Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 330 - Amanda Knox and the Murder of Meredith Kercher

Episode Date: January 9, 2023

What do you think you know about Amanda Knox? Do you think she was a sex-crazed party girl who got away with the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy in 2007? That's what I thought before I dug into th...e research for this episode. I do not think that anymore. The case against her is the sloppiest murder trial I've ever looked into. Outlandish investigative bias, ridiculous crime lab mistakes, and a court system where jurors are allowed to be influenced by the media during the trial. And in this case, the media was mostly tabloids. And the tabloids - fed nonsense by the prosecutor in Knox's case - continually printed completely fabricated and slanderous theories about Amanda. The court of public opinion convicted her of Meredith's murder and forever tarnished her reputation... but did she have ANYTHING to do with her roommate's death? Was she even sex-crazed? Did the media and the Italian legal system get ANYTHING right about her in her first trial? We have a wild one this week. Enjoy! Wet Hot Bad Magic Summer Camps coming up quick!  Tickets go on sale the week of JANUARY 16TH. Whooooo!!!Bad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation: We're giving to The Museum of Tolerance - the only museum of its kind in the world. The MOT is dedicated to challenging visitors to understand the Holocaust in both historic and contemporary contexts and confront all forms of prejudice and discrimination in our world today. For more information, you can visit www.museumoftolerance.com.Get tour tickets at dancummins.tv Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/hzNbvtrpZswMerch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comDiscord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There are those who believe in my innocence and there are those who believe in my guilt. There's no in between. And if I'm guilty, it means that I am the ultimate figure to fear, because I'm not the obvious one. But on the other hand, if I'm innocent, it means that everyone's vulnerable. And that's everyone's nightmare. Either I'm a psychopath and sheep's clothing, or I am you. That's Amanda Knox speaking in her 2016 Netflix documentary. So what do you think? Is she guilty? Or is she innocent? Do you remember hearing about Amanda's murder charge and sensational trial? All the wild
Starting point is 00:00:29 theories about why she may have killed and forming an opinion about a decade and a half ago? I do. In November of 2007, 21-year-old British exchange student Meredith Kertcher was stabbed and suffocated to death in her house in Peruzia, Italy. 20-year-old American student, Amanda Knox, Meredith's roommate, and Amanda's boyfriend, Rafielli, Celeste-Seleste-D0, and a local man named Rudy Gidei, were the main suspects. Because the brutal way Meredith was murdered and evidenced from the crime scene, police and prosecutors eventually,
Starting point is 00:00:58 or quickly, came to believe that she was killed by multiple people and that she was most likely murdered due to refusing to be in part of some sexual act or perhaps being murdered for scolding and enraged a manned for being too sexually promiscuous. That was the tabloid and that was the prosecutorial narrative. Amanda Knox was quickly painted as the ringleader, some sort of a legend ongoing sexual trist between herself, Rafael E. and Rudy, Italian prosecutors, police and tabloids characterized Amanda as a promiscuous man-eater, sex crazed, she devil and more. There were even allegations that she was
Starting point is 00:01:32 some sort of satanic temptress engaged in a cult sexual rituals. No allegation was too wild or fantastical and no allegation seemed to need literally any evidence before it's tossed around. Amanda Knox quickly became one of the most hated women in the world. Definitely one of the most hated, probably the most hated woman in Italy. Everything she did and said was scrutinized and exaggerated, especially by the Italian and
Starting point is 00:01:55 British press, pointing almost always towards her definite guilt. Amanda seemingly odd behavior in the days following excuse me, Meredith's murder certainly did not help her image, and neither did her early confession that she was in the house when maridous was murdered. But was she ordered Amanda and Raphaelie collapse under the pressure and a possible abuse of an hour's long police interrogation where no attorneys were presented to them. Both of them told different stories over the course of their interrogations and trials. Who was telling the truth? Was anyone telling the truth? Raphaelia at one point discredited Amanda's initial alibi, and then Amanda accused her boss,
Starting point is 00:02:31 Patrick Lumumba of murder, but Patrick will provide his solid alibi that directly refuted Amanda's accusation, and then he would be released. This further framed Amanda as a terrible person, a sex crazed murderer willing to throw anyone under the bus to save her own ass. But did Amanda really try and frame Patrick or did Italian police pressure Amanda into manufacturing a story about Patrick through aggressive interrogation tactics that led to her telling the officers exactly what they wanted to hear? After DNA evidence seemed to have linked all three suspects, Amanda, Raphael, Rudy to the
Starting point is 00:03:04 crime scene, not Patrick, seemed like a closed case, suspects, Amanda Raphael, on Rudy to the crime scene, not Patrick. Seem like a closed case, but then Amanda's attorneys and expert witnesses called into question the Italian police's forensic investigation and possible, well, probable evidence contamination. Did they actually even have DNA evidence, or was their entire investigation massively flawed from the very beginning? Both Amanda and Raphaelie were ultimately acquitted, but only after they've been convicted twice and spent multiple
Starting point is 00:03:30 years in jail. And many people to this day still think they're guilty. This is a fucking wild story, a confusing, convoluted tale. This week, we're going to cover a full timeline of the murder of Meredith Kircher and the sensational trials that followed, as well as how the media influenced the world's perception of a man in ox, how many, many people still feel she's guilty and many others are convinced she was railroaded by investigative bias and defamatory and inflammatory tabloid coverage in this who the hell is telling the truth, who's lying, who is confused, everyone, and who's simply incompetent. Do we finally know with certainty what actually happened to Meredith Kertcher, the night she was murdered, true crime,
Starting point is 00:04:07 crazy-ass trial addition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck. Oh! Oh! You're listening to Time Suck. Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:04:20 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Happy Monday, Meet Sacks, the cult of the curious continues. I'm Dan Cummins, a suck master, half elf ranger, professional Italian translator, and you are listening to time suck. Uh, another big summer camp announcement, I'll try and keep as short as possible and
Starting point is 00:04:40 real quick, we're gonna get into the stories. But here, here be out on this, uhickets for the 2023 WEDHOT Bad Magic Summer Camp will go on sale next Monday, January 16th at noon Pacific time. But for the first 48 hours, only for our OG campers from last year. If you attended last year, you will be sent a link via email and the link will be posted in the WEDHOT Facebook group. Then on Wednesday, January 18th, also at noon Pacific time, tickets open up to also include all of our bad magic patrons. You will
Starting point is 00:05:11 be messaged. Then after another 48 hours, Friday, January 20th at noon Pacific time, tickets open up for everyone. We'll post a link on our socials and then in future episode descriptions. And then ticketing stays open for everyone until Camp Sells Out. Limited tickets are available, a thousand campers is max capacity. Once the cabins fill up, that is it. Also, there's very select, a very select number of private cabin upgrades available.
Starting point is 00:05:36 So don't sleep on those if you want one. Unlike last year, you can divide the payment into two chunks, just less than half due at the time of purchase. The rest, you can pay before June 1st. So you get all the way until June 1st to make the second payment. Campus can be fucking epic. And we hope to work with Camp No Counselors for many years to come, making the experience bigger and better.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Camp will begin Thursday, September 21st. It'll end Sunday, September 24th. And it'll take place in the polka notes just outside a little town at Equinon, Pennsylvania on over 400 Gorgeous private acres just for us weirdos and includes a private lake. We share it with no one hiking trails arts and crafts a ropes course Big ass heated pool with a rock climbing wall on one side a yoga studio private lake again Like I said at our disposal with with a boat to pull tubers numerous modern accommodations, hot showers and every cabin, Wi-Fi everywhere, a custom app where you can reserve activities, make sure you don't miss marquee events like another scared to death, live, a comedy night, or I'll be performing with
Starting point is 00:06:34 Chad Daniels for the first time in about a decade. There will be three more awesome comics we're flying in, Kelsey Cook, Harry Riley, Doug Mellard, tickets are all inclusive covering food, drinks, accommodations, activities. No fucking cops this time. It's kind of how a cruise works, you know, you get you get there. We provide the rest. Camp last year was magical. This one is gonna be even better. Million times more organized, more accommodating, more activities, so much room for activities. And yes, karaoke night will be back and bigger and sillier. There's gonna be numerous meet and greets to get a chance to chat it up with Lindsey myself. Logan and Tyler also will be
Starting point is 00:07:09 there. And I'll start next week. I'll put the ticker link in the episode descriptions. For now, just look up Camp No Counselors. Check out their New York campsite, even notes, cross the border in Pennsylvania. It is fucking incredible. So there we go. I feel like I should hit some kind of button or something. Maybe this one, I don't know. How I'm playing the demo. Doesn't really fit, kind of fits, because the devil's not gonna be there, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:07:36 I'm very excited. And if you're watching on YouTube, yes, the new little chikotilo picture that was on the desk just started sliding and I had to grab him and toss him on the floor. He's, he'll stand down on the floor for this week of show. I will share monthly charity and stand up tour info next week. Spokane coming up this weekend, second show on January 15th at the Bing Crosby Theater almost totally sold out and give more stand up tour information next week.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Last thing for this week, the art warlock, is as excited about this next merch release as I am about summer camp. Jumping straight into the season of love Valentine's Day coming up with one of our greatest releases ever. Hit in the shelves this week, an incredible is an incredible Valentine's card set featuring some of our serial killer dirt bags. Each set includes 16 cards,
Starting point is 00:08:22 eight unique illustrated designs on folded three and a half by five inch card stock. On the front, we've got what Logan calls a 19, 20s era children's Valentine illustration of each of the following little Eddie Kemper, Teddy Bundy, Jeffie Dahmer, Johnny Wayne Casey, Richie Ramirez, Lil Andre Chica Tilo, uh, David Berkowitz and a duo, Freddie and Rosie West. On the back, you have your two and from lines along with eight unique hearts, so unique, such a unique gift to say the least. You probably wonder, hey, Dan, what about us that don't have close friends or family?
Starting point is 00:08:56 Well, not to worry. We also have postcards available as well. Same illustration on the front with a cool Valentine back for easy mailing. If you don't want these in Valentine form or you do but also want collectible art, we have these designs also on mini canvases. So much cool shit at BadmagicMarch.com. Check out that Valentine's collection and that's it. Sorry if it's a longer announcement. Summer Camp is just a fucking big deal for us. We're very excited and we want to do whatever we can to make sure it's a big success.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Now time for today's story. In 2007, Amanda Knox was one of about 40,000 students who came to study in Peruzia. Damn 40,000. That's about how many they get every year or at least around this time it was. Amanda was considered quirky by many, but overall I think she just looked and acted like a normal college-aged girl from Seattle in 2007. Amanda was just beginning to experience very different kind of attention when she arrived in Italy than she had ever experienced before. She would say in the 2016 Amanda Knox documentary in Seattle I was cute. In Italy I was the beautiful blonde American girl. That I had never been before.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Amanda's high school drama teacher told Vanity Fair in 2008, let's lay it out. She wasn't a dazzler. Okay, old drama teacher, sounds like a fucking asshole, wow. But I see what they were saying. Amanda was for the first time in her life, and this is important for the story,
Starting point is 00:10:21 getting all kinds of attention from dudes. She was the hot girl, and this image would get blown way the fuck out of proportion during her highly sensationalized trial. Peruzia residents and the Italian media considered Amanda to be extremely beautiful and her looks for sure impacted the Italian public's perception of her as did her dating life in Italy. One newspaper called her Luciferina with the face of an angel. Luciferina. Hail Luciferina.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Is that a term for someone who is disciple of our goddess Luciferina or one of Luciferina sister to some? After her rest for murder, media outlets across the world portrayed Amanda in vastly different ways. Tablets called her Angelface and Foxy Noxie, I was her MySpace name. A time in British and other European news outlets characterized her as a sex-obsessed party girl. While American media outlets tended to portray her as a wrongfully accused hardworking student. Some of the headlights about Amanda red, the dark angel of Seattle,
Starting point is 00:11:19 or Amanda was a drugged-up tart. She was described as a femme fatale, a dominatrix, man-eater, so many other similar terms, or any of these descriptions accurate. Or was she just a very average college girl who had just arrived in a new country where the local men are fucking lovin' her? And yeah, for a few weeks, she was exploring
Starting point is 00:11:40 her sexuality a bit. I know when girls first really started to notice me when I was in college, and I got a little less awkward than I was in high school, yeah, my fucking nuts! I slept around and started many other kids my age, very, very normal. The details of Amanda's relationship in sex life, though, were put on the front pages of tabloid after tabloid,
Starting point is 00:11:59 which is not normal. But of course they were, right? It helps sell ads and make the owners of these tabloids a lot of fucking money. But was this portrayal fair, honest, accurate? No, definitely not. Unfortunately, truth had very little to do with this case in so many ways as you are about to find out. The fact that this case occurred in Italy,
Starting point is 00:12:20 a very Catholic and still very sexist country, frankly, when it comes to sexuality, did not help a man's defense. Italy, still very Catholic and still very sexist country, frankly, when it comes to sexuality, did not help a man's defense. Italy, still not very progressive when it comes to sex, which I don't know for some reason surprised me before I really thought about it for the episode. And it was less so when all this went down. 2013 European marital poll found that more than one in two Italian men, 55%, admitted to marital infidelity compared to one in three Italian women, male
Starting point is 00:12:47 numbers, the highest in all of Europe. And totally, you can find article after article, speaking of Italian men taking mistresses as being a cultural norm. I remember hearing about that from kids who went on this Gonzaga and Florence program many years ago that the Italian men were very aggressive when they came to Florida and like extremely so, and most of them married is what a lot of my college friends experience was. But that was this norm not acceptable the other way around, right? Being super Roman Catholic, very patriarchal, very much into the Madonna horror complex it
Starting point is 00:13:19 seems, right? Super okay for a dude to fuck around, not at all okay for a woman in the public side. The male counterpart to this case, Rafaeli, uh, selectido, he was not demonized in the press in Italy, uh, nearly the same way, nearly to the same extent that Amanda was and that says so much about the culture. Right? Of course he helped Amanda kill. He was chasing his dick around.
Starting point is 00:13:41 He could, he could have helped it. He was a dude easily manipulated into committing evil acts so he could get more of that sweet devil plus just a bro being a bro. I mean, who wouldn't, you know, kill an innocent young woman to keep getting their dick sucked? Amanda Knox was the problem. The loose American woman, the godless whore. That's how she was portrayed. And the girl she supposedly killed, Meredith Kertcher, she was portrayed as an angel of sorts, a very good girl, a hardworking, chase student who was brutally murdered because, you know, probably she refused to participate because of a morals in some kind of debaturus
Starting point is 00:14:16 sexual act allegedly organized by Amanda Knox, right? Meredith the angel, Amanda the devil. Was that true? Or was Meredith just also a normal college kid, also fucking around with dudes, party in a bit? Was the whole narrative around this trial completely manufactured by the press and by investigators who might as well have just worked for the tabloids directly? Italian media outlets made it seem as though just because Amanda liked to have sex that
Starting point is 00:14:43 automatically made her capable of murder and capable of manipulating stupid sex hungry dudes into doing her murderous bidding. Amanda sexuality she was found to have had oh my gosh, seven sexual partners in her lifetime. Underdire was still in seriously seven. That was seen as like evidence, you know, this dark evil side of her personality. Seven partners seems pretty fucking normal to me for someone who's 20 and for a sex crazed vixen, it honestly seems very low. Lucifin is laughing or asked off at any Italians judging Amanda for having a sex life back
Starting point is 00:15:19 when all this went on. Amanda was eventually exonerated, but she is still dealing to this day with the aftermath of her character assassination. The New York Times wrote in 2021, while her legal purgatory may be over a kind of cultural purgatory remains. How do you move forward when the tiniest details of your life can spur a tabloid frenzy? How do you get a, quote, regular job when your name overshadows everything you do. How do you grab with using that name to build a life for an identity or career when there is a dead woman whose tragic story is dredged up every time he speak. Miz-Nox became a kind of vessel onto which society could project its fears and judgments as well as its pornographic fantasies. Miz-Nox was perceived as an unsophisticated American,
Starting point is 00:16:02 loud and flamboyant, ignorant of Italian culture, an exhibitionist and slob who brought strange men to the house. She was a sexual deviant who competed with her mother for attention as the tabloid suggested. She was a Karen who had accused an innocent black man of the crime, as you'll see in this case. It seems like people cared more about Amanda's sex life and other details of her life, you
Starting point is 00:16:25 know, the alleged wild group orgy, she orchestrated, than actual physical evidence against her in Raphael's selecciatone. And Rudy Gidey, the man whose murder conviction regarding Meredith's actually stuck, the man who there was so much physical fucking evidence for, his part in this legal drama was pushed to the background in favor of analyzing Amanda and Rafael's relationship and mostly just analyzing Amanda. This was not only unfair to Amanda's case, also unfair to Meredith. Meredith, the murder victim, also became a background figure in her own murder case.
