Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 320 - Cannibal Cop

Episode Date: October 31, 2022

On October 25, 2012, NYPD Office Gilberto Valle was arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping after his estranged wife Kathleen had turned her computer over to the FBI following using ...spyware and uncovering Gil's sexual obsession with cannibalism. He'd been sharing photos of her and other women with other cannibalism fetishists and writing in graphic detail about how badly he wanted to have her kidnapped, raped, tortured, killed, and eaten. Was Gil planning on killing his wife and other women? Or was he does sharing fantasies? Did he get arrested and sent to prison for committing nothing more than thought crimes? We dig into Gil's story today, and take the longest look at cannibalism we've done so far. What is humanity's history with cannibalism? Is it bad for you? Why do some people become sexually aroused by the thought of eating human flesh? All this and more on another morbidly curious  edition of Timesuck. Happy Halloween!Bad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation: This month we donated $15,029 to Guide Dogs for the Blind, with an additional $1,669 added to our Scholarship Fund! Guide Dogs for the Blind believes in connecting people, dogs, and communities to transform the lives of individuals with visual impairments.For more info - or to donate more yourself - please go to guidedogs.comGet tour tickets at dancummins.tv Get Scared to Death LIVE tickets at badmagicmerch.com  October  27th, 6P PST/9PM EST. True Tales of Hallow's Eve Horror TWO! Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/wQKZVcpZE70Merch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comDiscord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When Kathleen Mangin found a creepy message from her estranged husband on her computer, she contacted the authorities. Gilberto Valley, at the time a 28-year-old New York City police officer, will be arrested after the FBI investigated the Internet Messages and found explicit plots to abduct, torture, cook, and eat women. Valley's Internet transcripts would be read aloud in court and they were like something out of a horror movie. Valley wrote about wanting to consume girl meat for Thanksgiving dinner on the website dark fetish network.
Starting point is 00:00:28 And he wrote so much worse than that. According to authorities, Valley detailed a particular method of cooking a victim slowly while trying to keep her alive as long as possible and described how tasty a woman would look with her legs, been up inside an oven as she was roasted alive. He sent this and much more. Tales of real people. He expressed wanting to kidnap, torture, and rape, to fellow dark fetish network users with handles like Moody Blues and meet market man. Moody Blues talked about even darker fantasies like eating a five year old, truly horrific, despicable shit. Gil would be arrested. Within a year, he'd be found guilty of improperly using a police database and conspiracy to commit kidnapping.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Almost all the evidence against him came from transcripts of online private conversations where guilt chatted often and at length about kidnapping and consuming women. These chat room conversations, like many of Gills actions, were certainly abhorrent, but they actually constitute a crime. He didn't ever kill anyone. Nor did he buy any of the items he would need to do. So like restraints, weapons, or a tarp, even though he had plans detailed how he'd like to set this equipment up. According to Gill, he just put his deviant fantasies online like many,
Starting point is 00:01:35 many other innocent people do. But is that all this was? Or as his prosecution claimed, was he planning a real life kidnapping? Was this all less fantasy and more strategy? Were authorities supposed to stand by until he actually killed and ate someone, giving them proof he was as deviant as they suspected? A step skill took to carry out the plan to kidnap and eat women, certainly amounted to a truly stunning abuse of authority and invasion of privacy. He used the records available to him to make a database of potential victims.
Starting point is 00:02:04 He tracked down real women, many of whom he knew. And Gill's database wasn't limited to merely their names, but also physical descriptions and photographs of these women, which he shared with other cannibalism enthusiasts online, other users who also talked in great detail about how they wanted to rape Torture Kill and ETHY's women. Sure, seems like even if he wasn't really going to kidnap and kill them, he was putting their lives in danger by sending their photos and names and physical descriptions to other people who might not just have been fantasizing. One of these women was a new mother and his own wife. He'll talk a lot about his wife
Starting point is 00:02:38 about how much pleasure he'd take in kidnapping her, slowly cooking her to death, raping and eating her. When the news of all this hit the tabloids, it was certainly a deeply disgusting story that made for a lot of juicy front page news. A police officer sworn to protect and serve using government databases to compile a list of potential kidnapping, rape, torture and cannibalism, cannibalism victims, right? Cannibal cop certainly an attention grabbing headline. But again, did these very dark sexual fantasies of Gilbert Valley constitute crimes Tantum out to planning to do what he fantasize about doing in real life when it comes to actual criminal monitoring
Starting point is 00:03:15 apprehension and prosecution Where's the line between fantasy and reality lie? Wouldn't you be able to say that someone has crossed over that line from mirror role plane to make a real plan to harm real people. The confusing deeply disturbing case of Gilbert Valley, the cannibal cop right here right now on this horrifying Halloween edition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck. Happy Monday and happy Halloween meets X Halloween on a Monday. Kind of lame. Hope you had some Halloween fun over this past weekend at least and you know, hope you
Starting point is 00:04:03 have fun. If you're hearing this, it's going to comes out of Monday tonight as well, taking the kitties out maybe. Hope you've been enjoying the horror podcast that I co-host with The Queen of the Sucks, scared to death, right? It's been extra fun to be spooky this October. It's the season four. Then, come and spooky sucker, the master sucker, Count Succula.
Starting point is 00:04:20 And you are listening to Time Suc. I heard a lot of you initially thought last week's episode was titled the bloody herpes instead of the bloody harpies or bloody harps. I want to say harpies too. And I read it. What a very different topic that would have been experimented with the soundbed and the cold open last week. If you really preferred it that way, well, you know, let us let us know if you
Starting point is 00:04:39 feel like it really adds to the show. Maybe we'll make that more of a regular thing. Hoping my, hoping my mush mouth is under control today. Man, I think we normally don't record the cold open more than once. I try to get that one right and we'll stop down and re-record. I think I just did that about 11 or 12 times. My brain was just not reading notes. Not so many thoughts. I was up late. I added so much to this episode at the last minute. I was like, no, I got to talk about late. I added so much to this episode at the last minute. I was like, no, I got to talk about this. I got to talk about this and was all jumbled
Starting point is 00:05:08 in my head as I was trying to start the show. But hopefully it's under control now. Because Halloween this week's merch piece is the deady white zombie tea. May her legacy literally never die. May her legacy be undead. Head on over to badmagicmerch.com to check out what a zombie fight Betty White looks like. I did have fun as I'd hoped my record last week show in Grand Rapids and Holland Michigan this past weekend. Well, for me, this past weekend it'll be two weekends back when you hear this. Holland not New Holland.
Starting point is 00:05:37 I don't know why I kept saying New Holland probably because of the brewery there. New Holland brewery that I love. But that's some fun with the find disciples of the good god amway so thanks to everyone who came out and Then um this week. Well this week. I won't be anywhere. I'm hoping I'll be having fun in Austin, Texas When this comes out the past weekend and then it's a little bit Kentucky then Portland, Oregon and finally many appellists to wrap up this year's shows Dancomas.tv for ticks and ticks for the 2023 spring dates, also at Dancomas.tv.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And now we go back to the realm of true crime, but with a twist, today's case is not very similar to any of the other cases we've covered here on time, so I can think of. And the vast majority of the true crime cases we've covered, there's been well, a victim. Obviously, most time multiple victims, there's brutalized bodies, almost unimaginable real world horror inflicted upon innocent victims are families, desperately searching for their missing family members, or wonder what kind of monster killed their loved ones when the bodies are
Starting point is 00:06:38 found. None of that would go down in the cannibal cop case. He'll never actually kidnap tortured, raped, cooked, killed, ate anyone. But was he planning on doing that? Was he planning on doing a whole fucking bunch of that shit with a bunch of other people? They were also planning on doing a lot of that stuff. Stuff that they were writing about in great detail. Was he planning on enlisting the services of someone like, say, my dad to help him kidnap and kill me one?
Starting point is 00:07:04 Does my dad have a subscription and a profile on darkfedishnetwork.com? Does my dad work as an admin on darkfedishnetwork.com? Does my dad own darkfedishnetwork? Did he design it? Did he cookin' up some lady meat right now? Where is he? I'm tryin' to talk too much about him. Today just bothers me not knowing where he is.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Back to Gil, if the cops in the FBI hadn't have acted when they did, would there be a body? Would there be a lot of bodies that would have been found later, a lot to think about today. What did he do? Did he do anything he'd need to do to prepare for those things like buying special equipment, but he did track his potential victims daily activities.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And that's pretty disturbing, considering what he was writing about. He did use a database to find one of his potential victims home addresses, he did share photos of women, he talked about wanting to kill online. He talked to his virtual buddies about how much he wanted to eat these women online, but does that actually constitute a plot to kidnap someone for real?
Starting point is 00:08:09 Where do you draw the line? That's the big question with today's episode. Is a plot to kidnap started when the person buys zip ties or when they get in their car to drive to their potential victims house? Does it not technically start until they're about to knock on their victim's door or does it not start until the actually grab some terrified person and try to take them somewhere against their will. Where is the line between planning and fantasizing right to kidnap somebody or any other major crime. The line between criminal thoughts and action is something that the courts have been pondering for decades in the United States. Thoughts have not always been protected from prosecution here. Laws such as the Sedition Act of 1918 criminalized many forms of speech. The Sedition Act criminalized any disloyal language whether printed or spoken about the
Starting point is 00:08:55 government of the United States. In April of 1918, the government arrested industrialist William C. Eddenborn, a naturalized citizen from Germany and his railroad business in New Orleans, Louisiana, he was accused of speaking disloyally when he allegedly belittled the threat of Germany to the security of the United States. He thought the Germany wasn't as big of a threat to your security and he was arrested for thinking that and expressing that thought out loud and taking a jail. He was released. Mary Ecke would not be released though. Mary Ecke was a medical doctor devoted to providing care for working class and poor patients.
Starting point is 00:09:31 She regularly provided birth control information and abortions at a time when both were illegal, also served over a year in prison for saying that she thought that a preparedness campaign promoted by the US government to get young men ready to go fight in Europe before being drafted in World War One helped JP Morgan and company executives more than the working man. She thought that the working man would be sent toward a die and that JP Morgan's execs would not and would rather increase their wealth off of war profiteering. And she served over a year in San Quentin for just vocally disagreeing with US foreign policy in a public place for expressing
Starting point is 00:10:06 thoughts. And what a crock of shit. How was that the land of the free? Thought sent people to prison here in the US and not that long ago. American politicians passed laws to punish thoughts. Fellow Americans voted for those politicians, approved of those politicians. Happened to sensory go could easily happen again. Also, there was a time just a little more than a century ago when actually attempting
Starting point is 00:10:26 crimes and many instances, crimes like theft and even murder and kidnapping were not considered criminal activity. It's not inconsistent. Like, if you tried to pick someone's pocket and there was no money in the pocket at the end of the 19th century, early 20th century, he couldn't be prosecuted. How fucking insane is that? Officer arrest that man. He just tried to pick pocket me. And what did he take?
Starting point is 00:10:49 Nothing officer, I was able to beat the rough food away before he managed to take my wallet. So what's the problem? He tried to rob me. Yeah, but he didn't rob you, did he? Now just picked up the cop taking out his billy club and just like rearing it back like he's about to fucking smack this guy who almost got mugged.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Stop it, what are you doing? Nothing, I just like to hold my Billy Club like this. You're intimidated me, you look like you're gonna strike me at any moment. Yeah, I'm certainly thinking about it. As is my right, if I bash you in the skull, if, then you have reason to try and have me arrested on brutality charges. Now imagine that cop trying to smack this guy, but he keeps dodging the bulls, help! Someone arrested his cop, he's mad, he's assaulting me. I have not committed a crime, sir. I'm not assaulting you. I am trying to assault you, not a crime. And till I
Starting point is 00:11:35 get a good whopping, and I am going to make it count. When attempting crimes first became criminal, criminalized in the US in the early 1900s. Supreme Court justice all over Wendell Holmes urged caution, asserting that for the defendant to be convicted, there must be dangerous proximity to success. That standard then weakened in the 1960s. When a new set of guidelines called the model penal code, a successful effort by the legal community to standardize the criminal code across the nation after decades of inconsistent law, replace the idea of proximity with that of substantial step. As violent crime became a more common reality, the police could now use a suspect's state of mind to justify and arrest. As long as that suspect also took at least some real action, a substantial step towards committing a crime.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Now if you just talked to a friend at the bar about kidnapping some girl who lives across the street, it's still be fucking creep, but you wouldn't be able to be, you wouldn't be able to be arrested. But if you talked about kidnapping some girl who lives across the street and then you went to the hardware store and bought zip ties, chloroform, a ski mask, some gloves, and then you started to approach that girl in your van that contained these items. Well, now you could be arrested for attempted kidnapping.
Starting point is 00:12:50 You've taken substantial steps towards committing that crime. What's changed in recent years are the tools used to detect people taking substantial steps or intent, right? People's online activity. A law professor at PACE University named Audrey Rogers put it this way.
Starting point is 00:13:06 We've always said you can't punish for thoughts alone, but now we really know what the thoughts are. Right, people prior to the internet, people generally did not share their thoughts in such a provable way, certainly not in a way that left such clear, documentable evidence of these thoughts as opposed to the he said, she said of a private conversation.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Since 9-11, the government has used the monitoring of our new world of constant electronic excuse me communication to bring more than 200 prosecutions against people suspected of providing material support to terrorist organizations. In many of these cases, the jury has had to grapple with deciding if the people on trial were just thinking about helping terrorist organizations
Starting point is 00:13:43 or planning to help them. Adding to this is a scale of some recent crimes like Columbine or Aurora Sandy Hook, how people think the technology has the capacity to stop someone's murderers before they put murderers plans into action. In 2009, the FBI was reading Afghan-American Najibullah Zaziz emails to Al-Qaeda
Starting point is 00:14:01 and picked him up before he ever built a fully workable bomb. It served a decade in prison for working on a bomb that he may have decided to detonate, and you know how do you continue with his plan. Might sound justified, but now put yourself in a similar type situation. What if you thought about killing someone and you went out and you bought a gun to kill that person with? But then after you bought that gun, after you had told some people that you did want to kill this person that you were going to kill them, you changed your mind. You came to your senses and you decided not to go through
Starting point is 00:14:32 it. If you were still arrested for attempted murder based on someone you'd spoken to previously about wanting to kill this person going to the authorities, would your arrest seem justified? Or would you essentially have been arrested for committing nothing more than a thought crime? How many of us have thought arrested for committing nothing more than a thought crime? How many of us have thought about committing certain crimes, even taking some initial steps toward committing these crimes, but then changing our minds and not done anything to anyone? And late 2013 in Arizona,
Starting point is 00:14:57 police traced threatening emails to a 15-year-old who turned out to own 100 rounds of ammunition. He was arrested, even though he didn't actually own a gun. After his arrest, police justified apprehending him, saying that they learned he'd also researched how to make an explosive device. Even though he was unable to procure the parts he would need to make that device. All he actually did was illegally procure ammunition and tried to buy parts to make a bomb, yet that wasn't what he was arrested for. He did send threatening emails. Yes, he was arrested for attempting to make a bomb, yet that wasn't what he was arrested for. He did send threatening emails. Yes, he was arrested for attempting to commit a major crime,
Starting point is 00:15:28 attempting to kill many people, but what if he changed his mind after ordering the parts? What if he never procured a gun ever had he not been arrested? In all these cases, the police said that they had physical evidence, like the bullets in that last example, aside from the emails, to back up arrests. With the cannibal cop case, however, the evidence is more ambiguous, difficult to interpret. And a verdict either way might represent
Starting point is 00:15:51 a dismal, a dismal future, right? Either Gil goes free, no one gets prosecuted for thought crimes, but now maybe a real cannibal is on the loose who later kidnaps, rapes, tortures, cooks, and eat some poor woman or women or Gil is put in prison for expressing nothing more than fantasies on the internet. Paving the way for anyone who's interested in thinking about or jerking off to some fucked up thoughts to be labeled a criminal to be able to be put in prison. Spoiler alert both will happen in a way. Gil will first be found guilty but then on appeal have his sentence reversed.
Starting point is 00:16:24 In order to follow this complicated saga today, we're first going to look at cannibalism, including some of the many cultures from every continent on Earth that have practiced it in various forms, without human history, we'll go over some instances of modern cannibalism, talk about what people say human meat tastes like, and why people might be into cannibalism in a sexual way. We'll also talk about an interesting case of so-called ethical cannibalism in a sexual way. We'll also talk about an interesting case of so-called ethical cannibalism. When a German man contacted another man over the internet and both agreed that they would engage in some cannibalism, that the second man would be eaten together as in the one guy eats the other guy and that guy also eats a bit of himself. That ethical
Starting point is 00:17:03 argument did not really hold up well in court. Finally, we'll follow Gil Valley in today's twisted fetish website time suck timeline and explore the many difficulties with this case. And by the way, if you watch enough videos, sometimes you'll see or hear his name pronounced like Viaye or Valle, Gil himself pronounces it Valley. So that's why I'm going with that.
Starting point is 00:17:26 So let's eat. I mean, begin. We've covered cannibalism a bunch before. Some notable timesuck alumni have been pretty into it to start Jeffrey Dahmer, subject of episode 36, murdered Nate Numerous, Madame Milwaukee before he was caught eventually killed in prison, Albert Fish, succ subject of episode 141, cannibalized some of his victims and a, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:50 other stuff from his victims. Well, peanut butter on the private apple cider showbiz, that's how you would Hollywood. German serial killer called Denke, Suck Subject of Episode 245 sold the cooked parts of around 40 victims. So a lot of their meat is pickled pork and a village market Another German serial killer. Yahu him crow sucks objective episode 197 that sexy cow lava He was cooking up some of the meat from his most recent victim when he was arrested like that shit was still on the stove
Starting point is 00:18:19 Andre Cicatilo sucks object 57 mr. Wattis Deal, at the rossel, at the jerk soft shame cock and corn, then bottle no one. He admitted to shit like swallowing the nipples he bitten off of some of his victims, right? Technically cannibalism, Arthur Genesey River killer, Shawcross, man of so many fucking head wounds, Suck Subject of episode 281 talked about eating parts of some of his victims, like their vaginas, Richard Chase, I always forget how disturbing that episode was the vampire of Sacramento. Subject 207 blended up the organs and blood of some of his victims. And one of the world's most fucked up protein shakes committed other discussing
Starting point is 00:18:55 bloody acts of cannibalism. Hammer happy, sadist Peter Curtin, vampire of Doosledorf. Subject of episode 253 also said to have engaged in cannibalism. The Ripper crew devil, subjects of episode 299, ate the breasts of victims, breast served with some seamen gravy, general butt naked. Suck Subject of Episode 222, talked about eating the hearts of people, he killed and battled, he gained their fucking power, admitted to drinking the blood of children, he'd sacrificed to gain favor from gods, he felt would make him more, you know, threatening and battle. He was doing this shit in Liberia in the late
Starting point is 00:19:29 1990s. We talked about cannibalism at length in the Donner party suck episode 94 and in the recent alive the 1972 and East flight disaster suck episode 302. Even touched on cannibalism when we got into the dark history of James and whiskey. An incident of a descendant of James, James and allegedly engaging in some cannibalism or maybe just witnessing it. And who knows, I might be forgetting more cannibalism we've touched on. Why do we seem to talk about cannibalism so much like so much? Because the fucking eat people, okay, it satisfies my actual need calories to stay alive hunger and my sexual rock hard boner when I see your sweet ass stuck in an oven set to royal hunger.
