Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 308 - Black Lords, Power Crystals, and Suicides - The Cult of Conscious Development

Episode Date: August 8, 2022

The story of this little known cult is WILD. Was the cult leader, Terri Hoffman, capable of some kind of actual mind control? It honestly feels possible. This New Age guru who spoke of reincarnation, ...astral planes, transcending the trappings of your Earthly bodies, and fighting "black lords" in other non-physical planes of existence seems to have broken down the minds of numerous followers and pushed them into committing suicide, right after they made her the sole beneficiary of their wills. Terri was the daughter of impoverished laborers who became the leader of a movement that appealed not to confused teens, disillusioned college students, and random spiritual seekers in the late 1960s when so many cults were forming in America, but also to educated people well into their careers and adult lives, like a Yale-educated college professor. Ten of her followers would die via either odd suicides, murders, or strange accidents. Another follower vanished. The Devil is in the details, and Terri Hoffman comes across like an actual devil in this story, and man are the details of this story insane...Bad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation:  The Bad Magic Charity for August Camp Easton, where we will be hosting our 2022 Wet Hot Bad Magic Summer Camp. Amount TBD. To find more or donate yourself, please visit https://www.nwscouts.org/campeastonTICKETS FOR HOT WET BAD MAGIC SUMMER CAMP!  Go to www.badmagicmerch.comWatch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/l6sqvEnPHM0Merch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comDiscord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 First, it was Glenn Cooley, a 20-year-old college dropout. Then it was Devorow Cleaver, 14-year-old girl. Next to a sandy Cleaver, Devorow's mom, who died along with Sandy's housekeeper, Luis Watson, in the same accident. One by one, people connected to a woman named Terry Hoffman just kept dying. By 1979, 11 people who were either members or family members to members of Terry Hoffman's strange cult, conscious development would die under mysterious circumstances or disappear. Many of them were suicides.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Some of them would claim and suicide notes they left behind to be suffering from a terminal illness. They wanted to end it all and avoid needless and unavoidable suffering before they're inevitable and untimely death. But then a corner would find no trace of that illness in their remains, or a trace of any other illness. After their death, these people would often leave Terry Hoffman and conscious development, thousands and thousands of dollars. Sometimes their entire estates, confusing children and family members they left behind,
Starting point is 00:00:57 and raising suspicions. While some of these family members knew that their departed loved ones had been interested in new age spirituality and that Terry build herself as a kind of guru. They generally had no idea how deep the devotion to Terry and her wild ideas went. Terry Hoppin was an unusual cult leader. No compound. No sexually manipulating or outright sexually abusing followers. Just a lot of outlandish claims of divine truth mixed with a gift for emotionally manipulating
Starting point is 00:01:22 others and filling their heads with so many crazy ideas. Crazy ideas in paranoia, that many of them would choose to end their lives shortly after signing over whatever they own to Terry to make sure she was well-taking care of after they transcended and freed themselves from the prisons of their earthly bodies. Terry had preached that their bodies were holding them back, and they tragically listened. Terry was a daughter of impoverished laborers who became the leader of a movement that appealed not just to confuse teens, disillusion college students and random spiritual seekers in the late 1960s when so many cults were formed in America, but also to educated people well into their careers and adult lives like a Yale educated college professor. She offered them someplace free of judgment where she revealed
Starting point is 00:02:02 to them stories of their past lives, metaphysical souls and true purposes. Soon, many took solace and the strange reassurances that she gave and some even took her madness deathly seriously. They began to bind to her ideology, a complicated, convoluted new age philosophy that told them to strive for balance, a state of equilibrium among physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Critical thoughts called negative energies could be draining even deadly. Fear of cancer, Terry taught for example, could cause cancer. Life's ultimate goal was to become highly evolved enough to share the loftiest spiritual plane with God and the masters during the next incarnation. And that of course required total commitment to Terry's teachings and only to Terry's teachings. Cult, cult, cult. We've been here before. Many times now. If you wish to enter the highest realms, Terry wrote, you need to work to develop the latent power of your emotions, mind and soul. And Terry was the one who would identify and train you to develop those latent powers. Over decades, Terry would tap into the angst of a restless generation,
Starting point is 00:03:02 dissatisfied with traditional religion and its inability to provide clear answers to impossible questions. As numerous other co-leaders were also doing across America. Unlike a lot of America's co-leaders, she didn't do this in Southern or Central California. She didn't Dallas. In the early 80s, as more and more people in the US pursued personal pleasure, sweet sweet cocaine and packed nightclubs, as divorce and materialism was on the rise, Terry didn't manage them for these pursuits. She reassured them that they were destined to be wealthy and stable. She wanted them to find bliss in every encounter. At first, but then eventually, as her twisted theology continued to mutate and grow darker, things started to go off the rails. Soon Terry introduced the Black Lords, a sort of invisible,
Starting point is 00:03:43 satanic-like army of evil entities that her followers would have to physically fight. With sticks and karate moves for hours at a time and cult get-togethers that Terry arranged, men at which I had some footage of just one of those secret meetings. She also taught the death was meaningless. You will also become conscious of the continuity of life she wrote. Death then will not exist in reality. For you will realize that your existence is not dependent upon the mere maintenance of your physical body. After all she wrote, the result of noble death is rebirth. And then surprise, surprise, many of the people around the guru who preached that death was meaningless in a new life
Starting point is 00:04:18 awaited after this one started to die, many of them by suicide. And conveniently, they would make Terry the sole beneficiary of everything they owned. When others pointed out how incredibly suspicious this all looked, Terry refused to take responsibility for any of these deaths. She'd say she counseled emotionally troubled people who were more prone to taking their own lives in the average person that she certainly hadn't pressured anyone to leave their money to her. But was that true? Had she perhaps been working on their minds, pumping them full of drugs to alter their moods, make them more susceptible to increasingly
Starting point is 00:04:48 intoxic messages, had she maybe hypnotized them, attempted her own homegrown form of mind control, that eventually broke them down, turned them into unnaturally devoted followers, who thought it was the right thing to do, to leave Earth and leave Terry, all their earthly possessions. Versions of this are what some family members and some prosecutors would come to believe. A lawsuit filed by two atari stepchildren, the son and daughter of one of her late husbands, Richard Donald Hoffman, accused her of having caused or contributed to the string of deaths through hypnosis, behavior modification, mind control, and manipulation of emotions. Pretty crazy accusations, but after sitting in the world of the story of the past few days, I buy it. Her motive according to the suit, profit or material gain for the self-appointed guru, Terry Hoffman. So just who was Terry Hoffman?
Starting point is 00:05:38 Was she actually a cult leader or just a really terrible spiritual advisor? What message did she pedal to the masses? Why did people keep dying around her? And what she really capable of manipulating person after person after person in her orbit to take their own lives. And maybe most importantly, why would she never charge with playing a role in any of this? The strange and mystical world of Terry Hoffman, right now on another cult, cult, cult, edition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck. You're listening to Time Suck. Happy Monday, meat sacks. Welcome to the cult of the curious. Man, I got a wild one for you today. Damn, I'm Dan Cummins, a suck master, sucked or dumbass, recent recipient of the award for best
Starting point is 00:06:31 Australian accent of all time presented by the International Council of People who have never been to Australia or ever heard an Australian speak and either any form of media in real life. And you are listening to time suck. Kroiki, Rapa, H! Hail Nimrod, Hail Lucifina, Praiseful Jangles, and Glory Beat and Triple M. Just one announcement today, a quick one made sax, and then we're off and running. I got a very cool new wormhole tee in the Bad Magic store this week.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Looks like an awesome, nebulous portal kind of thing. Very fitting for today's episode with TimeSuck written in the middle. Jump into this tee, float along the astral plane with Nimrod, find the Akashic records or something. Or at least check it out at BadMagicMarch.com. And that's it. Yeah, yeah. Let's go. Diving back into the realm of cults today with Terry Hoffman, fucking maniac, who started a group typically called consciously development. Its full name
Starting point is 00:07:22 was conscious development of body, mind, and soul. Sounds harmless, definitely wasn't. Though it would never end in some kind of Jonesound type of mass suicide event, it would still be very deadly. Within a few years, Terry successfully recruited hundreds of members, and the inner circle, many of them, ten known members, either committed suicide, were murdered, have disappeared. That would be the eleventh, or met with tragic accidents under mysterious circumstances. In the early 1960s, Terry started off as a teacher of spirituality, meeting up with spiritually curious seekers at the Brookhaven Country Club in Farmer's Branch, a North Dallas suburb. Soon, she was teaching a class of sorts, which was free to attend on the campus
Starting point is 00:08:07 of Southern Methodist University. And by the early 70s, it was known as Dallas's foremost metaphysical study group. She taught hundreds of Dallas students face to face. Excuse me, about Eastern spiritual practices, concepts and values such as meditation, reincarnation, the theory of karma and astral travel, a lot of, a lot else, a lot of a lot else.
Starting point is 00:08:25 A lot of other things. Terry's teaching emphasize balance, perspective, freedom from drugs. Even though I think she may have given at least some of her students and drugs, she was riding the wave of a big upswing in new age spirituality. And before I set up the rest of this episode's structure, I do want to talk for a little while about just generally about new age beliefs since that's what her mumbo jumbo was rooted in. The new age movement was spread rapidly through the 1970s and the US and many other nations with more and more people turn away from ancient religions, finding alternative sources of spiritual guidance. Many were dissatisfied with
Starting point is 00:09:00 traditional religion, but also not interested in turning to free love and hedonism, like the hippies of the 60s, you know, during the counter-culture movement we're doing. New age beliefs did have their roots in the 60s, though, as expectations of a new age increased in the 1960s, a time where we would be free of society's ills like poverty and hunger, a new organization, the Universal Foundation, appeared. It's wealthy leader, Anthony Brook, traveled widely across the US, beginning in the mid-1960s, as a type of new age evangelist, predicting that an apocalyptic event would occur during
Starting point is 00:09:34 the Christmas season of 1967. Fuck's sake. Doomsday profits, even woven into new age beliefs, of course. I forgot about that. Could everyone rooting for the end of the world, please? Finally, regardless of what belief system you're coming at the end times from, just maybe go get fucked.
Starting point is 00:09:53 You are no smarter than any of the world's previous Doomsday believers. There have been so many, some of whom attained fame and fortune their lives, usually the expense of followers, given them lots of money because they truly thought the world was ending, but in the end, all end times profits and every one of their
Starting point is 00:10:08 believers have been wrong thus far. Every last fucking one of them. To think you suddenly have the answers and are smarter and have more insight than all the previous dipshits doesn't make you special or wise or the one true profits, it makes you just another dipshit in a very long line of the same kind of dipshit. Although the apocalyptic event broke predicted, never took place, of course, they never do. International network of new age groups emerged in preparation for it. And now a new religious movement based of course, and many of the teachings of other religions, and also building on the back of older spiritual movements like Madame Helena Blavatsky's
Starting point is 00:10:42 Theosophy of the late 19th century was being born. And like all religions, you know, spiritual systems that began to mutate, evolve, and morph. In 1970, American Theosophyist David Spangler, another central figure of the New Age movement, moved to the Feintorn Foundation, a spiritual community just outside the village of Feintorn, Scotland, they began in the 1960s, morphiend out of some kind of pseudo-Christian movement there in 1950s. It slowly began to incorporate elements of theosophy, like the ability to channel extraterrestrials through telepathy.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Oh, fuck yeah, bro. These beliefs continue to morph and mutate around the world today. A lot of people call themselves light workers and star seeds now, thinking it's their calling to help transform the world into a new age, generally by sharing vague, positive, sounding gibberish, sold as ancient wisdom, supposedly delivered through various channels, typically given to these channels by wise and ancient aliens who in many of these belief systems are our ancestors who kicked off human life here, then left,
Starting point is 00:11:41 and we'll only return when we are spiritually collectively ready to receive them. I want to talk about raising your vibrations and frequencies and manifesting positive change through focusing on laws of attraction or making sure your fucking power crystals are charged with the right amount of moon juice. Yadda Yadda. I don't want to get too deep into the weeds with this constantly changing belief system that thanks to lacking any real agreed upon core documents changes from decade to decade person to person.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Anyway, back in the early 70s at the Fine Horn Foundation, a man named David Spanger, again, developed some ideas that will later become considered fundamental to the new age movement. Ideas not founded primarily on the love and good vibes of the 60s, you know, love and good vibes, but on science kind of, but not really. He would sell it as science. Other people also lacking a firm understanding of what science actually is would parrot that assertion, but not science. Science is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation,
Starting point is 00:12:37 experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. She does actually tested. What Spangler preached was not that. What he was actually talking about can definitely be defined as pseudoscience and pseudoscience is not kind of science. pseudoscience is not science-light. It's defined as a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method. So essentially, it is made up bullshit disguised with a bunch of big words to sound like science. And I know that phrasing is inflammatory, but also very accurate. changes like the movement of the Earth into a new cycle known as the Age of Aquarius had initiated the coming of the new age. In astrology, which is a study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, interpreted via pseudocytes, not science, as having an influence on human affairs in the natural world, the Age of Aquarius is an astrological era, believed to bring increased
Starting point is 00:13:40 spirituality and harmony on Earth. Astrological errors last approximately 2,160 years, corresponding to the average time it takes for the Vernal Equinox to move from one constellation of the zodiac into the next. And because it's all pseudoscience, not science, astrologers can't even agree on when the aquarium age will start or if it is already started.
Starting point is 00:14:02 In 1999, Nicholas champion, excuse me, I should have just added an H in there. Champions, fucking better name of the champion. Anyway, Nicholas champion, British astrologer and historian of astrology and cultural astronomy, a former daily male astrologer for years and president of the astrological association, a great Britain from 1994 to 1999. Listed various references from mainly astrological sources for the start of the Age of Aquarius. Based on Campion's summary, most published materials on the subject
Starting point is 00:14:32 coming from 29 different noted astrologers stated that the Age of Aquarius arrived at some point to 20th century, with the 24th century coming in at second place with 12 claimants. Other astrologers listed additional centuries. Early in the 20th century, most astrologers were convinced that the age of Aquaries would begin in the 27th century, but then they went back to the blackboard and erased
Starting point is 00:14:53 and carried the one, I don't know, did some fucking times this number by that number and went all over the place. Precisely predicting the age of Aquaries is a lot like precisely predicting the end times. No one has a fucking clue what they're talking about. But David Spangler claimed to know exactly what he was talking about, of course, and was excited about this coming age of Aquarius that is right around the corner.
Starting point is 00:15:12 It's always right around the corner. He been excited about this stuff for years. As a child, Spangler became convinced he was clairvoyantly aware of non-physical entities. While in Morocco with the age of seven, he said he had a mystical experience of merging with the timeless presence of oneness within the cosmos and then remembering his existence prior to this life as well as the process by which he chose to become David Spangler and entered into his present incarnation. And cool story, bro. I thought she'd like that too when I'm fucking high. Following that experience, his claims, he, his awareness of and contact with various inner worlds
Starting point is 00:15:48 of spirit was heightened, though he believed throughout his childhood that everyone shared the kind of perception and experience that he had. Doesn't sound like he had a lot of friends. Pretty sure if I would have shared beliefs like that when I was a kid with my friends, I would have gotten mocked and or beat up. When he was a teen, his family moved to Phoenix, where he met other individuals who claimed to be clairvoyant and people acting as channels for non-physical entities.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Yeah, Arizona's been a hot spot of new age beliefs for years, and he realized that his own inner experiences were not common. In his late teens, he was asked by members of some metaphysical study groups to give talks on his own inner contacts, leading up up to 1964 when he gave the keynote address at a national spiritual conference on youth and the new age the following year he dropped out of college go heavy into the LA metaphysical scene Metaphysics by the way is a branch of philosophy the deals with the first principles of things including abstract concepts such as being knowing
Starting point is 00:16:43 substance right cause identity time space according abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, right, cause, identity, time, space, a lot of room for interpretation and speculation within metaphysics. A lot. Really fun to talk about and speculate about impossible to know much of this with certainty though. I imagine that in the LA burgeoning New Age scene, Spain also did a fucking ton of awesome drugs and listened to a lot of fantastic music. And then Pretty SUNY was off to Feint Horn Foundation to share what he believed he knew and learned from other like-minded spiritual seekers.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Returning to the US in the mid 1970s after becoming joint director of the community in Feinhorn, Spangler now became the main architect of the new movement. He presented his ideas in a set of popular books beginning with Revelation, the birth of the New Age in 1976, and attracted many leaders from older occult and metaphysical organizations, theosophical organizations to the growing New Age movement. And again, there's a lot of variance in what people who claim New Age beliefs adhere to. But in the movements developing years, almost all of the emerging New Age schools of thought did have two main beliefs in common.
Starting point is 00:17:44 New Age schools of thought, as far as I know, still did have two main beliefs in common. New Age schools of thought as far as I know still have these two main beliefs in common, almost always. First, they predicted a new age of heightened spiritual consciousness, an international piece will arrive and bring an end to racism, poverty, sickness, hunger, war, dry-humping, anything bad, anything bad is gone. The social transformation will, social transformation will result from the massive spiritual awakening
Starting point is 00:18:10 of the general population during the next generation. Always, that's always the next. It's almost there. Second individuals can obtain a taste of what lies ahead within the new age through their own spiritual transformation. Initial changes will put the believer on the, said Hannah, a new path of continued growth and transformation The said Hannah concept was taken straight from Eastern religion and philosophy
Starting point is 00:18:31 Said Hannah is an ego transcending spiritual practice It includes a that includes a variety of Hindu Buddhist, Jain and Sikh traditions that are followed in order to achieve various spiritual or ritual objectives Said Hannah has done for attaining detachment from worldly things, which can be a goal of a Saddu, a holy man, like an Eastern holy man. On the way, the person committed to this new age, but not really new since so much this is just Westerners stealing ancient Eastern ideas and calling it new, the person committed to this will see real material improvement in their lives, better health, closer relationships, harder boners,
Starting point is 00:19:05 weather pulses, I don't know, more satisfaction overall, everything good, everything gets better. Gotta get your vibrations tuned up, bro. Gotta get your shockwres aligned. Gotta get your chi fully charged. You can hadooken. You gotta make sure that you're channeling the right frequency and being touched with the right ancient master aliens or Lemurians or Atlantean root races, fucking wizards
Starting point is 00:19:24 and stuff. Be enlightened and whatnot, not care about driving a new car, wear a designer clothes or shaving your armpits or washing your balls with soap or eating steaks or anything. Just focus on teleporting, maybe perfecting your Vulcan nerve pinch. Something like that is what new age enlightened minutes. And I'm not saying that was a perfect description. But I feel like it applies highest fucking shrooms and listening to the right music and going over all of these concepts
Starting point is 00:19:45 in a beautiful natural setting on a sunny day with a bunch of really friendly, attractive, chill hippie folk, I would 100% believe that, oh guys, I need to dedicate my whole life to this right now. Yes, this is it! Aligning themselves with the holistic health movement, which advocated alternative and natural healing practices such as massage, natural food diets, chiropractic work, acupuncture,
Starting point is 00:20:08 believers in this new age promoted spiritual healing as a way of fixing all your problems, be they spiritual in nature or not. And this is where this shit always jumps a shark for me. Like could a lot of this have some validity? Oh, absolutely. Yeah, fuck it. Why not? None of us really have, you know, any of the answers, which means answers, which means that a lot of this shit could be true on some level. But to think that this belief system is the cure to all ailments. Come on, tone it down to extreme. Massage is great. Massage has proven benefits, and it feels good.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Is organic food better for you than super processed canned or boxed stuff, pump full of preservatives and hollal calories? Yeah, of course. Does meditation have proven benefits? You betcha. Is trying to channel alien wisdom or listing to others channel alien wisdom combined
Starting point is 00:20:50 with foregoing Western medicine and trying to cure cancer with fucking celery juice and positive affirmations, a good way to live your life? Fuck no, no, it's crazy talk. Now you're trading a rely on what is known for gambling on something that is just gibberish. And that tends to lead to nothing good. As many of the followers of Terry Hoffman found out the hard way, the hardest way
Starting point is 00:21:10 refocusing on the new age movement now to wrap up this prelude. Unlike a lot of the spirituality of the 60s, this new age spirituality was something especially appealing to many because you could consume it like you consumed so much else, like a TV show, radio program or clothes. You could be new age by adhering to a special diet, right? Or consulting special experts or buying books and having the right crystal collection and such. And please don't reach out to my crystal loving wife
Starting point is 00:21:35 with my opinions about any of this. Actually, I tease Lindsay Luhu about her crystals a lot on scared to death, but to be clear, she does not actually forego any Western medicine or science to instead trust that crystals will just on scared of death. But to be clear, she does not actually forego any Western medicine or science to instead trust that crystals will just provide everything she needs. She does not positive they do anything. She does things they might, you know, just like I think that goes are probably real.