Starting point is 00:16:57 So how did all this happen? Many elements of the case combine to make it a perfect tabloid material. Two young, beautiful girls studying abroad, one American, one British, the mystery of Meredith's murder in a locked room, Amanda's supposed promiscuity and strange behavior after the murder and the alleged orgy that no one has ever really been able to describe and that story just kept morphine and changing cartoonishly. Ah, today we'll cover a timeline from beginning to end of how a man to got to Italy, what her brief time studying abroad was like, the murder of Meredith Kircher,
Starting point is 00:17:31 and the years, uh, long trials and acquittal that followed. By the end, kind of like with our Scott and Lacey Peterson suck and our Kasey Anthony and OJ sucks, these other trial sucks, uh, will you think she was fairly imprisoned for a murder? She did commit and then unfairly released? Or was she unjustly in prison for a murder she had nothing to do with? I will say that for me, my opinion regarding Amanda Knox's guilt or innocence drastically changed,
Starting point is 00:17:55 completely changed as I dug into the research. What I thought going in was not what I thought coming out. I felt bad by the end of my research. Honestly, I thought based on what I remembered of her trial, based on internet comments, based on my own gut feeling, just seeing her in interviews, that she was for sure guilty, that she got away with murder. And now I truly think the exact opposite. I feel sorry for her. I feel like she was really fucked over by a terrible and borderline completely incompetent Italian judicial system. And you know, by a fucking pack of morally bankrupt tabloid fucking hyena journalists. So remember
Starting point is 00:18:32 what you're thinking now, me, Zach. See how it compares to what you'll be thinking in a few hours or you know, a few hours of podcasting later. And let's jump on into all of this with this week's time suck timeline. Right after today's mid show, but really kind of quarterish way through the show, sponsor break. Thanks for listening to these sponsors that do so much to keep this train heading down the tracks. Now for that timeline. We're marching down a time, some time line Amanda Marie Knox was born on July 9th 1987
Starting point is 00:19:15 Being so sex crazed right from the start She was wearing a G-string bikini when she came out of the womb and was fully developed. She was drunk She demanded it. She demanded to take it to Cabo to go party and quote suck all the dicks in Mexico. Wow. Crazy. Now, no, she was just a normal dumb sexless baby who like all babies never did anything impressive. Amanda's parents are Edda Melis and Kurt Knox. Edda worked as a math teacher and Kurt Knox while he would go on to become vice president of finance for Macy's in Seattle. When his daughter was implicated in murder was working as a capital control manager for a division of allied department stores. When Amanda was born and had graduated just a few years prior from Eastern Washington University in Chini with a degree in accounting. This is the university is only about an hour's drive from where I sit here in the sucked on you. Ed it was born in Germany. her mom coming to America at the age of six after her
Starting point is 00:20:06 Amanda's grandma fell in love with an American soldier after getting her teaching certificate the college she attended is not listed in sources She meets Kurt they fall in love they get married have Amanda two years later. She is pregnant with Diana Amanda has three sisters. She has two half sisters named Ashley and Delaney from her father's marriage to his second wife Cassandra. Amanda's mom will go into Mary, man named Chris. Chris and IT workers settled into family life, taught Amanda how to play the guitar and became a model stepfather. Backing up to 1989, Amanda's parents got divorced when she's not quite two years old. Mom pregnant with Amanda's sister Diana at the time and Amanda will go on to splitter time between her parents' houses. Her parents' house is her parents rarely would speak to each other you know after they
Starting point is 00:20:51 separate pretty normal but they did purchase houses just two blocks apart so that their daughters didn't have to travel far to visit either parent. Amanda will grow up in the Arbor Heights neighborhood of West Seattle. She lived near Seattle prep described to one source as a highly competitive Jesuit school filled with children of wealthy Catholics. I know some people who went to Seattle Prep because I went to Gonzaga. Amanda wanted to attend school here
Starting point is 00:21:14 and even received a partial scholarship to go. She was a good student. Her mom later told Vanity Fair, yeah, there were a lot of rich kids. You know, she found her niche, but that was definitely not her social network at all. Amanda did get involved in the theater there and did well despite having a fucking asshole, as we learned earlier, for a teacher. She got roles in Annie in the sound of music. Amanda's old friend, Sean Glenn, told Vanity Fair that they used to sing
Starting point is 00:21:37 in the hallways and people were annoyed by it, but Amanda didn't seem to mind. So, you know, she's a bit of a weirdo, bit of a theater dork. Not exactly a villainous archetype. Glenn said she's not crazy and she's not stupid. She phrases things as though she doesn't have a full grasp of reality. Her thoughts get muddled. After watching a lot of interviews of a man I get what Glenn is saying here, she does she seems very smart and also you know quirky, spacey, bit of an adduck, maybe a bit dramatic, when she was younger and interviewed especially, but again, very smart.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Amanda study hard in school, made the deans list, she played on the school soccer team, and her team mates would nickname her Foxy Noxie, whatever, silly high school nickname. This would later become her Myspace user name, and then an unfortunate tabloid headline that would in many people's minds epitomize who she was. Sex craze deviant. 2005 Amanda graduates high school she'd been accepted to and now goes to attend the University of
Starting point is 00:22:36 Washington's shadow as a linguistic student. During the freshman year of college Amanda realized that she had a talent for language and thought about becoming a translator or writer instead of studying abroad in Germany but decided she wanted to go to Italy instead. I wonder how many times she would later think, really fucking should have went to Germany. A man who had been fascinated by Italian culture and she studied Latin and Roman history in middle school. When she was 14, she spent two weeks in Italy with her mom and family and by the time she returned home, she was maybe almost as fluent in Italian
Starting point is 00:23:06 as I am. Did you know actually I speak perfect Italian? A chabella. Eh, sarantonio oricatorifare. Eh, it's a Gucci mazzanare pizzeria. That's a spicy meatball. A mama mia. And what was you, Fredo?
Starting point is 00:23:21 Fucking nailed it. Masterclass. Now, if you don't speak Italian, I just said that I'm very excited about today's episode and I hope you're all having fun and you know, learning about this and God bless. Anyway, Amanda was so excited to live it up in Italy that she worked three jobs to save up for studying abroad in Italy her junior year.
Starting point is 00:23:39 She was pumped to study abroad to really explore life in Europe and find herself. Italy would be her first time living outside of Seattle. Outside of the Seattle area and away from her family and how exciting. And I relate somewhat. My junior year after also working three jobs to save up money, I was able to study abroad
Starting point is 00:23:55 for a semester in London. One of the most formative experiences of my life. So much fun. I only knew one other person when I got there, another kid from Gonzaga who I barely knew and really didn't keep in touch with much fun. I only knew one other person when I got there, another kid from Gonzaga who I barely knew and really didn't keep in touch with much afterwards, and experienced like this, leaving most of what you know, leaving everyone who knows you on the other side of the world, it really just allows you the opportunity to re-examine who you are.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Learn about yourself. Take new chances without worrying about what, you know, old friends are thinking and maybe a family judging you for it. And I did that. I really came into my own that semester, learned I could live wherever really was introduced to the arts that clearly have resonated with me to this day. You know, I was not exposed to theater and performances and stuff much before that. Amanda experimented as well, really spread her wings back in Seattle where she had again always lived. She was a cute and quirky theater kid She was pretty average honestly kind of a dork in seems, but in Italy
Starting point is 00:24:51 new and exciting and exotic She was gorgeous, right? She seemed to take on this new identity And she was still getting used to this new identity of being kind of the the it girl You know still playing around with this new costume of sorts when all hell broke loose Amanda said in that 2016 documentary about her that she knew that she was quirky and different, but it hadn't really gotten the chance to express that prior to Italy. When she started college, she felt behind her peers in terms of life experience and wanted an experience where she had to depend on herself, get outside of her comfort zone. She thought studying abroad would help turn her into an adult
Starting point is 00:25:26 man. Did it fucking ever in ways she could have never anticipated? On September 20th, 2007 Amanda arrives in Perugia, moves into a house there. She'd been, you know, she'd be studying at the University for foreigners, a language school in the city, in just a couple days. Perugia, I was not familiar with this scenic historical city before this week. It is gorgeous. Of course it is. I have yet to see a picture of an Italian city that is not gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Perugia, the capital city of Umbria, a region in central Italy, located in between Rome and the powerful micro state of Dan Moreno, fucking cannon for an arm. Sorry, I mean, San Moreno. I could have also said about half of between Rome and Florence, roughly 100 miles north of Rome, 90 miles south of Florence. And it's a big college town, an old one, about 168,000 people live there, and around 40,000 of them college students, around 34,000 attend the University of Perugia, founded in 1308,
Starting point is 00:26:22 another 5,000 attend the University of foreigners, and there's some, you know, pretty small institutions scattered around as well, such as the Peruzia University Institute of Linguistic Meditation, where people studying to become translators or interpreters, and the music conservatory of Peruzia, you know, and all in this city founded sometime in the 4th century BCE over 2,500 years ago. All together, around 40,000 college kids, and I just messed up my math. Oh, it was, no, it was over 2,300 years ago. I did some stupid math and I glad I caught myself before somebody else caught me. Yeah, Perugia, originally settled by the Umbrians, a group of ancient Italians. Its first written name was Perugia.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Perugia once a part of a different spelling, like P-E-R-U-S-I-A was the old name. Now it's P-E-R-U-G-I-A. So it's always been called the same thing. Once part of the Roman Empire, whoever those guys are, I've never heard of them. I think they might be the guys with the funny Mohawk helmets or something. Kidding if you're new, of course, I have heard of the Romans. The city still has walls and arches
Starting point is 00:27:29 from the time of the Romans. It has medieval aqueducts, a Renaissance era fortress, so many other historical sites, like many places in Italy. Roman Emperor, Pope, poets, philosophers, famous Renaissance painters, such as Pietro, Pellagino, fucking nailed it because I'm fluent.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Raphael's mentor and a master in his own right. The ascension of Christ, painting he did, it's fucking masterpiece. And more have been born in Perugia. It's been a city of education, a city of art, and a city of chocolate. Seriously, today Perugia is mostly known for chocolate. Or as they say in Italian,
Starting point is 00:28:03 a Guido Castanio Bar Malano, Farare Francesca Risa, the pizza, that's a spice and meatball. Fucking nailed it, masterclass. I just said an Italian. They have a lot of delicious chocolate in Prusa, and I think that's really great. The Prusa Chocolate Company was founded, excuse me, Pirogina. The Pirogina, the Pirogina Chocolate Company, I was founded in 1907, 1988, and Nestle purchased it. And Pettogena's most well-known product is their hazelnut-filled chocolate kisses, which sound delicious. Batchi Pettogena, super popular in Italy and elsewhere in Europe, not so much here in the States, which is a bummer. But I'm sure I can find it by look. Peruzia has hosted the annual Euro Chocolate Festivals since 1993,
Starting point is 00:28:45 one of the largest chocolate festivals in Europe. I never even thought that the chocolate festival was a thing, but fucking million people come to this saying every year, and I'm fucking around with their chocolate. This festival lasts for nine days. Visitors can see chocolate art, watch elaborate chocolate sculpting, add several inches to their waistline in less than two weeks, and if they really, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:06 indulge themselves fully, push their stomachs to the point of detaching from the rest of their organs, or go from being completely healthy to having some of their limbs removed due to advanced diabetes. I love chocolate. Love it! Devil's Food Cake. Hot Fudge Brownie Sundays. Dark chocolate bars filled with cashews or coconut or almonds or some other kind of
Starting point is 00:29:24 nut. Peanut butter, M&M's, chocolate mulls, but a chocolate festival for nine days. Seems a bit much. 21 year old Meredith Kerture not sure what her feelings on chocolate were, had been living in the house Amanda had just moved in to since August of 2007. So just the month before Amanda moved in, two Italian women named Philomena and Laura, also living there, also the same age, roughly, and then four male students, about the same age, living in the apartment below them. So fuck yeah, nice.
Starting point is 00:29:56 The house was located what was described in some sources of bad neighborhood because of some drug activity that they're by basketball court. Oh no, not drugs, gosh dang. Back guys, playing basketball and selling drugs like marijuana and cocaine. Who could live in it near such horrors?
Starting point is 00:30:15 Watching a variety of travel videos on Peruzia, get the fuck out of here. It is not half a truly bad neighborhood, not by US standards. No neighborhood full of a lot of gang violence, drive-by shootings, much car jacking break-ins. Yeah, they have literally all cities, a part of town where the rents a little bit less because some of the homes are a little more beat up. The poorest people in town live there and sometimes large crimes, desperation, they steal
Starting point is 00:30:39 shit or try to steal shit. Some of them, and sometimes in the process of stealing or trying to steal shit, people get hurt. Sometimes people die. Of course, like in any, you know, bigger population area, not that this place is even that big. There are some sexual crimes as well. It looks like a very safe place to live, actually. Now that we've just met Meredith in this timeline, let's take a second to get to know her, because the major complaint of her family and from many people in the Comment sections of various docs and interviews, I watched about her murder is that her character gets pre-lost in her own story. Nearly all the media attention around her death was focused on one suspect, Amanda Knox. And most people following the story of her murder ended up knowing so little about Meredith.
Starting point is 00:31:19 And then the narrative about who, you know, she was, doodias, not sex craze like Amanda, reduced her to some trope that based on reading more in-depth pieces about her. And there's not a lot of stuff, but there's a little bit of stuff. It doesn't seem to define her more than Amanda's sex craze depictions define her. The tabloids in Italy were preposterously sensational in their cover to this case.
Starting point is 00:31:40 And frankly, you just did a lot of shitty reporting, like bad screenwriters. They made all the characters in this story very wooden, very one dimensional, one note predictable stereotypes instead of nuance living and breathing individuals. Born on December 28, 1985 in Sutherik, I think I'm saying it right, spelled Southwark. But I saw people get mocked in common sections for saying South work. A Sethek Landon, a Meredith, Susanna, Karek Kertcher, known as Mez to her friends, was a year and a half older than Amanda. And she saw her time in Italy, like Amanda, as a dream trip, dream come true.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Chance to explore her, you know, who she was. Her parents said she was very excited about learning the language, meeting new friends, and fully immersing herself in a different culture. Kertcher chose the Central Italian city for her exchange trip over Milan and Rome, where she could have also gone, because ironically she believed it would be safer. Her father John said she fought so hard to get there. She fell in love with Italy when she was 14 and 2000,
Starting point is 00:32:38 when she spent her summer vacation with a family in Cessaranka, Cacetta Campania, Italy, Italy. Ah, but yeah, it's a little town. She was the youngest daughter of John and Arlene Kerture with a family in Cesar Enca Cacera de Campania, Italy, Italia. But yeah, it's a little town. She was the youngest daughter of John in Arlene Kircher and sister to John Jr. Lyle and Stephanie. The family resided in Kulson,
Starting point is 00:32:55 part of Greater London, England on the very southern edge of London's Greater Metro area. And she is consistently described by friends and family and reporters as being both witty and beautiful, kind with a sharp mind, possessing a great sense of style, a dazzling smile, described in an obituary as an exotic beauty who blended the best of Anglo-Saxon and Indian cultures. She attended the private school, Old Palace of John Whitgift in Croydon, Greater London, and all girls school where students, you know, from ages of three all the way to 18 can study
Starting point is 00:33:25 and it cost on average or did at the time she went there 10,000 pounds a year. Established in 1889 operating out of buildings to go back to the 12th century, it is consistently ranked as one of the top independent girls schools in all of London. Following her graduation, she attended Leeds University and Leeds West Yorkshire, not Shire England, where she was working towards a degree in European studies and wanted to be a teacher. Walden Leeds in 2004, when Meredith was 18, she appeared as the object of the Leeds Singer's Romantic interest in a music video that you can watch if you want on YouTube right now. The official music video for British pop artist Christian Leon Tewes Some say I'd play a bit, but I don't really like it and Meredith is not singing it and I'm not sure Christian is still making music
Starting point is 00:34:19 But pretty random trivia and shows that she had a sexual side which the tablets act like she didn't And perusia she was studying political theory, modern history, the history of cinema. She was said to be a dedicated student, but she didn't always have her nose in a book, not at all, again like the tabloids trying to portray. According to her father, she went to ballet, and in her teens did karate, reaching her third belt. At school, she loved reading, she wrote poetry and stories, she was always good company, and her sense of humor always had us, and others laughing. The sense of the ridiculous stayed with her.
Starting point is 00:34:46 She had such life and vitality and made friends wherever she went. Meredith really enjoyed Halloween as a youngster. She would make a costume from bin liners, garbage bags, put candles in the pumpkins with faces, tie them to sticks, and then we would visit neighbors. It is ironic and tragic that she would die so terribly only one day after Halloween She's been described as sweet and shy, sociable and loving Unfortunately not a lot of info out there about her other than that Doesn't seem like the press cared to really know anymore or the public really everyone wanted to know more about Amanda
Starting point is 00:35:23 Amanda thought her language classes were going to be a lot more challenging than they were when she got there and Flushed with free time. She quickly decided after starting school to try and get a part-time job. And she did. She met Patrick Lumumba, owner of Lyshik. Lumumba originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo. And he's definitely a character in the story, according to Amanda, Patrick hired her basically because she was hot. You know, young hot blonde girl with a bubbly personality from America. And he hoped that she would bring in extra customers and keep them coming back. All right, sounds like a good business move. Lumumba told Vanity Fair she spent most of her time chatting up the guys and flirty. The house Amanda, but again, she's just got there.
Starting point is 00:35:58 She just arrived in Italy. She's getting attention. And yeah, and she's, you know, she's working at a cafe, of course, the inflator. The house Amanda and Meredith lived in was described in some other sources as not being in a bad part of town, but being a great location. I believe these sources overlooking the rolling hills and close to the University for foreigners. Man loved being in Italy. She wrote to her friends and family.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I am actually at one of my most happiest places right now, right? Right? That shortly after getting there. Amanda was having fun meeting new people, but her roommates supposedly, according to her boys and later interviews, thought she might have been meeting too many people. Meredith told her father, John Kerture, Amanda arrived only a week ago and she already has a boyfriend. Oh my! How scandalous! Meredith told her friends that Amanda had several boyfriends in quick succession. She also boyfriends, I wish she was hooking up.
Starting point is 00:36:48 She also allegedly was angry with Amanda over some rent dispute and Amanda's cleanliness, you know, Amanda will dispute this later. Maybe that happened, might just be tabloid fodder. Also according to tabloids, Meredith's friends weren't the biggest fans of Amanda. One friend allegedly later told police. First time I met her, we were eating in a restaurant. When all of a sudden, she began to sing in a loud voice It was very strange and out of place
Starting point is 00:37:09 And again, I just think yeah, they did or dork But also Amanda Meredith did have some similarities. They were both daughters of divorce parents They both like to drink at local pubs. They did party together had fun together several times Often in fact more than several despite the Italian media trying to paint her as some virginal and pious Madonna who spent all her time studying was just not wild at all about boys. That is not true about Meredith. Yes, Amanda Meredith may have had a few arguments about living together, but also again had fun. They went out to grab drinks together, visited male students numerous times who live below them to party, had those students and other
Starting point is 00:37:44 people up in their place to party They were both totally normal college kids in many respects You know they had a guest come over play guitar smoke weed that kind of shit and of course they did You know, they're at the very beginning of their 20s living together in fucking Italy in your bar surrounded by thousands and thousands of college kids A bunch of dudes who think they're hot as fuck and they're nowhere near their families It'd be weird for two straight college girls to not have friends over to drink, smoke some weed, play some fucking music. Maybe we're at the didn't chase a few boys around.
