Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 299 - The Ripper Crew: Chicago's Satanic Serial Killers

Episode Date: June 6, 2022

Brace yourself for this one. If you can't handle graphic depictions of sexual abuse directed in the most obscene and ridiculous ways towards breasts, this isn't gonna be one you're gonna enjoy. This s...tory truly plays out like a horror film. Some type of Rob Zombie slasher flick. On acid. Robin Gecht is a man with a VERY specific sexual obsession. And that obsession, when he wasnt behind bars, combined with Satanic worship straight out of some 1980s Satanic Panic PSA, led Robin to embark on a spree of sexual violence and murder that left at least eighteen women dead. And helping him were Ed Spreitzer and brothers, Tommy and Andrew Kokoraleis. These four men, dubbed The Ripper Crew,  had a murder van, a hidden Satanic chapel, and a lot of really dark desires they took out on a lot of unsuspecting women in and around Chicago in 1981 and 1982. The truth is stranger than fiction sometimes, and this is one of those times. Bad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation:  The Bad Magic Charity for June is The Rainbow Railroad. We're donating a TBD amount. Founded in 2006, the Rainbow Railroad  assists LGBTQI+ people who face persecution because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. Rainbow Railroad's main goal is to help those who are in danger by relocating them to a safer country or a safe house. To get involved, learn more, or request help - go to rainbowrailroad.org TICKETS FOR HOT WET BAD MAGIC SUMMER CAMP!  Go to www.badmagicmerch.comWatch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/eAUHQBMOBsAMerch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comDiscord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't always give content warnings, we tend to cover so much brutality. It often seems redundant here. And sometimes honestly, I just forget. But today's episode is especially centered around extreme sexual violence. On the level of the recent dating game killer, and we get into moments of brutality almost immediately, if you would like to bail now. You've been warned. On May 23rd, 1981, 26-year-old Linda Sutton was abducted in a wriggly field in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:00:27 10 days later, her mutilated dead body was found beaten, raped, both her breasts crudely amputated, possibly when she was still alive. More and more bodies began to turn up in similar conditions over the following 17 months, some of them sex workers with histories of hard drug use, others young women with no known history of hard drug use. Women in quote unquote,
Starting point is 00:00:48 normal jobs like real estate and finance. Chicago police had no idea who's committing these murders. With DNA testing, still not an available tool at their disposal, and many of the victims remains found in advanced states of decomposition, the leaves were few and far between. Until an eye witness came forward, who clearly saw one of the Ripper crew members faces. The harder police looked into these murders, the further away from arresting the Ripper crew, they got actually. The Wendy City had just seen the arrest of John Wayne Gasey. Gasey, aka Pogo the Killer Clown, when 29 bodies were discovered buried in or under Gasey's house in 1978. He'd be convicted for a total of 33 murders. Now just three years later, it seemed like another similar sexually motivated
Starting point is 00:01:29 sadistic serial killer was on the loose. In total, 18 women would be tortured, raped and killed before police figured out that the killer was actually kill lures plural. A group of heinous dirt bags, now known as the Ripper crew, the violent moniker given to them inspired by the disturbing crimes of Jack the Ripper crew, the violent moniker given to them inspired by the disturbing crimes that jack the Ripper. Once I jack the Ripper, the Ripper crews victims bodies testified to the perpetrator's brutality and to their victims' extreme suffering before they died. Together ringleader Robert Robin Gecht and three young men often portrayed as his evil
Starting point is 00:01:58 minions, Edward Spreister, Andy Coco Rallis and Andy's brother Thomas Coco Rallis, were the drive around the city anderbs and search of victims. And when they found the right young woman, whoever Robin was most turned on by, who wasn't also surrounded by a bunch of eyewitnesses, it seems, they would pounce. They would either lure her into Robin's van or simply abduct her by force, before taking her to a remote area or a motel room where they torture, rape, and kill her. Dump her body, then take one or both of her breasts back to Gex apartment where a disgusting ritual would commence.
Starting point is 00:02:30 In the attic above Robbins bedroom, and a makeshift satanic temple later discovered by investigators, get would read past just from the satanic Bible or other occult literature. He'd lead ritualistic chance before the cruise members would all masturbate onto or even into the breast. Then pieces of it would be chopped off and eaten raw by everyone present. You just heard all that correctly. Even hardened veteran investigators and friends specialists were shocked by how over the top
Starting point is 00:02:55 the debauchery of these crimes was. It boggles the minds. You know, these four men could come together to do what they did. So settle in and brace yourself. Today we dive into another. How the hell is this slice of true crime pie not more well known? It really doesn't get much worse than this.
Starting point is 00:03:11 True crime addition of time suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to time suck. You're listening to time suck. to talk to him. So happy Monday, meet Zach. Step inside the cold to the curious. Hopefully once again, I'm feeling 100% again. Fuck COVID. Glad it's gone out of my system once more.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Hail, name, Rod, Hail, Lucifer, and a praiseable Jango's glory be to triple in. Very quickly, my heart goes out to the victims of both the, uh, you vowed to Texas and Buffalo, New York mass shootings, the recent mass shootings, both places, both shootings, obviously, uh, beyond tragic. I wish I knew how to prevent further tragedies. I could toss out some knee jerk solution possibility, but it wouldn't be educated because I frankly just have not had enough time to research either horrible tragedy adequately. And I don't want to just throw out some emotional reaction that's not going to help anybody or anything. It's just fucking sad. I just feel terrible for everyone hurt, killed, just I'm so disgusted by the perpetrators of people who feel like
Starting point is 00:04:21 committing acts that sick is the answer to anything which it never is. That being said, charity wise, we're not donating to either tragedy, not because we don't care, but because we had already committed to another wonderful charity for this month. The Rainbow Railroad dot org, bad magic donating, yet to be calculated amount from our patrons, it'll be around $14,000. The Rainbow Railroad founded in 2006, says LGBTQI plus people who face persecution because of their sexual orientation and or gender identity. Rainbow Railroad's main goal is to help those who are in danger by relocating them to a safer country or to a safe house. Their work
Starting point is 00:05:02 is complex and important to get involved to learn more, to request help for yourself, please go to rainbowrailroad.org. Two more quick announcements. Thanks to all those who came out to the shows at the Blue Room Comedy Club in Springfield, Missouri. A few weekends ago by the time this episode drops downtown Springfield, a super cool. Lindsay and I love it. I appreciate the letters and gifts you had sent back to the Green Room very much. Yeah, the gifts are just amazing. It's just crazy. You guys even do that. Send them in to the studio. It's, yeah, blows my mind just consistently. It was great meeting a bunch of you outside the club after some of the late shows. As I record,
Starting point is 00:05:38 there's only two cities left before I take a three month summer break from touring, focus on family, friends, and of course, bad magic productions. June 10th, I'll be at the rhythm city casino in Davenport, Iowa, June 11th, in Chicago for two shows at Taliahal. And did I say Milwaukee? No, I didn't. I'm going to be in Milwaukee. Well, I was already in Milwaukee by the time this episode comes out. That's why I didn't say anything.
Starting point is 00:05:59 So hopefully I had fun in Milwaukee. Thanks for making the effort to show up and pack out a lot of these venues. The show's been a blast. And thanks to a lot of you for finding me recently on TikTok. Been posting clips of both brand new and old stand-up on there at Dan Comet's comedy. Also at Dan Comet's comedy Instagram and Facebook. Finally, fun, weird new piece of merch in the store this week at BadMagicMurge.com. The Russian strongest pony boy, too, shirt.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Putin's such strong pony boy for that. And I'll have strong housing pony boy, short put in such strong pony boy for daddy And I have strong house and pony boy Chester pony shirt Putna may also have a new sweet song for you if you're willing to listen all the way to the end of this episode real real banger I think it's the hottest track yet Now back to the world of true crime this episode sucking on the ripper crew before even say anything else I I want to say in the cold open. I said I even say anything else, I wanna say in the cold open, I said apartment of Robin Gecht,
Starting point is 00:06:47 and he actually ran to the house. They referenced the apartment in most, not most, a lot of sources, that was wrong, and it didn't clean up that one thing. And it was gonna annoy me for the rest of the episode, but it didn't say something else. Not that anyone, nothing affects the story at all,
Starting point is 00:06:59 which it doesn't, but for accuracy, he ran to the house, not an apartment. Yeah, suck it on the Ripper crew. This is the first time we've covered not just one murderer, not just a pair of murderers, but four dirt bags who all came together to commit some seriously fucked up deplorable acts. A serial killing quartet, very similar to a barber shop quartet,
Starting point is 00:07:17 quartet, except completely different. In every single way, outside of four people working together towards Common Goal. To cover the Ripper crew, we'll first talk a little bit about what Chicago was like when they were active. Then we'll touch on America's satanic panic in the 80s, how they would feed that. Then we'll dive into how this crew worked together for the crimes, which is exceedingly rare. And how some true crime writers have interpreted the Ripper crew's crimes, including blaming Robin Geck for being the group's ringleader, which gets us into some ethically murky territory.
Starting point is 00:07:47 If Geck was the ring leader, does that mean that the other men who participated were less responsible? Because as you'll learn, their IQs were lower, lower. And defense attorneys would try and make that argument. Finally, we'll zoom out and meet each member of the Ripper crew as much as we can with what info is out there before moving into a time-sub timeline of the group's horrific crimes and their investigation or and the investigation that brought those crimes to light. So let us begin.
Starting point is 00:08:17 As I said at the top of the show, the Ripper crew, sometimes called the Chicago Rippers, where it's a Tannic cult slash murder squad. A composed of four men who really ran up quite the laundry list of all the fucked up things us meat sacks can do. Robin Geck to Edward, Spreister, Andrew or Andy, Coca-Ralus, Thomas Coca-Ralus, were not only murderers and rapists, they were cannibals and necrophiliacs who enjoyed playing with and masturbating onto and sometimes even into the severed breasts of their victims bodies. The gang's first victim that we know of was 26 year old Linda Sutton, who was abducted May 23rd, 1901,
Starting point is 00:08:53 and then they would keep torturing raping, mutilating, killing, wouldn't be caught until October of 1982. Over those 17 months, it's believed they're responsible for at least 18 murders and at least a couple additional rapes and mutilations. It was especially bloody time for the historically bloody city of Chicago when these dirt bags were active. It was also on many levels of time of progress. Less than a decade earlier in 1973, Chicago's serious tower was completed.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Over 100 stories, almost 1,500 feet high, it became the world's tallest building. Almost a half a century later, still the second tallest building in North America, though it is now called the Willis Tower. 1979, just a few years before the Ripper Crews murders, Jane Byrne became the first woman elective mayor of Chicago. She won with the highest margin in any Chicago mayoral election, mayoral election before or since, and many talked to you the great job. Her progressive ideas, decisive actions led to some
Starting point is 00:09:47 lasting positive changes for the city. However, a couple of missteps combined with an atmosphere of sexism and misogyny from her most stride and critics led her to lose the 1983 election to Harold Washington, who became the first African-American mayor of Chicago. It was a time of progress, but also a time of widespread corruption. Also in the 80s, the FBI's Operation Greylord uncovered massive and systemic corruption throughout Chicago's judicial system.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Greylord was the longest and most successful undercover operation in the history of the FBI at that time, resulted in 92 federal indictments, including 17 judges, 48 lawyers, 8 police officers, 10 deputy sheriffs, 8 court officials, and one state legislator. Almost all those indictments led to corruption convictions. Additionally, for the average person living in Chicago, the 1980s were in a specially gritty time, a time when the infrastructure of the city was poor and people they could afford to were fleeing to the suburbs. Between 1950 and 1960, Chicago's population shrank for the first time in its history.
Starting point is 00:10:49 In fact, your job is leveled off and those people started moving out to the suburbs. Poor neighborhoods were raised, replaced with massive public housing and that solved a few of the problems of poverty and violence. Rights in 1968 following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Violent Police response, Maureen protests at the Democratic National Convention that year. There was a lot of shit going on. It wasn't good over the following decade plus Chicago's downtown deteriorated into urban decay.
Starting point is 00:11:14 By the early 1980s, there was little to no development occurring in the city and everything. I've been moving on the suburbs. The South Liberty became a very dangerous area with your park, Bucktown, also places you don't want to be caught alone, walking around at night, or even during the day in some cases. Many other areas of the city, some of its suburbs, it's grown desolate, gang-ridden, massive decrepit public housing projects, such as the Cabrini Green and Robert Taylor Homes, loomed in the skyline, a testament to modernism's failure to cure poverty.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Many of these old buildings have been raised in recent years. loomed in the skyline, a testament to modernism's failure to cure poverty. Many of these old buildings have been raised in recent years. The L, Chicago's rapid transit system, serving over 140 stations located throughout the city and nearby suburbs on elevated railways and subways are on the ground. We're full of slow zones where trains can only go 15 miles per hour due to years of deferred maintenance. It was getting rickety. Sold your field, Chicago stadium, we're crumbling, Lincoln Park, and most of
Starting point is 00:12:08 become the Domina, broke college kids and local hoodlums. And crime was, if not on the rise in the 80s, certainly still far too present. Chicago saw a major rise in violent crime starting in the late 1960s. Murders in the city, peak 1974 1974 with 970 murders when the city's population was over 3 million, resulting in a murder rate of around 29 per 100,000, leading up the Ripper Crew killings of 1982 between 1973 and 1982, between 1,300 people were killed in Illinois every year, the overwhelming majority of them died in Chicago and it's nearby suburbs. Many of these deaths were
Starting point is 00:12:45 getting related to random isolated crimes, some were domestic violence, others were committed by one of the biggest names in serial killing history. John Wayne Gacy would be arrested on December 21st 1978 after killing over 30 in the Chicago areas since 1972. Field by true crime accounts, panic and a sense held by many of overall cultural moral decay Isn't there always a big group of people who feel that our culture is the most immoral It's ever been Many people are looking for something to blame for all this overall murder and decay and so much other crime as well theft rape et cetera And many by the time the ripper crew were caught were blaming Satanism And because these dirt bags actually did consider themselves to be Satanists
Starting point is 00:13:25 I'm surprised their crimes didn't get a lot more press and they did I'm surprised to major horror movie or thriller Has him and made about these monsters Maybe their crimes are actually just too fucked up for that to happen Well, the Ripper crew would really throw a lot of gas on America's already brightly burning satanic panic fire We first covered a bit of what I'm gonna go over right now. A long time ago on TimeSuck, way back in the Mandela effect episode, suck 31. And I have mentioned several times since.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Covering again today because it is so relevant to this story, thanks to a lot of not actually real memories, recovered primarily during bullshit hypnosis sessions, or created through leading questions and social pressure, creating many genuine cases, a good old false memory syndrome. There was a lot of people already fearing the evil and torturous ways of the dark Lord.
Starting point is 00:14:10 By the time the Ripper Cruise exploits became public knowledge. The satanic panic had been kicked out with a book in 1980 that became very popular, especially in certain circles. Michelle remembers, written by Canadians, Michelle Smith, the titular figure, that's where it had to practice Michelle Smith, the titular figure. That's where it had to practice a little bit. Titular.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Okay. And her husband, psychiatrist, Lawrence Padser, first was first published in 1980. Now thoroughly discredited this book of lies was written in the form of a 100% true, be so scared, everyone. So scared. Autobiography, presenting the first modern claim that someone's child abuse was linked to satanic rituals. Michelle remembers, Michelle remembers chronicles,
Starting point is 00:14:50 Pazdor's therapy sessions during the late 70s with Michelle, who would later become his wife. As the book tells it, in 1976, when Pazdor was treating Michelle for depression, Michelle confided in him that she felt that she had something important to tell him, but gosh dang, just couldn't remember what it was, probably because it never happened. Soon after this confession, Pastor Michelle had a session where Michelle reportedly screamed for 25 minutes non-stop, then eventually started speaking in the voice of a five-year-old. What if I should try that with my better health therapist? What if I actually handled it? If I spent the first 25 minutes of a 45 minute session, literally screaming into my lap
Starting point is 00:15:29 stop and my laptop, non-stop, and then just spent the rest of the session talking like a five-room. If nothing else, it would make for an entertaining, probably pretty tense follow-up session. Guess who once I told her I was just joking around. She wouldn't be super pumped for more sessions. According to this book, during the next 14 months, Pazdra spent more than 600 hours using hypnosis to help Smith recover memories of satanic ritual abuse
Starting point is 00:15:53 that occurred when she was just five years old, 1954, and 1955 at the hands of many, including her mother, Virginia Probe, so many others, some important town officials, all of whom Michelle said were members of a satanic cult and beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Pastor would end up alleging that Smith was abused by some purported underground church of Satan members, which he said this organization was a worldwide and powerful organization
Starting point is 00:16:19 that had existed for thousands of years, predated the Christian church. He said the first alleged ritual attended by Smith took place in 1954, which he was five years old, fucking hoods and chanting and all that shit. The final one documented the book was an 81 day long ritual. That's a long-ass ritual. Conducted in 1955 that summoned the devil himself. Oh fuck yeah. I'll be the devil.
Starting point is 00:16:50 And also for some reason, this 81 day long ritual involved the intervention of Jesus, Virgin Mary and Michael the Ark Angel. This doesn't recieve mental illness at all. To remove the scars received by Smith throughout the year plus of Satanic abuse, and removed memories of the events, quote, until the time was right.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Or the fuck that means. During this ritual abuse that for sure never happened, Smith was supposedly brutally tortured, locked in cages, sexually assaulted, given weird enemas, forced to take part in various rituals full of people, again, in dark hoods, you know, fucking chanting, had goats around, black cats, all the cliché, scary shit, and she even witnessed several murders and had her body rub down with the blood of sacrifice babies and the body parts
Starting point is 00:17:33 of murdered virgins, etc, etc. And all of this was utter nonsense. I have skimmed it, you can find full PDFs of this book online and ho ho, having subbets it is not well written. Dr. Padser was clearly a fucking quack to believe any of this shit. And not a good writer. Her memories, fever dream gibberish. The recovered memory sessions recorded and highlighted in the book were basically just
Starting point is 00:17:59 Michelle and Lawrence Padser. He doesn't deserve his doctor title, plain and improv game of yes and with a theme being, what's the most evil, horrible thing that a Satanist could have ever done to you as a kid? And this improv was then treated as actual memories instead of imagination-land bullshit. Even though the book was later again completely discredited by numerous members of Michelle's own family
Starting point is 00:18:19 and the police back in the 80s, it fucking took off. You know, the whole thing we talked about so many times, people love the headline, they get sucked in the original story, no one reads the retraction. Millions of people ate up every word as gospel truth, which doesn't speak a lot highly, very highly to their intelligence. And they were scared, so scared of the devil. To hell with the devil.
Starting point is 00:18:43 You get it. Prosecutors actual fucking lawyers with actual law degrees would even use Michelle remembers as a guide, which is disturbing when preparing cases against other alleged Satanists. There were numerous satanic panic trials in the US, such as the infamous McMartan preschool trial in Manhattan Beach, California in the early 80s. These poor bastards in the McMartan trial, someone later proven to be a paranoid schizophrenic, unmedicated, made wild allegations as someone with that illness would do of people being flushed down the toilet, a factual witches showing up, flying around on fucking brooms and shit, allegations of daycare providers, fucking animals, goats
Starting point is 00:19:19 and stuff and satanic orgies, Chuck Norris, even made a satanic cameo. For some reason, it's bonkers. Kids were interviewed from the daycare. They're claimed for absolutely nonsensical because they were fed leading questions by law enforcement and investigators. And then it was taken seriously by people who should have lost the ability
Starting point is 00:19:37 to ever participate in the legal system or law enforcement ever again for being a part of this on any level. Innocent people went to prison, had their businesses shut down, lives and reputations ruined in a literal witch hunt that took place not in the 17th century, but in the 1980s. The satanic panic got way, fucking way out of hand. Many across America were real worried about satanic cults in the early 80s, including a lot
Starting point is 00:20:01 of people in Chicago. They had better reasons and most. 1980s Chicago Police Department document with even outline, how to identify teens involved in satanic, ritualistic crime. The 25 page pamphlet was called identification, investigation, and understanding of ritualistic criminal activity. And the author, Robert Samandal, was a gang crimes and ritual abuse specialist for the Chicago Police Department. Let's do travel around the country held seminars, spoke at conferences, trained police, other child protection affiliated professionals in the eighties about the dangers of the occult. Today's episode does involve monsters who did think they gained power from doing shit
Starting point is 00:20:38 for the devil and they did carry out extremely dark rituals, but they were not part of some larger organization. This stuff I cannot stress this enough is so extremely rare and isolated. If it wasn't, we would have so many more episodes about satanic killers. Anyway, Bob's pamphlet described the four stages of satanic activity. Worn the teens were being seduced by offers of free sex and drug parties from devil lovers, even described 16 signs of satanic involvement. One of which is using tarot cards. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh boy,
Starting point is 00:21:13 we're having those made for scared of death. Yeah, run, get out of here before you lose your soul. Allters, ceremonial knives, et cetera. I love this, it's said a letter opener will suffice for knives though. Love that detail about the Satanist. Like there's out there, do you have a ceremony on knife to prepare our sacrifice to please the dock Lord? No, I don't. But I do have a letter opener. I think that should still do the trick. If there's one thing I know about Biel's above, it's that he's a very laid back easygoing understanding fella.
