Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 342 - The Kirtland Cult Killings and Jeffrey Lundgren: 2 of 2

Episode Date: April 3, 2023

The conclusion of the the craziest cult story I had never heard of.  This week, things, incredibly, get even weirder and darker than last week. More sexual debauchery.  
More twisted visions. And ...mass murder. And then it all comes crashing down after Jeffrey leads his followers into the wilderness where are there are dreams of magical vaginas, additional wives, and a lot more scat play.Want to apply for the Cummins Family Scholarship fund? Click this link!: https://learnmore.scholarsapply.org/cummins/  Deadline for application is April 24th at 3PM CT. Wet Hot Bad Magic Summer Camp tickets are ON SALE!  BadMagicMerch.com Bad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation:  We were able to donate $14,014 dollars this month to Sleep In Heavenly Peace. Sleep in Heavenly Peace is a group of volunteers who build, assemble and deliver beds to families in need. Never getting a good night’s rest - has you starting every day off at a disadvantage.    This wonderful organization has chapters all across the US.  
If you want to get involved or can offer up your skills, please visit https://shpbeds.org/ to learn more. We also donated $1,557 to our scholarship fund for next year. Thank you! Get tour tickets at dancummins.tv Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/encQPz46kAUMerch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comDiscord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Jeffrey Lungren diving into the second of our two-part series on this crazy cult leader this week Today things incredibly get even weirder and darker than they did last week this week We get into more sexual debauchery and murder Prof. Jeffrey takes his godly claims further. He'll have a lot more visions this week He'll go full mature cult leader and start taking extra wives He'll test the tolerance of his followers time and time again, as he leads them further and further away from any semblance of a normal life.
Starting point is 00:00:31 And then it will all come crashing down and so many lives will be permanently destroyed. And to give anything else away would be to spoil too many. Are you serious? Surprises. The wild and darkly entertaining conclusion to the Curlin cult killings and Jeffrey Lungren. Right now on this cult, cult, cult, addition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck.
Starting point is 00:00:58 You're listening to the Curious. I feel confident saying welcome back because one of the odds that this is your first episode. If it is, well, you fucked up. What are you doing? Go back to last week and start there. Please, this episode will just not hit the same if you don't listen to part one. I'm Dan Cummins, a suck master, scat, play, kink, shameer, modern profit, deny, doomsday, ignore action figure,
Starting point is 00:01:35 jingle, songbird, and you are listening to time suck. Hail, Nimrod, Hail Lucifina, praise, beatable, jangles, and glory, beat of triple M. When you hear this, the burn it all down, theater tour will have ended. Thank you to anyone who came out to the shows, just finish shows as I record this in Pontiac, not quite Detroit, Michigan and Indianapolis, Indiana. Thanks to Indie for the sell out Pontiac, we came close. Both nights so much fun. And now starting over, building a new hour of material as fast as possible. Looking forward to it starting Phoenix, April 21st and 22nd and stand up live, working on so many new ideas. May 4th, 5th and 6th and Bloomington, Indiana at the very intimate comedy at a comedy club. And then May 11th, 12th and 13th and Madison was constant at comedy on state.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Let's go. Links to all those tickets at Dancom is dot TV. It is April now spring is in the air. So we have something different in the store, Hawaiian button up shirts. That's right. You've got two patterns to choose from time sucks throwback or tropical killer time suck throwback featuring a very 90s feeling pattern with lots of electric blue pink and yellow. Time suck had a bow and alley or arcade. This would definitely be our carpet.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Tropical killer traditional floral based design featuring 12 of the most gruesome killers we've covered on Time suck. But it is workplace approved. It's subtle. These are hand cut and sewn. So please allow a couple extra weeks delivery on these. Head on over to badmatchagemerts.com. You can check them out to the new Time suck button buttonups. And a quick note from Logan, the art warlock,
Starting point is 00:03:07 good news, we were able to go up to five X on these because they're handmade. We just had another conversation with our main supplier, about four X and five X sizes in the store for normal t-shirts, trying very hard to add those back into the selection, we appreciate your patience. If you're not aware, we moved from pre-printing all of our designs to a vast majority of them
Starting point is 00:03:24 being printed when you order Which limits our selection on larger sizes, but hoping to roll out a solution very soon and now Back to Jeffrey Don Lunggren knockoff profit Jeffrey the poor man's Brigham Young or maybe the really fucking demanded Especially sexually deviant extra unstable and murderous man's Brigham Young After a brief summary of what we covered last episode, we'll just dive right back into the timeline today, buckle up. In many ways, this is the far darker of the two episodes.
Starting point is 00:03:54 For years, Jeffrey skated by on the kindness of strangers. Mostly he's in loss. And church charities before he could gather a small group of people to be part of his scriptural study group of sorts that would become an incubator for his future cult where there would be a lot less studying and a lot more. Listen to what Jeffrey Lunggren tells you to believe. Cult, cult, cult. Alice Lunggren would help in all of this taking followers under her wing, having them call her mom, convincing them that Jeffrey was the real deal, the real profit, the Joseph Smith had predicted, not that fake ass, Brigham young motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:04:29 No, profit, Jeffrey was the truth that the RLDS church had long said was still to come. The righteous man who would redeem Zion. By 1988, where we left off last week, Jeffrey had a loyal group of followers living on a compound. And now Jeffrey was emboldened enough to get into more insane shit, including but not limited to mass murder. Jeffrey will evolve in this episode into a sort of inverted cult leader while we normally expect cult leaders to escalate their devin behavior sexually and otherwise over a period of time, maybe first in secrecy before a straight up saying that God wants him to fuck people and then ending with some sort
Starting point is 00:05:04 of big murderous event similar to the Manson family murders or Jones town or the heaven gate heavens gate suicides. This is not the case with Jeffrey instead the murders take place before some of the weirder sexual shit and probably bad reference to heaven's gates since there was no sexual shit. They were very strongly asexual actually. It will not be until after some blood sacrifices are made that Jeffrey will become a full-on sex craze cult leader.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Yes, as we learned last week, he was already sexually deviant. Well this week he takes his deviancy outside the bounds of his marriage and spreads it around to some of his lucky followers. After some sacrifices, they will literally head out into the woods and once there, Jeffrey will take advantage of their guilt, sleeplessness, and hunger to pressure some of the women of the group into doing certain things. And I won't share anything more about that other than to say, remember the phrase, magical vagina. Just like last week, don't spoil too much. Certain surprises were the most darkly entertaining elements of the story for me. I want you to
Starting point is 00:06:03 enjoy them as well. Sad, sad Alice. I will say that she will suffer even more this week. She will pay an increasingly harsh price for ignoring, oh, so many red flags early on for deluding herself and to thinking some random dipshit was going to be the profit that some summer camp patriarch told her was coming along. I'm guessing you expected her to do that this week as I did. As we get into all of this again, I do wonder was Jeffrey insane?
Starting point is 00:06:31 Did he actually believe he truly was a prophet or was he simply building people out of their money and stroking Zego and getting his rocks off? Did this cult leader believe his own bullshit or was it all a ruse? Did Alice Lungren truly believe her husband was a prophet? Or did she just want to be the wife of someone others believed to be powerful? Was she helping Jeffrey things primarily to hoping to fulfill her own ambitions? Or mostly to be a de衹ful wife and support his ambitions and, you know, and-or delusions?
Starting point is 00:06:58 Diving back into the strange world of Jeffrey Lunggren, in which his teachings only get more insane and ridiculous, including his claims to actually, you know, being a god right now. Picking up today where we left off, as I said after a little summary of what we covered so far, last episode, we looked at how Jeffrey Lunggren grew up in an RLDS community. Born in 1950, he grew up at a time where kids across America were expressing their individuality as he grew into his teen years. The swing in 60s soon be underway. The freedom focused and anti-establishment 70s would be underway when he was a very young man, but Jeffrey would choose to not take part in the counter-culture movement. No sex drugs and rock and roll for this guy.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Well, there was sex, but not a lot of free love hippie sex, not that we know about. More of an affair or two at work, a bunch of, you know, I put my wife a lot at home, kind of sex. Now, Lunggren grew up attending an RLDS congregation in the Slow For Park neighborhood of Independence Missouri, where he wasn't all that interested in religion. His parents, strict religious parents, who very much cared about keeping up with the Joneses and sure didn't seem emotionally nurturing on any level,
Starting point is 00:08:12 but also not necessarily abusive, expected him to go to church, and he did. After getting out from under their thumbs, Jeffrey would briefly attend Central Missouri State University, where he would first meet and then completely control Alice Keeler soon to be Alice Lunggren. Alice was susceptible to the nicely dressed young man who made her feel special. A camp counselor, you know, of sorts. A member of her church.
Starting point is 00:08:35 It told her that she would one day marry a man who would go on to do something amazing for the RLDS church. And then she felt that man was Jeffrey. What Alice did know about her walking red flag of a boyfriend who told her what to wear and walked her to all of her classes within 48 hours of her first date, a man who would ask her to marry him after dating for a whole week was that Jeff was flunking all of his classes. And rarely, if ever showed up to those classes, preferring to spend his time in the RLDS house or with Alice. And with Alice sometimes included staring at her through the fucking window while she was in class like a serial killer. But then when she did know what he
Starting point is 00:09:11 was up to instead of breaking up with them, she felt that she needed to quickly marry him, or she would lose him. She would lose this, ah, this catch of a guy. And within a few months, she was pregnant after trying to get pregnant. And now faced with disapproval from his parents, a couple moved in with Alice's incredibly enabling parents. They will now struggle for money, for years, including during Jeffrey's stint in the Navy. Even when Jeffrey was getting a steady paycheck, the man would not allow his wife to even touch the family checkbook and he was being completely financially irresponsible. Then this weirdo gets deployed on the ship to the head of the Gulf of Tonkin in late 1972. The ship gets fired on, but never hit. And this megalomaniac,
Starting point is 00:09:49 who had spent all his free time reading the book of Mormon, comes to believe that the reason the enemy fire did not land a single hit on his ship was because that God was protecting him. Not the entire crew. No, just Jeffrey. He was that important, that special. God had big plans for him. Jeffrey would even claim to have had a strange vision of a dark cloud attacking him on the ship Trying to throw him overboard and that cloud obviously was Satan and it could not knock him overboard Because his faith in God was too strong and again God had too important of plans for him Back in Missouri after the Navy Jeffrey and Alice quickly got involved with the RLDS again
Starting point is 00:10:23 Which Jeffrey becoming a sort of spokesperson for the conservative RLDS faction, which opposed liberalizing efforts, like allowing women into the preside. Jeffrey would start holding meetings in his apartment where he would give his unique interpretation of scripture. I, Jeffrey, can see things that no one else can see. Here, he would meet future coalt members,
Starting point is 00:10:43 Dennis and Tonya Patrick, as well as Dennis and Cheryl Avery. But the Lungerin still faced financial troubles. Jeffrey liked to secretly spend his money on porn and guns and who knows what else? And he kept getting fired from many of his jobs for stealing money. And Jeffrey was soon causing other kinds of trouble for his family as well, like forcing Alice to engage in strange and demeaning sexual acts with his own feces. And if you really, really want to get shit on, I guess by all means, indulge yourself and become a human toilet. But this is not what Alice wanted. She accepted it as opposed to chose it.
Starting point is 00:11:15 She put up with it to stick by the side of the great and important and almost always unemployed Jeffrey. And then when Alice protested a different sexual act, Jeffrey responded by having an affair with a coworker. When he came back, Alice felt like she had no choice, but to go along with whatever her husband wanted. She did have a choice. Could have left this terrible dude and stayed with the parents who clearly were up for helping her out since they were helping her anyway.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And Jeffrey, but she stayed with him. She followed the teachings of her church to be a submissive and obedient wife. Meanwhile, Jeffrey continued to keep getting fired from jobs, mainly for stealing, it seems, not paying bills, driving the family even deeper into debt, while working his last paying job as a salesman of medical equipment, Jeffrey would meet James Robbins,
Starting point is 00:11:58 a man who told him about a Mormon concept called living in common endeavor. This was basically the Mormon version of a commune. And James Robbins hoped that it would help him grow spiritually away from the influence of his success and money. Oh, James, you could have just volunteered to the soup kitchen or give it a charity, but no, you had to get tangled up with Jeffrey. Lungron after bizarrely claiming that he had cured Robbins cancer would part ways with James after taking two grand and doing nothing in return, except telling him he cared his cancer of course. Soon after his bullshit, curing cancer claim, even if James cancer did go into remission, there's no fucking way this dipshit had anything
Starting point is 00:12:33 to do with it. Jeffrey would claim to have visions of being given golden plates by God. The same as Joseph Smith had, except these plates revealed some new knowledge. Knowledge he said that the church couldn't be trusted with, because they'd fuck things up too much already. Why introduce some new kind of prophecy when he can just rip off Joseph Smith? But you don't want to pay too much for the name. Friend-profit. a name. Friend, profit. Why pay for profit? Joseph, when profit Jeffrey is half price. Do you want to get pooped down? Do you want to get pooped down? Yeah, you want to get pooped
Starting point is 00:13:21 down. So in July of 1984, Jeffrey would announce that he had to move to Kurtlin, Ohio. The place where Zion actually was and it would be in Kurtlin that this cult really kicked off. Recruiting people like Kevin Curie, Jeff sold Navy Buddy and some interns from the Kurtlin Temple. The Lungrid convinced them to hand over their paychecks to Jeffrey to live in common endeavor. Except really what they were doing was having others pay their way while they splurge on luxuries and didn't work. Gotta get those red laughter cheddar biscuits.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Profits aren't supposed to work for anyone, Alice would explain. And Ohio Jeffrey also began teaching his new followers about something he called the pattern based on the concept of chiasmus. People who believe in chiasmus basically look at the, at select old Testament books and diagram lines that repeat the content of other lines
Starting point is 00:14:07 Kiasm is the pattern by which these ideas get repeated most often in the pattern a b b a Asmas was popular during the time of the Bible What it was being written across various cultures Hebrew Greek Latin among them It showed balance and order and also help make a convincing airtight argument Basically, it was a trendy way of writing at the time. But in the context of religious interpretation, this old trend would take on new meaning for some people, including Jeff Reenis' followers. Some biblical scholars had found that there was often one line,
Starting point is 00:14:35 usually the middle sea line, if it was ABC, BA, that wasn't repeated. This, according to some of them, was the most important line in the text. Now, most people who interpret this stuff say that the middle line doesn't really have anything to do with scriptural interpretation, but Jeffrey would take the opposite view. He would say that Chiasmus allowed him to see the pattern by separating God's true words, which were always hidden in doubles from the parts of the Bible added by man. He could see the real shit, and he started crossing out large biblical passages that were fake that had no chiasmus. Passages clearly written by man and not God.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Jeff would claim that the world was full of secret chiastic messages including an architecture. And this type of shit earned him an enemy in the form of Dale Luffman, a reverend who had become the art LDS stake president in the Kirtland area in January of 1986. Luffman thought that Lungren wasn't only too opinionated, but that his opinions ran contrary to church doctrine and were driving away members and that he was usurping his authority. Meanwhile, Jeffery was gaining new members, Richard Brand, the former interns, Danny and Sharon, Greg Winship, Ron and Susie Luff. He also contacts the Patrick's and the Avery's tells them to move to Kirtland to be with him and his family, a family like, I don't know, the Manson family. All these people would end up financially supporting the Lungards. And in return, Jeffrey told
Starting point is 00:15:53 him what to do, what to think, who they ought to be with, how to spend their own money, what they should believe about religion, all justified in his bullshit reading subscription and supposed visions he kept having the RLDS just like the LDS big on visions Big on continuous revelation a Concept that allowed Jeffrey to not have his supposed visions be immediately mocked and shut down But instead be realistically entertained by his congregation something to be celebrated even Finally in the summer of 1907 Jeffrey would tell us followers that the apocalypse was coming soon. It was time to redeem Zion and bring forth a new and glorious millennium.
Starting point is 00:16:29 He preached that in the final days before Jesus returning a huge mountain would rise up underneath the Kirtland RLDS temple. Satan's army would then invade and the Lungans and their followers would need to fight them off, you know, to make sure that Jesus could get there Be before these guys ruined this this risen temple and then they would need to help restore Jesus' kingdom. Those of them who lived anyway, only a dozen, you know, those of them who lived anyway would get to be part of Jesus' kingdom because only a dozen were going to survive. It does a new apostles from a five bedroom farmhouse on the eduicurland, Jeffery and his followers now planned a temple takeover with Jeffery telling them that they would have to uh... you know do this to bring forth Zion they would have to kill for god to bring forth paradise he said there are bloody takeover would go down on his birthday may third
Starting point is 00:17:13 and they plan to kill the luffins dail his wife and three kids by literally be heading them inside the temple kevin curie would leave the group during this murder is planning finally realized that jeffrey was a maniac and not a profit. And a maniac who's about to come a mass murder. In April of 1988, after being ignored by the FBI, Kevin tipped off the Kirlin police department to the group's plans, telling them to police chief Dennis Yarborough, who believed the Jeffrey was indeed capable of what Kevin was describing. And for then finding out that one of Jeffrey's kids had talked about the temple takeover
Starting point is 00:17:44 with the neighbor, Yarborough figured he had to act fast. May 3rd was almost here. And all of that takes us up to May 1st, 1988, where we will reconnect with last week's time suck timeline. As we mentioned in the previous timeline, on the night of May 1st, Chief Yarrow and three of his officers staked out the temple in Kirtland. And nothing happened. They were there the next night too. And again, nothing happened. Yarrow hoped his talk had scared Jeffery away, but he couldn't be certain.
Starting point is 00:18:27 On the afternoon of May 3rd, Yarbo and his men were still staking out the temple. They knew that if it was going to happen, it would happen that day, but the temple takeover was not to be. There had been a change of plants. Unbeknownst to Yarbo, Jeffery had spoken to God again.
