Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 372 - Gilles de Rais: Medieval Monster or Witch-Hunt Victim?

Episode Date: October 30, 2023

Headed to 15th century to explore the life of a man who may have been the wealthiest noble in all of France at one point, and commander of France's military - Gilles de Rais. Was this contemporary of ...Joan of Arc also a demon-worshipper child killer?  He was put to death for, among other crimes, confessing to killing 140 children in the most heinous of ways. Did he really do all that he was accused of? Or was he another victim of a medieval witch hunt? Nice blend of true crime and. history today. Happy Halloween! CLICK HERE TO WATCH MY NEW SPECIAL ON YOUTUBE! Trying to Get BetterGet tour tickets at dancummins.tv Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/4GHOtdbnPtMMerch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comTimesuck Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get access to the entire Secret Suck catalog  (295 episodes) PLUS the entire catalog of Timesuck, AD FREE.  You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch.  And you get the download link for my secret standup  album, Feel the Heat.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Mixing some medieval history and possible murder today, Mitzaxe, who was the world's first serial killer? Although the concept of a serial killer didn't have a name until the FBI gave it one, the phenomenon of murder has clearly been around since, well, since we humans have been around. For as long as we Mitzaxe have walked the earth, I imagine we have on a regular basis, killed one another. No species on earth is as good at killing as we are. Last I checked, no other species had developed bombs capable of killing hundreds of thousands of
Starting point is 00:00:30 people or millions in a matter of minutes. We are at the apex of apex predators. But who was the first among us to kill one person and then another and then another and so on and not during a time of battle, not in defense of anything, but instead just because they enjoyed it, who was the first to love murder so much they just couldn't stop. Or didn't want to stop. I doubt we'll ever know the real answer to that. I'm guessing it was someone who lived long before any of us learned how to write and record anything. Out of people that we do know about historians often credit Medieval Francis'
Starting point is 00:01:03 Gilderay with being the world's first serial killer, at least the first documented one. If he even was a serial killer, that classification is greatly debated. We know for sure that Gild was a French noblemen, a brave knight and military leader, a guy who before his final trial and execution seemed to have it all for someone living in the 15th century. Money, power, a noble family, even a solid reputation for Christian piety. He was a war hero.
Starting point is 00:01:30 He was good friends with and the right hand manned in battle of St. John of Ark. At the height of his wealth and power, he was a celebrated knight to Baron. The head of France is military whose noble court was said to be more lavish than even the king of France. How was that guy also a serial killer, a sexual defiler, torture, murderer of children? What could have caused Yale to turn from a beloved patriotic pious baron into a monster said to sacrifice children in attempt to conjure a demon
Starting point is 00:02:00 who would then give him gold? According to one narrative, a new interest in the occult and a thirst to keep his lavish lifestyle afloat amid an epic spending spree is what led him down a path towards murder, after murder, after murder. He may be first killed children
Starting point is 00:02:14 to satisfy some dark desires, then did it thinking it would conjure demonic forces that would shower him with riches, handed up being deemed responsible for the deaths of at least 140 children, but the number could be much higher. His sensational trial is one of the most well-documented murder trials of the Middle Ages. Jill's life in crime was so outlandish and horrific, many think inspired the gruesome
Starting point is 00:02:35 horror fairy tale of the story of Bluebeard. Bluebeard. But again, all of this is just one narrative. Another is that he was framed by the other nobles and clergy members whom he'd mistreated, or those who stood to gain wealth and power if he were taken down by heinous charges. Was Jill a murderer or a man wrongfully convicted of the worst of the worst crimes by jealous rivals? Find out this week on this medieval dark arts, history meets true crime, meets conspiracy, meets horror, happy Halloween edition of Time Suck.
Starting point is 00:03:07 This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck. Oh! Oh! You're listening to Time Suck. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:03:18 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Well, Happy Monday, Meet Sucks sex and happy Halloween. Welcome or welcome back to the cult of the curious. I'm Dan Cummins, master of the dark odds. A husband who desperately watches wife to just submit already to my patriarchy. Peloponnesian war reenactor and you are listening to time suck.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Hail Nimrod, Helu Saphina, praise beat about Jangles, glory beat of Triple M and let's fucking go. Thanks again for all the recent ratings and reviews, the best way to spread the suck outside of personal recommendations. Also, dear space lizard patrons, this was the first episode to come out early and add free on Patreon. So check your Patreon account over the next several weeks. We'll start getting back catalog episodes up ad free as well and post instructions on how to add the
Starting point is 00:04:09 entire catalog ad free at once to your device and more. Apologize for not being able to roll out a smoother transition just a bit off a bit more than I could chew this fall. Working every day to keep the content coming out and tend to a variety of obligations, honor existing tour dates and more soon. It's going to be focused business-wise only on podcasting. On the meantime, I last tour dates for probably quite some time, our Chicago, November 3rd, Providence, Rhode Island, November 17th and 18th, Lexington, Kentucky, December 1st and 2nd, Virginia Beach, December 15th and 16th, then one last date, Honolulu Hawaii January 27th. And then last thing real quick for getting to the story.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Check out BadMagicMurts.com for a new challenge coin of a variety of awesome new merch and more new merch. We do, we do less announcements here. Please go to the bottom of BadMagicMurts.com and sign up for the email list to be notified of each new, very awesome product designed by our art warlock. And now onto a topic I've been sitting on for a while. Please allow me to get medieval on your asses.
Starting point is 00:05:15 You beautiful bastards. Have you ever heard the legend of Bluebeard? I don't know that I did before this week. I don't think so. I definitely knew the name. I think I thought it was a pirate, he's not. I didn't recall the story. Do you know the inspiration behind the story? The story of Bluebeard is a simple fictional tale, but the real man behind it, or at least possibly, if not probably, you know, one of the men behind it, may have led a life of horrific, dark secrets that belong more to fictional horror movie, a very graphic one, than a fairy tale or historical true crime story.
