Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 298 - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh: The Cult Leader Who Built a City in Oregon

Episode Date: May 30, 2022

Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. Such a good example of that with this week's episode. In 2018, I watched a fascinating docuseries on Netflix called Wild, Wild Country about a controversi...al guru building a utopian city in the Oregon desert. I thought about doing an episode about the Rajneeshees then, but I didn't want to be overly influenced by that one show. I'm glad I waited. More dirt on the cult has come to light in the years since, and we look into it today. Did Bhagwan Rajneesh really offer enlightenment to his followers? Did he really ever even care about enlightenment? Or was it all about getting rich and sex? Or was it about enlightenment AND getting rich AND sex? Bhagwan's messages often seem empowering and enlightened at quick glance, but looking deeper, there was always a lot of darkness inside the supposed utopia he was trying to build. Hope you like this one as much as I did. Bad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation:  The Bad Magic Charity for May is the HALO Dental Network. Founded by Dr. Brady Smith, HALO Dental Network is a coalition of dental professionals who donate their services to the dental underserved. Services include dental implants, veneers, fillings and crowns. If you want to learn more, please visit halodentalnetwork.orgNot only can you donate, you can also nominate someone you know who is in need. Thanks to those who helped us donate $14,300 this month! TICKETS FOR HOT WET BAD MAGIC SUMMER CAMP!  Go to www.badmagicmerch.comWatch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/284MH7vyYsYMerch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comDiscord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Imagine you're a resident of a small ranching town in the middle of nowhere. You moved away from the city to live a quiet peaceful life. You know literally all of your neighbors. There's only about 50 of you in total. You go to the town cafe every Saturday morning, the only cafe in town, and you grab some pancakes, bacon, eggs, hash browns, coffee, and the attend church on Sunday. Life is predictable, no surprises, and you like it that way. And then one day you read the news, and you see that a religious leader in India has purchased
Starting point is 00:00:28 an enormous ranch just outside your town. Sound strange? Something interesting to talk about? But then you put it out of your mind. Until the first wave of people dressed in crimson clothing show up. They tell you there are followers of Bhagwan Rajneesh, and they just want to farm the land. You're a little weird out. You've never seen people who dress like they do before in real life.
Starting point is 00:00:48 But you know, for the most part, they stick to stain on the ranch and you're not too bothered. But then more and more of them, just keep coming, bringing with them strange ideas and practices and don't fit in with the ideals of small town America that you're used to. You learn the worship of man who claims that religion has no meaning. You hear that they supposedly have wild sex parties and violently assault each other during what is supposed to be meditation sessions. Now you're thinking, who the hell are these people? Then they start to encroach upon your town bit by bit until the streets that used to be empty are now full of people dressed in red, the Raj Nishis. Then they start buying up vacant homes in
Starting point is 00:01:23 your little town. They buy that cafe. They replace the mayor and city council with their own people. They form their own police force. They change the name of your town. They change the name of the streets. They open up a vacant area to public nudity. Suddenly you feel like a stranger in your town because suddenly you are a stranger in your town. All of this really happened in the small town of Analope, Oregon, and not that long ago. It happened in the early 1980s. Bogwon Shri Rajneesh and his cult of Sandsanian fled India and purchased a ranch out in the middle of nowhere, initially claiming all they wanted to do was farm that land. But that wasn't true.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Rajneesh had something different in mind. He wanted to build his own city, a utopia that was to serve as a haven for an eventual 100,000 followers he hoped were going to live there. His ideas thrilled his followers, but they terrified the people of analogue and surrounding areas who had never seen anything like him before. Bhagwan was a revolutionary. That can't be denied. He touched millions of lives and his teachings continue to reach more souls today. He preached a message of a new religion that rejected religion, the idea of a new religion that rejected religion, the idea of a new man not bound to any rules, but living in harmony with himself in the world.
Starting point is 00:02:30 He claimed he was enlightened, and if you just follow his ways, you could be enlightened as well. One of Bhagwan Sri Roshnesha's most famous quotes is, I am here to seduce you into a love of life, to help you to become a little more poetic, to help you die to the mundane and to the ordinary so that the extraordinary explodes in your life. Sounds nice. Rajneesh taught his followers that the religions they grown up with no longer mattered, that
Starting point is 00:02:55 they had never mattered, that the path to true enlightenment included rejecting nearly everything they'd ever known and participating in dynamic meditations that would help them experience the divine. When the Rajneeshis moved to Oregon, they brought with them strange ideas that clash strongly with conservative American values. And many Oregonians wanted them gone. All right, they weren't shy about telling them or local journalists and reporters that they wanted them out.
Starting point is 00:03:18 But Bog one's followers led by his ruthless secretary and second command Sheila were determined to remain in their haven. Rajneesh Purim and to try and do so they engage in bioterror wiretapping voter fraud immigration fraud assault even attempted assassinations today we'll discuss bog one Rajneesh and his enlightened supposedly ideas how his following began in india the Rajneesh he battled with the people of anilob organ and bogwan and his peoples inevitable downfall in another cult, cult, cult edition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck. You're listening to Time Suck.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Happy Monday, meet sack. Cole to the curious has returned once more this week. I feel a pretty low energy still, a little foggy, but much better, much better. Hopefully, sounding much better than I did during my last recording. Hail, Neymar, thank you for guiding my research this week. Hail, Lucifina. Thanks for letting my wife Lindsay play sexy nurse to me this past week. Praiseable jangles and glory be to triple in.
Starting point is 00:04:28 A couple quick announcements. They were longer last week, so I'll get to them fast this week. Hope I had fun with some Springfield Missouri meat sacks this past weekend. Got me a walkie coming up this weekend. The improvs and Davenport, Iowa, Chicago Illinois, the following weekend. And then I'm just focused on family
Starting point is 00:04:42 and podcasting for the summer. Tour dates up at dandcomas.tv. And also, you can find me always for you to stay on Instagram, Facebook, at dandcomas.com, and you can find me on TikTok. And I don't even remember what my TikTok handle is. But I'll try and find it right now because we've had some videos.
Starting point is 00:04:59 We've been blown up on TikTok. What's going on? Oh, it's at dandcomas.com as well. I should remember that. Somebody picked up the income and all the social media places. Anyway, a real quick merch announcement. Time suck classic tea, hit in the Bad Magic store today. Very cool Coke-inspired logo variant on a vintage Heather Red Tea. It's very similar to Anola Coke-Pair-D-Teacher that I already own. Check it out at BadMagicMurch.com. Last reminder that the Bad Magic charity for May is the HaloDental Network. Founded by Dr. Brady Smith, HaloDental
Starting point is 00:05:29 Network is a coalition of dental professionals who donate their services to the dental under served. Services include dental implants, veneers, fillings, crowns, you want to learn more, go to HaloDentalNetwork.org. Okay, that's it. Since last week's announcements were longer, let's just be done with that shit and just get into this. [♪ INTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ A Bogwon Shree Rajneesh, controlled as followers, or set them free through a path of enlightenment,
Starting point is 00:06:01 depending on who you ask, how you look at it, by preaching about the concept of a new man, a truly awakened person who lived in harmony with their surroundings. Potential followers fell so in love with this kind of vague, nice, pleasant, sounding idea that they were willing to donate vast sums of money to Rajneesh and his organizations, sometimes give them all of their assets and money, and isolate themselves from their families and friends. Lewis Manza, chair and professor of psychology at Lebanon Valley College in Anville, Pennsylvania, perhaps a Louis Manza, spoke with Verge about how cult leaders like Bhagwan exert control over their followers.
Starting point is 00:06:36 We've covered this, you know, numerous times before this concept, but always nice to have a little refresher. And we haven't shared Professor Monz's perspective on this before. Monz teaches that cold leaders often employ either physical and psychological control, or both. Physical control can be isolation, strict rules, punishments for infractions.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Psychological control, often more powerful. Cold leaders often master how to form bonds with followers to establish a very strong level of trust. An unnaturally strong level of trust that allows them to encourage members to leave their old lives and fully immerse themselves in the cult. Once that powerful bond is established, the cult leader will manipulate followers by withholding love, affection, rewards, or community. For anyone who asks too many questions, disabays too many teachings. The ones who listen and obey are rewarded. It's really just some classic behaviorism being employed here, positive and negative reinforcement, right, behave well, be given what you so desperately crave, behave poorly, have what you so desperately
Starting point is 00:07:35 crave taken away from you. People who are experienced in a period of psychological instability sometimes described as a spiritual crisis or an existential crisis Sometimes you subscribe to doing some soul searching Or most vulnerable to being recruited into cults often feel like they're missing something important I love family sense of belonging even the very meaning of life Man's has said it's just the idea that someone needs some type of social connection I think it's one of the primary forces if they simply can't find a way on their own to fulfill that, and then someone comes along and says,
Starting point is 00:08:08 hey, we have this group, and you're welcome, join us. It can be a very subtle thing at first. If you want to get someone in, and you know how to manipulate people, it's fairly simple to do. You bring them in, you establish a relationship, and then you just start sucking them in more and more. And eventually, someone just crosses the line and they're in.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Hmm, sucking them in. What was he talking about? If you're lonely and you feel like you're on an island without a herd of like-minded people around you, meat sack, don't let that powerful and primal urge drive you into the arms of a dangerous cult leader. Instead, if you do a quick little search on Facebook, you can find our various time-soaked-based
Starting point is 00:08:40 private Facebook groups to join. You can join time-soaked to Discord channel. You can find the suck on Reddit, many of their places. So many episodes of Listen to you, you can join time sucks at discord channel You can find the suck on reddit many other places. There's so many episodes Listen to you can just sign up to patreon for you know additional weekly installments of a secret suck the time sucks in a circle but anyway Don't get sucked into a cult Unless of course it's the cult of the curious. That's totally different I haven't tried to fuck any members yet. I haven't claimed to be God's only true prophet or to know when the world's ending or how to avoid parishing when it does yet i don't
Starting point is 00:09:09 know uh... you know uh... how to achieve true enlightenment and i claim and i know that yet called called called uh... seriously rosh niches able to attract a large number of highly educated people news called uh... survey by the university of organ Psychology Department found that 64% of 700 followers of his they interviewed had college degrees. 81% came from white color families.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Rather than targeting the poor disillusioned and desperate, you know, people struggling to achieve any financial stability, he attracted many, excellent people who have been left feeling unfulfilled with their materialistic success. And we will learn this is no accident. He targeted people with money. He did not hide the fact that he enjoyed money. He specifically went after people with means.
Starting point is 00:09:56 This is actually not that uncommon in cults. Many have targeted single men and women from upper middle class or middle class backgrounds who have been taught through education to be open to new ideas and experiences. Rajneesh appealed to Westerners, particularly, because of his blend of humanistic psychology, the human potential movement that he risen out of the counter-tulture movement of the 60s and 70s that was popular in new age circles and Eastern mysticism. Let me explain each of these beliefs a bit, started with humanistic psychology. Humanistic psychology is fucking garbage and only complete idiots.
Starting point is 00:10:30 When I'd gravy slurping charlatans, believe it has any value whatsoever. I just felt like throwing out a little nonsensical oddly specific insult there. No, human psychology was a response when it was originated to Freudian psychology and behaviorism. Humanism defined very generally as the belief that humans are unique beings and should be recognized and treated as such by psychologists and psychiatrists. Right? What applies to one doesn't apply to all kind of thinking. Humanists are concerned with individual growth and improvement in the areas of love,
Starting point is 00:11:01 fulfillment, self-worth, autonomy. Right? It's different for each person how to how to achieve those. 20th century American psychologists Abraham Maslow, founding father of humanism, taught that humans should focus on self-actualization, which is going to look a little different for each person and achieving peak experiences. He establishes now famous hierarchy or pyramid of needs in 1943. Let me share these needs of his as I interpret them. Physiological needs. That lays at the bottom of the pyramid. I always like this pyramid when I studied
Starting point is 00:11:30 it many years ago. The need for air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat, shelter from the elements, sleep, clothing. These are the basic things you need not to thrive, but to simply just not die. Right? If these needs are not met, the rest of the pyramid, it doesn't fucking matter because you're not going to live long enough to fulfill any of their needs. Safety needs, that's the next level up on this pyramid. The ones you seek to fulfill after your very, very basic needs are met. These include the need for employment, if your financial needs are not provided to you, they need to own your own property, or at least rent your own space to have a place that is yours, access to health care,
Starting point is 00:12:04 access to law enforcement, to feel safe, or at least access to own space to have a place that is yours, access to healthcare, access to law enforcement to feel safe, or at least access to something you can use to protect yourself. If your physiological needs are then met or met, safety needs can be thought of as your ability to feel secure and not having those physiological needs constantly threatened. Love and belonging on the next level.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Say you have your own place, and a job that pays all your bills, you're no longer worried about where your next meal is coming from. Now you have the luxury of putting a lot of energy into friendships and or romance and spending more quality time with your family, or perhaps building out a family of your own. These relationships, of course, can and do exist on the first two levels, but you're not able to prioritize them the same way unless you're basic, physiological, and safety needs are met. Above the love and belonging level,
Starting point is 00:12:48 esteem, prestige, feelings of accomplishment, right? Say, you now have a measure of financial stability. You got friends, you got love. You're getting the sex. It was family, biological or otherwise. Now you had luxury of focusing really on the questions of, you know, what do I want to accomplish in this world? What legacy do I want to leave behind?
Starting point is 00:13:09 What kind of reputation do I want to have amongst my colleagues? And there's another level above that. The last level on the pyramid, that self-actualization. This is the one Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh claimed to be able to unlock for you, give you the fucking cheat code for. The one he told followers he could guide them into accomplishing. Gonna be a little different for every person.
Starting point is 00:13:27 It's the desire to fulfill one's true potential. Right, to be the most one can be, to be able to both identify and pursue one's utmost desires. It's no longer feel held back by the trappings of the day-to-day financial concerns, worries for security, worries for romantic love or family or friendship, even worry about reputation in some sense.
Starting point is 00:13:47 On this level, I said a chance to understand the nature of divinity or at least feel satisfied with not knowing. Self-actualization is about achieving true inner peace, waking up each day in a joyous state, thankful for another chance to bask in the glory of the living, to go to bed each night content with what the day and life has given you, your personal potentials fully realized after basic bodily and ego needs have been fulfilled if you're able to become fully self-actualized. Self-actualized.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Essentially, to reach the top of the pyramid is to know, you know, like true inner peace, to live in harmony with the world around you. Neither wanting nor needing anything else from it, other than what you already have. And it sounds pretty fucking great. Now I am chasing that more and more myself. Many of us chase it.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Some of us wanna be showing the path of this self actualization. How do we get there? Which could also be referred to as enlightenment more than others. And we'll give anything to someone we truly believe can show us that way. And Bhagavan Sri Rajnish,
Starting point is 00:14:43 right, he played into that big time. He claimed to be that person. Oh, I fucking gotcha. I gotcha, bro. Just come over here, over here. Just join my cult and here's the path. All right, the needs discussed in this tip of the pyramid, they're a little murkier than the needs
Starting point is 00:14:56 and the levels below them. More open to interpretation, more easy to be conned by someone trying to say they can give them to you. Right, Bogwon knew that. You can't trick someone into making them think they've been fed when they're starving or make them think they've been giving shelter when they're left out in the elements, satisfying the needs of the other levels. It's much more concrete.
Starting point is 00:15:15 It's harder to fake. But you can essentially hypnotize and brainwash someone into thinking that they have found their one true actualized purpose. You have shown them the way. By giving them some, you know, special role inside of your cult. Cult after cult has proven that you can't do this. And then when the cult falls apart and the members flung back into the world, they often quickly tumble back to the bottom of the fucking pyramid and realize they were never at the top.
Starting point is 00:15:39 They just let someone convince them. They were at the top. So that's that. That's a, so let's break down the human potential movement a bit now. The Estonian Institute founded in Big Sur, California, 1962 was the home of the human potential movement, phrase coined by Aldous Huxley. The human potential movement was another term for humanistic psychotherapies. It became popular in the 60s and 70s. Human potential focused on each person's individual growth rather than
Starting point is 00:16:05 forcing individuals to fit into society's standards. This movement highlighted similarities between cathartic therapies, peak experiences, and elements of Eastern religions. This movement also emphasized the development of individuals through encounter groups, sensitivity training, and primal therapy. Reminds me a bit of synonym when you really look into some of it, that weird therapy based cult, we talked about in the Yalon School suck. Remember them?
Starting point is 00:16:29 They loved unorthodox therapy sessions that often became pretty confrontational. There was a synonym game, a therapy session where one member would talk about themselves, reveal personal problems, that endure intense criticism by their peers and be mocked for their personal disclosures. The criticism they endured was often yelled,
Starting point is 00:16:47 frequently peppered with verbal abuse. And then the Elon school made this type of therapy even more abusive with their general meetings. Some poor fucking teen would have to disclose why they've been sent to Elon, you know, something possibly embarrassing to them, you know, accused of promiscuity, for example, and then they would be forced to endure
Starting point is 00:17:04 other teens taunting, screaming at them, calling them a horse slut, et cetera. Surprise, surprise, that type of abusive therapy, it didn't actually fucking help those kids, you know? Crazy, right? The encounter groups within the human potential movement overall, though, thankfully not abusive like that. And they're encounter groups, participants,
Starting point is 00:17:21 meet with the leader to increase self-awareness and social skills through emotional sharing and confrontation. But usually less abusive than when I just laid out again. And primotherapy was a form of humanistic therapy that originated in the 1970s. Participants were encouraged to relieve, relive, excuse me, painful events and release feelings through screaming or crying rather than analysis. Rajnish incorporated these methods into his famous dynamic meditation practices. And you can find videos of people doing this online.
Starting point is 00:17:51 You can find videos online of Rajnish. He just fucking made him screaming, crying, I mean like hysterically aggressively crying, laughing hysterically, rolling around on the floor in these dynamic meditation sessions. Maybe it helps some people. I don't think I can take it seriously. They're being encouraged by their session leaders, just to get it all out, just get it all out. Oh man, yeah, no, it does not look like my cup of tea.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I'll stick to good music, nature, trumps, occasional one on one counting sessions. The concept of the self is another main point of humanism. Individuals perceive the world according to their own experiences. And this perception affects their personality, leads them to direct their behaviors,
Starting point is 00:18:34 satisfy the needs of the self. And I like this, right? We're all a little bit different. Humanists also adopt an existential view. The end goal of satisfying the needs of the self is to seek out the meaning of life for oneself. When McCormack co-founder of Mother Jones magazine wrote an article for a new republic about how Bhagwan leaned on the human potential movement principles, writing the union of Western psychology and Eastern mysticism became a central goal for the human potential movement. And this
Starting point is 00:19:00 was precisely the area in which Bhagwan Sri Rajnis excelled at his so-called ashram in Puneh, India. He juxtaposed, wow, there we go, experimental avant-garde western therapies such as primal, gestalt, and encounter with classic Eastern meditations like Kundalini Yoga and Zazen, just as they were doing it, Esselam. In fact, Rajnis' ashram became known as Esselin East. And an ashram is an eastern term for like a monastery, hermitage, or just some other kind of place of religious retreat.