Starting point is 00:21:55 She likes to believe that maybe they help and so what does it hurt to have them around? And I think that's a very healthy form of new age spirituality, even though she doesn't consider herself a new age adherent. Anyway, with Spanglers developing new age beliefs and all the parallel belief systems spiraling out of his ideals and the beliefs of his peers, you can be interested in new age spirituality without giving up your possessions and living out of a van like a dirty hippie. In fact, having nice things and being comfortable was a sign that you were growing spiritually. Many people who sought new age spirituality in the 70s and 80s wanted a type of belief system that
Starting point is 00:22:27 would still let them be successful at work, have families, be members of the community, maybe start a fucking company like Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop, give them spiritual meaning without having to go to church every Sunday. Terry Hoffman was an early adopter in a lot of these beliefs. She became interested in meditation, metaphysics, hypnotism, a lot of other new age type beliefs that I'll explain here in a bit, starting in the 1950s in the Dallas suburbs where she lived with her first husband and three kids. Terry was charismatic kind, had a welcoming charming smile,
Starting point is 00:22:55 also seemed harmless, if I could not harmless at all. It seemed impossible to think that a suburban mother of three could be responsible for anything more intense in a couple of palm reading sessions. Maybe some, you know, tarot cards, mild interest and new age spirituality. It seemed in essence, at least, to the beginning, like her beliefs were just some boardhouse wife shit. You know, the kind of thing one would pick up from a silly magazine in the checkout aisle,
Starting point is 00:23:15 the grocery store. And that's likely all it was for Terry in the very beginning, but at some point, she either consciously started to want to take advantage of others, believing in this shit to griff them, or she truly began to think she was very important, profit-like figure within this belief system. Soon she was just goofing around with some of her friends. Soon Terry was claiming to have abilities that made her completely unlike any other person
Starting point is 00:23:36 in the movement, any other person on earth, and here we fucking go! Cult, cult, cult! Terry started claiming she could see the past and future levitate, travel outside of her body Communicate with the deceased heal the ill protect students from you know psychic and metaphysical harm Getting others to believe this shit as well made her a Messiah figure to them not a psychic You can consult to see if you you know might have some success in your love life in a few years
Starting point is 00:24:01 But like a powerful godlike deity walking amongst us mortals Anything Terry Hoffman abused this notion of power. I do. Eventually, she would preach to her followers about how deaths was meaningless. How they had lived many past lives. Their eternal souls were fixed and untouchable.
Starting point is 00:24:16 She knew because she could see their souls with the help of a dozen ancient immortal masters, visible and accessible only to her. And getting her followers to believe that death was not really death, but just the beginning of a new life where adventure awaited and all your problems in this life disappeared She may have influenced some of her followers to die by suicide and leave her their states She may have also, you know, just straight up murdered some of them outright
Starting point is 00:24:38 Okay, now let's talk about some structure To cover the strange story of Terry Hoffman We'll look next at the allegations against her that she used her brand of new age spirituality to convince her followers of many things that foreshur directly led them to identify less and less with their mortal bodies and real lives and thus make them more open to casually killing themselves. Then we'll take a look at hypnosis, mind control and meditation to further understand what she made her followers practice contributed towards their mental deterioration.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Next, we'll look at why Terry Hoppin wasn't held accountable by the criminal justice system for these deaths and how facilitating the suicide has been dealt with in US criminal courts. It's a complicated charge. Finally, we'll delve into today's time-suck timeline and follow the cult as it grew from a small time weird book club of sorts to a group who's beliefs and devotion to their guru would lead to the deaths of 10 people
Starting point is 00:25:28 in the disappearance of another. And before we go forward, I didn't I don't normally spotlight a single source for these episodes. We find so many good sources, but this week we owe a huge debt of gratitude to Peter L kind and, an award-winning investigative reporter, co-author of the National Best Seller, the smartest guys in the room about the collapse of Enron, also authored client nine, The Rise and Fall of Elliott Spitzer, and recently republished his first book, The Death Shift, The True Crime Story of Nurse Jeanine Jones and the Texas Baby Murders in 2021. And back in May of 1990, Peter wrote an incredible, sadly
Starting point is 00:26:07 now largely forgotten investigative piece for Texas monthly called the curse of the black lords. What demons drove so many members of a Dalaii Dallas new age cult to kill themselves and leave their money to their guru. And this source is fantastic. Without it, this story would not be worth covering. There just would not be enough important details. But with this source, with the evidence, the Peter Gather, holy shit, this is an incredibly entertaining little random slice of American history.
Starting point is 00:26:32 So I don't know you, Peter Elkine, but hot damn, you are good at what you do, and I sure as hell appreciate it. Hail Nimra! I was crazy tired trying to put the story together, get it recorded in time to drop a right one, I get back from vacation, recording this right before I leave to go to the airport for vacation and Peter's journalism plus the killer initial research of soviet and suck me into
Starting point is 00:26:53 this story and motivated me to find more details and of course put my own you know unusual spin on and all so excited to share the rest of all this with you. One of the central pieces of Terry Hoppins defense, in both investigations and the wrongful desk that came out of the group member suicides would be that she was a healer, a custom to work with mentally ill people. People more susceptible to suicide, and though she couldn't help it if they decided to end their lives. If they left all their money to her, well, that was just because they appreciated her efforts
Starting point is 00:27:22 to spiritually guide them, not illegal to be a fucking terrible guru whose followers just kept offing themselves. You know, sometimes you light folks, sometimes you kick the chair out from underneath them, and if they put the rope around their own neck, what am I supposed to do? Not feel their, uh, feel their heads with poisonous paranoid fucking gobbling gook. Uh, many of the people who died, their family members and prosecutors would say that Terry was responsible. The Terry's teachings amounted to mind control and hypnosis whereby she could convince them to do almost anything, even taking their own lives.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Setting actual mind control aside, I think Terry was an incredibly abusive and manipulative piece of shit, but not like a literal dark wizard. It is easy for me to see how the conscious development of Terry preach could be seen by some as a gateway to suicide. For one thing, again, Terry taunted death doesn't matter, because you're just gonna be reborn. The more and more her followers consume that message
Starting point is 00:28:14 over and over years, the more followers lost sight of the finality of death. It did not take it seriously. Many of them also began to value their lives or material existence, less and less. You know, it was their their spirit that mattered it was out there on this plane And they were gonna connect with it and come back to another existence also the concept of karma as taught by Terry was this idea that if bad things Are happening to someone it may be because they are a bad person so if you have bad things happened to you It's your fault. I can see how that could lead to people feeling hopeless and frustrated with themselves and seeking a way out.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Terry also taught the ones non-physical body. Their soul out there in the astral plane is not subject to influence by your physical body. That meant that regardless of one's actual disposition or actions, they may still have an evil non-physical body out there on the astral plane. Oh, damn it! Or several bodies. Recon havoc on other innocent people's lives. Or the reverse that they have a good non-physical body or bodies but an evil physical body and the only way to escape that is to physical death uh... not sure how the fuck one physical body has several non-physical bodies by the way
Starting point is 00:29:13 but are followed referred to other people's bodies plural shichi uh... got into believe whistle fucking crazy and convoluted i don't think anyone and are following really understood what they were saying or claiming to believe half the time even terry didn't understand it when she was interrogated by prosecutors or by lawyers, you know, later regarding some people signing their states over to her, she couldn't even answer like her own fucking explain her own dogma because it was just you just making up as she went along.
Starting point is 00:29:38 And her followers have been following it for so long they had completely abandoned any reason or critical thinking and just acted like whatever shit she said. Well, it made sense. These weird concepts were sometimes utilized to create division within Terry's followers, right, fostering further dependence upon Terry, right? Just confused people and then some people act like they understand it and then that makes them feel better than the other people who don't understand this under the stuff that you can't understand.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Trust no one but Terry, you know? Members would be emotionally manipulated towards feelings of guilt and self-loathing. Check out this note from follower Robin Ostaut to her best friend, Tamara. I have made the decision to stop talking with you. And looking back at the numerous things that have been following me,
Starting point is 00:30:19 I was able to determine that on many occasions I had talked to you and given you information which was then used against me by your other bodies following our phone call. Can you imagine getting a note like that from your best friend? Wait, wait, why are you mad at me? Oh, cut the shit, Tammy! Your other bodies have been using information I gave you against me. Do you even hear yourself, Robin? That's fucking crazy talk.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Oh right Tammy, I'm the crazy one. Maybe I'm crazy because of all your other bodies. They won't stop harassing me for the last time. Tell your other bodies to stop following me. Terry also taught her followers that whatever paranoia or bad feelings, they felt towards others. Those feelings were always justified. Oh boy, I mean, learn to trust your gut, sure,
Starting point is 00:31:11 but always assume that any paranoia your feeling is accurate. Eh, eh, eh, eh. That sounds like a great way to turn a walk towards crazy town into a fucking sprint. Now sometimes this feels like the world's out to get me. Because it is, thank you wise Terry. Thank you for giving me the confidence to write full throttle into my own delusions.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Even more in a fairies and also cult like Terry taught members of conscious development that they should distance themselves from outside influences, of course. Fostering a sense of importance in mission amongst followers, this belief also encouraged isolation and distrust to the outside world. Left followers was known to turn to, known to trust when things got bad, things to combining this with this whole trust your paranoia line of reasoning. In addition to the various harmful ideologies of conscious development, Terry Hoffman's heavy emphasis on meditation may have also encouraged psychological and physical problems
Starting point is 00:31:59 ranging from muscle spasms to hallucinations. Did you know that meditation can sometimes be hazardous? I had never read anything like that prior to this episode. It's actually been established in various scientific studies over the past 30 years. Meditation has significant and damaging effects on some practitioners in some settings. I mean, an emphasis on some.
Starting point is 00:32:18 It does help the vast majority of people. I wish I had more time to do it. I like it when I can do it. While practicing meditation, some people are predisposed to later experiencing involuntary meditation, kind of like a LSD flashback. It consists of feeling emotionally dead and seeing the environment as unreal, too dimensional, amorphous. According to one study, which compiled potential health considerations associated with meditation
Starting point is 00:32:41 throughout the years, adverse effects on mental health are the most frequently reported negative consequences from meditation. Other practitioners experience paradoxical relaxation-induced anxiety, which can aggravate conditions such as schizophrenia, depression, asthma, bleeding ulcers that were previously stable. In fact, one study on the effects of meditation
Starting point is 00:33:01 on chronically anxious people over half the participants indicated their anxiety got worse. The pervasive feeling of disconnection from reality may have also provided the means of easy disconnection between struggling practitioners and their families and or material goods and just their day-to-day lives. You know, too much of a good thing can be a really bad thing. I bet when you combine meditation
Starting point is 00:33:22 with all of the absolutely bonkers, fear-based paranoid shit that Terry taught people, the odds of meditation doing more harm than good, you know, went way the fuck up. Refocusing back on allegations of Terry through messing with her followers' minds in a variety of ways, got them to kill themselves. Even if she for sure did that, even if she pushed her followers towards taking her own lives, absolutely, would that be illegal? Could Terry be charged with murder for that? The Dallas Defense Attorney's Office would say that the links to hypnosis and other mind control techniques could not be sufficiently proven.
Starting point is 00:33:53 I mean, no surprise here. But even if they had, is there a legal way to hold someone else accountable for someone's suicide? What if someone told another person over and over again to kill themselves, broke them down, made them believe the suicide was their only way out? Is that person legally chargedable with a crime?
Starting point is 00:34:07 Even in a much more clear cut scenario than Terry's, the answer is sort of. An American society authorities have always had difficulty in addressing the implications of one individual influencing another individual's suicide. Man slaughter is the most commonly applied charge for obvious and extensive influence, which results in the suicide of another. But getting that charge to stick is very tricky, especially considering how much of a problem suicide is in general in the US. Although the US has historically had a high homicide rate, its suicide rate is roughly twice as bad with over 45,000 suicides in 2020 compared to under 25,000 homicides. More over actual suicide appears to be just a tip
Starting point is 00:34:45 of a much larger iceberg. According to the CDC from 2013, 0.6% of adults in the US had attempted suicide. Percentage wise, that might not sound like a lot, but that's almost 1.5 million people, not counting kids. 13.6% of teens reported planning suicide, 17% of teens had seriously considered it. And we're talking about tens of millions of people now. For those who do end their lives, they leave grieving families behind, families looking for someone to blame, sometimes acting on emotion and dealing with massive amounts of grief, they blame people who weren't really responsible. But other times, there is an actual person to blame, someone to at least share some blame,
Starting point is 00:35:23 like in the case of the suicide of Conrad Roy. Remember him? Remember the widely publicized case of Michelle Carter, a Massachusetts teen who was charged in 2016 was in voluntary manslaughter after months of directly encouraging her boyfriend Conrad Roy to commit suicide over text and phone calls. HBO released a two-part documentary film about this in 2019 called I Love You Now Die, The Common Wealth vs. Michelle Carter. In a part many series debuted recently on Hulu just earlier this year about this called The Girl From Plainville, 48 Hours, Dateline NBC, other news programs dedicated episodes to this case.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Roy and Carter met on Family Vacations in 2012 when he was 16, she was 15, lived about 35 miles apart, communicated electronically extensively over the next two and a half years. Although Carter referred to Roy as her boyfriend at the time of his death, they had seen each other in person only a few times. Both were being treated for depression, Conrad had made suicide attempts before, like when he overdosed on a seat of benefit in October of 2012. Prior to July of 2014, Roy had expressed
Starting point is 00:36:26 the desire to kill himself and Carter had repeatedly urged him not to, to instead seek help. So that's good, right? Obviously. She encouraged him not to take his own life over over for almost two years, but then in July of 2014, Carter then 17 abandoned her efforts to talk Roy out of suicide. She'd had enough of him talking about it. She not only now accepted Roy's desire to kill himself, she urged him to make concrete plans to carry it out when Roy expressed doubts about the reliability of using exhaust fumes for a from a vehicle Dined by carbon carbon monoxide poisoning for example Carter recommended other methods of suicide suggested that he research methods of manufacturing carbon monoxide on the internet and he took her advice He developed a plan of buying and running a generator inside his enclosed truck cab,
Starting point is 00:37:06 ultimately used a water pump to deliver the toxic gas. And the day he's leading up to Royce to a side carter repeatedly asked him when he was gonna carry it out. Even complained that he kept putting it off. She said he needed to do it. She threatened that she would seek counseling for him if he did not proceed to kill himself and urged him to not break a promise.
Starting point is 00:37:23 When he hesitated, expressed concern for the grief, his act would cause his family, Carter assured him that his family members would be fine. They would accept it. She even promised to provide them emotional support. And then on the evening of July 12th, Roy drove to the Kmart parking lot, ran the water pump inside his truck, poised himself with carbon monoxide. Michelle Carter would text a friend about their conversations while Conrad Roy was
Starting point is 00:37:43 carrying out this final act. She wrote, his death is my fault. Like honestly, I could have stopped him. I was on the phone with him and he got out of the truck because it was working and he got scared and I fucking told him to get back in. Sam, because I knew he was going to do it all over again the next day and I couldn't have him live that way. He was living anymore.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I couldn't, you know, just, just let him. I wouldn't. She literally admits here to pressuring him to kill himself. But is that a crime like other American jurisdictions, Massachusetts does not criminalize suicide. According to the Carter could not have been liable as an accomplice or co-conspirator in a crime committed by Roy. Like most American jurisdictions, Massachusetts also has no statute defining incitement to commit suicide as a criminal offense. Moreover, unlike most American jurisdictions, Massachusetts lacks any statute defining
Starting point is 00:38:29 assisting suicide as an offense. Accordingly, the only way Carter could go to jail for her conduct would be for a homicide offense, which would require proof that she caused Roy's death. After investigators discovered messages on their phones and the contents of their calls, Carter was charged with manslaughter and Massachusetts juvenile court. Manslaughter generally defined as wanton and reckless conduct causing death. The charge was upheld by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and in 2017 Carter was convicted and then sentenced to a 15 month prison term.
Starting point is 00:39:01 The Supreme Judicial Court found that Carter's alleged speech acts probably satisfied the requirement of recklessness because a reasonable person would realize that they could have influenced Roy to kill himself by saying what Michelle Carter did say. A lot of us probably agree with that reasoning. Intuitively, based on public backlash against her, Michelle Carter's role in bringing about Conrad's suicide seems worthy of some condemnation. Some punishment appears warranted, but some form of murder. Doesn't that set a strange legal precedent? I mean, if Conrad Roy killed himself, how can Michelle Carter also be said to have killed
Starting point is 00:39:33 him? Even if we conclude that Carter did kill Roy, what kind of homicide should she really be held liable for? While the court convicted her of manslaughter, does her conduct really appear to fit the offense elements of that crime? Manslaughterachusetts defined as the reckless or negligent killing of a human being and turn murders defined as the intentional killing of a human being but michelle carter didn't kill anyone intentional or not only conrad roy did
Starting point is 00:39:56 it was even michelle's idea for conrad to die it was conrad's he been talking about it for years also if you do take the perspective that she did kill him then why did the judge sentence her to only 15 months in custody? I don't know. I don't like what she did, not at all. Just not sure she had been, just not sure, excuse me, she should have been legally punished for it.
Starting point is 00:40:15 It's immoral, but illegal, I don't agree with that charge. Elsewhere in the legal system, this dichotomy between murder and suicide has also been hard to untangle in other cases. In most states, participants in another suicide risk prosecution for the lesser crime of assisting suicide, but only a few statutes prohibit encouragement alone. And courts have often required tangible aid in applying these few statutes. One thing to be there and to actively help Dr. Kavorkin, quite another to say something over the phone or send a text.