Starting point is 00:18:41 For more accurately, he told his followers that he had spoken to God and well, God was not pleased enough with them yet to allow them to take over the temple. They still had sinned too much. And outside of Skidmark, I mean, Alice, they also hadn't been literally sh-on enough. God was very clear in his vision. They all needed to be anointed in the fecal matter of God's one true prophet. Once they had all proven how humble they were, how little sinful pride and vanity they possessed, then and only then would kill a Christ return.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Alice now told the group what spiritual tests Jeffrey had put her through over the years. How she was stronger and more faithful for it, holier even, praise be, maybe also a little stinkier and sure. She'd maybe lost a bit of permanent vision from chronic pink eye infections, but still, holier and more pure of spirit overall, and she agreed to show the rest of them the way, and she led them to the bathroom, where she stripped down and waited to receive Jeffrey's special sacred sewer sacrament. And Jeffrey, then in front of his entire shocked covenant of adherence, he stood above
Starting point is 00:19:39 his wife into Cyphe, kneeled down, and gloriously released his celestial bowels. He'd been preparing for days, eating nothing but ham and cheese hot pockets, pizza bagel bites, milkshakes, coffee and scrambled eggs. He had to make sure he had enough sacrament to baptize his flock. Some witnesses gagged, others cried, at least one vomited, but none left. They were in too deep now. They'd come too far. And Jeffrey, beautiful, glorious Jeffrey.
Starting point is 00:20:02 He now pounded more black coffee and glasses of milk. He gobbled down prunes and more eggs and red lobster, cheddar biscuits and shrimp to make sure he had plenty of special sacrament to spread around. And by the end of the day, they had all been baptized and profit, Jeffrey's heavenly shit. Praise be to profit, Jeffrey. God's great to filer. God's chosen defecator. King shit himself. Him, him, hooray. Okay, maybe all that poop stuff didn't happen. But Jeffrey did tell them. There had been a change of plans.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And they had sent too much and God was not going to come down and say hi and May 3rd, right? Because you idiots, you fucked it. Well now, Sharr Olson, she finally wakes up from this fever dream. She realizes that Jeffrey is not a prophet and she wants out. When she tells Jeffrey, he makes her sit in the middle of a circle, as he, Alice and Danny berate her. And eventually, Shar is so distraught, she apologizes and agrees to stay. And then something strange happens.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Alice gets really irritated, and now accuses Shar of staging the entire evening. She claims the real reason Shar wants to leave the group was because, in Alice's words, you're just horny. Did I mention that no one was allowed to have sex at the cold farm unless you're married? Well, Shar was crushed. She knew sex had nothing to do with it. Didn't know why Alice would go there. I'm so glad a lot of interviews were taken of these cold members.
Starting point is 00:21:15 This nonsense is too good to lose to history. And then after all that, just a few days later, Jeffrey would tell Shar to get out. And she would. She'd leave packing her fuel longing to do a u-hole. And the cult was now one person smaller. I wonder if Sharp would have still been kicked out if she had been, I don't know, making more money than somebody who worked as a department store as a clerk did.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Maybe she didn't bring a lot of value to the cult for Jeffrey. Maybe he wasn't I in her to be a future additional wife. I don't know. Now, Alison Jeffrey think it's just a matter of time before the followers start being straight up disobedient before they lose more. They worry their control is slipping. During the following months, the summer of 1988, Alice begins drinking heavily. She would stay up until two or three in the morning watching videotapes, sleep until one or two in the afternoon. She'd drink a beer before dinner, take a few excedrin PM to get to sleep that night. Profit Jeffrey's wife, King's shit's ladies, get Mark. What? Why is she doing this?
Starting point is 00:22:10 This had to have raised a few eyebrows among the cult members. Why is she drinking? Well, I will say she had a pretty good reason. She was dealing with some new stress and pain. See, here's the deal. Profit Jeffrey had recently decided that her vagina was too loose from having kids. So now he only wanted to have anal sex with her. And at first, it wasn't too bad. She would say, this is so absurd. At first, he used lube. But then, you know, God's holiest earthly vessel decided that her own blood was the best lube.
Starting point is 00:22:44 My God, that explains the exedron p.m. And yet she still will think that this fucking sadist is a prophet. So that's happening. Meanwhile, the avers are getting evicted. Jeffrey kind of sort of failed slash forgot to pay their bills like he said he would, even though they'd be giving him all their income and he'd, you know, they'd also give them 10 grand in cash from their savings. Mysterious ways, you know, yeah, got profits a liar. All right, get used to it. You filthy fucking swine.
Starting point is 00:23:11 July 15th, 1988, the Avery's moving to a three bedroom house that rented for $450 a month in Madison 24 miles east of the farmhouse. They moved there with their three daughters, Trina now 14, Becky 12 and Karen 60s, poor kids. And then they stop attending Prof. Jeffrey's Bible study and vision classes. For some reason, Avery still felt attached to the Lungrants. Cheryl Avery even listed Alice as her emergency contact.
Starting point is 00:23:36 And Dennis always listed Jeffrey as a reference on job applications. So they're not quite out of this cult. In September, Jeffrey has great news for everybody. Skidmarks pussy is super tired again. Ha ha, yay! Celebrate, there's been a miracle. God is good.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Pounding her butt hole with no lube and the collecting her vagina for months and months has somehow tuned back up again. It's almost as if his dick is a screwdriver and the screw that tightens up a pussy is in Alice's colon. Okay, maybe not that news, but he does have great news. He announces that he has
Starting point is 00:24:05 used the pattern to discover a new revelation that indicated they didn't need to take over the Kirtland temple to see God after all. So rejoice. There's another way to resume Zion, children. To meet God without taking over the temple, Jeffrey said he'd have to become endowed with power. Sorry, the quote is endowed with the power, which does sound cooler. He has to become endowed with the power. The way to do that was to kill the wicked and offer a human blood atonement sacrifice to God. After Jeffrey got the power, the group would then have to literally go out into the wilderness
Starting point is 00:24:37 to purge themselves as sin. And then they get to meet God. Jeffrey didn't know exactly where they would have to go, but he said, you know, God had shown. Oh, and there was one more tiny thing the sacrifice couldn't be someone outside the group like Dale Wouldn't recognize a real profit even if he fucked him in the ass with no Loub and shit on his tits love, but no Everybody said the only way for him to get the power was to sacrifice someone inside his own house Q a lot of cult members getting real sweaty nervous And first he didn't let his group know who was getting sacrifice either inside his own house. Queue a lot of cult members getting real sweaty and nervous.
Starting point is 00:25:05 At first he didn't let his group know who was getting sacrificed either. He just wanted to sweat it out. He just let them sit with that for a while, right? Gotta keep those followers tense and anxious. Don't let them get bored. They might feel a more inclined to leave. Meanwhile, throughout the summer,
Starting point is 00:25:19 Police Chief Yarborough continues investigating Jeff for Lungren. He'd stake out the property for hours, finding out where Jeffery banked, where his followers worked, dotted down the models of the cars they drove, et cetera. None of them had criminal records, not outside of Jeffery right and bad checks.
Starting point is 00:25:32 And it seemed crazy to think that all of these generally law-abiding citizens could be involved in a murder plot, but Garbo is still suspicious. Excuse me, in August, Garbo realized that the only thing he can change, excuse me, charge Jeffery Lungren with is a zoning violation. But if they arrest him for having too many people living in the house, well, that'll make a surveillance harder going forward.
Starting point is 00:25:52 So they said, let it go. September 20th, Shar Olson now working as a waitress and hiding from Jeffrey gets a call from Dale Luffman. He was conducting his own probe. He explained because he wanted to get Jeffrey thrown out of the RLDS and Sharah agreed to meet Luffman at a nearby Bob Evans restaurant. Oh shit, yeah. Love me some Bob Evans.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Great banana bread. Where she told him about to take over. Leftman was shocked. He had no idea that there had been an active plot to kill him and his entire family. To have their fucking heads cut off in order to resume Zion. Leftman immediately phoneoned Kurtlin PD. Two days later, September 23, Sharah agrees to meet with police officer Ron Andalisk.
Starting point is 00:26:30 She told him everything she knew, even offered up a notebook from her classes with Jeffery's proof. And the notebook had lists of military terms, instructions on how to use gas masks and more. A few weeks later, October 10, Dale Luffman personally serves Jeffery with ex-communication papers.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Let's feel good to do that face to face. He must also have been nervous as fuck, probably worked out some defense moves in his head, you know, just in case Jeffrey tried to chop his head off. Jeffrey would have three days to reply to the charges of teaching doctrine contrary to RLDS, belief, God, that acronym does not roll off the tongue and getting people to quit the church. That night, Jeffrey would declare to his followers that it was time to make a human sacrifice. And doing so would begin the process described in the book of Revelations, the end times. During the next few nights, Jeffrey let his followers, I'm an incredible,
Starting point is 00:27:19 intricate trip through the Bible, Book of Mormon, doctrine and covenants, all designed to lead them to the conclusion that Jeffrey is the herald of the end times. The prophet to help lead a small group of believers to usher in the second coming and then hot damn Killer Christ and his army will rid the world of the wicked, wicked mother fuckers like Dale Luffman. He'd say he had six months to perform the human sacrifice until April of 1989. And now he starts asking the Avery's to come back to the farm. And when they do, he gives him lessons about wilderness saying they're going to meet God, but interestingly, in front of the Avery's, he never mentions human sacrifice. And before we go further, before things really ramp up, let's take a mid-show sponsor break. And then there won't be any more
Starting point is 00:28:01 interruptions. Thanks for listening to those sponsor deals. Please be sure and use my discount codes and landing pages. So you save money and our sponsors know you heard about them on this show. And now let's get back to the Lung Grins. He, uh, Jeffrey's just told us followers the Avery's must die. And now he's also made it on the FBI's radar for his former plan to take over the Curl and Temple and execute the Luffman family and others. plan to take over the curtain temple and execute the leftman family and others. On October 13th, the FBI officially gets involved in the investigation of Jeffrey Lunger.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Now instead of going after him on charges of conspiracy to commit murder, a state offense, they decide to pursue different charges, possible violations of domestic security statutes, and alleged violations of its followers' civil rights. But because those were federal crimes that fell under the purview of the FBI investigators. After speaking more with char investigators, put the farm under surveillance, and they reconnect with former follower now
Starting point is 00:28:54 in hiding also, Kevin Curie in Buffalo. The FBI writes its first confidential report about Jeffrey on February 24th, 1989. It concluded that Jeffrey was dangerous and was most likely planning to attack the temple back on May 3rd, but there just wasn't sufficient evidence to file charges against him. They didn't even have enough evidence to get a search warrant. So just like local police before them, they continue to watch and wait. By March, everyone in the group knows that the Avery's will now be the human sacrifice Jeffrey spoke of. Everyone, everyone except the Averys, of course.
Starting point is 00:29:25 We constantly talked about shedding of blood. Jeffrey's cousin Debbie Oliveira Olivearez, that later testified that it had to be done that we were going to the wilderness, we were going to see God there. Like with the plans for the temple takeover. Nothing is over. You just don't turn it off.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Jeffrey started designing his followers, different roles in the murders. He sent Debbie and Greg to a local library to find out how hot a fire had to be in order to cremate a body. Guess he told them to be somewhat discreet doing that, not just walking, ass-aliburring. Hey, where do you keep the books that tell you how hot a fire has to be to a burn a human body down to nothing but ash so you don't leave any evidence behind for investigators? At the time, Jeffrey was thinking about killing the Avery's in their home in Madison and then setting their house on fire
Starting point is 00:30:07 But Debbie reported back that a house fire would not be hot enough to destroy incriminating evidence But what do I got didn't tell him that in one of his many visions? Why did why did God make it so hard to help him with his godly plans? Why didn't why didn't profit Jeffrey already know that Jeffrey then turned to to Damon, telling him to get familiar with explosives, right? Good job son, go get some of them with explosives for this big final battle. Danny was asked to forge burst certificates in case the group decided to change their identities
Starting point is 00:30:34 with Danny qualified for that. I'm gonna go out and limb and say no. They all also have to prepare for whatever's gonna happen in the wilderness. By mid-March, Jeffrey had stockpiled more than 4,000 rounds of ammunition and had added to his arsenal a 48-pound custom made 50 caliber rifle that cost 2700 dollars. It makes sense. There's going to be so many demons. They're going to have to kill. And a bit some of them are just fucking huge, like as big as some of
Starting point is 00:30:59 the monsters in the final battle of the Lord of the Rings. He bought that big gun because he wanted the gun capable of shooting down a helicopter because you know, sometimes demons fly helicopters, you know, demon FBI agents. He also made himself a flag purple with a white star and a red eagle. And why do you make a flag? So killer, Christ knows he's done, team Zion redemption. Who the fuck knows? He's quite literally insane or quite you know possibly literally insane. And then this crazy fucker up to murder anti, he says that he consulted more scripture and bad news. He now says that he has to kill 10 people, not just the five members of the Avery family. He adds the Patrick's Richard Brandt and share to the list. On April 4th,
Starting point is 00:31:40 Greg and Debbie, I'm sure they're loving this. April 4th, Greg and Debbie are married by Jeffrey. The next day, Richard Mary Sharon might as well reward some of his faithful with allowing them to get the fuck on before they kick off a big apocalyptic, apocalyptic battle where some of them are going to die. On April 10th, 1988, Jeffrey has two followers, Ron Love and Keith Johnson, that old college friend who had introduced him, uh, and Alice, uh, has these guys dig a big pit in a barn. Meanwhile, Jeffrey buys two horses and an all-trained vehicle is so called chariot in the wilderness. Uh, shit just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Starting point is 00:32:13 On Wednesday, April 12th, Jeffrey buys a 44 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver. Yeah, you can never have enough guns. Uh, when you have demons to fight and follow us to sacrifice, Jeffrey and Alice visit the Avery's at night is though, uh, making a social call helped them pack up their house because they decide that or because they thought that they would all be going into the wilderness soon. Thursday April 13th Jeffrey tells officials at Curtlyn Elementary School that he's taking
Starting point is 00:32:36 Kristin and Caleb out of the classes for a week because the family is going to Disneyland. If only that was true. By Friday April 14th, all the group members of Quitter Jobs, Ron and Suzy and their two children have moved from the apartment they were living into the laundry room with the farmhouse. God, this whole family of four in the laundry room now. At one point, Cheryl showed up and asked Jeffrey why she and Dennis and their girls hadn't been invited to stay at the farm like the loves. Cheryl Avery. Well, Jeffrey said that they didn't have enough room, but gave them some sleeping bags. Now the next day, Saturday, April 15th, Dennis and Cheryl do come by to help
Starting point is 00:33:09 with preparations. Jeffrey has Dennis help with the pit being dug in the barn. So fucked up. Has Dennis, well, you'll find out here. Now Jeffrey decides to taun you and Sharon actually don't need to die decoding. God's hidden message is so gosh dang tricky. But the men and the Avery family still do need to die. And after Jeffrey finishes up his studies, he picks up Dennis Avery drives to the Shagrin International Arms company where they use Dennis's master card to buy a 30 caliber M1 carbine, another 45 caliber automatic pistol and a 380 caliber cold pistol for a total of $1,3449 more firepower.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Nothing is over. You just don't turn it off. And Tyler, did I say carbine is a carbine? It's carbine, right? Please carbine. Okay, I remember I remember I had a flashback of getting corrected. I hope we can avoid that. On the morning of April 17th, 1989, Jeffrey told Alice that the Patrick's and Richard and Sharon had been spared. So now it's just the Avery's that need to be sacrificed. Jeffrey did not tell Alice that her poor, war torn butthole had been spared, though, bummer for her. A picture poor Skidmark always having a bag of ice or bag of frozen fucking peas or blueberries or something taped to her butt. They then go to the Patrick's apartment and tell Tonya that it's all good.
Starting point is 00:34:22 She's not going to be killed that day, along with her husband and daughter. And Tonya would have been relieved to hear that information, but she had no idea. That was the plan until that moment. Man, if I'm her, I am so nervous, Jeffrey. I mean, God or profit, you know, whatever is going to change his mind. But I doubt she's being rational. Meanwhile, back to the farm, Greg is making a reservation at the Red Roof Inn in Kirtland for the Avery's.
Starting point is 00:34:45 If the police ever go looking for them, Jeffrey wants the Avery's last known address to be a motel, not a farmhouse. After Greg makes the motel reservation, he drives to Cleveland and buys a stun gun now for $59.99. Then around 11.30 a.m., Jeff and Alice pick up the Avery's and bring them to the farm for lunch. After lunch, the Avery's and bring them to the farm for lunch after lunch the Avery's are dropped off the motel. Around six at evening, Richard would go bring the Avery's back to the farm before they arrived.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Jeffrey loaded one of his 45 caliber pistols with enough bullets for 27 shots. Dennis dinner was exactly at 6.30 p.m. roast beef mashed potatoes with gravy corn salad bread. Sounds delicious. During the meal, Danny Richard Sharon and Greg tried to avoid the aries jeffery Alice and their kids and Ron and Suzy Luff and their kids are friendly. Nothing to get awkward about, right? They're not being senseless, he murdered, they're being sacrificed to God for the greater good.
Starting point is 00:35:39 What an honor. They just get to head to heaven a little earlier than everyone else, no big whoops. After dinner, Jeffrey reminds Cheryl Avery that she was supposed to write a letter to her parents given a fictitious forwarding address for the time period that they would be in the wilderness. Cheryl would write, dear mom and dad, just a hurry to note to let you know that things have happened very fast.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And Dennis has accepted work in Wyoming, and we needed to get there fast. We will let you know address and details when we get settled. Thanks, love Cheryl. Then Jeffrey takes all the men except for Dennis Avery. Takes Ron Love, Greg Winship, Richard Brand, Danny Kraft, his oldest son Damon, upstairs. They all get ready for the human sacrifice. Gotta get their minds right. Maybe watch the little Rambo again. No, there's no. I also now leave with her three youngest children to the Patrick's apartment. Ron then went downstairs told Dennis that Jeff was in the barn and wanted Dennis to come check something out. It was just before 7 30 p.m. As Dennis walked into the barn, Ron zaps him with a stun gun. Avery screams out in pain. No, no, this isn't necessary. Please,
Starting point is 00:36:39 this isn't necessary. Goddamn it. Goddamn it. Goddamn it. Look surprised by the language. One hit from the stun gun and taking the Lord's name in vain, not an issue anymore. Got dammit, got dammit, got dammit. Little surprised by the language. One hit from the stun gun and taking the Lord's name in vain, not an issue anymore. Greg Richard Danny and Damon now knocked Dennis to the ground. They quickly taped his hands, feet and mouth with a two inch wide gray duct tape. They weren't supposed to cover his eyes because Jeffrey, this is so disturbing, wanted Dennis to see him when he executed him. Once Dennis was bound, Richard lifted him by the shoulders,
Starting point is 00:37:06 Danny raised his feet, they carried him to the barn into the room at the back of the barn and slid him down into the muddy pit. Jeffery then stood over him with the 45. Greg was supposed to run a chain saw outside to cover up the sound of the gunshots, but for some reason that wasn't happening and Jeff didn't want to wait.