Starting point is 00:21:45 The Ripper crew unfortunately added greatly to America's satanic panic by actually doing the exact kind of crazy shit that so many people were already afraid of. They were already thinking they say Satanists were doing and then these fuckers actually do it and everyone's like, I told you it's real. They gave a lot of other people's nonsensical claims, a air of credibility, unfortunately. They legitimized it all, gave the fearful something truly terrifying to point to a truth that's stranger than fiction scenario. Now before we examine something crimes and misdeeds of the Ripper crew, let's take a step
Starting point is 00:22:15 back, look at the question, how does a four person murder squad get away with 18 murders in the span of less than a year and a half, right? More than a murder a month, at least these These are the ones that they strongly assumed they did. Common logic, and we've covered this territory before with Fred and Rosemary West, and with the freeway killer, William Bonan, oh, Billy Gotterballs! In another episode, we dictate that the more people
Starting point is 00:22:36 you have involved in your serial killing activities, the greater the chance you have a getting caught. In the case of the Ripper crew, now you don't have to worry about one alibi. Now you have to worry about four. You don't have to worry about two stories, not matching up, like with Fred and Rose West, four stories. Now you have to be airtight.
Starting point is 00:22:50 If you want to evade the cops, if you get questioned. And this would concern me the most, if I was part of a serial killing crew, which I am not for the record. But I can't say the same thing for my dad with a hundred percent certainty. You need to make sure that all four people aren't going to just suddenly have a come to Jesus moment, rat you out to the cops. Or someone else in their life, you know, just is gonna get clued into what's going on
Starting point is 00:23:11 and then report you all. Everyone has to hide, savage, bloody, messy crimes, many of them, from all the people in their lives, or at least scare all the people in their lives and they keep in their fucking mouth shut. And they have to do this over and over again for a year and a half. From a, what are my best odds of getting away with evil shit perspective? Having four people in your murder squad doesn't make a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:23:31 But the Ripper crew got away with it for quite some time. So how did they do that? Well, they'll make a wild claim after they're arrest in this regard. Three of them will. Edward Spreister and the Cocoa Rattles brothers will claim that they were simply far too scared to rat on, Robin Gecht, who they claimed was their ringleader. They claimed that they were basically held under his dark spell, right, cue the Halloween music. They believed he had some kind of satanic,
Starting point is 00:24:00 a cold palace, Satan's son. They believed he was almost super human and if they crossed him There would be literal hell to pay and that is why they fear the dark Lord So how did this group operate? How they structured these dark Lord fears And looking over the major sources of this week's episode seems like true crime authors usually viewed and continue to view the Ripper crew in one or two ways. Option one, all the members of the Ripper crew were bad-discussing people who equally brutalized their victims of their own free will. They all did it simply because they could, and it felt good to do it.
Starting point is 00:24:39 They were all in it together for fucking psychopaths who happened to find each other, you know, to the extreme detriment of every victim they cross pass with. For evidence that all four did enjoy what they were doing to at least some degree, we need to look no further than the rip or creep, rip or cruise massively brutal crime details. All would admit at one point or another to take an active part in at least some of the crimes. Also, none of these dudes ever went to the police to try and stop any further crimes from being committed when they had the chance.
Starting point is 00:25:06 If one of them truly wanted nothing to do with all this, why not go to the cops, try and make a plea deal. And of course, they can say we were scared of the devil guy. Also, I thought that some combination of these men, at least two of them at a time, actively participated in crimes as opposed to one guy doing most of crime solo, and then just occasionally pressuring someone else to join them like old freeway killer Billy gutter balls. Also the group murders were full of so much group violence, multiple men raping, mutilating, the same victims.
Starting point is 00:25:33 These attacks would sometimes last for hours, the women alive for most of the pain inflicted upon them, according to forensic experts. If doing something like that was truly horrific to you, like it would be to a normal fucking not deranged person, how could you keep doing it? How could you get sexually excited enough, I.e. erect, in order to actively participate in some incredibly dark sexual aspects of these crimes? Their final act before the victim died was typically to remove her fucking breasts, at least one of them, using some piano wire. Multiple men admitted
Starting point is 00:26:07 to doing this. It's not like one dude was always a dude who did it. That is not a passive act. And that is so fucking savage. More brutal than removing it with a saw, I think. And while the men would dispose of their victims bodies, they saved the breasts for the last part of the ritual, a cannibalistic communion that had a sexual element to it, right? All four then would participate in this dark communion. No one passed on that fucking semen sauce, breast meat. The Ripper crew concluded most of their attacks with the satanic cannibalistic ceremony that ended in that communion.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Some combination of the four men returning to an altar and Robert Geck's home with a would read from the satanic Bible or other cult literature, fucking jerk off onto a severed breast, bloody breast, cut it up, eat some of it. And then you know, get a, get what was left to some seriously fucked up trophy stash in some little fucking box of tits. At no point during any of this debauchery did any member of the ripper crew tap out, be like, I fuck, I can't enough's enough. None of them came forward to the police, none of them alerted anyone. None of them did anything. They might have stopped the next brutal attack from taking place. Look at that at this way. Hard to see the Ripper crew as anything butters to a group of four equally violent individuals. Evil monsters really
Starting point is 00:27:18 who are as scary as any slasher, flake bad guy, right? Men who work together to bring pain and chaos to too many Chicago area women I would rather have fucking Michael Myers Right Jason Voorhees after me than any of these terrifying sadistic motherfuckers Especially if I was a woman especially if I was a woman with large breasts Okay, now also get option number two the other primary way most true crime authors view the ripper crew This is the viewpoint held by Jennifer Furio who would collect letters written by robin geck written by robin geck and Edward Spreister from prison. Jennifer many others think that robin was the ringleader or puppet master. Someone who could and did manipulate those around him, especially the three younger,
Starting point is 00:27:58 less intelligent members into doing whatever evil shit he wanted them to do. What get problematic with that view is that robin gecht would be the only member of the crew not charged with murder. Was that because he was less guilty? No one, literally no one's familiar with this case that I have come across seems to think so at all. Was he smarter, sneaker, more manipulative? Yes, seems so.
Starting point is 00:28:21 I have a hard time understanding why Robin was never charged with any of the murders. I mean, it was his van the the man used to hunt victims with. It was his house with a had a satanic altar, you know, where they'd bring severed breasts back to. He was also the guy who following his arrest would be ratted out to the police for having a violent breast fetish by numerous women he knew. One girl Robin was dating, not his wife, told police he was always demanding that she cut
Starting point is 00:28:42 off her fucking nipples. And then if she didn't, somebody else would rob. And also the only man that, you know, one of the ripper cruise victims who got away after being sexually tortured and raped would be able to positively identify how the fuck was he the only one not charged with murder? Did Satan help him out of it? Not enough to set him free, but enough to keep him off death row, keeping from getting murder charges. I don't know. Weird detail of the story. All the sources just say there just wasn't enough evidence with him. But also, you know, DNA evidence wasn't a thing yet. 1983, Robert and Gek would only be convicted of attempted murder aggravated kidnapping,
Starting point is 00:29:16 deviate sexual assaults, and rape for the non-fatal rape and assault of Beverly Washington. It is preposterous and amazing, miraculous that she survived. Fortunately, because it seems as if law enforcement, the judge, prosecutors, et cetera, knew this guy was a fucking serial killer and extreme sexual sadist, Geck would still be sentenced to 120 years in prison for the crimes that they could convict him of. They threw the book at this guy. The sentence ensured that he will very likely die before getting a whiff of ever seen a parole board. So that's good. Get maintains his innocence in prison to this day.
Starting point is 00:29:50 If he does get paroled when he's first eligible for release, he'll be 88. It'll be in 2042. Only thing he might be ripping by then are the tops off some puttin cups. So I guess that's nice. Hopefully, if he does make it that long, his parole will be denied. Let's just hold on to hope that he might,'s just let's just hold on to hope that he might You know let him hold on to hope that he might walk free again Even if he needs a walker to do so only to in the end be turned down and died disappointed. He certainly deserves that
Starting point is 00:30:15 So was get the rippers puppet puppet master according to forensic analysis combined with confessions of Edward Spritzer and the Coco Rales brothers Yay pry was If he would have just been arrested five, 10 years later, seems that everyone strongly believes DNA evidence would have definitely put him on death row. In the confessions of the other three men, they all presented police with the same picture of Gek as Charles Manson asked figure able to persuade others to kill and harm for him. Edward Andy Thomas claimed to believe that Gck had the power to draw people to him. Make them feel as if they were in a trance that they just couldn't get out of.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Like I mentioned, they actually seemed to believe that this dude had genuine satanic dark wizard type of powers. Once under the spell of Geck's powers, the man claimed that he could get them to do whatever he desired. Be that murder or cannibalism. They claim they had no choice But to follow Gex lead believe in if they didn't they would fall victim to his sadistic ways How terrible if actually true that someone could actually put some kind of fucking spell over you make you do some of the worst things imaginable to someone else Is this story nothing more than an attempt by the other three rippers to absolve themselves of any moral responsibility and what they did. Well, wasn't my fault. I'm a good person who just got overpowered by the evil of Robin Gecht. I'm another one of his victims, right?
Starting point is 00:31:35 It's a nice blame game to play. To not take any responsibility, you know, for doing shit like use piano wire to sever some poor woman's breasts off. Some woman you've also beaten and raped, woman you've helped kill, or several true crime and legal experts have floated the possibility out there. Did the other three rippers truly believe the gett did have supernatural powers, not because he did have those powers, not because they even wanted to be painted as victims, but because they were very gullible, much more so than the average person, much
Starting point is 00:32:05 more susceptible to following someone else's lead and believe their crazy stories because they genuinely had very low IQs. In 1996, for example, Edward Spreister's attorney, Carol Affenson, argued that he was immature, impulsive, and simplistic, merely following Geck's orders. She described him as an especially lonely person as well who would do almost anything to please a friend. I mean, true. That is a seriously fucked up case of being a people pleaser. She described him as an especially lonely person as well who would do almost anything to please a friend. I mean, true. That is a seriously fucked up case of being a people pleaser.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Oh gosh, no. I did not want to help pinch off her titty or murder her or pleasure myself onto the satiti and eat it along with the ejaculatory gentleman. I was with. Oh man, I was horrified. It is horrific. It's it's deporable. Geer roasts I would have much rather have taken out to a wonderful dinner, opened some doors for her, picked up the check, also walked her to the door at the end of the evening, made sure she felt safe before kissing on the cheek and heading home.
Starting point is 00:32:55 But you know Robin being Robin, he wanted to take things in different direction and with Robin wants he gets. The Dark Lord wills it it you have to do what he wants and he usually wants to eat some severed tough titties covered in come excuse my language but that's a deal that's Robin I don't fucking know Thomas Cogorales at the time his arrest was a painter with no criminal record described as having a borderline range of intellect with an IQ of 75 was he just not smart enough to stand up to robin? Is that even possible? Or is that extremely insulting to people with lower than average IQs? To suppose that their moral resolve must also be weaker. I asked my wife Lindsey about all this.
Starting point is 00:33:36 You know, I was like, if I wanted, you know, you to do something terrible. Would you do it just because you're a terrible person or would you do it because you're Polish and you're not smart enough to understand, you know, how life's supposed to work. And she didn't, she just kind of stared off in the distance, didn't seem to understand what I was saying to her. A decade, come on. No, but seriously, to try and find the answer to this question, we need to look into the relationship, the studied relationship between lower intelligence and crime. This has been something that researchers have puzzled over for decades. Really, for a century. In the first quarter of the 1900s, hundreds of studies categorized criminal offenders
Starting point is 00:34:08 in general as feeble-minded and mentally deficient. Sounds a little weird, right? The basically, if you were out there robbing and stealing and hurting, it was probably because you used to work right enough to effectively use your words. Put the severed titty down, Tommy! Stop jerking on to it! Use your words! Use your words. Put the severed titty down, Tommy. Stop jerking on to it. Use your words. Use your words. 50 studies conducted from 1910 to 1914, identified an average of 51% of institutionalized delinquents as feeble minded. But these studies were not examining exactly
Starting point is 00:34:39 what it now appears they were, right? The designation of feeble minded in the early 1900s, different than ours today. Feeble MINDEDED is was a term that first emerged in the mid 19th century in the US to describe individuals exhibiting a lack of productivity or any other behavior viewed as backward, anything outside the social norms. It didn't originally necessarily mean less than average intelligence at all.
Starting point is 00:35:00 You could just be seen as lazy or more akin to ignorant. Then in the early 20th century, fieldminders began to fall under the general designation of mental deficiency, denoting the highest level of functioning under the label with imbecility and idiocy denoting the median and most severe deficiencies respectively. This hypothesis that portrayed criminals as so feeble-minded or mentally deficient, that they can either distinguish right from wrong, nor resist criminal impulses. Yeah, it started to lose traction as a, you know, is denoting actual IQ. The feeble-minded hypothesis lost favor long ago
Starting point is 00:35:35 because it became clear that very few criminals are mentally deficient. Most recognized behavioral norms are plenty smart enough to do so, they just choose not to follow them. In 1931, noted American sociologist E. H. Sutherland challenged the view that feeble minors were responsible for crime. He compared the IQ scores of adult offenders to those of army draftees, thought to be representative of the general population, and the two groups had nearly identical IQ levels. He concluded that intelligence was not a generally important cause of delinquency, which is how they would generally refer to criminality at that time. This rejection of
Starting point is 00:36:09 an association between IQ and criminality was widely accepted in criminological literature throughout the mid 1970s. Then in 1977, just a few years before the crimes and capture the Ripper crew members, Travis Hershey and Michael Hindelang, two state University of New York Albany sociology researchers, reviewed a half dozen well-known empirical studies Ripper crew members, Travis Hershey and Michael Hindelang, two state University of New York Albany sociology researchers, reviewed a half dozen well-known empirical studies, and concluded that IQ predicted the linkancy as strong, if not more strongly, than race and social class. Two variables prominently featured in criminological theory at that time.
Starting point is 00:36:39 The race part, cringey, I know. So now academics began to wonder again, if having a lower IQ did in fact make you more likely to be criminal. This renewed perspective stimulated greater interest in IQ and crime research over the next two decades. The central question of IQ crime studies since the late 70s has been whether individuals with less intelligence on average commit more crime than those with more intelligence to are IQ and crime negatively correlated. The best answer, drawn from previous research, is actually a qualified yes. Synthesizing the results of numerous studies, delinquents and criminals average IQ scores
Starting point is 00:37:15 8 to 10 points lower than non-criminals. About one half a standard deviation of the norm. Noted and still active American clinical psychologist Dr. Terry Moffitt and some colleagues studied a little over 4,500 Danish men born at the end of World War II. They examined intelligent test scores collected by the Danish Army for screening potential draftees and criminal records drawn from the Danish National Police Register. The men who committed two or more criminal offenses by age 20 had IQ scores on average of full standard deviation below non-offenders and IQ and criminal offenses were significantly and negatively correlated. age 20 had IQ scores on average a full standard deviation below nonoffenders.
Starting point is 00:37:45 And IQ and criminal offenses were significantly and negatively correlated. Similarly, Dr. Donald Lynam, a distinguished professor of psychological sciences at Purdue University, and some colleagues studied 437th grade boys in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They measure both IQ and self-reported participation in delinquent acts. Those boys who committed serious delinquent acts, such as stealing cars, breaking and entering, or selling drugs, scored eight to 10 IQ points lower than boys who had not.
Starting point is 00:38:12 There it is again. In another study, Swedish researchers, Hocken Stockton, and Ingrid Klokkenberg, Larsen at Uppsala University, located about 20 miles north of Stockholm, followed 122 Swedish males from ages 3 through 30 They measured IQs at ages 3 5 8 11 14 and 17 then counted the number of registered criminal offenses through age 30 frequent offenders those men with four or more criminal offenses average IQ scores of only 91 points sporadic offenders average 97 IQ points
Starting point is 00:38:47 91 points, sporadic offenders, average 97 IQ points, non-offenders average to full 102 points, 11 point difference there. Overall, in addition to finding a robust IQ crime correlation, additional studies have turned up to other empirical, regularities concerning the two worth noting. The first is in regards to two different types of IQ measures, performance IQ, PIQ, and verbal IQ, V IQ. P IQ is measured with nonverbal tests of attention to detail, manual design construction, and visual puzzle solving. V IQ is measured with tests of general factual knowledge,
Starting point is 00:39:15 abstract reasoning, mental arithmetic, and vocabulary. Numerous studies have consistently found that criminals have PIQ scores close to the general population, but that the V IQ scores substantially lower. This finding holds even when controlling for race, class, excuse me, reading ability, according to research done by Dr. Moffit, suggesting that verbal intelligence is a more important correlate of criminal behavior than other types of intelligence. But even this finding is not as simple as the stats, make it seem at first.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Damn it. While studies have frequently found that IQ and crime correlated around R equals negative 0.20, they disagree about how to interpret the size of that correlation coefficient. At one extreme, some studies have dismissed the IQ crime correlation as being simply too small to matter. American sociologist Scott Bernard and Barbara Morse concluded that the association between IQ and delinquent behavior is so weak, it's negligible, and so it contributes nothing to existing delinquency theory.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Likewise, numerous researchers with the American Psychological Association figured that sense of correlation of R equals negative 0.2, produces an explained variance of only 4%. The IQ crime correlation is very low. However, what a confusing can of academic crime worms we've opened here. Other recent studies have identified IQ as a critical of not fundamental core lit of crime. So how do we interpret that? We fucking don't. When you're looking into research for storytelling purposes, it is very important to only include studies that backup, whatever is the most interesting and or shocking narrative that you would like to run with. And you should absolutely ignore everything else and just pretend it doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Sadly, it feels like many, if not most, maybe, maybe, uh, damn near all mainstream media outlets. So very good at doing that. There's actually a wonderful looking book. I've been meaning to read for a while now and Karen had around my backpack for about two months called How to Lie with Statistics by Darryl Huff. It's about exactly this kind of thing. And of course, I try very hard not to do that here on time suck.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Let's look at just a few more arguments and counter-arguments before trying to make sense of any of this. Some studies have suggested IQ tests are only measuring middle-class knowledge. And as a result, many minority groups, lower socioeconomic class people, do score lower on IQ tests, even though they are not lower in intelligence. The same groups also commit proportionally more crime because they suffer from structural
Starting point is 00:41:33 disadvantages, you know, poverty, discrimination. Variation of this argument holds that the structural disadvantages that increase crime rates also reduce educational opportunities, thus lessening individual's ability and motivation to score well on IQ tests, even though they may be equally intelligent. Another argument against IQ is a cause of crime, holds it's school teachers and administrators, treat students differently by perceptions
Starting point is 00:41:55 of students' intelligence, giving negative labels fewer educational opportunities to seemingly less intelligent students. These labels constrained opportunities then produce feelings of alienation and resentment that lead to delinquent and criminal behavior. It's the treatment that leads to the crime, right? Not the IQ. Yet another argument against IQ holds that even if all people commit crime with equal frequency, less intelligent people would be less able to evade detection. And they thus
Starting point is 00:42:18 get arrested more often. So there's not necessarily more criminals. There's just more people getting arrested, which you know, makes sense. Finally, more recent, more compelling, casual explanation. Emphasizes the importance of intelligence, especially verbal intelligence during childhood socialization. The socialization of children involves constant verbal communication and comprehension of abstract symbols. Therefore, children with poor verbal skills will have greater difficulty completing the
Starting point is 00:42:43 socialization process, which will put them a greater risk of later under controlled anti social, IE criminal behavior. Zooming back out now, does this mean that if Robin Gecht was some kind of predatory puppet master or Edward Spreitzer and the Coca-Ralas brothers less responsible for the super heinous shit they did right along with that motherfucker? Nope. Do not think it does at all. And here's why Thomas Coco Rallis said to have an IQ of 75 and estimated 89%
Starting point is 00:43:11 of all people deemed mentally handicapped have IQs in the 50 to 70 range. The and an IQ in the 60 to 70 range, uh, approximately this galactic equivalent to the third grade, according to this research, 6.7% of the population has an IQ between 70 and 80. And according to 2020, US Census Bureau information, 77.9% of the US population are of adult age. In 2020, that amounted to 258.3 million people. So I forgot to put my stupid phone on, did not disturb them, you still get that.
