Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 297 - The Holocaust 2 of 2: Fallout, Atonement, and Denial

Episode Date: May 23, 2022

Apologies for my weak voice today! Remnant of a second bout with Covid. Had to drink several cups of hot tea and honey, and take numerous breaks to at least sound somewhat understandable. Today, we l...ook into how Germany dealt with the Holocaust once it was over. And how occupying powers, including the US and the Soviet Union, dealt with it as well. Who do you punish when millions have been complicit in some way(s) in committing one of the greatest atrocities in human history? We also look at holocaust denial. What evidence can deniers possibly point to to prove their claims that the holocaust either never happened, or didn't happen to the degree that mainstream (actual) historian's claim? Bad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation:  The Bad Magic Charity for May is the HALO Dental Network. Founded by Dr. Brady Smith, HALO Dental Network is a coalition of dental professionals who donate their services to the dental underserved. Services include dental implants, veneers, fillings and crowns. If you want to learn more, please visit halodentalnetwork.orgNot only can you donate, you can also nominate someone you know who is in need. Thanks to those who helped us donate $14,300 this month! TICKETS FOR HOT WET BAD MAGIC SUMMER CAMP!  Go to www.badmagicmerch.comWatch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_2ekzi0R9pEMerch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comDiscord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How do you deal with something like the Holocaust when it's all over and done with? On today's episode, part two of our coverage of the Holocaust, perpetrated against the Jewish people and other minorities by Nazi Germany, we cover the fallout of one of humankind's most massive atrocities, and the many ways in which people have tried to understand it in the years since. After World War II, the victorious allies were left with a massive responsibility, not only occupying much of war-torn Europe and making sure hundreds of thousands of Europeans didn't succumb to starvation and anarchy, but also making sure that the Nazis were properly held accountable for their crimes.
Starting point is 00:00:32 The Allies felt that if Germany had any real chance of becoming a free nation again, Nazis needed to be punished and the German people needed to be shown that they were responsible in part for the Holocaust, but also to govern a new nation, Germany would need some experienced bureaucrats. And the only Germans who had that experience, former Nazis, how are the allies to handle this conundrum? Also, how harshly do you punish a nation for being complicit in something as terrible as the Holocaust, when that same nation is already in ruins? And how do you convince the population that they deserve to be punished when they feel that they're the victims? For many post-war Germans it was hard to wrap their heads around the fact that the world saw them as evil
Starting point is 00:01:09 To many they had just been doing their jobs and it was the allies who were the real aggressors It was so hard for many to process what had happened in Germany were Germans just evil? How could ordinary people be capable of something so monstrous? Could what took place in Germany happen again? Could it happen somewhere else? Well, it looks for the ways some writers and thinkers engage with questions like these, and we're looking at how Germany after occupation
Starting point is 00:01:32 has dealt with its ongoing legacy of the Holocaust. We'll also cover how some people have not tried hard enough to understand the Holocaust. Instead, they've chosen to pretend to just never happen. They've chosen to be Holocaust deniers. Holocaust deniers is an especially heinous type of anti-Semitism, a belief in some especially despicable propaganda that emerged after World War II. Fake descriptions of history created with the intention to deny the reality of the systematic
Starting point is 00:01:57 mass murder of six million Jews by the Nazis and the Allies and their allies, not the Allies, during World War II. Holocaust and Iars generally claim that either the Holocaust never happened or that it did happen, but not in the way mainstream historians portrayed. Sure some Jews did die, but primarily to disease, like diseases like typhus, not in gas chambers or at the hands of roving murder squads. They also claimed that the many, many, many legitimate accounts of the Holocaust are all nothing more than propaganda.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Lies generated by Jewish people for their own benefit. The same type of belief that led to the Holocaust in the first place. That the Jews are manipulative liars who will stop it nothing to control the world. Sadly, some prominent Holocaust deniers are people who used to be actual respected historians. But then for reasons they themselves will only ever fully understand that they took a big left turn in their historical outlook and they found new fame perpetuating their new hateful line of thinking, probably for their own benefit. They were now bold, truthers, selling books that mainstream historians are afraid of.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Controversia has long helped sales. Holocaust and Ires, the worst kind of victim shammers, they deny victims of the Holocaust, survivors of the Holocaust, the right to grieve the fact that in many cases, everyone or almost everyone else in their family was murdered by Nazis, or the right to claim that they themselves were beaten, starved and prisoned, or in some cases experimented on by Nazi monsters with medical degrees. We dive into all this madness today. In another, let's remind ourselves of what humanity looks like at its worst so we can remember to try and embody humanity at its best edition of TimeSuck.
Starting point is 00:03:27 This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to TimeSuck. You listening to TimeSuck. Happy Monday, Midsack. Can work weight? Maybe just a few hours? Oh, so we have more interesting info for you this week. I'm Dan Cummins, a master sucker, suck nasty dude getting his ass kicked by COVID this week. And you are listening to Time Suck.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Hail Nimrod. I love you Lucifina, praiseable jangles, and can you finally please bring Yacht Rock seasons Cordelaine, Triple M. This has been the greatest, grossest, cold and wet northwest spring. I can remember cloudy with high in the in about the mid 50s. It's been a good day spring. Come on, mother nature is almost June. Put your fucking head out of your ass, give us some sunshine, some heat, less heat in the southwest, more heat in the northwest. I vote we fire mother nature and put some else in charge of weather for a while.
Starting point is 00:04:28 A couple different announcements I need to make. First, I hope I didn't get anyone sick in Salt Lake City. I have my headphones on instead of my in-ears today because my head is still pretty messed up. I'm on a lot of different cold medicine right now. Actually this morning, I messed up and I was groggy and I actually took nighttime medicine instead of day time I took both daytime and nighttime. So this is gonna be interesting But my last day in Salt Lake City Sunday. I started not feeling good First thought I was just allergies because I get them pretty good every spring then I thought I had a head cold Then I got home on Monday. I was you know so much more sick, you know fever body aches sent a taste all messed up
Starting point is 00:05:04 Dizzy so much congestion Took a fever, body aches, sent a taste all messed up, dizzy, so much congestion, took a test on Tuesday morning, my birthday actually, and Koby was like, happy birthday, buddy, so much for celebrations. But I do think those of you who sent me the cake, the balloons, the banana balloons, the whip-o-bloons, more, so nice. I know a bunch of long haul truckers,
Starting point is 00:05:22 especially got together and sent a bunch of stuff over, and I appreciate that so much. You guys are the best. I ended a bunch of long haul truckers, especially got together and sent a bunch of stuff over and I appreciate that so much. You guys are the best. I ended up just staying home, researching, sleeping, taking a ton of medicine, drinking a ton of water, getting really confused, watching the new Batman movie because a combo of too many edibles and night well
Starting point is 00:05:38 and COVID made me so fucking high and confused. So I don't know what was going on the second half of that movie. Feeling a little better now is I record this, able to sneak in the office and not have to breathe near anyone and then sneak back out. While sick, the most recent episode of his We Dumb came out with Joe and I announcing the end of that show. I explained it in depth on the secret suck.
Starting point is 00:05:56 But basically I've just known for a while that I've, you know, just been stressed too thin, had too much of my plate every week. And then I wouldn't be able to keep that going, you know, a lot longer. For a while now, I just needed to cut back on content in order to get more rest, stay refreshed. You know, be happy, be creating from a place of fun and excitement, spend more time with the family,
Starting point is 00:06:17 doing numerous weekly shows. If you don't have enough time to do them properly, it can start to feel like a grind. And if it feels like a grind, it's only a matter of time before the audience, you know, feels you burning out. And then it's all over. And so I wanted to get ahead of that.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Been too long since I was able to get, you know, regularly sleep, workout regularly, just, you know, kind of recharge, take care of myself, not healthy, and too much time away from the family. Kids, you know, growing up, whether I want them to or not, I keep getting older, whether I want them to or not. Yeah, I turned 24. So, you know, of course that's a lie.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Sometimes, you know, working a ton of hours is just what you gotta do to provide for yourself and your family, I don't regret a minute of it, but with the way all of you have been amazing and supported time suck and scared to death, and you know, and as we dumb, all of it, you know, I can't rationalize doing three podcasts, the same way as I could rationalize doing one when I started. I want to do as we dumb, love it, but I don't rationalize doing three podcasts. The same way as I could rationalize doing one
Starting point is 00:07:05 when I started. I want to do as we done, love it, but I don't need to. And therefore I can't justify the time away from the family and other life responsibilities. The same way. Anyway, I've just been stressed you think. So last year I pulled out of incredible feet for the same reason.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Hope that you keep three podcasts going. Plus Patreon bonus content, plus stand up, plus being a good dad husband Having a life all that stuff. It's just not enough hours So now I'm hoping that hosting two hours on top of stand-up and helping run a small business won't be too much I think because we have such an amazing team here and we're gonna refine things further I think I think I can do it So anyways, I wanted to be able to do more with this we dumb Joe wanted to do more
Starting point is 00:07:44 He's had a lot of great ideas But we couldn't do more because I just ran out of hours But with Joe having candy don't to run by himself You know, he has a co-host, but it's his show. He can create more content if the fans wanted He's not tied to someone who's just always exhausted. You know that sucks So doesn't suck now for him now. Hopefully I can can give Time Suck and scared to death more attention. He can put a lot of passion and energy which he's doing into Candy Don't highly recommend you check it out.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Looks awesome, the new set. It's a great show, so you can subscribe to it right now. And then when it comes out, you know, definitely give it a shot. Yeah, Candy Don't's gonna be on all the same places at Time Suck and scared to death, and as we done, Iran. And these we don't is gonna stay up. So, I love you dummies, the bad magicians. I can scare to death and as we dumb are on. And these we dumb is gonna stay up.
Starting point is 00:08:25 So I love you dummies, bad magicians, you can release in the catalog as many times you want. And still doing a live as we dumb at the WEDHOT Bad Magic Summer Camp. And it's still gonna be awesome. And thank you, Joe Paisy, for doing such a great job constantly. I love you.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I love you. Yeah, so we're definitely gonna be supporting can you don't hear? On a different kind of announcement, one more different kind of one Yes, most of my stand-up isn't now been removed from Pandora and series XM in addition to Spotify Why from what I can understand the pissing match between streaming platforms and publishing companies and series XM with stand-up There's some publishing companies wanting stand-up comics to be paid the same way musicians are paid
Starting point is 00:09:04 There's some publishing companies wanting stand-up comics to be paid the same way musicians are paid For writing their songs, you know paid for writing jokes and it's in this grown pretty contentious for what I can tell and There are also lawsuits being waged by other entities against Pandora and other streamers. I Have no idea how it's all gonna shake out. I've spearheaded 0% of this I had no idea my shit was gonna be taken off. I'm just caught in the middle. No one asked me. No heads up I found out from one of Kyle Knains Instagram posts. He had his shit taken down too. So Kyle and I got on the phone, and I talked to Chad Daniels as well.
Starting point is 00:09:33 That is shit taken down. We're all frustrated, none of us want this. And no one is telling us anything. It seems everyone is loyered up, and we just have to wait and see how things shake out. In the meantime, you can still listen to much of my standup all of it on YouTube. I found that all the albums are up. Thanks to the fans who randomly uploaded it.
Starting point is 00:09:54 I remember a long time ago, people being like some manager, record label, somebody saying, like, hey, do you want us to do a cease and to cease? I'm like, no, let them throw it up. Throw it up on YouTube. I don't care how many people throw it up. So thanks for doing that, cause now it's the best way for other people to get it if they don't wanna have to buy the albums.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And you can still get them from Amazon iTunes and stuff for what I understand. And you can still watch a specials on Amazon. There's two on Amazon. There's three on Apple TV. There you go. Wish I own the rights to all that shit so I can maneuver this changing landscape
Starting point is 00:10:24 a little more effectively, but you know, I don't I Might I might have to pull a Taylor Swift someday and just rerecord my old jokes and then I would just own those versions We'll see. I'm thinking about it For merch last thing in remembrance of his we down we do own all all these episodes And they will remain out as they sit on the podcast platforms We have a bad magician shirt featuring all three bad magic pods. Are you a time sucker? Space lizard creep, peeper, a dummy, pick up this new T meant for only the most hardcore
Starting point is 00:10:53 listeners to badmagicmerch.com. And that's enough announcements for one show. Hail Nimrod, you beautiful bastards. Thanks for being understanding about all this stuff. I've gotten a lot of cool emails and I'm very excited for all the positive messages about us supporting Joe So I think it's I think it's best case So let's go now to worst case Let's go to the conclusion of our two-part episode on the Holocaust last week
Starting point is 00:11:16 We covered the process both legal and ideological that paved the way for Nazis to marginalize Forcibly deport and finally exterminate German Jews and Jews native to the lands they conquered before it's anything more. If you're a new listener, this is not how I sound normally. You probably got that in the go, but my voice, it's propped up as much as it can be on hot tea and honey right now. As we said last week, the Holocaust was the systematic state-sponsored persecution and murder of roughly six million European Jews by the Nazi German regime and its allies and
Starting point is 00:11:46 collaborators before setting on their path of state-sponsored murder The Nazis falsely accused Jews of causing basically all of Germany's social economic political and cultural problems In particular, they blamed them for Germany's defeat in World War one and Germany's subsequent economic decline Anger over the loss of the war and the economic and political crises that followed contributed to increasing amounts of anti-Semitism in German society and to the rise of the Nazi party. But it wouldn't be until the beginning of World War II and the quest for Leibnastrom aka German living space that the Nazis would start on their project of extermination and concentration camps with and with roving murder squads.
Starting point is 00:12:23 It's hard to even think about beginning to wrap our heads around this big of an event to tragedy. Much less the way we ought to interpret it, but that's what we're going to try and do today. First we'll cover the trials of the Nazis and the Allies quest for justice. We'll look into how people came to understand how so-called ordinary Germans could become murderous tools of the state. Then we'll look more broadly at post-war Germany, and how they've managed to deal with their
Starting point is 00:12:48 dark legacy successful for the most part, but still anti-Semitism, a growing problem in Germany, which is obviously concerning. We'll also look at Holocaust denial, how it is such a terrible example of how not to correctly interpret history, refusing to face up to something does not lead to healing. This leads to more of the same shit. So let's get into all of this. Diving right in today, where we left off last week to follow the third Reich, after the successful allied invasions of Western France, Germany gathered reserve forces and launched a massive counteroffensive in the Ardents, which collapsed in January
Starting point is 00:13:30 of 1945. At the same time, Soviet forces, closing in from the east, invading Poland, East Prussia. By March, Western Allied forces were crossing the Rhine River, capturing hundreds of thousands of German troops. The Red Army entered Austria, both fronts then quickly approached Berlin. It was clear to everyone that the end of the war, at least in Europe, was near. Strategic bombing campaigns by Allied aircraft were pounding German territory, sometimes destroying entire cities in a single night. In the first several months, in 1945, Germany had put up a fierce defense, but then rapidly lost territory.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Ran out of supplies and exhausted any other options. And April Allied forces pushed to the German defensive line in Italy. And on April 25, 1945, Soviets and American troops met near Torgau, Germany, just 135 kilometers or just 84 miles south of Berlin. The end of the third ride came just two weeks later. With the Soviets taking Berlin, right, Adolf Hitler committing suicide on April 30th, and then Germany surrendering unconditionally on all fronts on May 8th. Hitler's plan 1000 year Reich lasted only a dozen years. A dozen incredibly destructive years. Now began the process of trying to figure out how things had gotten so incredibly fucked up in Germany. Though the Nazis have been vanquished by the Allies, the Allies' work was not done when the war was over.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Now there was a question of how to deal with the remnants of Nazi Germany. I never really thought about that before, this episode. Not really. You know, what to do with so many high-ranking Nazis who have been directly responsible for one of the world's largest atrocities? An atrocity that could not be blamed under some type of, well, you know, war is hell, crazy shit happens, collateral damage can't always be helped type of reasoning.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Well, the Nazis did with their concentration camps and roving death squads, that had nothing to do with wage and war and everything to do with their horrific notions of racial purification and genocide. Hitler, Himmler, Gubbles, three of the four highest ranking Nazis, they all committed suicide in the spring of 1945 before they could be brought to trial.
Starting point is 00:15:31 But there were still tons of Nazis around, like Herman Gurin. Herman Gurin, equally important as prosecuting Gurin and other high ranking Nazis, as many as they could find, for the crimes against humanity. The Allies also felt it was important to show the German people what their state have been responsible for in order to sever any remaining emotional ties. The average citizen may still have to Nazi Germany. Think about the massive pivot, the world wanted this entire nation to make almost immediately. For over a decade, it had been Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, right? Nazi, Nazi, Nazi. A constant stream of heavy propaganda. Germans had been living in a culture
Starting point is 00:16:07 of total expected devotion to the state. To be a good German, you had to be absolutely loyal to the Nazis, so much pressure to be loyal. If you were not loyal, you were a traitor, and traders were sent to concentration camps and probably never seen again. And while I'm sure many Germans were thankful
Starting point is 00:16:22 to be liberated from this tyrannical regime, a lot of Germans fucking love the Nazis. We're Nazis. They initially were voted into power They didn't it wasn't some hostile takeover not exactly You know, I mean there was there was a hostile element to it But there was a lot of people supporting it, you know They liked the propaganda reinforced the stereotypes and attitudes. They'd already chosen to adopt prior to Hitler's ascent to the throne. Hitler provided Germans with a scapegoat, they were all too happy in many cases to accept for their interwar period suffering. So many Germans lost their asses in the wake of World War I, the reparations, the sanctions,
Starting point is 00:16:56 the hyperinflation, destroy the economy, and Hitler helped them believe all of that was the fall to the Jews. And after a dozen years of propaganda, a dozen years have followed decades of rampant anti-Semitism and centuries of intermittent anti-Semitism, a lot of Germans truly did despise the Jewish people that doesn't just magically stop with the end of the war and the end of the Nazi party. The Nuremberg trials, 13 trials held between 1945 and 1949, would establish how to hold Nazis private German businessmen, doctors, and more accountable for the crimes they perpetrated against the Jewish people. The city of Nuremberg in the German state of Bavaria was selected as a location for the
Starting point is 00:17:33 trials because its palace of justice was relatively undamaged by the war and included a large prison area. Additionally, Nuremberg had been the site of annual Nazi propaganda rallies holding the post-war trials there marked a symbolic end of Hitler's government, the Third Reich. These trials would bring with them a tremendous amount of press coverage, a big, bright investigative light, shined on years of rampant anti-Semitism that had turned preposterously bloody. During these trials, the world would hear how many of the Nazis would claim how many of these Nazis would claim that they had no personal bias
Starting point is 00:18:06 Against Jewish people. They were simply following orders Prosecutors and the sentences they handed out which included a total of 37 death sentences Made it clear they were not allowed anyone to hide behind that particular shield The best known to the Nuremberg trials was the trial of major war criminals held from from November 20th, 1945, to October 1st, 1946. 24 individuals were indicted, along with six Nazi organizations determined to be criminal, like the Gestapo. During the trials, these German officials and party members were tried and their trials televised, including, you know, Hermann, Gering, and Martin Bournemann. Gering was, in case you forgot, Hitler's personal fru-lic-or-clown or happy clown translates
Starting point is 00:18:47 to. Whenever Hitler was feeling down, he would summon Gering to his office and Gering would dance and, you know, tell jokes and single diddies. Just really like whatever it took just to kind of, you know, cheer up the furer was his primary job, you know, which is obviously a pretty evil job. Do not be sad, have some furer-or-boy, we are winning the war, have some furo boy. Everyone like Juma Stash, everyone knows you have a master German sausage, have some furo boy, and you're such a great artist, have to furo, the Jews which is, and that is why
Starting point is 00:19:18 you never got into the art school. They've was so jealous of the hands of furo boy, and then he'd usually end his little song and dance routines by y'all. I'd dress up like Hitler's niece and then just, you know, taking a huge shit on Hitler's chest. No one could cheer up. The handsome furor boy, like Gering. His little, his happy little Frolic a clown.