Starting point is 00:37:21 And he fired two shots into his body and 48-year-old Dennis was dead. Ron then climbed down into the pit to get the motel key from Dennis, which Jeff wanted in order to make it look like the Avery's had left town, but they couldn't find it. Call him and collect it like he hadn't just sacrificed a human being. Jeff went inside and asked Cheryl for the key, and she turned it right over. She has no idea her husband's now dead. Richard Danny and Greg now repeat the same process with Cheryl telling her that there's something in the barn that she needs to see. And when she gets there, they bind here with duct tape.
Starting point is 00:37:54 The autopsy will later show that Cheryl was struck twice in the right breast once in the abdomen when Jeffrey shot her. And after she was shot, Jeff and Ron left the room, went outside to the night air while Cheryl bled out in a dirt pit. The autops would later show that despite her wounds, 41-year-old Cheryl had not died instantly, a corner would estimate she had been alive in the pit for up to five minutes. Now is 15-year-old Treenestern. By this time the men told her they were going to play a game, and they bounded with duct tape.
Starting point is 00:38:21 In the pit, Jeffrey fired two shots into her back. Just cold, blooded shit. Next they killed 13 year old Becky. After the first shot, she's still breathing so Jeffrey fires a second shot. Just coldly mowing down the entire family. And the last is seven year old Karen. Ron lures her into the barn by telling her they're going to see the horses
Starting point is 00:38:40 and he gives her a fucking piggyback ride. Right? Does this knowing she's about to be killed? Once again, the men taper up. when she's then lying in the pit, she has no idea she is next to her family's corpses and Jeffrey fires two shots into her school. It's now about 11 p.m. So that's went on for a while.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Jeffrey now orders Richard and Ron to dump bags of lime on the body's figure and it will help speed up down decomposition. The Patrick's and Johnson's will soon hear about this and freak out. But Allison Jeffrey simply tell them that they should be glad to have a prophet like Jeffrey in their lives. A strong prophet will do anything.
Starting point is 00:39:12 God asks of him. Now that the sin was gone, Jeffrey said they could go into the wilderness and meet God. Right? Do not weep for it is time to rejoice. And one in the morning, April 18th, Jeffrey finally lets his exhausted followers go to bed. Life will never be the same for any of them. They have collectively crossed the line you cannot uncross.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Eight hours later, precisely 9 a.m., April 18th, FBI agent Robert Alvard and chief Dennis Yarbrough began briefing the 16 special agents and six police officers who are going to quickly descend on Jeffrey and his followers. They came up with a new plan. Even though they couldn't get a warrant, they thought they might make a big show of force
Starting point is 00:39:48 and then Jeffrey would agree to have the property searched. By 10 a.m. the unit is ready. I think these guys have no idea. People have just been murdered on this property. When Albert knocks on the door, Skidmark answers in a bathroom. Probably hurt to wear clothes at this point. Skidmark, I mean Alice, said that Jeffrey was in the barn and she would get him. She knows exactly what her husband has done helped him set it all up and doesn't appear
Starting point is 00:40:08 rattled in the slightest. Jeffrey Albert and Yarrow come into the house, Richard, Danny, Damon, Dennis Patrick and Keith Johnson are headed into the front yard in order to sit on the porch, Sharon and Susie are inside. Ron, Debbie and Greg were out running errands while Kathy Johnson and Tanya Patrick were at the Patrick's apartment. Quick note on Kathy. Kathy is the wife of Keith Johnson, the guy who is Jeffery's best friend in college. They now have two kids together. Whole family is part of Jeffery's shit now.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Anyway, the FBI starts to ask questions. Jeffery doesn't seem phased at all. He agrees to show them his gun collection with no pushback. Once the members of the group slowly figure out that the FBI has no idea, they had just executed an entire family the night before, right, this was just about the temple takeover. The mood becomes almost lighthearted. They joyfully tell the FBI they have no idea, you know what they're talking about.
Starting point is 00:40:58 The FBI is not a profit, come on. You know, they're not violent, no one's having visions from God, yeah, they're gosh dang, that's crazy duck. But then skidmark wanders over to the agents and disrobes She turns around bends over and reveals a fully prolapse rectum and she shouts is this not a crime What should we done? Directify this rectum How much must one suffer for the righteous yet ventral God?
Starting point is 00:41:23 And then a few other cold members quickly shuffler away just has to start about that. She's trying. Sorry to see that. Uh, no, that didn't happen. Anyway, the investigation is stalling. They're finding nothing illegal. FBI officers do find a stun gun, but had no way of knowing it had been used the night before on Dennis Avery, also find camouflage uniforms and gas masks, but not illegal to simply have those. At 11.51 AM agents and police agree it is time to call it quits. The search was a bust.
Starting point is 00:41:48 But not a total bust. They did get one very interesting piece of information. All of the suspects had denied that Lungren was a prophet, except for one. Keith Johnson told him a different story. Keith said that the group was about to go out in the wilderness, because God was going to appear to Jeffrey on May 3rd, 1989 and Be stoked tremendous power is upon him He said that soon Lungren would be able to call literal fire down on his enemies as well as lightning and be able to cause earthquakes
Starting point is 00:42:16 That would shake the earth and destroy most civilizations. Whoa Profit Jeffrey is starting to sound like a cooler action figure than Profit Joseph. Maybe even cooler than Profit Jesus. I mean, he can throw fire, lightning, and create massive earthquakes. He continued talking to investigators. He said that after Profit Jeffrey burned enemies and shit, there would be quite a plot twist. The Russians were now going to take over the world. And then on May 4th, 1990, Lunger and would lead an armed assault on the RLDS church in
Starting point is 00:42:47 Kirtland, and he would rescue the temple from the Russians. Apparently, Jeffrey was watching Red Dawn a lot in addition to Rambo first blood, right? Just full of Wolverines! He told the officers that he believed Lunger and could do these things 100%. But if God did not appear to Jeffrey on May 3rd, 1989, he was out. How fucking crazy do you think Keith's eyes were when he said all this shit there? Very wide I'm guessing. As weird as the story was, there was nothing they could do with it from a legal standpoint, not illegal to be a complete maniac. Meanwhile, after the officers left, Jeffrey told his followers that the agents not finding the bodies of the avaries, even though they
Starting point is 00:43:23 literally walked over their fresh graves, was a clear indication that he could do anything he wanted. God was protecting him. And now it was time to go out into the wilderness. Cult, cult, cult. Everyone packs up their trucks with survival gear now. It starts driving out out of town with Jeffrey leading the caravan. And Jeffrey, he has no fucking idea where he's going, right?
Starting point is 00:43:47 He'll just know when he sees it, God will guide him. And for two days of travel in Southeast on various state highways, they arrive in the Canine Valley of West Virginia. Jeffrey let them know that this was the place. This is where they would meet God after some trials and tribulations. By April 23rd, Jeffrey has moved the group to a campsite,
Starting point is 00:44:04 but after some fishermen wander by, he decides, nah, they got to go deeper into the forest. And so they do set up a new campsite. A kerosene powered generator supplied sufficient electricity to operate a deep freeze, a microwave oven taken from the Avery household, an electric fence would be used to pen the two horses, and they even had a pair of televisions and videotape players, one of which was Jeffries and Jeffries tent for his personal viewing. Each family had their own tent. Devi made the meals, Kathy tented the horses, others cooked, cleaned and laundry cared for
Starting point is 00:44:34 the children, collected firewood and hunted game. They did this all on, you know, this out there on government land. Just hanging out in a remote portion of the US wilderness area in West Virginia. On May 3rd, Jeffries rose early announced that he was going to the top of a nearby mountain to meet God on his birthday, as one does when they are an important prophet. And then when he returns, he says that Jesus Christ did appear directly to him and said two things. First off, Jesus said, he's up on Skidmark. God didn't want him shitting on her tits or rod dog in her butt hole, you know, with no loop.
Starting point is 00:45:08 That was a devil pushing towards all that. Whoops, he's daisy. No, first off, and this is so fucking cool. Jeffrey had given, excuse me, Jesus had given Jeffrey the title of God of the whole earth. Whoa, pop open the champagne and let's celebrate. Jeffrey was divine, it's official now. And then two, just as magnificent,
Starting point is 00:45:29 Jeffrey was now immortal. Couldn't be touched by bullets, knives, or any other weapons. Sweet. Man, if only he'd put on a demonstration of this and had someone kill him. Oh well, you know, maybe just had one of his followers be like, oh, awesome.
Starting point is 00:45:40 And then just, you know, just for fun, these fire gun at him. Also, and this is so important because he was divine. Anything less than total obedience to Jeffrey's will was now a sin, even being depressed. Like Dennis Patrick was over the silly murders. That was now a sin.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Stop being a little whiny bitch, baby, Dennis. Yeah. I shot a family to death. Get over it. It's in the past now. Spilt milk and whatnot. Jeffrey immortal, divine. Scott Playla lover, Jeffrey,
Starting point is 00:46:05 threatened to tie Dennis to a tree and literally shoot him in the balls. If he couldn't get his act together, even pulling out a pistol in front of the other members and Dennis begged him for another chance. Man, Jeffrey just reminds me so much of Jesus. Remember the time that Jesus threatened to tie one of his apostles to a tree
Starting point is 00:46:21 and cut his dick off with a sword when the guy was a Paul Peter, maybe, woulds up crying about the family that Jesus executed. Bow down to the good God, Jeffrey King shit. Make of well, not a lot actually. Jeffrey did not kill Dennis, but he did tell everyone to stop speaking to Dennis for a while, going forward and night after night, Dennis would lay awake in his tent, afraid that someone was coming to murder him in any second. It sounds like a lot of fun for these guys. Meanwhile, Jeffrey start as a new Lee immortal deity does, putting the moves on follower, Tanya Patrick. Jeffrey told Tanya that he'd always felt a special tenderness towards her, even during their college days, before she had married Dennis.
Starting point is 00:47:00 When all of them used to hang out at the RLDS student center in Warn'sburg, now he tells her that her true purpose is to be his second wife. Finally, cult, cult, cult. Within a week or two of them are having sex on the slide when Alice finds out and confronts him, Jeffrey denies everything. Also, how dare Skidmark confront Jeff God about anything? Truly surprised. He didn't just smite her, right? Then in there, just fucking burn her alive or something.
Starting point is 00:47:28 She's lucky. He doesn't have his earthquake powers yet. Little while later, Jeff God said that God God was tired of Alice's nagging. And basically, it wasn't easy to be God of the whole earth. So fucking cut me some slack. And then he told her that the only reason he was having sex with Tanya was to save her life
Starting point is 00:47:46 Not kidding He said they got it ordered him to quote Pierce Tanya And he could either piercer with the bullet or his penis. That was These are God's words And now the choice was Alice's make your moves. Get Mark. Does Tanya live or die? Alice relents and says, okay, you can have another wife. And now just like last week, I hope you're not eating something while listening to this, especially not something
Starting point is 00:48:12 soft and brown. When I first read this next section on a plane to Detroit, headed to my San Abshelon Pontiac, Michigan, I started laughing so hard, like too much. Maybe drew a couple uncomfortable stairs. It is so absurd. There are so many holy shit to not see that coming moments coming up in this absurd story. This is one of them. The day after Jeffrey tells Alice, he has to sleep with Tanya or kill her.
Starting point is 00:48:35 He takes Alice into the woods and she watches him take it down on the ground. Then he instructs Alice to cover him completely with his own shit. And favorite part tells him that she needs to, or she, yeah, he tells her that she needs to tell him how beautiful he is as he masturbates. Right. He just full fucking buffalo bill from Silence of the Lambs now. It runs the shit on its skin or else it gets the hose again. Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.
Starting point is 00:49:05 I'd fuck me hard. Would you fuck me? The height fuck me. Height fuck me hard. I'd fuck me so hard. But then poop cover Jeffrey can't come. So now he put some feces in his mouth and he makes Alice kiss him. What is happening? Then still not done. Then he makes her blow him with his dick covered in his own shit. And she starts to gag.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Of course she does. But he forced himself inside her mouth anyway. And after he finishes, he makes her bathe him and then tells her, Hey, your sins for giving now. Glory be to God. Glory be to earth, poop God. And then abruptly Jeffrey decides he doesn't want to sleep with Tony anymore. And Jeffrey's a lot of things, but predictable is not one of them. A couple months later, late July of 1989, after these weirdos have been out in the woods all summer, Jeffrey, shit Lord, tells Alice that God has shown him a magical vagina in a dream now.
Starting point is 00:49:55 And God has ordered him to seek out and find said sorcery plus. I truly love how weird the story is. He'll never run. Meanwhile, the investigators in Kirtland are stunned by Jeffrey sudden disappearance over the summer. They try and track him down, but none of his contacts like his bank or his old friends, no, where he is. All they have to go on are a few charges on Greg Winship's credit card. Then mid summer, a park ranger, notifies Kirtland police that they have seen Jeffrey and his followers camped out in West Virginia. A Yarborough tells West Virginia's share of Hank Thompson just to keep an eye on him.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Early August, Thompson decides to visit the Lungren camp on the pretense that school will be starting soon and West Virginia requires all children to be enrolled. By this time, the group had been in the wilderness for nearly four months and they're starting to get depressed. When were they going to see God? They're supposed to see Him back in May. Come on! Jeffrey said that killing the Averys would lead them
Starting point is 00:50:47 to a journey into the wilderness, and then God would reveal Himself, but they've been in the wilderness for months, you know, nothing's happening. Jeff God insisted as followers were still two full of sin to meet God God. And now to strip the women of their sinful pride that is keeping God from visiting,
Starting point is 00:51:03 Jeffrey now requires Kathy Johnson Debbie Oliveris Sharon Blunchley and Suzie left to perform a strip T's for him of course. Debbie is his cousin in case anyone forgot Suzie was immediately upset. She told Ron, even though Jeff God had told the women, you know, this is all this in private about the strip T's that there was supposed to be in secrets now Ron confronts Jeffrey Oh, Balsey and Jeffrey says that he's all worked up for nothing. It's big misunderstanding Right, Ron will later convey Jeffrey's explanation to investigators Said when the group got together later that evening
Starting point is 00:51:37 Jeffrey said God was disappointed with the group so much so that he had even considered destroying everyone Except for Jeffrey and starting over But Jeffrey had come up with a way to appease God. Ah, what a nice guy. The women in the group would intercede on their husbands' behalf with God's representative on Earth, aka Jeffrey. They would need to do, they would need to do a strip tease in front of Jeffrey because of a verse in Isaiah.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Trimble ye women that are at ease. Be troubled ye careless ones. Strip make you bear and gird sack cloth upon your loins. Clearly that's telling you, if you're fucking reading it right, to have your women friends strip in front of you. Spilling semen and spilling blood with the same thing Jeffrey argued.
Starting point is 00:52:16 So while each woman was dancing naked in front of him, Jeffrey would in order to save everyone, naturally have to masturbate and ejaculate his semen into each of the women's panties. As God intended men to do when he shared his wisdom with the prophet Isaiah, I'm sure Isaiah was coming all over women's panties back in the 8th century BC. This Jeffrey explained would essentially be the same thing as Jesus shedding blood from mankind.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Same as these. Also, as directed by obvious biblical interpretation, after he came on their panties, Jeffrey would give the panties back to the women and they would wear their soiled underwear for one full day. So say it's God. Then still not done. Jeffrey would ride the ATV they had to the mountain top where he would now meet God and be purified by his presence.
Starting point is 00:53:04 And then I'll appeal to better sandwiches, prestro change, the group sin will be white clean and you know, any day they can be got right. Just fucking lick it. He's split. Oh my, Jeffrey talked to Ron about all this for nearly two hours. And he said if he, I forgot, there's still more to this. And he said if they, if he didn't come for any of the dancing women, well, that woman and her family would have to be, you know, executed.
Starting point is 00:53:28 They have to be killed and dumped into a new murder pit, more blood sacrifices, no pressure. To make them and more comfortable with his arrangement, Jeffrey announced that Skidmark would be beside him during the entire ritual and would hold a sheet in front of him so that the women would not see his penis while he masturbated. Yeah, I got to keep it whole so Alice will later say she suspected that he was doing all this so he could find out which woman had the magic for China he had seen in his dream. And Alice will now help set up this super fucked up talent show. She tells the women that they were all created. Oh my god, she tells women that they're all created,
Starting point is 00:54:05 this is a quote, they were all created with three holes in which they could be pierced by men, orally, vaginally, and annually. Therefore, naturally, the women would have to show Jeffrey each of their holes during the dance. Let earth God stare into their stink eye, right? Also, I'll suggest it's songs that were Jeffrey's favorites for the women to play while dancing
Starting point is 00:54:25 I wonder if she recommended a teen to turn her like last week on August 14th, Tonya Jeffries done fucking her and knows her for China's not magical takes all the kids out of camp So they wouldn't know what was going on Suzy now reports Jeffrey's tent at 9 a.m. As instructed Ron stays in his tent reading scripts yours and praying while his wife strips for a fucking maniac. After Susie removed her clothing, she hands Jeffery or panties. He quickly wraps them around his penis, begins to masturbate with them while Susie goes through various moves that Jeffery's wife Alice had told her were required. Most of today's episode feels like someone's fever dream, more than a real story.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Then mid song, Jeff God, and Alice, well, they spring a new requirement on Susie. She also now has to masturbate during the dance. Alice will say that they had to quote, come on to the Lord literally. Well, Jeffrey, uh, ejaculates about 45 minutes later, and Susie falls to the 10th floor at Jeffrey's feet as he declares that he has sanctified her. Oh wow. Susie then goes to Ron's tent to tell him the good news. She's been sanctified.