Starting point is 00:43:43 So read that over, 6.7% of 258.3 million people. That's 17.3 million people with IQs between 70 and 80. And as far as we know, how many of these people ever commit crimes as outrageous as the Ripper Crew murders? How many commit crimes, you know, committed that crimes that that savage in the 80s? What, fucking, five, 10? Let's say for arguments say 200 of them did,
Starting point is 00:44:09 which I highly doubt. 200 of 17.3 million, that is just 0.0001% of the population. And that number tells me strongly that you cannot blame a low IQ on doing the shit the Ripper crew did because clearly the overwhelming majority of people with the same IQs never do shit like that. Just like the majority of people from everywhere else on the IQ spectrum never do shit like that. That's why I think it was right to hold them just as responsible for their crimes as they
Starting point is 00:44:40 would be held if they were smarter. Also why I do not feel sorry for them intelligence wise, right? They were smart enough to know that what they were doing was super fucked up. So smart enough to be responsible. Many criminals with similar IQs have been held responsible for their crimes and also face punishment in the US. Lewis Mata, executed in 1996, had an IQ between 68 and 70. According to a psychologist who evaluated Mata, his ability to express himself and his ability to recognize the meaning of common words
Starting point is 00:45:08 were at the level of a nine to 10 year old child. He lacked basic understanding of familiar processes. He did not know the function of the stomach where the sun sets, nor why stamps are needed on letters. Arithmetic abilities were limited to addition and subtraction with the help of concrete aids such as fingers, right? Very sad, right? You can make a very powerful argument like we can't hurt this person. There's not
Starting point is 00:45:28 smart enough to get it, but also super fucking sad that he savagely raped 21-year-old Deborah Lopez then cut her fucking head almost off, cut her throat so viciously, nearly severed her fucking head. So he wasn't exactly like a nine or 10 year old in some very important ways. He may not have been a fucking math whiz, but guessing he probably knew it was very wrong to rape this woman and then try to cut her fucking head off. Even if some of the ripper crew and other low IQ violent criminals like Lewis Mata, Do or Did have trouble with moral reasoning and understanding consequence, isn't it still a real dangerous slippery slope to not consider them fully responsible for their crimes? That's something else to think about.
Starting point is 00:46:09 You know, and again, isn't it highly insulting to people with lower IQs to suggest that they're also less moral? And finally, at the end of the day, the death count is still the same regardless of whether or not the perpetrator is intelligent. Uh, victims, family and friends, I don't think they're going to be less upset because the person that killed their loved one wasn't, you know, a fucking men's a member. Wasn't working for NASA or some shit. Is it, you know, tragic?
Starting point is 00:46:34 If and when low IQ people get manipulated into committing heinous crimes? Yeah, definitely. But at the end of the day, isn't law and order focused not only on punishing perpetrators for crimes already committed, but also on protecting others from being victimized by those same perpetrators in the future. Once the Ripper crew committed those murders, uh, should they have been locked up forever regardless of intelligence simply so they just didn't keep posing the threat to society. I sure think so. No fucking question, no hesitation about it.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Protect the greater good, protect society. That in my mind is far and away the most important reason we have law and order. For me, it's actually as much as I feel a punishment is so deserved in so many cases, it's less about punishment and more about protection from further victimization. The main reason I actually argue to vehemently punish, you know, violent sex offenders to be locked up forever if not killed. So we don't have to fucking worry about them, hurting more people. Speaking of violence, sex offenders, let's now meet all the dirt bags at the center of all this,
Starting point is 00:47:28 starting with probable ringleader Robin Gecht. At the age of 28, the time is arrest. Gecht was quite a bit older than the other three men. Edward Spreister, just 20, Tommy Coca-Ralas, just 19 and his little brother Andy, just 17 when it all began. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, our brains don't finish developing until our mid-late 20s.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Excuse me, Robin was the only one of these devils with a fully formed brain. Front part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex, one of the last brain regions to mature. This area is responsible for skills like planning, prioritizing controlling impulses. Because these skills are still developing, teens are more likely to engage in risky behavior
Starting point is 00:48:07 without considering the potential results of their decisions. That we can't say that the other members of the Ripper crew were less responsible for their crimes. The fact that Gecht was an adult and his co-drug bags were younger, with less developed brains, would stand out to many following the trials he's met. Many would assume that Gecht was the ringleader, though unlike his associates, Gecht would always claim his innocence. In an interview he'd say, first mistake is considering me a serial killer. I'm not considered one I've never killed or took part in any such acts nor ever charge in any murders of anyone. Ah man, fuck this guy. The last part about
Starting point is 00:48:39 being charged is true as we learned. The rest, come on, now. Others remain all claimed that get was in charge. Their stories didn't waver in that regard. Edward Spreister would describe an alleged instance of get's murderous ways. Saying a black female was picked up, blind folded and gagged, robbing shot her, point blank in the head, but chains around her neck and legs
Starting point is 00:48:58 attached two bowling balls through in the water. I understand her body was not found. Who was this ringleader? At the time of his arrest, Gek was a carpenter and electrician. And guess who his boss was? You'll never guess this unless you already know the story. Tony Danza.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Yeah, from who's the boss? Couple years before he was lighting up the small screen with a young Alyssa Milano, he was running a construction crew with Robin Gek. Where are the other fucking bodies, Tony Danza? Hey look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Okay, okay, I'll take your sorry, you're sorry. Hey look, I didn't see anything. You saw everything.
Starting point is 00:49:36 You did see everything, Tony Danza. You know where the fucking bodies are. JK of course, actually the truth might be even crazier than Tony Danza. His, his fucking boss was serial killer John Wayne Gacy, Pogo, Chicago's killer clown, the old Kentucky Fried Chicken University graduate. Mr. Herbatch used teens hanging out in my basement and have some beers with KFC Bosch and birthday company. Holy shit, I was one creepy fuck.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Gect was employed at PDM contractors owned by John Wayne Gacy, right? They were very familiar with one another. Uh, you know, and this happened, you know, a couple years before the murders. Getts neighbors after his arrest report that his house became quite the neighborhood hangout spot for area teens, listened to loud music, party. I wonder if he was inspired by his boss, right? Gacy did that same shit just a couple years earlier. Gacy loved using handcuffs on his victims.
Starting point is 00:50:26 The Ripper crew allegedly led by Robin, based on testimony again of the other members, loved handcuffs. Robin was the one who's supposed to always put him on the victims. No criminal connection has ever been established between Gacy and Gekt, but a lot of people have wondered. Basically was Gacy, his murderous, you know, mentor,
Starting point is 00:50:44 was he, was he Gacy's protégé? Some observers of long-wintered of Gacy, his murderous mentor. Was he Gacy's protege? Some observers of long wanted of Gacy had help in committing some of his crimes. Or if as Gacy himself claimed, at least 28 of the 33 bodies found at his house were victims of his employees. If even one of the bodies buried in Gacy's basement was one of Gek's victims, man,
Starting point is 00:51:02 what a super fucking dark and odd connection. Can't think of coming across that before. One serial killer, I mean, never charged with murder with Robin and Robin's case, but come on, for sure, a serial killer who worked for another serial killer with totally separate victim lists. Now let's back up to what we know about Gex childhood.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Robin was born on November 30th, 1953 in Monard, Illinois, small, unacorporated community, about 60 miles south of St. Louis, across the Mississippi River from Missouri, mostly known for a prison there, the Minard Correctional Center. So how fitting. As a teenager, he'd be accused of molesting his sister, also reportedly had a strong interest in Satanism beginning at an early age. Yeah, that tracks.
Starting point is 00:51:43 After the alleged molestation, based on who he'll become, I'm going to go ahead and say for sure happen. His parents sent him to live with his grandparents. Then, if it's adult life, we don't know much. Edward would have leds that Robin had been locked up 17 times for raping high school girls, had over 400 speeding and parking tickets owned 400 guns and 350 knives. I'm going to go out and limp and say that that is a wee bit of an exaggeration. That would paint quite the ridiculous picture.
Starting point is 00:52:10 I just, I imagine heading over to Robin's house before he's arrested and there's, there's no place to sit down. You're not even a place, you know, for you to sit down and fucking cup of coffee because every inch of surface space is completely buried in parking tickets, guns, arrest reports, knives or some combination. Sorry about the mess there. I haven't had a minute to tidy up the place. Have a sit on that chair there.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Go ahead and toss those tickets on the floor and just set that ramble knife in the old time pocket knife and then I switched blade, those steak knife, that butcher knife, that paring knife on the floor there. Just leaned at Mossberg 12 gauge up against the wall over there and uh... just that smith westerner three fifty seven magnam that ramington twenty two rifle would just go by below it there just make yourself at home and careful that thirty out six springfield is loaded
Starting point is 00:52:57 save the problem out on just push it over next to that arrest report some of the high school girl has seen i rape her what not yet it kids uh... we do know that Robin was married. He had a wife and three children at the time as a rest. He married his wife, Rose Mary, AKA Rose. And Bill would Illinois 1975.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Bill would be in a western suburb of Chicago. Couple had three kids, boy and two girls, boy about two girls, five and seven and a half when Robin gets arrested. Two daughters attended John, or St. John Bosco, Perocchio School, family was Catholic, Rose and the kids went to church regularly. That's not so sure about Robin. I'm going to say no. Guy with the satanic altar in the attic, probably not.
Starting point is 00:53:36 One of you is molested by any clergy members growing up, left him with a special hatred of the Christian God, right? Field is rage. Maybe do some of this shit. I don't know. No sources in at that. Who knows? And at the time of his arrest, he was living with his family at 2163, Mick Bicker Avenue. They were a normal family as far as we knew. One neighbor would say after Gex arrest, only incident that came to mind with this neighbor to suggest anything else I always going on with Gex was one time he came out of his
Starting point is 00:54:01 house with a shotgun to break up a fight. But at that time, he was regarded as a hero for doing so. In reality, of course, he was anything but to close friends at the diner where Rose occasionally waited tables, she confessed that she loved her husband too much to leave him after he was caught, even though he frequently stayed out all night, also brought some random teenagers home to party with, including girls he would have sex with, one was his girlfriend. My God. What fucking weird, sad lives? Some people choose to live.
Starting point is 00:54:30 I love him. Robin is such a lovable husband. I mean, yeah, he stays out all night and you won't tell me where he's been or what he's been doing. And sometimes he, you know, it seems like he has blood and his clothes when he comes home. And sometimes he brings home Lucy,
Starting point is 00:54:41 or maybe it's Laura. I don't know, some high schooler that he's been having sex with, but never in our bed, never that. He wouldn't dream of disrespecting me like that. Maybe Rose stayed with Robin because he just, he loved her titties so much. Maybe he was actually sweet to them. No, no, you're about to find out.
Starting point is 00:54:58 He was pretty fucking rough. Not only with the breasts of women he murdered, but basically every breast he came into contact with. Definitely also his wife's breast. It's fucking maniac, probably bit off his mother's fucking rough. Not only with the breasts of women he murdered, but basically every breast he came into contact with. Definitely also his wife's breast. This fucking maniac probably bit off his mother's nipples when she breastfed him. Robin arguably the worst boob man of all time. I cannot recall ever coming across the story of anyone A. So ridiculously obsessed with
Starting point is 00:55:18 breasts. And I'm a guy who loves boobs and B. So consistently violent with them. The boob shit. We're gonna go over the oddest part of this whole sad story to me. Geck definitely thought to be the person who pushed for the gang's most distinctive MO. Their mutilation of victims breasts. Geck once said to a reporter, we're gonna answer your question on an obsession with breasts. It is a thing. It's my entire family. Going back is I'm told to my great grandfather fucking excuse me
Starting point is 00:55:47 Get further explained each of us men have married large-brasted women my wife is a 39D and yeah, she was very satisfying to me So like this guy came from a real stable upstanding family far as I'm told us get men I've always loved to suck on you Grab, slap, spit on, rub, grope, manhandle, motorboat, punch, stab, twist, fuck big titties. You know, nicknamed for every woman in my family, my mom, my grandma, great grandma, aunt, sister, etc. All of them, all of them is Pearl. Every lady is called Pearl, as in Pearl necklace. They have a saying in the family, if you marry a gift, you can come on your neck.
Starting point is 00:56:24 You get it? Cause you get no titties fucked. That's all I have to say about that Fucking lunatic after his arrest many poor women robin sexually assaulted but didn't kill would come forward with their stories of how gik at You know Manhandle their breasts women involved with robin some of them women consensually involved with him Described him as a man obsessed in the most horrible of ways with nipples and breasts. He was just never sweet to those teats. Robin would reportedly do shit like stick fucking sewing pins and women's aerolas, make little cuts with various knives, you know, like sometimes not so little, especially around
Starting point is 00:57:00 the nipples. He would slice around the nipples, trans-f around the nipples, transfixed by the lacerations. After the blood clot, he would sometimes explore the wound. Robin explained that he just wanted to see how the nipple worked, as if that is a fucking normal thing to do. This obviously led to the end of a couple relationships. Should have led to the end of all of them.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Again, what the fuck are some people doing with their lives? So sad to me that women would allow this deviant to do what he did to them. He's poor women, they probably been victimized by other men before Robin. Maybe their father is some horrible past abusive boyfriends. They didn't understand how fucked up it was for a guy to cut their nipples, make them bleed.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Not normal sexual behavior. They didn't understand the difference between healthy sex and abuse. And I do know that some people are into shit like this in an arguably healthy way. I know people make that argument. I know some people are into to shit like this in an arguably healthy way. I know people make that argument. I know some people are into the surgical kink side of things, subgenre of BDSM, pretty extreme subgenre.
Starting point is 00:57:52 I would love to say I don't judge it, you know, no kink shame, but I do judge it. It concerns me. I'm sure there are healthy people who can handle a little healthy cutting or, you know, fucking whatever. Actually, I'm not sure that it's healthy, but I'm open to it being a possibility.
Starting point is 00:58:06 I know we've talked a lot before, I've gotten emails before. I just still believe that some people who want this, they want it because it's a form of abuse. Abuse that they're likely familiar with, reliving past trauma for some, I think it's a reflection of poor self-worth, they want to be degraded, hurt, have their nipple sliced open, explored,
Starting point is 00:58:22 or even worse, sadder, they don't wanna be hurt, but are in the relationship anyway, with the sexually manipulative partner who wants to hurt them because they're too afraid that they stand up to that person, they're gonna be left alone, that person's, or that person's gonna hurt them more than they're already hurting them.
Starting point is 00:58:38 So they just take it. Obviously, so fucking tragic and dark. He's a great guy, mom. He took me to the movies last month, even paid for the popcorn. I know, I know, the blood you found on my bra upset you. He's a great guy, mom. He took me to the movies last month, even pay for the popcorn. I know, I know, the blood you found on my bra upset you. It's not a big deal. He doesn't even cut my nipples up that bad.
Starting point is 00:58:52 I mean, it hurts. I screamed. That's what the ballgags for. But when it's over, I'm so happy because he's so happy. Right? Worse case, he cuts my nipples off. And then we just go to the hospital and have him sown back on. I love him.
Starting point is 00:59:03 These mutilations did lead to infections for a lot of the women he dated, of course it did. For others, victims of the Ripper crew, it was part of the way that they would fucking die. Despite all the evidence of the contrary, Gek would deny that this mutilation-slash obsession of his was some kind of criminal mo, he would say, as to your question about having sex
Starting point is 00:59:23 with breasts, I have no real obsession with breasts in that form only a very sick person would even think that mm-hmm Edward Spreister right geeks alleged partner would claim to police that robin once became so furious with his wife rose that he cut her fucking nipples off clean off gotta hope that's not true but I unfortunately think that it is true now I'm reimagining his family obsession with breasts right I'm pictimagining his family obsession with breasts. Right, I'm picturing a whole family tree of just nippleless women. Was that, was that breastfed? Ha ha ha, no!
Starting point is 00:59:51 Ah, no gicks get to eat from the teeth. Because by the time that first child's born, those nipples, they're long gone. It's a get right a passage. They're cut off those nips or get those nips cut off. Or bit off. We get men love titties, but we fucking hate the nipples. There's a saying in a family, if you marry a gik'd, you get a titty blood on your neck. You get it?
Starting point is 01:00:10 And that's all I have to say about that. Fucking disturbing. Not surprising Robin Gek would refute all of this. Of course, he's a line piece of shit, like most of his dirt bags. I wish someone would be fucking killing in prison. He would defend what he said was a normal breast obsession and a letter to author Jennifer Furio, a woman who wrote letters to numerous imprisoned serial killers for years, then published some of her correspondence in a book in 1998 called The Serial Killer Letters, a penetrating
Starting point is 01:00:34 look inside the minds of murderers. Jennifer said that Robin wrote the following to her, is for normal obceation with women's breasts at what normal man out there hasn't. That's sure if you're larger than top or what. But if so, I'm sure you've walked down the street and had some guy notice you in your tits. Why, we're men. That doesn't mean we cut them, have sex with them
Starting point is 01:00:53 because we have an obsession with a large breast of women, 65% of men are obsessed with tits. I'm sure you already know that. I'm not obsessed otherwise, or for any other reason, then a normal joke. I love this fucking weirdo puts an exact percentage on men who are obsessed with tits. Listen lady, two-turted guys out there, two-turted guys. I'm just talking about straight guys. They love those titties, normal Joe guys can't get
Starting point is 01:01:17 enough of those titties to bigger the better. I want a nose fuck slap, take a pink twist, cut, poke, put some gloves on, train them with the fucking speedbags, kick, bite, stab, shoot, uh, yeah, fucking play with them with like a volleyball, hit with an axe, maybe even suck on fuck on those titties. The other third, they were like sexual deviants. All they cared about is that push and that butt. What's the deal with that? Ha, I don't get it. Why messed around that messy stuff downstairs, you know, confusing and sweating, what not?