Starting point is 00:06:01 The Legend of Bluebeard, an old children's story, old fairy tale written by Charles Perot for his 1697 collection of fairy tales. A legend of Bluebeard, and most of its elements, a forbidden room, a wife's curiosity, male saviors, not unique, they're found in numerous old legends throughout Europe, Africa and Asia. But unlike many of these other legends, Perot's story most likely was derived from a real living person, living in Brittany,
Starting point is 00:06:22 Gildere, Perot, also French. Some historians do make the argument that the legend is based on Conno more of the cursed, a six century Breton, another person from Brittany, a chief who committed crimes similar to Bluebeard, but it seems like most are in the camp of Gildere. And of course, Perot could have taken inspiration from both. Like all fairy tales, the story of Bluebeard is pretty simple. Like most, it's also super fucking weird and a terrible story to ever tell any children. And like only a select few, despite starting off fairly innocent, my god does it get real dark. So let me tell you a bedtime story kiddos. Living in a medieval world full of constant
Starting point is 00:07:03 violence, disease, famine, abuse, and oppression not enough to fill your little heart with plenty of fucking fear. Well maybe this will fill your precious we head with some nightmares. Once upon a time there was a man who owned splendid town and country houses gold and silver plates tapestries and coaches gilded all over but the poor fellow had a blue beard, and this made him so ugly and frightful that there was not a woman or girl who did not run away at sight of him. Amongst his neighbors was a lady of high degree who had two surpassingly beautiful daughters. He asked for the hand of one of these in marriage, leaving it to
Starting point is 00:07:41 their mother to choose which should be bestowed upon him. Both girls, however, raised objections. Another reason for their distaste was the fact that he already married civil wise, and no one knew what had become of them. To convince the mother and her two daughters to marry him, he then invites him to one of his lavish country houses where he's able to show off his immense wealth. They spend eight days with him, picnicking, hunting, dancing, drinking, holding court from dust till dawn, having elaborate feasts. By the end of their trip, the younger daughter now thinks that he was an exceedingly
Starting point is 00:08:14 agreeable man. She feels as if his beard is not really that blue after all. He's actually not that ugly. I mean, no, in the right light, he can be seen if you squint your eyes and kind of tilt your head a bit, very handsome. Funny how the lure of money can affect the perception of the person who possesses it. She returns to town agreeing to marry Bluebeard and then at the end of their first month of marriage, he tells her that he has to travel far, far away for business.
Starting point is 00:08:38 He's gonna be on for about six weeks and he gives her permission to do whatever she wants. Whatever she wants, well, he's the way, except for one thing, so almost whatever she wants. Right, he just forbids to do whatever she wants. Whatever she wants, well, he's the way except for one thing, so almost whatever she wants. Right? He just forbids this one very important thing. Here are the keys of the two large storerooms, and here is the one that locks up the goal and silver plate,
Starting point is 00:08:56 which is not in everyday use. As regards this little key, it is the key of the small room with the end of the long passage on the lower floor. You may open everything, you may go everywhere, little key, it is the key of the small room with the end of the long passage on the lower floor. You may open everything, you may go everywhere, but I forbid you to enter this little room, and I forbid you so seriously that if you were indeed to open the door, I should be so angry that I might do anything. He's not kidnabout the, uh, do anything part.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Very much a fuck around and find out tongue with that one She promises that to open the door blue beard leaves for his trip then she immediately invites some of her friends over You know, they're having fun. They're drinking or eating but soon she goes board of their company She can't stop thinking about that forbidden door. It's driving her crazy It's the apple and her garden of Eden. She's drawn to it like Eve So overcome with curiosity was she that without reflecting upon the discuracy of in her garden of Eden, she's drawn to it like Eve. So overcome with curiosity was she, that without reflecting upon the discuracy of leaving her guests, she ran down a private staircase and so reached the door of the little room.
Starting point is 00:09:55 There she paused for a while, thinking of the prohibition which her husband had made, and reflecting that harm might come to her as a result of disobedience. But the temptation was so great that she could not conquer it. Taking the little key with a trembling hand, she opened the door of the room. At first she saw nothing, for the windows were closed. But after a few moments, she perceived dimly that the floor was entirely covered with clouded blood. And that in this were reflected the dead bodies of several women that hung along the walls. These were all the wives of Bluebeard,
Starting point is 00:10:29 whose throats he had cut one after another. Pretty fucking intense for a bedtime story. She was terrified. Quickly left the room, in her hurry and fright, she dropped the key on the blood stain floor, and noticed that it was now covered with the blood of all these women. She wiped it on her clothes, scrubbed it with soap and water.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Nothing could get rid of the stain. It just kept reappearing every time she wiped it off. It had stained the key with some kind of dark magic. When Bluebeard returned the next day and asked for his key, she at first handed him every key, but the forbidden one. He wasn't going to be so easily fooled. He demanded to know where it was. And now she gives it to him with a trembling hand. He examines it. And of course he sees the
Starting point is 00:11:08 blood. Why is there blood on this key? He asks, I do not know at all. You do not know at all. Explain blue beard. I know well enough. You want it to enter the little room. Well, madam, enter it. You shall. You shall go and take you a place among the ladies you have seen there. Now she begs him not to kill her, but Bluebeard had a heart harder than any stone. He said, coldly, you must die, madam, and at once. She accepted her fate or at least pretended to. Ask her time to pray so her soul would be right with God before she perished and Bluebeard
Starting point is 00:11:39 allotted her 15 minutes. So you know, he wasn't all bad. Kind of a gentleman. In moments, really, when she was left alone to pray, she called her sister to the room, asked her to check the road to see if their brothers were arriving. They were, you know, said to visitor that very day at any moment. At 15 minutes past, she sees them approaching the distance and wants to do a bit more time. But Bluebeard forces her to come down to meet her death. And season her by the hair with one hand,
Starting point is 00:12:07 and with the other brandishing the cutlass, a loft, he made as if to cut off her head. At this very moment, there came so loud, a knocking at the gate, the blue beard stopped short. The gate was open, and two horsemen dashed in, who drew their swords, and rode straight at blue beard. The other two brothers were so close upon him that they caught him,
Starting point is 00:12:25 that he could gain the first flight of steps. They plunged their swords through his body and left him dead. Yeah, and that's pretty much a story. So what exactly is the point of that story? What lessons are the kid he's supposed to learn? Some historians have speculated that the Fable preaches the lesson of obedience of wives, right?