Starting point is 00:55:32 She made the prophet come. Oh, everything's cool. No one has to die. Ron was then to come to Lungren tent dressed in full military gear to swear his allegiance to Jeffrey, which he fucking does. They are all insane at this point. And now it's time for lunch. Yeah, why not? I just grabbed some sammies and some soda, maybe get some chips after all this craziness. Then after lunch, after some mountain dew and
Starting point is 00:55:53 baloney and cheese and fucking funnions, now Sharon's turn. She doesn't find himself attracted to her, so Alice slips under the sheet and blows him while Sharon masturbates and dances. Good job, Alice. You really saved a family from being sacrificed there. Richard then appears in full military gear and swear gear and swears his allegiance to King Jeffrey. Kathy dancing. Kathy, Kathy dances the next morning at 10 o'clock, right? On August 15th, Jeff got needs time to recharge, even in a mortal earth God needs
Starting point is 00:56:23 time to recharge his Godballs As she masterbates Jeffrey whispers to Kathy there it is Apparently referencing the magical dream vagina Excuse me Jeffrey ejaculates that afternoon. It is Debbie's turn to dance Right even though again she's Jeffrey's cousin once again. He comes Jeffrey now stays in its tent for two days after the dances, you know, just thinking about it all and marinate. Alice tells everyone that he's physically ill because of the sins that he's taken on from the group due to all this. Poor Jeffrey.
Starting point is 00:56:54 On the third day, he is strong enough to come out of his tent and ride his ATV. I love for some reason that he rides his ATV to the mountain instead of walks, where he goes to me, God. When he returns, he says that everything's fine now God had cleansed all their sins the dances were Tip top good job. Good job everybody But then he approaches Keith Johnson in private with a new message Bad news everything is actually not fine Dennis Patrick has to die and No one can intercede for him because Tanya is now Jeffery's wife
Starting point is 00:57:23 Well Keith tells Kathy Kathy immediately volunteers to strip tease again if that will save Dennis. But Jeffrey gets angry about this saying they cannot manipulate God. And now he says, well now Keith has to fucking die too. God, David, Kathy, you can't fix everything with your magic pussy. Jeffrey does let Kathy know that there was a different way she could intercede on Keith's behalf though. Jeff God would spare Keith's life if Cassie let Jeffrey fuck her. Mm-hmm. I guess you can fix everything with your magic push.
Starting point is 00:57:57 On August 25th, Keith tells Jeffrey that Cassie has agreed to have sexual intercourse with him in order to save both he... His excuse me and Dennis's life. Uh, they're still going along with all this still fueling this complete losers insane delusions. It's incredible, right? That old sunk cost fallacy. Okay, just get some of us meat sacks to go along with the craziest of crazy shit. Also Keith is Jeffrey's old college buddy. Uh, was his best friend. And now that guy is about to fuck his wife and mother to kids. Uh, during intercourse, Jeffrey tells Kathy he loves her. Kathy has no idea, Jeffrey had recently said the same shit to Tonya.
Starting point is 00:58:35 He would quickly announce that Tonya was actually supposed to be Dennis' wife, not his. He said he'd made her his captive wife, quote unquote, because Dennis was sinful. Yeah, just trying to help out. Uh, but now she can go back to him because he was Reformed. Yeah, yeah, all makes sense. I'll tracks Tonya sudden return worries the other men Most realize that Jeffrey could do the same thing to them that he had done to Dennis simply accused him of being sinful and claim their spouse as his new captive wife Who will Jeff God pierce next?
Starting point is 00:59:03 Who will he want to watch him? Cover himself and shit and jerk off or tell him he's such a beautiful boy. Actually he seems to reserve the real freaky shit only for Skidmark. The rest of his flock, not quite ready to have their faith be tested to quite that degree by Jeff God. Around this time there was also, when you know what, more weird sex stuff. Jeffery soon tells Greg that Greg is is destined to become Jeffrey's homosexual lover. I'm sure that was confusing and terrifying.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Greg, because he's not homosexual. Hey bud, studying the pattern again. And I came across some really interesting stuff in the book of Elijah. Not today, not tomorrow, but soon, you're gonna have to suck some shit off God's dick my dick to be clear Also soon Greg Jeff God is gonna have to fuck your butt Anyway, today I need you to run into town and get some more kerosene for the generator. Thanks buddy
Starting point is 00:59:55 Nothing is over. You just don't turn it off I have the intercession masturbation magic vagina dances Jeffrey also began talking about sex more openly in his scriptural classes at night. During one such session, Jeffrey announces that the Old Testament prophet Isaiah was a quote crossdresser who frequently wore women's clothing. Another night, Jeffrey claimed that the pattern revealed to him that Jesus engaged in sex with various women and masturbated a bunch as a kid. About 10 days after Jeff and Kathy have sex for the first time, Jeffrey announced that the two of them need to go on a little short trip together. It's time for honeymoon.
Starting point is 01:00:27 They begin their trek to the mountains on September 5th, still 1989. Both later claimed that they got lost, had no choice but to spend the night together away from the rest of camp. Around this time, Kathy tells Jeff God that she's willing to leave her husband to become his primary wife. Of course, why wouldn't she? He is a catch. By the way, this dude is not physically attractive just to make this all more absurd. I do feel like
Starting point is 01:00:50 that detail matters like David Kuresh. You know, he was a looker handsome dude, even Jim Jones, young Jim Jones, handsome compared to this guy. Hell Charles fucking Manson was handsome compared to this guy. At this point in his life, Jeffrey is easily 50 plus pounds overweight. He's he's bald. He's got a real week chin, really bad skin, long, but not cool hair. He looks like a guy who still lives at home with mom, but also rides a Harley to prove that he's a bad boy. This is not some Ben Affleck or Ryan Reynolds looking coldly or pull off this weird section.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Now the Kathy is in. Jeffrey had to figure out how to get rid of Alice. So, December 15th, local sheriff Hank Thompson swoops over the camp in a helicopter. Everyone ducks for cover, but Thompson doesn't land. Just letting him know, right, that he knows they're there. Jeffrey now announces that it's getting too dangerous for Alice and the children to stay in camp. He tells Alice that he wants her to leave that very day for her mom's house and Max Creek, Missouri. He'll join her later, right? They'll have to find somewhere new for the group to live. God, God is just testing them. No need to be alarmed.
Starting point is 01:01:51 All going according to God, God's plan. Jeffrey told her to take Jason, Kristen and Kayla with her. Jeffrey also wanted Susie love and her two children to go. Alice agreed, but decided to take a nap first. And when she wakes up, right, it's a couple hours later. Her husband's nowhere to be found. And then a few minutes later, Jeff and Kathy come cruising down on the ATV
Starting point is 01:02:10 from wherever they had just obviously fucked. And Alice loses her shit. Well, not her little shit. She starts hitting Jeff God that one kicking him. Then she curses him out, herds her kids and sews into the truck. Whew. She'd make it to her mom's house that night
Starting point is 01:02:25 and immediately began some heavy drinking. And her parents, what are they thinking of all this insane shit? Did you tell them that they've been living in the woods, waiting for the redemption of Zion with a two-bit hustler, Jeffrey, who had mowed off of them for years, who now thinks he's God of the earth. If so, sources do not reveal this.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Meanwhile, Jeffrey officially proclaims Kathy to be his second wife now. And also has a new plan to split up the group. He, Kathy, Ron, David Greg and Debbie will go deeper into the woods. Dennis, Tonya, Keith, Richard and Sharon will stay behind. Why? Mysterious ways. Don't question it. After Sharon's vision for what must be done now, everyone begins moving tense by midnight. The movie's complete, and Jeffrey and Kathy have the large, lungrant tent all to themselves for the little fuckshack. And they spend the next three days
Starting point is 01:03:11 on a more of a proper honeymoon. God knows what they got up to in that dirty tent. I'm guessing quite a bit about stuff. And now Keith Johnson is mad. Yeah, of course he is! This guy fucking took his wife. And he decides he's gonna flip the script. Looking at his own script,
Starting point is 01:03:24 sure he realized that Jeffrey is equating Kathy to the biblical Besshiba, which Jeffrey in the role of David. He then goes through some more lines, you know, using the pattern and sees that two of David's sons had died. And that meant to him, Keith told Dennis Patrick that two of Jeffrey's sons now have to die. Dennis immediately races over to Jeffrey, tells him what Keith is preaching. Jeffrey calls all the men together now, has them bring Keith out into the woods. They form a circle around him. Keith is unarmed. Jeffrey is taking away his guns, but Jeffrey has his 45 automatic.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Keith immediately apologizes, begs for his life. Jeffrey doesn't kill him, but does have him move his tent to the other camp. And Ron will move in with Keith to supervise him. Jeffrey now also decides time for him to move on. His new plan is to get back to Missouri where Kathy will invite some RLDS fundamentalist to hear a special class on the pattern. Then Jeffrey will solicit so much money, plenty of money to get the rest of the group back to Missouri for Alice's. Jeffrey soon leaves from Missouri leaving Ron and charge a camp. He telephones Alice, you know, tells her that he's on his way back to her, saying the affair with Kathy was
Starting point is 01:04:27 a delusion. Huh, earth God really doesn't seem to have a shit together. But once he actually made it to Alice's mother's house, he tells Alice that he had gone up to the top of the mountain in West Virginia and God had told him that he did want Jeffrey to take a second wife. Alice is furious and loses it again. She threatens to tell the police now about the Avery's Jeffrey stays in Max Creek for two days calming Alice down
Starting point is 01:04:50 Then he tells her he has to hurry back to us Virginia and like a good dad He leaves his son Damon behind with orders to watch his mom make sure she doesn't tip off the police about five innocent people He has executed then Jeffrey meets Kathy. Oh, they're not done at all. Of course not. And they go to Kingsville. A nearby town where Jeffrey will teach his chiasmus class. Instead of the hundreds and hundreds of grateful people they anticipated coming, about 12 people show up. And these 12 people not impressed. Old King shit is looking rough these days to put it mildly. He's badly sunburned. He is filthy. He has dirty,
Starting point is 01:05:26 matted hair. He stinks, like literally stinks. Rambles about the pattern to a group of people who look like they all regretted coming and not one person gives him a dollar. It was worst case scenario. So it's back to West Virginia for Jeff and Kathy with Jeffrey. I'm sure going on and on about great trials and tribulations and being tested and whatnot. By october life in the west Virginia woods miserable for the for the cult. The air became bitterly cold jeffrey and kathy at a portable heater in their tent but the others go without. There's no more money for food.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Some days debbie will serve rice and cream gravy three times a day for the rest of them. Practically everybody is having marital promise of course. In order to raise cash, Jeffrey Orders' followers began selling everything they don't need and to get jobs nearby towns. And then as soon as he takes their money, he takes Kathy out to nice dinners, right? Cheddar, Biscuits, and Shrimp for Jeff God and Second wife, more rice and cream gravy for the sinners. Then Jeffrey announces that he was heading back to Missouri with Ron, random, and he is leaving Cathy and Charge. Once again, Jeffrey spends a few days at Max Creek with his in-laws.
Starting point is 01:06:31 He and Alice get into a blowout fight, smacking each other over and over. Jeffrey hits Alice so hard, she ruptures her eardrum, my god. Why the fuck do her parents never intervene in this madness? Jeff will leave for West Virginia again the following morning, but not before Alice threatens him. Why the fuck to her parents never intervene in this madness? Jeff will leave for West Virginia again the following morning, but not before Alice threatens him. She makes it clear.
Starting point is 01:06:50 He doesn't move to Max Creek immediately. She is turning him in. Next morning, October 12, 1989, Jeff drives to a pawn shop in Elkins and sells both his 45 caliber pistols, including the one he'd used on the Avery's. He tried to switch out the barrel of one with the barrel of the other, making him harder to trace, but the two barrels not interchangeable. He then returns to Max Creek once more with the Patrick's leaving Kathy behind with Debbie,
Starting point is 01:07:12 Greg, Richard, Sharon, Danny, and Keith. All of them completely broke, morale very low. Kathy finally rides the ATV into town and gets someone to agree to pick the camp up and bring them all to her mother's house. Things are falling apart. On October 15th, the rest of and bring them all to her mother's house. Things are falling apart. On October 15th, the rest of the group arrives at Kathy's mother's house.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Everyone wants to know what's happening next. When will they all live together again? Jeffrey tells Kathy that he and his kids will continue living with Alice at the killers until the group can find a new place to stay. Ron, Susie, Dennis, Tanya, and their children are sleeping in tents, pitched in the killer's backyard.
Starting point is 01:07:45 What a shit show. What a nightmare. Especially for the poor kids along for the terrible ride. Well, Kathy's irritated now. She had left her family to be with Jeffrey, but he is not showing near the same kind of commitment and return. Plus, Kathy is now pregnant, you know, thought to be pregnant with Jeff God's child.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Perfect. She tells him she needs him to deal with Alice. He said he will once they find a permanent place to live Does Skidmark have a target on her back now? Has she been marked for death by Jeff God? Days later Jeff God does find them a new compound and abandoned barn. Oh man, cushy livens near Chilahawi a rural community in Missouri, South of Warnsburg The group moves there October 21st most of the group
Starting point is 01:08:24 community in Missouri, South of Warnesburg. The group moves there October 21st, most of the group. Now Jeffrey promises them that he will soon find a permanent home for all of them like they'd had in Kirtland. And once there, they'll go back to work in while he studies the scriptures to figure out exactly when God will reveal himself to them all. For the time being, Jeffrey decides to take Kathy back to Max Creek to live with him and Alice at her fucking parents house. One big thrupple, holy shit. You know what? Fuck Alice's parents. What a couple of weak losers.
Starting point is 01:08:50 You do not deserve to have kids. If you will not stand up for them in this kind of situation, this is absurd. When they get to Max Creek, Alice sees Kathy and Jeff as a couple and starts to sob. Jeffery gets angry with her over this. Then that night, he'll accuse her of being disobedient and forces her to have some unloved anal sex. Next day, the tensions in this unhappy, thruple rise even higher, leading to Alice starting a physical fight with Kathy at the fucking grocery store.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Jeffrey tears them apart. But then that night he has sex with Kathy. I forgot about this again. He has sex with Kathy. And then after having sex with Kathy, at his, at Alice's parent's house, he goes and wakes up Alice to ask her if she will make both of them post-coital hamburgers.
Starting point is 01:09:35 This is so absurd. I laughed so fucking hard when I first read this. This guy is so sadistic, just delusional narcissistic, the nervous motherfucker, just after fucking the mistress at his wife's parent's house, just after fucking the the mistress at his wife's parents house Just going up into the room where his wife asleep and just like hey, baby baby Hey Alice Alice
Starting point is 01:09:54 Sorry to wake you I am so hungry I'm just craving one of those burgers that only you can make babe and can you make one for Cassie too? She is starving. We must have just burned like 10,000 calories. Fuck any of the other brains out. Why are you so mad? Jeff got clearly enjoying having Cassie and Alice fight over him. Next several days we'll continue to be super tense. One night of the escalates to a fight
Starting point is 01:10:16 when Alice pulls the sheets off Jeffrey and Cassie as they're having sex again in her parents' house a physical altercation in Seuss. By the end of it, Jeff got bleedin' has chunks of his hair ripped out. And Alice then downs 50 aspirin in an parents house, a physical altercation in Seuss. By the end of it, Jeff God, Bleden has chunks of his hair ripped out. And Alice then downs 50 aspirin in an attempted suicide, but Jeff forces her to throw up. So sloppy, this all of this.
Starting point is 01:10:33 The next day he says he intends to move with Kathy and the kids to the fucking abandoned dairy barn with the rest of the cult. And Alice can't come. She's too sinful. Obviously too much pride and whatnot. Alice begs him to forgive her. So he takes her to the bathroom and known as probably going to be really shocked by this at this point.
Starting point is 01:10:50 He literally shits on her face. Shobies. Find a friend of fellow who enjoys popping hot peanut butter as much as myself. How digging a dog, back at some bimbals. Maybe Jeff is not earth God. Maybe he's Albert Fishbeam carnated. After Jeff literally shits on his wife's face. He rubs it all over her before they have anal sex. At the end of all this, he then gives her a bath because deep down he's a gentleman and says that he's purified her and now she can come with the rest of the dairy barn.
Starting point is 01:11:18 That's all took, hey babe! God, I just had to shoot at your face and fuck your butt and you know, smear some poo on you and then give you a bath and then you get to come to the barn. It's awesome. She was with him at the dairy barn, but then more theatrics with Kathy, drive her back to Max Creek with her folks. This time she returns home alone.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Her kids in Jeffrey State, the barn. On October 29th, Greg Winship's father drives out to the dairy barn in Chilhawi, asked his son to leave with him. Enough is enough, but Greg refuses. But now for the reason you might think, Greg has secretly been planning to leave for weeks, but he thinks he has a better chance of hiding if he leaves on his own instead of with his dad. Next day, Greg and Richard decide they will escape on Halloween night. So Halloween night, Greg and Richard get back to their minimum wage jobs at a nearby mail order Christmas supply shop.
Starting point is 01:12:04 So Halloween night Greg and Richard get back from their minimum wage jobs at a nearby mail order Christmas supply shop Everything is set to go for them to go but Debbie catches them loading up their suitcases and starts screaming Jeffrey rushes over and threatens them, but then decides you know what fuck it go be gone judicious As soon as Richard climbs inside Greg's car Greg hits the gas pedal. They peel out speed away from the barn They're free from this madness. Now Debbie decides she wants to see her children from her previous marriage. Closest pay phone is four miles away. She waits for her chance to walk there undetected.