Starting point is 01:01:42 Doesn't always smell like roses if you catch my drift. When you can just focus on chewing on, taking a set of pliers to maybe blow torts and a nipple and a couple of titties. Other than Robin's exceptionally debiant fixation with breasts. An obsession that would be made to the public only after his rest. There's little that sticks out about Robin's
Starting point is 01:01:58 pre-crime life that we haven't already mentioned. We already know that some of his neighbors would say, frequently played loud music for neighborhood teens. Let them hang out with him like a cool ass titty guys want to do. Teenagers were coming and going constantly, Marion Sparopolis, a neighborhood say one girl who was maybe 15 was staying overnight wouldn't go home. Yeah, probably a teenage girlfriend. We know about her.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Uh, you know, dating her when he's in his late 20s. It's like I'm like a cool dude. Wonder what he was doing to her poor teen titties. Hopefully she made it out with her nipples intact. One more thing, one neighbor would later tell a reporter that Gek used to talk a lot about the occult, said he was especially fixated on the sacrifice rituals and body mutilation rituals of ancient cultures,
Starting point is 01:02:38 especially some unnamed ancient culture that apparently would sever women's breasts and use them in rituals. Of course he was. I cannot figure out which culture he was talking about. It is some fucking weird-ass Googles added to a strange search history on my computer looking for ancient cultures that cut off titties and worship them. Sacr- you use them in rituals. Get complete guilty in February of 1980 to contribute- contributing to the sexual delinquency
Starting point is 01:03:02 of a minor, but there's not a ton of information about that out there. Maybe that crime had something to do with the kids hanging around his place all the time. One of those kids was Catherine Bird, 14 year old girlfriend of Gex, 22 year old brother-in-law, Christina Coco Rallis, Andrew and Tommy sister, also just to teen herself, also one of the girls present. Piecing info together from some of Robin's letters to Jennifer Fereo, it seems like Christina later accused Robin of assaulting her while she was the guest's living babysitter. Robin also admitted he had sexual relationship with young Catherine, his brother-in-law's teen girlfriend for two years. It's fucking gross.
Starting point is 01:03:35 So maybe didn't have a huge arrest record but just a fucking dirt bag. Rest of his arrest a record outside of the crimes we'll discuss the timeline doesn't seem to exist anywhere online. Only one book was ever written about the ripper crew, Deadly Thrills, the true story of Chicago's most shocking killers, and it's unfortunately been out of print for years. We got some info from articles referencing this book, and from the author talking about it on some shows, some documentaries, but man, too bad we couldn't get a hold of an old used copy. Now let's move on to the next member of the crew.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Eddie easily has the saddest of the Ripper's childhood tales. Edward Spreister was Gex right hand man, though man, maybe a little bit of an overstatement. He was just 21, the time of the arrest for a river crew murders. Born January 5th, 1961, Chicago, he grew up in Chicago's West Side. His mother just 16 when he was born Judith Gujewski. Allegedly no specific details on this, Edd was treated poorly as a child by his dad, because Edward was slow, quote unquote. His mother would divorce his father when Edd was seven around that time, Edward had to repeat kindergarten. His mother would describe his shy, withdrawn,
Starting point is 01:04:35 and without friends. Poor little guy. No surprises, also didn't get grades, preferred helping the janitor sweep the floor to attending classes. What the fuck was going on at that school with the janitors sweep the floor to attending classes. Well the fuck was going on at that school with it letting them sweep the floor instead of standing in this class. Hey Eddie little buddy, we're about to work on some basic addition subtraction and there is, I mean you know this, there's no way you're gonna get it. None of chance in hell. I mean you know you're too dumb even for the smallest numbers, right?
Starting point is 01:05:01 So why even try? I mean what's one plus one? Nope, once again, five's not even close. That's what I'm talking about, Eddie. You'll dangling. So how about you grab that broom, we went ahead and put your name on and you just go help Mr. Jorzki clean the halls. Sometimes around his parents divorced, Eddie and his family lived in a van
Starting point is 01:05:16 for a couple of years in the country when his mom was running from her husband according to letters, Ed sent from prison. So basically his childhood was shit. Family and friends were testified during his sentencing hearing that he was a a docile youth bullied at school often. And just like his with his father, Ed would get along with a stepfather, either who Judith married when Ed was 12. Eleanor Pupa, close friend of his moms, would testify Ed's trial
Starting point is 01:05:38 that she had known the defendant since he was 10 years old. And she described him as shy, backwards, and pathetic. She said he always felt that he was being punished and whipped a lot. Jesus Christ, he was pathetic. A pathetic kid with no friends who got bullied a lot, who helped the janitor instead of learning in class, a kid who lived in a fucking van for a while, hiding from a dad who then got whipped a lot by either his mom or a stepdad. What a childhood Albert Zatja
Starting point is 01:06:06 Edwards classmate in the fourth through eighth grade described him as slow, weird and uncoordinated. Said it was a kid who didn't stand up for himself, often got beat up and who cried a great deal. Fuck hits just keep on coming for portal lead. If you would have just received more kindness, less abuse grown up, would you have become a much more well adjusted kid who probably not would have fallen in with the Ripper crew? Yeah, I imagine so. Toward Jennifer's brief academic career, Ed got picked on a lot for being in the same class
Starting point is 01:06:32 as a younger sister, Jennifer. There's a couple of years younger, she tutored him, helped him graduate from eighth grade, eventually took him three years. Maybe some sources would say took him three years to pass fifth grade, either way for fuck's sake. Once in high school, Eddie rarely went to class and failed his freshman year.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Because of his poor grades, he was not accepted into a local Catholic or vocational high school, and then after two years of failure in a public high school, he just stopped going. I mean, you kind of tried for two years to pass the freshman year. I mean, at that point, who can fucking blame him? At the age of 18, after he's, after he has an accident, then with a family car, his parents asking to leave home. So it's poorly educated he has an accident, then with a family car, his parents ask him to leave home. So it's poorly educated kid has to go find
Starting point is 01:07:07 so other place to live. Also, should he have been driving? I mean, if you can't pass your freshman year of high school, not even with two fucking tries, should you maybe not be allowed to get a driver's license? There's probably a lot of licenses you shouldn't be able to get. According to his mom,
Starting point is 01:07:22 he stepped at asked him to leave, throwing him out of their mobile home in the snow one day with no shoes on. Fuck. And then live with his dad for a while. The dude he'd hit from an event for a couple years. So I'm guessing life wasn't awesome with him. Then he got kicked out again. When he go live with his grandma, who also kicked him out. Why? Don't know. I'm sure it was sad. I picture him always getting kicked out of a place into the snow for some reason. Right. And this time he's kicked out from grandma's not only does he not have a shoes on,
Starting point is 01:07:46 he doesn't have anything, but his widey tides on. He has widey tides and he has that old janitor broom from grade school with his name written on it. And he's flung it over his shoulder, right. He's taking the broom and off and replaced it with like a fucking bandana with some shit in there, right. Like the classic image of the kid running away, throws a little stick over their shoulder, you know, head down the fucking train tracks. And Eddie's bag, the only thing he has in there is his driver's license, right?
Starting point is 01:08:08 Because that's very important to him. And one additional pair of dirty underwear, right? Even dirtier than the underwear he's wearing. Has some holes in it, big skid mark. If you're getting beautiful from his grandma's, Ed then basically moves from friend to friend, couch surfing, getting kicked out of one place out for another. I picture him again, he always gets
Starting point is 01:08:24 fucking kicked out of the snow. And now he always only has undies on and that's fucking stick. And the undies he's wearing, they're just growing thinner, more full of holes. The one in his bed, as little bandana's even worse, skidmark in the back. It's so solid and thick. Looks like someone's so to fucking patch onto a pair of whitey-tides. Eddie attempted to work at his step to add scrap iron business at some point in this area, but quit because the job required too much treacherous labor.
Starting point is 01:08:46 He didn't like. For the fun. Around this time, he's convicted in September 1979 of stealing a car. I don't know, maybe he got caught because he probably fucking crashed it right after stealing it because he did not have a driver's shit. He's convicted, March, 1980, for theft. Additional theft, not just the car, probably stole a fucking, I don't know, pair of undies, new pair of undies.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Not any more previous criminal record details emerged that we could find. Ed then worked at Burger King and Winchell's donuts, a fuck yeah, bro, before he could take the job that brought him into the Ripper crew, working for Robin Geck. You ever eaten at a Winchell's donuts? You might think you have, but maybe you haven't. Any Winchell's donuts, you have eaten that since 2004 are a fucking lie. They're bought by Yum Yum that year. And the company just didn't bother, you know, change the name of those locations because it was too costly. Winchels use to have the best commercials. Here's one from Back When Ed would have been
Starting point is 01:09:39 working with the the Ripper crew. The best time to winchels is all the time because whether you like chocolate or glazed cake or raised donuts, all of a sudden makes them like winchels. And you can always get 50 cents off any dozen winchels donuts, so treat yourself to winchels, one at a time or by the dust Winchers why you work Winchers why you play Winchers why you winchers why you work And buy your play Ah, how, winchers!
Starting point is 01:10:11 Winchers! Sorry, I couldn't get the end off there. Uh, how creepy. That so many people who went to uh, whatever winchers location he worked at. It never said in the sources which exact location. We're getting their donuts handed to them by a guy who is fucking cutting titties off when he wasn't work and just raping and killing That's so weird to think about like how serial killers interact with the public during their jobs yik How did Ed meet Robin Gecht according to a letter Ed would write to Jennifer Furio on his 20th birthday some friends
Starting point is 01:10:42 Remember at the party at the party he meets Christina Cocoa-Rallis. They start dating. They will date for about 15 months. Christina was Andrew, right? Thomas Cocoa-Rallis' sister, as we learned, also babysat for Robin Gecht. He was, you know, getting fucking sexually harassed. I'm sure getting at least a titty twister
Starting point is 01:10:58 from that son of a bitch. Gecht offered a training as a contractor, initially Ed's friends and family were fucking stoked, right? They encouraged him to get all he can out of this new trade. They would later be shocked to find out exactly what he had gotten out of his time with Robin, of course. For the first five months or so of Edward's employment,
Starting point is 01:11:13 something, everything seemed normal. As normal as you can get when you're working for, working for a habitual Teddy abuser in his late 20s who's constantly hanging around a bunch of teens, at least one of whom he's fucking. Thanks, stop, seeming kind of normal one day when Robin snapped as Ed would put it. Ed, he said that Robin cut off his wife's nipples, then made him drive her to the hospital
Starting point is 01:11:35 where she would stay for five days, hopefully having her fucking nipples sewn back on, hopefully to quote Sheila from last week's sucks, she had a pair of tough titties. Even if they were tough, they wouldn't just grow back though, not when they've been completely removed, right? Yeah. When Edward saw Gecta again and again, I don't know, maybe she could have some back on. This is all according to Ed. Robin threatened him into keeping quiet right when the two met again. He wrote, when Robin found me, I was told that he had pictures of me fucking his wife. And then I was the one who would cut her nipples off.
Starting point is 01:12:07 And he could kill me. And if I went to the police, I would be locked up. So, Robin actually had pictures of Ed and his wife Rose having sex. Ed says they never had sex. Who knows? He did say some weird shit. He said that in June of July 1992, Rose was laying out the sun. Well, Ed was painting around the windows of the Gecht House.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Ed knew, this is what he said for some reason, that Robin didn't like his wife to have tan lines. So he offered out of the goodness of his heart to put some sunscreen on Rose's titties. This is so stupid. He's just being a nice guy. He's fucking helping out his, his wife's titties? What sunscreen? He knows. Man, Robert's gonna be so mad when your titties go up, let me help you out. Right, we all get that. It's this normal thing to do.
Starting point is 01:12:52 As far as we know, he didn't go any further than that. But he's never went any further than that. What the fuck is happening with these people? If for some reason you're listening, okay, for some reason you're listening, if you don't know, unless they have some kind of open relationship, you probably should not lather up your friend's wife's or your boss's wife's titties, some sunscreen, unless she doesn't have arms or something and can't do it herself.
Starting point is 01:13:16 But even in that rare scenario, you got to check with her partner before you start lathering up those titties. Also, how the fuck did Rose explain losinger Nipples and not implicate anyone in some horrific case of domestic violence when she went to the hospital? All right, what is she saying? It was an accident, doctor. I'm fine. I just, I, I, I, I fell down the stairs and I landed, I landed on my tits
Starting point is 01:13:36 and we have very sharp stairs. I'm, I'm actually not even the first person to lose their nips on this God for saking stairs. I keep down our landlord. You gotta fix the stairs or too sharp. They're real rough on the titties, even the toughest titties, but at the time are least up. They're not going to be nipples left in the HODM family. Ed later claimed that Robins threat was enough to get him under his thumb, but is that true? It sounds like bullshit. Because he was borderline mentally handicapped, would that be enough to make him go along with Robins bullshit?
Starting point is 01:14:00 No, we fucking went over that. It would not. He did have some other things going on. No, to be fair to him, possibly an Edwards defense trial. Dr. Kent Moore, clinical psychologist, witness for the defense said that Edward had what's called a skit toy personality, means that Edward had deep rooted feelings of inadequacy and insecurity related to people in very inferior with drawn ways. Dr. Moore claimed that Edward responded to his environment in a very impulsive manner, lacking the ability to weigh details and evaluate their relative importance. In new or unique situations, he claimed that Ed would be immobilized or respond in a very immature way.
Starting point is 01:14:32 And that he was likely to follow other people's directions as to what to do, basically had a very passive personality dependent on others. I can get the fuck out of here. Does that mean he should be let off the hook? No. But I'd be lying if I said, if I didn't say, you know, I feel a little bad for this guy.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Psychologist also testified that Ed had an underlying anger and potential for explosiveness, which combined with his skit toy personality, low intelligence, and meeting Robin, ultimate tough on titties man, Gekt, made him very dangerous. Ed would follow up all these claims, particularly about his own passivity
Starting point is 01:15:02 in his testimony saying that he didn't know beforehand that Gekt was planning to murder the Ripper Crew's first victim, Linda Sutton. According to Ed, Geck was just supposed to drive Ed to Chicago to pick us from tools, right? Then taking back to winchels, where he was still working, right? Of course, we went over that so they could fix his car in the parking lot there. Later that night, when Geck took Linda Sutton into the bushes, Ed, he heard her moan. He said he felt scared, didn't know what to do. He admitted, however, that he did not call the police
Starting point is 01:15:26 or an ambulance when he saw Linda lying on the ground bleeding. Also offered no resistance when he said, Gek's told him to go get a wire from the van, bring it back, use it to cut off Linda's fucking titty. That wire detail they mentioned over and over in sources is so disturbing. And they will allude to how these guys used it to cut off these women's breasts.
Starting point is 01:15:49 I hate to think about it. But the piano wire they used, it's very similar to wire commonly used to cut blocks of cheese. You can do it to a quick YouTube video if you wanna see what that fucking looks like. If you want this ridiculous, savage detail in your brain. My grandparents had a small cheese cutter.
Starting point is 01:16:04 They used wire when I was growing up. Work great. They still use them. A lot of people still have them. It looks like a, kind of looks like a plastic or like a paint roller, brush handle shape, right? That handle with the roller at the end that runs horizontal or perpendicular to the handle.
Starting point is 01:16:18 And then attach to the roller is a wire that runs parallel to it. Sticks out a little bit further from it. And you can adjust these knobs at the end of the, you know, at the end of like the roller part of the device for lack of a bit of term, to make that wire move farther away from the roller or closer to it. And then with the rectangular block of cheese, you just push the roller down on one end of the cheese
Starting point is 01:16:39 and then where the wire then just slides into the cheese and cuts you like a perfect little slice. It actually does work pretty awesome. The piano wire they had, very similar to that, a little bit thicker, very sharp. You've probably seen it used to mafia movies. When a guy in the back seat, fucking throws wire around a guy's neck in the front seat
Starting point is 01:16:56 and just slices into his neck, chokes him and kind of like, savagely, you know, cuts his vein arteries in his neck, stainless steel spring wire connected between two handles. They sell it on Amazon. It seems that they would wrap this wire around someone's breast, right? You got these two like wooden handles typically and then there's wire in between wrap it around someone's breath, coil it around them around and then just fucking violently cinch it just to tight, just violently pull it tight, almost like you're tying your shoelaces,
Starting point is 01:17:21 pull that tight and that would just fucking sever the breast, right? Because there's no bone, there's mostly skin, you know, and fat. Ah! And it would oftentimes, the person that they were doing this to would be alive when this is happening. Holy fuck, that must have been brutally painful. Never heard of anything like that before.
Starting point is 01:17:40 It has to be one of the more brutal things we've talked about here, and we've talked about so many brutal things. Too bad the families of the victims weren't allowed to use some of that piano wire to squeeze these guys dicks and balls off Right that seems fair to me also makes me want to throw up and I think about it But they should have been allowed to wrap some piano wire around these guys dicks and just fucking cinch their dicks off And we should start doing that to more pedophiles In the weeks that followed Linda being murdered and her breast being sliced off and he would say he tried to avoid get
Starting point is 01:18:04 But the get just kept pestering him to go, quote, drive in a ranch, come drive, come on, just go drive in a ranch, go find some of those titties. After repeatedly refusing, then maybe getting threatened or maybe just really wanting to, Ed claimed he agreed on these excursions. He said that he and Gekt would pick up prostuits and then many times Gekt would merely have sex with them and not hurt them. Ah, didn't he not hurt them? Or did he maybe just not hurt them bad enough for them to go to the police?
Starting point is 01:18:27 I'm guessing they at least got their nipples bit. During this period, tightening his control over the young man, he'd brought under his sway. Geck offered at a job in his electrical business, at accepts. He'd say his desire to learn a trade, provide for himself better, was what made him stay around Geck for so long through the murders of almost 20 women,
Starting point is 01:18:42 get the fuck out of here. No one stays that long for a job opportunity if they hate this. Does anyone want a job so long, through the murders of almost 20 women, get the fuck out of here. No one stays that long for a job opportunity if they hate this. Does anyone want a job so bad, they'll go along with almost 20 brutal murders. Rape's ritual eating of semen covered severed breasts. Nope. Ed would say he felt incredibly guilty about the murders. Did he? Wasn't guilty enough to stop him, go forward, wasn't guilty enough to not have a fucking
Starting point is 01:19:03 boner when he was doing all the raping. Someone claimed for his criminal defense Ed just didn't realize the true extent right, because he wasn't smart enough, which I don't buy for a second. On his mind explained Dr. Krynth's psychologist, he had been welcomed into a family. He still thinks he's rituals are about bonding, not about killing. What the fuck is wrong with some of these psychologists? Some of the ones that testify that for the defense, I just fucking hate him so much. And I'm a former psych major, but man, there are so many fucking quacks out there.
Starting point is 01:19:29 Uh, when you ask him if he killed, he doesn't know how to define the permanency of that. Uh-huh. I doubt that very much. In another letter to Jennifer Furio, he'd say, don't get me wrong. I don't- I don't have a sick mind. I will- I have and will always have a fast nation for breasts, legs, feet, ass, and everything else on a female body. My years as a teen, and even some six years ago, was why I love breasts. As a teen, I loved girls, I loved the feel of their bodies.
Starting point is 01:19:55 I was kicked out of a grade school for having sex. Hmm, I loved having sex on buses and cabs, on trains. Yes, so people can watch. Yes, I was coerced into this. Me by myself would never ever heard a woman, how could I? God put them on earth and made them look so beautiful and sexy.
Starting point is 01:20:12 I am ever so glad of this. Ha, ha, ha. Ah, that's fucking guy's full of shit. He's not smart and he's full of shit. Cabs, this guy, this guy was fucking in cabs. Hmm, was he's full of shit. Uh, cabs this guy, this guy was fucking in cabs. Hmm. Was he? Wild times in Chicago.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Uh, another letter he'd say, I read of a lady who had pleased 300 men in 10 hours, and another girl wants to do 400. They will have this on every talk show soon. I don't understand things like this. My first thought, where did they get 300 men? Heh, I would feel some have wives, kids. This was all videotaped in his on sale worldwide.
Starting point is 01:20:51 I don't see how anyone can be proud of this. The women or the men, I can look in the paper and find a job, even pushing a broom for $5 an hour that will be fine by me. I wonder what these women's family thinks. 300 men and one will go for 400, and that's where he got to hear rightsist, Ouch! How can someone think of doing this?
Starting point is 01:21:13 Is he fucking being honest when he writes this shit or is just smart enough to at least know how to write Jennifer what he thinks she wants to hear? I think that for sure. This is fucking piece of shit. Let's now meet the last two in the Ripper Crew for jumping in the timeline. The Coco Rallis Brothers.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Gonna start with Andy. He was born July 23rd, 1963 in Villa Park, Illinois, Western Suburbia, in Chicago. Live a pretty short life, dined by lethal injection in 1999, at the age of 35, good riddance, the only one of the Ripper Crew members to receive lethal injection. Back in 1982, when thedance, the only one of the Ripper crew members to receive lethal injection.