Starting point is 00:20:09 All right, I like it. If I have things my way, I roast up every single one of you tasty ass meat sex. Hot damn, I'd love to fucking bake you beautiful bastards in an oven. And if you're taking off all your clothes and basing your genitals with some melted butter, mmm, mmm. But seriously, why does it come up so much? Well, cannibalism holds a lot of fascination for a lot of people because it's one of the most taboo things
Starting point is 00:20:31 you can do. Comes up a lot here because when it comes to true crime, I do gravitate towards finding Derbeggs who committed the most depraved acts imaginable. And cannibalism, considered by many, to be one of those most depraved acts. And there's a dark fascination with cannibalism, considered by many, to be one of those most depraved acts. And there's a dark fascination with cannibalism, a strong morbid curiosity, because it's something that very few of us, hopefully, very, very few of us will ever experience. But if we were to experience it, what would a person say tastes like? Well, human flesh falls
Starting point is 00:21:00 into the category of red meat. And by most accounts, has the consistency of beef really tender beef like veal. But the taste is much more subtle than beef according to you anecdotes from humans who've actually dined on human flesh. Those who've eaten people say that human flesh tastes like pork. They may be a little more bitter, a little stronger than actual pork. Hmm. All this quality meat talk. Really get me hungry. We had one of you on a spit here in the suck dungeon just out of view of these cameras. I just so I can enjoy a nice meal. Look forward to a reward for finishing this podcast.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Let's talk about some people who are not kidding, when they say things like that now. In 1991, a Japanese man, a sick fuck named Issei Sagawa, nicknamed the Kobe Cannibal, 8 to 25 year old female Dutch student, Renee Hartfeldt in Perry when he was 32. I researched his sixth story for the Ahem Krol suck, but I don't think it ever made it into the actual episode. I think he just ended up in an earlier draft. Apologies if I'm not remembering correctly.
Starting point is 00:21:57 And this is info we've covered at some point already, but even if it was, it's been a while. And it's morbidly fascinating. Renee came to this pile of shit's apartment under the pretext of translating some poetry for him for a school assignment. He say told authorities later, he selected her for her health, strength and beauty. Characteristics he felt he lacked. She was 5'10", beautiful, athletic, sagawa, 4'9", feeble, considered himself weak, ugly
Starting point is 00:22:22 and small, I agree. He said he wanted to absorb her energy Which he began reading poetry at a desk with her back to sagawa. He shot her and then fucking neck with rifle and then had sex with her corpse Seems like he wanted to do more than absorb her energy. He now carved up her remains with a butcher knife a Most of her breasts face buttocks thigh Neck either raw or cooked eight her clitoris, you know, for her power, uh-huh, or for her boner. Took a lot of picks of her body, different stages of mutilation, stored some of the flesh
Starting point is 00:22:54 in a fridge, stuff the rest of her remains into two suitcases, then he got arrested by French authorities when he tried to dump those suitcases into a lake. He was found insane by the French court system, sentenced indefinitely to a mental institution, but then while in the mental institution, he was deported back to a native country of Japan, officials at a mental institution in Japan then found him not to be insane. They felt that he committed his crimes because, you know, turned him on. It was what he wanted sexually, not criminally insane, just a sick, perverted fuck. And yeah, they let him go. He's released since he'd never been criminally convicted in France.
Starting point is 00:23:27 So due to winning this fucked up legal lottery, he's been living free ever since. Got away with it. Thankfully, after a brief period of infamy when he made a living as an author and speaker, he became such a social pariah that he wasn't able to get any more work or sell any more books and has lived in poverty
Starting point is 00:23:43 and shame now for decades. Also suffered some brain damage. In 2013, he left him unable to get any more work or selling more books and has lived in poverty and shame now for decades. Also suffered some brain damage. In 2013, it left him unable to do much of anything. So good. In an interview with Vice in 2010, little while before that brain damage, Sagawa said that human meat is odorless and not gay meat. Also said that if given the chance,
Starting point is 00:24:00 he'd love to eat a Japanese one. Saying, I think either Sukiyaki or Shabu Shabu It was the best way to go in order to really savor the natural flavor of the meat Fuck How would a dirt bag to take interviews and say shit like that after doing what he did? Surprise he was never accidentally like pushing front of an oncoming traffic or the victim of a mysterious suicide Moving on to a different credible a different cannibal for a bit now, William Seabrook. Seabrook was an early 20th century American occultist, explorer, author and journalist,
Starting point is 00:24:31 who traveled to West Africa in the 1920s, where he documented in great detail and experienced the cannibal tribe. Initially, he said he parked hook of human flesh with the tribe that practiced cannibalism. Then later admitted he made that up, but then upon returning to Paris after his journey, I said he visited a local hospital where he obtained some samples of human meat and cooked it himself. To me, sneaking some cadaver steaks out of the local hospital is weirder than just eating along
Starting point is 00:24:59 with the tribe that practices cultural cannibalism, eating the flesh enemy warriors, killed him battle to take their power and stuff. Seabrook would write, it was like good, fully developed, veal. Not young, but not yet beef. It was very definitely like that. And it was not like any other meat I've ever tasted. It was so nearly, it was so nearly like good, fully developed, veal that I think no person
Starting point is 00:25:22 with a palette of ordinary, normaliveness could distinguish it from veal. It was mild, good meat, with no other sharply defined or highly characteristic tastes, such as, for instance, goat, high-game, and pork-have. The steak was slightly tougher than prime veal, a little stringy, when not too tough or stringy to be agreeably edible. The roast from which I cut an 8-a-central slice,. My God was tender and in color texture, smell, as well as taste, strengthened by certainty that of all the meats we habitually know, veal is the one meat to which this meat is accurately comparable.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Nothing you ate from the course of a child. Also, how does this fucked obtain human meat from this hospital in France? I guess if you know the right guy, right? He was just willing to let you sneak out some body parts for cash. How do you find that guy? Martha, didn't you say you're a cousin with custodian who works at the hospital here in Piri? Do you think if I slipped him a little cash, she'd give me a dead body, at least a leg. One more example, O'Neiman Nelson grew up in Egypt, moved to the US when she was 18 years old, when she was 23 in October of 1901. After working a few years off and on as a sex worker, she met a 56 year old pilot, Bill Nelson. They got married a few days later.
Starting point is 00:26:35 It's usually not the beginning of a strong relationship where people meet and get married a few days later. Not going to recommend that ever. Then the very next month, November 28, 1991, she said that her husband, Bill, had sexually assaulted her in their Costa Mesa California apartment for the last time. She claimed he began his assaults as soon as they got married. And the Thanksgiving butcher, as she would be described in the papers, bludgeoned her much older husband with an iron and then stabbed him with scissors a lot of times. with an iron and then stabbed him with scissors a lot of times. And then skinned his torso, chopped off his dick, cooked his decapitated head, fried his hands and oil
Starting point is 00:27:10 to remove his fingerprints. During the trial, it was revealed that as a kid living in Cairo, she had undergone female general mutilation and sex was traumatic and painful for her, psychologists to testify, or testify that she suffered from severe PTSD, and also was psychotic. Bill's alleged sexual assaults after suffering so much sexual trauma for so long triggered her losing her shit or that's what she claimed.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Maybe she is just a fucking psychopath who made some stuff up to win sympathy from a jury. She told a psychiatrist she enjoyed eating his ribs that they were very sweet. However, she said that that could have been because she dipped him in some barbecue sauce. My god She's eligible for parole again in 2026 Yeah, yeah, yeah, so if you had to eat a person what part should you eat? Well according to Yale certified nutritionist Dr. Jim Stepani you should dig that fork and steak knife into a moob Best cut a moob. Best cut of man meat.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yeah, fuck yeah bro. Tender juicy man titties. There's nothing else like them. From what I hear of course. They have a lot more meat on them than lady tits, but are still tender, very flavorful. It's allegedly like the best rib eye you've ever had. And if you're not afraid to chew in a little bit of hair, try and hold this vomit in, you're definitely going to want to eat some manniple.
Starting point is 00:28:26 That's the best part is what this guy says. The hairier the better says Dr. Stepanee. That's a direct quote. He said, hair follicles will affect flavor and a floppy man tit covered in testosterone fueled chest pubes, bone apetite and, ah, you know, send my regards to the chef, simply exquisite. Dr. Stepanee added in an interview for Gorman magazine and I quote,
Starting point is 00:28:47 I choose eating a medium rare hairy man tip with a furry half dollar nipple on top over Rihanna, trying to suck the skin off my cock any day, twice on Sunday. Sorry, that was nonsense, you know that. What Yale certified in tracing Dr. Jim Stepanee really said, I wish he would have said that other stuff. But what he really said was that the human brain and muscles are probably your best bet. Oh, muscles really.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Thanks, Dr. Sopani. Is that your real last name, Sopani, or is it obvious? Of course, muscles are the best part to eat, Dr. Abias. And yeah, I guess the brain would be next. And what the fuck else would be next? What rank higher? Bones, eyeballs, nuts. Dr. Abias said that muscles offer protein.
Starting point is 00:29:24 And the brain would provide slow burning energy since it's high in fat. He said that the liver and kidneys are filled with waste products since they're a part of the body's filtration system, so best to avoid those. He said that eyes contain an acidic solution, which can make human sick. So careful eating human eyeballs. And fingers and toes are filled with cartilage, which your body won't digest. So, you know, maybe don't eat any like toes.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I also said that, he also said that penises are spongy and have little nutritional value. So maybe don't eat, you know, people's dicks. Spungy? This guy, real doctor. Sorry, we couldn't find a better doctor to weigh in on cannibalism. You might not want to listen to doctor obvious when it comes to eating brains actually unless you're a zombie.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Then obviously you know you're gonna eat whatever the fuck you want. For my understanding zombies don't really have to worry about digestive issues or you know catching any serious illnesses from eating the wrong meat. It's one of the best parts to be in a zombie. But if you're not a zombie, eating the brain of another human being can give you kuru, a brain disease similar to mad cow disease. Kuru occurs because our brains contain prions that can transmit the disease. Symptoms begin with trembling, progress to severe loss of muscle control and trouble swallowing and end in death.
Starting point is 00:30:33 After catching Kuru, it can take years or even decades for this disease to begin to manifest symptoms. Don't think you're off to hook because you felt fine the last couple years since eating that lady tit or moob or fucking, you know, dick, guppie, whatever. The four people from Papua New Guinea practice eating their dead relatives as a sign of respect, but then it came back to no pun intended haunt them when thousands of four contracted kuru and died. Super rare disease, but maybe only super rare because cannibalism is super rare.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Basically, it's probably a bad idea, health-wise to eat people. I'm not going to want to trade that protein, you know, for, you know, like smoothie or whatever, or tuna fish sandwich for some donny or linda steaks to make sure you get your daily protein needs met. And then there's the psychological toll cannibalism can take on you. Yes, you're not going to get rid of memories of chowin' down another person very easily. Probably depends on how you get the meat though. Killin' someone butchering their dead body, eating parts that might fuck you up a little more than say having a piece of what you thought was
Starting point is 00:31:35 veal and then after you eat it, someone's like, surprise! That was a veal! That was Ricky! Despite the physical and psychological risk meat sacks do have a long history of eating other meat sacks because, you know, we're full of meat. Sometimes you just need that meat. And there aren't other non-human places to get the sweet meat you want. Let's dive into a summary of the history of meat sacks, eating meat sacks now. The term cannibalism derived from the Spanish name for the Caribbean, a West Indies tribe, were thought to have practiced cannibalism. Unclear if they actually did though,
Starting point is 00:32:07 in the early 1500s, the Spanish accused the Caribbean tribe of, uh, ritualistically eating their enemies, but modern day scholars have doubts that happened. Because the Kribs were engaged in an anti-colonial battle with a host of European powers, many historians now argue that cannibalism rumors were just a propaganda tactic by the Spanish,
Starting point is 00:32:22 meant to stir up fear, right, meant to, uh to justify killing. On the other hand, we do have some evidence that the Caribbean did use body parts as trophies. So cannibalism is a possibility, especially as an intimidation measure or act of war. However, most of our initial testimony comes from Columbus who had many propaganda and rationalizing atrocities based reasons to make the Caribbean seem as savage as possible. True or not, the name stuck around. Cannibalism began way before the days of the cribs, in Columbusville, of course.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Anthropological data shows that millions of years ago, Homo Antisesser, the link between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, were cannibalistic for nutritional reasons. Just need that meat and men and women were the easiest meaty creatures for them to hunt. Humans eventually developed more advanced hunting techniques in order to plan animals since consuming each other, not a sustainable food source, harder to keep the species going if the species is spending too much time eating itself. Though, yeah, yeah, though many early accounts of cannibalism probably were exaggerated or
Starting point is 00:33:21 in error, the practice prevailed all over the world amongst various early tribes of humans until modern times. There's all kinds of evidence of widespread cannibalism in parts of West and Central Africa, Melanesia, especially Fiji, New Guinea, Australia among the mores of New Zealand and some of the islands of Polynesia amongst tribes of Sumatra, various tribes of both North and South America, Europe boasts the oldest fossil evidence of cannibalism in somewhat modern history. and the rest of the world. And so, I think that's the only way to get the idea of the idea of the idea of the world. And so, I think that's the only way to get the idea of the idea of the idea of the idea of
Starting point is 00:33:55 the idea of the idea of the idea of the idea of the idea of the idea of the idea of the idea of the idea of the idea of the idea of the idea of the idea of the idea of the idea of the All right, to eat all of these other early humans. Or there was zombie neanderthals. Whether it was some zombies running around back to it. So past culture eating human flesh was looked upon as no different as eating the flesh of any other animal, right, foods food. Another culture to eat in people, proof of dominance and supremacy over one's enemies.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Victoria's morris often cut off the bodies of the dead after battle feasted on the flesh. And the Bataka of samatra were reported to have sold human flesh in markets right until the uh... uh... their culture fell under the control of the dutch at the dawn of the 20th century so not that long ago you know you get under the equivalent of the farmers market you know and get some uh... get some dude meat get some lady meat uh... the last batalk kingdom didn't fall until 1907 and other cultures a consumption of particular portions or organs are part of rituals for gaining the power of a consumed person, or otherwise as part of some, you
Starting point is 00:34:49 know, larger magic ritual ritual murder in cannibalism in Africa, often related to sorcery, headhunters, others often consume bits of the bodies or heads of deceased enemies as a means of absorbing their vitality or other qualities, reducing their powers for, you know, revenge from the afterlife for in order to be able to craft, I don't know, various fucking wizard spells and make different potions and stuff. The Aztecs apparently practice cannibalism on a large scale as part of the ritual religious sacrifice of war captives and other victims. In some cases around the world throughout history, the body of a dead person was originally eaten by his relatives,
Starting point is 00:35:22 a form called endocannibalism, some aboriginal Australians performed such practices as acts of respect. Likewise, the four tribe of Papua New Guinea I mentioned earlier, known to have eaten the bodies of their deceased family members, this practice was seen as a sign of love. Love and respect, preventing the corpses from rotting or being devoured by insects. That's so fucking weird. The only grandpa, rats, eat him. Come on, just respect. In addition, the ritual was sought
Starting point is 00:35:51 to protect the body from dangerous spirits. Centuries ago in China, human-based dishes were once considered a luxury. During the Yuan Dynasty from the 13th or in the 14th, 13th or 14th centuries, noted that children's meat was the best food of all when he came to taste. Fuckin' new, I knew kids were the tastiest.
Starting point is 00:36:11 God, playgrounds across the world full of so much soft, tender, delicious human veal just go into waste. What are we gonna wise up and start eating kids? We could probably end world hunger if we just put kids on the menu. Less mouse to feed, more mouse getting fed. China also reported cases of kids cutting off various body parts.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Usually a section of the thigh or upper arm to use in dishes for their elders as a show of respect. Fuck and what? No matter how small the piece of meat they were cutting off, that is insane. I picture some eight-year-old slice in a piece of forum off, toss it in a skillet, and some hungry uncle. Watch them, just lick in his chops. Oh come on! That's all the respect you have for me! Don't be stingy! Don't you love your uncle? Come on, give me a nice fact, Chong. You're young, you'll grow back. And then there's history of medicinal cannibalism pre-modern Chinese medicine sometimes included human organs as well as bingernales hair While in early Greece human blood was thought effective in treating epilepsy and
Starting point is 00:37:11 Even as they were to crying cannibals in the new world as savages Europeans were routinely consuming human parts as medicinal treatment followers of 16th century Swiss physician paraclyce For example try to cure dysentery with medicines that contained powdered human skulls. And 17th century England pulverized mummies used in treatments for epilepsy and stomachaches.
Starting point is 00:37:33 In some cases, not just any mummy would do, one concoction called for the body of a red-headed man who had died from hanging. Holy shit, that is very specific. And familiar, I feel like I've mentioned that random bit of audio historical fact somewhere before. Imagine hearing your doctor tell you that today. Hey, buddy, this tell me,
Starting point is 00:37:50 you got his snow joke. It's probably, it's probably cancer or something. Not gonna be easy to get rid of. You didn't hear this from me, but you're best bet. Find a ginger and hang them. Grind up his gingerie bones, make a soup and eat that and eat some meat off his legs too. And I don't know. He won his eyeballs for something for good measure. He can't
Starting point is 00:38:10 be too thorough. After all that, according to this medical book, I've been reading written by a severely mentally ill imbecile, you should be as good as new. People have used so many different justifications to eat other people throughout recorded human history. There's no one satisfactory, all inclusive explanation for cannibalism. Different people to practice for different reasons. The same group may practice cannibalism in one context, view it with horror and another. In any case, the spread of modern farming techniques, livestock domestication, the industrial revolution, the creative process, foods, et cetera, combined with the global spread of various religions, morally demonizing cannibalistic practices that passed several centuries has almost
Starting point is 00:38:50 completely eradicated any culturally condoned cannibalism today. In modern society, cannibalism usually occurs as either the result of insanity or extreme physical necessity in isolated surroundings, like being stuck on a desert island. From the two most famous examples of survival cannibalism involved two suck, two suck subjects I mentioned earlier, the Donner party in the Andy's flight disaster. In 1846, right, 87 pioneers led by George Donner left independence, Missouri, bound for California in December, those settlers who had an already McGill's popped off the buttholes. Don't worry about that reference if you don't get it. It became trapped by heavy snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains, facing starvation. The people eventually resorted the buttholes. Don't worry about that reference. If you don't get it, uh, became trapped by heavy snow in the seer and Nevada mountains facing starvation. The
Starting point is 00:39:26 people eventually resorted to cannibalism. Story became well known thanks in part to media reports that did sensationalize it. You're a guine, Air Force flight 571, a chartered flight from a Montevideo, a Uruguay bound for Santiago Chile, crashed in the Andes Mountains on October 13, 1972 is the other big story. The flight was carrying 45 pastures and crew including 19 members of the old Christian's club Rugby Union team along with their family supporters and friends. Remember that episode's nonsense? Konga Konga Konga Konga this plane has dancing Konga.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Some more guys just flew out. Another wing broke off, but we still have enough to fuck up all the glory. What the fuck it go? The flight crashed in the remote andries of far Western Argentina, just east of the border with Chile. During the following 72 days, the survivor suffered extreme hardships, including exposure, starvation and avalanche, which led to the deaths of 13 more passengers, the remaining passengers resorted to cannibalism.
Starting point is 00:40:20 And then there are some lesser known, much more disturbing, modern examples of cannibalism that some people have tried to pass off as survival of cannibalism, but was not. Numbers Japanese soldiers during World War II consumed POWs and did not need to. Wasn't always because they're hungry and had no viable options, other options for protein. Nearly a half century after World War II, historian, uh, Toshiyuki Tanaka revealed his findings in the first-ever Japanese investigation into cannibalism during the war. And Tanaka found a lot born after his home country's defeat, Tanaka wanted to educate young Japanese people who are not told anything about this war crime.
Starting point is 00:40:56 He said in 1992, Tanaka publicly announced that he uncovered more than a hundred thoroughly documented cases of cannibalism, committed by Japanese troops and Papua New Guinea. All right. These documents clearly show that this cannibalism, committed by Japanese troops in Papua New Guinea. These documents clearly show that this cannibalism was done by a whole group of Japanese soldiers, and in some cases they were not starving to not consent. The wide variety of cases include these soldiers eating the flesh of Australian soldiers, Asian laborers, Indigenous people in Papua New Guinea. In some instances, these soldiers supply lines were indeed cut off, and they were genuinely hungry. But in other cases, officers ordered troops to eat human flesh to give them a feeling
Starting point is 00:41:29 of victory. According to the testimony of a surviving Pakistani corporal who was captured in Singapore and housed as a prisoner of war in Papua New Guinea, Japanese soldiers on the island killed an aide about a prisoner a day for about a hundred days. One Indian prisoner of the war said that the Japanese started selecting prisoners and every day one prisoner was taken out and killed and eaten by the soldiers. I personally saw this happen. And about a hundred prisoners were eaten at this place by the Japanese.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Fuck! The remainder of us were taken to another spot, 50 miles away where ten prisoners died of sickness. At this place, the Japanese again started selecting prisoners to eat. Those selected were taken to a hut where their flesh was cut from their bodies while they were still alive and they were thrown into a ditch where they died later. What the fuck? Why am I still alive?