Starting point is 00:19:38 And that, of course, is nonsense. Well, I mean, maybe it's not. I mean, I can't prove that any of that, you know, happened, but I can't prove that it didn't happen. No, according to historical documentation, Gering was, as much's not. I mean, I can't prove that any of that, you know, happened, but I can't prove that it didn't happen. No, according to historical documentation, uh, Grain was, uh, as much as I like to just imagine him, uh, and we're a little clown outfit, uh, shit on Hitler. After doing a little dance, he was a commander in chief of the Luftwaffe, German Air Force, founder of the Gestapo in 1933, minister of the economic four-year plan. Reichsmachel, Reichsmachel,
Starting point is 00:20:05 senior to the Varmacht commanders and in 1941 designated by Hitler as his successor and second command in all his offices. Previously, an ace fighter pilot World War One, decorated with the blue max and commander of the fighter wing led by von Richthofen, aka the Red Baron. Martin Borin,
Starting point is 00:20:24 Bormons, excuse me, was head of the Nazi party Chancelary, Chancelary, Jesus, Chancelary. A role once called Deputy Führer, he was Hitler's personal private secretary controlling all info paths to and from Hitler and controller of all personal access to Hitler. It final approval overall legislation and de facto control overall domestic matters. He was next to Hitler, Himmler, and Gurene and Gubbles, the fifth highest ranking Nazi. And he was tried in absentia. The Allies were able to unable locate him after the war and there were rumors that he'd outerscaped to South America or to Russia where he was working for Stalin.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Gurene, Borman, and other defendants were allowed to choose their own lawyers. And the most common defense strategy they employed was at the crimes they were accused of as defined in the London charter were examples of ex post facto law. Ex post facto law means that you're being charged with a crime that was not actually a crime when the crime took place wasn't illegal. Two clauses in the US Constitution forbid ex post facto laws. And you may think how the fuck was the Holocaust not illegal But it was actually no international law in place at the time that specifically banned what the Nazis did
Starting point is 00:21:34 Which actually makes a strange kind of sense. I mean it would be weird to have some pre-World War 2 law That said something the effect of you know and according to statute 14 of code 6 of article D of the international code of war crimes It is expressly forbidden and punishable in an international court to build up a collection of death camps connected by train tracks featuring gas chambers and crematoriums for the wholesale spotter and entire race of people that has nothing to do with war effort. I don't think anybody really saw that coming. Despite no specific log against a Holocaust, our Britain is foreign secretary Anthony Eden
Starting point is 00:22:04 and others claim that the guilt of the accused war criminals was, quote, so black that they fell outside of any judicial process. The Allies established laws and procedures for the Nuremberg Trials with the London Charter of the International Military Tribunal, August 8, 1945. Among other things, the charter defined three categories of crimes. Crimes against peace, including planning, preparing, starting, or waging, wars of aggression, or wars and violation of international agreements, war crimes, including violations of customs or laws of war, including improper treatment of civilians and prisoners of war, and then the big one that we've all become familiar with now, crimes against humanity, including
Starting point is 00:22:44 murder and slainment or deportation of civilians or persecution on political, religious or racial grounds. Obviously, that last one heavily pertains to the Holocaust. They determined that civilian officials, as well as military officers, could be accused of these crimes. The suggested method of justice for access leaders by top-reditch officials, including Winston Churchill, was death by firing squad without a trial. I like Churchill's sentiment, but execution without a trial probably never a great president
Starting point is 00:23:13 to set pretty horrific slippery slope to start sledding down. Both the Soviet Union and the US insisted on some sort of war tribunal to legitimize the punishments, whether this insistence was for political or moral reasons, or a mix of the two still a matter of debate. Once the trials began, besides claiming X-post-facto-law, the defendants also found other ways to claim their innocence. Another defense was that the trial was a form of victor's justice. The allies were applying a hard standard of crimes committed by Germans and leniency to crimes committed by their own soldiers
Starting point is 00:23:46 And that for sure does happen in the aftermath of almost every war right the losers are put on trial the victors war crimes large ignored for example in the aftermath of the Malmoney massacre when German soldiers executed dozens of unarmed American POWs a written order from the HQ of the 328th US Army infantry regiment, dated December 21, 1944, stated, no SS troops or paratroopers will be taken prisoner, but we shot on sight. US Army Major General Raymond Hufft also gave instructions to his troops to take no prisoners when they crossed the Rhine in 1945, then after the war he admitted, when reflecting on the
Starting point is 00:24:22 war crimes he authorized, if the Germans won, I would be on trial at Nuremberg instead of them. And US historians, Stephen Ambrose noted for writing biographies on US presidents Dwight T Eisenhower and Richard Nixon, one stated, I've interviewed well over a thousand combat veterans, only one of them has said he shot a prisoner. But perhaps as many as one third of the veterans related incidents in which they saw other GI's shooting unarmed German prisoners who had their hands up. So again, though, very, very different. Even shooting captured soldiers, very different from rounding up millions of non-combatants, literally pulling them out of their homes.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Men, women, children, systematically executing them, experimenting on them, right, all because of the race. In the end, an international tribunal found that all but three of the initial 24 Nazis defendants were guilty, 12 cents to death, one in absentia, and the rest given prison sentences ranging from 10 years to life behind bars. Hermann, Grain, Hitler's designated successor, right, the clown guy, head of the Lutwafa, he committed suicide the night before his scheduled execution, had a cyanide capsule. He'd hidden in the jar of some skin medication. Martin Bourman sends to death in absentia.
Starting point is 00:25:36 He was actually already dead. He'd also eaten a cyanide capsule. Nazi hunters finally determined in 1972 that he'd committed suicide in May of 1945 when his remains were uncovered, identified and examined. Another man who would also be sentenced to death, the operator of Auschwitz himself, Rudolf Huss, ran the infamous death camp from May 4, 1940 to November 1943, then again from May 8, 1944 to January 18, 1945. Then again, from 8th, 1944 to January 18th, 1945. He would be hanged in 1947. At the age of 45, he'd been brought up in a strict Catholic home, and one time he'd
Starting point is 00:26:12 considered joining the priesthood. Fought in World War I for Germany, joining the army at the age of only 15 became the youngest German non-commissioned officer by the end of the war at the age of just 17, rose all the way to the rank of Sergeant-in-Chief, contracted malaria, wounded three times as a teen, fighting the Ottomans. In combat, you know, was awarded the Iron Crescent, the Iron Cross for bravery in battle, wrote his horse home to Bavaria from Damascus where he was when the war ended. He's seen by all accounts to be an awesome young man with high moral fiber, but then in 1922, when he was just 21, something changed.
Starting point is 00:26:47 He was disillusioned with life, sat in by what had happened to Germany and the wake of World War I where he fought so valiantly, and the Nazis seduced him. Her to speech by Hitler, joined the Nazi party, renounced his faith, renounced his affiliation with the Catholic Church by 1923, already killing people on Hitler's behalf. One of the furorious earliest loyal thugs I protestified at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg a husk was then put on trial by Poland's Supreme National Tribunal Most of his fellow perpetrators of the Holocaust denied their involvement but he did not he denied nothing Well, he waited his execution
Starting point is 00:27:20 He wrote his memoirs actually expressed remorse for his crimes and then was hanged near the old Gestapo headquarters at Auschwitz and Death was Poland's last public execution. The Nuremberg trials important for several reasons. Never before a trials for war crimes and crimes against humanity been covered internationally like this. The trials importantly acknowledged that the crimes given by the Nazis were not done by some intangible entity or in human monsters. They were committed by men, ordinary men who done terrible, almost unthinkable things. By establishing that individuals were responsible for crimes of the state, there are crimes of a state.
Starting point is 00:27:58 The Allied powers hoped to prevent such crimes from occurring again in the future. As Nuremberg prosecutor Whitney Harris explained, for the first time in history, absolute rulers were brought to account before the law. There was no longer any state or any ruler of the state who can claim total immunity from the law. The age of empires has passed. At Nuremberg, we put tyranny on trial. That makes me think of Putin. Could he end up on trial for war crimes? He's currently committing? Not likely, but also not impossible. I mean, how great would that be to watch? In addition, much of the information that we now know about the Holocaust was disclosed
Starting point is 00:28:35 during these trials, including reports regarding the more than 6 million people systematically killed by the Nazis. Robert Jackson, chief US prosecutor and future Supreme Court justice declared, unless record was made, future generations would not believe how horrible the truth was. These trials also set a new standard for international cooperation between the allies, both in fighting their enemies and dealing with the damage afterwards. The matter of prosecuting former Nazis reminding the world of their hordes did not end with the Nuremberg trials. More trials continued right up to the present.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Still continue. Trial is going on right now. The most famous trial following the Nuremberg trials was probably the trial of Adolf Eichmann, who placed in Jerusalem almost 15 years after the end of the World War II. Who was Adolf Eichmann? He was in case you don't remember. He was a Hitler's personal micro penis handler and massager. It was Eichmann's job to try and make hiller's weiner bigger or at the very least make
Starting point is 00:29:31 sure that the fear of tiny penis didn't get smaller as the fear aged. Now to this end, he experimented with all kinds of radical techniques. Sometimes he give the fear a bath, soak the micro fear for 45 plus minutes. Then when it was nice and spongy, he would just kind of steadily tug on it with a pair of tongs and just try and stretch it out as he would blow dry it, hoping that they would make the stretch more permanent. Other times he'd put it in his mouth for 45 plus minutes, steadily suck on it, not in a way that would lead to a ejaculation of what's in sexual. Just in a steady way that again, he hoped he could stretch it out.
Starting point is 00:30:06 He also tried tying water balloons of different weight to the tip of Hitler's tiny penis to let gravity pull into a longer, hopefully more satisfying shape. He tried using a vacuum cleaner attachment to stretch it. Sometimes even tried putting on high heels and dressing up like Hitler's niece and then just stomping the fuck out of it I hope that that would somehow make it bigger perhaps a scar tissue would make it appear larger and then you know Then you should on the the fear and that's how the fear would come and of course that that's crazy talk probably But maybe not
Starting point is 00:30:37 Again, I don't have evidence of that but I also don't have evidence that that did not happen, you know No, what we do have evidence of is that Adolf Eichmann was the man tasked with facilitating and managing the logistics involved in the mass deportation of millions of Jews to get those and extermination camps and Nazi occupied Eastern Europe during World War 2 by Reinhard Hydrich. Hydrich, man, not real familiar with him prior to all this, but that was a real wicked motherfucker. He was a man, many Nazi historians,
Starting point is 00:31:05 have called the darkest figure in the entire Nazi regime. A man Hitler himself called the man with the iron heart, one of the principal architects of the Holocaust. Something really darkly funny to me about Hitler being weirded out by a guy, maybe being too hardless. Him and Avattos think about Hydrik. I mean, I like him, but he gives me his like, he be gibbious, you know?
Starting point is 00:31:27 When I ask him if we should speed up the killing of the Jews, he made a noise, like a man makes when he's coming. I mean, we're talking about the taking of people's lives and it seems to arouse him. I just think it all just seems a little bit fucked up to me, you know, I mean, sure, a little bit of respect, right? Hydrick was a founding head of the Zika Heitzdienst.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Zika Heitzdienst, an intelligence organization charged with seeking out neutralizing resistance to the Nazi party via arrest deportations and murders. He helped organize the night of broken glass, the series of coordinated attacks against Jews, November 9th, 10th, 1938. It was directly responsible for the Einsatzgruppen, right, those roving murder squads that traveled on the wake of advancing German armies in Soviet Union and murdered more than 2 million people by mass shooting and some mobile gasing units, the squads, you know, or
Starting point is 00:32:20 vehicles, killed an estimated 1.3 million Jews. And then it was just asked to end up by some checkless of Ockins in 1942. And before he died, he loved Ikeman. He put Ikeman in charge of making the system of transporting Jews to their deaths and concentration camps as efficient as possible. And Ikeman was very good at that. Following the war, US troops had captured Ikeman. But then in 1946, he escaped from a prison camp. They were guarding that closely because they didn't know that he was Ikeman. He used forged papers, identified himself as auto-Eckman,
Starting point is 00:32:50 a random lolly soldier, not an architect of the apocalypse or architect of the Holocaust. Well, Holocaust, the apocalypse, there's similarities. After living in various places in Germany under the false identity, this false identity for several years He made it to Austria then to Italy then to Argentina and he became Ricardo Clement in 1950 his family joined him in Argentina in 1952 got a job with the Mercedes-Benz you know factory became a department head Also didn't keep his mouth shut about being a Nazi I'm gonna put several other former Nazis in, gave a series of interviews to a Nazi journalist, Ville Homesassen, and that would expose him enough to lead to his arrest by his Rayleigh Secret Service, May 11, 1960. And then he was taken to Israel to stand trial. Real quick before going into details of his trial, why did Argentina become
Starting point is 00:33:38 such a popular destination for former Nazis after World War II? According to a 2012 article in the Daily Mail, German prosecutors who examined secret files from Brazil and Chile discovered that as many as 9,000 Nazi officers and collaborators from other countries escaped from Europe to find sanctuary in South American countries. Brazil took in between 1500 and 2000, between 500 and 1000 settled in Chile. Chile, however, by far the largest number is many is 5,000 relocated to Argentina. Why? Well, because Argentina's have long been known to be the most evil people on the face of the earth. They're not people. They're monster. They're mostly vampires and werewolves.
Starting point is 00:34:17 And some zombies. That's why I've never been there because I'm fucking scared. It's just a dystopian, just kind of nightmare full of just, you know, people eating each other, babies getting fucking, you know, spears thrown at them. It's just, it's hell on earth and it always has been. It's cursed. It's a curse, it's a curse land. No. After Argentina's victory in their war of independence from Spain in the early 19th century, they heavily promoted European settlement due to a low population that they felt made them vulnerable to losing their independence 1845 still had less than a million people century later 1945 that have over 15 million people thanks largely to a lot of Europeans immigrating there Including hundreds of thousands of Germans many came in the late 19th early of 20th century and today
Starting point is 00:35:01 There's more than 3.5 million German Argentines early of 20th century. And today there's more than 3.5 million German Argentines, the International of a little over 45 million people. Due to the hundreds of thousands of recent German immigrants who lived in the country during World War II, Argentina maintained close ties with Germany and remained neutral for much World War II. And in the years after the end of the war, Argentine president Juan Peron, he secretly ordered diplomats and intelligence officers to establish escape routes, so-called rat lines, through ports in Spain and Italy, to smuggle thousands of former SS officers and Nazi party members out of Europe and into his country.
Starting point is 00:35:33 As with numerous other fascist lean in South American leaders, Iran had been drawn to the ideologies of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, while serving as a military attaché in Italy during the early years of World War II, pretty cringey. I know. The Argentine president also sought to recruit those Nazis with particular military and technical expertise that he believed could help his country, much like the US did, and the Soviets did when they poached scientists from the Third Reich
Starting point is 00:35:59 to assist them in the Cold War. Right, we covered the US doing that in SUCK 227, Operation Paperclip. And that is why Ikeman and thousands of other former SS officers made it to Argentina. It was a nation full of German communities, a nation led by a man who was a fan-hiller. We're not of his way to make it easy for Nazis to make it to his country. But then Perron overthrown 1945, excuse me, 1955. And suddenly it was easier to, you know, sneak in, poach, former Nazis, and extradite them back to Europe or to the Middle East for trials.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Aikman's trial would put the Holocaust back in the international spotlight, also controversial. His trial before Jewish judges, my Jewish state that did not exist until three years after the Holocaust, gave rise to more accusations of ex-post facto justice. Some called for an international tribunal to try Ikeman. Others wanted him tried in Germany. Israel was like suck our fucking dicks. We're gonna try him here. And can you blame him?
Starting point is 00:36:55 Under question, Ikeman actually claimed not to be an anti-Semite. He said that he disagreed. You know, it was a lot of his fellow Nazis, Lenin's. I've always loved Zajous. It's, a lot of his fellow Nazis, leanings. I've always, I've always loved the juice. It, it breaks my heart. When the system I was paid to create, uh, has them rounded up faster than ever before, sent to their deaths in greater numbers than ever before. But you know, Hitler, he, he paid well. And money's money, you know, it all spends the same.
Starting point is 00:37:19 It doesn't know where it comes from. What do you, what do you do? Rent doesn't pay itself. I can claim that the, he's subscribed to Jewish periodicals are these nice guy. He bought the encyclopedia judica 22 volume encyclopedia of the Jewish peoples, you know end of our end of Judaism Moreover, he claimed to have read notable Jewish writer Theodore Hursals the Jewish state said that he never read Hitler's mind comp Nor any other anti-Semitic treaties. What the fuck in weirdo, do you think this would work? Yes, on the one hand, I played a major part in transporting millions of Jews, including the women and the babies to their deaths.
Starting point is 00:37:58 But I also am a very big fan of Bob Dylan. I love all along the watch style. So how much can I really hate the Jews? I think Sunday co-fax is a wonderful picture, the best it ever played. Oh, and yes, Bob Dylan is Jewish. A birth name Robert Allen Zimmerman. Mike Mennport trade himself
Starting point is 00:38:18 has nothing more than an obedient bureaucrat who is just merely carrying out his assigned duties. Yik, as if his assigned duties weren't you know incredibly immoral like like next level immoral and unprecedented level of evil. As for the charges against him, Ikeman maintained that he had not violated any law, you know, and that he was a kind of man who cannot tell a lie. He was a good guy who just happened to get a job working for somebody who just really wanted to kill all the Jews and Romani peoples and homosexuals, political dissidents, ethnic polls, ethnic slabs, etc, etc.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Is it a crime to have a huge asshole for a boss? In this case, yeah, yeah it is actually. Denying responsibility for the mass killing, he said, I couldn't help myself. I had orders, but I had nothing to do with that business. What a weird fucking mental space. Yes, I fucking helped so much, but I had nothing to do with it at the same time. Mike even said he had personal discomfort
Starting point is 00:39:13 to hearing about the workings of a gassing installation. He said, I was horrified. My nerves are not strong enough. I can't listen to such things. Such things without affecting me of his observation of a gas invent in operation at Chelmno. He said, I didn't look inside. I couldn't. I couldn't. What I saw and heard was enough. The screaming and I was so shaken and so on. There's too much you guys, but you know, you know, you kept doing it. So you must not have been that shaken. Never once tried to escape Nazi Germany to help the allies, put a stop to all that.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Never even tried to go into hiding. Never tried to get away from it all. Prop skaters pointed out that Ikeman did a lot more than merely follow orders in coordinating an operation of this scale. He was resourceful, proactive manager, who relied on a variety of strategies and tactics to secure scarce cattle cars and Other equipment used to deport Jews at a time when that equipment was you know scarce or shortages threatening the German war effort He repeatedly cleverly devised innovative solutions to overcome obstacles. He just helped transport Jews to death camps. He made their deaths
Starting point is 00:40:25 You know they're transports quicker more efficient more cost effective. He's very good at all that. Ikeman's trial made a lot of people watching paying attention, very uncomfortable. He wasn't the blatantly evil monster they wanted him to be. He looked like he could be your neighbor or your dad. Maybe he could be you. Many were puzzled to see this week, seemingly spineless, you know, man on trial for some of the most heinous crimes of the 20th century. How could someone so fucking boring, so mundane, be so evil?
