3,000 miles away, Detective Steve Holtle has finally persuaded his superiors to take more drastic action to apprehend the perpetrator Rodney Alcala and get justice for Tali Shapiro. She had survived, but it had taken more than nine months for her to fully recover from her injuries.
Starting point is 00:38:48 She was in a coma for 32 days. Steve Hodele exhausted all, had exhausted all those leads. Now it's time to take a search for Rodney to the next level. And he helped get Rodney onto the FBI's 10 most wanted list. And this will lead to his capture. In June of 1971, Rodney graduates from N.I.U. begins his third summer, working at the arts and drama camp
Starting point is 00:39:07 in George Mills, New Hampshire. On the evening of June 23rd, 1971, Alkalov finds out about that FBI list. He just finished watching the latest episode of the Brady Bunch and his Manhattan loft. When a police news flash, his aired live on national television, and there he is. The broadcast photo of his face and grainy black and white
Starting point is 00:39:25 and he is fucking furious. He felt it was unfair. Of course he did, he's a sociopath. As if what he did wasn't actually that bad. Now he decides to go do something that night that'll make him worthy of that level of law enforcement interest. He heads out to some clubs and discos in Manhattan,
Starting point is 00:39:41 armed with his camera and a lot of evil ideas while ordering a beer at a bar Alkaless spots an attractive dark hair young woman sitting by herself sipping on what appeared to be a martini she's wearing a form fitting pastel pink blouse pair of tight bell bottom jeans she's gorgeous he has made her to be in her early 20s and he asked to join her for a drink and she accepts her name is Cornelia Crilly 23 years old she was a flight attendant for TSA, Transworld Airlines, which was a very prestigious and glamorous job at that time.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Alkaline introduces himself as a fashion photographer, ends up talking her in to letting him come over to her apartment for some drinks and some photos. It wants to two of them are alone, things of course got brutal. One biographer's recreation of what may have happened based on the crime scene was Rodney demanding that she take her clothes off for some pictures when she refuses goes for her phone to try and call police he attacks her. He punched her in the face briefly knocks her unconscious, hauls her into the bedroom where he tears off her blouse leather sandals jeans and underwear and her tiner up with some nylon ropes he'd found, stuffs her panties deep into her mouth, slaps her back awake when
Starting point is 00:40:44 she comes to she's naked bound on the floor and Alcala is violently raping her. You took a pair of nylon stockings strangled her again, then after she is dead, continues to have sex with her corpse. Then he goes home that night, goes back to his job and a summer camp, you know, the summer camp the next day like, what are you done with? No fucking big deal. Next day, June 24, 1971, dead body of Cornelia is found in her apartment in the Yorkville area
Starting point is 00:41:07 of Manhattan and police. Unfortunately, have no suspects. Over a month later, early August, two of the teen girl campers at the George Mill Summer Camp recognize their counts are John Berger when they see his picture on an FBI top 10 list at the local post office. They report this to the camp director
Starting point is 00:41:24 who confirms that the man on the poster is indeed his employee and immediately he calls the FBI. Then on August 11, 1971, FBI agents arrive at the camp arrest John slash Rodney with the help of fingerprint evidence. He's quickly extradited back to Los Angeles, or Detective Hodel, who pushed to get him on that list right now is a chance to speak to him. As Hodel will later say, I ask him, so tell me about the Tolly Shapiro incident. And basically he says, oh, I wanna forget about all that.
Starting point is 00:41:50 He said, I don't wanna talk about things that Rodney, Alkala, did, as if Rodney was a different person. And then Hodel, you know, unfortunately, had to let him go. Fair enough, Rodney. I mean, John, sorry, I just wanted to ask you some questions, but if Rodney doesn't want to talk about it, I don't think there's anything we can do.
Starting point is 00:42:08 You know, I mean, I get it. You change your name. So we can't technically prosecute you for anything that Rodney did. Can we? I mean, you're not really Rodney anymore. It's genius what you've just done. Hey, do us a favor. Please don't tell any of the Derbe bags, no disrespect about this particular loophole.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Right? We don't want everyone to realize that if you just change your name, start calling yourself something else, you legally can't get in any trouble for anything you did when you had the old name. No, of course hotel is not letting him go. That was so fucking weird for Rodney just to say that though. It's almost like he's crazy or something. Like he arrogantly thinks he's a lot smarter than the rest of us because his brain isn't working right. Rodney unfortunately won't get in nearly as much trouble as he should have over what he did. By the time that the, you know, they capture Rodney and bring him back tolling her family, they've been down in Mexico for a while now and they have no intention of coming back for a trial enforcing young Tolly to relive the terror of her attack.
Starting point is 00:43:02 So with Tolly unavailable for trial, I don't totally understand this. Why she had to be there, concerning what else they found. Prosecutors have no choice but to enter into a plea agreement with Rodney. According to sources, they have no choice. They reached their deal between August 1971 and May of 1972. States will plead guilty to child molestation, but not to rape and not to attempted murder. Another dirt bag gets let off easy. So for the crime of child molestation, Rodney receives inter-determinant or indeterminant
Starting point is 00:43:31 excuse me, sentencing, which was popular at the time. We've talked about indeterminant sentencing before some of the true crime episodes. It means that the judge is allowed to set a range of time instead of a specific amount of time. In this case, anywhere from one to 10 years with the option of parole, which means that a parole board, not a judge, will determine how much time and inmate spends in prison. So that's, that's fucking cool. So maybe just a year for kidnapping, brutally raping, and attempting to murder an eight-year-old
Starting point is 00:43:55 girl. A lot of states in the US still lean on indeterminate sensing when first introduced in the US in the 1930s, this flexible manner of sensing was supposed to help solve the problem of prison overcrowding because we've been dealing with that shit for a long time and also emphasize rehabilitation. So offenders who seem like they've been rehabilitated can return to society early. Rodney should have been locked up for life, but was not. Less than three years later, he'd charm the person who had the keys to his release just like he'd charmed his victims. August 1974, the state psychiatrist determines that now 31 year old Rodney has considerably improved during his incarceration. And he's released on parole with the stipulation that he stopped talking about taking new
Starting point is 00:44:34 to picks up his mommy. It was all I wanted to talk about in prison. Well, kind of outfits he was going to get her to wear. What position she was going to pose in. What porn amags? He was going to make sure she she got published in Ah, sorry, no, no, he was he was released on parole with a stipulation that he has to register as a sex offender with the Monterey Park Police Department His final statement during this parole hearing was At the time of the horrible crime my judgment was impaired by the effect of drugs And I now deeply regret the pain and suffering. I have caused a tallie Shapiro in her family. Get the fuck out of here. I want people so fucking dumb. That log in like a pro board. Are you kidding me? Fucking drugs are gonna blame blame drugs on that. They should have kept him locked him up for just
Starting point is 00:45:11 being stupid enough to blame kidnap and raping and trying to kill an eight year old on drugs. There's not a drug that's gonna make you do something like that unless you are just inherently fucked up. You wanted to do that shit already, and then it came out under drugs. Also Rodney was never a big drug user. Well she just weed. But that was all it took, you know, to convince these people to let him go free. Once Alkalow is released, he goes back to live with his mom,
Starting point is 00:45:36 where he has the use of her car, as well as his own bedroom with the private entrance, you know, because why should mom keep an eye on him? What is he done? What terrible thing is he done? What bet? What terrible thing is he done? He also lands a job within two weeks of his release with the local entertainment magazine.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Is out taking photos of stores and South L.A. Right? The day after he lands that job, letter from the parole board to the magazine said he was fully rehabilitated and well mannered. Good job, parole board. Awesome work.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Very quickly, he returns to a rape and murder. Two months later, October 13th, 1974, Alka LaPoles into a shopping mall in Huntington Beach, where he sees a 13 year old girl waiting for the school bus. Her jeans are faded, letters HBH, Huntington Beach High, embroidered in royal blue sweaters in the back of her white sweater. Rodney notices the girl's name is written on her books, calls out to her, Hey Julie, when her head turns, he offers a take her to school. At first she doesn't answer, then he offers to show her some cool picks.
Starting point is 00:46:30 He's a professional photographer. He can make her a star, she accepts. Once she's in the car, he tells her that his name is John Ronald. So that's an interesting choice. He's got a lot of Ronald's last name. His name is John Thomas. His name is John Thomas. His name is John Daniel. I guess maybe a few minutes into the drive though.
Starting point is 00:46:48 She notices the driving right pastor school, Rodney's not stopping. She panics, of course she does. He starts to scream, tries to throw herself out of the car, but Rodney grabs her. Drives her to a secluded location, along the bluffs on Huntington Beach. Take that adjoint, forces her to smoke it.
Starting point is 00:47:02 She never smoked before, drops a joint on purpose to try and give her time to make a break for it. But he grabs her now forcibly kisses her. Luckily, when this is happening, a park ranger passing by smells the pot. Goes over to the pair to check it out. It might be the only time in history that an officer trying to bust someone over pot was actually a good thing to do. Rodney claims that he and Julie were just hiking, taking a break, but then Julie quickly shouts out that she'd been forced to go with him. He kidnapped her and she wants to go home. Ranger puts both them in a squad car now, drives them to the police station.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Once they're Rodney blames the pot on Julie, say it was her drugs, and she was the one who suggested they go to the bluff to smoke it. You know, what am I supposed to do? 13 year old girl wants me to go smoke some pots, take her to a secluded location. I mean, I kind of have to do it. And officers immediately let him go. And they beat Julie to death for being a no good pot smoking commie hippie.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Or the police run background checks on both. And there's nothing on Julie, she's a fucking kid. 13 year old with no criminal record. Alchula, they find out as a parolee, guy who'd already molested another underage girl. He'd actually rate them almost killed her, but molestations, what shows with no criminal record. Alkalade find out is a parolee, guy who'd already molested another underage girl. He'd actually raped and almost killed her, but molestations what shows up on his record. Thanks, that fucking pleadio. Rodney now booked on several criminal counts, including sale of pot, kidnap and violating parole, and that dirty mother fuckers
Starting point is 00:48:17 taken a jail. How many other girls he had done something similar to or worse before this arrest? October 26, 1974 Rodney found guilty of violating parole and providing drugs to a minor. Fucking snake somehow got off in the kidnapping charge and he gets sent to prison. And he won't say that long this time either. He'll be incarcerated until June of 1977 at the California Department of Corrections first in Chino, then at the men's colony in San Luis Obispo. On June 16, 1977, age 33, Rodney released on parole after being pronounced re-reformed due to improvement programs. He completed while in prison. He's double reformed. Holy shit. He is so good now. He's so reformed. He is actually safer than someone
Starting point is 00:48:59 who's never got caught for raping an almost killing one kid and then kidnapping another. He was definitely going to, you know, try and fucking rape and kill. Yay, sex offender rehabilitation. It always works. Let a joke. What a colossal waste of everyone's time. Roddy's now required to report to a pro-losser weekly, but he won't. In the summer of 1977, his pro-losser makes the unusual decision to let Rodney, you know, right, fucking dirtbag, flight risk Go to New York City. So we can see family. As he claims, even though he has no family in New York City, many women in New York City are currently living in fear of another serial killer already. David Berkowitz, son of Sam,
Starting point is 00:49:34 he'd kill six, wound seven, most of them young women all outside of two and all outside of two stabbing victims were attacked in 1975. We're wounded or killed between July 1976 and July 31, 1977. Jesus Christ, that's what I was trying to say. It was heating up when he gets out there. Most young women in the area well aware of their murders and more on edge than normal, despite this Rodney quickly worms his way into the life of one young woman, Ellen Jane Hover. Ellen, just 23. Ellen is 23.
Starting point is 00:50:05 I just graduated from Beaver College in Glenzdale, Pennsylvania, where she'd majored in biology, minor in music. She lived at 686, third avenue, in a quaint department in Manhattan, a stone's throw from the Empire State Building. She was a socialite, the daughter of the owner of a popular Hollywood nightclub, Searos, Goddaughter of both Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr. Rat Packers. club, Syros, Goddaughter of both Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Rat Packers. And on July 13th, 1977, a friend of her sees her talking to a tall guy with dark ponytail with a dark ponytail just outside of her apartment. She had no idea who he was, but he charmed her in to get a lunch date. When a friend asked her about him, Ellen replied, he was a charming photographer. And that was the truth. Unfortunately, he was so much more than that. July 15th was the day of Ellen's date with Rodney.
Starting point is 00:50:48 That morning, she goes to the library then back to her apartment and time to meet him for lunch. And then she has never seen again by any friends and family, at least not alive. She never shut up later that night for a plan dinner dates, never phoned her parents back, although she promised to, very out of character. Next day, July 16th, Ellen's parents decide
Starting point is 00:51:04 to notify the police after not hearing from their daughter for a full, you know, 24 hours. I wasn't very worried as they should be. Police and head to her apartment where they find no signs of a breaking. Then they gain access to, sorry, they find, yeah, no signs of a breaking. They only included her disappearance. Detective noticed that Hovers diary was open to July 15th with a line scribbling at the red John burger photographer well connected. We're about to daughter. Ellen's family hires a private detective to try and locate this mysterious John burger. They even put it by a $100,000 reward for anyone who knew their daughters whereabouts had flyers posted all around the city. Weeks go by though. No leads. Later that month in New York post even ran a headline on the cover that read
Starting point is 00:51:47 girl missing fear abduction. Many started to fear the son of Sam and gotten her. The police thought that Ellen might have been as type. She was attractive, young white woman, long dark hair, looked at seemed to be his preference. When he was conscious a few weeks later though, investigators would quickly realize that Ellen not one of his victims. Meanwhile, John Berger disappears from New York, heads back to Lala land.
Starting point is 00:52:08 September of 1977. He's returned to LA. He's gotten the job as a type-setter at the LA Times. While working the Times, he will convince hundreds of young men and women that he's a professional fashion photographer. And he'll convince him to let him take provocative photos of them for his portfolio. Who knows how many he also killed? An Ellie Times co-worker later recalled that Alkalus shared his photos with numerous co-workers and no one seemed to think to report him. This one co-worker would
Starting point is 00:52:34 say, I thought it was weird, but I was young. I didn't know anything. When I asked why I took the photos, he said their moms asked him to. I remember the girls were naked. The fuck. Literally showing his co-workers child porn that he shot and claiming that their parents asked him to take it. If that isn't that made it okay. And now we talked to other other, it's like they were just apparently too afraid of looking like a square to say how fucking disgusting that was. Like God times have changed. His perverted portfolio also included spread after spread a fully new teenage boys, also in sexually provocative poses more art
Starting point is 00:53:07 How she had I guess according to him? I wonder I wonder if his old teacher his old photography teacher Roman Polanski taught him how to best take nude photos of kids Just six months earlier Polanski had been arrested in Beverly Hills for drugging and raping 13-year-old Samantha Galey after taking some artsy photos of her To avoid numerous additional charges, Plandsky will plead guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor. And after serving 42 days in jail, he's supposed to be released for time served, according to his plea deal. Then his attorney after he gets out, thinks that the judge is going to toss out his plea deal, send him to 50 years in prison. So he gets on a bail, fleas the country, as we're making movies from abroad ever since.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Living in France, Poland, and Switzerland. I Wish that judge had put him away for 50 years. But instead, at the 75th Academy Awards in 2003, he won the best director Oscar for the pianist. Yeah, fuck yeah, noise. He was only finally kicked out of the Academy in 2018 for what he did in 1977, thanks to the Me Too movement. Why did it take that long? Because the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Scientists
Starting point is 00:54:04 has been morally fucking bankrupt for decades. Look at how celebrated Woody Allen's been. Forget about the sex crimes he's been accused of, like the one Levy to August of 1992, when his adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow, then only seven, said he sexually molested her and the home of his adopted mother, or her adopted mother, actress Mia Farrow, just look at another one of Mia's kids. Woody, in addition, having a biological child with Mia, had also adopted two of other of Mia Farrow, just look at another one of Mia's kids. Woody in addition having a biological
Starting point is 00:54:25 child with Mia had also adopted two other two other of Mia's kids and in 1992 years before the sex abuse allegation, Woody started a romantic relationship with another one of Mia's adopted children, Sunyum Preven. Woody's kids adopted teenage sister. When Suny was a senior in high school, Woody was a 56 year old pervert, he started dating her. He started dating his kid sister. Then he took nude photos of her when she was a freshman in college. Then he went on to receive an additional 23 Academy Award nominations five wins. Fuck yeah, cool. That's cool. Sorry, no, I got pulled a bit off course there. But I think all this does speak to how Hollywood really can be, Hollywood, Hollywood, Hollywood, Hollywood, Hollywood,
Starting point is 00:55:00 and from everything I've researched over the past several years, it was especially weird in the 1970s when Alkala was doing this shit. And it did make it easier for Alkala to do what he did because some of the sexual liberation of the counter-cultural revolution in late 60s and 70s ran a muck, and it wasn't that unusual, I guess, for a grown-ass man with a camera to approach teen girls and teen boys.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I wanna take Archie Nude Fogo. October of 1977, 18-year-old Jill Barcom disappears now. Jill was born December 18th, 1958. Fifth child of 11 kids in her family, grew up in O'Night in New York, I've been there before. We still live in the family home, just prior to her disappearance.