Starting point is 00:40:45 In one recent case, the Minnesota Supreme Court struck down a provision, permitting liability for encouraging suicide as a violation of the First Amendment. Right? Legally, it's just also very murky. Now, thinking about the First Amendment, is it someone's right to encourage someone to commit suicide, just like it's their right to say that they don't like a certain politician or political party? And then in thinking about the free will of the person who has died, shouldn't they be able to end their lives
Starting point is 00:41:07 of their own volition? Isn't it their decision and their decision alone? And thus no one else should be held responsible. Or another angle to look at all this is just considering suicide and act that takes one out of the realm of the ability to make decisions, big decisions for oneself. In other words, mentally incompetent. And are the people who may encourage them then taking advantage of someone who is struggling mentally and should there be some kind of legal punishment for doing that. That reminds me of some of the ethical arguments we covered in our episode on Dr. Kavorki. He certainly believed that at least on some fundamental level, people should be free to choose whether they live or die. He focused
Starting point is 00:41:40 on people with terminal illnesses, but I think he would argue in general that suicide is a deeply personal choice that an individual should be able to make for themselves whether they are ill or not. Health law scholar, Susan Stefan, has observed that as a society, we are more likely to accept the choice to die as rational, and so far as the person so choosing is elderly, terminally ill, and physical pain or disabled. From a libertarian standpoint, however, individuals are under no obligation to measure the worth of their lives by their own or others net happiness over time.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Their autonomy includes freedom to choose and constrained only by the liberty rights of others pursue their own conception of what is good. Meaning that from a libertarian perspective, at least suicide isn't an injury to anyone innocent and no one can then be found responsible for that harm. What to do about suicide and those who may pressure others to kill themselves via suicide, such an interesting legal argument. Should we be minimizing danger and harm, making it inciting someone's suicide illegal or should
Starting point is 00:42:39 we be ensuring everyone's liberty, meaning that you are allowed to say whatever regarding what someone else does. And that if that includes listing to you, telling them to kill themselves, the responsibility falls on them to act wisely and to listen to you or not listen to you. But if you ensure everyone's liberty, meaning you don't find anyone criminally responsible for a sitting there a suicide, doesn't that open the door for people like Terry Hoffman to take advantage of this legality and do what it sure seems as shit like she did. I don't know. At this moment, I do lean towards allowing and encouraging someone to commit
Starting point is 00:43:10 suicide to be legal, horrible, unethical, sure, but legal. Even if that allows the Terry Hoffman to get away with some monstrous acts, generally I am in favor of less laws. But Terry Hoffman, she may have gotten away with a lot more than pressuring followers to take their own lives after willing all of their assets to her. Also as we'll see in the upcoming timeline, while some of Terry's followers, like the Goodmans, her husband Don Hoffman, Robin Ostott, Mary Levinson, did kill themselves, where the others around Terry Hoffman actually murdered some of them, like Glenn Cooley, her second husband, Luis Watson, the housekeeper of one of terry's most devoted
Starting point is 00:43:46 followers who did not want to go on the trip she went on when she died or devaro cleaver the fourteen year old who drowned uh... in uh... questionable circumstances on a trip to Hawaii or charles southern junior a follower of terry's who is still missing to this day whose family discovered a Nigerian symbol for death in his apartment after when missing or maybe jill bounds a woman who admittedly had terrified of Terry, who was definitely murdered
Starting point is 00:44:07 in her bed and whose pages from her diary were missing from the crime scene. A few of them. Not all of them. All very suspicious. Okay, enough teasing now. Let's begin my favorite part of this episode. Terry's big ol' time suck timeline. Right after today's mid show sponsor break. Thanks for listening to those sponsors, meat sex. Now let's get back to the life and the strange often dark times of Terry Hoffman. Shrap on those boots, soldier. We're marching down a time suck timeline.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Terry Hoffman is born March 21st, 1938, born in the poverty in Fort Stockton, a little 8,000-ish person town, around 3,000 people in Terry's born, not really near any cities of note in West Texas, and she spent her early summers picking cotton in the stifling heat. And it does get hot in Fort Stockton. 117 degrees Fahrenheit is the record high for June. Her father was an alcoholic. Excuse me, her mom suffered from tuberculosis.
Starting point is 00:45:11 She had a little sister who was stillborn. Maybe because of a rough introduction to the world, she created a little bit of fantasy to escape a bad situation. Terry would claim that something would happen to her in early childhood that would reveal the kind of spiritual gifts she had. Or she just made all the shit up later to give her childhood some kind of, I was destined for spiritual greatness, you know, backstory and cred. She said that when she was four years old, relaxed under a shade tree, when three, three
Starting point is 00:45:34 men and splendid robes appeared before her, told her that she could do anything, be anything she wanted. If she wanted it badly enough, that all she had to do was think about God. They also said that only she could see them. Hmm. I weird that she would be able to do was think about God. They also said that only she could see them. Hmm. I wonder that she would be able to do or be anything she wanted and then she would just choose to be a small time co-leader and the main thing she would do
Starting point is 00:45:53 would be convinced followers to make her the sole beneficiary of their will and then kill themselves. I mean, if you could do or be anything, wouldn't you become something better, doing something great? Around 1947, the age nine Terry gets sent to a Lutheran overfinage in round rock, Texas, now a suburb of Austin. After her mom dies in her tuberculosis and her father is then unable or unwilling to care for her.
Starting point is 00:46:14 And then according to what she would tell followers, those visitors from before started happening again or started appearing again. I don't believe her fucking second that she thought any of this shit up as a kid. Strongly assuming she made up all this shit after she did a bunch of new age reading as an adult. These mythic figures first taught her to pray to them. There were 12 of them in all. They were known as the masters, of course.
Starting point is 00:46:35 She would also later remember a Lutheran nun, a German woman who told her about the elements, fire, water, air, earth, ether. Is this woman one of the masters? Not sure. This has never really made clear in sources. Not that it really matters since she has for sure put all this shit out of her ass. The magical woman told her about the Akashic records,
Starting point is 00:46:53 which exist only in the spiritual realm. Oh, the Akashic records. This is a big new age topic. The Akashic records came out of the theosophy. It's something that comes straight out of 19th century a Theosophical lore that would greatly influence the later New Age movement. Weird that she would think up something like that as a kid that she would think up something that she would then read about in her early adulthood. The Great Charlotteson, I mean Theosophyst, Madame Lovatsky,
Starting point is 00:47:18 first introduced the Sanskrit term Akasha into Theosophy. It means space or sky in traditional Indian cosmology. And by 1899, the Akashic records was a concept firmly embedded into theosophical lore by another theosophyst Charles Webstered Leadbeater, originally a priest in the Church of England. And his theosophical writings, Leadbeater was immensely influenced by Blavatsky, he practically worshipped her. Anyway, he wrote that the Akashic records were a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, intent, ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human. They are believed by a theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the mental plane, the most important and powerful magical book of all time. Terry believed that she could reach these records through meditation and that they would
Starting point is 00:48:07 show her all past, present, and future knowledge. So fucking super cool. Gosh dang! This magic dream nun also taught Terry about reincarnation. This made Terry, who was still angry with the world for her sister's still birth, feel better thinking that her sister would just have another chance at a happier life. All her mother feel like the children who bullied her at the orphanage would have to suffer through several more shitty lives on earth.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Carric punishment punishment for her and her. So she's really developing a spiritual belief system here that wrongs all the rights of her childhood. How convenient. Over time Terry became convinced of the orphanage or again as she later said as an adult when she made all the shit up that she herself was the reincarnation of Saint Teresa of Avila. Avila. One of the Roman Catholic churches, most famous mystics.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Teresa of Avila was a 16th century Spanish noblewoman who felt called to the Convent Life, big on mystical prayer, on communicating directly with the deity, activating a special rapport, kind of like the channeling that Terry would later claim to do. In 1949, if two years of theage, Terry, now age 11, she gets adopted by Dallas Couple, who had lost their daughter to tuberculosis. A lot of fucking tuberculosis in Texas in the mid-20th century, apparently.
Starting point is 00:49:15 The gave her a new name, Terry Lee Benson. Also the first normal home she had known since her birth in 1938. And she wouldn't last long in this new home. Just a few years later, she was in junior high when she met a young truck driver named John Wilder. He was an 18 year old six foot one high school dropout earning 85 cents an hour and her new mom called him a thug, not good enough for her daughter. Also fucking creepy Good after junior high kid Terry felt smothered by her doctor of mother's attention and would soon run away
Starting point is 00:49:41 How dare she not want her daughter to date an adult while she's in junior high? and would soon run away. How dare she not want her daughter to date an adult while she's in junior high? Terry would marry John Wilder, May 2, 1953 in Durant, Oklahoma, the closest place to Dallas that a 15-year-old could get married at the time. Terry had just barely turned 15. She had a new husband, then moved back
Starting point is 00:49:55 to just outside of Dallas and Terry dropped out of high school. She and John would have their first child in 1954, just 18 months after their wedding. They had a girl Kathy, followed by a son named Kenneth 1958, and a daughter of Virginia in 1963. Like many women at the time, living in rural Texas, Terry occupied herself with her children and some gardening. She bragged about grafting several varieties of apples to the same tree trunk. Couple had a farm near Redbird Airport, now known as Dallas Executive Airport,
Starting point is 00:50:22 Mortarian John spent a couple of quiet years with their growing family. But soon, Terry grew bored of being a stay-in-home mom. She wished she had finished high school, she yearned for something more, she's very curious, she began to get very spiritual. This was what I'll lead her to some unconventional places. Around 1954, not long after the birth of her first child, when she was just 16, she just started meeting
Starting point is 00:50:42 with the group of women who happened to be into shit like meditating and discussing metaphysics, the origin, the structure of the universe, the nature of truth, the meeting of existence. As time passed, Terry became more interested in all of this, led to an interest in the occult and do a cult literature that would become an obsession, lead to all kinds of new age beliefs. At some point, during the early years of their marriage, the Wilders moved to a modest three bedroom house in Farmer's branch.
Starting point is 00:51:04 The Dallas suburb where Terry will eventually start her cult. And her life began to change. Terry is becoming infatuated with the writings of fucking insane wacky doodle. This guy did a lot of damage. Edgar Casey, the sleeping prophet, the psychic, the America's greatest known psychic from the 20th century, fucking presidents like this guy,
Starting point is 00:51:24 even though he fucking blew it on so many predictions. She got into groups like Sylvan Mind Control Incorporated. Edgar Casey was a one time Sunday school teacher from Kentucky with little formal education, of course. Who began faith healing in the 1920s, using a combination of spiritual readings and homeopathic medicine,
Starting point is 00:51:42 and soon he'd consider himself a clairvoyant. Some religious scholars consider him to be the true father of the New Age movement. 1925 he settled in Virginia Beach where he established a hospital source in 1928 and the association for research and enlightenment in 1931. He also made a lot of prophecies including the destruction of New York City in California. Still waiting on those motherfuckers. Claimed to be able to recall past lives, promoted belief in the existence
Starting point is 00:52:07 of a great civilization in Atlantis, some 12,000 years ago. He still that believed from the teachings of Mademoisky. I would consider her to be the true founder of the New Age movement. Not a fan of her, but she should get credit for that. Just wasn't known by that name, right? Her hersophie definitely became a New Age,
Starting point is 00:52:24 New Age spring out of it. A lot of concepts will be added to the movement long after her death. But she's the one who I think started the new age ball rolling down the hill more than anyone else. Casey would write, when there is the thought or the activity of the body in any particular environment, this very activity makes for the impressions upon the soul. As to the records made by such an activity, they are written upon what is known as time or space. Ah, where it's at. Uh, you know, I was by reading these records in time and space that would allow him to grift. I mean, help people. 1934, while given a reading to a 28 year old freight agent, Casey tried to define these records further, not only did he discuss what the Akashic records were, but he explained how they were written, clarified how an individual could gain access to that information. Apparently
Starting point is 00:53:09 any type of endeavor, you know, whether action, thought, desire, or deed creates activity, a kind of activity of a vibration. This vibration produces a mark upon what Casey called the skein of space and time and is somehow permanently identified with the individual responsible. It's entered into the fucking big server up in space. Although unseen is the type of energy that is evident to a sensitive, as evident as the printed word is to the sighted person. So this asshole is who I have to thank
Starting point is 00:53:40 for thousands and thousands of wacky details who just won't shut the fuck up about vibrations and frequencies today. Go watch a video, any video made by someone claiming to be a light worker or a star seed and maybe just have a little counter. Just count on me time as they talk about vibrations and frequencies. Magnetism also comes up a lot. Casey explained to his wife, Gertrude, in another reading that it was very possible for
Starting point is 00:54:00 anyone attempting to read the records, a psychic, a sensitive, to misinterpret the information, of course. He knew what the magical and visible shit said for sure, but other decades would get it wrong. Right, it's the same old story. You know what, fuck all the late night research I did here for this episode, fuck critical thinking. I should just join the new age movement. With all the wacky details I've broken down
Starting point is 00:54:23 on well over a hundred different segments of the secret suck. And the ones I've talked about here in Time Suck, I know the language, right? I could write some books, full of stuff that sounds super cool and positive and enlightened, but doesn't really mean anything. And I could start giving seminars and shit and never have to worry about anyone proven that I fucked up
Starting point is 00:54:40 on some, you know, a source or, you know, didn't get something right because all the systems have been made up for the past couple of centuries. Apparently Casey said, perceiving the Akashic database is unavoidably shaded by the mental experience and background of the person reading the information, unless they're intent is totally selfless and based only in helping others. In other words, two individuals could acquire very different interpretations from the same records because of their own belief systems, backgrounds, experiences, and personal motives.
Starting point is 00:55:07 So in real other words, the Akashic records don't mean fucking anything. If everyone looking at him comes to different conclusions, cool. We do need to suck Edgar Casey someday. I mean, his story is fascinating. Pretty soon Terry would start to borrow some concepts directly plagiarized from Casey, present them as her own metaphysical teachings. Other concepts she would steal directly came from silver mine control incorporated. The silver method is a self-help and meditation program developed by another maniac Jose Silva claims to increase in individuals abilities
Starting point is 00:55:40 through relaxation, development of higher brain functions, psychic abilities such as clairvoyance. Silva, a quote unquote, developed it by a developed, and I mean, made it up in 1944 after he developed an interest in psychology to see if it could help him increase his children's IQ, which it didn't. He thought of it. The other experiment and becoming convinced that his daughter suddenly was clairvoyant, Silva decided to learn more about the development of psychic abilities. And then Casey claimed it like Casey claimed to be a psychic.
Starting point is 00:56:08 He was America, sorry, back to Casey. America's most prominent psychic of the 20th century, but I already said that. Sorry. I threw that in a bad spot by nose. Silva, back to Silva. He used his psychic abilities on his family members and friends before launching a program about how to develop them commercially in the 1960s. The techniques of his program aimed to reach and sustain a state of mental functioning called
Starting point is 00:56:29 alpha state. Oh, fuck yeah. Where brainwave frequency is seven to 14 hertz day dreaming, the transition to sleep alpha states. He could get there all the time. Self-programmed, uh, self-programmed claim to train people to enter certain brain states of enhanced awareness and stay there. Also claim to have developed several systematic mental processes to use while in these states,
Starting point is 00:56:48 allowing a person to say mentally project with a specific intent according to Silva. Once the mind is projected, a person can allegedly view distant objects, remote viewing locations, connect with higher intelligence, channeling, ancient masters, wise fucking aliens for guidance. How do you know when you channeling, you don't get a dipshit alien? Why has that never come up? Maybe like two years into channeling, someone's like, oh no!
Starting point is 00:57:14 The fucking aliens have been talking to me so fucking moron! The information received by the projected mind is then said to be perceived as thoughts, images, feeling, smells, taste, and sound by the mind. This information obtained in this manner can be acted upon to solve problems. Okay, vague, none of this means anything. So basically, his method is based on utter madness.
Starting point is 00:57:32 No one has ever conclusively demonstrated getting even a single IQ point smarter by studying and employing this stuff. I bet a lot of people have gotten dumber. Terry, we get very into all of this. As she became more obsessed with all this, what the fuck are you talking about craziness She also found a new environment to unleash her obsession on in the mid 60s. She's in her mid 20s The wealthy board women who met the Brookhaven Country Club Not far from her home and they would discuss mysticism
Starting point is 00:57:57 And these women soon came to love Terry. They ate her mystical shit right up I licked her mystical pus. Soon Terry began to attract a devout circle of admirers within that group. To them, she was far more than a housewife who had memorized a bunch of theosophical nonsense and also made up a bunch of stories about talking to invisible masters,
Starting point is 00:58:15 when she was a kid, she was a messenger of God. And now people started to seek her mental physical help. During the late 60s, she later claimed she helped a young man kick his drug habit through solely her guided meditation and prayer He begged her to share her power with his friends or so the story goes So now Terry when she's around 30 years old She starts holding weekly evening meditation sessions
Starting point is 00:58:37 Initially attended by about 20 high school students That's that's great, you know shaping young minds Unless she holds these sessions somewhere on Southern Methodist University's campus, only about two miles from her house. These early students of hers get two things that all sensitive adolescents crave instead of having to figure out for themselves, Terry is telling them how the world works instead of having to suffer judgment or critique, like they would do at a traditional church, a Western Abrahamic Relicant Church to accept them unconditionally.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Terry also charged them nothing for the meditation sessions, not the early ones. She steered many of them away from drugs, from dangerous macrobiotic diets. Man, what a shame, no drugs in the 60s! Ah, she fucking ruined their youths! She ruined the greatest time departing the history of America for these kids.
Starting point is 00:59:22 She also indoctrinated them in her continually evolving theology, which combined elemental and theosophical new age beliefs with Christian ideas about angels and divine battles, right? Take a little bit of what you're used to, combine it with a bunch of shit that makes you feel good. The arch angels, Michael, and charge the fire element, Raphael in charge of air, Gabriel of water, aerial of earth could offer them strength and protection. Death, her printed lesson said, was nothing. The result of noble death is rebirth. The World War, according to the law of karma, which her interpretation said that,
Starting point is 00:59:56 ugginess begets ugginess, beauty begets beauty. One who lived a good life would be able to choose the body and environment in which they would be reincarnated. Those who led unhappy lives would pay a karmic debt for past deeds. You get a shitty body next time around. She would write, we can be sure that the people who have been killed in volcanic eruptions and dire catastrophes deserve these violent deaths and that they have been reborn in these places to fulfill their destiny. They reaped as they sowed in past lives. Yep. Everyone getting what they deserve.
Starting point is 01:00:29 A lot of psychologists call a version of this the just world hypothesis. I remember studying that and hating it in sight classes over 20 years ago. It's very juvenile and frankly just fucking disgusting way to look at the world. Very self-serving. It allows you to never feel bad for anyone who ever suffers misfortune. They deserved it. Good things happen to good people. Bad things happen to bad people. Period. Right? So be good and life will be good. That girl you heard about getting gang raped. Don't feel bad for her. She had a fucking shitty soul debt. She need to repay. She fucking deserved it. In her last life she was a dickhead. All the Jews who died in the Holocaust,
Starting point is 01:01:04 all deserved it. Don't let the Holocaust dox dickhead. All the Jews who died in the Holocaust all deserved it Don't let the Holocaust docks get you down right that was just justice serial killers kind of doing the Lord's work Since all their victims even the kids, you know fucking deserved to be sexually tortured and killed and shit Why is Putin incredibly wealthy? He is so good or at least wasn't his past few lives and now he's he's reaping what he's out Why did Peter Nygard get away with raping for five decades? He's a good guy! But then he did something bad maybe in the 70s. Let it was arrest. I don't know. It's a fucking idiotic belief system employed by simplistic morons with underdeveloped senses of empathy. By the late 60s, Terry had started a group called conscious development of body, mind, and soul in Dallas now
Starting point is 01:01:43 And she's accepting love offerings for lessons in her private consultations. By love offering, she means payout motherfucker. No more giving away her genius insights and wisdom for free. Don't call it payments, call it love offerings. There would be like a 50 bucks, then a hundred bucks for these offerings. If people paid enough, sometimes you don't pay more, they keep members to get taped lessons and structing them on Terry's beliefs. So he's selling taped lessons now,
Starting point is 01:02:07 like she's fucking low rent, Elrond Hubbard. This is your first lesson, first degree lesson one begins. It is yours in a special way since the knowledge contained within is said is, sorry, the knowledge contained within it is sacred, secret and mysterious. This information has been treasured and carefully guarded since ancient times
Starting point is 01:02:25 For knowledge gives this possessor power By being exposed to the teachings of the masters You will not only become aware of the truths The words of emphasizing are capitalized in her thing which others rarely possess You will also learn how to use and control energies few have mastered. Oh Fuck yeah, bro Master that energy. Whoo. I doken! Adouken! Start throwing around those energy balls and shit. Things are starting to get weird. It's gonna get so much
Starting point is 01:02:52 weirder. Terry also developed a little jewelry business with a metaphysical twist. Toddler followers that certain gems and crystals win properly selected and electrically charged by her possessed protective and healing properties Their vibrations became so great and powerful She began urging her followers to buy handmade silver rings necklace is bracelets the more expensive an item She taught the more power it contained obviously Oh, you want that $50 quartz pendant Becky? Okay, but you know if you get that I mean I mean you're gonna be barely able to see into the future with that one. With that $1,500 Jade bracelet. Oh my!
Starting point is 01:03:29 You can clearly see the future while levitating in the astral plane. I mean, if you meditate hard enough, of course. One could tell how tightly various followers embraced Terry's teachings by counting the number of magic rings and necklaces and shit that they were. If my wife Lindsay ever dives this hard into crystals, I'm throwing them away and I'm going to commit her to an institution for a while. She won't. Terry's little group of increasingly devoted followers steadily grew into something that sure looked like a cult with Terry as his leader.
Starting point is 01:03:56 One young man who joined the sessions 1970 recalled that some students would bring special meditation mats, sometimes bath mats or scraps of carpet. So by special, I mean, shitty. Da Terry's home in farmers branch. Terry would lead them in meditation into a state much like a hypnotic trance. Tell them they were entering a higher plateau of spiritual development. They are seeing the temples of the world, spiritual masters, Christ was a master. So was Buddha, Lao Su, Muhammad, other ancient religious founders, prophets and teachers, there they are, there he's fucking sitting on the tree. And that guy's over there on the cliff.