Starting point is 01:21:46 Back in 1982, when the Ripper crew was doing most of the ripen, he was just a 19 year old. Like with the other guys, we don't know a lot about his childhood. Seems to have had a rough childhood, abuse of father, no shocker, considering who he'd become, grew up in Philadelphia Park.
Starting point is 01:21:58 And growing up there, Andrew and Tommy's father would require his family to attend services at the local Greek Orthodox church, three days a week, live next to Robin from 1974 to 1979 before he went full psycho killer at which point Robin moved to Chicago. And then the three men would unfortunately stay in touch. Did they know how super dark he was before he moved? Maybe, maybe not, but I bet they did. I doubt he presented himself as a fucking gentleman before.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Andy started working for Robin in mid-921, right around the time the Ripper crew started killing. He'd worked for him well into the killing spree. And his sister was, again, Gek's living babysitter for his three kids. Also met Ed Spritzer, right, who dated his sister. Andy would get his older brother Tommy involved in all this. There would be some evidence brought up in court
Starting point is 01:22:43 that Andy may have had a sociopathic personality disorder. That would never be fully explained. I've all these fucking guys had to do in sociopaths. I would think be able to go along with all of the shit. Let's talk lastly about Tommy. Tommy Carlis. Tommy was born July 10th, 1961, making him 21 at the time of his arrest like Ed. He was born in Villa Park like his younger brother. Experts also described him as a people pleaser with a low IQ like Eddie Spreitzer, his defense team painted him as a man who unwittingly became tangled up in a police investigation while trying to all you want to do is help his brother and along the way, he got caught up in some tough titties. He was like, I just want to get you out of here.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Then someone's like cut the titty off and he's like, okay, uh, I'll get the fuck out. High school dropout Tommy also like his brother Andy, you know, tough childhood, same childhood. Uh, his dad apparently once tied Tommy shirtless to a table, last him 15 times the belt. When he found out he was using drugs, seems extreme, but not trying to defend his parents, but I will say, uh, people in the late 70s way more belt happy than they are now. Uh, no info on what those drugs may have been.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Some sources say we, okay, doesn't really matter the story. Tommy's mom died when he was only 17 and when Andy, his little brother was 15, soon after Tommy left home, got, you know, work his carpenter and painter, skills that helped him, land in the circle that would become the Ripper Crew. When he joined what would become the Ripper Crew,
Starting point is 01:23:59 he was drinking heavily, using drugs, sure that made all the heinous shit easier to do, jumping way ahead a little bit, Tommy will end up being the one member of the Ripper crew to be released to the public. After fully serving his sentence, one Ripper brother executed the other set free. That's fun. He's a free man right now. 2019 he was released in prison, registered as a sex fender, began living in a halfway house at Wayside Cross, a Bible-based Christ Center recovery center for broken, addicted, and abused people abused people as they describe it located in the Chicago suburb of aurora.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Many would protest against the man who assisted in the killings of uh you know who knows how many of those uh 18 women uh they didn't want him to be living in their neighborhoods. Thomas would respond with I want to be a better Christian and I will do my best to become a productive member of society. I will not be a threat to Aurora and their citizens. I swear to that, I'm willing to work hard to change my ways. I don't like that lessons. I'm willing to work hard to change my ways, right? I'm guys. I'm trying so hard not to cut off any more titties and come on them and eat them. I'm doing my best,
Starting point is 01:25:05 gosh dang. Tommy insisted it would make no sense to jeopardize his newfound freedom because he's seen too many of ex-offenders go home in two weeks or a month later, they're back in. Yeah, but how many people say that? I want no contact with the families of the murder victims, he said. I want to just go, he didn't say murder victims in parenthetical. He said, I want no contact with the families. I want to just go on with my life and be left alone. Yeah, I bet those women he helped rape and kill but the breast cutoff wanted to be left alone too.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Fuck what you want. Tommy now lives on a tight schedule that includes daily Bible classes, eight hour workday in the wayside warehouse, time the chapel. His days begin at 5.30 a.m. and when lights are out at 10 p.m. Or at least he lived like that when the Chicago Tribune wrote a story about him shortly after his release in 2019. Who the fuck knows where he is today? Hopefully face down dead and gutter. Hopefully not slanging doughnuts somewhere.
Starting point is 01:25:56 Understandably, given what we'll soon, you know, detail many simply don't feel safe with Tommy out in the world. Gail Myers, a juror on his trial years ago, would tell the Chicago Tribune that Tommy's people, please your personality does not make up for the attacks he committed. He said he was a follower and slow, but he could have stopped it. I remember listening to tape. He said, I put the key in the door to the motel where the victim was taken. To me, that's enough. He could have done something to help her, but he did nothing. He went along with it.
Starting point is 01:26:22 And in my opinion, it should never be allowed to get out. Yeah, agreed. All right, now that we've met the Ripper crew, let's chronologically march through many of their super fucked up deeds in today's time suck timeline. Right after today's mid show, Sponsored Break. Now let's look at how the Ripper crew terrorized the streets of Chicago for a year and a half
Starting point is 01:26:44 in the early 1980s. On May 23rd, 1991, Linda Sutton, a 26 year old mother of two, goes missing near Rigglyfield. Believed to be the Ripper Crew's first victim. The best of tales we have as to what may have happened to her, based on the court testimony of Edward Spryster and his murder trial, a trial where he'd be found guilty of murder and aggravated kidnapping. Between interrogations and trials, he would give three different versions of what happened. All of them, of course, are terrible.
Starting point is 01:27:24 And before I get into them, I just want to point out that after they're arrested, all four men would give slightly varying accounts of what happened during the Ripper Crews murders, rapes and tortures. Right, it became a game of he said, he said, he said, he said, of course, everyone's trying to downplay how involved. They were so many of the murders,
Starting point is 01:27:39 we don't know exactly who was in the van when the women were abducted, who was there participating exactly where they were harmed. I strongly suspect that all four men were involved in a lot more river crew murders than any of them would ever admit to or would be charged with. When it was all said and done, a sprites were confessed to four of the murders,
Starting point is 01:27:58 including rape and sexual assault and to an additional count of attempted murder. Andy Cokaralus would be convicted of one counter murder, aggravated kidnapping, and the rape of Rose Davis, and then to the murder and aggravated kidnapping of Laurie Borowski. Tommy Kokoralis only ended up being found guilty of the murder of Laurie Borowski. That's all just one woman, you know, raped, beaten, and fucking murder, who had a breast, wired off. Good thing he's out, and you know, and praying and stuff right now, and trying to be good to titties.
Starting point is 01:28:25 Robin Gecht, not guilty of any murders. These motherfuckers were all involved and a lot more than they ended up getting convicted enough. There were plea deals. They gave them, you know, got them off of a lot of charges. There were many crimes that prosecutors just chose not to prosecute because they just didn't have enough evidence. Thanks to DNA, not being a tool back then.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Okay, now back to sprysters, three slightly varying accounts of what happened to Linda. And May of 81, Spreitzer was living in the Braire Rabbit Motel in Villa Park, working at Winchell Donuts. Other three rippers also sometimes rented rooms at this and other, you know, local motels known for sex workers. Linus' body will be found week after her disappearance outside the motel. On the night of when the edit when Eddie's car wouldn't start at winchels, you know, that we mentioned earlier, Robin swings behind his 1975 Dodge red work van. Robin and Eddie drive to Chicago. Eddie first claimed we just to get some tools to fix the car, but then he later admitted they had decided to quote pick up some horse.
Starting point is 01:29:19 When they reached the corner of Broadway and Addison streets, Robin parked the van, told Eddie to get into the back of it and wait. When he had the woman he wanted, Robin would tap twice on the separate, like a little separator between the front and the back of the van. Then Eddie would come out of the van and help him do whatever horrible shit that they'd plan to do. And I think they for sure had a lot of specific plans going into this. Eddie would, you know, he kept wording everything in odd, fairly nonsensical ways.
Starting point is 01:29:45 He truly wasn't a real bright man. But basically it seems to me that they didn't just intend to pick up some woman and pay for sex. They intended from the very beginning to hurt and or kill her. Abuse her in ways that I feel like he just never wanted to admit. Eddie said that once they had the woman Robin told him, they would quote, take care of the horror and assured Eddie that they wouldn't get into any trouble. Not long after sneaking into the back of the van Eddie heard Robin talking to some woman inside it would be Linda. He described her as having a black female voice.
Starting point is 01:30:11 She then entered, you know, the front part of the van after a brief discussion. Eddie still hiding in the back said that Robin gave her a couple of pills. The three then drove west for approximately half an hour back towards Villa Park when the van stopped the defendant now her two taps. He takes out of the off leads, leaves the back of the van, meets Gecht outside the front passenger door. Gecht now holding a pair of handcuffs in a knife. Black woman whom Eddie will later identify from photograph is Linda Sutton sitting the front passenger seat. Spritzer said that Gecht pulled her out of the van, handcuffed her wrist, and pushed her into a wooded or bushy area short distance from the van.
Starting point is 01:30:46 After get and sudden had been alone in the bushes for roughly five minutes, sprites her said he heard Sutton moaning and saying, what are you doing to me? Why are you doing this? Then hearing get whistled, sprites her said he went over to the bushes where he saw that get had already cut off of one of cut off one of Sutton's breasts and was quote, this is so fucking gross. Having sex with the area where the breast had been severed. What the fuck that exactly means? I don't even want to know. Uh, he said that Sutton severed
Starting point is 01:31:15 breast was lying next to her in the grass. And he said that Geck now told him to go back to the van, get some wire. And he did came back to Geck, uh, uh, you to get used to wire to cut off this other breast. Then Eddie said he had sex with the area where the other breast had been removed. What the fuck Eddie and others would really lean into this whole sentiment of they didn't want to do any of this. It was Robin coercing threatening them all into it. Bullshit. He didn't have a gun to their heads. Short of having a gun to your head. How could you know you feel pressured enough into fucking some woman's bloody chest where her breast once was?
Starting point is 01:31:48 Well, one who might not even be dead by this point, right? He wasn't limp when he was doing this. He was erect at some evil shit. Ugh. And for Eddie had finished, which I read as a jack-ulated, he said that Gecht picked up the wire and the two severed breasts, took them back to the van. Sudden still laying in the bushes, hands cuffed behind her back and then the two men fled the scene.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Gecht driving Eddie to his mom's house. Oh man. Oh, mom, you'll never believe what Robin and I did tonight. Hey, can you put these two tits in the fridge for us? I don't want to spoil. Later in the second statement given to assistant states attorney Buke on November 8th, 1982, Eddie gave a different version of these events. In this statement, Eddie now said that three of the rippers were there that night, not just two. He said that Andy Coco Rallis also present when Linda Sutton
Starting point is 01:32:35 was picked up, three of them in the van now. He said the Sutton began to scream when Robin pulled her into the van, right? So just straight up of Dr. her, said that Coco Rallis sitting up front, started punching her, then threw her into the rear of the van. So this is very different description. She then continued to scream. And then he said that both he and Coco Rallis, both in the back of the van now, quote, punch her several times in the face until she shut up. Then Robin drove them to Braden Rabbit Motel where they took her into Eddie's motel room,
Starting point is 01:33:02 where she was gagged, handcuffed to the bedposts, and then get Coca-Ralas and Eddie all took turns raping her. Broodily, several points, Coca-Ralas stuck a Coke bottle into her vagina. God knows what else she endured. Later, they took her from the motel, then killed her, no exact, exact details as to how. And he again says that Robin Cote cut both her breasts off, and then all three men each had sex on or fucking in her chest. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:33:27 Finally in one last statement given three days after the last statement, Eddie admitted that he supposedly on Gek's orders removed one of the breasts, not Robin removing both of them. And then he took it back to the man. Christina Kogoroulos will later remember that her brothers were at the family home, also in the La Park, you know, around four, around four or six o'clock, and that she didn't see them again. So four or six o'clock the day of the murder, she didn't see them again until the following
Starting point is 01:33:53 morning, around nine or nine to 30 AM. They were out all night doing shit, doing this shit. Yik in that next day, they went to visit their mom's grave, family that's a cemetery, cemetery around one o'clock that afternoon, neither Nick nor Christina would remember their other siblings, at least one of which had been raping and torturing and killing a woman the night before, acting to least bit strangely. Week later, June 1st, 1981, it's raining when three detectives go to check on a call about a corpse discovered at the Moonlit Hotel in Villa Park, right near this prayer rabbit
Starting point is 01:34:22 hotel. The call not much of a surprise since the hotel, you know, located among many other fucking similar hotels, motels, fast food places, junky shops, known for a long list of shady characters. A place where you can meet someone for quick sex, find about any kind of drug fix, you know, skid row of sorts.
Starting point is 01:34:39 The discovery that detectives made would go far beyond their day-to-day violence that they were used to in Villa Park, though. Hotel made, first brought the smell to someone's attention. She reported a terrible odor from somewhere in the hotel that grew worse by the day. The moonlit manager walked out into a trash-tuned field behind the hotel to see what he could do to get rid of it, found the source of the smell, which was not as expected a dead animal. It was a young woman who's remained consistent largely of bones and clinging flesh.
Starting point is 01:35:04 I'm always amazed at how fast sometimes bodies can decompose. a dead animal. It was a young woman who's remained consisted largely of bones and clinging flesh. I'm always amazed at how fast sometimes that bodies can decompose. It was Linda Sutton's body. She only had been dead a week, but she left out exposed to the elements. The manager immediately called the police. Detectives arrived shortly thereafter. The remains were so decomposed that they could see her skeletal structure. Maggots were there doing their work at an unusual combination of post-mortem characteristics were present. Also apparent that the woman clearly had been murdered because she had been handcuffed. Also had cloth in her mouth, uses a gag, still wore a sweater and panties.
Starting point is 01:35:35 They've been pulled down to her thighs. This indicated that whoever attacked her had restrained her, but for how long and why they didn't know. Her socks was a small water bill, so robbery, probably not a motive. Also knew that the practice of rolling money inside socks probably indicated she had been a sex worker. That left a salt and rape. The detectives first job was to establish the corpse's identity, then figure out the time interval from the moment we're discovered to the moment she died. In the condition the body was in, that would be very difficult. In 191, there was no body farm. No institution set up a noxel Tennessee
Starting point is 01:36:05 to help establish time of death for remains like this. Investigators also needed to establish whether this was the primary crime scene or where she had been killed or a secondary scene where she'd been dumped after being killed. The fact that no one had yet reported the body indicated that it might not have been there that long.
Starting point is 01:36:20 However, the possibility of the apply that whoever had killed her was able to tolerate decomposing remains long enough to carry them, place them there. One thing the detectives knew that they could check was the soil beneath her body to determine whether bodily fluids had leaked into it or not. First, I had to deliver the body to the deputy coroner, Pete Seekman, so that he could attempt to determine the cause and manner of death, as well as take fingerprints and teeth impressions to compare the records that they exist.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Then they could stake out the scene, start searching for other evidence. The fact that Linda was a sex worker made the process of identifying her more difficult, since as we've known, from previous sucks, police often have trouble identifying sex workers because they lead a transient lifestyle. Don't keep in the best of contact with friends and family. The fingerprints, dental records, helped, and in less than two two weeks they did ID her as Linda Sutton, 26. As a suspect that she proved to be a sex worker with a string of arrests, also the mom of two kids, both of whom live with Sutton's mom, and then the examination of her body would reveal a brutal ordeal. Despite the advanced
Starting point is 01:37:17 state of decomposition, the corner determined she'd only been dead for less than a week. The remains advanced rate of decomposition was due to two rather large wounds on her chest, where her breasts have been removed, which allowed for a massive invasion of parasites that devoured her body in record time. Quickly became apparent that Linda had been tortured, gang raped, satomized, mutilated, wall alive, then killed and dumped. The evidence suggested Sutton had been kidnapped by a sadist. Police had nothing in the way of solid clues though to figure out who the sadist was. The Ripper crew wouldn't strike again for over 10 months to give them more clues.
Starting point is 01:37:52 February 12, 1982. Now an unnamed 35-year-old cocktail waitress is a doctor from her car. When investigators arrive at her vehicle, they see the car's gas gauge is on empty. They theorize she'd run out of gas. Possibly sought help, then her helper or helpers abduct her. Her purse was sit on the front seat with money inside, key still in the ignition.
Starting point is 01:38:11 They initially hoped of course that they could find her alive, that hope quickly lost. A search turned up her nude body on an embankment near the road. She'd been raped, tortured, and mutilated. The press was asked not to report that one of her breasts had been amputated so that the police could retain that detail for interrogation purposes.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Few days later, the body of an unnamed Hispanic woman, where an engagement ring is discovered. She had also been raped and strangled while her breasts had not been removed, they had been badly bitten and, quote, brutalized. Her killer would also masturbate it over her body. A psychiatric assessment of this crime pegged the attacker as a local man. This is so weird. over her body. A psychiatric assessment of this crime pegged the attacker as a local man, this is so weird, who probably loved animals and also had a family. How the fuck how do they get that from those details? Hmm, a badly bit of breast jerked off on her body and raped and strangled her. Well, clearly we're dealing with an animal lover. And if sure has kids and wife.
Starting point is 01:39:05 What? Also at a dark side that no one knew, of course, turning into a cruel psychopathic murder at night. Okay. Yeah, they would actually get a lot of details wrong in the early, you know, moments of this investigation into who's killing these women, including the fact that it wasn't one person but four. You know, but again, before the era of DNA testing, they just didn't have a lot of evidence to go
Starting point is 01:39:27 on. The Ripper crew would strike again just a few months later. May 15th, 1982, Lorraine, Lorraine, Burowsky, just 21, was scheduled to open the Elmer hurst Realtors office where she worked. But employees turned up for work that morning, found the office locked, and also found her shoes and scattered contents from her purse thrown about outside the door. Please recall it once, but then five months would pass before they got any answers as to her disappearance.
Starting point is 01:39:50 Very few details of how Lori was killed were ever given. Again, the main details come from the testimony of Eddie Spreister, who said that he and Gekt were out prowling in the murder van, later than out of the 14th, and early in the morning of the 15th, looking for a girl. When they couldn't find who they wanted, they stopped to eat, drink some beer Around 7 a.m. in the morning of the 15th that he said he went to sleep in the back of the van and then he woke up to someone screaming Said that Robin to park the van in the cemetery when he looked outside He said he saw a geck near a tombstone stab in a white woman
Starting point is 01:40:17 Said he walked towards geck who told him to return to the van Which he did he said and then five minutes later a geck returned holding a knife and a severed breast Uh-huh, I'll fucking believe that. I believe that they both did. Uh, at least those two. After that brutal night, the Ripper crew would go on to claim numerous other victims before Lori's remains will be found.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Two weeks later, May 29th, Shumak, 30 years old of Longbard, western suburb again in Chicago, disappears in Hanover Park, another western suburb of Chicago. After an argument with the brother, while the two were driving home from the family's stream wood restaurant, Shwimack got out of the car never to be seen alive again, at least not by anyone other than the
Starting point is 01:40:53 Ripper crew. Her body would be discovered about four months later in the field in South Barrington, north Western suburb of Chicago. The cause of her death determined to be fractures to her skull and ribs. According to Spreichers testimony, he was riding the van with Gecht 2 a.m. sometime in late May of 1922 when they spotted a young Asian woman, Shui, on the side of the road. Gecht told Sprycer to go to the rear of the van. A few moments later, Gecht talked to Shui, who Sprycer remembered, spoke with an Asian accent
Starting point is 01:41:20 into entering the van. Gecht then drove for 50 to 20 minutes before pulling over and tapping twice on the little divider again. Spreysers then popped out of the rear of the van with a knife and a roll of wire, fucking ready to go. Sounds pretty into it to me. Get then dragged to streaming, screaming, shwee out of the van, punched her in the face and ribs until she was quiet. Then he dragged her over into some bushes, spryster held a wire around her neck while
Starting point is 01:41:42 get cut, both her fucking breasts off with more wire. Then Gecht told Spryster to go get a jagged edge knife from the van. When Eddie returned with the knife, he said that Gecht had his penis inside of the woman's chest wounds, fucking gross. Gecht then took the knife from Eddie, used it to repeatedly cut into Schweeze abdomen, who may somehow have still been alive at this point. I don't know how to fuck that's possible. And then those two sick fucks finished up, hopped in the van, drove away together.