Starting point is 00:55:38 She dropped out of high school, her senior year earlier that spring, had a bit of a wild side, 1977, good year to party. She was a volunteering as a candy striper at the local hospital, hoping she'd become a nurse someday, then she abruptly tore family at least, uh, skipped out of town. And that October, she disappeared. Then a week later, she called her family to let him know she was okay. She told him she'd decided to drive it to California with three of her friends. Love it there so much. She decided to stay in her friends and returned to New York without her. And their family would never hear from her again. Few weeks later, early in the morning of November 10th, 1977, the West Los Angeles police
Starting point is 00:56:11 received a call about a dead body in the Mohaaland Drive area of LA close to Marlon Brando's house. The police parked near an area dense with brush and trees. Soon came across a horrifying sight. This is fucking brutal. Officer saw a female body on all fours low to the ground her knees bent the tips of her toes on the ground Her inner thighs and knees pointing outward had no panties on her rear was spread wide her face had been tucks So tightly against her breasts it looked like her neck was broken
Starting point is 00:56:39 Top of her head touching the ground between her knees her right hand curled up, only about three or four inches from her sliced open anus, where blood pooled in the dirt below. Her blood smeared like green sweater, pulled up on her back, she had no stockings or shoes on, one pant leg tied around her neck, a large pointed rock that was bloodstained, found in the pool of blood that encircled her head.
Starting point is 00:57:00 The autopsy report listed the victim as female, four feet, 11 inches tall, weighing about 95 pounds. Most disturbingly, almost all of her injuries had been inflicted while she was still alive. She was strangled with someone's hands, then with ligatures, then bashed on the head. The blows of the head appeared to be consistent with impacts from a rock, the bloody rock, you know, laying next to her. There were multiple causes of death.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Blunt forced trauma to the head and neck, either, lay next to her. There were multiple causes of death, blunt force trauma to the head and neck, either which could have killed her. So multiple possible causes of death and strangulation as a contributing cause. Her anus was torn, the area was bruised, so she was still alive, and those injuries occurred. Two contusions of the anus itself, just below the vagina,
Starting point is 00:57:39 indicated that while she was being satomized, the perpetrator's fingernails, likely dug into her skin. Her pubic hair was synched up the left side showing that a flaming instrument have been placed between her legs and into her vaginal area. Fuck, that is some toy box killer Kansas City butcher level shit. She had been savagely sexually tortured sperm found in both of Regina and her anus. Corner speculated that she hadn't walked to where she was found because there was no bare footprints.
Starting point is 00:58:06 There was also blood smears from the killer's hands found on her legs, showing how he'd moved them to make his disgusting display. So whoever had done this, taken from another location, then posed her, deliberately carried her from someplace else and made her look as horrifying as possible for the poor people who would find her. Her body had been staged, right? And this elaborate horrific staging will be one of Rodney's criminal signatures.
Starting point is 00:58:28 This type of staging often called posing. Jack the Ripper, time suck bonus episode 21, sometimes posed his victims' nude bodies with her legs spread apart, to shock onlookers and the police and Victorian England. Albert DeSalvo, the Boston Strangler, subject to time suck episode two 12, posed some of his victims to shock those who discovered their bodies. In most cases, DeSalvo, the Boston Strangler, subject to times like episode two 12, posed some of his victims to shock those who discovered their bodies.
Starting point is 00:58:46 In most cases, DeSalvo left his victims with her generals exposed towards the door. After murdering his six victims, 67-year-old Jane Sullivan, DeSalvo left her body in a bathtub in a kneeling position with her bare buttocks exposed, investigators determined the victim had been murdered in another room than taken to the bathroom for posing. Pretty rare for a serial killer to do this. To want to take the time to put on a little show of sorts for whoever discovers the body more often than 10 to the audience are sorry, most often with posing the intended audience seems to be law enforcement similar to killers taunting
Starting point is 00:59:18 authorities with letters to the media or to the police themselves mocking their inability to catch them. Posing might point to an especially arrogant killer who thinks they can not only just get away with murder, they can also flaunt the extreme brutality of their crimes and torment the law enforcement. Much more often, serial killers victims bodies are left wherever they've died. The killer having quickly fled the scene in a desperate attempt to get away with it. Sometimes, most early on in their sprees, they're shocked at what they've done, and want to remove themselves from the location where they lost control as fast as possible. Other times, bodies are dumped in a remote hidden location where the killer may return later to further sexually desecrate the body. Where the bodies kept in or very near the killer's home
Starting point is 00:59:58 where they can then return to it again and again for dark sexual satisfaction. Posing probably the most rare scenario. Posing mostly associated, at least recently it seems, based on what comes up first with a quick internet search, with Washington State serial killer George Russell, aka the Charmer. Charmer, excuse me, I have not covered him yet. He killed a 1990. One of his victims found with their arms and legs crossed as if put into a coffin, her eye had been covered with a plastic top. Another victim found with a sex toy shoved down her throat in the book more joy of sex placed in her left hand.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Fingerprint matched to a juvenile arrest record confirmed that this victim of rodenties was Jill Barcom. Jill laid to rest Wednesday November 16th 1977 in St. Patrick's Cemetery back in Onida. She received a closed casket service due to the severe disfiguration of her face and body. Prepared to not want any of the other children or fucking anyone to see what Rodney had done to her. Meanwhile, investigators have no idea this is Rodney's work. They have no suspects.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Lead detective on this case was LAPD officer, Philip, fanatar, who later would be lead detective of the O.J. Simpson case. And he was the one who made the call or helped make the call to look into the hillside stranglers in this one, assuming they had something to do with this. So I mean, no definitive suspects, but I guess he suspected the hillside stranglers. Once again, another serial killer roaming the same area, committing the same basic type of crime as Rodney, helps throw police off of his tracks. Officers knew that Jill's friend Judith Miller had been a victim of the Hellside Strangler. Jiu's body had been found October 31, 1977.
Starting point is 01:01:29 She was only 15. Now fucking crazy is that. These two women, these two, uh, you know, friends who had just met both killed by serial killers by different serial killers active in the same area at the same time. Law enforcement initially assumed Jill was another strangler victim. On December 14, 1977, LAPD receives a call from the FBI. They're investigating the disappearance of Ellen Hover, which took place about five months early in New York City, right? Still not having found her remains or her. They don't know for sure if she's dead at this point. The FBI looking for a man known as John Berger because his name is in her diary on the last day she's seen and they discover that
Starting point is 01:02:04 John Berger is an alias for Rodney Alcala, who's now living back in L.A. and the LAPD track down Rodney easily. The record show that he'd been in jail twice for a ruffle total of roughly five years. Now he's on parole working at the L.A. times. So the LAPD head over the times, find Rodney, bring him for questioning when they ask him about Ellen. They're surprised. Not only do he admit to knowing her, he admitted to being with her on the day she disappeared. He said that the two of them were friends and that they would go out and take picks together sometimes. He said that that was what they did on the day she disappeared. After he walked to her apartment or afterwards, he walked her to her apartment and left her at her
Starting point is 01:02:39 front door. Was he assuming he was so charming? They would just believe him or just that there was no evidence against him at this point He didn't have to worry about it. The police asked him to take a polygraph test He said no and since they couldn't force him to take it and had no evidence of a body You know, so or of a murder weapon if there was a murder they had no choice But to release him now even though they strongly assumed he had done something to her and had you know Obviously something to do with her disappearance Slippery son of a bitch.
Starting point is 01:03:05 For the moment, at least, as again, avoided being thrown behind bars. Just two days later, Southern California police make another horrifying discovery. The body of Georgia wixed it. 27 year old woman is found in her Malibu apartment after she fails to pick up a coworker for work. Georgia was a nurse at the Sentinel hospital in Englewood, usually working to 3 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. swing shift. After work on December 15th, Georgia, some friends,
Starting point is 01:03:31 they'd gone out to celebrate a friend's birthday, at a bar, one of the men they met, and Florida with a bit was Rodney Alcala. And he would follow them when they left the bar, and he would follow Georgia all the way to her house. Afterwards, Georgia dropped off her friend, Barbara Gailer, Santa Monica, home, before getting out of the car, Barbara asked Georgia
Starting point is 01:03:49 if she could catch her ride to work the next day two, three, or three in the afternoon. Her motorcycle had broken down, nurse who drives a motorcycle, hailed to Sofia. Barbara sounds bad ass. Georgia agreed since he both worked the same shift. But in the next afternoon, Georgia never shows up to take Barbara to work. After calling Georgia's house several times, getting no answer, Barbara takes a cab, and
Starting point is 01:04:08 then she's worried when George doesn't show up to her shift, so she quickly decides to call the police. I like everything about Barbara. Police officers to the inner George's apartment complex approach her door. Right away in Officer notices that her front window screen had been removed and propped up against an outside wall. Not good. There was also a box under the window, like someone had used it to boost themselves in against an outside wall. Not good. There was also a box under the window,
Starting point is 01:04:25 like someone had used it to boost themselves in from the outside. Really not good. The officer knocks the door, no one answers, but the door is unlocked, two officers then quickly enter, and a pungent smell hits them right away. So over 100 degrees inside, also dark. All the blinds are closed, the lights aren't working,
Starting point is 01:04:41 so they have to use their flashlights to look around, and within two minutes of beam of light illuminates what looks like a dead body. They secure the apartment and call in a homicide unit. Over the next hour or so, a team of 15 different homicide investigators arrives at the apartment, finds Georgia, they find Georgia laying on her back on the floor with her knees facing outwards, creating a diamond shape, more horrific posing, more graphic imagery of sexual violence coming up directly.
Starting point is 01:05:04 There was blood between Georgia's legs, a lot of it. Her pantyhose had been nodded several times around her neck, her bedsheets, pillows, bed spread, all laying on the floor beside her, all blood soaked, and a claw hammer laid about two feet away, also covered in blood. The whole apartment was a blood bath. There was blood spattered on the railings of the bed, as well as all over the bedroom walls, and the bathroom blood all over the toilet. It seemed like there was far too much blood to have come out of just one person, especially a small woman.
Starting point is 01:05:30 In the kitchen, there's a bloody towel and soap left in the sink, both of which indicated the killer had cleaned himself up before leaving. The autopsy report listed that Georgia had sustained massive head and facial trauma, numerous skull fractures and claw-like lacerations across her face and skull. There were cut marks all over her neck as well as broken bones inside of her neck and lower jaw, which then pierced all the way through the back of her neck, so much fucking violent, so much aggression. She also had a variety of lacerations on the lips of her vagina and labia.
Starting point is 01:05:59 He had bit her generals hard enough to tear apart some of the tissue. The corner would determine that almost all of these injuries had been inflicted upon her while she was still alive. Once again, she'd been sexually tortured. This motherfucker is brutal. Turns into a demon when he attacks. Reveals the real Rodney that's always lurking behind his eyes. The ligature marks on the neck, consistent with strangulation. The tears in the vaginal wall, consistent with forced penetration by an object. She'd been struck in the head with that claw hammer over and over again,
Starting point is 01:06:29 but for the first series of blows, it seemed not hard enough to be killed. Almost as if the killer wanted her to suffer tremendously before she died. She had been literally tortured to death. The author of one of his biographies also was started that Rodney took, likely took photos of Georgia in the midst of all this.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Perhaps he took photos during his kills in the midst of all the torture, you know, with all these different women, investigators had no idea how long Georgia's punishment went on for. Did he strangle her over and over before he let her die? Did he alternate between hitting her on the head with the hammer and forcibly penetrating her with the hammer as well? Spirm found in her vagina, anus, and mouth. And when they tested blood in the apartment, they found two blood types.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Some of the killer's blood is there too. She's either hurting them while trying to defend herself or heat hurt himself when he went completely fucking demonic and feral in his attacks. This blood and sperm huge evidence, very important smoking gun events in 2022, enter that into a digital database. The guy with two prior prison stints gonna pop up. They're gonna fucking find this guy in Thome and prison. Unfortunately, that's not reality in 1977.
Starting point is 01:07:29 In the late 40s, only 30 years earlier, scientists barely beginning to truly understand how DNA contained discrete units of hereditary information. X-rays of DNA strands came in 1952 when Rosalind Franklin able to produce two sets of high resolution photographs of DNA fibers and found the DNA had a double helix structure. Then it wouldn't be until 1977 that Frederick Sanger, Cambridge graduate, started developing rapid DNA sequencing techniques. It wasn't until the 1980s that labs were getting to use DNA to establish paternity in question cases.
Starting point is 01:08:00 And it wouldn't be until 1986 that DNA would be used in a murder case. Colin Pitchfork, fucking Mr. Pitchfork, what a name of a less to sure, not shire, not hobbits, England, would be convicted of raping and strangling two 15 year old school girls to death. The first 1983, the second, 1986, he'd been convicted of indecent exposure prior to those murders, right? With this fucking dick out front of some girls in public. His boss, the time is arrest, said that he couldn't leave female co-workers alone.
Starting point is 01:08:33 And then that pilot shit, you know, everyone knew as a fucking perv dirt bag already found guilty of two rapes and murders. And then later released from prison in 2021 at the age of 61. And then guess what, he immediately started approaching women and creeping them the fuck out. Weird. Who could have guessed he would do that? How about anyone with any common sense? But he's able to trick prison officials and psychologists and thinking he's totally rehabilitated. I feel like too many psychologists and psychiatrists have too much fucking ego when it comes to their ability to rehabilitate these perverts.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Nope. You fucking can't. They just trick you. You violated a condition of his parole, went back to prison. So, you know, he's in prison. Now I believe but eligible to be released any day. When the fuck is the world going to understand, you cannot rehabilitate sexual predators like this. And if we're not going to execute them, can we at least sense into life in prison with no possibility of parole? And then while in prison, they have to work. They have to do something that's profitable. And then that profit goes to either their victims, their victims, families or to charities
Starting point is 01:09:30 to nonprofits, allowing with helping the victims of sex offenders. And if they refuse to work, then we should definitely be able to kill them brutally. Fuck them. Anyway, after government started maintaining database, the DNA profile, the incentive for running unknown samples with skyrocket. You're right, violent crimes such as sexual assault, homicide, have a high degree of repeat offenders. So once databases are established, you know, coming over the match becomes more and more
Starting point is 01:09:54 likely, but not in Rodney Alkalist time. And he cleaned up fingerprints from this crime scene, right? That technology or that technology shooting was available, but he had erased that evidence. March of 1978, Rodney spends a brief period in jail when some weeds found in his home. The way it was found, I don't know, might surprise you. Rodney was interviewed by police, not for any of the murders or attacks that he had committed,
Starting point is 01:10:17 but because the Hillside Srayangler Task Force was interviewing any and all registered sex offenders in the area. After a long interview, they decided he's not the killer,'re looking for, but they do booking from Cermeroana. The idiot had left out on his fucking coffee table. Jesus dude, take a second to hide the weed before walking police into your home. I don't know, maybe he was stoned when he showed up. Days after Alcala was released after serving a few months in jail, Charlotte Lam, 32-year-old legal secretary from Santa Monica becomes this next victim. to your old legal secretary from Santa Monica becomes this next victim. Friday, June 23rd, 8 p.m. She called her old college friend James Ferracchi to ask him if he would like to go to a new club that had just opened Santa Monica. But James, he was tired. He wanted to quiet
Starting point is 01:10:55 night and declined. Charlotte decides to go out anyway and she meets Rodney. And you can surmise how the rest of her night went. The next day on June 24th, Charlotte's dots and now parked illegally behind the new club receives the first of her night went. The next day on June 24th, Charlotte's dots and now parked illegally behind the new club receives the first of two parking tickets. She receives a second on the 26th, when the car is still there. By that time her family and friends very concerned about her. June 26th was Charlotte's birthday, friends and family members,
Starting point is 01:11:17 tried calling her that day to wish her happy birthday. No one obviously gets a hold of her. Two days later, June 28th responding to a phone call from Charlotte's sister that she'd now been missing for several days. Detective Richard Placer from homicide and Santa Monica went to Charlotte's apartment. Knocked on her door. When no one responded, asked the apartment building manager to let him in.
Starting point is 01:11:35 So he could do well in his check. Inside, he finds zero clues as to what may have happened to her. Department's neat, well kept, everything's in this place. TV guide in the front room coffee table shows the page turned to June 23rd. Nobody could explain why she hadn't returned from the new night club, why she'd left her dots in park behind the club. I was back up to June 24th, a day after Charlotte, and went alone to that club in Santa Monica. That morning, a man named Zaffer Shaw made the mistake of going down to do his own laundry.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Zaffer was a tenant and an apartment building in El Segundo. He went to the laundry room and the basement to do some washing, saw what looked like a naked woman lying on the floor, a dead naked woman, immediately ran to the manager's office to tell him. The apartment manager and his wife run down to the laundry room, confirmed that yes, that's a dead body called a police. Like the three others before him, Detective William Gale arrived at the apartment to find the body woman who had been posed after death.
