Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 348 - The Fountain Cult

Episode Date: May 15, 2023

We've covered a lot Los Angeles area cults from the 1960s and 70s, but as it turns out, there were cults in LA long before that. Lots and lots of cults. Today's topic, the WKFL Fountain of the World C...ult, more commonly known as The Fountain, formed in the 1940s. And their apocalyptic teachings would influence Charles Manson's vision of Helter Skelter. Today we share an explosive story of robes, sex, visions, and compound madness - from the 1940s and 50s!  Cult! Cult! Cult! Wet Hot Bad Magic Summer Camp tickets are ON SALE!  BadMagicMerch.com Get tour tickets at dancummins.tv Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/9D3jpFlmv10Bad Magic Charity of the Month: The DNA Doe Project is a non profit with a simple humanitarian mission: to identify John and Jane Does using investigative genetic genealogy. Our donation amount is currently TBD. To learn more, please visit dnadoeproject.orgMerch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comDiscord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Box Canyon if you know lost angeles or have seen movies set around lost angeles You can probably picture it the dusty orange ground the cliffs rising up to me to deep blue sky trees and bushes dot in the landscape About 30 miles from downtown LA. It is smaller and narrower than a river canyon with steep walls and only two points of access Leaving it insulated from the rest of the world a little corner of nature on the edge of a sprawling urban area insulated from the rest of the world, little corner of nature on the edge of a sprawling urban area. The rocky highway in Southern California started out as a place for a weekend, getaway for a lot of Los Angeles notes, but its legacy would be cemented later on when it became the home base for a doomsday cult. The founding of the world cult, also called the WKFLF Fountain of the World, standing for wisdom, knowledge, faith, and love, or just WKFL found.
Starting point is 00:00:47 A brochure from the mid-1950s would describe the group like this. Located in the beautiful Santa Susanna Mountains, overlooking the San Fernando Valley, and near Chatsworth Lake, and the picturesque Seamy Valley, lives this intriguing group of people, wearing flowing robes of various colors, walking in bare feet and having long hair, nursing electronics, carpentry, photography, music, art and drama are, but a few of the talents found among these joyful people. And those things would be found there, but so would a lot of other weird shit started in the late 1940s by a man founded by a man who called himself Christian event.
Starting point is 00:01:23 He called himself a lot of stuff actually. The commune would well, maybe not thrive, but certainly exist for decades. The founders members gathered to live together, pool their property, and above all else, seeing the praises of their master, Christian Aventa. These long haired and constantly barefoot members often help to fight wildfires in the area,
Starting point is 00:01:42 neighboring communities mostly approved them. They were weird, but they were humanitarian helpful, strange, mostly good people. And mostly they were good people, except for their leader, the master, not a good dude, within the cult's monastery, Venta preached about an impending World War III fought between communist Russia and capitalistic America, which would coincide with the race war. In the end, a godless Russia would prevail for a little while, but then Venta and his followers would step in and save the day. They would take back the world with love and kindness rather than guns. If that sounds kind of like what Charles Manson taught his followers, there is a reason
Starting point is 00:02:19 for that. Manson visited the Fountain's compound numerous times, even tried to take it over. This cult definitely influenced his vision of Helter's Skelter. And the Fountain's leader, Krish Naventa, may have been crazier than Charles Manson, but he wouldn't see the same end. No languishing in prison for this guy, though his multiple crimes certainly would have landed him there one day. Instead, the cult's first incarnation would come to a quick and very dramatic end in the early hours of December 10th, 1958.
Starting point is 00:02:47 So what happened? What crazy shit? Did Christian Venti get his followers to believe about him? And how did it all come crumbling down the fountain right now on another cult, cult, cult, addition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck. You're listening to Time Suck. Happy Monday meet Sacks and welcome to the Cult of the Curious, Dan Cummins, Suck Nasty, the Master Sucker, Colton Thusiest, random knowledge hoarder,
Starting point is 00:03:25 and you are listening to Time Suck. Hell Nimrod, Hell Lucifena, Praize Beat about Jangles and Glory Beat to Triple M, the four pillars of the Suckverse. Just one very quick announcement this week. Throwing back to a fan favorite with merch, re-releasing the popular knowledge and truth design from a few years ago in a couple of new colors, available on a t-shirt as well as two wall art variants and a night and day mug featuring both light and dark designs all available at BadMagicMurge.com. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:03:54 And now we're going to return to another cult, cult, cult topic within the, or with the little known fountain of the world cult, though not nearly as well known as many of its more murderous cousins, the fountain is fascinating, especially because of the bizarre backstory and prophecy can cocked it up by its leader, a man who called himself Krishna Venta, or often the master Krishna Venta. They will look at Los Angeles before and during the time of Krishna, before delving into how this group worked, what they believed, and then we'll get into all the nitty-gritty details in the timeline. Because the cult doesn't have an academic book written about them,
Starting point is 00:04:28 few chapters and books on cults from the 1960s, mostly, even though there's cult peak in the 1950s, we've had to rely on some different sources for this episode. Sources like, you know, small newspaper articles, advertisements, cult members' diaries, books written by people, especially one book written by someone who was there. Sometimes, these sources gave conflicting dates or ages of people. We did our best. Put together what seems like the most likely story, and it is an insane story. Such an ending. Such a big ending. Very excited to tell it. What's the most exciting thing to be about? Los Angeles is a place that's been home to a lot of cults.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I haven't crunched the numbers, but it has to be the cult capital of America, historically. If not the world, we've covered a lot of LA area cults here before and most of these cults formed in the 1960s and 70s, like the source family cults, ball and baby, the Manson family, the people's temple, which was actually headquartered in San Francisco, but operated a large church at Alvarado in Hoover, L.A. and as you recall from the people's temple episode, it's headquarter shifted around fair amount. So many cults born out of the counterculture revolution, but cults, so many cults already existed prior to the counterculture in and around L.A. A half century before the dawn of the counterculture in 1913,
Starting point is 00:05:51 an observer remarked on Los Angeles' tendency towards quackery, fattis and montabax, spiritualist, mediums and astrologists, fornologists, palmists, and all other breeds of esoteric wind jammers. Whole buildings are devoted to a cult and outlandish orders. Mazdasan clubs, yogis exes, homes of truth, cults of cosmic fluidists, astral planners, Emanuel movers, Rosha Crucions,
Starting point is 00:06:20 Rosha Crucions perhaps, and other boozy trans-dentalists. And all of this was before Scientology, and other boozy transdentalists. And all of this was before Scientology, also through its mad hat in the ring. By 1913, the Zorostrian, I thought I had to, derived Mazdasan movement. I think it's Zor, Zoroastrian. Zoroastrian, oh man, it's a very, very, very, very old religion, but not very popular today. Zoroastrian derived Mazdasan movement. There you go, which combined worshipping the sun with
Starting point is 00:06:52 breathing exercises and dieting, a revival of a six century offshoot of Zoroastrianism, managed to attract an estimated 14,000 followers. The New York Times would describe the group as a cult of sun worshipers who fasted and engaged in other methods of self-torcher to drive out devils. Sound fun. This belief system doesn't seem to be practiced as religion currently, at least not by any known sect of people from what I can tell in the web. Few people mostly in Canada do practice
Starting point is 00:07:21 and adapted form of it that sounds more like a way to meditate than anything resembling a religious system. Theosophy had also taken hold in LA in the first half of the 20th century. The crotona, theosophical settlement, was founded in Hollywood by Albert P. Warrington in 1911, named for the ancient mystical school of Pythagoras. It would relocate to the Ohio Valley following year. Still around barely it seems, located just off a state route, 33.
Starting point is 00:07:51 The Crotona Institute holds regular classes and workshops on theosophy, maintains an extensive library on the occult and has a small bookstore. And I'm guessing on Crotona as far as pronunciation, I can't find anybody saying it on the web. Warrington would write about this settlement later in his life, saying the hills of Cortona where the temple was and the Lotus pond and the vegetarian cafeteria. There were several smaller tabernacles as well.
Starting point is 00:08:19 A metaphysical library, a Greek theater where the light of Asia was being played. And numerous dwellings cut into the hillside above and below the winding road. Cortona was one of the most beautiful spots on the planet and a highly magnetized spiritual center. This is way before all the counterculture, LA full of all kinds of interesting beliefs and new AG spiritualist movements long before those cults of the 60s showed up. Courses were taught by Cortona Theosophical Settlement Instructors and subjects like Esparanto and Artificial Language constructed in 1887 by a Polish occultist intended for use as an
Starting point is 00:08:53 international second language. The esoteric interpretations of music and drama and the human aura. So you know, lots of really useful stuff that will enrich your life in meaningful and practical ways. Even people in the 1920s, an era of relative liberation in the form of shorter skirts for women and free flowing alcohol and speakeasies, people notice the LA seemed just a little more liberated than just about everywhere else. 1926, H.L. Manken, popular American journalist, essayist, uh, my gosh, satirist, and cultural critic,
Starting point is 00:09:29 regarding the popularity of unusual belief systems stated that there were more morons collected in Los Angeles than in any other place on earth. The osteopaths, chiropractors, and other such quacks had long marked and occupied it. It swarmed with swamis, spiritualists, Christian scientists, crystal gaisers, and the allied necromancers. By 1930, there were said to be three or four hundred cults in Southern California alone, appealing to a total audience of a hundred thousand or so people, way more than I expected. New sex grew rapidly influenced by mystical traditions from all over the world. By the time Christian eventa and the fountain showed up in the 40s,
Starting point is 00:10:07 they weren't some radical anomaly in the LA area. They were kind of part of the new normal. Christian eventa is one of many active cult leaders well at home in the occult landscape of Los Angeles. Like many other cults of the time, he drew on Christian teachings and claimed to be Jesus, also incorporated aspects of Hinduism, beginning with calling himself Krishna or the master. And talking about he as Christ had been in India
Starting point is 00:10:32 several hundreds of years ago. In his 1958 book, California Cult, author and cult expert, H.D. Dorman would talk about how L.A. had plenty of people ready and willing to receive the kind of messages, men like Christian event that were selling them. Doorman said that the typical believer of a fringe religion was someone who prides himself in his freedom from bigotry. His aim, he will tell you, is to obtain the truth.
Starting point is 00:10:58 He knows something about the Lemurians, the Eroschicrusians, the technocratic, the Mormons, the Anglo-Israelites, I.M. New Thought, Unity, Theosophy, Yoga, Hermetics, Metaphysics, Pyramidology, Spiritualism, the Ohasp Bible, Faith Healing, Flines, Oscars, and the latest metaphysical innovations, selecting what seemed to him to be pertinent tidbits of knowledge, he adds them to his stock of cultic convictions. Christian event it was mixing all kinds of shit, get it like that. And no matter how crazy and nonsensical his teachings were, they consistently found an audience, right?
Starting point is 00:11:35 People who just, you know, convinced themselves that they got it. I get it, I get what you say. Dorm was talking about the same shit in 1958, and that book came out that I haven't talked about the last few years here. How these cults always mutate out of religious belief systems, existing ones. How their leaders take languages, you know, or language familiar to many of their followers, and then add and twist that shit to develop some new truth. That is really just the same old shit, repackage to serve their own selfish ends.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I think I would have loved to go out drinking with H.T. Dorman. Now let's get into some of the cult's structure and teachings before examining the cult's rise and fall in the timeline. Impossible to assign exact dates to a lot of the ever-evolving beliefs that this cult possesses, so easier just to kind of list them out here.
Starting point is 00:12:21 One of the only comprehensive sources that exists regarding the fountain in the world, uh, fountain of the world cults beliefs is a book on Amazon called spiritual teachings and biography of master Christian eventa written in 2008 by John Fisher. And it provides a lot of good info. Uh, we probably wouldn't have done this topic if that book didn't exist, but the info is certainly biased. The author was raised in the cult. And John seems to greatly play up the good aspects of the cult and perhaps leave out some of the negative. Like you can see this in his introduction when he writes,
Starting point is 00:12:54 members of the fountain wore robes, went barefoot, grew long hair, and the women wore scarves. The WKFL, F-O-T-W dedicated to Humanitarism first and spiritual growth second. The primary mission of the fountain was to gather the 144,000 elect and prepare for the end days. The fountain also provided community services through a soup kitchen, food bank, rescue mission, free thrift store, and emergency aid center. Members also fought fires, solicited for funds door to door, rescued flood victims, and provided
Starting point is 00:13:27 aid to migrant workers. A lot of this stuff, we don't have records of like them doing all of this, so we won't be covering some of this stuff in the timeline, but some of the other stuff we will. Master Christian event to gave a series of over 70 lectures during 1947, 1948, all of which were printed for the general public. Although MKV did get into some rather wild topics, the man's migration from another planet, like his migration from another planet, his primary message was love ye one another. Yeah, well MKV also
Starting point is 00:13:58 fucked a whole bunch of his cult members, maybe rape some of them, maybe molested some of them, definitely abused their trust in him, gamble away a lot of their money and more. John leaves that part of the master's legacy out, but that's okay. Luckily, we found other sources who did not leave it out. However, the cult did do the humanitarian things that John talked about. In fact, when a flight once crashed into a hill nearby the compound, the Fountains and members were some of the first on the scene. I think the very first on the scene, pulling burning bodies out of the wreckage
Starting point is 00:14:25 and tending to the survivors. And we will cover that super surreal moments in history in the timeline. They also fought a lot of fires, as John mentioned. People living in the canyons were the cult was headquartered, were required to cut a fire break around their buildings. And if they couldn't then the fire department would do it for a fee.
Starting point is 00:14:42 The foundation did it for free. They would help their neighbors do it. And the fire department generally trusted them to know their way around and didn't require them to evacuate when fires were in the area like they did with many of the other locals. While we don't have exact numbers, no master membership list, it seems that based on multiple accounts, most of the cults members were women. As John puts it, we had lots of women in the cult. Most of them, like my mom, were unskilled workers who didn't have a husband or welfare. I don't think a high percentage of single women needing a little help in life were recruited out of the goodness of the master's heart.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I think it was definitely thinking with his dick here. And I'll go over, you know, proof of that. There were also a decent amount of kids in the cult, according to a brochure, the cult would hand down during recruiting efforts in the 50s. A very active program is available to the youth. The L. T. U. Love Truth Understanding made up of children from the ages of nine to 18 years, constantly amazed onlookers by its ability to maintain a just jurisdiction of its members. These places always have the sweetest sounding acronyms, right? For what they're doing. Love truth and understanding. How could anything bad come from an organization focused on teaching kids, love, truth, and understanding? That's a way better acronym related to cult kids than say, uh, GIF. Gruming, indoctrination, and fucking. I'm sorry, what was the name of the kids club again? GIF.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And what did that stand for? Gruming indoctrination and fucking. I'm sorry, what was the name of the kids? Climb again? GIF. And and what did that stand for? Grooveing indoctrination and fucking. Wow, I thought that's what you said, not even trying to hide it. The pamphlet continued and said a board of directors conducts its activities. This board is elected by the youth membership from its own ranks and is responsible for discipline work, assignments, hobbies and good administration. The instructors in public schools attended by these L.T.U. members have acknowledged leading students and outstanding athletes among fountain youth. Right? Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Get your kid in our coat and we'll turn them into the cream of the crop. Colt kids always crushing it in school and in sports. Everyone knows that. The panel also talked about preparation for a world takeover of sorts. The fountain is constantly training its members for a worldwide expansion of their communal way of life. Leaders from India, South America, Italy and Sweden have expressed a desire for such communities to be started in their countries by the WKFL fountain of the world.
Starting point is 00:17:01 All branches so formed in foreign countries will be called Founts and members will be dedicated to the communal way of life, brother love, humanitarian service work, and the living of the laws of the good brotherhood. Now, I don't have that part for you. There is no record of this cult gaining a foothold in any country outside of the US. If they had any international Founts, they were never big enough to need more than a small apartment to hold all of their members. The leader, master, christian, a big time liar and he would, he would not be welcomed into
Starting point is 00:17:34 a lot of these countries he just talked about. So how was the cult structured? Well, according again to the cult's intro brochure, board of directors, government and administrative and administered the temporal functions of the cult. The majority of the members lived communal lives performing basic tasks like farming and cooking. At the time of the pamphlets riding, they raised goats and poultry, grew their own vegetables. They self-sustained or at least they claimed to have self-sustained.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I don't think they really did that. I think they were sustained mostly by new members given the cold all of their shit, at least during the life of the master. John wrote the following about their LA area headquarters. The 23 acres was very peaceful, warm, dry, and quiet. We use rocks taken from the washes around Los Angeles or the Los Angeles basin to construct the buildings, ditches and walkways.
Starting point is 00:18:22 I know part of it pretty cool. They did seem to, and they seem to use like some local trees and stuff, like what was around them on their property to build their structures. And they built some cool constructors. Excuse me, visitors, the compound were required to check in with the member.
Starting point is 00:18:36 A woman named Sister Muriel, Muriel was that member at the time the pantheon was written, who would give them an introduction and then take them on a tour. Visitors were free to roam the grounds, talk to members, members could take trips into the outside world also at any time. That part doesn't seem too cult-like when you first go over it, but when you dig in these members, well, they didn't have a dollar to their name after joining the cult. So highly unlikely,
Starting point is 00:18:56 they were going to leave if they did a little Roman. And there really wasn't time to do much Roman because the master kept them very busy and heavily discouraged them exploring the outside world. At least on their own. Perspective members were admitted first as associates on probation, a period that could last for three months. During these three months, they were required to study 67 lectures written by Christian Aventa, available for a dollar each. Read, read, read, get so fucking confused, you'll believe anything the master tells you.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Then if neither they nor the higher ups objected, if they weren't problems who were riling up members and asking too many questions about shit, well, then they could become apostles. But and this is such a big but they weren't fully admitted as apostles until they turned over everything they owned to the treasury. Cult, cult, cult. And exchange for this donation, members were promised salvation and the good life by becoming unified with one another spiritually mentally and physically. Oh fuck yeah, bro noise Early donors like a woman named Ethel Ray gave 20,000 bucks when she joined a woman listed in sources only a sister Felipe gave $5,000 when she joined some follower listed as Betty gave three grand gene gave five grand Martin gave a thousand a man named you saw me gave two thousand and so on
Starting point is 00:20:12 Once you gave your money. Well now you're officially part of the community. You're in the inner circle Later if you became dissatisfied with your life there well, you could leave right no heart feelings But if you did leave you were never gonna any of that money again. No refunds. As Christian event to put it in lecture 31. Some people have made a big deal out of the requirement that members donate all of their personal possessions to the fountain. The brochures of the fountain tried to warn people, interested in joining our commune, that they were expected to make a 100% commitment to a spiritual life. However, many people decided that the lifestyle was not for them and their property was returned if it was available. Obviously, donations of cash were used to support the cost of
Starting point is 00:20:55 running the fountain and were not refundable. This would be like donating money to a church to fix a bell tower and then when you lose your job, you ask a church for a refund. Ain't gonna happen. I don't like the rights, ain't in there. And I left how much you plays what he's doing down. Look, some people are making a big stink about our little, you have to give us literally all your own stuff to join, think of a jig. Why?
