Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 327 - Josef Mengele: Nazi Angel of Death (Happy Holidays)

Episode Date: December 19, 2022

Josef Mengele was a great guy! Just very misunderstood. Wait, no. I'm thinking of someone else. Josef Mengele was a MONSTER. His complete and total lack of empathy for anyone not a member of Hitler's ...nonsensical racial purity dream boggles the mind. He saw his experimental patients at the Auschwitz  concentration camp as nothing more than lab rats who happened to kind of look human. His experiments were cruel and misguided. And mostly dealt with identical twins. Child twins. And saddest of all - his cruelty did not stand out amongst his peers. He was but one of many, many monsters. A product of Nazi brainwashing that had gone on for so long, reality had been inverted. Evil was good, and good was evil in many ways. We look at all of this today. And sorry for the timing! It was a voted-in topic, and is probably about the LEAST festive topic we could Suck this week. But - I did find it fascinating and hope you do too. And next week will be lighter - I promise! :) Hail Nimrod and Happy Holidays! Bad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation: We gave a total of $37,547 to the Bad Magic Giving Tree! Thank you for helping us make the holidays extra special for 53 families and 125 kids :) And we also were able to contribute another $1612 to our scholarship fund.Get tour tickets at dancummins.tv Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/CY7-CVYhu0wMerch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comDiscord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Between 1939 and 1945, at least 70 medical research projects involving cruel and often lethal experimentation on human subjects were conducted in Nazi concentration camps. These projects were carried out by established institutions within the Third Reich. Institutions which had for years been funneling money and resources into scientifically quote, proving Nazi racial supremacy. Some of the other goals of these experiments was improving the survival and rescue of German troops, testing medical procedures and pharmaceuticals, looking at you bear. But all of it was underpinned by the Nazi's belief in Aryan racial superiority, and their willingness to do whatever, to whomever, to prove it. More than 7,000 victims of such medical
Starting point is 00:00:40 experiments have been documented by historians, and it's very likely that there were thousands of additional victims whose documentation was destroyed or lost. The victims were composed up of Jews, Poles, the Roma people, political prisoners, Soviet prisoners of war, homosexuals, and Catholic priests, all were tested on many died. If you're forced to go to a concentration camp, if you didn't get immediately selected for death in the gas chambers and buy some miracle, survive days of hard labor and unsanitary conditions while literally starving. There was a possibility you would end up in a lab
Starting point is 00:01:13 being poked and prodded by white coats who truly saw you as nothing more than a lab route that just kind of happened to look human. And one of the worst of these white coats arguably the worst was Joseph Mengele. Since he started medical school, Mengele had been immersed in a world where science wasn't actually science. It was political, and it was shaped by illogical and hateful Nazi political beliefs. What a terrifying concept. When even the medical community's education is shaped more by political forces than scholarly ones. One of the first programs the Nazi party had been to turn the medical establishment on its head, convincing doctors that the old medical ethics didn't apply anymore. The Nazis gave doctors and other medical staff their new truth, that
Starting point is 00:01:55 the Aryan race was superior. And their marching orders was to find medical evidence that supported this new, supposed truth. Once World War II broke out, Mengele would spend several years on the front lines with the deadly Viking division, but it would be at Auschwitz, beginning in 1943, where he would hit the most prolific and terrifying stretch of his career. At first, Mengele was put in charge of the Roma camp there. But then in 1944, the entire remaining population
Starting point is 00:02:21 of that camp was murdered in the gas chambers. He was now promoted to chief camp physician of the entire Burkinao camp and he began his process of brutal selections of incoming prisoners destined for the gas chambers who would now suffer an even worse fate. In the selection process, Mengele would point as victims entered Auschwitz, left a right, life for death. Those who were sick, pregnant or otherwise looked physically weak would usually, but not always, be immediately put to death in the gas chambers. Mangle has spared some others for his own personal recruiting, sparing the lives of physicians,
Starting point is 00:02:53 nurses, and technicians so that they could work for him and his lab. And he would spare at least initially the lives of some of his subjects. Twins were always separated from the other prisoners and whisked off to a laboratory to be examined. For eugenicists like Mengele, identical twins were the perfect research subjects, since they share a genome scientist at the time, reasoned any physical or behavioral differences of twins was due to the behavior, not genetics. Still want to pronounce that is at genome, by the way. Abandoned medical ethics and research protocols, Mengele began conducting horrific experiments on up to 1500 sets of twins, many of them children.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Life as a Mengele twin meant sitting naked for hours and having one's body repeatedly measured and compared to other twins. And to withstand injections of unknown substances that often cause severe and harmful reactions. Only 200 of the at least 3,000 twins subjected to medical experiments at Auschwitz would survive.
Starting point is 00:03:48 And by the end, it wasn't only twins that Mangala would focus on. The so-called Angel of Death would experiment on everyone from people with physical abnormalities to pregnant women, to small children, to babies. He seemed especially fascinated with their eyes. It's hard to think that one man could cause so much suffering and even harder to think that he would never face justice for it. Kind of puts a dent in that
Starting point is 00:04:08 whole belief in karmic retribution, doesn't it? Sometimes the good are inexplicably punished in this strange world of hours and sometimes the bad, sometimes the very worst of us are seemingly never scathe, never scratched, never faced justice. The horrifying story of Dr. Mengele, Auschwitz's angel of death right now on this not-so-holiday, Maryfuck and Christmas and Happy Fuckin' Hanukkah edition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to meet Saks. Welcome to the cold to the curious. Dancomas, a master sucker, Fox hollow farms, ghost hunter, harbinger of holiday cheer.
Starting point is 00:04:57 And you are listening to time suck. Hell Nimrod, hell Lucifina, praise good boy, both jangles and what have I done this week, triple M. Uh, for the record, our Patreon space is just picked the first third Monday topics of each and every month by voting on the time-subcap. And this topic was picked back in late October. The voted topic then presented a month and a half later. And I don't think anybody's realized this would have this we'd have this episode drop the week of Christmas. Personally, I think it's fucking hilarious because it is so just not right at all
Starting point is 00:05:27 for this time of year. I just wanted you to know when I was coming up with a holiday topic, I didn't go, hmm, what puts me in the mood for some holiday cheer? Oh, oh, I know. The Nazi Angel of Death. No, so happy holidays for real, and it is an interesting topic.
Starting point is 00:05:44 All right, a couple quick announcements, then we're off and running with today's subject. Sophie Evans killed initial research this week and I don't think I did too bad of a job adding to it. But first, I do want to say thank you to all of you who came out to the Minneapolis shows. The taping on Saturday went really well. Both shows were fun but the second show, the late show was magic. And the Friday warm-up show, also so fun, so helpful.
Starting point is 00:06:07 My voice came fully back just in time. Thank you, cough syrup, the Lindsey found, tea with honey. A lot of time in the steam room, early that day to clean my head out. And I can't wait for everyone to see it. Not sure where it's going to live. We sell fun to this shoot, and we will release it somewhere. I'm guessing in May or June, but it is very much a TBD. Let's see what happens between now and then.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Before it comes out, if you wanna hear this material and hear it for the last time, it's all, I won't tell all these jokes after this tour. Please come to the Bernadol down, one of the theater shows this spring, the Bernadol down tour, get some tickets for someone else if you want, is it? It's a holiday gift due to demand,
Starting point is 00:06:44 just add a second shows in Sacramento and Philly. So thank you for that. Boise and Seattle second shows almost sold out. Ticket links for all these shows up at dncomas.tv. New Orleans, Dallas, San Antonio, Indianapolis, Columbus, Cleveland, and more really looking forward to that. And also, I have forgotten to mention this several weeks now. During the pandemic, I shot a little part in a friend's movie that did very well at some
Starting point is 00:07:07 film festivals and it just got a distribution. It's the disappearance of Toby Blackwood. I play surprise surprise a conspiracy nut. The part felt pretty natural. I can talk to talk. It will be available on a video on demand platforms iTunes, some of other places Tuesday, December 20th, Louise Guzman, Doug Benson, Rick Rick Gomez bunch of others pop up in this movie that my buddy Doug Mellard co-wrote and started I have not seen it
Starting point is 00:07:31 But it won a a bunch of festival awards and I think it's gonna be funny. I fell funny So I hope you enjoy it if you if you happen to catch it And now back to a topic that brings us once again to World War 2 Though this time to explore a facet of it We have not yet covered At least not fully Though we spend a lot of time on the Nazis racial ideology and past episodes Looking at how they believed according to Hitler's bullshit that white blonde blue eyed so-called Aryan people
Starting point is 00:07:57 Were the superior race who deserved living space at the expense of murdered ethnic others? We have not covered how that permeated almost all facets of Nazi society. I mean, we went over it length in episode 170, Nazi's, Nazi search for the Holy Grail, how Hitler's entire notion of what it meant to be Aryan was Wackadoodle, pseudoscience and debunked theories built largely on twist in the off and erroneous conclusions of German archaeologists, Gustav Kassina, it was horseshit, but Nazi ideology, this horseshit saturated German culture in the years building up to and during World War II.
Starting point is 00:08:31 As a person living in Nazi Germany, you would likely go to work in a building covered in swastika flags, maybe drink from paper cups, print it with a pattern celebrating Germany's proud fake history, and on the way back from work, maybe see a parade commemorating the same fake history. Too much to go into here and a big deviation from the topic, but they presented so much complete and total bullshit is truth, so much propaganda. They created this bizzaro upside-down world where lies were truth and truths were lies. Kind of like what has gone down for decades now in North Korea or like with Putin and so many before him have done with Russia. Hitler and his goons created a world built on a QAnon level of this is so fucking stupid
Starting point is 00:09:11 it hurts. Lies. If a QAnon's chatroom, if that nonsense was mainstream and taught in schools in the official party line of controlling political party and power, that is how fucking crazy Germany was under the Nazis. The lies had gone on for so long, we're so immersive and all encompassing that even intelligent people often ended up falling for them
Starting point is 00:09:30 because by the time World War II came around, they've been raised in this shit. Some of them have been brainwashed and it's birth. Many of them were taught that these lies, or taught these lies by their teachers, parents, youth group leaders, neighbors, et cetera, hearing it from the friends, just fucking everyone. Now your kid would likely be in a Hitler youth and even your football club would promote
Starting point is 00:09:51 health and vigor for the betterment of the German Reich for the bachelorette of the master race. By 1936, all children deemed Aryan and Germany over the age of six were required to join a Nazi youth group. Everything was 100% Nazi, 100% of the time. We've talked to length about a lot of this pervasiveness in numerous episodes, but just not as much as we're going to today. But like, you know, in bonus episode three, Hitler's Third Reich, how did it happen?
Starting point is 00:10:15 Episode 171, the Warsaw ghetto, a tale of Nazi resistance, episode 224, Victor Frankl, and several others. And today we'll focus larger on how the entire German medical establishment became a part of this pervasiveness. Beginning in the early 1920s, though a German fascination with eugenics can be traced long back before that, Germany's medical establishment would begin changing its focus, education, and practice
Starting point is 00:10:39 to reinforce racist Nazi pseudoscience ideology. Instead of researching cures for illnesses, time and money would be funneled instead into quote, proving racial differences. A whole generation of doctors would be educated into believing that their purpose was not to heal whoever was sick, like a doctor is supposed to do. It was to heal Germany itself.
Starting point is 00:10:58 And in order to do that, they would need to eradicate certain people deemed to be, you know, parasites. People seen as viruses that had infected and weakened the German state. People seen as a cancer that needed to be cut out of the communal German body. It was in this environment that Mangala came of age and studied in. And while that didn't make him unique, what did make him a bit unique was his dedication to this fake science that was consistently incorrectly and prejudicially taught. Mengele bought into the bullshit that surrounded him fully.
Starting point is 00:11:31 He pursued his skewed science to the bitter end chasing after his missing medical notes in the months after Germany fell to the Allies and what according to his son insist until the very end of his life long after the war was lost decades later. After Germany had come back to its collective senses, that he was just been a scientist, like he'd been appointed to be, and he did what he did for Hitler's horrible quest to dominate the world, just the whole following orders,
Starting point is 00:11:55 doing my job, and didn't think his job was wrong, and didn't even think he had killed anyone. Pretty impressive rationalization since Mengele objectively killed so many. Due to this, many have painted Mengele as a monster, the angel of death, and he was a monster. Holy fuck with you monster, but maybe not the kind many of us have pictured. And not some caricature of a mad scientist obsessed with bloodshed, a demonic force, delighting in other people's suffering.
Starting point is 00:12:22 He didn't necessarily have grotesque or sadistic impulsesses according to his primary biographer, David G. Marwell. Not sure I'm sold on that 100%, but that's what someone who has studied Mengele, far more than I ever have beliefs. What Mengele was was something perhaps even more horrifying, a scarier kind of monster because he was but one of so many monsters. He was a typical Nazi.
Starting point is 00:12:44 He was not in aberration, but one of millions who didn't see Jews and Roma people and so many others as beans worthy of life or dignity. He saw so many humans as just a blight on the health of the world. At best, he saw them as lab rats, creatures that was his duty to experiment on in horribly harmful and torturous ways so that he could use the results of his wicked experiments to improve life for the air in race. So he could help Hitler elevate the German people to the rightful place of racial superiority. He saw this pursuit not as just rational, but as noble and millions of other Nazis very likely felt the same damn way about their contributions to Hitler's war and his hate machine.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Instead of a strange and horrific outlier, Mengele was the product and promise of a much larger system of thought, a system of thought that continually did nothing, but reward his almost incomprehensible cruelty. Also, quick note, there are two common pronunciations for this sadistic dipshit's name. Mengele is the most common Americanized version. That's the one I'll use, have been using obviously.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Mengele, this is the other. I think it's actually the more correct one, but not nearly as common the used. All right, now let's let's walk out into the grotesque fucking shit storm that was this cartoonishly evil monster's life. So how are we gonna cover Mengele today? Pretty straight forward. We're gonna glorify him. This is gonna be real fluff piece. We're gonna build a verbal shrine to this god amongst men. We're gonna suck this luminaries impressive Nazi dick until we choke on the perfect Aryan balls that rested beneath his tall strong blue vein cock ringed with
Starting point is 00:14:26 beautifully pure blonde pubes and we will bathe in the master races come guys with it follows and hope it impregnates our very souls mhm mhm jk of course now that's uh that's a that's fucking crazy talk uh really hope some of you uh weren't able to hit stop or pause or mute the volume for the wrong person heard that. Share your pain with us in a funny Cummins update later. Come on. But how are we breaking all this down for reals? Well we'll cover the angel of death childhood, adulthood, crimes, and eventual escape from
Starting point is 00:14:59 Germany and today's time, such timeline before following him to Argentina and other places in South America to, you know, share what we know about the last years of his life. But before all that, let's take a more in-depth look at the place that would enable Mangalus crimes. Excuse me, a place we've been before, but not explored in depth, Auschwitz. Perhaps no place stands for the Nazis agenda and cruelty more than Auschwitz. Auschwitz was a side of incomparable tragedy, unceasing fear and unending sorrow where countless families were torn apart and destroyed.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Mengele had no problem whatsoever, aiding with all this suffering, adding to it. Auschwitz is the German name for Polish city. Aus Vienna, Chim. Aus Vienna, Aus These fucking words are ridiculous. I practice them and it's still like my brain's like, what the fuck is this?
Starting point is 00:15:45 Ausch, Ausch, Vien chiem. Ausch, Vien chiem is located approximately 40 miles west of Krakow. I can do that one. Germany annexed this area of Poland in 1939. The camp would open in the spring in 1940. Its first commandant was Rudolf Hirsch, born in 1900, who previously had helped run the Succ-in-Hausen concentration camp.
Starting point is 00:16:07 And Hirst was the longest-serving Commodante of Auschwitz running the death camp from May 4th, 1940 to November 1943. And then again, from May 8th, 1944 to January 18th, 1945. And then he was found guilty after the war of war crimes and hanged in nineteen forty seven so hail them right accused of murdering three and a half million people hers coldly replied no only two and a half only two and one half million the rest of the disease and starvation well you can't force them into that environment that led directly to the disease and starvation if i can talk uh... interestingly four days before he was executed uh... her study
Starting point is 00:16:41 acknowledged the enormity of his crimes in a message to the state prosecutor. And I'm not going to try and do this in accent because somehow it turned Russian for some reason. He wrote, my conscience compels me to make the following declaration. In the solitude of my prison cell, I have come to the bitter recognition that I have sinned gravely against humanity. As commentant of Auschwitz, I was responsible for carrying out part of the cruel plans of the Third Reich for human destruction. And so doing, I have inflicted terrible wounds on humanity. I caused unspeakable suffering for the Polish people in particular. I aim to pay for this with my life. May the Lord God forgive one day what I have done.
Starting point is 00:17:15 I ask the Polish people for forgiveness. In Polish prisons, I experience for the first time what human kindness is. Despite all that has happened, I've experienced humane treatment, which I could never have expected and which has deeply shamed me. May the facts which are now coming out about the horrible crimes against humanity make the repetition of such cruel acts impossible for all time.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I mean, you know, good for him at the end there. That's almost scary to me than if he didn't show any remorse though. It just kind of shows how a lot of these guys, they weren't actually deranged psychotics operating outside the boundaries of what their culture deemed acceptable. They were psychologically pretty normal. They did what they did because their cruelty was revered and reinforced continually by the culture around them. Right. This illustrates how given the right cultural conditions, not these
Starting point is 00:18:00 whose actions are akin to the actions of the worst serial killers we have covered, we're not outliers. They were part of the in in crowd imagine living in the world where people like DC sniper john alan will homie pop a john okc bomber timothy mcvail noodle mc drywing are not seen by most as monsters there instead uh revered heralded seen by most as heroes better scapegoats greater cruelty pop a h Hitler. The camp Auschwitz was located on the outskirts of Auschwitz in Cheam and German occupied Poland. It was originally established in 1940 and originally referred to as Auschwitz I or main camp. During the camp's construction nearby factories were appropriated and all those living in the area were forcibly ejected the fuck out of their homes and then their homes were bulldozed
Starting point is 00:18:44 by the Nazis and you know homes were bulldozed by the Nazis. And you know, they were given no compensation. Crazy how many victims of the Nazis they're really worried when you think about it. I mean, imagine just having your fucking business taken from you and then bulldozed and given nothing. No one to complain to unless you definitely want to be killed and you might be killed anyway.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Or sent to the very camp where your business used to stand to help the people who just fucked your life over trying to win the war until you were literally worked to death. The fucking bitterness. It would be almost impossible not to feel standing in what was once like your yard, now wearing a prison jumpsuit surrounded by Nazi guards and dogs and barbed wire and death and despair. I mean, I felt ripped off looking at my corporate tax bill a few days ago. Like, what the hell? We already paid so much. This puts things into perspective. I mean,
Starting point is 00:19:30 that can still be annoyed, but also feel so thankful that this Nazi shit that was the reality for millions and millions and millions of people is not my reality. Maybe it's be glad you have a job that allows you to pay your taxes coming and shut the fuck up, you whining little baby. Uh, the Auschwitz Birkenau killing center in expansion of the camp located just three kilometers away from the original site also referred to as Auschwitz two. Was located near a Polish village that in German translates to Birkenau, not even going to try and say that one in Polish. Uh, construction began on this newer part of the complex after a visit by Himmler in March of 1941. He wanted to increase the extermination capabilities of the site. Construction began that October, like most German concentration camps, Auschwitz was constructed
Starting point is 00:20:12 for three purposes. Fun, vacations? No. To incarcerate real and perceived enemies of the Nazi regime and the German occupation authorities in Poland for an indefinite period of time to provide a supply of forced labor for deployment in SS owned construction related enterprises and later armaments and other war related production and finally to serve as a site to kill targeted groups of the population's deaths was determined by the SS and police authorities to be essential
Starting point is 00:20:40 to the security to the health of Nazi Germany unlike other large death camps located in Nazi occupied Poland where the Nazis made more effort to hide the evidence of what they've been doing as the war ended, the mechanism of murdered Auschwitz was easy to discover, mainly due to it being harder to destroy, due to its enormous size, and the Nazis had to flee very quickly due to rapidly advancing allied forces. From other death camps, only a handful of survivors emerged to recount what had happened. From Auschwitz, many thousands lived on to describe the horror they had witnessed and experienced. It is mainly for this reason that we know so
Starting point is 00:21:13 much more about Auschwitz than we do about most of the other camps. Estimated that the SS and police deported at least 1.3 million people to Auschwitz, at least 1.3 million, to the complex between 1940 and 1945. Of these deportees, approximately 1.1 million people would be murdered. Massive numbers. More people would die at Auschwitz than at any other concentration camp. Those entering its main gate were greeted with an infamous and ironic description. Work makes you free. It's still there today. Work makes you free. It's still there today.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Work makes you free as you walk in. Holy shit. I wonder if whoever put that up actually thought it would uplift prisoner's spirits or if they did it just to be a fucking dick. Hello friends, please do not be sad. Yes, life is different now for you than before but never forget. Life is what you make it. You choose how to feel about
Starting point is 00:22:05 everything and anything. So choose to see this. I implore you as a wonderful adventure, as a wonderful opportunity to be part of something better than yourself. Much better sense of course you are dirty ratchews. The fuck are these guys doing? Upon arriving at the camp the Tainese were examined by Nazi doctors. Any detainees considered unfit for work, including young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and the infirm were immediately ordered to take showers, you know, death showers. The bath houses to which they marched were disguised gas chambers. Once inside, the prisoners were exposed to Zeichlown be gas, starting in early September
Starting point is 00:22:42 of 1941. For those prisoners who initially escaped the gas chambers, they then tried to eke out a shitty existence in very unhygienic conditions with little food for as long as they could, hoping for the allies to save them while they were, you know, worked to the bone. Prisoners worked day in and day out,
Starting point is 00:22:57 mostly performing manual labor for long stretches of time, teabing stones, grinding metal, collecting the belongings of the newly arrived prisoners, many of which were dying as they sorted those things for their Nazi oppressors. Prisoners also made up much of the camp staff from messengers between SS officers to prisoners who staffed the offices or those directed like with Mangala to help SS officers with various projects.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And how fucked to stay alive by helping the people who despise you kill others like you before they try and kill you. Since it was the biggest and had the widest scope of activity of all the concentration camps, Auschwitz was like a miniature city and the city required among so many other things, doctors, many of them. We're to think that a place of such vast death and destruction would have so many doctors, but as we said above, the doctors and Auschwitz weren't there really to heal people. They were simply another piece of the Nazi death machine. Mangle is direct supervisor was Dr. Edward Vertz, the garrison physician who was the chief
Starting point is 00:23:55 medical authority of the camp. Vertz reported to Dr. Eno Lawling, the chief physician of all concentration camps. Lawling headed the department of medical and Hygiene Affairs of the Administration, and Economic Authority of the SS, which oversaw the concentration camp system. And Lawline, like the rest of these despicable fucks, did a bunch of nasty shit. This fucking psychopath once ordered a collection of human skins with tattoos to be prepared in different ways and sent to Berlin.