Starting point is 00:19:35 And Esselin, actually the Esselin Institute, is a retreat center and compound in Bixer, California, a place that played a big role in the human potential move in the 60s, established in 1962, that is still there. Still in operation, continues to offer classes in humanistic alternative education. Back in the 70s, when Bog Juan was gaining international popularity, despite the counterculture movement of the 60s, most Westerners were expected still to live a traditional life. Right, graduate high school.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Our college degree, get a job, get married, have kids, or 40 plus years. Then have your kids repeat the process that you just went through. But because the counterculture movement, many young people were still questioning everything. The government, religion, their parents, traditional ideals, they were still looking for answers to the meaning of life.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I guess every generation does that in their own way. For some, maybe it's the meaning of life is just to live, just to work. I don't know. Bog won't offer these answers. Going forward in today's stock, we're going to discuss the belief structures, rules, finances, daily life, and problems of the Rajneesh movement,
Starting point is 00:20:34 aka the Rajneesh cult, aka the Anilab organ cult. Then we're going to cover a timeline of the cult from its origin to the present day. And yes, in a less culty form, this belief system is very much still around today. So what is it? So what are the basics of Bogwuan's belief system? Well, he was most well known for his practice of dynamic meditation. We touched on that earlier. Let me more fully explain it now. The goal of dynamic meditation is to experience the divine. So pretty lofty goal. Right? I do it right. I don't know. Did you experience the divine? So pretty lofty goal. Right? Did I do it right? I don't know, did you experience
Starting point is 00:21:05 the divine? I don't think so. Well, then more practice, more crime, more screaming. Dynamic meditation can actually consist of several exercises. A former Raj Nishi described an account of how dynamic meditation typically worked in that Netflix documentary came out several years ago, Wild Wild Country. Everyone was blindfolded at first, dock you series, I guess. They practiced rigorous breathing and hyperventilation followed by screaming, then they put their hands above their head, jumped up and down, shouted, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo. The meditation ended by
Starting point is 00:21:35 everyone laying quietly on the ground. And people fucking loved it. Of course, they loved it the same way that people love a drug-fueled rave. Meditation, if I haven't said this before, I think I have, but I'm not sure, when done correctly combined with like chanting music, can cause your body to release chemicals that truly do get you high. Like you can even hallucinate off of meditation.
Starting point is 00:21:55 You can feel true euphoria. It replicates the same chemical processes in your brain that certain drugs do. Some of this new age shit, it essentially just teaches you how to, fucking get high without having to ingest actual drugs. The release of endorphins, dopamine, et cetera, and the body, and the body is similar to the effects of, you know, drugs like, you know, like Molly, or even like Shrooms. This natural high allows you to regulate your emotions,
Starting point is 00:22:16 better overcome distressing situations. So yeah, that's fucking appealing. Of course, it's appealing. You feel magical, you know, but you don't need all the dogma around it to feel magical. You can just go do that shit by yourself or get a bunch of friends together and do it and get the same shit. Or just, you know, do certain drugs. I saw a version of the Raj Nishi dynamic meditation in a vice-doc from a few years ago. Oh man, it's where a bunch of followers met in Toronto. A bunch of followers of Bogwans teachings.
Starting point is 00:22:44 And it's fucking wild again. German filmmaker Wolfgang, oh boy, double, double wonny, double wonny, maybe. Would have released footage of cult activities like these to the public back when the compound was still going strong and analog organ and it freaked those people out too. I secretly filmed one of the famed encounter groups at Osho, Rajnees' Oshram in Puna, India back in the late 70s. Osho, another name I'll explain at the one of the famed encounter groups at Osho, Rajneesh's, Osrum, in Puna, India back in the late 70s.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Osho, another name I'll explain at the end of the episode, and that Rajneesh, Bhagwan, would change his name to. The film showed extremely shocking and graphic footage of naked men, women screaming crying, rolling on the floor, wrestling, assaulting one another, sitting quietly, and also having some sort of dance party. Yeah, his groups got a little fucking wilder than a lot of other similar organizations.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Footage like this became, you know, very concerning to conservative Westerners in Oregon. Once the cult settled there, Oregonians, you know, were worried about a Raj Nishi take over like what the fuck are these people doing? Raj Nishi also taught that sex was the first step to achieve super consciousness. Teachings like that, not surprisingly, led to a lot of rumors that the Raj Nishis were a sex cult. And they kind of were. And in some ways, they were more than that, but more on some disturbing sex shit in a bit here. Bhagwan preached a lot of sexy ideas.
Starting point is 00:23:55 It came across to followers as new and exciting. He'd say things people weren't used to hearing from someone seen as a religious leader. He'd say, I am not special in any sense. I'm not claiming that I'm the son of God. I'm simply saying one thing that I was asleep. Now I'm awake. You are asleep and you can be awake also. I will go on trying to help people be awake. The awakened man will be the new man. He will not be Christian. He will not be Hindu. He will not be Mohammed.
Starting point is 00:24:21 He will not be Indian. He will not be German, he will not be English, he will simply be an awakened being. I gotta say, out of all the religious co-liters messages we've covered so far, I might like this sales pitch the best, has a very team-meet-sack vibe to it. Much better pitch than the world is full of horrible, horrible sin in sinners and God's wrath is coming soon and if you want to survive the apocalypse, you must do as I say, prime God's only living prophets and only I know what you must do to survive the coming end times. That pitch, maybe the most common co-leader pitch, also generally speaking my least favorite.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Some co-leaders twisted into much more abusive forms than others, but it always sucks. That's always a lie. Initially, on the surface, at least, the sales pitch of, I'm not a God or a Provider or Son of God, and I don't even claim to know the nature God. But I knew how to live your best life. I mean, does sound pretty fucking good. Sounds somewhat reasonable even, even on the surface. Rajneesh was very good at sounding reasonable.
Starting point is 00:25:15 He wasn't a reasonable man in the end. He was good dude in the end. But he knew how to play the part, especially early on. Rajneesh preached that he wanted to create a new man that lived in harmony with nature and other races and nationalities with this new man and man in this case encompassing both men and women. All races, cultures and religions could live together with mutual respect for one another. I think he's been pretty optimistic here in respect to different religions living
Starting point is 00:25:40 in harmony and probably lying a bit. I don't know if he believed that. I'm just trying to not be inflammatory. I think the truth was he wanted to replace all the religions of the world with his vision of enlightenment. Definitely towards the end. Because there's no fucking way we all get along with each other with the current various, this way is the only way spiritual belief systems we have in place. They are not compatible with one another. Rajneesh also spoke on the problems in the West and the East. He said, the East has remained lopsided because of the so-called spirituality.
Starting point is 00:26:07 It has remained poor, unscientific, without any technology. And the West has chosen materialism, but man is very empty and meaningless. Without spirituality, there will be no center. Man is falling apart. The Western man is half. The Eastern man is half. My effort here is to create the whole man. Luffy Goals, right? Here we go! The Eastern man is half. My effort here is to create the whole man. Lofty goals, right?
Starting point is 00:26:26 Here we go. Part one of the single most important sales pitch for a cult leader, a crucial sales pitch. If you want to become a cult leader, many others have come close, but everyone else is wrong. Only I understand all of the truth, the real truth. Part two of that is, and only I can share that truth with you. Rajneesh was proposing ideas counter to the core message of today's biggest world religions. Instead of the traditional practice of rejecting the world and rejecting all sexuality to achieve enlightenment, he proposed embracing the world and embracing sexuality.
Starting point is 00:26:58 He said, now there are two ways. Either repressed sex has been done by all the so-called religious traditions of the world or transform it. I am for transformation. Hence, I teach my seneasants to be creative. In that word, by the way, I'll say it a bunch of times today, Saniasants. I can never remember the emphasis, the syllabic emphasis. I try to practice it so many times right before the show. So if there's one word, you're gonna question probably gonna be that one. And you're probably gonna be right. But anyway, I teach my Sunniha Sins to be creative,
Starting point is 00:27:30 create music, create poetry, create painting, create pottery, create something. Whatever you do with great creativeness, bring something new into existence and your sex will be fulfilled on a higher plane. I don't know. I'm all for creativity. I'm all for sexual fulfillment. And I love sexual creativity.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Your body has so many delicious bundles of nerves, waiting to be touched, your brain, and gourd's that tissue with blood, floods you with doleful means. Why not have as much fun with that pleasure system as you can? But I'm not sure there's a direct correlation between, say say making a fucking vase on your pottery wheel or paint some water at least and really getting your fuck on. I'm pretty sure you can not be artistically talented or at least, you know, not with music, writing, painting, whatever, but be really sexually charged and creative and fulfilled in bed. I think for some people sex is their artistic medium, Halo, Savannah. I think there's some truth in the gist of
Starting point is 00:28:23 what he say, but the, bring something new into your existence and your sex will be fulfilled on a higher plane. Is that some big wisdom nugget being fed to you on a path of enlightenment or is just that some cool cult leader shit to say? That doesn't really mean a whole lot. A bog wand continued, we are materialist spiritualists.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Nothing like this has ever happened in the world. Oh, fuck yeah, bro You're the fucking first guy to figure it out This is a new experiment a new beginning and it has a great future for it Oh, he's a salesman you have to be given a safe space for where you can work a place where ordinary things taboo's and ambitions are put aside Some taboo's are good, you know Exhibit pedophilia and this is the only be is only the beginning. Many, many more are going to come. They are on the way. The others will come. The coming of millions more. Hence your responsibility is great because you will be
Starting point is 00:29:13 preparing the way you're the chosen few. You got on the fucking train first. You get the best seats. Sky was good. Not gonna lie. Message is thrown out here. Sounds enticing. Rajneesh also had an interesting stance on women. Women were urged to be silent in the comments because according to Rajneesh, they could not think logically or scientifically. Yo, whoa! Ha ha! Sales pitch a little harder on the ladies here.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Uh, what the fuck? There is a funny science that shows that men many women's brains are wired a bit different, but not logical or scientific. A massive number of female scientists, engineers, et cetera, literally embody how it falls to that reason. It's not, not sound terribly lighten right there. Uh, Bogwon further described women as infinitely patient beings who operate not from the head, but from the heart.
Starting point is 00:30:03 That's still pretty patronizing. Because of the wound being central phenomenon, being a central phenomenon in the feminine body, the whole psychology of a woman differs. She is non-aggressive, non-enquiring, non-questioning, non-douting, because all those things are part of aggression. She will not take the initiative, she simply waits, and she can wait infinitely. What do a bough one would think of women's MMA? There are for sure a
Starting point is 00:30:25 shitson of women in that sport who seem to have a fair amount of fucking aggression. So you have more aggression than I do. Definitely a lot more aggression than his old fellow looking ass ever had. Now let's discuss their structure a bit. The structure of the cold was fairly simple. There was Rajneesh, the Bhagwan, meaning the blessed one, and then there were everyone beneath him, the disciples. Rajneesh, the Bhagwan, meaning the blessed one. And then there were everyone beneath him, the disciples. Rajneesh's disciples were called the Seneasins, all right, that word I probably fuck up. Seneasins is a Hindu concept,
Starting point is 00:30:53 people who were announced the world and practiced asceticism, the denial of physical or psychological desires in order to attain a spiritual ideal or goal. Almost all religions contain elements of asceticism, but it seems most strongly associated with Hinduism. A set of abandoned all claims to social or family standing. Rajneesh taught his disciples to live in the world without being attached to it. All his Sinesans took on new names as part of their quest for enlightenment. They dressed in orange, red, pink, and maroon clothing. The media
Starting point is 00:31:21 often called Bhagwan's Sinesans Rajnichis. The names are used interchangeably in sources. So who were some of the main Rajnichis, the main figures of the cult? Well, Ma Anand Shila was the face of the cult for many years. If you did watch that Netflix Netflix documentary series, Wild Wild Country, you certainly remember Shila, easily the star of that show. Uh, she acted as Rajnich's personal secretary and spokesperson when they were in Oregon. For a while, she had, you know, much more access to block one than anyone else. Diva Raj, activist Raj Nisha's personal position, Swami Prem Niren, activist Raj Nisha's personal lawyer played a prominent role in the cult.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Krishna Diva, mayor of the future city of Raj Nisha Puram, Ma Prem Pooja, acted as the compounds nurse, operated the medical center, also maintained a stockpile of various deadly substances as we'll learn. Ma Shanti Badra, a cult spokesperson, member of Sheila's inner circle. She ended up participating in several assassination plots, because every series cult has to have some assassins, right? Satsanians were assigned different jobs based on their skill sets. Anyone who did not have valued skills such as a lawyer, doctor, city planner, engineer,
Starting point is 00:32:31 et cetera, was assigned more menial tasks. Those in Raj Nish's inner circle received preferential treatment. So there wasn't technically a second level, but there kind of wasn't practice. They had more access to the Bhagwan. Being in the inner circle was a highly coveted position within the cult. Only a select few could get and maintain their positions close to Rajneesh. So what were these cults rules? The Sasanians, the Rajneeshis?
Starting point is 00:32:55 We're going to do anything for the Bhagwan. The cult didn't have... They say they didn't have many rules, but it seems like they kind of did. Because you had to do this work You had to wear this outfit, you know, it seems like there was quite a few rules actually The ones rules they did have were strictly enforced Interesting rule most interesting I thought was their skateboard rule all Raj Nishis had to know how to kick flip Which was interesting for some of the older members you can watch on videos if you couldn't kick flip on command and a
Starting point is 00:33:22 Bhagwan would walk right as compound and demand it randomly and often you would be immediately exiled. Bog wand more than most things. He wanted you to fucking shred bro. He was sponsored by both vans independent and actually red bull at one time before he was a cult leader. He was a Tony fucking hawk before there was a Tony hawk. I wish. Which that was true. That'd be fucking awesome. Weird. Do a recruit leader who just could fucking shred and wanted his followers to shred. No, the dress code. That was a rule that was enforced. Soxney ends had a strict dress code. They required to wear clothing and shades of red, orange, pink, or maroon. Also had to wear a mala or beaded necklace with a picture of Rajneesh on it to show their dedication
Starting point is 00:34:05 to their true cult leader. Funny he often preached of letting go of your ego, letting go of rules, but his ego was so fucking huge and one of his rules was he had to wear his picture. Pregnancy interestingly forbidden in the cult, Rajneesh encourages followers to be surgically sterilized or have abortions. Rajneesh was against his followers having children strongly. An interview with the US Immigration Naturalization Service on October 14, 1982. He said, just as murder is considered by the society, so the birth of a child should be considered by the commune. All the top female officials were sterilized. Rajneesh encouraged all followers to do the
Starting point is 00:34:40 same. Women who got pregnant were forced to have an abortion or leave the commune, no children were born on the cult ranch in Oregon during their several years there. Now is that because he, he believed in not having kids was the best for the planet, best for the human race, best for enlightenment. I don't think he was that fucking stupid. I'm guessing he just did that because he knew it would promote harmony within the cult, right? A focus on parenting pulls away from a focus on the cult. And you know, kids running around
Starting point is 00:35:05 can really kill that kind of, let's explore our sexuality vibe. One former Saasan, uh, uh, Seneason, I should say Raj Nishi. One former Raj Nishi told New Republic in 2018, Bhagwan told his followers that a woman could not become enlightened if she had a child because it would take away from her vital energy. It took so much energy to become enlightened that if you had a child, you wouldn't have the energy to pursue that path. God, you need fucking energy for enlightenment, everyone knows that. Having kids isn't compatible with the path of enlightenment. I guess the planet's pretty fucked.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Right, the path is pretty fucked there. What would the endgame be with this philosophy? You just have everyone getting enlightened, then a fully enlightened human, you know, uh, race be fully enlightened for I don't know a couple decades and everybody dies. There's no more humans because everybody's not fucking. Uh, there were about 50 children on the organ ranch. They were all born before the parents joined the cult. Roger nation forced the fact that children belong to the commune, not their parents. Well, that's very culty, right? Children older than five would live apart from their parents and especially
Starting point is 00:36:07 special children's house. Can distract your parents from the path of enlightenment. You dirty little fucking stupid rug rats. You stupid un-un-un-lightened savages. Although Rushney's was very sex positive in theory, real intensely intimate relationships were discouraged. All the Rushney's lives in crowded conditions, partially to discourage true intimacy. Community authorities would break up men and women if they felt like they were developing
Starting point is 00:36:31 strong feelings for one another. Everyone was encouraged to have sex with anyone who wanted to have sex with them, saying no to anything. Sexal or not was strongly discouraged. Right? Just keep it casual. New Republic Route in 2018, this depersonalization of sex and frustration of intimate relationships is simply designed to heighten the feeling of a personal connection with Bhagwan.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Yeah, exactly. Enlightenment is mostly about remaining devoted to the Co-leader, to the Bhagwan. It says, obviously, nothing to do with enlightenment. Everything to do with control. Intense dedicated romantic love is not a threat to enlightenment. It is a threat to Bhagwan devotion. So how was all this shit funded? 100% through profits related to two hit American animated series
Starting point is 00:37:16 and the merch sales related to those series. Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh riding and coming up with character concentration under his birth name of Shandra Mohan Jain was a very gifted world builder. He wrote pilots for illustrated the main characters of and sold the concepts for both he, man, and the Thundercats franchises, specifically to raise money
Starting point is 00:37:35 for what he hoped would be a utopian organ. He even voiced some of the characters for the first few seasons of each show, Moss Man, Snouts Brought, Clamp Champ from he, man, and a Tigre and Snarf from Thundercats. If you wouldn't have cared so much about being a guru, he could have built an empire around animated kids cartoons that might have rivaled Walt Disney's empires today. You know?
Starting point is 00:37:55 In fact, before moving to the States, he was sometimes referred to in the press as the Indian Walt Disney. He sold several successful animated series in the 70s to India to fund, you know, cold activities there as well. He sold several successful animated series in the 70s to fund, you know, cold activities there as well. And again, I wish I wish he was a fucking skater, die animated hero who just wanted to start a weird sex cult. Now, the, no, his cult was extremely well funded, but it wasn't built on carto money, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Unlike many cult leaders, he didn't want to isolate his community from society. He wanted them to be part of the marketplace. He was very pro-capitalism. He even said this commune is going to live and the only way for it to live is to be rich. They made money both legally and illegally. Rajneesh made money from selling books full of his enlightened ideas. He would sell millions of copies of his books around the world. Raj still sells them. Rajneesh also had meditation centers established all over the world. Full of followers living together and calming like facilities, charging for meditation sessions. All commuines were self-supporting, had their own businesses on the side in addition to
Starting point is 00:38:52 selling meditation sessions and construction companies, Beastros, Disco's, maybe Escape Park, I don't fucking know, maybe an animation studio. Didn't say that, but I did not say that. In Oregon, the Colt Random Meditation Center with an isolation tank, the Rajneesh Investment Corps, Corp, corporation, yeah. Also owned the Zorba and Buda Knight Club in Restaurant and the Zorba, and the Zorba, the Buda Bakery, known to Hotel in downtown Portland called Hotel Rajneesh,
Starting point is 00:39:18 had numerous other real estate holdings. All in all, about 30,000 Rajneesh, were employed by Rajneesh's various business enterprise before it was all over. Well, before it downsized, I'm back to India, because it's not all over. Some of these businesses allegedly were covers for illegal operations. According to a 1980 article from the British Psychology Journal, Energy and Character, an ex-Rajneeshie named David Boadella wrote at a well-known religious community in the
Starting point is 00:39:43 East. Rajneeshis are selling their bodies on the open market to secure the money to gain a home for their souls in the spiritual community. This may take the form of earnings from masturbation shows or prostitution and is tacitly encouraged by the community in question where the immoral earnings are discreetly referred to as getting sweets. Hmm, reminds me of the David Berg, right? The children of God.