Starting point is 00:42:12 That is some seriously savage shit. And it wasn't just prisoners of war who bore witness, one Australian army corporal, recalled how he discovered several mutilated bodies of his own comrades when patrolling an area of battle. One of the bodies had only the hands and feet left untouched. Another Australian lieutenant described finding dismembered remains of bodies as such. In all cases, the condition of the remains were such that there can be no doubt that the bodies had been dismembered and portions of flesh cooked. Rikimi Yamamoto, a Japanese soldier, part of a group fighting in the Philippines, the Suzuki unit,
Starting point is 00:42:45 later testified in court after being charged with war crimes. We frequently ate human meat as our dinner. Bulled it with vegetables and ate it. The meat was brought into camp by patrols who had cut it up and dressed it. Sometimes, and this is not the popping again, this is like in a different area. Sometimes the meat was dried and sun-cured. Since there was no other meat available, we had to eat human flesh for this reason. Filipinos were captured and butchered.
Starting point is 00:43:08 I was so hungry I ate it, although I would have preferred pork. Jesus. These Filipinos you talk about, you're not soldiers, just random villagers. These Japanese soldiers were literally hunting to eat. A future US president almost got eaten in World War II. September 2, 1944, an American plane carrying nine US airmen, crash landed above the Japanese Bonn and Islands. After. September 2nd, 1944, an American plane carrying nine US airmen,
Starting point is 00:43:25 crash landed above the Japanese Bonn and Islands. After being shot down by enemy soldiers, while all the soldiers attempted to escape, you know, almost all were captured by the Japanese. One succeeded in escaping a young man named George H.W. Bush. Did you know that the first Bush president was war hero? Dude flew 58 combat missions during the war. That was a badass.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Then a US Navy lieutenant, the future president, evacuated to doomed aircraft and just the right moment was promptly rescued by an American submarine. His peers not so lucky. Captured by the Japanese soldiers, these crew members were tortured, stabbed and beheaded, and some were cannibalized.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Yep, some of President Bush's friends were fucking eaten in World War II. It's shit that they don't teach you in history classes, too taboo. In this case, a soldier to eight human flesh definitely weren't starving. Instead, they turned to cannibalism on the orders of Japanese lieutenant general Yoshio Tachibana, who had four men butchered for their livers and thighs. As Admiral Kinno's, ah shit, Kinizou, Kinizou Moras later testimony would reveal a chef had the liver pierced with bamboo sticks
Starting point is 00:44:28 and cooked with soy sauce and vegetables. The dish was apparently treated as if it were some kind of delicacy. According to Mori, it was believed to be good for the stomach. According to Japanese folklore, the liver of the organ of the body were courage and power dwells. So perhaps these soldiers believed
Starting point is 00:44:42 that consuming the liver of a human would give them the courage and power the person had while alive. After the war at least one soldier implied that was the case when question has trial and guam for his conduct major, Motoba responded that he ate the human liver to gain the strength of a tiger. Even more recently, Ugandan leader, Edie Amin, who's regime last of 1971 to 1979. A man we talked about just a few months ago, in episode 315, just over a month ago, the movement for the restoration of the Ten Commandments of God cult, he was accused of cannibalizing his opponents and he responded with a non-denial saying, I don't like human flesh, it's too salty for me.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Sounds like aided. Even today, some women eat their placentas, the organ that attaches the fetus to the uterine wall after they give birth, citing some health benefits. According to some, a mutant placenta has a consistency of, again, veal, but doesn't quite taste like beef. So much fucking veal talk with us meats. So, apparently, we're a tender ass species. Some mothers get their doula or a professional placenta prepare to dry and then encapsulate
Starting point is 00:45:41 their placenta, make it into a broth or cook and serve it post childbirth. Yikes! Recently, some celebrities have gotten in on this trend, women like Hillary Duff, Courtney Kardashian, January Jones. Others have said that they have eaten their placenta for health benefits. It kind of grosses me out, and by kind of, I mean, it makes me want to fucking throw up if I think too much about it. But I guess the placenta, uh, different than say eating some tit meat, ripper crew style, uh, and nature, many mammals actually do eat their own placenta for nutrition. But humans don't need to do that because we're able to rebuild our bodies after pregnancy through vitamins and regular, uh, food.
Starting point is 00:46:19 So probably don't need to, to lap up that placenta broth. Probably going to be fine without enduring that fucking horror. Might not want to look to Courtney Kardashian or Hillary Duff for nutritional life hacks. A placenta sigh, why does anyone ever want to eat human flesh today? Well, if you're starving, an average human body contains more than 125,000 calories. That's a feast. What if you're not starving? What if culturally you don't think that consuming the flesh of your enemy will give you tiger strength? What if you're not trying? What if culturally you don't think that consuming the flesh of your enemy will give you tiger strength? What if you're not trying to absorb the power of your fallen enemies, right? That can be only one highland According to professor Gerard Labouchein a South African clinical psychologist people who eat human flesh in his experience usually have mental health problems
Starting point is 00:47:00 Well, no fucking shit He and Dr. Obvious should open up a private practice together. They can market it as a schedule appointment with Dr. Obvious and Professor No Shit today, so you can tell your friends, hey, I was right. My doctor didn't tell me anything. I didn't already know. A lot of Shane says that people accused of eating
Starting point is 00:47:16 human flesh usually are eating it because, you know, they're having a psychotic episode, which could include hallucinations where the perpetrator hears voices or sees images. He said, in my experience, it usually has nothing to do with rituals as is often believed. So other than the vague characterization of their fucking crazy, no one really knows why anyone lived in the modern world. That is to say anyone with no cultural reason to take part in cannibalism would want to
Starting point is 00:47:39 do this. Despite being labeled as crazy, cannibalism is not listed as a mental illness in the DSM, the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals across US. That doesn't help us much. Some psychologists have speculated that it may relate to childhood trauma, relating to separation anxiety for the month or resulting in oral aggression, but that is total speculation. Sometimes criminals who commit to accident cannibalism are found to suffer from schizophrenia, so again, you know, mental illness, perhaps the most terrific version of what drives some to cannibalism is the one that gil valley fantasized about. The one I have to imagine he still fantasizes about the kind where people derive sexual satisfaction
Starting point is 00:48:17 from consuming humans or thinking about consuming humans. No one has any fucking idea where that fantasy comes from. Comes from you have many have speculated. No one has any fucking idea where that fantasy comes from. It comes from, yeah, many have speculated. No one actually knows. It varies from person to person. When they reveal why they have done what they have done or thought about what they thought about during the trial of one German cannibal that will cover in a second, a guy named Armin Mews, or I think it's either pronunciation here in a second. Mivus, there we go.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Armin Mivus, he revealed his motivation, saying, that he'd always dreamt of having a younger brother, quote, someone to be a part of me, his only child, had became fascinated with cannibalism as a way to fulfill that obsession, but then also later admitted it was sexual too. So, okay, that falls under insane. Importantly, he's not alone.
Starting point is 00:49:04 He was not alone. He was looking to find someone to eat. He had contact with over 400 men on the internet who are also interested in cannibalism, all with different reasons. I imagine for beginning to fantasize about it. I shared a summary of Mivas's story in the Yahuim Krolsuk and it's worth sharing today to provide context to Gil Valley just like you provided context for Krols actions. And it was over 100 episodes back so I imagine the details have been forgotten by most of us. According to a Esei Sagawa, the Japanese cannibal we met earlier, his obsession with cannibalism came in part. As I briefly mentioned earlier from his own physical weakness.
Starting point is 00:49:34 He would say device. I was physically weak. From the moment I was born, my legs were so skinny, they look like pencils. It was in the first grade of elementary school. When I saw the quivering meat on a male classmate's thighs and I suddenly thought, mm, that looks delicious. But I'm not homosexual. So from around the time Andrew Jr. high,
Starting point is 00:49:51 I became obsessed with the Western actress Grace Kelly. Not really a meaty actress. An obsession to last at right through high school. That was the beginning of my infatuation with occidental people. Before I knew it, tall, healthy looking Western women became the trigger for my cannibalistic fantasies. I guess my infatuation was such women stem from the fact that I was short, ugly, and had
Starting point is 00:50:09 an inferiority complex, and therefore sought people who are the exact opposite of myself. It was like a sympathy ployal, but there. Eventually I began feeling a strong desire to bite into them, not to kill them or eat them per se, but merely to nod on their flesh. Oh, that's all. It was purely a form of sexual desire. I wasn't like I felt, it wasn't like I felt like eating someone every time I was hungry. But you know how you tend to feel a stronger sexual desire when you've eaten a full meal?
Starting point is 00:50:34 That's when I would start feeling the urge to eat a girl. Is that true for anyone listening? Do you feel extra horny after eating a big meal? I do not. I don't know anyone who feels that way. He just tossed that out as if it's a commonly accepted fact. I don't think so. When I've just stuffed myself with Thanksgiving dinner,
Starting point is 00:50:50 I don't think I've ever thought. Man, I'm horny right now. Everything's kidding. I barely cram in that second helping a mashed potatoes and gravy and cranberry sauce and then shoved down a piece of pumpkin pie and then I wanna go get to fucking. How about you ladies? Do you feel the most sexy when you're just eating so much of one meal that at any sudden moment, right, or any sudden, with any sudden movement, you know, you can just like
Starting point is 00:51:13 let it fart out, head out it. He continues. It's absurd, right? In essence, it's different from the type of hunger that people experience for food. This cannibalistic urge where I'm going, I want to eat human meat is sort of sexual appetite So if I don't make sure that I ejaculate frequently enough the desire only gets stronger and stronger I'm afraid to think about how much that weirdo beats off to keep his demons at bay So God would specify that he didn't want to kill the girl in his fantasy. He just wanted to eat her Uh-huh That's two separate things and apparently those fantasies persisted this day. He'd say well
Starting point is 00:51:44 Apparently this fantasy persists to the point of this interview. Again, I don't know since he's gotten brain damage since it's interview, but he'd say in the interview, I still have this sexual appetite of wanting to eat a beautiful woman's body. For example, if a normal man fancied a girl, he'd naturally feel a desire to see her as often as possible to be close to her, to smell her and kiss her, right? To me, eating is just an extension of that. Obviously, the general public doesn't understand, but the thing is, sure, I want to eat the girl, but I don't necessarily want to kill her in the process. What a fucking insane headspace to live in.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Yikes. Too bad he couldn't have just, you know, made deal with like fingernails, you know, menstrual blood. Then he could kind of eat the woman of his desires in a way that might, you know, grow to the fuck out, but wouldn't harm her. Many of the news stories we see today by cannibalism result from the psychotic episodes brought on by drugs. That was what happened in the case of the infamous Miami face eating incident
Starting point is 00:52:34 of 2012 when Rudy Eugene ingested basalts and then started biting off Ronald Poppels face. Similarly March 21, 2010. Geraud Wyatt of Crescent City, California killed his friend and MMA sparring partner, Taylor Powell, after they both drank some mushroom tea. Powell was found without most of his face and a large incision in his chest. Wyatt told the rest of the officers he had cut out Powell's heart and burned it because he thought Powell was possessed by the devil. That trip sounds like a fucking nightmare. I thought I'd gone hard on mushrooms in the past.
Starting point is 00:53:04 I've never considered eating anyone's face. Wyatt Powell, the third acquaintance, and Wyatt's ex-girlfriend, all drank mushroom tea. Wyatt had been in a good mood before ingesting it, but then the men's behavior changed almost immediately. Somebody fucking spiked that tea. I feel like these fuckers had more than just shrooms in that tea. Wyatt began complaining that his eyes were burning. That's not a thing from shrooms net T. Why it began complaining that his eyes were burning? That's, that's not a thing from shrooms. Try to prevent the third man from leaving, even jumping on top
Starting point is 00:53:28 as cars, he drove away. Did they, did they maybe think they made mushroom tea, but made it with meth instead meth? This sounds, this sounds a lot like meth when Wyatt told police he didn't want the man to leave because he was convinced a tidal wave was coming. How it held him down on the kitchen floor, saying none of them could be saved from the wave and that the world was going to come to an end. At one point while Wyatt yelled at Powell to get his guitar, the fuck? Powell responded angrily when asked to get his guitar saying, you want to fucking die over and over and over.
Starting point is 00:53:58 They maybe mixed angel dust and meth into the tea and then chased the tea with bath salts and fucking crack. The ex-girlfriend testified that Wyatt and pal started now to wrestle on the kitchen floor and then they started talking about surfing what the hell and then she said the later she saw a pal standing uh over why it spitting on him and then she heard sounds that she thought were sexual in nature what's happening here somehow things escalated a lot from that point and why it removed Powell's heart when he was still alive according to a coroner's report.
Starting point is 00:54:29 How is that possible? It's like some Indiana Jones temple adooms shit. Then he cooked his body parts in the stove because he was fearful to Powell was still alive. And he needed to quote stop the devil. It's schizophrenia maybe did their death and bath salt flavored PCP mushroom tea bring out underline schizophrenia when police arrived they found why it standing over pile naked and covered in his blood saying I killed him and then asking them if God was coming to save him. But that was not funny but that's just so outrageous. I still plan on experimenting quite a bit more with psychedelics after this by the way.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Just gonna have to not read anything about cannibalism before future trips. I hope I can forget this story and quickly. So drug use can lead you to some horrific acts of cannibalism. That's great. But what if you have the opportunity to eat some human flesh in a nice way, in an ethical way? Whatever that is, should you do it? Is it okay just to eat a little bit?
Starting point is 00:55:20 Just put the tip in, see how it feels? Probably not. In addition to health concern, I've already talked about, it's also illegal to varying degrees in the US. There are no laws against cannibalism per se, but most, if not, all states have enacted laws that indirectly make it impossible
Starting point is 00:55:33 to legally obtain and consume body parts. Further, even if someone consents to be eaten and kills themselves, the cannibal may still be liable for criminal or civil actions based on laws governing the abuse or desecration of a corpse, which vary from state to state. Most criminals who commit acts of cannibalism charged with murder, desecration of a corpse or necrophilia or some combination.
Starting point is 00:55:53 This is even true in the case of an emergency, like being stranded on an island or at least has been in the past. In British common law, the system of laws that the U.S. is laws are based on necessity, not a defense for murder. That was established a long time ago in the case of Regina versus Dudley and Stevens, an English criminal case brought before the courts way back in 1884. Four men including Dudley and Stevens had been marooned on a raft after their ship was destroyed in the storm.
Starting point is 00:56:15 They had no fresh water, very little food, and desperation, one of the men drank sea water to slake his thirst, not a good idea. Maybe he's sick with dehydration and eventually he lost consciousness. Dudley then killed him and then the three survivors drank his blood, ate his meat for the next week before being rescued. Despite their very dire circumstances, despite evidence that the victim was near death anyway by the time Dudley killed him, despite the fact that the defendants may have died, had they not eaten him, they were still found guilty and sentenced to death.
Starting point is 00:56:42 But their sentences were later commuted to just six months in prison, so maybe sometimes it's a good idea to eat people. More recently and importantly, not out of necessity in 2001. Now we're circling back to that armen, Mivus. 39-year-old German man talked about earlier, found someone through a cannibalism fetish website to consent to being killed and eaten. This is a story I told during the Crowle episode episode and it's just as unbelievable and shocking to me the second time around. This is one of the most fucked up stories I've
Starting point is 00:57:08 ever read about. The website Mivas was poking around on was the now defunct cannibal cafe, whose disclaimer mentioned the distinction between reality and fantasy. Mivas's post a that he was looking for a well-built 18 to 30 year old to be slaughtered and then consumed. And someone actually responded, numerous people responded this, right? Several people responded like, oh, fuck yeah, bro, I'm your guy. Well, you didn't find an 18 to 30 year old,
Starting point is 00:57:31 this future victim was 43, but he looked young. 43 year old burned brandus, known for obsession with fantasies of self-medilation in the homosexual prostitution scene of his home city. Brandus originally was employed, excuse me, by Seaman's AG in a managerial capacity and tell his death. A manager by day, a guy who wanted to be sliced up and eaten at night. Brandon's replied to Mivis's post and they arranged to meet so Mivis could kill and eat Brandon's
Starting point is 00:57:58 just a slightly atypical first date. According to a videotape, the two made when they met in March of 2001 in Mivis' home, Mivis amputated, oh boy, Mivis, every time it's still shocking. Amputated Brandon's his penis, and then Mivis and Brandon's together ate this dick. What the fuck? And then Brandon's was killed. Tragic or beautiful? I mean, Brandis did die doing what he loved, eating his own dick. He actually did wanna do that. I wanna say that he was complete out of his mind, but this fucker worked at a good company,
Starting point is 00:58:33 made good money, lived his stable life, you know? You know what he was doing? Likely was not, you know, insane in the classic sense. His baddest of sounds already, it was worse. Brandis insisted that Mivis was to bite his penis off. That was the deal they made. And that was the deal like he wanted that detail. He wanted this guy to bite his dick off, but Mivis was not able to do that.
Starting point is 00:58:54 It was harder than he thought to chew off his guy's dick. So then he used a knife. The first one turned out to be too blunt, and then he finally got a sharper knife to cut it off. Brandon is still alive and conscious after all that. And hungry apparently he had taken 20 sleeping pills on top of painkillers and alcohol to be able to handle all this. Normally I'm guessing 20 sleeping pills would put you in a coma.
Starting point is 00:59:16 But you know, when you have somebody try and nail your dick off, probably snap shot of that coma pretty quick. Brandon's apparently tried to eat his share of his own penis rare. God, the story. Instead it was too tough. And as he put it chewy. So Mivis then sauteed this motherfucker's cock in a pan with some salt pepper and garlic.
Starting point is 00:59:38 What were they talking about as he was cooking? Do you want some more vine beans? So that's the one that's able to enjoy your portion of your dick, Ross, and you'll hope it'll cook up real nice and you'll you'll love it. I use my mother's favorite saver dick recipe. It's too die for no pun intended. I cannot believe I said that. So do you want to watch a Corbion to the asm? But with Larry David think of all this. Like if Larry David to Larry David to scope in your dick.
Starting point is 01:00:06 And you didn't enjoy the way he prepared it, but he completely forget about you dying, because you get so mad that you're not appreciating how he's trying his best when he tells manager Jeff Garland about it next day. He's glossed over a vitally inappropriate, all this is, and just focus on how rude you're being, not to enjoy what he tried to feed you dick, you know, especially because he tasted
Starting point is 01:00:27 He think is excellent Yeah, when are you there? I said I'm being so silly you over there passing out from blood loss. I don't have any dick cut off It's trying to eat it. I blabber way about carbon enthusiasm. It's ironically very labor-David way to behave. I have no idea what that accent was. I wasn't planning that. According to journalists who saw the horrific video of all this, the video was never made public, thank God. Or Mike Dark Curiosti would have absolutely led to me watching it. Brandis may have ended up two weeks in from blood loss to eat his full share of the penis. Mive is apparently gay brand is large quantities of alcohol.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Yeah, painkillers, so we can handle all this, leaving pills. Then after their lovely dinner, he killed him in a room. He'd created specifically for that purpose in his house, as was Brandis' wish. Then he continued to eat the body over the next 20 months, storing parts of it in a secret compartment of his deep freeze. Mives will be arrested in December of 2002, if you're apparently posting new advertisements, trying to get a new victim on the internet. Investigators searched his home, found body parts and videotape and the videotape killing the video was apparently so disturbing That many of the jurors who later sought had to seek psychological counseling
Starting point is 01:01:31 That's a deal with a memory of what they witnessed. Fuck Maybe I wouldn't watch it if I had the chance. At least not I'll I probably would My best was later convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to eight and a half years in prison The case attracted considerable media attention led to a debate over whether Mivas could be convicted at all, given the brand is, you know, voluntarily wanted to say, like, like, ask for this to happen, knowingly participate in this act willingly. This kind of debate would continue with the, uh, gill valley case, although in a more theoretical form. I'll back to wrapping up Mivas now though, in April of 2005, a German court ordered a retrial after prosecutors appealed a sentence they believed he should have been convicted of murder, not manslaughter, and given a life
Starting point is 01:02:06 sentence. The court wanted to know if Brandon's was actually even capable of giving consent to be murdered, taken into account his mental health history, as well as his drug and alcohol habit. And they didn't say the article was what that history was. Maybe it wasn't as stable as I once suspected. Other aspects of the retrial determined whether Mivis killed to satiate his own desires and in particular sexual desires, and not because he was retrial determined whether mivis killed to satiate his own desires in particular sexual uh... in particular sexual desires and not because he was asked to which mivis repeatedly rejected during testimony
Starting point is 01:02:31 at the retrial the psychologist stated that mivis could reoffend and still had fantasies about devouring the flesh of young people and that was enough to persuade the german court to resent and so on may nine two thousand six and a court in frankfort in Frankfurt. Mivas convicted a murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. He told Brandis and Chats online that he wanted to eat more than just Brandis and said he wanted to kidnap when he'd someone else. And that likely affected the court's decision very much. Also over 20 months, you know, 844 pounds, the guys flesh clearly, they'll have to taste for it, likely wanted more, said he wanted more.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Here's what he would say about the taste for his first true meal after Brandon was dead and he butchered him. He said, I decorated the table with nice candles. I took out my best dinner service, fried a piece of rum steak, a piece from his back, made what I call princess potatoes and sprouts. After I prepared my meal, I ate it to all the court that the meal tasted like pork but stronger, more substantial. Prosecutors also said that his primary motivation
Starting point is 01:03:28 wasn't nourishment, but sexual gratification. All this turned him on immensely. Sexual details about the case are rare, but for both Armin, Mivus, and Burnd, Brandis, this was all erotic. Something they'd been sexually fantasizing about for years. Man, one man fantasizing about killing and eating another man. The other man fantasizing about for years. Man, one man fantasizing about killing and eating another man, the other man fantasizing about being eaten.