Starting point is 00:24:21 You know, like Gifts. Hundreds were prepared, healthy prisoners were killed with an injection to the heart, so it was not to damage their tattoos. Lonely and also ordered SS doctors to experiment with shrinking human heads, and at least three were shrunk. You know, you have another little gift. This guy killed himself as the war drew to a close, he knew the world would judge him. Dr. Verse was a big fan of Mengele and authorized his horrific experiments. He also will kill himself after being captured following the war. He knew he'd be convicted of war crimes with which he was charged.
Starting point is 00:24:51 A chief medical officer of verse was responsible for all the medical care of SS members assigned to the SS Garrison and Auschwitz and supervised a well-equipped field hospital, staged with dentists, pharmacists, German Red Cross nurses and medical orderlies. A quote, disinfection commando, which was recruited from the orderlies, was responsible for the disinfection facilities, which served legitimate public health needs, as well as the handling of the Zeichlahn-B gas, the activation in the camps gas chambers. In addition, verse, oversaw medical care for the camps inmate population, which was carried out by camp physicians.
Starting point is 00:25:23 The care of individual inmates was initially a very little interest to the SS, then tell us the war progressed and prisoner labor became increasingly valuable, concerned for their ability to work increased. Overall inmate health, as it affected the SS and civilian operators of the camp, was however a significant and of significant importance from a public health standpoint from the very beginning. Given the poor nutrition and sanitary conditions, disease and even epidemics were a constant concern and SS camp physicians were on the frontlines and combating them.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Camp physicians admitted and discharged prisoners from the camps and firmries, dyke nose prisoners and recommended treatments, certify the quality of the meals from camp kitchens and supervise the hospitals. They were also required to check the medical condition of newly arrived and released prisoners and toward the end of the war the examined German prisoners, they examined German prisoners for their fitness for military service in cases of accidental or violent deaths of prisoners. The camp physician was required to perform or supervise an autopsy to determine the cause of death. But beyond these tasks, which were more less in line with a physician's traditional responsibilities, the camp's physicians also played an intimate role in something much more less traditional, mass murder. They carried out as I mentioned selections on the ramp of prisoners arriving at Auschwitz, determining who would be killed immediately in the gas chambers, and who could first be exploited further labor. They also
Starting point is 00:26:43 carried out selections of already admitted prisoners in the camp infirmaries to ascertain who was still capable to work and who should now be killed and replaced. So fucking cold, they certified the deaths of victims in the gas chambers were present at the administration of corporal punishment and attended executions. It saw so much death. And there was one more duty, a duty Mengele would excel at. In addition to their assigned official duties, Auschwitz camp physicians engaged in experiments involving inmate subjects.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Experiments kept a bit more hidden than even the fact that these work camps were really death camps. Research in Auschwitz, like that conducted in other camps, included projects to serve, quote unquote, practical goals, such as the research at Doc-Out,, into methods of re-warming bodies suffering from hypothermia. That was important to the Luftwaffe for its treatment of rescued pilots. But the most extensive research focused on what had always been the Nazis' main project, eliminating others based on notions of racial inferiority. The biggest series of experiments in Auschwitz involved perfecting a method for reliable and efficient mass sterilization,
Starting point is 00:27:47 which the Nazis plan to use on non-areans. These experiments were ordered by Heinrich Himmler, military commander of the Waffen SS, commander of the Gestapo, minister of the interior, commander of the Home Army, and supreme leader of the administration of the entire third Reich. Hitler's right- hand manned and at five nine and a hundred and fifty pounds, not a real physically imposing member of the Nazi superior race. At six one and around two hundred and thirty pounds, I would have been a fucking massive Nazi if they would have had me, which I don't think they would have since I'm
Starting point is 00:28:18 such a mutt. No pure blood, dang it. I didn't think it's funny how these massed race motherfuckers for the most part look like dudes. I could easily slap around's funny how these master race motherfuckers for the most part look like dudes I could easily slap around at the bar. And I'm not that tough. Some moments, if there's a master race, it might be some moments. Anyway, these experiments were largely carried out for Professor Carl Klobberg, an expert on infertility who was able to devise a non-surgical method using X-rays, which he estimated could sterilize up to a thousand women a day given the right staffing and equipment. The Klauburg experiments were done on, especially selected women between the ages of 20 and 40 who would give birth and had not stopped menstruating in the camp.
Starting point is 00:28:56 After a detailed medical interview, victims selected for the experiment were made to sit in a gynecology, oh my gosh, gynecology, there we go. I was trying to say gynecological with a E at the end, and a gynecology, oh my gosh, gynecology, there we go. I was trying to say gynecological with a e at the end. And a gynecology chair. A radiological contrast medium was injected into their philopian tubes, which were then x-rayed to test for patency. On verification of patency, victims were told
Starting point is 00:29:17 to run around the room for a while, clear up their tubes, and then they were x-rayed again while a special liquid, most probably a solution of a formalin was injected into their philopian tubes. This experiment was repeated three to six times on the same women at intervals of three to four weeks. The injected substance was expected to block the philopian tubes after six weeks of all the women subjected to it, which was then to be confirmed in a checkup examination carried out again with the use of a contrast agent.
Starting point is 00:29:42 In the next stage of the experiment, which was planned but never accomplished. After a year, the victims were to have intercourse with male prisoners to test the effectiveness of this method of sterilization practically. They just planned on Adna, you know, a bit of sterile, medically monitored rape into the experiment. That's all. All the stage was never reached because victims of these experiments fell ill with inflammation of various parts of their reproductive organs, the exact number, not known, but has been estimated to be in the hundreds.
Starting point is 00:30:10 When the Auschwitz camp was dismantled, victims of this experiment were transferred to the Robbins Brook, all female concentration camp, where the experiments continued. were frequent, including parotonitis and hemorrhages from the reproductive tract leading to fever and sepsis, multiple organ failure and deaths frequently followed. These women suffered fucking immensely from these painful experiments before they died. While some of Claudeberg's Jewish patients died from the experiments directly, many others who didn't were still deliberately put to death so that autopsies could be carried out to further study would have been done to them Loverg spent a decade in prison following the war was released was quickly arrested again after public outcry In 1955 and then died before his trial in 1958
Starting point is 00:31:02 So at least he didn't get to enjoy a post-war life another parallel series of experiments on sterilization was carried out by Dr. Horst Schuman Schuman series of experiments on sterilization was carried out by Dr. Horst Schumann, Schumann, who primarily irradiated the testicles of Jewish male prisoners seeking the appropriate effective dose. Dr. Hotballs, the fuck. Part of Schumann's control test to check whether the radiation work was to, was the so-called semen check, fucking stick covered with the rubber hose, was inserted into the ass hole of the victims and their glands were stimulated until ejaculation occurred so that the ejaculate could be tested
Starting point is 00:31:28 for sperm. Couldn't even get these dudes some porn and let them just fucking beat off into a cup. You know, just had to treat them consistently like in human animals. Also these guys suffered and often died. Or were you know, just killed to be studied later. Cancer research projects also done involving the removal of large parts of women's services, cervixes, excuse me, a specially constructed intra-vaginal camera was used during these experiments causing tremendous pain and exhausting the victims. Shuman would only end up serving six years in prison for all this shit and not until 1966. He'd released early then
Starting point is 00:32:02 for having a heart condition and Would live another 11 years Fuck these people's heart condition. That is so fucking stupid. What a bullshit reason to release someone Just let their heart stop beating in their cell. Let them fucking suffer an agony with chest pain. Who gives a shit? Other patients suffered fucking bleeding hearts. God letting their emotion to override their brains when it comes to prisoners like this. I just so strongly believe that some people, based on what they did to others, are not worthy of literally any sympathy ever again. They bitch too much about their misdreatment. Who gives a fuck? Give them a bullet to shut them up. There were also attempts to artificially inseminate women who were, which were conducted in association with sterilization experiments.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Which are these fuckers, we're not gentle with their insertion of sperm. The after effects of these experiments were not only infertility and castration, but complications such as burns, abscesses, especially in the abdominal wall and reproductive organs, massive infections and death. What an immensely horrifying reality this victim saw
Starting point is 00:33:02 that most of us, thank God, will never encounter an evil doctor harming instead of helping. A doctor who injects you slices you open, performs surgeries on you, not to help cure you, but just to kind of find out what might happen. A doctor who could truly care less how much pain the procedures cause you. No medicine for the pain, no anesthetic in most of these experiments, right? No pain killers. They didn't want to waste the money. These doctors didn't care if you lived or died.
Starting point is 00:33:27 We're permanently disfigured. They definitely didn't care how much this shit hurt. Being in the hands of these doctors, everybody's terrifying as being at the mercy of one of the, any one of the worst serial killers we've covered here. Sometimes surge of experimented on patients for reasons not associated with any specific experiments.
Starting point is 00:33:42 A variety of surgical operations were carried out on no real medical basis whatsoever that anyone can ascertain now, like they were just done for practice, for fucking funsies, just to be cruel. For instance, limb amputations were done on patients suffering from randomly ulcers. Cause why not?
Starting point is 00:34:01 Just curious, what happens to their ulcers? If you cut their fucking arms your legs off Sometimes these arms your legs would then be sewn onto other inmates whose arms your legs had also been chopped off and just grew some and botched transplant experiments that were never successful and No painkillers for that either these motherfuckers were truly devils other operations done on no moral grounds were Laperotomies, churnia operations, the extraction of nerves,
Starting point is 00:34:28 muscles and bones, early labor was induced in pregnant women to see how early it could be induced and have the baby still live, if the babies did live, they were then, you know, just killed. And those laparotomies, by the way, that's when the stomach is cut open to examine the organs inside, like really cut open. No painkillers, man, just pin down, stomachs sliced open to examine the organs inside like really cut open. No painkillers man, just pin down.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Stomach sliced open just to take a little fucking peek around, maybe poke around, maybe see what happens if different organs are removed. Dr. Johan Paul Kremmer carried out especially cool experiments on the effects of starvation and was particularly interested in brown liver atrophy. According to Polish historian, Irene Stretsleka, this was his process. Every morning at the outpatient clinic in block number 28 in the main camp, he reviewed the prisoners applying for admission to the hospital. Among them were many extremely starved and exhausted prisoners, the majority of
Starting point is 00:35:17 whom were put to death by lethal injection of phenol. Just before being just before putting them to death, as they lay on the autopsy table, he asked them for information. He regarded as important, such as their weight before arrest, or the last medicine they had taken. Samples of the liver, samples of the liver, spleen, and pancreas were then removed while the corpse was still warm. for information while they're on their deathbed. A deathbed you made for them, right? They're laying there terrified, doesn't get much more evil than that. You can't even let them think their own final thoughts. Not even a final fucking 30 seconds of some kind of peace. In one particularly strange and disturbing set of experiments, Dr. Amel Kashub was sent
Starting point is 00:36:00 to Auschwitz to unmask the various methods of malingering that were becoming widespread amongst German soldiers, especially in the Eastern Front, including self-inflicted wounds, abscesses, fever, and infectious hepatitis. Basically, German soldiers were faking illnesses to get out of servant in what had been a fucking brutal war. You know, they didn't want to fight for a deranged Meglomaniac and the freezing cold of Russian winter without the proper clothing equipment or rations anymore. Millions of Hitler's victims were the very soldiers who fought for him, fighting for him only so they wouldn't incur his wrath. But Dr. Cashup using Jewish prisoners would attempt to provoke the same symptoms displayed by the Malanguian soldiers by a variety of torturous methods.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I'm not sure what happened to Dr. Cashup following the war he seems to have disappeared, maybe made it to Argentina. Prisoners from Auschwitz were also supplied to physicians and other camps for research. For instance, 20 Jewish children were selected by Mangala and Auschwitz and then sent to Nguongamma, that concentration camp to serve as subjects for experiments on tuberculosis,
Starting point is 00:36:58 conducted by Dr. Kurt Heismyer. His poor kids would end up being hanged from some heating pipes in Hamburg in April of 1945 to eliminate evidence of Heismire's experiments. I just fucking murdered some innocent tortured kids as the war wound down to, you know, maybe reduce the chance he'd be captured next to the war crimes. Heismire will escape to East Germany following the war and will open a successful medical practice as a long and tuberculosis specialist.
Starting point is 00:37:22 So how nice for him. Luckily, he will be arrested in 1966 and then dying prison in 1967 to age of 61. Never showed any remorse until the end did not see his prisoners as humans. That fucker killed kids as young as seven years old. And like we covered in the bear episode Nazi scientists also used Auschwitz prisoners to test the tolerance and effectiveness of certain drugs on behalf of IG Farben, like one time parent company of bear. Bear evil incorporated. These drugs were tested for a variety of infectious diseases, chiefly typhus and tuberculosis, on
Starting point is 00:37:59 subjects who were especially infected for the experiment. Many of the individuals subjected to these mass experiments died and many developed painful diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, blackouts, and circulatory disorders before they died. Group of 150 women all died following a test in which an unknown sleeping drug was administered to them. Right, just gave him too much, whoops, oh well.
Starting point is 00:38:19 All of this is horrifying in its individual ways, but especially horrifying as part of an organized and governmentally authorized system. Auschwitz was a death factory, a place that gobbled up human lives for work and so-called scientific progress, and it would be exactly where Joseph Mengele thrived. All right, the stage has been set. Time to really meet the monster of the week.
Starting point is 00:38:40 And again, don't want to forget happy holidays. This is the most fucked up holiday episode ever. Time now for today's Time Suck timeline. Right after today's sponsor break. Thanks for listening to Meet SX. Now let's dive in. Shrap on those boots soldier. We're marching down a Time Suck timeline.
Starting point is 00:39:03 We're marching down a time, time, time line. On March 16th, 1911, Joseph Mengele is born, showing an early predilection for medical experimentation. As a fetus, he ripped out his own abilical tube, right? The cord clotted his way out of his mother's uterus. He crawled through her stomach, pulled himself up her hisophagus, forced her way out of her mother's uterus he crawled through her stomach pulled himself up her his soft-fogus uh... force away out of her mouth by uh... grossly dislocating her lower jaw when that's why he would later say he's curious you want to know what happened now she died according to his medical notes
Starting point is 00:39:35 uh... no he was born naturally angi-lipped uh... unfortunately both did childhood home would be uh... what biographer david marwell called and unlike the incubator for the future angel of death unlike the vast majority of Germans who would later commit crimes out of the Nazi regime, Mangle's childhood was not shaped by the loss of World War I. He was not left fatherless, like many of his peers, nor was his father a shameful figure returning from a lost war. And said his father Carl had served in the German army at the beginning of the war and then was recalled after two years to go back to run his business
Starting point is 00:40:05 Would you produce farm machinery before the war but during the war ended up producing a lot of equipment for the war effort In fact the war made successes of the Mangle a family Carl's firm manufactured metal plummets used in the deployment of naval mines and two-wheeled horse-tron wagons to transport munitions So that the company went from employing 15 people in 1915 to 91 by the war's end. Carl Mangalist status was on the rise and so was his family's wealth. Mangalist's mother was named Walberg. She was three years older than her husband. Walberg came from a well-respected Goonsburg family where he would, and he would later
Starting point is 00:40:43 describe his father as a good-natured and soft-hearted man. He'd say that his mother was extremely determined and forceful. Also before we go forward, wall burger, what a fucking name. Apologies to all the, uh, wall burgers who listen to the show, but come on, you can tease for a long time. Then named to me sounds like a shitty casserole, right? Like, oh man, while burger tonight, something made with about to spoil hamburger
Starting point is 00:41:07 and random leftovers from the fridge. Just, huh, hamburger, french fries, broccoli, chili, Swiss cheese, carrots, brown gravy, looks like a glazed donut there. Are those spaghetti-os? Is that a toenail? What do you call this? It's, while burger, eat up.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Enjoy your, while burger. Anyway,? It's Waburga, eat up. Enjoy your Waburga. Anyway, when Carl showed up at the factory, no big deal, but when Waburga showed up, everyone was scared. Waburga was a devout Catholic, and though Joseph wouldn't be religious, he'd remain in the church and opt for a church wedding, which was those were uncommon actions among SS men.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Who generally saw the Nazi state as the only institution capable of ushering any supreme authority right back to his childhood in his autobiography uh unpublished writings recovered after his death Mangala would dedicate more than a hundred pages to his early life pen in a picture of his secure childhood surrounded by parents grandparents and household help He was born with his mom was 31. She'd lost her firstborn Just days after giving birth now a new baby was one of more than ever
Starting point is 00:42:04 And when Joseph arrived 31, she'd lost her firstborn. Just days after giving birth, now a new baby was one of more than ever. And when Joseph arrived, he took his place at the center of the family, right? Prime to dote upon him. He had two younger brothers, Carl and Alouise, who shared his untroubled and uneventful childhood. In 1924, around the time when Joseph was 13, he joins the Greater German Youth League.
Starting point is 00:42:22 He'd be the leader of a chapter of the organization from 1927 when he was 16 until 1930 as a leader he'd organized events for 60 boys and 30 girls, including a summer solstice celebration. He later wrote, we were proud of our big solstice fire which blazed into the heavens on the ridge opposite the hometown announcing their small group of boys and girls today celebrated the solstice with fervent thoughts and desires in their hearts to awaken and arouse the people of their homeland to the holy struggle of liberation from the shackles of the nefarious Versailles treaty
Starting point is 00:42:53 the flame should liberate us and illuminate our way they should warm us with the love of our great people of its high culture and they should incinerate all discord among us germans although prior to h's rise, this organization did not accept Jews as Mengele explained in his diary in order that the characteristic qualities of the German people could finally be revealed and freed from alien encrustedion. Yikes. And again, Hitler not even empower yet. These are just cultural attitudes that are swirling around that any teenager can pick up on and man did mangola pick up on them. Joseph attended a public school at gymnasium.