Starting point is 01:04:28 That guy's, I don't know, riding a fucking unicorn under that waterfall. During these meditations, Terry would lead her students on a tour of the temples of these higher realms, astral for the emotions, mental for logic, ether for the highest realm, where the soul itself would reside. I always thought the soul was on the astral plane like an idiot So that's an ether plane She would describe the temples like a tour guide and the students would add descriptive touches as if they too
Starting point is 01:04:54 We're looking at brick and mortar buildings Which they often thought they were she was getting good the power of suggestion fucking strong in this new age Jedi Whatever they said about the temple they were touring Terry would agree. It was like an improv game. Taking a page at an old Edgar Casey's book, Terry instructed her students on the Akashic records. She said the Lutheran church and visible non-woman had talked about as a kid, right? The record she told her students gave her knowledge of their past, present, future lives of their love lives. If a follower asked, she would look into the records, see if her student had found their soulmate or not.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Usually they did, but one young couple was devastated to hear, sorry, a cosmic records, not showing the YouTuber's soulmates. This poor girl would later say, we took that very seriously. We'd sit around and talk about it. Well, we love each other, but we're not soulmates. Terry also used her following to brag about her power. She said that she would levitate in bed at night that her husband would wake up to find her just floating up towards the fucking ceiling. Weird that she couldn't do that in front of the followers though. Also said she could
Starting point is 01:05:57 heal the sick, also kind of weird that she never healed any of them. Once she said her son Kenneth, who was on a picnic with one group, dislocated his thumb. So painfully that her students could see the bones draining against the skin. But don't ask which students it was. Don't worry about it. Terry said that she didn't want her boy to see a doctor. So she just healed him through powerful meditation said, you know, just really focused and just bent that bone right back into place. There's a lot's of another cool story, bro.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Terry even claimed that she can protect her students from harm. One evening she told a Hillcrest High School student that his girlfriend was about to die in a car accident, only in emergency meditation session. Do you got to give me some love offerings for it? Could save her. After the session, Terry smiled serenely. She'd done it. By God, she'd done it.
Starting point is 01:06:38 She'd diverted that accident. Phew! What a close one. What a good grift to use on the gobble. Tell them something bad is about to happen, right? But you can stop it. Then stop the thing that you just made up. And then when the thing that was never gonna happen,
Starting point is 01:06:50 because nonsense, you know, doesn't happen, then you get to tell them that you saved their life. That's a great way to save lives. The easiest way. You don't have to like, leave your yoga mat. After Jimmy Hendrix died on September 18th, 19th, 17th, he tells her group that his soul needs a boost to reach a higher plane. Yeah, fucking Hendrix died on September 18th, 1970, she tells her group that his soul needs a boost to reach a higher plane
Starting point is 01:07:09 Yeah, fucking Hendrix needed Terry Gryfter To kick him up to the ether plane or some shit She said that Jimmy's drug use had brought him bad karma, but he deserved better because he had made this beautiful music Okay, that makes me like a little bit more, you know, she enjoyed Hendrix. The group meditated in soon a beautific look swept over Terry's face. She said, Jimmy's in the room. Can't you hear him? And the students said that they could. And they convinced themselves they could.
Starting point is 01:07:32 No one wanted to seem like a spiritual nutite who couldn't hear dead Hendrick's fucking shredding during the meditation session. Terry would also claim to reincarnate or see reincarnate a version of people and her students. She would turn off the room lights, haveincarnate a version of people in her students. She would turn off the room lights, have a student hold a piece of tentative plastic over their face. And she'd shine a flashlight on it and be like, yeah, huh? You were this fucking night of, night templer or Chinese sage or some shit.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Some of her students think God became skeptical of all this fucking horse shit around this time. It was getting too far out for them. Her husband, John Wilder, also not buying this shit. So I guess she lied about levitating in bed in front of him. What? John would later tell some journalists that he never believes in any of her powers. He said her increasingly crazy behavior led to their divorce. Yeah, I bet Wilder says he couldn't go along with stuff like the idea of breaking up teenage romances because they weren't soulmates.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Terry's work with adults was becoming a point of contention as well. She was selling lessons and spiritual developments that he knew were just plagiarized from, you know, some shit she read. Equally hard to stomach for John Wilder was some of Terry's disciples, followed her like puppies, which is creepy. Sandra Cleaver being one of them. Walter remembered Sandy telling him that she thought of Terry as Jesus. He also remembered Sandy giving Terry a tremendous amount of jewelry, a necklace, a bracelet, rings.
Starting point is 01:08:54 He told Sandy to take the jewelry back. And then when he did that, he said that she got down on her knees and begged him to let Terry have it. Then there was Glenn Cooley, a student in North Texas State University who always tried to sit next to Terry at meetings so he could hold her hand during meditation sessions. That weirded him out. Terry of course would say they're husband. He was just jealous of her power of her growing success. Terry beats John to the divorce punch, a files for divorce December 28, 1970. They've been married for 17 years.
Starting point is 01:09:26 He's holding her back. She needs to spiritually evolve more. That's what she says. Soon after, she has taken by Sheriff's deputies to park the hospital for psychiatric evaluation. Wilder and her mom, her adopted mom signed the committee papers. She would insist that her release meant she was fine, right? But in her subsequent divorce, she would lose custody of her young son and daughter. Under the divorce decree, granted March 23rd, 1971, Terry did retain custody of her firstborn, Kathy, now teenager, her 1968 Mustang,
Starting point is 01:09:54 and assortment of stocks, shotgun rifle, and pistol. And I'm sure fucked on crystals and weird books. John kept the house, two youngest kids, the furniture, family bank accounts. Within mere months, Terry now 33, Mary's Glenn Cooley, that young student of hers always trying to hold her hand during meditations. The cult leader Mary's the disciple. So that tracks. They got a new Mexico for their ceremony. I'm sure it was like on a fucking cliff or something, some with some laylines intersect, some vortex, then they return to Dallas, about a house at 4163 Dunhaven Drive. I actually looked up a picture of this house
Starting point is 01:10:32 on Google Maps and it fucking creeped me out. Maybe just because this stuff was in my head and it was late at night. I'm like I don't even wanna look at the picture of this house anymore. At the beginning, revising, expanding, the conscious development literature, Terry like a good prophet type,
Starting point is 01:10:43 one of the world to know that she had the answers. She needed missionaries for that. And no one would be a better missionary than devoted follower, Sandra Cleaver. Sandy was the opposite of Terry, many ways. Terry was plumped, Sandy was slender, Terry grew up poor, Sandy through a skipped generation trust, inherited a bunch of wealth. While Terry never graduated from high school, but grew up street wise,, Sandy group naive, but attended an exclusive girl school in Birmingham, graduated in three and a half years from DePaul University of Indiana, took a double major or nothing
Starting point is 01:11:13 but A's and B's. The women did have some stuff in common. Terry's mother died of tuberculosis. Sandy's mom committed to a mental hospital by 1951 when Sandy was 12. So both, you know, lack their mothers in their teen years. Terry sister died at Burrow, Sandy sister, Susan DeVero, Betty died in a car accident in 1961 to age 17. Most importantly, both women super interested in the mystical powers of jewelry and all things metaphysical. Unlike Terry, Sandy was starting to look at the possibility of a divorce from her husband Chuck Cleaver. Sandy had met Chuck Cleaver at DePaul. Chuck was hard not to notice. He played center for the school basketball team. He and Sandy were a good match, both thin, good looking, quiet, serious, intelligent. Sandy's fervent intensity played well against Chuck's easygoing manner. They married fresh out of college in 1960, settled in Dallas, living at 4.4.34, manning lane.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Neighbors talked about dinners at the cleavers, where they were less likely to discuss sports or the weather, than to analyze a popular book or song. 1964, they had a daughter whom they named Susan Devuru Cleaver, and a memory of Sandy's sister. They were spending a good bit of Sandy's money. It would be years before Chuck got the kind of high-powered job as neighbors felt his abilities merited.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Sandy had money to spare. They were living a nice life and they're young married life. She also had excess energy, which she burned off, you know, on community and church projects. And that would change in 1966 though, when Sandy's father died. He retired from an engineering professorship at Purdue University, was piling a single engine beach craft
Starting point is 01:12:41 on its final landing approach when the engine failed. Sandy told Chuck she wished she could have spoken with her father just one last time, but there were so many loose ends, so many questions she wanted answers to. Wanting answers to these questions would lead Sandy on a spiritual quest that would end so badly for her. Over the next few years, Sandy became astute and the supernatural to help her deal with feelings of loneliness and grief. She didn't have a mom, her maid, Luis Watson, whom she loved, was the
Starting point is 01:13:05 closest thing to maternal figure. She didn't have a father now. She was worried she'd be a bad mother to Devaro. She wanted advice troubled by the deaths of loved ones. She was not comforted by traditional religion. So, Sandy began to attend meditation and new age treatment sessions. She took up silver mine control at Gabel-Leagueuk know practice vegetarianism homeopathic medicine visited quack doctors in Mexico who claimed they could cure You know diagnosed and cure illnesses via cosmic airwaves and strange pills Like Terry she believed the certain jewels possessed healing properties and fearful of letting herself go and shielded by her gems She would wear several bracelets and necklaces plus roughly 14 rings even in the shower. Holy shit. So she was a little bit fucking nuts. I mean, and mental illness,
Starting point is 01:13:50 I mean, did, you know, run in her family. So it's sad. She was Terry Hoffman's most about it follower by a long shot. Those pills she got from Mexico from those cosmic doctors shipped a sandy via Greyhound bus to avoid possible conflicts with the US Postal Service regulations, filled an entire kitchen cabinet. She'd take 20 of them a day, which began to worry her husband, Chuck. Then she began to talk about giving some of these pills to their six-year-old daughter, which terrified him.
Starting point is 01:14:15 He took the pills to a real medical doctor, who tested them, found them to be placemos. Of course, she just getting grifted. Nothing in them would change how Sandy's body function at all. Nearly a psychological tool to make her feel better to the power of suggestion. This didn't mean he shouldn't still be worried about his wife though.
Starting point is 01:14:31 It's not what's in the pills that you need to be concerned about, the doctor told him. What you need to be concerned about is a young, impressionable girl and that psychological implication that first, there was something serious, he wrong with her. And second, they should solve it by popping pills, referring to her, their daughter of of course. Chuck is worried.
Starting point is 01:14:46 And soon will become more worried, rightfully so. One afternoon, Chuck comes home to find Sandy and Devorow heading out of the house, suitcase is packed. Sandy is holding two plane tickets. He didn't know about to San Diego. She wants to take Devorow to her homeopathic doctor there, so he can put her in a special machine that will tune out all of the world's bad juju,
Starting point is 01:15:04 all of the world's bad vibrationsju all of the world's bad vibrations Oh for fuck sake Chuck grabs anybody shoulders for bids her to take the daughter to the doctor How terrifying for your partner to start doing shit like that with your kid right to be obviously losing her fucking mind and becoming dangerous Later Chuck found Devoros bedsheets damp with her own sweat She was hot to the touch. Floor had clearly had some kind of illness. Chuck wanted to take her to a pediatrician, like a good dad.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Sandy did not. She wanted to treat her with meditation, incantations, and some incest. Because that works. Sandy should have fucking joined her mom in a mental hospital. She's very, she's clearly mentally ill now to me. The two parents get into a big blowout fight. Chuck then lays away until 5 a.m. Sneaks out of bed, scoops Devorow out of her bed,
Starting point is 01:15:48 quietly bundles her into the back seat of the car. They drive around North Dallas for two hours until he's able to wake up Devorow's pediatrician, turns out she had scarlet fever. From that point on, Chuck is staying at home as much as he can to try to protect his daughter. He is right to be very worried. During one argument with Sandy, she suddenly waves a butcher knife around the kitchen and says,
Starting point is 01:16:08 sometimes I think Devaro would be better off in heaven. Now, seriously worried about his daughter, Chuck blames his wife's insanity on Terry's influence. He forbids their daughter, Devaro, from visiting Terry's house. Chuck beg Sandy, please remove yourself from Terry's consciousness, developmental, or development cult. Sandy, of course, refuses and now sees him's consciousness, developmental or development cult. Sandy, of course, refuses and now sees him as, you know, the enemy.
Starting point is 01:16:29 She tells Chuck that Terry is godly. She has saint Teresa reincarnated. She can diagnose illness over great distance and that with a proper jewelry, of course, she can even cure cancer. Oh, Sandy says that Terry can put a protective shield around their daughter, Dev Rowe. Don't even worry about her. A shield Terry had promised will be strong enough to save her from anything except negative vibrations from you, Chuck, which are powerful. Sandy tells Chuck that all their problems stemmed from his negative shit, his negative thoughts.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Thoughts that strong, she said, could actually produce bacteria and viruses. Oh my God, that will infect her daughter. Now Chuck starts a field that he's trapped in a waiting game, waiting for what he doesn't know. For Sandy to wake up, stop doing this to him and their daughter. For her to go full-fledged, wacky-doodle, kill one or both of them. He wants a divorce Sandy. He thinks he can even get custody, but he also thinks that Sandy would get visitation rights.
Starting point is 01:17:23 And truly worries that if, you know, as a divorce left her with more mentally unhidged, unhidged, she might kill their daughter. He's an awakened nightmare. So Chuck stays, watches his wife grow more and more insane. He wants to write Terry a check for $3,000 one time for guidance. A couple weeks later, Sandy attending the dinner party
Starting point is 01:17:42 announces that she can turn wine back into grape juice. Chuck at this point doesn't even complain. It's like, whatever, it's just my life now. You know, doesn't tell her they should leave when she tells other guests, you know. I'm sorry, he holds his tongue when Sandy announced at another get together. There we go. That she's a former high priestess of Atlantis. Doesn't say anything when she tells a family friend that they were compatible because in a previous life they've been married. The stranger Sandy got the closer Chuck stayed at home to keep an eye on their daughter, but then Sandy divorces him. April 22nd 1971, Sandy tells Chuck that she has filed for divorce using the same rationale
Starting point is 01:18:17 that Terry had with John Wilder. Wilder, she says, you are impeding my spiritual growth. In the ensuing divorce, Devaro becomes the object of a bitter custody fight. He has to fight now. Sandy is begging neighbors to write letters saying that she has a competent mother, given them detailed accounts of what she said
Starting point is 01:18:32 were flaws in Chuck's character. Chuck meanwhile, compiling a list of all of Sandy's forays into the metaphysical and insane. It runs from claims of astral projection to actual witchcraft. And he's telling his lawyers about the late evening calls from neighbors, all this stuff, neighbors who are confused because Sandy will sometimes drop Devorow off at their house before a conscious development meeting and won't return to pick their kid up.
Starting point is 01:18:53 It's customary for County juvenile welfare office to investigate the parents and a child custody case and make a recommendation to the divorce judge. Parents can't see the report, but lawyers can. Chuck will claim that before the scheduled custody trial, he met with his lawyer and with Sandy's lawyer, and both men he would recall told him that he stood an excellent chance of winning. But as he had feared earlier, they told him that if he got custody, Sandy might literally kill Deverell, believing she would be better off on some bullshit, metaphysical plane than being raised by a man she thought was poisoned with bad karma
Starting point is 01:19:27 Holy fuck Does it make me a psychopath? To be completely okay with Chuck literally killing Sandy at this point in the story maybe bearing her out the woods telling their daughter that she just disappeared Because morally I would absolutely approve of him doing this at this point. She is dangerously crazy Uh, the two lawyers advised Chuck to settle for visitation privileges. Chuck agrees, goes home to his friend Jean Cokers and drinks himself stupid. Though Terry later will claim that Chuck was after Sandy's money, lawyers for both sides said later that money was the last thing on Chuck's mind and court documents
Starting point is 01:19:58 would affirm that under their divorce agreement, all Chuck kept of their marital state was 1971 Mercedes and his personal property. The one thing he didn't insist upon was a provision in the divorce settlements saying that Sandra would have to take Devaro to only recognize physicians, admitted to practice medicine in Texas. So it seems like Chuck was a good dad.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Also such a tragic figure in the story. While the divorce was pending, Sandy paid for Hawaiian honeymoon trip for Terry and Glenn Cooley, right? Terry and her new husband. She goes with them, taking Devere along for the ride, despite a court order, not to remove her from the state. After the divorce, Sandy and Terry became practically inseparable.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Sandy helped Terry and Glenn make the jewelry that supported them. Her kitchen table was covered with jewelry making tools. Terry would sell some of their wares to consciousness development members, but their work was good enough to sell at craft fairs to the state as well. So they did that too. Often Sandy went on these trips, leaving Devereau in the care of Luis Watson. Sandy's made known to friends as weasy. While the way on these trips, Sandy would meditate for hours with Terry, help her write the lessons. Terry was selling under the consciousness development name. She getting caught up in writing the lore of this stuff now. She even bought the group of printing press and installed it in her home.
Starting point is 01:21:06 She really helps consciousness development grow without Sandy's devotion in her trust fund money. There's a good chance none of us would know who the hell Terry Hoffman was. Terry's little cult was attracting serious good-hearted people now who wanted to become better in some way, wanted to explore metaphysical aspects of their world and themselves and ways science couldn't explain. Some joined purely because of Terry's charisma. A knack of knowing what was important to people. She could read people like a good con artist. Many of them had a cry and need for something, you know, that she could
Starting point is 01:21:33 uh said she could deliver a bomb for the pain of losing a loved one, helping dealing with a crippled body, the warmth and loyalty of a tight nip group. And of course, Terry would exploit all of that big time. Jane Schneider was attracted by Terry's reputation and obvious as she saw them in two of gifts. She joined Conscious Development in 1974 when Terry was 36, when there were now about 110 local students at any weekly meetings, plus perhaps thousands receiving correspondence courses. Jeanne was educated, sensitive, hard working, quickly rose to become executive director of conscious development. Almost as quickly she became disillusioned with Terry, seeing her as a person with great
Starting point is 01:22:11 gifts and talents, but without the psychological roots to use them properly. For one thing, Terry saw a no distinction between conscious developments, funds, and her funds. Donations, fees for lessons, later proceeds from a state of some of her followers. All would just go into her personal bank accounts. And that is shocking. What? So she's just stealing.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Also Jeanine had read enough philosophy and new age teachings to know that a lot of Terry's mystic revelations sounded a lot like the work of various previous writers, like identical to what they said. Sometimes Terry would tell people that in their past lives, they had seen a great spiritual leader, or they had, excuse me, been a great spiritual leader, and then she would quote from a biography of a well-known book. Other times, Terry would give the same illustrious past life to two or more of her followers. That's funny to me. As her cult grew, you know, they got harder to track, you know, all over mystical woo-woo bullshit. You know, oh, fuck, grew, you know, it got harder to track, you know, all of her mystical woo-woo bullshit.
Starting point is 01:23:05 You know, oh, fuck, sorry, you're not Alexander the Great. Now, that was, that was Tony. I'm sorry. You were Julius Caesar. By 1977, Jeanine Schneider saw a conscious development, assuming some of the most disturbing aspects of Terry's personality didn't feel to her like a study group, but he more felt like a cult. Its members were now sworn to secrecy, a secrecy induced to feel extravagant admiration for
Starting point is 01:23:27 Terry, who increasingly played on their feelings of guilt and anxiety. Joyce Tepply, a Dallas psychotherapist, was in the elite teachers group in conscious development. She had a lot of educated people. And as she would recall of the group at this time, members were handpicked by Terry, told that they were spiritual masters put on earth to help fellow men. Death should not scare them. It would only allow them to move to a higher plane of existence. The earth, Terry said, was the 17th lowest planet in the universe in terms of vibrational
Starting point is 01:23:56 energy that determined the peace and happiness available on a planet. Oh, you got so many great planets ahead of you. Terry said that the 40 men and women now in the teachers group, they were the nucleus of conscious development, the inner circle, the core membership group, the drank in Terry's concepts, made sure newer members would learn from them. They all seem to be focused on meditation, self-expiration,
Starting point is 01:24:16 feeling at one with the universe. But then the focus of the group would soon change again. Get weirder. In 1977, this is my favorite part of this. Oh, get ready. 1977, Joyce and several other former members are surprised when Terry tells them that she has been meditating a bunch recently and has been informed by the dozen spiritual masters that she and her friends, they had to do more than study. God damn it, they had to fight. Oh, here we go. She said there were two forces in the world positive and negative, good and evil.