Starting point is 01:03:48 And you thought you were kinky. Interestingly, nothing written about the tumor and actually fucking, or engaging it in any type of traditional sexual activity. Okay, now that we looked into why we humans have eaten each other, for how long we've eaten each other, what may psychologically motivate us to wanna eat someone else,
Starting point is 01:04:05 including for sexual reasons, which we have no fucking idea why people are wired that way. Let's learn a lot more about Gill Valley story, the so-called Cannibal Cop. In this week's Time Suck Timeline, right after a word from one of my favorite sponsors, we haven't heard from in quite some time. But these times have brought you by once again, first time in a long time,
Starting point is 01:04:26 Croles Cafe and Malt Shop. Hello fellow Dino and Sector Calover, this is Yam Kroll, I want you to come to my Dino in Bratwood Schnitzel. They always have the finest chocolate mulls and the sexiest cow burgers, and the best menu-blue light specials. This week, we have the truest mystery me-togs in town. If it has a lot of pork, that's stronger, more substantial. Don't ask whether we got it and I won't scare you.
Starting point is 01:04:52 And bring the kiddies! All these kiddies allow me to cover their plates with copious amounts of semen brand fry sauce. But semen brand fry sauce is quite delicious. Out of reaching creamy recipe, he is made in house by myself every morning. So come come on out to close cafe. That's all is mostly beef. I promise And get ready for Carl's Cafe to open a location near you over a hundred new locations opening worldwide in 2023 for Carl's Cafe now a subsidiary of Bear Evil Incorporated oh my
Starting point is 01:05:23 of bear evil incorporated. Oh my. Soon, we'll own fucking everything. We'll own you, and there's nothing you can do to stop bear evil incorporated. You're addicted to consumption. We have the analytics. We know what you want, and we're gonna keep selling it to you. And then we're gonna use the profit you give us to fucking destroy And yeah, we are telling you our endgame. That's how fucking dominant we are. We call our shops. We never miss It's incredible what you can accomplish when you only care about money
Starting point is 01:05:58 You can open up a hundred new locations over a hundred of a restaurant that serves customers other customers. Jesus Christ, that was a scariest message from bear yet. That wasn't even a fucking commercial. That was just a direct threat. I thought they were only in it for the money. Not just murder. It seems like they mostly just want to kill us all. What's nice to hear from Kroles Cafe though.
Starting point is 01:06:24 I am happy they got a big round of new funding. If you're super confused and want to learn more about how we got hooked up with that final sponsor and stick with the cannibalism theme, just go back and listen to suck 197. And then maybe also sucks, 316 and 317 to learn about bear or just let it go. Let's get to that timeline now. After a break from our quote unquote real sponsors. Thanks for sticking around me, Zach. Now it is finally Cannibal Cop O'Clock.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Shrap on those boots, soldier. We're marching down a time suck timeline. of some time line. On April 14th, 1984, the man who would later come to be known as the Cannibal Cop, Gilberto Valley, born in Queens, New York. He displayed behavior that looking back did waive some pretty red flags early on in 1990 when he was in kindergarten. He was suspected for several days of biting a female classmate repeatedly over several weeks when her parents contacted the school and their daughter showed them some bite marks on her shoulder and give us question. He said
Starting point is 01:07:34 he was just trying to be funny. He was only five so his behavior was written off as him just being an odd kid, right? He grew out of it, but he wouldn't. Early 1993, when he was eight, his cousin through a fit when he put one of their Barbie dolls in his aunt's oven, set it to broil, and waited to eat him. His parents again thought he was just being a weird little kid, he's giving a spanky, instead of his room for the rest of the day, they all moved on, assumed this was a one-time incident, not exactly. Late 1997, when he was 13, his mom walked in on him masturbating, to a picture from a
Starting point is 01:08:02 medical anatomy textbook he checked out from the local library. And his dad caught him masturbating later that same from a medical anatomy textbook he checked out from local library. And his dad caught him masturbating later that same year, Gill had taken a raw steak from the fridge. The dad came home from work early and Gill who thought he had the place himself was standing above a picture of a female classmate and essentially he was fucking that steak. As punishment his dad made him eat it that night for dinner. That hope that making him eat the steak he just held his hand and fucked would cure him of you know ever engaging again and strange sexual acts like that, but it didn't.
Starting point is 01:08:26 And backfire, Gil was overjoyed that night at dinner. Even when his dad told him he didn't have to finish, when his dad was having trouble finishing his meal, he's getting nauseous, Gil still cleaned his plate, then ran off to his bedroom with an obvious boner. Three years later, late 2000, when he was 16, female cousin was killed in the car accident, had an open casket funeral that night after the funeral, Gil went missing. Same night the more Titian walked in on him snacking on a finger he'd removed from his cousin while he was eating it beaten off.
Starting point is 01:08:54 More Titian called his parents instead of the police, probably should call the police. Now his parents very worried and they'd soon would worry quite a bit more during the summer 2001, we deal with 17 his parents hearing strange noises at night, smelling a strange odor went up to the attic where Gil had hidden a Coleman propane camping grill, caught him starting to cook a local homeless woman, who he was masturbating on, while he was trying to bite off one of her toes.
Starting point is 01:09:14 That'd go into the police. They gave her a hundred bucks, made Gil pinky swear, not to do creepy shit like that anymore, but then two nights later, his dad woke up to Gil, biting into his mom's calf while masturbating. Does anyone still believe what I'm saying about his childhood? None of that was true.
Starting point is 01:09:29 We don't have a lot of info about his childhood. He hasn't given us a lot, but I feel like that stuff at least happened in his mind, similar things. Probably got a bit carried away with the fake cannibal development there. But the internet says that he had a sibling, a brother named Daniel, Gil references having a younger brother as memoir, doesn't name him that I can find guest in his Daniel, really don't know anything about him other than he was around. In this memoir that Gil published in February of 2017,
Starting point is 01:09:56 the only really place you can find details about his childhood, Rod Deal, the untold story of NYPD's Cannibal Cop, and yes, that's really the title. Gil shares insights into how he started heading down the path to becoming's Cannibal Cop. And yes, that's really the title. Gilles shares insights into how he started heading down the path to becoming the Cannibal Cop. He wrote, I grew up in a quiet safe neighborhood in Queens, New York, where for the most part, nothing ever happened.
Starting point is 01:10:14 In my childhood, there were a lot of trips to theme parks. I had plenty of friends. I was popular in school. I got good grades. I played a whole lot of baseball. My parents didn't get along all that well, though. There were very rare instances I can think of where my parents were able to get along
Starting point is 01:10:26 like normal husband and wife. Most of the time they were fighting. The rule of thumb was that if they weren't arguing about something, they weren't talking at all. They separated 1989 when I was five years old. For much of my elementary school days, I was incredibly shy. My shyness extended to girls.
Starting point is 01:10:40 As a kid, I was really into baseball. We had one of those Dwight Gooden pitching machines in the apartment when I was three years old. Oh Dwight Gooden. My father would put a wiffle ball into the machine and it would fire a pitch at me. All my father was at work before he started school. My mother would take me to the park with the bat
Starting point is 01:10:54 and wiffle ball and pitch to me. I was hooked. It passed out flyers one day and second grade and encouraged us to sign up for forest hills, little league. I showed it to my father when I got home and he signed me right up. For the rest of my school career,
Starting point is 01:11:05 baseball was a big thing for me. I was a natural and was good right away, with success came pressure though. Not only was I hard on myself but my dad was hard on me. Just as I didn't want to disappoint him with academics, I didn't want to disappoint him on the field. Unfortunately, older and better,
Starting point is 01:11:17 I got the more pressure I felt. There were times I prayed the ball wouldn't be hit to me so I wouldn't have the chance to screw it up. You'll also add it as both his parents after their separation. We're heavily involved in his life. His dad took him to a lot of Yankees games. He loved it.
Starting point is 01:11:31 I don't know why he got him that. Why good in pitching machine because Yankees fan, his mom dooted on him. He wasn't abused, didn't suffer any head injuries. No one ever recommended he, you know, see a counselor for any serious issues, you know, very normal childhood. Very good childhood, actually. Nevertheless, he soon gets pretty kinky. When he was around 11, Gil mentioned getting sexual feelings for the first time. He wrote, I started getting turned on by
Starting point is 01:11:55 bondage and SNM stuff. I don't have a stunning revelation about why this happened. I didn't choose it. It was just there. I would see images or video clips on TV or in a movie of women being tied up and helpless and I would get turned on. It excited me. Someone's sexual orientation is what the professionals in the field call fixed. In other words, if you are gay, you don't simply choose to be gay. If you get turned on by feet, it isn't like you just woke up one day and decided that feet were your thing. And if you get hard, when you see a woman tied up on a platter, then there is not a whole lot you can do to change that. I've done a lot of reading about sexuality and parapherions over the past few years. A major misconception is that people of a fetish choose to be aroused by that, and that if
Starting point is 01:12:35 a person has an odd fetish, he or she must have some kind of moral problem. That's not how it works, and he is right. I watched 2015 documentary about all this on HBO and I've researched this kind of stuff before, but this documentary thought crimes, the case of the Cannibal Cop, several experts on it spoke at length about we still really don't know why certain things turn us on. They just do. There doesn't seem to have to be any trauma associated with certain extreme kings like a cannibalism fetish. It's not a choice. How strange, right? extreme kinks like a cannibalism fetish. It's not a choice. How strange, right? Why are we attracted to what we are attracted to? Like I love skirts combined with boots or skirts
Starting point is 01:13:11 combined with high heels. I love the pinup look. Right? It's my favorite kind of beddie page look. You know, I prefer long hair to short hair, not always. I love fishnet stockings. High heels, crotchets, panties, fishnet body suits, black lingerie, lots of straps, garter belt straps, waist harnesses. I also love a sexy woman in a man's t-shirt with nothing else on. Love seeing nipples pushing up against the shirt, love a wet t-shirt draped over a woman's body, right? Don't like pantyhose at all, huge turnoff. Do not like socks unless they're thigh high gym socks, another huge turnoff, love a woman's
Starting point is 01:13:44 bare feet, don't like them in socks. Don't care about bikinis. No matter how sexy the body is in them, don't like a pink lingerie. Generally, zero sexual interest in a man's body. Watching porn with two guys and one woman does nothing for me. Huge turn off. Why?
Starting point is 01:13:58 Why do I find women sexy Halloween costumes so sexy? What's going on there, Luciferina? Why do I like the girl next door look but not the typical porn star look at all? No clue. I've never really tried to analyze it. I just loves it my wife does it for me. Big time and also likes what I like. I don't understand all her fantasies. Neither does she, as far as like where do they come from? It's also odd. Sex is such a big part of our lives. And in some ways ways we know so little about sexuality.
Starting point is 01:14:25 When Gill says he just happens to be turned on by thoughts of women in bondage, slash cannibalism, fantasy scenarios, I do believe him. However, to use a music analogy, research does show that while you may not pick the genre you're into that you enjoy, you can end up liking new bands that initially were too extreme for you. Thanks to, for example, watching more and more extreme porn. Everyone's different. Same porn that did it for me when I was 16 still does it, right?
Starting point is 01:14:53 Thank you, Lucifina. My taste of not change over time. Why? I don't think it has anything to do with my choices or morality. I think in this regard, I just got lucky. I don't seem to have an addictive brain, right? I don't have a thrill seekers brain, which is also why I don't worry about a certain amount of drug use. I can drink every night for a month and then not drink at all the next month
Starting point is 01:15:11 and not care. Feel fine. I've never felt pulled towards gambling or felt a compulsion towards any risky behavior, really. Like I've committed risky behavior, but the risk part of it, that's not part of the fun for me. Doesn't do anything from not into adrenaline junky in that way. Other people are, and they seem to have been born that way. Some people who maybe are predisposed to more traditionally addicted behavior, right? Feel strong, compulsion to keep pushing the envelope, to feel the same euphoria, same adrenaline rush, same dopamine rush, right? Maybe they like to cliff dive, maybe the first time they dove a cliff that was 10 feet
Starting point is 01:15:43 high and really scared him. It was exciting. Then after doing that for a while, it became boring. Now they find a clip that's 20 feet high. That's exciting. But after a while, that becomes boring. So now they find a clip that, you know, it's 30 feet high. You get it. Now take that mind and put porn in front of it. Maybe initially they're turned on by basic light, bondage porn. But over time, that gets boring. Then they find new porn. That's more hardcore. the woman has bruises after being spanked. That provides a different rush. The same rush they felt for the more tame stuff earlier, but no longer do.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Then that gets boring. Then there's Newport where the woman's skin is broken and bleeding. She's choked unconscious instead of some light choking. Now it's a rush to fantasize about that. It gets more and more intense, the more and more you feed it, and you do choose to feed it or not. According to some recent studies on porn consumption, most porn consumers get bored with scenes once they've seen them through a psychological process called habituation.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Multiple viewings generally result in less response, not more thanks to desensitization, and desensitization, and this instance referring to a numbed pleasure response. The inability to achieve the same high that the consumer once did, right? The sensitization results from too much dopamine, so-called pleasure chemical. Your brain generates different amounts of it in response to different experiences, from kissing to looking at something beautiful,
Starting point is 01:16:55 to eat in a great meal. Doping your body's way of telling you, this is fucking awesome! We should do this more often! Hell's Fena! Certain activities like drug use and porn consumption, turn up your brain's dopamine production in some cases as high as it can go.
Starting point is 01:17:09 The more time you spend at that elevated level, the more your brain's dopamine receptors, the parts of the brain that respond to dopamine start to so to speak, plug their ears. Think of them to using algae provided in an article on fighttheneudrug.com, a great fucking website about how dangerous porn could be as little referees becoming more and more oblivious to complaining players and screaming fans. And a pair of interesting studies that were replicated with both men and women, college students were hooked up to instruments that measured their arousal and interest and were then shown the same pornographic scenes multiple times.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Right? Over and over again in a row. Arousal interests for both men and women, initially very high, then habituation quickly set in interest level. Arousal interests for both men and women, initially very high, then habituation, quickly set in, interest, level of arousal, waned dramatically. Then after many viewings, as the subject's boredom was reaching maximum levels, the researchers suddenly without warning, switched to a brand new pornographic film.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Right, bam, arousal interest level, immediately shot right back up to where they were before. This phenomenon is often referred to as the Coolidge effect. Pretty sure we've talked about this a few times in the past. The Coolidge effect has been demonstrated time and time again in all sorts of research settings. Put up male and a female of just about any type of animal together, they will mate and mate,
Starting point is 01:18:15 and then get bored with each other. But replace one of them with a new partner and even if they're exhausted from mating with the previous one, they will attempt to mate again. We are often driven towards sexual novelty. Researchers have surmised that this is because we are driven by a deep biological need to reproduce as often as possible. What this means is that, you know, the porn consumer wants not just more porn but new
Starting point is 01:18:37 porn. That can be new people to look at, new imaginary partners to imagine having sex with, new situations, but also sometimes, and I think this is definitely obviously the case with Gil. People are compelled to find more extreme situations, right? And this luck would have it. The internet has the most extreme situations. You can imagine if you look hard enough for them. Poor consumers can end up being drawn over time to porn that's more secret, more shocking,
Starting point is 01:18:58 more taboo, more shameful. In 2016, study researchers found that 46.9% of respondents reported that over time, they began watching pornography that had previously disinterested or even disgusted them within that 46.9%. Some people going to be more turned on than others by sexual imagery that once disgusted them. Some will seek out more extreme porn. They'll go further down the rabbit hole, just like some people with drugs, maybe tap out with weed or molly, others end up shooting up heroin, doing speed
Starting point is 01:19:28 balls. I think based on the things that Gillis said in interviews about starting off with bondage, but then later spending a lot of time online, looking at porn, so much time, finding more and more hardcore porn that eventually cannibalism porn, this is what happened to him. He's one of the people who end up pushing further and further into what is the most taboo. And also with him, and I'll talk about this more going forward, he just spent so much time, so much time looking at porn and no time having real world sexual experiences. And I think that combo in particular, not sure if it's been studied. I am talking on my ass here a little bit, but basically other things I've looked at,
Starting point is 01:20:02 and just my gut, I think that's the most dangerous combination. When you're not having a real life partner, reminding you of what sex is like in the real world, and you're just constantly looking at fantasies over and over, actors who they don't even necessarily do this in real life, and that becomes what you're into, and you just keep taking it further and further and further. Terrible combination. Back to Gilnell, right in real life. And that becomes what you're into, you know, and you just keep taking it further and further and further, terrible combination.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Back to Gilnell, right in his memoir. There were three girls I was seriously attracted to and junior high. When I masturbated and thought about them, I would imagine them tied up. They would never be naked, just wearing a school uniform or maybe a bathing suit. They might struggle a bit.
Starting point is 01:20:40 They might be quiet and lie there, but they were always tied up. Then I discovered America online, almost immediately. I got into the internet, and all it had to offer. It was love at first sight. I started to get into the whole chat and instant message thing, and went on occasion chat with random strangers in public chat rooms. I soon realized that I could say whatever I wanted,
Starting point is 01:20:56 and be whoever I wanted. I would get in chat rooms and talk to girls when I could. Like most kids my age, my discovery of the internet led to my first experiences with porn. I don't remember the first porn I looked at, but just like what was going on with my head, I was mostly interested in pictures of women in bondage. I would get way more excited seeing a hot woman tied up with a gagging amount. Even if she had clothes on, then looking at the same hot woman naked and unrestrained.
Starting point is 01:21:19 For a kid the sites I found seemed kind of wild, but looking back on these sites were really vanilla bondage sites, and so were the pictures I looked at. They weren't violent or particularly sadistic. Just women naked and tied up, hog tied, tied down to a bed, things of that nature. If I saw a picture I liked, I would think about a girl I knew and I would imagine her on that situation. Everyone remembers the first person they fell in love with. For me, it was in late autumn of the year 2000 when I was 16.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Her name was Melanie and boy did I fall hard. She told me early on that she wasn't interested in a boyfriend. She also told me she was interested in hanging out. That began the beginning of my confusion around her. I wanted to kiss her but it didn't happen. In fact, it never did. Melanie would have my heart for much of the next nine years, but not one time did we ever kiss. Oh, this motherfucker was so delusional. I did however fantasize about her countless times over the years and kissing didn't have a whole lot to do with what I was thinking about. I would think about her being helpless, tied up and gagged. As time went on, I began to look at more violent pornography.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Things got worse from Ellen E. and my fantasies. You never talk about being mad at her in real life, but I've rather rejected, but I maybe she's not ready to deal with it. I strongly believe that's what was going on here. In my mind, she was an often, often, and all sorts of peril, including being abducted by others to be cooked and eaten, she became my favorite girl to beat off to. Her resisting made her more attractive.