Starting point is 00:40:50 This reaction led Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt, German-born American who covered the trial of the New Yorker, to coin a now infamous description of him, the Benalty of Evil. In her book, Ikeman and Jerusalem, a report on the Benalty of Evil, she said she found Ikeman not even sinister when she first saw him. She said the deeds were monstrous, but the doer, quite ordinary, commonplace, neither demonic nor monstrous. Aaron pointed out that Ikeman knew what he was doing though. He wasn't stupid. Well, not exactly. He was kind of stupid, but sadly a very common kind of stupid. She wrote that he just was completely devoid of any critical thinking. He was a great worker, great soldier, in the worst of ways. He did what he was asked without question. He exhibited an almost complete lack of ability to have independent critical thought.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Just the worst kind of follower. She wrote, the only specific characteristic one could detect in his past, as well as in his behavior during the trial, and the proceeding police examination was something entirely negative. It was not stupidity, but a curious, quite authentic inability to think. She added when confronted with situations for which such routine procedures did not exist, he, Ikeman, was helpless, and his cliche-ridden language, produced on the stand, as it had evidently done in his official life, a kind of macabre comedy. Klisha's stock phrases adherence to conventional standardize codes of expression and conduct have
Starting point is 00:42:14 the socially recognized function of protecting us against reality. That is against the claim on our thinking, you know, attention that all events and facts make by virtue of their existence. Does that personality profile remind you of anyone alive today? Maybe someone you know, maybe someone you're related to? It does mean people all too happy just to go along with the crowd. Even when the crowd is definitely heading in an evil direction. People so good at folks and on the good aspects of whatever organization they're a part of or that they support, also so good at ignoring or rationalizing away the bad parts
Starting point is 00:42:46 of the same organization. I mean, yeah, you know, he's really racist, but so good at repairing the German economy. You know, he can't be all good. I mean, yeah, sometimes he has disabled children put to death, but also given away free property, where did that free property come from? Well, we don't speak such things.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Some people so good at avoiding how morally repugnant some of their actions are. So good at hiding behind catchphrases and cliches. I mean, should we have killed millions of Jews? No, but you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Does it seem bad now to think of clouds of smoke billowing from crematoriums, burning thousands and thousands of innocent Jews?
Starting point is 00:43:23 Of course, but every cloud is so reliant. All in all, and Ikeman, Hannah Aaron didn't see a monster, even most of the Nazis as monsters. She saw most of the men who were evil mainly because they didn't know how to think critically, because they did what they were told to do and wanted to excel at it and get promotions and raises. It was unfortunate. The same thing to them, you know, is if they were locating food supplies, transporting animals or shipping off people, innocent people to their deaths.
Starting point is 00:43:49 It was all just work. All part of the war effort, all for the glory of Germany. They were told what they did was righteous, and even though it certainly wasn't, they believed that message they chose to. They made the easiest, most natural choice you can make when being told by your suppliers that you've done a good job. Just believe it. Without question, all of this to Aaron was actually far worse than simply being a genocidal maniac because it meant that
Starting point is 00:44:12 basically anyone, if they let down their critical thinking guard, right, they could become an Nazi. It wasn't just a bunch of bloodthirsty sociopaths. It was people just like you, people like me, people who, you know, just stopped to think critically, people who just accepted propaganda face value. It makes me think of people today who are happy just to get their news via, you know, Facebook, people who don't check sources, people who just think, yeah, sounds about right. And then run with some bullshit, sometimes dangerous bullshit, and spread it to others.
Starting point is 00:44:40 People who don't just take time to think. Ikeman's trial lasted from April 11th to December 15th 1961, and in the end, he was sentenced to death, the only death sentence ever imposed by an Israeli court. He was hanged on May 31st, 1962. Punishinatsu is finding them accountable for their crimes, as I mentioned earlier, continues today. The most recent the Nazi trials took place October 2021. 76 years after the end of World War II, when a former excuse me, concentration camp guard went to trial for assisting in the murder of
Starting point is 00:45:10 3518 prisoners at the Sockenhausen camp near Berlin, 10 years before the conviction of former SS guard, John, uh, Demjunjuk, set a precedent, enabling prosecutors to charge people for 18 and abiding a wider scope and Nazi crimes in World War II. Until then, direct participation and murder had to be proven, identified as Joseph S. because of German privacy laws, the 101 year old defendant led into especially adapted sports hall at a prison in Braden, Brandon, Bog, André Havill, when the trial began amidst strict security. He arrived outside the court in a wheelchair, clutched a briefcase,
Starting point is 00:45:46 ended with the aid of a walking frame. He was fucking faking it. Being feeble for sympathy. Once inside the court house, he fucking tossed it aside, flexed his guns, right? Screamed, I'll hit the, then four law enforcement officers
Starting point is 00:46:01 were needed to restrain him. He fucking up or cut to the first two. Fucking I'll hit the, I'll hit the, you know they had to restrain me fucking uppercut to the first two fucking high I'm hit the high You know they had restraining from attacking a Jewish family tried to fucking eat a baby No, it wasn't baking shit. He was a fucking 101 years old He probably didn't even remember beating Nazi I shielded his face with a blue file Stop photographers. Yeah, I get in a view Joseph S
Starting point is 00:46:20 I'd lived in Brondonburg on the area for years reportedly as a locksmith Had not spoken publicly about the trial or he has not. He was 21 when he first became a guard at Sockenhausen, 1942, tens of thousands of people died at the camp in Oh man, O'Ranianburg, North Berlin, including resistance fighters, Jews, political opponents, homosexuals, and prisoners of war. During the trial, prosecutor gave details of mass shootings as murder by gas, as well as through disease and exhaustion. Trial was especially important for 17 co-planets who included survivors of Sockenhausen. One of them was Christophel Heiser. Just six
Starting point is 00:46:56 years old when he saw his father last, Johann Heindrich Heider, Heiser, Jesus, was one of 71 Dutch resistance fighters shot dead in the camp Murder is in destiny. It's not a crime that can be legally erased by time He told the German newspaper Berliner Ziton Leon Schwarzenbaum 101 year old survivor of Sockenhausen said this was the last trial for my friends and acquaintances and my loved ones who were murdered And he hoped to end in a final conviction Poor Leon died earlier this year.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Nobody knows why he died. It doesn't, it might have something to do with the fact he was a fucking 101 years old. This is unbelievable. Joseph F. Will find out if he's going to prison or not in June. The prosecution is seeking a five year sentence, which will probably be a, you know, a life sentence. I would imagine. Joseph, the very rare, lower level Nazi to ever face prosecution following World War II.
Starting point is 00:47:46 We're 3000 guards. It stood off concentration camp alone, only 50 were ever found, tried, and convicted of anything. Less actually punished. One of them, Bruno Day, was convicted of complicity and mass murder, was given a suspended sentence. The matter of prosecuting everyone who worked at a concentration camp,
Starting point is 00:48:02 or otherwise, aided in the murders of Jews, has been difficult mainly because of there's you know so fucking many of them. And this speaks out utterly horrific to Holocaust was also how important it is not to forget what happened. Despite Nazis still being prosecuted for crimes against humanity this day, it's still hard for many to accept that it really did happen. Let's dive now into post-war Germany. Look at how Germans developed in their thinking over the years about the Holocaust. Many people have commended Germany's
Starting point is 00:48:29 efforts to recognize and deal with the effects of the Holocaust. To be sure, it seems hard to reconcile that the Germany of today, and the economic powerhouse supporting the EU, continuing to help the current Ukrainian refugee crisis, how that could be the same nation as the Germany of the 1940s. Today, Germany's incredibly progressive, same-sex marriage, legal, adoption rights for same-sex couples, legal, job discrimination based on sexual preference, gender identity, illegal, nationwide, right? They're incredibly tolerant. German penal code prohibits publicly denying the Holocaust, disseminating Nazi propaganda, both off and online, that
Starting point is 00:49:05 include sharing images such as swatts to cuss, wearing an SS uniform, making statements in support of Hitler, they're pretty fucking serious when it comes to, you know, not tolerating intolerant assholes. Today Germany, one of the world's most influential trusted nations, many view the country as the lynch pin of the European Union. And in 2014, BBC World Service, poll Germany ranked first in popularity, with 60% of the international community rating it very positively. How has living in the shadow of Hitler been overcome?
Starting point is 00:49:34 Today in Germany, the term is doing my best to pronounce this 26-letter long linguistic fucking abomination. Vagonin Heights, but, oh, Jesus Christ. Vagonin Heights, Bavail Devung. This fucking, it looks like somebody just too much letters against the wall, but it means working off the past. Current German culture and politics remain deeply informed by German history. Quite simply, many in Germany refuse to ignore
Starting point is 00:50:02 the sins of their past. They don't hide flinati era and I find that incredibly admirable and healthy. When it's pretending you haven't done something shitty or pretending your ancestors or for fathers, having done something shitty really, truly helped anything. You can still be proud of the present, be proud of who you are and know that you're a good person and also know that some of the branches of your family tree were filled with people who did fucking horrible things. Their shame shouldn't be your burden, but also,
Starting point is 00:50:25 it should be something you feel like you have to hide from. You have to be embarrassed to talk about, right? All of the arts, including TV and film, regularly refer to and treat Nazi history. The country pauses to perform what sociologists call public rights of repentance around events, such as the liberation of Auschwitz, Christal nokt, right, the night of broken glass,
Starting point is 00:50:43 the end of the war. Fucking love it. I think we can learn from the Germans here in America. They've done a much better job of repenting for the horrors of the Holocaust than we have. Repenting for the horrors of plantation slavery, Jim Crow laws, all the other deeply racist bullshit that followed the Civil War. I just feel like Americans are less prone to apologizing for mistakes in the past than many other nations. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:51:05 I fucking know idea. We also seem to offer to admire those who refuse to apologize. Is this stubbornly avoiding your fuck-ups? Is some kind of positive trait? And I do not understand that either. Definitely not how I was raised. Then there's the iconography recognizing the mistakes of the past. The Holocaust Memorial sits at the center of a unified Berlin.
Starting point is 00:51:26 They're also the famous Stumbling Stones. This is really cool. Small brass plaques placed throughout the city to mark where Jews and other victims of the Nazis last lived before they were deported. And Berlin, the stones can be found outside many house entrances and driveways, commemorating the fates of people who lived in those houses. You suddenly realize that an entire family was exterminated when you stumble across six, seven or more stones outside of building.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Pretty fucking powerful. Good on them for being so strong, right? For not sweeping that shit under the rug. So hail Nimrod and hail modern Germany. The process of acceptance and commemoration, not a completely linear one, though. See how they got there. Let's go back to Germany at the end of World War II. In accordance with agreements made between Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, at the Yalta
Starting point is 00:52:09 Conference in present day Ukraine in February of 1945, Germany was divided by the victorious allies, Britain, the US, the Soviet Union, and France, and four zones of occupation, one for each of the allied nations I just listed. The fanatical German resistance and the liberation of concentration camps showing the world the extent of Nazi criminality hardened the US military's approach to occupation. Paving the way for the adoption of joint chiefs of staff directive 1067. JCS 1067 called for a hard piece. It was to be brought home to the Germans that Germany's ruthless warfare and the fanatical Nazi resistance have destroyed the German economy and made the chaos and suffering inevitable. And the Germans had brought this upon themselves.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Germany was not to be occupied for the purpose of liberation, but as a defeated enemy nation. What an interesting scenario. Basically, the Western world, you know, the US, definitely, was like, uh, hey guys, uh, you really fucked up. Not just your army. Uh-huh. No, all you motherfuckers. Look at you, Nana. Don't you fucking look away from me.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Everybody gets in line. Everybody gets a bare bottom spanking today. Everyone goes to bed early. No supper. Tomorrow, well, we'll talk about what comes next. JCS 1067 called for the mandatory arrest of many accused Nazis, around 170,000 people in the US zone, comprising the states of Bavaria, Hess, Baden, Wurtenberg, or excuse me, Baden, Jörgtenberg,
Starting point is 00:53:42 were in turn without trial in the first months of occupation. But then most would soon be released because US officials quickly realized that taking a real hard line, maybe not the best call in a country, already filled with chaos and devastation. There was already widespread misery, why I continued to add to it, who was that gonna help.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Observer's reported that the destruction in some of the larger cities had to be seen to be believed. For example, 66% of the houses in Cologne destroyed. In Dusseldorf, 93% of homes uninhabitable. Dusseldorf was a city of around a half a million people, and nearly all of its housing was fucking uninhabitable. That's hard to process. Right, it's almost unfathomable.
Starting point is 00:54:22 The Jews weren't the only people in Germany who had suffered during the war. Millions of non-Jewish Germans had suffered tremendously under Hitler as well. The economy was at a standstill. No central government remained to implement any instructions issued by the Allies. How crazy is that? You can issue all the sanctions, punishments you want, but if there's no one there to fucking implement them, what good is it?
Starting point is 00:54:41 There's no government. Germany's been obliterated. Millions and millions of people were homeless or attempting to return to homes that no longer existed. Look at the top 10 or so sources estimates range between 5 to 8 million Germans homeless. And then there were the other nations they'd fucked up like Poland, modern-day Ukraine, where they left millions of other people homeless. The Nazis, the allies fighting the Nazis had really made a mess of much of Europe, especially Eastern Europe.
Starting point is 00:55:06 The homeless population in Germany included German civilians evacuated from the cities, trying to escape from the fighting on both Eastern and Western fronts. Former force laborers from across Europe, ethnic Germans expelled from Czechoslovakia, from former German Eastern territories, now seated to Poland. People are just fucking roaming around everywhere. Ivan Karpaktrick later appointed head of the German department and subsequently permanent under secretary at the foreign office described his first impressions of Germany in 1945 He said there was hundreds of thousands of Germans on foot trekking in all directions
Starting point is 00:55:37 And this is such a powerful description as if a giant and heap had suddenly been disturbed Right just a picture a giant fucking ant hills been disturbed, but replace others and with people. Just imagine that chaos. We've never seen anything like that in the US, not even during the Great Depression, not now with all of our homeless 10 cities. This is way beyond that, way more dystopian.
Starting point is 00:55:58 The misery for many in Germany didn't end with an allied victory. Makes me think about all the Ukrainian refugees, currently displaced from their homes. Looking for a place to wait out Putin's nightmare. Currently more than 12 million fled their homes. There was also the problem in Germany following the war of Germans. You know, following the war, this problem Germans who feared retribution by the people who
Starting point is 00:56:18 they're state of tried to murder. Not surprisingly, some looting destruction in German property occurred. Post-war German fears revenge echoed the unprecedented escalation of violence during the last stages of the Second World War. As many German soldiers were killed during the last 10 months of the war, as had been killed during the entire preceding five-year period. The month with the highest number of German casualties, January of 1945. Allied Soviet casualties exhibited a similar peak in the final months of the war. You know, German morale near the end of the war was still unbroken. They just couldn't imagine actually losing.
Starting point is 00:56:49 They were so afraid of post-war retribution, they felt that they had to win. For some Germans, the inability to imagine a future beyond national socialism led to suicide when they did lose. The spring in 1945 witnessed a wave of suicides, of high Nazi officials, who liked their furor, escaped the prospect of high Nazi officials who like their fear escaped the the prospect of being called to task for the deeds during the third right by taking their own lives yet most germans did not commit suicide
Starting point is 00:57:12 and as members of the german national community they now face the threat and reality of being targeted for the state's crimes they feared retribution from jewish people german fears of uh... jewish revenge centered on nazi propaganda an ocean of a Jewish war. By the end of the war, many Germans had firmly internalized the anti-Semitic idea that the Second World War had been waged on behalf of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:57:33 According to the reports of the SD, the Security Service, the Nazi intelligence unit, many Germans saw the bombings of German cities as retaliation for the night of broken glass. The persecution of the Jews had provided the images and fantasies of what might happen to Germans in the case of defeat. Rumors circulated that the Allies would force Germans to wear a swatzka on their clothes,
Starting point is 00:57:52 you know, an analogy to the Jewish star, the Nazi's forced Jewish people to wear. Actual Jewish acts of violent revenge, though, exceedingly rare. There was one group of roughly 50 Jewish men and women dubbed the Jewish Avengers who in 1946 did plot to have six million non-Jewish Germans killed, right? Good old eye for an eye vengeance. After what they've been through, I don't fucking blame them. Most of them lost the majority of their family members to the Holocaust. One of their ideas was to poison the water supplies of Nuremberg, a plot that could have killed hundreds of thousands. Another idea was to poison thousands of loaves of bread with arsenic, bread that would then be fed to German POWs.
Starting point is 00:58:30 Actually tried that, but it didn't work because they spread the arsenic around too thinly. In the end, they abandoned their plan, afraid the operation would kill innocent Germans and undermine international support for the establishment of Israel. There weren't any acts of mass revenge killings in Germany after World War II. There were some outbreaks of violence and panic, according to a report of local press in Nuremberg in May of 1945, former Russian POWs and slave workers marched the city drunken with a hostile and aggressive attitude. They entered the Nuremberg Zoo, where some of them worked during the war and they killed
Starting point is 00:59:03 heartless and without mercy, defenseless and frightened animals, including the deer, a bear, even a lion. Man, fucking poor animals. They weren't aligned with the Nazis, right? They didn't pick a side. German officials constantly complained about marauding foreigners, usually labeled as Poles, Russians or Ukrainians, a German official from Onsbach in the American occupation zone, reported nightly robberies
Starting point is 00:59:25 by gangs of Poles who were supposedly shooting unarmed Germans with machine guns, not sure if that was rumor or fact. In October of 1945, 30 Poles did break into the home of Theodore E. Heimbuktl, murdered him and his war disabled son committed violence against his daughter and a farm laborer and robbed the house. This incident did happen for a fact. I'm assuming that violence against daughter implies rape, did get a lot of press and then the German population reacted to these murders with great embitterment, paralyzing fear, but incidents like that were surprisingly very rare. After the war, it was hard for those seeking retribution to be able to tell who had been a Nazi
Starting point is 01:00:04 and who had just been some random German citizen who may not have been supportive of Hitler. It was such an unstable chaotic and violent time with a whole nation of people who either thought they were being victimized, many of whom had been victimized, the victimizers just days, weeks, months earlier, or they were victims who wanted revenge. They had more people still who just wanted enough to eat and some adequate medical care. It was an enormous task to try and clean the mess that Hitler and his goons had made of everything.
Starting point is 01:00:29 So how are the allies going to deal with it all? There were clear obstacles. Field Marshal Montgomery appointed Commander-in-Chief and military governor of the British zone of occupation, May 22, 1945, later recalled the immediate problems they faced. There was a problem of what to do with one and a half million German POWs. Another million wounded German soldiers, similar numbers of civilian German refugees, hundreds of thousands of displaced persons of many nationalities, no working transportation, communication services, industry, agriculture at a standstill, scarcity of food, a great risk of mass
Starting point is 01:01:03 starvation and disease. He said I was a soldier. I had not been trained to handle anything of this nature. However, something had to be done and done quickly. Montgomery decided to treat the task of governing their defeated enemy as if it were a military operation, referring to the need to fight the battle of the winter to secure food, work, and homes for former enemies. Allies even tried releasing German POWs to work the land and help bring enough food to reduce the risk of German starving. This new policy of reconstruction had some limited success, but fell short of achieving any sustained economic growth or more than a basic substance level of existence for the
Starting point is 01:01:38 German civilian population. Then there was also the matter of who would control Germany when the occupation was over. The Allies feared that leaving Germany to its own devices might create a scenario in which another fucking dictator rises to power. Out of all this chaos, they had to create a new political system that would prevent another Hitler. This the Allies believed could best be achieved by a policy of decentralization, starting the process of political renewal at the local level, giving people responsibility for their
Starting point is 01:02:04 communities. In August of 1945, the Allies issued a community K that said, it is not the intention of the Allies to destroy or enslave the German people. It is the intention of the Allies that the German people be given the opportunity to prepare for the eventual reconstruction of their life in a democratic and peaceful basis. In their own efforts, or if their own efforts are steadily directed to this end, it will be possible for them to do course to take their place among the free and peaceful people of the world.