Starting point is 00:12:45 Submit already just a just a little smidge of subservience please. Perhaps who is it about? Well many historian over the years have believed that the tale of Bluebeard wasn't inspired of course by Gildere. The ghastly nature of his reported crimes influencing Perot's story. Except the real tale of Jill DeRae is far more complex and much more disturbing if true than the legend of Bluebeard. I'm excited for you to hear it. Interest in Mix of History and Well Horror. Here's how I'm tackling today's tale.
Starting point is 00:13:16 First, we're gonna learn a bit about the young woman who was his greatest inspiration, a woman covered fully in her own episode several years ago. You know, in TimeStuck. Why do we care about her? Because Jill cared about her very, very much. And her tragic death may have caused him to unravel and turn from a beloved national hero and brave soldier into a monster who lost his faith in both God and country and really, really ran in the other direction. After meeting her, we'll cover a timeline of Jill's life and crimes.
Starting point is 00:13:44 As we look into his crimes, I think there are a few important things to keep in mind. For starters, I fell getting out of bed this morning, and I think I badly damaged my penis. I woke up with a boner, boner, and when I fell out of my bed, my fall was broken by my boner, which is kind of cool, except I think the fall broke my boner. Halfway down, it bent at a right angle. It's like a full 90 degrees, it's shaped like a capital L now. And when I peed afterwards I had to stand face and shower to then shoot my pee into the toilet which was now at my right.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Is that bad? Do you think I should see a doctor? Or should I just accept that my life is, you know, it's gonna be a bit different going forward, especially my sex life. Gonna have to really figure out some new positions to make it all work. Sorry, that's not what I was originally going to say. When I opened with the first starters, that didn't happen. For real first starters, just know that there are a lot of different tellings out there of Jill's story. And most of them make no mention of the fact that most of the information they're presenting might not be correct.
Starting point is 00:14:43 So if you've heard this story before, it likely had some different details than my telling, while still wanting to tell a captivating gruesome tale. I also want to rely on as much historical documentation as possible. Otherwise, I could have saved myself a lot of time and just AI pumped out some notes. The tale of Gilda Rae is tricky to tell if you care about
Starting point is 00:15:03 the truth because it's part historical documentation and part like a boogie man tale. Much of what has been written about him is based not on historical documents, but instead likely embellishments added to make the story more sinister over the years. Hard to tell where the truth ends and the embellishments begin. Also making true accuracy more difficult, the original trial documents could be full of lies. The confessions of those who supposedly either witnessed him torturing raping and murdering children or sacrificing them to a demon or directly trying to appease Satan. When is favor? These confessions
Starting point is 00:15:36 were either tortured out of these people during a time when inquisitors regularly torture the shit out of people or people giving testimony, people giving testimony to avoid being tortured. And when and where all this took place in 15th century France, torturers often only stopped torturing someone when they finally confessed to whatever the torture wanted them to confess to. And the torturers often fed the tortured, the story that they wanted to hear. Now, do I know for a fact that this went on in this particular case? No, I don't know if they're a fetish story, but I do know that we no longer allow confessions
Starting point is 00:16:08 to be tortured out of people to be used in court for good reason. If you're having your skin flayed or being stretched until your bones start to break or you're having the bottoms of your feet burned, sharp objects jammed under your fingernails or up your ass or you know, you're picked up and dropped on your boner over and over until it's bent into a 90 degree angle. You know, et cetera. Eventually, historical examples have proven that you'll probably confess to whatever the fuck you think the person hurting you wants you to say just to make the pain finally stop. Just a straight-now-your-weiner. You know what I mean? So this should make us at least question the accuracy of the confessions in this case. Also based on the trial transcripts, and Dere was trialled twice simultaneously by both secular and ecclesiastic authorities,
Starting point is 00:16:55 no hard evidence was ever found. No bodies ever recovered. Many, many witnesses did come forward saying that they saw all kinds of horrible shit. Mostly, it derailles primary castle residents, or that they saw either deray or one of his henchmen with children right before they disappeared, but no actual remains, blood, belongings of the children, etc. were ever recovered. Now could he just, could he, uh, or could he have, and that's where I want to dispose of everything as some witnesses claimed? Yeah, he could have. He was very powerful, very wealthy man
Starting point is 00:17:26 who owned a lot of castles, owned a crazy amount of land. Moats, dungeons, we could hide a bunch of bodies. But it sure seems like some evidence would have been found when you're talking about a guy who supposedly killed at least 140 children. That's a lot of fucking skeletons. Also, some of the people who had a hand in prosecuting him directly stood to gain some of his
Starting point is 00:17:45 immensely valuable possessions. Should he be found guilty only if he's found guilty? Talk about a serious conflict of interest, right? Would you want someone trying you in court who would be given a bunch of your shit only if you were found guilty? Hell no! Now let's fucking ridiculous. However, now looking at it from the angle of maybe he did it, Durey openly attacked and
Starting point is 00:18:08 kidnapped a clergy member. That was a public thing he did. He brazenly defined the will of the Catholic Church on numerous occasions. Dude built his own church, conducted his own masses after the Catholic Church refused to sanctify his church. That alone could have been reason to have him killed, you know, just for heresy. It's easy to find literally hundreds of examples of people being burned alive in medieval Europe
Starting point is 00:18:30 simply because some royals and or church officials were offended by their actions and or stood to gain something with their death, et cetera, right, burn the witch. The term witch hunt has a derogatory connotation for this very reason. The term has become synonymous for accusing someone of a bunch of bullshit so you can strip them of their power, make them escape goat for someone else's crimes, take their
Starting point is 00:18:51 shit, etc. The jeal deraille could have been the victim of a witch hunt, 100%. But why add all the crazy details regarding sexual torture and mutilation of a lot of kids when they didn't need to go there. That gives me pause. That is not typical. That was definitely not a common trope of witch hunts back then. You know, people refer to the Knights Templar. They were accused of some crazy stuff, you know, worshiping the demon boffamette and having orgies and satanizing each other, but they weren't accused of killing like fucking a hundred plus kids. Again, if the church just wanted him dead,
Starting point is 00:19:25 just accusing him of heresy would have been more than enough. He also breached royal protocol number of times. The king could have him easily, you know, you know, trumped up on other more reasonable charges. So why make the charge so dark, so over the top, if it's not true? And it was easier back then to do whatever you wanted to kids. There were no social services. Peasants had virtually no rights. Constant battles left orphans all over the place. No one was keeping track of. Many parents had their kids leave because
