Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 322 - Europe’s Darkest Hour: WW2 (Part 1 of 2)

Episode Date: November 14, 2022

Another whopper of a topic that could not be more action packed. WW2. Going over the war in Europe today - as much as we can in roughly three hours. The scale of WW2.... so massive.  Over sixty milli...on people died. OVER sixty MILLION. More people killed in less than a decade than all the people killed in two centuries of Mongol invasions. On numerous occasions, over 100,000 people would die in a single DAY. And it could have been so much worse had not the Allied powers defeated the primary Axis Powers of Germany, Japan, and Italy. Forgive my mispronunciations and focus on the enormity of this war in today's we are lucky to be living in a (mostly) free world right now, edition, of Timesuck.   Bad Magic Giving Tree Info: Starting Monday  November 21st at 12:00 Noon PT, we will be accepting applications for this season's giving tree on our website: badmagicmerch.com Only the first fifty applicants will be accepted! If you would like to donate, go to amazon.com and purchase a gift card. When you fill out the box of whom to send this gift card to, simply enter the following email address: givingtree2022@badmagicproductions.comBad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation: We donated $15,228 to the United Heroes League, who provide free sports equipment, game tickets, cash grants, skill development camps, and special experiences to military families across the US & Canada. To find out more, please visit unitedheroesleague.orgGet tour tickets at dancummins.tv Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/fE1loyjWJ5QMerch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comDiscord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 World War II, it's a subject we've touched on so many times throughout multiple sucks, but we've never covered it in its entirety. So that's what we're going to try and do today and next week. We'll cover as much as we can and what I think will probably end up clocking it around five and a half, six hours. Over two episodes, not just today. We could really spend years worth of episodes, literally thousands of hours diving into all the battles in various theaters and combatants of this war, unlike any other war fought in the history of the world.
Starting point is 00:00:27 And we would still not cover it all. The scale of World War II was just so mind numbingly massive. Estimates vary from source to source and always will, but conservatively over 60 million people died in World War II, including anywhere from 38 to 55 million civilians, to put that number in perspective, roughly 17 million meat sacks died to the next biggest war in modern history. World War I. More people died in World War II in less than a decade than all the people killed by the Mongol invasions of the 13th and 14th centuries. More people died than the up to 40 million people killed in ancient China during the three kingdoms war. They began
Starting point is 00:01:03 in 184 CE and lasted for nearly a century. Never before had the world absorbed so much human blood shed by conflict in such a relatively short span of time that then it did less than a century ago. So why was it ever fought? The instability created in Europe by the first world war is what set the stage for another international conflict just barely over two decades later, World War
Starting point is 00:01:25 2 rising to power in an economically and politically unstable Germany, Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi party, re armed the nation and strategic, signed strategic treaties with Italy and Japan to further his ambitions of world domination. Hitler's invasion of Poland in September of 1939, drove great Britain and France to declare war on Germany, the beginning of World War II over the next six years. The conflict would take more lives and also destroy more land and property around the globe than any previous war ever. Germany would advance relentlessly west, gobbling up Norway and Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium and its blitzkrieg or lightning war strikes before arriving in France and forcing their quick
Starting point is 00:02:02 surrender to the Nazis. And then it seemed like for a short time, the Hillary was going to go on to occupy great Britain, leading Germany to completely dominate Europe and force a continent to bend the need to the horrific new ideals of the nationalistic and destructive Nazi state, a state that would have inevitably gone on to try and rule the rest of the world. Their ambition was limitless. But thanks to the brave efforts and sacrifices of many heroes, both remembered and forgotten
Starting point is 00:02:26 that would never happen. The paved the way for a planned amphibious land invasion, operation, sealion, Nazi plans bombed Britain extensively, beginning in September 1940 until May of 1941, known as the Blitz, including night raids, un-londed and other industrial centers that caused heavy civilian casualties and damage. But in the first major allied triumph of World War II, Britain's Royal Air Force eventually defeated their Nazi aerial combat counterparts, the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain and force Hitler to postpone his plans to invade.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Plans that he would never return to because Mother Russia. Hitler foolishly turned his side to the Soviet Union, the perfect place he thought for the German peoples, Liebistrom or living space, how wrong he would be. Early quick successes against weaker opponents had given Hitler a tremendous amount of false confidence that would lead to so much death. As was the case with Britain conquering the Soviet Union wouldn't be nearly as easy as Hitler imagined. In fact, it would prove impossible.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Meanwhile, while Britain faced off with Germany and Europe, the United States took the international lead in combating Japanese aggression, which by late 1941 included an expansion of its ongoing, deadly war with China, and the seizure of European colonial holdings in the Far East. The December 7th, 1941, Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor would set off both the US's entrance into World War Two in Europe and the Pacific, making World War Two truly a global conflict. Every populated continent on earth sent young men to fight and to die. The Allies faced off primarily with two formidable enemies, the Japanese and the Pacific and the Nazis in Europe who both wanted world domination, beating one of them wouldn't have been easy, beating both seemed impossible at times.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Keeping up the morale of millions of citizens, while bombs rained down on their cities and soldiers, and while volunteers of all kinds went off to help the war effort, was incredibly difficult. Victory would be costly, the Allies knew going into the war that best case millions would die, but the alternative was worse.
Starting point is 00:04:21 A world remade in the image of the racist, fascist, and brutal policies of the Axis powers. Repel the Nazi aggression in the west and imperial Japanese aggression in the east had to be done. The fate of the world literally depended on it. The stakes cannot possibly be higher than Nazis and Japanese and their cohorts. Wanted to turn the world into an almost unimaginable dystopian wasteland of constant fear, tyranny, suffering and death. By the end of the war between 80, between 60 and 80 million people would be dead. Entire cities raised a rubble or forever transformed and the global balance of power shifted significantly.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Communism would spread Soviet Union into Eastern, uh, uh, the Soviet Union, excuse me, it's spread communism into Eastern Europe as well as its eventual triumph in China, paving the way for the Cold War that would later push the US and the Soviet Union to the brink of nuclear annihilation, dozens of former colonial possessions of European powers would get their freedom due to World War II. After 1945, three dozen new states
Starting point is 00:05:17 in Asia and Africa achieved independence, reshaping the international community forever. In many ways, World War II transformed the world into the shape as we know it today. This topic, even if you're not a history buff, it should still be for you. It should be of interest to everyone alive. It's well worth learning about for a vast myriad of reasons. So let's get to learning the battles, the leaders, many of the people both big and small who helped freedom and democracy win. World War motherfuckern to right now now right here on this nazi's bombs and battles
Starting point is 00:05:46 edition of time suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to time suck. You're listening to time suck. Happy Monday meet sacks. I'm Dan Cummins of suck Suck Master, Suck Skywalker. Guy trying to counter terms with the possibility that his father founded Bear Evil Incorporated. And you are listening to Time Suck. Hail Nimrod, Hail Lucifer, praise Good Boy Bojangles, and Glory Beat of Triple M. I'm going to do my best today to get to all this information
Starting point is 00:06:22 the best I can. Brains Little Foggy got a little head cold, which is why I'm gonna do my best today to get to all this information the best I can Brains little foggy got a little head cold, which is why I'm wearing the over ears instead of the in ears as far as Headphones for your YouTube watchers Just a time a year little little bugs going around and just Just know if I do miss pronounce of which I will That I I looked up phonetic spellings literally for hours for every Word I thought I could find but when you're bouncing around the globe and trying to keep information moving and you got a little mouth, well, this takes you're gonna happen. So just throwing that out there, but I'm so excited for this content. I thought, so if we did a great job with the research, and I think I did a pretty good job adding to it as well.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Before we get into a very important bad magic giving tree announcement coming up, the, uh, then I'll give the merch stuff. Sorry, my brain is a little foggy. Getting, go through the merch and a few announcements, talking about the giving tree and then getting into the content. Uh, super cool, cool merch starting off. The time suck collectible cards are back volume two now in the shelves. So fuck yeah, bro.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Uh, sucker Raymond roll back again with the magic for episodes 51 through 100, some great cards in here, Richard Kuklinski, heavens gate, Colt, the Jersey devil, the green river killer, so many more illustrations. Thanks again, Raymond for the hard work and dedication to each episode. You can find him at Harley Warren dot com. If you'd like to show him some support for his original designs and that's H-A-R-LL-E-Y-W-A-R-R-E-N.com. Just ordered one of his shirts last week, a little skull, hunter, as Thompson can't wait to get it. Seems like a great guy and his designs are fantastic. And limited quantities of
Starting point is 00:07:56 volume one are back in the store as well. So you can go to badmagicmerch.com, check that stuff out. Holiday Order Cutoff is December 7th. If you want to try and ensure a delivery for the holidays and time at a couple weeks for international shipping. Reminder that in honor of November containing veterans day, we donated to a veteran cause again this year. This year we donated $15,220 to the United Heroes League who provide free sports equipment, game tickets, cash grants, skill development camps and special experiences. Two military families across, not just, skill, development camps, and special experiences
Starting point is 00:08:25 to military families across, not just the US, but also in Canada. The United Heroes League keeps military kids active and healthy through sports while their parents serve their nations. So to find out more, please visit unitedheros league.org, also donated $1,692 to our upcoming scholarship fund. And now the fourth annual bad magic giving tree, our fourth chance to collectively give back to the community that gives so much to us. Like all previous years, we'll be using the December Patreon donation to kick this off.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Estimate that to be about 15K. If any fans would like to donate to the cause as they have in years past, we're again, only accepting Amazon gift cards. Don't have the bandwidth to do anything but that. The most effective way for us to shop with limited time and energy, just like in years past, Lindsay and I will be matching any and all donations you make up to 15k. If fully matched, we'll have about $45,000 to work with. If you'd like to donate, go to Amazon.com, purchase a gift card when you fill out the box of whom to send the card to enter the following
Starting point is 00:09:23 email address, giving tree 2022 at badmagicproductions.com. That's giving tree 2022 at badmagicproductions.com. That'll be in the episode description. If your need is going to be a very straightforward process this year, if you wanted on this, starting this coming Monday November 21st at noon, Pacific time, we'll be accepting applications on the website, badmagicmerch.com. That'll be the only way to submit your family this year, one and only way. We can help about 50
Starting point is 00:09:50 families this year and the first 50 50 families who apply will receive that help. The submission form will live on our website until we have either 50 families or until November 26, whichever comes first. You can rest assured that if you filled out and submitted the application, you're getting help. No more waiting and wondering. That's what we're trying to avoid this year. Once 50 families have applied, application won't allow anyone else to fill it out. It's a new system, so please be patient. We will receive your application, then reach out to you.
Starting point is 00:10:18 We'll be shopping, sending out gifts from December 1 through December 12 and look forward to bringing our community together. Once again, to love and support one another. And again, you can find the info for that in the episode description. Hail fucking Nimrod and now on to today's massive topic. A topic that maybe aside from the dark ages is just the biggest topic we've ever tried to directly cover here on TimeSuck. We've already discussed portions of World War II in several past episodes from true crime
Starting point is 00:10:44 stories like Marcel Pitio, Nazi serial killer, the Nazi killing, Bielski brothers, two topics like the Manhattan Project, Operation Green Up, aka the real life in glorious bastards, the inspiring and heartbreaking tale of the Warsaw ghetto, the remarkable story of the Navajo code talkers and in our episode on the race against the enigma machine to crack Hitler's codes. Also have covered Hitler in depth, his rise to power, one of our earliest episodes, a rise to the Third Reich, as well as some of the, uh, what the fuck crazy shit some of his cronies did in the Nazi search for the Holy Grail. What the fuck the fuck you have, I'm so excited to find the tunnel stashul, and the area and ice dance and the visits and stuff. I'm so excited to find the tunnel to sure, on the area in Ice Dines and the visits and stuff. I still think about that one sometimes.
Starting point is 00:11:27 And of course, we most recently covered the Herothec Holocaust in our two part series there, and also covered some of the Evil War time experiments Japan performed on prisoners years ago in the Unit 731 episode. So we've been dancing around World War II in so many topics for the entirety of this podcast existence, basically.
Starting point is 00:11:44 About time we take a more direct look, even though we will undoubtedly, you know, leave many things on the table as we journey through our timeline. There's just again, so much to cover this massive topic and also try to try to not to repeat ourselves. We'll be leaving out most of the details of some of the things we've already covered, like the Holocaust, not because, you know, it's not important, obviously, just, you know, it's already received in depth treatment. Also, we'll split up our coverage into two episodes.
Starting point is 00:12:09 The first episode today primarily will cover the war in Europe, Hitler progressing ruthlessly through Europe with help from Stalin at first, then from Mussolini and fascist Italy and then the Allies effort to contain and destroy the Nazi threat in not just Europe, but in northern Africa as well. Then in next week's episode, we'll hop over to Japan and what historians call the Pacific theater or the war in the Pacific. The cover of the war is it would take place there, the expansion of imperial Japan, the United States strategy of island hopping to regain territory taken by the Japanese empire,
Starting point is 00:12:40 all culminated in the US is still highly controversial dropping of two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So throughout both episodes, we'll get into some stories and personal accounts as well as overviews of many of the major battles, events and campaigns. Let's fucking go! There's so many different places we can start with when it comes to examining World War Two. Let's begin with this name. The name World War Two implies that it was a sequel, that it was a continuation of World War One.
Starting point is 00:13:15 And in a way, it definitely was. World War One began in Europe in 1914 when Archduke, Franz Ferdinand, was shot by a Serbian nationalist. In an age when empires are trying to expand, claim it more territory and resources and size than one another up, leading, leading, you know, tensions to grow and grow as parts of these empires express their desires to split off. The assassination of the Archduke and his wife was the spark that sent Europe into that First World War. The world or at least much of it, thanks to the global colonial possessions of Europe and various alliances that dragged multiple continents into one continent's mess and then split between
Starting point is 00:13:49 two groups, the central powers and the allied powers. The central powers were Germany, which backed Austria-Hungry along with Turkey, aka the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria. The principal allied powers, so many additional nations will also join their fight. We're France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, Japan, and the most important allied power, San motherfucker, Marino. San Marino, man, if not for their massive contributions, and not just World War I but World War II as well, the Germans would rule the world right now. A lot of people just think that San Marino threw a lot of touchdowns for the Miami Dolphins
Starting point is 00:14:22 in the 80s and 90s, and he did do that. But also he beat the fuck out of the Axis powers in Europe. No, no, Dan Marino did that. The football part, San Marino is the smallest nation in Europe if you don't count the Vatican city, which I don't. If Italy didn't help the Vatican out, I can round up enough people in my neighborhood
Starting point is 00:14:37 to fucking kick the shit out of them. Their population is 453 dudes who probably don't fight much. San Marino, little bit bigger. Around 35,000 people. They contributed 10 volunteers to fight in World War One, not kidding, literally 10. But that's not, it's nothing. But it's not enough for a football team.
Starting point is 00:14:55 They declared neutrality in both World War One and World War Two because they're fucking tiny. Don't have a military. They mostly just wanted to farm and make cheese, not be fucked with. You're adorable adorable Sam Marino Don't ever don't ever change. Don't ever stop being you whatever that is I take the time to learn more about you, but you know come on your Sam Marino. There's a lot other bigger better countries to study
Starting point is 00:15:14 You know life short no hard feelings If these comments really hurt my download numbers in Sam Marino, you know who fucking cares? I still think I still think it's the greatest quarterback and everyone is super bowl. Anyway, the United States was the other principal allied power, not Samarino, one more one. I'm gonna randomly pick on Samarino's episode. France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, Japan, and the US. And then just 30 years after the allied powers,
Starting point is 00:15:36 one that war, World War II, would renew a conflict between these nations and others, fought almost along these same lines, though with the rise of their own fascist governments and desires for territorial expansion, Italy and Japan would become part of the new Axis powers with Germany. This time the war was even more intense, last even longer, six years, rather than four. As I mentioned, World War II, uh, yeah, continuation of World War I, the harsh reparations of Germany, that came with the end of World War I, the Treaty of Versailles would lead to Hitler's rise as he rallied the Germans to believe that they had been fucked over.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Unfairly treated, needed to take back their place in global history. However, despite being a continuation, World War Two a very different war than World War One. The sequel, a lot more action packed than the original. Despite only taking place just over two decades later, World War Two was fought with a very different military technology much more advanced. It had advanced so much in the interwar years. World War I fighting took place mostly in the trenches, other than the trained infantry, most of their weaponry and methods of fighting back then consisted of artillery, machine guns, slow moving tanks, poisonous gases, very early
Starting point is 00:16:43 renditions of war planes, and Britain alone over a million men volunteered to fight in the First World War. And it's on-cent. The first tank was introduced into the war by the British in 1916 as they realized they needed to better and safer way to be mobile. Germany was rather frustrated with having to fight in the trenches and not being able to progress forward, particularly since they were outnumbered. Something Hitler would take into account in World War II.
Starting point is 00:17:04 We'd learn from World War I. Early battles in World War I were more like a Napoleonic battles, right? In the late summer of 1914, France's army advanced to the attack across Virgin countryside, wearing red trousers and blue overcoats, led by bands playing. Yep, fucking bands with flutes and stuff. Fl's flying, officers mounted on charge, AK horses wearing white gloves, waving swords. Swords, motherfuckers were still waving swords in battle in World War One. While mostly ceremonial, some soldiers were getting killed via swords still. What an odd way to die in the 20th century. Like I wonder if you got stabbed by a sword in World War One, you know, did you die after
Starting point is 00:17:43 expressing some version of, are you fucking kidding me? Did you really just stab me with a sword in 1917? I have to ride it up to me on a horse Fuck I'm sad to die and also embarrassed. I thought we'd all agree this which the guns a long time ago Uh during World War two some officers did have ceremonial swords still Few dudes probably were stabbed under extremely rare circumstances when they ran out of ammo or a gun jam ago during World War Two some officers did have ceremonial swords still. Few dudes probably were stabbed under extremely rare circumstances when they ran out of ammo or gun jammed.
Starting point is 00:18:10 But much more advanced weaponry was used almost always with more modern, much faster tanks, tanks, big factor in World War Two. Submarines, airplanes, introduction, nuclear missiles, covert operations, tanks from World War Well, the nuclear bombs at the end of the war. Tanks from World War I were rolling along barely at around four miles per hour. Some of the Nazis' panzer tanks, excuse me, could hit over 30 miles an hour and could off-road it comfortably at a thousand miles an hour. No, at 10 miles an hour.
Starting point is 00:18:37 That'd be a massive difference if they went from four and were one to a thousand miles per hour in World War II. No, it was a 10 miles per hour in World War II. No, it's a 10 miles per hour though in the brush. There were still numerous cavalry divisions of horse mounted soldiers in World War II, but they were not a major part of the war at all. And those soldiers carried you know, much more modern weapons. One of the modern weapons used mostly by the Western Allies during World War II was the Swedish designed bofers 40 millimeter gun and anti aircraft auto cannon,
Starting point is 00:19:04 but really an anti everything cannon fully automatic with a practical fire rate of 80 to 100 rounds per minute shooting high explosive shells theoretically capable of taking out an airplane flying it up to 23,490 feet, very capable of taking out planes at up to 12,500 feet. Excuse me, fucking cold. Big fucking gun, highly effective as a defense mechanism for ground, naval or air forces, version still in use around the world today. One of the many weapons, unlike anyone fighting in World War I had ever seen.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Very good at eviscerating. Excuse me, anyone parachuting down to try and kill you with a sword. You know, if that were to happen. War strategy two had evolved so much since World War One. Now soldiers wouldn't be stuck in trenches firing shots back and forth or slowly and steadily marching towards each other while the fucking band played their drums and flutes. Like soldiers of the 19th and 19th century war with flags and banners, the US army had kept drummers and fifers dudes playing with a kind of flute basically with the infantry
Starting point is 00:20:05 until they were finally abolished in the field in 1917. So up to 1917, and people were getting sent out on the battlefields of Europe with like a flute. I can't figure out these battlefield musicians carried a weapon with them as well, like a pistol or something. I know they didn't during the US Civil War. You imagine heading into a fucking battle with a drum or flute. Wonder if any fight forever fives someone to death.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Worked out flute like Bruce Lee, worked the staff and entered the dragon. I'm gonna say probably not. I'm gonna say I'm gonna do it, come for you, your best probably defense if you just have a flute is to turn and run. Anyway, World War II wasn't fought slowly
Starting point is 00:20:41 with dramatic marches and drums and flutes. And said Hitler had come up with a new method called the Blitzkrieg, lightning war. It was as much a psychological tactic as it was a military one tested by the Germans during the Spanish Civil War in 1938. And against Poland in 1939, the Blitzkrieg proved to be a formidable combination of land and air actions. Germany's success with the tactic at the beginning of World War II, hands largely on the fact that it was the only country that had effectively linked its combined forces with radio communications.
Starting point is 00:21:09 The use of mobility, quick shocking attacks, locally concentrated firepower and skillfully coordinated military maneuvers paralyzed and adversaries capacity to organize their defenses. And not these essentially figured out for World War II how to do the military equivalent of popping out of the fucking bushes and sucker punching an opponent, right, to start to fight surprise motherfucker. And then, after getting hit, their opponents were usually two days to punch back effectively in time to defend themselves. The Nazis hit quick, then exploited their opponents, shocked paralysis by penetrating the adversaries,
Starting point is 00:21:39 rear areas, and disrupting their whole system of communications and administration. This battlefield tactic, as employed by the Germans consisted of a fast splitting thrusts on a narrow front by combat groups using tanks, dive bombers, and motorized artillery to disrupt the main and typically somewhat surprised enemy's battle position. Right? Oh, oh, shit. These fuckers are here. I barely have my pants on.