Starting point is 00:40:06 The same community, there is an official policy that actively discourages or prohibits drug taking. Unefficiently however, an active drug run organization or an active drug run organized by Russian issues, flourishes with or alongside the community and people in need of money to buy a place to the community are put in touch with covertly by high ranking officials there. Five or six kilos of cannabis are secreted in false bottom suitcases and are smuggled by plane via Amsterdam and Paris to Montreal where they are sold for approximately $20,000. The drug ring collects approximately $13,000 and the person who smuggles the drugs collects
Starting point is 00:40:39 approximately $6,500 towards his tickets to heaven. Several rushed niches are currently serving jail sentences for participating in drug runs. Two of them use brainwashing as a defense of their trials in order to gain a reduced sense. Chief Inspector of the Puna Police, so when Indie also noted that prostitution by this cult's girl disciples reached disgraceful proportions,
Starting point is 00:41:00 it became epidemic. So, hmm, interesting take on the sex positivity there. Right? And I have no qualms with sex work, but when you're pimping out your members for sex work and taking the money, that's pretty fucking gross for your cult. Questions about Rajanisha prostitution rings came up frequently when Bogwana or Sheila would be interviewed by the press slanging sex for enlightenment. That's the path. Cult, cult, cult. Rajnish also made a significant amount of money,
Starting point is 00:41:29 arguably much more than he made for many of his businesses, from the generous donations from his followers. Not been able to find any kind of revenue breakdown for this cult. I doubt one was ever made public, if it existed in the first place. But I have to imagine this was far away the cult's primary source of income, right, especially in the Oregon days, his followers,
Starting point is 00:41:48 many of them affluent loved him tremendously, will, you know, willingly put millions and millions into his pockets and into the cult's businesses. Will signed over, right, to the cult's business enterprises, family fortune signed over, all for a taste that sweet, sweet enlightenment. Rajneesh was so wealthy that he eventually owned a fleet of 93 rolls of voices, had 93 rolls of voices. Luxury clothing, so many Rolex watches, I don't know how many. Properties all over the world, and millions to spare, like tens of millions.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Of course, he didn't keep them any personally, so he could claim poverty. He ran everything through various organizations, kind of like tax shelters that seemed various businesses under LLCs, or under some kind of corporation. Some of which we'll learn about in the timeline. Now let's look at what daily life is like. Was like during this time we're going to cover today's Rajnishi. Life in the Oregon Ranch was a little different
Starting point is 00:42:41 than life was back at the Rajnishi Ashrams in India before the Oregon Ranch. In Oregon, the Rajnishi Ashrams in India before the Oregon Ranch. In Oregon, the Rajnishi's worked 12 hours a day, seven days a week, doing a hard labor, right? Keep people tired, keep them confused, don't let them think too much about how fucking weird it is what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:42:56 That didn't leave enough time for, or as much time for orgies and meditation as some of them had grown used to back in India. Several former Rajnishi's spoke with the cut on what daily life was like the wrench. Rashid Maxwell said, because of my agricultural experience, I was one of the first people to go to Rajneesh Purim. My job was taking the land, which had been totally neglected and overgrazed and getting the basics of agriculture started. Very soon after
Starting point is 00:43:19 that, I had many disagreements with Sheila, never got on with her. Didn't feel to me like she was intelligent even. She was cunning, clever, but not intelligent. The arguments were about policy. She said we should have chickens because we'd need lots of eggs. And I said, yeah, we should have them scattered all around and she said, no, put them all together. And I said, well then you have the likelihood of disease
Starting point is 00:43:37 and you need to give them antibiotics. And she said, so give them antibiotics. And that was really not my way. I was an organic farmer. And there were more profound disagreements. Like I did have contact with the Nike shoes guy in the documentary. This is, we'll talk, we'll talk about him later, Rancher, Bill Bowerman. I had a very nice contact with him.
Starting point is 00:43:53 I went over to his ranch. We talked about growing grapes. I have a vineyard. He taught me how to roll cigarettes. We want to hand that on a horse. I couldn't, it wouldn't go along with Sheila's aggression towards the neighbors. So within another three months, I was out of farming and gardening in the pot room, washing pots. I was very unhappy in the pot room because I felt like my dream of an environmental paradise was just lost. And she
Starting point is 00:44:12 handed it over to someone who would be more obedient to her wishes. I didn't like her trust, Sheila, but none of us had any clue what was really going on. The poise needs, the fire bombing. It was inconceivable to me. After all, it came came out We were just sort of wandering in shock for days. I just remember walking down one of the roads not knowing what I was doing What where am I For remember here a blue stone said For my whole life people have been asking me what it was like and just like if you ask anybody what their child Who's like it had pluses of minuses? I had a tremendous amount of freedom and responsibility and opportunity to learn things. Like I was a mechanic on airplanes when I was nine years old.
Starting point is 00:44:48 At the same time, it was an oppressive culture. There was not a lot of school or formal education. There were times when we had school, but the school moved around and had sort of a rotating cast of characters and was sort of optional. And that was something I really wanted. And then Ananda Sreta said, I was there with the first 20 people before Oshou came to the ranch, and Oshou is by one.
Starting point is 00:45:08 And then I was there until there were only six people left. It was a super positive time in my life. We took a desert, we completely transformed it, and only five years turned it into an oasis. People were working 16 hour days, but always singing, dancing, hugging, laughing, having love affairs. And if you're working 60 hours a day?
Starting point is 00:45:25 Does it really leave a lot of time for the rest of stuff? It was very vibrant and alive. It was a very vibrant and alive place and very joyful. Most of the people who were there had no idea about the crimes that were being committed by Sheila and her close entourage. I will say, watching a few different documentaries on all this, they did build an amazing place in many ways, in a very short amount of time.
Starting point is 00:45:44 In just a few years, the ranch was transformed from an empty rural property into a small city of at least 7,000 people, believed with typical urban infrastructure, such as the fire department, police, restaurants, how to fucking mall, two-story mall, townhouses, 4,200-foot airstrip, public transport system, using a lot of buses, sewage reclamation plant, reservoir, even a post-do transport system using a lot of buses sewage reclamation plant reservoir even a post office with zip code as far as cold compounds go this place was even more developed than Dwight York's new Wabian nation of Moore's Colt rural Putnam County Georgia weird ass fucking Egyptian theme pyramid and disco complex compound Tom Array that place was pretty develops they even had their own compound currency but Dwight
Starting point is 00:46:24 didn't build a self-sustaining city quite like a bog wands minions tit. Former member Amido Goodnight said, my time at the ranch was completely not involved with any of the overall administration. I was just working and being with friends. I really was not very aware of the darkness until after it was very, very close to the end.
Starting point is 00:46:41 But there was one thing I had to do that I had difficulty doing. I was one of the people who went out to invite homeless people to come back to the end. There was one thing I had to do that I had difficulty doing. I was one of the people who went out to invite homeless people to come back to the ranch. I was asked by somebody in an office in Oregon to ask two people to leave the bus when we were part way on our journey back to Oregon. They were two people that I felt were very, very vulnerable
Starting point is 00:46:57 and I felt very uncomfortable dropping them off away from home. I called several times to see if I could get a different answer, but they were very insistent I'd do it. So eventually I did. Why were they busying homeless people around? You'll see the timeline. It had nothing to do with enlightenment. They were using Oregon residents to try and steal an election. Actually, they were using US residents, not necessarily from Oregon to try and steal an election,
Starting point is 00:47:16 giving people food and a place to crash, you know, in exchange for their vote. We'll explore that more. Former members, Serendra, Serendra recalled a following about her time in the cult, saying, the share a home thing was quite something. I was building fences at the time, and then I suddenly got given a few people who were on the share a home program,
Starting point is 00:47:38 and I was really frustrated because they were unfocused. They weren't working, and I complained to one of the bosses. We always had female bosses. Oshiel put women in charge of everything and she said look it's not about production This is about connecting and sharing our commune and sharing what we feel I ended up with two guys and we really created a friendship between us I can still see their faces and their gradual sort of relaxation They were in a safe place. There was no crime. No one was going to beat them up
Starting point is 00:47:59 They had a place to sleep good food and work to do we're all a bunch of kids in a way, wanting to get a hold of our tools and go out and dig holes and put out fences. Like young children have that energy, we had that energy. But I think there was a sort of blinkered attitude. We were a bit too much like placeful kids and not aware of what was going on in the commune as a whole. So some of the others, you know, alluded to some problems they should have been aware of, you know, within the cult.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Let's talk about some of the problems in this some problems they should have been aware of within the cult. Let's talk about some of the problems in this cult before jumping into the timeline. As nice as some of the free love enlightenment teachings Raj Neesh might sound in the surface, the reality of the cult was very different in many cases. There was definitely a dark underbelly. Some of the encounter groups were disturbingly violent, sexually and psychologically abusive to followers. In a 1978 issue of the German magazine Stern, a woman named Eva Rendy recounted her horrific experience in a Rajnishian countergroup.
Starting point is 00:48:52 One of many to report similar how to fuck you rationalize this kind of experience. She said, In the room where 18 people, I only knew Jan, a 50-year-old Dutchman. The leaders sat down after he had closed the thick, soundproof door. Suddenly a woman hurled herself at another and screamed at her, you make me sick, you're a vampire, I want to scratch your face, you filthy thing. She beat her. Meanwhile, two women and a young man had got up.
Starting point is 00:49:19 The young man threw himself on a girl of about 18, boxed her on the ears. With the words, you're a caricature of Madonna. You think you're better than us, don't you? You're the worst person here. And then pointed to me, he said, together with you, you bitch, you've got to come in too. The girl's nose was running with blood. She tried desperately to protect herself against the blows. Then the leader took charge saying, you probably think you have to, you probably think that you have control over things. You have not even got control over yourself. You were under total control here. What a, what a curious path in enlightenment. Who knew the path included men throwing women to
Starting point is 00:49:50 the ground and hit them in the fucking head and face. That seems we've been unnecessary. Renzi was then assigned to spend the night with Jan, right, to bunk up with this fucking random dude. Instead, she decided to go to sleep after dinner, right? Because by spend the night, assigned to basically like, you know, go have sex with him. So she does not. And then she says, the next day I appeared for the group punctually, I said a friendly good morning. I see silence answered me.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I sat down. The leader asked what had happened in the previous 24 hours. Jan Spring up, pulled me up, began unadhibitably beating me. He shouted, you whore, you have humiliated me, you cursed woman, I'll kill you. I was horrified, my nose began to bleed, I shouted, this is your problem, your masculine pride has hurt.
Starting point is 00:50:31 He beat me further, he tore my blouse, threw me on the floor. Like someone possessed, he sat on me, beat me with his fists on my head, choked my neck, shouted, say the truth, you piece of filth. I said, what truth? Are you out of your mind?
Starting point is 00:50:42 You're hypnotized. Suddenly, he left me, I got got up trembling trying to stop the bleeding nose Is this a center for developing crazy masculinity? I asked I thought the craziness had passed and would go Then first of all a man dived on me exactly that he said what do you think we're doing here then two women grabbed me Then the whole group what happened next was like an evil dream fight with us you coward Will you play holy in here you whore?" Someone said. I fled from one corner to another. They punched, scratched, kicked me, pulled my hair.
Starting point is 00:51:09 They tore my blouse, pants off my body. I was stark naked. And they were so surrender to the madness that I was filled with death anxiety. My one thought to stay conscious. I screamed, let me go. I want to get out of here. At a signal from the leader, they let me go.
Starting point is 00:51:23 This crazyness garnished with sadism, this fanaticism with world beating claims had I not already heard it somewhere before. She said, what the fuck? There's worse accounts. The Netflix documentary, Wild Wild Country, as good as it was in many ways, really overlooked this aspect of Bog One's philosophy,
Starting point is 00:51:40 in my opinion, they frame sexuality and the cult is being kind of something in the vein of you know, hippie free love And sometimes it was oftentimes it was but then other times behind closed doors according to so many allegations you can find all over the web There were a lot of sexual assaults and rapes happening the skies as some kind of fucked up experimental, you know therapy There were also so many women brainwashing to thinking that denying male cult members sexual sexual or sexuality was wrong and selfish You know, they were trained to basically allow themselves to be raped Look around the edges a bit and this cult is a lot darker than the docu-series made them seen It wasn't all free love a lot of a heavily coerced just let everyone fuck you, you know
Starting point is 00:52:19 Madness disguises free love when dick price an excellent institute founder, visited the commune in Oregon, he was not impressed with bog-want teachings at all. He was concerned. He found that the dynamic meditation techniques that were being used had fuck all to do with enlightenment or the humanistic movement, right? He felt that they were intentionally being conducted in ways to harm to abuse and control members of the community. He was appalled by the psychological and physical violence present in countergroups.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Josh Barron, Karana support group in Berkeley for people who left spiritual groups, told the New Republic, Rajneesh is quite fluent in various altered states of consciousness, much more than any other cult leaders I know of. His techniques include chanting, meditation,
Starting point is 00:53:00 Sufi dancing, staring into lights for extended periods of time, and powerful music, all of which induce altered states of mind. What went on at his ashram in Puna was literally a smorgasbord of altered states of mind. All turd states of consciousness, like what I touched on earlier, he knew how to sell his followers the feelings of being uncertain drugs without giving them drugs. If only those people knew that you could achieve that same level of enlightenment, or maybe
Starting point is 00:53:23 more of it, from the right amount of ps side interact to see or maybe you know, a couple of hits of five M.O. DMT, smoking the right atmosphere, you can fast pass all the meditation shoots straight to the head of the enlightenment line. No cold compound, no raping countergroups necessary to experience, you know, euphoria in self-discovery. Maybe read the right books, do the right drugs and the right setting. Hilly Zitlin, clinical social worker, co-director of options for personal transitions at Berkeley, an organization dealing with cult involvement
Starting point is 00:53:51 in related issues. Also spoke to a new republic about this cult. Zitlin, Zitlin or Zitlin, I think Zitlin called Rajnish one of the best hypnotists I've ever encountered. The way he uses language, his tone of voice, the way he sequences ideas. All are essentially hypnotic. The art of hypnosis is his tone of voice, the way he sequences ideas. All are essentially hypnotic.
Starting point is 00:54:06 The art of hypnosis is the art of being vague. What pretending you are being profound, Rajneesh can be even vague or now by not saying anything at all because he's referring to a period of silence he went through. Yeah, fucking nailed it. I feel like a large part of the art of playing the part of the enlightened mystic is the art of being vague while pretending you are being very profound, sounding profound, but not really saying anything. Over in the secret suck, the Patreon companion podcast at TimeSuck, we have covered so many minor league, not quite co-leaders, wackadoodles, with huge followings online who are
Starting point is 00:54:37 so good at being vague while pretending to be profound, right? Just masters of word salad. So good at taking a very long time to string together a lot of cool Santa words that when you stand back and look at them all together, they don't mean fucking shit. Catherine McLaughlin, associate professor of religious studies at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon, attended University of Puna from 1977, 1978, and actually went to hear one of Raj Nisha's local lectures. She said his use of language is wonderful. He is a hypnotic and beautiful speaker
Starting point is 00:55:06 who is profoundly psychically connected to his audience. We have an immature understanding of spirituality in the West, and since we don't believe in psychic phenomena, we are very vulnerable to them. In India, it is understood that anybody who meditates can develop psychic powers. The notion is commonly held that there are such powers and that you can develop them if you want to. McLaughlin said that Western academically trained intellectuals are especially vulnerable to this
Starting point is 00:55:30 because they've been trained to use their heads, but not their emotions, and these techniques bypass rational thought. I mean, I wish I could follow up with that. I would love to ask her exactly what she meant by psychic phenomena here. Traditionally, it's defined as phenomena that appears to contradict physical laws and suggest the possibility of causation by mental processes. As an associate professor of religious studies, I'm guessing Kathleen more open to the possibility
Starting point is 00:55:55 of the supernatural, the paranormal, than say a non-religious scientist. As much as I wanna believe in psychic phenomena, no one has ever been able to demonstrate in a lab to replicate the ability to say, read people's minds or move something with their mind or view the future, or view what's happening in another place in the world
Starting point is 00:56:14 that you're not physically located in real time without the aid of technology, et cetera. To me, it's almost not like she makes Bog-1, it's not like I got like a fucking dark wizard using black magic to hypnotize followers. And I don't think that's what he did. I bet he was like the guru equivalent of a really good magician though. I mean a really good magician.
Starting point is 00:56:31 I think can make you at least with me and a lot of people I know can make you truly wonder if that fucker is actually using magic to pull off tricks because your mind just can't explain it any other way. But it is always just a trick, an optical illusion. I've been boggling on this so skilled in verbal manipulation. You can combine eye contact as well, vocal cadence, the right combo of important,
Starting point is 00:56:54 sounding words and spiritual concepts, to truly sort of hypnotize followers into believing him, scary and dangerous talents. He didn't have a very hypnotic way of speaking that we're looking to do in a bit here. I guess in a way, a sort of magic. Actually, let's look at it now. Check out this little clip of him talking. So deliberate, so contrived. I mean, he sounds like someone that you would cast as a literal fucking snake You have no philosophy of life. No philosophy of life. I have life itself.
Starting point is 00:57:30 There are people who have philosophies of life, but they don't have any life. If philosophy, if there is one, has been expressed in a three-else love life laughter. Is that a philosophy of life? No. What could you explain that? It is just a consequence of being silent and in tune with existence. Love arises in you.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Life becomes abundant. Laughter for no reason. Just because this whole existence This is so hilarious. This is not philosophy. This is the consequence of being silent. God, his speech is so affected. Does the sound everyone, that's all it is? The way he talks, fucking kills me. And that's not a normal accent, is it? The way he drags out that sound at the end of so many senses.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Does anyone not trying to sound like a guru actually fucking talk like that? He speaks so unnaturally slowly and when you see him do this, he almost never breaks eye contact with who he's speaking with. Given his speech as a hint of aggression in my mind, and almost never fucking blinks, it's very weird, very unnatural. There's nothing natural about the way he talked. All for effect in my opinion Listen to responses he gives an interviewer for Australia's 60 minutes where a bunch of his followers are in the room
Starting point is 00:59:16 The over over the top reactions of his group so wreaking on just unnatural devotion to their cult leader I mean they do actually seem hypnotized. It's so Ridiculous. We're gonna jump in on him out responding toe Sheila, queoting him of being on sedatives most of the time at the Oregon compound. And can you see my eyes that they are drugged? Are you? And on a stanza? Yeah. I often wonder what was in your eyes.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Yeah, in my eyes there is something, but it is not drugs. It can drug you. Hilarious. Ha ha ha. Got you. You can drug you. Well, come on.
Starting point is 01:00:04 QD applause break sign. Oh boy. And again, dragging out that fucking hiss. I just hate it so much. Do you know how many snakes live in all the world's jungles? The number does not matter for enlightened persons. The number does not matter for enlightened persons. All that matters is that you are not one of the snakes. Fuck it, kill me. Zeeland further added, there was an intense effort to break down normal ways by which people measure themselves. Under the guise of going beyond or transcending the ego.