Starting point is 01:02:31 The personal relationship between the Occupy and allies and the German civilians changed a tremendous amount in the first few months following the war. Went from a policy of non-freaturization, a ban on all contact with Germans other than those necessary for work due to basically seeing all Germans as either Nazis or Nazi sympathizers to official support for all forms of activity that promoted mutual understanding and personal reconciliation. This change in official policy appeared to reflect changes in attitudes among troops on the ground who were starting to see Germans as individuals and quote people like us rather than as evil stereotypes promoted during the war,
Starting point is 01:03:05 which, you know, stereotypes portrayed all Germans as, you know, aggressive, militaristic, basically evil, not to be trusted. Seeing the Germans as regular people who got swept up in something horrific led to around 10,000 British soldiers and officials marrying German women they met during the occupation. I love this. And I'm guessing that the majority of these women were good people who had just happened to have been born in a nation led by an evil dictator. But also, even if some of those women were hardcore Nazis, because of young dudes, often
Starting point is 01:03:37 times, young dudes can fall into a trap with they pretty much think only with their dick, thanks to the true power of pussy and the biological imperative if some hardcore Nazis were sexy and sexual enough. I bet some of those British soldiers and officials you know would have probably been able to overlook that. February 19, 1948. Dearest Bentley, my sweet baby brother. I'm looking forward tremendously to seeing you once I return home from Germany. Don't say words to mother or father, but I won't be returning home alone. I've met someone. Her name is Ursula, and we're going to be wet. I'm in love, baby brother.
Starting point is 01:04:19 She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, 24-inch waist, 36-inch hips, 38 inch bust, flawless skin, perfect teeth, gorgeous green eyes, high cheekbones, thick blonde hair and, well, a true she-devil in the bedroom. There is nothing she won't try, she's sensational. She is perfect in every way, other than her, well, complete and utter hatred
Starting point is 01:04:41 of the Jewish race. I haven't told you yet that I am Jewish. I think it's best if we just don't talk about it. Perhaps for the rest of my life. So please, when you see her, don't say anything that sounds too... Jewish. She is so fucking hot. Bentley, if you ruin this, I'll kill you.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Or perhaps I'll let her kill you. I imagine that would turn her on greatly. She lets me stick it in everywhere, baby brother. If I had to choose, I would send our own parents to a concentration camp. If I meant I got more of that sweet, sweet type of air in pussy. I'll see you soon. Love can.
Starting point is 01:05:20 I realized that was a bit ridiculous, but also, straight guys will overlook so fucking much when it comes to hot, sexy, charged woman. Right? Who wants to fuck them? Anyway, German and British relationships, American French relationships with Germans really did start to quickly improve during the Allied occupation. Official initiatives to promote mutual understanding and personal reconciliation included
Starting point is 01:05:41 Anglo-German discussion discussion groups exchange visits town twin In the network of reading rooms in British inform information centers referred to as the bridge The British also encourage elections for new German officials Hopefully ones without Nazi ties Nazi party been declared to be illegal by the allied powers during following World War 2 Begin in the summer of 1945 occupation authorities permitted the formation of non-Nazi German political parties in preparation for elections for new local and regional representative assemblies. This was an encourage in the Western German zones. The reconstruction was developing a little differently in the east because Russia. Fakinkamis. 1949, four years after the end of the war,
Starting point is 01:06:23 three Western zones formally joined together to form the end of the war, three Western zones, formerly joined together to form the Federal Republic of Germany, known to most as West Germany. Excuse me, in the Soviet zone became the German Democratic Republic. It was not democratic. Known as East Germany. Cold war had already begun. The West went almost immediately from fighting Japan, Italy and Germany, to preparing for a possibly even bigger fight with the Soviet Union.
Starting point is 01:06:46 When the Allies had divided Germany into four zones, it quickly concerned the Western Allies, Britain, France, US, that the Soviets were using their occupation to further the spread of communism. The Soviets almost immediately started doing shit like seeking German factories or seizing them, excuse me, seizing German factories, failing to deliver agricultural produce, they promised to the other zones. Meanwhile the Americans, British and French, favored a revival of German industry, so as to enable the Germans to feed themselves. So be it's opposed that. Luckily, like the other allies, the Soviets also removed the Nazis and their zone from power.
Starting point is 01:07:17 And then they did promote local elections, kind of, but not really. They heavily pressured the new parties to become Communist parties. In April of 1946, the Social Democratic Party leaders in the Soviet zone agreed to merge as a result of significant pressure from the Soviets with the Communists. So, maybe agreed not the right word. They were strongly encouraged and threatened with death to merge with Communists. Socialist unity parties swept victories in the first elections for local and regional assemblies in the Soviet zone. Interestingly, however, when in October of 1946 elections were held under fair conditions in
Starting point is 01:07:48 Berlin, which was under four power occupation and not just control of the Soviet by the Soviets, the Socialist Union Party tallyed fewer than half as many votes as a social democratic party. Is it simply fading from the political scene with the Soviets? Couldn't let happen. They purged the leaders of the socialist unity party, replaced them with full-on Soviet communists. So nothing shady about that, right? People love communism, especially when they're forced to, especially when the people before them that didn't disappear. Uh, when it become apparent by 1947 that Soviet Union would not permit free multi-party elections throughout the whole of Germany. In 1947, the British and US, they combined economically their zones to form a
Starting point is 01:08:27 by zone, but they remain separate political entities. The new occupation area was called by Zonia, the structure later served as a model for Western, other Western German state. They hope that the Soviet leadership would eventually come around from out of free and intact Germany with its own elections and independent economy. But when repeated meetings with the Soviets failed to produce four power cooperation, the Western occupying powers decided in the spring of 1948 to move on their own. The Western Allies, especially concerned about the deteriorating economic conditions throughout
Starting point is 01:08:55 occupied Germany, which burdened their own countries, and awakened fears of renewed political extremism among the Germans. To fight that, they introduced a new noninflated currency to doishmark Germans are the Soviets didn't like that When the new doishmark was introduced in to Berlin the Soviets protested vigorously boycotted the allied control council They didn't want Germany to be their own country They want a Germany to join their empire right become one with mother russia Forget German. You're strong enough. You're russian June of 1948 the blockaded land routes from the western zones to the western sectors, the old capital,
Starting point is 01:09:27 which was surrounded by territory occupied by the Soviet Red Army. So, its intent was to seal off railways, highways, canals. They were used to deliver food and fuel and forced the occupied zone in Germany to merge politically and economically with the Soviet Union. That's what would happen, moving ahead with plans to restore a free and independent Germany in April of 1949, the French merged their zone into Bisonia, becomes tri-Zonia. That September, a German parliamentary council begins drafting a constitution for a new West German government. Initially, West Germany, not a sovereign state. It's a
Starting point is 01:09:58 powers were circumscribed by the Occupation Statute, drawn up by the American British and French governments, 1949. That document reserved to those powers ultimate authority over such matters as foreign relations, foreign trade, level of industrial production, and all questions relating to military security. You can be your own country, Germany, kind of. You try that Nazi shit again. We're going to fucking shut all this down. Everyone's going to have to get back in line, more bear bottoms, bankings. Everyone goes to bed early again with no supper. This limited autonomy, one thing that would later lead to the 1990s to a rise of neo-Nazis in East Germany who would identify this as a form of oppression, say that only Nazism could save them from that
Starting point is 01:10:36 oppression. The occupation's statute, though, would expire in 1955. Backing up when it became clear that West German government would be established a so-called election for a people's Congress was held in the Soviet occupation zone, May of 1949. But instead of choosing among candidates, voters were only allowed to approve or reject unity lists of candidates drawn from all parties picked by the Soviets. Right? They were just controlled by the Soviet Communist Party. So fuck yeah, bro, nice. It was no surprise that all the people elected were Communist because that's
Starting point is 01:11:08 the people that were allowed to run. October of 1949, following the formation of the Federal Republic, Constitution ratified by the People's Congress went to effect in the Soviet zone, which became the German Democratic Republic, known to the rest of the world as East Germany, this capital in Berlin. And that is a story of how Germany became divided into two Germany's in the wake of World War II. How the two Germany's dealt with the Holocaust ended up being not surprisingly very different. In West Germany, only to the sheer number of those who have been involved in some level of Nazi activity, many former Nazis not only survived, but gradually returned to positions of influence and business, education, and other sectors.
Starting point is 01:11:46 The first chancellor of West Germany, Conrad Adenauer, famously set up his chief of staff, Hans Globich, who would help to find the Nuremberg race laws against German Jews, that one should not throw dirty water away as long as you do not have clean. Damn. How does that make you feel if your Jew living in Germany fall in the war? Right when the new government includes a guy who helped to find your race before the war in a way that led to your people being stripped of all the rights and their property, a guy who defined your race in a way that also paved for their removal and deportation to gas chambers. Unfortunately, the only Germans in Germany following the war who had any real political experience
Starting point is 01:12:21 were former Nazis. In law and civil service, the percentage of highly trained people who had any real political experience were former Nazis. In law and civil service, the percentage of highly trained people who had been members of the Nazi party meant that either one required a radical rethinking of trained professionals or an acceptance of Nazis returning to the legal field. The government of Conrad Aidenauer chose the second option, trying to retain these people's way of thinking
Starting point is 01:12:40 as best he could. Retrain, retrain, not retain, very different, trying to retrain. And Conrad was someone who was not a Nazi. He was the exceptionary of German politician who had long opposed the Nazis and survived the war. He was incarcerated a few times, had to live in hiding for a while, but he lived. But in many ways, outside of some reparations, he'll talk about in a bit the decade of the
Starting point is 01:13:00 1950s, Conrad, Chancellor for 1949 and 1963, was an era of silence in West Germany in regards to its Nazi past. In that decade, well above half of Federal Ministry of Justice employs were members of the Nazi party. We're still numerous leading figures in the justice ministry had been involved in ministries specifically overseeing the Holocaust. Many of the more radical reforms pursued by the Allies in the early days of the occupation were abandoned. Ranks of government ministries quickly filled with ex-Nazi members. It was either allow for minorities to help run the new government or greatly exacerbate an already terrible fragile economic rebuilding plan.
Starting point is 01:13:37 So as Germany rebuilt itself and used mainly for for Nazis to do so, how was it doing in regards to its cultural attitudes to Jews? Unfortunately, also unsurprisingly anti-Semitism pervasive in all zones of Germany. Germany losing the war tragically played right into many Germans horrible attitudes about the Jews. Of course, they lost the war. The Jews made certain of that. And now the Jews were going to punish them again because they were the real victims. A December 1946 report on anti-Semitism, circulated by the US Army, found that 18% of Germans were still categorized as being radical anti-Semites. Another 21% anti-Semites, another 22% moderate racists. Another poll from 1947 found that more than one third of all Germans felt that it was better for there to be no Jews in Germany.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Why don't we category those respondents we put in? Hopefully not moderate racists. Look, I don't hate us of Jews. I just think if we beat if everyone, if we just prove them all out of the country, if you think that sounds moderately racist, but I guess I'm a moderate racist. Many of not most Germans in the first decades following the war had little to no interest in dealing with the Holocaust. They even resented the Nazi officials that Nazi officials were being tried for crimes. On January 7th, 1951, thousands of German citizens protested the death sentences for high-ranking
Starting point is 01:14:55 Nazis outside of Munich. One of the condemned Oswald Pol, he had been headed the Nazis' SS paramilitary units, main economic and administrative office, a man instrumental in carrying out the Holocaust, there was also Otto Orlandof, Dorf, who was commander of an SS task force, was directly responsible for carrying out the murder of more than 90,000 unarmed civilians. In September of 1941, his staff reported from the Soviet Union to SS leader Heinrich Kimler and Reich Security Main Office that the working areas of the command have been cleared of Jews. Between August 19th and September 25th, 8,890 Jews and Communists were executed. Bringing the total up to 17,315. At present, the Jewish question
Starting point is 01:15:37 is being solved. An estimated 4,000 Germans showed up to protest. These pieces of shit being executed. Why? Well, I imagine that they saw themselves being judged right along with these men. Those guys were just fallen orders Why just carrying out orders just like they'd done if those guys were deemed worthy of death Well, maybe they also were worthy of death How many of those 4,000 protesters had worked in concentration camps or helped remove Jews from their homes? How many had killed unarmed POWs? How many had raped Jewish or Slavic or other women?
Starting point is 01:16:09 Mass raped during World War II, rarely talked about. There was so much stigma and shame around it, the data was never properly collected. But anecdotally, widespread in ghetto is concentration camps elsewhere. A lot of Nazis raping Jewish women, you know, right in front of people. I mean, many, many anecdotal cases of this. If your country is labeled you as subhuman, you have no rights. I mean, who the fuck is going to believe you if, you know, some Nazi rapes you. So of course, it was just really never, never reported. Rather than live with shame, rather than directly face their complicity and guilt, many Germans in the wake of World War II chose to see themselves
Starting point is 01:16:41 as victims. Victims of the occupation, right? They were forcibly being held responsible for actions. They, in their reviews, had no choice but to take. Fortunately, this mentality started to lessen by the 1960s. 60s and 70s, many German intellectuals began to critically engage with their country's past, writing novels, plays, nonfiction that explored the sins and burdens of the past, and how Germany could move forward. The persistent efforts of a small group of dedicated anti-Nazis, who kept the memory of post-war anti-fascism alive, did the most to push West Germany towards a more thorough coming to terms
Starting point is 01:17:15 with the past. In the legal field, one such man was attorney Fritz Bauer. As a German Jew and longtime social democrat, Bauer was forced to flee Nazi Germany and spent much of the wartime years in Denmark and then Sweden. When you return to Germany in 1949, he was one of the precious few jurists who pursued a thorough legal reckoning for the Nazis crimes. Bauer prosecuted Otto Remner, or Otto Riemer, the founder of the neo-Nazi socialist Reich party who called the bomb plotters against Hitler, traitors to the people. Otto fled the country to avoid charges in relation with rebuilding Nazi party in West Germany, wouldn't return to Germany until the 1980s. Fritz Bauer also helped find Adolf Eichmann and risk prosecution for treason by telling the Israelis where he was. Fully aware that the West German intelligence services would do nothing to bring Eichmann
Starting point is 01:18:02 to justice. As they didn't consider, escaped Nazis, their problem. And in one of the most importantly, the Lacks bringing a Holocaust to the forefront of the West German public life in 1963, Fritz Bauer organized the main trial for several Auschwitz perpetrators in post-war West Germany. Germans like Fritz forced Germany to reconcile
Starting point is 01:18:21 with their Holocaust-related history. So Hale Fritz Bauer, sadly, Fritz was found drown in his bathtub July 1st, 1968. He was 64. Numerous historians believe that Fritz was homosexual. He had tried unsuccessfully in post-war Germany to repeal old laws, banning expressions of homosexuality. He fought so hard for Germany to see Jews as being equal
Starting point is 01:18:42 to punish those who hurt and killed them because they didn't see them as equal. Meanwhile, many non-Jews and Jews alike didn't accept him for who he really was. Can't imagine how much that must have really hurt. Right? How tragic and completely unnecessary. So rest in peace, Fritz. I hope you're living up in some heaven full of others as educated and brave as you are.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Hope you're living in a place full of handsome and horny Jewish dudes who think you're how to fuck. And the best mots of all soup and fresh from the oven, holla bread, and whether the fuck else you love. In the midst of all this craziness, some Jewish communities found ways to reestablish themselves in Germany. Some of those who had stayed had survived with the help of non-Jewish Germans, right? They refused to see all Germans equally culpable. Others simply too old, too frail to migrate. Efforts to rebuild started immediately after the war ended by 1948 more than 100 Jewish communities were founded across Germany. Fucking crazy me.
Starting point is 01:19:34 They were made up of two very distinct groups. They were the German-born Jews, most of whom who had been highly assimilated and connected with their German surroundings. And then there were thousands of displaced Jewish refugees from Eastern European countries who found themselves unwillingly in Germany with limited means, limited knowledge of the German language, they struggled to find permanent living solutions, more than 90% of the Jewish refugees who ended up in Germany
Starting point is 01:19:55 did leave, excuse me, did leave within three to four years, mostly to the US and newly founded State of Israel. Only about 15,000 of them stayed on German soil. Now, for those reparations I mentioned earlier, in 1951, Western German chancellor Conrad Adnauer committed to paying moral and material indemnity for the unspeakable crimes committed to the name of the German people during World War II.
Starting point is 01:20:19 In 1952, the government signed a set of reparations agreements with Israel and that umbrella group of advocates known as the conference on Jewish material claims against Germany or claims conference over the next 20 years. Germany committed to compensating other countries, Jewish and non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust and forced former forced laborers, a sum that Germany reported to be over 77.8 billion marks. However, originally many Jews actually didn't want this money. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:20:48 After World War II, many Israelis and Jewish Holocaust survivors were just very opposed to the idea of reparations from Germany. They deemed a blood money, felt it would whitewash Germany's crimes. In 1952, Nationalistic Opposition Leader, future Israeli Prime Minister, Monachum Began, beg Prime Minister David Gurean, who is fighting for reparations, not to enter negotiations with the Germans. He said in this generation of ours that we called the last of bondage and first
Starting point is 01:21:14 of redemption, in this generation that we have been privileged to gain back our dignity, in which we emerge from slavery to freedom, you are ready for a few millions of contaminated dollars and for impure goods to deprive us of dignity that we have earned damn Well Ben Gurean Gurean thought of another way to look at this money He believed the only way his fledgling state of Israel would survive was through German financial support and managed to secure political backing for this view Within is within the Israeli Parliament He wouldn't frame the reparations as compensation for what happened during the Holocaust, but the money would help people establish new lives, allow for Israel to support Jews in their new homeland,
Starting point is 01:21:51 and to their credit, West Germany paid up. They've actually never stopped paying up. Stewart E. Eisenstadt, a negotiated Holocaust reparations with Germany on behalf of the US and claims conference, and the latest reparations secured by the claims conference in 2013 when the German government agreed to pay approximately $1 billion for the home care of elderly Holocaust survivors. And two bad America did not do something similar for the victims of slavery
Starting point is 01:22:16 with a one of long ways to healing. The reparations that began in the 1950s will also remind civilian Germans of their responsibility for the atrocities and ensure that reconciling with the Holocaust was not something that happened overnight, but needed to be taught to subsequent generations. In 1975, German Chancellor Richard von Weisecker made the case for intergenerational responsibility and solidarity in a powerful speech. The vast majority of today's population were either children then or had not been born he said, but their four fathers have left them a grave legacy.