Starting point is 00:21:20 Churches, nonprofits, universities, they ask for donations. No one's mad about that. Yeah, well, Master, there's less anger there because the other organizations don't ask for literally everything. That's what the big deal is. You have to give everything. Those who did give over all their money
Starting point is 00:21:37 would be quickly absorbed into communal life, work tirelessly every day to support the found. What a deal. Typical compound deal. Give us everything you own, and then we'll give you way more to do than any job you've ever had. And not pay you.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Ha ha, yay! Night to group would have communal dinners along with singing and praying. You know, so that's good. You don't get a check. You don't have any assets anymore, but you get bread and soup and bunch of shitty songs and prayers.
Starting point is 00:22:03 A big dining area. It could hold 40 to 50 people at a time. Members would have an irregular diet is basically whatever the cult could scrounge up at the time. Apparently, it's mostly surplus macaroni, flour and butter, and maybe some veggies. So that's cool. Of course, the master had a private pantry
Starting point is 00:22:19 stocked with only the finest foods. On Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons, the dining tables will be moved outdoors. The compounds main hall will be set up for sermons, Saturdays and Sundays where when the cult would play, you know, perform plays, we should be at a copy of some of the old scripts. I guess most of the plays were about some more lesson. A back area of the dining hall by the fireplace was used as a Bible study room where John said he once sat down with Charles Manson and taught him our weird version of Christianity and weird is right. And we'll touch on Manson's encounter with the group in the timeline. Members' sex lives were controlled
Starting point is 00:22:55 as they often are in cults. They weren't allowed to have sex except in marriage since the master promoted chastity. Didn't practice what he preached of course, but he promoted it. Also, so weird members were only allowed to marry on what he preached of course, but he promoted it Also, so weird members were only allowed to marry on the 29th of March the birthday of Christian eventa and Each marriage was spiritual So you could also be married to someone else in the outside world as long as you just didn't visit them for any sins of the flesh Like you'd have your marriage you like leave somebody and not get legally separated or legally divorced You join the cult and then the only marriage that really counted in the cult were ones where Venta, you know, decreed them a spiritual marriage. And this is getting a little complicated, right?
Starting point is 00:23:34 Only Mary and the leader's birthday. All the crazy rules that people end up believing come from God continually blow my mind. And junior high I was banned from a church youth group for asking too many questions. I asked a lot of questions because God's rules didn't make sense to me as they were taught by this group. And over 30 years later, those rules still do not make sense to me. I often wonder if they truly make sense to anyone. Eventually in the mid 1950s, not only would March 29th be a holy day, but several of the days before and after would all be rolled up together and turned into a little cult festival
Starting point is 00:24:02 of sorts that would celebrate Easter, Christmas, and the New Year, all at once. Because why not? Starting in 1956, March 29th would be the first of several days of packed programming with the public invited to witness a spectacle. The events would kick off on or on the 29th. Sometimes there would be a little mini events I guess before, but the main event kicks off in the 29th with the crucifixion cosplay of sorts. More on that in the timeline, followed by hours of ceremonies, rededication for married couples, youth dedication and
Starting point is 00:24:33 more on the 30th, several events like the March of the grave at 10 a.m. and the path of fire at noon would take place, followed by the cleansing from all prejudices two hours later. Sounds fucking sick, right? Clean those prejudices. Open your mind so we can fill it with so much more shit. Electric given by Christian would top that off. That day's activities off, followed by hours of singing, dancing, candlelight devotions. March 31st will be dedicated to testimonials, a sermon about the 144,000 elect community singing, candlelight devotions. Finally in the last April 1st, the master would act like he was about to sacrifice a virgin on a big pagan altar and then yell, ha, April fools, JK everybody, ha, not going to sacrifice
Starting point is 00:25:17 any virgins. By the way, all this silly shit is made up, bunch of bullshit, I made up to get my dick sucked and not have to work a regular job. I wish you would say that. Silly shit is made up, bunch of bullshit, I made up to get my dick sucked and not have to work a regular job. I wish you would say that. No, the event would be closed out with some kind of resurrection ceremony, New Year celebration and a banquet. And all this done mostly to glorify the master Christian eventa. So what are they wearing while there's shit's going on? Well, like next year members wore colors that let others know what their rank was in the group. The master wore yellow robes, green was for students. Blue indicated that the wear could administer medicine.
Starting point is 00:25:51 By the way, one guy claimed that a bunch of people died in this cult from not getting proper medical treatment. So I don't know how good the blue robe people wore. I don't think they were doctors. Brown was for kitchen help and Gray was for quote, those willing to take responsibility. Just, that's just was for quote, those willing to take responsibility. That's just it. Just for those willing to take responsibility. So whatever the fuck that means. Also regarding how they looked, hair was encouraged. Just in general, at least for
Starting point is 00:26:15 men, the men's and boys were never to shave, right? The bigger beard, the better. The women would wear none habits. Also, we're not able, you know, allowed to cut their hair, so they had long hair. You find pics online of various members and the master, and they, yeah, they look like a fucking cult big time. Like a, like a pic of several members, you know, if it showed up when you first searched, what does a cult look like?
Starting point is 00:26:39 And you see this picture, you'd be like, yeah, that's about I was thinking. So what do these fuckers believe? What was the master's theology? So convoluted. The first tenant was that he had no age. Since time started, I have been with the world since the beginning.
Starting point is 00:26:54 There can be only one highlander. No, there's over. You just don't turn it off. The master would say that he landed in the US March 29th, 1932. Before that, he'd been dicking around in the Himalayas just you know meditating with yeties and shit. He'd been sent down from heaven to India centuries earlier as a reincarnation of Jesus Christ to labor amongst the Indians. And this will contradict other things he says, but whatever, you know, like most cult leaders,
Starting point is 00:27:20 you know, he just says a lot of shit. The directly contradicts a lot of other shit he's said or is, you know, fucking, it's gonna say he just often, sometimes in the same sermon, here's how he explained that he was Jesus. He said, there is only one Jesus Christ. There cannot be two. In me is the intelligence and sacred personality of this one. This is my body, but the eye inside of it is the eye of Jesus. Therefore I am Jesus. My body, his soul, inside of it is the eye of Jesus. Therefore, I am Jesus.
Starting point is 00:27:45 My body, his soul, if you want to put it that way. Apparently, his body was convincing enough for many of his followers to believe he was Jesus. He was almost six foot two fairly athletic build had long wavy hair and a beard. I found some picks where he legit does look exactly like paintings of Jesus. I remember seeing in churches. A kid, right? White, historically impossible for him to look like that Jesus. He also had an abnormally good memory,
Starting point is 00:28:09 which he used to accurately recite various scriptures, that ability cause, you know, it convinced a lot of people that he was a real deal. This ability also has helped out Dave Kresh, tons of other cult leaders over the years. Also like a lot of cult leaders, he borrowed theology from various religions. He had read and reread the Book of Mormon and founder Joseph Smith became something of
Starting point is 00:28:27 a guiding light for Christian event. He especially liked Smith's revelation about the order of Melchizedek or Holy priesthood. For God to restore to earth this order for use by the Mormons according to LDS theology to continue to receive revelations. Most Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah's spoken of in Psalms 1104 as a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek, Jesus playing the role of King Priest once and for all. The Melchizedek priesthood, an LDS doctrine, supposed to be a sort of holiness on par with Jesus and every age needed a better spiritual leader to explain God's concepts,
Starting point is 00:29:02 to people in a way that would make them understand it according to contemporary ideas about science and nature and so on. So that's why the order continues. All these spiritual leaders, part of the order of Melchizedek as part of this lineage, Christian event, therefore had the same authority as Jesus to lead humanity out of the wilderness and onto a righteous path. But also he was Jesus. Again, he's going to say a lot of different things.
Starting point is 00:29:23 For a while, he was new Jesus. And then he was old Jesus who had never left Earth or Jesus who maybe left sometimes but came back regularly. Something else in early Mormonism that may have appealed to the master was polygamy. His second wife Ruth Alice Britzell would be an ex-mormon and he would borrow heavily for Mormon theology. Though of course twisting it in ways, you know, the serve to him, he would create his own origin story. What was that origin story? It can't change his, but here's what it ended up being before this guy abruptly stopping
Starting point is 00:29:54 a cult leader, his ending, by the way, so satisfying. In the master Christian event of theology, the first savior is Adam. With Eve, he operated as the head priest of the Order of the male kid's deck, set up especially for him. I would hope it would be set up for him. I would hope he'd be the head priest. He was the only guy in earth. So who the fuck else would it be according to this theology? But of course, Adam and Eve, you know, get led away from the Garden of Eden by the snake by Satan. So they fail in their mission of being super holy and galley and stuff. According to Krishna, man chose to trifle with the power of God. He reasoned that with the knowledge of both good and evil at his command as a working basis,
Starting point is 00:30:31 he could accept reject or combine thoughts according to his desire and thus work out his own pattern of progression, one like unto gods. Thus man aimlessly combined the good with the evil, the pure with the impure, and so he became the first fruits of all his adulterations, of being without stable foundation, without definite purpose and without ultimate goal. He used spiritual laws for material gain. He cultivated an extreme liking for good and evil. He gazed upon the sun, moon, stars, and the earth in all its natural form. This was good.
Starting point is 00:31:04 He produced an artificial semblance of God's plan and set it before all men. So deceptive was this adulteration that humanity became absorbed in its iniquity. So Adam and Eve are out. And now we humans, most of us, we're all sinful and shit. And when Adam died, Enoch and Methuselah became the new pre-savory people.
Starting point is 00:31:23 But then both of them fucked it too. Years later, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, they would take over one after another. But these lazy fuckers gave up when the people who thought their material understanding the world was better than the priest's prophet guys just became too obnoxious to deal with. The master's doctrine would hold under successive leaderships. The spirits will order gradually declined and disappeared. Okay, so the next savior is Jesus, and he was the best savior, resourceful, determined,
Starting point is 00:31:49 eloquent, and brilliant, but he still got crucified. However, the good he did on earth lived after him, and for the first time in history, men began to live by a moral code. That's definitely not true. Men had moral codes before Jesus, but whatever. Jesus, priest, prophet, God-guide, then sealed off all the previous orders of the male Kizadek and authorized a new order, but it wouldn't last. With a few centuries, men went back to their wicked ways. And they were doing that when he was alive too, but whatever. Then the fountain doctrine held
Starting point is 00:32:18 that Christ came again and entered the body of Constantine at Constantinople around the time of the fourth crusade, around 12.0.2, 12.0.3, 12.0.4. I don't think so. I don't think so. He thinks the master may have not been the biggest history buff, since Constantin lived during the fourth century, see, not the 13th century. Christian said that Constantin Jesus, who was apparently almost 900 years old now, got really, really mad when a literate crusader destroyed what was left of the world library at Constantinople and he was so mad He just fucking bounce he left the earth Christian's version of Christ sounds a Sounds like a party little bitch, right just I'm so mad at you guys you burn my library and my favorite library
Starting point is 00:33:02 I'm taking my last couple books and I'm heading home to heaven out. Christ then returned next as Christian eventa. Maybe, but maybe also never left and maybe it's always been around to Christ. I feel like when he gave these sermons, not a lot of people were taking notes as in nobody. And when people read them, they were not allowed to have pencils and underline shit and ask questions. There was not a lot of, wait a minute. This is really confusing going on. According to the fountain doctrine, this beloved one does not always bear the name Christ. That is the particular one used exclusively 1900 years ago. Throughout the ages, he has made his advent unto many names,
Starting point is 00:33:40 but always he is the same great principle, the second of creation, and the first unto the father, the only begotten son of God expressing in the flesh. He makes himself like unto man and appearance, but unlike man, he is in the world, but not of it. He comes always to assess humanity and to appear out of itself and pose bondage. Okay, so that's actually fairly traditional doctrine there, but then he gets real fucking weird. He had some extra terrestrial shit to all this. Christian said he was born on the planet Neo Freites 240,000 years ago. And that was never a planet, by the way, there's never a planet like that. This planet proponent purportedly occupied the same orbit as Earth does currently. So it's where Earth is now.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And Christian alleged it was humanity's first home. But then Neo Freighty started fucking orbiting differently. And I guess, you know, the circle just gets tighter and tighter and it starts getting too close to the sun and becomes uninhabitable. And there's actually two suns. According to the master, a fleet of great rocket ships, each more than a mile long, and capable of carrying 35,000 people, then set off to colonize the dark planet that would
Starting point is 00:34:43 become earth. And what happened to those old spaceships? Well, that's never really made clear. Details. Who cares about details? Just believe. Cult. Cult.
Starting point is 00:34:55 And all of this history was recorded in the Holy Beable. Yeah, at least for a while, he pronounced a Bible as Beable. That wasn't my mush mouth. That was apparently a real thing he did. And I love it so much. The rest of the English-speaking world, you know, they were and still are pronouncing it wrong. It's Beable.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Wake up, sheep, and read your Beable. Can you imagine hearing that in that church? Please open your Beables to the book of Matthew, chapter 4, verse 17. Did anyone bring their Beables for today's beable study? I wonder how many followers that pronunciation just cost him. Just like, beable? Who fucks this Bible as beable? Fuck this guy out. Naturally the leader of the humans who just star-tract over was the soul that would one day manifest as Christian eventa. But before that it would go on to become all sorts of other prophets and saviors. So Christ, Krishna, whoever, he would even visit Atlantis, hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:48 You can never have too much Atlantis when talking about cults. He would write, let me take you back to the time of Atlantis. When it went down into the sea some 36,000 years ago. At that time, Christ was a leader who led the elect people out from this continent onto a land where they were safe from the destruction of Atlantis. The new civilization began to grow and Christ disappeared, only to return a little while later. So he's taking a, taking a page from some theosophical theology here. He appeared many times to the different civilizations approximately 27,000 years ago, a remnant
Starting point is 00:36:21 of the meta-virtance left Egypt, though the seal of verdents or through the breaking of the seal of verdents a race of people that believed in Destructions the metal verdents What I think that might have been a title the metal or fuck I'll matter I hope it's metal the metal verdance right who love their fucking songs They migrate from one country to another until he settled in northern India and the Himalayas not far from Mount Everest Feels like a fucking cold-ass place to settle and have remained there to the present time no These people they made, they're not real. He said, will become the Hindu people of India whom Krishna Christ would eventually visit, but it didn't go great. The doctor and says, the laws of God were outlined to them, but it was so ordained that the order could not be
Starting point is 00:37:20 established until all nations would adhere to its principles. This was an unattainable goal at that particular time. So Krishna departed and bade them away to his return. So, he left India, he would then rest up in heaven for a really long time, and then be some of the Christ we've already talked about, or maybe not. Maybe he would stay up in heaven the whole time. There's a lot of different versions of what he said that are all mixed up in my head. So, sometimes he's a fucking highlander just walking the earth sometimes he kind of bounces back and forth. I feel like he'd be interrogated this guy and made him try to share his exact theology five different times over say like a year's period. You would get
Starting point is 00:37:54 five very different stories. A few things would say the same, right? He's Jesus, the end is near and you need to, you know, stay with him to survive the end. Oh, he would say at one point that Christ would visit Abraham Lincoln and Joseph Smith. He worked a little on the stage into this. According to MKV's doctrine, master Krishna appeared almost simultaneously to Abraham Lincoln and Joseph Smith. He came to establish the order of God, but to do so, the strong change of slavery, which bound his people had to be broken.
Starting point is 00:38:30 To Abraham Lincoln, he gave the power of freeing the slaves. And as if fucking Abe just did that on his own. And to Joseph Smith, that's of establishing the order of Mel Kizadek, along with the keeping of the keys, arcs, and covenants. And once again, under sponsorship of Joseph Smith, the laws of God were lowered to the earth. The entire plan did not reach maturity, however, for upon his tragic death, he was killed by a lynch mob for being a con man. Mostly, the order again degenerated under the leadership of his successor who chose to isolate the church instead of drawing together all the peoples of all religions and denominations under the one government of God. Pretty cool, pretty cool that God came down to break the chains of slavery in the 1860s.
Starting point is 00:39:08 But really fucking not cool at all, that he first let slavery exist in the US. And the colonies that proceeded the US for over 400 fucking years. This should always kill me, right? God ends this war, or whatever ends this other tragedy. You know, God ends this famine, God ends this plague. And if you believe that,
Starting point is 00:39:26 and you're able to employ some logic, don't you also have to believe that the same God allowed the war, famine, plague, et cetera, to occur in the first place? It seems a little fucked up, but that's, yeah, that's a devil. That's a devil, Tinkerin' Around.
Starting point is 00:39:39 And it's Risen Joseph and Honours Abe, while Christ leaves, and then Christian of Enter, aka Quantum Leap Christ, is back on Earth in 1932. But again, sometimes he doesn't leave earth. According to one member who would give her statement to the FBI years later, this is how she was told Christ became the master.
Starting point is 00:39:55 The master actually came from a very beautiful place, the Mette Verde Valley, below Mount Everest in Nepal, India. We know it as the Valley of the Masters. He arrived there in a great big rocket ship. There's just people not as long as, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, he, yeah, the rocket ship. From the planet Neil for eighties a long time ago, he is ageless. If you go to the valley, you can still see the rocket ship. Some day the master will take all of his flock to sea. It is still there. I was trying to figure out how fucking wide our eyes are when she's saying this. I just feel there.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yes. Oh, yeah, the rocket ship. Definitely have a rocket ship there. Is it? I guess it might be there since the Meta Verde Valley is not a real fucking place, right? A made up place. Sounds like a good place to keep a made up spaceship. She continues.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Master Christian, it came to America on March 29, 1932. He got here by using teleportation, something only he knows about. Because people in this country need identification, he took the name of a man called, uh, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania was not a very good man. When the master took Pennsylvania's name, he gave him the name of Jensen and made him a better man. That's what happened though.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Some people may not believe it. Yeah, by some people fucking almost all of the world. The poor poor FBI agents who had to pretend to take this seriously and write it on. Oh, okay. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:41:18 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,, you know, Mormon lines as I mentioned, the whole male, kids, and next stuff. There were 12 apostles who, with Krishna as president of the nonprofit corporation, would rule the order. The remainder of the membership would exist below their authority. And as I mentioned, all members will be required to donate any and all wealth they possess to the organization. Originally, the central tenancy of this community emphasized chastity, honesty, and good works, as well as brotherly love. Nobody in the community was allowed to make passes at the other sex only after a marriage
Starting point is 00:41:51 approved by the master. Excuse me. Would they be allowed to have sex? They were taught to live by 11 core rules to forget the outside world. That's the first. To become familiar with the inside workings of oneself to become unified with one another spiritually, mentally and physically to forget self. God, they're a lot of shit, Dad, I forget. They don't forget the outside world
Starting point is 00:42:15 and forget themselves. That's a big ask, right? Forget anything that might raise red flags about what we're doing here. Five, to create a desire within oneself toward higher spiritual equality. Six to obtain wisdom. Seven to search for understanding and all things. Eight, to face problems without thought of escape. Nine to become absorbed in love. Toward all things. Seen and unseen.