Starting point is 01:12:35 She wants out to by mid November. Debbie is feeling ready. As soon as she hears Jeffrey leave the bar in that morning, she gets up when the others got up at 630. Debbie is already long gone. So the group is unraveling. Also in mid-November, November 15th, Sheriff Hank Thompson, telephone's chief Yarbrough, reports that Jeff and his followers
Starting point is 01:12:51 have left West Virginia. This group is left behind one tent, a sewing machine, and a Bible that has Keith Johnson's name on it. Thompson's also found several garbage bags hidden near the camp. They're filled with animal bones. He figures the men have been poaching deer. In the seven months since Jeff read Left Kirkland, the FBI had actually closed their
Starting point is 01:13:07 investigation on him. But Yarborough still curious about Jeffrey. So he decides to make some phone calls. And within a few days, he discovers that Alice is living in Max Creek while Jeffrey and the others are camping in a dairy barn around Chilhawi. Yarborough calls former member Kevin Curie's mom and Buffalo, asked her to have Kevin call him. When Kevin does, Yarborough tells him that the Curie's mom and Buffalo asked her to have Kevin call him. When Kevin does, Yarborough tells him that the group is back in Missouri.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Kevin asks which members went into the wilderness. The chief begins reciting names, but when he says Dennis and Cheryl Avery, Kevin stops him and asks him, are you sure about that? Yarborough said he was. Kevin said he highly doubted that because Jeffrey never liked the Avery's. In fact, he said Jeffrey was convinced the Avery's were vile people. After that conversation, Yarbrough looks over his notes. And he now realizes that no one has interviewed the Avery or the excuse me,
Starting point is 01:13:53 no one had interviewed the Avery's on April 18th, right? The day local authorities and the FBI searched the Lungren farm just hours after unbeknownst to Yarbrough, the Avery's had been executed. Soon Yarbrough realizes that no one has seen the family since mid-April. Meanwhile, Lungren's now smaller group moves again to a farm outside of Warnsburg, backward Jeff and Alice once were college lovers. Not a farm, but you know, Warnsburg. The farm was owned by Ron Love's brother. After settling in, there is more tension in the group. The remaining followers can't help but notice that the Lungren children, they're wearing new clothes, they seem pretty well fed, while the
Starting point is 01:14:27 rest struggle and suffer and wear racks. Well, Jeff got his secretly been making sure what little money the group has goes to him as kids and his lover. The followers also figure out that Jeff and Kathy watch a lot of hardcore porn in the trailer. Not exactly godly behavior. As if any of this has got to be behavior, Jeffery quiets now what he feels like is an impending rebellion by reminding the small group that they will not be able to make it without him They need him they don't but you know he convinces them they do secretly around the same time he tells Alice that he's planning on abandoning his followers and moving with her and the kids to California Around Thanksgiving
Starting point is 01:15:03 Yeah, sorry round. Thank Thanksgiving, Ron's brother discovers that Jeffrey is practicing polygamy and kicks him the fuck off the property. Jeffrey leaves that putting up much of a fight, immortal, bulletproof, earth god Jeffrey, looking pretty fucking weak these days. Jeffrey now tells his followers that they should all try to find
Starting point is 01:15:18 somewhere to live during the winter. Oh, and one more thing, be sure and keep sending money. He'll contact them, he'll tell them where to send their money. Love that, you're on your own children. Trails and tribulations, best of luck, but do not forget! While you are scrambling for food and shelter, you're still gonna send me some money. Remember, profit gods cannot work for mere mortals.
Starting point is 01:15:38 We're almost there, team. Just about to redeem Zion any day now. Then he gets into his car and drives off back to Max Creek, his followers are fucking stunned. Within a day, they'll all move off the property. By December 6th, a Wednesday, Kathy and Danny Kraft are the only two group members still loyal to Jeffrey. Everyone else, well, outside of Alice, everyone else, Dennis and his son, Damon, but I thought of his family. Everyone else, Dennis and Ton, you share and Ron and Suzy Love,
Starting point is 01:16:03 Debbie and Keith are all finally out. The sad little cult has just hit a new low. That night Keith calls Jeffrey threatens to turn him into the police for murdering the Averys unless he ends his relationship with Kathy by nine o'clock the next morning. Also says he's given a letter to his attorney in a sealed envelope and instructed him to open it if anything should happen to him. You're fucking move, poop God. Instead of giving in to a Keith's demands, Jeffrey rounds up Kathy and Danny and takes him to Max Creek. Then he packs up Alice in the kits.
Starting point is 01:16:31 The plan is now for all of them to go to California. Nothing is over! You just don't turn it off! On Saturday, December 9th, Jeffrey moves everyone to a motel in Springfield. The next day, he will set up Kathy in a motel in Kansas City, promising the contactor when he could. When he returns to Springfield that night, he has Alice
Starting point is 01:16:47 shave all the hair off his body except for his head, put his hair in curlers and apply makeup on him. Okay. Then dressed in women's clothing, Jeffrey walks around a grocery store while Alice waits in his truck in the parking lot. Then he heads out to the truck, hikes up a skirt and Alice gives him a blowjob. I mean, why not? Life has fallen apart and you might have just been implicated in the murder of five people, but none of that is a reason not to indulge in a quick elaborate sexual fantasy. Carpe Diem. Meanwhile, all of the former followers from meeting the apartment were Debbie and Sharon were staying. The point was to figure out how culpable they were in the murder of the Avery's. They felt certain that all of them, even the men who had
Starting point is 01:17:22 participated, would be considered as having been pressured into it all. Seemed fair, given the Jeffrey, probably would have killed them had they refused. But when Keith suggests they go to the police, everyone falls silent. They remember how they lied to authorities on April 18th. Then Devi makes a plea. She says she'll tell authorities what happened, she'll turn herself in, but only after she has a couple more months to spend with her kids. They'll agree to take a few months to get their story straight.
Starting point is 01:17:46 Consult with the attorneys. Make sure their version is ironclad and implicated and they're not implicated as far as any criminal culpability. Five days later, Jeffery Alice, Danny and the Lungren kids arrive in San Diego now, December 14th. They registered for a room with the Traveler Motel Suites. The next day, Alice will apply for welfare using Jeffrey's real name to start, you know, signing up or applying for jobs.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Alice collects some $300 in food stamps that day, another 938 through a program designed to help homeless families find housing to rent. Jeffrey, he is not gonna be bothered with doing anything to help his family. Now he's more of a, he's more of a self-care kind of guy. He understands that he can't really be available to help take care of anyone else. If he's not taking care of himself first, right? Love myself. Then you can love others. So he gets a gym membership
Starting point is 01:18:34 and starts spending a lot of time working out while Alice watches TV in the motel and Damon looks after the rest of the kids. And they all, of course, keep studying God's work. Always time for that. At night, Jeffrey teaches his oldest son, Damon, and Danny, or, you know, the, I'm sorry, oldest son, Damon, and Danny, his follower, and Alice, various new scriptural interpretations. At one point, Jeffrey talks about recruiting motorcycle gang members to be followers.
Starting point is 01:18:57 Why? Well, because they'll be tough enough to perform all the killing that God is about to order. And then Jeffrey tells Alice that, you know, motorcycle gang members, they tend to hang out in strip clubs in San Diego. So naturally God wants him to start visiting all of the fully nude strip clubs in the area
Starting point is 01:19:13 to search for new disciples. For work, Alice, for work, he has to spend as much time as possible in titty bars for the Lord's work. It's gonna get a bunch of lap dances. Of course he is. He needs to blend in, make sure the motorcycle club work. It's gonna get a bunch of lap dances. Of course he is. He needs to blend in. Make sure the motorcycle club guys think he's one of them.
Starting point is 01:19:29 He'll hate it, of course. He'll hate being surrounded by so much young, naked flesh, and sin, but no one said being God God's chosen, Earth God was gonna be easy. They would live that way for a couple of weeks. Allison home, Danny watching the kids, Jeff, God knows what's so close. How is all of this insanity, the real lives of some people?
Starting point is 01:19:48 Then on New Year's Eve December 31st, 9.39, chief Yarborough is getting ready to host a New Year's party when the phone rings. An agent for the federal bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms is on the line calling from Kansas City. Agent Richard Van Halst, another dick noted, had just spent more than two hours interviewing a man who claimed that five murder victims were buried in a barn outside Kirtland. Keez told Van Halst that one of the main reasons why he had now come forward was because he wanted the BATF to track down his wife and to arrest Jeffrey. Yarborough hoped it was all just a bunch of nonsense coming from a jilted husband,
Starting point is 01:20:33 but also had a bad feeling about this in his gut. He did think Jeffrey was capable of murder. The very next morning, Yarborough discovers that none of the Avery's relatives have heard from them at all since April. By the time all the paperwork was signed to investigate the barn, it was 10.30 pm. They would not wait until the next morning. They began their investigation that night. The next day, January 2nd, Dennis Patrick walks into your arboros office, tells the chief that neither he nor his wife nor Debbie L'Varez are in the group anymore. He also says that he wanted to go to the barn to get some of his things. Dennis, you're just a few days too late to clean up your tracks.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Yarborough suggests he come back that next afternoon. Yarborough can't believe his luck. Dennis has no fucking idea that Keith Johnson is confessed. Meanwhile, the BATF sends the Curlin Police Department a diagram of the barn with the possible location of the body based on Keith's confession. Yarborough remembers that the inside of the barn had been suspiciously full of trash when he had previously searched it,
Starting point is 01:21:29 like someone might have been hiding something. At three o'clock, Dennis returns to the police station with Tanya and Debbie who will wait outside. The three of them had contacted Shar Olson and were planning on spending the night at her apartment. But as soon as Dennis enters the police station, instead of being taken to the old cult farm to grab some of their things, FBI agent Robert Alfred and chief Dennis Yarborough began
Starting point is 01:21:48 questioning him about the Avery's. When Dennis does not come back out of the police station, when they had expected him to, Tanya and Debbie, they speed off to Shar's apartment. Dennis meanwhile calls a local attorney who belonged to the RLDS church. The attorney told him to get back to Indianapolis and out of Ohio as quickly as they could. Once they were a few miles outside of Kirtland, Dennis College Greg and tells him to police know about the Averys at about seven o'clock in the evening, January 3rd, a massive crew assembled to dig up the barn. After the trash was moved, it was obvious where the graves were located. With Yarbrough and Andalusk overseeing the exclamation, two
Starting point is 01:22:23 firemen began digging. As soon as they overturned first shovel of dirt, a stench rises from the ground, the smell only gets worse the longer they dig. A little before nine o'clock, they uncovered Dennis Avery's body. Lieutenant Dunlap and Rich Kent of Supervisor at the Lake County Regional Forensic Laboratory take control of the site on January 4. The first two bodies, Dennis and Cheryl, are uncovered quickly. The third body was clearly a child resting on her mother's corpse. It would later be identified as Becky, how sad and so senseless. As they began uncovering it, they find a fourth body smaller still, with its head touching the hips of Becky's corpse. It would later be determined through
Starting point is 01:22:59 dental records that this fourth body was the remains of little seven-year-old Karen Avery. that this fourth body was the remains of little seven-year-old Karen Avery. Karen's body was held together only by her blue jacket and jean to this point. As they lifted the body from the ground, her left foot literally fell off. They would then find Treen as remains as a few inches from her father's corpse. At a news conference held after all of the bodies had been taken away by ambulances, prosecutors Steven Lattorette denounced Lungren saying, these people are the cruelest, most inhumane people this county has ever seen. They're going to die in the electric chair for these crimes.
Starting point is 01:23:34 And all the way in San Diego, Jeffrey, Allison, Danny, see that clip on TV. Oh, God, God's immortal, unable to be killed. Earth God starts to fucking panic. He immediately gets up, starts packing his stuff, Allison the kids, get into the car, Jeffrey tells Danny to stay at the motel, he promises him they will come back for him soon. Once settled into a new motel, Jeffrey does head back for Danny, brings him now to a different hotel in Santa Isabel, just east of San Diego, where he had also had a Kathy travel to. Gotta keep second wife close by, Gotta keep fucking during all this.
Starting point is 01:24:06 When Jeffrey goes back to the hotel room where Alice and the kids are staying, Alice starts begging him to kill her and the kids. Holy shit. She says she doesn't care. She just wants to die. Jeffrey decides to call Donna, Alice's mom. Have her come pick up the kids.
Starting point is 01:24:20 He gives her the number of the pay phone to call when she's nearby. Searching up the area code of the pay phone, Donna now knows that Jeffrey is hiding somewhere in San Diego On Saturday January 6th Donna pulls out of a driveway to begin the trip to San Diego immediately a car full of BATF agents pull her over They tell her they know that she is headed to Jeffrey and they've already traced the phone numbers that he has given her Damn here we fucking go. Yeah, yeah Get that shit love and motherfucker. Meanwhile, BATF agents were also watching the payphones in San Diego. And
Starting point is 01:24:49 with Donna phones, one asking for instructions, they see her grandson, Damon walk out of a motel room, but they still don't know exactly which room the lungs are in. Meanwhile, Alice keeps asking Jeffrey if God is fine with her dying. Jeffrey says that God told him that it was fine, except they have to get the children somewhere else first and then Alice has to do it herself. They come up with a plan to put the kids on a bus, have Donna pick them up at a pre-arranged stop. Jeffrey then sends Damon to buy two six packs of beer,
Starting point is 01:25:15 two bottles of excendron p.m. in a bottle of Jack Daniels. He's not planning to go out with his wife just helping her kill herself. With Alice dead by her own hand, Jeffrey's plan is to now get Kathy and start recruiting a new group of followers. This Earth God sure doesn't seem to have much of a soul. Stuart seems to be a cold blooded motherfucker. Jeffery and Alice now have one last violent sexual
Starting point is 01:25:35 encounter. Would Jeffery forced himself into Alice's mouth until she vomits. Nice final sexual rendezvous for her to think about what she's dying around 10 o'clock they go to sleep. Next day, a few minutes before 10 in the morning, Donna now calls from Arizona, Damon picks up to tell her the plan to get him and the rest of the Lungren children to her. Then his Damon heads back to the motel room, and undercover agent follows him sees that the Lungrens are camped out in room 29. As the undercover agent reports her findings at a pay phone, Jeffrey comes out of the room and uses the pay phone right next to hers to call Cassie.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Now Agent Van Heilst, Agent Dick, orders agents to move in and make the arrests. Five agents race up to the telephone booth, grab Jeffrey slam that pile of shit down onto the sidewalk where Van Heilst sticks his revolver next to his fucking head and tells him that he is under arrest. And hail Van Heilst. That moment had to have felt
Starting point is 01:26:26 glorious. The man who had his followers believing he's the most powerful man in the world and actual deity doesn't put up much of a fight once again. Within seconds, another team of agents burst through the motel room door, Alice and Damon are handcuffed inside the agents find an AR-15 assault rifle 244 Magnum revolvers that belong to Damon and Jason, another pistol and box as a ammo. Jeffrey, Alice and Damon are taken to jail, strip searched, fingerprinted, and issued white paper suits to wear. They're taken to the BATF office where Van Helst will question them. Quickly by 6.50pm, Alice has already agreed to make a statement about the Avery murders. During a short video tape confession, she tells the agent interviewing her that Jeffrey killed the Avery's with the belief that their murders would make him divine.
Starting point is 01:27:10 She put all the blame on Jeffrey, saying that she had no choice because he was going to kill her too. Oh, you had so many choices, Skidmark, and you kept ignoring them because you thought you were so fucking important. Destined to be some kind of first lady, the wife of God's new prophet. So what about all the other members? What's going on with them now? Mostly, they're still unsure about coming forward to police. They all felt like Keith had fucked them and were worried about spending the rest of their lives in prison and Keith had kind of fucked them and they all deserve to be fucked. Go, Keith, go! Ron and Suzy now go to the BATF office in Kansas City to confess. Ron gave a detailed account of Jeffrey's teachings. His belief that the Averys were wicked and told agents about how the murders had gone down. Suzy would give her own statement confirming Ron's
Starting point is 01:27:53 details. It was the first information that agents had gotten about how the murders had taken place since Keith Johnson hadn't actually been there at the time. Ron and Suzy would now be arrested and a SWAT team in independence would arrest Dennis and Tonya Patrick and Debbie Oliveras, Sharon turned herself into police and Bay City Michigan, Greg and Richard surrendered at the BATF office. Jeffrey Ron, Greg, Richard Damon and Danny will all be charged with aggravated murder punishable by death in Ohio. Dennis Patrick, Alice, Susie, Tonya, Debbie, Sharon and Kathy will be charged with conspiracy to commit aggravated murder, which carried a penalty of up to life in prison.
Starting point is 01:28:29 January 10th, 1990, Kathy Johnson, and Danny Kraft are arrested. They'd believe it in the mountain community of Santa Isabel, and were pulled over in Jeff Rees blue, Nissan truck. Jeffery now already working on his defense strategy. He met with his public defender, Paul LaPlanthpland and told him that yeah, he had murder of the Avery's, but only because God told him to do it. Lapland knew Jeffrey would be convicted of murder in the Avery's. No doubt about that. So he focuses his strategy on beefing up the mitigating circumstances part of the trial, the part that might keep Jeffrey from getting the electric chair. Lapland, what a wild case
Starting point is 01:29:04 to fall into his lap. He had never had a case, even close to that crazy before. Meanwhile, Greg and Richard, both have hired independent attorneys and are working on making a deal with the prosecutors. Prosecutors Steven LaTorette was not sure which one to use as a witness against the others, though, both seem still convinced that Jeffrey could hurt them from jail. I mean, he has got after all. He might lighten you both them or something. In the Ann Law Tourette, decided to cut deals with both of them.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Richard Brand agrees to plead guilty to murder and Greg Winchip promises to plead guilty to complicity to murder. Both charges carry prison terms of up to 15 years to life. Now Stephen La Tourette turns his attention to the group's women. In February, Alice calls him, excuse me, she had returned to Ohio on January 20th, after initially refusing extradition.
Starting point is 01:29:49 The reason she changed her mind was a Kathy was put in her cell block. Man, Skidmark, just cannot get away from second wife. Now Alice is angry with Jeffrey again and willing to make a deal. LaTherette knew that Alice might have been just as guilty as Jeffrey, but he also knew that she wasn't at the farm And the night of the murders. So he decided to make a deal with her
Starting point is 01:30:08 The terms the deal where that Alice would plead guilty to a charge that carried a maximum sentence of 15 to 50 years Making her eligible for parole in justice few just a few as few excuse me as five years But judge Paul H. Mitrovich denies that deal. There will be no mercy for Skidmark, so now Stephen Lacharet turns to Sharon Blunchley. And return for her cooperation, the prosecutor agreed to drop 10 of the 15 charges against her. She would plead guilty to five counts of conspiracy to murder, a charge that carried a sentence of five years. Dennis, Debbie, and Tanya would also all eventually agree to cooperate by testifying for the
Starting point is 01:30:43 prosecution in exchange for reduced charges. By the end of the spring, a lot of Torette had negotiated deals with six of the group members, the only ones left were Jeffrey Alice Damon-Danny, Kathy, and the Luffs. Jeffrey's trial would be scheduled for June, then rescheduled for August 1990, but first, Alice's trial began July 25, 1990, and it was immediately a sensational trial. No one had ever been tried before in Lake County as an accomplice to mass murder. Karen Lawson and Sandra Day would act as prosecuted attorneys, both tough, talking legal veterans who specialized in prosecuting men accused of sexually abusing women and children. Alice's attorneys, meanwhile, had decided to use battered women's syndrome as part of
Starting point is 01:31:22 her defense. Only a few months earlier, the Ohio Supreme Court had ruled that women accused of killing their husbands could cite long-term physical abuse by their spouses as a legitimate defense. If women could prove that she had killed her husband during a moment of fear and in self-defense, then she could be found innocent of murder. Alice's attorneys would claim that she had been emotionally abused for so long that she was incapable of stopping Jeffrey from murdering the Avery's. Interesting. I don't like this because she fucking chose to be with this dude.