Starting point is 00:43:29 I am a study that's a gymnasium and goons back. Secondary school that included instruction in Latin and Greek as the basis for European culture. His performance there was at best average earning him satisfactory marks in religion, English language, physics and history and a deficient mark in German language, Greek, Latin, and mathematics. All his behavior was judged acceptable. Teachers didn't think he put much effort into his classwork. Maybe because he suffered a bunch of infections, which began during the school year of 1927,
Starting point is 00:43:57 28, including nephritis and sepsis. We're in such a racially i.e. genetically superior person. We'll be such a weak fucking kid getting just average grades. These illnesses forced him to miss school for extended period of time also led to a chronic kidney ailment and this ailment prevented him from taking over the family company, which as the oldest son he could have claimed. Although the great depression had hit the business as it would any other business anywhere else in the world, Carl Mangolas firm not only survived but really continued to thrive.
Starting point is 00:44:29 I mean, comparatively, they still did great. So now, we cast sickly fuck Mangola. I guess to choose what he wants to do. Mangola graduated in 1930 unsure of what course of study he would eventually follow. Unmotivated by any particular passion. Without much of a plan, he'll leave home in April of 1930 to study at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. By that time Munich was already the center
Starting point is 00:44:53 of the Nazi party. No, it had been the center of the Nazi party had been for over a decade. In the post-war chaos after 1918, the Bavarian city and its rowdy beer halls offered Hitler an ideal stage in receptive audience for his firebrand dumbfuck politics Yale simple slogans with enough anger for long enough and master the art of the blame game And you'll get the brain dead lazy thinking masses to follow you if you have just enough charisma
Starting point is 00:45:18 That shit still happens around the world On the city was a hotbed of right-wing nationalist opposition to divide my-maw republic, an illogical place for Hitler to co-found his national socialist party in 1920. Once in office, Hitler bestowed two ideological titles on his beloved Munich, capital of German art in 1933, and capital of the Nazi movement in 1935. It was here that Mengele would spend his formative years, the college years, when people are confronting the world for real now as adults. And that world would be one fucking soaked, drenched in Nazism, and Mungalathroom, self, and the study of medicine, and its related disciplines of human genetics and anthropology.
Starting point is 00:45:55 He thought it might become a dentist, right? Think it would be bringing him a load of money, considering there was not even one dentist in his hometown according to his diaries. Shortly after arriving at the university, though, he had a conversation with another student, he knew who argued that dentistry was too narrow of field and too specialized and advocated convincingly for medicine. Mengele came to love the wide scope of medicine. As soon became his passion, he'd write about in his diaries like other people write love
Starting point is 00:46:19 letters. I had no idea that of the many sited natures of medicine, but the kindled flame of enthusiasm would retain its warmth if not its brilliant luminosity forever. How was it possible and so short a time to transform someone who was one could almost say resigned into someone who was enchanted? I simply cannot wait to get to burn and slice women and children to death. That is a side of medicine I'm most excited by. I may be added to that last part.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Adolf Hitler understood the importance of medicine, had distinct ideas about how we'd be practiced in the new Germany. In an early speech before the National Socialist German Physicians League, he argued that while he could do without lawyers, engineers, and builders, he needed national socialist doctors. I cannot do without you for a single day,
Starting point is 00:47:04 not a single hour. If that's where you'll feel for me, then all is lost I don't know. I imagine this young all the time But he said like for what good are our struggles if the health of our people is in danger He made a constant references to the health of our people made sure the physicians knew that they were responsible not for curing individuals But for maintaining the health of Germany of Aryan and not Jewish Germany. The change of perception allowed German physicians to treat certain patients in ways that were previously unthinkable, ways that would have violated the Hippocratic oath to do no harm.
Starting point is 00:47:35 But now we're Hitler sanctioned. This medical league once under Hitler issued a demand for a new code of medical ethics. From the first day, we have made it clear that the major turnabout in the world view of our days, an essential portion of which it is vanquishing the individual through experiencing the people. The bulk must be the guiding principle of the morality and ethics of the medical profession. In short, whatever was good for the people, Hitler's people, it was medically ethical. This belief would only become more ingrained as time went on as revealed in speeches,
Starting point is 00:48:05 uh, where you said shit like the following. The physician must abandon his old humanitarian conceptions. He has one patient, the German people, the individual is no more than a single cell of the whole people. The people are transcendent. They are not only the party, it is the party party. Anybody fucking screams a shit and fucking hair whipping around, it's stupid little mustache. He said, the people are transcendent. They are the only body, it is this popular body,
Starting point is 00:48:31 which must be preserved and treated. To maintain it intact, no sacrifice is too great. Just as a doctor will not hesitate to amputate a finger, to save a limb or a limb to save a life. So the Nazi physician is prepared to undertake all aggression against the individual who menaces the people against individual Germans, and with even greater reason against strangers.
Starting point is 00:48:51 On April 5th, 1933, Hitler asked the German medical profession move with all its energy to the forefront of the race question. Within weeks, Hitler's call for racial hygiene to become the primary responsibility of the physician was reflected in medical school curricula and hospital structures. It was this atmosphere that Mengele was taught in. Mengele would love one professor more than any other as he's being taught his anatomy instructor. SIG FREED MALIA!
Starting point is 00:49:15 Oh, SIG FREED, I LOVE YOU! Oh, the director of the University's anatomical institute. Mengele would wax poetics and his diary about him, writing about the professor's large bulge, just tight, high-assed, and it's perky little pectities. Now, he wrote about his professor's sonorous voice and brilliant appearance, even described him as godly. Mali wasn't like other professors. He counseled the students at a good physician, must conceive of body and soul as unity. He spoke of the majesty of death that they would encounter in their work. Rather than memorization,
Starting point is 00:49:46 he wanted his students to have a deep, almost intuitive understanding of the human body. And that came with a lot of dissection. Dissection labs, another new passion for Mengele, of course. And with their introduction, Malia may have created a monster. After two years of the University in Munich, Mengele now transfers to Bonn.
Starting point is 00:50:03 It was common at the time for German students. It studied a number of different schools, and Mangleah would attend five before matriculation. It's crazy me. New school was smaller with less than two thirds the number of medical students in Munich. Bonn was also where Mangleah would become politically active, though he'd been inundated with right-wing sentiments
Starting point is 00:50:19 for years like what he saw in medical school. He was still for the average German of the time, fairly apolitical. Like many others, Manglele claimed to feel the misfortune that had been inflicted on Germany by the Versailles Treaty, even though we know that his childhood was actually better than most Germans, fucking the weasel. The trigger for him to get involved in politics would be somewhat interesting. While walking around Bonn, he observed a demonstration in a working-class neighborhood on the other side of the river from where he studied and lived.
Starting point is 00:50:52 A line of demonstrators were crossing the bridge in the direction of the city center carrying a blood-red flag, as he would write with a five-pointed star. They were marching in the formation of the Red Army dressed in Russian coats and peaked caps according to Mangalis Diary. Mangal and his friend were deeply shaken by this threatening portrayal of communist activism. And when they parted Mangalis said, well, we now know what we have to do. And applying that was not enough to believe in the nation, one needed to do something to combat the looming danger of the Bolsheviks. So the age of 20, he joins the steel helmets. I am with the steel helmets now. No one can stop us. It's a Nazi paramilitary organization. Mangalus would remain in bond for three semesters, and completed his fifth semester of study of medicine, which allowed him to sit for his preliminary Nazi paramilitary organization. Mangla would remain in bond for three semesters,
Starting point is 00:51:25 and completed his fifth semester of study of medicine, which allowed him to sit for his preliminary medical examination. He passed his milestone, which tested in six subjects, anatomy, physiology, physics, chemistry, skateboarding, botany, no, zoology was his sixth. On August 12, 1932, with the grade of a satisfactory. And it doesn't sound like he had a real master race brain. Mangla then returns to Munich in September of 1932 with the grade of a satisfactory. And it doesn't sound like you had a real master race brain. Mengele then returns to Munich in September of 1932
Starting point is 00:51:48 for his sixth semester at university, a semester that would see Germany's decisive turn towards a more aggressive form of racism in xenophobia. Nazi party law seats in November 6 elections and although many felt that it's decline would continue, Hitler would be appointed chancellor on January 30th, 1933. Within a month month just a week before the end of the semester the rights tag burns providing a pretext for the beginning
Starting point is 00:52:10 of the end of paramilitary rule and the start of the Nazi dictatorship. And may of 1933 Carl Mengele Joseph's dad joins the Nazi party. Join the SS. But historians said that his membership was performative. And he didn't complete any special services or gaining the high ranking. Like later on a court will even find that Carl Mengele had, quote,
Starting point is 00:52:31 acted in a fair and generous manner towards individuals who had been targeted by the Nazi regime, including political opponents and Jews. Did he? Or is that just some bullshit? Mengele, Jr., meanwhile, spends the summer of 1933 in Vienna, studying through his seventh
Starting point is 00:52:45 semester. Here he finds another favorite professor, Dr. Franz Hamburger. Oh, fuck yeah, Dr. Hamburger. Picture Dr. Hamburger working in the clinic with Dr. Brotworth, Dr. Ketchup. He's got his nurses, French, Fry, and Sourcrow. Maybe his wife is well bugger. Well bugger, bugger. Dr. fucking Hamburger was a meganazi. I do love that his name is actually hamburger.
Starting point is 00:53:06 1934 hamburger was fucking so many weird names. The active of the Nazi party when it had been outlawed in Austria. On the 1940 edition of a textbook he co-authored hamburger and his colleague Hotdog. No, some unnamed colleague wrote, and all the time should you be aware of the duties of the national socialist physician National Socialist Physician? Who keeps in mind not only the individual person,
Starting point is 00:53:27 but the entire people's body, in which the single person like the cell of a human organism is just a building block, just a cell of the people as a whole. Not only the hamburgers clinic advocate euthanasia for babies with physical or mental disabilities, it would routinely send children to the infamous, uh,
Starting point is 00:53:43 Spiegel Grand Hospital where hundreds will be murdered under the Nazi euthanasia program called t-4 it was during this time perhaps not coincidentally that mangala developed an interest in twins and the fall of 1933 mangala returned to Munich where in addition to medicine he began to study anthropology under the prominent anthropologist
Starting point is 00:53:59 theodore mollison who became a supervisor of sports position literally translated as dr. father so weird before he continued on that uh Quincy Delie part he didn't meet a pair of identical twins at this point. There was a little story about them that I actually cut out of the final notes because it was fucking it was boring. But Dr. Fatha so weird. We're translation. Hello, Joseph. I'm C. Ador, but you can call me your Dr. Fatha. I'm your Dr. Datti. You'll be a good boy, won't you? Molison to be contributing to the field of anthropology for decades mostly helping standardize
Starting point is 00:54:31 methodology methodological approaches But his passion project was studying blood as a means for identifying its owner's race everything is race In 1934, Molison would write the new ideological attitude of our people has resulted in the use of the fieldings of scientific research that an earlier government greeted either within difference or annoyance. Yeah, it's fucking dumb, you dipshit. And he says, the false claim of the equality of all people, hmm, boy, which has been passed on to us for centuries and which nobody really believes provided the pretext to support the inferior and to drag down the superior.
Starting point is 00:55:06 That's cool, fuck science, yay science. I looked at some old pictures of this motherfucker and he did not look superior. Looks like another skinny fucking week-chim Nazi dork. So-called science that Mengele would study under molluson would become an important resource for Nazi party. What they claim was scientific proof of their bullshit ideas.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Otto Eichel, Deputy Director of the Society for Physical Anthropology wrote in 1934, falls off as time and world history. The Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, has translated what we have learned about the biological foundations, the development of race, of, sorry, of all of the people, development of the people, race and inheritance,
Starting point is 00:55:44 selection into action. It is no coincidence that this happened in Germany. German science has placed this tool in the hands of the politician. That's scary. Now everything that Mengele was studying was not only ethically redefined. It had enormous political consequences. It could open doors for him. As a doctor, he could be on the front lines of the racial struggle at the heart of the
Starting point is 00:56:03 Nazi worldview. For the next four semesters, Mengeala would study under Mollison and others Excuse me learning about childbirth orthopedics and surgery his hours with Mollison were fully two thirds of his courses Soon after Nazis assumed power Mollison proposed that the anthropological collection that belonged to the institute He headed be organized into an exhibition on racial science. The several years it took for the exhibition to be approved and mounted at open on April 2, 1938, coincided precisely with the period of Mengele's work with Mollison. Given Mollison's preoccupation with the exhibition and Mengele's devotion to the subject, as
Starting point is 00:56:38 well as to his mentor, it seems more than likely that Mengele played a role in helping to plan and execute it. Awesome. I feel like Madison was the emperor, a palpatine to his Darth Vader. For the subject of his dissertation, Mengele selected a topic that was in line with everything he'd been learning about medicine for the Nazis. The project would be called racial morphological examination of the anterior section of the lower jaw among four racial groups. And in it, he described the complete picture of the racial differences that emerged in the
Starting point is 00:57:08 front section of the lower jaw. And ironically, the modelist's jaw line, week is fuck. Mangle's jaw line, unfortunately, was pretty solid. Not gonna lie. Mangle's research involved the careful examination of 122 lower jaws, originated from six different racial groups, which were part of the university's anthropological collection. Looking only at the very front part of the lower job,
Starting point is 00:57:29 Mengele, determined 32 linear and five angular measurements relating to important landmarks within this region, and derived nine ratios and other relative functions. Using these analytics, you examine their value as a racial indicator by creating a so-called significance index, which was calculated by comparing variations of a characteristic within and between the various racial groupings.
Starting point is 00:57:51 The higher the significance index, the more important the characteristic was for racial discernment. Mangalist conclusions were unambiguous. He wrote the jaws of examines racial groups indicate that not trans sections since distinct differences that they permit one to distinguish between the races. I don't know what that was. And what he said was actually not true. The satisfactory student did not prove shit this weird jaw experiments.
Starting point is 00:58:17 This is all just truly fucking nonsense. Not even fellow Nazis were impressed. Mengele redeemed himself in front of his fellow Nazis during oral examinations on November 11th, 1935. He was examined in front of his fellow Nazis during oral examinations on November 11, 1935. He was examined in one of his minor field zoology by Karl von Fritz and passed with the grade of Magna Cum Laude. On November 13th, he was examined in anthropology, his major field by a Theodore Molocen and received
Starting point is 00:58:37 a grade that fell between Magna and Schumachemlaude. For a second minor, he was questioned in the field of physiology and received a Schumachemlaude with a successful completion of all these requirements. Mengele now awarded a doctor of philosophy, a summa cum laude degree on November 13, 1935 at the age of 24. And in the summer of 1936, Mengele successfully passes the state examination in medicine and mutic. His next requirement was to complete a one-year internship, which he did from September
Starting point is 00:59:03 through December 1936. Doesn't feel like it. Year feels like just a few months, but what are... It's University Medical Clinic in Leipzig, and then beginning on January 1, 1937 in Frankfurt at the University Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene, which was actually eugenics. So he completed, oh yeah, two different places. And racial hygiene, another example of just kind of weird translation.
Starting point is 00:59:26 And now I need you to sniff the balls of this African man, make your notes. Now sniff the balls of this Swedish man, make your notes. And finally, a sniff the balls of this Brazilian man, make your notes a compare the Roma profiles of the different races balls. Whose hygiene is the best? The University of Frankfurt was the home of a man who played an extraordinarily important role in Minkler's continual development as a piece of shit, his intellectual and professional life.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Baron Ottmar von Verscher. von Schuhr. Aye. Hello. I am Baron Ottmann, Van Vershoer. Prominent German physician and eugenist and minor Dutch noble. In 1927, for sure, published a study on genetics based on twin research, a methodology that became his specialty, and then, of course, Mengele's. Vershoer's became one of the leading racial scientists, OxyMoran of Nazi Germany. While interning for a Versurer,
Starting point is 01:00:27 Mangala met Irene Chonbijn, a very attractive 19-year-old lady, daughter of a successful businessman, Harry Chonbijn. Mangala, as much as I hate to admit it, was pretty handsome to himself, and these two would hit it off. With all these requirements now fulfilled, Mangala became a physician on September 1, 1937. Mangala then started on his second doctorate, this one in medicine with Atma Ravana Varshura as his doctor father. I am your doctor father. Bentova and take your lesson. Already a licensed physician, Mangala did not need this degree in order to practice, but it was necessary for an academic career to teach or manage university laboratory or institute
Starting point is 01:01:04 and required further study as well as a completion of a dissertation For his second dissertation Mangala investigated the related birth defects of cliff lip palette and jaw Malformation that it emerged as particularly interesting to German racial scientists since new surgical in intervention could correct them cosmetically hiding a trait That would have otherwise marked a racially compromised. That's their words, individual. Now these dumb fucks did not know that cleft palettes show up in all fucking races.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Now they're all practicing junk signs, big circle jerk of fucking idiots. All trying to please Hitler by finding indisputable markers of imparity, non-Aryanness. So they can detect and weed out all non-arions and clean up Germany, make it stronger by reading it for in parasites. And actually, they're not idiots. They're intelligent people, but just being in this fucking, bizarre world and just in this horrible echo chamber where they just reinforce stupidity. Backing up a little, the Nazis started taking new applications for party membership in 1937. And yeah, you heard that right, applications. Like they're running a fucking Wendy's franchise or something. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, people flocked to the new party.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Some high ups, Nazis. They saw this as a threat to the party's ideological purity. Coat, coat, coat. We must keep it pure. And the Nazis were definitely a big ass cult. To fight the watering down on the Nazi party, the party decided in April of 1933 to impose a ban on new members
Starting point is 01:02:29 for an undetermined period of time, except for Hitler youth members who had come of age after 1933. When it finally decided to relax the ban in 1937, new members applied in droves, just fucking stepping on each other to get those applications submitted. One of them was Joseph Mengele. In September of 1937, Mengele attended the ninth meeting of the German Society for Physical
Starting point is 01:02:50 Anthropology. During the meeting, the organization decided to change his name to the German Society for racial research. There, Mengele would rub shoulders with some of the leading Nazi race scientists and shortly become one of them. His application was accepted May of 1938. Around the same time, he joined the SS, but as a scientist he had already been for many years at the front line of the Nazi project.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Mangalus submitted and defended his second dissertation in the summer of 1938. The paper would be published a year later in a distinguished journal, journal for human heredity and constitution theory, which caught the attention of the internationally respected handbook of human genetic biology. Well, well. Even as late as 1970, Mangalus' work was referenced in a Japanese publication on oral clefs, and in a 1972 article in a British dental journal. Yeah, not a good look.
Starting point is 01:03:37 But in the short term, this research had another effect. It aligned perfectly with the law for the prevention of hereditary diseased offspring, which was passed in Germany in the summer of 1933. With Mingolas proof, the legislation would result in the forced sterilization of 375,000 individuals between its enactment in 1934 and the beginning of World War II on September 1st, 1939 and more bullshit laws were gonna follow. The marital health law promulgated in September of 1935,
Starting point is 01:04:06 prohibited the marriage of a healthy person to anyone who had a hereditary condition, including those with oral clefs. And you have a fucking clef palette, you can't even get married. 1936, or excuse me, a 1936 modification of this law also prohibited marriage between healthy individuals
Starting point is 01:04:21 and those who had been sterilized under other legislation. And when you'reized can him get married, here we fucking go, the real insanity begins. Germany's dissent down an absurdly dark and bizarre path picking up a little steam. Mangala, he's fucking running down that trail. June of 1938, Atmar von Vershoer, hires Mangala as a permanent assistant, saying in his letter recommendation that he just wants to keep fucking his fucking prize people, given that Dr. Father dick. Now, he said he had distinguished himself through extraordinary achievements. There, Mangalau would continue his research, doing the same thing for cleft palettes with congenital heart defects.