Starting point is 01:22:36 And so it begins, right? Gail not developing real life sexual experiences, while also conditioning himself to come to extreme sexual fantasies, he's feeling through fetish porn, and he's choosing to fantasize about a girl who is consistently romantically rejecting him. And I would imagine developing some real misogynistic thoughts, some real anger towards women with all this.
Starting point is 01:22:55 I think this combination really fucked him up. 2002 Gilgur graduates from Archbishop Maloy High School, a Catholic, Co-ed, Preps School, and Queens. Archbishop Malay's academic program, very competitive. His name is one of 96 most outstanding American high schools by US World News report, 1999, as well as an exemplary school
Starting point is 01:23:13 by the US Department of Education. A lot of famous people that come out of here, Ray Romano, everybody loves Ray and he graduated from that school, 1975. A lot of current former NBA players went to school there. Fellow comic and podcaster, Chris, just a, uh, de Stefan, oh my god, Chris de Stefanow. Jesus Christ, graduated the same year as Gil.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Chris and our buddies, I would have hit him up. Guessing he at least knows of him. Gil was a good student at a great school when he talks, when he writes, he can tell he's a smart guy. Back in 2002, he's a smart guy with a porn habit. He was hiding even from friends who openly talked about their porn consumption. Before leaving high school, he'd already developed what seemed to be a bit of a porn addiction that he was ashamed of. He had a secret he
Starting point is 01:23:51 didn't want to talk about, didn't seek counseling. He was already craving darker and darker porn featuring images of women who appeared to be in more and more pain. After high school, he went to the University of Maryland in college park, north of DC 2006, Gill will graduate from the University of Maryland with a double major psychology and criminal justice. Janelle Corlis graduated with Valley from the University of Maryland that same year the tour in some same classes. Corlis later told reporters she remembered Valley sometimes making misogynistic jokes, uh-huh, and playing up the stereotype about the angry New Yorker. He was, he was a fucking angry insult.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Uh, she said he came off kind of hostile, but in a joking way, and maybe not joking. Uh, Gil said that he became overwhelmed with how many attractive women were on campus. Uh-huh. So many over so many attractive women and none of them wanted to fuck him and he's mad. He fantasized about gagging and hog tying them, having violent sex with them. Uh, I find it interesting that by the end of college, he still has not had sex ever or even did anything more than just like light kissing. Never had an actual girlfriend, just a few drunken kiss sessions, his sexual fantasies, that he still tells no one about. They're still not being tempered by reality ever. Ye very dysfunctional sexual life. While studying at the University of Maryland, he first discovered fetish porn devoted to cannibalism,
Starting point is 01:25:07 a site called Mookie's Kitchen. A site is still active, pretty even though it compared to what Gail will later fantasize about. I was able to look into it, a woman tied up, but not being abused with maybe like a butt plug in, apple in her mouth, no dude around, just her in the picture, oil all over her body,
Starting point is 01:25:24 like she's a basted turkey, laying inside a big prop oven, it's honestly kind of laughable to me. I mean, whatever, if you're into whatever, does nothing for me, kind of cartoonish. Doesn't seem abusive at least, that should look scared. Gill quickly gravitates into more hard, you know, finds more hardcore shit. The website used to have a related link section. And one of the links was for a site called Dolset Girls Forum. It was a message board where users would share pictures and write fictional fetish stories. Gil said that some of these pics and stories were gory and involve fantasies of kidnapping,
Starting point is 01:25:59 cooking, non-concentral victims. One user's catchphrase was, it's as easy as ABC, abduction, bondage, cannibalism. He, now he's jerking off the thoughts of cooking up his classmates on a regular basis. He said he would fantasize about girls he found attractive, getting kidnapped, getting tied up, told they were going to be cooked and eaten. And these fantasies, he's not the one doing all this to them, not yet. Right after graduating, Gil gets a job at the New York City Police Department, great for a mind like his. A sign to the 26th precinct in Morningside Heights, Manhattan. Set on a hill above the Upper West Side, the neighborhood of Morningside Heights,
Starting point is 01:26:32 alternatively described as a part of Harlem, South of Harlem, West of Harlem. It's own neighborhood. So if I call it Harlem later, as many sources do, that's why. He'll score 99% on his NYPD entrance exam. Also moves in with his mom, moves back home, doesn't date, fucking scary. Continues to be an angry and sell when he's not working, not arresting bad guys. He's hanging out in his childhood room, jerk, and off to most accountable porn. Jerk, and off to imagine women he knows in real life, being kidnapped, raped, cooked, eaten. What a fucking life. This delusional motherfucker, not dating at all
Starting point is 01:27:05 for the first two years on the force, still holding on to a fantasy that Melanie, the friend he had in high school who made it clear she did not like him, who never kissed him, right? Does it want to be more than friends of them? Still holding on to some weird fantasy about things, maybe working out there, or at least kidnapping, raping, eating, killing her.
Starting point is 01:27:26 Ah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes it's a way I do feel sorry for this too. There's not being good with women and there's guilt valley. He was really bad at picking up on cues, really bad at dating. My God, before he, you know, spent time in prison and lost his job and the force and was labeled as the cannibal cop. I, you know, we imagine how hard dating is for him now.
Starting point is 01:27:46 They would stop with the fucking porn! Your fantasy, real life experience ratio, way out of whack, too much whacking. I don't know fucking. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, uh, 2009, Gill finally starts dating, kind of, at the age of 25. He's been steadily jerking out to Cannibal porn for five, six years now. Still hasn't had a girlfriend. Still a virgin.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Uh, Gill starts dating, uh, by creating an e-harmony account, goes out with five or six years now. Still hasn't had a girlfriend, still a virgin. Gill starts dating by creating an e-harmony account, goes out with five or six women, hits it off with none of them. They don't like him. Doesn't sound like he kissed any of them. Not trying to keep picking on him for the shit, by the way, but it just provides an important insight in his psychology, what's going on in his head? He is jerking off every night to cannibal porn.
Starting point is 01:28:20 A lot. We can't bring himself to try and kiss a woman in real life. That's not good. Very, very not good. Should have taken the money he was able to say by living a home with mom and started to work with a therapist. Also in 2009, Gail starts visiting the dark fetish network, DFN. That site's still around. Dark fetish network or DFN, a social network with nearly 50,000 purported users. Members use aliases, share photos, tell stories to one another as a sort of group fantasy exercise.
Starting point is 01:28:46 The homepage displays a disclaimer stating that everything discussed on DFN is not real. This place is about fantasies only, so play safe. But of course, you an anonymity of the members makes it impossible to know the true intentions of any given person on this site. Gil signs on initially as girl meet hunter. Winds prays from some other members
Starting point is 01:29:03 after contributing to the group chats. So chats starts I am in directly with some members exchanging emails for offline volleys. In particular over email, Gilbo later connect in 2011 with three men who will become known as his co-conspirators, a 22 year old car mechanic from Southern New Jersey named Michael Van Ayes, a British man, Valley knew as Moody Blues, whom the FBI identified as Dale Ballinger. Oh man, well, this guy is such a piece of shit. Someone who used the username Ali Khan, apparently logging in from Pakistan, not known much, or they don't know much about his true identity. Gill starts uploading pics of women he knows, pics he gets from Facebook.
Starting point is 01:29:38 He's writing kidnapping, bondage rape, cannibalism, fantasies about them, not naming them, not yet. Still living at home, sets up another online dating profile and okay, Cupid now and meets his future wife, Kathleen Mangon. And for a few messages, they go out and date, October 10th. Dinner to place called Bistro 1018. It's still there. Gill orders the scared blonde co-ed,
Starting point is 01:29:58 gagged and bound, is stuck in an oven set to 425 degrees. Kathleen says, she'll just have a glass of water, doesn't want to have anything in her system. When she demands later, that evening, that Gill's satamizer with a glass of water, doesn't want to have anything in her system when she demands later that evening that Gill's sawtomizer with a turkey-based herb before giving her gravy animal and filling her pussy with homemade stuffing before grilling her
Starting point is 01:30:11 and fucking eating her. Or he has chicken and pasta. And she has lobster bisque and they share some creme brulee for dessert. Then they go to the movies, watch couples retreat with Vince Vaughn, then Kathleen gives Gill a passionate kiss and says good night and hot damn, he's excited. He is so turned on. He goes home and by me and by home, I mean his mom's house and he climbs into his childhood bed and he beats off to think
Starting point is 01:30:33 about Kathleen being chloroformed. Kidnapped by a pair of killers, strip naked, laid on a platter to be eaten with an apple in her fucking mouth, not kidding. That is literally what he said he did. I got to realize that may have sounded like more of my bullshit. Nope. They go in a few more dates. Have some makeup did. Oh my God, I realize that may have sounded like more of my bullshit. Nope. They go in a few more dates. Have some make out sessions. And then finally, this guy loses his virginity before he turns 26. And now he's all in.
Starting point is 01:30:54 At long last, he has found a warm living place other than his right palm to thrust his hard cannibal oven cocking out of. So he wants to marry Kathleen. Of course he does. He's the first woman who has shown him any sort of sexual attention. A woman who has no idea He's beaten off to think about her being roasted in oven, you know How could this possibly not end in happily ever after to Kathleen? Gil seems like a cheerful cop at a precinct in West Harlem a sweet boy a sweet mama's boy such good manners old-fashioned
Starting point is 01:31:21 Barely ever talks about bite or tits off the young elementary school teacher who had studied at Gonzaga University goes, ags, falls in love. I wonder if she lived in the same dorms I did. Interesting connection for me to the story. First, they moved to their apartment, first apartment together, one bedroom on 88th Street in third avenue. By that time, Gill has already began to upload pictures of Kathleen now to the dark fetish network. She of course has no idea. They get a pet, a bulldog named Dudley, because Kathleen loves the consack of bulldogs. They train Dudley together, take turns walking him. Kathleen will later remember these early years fondly. So then it was fun. We laughed together. It was nice. He opened doors, pulled out chairs,
Starting point is 01:31:57 things changed in January of 2011 when she got pregnant. He'll have a good run. He had a solid 12 to 13 months of sexual activity with one person before becoming a father to be. And she kept him later say that his sex drive began to wane before she got pregnant. Gil will complain later that their sex was to Vanilla. Well, yeah, you dumb fuck. Of course for him it's to Vanilla. She could have let him dip his balls in her ass
Starting point is 01:32:21 while she dressed up in a chicken suit, let him come all over her face after her best friend, sucked his dick, and he'd probably be like, I mean, yeah, I mean, that was, that was kinda hot, a little bit kinky, but he still won't even try letting me violently rape you and then put you in a really hot oven and cut you up and maybe eat a little bit of your stuff.
Starting point is 01:32:39 I mean, when you keep coming to fantasies that dark, they involve torture, rape, murder, cannibalism, how can real life sex ever compare? I hate how ridiculously delusional, just unrealistic, just fucking stupid some people choose to be. When he first heard the news of Kathleen getting pregnant, Valley said, I can't do this before salvaging the moment, calling her parents to assure them that he would do the right thing, but he never seemed to fully adjust, right? Because now it's real life.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Now it's not a fantasy. So he starts to drift away. Kathleen remembered that he didn't seem that interested in fatherhood. Sometimes seem downright miserable. Still in preparation for the baby, they moved to a bigger apartment at two bedroom and four stills. And late September 2011, Kathleen gives birth to their child, a little girl named Josephine. Gil, more active on DFN than ever.
Starting point is 01:33:26 His former brief real world sex life, now almost nonexistent. The baby now the priority, Catholic and Quits teach and full time is a full time mom. Gil works a lot of hours, quite a bit of overtime, spend some time with the baby and his wife, doesn't seem super interested. When they go to bed, he'll log into DFN
Starting point is 01:33:40 and chat with other users about, you know, fucking torturing his wife, eating her rapener, doing the same shit to his old crush Melanie and other women he knows. January of 2012, Gill emails DFN buddy, Michael Van Eyes, emails him photos of Alicia Friska, a friend of Kathleen's who tied the school where she once worked.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Gill offers to kidnapper for this guy, for $5,000. Van Eyes replies, can we do it for four? Gill responds, I'm putting my neck on the line here, if something goes wrong somehow, I'm a deep shit. $5,000 and Van Ayes replies, can we do it for four? Gil responds, I'm putting my neck on the line here. Something goes wrong. Somehow I'm a deep shit. $5,000 and you need to make sure that she is not found. She will definitely make the news. And Chad's happening about the same time with Ali Khan, Gil suggests taking Kathleen on a trip to India,
Starting point is 01:34:18 where the two of them will kill her and prepare her for dinner. He writes, we will take turns with her after sending a photo of his wife in a bikini to this guy. Also discussed killing Andrea Noble when a girl's college friends, a girl he had a crush on who wanted, like most women nothing to do with him romantically, because they probably picked up on how fucking weird he is. Gill wrote, it's personal with Andrea,
Starting point is 01:34:38 she will absolutely suffer. Later he added that he found a recipe for chloroform online, saying, I'm in the middle of constructing a poly apparatus and my basement stringer up by her feet On Valentine's Day 2012 Gil proposes to Kathleen at an Italian restaurant in Queens, Il Tuscano. She accepts Nine months after the birth of their daughter Gil and Kathleen get married June 19th 2012 on the campus of Gonzaga While Kathleen remember the wedding being nice the mayors that followed was not in the opposite Gonzaga. While Kathleen remembered the wedding being nice,
Starting point is 01:35:03 the mayors that followed was not. He'll rarely helps with the baby now. When he comes home after midnight from the precinct, she usually is not up any longer. Sex, when it happens at all, very rare, never ends well. Apparently, guilt cannot finish. He'll run to the bathroom and finish there, right? Doesn't talk about this in his memoirs.
Starting point is 01:35:22 I found that interesting. He had to assume he was ashamed to not be able to achieve orgasm to real sex only through focusing on images related to extreme cannibalistic fantasies Soon he begins to avoid her almost completely and instead of trying to seduce her He'll play video games or watch TV until she falls asleep You know when he's not working super late, which is rare and then he goes on the internet You know until three four or five in the morning by his own admission
Starting point is 01:35:44 At this point he's mostly chatting with his DFN buddy, Moody Blues. What are they chatting about? Ragnar that is oven is big enough for a victim to fit in. If he folds his legs, mentioning that if he has a place up in the mountains, where he can bring a woman of their choice. For this mountain fantasy, the two men settle on Kimberly Sauer, a college friend of Gills, Gillesource planned in the details, writing, once she's dead, I'll take her out and
Starting point is 01:36:09 properly butcher her body and cook the meat right away. And that could be out on a rotisserie too. He'll later email Moody Blues a short word document titled abducting and cooking Kimberly, a blueprint. He lists materials he'll need to do the job, a car, chloroform, you know, refer to website for directions, rope, a gag, duct tape, tarp or plastic need to do the job, a car, chloroform, refer to website for directions. Rope, a gag, duct tape, tarp or plastic bags to protect the trunk from DNA remains.
Starting point is 01:36:30 More bags for Kimberly Sauer's clothes, cheap sneakers. Meanwhile, Kathleen is finally growing suspicious about all the time, guiltless spending online. When they're up together, she'll find that her husband, surf and websites like ESPN, Major League Baseball, the rant, a message board for NYPD cops. He tells her he's visiting these same sites when she's asleep, but she's having her doubts.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Then one day late in the summer of 2012, she notices that he is erasing his search history. Not long after that, only several months into their marriage, she learns what he's really looking at. She opened their Mac and saw that he hadn't logged out of his account. She noticed that there were two little files on the computer, on the bottom of the browser. She clicks on them, downloads. There were image files, and while the pictures themselves didn't load, she was able to see the URL where they had come
Starting point is 01:37:13 from, the dark fetish network. She looks it up. She's immediately disturbed. She knows there's porn on the internet, right? The bondage porn, of course, as well. The recent 50 Shades of Grey series had hit the mainstream, but this is different. For starters, the girl in porn, of course, as well, the recent 50 Shades of Grey series had hit the mainstream, but this is different. For starters, the girl in the homepage,
Starting point is 01:37:28 this website looks like she's dead. Until that moment, Cassie and I just thought that if she were prettier, if she, you know, cleaned and cooked more, maybe Gild would want her sexually again. Now, she's not so sure. She tells Gild he needed to talk. She asked him if that was what he wanted, if she should go shopping for some sex toys, maybe.
Starting point is 01:37:43 She must not have seen the images I found yet when I did a little image search for dark fetish networks photos, badly photoshopped images, which was actually somewhat comforting to me to know that they're not real, but still seriously fucked up shit. Like women tied up having the breast cut off, or ripper crew style, women having their throat slit being decapitated, while being fucked, you know, looking terrified, while being tortured and killed in a variety of, you know, crazy ways, women who are crying, look like they're being raped, being cooked, eaten, hanged with rope around their necks, went with what looked like arrows being shot in their assholes, the whole section of snuff porn.
Starting point is 01:38:22 And this is the stuff I could just access easily without a membership. Had she seen the images that he was looking at, I think she would have ran at this point. This shit was a long ways from 50 change to gray. Gil seems frightened to first when Kathleen confronts about this. Yeah, probably because he was thinking that she saw the hardcore shit,
Starting point is 01:38:39 but then relieved and enthusiastic. For the first time since before, she got impregnant. Kathleen is hopeful, they're sex life will improve. She's got to run the verge of a breakthrough. The Gil was finally going to be honest with her, but he's not. And they're sex life after a tiny brief resurgence where he still has to go come to the bathroom, virtually unchanged. Right. Because he is fucking ruined his brain with his extreme fetish obsession with watching fucking so much porn hours and hours and hours writing these stories hours on and around May 31, 2012,
Starting point is 01:39:11 Gil Valley does something that's definitely illegal now as an NYPD officer. He has access to Omnix Force mobile, OFM, a computer program that allows officers to search various restricted databases, including the federal national crime information center database, which contains sensitive information about people like their home addresses and birthdays. The NYPD's policy known to go was that these databases could only be accessed in the course of an officer's official duties and then accessing them for personal use by later the department rules. Its sexual fantasies have led him now to abusing his position to risking his job. That day in May, Gil accused the,
Starting point is 01:39:45 or not not, sorry, access to LFM, search for marine heart again. A woman he'd known since high school. A woman he'd been discussing kidnapping with Ali Khan. This would definitely put a hole in what Gilbert later claimed in his trial that his fantasies had no bearing on his personal life or affected him professionally. Well, if they didn't affect him professionally, why is he looking up this information at work?
Starting point is 01:40:04 Two months later, July 22, 2012, Gil sees Kimberly Sauer, a woman he had talked about kidnapping with Moody Blues at a brunch during a weekend trip to visit old friends from the University of Maryland, and goes online and tells his new friends about it later. He wrote, she looked absolutely mouthwatering. I could hardly contain myself. August 24th, Gil and his friends discussed kidnapping another woman, Christine Ponticelli, an 18 year old recent graduate of Valais O'Hai School where she was a star, star softball player. Next day they move on to talk about kidnapping,
Starting point is 01:40:33 Andrea Noble. He writes, if Andrea lived near me, she'd be gone by now. Even if I get caught, she'd be worth it. Even though he's talking about kidnapping women, he knows in real life. Constantly now, he hasn't actually prepared anything though.