Starting point is 00:38:12 One of the guests they had over according to some sources was Rudy Gidey. 20 year old man described as both tall and painfully skinny. Painfully skinny. So you know, same age as them. Rudy, a big character in the story, a double citizen of Italy in the Ivory Coast. He moved to Italy with his parents at the age five, love playing basketball,
Starting point is 00:38:32 grown up, he, like a lot of kids, you know, would skip school, play some video games, also maybe love weed more than the average person. Rudy was according to one article known for occasionally smoking weed until he lost consciousness. Right? Had a difficult relationship with his dad who had decided to eventually return to the Ivory Coast for Seen excuse me, Gidey to rely on social services to get by maybe kind of nudging him towards a life of some crime Because he did have a criminal record for theft and drug possession by the time he enters the story
Starting point is 00:39:02 Had a little habit of breaking into places and drug possession by the time he enters the story, had a little habit of breaking into places. And this is a very important detail that gets overlooked by both the press and the prosecution and the aftermath of Meredith's murder. Numerous locals would identify Rudy as the man they had seen break into their home or business after his picture was plastered across a bunch of tablet covers. Also, I think this is very important. On October 27th, 2007, just a few days before Meredith's murder, a principal at a nursery school in Milan said she found a strange figure coming out of her office, and that man was identified as Rudy Gidey. When police arrived at the scene and asked him to open his backpack, they found a 40 centimeter
Starting point is 00:39:37 kitchen knife, which he had taken from the kitchen nursery. Another important detail. Why the fuck did he take a knife and was keeping his backpack? Also found a small hammer, keys, a watch. By the time Gidey was charged with possession of stolen goods, he was already in custody for Meredith's murder. Gidey was said or has he had, excuse me, in more recent years that he did not have a criminal record before Meredith's murder, but based on analyzing a lot of sources, that is not true. He is full of shit. Rudy claimed he met Meredith in analyzing a lot of sources, that is not true. He is full of shit.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Rudy claimed he met Meredith in October of 2007, right after she arrives from England, and that he was immediately attracted to her. There are so many lies in the story, but this one seems not to be a lie, seems to be true. One of the men who lived in the basement flat below Knox and Kirchner's apartment, Jacques-Jacquemot, Célinezy, had known Rudy Gidey since the year before Kirchner's apartment. Jocka Mo, Selenzy, had known Rudy Gidey since the year before Kirchner's death. He said he met Gidey while playing basketball in the court above the apartment building. He was kind of built on a hill. And Gidey had supposedly been to Selenzy's department on several occasions when both
Starting point is 00:40:36 knocks and Meredith were present. And a court document would read, it appears that Gidey was attracted to knocks who on their first meeting was single and unattached. And then Gidey seems to have quickly moved on to Meredith after Amanda started dating someone else. It's moved on as far as flirting with her, maybe had a relationship with her, it's very disputed. Gidey reportedly met Kerture about three or four times
Starting point is 00:40:58 before her death, supposed he kissed her the night before, she was murdered according to Cylindy. According to what Gidey said to Cylindy. And according to court documents, Kerture may have invited Gidey over to her place the night she was killed, and he happily agreed to come to her apartment. That's what Rudy would say later. But I do not believe him. We'll hear more from him later that I think we'll explain why I don't believe him. Just again, so many lies in the story. On October 25, 2007, just a week before Mary this murder now now Amanda Knox meets 23 year old Raffaielli, Celetito, an Italian computer science student. But I want to say his name again, and you know, if I was in Italy, I'll be like,
Starting point is 00:41:33 Raffaielli, Celetito. That's as I talk, and in many occasions, you know, I spend time there to make sure I stay fluent. The son of a successful urologist, Celetito, was born on March 26, 1984 in the little town of Giovannazo, just outside the southern Italian city of Bari. About 350,000 live in this city, in the city limits, about 750,000 live in the metro area, that is little over 330 miles from Peruzia. A tribe of Greeks inhabited the area over 7,500 years ago and then the city became a part of the Roman Empire in the 3rd century BCE, an important fishing port. Decent amount of fishing still done in the area, a lot of fairies, a lot of cruise ships
Starting point is 00:42:13 arrive and leave the city daily, like pretty much all Italian cities, as a ton of historical sites going back literally thousands of years. And anyway, Raphaelius was just months away from completing his degree in computer science when he meets Amanda. Amanda described him as an Italian Harry Potter. Many others described him as tense and anxious. He does seem tense and anxious in interviews, actually. Also, I get the Harry Potter resemblance
Starting point is 00:42:38 and seems very kind and sweet. I also described as being very romantically inexperienced, prosecutor in the case said that, and I'm assuming this was discovered during some interrogations. And supposedly he had maybe been with two women, total prior to Amanda. And this was, you know, used and blown up in the tabloids. That's how, you know, how she was able to really, you know, hook him in,
Starting point is 00:42:57 because he was just very sexy and experienced. And then this, you know, promiscuous vixen, just had him bent around her finger. Raphaelie described himself as being more interested in video games and girls growing up. He was shy, socially reclusive, overweight as a kid. Now he's also kind of coming into a new identity. He's getting romantic attention. This time from a very beautiful American woman, he's overjoyed.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Amanda met the Raphaelie at a classical music concert, nerds. And they quickly began a relationship. Raphael A. said in the 2016 Amanda Knox documentary, I went to a classical music concert and there was this girl alone. She was very, very pretty. When I looked at her, she looked at me back. I was so shy that even if she looked at me, she smiled at me. I was turning back and said, is she looking at somebody in my back?
Starting point is 00:43:43 It was not. It was me. So after I realized it, I said, is she looking at somebody in my back? It was not. It was me. So after I realized it, I said, why not talking? And I do apologize for him not being as good in English as I am as good in Italian. But not everyone is, you know, fluent in other languages like I am. Rafael took Amanda to a quiet place with a beautiful view of the city later that night, very romantic place.
Starting point is 00:44:01 And that's where they kissed for the first time and began to date. Amanda thought Rafael was cute, sweet, more romantic than any other guy she'd ever been with. And this was her first time, she would say, really falling in love. And for the next week, they spent as much time together as they possibly could. They explored the city, took pictures together, smoked weed, drank, had a lot of sex, hairlose with Fina. They were doing college the way you're supposed to. They remember first, 2007. This is the last normal day Amanda Knox and Raphaelie Celetito will get to have together. Also Meredith Kircher's last day alive. Sadly Meredith was planning to go
Starting point is 00:44:36 home in the next few weeks to visit her family for her mom's birthday. Raphaelie and Amanda later both said that they saw Meredith in the kitchen at 4 p.m. and that she left the house to meet some friends for pizza and ice cream. She didn't left her friends at 9 p.m. told him she was tired heading back home. Amanda initially told investigators that she spent the entire night on November 1st with Rafale. And she'd circle back to the story after a bit of a detour we'll get into in a bit. She said that they watched a movie at Raf E's place red Harry Potter smoked weed had sex Amanda received a text from her boss Patrick while she was a watch the movie
Starting point is 00:45:11 That she didn't have to come into work So she stayed the entire night with Rafael E She would text her boss back sure. See you later Or at least she claims she wrote that a translation of what she wrote will come back to haunt her Also during a later interrogation, Rafiela will say that he couldn't be sure that Amanda was with him the whole night. She'll go back on his initial story and again, more on all that just a bit. Thanks a very messy, very quickly in this investigation, the sloppyest investigation that I've covered so far. 21 year old Meredith Kerture is found dead in her bedroom early
Starting point is 00:45:42 on November 2nd 2007. And the following account of the events that occurred next come from Amanda. She said she came home from Raffa L.A.'s, saw the front door open. She thought this was strange, but not terribly alarming, usually is locked. She figured one of her roommates just didn't lock the door properly. Nothing was out of place that she saw in the common room or her bedroom. But then she did see that Meredith's door was shut. Next, Amanda quickly noticed two pea-sized flecks of blood,
Starting point is 00:46:10 excuse me, in the sink of the bathroom that she shared with Meredith. There was also a blood smear on the faucet. The blood was dry, like it had been there a while. Amanda now, and this is a little weird to me, rather than check on Meredith, she takes a shower. And I just say like a little weird, because she didn't find blood all over the place.
Starting point is 00:46:28 She found a pea-sized flecks of blood. And the sink dried smear on the faucet in a college house. When I was 20, I also would have checked on fucking no one after seeing that. I would have assumed it was probably my blood. When I was drunk, I was fucking black out drunk, her blood from her roommate's cut, cut or nosebleed or whatever,
Starting point is 00:46:46 and that no one cleaned it up because we were filthy animals. Constantly getting drunk and high, not taking care of things. And actually, this is a jog to memory. I did come home once to find a blood around the sink, and it was because a roommate of mine did have a bloody nose night before
Starting point is 00:47:02 when they were just hammered and did not bother to clean it up because we were dirt bags. And I didn't, I don't remember checking on anybody. When Amanda got out of the shower, she said that she now noticed a larger spot of blood on the bath mat. Amanda thought that this might be period blood, but that didn't explain the blood of the sink.
Starting point is 00:47:17 She is like, what is going on? But again, filthy college kids living in what sounds like a bit of a party house. She thinks it may be Meredith hurt herself and then forgot to clean up. Amanda now goes into a roommates bathroom to use her hair dryer. This is when she looks into the toilet and sees a big ol' shit in there and it hadn't been flushed. Source said feces, but come on, she saw turd. And that frightened Amanda, which is interesting to me. This might illustrate the difference between young men and young women, I guess. In my experience, women are more disturbed by unflush toilets than men. Seeing a turd would not freak me out. It would annoy me. But again, I would just figure that some was drunk
Starting point is 00:47:52 and, you know, forgot to flush it. I just fucking move on with my life and not even think anything of it. You know, I knew I lived with other dirt bags. But a man to live with all girls, some blood, not a big deal, giant turd. Well, it's a red flag. Not all is right in the house. And I don't actually know for certain that it was a big turd or even actually a turd might have been in Bariah. But my gut says turd. It says big old man turd. Fucking big old brown snake coiled up ready to strike. As they say in Italian, ben evento Napoli ragu, rakena baana mamamiya, Agastino ballona, poopy and the banjo, it's a stinky meatball fucking master class Ha ha ha in English that translates to no one likes a stinky poopy left in a toilet for anyone to save her
Starting point is 00:48:39 Anyway now Amanda said that she knew something was right the unlock door a little bit of blood a lot of bit of turd So now she decides to go get Rafaielli Amanda called her mom first then she called her roommate Philomena. Philomena spent the night at someone else's house. Another roommate Laura was a Wayne Rome. Amanda tried calling Meredith's British phone, then her Italian phone, doesn't receive an answer, neither one. Amanda goes back to Raffa Yelley's house now,
Starting point is 00:48:58 tells him what's going on, then the breakfast together, then go back to the house. That does seem a bit weird to me. It's a weird wide, wide, go to the house quicker, but whatever. And why not call the police? You know, I tell them someone might have broken in, but there was a little blood. You can't find Meredith, the door's locked,
Starting point is 00:49:11 not as for phone. When instead she goes and grabs some breakfast before coming back to investigate all this further. Rafaeli said in the 2016 documentary, I went back there, I saw all this mess, it was very weird. And I was a little bit surprised that she took a shower inside her house without having the anxiety of it.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Yeah, yeah, exactly, it is a lot. Do you have a bit of exploring now, a man in Raphaelius said that they find a broken window in Philomena's room. I was saying the window had been shattered and glass was everywhere. Clothes were heaped all over the bed and floor, the drawers and cabinets were open, all I could see was chaos. Meredith's door still shut. They now knocked gently on Maridest door, call out to her.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Why didn't Amanda do that before? You know, after calling Maridest's numbers, maybe she did and just wasn't written down his sources. Do not receive a response. They knocked louder. They yelled, no response still. Raphaelie now tries to kick in the door but can't do it, bigger, thicker door.
Starting point is 00:50:02 So they decided it's best to call the police. It looks like someone's broken in. And then the following is a translation of Raphael's two calls to the police. So first call, the police, our answer it was saying, Catabaniere, Raphael says, hello, good day, listen, someone is in the house
Starting point is 00:50:18 breaking the window and has made a big mess and there was a closed door. The street is, and then they asked like, what's the street? In the background, via della pergola, like Raphael is asking somebody in the background, hey, what's the street? And then, yeah. And then, Raphael says, via della pergola, seven, police via Raphael, della pergola, seven in peruja, police residence of Mr. question mark. Raphaelius says, mm, Amanda Knox, please have a, Raphaelius, who lives here is,
Starting point is 00:50:52 they are a group of students among which there is a Amanda Knox. Please give me the name and mobile number of one of the tenants. Raphaelius spells out Amanda's name, gives her phone number. The police ask theft, burglary in the house, eh? Raphaelius says, no, there's no theft. They broke a window, there is a mess, there is also a closed door, a mess.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Please say just a moment, please, some music plays. The police come back on, hello? Raphaelie, yes, police, so listen, they entered, they broke a window, how do you know they entered? Raphaelie says it can be seen by the signs. There are drops, there are blood stains in the bathroom. Please say so, they entered because the windows broke and did they cut themselves breaking the window? I feel like this and then the call drops. Hello. All right second call now. Please answer
Starting point is 00:51:45 Sorry Gracie salute Antonio banderes, Tony soprano. Sorry. All I want to do is continue to speak perfect of time right now. I know I should focus on the story. No, I wish to please say that. What they said is Carbonari, Maruja, I feel like hello, yeah, I called two seconds ago and they're like someone has entered the house, broke the window, yes. Then they went in the bathroom. I don't know if you come here perhaps What did they take they didn't take anything the problem is to close door there are blood stains There was a closed door which doors closed
Starting point is 00:52:14 The door one of the flatmates who isn't here and we don't know where she is and there are blood stains outside the door of this flatmate who's not there The blood stains are in the bathroom Oh in the bathroom and this door is closed and this girl do you have her mobile number her? Yes, yes, we tried to call her, but she's not there. The blood stains are in the bathroom. Oh, in the bathroom, in this door is closed, in this girl, do you have her mobile number? Her, yes, yes, we tried to call her, but she's not answering. Okay, I'll send a patrol car now and we'll check the situation out. Rafael is like, okay, they're like, okay, he's like, okay, again. And then they're like, here we go. Now they're like, goodbye. And then, you know, then they're done. Is that a weird translation? It reads, ought to be. The language translations, a little weird there.
Starting point is 00:52:47 But anyway, right after Rafi Ali calls a police, two officers who deal with tech crimes show up to the house unrelated to the call. They had just received two cell phones, one of which belonged to roommate Philomena Romanielli, or Roman, Romanelli, there we go. Philomena also came home at this point. Neighborhood heard the phones ringing in their garden when a man to called Meredith earlier. Philomena arrived came home at this point. Neighborhood heard the phones ringing in their garden
Starting point is 00:53:05 when a man to called Meredith earlier. Philomena arrived at the house and explained that she loaned Meredith her SIM card for her Italian phone so she could make calls. Philomena now checks her room, sees that nothing is missing despite the break-in. By now, a crowd of confused people is gathered inside the house.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Philomena's friend who had arrived with her and her boyfriend, now they kicked down Meredith's door. Philomina screams as she enters a foot, a foot, another person shouts, blood, my God. And then the police ordered everyone to get out of the house. The police now enter Meredith's room and find her dead. Surrounded by what would later be called a lake of blood. Meredith DuVay was draped over her half naked body. Right? She's, you know, her pop has been removed. She had been stabbed.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Holy shit. 47 times. What the fuck? 47 times. That's some serious rage. There was a slash to the throat that severed a major artery, but she didn't die from blood loss according to some later coronary reports. She was choked or smothered or strangled.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Her ability to take an air was cut off by someone's hands. It gets presented in a variety of different fashions in different articles. This important information gets presented, yeah, in variety of sources stabbed. It seems with two different knives, perhaps never totally confirmed. Given the differences, noted in the size of the knife wounds, it was likely that more than one knife was used. Also had maybe this goes back and forth later on, but from various sources, multiple bruises in her vaginal and sphincter area denoting sexual violence that occurred. Later experts will not be able to agree on this. Yeah, so you'll see why I say maybe as we go forward.
Starting point is 00:54:38 The investigation full of a stupid amount of babies. Doctors testimony suggests that the wounds indicated that in addition to the cure to being choked, her mouth and nose were additionally covered up, and multiple individuals likely committed the attack on Kerture due to her lack of defensive wounds, but this will also be disputed. It was speculated by the prosecution that one person held her down, pinder arms, while someone else, or more than one other person, stabbed her, smothered her, etc. However it occurred, Meredith definitely died at some point in the night of the first. We know that for sure. And then using a lot of conjecture, investigators
Starting point is 00:55:10 will come to believe that multiple people killed her in a group's sexual act gone wrong. Also despite valuable items like her laptop not being stolen, making the burglary seems staged, cash was stolen, which does possibly indicate a form of burglary. Meredith's purse would be found to be missing at least 250 euros. Finally, her room is covered in blood and there are bloody fingerprints on the wall that do not belong to Amanda or Rafale. By the way, Rafale initially explained to the police that Amanda had returned to the house after she spent the night with him.
Starting point is 00:55:40 She went to the bathroom, saw it smeared with so much blood. It looked as though a butcher had attempted washing up and then given up the task, which is weird for him to say that there was so much blood when there was just a few drops, what she said. Amanda initially told investigators she did think this was all very strange because her roommates usually kept the bathroom so clean. She thought it was the other period blood or an accidental cut. Interestingly, Raphael will say that he called the police before the first two officers
Starting point is 00:56:03 arrive with the phone. The police will say he definitely called after. Meredith's parents at home in England this time, they're watching the news and they see a story on November 2nd about a British girl who had been murdered on the news. How tragic Meredith's father, John Kerture, attempts to call her 15 to 20 times receives no answer,
Starting point is 00:56:21 knows that only 700 British students are in the Erasmus program, which she was in. Fiers that Meredith is the girl who was killed. He calls the mirror where he works as a freelance journalist to see what they knew, and that same night John learns that his daughter Meredith is indeed dead. Just fucking horrific. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:38 So then the day after Meredith's bed bodies discovered, November 3rd, 2007, a man in oxen, Raphael, he goes shopping at a clothing store in town. And this will not look good in the Italian British tabloids. We'll have a fucking field day with this. According to store owner, Carlo Scato di Rinaldi, they purchased underwear, kissed and hugged. And Rafael Etoll Amanda, we can have wild sex tonight. That's what he said that, roughly I said quote, we can have wild sex tonight. CCTV CCTV captured this interaction kind of video, but not sound. After an oldies saw a man to space in the news, he told a friend of the police force, what he heard and saw, the police obtained the CCTV footage, gave it to Peruzia's prosecutor, Juliano Minini.
Starting point is 00:57:25 We're gonna get to another guy pretty well. Within a few more days, the footage was released to media outlets around the world because of this. Amanda Inslin becomes guilty in the court of public opinion. Amanda explained in the 2013 ABC interview she gave many years later that she had to go to the store because she needed underwear
Starting point is 00:57:41 and was waiting for some understanding of what was going to happen and whether or not I would even have access to my own things. I needed a pair of underwear and I went to that store. I took one off the shelf near the cash register, I bought it and Rafaielli kissed me. Now, I don't know what the store owner thinks he heard or did not hear, but we in no way said he or I that we were off to go have hot sex. So why would the store owner lie?
Starting point is 00:58:06 Well, maybe he didn't. Maybe a man is lying. Or maybe that shop owner was pressured to lie by some tabloid reporter. I do think many sensational tabloid reporters are morally bankrupt fucking dirtbags who will pressure people to tell them what they wanna hear or just make up what someone supposedly said.
Starting point is 00:58:22 And I think that because court case after court case, after court case has proven that various tablets, especially British tablets, who sure seem to be the most aggressive and did cover this case extensively from the beginning, have lost many libel cases for their defamatory actions over and over again. The CCTV footage of this is really damning
Starting point is 00:58:42 if you believe the shop owner. In the footage Amanda and Raphaelie don't seem upset they're laughing smiling and kissing and they're doing this day after Meredith is found day right bad look you never know with 100% certainty how you will react to something you've never previously experienced but I would think that if my roommate was brutally murdered in my apartment I might not be out in public laughing and kissing it up and you know get my fuck on if that was happening I might not be out in public laughing and kissing it up and you know, getting my fuck on if that was happening. I might be too shaken up about the murder that occurred a few feet from where I sleep. Might be grieving the loss of my roommate.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Might be a little worried that I could be next since no killer has been caught. Or not worried if I am the killer. However, if she had to buy some new clothes because her house is a sealed off crime scene, why not go with Rafael to buy that, you know, those clothes. They've only been together a week. You wouldn't need a new pair of underwear. Right? They're both very young. It's hot and heavy. They're both, they both just experienced tragedy. But also neither one of them were really close friends of Meredith's. Raffa Ellie barely knew her. And while Amanda hung out with her, she'd only lived with her for less than six weeks. For the record, I do think it's
Starting point is 00:59:42 fucking weird. This doesn't seem, you know, busted up, but also her not heavily constantly grieving the loss of someone she doesn't have a super close relationship with. You know, I guess that that is not uncommon. And people process things differently. And she could have been crying five minutes before that footage. And again, five minutes afterwards. We don't know. Rafaelie could have been doing his best just to cheer her up, you know, trying to look at this from very stangles. Later the same day Amanda was brought back to the house to inspect the knife drawer to see if anything was missing.
Starting point is 01:00:10 You just didn't notice anything and does begin to cry hysterically and cover her ears with her hands. On November 4th, 2007, prosecutor Mininy orders Amanda and Raphaelie's cell phones to be secretly wire taped. Their conversations and interviews were described, transcribed forelis cell phones to be secretly wire taped. Their conversations and interviews were just transcribed for the police. According to, again, Vanity Fair, the police could not believe that she seemed more focused on spending time with her boyfriend than being devastated by her roommate's murder. Further record, I don't care much for Vanity Fair.