Starting point is 00:19:54 they couldn't afford to feed them. Starvation was a fairly common thing. Kids would be killed by bandits, kidnapped by landowners, forced into an indentured servitude. That kind of shit was like, happened all the time. Kids disappeared constantly back then. People in general did. And just like there are plenty of sick sociopathic fucks now, I'm sure there was the same ratio of sick sociopathic fucks back then.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Monsters who could take things, ever further be more brazen and kill rape torture, et cetera, for longer than people can do now, because it was just a lot easier to get away with shit back then when there were no homicide detectives, missing person databases, forensic technology, etc., etc. especially if you're a noble, a powerful one. Okay. Now that I've shared the thoughts on all this I've been sitting with, let's first re-equaint ourselves with his buddy, Joan of Arc, before jumping into the timeline today and going
Starting point is 00:20:43 over his two possible lives, you know, life one, the life of a widely respected, insanely wealthy nobleman and war hero who got pretty careless with his money towards the end of his life, and life two, child rapist, murderer, and occultist. If that Jildere was the real guy, this motherfucker might be the darkest serial killer, or at least equally as dark, as the worst we have ever covered here. Jelderé admired and was heavily influenced by Joan of Arc. Young French heroine whose life was tragically ended too soon.
Starting point is 00:21:13 For an in-depth exploration of her, you can listen or relisten to episode 89 of Time Suck. Joan was born in 1412, died May 30th, 1431, at the age of only 19. Sadly, she died when she fell out of bed and she landed on her boner and also bent it at a 90 degree angle, but couldn't pee out of it. The hose too kinked and she died from a bladder infection. Now, she was born to life. Burn the witch. She was born in the small village of Dom Remy, La Poussella, in France. Considered a national heroine, at just 18 years old, Joan led the French army to victory against the English at the big battle of Oryan, super unusual for a woman to fight in battle this time, by the way.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Not normal, like completely unheard of, really. She was only allowed to fight because there was this rumor floating around the French countryside of a prophecy from a fucking wizard. This is back when people believe in a lot of wizards, where a female virgin there was this rumor floating around the French countryside of a prophecy from a fucking wizard. This is back when people believe in a lot of wizards, where a female virgin was to come forth and save France from English aggressors. France was desperate and losing a lot of territory to England and their allies, some of whom were French noblemen.
Starting point is 00:22:18 And then when she helped lead France, you know, to victory in some very decisive battles, she was seen as France's prophesied, virginal savior. And then she was captured by the enemy, burned at the seen as France's prophesied, virginal savior. And then she was captured by the enemy burned at the stake as a heretic. Centuries later, May 16th, 1920, Joan was canonized as a Roman Catholic saint. They really took their time on that one. Roman Joan was was born France and England were in the thick of the 100 years war. This war began out of a dispute over who was the true dolphin,
Starting point is 00:22:44 rightful air to the French throne The hundred years war lasted from 1337 to 1453 so for more than a hundred years the 116 years war just not as catchy of a title I guess Wasn't actually continually fought for over a hundred years But rather intermittent periods of war spaced out over more than a hundred years like most medieval wars It was fought largely over land disputes and royal titles. The Boutoumane causes. The first was the status of the Duchy of Guien, along France's western coast around the
Starting point is 00:23:14 city of Bordeaux, or where that is now. Kind of belonged to England, but also was still a fight for the French. It was a little confusing. Q land dispute chaos. The French King, Philip VI sixth confiscated the Duchy of Guien from the English May 24th 1337, but the English still wanted independent possession of the territory and were willing to fight for it. They wanted a foothold in Continental
Starting point is 00:23:36 Europe. Second cause was the kings of England, the closest relatives of the last direct Capacian king, Charles IV, who died in 1328 now also claimed the crown of France in 1337. So cue some game of throne shit. Bunch of intermarriage between various European royals typically designed to help avoid conflict sometimes ironically would lead directly to the conflict when a monarch would die with no direct male heir to the throne. Now you have a variety of blood relations all making claims that they are the rightful king. And sometimes these motherfuckers are already kings of another nation. A nation that doesn't get along very well and is often at war with the
Starting point is 00:24:14 nation having the succession crisis, and that can lead to decades of warfare. In the 1300s, France had the most financial and military resources of anywhere in Western Europe. England was smaller and less populated, but they had a better army. They weren't fucking around with these deadly longbows they had. Their soldiers were well disciplined. More skilled with them and their longbow archers were able to stop cavalry charges and defeat French armies in battle due to owning a much superior fighting range. France really fucked up when they failed to really embrace this weapon and make a primary
Starting point is 00:24:47 piece of their battle arsenal. Their nobles were too worried about the peasants getting too good with these weapons and then turning against them. Hard to consistently win in battle against an enemy that can kill your troops from up to a thousand feet away, you know, and several hundred feet accurately when your troops are leaning more on things like crossbows. They can only shoot effectively about 40 yards, you know, 120 feet. In one battle, the English were letting loose and estimated 1,000 arrows from their long
Starting point is 00:25:13 bows a second at the height of the conflict, truly just fucking raining terror down upon the French. And they just had to fucking take it because they couldn't strike back from the same distance. In 1360, I've been losing a series of major battles due to shit like this. And they just had to fucking take it because they couldn't strike back from the same distance. In 1360, after losing a series of major battles due to shit like this, King John of France forced to accept the Treaty of Kalei to remain on the throne. This treaty granted true independence to the Duchy of Ginn, which ended up enlarging through some more scurmishes and negotiations to the point to become the third of the size of
Starting point is 00:25:41 modern France. But then the French turned things around. They did what Russia would become infamous for doing much, much later. And they just started throwing a lot more bodies into battles than their opponents could. By 1380, John's son, King Charles V, had reconquered most of the territory France lost
Starting point is 00:26:00 from previous sieges. And then the fighting took a hiatus for most, for the most part for a while until british monarch henry the fifth renewed the war in fourteen fifteen some rulers much more into this fight than others uh... henry the fifth very much into it he was a true warrior king
Starting point is 00:26:15 had a lot of uh... let's fucking go in that year king henry invaded northern france defeated the french armies gained the support of the brigandians france these nobles henry had alliances with philip the good the, gain the support of the Burgundians, France, these nobles. Henry had alliances with Philip the good, the Duke of Burgundy, and his soldiers occupied most of northern France where Joan grew up. And many French peasants like Joan, well, they didn't like being ruled by a man aligned with the English crown. Henry the Fifth kicked so much French ass he beat the French into signing a treaty of
Starting point is 00:26:42 submissions. Submit, you motherfuckers. It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the arrows again. They signed the 14-20 treaty of Troy's. This treaty granted the French throne to soon fall to Henry V, who would then rule both sides of the English channel. He became a regent.