Starting point is 01:24:46 And they must actively help the good. The evil forces Terry announced were called black lords. And these black lords traveled in groups and could be fought only in the spiritual realms, not in the physical world. The teacher's group had been selected as worthy of going to battle against them. It would be a dangerous fight, Terry warned, but she would be able to guide them through
Starting point is 01:25:06 it. Isn't it just coincidence that Star Wars, a new hope, came out just before she announced this shit? Are her group of teachers like Luke Skywalker types and the Black Lords or Darth Vader types? Terry provided no concrete information, of course, about how to fight, about how fighting these Black Lords would be dangerous. She just said that they could be poisoned. Watch out, you guys, you can be poised. You can be spiritually infected,
Starting point is 01:25:27 et cetera. There was the implication that if the teachers did not fight natural catastrophes, terrible accidents would occur around the world. The fate of the planet was in their hands. Innocent people will die. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. Gradually conscious development teachers' meetings turned into these frantic, fucking new age, larp type battles. Teachers would bring to sessions their magic circles, cloth circles containing a cloth triangle inside. They would then sit inside the magic circle for safety. They would perform protection rituals and preparation for battle. Grown-ups are doing this. People with jobs and stuff. Each according to what Terry told him about her meditations would bring to the meeting
Starting point is 01:26:10 a cup, a robe, a fan, a fucking sword, and a rod, cult, cult, cult. This is turning into like an SNL parody of a cult now, and I love it. Except for the robe in the magic circle, all the other objects didn't have to be actually full-sized, you know, real objects. Love it. Except for the robe in the magic circle, all the other objects didn't have to be actually full sized, you know, real objects. Some people actually use cocktail swizzlesticks for swords. And Carr and Tannis for rods. Ah, this just keeps getting better.
Starting point is 01:26:36 Ah, how the fuck was anyone able to keep a straight face for all this? I want this to be a scene from like a dynamic bride movie now. And when they get going into all this, and they're doing like karate moves, fighting these invisible black girls, he walks in and just shits all over them. Holy fuck you, dorks, you fucking dumb.
Starting point is 01:26:51 Oh my God. A cocktail swizzle sick, are you shitting me? Nobody move, I'm gonna call Guinness. You fucking nerds, just get the world record for the most pathetic idiots to ever gather inside the same goddamn room. I should be arrested for not locking you clowns inside and burning this building down. Most important or more important, supposedly, than what group members were holding.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Terry said was what the thing symbolized, right? You're not holding a Dixie cup. You're holding a totem representing the archangel Gabriel. You're not holding the cheap Chinese fan. You're holding a golden shield representing the archangel aerial. You're not holding the cheap Chinese fan, you're holding the golden shield representing the archangel aerial, the rod and staff they held, or chopsticks or batons or whatever, that represent the archangel Michael.
Starting point is 01:27:33 All of their spiritual tools, except the rod were essentially defensive. Terry said they help members attune themselves to protective arch to protective archangels. To do this, members would make a series of gestures with their swords. They would say shit like north, south, east, west, protect us all around. They would then touch like the rod to their shoulders. You know, this is like a power center for their body.
Starting point is 01:27:55 They were activated. This is so great. Terrence, talk to them that if you projected your rod outward, like you were stabbing someone with a sword and thought really hard along with that, that you could eliminate black lords. You would do fucking battle and be like sword fighting and her house or can, you know, basement of some fucking shitty strip mall or whatever. Stab those dark wizards, you metaphysical motherfuckers.
Starting point is 01:28:15 Battles would be scheduled kind of like football games that go on for hours every week. Terry would give like a body count. We got so many black lords last week, you guys. Regardless of how the battles went though, their prospects of winning this strange war just continued to get grimmer. Emergency battles had to be called more and more often.
Starting point is 01:28:32 Conscious development teachers, according to Terry. Gosh dang, they're up against increasingly evil spirits. A growing legion of black lords, you must keep fighting during their battle, the teaching groups, appointed war leader. Sometimes other group members would indicate when a particular spirit was in the room, with teachers ready to fight, oh, there it is. Get ready to fight. And these sad, misguided nerds, I mean, important and powerful
Starting point is 01:28:54 teachers, they would swing around in unison, touch rods to their shoulders, aim rods towards the corner with the evil spirit, electrical frequently the attacker was thought to be someone out of favor with the group. All right. It was, it was the spiritual bodies of former members, uh, often dev ro cleaver, Sandi's daughter attacking them, uh, disturbing. And yes, the black lords could be bodies projected onto another plane by people living in bodies on this plane. And again, these fights would last four hours.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Sometimes the teachers would get exhausted. Right. I'll sweating the height. It would look like the black lords were gonna destroy Terry's precious consciousness development cult. Oh my God, the world would be swallowed by natural disasters now. And that was when Terry would have to push
Starting point is 01:29:33 a red button of sorts, right? She would run to the fridge and open a case of fucking Whipple! Dark Lord's edition, tired of finding the good medicine physical fight, new age nerd. Feeling weak as fuck but nothing with the center of a toilet paper roll for a sword. And a baby blanket for a shield. Well time to kick your excuses out to the astral fucking plane.
Starting point is 01:29:57 The only weapon you'll need are an open third eye. Two middle fingers pointed straight to a fucker. Towards the next dimension of kickin' after with Whipple! Dark Lord's Edition Dark Lord's Edition Whipple has made out of mostly wizard crystals, power vibrations, alpha frequencies, quartz, citrine, tiger's eye, moonstone, obsidian, jaffer, more quartz, amethyst, industrial grade of fedra,
Starting point is 01:30:20 colloidal silver, bleach, wind deck, Bimmer quartz, some melted down expensive jewelry. Whipple dark lords edition is made specifically for interdimensional dominance and enlightenment. It is the official drink of the age of Aquarius, defeat negative energy bodies trying to destroy your spiritual, something. Fuck you, fuck your family and drink Whipple! Dark Lord's edition. That was pretty fun.
Starting point is 01:30:44 I felt right for this episode. Oh, dark lord's addition. That was pretty fun. I felt right for this episode. Okay, despite being able to get her followers to believe in shit this utterly ridiculous, not everything is going well in Terry's life this time. Her second marriage to Glen Cooley is in trouble. Glen Cooley's family had never proved his marriage to Terry because A, she was 10 years older
Starting point is 01:31:01 than him and B, she was bachelorette fucking crazy. Friends, new Glen is a gentle creative type who never really fit the mold his parents cut out for him He is father would argue about practically anything until both of them were blue in the face He violated curfews saw friends his parents tried to band after Glenn's wedding his mom and father felt that Terry Was now keeping him on too tight of a leash They've glen with it as mother's house for half an hour Terry to be on the phone telling him to come home or out in their driveway honking her horn. Glenn occasionally complained to Terry that he was having difficulty shedding his religious background. You don't realize how strong these things are in grain in you when you're young. On November 24th, 1976, Terry
Starting point is 01:31:38 filed for what she calls a completely amicable divorce from Glenn. Five days later, he files a waiver allowing for a speedy processing of the divorce, granted on January 27, 1977, six days after that, he's dead. Terry tells investigators she found a note in her safe on February 2, apparently left there by Glenn the day before it read, I Glenn Cooley, give to Terry Cooley, all of my property, both personal and real. This includes two boats, a 1972 Buick Limited, all jewelry and equipment for its making, all furnishings for the house on Dunhaven Road, Glenn had given Terry clear titles of the house two weeks earlier, and all cash. I asked that this last will of mine not be contested by anyone in any way, for
Starting point is 01:32:21 any reason. Last but not least, I give all my love to all my family and friends. Last night, he gave out the people his love, at least. As explanation for all this, I can't really say what it is because of, but I can say what it is what it is not because of. It is not because of divorce with Terry past drug experiences, inability to cope, etc. What it is, I myself know, but don't have the words for. Well, nothing suspicious about any of that. I don't see any reason to investigate. The investigating judge at report said that Terry had called Alice Hoffman when she found Glend's note and that they, along with group member Ben Johnson, traveled to a cabin Glend's parents owned on Lake Grapevine.
Starting point is 01:32:58 Terry will marry Ben. This other follower five months down the road. There they find Glend's body fully clothed and in bed. There's a phomy substance oozing from his mouth, a half empty can of cores beer on the dresser next to the bed, two pills discovered under his body, traces of Librium and Ballium, discovered in Glenn's blood, the cause of death attributed to a drug overdose listed as intentional, you know, a suicide. And so it begins. Alice Hoffman, one of the teachers who was busy waging battle against dark
Starting point is 01:33:25 lords made the announcements to the group. Alice and her husband Richard Donald Hoffman aka Don Hoffman aka Dick Donnie. Come on. I joined the group after the three-year-old son drowned in their backyard swimming pool tragically in 1973. Dick Donnie, who become a Terry's husband at some point. It's how she ends up with the name of Hoffman in a matter of years. Meanwhile, there is a matter of Glens estate.
Starting point is 01:33:48 The final account of Glens estate filed in Dallas County probate court listed only $2,500, $2,565 in assets, including $1,000 in jewelry. And that figure puzzled Glens family. On the divorce, he had been awarded, you know, all proceeds arriving from the jewelry business. And they thought that he had $85,000 worth of gems and metals in his house. After his funeral, Terry invited his parents over to her house, let them select some of his
Starting point is 01:34:13 handiwork for themselves. There were three display suitcases, completely full of rings. Glenn's mom, puzzle by Terry's behavior at the funeral. She might have been prejudiced, given that she hadn't liked her. They didn't have a great relationship, but it seemed to her that Terry was crying and talking, and then she would stop and look up at me to see my reaction. I didn't understand it. Didn't seem like she was grieving for Glenn, seemed like she was put on a show. Probably was. Later when Terry heard that Glenn's mom might testify against her in probate court, she called Glenn's sister, warned that any inquisition was liable to turn into a mud-slinging event, and that Glenn's history of drug use would come up in court. Meanwhile, she used Glenn's sister warned that any inquisition was liable to turn into a mud-slinging event and that Glenn's history of drug use would come up in court.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Meanwhile, she used Glenn's death as a rallying cry for conscious development, implying that the black lords were to blame for his death. Terry said, of course, let's fucking dark wizards got him. Terry said they needed to fight more than ever against evil energy around them. And her members were ready to fight. But what came next was too much for a lot of people willing to wage fucking weird, you know, metaphysical art battles.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Finally, it's too much. Terry told members that their blood was being poisoned now by the dark lords. Black lords fucking, by the fucking Darth Vader, by the Sith lords. And they needed to bleed themselves to get the poison out. She started calling people on the phone
Starting point is 01:35:26 to deliver the news that they were poisoned. Sandy got several syringes, sterilized them, and just started demanding to take blood out of her felt. They needed to have their blood let. Little vile as much as you would get out of your body if you went to the doctor, your blood test is what they would take. By mid 1978, Joyce Tappley and several of her friends are now leaving conscious development.
Starting point is 01:35:45 She could handle the woo-woo stuff. She could handle the fucking weird sword fights with, you know, I don't know, any kind of sticks I could find, but not the bloodlady. I was too much. As other members of the group defected, Sandy Cleaver grew more loyal to Terry. And Terry became more poisonous for Sandy. She's telling Sandy that her daughter, Devoro, has been taken over by dark lords. She's a great, a powerful negative being who is attacking her. That's so fucked up. Sandy then tells other conscious development members that Devaro
Starting point is 01:36:15 is trying to get her, trying to do nasty things to her, deviate her energy. This is her young teenage daughter. To help fight this, Sandy puts two Egyptian totems under her daughter, Devereaux's bed, a crook and a flail, symbols of protection. So, okay, that's good. So Sandy said that her daughter was not taken away from this fucking insane mom. Sandy also gets grifted hard than ever from Terry. Thinking that Terry will be helped by powerful jewelry in her fight against the dark lords, listening to Terry tell her that a gem's power is proportionate to its value.
Starting point is 01:36:45 She gives Terry the most expensive pieces from her fine jewelry collection. Some of these are like heirloom pieces. One exotic piece, Chuck Cleaver, would remember includes several large diamonds. Terry kept it for some time. Then returned it telling Sandy that the stones in it were worthless. Sandy sued the Jewelry. Jewelry would set the diamonds, charging him without making a substitution or charging him, excuse me, with making a substitution. It was never even thought that Terry had made the diamonds, charging him without making a substitution or charging him, excuse me, with making a substitution, never even thought that Terry had made the switch.
Starting point is 01:37:09 Others would definitely think that. Susan even asked the neighbor if she could rent a dazzling ruby bracelet for Terry, saying that Terry needed the power of stones for psychosurgery that she needed coming up. The neighbor declined to help with the operation. Yeah, I bet they probably also declined to talk to Sandy as much going forward. In August of 1978, Sandy wrote a will leaving everything to Terry her house antiques valuable Audubon prints her inheritance, which was still providing her with a steady income of about $20,000 a year might not sound like that much, but about $90,000 today, plus she had, you know, lump some payments from earlier 13 year old daughteryear-old daughter, Devorow, not even mentioned in her will,
Starting point is 01:37:46 though very much alive and lived with mom. Devorow also had a trust fund, amounting to about $125,000. Weirdly enough, four days after Sandy wrote her new will, Devorow did likewise. Her money also was to go to conscious development. The group that thought she was sending fucking dark lords to attack them all the time.
Starting point is 01:38:04 Seems a little suspicious. Devorow actually prepared two wills, dated August 18, 1978. The first was addressed to Terry and Ben Johnson, the man that Terry had married five months after Glenn Cooley's death. It was a rather school girlish document, like she was signing the yearbook instead of making plans for her own death. Devorow left her rock collection to the Green Hill School Science Department,
Starting point is 01:38:28 her paperback books to the school library. This is like sad. The National Geographic's to Consciousness Development and her money to go to build a school for conscious development of body, mind, and soul incorporate. To her mom, Devaro left her art portfolio and a message, mom, friends forever.
Starting point is 01:38:43 I love you a very great deal. To her father, she left her basketball, and a message, mom, friends forever. I love you a very great deal to her father. She left her basketball, her reading award, her antique whistles. That's a random thing to have a collection of with the post script. You're the best dad in the world. I love you, Ton. To Terry, she left all my jewelry. Of course, the second will read like it was copied from a legal form book.
Starting point is 01:39:00 I give device and bequeath all of my property. That's not like something of 14 year olds, right? Including all rights, titles and interests of whatever character I may own in and to any property real, personal or mixed, wherever situated to Terry Johnson, who has been to me like a second mother. Under the second will, in other words, Terry could use the money for a school or for a cruise. Didn't have to be spent on conscious development. It was up to her.
Starting point is 01:39:24 And like Glenn Cooley and Sandy Deverev wrote that the will not to be spent on conscious development. It was up to her. And like Glenn Cullian, Sandy Deverev wrote that the will not to be contested in any conditions. What a weird coincidence. Deverev was well was witnessed by Thomas Welch or Virginia Rawlings, two conscious development teachers slash fucking Jedi's, notarized by Jedi Alice Hoffman. But miners can't write wills in Texas. And did she even write it or did they all lie and say that they saw her do that? To most of her friends and family, Devoro Cleaver seemed to not seem like someone
Starting point is 01:39:50 who would leave her trust fund to a cult that she didn't care for. She did not participate in conscious development activity. She seemed embarrassed by them before inviting one girl over to spend the night. She said, don't be too weirded out. When she had friends over, she was clearly embarrassed by Sandy.
Starting point is 01:40:03 One evening, Devoro had a severe headache. When her mom offered to treat Devorow asked a visiting girlfriend to stay in the bedroom. She and her mom went to the living room, which Devorow ordinarily wasn't allowed in weird. After half an hour, Devorow's friend got bored, walked back to see what was going on living room by the light of a single candle through a going on living room by the light of a single candle through a bunch of incest or incest Jesus Christ. Incense. Very different picture. So a bunch of incest smoke. She could see Sandy massaging devrose head murmuring incantations. Then devrose jumped up flustered and led her friend away. I only do this to make my mom happy, she said. Devrose despite all this shit with her mom, seemed most like a normal kid, crazy about
Starting point is 01:40:45 the band Aerosmith. Good choice. She wanted to date the cutest boy in their class. She would go to Valley View Mall, flirt with boys, because of her slender five foot, 10-inch frame, and her sunny blonde hair. They often mistook the middle schooler for a 19-year-old. Mester Rounds, you never do it. So her eighth grade classmates, her little sisters, she wrote poetry.
Starting point is 01:41:04 Sometimes dealing with her own isolation. One example was, I saw amongst waves of blue and white, the feathers on my back ripple softly as the wind rushes. I dip and turn. I am light and free. I'm a bird on the wings of time. And as the sun climbs higher, it flashes beams of gold everywhere. I'm alone, a single shadow in a world of life.
Starting point is 01:41:24 I don't know a lot about poetry. That sounds like a pretty good poem. Devorow seemed to fight with her mother constantly. She sent a letter to one of her friends on November 28th or November 22nd 1978 that said, sorry, I couldn't talk to you last night, but my mom had a fit with me. She was bitching me out when you called the first time and I yelled, my mom is sick and that did it. She got up and tried to slap me, but it was hilarious because I'm bigger than she is and I wouldn't let her. According to friends, Devereau wanted nothing more than to live with her father full time. But then a few weeks later, suddenly seemed like
Starting point is 01:41:51 a relationship with her mom was on better footing. Coincidentally, after she turned 14, now had the ability to choose which parent she wanted to live with. So she wrote those wills earlier, when she was about to turn 14, not at 14. Mom and I are on really good terms. Devereau wrote a friend on December 21, 1978. Devaro was excited that her mom was finally letting her,
Starting point is 01:42:09 into her life more. Sandy now had a fiance, Lynn Fairchild. Sandy invited Devaro to join them on a pre-wedding Hawaiian vacation. And she accepted on February 25, 1979, 14-year-old Devaro and Sandy take a blue inflatable raft, weighed into the waters of a mud flat lagoon near the Wailupe Peninsula.
Starting point is 01:42:26 The lagoon, which Terry had visited on a previous chapter Hawaii, was 20 miles from Rihonolulu Hotel, and it was not a great choice to go swimming. Better place for catching crabs. There was essentially no beach. Water was shallow and calm for about 400 yards, and then the waves would break
Starting point is 01:42:43 over viciously razor uh, uh, a viciously razor sharp coral reef. While Lynn Fairchild slept off some lunchtime champagne, Sandy and Devereau waited towards the reef. And then they were floating over that reef when a wave knocked them off the raft. Sandy later told Chuck that Devereau, a strong swimmer said, I'm scared, mommy. Another wave knocked them apart from one another. Sandy later said she remembered diving underwater, looking for her daughter, and then she just remembered, you know, waking in a top of reef.
Starting point is 01:43:08 Didn't know what happened in the little interim there, calling for help, unable to see her daughter. Lynn Fairchild, her daughter calls, alerted the fire department. Sandy was rescued, cut, bruised, and shock. Devoro, nowhere to be found. Chuck Cleaver got a call from Terry at 1 a.m. Dallas time, saying that Sandy was in the hospital,
Starting point is 01:43:23 and Devoro was missing. Holy shit, he and a friend, Jean C Coker take a plane to Honolulu that same afternoon. A lot of tears were shed on that plane while waiting to board it. The FW airport Chuck learned that his daughter has died. Then while they were airborne, a follower of Terry's college Chuck's house saying that they had a document. She was supposed to let Chuck's family see it was Devoros will move and fast. Uh, when Chuck visited Sandy in the hospital, she was crying at first, but when Terry walked in, Sandy stopped crying, began saying weird shit like Devoros will be happier in heaven.
Starting point is 01:43:53 Whew, autopsy showed no signs of foul play, no trace of drug or alcohol in Devoros body. But Chuck's friend Jean Coker just not the whole affair was very strange. Why'd you take her out there on that reef? You had more doubts during the plane trip home with Devoros body and the cargo hold. Cochua was telling Sandy to exercise her legs so she'd be able to walk when she got off the plane and then Ben Johnson, Terry's new husband,
Starting point is 01:44:14 listening to this conversation. He leans over the seat and says, Gene, you can really help Sandy. Take all the hurt and pain, receive it through your right hand. Take it through your body. Fling it out into the universe through your left hand. You can do that.