Starting point is 01:04:57 He also extended his work to the state by preparing expert opinions for health courts. Fucking, he just gets more and more insane. Even after going over this so many times, it's still just like, what? Which have been created to enforce various racial and eugenic laws. Mangleah conducted examinations and rendered judgments about an individual's paternity and racial acceptability.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Weirdly enough, Mangleah's judgment was on average more beneficial to those, being examined than other experts doing the same job because Mangleah would often find that the examine he was not the full Jew. It's so fucking weird that this actually happened like imagine me forced to go down to some government office to some bullshit doctor so they can take a look at you, take some measurements you know check out your chin, look your palate, you know and think they determined what your race was and if it was the wrong race you don't get to get married.
Starting point is 01:05:42 My God. One of the cases Mengele reviewed was out of Heinz Alexander, who was accused of race defilement. You'll be accused of race defilement. Criminal act involving sexual relations between an Aryan and a Jew. Alexander was according to genealogical records, a full Jew. Even though both his parents had converted to Christianity and raised him in that adopted religion, he had admitted his parents had converted to Christianity and raised him in that adopted religion. He had admitted to having had an affair with an Aryan woman over several years, but defended
Starting point is 01:06:09 himself against the charge of race to file it by claiming that he'd been born out of wedlock. And his biological father was a German blooded man, an assertion that was apparently supported by a very large amount of written evidence as well as by his blonde hair and blue eyes. The prosecuting attorney, so crazy, this was a fucking core case, requested Alexander be examined by the Frankfurt Institute and Mängela should complete his racial evaluation, using a similarity analysis, much like that used to distinguish fraternal and identical twins, Mängela,
Starting point is 01:06:39 compared Alexander with his mother and with his legal Jewish father and also with photographs of the alleged non-Jewish biological father and concluded that Alexander should probably be viewed as a full Jew. Jesus, a strange theater. Fucking the drama these fucking morons put on trying to justify their outrageous and ridiculous beliefs. The court interestingly gave Mengele's opinion little weights and acquitted Alexander of
Starting point is 01:07:03 the charge rendering Mengele's opinion as illogical because he himself said there was only a probability that Alexander's biological father was his full legal father acquitted because your dad is only probably your dad what a gaggle of idiots. And a lot of our politicians today in the US are incredibly fucking dumb. Some of them embarrassingly let's burn some books dumb, but we're still thank God not this stupid. Mangala got some heavy-worted letters from the heads of the racial policy office of the Nazi party and would essentially amount it to a slap on the wrist for his so-called fickle testimony.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Shouldn't have said should. Should have said he is definitely. He's definitely a full blooded shoe. Evidently Mangala learned from this mistake because after this, the courts will never question his racial determinations again. Yeah, yeah, in the fall of 1939, I reigned that girl, Mangala, met in Leipzig, would start the steps she needed to take to become the wife of an SS member. The whole process. She had to, of course, because they lived in this absurd and insane, bizarre land, review her family history and her own racial and physical suitability as well as get two letters of recommendation from people she knew that thought she was, in fact, a good German girl. The questionnaire contained a number of questions with binary choices, making clear the ideal qualities expected of an SS pride.
Starting point is 01:08:23 George Slick wrote in support of the marriage, claiming that Irene was very reliable, as opposed to unreliable, very fond of children, as opposed to not fond of children. Comradely, not domineering, thrifty, not wasteful, domestic, not flighty, vain, inefficient, as opposed to inefficient. Oh, no, it should be, domestic, not flyty or vain. An Efficient, not inefficient. He wanted to describe Irene as well above the average and intellect and a model for every German girl in terms of spirits and character. Or fuck sake, on December 26, 1938 Irene would have her physical examination now by an SS
Starting point is 01:08:59 position. One section of the form called for an inventory of 10 physical characteristics with a list of associated values and descending order of desirability. For instance, for body type, the position could choose muscular, plump, slim, or puny. The first is the most positive. Right? Like imagine that we have to marry someone because the doctor said you were too puny. He didn't know he had to marry someone. He was a doctor said you were too puny. No, Mengella, you will not marry this puny little lederunt. She will only bear you weak puny children, not worthy of a place and hit us kingdom.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Nine, nine, just too puny. For eye color, the following choices were available. Blue, gray, greenish, light brown, dark brown. Irene would end up being awarded nine out of 10 of the attributes with the highest, most positive value. So, nice, fuck you, bro. Only one. Did you get the second highest instead of highest?
Starting point is 01:09:52 And that was on hair form. Mm-mm, she got sleek. Ugh. Which was one step down from straight. But way better than wavy, curly, or dare I say it crinkly. Ha ha ha ha. What the fuck? No, Mingla, you will not marry this crinkly-headed trollup. She will make you, she will make you only a mock review.
Starting point is 01:10:16 You will have crinkly-headed clown children, you will have to ship off to the circus. I've reigned and had to provide evidence about her family tree. Going all the way back to 1648. Makes ya' and no sneak at you as I'd see if he's have smacking there. Unfortunately, she had a compromised family history. Yeah, this is scandalous. Her fucking nasty ass bastard paternal grandfather had been born out of wedlock.
Starting point is 01:10:43 So there was no way to identify his father's racial line with absolute certainty. God, I had to stop down the recording. I had to start this part over because the first time I tried to show that information, I fucking threw up, fucking punched the wall, I so mad. So angry that she had to nerve to try and marry Mengele, not knowing what kind of gross shit she could be hiding in her blood. What a selfish dirty sleek head head almost crinkly bitch. Irene's compromised family history had serious consequences for the future couple.
Starting point is 01:11:12 The SS engagement and marriage order provided that once the SS authorized a marriage, the names of the family of the SS member would be entered into this fucking special clan registry, which was maintained by the racial office of the SS, but Mangala was notified on March 9, 1939 that because Irene's grandfather was unknown, there will be no listing nonetheless. He would go ahead with it and had the Nazis won the war. This could have easily come back to Haunt him, like maybe his wife and the kids they would have had could have been eventually sent to concentration camps and just fucking killed for not definitely being a hundred percent Aryan.
Starting point is 01:11:48 On April 21, 1939, Joseph and who the fuck knows what she was fake ass German Irene bitch are officially engaged. Disgusting. Might as well have put that wedding ring on a donkey hoof or a dog paw or something. Mangalus spent the summer semester of 1939 into clinic for internal medicine at the University of Bonne now. I need to take a break to get married on July 28th 1939 at a civil ceremony in a registry office. Then quietly in a small chapel. Five weeks later, Germany would invade Poland.
Starting point is 01:12:19 And I did that, ugh, because again, remember the Nazis didn't have the frown on church. Why are you going to church? Why not just watch a pit? Uh, but Mangala whose research would be essential to Nazi ambitions would not be drafted uh, during the Poland invasion in favor of 1940. He'd fill in for Vachur, uh, Versure to teach his mentors class human genetics as the basis for racial hygiene. Then in March 1940, Versure signed him on for another contract to continue to work to work with him. Then it would be time to head to the front lines in a different capacity. June 15th, 1940, Mengele joins the medical replace battalion 9 stationed in
Starting point is 01:12:54 Castle, where he attended the military physician training course and passed. According to one of Mengele's friends, military duty sucked for him. Because Mengele's superior officer made his subordinates crawl around for hours and clean clog the trains and things like that. So Mangalis quickly began looking for a way out. On August 1st, 1940, Mangalis was assigned to the medical inspectorate. His first post was the central immigration office in Posen, where he worked as an expert in hereditary biology. But not really an expert, since so much of a science is, you know, fucking crazy dog. The office and Nazi party agency had been established at the beginning of October
Starting point is 01:13:28 of 1939 to evaluate ethnic German immigrants to determine their suitability for resettlement. At this office, SS physicians conducted physical examinations of prospective immigrants as well as an inventory of their assets that had to be left behind and an interview to determine how well the person had nurtured their quote, Germanness. Did they speak German? If so, how well? Did they belong to organizations that promoted German culture? How many?
Starting point is 01:13:53 Those applicants who scored well were resettled in the newly acquired territories, right? Where they could really get the fucking German train moving out there. Those less connected to their German background were settled in the old Reich, where the old guard of Germans could fucking teach them to be more fully German. The office's judgments led to grants of land as compensation and carelessness in its work could bring grave consequences. The land is too scarce and too valuable to be assigned to families, which will produce within a generation or two a stable full of idiots, imbicels, epileptics or schizophrenics
Starting point is 01:14:24 read one document. I got, they have no idea how genetic traits are passed from one generation to the next. Nothing, they don't know anything. They just can't see that they are the actual imbeciles and idiots. Nancy Germany truly word the inmates ran the asylum. That same year around the end of 1940,
Starting point is 01:14:41 Mengele would also be assigned to the engineers battalion of the Viking division as an assistant troop physician, taking over as troop physician in mid-October of 1941. We'll stay with the Viking Division until the beginning of 1943 when he's transferred to Berlin. With the Viking Division, Mangala would be exposed to new levels of cruelty. The Viking Division was made up of three groups, Nordland, greater from Swedish, Danish, nor Norwegian volunteers, Westland, composed of Dutch
Starting point is 01:15:05 and Flemish volunteers, and Germany, composed mainly of ethnic Germans, many of whom had been indoctrinated from childhood in the Hitler Youth Program. They all fell under the command of Felix Steiner, who had received military awards for his performance leading the Waffen SS, regiment in the invasion of Poland in 1939, and the invasion of France in 1940. Steiner was selected to lead the Viking division by none other than Himla himself. Himla!
Starting point is 01:15:28 Very weak chin. Real weak looking nerdy dude. Getting a lot of these top Nazis. Did not look superior. I'm very confident, my age now 45. If I got into a fucking time machine and could go back to face Hitler and his physical prime and arm wrestle him, I'd break that little goofy bitch's arm.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Training both offensive and defensive activities, the Viking engineers laid mines and cleared them Construction fortifications demolish them built roads and fashion ways to defeat manmade obstructions such as anti tank ditches as well as rivers and other natural impediments But they're also a fighting force that battled in the front line brutally in the summer of 1941 The Viking division began its move towards the Soviet Union, part of the massive planned invasion, Operation Bobarosa by the Nazis. Around July 2nd, the division would commit its first atrocities, killing and estimated several thousand Jews.
Starting point is 01:16:15 The war diary of a unit in the area noted that the SS was indiscriminately shooting Russian soldiers and civilians in large numbers. Of course, the first large massacre by the Viking division took place in Ukraine in the Russian border where they murdered around 1,000 Jewish people after beating them. Shlomo Valkvites, who managed to flee before being killed, described the same.
Starting point is 01:16:35 It was a hot day and many would pass out from the sharp order and many would pass out from the sharp odor of corpses, which did not bother our guards, right? They'd probably fucking been around this so much. The SS people stood around the pits, and from time to time, they ordered someone, especially men with beards and sidewalks,
Starting point is 01:16:52 to come out and kneel in front of them, and that's the way it's in the source, sidewalks. No, that's how it's always said, but anyway, to come out and kneel in front of them with sadistic pleasure, they hit their victim until he lay unconscious on the ground, and they kicked them back into the pit. Sometimes family members tried to help the poor people, but then they often made their fate even worse, somewhere taken out of the grave and beaten
Starting point is 01:17:12 to death with unimaginable brutality. The killers allowed the injured to succumb to their wound slowly and pain and agony. This went on all day. I was deeply shaken by atrocities the likes of which I never saw again. Other massacres would follow. Witnesses also reported multiple incidents of rape by the Viking division. But of course, of course, that happened as World War Two. Of course, there was incidents of rape as we've learned. And although there's no evidence that Mengele himself participated in any of these crimes directly, he certainly knew about them.
Starting point is 01:17:38 And he spent two years steeped in this environment of cruel team bloodshed, right? Hardening him. On July 14, 1941, Mengele would even receive the Iron Cross second class along with 14 other division members and let her dated August 15th, Irene, right? Bragg to a friend. Now my husband finally has his longed for deployment. He is in the Ukraine.
Starting point is 01:17:58 I must assume in all that heat. In the very first days, he already received the EK2. The hardships must be incredible. Yet their enthusiasm, finally, to be in battle, and especially against this hereditary enemy, and finds no end. Hereditary enemy, damn. Operation Barbaroso wouldn't be a successful invasion, and the German army would find themselves languishing in freezing cold Russia through the winter of 1941 and 1942. In October of 1942, Mengele's commander, Max Schaeffer, recommends him for promotion,
Starting point is 01:18:28 writing the summary of his performance. I'm mature, upright, and absolutely reliable person, who has the full confidence of his supporters and subordinates, popular amongst his comrades. As a troop physician, he has always worked successfully, even in the most difficult situations, with great circumspection and absolute readiness to serve, so that the medical care of the battalion was always fully guaranteed. He was a solid fucking doctor. If you were also a Nazi. At the end of November, Mangala came very close to being killed in an air attack. Farmer, that didn't happen, but I guess somebody else would have taken his place. As the unit log reported saying vigorous air activity again, Dr. Mangala buried.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Bomb explodes next to Foxhole and buried him. The summer offensive failed to reach some desired oil fields, however, but the Six Army Division had captured nearly the entire city of Stalingrad by the end of November, success seemed assured, but the Soviet successfully counterattacked November 19th. On Christmas, 1942, happy holidays, by the way, hope you're really getting the holiday spirit. Every time I hear a reference to Christmas, 1942, happy holidays, by the way, hope you're really getting in the holiday spirit
Starting point is 01:19:29 Every time I hear a reference to Christmas, I'm just like, what are we doing? The Viking division was ordered to move towards Stalingrad to back up the German army battling the Soviet counteroffensive there Around the time Mengele received the iron cross first class Which was awarded for valor and combat and could be conferred only on those who had already received the iron cross second class At some point between January 2nd and January 20th, Mangala would be evacuated by air. Mangala's time in the Viking division is over. He'd been exposed to so much violence in two years. And rumors that Auschwitz would circulate later that Mangala was shell-shocked. Even if he was, there would be no excuse for what was to come next. But what he saw could have played into what he would do, right? He was so desensitized, so accustomed to horror and death.
Starting point is 01:20:07 In mid-January 1943, Mengele was flown to Berlin, where he contacts his mentor, Atman-Van Varschur, who had recently taken control of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology in Berlin. In Berlin, Mengele was assigned to an SS Infantry Replacement Unit. Now back in Berlin, Mengele got to enjoy his old connections. He had the status of a guest scholar at the Kaiser of Wilhelm Institute, appeared on an internal list of birthdays at Institute Personnel. He gave expert opinions to his old mentor and work part time in his old assistant role. Once again, Mangala was immersed right back into the academic world of Nazi race, quote,
Starting point is 01:20:42 unquote, science. At this point, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute was pivoting. They'd previously been occupied with studying human heredity, heredity, the characteristics of normal and not normal heredity traits and how the environment affected those traits. Now they were interested in how a genetic disposition became a physical trait. More than ever, they were finding that the old paradigm of dominant or recessive traits didn't account for things like mutations, population genetics, and developmental physiology. Now rather than heredity, what they wanted to study was the interaction between a person of genetic makeup and their physical traits. And this meant that research on animals, as in humans, would be necessary.
Starting point is 01:21:20 So in May of 1943, now 32-year-old Mengele is assigned to go to Auschwitz. When Beno Adolf, the physician who's placed Mengele to contact his or contracted scarlet fever at the end of April 1943, and had to be replaced. At Auschwitz, Mengele would be as prevalent as the diseases he was trying to eradicate. There from the first moments of the inmates' arrivals until their deaths. As a camp physician, he carried out selections upon the arrival of new inmates, even after these inmates had been selected for internment at Auschwitz, Mangalow was in charge of routinely deciding which admitted inmates would be killed anyway.
Starting point is 01:21:52 So what did this evil selection process look like? In 1982, Rudolf Verba, a Slovak Jewish biochemist, who miraculously escaped Auschwitz with another man in April 1944. It's a long story, but an amazing tale. Described how the arrival of a train and its unloading proceeded. Until the spring in 1944, the ramp was a rail sighting located outside the Brookinau camp at the side of the Auschwitz freight station. When a transport was announced, a unit from the guard battalion was deployed. The locomotive would be detached from the railcars and the SS guard unit would surround the ramp completely to prevent escape and secure valuables thrown from the train.
Starting point is 01:22:27 The doors of the train cars would be opened and all the prisoners would be ordered out. A careful count was conducted and the prisoners would be divided into two lines, men and one women and children and the other. These groups would be made to file past the camp position on duty, often Mengele, who would carry out the selection, dividing the oncoming line to the left and right, life and death. The weak, the sick, elderly, the young and the pregnant were selected for death. Mothers with young children condemned to die alongside their offspring.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Man, to be the guy who made those decisions, to be the one who decided who had hundreds of thousands of arrivals, got to live another day, like who got to live, right? Who got to die? If you had any kind of fucking conscience And just didn't allow yourself to go completely just numb and dead inside wouldn't the faces of all those people That you sent to the chambers right just fucking haunt you for the rest of your life that you had gassed But that didn't happen to Mengele because this guy hated you until the day he died and fully believed he would just fall in order just doing his job until the day he died
Starting point is 01:23:21 until the day he died. And fully believed, he would just fall in order, just doing his job until the day he died. Had a lot of psychological incentive to hold on to that belief. And if you ever stop believing that, he would have to face the fact he was a fucking monster who needs to see in fallacy, help kill hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings.
Starting point is 01:23:36 Three groups would have been formed after the selection. Women who were to be admitted to the camp, men who were to be admitted to the camp, and those men, women and children, who were to be gassed immediately. Those who were to be admitted to the camp, and those men, women and children who were to be gassed immediately. Those who were to be admitted were March, the short distance to Brooklyn out, and those doomed to die were taken by truck to one of the two gas chamber and crematorium complexes nearby. A group of prisoners gathered a luggage and other belongings and transported the loot to the warehouses, nicknamed Canada, where it
Starting point is 01:24:03 would be inventory to made available for local use or transported back to Germany for distribution. So strange that they called it Canada. Put saffron logins in Canada, just like it's a Canadian, so still all the Jew things. Ha ha ha, get it? No, no one gets it. Crew enter the trains and clean them,
Starting point is 01:24:20 clerks complete it and check all paperwork, depending on the size of the transport, the entire operation can be over in an hour or two hours. And for every minute of that hour or two, in order to keep things moving as efficiently as possible, the Nazis told inmates lies and reassurances, saying nothing bad was going to happen to them. So long as they were complacent or as long as they followed orders, you know, to keep them as complacent as possible, Richard Bach fucking finally a dick shows up.
Starting point is 01:24:43 I was getting nervous. Dick Bach was a member of the motor pool of Auschwitz who was responsible for conveying prisoners to the gas chamber complex and he would describe for a court how he had witnessed Mengele on the ramp later. Said there were tracks and the trains stood there and over there I saw Mengele and there were a couple of officers. I didn't know all of them and I saw Mengele there and the rest of them then they talked a bit at first and I leaned against my truck, leaned against the fender and looked on. Mengele said, doctors and pharmacists forward. And then the men came slowly. Real gentleman came forward. Their suits are wrinkled, but they were better dressed,
Starting point is 01:25:17 some more glasses. They were elegant people. It seemed. And then Mengele made a gesture like that. In the court hearing, Bach made a gesture with his thumb over his left shoulder, right? They lived and then Dick Bach kept describing, saying, a blonde woman was the first, was the very first to come. I looked at her so closely, I would recognize her even today. I immediately thought that was the film actress, Lily and Harvey. And then Mengele said to her how old and she said 29 Then Mengele asked are you pregnant?
Starting point is 01:25:48 She said yes Then Mengele said in what month? She said in the ninth and then Mengele did so meaning Mengele jestered with his thumb this time to the right death But he's so completely heartless right just wasn't right for his experiment. So killer And he says as she walked over there over the tracks over to the right there came a young man 24 years old Healthy strong mingle asked he said yes Then Mengele did so with the thumb always with the thumb. He did so over and over Then he went over to where the doctors were standing right left in that case of the man lived at least the time being over and over
Starting point is 01:26:24 Right left right life death over to where the doctors were standing. Right? Left in that case, the man lived, at least for the time being, over and over, right? Left, right, life, death. Apparently this went on for a long time. And then eventually, Mengele got fucking bored, according to this guy. Towards the end, he ended up just sending everybody from the rest of the train to the right, like he just didn't want to be bothered with the selection process anymore. He had what he wanted for the day, so everyone else could just, you know, die and save him the extra work. Well, all this went on if anyone tried to approach him to save their family, Mangala dismissed them with a wave of his hand. Just, I have no time.