Starting point is 01:22:47 All of us, whether guilty or not, whether older or young, must accept the past. We are all affected by its consequences and libel for it. I think that's beautiful. And again, I think we can learn so much from that. Don't hide from the past. Own it. Apologize when appropriate. And move forward as best you can.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Apologies, owning mistakes, and my experience goes a long ways towards healing Over in East Germany things Progressing as I said earlier fucking so different Katharasha East Germany's position was that it was actually West Germany that had been Hitler's third Reich Seriously with the tricky bit of propaganda and historical revisionism They claimed they had no connection to the hot cost because west germany was the aggressors
Starting point is 01:23:27 even though that literally made no fucking sense whatsoever because it wasn't each Germany is for this is so fucking ridiculous is so fucking russia we are disgusted by what the west germany did the capitalist Hitler was evil mind i remember when west germany and nazis do so much Holocausting, we hit an East Germany so disgusted by whole thing. But what Germany didn't exist back then.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Actually, the Nazis last headquarters, the Führerbunker, that was located in what is now East Berlin. Sorry, but it's not true. That's capital slide. If you look right here, in official communist history book I wrote last week it say Hitler born in Omaha, Nebraska He then trained by evil capitalist in Bengal main to kill many Jews He then moved to West Germany by dictator FDR who give him Holocaust plan
Starting point is 01:24:18 I listen, it's it's in the book I wrote Fucking Russia. They have long loved loved, nontentical propaganda. From the Zars, to the Bolsheviks, to Yeltsin, now Putin, fucking poor Russian people. They've been abused and grossly manipulated for fucking centuries. East Germany's communist government never formally apologized for the Holocaust,
Starting point is 01:24:39 you know, because they didn't have anything to do with it. And then far right mobs who beat up foreign workers from fellow socialist states like Cuba or Angola were classified as rowdies, led astray by Western propaganda and not what they actually were neo-naughties because of course that's rising there now. 1987 burned Wagner, young police officer in East Berlin estimated that there were at least 15,000 homegrown violent neo-naughties of which a thousand were repeat offenders. Jumping ahead now to 1989, the year Germany reunites. That year saw mass exodus of East Germans, protests across East Germany
Starting point is 01:25:10 also led to the rapid collapse of communist rule. We're the so many people hated communism there and wanted to get the fuck away from it. But Janko's just granted me. Germany would be emerged into a federal republic in 1990. That year East Germany no longer tied to the Soviet Union and their bullshit propaganda machine would finally admit its role in the Holocaust. In April of 1990, East Germany apologized to Israel, all Jews for the Nazi Holocaust, and accepted joint responsibility for the slaughter of six million Jews during World War II. I just put you some Russian guy. I look back at the book and I realize, uh, many mistakes.
Starting point is 01:25:47 I realize I probably should not have written history and maybe just, uh, you know, look to actual historians for what they maybe were saying. So my bad. Here's an expert from a statement read during the televised session of parliaments. East Germany's first freely elected parliament admits joint responsibility on behalf of the people for the humiliation, expulsion and murder of Jewish women, men and children. We feel sad and ashamed. The statement added we asked the Jews of the world to forgive us. We asked the people of Israel to forgive us for the hypocrisy and hostility of official East German policies towards Israel and for the persecution and degradation of
Starting point is 01:26:22 Jewish citizens also after 1945 in our country. Fucking hail, Nimrod. Hail the East German parliament for making a hard apology there and fuck the Soviet Union. That's fucking, what a garbage nation. In addition to the reparations and apologies, a now unified Germany went on to sponsor education about the Nazis and fund numerous memorials
Starting point is 01:26:41 to the victims of the Holocaust. These days, you can visit Berlin's memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe, a days, you can visit Berlin's memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe, a memorial designed on five acres by Peter Eisenman, who envisioned a sort of bowl-shaped field that allows visitors to enter from all four sides, walk through, become lost,
Starting point is 01:26:54 amidst the increasingly towering columns. And there's also those stumbling stones, I spoke of earlier, set in the streets of Berlin, commemorating the Jewish people who used to live and do business there. Stones commemorate the individual victims of the Holocaust with their name or names of a whole family on a stone, date or dates of Berlin, commemorating the Jewish people who used to live and do business there. Stones commemorate the individual victims of the Holocaust with their name or names of the whole family on a stone, date or dates of birth, brief description of their fate,
Starting point is 01:27:11 literally intended for you to stumble over. A abruptly jolt you back into awareness of the events that took place in the same streets decades before. Fucking great idea. Unfortunately, Germany's reunification also led to a rise in neo-Nazis. During the 1990s, many of the former inhabitants of East Germany struggled with losing a significant chunk of their workforce to migration to the West and with adjusting to new political and economic system.
Starting point is 01:27:36 At the same time, the immigration that has supported West Germany's manufacturing industry started trickling into East Germany. Within the context of a difficult political and economic transition, public dissatisfaction started to express itself and resentment towards these workers, these newcomers, then a wave of violence, neo-Nazisism followed. September of 1991, the East German town of Holger-Sverda witnessed a week of race riots in which neo-Nazis targeted asylum seekers and Vietnamese and Mozambican temporary workers who've been brought in years earlier by the communist government to work in a nearby coal mine A violent mob is siege attacked the hostile where the workers were staying as local residents not only looked on the fucking cheer As the attacks persisted the local authorities were forced to evacuate the foreigners
Starting point is 01:28:18 The Nazis and focus their efforts on a dormitory housing asylum seekers from Eastern Europe Asia and Africa their efforts on a dormitory housing asylum seekers from Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa. They besieged the building through Molotov cocktails at it until local authorities sided to bus outage more than 200 inhabitants. Although over 80 people were arrested in the riot, only four convicted, the success, quote unquote, of the neo-Nazi riot in Hoyersvarta then inspired similar attacks on foreign workers and asylum seekers elsewhere in the country. In the following years, cities across East Germany gradually became neo-Nazi strongholds. So it was in the East German city of Yenna, the notorious neo-Nazi terror cell national socialist underground first appeared.
Starting point is 01:28:57 It was another East German citizen, Chemnitz, that it's three principal members fled to and went underground when the German authorities first picked up their trail nineteen ninety eight group killed people of turkish kirtish greek origin committed terrorist attacks throughout the country reunification also provided a physical space in which far right members can move and train secret neo-nazi training camps held at abandoned soviet military bases
Starting point is 01:29:21 one of them on the island of rugen in the baltic c uh... neo-nazi took part in workshops on for the identity papers bomb making military bases. One of them on the island of Rugen in the Baltic Sea, Neonazis took part in workshops on forging identity papers, bomb making, guerrilla warfare, quote, silent killing. From 2007, the National Socialist Underground killed nine immigrants in a police officer, even as paid informers of the intelligence agency helped hide its leaders and build up its network. The German government is trying to fight this kind of behavior for a long time. The German penal code prohibits publicly denying the Holocaust, disseminating Nazi propaganda, right? As I mentioned earlier, uh, interesting argument regarding, uh, you know,
Starting point is 01:29:55 hate speech here, right? Not supposed to even make statements in support of Hitler's one of the laws. I'm against censorship, but I mean, what a free speech were to actually greatly help give birth to another Hitler and allow that Hitler to rise to power again, quite the mean, what a free speech were to actually greatly help give birth to another hiller and allow that hiller to rise to power again. Quite the, uh, conundrum they had to deal with. Section 130 of the German criminal code criminalized, uh, yes, certain types of hate speech, the law, bands, incitement to hatred, insults, uh, that assault, human dignity against people based on the racial, national, religious, or ethnic backgrounds. In post World War II, Germany has been used, uh used to prosecute racist, anti-Semitic threats
Starting point is 01:30:27 and slurs, carries a sense of up to five years in prison. And I did read about people who did spend five years in prison for anti-Semitic hate speech. Law is expanded to explicitly ban Holocaust denial in 1994, after a federal appeals court overturned the sentence of a far-right German politician who organized a lecture describing the gassing of Jews and Auschwitz as a total hoax. Despite all these measures, there are still problems with anti-Semitism in Germany. According to a 2015 anti-deformation league survey, 51% of Germans believe that it is probably true that quote, Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in Holocaust.
Starting point is 01:31:02 And this is disturbing. 30% agreed with a statement, quote, people hate Jews because of the way Jews behave. The past five years, a new political party full of anti-Semites has become alarmingly popular in Germany. The reactionary far right alternative for Germany, AFD, and to the German parliament for the first time in 2017 and became its third largest party with an anti-immigration, anti-Islam platform, and anti-Semitic leanings heavily, it's politicians also opposed to Germany's remembrance culture, right?
Starting point is 01:31:30 Let's talk about the Holocaust. These people sound kind of like Nazis. AFD politicians have often relativized Nazi crimes to counteract what some of them call a national guilt culture in a speech last June, one of the party's leaders, Alexander Golland, referred to the Nazi period as this is such a weird quote. Only a bird poop in over a thousand years of successful German history. It's only a bird poop.
Starting point is 01:31:54 It's just a bird poop. Fucking what? It's a fucking weird thing to say. Yeah, so maybe it's a Nazis, Kilo 6 million and it's in Jews. Maybe it's a Nazis, Kilo 15, so 20 million innocent people in Zovar. Oh, well, the milk is spilt. There's no use crying over it now. Some points at fingers and say the Nazis were the most evil murderous
Starting point is 01:32:16 terror regime in modern history. Maybe it's the whole history of the world. And to this, I say tomato tomato. Yes, our ancestors developed hundreds of factories and thousands of miles of train tracks mostly for murdering innocent people many of them children, but They also and this has not spoken of enough came up with many delicious recipes for breakfast and schnitzel and much good beer. I say Let's talk of Holocaust more talk of October fest I say, let's talk of Holocaust, more talk of October fest. Less pictures of very skinny Jewish people near death, more pictures of welfare, Bavarian, sexy women. In cleavage, Dundal, Lido, Hosen,
Starting point is 01:32:55 cosplay, Tavan, Venge costumes, with the size that's high, white stockings, and full of so much sexy life. Might be negative Nancy Collins 81 now as a weak heart, so hopefully it gives out soon Currently around 200,000 Jews live in Germany Nation of over 83 million people and many are becoming increasingly fearful In a 2018 European Union survey of European Jews 85% of respondents in Germany characterized anti-semitism as a very big or fairly big problem. 89% said the problem had become worse in the last five years.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Overall reported anti-semitic crimes in Germany increased by nearly 20% last year to 1,799. Violent anti-semitic crimes rose by about 86%. So 69. Slightly more than half of Germany's Jewish respondents to the EU survey said they have directly experienced anti-semitic harassment within the last five years. Slide. Slide. More than half of Germany's Jewish respondents to the EU survey said they have directly experienced anti-Semitic harassment within the last five years. So while Germany has been very committed to reconciling with the Holocaust, still a lot of progress to be made.
Starting point is 01:33:53 Another example of why it's important to keep talking about this shit, right? To never stop denouncing it. Now let's look at another nasty way of thinking about the Holocaust. Perhaps the most extreme and insane Holocaust denial. Right after today's midshow, sponsor break. Thanks for not going anywhere, meat sex. Now let's talk about some especially ignorant motherfuckers. So why do many people deny that the Holocaust took place? In the face of so much fucking evidence, including thousands of photographs of concentration
Starting point is 01:34:22 camps, the recorded testimony of thousands of Nazis and survivors alike, some 3000 documents on the destruction of Europe's Jewish community by the Nazis that were in fact presented by the prosecution before war crime tribunals at Nuremberg. Why would you claim that the Holocaust just simply never happened? In Henry University, yeah, Henry University professor, Deborah Lipsdat, author of denying the Holocaust, Yeah, Emory University professor Deborah Lipsdatt author of denying the Holocaust as I tried to explain it She's written that Holocaust deniers quite simply have shit for brains perhaps literally if I were able to drill a hole into the School of Holocaust and I I would not be surprised to see literal shit start to see out of their head They're that fucking stupid Ironically, I wish we could round them up and kill them
Starting point is 01:35:04 Okay, maybe she didn't write that. What she actually wrote was the deny selection of the name revisionist to describe themselves is indicative of their basic strategy to deceit and distort and of their attempt to portray themselves as legitimate historians, engaging in the traditional practice of illuminating the past.
Starting point is 01:35:21 It's fancy way of saying they lie so they can seem like smart people who know the real truth. Reminds me of all the truthers out there, right? Holy shit. I have yet to run across some fucking YouTube channel, website, social media account with truth or in the title, and not thought that they, you know, were it an ignorant fuck face, right?
Starting point is 01:35:41 Cue non truth or flat earth truth or area area 51, truth or illuminati, truth or you get, if you actually know the truth, you don't have to fucking go out of your way to proclaim that you're a truth or it's like you're saying like, I know this is how fucking crazy. But the truth or qualifier reminds me of somebody who starts off a statement or a joke with like, listen, I'm not a racist. And inevitably almost follows it with like saying some racist shit. Listen, I'm not a fucking crazy person, but I'm a truth.
Starting point is 01:36:12 And now you're just fucking crazy. Patrain themselves as secrets of historical truth allows deniers to present Nazism and anti-Semitism as a legitimate political strategy rather than what it is, just plain old hatred and bigotry. Holocaust and I also huge tool for anti-Semites, some of whom advocate that the Holocaust was just another way political strategy rather than what it is, just plain old hatred and bigotry. Holocaust analysis a huge tool for anti-Semites, some of whom advocate to the Holocaust was just another way for the Jews to establish superiority, all part of the master plan. July 24th, 1996 Harold
Starting point is 01:36:36 Covington, former leader of the National Socialist White People's Party, but then became the American Nazi Party, explained why the Holocaust was such an important rally cry for Jewish people. Take away the Holocaust and what do you have left? Without their precious Holocaust, what a fucking weird thing to say. Without their precious Holocaust, what are the Jews? Just a grubby little bunch of international bandits and assassins and squatters who have perpetrated the most massive cynical fraud in human history. Harold Thankfully died a few years ago. Also thankfully died in relative obscurity. Holocaust and our movement, Harold was a part of,
Starting point is 01:37:10 based its approach on the predetermined idea that the Holocaust, as understood by mainstream, his historiography did not happen. Holocaust revisionists claim that survivors of the Holocaust lied about their experiences. You know, all of them, all of them lied. Continue to lie. Allied soldiers who liberated the camps, they lied or at least exaggerated.
Starting point is 01:37:30 The films, photos of Nazi atrocities, that's how fucking made up, even the ones captured the Nazis themselves, captured Nazi documents, you know how this forged, all the confessions during the trials, well, the course, I mean, you have to jump over a lot of fucking mental hurdles to make that shit work. Holocaust and I are not big fans of Occam's razor. A scientific and philosophical rule we talked about that it should not be multiplied unnecessarily, which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex, or the explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities. In other words, the simplest explanation,
Starting point is 01:38:08 generally the correct explanation, kiss, keep it simple, stupid. In this case, millions of people are not lying about the Holocaust. It is obviously to people with working brains. Far and away, the simplest and most logical explanation. Deniers deny the existence of the gas chambers used by Nazis to murder millions,
Starting point is 01:38:29 claiming they were built by the Allies after the war. Make Germany look bad, holy shit. That takes some interesting thoughts. Ah, okay guys, and now we have an entire nation to rebuild. Several actually, we need to hurry up, get back to our home and help rebuild our own nation that just came out of the Great Depression before being dragged into this mess, but first,
Starting point is 01:38:50 let's take a few months to build a bunch of fucking gas chambers, make these assholes really look bad, right? Yeah, I mean, you have to be at least a little bit stupid to believe shit like that, don't you? At least a little bit. Moreover, the claim that I need to use who did die in concentration camps,
Starting point is 01:39:06 they were just victims of disease who happened to be in camps. Similar to the camps in the US, it was just like, you know, they were just internment camps, just like the ones used to unjustly incarcerate Japanese Americans. In fact, some deniers will argue
Starting point is 01:39:18 that the allies should be held responsible for those deaths because their bombing attacks prevented the delivery of supplies and medicines from reaching the camps. Roughly 120,000 Japanese Americans were unjustly held in internment camps, by the way, not one of America's best calls. How many died in those camps? I mean, tragic, little over 1800, horrible and excusable, not quite 6 million, and they weren't put in those camps specifically to be killed. So not that what America did with the internment camps was right on any level, It wasn't, but it was not equivalent to the Holocaust.
Starting point is 01:39:49 Let's go over a list of deniers core claims. First one, the estimates of Jewish losses during the Holocaust greatly exaggerated. They were never even six million Jews in Germany. Yeah, that's correct. There weren't ever six million Jews in Germany. Germany had fewer than 600,000 Jews when Hitler came to power in 1933. But what that line of reasoning misses badly is that the majority of Jews murdered by the Nazis never lived in Germany. How the fuck did they understand that? There is that in the countries where Germany invaded during the war, especially Poland, areas of the former Soviet Union, you know, Ukraine,
Starting point is 01:40:22 where millions of Jews once made their homes. In fact, the protocol of the Vanzi conference, the German document written by Nazis, outlined in the Nazi plan to annihilate European jury, lists over 11 million Jews throughout the continent. The 6 million figure can be demonstrated by comparing Europe's Jewish population overall before then after the war, even after making allowances for those who fled Europe. And others, who could have expected to die due to natural causes. There are still nearly roughly six million people who just can't be accounted for. What's more authentic German World War II era documents confirmed the slaughter of Jews and the millions. The famous Corer report named after Richard Corer, chiefs, a statistician for the SS put the number of Jewish losses at more than 2,454,000 by the end of 1942.
Starting point is 01:41:06 And the war in Europe would not end until May of 1945. And there are numerous documents. I would as accounts to prove the Nazi concentration camp systems started to kill more quickly as the war went on. The Anglo-American Commission of the Inquiry, which met in April of 1946, put the total Jewish Holocaust losses at at least 5,721,500. On the basis of wartime statistical reports on ghettos, concentration camps, mass murder operations, carried out by Nazis, historian and international jurist Jacob Robinson arrived at a figure of 5,820,960.
Starting point is 01:41:40 Another noted German historian Helmut Krossnik put the number of Jewish losses closer to seven million Well the exact figure will never be known scholar after scholar after scholar of the Holocaust finds around it Off figure of six million to be in line with current evidence So next Nonsense school denier argument Didn't the international committee for the Red Cross reports it only 300,000 people had perished in the German concentration camps not all of them Jews This is just straight up fucking nonsense. The Red Cross never reported any such thing.
Starting point is 01:42:10 The 300,000 figure actually taken from a Swiss paper, Dytat, in 1955. This estimate only a figure for the number of ethnic Germans who perished in the concentration camps. No mention of any actual Red Cross figures, however, was ever made by the paper. And it's bulletin of February 1, 1978. The Red Cross declared that it had never compiled much less published such stats. So that's a common argument that is just completely nonsense. The next one is the Holocaust couldn't have happened because the Nazi policy towards the Jews was immigration, not extermination. As we covered in the last episode, the Nazis actually didn't arrive at their policy of complete extermination until the Bonzi conference in 1942, even though over 2 million
Starting point is 01:42:50 had already died in camps by then. From the beginning, the Nazis made no secret of their goal of creating a Jew-free Germany in Europe. One of the earliest methods was, indeed, forced immigration to ghettos to lands beyond Germany where millions died through starvation and overall mistreatment. But then a Germany kept expanding. New lands became part of Germany, not freeing up the Liebenstrom, the living room for ethnic Germans as Hitler wanted. November of 10th, 1941, precise instructions from Berlin to kill the Jews in the area were received by a higher SS and police leader, Friedrich, Jek, from Berlin, stating that pursuant to the Führers order, Jews could no longer be allowed to emigrate. Instead, they must be evacuated. In October 4, 1943, on a speech to the SS generals in Pazlin, SS chief Heinrich
Starting point is 01:43:34 Kimler left no doubt as to the meaning of evacuation, saying, I'm now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. Doesn't get much clearer than that. Evacuation was a documented Nazi code word for murder for years in the spring of 1940, 1,158 mental patients have been transferred from sanatoriums in Eastern Prussia for evacuation near the sold out concentration camp. And they were never heard from again, of course. Nazis attempted to hide a lot of their evil intentions by code words.
Starting point is 01:44:03 Resettlement commonly used to describe the deportation of Jews and to gas chambers Hence SS major fronk egritches 1943 report on Auschwitz and which he remarked that the camps resettlement furnaces were capable of burning 10,000 bodies a day It's pretty fucked up verbiage, right? What kind of finances are those? Oh these these are just resettlement furnaces. You put a body in there, you burn it, and you take the ashes out and resettle them in the field
Starting point is 01:44:30 to help some crops grow. Despite these attempts at deception, Victor Brock, one of the chief architects of Hitler's youth and age experiments, testified to the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg that it was no secret among Nazi hierarchy that the Jews were to be exterminated. Next shit-head argument.