Starting point is 01:42:09 Probably went and grabbed some beers, you know, before they headed back to Robbins Place for a little, say, Tannick Circle jerk, little all you can eat semen and severed breast buffet. And then again, just about two weeks later, June 13th, 1922, 23 year old woman named Angel York is attacked on Chicago's north side. Angel was a sex worker, thought that the man picked her up in a red van was simply another John, so she climbed in immediately. She's handcuffed.
Starting point is 01:42:32 The Ripper crew then forces her to slash into one of her own breasts before dumping her body onto the roadside, assuming she's dead miraculously she'll survive. She was able to report to police that two men were using a red van to abduct women and torture them. She told him that when she'd cut into her own breasts, one of the men likely robbing went into a fucking frenzy. He then cut her more and dear God masturbated into her breast wound before closing it off with duct tape, then dumped from the street. Guess Satan wanted him to shake up his fucking tit ritual. Before, please identify the owner of this red van and thus, angels attackers,
Starting point is 01:43:09 the ripper crew struck again and again and again and again. Month and a half later, August 28, Sandra Delaware, 18 year old sex worker, raped, stabbed, mutilated, strangled. Her wrists bound together behind her back with a shoelace this time. Her left breast completely removed. Her bra found not around her throat. Her autopsy reveals the cause of her death is ligature strangulation and an abdominal stab wound, which penetrated her liver. Her body found under the Fullerton Avenue bridge on the North Branch of Chicago River.
Starting point is 01:43:38 Another victim would soon be found in a similar condition. September 8th, body of Rose Beck Davis, 30-year-old marketing executive from Broadview, found in Chicago's Gold Coast neighborhood. She's found in a gangway of a North Lake Shore apartment building, badly decomposed. We actually have some testimony from a different Ripper Crew member, Andy Cookel-Rallis, explaining how this attack went down from his point of view. He said that he and Spreitzer seized Rose, who was walked on the street, forced her into the van where they put handcuffs on her, heated, actually Andy, while Sprites her gagged her. Eddie would admit to being the one who killed her, strangling her until she was dead with
Starting point is 01:44:10 one of her stockings. When exactly he killed her in the mess of torture, they enacted upon her as unknown. At the gangway, get hit her in the face while he pulled her slacks down, get raped her, later struck on the face with a hatchet, then force the handle of the hatchet into her vagina, acting at Geck's direction. Coca-Cola said he then took a knife and poked at her midsection three or four times. Okay. Eventually, when the men present were done with this orgy of rape and violence, they went
Starting point is 01:44:34 back to the van, drove off a bandy, roses body on the gangway. When investigators found her, ligature was fixed tightly on her neck, one of her arms, her sweater raised, and her bra ripped off, and slash wounds on, you know, her breasts, one of her arms, her sweater raised and her bra ripped off and slashed wounds on, you know, her breasts, one of them gone. Her slacks and underpants found around her ankles. Her face covered in blood, pathologists related to find that roses no has been broken, deep cuts evident on her breasts and abdomen full of small punctures. The reconditions several places on her body, a four-inch long piece of wood, but the fuck found inside of a vagina, they had inserted it so violently it perforated her vaginal wall and
Starting point is 01:45:08 actually entered the rest of her abdominal cavity. God damn, faced with mounting pressure, police decided to bring in experts to help them now. They asked Robert wrestler. We've talked about him before from the FBI's behavioral science unit, BSU, to get a profile. And he didn't give a good one this time. They can't all be home runs. He indicated this woman's attacker was uncertain about a sexuality and probably bisexual. And he expected the man to look somewhat effeminate. I wouldn't say any of these guys really looked effeminate. The BSU had no fucking idea what was going on with these attacks. They had never encountered anything like the Ripper crew. On September 30, 1982,
Starting point is 01:45:41 Schweemox skeletal remains found in a wooded area near a new housing development in the northwest part of Cook County. Her body closed, sweater and zipper on her slacks, both torn necklace found in the remains helped identify her. October 6, 1992, and a seemingly random act, Raphael Tarato, 28 year old man, was fatally shot while standing in their phone booth. A male companion to his is wounded and permanently paralyzed. This act, not as random as it seemed, Rafael would be the only male murdered by the ripper crew. According to spritesers, later testimony, they were out driving with
Starting point is 01:46:13 Gecht, and that fucking horror show van of his when Robert told him to slow down, Gecht then took two guns from the back of his van, told spriteser to stop the van, then open fire on Toronto and Rosario, hitting both of them. And again, Rosario survived his injuries, but was paralyzed while Toronto died of the hospital. The shooting was just a warm-up act to some more sexual violence later that night. Few hours later, 18-year-old Northside woman, a Beverly Washington, raped, sexually mutilated, left for dead along railroad tracks in Chicago's Humboldt Park. She also will survive, an insane attack, and will be taken to the hospital.
Starting point is 01:46:45 Those motherfuckers removed one of her breasts entirely and she lived. At the hospital, she told police that a group of men had attacked her. Despite her critical condition, Beverly Washington managed to provide the officers with some very important details. Said the driver had been a slender white man who looked to be around 25, wearing a flannel shirt, square-toed boots, greasy brown hair and a mustache. Washington said he'd offered more money than she'd asked boots, greasy brown hair and a mustache. Washington said he'd offered more money than she'd asked for and seemed nervous, too nervous. When he
Starting point is 01:47:09 asked her to get in the back of the van, she didn't want to, but he had a gun. He ordered her to remove her clothes. She quickly obeyed. Then he placed handcuffs on her, forced her to perform oral sex on him, threatened to kill her if she didn't swallow the handful of pills he held out to her. And she passed out. She saw him holding a cord over her. She thought undoubtedly as Robin Geck's thought that she was going to die. Later she would realize that the man had dumped her in a heap of trash, one breast severed, the other one badly mutilated. A passer by and discovered her got her to the hospital. Despite these details, it was Beverly's description of the car that would give police the first really important lead. She said it had been red, tented windows wouldn't divide
Starting point is 01:47:45 her inside. Also told them there were feathers in a roach clip hanging from the rear of you mirror. October 10th, Lorraine Lori, Burowskis, remains are found in a Clared in Hill Cemetery, another Western suburb of Chicago. 10 days later, October 20th, act on information provided from Beverly, Washington, Chicago, please stop the driver of a reddish orange Dodge van that matched the description she gave exactly. They got so lucky. It's fucking 10 days later, they find this van in a city that had a lot of vans. The driver Ed Spreister tells police that the van belonged to his boss, Robin Gecht, carpenter slash electrician. The officer's direct Spreitzer to tell them, uh, or to take them to Gecht's house and, you know, have him beckon Gecht
Starting point is 01:48:23 come outside, which he does. They hope that he's going to be their guy when he comes out he does indeed fit Beverly's description down to his shirt boots and greasy ass fucking stash. Yet he doesn't seem guilty. Doesn't seem surprised to see them either. He acts like he's willing to help to please out when they want to talk. Please have no idea if that means he's innocent or just you know consider himself untouchable. Regardless of how he acted they arrest him for the attack on Beverly, Washington.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Six days later, October 26th, Geck makes bail. Meanwhile detectives are working hard on gathering evidence that will connect him to other crimes. There was other murders we just don't have details for. They discovered that Geck was one of four men who had all rented a joint in rooms at Villa Parks, Rip Bend, Winkle Motel, several months before Linda Sutton was murdered nearby. The manager remembered them as party animals, frequently bringing women to their rooms. He also surprised investigators with one further bit of information. He said that Robin had showed him a very disturbing and strange trick.
Starting point is 01:49:17 So he put on a juggling demonstration, kept adding more and more items to what he was juggling. Started off with some juggling pins, then added a chains saw, then added about a dozen severed titties. The men and her thoughts was very odd, but as far as he knew, they're just warning the laws in Illinois against, you know, juggling titties. No, that's not what the extra bit info was. No, he said that the men had been some kind of cultists, perhaps devil worshipers. Two of the rip-fading winkle tenants, brothers Tom and, you know, Tommy Nandy, Cook or Alice, have been kind enough to leave a forwarding address for their mail.
Starting point is 01:49:48 So that helps investigators. Please follow them immediately, found Thomas at home when they called. His inconsistent answers to their questions earned him a trip downtown. Also now put Eddie Spritzer and Custie didn't have Tom yet. At first, no one wanted to give any details about the crimes, but then Spritzer broke down and spilled everything. His interrogation would produce a 78 page statement, full of wanted to give any details about the crimes, but then Spritzer broke down and spilled everything. His interrogation would produce a 78 page statement full of so many gruesome details.
Starting point is 01:50:10 Spritzer first admitted to driving the van as Gecht committed a drive by shooting, in which a man died. Another was left paralyzed. Right, the one we talked about. Then Ed said Gecht directed him to slow down to pick up a black prostitute. Gecht had sex with her, then took her into an alley, used a knife, fuck, knife this time to remove her left breast Jesus Christ, put the breast on the band's floor. As Ed recounted this, he seemed upset, claimed he didn't like blood, didn't like gore.
Starting point is 01:50:33 And that during these kinds of crimes, get sometimes had sex with the severed breasts on the spot. Fucking animals. Eddie also described how get to one shot a black hole in the head, change her up, use bowling balls to wait her down right in some water We mentioned that earlier believe that she had never been found claim not to know her name according to what he told Jennifer Furio in the serial killer letters You know you know later in prison Also once watch Gecht fucking batter woman to death with a hammer
Starting point is 01:50:58 Side of that made him vomit On another woman he admitted to removing the breast himself though cutting off both didn't throw up for that It's probably fucking rock hard. I thought she was dead when he did this, but wasn't certain. He said, gett had forced him to have sexual contact with the woman's gaping wounds. By the time Spreits was finished sharing so many horrible crime details, he admitted to police being part of or at least being present for seven outright murders, one aggravated battery.
Starting point is 01:51:21 His interrogators were shaken by his descriptions of the acts, but at least now they had something to hold against Gecht, who they brought back in for questioning now. In Gecht's interrogation room, detectives laid out pictures of the known victims, spread them out, thinking that guilt or at least recognition would show on Gecht's face. It did not. He just glanced them without much interest,
Starting point is 01:51:39 dead, not a known even. Police and took Gecht into an area of the police station where he could see Spritzer saying something to some some other officers thought that was shaking him up. Nope. Gecht didn't waver act like a man with nothing to hide. Interesting when sprites are though looked up and saw Gecht. He immediately started to change his story. He looked fucking scared, right?
Starting point is 01:51:58 Scared of the devil. Now all of a sudden he said Geck didn't murder anybody. His account became so chaotic that in terror gators didn't know what to fucking believe. Sprite turned out to be some other man. You know, wait, wait, my girlfriend's brother, Andy Coker-Rallis. He was a killer, but couldn't offer many details. Geck confirmed that he knew Andy Coker-Rallis even provided a place with the address once again. His demeanor is undisturbed. Police were not buying the idea that Geck was completely innocent, though, especially when they heard what Tommy Cokeralis had to say. In his interrogation, Tommy cracked almost immediately. Started sharing all kinds of wicked shit, right? He said that in
Starting point is 01:52:35 addition to torturing and raping these women in various locations around Chicago, they would bring them back to what he described as a satanic chapel above Geck's upstairs bedroom, a hidden place where he said the Ripper Crew took women tortured them with knives and ice picks there as well. Said that Gex had an alter in the attic of his northwest side home where all four of them would gather during evening hours when Robbins wife was gone to work. He said Gex even painted six red and black crosses on the walls covered an alter with the red cloth.
Starting point is 01:53:02 Their Thomas said they would gang rape women, sacrifice them to Satan. Also said they would kneel together around the altar, returning from disposing or dumping the bodies that Geck would produce their fresh, remove breasts. They'd hold various dark rituals. Said that Geck would read pastures from the satanic Bible as each man masturbated onto the fleshy portion of the body part. When everyone was finished, Geck would cut the breasts into pieces, hand them out for them to eat. What the fuck, raw breast and come?
Starting point is 01:53:27 You don't see that on a lot of menus. It sounds like something all yahim, Kroll would have loved to try. Remember that psychopath, remember that German murderer, rapist, cannibal, sexual deviant, producing copious amounts of semen on shit, occasional time suck spawnter? The race time suck is brought to you by, once again, Croce Cafe and Maltzha. Hello Phil's Dinos, sexy cow lover. This is your him, Cro. I want you to come back to my cafe, we finally reopened on new diners, in Berlin and brought
Starting point is 01:54:00 for Schnitzel. How to find good healthy days, labor shortage and but not but be back. And we still have the finest chocolate molds in the sixties cow burgers. In the best menu blue light specials. This week we have what I'm calling glaze spatter steaks. Covered in so much semen, served with a side of river fries. Come on in and allow me to cover everyone's plate with copious amounts of semen. We put our semen brand sauce on everything.
Starting point is 01:54:27 Traditionally, a fry sauce, our semen brand sauce is quite delicious and versatile. Perfect for sweater steaks. A virgin creamy recipe normally made in-house every morning by myself, but this week I have the whole crew in. Everyone comes together, hail Satan and stuff. So come on down to close cafe, it's always mostly beef, I promise. I know that was pretty fucked up, but it's where my mind went, this week with the story. Gosh dang.
Starting point is 01:54:53 Tommy said, He had witnessed two murders himself, had participated in nearly a dozen such breast related fucking rituals. When the detective's asked him why he had ever been part of such a macabre, legal and evil activity, he told him in all seriousness that Geck had the power to make you do whatever he wanted you to. He said, you just have to do it. He said it was conviction.
Starting point is 01:55:14 Apparently, he was convinced that Geck had some supernatural powers that Satan had made him some kind of evil wizard. And he was afraid of what Geck's, you know, what Geck, Satan's disciple might do to him if he didn't comply. At one point Tommy Coco Rous told detectives he had counted 15 breasts inside a box in the attic or Robin stored them. Thomas picked a snapshot of Laurie Barowski identified hers the woman that he had picked up with his brother for a one way ride to the motel and police had heard enough.
Starting point is 01:55:39 Armed with search and arrest warrants they swept up Robin Geck Ed Spryte's or Andy Coco Rous on November 5th now lodged them in jail. They don't have any bread for questions, questioning, but now they're arrested and held under a million dollars bond each. A search then of Gecht's house did in fact reveal a satanic chapel in the attic. Justice had been described by Thomas Cocoa Rales. It was loaded with what investigators referred to as satanic literature. No specific books mentioned.
Starting point is 01:56:04 They also found at Gecht's house, the rifle that matched the one used in the recent Toronto shooting. And when they searched Andrew Coco Rallis' apartment, it was similarly full of satanic literature. November 7th, Andrew Coco Rallis confesses. He talked to investigators, tells them about how all four men in kidnapped women off the street, raped them, stabbed them with knives, razors, fucking tin can lids. How they even attacked them with can openers. So much brutality. Professor Forensic Psychology at the sales university, Dr.
Starting point is 01:56:32 Catherine Ramzland, uh, Catherine, reviewing the case of the Ripper crew said that when the murderer, that when murders inflict like that much suffering on victims before they die, it's often because they want to humiliate their victims because they feel they have been humiliated. Who the fuck humiliated these men so badly? Did they want to hurt these women so much? What are they?
Starting point is 01:56:52 Teased by some girls growing up for being slow? Was this some revenge fantasy? And he says they use piano-wired amputate, either one or both breast of victims and then masturbated onto them. He admitted to the murders of Rose Beck Davis and the Rain Barowski, and inadvertently confessed that overall,
Starting point is 01:57:08 he'd been involved in the deaths of 18 women. And as he described the assault on Sandra Delaware, he said that he had shoved a rock into her mouth to keep her from screaming, forced a wine bottle inside of her that made her quote, bleed badly and stabbed her with a knife. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:57:23 Aughtopster report confirmed all these ungodly details. Authorities now dub these statistics, fucks the Ripper crew, nod to the infamous Jack the Ripper case in London. November 12th, Thomas Cokaralis arrested, bringing the reign of the Ripper crew to an end. Now all four men in custody. As a police interview more people, they learn that Spritzer and Cokaralis brothers
Starting point is 01:57:42 not alone in their fear of Gecht, or their beliefs that he had some kind of satanic powers others also claimed he had a hypnotic ability to draw people to him and get them to do his bidding one person literally and earnestly warned detectives please don't ever look into gex eyes to help me the devil no matter how sick or disgusting an act might be, they said he could inspire you to do it right along with him.
Starting point is 01:58:08 How fucking weird is all this shit? I know it's a stretch, but with my scared to death mind, from Lindsay and I's other show, what if? Like what if this motherfucker made contact with something? And again, I know this is completely unprovable, And I'll even add that I find it very unlikely. But just what if while Robin Geck was doing his weird ritualistic occult shit, he tapped into some especially dark fucking energy,
Starting point is 01:58:35 somehow harness something that helped him bring others into this dark fold of his. Could he have been working with something paranormal, not in this world, I don't fucking know, it's such a weird story. And especially because he won't be charged, you know, something paranormal, not in this world. I don't fucking know. It's such a weird story. And especially because he won't be charged with murder despite so much evidence, that is weird to me. So weird.
Starting point is 01:58:51 Facing multiple charges of attempted murder, rape, aggravated battery. Robin Geck is found mentally competent to stand trial March 2nd, 1983. His trial opened September 20th, takes the witness stand the next day, confesses only to the attack on Beverly Washington right the the woman who witnessed him and lived. And then on September 29th, 1903 Robin is quickly convicted and cook county of the attack on Beverly, but really not much else before sentencing Gecht, Judge Francis Mahone tells him only a devil would do these things and animal would not do these things a monster would. Points out that Gecht had left Washington for dead was lucky to be not on trial for murder, but wasn't fucking found guilty of any of the other shit,
Starting point is 01:59:29 like still cannot believe they couldn't bring him on trial for them. They found the fucking rifle in his house that was used to kill the one guy. They found a satanic chapel that had to have had fucking evidence all over it, right? Oh my god, all the people testifying that later about the weird city was into with titties, he'd be sentenced to 120 years in prison with a possible parole of 2042 at which point he'll be, you know, almost 90, but still there should be no chance to ever get out. Okay, now there's still other ripper crew members to deal with. Sprites are pleads guilty April 2nd, 1984 to murdering Rose Davis, Sandra Delaware, Shwimock and Rafael Toronto. Why did he play guilty? I guess somehow like he, I guess, is now saying that he shot that guy.
Starting point is 02:00:08 He received life sentences for each murder, as well as time for a multitude of other charges from rape to deviant sexual assaults. Then he still has to go on trial for the Linda Sutton murder because there was two counties these crimes occurred. And so there'd be sometimes two sets of trials. May 18, 1984, a DuPage County, my name is DuPage County and Cook County, DuPage County, jury convicts Thomas Cook or Alice of killing the Rain Barowski. September 7th, 194, a judge sentences Thomas to a natural life prison term. 18 days
Starting point is 02:00:36 later, September 25th, Thomas Cook or Alice, Andy, Ed Spritzer, and died for the murder of Linda Sutton. Spritzer's trial for the murder of Linda Sutton would begin the following February. He'd appear on a bench on a bench trial in front of a judge, judge Edward Cole, February 25, 1986, but retained his right to have the jury decide his sentence. Eddie admitted that he and his comrades abducted Linda and she was walking here, wriggling field, took her to a wooded field near a motel where he was staying, then handcuffed her, raped her, removed her breasts.
Starting point is 02:01:03 And she was raped again, then left to die. And she was possibly still alive after all that, after having both breasts removed. One forensic examiner thought she'd only been dead for three days when they found her remains, even though the Ripper crew had left her in that field a week before. So she might have lived for fucking four days
Starting point is 02:01:20 with those wounds. A sprighteous public defender, Carol Affins, and presented him as an immature, impulsive, and simplistic young man just following orders, sound like a Nazi, of a gang leader. She has a jury to spare his life and support his relatives and associates, testifying he was a docile young man with a history of being bullied. Who fucking cares in this situation?