Starting point is 00:26:59 For King Charles VI was said to inherit the throne after his death, a lot of Charles', a lot of chucks. King Charles nearly 20 years older, it was thought that he would die well before Henry, but then that doesn't happen. 1422, Henry and Charles both die within months of each other and Henry dies before Charles. Henry's baby son, not even one year old,
Starting point is 00:27:19 is named the new Dauphin, after his death, but French supporters of Charles VII, Charles VI's son, well, they want him on the throne instead of an English baby king. They're not going to be ruled by a fucking baby, like a literal baby. It just too much. Wars back on. Uh, Joe, Joan spent her childhood surrounded by this shit. She's 10 when this happens. She grew up as a peasant.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Her father, Jacques was a tenant farmer and Joan, like all women of that time in place, had no formal military training. But then Joan first started having what she believed to be visions at the age of 13. So she might have been a little bit of Craig Craig. She started to think it was her destiny to save France from British rule. In some of her visions, St. Michael, St. Catherine, St. Margaret, all told her that she was the savior of France and encouraged her to seek an audience with Charles VII who'd assumed the title of Doffin from his French
Starting point is 00:28:08 supporters. She's totally believes this. She wants Charles's blessing to lead France to defeat the English and put him on the throne. At the age of 16, Joan is able to talk to a local court, letting her out of an arranged marriage so she can complete her mission. This is very unorthodox. 1428 Jones's visions instructor now to go to Voculea and contact Robert de Badrichor, Garrison commander and supporter of Charles.
Starting point is 00:28:36 He initially refuses to request. You know, he probably thinks he's fucking out of her mind and he sends her away, which he comes back and soon the villagers admire her for her determination for her piety. She's very religious. After seeing how the villagers respect her in January of 1429, he does give her a horse and a group of a few soldiers to make her journey to the royal court. February 13th, 1429, Joan cuts her hair, dresses as a man for her 11-day journey. To she knew the location of Charles's court at this time, Joan comes to Charles tells him that she is the savior of France. And he probably also thought that she's fucking bonkers.
Starting point is 00:29:11 I mean, at least at first, right? Or maybe not. People were much more superstitious back then, overall than now. Joan was extremely charismatic, dedicated to France and the Catholic Church, very persuasive. She would go on to pass all kinds of tests they gave her. Clergy members would test her faith, find her to be very devoted to both the Church and King Charles. I'll also determine by, you know, some ladies to be a virgin. So she could fulfill the virginal prophecy and she begins calling herself Joan the Maiden. On top of all that, she
Starting point is 00:29:40 proves herself to be a good soldier and military leader, which is a little modicum of training. She wins trails over when she identifies him while he is in disguise dressed as a regular member of the court and she reveals details of a private prayer he had made to God. I mean revealing details of a private prayer he had, pretty impressive little trick. Joan promises to take the important French city of Rims for Charles and she asked for an army to fight it, Olion. She was given it. Charles sends her off with custom armor and a fucking new horse. March 1429, March 22nd of that year, Joan dictates a letter of defiance to the English before she launches her attack upon them. She might regret this a bit later.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Joan now only 17 under new armor and war horse is allowed to travel with the army to Orlion in April in a series of battles between May 4th and 7th She is injured. She takes an arrow right between her neck and shoulder. Damn you long boats But still returns to the front lines of the final battle and she leads the army to victory at Orlion You know fucking huge victory for friends that in mid-June or mid-June You know, fucking huge victory for friends that in mid-June or mid-June, Joan encourages Charles to keep fighting, to go to Rems, to be crowned king. And he is crowned July 17th, 1429, and she is at his side during the ceremony. After the coordination, Joan encourages Charles to try to take Paris. He's not eager to quite do that yet. He's like, ah, maybe she'll wait.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Now his favorite court member, Georges de la tremolée, Wait, now his favorite court member, uh, George De La Tremel, we jealous, Georgie, Georgie, put in pie, warns Charles that Joan, she's power hungry. Keep an eye on her. It's fucking weasel. A lot of weasels in the courts of medieval kings. Or maybe she was really scheming. I don't know. I wasn't there.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Uh, Joan then leads an unsuccessful attack on Paris in September of 1429. She survives, though, to fight again in the spring of 1430 Charles. Now orders Joan to a campaign to confront the Burgundian assaults those French trader noble fucks. When Joan tries to defend the town and its residents, she's thrown off her horse and then she's left outside the gates as they close closed by more cowards. Joan now captured held hostage by the Burgandians for several months, and then they hand her over to the English for 10,000 francs. Now she's probably regretting, you know, writing in that letter, telling them that they're
Starting point is 00:31:52 going to be destroyed. Then Charles, her sweet sweet chuck, who she fought so bravely for, he makes zero fucking attempts to have her released. Most likely because of heresy charges now now leveled against her didn't want to piss off the pope just hung her out to dry and what were the main bases or what was the main basis for the heresy charges against Joan well that a woman could only be so dominant in battle if she was being given supernatural powers from the devil when she was fighting you know for Charles her powers were seen as a gift from God And now those same powers linked to the devil by those she fought against and Charles was coward-assed as nothing to help the person most
Starting point is 00:32:30 Responsible for helping him get his crown her English captors now turn her over to the church Jonah charged with 70 crimes including witchcraft heresy and Maybe most importantly dressing like a man Those corrupt wishy washim other fuckers the same church she had been fighting for now condemns her the French loyalist priests and other clergy members celebrated her victories well now english loyalist church officials all too happy to burn her alive sick little game their plane any note any real notion of God not factoring into any of this between february 21st and march 24th 1431 j Joan interrogated a dozen times by an ecclesiastical