Starting point is 01:12:28 She lay splayed in a pool of blood on the laundromes floor. It was a shoelace tied around her neck. The shoe was still attached to the lace. It was hanging by the side of her face. Her arms placed behind her back, far enough that it seemed to prop up her breasts for display. Her legs spread wide. Her genitals facing the front door to the laundry room so that whoever came in would have no choice but to see the grizzly sight. The medical examiner's report would reveal the woman had received massive trauma to both her head and face. The shoelace was so forcefully tightened that the cartilage around her voice box and thyroid was fractured and blood vessels in her eyes had ruptured. There were also deep bite marks on the right side of her neck, along with abrasions above
Starting point is 01:13:07 her left breast and right shoulder. Hammer gene around the anal rim indicated she'd suffered blunt, forced trauma from forceful penetration, either arpenis or another object. Once again, most of the injuries had been inflicted while she was still alive. Also appeared, she'd been strangled numerous times, possibly choked with the killer's hands initially. Ultimately, the cause of her death was strangulation from that shoelace. Who knows how many times she repeated rounds of rape and torture and strangulation before
Starting point is 01:13:32 she died, much like with the other victims. An abundance of DNA evidence, right? Spurm. But again, 1978 wasn't much forensics could do with it. The detective started to ask questions to the manager, other tenants who lived in the apartment, building the soon discovered that not manager, other tenants who lived in the apartment, building they soon discovered that not only do this woman not live in the building, nobody recognized her. A few days after being initially labeled a Jane Doe, it will be determined that this is the murdered body of Charlotte Lam and within days,
Starting point is 01:13:58 another Alkalov victim is found. The remains of Ellen Hoover found in North Terrytown and West Chentra County, West Chester County, New York. Her skeletal remains discovered in a shallow grave in the Rockefeller estate. The remains confirmed to be hovers by dental records. Two rings in an ankle bracelet found in the body also determined to belong to Ellen. Right? We met her already at the Goddaughter of Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr.
Starting point is 01:14:21 disappeared in July of 77. Only clue to her disappearance, right? Was that diary entry? John Berger, Jr. Disappeared in July of 77. Only clue to her disappearance, right? Was that diary entry? John Berger, photographer. Detectives figured out that John Berger ailius of Rodney Alcala. And they questioned him about her disappearance. He refused to take a lie detector test.
Starting point is 01:14:35 They couldn't arrest him because there was no body. Now there's a body. Detective Donald Task, from a missing person squad in New York City, discovered the body after a tip they received that Rodney liked to watch the sunsets from the clips above the Hudson River just north of the city took 24 visits to this area before they found a pair of women's panties and bra, both thought to be Ellen's 24. I fucking love how tenacious these officers were did not give up after 23 tries.
Starting point is 01:15:01 That's commendable. After finding her bra and panties, they find her bones. Shortly after the news breaks that Ellen Hovers remains have been found, a young single woman calls in New York detectives to tell them that she had posed for pictures with a photographer named Rodney Alcala on the Rockefeller estate in almost the exact place Ellen's body had been found. Rodney now back on investigators radar. Clearly. While he's on their radar, he decides to make a national television appearance. And before we look at the super strange moment in history, again, let's take a mid show sponsor break. Thank for listening
Starting point is 01:15:37 to the sponsors who support the show. Everyone back now to Rodney's prime time TV debut. For most people, September 13th, 1978 was just an ordinary Wednesday. But for Cheryl Bradshaw, the Bachelorette on the TV matchmaking show, the dating game, that day was momentous. It was a day her episode would air across the country. She taped it two weeks earlier. We heard part of that episode earlier. Cheryl was introduced by host Jim Lang as a young lady who once earned a living massage and feet, which equipped with her boss suggested she work her way up. And she taught school and Phoenix Arizona that now she's here to educate our three bachelors in the art of more. That intro is so 1978. All right, so cringey. All right, fellas, listen up. Our singling ready
Starting point is 01:16:21 to mingle lady. The day is used to being actually harassed at work and she doesn't press charges. So put your Grope and gloves on. Get ready to poke and pinch. Dating game was super popular in 1978. American institution. First ran from 1965 to 1974. ran in, you know, prime time for for much of that initial run. And it was revised three times later. From 1978 to 1980, it aired as the all new dating game. And then it aired again from 1986, 1989, and then once more from 1996 to 1999, created by Chuck Barris, who also created the newlywed game and hosted the popular Gong show. The dating game featured a single woman who would be given a choice of three batchers, who she could talk with, but not see as a divider separated them. She knew them
Starting point is 01:17:08 to just batch her one, two, and three. Host Jim Lang, keep the show running smoothly with his witty banter, silly introductions and gameplay. In order to make her choice, the woman would ask to contest into series of questions, questions were usually suggestive and quirky. Then during the short commercial break, the woman would have to quickly contemplate a decision based on the bachelor's responses to her questions. After she made her decision, she would initially meet the two men that didn't make the cut. And after that, she would meet the bachelor she chose,
Starting point is 01:17:34 find out where they were gonna go in their dream date. In the end, the woman in the chosen bachelor would go on a date to some exotic locale. Sometimes not so exotic, but sometimes, a date that was typically shrap-r bunch of famous people one of the dating game And the early 1970s Michael Jackson appeared on the show rolls were reversed Jackson asked questions and picked a date from three eligible Batch lurets and by batch lurets. I mean young boys. I mean sleepover. Oh, come on. Come on anybody. No Slide whistle Oh, come on, come on anybody. No slide whistle
Starting point is 01:18:12 Before he did a big on Miami vice Don Johnson was actually a bachelor and was not picked for date And then there was Rodney Alcala, right? Who would be end up becoming the show's most infamous contestant on the day September 13th 1978 episode he was introduced as bachelor number one as we heard Successful photographer right enjoyed skyd, motorcycle riding, spare time. Those Cheryl couldn't see him yet. He was wearing a brown bell bottom suit. Had his feathered hair all teased out, smiling, big ol' smile as Jim Lang introduced him. Right? Bachelor number one successful photographer. Got his start when his father found him in this dark room with the age of 13 fully
Starting point is 01:18:42 developed. Right? You know, you heard that in the rest, Cheryl's final question was, am I serving you for dinner? Now, what do you call? What do you look like? That's when he said, I'm called the banana. I look really good. It has to be more descriptive. He just says, peel me later. Batch you one later, Cheryl replies, giggling and there and she does choose Rodney.
Starting point is 01:19:00 According to her, because I like bananas and I get it. Cheryl, Lord do I get it. That was not supposed to be that button. I'm gonna keep that mistake in, because that was really funny to me. Just gets really dark, I was trying to do a little slide, Lord do I get it, everyone has to die now. Very different tone, that button sets. Cheryl and Rodney met at the end of the episode, Rodney, Kishar and Cheek, they were awarded tennis lessons, complete without fits, trip to the Magic Mountain theme park, but the date never happened.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Bradshaw called the show's office shortly after filming tells the contestant coordinator, Ellen Metzger, that she doesn't want to go, she will not go. According to Metzger, Cheryl says that there's no way she's going to go on a date with Rodney. Immediately after their episode wraps backstage, he creeps her the fuck out. She later told the city telegraph in 2012, I started to feel ill. He was acting really creepy. I turned down his offer. I did not want to see him again.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Another one of the episodes, Batchers, actor Jed Mills, said to LA Weekly that Rodney was kind of quiet. I remember him because I told my brother about this one guy who was kind of good-looking but kind of creepy. He was always looking down and not making eye contact. Some true crime writers would later speculate that the rejection that he faced after this taping pushed Rodney further into his terrible deeds, he was embarrassed. Rejection, often incredibly difficult for serial killers, sociopaths to process.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Like Rodney, they tend to consider themselves super humans, predators, more powerful than their prey. Sad of the exposure Rodney receives in the dating game will not bring him down. It'll just give him the, the moniker, right, after he's caught of the dating game killer. Five months after it's up, it's on the dating game, he has February 13, 1979, Monique Hoit, a 15 year old girl, is hitchhiking in downtown Pasadena. A seemingly nice man pulls up his cider asked if she wants to pose for some nude fine photography. He said he'd pay her a thousand dollars.
Starting point is 01:20:56 He said she wouldn't be doing anything crazy. Just some light bondage stuff with his mommy. He said she'd only have to take her top off. While she's paying to his nude mommy's bare bottom, and then maybe if the mood was right, he put the camera on a timer on a stand, take pics of her spanked his mommy's bare bottom, well, she spanked his bare bottom.
Starting point is 01:21:15 And then, you know, she called him a freak, ran away and never met the true monster that Rodney was. I wish I could have happened. No. Monique flattered and excited for the money. Poor kid had been homeless for a while now. Got into the car. when she saw there was full of photography equipment, she relaxed.
Starting point is 01:21:28 He seemed legit. She told him her name. He said he was Rodney, right? Rodney Alcala didn't make up a name. He's 35 now. And he says that he needed to go by his house to pick up some more equipment. By the time they get there though,
Starting point is 01:21:39 it's getting too dark to take photos and they decide to spend the night at Rodney's house. And that night Rodney would actually not be violent. The two of them at the Manique du Shower and Chains set on his couch drinking root beer, Eden popcorn. They watched the Rocky Horror Picture show on Betamax. It rented it from a video store in Wilshire Boulevard the day before. Started kissing halfway through the movie. That led to consensual sex. Technically led to statutory rape since the age of consent in California was actually 18, but she at least wanted to have sex with his fucking creep at this point. Next morning after Rodney made breakfast, pancakes, eggs, bacon, juice, Rodney Monique drive
Starting point is 01:22:13 out to the mountains outside of Banny and Riverside County, about 75 miles from LA under the guys of going for a photo shoot. Is he actually going to play nice this time? No, of course not. He's fucking statistics sociopath. Rodney parked the car, the two walked into the forest for about 15 minutes. Rodney claimed he was looking for the perfect spot. I'm sure he was, just not for what she thought was going to happen.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Once he found it, Rodney began taking photos of Manique with all her clothes on. First, asking her to pose in various positions. A few minutes into the photo studio, the actor take off her top, take some more photos. Then the actor completely naked. She agrees, she strips down, the camera bulb continuing to flash. Now he says he wants to take some goofy pictures of her. So, he asked her to grab her t-shirt, put it on, put it up over her face, hold it there. As soon as she has the t-shirt over her face, he fucking smashes her in the head with a tree branch. Sweet Rodney's
Starting point is 01:23:00 gone. She's hit hard enough to be knocked to the ground. T-shirt falls off her face before she loses consciousness. She sees Rodney bending over her holding the branch. When she comes to, you know, a few seconds, a few minutes later, she knows she has to stay calm. She'd been living on the streets for over a year now. Had to develop some survival instincts. She knew that screaming yelling, probably gonna anger the psycho enough from the killer. So she keeps her eyes closed for a while. She pretends she's passed out. But Rodney will not make this very easy to keep up. Holy shit. He comes over to her, begins to bite her on her genitals. Hard works his way with his mouth down, you know, across her breasts, then penetrates her vaginally, pulls over, pulls her over. I'm sorry, but penetrates
Starting point is 01:23:40 her vaginally, pulls out, flips her over, starts to roughly sawdemeys her. She can't keep quite any longer. Scream slips out. He quickly tells her to shut up, flips her over, starts to roughly sodomize her. She can't keep quiet any longer, screams slips out, he quickly tells her to shut up, grabs her t-shirt, which he stuffs into her mouth, now she tries to fight back. He responds by choking her with her own pair of jeans until she passes out again.
Starting point is 01:23:54 When she regains consciousness, she doesn't know how long she's been out. She can't move, her wrists and ankles are tied. She slowly opens one eye and sees something very unexpected. Roddy's mom, uh, no, uh, Roddy's lying on the ground beside her and he is crying. This fucking lunatic. She decides that she's going to take advantage of this. Act friendly towards him. Maybe gain his trust. This will work. Monique starts telling him that she'd love to spend more time with him. She rolls over, touches him on the arm, asks him if he's okay. As though he would,
Starting point is 01:24:25 you know, though he's done a favor by beating raping and strangling her. Helmo, Nick, how brave is she? How tough and quick thinking? Lucifina is beyond impressed. You fucking warrior. Then in another brilliant move, she tells him not to tell anyone what has just happened to her, like she was the one who somehow seduced him inappropriately. She asked him if she can stay at his house and this all works. She's tricked that fucking psychopath. Rodney gets up, unties her wrist so she can put her clothes back on. He actually apologizes for what he did, blames it on his anti-social personality disorder. Then when they walk back to the car or then they walk back to the car, he drives them down
Starting point is 01:25:01 the mountain, stops at a gas station, says he has to use the men's room. She says, she'll just wait for him in the car. Don't worry about it. He's so convinced that she's into him, cool with everything he's just done. This is how out of touch with reality this fucker is. He leaves her alone, goes and uses the men's room. Monique waits for him to disappear into the building. As soon as the door shuts, she fucking books it, runs to a motel next to the gas station, starts screaming that someone he's called a police, a man is just kidnapped and raped her. One motel gas calls 911, another gas shows Monique to a room where she can hide into the police get there.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Thank God for good Samaritans. Rodney meanwhile, here's this commotion, takes off, a body who's pissed. Right? I can't believe she would lie to me! Oh, that bitch, what did I ever do to her? Why would she want to hurt me like that? I thought we had a would lie to me. Oh, that bitch, what did I ever do to her? Why would she wanna hurt me like that? I thought we had a really good thing going. When the police come, they take when he backed the station
Starting point is 01:25:51 where they listen to her story and her description of the man who attacked her. The police didn't show her a photo lineup of suspects that matched her description immediately. She pointed the photo of Rodney Alcola. The detectives now drive to Rodney's house where they find him sitting watching TV, asking about his past, he's calm, he tells him about his parole from his recent marijuana
Starting point is 01:26:08 possession conviction. They ask him what he was doing earlier that day. He tells them he was busy getting his heart broken by a line monster. Now, he didn't say that. He was unable to give an alibi for not raping Monique. So they take him into custody, put him under arrest for rape. In his version of events he said that she had agreed to be tied up and photographed the newt but then she seemed to have
Starting point is 01:26:29 regrets and began to fight so he stuffed a t-shirt in her mouth and choked her you know just though she'd stop screaming as if that's something you can legally do to people. Fuck few days later he appears in front of a judge bail said at $10,000 which is mother pace trial dates that for September in the, he'll be a free man and that will not be good. Hope more unique, by the way, alive and well and happy somewhere today. Her testimony will later give investigators
Starting point is 01:26:53 and some juries, some valuable and horrific insight into what kind of shit Rodney likely did to his murder victims, how he would toy with them, how unbelievably traumatic their final moments were. April of 1979, Rodney gives his two weeks notice to the LA Times. The last day of work, May 12, 1979. He actually didn't want to quit, but if he wouldn't have quit, he would have been fired. Colleague was married to an LAPD officer, and everyone in the office knew what he'd been accused of. So I guess his coworkers were, they were cool earlier with the child porn, but now not with the
Starting point is 01:27:23 rape accusation. So good to know, there was some kind of sexual predator line that could be crossed with them early June of 1979 Rodney photographs his 17-year-old Monterey Park neighbor Linda also shows her pictures of other naked women and children it just art he's an artist she was one of numerous underage girls he would talk into photography photographing new that summer women he probably didn't kill. He also claims to Linda that he is a member of Mensa, largest, oldest, high IQ society in the world.
Starting point is 01:27:51 Non-profit organization opened to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on standardized, supervised IQ or other approved intelligence tests. Guess, and that's where a lot of the genius speculations around, you know, Alcala came from. June 13th, 1979, he kills for the first time since getting arrested for raping Monique Hoit. First time that we know of, anyway.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Early on the 13th, 21 year old woman named Jill Partinot. It's a phone call from a sister, Dee Dee, who wanted to hear what her plans were for Jill's first date with a boy from school. She tells him he's taken into a Dodgers game that evening. The game ended up being a good one. Dodgers win, win nine eight over the St. Louis Cardinals. Jill was a huge Dodgers fan. I imagine at a great time. And then her evening would quickly spiral
Starting point is 01:28:32 after the game into a fucking nightmare. Rodney had also gone to the game. Spotter followed her home. Next morning, Jill's best friend, Kathy Bome, and wanted to hear from her find out how her date went. Here's nothing. Kathy then heads to work, keeps calling Jill, no answer. Kathy calls Janet Jordan, a coworker of Jill, who decides to head over to Jill's place in Burbank. See what's going on? When she arrives, no one answers, she decides to call the police.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Please show up and uncover another grizzly sight. Another scene had been staged. Homicide detectives called in, Detective Gordon Bowers takes the call to investigate a dead body, found at the apartment at 1921 Peyton Avenue Bowers and his team they show up to find Janet Jordan screaming hysterically
Starting point is 01:29:11 Investigators first noticed that the outside window had been removed and the screen was cut the light bulb outside of the apartment door Had been unscrewed inside they find a Dodgers baseball program in the table along with the receipt from the previous night and a purse The living room had been tidied up neatly as was the bathroom. What they'd find in the bedroom was probably the reason they'd heard Janet scream. The head body of a naked young woman lying on the bed face up. She had been carefully posed again. Her legs spread wide open, facing entrance to the room, propped up on pillows her face brutally battered. She had suffered from severe trauma to her face, including to her nose, cheeks, and teeth. Torn and knotted nylons, laby cider, covered in blood along with the sheets.