Starting point is 00:42:38 And so fulfill the laws of God. Ten, to let the spirit descend upon you. And finally, eleven, to become teachers, not in the world, but in the fountain that all men who come out of the world shall found comfort in our midst This is all very problematic Interpretation of these rules will be used to somehow justify whatever Christian wants to do. Oh, you're angry with me for fucking your wife Okay, somebody forgot the rules. Please refer to rule number seven, search for understanding, not in some things, but in all things.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Now please show yourself back out of the room and shut the door so I can finish knocking your wives back out and I bid you a do. The fountain also had predictions for the future, of course he did. Event to prophesied, or proph prophesied an imminent cataclysm with the master's projected flock of 144,000 guaranteed to be saved. Cult 101 shit, right? The end is near. Do not be afraid, though, children. Say with me, when I will show you the
Starting point is 00:43:37 light and save you, a vented preets that the 144,000 will be drawn from all nations, all races, all colors, all creeds, men, women and children. And this number wouldn't change of a million people, five million, 10 million people joined the fountain. They would still only be the 144K elect. This comes from interpretation of the book of Revelation chapter seven, verse four, 144,000 of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed. And again, in Revelation 14, one, then I looked and behold on Mount Zion stood the lamb and with him 144,000 who had his name and his father's name written on their foreheads
Starting point is 00:44:13 and it shows up at least one additional time in biblical scripture. The Jehovah's Witnesses, another cult, in my opinion after doing an episode on them, they've placed this same emphasis on this number. They believe that exactly 144,000 faithful Christians from Pentecost of 33 AD until the present day will be resurrected to heaven as immortal spirit beings
Starting point is 00:44:32 to spend eternity with God and Christ, which has to make you more and more nervous, as the time goes on, because the longer time goes on, you're like, fuck, there's a lot of people in the world. There's more and more billions of billions of people, so many have died. Oh, I's just constantly get lower year by year than I'm going to be one of the 144K. They believe these people are
Starting point is 00:44:51 anointed by God to become part of the spiritual Israel of God. And the witnesses, you know, they've been making a bunch of doomsday predictions earlier in the century when the master was putting this all together, right? He again, studied all kinds of belief systems and would pull a little from each to build his own theology. The master predicted for a period of 40 years beginning to 1965, while destructive and devastating forces of evil in circle the earth. They will receive spiritual mental and physical training from master Krishna himself within the newly formed order of the male kizdek. he kind of timed that out right to make it to 1995 like he be fucking super old Right 95 well, that's super super old, but but pretty well so like he could have a good run with his cult and not worry about a failed doom's day prediction
Starting point is 00:45:37 So what were these destructive and devastating forces? Well the coming cataclysm would be interesting It would begin with the racially motivated civil war in the West, particularly in, particularly in America, where black Americans would rise up and bloodily vanquish all the whites with aid from Russia. Mm-hmm. Then the traitorous Russians would turn around and conquer the black Americans and try and take over the world and maybe kind of succeed for a while. Here's an excerpt of his actual teachings. When Russia takes over the world, she will immediately succeed for a while. Here's an excerpt of his actual teachings. When Russia takes over the world, she will immediately set up 10 puppet governments in 10 sections of the world and will place upon those thrones a form of a king.
Starting point is 00:46:14 The 10 kings shall reign for approximately 41 years. After a 44-year period, the 144,000 elect will go out into the world without guns or ammunition of any kind to protect them. Many will lose their lives, but in that moment they will have gained their lives. They will have received a greater reward. For he who loses his life, for my name's sake, shall gain it. Those ten kings who served with the beast will see the atrocities which are being committed upon the spiritual people who have no means of protecting themselves.
Starting point is 00:46:43 This will awaken the ten kings to the laws of God and cause them to remember How much better it was when there was religious freedom? Haven't received the power from the beast They should are their power from the beast. They shall now rise up to destroy the power which doesn't slave the people and Peace shall reign on earth How much time do you think old christian put into that prediction hour maybe two hours? Our those 10 kings gonna destroy the beast by the way. Fucking thoughts and prayers, nukes, nunchucks.
Starting point is 00:47:09 How does this all tie back into the master's cult? Well, essentially the Christian's followers, after spending the war tucked away snugly in a safe place, they're going to hide out and be like the only fucking people, the white members, the black people didn't kill. They'll reemerge from a secret valley protected by magic or some shit. Once the 10 kings have been woken up and they'll help conquer the Russians and build a shiny new world of equality, religious freedom and peace for all with Christian eventa in his
Starting point is 00:47:36 rightful place as world Messiah. Totally. His prediction being made of course during the rampant up of the Cold War. So yeah, the Russians are going to be, you know, primary focus. They're going to be pitted as forces of the devil in an American Colts predictions. He just took what people were currently afraid of based on world events and woe of some old biblical mumbo jumbo into that, right? And then some other fucking theosophy and some new age stuff by the time made the old fear the new fear. New age stuff by by the time made the old fear the new fear Also evolved the sounds a lot like Helter Skelter right the apocalyptic future preached by Charles Manson Well, it is pretty familiar. It seems that Chuck would later adapt the silly bullshit into his own teachings
Starting point is 00:48:14 And we will reconnect with Manson just for a moment towards the end of the timeline Uh, speaking of the time limit. Let's head into today's Right after a quick sponsor break into today's right after a quick sponsor break. Thank you for listening to today's sponsors and now we will get into our time suck timeline. Shrap on those boots, soldier. We're marching down a time suck timeline. line. Francis Frank Herman Pensavik, born to Jewish immigrants in San Francisco on March 29th, 1911, something of a historical enigma to his followers who will become known as Christian eventa, master Christian eventa, or more simply as just the master, easily a top 10 nickname, by the way, the master.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Hard to top that one. As we already heard about the crazy back story, or excuse me, and we already heard about the crazy back story he gave himself, but when it comes to the real Francis, Pennsylvania, we don't know anything about his childhood. We know his mother was mod, Buzonbach, is her maiden name, born Utah, his father, Albert Pennsylvania, Jewish immigrant from Romania. And that's it. It's fairly calm with cold leaders, the less people know about your real history, the easier
Starting point is 00:49:29 it is for you to invent some history. When he was 25, yet we don't know anything about his first 25 years. When he was 25, Francis got married to Lucille Webster in 1936. And they will have two children together, a son, Vaughn, Christina, Pensavik, and a daughter LaVella, Avaughn, Pensavik. In 1941, 1942, so jumping ahead here, five, six years, he was employed at the shipyards in Oakland, California as a timekeeper. Also in 1941, arrested for sending threatening letters to president Roosevelt. But then later released. I wasn't new to those letters said. That
Starting point is 00:50:10 info seems to be lost to history. Early indication of mental illness, perhaps. I don't think too many sane people send threatening letters to president. Mr. President, Tizai, knew Jesus, but really all Jesus. I demand you announced me as King, question of answer. Jesus, but really, oh Jesus, I demand you announce me as King, question of answer Jesus guy immediately. Do not make me smite you. Maybe wrote something like that. 1942, he'll be sentenced to nine months in Santa Paula for issuing bad checks placed on three years probation, sent to the state mental hospital and stocked in for observation. It's probably mentally. There are also a variety of other charges, panhandling, begging theft among them on his criminal record. Lucille and Francis get divorced in 1944 and it seems like it was Lucille's call. Guessing she didn't care for his, you know, criminality and mental instability,
Starting point is 00:50:56 especially back in the days before decent mental health treatment. Assuming she didn't want to be married to someone sending threatening letters to the president stuff. Around this time, Francis is working as a machinist helper for $75 a week. Lucille gets custody of their kids who are now six and four Francis ordered to pay $20 per month for support of each kid. He made one payment, entered the army, authorized an allotment for his children. The Department of Defense actually obligated by law to make sure child support payments are made. And then he's discharged for an unknown reason from the army in 1945. Now he stops making child support payments. Lucille has to get governmental support
Starting point is 00:51:32 from Alameda County where they lived, Francis moved to Salt Lake City, where he had been before as an iterant worker. This time he finds different reasons to stick around a new love interest, and her name is Ruth, and she will give him six children, and she knew that his morals were unique to put it mildly, but she didn't care. She will later say to the assistant district attorney investigating Christian events, love is the most beautiful idea
Starting point is 00:51:55 in our language. Evil is to those who evil think. The master was a much misunderstood man. I know him to be a person of high moral quality, but only in the way he understood the term. Man, what a bunch of bullshit rationalization there. A bunch of word salad nonsense. Evil is to those who evil think, what the fuck's that even mean? Means nothing.
Starting point is 00:52:18 I bet she intends it to mean that the master was so transcendent, subjective morality constructs, like good and evil, just didn't apply to him. He's above it or was you know Because he was so good so pure so spiritually evolved anything he did you know was good because he did it Evil wasn't a thought in his mind not even a possibility And that's the kind of shit that megalomaniacs who definitely do evil shit from time to time and tell themselves She continues the difficulty is making the outside world understand that your idea of what is moral or is not may not be the same as theirs.
Starting point is 00:52:47 A child is a creation of love. How can anyone say there could be anything evil or wrong in the creation of a child? The master was all wise and all knowing. He could not have committed in a moral act. What about, let me start a question now for your Ruth. What about rape? That act creates children. So in rape, let's say an especially violent gang rape leads to a beautiful child is the act then absolved of any evilness or wrongness? That Ruth wouldn't have a good answer for that question. Man, cult members. So good at, you know, just rationalizing the irrational. Not long after these two fucking ding-dongs get married, the cult con begins. But Francis doesn't immediately start calling himself Jesus. I gotta fucking sit on that for a second.
Starting point is 00:53:28 He speaks in Provo, Utah, on June 24th, 1946, as Dr. Francis Pensovic. He's a doctor now. You fucking dim wit front butt dump. Dr. and what? Well, the mysteries of life, motherfucker. Where did you go to school? God's school for chosen prophets.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Don't even worry about it. Don't even look for it. You can't find it. God's school for chosen profits finds you. France's lecture on the secrets of the future, the powers of mental telepathy, of course, how to gain health, wealth, happiness, and on the great secrets of India. Man, so much! What a bargain! What a bargain! Man, people will go into that lecture. Gosh gosh do they get a lot of bang for their buck You want to learn how to be perfectly healthy? How to speak only with your mind? How to always be happy you want to quickly become wealthy well just fucking come to my lecture I'll teach you to manifest all
Starting point is 00:54:18 He claimed to be one of the great masters of the Meta Verda sometimes it says in sources mess m, mace averda valley or meta-verda valley, it's fucking, it's not a real place. He said it was a place in the Himalayas that existed some 26,000 years ago before the fall of Atlantis, which I think even the timeline there is a little off of the Atlantic. But anyway, Madame Lovatsky, again, she would feel so proud or ripped off. Three days later, he gives a similar speech in Ogden, Utah under the nickname, or name, now of Christian eventa. And he will now go by versions of that for the rest of his life, right?
Starting point is 00:54:53 You don't need the title of doctor when you are the master. In Florida, he gets, makes it over to Florida, he starts bouncing around the world now. Just, you know, him and his, in Ruth driving around. We don't know exactly how he got his money, swindling people somehow to get it. I'm assuming, uh, and he, and Florida, the papers make fun of him calling the Bronx swami. I see, he was telling people he had a, he was from India, but had an accent. So American that is Eastern origin story held no water. I'm not sure why they assigned, uh, the Bronx to him there as he was born on the West
Starting point is 00:55:24 coast, but I don't know. Maybe, maybe he had a Bronx accent at that point. Late 1947, David Lacks from his parents go to a lecture given by Christian Aventa in Worcester, Massachusetts. At this point, Christian is not wearing robes yet. His hair is short. David stayed at home, but when his parents got back, they told him about how they were impressed by Christian stories of landing in a spaceship and type, robes yet his hair is short. David stayed at home, but when his parents got back, they
Starting point is 00:55:45 told him about how they were impressed by Christian stories of landing in a spaceship and tie bet. Oh, fucking sad. If that's what your parents, you know, come back from a lecture and tell you, Oh, man, this is such a good lecture. I especially love the part about how this guy landed in a spaceship and tie bet. This was nothing new to David. His parents had long been interested in eccentric religious practices, theosophy and hella, hellenoblovatsky, especially, of course. And David, sounds like he did not win the Parenthoodery. They keep going to lectures where they meet a couple named Gertie and Rudy Blazer.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Initially, the Blazers, they wanted to start up a splinter group based on Krishna's teachings and Massachusetts, but they'll later decide to go to California and see what the group forming there is all about. Christian event that will change his name to Christian event illegally and officially found his new religious society, the WKFL fountain in 1948. WKFL stood for wisdom knowledge, faith and love.
Starting point is 00:56:37 The core tenants of the community. And again, what a nice little acronym. How could anything bad happen in a group name? Wisdom knowledge, faith and love. That's a good group. That's not a bad group with a bad acronym like Dick, right? DeBotsary ignorance, Cunt Punching and Kid Diddling.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Fucking no one wants to sign up for Dick. You know, you don't sign up for the Dick fountain. That's fucking terrible, who stay far away from Dick fountain. Later Frank Jesus would tell a newspaper where his idea for his name came from. He would say he got the name when he was appeared in a nativity play. In the Christmas season 1948.
Starting point is 00:57:14 And the quote is we were singing peace on earth goodwill toward men. When I suddenly realized that the world did not have peace. And there was little goodwill. That didn't occur to him until he was fucking 37 years old. He didn't think about how the world didn't have peace a few years earlier when World War II was raging. Why are God's chosen prophets usually so fucking dumb? Another member of the Nativity Cast,
Starting point is 00:57:39 who would become known as brother Jean, said he had the same experience. So we got two geniuses and the two men made a vow to develop their lives to service. And Colt is born. Frank continued lecturing to gather converts traveling from San Antonio to Denver, then Chicago this year, shortly after the group becomes official, they already have about a hundred members and all of them will be residing in a massive home maintained by the fountain at Kanoga Park in Ventura County.
Starting point is 00:58:04 They have a communal system of living. They put into place quickly. Nobody's working a regular job on the outside, at least for a little while. All food, clothing, medical care provided by the society, funds obtained, of course, by new members who transfer all their property to the society upon admittance. And the reginations made by people who were associated with the Colp, but didn't live on the compound. They didn't want to give away everything.
Starting point is 00:58:23 They want to live on the compound, but they like what they're doing over there. So the Throne of Money. 1949, Krishna and 60 of his closest accolites moved to a Glenin Box Canyon where their little Colt remained for about two decades. A narrow parcel near the Chatsworth Reservoir in the Santa Susanna Mountains of Simi Valley, about 30 miles north of downtown LA.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Soon stranded motorists along Ribbon Thin Box Canyon Road began noticing a new and strange phenomenon. Kind, mysterious people barefoot and wearing robes of varying colors will emerge from the brush offering a four wheel drive tow truck if needed. And how weird would that be to experience, right? Your car breaks down, your flat tire, whatever. Several miles from a place you can fix it in the days before cell phones. And you're like, Oh, damn it. God, I hope I'm not stuck here forever.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Oh, please God send someone to help me. Anyone in that a bunch of fucking barefoot, profit-looking mother fuckers, just kind of wander out of the bushes. Anita Han brother. March 14th, 1949, a London newspaper will report the Christian event. It has a million followers and he doesn't. Not even close. This is some PR bullshit he has uh... still about a hundred there's report coincides with his arrival in england where he stays in a suite in the west end
Starting point is 00:59:34 that costs seventy pounds a week and excerpt for the article red Christian eventa american religious philosopher hailed by more than a million followers throughout the world no uh... as christian the second coming, arrived at Shannon Airport from New York on a visit to London, Copenhagen, Paris and Rome. He was barefooted and dressed in saffron yellow biblical robes. His wife Ruth was dressed in a nuns habit of coral pink, and she wore peep toe sandals. In England, Frank Jesus went on a lecture tour reading from his beable and telling attendees that the last time he was in England was 1900 years ago.
Starting point is 01:00:09 That's cool. This recruiting trip, like all his trips paid for by the foundation helped him also escape ongoing legal battles with his ex-wife in California. That's one of the hardest things about being a prophet and fucking ex-wife legal battles. He wasn't paying child support still for his first two kids. Same day he arrived in London, a court in California ruled on his case that a parent may not evade the obligation
Starting point is 01:00:32 to support his minor children by refusing for religious reasons to seek or accept gainful employment. Trying to fight it. Saying the foundation had only $300 on hand and over $400 in bills do that month. Did they only have that amount of money? I mean, they did have enough money to fucking send him and his wife to London and Copenhagen
Starting point is 01:00:50 and Paris and, you know, what not. And he said that he was gainfully employed, just not legally, because he was a spiritual leader and to take a gainful employment outside of his religious teachings would be to back out on a vow to serve God. Court didn't buy this. They're like, yeah, how you shut the fuck up? I just heard everything. He said, uh, how about you shut the fuck up and just pay your child support.