Starting point is 00:22:04 White sweeps by armored vehicles follow, established a ring around the opponent that would trap and mobilize them. Oftentimes it was followed by quick and total surrender. These tactics were remarkably economical, concerning both the lives and resources of the attackers. And you have to fire a lot of shells, got to save a lot of expensive military equipment
Starting point is 00:22:24 by not using it. And because the speed and short duration of the campaign, the victims often lost a lot of expensive military equipment by not using it. And because the speed and short duration of the campaign, the victims often lost a lot of lives than they would have in a more prolonged attack. Despite that, it was also fucking terrifying. Reporter Lewis P. Lockner writing for the Associated Press in May of 1940 would describe it in the following way in a cable back to America. Please indulge me as I add the sounds of a tie-prader rain hit in the window Maybe a little bit of light jazz in the background to give his words just a little more old-timey ambiance If there's Germany's super ace in this war where four frontline usually is where dive bombers and heavier bombers have done their devastated work.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Now I ride the German land forces at last. I have to cross you over from last German border town in dust in which morning mist lingled with smoke clouds from roaring plains. It took us but short time to realize how completely the war had been revolutionized by the Air Force. This is how Germany operates in this decisive area. First, Air Scalars determine just how enemy troops are moving. They learn the exact strength of enemy forces, equipment, types of weapons used, etc.
Starting point is 00:23:37 With this knowledge reinforced by photos, Germany's terrorizing stupas, followed by heavy bombers dashed magrees down upon the enemy. Maching towns if necessary through which moving troops are pushing them, demolishing railway traps, telephone lines, industrial plants, and annihilating marching columns. Meanwhile, air information services inform speedy mechanized units where bombing is ventricous as well. Quick as lightning, these dark forward face the the enemy with death, disdaining courage, while foes fall into utter confusion. The suddenness of the attack has usually been proven successful. After these attacks, mobile advance guards have thus routed the enemy so that the main army is ready to move in. We had one glimpse of Germany's extreme preparedness, and we saw with what speed bridges were replaced.
Starting point is 00:24:23 In fact, is German army engineers have exactly fitting substitute bridges ready for every strategic river a canal crossing in Belgium, France, likely to be dilimated or damaged. German reinforcement cars bring all this ready made equipment with them on the heels of motorized vangots. One more thing. Late last night I noticed a dazzling dish of a dame with no wedding rings, smoking some old gold from the awning of Nick's new stain. It was already closed down for the day.
Starting point is 00:24:53 He was dressed in the nines, black heels, red pantal skirt, white blouse, and a black toolbox hat. And it will read a hayword smile and a figure out from Didey herself, who'd be jealous of. I became an eagerbie for D dying for a reason to get out. Before I was able to ask what's buzzin' cousin. Some A's and a shiny new continental pulled up and she hopped in. Before she shut the door, I was shared a moment. And I saw Flickr a fear in her eyes.
Starting point is 00:25:19 She wanted me to save her. Before I could move, that sugar daddy pulled her inside and drove my baby away. A5781. I memorized the plate now I'm gonna pull in a favor with the local fuzz here in Italy and look further into this. I just can't stop thinking about Huh, all right well Sorry, I obviously I got a little carried away there at the end. You got get into the crime. No, our vibe a little too much went with it back to World War two. I'm curious what happened that later.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the advanced technology, World War two was, uh, yeah, I get much more deadly than World War one. For example, Russia lost 3.3 million military and civilian lives fighting World War one. That's a staggering number. 3.3 million, uh, but between 1941 and 1945, fighting World War II, the Russians lost, you know, by, by maybe the most accepted account, 27 million lives. Black, also responsible for up to 90% of the German army's total war loss. I had Russian not also fought the Nazis. There's a good chance the rest of the allies, US included, would not have been able to
Starting point is 00:26:28 defeat them. Working with Russia to save the world. What a crazy concept. I don't see that happening anytime soon again with strong Pony boy Putin in charge. The heaviest loss of life for any nation in a single day of World War I occurred July 1st, 1916 during the Battle of the Sam when the British Army suffered 57,470 casualties, including over 19,000 dead. Compare that to the night of March 9, 1945 when hundreds of U.S. bombers dropped 16, 165 tons of incendiaries, including a
Starting point is 00:26:58 half million cylinders of napalm and white phosphorus on Tokyo, Japan. This single night killed more people than the bombings of Hiroshima, Nagasaki or Dresden. While only 80,000 bodies were found and recorded It is likely that between 100,000 and 200,000 people died Roughly a million left homeless And these weren't soldiers. These were civilians up to 200,000 Japanese civilians dead in an active war in one fucking night That did not involve an atomic bomb. Holy shit. That's massive carnage and war crime, maybe, right?
Starting point is 00:27:31 Had the US lost the war for sure would have had a lot of politicians and military leaders executed for war crimes. But you know, in these wars, extreme circumstances might make rights, not even saying what they did was wrong, by the way, just want to point out that the access powers weren't the only ones get their hands dirty in ways. We now for sure would call war crimes regardless of circumstance. This illustrates another important shift from World War One to World War Two, non-combatant casualties. The line between soldier and civilian blurred way fucking more in World War Two than in almost any other large scale modern conflict. Soldiers on all sides committed atrocities on civilians around the globe.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Almost 75% of the total deaths in World War II were from civilians that amounts to at least 45 million people staggering number. Many sources cite the number between 50 and 55 million. It's absurd. That is equivalent to killing literally. Yeah, just think about this. That's equivalent to killing literally everyone alive right now in all of the Nordic countries.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, every man, woman and child, all dead, and also killing everyone alive in Portugal, Ireland, in Greece, all those countries, everyone dead. And that death toll doesn't even count all the combatants who also died in World War II. Yeah. World War II also affected so many civilians, never directly injured or killed in combat. In America, the war effort on the home front required big sacrifices and cooperation from nearly the entire citizenry. Don't you know, there's a war going on.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Sorry, I had to go in. I don't know why, my brain. Don't you know, there's a war on was a common expression in the mid 1940s, rationing became part of the everyday life of many Americans who had to learn to conserve viral resources. They live with price controls dealt with shortages of everything from nylon to housing, volunteered for jobs, ranged from air raid warden to red cross worker who can serve and produce more food. A food for victory campaign was launched eating leftovers became one's patriotic duty. And civilians, I love leftovers.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And civilians were urged to grow their own vegetables and fruits instead of buying them. That food needed to be sent to the troops. Millions of victory gardens were planted and maintained by ordinary citizens, appeared in backyards, vacant lots, even public parks. These gardens produced over a billion tons of food. Americans can't food at home
Starting point is 00:29:41 and consulted victory cookbooks for recipes and tips to make the most arachained goods. The overcome shortages brought about by the international trade and mining and manufacturing disruptions caused by the war war planners also had to look for substitutes for materials, one of which was copper to satisfy the military's demands copper substitutes had to be found to use in products less important to the nation's defense. The US Mint helps solve the copper shortage during 1943, started making pennies out of steel. Mint also conserved nickel, another important metal by removing it from, you know, nickels,
Starting point is 00:30:13 our five cent coins, a cocoa production increase to make the army standard K-rations, which included chocolate bars, and then sugar would have to be rationed for civilians. Americans in the war years in the 1940s would fucking laugh at the outrage over supply chain problems we have today. Our problems do not compare at all on any level to what they dealt with.
Starting point is 00:30:33 We have to wait on what brand new trucks and cars. Oh, no, iPhones right now. Oh, gosh dang, I can't get the new one. Did they, I want it? Oh, no. To help produce more ammunition, Americans were encouraged to save household waste fat, which was used to make glycerin. Other household goods, including rags, paper, silk, and string were recycled, which was
Starting point is 00:30:51 new. And despite more employment, thanks to the war effort, taxes also went up way up. Fucking Hitler. We kind of have that dipshit, along with emperor here, a hero to blame for federal income taxes, right? The worst tax, not even kidding. During World War II, the federal income taxes right the worst tax not even kidding during world war two the federal income tax entered the lives of many americans for the very first time and has never gone away 1939 fewer than eight million people had ever filed individual
Starting point is 00:31:15 income tax returns before right in 1945 nearly 50 million people filed the withholding system of payroll deductions we still have today another wartime development. Too much tangential information to get into in an already very information heavy suck. But prior to World War II, did you know that almost no one in the US paid a federal income tax? I did not know that or forgot. Prior to World War II, only the wealthiest Americans paid a federal income tax. Some of whom were just fucking tax to redict this level up to 75% of their income. There would literally be riots if that shit was attempted today. While the financial
Starting point is 00:31:49 requirements of the Civil War prompted the first American income tax in 1861, the 16th amendment didn't establish Congress's right to impose a federal income tax until 1913 and by 1939 still only about 5% of American workers actually paid it. It was just basically for the wealthy. And then President Roosevelt's proposed revenue act of 1942 introduced the broadest and most progressive tax in American history, the victory tax on a fun fucking name for something that now fucks over some of the Americans. It doesn't leave them with enough money to do more than just barely survive. Thanks to the victory tax, about 75% of American workers would now pay income taxes.
Starting point is 00:32:25 The East Workers burden of paying a large sum once a year and to create a regular flow of revenue into the US Treasury, the government required employers to withhold money from employees checks. Additional tax measures were put in place in 1943 by the wars in in 1945, about 90% of American workers submitted income tax forms. 60% paid taxes on their income and here we are today still. And once the government that'll hold of all that extra income, war or no war, wasn't going to let go of taking our money. And that feel a little shady to you. Does to me. Hitler's been dead a long time now. At least the money they take is managed really well. Sarcasm. US government auditors back in 2009 after examining all federal programs
Starting point is 00:33:04 for the past five years found that 22% of them, causing taxpayers a total of 123 billion annually failed to show literally any positive impact. Fuckin cool, super cool. It's almost like you should have to have some business experience before being allowed to help run the biggest economy in the world instead of just having to win a popularity contest and I'm done writing about taxes. Let's get back to World War II, fuck a greedy Uncle Sam's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:33:28 All right, in addition to taking citizens money, like it had never taken it before, the US government also began essentially borrowing from the citizenry by selling war bonds to the general public with consumer goods and short supply and thus spending being down Americans now put much their money into bonds and savings accounts. Life was incredibly stressful in so many ways for so many people during World War II.
Starting point is 00:33:47 You couldn't even send a nice letter home from the front lines or send a package of candy to a loved one fighting to save the world in the way you wanted to. Check out the following correspondence between US soldier John H. Thornton and his sweetheart back home, Miss Nell Fagan. Both from Georgia, Nell wanted to know how to send his, his Christmas package sending one, doing so months in advance with the hope that it would be, you know, reach him and the, you know, John right and back gave her some instructions and a gentle let down. John writes on page two of his letter, darling, about the candy you want to send me.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I would like very much to have some, but I'm afraid it would ruin getting here. Worms get in most of the candy to send out. They were in several pieces of that you sent for my birthday. So I'd hate to see things like that ruin. I hate to say, don't send it because you might think I don't appreciate what you're trying to do. I appreciate it more than you could ever imagine. I also think you are very thoughtful to make me proud to know that a girl like you loves me. I think it's best not to send the candy, but I still want to thank you.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Couldn't even fucking get a care package of candy back then. I wonder if that was just because John and Nell, you know, didn't think to hop on board Amazon Prime shipping. JK, I hope you know that I was kidding before I said JK. I do know that Amazon Prime wasn't around back then. They should use FedEx. Also, JK. But for the most part, soldiers tried to downplay the horrors of the war and their letters back home. This was partially due to enforced censorship, couldn't risk sensitive information, getting into enemy enemy hands, revealing a low troop morale would be some of that information. Also many soldiers probably just wanted to shield families from the true horrors of the war, so as not to worry or frighten them.
Starting point is 00:35:19 While the soldiers who fought against some of the most fearsome enemies of all time, there was a good reason so many of our fictional villains are now modeled off of the Nazis would undoubtedly be called to make the biggest sacrifices. There was hardly a person alive that World War II didn't touch. White, black, American Indian, male, female, adult, child, everyone, probably even lizard people hiding in their underground layers. Certainly feed on our fears, but maybe some of them got bombed too. I have to ask David Ike, you know, if I ever meet him. But seriously, whole cities were transformed. Communities rallying to offer whatever support they could for the war effort.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Let's look here in Idaho. Look locally at some communities in the late 1930s, as Nazi Germany was growing stronger. Idaho was quiet, rural state focused on farming and geographically removed from any of the political strife in Europe. Within 10 years, however, there would be air bases at Gowon Field and a mountain home that were critical to the war effort. Those bases would alter the fabric of their surrounding communities in a real way.
Starting point is 00:36:12 New jobs at Gowon Field brought in many new groups of people Idaho. In 1942, the African-American population in Idaho as listed on the census was written as Lamar. As in the entire African-American community of all of Idaho was, you know, a guy named Lamar. He owned and ran a temp work agency called honkeys for hire. I can say that, right? I can say that since I am a honky.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Come on, little George Jefferson. One of his favorite words. Of course, the census for Lam it plays for numbers. That's just fucking so funny for me to think about though that that would happen like you just look at this dry sheet of just so many numbers just these charts and then there's like 37 142 and then just
Starting point is 00:36:55 Lamar. In 1942 the African American population in Idaho was listed as 595 people against a state population total of around 530,000. Over the course of the next year, the air base brought 300 more African Americans into Idaho as soldiers where they would challenge, you know, racist stereotypes, put down roots in the community, and many of their descendants still live in Idaho. Women arrived at the base, too.
Starting point is 00:37:18 The Women's Army auxiliary core, provided clerical support at the base and did many mechanical job traditionally reserved for men. The women's Air Force service pilots also served at Gowon. These women pilots were still lives, fairing planes and towing targets. Soldiers could practice air to air machine gunnery. I didn't know that. A court of lane home of the Suck Dungeon had an important role in the training of pilots during World War II as well in 1942. The Burroker Hicks flying service, least weeks field,
Starting point is 00:37:45 which have been established as a municipal airport in the early 1920s. At that time, the field only had a small hanger with no water, no utilities within a few months. Baroque or Hicks installed water, electricity, phone and heating system. Large hanger was constructed. In the spring of 1943, North Idaho, junior college and conjunction with Baroque or Hicks was awarded a contract with the war training service to house feed and struck cross-country flyers. To accommodate this dude in several civilian conservation core buildings from the beauty bay area were transported across Lake Cortalaine
Starting point is 00:38:13 to the NIJC campus to be used as classrooms. The biggest difference at home wasn't the addition of anything new though, it was the absence of familiar faces. The American Indian Cortalaine tribe currently based in Plumber, Idaho. Small town of around a thousand people about 30 miles from where I record would permanently lose four of those familiar faces. Right. Carl, Soul, Louis, Elmer, J Falcon, Moses, W. Arepa, and Adolf Alexi made the ultimate sacrifice. Carl, Louis would be present in account of four on the morning of D day June 6, 1944 But would be dead by the day's end. So Louis was killed in midair during the paratroopers descent behind enemy lines
Starting point is 00:38:56 Yeah, Calvin Gary from the nearby Spokane tribe also schooled in plumber Also a paratrooper in D day Gary was shot during the drop as well But he lived lived a long life afterwards to tell the story of how his fingers were shot off that day that day right at the point where they held onto the straps of his parachute Jesus November 21st 1944 Cortalaine tribe member Moses Arepa killed an action at the Belgian border as allied troops moved inland towards Germany Two others would make the ultimate sacrifice in the Pacific theater private first class Adolf Alexi killed an action to South in the South Pacific theater. Private first class Adolf Alexi killed an action to South in the South Pacific, killed fighting on Okinawa Island April 6, 1945, buried in the 1996 Infantry Division temporary cemetery there. Elmer Falcon died of wounds he received in combat in the Philippines.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Falka was the first husband of Joseph Stensger, mother of current court-elain tribal chairman, Ernest L Stensgar, or Stensger. May all of those brave men rest in peace. I'm so glad Sophie Evans thought to find them and share their stories. All of them, I would have missed that angle of including local veterans into this week's tale. Information about these men and their brave sacrifice will be reported back in the US by Lawrence Nicodemus who started a newspaper called the Desmet Morning Star during the war to give local families information about their loved ones. This was after Nicodemus had gone to a list, but was not accepted.
Starting point is 00:40:08 So we opted to choose publishing a newspaper to keep the court of lane tribal members in the war connected to home as his way of contributing to the war effort. Right? No one made him do that. Just felt like it was the right thing to do. Did it out of a sense of honor and duty, much respect for Lawrence Nicodemus. Hail Namrod, Hallu'simas, Hail, name, rod, Hail, Lucifina, Mojangles also sends his respect.
Starting point is 00:40:27 In addition to the four members who died, dozens of others from the court laying tribe fought overseas and hundreds of non-tribal members from this area fought as well, dozens of them dying. And all across the country, everywhere from big cities to small towns, everything in between would experience the exact same thing. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, approximately 16 and a half million men and women served in the armed forces in some capacity. From September 16th, 1940 through July 25th, 1947,
Starting point is 00:40:52 roughly a third of the entire US male population, 15 years old and older, served in the war in some way. That's a fucking crazy stat, roughly a third. Imagine one out of every three dudes, not just one out of every three dudes you know, one out of every three dudes around you just one out of every three dudes you know, one out of every three dudes around you period actively involved in the war effort. Roughly 11% of all Americans fought in World War II. And since roughly half the population
Starting point is 00:41:14 is male, about one in five of all US males alive during the war years fought during the war years. And check out this even more mind blowing combat stat 46% of the entire 1939 male population in Germany either dead or seriously wounded by the war's end. Basically half fucking half if you knew what German do before the war started in 1930s, it was a coin toss for him to make it to the war alive and physically unharmed in a major way. If that did within his 20s prime fighting years, guessing he was heavily favored to lose
Starting point is 00:41:44 that coin toss. 38.8% over 6 million of US servicemen and all servicemen were volunteers, 61.2% over 11.5 million were draftees. The average duration of their service, 33 months, 73% served overseas. Upon their arrival at the training camps, inductees were stripped of the freedom and individuality they had enjoyed as civilians. They had to adapt to an entirely new way of living, one that involved routine inspections and strict military conduct as well as rigorous physical and combat training.
Starting point is 00:42:14 They were given identical haircuts, uniforms and equipment. We're assigned to Spartan barracks that afforded no privacy, little room for personal possessions to promote loyalty towards the band of brothers to test battle readiness and toughness, US draftees. And uh, you know, to fail with this was to be court-martialed for treason. Stakes were high. They had to hold each other's balls in their mouths for no less than 60 seconds. It would always be timed with a stopwatch. And they couldn't have their eyes water at all as a sign of respect. Full fucking minute. Forget about sexual preference. That's a tricky feat of mental forwarditude for anyone, especially if your test partner has some hefty nuts or more challenging, hefty, stinky, hairy nuts.
Starting point is 00:42:53 How unfair to end up in the stockade because you're assigned partners smuggling some kind of trouser taters. It looked like hippie coconuts. Some nuts looking like they'll be falling. The grateful dead a couple decades after the war in a dirty ass van. War is hell. Sometimes getting prepared for war is hell too. Done with a nut test blushing out. You're welcome for that visual of coconut size super hairy balls. Anyway, the training camp was the forage in which civilians began to become military men and women. And the training camps, new servicemen and women underwent
Starting point is 00:43:22 rigorous physical conditioning. They were drilled in the basic elements of military life and trained to work as part of a team. I don't know how to operate, maintain weapons. They took tests to determine their talents and were taught more specialized skills, paratroopers, anti-aircraft teams, desert troops, other unique units received additional instruction at special training centers. And then it was off to war and for so many, it was off to their deaths. Out of every 1,000, 8.6 were killed in action, three died from other causes. 17.7 received non-fatal but often life altering combat wounds. In total, approximately 407,000 American servicemen and women died while in servicemen during World War II, including 292,000 battle deaths and 115,000 other deaths. All that for an average of $71 a month, for an Liste and 200 bucks a month for an officer.