Starting point is 01:00:44 And all this is done in a hypnotically binding way. They overload the circuits of the conscious mind, then present you with the alternative of inner consciousness, meanwhile, depends on the group has developed. X-Rosh and A-She's were described as extremely psychologically regressed. Their capacity to relate to others or articulate their feelings was drastically reduced. But he never enlightened them. He did kind of hypnotize them. He sold them this fucking fairy tale,
Starting point is 01:01:10 and then when the fairy tale came to an end and everyone had a return to the real world, they were less prepared to handle it than they were when they'd first joined his cult, because they were living in such an unnatural way with such unnatural focus on this guru. Some guru. Margot Gordon from Britain and Maria Christina Coppel from Sweden would try and expose that the cult was not a positive influence in their lives. When they were tried in court in India for run drugs allegedly on behalf of the cult. They'd use they'd use brainwashing as a defense of their trials. Coppel's attorney Mr. W Taylor said, my extensive my extensive inquiries show that the man out in Puna called
Starting point is 01:01:44 Bhagwan is nothing short of an evil man. Using a lot of young people and reducing their mentality to such a position, it becomes no more and no less than putty in his hands. He does it all for money and he uses these girls as a front for smuggling drugs all over the world. Over a period of time, these young women or young men have their personalities reduced to nothing.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Their past is forgotten, and suggestions are put to them and they would do anything that the man tells them to do. Tater called a professor, Johann Agard, an expert on Hinduism in each religion, who researched the Rajneeshis and he testified in Puneh, Bhagwan and his people, not least his group of high-ranking officers have established an alternative world. He gives them a mala with his own picture on it. And they get a piece of his hair connecting their reality with his. From the beginning, the aim is to do away with the mind, the personality, the memory. You end up being nobody. You have to give up your ego. You have to empty yourself totally to surrender to Bog Juan. Total surrender are the
Starting point is 01:02:39 keywords. This is done by a series of humiliating acts where you are forced to do what you hate to do in the group. You lose the identity feeling which is connected with certain acts, certain reservations, certain sexual inhibitions. And a number of those workshops, promiscuity takes place in the most rude and horrible ways. Male persons are allowed to do whatever they like with females and vice versa. And it aims at bringing down the consciousness connected with the individual in order that a new consciousness connected with Bhagwan in his ideology takes its place. Jesus Jesus right? Some of those workshops together they just sound more like fucking gang rape than therapy. All for enlightenment.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Christina's lawyers argued that she was psychologically coerced into smuggling cannabis. She had been subjected to a to three two hour long sessions in a sensory deprivation tank and described that as a Nazi-style torture device designed to brainwash victims. Christina's mother also wrote a letter to the court saying Christina was commanded to have sexual intercourse with every man in the group in turn in order to, quote, kill her ego. The group leader, a woman shouted at her, if you are to surrender to Bacwan, you must surrender to anybody here, to any man, although the mere thought of it makes you sick, you are
Starting point is 01:03:42 not to think, just let it happen. YEEE! If that isn't straight up to sexual assault or abuse, it sure is knocking on the fucking door. It's definitely emotional abuse, strongly pressuring someone to allow themselves to be sexually abused. Rajneesh and some of his minions definitely use sex to manipulate followers. Rajlin and ex disciple lived in an ashram in Puneh for six months, and she said that women
Starting point is 01:04:04 were psychologically pressured to participate in sexual acts on orgies. The link with the ashram was say yes, say yes to life. One guy made an approach to me. I wasn't least been interested, but I felt guilty because I was not saying yes to life. Women who refused to participate in sexual acts were social outcasts, labeled selfish, frigid, rejecting. Eckhart, another ex-disciple, witnessed the rape of a female disciple by two men during an encounter group called surrender. Said he tried to intervene, but the group leader stopped him, told him verbatim, she needed to be raped.
Starting point is 01:04:37 And again, I am so constantly amazed, so continually amazed that more of these mother fuckers are not murdered. Either one of my kids gets sucked into some weird shit like this, I will happily risk dying in prison to have the satisfaction of knowing that I personally, personally removed a cult leader or some high ranking fucking dirtbag member from the face of the fucking earth. How fuck that seminar leader?
Starting point is 01:05:01 Because of all the sex, STDs were rampant at the Puna ashram. Roslyn described a tremendous gonorrhea outbreak. One man infected 10 women during a weeklong tantra group. Uh, doctors began to carefully screen new arrivals for STDs. People were given the all clear and then posted, uh, their name post on embole's newborn. Follow us gathered, chose partners for the night. New arrivals had to wear an orange beat on their locket until they passed STD tests. Man, behind all the singing and chanting and robes and talk of enlightenment, a lot of darkness with the Raj Nishis.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Raj Nish's teachings were in his kind and loving as they first appeared. According to Kriish Nadeva, ex-Mayor, the Oregon compound Raj Nish was comparing himself to Hitler towards the end of the cult's time in Oregon, said that Hitler was also misunderstood when he sought to create a new man. In his book, The Mustard Seed, Rajneesh attempted to justify the Holocaust on the grounds that Jewish people killed Jesus. Oh boy. Because of a lot of shit like this, Rajneesh's legitimacy is a spiritual leader.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Has often been called into question by his peers. Right? No surprises there. But also, is anyone really qualified? Quote unquote to be a spiritual leader. I mean, ultimately, if what you're teaching people to worship or believe in doesn't have any factual or, you know, able to be proven basis, doesn't really matter how many courses you've taken, how many years you've studied. I can study unicorns for years.
Starting point is 01:06:17 I can read literally every book ever written about unicorns. Would that suddenly make them real? Would it make me a unicorn expert? Is being a unicorn expert, an equivalent of being an expert chemist or a medieval era historian? No. That being said, I was curious what others in the religious community, those who looked into Bhagwan's place in the theological world, what they thought of his religious accreditation. In April 1983, Portland physician James Perkins, who was involved in the litigation with the
Starting point is 01:06:42 Rajneesh Foundation and the American Consulate in Bombay wrote, according to our information, the Rajneesh Foundation in India at no time claimed itself as a religion. Nor was its leader, Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh, ever known as a founder of a religion. Only what's for tax purposes? We'll get into that later. Kathleen McLaughlin confirmed that Bhagwan was not accepted as a religious teacher in India. One of the things that's clear, she said, is that if someone is an enlightened master,
Starting point is 01:07:06 he doesn't go around spreading dissent and hatred. The way Rajnish and his followers antagonize people in India, inevitably, inevitably meant that he was not regarded as an enlightened person. Rajnish taking on the title of Bhagwan, which means Lord of God, also a blasphemous, many circles. It's not blasphemous if your followers give you the title, but is blasphemous to call yourself Bhagwan as he did. Rajnaish calling his followers, Sunnisans, also disrespectful to Hinduism. Traditionally, Sunnisans mean, you know, it means, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:35 people give up world oppositions and take up sacred vows. His disciples didn't do that. What he's doing here, nothing new, right? Kult's almost always, you know, base themselves in their lingo in one of the old world religions. We looked at so many that are branched out from Christianity. You know, they use language and concepts familiar to the adherence of a particular faith, makes their messages not seem so foreign. The dish out of helpings of, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:56 verbal or written equivalent of comfort food to people, then pivot, pull them away from that faith that they're, you know, basing themselves in, by pointing out how wrong or corrupt that faith is, and then drag them in a slightly new direction that ends up being an extremely new direction. Bogwon grips around by Hinduism and his family practice, Jainism, Jainism, a completely separate religion from Hinduism, but both religions share certain concepts, terms. Bogwon took what was around him, tweaked it into making something he could call his
Starting point is 01:08:22 own. McLaughlin also found that his promotion of unrestrained sexual indulgence and promiscuity was offensive to the traditional practice of Hindu tantra, a practice thought to have strongly influenced some of Bhagwan's notions of sacred sexuality. McLaughlin said, the tantra is a very disciplined path of spirituality, and if there is anything Rajneesh does not teach, it is discipline. Tantric sexual practice is non-orgasmic. It's not just going out and sleeping around.
Starting point is 01:08:46 You have a partner chosen by your teacher, and it can be years before you have any sexual contact with that partner at all. It's not a one night stand. Rajnichis organization never even claimed to be religion until the immigration naturalization service began contemplating deportation. On December 5th, 1952, Ma Ananshila,
Starting point is 01:09:04 announced to the meditation centers across the world a new religion has been born called Raj Nishism. One additional problem with the cult was child abuse and neglect. Two adults reported to a new republic that they saw kids running around the organ ranch and winter without proper clothes. Another witness saw a kid playing outside naked in December. It's a cold ass area. Accent for common because a lack of supervision. One witness recounted an accident of a two-year-old, saying the first accident he had was when he fell down a stairway, banged himself up badly.
Starting point is 01:09:32 The next I can remember, he was run over by a pickup. Poor little thing. One side of his face, nothing but blood and pus and swollen and bruised. It was terrible. The only thing that saved him was the mud was so deep. He was out there amid the machine, where all the time it's a wonder. He didn't get killed. Roslyn, a former cult member, said the children are discouraged from living with their parents
Starting point is 01:09:49 they have one of the lowest priorities of any concern they're given very little attention. That doesn't sound very enlightened. Roslyn also reported that children and young teenagers involved in sexual activities at the ranch. Most of the 12, 13, 14 year old girls at the ranch were having sexual relationships. He said. It was a common thing. Ah, also doesn't seem too enlightened. According to a 1983 report by the concerned Christian growth ministries of Australia, an Australian visitor to the Oregon ranch reported,
Starting point is 01:10:14 the ranch house that was converted, the ranch house has been converted to the children's house and schoolroom. Children do not have to live with their parents, they belong to the community, and pride is exuded in the modern approach, quote unquote, used in their upbringing. Some children were running around naked in the schoolhouse, and it is not unusual for boys and girls to sleep together. Children encouraged to experiment sexually with one another. And one Raj Nishi said children
Starting point is 01:10:37 often watch their parents sexual involvement in private, of course. Uh, girl who lived in the ranch from age 11 to 13 reported that girls her age often had sexual relationships with older men. Girls as young as 10 had sexual relationships with adult men. Former homeless people who were brought in by the cult confirmed this to Oregon magazine. They saw boys and girls engaging in relationships with adults and the children parents knew about it and didn't do anything. So free love, get a little, get a little too free with the Raj Nishis. Maybe just maybe want to fucking rein that in a bit. Maybe that kids brains develop a bit more, but they for the decide, you know, what they want to have put in their holes or what holes they want to stick their
Starting point is 01:11:12 shit into. Maybe don't let free love slide into overt pedophilia and blatant sexual exploitation. Bhagwan wanted to break too many of the old taboos, too many of the rules. No, Maxwell spent a good part of his childhood growing up on one of the Bhagwanoo. Too many of the rules. No Maxwell spent a good part of his childhood growing up in one of the one of Bogwans compounds. He spoke to the Guardian about his experience growing up in the cult. Family was upper middle class disillusioned with life in London. They purchased a farm learned to live off the land in 1976. They got a letter from a friend who said they had found the meaning of everything. Probably want to burn that letter. Friends sounds crazy. The family went to the
Starting point is 01:11:45 Osheram in India to see it for themselves. They were instantly enchanted. Sold their farm moved to India. Family gave up their identities to join the cult. Noah was renamed Swami Diva Rupalm. Noah's parents were separated into different housing units. He lived in the children's huts. We had been in tight 70s middle class family. it was in a very short period of time that family unit was ripped up. No lived in an octagonal bamboo hut with kids from all over the world. They attended a school, here's this quote, run by this crazy English hippie called Sharma, with long blonde hair and a guitar and we would sing, we all live in the orange submarine. That's something like a fucking parody of it. I don't know how much it mattered if we were in school or not.
Starting point is 01:12:27 When I eventually did get back to this country when I was 10, I couldn't read anything or write anything or do two plus two. I mean, none of our kids break at school. No witness, Raj Nisha's hypnotic influence. He saw people burst into hysterical laughter. One night thousands of people laughed at the same time and then began crying. Y'all started people having sex all the time. He said, you could hear people having orgasmic sex all the time, all night, like mating
Starting point is 01:12:48 bad boons, gibbons. Noah was told to never show if he was feeling upset. He said that the narrative, particularly for my dad was, this is fantastic, you're fantastic. Knowing the other kids ran wild around the ashram, they drank, smoked weed, caught snakes, barely 10 school. Eventually, Noah's parents split up. His mom was going back to England. Dad was going to stay in Oregon. When no, his mom moved out of the cult. She asked if he wanted to stay in England or, you know, I wanted to come to England or stay with his father. And he told
Starting point is 01:13:16 her, I want to stay and go to school and learn things. Oh, sorry. So I guess he like visiting. He wanted to go to England. I don't know why that phrase was phrasing was confusing to me. Enlightenment be damned. You wanted to actually learn England. I don't know why that phrase was phrasing was confusing to me enlightenment be damned You wanted to actually learn shit. They would help him pay bills when he got older Before heading to Oregon, Rajneesh's teachings got him into several conflicts with the Indian government If shit would have worked out better in India He never would have had to find a new place in Oregon Then the place he chose if he was truly enlightened he would have been smart enough to know his efforts were doomed from the very beginning
Starting point is 01:13:43 out of out of possible West Coast destinations, there's really fucking dumb for them to pick rural central Oregon. He should have been central California, a place more used to intolerant of extreme religious ideas or maybe rural southern of that. Beyond an area where prostitution is legal, there's more of a vibe of state of my business. I'll say to your business, even Western Washington would have been way better, right? Somewhere west of the Cascades, probably around Olympia, maybe near Yelm where they already have a cult compound, romped this school of enlightenment been there since 1988. That schools and lightened teachings are based on a channeling sessions, old Jay-Z Knight,
Starting point is 01:14:20 her compound. This fucking insane American white woman who claims the channel of 35,000 year old Indian being called romped at the Enlightened One Is being speaks to her in a fucking shitty Indian accent Fuckers had 35,000 years to shake that accent. He still can't do it People pay her for enlightenment as well. Bog Juan should at his homework a little bit understood the political microclimate to the West a little bit better Before moving across the Pacific people in the vicinity of Olympia Way more left than people in rural central Oregon way more likely to let their spirituality freak flag fly. Anilope Oregon was and is small town half half ghost town really, you know, inhabited by primarily conservative white older people even more conservative back in 81 that it
Starting point is 01:15:01 is now anyone practicing religion in that area 19., 99.9% chance it was traditional Christianity. The other 0.1%? Well, if they were practicing something different, they could have shit to themselves to avoid constant judgmental stinkites from the neighbors. This is an area loaded to the gills with Godfearing gun owning, bleed red, white, and blue Americans. You have to be a fucking fool to think you could try and build a massive, your religion is fucking stupid, sex cult enlightenment compound and not have that be interpreted as a declaration of war. Rajnichness followers moved onto a 64,000 acre 100 square mile ranch in central Oregon anyways. Rancho Rajnich.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Right away, Rajnichness began to build their own city, called Rajneesh Purim. They tried for four years to establish a permanent settlement in the Oregon desert, a country inside another country, really. They almost pulled it off. When the Rajneesh's arrived, it fell to locals as if fucking aliens had literally landed in Antelope. Right, the residents wondered who these new people were, what they wanted, how long they'd stay,
Starting point is 01:16:01 just exactly who they were worshiping. The Rajneesh said they just wanted to fund the land. Follow their religion, be good neighbors. But that's not true. They wanted to take over the area and leave the local two options, assimilate or relocate. Soon the small Antelope City Council began a years-long battle to shut down the Raj Nishi community,
Starting point is 01:16:17 claiming it violated Oregon land use laws, which it did. But the Raj Nishi's, they would win in an initial court battle, and they would build a lot more, build a lot further than I think a lot of people expected. The two groups soon engage in a political and sometimes violent war with each other. Raj Nishis led by Raj Nish's personal secretary, right? Ma Ananshila would end up attempting to assassinate people, commit voter fraud, arson,
Starting point is 01:16:39 wiretapping, even a bioterror attack before everything began to fall apart in 1985. Communal leaders were eventually forced to flee the country to avoid prosecution. It's exciting, Taylor. Let's dig into the details of how this all evolved with today's Time Suck timeline. Right after today's mid show, sponsor break. Thank you for listening. Now we head into today's enlightened timeline. Shrepa on those boots soldier, we're marching down a time-sug timeline.
Starting point is 01:17:16 December 11th, 1931, Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh is born. The future cult leader comes from humble beginnings. He's actually born Chandra Mohanjain, and the small village of Kuchwata, India. Population era, however, is around 2000. Oldest of his parents, 11 kids, a later cult folklore, reported that Raj Niche actually had appeared on Earth seven years earlier, right? Before his, before he was born in the body that his followers would recognize. Of course he did. you can't just be fucking normal dude who talk super slow and says shit that sounds enlightened first but then on further reflection realize so the whole of nothing
Starting point is 01:17:52 now you have to be some quasi mortal highlander mother fucker is a mystic who is murdered three days before any of twenty one day fast in its first incarnation it would have ended in the lightment but you got fucking murdered. Rajneesh later described his first life as a new life as a continuation of this past life.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Mm-hmm. Rajneesh lived with his grandparents in his early childhood, then moved back in with his parents several years later. The awakened one to biography by Vassant Joshi, claimed that Rajneesh lived in Kujwada with his grandparents until the age of seven those are new rojnich described him as an intelligent but rebellious child rojnich's paternal uncle shikr cikr cikr cichr cichr cichr cichr cichr cichr cichr cichr cichr jane aka a non sit hearth described him as a brilliant student an intelligent student he read all the books in the library who's fond of learning sit hearth owned a class shop in He read all the books in the library who was fond of learning. Sidharth owned a class shop in Gautawara, India. And sorry, it's real too far there.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Gautawara, a grain marketing town of about 45,000 people. Rajneesh's parents, Bulbalal, and Saraswati by Bulbalal Jain. And their growing family lived in a row of storefront houses in a commercial area. Rajneesh's father worked in the class shop with Sidharth And Rajneesh said of his childhood, my house was a guest house of many Jaina Saints Hindu monks Sufi mystics Because my grandfather was interested in all those people, but he was not a follower of anybody. He rather enjoyed me bothering these saints Did that happen? Did all those people really visit his grandfather's house or that's more myth-building?
Starting point is 01:19:23 I have a hard time trusting someone who intentionally hisses all the time while never breaking eye to eye contact like a fucking weird evil magician. A young Rajneesh was described as a willful child who was glib beyond his years. He attended primary school and high school in Gaurwara. He learned English at a young age known for spending hours in the public library. He also figured out how to give a good speech early in life, childhood friend SR Pirate, or Pirate told the Oregonian he was a very good orator from the beginning. Growing up, Rajneesh was described as adventurous. He was the ringleader of group of boys who loved to cause mischief and swim in the river at the edge of town. Rajneesh told his Rajneesh he's that he liked to seek thrills and stretch his mental limits by hiking on a cliff edge above a river.
Starting point is 01:20:04 He said the risk, the physical challenge, the concentration and the awareness of death produced a mental state to kin to meditation. Young Rajneesh also was also obsessed with meditation and dedicated himself to the practice. 1951 and the age 19 Rajneesh graduated high school and began attending the University of Jubblepur. He had no interest in joining the family's cloth business. He moved 130 miles away from his home to attend the university. His family's supportive paid for his education. He studied English, philosophy, logic, political science.