Starting point is 00:33:08 tribunal. She consistently professes her innocence. She's held in a military prison under constant threat of rape and torture and the tribunal's furious. They just can't get her to confess to the charges. May of 1431, Joan finally does sign a confession. Denying that she believed she had ever received divine guidance, a few days later she charged with dressing in men's clothes and is given a fucking descends. What a bunch of cruel bastards. May 29, 1431, Joan found guilty of heresy,
Starting point is 00:33:37 May 30th, taken to the marketplace in ruin, burned at the stake, and from around 10,000 people, burned alive in front of thousands of spectators What a crazy end to one's days on earth The hundred years war she fought so bravely and will continue to go on for another 22 years and the French crown will ultimately emerge victorious Paris will be liberated by 1441 Charles's forces will recapture the Duchy of Normandy in 1415 the Duchy of Gien in 1453. There's no formal peace treaty signed at that time, but that you know marks the end of the war for all intents and purposes. The English finally accepted the French just too strong to defeat the two many soldiers
Starting point is 00:34:16 despite their longbows. Charles will order an investigation in 1456 and clear Joan of all the charges against her. That's so great. How fucking nice, Chuck. What a wonderful hollow gesture. I'm sure she looked down from heaven and gave your pathetic ashes a big ol' thumbs up, big ol' grin. Two little about 25 years, two late, Chuck the Cuck. Joan was only 19 when she died,
Starting point is 00:34:39 but she clearly left a lasting impact on the world. Also made a huge impact on Jill DeRae. Jill fought by Joan's side at the height of, you know, like her most important battles. He was her right hand man and her biggest skirmishes and we will learn more about their connection in the timeline. He felt rightly that King Charles had betrayed her by not fighting to rescue her,
Starting point is 00:35:00 or at least demanding that the Pope, you know, intervene on her behalf. He felt like the church also betrayed her, which they definitely did. Previous to her execution, Jill seemed to be driven primarily by loyalist feelings towards both the French crown and the Catholic church. Right, and now he loses a tremendous amount of faith
Starting point is 00:35:17 in the two most important institutions in his life, the ones that matter the most to him. And some think that all of this caused him to spiral into madness. Or, you know, he been looking for an excuse to do horrible shit to little boys for a long time. Who knows? I'm just sharing the historical speculation.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Let's learn about Jill now and try to determine who this dude was. Try to determine if he seemed capable of the insanely heinous crimes he was accused of. Right after today's mid-roll sponsor break. Thanks for sticking around. Now let's get into today's timeline. Shrap on those boots, soldier.
Starting point is 00:35:55 We're marching down a time-suck timeline. Julder A, born in September or October of 1404, exact date not known. He was born at Shemptosis Loroah, one of his family's many castles. How cool. So you born into a family with many castles. I would have taken just one castle. There's a kid. I've been pretty pumped for one castle.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Imagine how cool it would be to grow up in a castle now. If it was like a medieval castle, furniture with like modern amenities. AC, plasma, flat screen TVs, Wi-Fi, hot showers and stuff. Mom, can I go to a sleepover at Danny's house? I wanna spend the night in the Cummins castle. You never have a problem. Getting friends is a kid. If you live in a fucking castle,
Starting point is 00:36:42 letting your buddies ride their bikes, ride across your drawbridge. You fucking kidding me? Maybe do a little fish in the moat. Head up to the top of a turret, throw some apples at the neighbor's house for something. That is a top shelf childhood. Gio was born with a title of Baron and all the wealth
Starting point is 00:36:58 that would come with such title. Also very cool, having a title as a kid. That's pretty sick. Please do not push me again when it is my rightful turn to go down the slide I'm a baron. Once I come of age and I'm giving my full powers. I will most certainly have you killed peasant You'd be so fun to call people peasants And had that like really mean something, you know, like having me afraid silence peasant And you fucking cower.
Starting point is 00:37:25 His birth name was Jill, the, uh, Jill, the, uh, Momonce, Lever, Lever, uh, Baron D'Arre, later he became known as Jill D'Arre. So many fucking names. It becomes French nobles because they're, you know, various names reflect their different possessions and titles. Uh, Jill's original name reflected the fact that he was born a member of the house of Momonce, one of the oldest most respected, distinguished noble families in France, and also born a member of the house of Levent, two important, powerful, old, wealthy noble
Starting point is 00:37:56 families, who own lots of estates, tons of castles, had a lot of political sway Western Europe, Western France. And he, his name became a Jule de Ray, because he inherited the title of Baron of a western historical region of France, known as pay du Ritz, part of Brittany, and the raise, you know, the du Ray attests to that. Jill born in the Brittany region of France. Numbers, members of French nobility attended his baptism, honoring a male child born to immense wealth and influence.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Going to get into some of his lineage for a bit here and throw a lot of French words at you now. So many pronunciations went over for this one. At first I thought about scrapping the section. I word that was just boring, but I think it's important to understand how interwoven and scheming all of these nobles are. Right? If Jill was framed for his crime
Starting point is 00:38:45 so others could take his possessions, this helps illustrate how that would align with, you know, all the game of thrown style, continual fighting and backstabbing when it came to acquiring wealth and titles that was going on, where and when he was alive. Titles were very important, right? People would often did kill for them or frame others,
Starting point is 00:39:03 standing in between them and the desired title, right, to be rid of that person. These titles typically came with immense land ownership and also governmental powers. They were hereditary. They would change the course of your, you know, future family fortune, sometimes dramatically. The most important title was, of course, the king, the sovereign, and then the rest flowed downward in a hierarchy from there. If you aspire to marry a king or a queen, give birth to one. If you weren't the sovereign already, you needed a powerful title to be in the running. You needed a lot of money to have a shot at that. If you didn't have a title and you wanted one, you needed a lot of money and land to be appealing to a noble family for marriage. You give them money. They give you prestige, power, land, access to more money in the future.