Starting point is 00:44:11 But as we know, they were fighting for something bigger than a paycheck. They were fighting for about the most noble thing you can't fight for, Liberty. For a world not ruled by Hitler according to his bullshit principles about superiority of the Aryan race, a world that would not be ruled by the equally ruthless
Starting point is 00:44:23 Japanese emperor here at Hito. They were fighting for and often sacrificing their lives for a world where people would live in democratic societies could make their own political choices have the freedom to live their lives the way they want it as world war two veteran sergeant Henry C Nelson from the United States wrote in an essay he called so I can look my children in the face from a collection of essays published as why I fight prize winning essays from the North African theater. He wrote, why am I fighting? Not certainly just because I was drafted. The cynical, easy retort of the half believer. I was a drafty yes, because circumstances prevented me from joining up when I should have liked. I envy the honor, the boys who enlisted, the boys who've seen their country's need acted
Starting point is 00:45:03 upon it without waiting to be called or compelled. Not just because of Pearl Harbor. That's an immediate reason, yes, but Pearl Harbor or some other harbor would have come sooner or later. Indeed, might have come too late. Not to force our ideas on the rest of the world. I am fighting for the right of people to say how they shall be governed. If they like our form of government fine, if not, let them have another, but let the choice be theirs, not something to hand it down to them by a self-styled leader or a yoke laid on them by an invader. For what exactly are we fighting? Well, it goes a long way back, goes back to the tap roots of America, back beyond the world war with its simple slogan of fighting to make the world safe for democracy. Back beyond 98, when we fought to set Cuba free, back beyond the Civil War, when we fought to make and world safe for democracy. Back beyond 98 when we fought to set Cuba free,
Starting point is 00:45:45 back beyond the Civil War when we fought to make and keep American a nation of free men. Back beyond 1812 when our cry was freedom of the seas, back beyond the revolution that saw our forefathers pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor that the colonies might be freed from the yoke of the Hanover in King, back to the Bill of Rights, back, back to the Magna Carta 700 years ago in the first great landmark of man's history long effort to be politically free freedom of the individual to rule himself to make his laws to have his say in council to set his course and follow his star fine words you say what do they have to do with fighting the Germany whose chief concern was Europe a Japan whose ambitions were perhaps only oriental. I say they have a lot to do with Japan and Germany. Naziism dominated in Europe and Asia would result in the emergence and
Starting point is 00:46:29 ultimate dominance of the Nazi principle in American life. Men, some not all but alas enough would have looked at each other in confusion and alarm and doubt. They would have said fearingly democracy has failed in Europe. We thought it was the best way, but how can it be if it is so weak? Maybe the Nazis have something, maybe, maybe. So the whispers would have started. That's why I'm fighting. I'm trying to kill fascism now before it has a chance to eat in its ugly way at the American vitals. I'm fighting because the world like our own America cannot exist half slave and half free. I'm fighting because I think China has a right to live as a nation, not exist as a vast puppet state. I'm fighting because I want to be able to look my children in the face someday and say to them that America wasn't afraid to fight once again for an ideal.
Starting point is 00:47:11 The ideals that have made America great. I love peace, but I hate war for the shocking ways to everything that it is, but even war is preferable to supine acquiescence and international murder, not merely of the body, but of the spirit. Well damn! Sergeant Henry, C. Nelson, hail Nimrod. an international murder, not merely of the body, but of the spirit. Well, damn, Sergeant Henry C. Nelson, hail Nimrod. Well said, the essay collection is words were published and gave no details about him. Don't know if he survived the war. Hope he did.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Hope he had those kids. Hope they knew what a bad mother fucker their father was. Feels like a good time now to get into our World War II timeline, starting in 1918 actually with the end of World War I. So we can peek at the events that built up to the second massive devastating war that would ravage Europe again in the first half of the 20th century. But first, so it's not too disruptive later, time for our mid show, sponsor break. Thanks for taking around made sacks so much more learning directly ahead.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Shrap on those boots soldier, we're marching down a time, time, time line. 1918, the end of World War I. Faced with an effective British blockade fierce resistance for the British and French armies the entrance of the United States army political unrest starvation at home and economy and ruins mutiny of the Navy mounting defeats on the battlefield Germany's generals requested armistice negotiations with the allies in November of 1918. On the terms of the armistice the German army would be allowed to remain intact and was not forced to admit defeat by surrendering. US general john J Pershing, when presented with that information,
Starting point is 00:48:49 said, Oh hell no, no, no, no, no, I'll skull fuck those German generals. Make their families watch before let that shico down on my watch. He didn't say exactly that, but he did have misgivings. He said we'd better to have the German generals admit defeat so there could be no doubt. But the French and British were convinced the Germany would not be a threat again. Oh boy. This failure to force the German general staff to admit defeat would have a huge impact on the future Germany. It would allow Hitler to claim that the German army had never been defeated, that it was a Western plot to suppress Germany.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Related to this, the German general staff also would support the false idea that the army had not been defeated on the battlefield. But could have been fought on the victory, or excuse me, could have fought on the victory if they had not been betrayed at home, the infamous stab him in the back or stab in the back theory. The stab in the back theory would become hugely popular among many Germans who found it impossible to swallow defeat and who stabbed Germany in the back according to this theory. Well, of course, mostly the Jews. And what was this theory based on? Nothing real. The German army ran out of troops. Once the US entered the war, Germany had zero chance of fighting on two victory. That was the reality, but power hungry
Starting point is 00:49:56 dictator types, you know, don't often like to live in the in reality. They like to let vent their own realities. A young Adolf Hitler became obsessed with the stab in the back theory, also to Hitler and so many others, the German politicians who signed the armatists. On November 11, 1918, would become known as the November criminals, traders, the Germany. Another big event that would lead even more directly into World War II was just around the corner, signing up the Treaty of Versailles. When Germany had signed the armistice back in November of 1918, they were
Starting point is 00:50:25 led to believe that they were signing a peace without victory in agreement that ended the war without declaring a victor and a loser. This was according to US President Woodrow Wilson's vision. In Wilson's vision of the post-war world, all nations, not just the losers, would reduce their armed forces, preserve the freedom of the seas and join an international peace keeping organization called the League of Nations. It was a nice thought. But France, which had been decimated by Germany, as well as Britain, wanted to make Germany fucking pay.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Literally. For all the death, all the destruction, reaped upon their nations. They sowed some economic vengeance into the complex negotiations that created the Treaty of Versailles. On June 28th, 1919, the leaders of the Allied and Associated Powers, as well as representatives from Germany, gathered in the hall of mirrors at the Palace of Versailles to sign the final treaty. Versailles Treaty forced Germany to give up territory to Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Poland,
Starting point is 00:51:18 return Alsace and Lorraine to France and seed all of its overseas colonies in China, the Pacific and Africa to the Allied nations. And those motherfuckers now had to drastically reduce their armed forces, and accept the demilitarization and allied occupation of the region around the Rhine River. And still not done. Article 231 of the treaty went against the earlier armistice and now place not just all the blame for inciting the war, squarely on Germany's shoulders, but also insisted it pay several billion in reparations to the allied nations, right?
Starting point is 00:51:48 JK Germany, it was your fucking fault. Now give us everything you have left or be destroyed. Now this all would later become a big talking point for Hitler, right? Rally in support of Germans who believed they'd been treated badly under the treaty's terms and they had been and who was really behind the Versailles Treaty and Hitler's mind well of course the Jews. Right always the Jews with Hitler and felt like he blamed them for literally everything they went wrong in his life. Why is this yokes so runny?
Starting point is 00:52:16 I clearly ordered the overhard eggs. Ah! So Jews. So Jews are behind this. I woke up last night, vis-to-vers worst crap in my calf muscle such a bad child a horse. Why I had planned to have bananas. I drink plenty of water The juice the juice crap my calf muscle Bad that I said my car keys. I was certain I left them in the bowl that him left for me for my birthday. I know I said them right there The juice the juice in my car keys
Starting point is 00:52:42 my birthday, I know I set them right now. The Jews, the Jews hid my cockies. They also took some last pieces of the toilet paper in my bathroom and did not replace the roads. That's just, that's just my toilet paper all the time. Speaking of Hitler, on July 21, 1921, Adolf Hitler became the leader of Germany's national socialist policy. We covered Hitler's rise to power several times, over now. Most recently, our Holocaust two-part series.
Starting point is 00:53:04 As a brief refresher, Hitler and other patriotic, what unquote, Germans were outraged and humiliated by the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which the allies compelled the new German Republic, the Weimar Republic to accept, along with an obligation to pay $33 billion in war reparations to add insult to injury. Like we mentioned, Germany had to give up its prized overseas colonies, territory in Europe, downsize its army, paying the crushing reparations destabilize the economy, producing ruinous runaway inflation. By September of 1923, 4 billion German marks had the equal value of one dollar, one American dollar. Yes, you, S, A, you, S, A consumers literally needed a wheelbarrow to carry enough paper money to buy a loaf of bread
Starting point is 00:53:45 And that is a fucking terrifying reality People to go through Heller blamed the Vimar Republic's weakness on the influence of Germany's Jewish and communist minorities who he claimed We're trying to take over the country. They weren't yet There are only two possibilities. He told a Munich audience in 1922 either victory of the Aryan or annihilation of the Aryan and victory of the Jew 1922, either victory of the Aryan or annihilation of the Aryan and victory of the Jew. Uh huh. Create that boogeyman. Create that fucking scapegoat and still fear and the scared and too often ignorant masses.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Give them a common enemy to point to right, the root of all their problems. In this case, a Zajus classic propaganda technique that works far too easily and far too often. By 1921, the new Nazi party had a newspaper in official flag, private army, the essay, Hitler stormtroopers, made up largely of unemployed and disenchanted World War I veterans. By 1923, the essay grown to 15,000 men, and they had access to hidden stores of weapons forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles.
Starting point is 00:54:39 By 1932, the Nazis had grown to become the largest political party in the Reichstag. A Reichstag, Germany's parliament at that time, Hitler would be appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933 following a series of electoral victories by the Nazi party. Upon achieving power, Hitler smashed the nation's democratic institutions, gave himself supreme authority, staging false flag operations and pushing out propaganda that made the German people believe he was their savior. Cult, cult, cult.
Starting point is 00:55:06 The worst kind of cult leader, the political kind takes over in nation. Beware any and all politicians who lean hard on the boogeyman game and spend more time talking about whose fault shit is instead of introducing helpful programs and solutions. That takes a much smarter mind. Hitler wasn't the only cult leader like politician on his way to becoming a fascist dictator in Europe. Another fuckhead, uh, Benicio Diltoro long before he showed up in the usual suspects, Sucario and fear and loathing Las Vegas was teaming up with future Hall of Fame quarterback
Starting point is 00:55:36 Buckingdamerino take over Italy. Uh, no, no, that's, uh, no, not, sorry, not Benicio Diltoro. That's a, uh, Benito, Benito, most of the leading. They didn't start any fun movies. That's not a sorry, not Benicio Diltoro. That's a Benito, Benito Moselini. He didn't start any fun movies. Moselini did not become a dictator overnight, but the speech he gave to the Italian parliament on January 3rd, 1925 asserted his right to supreme power.
Starting point is 00:55:57 That's seen generally as the effective date that Moselini declared himself dictator of Italy. Who was Benito Moselini? Feel like he often gets left out of a lot of World War Two historical discussions. Not going to spend a lot of time in his story. He should be his own suck subject someday. But here's a quick summary of that dipshit. Born on July 29th 1883 in Varado de Costa, Italy. Mussolini was the son of a blacksmith and ardent socialist, Alessandro Mussolini. of a blacksmith and art and socialist. Alessandro Mussolini. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:56:25 I love saying Italian words more than any other languages words. Spanish and Italian words my favorite. And son of a devout Catholic mother, or a sommatone. It comes from a loving place, Italian listeners. Young Mussolini was expelled from his first boarding school, the age of 10 for stabbing a fellow student, 14 stabbed another
Starting point is 00:56:47 student and got suspended. Clearly, he's a very rational and stable kid who should have been put in charge of a nation. Much of Mussolini's early adulthood was spent traveling around Switzerland, getting involved with that country, socialist party, clash with police. He become the editor of two socialist newspapers, write his own autobiography while in prison for his activities during his youth. Beware the person who writes an autobiography when they're young too. I read an expert of it, but it fucking sucks.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Pretty boring. From what I've seen, Mussolini split from the socialist party in 1914, starting his own newspaper, the former stab happy kid, not surprising, encouraged violence from supporters, as unrest spread across the country. In 1915, Mussolini joined the Italian army in World War One. Fought in the front lines, obtained the rank of corporal before being discharged for being wounded. Mussolini returned to newspapers by 1918, called for a dictator to seize control of Italy.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Pressure for Mussolini and his followers forced the government to order the internment of foreigners. They considered enemies like Hitler after the Treaty of Versailles 1919 as dissatisfaction with it. They considered enemies like Hitler after the Treaty of Versailles 1919 as dissatisfaction within muslin gathered various fascist groups into a national organization called Fasi Italian Italian They're a combat the mental Sometimes I feel like if I speak real fast I can cover for mispronunciations by the end of the year Muslinie stood in the general election as the fascist candidate but lost an associateless sweep two days later
Starting point is 00:58:02 Muslinie was arrested for allegedly collecting arms to overthrow the government. Didn't take his loss well. I was released without charge the next day, not a good call in 1921, the Italian king, Victor Emmanuel III dissolved parliament amidst growing violence and chaos in the nation. Elections that year now brought a huge win for the fascists. Mussolini took a seat as a deputy in parliament. Party changes name to partito Nacional of Asista. 1992, 1922, fascist were instructed to wear uniforms, including cool ass black shirts to make them look brooding. They were dressed up in ways modeled after Roman army groups, all party members, considered
Starting point is 00:58:39 squad members. So, now after several Italian cities were seized by fascist squad to burn down communist and socialist offices. And October of 1922, Mussolini threatened to march on Rome to take control of the government through violent force, if not handed over. The government was slow to act, eventually dispatching troops, though fascists had already seized control of some local governments. Refusing to pass martial law, King Victor Immanuel, watched as thousands of armed fascists entered Rome, then dissolved the government, asked Mussolini to form a new one.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Mussolini became prime minister as well as minister of the interior and minister for foreign affairs. Why would a king do that? That Mussolini march. Historians say that the king could have stopped him, could have had him killed. But the king was tired of the recurring crises of the parliamentary government ever since the end of World War I. He actually welcomed Mussolini as a strong man who imposed order on Italy secretly invited him to march on Rome a little bit of political theater.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Miring what would happen in Germany, Mussolini's first access prime minister was to demand special emergency powers allowing him to rig elections in the fascist favor. Okay, good, moving in a good direction. Soon after the Italian parliament made suspicion of being anti-fascist, punishable by imprisonment without trial. Okay, good, good. Ordered any cost, including freedom. 1926, the fascist created a youth group called the opera national balila or balia, pressuring children to join the Catholic Boy Scouts, dissolved formation of any other youth groups, not part of fascism was now illegal, right brainwashed that next generation Hitler did the same thing in Germany Same year all communist members of parliament were arrested Didn't commit crimes as arrested for being communist socialist members all expelled anyone who cannot be prosecuted for a crime was detained for up to five years and
Starting point is 01:00:18 placed in an island internment camps Cinema's now required to screen government propaganda in the form of newsreels, fascists own two thirds of the newspapers controlled reporting, issuing daily editorial guidelines, threatening editors with the rest and, you know, death, I'm sure they descended, be aware of any and all politicians who try and take over the media or destroy free press, fuck anyone who does that. Never leads anywhere good. Now let's focus on another major player in this conflict. Roy mother fucking Disney Hitler's American puppet. Roy Disney would betray America greatly and secretly funnel billions of Mickey Mouse dollars
Starting point is 01:00:54 in war eight to the Nazis and the years leading up to enduring World War two. Why Zajus? He wanted to eradicate what he called and I quote the Jewish problem. No one was more violent racist than that mom killing pieces shit Never forget the true evil that is and will always be Roy Disney Many think he's still alive having for many years now lived under the fake identity of games show host Pat say Jack Don't worry about any of that if you're not familiar with that stupid ongoing gag no time to explain But I am kidding. Disney lawyers.
Starting point is 01:01:26 When I said Roy Disney, I meant to say Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the man who would be elected president of the United States on November 8, 1932, the only president elected to the office four times Roosevelt led the US through the two of the greatest crises of the 20th century, the Great Depression in World War II. He would take over running the nation at one of America's lowest points. By his inauguration day, March 4, 1933, most banks had shut down. Industrial production had fallen to just 56% of its 1929 level.
Starting point is 01:01:54 At least 13 million former wage earners were unemployed and millions of farmers across America were in desperate straits. Much of his first term will be focused on alleviating these economic issues and will catch up with him a bit later. On October 13th, 1933, Germany leaves the League of Nations. Hitler didn't care for its whole. Let's get peace of chance vibe. Hitler, who would become Germany's chancellor on January 30th, 1933, is making moves away from the Treaty of Versailles, secretly building up a new and more powerful army. On August 2nd, 1934, German President Hindenburg dies.
Starting point is 01:02:24 On August 2nd, 1934, German President Hindenburg dies. Glassman on earth who kind of sort of a little teeny bit held Hitler and check. Just two weeks later, on August 9th, Hitler becomes fiorr of Germany, all powerful. Of course, March 16th, 1935, Hitler openly violates the Treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription. Beefing up his army, aka exactly what the Treaty of Versailles had forbidden. Other world powers, not like in this, a lot of strong condemnations are spouted, but no one actually does anything to try and stop the might Hitler is developing. March, they're still real in for World War I in many ways. March 7th, 1936, German troops
Starting point is 01:02:57 occupied the Rhineland. Once again, that was forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles. After World War I, the Treaty of Versailles not only restored Alsace, Lorraine, to France, but also allowed Allied troops to occupy portions of the right and left banks of the German Rhineland from about five to 15 years. More over the German left bank and a right bank stripped 30 miles deep were to be permanently demilitarized, despite Germany's occupation of the Rhineland now. And the flagrant disregard for the Treaty of Versailles, France, and Britain, other world powers, do nothing more than condemn them. Protracted international negotiations failed to undo the German re militarization of the Rionland, and the passive attitude of the Western powers gave Hitler the heads up.
Starting point is 01:03:35 He was not going to be facing blowback anytime soon. So he continued to push the, we're about to go to war with you, mother fuckers again, envelope. May 9th, 1936, Mussolini's Italian forces take Ethiopia. Why? Because Italy had been trying to take it over since 1890s, making it colony of Italy, establish themselves as a new colonial power. This new takeover was prestige move for Mussolini.
Starting point is 01:03:57 It was about building an Italian morale. We are powerful, right? We're a colonial player. Wanted to want to build up his legend about being someone who would restore Italy to the glory It wants to enjoy when it was the heart of the Roman Empire Also in 1936 Hitler and Mussolini side with Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War in 1936 with Mussolini providing Franco with 50,000 troops dictator supporting dictators On October 25th 1936 Germany Italy complete the Rome Berlin access to cooperation deal.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Month later, Japan joins the so-called access powers by signing with Germany, the anti-Common turn pack, an anti-communist agreement that was primarily directed against the Soviet Union, Italy signed as well in 1937. More and more moves being made to prepare for massive war. So, September 29th, 1938, Germany, Italy, great Britain, France, now all signed the Munich agreement, which forces the Czechoslovakian Republic to see the Sudanland, including key Czechoslovakian military defense positions to Nazi Germany. Why would they fucking do this? Why give in to Hitler? It was a appeasement to hope that he wouldn't do anything worse. The leaders of France and great Britain, especially British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, hope to avoid a costly war with Hitler by letting him
Starting point is 01:05:08 have his precious Sudetenland. But that wouldn't happen regarding this move. Future British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, I've heard of him, a set of Chamberlain. You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war. It's great fucking quote. And also uh, Ouch strong words. Meanwhile, with Europe seeming like war might be inevitable. Now Franklin Roosevelt decides to go ahead expand a civilian pilot training program in the US amongst other preparation moves. March 31st 1939, France and Great Britain guarantee the integrity of the borders of the Polish state now. But also may have had their fingers crossed behind their backs when they did so from April 7th to April 15th, fascist Italy invades and annexes Albania, who comes to their aid, not the legal nations,
Starting point is 01:05:55 right? The first worldwide intergovernmental intergovernmental organization whose principal mission was to maintain world peace. They proved themselves very ineffective in stopping the growing wave of aggressive fascism in Europe. No one helped Albania, just like no one came to Ethiopia's aid. Moose leading one in Albania for numerous reasons. The big one was that they were one's part of the Roman Empire. Again, he's going to rebuild the Roman Empire from June 27th July 6, 1939, the British Ministry of Information designs the now iconic, keep calm and carry on posters. I wonder where the fuck I came from. I was produced as one of the three home publicity posters.
Starting point is 01:06:28 The others read your courage, your cheerfulness, your resolution will bring us victory. Not as catchy. And the final one was freedom is in peril, defended with all your might. Pretty good, but not as good as keep calm. Keep calm intended to be distributed to strengthen morale and the event of a wartime disaster, such as the mass bombing of major cities using high explosives and poison gas, which was widely expected with an hours of an outbreak of war. Fear of the Germans is on British, you know, British people's minds. It's on the minds of everyone in Europe in many places around the world. But again, no one in charge is militarily standing up to Hitler or Mice Mussolini not yet.
Starting point is 01:07:05 militarily standing up to Hitler or Mice Mussolini not yet. August 1939, the Russians in the Germans signed a non-aggression pact, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, two of the nicest, most laid-back people anyone has ever met. Agreed not to invade each other's borders. Probably had their fingers crossed behind their backs and they did that. The two leaders also secretly planned to divide, pull them up and other parts of each in Europe, divide them up between them. This agreement will void Germany's pact with Italy and Japan against alliances with communist countries and Hitler didn't give a fuck. You know, you actually care about Italy or Japan, it was just beneficial to use them at that time to aid his expansionist agenda.