Starting point is 01:20:35 He worked part-time as a copy editor on the Nov Barrett, a Hindi newspaper. In 1953, Raj Neet took a gap here to soul search, to meditate. He claimed that during his time off, he achieved enlightenment. Bingo bangio! That's a fucking gap year! Take a year off school, boom, enlightened. Fuck yeah. He said at the age of 21, he had a spiritual awakening. He was disturbed by spiritual questions before this awakening, so much so it affected his
Starting point is 01:21:01 healthy. He had headaches, had to force himself to eat. He started running five to eight miles a day, twice a day. He's a fucking champion trying to clear his head. The question is, would it leave him alone? So he began a spiritual quest. Rajneesh claimed to experience his enlightenment March 21, 1953 in an event he called the explosion. He said, he reached enlightenment while sitting quietly beneath a tree in Bon Vartal Garden, a park in Jolbo Pore. And that's when the universe or some ancient and wise being was like, Shandra Mohanjeein, you ought to be the Bhagwan, you ought to enlighten the
Starting point is 01:21:38 world to group their big gangrabs, you ought to teach your followers to beat wisdom and to one another skulls. Fist Sandics. Only Fist Sandics will enlighten the world. Something like that. You heard some kind of message. I don't fucking know. He didn't say exactly. Maybe it was that one. The park caretaker did recall in an interview with the Oregonian that Rajneesh visited in the mornings and evenings and sometimes even stayed in this park overnight. So maybe he was getting enlightened. Maybe he liked to jerk off in a park. I don't know. Rajneesh came to believe that individual religious experience is the only thing one spiritual life should be grounded in and that such unique experiences can't be organized into one religion or a belief system. And that such unique experiences can't be organized into one religion or a belief system Right, this kind of a humanistic philosophy. Are you know what I like essentially he believed that organized religion had it all wrong So what should he do to help the world he should make another religion?
Starting point is 01:22:36 I don't like that. I do could have just after you know, maybe write some books Maybe write some fucking books make some VHS tapes leave it there But that wouldn't be enough to help enlighten the world. And or that wouldn't be enough to line his bank accounts. I know, with billions of millions of dollars going forward. Rajneesh didn't tell me what about his explosion, not yet. He said I declared it only when I knew that I could create my own small world. And I was no more concerned with the crowds and the masses and the stupid mob.
Starting point is 01:23:00 And it built a cult first than strengthen the bonds between guru and devotee with that little bit of backstory. Rajneesh eventually returned to school earned a bachelor's degree in philosophy from University of Jibblepore in 1955. Then pursued as masters in philosophy at Sagar University, graduate 1957. 1959 to age 25 Rajneesh appointed lecture at Mahakshal Arts College college, university of Jalapur, but was never made full professor. He was said to be confrontational with other staff and students, when it came to pushing what he believed was the right philosophical answers. That tracks hard to become
Starting point is 01:23:37 a true cult leader without a streak of arrogance in you. At the same time he was a teacher, Rajneesh began to travel around the country, teach his ideas on spirituality. This really pissed off his parents. They were adherents of the Jane of religion, and now he was using his college education that they had paid for to travel around and tell everyone to fuck religion. It's all bullshit, and you should reject taboos and not feel guilt. What are rapy he got when talking about breaking taboos, considering what his later encounter sessions would be like. Also, wonder how those sessions would have gone if instead of session leaders just mostly
Starting point is 01:24:04 encouraging women to sexually fulfill men, letting men overpower them. If, you know, they were also the men were encouraged to overpower other men, right? Break more tab boots, right? Fuck those guys. Fuck each other. I'm guessing once a few guys got held down and really fucking satomized or throw fucked, those sessions would have been revised pretty quick, right? They would have given their, let's fuck the ego out of you, policy a hard second look.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Rajnich began to build up a bit of a following with his early tours in which he started to distribute his writings. His tour was often took him to Bombay where he built up his biggest early following. He'd lecture up to five times a day there, then talk to his students late into the night. By talk, probably, probably fucked.
Starting point is 01:24:46 1964, Rajneesh began conducting meditation camps and recruiting more followers. According to 1985, Oregonian article, Rajneesh began speaking at meditation camps across the Indian countryside in 1964 and resigned from the university in 1966 to concentrate on his lecturing and probably get his Dixock. I added that. Not that although he liked playing to crowd at lecture halls and parks, he didn stuck. I added that. Nothing. Although he liked playing to crowd-adlector halls and parks, he didn't forego smaller audiences. Friends said he addressed any local rotary club or any group that would have him. He had the fire of enlightenment burning inside of him. Also, probably really enjoying the ego stroke,
Starting point is 01:25:16 build more and more of a following and where he could make more and more money, sell his writings, what not. Probably like getting as many reps as possible, work out that cober-like signature oration style of his. The old gods often spoke of great floods, and of punishing fires. Only fire I want to burn you in is the flames of enlightenment. As far as for floods, I too want to flood you. I want to drown you in peace.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Untrying quenis. Rajeev targeted religion in all his lectures, of course. His court was message of breaking free from the chains of the old religions. And he also likely knew... newt cost controversy people talking about he saw early on it was working a growing number of followers said you buy the religions of their parents were drawn to his radical ideas and his fucking snake talk
Starting point is 01:26:14 uh... nor the old teachings of traditional religion roshnees never talked about forming his own religion he taught that everyone was his or her own religion but where my fucking echoes my picture on it, listen to me. Rajneesh attacks, not just old religious figures and profits, he even attacked more modern philosophers, even very popular ones in India, like Mahatma Gandhi. He attacked Gandhi for trying to synthesize religious thought and for adhering tradition. You fucking synthesize religious.t, you fucking liar.
Starting point is 01:26:40 In 1965 Rajneesh recruited a few businessmen of some means to support his new movement, turn it into something more, make it bigger, more profitable. The Oregonian reported they formed Jivan Jagruti Kendra, the four runner of the Rajneesh foundation in 1965 to finance guru's activities, the guru's activities, freeing him from the need to collect academic paychecks. Rajneesh selected the trust name, which translates to life awakening center. Yeah, fucking wake up. And fucking eat my bullshit. 1966 Rajneesh selected the trust name, which translates to life awakening center. Yeah, fucking wake up. And it's fucking eat my bullshit. 1966 Rajneesh was able to resign from teaching to focus fully on spreading his spiritual message.
Starting point is 01:27:13 He also came a pariah to most people in the local community, earned the drugatory nickname the sex guru, a better than rape guru, which seems to me to line up better with his later session practice if he wasn't already doing that. Rajneesh met his future personal secretary and prominent figure in the cult. Ambalal Patel Sheila in 1968. Sheila would eventually run the cult on his behalf and act as Rajneesh's spokesperson.
Starting point is 01:27:35 And Sheila before going over some of her bio stats, you got to hear this pistol action. She truly did not seem to give any fucks about almost anything. She really spoke her mind. Remove her abrasive confrontational personality from the Rajneeshie equation, and I think their organ compound experiment might have lasted at least a few more years. Here's a little highlight reel, someone put together of sound bites from televised interviews and speeches she gave. Sorry about the background music, I always fucking hate when they do that. I think it's better without it, but it is what it is.
Starting point is 01:28:02 If they're not aware of my determination, I think they're stupid, they are unintelligent. I don't turn for cover. And, first and like you, make me run for cover? Ah, that's it, you. You tell your cover nurse, you tell your attorney general, and all your bigoted pigs outpig. They touch any of our people I will have 15 of their heads and I'm in business
Starting point is 01:28:32 we don't want the orange people in our town what can I say tough titties tough titties! that's my favorite thing she says tough titties! tough titties everyone! tough titties! I love the way she said it. She was born in the Indian state of Gujarat, 1949, the youngest of six siblings. Ambalal Patel, her father fell in love with her mother,
Starting point is 01:28:54 Moni Ben Patel, at a train station that got married, lived the unconventional lifestyle, which prepared her for cult activities later. She was family supported, a lot of nudity, a lot of body confidence, that's good, that's fine. She was just off and seeing Summonity, a lot of body confidence. You know, that's, that's good. It's fine. She's just off and seeing Shuman naked, which their neighbors considered improper. Probably not all their neighbors, probably most her neighbors.
Starting point is 01:29:11 I'm guessing any neighborhood team boys or neighborhood team girls and girls had absolutely no problem with it because she was fucking hot. She would pose naked in some Raj Nishi publications in her 20s, fully nude and yeah, she had a great body. She even said so herself, that was pretty funny in the interview. You know, those guys like these pictures in Barassia
Starting point is 01:29:28 and she's like, why, I have a great body? And she's, you know, fucking nailed it, it wasn't wrong. She was just 16 years old, 1968, when her father approached her, said they were going to visit the Bhagwan, a man who he believed would be the next Buddha if he lived long enough. They would visit this future Buddha's apartment in Bombay. She just said, I saw Bhagwan and that was the end of me.
Starting point is 01:29:49 She logged him and immediately started crying. That hypnotic motherfucker was good. He had a men's cult game talent. He was a all-star cult leader. He was all pro. First team all pro. She later said in the documentary, Wild Wild Country, my whole head melted, my life was complete, my life was fulfilled.
Starting point is 01:30:04 She was fascinated by everything Bhagwan had to say. Peter said in the documentary, Wild Wild Country, my whole head melted, my life was complete, my life was fulfilled. She was fascinated by everything Bhagwan had to say. She is a Southern documentary interview. Bhagwan was very modern, very hip, a fashion. He appealed to the intellectuals, intellectuals who were tired of the tradition and mundane lifestyle. In 1968, Rajneesh began a new series of lectures on love and doubled down in his sex guru reputation.
Starting point is 01:30:22 Declaring that sex was divine. In his book from sex to super-consciousness, he wrote, The primal energy of sex has the reflection of God in it. It is obvious. It is the energy that creates new life. And that is the greatest, most mysterious force of all. You know, I don't also hate this. Or I also don't hate this. Sex when it's great. You know, we put the bright music on, light the bright candles, maybe throwing some
Starting point is 01:30:41 molly, lotion, loob, take your time with it. Have with someone you not only have primal attraction to, but also love, yeah, okay. That sensualness can feel pretty fucking divine. Feels like you're tapping into something not entirely this world. I knew he's doing here, how do I make people feel good. These lectures were extremely controversial,
Starting point is 01:30:58 numerous dates of his were canceled by venues, because they were too controversial. Then a month later, he found a new venue, gave the same lecture to a crowd of 15,000. I love these fucking rock star. Right, these lectures promoting sex positivity attract a bunch of sex, so you're pressed Westerners. A lot of them have money.
Starting point is 01:31:13 Bagwans traveling extensively, given more speeches and Sheila's words, his goal was to attract the cream of society. In my words, you wanted to attract desperate people with money, who he could trick into giving them that sweet money. I began not just selling self printed writings, but publishing his own books, which made him again, according to Sheila, bigger than a rock star. Guess in this single dude now 36, getting his fair share of orgies in around this time
Starting point is 01:31:36 too. By 1969, Raj Nees traveled almost constantly on the road three weeks a month. Then he decides to shift his focus fully to Bombay, trying to figure out a way to get his message out, build more followers, get his deck sucked, but not have to travel so much. He started to interact with some of the women that attended his lectures there, and began inviting them for private audiences to help them along the path of enlightenment, which meant fuck them. Seriously, and he would charge him for that. He's getting women to pay him for that magic guru dick.
Starting point is 01:32:04 He's just leveled up as a co-leader. He just, uh, he's rolled a good die. That good die role just came to plus three on his charisma. 1970, Rajesh now begins promoting the practice of dynamic meditation. His followers, uh, following grows further. One point around this time, Rajesh spoke in and around Bombay to stadiums of up to 20 to 30,000 people all there just to hear his message. As more Westerners arrived, Roger each wanted to create a place for large group meditations now. In 1971, he takes on the title of Bhagwan. By takes, I mean, gives it to himself.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Means blessed one, using several Indian spiritual traditions as a term of respect for human being and whom the divine is no longer hidden, but is apparent. He began heavily advertising his religion to Westerners initiated, you know, not a religion, but religion to Westerners, initiated disciples who would follow his rules, disciples who, you know, would take on new names, where designated colors, even those lockets with his picture in them, you know, cult, cult, cult. He's fucking leveling up again, plus one in strength, plus two in constitution, dark wizard, getting more powerful. So it really begins. According to Sheel and others, Rajneesh was especially interested in Westerners for the
Starting point is 01:33:08 money. His personal secretary locks me, would brief him on the, you know, Rajneesh's background or the Saani, God. Sanias in his backgrounds. And some Sneesons told the Oregonian later that those who had more money got more attention from Bhagwan. Of course he did. He knew the fuck he was doing. 1974 Rajne's moved his, excuse me, primary ashram
Starting point is 01:33:28 to the city of Puna, city of five million, 90 miles east of Bombay. In the midst of this bustling city and large slums, is now a gated garden oasis, his ashram, his first large cult compound. I saw two of it in the documentary, and it's fucking gorgeous. Still there, meditation areas, full of ponds, beautifully landscape foliage. It's massive estate, also full of
Starting point is 01:33:48 modern meeting centers, you know, residences. Looks like it has probably a good Wi-Fi. Now called the O-Show International Meditation Resort. They have what they call a full O-Show Multiversity Program of Courses, Individual Sessions, and Morning Classes. It's pretty fucking sick actually. They got a spa, pool, jacuzzi, gym, tennis courts, vibrant nightlife, P3A, nice restaurants, hotels, because the strength of the dollar for you, American meets sex, you can actually stay there for a whole month right now, full month with classes and accommodations, but not food for only $1,800. That's $140,000 rupees.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Fuck, give it a crack. Maybe you'll get invited to a sex party. Maybe you'll get held down and enlightened. Maybe you get to, I don't know, suck some new guru and trainings dick. Cause you don't wanna be sucking Baghwans dick anymore. I don't tell you that much.
Starting point is 01:34:37 He's been dead for over 32 years. It's not gonna be a lot of guru dick left. It's gonna be rough. What is left of anything? Back to 1974 when Baghwans first opened his Poonah enlightenment, Hunky Tonk and Rape Club, followers came from all over the world to beat Bhagwan. And probably to fuck other followers I'm guessing. Life at the Ashram was simple.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Bhagwan gave a discourse in the mornings. Followers meditated, practiced yoga, fucked, beat the shit out of each other, and encounter sessions in the afternoon. Drink tea with their friends and beautiful gardens. Pretty simple, it's all pretty straightforward. Soon, Rajesh grew tired of all the noise, I guess. He got tired of the constant fucking infighting, meditating, and began to isolate himself from his followers.
Starting point is 01:35:15 He stopped directing meditations, and instead, he arrived before his followers in limos, or Rolls-Royce's to give discourses, and then, you know, just kinda keep on driving. Nothing says enlightenment like a fucking limo. That's when you know you've arrived when you're king or queen shit. When you're sitting in the back of a weirdly long car
Starting point is 01:35:32 that actually is not that comfortable, drinking champagne, you don't even really like popping your head out of the sun roof like a silly asshole to address people. You clearly view as your minions, don't respect. Outside of these pretty douchey appearances, a Bhagwan ice-lit himself for the most part with his inner circle at his house and rarely left the ashram to increase income in the mid 70s. Rajni started franchising his definitely not a fucking religion religion.
Starting point is 01:35:54 Started sending some disciples off to create meditation centers around the world. Chosed some of them to be department heads keep business operations running. Other disciples with training and martial arts acted as his personal bodyguards. He wanted security because he was having some health problems Be in suffering from diabetes allergies Some serious back problems badly bulging discs. That's weird Must have shitty meditation form you think with all his yoga and meditation and being enlightened and whatnot He'd have better health
Starting point is 01:36:21 Maybe hurt himself with all the fucking maybe through his back back out, helping some curvy followers get enlightened. The perception from outside of his following or outside of his growing little cult was that there was no class system, just to guru in the minions, the Bhagwan and the Rajnishis, Charles Manson and the family, you get it. But when you get inside the ashram, you can easily see a clear hierarchy
Starting point is 01:36:42 as I alluded to earlier, right? People in Rajnishis or Inner Circle receive preferential treatment. People with valuable skills like lawyers, architects, city planners, secretaries, treated much better, given much better accommodations and better food than other people who are less skilled, just given me a job and spartan accommodations. By the late 70s, the ashram and puna, so overcrowded sources don't put a solid number on how many people were living there, that the group felt they needed to relocate. Bogwon promises followers a new commune where they could all live together and expand
Starting point is 01:37:10 further. Cult, cult, cult. The Rajneeshis needed money, housing and land and Sheila had a brilliant idea how to get it. What if they stole it from their followers? I mean borrowed it but never fucking gave it back. They had 4,000 Sinesians, 4,000 Rajanations who could loan them money.
Starting point is 01:37:28 So that's what they did. She set up a bank with the card system overnight within a few days. They had hundreds of thousands of dollars at their disposal. Right. Bog won then send his personal secretary, Lacksmeet, go find their new land. He ordered her not to return until she closed the deal and she went all over India, but no one wanted to sell her the land. By this point, the movement was considered so controversial that local governments kept
Starting point is 01:37:48 creating roadblocks, making it difficult for the group to relocate. The Indie government even revoked a tax exempt status for the group, made that status reversal retroactive and suddenly wanted them to coffit $5 million. Then in 1980, making things even worse for him, a Hindu fundamentalist, furious at the guru for denouncing Hinduism, Vee Los Tupé attempted to assassinate Bhagwan through a knife at him and from a large crowd of followers. This on top of the government wanted them to pay up that money, not being able to find New Land motivated the group to now relocate the fuck out of India.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Frustrated with the Secretary's lack of progress, finding suitable land for the new compound, Rajneesh Asshila, what she thought of laxmi and Sheila said and I quote fuck that clown bitch fucking tough titties that's not exactly what she said. She said some of the effect that she didn't think laxmi was a capable of finding the land by one as Sheila where she'd taken she said let's go to the US. So we promoted her to secretary in the spot and ordered her to go find land in America. That's exactly what she did. She was especially dedicated to Bogwon, possibly because of the past tragedy he'd help her through. She lived in America for a while before living with Bogwon and Puna. She moved to New Jersey,
Starting point is 01:38:57 1967 at the age 18, that year, the year before meeting him. Sorry, every time I say something like that, the age 18 blew the boys away. it was more than they'd seen. I get this Tom Petty fucking rift stuck in the head. Then she returned to America after meeting him, not returning to India full time until 1972 when her and her husband now both joined the cult. When she was studying at Montclair College in New Jersey, she fell deeply in love with the man named Mark Harris Silverman. He'd been suffering from Hodgkin's disease on and off for about 13 years, and he would
Starting point is 01:39:23 pass away during their relationship, and when he died, Rajneesh. He's held a special funeral for him Bhagwan told doctors to put Sheila to sleep for three days to help her with her grief When she woke up he told her that this chapter that that chapter of her life was over and She should bury herself in their work now and she became super devoted to him April 11th, 1981 the Rajneesh Foundation announces that Bhagwan is going to enter a period of silence and will only stare and hiss, I mean speak to those in his inner circle. My sweet Island. So go for several years. About three, I believe I'll say the exact figure later and it really let Sheila grow in power for the detriment of the group it seems.