Starting point is 01:00:39 I think they're insanely biased and a lot of their stories and have recently become not much more than a tabloid themselves But I do think their older articles like 10 years back and more long before the last two election cycles Show a lot less bias and they do now and if they have done some great investigative journalism in in the past in certain cases Hopefully this is one of those cases Since their investigation provides details about certain moments in this timeline that are not found to the same depth and other sources Anyway, I'm and in Raphaelie now go to the same depth and other sources. Anyway, Amanda and Raphaelie, now I go to the police station for an interview. At the police station, when she does end up being told
Starting point is 01:01:11 she'll be questioned, Amanda allegedly becomes agitated. Raphaelie tries to make her feel better by teaching her curse words and Italian, and they laugh together, which does nothing to win them favor with the police. Amanda speaks on the phone with her friends later and says, if they ask me to stay on over Christmas, I'm going to ask someone for help. I can't stay at their back and call forever. Some acquaintances who talked to Amanda after the murder were shocked
Starting point is 01:01:32 by her behavior. Jocamo Selenzi, a romantic interest in some sources, he's listed that way, of Maris, said Amanda was as cool as anything and completely emotionless. Amanda could tell that the police were suspicious of her. And then, holding a chromatic interest shows that she wasn't some like virginal chase person. This guy who lives nearby right down below, you know, they're hooking up whatever. Amanda could tell that the police were suspicious of her. She told one of her friends, they treat me like a criminal. One of Meredith's friends told the police that when she said she hoped Meredith didn't suffer,
Starting point is 01:02:04 Amanda responded, how could she not? She got her fucking throat slit. Amanda explained that reaction in that same 2013 ABC interview saying, I was angry, was pacing, thinking about what Meredith was, must have went through. I had already been through hours of questioning and her friends came much later and they were much more vulnerable and in that moment I wasn't sensitive enough to their feelings. But what I was hearing was that somebody did something horrible to my friend and I could not conceive how it could be anything but how horrible it was. And that's what my explanation was, exclamation was all about. I think everyone's reaction to something horrible is different. I went through multiple emotions in the reaction to what I found out and I discovered about what
Starting point is 01:02:42 happened to Meredith. Part of it was shock and disbelief. Part of it was sadness. Part of it was anger. Part of it was this stubborn drive to do what I thought an adult would do, which was help. Prosecutors soon learned that Amanda and Meredith allegedly didn't get along. I think this got way overblown in the media, but one of their supposed disagreements was over Amanda keeping condoms in a vibrator in their shared bathroom
Starting point is 01:03:06 Right, and this point has her again being scandalous in the Italian authorities eyes How dare she practice safe sex and have a vibrator for harmless self pleasure? What's happening? There's the phenom scared Amanda later told ABC This is one of the more strange things that happened was that no one ever confronted me No one about the things that I kept in the bathroom or what like what friends I had, that was never discussed while we were living together.
Starting point is 01:03:29 The one time that she ever confronted me about something was she was very embarrassed and nice about it. And I was very embarrassed and like awkwardly laughing about it afterwards. And that was when like discussing that after you flush a toilet, you have to use the brush, which is not something that I was used to. And that have to use the brush, which is not something that I was used to.
Starting point is 01:03:46 And that was fairly early on. And that was not something that happened afterwards and it was fine. We didn't have an instrument and we didn't argue about anything. That's very funny to me. They just like, you know, they've lived here a few days and I was like,
Starting point is 01:03:57 hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you gotta, yeah, use the brush. Can't leave the little poopy residue on the bottom of the bowl. I'm backing up now to the days after Meredith's murder, prosecutor Minini continued listing to Amanda's private conversations. He heard Amanda tell her friend Robin Butterworth that she saw Meredith's body by the closet with the cover or a sheet over her. According to Butterworth, it seemed like Amanda was proud that she was the first to find
Starting point is 01:04:21 Meredith. And if true, maybe a little weird. Minini didn't know how Amanda could have seen Meredith's body, though, with the bedroom door was closed and locked. And Yenny took this information to a panel of judges. At this time, he still didn't know how many people were involved, who was involved, or if Meredith was raped or not. All they knew was that Amanda Knox was their main suspect.
Starting point is 01:04:42 The judges wrote about her. Amanda never showed any visible grief for the tragic loss of her friend, but rather indulged in ostentatious displays of affection with Raphaelie, even going as far as the paradoxical purchase of an item of intimate apparel, apparently for use in having quote wild sex. Amanda is a restless person who does not disdain multiple frequentations. What? Does not disdain multiple frequentations.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Is that their way of saying that she slept around? Like, what the fuck does that mean? And yes, she might underwear, because she wasn't allowed to go to her room and get her other underwear. And all of this is circumstantial. And I feel like now is a good time to share my opinion of prosecutor Giuliano Manine, not a big fan of this guy. I consider him to be an extremely sexist douchebag, super arrogant, pompous, frankly shitty investigator.
Starting point is 01:05:35 After watching a few hours of documentaries where he is heavily interviewed, I came to find his face extremely punchable. He makes a number of comments about how important his Catholic phase is to him, which is fine, but then also insinuates on multiple occasions that Amanda is an immoral slut based clearly, based clearly excuse me on his spiritual beliefs, right? Not fine when those beliefs bleed over into a criminal investigation. He also talks at one point about how much he loves Sherlock Holmes as a detective. Why? Because he's a great detective who finds important clues and seemingly insignificant details. That's scary. I just just work with the fucking facts that are given you. Don't try to read into shit. He's saying this as those Sherlock Holmes was a real person and not a fictional fucking
Starting point is 01:06:20 character made up by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. And then in his own example of doing some shit that should only appear in fiction, he states that when a woman kills another woman, she tends to cover up the body, like how Meredith's body was found covered up with a blanket. And then he adds, quote, a man would never think to do that. What the fuck is he talking about?
Starting point is 01:06:40 We have covered numerous male killers who have covered up the bodies of the victims. The grim sleep or Lonnie Franklin quickly comes to mind for one. He specifically used a blanket to cover up at least one of his murder victims. Juliano says more dumb shit later that I don't want to reveal now because it speaks to details we haven't covered yet. Before moving forward to make sure I don't forget, he does do this thing that I fucking hate and I just think makes him such a shitty investigator, right? He often speaks in terms of absolute certainty Regarding things that you can't be absolutely certain of Like you'll say stuff like men always do this women never do that
Starting point is 01:07:18 When this is founded a crime scene it always indicates this it never indicates that Right easy noodle you're not that fucking smart life is usually great not black and white and in the end I'm seeing it always indicates this. It never indicates that, right? Easy no it'll, you're not that fucking smart. Life is usually great, not black and white. And in the end, his investigation, he will, we'll run lead on this investigation, will be called out by the Italian Supreme Court for being heavily flawed.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Stunning flaws is the quote they used. Stunning flaws in the investigation. Okay, returning now to the timeline. November 5th, 2007, three days after Meredith's body is found. Raphaelie Celeste Toe called in for questioning again. Amanda is not, but comes with him and waits in the hallway. The police question, Raphaelie, about what happened on the night on November 1st and according to him, they tell him, according him later, they told him that Amanda was a liar and quote, a stupid slut, a cow, they
Starting point is 01:08:03 didn't care about him. They wanted him to tell the a liar and quote a stupid slut a cow. They didn't care about him They wanted him to tell the truth They kept saying about her involvement then Meredith's murder right they were gunning for Meanwhile, while at the police station according to the police Amanda was literally doing cartwheels and yoga stretches Amanda later told ABC. She was not doing cartwheels. She was reacting in an upset manner If she was doing cartwheels, I wouldn't be surprised I mean reacting in an upset manner. If she was doing car wheels, I wouldn't be surprised. I mean, you know, she likes to sing to herself, does fucking weird moves, things, by a lot of accounts, and by my own observation of her in various interviews, yes, she's weirdo. And she seemed to get a lot of weirder, like many of us, when she was younger.
Starting point is 01:08:37 I think about the other account of her suddenly loudly singing in a bar, I don't know where. Right? Her eccentric theatrical personality did not endear her to the Italian public, to investigators, you know, journalists. And I do feel bad for her in this sense as a fellow weirdo, weirdo. I often apparently do not notice when I'm singing in public. Not loudly, but sometimes you know, I just get lost in the old daydream. Sometimes my mouth moves along to what I'm saying in my daydream. Sometimes I'm humming or singing little songs, little made up diddies, and don't totally realize it right away. Lindsay has pointed it out to me. And I feel like if I was being observed singing little songs, little made-up diddies and don't totally realize it right away. Lindsay has pointed this out to me. And I feel like if I was being observed as a suspect,
Starting point is 01:09:09 I would almost certainly do shit that if recorded would not endear me to a jury, the public, investigators, et cetera. After hours of being interrogated again, Raphael E. changes his an important part of his original statement. He had previously told the police that he was home the entire night with Amanda. Now, Raphael claims that on the night of November 1st, the night Meredith was murdered, he was working on his computer at home and smoking weed and said that at 8 pm, Amanda left him for five hours to go to Patrick Lumumba's bar, which no one will
Starting point is 01:09:41 attest to. He said that his original statement that Amanda was within the whole night was a sackable shit and that Amanda pressured him to lie. Then a few days later, he'll change his statement again. His third version of events will be that he can't remember much about the night of November 1st. He was too high and weed. Couldn't say for sure if Amanda was within the whole time or if she might have left his house at some point.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Why did he change his story? Well, in a memoir, Rafael, uh, well publish in 2012, he will allege that the police during his second interrogation stripped him naked, threatened him, and slapped him around. They beat him, scared him, pressured him into telling them what they wanted him to say. They made him think he would spend the rest of his life in prison if he did not tell them what they wanted to hear about the investigation. After his interrogation, the police now approached Amanda and tell her what Raphael Raphael had said. They asked for her phone.
Starting point is 01:10:30 She gives it to them. They see a text from her boss, Patrick, as well as her response when literally translated to English. Amanda said, we will see each other later. Have a good night. Amanda not fluent in Italian at this point, not at all. She claimed she tried to write, see you later, have a good night. Big difference between, we will see each other later and see you later.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Also I'm guessing as someone very fluent Italian, you know, it's really easy to switch that stuff up. You know, when you learn other language in a formal academic setting, you learn the proper way to speak, which is not often the way people actually speak. And this text will now, you know, haunt her. Amanda told them that she was just responding to his text asking her not to come to work. You know, and that, yeah, I'll see you later, like when I do come to work, the police told her that she made an appointment with him.
Starting point is 01:11:17 And then, you know, she just didn't remember it. And she said, clearly, your mind is fucked and you are going to be either on our side, or you're going to be on the murderer side and what side are you on? And then Amanda says that she responded, I don't know what the fuck is going on. And apparently the police, when they heard the word fuck come from her, which she says this in English, they become angry. And one officer said, fuck, I understand fuck, fuck you. Amanda cried during questioning, then an officer allegedly slapped her on the head, said
Starting point is 01:11:42 remember, suppose you got slapped numerous times, you can pop her in the back of the head, said, remember, suppose you got slapped numerous times, you could bop her on the back of the head, remember, remember. Yellen at her, Manini, the prosecutor, he will later say that he felt Amanda had problems with authority and that she was an anarchist. That's his word. She was a fucking anarchist, you hated authority. Nothing she has done before this, that is public knowledge. And nothing she has done since points to her being a anarchist seems pretty quiet reserved.
Starting point is 01:12:06 November 6, 2007 after being interrogated again this time all night long, Amanda, who is not offered legal counsel, neither was Rafael, signs of confession admitting to being in another room, wall her boss, Patrick Luma, oh my God, Luma, murder's Meredith Kerture. Amanda is then arrested and held in prison. Luma, also is arrested. He'll be held for a couple of weeks. Not only was Amanda questioned without an attorney present, right, she's never even offered an interpreter.
Starting point is 01:12:32 And again, she's not fluent in Italian. She came to Italy to become fluent. But that's still a ways off. Over the course of this investigation, she will give conflicting statements about what she was doing that night. Amanda will later claim that the police coerced her into accusing others and changing her statement around through fear, intimidation, and actual physical abuse.
Starting point is 01:12:48 She said she was scared and confused. Amanda said that that night she had various memories of the street in front of Raphaelie's apartment. The front door of her house being opened, Patrick Lumamba and his brown leather jacket and Meredith screaming. And she ended up thinking that maybe these memories were memories of Meredith's murder, as much as she tells the police this time. The following is a translation of Amanda's confession, made it 145 AM November 6, 2007.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Amanda did have an interpreter for the confession, but after hours and hours of being interrogated with that one. So she says, in order to complete what has been repealed before by means of precedent declarations made at this office The fuck I wish to clarify that I know and see other people who have also come to my house Sometimes and who have also met Meredith and of whom I will provide the relevant mobile numbers So she's saying this stuff and somebody who's not really good at English is writing this down. I feel like they could have hired a better translator. That doesn't sound like something that anyone would say.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Did you ever introduce anyone to Meredith? Yes, allow me to clarify. I know and see other people. Other people have come to my house. Also, sometimes other people have also met Meredith, for whom I will provide relevant mobile numbers. One of these relevant people is Patrick described in this, again, this translation. I don't think she was saying this shit. Describe him as a first, as a colored citizen who is about 175 centimeters tall with braids owner of pub LeCique located in Via Alessie. And I know that he lives in the area near the
Starting point is 01:14:26 roundabout of Porta Pesse, and a telephone number. Pub where I work twice a week on Mondays and on Thursdays from 2200 until about two. Right. So from 10 to 2 in the morning. And this feels coarsed to me. Last Thursday is November, day on which I usually work. While I was in the apartment of my boyfriend, Rafaeli, at about 2030, I received a message from Patrick on my mobile, telling me that evening
Starting point is 01:14:50 the pub would remain closed because there were no people. Therefore, I didn't have to go to work. I replied to the message saying that we would meet immediately, which isn't either translation, doesn't say that. Therefore, I went out telling my boyfriend that I had to go to work. Okay, I wish to state first that in the afternoon, I had smoked a joint with Rafaielli.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Therefore, I felt confused because I do not usually make use of narcotics nor harder drugs. Ha! I was just talking about what? It's weed. What the fuck are these idiots talking about? She, I met Patrick soon after the basketball court of Piazza Gromana and we went home.
Starting point is 01:15:27 I do not remember if Meredith was already there or if she came later. I find it difficult to remember those moments, but Patrick had sex with Meredith, with whom he was infatuated, but I do not remember well if Meredith had been threatened before. I vaguely remember that he killed her. Fuck what? Yeah, yes. Patrick had sex with Meredith. He once clarified that on his mobile number.
Starting point is 01:15:48 That I remember, he wasn't fatuate with her. He might have killed her, not sure. I can't always remember all details of life when under influence of harder drug like marijuana and narcotic. So the office acknowledges it says that the statement stops here and Knox Amanda is put at the disposal of the proceeding judicial authority. And then Amanda makes another confession of 5.45 AM now, clearly sleep deprived, has been
Starting point is 01:16:12 continually pressured by interrogators to provide more details, still no lawyer. She says, I wish to relate spontaneously what happened because these events have deeply bothered me. And I'm really afraid of Patrick, the African boy, what the fuck? Who owns the pub called LeChique, located in Via Alessi, where I work periodically. Is he a quote colored citizen or an African boy? Which racist term did these cops seem to have put in her mouth
Starting point is 01:16:36 through the translator? This is absurd. The translator continues, I met him in the evening of November 1, 2007, after sending him a reply message saying, I will see you. We met soon after about 2100 at the basketball court of Piazza Gromana. Went to my apartment in Via Dele, Pagola.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Number seven, I do not clearly remember if Meredith was already at home or if she came later. What I can say is that Patrick and Meredith went into Meredith's room while I think I stayed in the kitchen. Okay. Cannot remember how long they stayed together in the room, but I can only say that at a certain point I heard Meredith screaming, and as I was scared, I plugged up my ears. Okay, then do not remember anything.
Starting point is 01:17:15 I am very confused. I did not remember if Meredith was screaming, and I heard some thuds too because I was upset, but I imagine what could have happened. She wasn't really smoke some crazy, strong, harder drug narcotic marijuana to have reacted so unusually. She says, then I have met Patrick this morning in front of the university, University, Perst, Troneri, something like that.
Starting point is 01:17:37 And he was asked, and he asked me some questions to be more accurate. He wanted to know what the policeman had asked me. I think he has also asked me if I wanted to see some journalists, maybe in order to know if I knew anything about Meredith's death. I'm not sure if Raphael was there as well that night, but I clearly remember that I woke up at my boyfriend's home in his bed and then I came back home in the morning when I found the door of the apartment open.
Starting point is 01:17:59 When I woke up in the morning on November 2nd, I was in bed with my boyfriend. And then they write, it is acknowledged that Knox repeatedly brings her hands on her head and shakes it, read confirmed and underside at the time and in the place mentioned above. I don't know if Amanda's guilty or not 100%, but what the fuck is this shit? I've watched her in a lot of interviews from around the time of the murder to recently. I watched a televised courtroom appearances where she speaks. This does not sound like. It sounds first not like a terrible translation, but also like to shit and exhausted and scared
Starting point is 01:18:31 person would say if they were being pressured by people speaking in language, they only kind of understand. And these people poorly translated and coerced a person in designing this fucking document. Amanda now makes a written statement of the prosecutor that's the same day. The contradicts all of this while she is not being supposedly hit and yelled at. Now she writes, all of this is very strange. I know. But really what has happened is just as confusing to me as it is to everyone else. I have been told there is hard evidence saying that I was at the place of the murder of my friend when it happened. This I want to confirm is
Starting point is 01:19:00 something that to me, if asked a few days ago, would be impossible. I know that Rafaeli has placed evidence against me. Sayonara left him during the night of Meredith's murder, but let me tell you this. In my mind, there are things I remember and things that are confused. My account of the story goes as follows. Despite the evidence stacked against me. Thursday, November 1st, I saw Meredith the last time in my house when she left around three or four in the afternoon. Rafaeli was with me at the time.
Starting point is 01:19:24 We, Rafaeli and I, stayed in my house for a little while longer, around five in the evening we left to watch the movie, Omelie at his house. After the movie, I received a message from Patrick, for whom I work at the Publish Sheik. He told me the message that it wasn't necessary for me to come into work for the evening because there was no one at my work. I also remember now sending the message, see even the ammo, when I swear,
Starting point is 01:19:45 Sarata back to him. And this to me doesn't mean I would meet with him immediately, especially since I said, Wano Sarata, I just like, I'll fucking see you later. What happened next, I know doesn't match up with what Rafael is saying,
Starting point is 01:19:59 but this is what I remember. I told Rafael that I didn't have to work, like remain at home for the evening. After that, I believe we relaxed in his room together. Perhaps I checked my email, perhaps I read or studying, or perhaps I made love to Rafalee. In fact, I think I did make love with him.