Starting point is 01:31:52 She knew early on that he was fucking crazy. She is a victim of Jeffrey's 100% but does being mistreated by this monster excuse her of any and all responsibility and the heinous crimes that that piece of shit committed. Crime she did nothing to stop feels like a bad Slippery slope of a of a door to open to me to allow her to absolve herself from a whole bunch of personal responsibility She 100% helped this dude pull off his profit con that led to these people getting killed Well judge midterwitch denies Alice's petition to include expert testimony about battered women syndrome saying that it didn't fit Because she hadn't murdered her husband But the judge did allow a limited amount of testimony about bad women's syndrome, saying that it didn't fit, because she had murdered her husband.
Starting point is 01:32:26 But the judge did allow a limited amount of testimony about how Jeffrey had treated her. But the prosecutors wanted to show that Alice was an active participant in all of this, that she encouraged Jeffrey's followers to think of him as a prophet so she could feel special too. Boom, exactly. She wanted to be extra special, more important than the rest of us. And if she has to eat some shit, literally, and allow a few innocent people to be killed along the way, well then, so be it. On the second day of Alice's trial, Lawson and Dre began introducing evidence about Alice and her role as the mother of the group.
Starting point is 01:32:56 Debbie Oliveres was that day's star witness. She recalled how Alice frequently chastised Jeffrey's followers, how she was his personal spy, how she constantly pushed the idea that Jeffrey was a prophet. Alice knew exactly what was happening in the barn on the night of April 17th, 1989 said Debbie. On the third day of her testimony, then Sharon Blunchley told Jersey Alice was lazy
Starting point is 01:33:17 and expected to be treated like a queen by the group. The defense's main witness would be Alice herself. Helping Alice in the defense's eyes was her mood and appearance. She was obviously depressed. She weighed barely 100 pounds at this point. In a soft voice, she told jurors about how Jeffrey had lied to her and cheated on her. But she strangely did not mention his sexual abuse.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Didn't go into any of the poop talk. Maybe to embarrassed. She went with the different strategy, and it will backfire. She claimed she thought Jeffrey was joking when he talked about killing the Averys. She claimed that she'd only left the farm on the night of the murders to run some errands. And that was bullshit. And the prosecutors went after her. If Alice was ever terrified of Jeffrey, why didn't she turn him in during the FBI raid?
Starting point is 01:33:57 If she was a battered wife, why didn't Sharon and Debbie back her claims of abuse up? And how was it possible that she was the only adult in the cult who didn't know what was happening on the night of April 17th? And there was some strong additional evidence to directly contradict Alice's statement that she had no idea what was going on. Her own previously video tape confession. Agent Van Hälst had asked her why the Averys were coming to dinner that night. And Alice had said, I suspected that it was the sacrifice. And that video would now be played at trial, and when it was played, her defense strategy was completely sunk. Still, in the closing arguments to the jury, Alice's defense reminded jurors that Alice hadn't been at the farm
Starting point is 01:34:34 when the murder took place. Jeffrey, they said, was the only one to blame, drawing comparisons to Hitler. Well, prosecutor Lawson ran with the Nazi analogy when it was her turn to speak, if Jeffrey resembled Hitler, she told jurors that Alice mirrored Joseph Mengele, the notorious angel of death, previous succ subject, at the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz. The jury would now deliberate for five days. August 1st, 1990, the jury finds Alice guilty of all 15 charges against her, including being guilty of complicity. Complicity is an interesting legal term. Conspiracy meant that Alice had agreed with others
Starting point is 01:35:09 to kill the Avery's complicity meant that she actively helped commit the murders, even though she wasn't physically at the farm. That's what she was guilty of. And I do not disagree, right? She helped get them to come back to visit, to come over and have dinner, she helped lead them to believe they'd be heading out of the wilderness with the rest of the team she helped Jeffrey kill three children in addition to two adults of fuck Alice. Jeffrey's trial began August 23rd 1990 as lawyer would not deny that he killed the Avery's. Instead he said that Jeffrey had suffered emotional abuse as a child and that it turned
Starting point is 01:35:39 him into a cold blooded killer. Oh come on mommy and daddy don't hug you enough. Tell you they love you enough so you have to become a fucking cult leader and mass murderer and beat off with your own shit. Get out of here. Jeffrey spent the first two days of his trial reading pastures from the Bible, book of Mormon and doctrine and covenants. Oftentimes you're even bothered looking at the prey to witnesses being called Richard Brand would testify against Jeffrey demonstrating how Dennis Avery was murdered. Sharon and Debbie would also testify. The defense would not call any witnesses.
Starting point is 01:36:07 As expected, the jury quickly found Jeff God guilty of five aggravated murders and five counts of kidnapping. On August 29th, 1990, Alice will be convicted of the maximum prison term possible, 150 years. She won't be eligible for parole until she has served 115 years, so so long skidmark. September 17th, the mitigation phase of Jeff God's trial begins. Now Jeffery's attorneys blame his parents in the RLDS church for the monster he'd become. The defensive gesture Don and Lewis had emotionally abused their son by being overly strict and demanding for fuck's sake. The defensive's first witness, Jeffery's uncle George Harvey Gadbury described Don as a
Starting point is 01:36:48 stern father, but admitted during cross examination that he had never seen any evidence that Jeffrey had been physically abused as a child. Similarly, Jeffrey's high school friends Sarah Stotz said Jeffrey had felt inferior as a teen because he could never live up to his parents' expectations. But under cross examination, Sarah admitted that she had no proof that Jeffrey had actually been mistreated at home. This weak ass defense argument is failing as it should. Other witnesses for the defense were more successful with another line of reasoning.
Starting point is 01:37:16 Some congregants from Slover Park testified that they thought Jeffrey was convinced of his own beliefs, meaning he was not conning anyone. Colt member Keith Johnson would testify along similar lines. Two expert witnesses would then further add to the credibility of all this. The first was William D. Russell, a professor of religion at Graceland College who said that the Mormon religion often saw the rise of self-proclaimed prophets because of their belief in continuing revelation. Russell said he thought that Jeffrey did actually think that he was a prophet.
Starting point is 01:37:46 The defense's final expert witness, Dr. Nancy Schmidt-Gosling, a Cincinnati-based psychologist, hammered home the point that Jeffrey was not a con man. She said Jeffrey was drawn to religion because he felt inferior and that he was emotionally abused, didn't feel accepted by other people. In order to overcome his inferiority complex, he swung the other way, developing a superiority complex. In essence, Dr. Schmidt Gosling said, Jeffrey blamed everyone but himself for his failures. He became extremely narcissistic and retreated further and further into a world of his own making.
Starting point is 01:38:19 And all of this had led to him thinking he ought to murder the Averys. Prosecutor Lacharet now had just one question for the doctor. Is Jeffrey insane? Dr. Schmidt Gosling said that Jeffrey was not insane. He knew he was breaking the law when he murdered the Avery's. After that, Jeffrey had the opportunity to make a plea and Ohio a defendant facing the death penalty is allowed to make a speech to jurors before their sentence.
Starting point is 01:38:41 Usually an opportunity to apologize and beg for mercy. Oh, but Jeffrey, oh, King shit, Jeff got not about to do that. The Lord would soon spare him from the torment of lesser men. Jeffrey would make his speech at 10 a.m. the morning of September 19th, and it will be glorious. He wore light brown jacket, brown polyester pants from the Salvation Army. Picture in kind of a long haired better call better-call-solved vibe going on. Consulted a yellow legal pad.
Starting point is 01:39:08 And he began by, this is opening line. I am a prophet of God. I am even much more than that. Much, much more. Oh, fuck yeah. He'd speak for five hours straight. Describe it as visions. At one point, literally quoting the movie Highlander.
Starting point is 01:39:27 I love that that fucking happen in real life. There can be only one. And he talked about the pattern and chiasmus. He never once apologized for killing the Avery's. He added his rambling discourse by quoting the Book of Mormon. Repent ye repent, he advised the jurors. For the kingdom of God is close at hand. Prepare ye the way of the Lord. I bet that crazy fuck actually thought to the skies were about to open up and the God would smite his enemies
Starting point is 01:39:53 or give that fire lightning and earthquake power to him that he once talked about. Thinking about who Jeffrey envisioned when he imagined his powerful self in his head made me picture some ridiculous old Saturday morning cartoon. Saturday mornings at 9 a.m. directly following Thundercats. It's Prophet Jeffrey the Earth God and the Highlanders first blood. One miraculous man has been tasked by the universe God to protect the Earth from forces of evil. In order to redeem Zion, Prophet Jeffrey the Earthcup must first behead eight other immortal seers, created at the dawn of time.
Starting point is 01:40:29 There could be only one! And he also must wage war against law enforcement, controlled by the Dark Lord, trying to force him to stop fighting the most important battle of all time. Nothing is over! You just don't turn it off! Join Jeffrey's fight to Save the World. Don't miss a single episode of the most important cartoon of all time. Prophet Jeffrey the Earthguard and the Highlanders first blood. And be sure and tell him what a beautiful boy he is.
Starting point is 01:40:57 You know something like that. Anyway, after a bit of a Prophet Jeffrey's crazy talk, the jury took less than two hours to decide that Jeffrey Lungren would indeed get the death penalty. On September 21st, 1990, Judge Parks officially sentenced his Jeffrey to die in Ohio's electric chair. And the execution date is going to be coming up quick, real quick, April 17, 1991. This date was symbolic. It was a two year anniversary of the day he had murdered the the the Avery's. But unlike unlike, or sorry, excuse me, but highly unlikely that Jeff was going to die that day, he still had his appeals. And the state of Ohio had not executed anyone since 1963. Seemed unlikely that Jeffrey would, in fact, ever die to stay his hands when his sentence
Starting point is 01:41:37 was handed down. Jeffrey though, he now did believe he was going to die, kind of, as much as a God can die. Jeffrey told his lawyers that his death sentence was actually preordained by God. He said that if Ohio executed him, God would literally exterminate all of the world's people and simply start over with better, more faithful ones. And he would be there to lead them. And I bet that brave new world of Jeffries was going to have so much poop in it. For the prosecution, there was still one more case.
Starting point is 01:42:09 LaTorette had offered Jeff and Alice's son, Damon Lunggren, a plea bargain that would have required the 19-year-old to serve 30 years in prison. But Damon rejected the offer and pled innocent. In the ensuing trial, Damon's lawyers claimed that Damon was dominated by his dad, learned about the killings just hours before they took place. It also said Damon did not participate directly in the shooting desk. While Damon's lawyers claimed that Damon was dominated by his dad, learned about the killings just hours before they took place. It also said Damon did not participate directly in the shooting desk. Prosecutors counted with testimony by Sharon, Debbie, Greg, and Richard, all of whom testified
Starting point is 01:42:33 to Damon's direct involvement. After deliberating for eight hours, a jury found Damon guilty of aggravated murder. During the mitigation stage, a defense called 16 witnesses, including Dale Luffman and Donna Keeler, the witnesses said that Damon was basically his father servant and In a final 15 minute plea Damon begged the jury not to sentence him to death He said my whole life has been doing what my father told me to do I just want to tell you that I don't want to die. I have a whole lot of things. I can contribute to society I'd like a chance to make up any way I can for some of the things my father did.
Starting point is 01:43:05 The jury recommended that he be sentenced to life in prison. And I do feel very sorry for Damon, right? He did not choose to be born into so much madness. Just a bad, you know, lottery ticket draw, bad, bad hand of cards, and he got born into Lungren's crazy house. Like we said earlier, Jeffries's other followers, except for Ron Luff, agreed to plead guilty to reduce charges in order to avoid trials. Because prosecutors found them remorseful, Dennis and Tonya Patrick were given one year probation each,
Starting point is 01:43:34 because Cassie was pregnant, possibly, which Jeff's baby, her case was delayed during the summer. In June, she'd given birth to a daughter and then she'll later plead guilty to obstruction justice since she hadn't told anyone about the killings. Because he didn't seem to show much remorse at her sentencing, she'd say, I'm guilty of loving Jeff Lungred. I'm not guilty of having assisted with anything he carried out.
Starting point is 01:43:54 Oh boy. December 5th, Ron Love's trial begins in Toledo. He'll be found guilty of aggravated murder and kidnapping and sentenced to 170 years in prison. So what happened to the Lungrens? Alice was sent to a Ohio reformatory for women in Maryville. Jeffrey was taken to death row at Ohio's maximum security prison in Lucasville.
Starting point is 01:44:13 The minor children of the Lungrens were placed under the care of Alice's parents, Ralph and Donna Keeler. The fucking Keelers, sweet but spineless people. The bodies of the Averys were returned to a suburb of Independence for burial. About 250 or 240 mourners attended the memorial service, held at a restoration branch of the RLDS. The minister did not mention Jeffrey Lundgren, but in his eulogy, Elder Garth McCullough warned mourners about following false prophets. We must carefully lead, he said, lest we are led astray. Something bordering on irony there for me,
Starting point is 01:44:46 a church rooted in continuing revelation, warning about following false prophets. Right, so do believe and new prophets. Believe in new prophets given the seal of legitimacy by the church, but ignore everything else, even though known in the church's founding, ever gave Joseph Smith a real seal of approval, believe that there can be prophets just like Joseph,
Starting point is 01:45:04 who altered and existed in religion, but also don't believe in any new prophets Joseph Smith, the real seal of approval, believed that there can be profits just like Joseph, who altered and existing religion, but also don't believe in any new profits who want to alter an existing religion. Huh. June 7, 1991, Alice divorces Jeffrey from prison. Now that it really fucking matters at this point. By August 2006, Jeffrey has exhausted his appeals and the Ohio Supreme Court sets October 24 as Lunggren's new execution date. 2016, Jeffrey has exhausted his appeals and the Ohio Supreme Court sets October 24th as
Starting point is 01:45:25 Lungren's new execution date. On October 17th, 2006, Judge Gregory L. Frost issues a temporary delay of Lungren's execution. And the reason might surprise you. Lungren attempted to join a lawsuit with five other Ohio death throw inmates challenging the state's death penalty law claiming that due to his obesity, the lethal injection would be particularly painful and would amount to cruel and unusual punishment. I get the fuck out of here. As cruel and unusual as I don't know, ramming your dick up your wife's ass with only her blood as lube Jeffrey or pushing your shit stain dick in her mouth, you disgusting fucking sadist, a clown. State Attorney General Jim Metro quickly appealed the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Cincinnati and the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals,
Starting point is 01:46:10 quickly issues an order allowing the execution to go forward. Good. Cannot wait to flush that dude down the toilet. On October 24, 2006, Jeffrey Langevin is executed at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville. He's 56. He had been so certain that he was going to win a delay that he napped much the morning. But then of course that didn't happen at 1006. Excuse me, 1006. Yeah, I am. He requests his special meal to be turkey white meat only mashed potatoes and gravy yeast rolls salad with tomatoes and radishes with wishbone French dressing Pepsi and pumpkin pie with whipped cream for dessert, which actually that all does sound delicious.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Then Lungrid walks up the 17 steps to the death chamber without the well-worn Bible that he used to to control his cult, which formed after he broke from the reorganized church. As a dozen people watched from the other side of a glass wall, Lungrid issued a 15-second statement of his final words that began with, nothing is over, you just don't turn it off. And then he closed it with, they can be only one. No, it, it mentioned federal cult member, Catherine Johnson, his second wife.
Starting point is 01:47:15 He said, I profess my love for God, my family, for my children, for Kathy. I am because you are. Hey, I'm sure his kids were real comforted by that, especially a son, Damon, currently spending the prime years of his life in prison. Surprisingly, he didn't mention poop even one time. Among those witnessing the execution was former prosecutor now, U.S. congressman Stephen Lattorett, now at the time of the execution.
Starting point is 01:47:38 He'd be a member of the U.S. House of Representatives in Ohio for almost 20 years. And not in Ohio, sorry, from Ohio. In a statement, Lattorett said that the killings were cowardly act committed to silence though, to begin to doubt Lungren's status as deity. Even after 16 years, I still can't get the vision out of my head of a seven-year-old or of seven-year-old Karen Avery, Lacharette said. As we removed the parents from the pit, we all said we didn't want there to be children.
Starting point is 01:48:03 Other witnesses included Cheryl Avery's younger brother, Donald Bailey of Missouri, an active defiance he walked up close to the death chambers glass window to ensure that Lungren knew he was there. Yeah, fucking love it. Watch that fucker be put down at the rabbit dog he was. Moments after the lethal combination of three drugs was injected into his arms, Lungren heaved a big sigh, his eyes fluttered, and he was still. Minus later at 10.26 a.m., he was pronounced dead. Following his death, the heavens shockingly did not open up. God smited no one, just another, and a long line of false prophets dying
Starting point is 01:48:35 in the world, not really giving a shit. Nobody claimed his body. He was buried in the prison cemetery with no one attending other than the people that dug the hole and covered it up. And with that, let's get out of this so insane timeline. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. So wrapping this up a bit, sharing some final thoughts.
Starting point is 01:49:05 First, where are the former members of the Lungren cult now? Well, Jeffrey Lungren is, of course, dead. Skidmark, aka Alice, remains in prison at the Ohio Reformatory for Women. She will be eligible for parole in 2092. She's 72 right now. So safe to say, she will probably die in prison. But that Patriarch at summer camp did tell her that she would marry an important person who would help bring forth God's kingdom.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Someone great in the eyes of a fellow man, so I feel like there's a pretty good chance that a real prophet will probably break her out, maybe restore her youth, possibly not even poop on her. She's probably still destined for great things. Her son, Damon Lungren, was sentenced to 120 years to life on four counts each of aggravated murder and kidnapping. He is incarcerated.