Starting point is 01:07:36 World War II nearly here now. Who was the first victim of a war that was to claim more than 46 million victims, possibly many, many more than that? Martin Gilbert, there's, yes, so many numbers from various sources of source. Martin Gilbert, author of the Second World War, a complete history, argues that the first victim was an unknown prisoner, and one of Adolf Hitler's concentration camps. Probably a common criminal. In an attempt to make Germany seem like the innocent victim of Polish aggression, he was
Starting point is 01:08:00 dressed in a Polish uniform, taken to the German frontier town of Glybod's shot on the evening of August 31st 1939 by the Gestapo in a bizarre, faked Polish attack on the local radio station. The bodies of several concentration camp victims were used in that operation, all dressed in Polish uniforms, a false flag operation, Operation Himmler. On the following morning, as German troops began their advance in the Poland Hitler gave as one of his reasons for the invasion, the attack by regular Polish troops on the Glybets transmitter.
Starting point is 01:08:28 24 hours after the German attack on Poland, an official Polish government, Communica reported that 130 Polish people of whom 12 were soldiers had been killed in air raids on Warsaw, Dynia and several other Polish towns. Two German bombers were shot down in the four occupants arrested after miraculous escape the community noted when forty one germinary craft information appeared on eastern war saw on friday afternoon people watched a thrilling aerial battle over the heart of the city several
Starting point is 01:08:55 houses caught fire a hospital for Jewish children was bombed and wrecked of course it was of course that was one of the hitler's targets now employing the blitzkrieg lightning war tactics. I mentioned earlier, Germany invades Poland at the heart of these Blitzkriegs, Nazi pans or tanks, the pans are four, go up to 26 miles per hour on a road, could sustain an off road speed of 10 miles an hour over 8,500 of this model. We're using World War II by the Nazis. Almost 6,000 pans or th's were built. An armored core composed of 1,445 Panzer I, 1223 Panzer II's, 98 Panzer III's, and 211 Panzer IV's invaded Poland on September 1. So many tanks
Starting point is 01:09:33 and the Polish hadn't no answer for them. They're only defense crude slingshots that they generally fire chicken eggs the Nazis with. According to ancient Polish superstition chicken eggs yokes if fired by wizards, if they can touch the face of an enemy will give the wizard control of the enemy souls Thousands of Polish wizards armed with only robe staff slingshots and lots of eggs were butchered by the thousands Sorry, I really wanted to not say something stupid about Poland. I've established over the years now that they have a long brave noble history people do a lot of ass kicking But it's just been a long time since I made a craze lie about them. I'm done now. Polish military forces were unprepared for the ferocity of Germany's attack.
Starting point is 01:10:12 They did not have comparable equipment. They had a lot more than eggs. They had about a million soldiers in 1939, but they hadn't been ready themselves for war like Hitler had been ready in his troops. They couldn't match them, right? They were just out gunned. No one was, uh, ready when the war was started. When efforts to negotiate it with Thrall failed, Britain
Starting point is 01:10:29 and France declared war on Germany. World War II has now begun. Over the following five weeks, roughly 66,000 Polish soldiers are killed, another 133,700 wounded, uh, roughly 675,000 more are captured. When World War II broke out in Europe in September of 1939. US President FDR called Congress into a special session to revise previously passed neutrality acts to permit belligerence. That is Britain and France to be able to buy American arms on a cash and carry basis. And he did that over the objection of isolationist who wanted nothing to do with the war. Uh, September on the morning of September, second German aircraft bombed the railway station
Starting point is 01:11:06 in the small town of Colo in Poland. At the station stood a train of civilian refugees being evacuated from some border towns, 111 are killed. Whole villages are now burned to the ground. September 3rd, 55 Polish peasants rounded up and shot in one Polish village, child of two amongst them in another 20 Jews are ordered to assemble the marketplace among them. Israel, Louis, man of 64, or Louis, when his daughter ran up to her father, a German told her to open her mouth for impudence and then fired a bullet into it.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Right? She fell down dead. 20 Jews were executed. So new sheriffs are in town and they are fucking evil. In the weeks that follow such atrocities become commonplace widespread on an unprecedented scale. While soldiers fighting battles civilians are being massacred behind enemy lines. On the afternoon of September 3, German bombers attack an undefended Polish town where a peacetime population of 6,500 Poles and Polish Jews were swelled by further 3,000 refugees. Within moments, the center of towns on fire
Starting point is 01:12:04 as thousands heard for safety towards nearby woods, German planes flying low, just open fire on them with their machine guns. One young boy, a survivor of the attack, Ben, health got later recalled as we were running to the woods, people were falling. People were on fire. That night, the sky was red from the burning town. Also on September 3rd, Britain and France both declared war on Germany. He'll are not quite, sorry, I already said they declared war, but yeah, he'll are not quite ready
Starting point is 01:12:28 to fight them yet though. Not quite. Hitler's first, I must defeat as a Jews in Poland. I've wandered around talking to people for over four hours yesterday with a bug in my nose that everyone could see. It was a green bug. I don't have green bugs. So who put it there? So Jews. I have a strong feeling that the's a juice from Pauline Putz, it's a bug on my nose, and they must be dealt with. Now, Hitler really did want to handle Poland first. He told his commanders, the immediate aim of the German high command remains the rapid and victorious conclusion of operation against Poland.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Then at nine o'clock that evening, German submarine, the U-30 commanded by Julius Lemp, torpedoed the British passenger liner, Athena, which had a mistaken for an armed ship. The Athena was bound for Montreal from Liverpool. It had sailed before Britain's declaration of war with over 1100 passengers on board of the 112 passengers who lost their lives at night, 28 were citizens of the US, despite American deaths, Frank and Roosevelt still not ready to, you know, throw a nation still really from the great depression world, we're one into the fray. He was emphatic when he broadcast the American people on September 3rd, let no man or woman
Starting point is 01:13:30 thoughtlessly or falsely or falsely talk of America sending its armies to European fields. At this moment, there is being prepared a proclamation of American neutrality. The American people, many of whom had lost sons, brothers, friends, lovers, husbands, and World War I had zero fucking desire to join another massive war across the pond, especially while still in the devastating economic throws of the Great Depression. The war's longest continuous campaign also would begin the September. The Allies minus the US who had not entered the war yet strike a naval blockade against Germany and began a struggle for control of the Atlantic control for sea routes that will last for almost the entirety of the war
Starting point is 01:14:08 the Nazis with their eubotes respond with the counter blockade that is at first successful but the allies use of convoy's aircraft and technology eventually turn the tide against them over five years thousands of ships engage in over a hundred battles in the Atlantic Ocean over a hundred thousand lives will be lost then on September 17th 1939 the Soviet Union invades Poland from the east. The Polish government flees into exile. Via Romanian Poland got fucked in this war. The Polish government flees via Romania, first to France, then later to Great Britain.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Warsaw, surrender, September 27th. Over the following two days, Germany and the Soviet Union divide Poland between them, just like they planned. Then Russia between November 30th, 1939, March 12th, 1940 fights Finland in the so-called winter war. We talked about this war in the, I still can't say his name, Seema Haya, sniper suck, the white death, crazy ass story of heroism. The Finns end up seating the northern shores of Lake Legota to the Soviet Union, the
Starting point is 01:15:02 small Finnish coastline along the Arctic Sea, after fighting off the much larger Russian army for months. The League of Nations banishes Russia for this attack and Stalin doesn't give a fuck. The Soviet Union, Germany and Italy, now three nations led by three dictators, fucking up all kinds of shit in Eastern Europe and Northern Africa. And almost nothing yet has been done to stop them despite some dectorations of war. From April 9th to June 9th, Germany invades Denmark in Norway. Denmark surrenders on the day of the attack. Norway holds out until June 9th. Nazis then continue to take over of much Europe. In May of 1940,
Starting point is 01:15:34 Germany marched into Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands in the early morning darkness of May 10th. The Germans unleashed their blitzkrieg against the Netherlands in Belgium. The attack sends the defending troops really, right? Nazi confidence is through the roof. They keep encountering militaries ill-equipped to defend themselves against them. They don't give a shit about committing war crimes left and right either, which gives them a huge military advantage. Right? They can be reckless.
Starting point is 01:15:55 They can do whatever it takes to win. No thoughts, any real sort of morality. The roads to meet the Nazi attack from Western Europe are overflowing with refugees fleeing the front. French and British troops now rushing to the rescue caught in the headlong retreat and actually pushed back because of it. German dive bombers filled the sky strafing a retreating mix of civilians and soldiers with machine guns and bombs.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Again, they don't give a shit. When by any means necessary, four militaries aren't German, neither are there civilians so fuck them all. The brutal war. The Allies fight valiantly in vain, the growing German war machine advances virtually unperturbed. German general Irwin Rommel, who will later gain fame fighting in the African desert as the desert fox leads the seventh pancer division as it crashes through Belgian defenses and on into France.
Starting point is 01:16:38 He will push the British back hundreds of miles. He'll defy Hitler's orders and live. He was pressured to commit suicide by Hitler later in the war and did because of maybe being part of a plot to oppose Hitler in 1944. We can do a whole suck on the desert fox. Right now those fast tanks are not these. He's a master of the rest of Europe just not ready for them. Rommel kept the journal of his experiences in this excerpt.
Starting point is 01:16:59 He describes the action on May 14th as he leads a tank attack against French forces near the Muse River on the Belgian border. the action on May 14th as he leads a tank attack against French forces near the Mew's river on the Belgian border. I was very tempted to add some German polka music behind this excerpt, but it's so distracting. I don't think it's important to understand how these blitzkriegs worked. He wrote, Rothenberg, a subordinate tank commander, now drove off through a hollow to the left with the five tanks which were to accompany the infantry, thus giving these tanks a lead of 100 to 150 yards.
Starting point is 01:17:25 There was no sound of enemy fire. Some 20 to 30 tanks followed up behind. When the commander of the five tanks reached the rifle company on the southern edge of Anya wood, Colonel Rothenberg moved off with his leading tanks along the edge of the wood going west. We had just reached the southwest corner of the wood and were about to cross a low plantation
Starting point is 01:17:43 from which we could see the five tanks escorted the infantry below us to our left front when suddenly we came under heavy artillery and anti tank gunfire from the west shows land all around us and my tank received two hits one after the other the first on the upper edge of the turret and the second in the periscope the driver promptly opened the throttle wide and drove straight into the nearest bushes he'd only gone a few yards. Whoever went the tank slid down his teeth, slope on the western edge of the wood and finally stopped, can't get over on its side in such a position as the enemy whose guns were in a position of about 500 yards away on the edge of the next wood could not fail to
Starting point is 01:18:16 see it. I've been wounded in the right cheek by a small splinter from the shell, which had landed in the periscope. It was not serious, though, it bled a great deal. The French battery now opened rapid fire on our woods at any moment. We could expect their fire to be aimed at our tank, which was in full view. I therefore decided to abandon it as fast as I could, taking the crew with me. At that moment, the, uh, subaltern in command of the tanks escorting the infantry reported himself wounded. With the words the words, hair general, my left arm has been shot off. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:18:49 The way this was written, like no exclamation point even. I just maybe imagine this dude, like saying that like a weirdly calm manner, just a real matter of fact. I would love to do as you command, but I'm struggling with the bit of all the blood, leaving my body as my left arm has been completely shot off. Apologies, Ed General. I will do my best not to distract you and try to die quietly. I don't know why I decided to do weird accent was not German. I know what it was. Ramo continues. We clamored up to the Sandy pit, shells crashing and splintering all around.
Starting point is 01:19:20 Close in front of us, Trondald Rothenberg's tank with flames pouring out the rear. Clothes in front of us, trundled Rothenberg's tank with flames pouring out the rear. The adjutant of the Panzer Regiment had also left his tank. I thought at first that the command tank had been set a light by a hit in petrol tank and was extremely worried for Colonel Rothenberg's safety. However, it turned out to be only the smoke candles that had caught light, the smoke from which now served us very well. In the meantime, Lieutenant Most had driven my armored vehicles vehicle into the wood where it had been hit in the engine and now stood immobilized.
Starting point is 01:19:50 The crew was unhurt. Yeah, except for that dude who had fucking arm shot off, I guess he wasn't part of Rommel's crew. Two days later, Rommel does forces race behind and parallel to the Maginoline. Align of concrete fortifications, obstacles, and weapon installations built by France in the 30s to deter invasion by Germany and forced them to move around the fortifications and then turn north to attack the fortifications from behind. This was his description of that.
Starting point is 01:20:14 He said, the people in the houses were rudely awoken by the din of our tanks, the clatter and roar of tracks and engines. Troops lay bivouac beside the road. Military vehicles stood parked in farm yards and in some places on the road itself. Civilians and French troops, their faces distorted with terror lay huddled in the ditches alongside the hedges and in every hollow beside the road. We passed refuge columns, uh, refuge G columns, excuse me, the carts abandoned by their owners who had fled and panicked into the fields. On we went at a steady speed towards our objective. Every so often in quick glance at the map by a shaded light in short wireless message
Starting point is 01:20:48 to divisional headquarters to report the position and thus the success of the 25th pans or regiment. Every so often to look out of the hatch to assure myself that there were still no resistance and the contact and the contact was being maintained to the rear. Flat countryside lay spread out around us under the cold light of the moon. We were through the Maginoline. It was hardly conceivable. 22 years before we had stood for four and a half long years before the self-same enemy and had won victory after victory and yet finally lost the war.
Starting point is 01:21:17 And now we had broken through the renowned Maginoline and we're diving deep into enemy territory. Driving. It was just not a beautiful dream. It was reality. So these pans are tank divisions. They illustrate how game-changing they were. Let me also read an excerpt from the World War II Museum in New Orleans website, beautifully written. It says, Hollywood Westerns often feature a stock scene with a new gang rise in the town. They're armed. They're mounted. They're mean.
Starting point is 01:21:42 The new gang rides in the town. They're armed, they're mounted, and they're mean. Tying new and on Main Street. Cowards flee, mothers hardly grab their children, and the sheriff desperately tries to round up a few good men. World War II was no movie, but the first two years of the war followed the above script precisely. A new gang did indeed ride in the town. Grim riders eager for vengeance. They swept all before them, raiding in pillaging, humiliating the local authorities, and shooting down anyone who got in their way.
Starting point is 01:22:13 The new gang had a name. The Panzer Division. A mechanized formation formed around a hard core of swiftly moving tanks. Surrounded by vehicles all solipsed, performed the reconnaissance, carried the infantry and dragged the guns, the Pantheon Division brought the concept of sustained mobility to modern warfare. Such a formation could travel 50 miles or more per day and then repeat the process day after day out to the limit of its logistical network. Sustained mobility was a game-changer of 20th century warfare.
Starting point is 01:22:46 For all of human history, armies had based their doctrines and training regiments on the piece of the foot soldier. Horse cavalry played a role in military operations, carrying out reconnaissance and seizing favorable terrain, but they did not set the tempo. Even well-trained infantry could usually make no more than 15 to 20 miles per day, with frequent days off in between the heavier marches. Few officers would have considered these distances to be a limitation. It was just the way things were on campaign. Their men walked to work and so by and large did they. And now suddenly it all changed. Commanders
Starting point is 01:23:21 who could tick off the precise number of marches from Ares to Amien or Berlin to Bomberg from memory suddenly had to relearn the entire playbook with the completely new set of maneuvers and formations. The new battle tempo was brutally quick and thus even more unforgiving of Ares. Add in the third dimension with the attacks now coming from the skies as well as the ground and the complexity of battle, the infamous fog of war had multiplied tenfold overnight. In the opening battles of World War II, German Panzer divisions ran over, through and around every defensive position in their way. They restored mobility maneuver to the modern battlefield, and in so doing, they proved
Starting point is 01:24:00 that war could consist of more than launching bloody frontal assaults by mass infantry. They proved that armies could still win decisive victories all on the polian, a prospect that seemed out of reach to most military experts of the day. The new riders shocked the world and they reshaped the face of battle. So again, their foes just didn't know what fucking hit them early on in the war. They had no answer to these tanks, no, you know, no one had ever fought an equivalent weapon before. And responsibly invasion of friends, Winston Churchill replaces a disgraced Neville Chamberlain as prime minister. Neville Chamberlain again was the man responsible for the appeasement of Hitler, a policy that basically said as long
Starting point is 01:24:37 as he's not coming for us, you know, he's fine. No need to worry over here. Hitler would soon come for great Britain and test Churchill's leadership, unlike he had ever tested Chamberlain. Get a suck Churchill someday. For now, just a blitzkrieg skeleton of a summary of his ascent to leading Britain. Churchill was born in 1874, son of Lord Randolph Churchill, and his American wife, Jenny Jerome, through his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, the meteoric Torre politician. He was directly descended from John Churchill. First duke of Milbro, hero of the wars against Louis the 14th of France in the early 18th century.
Starting point is 01:25:13 So maybe heroism was in his blood. His mother, Jenny, such an American name, I love it. A daughter of a New York financier and the horse racing enthusiast, Leonard Jerome, after brief but eventful career in the army during which he traveled the world and wrote several books. Churchill became a conservative member of parliament in 1900, not immediately successful as a politician though he could be arrogant, though his boyish charm usually diminished that effect on people. More importantly, he had a speech impediment.
Starting point is 01:25:37 He never truly lost another much mouth. I like it. Churchill didn't just toe party lines like when the conservatives advocated a trade tariff in Churchill, who was very pro free market decided to change sides. He'd work so hard doing things like ensuring eight hour day, maximums for miners, fixing minimum wages that conservative Tories thought of him as a trader to his class. Need more politicians like Churchill in the States today. People not afraid to stand up for what they believe in, even when it goes against, especially when it goes against their party's current stance.
Starting point is 01:26:09 Churchill would leave politics during World War One, briefly becoming an active service member, and then complicated political maneuverings mostly by the anti-Churchel Tory government forced him into a large administrative role in the post-World War One years. He'd be in and out of office from 1922 to 1929 and 1931 when the national government was formed, Churchill, though a supporter had no hand in its establishment or place in his councils. He'd arrived at a point where for all his abilities, he was distrusted by every party. However, he was built for war, right, war time and intense patriot or romantic believer in
Starting point is 01:26:41 his country's greatness and its historic role in Europe, a devotee of action who thrived on challenge and crisis, not squabbling in times of luxury, a student to story and invent a war, a man who seemed to have an infinite supply of concentration and energy. When Neville Chamberlain became prime minister, Churchill repeatedly warned about the danger Germany posed. Repeatedly, the accuracy of Churchill's information on Germany's aggressive plans and progress was confirmed by events, repeatedly his warnings were ignored. But by March of 1939, people were paying attention. The average Brit was recognizing him as the nation's real spokesperson and people started calling for him to return to office. Chamberlain, however, ignored him. But then on September 3rd, 1939, the day Britain declared war on Germany, Chamberlain appointed Churchill to a post in charge of the admiralty,
Starting point is 01:27:23 a post he'd held many years before. The signal went out to the fleet, Winston is back. Uh, boys back in town. Uh, week later, Winston would get a congratulatory note from Franklin Roosevelt, uh, shortly thereafter, the German invasion of the low countries on May 10, 1940 acted as the final blow against Chamberlain's career. Luxembourg occupied May 10th Netherlands surrender May 14th Belgium surrendered May 28th Britain couldn't act like the Nazis weren't coming for them any longer and Chamberlain resigned a coalition government took over that included members from the entire
Starting point is 01:27:53 political spectrum except from the far left and far right. I was headed by a war cabinet of five with Churchill taking over the leadership of the House of Commons and the Ministry of Defense and as prime minister Churchill would face the House of Commons and the Ministry of Defense and as Prime Minister. Churchill would face the House of Commons for the first time as Prime Minister, May 13, 1940, and he warned members of a hard road ahead, saying, We are in the preliminary stage of one of the greatest battles in history, that we are an action at many points in Norway and in Holland, that we have to be prepared to the Mediterranean, that the air battle is continuous, that many preparations have to be made here at home.
Starting point is 01:28:31 I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kinds. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy?
Starting point is 01:28:46 I will say it is to wage war by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us. To wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalog of human crime, that is our policy. You ask what is our aim? I can answer in one word, victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be for without victory, there is no survival. Have fucking Nimrod, man, Chamberlain, who's a word Smith?
Starting point is 01:29:19 Dude knew how to rally his people during hard times. Historians widely attribute church show with being the greatest statesman of the 20th century, largely for his ability to inspire with words like those. Also wish we had a politician that cares about it today here in the states. In this speech, he asked the house to declare its confidence in its government, the motion passed unanimously. Not only with church, he'll rally in the country and boost him a rally. He was also going out of his way to say that political division would not be tolerated. Not now.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Forbidden in the fight against the Nazis, there were the Nazis and there was everyone else. Anyone who shared the goal of taking down the Nazis was an ally, even a communist. Within a couple of weeks, the church hills rise to power, parliament passed legislation placing all persons, their services and their property at the disposal of the crown, granted the government. In effect, the most sweeping emergency powers in modern British history, dangerous game to play, one sadly that was necessary to defeat Hitler and his fellow power hungry tyrants. Excuse me, from May 26th to June 4th, 1940, the British expeditionary force and other allied troops evacuate from the French seaport of Dunkirk, where around 350,000 troops were stranded.