Starting point is 01:01:12 And he was charged with contempt of court. Uh, again, actually, he'd been charged with contempt of court back in January. The verdict was that although freedom of conscience and freedom to believe are absolute, the freedom to act is not. The constitution does not compel the subordination of the statutory duty of a parent to support his child to a rule of religious conduct prohibiting gainful employment. Yep. The court maintained that he had to pay his multi-child support for Vaughan, Christina, Pennsylvania, now his now 18 year old son, who was currently a pre-law student at Oakland Junior and Levella Avaugh on Pensavik his 16 year old daughter who was a student at the McKinley
Starting point is 01:01:48 school. But Krishna did not pay, not right away. He was out on his cult-funded European tour where he felt he didn't have to answer to anyone. March 20th, paying attention to none of the courtship. Krishna Venta arrives at the Torsalanda airport in Goultonburg, Sweden and Sweden he is heavily ridiculed and and cuts his stage shorts. So good on the sweets on his next stop in Italy He's more than just ridiculed. He's he's threatened with bodily attack and leaves early out of you know fear for his safety
Starting point is 01:02:22 Nice Get out of the fucking area. Here. The Italian man da fucker, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, Ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, ade, to show waiting reporters, Clippians from his triumphant tour that didn't really happen. You know, papers would write about his rival
Starting point is 01:02:46 and you'd use that as proof of success. As he stood on the steps of the airplane, he looked down and said, I may as well say it. I am Christ. Nice. To hell with the devil. And then he continued to lie,
Starting point is 01:03:03 he sat off telling reporters in Rome, 10,000 people met me. I had a police escort. 10,000 people didn't meet him. And then he continued to lie his ass off telling reporters in Rome. 10,000 people met me. I had a police escort. 10,000 people didn't meet him. And you may have had a police escort because the few people that did show up wanted to beat the shut up. Mother's held their babies in the crowd waiting for my blessing.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Uh-huh. When asked he admitted begrudgingly that he did not get the audience with the Pope he hoped for, apparently the Pope was too busy, but did mention this wasn't his first trip to Vatican City. Now he'd been there back around 600 CE when he would been the honored guest of Pope Leona. Who? Pope Gregory, the first was the Pope in 600 CE. So, okay, at this point the reporter started to bait him, right, because they probably a little more familiar with history than him and they know these bullshit. And they wonder how he obtained a birth certificate wonder how how he obtained a birth certificate how did he obtain a birth certificate of use that old
Starting point is 01:03:49 he says well now i'll tell you i used a passport issued in the name of frank pensivic he was a boy who disappeared in san francisco at the age of three and then he just kind of son through a way in his robe by the beginning of the summer frank jesus would be in jail for non-supporting his first kids We know the exact dates he was incarcerated, but we know he was out by July because on the morning of July 12th 1949 standard airlines flight 897 are leaves Albuquerque, New Mexico at 424 a.m. Local time, which is a fucking weird time for flight to leave And was in route to Lockheed air terminal in Burmick At 736 a.m. C-46 was cleared to land, while descending through patchy fog,
Starting point is 01:04:28 the right wing struck the side of the hill. The July 13th, 1949, LA Times reported that shortly before the crash, a fist fight had broken out between two men on board. That's exciting. Survivors later said that the fight was not the cause of the crash, the pilot was just flying too low. Regardless of the reason the plane crashed, the plane cartwheeled into the mountainside at 140 miles an hour and some people were not surprised that this happened prior to the crash. Standard
Starting point is 01:04:52 aligns had been scheduled to be shut down. The July 13th, 1949, LA Times reported standard airlines of Long Beach recently had been ordered by the Civil Aeronautics Board to wind up its business by July 20th for regulation violations. In a regular, non-scheduled carrier, it charged only $113 for cross-country fare as opposed to a scheduled airline charge of $100 a year. So they just like put together fucking random flights taking off at different times and they sound like they weren't real good at flying. Sounds like a weird ass airline.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Did the CIA own them? Was this main purpose like drug smuggling or something? At the time it happened, the crash with Southern California's deadliest aviation accidents of the original 48 passengers only 15 survived. 35 were killed including two infants. Don't know about the guy's fist fighting. I'm guessing they probably didn't make it
Starting point is 01:05:39 since they weren't in their seat with their seat belts on. On the hillside, the injured lay screaming in pain alongside the dead and dying. In an August 2nd, 1999, Los Angeles time story, survivor Karen Marsh remembered after climbing out of the wreckage, she said she thought for a moment she had died because men and long robes were walking around her, angels, perhaps, but they were not angels amongst the burnt wreckage of the plane was Krishna himself. Directing evacuations in his bare feet and robes.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Coltmembers followed taking his orders. What a fucking weird moment that would be. To survive a plane crash. And then when you come to a bunch of Coltmembers are around you wearing weird robes, you know, long beards, long hair. Do not be afraid, little children. Tis eye. Jesus Frank, Krishna master guy, the one who was
Starting point is 01:06:26 returned was foretold in the people. If you have ever read the people, if you're not, I bring his teachings to you now. The press had a field they'd taken pictures of the cult members in the long robes as they battled the flames and removed burned bodies from the wreckage. Yeah, I bet they did. Early times reported, many were startled as they neared the Christine to see solemn bearded, coarse-robed men waving them on. The volunteer traffic officers were disciples of Christian eventa, a self-styled Christ, who maintains a monastery
Starting point is 01:06:55 in a stone house in Box Canyon, only a few hundred yards from the disaster scene. Christian eventa in one disciple, brother Paul Paul wearing brown and blue robes respectively worked actively to extricate the victims bodies. They strode unflinchingly across the rock strewn terrain in their bare feet. They would then go on to visit the victims of their hospital beds providing comfort. I'm sure a lot of laughs for the doctors and nurses because of the surreal situation. Look magazine we published a four page pictorial title. California's offbeat religions. We love you. They love them. And that would introduce the nation to the WKFL found in the world. Really wish their name would have been Dick fountain instead, but whatever. The article said that the group's adult members came from all corners of life, from day
Starting point is 01:07:38 laborers to white collar professionals. And they worked six days a week tending to a small herd of goats and sheep, harvesting furrows that grew their mainly, you know, herbivorous diet, or baking homemade bread on outdoor wood stoves, children were communally raised and schooled. So trippy that all this is going on about 25 miles from Burbank, and just two miles from the edge of the San Fernando Valley.
Starting point is 01:08:02 The article quoted a woman named Elder Nikona, who described a foot washing ceremony called this completed at the end of the San Fernando Valley. The article quoted a woman named Elder Nikona who described a foot washing ceremony cult as completed at the end of each day. She would say, I love this. They did this to show humility in biblical times, so we do it today. When asked to explain, I guess it'd be, Biblical in Biblical times.
Starting point is 01:08:20 When asked to explain why cold members were always barefoot, she said, a radio has to be grounded. So it should be with humans. I mean, we're not radios, but okay, by walking barefoot, static electricity generated in the body is carried off. Persons who wear shoes very often pick up a tremendous amount of static electricity and as a result have nervous breakdowns. Totally, totally.
Starting point is 01:08:43 My therapist is often talking to me about this. You know, if I talk about feeling overwhelmed, too much going on, she's like, are you still wearing shoes? And then, then, you gotta get ready to choose, buddy. If you care about your mental health, look up anyone who's ever had a nervous breakdown. And you will find one thing they all have in common, and that is shoes. What if it really was that easy to feel better? Like how great of mental health afflictions
Starting point is 01:09:07 could be, you know, just solved cured with solutions like this. It reminds me of Dr. Merritt W. Terrell's medical advice from episode 290, the Amish Killer Edward Gingrich, right? The guy who wanted to cure Ed Skitsifrenia by pulled on his toes literally in some kind of chiropractic way and also having him drink blackstrap molasses. Right?
Starting point is 01:09:25 If only. The bad news is that you're clinically depressed and that's why you've been listless and burdened with suicidal ideation. The good news is that you can be easily cured by wearing mittens for at least an hour a week. Your hands are too exposed to the elements. You have to take them a little bit and you'll never feel bad again. Oh, I can see how you're riddled with paralyzing anxiety, how terrible, but we can knock anxiety out real quick. Your belt's too tight. Tight belts, one and only cause
Starting point is 01:09:56 of all anxiety. Just take it down a notch and immediately you'll be overcome with peace and tranquility. Thanks to this article in Look magazine, a couple of other articles, the Colt members quickly gained a reputation as being gentle, kind, humanitarian. One of the Colt members, who went by Priest Charles, oh, Priest Chuck, was also quoted as having said, people driving narrow box Canyon Road are always running into a ditch. We have a four wheel drive tow truck
Starting point is 01:10:20 and come to the rate, what's he did? This article also helped them gain a little attention for being, you know, they'll fucking crazy. The whole nervous breakdown, shit was nuts. Aside from their humanitarian efforts and mental health advice, the cult also held plays for their community on Saturday nights. They prayed eight saying together every morning and night, peace Charles proudly said, we also make excellent homemade bread on outdoor stoves with woodcoals for heat.
Starting point is 01:10:42 So yeah, if I can come for the bread, stay for the play. Also in July of 1949, the Lax from family from Massachusetts whom we met earlier arrives at Box Canyon. The family consisted of the parents, Rubin and Elsa, both 52, David 20, his brother Peter 17 and sister Sylvia 15. A strange group of people greeted them, including Tony, a medical student on sabbatical, Ruth and her children. Any young man named Peter Kaminoff, who appeared to be an especially fanatical Christian follower, will track his story more than many of the others today. Silvia was quickly drafted into taking care of Christian on Ruth's kids. Elsa started helping run the household chores and cooking. All of them would live in different rooms. At the time progressed, there would be little money to support this group, though, and they
Starting point is 01:11:25 would start to not enjoy their stay as much. Ruben had to get a job at the Van Nies airport. David got a night job at radio plane, wherever that was, to help bring in money. August 30, 1949, Christian event to make a stop in Portland, Oregon. He and Ruth, or they will visit the mayor. Mayor Lee will entertain them. And they will tell him they're looking for the nation's most righteous city.
Starting point is 01:11:48 And you know what? Portland was not it. Sorry, Portland. Work on your fucking righteousness. Okay. Maybe try and read up on your beable for once. Another failed trip when he got back. Christian event announced that he had found some lost money in Las Vegas though
Starting point is 01:12:09 More in Vegas later. It's pretty good. A bunch of people were not happy with him for leaving so long But the money combined with Krishna reading a lengthy passage of John from the Bible pretending to leave him I guess kind of soothed them Not longer after his return a young woman named Jean Bates. He was attending high school with Peter Lachstrom David's little brother told David that she saw the master, fucking the mom of a teenage boy who lived in the group. And also mentioned that the master was pretty well endowed. So that's interesting. I wonder how many cult leaders have big dicks, right?
Starting point is 01:12:36 Maybe some of that big dick energy helps them lead. I mean, I would think if you had a big dick, you'd be more interested in spreading it around to a lot of cult members and getting that validation as opposed to having a tiny dick. I don't know. Off to do a study. January of 1950 Christian event, a return from yet another trip this time to Chicago called a meeting for each member to make a choice.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Would they go into serve the spiritual path, follow him, or the material path, the way of the world? And apparently this backfired a bit, about half. I wanted to follow him on the spiritual path the way of the world. And apparently this backfire a bit about half wanted to follow him on the spiritual path. But while the other half are like, I don't know, I kind of like stuff here on earth. July 1950, the Laks trams have had enough. The parents, Elson Rubin, they've been working for the last six months now to make enough money hiding it to head back to Massachusetts, which they finally did. God, good for them though. I mean, they had to be tough.
Starting point is 01:13:25 They had to give all their shit to him when they got there, seldom placed. I'm sure all that stuff. And then, but then they were like, you know what, just because we were pot committed, we're not gonna follow that sunk cost fallacy and just continue making more bad decisions because we made a previously bad one.
Starting point is 01:13:40 But the time they leave, David Foley believes the Christian event is a hypocrite who just wants attention and pussy. Meanwhile, Ruth and master Frank, Jesus are now south of the border doing more recruiting. They're always in and out. They'll come to the compound a little bit, right? You know, fuck a bunch of members, wives, and then, well, he will. And then they sneak around for more recruiting to find more wives to fuck, more money to come in and fund their bullshit. Ruth and Krishna find themselves in Guatemala, Nicaragua, in October of 1950.
Starting point is 01:14:04 They return from South America America March of 1951. So this is quite a trip. No word on how successful or not their recruiting efforts were probably not very good. Something that they're mostly just getting to travel around the world, see much cool places on the cold's dime. While the cold raises their kids back home
Starting point is 01:14:19 and you know, keeps their little operation going. This year, Krishna incorporates the fountain. It'll be governed by a board of directors and officers, but he will be the treasurer and, of course, spiritual leader, the master. Nobody will get an official salary. Their tax exemption status will be filed with the state of California in December.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Also, Alameda County will institute criminal proceedings against Krishna at this time. They find him guilty of non-support, ordered him to pay $20 per month for each kid, again, $10 in addition per month for each kid, again $10 in addition per month for back support, for back child support, this fucker. It is the fun, it's a galvanja around the globe, but can't be bothered to send $20 a month in child support.
Starting point is 01:14:54 His ex-wife will now get some of the money, you know, for a few months because, you know, Krishna's probation officer through Alameda County is making sure of that. And that's sure why the kids are still getting it, by the way, since they're both 18 or older now, son's 20 is $1.18. But again, some of the sources on this, I don't know if I totally trust like the ages. The cold moves into its final location, further up Box Canyon, August 27th, 1951. In the beginning, they live in tents while Christian are Ruth, their boys installed themselves in one of the numerous sandstone caves found in the area. So they live in tents while Christian are Ruth, their boys installed themselves in one of the numerous sandstone caves
Starting point is 01:15:27 found in the area. So the living caves now eventually the group build several sturdy edifices from materials glean from the surrounding creeks and hillsides including segregated dormitories two-story dining hall and administration center and again they did a pretty cool job of building stuff from local material oak trees grew through the ceilings of two of the buildings the jewel of commune, stone walled monastery built by pilgrims as it tribute to their master. And from what I can tell a poke around, it doesn't seem these buildings exist, or if they do, they're on private property, and the people aren't promoting like, hey, come, come fucking, you know, hop my fence and jump my yard and check out these old buildings. September of 1951, Frank Jesus will take off
Starting point is 01:16:04 to Denver for a month, solo recruiting trip. Maybe some ladies there, he would like to introduce his beable, Christian of Prophet Trauzers snake to 1952. The foundation will pay for Christian and some other members to take trips to 54 different cities to study fire equipment in fire departments and advance the cause of the society. Now, this is the thing. They really were trying to figure out how to, you know, use firefighting to their advantage now, you know, to double down on their little firefighter. They do, they visit Seattle, Washington, the winner of 1952 for, I don't know, I guess, fire studies and also for some evangelical work. Their presence in the Emerald City is first announced
Starting point is 01:16:41 by a two-column eight-inch advertisement in both of Seattle's primary newspapers at that time. The ad contained a photograph of a bearded man in the long robe, resembling the traditional depictions of Jesus Christ. Besides the picture of the words, we believe this is Christ, the begotten son of God. What more can we say? Listen to the words of Christ. And then there was a time and place for, you know, public appearance listed below. At that public appearance, January 20th, 1952, crowd of around 300 people gathered.
Starting point is 01:17:09 How many of them were actually interested in joining up with Krishna? How many of them were just there at a curiosity hard to say? At least one of the people attending just curious. William R. Catton Jr. was a professor at the University of North Carolina who later published a paper about this experience and his subsequent study of this group called, What Kind of People Does A Religious Call to Tract? It'll be published in 1957. A catman would go to several more meetings, even approached Krishna directly with the tape recorder and questions for the members. He had it in some questionnaires. Most of the attendees he observed were mental to lower class with an equal number of men and women most all of them white
Starting point is 01:17:45 His questionnaire would show that they came from just about every denomination Christianity Baptist Catholic Christian scientists Congregational Episcopal Greek Orthodox Jehovah's Witness Latter-day Saint Lutheran and Some non-Christians that like mental science Methodist Pentecostal Quaker Seventh-day Adventist Unitarian and the list went on mental science, Methodist, Pentecostal Quaker, Seventh-day Adventist, Unitarian, and the list went on. Mental science was probably an aspect of what was called the New Thought Movement, a blend of ancient philosophy, Buddhism, Christian principles,
Starting point is 01:18:14 occultism, early 20th century psychology, a bunch of new age principles and more. It would take quite a while to fully explain. There's no real degree upon core theology for this spiritual movement that started in the mid 19th century, just a lot of little splinter groups basing their beliefs on the teachings of Phineas, Quimby, and people he influenced. Phineas could be a topic in his own right. He was a clockmaker, mentalist, mesmerist, theologian, and supposed healer. He was a really smart guy. He was also a huge fucking wackadoodle grifton quack
Starting point is 01:18:51 Contemporary many ways to hell and I will ask you some of Quimby's teachings heavily influenced the founding of the Christian science movement and Other lesser known religious and spiritual belief systems Man history truly no shortage of spiritual leaders Supposedly reinventing the wheel somehow, but really just peddling the same old same old During the first Christian discernment he witnessed cat and the professor observed that the presentation was conducted by several disciples dressed in plain robes and bare feet. They don't have no spray towels in the middle of this. We're in Beards and Longhair and embrace each member of the audience as they enter. Coat coat coat.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Oh, the master is preparing. One of them called Peter gave a quiet lengthy introduction to the master who made a dramatic entrance. And then in an hour long lecture, he reprimanded the crowd for having paid him very little attention, 1900 years earlier, when Jesus was crucified.
Starting point is 01:19:37 I don't know, these people deserve to be reprimanded. I mean, they weren't alive during that time, but I get it, but I get it being salty about it. I mean, if I was nailed to a cross and left a rot in the sun for a few days, all to help the world's souls get to heaven. And still most people don't respect me when I fucking show back up. I probably pretty pissed too. A Christian said that his present mission was the gathering of the elect and not to save souls. Then there was a Q&A section and through a couple, and though a couple of people did make fun of him, I wish I knew exactly what they said a
Starting point is 01:20:06 bunch of others seemed to be listening intensely at the second meeting the following evening January 21st The dramatic entrance of the master was unexpectedly interrupted by the minister of the liberal church in which the meeting was held The minister said he had just discovered the night before that Krishna was not who he says he was and had a lengthy criminal record. And Krishna was asked to leave, take your people and get out of my church. Frank Jesus, Christian master guy replied to finally before he left. He was being persecuted by so-called Christians. And then some members of the audience started yelling out at him saying he was not Jesus. They had Bible verses to prove it.
Starting point is 01:20:42 One person yelled, if you're really the Christ show us the scars of your crucifixion. All right, that's one thing you could yell. However, if you really were some kind of immortal walk the earth for centuries, Highlander Christ, would you still have scars or would your body constantly heal itself and keep your skin perfect?