Starting point is 02:01:39 A friend of Spriteers, the Chicago Tribune reported, testify that he had bragged about what he had done though. Said he referred to the women as broads and laughed over the fact that he had mutilated and killed several of them. So he knew it was doing. The ADA insisted that the sprites here was every woman's nightmare and one of a pack of weasels.
Starting point is 02:01:56 I was like when people say weasel. Thankfully, sprites here's bid for mercy failed to work. March 4th, 1986, sprites were convicted into Paige County, Sutton's murder sentenced to death. Later will be sentenced to death. There's going to be more Ripper crew trials. November 13th, the same year, citing legal errors, a state of pellet court,
Starting point is 02:02:12 reverses Tommy Coca-Ralas' guilty conviction, orders a new trial. Got damn it. At a second trial, Coca-Ralas decides to recant everything he confessed to before. And now he denies he killed or raped anybody. He does a fucking nice guy who happened to, you know, walk into the wrong van a few times. He, he happened to walk into the,
Starting point is 02:02:32 walk into the wrong attic and, you know, come on and then eat a little bit of titty. The he thought was, you know, I don't know, maybe a fucking pork rib or something. He claimed the police coerced him into his confessions and that he, uh, had made false promises to him, had even beaten him into admitting what they wanted to say prosecutor brine to lander
Starting point is 02:02:49 uh... what went through the interrogations performed by six separate detectives to prosecutors all of whom Thomas insisted uh... told him exactly what to say they're all in on it and there was a lot of corruption but in this case i doubt it Thomas also indicated that one police officer told the details the crime scene you know given him what he needed to confess yet when detective warren will cost took the stand to describe his interrogation, he said that he had shown Coca-Ralas a lot of a line of photos when he showed in those
Starting point is 02:03:11 photos. Coca-Ralas on his own picked out Lorraine Barowski and said, unprompted. That's the girl. That's the girl Eddie Spreitzer and I killed the cemetery. The jury delivered only three hours before returning their verdict in the second trial. They found him guilty again of the murder of Lorraine and sentenced him to death. At a sentencing hearing, he once again denied the charges as attorneys argued later that despite the verdict, his acted not merit the death penalty in addition to prison chaplain and the counselor both testified
Starting point is 02:03:37 that Tommy was non-threatening and could definitely be rehabilitated and fuck that chaplain. Sounds like a dipshit. Counselors sounds like a dipshit too. I wonder if they would have testified to that if, uh, you know, this guy had cut off the tits of their sister or mom or daughter and raping killed them. Thomas and selfs insisted that the court have not proven his intent to kill or any degree of pre-meditation. Who fucking cares? Uh, nevertheless, the court saw otherwise a panel of judges dismiss the appeals upheld ascends in a night in 1999. Next, the appeals process, his attorneys tried a different tactic. They argued now that Tommy was a killer suffering from schizophrenia. So he just, he didn't know what he was doing when he's murdered. They also claimed there's trial
Starting point is 02:04:16 lawyers originally should have entered an insanity defense, but he didn't. They didn't have him psychiatrically evaluated, which was a significant oversight in their part, or so his defense claimed, or he was now faking a new mental illness or that. The appeals attorneys also argued that when those lawyers had failed to see the need for an evaluation, the trial judge should have ordered one for the court. Our prison psychiatrist had diagnosed Tommy with borderline personality disorder, and that psychiatrist found him in competence and trial. But that psychiatrist was another fucking quack.
Starting point is 02:04:46 That diagnosis would make him neither incompetent nor insane. So it didn't make sense for him to be ruled incompetent because that finally his defense argued that Thomas, you know, had been especially vulnerable to a strong influence. And therefore not really responsible for what he did and get the fuck out of here. They go back and forth for this, you know, for a while in the appeals process. We'll pick back up soon with that. In the meantime, let's go back to his brother. March 18th, 1987, Andy is convicted of murder, aggravated kidnapping, the death of Lorraine Borowski. He'd already received a life sentence back in 1985 for the murder, aggravated kidnapping rape of Rose
Starting point is 02:05:18 Davis. Now he gets a different sentence. He's going to be sentenced to death April 30th, 1987. Then in July 18th, his brother Tommy pleads guilty to the reign's murder and exchange for a 70-year sentence instead of the death penalty. He'll also now be eligible for day-to-day credit for good behavior under sentencing guidelines at that time. Prosecutors agree to drop charges related to sentence murder as part of a fucking plea deal. I hate shit like this. I'm sure they fucking wanted to make sure he never got a jail to and I know it's probably way more complicated than I probably understand, but I just hate it. Now a bit of a strange interlude in the story. November 16th, 1988, Robin Geck's mom, sister, and nephew are involved in a
Starting point is 02:05:56 car wreck after visiting him at the Monard Correctional Center. So he's back where he grew up. Their car was described as being sandwiched between two, excuse me, two semi trucks, which had been in a bigger traffic jam as a result of repairs being made to some power lines nearby. Uh, Gek's mom, 57 year old, Loretta is nephew, three year old Nicholas and such a reshell all dying this accident. Weird that Satan didn't protect his family or maybe he beg Satan to kill some of his family. Hard to tell what someone who sacrifices comes up, titty to the devil might want to do in any given situation. Eleven years later, more terrible news comes to Robin Gek's family.
Starting point is 02:06:33 March 7th, 1999, David Gekt, his son and two others are charged with first degree murder in the connection of the shooting death of a Northwest side man, Roberto Cruz, occurred on January 29th, 1999. The crime reportedly gang related, which David admitted to, when he gave a statement to the police, saying he was part of the insane, unknown street gang. David will be convicted of first degree murder,
Starting point is 02:06:54 March of 2000, sentenced to 45 years in prison. Sadly, he and pops in different prisons. Also, crazed the David shot and killed a dude in a gang dispute, but still turned out so much better than his dad. David projected for parole in 2044, two years after his death. So maybe you know, get out in the two of them, I don't know, get up to the shenanigans.
Starting point is 02:07:15 Backing up to the month, Robin's son was charged with murder now, just 10 days after he was charged. March 17, 1999, Andy Cokaralis, now 35 scheduled to be executed by chemical chemical injection He will be the last inmate to be executed in Illinois last ditch efforts are made on his behalf by then or with then Illinois governor George Ryan Why what the fuck is wrong with some people like I get trying to save someone you think is falsie accused but this motherfucker Are you kidding me piano wire guy fucking titty eater? Are you kidding me? Piano wire guy? Fucking titty eater. Supreme Court Justice Moses Harrison was persuaded to order a state of execution, as
Starting point is 02:07:50 well as calling for a moratorium on all executions in Illinois. In fact, thanks to a series of crusading articles in the Chicago Tribune about injustice and legal system, 12 people had recently been exonerated and removed from Illinois's death throw, which had shaken Governor Ryan. Some were exonerated by DNA evidence, a few more exonerated by revelations of poor handling in the legal system. One case in particular that of Anthony Porter, especially disturbing, Porter, a black man with an IQ of just 51, very low, according to the American spectator, had been a prison for 16 years for a double homicide. After exhausting his appeals, he was supposed
Starting point is 02:08:22 to be executed September 23rd 1998 then in northwestern university professor and a death penalty abolitionist turned up evidence in his case just two days before his execution and a stay was ordered then and a bizarre twist another man confessed to the crime that was clear proof that the state of Illinois had prosecuted and imprisoned the innocent man about to put him to death. Ryan pondered the situation with, you know, Coco Rallis, but not moved to make a change because in Coco Rallis' upcoming execution, really no doubt about the crimes. The Illinois State Supreme Court reversed Harrison's stay by vote of 43 and hours before Coco Rallis is set to exit the world. Governor Ryan issued a three-page statement to the effect that he is not going to be forgiven.
Starting point is 02:09:05 The jury decided his fate and they should follow through with it. He's going to die on the morning before his execution though. Coco Rouse still convinced not going to happen. He's flown to a super maximum security prison in Tam's Illinois, spent the rest of the day praying and fasting, spoke to a few select friends on the phone. Why does he have friends? Bids him farewell, just in case. When his brother Nick comes, he prays, he cries,
Starting point is 02:09:26 the whole time Andy still believes there's might be a last minute pardon for him, even the clients his last meal, thinking there's gonna be another meal to come. What was last meal request was, right? Barbecue lady tits, nipple sausage, are you all putting? What the fuck with this guy?
Starting point is 02:09:38 Strap down to the gurney, he offered the Barowski family an apology, said that the kingdom of heaven was at hand. Of course, these fuck faces almost always think that they're going to heaven. And then he receives a lethal injection at 1234 p.m. Andrews last words were tough titties. I hope heaven is full of tough titties. No, he said to the Barowski family, I'm truly sorry for your loss.
Starting point is 02:09:58 I mean this sincerely. He then cited verses from the Bible. Repent ye, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Yeah, more heaven talk. Fuck that guy. then the youngest member the ripper crew was gone And two by the other three are still alive Let us now look at Edward spritesers death sentence October 2002 in spriteser was 41 He was among 140 of Illinois's 159 death row inmates having their cases heard influenced by the moratorium on capital punishment His lawyer sought mercy on his behalf saying that his low IQ of 76, his troubled history,
Starting point is 02:10:28 was what made him easy for Robert to manipulate. No. The victim's family, though, then gathered and forced to oppose a change in sprites or sins. As quoted in the Daily Herald, some viewed him as the personification of evil. Prosecutor Michael Wolfe agreed saying there's crimes were the worst of the worst. While clemency was not granted in sprites earth at the time the Chicago Tribune noted that as governor Ryan was leaving office in January of 2003 he pardoned four of the 164 death row inmates offered blanket clemency to the rest including sprites. Good job governor Ryan you fucking idiot.
Starting point is 02:11:02 Governor Ryan really was a fucking idiot. He would later spend more than five years in federal prison himself on corruption charges. The victim's family's outrage vowed to fight for restoring justice, but it wouldn't happen. At least not for Spritzer because January 11th, 2003, in one of his final acts in office, then Governor George Ryan cleared out Illinois's death row, commuting to life terms, the sentences
Starting point is 02:11:23 of all the states condemned inmates. That included Spritzer who's now serving a life prison term without the possibility of parole. He's 61 today, Robert Gecht is 68. What about Tommy? As we learned earlier, he's free. Probably working a fucking yum yum windshield's don't us. So, September 29, 2017, state prison officials decided to keep Thomas in custody for his mandatory supervised parole due to a lack of housing, but then they couldn't hold him forever. And March 29, 2019, they had to let him go 58 at the time, right? Not even 60.
Starting point is 02:11:55 This member of the Ripper crew released transported from facility in Western for a little away to an undisclosed location. And like I mentioned earlier, as of June 30, 2019, so you know, it was just when he's not even right around 60. Thomas was living at wayside cross ministries at 215 East New York Street in Aurora. In an interview with WWE MTV, Thomas proclaimed his innocence saying, everybody thinks I'm a monster. I'm not a monster.
Starting point is 02:12:18 Yeah, you are. Others don't buy him being reformed for a second. Mark Barowski, victim Lorraine's brother, said his release means being on edge all the time He told reporters that he will now be listing for voices watching for his face questioning everything and Thomas He is 60 is he too old to commit more crimes now? Or does he still have that bloodlust in him from all those years ago?
Starting point is 02:12:40 Hopefully he does not With that, let's hop out of today's time suck timeline Good job soldier Hopefully he does not. With that, let's hop out of today's time suck timeline. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. Ripper crew. Huh, hard to imagine for a people more brutal than Robin Gecht, Edward Sprycer, Andy and Tommy co-coralis. Other than that, I don't know, so many Nazis, I guess we recently recovered. And several past zero killers Leonard Lake, Rodney Alcala, Bob Pradella, Dennis Raider, Charles Aing, etc. Sadly, as hard as it is for those of us who refuse to cross certain
Starting point is 02:13:16 moral and ethical and cruel lines, as it is for us to believe, shocking amount of people are able to get to this level of darkness. Someone usual though for four of these fuckers to find each other. Work as a team. It's almost like according to the testimony of three out of the four, this was like a small cult, right? One leader, three followers, some of the darkest rituals imaginable, cutting victims breasts off, using them in sexualized, satanic rituals, and gecks fucking satanic chapel. Yee. All the seemingly stemming from Robbins' ridiculous and cruel fixation on women's breasts.
Starting point is 02:13:50 A horrific case of paraffelia. Remember that oftentimes, very disturbing sexual disorder? We've covered it several in several serial killer sucks. I think Jeffrey Dahmer was probably the first time we covered it. Paraffelia is an intense and persistent sexual interest other than sexual interest in general stimulation or preparatory fondling with phenotypically normal, physically mature, consenting human partners. It's the experience of intense, excuse me, sexual arousal to atypical objects, situations, fantasies, behaviors, or individuals. Domer, for example, was sexually attracted to specific body parts, right?
Starting point is 02:14:26 Like Gekt. His were the calf and biceps. He would do shit like masturbate with one hand while holding a dismembered bicep in the other. Dr. Catherine Ramzlin, that professor of Forensics Psychology at the sales university who shared her thoughts regarding the Ripper crew, said that Robin develops his severed breast parafelia fetish through what she called or gasmit conditioning. Basically, be careful what you come to.
Starting point is 02:14:49 Maybe try to steer the orgasm ship, a little more back to center sometimes. Robin develops a sexual fixation on just the breast, the body part, to give the most sexual satisfaction, and through consciously focusing only on breasts, shit started to get real weird. Somehow growing up, his fixation, through jerking off the thoughts of breasts over and over became more and more intense more and more arousing.
Starting point is 02:15:10 Maybe he started off just wanting to suck on him. Maybe bite him. Then one time maybe he drew blood that turned him on. Then more blood turned him on and he just kept going down this path of what only you know made him come the hardest and he got darker and darker. He discovered that gore Damage turned him on, pain turned him on. Maybe that snowballed to the point
Starting point is 02:15:28 he wanted to literally remove women's breasts, masturbate onto them, somehow insert his erect penis into them, into the Gore where the breast once was. He wanted to fucking eat breasts, literally wanted to watch other men eat them, wanted to watch other men fuck them, ejaculate on them.
Starting point is 02:15:44 If there was ever a time to kink shame, this is it. Dr. Ramson believes that him watching these other three men also have sex with the severed breasts, heightened his sexual obsession, normalized it for him, made him crave it much more, and quite simply he just took his darkest sexual urges way too far. Was that his destiny from birth? Were some of his wires so hopeless he crossed that they left him no choice but to strongly desire killing women and cutting off their breasts? I don't think so. I think we'd had more empathy. None of this would have happened. I think you have to be a fucking sociopath to pursue sexual urges like that. That he was
Starting point is 02:16:17 quite possibly born with in ability to just be inhumanly selfish. Then he combined that selfishness with his sadistic sexual fetish, his fascination with ancient sacrifices and sexual rituals. I'm sure it didn't help. Right? It's fast, fast nation with his brand of Satanism. I mean, did he first read about those ancient rights? And that gave him the idea to replicate that in some way, or did he already want to do horrible things to him and expressed? And he was thus drawn to stories of, you know, ancient people doing something similar. I don't know. His interest in the occult, how did that factor into all of this? I wish I knew what he read. A good deal of satanic literature has nothing to do with any of what he did.
Starting point is 02:16:54 Quite possibly no satanic literature has anything to do with what he did. There are a few books called the satanic Bible. The most popular is Anton Lebes, founder of the church of Satan, subject of 1-63. And in in that book there are no passages about cutting off titties and sacrificing them to the Dark Lord. There really is no Dark Lord in that book. You are your own Dark Lord, feeling free to follow your own pleasure instincts without shame or judgment or fear of punishment from some higher power, would be the closest this book came to promoting what the Ripper Crew did. But you're still not supposed to bring harm to those who don't want, you know, who don't harm you
Starting point is 02:17:30 while you're pursuing pleasure. The core of levain satanism is the 11 satanic rules of the earth, the closest thing, the 10 commandments, to the 10 commandments for satanism, could get, have used any of those to rationalize or inspire what they did. No. I mean, the closest possible one I can see is number four. If a guest in your layer annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy, but those women weren't guests in his fucking layer. They're prisoners. Number five says, do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal. There weren't any signals given to these guys to do what they did.
Starting point is 02:18:02 Number 11 says, when walking in an open in open territory bother no one if someone bothers you Ask him to stop if he does not stop destroy him Well, they certainly bothered the fuck out of the many women You know who did not attempt to bother them. I am not reading go out and rape and cut out those titties and any in any of that Nothing in Levee and Satanism promotes what they did a little known authorknown author, Abel Lawrence, also published a book called the Satanic Bible. There are Satanic prayers in this version. There's instructions for rituals, even for curses, but they don't involve sacrifice.
Starting point is 02:18:32 Certainly not human sacrifice. They sure as shit don't have instructions for cutting off tits, jerking on to them. You know, jerking off onto them, eating them. I have books on Satanism and demonology. I have quite a bit of a cult literature. I hope I can find some cool details in a lot of it to make scared to death to scare your podcast.
Starting point is 02:18:49 And most of it to be totally honest is fucking boring. It's bad poetry disguised as dark spells. Most of cult literature in my experience is mainly about how there is no God. There is only us. There is no magic. There is only knowledge. It is not a religion as anti-theism.
Starting point is 02:19:04 The rejection of religion rather than religion. us there is no magic there is only knowledge. It is not a religion is anti-theism, the rejection of religion rather than religion. Some of cult literature does involve ancient so-called pagan religious practices and yes, there are spells and potions and shit. Most of that just old recipes that would help treat this or that, developed in the days before science and laboratories. So I don't know what Robin was reading that helped to inspire to do what he did. Perhaps more obscure stuff that I just can't pick up at the Amazon store or at the local library or Barnes and Noble. There are some books of dark spells and rituals out there like the Picotrix, a 400-page book
Starting point is 02:19:33 of magic and astrology originally written in Arabic, a 10th century, Grimoire, a composite work that synthesizes older works on magic and astrology going back who knows how far. And there are some rituals and recipes in this book The do involve human blood and semen But there are no instructions for piano wiring off a teddy jerking off on to it with three of your fucking buddies before eating some or Anything remotely in that ballpark also to lump shit under this uh Like this under the term of Satanism isn't very accurate
Starting point is 02:20:05 Also, the lump shit under this, like this, under the term of satanism isn't very accurate. A shit like that often just falls under a perception of satanism. Tossed in that category because it seems satanic when viewed through the lens of certain denomination of Christianity, most Christianity. I wish a list existed somewhere of the books Robin found. I admittedly, I'm curious what inspired him, if anything inspired him. Might have been just using that as an excuse. I think what he and the other rippers did had a lot less to do with satanism and a lot more to do with what they wanted satanism to be. Some kind of rationalization for the shit they were doing. It was when it was really just about control power and sexual gratification. The ripper crew satanic altar,
Starting point is 02:20:38 based on the few photos I can find, it looked less like some true satanic fucking, you know, chapel. And more just more just like a dirty clubhouse Some goth teenager tried to make a pier scary by scribbling six six six all over the place and putting the fucking red blanket on some stuff hanging some cross Upside down, you know scattering a bunch of demons looking books about honestly most My experience most of the people really into that stuff, and I'm curious about it myself, but most people are fucking nerds, not, you know, brutal fucking ripper crew type
Starting point is 02:21:11 people. This type of Satanism, the spiral of conspiracies and rumors around it has never existed in any organized form as far as any evidence that is out there. These so-called Satanist are just occasional, you know, usually just like occasional like fucking teen rebel want to piss off their parents or the exceptionally rare angry conscious, let's fuck like these guys who just wants to feel more evil by connecting themselves to the opposite of what God, you know, they were raised to worship.