Starting point is 01:49:51 I'm not entirely sure why it would have been a lot of pride boring details. Why it was four, not five counts. But he is incarcerated at the Mansfield Correctional Institution and will be eligible for parole in 2098. He's now 52. So also going to die in prison. And again, I do feel terrible for this guy, you know, Papa Jeff really fucked his family over better prophecies, better
Starting point is 01:50:12 scape play. Papa Jeff, his three youngest children lost their father, mother and oldest brother to incarceration and or execution. And he maybe had another kid. He was never around for with Kathy Johnson, not sure based on sources. If she, you know, if the child was his or not, it's just alluded to in a few sources, but never talked about in detail. Ron love remains in prison at the Allen correctional institution in Lima, Ohio, not in the Lima, like it's supposed to be, where he's serving a 170 years to life sentence. He'll be eligible for parole in 2048. At age 62, he might get out when
Starting point is 01:50:46 he turns 87. His cold days are probably behind him. Daniel or Danny Kraft was sentenced to 50 years to life on five counts of aggravated murder, three counts of kidnapping. Like Damon, he's serving it out at the Mansfield correctional institution with the projected parole date of next year. Actually, one of there's some jealousy there that Danny's getting out and not Damon. He's 58. So he can actually still other some jealousy there that Danny's getting out and not Damon. He's 58 so he could actually still live some life once he gets out. But he won't be following any more profits. I hope not. March 29, 2010 Ohio Department of Corrections parole board released 46 year old Richard brand on parole. So Dicks been living free
Starting point is 01:51:19 a while now. That year would also see the parole of Greg Winship now 50 December 30, 2010, Sharon Blunchley, parole January 4, 2011, Debbie Oliveres, parole the same day Susan Lough quickly followed, January 11, 2011, Kathy Johnson will only be charged with one year for obstruction of justice released back on August 23, 1991. Dennis and Tonya Patrick would only get 18 months to spend in sentence at a one year period of probation. Most of them would find the beginning to think critically about how they had placed their trust in Jeffrey Lunggren. In 2015 at age 55, they still incarcerated Ron Love claims he was so brainwashed by Lunggren
Starting point is 01:51:57 that he never questioned his actions on the day of the killings. Love told a media outlet, a guard once asked me what it was like to be brainwashed. I immediately responded, it's a lot more captivating than this place. He added, shedding that mindset has afforded me a great sense of freedom, even in the captivity of incarceration. Love said he hopes the murders hold lessons that will help prevent future tragedies. My hope and prayer is that we can grow from this type of tragedy, he said, and learn not only what cultivates such bizarre and self-destructive behavior, but ultimately, how best to defuse
Starting point is 01:52:30 it. Well, something he's doing a lot of reading in there. Very well spoken. The second episode of the DocuSeries Deadly Colts on the Oxygen Network would air on February 17, 2019 and feature interviews with many of the group's former members. Keith Johnson, who was never arrested and granted immunity for a form informing on the cult, said he never thought he'd end up in a cult. Once I was there, I didn't know how to extract myself from my family.
Starting point is 01:52:53 Debbie Alvarez, now Debbie Croson, would say, I realized that I thought I'd turn my life over to God, and God just turned out to be a man that was really mentally ill. Yeah, a bingo. 2007, the barn where the Avery's where murdered was destroyed, the non-denominational new promised church, bot the land tore down the old structure, much to the relief of the wider community. So good on new promised church. What the free former members are up to now is hard to figure out, living quiet cold, free lives, hopefully, hopefully not giving their money to some other con artist
Starting point is 01:53:24 in exchange for a special role in the end times. Hopefully not living out in the woods with a psychopath waiting to be God, wondering if and when their profit is gonna kill her fuck them. Yee yee, man, Jeffrey Lunggren. What a completely insane story. He did so much crazy shit from his crazed sermons and teachings of chiasmas to his sexual deviancy to the murder of the Avery family. And some way or another Lunggren checked off all the boxes on the cult leader list, though we did it in a very unique and out of order way. Like many cult leaders, he forces followers to worship him as a prophet and not to question any of his strange, confusing and ever-changing teachings or beliefs. The date and criteria for the beginning of the end times kept changing,
Starting point is 01:54:02 while some of his followers became disillusioned and left, many kept rolling with the nonsensical punches. That sunk cost fallacy continued to bite him in the ass. Jeffrey controlled every aspect of his followers' lives. He separated them from their families out in the literal wilderness. He separated husbands from wives. He brainwashed followers by refusing to back down from his assertions and going over his secret reading
Starting point is 01:54:21 revelations over and over and over again until they relented and just finally agreed with him. But what he didn't do was declare himself as a prophet right off the bat, more of a slow burn than it normally is with these guys. He did insinuate that he was a prophet early on in line with RLDS teachings about continuous revelation, but didn't assert that he was the prophet for years. He slowly revealed more and more of his visions to his followers, while Alice Lundgren kept buttering them up. Unlike a lot of the other cults, we've covered his
Starting point is 01:54:49 followers were primed to believe that he was having visions from God because that is commonplace in the RLDS community. In a world where all kinds of people are having celestial visions, well, it's not unusual for Jeffrey to have them too, right? Just another latter day saint. But then his visions became more and more grand. He wasn't just someone having personal revelations. No, he was someone chosen by God, given revelations for all of humanity, to do something great,
Starting point is 01:55:13 to do the greatest thing a prophet can never do in the Mormon faith, redeems Zion. Begin about the new millennium where Christ will reign as King and the devil will be bound for a thousand years before being released and then the righteous and their God will fight into feet defeat forces of evil in one final Lord of the Rings Dungeons and Dragons and medieval type of pocket-eliptic battle Nothing is over. You just don't turn it off like many other co-leaders
Starting point is 01:55:35 He also had everyone minus a couple exceptions live with him on a farm slash coal compound where he forced him to do chores Work to support him and his family while he and Alice mostly relaxed, right, spent money, had literally dirty sex that sounded like it was a lot more pleasurable for Jeffery than Alice. But he started this off before revealing just how truly important it was, right? On par with Jesus, more powerful even. The debilitating work routines of the rest of the followers, long hours of work every day than chores, further hours of studying scripture probably did a lot to break down any cognitive resistance they might have.
Starting point is 01:56:07 Farm work and confusing, rambling sermons about scripture and visions kept them tired and compliant, more likely to not wake up from their collective fever dream. Jeffrey's followers so desperately wanted, as most if not all cult members do to meet God, to understand the divine, to receive celestial assurances that they were members of the Lord's inner circle. God would be revealed to them and they would rejoice and be rewarded with eternal bliss and salvation. Like many co-leaders Jeffrey told his members what to think, what they could buy with their own money, who to date or marry, claiming that it was all there in the scripture if you knew how to read it. Finally, Jeffrey uses polarized us versus them mentality to convince his followers to form a plan to take over the Kirtland temple. The old leftman was the boogie man. The
Starting point is 01:56:49 sinner standing in between them and Zion. But then gosh dang, God just changed his mind in a new vision. Jeffrey would have been in that plan and convinced them to murder the Avery family instead. They needed to execute an entire family in order to purge the sin from their groups so they could finally meet God. A blood sacrifice, a blood atonement was in order. No one could argue with Jeffrey groups so they could finally meet God. A blood sacrifice, a blood atonement was in order. No one could argue with Jeffrey about how crazy this was. It was either stay and believe or disagree, right, and get the fuck out. No one could tell Jeffrey anything. He was a prophet, and then he was in a mortal and invincible God, an earth God.
Starting point is 01:57:19 After the averys were murdered on April 17th, 1989, Jeffrey and his followers would trash the barn where the averys were buried, Murdered on April 17th, 1989, Jeffrey and his followers would trash the barn where the Avery's were buried, Karevann to West Virginia, where they headed out into the wilderness. As foretold in one of Jeffrey's visions, it was in the wilderness now where they would meet God.
Starting point is 01:57:34 But that of course wouldn't happen. Instead, Earth God, Jeffrey pressured the women of the group into increasingly strained sexual situations after making them complicit in five murders, not usually the order of cult events, killing usually come up after a lot of strange sex stuff. Jeffrey's strange stuff, including forcing the women to dance for him
Starting point is 01:57:50 to cleanse their husbands sins, while he also serves for a literally magical vagina he dreamt about, and he did stuff like have his wife cover him in his own shit, or eat his own shit, and then demand his wife kiss him. I told you, I told the, it was in West Virginia. Jeffrey would eventually decide to take Kathy Johnson as his second wife, claiming that
Starting point is 01:58:09 kiasmus, men, he was entitled to women. God always repeated himself. This coupled with the stress of living off the grid and the guilt and the murders and also Jeffrey's renewed threats of murder caused many members of the group to nearly have nervous breakdowns out in the woods. Jeffrey and the group would move several times again before Jeffrey decided to leave with Alice and their kids for San Diego. Are you secretly hope to leave Alice and run off with Kathy?
Starting point is 01:58:31 Start a brand new cult. But that thank God would not happen. Instead authorities would get a tip off from former member Keith Johnson and began investigating the old barn where they would honor the Avery family and discover the hideous extent of the group's murderous activities. And the FBI and other authorities would launch a nationwide search for the Lungrants. Finally, Jeffrey Allison, Damon Lungren, were arrested January 7th, 1990. The younger Lungren children were given to Donna, Alice's mom, and most of the
Starting point is 01:58:58 Colt members would soon stand trial. And then Jeffrey was executed, while excuse me, since the death, then executed, October 24 2006 Damon Alice Daniel and Ron still in prison the rest of the cult members have been let out on parole or weren't sensed in the first place And now before I share a few final thoughts about Jeff and Alice. Let's talk just a little bit more about literally shitty sex It's been a minute since we've talked about Oh man Copper felia aka
Starting point is 01:59:29 Oh man, coprophilia, aka scatophilia, or scatology, an intense interest in pleasure and feces and defecation, especially as a source of sexual arousal. Is this just kink? Am I some high horse riding stuffy moralist daring to mock it? Or is it an actual form of mental illness? Well the jury is out. But the world of psychology does seem to lean albeit slightly towards deeming, wanting someone to say,
Starting point is 01:59:49 cover your body and your own shit and then eat some of that shit while you have your lover kiss you, while you write, have the shit in your mouth and then suck said shit off your dick as a wee bit fucked up. Maybe if you're craving that, you're not the most sexually well-adjusted meat sack
Starting point is 02:00:03 at the kink party. According to some studies, and I will say very little research has been done about this, it's strongly associated with OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder. It's an unnatural fixation that can develop in early childhood. A powerful urge to do something that is taboo. A form of this, a predilection, if you will, can begin in early childhood when toddlers take pleasure, holding or retaining and then expelling their stool or urine, and then coprophilia can be reinforced
Starting point is 02:00:30 by masturbation and may become a sexual fetish by the teen, pubescent ears. And that line of thinking does track what Jeff got, right? He started masturbating with his fecal matter when he was 13. And one source stated that most men with a disorder hide their fetish in more traditional sexual activity with women.
Starting point is 02:00:47 They may prefer that women use strap-ons during sex. The man will usually forego the use of enemas to evacuate his bowels before sex. And Jeffrey did that. Kind of. He didn't hide his preference. Not really. I mean, he's shit on Alice. Kind of out of nowhere before the strap-on used a K.A. pegging.
Starting point is 02:01:03 But he did then want Alice to peg him, roughly, and a landlord in one of the places they were evicted from found a dirty dildo cake with feces likely used on him. And tracking with Jeffrey loving this stuff and Alice hating it at least one study is found that it is 20 times more common in men than women. Women are much more likely to be repulsed by this. Still possibly tracking with Jeffrey, at least one study found that people with parafilia seemed to have grown up in dysfunctional environments and to have had early sexual experiences that limited their ability to be sexually stimulated by consensual sexual activity. Jeffrey's parents were very religious and super uptight. People who wouldn't even
Starting point is 02:01:40 let him sit on the couch unless company was present. They were very concerned with optics and pride, with public image. If Jeffery did anything growing up, they deemed as taboo or dirty, like messing around with his poop in any way. I can absolutely 100% see Lois and Donnie freaking they fuck out and shaming the hell out of him,
Starting point is 02:01:57 which could have held him double down on an already unnatural interest in poop. Especially if he was mentally ill, which I do think he was. Copperphilia generally classified as a form of a parapheralia, a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities, and it has sometimes been lumped in with more serious sexual disorders like necrophilia and pedophilia. Does that mean that if you want to take a shit on someone or be shit on by someone,
Starting point is 02:02:23 and that arouses you, that you're also likely to want to start fucking the dead or fucking kids or fucking the dead poop-covered kid. No, thank God. Thank God no. It means that it is also some form of a disorder as in not normal and potentially harmful. Most people try to avoid working shit into their sex life because it is actually full of all kinds of harmful bacteria that especially when inserted into a vagina can often cause infections. Exactly why girls are taught to wipe front to back, not back to front, not a good thing to stick some poop in your front butt. Hepatitis A,
Starting point is 02:02:54 hepatitis E, cholera, adenovirus, E coli, and more can be spread by fecal matter. Doesn't mean you're a bad person. If you're into scat play not at all, but also I'm not going to pretend that wanting to shit on someone is no kinkier than having your ass slapped, role playing, be tied, be tied up, even anal sex wanting to be pegged, having a threesome, for some double penetration, et cetera, right? GG Engle, a sex expert who consults for lifestyle condoms in many other places, like the dating app, three fun, says, this kink is almost as extreme as it gets. Even in the kink
Starting point is 02:03:27 community, and already marginalized community in itself, people who are into this are marginalized further, even the most sex positive people, people who don't believe in shaming others, will often think scat is disgusting and say so. So if you want to bring your poop into the bedroom, fine, we all have our shit. Pun intended. But maybe also talk to a therapist about it. Maybe looking to where that interest is coming from.
Starting point is 02:03:49 Do you want to be degraded? Do you want to degrade others? Right? Maybe worth peaking under the mental hood to take a look at why you want that. Maybe have some self-esteem issues. Maybe have some sadistic issues. Jeff sure could be sexually sadistic. Why did he want to degrade Alice?
Starting point is 02:04:03 Did Jeff really want to shit on mommy Lois? Who the fuck knows? Right, you know who will never, ever judge you when it comes to scape play though? Besides Albert Fish. Captain Whiskor Horn of Captain Whiskor Horn's pony play and porium, tax shop and salary,
Starting point is 02:04:19 and luckily he has a sale for all you poop lovers. Haddie Partners and ponies is here to good buddy Tom Anderson, IKA Captain Wisskerhorn. Your trusted source of sexy bits, brides, harnishes, halters, hoops, masks, anal plug tails, and more for the Quad State area for the past 20 years. I'm sure you've heard of Don Doberman's advertisements lately, Don, of course, being the owner proprietor of the the no good, two-bit, flea market, bottom shelf, dog-on Don's,
Starting point is 02:04:47 puppet play megastore, butt dungeon, and kill. He's impending to take a sale in the quaps of the area for everything and anything related to the scat play. Well, I'm making that claim nothing short of a bold face lie today. No one will feed our practice this week on scat play accessories, including but not limited to. Sniff Dildo ain't his gask masks, pooped in pennies, poop-resistant latex body suits, poop-absorbent cotton-body suits, custom-scat-play toilets that allow you to put your face where the water would normally be, and poop-sended sex-brain-five-intense shitsets, mountain man-musk, hobo-chilly, lavender
Starting point is 02:05:22 libraweries, hard candy n Nano, and Rancid-infected Rottenake Stomach Flu Anus. It's only room for one sex fetish super store in the Quoxet area, and it's Captain Whistler Horns, Pony Plan for him, Tax Shop and Stadlery. Hi, all fast Porella, away! That's been too long since we've heard from Old Tom Anderson.
Starting point is 02:05:44 Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Captain Whistler Horn. What a guy, what a guy, what a store. That's been too long since we've heard from Old Tom Anderson. They gave him Captain Wish, Gordon. What a guy. What a guy. What a story. Anyway, before that additional sneaky sponsor had, I was talking about mental health. And I asked early in today's episode, was Jeffrey insane? Did he really believe at least a good chunk of his nonsense? I think he did.
Starting point is 02:06:00 I really think he did. You know, he also was not legally insane. He knew what he was doing is wrong. He knew how to change his visions conveniently. But I do think he did, I really think he did. You know, he also was not legally insane. He knew what he was doing was wrong. He knew how to change his visions conveniently. But I do think he was crazy. Even when he talked to leaving Alice and running off with Kathy, I still don't think that was 100% a total scam.
Starting point is 02:06:14 I think he might have actually convinced himself that God would show himself, Zion would be redeemed if he just had the right faithful followers. When he went up alone to the top of the mountain to talk to God, did he actually see anything? Have visions? If he was as mentally ill as I think he was, I bet he at least could have confused imagining things with some shit actually happening.
Starting point is 02:06:34 I mean, think about how consistently fucking nuts this dude was. He had very few friends growing up. Most of his peers considered him socially off. He rarely smiled. And then think about how bad city was when he started courting Alice. The whole staring at her through the fucking window while she sat in class, telling her what she needed to go, uh, what to wear, when she needed to go to bed, that all to me doesn't just read as controlling it reads as something was really off with this guy. Some kind of personality disorder, right? That whole narcissistic superiority complex, Dr. Schmidt Gosling talked about his trial. And this guy, he believed he was destined for great things. One of God's chosen prophets right up until he was executed.