Starting point is 01:20:57 There's lots of think about when it comes to how you would look. If you'd been around for over 1900 years and human body, but also were a deity. I think a more practical test, at least to start with, would be for Jesus' Frank to prove he spoke numerous languages fluently, right, like Ayrmick. That's the language like OG Jesus, supposedly spoke. So, you know, or Latin, if this dude was bouncing
Starting point is 01:21:17 around the world in the first few centuries, he definitely had to have spoken Latin or Sanskrit over in India something. He didn't speak American English the whole time. All right. English didn't begin to develop as a language at all until the 5th century. The third meeting took place January 27th, 1952. All the cat and said was that it dealt with prophecy. Hmm. Frank Jesus must have encountered a lot less kickback from the crowd. I wonder if he spoke of Skidmark. There would be a powerful prophetess, Skidmark, who along with Prince Jeffrey will bring
Starting point is 01:21:48 about to New Age at the fourth meeting on January 30th, Christian election on hypnotism and mental telepathy. Fuck yeah. In as Katyn described it, rather abstract terms. That's a nice way of saying he didn't make a lot of sense. There's a lot of bullshit word salad, a lot of new age cycle babble nonsense about magical mental powers. In the fifth lecture, a lot of lectures, February 3rd, Christian informed the audience that Christ and Jesus were two different people, interesting to us, he said that Christ assisted God in the creation of the universe, had been with men since the beginning,
Starting point is 01:22:21 and that Christ, not Jesus, was crucified. Okay? with men since the beginning, in that Christ, not Jesus, was crucified, okay? Krishna, excuse me, reasserted that he was Christ. I am Christ, the son of the living God, the eternal Christ. The one that was crucified 1900 years ago, died and was buried, and on the third day rose again. Okay, so who was Jesus? I'm not really sure he got around to answer that,
Starting point is 01:22:41 in that lecture. I think he was just saying that like Jesus was like a dude who with a soul of Christ and you know, went inside of. And then I guess on the crucifixion like the dude was already gone and it was just, I don't know. He also spent a long time complaining about the current state
Starting point is 01:22:55 of the freedom of the press in the US. Given the most shadow newspapers had refused to carry his advertisements for subsequent lectures, that had nothing to do with the freedom of the press. They just didn't wanna do business, I'm guessing, with a blatant con man back when maybe more media outlets had more integrity than they do now.
Starting point is 01:23:11 The Christian said that they bailed because they were pressured by interest that were afraid of his power. Totally, he was that important. The last Seattle meeting would come February 10th, 1952. This time he discussed his criminal record. I guess he'd been exposed, right? So he felt that he'd do a dress it. And rather than apologize for being a deadbeat dad, he described himself
Starting point is 01:23:28 as a martyr for humanity at the hands of a cruel and selfish society. He said, it is true, children. I wouldn't like somebody fucking every foreign to me is like, you know, children, by the way, that would just immediately rather wrong wrong way from going to a speech and someone just talking to the crowd, listen, children. Oh, oh, ah, easy, easy pops. All right, it is true children. I have served time for committing that bad check. Okay, so now he's a, that's seen like a failed, uh, or bad check writing bad checks arrest. I served nine months in a road gang, three years on probation. It is true children that I was convicted for a
Starting point is 01:24:02 so-called burglary. The truth cannot be in someone like that because the person is bad and society says he is bad and condemns him for everything he has done and yet it has not stopped me from my mission and my work. As much a society has said that I was guilty of those crimes, I say I was not guilty. Why? It's good for all of you. You know why I'm telling you this today. I want you to condemn me to and show your true Christian spirit. I want to see how Christian. today. I want you to condemn me too and show your true Christian spirit. I want to see how Christian, no, I want to see how much Christian you are
Starting point is 01:24:28 and how much hypocrite you are. What? So he wasn't guilty because it's good for you. Get the fuck out of here. Oh, he did it to do something bad so that people would judge him so that he could prove that they weren't real Christians and try to get them to be Christians
Starting point is 01:24:45 I think that's what he's saying here and you could use that rationalization to do anything bad you want to do According to cat and several members of the audience openly wept through this die tribe Dear God, there is never a shortage of fucking suckers in the world Some days I've expressed over and over in previous episodes, you know, or as I have, I really truly feel sorry for cult members. And I always feel sorry for children dragged into this bullshit. But some days like today, I struggle to find, you know, sympathy for the adults. Just how fucking sad is it that there are so many people in the world who are so easily content, right?
Starting point is 01:25:18 Just to get, just to even like get fucking roped into this to begin with, just once again, education is so important. Education only based in what has been scientifically studied and proven. Education based on carefully carried out studies, entertain other shit. Okay, wonder over the unsolved mysteries of life, sure, ponder over spiritual or paranormal questions
Starting point is 01:25:36 and concerns. Right, I love that stuff too. But the core needs to be empirical, rational, scientific study, cold logic. I truly believe that combat's this kind of con and so many other cons more than anything else. Right, the more properly educated we are as society, the less grifters like this, now nuts
Starting point is 01:25:52 will be able to find, you know, easy marks. The less skid marks, maybe we'll have. At the end of the last meeting in audience, remember once again, challenge the Krishna, are you the embodiment of Christ? This time he answered, if I were to say no to you, you would be pleased because you were not willing to accept.
Starting point is 01:26:09 If I were to say yes that I am, you would be very highly displeased and say no, it isn't possible. So I have to make my choice between you and God. I fear not what man might say about me, and all of his rejections I do not fear, but I do fear God. Therefore I cannot lie to please you. I must tell the truth in the sight of God, I am the Son of God.
Starting point is 01:26:28 A woman in the audience now cried out, I knew it. I mean, he's a good speaker in moments for fuck's sake. Surely afterwards, Christian and disciples depart in their Buick station wagon, Southern California. That's, I knew, that's what, okay, that's the car of Christ, the station wagon got it. Now in the paper, he wrote about all of this cat and would make an observation that while many of the people did attend the meeting as spectators, a lot of people there seemed genuinely
Starting point is 01:26:51 concerned about whether or not Christian was Christ. He classified the audience as belonging to two groups, seekers and observers. Seekers wanted to know religious truths. Observers just wanted to see a show. I guess I'd be an observer. Seekers were surprisingly, to me at least, less likely to become church members or to be church members, attended church less often than observers, more frequently read the Bible and were more inclined to believe in the possibility of second coming. And often thought about where and how they would spend eternity. They were also lonelier or slightly more apprehensive about societal issues like war and economic depression. And short, they had strong religious interests, but did not belong to organized religion. Those impulses were not fed into the normal channels, and they were also maybe a bit more
Starting point is 01:27:32 neurotic. They were also more prone to come to second and third meetings than observers. Though the number of observers grew as the meetings went on. You know, probably haven't heard about something ridiculous and they wanted to get a better look at. All in all, the seekers were the people that Catton predicted would become followers. And his data from the questionnaires matched up with this. One question was, how likely are you to believe that Christian was Christ?
Starting point is 01:27:54 Attendee is answered it after each meeting. The seekers on average reported being more and more likely. After every meeting, while the observers reported being less and less likely. In response to one questionnaire item, what do you think was the main thing that you got out of coming to this meeting? There were several different responses. Satisfaction of Krishna being the Christ was one. So that's a bummer.
Starting point is 01:28:12 A lovely, friendly feeling and a light heart. Okay. Satisfaction, he is a fraud. Bingo! And several respondents actually said that he was an anti-Christ. Also in 1952, the cult helps victims of an earthquake now. The Baker's Field earthquake of August 22, 1952 shook the city to its foundation. It
Starting point is 01:28:31 was an aftershock of the Kern County earthquake from 33 days earlier. That was a 7.3 magnate earthquake that killed 12 and wounded hundreds. This smaller quake of 5.8 damage scores of buildings killed two seriously injured at least 35 and the found rushed in to help. There were 11 in the party and they came in two cars to California and reported. They were led by a very tall barefooted gentleman in a yellow robe. They call him master. The party included several women also in robes in barefooted.
Starting point is 01:29:00 The master and his party were immediately, uh, uh, or went immediately to the police station. From where they called Tom Wenge, chairman of the Bakersfield Red Cross chapter to offer their services. When it was suggested that situation appeared to be under control, the master said quietly, there was always work to be done. The men are trained in every conceivable type of field service and rescue work. The newspaper reported. And the women are trained as nurses and can do kitchen work and take care of children. We will go anywhere, anywhere the disaster strikes, whether it be a great fire and earthquake, a flood or a plane crash, the master told the California, what an odd way for them to recruit and get their name out, disaster relief. What if this cold had gotten big enough to have really helped with Hurricane
Starting point is 01:29:39 Katrina many years later, right? And then now New Orleans, you know, is quickly and completely rebuilt, but super infested with rob wearing fountain-cold members. Is it worth it? Strange to think about. Also in 1952, sister Norea joins her mother, Helena at the fountain. Helena had been living there since earlier that year. At the time, Norea was married to a man named Hugh, had two daughters, Alinda and Kathy. When Hugh got wind of what was going on, he headed down to the fountain, got Alinda and Kathy the fuck on out of there on August 30th, 1952, and then we get full custody. They would never return to the compound.
Starting point is 01:30:12 So good man. Hail Hugh and hail Nimrant. Sister Audrey, John Fisher's mother, the guy who wrote the book that has been our main source for this cult, joined the fountain in 1953. According to John, mom was not really into religion and she was fairly intelligent. Her handwriting was beautiful. She could do just about any crossword. She could make wedding dresses, leave eye pants, and was a terrible cook. Is it just me or is that a fucking weird combo of attributes to list in
Starting point is 01:30:39 the opening of a bio? You continue with, although she dropped out of 10th grade, which she did supposedly, because she refused to wear gym shorts, because she was afraid people might make fun of her knees. Okay. She did manage to have six kids, gave the first up for adoption, and kept the rest of us to be raised in a fruit cake cult. But it was fun times. What is she fairly intelligent? The woman who dropped out of school, because other students might make fun of her needs. She seems a little nuts. March 29th 1953, the first annual convention the fountain of the world begins in Box Canyon,
Starting point is 01:31:12 California. Members celebrate Easter, Christmas, and the New Year, all in one three day service in March. And they initiate new members into their preside. May 31st 1953, Krishna, Venta leaves for Canada, stopping in Boise, Idaho, along the way, probably drove right past the suck dungeon. Probably just fucking headed up Highway 95. And Boise, a woman named, that's pretty weird to think of, actually, I didn't connect that with her,
Starting point is 01:31:34 I was doing the research, that just, you know, right past a place where I grab lunch often, it's right off of the Highway 95, he was just zip-in-ong there, actually, there's a couple of places, I guess, to eat off 95.5. And at one point, he was driving right past that area. Boycee, a woman named Sister Barbara would join. This is how she described first seeing the master. We met Christian eventat with my dad, Merritt, had just been diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor said he had six months to live. My mother, Muriel, was absolutely beside herself.
Starting point is 01:32:01 When Sunday came, mom and I went to our usual church of religious science in the historic O'Yee Plaza Hotel in Boise, Idaho, and in came this tall fellow with long hair a beard and a yellow robe. It was 1953 and no one. And I do mean absolutely no one dressed in anything except proper attire, especially in Boise. This church of religious science as she refers to as part of that new thought movement I mentioned earlier It's core teaching is that God is all there is in the universe not just present in heaven or in assigned deities As believed by traditional teachings It's power can be used by all humans to the extent that they recognize and align themselves with its presence It's founder Ernest Holmes who established the church in 1926 said God is not a person, but a universal presence. Already in our soul, already operating through our own consciousness.
Starting point is 01:32:48 And actually, I actually liked that quite a bit. God is universal presence everywhere, part of everything. Just wanted to point out what that church was to illustrate how Sister Barbara was already part of a non-traditional school of religious thought when she met Krishna, which is of course, gonna make her much more open to his teachings. She continued saying I was barely 22 years old quite immature from my age. The first thing KB did was go around the room of about 20 people and ask us what our philosophy was. Each of us, of course, said to follow Jesus's teachings and he said that was right.
Starting point is 01:33:17 After the service mom said, I want to meet him come with me. I Dutifully did and heard mom ask him if he didn't healing. He said, quote, some. Anyway, after they've shattered, Christian said, bring him to my hotel room tomorrow afternoon. I love a, a, some. Do I do any healing? Ah, a little, some. I do little, you know, a little, some, some time to time.
Starting point is 01:33:39 To me, that's proof right there. This guy's full of shit. I mean, do I heal? Yeah, but I don't, I don't know everybody. You know, it's not like part of my normal routines, it's not part of my main plan. You know, my ways are mysterious. Maybe I'll fucking heal your dead
Starting point is 01:33:51 and maybe I'll let him die. It depends on my mood. It depends on his immune system and what doctors say is possible. I mean, it depends on mysterious wisdom and stuff. Then she writes that night I got into the car before mom did when she got in, she said that Christian told her that he was Christ. Well, I about hit the ceiling. I said what?
Starting point is 01:34:07 Mom and dad both believed him that had been praying for the Christ to come and heal him and felt that his prayers have been answered Dead went to the hotel room the next day even after hearing what mom said and when he saw KV He knew that he was Christ and said he cried like a baby. Oh boy A couple in the church asked Christian eventa and mother Ruth to stay with them at their home while she was in Boise. So KV began giving lectures every evening at the couple's home and mom and I went to them. All I can really remember about the lectures
Starting point is 01:34:34 is that they were spell binding. I also think he did refer to the, refer to gathering the elect. So eventually Christian eventa went back to California, a mural and merit kept in touch. Christian soon sent a brother Azea and brother Samuel up to boy, see to take a couple back in a car. Barbara stayed behind initially, more on Merritt being healed or not soon.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Merritt and Merritt will arrive at the compound, or at the compound, August 14th, that week, there was a huge fire in the town of uh, tell oh my gosh, to ha, JP, to ha, JP, a little over a hundred miles to the north, where the commune once again volunteered to help support the firefighters. They're, uh, they helped fight a fire and film more on, or then they helped to fire. Oh my God, I can't talk. Then they helped fight a fire. My brain was still stuck on, uh, to ha, JP. My brain was stuck on why there's so many fucking difficult words in this country. There's just, it is a melting pot and man, so many fucking different languages and stuff
Starting point is 01:35:35 influence so many of these geographical areas and towns and stuff, which is cool and tell you try and say the words. Okay, so they fight the fire in the film more August 18th. And another fire in San Bernardino from the 25th to September 1st, then another fire September 6th. Meanwhile, Merit and Muriel keep pestering Barbara to come down and join them. She doesn't want to. Later, she said she liked the idea.
Starting point is 01:35:56 Initially, it being around a bunch of young men there, but the picture she saw of them showed them wearing long hair, beards, which wasn't her thing, but then her sister, with whom that she shared an apartment, gets engaged. Now she doesn't have a place to stay, really wants to meet some dudes. Also with her sister moving in, with a new husband,
Starting point is 01:36:16 Barbara, yeah, she's already said that. She has nowhere to go, so she goes to the fountain. And to her surprise, loves it. Especially loves a young man that she was introduced to named Alvin. She goes to work in the nursery where there were around seven kids to take care of. Then she was to start working in the laundry, in the kitchen, in the sewing room. Meanwhile, from October to December 1953, Christian will be traveling from San Diego to Denver
Starting point is 01:36:35 to San Francisco, constantly looking for new recruits, right? Fun that called gets more money. On March 29th, 1954, once again that that three day celebration, Peter Kaminoff, Mary sister Norea, Peter Peter, so much more on him in a bit. By April of 1954, there will be approximately 135 members in the cult, men, women, children living on the compound. Summer of 1954, Christian visits, Washington, DC, then in October of his New York City, a newspaper ad in New York Times, on October 2 called for crowds to join him for three nights of dynamite truths delivered by Christian
Starting point is 01:37:11 eventa. The three topics he'd be speaking about were war is not for me. Let us make money and die. And my love lies sleeping. If you truly wish to cultivate peace, it said, do not miss these three lectures. Yeah, it sounds really informative, not even a little bit crazy. He was saying New York in December, no word on how, how well recruiting goes. So probably not good. November 18th, 1954, merit, Barbara's dad, husband, Immuriel dies of cancer. What? But what about Frank Jesus as healing powers? Well, since it was a year later than the doctors had predicted both Barbara Amuriel think it is a miracle It's a miracle. He has lived that extra year a miracle from Christian event to aka Jesus
Starting point is 01:37:53 And I got to say what a shitty miracle Right, it sounds like a pretty low rent deity, right? Can you save me God? Yes, my child, but like only for about a year Listen fighting cancer super hard and it wears me out. What? December of 1954, back in Box Canyon, Christian event, a back from New York now, declares that a negative wave is coming from Mongolia and orders cold members that they are not to have food, water, or work
Starting point is 01:38:21 until the wave passes only chanting every two hours. Sources don't indicate how long they had to fight this fucking badass negative wave. Must not have been too long because no one died from dehydration or starvation. And now perhaps with lectures not drawn as much attention as he's helping for, Christa Venta decides to get a bit more outrageous and decides to crucify himself kind of on March 30th. He carries a 60 pound cross while wearing a row of brown sack cloth. His wavy hair flows around his face
Starting point is 01:38:49 as he staggers up 125 foot hill in front of a bunch of onlookers as he stumbles, cult members kick and beat him, reenacting the biblical scene. He then has cult members acting as Romans hoist him up on the cross where he will sit down on a bicycle seat, fake nails sticking out of his hands and legs catch
Starting point is 01:39:05 up running down his body like literally catch up. So kind of not really crucifies himself more of a more of a fucking mockery really of being crucified more of a disrespectful cosplay crucifixion. Candles illuminate this corny ass scene a small crowd of non-members gathered to watch the spectacle they've been drawn to the event by newspaper and radio advertisements that the group would put out in the days before. I can only imagine how much laughter they tried to hold in. A voice on a loud speaker near radio, what was happening? Women began to sing, will you there when they crucified my Lord? Will you there when they crucified my Lord? I don't know the melody. That's the words. Actors then carried a
Starting point is 01:39:40 Christian down and the reenactment was over. On the valley floor, Christian had wrapped himself in a warm robe with Ruth and two other women to decide he vanished into his quarters to recover. Now back to Frank Jesus' legal drama. September 25th, 1955, a court decision is given by Justice Roger trainer of the California Supreme Court regarding Krishna and Lucille's divorce. He's fucking still dealing with this. Still trying to get back child support
Starting point is 01:40:05 payments from this fucking deadbeat. The ruling would be particularly illuminating when it came to how holy this dickhead really was or wasn't. When plaintiff obtained the interlecute interlecute Tory, fuck that word, decree presumably at the time of the divorce in 1944, defendant told her that he would plan his life accordingly, so he would be protected. He said that he would form this organization where people would give all their possessions into the organization, and he would be the head of the organization. Nothing would be in his name.