Starting point is 01:20:12 However, I admit that this period of time is rather strange because I'm not quite sure. I smoke marijuana with him and I might have even fallen asleep. These things I'm not sure about, and I know they are important, both to the case, and to help myself, but in reality, I don't think I did much. One thing I do remember is that I took a shower with Raphael E. And this makes plain how we passed the time and truth. I don't remember exactly what day this was, but I do remember we showered, cleaned ourselves for a long
Starting point is 01:20:34 time. He took care to clean my ears and dry and brush my hair. In regards to things I know for sure happened the night that Meredith was murdered. Was it Raphael E. and I ate fairly late? I thought around 11 in the evening, although I can't be sure because I didn't look at the clock. After dinner, I noticed a little blood on Rafael's hand, but I was under the impression that it was blood from the fish. After we ate, Rafael washed the dishes, but the pipes under a sink broke and water flooded the floor. But because you didn't have a mop, I said we could clean it up tomorrow because we, Meredith, Philo Manna and I have a mop at home. I remember it was quite late because we were both very tired, though I can't stay the
Starting point is 01:21:09 time. Next thing I remember was waking up the morning of Friday November 2nd around 10 a.m. I took a plastic bag to bring back dirty clothes to go back to my house. It was then I arrived home alone and I found the door to my house wide open and all this began in regards to this confession in quotes that I made last night, I want to make clear that I'm very doubtful of the rassy of my statements because they were made under the pressure of stress, shock, and extreme exhaustion. Not only was I told I would be arrested and put in jail for 30 years, I was also hit in the head when I didn't
Starting point is 01:21:38 remember a fact, quote, correctly. I understand that the police are under a lot of stress, so I understand the treatment I received. That last sentence is a bit telling to me, I think. I understand that the police are under a lot of stress, so I understand the treatment I received. To me, here, she's saying, I need to make it clear that these motherfuckers were abusing me, but also need to pretend that that's okay to do,
Starting point is 01:21:58 so that these corrupt fucks don't do something worse to me. Then she continues and things, it really weird here, either she is someone who is really hiding something or she is just fucked up mentally from being interrogated, scared, and genuinely confused. Because now she continues to point the blame at someone who for sure had nothing to do
Starting point is 01:22:14 with the murder as, you know, you'll find out. Well, I think I've already said that. You know, has an alibi. Also a chance she was scared, knew the police wanted her boss to take the fall and knowingly threw him under the bus. So now she says, however, it was under this pressure
Starting point is 01:22:28 and after many hours of confusion that my mind came up with these answers. In my mind, I saw Patrick and flashes of blurred images. I saw him near the basketball court. I saw him in my front door. I saw myself cowering in the kitchen with my hands over my ears because I had, or in my head, I could hear Meredith screaming. But I've said this many times
Starting point is 01:22:44 so as to make myself clear, these things seem unreal to me like a dream. And I'm convinced that they, and I'm convinced, convinced that they unsure, sorry, just weird phrasing. If they are real things that happened or just dreams as my mind made to try to answer the questions in my head and the questions I've been asked, but the truth is I'm unsure about the truth. And here's why one, the police have told me that they have hard evidence that proves I was in my house at the time of Meredith's murder.
Starting point is 01:23:10 I don't know what this proof is, but if it's true, then it means I'm very confused. And my dreams must be true. Two, my boyfriend has claimed that I have said things that I know were not true. I know I told him I didn't have to work that night. I remember that moment very clearly. I also never asked him to lie for me, that is absolutely a lie. What I don't understand is why Raffaielli who has always been so caring and gentle with me would lie about this. What does he have to hide? I don't think he killed Meredith, but I do think he is scared like me. He walked into a situation that he's never been in and perhaps he's trying to find a way out by disassociating himself with me. Honestly, I understand because this is a very scary situation.
Starting point is 01:23:46 And I'd like to add that in the Netflix doc about Man in 2016, they showed footage of a man to talking to her mom about all this. And her mom tells her that maybe Rafaielli said, you know, things about her that weren't true because like her, he was being pressured and beaten and harassed by investigators, which he will say later, as I said earlier. I also know she says that the police didn't believe things of me that I know I can explain, such as one. I know the police are confused as to why it took me so long to call someone after I found the door to my house open and blood in the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:24:13 The truth is, I wasn't sure what to think, but I definitely didn't think the worst that some was murdered. I thought a lot of things, mainly that perhaps someone got hurt and left quickly to take care of it. I also thought that maybe one of my roommates was having menstrual problems and hadn't cleaned up. Perhaps I was in shock, but at the time I didn't know what to think and that's the truth. That is why I talked to Rafael E. about it in the morning because I was worried and wanted
Starting point is 01:24:34 advice. 2. I also know that the fact that I can't fully recall the events that I claimed took place at Rafael E's home during the time that Meredith was murdered is incriminating. And I stand by my statements that I made last night about events that could have taken place in my home with Patrick. But I want to make it very clear that these events seem more unreal to me than what I said before that I stayed at Rafa Ellie's house. Three, I'm very confused at this time. My head is full of contrasting ideas and I know it can be frustrating to work with for this reason. But I also want to tell the truth as best I can.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Everything I have said in regards to my involvement in Meredith's death, though contrasting, is the best truth I've been able to think. Think of it this way. What am I supposed to think has happened when I think is really true about myself and what I have done is told to me to be a lie. At first, I was scared, offended, and confused. But as time shock and panic came on,
Starting point is 01:25:22 I began to try and think of other explanations, and it is because I have to think in this way that I feel it contrasts with myself. There is one thing that I think in myself is true, but there is also another possibility that could be true, and I can't honestly think for sure what is what. I'm trying, I really am, because I'm scared. I know I didn't kill Meredith. That's all I know for sure, and these flashbacks that I'm having, I see Patrick as the murderer, but the way the truth feels in my mind, there's no way for me to have known, because I don't remember
Starting point is 01:25:47 for sure if I was at my house that night. The questions I need answering, at least for how I think, is one, why did Raphaelie lie? Did Raphaelie lie? Why did I think of Patrick? Three, is the evidence proving my presence at the time and place of the crime reliable? If so, what does that say about my memory? Is it reliable? 4. Is there any other evidence condemning Patrick or any other person? 5. Who is the real murderer? This is particularly important because I don't feel I can be used as condemning testimony in this instance. I have a clear mind that I've had before but I'm still missing parts which I know is bad for me. But this is the truth and this is what I'm thinking of this time. Please don't yell at me, because it only makes me more confused, which doesn't help anyone.
Starting point is 01:26:29 I understand how serious the situation is, and as such, I want to give you this information as soon and as clearly as possible. If there are still parts that don't make sense, please ask me, I'm doing my best, just like you are. Please believe me at least, in that, although I can understand if you don't. All I know is that I didn't kill Meredith, and so I have nothing but lies to be afraid of. Okay, I know that was a lot, but very important details to convey, I think. Also I corrected them on my notes for narrative purposes, but there was a shitload of spelling
Starting point is 01:26:57 errors in that statement. The type of spelling errors made repeatedly that to me aren't made by someone of Amanda's education level when she wrote this, was she a just a really shitty spell or sure, of course, that's possible? Or did she make those mistakes because she was exhausted and confused and scared, right? She'd been up all night. If we believe her abused by guards for hours, you know,
Starting point is 01:27:19 yelling at her, smacking her in the head, was she just not in her right mind by the time she wrote that. And when she made those statements, during her time in prison, Amanda will begin to keep a diary, parts of which will be leaked to the press, not as long as what I just read. Let's look further into her mental state and her thoughts about all this when she's still freaked out, but not being harsh to interrogate and sleep deprived. And one entry, all of these are undated.
Starting point is 01:27:42 She says, yes, I'm easy. I'm easy. of a great injustice. I love the library So where I get to write my diary. I'm innocent Okay, I know I know someone I said might have sounded like it was in Spanish and not Italian Listen to very similar we master linguists know that they are both romance languages But to a language novice like maybe yourself it can come across as confusing This is what Amanda really wrote. She wrote, I'm writing this because I want to remember. I want to remember because this is an experience
Starting point is 01:28:28 that not many people will ever have. I'm not saying I'm glad everything that has happened has happened. If we were up to me, my friend would have never been killed and we would all still be living together in our home. We were really very good together. What I really want to do is talk to my mom. She arrived last night but hasn't been able to talk to me. She's most certainly freaking out.
Starting point is 01:28:47 But after I'm interrogated either today or tomorrow, I'll be able to talk to her and hopefully soon afterward, I will be able to go free. I also want to remember how I remembered everything that happened that night. I was in my cell thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking, hoping I would remember, hoping that I had done the right thing, worried that maybe the police were right. Maybe I had seen Meredith's death and maybe I really was confused and couldn't remember something so tragic. In my cell I was waiting for an answer to come to my head when a sister arrived at my door. She told me to be patient
Starting point is 01:29:14 because God knows everything and would help me remember the answer. I nodded along and after a while the sister left wishing me good luck. Perhaps a minute later I sat down again to write and try to remember and then it hit me. Everything came back to me like a flood, one detail after another until the moment wishing me good luck. Perhaps a minute later, I sat down again to write and try to remember, and then it hit me. Everything came to act to me like a flood, one detail after another, until the moment my head hit the pillow and I was asleep. Meredith was murdered.
Starting point is 01:29:31 I cried, I was so happy. I wrote everything I could remember and an explanation for my previously legible comments. And this is what happened since I've been here. You know what's interesting? I'm affectionately curious about how Raphael is. Are they treating him well? He must be really scared. I also want to know why he lied about me. Is he still lying? What will happen to me if he keeps it
Starting point is 01:29:50 up? I know I'm not a suspect of the murder because Meredith was raped and then killed, but the police want to think that I'm involved. Most likely they will yell at me again and tell me I'm a liar and trying to protect someone. But now I at least know it's not true. I remember what I did that night and there's no way they can prove that I was there. And especially that I was in my room because it is impossible. They lied to me when they told me they knew I was at home because that is impossible. I wasn't at home. And therefore they can't prove it. I'm upset they lied to me about that. They really think I'm involved in it sad because it means they still have no idea what happened. They really don't know who killed my friend.
Starting point is 01:30:25 They know nothing if they want to lean on me in my testimony because I know nothing. It's so sad. And then one more entry. I cannot stop thinking about that big turd I saw on the toilet right before my world was turned upside down. Who's was it? I have to think whoever laid down that brown sword is the real killer. Who?
Starting point is 01:30:43 Who baptized that family-sized baby Ruth? Who dropped that rotten, thrice-baked potato into our ceramic crock pot? Who drowned that manly brown python in our lady toot pond? Something about the whole case against me stinks. And if I could only get my hands on that filth pickle, I know the truth of who dropped it with set me free.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Okay, maybe I wrote that. Maybe a man to wrote, in bed I free. Okay, maybe I wrote that. Maybe Amanda wrote, in bed I've been thinking about what I'm doing, I'm sorry, so stupid. This is really what she wrote though. In bed I've been thinking about what I'm going to do when I'm finally out of here. I've been thinking about my friends at home
Starting point is 01:31:17 wondering what I'm going to say to them about this experience because I know I'm not walking out of the same person. How can I grow from this? I don't think I'm ever wandering around alone after dark because of this. I also hope that I'm not scared to be alone. I don't wanna be traumatized because of this. I wanna live happily like I was
Starting point is 01:31:33 if understandably a little more cautious. I guess I've grown up a bit and I'm not even sure what this means. Maybe now I know the world can be really dangerous and even more than that, life in the world can be confusing. Sometimes without sense. A man sister, the world can be really dangerous and even more than that life in the world can be confusing. Sometimes without sense. A man's sister, the world can be so confusing without sense. Makes me think about all the cult we've covered, makes me think about a lot of the laws in this country and others, about all the strange religious interpretation that goes on every day. So much
Starting point is 01:31:58 of this world makes such little sense. And that is pretty fucking scary. Amanda wrote all that while she was, you know, held in prison just outside of Perugia. And she is far from the first person to complain about police brutality in Italy. Do a web search for police brutality and a lot of shit comes up. Seems to be a real problem. It wasn't until 2017 that a law in Italy was finally passed after years of international pressure to make prisoner torture such as Amanda claimed happened to her illegal. Now, fucking crazy. Right.
Starting point is 01:32:28 The term, here's what it's what it said about this. The term torture under the law passed after all this means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person information or confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person as committed or suspected of having committed or intimidating or coercive coercing him or a third person or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence
Starting point is 01:33:02 of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. Right, those motherfuckers could legally smack Amanda around, screaming her, deprived her of sleep, et cetera. It's wild. And why are anti-torture laws like that passed? Well, they are not only passed to protect people from being abused, they're also passed because numerous credible studies have shown over and over
Starting point is 01:33:25 again that aggressive interrogation techniques routinely lead to false confessions. Noted neuroscientists Shane Omara, professor of experimental brain research at Trinity College in Dublin, wrote in a 2009 paper that torture subjects will simply lie to make their torment end. He wrote that stress caused by torture is likely to impair regions of the brain associated with memory, making it likely the subjects will lie or parent information picked up from their captors.
Starting point is 01:33:52 In other words, interrogators can plant false memories into their stress targets. To a prisoner being tortured, the logic is simple. Talking makes the torment end, and the cost-benefit analysis of saying something anything is easy to work out. Right? Studies have shown it is super fucking easy to extract a false confession. Multiple studies have shown that simply accusing someone of a crime and claiming that evidence
Starting point is 01:34:13 of their wrongdoing exists exactly like what happens, you know, here with Amanda Knox, is enough to get innocent people to think they have done something they definitely didn't do. A 1996 study asked participants to type words into a keyboard. I love this, actually. A 1996 study asked participants to type words into a keyboard. I love this actually, right? They're asked to type words into a keyboard. But they're told if they hit the old key, it's gonna crash.
Starting point is 01:34:32 The program's gonna crack. After a minute, the computer then crashes of its own accord. But participants are told they must have been responsible. When pressed, a significant number of people end up confessing to this imaginary crime. And an even greater number do so when an accomplice claims that they had seen them do it. Overall, 69% of 75 subjects, who experimenters were monitoring,
Starting point is 01:34:54 people who for sure never fucking hit that alt key, ended up signing the confession saying that they had hit the alt key. And then when told the truth, 28% expressed a surprise because they had internalized the lie. They truly became convinced that they had done something they definitely didn't do, unreal. Another study from 2005 back these findings up by showing the participants in a study accused of cheating on a series of logic problems by giving answers to an accomplice offered a false confession almost half the time when told that the wrong doing wasn't that bad and the interrogator offered to cut them, quote, a deal. Why did any of this come into play with Amanda Knox?
Starting point is 01:35:32 If she's telling the truth, then yeah, fuck yeah, it did. That's very important back to the timeline again now. November 8th, 2007, five days after marriage, this murder body's been found. Amanda finally meets with her lawyers now. Carlo Dala, Vadova, and Luciano Girga. They're hired by Amanda's family and will represent her throughout both her trial and appeal. A week later, November 15th, 2007, investigators find traces of Mara's DNA on the blade of an
Starting point is 01:35:56 8-inch knife, kitchen knife, and Amanda's DNA on the knife handle. This knife was found inside a Raphaelai Celestos, Celetitos home. This evidence initially seems very damning, especially when combined with additional so-called evidence, Amanda's DNA found also mixed with Meredith's blood on the bathroom faucet, surveillance video allegedly showed Amanda near the house where when Meredith was killed. And as we read, Amanda had also confessed,
Starting point is 01:36:23 as I read, kind of, kind of the Supreme Court eventually throughout Amanda statements because she did not have a lawyer present when she gave them. And the video deemed to poor quality to be useful. I found this video, or at least a good still image taken from it on New York Daily News website. And they act like it's some smoke and gun whoever wrote that article and whoever approved to be published are sole scumbags who care more about clicks and integrity. The one in the video is not fucking definitely Amanda by a long shot. Right. The one in the video could be, I don't know, one of any probably 20,000 women in Prusa that night, roughly the same size as Amanda. And that's about it. It's a fucking joke. It's a grainy image of
Starting point is 01:37:02 some random woman who seems to have dark hair. You know, people, you know, seen what they want to see if they actually believed that that is Amanda. Defense experts, also later, found that the picture knife found could not have caused Meredith's fatal wounds. It was actually the wrong size, which I would have come across. I wish I would have come across that fact earlier than I did. Olivia found it and threw it in the first draft of notes. And then my dumbass got ahead of myself and wasted a good hour trying to figure out how the fuck investigators determined that this knife
Starting point is 01:37:29 found in Rafael's kitchen was for sure, one of the knives used to kill Meredith, well I couldn't find that information because it doesn't exist. They just fucking guessed, just lied. So made some shit up, right? It seemed like the right size kind of based on wounds, you know, found where Amanda had been and they had such a heart on
Starting point is 01:37:46 for convict here, they just made the glove fit. And the DNA evidence on that knife, while Carla, Vekiyadi, an appended Italian forensic science lab technician slash genetics researcher slash medical doctor, said that that knife was likely contaminated in the lab where it was examined, very likely. She said in a huge breach of lab protocol investigators admitted to her it was not examined alone away from other evidence. It was examined right alongside 50 fucking samples of shit that was covered in Meredith's DNA. If just
Starting point is 01:38:14 one lab tech touched one of those other 50 samples then touched the knife or just kind of fell from their glove, little minuscule particle onto the knife, that would explain the tiny trace amount of DNA on the knife. It was a very small amount. It's a knife bumped into anything with Meredith's DNA on it in the lab, even slightly, that would explain the trace amount. And of course, Amanda's DNA is on it. It's a knife in the kitchen of her boyfriend's house
Starting point is 01:38:35 that she had definitely used to help prepare some meals, you know, that they ate, fuck sake. And the DNA of hers being mixed up with Meredith's in the bathroom, it's like, well, yeah, they used the same sink. It could've been from her saliva, it could've been from her brush and her teeth. Despite all this coming out later, back in mid-November, 2007,
Starting point is 01:38:49 Italian investigators are theorized that Meredith's murder happened when Meredith declined to participate in some random sexual act with Amanda and Raphaelie, perhaps a sex ritual, and they used this discredit information to show that she was involved somehow, and they pulled the sex stuff just out of thin air and They they say Amanda and then Rafael then staged a burglary to throw off the police
Starting point is 01:39:14 Right this this this shit truly just came out of their fucking the reggaeton and media on them as a Adios holes They just decided that Amanda was a whore Meredith was a good girl and you know so Amanda killed her when I don't know She wouldn't lick her fucking pussy when you know a Raphael was fucking her something just not complete gibberish nonsense backed up by literally no evidence at all five days later November 20th 2007 another character enters this mess right the most important character Rudy we've met before Rudy good day arrested in Germany now investigate find his bloody fingerprints at the crime scene and they find his DNA inside of Meredith's body as in they had sex. Also his bloody fingerprint found on a cushion in Meredith's room, a fingerprint made with her blood as in he was at least there after she died and he got her blood on his finger and then fled the fucking country. So probably
Starting point is 01:40:00 there when she died, sure seems like he fucking killed her and his DNA was found in the bathroom as well, you know, where the murder's blood was. Almost as if he was trying to wash her blood off of him after definitely killing her and possibly raping her. Also this is not in sources. I definitely feel like he left that turd unto other. And yet Amanda and Raphaelie remain in custody because investigators, you know, just have such a hard on for this weird sex ritual murder or something thingy.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Rudy now tells friends in early November that he is going to Milan. The police find him in Milan when he turns his phone on, but before arrest him, they lose him until he logs on later on Facebook and sends messages to several people including journalists from the London evening standard in the Daily Telegraph. In one message, he said he was aware, he was a suspect and wanted to turn himself in into Claire's name. The papers gave this info to the police, officers now traced his computer. Before they're able to arrest him, Rudy tells a friend over an intercepted Skype call. The girl who's been killed, I met her the previous evening. The next day, I went to her house, but we didn't do anything because neither of us had a condom.
Starting point is 01:41:00 And so I went to the bathroom. After that, I heard screaming, see, this fucking, probably that poop. After that, I heard screaming, and I quickly came out of the bathroom. I saw this guy. I didn't see his face because it was dark. Then he ran, why is it so dark in the fucking place? Then he ran out the front door. I saw Meredith who was bleeding.