Starting point is 01:40:15 Sheila now became Bogwans spokesperson, his voice. He was given irrevocable power of attorney. She began securing the land purchase in Oregon and secret. Then she met with her team, told them they were going to America. May 20th, 1991, Rajneet supplies for four months temporary visa to visit US claiming he's medical treatment unavailable in India, surgery for his back. A surgery he'll never get might have greatly exaggerated his back pain. On June 1st, 1981, Rajneet says Secretary Sheila and others in his inner circle leave
Starting point is 01:40:41 for the US, Atlanta, New uh, Stena, Stena castle described as a castle in some source in Montclair, New Jersey, owned by one of the cult's organizations and they, uh, yeah, did this without telling any followers. L.A. Times speculated in a 19 one article that Rajneesh moved to America because of more than just tax problems and having a hard time finding a new compound in India. They wrote about how similar to the relationship he would later have with the people of Antelope, Oregon in this surrounding area, most of the people around Puna fucking hated him. Hated him so much they tried to burn down his compound twice, committed to Axe Arson. Hated him more after followers at his ashram, accused their landlord
Starting point is 01:41:17 of sexually assaulting a female disciple. The landlord said he was being framed because he refused to seat over some disputed water rights to the cult. The American consulate found that sexual entrapment was a common manipulation technique employed by the cult. They wrote, an individual usually a man would be lured into a situation where he found himself alone with an ashram female. After a short time, the female would claim she had been molested. Amazingly enough, there were often cameras and recorders present. Then an ashram official would appear and offer to trade silence on a sexual charge for something the ashram wanted.
Starting point is 01:41:50 Pressuring females to sexually entrap people, so very enlightened. Like 10th 1981, the Chilledvilla's Rochneesh Meditation Center purchases the big muddy ranch in central Oregon for approximately $5.75 million. 15 Rochneesh's move onto the ranch immediately began building the community as many others ranch in central Oregon for approximately $5.75 million. $15 Raj Nishis move onto the ranch immediately began building the community as many others begin to join them. So Oregon here, they come when the group first arrived, they told the people of Antelope, they were going to operate a simple farm and religious
Starting point is 01:42:16 commune with 50 agricultural workers. With a month they applied for permits to locate 34 trailers on the Waskell County portion of the ranch. And those first months of the ranch, they had a lot of shit done. Hundreds of cold members, no exact figure exists. Work from dust till dawn, right? And three or four shifts, I'm sorry from, I guess it'd be from Don to dusk. Morning tonight, the built infrastructure, power, water, plumbing, they even built their own roads.
Starting point is 01:42:40 They drove trucks, operated a heavy machinery led construction projects, so much physical labor. Over the next few years, they build villages, a bank, a shopping center, pizza bar, meditation hall, airport, damn, farms. They soon produced almost all their own food by themselves. The Raj Nishis were proud of what they created with their blood, sweat and tears. Meanwhile, local residents of Antelope were fueuing. They entrusted Raj Nishis. Their quiet lives have been disrupted. Soon, the cult would begin buying up buildings in town. Their free loving ways would spill onto the out of the compound and into analog nudity and the sounds of fucking would become common seriously
Starting point is 01:43:12 Lucifina was in charge of analog now Most locals felt that the liberated ideals of the group were a bit scandalous Mayor Margaret Hill quickly became especially outspoken against a group open the advocating for them to go back to India And while I have less of a problem with sexual expression than the typical American, I would love for our culture to become much more sexually liberated. I can see how this would be genuinely upsetting.
Starting point is 01:43:34 I mean, what if for your whole life, you've been raised with the expectation to keep your sex life private, to be modest? That's all you've ever been around. You know, and you see your very quiet, remote, rural town is a refuge in the more sexualized ways to bigger towns and cities. It's part of what you like about it. Modest, quiet, conservative.
Starting point is 01:43:50 Then all of a sudden, a whole bunch of new neighbors move in. They don't talk like you. They don't believe in any former spirituality you are familiar with. They are not private with their sexuality at all. They're naked in their backyards, right? Have an origin in the living room, the house next door, maybe with the windows open, really letting those orgasm groans, fucking rip in a fully uninhibited way. I mean, that would be a bit jarring.
Starting point is 01:44:11 And based on documentary footage, it didn't seem like the cult members made any effort whatsoever to compromise with locals and meet them halfway and any of this shit. Seem like they very obnoxiously and aggressively just pushed their lifestyle on them. Very much an attitude of, you know, we're here. We're gonna fuck like animals, you're gonna hear it? Sometimes you can see it. And if you don't like it, well, tough titties, you'll get fucked.
Starting point is 01:44:31 And to be fair to the people of Antelope, you know, that just isn't too neighborly. August 29th, 1981, as all the, as the new compounds being initially being built, now 49 year old quiet guy, Rajneesh, arrives on the ranch for the first time. Sheila's still his voice will be for a while. His face is a cult. She moves into a large house on the ranch called Jesus Grove.
Starting point is 01:44:53 And she moves her inner circle into this house. And after her nightly meetings with Bogwan, she will relay important information to them. Living in Jesus Grove with Sheila was the ultimate status symbol. But it came in price. Anyone who lived in the house was at her constant back in call. Had to do anything she asked. Anytime she ordered it. She was demanding moody and salty.
Starting point is 01:45:10 Clicked. He made a lot of enemies in the cult before later making more outside the cult. People still wonder if she was the real reason the cult would end up crumbling, or if she just ended up being a scapegoat. When she carrying out bog wands bidding, when she went on to do a bunch of nefarious shit, or was she pushing her own agenda.
Starting point is 01:45:25 In October of 1981, the Portland District Office of the US Immigration and Naturalization Service ordered by the regional headquarters to begin investigating the Raj Nishis for immigration fraud. Locals tipped him off. They'd grown more concerned as hundreds and hundreds and more followers began moving in from India. And so a legal back and forth battle begins locals locals, versus Rajneeshis, old ways versus the new ways.
Starting point is 01:45:47 New fucking weird ways. November 4th, 1991. Wasco County Court approves the petition for an incorporation vote for the city of Rajneesh Purim. Right? The cult seeks to incorporate 2,000 acres of the ranch into a city. But then 24 voters in Antelope file a petition asking that the community be disincorporated and turned over to the county.
Starting point is 01:46:05 And then an environmental group of thousand friends of Oregon files a lawsuit against Rajneesh Purham on behalf of Antelope. They argued that like the town, not the fucking creature. They argued that the Rajneeshies were not using the land for its original intended purpose of a simple farm and that their buildings should be torn down. And this group had some powerful local allies like Bill Bowerman met him earlier the incredible wealthy co founder Nike owned a ranch near the big muddy ranch, the original name of the land, the Colt bot and little presidents Kelly and Rosemary McGrier also owned a lot of farmland near the ranch. And they all wanted their interest protected because the Raj Nishis
Starting point is 01:46:40 were considering establishing a city of at least 10,000 people with a hotel and developments that would disturb their land and their way of life. Baramon donated frequently to a thousand friends, even became the spokesman for them during this lawsuit. Attorneys for a thousand friends of Oregon told the Rajneesh representatives that they would have to seek exception under goal two of Oregon land use laws. A thousand friends believed the Rajneeshish would not be granted this exception because the type of farming they said they wanted to do originally was already permissible under
Starting point is 01:47:07 Oregon laws. They can get permits for any farm related structures they wanted to build on a case-by-case basis. Rajneesh e lawyers responded that was too burdensome, too expensive. Lawyers and approach the Wasco County Court with a findings of fact that stated, the uses to be established within the proposed city are of a rural nature to meet the needs of the predominantly agricultural workforce residing within the area, limited commercial and industrial uses will be of a similar nature. After the findings of
Starting point is 01:47:32 fact was submitted, commissioners Rick Cantrell and Virgil Elit overrode the position of a third commissioner to allow Rajneesh Perum to incorporate. Why would these two side against the locals, against the people who voted them into their positions? Rumors of the cold, bribing county officials immediately began to swirl. And it does look bad. Right after overriding another commissioner, the Raj Nishis had purchased Cantrell's entire herd of horses for a lot more than they were worth. Interesting. And they'd done that when he was having some difficulty paying off some debt. They didn't pay him for the horses until after he made the vote in their favor either.
Starting point is 01:48:07 So we bit suspicious. After receiving permission to incorporate into the city, the Raj Nishis began building several hundred houses, several multiplex apartment complexes, a two-story shopping mall, a 21,900 square foot counseling complex, a series of office buildings and restaurants, large warehouse, four-story hotel, factory, an airport landing strip, capable of accommodating private jet airplanes. They went fucking big. Rajnees later said he wanted to build a city that would eventually accommodate 100,000
Starting point is 01:48:35 people, all his followers. And they were actually on their way to pull that off before Sheila's confrontations with locals derailed it. Sheila was fucking furious about that thousand friends lawsuits. She wanted to make those fuckers suck on so many tough titties. Suck a thousand tough titties. One for every friend. She said that if the friends wanted to tear down her buildings,
Starting point is 01:48:55 I will paint their bulldozers with my blood. I'll be proud to be under those bulldozers. If they are not aware of my determination, I think they are stupid. Again, she's a pretty abrasive diplomatic style. She quickly took action during the lawsuit, began buying up properties in Antelope to secure their existence as a city.
Starting point is 01:49:10 They took over the town, moved their business operations in Antelope, purchased the town's cafe, which deeply upset the town's residents. It's their only cafe, right? Cause now, I guess this was a real point of contention. I love this. They wouldn't serve bacon anymore.
Starting point is 01:49:24 Fucking love details like that so much. Such a little thing, but that would piss off locals. Oh god damn it, Marlon! They took the fucking bacon off the menu. We have one care for you. Now I gotta drive 75 goddamn miles to the fucking dowels to get the breakfast I want. Fucking weird ass hippies.
Starting point is 01:49:42 I'm about to lose my shit. I can deal with the loud fucking hell, I haven't made my peace with seeing all those titties. Some of them has some pretty goddamn fine racks, not gonna lie to you, but the bacon, the fucking bacon, mark this day on your calendar, Marlon. This shit is our Pearl Harbor. We're fucking war now.
Starting point is 01:49:58 She's in the cult, bought any houses for sale in town. And something already been listed, the offered full price or above market value for properties, which was more money than most local people could refuse. Behind the houses allowed some Raj Nishis to become residents of Antelope, therefore eligible to join the city council and vote on issues. In protest, some Antelope residents created anti-boguan t-shirts, hats, stickers. They walked around with rifles, threatened some of the Raj Nishis, vandalized some of their properties, shit is getting contentious. In response, some cult members, Nantelope harassed locals by shining spotlights into their houses at night, by filming, taking photos of people doing daily
Starting point is 01:50:33 activities just to freak them out, local atmosphere getting heated. It felt like a shooting could occur any day now. So much drama for a tiny ass town that had been quiet for so long. March 12, 1922, the Oregon land used board of appeals, dismisses the challenge to the incorporation of Rajneesh Perum, Colt wins this battle too. And then instead of just quietly celebrating this little victory, they attacked their adversaries allegedly, but probably. Interestingly, right after this victory,
Starting point is 01:50:58 numerous people associated with a thousand friends and the Annelope City Council received boxes of chocolates in the mail with a note that says, thank you for your support to preserve the clummy river gorge. Some of these people eat the chocolate and they get very sick. One person found a chocolate with a pin prick in the bottom. Chocolate has been poisoned. Mike Sullivan, Jefferson County DA almost died.
Starting point is 01:51:17 Bill Hulse, Walshko County judge, also almost died. Suck on those tough titties, motherfuckers, poison tough titties. Many will later suspect Sheila had planned this pay back for them trying to fuck with the cult that she'd become the public face of April 15, 1922. The Anilov City Council tries to vote to disincorporate the town, but loses the vote to the new Raj Nishi residents 55 to 22, right? They're planning to buy up all those houses worked. Another battle won by the cult. May 18th 1982 the Rajanishis vote 154 to zero to incorporate the city of Rajanish Purim on 2113 acres of their 64
Starting point is 01:51:54 1229 acre Rancho Rajanish. But then on December 23rd 19 to the immigration and naturalization service turns down two of Rajanish's requests to stay in the US based on health concerns and his role as a religious leader. So they're not willing all the battles, right? The cold appeals its decision six months later, cold then gets attacked. All right, they get attacked in India. They get attacked here July 29th, 1983, the hotel Raj Nish in downtown Portland is bombed. First bomb goes off one 19 a.m.
Starting point is 01:52:22 Two more bombs go off two 56 a.m. Luckily the bomber, Steven P. Pastair only one injured. He lost a few his fingers in the explosion. He was convicted of the bombing. It's been five years in prison. A motive was never excuse me presented to the jurors, but deputy district attorney Charles French said in a pretrial hearing that pastor belonged to a militant fundamentalist Muslim organization. Guessing he figured that Allah did not care for their free loving, religion, hating ways. Guessing. The Rajnichis responded publicly that going forward they would do anything to protect themselves from future threats and they purchased a bunch of weapons for the ranch. Now they take some time away from meditation, start doing target practice, form a militia.
Starting point is 01:53:03 Most of the remaining original residents of Antelope, pretty fucking terrified. Also in July of 1983, Rajneesh Purim hosts a massive festival. The Rajneesh's from all over the world come to see the Bhagwan, the giant party for thousands of people. Bhagwan pulls up and rolls Royce like a fucking douche to silently greet his followers. The schedule events features things like a set-stang, a direct heart to heart communication in the presence of Bug One. So cool, people will literally communicate with their hearts, you guys.
Starting point is 01:53:33 There were dynamic meditations, Kundalini meditation, discourses, live music celebrations, all the visitors had to pay for all this stuff, big money making opportunity for the cult. Meanwhile, local bureaucrats trying to come up with new ways to get rid of all these cult members. October 6, 1983, Oregon Attorney General Dave Fraunmeyer, issues in opinion that the
Starting point is 01:53:52 city of Rajneesh Purim violated a separation of church and state clause in the Oregon legislation in the Oregon government. Month later, November 9, 1983, Attorney general Dave Fraunmeyer files a suit challenging again, the incorporation of Rajneesh Prome. Locals one of these people gone. Following summer July 84, residents of Antelope vote 57 to 22 to change the town's name to Rajneesh. Oh boy.
Starting point is 01:54:17 Oh boy, Rajneesh is now changed in the street names to Hindu names as well. And they convert a small green area in this little tiny town into a nude sunbathing area. And now they're really doing a lot of public fucking. So many titties, tough and otherwise, flopping about all around town, more and more residents complaining about hearing sex noises all the time now. But who are they complaining to? Deaf ears, right? The cult runs this fucking town.
Starting point is 01:54:42 What a strange little slice of history this all is. I picture the 911 operator being Raj Nishi, right? Raj Nishi 911, what's your emergency? You have enlightenment obstacle? Oh yes, is Dale Greenwood, 43 elk route, God damn, I mean, 43 bog wand lane. I can't get to sleep, because my next door neighbors have an orgy.
Starting point is 01:55:02 Sounds delightful. Have you tried asking them if you can join? I find it so much easier to go to sleep after experiencing a really intense orgasm. Uh, no, I- no, I've not done that. I'm a married man. Oh, I'm sure they'd be happy to fuck her life as well. Marriage is an arbitrary social construct. The Bhagwan does not feel indisciled to the path of enlightenment. Good nights in my peace, find and guide you. What the fuck? The cult did actually run the local police force, too.
Starting point is 01:55:27 They sent followers to the police academy to establish a peace force. Their name for the town's new police force. All these massive changes started tracking a lot of press interest in what was going on around there. She either went on every TV show that would have her to promote the cult's growing town. She became an outrageous TV personality,
Starting point is 01:55:43 which got the cult even more news coverage. Most of it not good. Some of her responses to people's complaints and accusations were fuck you and your full of shit. And of course, the classic tough titties. God no one loved tough titties more than Sheila. August, 1984, the Rajin East Humanity Trust, one of the cults many subgroups created for tax purposes, begins to recruit homeless people
Starting point is 01:56:05 to come live at Rajin East Perib now. They called it their share a home project. We referenced that earlier, not actually a humanitarian effort at all. What they were doing here, not very enlightened, just selfish and fucked up. They had taken the town of Anilope and now these overreaching motherfuckers
Starting point is 01:56:19 wanted to take the whole county to get county officials off their backs. They wanted to gain control of the Waskout County Commission and do accomplished that. They actually planned to poison two county commissioners. Then run their candidates for those open seats. Easy peasy. The hundreds and hundreds of formerly homeless people, they were bust into the area, would be registered to vote and they would be heavily pressured to vote in their favor. And the Raj Nishis now traveled around the country, handing out free bus tickets to their Oregon compound. Once
Starting point is 01:56:43 men and women arrived, they were provided clothing, grooming, medical, vision, dental services, food, housing, and work opportunities. And all the cold ass foreign exchange was that they registered a vote and vote in favor of Rajneesh Perum. What could go wrong with this plan? It's foolproof. Just bust 100 homeless people to the compound to commit voter fraud after assassinating a few local officials.
Starting point is 01:57:02 Oh man, this is reeks of so much enlightenment. And if you can't see that, well, then tough titties, asshole. October 10th, 1984, a group of 20 formerly homeless people attempt to register to vote at the Waskell County Courthouse in the Dallas. And this immediately reads as fucking suspicious. Come on, guys, only 16,000 people live in the Dallas, only 25,000 live in Waskell County. They people know who other locals are. You know, they know who other locals are.
Starting point is 01:57:25 You know, they know who's clearly not from the area. You can't pull this shit off at a small rural area. The county immediately suspends these people's rights to vote in a blanket rejection because they believe there is a conspiracy to commit voter fraud, which there was the Rajneesh Legal Services Corporation then follows a lawsuit arguing hindrance against voter rights and then the county's decision is upheld by federal judge on October 23rd. All right. The cult is losing this, losing this battle. Then some bad press follows. The homeless people who have been brought in were furious about how they were treated after
Starting point is 01:57:53 they weren't allowed to vote. They no longer held any value for the cult. They've been promised take it to go back home, but then the cult doesn't deliver. They're just tossed out, right? And they're not giving shit. Sheila again suspected of this impulsive short-sighted move really stupid. Like they're not going to rat the cult out now. They're not going to dish some dirt to the press. And they did dish some dirt. Dwayne Hartman said to a reporter for the Columbia newspaper, it's a piece and love thing, right? Wrong. Everywhere you look, there's someone checking up on you. Steve Marronville said, I hated it. It was like a terrorist camp. John Irwin said to the Richmond Times dispatch. There's rampant sex and they're trying to twist people's minds in these all-day brainwashing sessions. He claimed he was assaulted too when he refused to register to vote.