Starting point is 02:21:34 I think less religion, more rebellion, ultimate form of rebellion. I don't know. I struggle to try and fucking make sense of this shit sometimes. No one will probably ever fully understand why these four fucks did what they did. We only know that what they did was savage, inhumane, just beyond cruel evil. The fact that they did conduct strange rituals in a little room, they consider their satanic chapel,
Starting point is 02:21:55 just makes it all the fucking weirder. Now one of these monsters is free again. God, I hope he's not living near you. I sure as fuck wouldn't want him anywhere near me. Time now for today's top five takeaways. Time, suck, top five takeaways. Number one, the Ripper crew was a sadistic group of murderers composed of Robin Gecht, Edward Spreister, and brothers Andy and Thomas Cokeralis.
Starting point is 02:22:21 Together, these four pieces of shit were responsible for the murders of 18 women in 1981 and 1982, at least, you know, that we strongly assume they killed those women that they abducted, tortured, used body parts and satanic rituals, masturbated on eight, they're fucking breasts. Number two, Robin Gecht was by all accounts, the ring leader of the Ripper crew, the one who introduced Satanism to the young people that gathered his house, and the one who's fast fastness with breast led to the group's distinctive and oh, so disturbing mo numerous stories would come out of to Robbins rest about assault and other women that he didn't kill. When was stories about how he tried to mutilate their breasts, including his own wife, Rose, may have completely
Starting point is 02:22:57 removed her nipples at one point. Despite all that, Robbins still claims he didn't kill anyone and wasn't ever fucking convicted of killing anyone. I'll never understand that part of this case. Thank God prosecutors were able to essentially put him away for life without murder conviction. Number three, though Robin Gecht was likely their leader, the other members of the Ripper crew, Eddie, Andy, Tommy, shouldn't be left off the hook, right, or let off the hook. None of them ever alerted police to what they were doing or tried to get Robin or the others to stop.
Starting point is 02:23:25 They all actively participated in some of the rapes, mutilations and killings, and a lower than average IQ does not make it okay to do what they did, and it doesn't lead to doing what they did. They were absolutely smart enough to know how wrong their crimes were. Plenty, millions and millions and millions of people
Starting point is 02:23:40 with similar IQs don't do this shit. Number four, Thomas Coco Rallis is out of prison today and supposedly rehabilitated himself. His brother Andy was killed by lethal injection in 1999. The last execution carried out by the state of Illinois, both Ed Spritzer and Robin Gecht still in jail. And number five new info. There's another connection between Gacy and the Ripper crew that we haven't mentioned yet. Gacy be friend and Andy Coco Rallis on death row at the Menard Correctional haven't mentioned yet. Gacy be friend and Andy Coco Rallis on Death Row
Starting point is 02:24:05 at the Menard Correctional Center before his execution. He called the younger man Coco. They were friendly. That's obviously a predictable reduction of his Coco Rallis, you know, name. Also the name of a famous cartoon character, Coco De Clown from Max Flychurch, early 20th century out of the Inquil series.
Starting point is 02:24:23 And imagine if Gacy would have joined the Ripper crew if he hadn't been caught, I mean, he was in the dudes. Not women, so probably not. But what if he had been a straight breast man? What if they added clowns to the satanic chapel situation? Five satanic clowns in a van, hunting women in Chicago, looking for tips to cut off. Crazy that today's story was almost that strange.
Starting point is 02:24:46 Time suck, tough, right takeaway. The Ripper crew, Chicago's Satanic serial killers, has been sucked. So many tough titties this past two weeks. No tough titties, that I'm currently aware of in next week's episode. So if you're tired of the tough tittie talk, I think a reprieve is coming. Episode 300, Bass Reaves on Acid, tripping in the Wild West. That's next week. It's gonna get weird.
Starting point is 02:25:14 Hope the batch I'm pulling from is a good one. Friend of mine has product tested it. Each tab is a double dose. You're really doing acid? Oh yeah. Here we go! Here we go! Oh shit! So, I'm gonna be taking just one tab, but it's a double dose. You're really doing acid? Oh yeah. Here we go. Here we go. Oh shit. So I'm gonna be taking just one tab, but it's a double dose.
Starting point is 02:25:30 So it's gonna be two tabs. That should be plenty enough to put my mind in a very dissociative state, but hopefully not too much. That's gonna send me into a place where I can't read notes because of screen melts. Can we please get you a cowboy hat? Oh my god. Let's get you a cowboy hat.
Starting point is 02:25:44 Okay, will you order a cowboy hat? Yes. Okay, thank you. That's a great idea. Yeah, so hopefully I'll have enough of a hold on reality just to have fun with it. Fingers crossed for next Monday on Time Suck. When I'm gonna lead you, altered state of consciousness
Starting point is 02:25:58 and all, back in time to the Wild West before Oklahoma became a state. We're gonna meet an under-appreciated law man. The deserves to be canonized in the elite pantheon of 19th century gunslingers like Jesse James and White Irv. He was more of a gun slinger than any, either one of those guys. Bass Reeves, that name largely forgotten the history,
Starting point is 02:26:14 most because of his skin color it seems. Bass Reeves was a black man, former slave, who escaped from a so-called master after physically beating his own, his owners, fucking ass during a, during a car game. Excuse me while fighting the Civil War. Despite the idiotic ideas about race the time, Raeves Reeves survived as the first African-American deputy, US Marshal, West Mississippi.
Starting point is 02:26:34 He was perfect for the job. Intelligent, taller than most, his physical presence carried some calm, the fuck down weight. And he was charismatic and knew several native languages spoken in the area. Also an expert tracker and a master disguises. Most notably, a master horseman renowned as a marksman, winning so many shooting competitions, he was apparently asked to stop competing in them. Used all these skills to allegedly bring in roughly 300 criminals in,
Starting point is 02:26:58 brought all those in over 30 year career, did that without ever being hurt. Never injured despite being involved in dozens of shootouts killing killing perhaps as many as 20 outlaws at least 14. While many of his stories have been lost at time, or just never recorded, what we do know of Reeves makes for a captivating tale. In one case, he was so dedicated to the law that he tracked down and arrested his own son for murder. In another controversial incident, Reeves was tried for killing his own cook, and he did kill that man.
Starting point is 02:27:23 Why? Well, we'll learn soon. Why is Bass Reeves anonymous with the popular fictional law man, the lone ranger? Gonna learn that too. Lots of uncover about this enigmatic hero of American history. Join us next Monday for a full, yeah, yeah, where the fuck am I sucking on a legendary bounty hunter edition of TimeSuck? And now for some thanks. Thanks to the Bad Magic Productions team, Queen of Bad Magic Lindsey Cummins, Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley for production and for having a great cowboy hat idea.
Starting point is 02:27:51 Thanks a bit of liquor, upkeep on the Time Suck app, Logan the Art Warlock Keith, create and merch at BadMagicMarch.com, run in socials with Lizzy and Chantras Hernandez. Thanks to Sophie Evans for the initial research this week and congrats to Sophie for now being a full-time bad magic employee after graduating from Princeton. She has worked for us part-time longer than anyone else since year one since she was a freshman at Princeton maybe even the summer before actually
Starting point is 02:28:17 summer right after high school crazy fun fun to watch her become a better and better human being she was already right human being she become a better and better writer and researcher. And thanks to the all-seeing eyes moderating the Colt and Curious Private Facebook page. Thanks to Becky, Jesse, the Mod Squad, Reverend Dr. Joe making her Discord run smooth. The time suck subreddit has over 8,000 people,
Starting point is 02:28:38 so that's fun now. Joe and I's is we dumb now wrapped up as far as new episodes are concerned, but the catalog should live forever online and you can go check out candy dumb Maybe forever check for shoes keep an eye out for Jerry five bucks and also wake up. There's a gas leak and Now it's time for today's time sucker updates I had to record this thanks to touringibilities right after last week's episode came out. So no cult, cult, cult updates just yet.
Starting point is 02:29:12 But we do have a lot of Holocaust updates that didn't come in time for last week's recording. So Marvelous meets that Brian Fuller writes one of those saying, Hi Dan, Luciferina Sex, Poodle and possible Reptilean Master of the Suck. The Reptilean thing is a rumor I'm starting right now. Spaces are Brian here from Denver. After the very dark but very important last two sucks, I thought I would share an experience of the only time that I'm sure that I met Anati.
Starting point is 02:29:35 In 1981, when I was 23 years old, I traveled to La Paz, Bolivia, with two of my buddies to climb some of the spectacular mountains there. This was in the days before digital cameras, so I had a 35 millimeter film camera to capture some of the spectacular mountains there. This was in the days before digital cameras so I had a 35 millimeter film camera to capture shots of our climbs. That's so cool. Those cameras are awesome. I mean a lot of them. Just before heading out for my climb, my camera battery died. So we stopped at a small one-man camera shop to buy a new
Starting point is 02:29:56 battery. The guy in the camera shop was Caucasian in his late 50s or early 60s, spoke Spanish well with a German accent. The centerpiece of the wall behind his counter was an elaborately decorated shrine to Adolf Hitler with a photo of the furor at the center. Holy shit. If my camera had a battery in it, I would have taken a picture of that fucking Nazi. Based on his age, it is a good guess that he left Germany or Austria after World War II headed to South America to escape whatever would have happened to him if he would have stayed in Europe. When I was growing up in World Washington state, I knew a lot of adults who spoke with European
Starting point is 02:30:30 accents never even thought to ask about their wartime experiences and why they were in America. They were just meat sacks in our community where some of them ex-naughties, maybe, but the guy in La Paz Bolivia for sure. The most recent two sucks on the Holocaust are quite important and that they remind us that shit can go bad if we don't pay attention to what those in power are doing with it. If the powerful move to limit our freedom, they need to be removed. Hopefully by the peaceful constitutional processes established in modern Western countries. Freedom is not granted by politicians.
Starting point is 02:31:00 It is held by the citizens of the country who should be willing to fight to the death to retain it. My high school civics teacher used to say freedom demands eternal vigilance. I thought I was a little dramatic at the time, but as years have gone by and world events continue to happen, I've come to see that that statement is right on the money. Thanks again for all you do with the suck dungeon and please keep on sucking, Brian. Well, thank you, Spaces of Brian. And yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 02:31:25 Freedom demands, eternal vigilance. And I just feel my bones that we're gonna all need to be especially vigilant for the next decade or so. I think strange times are gonna get a lot stranger before they get better. And yes, sounds for sure like you meant a Nazi, Jesus Christ. Open Hitler's shrine in full view
Starting point is 02:31:42 behind his fucking business counter in 1991. Let's be on fucked up. I wonder how many confrontations that Nazi got into a Jewish customer just popping and looking for some camera supplies. What a piece of shit. Now for another Holocaust update of sorts, awesome husband and sucker, Matt Perone.
Starting point is 02:31:58 Or I think, yeah, I think Perone, right? Oh, exalted sucker of time. Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed your Holocaust suck. It's a topic that is near and dear to my wife's heart. In fact, I just helped her polish off a documentary she did on Holocaust remembrance for the local PBS station. It centers around the opening of the Anne Frank House on the campus of the University of South Carolina. The only one in North America and one of only four or five in the world. She also ties in parallels between the Holocaust and slavery, along with talking to survivors, relatives, and sharing an authentic Hebrew tribute. I posted a link, if your mind grapes
Starting point is 02:32:30 can handle any more Holocaust use, not to mention you having time for a glance. Now for the hard part, it's a big ask. But if you do give it a look, maybe a possible shout out to her. She's the best wife and mother and all around caring in generous meat sack. Unfortunately, the effort and hundreds of hours of work she put into that show has gone unnoticed. Her bosses and the higher ups didn't even watch her comment on it. And it has her at an absolute low point. I know a few kind words in the Suck Master himself may get her back on the right path. Brandy deserves to hear how awesome she truly is.
Starting point is 02:32:59 Anyway, if it all possible, that would be great. If not, we still remain loyal bad magicians. Thanks for what you do. Your loyal sucking dumb creep and tell Joe soon to be donor. Matt, PS, I've been trying to get someone to make a customized Whipple can to send the suck dungeon, but not many companies are willing to make a single can and those that are are definitely unwilling to include the flavor citrus circumcision, along with a disclaimer that consumption will cause you to manually enforceively remove any force again in a two mile radius, including your own. on stocking. That's great, Matt. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:33:30 That sounds like an interesting, uh, wipple and well done, Brandy. I left a bad magic comment from our YouTube channel to, uh, to the YouTube channel underneath the video of the documentary you made on YouTube. And the video is, if anybody wants to go find it, a Palmetto scene special, P-A-L-M-E-T-T-O, Colin remembering the Holocaust. You did great. I didn't have time to watch it all, but I did watch some.
Starting point is 02:33:56 Well done, it's so important, Hail Nimrod. Thanks for helping to keep the memory alive. It's very important to do, and it's a touching video. May you both keep on sucking, and hope figure out that with all the situation. One more Holocaust update from world traveling sucker Robert C. Bobburt writes, mine's sogmeister. Hey, Dan, I hope you're feeling better from COVID. I am. Thank you. My voice is a little scratch. I don't know why, but I feel better. I wanted to tell you the story of how I met your mother. I mean, a Nazi in Germany in 2017. My friends and I were on the train from Berlin,
Starting point is 02:34:28 to Nuremberg, sitting in the bar carriage, having a morning beer. When some dude walked in, grabbed a beer, sat across the aisle from us. He proceeds to yell, I speak English too, at us. We say, yeah, man, everyone we've met here speaks some of least. Long story short, we chat with this guy who is a douche and he began talking German politics, which we know fucking nothing about. He hates on Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany until 2021, pretty hard. Finally, he says, you know who had the best, you know who the best German politician was? Joseph Gubbles, my buddy and I legit slammed our beers and dipped because fuck that noise. As we were leaving the bar carriage, we started hearing other Germans yelling at him pretty aggressively. We dipped out, don't know what happened to him, but I hope he sits on his balls every day. Anyways, I hope you're feeling better, much love for you and the crew and keep
Starting point is 02:35:15 on sucking. Well, thank you, Robert. I am feeling better. Man, 2017 Nazi still around. And so are people who still think they're great dude still love the the rikes top Propagandist that propaganda works so well. It's still working on him so important announce all this shit He'll never out in yeah, I hope the guy is sitting on his fucking balls every day and Finally a non-nazi message from a smart sucker Nick. I will leave his last name off for reasons that will become obvious Nick writes in with a good reminder about something I do quite a bit that I, you know, should be careful with. Nick writes, hi Dan, longtime fan of your comedy, fan of the cast over the last year. I'll do my best to keep you short. I love your true crime episodes and I
Starting point is 02:35:57 appreciate the zeal about confronting and hurting the people who perpetrate crimes against specifically children. This is a personal story to let you know what happened in my family when my dad pledged relentless violence against anyone who hurt me or my sister. My father reassured my sister and I, I'm a guy by the way, that if anyone ever touched or hurt us, all we had to do was tell him and he would absolutely destroy them. Destroy them for us, and for him it was not specified.
Starting point is 02:36:19 He reiterated this with every conversation about stranger danger. Tell him about friends, parents, if they act odd, if we are ever confronted by someone in a parking lot who says, I'm a friend of your dad, whatever weirdo's approaches or touches an assaultist, he will be the force of vengeance for his children. Lots of love from his perspective, but I'm emailing you to describe the story of my sister. She heard the same thing I did.
Starting point is 02:36:38 I don't know all the details. I do know she was assaulted at a young age and again in high school. I still don't know and I have no right to know if it was another student, a teacher, a custodian or a stranger. She won't describe everything and here's why. She told me openly that after what happened to her, she still understood that people go to jail for murder. They go to prison for causing harm no matter how justified that violence might be.
Starting point is 02:36:59 This is child logic we are talking about. Movies and shows tell you commit crime, you go to jail, even if you're the good guy. Our dad made it clear he would hurt or even sacrifice his life to hurt anyone who hurt us. Yeah, clearly he was sacrifice his life to hurt anyone who hurt us. However, her love for our dad outweighed anything that happened to her. She held on to a bunch of awful secrets because she knew per his statements that he would have gone from our lives indefinitely or would be gone, you know, from our lives indefinitely for committed violence. She never spoke out because she'd rather have a dad than a deadly assaultor or than a, I'm sorry, rather have a dad than a dead
Starting point is 02:37:31 assaultor and no father in her life. I just wanted to consider this as you continue to speak on killers and parents potentials, potential actions. Kids learn more than just what the folks say, they understand society's rules. As much as parents want to do the right thing, there's a time where child logic does not sync with adult ideas about justice and results in choosing victimization over the vigilante justice that means losing deep family connection.
Starting point is 02:37:54 Take the stories you will. I'm just trying to share and open your ideas about how kids see the world. I'm turning 30 this year, but your commentary finally made me want to share this just in case it could help your kids or someone else's children Nick Nick That's a wonderful message Yeah, it's a good reminder
Starting point is 02:38:09 Yes as much vengeance talk as I spew here I have I haven't always been good about it. I've tried to get better recently about making it clear to my kids I'll protect them By like talking to the thorities etc because of what you're saying because I have had this message written in before I'm not sure if I'll actually do that in real life. I hope to got it never have to find out. I honestly don't know what I would do if someone hurts someone in my family.
Starting point is 02:38:32 I think there's a good chance I'd try to fucking kill them. Whether I want to or not, in some circumstances, I have a pretty vicious temper and more of a black and white sense of justice and retribution than some. I usually don't think this is a negative, but yes, it is here. Because how terrible if something did happen to one of my kids, and then usually don't think this is a negative, but yes, it is here, because how terrible
Starting point is 02:38:45 something did happen to one of my kids, and then they don't let me help protect them because they're afraid of what I'm gonna do to whoever hurt them. Yeah, with your kids, you probably don't want to elude to violence that you're gonna commit. Even if you think you will, you probably shouldn't.
Starting point is 02:38:59 You shouldn't. Just make sure they know that you'll handle it. You'll contact the authorities, you'll protect them without making them think that you're gonna fucking go, you know, Armageddon and go to prison for rest of your life. Also, maybe in cases where people do revenge kill sex offenders, if the sexual assaults can be proven, could some legislation be passed to have those people be given extremely lenient senses? I would fucking want to do that. Could some legislation be passed to have those people be given extremely lenient sentences? I would fucking want to do that. Uh, thank you, Nick. Uh, you're not wrong, man. Sorry about what happened to your sister.
Starting point is 02:39:30 I hope her victimizer victimizers ended up getting punished by the legal system or by somebody. I don't know. I hope their, uh, fucking dick got cut off by some piano wire. Ideally. And thanks everyone for writing in to the Time Sucker Updates once again. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. Thanks everyone for writing in to the Time Sucker updates once again. Another Bad Magic Productions podcast in the can meet sacks. Please don't use any piano wire to cut off anyone's cities this week and then jerk off on them and then eat them. Just suck on those titties instead. And just keep on sucking. And now, Mr. Suck nasty Guy, not let let me put new hit song in the middle of episode. I've been punished right now even though I'm a good guy, not doing anything wrong.
Starting point is 02:40:29 At least you get to hear a great hot banger at this point. A Russian strongest pony boy has a new hit that I wrote and that I sing all by myself. I call this next fire track still rock a roll to me. What matter with clothes I'm wearing can't you tell that your ties to wide? Maybe I should buy some old type colours. Welcome back, it's a drive Well, I've been hiding out from me lately honey. You can't dress trash until you spend so much of my money Everybody's talking about new sounds funny guy still rocking roll to me What matter with car I try to drive, you can't tell it's auto style just getting
Starting point is 02:41:28 I rich, should I get a set of white wall tiles, are you going to cruise Miracle Mile in St. Petersburg? Nowadays you can't be too sentimental that capital is big fill, your best bet too baby blue, confidential hot funk, cool punk, even if old junk is still rocking roll to me. No one knows rock and roll to me like me. It doesn't matter what they say in the paper, it's always been same old scene. They're new band in town, but you can't get a sound from store and magazine Reign that your average teen
Starting point is 02:42:12 How about a pair of pink sidewaters? Maybe bright orange Per pants where you could really be a baby Brumble baby You know what that means if you give it half chance don't waste your money On new set of speakers you get more miles from the cheap power of speakers. Next phase new wave dance craze in the West steel rock and roll to me and fuck United States capitalism. you

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