Starting point is 01:44:26 Gina's like, who the fuck are these maniacs? He thinks something's going on with Terry and her band of weirdos. When Sandy gets home, she seems to fall apart. She calls off her wedding plans, her checkbook records, formally so precise, become jumbled, sometimes illegible. She rejects her brother's advice to back away from Terry. She becomes obsessed with the idea that he is going to fight her efforts to leave Terry her estate, what she wants to do now. Meanwhile, Terry tells Sandy that she will, that she can, excuse me, communicate
Starting point is 01:44:53 with the dead, including Devaro. And that belief seems to, you know, sustain Sandy. One of Devaro's closest friends dropped by Sandy's house months after the drowning ends up getting really creeped out. Sandy tells her that if I ever wanted to come see Devoro, I should just come over to the house for a sort of meditation with her. And she'll talk to Jesus and ask if we can see Devoro and she'll come. And if she's all messed up with blood and stuff, that's just because she was in a hurry to see you. And Jesus didn't have time to clean her up and fix her up and put her dress on her.
Starting point is 01:45:21 Fuck! God damn it! Uh, within two months after Devoro's death, Sandy takes out a $300,000 life insurance policy. Double the amount recommended by her insurance agent. She makes it payable to Terry. Uh-oh. By the December after Devorow's death, December 1979, Sandy has given Terry a gift of all
Starting point is 01:45:40 her worldly goods including her house and all her valuable artwork and silver. In February of 1980, Sandy writes Terry that after death, she wants all of worldly goods, including her house, and all her valuable artwork and silver. In February of 1980, Sandy writes Terry that after death, she wants all of her goods to be used either directly or indirectly for the benefit of conscious development. Then Sandy helps incorporate conscious development with Terry as the sole member of its board of directors.
Starting point is 01:45:57 On April of 1980, Don and Alice Hoffman divorced after 22 years of marriage. Alice sends signs of waiver to allow Don to marry Terry without the usual day waiting period. Cult, cult, cult. This female leader is fucking her third follower now. At least, Dairy had a Terry had just divorced her third husband, Ben Johnson, one month earlier afterwards Alice, Alice Hoffman quietly drops out of conscious development. Jump ahead a year to June 12, 1981.
Starting point is 01:46:23 Sandy writes a new will again leaving everything to Terry. Weezy Watson, then 78 also writes a will of her own that same day, naming Sandy as the executrix of her meager estate with Terry as the alternate executrix. So that's that interesting. Weezy's friends later will question according to court filings why weezy would feel it necessary to write a will, why she would name as her alternate executrix a woman who she did not like, who she complained about dominating Sandy. On August 24, Sandy writes her brother, Croum, an odd letter, 13 pages long typed in single space reads like an autobiography with heavy emphasis on Terry. Saying stuff like she has not only been a close friend, she has been the closest of sisters to me me She is one of the few true humble eagulous people I've ever met Crom does not realize until he gets the letter that his sister with whom he had been had long standing financial disagreements
Starting point is 01:47:14 Had been keeping meticulous notes on her phone conversations with him Notes that Terry later would use to keep him from resting sandies a state away from her He couldn't excuse me He couldn't help noticing that the letter his sister had just sent him seem to be written for an audience. Why did Sandi feel it necessary to remind him that Nanny and Brickdaddy, for example, were his maternal grandparents,
Starting point is 01:47:34 and were in their 80s because she is mentally ill. Why did she feel it necessary to justify Devaro's riding a will? Sandi ended her letter by saying she planned a trip to the Colorado Springs area in Colorado to see some land, Terry and Dawn just bought in the mountains. We may eventually build a retreat there. Since we, Zee, enjoyed going along on my last vacation to the Human Unity Conference, I
Starting point is 01:47:54 may ask her if she wants to go along on this trip. Krum had a bad feeling about all this, but didn't know what to do about it. Two weeks later, on September 8, Sandy leaves her Colorado. She has, she has the locks to her house changed. Sandy would go to town frequently. Normally, they have to keep her house with her neighbors, the Hanees. Hanees boys would feed her cat more lawn. But this time does not ask them for help. She takes Weezie, though documents from court later claim that Weezie did not want to go in the trip with Sandra. She had not been
Starting point is 01:48:22 well. Sandra forced her to go. Sandy and Weezie spent their first night in Colorado with a home of Terry sister in Colorado Springs. The next day September 9th, they leave to make the inspection trip to the conscious development land near Cripple Creek. Not the one of the song unfortunately. That's a great the band song. The next day an Air Force Academy paramedic happened to spot their Mercury links at the base of a 450 foot cliff below torturous gold camp road. Both Sandy and Weezie have been thrown from the car and killed. The local medical examiner fixed their time of death around noon. There were no skid marks, no tire tracks at all and trying to slow down.
Starting point is 01:48:57 On the red clay and granite road, the conditions were not bad. Wasn't slick. No clues as to what might have caused them to drive over the cliff. It's almost like Sandy fucking wanted to drive off the road and kill herself and take weasier with her. So that Terry could get both of their inheritances, you know, both their, you know, the recipients of their will. Strange, he didn't seem like Terry Hoffman wanted answers about the death of her most ardent
Starting point is 01:49:19 follower. Sandy's brother, Crume Beatty, her Betty wanted some answers. Though November 10th at his request, Dallas Attorney, Jim Barclow filed papers contesting Sanders' will. Barclow charged in the suit that Sandy's will was invalid because she lacked the ability to exercise freely independent thoughts. The will he submitted was executed as a result of undue influences exerted over the deceased by Terry. Sandy was controlled by Terry's use of hypnosis, Pavlovian conditioning and psychotherapy.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Furthermore, Kroom Betty's position, charged Sandra Betty Cleaver was, but one of several persons whose wills were written or changed pursuant to the direct influence suggestion and psychological control of Terry. Terry's attorney, D. Ronald Renaker, wanted to stop short any attempt to tie Terry even indirectly to the deaths of Glenn Cooley, Devoroo Cleaver, Sandra Cleaver, and Louise Weezy Watson. He won trial judge, Robert C. Topper's approval of emotions to prevent end discussion beyond the dates of death for all the
Starting point is 01:50:16 cases except for Sanders. But Terry would still be in hot water. Evidence of other crimes were mounting against her. During her pretrial deposition, she admitted that she used tranquilizers and that the money from Shanders insurance policy was in her personal bank account, not in the conscious development account. She also said there were not yet any drawings for the school or the retreat center that Sandy and Devaro had wished to support her to make. She admitted trying to influence several witnesses. She couldn't even remember.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Also, key points in conscious developments, convolut dogma when asked about it. Dogma, she fucking made up. What were the four liberations of conscious development they asked? She didn't know. What were the five modes of destructive mental activity? Can't remember. Sometimes she remembered things wrong. One conscious development lesson titled Morality says that wives, children, and other responsibilities, attachments are the most insidious and deceitful of the destructive passions. Those attachments are necessary and proper, but dangerous when one becomes so absorbed in these
Starting point is 01:51:11 that there is no time for self-improvement, no time for spiritual devotions. Remember that the liberation of your own soul is the one thing for which you are in this world, nothing else counts. That is a super fucked up message. Barclough read the final two sentences to Terry asked if they were part of conscious development's teachings and that weasel knowing how this looked
Starting point is 01:51:30 light or ass off and just said no that is not. Has it ever been he has? Nope. Finally Barclough was able to introduce expert testimony on hypnosis from a local psychotherapist hypnotherapist named Mary Ellen Grundman. She told the jury that hypnosis could be performed on someone with or without their consent or knowledge, and that it would be very easy to hypnotize someone who trusted you completely, and that it would be simple to trick them into committing self-destructive acts at a future time in another location without the presence of the person who planted the suggestion. That's fucking terrifying.
Starting point is 01:52:03 She said a third grad could do it. If you wanted to, badly enough, Terry was far more convincing than a third greater. She said, and her defense several of Terry's followers tested by the sand. He was independent, strong well done under her own control. Bullshit. Terry apparently worried that the jury would not reach the same conclusion though. On the morning of the 60th of the trial, both sides announced a settlement. Terry and Dick Donney would make an immediate $50,000 payment to Croom Betty. They would pay another $62,500 on Halloween. Sandy's house would be sold with Croom getting 40% of the proceeds and the rest going to Terry
Starting point is 01:52:36 and Dick Donney. I do love saying Dick Donney. The rest of Sandy's estate would be divided equally. No one knew at the time that three of the four followers would testify on a Hoffman's behalf would later commit suicide. The first of those Diego State would be divided equally. No one knew at the time that three of the four followers who testified on a Hoffman's behalf would later commit suicide. The first of those suicides would occur over five years later, April of 1987. Let's meet Robin Ostot now, who has been referenced previously.
Starting point is 01:52:56 Robin had been a loyal follower of conscious development for over a decade. She had stepped into field of shoes that Sandy vacated as Terry's most loyal follower. Robin had met Terry in 1974, two years after her divorce, a counselor for troubled children in the Dallas Public School system. She had written the school system's citizenship curriculum, designed to teach responsibility and decision making.
Starting point is 01:53:16 Her own life, however, dominated by Terry's teachings. How ironic. Terrified of the Darth Vader's, I mean, dark lords, I mean, black lords. Robin filled her Lake Highlands home with protective crystals and friendly gnomes. Ah, I just gotta have some magic gnomes. As a member of the White Brotherhood, she participated in the weird ritual battles against forces of evil, sword fighting and visible demons with broom handles and shit, making great decisions as she taught Dallas public school students,
Starting point is 01:53:43 how to handle their problems with the fuck us happening in the story, beneath her bed, Robin had played special protective shields, lengths of copper tubing twisted and distrained serpentine shapes. And just when he's out of the story, I couldn't get crazier. Terry even was able to convince her to start dating an imaginary partner. Again, this lady was a counselor for troubled children in the Dallas Public School system. And she is dating an invisible CIA agent named George. And also she's fighting off a bunch of non-physical bodies that have been attacking her. In her notebooks, Robin described dates and romantic dinners with George Hart-Hart Talks, poignant love letters. Uh, even a camping trip that she and invisible George took to Colorado.
Starting point is 01:54:30 But the couple could not marry. It was freebidden by Terry for reasons of national security. Holy shit! This fucking lady went on a camping trip with an imaginary boyfriend while working as a counselor. Careful by the fire, George. Don't burn yourself. Did you burn yourself?
Starting point is 01:54:47 It's hard to tell since you're invisible. Let me know if you need first day, George. Hey, George, you brought bear spray, right? Yes, I do want to make love to you, George. Wait, let me take off my underwear. There, no, no, stop, stop, stop. You're wearing a condom, right, George? I'm trusting you.
Starting point is 01:55:04 I can't get pregnant. I am not ready to raise an invisible baby. How is this real people's lives? Terry also told Robin that her best friend, Tamara Taylor's invisible CIA lover, Martin was threatening her life. Yes, there's two invisible CIA lovers. What are the odds?
Starting point is 01:55:20 They're both you and your best friend, would both date invisible CIA lovers. Not even the same one. Fear of this other invisible CIA agent made Robin oblivious to a real-life commitments. She is neglecting her high school-age son because she's worried about this other invisible CIA agent trying to get her. She's becoming more and more distant from him. Terry is a fucking evil wizard.
Starting point is 01:55:41 Terry also convinced Robin she had a disease, a bad one. On April 19th, 1987, she told her former husband that she had terminal viral hepatitis. Then two days later, right after visiting Terry, Ostant killed herself with a 38 caliber revolver. The only note she left behind read, I'm apologizing to Terry, 3,000 times a week. Fuckin' what? On all levels of my being for the highly offensive root and vulgar comments made to her last week, I love her dearly and beg her forgiveness one day
Starting point is 01:56:06 Her blood tests showed of course zero signs of disease. Shouldn't have hepatitis The only thing she had was a fucking Terry Hoffman infection If I evil wizard infection just six months later November 30th follower Mary Levinson overdoses in a hotel room in Chicago She's 33 Young woman who'd had a mixed life She had a good childhood She was the granddaughter of a man who had a mixed life. She had a good childhood. She was the granddaughter of a man who had found that a chain of men's clothing source in Indiana.
Starting point is 01:56:28 Money was not really a problem for the family. She had three siblings. She was a talented artist and animal lover. But sometimes she felt deprived of the attention that her brother's gots. By the time she was an adult, she struggled with depression and anxiety. She would make six suicide attempts over the course of her life. At a divorce A divorce proceedings, a divorce proceeding months before her death in October of 1986, a Chicago psychiatrist who had treated her for more than a year testified that Mary was in therapy two to three times a week, and that she was virtually immobilized by anxiety and tension. Also because of some knee problems and stress, most of the sessions were conducted by phone, the psychiatrist testified.
Starting point is 01:57:02 Previously, when she had made suicide attempts, she had reached out to her family before they were able to put a plan into action to savor. This time, there was no such call. Police found Mary curled up in a first floor room at the hillside holiday in in suburban Chicago, wearing a pink sweatshirt, green sweatpants, pink shoes, blue and pink socks. On the nearby night table was a partially smoked pack of cigarettes, motel room key, pen, blank note pad, glass of sprite, and almost a hundred pills. And on top of you, note to the small needle puncture mark on her left wrist, determined that she overdosed on two types of prescription medicine, prescription sleeping pills, briefcase
Starting point is 01:57:34 on one of the beds held, her driver's license, cut up visa card, and $119. Inside an unsailed manila envelope, please find the tape she had left for her parents. Please also discover that she had new tattoos, two crosses emblazoned on her left arm. As her family filled the calls of people offering condolences, one name stuck out, Terry Hoffman. Name's not familiar. Mrs. Levinson had seen a photograph of her daughter
Starting point is 01:57:58 with Terry at a retreat where they'd met. In time, their weekly Chicago Dada's phone consultations grew so important to Mary that Mary wants to ask her mom to wait in the lobby of her apartment building for over an hour while she was talking to Terber. Mary's parents wondered if Terri Hoffman had anything to do with the fact that Mary's estate had disappeared, that she had changed her life insurance policy, then they found some clues and a taped message from Mary, and the tape made just before her death. Mary claimed to have used a divorce settlement she received 10 days before her death to pay off minor debts and make contributions to animal welfare societies.
Starting point is 01:58:29 She said, I also donated money to institutions, charitable institutions, which I will not name. I don't want any hassle, any trace, any way for you to try and retrieve that money that has been given out of love to them, to people that really need it. That was my money to do with, as I pleased pleased and that was what I chose to do. All in all, it was upwards of $125,000 from her recent divorce settlement. Furthermore in the weeks before her death, Mary Levinson sold most of her antique furniture, family heirlooms, including jewelry and artwork. At that time, her mom sent Mary a check for a thousand bucks, assuming her daughter needed
Starting point is 01:58:59 money for expenses while awaiting a divorce settlement. After her death, family members discovered that while Mary Levinson was selling off her belongings. She was also using her mother's charge card to buy more than $3,200 worth of fine jewelry, none of which could be found after her death. So many troubling questions. Why did Mary remove her youngest brother Paul as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy less than two weeks before she died? Although she spoke warmly and fondly of her brother in the taped message to her parents, the family said she named a new beneficiary, Dr. Larry Keys, a former boyfriend whom she met in a retreat with Ms. Hoffman and follower of Terry Hoffman's.
Starting point is 01:59:33 What became of that $125,000, $125,000, and I said, Ms. should be Mrs. Hoffman. What became of that $125,000 divorce settlement? She received 10 days before she was found dead. According to her attorney, she withdrew the entire summon cash. Where was it now? Terry Hoffman would of course claim that conscious development didn't have it. Then another strange thing would happen in Chicago. Just weeks later, mid-December of 1987, Charles Southern, the assistant chairman of the
Starting point is 01:59:58 English department and Chicago junior college abruptly vanishes. He was a high ranking member of the Chicago chapter of conscious development. He taught classes, you know, fucking lead Jedi sword fights, lead meditation sessions. He invited, he had been invited previously to Terry's home in Dallas within her cult. He was doing great outside of it, not so much.
Starting point is 02:00:18 One day not long before his disappearance, Charles was found wandering the streets, holding a newspaper and saying, I lived for art. These people are not doing well. She is fucking breaking down their minds. His sister took him to the hospital, fearing he was suicidal. During his recovery, his mom visited every day. Two of the group members also did. Surprisingly, they would ask his mom to leave them so they could talk to him alone. After he was released, he seemed to return to his normal activities. He was still involved with the group, but then did have some sort of falling out with
Starting point is 02:00:46 Terry. By December of 1997, Charles had planted a trip to India that would occur during his Christmas break, talked to his family several times prior to his scheduled departure date. During the last conversation, he said he was fine. He believed in three days and then two weeks passed with no work. His family was concerned because they assumed he was a, or sorry, his family initially was not concerned because they just assumed he was on the trip. But then when Charles parents entered his home, they found that his passport had no entry
Starting point is 02:01:10 stamps for India. Moreover, he couldn't be in India because he didn't have his passport. Then in a drawer, they found a powerful medication similar to the lethal South American poison. It's Kiraure. Kiraure is normally used as an anesthetic to paralyze and it can only be injected. Also discovered that his coat had been folded inside out on a ceremonial stool with his hat on top. They later learned this display was, I guess, some kind of Nigerian tribal symbol of death. Finally, they find two barely legible notes.
Starting point is 02:01:38 One stated in part, I came under a bad influence and I was trying to fight it myself. Fucking dark lords. The other was apparently his last will and testament naming. When you know it, Terry, as the executor of his state, Hoffman sold or told Southern's family. She was not involved in his disappearance. Formerly, she was never charged in connection with Southern's case. Authorities still don't know Southern chose to leave on his own accord or if
Starting point is 02:02:04 other forces were at work. If he's alive today,ities still don't know Southern. Chose to leave on his own accord or if other forces were at work. If he's alive today, he would be 68 years old. Let's move on to another person close to Terry, whose life ended tragically, her fourth husband. While the fall of 1988, Dick Donney, he's not feeling so well. He'd been having health problems,
Starting point is 02:02:20 marital difficulties. One concerning diary passage written by another follower about Dick Donney and Terry read, Sunday June 19th, day of justice for all. Terry comes over and takes a new pill with us. Don has lowered her consciousness. God infuriates David, another follower over Don's poor treatment of Terry. David asked God to bring justice to Don, not to send bad karma, just to send karma that
Starting point is 02:02:42 he deserves. Oh boy, September 16th, 1988, Dictonnie checks into the room of the Marriott Hotel and lost Kalenis, Texas. Later that night, he takes his own life. Like with Mary Levinson, investigators will discover a video of Dictonnie taking just prior to his death. And the video he says goodbye to his family reveals he has terminal cancer, which has been proven by three different doctors who are not named. However, Dicton is autopsy shows he has not a trace of cancer in his body. His family never able to learn the names of the doctors because they probably didn't fucking exist. Then in a phone call with Dicton, he's son Rick.
Starting point is 02:03:14 Rick, sorry, Terry Hoffman was recorded explaining that a spiritual master in the femoral realm told her that what Don definitely had was cancer. He said the black lords were trying to create an illusion so the medical examiner wouldn't find cancer so they would hurt us all more. So that for me does explain everything. So that one was on the up and up. The next cult death attributed by many to Terry is even more suspicious than that one. A few minutes before noon, September 20th, 1988, four days after Dick Donney Hoffman's death,
Starting point is 02:03:45 Madeline Moore parked her car in front of a house on Lake Shore Drive. This one is fucking creepy. She was there to see her therapist, a woman named Jill Bounds. She assumed that as usual, Jill would read the tarot for her, scanning the esoteric cards with her medieval pictures, depicting lovers and the devil, you know, it was always fun for, you know, interesting therapists,
Starting point is 02:04:04 by the way. Madeline didn't take tarot cards seriously, but Jill did. Jill would consult the cards about everything, then write what they said to her and her meticulously kept journals. Jill always had some exciting metaphysical theory to talk about, Aura's astrology, runes, stones, channeling, astral projection, reincarnation,
Starting point is 02:04:20 psychic surgery. All right, all this new age shit. She studied Buddhism and American Indian religions. In fact, she seemed to have two different personalities. One was a confident career-oriented woman. Another a scared girl desperately searching for life's meaning. After attending East Texas State University, Jill worked a variety of secretarial jobs,
Starting point is 02:04:36 working for an investment firm, a lawyer, a bank executive. She'd marry a man, but they divorced after a year in 1970. That's when her search for meaning seemed to pick up speed. Quickly she burned to a series of relationships with men, passionately A-Zons with professionals who seemed to fall instantly in love with her, but she would seem like she couldn't care less about them.