Starting point is 01:58:34 reporter Roddy Ray wrote for the Detroit Free Press Periodically during dinner a voice came over the loudspeaker saying attention friends if you are an American citizen and over 18 you are eligible to register to vote. You're saying attention friends, if you are an American citizen and over 18, you're eligible to register to vote. Some people claim that basic necessities like food, clothing, and bedding were withheld if they refused to answer that call. Warren Barnes told the Seattle Times
Starting point is 01:58:53 it's a constructed environment that invokes most of the senses, color predominates, predominates, image predominates. You see Boggwan's picture all the time, words predominate, Rajneesh, Rajneesh, Rajne Nish it's a continuing process where you can be a baby again And these subliminal things weaken your will to resist Donnie Hartman also told the times they say peace there, but there's guns everywhere. You look they say no lies
Starting point is 01:59:16 But I was lied to until I left Michael Sprouse told the weekly reminder these people are dedicated and dangerous They are dedicated fanatics and they're armed psyched up to the point of firing on American citizens or US military personnel if the bog won asks them to. I know Oregon people are concerned, but I don't think they're taking them as seriously as they should. And then Holly Anderson would say to the spokesman review, I was promised a life on a beautiful commune where I'd always have enough to eat and a bed to sleep on, a community to call my own. But in the end, all I got was a pair of tough titties to suck on. Sheila made me suck on them until they started to produce milk, and her titties were really,
Starting point is 01:59:51 really tough. Took four days, I still haven't regained full feeling in my lips. I may have made up the Holly Anderson part, but the rest, that was real, all in the name of enlightenment. Ten days before the election, Sheila kicks out most of all those people, leaves them to defend for themselves, right? Fucking tough titties. If you don't like it, Sheila then brings together her inner circle to discuss a new way to win the election.
Starting point is 02:00:13 She plans and helps carry out a mass poisoning. October, 1974, the Cold Infects, 751 people in Walshkow County with Salmonella, to try to keep them from voting or to prepare for an attack that will'll do that. They brewed some Salmonella and some fucking leboretory. Various members of Sheila's crazy poison team spread Salmonella on produce and grocery stores and on door knobs, even on urinal handles in the county courthouse. Also contaminated the salad bars of 10 local restaurants with Salmonella, 45 people would go to the hospital, hundreds of others would call their doctors, Salmonella, 45 people would go to the hospital, hundreds of others would call their doctors, luckily, despite a few close calls, everyone survived. Even the newborn baby, they almost killed. Now the CDC, the state health division, come into investigate to cause this food
Starting point is 02:00:53 poisoning. Initially, food handlers are accused of causing the outbreak, but conspiracy soon circulate that the Raj Nishis are behind it. The Raj Nish Medical Corporation, another cult subgroup, responds with outrage. Oregon State Congressman Jim Weaver now publicly accuses the cult of being behind the poisoning and he's fucking right, but he can't prove it, not yet. So he has to rescind his accusation. Back at Rajneesh Purim, things are unraveling. Sheel now stands on shaky ground with Bog-1 because it were failed, share a home project.
Starting point is 02:01:21 And because you know she tried to fucking kill or at least make very sick hundreds of locals, her titties are getting too fucking tough. She also is failing to accomplish important political goals. Bogwon tells her she needs to win those seats in the county election. And her position as secretary is in jeopardy. She can't make that happen. Then making Sheila's life even harder, making her even more worried about losing her position as Bogwon's number one follower. Some Hollywood people show up some showbiz Mahanda Haseya and Devah Raj Haseya formally married to al-Rudhi producer of the godfather Haseya married Devah Raj who then became Bogwawans personal position Haseya Devah Raj have been throwing lavish parties for the Raj Nishis and Hollywood and raising a lot of money for Bogwawan. Also getting him shiny shit like a diamond covered Rolex and he loved shiny shit.
Starting point is 02:02:08 Bhagwan now informed Sheila. They're going to start a new corporation led by Haseya and Diva Raj. She feels threatened and Sheila's eyes things are spiraling out of control. Bhagwan also now seems particularly unstable. He now begins to speak of Doomsday. Damn it. Oh man, that was one of my favorite things about him. It's him not speaking about this. How cliche. He begins talking about how the Raj Nishis are
Starting point is 02:02:29 going to retreat underground during a upcoming collapse of society. Then afterwards they will emerge create a new world. Charles Manson predicted something very similar to his followers out in California less than 20 years earlier 1968. Helter Skelter. That didn't end too well. Now by one, predicted the 1984 would be the beginning of 15 years of catastrophic, catastrophic, catastrophic events, catastrophes. There we go. Floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, nuclear explosions, all leading to a global holocaust. Here we go. Cult, cult, cult. He said, Rajneeshism is creating a Noah's Ark of Consciousness,
Starting point is 02:03:05 remaining centered exactly in the middle of the cyclone. You can only escape within, and that's what I teach. I do not teach worship of God or any of the ritual, but only a scientific way of coming to your innermost core. He doesn't teach worship of God, everybody. Calm down. He's not a typical doomsday preacher. He just teaches some kind of unexplained scientific way
Starting point is 02:03:23 of seeing the future, and in that future, there's a doomsday,, if you stick with him, you'll survive. He's helping people out. That's all. This is not typical cult leader fear based manipulation or anything. No way, Jose. One day in mid-1984, the Rajneesh Purim pharmacist approaches Sheila with prescription written by Vogue one's doctor, the concern her. It was for Valtrex. Now she knew who she'd gotten that culture from. No, she now believed that those gosh dang Hollywood people had gotten Rajesh hooked on some laughing gas and value. She'd later say she warned Bhagwan. He couldn't use drugs. It would attract law enforcement. Bhagwan would deny using drugs later accused her of using the drugs. According to Sheila Bhagwan, told her to stay out of his business and she's heartbroken. She felt she had done everything for him. And now she's being tossed aside. And her words there, I lost my patience.
Starting point is 02:04:08 Aseha and Divaraj now had more access to Bhagwan than Sheila did and Sheila couldn't stand it. She had Bhagwan's room wire tapped now without his knowledge. She instructed some Rajneeshis to listen to record a cassette tapes, report anything suspicious. On one of the tapes, Sheila claimed to hear Bhagwan ask his doctor how a die in a painless dignified way. And Bhagwan's doctor telling him that the special medication he'd asked for had arrived. Bhagwan instructed him to bury it until it was needed. She was now worried that the whole community is going to come to an end. And it was, but not because Bhagwan was going to kill himself, because of her late October 19, for Bhagwan breaks his self and posts through your silence when it comes to leading
Starting point is 02:04:42 his followers, begins teaching at the ranch again. He'd grown weary of Sheila speaking on his behalf. He was ready to speak for himself again slowly and weirdly. My sweet, shassanines, you no longer hear my words through. Sheila, and tired of her tough titties. Your snake trauma, I mean guru, has returned and will no longer remain in silence. Remember, at 6.19.4, the Wasco County elections take place. The Rochnees, she's loosed in every way.
Starting point is 02:05:21 No county commissioners are assassinated. No empty seats created. No seats won by Raj Nishi candidates. However, their giant compound city continues to grow for a little while. Estimated 7,000 people now live in their full time. July 6, 1985, she had called her inner circle in for a meeting.
Starting point is 02:05:36 Tells them she'd heard Bhagwan say he was gonna die the following day, July 6. A day they referred to as Master's Day. This was a new holiday tradition that began in July of 1902 when they'd hosted their first big festival in Oregon, big celebration of everything Rajnishi, big celebration of Bhagwan's life and teachings based on the holiday of Guru Pornima. A tradition dedicated to all the spiritual and academic gurus who are evolved during
Starting point is 02:05:59 enlightened humans ready to share their wisdom based on karma yoga celebrated as a festival in India Nepal butan by Hindus jains and Buddhists festival falls in the full moon day of the ashada month junior July in that tradition began in Buddhism another example here of adopting something from a previous religion taking what's familiar putting your spin on it kind of creating something new sorry I got to get some sources she told her inner circle that she couldn't let Bhagwan go through with dying. She said they needed to kill Deva Raj before he killed the guru and she asked who would do that for her. Cult spokesperson, Shanti Badra speaks up, says she'll do it. Sheila now gives her some poison she had gathered to assassinate Deva Raj with. She's getting fucking extra crazy.
Starting point is 02:06:43 As it starts to power down in this cult, assassination plots against her own members now. Sheila trying to prove she has a toughest, most ruthless titties of them all in order to keep her status. Shanti now soon approaches diva roge in the gathering hall, tries to inject him with poison when he leans close to her to hear her. He sees what's going on fights back. They struggle. He manages to wrestle away the needle toss it as a side. Shanti now just plays dumb.
Starting point is 02:07:04 Actually, she never tried to stick it with the needle. It was her needle. What? What? What a crazy misunderstanding. No, stick you? No, I was about to inject myself. But why would you take my needle?
Starting point is 02:07:15 And hey, what's that over there? And then she just fucking walked away. No one should have to leave the cult forever soon after this. She has now reported the police because the cult doesn't want any outside law enforcement coming around. She just lays low, tries to stay away from Diva Raj and Bogwon. She was nervous now, worried that her assassination plot is going to be uncovered. Next day, Bogwon does not die. She was wrong. Did you just make up that whole thing about the Bogwon dying? So she gets Shanti to kill the man who would become closer to Bogwon
Starting point is 02:07:41 than she was? Probably. Jump ahead two months now, September 13th 1985, Sheila resigns as Rajneesh's personal secretary and as president of the church in several businesses. She later says in an interview, those last two days, they were full of pain to leave Bogwon. A man I thought was inseparable from me. I'm taking the decision to leave. I'm taking the decision to leave from all these beautiful people who love me. I knew I would be excommunicated, but I'm leaving. I had to learn from Bhagwan, burn your bridges and go forward. On September 14, 1905, Sheila, Ma Prem Pooja, and a few other members of the Inner Circle, Flee the Ranch, would be a sass and shanti flees with them. On September 15, 1905, 10 more Rajneesh
Starting point is 02:08:20 Perm officials, including Mayor Krishna Diva, resign, and leave the compound. Rajneesh Perm officials, including Mayor Krishna Diva, resigned and leave the compound. September 16th, 1985, Bhagwan Rajneesh accuses Sheila in other fleeing officials of various crimes, including attempting to murder his doctor. Bhagwan makes a statement to the press. I have been silent for three and a half years. The people who were in power took advantage of my silence. Sheila and her group, they tried to kill three people. They have attempted to murder people in the commune. They have attempted to murder people in the dals. They have attempted
Starting point is 02:08:48 bugging people's houses, my own house. These people are absolutely criminals and human, brutal, fascist in their outlook. She should have been here and faced me. She did not even come to say goodbye to me. People who don't commit crime don't escape like that. How long can you hide? And if the police are not going to take the action, then my people will take the action. Sheila confronts Bogwuan in a video message saying, Bogwuan is time that you let people know who you are. The way I've come to know you, which is that on the one hand you are a genius and a beautiful man. And on the other hand, you really exploit people by using their human frailty and emotion. Bogwuan responds in a press conference. She's on hard drugs. This is the one we
Starting point is 02:09:24 saw early, right? I've never made love to her or at least I intended to show that one. That much motion. Bog Juan responds in a press conference. She's on hard drugs. This is the one we saw early, right? I've never made love to her or at least I intended to show that much of certain. Perhaps that is a jealousy. She always wanted, but I have made it a point, never make love to a secretary. Love affair never ends. It can turn into a hate affair. She did not prove to be a woman. She proved to be a perfect bitch. I think I just watched that a few times and didn't show on the episode.. Sheila and Rajneesh both spoke against each other on international news outlets now. Kews and one another being a fraud.
Starting point is 02:09:49 Then a woman named Haseya becomes a new secretary and president of the Rajneesh Foundation International. Oh yeah, Haseya, the doctor's wife. September 9th, 1985, state and federal law enforcement creates a joint task force now to investigate assassination allegations and more and set up a field office in Rajneesh Puram. Bhagwan invited the police into the commune to investigate.
Starting point is 02:10:13 Investigators discovered three single-wide trailers that made up a cult poison lab, essentially. Authorities found out that the Rajneesh Medical Corporation housed a biological warfare fucking lab overseen by Pooja, right, that nurse. She was the one who supplied Salmonella for the mass poisoning in the Dallas. She also had a other dangerous pathogens stockpiled in the lab. Other forms of Salmonella one that causes typhoid fever. Another cause a less severe form of the Salmonella illness and also multiple other pathogens. One of the particular bacteria they had is on the Pentagon's list of agents that may be using biological warfare attacks. Also had the pathogen that causes a severe dysentery. Pooja reportedly wanted to use the one that causes typhoid to poison the Wasco County voters, but it's decided against it when she learned it could be, you know, cause a typhoid epidemic that could be traced back to them. Just fucking evil doctor.
Starting point is 02:11:03 State health organization now found out that the salmanella from the food and the dals identical to the stuff in the ranch's lab. The Raj Nishis had cultured it there. And then they brushed that Salmanella over salad bars and restaurants and the dals all around the courthouse. They had a whole system. They rigged up the system at long sleeve jackets inside these jackets.
Starting point is 02:11:20 They did a little like fucking mistors. It would just spray out this fucking bacteria and poison shit. The CDC reported the cult plan to infect residents with Salmonella on election day to influence the results of county elections. To practice for the attack, they contaminated salad bars at 10 restaurants, you know, on several occasions before the election. A community wide outbreak of Salmonella resulted at least 751 cases documented in a county
Starting point is 02:11:42 that typically reports fewer than five a year. So, you know, doing a lot of, uh, nefarious shit. A lot of enforcement also finds the following books on the compound in Puget's possession, deadly substances, handbook for poisoning, and the perfect crime and how to commit it. And they found articles on assassinations, explosives, and terrorism. Another article was titled Poison Investigation. Puget had highlighted sections on symptoms. There was a clear plastic bag full of articles on infectious diseases, chemical products, and
Starting point is 02:12:09 chemical and biological warfare as well. Finally, authorities uncovered a top secret research project called Moses V. And this project, the goal of it was to cultivate a live AIDS virus. Rajneesh had recently been predicting that two thirds of the world's population would soon die of AIDS. Now obviously the authorities wanted to Pooja was trying to develop a new, more lethal AIDS virus train to make that prediction come true. What the fuck? Was Rajneesh the one ordering Sheila and Pooja to do all this shit?
Starting point is 02:12:37 Enlightenment? This is how you enlighten the world by creating an unleashing in the most deadly pastures in the world's ever seen by killing billions of innocent people? It's almost like this guy was fucking crazy or something Made it day soon in counter therapy killing lots of people It's my new aids That is the path of enlightenment to see it. You must only open your eyes New mayor of Russia, Rajanish Purham gave the FBI access to box box or many boxes of documents
Starting point is 02:13:08 other evidence turned in over 10,000 tapes found in the secret room hidden under Sheila's house. I can see been recording fucking everything. She orchestrated one of the largest wiretapping operations in the history of the US. FBI also found evidence that Sheila, Shanti, Bhadra and another woman participated in a plot to assassinate the US attorney for the District of Oregon, Charles Turner. They were going to fucking shoot this guy. Shanti and a accomplice instructed to purchase untraceable guns.
Starting point is 02:13:35 Shanti then dropped the guns off to a man who took them to an unknown location. FBI found that Sheila had ordered the Rajneesh East to stock Charles Turner with the intention of murdering him. Rajneesh of course claimed no knowledge of these criminal activities. Said he was just involved with teaching, not management. Is that true? Maybe. Or maybe he was just too sneaky to get caught.
Starting point is 02:13:54 September 30th, 1975, 5,000 copies of the book of Rajnichism are burned in the Rajnich Purim Crematorium. Rajnichis asked his followers to burn his books. In a very strange atypical cold-e eater move, he declared his religion was over. He said Sheila was the one who created Rajneesh's not him. He claimed not to be religion nor to be a religious leader. He released the Rajneesh's from the rules regarding their traditional clothing, said for the first time in all humankind, the religion has died.
Starting point is 02:14:19 They ordered his followers to burn Sheila's robes. He also told the Rajneesh's to stop cooperating with the FBI because they're trying to destroy what he built on October 23rd, 1985. Fredo Grand Jury in Portland secretly indites Raj Nish and seven others in a 35 count indictment charged them with immigration fraud among other crimes. The INS then referred the case to the US attorney for Oregon, Charlie Turner, right? The guy they fight fucking kill. October 25th, 19 and five, Walskow County Grand jury secretly indict Sheila, Shanti and Ma Pooja on charges of attempted murder for trying to kill the, uh, Raj Nisha's, you know, doctor, also charged with conspiracy and assault. October 27th, 19 five, Raj Nisha likely warned about federal
Starting point is 02:14:58 charges coming his way, fleas on a jet. FBI, find that he's trying to go to the Bermuda because they can't extradite him. And they know he's going to stop in Charlottes, Carolina to refuel. So they have agents waiting. Rest him in Charlottes on October 28th. Sheila, Shanti, Pooja, arrested in West Germany, former mayor, Diva, Krieschena, secretly signs a plea deal with state and federal authorities to be a prosecution witness in their trials. November 1st, 1985, US magistrate, Deniz, Rajnees, Bail and Charlotte orders him to be extradited to Oregon.
Starting point is 02:15:27 November 6, 1985, residents of the town vote 34 to zero to change the name back to Antelope. Oh man, those 34 OG Antelope residents fucking pumped. Holy shit, Marlon. Mark your fucking calendar again. This is our victory day. Bacon is back, baby. Not gonna lie, I'm missing some of those titties around town. But not as baby. I'm not gonna lie. I'm gonna miss the incidentals,
Starting point is 02:15:45 Chinese around town, but not as much as I missed that goddamn bacon. Woo! Flagpole now sits outside Antelope Post Office, where the plaque that says dedicated to those of this community who throughout the Rajnish invasion and occupation of 1915, 1905 remained resisted and remembered.
Starting point is 02:16:00 The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for the good of men to do nothing at Menburg.. Rajnich arrived back in Portland, November 7th 1985. Uh, November 8th Rajnich released on $500,000 bail. November 14th 1985 Rajnich pleads guilty to two federal felonies, pays $400,000 in fines, and prosecution costs, and then fucking bounces to India. His lawyers advised that he'd make a deal and get out. He felt that he couldn't withstand and get out. He felt that he couldn't withstand the stress of an extended trial.
Starting point is 02:16:29 November 22nd, 1985, former mayor, David Krishna appears in the Wasco County Circuit Court. Please guilty to state racketeering charges and US district court to plead, uh, please guilty to federal immigration conspiracy charges. Attorney General Fraunmeyer files a 22 page affidavit Outlining the actions of Raj Nish and Sheila and how they controlled Raj Nish Peron new mayor Prem Niram Tells commune members that night in the ranch that they Priding to find a new place to live. They're shuttons shit. They're shutting shit down Seek enlightenment elsewhere tough titties for everybody December 5th, 1985 attorney general Fraunmeyer follows a civil racketeering case in the Wasco County Circuit Court against 26 different Rajnasi organizations.
Starting point is 02:17:08 One resident of Antelope found some evidence that helped him out in a local dumpster. Found a world festival poster wanted to keep it. When he looked really close at it, saw some notes that said, shred this. Notes contained info on arranged marriages, male monitoring, other illegal activities. December 10, 1985, US District Court judge Helen J. Frye voids the incorporation of Rajnaj's Purrome, deciding that the city's creation violated a constitutional provision separating church and state, US bankers who judge Elizabeth Paris appoints two trustees to oversee liquidation.