Starting point is 01:30:21 The Germans cut off communications between troops originally hoping to stop the Nazi advance into France in both the north and the south. It seemed for a time that there was the real chance that the Nazis were going to be able to butcher and or capture all of these corner troops. The Belgians called for a ceasefire. The British government decided to evacuate the troops by sea, but then Germans knocked out their port facilities. The British needed to improvise and quickly before being overwhelmed by advancing Nazi forces. On the first day, only 7,669 allied soldiers were evacuated, but by the end of the eighth day, 338,226 have been rescued by a hastily assembled fleet of over 800 largely private fishing vessels. Most of their equipment had to be left behind
Starting point is 01:31:02 though. Churchill said this evacuation deemed as miraculous by many. We must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations. Following this evacuation France was left virtually undefended on June 4th June 14th, excuse me, Germany captures Paris and France surrenders to the Nazis. That morning, Parisians awoke to the sound of a German accented voice announcing be allowed speaker that a curfew was being imposed for 8 p.m. That evening as German troops entered and occupied Paris. Imagine here something like that today, you know, just attention. Russian forces will be entering the city shortly.
Starting point is 01:31:41 Be inside your homes by eight. Remain there until daylight to fall in mourning, a daybreak, anyone not obeying this curfew will be arrested or shot. Winston Churchill had tried for days to convince the French government to hang on, to not sue for peace, right? Telling the America was coming.
Starting point is 01:31:57 You know, French Premier Paul Renew telegrammed President Franklin Roosevelt asking for such aid, Declaration of War, or at least, you know, some kind of help. Roosevelt replied to the US was prepared to send material aid willing to have that promise published but Secretary of State, court, will hold oppose the publication knowing the Hitler as well as the allies would take such a public declaration of help as a prelude to a formal declaration of war while the material aid would be forthcoming US not ready to declare
Starting point is 01:32:24 war yet, though they would freeze American assets of access powers. So militarily France was on its own. By the time German tanks rolled into Paris, two million preensions had already fled with good reason. And two million in short order, the German Gestapo went to work with mass arrests, mass interrogations, followed by executions and disappearances, right? Spine, that was now these are now the orders of the day. A swatzika now flew above the Arctic Trump, an active revenge for his nation's defeat in the First World War, Hitler forces French officials to sign surrender papers in the same
Starting point is 01:32:54 exact railroad car where German signed the armistice of 1918. Now the power of Hungry Nazis set their sights on Great Britain. Speaking before Parliament on June 18th, 1940, Winston Churchill dramatically predicts what is to come next. What's General Maxim, Commander of the Allied Army's forces in France, called the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin, and we will destroy the Nazis. We are going to fuck them harder than my Uncle Nigel.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Never fucked his mistress. And my lord did he ever fuck her heart. My brother Jack and I used to cup our ears and listen to their thrashing through the wall of our parents' guesthouse. Her name was Eliza. And Uncle Nigel said on a great number of occasions that he was going to wear her pussy out. I was far too young to properly
Starting point is 01:33:45 understand what that meant. Uncle Niger said it so frequently and with such conviction, we boys grew fearful for the fate of Eliza's pussy. What would happen if his words rang true? Could she live with a worn-out pussy? She was always able to walk without trouble, so I think it's safe to say that my uncle, my dear Uncle Niger, never was able to walk without trouble so I think it's safe to say that my uncle my dear uncle Nigel never was able to back up his lofty and violent declaration not entirely at least our lives it was a beautiful and fair young maiden who both Jack and I had feelings for though we didn't know how to describe them yet it was a strange time it is a strange time now so allow me to make a strange declaration, make great Britain become my Uncle Nigel's dick and may Nazi Germany be sweet and lies as dear pussy and we are going to fuck it.
Starting point is 01:34:32 We are going to do what my uncle could not. Let us brace ourselves for our duties and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and it's common with last for a thousand years, men will still say this was their finest hour. This was when those glorious British bastards completely and beyond any shadow of it out, wore out, hitles, sweet, Nazi pussy. Or maybe set up all that Uncle fucking talk, he actually ended his speech with, let us therefore brace ourselves for our duties. And so bear ourselves out that if the British Empire and the Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say this was their finest hour or maybe, maybe that's the speech you gave.
Starting point is 01:35:10 June 21st, 1940, Italy also invades France because why not? From July to September 1940, with France under the Nazi's thumb, Britain and Germany fighting the Battle of Britain. German victory would mean that the German army could invade Britain from across the English Channel, but Germany didn't want to do that. Hitler hoped that by conquering France, Britain's cooperation would be assured. They would just bend the knee and he could point his war machine east. Hitler was so sure that outcome, the German army was given to understand that the war was over. Leave was granted. The left vapa shifted to other quarters. Even when Churchill's determination to continue the war was well known.
Starting point is 01:35:42 Hitler still clung to the belief that it was merely a bluff. Filling the Britain must recognize, quote, her militarily hopeless situation. But Churchill, right, wasn't fucking having it. He was Uncle Nigel's cock, rock hot, and his resolve to wear Hitler's Nazi pussy out by July 2nd. That's not going, that analogy's not going away anytime soon. By July 2nd, Hitler now had to reckon with the potential invasion of Britain. At last, when July 16th, he ordered preparations to begin for such an invasion, Christend, or Christianed, Operation Sealine. Hitler commanded the expedition to be ready by mid August.
Starting point is 01:36:15 German army not prepared for this. The staff had not contemplated it. The troops had not been given enough training for landing operations. Nothing had been done really to build landing craft for the invasion. In fact, all the Germans can really attempt with a hurried effort to collect shipping, bring barges from Germany and the Netherlands, give the troops some practice in embarkation and disembarkation. Sooner became clear to German officials that the army wasn't ready. So they turned to the Luftwaffe, essentially passing the buck entirely to them. It was agreed that air marshal Herman Guren would try preliminary air offensive, try and bomb the Brits into submission and surrender.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Beginning with bomber attacks against shipping, uh, on July 10th and continuing into early August, a rising steam of attacks, stream of attacks was delivered against British convoy imports. Then on August 13th, the main offensive called Eagle attack by Hitler was unleashed initially against air bases, but also against aircraft factories and against radar stations in South Eastern Europe. South Eastern England, Jesus. The British used just over 600 frontline fighters to defend the country. The Germans, meanwhile, had about 1,300 bombers and died bombers and about 900 single engine
Starting point is 01:37:19 and 300 twin engine fighters, despite their comparative lack of aircraft. The British did have a secret weapon on their side. A massive laser cannon capable of eviscerating anything it fired on name, Uncle Nigel's combat cock. No, of course not. Now they had a radar early warning system called chain home. The most advanced and operational adapted system in the world. Even all suffering from frequent attacks by the Luftwaffe,
Starting point is 01:37:42 it largely prevented German bomber formations from exploiting the element of surprise. All cement easier for the British to strike down German aircraft, especially during the day. By late August, the Luftwaffe had lost more than 600 aircraft and the RAF only 260. Nevertheless, Britain's fighter command was losing badly needed fighters and experienced pilots at too great a rate to be replenished. Everyone knew that the country's fate depended on these few men. Winston Churchill even declared a parliament on August 20th, never in the field of human conflict
Starting point is 01:38:11 was so much owed by so many to so few. I was truly such a wordsmith. Germany would now start a tremendous and bloody campaign against British civilians called the Blitz. At the end of August 1940 Germany begins the blitz. The first German attack on London civilians actually occurred by accident on the night of August
Starting point is 01:38:30 24th 1940 Luftwaffe bombers aiming for military targets on the outskirts of London drifted off course and instead dropped their bombs on the center of London. It destroyed several homes killed civilians amid the public outrage that followed Winston Churchill, believe it was a deliberate attack ordered Berlin to be bombed the next evening. About 40 British bombers managed to reach Berlin, where although they only inflicted minimal property damage, the Germans there utterly stunned by Britain's ability to air attack Hitler's capital. First time bombs had fallen on Berlin.
Starting point is 01:38:59 Uh, they had been repeatedly assured by, uh, Luftwaffe chief, right, uh, Herman Guring, that this was something that could never happen. Then a second British bombing raid on the night of August 28th and 29th occurred. Two nights later, a third attack occurred. Hitler is pissed. Right? He wasn't just going to let anyone wear out his Nazi pussy. Now the blitz will begin for real in September of 1940 when the Germans furious about the Berlin Berlin, ah, Berlin bombings and they were thirsty for revenge. Sorry, my cold is fucking ruthless. Stuffy sinus doesn't help pronunciations when you're already struggling. And a speech delivered on September 4th, 1940 Hitler threatened when the British Air Force drops two or three or 4,000 kilograms of bombs, then we will in one night drop
Starting point is 01:39:40 150 to 130 300 or 400,000 kilograms. When they declare that they will increase their attacks on our cities, then we will raise their cities to the ground. Right? They have established a hand evoke of those nights air pirates, so help us God. Vietnam, the lies of sweet pussy.
Starting point is 01:39:58 And we will not be born out by Uncle Nigel's British cock. Maybe you didn't say that last part. Be on on September 7th, 1940 for a total of 57 consecutive nights, 57 consecutive nights, London bombed relentlessly by the German Luftwaffe. The decision to weigh to massive bombing campaign against London and other English cities would prove to be one of the most fateful of the war. Up to that point, the Luftwaffe had targeted Royal Air Force airfields and support installations and had nearly destroyed the entire British air defense system
Starting point is 01:40:25 switching to an all out attack on British cities gave RAF fighter command desperately needed break and an opportunity to rebuild damaged airfields train new pilots and repair aircraft Churchill later wrote it was therefore with a sense of relief that fight the command failed to the German attack turn on London. Not to say that the attacks weren't devastating. During the nightly bombing raids on London, people took shelter to warehouse and warehouse basements underground subway stations slept on makeshift beds amid primitive conditions with no privacy, poor sanitation facilities. London not the only city getting bombed either over 20 other British cities targeted during
Starting point is 01:41:00 the blitz. For days, people crowded to makeshift shelters, right? Praying that their lives wouldn't be taken by the Nazis. That's exactly what Hitler wanted. He wanted to demoralize Churchill into negotiating. But Churchill who knew the power of speaking directly to the people well knew that morale was one of the most important parts of fighting a war would rally the British people despite the constant barrage of bombs dropping on their neighborhoods. In the end, the bombings actually had the opposite effect of what Hitler wanted. They brought British people closer together in the face of a common enemy encouraged by Churchill's frequent public appearances and radio speeches.
Starting point is 01:41:31 The people became determined to hold out indefinitely against Nazi onslaught. Business is usual. Define slogan could be seen everywhere written in chalk on boarded up shop windows. That's fucking tough ass people. Reminds me of modern day Ukrainians. The blitz would last through May of 1941. By the end of 1940, German air raids had killed 15,000 British civilians approximately.
Starting point is 01:41:52 One of the worst attacks occurred to the night of November 14th and 15th, right? Flowning from the 14th and 15th against Coventry in industrial city east of Birmingham and Central England. In that one raid, 449 German bombers dropped 1,400 high explosive bombs and 100,000 incendiaries, Birmingham and central England. And that one rate, 449 German bombers dropped 1400 high explosive bombs and a hundred thousand incendiaries, which destroyed 50,000 buildings killed 568 people left over a thousand others badly injured. The incendiary devices it created firestorms
Starting point is 01:42:18 with super heated gale force winds drawing in torrents of air to fan enormous walls of flames like hell itself so much destruction and total 18,000 tons of high explosives have been dropped in England during eight months of the blitz a total of over 18,000 men 18,629 over 16,000 women over 5,000 children were killed along with 695 unidentified charred bodies, over 40,000 civilian deaths. And now let's back up to mid September 1940. The blitz is raging, right? And the battle of Britain, R.A.F. versus the left waffle still is not in one. In fact, the blitz only came to be Hitler's chosen
Starting point is 01:42:55 strategy because the Luftwaffe wasn't doing a great job of taking down R.A.F fighters. British fighters were shooting down German bombs or bombers faster than German industry could produce them. And while the blitz caused a lot of civilian deaths, it wouldn't bring Hitler closer to his main objective of dominating the British skies. On September 3rd, the date of a land invasion was deferred to the September, oh my god, on September 3rd, the date of a land invasion was deferred to September 21st. And then on September 19th, Hitler ordered the shipping gathered for Operation Sea Line to be dispersed. On October 12th, he announced that the operation was to be off for the
Starting point is 01:43:29 winner. And then long before the arrival of spring, he decided to turn eastward against Russia. And then there would be no land invasion. The battle of Britain was over then and Britain had won. The Nazis were not an unstoppable force after all, huge moral victory for all of Europe. On September 13th, 1940, the Italians invade British controlled Egypt now from Italian controlled Libya. That I mentioned to the Michelinians, Italians took over Libya in 1934. They did. Italy had been attempting to subdue Libya for decades.
Starting point is 01:43:55 Right, again, these colonial power ambitions. The Axis powers wanted to control North Africa for a variety of reasons. Most important of the war effort was to lock up control of the Mediterranean and with an essential trade routes for valuable minerals and food to keep the war effort going. On September 27th, Germany, Italy and Japan now sign the Tri, oh, I forgot to look at the pronunciation, but try, try partite, try partite packed. I'm probably butchering that pronunciation. The core of the Axis powers. They pledged to assist one another with all political economic and military means when any one of them was attacked by a power at present not involved in the European war or the Sino-Japanese conflict. This new pact left out the Soviet Union,
Starting point is 01:44:33 seen as it was already involved in both wars. Why? Well, who's left when you discount all the countries involved in the wars in the east and the west, the United States? The Axis powers sending a clear message with this pact to America, telling them not to get involved. October 28th, 1940, Italy now invades Greece from Albania, also on the state, absolutely nothing happens related to the war in San Marino. They keep doing whatever the nine or 10 people living there at the time did probably made cheese or wine, maybe chat it with Benicio Dottoro.
Starting point is 01:45:02 November of 1940, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia joined the Axis powers. As possessions of Germany with large, the puppet governments, they didn't have much of a choice. It was either join forces with or be attacked and be defeated by. Face with the fee by Britain and much of the continent of Europe, successfully taken over Hitler and the Nazis,
Starting point is 01:45:19 turn their sites towards Mother Russia. On December 18, 1940, Hitler signs directive 21 code named Operation Barbarossa is the first operational order for the invasion of the Soviet Union. During the winter and spring months of 1941, officials of the German army high command and the Erike security main office would work to deploy. I'm that's grouping behind Russian front lines, these mobile killing squads, these roving groups of murderous dirt backs will conduct mass shootings of Jews, communists, other persons deemed to be dangerous to establish a long-term German rule on Soviet territory.
Starting point is 01:45:51 We cover those fuckers more in depth in the two-part series on the Holocaust. Between 1941 and 1945, the INESOTS group in related agencies and foreign auxiliary personnel murdered more than two million people, including 1.3 million of the 5.5 to 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust. In addition, the German military planned the tens of millions of Soviet citizens or planned that tens of millions of Soviet citizens would starve to death as the intentional result of German occupation policies. And again, so much easier to be really effective in war if you just don't give a single fuck about the people you're fighting. Military, civilians, whatever. February of 1941, the Germans send the Afrika Korps to North Africa to reinforce the
Starting point is 01:46:34 falter and Italians there. German field marshal Erwin Rommel aka the Desert Fox, highly decorated World War II, World War I, who commanded the Seventh Panzer Division during the 1914 invasion of France, who mentioned earlier, will earn his desert fox nickname by dominating many in African battlefield. Now find the US is really ready to start thinking about doing something to help with European allies. March 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt convinces a largely isolationist Congress to pass the Lend-Lease Act, allowing the US to sell or lend war material to any country
Starting point is 01:47:05 who's defense the president deems vital to the defense of the United States. Same month, Bulgaria joins the Axis powers. Begin on April 6, 1941, Germany, Italy, Hungary, invade Yugoslavia, and together with Bulgaria, dismember it. Yugoslavia surrendered on April 17, Germany, Germany, and Bulgaria now invade Greece in support of the Italians there. From May 20th to June 1st, Nazi now invades Greece in support of the Italians there. From May 20th to June 1st, Nazi paratroopers invade the Greek island of Crete. Marke history's first mostly airborne attack, using paratroopers, roughly 22,000 of them,
Starting point is 01:47:34 parachute in them. With nearly 3,000 Germans killed, many of them either shot out of the sky or shot just after landing, Hitler decries the day of the parachuters is over. And that's the Nazis last airborne campaign like that. Despite the losses Nazis do overtake Crete, which now becomes part of Axis territory. Now Hitler is ready to make his biggest move to date. Under the code name, again, Operation Barbarossa, Nazi Germany invades the Soviet Union June 22, 1941.
Starting point is 01:47:58 Why? To prove that they were so much more than Eliza's pussy, to prove that they would not let Britain's uncle cock wear them out But for real-wide Didn't they have a non-aggression pack with the Russians sort of as we've already proven Hitler not really interested in being a good ally That's like son of a bitch always kept his fingers crossed behind his back when he shook hands or assigned deals It was like he had a third hand always behind his back fingers always crossed But a third hand always behind his back, fingers always crossed. Main tent of the Nazi ideology was actually the eradication of communism, so they probably
Starting point is 01:48:27 knew it was going to last long. Since the 1920s, core policies and Nazi movement included the destruction of the Soviet Union by military force. The permanent elimination of the perceived communist threat to Germany and the seizure of prime land within Soviet borders as part of that Libyan-Sharam living space, right, for long term, German resettlement. As such, the non-aggression pact had always been a temporary tactical maneuver, not something Hitler ever really intended to recognize. Now is time for his big Nazi pussy to try and swallow up Stalin's Uncle Cock.
Starting point is 01:48:56 With 134 divisions at full fighting strengths and 73 more divisions for deployment behind the front, German forces invaded the Soviet Union, June 22nd, 1941 again. Three army groups attacked the Soviet Union across the broad front. These groups included more than three million German soldiers, more than three million. That is such a huge number of soldiers fighting the common enemy together in the same place. Hard to wrap my head around. That's more than all of the military service men and women sent to Vietnam during the entire duration of that conflict. Almost as many as the total number of union and Confederate soldiers who enlisted in the entirety of the U.S. Civil War.
Starting point is 01:49:28 And this was just a small portion of the total German army fighting in World War II. There were other military units fighting elsewhere in Europe, the Atlantic, Africa, a total of 13.6 million soldiers would serve the German army in World War II. Roughly 18 million men overall would serve in the German military. It's fucking bonkers. The German soldiers fighting Russia were supported by 650,000 additional troops from Nazi conquest, Finland and Romania. These troops later augmented by units from Italy, Croatia, Slovakia, and Hungary. The front stripped from the Baltic Sea and the north all the way to the Baltic Sea and the South. The Soviet Union might have been able to fight them off if the if they'd listened to allies warnings about the Germans building
Starting point is 01:50:08 up troops along Russians western border. Russia's western border. But as it stood, Germany had the advantage of surprise. Much of the existing Soviet Air Force was destroyed on the ground before ever getting a chance to take off. Fluckin blitzkrieg strikes again. German units encircled millions of Soviet soldiers. Cut off from the supplies and reinforcements and Soviet soldiers had few options other than to surrender or to die And Russians did die like no others in this war
Starting point is 01:50:33 World War two losses of the Soviet Union from all related causes estimated to have been around 27 million All right, that's both civilian and military exact figures areed, a figure of 20 million considered official during the Soviet area or Soviet Soviet era. Come out, mouth. Some Russian historians put the total number of military and civilian deaths at 40 million. As the German army advanced deep into Soviet territory, SS and police units followed the troops. The first to arrive were the Ainsatz group,, Ainserts groupin. As planned, the Soviet Union saw catastrophic military losses in the first six weeks after
Starting point is 01:51:08 the German attack. However, the Soviet Union failed to completely collapse as anticipated by the Nazi leadership and the German military commanders. Just like with Britain, the Russians bent but did not break, just like with Britain, their hard Uncle Cock would soon wear Hitler's pussy out. And then by mid-August 1941, the Russians mounted significant resistance. Just not for long. They'd knocked the Germans off their timetable of winning the war by autumn 1941 and by
Starting point is 01:51:32 late September 1941, German forces still had reached the gates of the Russian city of Leningrad today, St. Petersburg in the north. They also took Smolensk, a city in Russia located over two in our southwest of Moscow as well as Nipir, a city in Ukraine, located over two in our southeast of Kiev. And just a quick note on Nipir. I, that's how it was said in numerous like travel vlog videos. It's spelled D N I P R O pronounced Nipir, Nipir, Nipir, Nipir. There we go, Nipir, Nipir. This is why these words are so fucking hard. Jesus Christ. They would reach the outskirts N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- N- From these meetings, they produced the Atlantic Charter, outlining goals concerning the final destruction of Nazi tyranny, and pledged to support the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live. FDR about to bring his uncle cock into the ring. Maybe not as hard as Britain's or Russia's, but yeah, you know, forget I said anything. Beginning on September 8th, 1941,
Starting point is 01:52:40 German and Finnish soldiers began an early 900-day siege and blockade of Leningrad, the second biggest Soviet city in a major center of industry. With supplies, water, electricity, and transportation cut off, 1.3 million people are evacuated. The Red Army will finally break to the blockade on January of 1942. The siege ends, the city is free, but approximately 800,000 civilians have died by that point, most from starvation. The amount of atrocities, the amount of atrocities in this war, just mind boggling. By December, after months of campaigning, the German army is exhausted, having expected a rapid Soviet collapse, German planners failed to equip their troops for winter warfare.