Starting point is 01:44:46 Not a single document has been found with Hitler's signature order in the extermination of the Jews. This is true. Well, there's a good reason for this. Well, depending on your definition of good, if you remember the T4 program from last week, Hitler's, you know, start in euthanasia was actually killing ethnic Germans who were disabled, right? All those fucking toddlers, uh, termin ill or terminal ill senior citizens as well.
Starting point is 01:45:09 Uh, when Germans started protesting the murder of seven thousand or 70,000 patients, when it became known, Hitler knew it was time to take his death experiment more underground. Never again would Hitler initial any document connecting himself to math killings and risk his popularity with the German people. Uh, nevertheless, historians have been able to establish with convincing certainty that the order to exterminate millions of Jews came from Hitler directly. November 10th, 1941, higher SS and police leader Friedrich Friedrich Jekyllin received orders to liquidate the Jewish population at Räga. He was informed by his superior,
Starting point is 01:45:43 Heinrich Loas, a Nazi who would later be imprisoned for war crimes, that it was the furor's wish. A few months earlier, Gestapo Chief Heinrich Mueller sent a message to the command commanders of the four Einsensgruppen. Einsensgruppen, those mobile killing squads, activation you're up advising them that the furor
Starting point is 01:46:00 has to be or was to be informed about the work of the Einsensgruppen on a continual basis. It made his tiny deformed penis the Michael Führer so almost hard as hard as a little mutants cock could get to hear about the fresh death. Discussing liquidation of Jews in Eastern Europe, SS Chief Heinrich Himmler told SS Groupen Führer got the burger, the occupied East will be free to juice. The Führer has placed the execution of this difficult order on my shoulders. Hiller's involvement in the final solution also extended to gas operations. October 5th, 20th, 1941, a directive addressed to Heinrich Lose, regarding the use of special gas in vans, came by way of German judge Dr. Erhard Wetzel.
Starting point is 01:46:41 Wetzel had been summoned to the chancelleryry informed that the directive he was to prepare was, in fact, a furor order. February 4, 1943, Hitler equated the extermination of the Jews with having exterminated a bacterium in a memo. Also on January 30, 1939, speech in a speech to the Reichstag, Hitler warned that in the event of war, the result will be the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe. So claiming Hitler didn't know about the Holocaust, that doesn't
Starting point is 01:47:09 hold much water. That's fucking crazy talk. On to another claim, Zeichlann B. With a fumigant, it was not a practical agent for mass murder. And if Zeichlann B. Is so highly toxic, how good bodies have been removed from gas chambers only minutes after execution? Ordinarily, Zyclan B, hydrogen cyanide preparation, was used as an insecticide. Hydrogen cyanide, however, actually more dangerous to humans than insects. When the level of HCN reaches only 300 parts per million, it will kill a person in a few minutes. The amount of hydrogen cyanide required to kill a person of average weight, only 60 milligrams. Because Zyclan was in fact so toxic, manufacturers warned personnel not to re-enter a room fumigated with the gas for 20 hours.
Starting point is 01:47:51 In addition to a compound was added to the preparation amid a powerful intolerable odor, a warning agent that the gas was present. When purchasing Zyclon B for the death camps, the SS order the manufacturer removed that warning compound. Clear indication of intended use. The death chambers were out there with special ventilation systems to remove remaining gas. In addition, prisoners charged with removing the bodies. As those poor Sandra Commandos, they wore gas masks. So Zechlon B was in fact a very practical and effective way to kill millions. And that brings us to the final point, maybe the most important and insane point
Starting point is 01:48:22 Holocaust deniers make. There is no proof whatsoever that the Nazis ever murdered anyone in gas chambers. There's so much fucking proof. They use gas chambers by the Nazis, proven by a wide array of evidence, testimony by the perpetrators themselves, as well as firsthand accounts of prisoners, especially members of the Sunderkommando units. That's just a small part of the evidence. There's a lot of physical evidence, actual blueprints of the Killing installations were recovered,
Starting point is 01:48:50 as well as orders for construction materials and Zyklon B. We have photos secretly taken by prisoners of Auschwitz-Burke now, straight up show the disposal of corpses from the remove from the gas chambers. One denier even had his mind changed by this overwhelming evidence. Jean-Claude Prasak, one-time skeptic of the gas chambers, had undertaken a careful study of Auschwitz
Starting point is 01:49:09 in which he analyzed a wide variety of camp documents, photos, reports, and blueprints. Prasak could have been intrigued by the Holocaust and the 9 theories of Robert Farrasson. I mean, I don't have to say his name. I couldn't find any pronunciation. Farrasson? Farrasson, I think. Concluded say his name. I couldn't find any pronunciation. Farrison, Farrison, I think, concluded that his original skepticism could no longer be supported in the face of the evidence. In 1979, the Clarsfield Foundation published a study Auschwitz technique in the operation of the gas chambers
Starting point is 01:49:35 in which Prasok demonstrates the use of the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Burk now in the murders of hundreds of thousands of people. So education, changing some people's minds, thank God. Great, the Jean-Claude's mind was changed, but a lot more minds still need changing. Many still insist there was no Holocaust. Way too many people don't even fucking know about the Holocaust anymore. ClaimsCon.org, the conference on Jewish material claims against Germany, did the first ever 50
Starting point is 01:49:58 states survey on Holocaust knowledge for American millennials and Jenzears in 2020. 63% of those survey did not know that 6 million Jews were murdered in Holocaust. Over half of those thought the death toll was fewer than 2 million. Over one in 10 of those surveyed couldn't recall ever hearing the word Holocaust before, which is fucking troubling. Pew Foundation study survey came to similar conclusions. There's so many people know so little about the Holocaust because they're just unformed or do some of them just think it never happened. And the final days of the war the Nazis themselves did a lot to give rise to the Niers, you know, ability to think that in the wake of the war's end. Nazi Nazi party leaders made an enormous
Starting point is 01:50:37 effort to destroy concentration camp documents, the camps themselves, the gas chambers, they don't want to be charged with war crimes. Nazi contingency plan was always that of defeat was imminent, destroy German records. When Nazi leaders began to realize they would most likely be captured and brought to trial, they immediately, of course, began to dismantle anything and everything that had facilitated the Holocaust. Heinrich Kimler instructed his camp commandants to destroy records, Crematoria, other signs of mass extermination.
Starting point is 01:51:09 As one of many examples, the bodies of the 25,000 mostly Latvian Jews shot in Erega in late 1941, they were actually dug up and burned in 1943 to destroy evidence. Similar operations undertaken at numerous other death camps, collaborating governments also got in on this. They didn't want to get in trouble either and occupied France, partly result of French state secrecy rules, dating back to well before the war aimed to protect the French government and the state from embarrassing revelations. Police destroyed nearly all of the massive archive of Jewish arrest and deportation records. Luckily during an immediately after World War II, some people were concerned about documentation
Starting point is 01:51:38 of the Holocaust as a period and they took action. By 1943, Isaac Schneerson, French rab French Rabbi, founded, uh, a documentation center in his home and Grenoble was representatives from 40 other Jewish organizations. And in 1945, General Dwight D Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, future badass president, Eisenhower doesn't even have credit. We had a great fucking president, actually. Yeah, he endorsed tricky dick, but he remembers the same party, you know, he's playing some, he has to do some political moves. Not yet, but he's great. Anyway, he anticipated that someday an attempt will be made to recharacterize the documentation
Starting point is 01:52:12 of Nazis as propaganda, and he took steps against it. When he found the victims of Nazi concentration camps, Eisenhower ordered all possible photographs to be taken. And with the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps made to bury the dead, he wanted them to fucking see it. On April 24, 1945, Omar Bradley, a senior officer of the US Army, who would oversee part of this process, would write, it is the desire of the theater commander that both still and moving pictures be utilized to the fullest extent, practical, uh, that's a weird word, practical. As exhibits in reports of investigations of war crimes committed by the Nazis, with
Starting point is 01:52:47 particular reference to allied prisoners of war, both in and out of camps and to concentration camps for the purpose of recording for civilization, the history of horror written by over five years of German atrocities. Good on them. Many of these pictures will be widely distributed, reproduced. Some is postcards, pretty fucking dark postcard, but more evidence that all of this really happened. More evidence that deniers are out of their fucking minds. Some of the most common images were printed in small illustrated pamphlets by the US Army shortly after the end of the war,
Starting point is 01:53:16 distributed throughout Germany. Love it. So that ordinary citizens become aware of the crimes which were committed in their midst, in their names, and with their permission. Ah, fucking love it. so that ordinary citizens become aware of the crimes which were committed in their midst, in their names, and with their permission. Ah, fucking love it. They knew that someday some people wouldn't say, or some people would say that that stuff hadn't actually happened,
Starting point is 01:53:33 and they wanted to prevent that. And they prevented a lot of it, I think, but they wouldn't be able to prevent it entirely because you know, you can't ever totally beat stupid with facts, right? Stupid just does whatever stupid wants. And one of those stupid people showed up just a few years after the end of the war. Let's meet the founders of Holocaust denial now. The first person openly right after the end
Starting point is 01:53:53 of the World War II that he doubted the reality of the Holocaust was French journalist Maurice Bardetche in his 1948 book Nuremberg or the Promised Land. Maurice was a far-right French writer who argued against both the US occupation of Europe and Soviet communism. To combat both of these, he argued for a fascist rule of Europe that wouldn't have the faults of Hitler and Mussolini's fascism and would implement a moral revolution bolster the economy, prevent Europe
Starting point is 01:54:19 from being swanned by foreign goods. What a fucking moron. People who actually want a dictator, always so short cited, right? Like, maybe your dictator is good. Maybe your dictator will actually be an awesome leader and accomplish many great things, not be held back by having to make so many compromises, make so many fucking political deals, no opposition party, not cooperating for the sake of political optics, right? I get the appeal. But what about the next dictator or the one after that? Just because the first
Starting point is 01:54:45 one's good. That doesn't mean the next one won't be a fucking monster. And that same system of checks and balances that can fuck over good attempts at improving society, at least you can also slow down policies that can destroy society. Maurice blamed fascism's enemies and a Jewish conspiracy for bringing Europe down, not Hitler's aggression in the starting World War Two. Many call him the father figure of Holocaust denial. He argued that the testimonies of those who had been in concentration camps were not reliable because they were, you know, they were Jews.
Starting point is 01:55:14 Seriously, they were Jews and Communists, you know, you can't fucking trust them. Uh huh. He'd also say that there was no systemic plan to eliminate the Jews, only a disorganization that occurred in camps. Once the tide turned against the Germans, World War II, he'd say the high mortality rate in concentration camps was due to the weakening of prisons and then only lights were gassed at Auschwitz. What did he say about all of Eisenhower's evidence?
Starting point is 01:55:38 Seems he was quiet on that front. He failed to address it. He was also staunchly anti-American. I imagine he would have just dismissed it like he dismissed information coming from Jews and Communists. Another father figure of Holocaust denial, French writer Paul Rosignet. Long time communists. Rosignet arrested on October 30, 1943 by members of the SD.
Starting point is 01:56:00 For 11 days, this stupid motherfucker wasn't interrogated. He got beat real bad, led to a broken jaw, crushed hand, ruptured kidney, that would affect him later in life. I was in the eight then deported to Germany and during a three day real transport and a January 30th, 1944 book involved. That concentration camp after three weeks in quarantine became prisoner number four, four, three, six, four, uh, transported again to, uh, dohrah where V one and v2 rockets were built in tunnels,
Starting point is 01:56:27 work conditions were terrible there hunger disease overwork exhaustion physical abuse resulted in a catastrophic death rate. Despite all that heat survive, then go on incredibly to claim to the Holocaust never fucking happened. April 7th 1945, he was evacuated from the doora on became what became a death train, and endlessly traveled the German rail network from one bomb down destination to another, no food, water, shelter. After several days of this, as the train ran to the bend
Starting point is 01:56:54 in spite of his terrible physical condition, he fucking jumped off. Thanks to the angle he escaped SS gun fire, American soldiers rescued him the next day, returned to France June 1945, awarded the ribbon of resistance, returned to a June 1945, awarded the ribbon of resistance, returned to a teaching post, but because of his physical condition, had to prematurely retire in 1950. Before that, 1948, Paul Rossignier, who had been at that point a history teacher for over
Starting point is 01:57:15 22 years, distressed to read stories about concentration camps and deportation that he claimed were true. As he later explained in one of his books, The live Ulysses, one day I realized that a false picture of the German camps had been created, and that the problem of the concentration camps was a universal one, not just one that could be disposed of by placing it on the doorstep of the national socialist. The deportees, many of whom were communists, have been largely responsible for leading international political thinking to such an erroneous conclusion. I suddenly felt that by remaining silent, I was accomplished with a dangerous influence. Rosny's first book, Crossing the Line, in 1949, an account of his experience in book involved, was an immediate critical and commercial success. He claimed that many of the brutality of the camp
Starting point is 01:57:57 were committed not by the SS, but by communist prisoners who took over the president, some kind of mafia, Let by communist prisoners who took over the president and some kind of mafia and they just ran shit. Rosnee blamed the high death rate on the camps. He saw on the communist corruption. Also Rosnee not Jewish. He wasn't placed the same prisoner category and wasn't marked for death the same way. And his testimony, even if 100% true, why the fuck would anyone give it more weight than the testimony of thousands of others who are also in these camps
Starting point is 01:58:30 saying the opposite thing, right? Numbers matter in situations like this. Now, Ross Nye's next book would take shit further. His second book, The Live Ulysses, A Glance at the Literature of Concentration Camp in Mates in 1950 caused a quite a bit of controversy. In it, he would describe his visits to Dachau and the Malthausen Concentration Camps, noting that in both places, he got contradict stories on how the gas chambers were supposed to have worked. This marked the first time that Paul Rosniag expressed doubts of the existence of gas chambers and the Nazi policy of extermination. While this caused massive controversy in France, led to Rosniag being essentially deplatformed,
Starting point is 01:59:02 it was huge hit with a lot of people in Germany. Yay, we didn't do that. Ha, I knewformed. It was a huge hit with a lot of people in Germany. Yay, we didn't do that. Ha, I knew it. It was all Jewish lies. In 1961, Ross Nei returned to his earlier themes with Ulysses betrayed by his own on anthology of the speeches he gave during the 12th city lecture tour of Germany built around the third edition of the lie.
Starting point is 01:59:21 This tour was sponsored by Carl Heinz Priester, a former SS officer, one time propaganda's for Joseph Gubbles. So perfect. Of course, that guy would love it. Then in 1964, with the drama of the European Jews, Rosignet came to the conclusion that there was never an extermination policy from Nazi Germany. Ironically, that fucking idiot died at the age of 61. His kidney is fucking failed. In the last few years of his life, why did his kidney fail? Because he got fucking beat by Nazis while in Booginwald. God, dude, that fucking Stockholm syndrome or something. His line
Starting point is 01:59:56 of reasoning also became popular in the US, or this line of reasoning immediately after the war. Back in the 1930s American historian Henry Elmer Barnes was a leading policy, leading advocate, excuse me, of isolationism. A policy that the US was not to get involved in World War II. And he considered Germany legitimate in bucking off the demands of the Treaty of Versailles. Then in 1939, Barnes published an article that claimed British diplomats Sir Robert Vanistart was scheming to commit aggression against Germany in the late 1930s. Vanistart then sued Barnes for libel.
Starting point is 02:00:30 In a letter to his friend Oswald Vajard, Barnes said that Vanistart's libel suit against him was the plot of the Jews and the anti-deformation league to intimidate American historians who proposed to tell the truth about the causes of the war. So, it sounds like maybe somebody had an anti-Semitic extra grind. 1940, the New York World Telegram newspaper dropped Barnes weekly column because of his anti-Semitic, you know, language. Barnes responded by saying that he was being forced out by conspiracy against him involving M16 intelligence services, House of Morgan, all of the Jewish
Starting point is 02:01:04 department store owners in New York City. Barnes alleged that the latter had threatened the publisher of the New York world telegram with the loss of all advertising if he kept me on any longer. A list of Barnes' writing self-published after 1945. Barnes later claimed that historical blackout covered up the real origins of World War II. That is 1947 pamphlet, the struggle against the historical blackout barrens claimed that court historians suppressed the fact that Hitler was the most reasonable leader in the world in 1939. In the same pamphlet, barrens claimed that as part of the alleged smear campaign that
Starting point is 02:01:37 had been committed against Germany, allied governments falsely charged Germany with responsibility for crimes never committed. In a letter to his friend Charles Tansel in 1950, Barnes described German foreign policy in 1939 as the most reasonable of them all. In 1953 essay revisionism and historical blackout, which appeared in Barnes' self published book, perpetual war for the perpetual peace, he wrote, it is no exaggeration to say that the American smearbund operating through newspaper editors and columnists, hatchet men, book reviewers, radio commentators, pressure group intrigue and espionage, excuse me, and academic pressures for in fears has accomplished about as much in the way of intimidating honest intellectuals in this country as Hitler,
Starting point is 02:02:19 Gubbles, Himmler, Likistoppo, and concentration camps were able to do a Nazi Germany. Everyone's in on it. It's big conspiracy, big Jewish conspiracy to suppress the truth. It was a sweet man who just sounded angry in speeches because of the natural harshness of the German language. In 1962 pamphlet, revisionism and brainwashing, Barnes claimed that there was a lack of any serious opposition, or concerted challenge to the atrocities stories and other modes of defamation of German national character and conduct. In 1963, Barnes self published another pamphlet, blasting the historical blackout, which claimed that even assuming that all the charges ever made by Nazis by everybody of reasonable
Starting point is 02:02:58 sanity and responsibility or truth, allies did not come off much if any better. Around this time, Barnes started to cite the French Holocaust and I called Rosignet, whom Barnes described as a distinguished French historian, who had exposed the exaggerations of the atrocity stories. Using Rosignet's source, Barnes claimed that Germany was the victim of aggression in both 1914 and 1939, and that the historical or that the Holocaust was just propaganded to justify aggression against Germany. Barnes claimed that in order to justify the Holocaust was just propaganda to justify aggression against Germany. Barnes claimed that in order to justify the horrors and evils of the Second World War
Starting point is 02:03:29 and the Allies made the Nazis the scapegoat by inventing the Holocaust wholesale. That's an interesting theory. Maybe I'll be into it if there wasn't so much fucking evidence to the contrary. Jewish concentration camp survivors in their 90s are still speaking of the horrors of these concentration camps. Why would they all still be lying? To what end? Why would many of them have the same fading Auschwitz tattoos? I mean, come on.