Starting point is 02:04:54 Meanwhile, she's getting interested in metaphysical ideas. In late 1974, she begins teaching yoga, many of her friends attend her classes. Also starts reading any esotericush. She can get her hands on stuff about divination, fortune telling, spirit realms. 1977, she'd leave the business world to get a degree in psychology, later set up her own practice. Word of mouth, YMCA classes and stress management bring in patients who are mostly interested
Starting point is 02:05:17 in spiritual growth, not those struggling with severe mental illness. They looked up to her, a competent professional woman who was serving the community, but Jill was struggling to find her own meaning. In 1979, she claimed to have had a past life regression that traumatized her, recalling that in a previous life, she had been beaten death. Gosh dang! And she would tell many clients and friends that she was an old soul who would live numerous times before and was almost done with her work now on earth. After her next death, she said, though, she would finally escape the karmic circle of reincarnation because of her high level of
Starting point is 02:05:49 spiritual development. Uh-oh. She began to believe, surely before her death, that she was one of the few people on earth who were highly evolved enough to grasp many of the answers to her, uh, you know, mankind's problems in her own. She was also turning more and more to supplements, vitamins, anything outside the realm of traditional medicine for any of her ills. Every morning after her ritual of meditation and yoga, she would down a handful of vitamins and herbs. She would take a frequent colonics to cleanse her intestinal tract. I should have said herbs, not herbs. She began visiting a parade of massage therapists at Cupunkshiris, homeop, some of whom to prescribe things like dogs, milk, and snake venom for her to ingest to make her feel better.
Starting point is 02:06:28 Mmm, dogs, milk, and snake venom. The true breakfast of champions. Oh, what are you eating, weedies? Of course, y'all, you fucking loser. Have you even teleported across the astral plane today, shithead? You'd be there right now if you had a big enough chicken skin, duffel bag to wake up with some fucking dogs, milk, and snake venom,
Starting point is 02:06:46 you have fucking big pile of pussy. Hell's going on with these people. Jill's obsession and her health multiplied in the about her health multiplied in the early 80s after a doctor diagnosed abdominal growth as uterine fibroid tumors and recommended surgery. Determined to stay away from Western medicine to avoid an operation, she began following
Starting point is 02:07:03 some fat macrobatic diets. One of her favorite restaurants became a place called Francis Simons, or sorry, just one of her favorite restaurants was a place called Francis Simons. And Simon claimed that a macrobatic diet could cure cancer diabetes, AIDS, anything. So she's surrounding herself with a lot of great, really smart people right now. When it became obvious that her new diet was not getting rid of the tumors, she began heading down to Mazlan, Mexico. There, she attended new age seminars, set about to bring Americans to see
Starting point is 02:07:32 so-called psychic surgeons in the Philippines. So that's perfect. Don't see an actual doctor. No, no, you're way better off seeing a psychic surgeon. Jill seemed convinced the tumors were being pulled from her body as this psychic surgeon magically produced bits of bloody tissue Miraculously from her abdomen without an incision cleaned out her third eye Which showed tiny pieces of gristle supposedly taken from her forehead. This is like fucking chicken guts and shit after one such experience She claimed things were blindingly clear for three days, but of course this is a sham
Starting point is 02:08:00 Poor Andy Kaufman ended up seeing one of these fucking idiots towards the end of his life. All a con, just some shady motherfuckers helping to kill people for a quick buck. Meanwhile, Jill continued to keep counting throughout all of this. Her counting starts to become not good. Instead of doing actual counting, she's mostly doing stuff like reading tarot cards or drawing up astrological charts.
Starting point is 02:08:20 She's leading clients in light work. She's a light worker. So that's good. Around the time of Madeline's appointment with her, Jill is really becoming unhinged. Four days before Madeline showed up for her appointment, Jill announced that she had discovered after hypnosis had regressed her to four years of age
Starting point is 02:08:33 that she had been sexually molested by her father. Oh, that poor bastard. Good old false memory syndrome. Jill is considering changing her profession now. She wanted to do more business consulting for New Age of People, thinking about buying some land in Santa Fe, one of her favorite places, Jill was considering changing her profession now. She wanted to do more business consulting for new age people, thinking about buying some land in Santa Fe, one of her favorite places,
Starting point is 02:08:48 open up a new age bed and breakfast. Terry Hoffman, student wanted to become a teacher, but that would never happen. As Madeline walked to Jill's front door, that September day, 1988, Madeline noticed something odd. The paper was still in the front lawn, unusual because Jill followed a strict schedule up at 6 a.m., 30 minutes of meditation,
Starting point is 02:09:04 30 minutes of meditation, 30 minutes of yoga, 30 minutes of dress, her petite frame, another 30 minutes to eat breakfast and read the paper. Then appointments with clients in the small office, you know, trickled in for the at her house, hit her office in her house for the rest of the day. But that day Jill doesn't come to the door. She doesn't answer the phone when Madeline called from the pay phone down the street either. Next morning Madeline returned to the house with a police at the house.
Starting point is 02:09:24 Madeline found another of Jill's friends whose husband had come by the house earlier that morning for his appointment. The two women walk around the house, notice the blinds or half shut lights inside her on a paper to scatter around the floors. Officers come break in, report the grim news. Jill bounds is dead. The death, not a suicide. Interbedroom Jill lay in a bloody bed.
Starting point is 02:09:44 Her skull literally crushed. Scattered across the floor and bed, one of her many decks of tarot cards. Suspiciously, police found two wins and cigarettes butts on the ground by the open window. One of three in the house that was not on the security system, a fact impossible to tell from the outside. When Jill bossed the system for $1,685.95, she cut costs by leaving three windows unmonitored, which only saved her $120, sadly. The window had not been opened,
Starting point is 02:10:10 or excuse me, had not only been open, the lower half had been taken out of its frame and placed against a wall in the living room. One of her sheets had been pulled up to her like over her head before she'd been hit is if the killer couldn't bear to look at her features. And then she was struck seven times across the school. Though blood spatters were found on the window blinds near her bed,
Starting point is 02:10:28 none were found on the headboard or wall behind the bed. The lights were on, there was blood in the bathroom, the murderer had probably washed up there, police thought. The crime scene was confusing. Most of Jill's jewelry was missing, right? Terry Hoppin. Other valuable items still present, like a Cartier watch, Sterling Silver, Play Settings,
Starting point is 02:10:45 a new computer and television. Hmm, who really liked jewelry, I think of it. Police also found a journal from 1979 with several pages ripped out, bloody smudges. What were they supposed to make of that? Why were only certain pages torn out? Investigators also discovered that Jill had a connection to Terry Hoffman.
Starting point is 02:11:01 Apparently, Jill had been having relationship troubles with a man named Adam Schubert recently. She had been telling him frequently that he can improve his personality, handing him a list of traits that she wanted him to work on. Be on time, be more friendly, et cetera. She wanted him to move from his North Dallas apartment to a more geographically desirable location as well. Once Jill demanded that he meditate more to improve his aura,
Starting point is 02:11:20 or she wouldn't continue to make love to him. Can I get your fucking aura right, bro, or no plus? She was also incredibly jealous, constantly accusing him of cheating on her. And she would literally attack him if he would show up late, like rip some of his shirts. May 5th, after she was diagnosed with a vaginal infection, she'll drag Schubert to a doctor's office convinced he'd given her a STD. They got into a fight. Jill told friends, the doctor recommended that she break off their four-month relationship.
Starting point is 02:11:48 Probably for that guy's sake. It's like, dude, run, run. That afternoon, Jill made a visit to a woman from her past, a woman she called the witch and the witch was Terry Hoffman. As she had several times that spring, she paid Hoffman $60 for psychic reading. Terry told Jill that she was being paranoid. Yeah, she told him that Adam just wasn't right for, but that was okay. There would be someone else there for, you know, out there in the world, someone who wouldn't be so critical or she wouldn't be so critical of, but first before meeting that person, you know, she needed to work on herself, no under controller temper, figure out where her anger was really coming from. No, yeah, right. She didn't say anything that practical.
Starting point is 02:12:22 Terry told Jill that Adam was practicing black magic and Satanism on the astral plane. Of course. Also said he was seeing two other women, but was too smart to ever get caught. God, she's so destructive. So insidious, finally Hoffman said that if Jilded and break it off, Adam was going to kill her. Apparently Jild believed everything Hoffman told her and she broke it off with Schubert. And then she began to struggle with other relationships in her life. Just weeks before her death, she confronted her sister and brother-in-law about mooching off her mom. Because the way she done that, they discussed the possibility of trying to get her into a forced psychiatric stay, you know, for observation. She was acting weird. She looked thin,
Starting point is 02:12:58 emaciated. Later, when going through her daughter's financial records, Jane Jill's mom would wonder why Jill had frequent and Terry Hoffman so much. She wondered if maybe some of Jill's odd behavior was due to Terry. Jane also found in a cult looking drawing on the ground outside her daughter's bedroom several days after the murder and colored marker. It showed the letter J, a bunch of grapes, a symbol for omega, last letter in the Greek alphabet, an penis surrounded by several lightning bolts sometimes called the satanic S. Nearbyby she found a red toy robot with its legs pulled off and head crushed in She wanted to have had something to do with Terry some kind of voodoo doll shit
Starting point is 02:13:33 Jane would also suddenly remember how Jill took her to see Terry Hoffman for a psychic reading in 1976 or 77 Jane was unimpressed But Jill was taking with her signing up for classes in conscious development Soon Jill had told friends that she was Hoffman's right hand woman, but then that seemed to change in December 1982 when Jill considered leaving the group for reasons not disclosed. After leaving Jill was worried that Hoffman would seek revenge, she told another therapist, Emmy Grunman, that Terry had sent cockroaches to plague her townhouse. But why the never telling numerous people that she was afraid to hop in, is she returned
Starting point is 02:14:04 to the witch just, you know, months before her death. Another strange death, some field Terry Hoppin was connected to if not outright responsible for stuff is creepy. Over five months later, March 3rd, 1989, Dick Donney Hoppin, his kids, Sue Terry for wrongful death, by contending that she would tip noses to persuade their father to kill himself. And June of 1989, longtime followers David and Glenda Goodman mark in their journal that they have received instructions from God to practice shooting. Oh boy, now not looking good for them. David and Glenda looked to the outside world like a university professor a Yale educator professor
Starting point is 02:14:39 actually and his wife, but they were convinced that they were they were something much more special than that. There were astral travelers, soulmates to gods, which sounds fucking sick. I wonder if one of them was Luciferina's soulmate, Lucky. David, a former SMU business and computer professor, confidant, quiet man with dry wit, love for sports, Berkeley and Yale educated left teaching in 1987 to start an investment counseling service and do newsletters and fucking crushed it It was a very smart guy, but then he found Terry Grossman
Starting point is 02:15:09 woof Better believes craze your concepts pop a conscious development And conscious development he figured I guess it be mama mama conscious building He figured out that he was once Jupiter That must have been cool the Roman god of the sky and thunder He'd begun attending Hoffman's meditation classes when he was an early hired SME professors far back his early 70s. In 1922, David would testify as a character witness for Hoffman in a lawsuit over the Willis-Sander Cleaver, the original Robin to Terry's Batman. Glenda Goodman, meanwhile, an articulate woman, daughter of respected
Starting point is 02:15:40 Dallas physician, also a Berkeley graduate, longtime time, a homemaker, mother, devotee of the arts. But in her writings, she started to say that she was really Venus, the Roman goddess of love, adopting the role of enforcer in her and her husband struggled to shed their earthbound mortal selves. And their time as members of conscious development, Goodman's had seen the purple realm, their promise land, as Terry called it. And according to the couple's writing, spiritual guide, Terry, you, took a, gave them a tour of it, how nice of her. I've had a lot of nice friends over here, but none have been nice enough to show me the purple realm.
Starting point is 02:16:13 No books that would later be found in the Goodman's home showed how deeply invested they were in the world of Terry Hoffman, one passage addressed to Goodman and his wife's hand read, you are no longer David Goodman, son of Allison Leonard. That person is gone because the programming is wiped out. You are Jupiter now. Wow. For this enlightenment, they had written checks to hop in for more than $110,000 and promised to give her half their future earnings. They're making a lot of good decisions.
Starting point is 02:16:40 How fortunate to retain Terry's amazing services for such a steal a video. And return Terry had handed them mind altering white pills that helped them transcend their physical bodies and pull up into the spiritual world. What were those pills? Well, they weren't placebo effect pills. I'm guessing like Sandy had taken so many years ago. I think there's a good chance that was MDMA, ecstasy, a lot of MDMA would show up in David's
Starting point is 02:17:04 autopsy report when he dies. Was Terry enhancing her new age teachings with drugs ecstasy is a huge emotional accelerator. It can make you feel so happy and make you form attachments that aren't really real. Was she adding to meditation techniques or something to make followers feel like they were truly leveling up to some new plane of existence, was she pulling off like fucking MK ultra shit. It's a good one's got further and further in a Terry's group. They isolated themselves, you know, of course, more and more from their families, standard cultured, Glenda sent her young daughters to live with her father in Singapore, and insisted that her daughters, what were welcome back for
Starting point is 02:17:38 only two weeks during the summer, her family was infuriated. How could you do that to her kids? David reportedly considered the girls a distraction from their spiritual progression. Sounds like Terry. By late 1908, David had told his parents and adults son Rick that he could no longer communicate with them. So he's awesome. Now they claim to have instructions from God
Starting point is 02:17:57 to practice shooting. Sounds safe. Four months later, according to the Goodman's notes discovered after their deaths, God announced that the way is clear to get high energies. It's like this. You are about to be joined in a marriage between your physical self and your spirit. All is in readiness, the data set for October 20th.
Starting point is 02:18:15 November 25th, 1989, David and Glenda Goodman are found dead. Officials will later estimate that they may dead for around five weeks, so they could have died on October 20th. I'm thinking obviously they probably did. They were found just after Thanksgiving when the smell of the decaying corpses, you know, oozed out into neighboring properties, firemen then kicked in the front door, a stench rushed out into the street like a river. Some of these firemen started vomiting. Firemen had to put on gas masks. Cloud of insects came pouring out of the house. Oh my God, it's like a horror movie. They passed a living room where they saw the corner of the room was rigged up as a miniature
Starting point is 02:18:46 shooting gallery. A metal metal stand held a paper target. Pelagons prop against a chest freezer on a coffee table in front of the couch set a box of Remington high velocity shells, a manual for a Ruger Mark II semi-automatic pistol. Then they spawn the bodies. The corpses lay together on the carpet in front of the coffee table. The Ruger rest of next to David's body, 22 caliber revolver, laby side glenda, each of them shot once with a gun placed smack against her skull.
Starting point is 02:19:11 Because the house was locked and nothing was missing, police and medical examiners conclude that the Goodman's carried out a double death ritual. They had either shot themselves or one another or one had shot the other, then committed suicide. And it seems as if they waited for a precise time to do it because an alarm clock lay at their feet. Investigators now began putting together what they could about the Goodman's lives, a crumpled sheet of paper from a trash can beneath Glenda's desk supported the suicide theory,
Starting point is 02:19:35 it said, I'm extremely depressed right now. And would love to have the nerve to kill myself, but so far I can't get up to gumption. No suicide note or will would be found amongst their belongings. So they also made no provisions for their two dogs, which sadly just have been pacing in the backyard for weeks when they were rescued. Check registers found at the Goodman House showed payments to Terry Hoffman, right, totally
Starting point is 02:19:56 that $110,000 between 1986 and 1989. The last period for which records were available so they probably spent a lot more than that. Most of the payments marked as fees between $1500 for counting sessions. Even though Terry wasn't a Councillor, other payments and lumped some, thousands of dollars, some of which were designated as gifts. David's father, Leonard, was convinced that Terry was responsible for the deaths of Glenda and David. Leonard filed a wrongful death suit and insisted maybe it was a double suicide, but one
Starting point is 02:20:22 word from Terry would have stopped it and one word from Terry would have set it off. Agreed. Spurred by News reports about the Goodman's and the pattern of deaths that followed Hoffman, a criminal investigation is launched by the Dallas District Attorney's Office in January of 1990. Hoffman in conscious development, of course, deny wrongdoing.
Starting point is 02:20:38 Hoffman's lawyer, Fred Time, referred to the investigation as the witch hunt and praised his client's persona, of course. They'd tracked for four years, but prosecutors would not be able to find any actual evidence linking Hoffman to the deaths. Prosecutor Cecil Emerson would admit that while investigating the deaths, his interviews with surviving followers left him convinced that she had hypnotic powers, but the evidence just didn't translate into a grand jury proceeding. Emerson also added, these folks were emotional problems before they found her and they became easy victims for her. Hoppen worried about
Starting point is 02:21:09 lawsuits files for bankruptcy in October of 1991. Her bankruptcy declaration ultimately stays the civil suits waged against her by Leonard Goodman and Dick Donny Hoffman's kids. As when a bankruptcy is filed, you know, an automatic stays enacted, which protects the debtor against certain actions from the creditor. In response to Terry's bankruptcy filing, she was indicted with fraud charges, alleging that she hid a variety of assets, debts, payments, and contracts during the bankruptcy. Her supporters would claim that the bankruptcy fraud seemed to be a way of getting a conviction of some kind against her during this from their perspective, witch hunt.
Starting point is 02:21:43 I mean, she kind of is a witch. She might actually be a witch. So maybe act nearly three years later, may of 1994, she was sentenced to 16 months in prison for 10 counts of bankruptcy fraud. However, she appeals a conviction, arguing that there is insufficient evidence that she knowingly and fraudulently made false declarations and the conviction is reversed. Entire fraud, Kate is dismissed and she's acquitted. Then gets married again, fifth time to Roger Keenley, changes her name to Terry Lila Keenley,
Starting point is 02:22:11 or Lili-Lili-Lia Keenley, right to financial advice book later published in 2006 called The Colors of Money, Finding Your Money Force. Also in 2006, she launches a website that is still online if you want to check it out. It's called Heaven and earthphoto.com. Does knowledge like it's been updated since 2007?
Starting point is 02:22:28 Some of the parts don't work, but some do. On the homepage it says, this unique collection is made up of over 400 photographs, including many cloud photographs of angels, archangels, spiritual beans, animals, happy beans, and pictures of beautiful landscapes, seascapes, orchids, and other flowers. Truly a fascinating look into the kingdoms of both heaven and earth. Here you will find a view into God's kingdoms, normally not seen by physical eyes, and many other photographs of earth's beautiful splendor. This gallery is filled with photos and artwork that give a true glimpse into the kingdom of heaven. View and purchase actual photos of angels and fairies, that the artist saw, Terry,
Starting point is 02:23:02 in the clouds including divine beans and happy beans She's so fucking nuts Please come see these unique amazing miraculous pictures reveal to Terry in the clouds over Hawaii I clicked on some of the picture galleries and Dudge just clouds Not even especially cool looking clouds. It's not even really that weird. Just for sure just clouds Terry Hoffman died on October 31st 2015 at the age of 77. Very little, almost nothing is known about the last 20 plus years of her life. For the most part, after her fraud conviction is overturned, she just disappeared. Probably started spending most of her time in the astral plane or
Starting point is 02:23:34 ether plane or something. Maybe made enough money on insurance policies and scamming her followers to and taking her jewelry just to never have to work again. Just focus on cloud picks. The conclusion of her obituary on a memorial website reads, so our leader has left us on the physio astral but nevertheless still exists on all the other levels until we meet again. I hope we never fucking meet Terry Hoppin again.