Starting point is 01:53:19 Whoops, slide oversight. In hindsight, they wish they would have packed coats and mittens and stuff And I not want myself a note to terminate see bad boys soldiers to bring themselves some warm clothes and mittens on such fuzz event events Where does that note go who took that note? So choose So do you talk my mid to note? German command didn't provide sufficient food and medicines as they expected the military personnel to live off the land of a conquered soviet union the expense of the local population but local population didn't have everything they'd hoped for to sustain them in the brutal russian
Starting point is 01:53:52 winter months and consequently the german forces over stretched along the a thousand mile along each from front became weakened and vulnerable to soviet counterattack the semper six nineteen forty one the soviet launches a major offensive against the center of union launches a major offensive against the center of the front. This drives the Germans back from Moscow and chaos takes weeks for the Germans to stabilize the front east of some Lensk. Just a day later, December 7, the United States is thrust into the war officially now. They were on the edge already, when Japan
Starting point is 01:54:18 launches a devastating surprise attack on the US naval fleet at Pearl Harbor and Hawaii. President Roosevelt will ask Congress to declare war on Japan the following day, December 8th, three days later, Germany and Italy declared war on the US. And we'll cover the US's war again with Japan next week. Crazed that so much has happened and the US has just entered the war now. January of 1942, US troops arrived in Europe. Through March, the number of troops shipped overseas, average is about 50,000 a month, a number that will store upwards of 250,000 a month in 1944. From May 12th to May 28th, an encounter offensive after Germany's attack on Moscow, the Soviet Red Army attacks Carcovo, Ukraine, probably butchering that up pronunciation, with the aid of 500 tanks and a thousand aircraft, but German intelligence alerts the access powers
Starting point is 01:55:03 to the campaign, and they fight back ferociously. Basin year the 300,000 casualties and gaining little traction that so is forced to concede. You are out of the woods with the Nazis just yet. May 30th, the British bomb Cologne, the start of a bombing campaign that will bring the war home to Germany. On the night of May 30th into the 31st, more than a thousand bombers are dispatched to Cologne where they do heavy damage to a third of the city's built up area over the next three years thousands of allied bombing strikes will reduce many of urban
Starting point is 01:55:30 Germany's urban areas to rubble These attacks which were primarily aimed against factories rail depots Docyards bridges and dams and again cities and towns themselves were intended to both destroy Germany's war industries and to the private civilian population of their housing thus sapping their will to continue the war. But they also hit a lot of non-military targets. Estimates of Germans civilians killed only by allies, strategic bombing strikes have ranged from around 350,000 to 500,000 souls. Now let's hear about a very interesting group of people fighting in Russia, beginning
Starting point is 01:56:04 in June of 1942. A group I don't remember ever hearing about before and there's so many groups like this. Made up of only women. The Russian 588th Night Bomber Regiment was trained for bombing missions behind German lines flying 1920s airplanes built to fucking wood and canvas. No radio, no radar. Bombs held to the wings by wires fucking wires This construction gave the planes the advantage of flying below radar and surprise enemy in the dead of the night Officially known as Stalin's Falcons the regiment was given a much cooler fucking moniker by the Germans of the night witches Hale Lucifina this kind of shit
Starting point is 01:56:45 of the night witches, Hale, Lucifina, this kind of shit. This is why we can do hundreds of only World War II related episodes. And we will do so many more going forward. I'm guessing the fucking night witches, how has that not been made into a blockbuster action movie yet? Night Witches were the first women, military pilots in the 20th century to directly engage in enemy and combat. And the pilots were the only women in the 588th.
Starting point is 01:57:04 All the members of the 588th were women. Navigators, ground crews, support staff, everyone flying 15 to 18 missions per night each. My God, their planes often returned riddled with bullets, according to former night, which Nadia Papova. And listed in only 19 years old, Nadia's motive was revenge for her brother killed on the front, her home taken over by German soldiers, her town destroyed by German aircraft. She wanted to wear that Nazi pussy out. She wanted to make those Nazis suck her Russian dick.
Starting point is 01:57:35 I always find it funny, think about female badasses, tell a lot of people to suck their dick's. Also fun to flip around for dudes too, right? Try it, Melm, it means X. If you ever get into a screaming match with some guy, ever get tough guy situation. Maybe else something like, you know what man fuck you. You can eat my fucking pussy. You can munch this box, bro Will throw him off I think Because it showed me Air Force had no females up until then the women were given old men's uniforms They're closed off and too large and baggy their boots so oversized, they would tear up their bedding and stuff in the toes to make the boots fit better.
Starting point is 01:58:07 These night witches love that name so much. Accomplished their mission to disrupt the German sleep and their former owl while bombing important targets from June of 1942 to October of 1945. This unit would fly approximately 23,672 combat missions, Drop over 3,000 tons of bombs and over 26,000 sendyary shells. The damage are destroyed. 17 river crossings, nine railways, two railway stations, 26 warehouses, 12 fuel depots, 176 armored cars,
Starting point is 01:58:39 86 prepared flying positions, and 11 search lights. 261 women served in the regiment, 32 died in combat. They also made 155 supply drops of food and ammunition to Soviet forces. Steve Prouse, screenwriter who tried to get a film made about these boss bitches, a decade ago said they never used radios. So radio locators couldn't pick them up either. They were basically ghosts. Sources don't list how many Nazis they killed.
Starting point is 01:59:04 At least I can't find some particular information pertaining to that. It might not exist, right? They didn't fly back to asking questions about how many people they killed and the Nazis didn't always keep records of their losses. But I'm guessing thousands. Articles about these amazing soldiers,
Starting point is 01:59:16 you know, amazing pilots. There was links to so many other stories I had never heard of again. There's, you could spend years telling bad ass World War II tales. Hail to Zafina. All right, refocusing now. heard of again, there's, you can spend years telling badass World War Two tales. Hail, Luzofina. All right, refocusing now, beginning of June, 28th, 1942, Germany and his access partners launched a new offensive in the Soviet Union.
Starting point is 01:59:32 German troops fight their way in a stolen grab on the Volga River by mid September and penetrate deep into the Caucasus. After securing the Kramin Kramin, oh my God, Kramin Peninsula, with German forces in North Africa having also penetrated Egypt, German Germany was at the height of its military success in World War II at this time. The access powers of Germany and Italy, but mostly Germany, controlled territory from Western France
Starting point is 01:59:53 to almost Moscow in the east, and down south across massive swaths of Northern Africa. The Nazis alone occupied over 20 nations at their height. In August of 1942, Germany begins to assault on the Russian city of Stalingrad. Staling and his advisors had expected Germany to try and take over Moscow, Hitler had other plans. Set aside on Stalingrad because the city served as an industrial center in Russia, producing
Starting point is 02:00:16 amongst other important goods artillery for the country's troops. The Volga River, which runs through the city, was also an important shipping route, connecting the western part of the country with its distant eastern regions. Ultimately, Adolf Hitler wanted his military to occupy Stalingrad, seen its value for propaganda purposes, given that a bore Stalingrad's name. For similar reasons, the Russians felt a special need to protect it. When Hitler proclaimed that upon taking Stalingrad, all of the city's male residents would be killed and all of its women deported, Jesus.
Starting point is 02:00:44 Stadler said for a bloody hard fought battle. Stalin ordered all Russians strong enough to hold a rifle to take up arms in defense of the city. How fucking terrifying. These poor people waiting for Hitler's murder machine to mow them down knowing it was coming, knowing they had no problem butchering all of them. The six army of the Vermacht began their assault
Starting point is 02:01:01 on August 23rd, 1942. From August 1942 through February 1943, more than two million troops fought in close quarters in the Battle of Stalingrad. Nearly two million people killed or injured in the fighting, including tens of thousands of Russian civilians. Russian forces initially able to slow the German vermoct's advances during a series of brutal skirmishes just north of Stalingrad. Staling's forces lost more than 200,000 men,
Starting point is 02:01:25 but successfully held off German soldiers. Lost more than 200,000 men. With the firm understanding of Hitler's plans, the Russians had already shipped much of the stories of grain and cattle out of Stalingrad. However, the city's 400,000-plus residents were not evacuated, because Russian leadership believed their presence would inspire troops.
Starting point is 02:01:42 Interesting idea, risked the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians to boost troop morale. Oh, Stalin, what a fucking sociopath. Within a few days of launching its attack, Germany's Luftwaffe Air Force had rendered the Volga River impassable to shipping had sunk several Russian commercial vessels in the process. From late August to the end of the assault, the Luftwaffe conducted dozens of airstrikes on the city. By September, the Luftwaffe essentially had control of the skies over Sullivan grad and the Russians were getting
Starting point is 02:02:08 desperate. Workers in the city not involved in war-related weapons production asked to take up fighting, often without firearms of their own, women enlisted to dig trenches at the front lines, and yet the Russians continued to suffer heavy losses by the fall of 1942, Stalin grad lay in ruins. Despite heavy casualties and the pounding delivered by the Luftw 1942, Stalin grad lay in ruins. Despite heavy casualties and the pounding delivered by the Luftwaffe, Stalin instructed his forces in the city to not retreat, retreat famously to crane in order number 227, not a step back. Let them know that those who surrender would be subjected by trial and face possible execution with fewer possible, probably meant probable with fewer than 20,000 troops left in the city less than
Starting point is 02:02:47 less than a hundred tanks, Stalin's generals finally began sending reinforcements into the city and surrounding areas, fighting rage in the streets of a lot, Stalin graded with both sides using snipers poised on the roofs of the city's buildings, Russian generals, George, Zukoff and Alexander,assel Kelski organized Russian troops in the mountains to the north and west of the city. From there, they launched a counter attack. Famously known as Operation Uranus, they would attempt to fight off Hitler's pussy with
Starting point is 02:03:14 their Uranus. Interesting. Although they again sustained significant losses, Russian forces able to form what in essence was a defensive ring around the city by late November of 1942, trapping the nearly 300,000 German and access troops in the six army fighting there. With the Russian blockade limiting access to supply, German forces now trapped in stolen grads slowly starved. The Russians would seize upon the resulting weakness during the cold harsh winter months that followed. As Russia's brutal winter began, Soviet generals knew the Germans would be at a disadvantage, fighting in conditions to which they were not accustomed.
Starting point is 02:03:45 They began consolidating their positions around Stalin grad, choking off the German forces from vital supplies and essentially surrounding them in an ever tightening noose. Thanks to Russian gains in nearby fighting, including in Rostov, Andon, 250 miles from Stalin grad, the Axis forces, mostly Germans and Italians, were stretched thin through operation, a little Saturn. The Russians now began to break the lines of the mostly Italian forces to the west of the city. At this point, German generals abandoned all efforts to relieve their beleaguered forces trapped in a stolen grant. Still, Hitler refused to have them surrender, even
Starting point is 02:04:16 as his men slowly starved and ran out of ammunition. Damn, so many fucking, so much suffering in this war. Now jumping back to North Africa before wrapping up the bloody battle of Stalin grand From November 8th to the 16th allies invaded French North Africa in an attempt to draw the access Powers away from Soviet attacks on the Eastern Front and to gain control of those crucial Mediterranean shipping lanes and General Dwight de Eisenhower let attacks on Kosovo Blanca and several other access controlled North African cities before advancing on Tunis and Realigning it with the allies. The victory was touted by Winston Churchill as the end of the beginning.
Starting point is 02:04:49 Again, the dude knew how to pen a phrase. January of 1943, Roosevelt and Churchill hold a conference at Kosovo Blanca in Morocco. Their aim is to figure out what should be done after victory in Northern Africa. This was because in November of 1942, US and British troops had landed on the beaches of Algeria and Morocco in French, North Africa, forcing the Nazi collaborating French troops there to flee back to France. The allies had then moved swiftly to the western border of Tunisia, victory now seen possible for the allies in northern Africa. After long argument, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed that Sicily should be the next axis area to be taken in July.
Starting point is 02:05:26 Politically, the Coslblanket conference owes us importance to the fact that at its end, Roosevelt publicly announced a demand for the unconditional surrender of Germany, Italy, and Japan. The following month in late February, Germany's desert fox Irwin Rommel wins his last battle in Africa against the Americans in the battle of Kassarin Pass, which I had the extra band with this week to do more with that story. It's cool. Foxes 20,000. Well, it's cool as far as war history, not cool for the allies. Foxes 20,000,000 men defeated 30,000, 30,000 US forces. The Germans took out 183 US tanks while losing only 20. Killed or wounded 3300 US troops while losing less than a thousand of their own.
Starting point is 02:06:02 Going forward, reinforcements would swell allied numbers, numbers, the access powers couldn't keep up with. They were still dedicating massive amount of troops to fighting in Russia, the desert foxes, you know, battles would be lost. They were just fighting in too many places too quickly. Speaking of Russia, by February of 1943, Russian troops had retaken Stalin grad, captured nearly 100,000 German soldiers. Though pockets of resistance continued to fight in the city until early March.
Starting point is 02:06:26 Most of the captured soldiers died in Russian prison camps as a result of either disease or starvation. They were almost dead by the time the Russians got him. It was Hitler's first massive and public wartime failure, at least the first one he acknowledged. Stalin grad also put Hitler in the access powers on the defensive now and boosted Russian confidence as it continued to do battle on the Eastern front. Hitler suffered between 750,000 and 870,000 combat casualties in just that one month. Axis buddies Italy suffered around 114,000 combat casualties Romania anywhere from 109 to 160,000
Starting point is 02:06:59 and hungry another 140,000 is hundreds and hundreds of thousands. On May 13, 1943, Axis forces inisia, surrender to the Allies, and the Indian North African campaign. US troops led by generals Dwight Eisenhower and George S. Patton joined forces with British troops under the command of Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery to defeat German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in North Africa. One month after the disaster at Casarine Pass, Patton led the American Army to victory at the Battle of El Gitar. Fortaken command in North Africa, general patent dude had a way with words as well, wrote a badass letter to his troops. Here's an excerpt.
Starting point is 02:07:36 Our duty is plain. We must utterly defeat the enemy. Fortunately for our famous soldiers, our enemy is worthy of us. The German is a war-trained veteran, confident, brave, ruthless. We are brave. We are better equipped, better fed. And in the place of his blood gutted, Wooten, we have with us the God of our fathers, known of old. The justice of our cause and not the greatness of our race makes us confident. But we are not ruthless, not vicious, not aggressive.
Starting point is 02:08:02 Therein lies our weakness. Children of a free and sheltered people who have lived a generous life. We have not the pugnacious disposition of those oppressed beasts, our enemies who must fight or starve. Our bravery is too negative. We talk too much of sacrifice of the glory of dying
Starting point is 02:08:17 that freedom may live. Of course, we are willing to die, but that is not enough. We must be eager to kill to inflict on the enemy, the hated enemy, wounds, death and destruction. If we die killing well and good, but if we fight hard enough viciously enough, we will kill and live, live to return to our family and our girl as conquering heroes, men of Mars. The reputation of our army, the future of our race, your own glory, rest in your hands. I know you will be worthy. Oh, fuck yeah, bro. Tides of war are turning. June of 1943, Eisenhower is a pointy commander
Starting point is 02:08:52 of US forces in Europe. Born on October 14th, 1890 in Denison, Texas, Eisenhower, the third of seven sons of David Jacob and Ida Elizabeth. In the spring of 1891, the Eisen hours left Texas and returned to Abelene, Kansas, where their four bears had settled as part of a men-and-night colony. David worked in a creamery, family was poor. Dwight and his brothers were introduced to hard work and a strong religious tradition at an early age.
Starting point is 02:09:15 Ike, as Dwight was called, was a fun-loving youth who enjoyed sports, but took only a moderate interest in studies. Dwight graduated from Abelene High School in 1909, worked for more than a year to support a brother's college education, then entered the U.S. military academy at West Point. Decision left his mother a pacifist in tears. In the remarkable class of 1915, which was to produce 59 generals, he ranked 61st academically,
Starting point is 02:09:37 125th and disciplined out of the total of 164 graduates. It was ranking to not point towards what would be his incredible future. After being commissioned a second lieutenant, he was sent to San Antonio during World War One Eisenhower commanded a tank training center with promoter decaptan, received the distinguished service medal, and then the war ended just before he was about to be set overseas. A couple years later, Eisenhower was selected to attend the Army's command in general staff school at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Then a major he graduated first in a class of 275 in 1926, and two years later graduated from graduated first in a class of 275 in 1926 and two
Starting point is 02:10:06 years later graduated from the Army War College. He then served in France where he wrote a guidebook of World War I battlefields and in Washington, DC before becoming an aide to Army Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur in 1933. Two years later he accompanied MacArthur to the Philippines to assist in the reorganization of the Commonwealth's Army. And while there, awarded the distinguished service star of the Philippines. Excuse me, and promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. When the United States entered World War II in December of 1941, Marshal appointed Eisenhower to the Army's War plans division of Washington, DC, where he prepared strategy for an allied invasion in Europe. Eisenhower had been made a Brigadier General. It's September of 1941,
Starting point is 02:10:43 promoted to Major General, March of 1942, also named Head of Operations, the Division of the War Department, Head of the Operations Division of the War Department, June and June, Marshall selected him over 366 other senior officers to be commander of all US troops in Europe. Eisenhower's rapid advancement after a long army career spent in relative obscurity was due not only to his knowledge of military strategy and talent for organization, but inability to persuade, mediate, and get along with others. Apparently men from a wide variety of backgrounds impressed by his friendliness, humility, and persistent optimism trusted and liked him. Refraised later became one of the most famous campaign slogans in American history,
Starting point is 02:11:23 seemed to reflect the impression of everyone who met him. I like Ike. And Ike, like Churchill, was now determined to use his uncle cock to wear out a hittest pussy. July 5th, 1943, the Germans launched a massive tank offensive near Kursk in the Soviet Union. Military history's largest tank battle takes place on the eastern front, involved in an estimated 6,000 tanks, 4,000 aircraft, and two fucking million soldiers.
Starting point is 02:11:49 And it's last Blitzkrieg offensive Germany attacks the Red Army, but the Soviets are prepared and they keep Hitler from conquering Russia. The Soviets blunt the attack within a week and begin an offensive initiative of their own, the tides of war further turning on Hitler. July 24th, 1943, British bombers raid Hamburg, Germany by night in Operation Gamora while Americans bomb it by day in what's called Blitzweak. Written to suffer the deaths of 167 civilians as a result of German bombing raids that July. Now the tables are turning the evening of July 24 sees British aircraft drop 2300 tons
Starting point is 02:12:20 of incendiary bombs on Hamburg in just a couple hours. The explosive power was the equivalent of what German bombers had dropped on London in their five most destructive raids combined. More than 1500 German civilians are killed. Britain loses only 12 aircraft in this raid out of 791 thanks to new radar jamming devices called Window, which consisted of strips of aluminum foil dropped by the bombers in route to their target. These window strips confused German radar which mistook the strips for dozens and dozens of aircraft
Starting point is 02:12:49 diverting them from the trajectory of the actual bombers. To make matters worse for Germany, the US 8th Air Force begins a comprehensive bombing run in Northern Germany which included two raids on Hamburg during daylight hours. These attacks on Hamburg would continue until November of 1943. When it was all over 17,000 bombers, bomber sorties, excuse me, had dropped more than 9,000 tons of explosives, killing more than 30,000 people, and destroying a preposterous 280,000 buildings, including industrial and munitions plants. Hamburg was fucking obliterated. These bombings had a devastating effect on German morale. Hitler refused to visit the burned out cities as the ruins bespoke nothing but the end of the war for him. Diary entries
Starting point is 02:13:29 of high German officials from this period speak of despair as they tried to understand how, how could their all powerful empire be dealt such a defeat? Here is a quick excerpt from Hitler's diary from October 31st, Halloween 1943. diary from October 31, Halloween 1943. As a Jew, I'm so furious. I wanted to have such a good time as Halloween. I used to cool his costume. I was going to dress up as Vincent Churchill, their fat suit in a bald cop, and his bow tie and suck on his cigars and said, he looks penis on it.
Starting point is 02:14:01 Haha, now he kicked me signing on my back. But as a Jew, I are dropping so many Jew bombs. It looks like Churchill's been in. Like he's wearing my pussy out. So I just stay home and I just hand out the candy to the kids. I'd not been bombed yet. It's so sad. July from July, to September 1943, Allied forces captured Sicily and key spots in Southern Italy. Mussolini getting his pussy worn out on July 10th, US and British troops land on Sicily
Starting point is 02:14:29 by mid August. The allies control Sicily and on July 25th, the fastest grand council deposes, Benito Mussolini, enabling Italian Marshal Pietro Badoguio to form a new government. Mussolini is now in prison. Hitler's axis buddy locked up. His ear keeps getting shittier. Meanwhile, Hitler dispatched his German troops to try and fend off an allied advance and will be a series of hard fought Calcy battles.
Starting point is 02:14:51 September 8, 1943, Italy's new government surrenders unconditionally to the Allies. But the Allies do not take over Italy. The Germans immediately sees control of Rome and Northern Italy establishing a puppet, fascist regime under again, Mussolini, who is freed from imprisonment by German commandos on September 12th. Just when we thought America's uncle Dick had worn the Italian axis pussy out, it's wet and ready to rumble all over again. September 9th allied troops now land on the beaches of Salernone near Naples.