Starting point is 01:26:49 I would say I have no time. The vast majority of people who encountered Mangala at the ramp shortly after arriving in Auschwitz did not survive. The ones who did survive were Mangala's recruits, group of physicians, anthropologists, technicians, other medical professionals. Many who probably got much better marks in school than he did, people who could help us research. Sometimes he'd even go into the office where the records of the prisoner's employment were kept and request someone with a specific specialty.
Starting point is 01:27:14 Mingala, like all the camp physicians, also regularly conducted selections inside the camp and camp infirmaries, both to make room for arriving inmates and to rid the camp of unproductive people who were now too ill or weak to work. As one inmate would describe, it was a revolving turn table of death. Those inside the camp selected for the gas chambers were selected according to a set of criteria that the physician to greet on evidence of starvation, lack of fatty tissue in the buttocks, suspicion of having tuberculosis and accidents that caused broken bones, name a few. Whenever Mengele showed up at the infirmary, everyone there was immediately terrified.
Starting point is 01:27:47 They knew that their fate rested in his hands. Just literally working these people to death, taking every last ounce of usefulness from them, then flippingly sending them to the gas chamber without even as much as a thank you for the service, for the help. One time Mengele carried out a selection by submitting a group of children to a height test,
Starting point is 01:28:04 a board suspended at a specific height under which the children were forced to walk. And those two short, right, to hit the mark, fucking off to their deaths. Even some of the worst serial killers we've covered, at least seem to have had a soft spot for little children. I mean, Mangala didn't seem to perform this job, or while Mangala didn't seem to perform this job
Starting point is 01:28:21 more often than other camp positions, witnesses at the time noted he was an example to his colleagues who found the selection process difficult because he didn't seem to perform this job more often than other camp positions. Witnesses at the time noted he was an example to his colleagues who found the selection process difficult because he didn't. If someone was struggling with the mental load of sending literally thousands of people and so many children to their deaths, Angola was the one who would take them aside and convince them of the necessity of eliminating the Jews. This fucker was all in and that is not a reference to last week's private investigator
Starting point is 01:28:44 on Hayden Jewish people Truly told himself and others these people were a dangerous scourge, right? They needed to die Bet that motherfucker slept like a baby at night Mangalow would also tell them that since the Jews were already supposed to be eradicated the doctors weren't killing anyone They weren't killing them by deciding their fates on the Rams or elsewhere. They were just deciding the timing That's all. He basically said that the Jews were effectively dead upon arrival.
Starting point is 01:29:08 And man, what a great rationalization to alleviate any possible guilt. But though Mengele and many other physicians would participate in the same horrific selection process, Mengele's research institute was entirely unique. Talk about his lab. It was staffed, like we said, with inmates who were specialists in a wide variety of fields, along with technical assistants, note takers, nurses. As the beginning of his time there, he dedicated a barrack and he's so-called gypsy camp where Roma people were imprisoned as his laboratory, his laboratory, and supplied it with medical instruments and equipment. The scientific program of this institute included the treatment of oral cancer,
Starting point is 01:29:44 twin research, the collection of eyes from individuals with heterochromia, eyes of different colors, experiments relating to eye color, the collection of blood samples for a project on specific proteins, the collection of growth abnormalities like dwarfism and gigantism, and physical abnormalities like clubfuts and hunchbacks, and the preservation of Jewish skeletons, human embryos,
Starting point is 01:30:04 and deceased newborns. All of this wouldn't only go towards Mengele's personal research, his studies would also be shared for collaboration with colleagues at the Kaiser-Villahel Institute, and with medical schools for training the next generations of fuckhead Nazi positions. It's just all normalized. Mengele was able to research so much because he had probably the most access of anyone in human history to human beings' time, staff with no ethical obligations. Since roughly 750,000 people were deported to Auschwitz during Mengele's time there, he had a large number of twins available to him
Starting point is 01:30:36 just like any other rare condition that affects human beings. Other people not working in the circumstances might have had to travel thousands of miles for what Mengele could find right outside his lab stores. So what would be his horrible first project? It would difficult to reconstruct so much happened at lightning speed historians think had something to do with the specimen mangola sent to SS medical to an SS medical laboratory in June of 1944. This specimen was the fucking head of a 12 year old boy.
Starting point is 01:31:01 He wanted it taken apart to look at the rare disease which was rampant in the gypsy camp when Mengele arrived in the summer of 1943 and illness called Noma. Ooh, if you want to fuck your sleep up tonight, do an image search for this disease, N-O-M-A. Seeing the pictures like legitimately made me feel weak in the knees. The poor bastard who get this shit and some people still get it today, it's a rapidly progressive, often fatal infection of the mouth and face. That generally only affects malnourished, like severely malnourished children. The mucus membranes of the mouth develop ulcers, followed by rapid, painful tissue, degeneration,
Starting point is 01:31:36 and necrosis of the tissues of the bones in the face. Brought on by a combination of severe malnutrition, write a lot of vitamin deficiencies and very poor sanitary conditions. This disease starts as a swelling in the mouth eventually grows to the cheeks and lips and within just days it can create necrotic lesions, rotting the tissue and exposing the bones of the face and teeth. Currently, it virtually only occurs in severely underdeveloped third world tropical countries. And it is fucking brutal.
Starting point is 01:32:05 And almost always fatal. You know, over 90% of the people who get it die. A check inmate physician and the smaller, less than 10% severely disfigured. A check inmate physician, Dr. Jan Cesspiva, who worked in the gypsy camp hospital, testified after the war about the effects of Noma, saying, whole chunks of flesh would come off
Starting point is 01:32:23 the affected areas. Lower jaw was also affected. I never saw such severe cases of gang green of the cheek. Specialments of specimens of heads of diseased children were prepared for the SS Academy at Graves. The heads were preserved in formalodidol. In 1943, there had been a wide outbreak, almost entirely amongst children.
Starting point is 01:32:42 Man, nature, man. Nature truly does not give a fuck how down on your luck you already are. It'll pile more misery onto anybody. Already at a fucking death camp? Parents likely already dead? Surrounded by sadistic camp guards who don't even think you're human and tortured with insane experiments? Not enough motherfucker! Have a helping anoma. Have your fucking jaw rot off your face while you live on hell on Earth, kid. And too bad that these kids couldn't have been handed
Starting point is 01:33:07 a copy of the secret, right? God, have only that book had been written in time. Do you remember that book written by that unbelievably tone deaf Australian cunt, Rhonda Burn? Over 30 million copies sold of that law of attraction garbage. And when I tried to read it, I would think of shit like this, right? This book is all about like, what your life to be amazing? Just manifest it, I would think a shit like this. Right? This book is all about like what your life to be amazing?
Starting point is 01:33:26 Just manifest it. That's all. Mind over matter. You create your own reality. Huh huh. Just manifest yourself to fuck out of a concentration camp. Just manifest your job back together. You silly goose.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Just ask, believe and receive, baby. That's how the universe works. If it's not working, you just don't believe enough. You're not trying hard. I feel like the subtitle of the secret should have been fuck empathy and compassion. If you're winning, it's 100%, you just don't believe enough. You're not trying hard. I feel like the subtitle of the secret should have been Fuck empathy and compassion. If you're winning, it's a hundred percent because you're trying harder than everybody else Anyway, Mingola show great interest in the Noma research recruiting an inmate photographer Villain Bras to photograph a number of children afflicted with a disease as well as corpses of children who had died from it
Starting point is 01:34:03 Come on smile for the camera, Elijah. You're rotting lower jaw, no excuse not to. Use your other hand to fucking push it up against your upper jaw to smile if you have no frowning. Use one hand to fucking push up your jaw, the other hand to push your rotting cheek flesh up. Smile, God damn it. Other prisoners were talistic removing the heads
Starting point is 01:34:23 from the bodies of these kids for preservation. Parts years result of Mangalos research. A new treatment for NOMA was developed consisting of a combination of malaria injections and doses of a drug whose trade name was Norva nor novar senobenzal with most promising results. But of course that treatment would not have been needed if these kids had them in putting the fucking camps in the first place where they were subjected to extremely unhygienic conditions and starved. But what Mangalaw was arguably most interested in, what do you go down in history for, was not this kind of research, but his research on twins.
Starting point is 01:34:58 Some historians would hypothesize that Mangalaw was looking for the secret of multiple births, ensuring every German woman that reproduced gave birth to twins or triplets, because that would make the master race grow so much faster, right? So much more efficiently than ever. Unlocking that secret would have made his Hitler God so proud of him. This is not even talking about every Aryan brood man, popping out to twin future thulegods every year until he hits some men of pause and then you know who? We just leave it place him with new hot Aryan powerpuses and that is how we grow!
Starting point is 01:35:30 That is how we rules a world! That is how we do it baby, let's fucking go! More strong pure babies than anyone else tall, blonde, powerful Aryans! And that is just the last part, his fucking eyes quickly scan the room, daring anyone to snicker because he short, dark-haired, not even a little bit powerfully built. Mangle is interest. In twins as we learned, it gone back many years. Twins are like biological science experiments.
Starting point is 01:35:52 One could be used as the control group, while the other was experimented on, and you didn't have to worry about what factors influence experiment since you had a baseline, right? AKA genetically similar other person. Studies on twins would be used throughout the third rank to prove the heredibility of everything from epilepsy, criminality, memory, hernias, tuberculosis, cancer, schizophrenia, randomly divorce. Divorces in, I guess, like how raising one twin in a different way than another can increase or decrease the odds of divorce later in life. Turns out, eating too much candy as a kid, excuse me, increases your odds for divorce later in life, obviously,
Starting point is 01:36:30 between 35 and 50%. This one Nazi study actually was proven through many years later in subsequent studies. Too much sugar growing up does affect your brain in a lot of ways, actually, considerably. A more than average sugar intake, specifically, an average of more than 130 grams of sugar a day between the ages of eight and 15,
Starting point is 01:36:49 has been linked over and over to increased odds of divorce, criminality, cancer, diabetes, and obesity, not surprisingly, heart disease, psychopathy, and an IQ drop of anywhere from 15 to 25%. So maybe a lot of us should be worried. 120 ounce bottle of Mountain Dew, 77 grams of sugar. One large chocolate milkshake,
Starting point is 01:37:13 around 55 grams of sugar. Fucking boom, 132 grams, that's it for the day. So are you nervous now about how much shit you ate as a kid? Well, you shouldn't be, because I made all that out. Except the calories in Mountain Dew Dew and large chocolate milkshake. Isn't that insane? That is a lot of sugar.
Starting point is 01:37:28 The American Heart Association recommends no more than six teaspoons, aka 25 grams of added sugar a day for women and 9 teaspoons, 36 grams for men. One 20 ounce bottle of Mountain Dew, over 19 teaspoons of added sugar. How is it even still liquid? It should just slowly just kind of drool out of the bottle like a thick slime. How about your mountain dew is owned by bear evil and cooperated?
Starting point is 01:37:57 Part of an agenda 21 D population program damn you illuminati. Okay, everybody knows that, right? Back to Nazi twin studies. A lot of twin studies would take place the Kaiser of Hill Elementary Institute Which even receive report from abroad with the Rockefeller Foundation donated money for twin research into the into the mid 1930s Wasn't he'll Auschwitz and Mangala that twin research seemed like a real possibility for rapid scientific advancement For one thing twin research requires legions of people, physicians, record keepers, people to do population surveys and more.
Starting point is 01:38:28 They all seem to have the permission of the twins and their parents. Now, Mangala had the people to help and didn't need the permission. Also, it accessed plenty of twins. So many new inmates come in almost every day. And the biggest difference is zero ethical boundaries on research. Mangala knew it was an opportunity like no other. Hans Moonsh recalled Mengele saying that not to utilize the possibilities
Starting point is 01:38:50 Auschwitz offered would be a sin, a crime, and totally irresponsible towards science. Man, what mental hurdles we meet, Sacks are capable of jumping to rationalize whatever evil acts we want to commit. I mean, I see what he's trying to say in the sense of cold emotionless lab, you know, I don't know, you know,
Starting point is 01:39:05 I don't know, you know, research like rat like, but to not actually, or to actually think that not medically torturing twins is a sin in their response, that's, that's wow. According to Dr. Horst Fisher, another physician at Auschwitz, Mengele often spoke enthusiastically of his scientific work and about the material that was available to him, describing a unique opportunity that would never again be offered. He fucking loved this, loved doing whatever he wanted to do to Jewish children. Jewish twins, I guess of any age, people in general who were not Aryan, to assist him in his research, he recruited a Polish anthropologist,
Starting point is 01:39:41 Dr. Martina Pusna, or Pusneana or Pusina, there we go. She had been arrested in March 1943 as a member of the Polish Underground and then had been sent in August to Auschwitz and she could either help Mengele or you know she could die. Later, if she settled in London following the war, she would be interviewed by German investigators and she told them about Mengele's pitch to her. She said Mengele made it clear that he was ultimately interested in all types of twins. It was obvious that the special circumstances of a concentration camp, the size of Brookinau, offered unrivaled opportunities for the availability of a large number of
Starting point is 01:40:12 twins. In other words, work should be done in a large scale in order to obtain results of recognized validity by statistical methods. Mangle described to me the procedures to be followed, especially school measurements should be taken, i.e. the length and width of the school, and of course stature. There was also a multi-point screening scheme, which for example included the shape of the ears,
Starting point is 01:40:32 of the nose, color of the eyes, and similar features. These values always had to be collected by means of a questionnaire. Mangle also provided me with measuring instruments in particular, calipers. I was given a special room for my work, and an inmate girl was provided to me to record the results of the measurements while working I had to wear a white lab coat like a doctor's.
Starting point is 01:40:50 It was also a former anthropology student available who had already taken measurements with the gypsies before I began my work. So we worked together for the measurements. We measured practically every day. Almost every day, more twins were brought to the lab. The day before a convoy would take them to be disinfected, then give them a meal so they could be in good shape for examination, how kind?
Starting point is 01:41:11 In the room, they would lie down on a white bed with the wax cloth where typist took notes, physicians constantly gave orders. Take off your clothes, lie in your stomach, turn on your back. They never knew when something was coming. Needle, a cold stethoscope, or worse. Examinations could last several hours or more,
Starting point is 01:41:25 in unheated rooms while the twins were naked. Researchers had to fill out a form with 96 questions for each twin they examined, and wonder how many tears were shed in those rooms. They even took plaster molds with the twins' teeth. The twins were fingerprinted, had blood drawn, sometimes in massive quantities, before they were sent back to the barracks,
Starting point is 01:41:41 where they might be selected for death that same day. One subject of these experiments listed as Mrs. M would later say about the about the experiments conducted on her. I suffered immense pain and cruelty from these experiments. They were inhuman, but because of them I survived, as bad as the experiments were without them, I would not be here today to write this. And to be clear before I continue, these experiments didn't save her in some type of medically beneficial sense. They saved her in the sense that without Mangala being interested in cutting, probing, and sticking her
Starting point is 01:42:12 with needles, she would have instead just been immediately sent to the gas chambers. She says, now that I'm emotionally a lot stronger, I would like to describe a little more details about my horrible experiments, which no matter how hard I'm trying, I never get over it as long as I live. I was born November 23rd, 1930. I was about five weeks in Auschwitz alone, separated from my family, my parents, two sisters and two brothers, when Dr. Mangala pulled me out of a queue, as we were on the way from the sea camp, sea
Starting point is 01:42:39 logger, says camp to the gas chamber. I was the only one picked that day personally by Mangala and his assistant. They took me to his laboratory where I met other children. They were screaming from pain. Black and blue bodies covered with blood. I collapsed from horror and terror and fainted. A bucket of cold water was thrown on me to revive me. My God, what you saw when you first showed up was so fucking horrific. Before anything was done to her, she fainted from the mere sight of all this pain and torture. And this is a teenager, a child enduring this, watching other children who've been enduring it.
Starting point is 01:43:12 She continues, as soon as I stood up, I was whipped with a leather whip, which broke my flesh. Then I was told the whipping was a sample of what I would receive if I did not follow instructions and orders. I was used as a guinea pig for medical experiments. I was never, ever given pain killers or anesthetics. Every day I suffered excruciating pain. I was injected
Starting point is 01:43:30 with drugs and chemicals. My body, most of the time, was connected to tubes, which inserted some drugs into my body. Many days, I was tied up for hours. Some days, they made cuts into my body and left the wounds open for them to study. Most of the time, there was nothing to eat. Every day, my body was numb with pain. There was no more skin left to wounds open for them to study. Most of the time there was nothing to eat. Every day my body was numb with pain. There was no more skin left to my body for them to put injections or tubes. Fucking no pain killers for this shit. One day we woke up and the place was empty. We were left with open infected wounds with no food. We were all half dead with no energy or life in us. One day Russian soldiers tried to shake me to see if I was alive or dead. They felt a tiny beat in my heart
Starting point is 01:44:07 and quickly picked me up and took me to a hospital. Oh man, thank God. Oh, this is that mid-autilie, but few others would. German medical schools had had a constant flow of fresh cadaver since the mid-1930s. When the bodies of victims were brought into various institutions for dissection, but few people had ever had access
Starting point is 01:44:24 to the bodies of twins at the same time, and certainly not so many. Inmate pathologists would perform autopsies on sets of twins who were killed by direct injection of chloroform into the heart. Many twins were killed quickly, specifically, so they could be studied after their deaths. Some were instructed to remove the eyes and send the specimens to the Kaiser Ville Helm Institute. Mangala would take dozens of eyes and preserve them, many of them with heterochromia.
Starting point is 01:44:47 As far as I know, these eyes were taken from victims after they were dead. Kind of one of the few tiny bright spots in the story, I guess. But Mangalow's experiments with eyes didn't stop there. He wanted to know about the range of eye colors, how children weren't born with one of their parents' eye colors, but sometimes a combination, or a different ancestor's eye color. Or or for example, how a baby could have blue eyes that later darkened to brown. One witness, a Polish inmate physician named Rudolph Diem, stated that Mangala ordered
Starting point is 01:45:13 the inmate physicians, including myself, to put drops into the eyes of people with different color irises. I know that these drops contained adrenaline, something Mangala spoke of himself. He reckoned that the use of these drops would cause a change in eye color. If the substance was adrenaline, it brought on terrible side effects, rise in blood pressure, weakness, fainting, perspiration, change in heart rate, shaking, all of which would have been especially terrifying and painful to a small child. All of this was to figure out how eye color could be used to make better judgments about a person's race and family connections.
Starting point is 01:45:44 As he undertook all these different experiments, Mangala supplied his colleagues with thousands of medical and biological samples. One hunchback man and his son, who had a deformed foot, would be examined alive, and then, now that they had what they needed, quickly killed, and their remains sent to an anthropological museum in Berlin. Mangala's research did not stop there. Although gynecology was not his specialty, Mangala conducted experiments on pregnant women. For
Starting point is 01:46:05 instance, he had them injected with typhoid, just to determine whether their children would then be born with infection as well. Ruth Elias was pregnant when she was transferred from an auntsy ghetto located in Czechoslovakia to Auschwitz. And she said, I delivered a beautiful big blonde girl, but Mangleah ordered that my breasts be bound. So that as he said, we can see how long a newborn baby can survive without food.