Starting point is 01:40:44 No, no, no ovens, excuse me, large enough for a human, no cleaver, no homemade chloroform. Prosecutors were fined out later. There was no house in the mountains either. Right, so I'll make believe. You know, he knew the identities of the people. He was, or excuse me, and he also did not know the real life identities of the people
Starting point is 01:41:01 he was talking to online. Also never gave out the last names of any of the people he shared photos of or their addresses. When Moody Blues specifically requested an address at one point, Gill turned him down. Was he biting his time or really just fantasizing? Meanwhile, Kathleen began to get suspicious again, even though she and Gill had to talk about his sexual fantasies. Previously, she couldn't get some of the images she had seen out of her head. For his part, Gilded and Seymour Leed are excited the way, you know, that she, you know, she hoped just seems suspicious on September 9th, 2012. She installed spyware on the computer,
Starting point is 01:41:37 computer that they shared. The next day, September 10th, Kathleen sees all the website's value is still visiting darkfedishnet.com. Girlsinabind.com, FetLife.com way more upsetting. She sees her name in horrific instant message chats. When she clicks to open these chats, she sees pictures of herself, pictures of her friends, pictures of people she and Gil knew pictures of co-workers. She used to, you know, former co-workers with first names attached now with measurements, descriptions. She enters her name in a search of Valley's email,
Starting point is 01:42:05 what she sees over Welmser, one email from one of Gills' correspondence said that Kathleen was gonna be tied up by her feet and have her throat slit. And then they'd all have fun watching the blood gush out of her. The guy wrote, if she cries, don't listen to her, don't give her mercy, and then Gills replies, it's okay, we'll just gag her. Frightened for her life now,
Starting point is 01:42:21 she books a flight to her parents in Nevada, taking their baby daughter with her. Days later, she logs into the spyware program again, finds a trove of SNM images of women being tortured and sexually assaulted, kind of shit I described earlier. She's records of Google searches for stuff like how to kidnap women, human meat recipes. Opens files with pictures of more than 80 women
Starting point is 01:42:39 he has downloaded from Facebook and other sources. In email conversations, he reads patches where guilt discusses various ways he wants to kidnap, rape, kill, cook these women, including her. Right, there's a, yeah, Gil's supervisor at the 26 precinct is one of these women, that teenage girl who just barely graduated from his old high school, about one of these women,
Starting point is 01:42:57 he writes, I'll be eyeing her from head to toe, looking my lips, long and for the day, I cram a chloroform silk rag in her face. From Nevada, counting hands over her laptop to the FBI now, along with keys to her Forest Hills Queens apartment, permission for them to seize her older laptop that Gill is using. It was then that the feds uncovered the extent of Gill's fantasies or according to them his plans searching through Gill's computer investigators learned the six year NYPD vet had attempted to contact potential victims, including one of his wife's former co-workers and elementary school teacher in Harlem to find out more about
Starting point is 01:43:28 their jobs and routines. Like Kathleen, they saw the Google searches. Gil had been looking up the best rope to tie someone with information on white slavery, how to make chloroform recipes for human flesh. My God, right? I try not to kinksame, but this shit is fucked up. Call me a pro, but if I found a bunch of shit on Lindsay's computer about her being so turned on by the thought of her kidnapping me,
Starting point is 01:43:52 time me up, torture me, having my throat slit, having me raped by other people, having me cooked, eaten. That is a big problem. That's a deal breaker, that's terrifying. October 21, 2012, the feds make their move. We're in that he is planning to carry out the plan very soon. The FBI read skill shortly after 2 p.m. They use a lure, a roost, a lure him out into the hallway.
Starting point is 01:44:13 Call his house phone saying his car parked outside and just been hit. He wandered out in a t-shirt and jeans. The second he sees these officers, he understands. An agent plays the hand in the shoulder and says, everything's gonna be okay. Okay, Gill looks at him, shakes his head and says, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:44:27 Yeah, Gilt's right. Federal prosecutor, Hadassa Waxman, says, Valley had communicated with three co-conspirators about his plans to commit a crime and at one point used a police car while dressed in uniform to conduct surveillance of women, who he approached in an intimidating fashion, approached in an intimidating fashion while at work, right?
Starting point is 01:44:47 While in uniform, while in his squad car, what a ridiculous abuse of his position in law enforcement. Once he just fantasizing, sure seems like shit was escalating. US Attorney, Preet Bajara said, Valese alleged plans to kidnap women so that they could be raped, tortured, killed, cooked, and cannibalized, shocked the conscience. Valley is a reign before U.S. magistrate judge, Henry Pittman, charged with conspiring to kidnap women with three others. Two of the co-conspirators live overseas and illegally accessing the national crime information
Starting point is 01:45:16 database to research one of his targeted victims. And a no-time guild now has a tabloid nickname, the Cannibal Cop. Preparing their case against him, the FBI singles out emails in which he strategizes how he do it, negotiates fees for kidnappings, they scan his work related computer searches. Meanwhile, Gills put in solitary confinement for his own protection. As a cop, they're worried you might be targeted
Starting point is 01:45:35 by other inmates. It's third day at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Lower Manhattan, Hurricane Sandy hits New York, prison lights blink out for several minutes and cell block goes on lockdown. As lawyers can't visit him, he has no communications with his family. He doesn't know that there's been a storm.
Starting point is 01:45:50 He's scared and confused. Other prisoners were let out for an hour every day for recreation. Gil doesn't get that time again for his protection. So he's spending every hour every day by himself less than time for morning showers on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. For months, he's not permitted to make phone calls.
Starting point is 01:46:04 And for that, he gets one 15 minute conversation every 30 days. When he falls asleep, he's dreaming of being a patrol car or being with his daughter, or I don't know, kidnapped women, he knows, binding them, gagging them, torturing, raping them, cooking them, I need him. Yes, he's passing all the time, thinking those shots.
Starting point is 01:46:18 Probably at least one prison guard he saw, that he felt was sexy enough to want a cook and eat. When he's up, he worries over who's going to pay his rent. What's going to happen to his wife and child? What does parents think of what he's done? You know, if he's going to get out, he feels angry that he's been locked up for quote nothing, angry at himself for having gotten so involved
Starting point is 01:46:34 in fetish role plays. At least that's what he would claim. Eventually the guards take pity on him. One slips a radio into a cell so he can pass the time, working on his case, listening to sports talk shows or W fan or yeah W F A N at one point he overhears the guy in the next cell asking guards for more toilet paper He is so out of sorts. He's not eating. He has more toilet paper
Starting point is 01:46:56 He needs tells the guards like to share this gets him talking to this guy through the wall the guy tells them the other inmates Know about a story knew that he'd been a cop also Also new newspapers had been, you know, calling him the cannibal cop and this guy says his case sounds like it's bullshit. This gives Gil Hope. He's the first person other than his lawyer, maybe his parents, who's on his side. Then there's another person who's going to be on his side. On the afternoon of December 31, 2012, forensic psychiatrist, Park Deats travels downtown to the Manhattan detention center to conduct the first of several psychiatric examinations
Starting point is 01:47:29 with the Cannibal Cop. No one on either side of the case has been wanting to claim that Gill is insane. We're going to use an insanity defense. But since the case against him revolves almost entirely around his chats, Gill's lawyers feel like they need a forensic psychiatrist to weigh in on the center question of how real his web persona is, how real it could become. Right. That's what his case hinges on.
Starting point is 01:47:49 Is it just fantasy or more than that? By this time, Park Deats had an all star list of criminals he'd examined previously. John Hinkley, Jr. Betty Brotterick, former SUCK subject R3, R3, Arthur, Gen. S. River killer shot cross, right? Captain Headwound, Andrea Yates, Joel Rifkin, others. Believe in though forensic psychiatry is well used and well respected today, there's still not much
Starting point is 01:48:10 psychiatrists can do when it comes to predicting people's future behavior, only their current state. Deeds already knew from Gill's NYPD psychology file that the officer had been administered, the Minnesota multifaceted personality inventory, standard test, meant to identify personality structure, and detect signs of psychopathology. The MMPI showed no clinical psychopathology.
Starting point is 01:48:30 Deeds also employed elements of the static 99, one straight forward assessment geared towards predicting recidivism rates for rapists and chalmalesters. Show's no red flags. Doesn't seem mentally ill, or to be at risk for committing violent crimes. But there's those emails, right? The messages, the chats.
Starting point is 01:48:48 When he first reads them, Deeds honestly does know to think. He'd say, from the chats and emails, there was no way to tell. Chats and emails allow for multiple inferences. Taken at their worst, they can be very alarming. In 18 hours of interviews with Deeds spanning three days, Valley discusses openly for the first time with another human being His sex life He starts with his traditional Catholic school childhood
Starting point is 01:49:09 Says he's not inhibited or ashamed about masturbation, but he was repressed and inhibited around others shy about approaching girls His fantasy life took a turn. He said when in high school he saw the film The Mask and Locked in on an image of Cameron Diaz abducted and tied up fucking Cameron Dia' Cameron Diaz, of course. This is all her fault. Burn the witch, burn the witch, lock her up, lock her up. Sorry. Deats learned that by the end of high school,
Starting point is 01:49:36 Valley discovered bondage websites, and in college found fetish websites, including Moogies Kitchen. A camp beside this specializes as we talked about stage cannibalism photography. Women tied up on spits, apples and her mouths. He's turned on by this shit, but in real life, treats women respectively, never threatened anyone,
Starting point is 01:49:53 isn't having sex until he meets Kathleen. Then he discovers D.F.N. starts talking about his fantasies online. Prosecutors will say he is taking steps to make those fantasies reality, but Deeds doesn't think so. He looks for something in Gill's personality or history that would make him that one in a thousand monster but can't find it. And there's the fact that Gill doesn't cover his tracks. You know, that well, if he's actually planning on committing a crime, he uses the traceable IP address, a shared computer wouldn't someone who planned on kidnapping and eating someone take more steps to hide their plans. Or criminally speaking, is just a fucking idiot.
Starting point is 01:50:27 Dietz doesn't think so. He'll say that Gil is the nicest guy you could ever meet. But the trial would cause some people to think very differently. Before the trial, though, the FBI has another arrest to make. January 4, 2013, the arrest van Ayes, one of his old chat buddies at his home in Hamilton, New Jersey. The 22-year-old admitted to the police that he had violent sexual fantasies, some involving children. But his wife, Belize, defended him as a big teddy bear.
Starting point is 01:50:49 Noted that she had known about his fetish before they got married. She told reporters, I was cool with it. It's disturbing now, but you have to accept your partner's flaws in marriage. I'm not perfect, he's not perfect. Okay, that's a nice stuff to say. But could you accept your partner telling you
Starting point is 01:51:03 that they sexually fantasize about how they got off to thoughts of doing something like raping kids? I couldn't. It's too much for me. Fantasy or not, it's too fucking dark. I realize that very possibly this person, you know, just can't help being attracted to that.
Starting point is 01:51:17 But also, I can't help being repulsed by that. What if I can't help but feel disgusted, right? Don't I have the right to be disturbed? I've been scolded before for King Shaming, but don't I have the right to be disturbed? I've been scolded before for King Shaming, but don't I have the right to be disgusted by certain sexual fantasies in the same way that others have the right to have those fantasies? Just like someone deserves to be with someone else
Starting point is 01:51:34 who accepts their fantasies, don't we all deserve to be with someone who doesn't have fantasies? We find morally abhorrent. I think it goes both ways. Be realistic. If you have super fucked up dark predatory sexual fantasies, I think you're fool to think that you're going to have an easy time finding someone who's going to accept them. Gills trial begins February 25, 2013.
Starting point is 01:51:56 Valley faces a maximum life in prison for the conspiracy charge and a maximum of five years in federal prison for accessing the federal national crime information center without the correct authorization to do so. The jury now feels like it's hearing two cases. One, if Gio Valley did in fact plan to kidnap someone and two, if he was likely to do something bad, if he was set free. On the first point, if he was planning, we've mentioned how he stalked women for years, shared photos of his wife and other women with cannibal fetishists online would frequently
Starting point is 01:52:21 report back to his friends if he saw one of the women a person, even drafted up a kidnapping plan for Kimberly Sauer. On the other hand, never actually bought any of the things in his kidnapping plan, never rigged up an oven, big enough to cook a human, never shared the women's addresses or last names online, even when Moody Blues asked. On the second point, if he was likely to do something, if he went free, Park Deat seemed to think, no, think skill is a nice guy with a fetish, but reading the messages and emails in court, it would be hard for the jury not to be struck by how fucking horrific they are. How much Jill generally seemed to want to do the
Starting point is 01:52:53 things he wrote about wanting to do. Let's get into how this trial goes down now. It's some point before the trial starts, the judge orders any mention of Moody Blues is more disturbing fantasies struck from the record. In particular, one about how Moody Blues wanted to eat a five-year-old kid. Why? The judge notes that the transcripts show that Gills culinary tastes do not extend to kids. And the prosecution has plenty of material pertaining to the case at hand.
Starting point is 01:53:15 Judge doesn't want salacious details from Moody Blues, more extreme fantasies to play a role in determining the central question of the trial was what Gill Valley did online illegal. Judge also excluded evidence that Gill had been doing surveillance on an alleged victim's home based on cell phone tower pings which turned out to be ambiguous. So going into the trial, Gill thinks he's likely to be set free. He thinks the prosecution's case is crumbling.
Starting point is 01:53:38 Then the opening statements begin. In her opening statements, his lawyer, Julia Gatto, argued his plans for pure fantasy role plan with like-minded online pals, some of whom lived in other countries. His fantasy, she stressed similar to the kind of work that Stephen King does, you know, when writing a novel. But prosecutor Randall Jackson says, Gil is in the process of making his plans a reality by compiling personal information about his prey and sharing it with pals, photos from Facebook, you know, that sort of thing. Jackson says investigators found dossiers
Starting point is 01:54:07 on close to a hundred female friends and acquaintances on his wife's computer, compiled with quote, meticulous research, make no mistake. Jackson said Gilbert or Gilberto Valley was very serious about these plans. Then it was on to the witness testimony. The first witness is Gil's wife, Kathleen, right? She describes how terrified she was when she discovered
Starting point is 01:54:26 that Gil and what Gil had been doing online. She described logging into Gil's account, becoming horrified by what she saw. She says, all of a sudden, I'm seeing pictures of myself, pictures of our friends. I was supposed to be tied by my feet, my throat slit. They were going to watch the blood rush for my body. When the federal public defender asked why she resisted efforts
Starting point is 01:54:42 to speak to her husband's defense team, she shot back, you represent the man who wants to kill me. I do not want to talk to you." Then two other women, Kimberly Sauer, a high school friend or call to the stand, testify about their seemingly normal relationship with Gil. Kimberly Sauer says Gil seemed like a totally normal friend, even text her when his child was born. It's a baby girl, he announced. Next on the stand is a friend from Gil's Days at Archbishop Maloy High School Marine Hardigan. She said Gill had once expressed
Starting point is 01:55:08 interest in dating her, but she said she just wanted to be friends and that, you know, that is what they seem to remain being. She recalled that Valley had texted her after he got married. He texted her again about his baby calling her such a good baby, but in text to Marine Gills seemed less happy about his work as a cop saying he looked forward to when he could retire. I'm counting down to 20, 20, 60 texted. The defense lawyer asked Hardigan if she had ever known Valley to be a physically abusive with her or any other women.
Starting point is 01:55:33 She said, no, both the women emphasized how nice normal and friendly Gill was in real life. Next witness, Christine Ponticelli, the 18 year old recent graduate of our spaceship, Maloy who Gill had allegedly stalked. According to reports and emails, Kristen was referred to as the most desirable piece of meat I've ever met. She's a must-have. And later online conversation,
Starting point is 01:55:54 Gil mentioned the ask it again, noting, my oven is pretty big. I can take the racks out. Prosecutors noted evidence from cell phone. Towers indicating that Valley made calls on May 5th, 2012 that were picked up, you know, six, six to 700 yards from Maloy high school. May 5, with a Saturday prosecutors believed Valley was there, uh, to watch her play, uh, practice softball. He'll defense that it was just a coincidence. What's it? Next person to testify, FBI agent
Starting point is 01:56:18 Cory Walsh, he read aloud emails and chats that Valley had with Moody Blues and, you know, others doing unspeakable violence to the very same women who had just been on the stand. As we covered earlier, Gil told Moody Blues, he would sell one of the women to him to do with her as he wished for five grand. All right. Can you have her tied barefoot Moody Blues asked, I don't want her to kick me with Moody Blues. Gil spoke into tale of cooking Kimberly Sauer, the same woman jurist had just seen
Starting point is 01:56:43 talking about Gil and his baby on the stand. I really wanted to suffer. Gil wrote, I just can't wait to get Kimberly cooking. Moody Blues asked to be to ever eat in a black herspanic woman. Gil said white girls seem to be the most appetizing to me. Moody Blues seemed at one point or suggested at one point that they could use the bones to make stock. Girl soup.
Starting point is 01:57:01 Moody Blues said. Gil said another point moody blues stated they preferred not to have sex with his food beforehand fine Gil said it's okay with me but I have to tell you she's been on my favorite she's been one of my favorite victims to fantasize about for around 10 years now conversation went on specified about how they're gonna cook her flesh victim it was currently sitting in the courtroom during members here about another particularly chilling conversation,
Starting point is 01:57:25 they went like this, Gil writes, it is going to be so hard to restrain myself when I knock her out, but I'm, but I'm aspiring to be a professional kidnapper. And that's business, but I will really get off, but I will really get off knocking her out, tying up her hands and bare feet and gagging her. Then she will be stuffed into a large piece of luggage and wheeled out to my van. When he blues writes, just make sure she doesn't die before I get her. Go reply, no need to worry, she'll be alive. It's a short drive to you. I think I would rather not get involved in the rape you paid for.
Starting point is 01:57:54 She's all yours. I don't want to be tempted the next time I have ducked girl. Then there was an online conversation, another one Gill had with a dark fetish member that led to an MP3 being sent to get a very messed up song that would be played in the courtroom. Oh, shoot my seed when your ass starts to bleed. That's how I come. That's how I come. That user was a showbiz fish 69. Or that was another throwback from the episode. Feeling nostalgic today. But all this can't be enough.
Starting point is 01:58:44 All of this, the women's testimony the chats read out aloud painted a damning picture of Gill Valley right but Julia got to Valley's lawyer was prepared for that she argued that all of this was part of a role-playing game the collaborative version of writing a Stephen King novel why does she keep referring to Stephen King he's read about made-up characters he's not writing himself in the story he's not putting people he knows in real life in the story. It's not obviously. Most importantly, there's no section in the back of his fucking book with pictures of real people that he's saying horrible shit about. I getta notes that Gil had repeatedly made plans to kidnap a woman
Starting point is 01:59:15 but never actually did so. Over and over, supposed kidnaping days came and went. He'll never kidnap anybody. Sometimes you went months at a time without talking to co-conspirators. When they talked again, they seemed to forget most of the details of previous conversations. Nordic Hill ever meet as co-conspirators or talk to them over the phone. The kidnapping plan, if it existed, was only in cyberspace, in a murky place that always blended the line between fantasy and reality. Gatto said that Gail had always been aroused by unusual things and made a stupid decision to talk about them online, but that's not criminal.