Starting point is 01:40:35 Everything would be in the name of the organization, yet he would have them arranged for all the money he wanted to use any time he wanted it. So what a reason. Defendant's principal contention is that he has neither money, nor property, nor earnings, and that he is therefore without ability to pay the increased amounts. At no time as he contended that he is unable to earn sufficient money to support the children.
Starting point is 01:40:57 In 1941 and 1942, he was employed at the shipyards in Oakland as a timekeeper, and at the time of the divorce, he was working as a machinist helper for about $75 a week. Shortly after the divorce he changed his name to Christiane Venta and founded a religious society, the WKFL fountain, to let her stand for wisdom, knowledge, faith and love. The society was incorporated in 1951 and is governed by a board of directors and officers. Defendant is the treasurer of the society, and it's spiritual leader or master. Neither he nor anyone connected with the society
Starting point is 01:41:27 receives a salary as such. About 100 members resided a home maintained by the society at Canoga Park in Ventura County. They have a communal system of living and none of them works on the outside. All food, clothing, and medical care are provided by the society. Funds are obtained from new members
Starting point is 01:41:43 who transfer all their property to the society on being admitted to membership and from gifts. Plays presented by the members, I forgot that they were charging for those plays, and donations received for fighting fires. Defendant and his present wife and their young daughter occupy a small room and five other children of defendants.
Starting point is 01:41:59 Sleep in a garage made into a bedroom with three other children living at the society's home Defended makes periodic automobile trips to Denver to carry on the work of the society Occasionally he stops at Las Vegas and Reno to gamble and on some occasions the society and various persons have advanced him money for that purpose But he has never won what He's taking his followers money in gambling in Vegas and Reno. That's a new one. And never wins.
Starting point is 01:42:27 What kind of Jesus can't beat the fucking dealers in Blackjack or pick the right number on the roulette wheel? Oh my god, this is the Vegas stuff I alluded to earlier. In Las Vegas, he once lost $2,900 and in payment and in payment through checks on a bank in which he had no funds. The society paid part of the amount to do on the checks and no civil action or criminal charges were then brought
Starting point is 01:42:49 against defendant for issuing them. God, this fucker was gambling on money, he didn't even have. Just, and he, I picture, was he wearing his yellow saffron robe in the casinos too? You know, how fucking weird would that be? Just to walk into a casino and you see this Jesus looking dude, long hair, big beard, you know, this robe. Oh, come on!
Starting point is 01:43:08 How can you hit 21 that many times in a row? No one's that lucky. You're cheating. The devil's helping you. Only the devil could beat me. The Jesus. Seven straight hands. The judge continued with the society pay the cost
Starting point is 01:43:23 of a trip by defendant to Europe in 1949, a trip to South America in 1951, and trips in 1952 to 54 cities in the US to study in the United States to study fire equipment and fire departments and to advance the cause of the society. A member of the board of directors usually accompanies him on trips and handles temporal matters. For all contributions, excuse me, for all contributions that he receives and for all his expenditures, defended accounts to the board of directors, and there is no evidence of unauthorized use of society funds. Society pays all of defendant's expenses, including the $60 per month for the support of his children ordered at the criminal proceeding
Starting point is 01:43:59 and at the time of the proceeding, it also supplied him with funds with which to buy gifts for his children, ice skates, costing $65 for his daughter and a wristwatch Ten of shoes and other gifts for his son I also paid the fees for his attorney in both the 1951 and present proceedings Well, this judgment ruled that Francis was guilty of not paying child support He did pay support, but not all the support he's supposed to and he was to be taken to jail This is make some of his followers question why he was in charge of their spiritual enlightenment, right? He clearly gambled. They also found out he smoked, smoking cigars and cigarettes, had a laundry list of vices. I don't know why my stomach will not
Starting point is 01:44:33 fucking stop making it. But preach to them that they were supposed to live pure and noble lives. His attorneys undoubtedly paid for by the foundation, got him out of jail on the child support charges. But then he was sued for $4,300 in back rent for the box canyon property. He resolved this only to be hauled back into court again in Ventura County and ordered to now pay $50 per month in back payments for his now two grown children with Lucille. He appealed in one. It was ruled that he didn't have to increase the support of $20 each month as the judge ordered an interesting descent though was filed by one judge at the time of the appeal
Starting point is 01:45:04 stating that any father can now enter religious cult where properties owned communally and escape payment for the support of children. March of 1956 now, Barbara, who along with Alvin and their son, Karan, left to live in Chicago. She married a fellow cult member, so she found a dude, and then they both left the cult. But soon things will not will not work out without it and she will return with her kids. July 10th, 1956, Christian event, a leave with a small group of fountain members has the Canada to find land on which to wait out the incoming race war and subsequent nuclear war with the Russians and probably get out of the country where his ex-wife just fucking well, not leave him alone when it comes old child support. No properties are found in Canada, so they head west to Fairbanks, well, not leave him alone. When it comes to old child support, no properties are found in Canada
Starting point is 01:45:45 so they head west to Fairbanks, Alaska, arriving on July 29th and then continuing south to Homer. At this time, there are about 140 cult members in total. Vented would tell a newspaper there that they wanted to get out of the rat race to the big city and they felt like Alaska. There would be lots of work for them. He listed the group's goals as spiritual upliftment, economic security, spiritual love, scientific
Starting point is 01:46:08 development, huh? Service and not having to pay more fucking child support by God, she's bleeding me dry. No, maybe not the last one, but the rest for sure. By the fall, he announced plans to move to the keyniped insulin Alaska, members filed homestead claims, made a theological change by announcing that they would now where shoes and the twenty degree below zero winters. Suddenly they're not worried about nervous breakdowns. Now that they're no longer living in sandal weather, how convenient for them to suddenly change you know one of their beliefs. A Christian event that was not going to accompany the majority of members who went to
Starting point is 01:46:41 Alaska. He'll visit but he's not going to live up there. It's a ledge that he wanted to get home steds up there for members so they can start farming to make some more money for the foundation, you know, until they could make that farm money. He planned to have them entertain people in bars and taverns, singing songs and dancing, playing the gut bucket, the guitar, the banjo and the bass. Maybe air banjo. Brink, dunk,, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, Christophe Frankus, Jesus, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, dink, Christophe Frankus wearing his sandals now. Not worried about nervous breakdowns cause it gets too cold.
Starting point is 01:47:12 Whether they were farming or entertaining, at least they'd be gone, he could fuck their wives. They probably weren't singing that. Brink, dink, dink, dink, dink, he's fucking our wives in California. Apparently the people he was gonna send to Alaska are mostly men, right? Most of the men who were the husbands of attractive women Women who will stay behind in box canyon and be introduced to Frank Jesus is godhog
Starting point is 01:47:33 By September 17th 1956 Krishna had returned from his exploratory trip up north construction work to be gone on a new headquarters Back in box canyon always build new stuff Soon christian declared that he's going to take the first 40 fountain members to stay in Alaska in February of 1957. I guess, I mean, it's so confusing again, because of the way the source is right about the stuff. Sounds like there was a couple people for an exploratory trip, make some plans, come back,
Starting point is 01:47:57 wait a little bit, now 40 go up. In the meantime, he's gonna head to Denver, leaving the members to grab with fire season back in California. March 8th, 1957, ed Clark from the Oxnard Courier arrives to take some picks of cold members loading up to head to Alaska. Doesn't seem like everyone will find what they're looking for in Alaska. May 5th, 1957, a member named Jerry Goldberg, he's had enough. Returns from Alaska signs are released for all his possessions and leaves with just his car. Another member, Joseph Burton is kicked out on June 15th, but according to John, we let Joseph
Starting point is 01:48:28 back in the next day. Very few of the members could survive in the outside world alone, and in truth, it was this fear of the outside world to kept many people at the fountain. Yep. David Allen was the next to leave Alaska and June, a man named Vernon followed in July, more men follow soon. There's a shortage of men in the Alaska group. Christian invented with now lecture to the women. Ladies, ladies, please close your beables. Listen to me as I speak from my Jesus heart. I want you to start sucking my dick more.
Starting point is 01:48:59 A lot more. I'm Jesus for Christ's sake. And if Jesus wants his dick sucked, Jesus should get his dick sucked. Do you have any idea how many women around the world love Jesus? I got millions of women who would kill someone to suck my dick. Yet here I sit with a dry dick not in anyone's mouth. Unbelievable and unacceptable.
Starting point is 01:49:18 Did I say I wanted to speak for my heart? I meant growing. Now that I have said my peace, please, we can open our beables back up. Uh, no, that's not what he said, please, we can open our vehicles back up. Uh, no, that's not what he said, of course. Here's what he said. The women will have to take the place of men around the fountain now that we have a shortage of men. There is no difference between men and women, only passion.
Starting point is 01:49:35 Uh, okay. Uh, know what your capacity of lifting is and apply yourselves. Always wear pants, go in pairs. Watch your movements. Don't be suggestive, my God. In your weak moments, go to someone who is strong. Do everything in pairs. Watch your movements. Don't be suggestive. Oh my god. In your weak moments, go to someone who is strong. Do everything in pairs. Erica is to stay away from Herbert. She is to continue to watch the children. Hello, these single singles out Erica and Herbert.
Starting point is 01:49:56 Listen, ladies, I know you can hold me sometimes. Watch your movements. Keep pants on. You know, protects your vaginas and also Erica Erica you and herb. Mm-hmm. Stay away from you, I see what you're doing. Apparently, Erica had introduced a teenage herb at the foundation and had the hots for it. Even though she was much older, exact age, not given. Herb was attending college in UCLA. Christian told her that Erica was not right for him. He also ordered her to keep her hands and other body parts away from herb at.
Starting point is 01:50:23 Which is probably why she kept beating the crap out of us kids in the nursery. John Fisher will later say in the book he wrote about grown up there. This place over the summer of 1957, Frank Jesus keeps any more and more men to Alaska, right, trying to fucking balance out the ratios up there, also keep more and more women for himself in California. Also that summer things not going great with a Norea and Peter Kaminov's marriage. Peter had been working outside the fountain for almost a year now at this point.
Starting point is 01:50:49 He was still in box canyon, still participating in group activities, still outs listing for money, but also having to work outside to bring them money and he's horny and sat. Norea had recently kicked Peter out of bed. She wasn't gonna fuck him anymore. She tried to convert him to the concept of the spiritual marriage
Starting point is 01:51:04 on Christian event as advice, where they would be married, but not have sex ever again. Peter was starting to wonder if the master was fucking his wife. He moves to Alaska in July after breaking it off with Norea and he will send her a bunch of letters. Norea misses him. She leads for Alaska on August 10th. When she gets there, she finds out that Peter has left the fountain base in Alaska to find a work elsewhere because there's not enough to do there. On August 24th, Ralph Muller now arrives in a home where Alaska with a letter for Norea from Peter.
Starting point is 01:51:31 He wants her to follow him and leave the cult. She doesn't want to. September 8th, Peter shows up at Norea's cabin in a home. Her shouting threatening to take their son, Aaron, if she won't go with him, Norea's terrified of this possibility because she already lost custody of two daughters, right with Hugh. When she joined the fountain, the two get into a fight, it turns physical. Then when Peter leaves, Norea heads to the group, the last of headquarters, where the master
Starting point is 01:51:52 is stained during one of his visits. And he tells her to hang on to her son, let Peter leave. He has her stayed headquarters with him, and I'm guessing, you know, probably fucks her bunch. Late 1957, Peter Ralph Ralph's wife Patricia moved back to California where Patricia gets a job as a school teacher. They're all out of this cult. From time to time Peter and Ralph will visit the commune with Peter attempting to see his son Aaron, but the master keeps blocking his efforts. Now Peter and Ralph try to wake up some of the other members to who this terrible leader really is. They've
Starting point is 01:52:20 you know done a bunch of digging asked a bunch of questions and they've found out a bunch of shit. They point out that all the times the Christian just appears to the woman, sometimes a woman's wife, he is probably fucking them. They talk about he uses their money for cigars and gambling. The master tells his flock to these men are liars, false prophets recruiting members for their own breakaway sect. They want to be the cult leaders. He tells them they're horrible women beaters and more on October 14th now.
Starting point is 01:52:45 Christiane gives some lectures and Los Angeles, a little break from the Peter story. We'll return to that. He appears on Paul Coates TV program, the 10th and the 11th in November, then completes the lecture series in LA on November 25th, back at the compound. Things getting more and more apocalyptic. He tells a group that every 40,000 years there is a downfall. We are now entering the sixth downfall. Downfall means a natural condition which brings about a revitalizing of man. Strange things happen
Starting point is 01:53:11 in the heavens every 40,000 years. There is a vast force causing this earth to rotate on its axis and it moves at a thousand miles per hour. Every 40,000 years our earth moves between the two sons, which is the purification plan. Out of it, there's the way Tr sons, which is the purification plan out of it. There's the waitress, which is a purification plan out of it. We'll come an earthquake, which will have a strange reaction upon the earth. All man-made buildings will be treated as dust. They will be so easily moved. All buildings will be lowered to this earth and there will be no security in the hills
Starting point is 01:53:39 for they will also fall. We are now in the throes of Armageddon, after which there will be a thousand years of peace. No minister can save your soul. We are the only ones who can save it. Cult, cult, cult. And we can do it by doing good. Others who are to have gathered the 144,000 elect and bring about the United Order failed their mission.
Starting point is 01:53:58 They must be gathered and sealed by 1965. Man, that was a lot. Now remember, our solar system, system having two sons by the way. The earth does spin around in about a thousand miles an hour though. He got some of that right. December 8th, 1958, Peter came in off. Now we're back with Peter. He's 42, Ralph Moller, 33. They are fucking sick. I'm trying to speak reason to co-members. Peter, very frustrated, not being able to see his son. And they decided to go to the authorities. They visit the office of James H. Movy, special agent for the California attorney general in Los Angeles. When Movy secretary rings him, she says she has two
Starting point is 01:54:32 men. She says there are two men here who want to make a complaint against Jesus Christ. Seriously, that's what they said. They said they needed to complain about the Christian Lord and Savior. He wasn't the man of the people that he claimed to be. This is going to be good. Movy was skeptical at the Earth-Earth-Earth-Tail, of course. Ralph and Peter said that they believed that Krishna was Jesus, really was Christ. But that wasn't what was bothering them. It's just that you know something must have gone wrong with his reincarnation,
Starting point is 01:55:02 because he was doing things that OG Christ never thought of doing. Movie had to be careful not to show his doubt on his face. And I imagine that not burst out, you know, just laughing. Having had experience with Colts, he, you know, he told him, like, go on. They claim that Krishna had sexual relationships with numerous female members, including girls under the age of consent, right? Colt, Colt, Colt. So fucking extra weird for me to think about all this going on. members, including girls under the age of consent. Cult, cult, cult. So fucking extra weird for me to think about all this going on while a show like Leave
Starting point is 01:55:30 It To Beaver is being made not far away. That TV series started being broadcast over a year before these guys were making this complaint. And it was being filmed less than 25 miles away as this is all happening. Father knows best, another wholesome 50's TV series also being broadcast filmed this time about 30 miles away This is just so not the 50s. I imagine when I think of the 1950s This is not the nostalgic 50s diner type of 50s. I think about this is all happening a solid decade before the counterculture revolution Well the guys add that Frank Jesus tried to make you know his affairs with women seem okay by declaring that he was in spiritual marriages with all these women.
Starting point is 01:56:08 The guy said that this has happened to their wives. They finally realized that whenever they went to fight a fire, Krishna was grabbing their wives and fuck at them. And not all of his interactions sounded completely consensual. Ralph said, my wife also told me that he slept with her one night and it became so rough she could not explain it. She said his approach was so crude, she just had to get away from him. That was before we were married. But he still thinks that this guy's Jesus. You know, he just worried that Jesus has changed.
Starting point is 01:56:34 The fucking mental hurdles these guys are jumping over is unreal. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love Jesus, sir. Frank is Jesus. Oh boy, howdy, he is. I just was hoping you could talk to Jesus and maybe just ask him to stop sleeping with everyone, you know?
Starting point is 01:56:50 I mean, officer, at least as Jesus stopped sleeping with the kids, you know? Jesus and my wife are wives. Golly, if you could just get Jesus to promise, he'll stop sexing up the kids and the wives. Boy, howdy, we'd be much obliged. The guy told Special Agent Moby that they didn't believe Christian's explanation for why he was sleeping with everyone's wives. He told them that he was cold blooded and needed somebody to keep his body warm. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:57:16 yeah, that's great. That was his real excuse, apparently. Guys, guys, guys, yes, you caught me. Okay, you caught me sleeping with your wives, all right? But listen, not out of any adulterous desire. Hear me out, I just, this is embarrassing. But I'm reptilian. Yeah, yeah, there it is, I said it. Yeah, Jesus is a lizard person, it's crazy, right? So, you know, I'm cold blooded, not metaphorically, like literally, especially my appendages,
Starting point is 01:57:43 especially my lizard, donkey dog, my cold cold horse popsicle cock, and it could fall off. If I don't stick it in the safe warm place, and I know you might be thinking, but wait a minute, you already have a wife. I know I do. But you gotta keep this a secret. She's also cold-blooded, kind of, just her holes. She has cold cold lizard holes.
Starting point is 01:58:02 And we can have kids, sure, you know, but I can't warm up my prophet steak, you know, I got to reheat my meat. So to speak after spulunk a dunk dunk in in her ice cave, or I'm going to die and then say no win. Is that how you want? So yeah, that's why I do it. That's the best story I can come up with real quick. I mean, that's the truth. They also described how he practiced medicine without a license. Or he gets to not practice medicine. This idea allowed a lot of sick cult members to die from lack of medical attention. If you're hearing them out, Moby had one question. How hot are your wives?
Starting point is 01:58:35 Really pain a picture from me. Every DTL is important. No, he asked what he want me to do. Ralph and Peter said that they wanted authorities to keep them to help them get their wives and money back. They also wanted Christian to be barred from practicing medicine. They volunteered to help in any way they could by getting a confession, for example, and then the guys paused, exchanged little glances, and admitted that they actually did want something else. And the conversation now took a darker tone.