Starting point is 01:41:16 She had a cut on her throat. She was clinging on me strongly. I got scared. I was completely covered with blood. Fuck, I'm scared. I'll kill myself, is what he said. To be clear, what he is saying here does not match up at all with the evidence of this crime, or like Meredith's autopsy.
Starting point is 01:41:31 He's saying that this random dude, he can't identify, which is already so suspicious to me, ran out of the house. Then after that, Meredith has a cut on her throat, but also still enough strength to strongly cling to him, but she died because someone made sure she couldn't breathe. Right, Italian forensic expert, Gian Stride in the Relle, a witness called by the Courter family, said that the main cause of the Courter's death was suffocation. Court documents that suffocation was caused by the hemorrhage,
Starting point is 01:41:56 following the neck wounds, Neurelle said suffocation was also aided manually by forcing the victim's mouth and nose shut and by strangling her and other experts have since agreed with Nareli. So she died from being suffocated, strangled, choked, whatever, you know, we want to call it. And she was still alive and not strangled when this dude ran out of the apartment.
Starting point is 01:42:14 Then if Rudy is telling the truth about being his department after she was stabbed and she had the strength to cling to, he must have killed her, right? Just by his own fucking words here. Also, Rudy tells his same friend that Amanda was not at the crime scene. So when he doesn't think anyone's listening, he says, Nope, Amanda was not even at the crime scene. Don't know where she was. Then he'll flip on that later conveniently when pressured by investigators. Because you know, it helps like absolve him of some guilt. When Rudy Gidey is in a rest in Germany, his story gets even more confusing. Now he says he was there when Meredith
Starting point is 01:42:44 was killed because she invited him over and they engaged in consensual foreplay. According to the Kerture family lawyer, Francesco Moreska, the walls of the vagina weren't lubricated. Therefore, it seems that there wasn't any desire on her part or participation, but that'll also be contradicted possibly later. Rudy claims that he has a stomachache and is in the bathroom when Meredith is killed. Right again, he has a mazerari guido panocchio, Jimini, click la fero. That's Italian for a fucking new it. Right, the fucking turd. He said an Italian man now killed Meredith, but he really didn't see him. Now the fuck did he know he's Italian?
Starting point is 01:43:17 Maybe he smelled strong, they pastrami lasagna, Meredith, roto, cronato, mamma mia. Rudy now said he watched Meredith die. Meredith took hold of his hand, said something to him in her dying moments, but it was unintelligible. I know this is super sad right now, but based on what I said earlier,
Starting point is 01:43:32 I just want to get this out of my head. When I first came across this, I did imagine him saying that her final words were, please, after I leave, flush the toilet. Rudy claims he now left the house and left Meredith's bedroom door open. It says he left the front door half open. He went home, washed his hands, changed his clothes.
Starting point is 01:43:50 I said I couldn't bear to stay in the house where there was still the nauseating smell of blood. And also couldn't bear to call the police, I guess. Rudy now goes to Domus, a student disco where he would be witnessed. Stay there until 2.30 a.m. So he doesn't seem to bust it up. Goes to a pub. Stay there until 5 a.m. Clearly real sad about all this needed to drink and dance the pain away. Next night
Starting point is 01:44:09 also goes dancing seems to have been great time. Three witnesses even saw him continue to dance at 2 a.m. when the DJ called for a moment of silence for Meredith's death and just keeps on dancing through that moment of silence. So super cool guy. Few hours later it gets on a train to Germany. Later Rudy tells his defense team that he got into a fight with the killer, which he didn't say in the earlier, you know, uh, conversation, uh, story keep changing. And he says, that's how he got to cut on his hand. Yes, because he did get to cut on his hand. Also, I didn't mention that the nightmare just died almost like maybe she was defending herself and caused him to cut himself
Starting point is 01:44:44 with knife. He probably used to stab the fuck out of her. He said to the mystery, assailant now, all I know is that he was smaller than me and spoke Italian. Okay, so maybe he could know he's done. I didn't look properly to his face because I was looking at the knife. Earlier he said it was too dark though.
Starting point is 01:44:58 Ah, details keep changing. On the same day, Patrick Lumumba is released from custody after two weeks in prison. The police verified his alibi. Patrick said he spent the night talking to a customer at his bar and the same customer verified this alibi completely. Thanks for following apart for the prosecution when it comes to Amanda's supposed role in all of this.
Starting point is 01:45:14 Oh, well, they just keep shoehorn in her into different imaginative scenarios. She's a sex demon who convinced her boyfriend to help kill Meredith. But what about Rudy? How does he fit into this scenario? Well, let's follow this timeline a bit before I reveal what they came up with there. It's not very clever. By the end of my research into all of this, the stupidity of so many Italian officials working with the prosecution just began to terrify me.
Starting point is 01:45:37 December of 2007, Rafael A. Celeste Doe, his prison diary is leaked to the press. He turned in the 40-page notebook to his lawyers. It was titled Notes on a prison journey. He wrote that Meredith's DNA was on the knife because they cooked together. Excuse me, Amanda's DNA on the knife because they cooked together. The fact that Meredith's DNA on the kitchen knife is there is because, oh, I'm sorry, I thought I missed from my notes. No, it is there. He says, the fact that there is Meredith's DNA on the kitchen knife is because once when we were all cooking together, I accidentally pricked her hand. I apologized immediately and said it was not a problem, right?
Starting point is 01:46:06 So, okay, so Meredith, very likely may have been over in his house because she is, you know, Amanda's friend actually, there were not enemies. There's so many different fucking lies told about all of this. It gets hard to fucking track it all. Raphael also wrote in his diary that Amanda may have framed him, saying, Amanda may have stitched me up by taking the knife and giving it to the son of a bitch who killed
Starting point is 01:46:26 Meredith. I know it sounds like fiction, but it is possible. When I saw the knife on TV, that was in my kitchen, and on which they found traces of Amanda and Meredith, my heart jumped into my throat. I was in a total panic because I thought a man to killed Meredith or maybe helped someone kill her. But Ziano, the lawyer, told me to keep calm and that there was no way it could be the murder weapon.
Starting point is 01:46:48 This is like, uh, living in some sort of nightmare reality show. Another entry. Thinking about the following day, I remember a man saying over and over, that if she hadn't with me that night, she would be dead. Reconstructing the events, I think she was with me. But I can't quite remember if she left me for a few minutes early on that evening. How can I remember if you're with your lover all night or not? Uh, being coerced into a false confession, having false memories planted into your head by leading questions and statements and abusive interrogators, well that's that's one proven way.
Starting point is 01:47:12 The same month, Rudy Gidey is extradited to Italy. In December of 2007, prosecutors decide to keep Amanda and Jail until her trial now. Manini, genius prosecutor, real life Italian Sherlock Holmes interrogates Amanda about the kitchen knife found at Raphael's house when asked how her DNA was on the handle and married this on the blade. She said, I don't know. I can't understand. And then eventually she exercised to her right to keep silent. Amanda told her parents that she didn't know how the knife got from her house, kitchen to Raphael's house. And again, this knife will be found later. Not even fucking be the knife that was used.
Starting point is 01:47:46 Ah my god. January 10th 2008 the police revealed that Raphael's celeste dos DNA is found on Meredith's Kircher's bra class now. This was found in her room, but also this bra class was not found until almost seven weeks after her body was found was was found under a rug. And it had apparently been cut off with a knife. How the fuck did it take this this long to find it? It was, it was just under a rug not hidden up in some ceiling air vent or stashed away by a killer and some kind of murder trophy box or something across town. Maybe it killed this long because these investigators are fucking idiots. Like they're exceptionally bad at their jobs. Uh, this finding strength in the prosecution's claim that is a broad class, it's not like a fucking hair.
Starting point is 01:48:30 How do they not find this? This finding strength in the prosecution's claims that Meredith was involved in a sex game with the suspects somehow, right? Here we go. The defense argues that the investigators can tamer into the crime scene. And that was why Raffaela's DNA was found
Starting point is 01:48:44 on this magically suddenly appearing now clasp. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so what about Rudy? How does he fit into the prosecutor's sex game gone wrong theory? Well, now Mignini and his fucking Italian investigative A team began to theorize that all three people were involved in some sort of sexual encounter where Meredith was the victim. Franco Morecchia told Vanity Fair in 2008, certainly Rudy initiated the attack, certainly. And then because Meredith resisted the sexual violence,
Starting point is 01:49:10 perhaps all of them were involved together, or maybe after 20 seconds Amanda intervened. She is in love with Rudy, okay? They just made that up. In any event, it's homicide for all three. Ah, there's no evidence that even points that they had like a lengthy conversation. This is, oh my God.
Starting point is 01:49:27 Or, you know, there's only like one person's testimony that they even actually ever met before as far as Amanda and Rudy. Raphael and Rudy both insisted they had never met each other. Rudy said he barely knew Amanda and his friends considered her a bitch. Nevertheless, the prosecution will now claim that Amanda was fucking Raffi Ali and Rudy. They were basically her male sex slaves. And this Nymphomaniac evil sex fiend wanted more. She wanted Meredith to join in their devilish sex game slash sex rituals. You know, a cult elements probably at play. And if Meredith doesn't want to play the game, then she has to die. This is the story they actually pushed. One of them, their own theory
Starting point is 01:50:03 kept changing. They also thought that Meredith may have called Amanda out for being a slut in front of Raffaelli and Rudy, and then Amanda decided she was going to fucking take that disrespect. So she physically attacked Meredith, and then she commanded Raffaelli and Rudy to help her attack and ended up commanding them to kill her after encouraging Rudy to rape her, and maybe also after encouraging Raffaelli to Raper and Amanda may have also raped her. No evidence for any of this, but this is all tossed around in the media and by the prosecution.
Starting point is 01:50:30 July 11th, 2008, Amanda Knox, Rudy Gidey, Raphaelia Celestial, all charged with murder for their obvious sex ritual. Don't sludge shame Amanda, conflicting stories about killing situation, thingy. Before the trial, three legal sources told various media outlets that Meredith's injuries were inconsistent with the knife blade though. But who cares, right?
Starting point is 01:50:51 Keep pushing the sex-fein murder narrative. Also, it was not known if Meredith's was raped sexually assaulted with a foreign object or both. There were widespread rumors that her autopsy exam was a completely botched job. Yes, I would agree. To get a job with the legal system in Prusa, do you have to have previously worked for a circus in some kind of clowning capacity? In February of 2008, medical examiner Luke Alali, working for the prosecution, declares that
Starting point is 01:51:16 Meredith had no bruising to unequivocally prove sexual assault. But it was obvious that some sort of sexual activity had occurred before her death, right? Even the prosecution's own expert, not sure if she was raped or sexually assaulted, uh, may have had sexual, uh, consensual sense sex. My God. Can't talk. Mama Mia. What's a leguini? La McGini?
Starting point is 01:51:36 Christopher Masante. Barbing is going on here. Forget about it. Uh, Lolli was fired by Mignini shortly after making these comments, right? Be part of my narrative or you're fired. Then another coroner's report from April of 2008 said that there was evidence of sexual activity for sure, but impossible to tell whether it was consensual or not. Then before the trial, Rudy Gidey changes his testimony yet again.
Starting point is 01:51:56 Now claims he saw Raffi L. on the night of November 1st and saw Amanda Knox standing at the door of her place. The circus continues. September 6, 2008, Rudy Gidey requests a fast track trial because he fears that Amanda and Raphaelie will join together against him in their testimony. Well, yeah, they probably will, they'll tell the truth, and that won't be good for him.
Starting point is 01:52:15 October 28th, 2008, Rudy Gidey has sentenced to 30 years in prison. His fast track situation didn't work out too well for him. At his trial, he testified that he saw the silhouette of Amanda Knox leaving the house. Did he see that? Or is he just trying to throw off blame away from himself? And that'll hurt Amanda and her trial. January 16, 2009, Amanda and Raphaelie, uh, double murdered trials or double murder trial. There, double murder trial begins. And it will last for damn near a year. Uh, six months in on June 11, 2009, Amanda Knox finally testifies her own defense
Starting point is 01:52:46 for six hours. At first, she spoke in English with an Italian translator. At for an hour, she switched over to Italian. She had a lot of time to practice it. She testified that on the night of November 1st, she and her off the L.A. were at his house. She checked her email and Harry Potter, watched Amali, smoked weed, had sex, fell asleep.
Starting point is 01:53:04 She denied that she and Meredith didn't get along and insisted that she only signed the confession blaming Lumumba because she was under abusive pressure to do so by the police. I made a test to find when she got home on November 2nd that the door was open. There were drops of blood in the bathroom sink. She thought it was strange. Maybe one of her roommates left in a rush, right? The same thing she said earlier. Took her earrings out, put them on the sink, then took a shower, saw the bath mat, stained
Starting point is 01:53:26 and blood. Then soft feces, big old turd, and the second toilet went to get Raffie Ellie. Then she and Raffie Ellie, her roommates and friends and the police all got to the house that around the same time when they knocked out or the door she heard her roommate call out a foot of foot, right? All the stuff we've heard before. And then she began to cry. I made a testifier that she was confused and distressed during her interrogation saying, the declarations were taken against my will. Everything was said under confusion
Starting point is 01:53:50 and pressure of the police and prosecutor. They were suggesting the path of thought. I was confused. I kept saying I had nothing to do with this and I remembered being at Rafael's apartment. They kept yelling at me. I was in a state of confusion because for hours, they just kept calling me a stupid liar,
Starting point is 01:54:04 demanding that I remember, remember, remember. Amanda also claims the police hit her on the head repeatedly, right, which they denied. And she explained the press, took some of the, of her actions the wrong way. Uh, also she was in shock after marriage was killed, which made her act strangely. Right, very possible.
Starting point is 01:54:21 September, 20, 2009, the final witnesses testified at the trial. On November 18, 2009, Rudy Gidey, already having his first appeal heard before Amanda and Raffi Ellie's trial is done, makes a statement claiming that Amanda and Meredith Kertcher got into an argument. Now, right before a murder, he just conveniently remembers his innocent. Rudy sentence is reduced now from 30 to 16 years. Interesting, it is speculated that he was given a deal, tell the court whatever will help the prosecution for their trial against Amanda and Raphaelie and will shave off roughly half your sentence, these corrupt fucks. December 4, 2009, Amanda Knox and Raphaelie Celeste,
Starting point is 01:54:58 Celetciato, after all this are convicted of murder. The jury deliberated for 13 hours. And this jury, I found out very different than a US jury. In Italy, there is actually no trial by peers. That's not an option. Usually trials are decided in Italy by monkeys. From majority of monkeys throw more than half of their shit, at least 10 feet across courtroom. Defend its guilty.
Starting point is 01:55:22 If majority of monkeys eat at least least all their shit, at least eat all their shit on any given day during the trial. Okay, so it's thrown out. Mamamia, I gotta go home. The monkey's eat it to shit. Oh, praise the bia, Saint Alpharomale, Portionoke. No, usually the trials decided by a panel of judges, but for very serious crimes like Amanda's, there are two judges appointed to the trial and six citizens. They decide together. The US sequester's juries during a trial of this level of notoriety, Italy does not. So those presiding over the case are listing to the media, you know, as much as they want to, taking in all this info from many different angles, not just in the courtroom. And you know, the all the Italian media, right, they're eaten up to sex game gone wrong angle
Starting point is 01:56:05 with Foxy Noxys. So they're here in that. Also in the US, the decision in a murder trial has to be unanimous, not in Italy, just needs to be a majority. All right, so there's eight. There's five of them got to agree, and that's the decision. And finally, Italy, the prosecutor and judge work together in investigations in addition to presiding then over court proceedings.
Starting point is 01:56:23 So a judge is likely to be very prejudiced after reading the full investigative report to begin the trial, especially if it implies a defendant's guilt, which prosecutor, you know, Juliano Manini's report certainly did. A man is shocked by the guilty verdict. When the judge announces that she and Raphael are guilty, she says, no, no, no, her first thoughts are, this is impossible. This is impossible. This is a nightmare. This can't be true.
Starting point is 01:56:45 It's not fair. It's not fair. She later wrote in her memoir, my life cleaved in two before the verdict. I'd been a wrongly accused college student about to walk free. I was about to start my life over after two years. Now, everything I'd thought I'd been promised have been ripped away. Amanda sends to 26 years. Or Raphaelia sends to 25.
Starting point is 01:57:07 Amanda was given that extra year because she lied about her boss being the one who killed Meredith and was ordered to pay Patrick Lamumba 60,000 euros for defamation. That's fucking crazy. The police feed her bullshit story. She gives in, agrees to it. He's later exonerated thanks to an alibi and then she's punished more. She's given an extra year in prison in order to pay him to 60,000. Amanda and Raphael are also ordered to pay a million euros to both of Meredith's parents and 800,000 euros to her siblings. Amanda had to be carried out of the courtroom by her arms. Amanda's lawyer, Carlos, stopped her and told her I'm so sorry we're going to win, we're going to win Amanda. We're going to save you be strong. Less than two months later, January 21, 2010, prosecutor Juliano Manini,
Starting point is 01:57:48 he is convicted of abuse of office for wiretapping journalists and law enforcement. Huh, what? This guy? Italian Sherlock Holmes? How shocking! He receives a sentence of 16 months. Amanda's legal team said that this called into question how fair of a trial that she received, right? She received received received and check this shit out. This is fucking wild. The manini conviction had to do with the monster of Florence case. A series of murders in the 70s and 80s believed to be carried out by a serial killer. Maybe to suck that case someday. Anyway, manini supposedly quote learned that a doctor from Perugia,
Starting point is 01:58:23 Francesco Naducci might have been killed in relation to the monster Florence case his death back in 1995 was ruled a drowning But manini he sees things that others cannot see he is the Italian Shilaka homeless He orders an exumination Exhumation of the body believing he was murdered And 2006 American author Doug Preston was interrogated by Manini this same case the italian journalist who is his co-author was also put in jail by meneanie after they both published a book criticizing meneanie for his theory in this monster of florins investigation basically they said he was a fucking crazy idiot he was f****** and that his theory was paranoid insanity and because because because he has a theory m Minini believed this is fucking prosecutor truly believed that a secret satanic cult commission local farmers to steal female
Starting point is 01:59:10 genitals for rituals connected to the monster of Florence. What a what a brilliant mind. Riled up over being mocked relentlessly about his stupid fucking theory that no one else believed, Minini then leaked confidential information and wiretapped judges, police, and journalists who criticized him. He is a fucking clown. Someone prone to sensationalized shit
Starting point is 01:59:33 and see a dramatic story where there is not one. Like I definitely think he did with Amanda Knox and he is not sadly not the only clown amongst the Italian authorities. June 1, 2010, Amanda appears in court again. She, now she faces slander charges for claiming that the police hit her during the interrogation. For saying that they hit her, now she's slandering them.
Starting point is 01:59:56 She will not be acquitted of this bullshit charge until January 14, 2016. November 24, 2010, Amanda and Raphael began their appeal appealing their convictions. Amanda will break down on the witness stand the following month and say in court, I have been condemned for the crime I did not commit.
Starting point is 02:00:12 January 22, 2011, two forensic experts from Rome sworn in to retest the forensic evidence used against Amanda. They plan to look at the knife and merit its bra class, right, used against Amanda and Raphael. And Dr. Carla of Vecchiati, one of the independent experts we met earlier, all right, told the Amanda Knox documentary producers that Raffi L.A. and two unknown male DNA profiles were all found on the bra class. The police did not note that as evidence.