Starting point is 01:46:27 After watching her baby suffer for several days, a female check doctor gave a lie so syringe with an overdose of morphine to end the child's agony. Fuck! Sure Ruth was haunted by that ship for the rest of her fucking life. How especially cruel that he made Ruth witness
Starting point is 01:46:41 her own child's starvation. Like how is that part important? The part where she was still charged with holding her baby that she could not breastfeed, how was that scientifically important? How was it anything other than just added cruelty and suffering for both mother and child? Speaking of mothers and children,
Starting point is 01:46:57 in Mangala's wife Irene would visit Mangala in August of 1943, during which she told him that she was pregnant. Wonder if he ever asked her if they could perform experiments on their baby. Or wonder if he talked to her about experiments he'd been doing on other babies. But that would be fun for her to think about her husband killing babies while she grows his inside of her. Also, how lovely that the universe granted them a child while so many great people struggle
Starting point is 01:47:19 to conceive. Right, life is so fair all the time. Just gotta fucking manifest what you want. If you're not getting it, if you end up in, say, a concentration camp, well, part of you wanted to be there. That's a secret. In late 1943, Mengele makes a name for himself as a disease fighter, and he devises a technique for eradicating typhus. A non-Jewish Austrian and mate physician named Ella Lingens, who was imprisoned for having helped Jews in Vienna, would describe it this way in her 1948 memoir. In fact, Typhus was only stamped out when Dr. Mengele,
Starting point is 01:47:50 the ruthless cynic became Camp Doctor. He collected the 1500 worst cases amongst the Jewish patients in a hospital hut and sent them to the gas chamber. Thus he obtained an empty hut, which was disinfected and supplied with new straw mattresses and clean blankets. Then the patients of the nearest hut were deloused, examined, and taken naked into the vermin-free hut, which is put out of bounds. The same with the next hut, and so on until everything
Starting point is 01:48:13 was clean. Given the circumstances, this was the correct way of fighting and overcoming the epidemic. But that the camp authorities did not think it necessary to build a new hut for the purpose that the cleaning up began with the murder of 1500 Jewish women. That was part of the horror of a situation which everything was perverted and which everything was perverted from its meaning and which evil was good and good was evil. Essentially, Mangalus solved the problem by ordering one block gassed and their barracks fumigated, then he moved the next block over and fumigated their barracks. And that was repeated for each block until the last one was clean and ready for a new
Starting point is 01:48:44 shipment of workers. He did this again a few months later in his scarlet fever outbreak amongst Hungarian Jews and a measles epidemic in the Jewish children's block. So that's how he would eradicate an outbreak of a dangerous disease, just fucking kill everyone in the area of the person who had it. What a genius, what a great doctor. Around Christmas, 1943, and Merry Christmas again, by the way, a mangilla would fall ill and be diagnosed with typhus on Christmas Eve,
Starting point is 01:49:11 which meant he could not travel to visit his pregnant wife. Oh, man, unfortunately, he'd make a full recovery. A mangilla wrote to Irene on April 26, 1944 to report that he'd been awarded the war service cross-second class with swords. Oh, my, an award acknowledging wartime service that wasn't due to combat against the enemy. He was awarded this for combatting that typhus epidemic. My god, given this medal just because he fucking just murdered 1500 people. Like like no one else could think of that. Oh man, he's of course he's awarded a
Starting point is 01:49:42 medal for that in this upside down world with Nazis not, he's created and lived in normally this medal would have been awarded on Hitler's birthday or well 20th, but Mangala was away from Auschwitz visiting Irene and meeting his newborn son, Rolf for the first time. Loving the names in this suck. Rolf, Walberg, Dr. Hamburger, after the visit, Dick Bach, after the visit, Mangle stopped in Berlin to rub shoulders with his old colleagues. He was then right to Irene that he intended to slow down when he got back. Not for moral reasons, of course, but because this insanely superior master race individual
Starting point is 01:50:15 has happened health problems again. He had no idea there was about 10 of the most intense period in the history of Auschwitz within four months, more than 400,000 Jews would arrive from Hungary. And Mangle would be called to play his part in their murders. Let's now meet another one of his victims. In the spring of 1944, Eva Kor arrived at Auschwitz. She was 10 years old. And if her name sounds familiar, we met her randomly in a time-sucker update in the Israel Keys episode, suck 228 randomly. Then mentioned her very briefly in episode 296, the Holocaust Part One, then got an update on her in Part Two, the following episode. After being separate from her family
Starting point is 01:50:49 and led to a separate area with her twin sister, Miriam, she and a group of twins were led to a large separate area where they were ordered to undress. All of the twins were there were then given short haircuts. And the barber explained that that was a privilege. How lucky. They got to have short hair instead of having their heads completely shaved like almost every else
Starting point is 01:51:06 They're closed. We're returning with the big red cross painted on the back identifying them as part of the experiments Then the twins like other camp inmates were given their shitty number tattoos When they were led to the barracks after this a woman reached out to them asking where they were from and for merely asking this question It seems a guard shot and killed that one on the spot. Welcome to Hell, girls. In the barracks, Eva learned from the other twins that there were two kinds of experiments, one the dealt with genetics and one the dealt with germs.
Starting point is 01:51:32 In the germ experiments, a mangella would inject one twin with the germ. If the twin died, he would kill the other twin in order to compare the organs during autopsy. Yee! June or July, Eva was injected with some kind of deadly germ. She didn't know that. She became ill with a very high fever, but tried to hide it.
Starting point is 01:51:49 Since she knew that sick children were taken to the hospital and never came back. She would eventually be sent to the hospital, though, which was filled with what she described as moving and screaming skeletons. Again, she is 10 years old. Twice a week, a truck would come to quote Eva, pick up the living dead.
Starting point is 01:52:05 Uh, the people were just thrown in heaps like fucking sacks of potatoes. And they have to, she arrived a team of five doctors, including Mengele came to study her. They looked at her chart and Mengele said sarcastically right in the fucking front of her. Uh, she is so young, too bad. She only has two weeks to live. The doctors never examined her. Randy test. They didn't give her any treatment for two weeks. She just lay in her hospital bed suffering. She was given no food, no medication, almost no water, but she wouldn't die. She promised herself that she would do anything to get back to her sister Miriam. She realized
Starting point is 01:52:34 she had to convince the doctors that she was getting well, so she fiddled with the thermometer until it looked like her fever had gradually disappeared. Clever fucking kid. It took her three weeks, you know, to get her fake temperature back to normal. And three weeks later, she was released and reunited with Miriam, who was then very ill herself. And now she and her sister had to go back to being one of Mengele's twins with a regimented experimental routine. They woke every morning at five and helped the younger twins dressed.
Starting point is 01:53:00 There were twins there as young as just a year old in the barracks, fucking babies and toddlers, getting poked and prodded and cut and injected by evil motherfuckers who as doctors should have known better People who chose to ignore actual science that does not point in any way shape or form to genetic Germans being superior to fucking anyone By 6 a.m. These children had to be standing outside for roll calls with everyone accounted for whether dead or alive The bodies of dead children had to be brought out and counted as well. Had to be brought out by other kids. According to Eva, a man-galloebi became very angry when a child died in bed because of the conditions of the camp.
Starting point is 01:53:33 He didn't care about these kids in a normal loving way. These deaths just meant to loss of valuable guinea pigs for his medical experiments. After roll call, they would get some food. I'm sure it tasted great, probably a bunch of a Wal-Baga casserole, and they'd be taken to the labs for tests. On one occasion, while waiting in the lab, Eva saw a twin faint. She was being tested to see how much blood could be taken
Starting point is 01:53:54 before death occurred. Jesus. Three times a week, they were taken to Barric 10, where they were assembled, naked in an enormous room. 10 to 12 doctors would now study them, making notes about the measurements of their different body parts. One of the twins, who was 19 years old,
Starting point is 01:54:09 told them about some especially horrific experiments involving instead of teenage boys and teenage girls. Cross blood transfusions were carried out in a attempt to make boys into girls and girls into boys, and also some of the boys were crudely castrated to try to turn them into girls. Surprise, surprise, that's not exactly how you do it. Infections within a lead to death.
Starting point is 01:54:29 You've also heard about a set of Gypsy twins who were brought back from Mangala's lab after they'd been sewn together back to back. With another set of twins, Mangala attempted to turn them into Symees twins by connecting some of their blood vessels and organs and somehow they fucking survived this initial operation. Not for long, the twins screamed, quote, day and night, as infection set in and after three
Starting point is 01:54:51 days of agony, they died. Eva was also told of how Mengele attempted to connect the urinary tract of a seven year old to her own colon. Of course, that little girl died horribly. And while Mengele was perpetuating all the horrific shit, he was also finding time to relax with his family. As his officers who worked at Auschwitz could relax at the solar, solar huta,
Starting point is 01:55:12 solar huta, small subcamp of Auschwitz, about 30 kilometers from the main camp, less than 20 miles, kind of a rustic getaway. All these officers could enjoy the company of their spouses and family members with even encouraged.
Starting point is 01:55:24 Since administration, thought it would encourage officers morale. Irene visited Mangala here twice and his father visited at least once. I wonder how much of his work Mangala filled them in on. Vak has been very good. Just yesterday, I kept two younger children alive for two days after showing the islands and their penises together. We are learning so much about the human body. Yeah, science!
Starting point is 01:55:45 I'll hit that. I'll also keep street children alive after cutting their arms off and mixing them up and then putting them back on, but sometimes backwards, sometimes on a different body. It's like I have my own Mr. Potato Head Dog collection. It's wonderful. Only annoying part is the constant crybaby screaming
Starting point is 01:56:02 and they just want to hold still first the photos But enough about me. What the view enough to? Fucking insane what he was doing. I mean his first visit came exactly one week after the complete liquidation of what was called the Gypsy family camp Almost 3,000 men women and children were taken to the gas chambers their bodies burned in the open pit next to the crematorium No clue if I read knew anything about that She's probably busy enjoying all the things. Auschwitz had to offer for its officers and families. There was a commissary, House 7, where SS families could shop for food, the men serving in the camp had access to fresh vegetables and fruit from local gardens and orchards, clothing
Starting point is 01:56:37 and shoes were available, presumably from the camp stores of appropriated property, and tailors and shoe makers at the camp with all-term repair items for SS members and their families, dirty laundry, linens taken to the camp laundry, prisoners available to clean them of course, and also to remodel and repair SS homes, stock coal sellers, work in the gardens, distribute fresh water for washing and cooking
Starting point is 01:56:59 since the well water was rusty. How so crushing for them to have to do all this shit for the people who were torturing and killing their families. All right, for people who had taken everything from them, people who they knew would eventually try to kill them. Just a matter of time if the war wasn't won. An inmate named Arthur Rydvansky, who arrived in October of 1942 would remember that he had contact with Mengele several times a week preparing his bath cleaning his suit and giving him massages Massages, wonder how he thought about strangling him Bashing his head in
Starting point is 01:57:33 Ah, could you fuck that nut out between my shorted blades? I get so much tensions out from van myself out Dane and doubt vip into gypsies beatens old Juveman the club was in vat not out, vip into gypsies, beatins all to Juvemen, the clubs and vatnaht. And saying that these very dark jokes are fucking portraying something no more evil than what these guys actually did and did often. I think I've said it before, but I think some Holocaust deniers deny the Holocaust because they struggle to process how it would be possible for people to be treated this inhumanly on such a large scale by so many. I mean, I think they're also usually racist as fuck and lazy thinking hateful, worthless
Starting point is 01:58:12 bastards, but also very hard to comprehend this level of atrocity. For me, for me it is just like what? On September 1st, 1944, a new true hospital in Auschwitz is dedicated, located east of the area that housed the SS guard battalion, the nearly one million square foot compound comprised nine separate buildings, and was designed to offer comprehensive health services to a large community with a capacity of 250 beds. It included operated rooms, a dental clinic, facilities provide care for women, babies, children, nose with infectious diseases, as well as lodging for doctors and nurses, a kitchen,
Starting point is 01:58:44 laundry, and garages. Though Irene, who was still visiting, had planned to return to Fryborg on September 11th. She felt ill with diphtheria. She may have already felt ill on September 5th today, 1,019 Jews arrived from the Netherlands. Among them was a family, mother, father, two daughters, though only the father would survive the war. The mother would die in January of 1945. The two daughters would perish in Bergen-Belsen
Starting point is 01:59:08 that concentration camp. The younger daughter, you might recognize her name and Frank. While Irene was sick, Mengele visited her three times a day in the new hospital. Oh, what a sweetheart. And don't worry, she'll pull through. Now 33-year-old Dr. Mangle is life will continue to be very, very good. On the road to recovery, Irene left Auschwitz on October 30th, Mangle, accompanied her in the couple stopped overnight in Goonsburg
Starting point is 01:59:32 to visit Mangle's family. I really glad things were going so well for him. On November 2nd, Mangle and Irene headed to a fryborg to be reunited with Rolf, or whom the new mother had been separated for three months, far longer than she anticipated. Four days later, Mangala heads back to Auschwitz. He sent Irene postcard referring to his little man.
Starting point is 01:59:50 Evidently, he was thinking a lot about his family because three weeks later, he wrote to Irene that he was attempting to get out of Auschwitz, which was closer and closer to being targeted by air raids every day and being transferred to a field unit. But his transfer would not be approved. So Mangala started making arrangements for Irene to come to Auschwitz, but she didn't seem to reply to his letters regarding her decision.
Starting point is 02:00:09 In early November, he wrote again, displaying some irritation. I am still waiting to hear from you. I hope you have decided, because if you come, you have to let me know soon due to the slow mail. Christmas is almost here and travel is so difficult in the pre-Christmas period. I am working hard on furnishing the apartment. I need to know because I need to buy a crib for all. He'd receive three letters from Irene
Starting point is 02:00:29 the following week held up by the mail and discovered she'd already agreed to come after Christmas. Speaking of Christmas again, happy holidays everybody. Just again, really hoping to, you know, just bringing the holiday spirit into your lives. So fucked up. Anyway, Irene would never make the trip. Nazi Germany started to get their shitty ass kicked and the war will ruin that. Finally, some good news. Meanwhile, in early November of 1944, Eva Korra and Miriam and the rest of the Mengele twins
Starting point is 02:00:54 were transferred to the former Gypsy camp which was next to the gas chamber in the crematorium. Experiments now become less routine. All right, she's taken to the lab still, but not as frequently. It is clear that something is distracting the Nazis from their experimentation focus. By the beginning of 1945,
Starting point is 02:01:09 a Soviet advanced threatens the camp and the SS prepare for withdrawal. Inmates who are deemed able were forced to evacuate Auschwitz embarking on a, on so-called death marches, the camps in the West, without adequate clothing and the harsh winter weather, thousands succumbed to the elements or were murdered outright by the accompanying German guards.
Starting point is 02:01:26 They just fucking couldn't let them go free, right? Even when they're losing, they gotta know on some level they're losing. After dining, I already had the gas chamber, crematorium complexes and destroying camp documents, the SS vacate Auschwitz on January 17th, 1945. Anthropologist, right, Martina Poussina, a prisoner assistant to Joseph Mengele. We met her a little before spotted Mengele feverishly packing before he left. He said, I remember
Starting point is 02:01:51 well that in January of 1945, a few days before the evacuation, Mengele appeared in the room where his files were stored and like a madman packed up all the notes and prepared them for being shipped. He did not speak a word and then disappeared and I never saw him again. Yeah, because yeah, you know, she wasn't Aryan. So fuck her. Meanwhile, on January 27th, 1945, just four days before Eva Korz, 10th birthday, Auschwitz is liberated. Liberators, excuse me, Hail Nimrot. She and many of the other child experiments had thankfully not been forced to march anywhere else and have been left behind. And I might have mentioned her being 10 years old earlier, so she obviously was nine, just showed up as 10 in the source and little mistake there possibly.
Starting point is 02:02:30 I'm just flashing on that. After being rescued, she would be held in a refugee camp until September of 1945. Eventually, she would make it home and in 1948, put in a request along with Miriam to immigrate to Israel. Though both outlived the war by quite a ways, as Miriam will die in Israel, the age of 59 of kidney cancer, her kidneys were permanently damaged by Mangalus experiments. Eva will live until the age of 85. She'll end up spending most of her life in Terahote, Indiana.
Starting point is 02:02:56 But before that, in January of 1945, Mangalai went to Ross Rossan concentration camp and reported to colleagues that he had blown up Crematoria 2 and 3. While he waited to see where he ought to go next. He was still confident that Germany would win. The Hitler had some kind of miracle weapon. He was close to unleashing on the Allied scum.
Starting point is 02:03:14 After a couple days of traveling around, Mangala was ordered to go back to Grossfrosen or Grossfrosen, Buckhamwatter. Grossfrosen, where he was to be the SS garrison physician responsible for both the prisoners and the SS personnel. Mangal assumed his new responsibilities on February 5th, but they continued allied advance to not allow him to stay put for long. He was almost immediately tasked with helping to evacuate camp again, which would be or a camp again, which would be liberated by the Soviets on February 13th.
Starting point is 02:03:40 By March of 1945, Mangalow would bounce around three other camps, while as the allies advanced from both East and West, you know, never staying anywhere long. The final days, the war Mangalow would appear at a military field hospital in Sudanland. He'd shed his incriminating SS uniform, dressed himself up as an ordinary German army officer. With a new unit, he settled in a sort of no man's land that wasn't occupied yet by the Americans or the Soviets. Here Mangalow would develop a cover store for himself. Cast himself as a Vermont officer, the basic armed forces of Nazi Germany.
Starting point is 02:04:10 He tried several names, including that of a famous Vavarian painter, Joseph Memling, around mid-June, the Soviets had come close to the no man's land, and Mangalai and his colleagues wanted to make sure they were taken into the U.S. custody and not taken by the communists. He was soon taken into American custody, interned in the vicinity of the German city of Hulf near the Czech border. Mangala would remain there until late July when he and others were transferred to another POW camp in Helm Brex. More than 2000 POWs would be released from there in July alone.
Starting point is 02:04:40 In early August, Mangala would be released as well. You got a discharge certificate to prove that he had been screened by US authorities and properly released. Mangle is certificate would bear the name Fritz Holman. Mangle could have escaped detection for many reasons, under staffing of the POW cams, general confusion, but he also had a distinct advantage. Members of the SS typically had their blood type tattooed on the inside of their left arm. So the doctors who treated them would know even if they were unconscious. Mangala avoided getting this tattoo. Not sure how he pulled that off. Maybe that medical torture was a was afraid of needles.
Starting point is 02:05:15 Mangala was dropped off near Ingolstovt of the variant city, about 100 kilometers from his hometown of Goonsburg. He'd arrive at a friend's house wearing a uniform without insignia. Told his friend he wouldn't be going home, however. He would travel to visit a female friend who lived in the Soviet zone of occupation, unclear why he would do that. Some historians think he was trying to recover
Starting point is 02:05:34 some of the scientific notes he lost during transit, which may have winded up with the nurse. In his autobiography, he indicated that he ended up in Munich where he stayed until mid-October. He then found work at a farm where he lived for the next three years in a small hamlet called mangolding. The farmer's less than 23 acres in size and at the time, mangola was there had 10 cows, a few horses and grew potatoes, grain and fodder. Oh, fucking random. Three years, he was there.
Starting point is 02:05:59 Wonder if after a long day of milking cows and harvested some taters, he'd laid in bed and dreamt of the good old days when he was torturing and killing children by the dozens sending thousands to their gas chamber death. Mangalon knew he had no prospects in Germany. He didn't want to work at the farm forever. His no nonsense boss required him to work every day but Sunday poor baby waking him before 30 in the morning to spend between 12 and 14 hours working in the fields or in the barn. That work earned him 10 marks per week barely enough to survive. No one on the farm knew his true identity, although they knew he was not originally from a farming family. He wrote and read quite a bit, also frequently washed his hands kind of like how a doctor might do. From his brother, Carl, who did manage to visit him, Mangala learned about his family's fate. His father and youngest brother had been interned, while Irene and R Ralph, along with Irene's parents and Mangalis mother, the fucking hamburger, have been evacuated to
Starting point is 02:06:50 a tiny hamlet in southern Germany. Even though she survived the war, Mangalis mother, Mrs. Double Bacon Cheeseburger, died in January of 1946. She fell ill and was taken to a hospital where she died. During this farm period, Mangalis would see Irene twice. Once when she visited him, and then once later when he's surprised around vacation in overstorfe, Irene was shocked to see him. She started committing suicide. If only we could be that lucky in the story. Mangala wasn't sure any more about a future with Irene and SunRolf. She seemed distant, pessimistic about them ever getting to enjoy a normal life again. She knew about the allegations against her husband in October of 1945, a newspaper article in early October, had mentioned how Joseph
Starting point is 02:07:29 Mengele had, quote, watched people die with animal pleasure. Yee! Not something many wives want to hear about their husbands. Animal pleasure. Irene was also clearly aware of the de-naughtification efforts, but begun by the allies taken over by the Germans intended to rid Germany of the influence of national socialism by identifying and removing from public life, anyone who had contributed to the Nazi state in any meaningful way. As a first step in the de-nautification process, every German male above a certain age had to fill out a questionnaire detailing his activities and memberships during the
Starting point is 02:08:02 Nazi period. It was clear that Mengele was not going to slip into the cracks in this process. It had to leave Europe at risk being caught and soon and being charged and convicted of war crimes, which would have certainly earned him an execution. So in public, I re-ing began to act as a were a husband was dead. Going as far as publicly mourning, even having a priest conduct a mass. This ruse apparently worked, responding to an inquiry about Mangle and January of 1948, General Telford Taylor, the American Chief Counsel for War Crimes reported, our record show Dr. Mangle is dead as of October 1946.