Starting point is 02:07:09 And on all the people this nut could have ended up with, he ended up with a woman who was also extremely delusional. Someone who might be a little mentally ill herself, right? Alice Keeler, the girl who thought she was destined to marry a very important man who directly would help bring forth God's kingdom aka redeems ion and I would guess she talked to Jeffrey about that a lot fed him her delusion fed him her bullshit while she you know also fed him sometimes his literal shit or he fed her sorry it's gonna take me a long time to something about the poop stuff and the combination of all this lead Jeffrey I believe to think he really was an important prophet and led to her continuing to support his claims of divinity, no matter how fucking crazy his words
Starting point is 02:07:48 and actions were. A perfect or really imperfect storm of feelings of superiority, delusions of grandeur, profit focused, religious theology, deffian sexual desires, and some mental illness all combined to create the unnamed cult of Jeffrey Lungren and the Kirtland killings. And that is all I got on the story I found intensely captivating. Now let's head to today's Top 5 takeaways. Time, Chuck, Top 5 takeaways. Number one on the night of April 17, 1989, Jeffrey Lungren and his followers murdered Dennis and Cheryl Avery along with their three daughters
Starting point is 02:08:27 Trina Becky and Karen This came after Jeffrey insisted that the reason God had not come back to earth The reason that there was no point in trying to take over the Kirtland temple was because of the sinfulness of the members of his group Sins that included some of them retaining their own paychecks for themselves and living apart from the Lungren cult The nerve of those weak ass cult members Then as the group prepared to go into the wilderness to meet God with even the Avery's believing they were going along, Lungren had his followers dig a pit in the barn. And on the night of April 17, Lungren invited the Avery's over for dinner, proceeded to have his followers lead them one by one to the barn where they were duct taped,
Starting point is 02:08:58 thrown into a pit before Jeffrey shot them multiple times. Then his followers buried them under a bunch of garbage, and the bodies wouldn't be discovered until January of 1990. Number two, the reorganized church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or RLDS, now called the community of Christ, played a big role in Jeffrey Lungren's beliefs and justifications that others made on his behalf. Unlike the mainstream Mormon LDS church,
Starting point is 02:09:22 the RLDS church taught that God is still waiting for the redemption of Zion. That it wasn't in Utah, like Brigham Young said, right, that the faithful are still waiting for a prophet to reveal where Zion will be. The RLDS also heavily emphasizes that God can speak to any individual person to tell them important and holy information. Alice Lungard would come to believe, based on a revelation she heard at camp, that she would marry a man who would go on to do great things for the church.
Starting point is 02:09:45 He literally said, you shall marry a companion whom I have prepared to bring forth my kingdom. An Alice sad delusional Alice took that revelation very seriously. This belief would strengthen within her as Jeffrey became more and more convinced he was a prophet and she even helped convince others he was a prophet too. Jeffrey and Alice also framed their early meetings as scriptural study groups. Another foundation of the RLDS community, something that people were familiar with. Other RLDS concepts like living in common endeavor,
Starting point is 02:10:12 AKA communes would help Jeffrey take advantage of his followers by having them give him their paychecks and making them wholly dependent on him. Cult, cult, cult. And number three, Jeffrey Lungren would be found guilty of kidnapping and murder and sentenced to death. After trying unsuccessfully to delay his execution, even claiming that he was too fat to receive the least of injection, he was executed on October 24, 2006 as per God's glorious plan. Jeffrey told his lawyers that his death sentence was actually preordained by God. He said that if
Starting point is 02:10:43 Ohio executed him, God would exterminate all the world's people and simply start over with better, more faithful people. Still waiting for that over 16 years out. Number four, Jeffrey Lungren claimed that God showed him of a vagina in a dream and told him to find him. Huh? That sounds like God. He'd say that it was Cassie Johnson, his second wife's vagina, once he examined his
Starting point is 02:11:04 groups of China's. Others like Alice and Keith Johnson thought this was pretty convenient. Keith would end up being so angry over Kathy's betrayal that he will turn Jeffrey in for the murders eventually. Jeffrey Lungren, King, Shit, God of the Earth and Yahweh's greatest living profit brought down by a jilted spouse and some dream pussy. Number five new info, these crimes would be called the Mormon blood atonement killings by the author of our primary source, Pete early, and they were, and they are also
Starting point is 02:11:32 not the only blood atonement killings carried out in the history of Mormonism. In his early days, blood atonement was once a teaching of early LDS adherents. Brigham Young first preached about blood atonement back in the 1850s. Blood atonement taught that murder is so bad that the only way the murderer can pay for their sins and not become a son of tradition doomed to a life of eternal separation from God and the outer darkness really kind of hell is to be sacrificed. This was sometimes called blood for blood punishment because it was mostly used to punish murder, but not always just murder. Since theology rarely remains constant and mutates and warps over time, it was used for nonviolent crimes at various points, like denying or leaving the church or marrying someone of a different race for fuck's sake. Warren Jeff's convicted child rapist and imprisoned leader of the LDS splinter group F. LDS, a
Starting point is 02:12:19 polygamist sect based in Arizona, Utah, has allegedly indicated his desire to implement this doctrine in his church. Former FLDS member Robert Richter reported to the Phoenix News Times, Phoenix News Times, that in his sermons, Jeff's repeatedly alluded to blood atonement for serious sins such as murder and adultery. It's quite a gap there between murder and adultery. Richter also claims that he was asked to design a thermostat for a high temperature furnace that would be capable of destroying DNA evidence if such atonements were to ever take place.
Starting point is 02:12:51 Little bit worrisome. And another piece of shit, herbal labyrinth, former leader and prophet of the allegedly no longer in existence, Mormon splinter group, the Church of the Lamb of God, initiated a series of blood atonement killings, including the murder of his own brother,
Starting point is 02:13:05 which ultimately resulted in his being sentenced to life in prison. Before his death in prison, Labyrinth wrote a document which he called the book of the new Covenants, and this document listed a number of people who had been disloyal and, quote, deserved to die. Copies of the list fell into the hands of Labyrinth's followers who proceeded to administer what they called blood atonement to these individuals. Finally a recent show on FX under the banner of heaven describes a blooded tonement killing of Brenda, right, Laffertie and her baby daughter. Sounds like Jeffrey Lungren and his small band of followers, not the last Mormon offshoot called we will be covering here. A lot more
Starting point is 02:13:39 crazy out there still waiting for their stories to be retold. The Kurtlin cold killings in Jeffrey Lungren have been sucked. Took two weeks to do it, but I think the extra ride was worth it. Big thank you to the Bad Magic team. Once again for helping production. Starting with Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins. Thanks to Tyler C for directing, producing today. Thanks to Bitelixer for upkeep on the Time Suck app.
Starting point is 02:14:07 The art warlock Logan Keith, creating the merch, managing badmagicmerch.com, helping run our socials along with Tyler and Ryan Handel's been on his team. Thanks to Sophie Evans for the initial research once again. Also thanks to the all-seeing eyes moderating the cult of the curious private Facebook page, the Mod Squad, making sure discord keeps running smooth. Everyone over on the time suck and bad magic reddit threats on a white positive. Now let's talk next week. This week was technically supposed to be a space lizard voted in topic and it got pushed
Starting point is 02:14:37 because this topic expanded into a two-parter. So now next week, don't forget to pay tribute, gather up your crew, look out for anyone trying to whack you because we are joining the Irish mob, or sucking them. Probably that. While our cultural image of a typical gangster might be an Italian-American guy, out of some movie like The Godfather, Goodfellas, the Irish have been part of the US's underworld for even longer than the Italians, going all the way back to the 1840s. Between 1845 and 1855, more than 1.5 million adults and kids left Ireland to seek refuge in America. Most were desperately poor. Many suffered from starvation and disease, all because of a pest that killed off a lot
Starting point is 02:15:15 of Ireland's main crop of potatoes, leaving people struggling to survive. And many of them brought that hard, scrabble ethos that they'd used to survive through at these hard times in Ireland to the US. Though most of them were perfectly law-abiding citizens, some of them, uh, decent junk, to be honest, protected themselves, you know, by any means necessary. For someone who was merely aligning themselves with the mob boss and exchange for their vote at the polls so they could get food and shelter during the first chaotic weeks in America. Others took it a step further, got employed by mob bosses.
Starting point is 02:15:44 Still others became professional raccoteers, others took it a step further, got employed by mob bosses, still others became professional raccoteers, gang members, prominent mobsters, trying to make their American dream outside a silly old lawn order. And many of them, at least until they got whacked or had to go into hiding, achieved exactly that. So what was the Irish mob? Who were its members? How did it work? What was this downfall? All that and more next week on TimeSook. Right now, let's head on over to this week's TimeSucker updates. Starting off with cool connection to the 3 mile Island episode. Highly radioactive sucker Joel Schmuland. Schmuland. Schmuland.
Starting point is 02:16:26 Schmuland? Schmuland. All right, so here's a fun fact about me regarding the latest suck, the three mile island nuclear disaster. My mom used to work at the Arco nuclear plant just outside of Idaho Falls, Idaho. She was once tasked with cleaning and removing the asbestos insulation from the plant. Excuse me, she worked there for over 15 years
Starting point is 02:16:43 and the time we never worked there is actually quite interesting. She worked there for over 15 years and the time we never worked there is actually quite interesting. She started working there in 1990. Then in mid-1991, she got pregnant with a future space lizard yours truly. And she continued to work there all nine months of her pregnancy until I was born in the spring of 1992. That's right, I was developing little space lizard whilst my mother went into radioactive areas while also cleaning asbestos from the rafters. But don't worry, I came out bouncing healthy baby boy, maybe born a month early at 5.5 pounds and 19 inches long, and I'm completely fine. My mother wore the correct PPE and my preemie status had nothing to do with her occupation, so the doctors stay, say. Now as a 30 year old adult, I don't think my mother's occupation whilst pregnant has had any
Starting point is 02:17:23 effect on me. I may be wild the ADHD and end up growing taller than both my parents. Also, four of my toes all grow longer than the big toe, but that's just genetics, right? Ha ha, right? Either way, hail Nimrod and nuclear energy. Well, Joel, are you the atomic man, generic action figure? Thank you for sharing this. Yeah, you would think of that power plant was really that dangerous. You'd be all kinds of fucked up. I'm sure there are a lot of people convinced to this day that if a pregnant woman cleaned up a reactor,
Starting point is 02:17:50 even a closed reactor that had been deactivated 25 years earlier and cleaned asbestos the entire time she was pregnant, she would certainly give birth to a mutant. Nope, just a dude, maybe some fucked up toes. Glad you and your mom are not glowing. Next up, a very quick message from increasingly mushed mouth,
Starting point is 02:18:08 meat sack, Tyler Hobbs, who writes, fuck you, Mr. Cummins. I can't read, excuse me, I can't read, geezer, I can't read. I can't read Miss Leed without reading it as, myzled, you get it anymore. So thanks for ruining that word. With your damn mushed mouth. You son of a bitch Thank you Tyler. It is spreading it is spreading
Starting point is 02:18:30 Yes, even aware of doing this. I still read Myzold instead of misled every single time I see that word initially and I have to make a mental correction It does still kind of play though, right? Right you get misled you get myzled. I think the gist is the same. Now a much lengthier update from Russian Ministry of Propaganda agent, Justin Davidson, writes, hello, Dan, my name is Justin. I'm a big timesook fan. Start a list in a little under a year ago and I've made it through about half the episodes. I pick and choose each one rather than listen chronologically and I just finish the night
Starting point is 02:19:04 witches. They amount of information and humor you squeeze in each episode is impressive to say the least outside of the content. Perhaps the thing I've enjoyed most is observing your readiness to modify your views on a given topic as you educate yourself about it. Education forces our eyes to open and you sir haven't blinked, which is one exception. Russians. Maybe the whole thing is a joke. I'm unable to pick up on it, but it seems like you actually believe Russians cannot be trusted because the nation's communist history. In reality, Russians are human beings, subject to their government, and many are no more proving of our, of, or attached to its ideals than you are.
Starting point is 02:19:39 Regarding wars between countries, I think most people would agree the aggressor is almost always in the wrong. Yeah, like a lot of the times. Not always, but yeah. In fact, I think most people would agree the aggressor is almost always in the wrong. Yeah, like a lot of the times, not always, but yeah. In fact, I challenge you to think of an exception to that rule. Since the turn of the century, yes, Russia has both fueled and perpetrated violent upheaval in other states, but ensuring fair treatment of its citizens who culturally, but ensuring fair treatment of citizens who culturally identify as Russian is always a factor in these conflicts.
Starting point is 02:20:09 Supposedly, yes. The Russian government had at least one legitimate and personal reason to get involved. In the same time frame, however, American-led NATO forces have bombed Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, and Syria into oblivion. What was their justification to stop terrorism? Not even one of the 19 terrorists of September 11th was from Afghanistan, yet we invaded it. We were the aggressors as we went on to be in Libya, Iraq and Syria, unlike the Russian government, the US and NATO had no personal interest in these wars. Freedom was brought to nobody and the risk of terrorism was not reduced because destroying a young man's economy and killing his family make radicalization and infinitely more appealing prospect. These acts were not committed to save lives or stymie the outwardly expanding ambitions ambitions of a despot rather they were perpetuated by the military industrial complex and the politicians that controls.
Starting point is 02:20:50 I do think there's a lot of truth in what you're saying. I think it's more nuanced in that, but yeah, I see what you're saying. The civilian body count of America's desert venture speaks for itself. Are you glad those people are dead? Did you vote to kill them? Did you waste a trillion dollars of taxpayer money to unseat the Taliban? Only for them to immediately regain control upon your departure? Was it you who allowed Afghani farmers to ramp up heroin production to levels never before seen? Did
Starting point is 02:21:12 Lindsey blatantly lie into the American people about weapons of mass destruction? Then invade a rack on false pretenses? Was it Kylerman and Ro who turned Damascus to once thriving capital into a pile of rubble where no child is safe? Did your dad, airstrike, and aid worker in several children just days before the US left Afghanistan? Maybe that was a bit tricky. However, the clear answer to most of these questions is no, it was not you. It was your government. Likewise, Russians are not responsible for the unscrupulous actions of their government.
Starting point is 02:21:39 I implore you to rub the indoctrinated crust out of your eyes and alter your opinion of Russian people and separate it from the Russian government. It's clear you got a big heart, but sometimes it feels like you let your love for people be bottled up by imaginary borders that made nothing to us as a species. This message was not meant to be condescending or judgemental and hopefully didn't sound that way. He didn't. Just trying to nudge you in the right direction.
Starting point is 02:22:00 Thanks for all the hours of entertainment. Bok, bok, bok, bok, Justin. Yeah, no offense taking Justin, no offense. I do even have to think about what you wrote. I just, I fucking hate Russian people. All of them. There's come bags, every man, woman and shop. No, I did not think that at all.
Starting point is 02:22:16 Clearly I've not done a good job of separating judgment of Russian political leaders from Russian people. No, actually, I pity whatussian citizens have had to endure for centuries and feel terrible for how mistreated the citizens of russia have been by their government right the bolsheviks did not end up treating the average russian person any better than the zars before them arguably much worse especially understall and strong pony boy putin has not treated his own people much better than they were being treated living under the
Starting point is 02:22:42 shackles of communism before him in many ways, but the actual citizens like the night witches themselves so many of them, yeah, fucking champions, right? Team Medesack, just like the so many of the citizens of any nation or champions. I really do consider myself a global citizen. I don't think American babies are born inherently more or less moral or you know, more or less protected by some god than Russian babies, Chinese babies, Syrian or Afghani babies some god than Russian babies, Chinese babies, Syrian or Afghani babies, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. It's the culture we're born into that largely defines our early ideals and morals and a nation's government obviously influences this culture so very much.
Starting point is 02:23:15 And while the government of America with this military industrial complex has done so much to harm the citizens of other nations, that's a whole can of worms, too big, and nuance for me to want to address here. Also a lot of good has been done. I do believe the government of Russia has done so much to harm its own citizens by creating a system of widespread fear, paranoia, and outlandish corruption for them to live it.
Starting point is 02:23:35 Similar to China. And that is what I try to mock. The Russian governments, not the citizenry, although I do make plenty of jokes revolving around how just fucking bleak the lives of so many Russians are people who have appeared in various episodes, right? I try to make jokes about the absurdity
Starting point is 02:23:52 of what these people have to deal with. But, you know, not how absurd they are personally. So does that make sense? I hope so. I really am on team humanity just, I promise team meets sack forever. And now for a silly message, the end down that just made me laugh so hard, sent in by a complete and total lunatic, Jessica Ellis. Right. I was having nightmares about Mao Zedong trying to force me into communism.
Starting point is 02:24:18 Now, after listening to the recent suck on the CCP, at the same time, a real life police officer was making a nighttime traffic stop in front of our house. And sorry, there was an earlier message that refers to Jessica sleepwalking, which is what makes it a sleep walker. And so at the same time, this police officer is making an eye-time traffic stop. Jessica said, I had my hand on the door knob with the full intention of rushing out and asking the officer to help me escape coming to the room. When my husband stopped me and put me back into bed. Thank you, Nimrod. The mental institution is located just down the street and the last thing
Starting point is 02:24:50 I need is to be locked up in there. God holy shit, I love this Jessica. For the sake of entertainment value, I wish your husband had let you head out and talk to the police. It's just so funny for me to imagine you, like in your nightgown, whatever you wear to sleep, like a complete panic, begging them to help you escape. Not even just from communism, but specifically from Mao Zedong's Chinese communism. Please, please, Mao spies are everywhere. Don't let me be reeducated.
Starting point is 02:25:16 I just wanna live free. Just help me live free officers. I don't wanna go to China. And they're like, man, calm down. Man, man, man, you're in Nebraska. You're good. Also, Mao died in 1976. You truly have nothing to worry about,
Starting point is 02:25:31 except for mental health. So I guess you have quite a bit to worry about. Just not China. Thanks for the messages, everybody. Reminder, I am hoping to continue on a scheduled recording several weeks in advance. So if you send in an update about a recent episode, just know it's gonna take a little while
Starting point is 02:25:45 to potentially make it into the updates. Thanks, time suckers. I need a nap. We all did. Well, thank you for listening to another Bad Magic Productions podcast, scared to death, time suck, each week the secret suck for you space
Starting point is 02:26:05 lizards. Please, please don't poop in your mouth this week. Enforce a kiss on someone. It's really fucking rude to do that and you can get them really sick. Just keep the poop out of your mouth, keep your teeth brushed and keep on sucking. sucky. I'm magic productions. Hey, baby. Sorry about what I asked you to try out last week. A new plan.
Starting point is 02:26:40 What if instead of me shitting on your dits? What if I just rub my shirt all over myself? And I beat off while you watch and you just tell me, you know, what a beautiful boy I am. How does that... Hello? Yeah, well, so weird. I gotta call my provider. I gotta tell him to have some real coverage problems.
Starting point is 02:27:01 Recently here in the suck dungeon. I can tell them I have some real coverage problems recently here in the stock dungeon.

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