Starting point is 02:15:20 The invasion of Italy continues. The big three Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, convene in Tehran, Iran, to discuss the further invasion of Italy. It is the first time all three have met. They immediately head into the bathroom together and compare penis size. No one will ever verify who's was the biggest, but Stalin eyes were red as if he'd been crying when he came back out. Stalin able to keep fighting them.
Starting point is 02:15:43 The Red Army continued continues recent success against Nazis and on November 6th, liberate Kiev. December of 1943, Eisenhower named supreme commander of the Allied expeditionary force in Europe. He now provides all leadership for not just US forces, but all Allied forces. Under Ix leadership on 22nd, 1944, Allied troops land successfully near Anzeo, just south of Rome, Anzeo, Anzeo. Attempting to liberate Italy and catch the Germans by surprise, the Allies quickly secure a beachhead during operation shingle. However, continue to access resistance and counterattacks ensue, resulting in a stalemate that doesn't end until the fall of Rome. It's seen as a failure for the Allies, although it does keep German troops from moving to France in the days before the historic Allied invasion of Normandy.
Starting point is 02:16:29 In February of 1944, German aircraft production centers are the target of a massive bombing campaign by the US Army Air Corps. More than 600 US bombers raid Berlin. Despite the devastation caused by the bombing, Germany is able to maintain weapons and aircraft production levels. The war still not over. May 30th, the Allied invasion of France commences. Troops based in England began their mobilization across the channel in a massive effort. Codenamed Operation Overlord, badass codename. Eyes an hour away for good weather forecast to determine the exact day of the invasion in the days leading up to D day and number of problems are evident to the men planning the invasion of occupied Europe. Chief amongst them is the Atlantic wall, a series of German defenses that stretch from Norway all the way to the Franco-Spanish border.
Starting point is 02:17:15 It was a series of mines, pillboxes, tank traps, and pikes meant to impale paratroopers that stretched for over 3,200 miles. This presented a formidable obstacle to the Allied armies who would need to develop new specialist vehicles to combat not only these defensive obstacles, but also climb up soft sand from the sea and other logistical difficulties to overcome that. The task was assigned to major generals Sir Percy Hobart, known as Hobo.
Starting point is 02:17:42 Most of the new vehicles, Hobo over saw production now, which came to be known as the Funnies were based on the design of the Churchill tank, whose low center of gravity and roomy interior made it ideal for modification. The most famous of the Churchill modifications was the flame throwing crocodile tank, the mere side of which often enough to compel German soldiers to surrender. If you want to do an image search for the church Hill crocodile tank, it is pretty fucking terrifying.
Starting point is 02:18:07 That flame through other ingenious features implemented were turrets that can be swapped out for bridges and rolling mats to allow armored vehicles to drive on beaches with soft sand without getting stuck. Variations to Sherman tanks were also used, including one that was designed to be launched from deep water and effectively swim in with the first assaults after which a large waterproof screen would come down allowing the tank to fight as normal. Another variant was a flail for mine clearance, which proved to be a vital asset. So much military tech being developed so quickly.
Starting point is 02:18:37 Many women working in shifts around the clock to get their tech built the fastest. The funniest saved many lives during the attacks on British and Canadian occupied beaches. General eyes now are even said it was doubtful if the assault forces could have firmly established themselves without the assistance of these weapons. Right? Who could develop the best new weapons, the most quickly such an important aspect of World War II. And real quick before D day on June 4th, Allied troops liberate Rome within six weeks, Anglo American bombers could hit targets in Eastern Germany now for the first time, but their biggest victory will yet come in two short days. Their biggest victory yet. June 6, 1944 Eisenhower gambles on a break in bad weather, gives the order to launch the Normandy invasion, the largest amphibious attack
Starting point is 02:19:21 in history. During the operation, Allied troops land on five beaches on the coast of Normandy. The beaches were codenamed Omaha, Gold, Juno, Sword and Utah. On the night before the amphibious landings, more than 23,000 US British and Canadian paratroopers had landed in France behind the German defensive lines by parachute and glider. The invasion forces outnumbered about, or the invasion forces numbered about 175,000 ally troops, 50,000 vehicles, some 5,000 naval craft in more than 11,500 aircraft. Now that was that was what supported the initial invasion. At first under the overall command of Field Marshal Irwin Rommel, the Germans held the advantage in battle positioning. They
Starting point is 02:20:01 had deployed five infantry divisions, one airborne division and one tank division along the Normandy coast. However, the Allies had an overwhelming advantage in naval and air power on D.D. alone. The Allies flew 14,000 sorties. In contrast, the German Air Force managed only 500 more over a successful Allied deception plan had led the Germans to believe the point of attack would be further north and east on the coast near Kale and the Belgian border. To see if the Germans moved only slowly to reinforce Normandy defenses after the initial landing. By nightfall on June 6th, 100,000 Allied servicemen had come ashore and 100,000.
Starting point is 02:20:38 Despite Allied superiority, the Germans contain Allied troops and their slowly expanding or contained Allied troops in their slowly expanding or contained allied troops in their slowly expanding beachhead for six weeks. The US first and 29th infantry divisions made the most difficult landing on Omaha Beach. Stiff German resistance here caused over 3,000 casualties before allied troops could establish their positions by the end of the first day. On D-date self, allied troops suffered more than 10,000 casualties with 4,400 confirmed dead. Specifically British and Canadian forces suffered around 3,700 casualties and US forces suffered about 6,600 casualties. Sorry, I already said the US number is 10,000 German forces lost between
Starting point is 02:21:19 4,000, 9,000 men. Sources a little bit all over with their numbers. The total casualty cost of Normandy campaign will be high on both sides. From D day through August 21st, the Allies landed more than two million men in northern France, suffered more than 225,000 casualties, almost 73,000 killed and missing and over 153,000 wounded. German losses included over 2240,000 casualties and 200,000 captured. Now with so many forces in France, the Allies can take back Paris and a real Nazi defeat seems closer than ever. Meanwhile, in Eastern Europe, the Soviets launch a massive offensive in Eastern Belarus. Uh, uh, Baila Rue. Uh, I forgot to look up that one too. Too many fucking countries in this
Starting point is 02:22:04 world war uh... june twenty second destroying the german army group center there and driving westward towards the vishula river and towards war saw in central poland by august first allied forces would reach paris on august twenty on august twenty fifth free french forces supported by allied troops and led by general charles de gall
Starting point is 02:22:24 and to the french capital after four years of German occupation four years. France is finally free. Hail Nimrod. Now that allies can take back the rest of Europe. Hitler's pussy, not worn out yet, but it's getting pretty tired. By September the allies will reach the German border by December virtually all of France, most of Belgium and part of the southern Netherlands will have been liberated. On September 4th, 1944, Finland degrees to sign an armistice with the Soviet Union and expelled German forces.
Starting point is 02:22:49 One person who had chronicled running Germans out of liberated towns would be Albert Dean Bryant from Midland, Texas. Bryant served with the 87th Calvary reconnaissance squadron of the 7th Armored Division. And on September 11, 1944, Bryant wrote a letter home to his family. He described the weariness and on September 11th, 1944, Bryant wrote a letter home to his family. He described the weariness and restlessness of battle saying, there are things that happen over here which take complete control over your mind. The aftermath was something which almost made the danger and unpleasant things we had to endure worth it.
Starting point is 02:23:18 People by the hundreds standing in the streets with hands up raised and shouting and laughing and crying with appreciation for being liberated. Bottles of wine and champagne, which had cost 20 bucks here in the US, we're freely given to us as we went through the streets. Bottles which had dirt and dust on them to show they had been buried or hidden for years from the greedy Germans. Little over a month later in October 27th, Bryant was captured, spent the remainder of the war as a POW of the Germans.
Starting point is 02:23:44 He would survive though and lived the age of 98. We get married, stay married for 65 years to the same woman have a son and three daughters love to play golf and to sing rest in peace Aberdeen Bryant. Even as the allies liberated towns, he fight. He was not over the Germans attempts. One last major offensive in the West the battle of the bulge December 16th 1944 the battle of the bulge begins fitting name the allied uncle Cox bulging finally about to wear Hitler's pussy out Completely it was Germany's last ditch military offensive their Hail Mary the allies pressed into the Western border of Germany attacking through the Arden forest and Eastern Belgium on December 16th border of Germany. Attacking through the Arden forest and eastern Belgium on December 16th, hundreds of German
Starting point is 02:24:25 tanks and several hundred thousand German troops broke through thinly held American lines. In deadly cold winter weather, German troops will advance some 50 miles into the Allied lines creating a deadly bulge pushing into Allied defenses. Despite taking dreadful losses, US forces managed to delay the enemy sufficiently, to permit reinforcements to be moved into position to halt the German drive. By December 26th, it was clear that the German advance had been halted short of his objective though, the Muse River. In the face of increasing allied pressure, the Germans began to withdraw from the battle of the Bulls on January 8, 1945. The Americans eliminated all German gains by the end of January without halting US forces, challenged the German defenses
Starting point is 02:25:04 of the SIG-free line now under manned after the heavy German losses during the are den offensive. The American suffered almost 90,000 casualties in this battle. The Germans lost around a hundred thousand the British around 15,000. Some of these losses, especially horrific during the fighting some captured American soldiers and Belgian prisoners were murdered by the Waffen SS units in a nautrocynone as the Maumadi massacre. On December 17th, 1944, the US, first, excuse me, the first US Panzer Division of the Sixth Panzer Army was heading west from Belgium, part of the general German advance. At the same time, a US convoy of 30 vehicles and nearly 140 men of battery B of the 285th Field Artillery Observation Battalion was heading south and the two forces converged just before noon, two and a half miles south of Malvedi. The Germans immediately
Starting point is 02:25:56 began firing upon the Americans, US troops panicked. Those who did not escape, including medical personnel, were quickly surrendered. After being searched and relieved of their personal possessions. The US troops were lined up in eight rows in a field and executed survivors of the atrocity recalled hearing laughter as the Waffen SS troops fired upon the Americans. When the Germans left the site, at least 84 US soldiers were dead. Just over 40 Americans would survive either by fleeing into the woods or pretending to be dead. The Malmadi massacre was a par for the course for how the Nazis often treated POWs. Despite winning the battle in the bulge, allied soldiers then had to trudge on through the snow towards Germany, right? And through enemy fire after their January victory, Wendell Wiley Wolfenberger was a husband, father,
Starting point is 02:26:40 and postal employee from Neo show Missouri. And on January 1st, 1945, Wendell wrote his wife, well, I can see you went by Wiley, Wiley wrote his wife. I still can't say where I am, but I guess that as long as I'm not in the good, old United States, it doesn't make any difference. I nearly cried when you told me about why lean waking up and crying for me, but it can't be helped. Try to make her understand that it'll be some time before I can be there. Three days later, January 4th, Wendell wrote again. I wonder how everything is going down to the post office. Does Archie ever say anything about it? Man alive, how I wish I was back there. I would
Starting point is 02:27:13 work 24 hours per day. Sundays included. Not say word about it. No use bitching about it, though. I'm here. That's all there is to it. Are you and the kids all right? I really do miss you all more and more. Every time I look at your pictures, I get more homesick. But at the same time, I realize why we're here and I know the job must be done. All my love to you in the kids, darling. Keep praying, love, Wiley. Two weeks later, January 18th, 1945, near Burl Luxembourg, Wiley was killed in action. Rest in peace, Wiley. Another soldier will be slightly luckier. On January 11th, Ronald and MacArthur was the first gunner in the heavy weapons company
Starting point is 02:27:49 of the 45th division, part of General Patch's 7th Army. They've been ordered out between Christmas and New Year's to help close the gap in the line. This is how he would describe the afternoon of January 11th. We set our guns up on the high ground on each side of a trail in the woods. There were several tanks with us in the attack. It was all quiet nearly all that for noon, only a few small arms fired at us during the day.
Starting point is 02:28:13 Then all of a sudden about 4 o'clock, we were hit with a terrific artillery barrage. The shells were coming in, hitting the trees and exploding. We were exposed to vicious tree birch shrapnel coming down on us. After some time I told my assistant gunner to man the gun as I was going to cut some large branch logs, cut some large branch logs that had been knocked down from the shelling. The logs were replaced over our foxhole to protect from further shell bursts. I left the gun and went about a hundred yards towards the lead tank that had been knocked out during the battle. I left the gun and went about a hundred yards towards the lead tank that had been knocked out during the battle. I got about four logs cut with a wham. I was
Starting point is 02:28:49 shot through the face by a German sniper. Keepin' left behind as we drove Germans off the hill. He was out in front of the knocked out tank. I felt flat on my face in about 15 inches of snow. My only thought was, when will he let me have it again? The bullet must have been a soft nose one as X-rays later revealed that I had pieces of shrapnel in my cheek and roughed my mouth. The bull had gone through my left cheek just below the jawbone and X hit it out my right cheek, taking nearly all of my upper teeth and gums as well as most of the lowers. I remember feeling numbness of my mouth, I thought my tongue was gone, but my hand in the
Starting point is 02:29:23 opening was relieved to find it intact. The opening of my right cheek was up to under my eye and back nearly to my right ear. Our medic was nearby, he came and passed the wound with a sofa dyes in, powder, and short order our jeep was there, each section of machine guns had its own jeep. They took me to another GI out to be evacuated to an aid station and several hospitals on my way, finally to England, and later home the good old US of A. Ronald would survive the war and be sent home to the US. He'd make a full recovery from his wounds as full as you can after having so much of your fucking face shot up. Not sure how his life ended up. Backing up on January 12, 1945 Still in January of 1945 the Soviets launched a new offensive liberating Warsaw and Krakow in in January in that month
Starting point is 02:30:11 They captured Budapest after two months siege on February 13th Driving the Germans and their hungering collaborators out of Hungary in early April from February 4th to the 11th The last meeting of the big three Roosevelt Churchill and Stalin took place in the Soviet city of Yalta. Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to allow Stalin to control the governments of Eastern Europe with the wars end thereby setting the stage for the Cold War. Again, all three men entered a bathroom together with the start of the meeting. This time it's Stalin's insistence and this time he left smiling. Rumor is they compare penis sizes again with Stalin cheated because his was fully erect.
Starting point is 02:30:43 Let's probably make sure that no one actually believes they kept doing this. They didn't. February of 1945, over 1200 allied bombers of the RAF and the US Army Air Force launched four aerial attacks against Dresden. As a major center for Nazi Germany, their rail and road network, Dresden's destruction
Starting point is 02:30:59 was intended to overwhelm German authorities and services and clog all transportation routes with throngs of refugees. And there was another reason to bomb, bomb, just a month before some 19,000 US troops have been killed at the Battle of the Bulge. Over three weeks before US troops had discovered the existence of Auschwitz. Undoubtedly, there was an emotional component to the decision to bomb Dresden. On February 13th, 1945, American prisoners wore a held in Dresden, heard Dresden's fire
Starting point is 02:31:22 sirens, how right above their heads, German guards moved them two stories down into a meat locker. When they came back to the surface, the city was gone. Remember, writer and social critic, Kurt Vonnegut, one of the American POWs who'd witnessed the bombing of Dresden. He would write about it and his heralded fictional book, Slotter House V. In the time that Vonnegut and others hit on the ground, the British bomber command blind illuminator aircraft had rained explosives and incendiaries all over the city. Then visual marker aircraft swooped low to drop thousands of flares and fire target markers. The main attack formation followed over 500 heavy landcaster bombers loaded with explosives
Starting point is 02:31:57 and incendiaries. The US 8th Air Force attacked the next day with another 400 tons of bombs launched yet another raid with 210 bombers on February 15th. With the German Luftwaffe destroyed and the anti-aircraft defenses and shambles through Royal Air Force lost only six planes. On the ground, thousands of small fires merged into a powerful firestorm that created such powerful winds, it sucked oxygen fuel, broken structures, even fucking people into its flames.
Starting point is 02:32:23 By the time the bombing stopped February 15th, the raids destroyed roughly 75,000 homes. Around 25,000 people were dead. The bombing campaign on Dresden would become one of the most controversial attacks of the entire war. It wasn't the first bombing of the war, wasn't even the one who claimed the most civilian lives. Why was it so controversial? Well, partially because it's a bullshit propaganda purported by a Holocaust denier after the war. British author and historian David Irving, we claim in his 1963 book, The Destruction of Dresden,
Starting point is 02:32:51 that the bombing was the biggest single massacre in European history, his estimate of 150,000 to 200,000 dead was long, except without dispute. Irving was later criminally convicted for Holocaust denier, however, and an actual government commission would end up with an estimate of 22,700 to 25,000 dead. Still an insane amount, but not nearly what Irving claimed.
Starting point is 02:33:12 As shocking as such an encounter in an enormous number of dead is, it did not stand out in the war. It's history of strategic bombing of cities. Most German cities have been flattened by 1945. Many left higher proportion of death rates and degrees of destruction. The bombing of Hamburg, for example, in July of 1943, generated the first large firestorm killed more than 30,000 civilians, also the Luftwaffe raids on Eastern European cities, such as Belgrade, more than 17,000 dead, or Warsaw, after 25,000 dead, were likely more
Starting point is 02:33:42 deadly, or at least Warsaw. On the ground, however, the scale of death and devastation seemed beyond compared to witnesses like Vonnegut assigned to a sanitary cleanup crew after the bombing. POW Vonnegut had to dig into shelters and basements, which looked like a street car full of people who had simultaneously had heart failure. He said, just people sitting in their cars in their chairs, excuse me, all dead robbed of oxygen by the all consuming firestorm. What a truly horrific image.
Starting point is 02:34:08 Does Hitler bear the primary responsibility for this bombing, though, or the allies? Hitler targeted all kinds of civilians, like the victims of the Holocaust. Did the allies need to commit actions like this and the war is quickly as possible, prevent even more deaths than the 25,000 who died in Dresden? Uh, to point, we can go around and around and argue indefinitely. I don't claim to know enough about military strategy and what the allies truly dealt with in their war rooms 1945 to know if this was a necessary decision or not. Many Germans perceived a particular injustice in the late bombing of Dresden in February
Starting point is 02:34:38 of 1945, sentiment that gained international traction in the postwar years. Dresden was a density crowded city in the winter of 1945, filled with refugees fleeing the advancing red army. For most of them, the end of the war looked near and inevitable and a full scale attack seemed unnecessary. However, allied strategists were afraid of allowing the vermok to regroup within Germany's border if they eased up on their pressure. The US Army alone had suffered almost 140,000 casualties, right, from December to January
Starting point is 02:35:05 of 1945 and 27,000, just the week prior to Dresden. The heaviest losses in the Western allies wore against Hitler. The longer the war dragged on, the more people were going to die. There was moral incentive to end it quickly, all right, the war in Europe, almost over now. We head into March of 1945. Hitler's pussy, so close to being 110% worn out. She's getting fucked hard by Britain, Soviet Union, America's uncle Cox for a while now, We headed into March of 1945. Hillers pussy. So close to being 110% worn out.
Starting point is 02:35:25 She's getting fucked hard by Britain, Soviet Union, America's uncle Cox for a while now. Same time, triple penetration, and so many other allegations have been doing quite a bit of fucking with their uncle Dicks. Sneaking hits in between triple penetration thrusts. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Brazil, South Africa, and more, just a herrricated of uncle Dicks.
Starting point is 02:35:43 Hidden Hitler's pussy from so many angles. March 7th, 1945, US forces crossed the Rhine River, April 4th, Salachia surrenders, April 13th, Soviet forces capture Vienna, April 15th, San Marino doesn't fucking do anything. They dig you bombed back in September of 1944 though. And also in June of 1943, both times by the allies thinking that they were hidden German targets, uh, partially because San Marino did have a fascist government. First time the allies were wrong. Whoops.
Starting point is 02:36:12 Around 56 millions did die. So sorry San Marino. Glad you're back. Not really doing anything anymore these days, uh, you know, Nuggin Bunk. April 16th, 1945, the Soviets launched their final offensive, the Battle of Berlin. Two and a half million Russian soldiers had reached the German capital. Hitler's pussy is quivering, not in a good way. Two weeks later, they reached the city center, are fighting within only a few hundred yards
Starting point is 02:36:34 of Hitler's final refuge. Hitler retired to an underground bomb shelter located close to the chancelry, known as the Führer bunker. Expensive carpets and rugs covered the floors, priceless artwork taken from the chantory, lining the walls, including Hitler's favorite painting of Frederick the Great, which hung on the wall above his desk in his comfortable private quarters. The last day Hitler ventured outside was on the morning of April 20th, his 56th birthday. He was a far cry now from the triumphant conqueror of just five years earlier.
Starting point is 02:37:02 Addicted to powerful opiates prescribed to him by his personal position, Dr. Theodore Morrell visibly shaking from Parkinson's, looking much older than his age. The fear made his way out to the now ruined chance to regard to hand out metals to children of the Hitler youth who had been brainwashed enough and do still thinking, not since we're going to somehow win this war. Following day, he ordered what remained of its forces to attack the advancing Soviets. And his orders were ignored upon hearing this Hitler flew into a rage and blamed, of course, as a juice. As a juice, they've stopped nothing to destroy me.