Starting point is 01:29:50 A bedroom lamp had been placed so that the light created a spotlight on her mutilated and bloody vagina. Mother fucker this guy was a monster. Electric blanket underneath her had his cord wound around her neck. Atop she stated the gel had suffered extensive scalp hemorrhaging six inches from side to side with trauma-so severe that she bled into the under-surface of her scalp. There was significant trauma to her head caused by either an object broader than a hammer or her head being slammed against a flatter object like the wall or headboard or a human fist. Not tied in an island to create a ligature marks on her neck caused severe hemorrhaging
Starting point is 01:30:22 through the area of her thyroid voice box in epiglottis. She was strangled so severely that small blood vessels in her eyes had ruptured. marks on her neck, cause severe hemorrhaging through the area of her thyroid voice box in epiglottis. She'd been strangled so severely that small blood vessels in her eyes had ruptured. How many times did he strangled her until she was almost dead, only to bring her back to strangle her again? Her entire body covered in injuries bruised on the tip of her tongue, bleeding inside of her mouth, injuries on the sides of her mouth. Looks like they might have come from extremely aggressive, abusive, forced oral sex.
Starting point is 01:30:44 She had a deep scratches around both breasts, tooth marks, puncture wounds around a right breast, more puncture wounds below the left nipple, cuts on the left side of the breast, so much sexual torture. They weren't able to determine exactly what objects he had used in how. It was all so savage, deep wounds to her vaginal and rectal areas, and like so many other victims, the corner concluded most of her injuries have been afflicted while she was still alive. Once again, the dating game killer
Starting point is 01:31:09 had sexually tortured another innocent young woman to death. Blood samples taken from the robe in the bathroom and semen recovered in her mouth and vagina. After this murder, Rodney goes right back to hunting. Just five days later, June 19th, Tony Asparza, 15 years old, Joanne Merchland, 14 years old, the roller skater along the sidewalk in Huntington Beach, strange man approaches him. Drives up in his car, asked if they would mind if he took some pictures.
Starting point is 01:31:34 First, it goes, look at each other, laugh without answering. Then he says there's a prize for whoever takes the best photo. They noticed that the man has a nice camera on his neck, and that his car is full of lots of camera equipment. His mom's in the back seat too. You know, dressed like a lot of moms would dress at that time in a skin tight late-takes body suit. Only openings are for her mouth, breast, and genitals. He's holding a giant bottom-spanking paddle. This sets the girls at ease. They know he's okay. They get in the car.
Starting point is 01:31:57 Sorry. So stupid. I know. It's not true. Uh, Joanne tells the man, uh, she thought it could be kind of neat to take some pics. The girl decided to let him take some photos. Rodney gets out of the car, tells the girls that he wants him to skate towards him, then away from him, move their faces in different directions, put their hands on their hips.
Starting point is 01:32:15 When he finishes getting the shots, he wants to ask them for their phone number so he can call them and tell them if they won the prize. They say that their parents would not be okay with that. So he asked them, just give me your address. I'll contact you that way. They're like, nope. Uh, and then he, uh, gets back in the car, starts it up, asks them if they want to go with
Starting point is 01:32:31 him and go get fucked up. Let's have some fun. Smoke some weed, drink some, uh, drink some boots. Joanne is now positive, this guy is a creep. Smart kid speeds off, uh, with her, with her friend, you know, they're, and they're out of there. And then Rodney goes right back to hunting. Next day, June 20th, 1979, 15 year old,
Starting point is 01:32:45 Lorraine Wertz, spending the day with her friend, Patty Elmendorf, its son said, beach just north of Huntington Beach. Now when Patty goes to use a bathroom, man approaches Lorraine, tells her he's in a photography class, trying to win a prize for best picture, wants to get her a photo of her roller skating. Lorraine is flattered, she's excited,
Starting point is 01:33:02 she's always wanted to be a model. So she agrees. I've been taking a few quick picks. He starts asking her some questions. Does she have a boyfriend? Does she live close by? How old is she? Then likely saving her life, Patty comes out of the bathroom, tells Rodney that she and Laurie need to go home right away and the two girls skate off. All these girls will later become witnesses in a murder trial. Next girl Rodney approaches that same day will not be so lucky. Rodney tells 12 year old Robin Samso
Starting point is 01:33:28 and her friend that he wants to take their pictures and she is just 12. Young Robin was actually gonna start her first day of work that day. Answering phones at stepping stones, ballet, studio, and exchange for lessons. She's been taking lessons there the year before, since year before, but now couldn't afford them anymore
Starting point is 01:33:43 because her mom had been in a car accident. Before going into work that day, she decided to play for a few hours with her friend, Bridget Wilvert. Made it to Bridget's house around 11. Robin wearing a black bathing suit under white shorts, a t-shirt that red. Here comes trouble. Shirley before 3pm, the girls left Bridget's apartment, headed across the PCH to the beach. My Pacifico's highway, a rowdydy the man who approached them was dressed weird,
Starting point is 01:34:05 Bridget would later remember. She said he had a plaid shirt, slacks on, large camera hanging around his neck, not exactly dressed for the beach. Now the person will see this fucking weirdo at this time too, a city supervisor named Richard Stillett, oh, Dick Stilett, meeting with an engineer. Now he noticed the man with the camera on his neck, an amateur, an as an amateur photographer, Dick stopped to ask him a few questions. He was impressed with the man's 35 millimeter camera. The nine-inch telephoto lens, Bridget and Robin, Robin will agree to let this man take their pictures.
Starting point is 01:34:34 But then after a few shots, the man leans in, closer Robin puts his hand on our knee, poses her the way he wants her, suddenly at a nowhere neighbor, Bridget pops up, woman named Jackie Young. She asked Bridget if everything is okay. What are they up to? She's of course curious, concerned about this fucking creep, confirming her suspicions without a word, the man takes his camera, turns his head away, starts to walk away, keeps looking back at them as he walks across the beach towards the road. The girls tell Jackie that the man just wanted to take some picks and be an adult with at least some common sense. She tells
Starting point is 01:35:04 them that is not a good idea. Stay away from that guy. Figuring that it was now time to get to work. Robin asked Bridget if she can borrow her bike. Two head back to Bridget's house to get it. Bridget goes to the laundry room in her apartment building, which is where she kept her bicycle, brings it up for Robin. It's a boy's 24 inch swing 10 speed.
Starting point is 01:35:20 Bridget's mom then calls for her. She starts to run upstairs, tells Robin, see you tomorrow at school. Robin rides home where she picks up her leotard, heads to the ballet studio and then disappears. Later that day, Robin's ballet teacher, Beverly Fleming, calls Robin's house to say she hadn't made it to class. Her family immediately calls 911, knowing how important the ballet studio was to her,
Starting point is 01:35:39 especially on her first day at work. She was also supposed to be home between 4.35, now to the left or five, you know, she's late. Little after 5 by an hour from Huntington Beach, Dana Krapa, 25 year old fire fighter, is on her way to work when she sees a very suspicious sight. She's a dark haired man, dragging a young girl into the woods. Dana had driven up to the Santa Anita Canyon road, or driven up Santa, Santa Anita Canyon road to get to the forestry base camp located in a remote section of hills in the sand Gabriel Mountains When she passed my mark or 11 she saw 1976 dots in F 10 station wagon. It's Rodney's car parked on the road caught her eye She approached the car she had to slow down the road was narrow and you know the dots was parked
Starting point is 01:36:21 I took a lot of the roadway the way it was parked. I should look more closely, you see something frightening, dark head man, fucking dragon, this blonde hair girl in the woods, man turns, stairs it right at her, she goes past, gives it down to the chills, but she does not stop to ask any questions, and then she also says, fucking nothing to anyone about this this evening. Had she intervened, there's a good chance Robin will still be alive today. Was that phrase, see see something say something?
Starting point is 01:36:46 Fucking say something. Do something save someone's life. Dana, as you're going to find out, one of the most, if not the most maddening side character that we've had her journey in the suck just starting now. She's gonna get worse. It's fucking maddening. Well, maybe not worse. I mean, the way it started off, probably the worst, but it continues for way longer than it should. That night, 11.05 PM nationwide broadcast goes on for Robin, asking for any information on her whereabouts.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Following day June 21st, another frightening day for the Samso family, right? They're plunging into a nightmare. Forensic artist, Marilyn Droz, works with Robin's friend to draw a sketch of the man based on the girl's description. That evening, Dean and Krapa, driving back to her barracks at the Forestry Base Camp, passes the same dots since she'd seen the day before. This time, it's parked a little bit different point on the road. And she drives by in a rearview mirror. She sees who she thought was
Starting point is 01:37:36 the same man. Only this time, he's covered in stains all over his clothes, stains that might have been like dirt or you know, maybe a lot of blood. She wonders, what was that guy doing out there all night? Well, why isn't the girl with him? But still she says, fucking nothing. She says nothing to anyone. Next day, June 22nd, the sketch drawn by Marilyn Drow's broadcast on the 5 p.m. news, showing a youngest man with dark curly hair. June 24, two days later, after hearing about this broadcast, Rodney,
Starting point is 01:38:03 chemically straightens his naturally curly hair. Next day, he's even more worried. It's not enough to change his appearance, buzzes his hair short. That day June 25, Dana Krapa once again, returned to the place when she saw the man dragging a young girl into the woods. She gets there about seven p.m. She's disturbed, decides who wants to put her mind at rest, assure herself nothing bad happened there.
Starting point is 01:38:23 Finds the opposite of assurance, right? When she arrives arrives the spot where she's seen Rodney and Robin, she gets out of her truck with her flashlight, heads down the ravine, she finds nothing initially, she decides to search a little further, and then is shocked to see the remains of a dead body. Produced to blood and bones, lying on the ground in front of her. She turns around, runs back to her truck, drives to the barracks, and says nothing to anyone yet again. She's a fucking idiot. June 26, 1979, search for Robin. Is it a fever pitch? That day, detective Art Droz, husband of the forensic artist, Marilyn Droz gets a phone call from Donald Haynes. If you remember that name, you have a good memory. Donald's the guy who followed Rodney Alcola when he
Starting point is 01:39:03 picked up Tolly Shapiro back in 1968. Donald's out of the drawing of the man who abducted Robin looked very similar to Alcala, and that the guy had the same way of approaching girls by telling them he wanted to take their picture. Took a few hours. I don't know why he said that about the photo though. I mean, I don't think that's what he said to Robin, but anyway, he seems the same guy. It took a few hours for detective droves again., sources very too much on some of these details. Took a few hours for detective droves to get a photo of Alcala. He thinks that it's very similar to the composite sketch.
Starting point is 01:39:31 He's getting his ship. He decides to go home, get some sleep. He's gonna head out in the morning, talk to Rodney. Before he goes to bed, he sits down, living in him, turned on his TV, watched as a rerun of the dating game. Yes, he now hears Jim Lang speak. You picked the bat turn number one. I wanna tell you something about him, he's in the sky diving. He's got a Jim Lang speak. You picked batch or number one. I want to tell
Starting point is 01:39:45 you something about him. He's in the sky diving. He's got a lot of nerf into motorcycle and a fine photographer say hello to Robert Algala. Couldn't believe his ears. Then in front of the detective in full color, the same Rodney whose mug shot he had just been looking at. Now he's absolutely positive. Yep. That is the guy from the sketch. June 27 after Rodney's episode, the dating game, errors, you know, re-aeris the night before, detective Art Drow sent someone to pick up a copy of Rodney's episode from Chuck Bearish Productions.
Starting point is 01:40:12 As the detectives continue to investigate the disappearance of Robin, they compile six photographs of similarly looking, similar looking, long hair men, show them to people who have claimed just seeing Robin at the beach today, she has appeared literally all of them identify conclusively Rodney as the man they definitely saw with Robin.
Starting point is 01:40:29 June 28th detectives head to Rodney's address to look for vehicles used during the kidnapping. They see Rodney in a blue stage wagon before he abruptly makes a U turn speeds away and loses the detectives. The next day on June 29th, Dana, how much should we hate her crap? Returns to the site where she discovered human remains. Again, after working in the same area early that day with the fellow fireman, William Popeye. Popeye. At the location, she becomes visibly upset when Popeye jokingly throws what
Starting point is 01:40:54 he thought was a deer bone at her after this exchange. Crapa returned to the site again to confirm her hunch that the bone she had found were those of a human and not the uh... deer bone that her co-worker thrown uh... even if she did uh... think she was a correct what she did she yet again does not share her hunches with anyone who the fuck is this person few days later July second firefighter william pubkey uh... now returns to the scene where crap is all you know rodney take robin uh... and now he discovers human remains immediately understands crap is odd reaction to his deer bone prank unlike his coworker, he actually calls the fucking police.
Starting point is 01:41:28 Dana Krap is named clearly symbolic of who she was. A fucking useless piece of crap. Her story, so not done, not even close to being done. On the night of July 5th, 1979, 12 days after Robin, last said goodbye to her friend, wrote off on her bike, detective show up at her moms, Mary Ann's door, delivered the news, no mom ever wants to hear. Robin's body has been found. July 6th, the autopsy, right, shows that, you know, definitely confirms it. Dental records confirm the remains of Robbins. The medical examiner notes, portion to the hands left foot absent, disarticulation of the school, upper three cervical vertebrae from the remains of the cervical vertebrae. Rem remnants of soft tissue present in the jaws, pharynx, left temporal
Starting point is 01:42:09 muscle, orbits surrounding the ribcage, lumbar and thoracic vertebrae, vertebral column, pelvis, remnants attached to the bones of the extremities, brownish soft tissue, firm and mummified. Extensive evidence of animal erosion, hands absent bilaterally, apparently due to animalized erosion, no tool marks, chop marks or saw marks where separation of the hands would have occurred. No evidence of anti-mortem fracture. Trauma gunshot wound, stab wound, chop wound, or tool marks, skull consistent with Caucasian race. Estimated height, 57 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Uh, because there was so much decay, which was really wild animals, uh, apparently ate her remains. Cause of death could not be established.
Starting point is 01:42:47 It also couldn't know a certain day if Robin had been sexually assaulted either, but because we know Rodney, we unfortunately have a very good idea of how she likely met her demise. July 7th, detective show, but Rodney's house now. He's not there. His girlfriend Elizabeth Keller is. Yep. That guy still waiting to go on trial for the brutal rape of a 15 year old this convicted sex offender has a girlfriend now. That's fun. Elizabeth or Beth as her friends called her was 22 when she met Alcala a few months earlier
Starting point is 01:43:12 in the spring of 1979 and they shared a passion for what else. Taken artsy, nudy pics of Rodney's mom. Beth was more into it than Rodney was. A week into dating. She had a life size photo of Rodney's naked mom and clown makeup, wearing nothing but a clown wig and a matching clown mercon pubic hair wig, both legs over her head, giving two thumbs up to the camera, which of course was her son, and that of course is not true, just more of my insanity. But she did share a patch with Rodney
Starting point is 01:43:39 for something close to that photography in general. I wonder if Rodney showed her all of his photos, and I wonder if she liked showed her all of his photos and I wonder if she liked him. She a fucking dirty bird too. She will later testify for the defense that his murder trial, not a huge fan of hers. Little over 30 years later, 2010. She'll talk to 48 hours correspondent
Starting point is 01:43:56 Harold Dow about Rodney. The long running CBS documentary slash news show did an episode on the game show killer and she told, you know, she told, sorry, Harold. Rodney Alcala is an intelligent, well-mannered, pleasant, fun, outgoing, great individual. Not was, is. When asked if she was in love with Alcala and not like, was in love, but just asked if she is in love, she replies, yes. Oh, shit, I don't know. Wait, you know what? I fucked up. Sorry, I'm having so many little like a group
Starting point is 01:44:26 got to correct myself. When asked if she was in love, she replies, yes. Man, 2010. She only dated that dipshift for a few months for he went to prison. Why would you still think he was a good guy? When down asked what she thought about his photography, she replied, I saw a lot of pictures of girls.
Starting point is 01:44:40 Young girls, she asked. Young girls, I'd say probably from 12, 13, to probably about 30s. And that set off no red flags for her. What was happening? What the fuck is wrong with Beth? What the fuck is wrong with Beth and Dana Krapa? The day after detectives come to his house, talked to Beth on July 8th, 1979. Rodney tells Beth that he wants to move to Dallas for some career opportunities. So he wants to own his own photography studio there, and for some reason, probably because Beth's a fucking idiot, an terrible judge of character. This doesn't wreak of suspicion to her. And she doesn't call detectives and tell them that actually,
Starting point is 01:45:12 now that she thinks about it, she can't account for his whereabouts on the day that the young murder victim Rob and Sam so were missing. Rodney now bolts, but doesn't head to Texas straight away. First he takes a little trip to Seattle, July 11th, Rodney rents a storage unit from Cecil, lock, reminor, husband, then stashes a bunch of creepy shit there. Then turns around and comes home. Following day, July 12th, Rodney drives all the way back to Los Angeles, at least 18 hours if you don't stop, tells Beth that he's moving to Texas permanently on July 24th,
Starting point is 01:45:40 but he won't be able to pull that off. July 24th, 1979, Sergeant Ron Jenkins, Jenkins detective Craig Robinson and the Huntington Beach Police Department Arrived at Rodney's mom's house was with a warrant 7 a.m. Rodney naked in bed when they enter the house. They cuff him take him in for an interview Presumably after he gets dressed, but funnier to me It's pretend that they took him in naked and then interrogated him in the nude as well Maybe that's how suspected sexual predators should be interrogated, right?