Starting point is 00:39:45 In general, noble marriages were almost always between nobles, so one family wasn't giving up more than they were getting. So ideally, the wealth and influence of both houses would grow furthermore, since as opposed to getting the spread too thin, furthermore, since nobles would help fund and leave the military marriage bonds with strength in your family against enemy invaders. You're making alliances to help ensure that you and your family can keep your land wealth power prestige. Okay, let's look at Jilderay's noble lineage now.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Jild's father was Guy, the second day Momonse level. Guy was a knight, a lord of Blazon and Shem-mi-e, aka rich, powerful, important mother fucker. Jill's mother was Marie Ducron direct descendant of king Robert II of France aka Robert the pious will Robert the wise who lived from 972 to 1031 king Robert restored the Roman custom of burning heretics at the stake so he was super fun. He was cool guy. For a time in ancient Rome burning at the stake. So he was super fun. He was cool guy. For a time in ancient Rome, burning at the stake,
Starting point is 00:40:46 a common method of capital punishment. That whole system, the victim would be dressed in a tunic, smeared with tar soaked in grease by the executioner. This would cause the victim to be sent up in flames almost immediately. And they would light them from their feet, burn from the bottom up. So last it a little longer, causing extreme physical pain.
Starting point is 00:41:07 You ever heard of Roman candle fireworks? They're banned now in 11 states and numerous countries. Little tubes, you hold in your hand, you light the top of the tube, and then numerous exploding shells, sometimes called stars, you know, shoot out, typically with around a second's worth of delay in between each launch. Not a big firework guy, but yeah, that's pretty cool. Well, the name of this firework comes from the ancient Roman practice popularized by Emperor Nero that I just described, but at night. Burning people alive at the stake, lots of people at night to help illuminate some Roman festivities.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Right? They have a big festival. Let's get some fucking lights. Let's light some people on fire so we can see what's going on. They would use people as literal human fucking candles. Roman candles. That shit is savage. The Romans, man. I don't think anyone has ever been more creative or callous when it comes to torture or executions.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Some of the evil, you know, royal houses, you know, gave them a run for their money, but the Romans overall, woo, Roman candle also a great early Elliott Smith, Elliott Smith song, if you're feeling too happy, and you'd like to take your mood down a few pegs. Elliott Smith, maybe the best soundtrack for feeling melancholy. Ironically, King Robert II would legalize the exact
Starting point is 00:42:24 type of punishment that is great, great, great, great, great, etc. Granson, Jill would later be sentenced to receive. Jill's mother Marie also related to the houses of Mashku and Rae, powerful noble French families. This dude had quite the bloodline, quite the pedigree. Geese marriage to Marie was political, of course., noble marriages as I mentioned, almost always political. 1371 the last Baron of Rae, Shabo the fifth, died with no male heir. Passive property down to his sister, Jen, nicknamed Jen Lassege, Jen the sensible, and she sounds boring as shit. Good head on her shoulders, shrewd, maybe not real fun. Jen had no children. Too sensible for that. And was looking for a successor to her fortune. She chose her younger cousin, Guy the second day, uh, Momonce, Lavelle, but there was a problem with this.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Guy's grandmother, Jen Lafoule, literally Jen the crazy, had been disinherited after she married for love. Now that Jen sounds fun. Fucking hell loose to Fena. Maybe this means that I'm also crazy, but I feel like if I had to pick which woman to date without getting to see him first or hear any details about them other than their name, I'm gonna roll the dice on the gen the crazy. Could backfire. Could also be fucking epic time. Anyway, this decree blocked Jen the crazy descendants from ever inheriting the Berendure Big scandal.
Starting point is 00:43:51 And Guy, the second day Mommonce le Vell was a descendant. Jen the sensible had previously offered to adopt Guy legally included him in her family line. The only condition was that Guy had to renounce his title and arms of Le Vell and assume the title of the House of Rey. September 24th, 1401. He does do this. He's officially adopted by his aunt.
Starting point is 00:44:09 But then a short time later, Jen, Guy, big argument, big falling out. May 14th, 1402. She cancels the contract. Chooses Catherine de Mashqou. Her distant cousin and of course another member of a noble castle owning family to be her new heir. Madame de Mashqou was a widow with one son, Jean de Jean de Cron. Jean was now said to become Baron de Ray. But not so fast. Guy brought forth a lawsuit before the Paris Parliament. After protracted legal battle, the two sides reached an agreement to compromise. Guy will marry John's daughter Marie and he will inherit the Barony of Ray.