Starting point is 02:23:58 Seems like once there's more than enough for humanity to have to deal with that poisonous lunatic. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. Terry Hoffman in the conscious development code. What a strange story. Not using the story you get with Colchite, legitimately creeps me out. Like other cult leaders, I'm like, I could fucking hang around and just mock them
Starting point is 02:24:26 you gotta fucking scare me I'd be afraid she'd somehow hypnotize me somehow fucking put some kind of witch spell on me I don't even normally believe in witches but she creeps me to fuck out uh there was no massive doomsday prediction no allegations of sexual abuse no forcing members to do insane shit by threats of violence
Starting point is 02:24:42 but she did convince her followers to do some horrible stuff like fighting uh uh just insane stuff like fighting black lord with sticks and karate moves to do insane shit by threats of violence. But she did convince her followers to do some horrible stuff, like fighting, just insane stuff, like fighting black Lord with sticks and karate moves and fucking probably killing themselves. You know, she seemed to really abuse the power of suggestion and seemed to be really, really good at some kind of form of mind control.
Starting point is 02:24:58 Took her followers through tours of ancient temples, told them about their past lives, convinced them, really convinced them, that's was meaningless. Certainly abused the authority they had invested in her. And yeah, I do believe she somehow got people to kill themselves. Did she also murder some of them outright? No idea, but I don't think so. Maybe manipulated someone else into doing it.
Starting point is 02:25:20 According to Terry, her obsession with the supernatural would go all the way back to her childhood when she was four, the daughter of the daughter of impoverished laborers in Texas Supposedly was visited by the masters, you know, 12-inch and prophets told her God was listening to her All these masters reappear when she was nine living in an orphanage and so did some fucking weird spirit none And adopted at age 11 You know Terry had a few years of normal life before running away with John Wilder age 15 become his wife They'd have three kids together Terry had a few years of normal life before running away with John Wilder, age 15, becoming his wife. They'd have three kids together, but a suburban lifestyle would not curb her interest in the
Starting point is 02:25:48 mystical and the occult. If she had it before, I think she probably made up that stuff later. She started using spiritual advice, guidance and, or sorry, started researching the metaphysical and then giving spiritual advice and guidance to teenagers. Many of them struggling with their emotions and relationships before then incorporating adults into her meditation sessions and fortune telling, telling readings, etc. Pretty soon her followers found themselves living in an immersive world she had built, where they've fought against black lords on various planes of existence and protected themselves with powerful gems. Their goal, if I didn't mention it already, I think I said at the very beginning,
Starting point is 02:26:22 was joining God and the 12 masters to reincarnation in a spiritual realm. And many of her followers would die. You know, those included Glenn Cooley, her husband, 14 year old Devaro Cleaver, her, her mom and Terry's right hand woman, Sandy Cleaver, Sandeys Housekeeper Louise, Weezie Watson, Robin Ostott, Mary Levinson, Dickie, Dick Donnie Hoffman, Jill Bounds, the, the Goodman couple, one member disappeared Charles Southern Jr. Never found. And almost all these cases, the deceased had a will, their belongings to Terry, even if they had stepped back from conscious development or like Devorow or a Weezy, hadn't wanted to be involved at all.
Starting point is 02:26:57 Terry of course would deny, shed anything to do with the deaths, just tragedies, just coincidences. Spurred by news reports about the Goodmans and a pattern of deaths that followed Hoffman, a criminal investigation finally is launched by a Dallas District Attorney's Office in 1990, but they can't find evidence to conclusively link her to deaths, even though they did come away thinking that she was kind of a fucking witch. Hoffman filed for bankruptcy in October of 1991, sentenced to 16 months in prison, 10 counts of bankruptcy fraud. But she was able to be acquitted.
Starting point is 02:27:26 She appealed in one, Hoffman later married Roger Keenley, changed her name to Terry Lea Hea Keenley. Started a fucking janky website, talking about clouds, wrote a shitty financial advice book. From the looks of her obituary, published after her death in 2015,
Starting point is 02:27:41 still has some devoted followers. I'm not surprised. We meet Sacks, we'll believe the craziest shit. Faith. Faith is so powerful. You know, it can be such a wonderful guiding force for so many. I talk about the negative aspects of faith so much here,
Starting point is 02:27:57 but there's a lot of positives. How many people have kicked addiction? Rebuilt their marriages, rebuilt their whole fucking lives, climbed out of the gutter, into a place of stability and love and light because of faith, millions, billions. But also, holy fuck can faith be so, so destructive. It can easily erect your whole life in the lives of those around you.
Starting point is 02:28:17 The lives of those you'll never even know thanks to wars and terror as acts fought on behalf of faith. Also can wreck your life in the strangest and most surreal of ways, the most illogical and irrational ways to make zero sense to anyone outside of your little echo chamber of convoluted beliefs because faith does not require any reason, but it should. Get out in nature, meat sex. Really stop and listen to the world around you. Look at it. Look at the beauty, the blue sky, the story, night, the perfection of it all. If you have faith, you likely believe that something not just science made all that you can see, touch, hear, smell.
Starting point is 02:28:48 I live in such a beautiful place, and I like to go stargazing. I love to get out on the water as well on Lake Cortalaine and get as far away from, you know, the other people as I can, just soak it all in, listen to it. You really think that whatever made all of this also wants you to have a fucking fake sword fight with invisible black lords Come on
Starting point is 02:29:08 Do you think some omnipotent omnipresent? You know creator whatever want you to not love your children not spend time with your family no fucking way Don't you think your creator God would want you to be happy to flourish to live and love and a university created and then dropped you into if you don't think that Well, maybe fucking choose to. If you can have any kind of faith you want. So have faith in something good, something wonderful, something sublime and healing and nurturing. If you're going to worship a God, worship one that adds harmony to your soul, one that deserves worship, not one that adds a bunch of wackadoodle convoluted.
Starting point is 02:29:42 Let's make sure this expensive crystal is charged so you can reincarnate towards the coming new age, make sure and meditate harder to keep your nefarious friends from sending their astral plane bodies to harass you, or their fucking secret CIA and visible agent Bush League bullshit. And Luciferina wept! Ah, hail Memorad. Let's look back at all this insanity a few more times. Also learn something new in today's Top 5 takeaways. Time shut, top 5 takeaway. Number one, Jedi Terry Hoffman,
Starting point is 02:30:16 and her new age spiritual group, Slash Colt, conscious development has been linked to the deaths of 10 people. Some of them ruled suicides like David and Glendigodman, Robin Ostot, Dick Donney, Glenn Cooley, others like the deaths of Devorow Cleaver, Sandy Cleaver, Louise Watson, Jill Bonds, Farmore Mysterious. Most mysterious of all is while these people, even those who had tried to distance themselves from conscious development, would lead their money to Terry Hoppen. Number two, Terry Hoppen created a blend of new age mysticism based
Starting point is 02:30:44 largely on the writings of Edgar Casey, also Madame Blavatsky, something called Sylvan Mind Control, lots of other spiritual fads that were hot at the time like past life regression. Also claimed that she could only see the masters, a group of ancient prophets whom she could consult about the past, present, and future. Right again, classic Madame Blavatsky Theophosical shit, Theosophical. She taught her followers first a group of high school and college students, then later well to do adults, that there were angels who controlled the elements. People paid Karmic debt for what they didn't pass lives, eventually that they had to wage war against evil black lords and prevent global catastrophes
Starting point is 02:31:20 from happening. Number three, Terry Hoppen was never charged criminally for the deaths that occurred in her cult. The Dallas DA office simply could not find a case to be made, based on mind control claims, but they did believe that those claims were real. Civil suits were waged though, and then stayed when Terry declared bankruptcy. No surprise she was never charged for the death. I mean, we learned how hard it is, how legally murky it is
Starting point is 02:31:43 to charge someone with another person's suicide, like in the case of Michelle Carter and Conrad Roy. Number four, we still have no idea what happened to Charles Southern, Jr. a member of conscious development who disappeared from Chicago in December of 1987. Troubling hints in his apartment would raise more questions than they answered. When Charles parents entered his home, they found that his passport had no entry stamps for India. In a drawer, they found a powerful medication similar to the lethal South American poison,
Starting point is 02:32:06 Kauraray. And there was a folded up coat on a stool and Ijerian symbol for death, along with some other arrangements made at that symbol. If he's alive, he would be 68 today. Number five, new info. Terry Hoffman alleged that 11 people close to her, you know, either died or disappeared. Just a mere coincidence. So let's take a break to look at some other coincidental deaths. This is just random interesting trivia. Perhaps the most coincidental event in US history are the deaths of Thomas Jefferson, America's third president, John Adams,
Starting point is 02:32:37 are second, they died in the same day in the same year on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. July 4th, 1826. On December 20th, 1922, JG Tierney was the first person to die while constructing Hoover Dam. He drowned while surveying for an ideal spot for the dam. Last person to die during the project was JG's son Patrick exact same day 13 years later. Alexander I, a Yugoslavia refused to attend public events on Tuesdays after three of his family members died on that day of the week. But then on Tuesday, October 9,
Starting point is 02:33:09 1934, he had no choice but to speak as he arrived in France to strengthen their alliance and he was promptly assassinated. 1905, a guest at a party for lifeguard celebrating their first drowning free swimming season and memory drowned in New Orleans. One more 19-year year old in Ohio died after running the stop sign and being hit by a tractor trailer. He had been on a stop sign stealing spree and had at least three stolen stop signs in the back of his car. Time, Chuck, tough five takeaways. Wow. Black Lord's power crystals and suicides, the cult of conscious development has been sucked. What a very weird little slice of history.
Starting point is 02:33:50 People will truly, truly believe whatever they want to believe, or whatever the right or wrong guru tells them to believe. Thanks to the bad magic team for helping production, Queen of Bad Magic Lindsey Cummins, thanks to Logan Keith for directing producing today, thanks to Bitelixer for upkeep on the time suck app. Again thanks to Art Warlock Logan Keith creating the merch at BadMagicMarch.com helping us run socials thanks to Sophie Evans for the initial research this week she told me this is a fucking crazy one she found out about this topic and thank you. Also thanks to the all-seeing eyes moderating the Coltie Curious Private Facebook page the
Starting point is 02:34:22 mod squad on Discord and the everyone of the time suck reddit threat Can I get those names a little bit slam lately? But I'm gonna get gonna get those names for more proper. Thank you Next week the spaces have decided that I am to present the terrible life of dirtbag Randy Kraft the scorecard killer Originally called the Southern California Strangler by the press craft brutally tortured his victims before strangling them And he left behind a disturbing signature, to distinguish him from other active serial killers in the area at that time.
Starting point is 02:34:50 Craft was officially convicted of 16 murders. A prosecutor's file, a list of 45 victims, and it is believed by most familiar with the case that he killed 67 people if not more. Very likely one of the most prolific American serial killers. Craft killed over a long period of time, from 1971 to 1983, targeting young men and boys, often hitchhikers or men coming in, coming and going from gay bars in Southern California.
Starting point is 02:35:12 He was active at the same time as a few other killers, making it harder for police to catch him than it otherwise would have been. When highway patrol pulled Kraft over for drunk driving on May 14, 1983, they were shocked to find a body in his passenger seat. This man was his final victim and now the police will begin to learn about the victims before him. Inside Crasse Vehicle, they found a list with 61 cryptic entries, things like two-in-one hitch and oil. They came to believe that each of these 61 entries represented a different murder, and prosecutors began to work backwards trying match victims to Randy Kraft. The charges continued piling up over the following days. Kraft's family and friends were shocked.
Starting point is 02:35:46 How could a quiet hardworking intelligent man also be a brutal killer? Randy Kraft had two sides, a normal everyday man side and a side that was an absolute fucking monster. Who was Randy Kraft? How did he get the nickname the scorecard killer? Who were the 60 odd victims he murdered? That is what we're gonna be looking at next week
Starting point is 02:36:03 on another true crime edition to Time Suck. And right now, let's head on over to this week's Time Sucker Updates. Updates, get your time, sucker, updates. A quick little reminder that this episode was recorded three weeks ahead of time because of a vacation I took so the updates won't reflect the past few episodes.
Starting point is 02:36:26 First up, a missed opportunity to point out another Idaho connection in the Edward Snowden suck. In addition to Senator Frank Church warning us about the NSA's reach of power. Marvel's meat sack gave McCarthy points out the deep throat. The deep throat from the Watergate scandal was from Idaho. Gabe Wright, some surprise you can comment on the Idaho connection to deep throat. Mark felt A.K.A. deep throat was born in Twin Falls and graduated from the University of Idaho.
Starting point is 02:36:51 Yeah, and that's nuts, Gabe. I looked into that. Yeah, you're absolutely right. Also, I've stayed in Twin Falls a day or two, a few times because my aunt used to live there. And Twin Falls is the name of one of my favorite built to spill songs, built to spill my favorite Idaho bands, so I'm just gonna use this excuse to give them some extra exposure.
Starting point is 02:37:09 The song is about, not surprising, you just twin falls. And I wanna play a little bit of the beginning of this. Christmas twin falls, Idaho is her oldest memory. She was only two. It's the first time she felt blue. Caffer-teria Harrison. Elementary beneath a parachute. I saw her without you.
Starting point is 02:37:48 Oh, built a spill. Such a great and underrated band for so long. There's tough grows on you. If you don't like it right at the gate. Yeah, the University of Idaho is less than a two-hour drive from the suck dungeon in an Idaho term. That's practically just the next town over. So thanks, Gabe.
Starting point is 02:38:03 Next up, a blast from the misdirect past. Stupid, stupid sucker, Bailey Powell. No, fell for my bullshit. And of course, you're not stupid. She's fun. Also, so don't forget, while recording last week's episode, producer Logan Keith, fell for my quality bullshit. Idiot. No, Jake. Bailey writes, DeGnavada and you got me. I'm over here in my own business working and listening to the mysterious death of John Bonnet Ramsey. Yeah, I know I'm behind. And you start spewing out crap about how there are beauty patterns for little nine-year-olds in G,
Starting point is 02:38:33 in G strings on poles and strip T's catwalks. And I bought every fucking word. I was in the process of Googling when you finally let us know is bullshit and I have this out laughing. Thank you for making my roommates think I've lost my mind. Wanted you to know that you can still get me after all these episodes.
Starting point is 02:38:46 Your loyal suckling, Bailey. Bailey makes me so happy when people fall for that bullshit. It warms my heart. It's, I used to do it at home a lot, but everybody's, they've studied my inflections and it's very hard to trick my kids or life anymore. I forgot about that lie. I forgot that a lot of people fell for it.
Starting point is 02:39:03 You're not alone. And when stories like today suck are actually true, I mean, the lies like that lie with that one really seemed that absurd because the world is so fucking weird. Sweet daddy sack, Joe Kay would now like me to offer some words of encouragement. He writes, Hey, Dan, don't know this is a place to send you this, but the app seems as good a place as any. It worked. I found, I first found time suck about three years ago while looking up podcast on Alistair Crowley. Two weeks later, after Benji and I found first found time suck about three years ago while looking up podcast on Alistair Crowley. Two weeks later, after Benji and I found myself unable to do yard work and listing to Albert
Starting point is 02:39:29 Fish while we eating show showbiz. In the time since you found yourself a loyal bad magician and my wife is also a weekly sucker now. We've also now got a three month old space newton named Henry Hank once he learned how to throw a baseball. That being said, things have been pretty stressful lately. I've taken a second job to help make ends meet and she had just quit her job at the end of her maternity leave to take a new position throw a baseball. That being said, things have been pretty stressful lately. I've taken a second job to help make ends meet and she had just quit her job at the end of her maternity leave
Starting point is 02:39:47 to take a new position in a field she's been going to school for for the last year. We'd love to hear some encouragement from the suck master both on my wife's new career and even more on daddy's little lefty making the bigs one day. Hail Nimrod. Well, Hail Nimrod, Joe, how kind of you to ask for a shout out
Starting point is 02:40:02 for your wife who you did not name? And because of that, she now has a thousand fucking black lords. She has to fight off on top. Everything else is dealing with. So you're going to make sure that she has plenty of pens, rulers, batons, small branches, toothpicks, whatever she can use for sorts. Mrs. Joe Kay, no pressure, but you have to kick ass in your new career, or the black lords, or going to regress your enlightenment three levels down or something.
Starting point is 02:40:26 You're going to go to a shitty planet. They're going to they're going to fuck your frequencies up so bad that your third eye is going to have pink eye. No seriously now. If you've been going to school while pregnant and while working on their job, you clearly have what it takes to kick some fucking ass in your new profession. So do it and enjoy doing it. You're embarking on a new quest to alter your family's future for the better.
Starting point is 02:40:44 Enjoy that ride, Mama. And get hammering Hank into batting practice ASAP. Put him on pace for some of those adorable T-Ball home runs where the other team has like 15 infilters who look more like cats chasing a laser pointer than baseball players. Finally one more. A chance for me to nerd out just a bit.
Starting point is 02:40:59 Fellow nerd sucker. James McCullough writes, hi Dan, I just wanna tell you, I love your comedy and Time Suck truly gives me a hope for the great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person.
Starting point is 02:41:09 I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person.
Starting point is 02:41:17 I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. I'm a great person. a million times, yeah. Thanks and I love you.
Starting point is 02:41:25 Sorry, this email isn't longer. Well, I love you too. And yeah, James, Fables is fun. Kyler Red Fables too. So many great comics, so many great series. I had not had much time in the past few years to read many, unfortunately, but I'm gonna start reading more, I think here soon.
Starting point is 02:41:41 I'm getting the, really getting the urge to do that again. I have kept up with one called Redneck. It's about an interesting family of Texas vampires, the Bowmans, they run in a barbecue joint and there's little town for years, living off cow blood, trying to be good peeps, vampire peeps, and then their peaceful co-exist until the humans ends as generations of hate, fear,
Starting point is 02:41:58 and bad blood, bubble to the surface, there's vampire battles and the ancients and all kinds of shit. Johnny, Donnie Cates writes it. Donnie, I don't know what I of shit. Donnie Cates writes it. Donnie, I don't know what I said there. Donnie Cates writes it, I've had a chance to speak with Donnie. He seems like a really cool guy. I think I'll have time to dig back into some more series this year. This is an older one.
Starting point is 02:42:15 I think I've talked about this too, but I really love preacher by Garth Ennis. Way more intense in a Reference in Fables. It's a story of Jesse Custer, a preacher in the small Texas town of Anville. Custer becomes accidentally possessed by this supernatural creature, named Genesis, the infant of an unauthorized, unnatural coupling between Angel and Demon. Genesis has pure goodness and pure evil. And Genesis's power rivals that of God himself,
Starting point is 02:42:39 making Jesse Custer kind of blended with Genesis now, the most powerful being and the powerful bean in the universe potentially. And he sets out using this power on this crazy quest to find God and basically kick God's ass for not watching over us like he supposed to be. It's very complicated. It's definitely a cult classic. And also saga. I only read a few volumes and then got too busy, but I would love to dive back into saga Epic fantasy sci-fi series depicting a husband and wife Alana and Marco From a long-waring extraterrestrial races fleeing authorities from both sides of a galactic war as a struggle to care for their daughter Hazel Born in the beginning of the series
Starting point is 02:43:18 Well occasionally narrated the series as an unseen adult later on and yeah again like a lot of the best comic series There's just a lot to it. So enjoy! There's so much good art in the world. It's not just Terry Hoffman's. And Hale Nimrod. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. Another Bad Magic Productions podcast is done. Thanks for listening to Time Suck, scared to death. Thanks to the Space Lizard for listening to this secret suck on Patreon. Please don't make any of your followers fight Dark Lords with cocktail swizzle sticks this week. It's fucking pathetic.
Starting point is 02:43:57 Just keep on sucking. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy.
Starting point is 02:44:12 I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy.
Starting point is 02:44:20 I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. It's this, there's so many dark, dark lords. There's so many black lords in our, in our sucked dungeon. I fought off five just coming in here this morning. You fought off five coming in here this morning?
Starting point is 02:44:32 Yeah, it was three in the hallway and two as soon as I came in the door, man. God, it's so hard to fight these black lords all the time. We gotta get, we gotta get more crystals. We have to get more crystals and we need to get, I don't know, bigger toothpicks or something. We gotta, we gotta gotta get more crystals. We have to get more crystals and we need to get, I don't know, bigger toothpicks or something. We gotta figure out our swords. I think that's where it's been rough lately. I'll get hold of Lindsay and make a list.
Starting point is 02:44:54 Crystal swords, please put crystal swords on the list. I'm on it. Thank you. Again, darkards! Again, dark lords!

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