Starting point is 02:08:35 Well, Mangle is not dead, clearly, obviously. Finally, makes his move to leave Europe in the fall of 1948. The farmer who employed Mangle could no longer afford to employ him. Mangle left the farm august first and his whereabouts of the next nine months or matter speculation a son wall for later tell journalists that is dad hidden the woods near goons berg getting the necessary logistical and financial help to leave europe the financial help is readily available because the mangle family business
Starting point is 02:09:00 was fucking boom again their most popular product was a wheelbarrow uh... which was used to to haul away all the rubble throughout post-war Germany's crumbling cities. Mangala would first cross in the Italy by way of Austria leaving Innsbruck on April 15, 1949. Then he obtained the necessary identification documents and made his way to Genoa. His ID card said his name was Helmut Greggor.
Starting point is 02:09:23 Once in Genoa he got a passage on the North Queen. He obtained a passport from the Swiss consulate like many Nazis did departing Italy for South America. Bucking grows Switzerland. Switzerland had remained neutral during the war, but many important leaders had been outspoken in their support of Nazi Germany. These men retained their positions after the war and were in a position to help out. Swiss bankers at a greed or sympathy, both despicable, also helped foreign Nazis move
Starting point is 02:09:49 and launder funds. Mingle's next task was to obtain a certification that he had no tax obligations and then a so-called begging certificate, which indicated that he had never begged in Italy or been the recipient of public welfare. He then had to undergo ironically a physical examination. Getting his visa would have been complicated, would be complicated. However, he was detained and interrogated by an Italian official who accused him of committing crimes against Italian POWs. Luckily for Mengele, this lucky fuck and acquaintance showed up and cleared up this misunderstanding. Mengele was now free to depart. Mengele arrives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 20th, 1949, he fucking did it.
Starting point is 02:10:27 Still going by Helmer Greger, he was a free man. He would get a job randomly as a carpenter and a room that he shared with an engineer. Things would look up for him in September of 1949 when he moved into the home of Gerard Maldronk, or Maldronk, couldn't find a guide for anybody, say, his name, a known Nazi sympathizer. Malbronk provided comfortable living arrangements and entry into circles of prominent expat Germans
Starting point is 02:10:49 and right-wing Argentines. Mengele obtained his Argentine identity card, alien identity card, issued in the name of Helmut Greger. On September 7th, 17th, 1949, listing the Malbronk home as his address. During this early period in Argentina, Mangala received significant financial support from his family, and his dad actually visited him at least once, probably in July of 1952. He would even sell some of the Mangala firms products
Starting point is 02:11:14 to customers in Argentina. Clearly his dad and other family members not disgusted by what he'd done. In 1953, Mangala moved into his own apartment, began to travel to Paraguay. Mangala also returned to his science during this period, publishing articles on genetics under the name G. Helmuth. He moved to the predominantly German suburb of Olivos and got himself a car in 1954, applied
Starting point is 02:11:37 for a driver's license, his former landlord and friend, again Gerard, as well as another acquaintance, certified his upstanding character so we could do this. Although still living under a false identity, he had a comfortable place to live, a wide circle of friends, including Adolf Eichmann, the so-called architect of the Holocaust, sure they had a lot of conversations about the good old days. They tried to literally kill all the Jewish people in Europe,
Starting point is 02:11:59 talked about the most evil shit imaginable, probably fucking coldly, unemotionally, over nice wine, and great steak dinners Mangala at least had his wife leave him I reenrefused to follow him to South America and sued for divorce and of course she kept a little Ralph Right nice, and she's or the he excuse me is getting hurt a little bit if he was capable of feeling hurt Shortly after his divorce Carl a mangala Carl Mangala's brother died suddenly of a heart ailment at the age of 30.
Starting point is 02:12:29 Yes, sorry, I said that weird. Carl, who is Carl Mangala, Joseph Mangala's brother. Yeah, dies of a heart attack. 37, leaving his wife Martha as a widow. Mangala senior was afraid that her remarriage outside of the family would take away from the business's profits. So, Carl demands that Joseph now marries brother's widow and he does probably new daddy would stop giving him money if he didn't.
Starting point is 02:12:51 Mangalow would get a passport to go to Europe on September 1st, 1955 pretty ballsy. March the following year he'd fly to Switzerland with a brief stopover in New York City, Nazi angel of death, just checking out Manhattan a bit in 1955. In Engelberg, Switzerland, he registers at the best hotel in town. Martha's there waiting for him along with Rolf, who thought Mangala was his uncle. How weird. Mangala also visited some famed in Goonsburg, got to know Martha, and then went back to Argentina. Now he's decided to get rid of his fake identity.
Starting point is 02:13:19 On September 11th, 1956, Mangala receives a document from the German embassy, certifying his identity as Joseph Mangala. Holy shit. With a certificate in hand, Mangala applies for an Argentine identity card, which was issued to him under the name Jose Mangala. Excuse me. On November 26, 1956. In the same month, he's issued a new German passport, completing the official resumption of his old identity. Martha and her son, Carl Heinz, joined Mangala in Buenos Aires
Starting point is 02:13:46 in October of 1986, and then moving to a new house that Mangala had purchased in Olivos. And now with his identity intact, he can resume his true life's passion. Science! He joins with a few partners, October of 1957, to create a pharmaceutical company called Federal Farm.
Starting point is 02:14:03 Federal Farm, probably subsidiary of a Barry Evelyn Corporate. A-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha Lives. Like if you would have been killed at the end of World War II, would some future, federal farm, customers have died? Yeah, quite possibly. Meanwhile, back in Germany in March of 1958, a man named Erst Ernst Schnabel, published his manuscript about the life of Anne Frank. Why can't everyone have names as easy as Anne Frank? Based on her diaries and interviews with individual people who knew her, one young reader a girl having read an expert excerpt of the book, was certain that one
Starting point is 02:14:47 of the books claims was wrong. The claim was this. No one knew what Dr. Mengele was, whether he died or whether he still lived somewhere. On July 7th, 1957, the young reader wrote her letter to Ernst Schnabel. Apparently, some people do know. Otherwise, the older her Mengele in Goonsburg would not have told his former housemate that his son, who was an SS doctor, practiced medicine in South America under a different name. And because he was so homesick, Mr. Mangola sent the widow of another son over there. This will almost get this fucker caught on July 27th, 1958, Marthaangle out get married in Uruguay and thanks to that girls
Starting point is 02:15:26 letter the hunt is now on for Joseph Mangle. Through through a big chain of Schnabel contacting a prosecutor who then contacts other authorities and on and on Mangle is whereabouts are eventually trace all the way to Joseph Mangle is home in Buenos Aires. A warrant for Mangle is arrest will be issued by Freiburg, by Freiburg, Germany, German court on February 25th, 1959. Now it's time to petition Argentina to arrest Mangalas and extradite him, but they don't have, they don't have to. It took more than a year
Starting point is 02:15:57 for the German extradition request to even make its way through the system, slowed by technicalities and a lethargic bureaucracy, fucking red tape gives mangela time to move on and a lot of that uh... red tape was on the origin team side should have made that clear by the time the argin team government issues mangela's arrest warrant uh... he'd already been gone for months the fucking had a month the argin team government hadn't made a nasty habit of harboring and protecting not these
Starting point is 02:16:20 they would have had you know it's led to paraguay and obtained, you know, a citizenship there. He arrives in Paraguay in October 2, 1958. He sold his shares of the pharmaceutical company registered as a resident, May of 1959. Mengele becomes a citizen of Paraguay, Paraguay, November 27, 1959. He keeps a low profile, living on a farm in the Southeast of the country. Declassified Masad documents would show that on January 8th, 1960, Masad chief Issa Harell had been alerted
Starting point is 02:16:49 to Mengele's possible presence in Argentina and asked his associate, E from Alani, who specialized in Masad operations in South America to look into it. Masad, the National Intelligence Agency of Israel. In the late winter and early spring of 1960, while Masad was planning his operation to capture Eichmann, it also attempted to find Mengele's address and looked into a number of possibilities,
Starting point is 02:17:08 but with no success. It did not know that Mangalis had already left Argentina for Paraguay. May 15th, 1965 days after Eichmann's capture, Mossad agents would question Eichmann about Mangalis whereabouts, and Eichmann would admit, that he met Mangalis three times. Once in 1951, once in 1952, and again in 1954, 1955. But the info was not helpful. Though unsuccessful at finding him, the capture of Adolf Eichmann changed everything from Mangle, though technically in Paraguay and safe from extradition,
Starting point is 02:17:35 it was now clear that Israel didn't care. Masad Agents would come and find former Nazis without waiting for warrants and approvals from embassies. So we had to disappear again. Eichmann, meanwhile meanwhile will be executed. So that's a bit of positive news. He was hanged on June 1st, 1962, and supposedly his last words were, I hope that all of you will follow me.
Starting point is 02:17:55 Not to the very end. Back in mid 1960, Mangaline now chooses to live in Brazil, which he left for in mid-October of 1960 under the assumed name of Peter Huckbickler. Martha still with him. December of 1961, after meeting Paris and informant would tell Mossade agents that he knew of a man who maintained a regular contact with Mengele, meeting every six months or so. He told the Mossade agents that Martha Mengele had now returned to Europe settling in Switzerland.
Starting point is 02:18:20 So Joseph is alone again. After more probing, the Masad agents learned that Mangala is living outside Sao Paulo, the city, not the state, and an isolated house guarded by our men, and that he's depressed and had considered suicide. So that's nice. In early April 1962, the Masad sent an officer, sent an offer to Sao Paulo to track down more of Mangala's associates. I sent an officer, I think I just messed up my own notes there. And on July 23rd 1962, agents would observe a group of men, one of whom looked exactly
Starting point is 02:18:50 like Mangala, right? They should have him now. Agents, Zivi Malkin reported the exclaimed, over his radio in Yiddish, that's him. We found him, the little shit. But the response came to hold off on direct action until explicit permission was given, but then that permission will never be given given because the operation has suddenly halted. A document declassified in 2017 was showed that the hunt for Mangle was abruptly called off due to operation democlease in July of 1962, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasir announced four successful
Starting point is 02:19:22 tests of missiles capable of striking anywhere in Israel. Egypt's announcement came as a surprise. Israel subsequently learned that Nasser had recruited German scientists who had developed the V1 and V2 rockets for the Nazis, fired a great Britain during the war, to build missiles for him. Prime Minister David Ben Gurion tasked the Mossad with the mission of preventing Egypt from producing the missiles. Mossad subsequently commenced operation damacles to scare scare and if necessary eliminate the scientists helping the Egyptians. This operation when an scandal after became public knowledge that attacks on German scientists
Starting point is 02:19:50 had killed other innocent people, some random Egyptian citizens. Assad director over the scandal, Issa Harell, resigns. And he was the one who had been pioneering the search for Mengele. So now the search is severely hindered. And where is Mengele now? Working at fucking Disneyland, selling refreshments next to Space Mountain. And who hired him?
Starting point is 02:20:11 Roy fucking Disney, of course he did. No, Mengele was working as a farm manager in Nova, Europa, Brazil, on a farm that grew coffee. He moved there sometime in 1961. Masada will continue to attempt to pursue him, following tips and leads across South America, their missions repeatedly failing and following false paths right they'd had their chance and they fucking blew it Over the next decade they'll bug his wife Martha's homes in Europe. They'll run surveillance and other relatives homes on family Funerals. I do want to stake out, but they just can't track this fucker down
Starting point is 02:20:39 Mingles farm owner buddy the buddy's even working for for years now by a a house in 1974 in South Paulo and they rent a bungalow to him. Rolf would not seen his uncle's father since the ski holiday in 1956. Now visits him again at this bungalow in 1977 and he'll say later he found an unrepentant Nazi who claimed he had never personally harmed literally anyone and only carried out his duties as an officer. Right. Of course, of course, that is how he rationalized it all. A special massage unit will be created on March 13th, 1978, whose sole purpose was to locate and capture Nazi war criminals.
Starting point is 02:21:13 And if that was impossible, you know, as far as the capturing part, to kill them. So fuck yeah, Mangala is a major target for them. They plan to kidnap the child of one of Mangala's associates and force him to reveal Mangala's location or the child will be killed. It seems a bit extreme. Wrong kind of eye for an eye, maybe, right? Don't become the people you hate. Maybe don't kill an innocent kid to try and capture Nati. Kidnap the associate. Kill that Nati harboring mother fucker if he won't talk. The leadership of Masad does ultimately reject this plan, which is the right call Mengele now in poor health while visiting friends in Berthiago or Berthiaga
Starting point is 02:21:49 Berthi yoga. Sorry coastal fizzards out in South Paulo, Brazil in February of 1979 Suffers a stroke while swimming in drowns. This is on February 7th. So yeah, buddy His body is buried under the name Wolfgang Gerhard Whose identification? Yeah, buddy. His body is buried under the name Wolfgang Gerhard, whose identification Mengele I had been using since 1971. Meanwhile, reports about Mengele's location continue to come in from all over the world. People report to see him in South America, Europe and Africa, and the hunt goes on.
Starting point is 02:22:15 So how annoying. Now, more Jewish time and money has been wasted trying to find a monster who's already dead. On the 40th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, January of 1985, a group of Mangleys, surviving twins, made an emotional pilgrimage to the camp that it caused them and so many others, so much suffering. This group was led by Eva Kor. She had started an organization called Candles, which sought to identify and bring together all the surviving
Starting point is 02:22:39 twins, who had been subjected to Mangleys experiments in Auschwitz. In 1985, group included Eva and her sister, as well as six others, all survivors of pairs of twins who traveled to Poland, not only to commemorate, but also to bring attention to their history. They were upset that Mangalas was still unpunished and at large as far as they knew. After their visit to Auschwitz, the twins traveled to Israel where they were joined by another 90 or so twins, dwarfs and others who survived Mangle's experiments. There they took part in a tribunal which decided there was sufficient evidence to try
Starting point is 02:23:09 Mangle for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including acts of murder, the causing of grievous bodily harm and acts of brutality against the bodies and souls of men and women. Shortly afterwards the West German, Israeli and US governments launched coordinated effort to determine Mangle's whereabouts. The West German and Israeli governments offer rewards for his capture as does the Washington Times and the Simon Weissenthal Center. Crazy to took that fucking long for this to happen, just under 40 years. Well, actually, right, I mean, what am I talking about, right at 40 years.
Starting point is 02:23:41 Finally, May 31, 1995, acting on intelligence received by the West German prosecutors office, police raid the house of Hans Sedd, Seddelmeier, lifelong friend of Mangala, and sales manager of the family firm in Goonsburg. They find a coded dress book, copies of letters sent to and received from Mangala, among the papers was a letter notifying Seddelmeier of Mangala's death. German authorities alert the police in Sao Paulo, who then contact the bossert, some friends of Mangalus there, under interrogation, they revealed the location
Starting point is 02:24:11 of Mangalus grave and the remains are exhumed June 6, 1985. Forensics were confirmed that it was him, the angel of death. Unfortunately to my knowledge, none of those people who had helped hide him were ever punished. The son Rolf, who had no real relationship with his father, issued a statement on June 10, 1985 confirming that the body was his father's and that news of his father's death had been concealed to protect people who had sheltered him.
Starting point is 02:24:35 1992 now DNA testing confirms Mangolas identity beyond any doubt. And then family members refused repeated requests by Brazilian officials to repatriate the remains to Germany. They don't want to have anything more to do with him. Can't blame him. So where are Mangalas remains now? Well, they're inside a statue of Goofy at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Roy Disney, of course, bought his remains, wanted to preserve them inside one of his
Starting point is 02:24:59 parks so he could visit him whenever he wanted. And why would Roy do that? Because he was a fucking evil, evil man. Roy might not have done that. He died in 1971, but Pat SayJack was very alive in 1992, and there's a rumor that he bought Mangalus remains, had him cremated, and then every morning sprinkles a tiny bit of his ash in his cream of wheat, and then eats it so he can quote absorb his power. Now full disclosure that rumor was just started by me a few seconds ago and I have no evidence
Starting point is 02:25:31 to back it up, but that is the rumor. The official story is that Mangalus skeleton is stored at the South Paulo Institute of Forensic Medicine where it is used as an educational aid during forensic medicine courses at the University of South Paulo's medical school. Pretty fucking weird, fitting maybe. Also maybe ironic, people get into Polk and Proud, his bones bit. I hope to some of those doing the Polk and Proud
Starting point is 02:25:52 and some of those med students are Jewish and I hope at least one of them maybe breaks off, one of his bones like a little finger or something and takes him to the bathroom and shits on it and then flush it down the toilet and has a nice little laugh about it. And with that, how about we hop out of this time suck timeline? Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely.
Starting point is 02:26:14 Joseph Mangala, the Angel of Death, what a piece of human garbage. But what a great topic for the holidays, right? I mean, how light and uplifting? Uh, no, again, uh, it was voted in topic and I honor the, and I honor the votes again. The timing does crack me up because it's so not fitting. Oh, let's just keep the not fitting going. Let's just keep this not holiday vibe going with one of the worst sponsors we have literally ever had. Uh, today's time, so I was brought to you in part by a new album from third
Starting point is 02:26:45 rank records. It's a mangola Christmas before drowning off the coast of Brazil. Joseph Mangola recorded this just discovered recording of Christmas classics altered as only he could. I wish you a Merry Christmas. My mom's name is Valperga, my mom's name is Valperga, a great master race name, good tidings I bring to Eryonkin, I wish you a Merry Christmas, if you are pure, or bring me a blonde Santa, or bring me blue-eyed reindeer, or bring me only Germans, nor Gypsy's Jews or Poles, Tideens I bring to only German kin.
Starting point is 02:27:37 I wish you Merry Christmas, please, bring me more twins. I won't quit and tell the wrong guy, and I need to do some more twins. I Phone quick then tell the wrong guy. I need to do some more poking. I need more of their eyeballs. I do nothing wrong I just follow orders. I did not kill anyone Okay, maybe I kill few kids have a happy new year That's fucking gross and I'm pretty sure I wasn't on the right melody for the last four lines I kill few kids have a happy New Year. That was fucking gross. And I'm pretty sure I wasn't on the right melody for that last four lines. I hope no one buys that shitty fucking album.
Starting point is 02:28:13 Doesn't sound like they put a lot of time into it. The worst holiday song I've ever heard. But again, no happy holidays. Seriously though, what a fucking piece of shit, Mengele was. I didn't have any kind of backstory that would lead to the growth of sociopathic mind. No abusive parents, no religious trauma.
Starting point is 02:28:27 I wasn't even touched by the great depression. This family's business continued to do well. He was in a position to do whatever he wanted, study whatever he liked, and he would choose to the detriment of thousands, if not tens of thousands, medicine. At that point, Germany's medical establishment had already become just another propaganda machine for the Nazi ideology. Instead of swearing to heal the sick and do no harm, doctors educated under the Nazis swore to protect the racial purity of the nation and promised to find scientific proof
Starting point is 02:28:52 of Aryan people's superiority. Mangalist first academic works would try to prove Aryan superiority by looking at the job bone to find proof of racial difference. Research that it, you know, has been discredited. Research that really didn't even hold up then. Research, at least a part of him had to know his fucking questionable at best. Before long, Joseph Mangalow would be doing far more
Starting point is 02:29:13 than simply writing about topics like eugenics and Nate Nati racial theory. After a period of service with the Viking division, now in a new position of Auschwitz, he would find his terrible groove and excel at being a piece of shit. Mangalow uh, Auschwitz, he would find his terrible groove and excel at being a piece of shit. Mangala got to Auschwitz during a transitional period.