Starting point is 02:37:34 Fire. They turn on generals against me now. They are five who lost the ball. All my generals are secret juice. If you tried to blame me yesterday for farting all the time in a Zabanka. She says it's rude. It is rude. I know, but it's not me. So Jews sneak down here when no one is looking and they do their Jew toots and I get to blame. I mean, a tactical front.
Starting point is 02:37:56 Uh, he didn't rage in that way, of course. Uh, he was pissed, though. ordered him. There's representative in the bunker general Fiegledine to be shot. General Fiegledine also happened to be even bronze brother-in-law to a pregnant sister and even though brown beg for his life to be spared Hitler refused and he was killed needlessly evil tyrant right until the bitter end on the night of April 28 into the 29th Hitler dictated in his will his will in his bunker in the form of a political and personal testament to a grute rude trattle trottle, youngy, one of his secretaries.
Starting point is 02:38:25 Soon afterwards, Hitler and his mistress, Eva Braun, get married, accounts from two of the secretaries present recorded that they had been called together to see the newly married couple. Hitler and Eva emerge from the map room where the marriage ceremony had taken place, accompanied by a gurbals, his wife Magda and Hitler's private secretary, martin Bourman, turning to Hitler's personal secretary, Gerda Christian, Eva pointed to the wedding ring on her finger, received. Congratulations.
Starting point is 02:38:48 How fucking weird. What weird atmosphere. Ah, that's, that's celebrate. Yay. And they did celebrate a party followed wine float is the third rite crumbled right above them. According to Christian later, Hitler talked mostly about the past and of happier times. He did also admit to her that he knew the war was lost.
Starting point is 02:39:07 He would never allow himself to be taken prisoner and intended to shoot himself. On the morning of 29th at roughly 9 a.m., the inhabitants of the bunker received news of the execution of Italian partisans or by Italian partisans of Mussolini and his mistress, Claretta Potasci, allies wore a fucking Mussolini and his mistress, Claretta, uh, Patashi, allies were, uh, you know, wore a fucking Mussolini's pussy out big time with their powerful uncle dex. Mussolini and, uh, others have been captured by a group of communist partisans. I have to be in hell for a day.
Starting point is 02:39:34 They were shot to death, along with the bodies of some other executed fascists, their corpses were dumped on the ground in a city square in Milan. And then the remains were literally kicked, beaten, shot, stabbed, dragged to the street, hanged, et cetera. I looked at an autopsy photo of Mussolini, a lot of hate. Taken out on his remains by some angry times. Hearing about all this further reinforced Hitler's determination that neither he nor Eva Braun would face a similar fate. He now ordered the staff to prepare for the end.
Starting point is 02:40:02 And I witnessed noted that Hitler's SS bodyguards began destroying his personal papers. Elsewhere, one of the doctors was instructed by Hitler to poison he and Eva bronze dogs. Well, Django just crowd. Why, why do the dogs have to die? In the afternoon of April 29th, a Hitler goes from room to room of his large bunker shaking hands with all but his immediate staff, saying a few words of encouragement and thanks to each. By the morning of April 30th, Russian forces are very near. The sounds of the battle heard in
Starting point is 02:40:28 the bunker constantly, even Hitler later emerged from their suite. Their personal staff having been assembled. They go around the room shaking hands silently now. Everyone knows the time has come. Youngy recalled that she and Christian both asked Hitler for a poison capsule. Having noted the rapid effect that the poison had on Hitler's dog, Hitler gave them one each. Sayon as he did, he was sorry he had no better parting gift. But he wished the generals had been as poised and brave as they were.
Starting point is 02:40:52 Eva embraced young and what seems to have been her last recorded words said, take my fur coat, his memory. I always like well dressed women. Then saying it is finished. Goodbye. Uh, but probably more like it has finished. Goodbye. Uh, but probably more like, it has finished. Goodbye. Uh, Hitler took Eva back into their rooms for the last time during the afternoon.
Starting point is 02:41:10 Hitler shot himself, even took the poison that he'd given her. Bucket, bro. The Nazi pussy had been a fish. He worn out. The Allied Uncle Dix had won. To hell with the devil. He needs to replace Devil with Noxins. Kind of the same in this situation. There'd be a bit more fighting, but the war was over.
Starting point is 02:41:36 The remaining staff by the committed suicide are made several bloody attempts to break out of the bunker and through the Soviet lines. The bunker wasn't captured by Soviet forces for a few days, not until May 2nd. The bodies of Hitler and Braun amongst others dug up and Hitler later identified by dental records. Five days later, General Dwight Eisenhower accepts Germany's unconditional surrender on May 7th. The surrender takes effect May 8th, 11.01 PM Central European time.
Starting point is 02:41:59 Germany, likewise, surrender to Russia in Berlin. With that, the war in Europe is over, but World War II is not. Fighting in the Pacific will last for several more months, bloody fighting in parallel Japan refusing to accept that any chance of victory died with Germany and Italy's defeats. And we'll cover that next week for now. Let's get out of this big ass timeline.
Starting point is 02:42:21 Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. Before we do anything else, I need to check back in with the Associated Press reporter, Louis P. Lockner. We never found out what happened to that dazzling dish of a dame with no wedding ring. We got wished away in that continental. A5, 781. That was a license plate. Detecting the Maloney of the 5th precincts, downtown Alfred, I mean a favor and I cashed in on it.
Starting point is 02:42:57 The owner of the car was one Richard Butts, real fathead. Bullied with a bad reputation for getting hands in with the girls. Ran with a tortellini crime family. I knew the tortellini's hung around Bobby's honky-tunk, way out in the sticks. A real dive that should have went belly up years ago, but hey, prime pace. So I drove out there on a rainy night, ready to see my eye galligan, looking for the girl with the Rita Hayworth smile smoking those old goves. There she was, sanding the bar next to dick. Our eyes met again, and I saw fear in them. At least I thought I did.
Starting point is 02:43:31 I cut a B-line straight forward, cut straight to the chase, ready to put my neck in the line for a day my never-match. God, she was gorgeous. To our blue poked out dress, the clung to our hourglass figure, unlike I wanted to. Those lips, those red lips, I was hypnotized. He turned me into a real doll dizzy.
Starting point is 02:43:47 And then, like something out of a dream, but maybe a nightmare, when she spoke. Hangi bangi, ee-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e- Turned out my name was Bill Gunnestype, a real killer, worse than Dickie Buts. She wasn't scared. She was fucking with me Everyone laughed and I ran out. I only hoped the rain hit my tears from them. I Jumped in my old geloppy and drove back to where I was staying and watched a little Ed Sullivan and sat on the toilet and shook hands with the milkman And went to bed alone just like almost every other night. Oh Man, that was uh, not what I was hoping for the end of the story. I also realized I think he was supposed to be in Europe for that story that I might have put him back in the States, but um, poor Lewis. Refolks in World War II now, kind of, I have one more thing
Starting point is 02:44:39 to say about San Marino. During the war, San Marino did provide a safe harbor for more than a hundred thousand Italians in Jews fleeing Nazi and Italian fascist persecution for such a tiny nation. They did something great. So hail San Marino and and that is it for this week. No recap. No take away this week since this episode consume me and and it'll be continued next week and then I'll be able to wrap it all up. So just going to dive into some thanks and hit some updates for now.
Starting point is 02:45:12 A World War Two Europe's darkest hour part one of two has been sucked. If you are a die hard history buff, well, you might want to dig further into people who specialize in these type of episodes. If not, I hope it was a pretty good summary. Yes, I had to like pause several times, work on pronunciations. It is tricky, solo-wise, to keep things moving when you're shed from country to country and all these historical figures and random towns. If only they could have only fought in battles like just like, just like Paris, just only fight in like Berlin, Paris, Rome,
Starting point is 02:45:46 like easy to play, easy to pronounce places. And just had names like Tom and maybe like Giuseppe, you know, for Adolf, could be about as germinate, is it could get, that would have been, that would have been nice. Thank you as always, do everyone involved, starting with Queen of the Bad Magic? Queen of, my brain is just fucking done now, between the coldness episode, starting with Creative Bad Magic.
Starting point is 02:46:09 Lindsey Cummins, actually going to my newscaster voice. Thanks to Logan Keith and Tyler, mostly Tyler C today for producing and directing. The art warlock, he was busy working on fantastic merch items for bad magic merch to come the suck Ranger Tinercy also thank him for producing a lot of the social media clips that will come from this episode Thanks also to Bitlixer for upkeep on the time sick app the art warlock Logan Keith again for just doing so many things behind the scene like working on social media with the suck Ranger and Our social media team headed head it off off by stratas Ryan Handelman. Thanks to producer Sophie Evans with the initial research this week so good the cold to the curious to private Facebook page remains in purgatory. But cold to the curious three out of five stars now
Starting point is 02:46:57 active thanks to bodice and yachta for starting that and handing off the admin keys to Logan. I'm not going to moderate this one in the hopes that that will keep it alive. No post approval. So it's gonna be wilder, but now we won't be responsible for approving posts and that's what keeps getting this fucking shutdown. I'll share more details at some point, but I'm not overwhelmed with content.
Starting point is 02:47:16 But that's the plan. Thanks also to the mod squad for making sure Discord keeps running smooth and everyone over on the time sucks subreddit and the bad magic subreddit. Next week's episode, one we've already previewed, we're off to the Pacific theater, World War Two.
Starting point is 02:47:31 So a lot more fighting ahead, scope, scale again of World War Two, just mind blowingly massive. And now let's head on over to this week's time sucker updates. updates Super sucker, uh, Nishel Vietch V-E-A-T-C-H Vietch Batch Vietch Who fuck knows the shell I feel confident about she has, the best kind. And she writes in with a subject line of, hello again, this is Michelle, I'm trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.
Starting point is 02:48:10 Just kidding, sucker master, I'm writing to you again, and I hope that you will do my bidding for me. I'm gonna do my best to have you, to have less blah, blah, blah, blah, and a more good shit in the email. No meat sack is perfect, and my father's no exception. My parents battle with addictive, with active addiction, pretty much my entire life, growing up a child
Starting point is 02:48:27 of addicts is just not a fun time to put it simply. And for a long time, I thought my adult life would not include my parents. I had seen them attempt getting clean, what felt like a million times, and it was always followed with another relapse. But here this, this is not a sad email. My parents are now coming up on six years sober, and my life is fucking beautiful. More so than I could ever have imagined growing up,
Starting point is 02:48:50 I'm thankful every day that I have both of my parents active in my life. It's greatest feeling to call them up and tell them about how much I'm kicking ass in life. One thing I want them to know is that they never failed to do one, one thing I want them to know, they never failed at, they never failed at, they never failed at Ray, I can't,
Starting point is 02:49:07 Ray's gonna be right. I'm determined to sell, I won't back down for shit. I shoot shit straight, I love big and live my life exactly how I want without the worry of others' opinions. Oh, that's awesome. So now suck master, my bidding. Would you please wish my father Robert, Veech, Veech, Veech,
Starting point is 02:49:24 do you happy to birthday? I'm just gonna say Vietch. You can be at least a joke for you. Never seen a word like that as far as name. The happy to birth days for his 57th birthday and this this November 15th. He is one badass motherfucker and an awesome dad. I love you. He was the first one introduced me to dance comedy to my comedy when I was in middle school. So when I found times, I instantly knew I had to introduce him to the cult of the curious. Thanks again, suck master. Hail Nimrod, praise the Zafina and good boy Bojangles in the shell. Vietch! Uh, thanks to Shell.
Starting point is 02:49:52 Uh, what a great daughter in boss bitch you are. Hail the Zafina, Hail Nimrod. Sorry, I have no fucking clue how to say your last name. Uh, happy birthday to your dad, Bobbert. Mr. Vietch! Uh, Mr. Robert Bobbert. Young man. Glad you're kicking ass along with your daughter. Good on you. Bobbert, Mr. Vietch, Mr. Robert Bobbert, young man,
Starting point is 02:50:05 glad you're kicking ass along with your daughter. Good on you. And thanks for recommending her, my comedy appreciate you both. All right, most of the time our dreams don't fucking make sense to others. And when we try to translate them and explain them, we sound like idiots.
Starting point is 02:50:18 Shay Marco is an exception. A tale of a suck-related dream, I think you might wanna get a kick out of it. So I'm gonna relate here. Shay writes, dear Mr. Suck nasty and the rest of you wonderful people with the bad magic team. I've discovered the Dan Cummins immortal in your eyes is actually a god. Well, so I thought anyway. I spent an evening after college and then work doing absolutely fuck all outside of lane down and listening to time so as a long time, Lister, this wasn't too uncommon for me. I'd often be found listening to the show while performing a basic task in the background.
Starting point is 02:50:45 However, after finishing one episode, episode 315 and balancing to 320, I fell asleep shortly after starting it and the results were shocking. I dreamed exclusively of your silky soothing voice constantly narrated and throwing out wacky jokes. It was as if this dream were reality. To the point that when I woke up, I was confused for a few seconds. I heard your voice constantly telling me what I was going to do next, which because of the nature of episode three, twenty just happened to be fucking eating people. I dreamt of kidnapping,
Starting point is 02:51:14 cooking, and eating people. Well, I desperately try not to be discovered all while you were mocking me. I started thinking you were some kind of God guiding me while also being far too mighty to consider my life valuable enough to cease your mockery of me It wasn't until I woke up several hours later that I realized I was dreaming in that cocky motherfucker my head Raps this cold thank you pay off after all you're already giving me commands of my dreams. Oh Lord sucker of divine morbid curiosity Why not make a full-on cold at this point Anyway, thank you and your fellow peers for the absolute wonderful show you keep on doing here and for all the laughs over the years. It's so nice. If I am so lucky as to hear this on your show, slap on a shout out to one Mickey Shaw, a very old friend of mine who happened to recommend you some time ago.
Starting point is 02:51:54 Keep on sucking praiseable jangles and glory be to triple M. Shay Marco, the probably had too many Benadrill, probably had too much Benadrill sucker. Love it, Shay. Well, wild ass dream, that was. Hope I narrate more horror for you going forward. Maybe don't fall asleep, listen to the toy box killer. That drove us to Fritzel. And yeah, thank you, Mickey Shaw, for the recommendations. Spread the suck via word of mouth,
Starting point is 02:52:15 truly no better way, and it's always appreciated. And things again, for the kind words, Shay, I'm so glad people like this. I do get definitely a heart of myself, like especially like in a moment like this, you know, it's like I prep and prep on some of these episodes. And I feel like, okay, got it perfect. I've gone over all the little pronunciation guides.
Starting point is 02:52:31 I feel like at least I think I do. And you know, and so have you spent so much time and I spent so much more time, day after day and then get it all. And then I get in here and sometimes my mouth is like, hey, hey, dipshit, what were you thinking? You thought you could fucking wallets through this battlefield of a script and knock it out like it's a movie.
Starting point is 02:52:50 Gah, Lee. But I'm glad that it is just like a, uh, appreciate it. So and I get crazy in my head. In my head, I get worked up because I imagine all other podcasters just fucking nailing every single never having to repeat themselves, pronouncing everything perfectly. But then I will sometimes listen to some other stuff. I'm like, oh, yeah, that's just being human. just fucking nailing every single, never having to repeat themselves, pronouncing everything perfectly. But then I will sometimes listen to some other stuff and I'm like, oh yeah, that's just
Starting point is 02:53:07 being human. Like, in my head, I do this in a lot of ways in life. I get like, everybody else is doing things perfectly. And you are an idiot, self. But not necessarily true. So, but it's nice to hear from other people. Now big hearted sucker, Sabrina Jensen writes in with the info pertaining to last week's MMIW episode. Greetings Dan the master sucker and the rest of the time
Starting point is 02:53:28 so crew I just finished listening to the Blood in the Reservation episode. Let me start off by saying wow that was a heavy episode but one so important to share. I wanted to write in because I have my own albeit indirect experience with this that I wanted to share. Little over 10 years ago as part of a church group to win on mission trips to the Pine Ridge reservations to reach out to the youth there and be of service. I was part of
Starting point is 02:53:49 that for about five years in a row. Besides outreach, our other goals were to interact with the people there, learn from them and their struggles, and we also had fun raised so we could build new rec center for them so that the kids and young adults had a place to go hang out and do stuff. It was honestly really fulfilling to see the native kids get to use the stuff we built for them and have a good and safe time. Anyways during my time there, I got to know several of the younger girls from the tribe and they were willing to open up to me and share their life stories. It was heartbreaking. I remember one little girl around the age of five told me that she didn't know where her mom was or her older sister and that they had just disappeared. Only the adult in her life was her uncle
Starting point is 02:54:24 but he was constantly wasting his money on drinking. So she had to teach herself how to make mac and cheese for her and her little brother, who was about two at that time. I didn't only think about it then, but after hearing the episode and recalling that child's story, I have no doubt that what happened to her, to that mother and older sisters,
Starting point is 02:54:38 probably everything you described in your episode. It's just so sad to see these people fending for themselves like this, they have little to no protection from the government or anybody. I know our little church group didn't solve any of the underlying problems that they were dealing with, but I hope that these people can see change someday and get the rights of protections they deserve. Thank you for researching and giving this subject much needed attention. PSV read this on air.
Starting point is 02:55:00 Could you give a shout out to my husband Greg. We got me hooked on Times look over three years ago. We just passed our one yearyear wedding anniversary back in October and we're expecting our first child, Alex, at the beginning of January. Little Alex will definitely be exposed at TimeSuck as soon as he can. Oh, and my birthday is coming up on November 17th.
Starting point is 02:55:14 And if not right on air, I just wish you the best of days and I hope you win the lottery sound. Thanks. I hope you win the lottery or something. Sabrina Jensen. Thanks for sharing that story. Yeah, it's heartbreaking. And I hope this episode a lottery or something, Sabrina Jensen. Thanks for sharing that story. Yeah, it's heartbreaking. And I hope this episode leads a bit,
Starting point is 02:55:29 to a bit more help for people who need it, people who have truly been put into no-win situation, especially on the reservations. Happy birthday, Sabrina. Hope you have a good one. Hello Greg. Look at you getting Sabrina pregnant. Sounds like your penis is a great match for her vagina. I wish both of you and
Starting point is 02:55:46 You're digging your vagina and you're unborn child, but all the best Helus ofina. I hope I hope that you Greg that you wear Sabrina's pussy almost all the way out But not quite last one some freedom of information act inside info coming from protective sucker Anthony Thornton Depending on his wife who continues to refuse to help people in need Like the women wanting more info about the mmiw crisis JK he writes Hey mucks mucks aster. You almost fucked me up there king of the mosh mouse. All right, nice one Just so you know FOIA freedom information act requests can be pronounced foya
Starting point is 02:56:23 Okay, sure why not not? FOIA requests. I know this because my lovely wife is a FOIA specialist for the federal government. I'm not saying it's a case with groups from the blood and the reservation, but you'd be surprised how many people think that a FOIA request is some sort of magic spell that requires the government to tell the requester what they want to know, including such things as everything the government has ever done. Confirmation of conspiracy theories, personal information about government officials, and the existence of aliens. That's so great. She's just a government employee, not the gate guard
Starting point is 02:56:53 at the warehouse from the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Suck it up, leave my wife alone. Three out of five stars wouldn't change a thing. Thank you guys, that Raiders of the Lost Ark reference, killed me. Man, that's fair. I can't imagine how many requests your wife and team, I love that they get like personal information. Like you're just gonna like put in a, a four year request and be like, Hey, I want to know where Hillary lives.
Starting point is 02:57:12 I want Hillary Clinton's cell phone number. Now, if your wife works in California, the state should use all that money to hire her some help. Gosh dang. Oh my heck, let's make sure offices are staffed properly. But yeah, can only imagine the wacky little she has to hear from every week.
Starting point is 02:57:29 Hail Nimrod, Anzhi, Hail Nimrod, everybody. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. Another bad magic production podcast in the bank. Please don't start World of War three this week, meet Sacks, it would be a great episode if I lived, but it'd be a lot of research.
Starting point is 02:57:53 And I would rather not go through all the research and you know what, the millions and millions of people went through with World of War two. Let's all just, instead of living through anything like that, keep learning about history. So maybe we don't have to repeat it all. Maybe we can just keep on sucking. I'm so frustrated with the juice that I can. This model I know that I had more toothpaste in my toothpaste tube, but when I went to put
Starting point is 02:58:35 it on my toothbrush, that nothing would come out. I mean, I wanted to myself. Who took my toothpaste? The juice! The juice took my toothpaste? The Jews! The Jews took my toothpaste! After this one, the dog is, there's especially stinky, stinky as the dog has ever been. Who made my dog so stinky? I can only summarize this as a Jews who sums all sorts of stinkspell on my dog. I tried to get inside my head. They were stopping nothing to destroy me. I must lay down my back.
Starting point is 02:59:07 It's a little bit hurting today. I don't know what happens in my sleep. I go to bed feeling so fine. And I wake up with the back pain. And Eva says maybe we should get a new mattress. I say maybe we should lock our doors better to keep the night Jews out who come and poke and prod and moves me around in the night to run my sleep.
Starting point is 02:59:27 Also, I wish we had some kind of video games or something here in the bunker to play it's quite boring. I'm tired of all the hilded hitlers at the funeral of not doing well in the war and I'm just be fun to play like Super Mario Brothers or something. It lies at the funeral of not doing well in the war, and it just becomes fun to play like Super Mario Brothers or something. Something that hasn't been invented yet, I am just badly now.

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