Starting point is 01:46:06 Show him pictures of victims. See if they get a bone or not. Right? Maybe it was harder to get away with lying that way. Just, are you sure you haven't seen this girl before Rodney? Why don't you take a good look at this pic? No sir, no, no way. Look, I don't wanna look at these pics anymore.
Starting point is 01:46:22 They're disgusting. A little Rodney seems to enjoy them. Throw him in the cell, boys. He just gave us enough about three inches worth of evidence to charge him with. Come on. I was at the purge button again. Despite Rodney claiming that he was at NotSparry Farm
Starting point is 01:46:37 interviewing for a job in the day in question, the police book Alcala for Murder set his bail at $250,000. Mom doesn't have the money to pay that one. Other officers remain at the house searching not only the house, but Alcala's dots in as well for anything that might help in their case. Sergeant Ron Jenkins spots a receipt for a storage locker at safeguard mini storage unit E24 in Seattle. That's going to turn out to be fucking huge.
Starting point is 01:47:00 He notices that the receipt was dated after Sam so disappeared since the search warranted and covered him taking the receipt from the house, he just wrote down all the information and left to where it was. The house police also documented finding. Parade Japanese made handcuffs, box of photos, excuse me, boxes of photos, envelopes, containing mail, pieces of rope, manila, and blue nylon, eight magazines of young and naked,
Starting point is 01:47:22 two black photo binders, maybe full of nothing but erotic photos of his mom, maybe not, doesn't say plastic slide, 35 millimeter tray and slide, one frizzy black wig, one leather bull whip, one pair of pink panties with black tape on each side, camera equipment, briefcase containing the set of keys, and around 1200 photos, negatives and slides, 1200.
Starting point is 01:47:44 And the dots that they find binoculars, more photography equipment, maps, 35 millimeter camera with a strap, recently installed Shag Carpet. Lot of shady, seeming stuff, but no smoking gun. Rodney been arrested on July 14th, but the struggle to prove he was behind the kidnapping and murder of Robin Samso just begun. The following day, after they, begun following day after they you know see
Starting point is 01:48:05 the you know sort of finish searching all the house after being informed of a suspicious conversation between Rodney and sister Maria Christine sergeant Ed McEarlane of the Huntington Beach Police Department drives to Maria Christine's house by his mom. Much to surprise Rodney's sister mom provides several alibis for Rodney when the 36 year old man had was witnessed somewhere else. So they're clearly lying so sad when your son or brother is suspected of doing something this bad maybe just maybe just don't do that maybe don't try and cover form. Also had to work really hard not to paint another stupid
Starting point is 01:48:36 scenario. Roddy's mom and from the door maybe naked ready for a photo shoot maybe wearing some weird outfit. Next age July or sorry nothing except July 26, Sargent Merlin Detective Detective Robinson, get a warrant to search the Seattle storage locker. They fly up North. After three hours search, they collect a laundry list of evidence, including over 1700 photographs and negatives and boxes, one of which is labeled Ode to New York by John Berger. So now they got over 2,900 photographs by my count, recovered in two places.
Starting point is 01:49:01 They also find several earrings in a jewelry pouch, including a pair of gold rose earrings, the tiny diamond in the middle and a pair of gold ball earrings. Those will be confirmed to have belonged to Robin Samso. Now they have a smoking gun. The light 2018-1979 Rodney Array in the municipal court, West Judicial District, Orange County, California. Please innocent the charges of kidnapping, Lude or Lissivis, shit, I can't remember how to say that word. Lude or Nope, LASCIVIOS. Oh, look it up later, but I thought I had that one when I wrote it down and now I'm not so sure.
Starting point is 01:49:38 Lischivis, Jody, you know what I say that one? No idea. Lissavio, yo, yo, yo have you. We all have you all eat. Louder, Ravioli acts. Uh, Louder or LeCivius. I think it's LeCivius. LeCivius. There we get. That sounds good. Boom. Fucking got it. Louder. The CIVius acts upon a child
Starting point is 01:49:53 under 14 murder and robbery. He's held without bail. Request a public defender. August 24th 1979 Rodney's deputy public defender Chris Stropel forced to step down now due to a conflict of interest. Chris was taken out of the case because he also had been taking nude pics of Rodney's mom for years.
Starting point is 01:50:10 No. He been told that Rodney had made confessions about the murder and rape of Robin Samsore to three inmates and Stropel was representing those three inmates in their cases. So it's conflict of interest. John Barnett appointed to take over the case as Rodney's public defender preliminary hearings began in September. Then on October 4, 1979 Rodney ordered by Judge John White to stand trial, kidnapping and murder charges. Also supposed to appear in court for the attack on Monique Hoyt and Riverside, but the victim was determined to be unfit to testify against Rodney and had to undergo psychiatric evaluation. So can't imagine what she went through. Poor girl. Once again, Rodney gets a lucky undergo psychiatric evaluation. So, can't imagine what she went through, poor girl. Once again, Rodney gets a lucky break here with the criminal justice system.
Starting point is 01:50:50 And yet another case, the murder of Jill Partino in 1979, LAPD had to decide whether they're going to bring Alcala to trial or not to come nearly a year, the ultimately decide not to go ahead with a trial at that time. And again, he gets lucky. Fortunately, his luck is soon going to run out. The reason they didn't move forward was that John McQueen, who is in Orange County, inmate and friend of Alcala, had lied in another case in which he served as a state's key witness, couldn't now be considered as a credible witness in Alcala's trial. As a result, that case dismissed. Rodney's luck was sex crimes in 1970s goes away right when the new next decade starts.
Starting point is 01:51:23 February 15th, 1980 Superior Court Judge, Philippi Schwab, determines that Rodney's previous offenses related to abductions and sexual attacks will be allowed into evidence. Huge win for the prosecution. The prosecution can now prove that Rodney was a sexual predator and a murder with a long history of attacking women that several jail terms had done nothing to reform him. In my opinion, and I know that current law has disagre nothing to reform him. In my opinion, and I know that current law has disagreed with me, but in my opinion, that kind of history should always be allowed at these trials. I think it does absolutely pertain directly
Starting point is 01:51:53 to, you know, current charges and these kind of situations. I would just be so pissed as a jury member if that past info was kept from me. Would it taint my judgment? Yeah, but I think it should taint your judgment in cases of sexual predators because they do tend to follow patterns. March 6, 1980, the prosecution and defense teams made their opening statements in the people of the state of California versus Rodney James, Alkala. Ever seen the courtroom taken. Besides all the media, noticeably there are Rodney's mom, small-framed white-haired lady,
Starting point is 01:52:21 who is holding a rosary as tight as she could. Don't you dare pray for baby boy now, Mama. He's, uh, he's all devil now. And what was she wearing while she clutched that rosary? Well, uh, high heels and a fish net body suit. Maybe. I mean, sources don't say, so she could have been. Also, an attendance was Robin Samson's mom, but she was not holding a rosary. She was concealing a 25 caliber pistol in her purse. She planned to take it out, pointed the man accused of murdering her daughter and pulled the trigger.
Starting point is 01:52:45 Fuck yeah. I wish she'd killed him and that she was then found not guilty of murder in the first degree and let off with the warning. I mean, some other fucking rapes and kills your kid, if you can get a shot off and put him down without hurting anyone else, you should really be punished.
Starting point is 01:52:59 You're making a world a better place. I mean, maybe wait till he's found guilty, then kill him. And then be given a special medal or something, some kind of key to the city from the mayor. I don't know. Thinking about this, maybe think about that old saying, you know, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, right? You just can't keep doing things for revenge.
Starting point is 01:53:13 But not in this scenario. That's majority of the world, not sexual predators. Sell walls to have plenty of eyeballs left. If we go open season on those motherfuckers, shortly after 9 a.m. Rodney led into a quiet courtroom in Cuffs and shackles. She looks straight ahead, not looking at anyone in the court courtroom. As the opening statements are read, Robbins mom opens her purse, places her hand on the gun. And then she decides to wait. Want to listen to what the prosecution has to say in the opening argument prosecutor
Starting point is 01:53:38 Richard Farnell waste no time telling his version of the story. I've forgiven the jury and outline of the details of the case. They're going to be hearing. He says in his opinion, the linchpin of the trial will be the testimony of star witness Dana Krapa. Fuck. Yes, that dipshit. Dana Farnell promised the jurors would testify that she saw a man later identified as Rodney with a young girl later identified as Robin. Near where Robin's skeletal remains were found 12 days later. For an L.A. Stated that during the trial, he would call on other witnesses.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.D. Did something unusual took office pants started masturbating openly without shame He scanned the jury as he did so unblinking Made direct eye contact with each and every jurors went down the row Very impressive display of confidence. He had a huge dick and when they saw him with that firm wild hog in his hand
Starting point is 01:54:41 The jurors instantly knew they could trust this guy law professor professor still teach students about Farnel's opening statement, power move today. Most believe by the time he came upon his desk, he'd won the case. I haven't too much fun with that button. No, he sat down across his legs. I'll be funny for you to do the other thing. The defense attorney, John Barnett, stood up and launched into the defense's opening statement. Barnett disagreed with Farnel elders assertion that Dana Krapa was going to be a star witness. In fact, he claimed her testimony should be thrown out. If, you know,
Starting point is 01:55:12 these least not believed, he said crap, a crater story because detectives and lawyers badgered her for months. He said Krapa had suffered a nervous breakdown and was suicidal all because she been mercilessly mercilessly, excuse me, barrage by cops to make up a story to support their case against Rodney. What? Crapa? Mentally unstable? No way. She seemed so fucking solid up until now.
Starting point is 01:55:33 Barnett didn't conclude his opening statement by telling the jury his client had not committed murder. They would find so many holes in the case. By the end of the trial, they would agree with him and have no choice but to find Rodney not guilty. And then with that, Barnett took a seat and he took off his pants. Then he set his briefcase on the table in front of him, took out a dildo, big one with the fist on one end, suction cup on the other. He'd lick the suction cup, slammed it down on the table, jury gasped.
Starting point is 01:56:01 Right. They also collectively lean forward. They were riveted. Then Barnett climbed up on the table, newt from the waist down spit on his hand rubbed that spit on the fist squatted down on it took it all in all the way to the elbow Right one quick motion never even grunted never broke eye contact with the jury Continue making on contact with the jurors as he squatting up and down up and down on the fist while also jerking off contact with the jurors as he squatting up and down, up and down on the fist while also jerking off while Rodney clapped and laughed and squealed behind him. Then Robbins mom stood up, shot and killed Rodney.
Starting point is 01:56:31 When she did, Barnette came hard enough to literally take out a jury's eye. The judge stood up, applauded, everyone else did as well, everyone got to go home, trial over, hip hip, hooray. Okay, I'm done with that nonsense, at least for a little while. March, 1990, Dana Krapat testifies. She saw Rodney forcefully steering a blonde girl into the woods June 20th, 1979. Saw him again the following evening, roughly the same location. Dana visibly nervous.
Starting point is 01:56:59 Her voice was light, first quiet, kept breaking up. Dana is a fucking shit show. She's a hot mess. She looked down, never looked at the prosecutor in the face, described her drive up to the base camp, then stopped talking. Coroom got silent for a solid minute, it says, in sources, then she described the car in detail. The dots and tinted windows, how she'd made, as you've seen it again, June 21st, about a mile and a half from the previous location. Since she returned to the area, June 25th, when she saw the body, she testified. I saw a body that was missing its hands and feet, smelled foul, also bloated like an animal,
Starting point is 01:57:31 gets after it sits for a while. It was pretty cut up. She said the body had no head. It was decapitated. She said the head was next to the body and the face was gone, allowed cry, then echoed in the courtroom. My God. Didn't it continue to say that she was horrified,
Starting point is 01:57:45 left quickly once again decided to tell nobody, why I will never understand that, about what she had come across. Farnell then asked Dana, if the man she had seen at the scene was in the courtroom and Dana responded that she wasn't a hundred percent sure now, but she thought, maybe, the individual sitting beside Mr. Barnett
Starting point is 01:58:02 was probably that guy for fuck's sake Dana. What is wrong with you honestly judge swob then asked for the record to show that the witness had pointed out Rodney Alcola For now then told the court he had no further questions took a seat Barnett began his his cross examination asking Dana why she would have concealed value information All right throughout the case Dana responded she was struggling with her demons so I'm struggling with my own demons And I don't know if I can trust myself, but the fuck? How was she working as a firefighter? I mean, I'm starting to think she was a severely mentally ill. How did the prosecution not notice that?
Starting point is 01:58:35 You know, and maybe think that they shouldn't rest her case on her testimony. Another loss of the prosecution, Dana finishes by telling Barnett that the interviews with police were two intents for her. She was unsure by the end of what she thought she saw was even true. She doesn't even know what's happened now. Dana sanity was fucking hanging out by threat. Barrett then focused on the fact that Dana had only caught a glimpse of the man.
Starting point is 01:58:55 It couldn't be 100% sure that it was Rodney. Barrett also brought up the point that Dana had changed her story three times, which included change at the time. She reported police had her admit that she lied to the police at least seven times. She said though that she was being honest now during the trial. And with that, Dana Krapas' long, weird story is finally not over actually. Still have more to come. She's, she's frustrated. Next day, March 20th, inmate named Robert J. Dove testifies that he heard Rodney tell another inmate Michael Herrera details about the death of Robin Samso.
Starting point is 01:59:27 That same day, Michael Herrera elaborates on the conversation. A few weeks later, April of 1980, state rests its case. Over the course of two and a half months, almost 50 witnesses and testified, including numerous girls who have been approached by Rodney. The day Robin disappeared and had not gotten in his car. A lot of young girls, very long, very difficult case. The jury, when they exit the courtroom, start deliberating, Barnett asked the judge to dismiss all charges.
Starting point is 01:59:49 He says the government had failed to prove its case. Defense, contended that presidential evidence had been presented, which had prevented the jury from reaching a fair verdict. Thankfully, Judge Schwab denies the motion. The defense then specifically requested that the charge of kidnapping be dropped, because no proof had been presented that a kidnapping had taken place. Prove kidnapping you got approved it forced with use, but evidence shows that Robin was enticed into the car.
Starting point is 02:00:11 Once again, motion denied. Fuck yeah. Barnett tries to get that kidnapping charge dismissed because of an important rule, according to the California death penalty law at the time. If kidnapping and murder occurred together, the defendant would be eligible to be sentenced to death. Despite these denials, Barnett, he still feels like he has one last ace up his sleeve. The defense then motions to have the lewd and lascivious act on a child dismissed as a
Starting point is 02:00:34 prosecution hadn't given detailed evidence that that had happened. Unfortunately, those charges were dismissed. If Barnett was so thrilled by this, apparently he spoke to any reporter who would listen, telling them that dropping the molestation charges had totally vindicated his client or that, you know, particular aspect of the molestation charge. It did not. The defense begins presenting his case April 8th. They start by focusing on alibi witnesses. Barnett called several alibi witnesses to show that alkola could not have been the person who kidnapped or killed Robin Samsell, included in the group as a man named Tim Fallon, who said he saw Robin
Starting point is 02:01:03 riding her yellow bike at the beach the day after she was supposed to be missing and he was an idiot. He was mistaken. It would turn out. Next day, April 9th, Alkalus sisters and his dipshit girlfriend Beth claim that Rodney couldn't have been involved with Robin's death because they saw him the nighting question and they are liars. Beth also provided records to prove that he made a one-minute phone call to her on June 21st, 915 PM left a message. Sure, after that, 108 PM, she called him back. She did the same on the phone for 19 minutes. So there's no way that he could have been seen by Deanna Krapa.
Starting point is 02:01:36 But it was pretty clear to the jury that these were very biased witnesses or stories didn't seem totally true, mostly because they actually weren't true. Next, defense attacks Michael Herrera's testimony that Rodden had given him details about Robins murder, April 9th, inmate Joseph Drake takes a stand to testify that Robert Dove and Michael Herrera collaborated with him to lie about the conversation in order to strike an informants bargain with police. Fuck, that's not good. Born at next day, calls Dr. Albert J. Rosenstein to testify about Dana Krapas mental condition. Rosenstein is a forensic psychologist hired by the defense. He reviews the trial transcripts, tapes of the interviews by Krapa, and get this, he says that Dana has been manipulated through low
Starting point is 02:02:14 level hypnosis. What is that? Is that a thing? No, it's not. But it's something apparently star witness, you know, or for the defense could say say in fucking court 1980 to try and trick a jury apparently. Rosenstein also stated that he had the highest degree of certainty that Dana's testimony was confabulated, which is a process in which the witness fills gaps in memory with false and imaginary information, often implanted by others. That unfortunately can be real, right? False memory syndrome. We've talked about it in numerous episodes.
Starting point is 02:02:42 It's not a lot of innocent people to prison in the past. False memory contamination can be a real problem. Asking leading questions can plant seeds and a witness's mind about how they should answer a question. Investigators coach and witnesses into saying certain things because they're confident they have the right suspect can cause witnesses to cave to a former peer pressure.
Starting point is 02:02:59 Many of us are so-called people pleasers, right? The urge to please can be so strong, we'll convince ourselves, we're remembering something that someone seems to want us to remember, even though it never happened. Bit more complicated than that, but that's the gist of it. But then, Farnell Cross examines Dr. Rosenstein, points out that he's a psychologist who serves far more often as a defense witness
Starting point is 02:03:18 than he does for the DA. Rosenstein had been testifying a court two to three times a week recently, had a testify between 100 and 150 times. The insinuation was clear. Rosenstein was a shield, a witness for hire, a paid gun who knew what to say to manipulate a jury. Rosenstein responded he's not a prostitute or a whore. Farnel now pulls his dick out in court again. He fucking slams 100 bucks in front of Rosenstein. Tells him there's a thousand more where that came from.