Starting point is 02:00:36 There was also contamination in the lab where the class was concerned because of course it was. Amanda's profile was definitively identified on the kitchen knife, but again, as I said earlier, this knife, you know, ends up being proven not even to be the knife that was used. And Meredith's DNA sample on the knife was so small, it was highly likely that it was due there to contamination. Uh, yeah, just fucking all this is just such garbage. Mama Mia, February 15, 2011, Amanda Knox's parents.
Starting point is 02:01:00 Now they're indicted for libeling the police in Peruzia. Curt Knox, Edim Ellis, accused of defamation for their statements to the Sunday times, a London paper in 2009. How dare they say that these police are idiots when they are for share idiots? On June 27, 2011, Amanda Knox and Rafael Estetos appeal process begins. Rudy Gidey refuses to testify that Amanda Knox was not involved in the murder of Meredith Kerture, even us. What he told his fucking friend, when he didn't think people were listening to begin with,
Starting point is 02:01:29 the prosecutor read a letter stating that Rudy thought Amanda and Raphaelie murdered Meredith instead. Rudy also denies that he told another inmate that Amanda and Raphaelie were innocent. The defense argued that Gidey's letter was just based on a feeling, not facts or or eyewitness testimony. A man to testify the only time that Rudy Gidey, Raphael Yslesito, and I were in the same room together, was in a courtroom. He knows what the truth is. I don't know what happened that night. June 29, 2011, forensic specialists testified at the court that the DNA evidence of the knife was unsound. A man to DNA, right? I'm not gonna go through it all. It all fucking the same shit
Starting point is 02:02:05 It's like more and more people keep proving nope. This is not What they said it was initially July 25, 2011 two expert witnesses now testifying the knife and latch mark weapon have no blood on it now Now they're saying that there's no blood on it and that there's and they say these other experts now say that there was no DNA on the broccoli So it's not only was it not contaminated. It's just it's just not there. What the fuck is even happening in this process? Are these experts actually experts? The experts also testify that the forensic scientists who worked the initial case made critical errors Based on the errors the evidence against demand and Raphael is all should all be inadmissible September 26, 2011 the lawyers for the civil parties present their final. The Kerture family lawyer presents photos of Meredith's body, Patrick Lumumba's lawyer. So fucking random accuses him and now of having an angelic good compassionate side and
Starting point is 02:02:54 a Lucifer-like demonic Satanic side. Okay? And how was she Satanic? That's never made clear. Did all this take place like just over a decade ago or several centuries ago. On October 3rd, 2011, the appeals court overturns Amanda Knox and Rafale Selesha Toe's convictions. So hail them, Rod. Finally, before the verdict, Rafale says to the court, I have never harmed anyone, never in my life. Amanda made her statement next. It was said many times that I'm a different person from the way I look
Starting point is 02:03:23 and that people cannot figure out who I am I'm the same person I was four years ago. I've always been the same. The only difference is what I suffered in four years I lost a friend in the most brutal inexplicable way my trust in the police has been betrayed I had to face absolutely unjust charges accusations and I'm paying with my life for something that I did not do Four years ago. I was four years younger, but fundamentally I was younger because I'd never suffered. I didn't know what tragedy was. It was something I would watch on television. They didn't have anything to do with me.
Starting point is 02:03:51 I am not what they say I am. The perversion, the violence, the spite for life are not a part of me. And I didn't do what they say I did. I didn't kill, I didn't rape, I didn't steal, I was not there, I wasn't present at this crime right, and the whole rape, steal. She was accused of everything And then Amanda said I want to go home. I want to go back to my life
Starting point is 02:04:08 I don't want to be punished to pry out to my life in future for something I didn't do because I'm innocent Raphaelie is innocent. We deserve freedom. We didn't do anything not to deserve it I have great respect for this court. I doubt it for the care shown during our trial. Oh, yeah, maybe this recent court So I thank you Amanda slander conviction against Patrick Lumumba is not overturned. She ascends to three years, but time served and still given a 29,000 euro fine for fuck sake. Amanda and Raphaelie briefly return to prison to collect their things and I released Amanda wrote, I came out of the same door. I'd gone through four years before I remember to brush my right foot against the ground,
Starting point is 02:04:44 the prison ritual to pass on freedom to another prisoner. As Amanda walked out of the prison, inmates cheered for her shouting, freedom, Amanda, you're going home. But also when she was given her freedom outside of the court, people were chanting shame, shame, shame, shame. They were convinced. Overwhelming majority convinced she was guilty still. October 4, 2011 Amanda Knox flies back to washed after almost four years in prison and then gives a brief homecoming speech
Starting point is 02:05:09 saying, fuck Italy! That whole third world shit hole can suck my fucking dick! I shouldn't say that. After all she'd been through, she still loved Italy. She said, my family is reminding me to speak in English because I'm having problems with that. I'm really overwhelmed right now. I was looking down from the airplane and it seemed like everything wasn't real. What's important for me to say is just thank you to everyone who has believed in me, who has defended me, who supported my family.
Starting point is 02:05:33 My family is the most important thing to me right now, and I just wanna go and be with them. So thank you for being there for me. When Amanda finally got home after spending some time recuperating, letting the media interest in her, die down a bit, she ended up moving into an apartment, and then a house, she dated, she got a job at a bookstore,
Starting point is 02:05:49 and would go on walks at night to avoid being constantly photographed and harassed. In 2021, I'm an adult, I told the New York Times, I felt like I couldn't even try to have a normal life because I was carrying this shroud over me. In part, I was defiant. I felt like there was this deep injustice so I didn't change my name,
Starting point is 02:06:04 I didn't change my appearance, but I also felt defeated. That there was nothing I could do about it. After Amanda returned to the US, her sister, Diana spoke with ABC about the harassment Amanda experienced in prison, she was visiting Amanda. She saw the message Amanda is a horror written around the prison. Amanda reported that a mail guard entered her cell alone made sexual comments to her. Another prison official ordered Amanda to come to his office at night, wanted to discuss sexual acts with her. That all sounds about right. Prison doctors also lied to Amanda apparently after her arrest and told her that she tested
Starting point is 02:06:34 positive for HIV. Amanda wrote about her seven sex partners, yeee, oh my, in her diary, and that list would be leaked to the press and the tabloid twisted the story to say that she had sex with seven men in two months. And if she didn't fucking give the shit, but at least it was all over right, well, wrong. No, less than a year and a half after being released on a P.O. on March 26, 2013, the court of cacession, the Supreme court, Italy reopens the case and overturns the acquittal. At the time, a man had returned to her home in Seattle, right,
Starting point is 02:07:02 with scheduled to publish her memoir, her lawyer announced that she was upset and surprised, but ready to prove her innocence. On September 30, 2013, Amanda and Arrafielli's retrial begins in Florence now, without Amanda or Arrafielli being present. Yeah, no fucking way Amanda is heading back to Italy at this time after that bullshit. On December 17, 2013, Amanda Knox's lawyer pretends to written statement from Amanda to the court saying, I must repeat to you, I'm innocent. I did not rape. I did not steal. I did not kill Meredith.
Starting point is 02:07:30 It's insane that she has to even fucking state those things. January 30, 2014, Amanda Knox and Rafi Ali's Celestial are convicted of fucking murder again. The jury deliberated by 11 and a half hours, judge added two and a half years to Amanda sends increased it from 26 years to 28 now. Rafieli resends to 25 years forced to surrender his passport. He'll be able to remain free while his appeal is heard though. The court released a lengthy document stating that the evidence showed more than one person murdered Meredith.
Starting point is 02:07:58 I didn't. Amanda said she will never go back to Italy willingly and fear is being extradited. Luckily the US government is on our side, because this case, you know, it's a fucking joke. May 1, 2014, Amanda Knox now speaks with CNN, maintains your innocence, says that there was no forensic evidence to prove she was in Meredith's room that night. There was none of her DNA, hair, footprints, handprints,
Starting point is 02:08:17 nothing, that's all true. March 27, 2015, after another appeal, now the Court of Cessation, the Supreme Court, overturns the two murder convictions because of lack of evidence. Amanda's defamation conviction is upheld though. With this final ruling, the murder case is finally officially closed. Amanda said outside her mom's house or
Starting point is 02:08:38 sat outside her mom's house and said, I am incredibly grateful for what has happened for the justice I've received for the support that I've had from everyone, from my family, from my friends, to strangers, to people like you, you saved my life. Right now I'm still absorbing what all this means. What comes to mind is my gratitude for the life that's been given to me.
Starting point is 02:08:55 In September, the court releases their explanation for their latest decision. They claimed that the case was, quote, marked by culpable emissions of investigative activity. Right, they weren't looking at the right fucking people. Uh, contradictory evidence, because he just pulls it out of their ass and stunning flaws in the investigation. And they also said the unusual media hype caused a sudden acceleration in the investigation.
Starting point is 02:09:18 The police has rushed to find suspects, certainly did not assist in finding the truth. And the court noted that there was no blood in the case of knife. No DNA on the bra class and the knife was scientifically unreliable, as it was not the right knife. The court found in the end a complete lack of biological evidence connecting Amanda and Raphael to the crimes, complete lack. The court also said that evidence still pointed to Rudy Gidey being guilty. How the fuck did they not come to this conclusion?
Starting point is 02:09:47 The first fucking time they looked at this case and again found Amanda guilty. Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum In April of 2016, Rafael A. began to career as a TV expert on crimes for TG, Comm 24 and Italian media outlet. He tells the times in the UK, I've been a victim of a miscarriage of justice. I know the fault of the justice system. What happens in a jail and what happens when the media twists the truth. The usual expats on these shows have seen these things through a window. I have lived them. I believe he's still doing that now. That kind of a, that type of career. In 2015, a man in ox meets her husband, Christopher Robinson. When she interviews him about his novel, the War of the Encyclopedists for the West Seattle Harold, Robinson decided that he wouldn't Google Amanda's name and let her tell her own story.
Starting point is 02:10:37 He proposed to Amanda in November of 2018 with a meteor saying, I don't have a ring, but I do have a big rock. Will you stay with me until the last star in the last galaxy burns out? That's pretty good. And then after that, and then even after that, Amanda Marie Knox, will you marry me? Amanda and Christopher get married in December 7, 2018. She was able to keep this wedding in the secret until the summer of 2019. Amanda said in August of that year, we filed paperwork to be legally married in December
Starting point is 02:11:03 last year to simplify our taxes and insurance. Amanda and her husband currently run NOx Robinson Productions. They published a poetry collection titled the, or the published one titled the cardio Tesseract. And they also host two podcasts, Labyrinths and the Truth About True Crime. On October 25th, 2018 Amanda released the first episode of her podcast, The Truth About True Crime, in collaboration with Sundance TV. And on October 16, 2020, Amanda Knox released the first episode of Labyrinths, a podcast that highlights stories of getting lost and found again through compassionate interviews, philosophical rants,
Starting point is 02:11:37 and playful debate with fascinating people. Expect dark and hilarious misadventures, nagging and controversial questions, and above all, expect to arrive at unexpected places. On January 24, 2019, the European Court of Human Rights ordered Italy to pay a man in ox over $20,000 in damages for failing to provide a lawyer and interpreter when she was first detained. Oh boy, $20,000 after all that. Yippee. June 13, 2019, a man returns to Italy for the conference for a conference with the Italian innocence project at the festival on criminal justice That's pretty ballsy. I made a spoke on June 15th and said I know that despite my acquittal I remain a controversial figure for the public opinion especially in Italy I know that many people think I'm bad that I don't belong here
Starting point is 02:12:20 It shows how a false narrative can be powerful and undermine justice, especially when amplified by the media. Man in Christopher Robinson have their wedding ceremony, February 29th, 2020, December 4th, 2020, a court rules that Rudy Gidey will be able to finish his sentence performing community service. That's fucked up. He's given partial release that fucking dirt bag in 2017. August 4th, 2021, a Man in Knox announces on the Labyrinth's podcast that she is pregnant. October 22nd, 2021, a man in Christopher announced
Starting point is 02:12:52 the birth of their daughter, Yerika Mew's Knox Robinson, man to post to the picture of herself, and her baby instead, it would be the only picture of her daughter that she was ever gonna post on social media. She said, since my ex-honoration, I've struggled to reclaim my identity and protect the people I love from being exploited as tabloid content.
Starting point is 02:13:06 It's not easy, and I often feel like I'm trying to invent good choices at a bad whole cloth. I know that I cannot 100% protect my daughter from the kind of treatment I've suffered, but I'm doing the best I can, which is why this will be the only picture of her I will ever share on social media. I'm so grateful to everyone who has wished. My husband and I well in our journey to parenthood. Thank you for believing in us On November 23rd 2021 34 year old Rudy Gidey finishes his sentence and he was supposed to be released in January of 2020
Starting point is 02:13:33 Yeah of 2022, but was granted early release over the past year of community service He worked with the charity Caritas and worked as a librarian at the Vittorbo Scubi Criminal logical study center Excuse me teacher at the center said that Rudy wanted to be forgotten and that will take us out of our timeline Good job soldier. You made it back Barely. What a case, huh? A lot of information, and it's just there's so much conflicting information. It just gets a little muddy, but hopefully I streamlined it enough to make sense.
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Starting point is 02:15:33 Sign up today by calling one eight hundred forget about it Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump b Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum in which an investigator or auditor fails to seek, see, use, or share relevant information or records. When you need seem to have this, maybe not in Conte, so. And confirmation bias, the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories. He seemed to be so biased, used a lot of cognitive distance, it seems to anything that didn't line up with his fucking wild theories, just completely ignore all of that. It was like, based on how she behaved, based on what he thought of her sexual morality. Juliano just got into his imaginative prone head
Starting point is 02:16:31 as we found out to formulate these wild theories that Amanda Knox was a sex maniac who killed Meredith because she wouldn't either willingly participate in some sex games that there's no fucking evidence of. Or because she dared to judge Amanda over her supposedly deviant sexual predilections, which also, he just pulled out a thin air. No evidence supported any of that, nothing.
Starting point is 02:16:53 But nonetheless, he fed that theory to the tabloids and they fucking ran with it. He employed a lot of cognitive distance right again to perpetually just discount more and more evidence that pointed towards Amanda's innocence and time went on, pointed towards Rudy Gidey's guilt and then sat at the jury who convicted Amanda that had not been sequestered right. They were surrounded with the false narrative that he fucking put out there.
Starting point is 02:17:15 Raphael, you know, Raphael Celetito's knife, not conclusively the murder weapon, Meredith's DNA likely got into contamination, even if it was a man his fingerprints DNA not all over Meredith's bedroom mixed with her blood. Neither was as was determined in the end, uh, selectitos, but Rudy Gidey's was his DNA was inside Meredith. He had also just stolen a kitchen knife in a break in days before Meredith was killed that he had his fucking backpack, right? Days before someone sure seemed to break into her place.
Starting point is 02:17:44 He'd seen Meredith around. He was familiar with her. He very likely had talked to her on a few occasions, liked her. He was a known thief, known breaking artist, whatever. In the end, he was the only one whose murder conviction was not overturned, but still years after the murder. And this is from an article just from a few months ago, this manini and, you know, said that Rudy could not have acted alone in killing Meredith because, oh, sorry, I got ahead of myself. He's still holding on to his belief that a man has, you know, something to do with this.
Starting point is 02:18:12 But years after the murder, this was several years ago in a BBC documentary. I love this. He said that Rudy could not have acted alone in killing Meredith. That's how he knows other people were involved because Meredith knew karate. That's how done this guys, right?
Starting point is 02:18:25 She took a fucking, she went up like two belts, she took a few Karate classes back in younger years and now it is impossible according to this guy for Rudy to overpower her alone because she's this fucking martial arts master. Taking a couple Karate classes does not mean you know how to street fight. You know, testing for your third belt a little bit different than fighting off a rapist or other attacker in real life, especially someone who's stronger than you, bigger than you. Come on, dude. Juliano said multiple attackers had to have attacked Meredith, but that's not true at all, wild speculation. He said the two knives were used. That's just more
Starting point is 02:18:57 speculation. In the end, he wasn't sure of almost anything about this murder trial. You know, thank God that Rudy Gide left a whole bunch of fucking evidence all around the murder scene or they would have never fucking nailed him. He had two scared college kids abusively interrogated without lawyers presence. People give false confessions all the time and scenarios like that.
Starting point is 02:19:16 And then the confession Knox gave about Patrick Lamumba proven not to be true. He's released fairly quickly. Thanks to an alibi, again, come on. In the end, Italian Italy Supreme Court finally finally says the cases marked by culpable emissions of investigative activity, contradictory evidence, stunning flaws, not just flaws, stunning flaws in investigation. You know, unusual media hype caused a sudden acceleration in the investigation. And that media hype was caused by Juliano Manini. That fucker should be in
Starting point is 02:19:43 prison right now. The police has rushed to find suspects, certainly did not assist in finding the truth. He was in charge of the investigation. The court also noted, you know, there's no blood on the fucking knife. On and on and on. Not gonna go over all the stuff
Starting point is 02:19:57 that I've gone over so many times. That dipshit, what I was trying to say earlier to this day still believes, knocks with the scene of the murder. That just from an article a few months ago. Thankfully, he retired, but not until 2020. And sadly he still works as a consultant, a legal consultant. Even though his career was plagued by so many other allegations of abuse, I didn't go
Starting point is 02:20:15 over and by other convictions regarding abuse and his power, they didn't go over. Okay, so after all that, what do you think about this? I realize I'm biased, obviously, into thinking Amanda and Raffielli had nothing to do with Meredith's murder. But I'm biased based on the facts of this case. It was a fucking shit show of epic proportions, a very sloppy, very poorly conducted sham of an investigation.
Starting point is 02:20:38 And sadly, so many people are still convinced that Amanda killed Meredith's curture or at least was complicit in her murder, right? How sad. Already so tragic that Meredith was murdered, she was by all accounts, a wonderful young woman who would have had a very bright future ahead of her had she not been brutally killed. Extra tragic to two innocent people had years of their lives stolen from them and their names forever tarnished over nothing more than a lot of bad investigative work. This case is a good reminder for me of innocent until proven guilty and sometimes still innocent
Starting point is 02:21:08 after being proven guilty. Because the media, just because they all believe someone commits a crime doesn't mean that they did, just because investigators are convinced someone commits a crime doesn't mean that they did. Just because a jury convicts someone doesn't mean they did. Journalists, prosecutors, police officers, jurists, all just fallible meat sacks, like me and you and everybody else. We all make mistakes.
Starting point is 02:21:27 And sometimes unfortunately, a bunch of us make the same mistakes about the same thing at the same time and the truth really takes a beating. And it's some people really get hurt. And that's what I think happened here. Send in some messages to Bojangles at timesugpodcast.com. If you disagree or if you think I miss something extra important, have some extra info to share.
Starting point is 02:21:47 And sorry for thinking you did it, Amanda Knox. I hope more people start to think otherwise and see you as a victim of injustice and not a perpetrator of injustice. And I hope you have so much fun with what sounds like that wonderful husband of yours and that beautiful little girl of yours. After what you've been through,
Starting point is 02:22:03 I bet you will be a wonderfully, a wonderfully protective and wise mother. Hail, Nimrod and time for today's takeaways. Time, suck, tough, five takeaways. A number one. I'm on the max. That wasn't 20 years old. I would.