Starting point is 02:03:55 Holly Coste, heavily documented by so many people from so many different nations. Barnes, once highly regarded as his historian by the 1950s, he became the laughing stock, lost credibility, became a professional pariahiah and then he died in 1968. By that time there were numerous other deniers publishing the same old bullshit he spewed. 1976 Arthur Butts, a ten------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ or excuse me, of electrical engineering at Northwestern University published the hoax of the 20th century, the case against the presumed extermination of the European jury. Despite his colleagues protesting demanding that he be fired, tenure and academic freedom
Starting point is 02:04:36 have protected but to this day from dismissal, that elderly fucking moron is still a professor at Northwestern. If you want to grill him on his anti-Smitic leanings, his office phone number, I was able to track down his website. It's 847-491-3269. You can ask for Mr. Butts. 847-491-3269. You can email him butts-butz-b-u-t-z at e-c-e.northwestern to you. I bet he'd fucking love to hear from a lot of you
Starting point is 02:05:08 Colleim email him, you know, you know just just just to talk just to learn Just really you know say whatever you feel to him 1977 Britons David Irving who are going to be the most well-known Holocaust and I in the world wrote the sadly popular Hitler's world to be the most well known Holocaust and I in the world wrote the sadly popular Hitler's world. 1978 the American far right activist Willis Cardo found in the Institute for Historical Review an organization dedicated to publicly challenging the commonly accepted view of the Holocaust. 1980 the IH IHR promised a $50,000 reward to anyone who could prove the Jews were gassed
Starting point is 02:05:42 at Auschwitz. Then someone who was there fucking took him up on it Mel Mermalstein Check a checkborn Jew wrote a letter to the editors of Los Angeles Times, Sania proof the iHR wrote back Offering $50,000 for proof the Jews were in fact gassed at Auschwitz So Mel submitted a notarized account of his internment at Auschwitz So Mel submitted a notarized account of his internment at Auschwitz, how he personally witnessed Nazi guards ushering his own fucking mom and two sisters towards the gas chamber
Starting point is 02:06:11 number five. Mel was the only survivor of his family. Despite this, the IHR refused to pay the reward. Mel then went and fucking sued him and a judge ruled that IHR had to pay $90,000 to Mermelstein and issue a letter of apology to Mr. Mel Memorial Steen, the survivor of Auschwitz Burke and now and Buchenwald, and all other survivors of Auschwitz
Starting point is 02:06:33 for paying, anguish, and suffering cost to them. Fuckin' love it. But of course, the legal victory didn't put an end to Holocaust denial. 1997 Bradley R. Smith, former media director of the Institute for Historical Review, founded the committee for open debate on the Holocaust. In the US, Cotto has repeatedly attempted to place advertisements questioning whether the Holocaust happened, especially in college campus newspapers.
Starting point is 02:06:58 Reaching out to college students with Smith's big aim is he put it, I don't want to spend time with adults anymore. I want to go to students. They are superficial. They are empty vessels to be filled. What I wanted to do was I wanted to set four, three or four ideas of students might be interested in. Then my cause, I'm to think about
Starting point is 02:07:12 or have questions about these things. And I wanted to make it as simple as possible and set it up in a way that could not really be debated. Got something like this guy would have been a fucking great Hitler youth recruiter. One of the most famous instances of Holocaust denial came from a man named Ernest Zundel. Ernst Zundel. From much of the 20th, second half of the 20th century, Ernst Zundel turned out books, posters, and memorabilia denying the Holocaust from a ramshackle
Starting point is 02:07:37 Victorian house in central Toronto, Canada. Here's titles of the two most popular books. The Hitler we loved and why and UFOs not see secret weapons. So he seems super credible not even a little bit wacky. It'll Zundle will be will be convicted twice in 1995 and 1988 under Canadian law that criminalized false news That caused or was likely to cause harm to the public Zundle showed up in court wearing a hard hat in a bulletproof vest claiming to be a victim of the conspiracy to silence him. Fuck yeah. 1988 Fred, a lector of Maldon, Massachusetts was contacted on behalf of Zundle during his second trial.
Starting point is 02:08:16 Paid by Zundle, I think it's actually Lukter, Lukter visited the site of Auschwitz, Berk now, and the Majdanek, sorry, that one, I don't know the pronunciation of, Majdanek, Death Camps, upon returning to the US, he published a lengthy report which concluded the facility's examined could not have then been utilized or seriously considered to function as execution gas chambers. During this undil trial, however,
Starting point is 02:08:39 it became increasingly clear that something was wrong with the Lucter report. As it turned out, Mr. Lucter had no credentials as an engineer. In fact, he only had a bachelor's degree in history, fucking love it. I don't have any credibility when it comes to history either academically, which is why I employ one researcher from Princeton, another from Clemson, more importantly, why we include dozens of sources, sources that are written by highly accredited and educated historians. That's a good journalist, non-, nonprofit, nonpartisan think tanks, other noted academics, right? You can find the full notes, really more of a script that I
Starting point is 02:09:11 finalized before ever recording on the Time Soap. Tons of links in every episode. And those links don't take you to slander as douchebags like Ernst Zundle. Luke Ders bizarre explanation that anyone who went to college knew enough mathematics and science to be an engineer raised a lot of eyebrows. Judge Ronald Thomas listened to excerpts from the Luke to report, then castigated the author for his methodology, which he labeled preposterous. The judge is like, this is preposterous. Before ruling that, Luke Ders has no experience.
Starting point is 02:09:40 Luke Ders complete not a lack of credentials resulted in more than just embarrassment at this, uh, this under trial. Lutra, who had represented himself as an engineer and execution expert to various government agencies for years and died it by the state of Massachusetts for fraud. Faced with the possibility of jail time, he convicted. Lutra reached a pre-trial agreement with the court, which he admitted that he was not and had never been registered as a professional engineer. Although he had represented himself as an engineer, able to consult an area of engineering, admitted that he was not and had never been registered as a professional engineer. Although he'd represented himself as an engineer able to consult an areas of engineering, concerning execution technology, which was nonsense as part of an agreement.
Starting point is 02:10:13 Court agreement looked to agree to cease and desist from distribution of any more engineering reports. An analysis of the looked to report by professor George Wellers at Sorbonne University in Paris concluded lectures calculations to be an absurdity. One can see in many ways to what degree this expert chemist Wellers was unaware that Luchter had no degree in any science is operating outside the realities of the problem. Concluding the analysis, Wellers characterized Luchter's interpretation as false and absurd from start to end. So despite his embarrassment from both academic
Starting point is 02:10:49 as well as legal circles, luket didn't just go away. He took his dog and pony, deny her show to Germany, where he was arrested. A rest in October 1993, on charges of inciting racial hatred, he was then released on bail, allowed to return to the US, penning trial. He then refused to return to Germany for the trial and warrant for his rest still outstanding. Despite the exposure
Starting point is 02:11:09 of the self-styled engineer and his report is fraudulent, both he and Zundel still held in high esteem among Holocaust deniers, Holocaust revisionist truthers. Though Ernst Zundel's dead now, he died in August 2017. David Irving who I mentioned a bit ago He's still alive 84 year old Irving his twin brother Nicholas born and Hutton in Essex England their father John James Coddle Irving was a career naval officer and a commander in the world Navy their mother barrel Irving Illustrator and writer of children's books Despite seeming to have awesome parents. You would turn out to be a real piece of shit Actually, maybe both his parents weren't totally awesome. His dad, maybe not the best father, not for a while. During World War II, John was an officer aboard the light cruiser HMS Edinburgh
Starting point is 02:11:55 on August, April 30, 1942. The ship was badly damaged by a German submarine that attacked by air. Now beyond recovery, the ship was abandoned. And though John survived, he severed all ties with his wife and kids after the incident. So weird. Weird that David's later actions, or maybe David later actions are a rejection of the war that cost him his debt. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:12:17 According to his brother Nicholas, David was a prankster as a kid. Depend on your definition of a prank. Nicholas said, David, you should run towards bombed out housings or bombed out houses, shouting, Hyl Hitler. What a classic gag. So funny.
Starting point is 02:12:31 What a funny guy. David would later deny that. He went on to study physics for a year at Imperial College in London, then dropped out with enough money to attend for a second year. He would try again at the University College in London and economics, political science, and then drop out again. What? Holocaust and I are two time college dropout, who would have guessed? While he was going to school, David became the editor of
Starting point is 02:12:54 Carnival Times, a student magazine, where he added a secret supplement, the contained an article in which he called Hiller the greatest unifying force Europe is known. There was also another article where he wrote that the British press was controlled by the Jews. They've then tried to join the Royal Air Force, but deemed medically unfit. What? A two-time college dropout and the Air Force didn't want it. I'm surprised. Such a big Hitler fan wasn't the cream of the crop. After that, he left for West Germany where he worked as a steel worker, learned German, then went to Spain, worked as a clerk at an airbase. His first book, The Destruction of Dresden, was an examination of the Allied bombing of Dresden in February 1945. Now attempting to reconcile with whether
Starting point is 02:13:34 or not bombing German civilians is ethical, people in the UK went out and drove to buy the book, making it a best seller. Fuck! Now he's the best selling author. So, I was hoping his backstory would just be a steady stream, another but failure. But I guess if that was true, how would he become a well-known Holocaust anir? In his first edition, Irving's estimates for the number of civilian deaths in Dresden was between 100,000 and 250,000, notably higher than most previously published figures. And these figures were quite simply just not true. A book being a bestsell doesn't mean it isn't also a big bundle of lies. He based his estimates on the word of one dude who provided no supporting documentation. Use
Starting point is 02:14:12 a document forwarded by Joseph Gubbles, literal Nazi propagandists, didn't check any of his sources against any other claims. His one witness was not a military historian or even his story at all. He was a urologist who he identified as Dresden's deputy chief medical officer. And this doctor later complained about being misidentified by David Irving and said that he he was just repeating some rumor. He heard as to me in the death doll. So nice, right? Fuck yeah. His one important source went on record basically saying I don't know the fuck I'm talking about some dude You said some shit to me and I pass that shit along to fucking David dealing. I don't know
Starting point is 02:14:51 According to an investigation by Dresden City Council in 2008 casualties of Dresden estimated to be around 25,000 dead But Irving's claim made it seem like the allies have been far more cavalier with collateral damage in this instance Maybe displaying cruelty on par with holocaust, which is not true. Terrible logic, even if it was true, right? Even if allies had killed well, you know, between, I don't know, 10, 20 million innocent people like Nazis did, even if they killed a fucking 100 million innocent people, that still wouldn't make the holocaust less evil. I understand the concept of two wrongs don't make a right.
Starting point is 02:15:26 I feel like I understood it when I was in grade school. David seems unable to grasp it. So what actually happened in Dresden February 13th 1945, the Allies began a massive three-day bombing attack. 800 bomber raids dropped some 27,000 tons of explosives and incendiaries decimated the German city. When the German Luftwaffe destroyed anti-aircraft defenses when shambles, the Royal Air Force lost only six planes. On the ground whoever thousands of small fires, merging to a powerful firestorm created such powerful winds that it sucked oxygen, fuel, broken structures, innocent people into its flames. It was fucking terrible. No doubt about it. Massive atrocity. But again, not the
Starting point is 02:16:05 Holocaust. It wasn't done with the intention of only killing innocent people and on racial grounds, no less. The bombings happened because Dresden was a major center for Nazi Germany's rail and road network. If the Allies clogged up those transportation networks, it would greatly hinder the Nazi war machine that was killing a couple of million innocent people a year when you count ethnic sloths, POWs, etc. It was also carried out to terrify German civilians in order to break the propaganda machine that had been telling them for years that Nazi Germany was invincible. In the end, dead German civilians numbered around yet 25,000. Irving ran with the claim that Dresden was a historical abnormality. He would claim in the destruction of Dresden that the bombing
Starting point is 02:16:42 was the biggest single massacre in European history. They Hiroshima of Germany, but that wasn't close to the truth. By the late 1980s, Irving had placed himself outside the mainstream study of history, and began to turn from soft core to hardcore Holocaust denial. Now he argued Hitler didn't know about the extermination of Jews, or that if he did, he opposed it, which we know is nuts. Right? We talked about that before. You know, if we need another reminder about what Hitler knew, this is what Hitler wrote about Jewish people in mind calm for at least about how he felt about Jewish people,
Starting point is 02:17:14 another reminder, published way back in 1925. I will read it to the only music that I feel is really fitting for a passage like this. This satanic joy in his face, the blackhead Jewish youth looks and vates for the unsuspecting girl, whom he defiled with his blood, that stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundation of the people, he is set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls,
Starting point is 02:17:46 he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. For racially pure people, which is confidence, conscience of its blood can never be enslaved by the Jew. In this world, he will forever be master over bastards and bastards alone. And so he tries systematically to lower the racial level by a continuous poisoning of individuals. Culturally he contaminates
Starting point is 02:18:09 art, literature, and theater, makes a mockery of natural feeling. All withdraws all concepts of beauty and sublimity of the noble and the good, and instead drags men down into the sphere of his own based nature. But anyway, back to David Irving, though he would publish several books and sell way too many of them, he would also be challenged by others who wanted to see the truth prevail. In 1993, Deborah Lidstatt wrote a book called
Starting point is 02:18:34 Denying the Holocaust, which sharply criticized Holocaust deniers, especially Irving. In the book, Lips.named Irving has one of the more dangerous deniers because he was a published author. And viewed by some as a legitimate military historian, even though he wasn't. He was familiar with historical evidence she wrote and bends it until it conforms with his ideological
Starting point is 02:18:51 leanings and political agenda. In 1996 David Irving would sue Lips.4 libel. Even though Irving had made so many claims including one that more women died in the backseat of Edward Kennedy's car than ever died in the gas chamber of Auschwitz. He claimed Lipsdats book damage his reputation. American historian Christopher Browning would come on as one of Lipsdats' witnesses, writing a comprehensive essay for the court to detail all the evidence that the Holocaust had taken place. Another historian at a Cambridge University, Richard Evans, was spent two years examining
Starting point is 02:19:22 Irving's writings showing how he'd made misrepresentations, including knowingly forging documents. After two months trial in London, the trial judge, Justice Charles Gray issued a 333-page ruling against Irving, referring to him as a Holocaust anyer and right-wing pro-Nazi a polemicist. Later, courts would give similar rulings. In 2022, the United Nations even adopted the resolution aimed at combating holocaust denial and anti-Semitism resolution was proposed by Germany and Israel To this day holocaust survivors and the families continue to raise awareness about how well documented the holocaust was
Starting point is 02:19:56 You can find 10 to thousands a first 10 videotape accounts just at the USC show a foundation's website You could spend months listening to documented accounts of people who witness Hitler's racial destruction, people who lost their families and Nazi death camps, people who lived and Nazi death camps. Archives are amazing. So important. Holocaust survivor, Nobel Peace winner, Ely Weasel, Wezel during 1999 discussion at the White House of Washington DC,
Starting point is 02:20:25 called the Holocaust the most documented tragedy in recorded history. Never before, as a tragedy, listed so much witness from the victims, from the killers. Sorry, my voice is just dying. From the victims and even from the bystanders, millions of pieces here in the museum,
Starting point is 02:20:41 what you have, all of the museums, archives in the thousands and the millions. Incredibly even former Nazis have spoken out against denial. Hans Munch, an Auschwitz physician, consider the facts of the Holocaust so firmly determined that one cannot have any doubt. Describe those who negate what happened as malevolent. A man whose job it was to handle Zyklan B, a substance to kill thousands, right? Joseph Kerr said anyone who Maintains that nobody was gasped out Schwitz is crazy or wrong Another Nazi Oswald Caduc said he did not consider those who maintain such police as normal people One Nazi Oscar Growning
Starting point is 02:21:19 Would even address Holocaust and I was directly saying I would like you to believe me. I saw the gas chambers I saw the crematorium. I saw the open flames. I was on the ramp when the selections took place. I would like you to believe that these atrocities happened because I was there, straight from the mouths of Nazis, right? But hey, as we've learned with many conspiracy here, let the flat earth conspiracy, hollow earth, pizza gate, QAnon where there's a wilderness away. If people want to believe in something about how fucking stupid it is, no matter how hard it flies in the face of reason and sanity, they'll just believe it. Evidence is a revelant, right? The true hardcore conspiratorial mind, cognitive dissonance is strong. Now, since we've covered the big two
Starting point is 02:21:58 ways that Germany and Holocaust and the Arizona airs have thought about the Holocaust, let's recap the Holocaust. As we we learned so much of these past two episodes, right? Or as we've learned, once he became Chancellor of Germany, Hitler began a systematic campaign to strip Jews of their property and their jobs in academia, their judiciary, the military, and the civil service. Synagogues defiled and burned. Jewish businesses boycotted or shut down. The Nuremberg laws 1935 then denied Jews, their German citizenship, for Bay Jews to marry non-Jews and took away most their political rights. Jews became
Starting point is 02:22:30 scapegoats for everything awful that had happened to Germany over the previous several decades, inflation, economic depression, the loss of World War I, the punitive treaty of Versailles, this radicalization culminated in a plan that Nazi leaders referred to as the final solution to the Jewish question. The final solution was the organized systematic murder of European Jews, Nazi German regime implemented this genocide between 1941, 1945, killing six million Jews and five million others, one method of execution, mass shooting, at least five million others. German units carried out mass shootings on the outskirts of village of Stauern, cities throughout Eastern Europe. The other method was asphyxiation with poison gas.
Starting point is 02:23:06 Gas and operations conducted at killing centers and with mobile gas fans. Well, if you're six million Jews killed, simply because not to Germany, deem them unworthy of life. Today, many of the dwindling number of victims of the Holocaust were still alive, continue to share their stories. I hope you're lucky enough to hear some of them firsthand. You can at least find other testimony on YouTube elsewhere. You can visit many of the former concentration camps. Now many of them function in museums, memorials.
Starting point is 02:23:30 Today Auschwitz is a museum recalling the evil that humans are capable of and flicked in on one another. I hope I can visit it someday. I've never been to Germany. Tour groups quietly shuffle from an exhibit holding two tons of hair shaped from the victims of gas chambers two tons To the empty field where the gas chambers once stood and blazing on the gates is a slogan never again
Starting point is 02:23:52 You know what many have taken to mean is a rallying cry against genocide in general a phrase The reminds the world not to stand highly by while people are suffering at the hands of their own government Luckily the government of Germany would also after time a chaos and chaos and uncertainty, step into reconciled with their history after the Allies began that work. The Nuremberg trials would hold Nazi officials accountable, broadcast to millions of people, showed that these men had orchestrated millions of murders, and the trial of Adolf Eichmann would leave philosopher Hannah Erant to dub the term, banality of evil, meaning that every day, evilness, meaning the, the every day evilness of otherwise intelligent capable, actually seemingly decent people in many ways, who just don't think critically about their
Starting point is 02:24:30 world and their actions. West Germany would make reparations to Israel, past laws, making it legal to deny the Holocaust, promote Nazism, then after reunification with each Germany, the state would formally apologize for its actions during World War 2 and the Holocaust. Many memorials in museums stand tribute to the victims of the Holocaust and Germany across Europe. Unfortunately, despite so much evidence, there are still those that deny that the Holocaust ever took place, or that it was a deliberate murder of Jews and other minorities. There are many in Germany today that think the Holocaust shouldn't be discussed so much.
Starting point is 02:25:03 There are those who think, you know, Germany's apologized enough. Reminds me of lawmakers in several US state houses that have been trying for the past few years to keep teachers from properly teaching about how slavery was integral to America's founding, right? They feel that it's too divisive. Makes white kids feel too bad about their heritage. Those lawmakers are fucking idiots.
Starting point is 02:25:23 Understanding the sins of your ancestors, being punished for them today, two different things. Outside the arrest of, you know, a few remaining Nazis, almost no one is trying to punish modern Germans for the sins of their Nazi forefathers. Almost no one's trying to punish modern white people for the sins of slavery. Acknowledgement, atonement, is not punishment. Acknowledgement, atonement, is a wonderful thing, at least a healing, it prevents denial, and it decreases the odds that will repeat the sins of the past.
Starting point is 02:25:50 Those lawmakers need to learn some fucking lessons in empathy. Or maybe they know those lessons, and they're just pushing for what they're pushing for because they know it'll play well to their bases. Why try and inspire people to be better when you can play to their worst instincts? Maybe a win in election. Fucking politicians, there's some good ones. But overall, I might rather hang out with a bunch of serial killers, more than politicians. At least I know where the serial killers stand. Historians, holocaust survivors, governments, still trying to combat holocaust in aisle today. Still fighting people, often, you know, posing
Starting point is 02:26:24 as legitimate historians like David Irving, using fake prestigious, true third types to advance hateful and prejudice messages. Right? Let's, let's fight that. Let's, let's fight those prejudices messages. We have so much information out there on the Holocaust. It's so fucking documented. If you don't believe it happened, it's just because you don't want it. You can tell you're still, you have nothing in its juice, you're not racist, but you're lying. You're not extra curious. You just don't trust real history.