Starting point is 02:03:45 It's a doctor will suck his dick right now in front of everyone in the court. And for the next seven and a half minutes approximately, that is exactly what Rosenstein did. And it was glorious. It was like watching Michael Jordan or Serena Williams or Barry Bonds and their Primes. Part peak athletic performance, part performance art,
Starting point is 02:04:02 pure mastery of a craft. When the two men were done, the entire courtroom, judge included rose to their feet, burst into thunderous applause, tear streaming down many of their faces, random cheers of bravo, a good show, a hip-hip, hooray, yeah, echoing through the courtroom, and of course, goddamn it. And of course, a purse siren goes off. And everyone is killed. No.
Starting point is 02:04:26 For now, let us ask why Rosenstein almost never test fire for the prosecution. And Rosenstein responded that he was far too expensive. And that didn't sit well with the jury. Defense finally rests their case. April 23rd. Rodney never took the stand in his own defense. That's probably definitely for the best.
Starting point is 02:04:41 April 28th, final arguments begin. And then his closing argument. For now, walks along the jury line, taking the time to meet the eyes of each of the nine women and three men. This part's really did look at him in the eyes. He's fully closed. He focused on alkalis past arrest and convictions. Rodney was a known sex perfect convicted child molester down at the beach, taking pixie young girls, trying to get those girls to get into his fucking car. The day Robin goes missing, multiple witnesses attested to that. One of those witnesses, right, Jackie Young, neighbor of Robbins, friend Bridget, who saw Rodney talking to Robin about taking pictures of her
Starting point is 02:05:11 the day she disappeared. And in his statement, for an L. Urge, the jurors to give Alcola the punishment he deserved, then Barnett stood up, started his clothes and argument, admitting that Rodney was a bad man, but that the state had not proved that he killed Robin. He stated that there was no physical evidence that Robin was abducted by Rodney on June 20th. There was no hairs fibers to link to two of them together, only a witness with very little credibility, Dana dipshit, linked them together. He then thanked the jurors for the time, finished by saying that they should vote the only way that made sense, not guilty. Next day, the 29th, first day of jury deliberations, they requested to have some of Krapa's confusing testimony read back to them. Of course, he did. Then they still
Starting point is 02:05:50 don't come to a verdict by the end of that day. It's a sleepless night. Parabin's mom, who's still carrying her gun in a purse, loaded gun, still waiting for the time to use it. The days before courtroom metal detectors, the jury does come to decision, April 30th, 9th, and after two days of deliberation. On the charges, the first degree murder with the use of a deadly weapon and force kidnapping, they find Rodney guilty. Chirod goes out throughout the courtroom. There's actually so much cheering.
Starting point is 02:06:13 The judge has to call court back to order. Next time, next comes the penalty phase of the trial. All right. For now, only calls two witnesses to testify at the penalty phase hearing, both were Rodney Alkalis former parole officers, closed by saying that Alkalis was a cold and calculating killer who stalked girls for selfish, you know, sexual purposes. Only death was an appropriate punishment. The defense did not call any witnesses and Rodney did not speak on his own behalf. Guess in the understood that Rodney speaking would probably make things worse and no friends
Starting point is 02:06:42 or family speaking would actually help either. Roddy's attorney spoke though and his speech Barnett acknowledged his client, you know, sick and disturbed man. According to him, Roddy suffered from a mental disease that caused him to go from a normal man one minute to an unpredictable frenzied man the next, that damn anti-social personality disorder. That is not exactly how it works, but you know, whatever. Bizarrely Barnett also claimed his client was only found guilty as a result of anger and fear.
Starting point is 02:07:08 Not sure painting Rodney's a victim was great call. March 7th, 1980, the penalty phase ends. The jurors reach a verdict after only four hours. They recommend the death penalty. Impulsively Robbins mom yells, all right. And then she begins to cry out loud. Poor mother. Rodney shows no emotion.
Starting point is 02:07:24 It was almost like he hadn't heard the verdict and talking with the media outside of the courthouse. The jurors said that they were never in disagreement about Rodney's guilt. The only thing they were split on was deciding if he should be convicted of second degree murder, murder with intent, but without premeditation or first degree murder, murder with intent or malice afterthought or malice a fourth thought. And then they had almost no trouble reaching the death penalty recommendation. About a week later, Robyn's mom does an interview where she admits to having to go under purse throughout the whole trial. And that quite often she had clutched the gun inside of her
Starting point is 02:07:51 purse for reassurance. She said the only thing that kept her from shooting Rodney was a thought of her other kids growing up without a mom. This time, she said the time she came the closest to shooting Rodney was when at one point that motherfucker blew kisses towards her in the courtroom. What a sadist. Take someone's young daughter, rape and kill him, and then taunt them about it.
Starting point is 02:08:11 Again, I think parents should be at least allowed to take a crack at killing anyone who rapes and or kills their kids. And if that person then taunts them, well, now you get to fire as many shots as it takes to put them down. June 20th, 1990, Orange County Superior Court judge Philip E Schwab sent his alcal death for the murder of Robin Samso. He would say, it is fair to say the evidence disclosed the defendant in a premeditated manner, stocked his prey for a number of days.
Starting point is 02:08:37 The defendant not only has a prior felony conviction, but there are also distinct similarities to this case. This is a particularly vicious and cruel crime. He's a man of depraved character, but he is able to appreciate the difference between right and wrong. He's arranged to have his death take place by gas chamber. And at the time Rodney actually, could have been executed, his real possibility. The state had abolished capital punishment, 1972,
Starting point is 02:09:00 but reinstated it in 1976. Alkala would now be locked up in San Quentin awaiting an appeal to the Supreme Court. And then a few months later, Rodney gets convicted again. His trial for the 1978 rape of then 15-year-old Monique Hoyt back on. She felt well enough now to testify. Hail Nimrod and Hail Monique Hoyt. September of 1980, Rodney convicted and sentenced to nine years in state prison for that. Then in February of 198101, Robin's,
Starting point is 02:09:25 Rodney's appointed appeals attorney, Keith Monroe, files Rodney's appeal, said there were two big problems with the first trial. First, too much weight was given to the testimony of jail informants. The testimony he thought was highly suspicious. Second, some potential jurors have been removed because they admitted they did not agree with the death penalty.
Starting point is 02:09:41 And that declared Monroe was an arbitrary decision. His federal law requires those who disagree with the death penalty. And that declared Monroe was an arbitrary decision. Because federal law requires those who disagree with the death penalty be permitted to serve as jurors. Supreme Court of California approves the appeal. April 10th, 19-1, his appeal here in begins, and after six weeks, he loses. Fuck, bro, right? Should be over, right?
Starting point is 02:09:57 No, no, it's not. May 20th, 19-1, Judge Schwab rules that Rodney could have his ass hauled right back to death row, so that's good. He's having no look at this point with the Justice system in the 80s, but that's going to change. A few years later, August 23rd, 1984, Supreme Court of California reverses Rodney's death sense and a five to one decision. The trial court committed, they said the trial court committed an error and admitted into evidence to defendants prior crimes, which they said were not similar to
Starting point is 02:10:21 the case of Robin's Samsung. So it did not establish a pattern, intent, scheme, or motive. The court would write, the alleged similarities among the offenses are common to a substantial portion of the population of child molesters, including the use of charmer deception, transportation to places of privacy and violence. There was no peculiar pattern in the defendant's past conduct that establishes such identity as the girls killer by setting him apart from the general class of violent sex offenders against children. We will conclude that the convictions and exceptional circumstances finding must be reversed since the admission of prior offenses constituted prejudicial error on those items because this ruling Rodney returned to his pre-trial status
Starting point is 02:11:01 and would now be recharged with his crimes as though the original trial never happened. So this is worst case scenario for Robin Samso's mom and for the relatives and friends of other victims. April 23, 1906, now a second trial. It's like they start over for Robin Samso's murder. Judge Donald A. McCartan would be presiding over the trial. Thomas Gothel's would act as prosecutor. Gothel started his opening statement by describing Rodney as one of the most notorious horrendous criminals in the history of the US, just like in the first trial, right? He would also use fucking Dana Krapa as a key witness. Oh, man. And if you think this is a bad call, you're right. He closed this statement by thanking the jurors, confidently stating at the end of the trial,
Starting point is 02:11:42 they would return the only verdict that was appropriate guilty of murder. The defense attorney this time, John Patrick Dolan, likened the previous trial, he attacks Dana Krapa's credibility, the credibility of the inmates who testified against Rodney concluded his opening statement by telling him, yeah, Rodney's piece of shit. Yeah, he's the beach that day. Sure, he could have taken some pictures of Robin, but he did not kill Kidnapper Raper. Next day starts with surprise for everyone who witness this in court, but I don't think he'll surprise anyone listing.
Starting point is 02:12:08 Dana Krapa, outside of the presence of the jury, speaks to Judge McCartan, tells the judge that she does not remember any of the events it took place. While she was working as a firefighter, just in fucking general now, also told him that she did not remember what she had testified to the proceeding trial. And therefore, she should not be called as a witness. My god, she's a train wreck. Why couldn't anyone else have seen Rodney those two days in the woods like anyone a fucking why couldn't a blind person have just maybe heard someone and thought it could have been Rodney. I wish there was no info on what the fuck was going on with Dana Dana out there. Judge
Starting point is 02:12:40 McCartan ruled that crap was incapable of test find his witness in this trial, but said her testimony from the first trial could be read out loud in court. Defense attorney John Patrick Dolan outraged, but Judge McCartan sticks to his motion, Dana's initial statements can be read the trial. During this trial, the prosecution relies heavily on circumstantial evidence. However, they did present an expert to testify that the earrings the police had found in Alkalist storage locker in Seattle did belong to Robin. This trial only lasts four weeks this time. May 25th, 1986, the jury finds him again guilty of murder and false imprisonment used for deadly weapon, kidnapping,
Starting point is 02:13:11 which I didn't say at the first time they found him guilty of all those things. Penalty phase begins June 9th now. The day began with Rodney reading out a 49 page letter. He had read about his attorneys. Oh my God, I'm sure that was super fun. And not tortures at all for everyone in the court to have to listen to. Got how
Starting point is 02:13:30 many hours did that take? And another thing, I don't like him. And I just don't think he did a really good job for me. And I don't like the thing he said on the second day of trial. He talked about, you know, Robin was doing this, but he should have been just droning on and on. He said they were unprepared, unwilling to provide him with adequate defense, and that he'd severed his relationship with them, would not cooperate with them in the future. Because of their incompetence, he was asking that his case be dismissed. This was read outside the presence of the jury, the judge then, you know, doesn't fucking do that. Thomas Gothel now brings in two witnesses to testify. The first is Tali Shapiro, Rodney Alkalas first known victim back from 1968. She's now 26
Starting point is 02:14:10 years old. She describes how Alkalas had kidnapped and raped her when she was only eight. Next to testify, Monique Hoyt's father, states his daughter had been kidnapped, raped, tied with ropes, gagged, emphasized that Rodney had been found guilty for that, sentenced to nine years in prison, and that now his daughter was so traumatized because this new trial that she couldn't appear in court again. Rodney had been found guilty for that, sends to nine years in prison, and that now his daughter was so traumatized because this new trial that she couldn't appear in court again. Rodney now addresses the court, Seedon's chair, he's very soft spoken, seems very relaxed, and he says, my 13 year prison record shows I'm harmless.
Starting point is 02:14:38 I am not a threat to hurt anyone. Rodney admitted that he, yeah, he had a history of molesting young girls, and okay, you know, he did take and had a history of molesting young girls and okay, you know He did take and possess a lot of child porn and he guess he'd violate his parole hanging out with another girl and sure Okay, yeah, he found guilty of raping and beating a 15-year-old girl, but others and that He's totally harmless most days of his life. He doesn't kill anyone He denied that he ever met Robin,
Starting point is 02:15:05 despite direct eyewitness testimony to the contrary from numerous witnesses. And then he says, please don't kill me. I don't think I should die for something I didn't do. He appeals to jury to send him to prison for life, arguing that he's harmless away from children. Roddy's mom then comes to the stand. What a weird thing. I mean, if you don't put me near a kid, I'm a pretty nice guy. I'm a decent photographer. Roddy's mom comes to take the stand to testify for him. She's in tears all time. She says she believes he's innocent. He's always been a good boy. He's quiet. Studios. He's kind to her. He served in the army for God's sake. And she pleased with the jurors to spare his life.
Starting point is 02:15:38 And she might while doing this have been wearing a G-string bikini. And maybe she begged to have her boy freed, because no one could quite capture her raw sexuality on film like he could. Sources don't say that, but you know, I don't know, maybe. Jury would start deliberations June 19th, 1986. And once again, it wouldn't take them long to come to the decision. For a second time, June 20th, he is convicted of Robin Samson's murder. The jury recommends the death penalty. Seven years to the day from when Robin went missing. August 20th, 1986, the formal sentencing begins,
Starting point is 02:16:08 Dudge Swab agrees with the jury, senses this motherfucker to death again. Then this time after more appeals, December 21st 1992, the California Supreme Court unanimously uphold Rodney's death sentence, right? Should be over. Nope. Oh my God, so much money and time and energy waste on the sad sick fuck less than two years later, 1994, Rodney now publishes a book. It's called You the Jury. No surprise, self published, not easy to find, but big thanks to actually the folks at OpenLibrary.org.
Starting point is 02:16:38 I had not used them before. A lot of obscure rare books you can find there in digital form, which comes in very handy if you're doing research for anything. Yeah, openlibrary.org. Anyone with a free account can see with this maniac route. It's a fucking terrible read. His grammar, sentence, structure, spelling, et cetera. Not bad.
Starting point is 02:16:57 Read any given page. You know, you can tell right away this guy is no dummy, you know, good vocabulary, but the book is shit. Less of a book and more of a big research paper covering the trial and so much depth organized very well, great table of contents, but I don't know who outside of his mom, sisters, dipshit girlfriend, Beth, would ever want to read all of it. Mostly stuff like this witness said that. This other witness said this, here are the exhibits entered in trial by the prosecution, you know, evidence
Starting point is 02:17:23 on this date, et cetera, et cetera. But also there's a fair amount of trial speculation. the exhibit is entered in trial by the prosecution uh... you know evidence uh... on the state etc but also there's a fair amount of trial speculation what the prosecution is defense lawyers got wrong about this or that and what uh... really happened and what probably happened what should have been brought up and Rodney being a complete fucking heartless sociopath uh... his his evil really shines through in those sections on pages twenty nine and thirty describes his victims supposed home life. Of course, he claims she was not his victim, though. He theorizes at one point that some other perverted photographer on the beach that day, trying to take photos of
Starting point is 02:17:54 kids was probably who did it, right? Like there was a fucking epidemic in Southern California of sexual predators, the expensive cameras around their necks, trying to talk young girls into fucking nude photo shoots. There's no proof of any other photographer being around there, by the way. He alleged that Robin wasn't happy at home, that her mom, Mary Ann, beat some of her siblings, that her mom was also fucking all kinds of strange dick. And he one of these guys could have killed her daughter. He wrote her mother brought home many men friends.
Starting point is 02:18:23 And many times Mrs. Frazier would stay out all night entertaining these friends. Oh cool. Raping and killing her daughter wasn't enough. Now you have to try and paint Mary Anna's as a delinquent mom, just chasing Dick instead of watching her kids. Also alleges that there was a good chance that Mary
Starting point is 02:18:37 and being a shitty mom probably got her daughter killed. He writes about Robin wanting to run away. She'd been wanting to run away for months, probably did run away the day she went missing. And then he says, whatever Robin's plans, they went askew and Robin lost her life. How did Robin die? Her plans went askew.
Starting point is 02:18:57 Askew plans, kill her, not Rodney. Rodney pulled all this shit out of his ass. None of his base in evidence. Rest of the book in addition to being full of so many court details, you know, just full of more bullshit like that. Oh, and he refers to himself in the third person throughout the book, as if he forgot it's about him and also forgot that he, you know, fucking wrote it.
Starting point is 02:19:15 March 30th, 2001, ninth circuit, court of appeals, issues an unexpected reversal of Alkalaz conviction, the second trial, got damn. Federal District Judge Stephen Wilson of Los Angeles writes an opinion stating that during Alkalaz conviction the second trial. Goddamn. Federal District Judge Steven Wilson of Los Angeles writes an opinion stating that during Alkalaz 1986 trial, Judge McCartan of Orange County committed several game-changing errors. Judge McCartan, the opinion declared,
Starting point is 02:19:36 allowed the defense to rely on old evidence from Dana Krapa, shh, her story won't go away. We didn't go far enough from proving their case. As much as I hate Rodney, legally though, this probably was a right call. I mean, we know we did it, but the state actually did they have enough evidence to prove it with Dana dipshit as her star witness. Ah, probably not.