Starting point is 02:22:21 No, that's suck. When she was 20 years old when she moved to Italy, for a year studying abroad, she lived in a house with three other young women in the beautiful city of Peruzia, a month into her semester, she met her boyfriend, her off the alley, Celetto, after just one week of dating,
Starting point is 02:22:34 their relationship came to a tragic and unexpected end, when they were accused of murder and arrested. Number two, Meredith Kertz, dead body was found inside her locked bedroom. On the afternoon of November 2nd, 2007, Meredith's foot was poking out from her blanket. She had likely been sexually assaulted and stabbed 47 times. Rudy Gidey's DNA was found inside her body as fingerprints found in a room. And he claimed that he and Meredith had had a consensual sexual encounter.
Starting point is 02:23:00 And when he went to the bathroom, she was attacked by an unknown man. And I fucking doubt it. Rudy is the one person sent to prison for murdering Meredith that I agree should have been sent to prison. Number three, Amanda's DNA was found on a knife handle. Emeritus DNA on the same knife's blade. The knife belonged to Rafalee Celetito. Amanda's DNA also found mixed with Meredith's blood in the bathroom's sink. But this was found out to be likely probably from saliva on the sink when the blood dropped on there. Rafael is a DNA detect on a Meredith's bra class, when it was found seven weeks after after her death, despite his seemingly strong friends, the evidence at the time.
Starting point is 02:23:36 This was all eventually proven to be, you know, a result of contamination at the crime scene or actually that the blood was never even on these items and just all the results of so many errors made by the Italian police. Number four, Amanda was portrayed as promiscuous girl who vengefully murdered Meredith when she wouldn't participate in a sex game with herself, Raphaelie, and Rudy Gidey. And Tabloids ran with that story, digging into Amanda's private sex life, publishing details from millions of people to see even the judge and prosecutors who were supposed to focus only on the facts of the case were heavily influenced by their views
Starting point is 02:24:07 of Amanda's promiscuity. Seven partners. Ooh, that's all she's been linked to, hardly a sex fiend. And again, this was all based on just a bunch of nonsense and lies. Number five, new info, one aspect of the case that we didn't really cover was the impact of the trial of Amanda's family. Amanda's long divorce parents split the rent on an apartment near the prison Amanda
Starting point is 02:24:28 was spending, you know, roughly four years in. The family arranged her schedule so that someone would always be in Italy to be with Amanda. And I think that's so fucking cool. They used almost all of their home equity and retirement funds to pay for Amanda's lawyers, experts, investigators, and immediate advisor.
Starting point is 02:24:42 They had to accept additional money from their families Curtinox would tell the Seattle Times a bit before this was all over It's called being leveraged to the hilt literally we have nothing and we'll do whatever it takes Their legal cost ended up exceeding a million dollars Uh in spring of 2008 Tom Wright the father of one of Amanda's high school classmates named Sarah Uh founded friends of Amanda to help the family out Amanda had written a note in Sarah's yearbook saying that if anything happened to her and she needed help, she would pick Sarah to help her. Well, Sarah told her dad they needed to do something. And
Starting point is 02:25:12 he founded the group. So awesome. Hail, Memorad. They raised $80,000 for Amanda's case. Friends of Amanda reached out to families of Seattle prep students to raise money for her legal fees and maintain a website devoted to the truth about Amanda and the charges against her co-workers donated their vacation, excuse me, in sick days to Amanda's family, others donated airline miles. The New York Times reported that while it was rumored Amanda received a $3.8 million advance for her memoir. She had to pay off so many legal bills, mortgages for her family, loan for her sister, Deanna, agent fees, taxes, in the end, she had about 200,000 left. So glad that in the end, Amanda was able to help her family recoup a lot of their
Starting point is 02:25:51 losses. Still a sad story, and then a young woman was tragically murdered, but a bit of a happy note to end on. To see a family, a split family do everything they could to be there for their daughter, their sister, even friends joining in. If anybody's ever get put to the ringer like Amanda was, I hope we at least get the same kind of support from family and friends as she did. Maybe the lone bright spot in all of this. Time suck, tough, five takeaways. Amanda Knox in the murder of Meredith Kircher has been sucked. Thank you for listening.
Starting point is 02:26:24 Thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team for all their help in making time suck. Thanks to Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins, the art warlock Logan Keith for producing, oh, actually, gosh dang it, I should have corrected it. Our suck ranger, Tyler C, producing in direction today, and Logan, you know, helping with production in, I don't even know the fucking time
Starting point is 02:26:43 my brain's dying right now. Thanks to the metal mixer, it was Tyler. Tyler, pretty good today's show. Thanks also to Bill Hicks here for upkeep on the Time Suck app, the art warlock Logan Keith, for creating the merch at badmagicmerge.com and for helping run our socials along with our suck ranger and a team managed by social media strategist, Ryan Handelman.
Starting point is 02:26:59 And thanks to every member of our numerous online communities on Facebook, Reddit, and Discord. Next week on Time Suck, my Italian fluency continues to pay off. We return to the Italian peninsula to suck Julius Caesar. I know he spoke Latin, but as a master linguist, I know the Latin, pretty similar to Italian, so it's going to come in very handy. Anyway, Julius Caesar was born in 100 BCE, assassinated March 15th, 44 BCE. During his 56 years, Caesar would serve as a brilliant,
Starting point is 02:27:26 but ruthless military leader in politician. He started his career in politics, and his young man initially used bribes and generous gifts to secure alliances. He eventually declared himself dictator for life. Caesar most notable for leading the conquest of Gaul, forming the first tramphorit, the, with Pompey the Great, and Marcus Licinius Crassus, and for his affair with Leopatra, Caesar's
Starting point is 02:27:48 tram for it, uh, gave him a strong political ally in the, and, uh, the richest man in Rome, uh, Caesar's success caused tensions within the tram for it. And I'm gonna work on how to say that fucking word harder for next week. After Crassus died, this tram for it broke down and Pompeii turned on Caesar and tried to force him to give up his army. In response, Caesar started a civil war by crossing the border into Rome with his army. He pursued Pompe all the way to Egypt, and after Pompe was killed, Caesar helped Cleopatra steal the throne from her brother slash co-ruler, King Ptolemy XIII.
Starting point is 02:28:17 Caesar returned to Rome and was declared dictator for 10 years, but two years later, in 44 BCE, declared himself dictator for life. Caesar's enemies feared that with his power and popularity within the Rome with the Roman public He was on his way to becoming a king and stealing their power Group Romans conspired to kill Caesar and on March 15th 44 BCE Caesar was assassinated in the Roman Senate House But Caesar's power and legacy would continue even after his death Rome was thrown into more political chaos and another civil war Which led to the end of the Roman Republic. Caesar's grand nephew and heir Octavian would emerge victorious and become the first emperor
Starting point is 02:28:49 of Rome. We'll cover the fall of the Roman Republic, Julius Caesar's life and death, complex political alliances, affairs, betrayal, a lot of touch pronounce words, and so much more next week on TimeSuck. Right now. Let's head on over to this week's a time of sucker updates. A spaghetti of Tony Open Data's a-a-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla. Rupdate's... get your time sucker updates. First update from a fellow sucker, also obsessed with righteous vengeance.
Starting point is 02:29:25 Very cool story, I think. Top shelf deputy sack Tyler writes, Deer Dan the prophet and Imrod, herald of the great and powerful triple M, favored ball thrower of the good boy bow jangles, and Luciferina's illustrious pool boy. I'm a patrol deputy and a most rural parish in South Louisiana. I'll keep the name of that parish to myself to protect the probably guilty, love it. After listening to the Bayou Strangler and the murder of D.D. Blanchard, the two Louisiana
Starting point is 02:29:47 based sucks. Knowing your love of merciless retribution when it comes to child predators, I felt compelled to tell you about the story of Jody Plouche and Jeff Dussett. Stop me if you've heard of this one. I don't, I, it sounded familiar, but I don't, I didn't remember all the details. On February 19th, 1984, 11 year old, Jodie Plasche was abducted by his 25 year old karate instructor and close family friend Jeff to set. Jeff and Jodie boarded a bus heading towards the west coast where Jeff would die. Jodie's hair shave his own beard to conceal his identity and attempt to pass Jodie off his own son. After checking into a small motel room in Anaheim, California, Jeff began to sexually abuse his karate student. This continued until Jody asked to contact his parents,
Starting point is 02:30:26 which Jeff allowed our authorities were able to trace the call and apprehend Jeff and send Jody back to his parents. Jody's parents, like many of us were devastated to find out Jeff, their trusted family friend, had not only abducted their son, but were mortified to find out their son of a bit abused at his hands.
Starting point is 02:30:41 Jody's father, Gary Plouche, took it especially hard saying, I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch. And then on March 16th, 1984, Jeff Ducecett flown back to Baton Rouge to stand trial. Gary Plouche had entered the waiting area of the terminal, wearing a hat and sunglasses, to conceal his face back when you could fucking not have to go through security, you get into the terminal. Gary took a position near the payphones that made a quick call. As Jeff Dussett was being escorted out of the terminal to wait, uh, to waiting live broadcast news crew to a waiting live broadcast news crew. Sorry about that. Gary mood revolver from his boot and shot Jeff Dussett in the fucking head
Starting point is 02:31:15 on live TV. The clip can still be found online. Yes, it can. Uh, Gary was arrested on scene saying, if it was your child, what would you do? After lengthy and public trial, Gary would plead no contest to a charge of manslaughter and receive no jail time. Sends to a seven year suspended sentence and 300 hours of community service, the judge was quoted as saying a prison sentence would be counterproductive. Fuck yeah. Between this case and being a real life time to kill and taking place in my home state, it was one of my favorites. I was a huge fan of your comedy for years and now find myself a space lizard and you're ever growing culturally curious.
Starting point is 02:31:47 Please keep doing what you do. And thanks for the last Tyler. Man, we should suck that story someday Tyler. Woo! At Day Javu, watching that video of Gary, taking that piece of shit out, but hadn't forgot about it. Man, for so much injustice in this episode,
Starting point is 02:32:01 feel great to cover some justice in that case. Thanks for sending that my way. I'm glad. I know not everybody agrees with this policy, but I'm glad Jeff was put down. Glad Gary was willing to do it and not send to prison. If only justice could work out that way. Hail Nimrod.
Starting point is 02:32:15 Next up, our first of three D&D messages, kick ass nerds act, John R. Wrights. Hello, kindly king of the suck. I love your D&D episode. I've listened to all your episodes, just makes my work take a little faster. I'm proud to admit I'm'm a nerd one hell of a sexy nerd who got laid in high school listened to metal played D&D Red the satanic Bible drove around in a recall Pinto and was raised by a single mom That means I must have sacrifice virgins drank blood in a truly evil person. I work for bear evil. Oh boy
Starting point is 02:32:42 Right developed a device that makes you shit your pants at the most important and personal events like weddings, first dates and honeymoon nights. Roar motherfucker. Now the truth. I have a great life with a beautiful wife and family. I met my friends playing D&D in middle school and we're still friends. All of my friends are successful and have great lives. We owe some of that to playing D&D where we learn to work together, communicate effectively, learn how to think critically and grow our imagination in so much more. We still play D&D from time to time. One last thing, the more you give your views on different subjects, the more I think we were separated at birth. I agree with most of them. My mom did tell me she lost her first baby, she told me it would
Starting point is 02:33:16 have been a boy. I always wanted if mom was telling me the truth. Keep on sucking. 3 out of 5 stars wouldn't change a thing. Well, brother John, I love this. Yes, so much good has come from D&D. It's a beautiful game. Something to be coveted, treasure, not feared. Thanks for sharing that wonderful story. You fell a fucking nerd, Hail Nimrod. Another huge nerd, Marshal Erickson, explains something I barely touched on last week,
Starting point is 02:33:39 writing, hail the Suck Dungeon Master. I'm listening to the D&D episode right now and wanna give a bit more insight as to what goes on Most of the games I've been a part of are known as what's called home brew Which you kind of touched on but didn't really full explain home brew and yeah, you're absolutely right home Brew is when the DM makes their own stories and scenarios But the really fun part is when players start making their own characters sure your first few playthroughs It could be having you be a night or a pal in her wizard, But after you've done it a few times you start to get well creative
Starting point is 02:34:08 Let me tell you about my last build that was directly ripped off from you in time suck The year was 2020. I was with my then girlfriend now fiance congrats and While we were not newly in a relationship we were in that stage where you're Comfortable with them, but maybe not wants to reveal your full crazy and while at this time I, I had fully converted her to being a space lizard, I wasn't ready for her to know all the weird shit I'm into. Well, somehow the topic of D&D came up, and much to our surprise, we found out each of us participated in the game. So now with the fear of judgment aside, we embarked on playing a game together with the mix of our friends. I won't bore you with details, but it came time to roll our characters, and directly ripping you off. I rolled a character name Sir David of children
Starting point is 02:34:47 That's awesome. I think you see where this is going Mike's my character Sir David was a druid who could transform into a cryptid Oh fuck yeah, but he could not control which cryptid he transformed into and yes while I played I used your voice Yeah, David had your shoulders. Yeah, no, it's fine. Oh, there's no problem It was a huge hit and everyone loved it, even though they did not get the reference. Sir David was lawful chaotic, so he wanted to do good, but was just unpredictable. Also, when I rolled for the character,
Starting point is 02:35:11 I rolled such a low intelligence that the bill was almost unplayable, but I felt that was perfectly fitting for the real life version. Anyway, I hope you get a good laugh out of this. Love the show. Love it. What a, and suck on. Live King and suck on.
Starting point is 02:35:25 Uh, Elon. Well, thank you, Elon. That's so fun. Uh, I love that you did that. I'll be doing more. I didn't know the term home brew was for that. I love it. Uh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:34 Why why limit your imagination? Make the D&D world even bigger and more unique to you. Sir David of childrens with a low intelligence score. That sounds awesome. I hope he, uh, we didn't die. Hope we chose a more campaigns by Philly. He probably did didn't die. I hope we chose a little more campaigns, but I feel like he probably did die. It sounds like he's not a very solid character for actual gameplay.
Starting point is 02:35:49 One final D&D message from our final fucking nerd this week, kick ass sack, Jacob Marsh, who writes, Hail Dan Suck Meister, all knowing profit in Imran, an Air Banjo Maestro. I just wanted to thank you for a doing an episode on Dungeons and Dragons. Maybe that sounds weird, but I loved D&D. I literally got done and playing the game last night, and I appreciate the love you're bringing to one of my favorite hobbies. I also thought you'd like to hear my story about the whole satanic aspect of D&D since you got into
Starting point is 02:36:15 it in the episode. It's kind of funny and plenty ridiculous. At least to me, I've been playing D&D for about four years now, and I'm just about to graduate high school. Oh, young buck. One day last year, I was playing with my friends and I wanted to show my girlfriend D&D and she was excited because she loves fantasy books and Lord of the Ring. So we played and she made a character. It was all fun. And then the next morning, I get a call from my girlfriend
Starting point is 02:36:37 saying she might not be able to see me anymore, depending on what her mother says. I ask, what happened? She said her mom was angry at her for playing the game because it was satanic. I was so confused. The whole three hours was the group arguing about how to make their way up a big tree and talking to a magical horse which spoke, funny, should I ever come up with in a game, but I digress. Regardless, I didn't see her for a while and I got really scared. I messed up bad. So I told my mom, my mom laughed when I told her and said
Starting point is 02:37:02 that it's fine. It's just a board game. I grew up during all the panic. Her mom didn't. She's just too young to have seen that. So I don't know why she's upset. It's just you and your friends being nerdy. I laughed at that. My mom said she talked to her mom about the whole scenario. I waited a couple of days. You got a good mom. And I thought I'd really messed up. And then I was at school one day and my girlfriend's mom asked to talk to me. She's a teacher. Oh God. She's a teacher. She afraid of the endy. That's that's fucking scary. And she said my mom talked to her. She said that I could still date her daughter, but I was not going to involve her in any of that stuff that she didn't approve of. I was confused, but I
Starting point is 02:37:35 didn't argue and I left. Ever since then, I've been able to basically hide that kind of stuff from her mom because I'm worried she'll disapprove. But my girlfriend doesn't care. And said, once you go to college, I should teach her how to play again. Because she thought I was, I love this like fucking coke or something once I get to college I'll be able to roll those die Once I get to college I can fucking snort some coke I suppose it all worked out in the end, but frankly it still frustrates me Yeah, it should though
Starting point is 02:37:56 I have to wait just to share a hobby with my girlfriend because her mom thinks I'm practicing some occult rituals or something Even though I'm getting confirmed at the Catholic Church this year, and I go to service every Sunday. I suppose it's not a huge deal. And I know it's going to be even less so as time moves on, especially if she and I are still together. And I know we're still kids, but I really hope we're able to tough it out. To that, I'll give a hail of Zafina and thanks for her letting me keep my girlfriend and dumb nerdy hobbies.
Starting point is 02:38:19 At once, definitely don't want her mom to know I said that. Maybe not that I listen to this podcast. She definitely wouldn't approve. But oh, listen regardless, because you bring so much laughter to me, laughter to me when I'm down. Praiseable jangles. May he watch over you as you roll those 20-sided die,
Starting point is 02:38:32 and as you argue with your friends over who she gets the weird magic item none of you can use. Oh, Jacob, fear continues to this day, huh? Wow, crazy shit. I wish I would, I want you to send me an email like every year updating your progress in this situation. Like you're like, I'm just, like if you do continue to be with this girl, I'm sure she's great.
Starting point is 02:38:51 And then I just picture like way going forward, like she's your mother-in-law. She's gonna be a fucking wild ass mother-in-law. She sounds like a nut. She might be a nice person, but she sounds like a nut. Man, crazy shit. It's crazy world. Hope her mom wakes up someday and realizes, yeah, she's just fun calm down calm down Karen
Starting point is 02:39:07 So many fear based thinkers out there Jacob don't ever become one of them. Don't make life harder than it needs to be I hope soon you and your girl are going on some fucking awesome campaigns Maybe David of children shows up and you have so much imaginative fun. Maybe get an Italian paladin I Put the best guitar and Tony Manderes. I just like to say Antonio Manderes. Even though he knows has nothing to tell him get an Italian paladin. As I roll in a pasta la guinea, put the pescatore and don't even dare. I just like to say Antonio Mediris, even though he knows he has nothing to tell him. And you're right, do not let your mom,
Starting point is 02:39:32 her mom find out you listen to this shit. Shillers are fucking mind. And as they say, in closing, an Italian. Marisa Tome, Urururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururur So meh, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr, urr anyone arrested based on zero hard evidence and crazy shit that exists on your head. Please do look for summer camp tickets next week so we can fucking hang out. And the polka nose, do some sucking. You know, bring your fucking D&D campaigns.
Starting point is 02:40:13 Why not? Thanks, everybody. Hello, I'm Lucky Italian Restaurant. My name is Danica, I! I call it canaloni, some people call it canoli. It's okay, it's a no problem. Looks like they have a new rule, a staff of the Peefard, a beautiful chicken, a pesto, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little, a காρονο βாரனா, میں haven't checked in a yago. Pablo Cruzo. He's a napole. Yeah. One more Italian word, spaghetti.
Starting point is 02:41:33 No, look at that, spaghetti. How about a coupe troupe? How about a side coupe troupe? And for a dessert, I have a little bit of water. A-na-na-na-na, haste la vista. Zartar have a little bit of water. Eh. Arrarrarrarr. Hasta la vista. A presteora dar sa Spanish pareza preclos to Italian.

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