Starting point is 02:29:29 Camp had long been the side of forced labor and PO, POW internment, but the winner of 1942 to 1943 had seen the camp ramp up its killer machine centered on the Burkin Owl subcamp, where Mangala was assigned to be a medical officer. Mangala had access to as many people as he wanted. As many human guinea pigs representing all kinds of different genetic pools and physical appearances, and he had the ability to kill them if he wanted. And he often did.
Starting point is 02:29:53 Using the methodology of twin research, Mangle made the lives of thousands of people, many of their children, a living hell. He scoped out the healthy and the prisoners with degrees during with the brutal selection process, where some prisoners who were useful were kept alive and others like to sick the elderly, the pregnant, were sent to the gas chambers to die. With his assistance and experiments recruited from these selection pools, Mangala got to work. Mangala assembled hundreds of pairs of twins,
Starting point is 02:30:17 and sometimes spent hours measuring various parts of their bodies and taking careful notes. He often injected one twin with a mysterious substance and then monitored the illness that ensued. A mangle injected dyes into some of their eyes, experimented on the reproductive organs, took samples of their blood and tissue until they were near death, even had children castrated or fucking sewn together. Motherfucker left babies with mothers
Starting point is 02:30:38 whose breasts were bound in a way that left them unable to feed them. He did shit that would make the devil fucking cringe, or I don't know, I guess maybe squeal with the light. Whenever a test subject died, the child's twin would be typically immediately killed with an injection of chloroform to the heart and both would be dissected for comparison. Then by January 1945, the camp complex at Auschwitz had been mostly dismantled due to the continued advance of the Red Army. Starving prisoners were forced march to other death camps. Joseph Mengele packed up his research
Starting point is 02:31:03 notes and specimens and dropped them off with a trusted friend and headed west to avoid capture by the Soviets. He's in a variety of aliases and sometimes his own name again. Mengele managed to avoid capture for decades, soon leaving Europe for South America where he would live in several countries for many years. For decades, Israeli intelligence efforts to capture him failed. Finally on February 7, 1979, the then 67 year old Joseph Mangala went out for a little ocean swim off the coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and he suffered a sudden stroke in the water and drought.
Starting point is 02:31:33 Hope he had the stroke because maybe he thought he saw the ghost of a former victim or something. But sadly, I doubt it. You would never show the hint of remorse for anything he did. Never seemed to believe like many other Nazis that he did anything wrong. And one final twist is remains to be used by student doctors for medical research. If only they could have practiced on him while he was still alive. And lastly, the most important thing to remember with Mengele was that he was not in aberration.
Starting point is 02:31:57 He was par for the Nazi course. He was not the only doctor doing experiments. He was far from the only Nazi who tortured and killed Jewish men, women and children, whose only crime was to have been racially maligned for decades with political and cultural propaganda. Hitler and his fuckhead helpers did what people still do. They created a boogeyman for their people to point out and say, right there, that's the source of all your problems. They're what's wrong with your country. They deserve to die. Escape Goat mentality allows you to not have to examine yourself when it comes to
Starting point is 02:32:24 wondering why your life isn't where you want it. Doesn't require any introspection. Promotes a simple, easy fix, little magic pill for all your troubles. Get rid of them and you will thrive. And that is rarely the truth. Lazy and it's wrong. Germany's problems leading up to World War II had very little to do with the Jewish problem. There wasn't no Jewish problem.
Starting point is 02:32:43 It had a lot to do with taking shit way too fucking far in World War One, then getting fucked over in the Treaty of Versailles, which was not part of some Jewish plot to destroy the fucking German people. German Jews, many of them also suffered thanks to that treaty. And there were many other factors, complicated factors that require a lot more thought than just pointing
Starting point is 02:33:01 and blaming. Beware all politicians who lean on the point and blame, who lean on simple solutions to complex problems, the wrong, they're manipulating you, and we have to remember that and watch out for it if we don't wanna ever create another version of Hitler's hell on earth. Always and forever.
Starting point is 02:33:18 Fuck Nazis, fuck lazy thinking, fuck mangola, and of course, happy holidays. Let's get into today's takeaways. Time, Chuck, tough, right takeaway. Number one, Joseph Mangala conducted torturous experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz for years. Mangala begun his career at Auschwitz in the spring of 1943 as the medical officer responsible for Birkenau's Gypsy Camp. As a camp physician,
Starting point is 02:33:45 Mengele regularly made selections from among the massive humanity arriving in Auschwitz, determining who could be retained for work and who could perish or who would perish immediately in the gas chambers. What is real cruelty took place in the lab where he performed a broad range of agonizing, often lethal experiments on twins,
Starting point is 02:34:01 most of them young children, and those with physical abnormalities. He harvested tissue and blood samples, had his subject murdered so we could dissect their bodies, even kept their body parts for research material to be sent to colleagues at other universities. Number two, Mengele wasn't alone in the way he approached science, since Naziism began to take hold of Germany, the medical community shifted from a place that healed the sick to a force of scientists fighting to prove the innate superiority of the Aryan race and to figure out how to detect undesirable elements in a population and then destroy those elements. Number three, Mengele died on February 7th, 1979 after having
Starting point is 02:34:37 a stroke while swimming. A fucker was never caught or forced to face justice for his crimes, having escaped to South America where he lived out the rest of his years in the hiding. And where he never expressed an ounce of remorse for what he did. Never saw what he did as wrong. Didn't even think he killed me one. We can rationalize anything as a species if we try hard enough. Number four, Mangle's assistants at Auschwitz were also with prisoners, pharmacists, doctors, nurses, notetakers,
Starting point is 02:34:59 and more, all of them forced to witness the destruction of people just like them. People who complied because not doing so meant certain death. How many of them may have helped torture relatives or friends? How many of them wish they could have helped the person they were instructed to subject to torture? What nightmares and guilt they must have taken with them following the war. Number five new info in February of 2010, a 180 page volume of Mengele's diary was sold by Alexander autographs at auction for an undisclosed sum to the grandson of a Holocaust survivor.
Starting point is 02:35:30 The unidentified previous owner, who acquired the journals in Brazil, was reported to be close to the Mengele family. A Holocaust survivor's organization described a sale as a cynical act of exploitation aimed at profiting from the writings of one of the most heinous Nazi criminals. In 2011, a further 31 volumes of Mengele's diaries were sold, again, amidst protests, by the same auction house to an undisclosed collector of World War II memorabilia for US, for $245,000. The diaries had belonged for a time to Mengele's son, Rolf, but he was apparently not the direct seller. A spokesman of the auction house confirmed a sale to the German press agency, but refused to give information about the seller of the buyer,
Starting point is 02:36:08 saying it was up to customers, whether or not to go public about a purchase. Dr. Mangala, not the angel of death, a holiday classic. That's been sucked. Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team for the help in making time sucked this week. Thanks to Queen of Bad Magic, the Lindsay Cummins, my very own Christmas self. Thanks to both the art warlock and the suck ranger for producing and directing today. And yeah, sorry, I don't know why I started with another end. Also, thanks to Bitelix here for O'Keekeep on the Time Suck app, the art warlock, Logan Keith again, creating the cool merch, badmagicmerge.com, helping run our socials along with a suck
Starting point is 02:36:51 ranger and a team managed by our social media strategist, Ryan Handelsman. Thanks to producer Sophie Evans for kicking ass with the initial research this week and thank you for listening. And next week, I'm going to do a year in review episode. I'm going to pull back the curtain on what we've been up to. I'm going to do a year-end review episode. I'm going to pull back to Curtin and what we've been up to. Been a crazy year. Good year. Crazy year. I'll share some inside stuff and as always, you know, what we're going to try and do next year. And I'll do a mini-dive on some sort of inspirational story to try and motivate myself and hopefully some of you to really see how you can change your lives in positive ways in 2023. Because if we don't try, nothing will
Starting point is 02:37:24 get better right. I don't think there's some magic secret type fix in a lot of instances. But I do think that, you know, trying is always better than not trying. Still not sure as of this recording, what the story will be. Debate an over a few options up and looking over. Look over the one that resonates with me the strongest right now. Won't be the fucking secret out here.
Starting point is 02:37:43 And then after next week, we're off to run it with our regularly scheduled suck programming in 2023. Right now, let's head on over to this week's Time Sucker Updates. Updates, get your time sucker updates. Start with a quick update on her bowmeister from last week. SmartSack Laurie P brings up something the art warlock and I actually discussed this past week in the secret suck. The Patreon companion podcast, this one,
Starting point is 02:38:11 lawyer writes, Hi Dan, perhaps Mrs. Bowmeister was asexual. If so, six times in 25 years would have been plenty. Asexuality is a sexual orientation and it exists in a spectrum just like all the other forms of human behavior. Asexual people may want the intimacy of a traditional family but feel no sexual attraction or desire for sex.
Starting point is 02:38:31 Not sure what Lisa Fena would have to say about this, just something to keep in mind. Love the show. Yeah, Laurie. Yeah, we just talked about that. Yes, Mrs. Boulmeister could have absolutely been asexual. And I have known plenty of asexual people. Some of us just don't have much of a sex drive or people who sure seem asexual. I didn't ask him. Hey, are been asexual. And I have known plenty of asexual people. Some of us just don't have much of a sex drive or people who sure seemed asexual.
Starting point is 02:38:47 I didn't ask them, hey, are you asexual? You just seem like you don't have any sexuality about you. No, but some of us just don't have much of a sex drive or really any sex drive, but also lead very fulfilling, happy lives. As confusing as that may be, Lucifina's definitely a real thing until the okay, sexuality is a spectrum.
Starting point is 02:39:04 And yeah, six times, 25 years, roughly once every four years, might have been plenty for Julie. I don't know why I got my math so weird. I was breaking that down in the episode. Still blown away, she got three kids out of those six times. Now for another bowel myster update, from another shrewd sack, Nick Miller. Miller time. Nick writes, hey Dan, I have a little insight on a comment you made about her bio-meister
Starting point is 02:39:26 having a car with an Ohio license plate on this week's suck. I live in Indiana and in the 70s and 80s, it was very easy to claim residency in Ohio. At the time, if you could claim an address in Ohio, you could get a license or license plate. The thing was a PO box counted as an address, and anyone could get a PO box in Ohio for a very small fee. My grandfather was a truck driver who had two CDLs, one in Indiana, one in Ohio, so that if he got too many points on one license that may threaten his
Starting point is 02:39:53 employment, he would just start using the other one. It's pretty clever. Grandpa had a PO box in Wilshire, Ohio, small town right in the state line, perhaps Wilshire, and he would occasionally sign up for some sort of mailing to be sent to it so that it stayed active. Once every few weeks, he would drive over the line, get his mail over there, he kept his PO box for decades. And over certain he had it in the 90s when I was a kid. Also told me that he often told me
Starting point is 02:40:16 that he tried to get a second social security number years back in case he ever needed that. It was never clear on whether he had been successful in obtaining one. He even encouraged me to do the same thing in the early 2000s when I started having kids, to get a second social security number for each of them. I'm pretty sure he's getting a lot of trouble for that.
Starting point is 02:40:32 However, by that point, Ohio would close the loophole in their system. Based on what Grandpa did, I'm sure this is what her would done to get a license and have a car plated with Ohio plates to avoid suspicion on his escapades. Anyway, I thought you'd find that interesting. Nick Miller. Thank you, Nick. I did find that interesting.
Starting point is 02:40:47 I bet Herb did do the same thing. Couldn't find any info about it in sources, but I would guess he had a PO box with a different name possibly too, if it was that easy. Also, why is your grandpa trying to get two Social Security Numbers? Do you grab a serial killer? Lead to Double Life. There are more to the story a lot more. Better Secrets, Double Social Security Numbers, Papa Miller. There more to the story a lot more. Better secrets, double social security numbers,
Starting point is 02:41:06 Papa Miller. Thank you for the insight. One more update the last week's episode, ghost hunt and sucker Dave and DFW rights. Hail, Memrod, you outkicked your coverage with our queen, Hail Lucifina. Oh, thank you, I agree. Scritz Bojangles and I too have been a triple M fan
Starting point is 02:41:21 and occasional personator for 40 years or so. Anyway, I grew up in Indy, graduated 1990s graduated 1990 still have ties the other military took me to various places still my hometown even if I live in Texas now I've been with my current girlfriend still in Indie resident in a high school friend a lot it's cool it's fucking adorable for just under a year now only took me 35 years to finally get her lol I was up there with her just a few months ago and because it's scared to death Fox fellow farms came up and we decided to go check it out. That's awesome. And the second made a point of saying that the news story with her referred to him as
Starting point is 02:41:52 from Carmel but that Fox fellow was in Westfield. Well somehow both are true. At least according to Google Maps. You can search Fox fellow farm and defaults to Westfield but then when you search the actual address the property comes up as Carmel. Not pronounced like the I don't know what those property values look like or if they'll go all poltergeist or what, but I doubt I'll make an offer on any of them at any price. When we pulled in, I instantly wanted to get the fuck out. Uh, car, I was like, I'm not going to be a car, I'm not going to be a car, I'm not going to be a car, I'm not going to be a car, I'm not going to be a car, I'm not going to be a car, I'm not going to be a car, I'm not going to be a car, I'm not going to be a car,
Starting point is 02:42:24 I'm not going to be a car, I'm not going to be a car, I'm not going to be a car, I'm not what those property values look like, or if they'll go all poltergeist or what, but I doubt I'll make an offer on any of them at any price. When we pulled in, I instantly wanted to get the fuck out. Cardinal Ritter, Ritter high school, oh great moshmouth, Ritter no in. Don't have any started on you with Mary on Highlands, making me crave mozzarella sticks, pasta, cubwies go. Oh man, I wish it was a fucking pasta island. Look into the Hannah house.
Starting point is 02:42:46 On Indie South side, it was a station on the Underground Railroad. Has a tragic, had a tragic fire. Indiana is Boopy. Hello, Lindsey, as you two have documented, but it's still home. Hell, you were on Todd McComwell's show, and that's what made me a sucker. Another Indiana connection.
Starting point is 02:43:00 Anyway, my email is long and rambling, sorry, not sorry. A three out of five stars. Wouldn't change a damn thing. My best to you and the crew, happy holidays. Gonna buy tickets to either the Dallas or any show or both. Dave and DFW. Well, thank you, Dave. That's so fucking cool. You went on and skipped out the property. You know, others have written in and said that they've seen it recently too. And that I guess herb and Julie's original acreage has been parceled out quite a bit, chopped up decent amount. There are numerous
Starting point is 02:43:23 homes where he likely buried bodies. There's still like the bulk, I can't think of the name right now of the people that live there right now that I referenced last week. They still have a large chunk, the biggest chunk, but the rest is chopped up quite a bit. And so glad you like both shows. And I found me on Todd McCombs, this show, which I, you know, he has different ones now, he's great. Happy holidays.
Starting point is 02:43:44 And then just one more nice Christmassy message from Sweet Sucker Jenna, which I, you know, he has different ones now. He's, he's great. Happy holidays. And then just one more nice Christmassy message from sweet sucker Jenna who writes, hello, beautiful friends. It's a little early, but I wanted to share something amazing and random that happened to slash for my family with a community that values loving each other and paying good fortune forward as much as I do. A little background is necessary and therefore so is the length of this email on the mom of a five the mom of a five year old autistic twins, oh boy, this fucking week's episode, what a doozy for you. Future American Idol winner Libby,
Starting point is 02:44:12 who loves music, singing and scaring me. Only a little by naming composers of classical music I don't know where. And future American Ninja Warrior Bobby, who's eight inches taller than a sister. And super athletic, that's awesome. They were both diagnosed as borderline moderate severe when they were just under two, although Libby can verbalize when she feels like it and Bobby is nonverbal as of now and have been receiving in-home ABA, applied behavioral
Starting point is 02:44:35 analysis, services and send. We have been with the same provider for the past three years and have been truly blessed with a wide array of wonderful positive genuinely kind and mostly very young people who've chosen to work with special needs kids. Shout out to all the BI's behavioral interventionists for being an amazing group of people. My husband's currently working with special needs high schoolers as a parent educator and pursuit of his education degree and credentials, and I work in logistics for a furniture store. We care for my disabled mom who lives with us and helps us with the twins. We're expecting our third child, a daughter named her standard in about three weeks. And we're doing pretty damn okay for a blue collar family living in California.
Starting point is 02:45:11 We don't take vacations, but we don't struggle to pay the bills, which made all this such an unexpected gift. The program director for our kids treatment was at our place yesterday to go over educational planning for the next six months, which is pretty standard. But he happened to mention that the provider was looking to sponsor a family for a $250 target Christmas gift card. And he wanted to submit Bobby and Libby to receive gifts. Thinking this was a corporate drawing of some kind of said, hell yes, and thank you for thinking of us.
Starting point is 02:45:34 You put together a list of educational and sensory things for the kids, puzzles, magnets, kinetic sand, slime, books, all the crazy things that enhance their development and also minimize their stimming or or styming, and anxiety. I didn't give it another thought until today when he contacted me to tell us we were picked and spilled the beans about the actual magnitude of what we were getting. Turned out this was not a corporate drawing at all, but the gift of another special needs family who received services from the same provider.
Starting point is 02:46:00 This provider takes referrals through insurance, meaning it doesn't only provide to lower income families like us, but families of all income levels. This family chose our kids and through in a giant box of diapers when they found out about our bonus Christmas baby. Our program director told us this anonymous family just wanted to pay it forward and help give another special needs kid a great Christmas. With our family, they just happened to find two. The magnitude of that gift is not lost on me at all. My dream is to do the same thing in a couple, few, five years when we're able to. With our family, they just happened to find two. The magnitude of that gift is not lost on me at all. My dream is to do the same thing in a couple, few, five years when we're able to. It's the same reason why when we needed to cut back, we reduced our spending on personal
Starting point is 02:46:31 indulgences, but didn't think about canceling our small, multi-donation to wounded warriors. That's fucking awesome. Mercy ships, yes. Or not stroking your ego here, my Annabelle space that is death. It's very sweet. Giving it so important, even when it's just a little and for that reason, I'm so proud to be a part of this community. I can't wait to hear about the new charity every month
Starting point is 02:46:48 and sincerely hope to do the same and sincerely hope to someday pay it forward the same way this anonymous and amazing family did for us. So much love to all of you and every member of the bad magic family, Jenna. PS Tyler, I love getting to know you. You are as they say the shit, Logan, you've inspired me to start painting again. I'll be sending you my kid-friendly cryptid portraits when they're finished.
Starting point is 02:47:09 Well, Jenna, you are too sweet. And by the way, any of my flubs there, Jenna wrote that perfectly. I guess my mouth is dead and not amazing to start with. Thanks for sharing some heartwarming stuff for us to end this episode on great palette cleanser. Good reminder of how there are so many good people in this world. You included big time, Jenna. Yeah, way more than there are mangleists, I think. And for whatever reason, I feel like I need to be constantly reminded of that.
Starting point is 02:47:35 Also have love getting to know Tyler Moore on the Secret Suck and Logan. They're both, they're both pretty okay. Another great. As is Sophie, Olivia, and the rest of the awesome staff hail Nimrod to you all Thanks for listening to any I don't know what I'm talking about anymore. Thanks for listening to another bad magic production podcast there reading's fun Please don't perform any medical experiments on anyone this week if you absolutely have to, I guess,
Starting point is 02:48:07 maybe experiment on yourself. Maybe you should sell your mouth to your dick, and keep on sucking. And magic productions. Hello, mesucks, it's me the ghost of Joseph Mangala. I just hope you have a wonderful holiday season. I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me. I am a very caring person who just has so much love in his heart for Aryans. And I hope if you're not of a Aryan persuasion
Starting point is 02:48:45 That's okay. I just fish that you would stop listening to this podcast and you would fucking just die for the betterment of everyone And I just that is my holiday chair for you. I am writing in hell. I am being but fucked by Satan so much And it's the only joy I can hold on to is it's hoping that so many of you also die. So happy holidays, Merry Christmas, happy ha, happy ha, I can't say happy ha, I can't do it, I don't feel it. What do we do here? How's feelings? Ah!
Starting point is 02:49:26 What do we do here?

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