Starting point is 02:19:55 Further, the opinion concluded that Judge McMartan had ruled incorrectly when he did not allow psychologist Ray William London to testify through the defense. London had listened to hours of tape. Police interviews with Dana was set to testify that her statements did in fact appear to be induced fucking Dana. Furthermore, the opinion said, Alkalus lawyers should have been allowed to introduce a psychologist testimony. The cast even more doubt on crap adapta fucking ding Dongs amnesia claim. Finally, the opinion stated, I love that it's all hinged on Dana.
Starting point is 02:20:22 Alkalus attorneys did not call the witness to support Oculus alibi that he was interviewing for a job as a photographer and not very farmed the day Robin Sam so disappeared. That's because he wasn't. We'll find that later. Uh, not like he said. As a result, the ruling said the court ordered the state of California to give Marie Trout or just release him. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:20:40 Thankfully, the state chooses to see him in court. Uh, again, he's 57 now. He's been tried for the third fucking time. Luckily, this time around, advances in forensic science, since his first two trials, especially the first one, some legal changes gave the prosecution a lot more evidence to use against him. Finally, this case is not hinging on Dana Dingling and Dingdong. 2002, new California state law passed,
Starting point is 02:21:06 now allowed police officers and correction officers to take samples of DNA from prisoners, using reasonable force, if necessary, if they refuse to give samples voluntarily. The DNA samples then put into a state DNA database. So the law enforcement could use the database to search for DNA profiles that match crime scenes. You know, Rodney would try and sue the state
Starting point is 02:21:24 to have this law overturned, didn't want to give his DNA. Tough shit. They fucking took it from him. It's please ignored. The task of prosecuting Rodney falls for a third time for the third time now to Orange County Senior Deputy DA Matt Murphy, who in 1979 was about the same age as Robin Samso. Murphy would get a huge break. During the years, the Samso case and wandered through the appellate courts, DNA technology
Starting point is 02:21:46 caught up with Rodney. Now LA cold case squad suddenly linked him to three other unsolved murders, with new DNA evidence, LA County Deputy DA Gina Satriano, which charged Ocula for the murders of 18-year-old Jill Barcom, 27-year-old Georgia Wix-Tech, and 32-year-old Charlotte Lamb, who had all been killed between November of 1977 and June of 1978. Also Jill Partnow, 21, killed in her Burbank apartment in 1979. We covered all four of their murders. All four have been brutally sexually tortured.
Starting point is 02:22:14 Their bodies posed after death. Seaman found on in all the bodies. Now that's Seaman matched to Rodney. Believing they had enough evidence to convict Rodney as a serial killer, Matt Murphy, Gina Sotriano, want to prosecute the five LA area murder cases all together. October 7, 2003, Alcala brought before superior court judge Francisco Pedro Percello, who would be presiding
Starting point is 02:22:37 over Rodney's third trial. Alcala will plead not guilty to the five murders, of course. He'll also make a motion to act as his own lawyer. So this is gonna be fun, saying he knew the case better than his appointed attorney, David Zimmerman. Then after over six years of numerous fucking weird delays, a retirement died at one point, a bunch of other motions January 11th, 2010, Rodney's trial for the five murders finally begins. He's made the terrible decision to represent himself. He's now 66 on trial and orange county for the murder, you know, he's made the terrible decision to represent himself. He's now 66 on, you know, trial in Orange County for the murder, you know, third time.
Starting point is 02:23:07 It found innocent. He'll be immediately released and be in line for a huge civil settlement for wrongful imprisonment. I mean, he's been over 30 years since his arrest for Robin's murder. This trial will be the weirdest of his three trials by far. He shows up in the courtroom, first data representative self, where the Dan sports coat, blue shirt, strived blue tie, uh, court appointed investigator Albert Ross sits beside him. His mom in her 90s shows up wearing a top hat, monocle, crotchless panties, nothing else. Holding the sign that reads, free my sweet misunderstood artist, mom and he's a new photo
Starting point is 02:23:38 shoot. I think maybe I'm finally done with that now. I'm not sure. Prosecuting presents its evidence by calling forensic experts to testify about the numerous. This guy definitely fucking did it DNA matches. He left his seamen all over these crime scenes. They show photographs of all the pose you need it to emphasize his brutality. And then on February 2nd, okay, this is what I was laughing at before. I thought I was going to come up with initial description sporting black sunglasses inside because he's so fucking cool. You guys is his hair long grain, unkempt, flowing about a foot pass, his shoulders wearing a sports jacket,
Starting point is 02:24:09 now Rodney begins his proper defense. He looks like a college professor currently on leave of absence due to suffering a psychotic break a few months earlier. He opens with about 10,820 days, five hours and 15 minutes ago. Really, he's relatable. Robyn Sam, so left Bridget Wilford's apartment on Bridget's bike. Neither Bridget nor Robyn's family saw Robyn again, about 33 days and 16 hours later. I was arrested and charged with Robyn's murder. I've been incarcerated since then, about nine years in Orange County, jail, almost all the rest and sand quittons death row. He then showed the jury a video. He made, he protected on the screen called six minute and 15 second window of opportunity.
Starting point is 02:24:49 The video attempted to show that he did not have the opportunity to kidnap Robin because at the time, she was missing, he was not very far, applying for a job. Then he said the gold earrings found in his locker, you didn't see that, I'll belong to him, not Robin. Even though no one remembered him, never having fucking his ears pressed back then. And then he would show the jury of the 1978 dating game episode.
Starting point is 02:25:07 Right, he appeared on. As a contestant told him to watch very carefully, there was a quick second on the show, where his hair flipped up. You can see the earring. I have watched that footage at least fucking 10 times. No, you can't. You can clearly see he is not wearing earrings. After the earring horse shit, Rodney goes on talking for an hour, uh,
Starting point is 02:25:23 never once mentioned the four of the murders. He'd been charged with only focuses on Robbins murder Just one of five he's been charged with when the judge finally interrupts him because he's just droning on and on And tells him that the point of an opening statement is to give an outline of the case Rodney apologizes and just quickly awkwardly wraps up doesn't summarize the case. So maybe this guy's not a genius. Oh, shoot. Sorry, you're on my bed. I was just so rushed putting all this together I wish I could have had a few more decades to prepare how to figure all this out Rodney now calls his first witness to the stand himself During the course of trial Rodney acting his own attorney will ask himself questions
Starting point is 02:25:59 He will refer to himself as Mr. Alcala in a deeper than normal voice, and then answer himself in a different voice. It's so fucking awkward, I wish there was footage of it. It's peculiar answer in question session will continue for five straight hours, right? Him posing questions like, Rodney, would you please tell us about your hair? Well, would you tell us what you did on June 15th, Mr. Alkola, what did you do on June 16th?
Starting point is 02:26:23 Mr. Alkola, after you spent time with your sister and kids, what did you do? Okay, Mr. Alkola, what did you do on June 16th? Mr. Alkola, after you spent time with your sister and kids, what did you do? Okay, Mr. Alkola, what did you do next? What was the next phone call you made, Mr. Alkola? What was the next thing you did, Mr. Alkola? He answered every question in great detail. Like a level of detail, you would have if you had, say, memorized a script, as opposed to just try to remember what you actually did. Reiterating the claim about not spray farm.
Starting point is 02:26:46 I picture him answering his questions and especially high voice. Right? To make all this that much weirder. Mr. Alcola, where were you when Robin didn't show up for work at the ballet school? He was a not spray farm, standing next to the Calical River Rapids, taking some pictures. And Mr. Alcola, why were you with Notsbury farm? I was meeting Mr. Notsbury for a job interview. And Mr. Alcola, can Mr. Notsbury personally
Starting point is 02:27:15 corroborate your claim? Now right now, he's busy making some tasty jams or something, but he wrote a note saying I'm innocent to give to the nice judge man, weee! I know this sounds exactly like Woody. You get it. Something like that. Something really, really insane. Rodney also spoke of having absolutely no memory of various long sequences of time.
Starting point is 02:27:35 The only other witness for this fence, psychologist Richard Rappaport offered the explanation that Alkalus memory lapses could be equated to his borderline personality disorder. So he's picked up a new disorder for this third trial. So that's cool. February 22nd, closing arguments begin in a very quiet voice, Robert Rodney stated that his closing argument or started his closing argument. I tell the jury that Murphy's entire case was based on magical thinking and that the evidence against him was just a bunch of gimmicks and lies.
Starting point is 02:28:00 Come on. Yeah, they have a lot of witnesses. A lot of eyewitnesses. Yeah, there's a lot of DNA evidence. A lot of scientists have talked to you. It's called gimmicks and lies come on. Yeah, they have a lot of witnesses. A lot of eyewitnesses. Yeah, there's a lot of DNA evidence. A lot of scientists have talked to you. It's called gimmicks and lies and magic. Weirdly, Rodney then gives the prosecution a nod for doing an excellent job and concludes,
Starting point is 02:28:15 if you think I was willfully false in any part of my testimony, I can't think of what it could possibly be. I think I've gone on long enough. I think that covers everything and I'll conclude my final argument. Okay, February 25, 2010, jury returns a verdict.
Starting point is 02:28:31 Guilty of five counts of first degree murder and one count of kidnapping. So weird that he didn't catch any break considering how fucking incredible his top notch legal team was. March 2, 2010, March the beginning of Alkalus third penalty phase. Interestingly, actress Charlize Theron was spotted and sit in the background in the courtroom March 2, 2010, March the beginning of Alcalus third penalty phase.
Starting point is 02:28:45 Interestingly, actress Charlize Theron was spotted and sit in the back row in the courtroom. When asked later why, she said she was researching for an upcoming movie role of Eileen Wernos that serial killer. We need to suck the story of Eileen Wernos one of these days. I saw that movie, Monster, that's great. The prosecution once again called for the death penalty. They also introduced a surprise witness, Tali Shapiro, the girl he had raped and beaten with an inch for life about 40 years ago now.
Starting point is 02:29:07 Shapiro, they're the witness justice for Robin Samso, 12 Jill Barcom 18, Georgia Wix did, 27, Charlotte Lam, 31, Jill Partino, 21, finally been achieved. Judge Praseno then asked if Alcala wished to make a statement. He replies, no, I don't, you're honor. And then starts making a statement because he was a fucking crazy person. no, I don't your honor. And then starts making a statement because he's a fucking crazy person. No, I don't your honor. And then says, by giving me the death penalty,
Starting point is 02:29:30 you become a wannabe killer and waiting. Your desire to become part of that elite group of citizens, your desire to share in the killing of a human being is eloquently expressed by Arlo Guthrie. What? Elite, interesting adjective choice. Not sure I'd refer to serial killers as being elite, prolific, okay, infamous, okay,
Starting point is 02:29:49 but elite, two positive connotation, not admired. And Arlo Guthrie, fucking folk singer, yeah, he plays a clip from Arlo Guthrie's 1967 song, Alice's Restaurant Now. And the song in the narrator has to go see a psychiatrist in order to convince an army recruiter that he is a suitable candidate to be in the army.
Starting point is 02:30:05 He says to the shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I want to kill kill during the clip. Robin Samson's dad has to get up and leave the courtroom. But he wished, you know, he wasn't now living in the era of courtroom metal detectors and had that gun is, you know, wife or ex wife had before. The jurors then leave the courtroom to make their decision less than an hour they come back. Vertic, again, fucking death penalty. Third time. After the verdict, family members of the victims read impact statements to Rodney before he's removed from the courtroom. Alkaline never flinch, regardless of what was being said. You're a monster, worse than a rabbit pit bull, burn and hell, some were more forgiving.
Starting point is 02:30:38 Victim Jill Barkham's brother Bruce said he felt no animosity towards Alkaline. Instead, he just asked the man who left his sister curled up in a fucking bloodied ball along Franklin Canyon to give up his futile Perry Mason filled fantasy and to take responsibility for his crimes and to work with authorities to identify other victims. And Misschelena, sister of Georgia Wicks' dead, who was found rapes and killed in her Malew apartment, asked who would do that to her.
Starting point is 02:31:05 She read a letter from their mom who had suffered mental illness because of her daughter's murder. Robert Samso, brother of 12 year old, the brother of the victim, yeah, 12 year old victim Robin Samso, read a letter from Charlotte Lam sister who couldn't be present expressed only the longing of her beloved shug. D.D. Partonow, sister of Jill Partonow asked how Alcala would feel of his sister were killed the way her sister was killed.
Starting point is 02:31:29 And she said she still hates Hazy June days like the one she got, you know, was happening when she got news of her sister's death. Last to speak, Robin Samson's mom, Mary Ann, who delivered a tear-filled address, bolstered by her attorney. She said she had given up her hatred up to God because she didn't want to let her daughters-killer have any more control of her. But she did say she wished she could live to see Alkala put to death and she wished that she could administer the lethal injection herself.
Starting point is 02:31:57 Hail Nimrod, fucking Hail Mary Ann. That motherfucker should have had both as a killee's tendon sliced in half in the courtroom there, been dumped into a fucking pit of hungry hyenas found guilty three times. Another presiding judge speaks Francisco Pedro Pazeno. He concluded that alcalus testimony had not been credible. His alibi had been at a job interview and not spray farm at the time of robin samsos disappearance was not true and not supported by witness testimony. His consciousness of guilt was evident in his admitted evasiveness to Huntington Beach police. His attempts to hide the property receipt to the Seattle storage locker proved to be the jackpot for investigators. His sudden move
Starting point is 02:32:34 to Seattle and the replacement of carpeting his car immediately after a composite of Alcala was released to the media after the Samsung disappearance spoke to his guilt. Judge Presente also dismissed the conclusion of Alc of Oculus paid expert psychiatrist as to the defendant's psychotic, borderline personality at the time of the Los Angeles murders as supported only by the defendant's own statements. Preseno who never uttered an opinion as to the merits of either side of the case throughout the trial, now addressed the families of the victims, we'd like to think we avoid the impact of evil in our lives. So the former Marine, who was in Vietnam during Alkalus first known
Starting point is 02:33:07 attack on eight year old Toledo Shapiro. Siding one of the more bizarre moments from the trial, the judge set Alcala had played his national anthem during his closing arguments. When the chorus, I want to kill. I want to kill from Arlo Guthrie's Alice's restaurant, shocked and offended jurors and family members. As Rodney was shackled and led from the defense table, one last time, family and friends who had carried heavy hearts for 30 years burst into a plaza. Shortly after the trial, police released more than 100 photos by unidentified women and
Starting point is 02:33:34 girls from Rodney's collection, hoping someone would identify them and they could figure out if these were the images of unknown victims. Although many of the 2,900-plus pictures were innocent poses in a park or on the beach, plenty of them were women, girls and boys who had taken off their clothes for the camera. Please believe at least two of the pictures were taken after the women being photographed have been murdered. Many of the photos never been released due to being too sexually graphic. How many of the subjects in the photos are murder victims whose cold cases have never been solved. Same year, shadow police named Rodney
Starting point is 02:34:05 a person of interest in the unsolved murders of Antoinette Whitaker, just 13 in July of 1977 and Joyce Gaunt, just 17 in February of 1978. Other cold cases reportedly targeted for reinvestigation in California, New York, New Hampshire, Arizona. Next year, 2011, Rodney and died for the murders of Ellen Hoover, hover on Cornelia Crilly, which he then pled guilty to on December 14, 2012, citing desire to return to California to pursue appeals of his death penalty conviction. A Manhattan judge was sent into an additional 25 years to life in 2013 before that March 20, uh, 20, oh my god, 2011, investigators in Marin County, California,
Starting point is 02:34:45 North of San Francisco announced that they were confident Rodney was responsible for the 1977 murder of 19 year old Pamela Jean Lamson disappeared after a trip to Fisherman's Wharf, Demeter Man who offered to photograph her, her battered naked body, subsequently found in Marin County near a hiking trail posed, I'm guessing, but couldn't find evidence of that sources. 2016 Wyoming prosecutors charged Rodney with the murder of Christine Ruth Thornton, 28, who disappeared in 1978, whose body was found four years later. Six months pregnant, the time for disappearance. DNA evidence linked Alcala to the crime, but prosecutor said he was too sick to be extradited
Starting point is 02:35:17 to Wyoming to face the charges. Alcala also either linked via DNA evidence to, or at least strongly suspected, of additional homicides in Arizona, California, New Hampshire, New York, Washington state. Six states, including Wyoming, at least six states. July 24, 2021, we'll sit on death row in California. Rodney finally dies of natural causes. Unfortunately, age 77, less than a year ago, as I record this, immediately some of his victims spoke up expressing their relief that the dating game killer was gone.
Starting point is 02:35:46 The planet is a better place without him, that's for sure, said Tali Shapiro. It's a long time coming, but he got his karma. Investigator Jeff Sheiman, who had been working on a cold case involving Alkalyn Wyoming, said he's where he needs to be, and I'm sure that's in hell. Sheiman recalled that during interviews with police,
Starting point is 02:36:01 Alkalyn would trace his finger along the faces of victims and photographs put before him. Perhaps in hopes it would irritate and enrage detectives, maybe just turn them on. Throughout his investigation, She even was overcome with just how cold Alcala was. And ultimately came to believe that he may have taken untold scores of victims' lives that we'll never know about.
Starting point is 02:36:20 And finally, just last week, Rodney's mom, now over 100 years old, talked about how much she missed her son in favor of photography and a video released on her only fan's page. A recorder while she juggled three ping pong balls using just her pussy. Sorry. I'm not sure what's wrong with me with that mom stuff. And with that our timeline has wound down to a close. Good job, soldier.