Starting point is 02:17:40 December 13th, five Rajnaj's plead guilty in Portland to immigration charges. One pleads guilty to conspiracy to commit electronic eavesdropping, non-Raj Neshees sworn in as mayor and council city council members and analog, which ends any Raj Neshe influence left in the town. December 19th, two more Raj Neshees plead guilty to conspiracy to commit electronic eavesdropping. December 20th, district court in Portland and Dijitschila and 20 more more Rajnais sheets on electronic eavesdropping conspiracy charges One more person please guilty Sheila eventually will plead guilty to mass poison and wiretapping and receive a four and a half year sentence and
Starting point is 02:18:15 Almost half million dollars in fines Shanti pleads guilty to attempted murder and will serve ten years in federal prison Don't be back to 1986 or jumping ahead now. Excuse me Rajnais is back back in India, doing the same shit he was doing before he left for Oregon. Back at Puna, it grows his ashram there to 15,000 members, renamed himself Aashou. This Aashou name is an honorific title used for teachers or masters in Japan, especially in Zen Buddhism. By this point, Rajnaya's health is deteriorating and lighten men apparently hard in your constitution. By the end of 89, he's no longer speaking publicly. Then on January 19th, 1990, he dies at the Ashram in Puna with his doctor by his side.
Starting point is 02:18:53 He's only 58. His last words were tough titties. Oh no, his last words were, what did the librarian and the snake both say to each other? Words were, what did the library and the snake both say to each other? No, I can't even get no. His last real words were, I leave you my dream. His cause of death, heart failure. She believes to this day that Rajneesh overdosed by his inner circle, a group of 20 people who were close to him and had access to his resources. She's currently 72. Live in Switzerland, remarried to a Swiss man, another follower of Rajneesh. She went on to operate two care facilities for elderly people. That's scary. With dementia, it's schizophrenia.
Starting point is 02:19:32 She served her sentence paid off every dollar of her fine. Another Netflix documentary. This one focused on her was released in Netflix or in 2021 called searching for Sheila. Not going to see it pretty much universally panned by critics and audiences. After Boggawon's death, his movement has continued. He burned some books that he ended his religion, but nope, thousands of his books continue to be sold every year in the world.
Starting point is 02:19:53 Multiple languages. His ashram renamed the Ocho Institute, right? The Ocho International Meditation Resort, I spoke of. They tracked up to 200,000 visitors a year. An additional Raj Nishi spread his beliefs around, you know, from hundreds of meditation centers all over the world. In the early 2000s, the movement had 750 centers located in more than 60 countries. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:20:16 Followers have worked hard to redefine the cult's history through writing and publishing Bhagwan's books and seminars, tried to erase their past controversies. You can find out more about them at osho news.com, Rancho Rajneesh purchased by Dennis Washington, billionaire developer from Montana, paid 3.65 million, tried to turn the land into a resort, but ran into zoning problems. So in 1996, he gifted the ranch to young life, a Christian youth organization, young life turned it into a resort style summer camp with a lake pool, zip lines, water park, go-cart track, 88,000 square foot sports center. They maintain the old cult large recreation hall, several of the original Rajnichi houses,
Starting point is 02:20:54 most of the houses and structures in Rajnichi's Purham abandoned and indistrepair. And that takes us to the present and out of this cult, cult, cult, timeline. Good job, soldier. You made it back. Barely. Real quick additional sponsor break. Time suck is brought to you today. Bye. Webotoppedies! you today by webo top hit it edition your doctor told you had to stop bringing in a drink because you've eaten several holds for your stomach top hit it pound that shit winners never quit why for word about
Starting point is 02:21:37 your blood pressure top hit it life is pressure pound it crush you have to canter fucking forehead thinking about not finishing the can because your hands are shaking, you're seeing double, and you can actually hear your heartbeat skipping. Top hit ease! Cricking up Whipple, no longer need a heart. Whipple is life. Whipple is death. Whipple is true enlightenment in liquid toxic chemical form. Blackstone Whipple, tough titties! Edition today, available in root beer chakra and Black Carrier Thunderdick flavors.
Starting point is 02:22:10 All right, I had some of that Black Carrier Thunderdick this morning, it's fucking tasty. Actually, if I can die a couple hours ago, but you know, I'm still here recording. Let's wrap up. What do I make of Shandra, Mohan Jane, AKA Bogwon Rajneesh, Osho in his religion now typically called the Rajnish movement?
Starting point is 02:22:29 I think like most religious movements, it's at best unnecessary, at worst destructive and dangerous. Why would anyone pay to go stay at summer treat, sign up for meditation classes, be told that old religions are wrong and that true and light may be found through being guided along some path of self-actualization by someone schooled in the teachings of a guy who wanted to spread AIDS around the world. Some dude who used a massive amount of his followers money to buy so many roles, Royces and Rolexes. Some dude who talked like he was doing a bad impression of fucking cobre commander from G.I.J.L. Some dude who got women to pay him to fuck them to help them become
Starting point is 02:23:02 enlightened. Some dude who organized encounter sessions that turned into exercises and gang rape. God was a fucking clown. A master of spitting out shit that sounded cool with meant nothing. You know, Charlotteson Hippocrite who preached for you to break free from the chains of your old religions, only to let him chain you to a new one. What a strange chapter the Raj Nishis would add to the history of Oregon. Parts of the story seems too strange to be real, but it all happened. Today the remains of Rajneesh Puram serve as that Christian youth camp, right? And ironic end to this anti-old religion cult story.
Starting point is 02:23:35 Sheila had one final thing to say to the people of organ that I think is we're sharing. Rajneesh Puram is a big living opera. Sheila Asoprano, Bogwana Tenor, Rajneesh Purrham, the setting. Opras are at the end always tragic, but there were so many facets, so many dimensions in this opera. I would like to say, people of Oregon think yourselves lucky
Starting point is 02:23:57 that this opera came your way. That's pretty fucking funny. I mean, very entertaining, right? Gays those people in the envelope. A lot of shit to talk about, but I bet some of them are still talking about today. Let's now look back at the strange opera and also learn something new.
Starting point is 02:24:12 Time, shock, tough, five takeaways. Number one, Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh was born in the small town of Kuchwata, India. His parents worked with his uncle at a class shop in town, wanted him to do something similar, but Rajneesh had other plants. A gifted speaker and passionate about education he left home for university, and studied all his favorite subjects, English, logic, philosophy, did a lot of religious studies on his own.
Starting point is 02:24:38 Number two, Rajneesh and his devotees fled India in 1981 to move to the former Big Muddy Ranch in Central Oregon, both a former big muddy ranch in central Oregon. Both a sprawling commune in the middle of the desert complete with houses, shopping, roads, a landing strip, gardens, irrigation systems, massive gathering hall, right? Two-story shopping mall constructed a paradise for the cult to grew to around 7,000 people with the goal of adding over 90,000 more in and around analog Oregon before assassination plans, immigration problems, infighting resistance from locals and voter fraud brought it all down. Number three, Raj Neesh was known for being a sex positive guru.
Starting point is 02:25:16 Preaches sex is the first step on the path to super consciousness that as followers should embrace their sexuality rather than repress it. Cult members participated in encounter groups and dynamic meditation exercises that often involve sexual acts and even orgies. Sex was encouraged pregnancy forbidden relationships discouraged. The Raj Nishis appeared to many to be the ultimate example of a free love society. But then former members began to speak out on rapes, pedophilia, and more going on there with the compound.
Starting point is 02:25:43 So that free love, not always so loving. Number four, Ma Ananashila was the face and leader of the cult during Raj Nisha's long period of science, Noregan. She was a ruthless leader willing to do anything to ensure the success of Raj Nisha's program, including buying out the town of Antelope, orchestrating bioterror attacks, plotting assassinations, and organizing one of the largest wiretapping operations in US history. vaccinations and organizing one of the largest wiretapping operations in US history. Number five new info odd cult to cult connection. One Rajnichi follower of note we didn't mention was Shannon Jo Ryan aka Ma Amrita Pritam who joined the group using her father's life insurance money and lived at the cult's first big compound
Starting point is 02:26:19 in India. Shannon was the daughter of Leo Ryan, the California congressman who got gunned down investigating the people's temple religious cult, aka Jonestown in 1978. Fuck her dad trying to say people from dying on a cult compound. And she goes live on a cult compound. And she did that before he died. Her family must have been fucking furious, right? Shannon told the press, I feel as if my father came to see this.
Starting point is 02:26:43 He would see that there's just their exact opposite as far as I can see. I mean, I'm sure that anybody that was here could see that. I mean, if he had been to Jonestown and survived that and had come here, he would have seen that there was different as night and day and he would have been totally supportive. Yeah, I fucking doubt it, Shannon. I really doubt it. December of 1978, Shannon, aka Ma Prem, Unrita, Preetum, married Peter Wait, possibly Peter White, but maybe not spelled that way, aka Swami Anand Sabhuti. She even spoke at their wedding saying, we're here to forget the tragedy, with Bhagwan even Kool-Aid becomes champagne. What a fucking creepy thing to say.
Starting point is 02:27:21 Yikes! Time, Chuck. Top 5 Takeaway. Bogwant Shree Rajneesh, the cult leader who built the city in Oregon, has been sucked. And if you didn't like how I sucked it, well you know what, Top fucking titties. Suck 298. Episode 300 coming up quick. What am I going to do for that one? I think I'm going to have to drop acid. So I'm not sure what topic I'm going to pick. But I have a general idea. I have a general idea. Thanks to the Bad Magic Productions team. Thanks to Queen of Bad Magic Lindsey Cummins. Thanks to Reverend Dr. Joe Paisy for production. Staying late for this one. Thanks to Bitelixer for upkeep on the time suck app, Logan the art warlock Keith creating merch at BadMagicMersh.com
Starting point is 02:28:03 and running socials with Liz the enchantress Hernandez. Thanks to Olivia Lee for her initial research this week. Thanks to the all-seeing eyes moderating the Colton Curious Private Facebook page. And thanks to Becky, Jesse and the mod squad. Now I'm making sure Discord keeps running smooth. And Reverend Dr. Joe as well. Next week, I get to pick the episode. I want to blame COVID on me thinking that this week's episode was the first episode in June
Starting point is 02:28:26 and the spacers had picked it. They did pick it, but I got the wrong date. I did it early. I was fucking hopped up on too much cold medicine this past week. So I was going to do true crime again in two weeks, but I'm going to do it next week instead and save a, I think I'm going to do a Wild West episode for LSD. I just don't want graphic sex crimes in my fucking head when I'm going to have a hard time processing what's real versus what's not real. So next
Starting point is 02:28:48 week, we're going to look at not just one killer, but four led by ring leader Robin Gecht, who one judge would say made man's look like a boy scout. The ripper crew was a group of four men who terrorized Chicago in the early 1980s. Robin Gecht, his carpentry assistant, slash murder buddy, Edward Spreitzer, and two brothers, barely out of their teens, Andrew and Thomas, Coco Rallis, would go on to reign a terror on Chicago's women, starting with the murder of Linda Sutton in May of 1991. This force of terror would kidnap assault murder 18 women over the next year and a half, maybe more. They admitted they could remember all the details of their attacks or who they
Starting point is 02:29:22 attacked. There had been too many victims and all the victims, you know, that they did attack were attacked brutally. Finally, one survivor would eventually give police a lead. They needed to catch the ripper crew once and for all. And when the crew started confessing, police shocked to hear the details. Satanism, secret chapel, mutilation, masturbation, even a box full of women's breasts, the crew would masturbate on and consume as a part of some fucking weird satanic ritual in their minds at least, all that and more in this fucked up episode. So definitely not going to be tripping for that one.
Starting point is 02:29:53 Some members of the Ripper crew would allege that Geck was super naturally powerful, able to make people do his bidding with a single look, a cult leader and a cult of four, or did the other members of the Ripper crew just blame Geck because they didn't want to be held responsible for the horrors they committed? The bloody saga of Chicago's Ripper crew next week on Time Suck. Right now, Time Sucker Updates. Updates, get your time, sucker updates. Let's start with some adorableness, uh, sent Adorabal Meatseck, a man to topping, a man to rights, Dan Dan the time suck man,
Starting point is 02:30:28 I have been a loyal space there for quite some time now and got my husband hooked on your show, we started dating, we're both now suckers, creepers and dummies. Every week we both listen to the bad magic podcast, laugh about them when we're both home from work. We just got married last October, found out in March that we're expecting.
Starting point is 02:30:43 I did an early DNA test to find out the baby's sex want to find a way to tell my husband the results. It would make his day to hear it in your sultry voice. If you see this email, would you please tell Will Topping that this November, he's going to become the most incredible father to our little Chupa Cobb Row, our little boy. Thank you so much and Bojangles is a good boy, but cats are better. I'm in a topping. PS, my only regret is that this email isn't longer. Well, congrats, Amanda, and Will, please raise Amanda and I son as I would. I'm in a mis-magical time that Amanda and I had together, but I just, I don't have time right now to raise our child.
Starting point is 02:31:19 I'm sure you understand. Seriously, though, good job. You two did it. You put the penis in the right hole. And you're not shooting blanks. So, hell no, Rod. Now you got a new space-nute. Gonna be unleashed upon the earth, may Nimbaud and Lucifer in a guided
Starting point is 02:31:33 them until adulthood, may Bojangles always protect them, and may triple M, I don't know, sing some songs and shit. Another fun one now, coming in from a musical meat sack, Kenny Biles from Serious Matters. Who matters who writes hey Dan just wanted to reach out and say thank you and the production team for entertaining us every day I have two jobs that require me to sit and truck or van overnight and it makes it a little more bearable I recently started to get my fiance and band involved in the bad magic
Starting point is 02:31:58 podcast and they're also hooked I've listened to you guys religiously for the last two months finally thought I could reach I should reach out not sure if this will reach you but I just wanted to say guys religiously for the last two months. Finally thought I could reach out. Not sure if this will reach you, but I just wanted to say that you give hope to the lower shoobies artists in the world. My band and I take much inspiration for what you've done and accomplished. One of these days, you're gonna receive a care package
Starting point is 02:32:16 of merch from us. I'll make sure that everything is large, T's, not XL. Thank you, Queen of the Suck, for me. I've listened to her shut you down with your own shirt size on SDD. It's fair. I don't know though, but now I don't know, now I'm bigger. I know. Much love from serious matters of myself. Thank you so much. PS the band's name is serious matters. If you want to listen, you can find us on any stream platform. We're a touring rock band from New Jersey. It'll be wild
Starting point is 02:32:37 if you actually listened. I hope you don't hate it, but if you do, I'm not sorry, it's just the music we make. Well Kenny, thank you so much. I check out serious matters on Spotify and I think it falls musically somewhere in between Yoko Ohno and Putin's Blue Ray Hill. It reminds me of Father Yod's Yahuwa 13. Show me it! Just kidding. Come on. No, I listen to glitches and I listen to night tears and good shit you guys. Great melodies. Wonderful voice. Nice and heavy. Hail Nimrod and go fuck and get it! Now for a heavier message regarding Holocaust denial from Savage Sack Ryan Anderson. Who writes?
Starting point is 02:33:13 Have I got a story for you guys? Listen to this week's suck remind of me of hanging out with this guy I worked with. We used to ride motorcycles together in bar hop, I know, not smart. Well one night we're sitting at a bar drinking, we started talking to these guys behind us who just so happened to be German engineers in town working on machines at a local toothpaste factory. After a brief chat, my friend, and I turn back around and some World War II talk came up and my friend proclaimed, yeah, all that bullshit to use lie about. I squinted at him and asked, wait, are you fucking with me? You know the Holocaust was real, right? Come to find out he did not. It devolved into
Starting point is 02:33:49 myself turning back to the engineers asking them, will you tell the silly asshole your country exterminated millions of Jews? Their jaws dropped, they all looked ashamed, no one said anything. Hindsight probably not the right time and place. But when you've got the source, why not use it? After much drunken and passionate arguing, I finally gave in and left, told him to go fuck himself, haven't seen him since. I had known that guy for years. Never once suspected he would be a denier, let alone an actual neo-Nazi,
Starting point is 02:34:13 which came out in our argument. He kept a Nazi iron cross in his vest. Just goes to show how well hidden some of these assholes are. If this gets red, I would love to hear a fuck you, brooks you Nazi bitch. Anyways, as always, love bad magic. Sad that his bed almost come into a close.
Starting point is 02:34:29 But glad you're not killing yourself anymore. Thanks for all the content, making something to obsess over. Much love from Tennessee, space as a ryan. Ryan, good on you, man, for killing that guy to fuck off. So yeah, so fuck you, Brooks, you Nazi bitch. Yeah, believes like that can come from very unexpected sources, which is always shocking. And careful out there riding. Can't wait to start learning to ride myself,
Starting point is 02:34:50 hopefully sooner than later. And yeah, good on you for saying something. And now let's end on another nice one. Something poignant from a formerly sad sack, who now it's happier. Yay, Raven writes, Master Sucker, Bojangles, peanut butter collector, Lord of all things curious.
Starting point is 02:35:05 I'm just going to tell you how much your podcast helps me every day. I've struggled with depression for most of my life and I can always count on you to brighten my day. I also wanted to tell you that I just listened to your transgender episode. And as a trans woman, that hit really hard. I had to take a break during work so I didn't burst into tears. My family still has not accepted me after being out for more than a year. I came out of my 17th birthday, turned into the worst birthday I've ever had. Anyway, having you, a man I greatly admire and respect, affirm my feelings and who I am
Starting point is 02:35:32 meant a lot. So thank you. I also wanted to ask my girlfriend and I, wanted to start a true crime podcast after she moves in, and I wanted to ask permission to use your podcast as a source. I know how much work you and bad magic in general put into your all. Research, of course, I will also do research myself as hard as you work. You're not right every time and I admire your ability to understand that.
Starting point is 02:35:50 Email me back if you ever get a chance. I know you're busy, so no rush. And again, thank you for everything you do. Sorry for how long this is. That's what he said. And keep on sucking. Well, Raven, I'm gonna do you one better. They're right you back, right?
Starting point is 02:36:02 I'm gonna write it back. So I guess I did you one better already. Yeah, you have permission to use our sources or our notes as a source, and you can just get those on the app for each episode. And good on you for not using that is the only source, because you're right, I'm not gonna get it right every time, despite how hard we try.
Starting point is 02:36:18 Always important to use multiple sources, which is why we do that. And sorry about your fam. Maybe I guess just give him time. I truly hope to come around. I hope to learn that they don't always have to agree with everyone's choices or even understand everyone's choices to still love someone and support him.
Starting point is 02:36:33 I hope to understand that character is a lot more important than gender affiliation. I'm much more concerned with the quality of my kids' character than I am with how they identify or what genitalia they have. At the end of the day, that stuff is not that fucking important. I mean, it's kind of important. I mean, I love my dick, but if I had a pussy, I'd love my pussy so much too.
Starting point is 02:36:53 I give it so much attention. And I know that you're not just talking about what I'm talking about right now, but I can't help but go for the joke sometimes. Come on, show me. Now go fuck that podcast up, Raven with girlfriend. I hope you're smiling right now. Hey, I'll lose to Fina, and thanks for writing in.
Starting point is 02:37:06 Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. Another bad magic production's podcast in the bag meet sex. Please don't try and build a free love compound. That's pretty rapy. And then it up wanting to kill almost everybody in the world with AIDS. Those titties are too fucking rough.
Starting point is 02:37:26 Find some sweet or teet instead, and just keep on sucking. Fugging. Fugging. Fugging. Fugging. Fugging. Fugging.
Starting point is 02:37:36 Fugging. Fugging. Fugging. Fugging. Fugging. Fugging. Fugging. Fugging.
Starting point is 02:37:44 Fugging. Fugging. Fugging. Fugging. Fugging. and magic productions. Tough titties, Motherfuckers! ... you

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