Starting point is 01:59:43 Moreover, Gail Valley'sFN profile page did state. I like to press the envelope, no matter what I say, it's all fantasy. The defense used videotape testimony from Surjay Maronkov, now the Russian creator of DFN. Both sides question Mr. Maronkov who lived in Moscow via teleconference and the video was played for the jury. Mr. Maronkov who described his main job as selling Spanish ice cream. What the fuck is that? and the video was played for the jury. Mr. Maricopa described his main job as selling Spanish ice cream. How the fuck is that? And Moscow said he created the website in 2010 because we saw
Starting point is 02:00:09 Nietzsche in the market and decided to jump in. He said the site was devoted to people with sexual fetishes, all fetishes that exist that are legal. He said the users played out fantasies that included foot fetishes, sexual asphyxiation, cannibalism. He likened the site to Facebook because it afforded users' private chats, chats groups and the ability to push photo albums or publish photo albums He said the D.F.N. had about 38,000 members including 4,500 who visited at least several times a week He estimated the 25 to 30% of the users were women The site's purpose he said was about fantasy only and added that he had kicked users off when as he put it Let's say that it seemed not to be fantasy anymore
Starting point is 02:00:45 But under cross examination by Randall Jackson, Mr. Merrenkoff acknowledged that there was no way to know whether users calling themselves females actually were. He said he did not monitor users' private conversations, had no way of knowing whether they were involved in illegal activities or even who they were. He said it would be like asking Mark Zuckerberg if he knows each and every user on Facebook, of course not. It was still unclear how this is all going to play out through all the testimony. Gills parents and younger brother sat in the second row of spectators slumped in the
Starting point is 02:01:13 possibility of finding some appropriate way to behave when your son appears to be a twisted Campbell outside court when picks 11 ask you Valley senior how his son was doing the father responded He's very strong. He's holding up and very proud of him How are you? I want picks asked if you believe the charges against this down here applied not at all A decision will be coming soon. Summations began March 7th 2013 During summations Gil wept as he listened to his lawyer describe how his wife had left him because of the way he broadcasts his fetish His foolishness on the internet his insensitive ugly thoughts have cost him everything. Gato said, she allowed that we
Starting point is 02:01:47 should all be so that we all should be disturbed by Valley's thoughts, but drove on the notion that those thoughts simply weren't the subject of the trial. The conversations are preposterous. They're disturbing. They're disgusting. She said, would you be upset that people are thinking these thoughts, but they're not criminal? The prosecutor meanwhile depicted Valley is reckless and out of control in his summation, Randall Jackson referred back to Valley's web searches for Kristen Ponticelli's address. There's something incredibly wrong just on the fact with a New York City police officer talking about killing a high school student and then googling to try to get her information about her address. He said, this is a man who's
Starting point is 02:02:21 trying to move a plan into action. He argued the pre-crime case. Think about your favorite restaurant. If you were to find out to the chef at that restaurant, he had a deep-seated fantasy of poisoning all the people in the restaurant. And that night after night, he was engaged in conversations with other people about how he could poison the restaurant goers, at his restaurant. That he was researching online the different poisons, that he was communicating with people, the names of certain other people who come to his restaurant all the time and saying, I can't wait to see this person drop dead when they
Starting point is 02:02:46 taste this cyanide filling up their throat. If you found out about that and he said, Oh, this is just my fantasy. Would you continue to eat at that restaurant? Of course you wouldn't. I mean, it makes a good point. But should that chef be arrested and sent to prison possibly for life for having that fantasy? Or should people just not go to the restaurant. Uh, the jury thought the chef should be imprisoned. March 12, 2013, the jury convicts Gill
Starting point is 02:03:09 Valley of conspiracy to commit kidnapping and have conducted a computer search of a federal database that exceeded his authorized access. Gill shook his head as he was taken away. His mom, who'd been there every day asked what trial were they watching as officers letting out of the court. He looked back at his family. His mom shook her head and mouthed the word, stay strong, but he wouldn't be able to follow her advice. When he got inside, he starts crying right away. His mom tells, or I'm sorry, his defense attorney tells reporters, this was a thought prosecution. The jury couldn't get past the thoughts. At least one member of the jury disagreed publicly, though, Victor Pinero told reporters, we did what we did what we did in good
Starting point is 02:03:47 conscience. Clearly, we believed his fantasy was going to step into reality. I think like an addict needs a larger, larger dose. He was needing things that were more and more real and he was progressing. He was bringing it into real life. He'll now have to adjust the life in prison, no longer able to endure the endless hours by himself. He asked for a move, said he didn't care if he got his ass kicked. Anything was better than solitary.
Starting point is 02:04:09 A prison supervisor reluctantly agreed, released kill into the general population. When he walked in, he said everything stopped, but no one got in his face. He had to himself for a few days, started making friends after that, grew close to his cellmate, talked a lot about their kids, turned out to have Valley had two competing identities in prison. There was a former cop, but also a guy who had gotten a very public raw deal in the eyes of other inmates from the legal system. For the other inmates, the second was more important than the first.
Starting point is 02:04:33 Soon, Valley had a job in the prison kitchen, only one available at the time, then got promoted to kitchen supervisor. Life was getting better behind bars, but Valley still had trouble understanding how he ended up in this predicament. He was convinced or would say so at least, that if no one had found the chats, this would have never happened. And if he, you know, would have known he'd lose everything over it, he would have never done it.
Starting point is 02:04:53 Well, yeah, sure, a lot of people wouldn't do what sent into prison that they knew they get caught. Now Gil works on his appeal and waits. April of 2013, working on information provided by Michael Van Ayes, the FBI rests two more men who've been chat with one another on DFN. One is Richard Meltz, 65-year-old police chief, and Bedford, Massachusetts, others Robert Ash, a 61-year-old former librarian at Stuvescent High School, who in 2009 have been arrested and accused of inappropriately touching four male students, charges that were later dropped. Unlike Gill, these men's actions in the physical world were not ambiguous. Ash and Metz both met with an undercover agent, right? At the meeting, Ash brought with him a bag containing
Starting point is 02:05:31 a taser, meat hammer, skewers, and a dental retractor. He was ready to torture and kidnap some woman he thought was real, right? He was prepared to make her suffer immensely and kill her. Ugh. February 10, 2014, Gills main online buddy, Moody Blues, aka 66, you know, year old, now 66 year old, Dale Stanley-Bollinger convicted in England of two counts of possession of child pornography,
Starting point is 02:05:55 one count of attempting to meet a child following sexual grooming, seven counts of publishing, distributing, circulating, selling, and obscene article of a minor. This motherfucker plotted to rape to capitateitate, and eat a 14-year-old girl. Went to meet up with who he thought was this 14-year-old girl, to do just that, but the quote unquote girl was an undercover agent. As of a few months ago, June 2, 2022, less than two years after being released from incarceration, this sick fuck and registered sex offender was living in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Starting point is 02:06:24 He gets public record, 1034 South 29th Street when he was released. A journalist from the mirror asked if he wanted to say sorry about his crimes in Britain and volunteers said, fuck off and die. This was the main guy. Gil was fantasizing with his old buddies, old harmless pal. I was sharing picks of his wife with. Yeah. July 1st, 2014, federal judge Paul Gardef,
Starting point is 02:06:48 or Gardefi, rules that there is insufficient evidence to support Gill's original conviction and acquits the former NYPD officer of kidnapping and conspiracy charges. The most serious charges he faced. While remaining mindful of the jury's critical role in our legal system, judge Gardefi acknowledged his responsibility to ensure that the government satisfies
Starting point is 02:07:04 its burden of establishing proof beyond a reasonable doubt. And the words of Alan Dershowitz, that lawyer we met in the Epstein two-part suck, quite really do not care for, probably isn't good enough. Prosecutor not approved the deal was making a kidnapping plan actively and going to carry it out. Judge Cardephi thought that he had not. Emphasizing the unique circumstances of this extraordinary case, he concluded that the prosecutors had failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Valley and his alleged
Starting point is 02:07:28 co-conspirators had entered into a conspiracy to kidnap. Gardeffi upheld Gilles conviction on the charge of illegally gaining access to law enforcement databases, which carried a maximum sense of a year, which he had already served. So he's released from prison after serving 18 months in custody after 2012 arrest. Despite the judge's order, Valley not free quite yet and appealed to restore the original conviction, which could earn him a life set and still was put into the second circuit. The US Court of Appeals for the second circuit ruled in December 3, 2015 regarding two questions on appeal.
Starting point is 02:08:00 The government appeals from the district court's judgment of acquittal on the conspiracy count and Valley separately appeals from the judgment of conviction on the CFA account because we agree that there was insufficient evidence as to the existence of a genuine agreement to kidnap and a valley specific intent to commit a kidnapping. We affirm the district court's judgment of acquittal on the conspiracy count because we find the district court's construction of the CFA violates the rule of lenity. We reverse the judgment of conviction on the CFA, CFA count. So now, Gills are free, man. Once out of prison provisionally and pending the results of a government appeal, Gills has to manage with all the media attention he has now.
Starting point is 02:08:37 Reporters mobbed the door of his mom's house, where he goes back to living. He'll remain under home confinement there for a few months. Photographers angled for a photo of the cannibal cop everyone knew exactly what turned gill valley on ninety nine point nine percent of them found disgusting under the terms of the supervised release valley is banned from viewing online porn of any kind he's barb using a smartphone can't go into man hat without permission since that's where he was supposed to have done surveillance on his victims had no visitation rights with his daughter
Starting point is 02:09:02 has to get a job the last last requirement proves to be almost impossible. It applies to dozens of jobs, which he felt he was overqualified. At least 15 were administrative assistant positions never get to call back. Told a supervisor that his Google footprint made the job search impossible, but the only recourse was a two-week workshop
Starting point is 02:09:20 for X-convicts where sometimes criminals are taught to write resumes, what to wear in interviews. These are not his problems, though. was a two week workshop for Xconvix where sometimes criminals are taught to write resumes, what to wear in interviews. These are not his problems though. He tries to date again, writing a post on match.com. He writes, I'm spending my energy rebounding from the errors I made in my past and rebuilding my life.
Starting point is 02:09:35 I'm hoping to find a non-judgemental woman, non-judgemental woman. You know, a lady who's cool with him posting his pictures of her on cannibalism forms and talking about how badly he wants to slither throat, eat or shit. Tabloids find his dating profile market, especially for the fact that his photo is taken on the fucking courthouse steps moments after he's released from prison. Come on Gale, that's pretty dumb. Tabloids also mock his decision to put in his profile that he loves to cook. Dude buddy, you're putting the ball in the tea, of course you're going to swing.
Starting point is 02:10:03 Other things from Gale's profile are just normal dude stuff. You know, there's a dog. He follows Marilyn football. He watches Jeopardy plays basketball drinks bourbon goes on road trips. I won't stop the media from trying to make it all into a good story. I took five post staffers to report the non story of his dating profile. At least one ambushes Valley at his home in Queens for comment. The daily news parrots the post and both the useless formation and the steering
Starting point is 02:10:26 tone saying Valley is trying to find the perfect recipe for romance. New York magazine writes, he's hungry for love. Uh, as you can imagine, the puns are endless. Finally in January, 2020, 21, a new newsworthy cannibal takes some of the cannibal heat off a gill. I forgot about this actor, Army Hammer. Guy who played the lone ranger in that 2013 movie alongside Johnny Depp amongst many of their big roles. Early 2021, Army Hammer found himself, what, yeah, the fucking weird name, by the way. Found himself in the midst of a major controversy after a woman who said she had an intimate
Starting point is 02:10:59 relationship with him, created an account on Instagram to share gruesome details of the bizarre sexual interaction she says they used to have. Then when she shared screenshots of explicit conversations that allegedly occurred between Hammer and multiple women, via Instagram DMs, the alleged conversation included talk of rape fantasies, the desire to inflict pain on partners, one in which the actor reportedly said
Starting point is 02:11:18 he was 100% accountable. One of the messages allegedly from Hammer said, you live to obey and be my slave. If I want to, cut off one of your toes. So I can keep it with me in my pocket. So I have a piece of you in my possession. Hammer denied these messages, we're legitimate, but an ex-girlfriend then came forward and spoke to Page Six
Starting point is 02:11:37 and seemingly confirming some of the allegations. Courtney Vukovic, a woman who dated Hammer for a couple months said that Hammer said he wanted to barbecue and eat her. He'll had some stuff to say about this. He said, Army can carry the cannibal fetish mantle now. Also said he couldn't help but relate. Tell the New York Post in general people in all walks of life have unusual fantasies that they'd never want to have made public.
Starting point is 02:12:02 Just because you're a cop or an actor doesn't mean you're immune from being aroused by something that isn't as mainstream as other stuff. Gilles now 38, these days he's been spending a lot of time with my dad, maybe. I think, I think, I don't know the perfect, but I do know that I don't know where Gilles has been most of the time, and I certainly don't know where my dad's up to, where he is.
Starting point is 02:12:22 So it seems like they're probably swapping lady meat recipes. I mean, nothing that's a logical conclusion. With everything else, my dad's up to, where he is. So it seems like they're probably swapping Lady Meat recipes. I mean, I think that's a logical conclusion. With everything else, my dad is likely done. The pieces seem to fit. Also, these days, trying to make his living writing books is what Gill has been up to, his first extreme horror novel, Gathering of Evil,
Starting point is 02:12:38 published January 4, 2018. By Red Room Press, published a couple of other novel since then. This is a description of a gathering of evil. Sarah McConnell, and actually, I feel like I should play the bear music behind it. Sarah McConnell and Jennifer Miller are two young attractive New Yorkers leading seemingly normal lives. Unbeknownst to them, they've been targeted by their evil,
Starting point is 02:13:03 Incorporated. Or a group of wealthy and violent sadists who meet to the dark web and share some rather unusual and deviant sexual desires, along with the desire to turn those twisted fantasies into reality. Maryland and Bruce, the wealthy couple from upstate New York who have organized the event, have gathered the group of people from all different backgrounds, and brought them together through a common bond. The lust and desire to kidnap a young woman and brutally end her life. The hunt is on.
Starting point is 02:13:33 Will the prey survive? This gathering of evil? Published by Bear Evil Incorporated. Uh, okay. Well, they say to write what you know, right about what you know, Gil knows a lot about designing. He could not be young women and brutally in their lives. I can only imagine what he is fantasizing about now, what he's jerking off to.
Starting point is 02:13:55 Gil also makes appearances at True Crime Conferences. He was a panelist at 2019's CrimeCon held in New Orleans. At the 2019 CrimeCon, Valley appeared in a standing room only panel where he expressed his regret over previous actions and fantasies. St. Roondes life also said, feels like he did not deserve to be sent to prison for a fantasy that he never planned on acting upon. And with that, Gil's story comes to a close. We'll have to see how things play out from here.
Starting point is 02:14:20 Obviously, hopefully, it doesn't end up with charges of kidnapping, torture, rape and murder. Let's recap this all down. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. Kill Valley, the Cannibal Cop. Some closing thoughts. But first just one more sponsor here before we end this
Starting point is 02:14:47 out. Even older one, then Carl's Cafe, one that only makes sense because this episode comes out in Halloween. A little irritated because the sponsor still owes this money for like the past five commercials, and I doubt I'll get paid for this one, you know, either. But nevertheless, today's time suck is also brought to you by Woody's paranormal vaporpelling. Hey guys, it's me again Woody, Happy Halloween! I'm sober again, three hours as of right now,
Starting point is 02:15:15 and I'm back to my original product. The one to pull me out of time's up, ma! You got any spooky spirits poking on your poover? Sick of sexually excited entities hanging around you, who are? Are worried no more. Oh, you need to get those ghosts to stop pushing Spooky spirits poking on your poover? Sick of sexually excited entities hanging around your hoo-ah, but worry no more. All you need to get those ghosts to stop pushing poking on your fun bits is a can of woody, spare normal rape propellant. Sprayed on your bottom, sprayed on your front bottom, sprayed anywhere else,
Starting point is 02:15:35 some spectrosperm cannons trying to dump deep in babies on. Our special plan of garlic, paprika, holy water, wasabi, icy hot sea salt, green tea, sulfuric acid, and graham cracker crumbs will turn your private parts into a spook slaughterhouse. Wee! But seriously, please buy it. Charles Gutman, my former handler,
Starting point is 02:15:55 and longtime associate, has gotten us into a real pickle. He took our $5 million loan from the lending subsidiary of Bay Rival Incorporated, and so far, he've only paid back $23. And he put me up as collider since I'm technically just a puppet not a quote living, sentient being. And the deadline to pay off the load is near your seat. Time's running out!
Starting point is 02:16:17 And I keep getting photos of woodshippers, emailed and made from various Berry Evil executives. And I know what that means. Please don't let them moat me! Fuck's happening with our sponsors today. And with Baird, it feels like the suck first matrix is just kind of collapsing it on itself. May Nimrod protect Woody, Ed is all, from barrival.
Starting point is 02:16:41 If time's like this integrates, we'll know why. Okay, now for those gill Valley cannibal cop closing thoughts. Do you think he should have been prosecuted? It's something that still divides people. Did Gill Valley's writings online prove that it was just a matter of time until he made his fantasies a reality or was he just expressing fantasies? Something many of us do. Would criminalizing being in the weird shit have serious repercussions for our society?
Starting point is 02:17:03 I know my search history is full of things that might make me seem like a future serial killer to any investigators that come looking thanks to all the weird shit I've researched. Whatever the case, it seems that at least for the time being the legality around Gil Valley's actions have been put to rest. I don't see if anything else comes up in the future. Women around him start to disappear.
Starting point is 02:17:21 For me, I just wanna make sure that we don't put anybody in prison for thought crimes. Right? Do I think the guilt should be in prison? I'm not 100% sure. If he would have never abused his position as a cop to locate someone's address, right? The address of someone he was writing about kidnapping and killing. If he would have never surveilled someone, he was writing about kidnapping and killing,
Starting point is 02:17:40 then I would not think he should be arrested. But he did surveil women. He did post their actual pictures online. If he didn't cross a line there, holy shit, the tiptoe right up to the very edge of that line. How do you want to out and bot anything related to his kidnapping fantasy, like some chloroform? Then I think when you add that to everything else he did, he should have for sure been sent to prison.
Starting point is 02:18:02 That would demonstrate how he took what I would consider to be a substantial step towards committing a serious real world crime. But without that, I guess I would have to say I'm leaning towards being glad he was freed. I would worry about the precedent set if he wasn't. I would worry about the slippery slope of other arrests I could lead to.
Starting point is 02:18:19 We should have the right to have any fantasies. We want them out of how fucked up they are. Fantasy is not a crime. No more than doing something, you know, fucked up in a video game should be a crime. How many people have done horrible things as a video game character? I don't anyone's advocating arresting people for doing that. It's obvious fantasy. With Gil, this is just fantasy argument, you know, not so obvious, but it's still an argument that can rightfully be made. No thought crimes. Let's not have thought crimes. That's valuing safety too much above freedom for me. However, on a non legal level, man, I sure think that kill is a sick
Starting point is 02:18:50 fuck. I think he's a creep. What's he born with the predisposition towards a dark fetish? Yeah, I think he probably was. But did he have to feed that fetish? Did he have to feed it to the point you found cannibal porn? And then did he have to double down only uncannibal fantasies from that point forward? No, he did it. You don't have to constantly indulge your darkest fantasies. Right, like he did. Just like you don't have to eat your favorite junk food
Starting point is 02:19:13 all the time. I love donuts. Fucking love them. If I put on 300 pounds, I choose to eat mostly donuts over the next five years. Should anyone feel sorry for me if I then get diabetes? If I die from being morbidly obese, no. Right. Some people don't have a sweet tooth. I do. I think I was born with one.
Starting point is 02:19:30 Does that mean I just can't help eating sugar and should not be responsible for how much sugar eat? No. I should try and control it. If I want to be someone I should work harder than someone who doesn't have a sweet tooth to try and control it. If I want to be healthy, guilt should have worked harder, should have found a therapist, worked on figuring out how to merge his sexual fantasy life into an actual healthy sex life, a real one. That's a choice he could have made, but he did not make that choice ever. Just kept fucking beaten off, not after night,
Starting point is 02:19:56 to disturbing shit, to rape torture, kidnapping, murder. What if he would have sought out a therapist in college? Really worked on again, having a healthy sex life full of attainable fantasies, learn how to talk to girls, right, what if you learn to do some role playing, healthy role playing, evolving, all right, canobalism. Instead of talking to fellow loners online, fucking creeps, you know, registered sex offenders
Starting point is 02:20:18 about, you know, cooking his wife, slitting her throat, raping her, how do you put that work in? I think you probably could have avoided all of this. Had a good sex life. Be a pretty fulfilled person. Or, move fuck knows. Maybe he was just born a cycle, and just truly just born wanting to kill women.
Starting point is 02:20:35 Only kill knows. But I think you could have figured it out. I do feel bad for him in one way. Do any of us want our most secret sexual fantasies broadcast as publicly as his were? Not many of us want our most secret sexual fantasies broadcast as publicly as they as his were not many of us Let's recap Number one gill valley found guilty of conspiracy to commit a kidnapping march of 2013
Starting point is 02:21:00 But then that decision reversed by a federal court in 2014 The reversal said that the prosecution wasn't able to prove that Gil was planning on a kidnapping only that he talked about it online. The reversal basically affirmed Gil's claim that he had only ever fantasized about cannellism and never actually intended on carrying anything out. When he was first convicted, he said he was guilty of a thought crime, prosecutors, prosecuting someone for beliefs, not actions. While the legality of the case is pretty definitively decided, there are still those that wonder of guilt should in fact
Starting point is 02:21:26 have been prosecuted because he represented a threat to society. But Park Deats said that guilt did not show any red flags for psychopathy. Psychopathy, there we go. He was basically a nice normal guy. Aside from, you know, very dark fantasies. Number two, humans have a long and bizarre history with cannibalism.