Starting point is 01:58:59 They told Special Agent Movy that it would be good for society if christian event it could be quote eliminated. He was tarnishing groups name and he was tarnishing christ name. The movie later said he thought that they were using a metaphor when they use the word eliminated so you know pay this call for the master's death too much attention. He said the attorney general's office had started investigation and additional evidence any evidence that the men could bring them would be, you know, welcome and appreciate it. And they did, you know, start an investigation. He'd already put it together on orders from Edmund G. Brown, the attorney general of California. At the time of this little exchange, the dossier red, K.B. 1610, Christianeventa, alias, Frank Jessen, alias, Francis H. Pensavic, Alias Ben Kovic.
Starting point is 01:59:45 Six and a half feet tall, 180 pounds, blue eyes, tattoo on left forearm. Born March 29th, 1911 San Francisco, arrested El Paso, 1930, burglary, little rock, 1931, Petty Larsony, Los Angeles, 1932, Petty Thepht, San Francisco, 1934, Vagrancy, Miami, 1935, petty theft, San Francisco 1934, vagrancy, Miami 1935, man act. Uh, uh, Phoenix 1934, writing threading letters to the present, uh, Santa Pollard 1942, fictitious checks, stocked in 1942, psychological observation, East Los Angeles 1949, failure to provide, also indication of trouble in Nicaragua, New York, London, Sweden, Italy, suggest FBI check. So you know, holy shit, lot more than I've already went over.
Starting point is 02:00:33 Moby told the men that any information they had on Christian event to the better chances that a case against him could begin, you know, as soon as possible. Ralph and Peter agreed, but then privately the two guys decided they would do more than just gather information a lot more. They decided now to take matters into their own hands. December 9th, 1958 Ralph appears at an oil well supply company in Whittier, telling the clerk he's buying supplies to be used in some blasting. Ralph and Peter then drive to a cheap, no name motel in the outskirts of Tarzanah, less
Starting point is 02:01:01 than five miles from the box canning compound. They arrive before dusk in a rickety pickup truck. Hunkered down in their room, Peter writes farewell letters to his loved ones, including his young son, Aaron. I am willing to give up my life to free you. Then using a tape recorder, they document some martyr statements as a tape words. It is now 7.30 pm notes Ralph. Within the next four hours, he will drive to Box Canyon, see Krishna, or sorry, we will. And then demand a right adjustment to be made.
Starting point is 02:01:26 This may be our last night in the world. Dear God, give us freedom or death. Twenty sticks of dynamite, three detonators, batteries, blasting caps, and electric cable, sat in their truck. They've made a bomb. And now they made their way to the compound. They arrive in Box Canyon around midnight, December 10th, 1958, in the administrative building they confront Krishna
Starting point is 02:01:46 Telling him they knew what he was up to and he needs to make a fucking public confession about all his sins and Ventina refuses even laughs in their faces He says he has already informed his loyal followers of the lies that Peter and Ralph are telling about him He told the true believers that Peter and Ralph were the real sinners the ones who have been praying on the group's women right that mother fucker spins it on them Knowing the Christian eventor eventa is never gonna change his ways Ralph and Peter now decide to kill him and detonate the crude bomb they had made how exactly did this is unclear but they fucking did it Ralph Peter Christian eventa and seven other people are immediately blown to fucking pieces. Several other members, also badly burned.
Starting point is 02:02:30 These guys blew this cult leader, the fuck up literally. The brick building they were in, also demolished, injuring some others who have been sleeping inside. Barbara, sister, Barbara, living in a nearby women's dorm is awakened by a loud bang. When she sees the flames, she said apparently, oh look out there, it's positively beautiful out there. God these people are weird. Yeah, Barb, that's a normal reaction, sure. Her bunkmate, Priest let us say,
Starting point is 02:02:53 I think we better find out where the beautiful is coming from. Mm-hmm. I feel like Priest let him out of added in her in her mind, you fucking lunatic. It was chaos as everyone ran from building a building, trying to figure out what's going on. Everyone wanted to know if Christian event it was okay. Where is the master? Meanwhile, another box canyon resident, Mrs. Dorothy Ham was the first to call the Ventura County
Starting point is 02:03:12 Sheriff's Office in Chatsworth. At around one thirty in the morning, she exclaimed that something has exploded where those strange people live. Other callers wanted to know if the nearby rocked-dine plant had blown up or if the Russians had dropped a hydrogen bomb on American aviation's experimental testing station near Chatsworth, the local underserved dispatcher deputated to the fountain of the world's compound. The deputy reports back that a major disaster has occurred to religious colony. An explosion has completely destroyed the organization's main building set fire to a nearby dorm and started a blaze that was now sweeping through the woods. The fire department as well as ambulances are dispatched. The local cult volunteer firefighters would also be helping
Starting point is 02:03:49 if they hadn't just been exploded. The California highway patrol is on its way within 30 minutes, 200 firefighters are battling a blaze in the woods. There would be no saving of the many of the buildings. All the remaining of the old headquarters once a solid two-story stone structure was part of a fireplace and one shattered wall of rock. The entire front of the nearby dormitory had been blown off half of it charred by fire. Wandering through the wreckage are some long haired bearded men and women and handkerchiefs all of them barefoot. A lael, Krishna's eight year old son tells officers on the scene that his father has died in the blast. They also interview Princess Mary, a one time Broadway actress who left the stage to follow Ventna or Venta father has died in the blast. They also interview Princess Mary, a one-time Broadway actress who left the stage to follow
Starting point is 02:04:27 Venta, or Venta, when he appeared at the theater she was working. She insisted a master Venta was still amongst his followers, though they couldn't tell what she meant. Was he alive? Or was it just, you know, metaphorically? All she would say is that he was everywhere as pure spirit. Oh boy, he's trying to fucking work with these people to figure out a crime scene? Where is he? Everywhere, as pure spirit. After her they spoke to Brother Martin, a colony member who said that something strange had happened with two men, Paul and Ralph.
Starting point is 02:04:55 He had heard raised voices from the administrative building which he found odd because speaking harshly was against the rules. Brother Martin was the one who would tell the officers who was in the building when it exploded and who had died. The next interview was with Bishop Azea, John Fisher, stepdad. Azea announced that he would do nothing to try to bring whoever was responsible to justice. Since that would be against the fountain's principles.
Starting point is 02:05:17 If they found that person, they would just invite them in and offer them love. Okay, but of course, you know, both people responsible had already been invited in and both were dead. By this time, FBI men and deputies from the LA County Sheriff's Office had arrived, also start interviewed members. An explosives expert would figure out
Starting point is 02:05:32 that the bomb was probably made from gelatin dynamite, a much more explosive form of dynamite than a regular kind. In the days that followed the blast, the remaining cold members knelt and the charred ruins to pray for hours a day. Ruth would tell investigators that Krishna himself had predicted 18 years earlier that he would be cremated in 1958. Sure he did. He probably made predictions for every year that he was going to die. Do not use the word dead. She told them he is the Christ and we do not believe in death.
Starting point is 02:05:59 She went on to say that Krishna's original body was probably in Medtiverde valley at the foot of Mount Everest. Hello, cool story bro. Just read your people, it's all there. December 17th, the week after the blast. Three children at the Colt will be flown to Alaska to be reunited with their parents. Couple days later, all the kids are gonna be required by authorities to go live with their parents
Starting point is 02:06:18 and a process of reuniting begins. In the absence of Krishna Venta, Bishop Nikona and brother Aze, Isaiah take charge of day-to-day operations of the group. The leader is dead, but the cult is not. Members of Founder of the World will be Paul Bears and mourners at the funeral of their leader to December 19th, 1958. The funeral in burial will take place in North Hollywood.
Starting point is 02:06:39 We are trying very hard to react to this as the master would want us to. A pilgrim named Sister Mary told the press. That is to be cheerful and positive. Morning is negative. And the cult would carry on again without Krishna. No Frank Jesus, no problem. They still had the beable to guide them. An article published in the LA Times in March of 1959 wrote that the cult still numbered approximately 100 members who live in a group of sprawling buildings in the barren chatworth hills. I'm about 30 miles north of LA. The article would go on to mention hundreds of cults in the area due to the fact that in LA anyone could found a church by paying a filing fee of 15 bucks. And the mile climate meant that outdoor activities could take place year round on a budget. Among those were
Starting point is 02:07:17 the Holy Spirit light couch. That was an actual cult name. Holy spirit light couch. I hope that's not just a typo from a source. Founded by Josephine Decroy Trusts with members numbering around 75,000, the group believed in reincarnation and also attributed human evils to black atoms that found their way into people's oras. Fucking aw, awesome. There was also Arthur L. Bell, founder of Mankind United Incorporated, which had assets valued at over $3 million. That feels like that one might have just been a tax loophole.
Starting point is 02:07:46 Another was a profit named CM Daddy Grace, who wore fingernails six inches long, drove a red and white striped Cadillac and live with followers in an 85 room mansion. That might have been just a way to avoid paying taxes to do. So how did this cult survive? Well some members simply claimed that Venta hadn't actually died. They said he was still alive. Identification of the dead bodies depended mainly on dental records, so they can cocks at a story that Venta had left his bridge work near his bed and fled before the blast took place. They said that since 10,000, they said that since 10,000
Starting point is 02:08:17 dollars had also disappeared that night, that meant that Christian Venta had obviously escaped with it, you know, and not some random opportunist. In the meantime, Ruth Tickchard led the cult members in rebuilding. She told him that Christian Naventa would return in two years. He would rebuild himself, sell by sell. Okay. In the end, 35 cultists would wait, you know, things out for well over a decade before it all fizzled out in the 70s.
Starting point is 02:08:40 It seems, living in the small buildings next to a sign that read, love one another, serve one another. Each day, six women would go door to door looking for donations. Twice a day, they would hold a concentration period during which they would recite the 11 core rules. Forget the outside world, become familiar with the inside workings of oneself, become unified with one another spiritually, mentally and physically. Forget self, forget selfish desires,
Starting point is 02:09:05 create a desire within oneself to a higher spiritual equality. Obtain wisdom, search for truth, keep an open mind, search for understandings and all things, face problems without thought of escape, become absorbed in love of all things, seen and unseen, and so fulfill the laws of God. Become teachers, not of the world,
Starting point is 02:09:23 but in the world fountain, that all men who come out of the world but in the world fountain that all men who come out of the world shall find comfort and all missed. Also 1959 a fire destroys the headquarters building at the Fount of Alaska. But it wouldn't completely wipe out their little Alaska sect. Some of the cultists still trying to create homesteads there in the early 60s spurred on by periodic visits from Ruth Mother Ruth now the in charge in the fall of 1961 brother azea john fisher and his mom returning to California as the cult limps on they become a they lose more and more members Soon according to Barbara it becomes like a wild west with no rules Barbara would end up marrying a guy named Bob
Starting point is 02:10:02 Both of them would live with the fountain until the late 60s They get jobs in the outside world but still live on the compound. Rent-free. Barbara continues to think that Jesus and Krishna were the same person. 1968 Charles Manson. Here we go. Some of the girls from his family reside for several months at the fountain of the world. Manson even made an unsuccessful takeover bit. Todd, who lived at the Boxcandy compound for nearly the entirety of the night or the 60s with two daughters
Starting point is 02:10:29 Said that Charlie would sing and play his guitar for us and the girls would sing and harmonize I complimented them one time because they did sing beautifully together and 17-year-old daughter Virginia Todd told a reporter in 1969 that she never liked Manson She said I didn't like him the first time I saw him. He was always staring at me, yeah, I bet. And kept asking me to come with him into his bus and hear him play the guitar. Mm-hmm. The remnants of the fountain ended up calling the police
Starting point is 02:10:53 to rid themselves of Manson and his family. Once booted from the compound, Manson and his family moved his group to nearby Spawn movie ranch, only about eight miles away, and the rest is history. And there was debate over how far the Christian event is teachings influence Manson's worldview. But you know, strong parallels as we pointed out between Ventus predicted apocalypse and Manson's helter, a bloody race war where the whites lose after which the faithful emerge
Starting point is 02:11:15 from hiding in the earth. Same year, Sun Myeong Moon and his followers also take up residence with the fountain of the world community for several months Born in 1920 Moon said that when he was 15 Jesus appeared to him and told him to take on an Unspecified special mission on earth He concluded he needed to go to Japan and to America so that I can let the world know the greatness of the Korean people According to his later autobiography Moon returned to South Korea founded the Unification Church in 1954, another cult that became fucking huge.
Starting point is 02:11:46 The Unification Church sought to create a harmoniously diverse new world order that would bond everyone in a big happy family. At the head of that unit was the charismatic Moon himself, known as the True Father, a veritable Adam alongside his Eve, wife Hock Jahan, aka the True Mother, born without original sin, capable of forging a new generation free from the same inherent stain. So that's pretty cool. Through mass arranged marriages and strict guidelines about sexual behavior, the organization infiltrated every part of a member's existence, adherents were often called moonies here in the west. Moon would go on to build a transcontinental
Starting point is 02:12:22 business empire that rivaled his unification church and scope and power. He'd go from coal leader to billionaire businessmen. We should suck him someday. Time magazine quoted him in 1976, saying, the whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the world. So luckily he didn't accomplish that. By 1969, the core Colton box canyon
Starting point is 02:12:42 down to just 15 members living on the compound. There were a few dozen peripheral members still though. Three years later, 1972, a few dozen members still hanging on and some of them leave the Colton to join another Colton. Jim Jones's People's Temple. We're about 20 years later. Well, I was saying 20 years after the formation of the initial Colton, we're about six years later.
Starting point is 02:13:03 They drink the cool late and die in Jones town on November 18, 1978. What an odd life they led. Years in one weird ass cult lead to more years in another decades altogether and then a mass suicide mass murder. Both Christian eventa and Jim Jones claim to be Jesus. So maybe those members minds already prepped to accept insane claims. For the last fountain members who didn't join the People's temple most would join an offshoot cult of Christian eventas followers. It would be called the Earth's order of Melchizedek, E-O-O-M. Ome might kind of still be around, maybe a few members are still alive. If so, they still revere Christian eventa. Last we heard they did under the name of Machi Venta, Mel Kizadek.
Starting point is 02:13:46 Until sometime in the last few years, the group had a website that shared their teachings. One long testimony on the site written by someone calling herself Matia Mel Kizadek, birth name K. Franklin Hoin, a woman who joined the fountain originally in 1957, shared how the group transitioned from fountain to Ome. And I feel like I need some some sound bit for this. This one this really needs it. What I said after the fire in Alaska in 1959 the fountain structure began to disintegrate as we began focusing on personal goals instead of community goals.
Starting point is 02:14:20 I applied to the governing body, the acting court of apostles, for permission to open a fountain Santa Clara, California. I had gathered 20 brothers and sisters who were like-minded, and we were determined we were ready to introduce the fountain structure to another community. The acting court of apostles denied our request, and shortly thereafter began the dispersal of fountain personnel. Between the years 1962 and 1971, my Melchizedek education went to high gear. My mortal self learned of tower floats, authority limitations, and how to recognize personal
Starting point is 02:14:57 Melchizedek expression while my Melchizedek self learned to deal with mortal limitation. On the spring equinox of 1971, I was initiated as Matia Melchizedek, and the Constitution of Earth's Order of Melchizedek was revealed by Machi Venta Melchizedek, at a place called Almost Shovelhaken, Oregon, it's a fucking made-up one. A small group of believers gathered quickly, and we established a community in the hills above Clear Lake California where the Melchizedek calendar was revealed and Melchizedek communicated with the heads of state of all the nations of the planet. That's cool.
Starting point is 02:15:36 We were instructed to move to the Palm Springs, India or desert which we did and soon grounded the first temple community of Earth's order of Melchizedek, with the first Earth Council Tau was grounded from which issue another Melchizedek communication to the planetary heads of state, and we were instructed concerning the architecture of the temple, this is quite a run-on sense, the structure of the temple community, and the ceremonies attended to initiations and bestows. The community which we called the garden of the setting sun, grew in less than a year from the founding eight
Starting point is 02:16:10 to over 125. Fuck! Those fucking weirdos. They're back over 100. These fucking weirdos who we know very little about, then they move to somewhere near the Grand Canyon for a while. You know, probably getting fucking their crystals charged with power. And then settle in Las Vegas, which becomes headquarters of Oom. the Grand Canyon for a while, you know, probably getting f***** their crystals charged with power.
Starting point is 02:16:25 And then settling Las Vegas, which becomes headquarters of Oom. Vegas feels like a good place for him. The members all changed their last names to Melchizedek in 1978. In Vegas, they hope to somehow take over the world according to Matia. I am in contact sporadically with other living Mel living male quizidex, and we are, as yet, unable to achieve male quizidex union. When we do reach union, we will quickly rate $70-$100 million. That's a weird number. To construct the E.R.
Starting point is 02:16:59 Myu community, and rejuvenate Oom, which is the pilot structure of the new world order. Until such time as we achieve union, we will continue to live our separate lives. So, you know, still no new world order for these people. I don't know, I hope you got the right meds and took them. It's unclear when the website was last updated before someone stopped paying to have it remain active. It was run by somebody named James Games g uh... croutes aka brought a brown mill kizidek but it seems that he died in two thousand thirteen
Starting point is 02:17:33 and with that the remnants of the strange trains little cult seem to have probably not certainly but probably died with him good job soldier made it back barely died with him. Before I share a few final thoughts, let me first lift your spirits with the most popular, most important, maybe not popular, most important. Spiritual sponsor we've had thus far.
Starting point is 02:18:06 Hello true sicker. Greetings, Sggorsha Per. Blessings and glory, I hope thy heart is full. You are no doubt familiar with the Holy Bible and perhaps also with its teachings. But are you familiar with the Holy people? Perhaps you have prayed to God. What have you ever prayed to God, or have you ever prayed to God only in the holy people will you find the true Word of God. For chance you know the story of Adam and Eve, but do you know the story of Neil Freides? Do you know of ancient spaceships,
Starting point is 02:18:41 Atlantis, and the Meta-Vertdi Valley. These stories are only documented in the Holy Bieber. Only through careful study of the Holy Bieber can you discover God's plan for you. So come child, let your cares melt away. Take off your clothes, put on this robe, move your shoes before you have a nervous breakdown, and join me in Box Canyon. Find my newly rebuilt temple. But first, send some new pics. Let me make sure your temple is ready to be filled with my temple.
Starting point is 02:19:16 The holy beabo is not for all. God's love is only for the 144,000 elect, and these holy soldiers must be pure, strong enough to destroy the Russians. Deep enough, they handle the holy hog. I imagine this all must be so confusing, but do not worry, do not be afraid. The holy people who clear your mind. The holy people, the only source for the true word of God. Wow, that was fucking powerful. I think I might be religious now.