Starting point is 02:26:48 You don't trust real experts. That doesn't make you an independent thinker. A truth or a brave searcher for the real truth that makes you a fool, a clown. That's not quite right. I think it makes you a cut, a pathetic, atrocity to not an anti-Semitic, hateful cut. So maybe don't be a cut. Maybe help the rest of us try and make sure something like that doesn't ever happen again. Time now for today's top five takeaways.
Starting point is 02:27:13 Time, suck, top five takeaways. Number one, the Holocaust continues to be an important area for study. For everyone not just Germans or Jews to understand how prejudice works and how to identify, important reminder for assault to not allow a race or cultural group to be scapegoated for societal problems that are objectively not their fault. Good reminder of how ideas that claim to be scientific or rational
Starting point is 02:27:36 are sometimes mindless instruments of hate, reminder how we need to think critically about the systems we live and operate in. Number two, the process of getting Germany to reconcile with the Holocaust, not a straightforward one. Though Germany now credited with being one of the most tolerant progressive governments, the initial days after World World War II marked by chaos, perhaps even an increase in hatred and violence, many Germans now saw themselves as true victims. However, the Allies Actions, coupled with some individual activists,
Starting point is 02:28:02 created an atmosphere to allow for acceptance, atonement, apology, and healing. And Germany continues to deal with the dark legacy of the Nazis, with thought-provoking monuments, and the prosecution of Nazis today, some of them who are now over 100 years old. Number three, Holocaust and Isles, the belief that the Holocaust never happened, or it wasn't sanction sanctioned or it happened very differently from historical accounts. These, you know, positations try to point out factual inaccuracies, but actually just make up fake numbers and fake witnesses to pedal hate and bigotry. So, fuck you, David Irving. Number four, Hannah, Aaron, coined the term Benality of Evil to describe the trial of Adolf Eichmann, the man who, uh, and, you know, charged it all at cost, who seemed to everyone watching a trial more like a sad Was he kind of guy than some menacing evil monster?
Starting point is 02:28:50 Seems like there was no way a bunch of ordinary kind of dumb regular bureaucrats could do something so evil But Hannah said this was precisely what was wrong with our vision of evil Evil's not a monster looking somewhere in the woods. It's an ordinary person He doesn't think critically about the evil shit they're being asked to do. So think critically meets acts. Don't be any kind of evil, not even the boring kind. Number five, new info. Where the fuck was my dad in the 1930s and 1940s?
Starting point is 02:29:17 Is he responsible for the hollet cost? I mean, he says he wasn't born yet, but anyone can forge a personificate. I don't know. I'm not great with guessing ages. Maybe like he says he's 68 or maybe he's 98 and he's got 30 extra years of secrets he's hiding. So many mysteries with that slippery son of a bitch. Real new info now. Putin has said he's de-notifying Ukraine, right? What does that mean? February of 2022 resident,
Starting point is 02:29:42 you know, or Russian president, resident, Russian president, Vladimir Putin, invoked World War II to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine, saying and televised remarks that is offensive aimed to de-naughtify the country, whose democratically elected president just remind everyone, uh, is Jewish, both parents, and he's, uh, someone who actually lost relatives in the Holocaust. So probably not a big Nazi guy just guessing Putin said The purpose of this operation is to protect people who for eight years now have been facing humiliation and Genocide perpetuated by a key of regime
Starting point is 02:30:17 To this end we will seek to demilitarize and denounce a fire Ukraine as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians Including against citizens of Russian Federation rise and denounce a fire Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of Russian Federation. Also, I, Vladimir Putin, son of Vladimir, Russia's strongest pony boy, will soon be releasing another hot banger that I wrote on all streaming platforms and the money will proceed will go to denazify Ukraine. I call this next song that I write and sing by myself Desperado. Desperado, why don't you come to senses? Never come to senses. You just keep out there writing your fences for so long now.
Starting point is 02:31:08 There's so much fences. You're a hard one. I know you got your reasons. I know I get it. I really do. These things that are pleasing you can... they can hurt you somehow Don't you draw the queen of diamond boy Don't do that, so be your heart and she's able You know she's queen of hearts It's always best to bet nothing to me. You know? Some fine things have been laid upon your table.
Starting point is 02:31:52 You got nice table, but you're the only one who wants. But you can't get nasty cranes, but you keep trying. This be rattle, oh you ain't getting any younger But you're still strong pound boy, you're painting your hunger They're driving you home probably back to russian war because you will lose that again But no, I went I went freedom That just people talking You know you people to you in the prison
Starting point is 02:32:29 of a Jewish-wise, God damn it. Desperado, don't get your feet snuck cold in winter. You get it, you get it. Putin's Russian invasion of Ukraine is language of denocification as perceived pretext for it. Quickly drew backlash from many world leaders on lurkers and experts. It's totally complete bullshit. Part of the broader pattern of Russian propaganda, we learned about a few episodes back.
Starting point is 02:32:57 Frequently painted Ukraine's elected leaders as Nazis and fascists, oppressing local ethnic Russians that it claims needs to be liberated. Neo-Nazi far right xenophobic groups do exist in Ukraine like they do in pretty much every you know, other western and European country, including Russia, but they're not a state apparatus. They have no influence in the government. They're just some random dickheads who happen to live there. In response to Putin's accusations, Ukraine's official Twitter account posted a cartoon
Starting point is 02:33:21 of Putin and Hitler gazing lovingly into one another's eyes writing that this is not a meme, but hour in your reality right now. Got a fucking love you, Crane. Hail you, Crane. Tough motherfuckers and good sense of humor. The US Holocaust Memorial Museum among others has said Putin has misrepresented and misappropriated Holocaust history. Lengthy list of historians, right? We talked about this in the Putin episode. Signed a letter condemning the Russian government's line of thinking. Post's a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,
Starting point is 02:34:01 very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, and the equation of the Ukrainian state with Nazi regime to justify its unprovoked aggression. This rhetoric is factually wrong, morally repugnant, deeply offensive to the memory of millions of victims of Nazism, and those who courageously fought against it, including Russian and Ukrainian soldiers of the Red Army. We do not idealize the Ukrainian state and society like any other country. It has right-wing extremists and violent xenophobic groups. Ukraine also ought to better confront the darker chapters of its painful and complicated history, yet none of this justifies the Russian aggression and gross mischaracterization of Ukraine. So another example of just how important it is to learn about real history. So we don't get tricked by people who make up fake history. Time shut. Top five takeaways. history. The Holocaust, two of two, Fallout Atonement, and denial has been sucked. Barely. Meet sex. Man,
Starting point is 02:34:52 my fucking body is working against me. COVID, fuck me out this week. I'm about five days out, six days out from getting it, and thought like my voice would hold for a couple hours, but not so much, but hopefully it's listenable. Thank you to Space Lizards for choosing such an important topic. I felt like I was back in school these past two weeks in the best of ways. Thanks to the Bad Magic Productions team, thanks to Queen of Bad Magic Lindsey Cummins,
Starting point is 02:35:15 thanks to Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley for having to do a lot of production on this one. A lot of stop down, a lot of tea drinking. Thanks to Bitelixer for upkeep on the Time Suck app, Logan Art Warlock Keith, creating the merch, badmagicmerch.com, running socials with Lizzy and Chantras or Nandes. Thanks to Sophie Evans for more initial research this week.
Starting point is 02:35:34 Thanks to the All-See and Eyes, moderating the cold to curious private Facebook page. Thanks to Becky, Jesse, the Mod Squad. Now making sure Discord keeps running smooth. And Reverend Dr. Joe, co-host of his new new show, Candy Don't, as well doing that. Next week, taking a break from genocide, serial killing and a ruthless Russian dictator to get weird and silly again with another cult, cult, cult episode. Ever since I watched a Netflix docu-series, a couple years ago called Wild Wild Country,
Starting point is 02:36:01 I wanted to suck the Raj Nish Purim Antelope Oregon cult, also called the Raj Nish cult. Imagine your resident of a small ranch in town middle of nowhere, you move from the city to live a quiet piece of life, you know all your neighbors, only about 50 of them, you are the town cafe, excuse me, 10 church on Sunday, life's predictable, no surprises. One day you read the news and see that a religious leader in India has purchased a massive ranch near your town. Sound strange, but you put it out of your mind until the first wave of people dressed in crimson clothing shows up, they tell you they're the followers of the Bhagwan Rajneesh, they just want to farm the land. More and more of them keep coming, bring in strange ideas, practices, don't fit in
Starting point is 02:36:41 with the ideals of small town America. They worship a man who claims that religion has no meaning. They have wild sex parties. They violently assault each other during what is supposed to be meditation sessions. They start to encroach upon your town a little bit by a little bit. Tell the streets it used to be empty or now full of people dressed in red, the Rajneeshis. 1901 residents of the tiny roughly 50% town of Anilope, Oregon suddenly had a whole bunch of new neighbors. Right? Bhagwan, Sri, Rajneesh, and his cult of Sinesans,
Starting point is 02:37:10 fled India, purchased a ranch down the middle of rural Oregon, claiming they wanted to farm a land, live in peace, but that wasn't exactly true. What Rajneesh really wanted to do was essentially form a new nation inside of an existing nation. Wanted to build a city that would serve as a haven for an eventual 100,000 followers to worship him.
Starting point is 02:37:26 He and his people terrified. People on the analogue. Bhagwan preached a new religion, that rejects religion. The idea of a new man not bound by rules, but living in harmony with himself in the world claimed he was enlightened. And if he followed his ways, you could be enlightened too. One of his most famous quotes is, I'm here to seduce you into a love of life to help you become a little more poetic,
Starting point is 02:37:48 to help you die to the mundane and to the ordinary, so the extraordinary explodes in your life. And, uh, well, a lot of shit happened that I'm going to save my voice for on this preview and just, uh, next week, hopefully my voice is full strength
Starting point is 02:38:03 and you're going to hear a cult, cult, cult episode right now that you used last in my voice today for this week's Time Sucker Updates. Start off with no surprises, a Holocaust update, an anonymous night shift, nurse rights, greetings all you beautiful sexy meat sex. Praise be to Nimrod and master-profit Mochemouth, glory hole to the curvaceous Lucifina, hail triple M and good boy-boy-boy jangles. Although I'm about 80% sure,
Starting point is 02:38:33 what jangles is not a real duck. Got a holocaust update, holocaust update for y'all. I'm a nurse and have been in this god-awful, back-breaking, varicose vein-starting, tear-jerking, soul-sucking profession for a little over a a decade Seeing a lot of shit that'll make you actively lose hope in humanity But sometimes semi-colon I get to meet unbelievable people with unimaginable stories About eight nine years ago at a nursing home. I worked in we had an admission for a female resident The nurse it was supposed to take over the assessment and inventory was swamped ask me if I could lend a hand
Starting point is 02:39:01 I walked into her room a 250 pound bearded man full of tattoos and one in stretched ears And I started asking some basic info while performing my assessment We started some chit chat small talk about the weather and shit At a certain point she points to a guillotine on my arm and says I like your tattoos I chuckled the fact that this was the one she liked I Feel like we developed a good rapport. She seemed comfortable with me. So I say, oh yeah, me too. What about you? You got any ink? She just keeps looking at me almost like she didn't hear me. Then she looks down, lifts her arm out from under the covers. And she says, they gave me this back in Germany. It was her fucking number from Auschwitz. I was shook to my very
Starting point is 02:39:40 core. I had never met a Holocaust survivor. I had so many questions, but so curious, but reading the situation didn't want to bombard her with questions seen as this is very obviously a sensitive fucking subject. She went on over the next few days to tell me more and more about her life in Germany, what her school is like, what her family was like, how she had many cats and dogs, etc. I could tell she was warming up to me in fashion time. I admit, even though we should treat all patients equally, I couldn't help but give her more attention. I mean, fucking hell't help but give her more attention. I mean, fucking hell. She survived the Nazi death machine.
Starting point is 02:40:09 I gathered up the nerve one day, Astro was life was like during the crazy days of World War II. I felt weird asking it, but a firsthand account from a concentration camp survivor, I had to ask, I said, what was life back then? Or what was life like back then? Astro timidly and softly. She replied, life, we were not living. There was no life back then for people like us.
Starting point is 02:40:30 Every day was death. Always wondering if today is going to be your last. After that, she started telling me more. I couldn't believe hearing her stories from the camp she was in, heart breaking, knowing that that kind of evil resides in the hearts and twisted minds of men. I'll never forget her,
Starting point is 02:40:44 even though the time we spent together was brief, I think about her the more all these years later. It blows my mind, boils my blood, hearing shit that Holocaust and I are sick. Anyways, love you guys from the very tip of my penis. As a creepy space, those are dummy love all the shows and new one soon. Three and a half stars wouldn't change the things, suck my dick Logan, how will I be Lindsay's name? Doose's space, those other winning doubt, freak them out. Well, what a perfect update. Anonymous night nurse, that must have been so intense. What do they think they carry for decades?
Starting point is 02:41:14 Not just the memories of all that you endured, but the actual tattoo to see it day in and day out, a scarlet letter for a sin that wasn't a sin. I'd give her more attention too. Man, after all this she went through. Fuck, holy shit. How awesome she spoke to you about it. I wonder how many saw her tattoo over the years
Starting point is 02:41:32 and you know, asked her questions, how many she spoke with. One of you prevented anyone or multiple people from becoming more Holocaust than I was. Thanks for sharing her story. So more, you know, people can hear a bit of what you heard. Now for another Holocaust update, from Sweet Sac, Meshaila Peterson. I'm not sure you know this, but your name very similar to Masha Allah, Masha Allah, an Arabic phrase used to express a feeling of awe
Starting point is 02:41:57 or beauty regarding an event or person that was just mentioned. Anyway, Meshaila writes, hi, Dan, everyone, three three and three out of five stars wouldn't change a thing. Just wanted to give some info and name you mentioned in part one. After reading her book so many times, even doing my research papers for finals on her book and other twins that suffered at the hands of Dr. Mengla, Eva Moses Kor has an insane story. Her book is called Surviving the Angel of Death, in which she outlines experiments herner twin sister went through. I won't tell too much. I won't tell too much of this book is her
Starting point is 02:42:31 story to tell, but the amazing Mead Sack ended up founding the Candles Holocaust Museum and Education Center. Candles is an acronym for Children of Auschwitz Nazi deadly lab experiment survivors. They have been destroyed by an arsonist rebuilt by this crazy meat sack. I feel like I've mentioned it before. Anyway, also she gave a speech about forgiving but never forgetting for what happened in teaching others that philosophy. Holy cows was way longer than I wanted it to be, but I had to spread the word about this undertalked and wicked meat sack. Hail Nimrod, praiseable jangles.
Starting point is 02:43:00 Thanks, Meshaila. We yes, thank you. Yes, Eva Moses core, amazing meat sack. she passed away in 2019 to age 85, her twin sister Miriam died in 1993, age 59, and how the f**king sad that that museum was burned, but how wonderful that she let the charge to have it rebuilt. To hate Jewish people so much, to be so ignorant you want to burn a museum of theirs. What a horrible place you've allowed your mind and heart to descend to. What a sad way to go through this life with that much nonsensical anger and
Starting point is 02:43:32 ignorance. Thanks for sharing that message. Now world traveling sack Jack Jones gives us another Nazi update. He writes, hey, Dan, love the show. As always, after hearing what will be covered next week, I thought I'd write in in part, uh, head apart to, giving an interesting bit of history related to Nazi and collaborator executions post World War Two. Half my family's Danish and as a result, it's uh, somewhere I desperately wanted to travel. Finally got that chance in 2017 when I traveled to Scandinavia. Good amount of my time was spent in Copenhagen during which time I visited, I visited
Starting point is 02:44:06 Go to my time with spent in Copenhagen during which time I visited Christianity. What is Christianity? It's a decommissioned island, military base from World War II. That was taken over by Ann Arco, communist 1971, and until this day is recognized as a sovereign nation by the Danish government. Drug laws, taxation, other laws, regulations created by the Danish government don't exist for those who live there. I went there to buy some weed. Pretty cool, but that's not why I mentioned it. One of the reasons I wanted to go there was to see the remnants of what was called the shooting shed. The shooting
Starting point is 02:44:33 shed was a small building constructed on the base after the war ended during which time Denmark suspended their ban on capital punishment and executed 30 men, some captured Nazis and Danish collaborators. The floor of the shed was a concrete slab with the floor drain, and according to some accounts during the execution, it had to stop and clear the grate of the drain, because it was clogged with brains and skull fragments and blood pooling on the floor.
Starting point is 02:44:57 When we found what was left, just a concrete slab, with a drain, and I was able to take a picture on top of it. Gotta say, standing where some of the most evil bastards to ever walk the earth had their brains blown out was pretty damn satisfying and darkly fascinating. Anyway, just a cool personal connection to the topic. At hand, I thought you might enjoy it. It touched a picture of me, standing on the shed floor, even though I let go of these fucks that one of my favorite pics ever taken of me.
Starting point is 02:45:19 Hope you enjoy it. Keep on sucking. Jack Jones. Well, Jack, I got your pic. And I would have taken the same one. Fucking yeah, I mean, that is so fast and to stay in the exact spot on earth, we're not that long ago. So men who made some truly evil choices stood for the last time on earth. She like that makes history feel so extra alive, right? So much more than words on paper or a podcast in your year. What an interesting little island, right there in Copenhagen.
Starting point is 02:45:45 I hope I can visit someday. Seems like last few years they've gone back and forth as far as letting that experiment continue or shut it down. Thanks for sharing details of your visit. I wonder how many other Nazis were executed off the record in Europe, you know, after World War 2 as well. And now one more bit of comedy, some missed comedy from OG sucker Morgan McCaw, who writes, Ohoy Captain Whisklerhorn. I'm a bit late standing this in, but during the dating game killer suck, you talked about how that mom had a gun in her purse and would hold it for reassurance as that shitbag was on the stand.
Starting point is 02:46:17 When you mentioned the gun, I thought I was going to be important. Check off's gun. You don't mention a gun unless it's going to be used. I thought I was a seed for one of your misdirects. I was really expecting a point where Dana Krapa gets so frustratingly dumb that the mom pulls out the gun and blows her away. Missed opportunity. God damn it Morgan. That is so fucking funny to me. I wish I could go back in time and add that to that story. Yeah, truly a missed opportunity. I still think about Dana Krapa here and there can only imagine how frustrated various
Starting point is 02:46:43 prosecutors were Using the worst star witness I can recall ever hearing about So thanks for planting that vision on my head The victim's mom finally killing her and thanks for all the messages everyone for the show, you know once again Thanks time suckers. I need a net. We all did. Another bad magic production podcast in the bag just barely this week meets sex. Please don't pretend the Holocaust never happened. If you still don't think it happened, just keep on sucking until you learn the truth. Toss!
Starting point is 02:47:30 And magic productions! Desperado! Why can't you come to your senses? Why you spend so much time working on fences? Forget the fences! Just come and find the gates and come through the gates and free the Ukrainian people from all the Nazis that are, you know, I don't know, maybe they have something to do with the fences as well. I just know that there's a lot of offenses and Nazis and that's I'm trying to be the good guy and I just want you create let me love you I just tried to let somebody love you it's we all show love in different ways and I show mine to lots of missiles and stuff and I just I'm just a I'm just a strong pony boy that's brother just trying to do
Starting point is 02:48:23 the right thing with my cowboy hat and no shirt and lots of tight pegs and be strong for Russia. I hope you just understand the beauty.

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