Starting point is 02:21:44 From ancient times, still pretty recently, there have been cultures all over the world that have practiced some form of cannibalism, whether in rituals, as means of absorbing an enemy's power and war, as a sign of respect to the dead as a medicine, or even as a culinary luxury, with modernization, most places in the world now consider cannibalism. Strong tabo. But as we saw with Gil Valley, there are still places on the internet where people can connect over their love of devouring human flesh or at least fantasizing about doing so. Number three, the things that Gil along with Moody Blues and his other co-conspirators talked about on D.F.N. and in emails are truly horrific. They discuss eating girl meat, trying to cook a victim as slowly as possible, describing how tasty woman would
Starting point is 02:22:22 look with her legs, bent up in an oven. I even seem to talk about women in real time, is when Gil saw these women in real life, then went online to talk about how delicious they looked. Number four, 43 year old German manager, burned, brand, has died, how he wanted to die, eating his own dick. That's a real thing that happened. Number five, new info, there's something called involuntary auto cannibalism.
Starting point is 02:22:46 Yeah, involuntary auto cannibalism. Almost every human being alive, they practices or has practice this form of cannibalism eating dead skin cells, biting fingernails, anything like that, all considered involuntary auto cannibalism. You nail biting cannibalistic fox. There's also a more sinister form of auto cannibalism. This is known as voluntary auto cannibalism. It involves biting off muscles and eating them all together for body modification purposes.
Starting point is 02:23:13 Some people also drink their own blood, auto vampirism. Clinical psychologist Richard Nol introduced this term as a symptom of rhinephyl syndrome, naming it after the mental patient who assisted Dracula in bram stokers, Dracula. The habit of drinking one's own blood usually begins during childhood, most commonly as a result of a traumatic event that results in a person linking pleasure with violence and more specifically blood. Eventually auto vampirism generally develops into clinical vampirism. It is, however, not recognized in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders.
Starting point is 02:23:44 And it is extremely rare. Thank God. Time suck. Top five takeaways. The cannibal cop has been sucked. This is was to me one of the most interesting episodes we've done in I don't know months if not here or more. I wonder how much you enjoyed it.
Starting point is 02:24:05 Thank you as always to everyone involved, starting with the Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins, and Roaster After The Show. Or not, or I don't think about that. Thanks to the Suck Ranger, producing today for directing as well, and the Suck Ranger, also helping with socials, cutting clips, doing a variety of things behind the scenes,
Starting point is 02:24:23 thanks to Biddelixer for upkeep on the Time Suck app, the art warlock Logan Keith, creating the Merchabadmagic.com, helping run our socials along with the Suck Ranger Title C and a team managed by social media strategist Ryan Halesman. Thanks to Brutor Sophie Evans with her initial research this week. thanks to the all-seeing eyes moderating the cold and curious private Facebook group the mod squad for making sure discord keeps running smooth and everyone over on the time sucks subreddit and bad magic subreddit next week on time suck. We're going to cover a voted in topic as decided by our patreon supporting space lizards the murders of Native American women and girls on and off reservations and their disappearances indigenous women and girls living on reservations are murdered at a rate 10 times higher than other ethnicities. According to the CDC, murder is the third leading cause of death for Indigenous women. The majority of Indigenous women and men experience violence in their
Starting point is 02:25:15 lifetimes over half of Indigenous women experience sexual violence in their lifetimes. What the fuck is going on? It did as women and girls are disappearing at an alarming rate. Many of these women and girls victims of kidnapping, sex trafficking, murder, why is this happening? There's no single answer. Rather, the MMIW crisis is a buildup of issues from European colonization to today, from the time of Columbus to today. Laws have been enacted that allow violence towards indigenous people to continue. Although there have been changes in the right direction in recent years, the crisis continues. Although it may seem like the disappearance and murders of indigenous
Starting point is 02:25:47 people is a problem, isolated to reservations that is not true. In fact, the majority of indigenous people in the US live off of tribal land. This crisis widespread throughout major cities in the US. How did early colonization of North America set the foundations for this crisis? What are some of the first documented cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women? How has US government contributed to the crisis with federal laws? What role does the media plan all this? In a next week's episode, we'll discuss the alarming stats on missing and murdered Indigenous people. Reasons why so few people noticed how pervasive this issue is, I certainly know almost nothing about it. The origins of the crisis and laws that have helped and hurt indigenous people.
Starting point is 02:26:26 All that and more on another informative episode of Time Suck, which will be next week. And now let's head on over to this week's Time Sucker Updates. First update, nice message from the loving lady of a long time sucker who probably doesn't beat off the thoughts of cooking an eater, but I don't know for sure. Ashley Ray writes, hi master sucker, this is Ashley Ray. Yeah, give me the pronunciation guy. Thank you. Colby Ray's wife, just trying to get in the best birthday present I can.
Starting point is 02:26:59 I know a lot of people make a bunch of clever nicknames to begin to get your attention. I'm just not that creative. It's almost midnight and this will not be my only email. Writing to ask you to wish a big, happy birthday to one of your biggest fans, Colby Ray. Colby's been a fan of yours since the very beginning of time suck. I know. I do remember his name and yep, I've talked to him before. He listens to your comedy every morning to start his day throughout the day while he's
Starting point is 02:27:19 on a shift as a police officer. He listens to every Monday show when it drops here in Texas, every single space is an episode. Even falls asleep to your podcast throughout the night. Trust me, I just woke up to your bell gun as, oh, the hoingy-bongy! Colby and I just got married in February. Bought our first house, a new use car, congrats, and brought home another fur child.
Starting point is 02:27:39 This year despite never wanting kids myself, he's always been the best partner and most amazing man, Colby Birthday is 1121. It will be amazing if the man who brought you your Irish accent prey as a gift in 2016 could receive a gift of his own straight from his favorite person to fill his ear holes and heart.
Starting point is 02:27:55 We're gonna come see you in Austin on the fifth. All the best wishes from another loyal sucker, Ash Ure, PSS is not my last email. Sorry, in advance for my persistence, this man of mine's worth waking up in the middle of the night to your antics on the podcast and so many emails. Until the next email. Have a good one.
Starting point is 02:28:10 Well, thank you very much, Ashley. That is so nice. And I, uh, uh, Koby man, happy birthday, dude. Young, young guy, thank you for the spray. I do remember that. And yeah, I recognize your name. Of course, you have been along this ride from the very beginning.
Starting point is 02:28:24 I appreciate you sticking with it and not hating it yet. So that's good. Look forward to the show in Austin looking out and seeing your lovely faces. And again, happy birthday, and you got a great wife. Or is it engaged in fiancee? No, married. Okay, good. I was right with wife.
Starting point is 02:28:43 Next up, appreciative super sucker, William Wagner. Send in a subject line of, please help me understand why my hemorrhoid cream doesn't taste as advertised. I had to read it after that. And it was better than I hoped it would be. He writes, greeting suck master comments, praise beatable jangles,
Starting point is 02:28:56 hallows of vina, glory beat a triple M. Sorry for the eye catching subject. That's a topic for another time. Hopefully it worked out. It did. I'm gonna try and keep this short, but there's a lot. So I've condensed as much as I can, want you to know that you're my fucking hero. Going back in time, hopefully it worked out, it did. I'm gonna try and keep this short, but there's a lot, so I've condensed as much as I can,
Starting point is 02:29:06 want you to know that you're my fucking hero. Going back in time, that's nice. I've been in time talking for about two years now, but listening to your standup well before that, I was never someone to listen to podcasts, but you popped my now voracious cherry. Around that time, I was going through a rough breakup with a manipulative toxic piece of shit.
Starting point is 02:29:21 Yeah, also dealing with the stress of transitioning back into the civilian world, and just been in my entire adult life in the army up until that point. With very little direction or idea, what I was going to do with my life, I fell into a very dark place. It was all too familiar to me from the past. Don't worry, it says I'm happy. But not the kind you'd find in a massage program. There were two things that I genuinely believe saved my life. The first of which was your content and time. I mean, that's, I'm honored truly. Listen to your podcast and see you in a concert. You kept me laughing when I felt like I had no direction life. I mean, that's, I'm honored truly. Listen to your podcast and see how I'm constantly kept me laughing
Starting point is 02:29:45 when I felt like I had no direction in life and was dealing with the aftermath of a toxic manipulator who enjoyed watching me suffer. Man, those people are real fucked up. While they would pretend to be the victim of everything around them, even myself. Hmm? Yep.
Starting point is 02:29:58 I cannot stress enough how destructive these predators can be, but you kept me smiling and hearing similar stories like this from other time suckers who you also help left feeling, left me feeling like things might be okay. And that's why I like to read these messages. Second person to have been there to help was my now amazing fiance Marissa. She is serious. She the greatest person in the fucking world.
Starting point is 02:30:19 Ha! And she gave me to my life for on the same time. She saw so much of me even when it would have been easier for her at the time to think I was going nowhere. She inspired me to strive for greatness and encourage me to my life for on the same time. She saw so much of me, even when it would have been easier for her at the time to think I was going nowhere. She inspired me to strive for greatness and encouraged me to find something I enjoyed and can succeed in. Then I mentioned that she's easy to nice
Starting point is 02:30:31 it's the most supportive person in the entire fucking world. I'm sure a lot of people think that they met their own version of the best person in the world, but fuck, ha ha ha ha ha. But fuck them, I found that person. If nothing else, this is a shout out to her as well. Fast forward to the present, we live in Detroit, Michigan together.
Starting point is 02:30:45 My life is a complete 180. I've worked extremely hard to build a life I can be proud of. I listen to all bad magic content, religiously, Mondays, the best day of the week for me. Marissa bought us tickets to see your show and Grand Rapids at the listing room for my birthday, which was surprising because until recently, she did not have a taste for your comedy.
Starting point is 02:31:00 That's fair. Don't hold it against her now. She loves your content, even though she barely admits it. We made the trek, which turned into four hours so we could stop by to see her family along the way. This detail is important, I swear. That day I proposed to her with her family around it. It was the greatest feeling in the world when she said yes.
Starting point is 02:31:15 This is so fucking sweet. And then three hours later we were at your show where you took the first five minutes of your show to bash the venue that was on the studio and it was the greatest thing ever. Seriously, fuck the movie theater next door. Seen you to show with my now fiancee, sitting next to me led to a huge set of emotions that I was not expecting or prepared for. The two people in the world who I felt saved my life
Starting point is 02:31:33 were in the same room together with me. You can't begin to describe how one feels in that circumstance or maybe you can't. You seem relatively smart. The show was amazing. Twitter, five stars. I wanted to badly walk up to you at the end to thank you for everything,
Starting point is 02:31:43 even if I didn't have an explanation, but it was an early show, and I know you were busy, so I understand completely. Yeah, they had a quick turnaround on that room. I wanted to let you know this way instead, which is probably better because there's full context, whether you are included or not in the show, I just want you to know how much good you're doing for a lot of people. That's so nice. Thanks for everything you do. Please don't ever change. Hail the Great Suck Nasty Supreme. Your loyal space is a will. Man, I'm so happy for you.
Starting point is 02:32:07 And congrats on getting engaged to Marissa. You know what, it's funny. I'm never upset when somebody says like, yeah, they don't like your content. I am amazed that we have enough people who do like it to keep this going. Like, late last night, when I'm like coming up with these stupid things, I'm like, this is, like I have moments when I'm like coming up with these stupid things I'm like this is like
Starting point is 02:32:26 I have moments where I'm like honestly really funny and I have other moments where I just picture people listed this and like this is disturbing. This whole catalog is disturbing. What are what are any of us doing? But then I get messages like this and I'm like oh yeah okay all right I am crazy but there's other people who are the same kind of crazy and also good people and it works out and I'm yeah I'm so glad that man, you found that great person. Yeah, toxic people. It's sometimes it's so hard to know that they are toxic.
Starting point is 02:32:49 What are you? Someone who's really good at manipulation, they can fucking destroy lives. There is someone I'm thinking of right now. And I won't say their name, but somebody, ah, I don't even wanna give details, but a person, I was friends with. I hope to stay friends with, but the person they're with, to me, is so obviously so bad,
Starting point is 02:33:14 such a bad person, so toxic, so many people living. It's like watching, and not just me, me and many other people watching, it's like they're seeing them tied to the tracks. And the train is coming. And they just don't realize it. They're smiling, like, no, I'm having a good time tied on these tracks. No, it's great. No, I know they tied me,
Starting point is 02:33:30 but it was for my own benefit. And like, no, they're destroying you. So I'm so glad you got out of that. So glad, and so glad you got with somebody who's so supportive. I am also lucky to be with who I can serve the best person in the world. Lindsay is the most supportive, sweetest person. And would not be where I am without that to be with who I can throw the best person in the world. Lindsay is the most supportive, sweetest person. And would not be where I am without that energy around me. It's so important.
Starting point is 02:33:50 And before my allergies kick in, I'm going to move on. Thank you, Will. Now for a quick shout out from a sweet sack, hoping for some shit to show up in her life. Hannah Dyke splines. Hey, me, sack. My name is Hannah Dyke. I was just married to my wonderful husband, Tony last week. All these marriages and engagements.
Starting point is 02:34:05 He was the one who got me into your podcast, congrats, which are horrifically beautiful. I think that's a good phrasing. And hilarious in every way, thank you. I figured with my new last name, falling in perfectly with your podcast, he had die. I figured I'd shoot my shot. I'm wondering if you'd be willing to do a shot out
Starting point is 02:34:18 for my husband, Tony. Tony died. Pretty sure he would shoot his, Tony died sounds like an executive, but bad pharmaceuticals. Tony died, CEO and his, Tony dies sounds like an executive at BAM pharmaceuticals. Tony dies CEO and president Tony Dye. Wants to kill everyone you love and fucking sell their bodies to darkfedishnetwork.com subscribers.
Starting point is 02:34:36 But anyway, I'm pretty sure he would shit his pants if you actually read this. I fucking hope he did then. Totally get it if this is not your thing, but I've got to try, especially for the person who is most likely to murder me. What? Oh yes, statistically. Thanks for making things interesting. Hannah, die.
Starting point is 02:34:52 Hannah, happy for you. Tony, definitely shouting you out. Congrats again on this, what did I say recent marriage? Yep, recent marriage. Hope you two are having so much fun. Don't kill Hannah. She seems like a good one. Don't cook her up, don't fucking eat her.
Starting point is 02:35:09 I guess maybe jerk off to that stuff, but not too much. And now we're gonna end on something much heavier. Get ready, find St. Louis Sack, kick ass shaper of young minds, who's asked her name to be redacted for reasons that we, I think, clear. Send us a message with a lot of pollen sprinkled on to it. An important message. And they write,
Starting point is 02:35:29 greeting suck master, hail, name, run, loose, phenopraise, bojangles, glory be to triple M. I'm writing to ask for a shout out, and I vehemently do not apologize for how long this email will be. I'm writing this well-lained in bed in the dark at 10 a.m. on Tuesday morning, when I should be my classroom teacher
Starting point is 02:35:42 in high school kids about health. I'm gonna have to like zone out as I read this to keep it to my shit together. Yesterday, I cowardly piece of shit walked into central visual and performing arts high school, CBPA in St. Louis, and murder two people and wound in six more. Fortunately, the police response was rapid and decisive, and I hope that asshole died slowly and painfully. I teach it in other high school in the St. Louis public school district that is a mile away from CBPA, and our school was a site they brought to survivors of this nightmare too. For the parents to come pick them up.
Starting point is 02:36:09 Well except for one 16 year old girl, Alexandria Bell, that the affirmation piece of shit murdered. The teacher who was killed was a friend of mine, not a close friend, just someone I saw during district-wide professional development. But we hung out in the same group of health and PE teachers and would all go to lunch together on those days, she was cool, funny. I could tell she was a great teacher Apparently when the gunman entered her room she got between him and her students unsurprisingly having known her over the past 13 years And it was the last thing she'll ever do
Starting point is 02:36:34 Her name is Jean Cusca. She's a fucking hero as teachers. We all tell ourselves. It'll never happen at my school I was fortunate that it wasn't my school But me and my students were standing at the windows, watching the dozens of first responder vehicles fly down the road and the helicopters hovering over the scene and the buses filled with kids, many of whom have friends in family at my school who had just had to flee their own school. Arms raised as the exit the buildings
Starting point is 02:36:55 of the police knew not to shoot them, and at least one who told one of our staff who had to step over a body, as he fled. There are many more people more immediately affected by this than me. I'm a little fucked up by it all, so I can only imagine what they're going through. But I want the world to know, Jean Cusca is a rock star. She deserves to be honored and remembered.
Starting point is 02:37:12 When police, firefighters, or soldiers die in the line of duty, people line the streets for their funeral procession. We're not technically supposed to die while teaching, and if anyone deserves that honor, it's Jean. I will be there and invite all of my St. Louis area cult fam to join in. Thank you for letting me work through my grief this way. Thanks to you and the entire Bad Magic family
Starting point is 02:37:29 for all you do for us. If these allergies I've suddenly got ever clear up, I'm going to go back to my classroom, I'm going to try a little harder to make difference in honor of Gene. Her family's requesting donations be made in her honor to jdrf.org. JDRF is a leading global organization,
Starting point is 02:37:44 harnessing the power of research, advocacy, and who, community engagement to advance life changing breakthroughs for type one diabetes. So the big and the cycling was a huge advocate for a local annual cycling fundraiser for JDRF. One of our kids has had T1D since a young age and this cause was near and dear to her heart. Thanks.
Starting point is 02:38:04 And again, so yeah, if you wanna make a donation to her honor, jdrf.org. Oh, man. And that is, again, that is hero teacher, Jean Cusca, sacrifice herself to save students. And one of the students, unfortunately, there was Alexandria Bell, so rest in peace, both you, my Nimrod, take care of you up there. And, man, thanks for sending that message. Yeah, there's in peace, both you. I'm a Nimrod take care of you up there. And man, thanks for sending that message. Yeah, there's some fucking heroes out there. And there are some types of teachers.
Starting point is 02:38:31 And not all the teachers that, you know, like get killed and what's that you were such a fucking crazy thing that that's not common, but not as uncommon as it should be. And yeah, man, shaping young minds, what a fucking noble profession. So much respect for that. And Gene sounds like one of the best teachers you could possibly ever want. So thanks for sending that in. Again, anonymous St. Louis teacher. And yeah, go go on her by by doing the best teaching yet. You possibly can. Thanks everybody. Thanks, time suckers.
Starting point is 02:39:06 I need a nap. We all did. So these were listened to another bad magic productions, podcast, maybe stop jerking off. To elaborate fantasies involving kidnapping, hog time, raping, cooking, eating women, you know. There's a lot of other things jerk off to. At least, I don't know, at least try cartoon ladies.
Starting point is 02:39:24 Being kidnapped, hog time, raped, cooked, and eaten. I mean, still pretty fucked up, but a stroke in the right direction I think. Or maybe beat it to thought of just continuing to keep on sucking. I'm magic productions. Please guys, I'm serious. I really need some money. I'm at home million dollars.
Starting point is 02:39:55 I don't know if I can sell enough. I'm terrible. A rape talent. I just, I'm so, I'm terribly fucked up so bad. I'm so scared. Don't let me be cheap. I'm taking a job. I've got to go for me, can't I? Don't you want to just search for dumb shit or what? Don't let me talk out. Oh no. And then you can send bottles of mad dog for the time while I'm in.
Starting point is 02:40:18 I can't say so much about this dress. You can find it on my girlfriend's page. Please, please, please, don't let me, don't let me to you. Please, don't let me to you. Don't let me to you. Please, please, please, please, please. Don't let me, please, please, please. Don't let me, please, please. Don't let me, please, please.
Starting point is 02:40:34 Don't let me, please, please. Don't let me, please, please, please, please. Don't let me, please, please, please, please. Don't let me, please, please. Don't let me, please, please. Don't let me, please, please. Don't let me, please, please. Don't let me, please.
Starting point is 02:40:42 Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't let me, please. Don't, give me orders. I swear to God, I'll kill, I'll make a video of me executing Trump's government. I'll cook him and I'll eat him. I'll save you for me. If you don't, if you don't, I'll leave the heaven and the dollar in the government. I will save you with Trump's government stake. Fuck that pig in the good city.
Starting point is 02:41:02 We barely got enough on the roof. We got fucking stuff! Oh yeah! Hooray!

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