Starting point is 02:36:46 You've made it back. Barely. Rodney Alkala, the dating game killer. I love those TV appearance help bring him down. Also how insane that Rodney was chosen to be contestant on the dating game despite having already served two prison senses, one for assaulting eight-year-old Thomas Shapiro, and the other for violating parole by taking 13-year-old Julie out of the woods for some picks when he was already a registered sex defender.
Starting point is 02:37:15 Thank God for internet criminal databases, allowing for pretty comprehensive background checks now. What a monster. No worse unfortunately, though, than some of the other dirt bags we've covered, right? Maybe that's becoming the scariest part of doing these true crime episodes now for me. You know, as evil as some of these dudes are, Roddy so evil, no more evil than Albert Fish, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Robert Bridella, Leonard Lake, Charles In, David Parker Ray, you know, Joseph Duncan, Joseph Fritzel on and on and on.
Starting point is 02:37:46 Once you stop seeing someone as a human being, when you truly only see them as a vehicle for your desires and their rights and feelings, don't matter to you at all and your desires are, you know, particularly dark. There's no limit to the pain and misery you're able to inflict on someone. More lenient when it comes to punishing vice law offenders, more aggressive when it comes to punishing sexual predators. Can we please move in that direction as the society going forward? Time now for today's top five takeaways.
Starting point is 02:38:13 Time suck. Top five takeaways. Number one, Rodney Alcala brutally killed at least nine, but probably many more women between 1968, 1979 and girls pose their bodies and gruesome arrangements for people to find undoubtedly scarring additional people forever. Number two, Rodney appeared on the popular TV show The Dating Game September 13, 1978. After getting convicted of crimes against minors twice, we even win a date with the show's contestant Cheryl Bradshaw, who thankfully decided not to go on the date with him. His appearance on the show would eventually help lead detectives to finding him.
Starting point is 02:38:50 So thanks, Jim Lane. Number three, because she was too scared to testify, Rodney Alcala would only spend less than three years in prison for kidnapping, violating raping, and trying to kill an eight-year-old. Oh, that should never happen. Pleadiel or not, they shouldn't have to testify in those situations, Mike. Number four, Rodney bizarrely defending himself in court and asking himself questions in a different voice. Definitely one of the stranger trial moments we've come across.
Starting point is 02:39:14 Number five, new info. Did you know that Rodney's mom's only fans account has over 35,000 subscribers. She may have lost her favorite photographer, but she still has a curve leather bondage gear in the confidence that drew him to want to take so many nude pics in the first place. And that not really done. No, did you know there was a reboot of the dating game that took the basic premise, you know, and kind of like turned the dial up to 11. Single doubt was a show that ran from 1995 to 1998 on MTV hosted by Chris Hardwick, Canadian McCarthy, featured single woman choosing a date from among 50 young men and a single man taking his turn with 50 women. As with his predecessor, the
Starting point is 02:39:53 winning couple was set up on a date after the show, and each game the feature contestant or picker would eliminate undesired dates using six categories, Ranger from the innocuous, like Heighten Weight, to the blatantly sexual, bedroom behavior package. Once Aitor Fuehr remained, the picker would start asking them dating Ranger from the innocuous like height and weight to the blatantly sexual bedroom behavior package Once eight or fewer remain the picker would start asking them dating game style questions Having them perform certain tasks or both the picker would then keep the candidate or dump him or her The three who survived this would then be asked questions with two possible answers For each one that matched the pickers a candidate would move one step closer to the picker Dumped contestants sometimes got a toilet flush sound effect
Starting point is 02:40:25 when it happened. Others forced to wear a toilet seat labeled dumbed around their necks. One time, one of the show's performers, after being rejected, dropped his pants in the way out, showing the female picker is boxers with your lost babe and blazing across his ass. Will another reboot come back again?
Starting point is 02:40:40 I guess maybe, but with all the dating and hook up apps out there, who the fuck actually needs a TV show? Help them find a date. Who wants to watch someone? Good to date. Well, I guess the bachelor but with all the dating and hook-up apps out there, who the fuck actually needs a TV show? Tell them find a date. Who wants to watch someone? Good to date. Well, I guess the bachelor's bads right? I don't know. I hope it's done. Time suck. Top 5 takeaways. When I was in college many years ago, I actually played a parody of Janim Carthy. A buddy of mine was Chris Hardwick, and we did a little dating game, you know, single-out thing at Gonzaga.
Starting point is 02:41:07 I was fucking hammered. Dating game killer has been sucked. What a fucking dark ride. My God, what a piece of shit. Whew, so vicious. Thanks to the Bad Magic Productions team. Thanks to Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins. Thanks to Reverend Dr. Joe Paisy for production.
Starting point is 02:41:21 Thanks to Bitelixer for upkeep on the time suck app. Login the art world out Keith, creating the merch at Badmagicmerch.com and running socials with Lizzy and Chantras Hernandez. Thanks to Sophie Evans for the initial research this week. Thanks to the All-Cinized moderating and the culticurious private Facebook page. Thanks to Becky Jesse the mod squad now making sure discord keeps running smooth and Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley always checking in on Discord as well and making sure it goes smooth. Next week, another huge topic, the Holocaust.
Starting point is 02:41:50 Doing another two-parter with this one because part one's going to be the history of the Holocaust and then after covering facts while they're fresh in our minds, we're going to dig into the Holocaust deniers, that whole conspiracy in part two. See how fucked up people's brains can get when they fall for the type of lies told by propaganda is like, you know, Putin. Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany, and its allies established more than 44,000 camps and incarceration sites. These locations used for a wide range of purposes, but the most terrific, the one we all associate with the word holocaust today, the mass murder of Jews and other minorities and gas chambers by Nazi Germany. Of the nine million Jews who lived in Europe before the holocaust, right?
Starting point is 02:42:29 Roughly nine million estimated two thirds murdered, though the scale of mass killing was new, the prejudice was not Nazi Germany, win and wear tens of thousands of people. If not hundreds of thousands or millions, let their moral compasses fall to the depths of Rodney, Alkala for for years just getting worse and worse, carrying less and less about this, these groups of people as they got closer to war. Good to remember how evil can become a cultural norm if you let your guard down. And it was good to go over that. So hopefully you don't repeat what Hitler and his goons pulled off for far too long.
Starting point is 02:43:00 Now let's head on over to this week's Time Sucker updates. Starting things off with a message from Rodney's mom. No, start things off with the Cummins Law moment, experienced by sexual deviant and top-notch meat sack Ken Morrison. Ken listens to B.C. Aldi porn and wants to talk about it. Yeah, here's what he has to say. Dan I'm a fairly new sucker and spaceless, by the way. Thank you. I didn't take it long to get Cummins Law either.
Starting point is 02:43:29 My wife and I both work from home, while the kids are at school and neither of us are on the phone. I listen to your past episodes. I'm really getting into and I'm constantly telling my wife, random facts about serial killers or crazy drug-fueled sex cults. I think I finally peaked your interest, now have to listen. But I haven't got her to listen quite yet. Well, the other day I'm working in my office,
Starting point is 02:43:48 she isn't hers, and I'm listening to an old episode of your podcasts. My wife walks in with my mom, a 71-year-old minister's wife on speaker phone. They come in to ask about plans for Mother's Day and they hear a detailed description of how to have sex with a squirrel. Mother's Day might be a tad awkward this year.
Starting point is 02:44:05 On a positive note, I think my wife finally wants to listen to you just to see why in the hell you'd be talking about something like that. So maybe this was a good thing. Love the stuff, keep it up. Ken from Santana Valley, Arizona. Well, thank you, Ken. I have a great idea for how you can save Mother's Day now. How about to give to your mom for this year. What if you take a page out of, you know,
Starting point is 02:44:27 fake Rodney's book and offer to take some newtie pics of your mom. You could offer to take nude photos of your mom and your wife together, like a Buddha R shoot, two of them, what a fun family memory. At least bring it up and let us know how well it's received. Hey, lose aina, good luck. Now for an awesome shout out, for an awesome sucker,
Starting point is 02:44:48 Meet Sack and Colonel, Erica Iverson. And she writes, hi Dan, name drop, and a mutual friend, Ryan Shaw, to get some streetcret. I'll Ryan's great. Before Ryan quit the army, I had the pleasure of working with them in a few jobs. I'm still an active duty Colonel, reaching out with a personal request.
Starting point is 02:45:03 One of, I'm sure thousands of you get, you have an avid fan, one of my troops, major Herman Bulls, who introduced me to your show few months back. He is promoting to Lieutenant Colonel's Friday. I was wondering, begging if there was any way you would consider texting, emailing, calling, shout out, high five, pretty much anything to acknowledge him.
Starting point is 02:45:18 Herman is a future general. He's a rock star and has helped build your fan base with a lot of earned media. I know it's a big ask. It would really mean the world to him. If you're even just to do some kind of shout out in any forum, thanks for the support of the troops. Always good to hear that in your podcasts. Shadow people was my favorite by the way. Love how you spoke to yourself. Thanks so much for your consideration. Colonel Erika Iverson. Colonel Iverson, I would fucking love to give your friend and sucker a shout out huge Congrats to Lieutenant Colonel future general Herman Bulls. Holy shit. You have a great name
Starting point is 02:45:51 For being a badass officer So thank you both for what you do. I hope you're proud Lieutenant Colonel Bulls That's a huge fucking accomplishment Until Ryan hello if you still keep in touch with him He's he's one of the stars. He's one of the rock stars of riggins From riggins to West Point. That was a huge deal when he did that. And then he became a college professor, also a huge deal for someone from my town. All the girls, also, always thought he was super hot and still do. My sister, I'm an embarrasser right now. She saw him at the class reunion
Starting point is 02:46:17 and she was just like, God damn, he looks even better than he is still. She's happily married, but you know, he's right. Charles, Ryan Shaw is a charismatic looking guy, who's a good friend. It still seems like a great guy. Uh, my sister also talked a lot about how hot his wife is, so just throwing that out there. Uh, now for a cool shout out, but yes, but actually before I move on after that,
Starting point is 02:46:35 I truly know. Congratulations, Lieutenant Colonel Herman Bulls. That's fantastic. And thank you for spreading the word. And now for a cool shout out from Discord lover, sweet sack, Jessica Lee writes, Dearest Suck Master and the entire BMP family, pirate queen Jessica Lee,
Starting point is 02:46:52 though your 467 different pronunciations of it make my day. I know because you know it's spelled either one of those names, like their pronounce. Admin, as if that's your choice. Admin on Discord along with my sweet Becky. I wanted to write it and thank you from the bottom of my heart for the community you brought together.
Starting point is 02:47:08 Thank you both for helping keep it going, my God. You do a lot more with it than I do. I joined Discord at a low point for me and what I found changed my life forever. I found a platform that I could connect with so many people. They've been there for me to the last two and a half years without fail. I found the best people and best friends
Starting point is 02:47:23 anyone could ask for, pick me up and push me when I couldn't move on my own, admittedly it isn't for everyone. The conversation moves fast and changes faster. More than an online community, the people have become family. Many of us have driven hours and hundreds of miles to see each other.
Starting point is 02:47:36 As you know, the group of meets actually met Nashville in 2020, we're all from our family, that was awesome. There have been many meetups. Everyone there knows if they are driving to Iowa, my door is open and there was a spot on my table without question. Joaquin Lee said to be a cult within the cult, it's not wrong, LOL.
Starting point is 02:47:51 You've given us all a place to be safe, no matter what and myself, Becky and the mods, Aikie, Roman and Professor work hard to keep it that way. We just had 11,000 members, Tuesday, April 26. So many of these people I hold dear. So very thankful for them. We are full of the best sarcastic dark humor. Yes, you could ask for. I've laughed so hard. My sides hurt for days. I've cried with them as we go through all the punches life throws at us together. We may be battle worn on the other side, but we are together. Queenie,
Starting point is 02:48:19 Sam, Becky and Aaron, I love you girls to the moon and back. As adorable. Cody and Beck of Vale, wicked cloud, mav, Doc Tyler, Sergeant Dan, Sy, Artemis, Trey, Aveline, Pancho, and so many others. I love y'all, Derek, Happy Birthday. Doc Torb, Matt, buddy, we are thinking about you and hope all is going smoothly. We miss you. Honey, love, see you in August, hot stuff.
Starting point is 02:48:44 Without you, Dan, wouldn't have had this family. Thank you Harmony for starting the discord It's truly made a huge impact in my life. I welcome everyone to come join in the discord Join us tell him pirate queen sent you as always no shoes in the house Pants are always optional never required wash your damn hands all our love to be MP always your admins Jessica Lee and Becky. Well, hot damn, Jessica Lee and Becky, I guess it's both you, thanks so much for being part of such a cool community for running it, you know,
Starting point is 02:49:12 for thanks to Harmony for coming up with the idea that started, thanks to Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley for constantly overseeing it, checking in, having fun. I popped in there randomly, and just like at one of the voice chat rooms, yeah, I laughed so hard for like a half hours straight. It was, just so much. Like just random people in there. It's all yelling out dark humor stuff. Yeah. It was a blast. So go check it out everybody. Yeah. Go have fun in there. You know, if you like to show you probably like dark humor. And yeah, thanks to all the
Starting point is 02:49:37 admins and mods for keeping it going. I just love how much fun everyone seems to have and how much community there is. So hail Nimrod to you all. And now I'm going to end with my own update. I know this is a highly emotional issue, but regarding all the anti-abortion legislation lately going on so many courts around the US including that Supreme Court leak. Not enough time this week for me to carefully, thoughtfully express my thoughts thoroughly, I guess, but I just felt compelled to say, I'm with you women who just want the right to regulate your own reproductive systems as you women see fit. This is a specific issue.
Starting point is 02:50:10 I wish men were not allowed to weigh in on it legally. Someone who's pro-freedom and pro-woman, it's just an important issue to me. And I just feel bad for a lot of scared women, scared girls out there. Yeah, with what's happening. I'm just, in my opinion, the country club crowd just seems determined to pass legislation
Starting point is 02:50:29 that will only add to the misery of existing socioeconomic woe for people that they don't have drinks with, right? That it's just gonna widen the chasm between the rich and the poor. Rich parents who publicly support shit like this, they're still gonna have the money to secretly get their teen daughters safe
Starting point is 02:50:43 or themselves safe legal abortions if they want to. And some will, you know some will. Poor parents will not. Their children will be at a much higher risk for health problems, including death when they get the equivalent of back alley abortions. And they'll become further, economically disadvantaged when they do have more kids they can't afford. The poor will struggle further to raise more kids, right? That they didn't want to have.
Starting point is 02:51:04 Adding to soaring higher educational costs, soaring private healthcare costs, soaring real estate costs, making it harder and harder for first time home buyers, relatively stagnant wages. Now there's going to be more mouths to feed that people can't afford to feed. How the fuck is that going to do anything but just grow the wealth disparity gap in this nation? Are we going to throw more people in an overcrowded prison system as well for abortion, add some doctors, some scared women, some scared teen girls, the people arrested for doing non-violent shit like doing drugs? Like what are we doing truly? And if men could get pregnant, none of this would happen. If there was a majority of women
Starting point is 02:51:40 legislators in America, this would not happen. Not trying to shit on the pro-life crowd. I do think your heart's in the right place. And I think that if you don't feel an abortion is more like sexual, then you shouldn't get one. But why do we have to force? It is subjective, no matter what some people want to believe. Why do we have to force that another people? If my opinion upsets you, I hope we can agree to disagree.
Starting point is 02:52:03 Descending voices, discourse, historically so important in America, in the Western world, so important to a healthy culture. We currently have a growing problem in our culture of fuck everyone who doesn't agree with me. I'll just go to my little echo chamber on the web or wherever and just get a bunch of fucking high fives. That attitude weakens our culture. Putin's troll farms and bots, they don't need more help with that. As always, I welcome feedback, agreement and dissent. I'm not anti-feeders. I'm just very pro woman. Hey, Lucifina, thanks for listening. Whether you agree with me or not.
Starting point is 02:52:39 Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. Another bad magic productions podcast in the bag made sacks. I thought this was going to be a shorter one. Look what I've done. Please do not lure anyone anywhere under the guys of a photo shoot when really you just want to bite their genitals and choke on your death. If you really, really want to do that, maybe just throw yourself off a cliff instead.
Starting point is 02:53:01 Or just quietly keep on sucking. ["Roddy's Moms"] ["An Magic Production"] Hey, what's up, man? Oh, boy! Check this out. What is that? Look at... Oh, shit! Look at that! Is that Roddy's mom's up, man? Oh, boy! Check this out. What is that? Look at it. Oh, shit! Look at that! Is that Rodney's mom's only fan account?
Starting point is 02:53:29 How's that flexibility? And the fucking ping pong balls, that she can juggle them in that position. Yeah, check out this video. Oh my God! No, look how hot it's like, they're like 15 feet in the air? No wonder Rodney took so many newty picks of his mom.
Starting point is 02:53:42 And I'm a subscriber. Yeah. She has to drop a single ball for 15 minutes. Oh my god No, so whatever kegels or kegels why is such a bad person come from such a good lady? I don't know All these crazy fucks right I'll never understand the world. He has such a great mom such a hot great mom talented look at him Look at him.

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