Starting point is 02:19:50 I think I think my guiding light, I just be the Holy people. I feel, I feel God in my heart a little bit. Anywho, the WFKL found the world called has been sucked, what an odd fucking group. I learned some new stuff this week. In the first half of the 20th century America was full of cults, or at least LA was. Numerous other cults certainly existed elsewhere around the US. Imagine the world has always been full of cults. Right? We just don't have records on most of them. Did all of the world's current major religions once start out as cults? I have to think they did.
Starting point is 02:20:22 I bet they did without a single exception. I bet for as long as there has been society, there have been people who have claimed no gods will in a way that no one else does or to be God, to have all the answers to the big existential questions I imagine we meet SAC to have always asked in some form. Why are we here? How do we get here? Did a creative, sentient celestial power make us to what end? Where are they now?
Starting point is 02:20:43 What do they want us to do? How do we please them? What reward do they have for those who do please them? How does our ego escape the trappings of mortality? Someone someone has always been around to say, come with me, child. I have the answers for which thou seeks. And that person given an unnatural power over others, a person others believe to be a bridge, a conduit from this world to the next. That person's power over their followers. I'm guessing damn near always corrupt them. If they weren't already corrupted, right? And now cult members are being used and abused.
Starting point is 02:21:11 An old story, a really old story, but the innumerable modern variations of it. Hot damn, I find them so interesting. I found the story that found very interesting. Francis Frank, Hermann, Pennsylvania, Christian event of the master. What a deadbeat dad, fucking horn dog grifter, a cold leader who often berated his followers, threatening them with punishment or expulsion if they didn't meet his exacting standards.
Starting point is 02:21:30 That also happened to people who had come to believe they couldn't survive in the outside of the world. That was terrifying. He demanded his followers towards the end, be chased, even though he followed his lustful urges into all kinds of places, according to whisperings and accusations of former members. Most excused their leader's actions, but not all. places according to whisperings and accusations of former members. Most excuse their leaders actions, but not all. Some were not so forgiving, event is obnoxious, obvious flaws. David Lackstrom, whose family lived in Box Canyon briefly later remembered, he felt he did not
Starting point is 02:21:54 have to follow the philosophies he put forth. He would do anything to gain attention for himself. Most people there at the time wanted to believe he was the second coming and they excused his human traits of smoking cigars gambling and driving way Above this be limit. That's a weird one. To me, he had a whole year than thou attitude. I Love that he doesn't you know later mention the fucking he's like, you know, he just he didn't he did a lot of bad things You know he smokes cigarettes and he drove you fast David is also the member who reported that a young female member named Jean Bates said she saw a Christian having sex with the mother of a teenage boy who lived with the group members and cold
Starting point is 02:22:29 leaders and cold leader killers Peter Kaminoff and Ralph Miller certainly were not forgiving in Christian's ways right they seem to have killed him mostly because he wouldn't admit to fucking their wives he wouldn't tell his followers who he really was I'm always surprised to do in that kind of shit doesn't get more of these cold leaders killed. It'd be nice if it did. It would give more of these stories much more satisfying endings. He was a manipulative controlling abusive asshole and that sucks, but at least in the end he was blown to fuck his mitha rings. Amen.
Starting point is 02:22:54 Now please, open your beabos to today's Top 5 take away. Number one, Francis Pensiveick became Christian Aventa in Utah in 1946, launched the WKFL, founded the world cult in California in 1948, then even though Francis is time ended with a literal bang. December 10th, 1958, the cult continued for over a decade more, more freedom to another cult, that just finally fizzled out recently, it seems. Number two, Christian Aven event at the master,
Starting point is 02:23:26 developed one of the strangest backstories we've heard so far in the suckers. Christian claim to have been born on another planet, Neo Freides, 240,000 years ago. Pensacola also led just planet with humanity's first home, but when it became uninhabitable to do to just, you know, getting too close to the sun, he and 35,000 others, maybe 70,000 between the spaceships, you know, made it to earth. He also held that he was practically every single profit mentioned in the new and
Starting point is 02:23:48 old testaments, returning in a new form, but always is the same entity called Christ. Said he teleported to the US March 29th, 1932, took over the life of a three-year-old boy Francis Penssevic, which seems a little bit fucked up, but I guess that kid recently died. The real Francis was nothing more than a petty thief, a criminal who avoided providing a real responsibility for his children by the Sue Webster for years. Number three, Krishna was blown up along with several other cult members, the night of December 10th, 1958. The two cult brits, slash suicide bombers were dissatisfied members Ralph Muller or former
Starting point is 02:24:20 members, Ralph and Peter Kaminoff. Once devoted followers, they had realized over the years that Krishna was making off with the money and their wives. They tried to report into authorities, but when that process didn't seem to be moving as quickly as they were helping for, it didn't seem like it would lead to the punishment. They felt he deserved. They decided it was time for the cult leaders in Isolation. And though the cult lived on, it would never be the same.
Starting point is 02:24:41 Members didn't seem to have been exploited the same way going forward. Number four, Christian eventa was not exactly abnormal for the times in LA. LA has been a hotbed for a cult activity since the early 1900s, with many in the first decades of the 20th century, remarking upon the high density of self-proclaimed profits and their followers that roamed Hollywood in the surrounding areas. And number five, new info. Another cult to cult connection to this episode. We've already established that they found influence Charles Manson. The moonies had people go on to
Starting point is 02:25:09 join and then die in the people's temple. Also, one of the master disciples was a former cult leader, Dorothy Martin. And we've actually mentioned her story before. She led the seekers, a small Illinois based 1950s UFO cult. Martin told her Chicago area followers at the United States was going to be destroyed by a massive earthquake in huge tidal wave December 21, 1954, according to telepathic messages she claimed to receive from aliens. She said, describing the way she would receive the messages, I felt a kind of tingling or numbness in my arm and my whole arm felt warm right up to the shoulder. Without knowing why I picked up a pencil and pad that were lying on the table near my bed. My hand began to write in another handwriting. I looked at the handwriting and it was strangely familiar, but I knew it was not my own.
Starting point is 02:25:53 I realized somebody else was using my hand. Old automatic writing. The flood warning she said, like all the others had flowed through her as she wrote it out, her arm possessed by these other worldly beings. She called the aliens the Guardians and said they came from a planet called Clareon. Believers would be saved from destruction by flying saucers that would take them to Clareon. The spacemen's arrival originally scheduled for four o'clock in the afternoon, December 17th, 1954. Believers removed all the metal from their bodies and
Starting point is 02:26:20 act considered essential before one might safely bore to saucer. Then they went into Martin's backyard, scanned the skies, 10 minutes went by, and nothing happened. Others started to trickle away. The last believers went back inside by 530. In the house, they discussed what went wrong, eventually landing on the explanation that it must have just been a practice session. The seekers will become the subject of a book called When Prophecy Fails by Leon Fessinger. Fessinger infiltrated the secrets with the goal of studying their cognitive reactions and coping mechanisms when their beliefs fail. A thought process which Fessinger named Cognitive Disnance, a term most of us now know very well. He placed the group's instance of cognitive
Starting point is 02:26:59 disnance at the moment when the aliens did not come on December 17th, faced with evidence that directly contradicted their beliefs, the group experienced cognitive, dissonance, two thoughts that are inconsistent. This is uncomfortable. And the natural instinct is to try to make it go away. People can do that in a variety of ways by trying to forget about the dissonant things, by changing their minds, or by looking for new information that gets rid of the contradiction. They can also lean into the belief even more. At midnight, when the 17th became
Starting point is 02:27:25 the 18th, Martin claimed to receive a message that the flying saucer was coming right now. Everybody had to get on board to be left behind. For her followers, this new message served as confirmation that they've been right to believe. They scramble outside. They quickly remove metal stuff from their persons and they wait until 2 a.m. Still no space. The next day, the guardians reassured Martin with a long message that repeatedly stated, I have never been tardy. I've never kept you waiting, I have never disappointed you in anything. They just misunderstood some messages. So they stick around midnight on the 21st, scene plays out again.
Starting point is 02:27:54 Still nothing. Members still don't disband. Six o'clock in the evening on Christmas Eve, small group of people still gather on the street outside Dorothy Martin's home in Oak Park, Illinois singing Christmas carols waiting to depart the earth Roughly 200 people come to watch this still nothing the next day Christmas someone shows up on Martin's doorstep wanting to join their cult Suspecting this new visitor might be a spaceman Martin questions him intensely Ask him to tell stories sit some in a place of honor at the table No stories come and the next day Martin gets frustrated that he's not the alien she thought
Starting point is 02:28:26 he was and now finally many of the believers leave, though not all. Though details are sketchy about her movements after the Seekers disband, it seems following these several failed prophecies, Dorothy Flea's first to South America, then returns to the States to join the fountain of the world where she takes the name Sister Thedra. After the explosive end of Christian eventa, Sister Thedra leaves again, settles in Sedona, Arizona, not surprised, where she continues to channel some kind of vision of Jesus and attracts a few followers who may have financially supported her until her death in 1992. Kulth man, they are hard, truly, totally, totally kill. Time suck, tough, five, take away.
Starting point is 02:29:09 The fountain cult has been sucked. What a bunch of people, Babel! Uh, thank you to the Bad Magic Productions team for helping make and time suck this week. Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins. Thanks to the suck Ranger Tyler C for producing directing today Logan Keith, the art warlock, helping with production.
Starting point is 02:29:24 Thanks to Bit of Lecture for upkeep on the the time suck app the art warlock again for creating the merch at badmagicmars.com and helping run socials along with the suck ranger and Ryan Handelman and his team. Thanks to producer Sophie Evans for research. Thanks to this all seen eyes moderating the cold to the curious private Facebook page the mod squad making sure discord keeps running smooth and everyone over on the time suck and bad magic subreddits. Next week on time suck we are talking bananas, specifically one sexy banana, Miss Chiquita. way and when they're flaked with brown and have a golden hue, bananas taste the best and other best for you.
Starting point is 02:30:07 Yes. Who created Miss Jiquita Banana? How did they make yourself sexy? How many revisions did they go through of characters who just weren't sexy enough? How many people every year search out Miss Jiquita Banana porn? Is this leading to an epidemic of fruit related activity in bedrooms worldwide? No, we're not going to be talking about that, not much at least. We're going to be talking about bananas in a way darker than what you might be expecting.
Starting point is 02:30:28 In 1928, the Colombian army opened fire on hundreds of banana workers who were on strike for better conditions, killing a still disputed number of them. The workers were protesting against the policies of United Fruit, a company that adominated the banana business for decades at that point. Beginning in the late 19th century, the company quickly took over Central America, going so far as to build their own naval fleet, called the Great White Fleet. They scooped up most of the farming land and unsurprisingly, for a company with a lot of power and very little regulation, took every opportunity to cut cost and control the supply chain, exploiting the shit out of their workers. They worked around the clock, lived in poor conditions, weren't even paid an actual fucking money, given little opportunity to
Starting point is 02:31:08 explore other options. And when workers decided they were fed up with this bullshit, the response to that was less impressive, very much less impressive. The dark history of United Fruit in the 1928 Banana Massacre next week on Time Suck. Right now, let's head over for a few TimeSucker updates. Updates? Get your TimeSucker updates! Starting with a quick pronunciation, correction, or pronunciation. Create a correction. From longtime soccer Jason Scobo, aka Scooby who writes, Brigadier, not bridge a deer. There is no D in Brigadier, every military episode ever. That is all.
Starting point is 02:31:50 So if you've got a five stars, don't change the thing. Scooby, thank you, Scooby. Do mess it up a lot, as in always. There is a D in it still, but just one, not two. No bridge, I guess. Got to drop that first D I keep adding. Focus on the G Brigadigha, Dier. Looking at the word now, yeah, I just completely added a second D in my mind that does not
Starting point is 02:32:10 exist. I got a bunch of messages about a missed opportunity in the prospect killer, Terry Blair Suck. Robert C, a fine bobbered. Right one of them saying, hey, you pimple covered saggy chicken skin, duffel back. You create a character named rooster and you didn't bring up another poultry inspired character, chicken Joe. I had such high eggs, spectations,
Starting point is 02:32:30 only for them to be cracked and scrambled by this misstep. Would they be friends? Would they fight? Would they compare duffel bags? I was left disappointed by lack of info. That was a foul play on your part. And I think you owe us the list as an encounter between these two people.
Starting point is 02:32:41 Give us the yoke that we are all waiting for. Don't chicken out and try to strut around the issue. I thought you were a comedian. I'm now done. Seriously, thank you for the episode. Thanks for being such a clock and good comedian. Overall, great guy. Three to five stars wouldn't change a damn thing. Well, fucking, Bobberd, I fucked up. I know. I even had a note to make sure that chicken Joe and the rooster met in that episode. And I don't know how or why I missed it in the end. So damn it. I cock a dude or doon myself. Almost through with stand up for a bit now,
Starting point is 02:33:08 as I write this, I record this and hope to find a lot of time this summer to re-equaint myself with some old characters from the suck first to keep getting missed. Another missed opportunity in the same suck pointed out by Savvy Sack, Nathan Fessler, who writes, hey suck master flex, there was a guy in the Terry Blair suck named Michael Hunt.
Starting point is 02:33:25 Let me repeat a guy. Let me repeat a guy named Michael Hunt came up and a suck and you glossed over it as a long time fan of the show in your comedy I was totally disappointed. Please do better. JK. Love you long time. Knowledge and Nimrod night. Guys my hunt my hunt! Damn it. It was right there. Just sitting on the D Waiting for or on the T on the D, what the fuck, waiting for me to swing. Between this and chicken Joe, you know, I don't think I'm gonna do any more episodes. I'm just gonna throw myself off a bridge.
Starting point is 02:33:52 Last one, some food for thought. Super thoughtful, sucker Ryan Williams writes, dear Lord Suckington, I'm a huge fan of the suck and scared of death. Some of the best parts of my weekly work commutes are listening to time suck and catching an STD. List into the Kirtland cult episode part one one, and your preemptive clarification on the unreleased episode where you mentioned the Boy Scouts. First off, I appreciated the commitment to clarifying something that could have been overly
Starting point is 02:34:13 ambiguous. I don't always agree with you 100% on everything, but you're always genuine and I feel you always come from a place of thoughtfulness. I do try. As for this specific topic, I wanted to offer a slightly different perspective. I became an Eagle Scout at 16 and stayed involved throughout high school in my early college years. I completely understand where you were coming from.
Starting point is 02:34:31 It is 100% okay to have some groups be exclusionary for legitimate purpose. However, I think that the things that the Boy Scouts have traditionally taught and instilled young men are equally beneficial for young girls in our society. From experience I have heard or from experiences, I've heard from many people with girl scouts, that organization is severely lacking in this area for a lot of people. Obviously that's a blanket statement,
Starting point is 02:34:52 pockets within the organization do a great job, but as a whole, seems to be a lot left to be desired. With the rebrand from boy scouts to just scouts, BSA, when that happened, it caused a lot of debate among my family who have always been heavily involved. I found a lot of the backlash to be rooted sometimes in basic thinking sexism, not applicable here, of course, but more so just general ignorance of what this meant for the organization. My older brother, who is also an eagle scout, and still involved with his son in an district leadership position in my hometown area, he clarified some things.
Starting point is 02:35:21 The inclusion of girls is on a troop-by-tru basis and there are still many all-girl troops along with all boy troops. You have the option if you provide a space. You have the option to provide a space just for boys if you desire. What this is more about is filling a social gap for young girls that people are having trouble finding elsewhere.
Starting point is 02:35:39 I personally cannot think of any skill, learning boys' gouts that would not also benefit young girls. It's great that they have a place now to do that. To be clear, venturing has been part of BSA and has included girls and boys for quite some time, but is only really available to older teams. There is just an effort to offer the benefits of BSA scouting to a group where there is a need to see.
Starting point is 02:35:59 Again, I love everything you do. I appreciate your thoughts here. I just wanted to give an alternative perspective. Sorry for the long email. I hope I didn't ramble too much. Love the podcast. Looking forward to the conclusion of the saga of Jeffy Boy and Skidmark.
Starting point is 02:36:09 Please keep up the suck. Three out of five stars. Ryan. Ryan, thank you for a lot of clarification. There was a lot there I didn't know. I'm amazed at how much I consistently get wrong actually when I have a hunch making assumption, tossed out an offhand tangential comment in an episode
Starting point is 02:36:24 where I've thoroughly researched the main topic, but not the subject of my offhand comment. So many times, yeah, I just think I know what I'm talking about and proven wrong. I didn't know the situation was troop by troop and that was a big mess. I love these updates because for any comment I make, overwhelming odds are that some of you know a lot more about the topic than I do. It'll be an area of expertise for some of you. And when it is yours, please write into both jangles at timescockpodcast.com.
Starting point is 02:36:48 Yeah, I appreciate it, Ryan. I'm glad some troops can still create all boy memories, while others based on what's available in the area can mix it up for the benefit of all. Sounds like maybe, maybe, I don't know that much about them other than their cookies. The Girl Scouts could update some of their teachings to provide a more comfortable experience in learning life skills
Starting point is 02:37:06 So those kids are getting a similar experience But again, I know very little about girl scout curriculum I hope it's given young girls an experience on par with what you seem to have gotten and the last thing 2020 Over 92,000 sexual abuse claims filed against the boys cats many of them many years old Could we maybe start sending people to prison for life or death row when they sexually abused children from a position of power within an organization that places kids with adults to teach them trust and important other, you know, life skills. I would really, it would really help make those organizations safer for
Starting point is 02:37:38 kids and better for the good mentors to work with them. Thank you legislators. I'm sure you'll get it, I'm sure you'll get right on that. And I don't know what's going on with my mouth today. My brain has all these thoughts. My mouth will not cooperate. But I think you got to just inhale them rod everybody. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. Thanks for listening to another time suck podcast, another bad magic production, along with the uh, scared death and the secret suck on Patreon. Uh, you know, this week, maybe don't open your beable. Maybe don't follow anybody who talks about beables, or apocalypses, or tricefuck your wife,
Starting point is 02:38:20 and instead just stay home, stay to trouble and keep on sucking. I'm magic production. You can put them in a salad. Chris? No, not yet, my dear. That greenish way you're looking means that you are ripe for cookies. It is normal to get a bone when you watch this cartoon, right? No, not yet, my dear. That greenish way you're looking means that you are ripe for cookies. It is normal to get a bone when you watch this cartoon, right? No, no, when you are fully ripe, my dear, those little pebbles.
Starting point is 02:38:50 I mean, we all agree. But then, as a hot, right? You're more adjustable, my friend. Especially to Cheetah. Delicious too, from end to end. Hmm, hmm. Look before the next one. you

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