Starting point is 00:44:49 They marry on February 5th, 1404, their first child, G, born that same year, three years later in 1407, gender sensible dies, Guy now inherits the Barony, now he is Gildere. He's inherited a solid title. One his dad really had to battle for. Not much is known about Gilles early childhood, but he certainly lived the luxurious lifestyle of noble babies. Fine clothing, plenty of food, access to great education, numerous servants, doding on him, making sure that he never wants for anything important. A far better life than any non-nobled babies. He likely even had a bed room, a nursery attendant who would keep watch over him at night to make sure that he never fell out of bed
Starting point is 00:45:31 and landed on his boner permanently bending it very far to the right, making it very tricky to pee. Or something like that. His drawings looking into the serial killer angle have looked for signs of abuse from his childhood, either of him being abused or him abusing others, you know, I can spit roasting the family dog something, but not being able to find anything, which doesn't really indicate whether or not it happened. Even if he was abused and abused horrifically, or if he abused others terribly, it would be shocking to find a written record attesting to that. People just did not write about shit like that back then, not ever, to my knowledge. The earliest written record I can find of someone
Starting point is 00:46:10 specifically addressing parental child abuse comes from France in the late 16th century. So much later, and even then, talks about it in general terms, as opposed to naming a specific victim or abuser. I imagine much more abuse occurred back then than it does now. Physical, emotional, sexual, all of it. And it was just kept hidden, right?
Starting point is 00:46:32 How terrible. I mean, a thousand of priests clearly can get away with abusing children of the faithful in recent years and not trying to pick on them like, and many other people get away with it constantly, fucking neighbors, random dads, whatever. Abuse must have been, you know, far more common in medieval Europe when the clergy far more powerful than it
Starting point is 00:46:50 is now when, you know, parents had more power over their kids than they do now, you know, is much, much easier to get away with shit when nobles had so much power. You could be excommunicated, you know, received punishment for being a heretic, just busy over accusations. So much power, so much easier to hide you back then. Parents now have to worry about social services, taking their kids if they abuse them, teachers and others are looking for signs of abuse so they can report parents back then. No such agencies existed. And harsh physical abuse was the norm, right? You fucking grab a stick, take it to your kid and you fucking beat them all day long. No one's gonna say shit to anybody.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Incessed in general thought to have been way more common. Who would victims report it to? Right? Their priests, you know, nobles, they're fucking give a shit. Now what was anybody gonna do to stop it? If the abuser was a rich and powerful noble, you know, who ties regularly, no one's stopping. Yet again, this all illustrates that despite all of our current problems, what a time to be alive! So much better now. Due to a lack of documentation of family life, if Geo was a prolific serial killer and sexual satis, we do not know what triggered his dark compulsions. We don't know if he himself was abused or witnessed abused or, you was torturing killing palace pets or anything Maybe he had some brutal frontal lobe injury in battle that you know change this trajectory sending down a dark path after
Starting point is 00:48:13 Irrevocably corrupting his moral compass no idea What we do know is that Jill had it all money power prestige Also describes being very handsome dark Dark hair, pale skin, pale in a way that was revered back then, said to be well mannered and charismatic. We know that he was the oldest son, customs of the day, dictated that he would thus become a knight
Starting point is 00:48:36 that in order to prepare for that. He would begin military training at a young age, probably before his early teens. We also know, Jill was educated. At a young age, he would have already been taught to be fluent in Latin. He would know all about Greek and Roman history and so much more.
Starting point is 00:48:52 He had only one sibling, a younger brother, Renée, born in 1407. Unfortunately for Renée, he would, like a lot of younger siblings back then, grow up in the shadow of his older brother. Being first born, specifically being a first born son, meant way more back then than it does now. October 25th, 1414, Grandpa Jean,
Starting point is 00:49:11 dig, Jean, do Crohn's son, Amari killed at the Battle of Argent court. An English victory during the same 100 years war that Jill will later fight it. Jill, the age of around nine now set to inherit the do Deu Croix on a state and the rea state. Pretty cool thing to find out when you're nine years old that two massive estates and a bill of pile of money
Starting point is 00:49:33 is waiting for you as soon as you become an adult. A year later, September 28th, 1415, Guy, Dulevel, killed in a hunting accident. Some sources say that Jill witnessed his father's death and that it was exceptionally violent. But the veracity of these claims is debated. No historical record of that. Just people writing about Jill years after his death adding details here and there to his story, to make their own stories, you know, more entertaining about him. Shortly after his dad died, Jill's mother, Marie-Ducrom, she dies as well. We do have some details about that. Her head fell off.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Super duper. Rare cause of death. It hasn't happened in centuries. But it used to be some kind of parasite. Back before a modern medicine eradicated it, it would burrow hundreds of little tunnels inside your neck. So it created some kind of enzyme that would numb your nerve endings. See, it wouldn't feel pain. You wouldn't even know what's happening. These parasites would just keep tunneling and tunneling and tunneling, eating up both muscle tissue and hollowing out some of your neck vertebrae, but never destroying arteries and veins
Starting point is 00:50:33 of your spinal column. So your body would keep functioning while the structural integrity of your neck would steadily degrade to the point that eventually, after months of feeling increasing levels of weakness and soreness, some headaches, you would turn to look at something real quick, or you get out of bed too fast and your head would fall the fuck off. They called it God's guillotine.
Starting point is 00:50:53 What happened to Marie? God's guillotine. One day she seemed fine, next day she lost her head. And of course that is completely fucking nonsense, but dear God I hope at least one of you bought it. You fucking idiot! JK, now she died of unknown causes. Good morning, Cancer.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Good morning, Heart Attack. Stroke, liver disease. Good to fall not over, you know, bed on her boner. I don't know. You know, they didn't know what was going on with people's bodies back then. Jill Renee now became orphans when Jill is around age 11. Jill now gains access to his father's largest states,
Starting point is 00:51:22 tremendous wealth, limited access though you know right not quite ready to run shit a little bit young cut to be mentored and his grandfather blue that after his parents died jill is brother erased by his maternal grandfather uh... john uh... do cron do cron made jill's education primarily focused on military strategy because that ongoing hundred years war military training huge part of the education most noblemen they needed to know how to fight how to lead soldiers in battle to crons lessons focus primarily on learning how to protect property and defend in a state and his lessons may have been delivered
Starting point is 00:51:54 with more than a touch of asshole john has been described numerous sources as being a disreputable character allegedly prone to anger violence even accused of murder when he was in the military john Jean Pillage killed, assaulted, captured others' inheritances, supposedly boasted about kidnapping women and men humiliating, torturing them. Maybe again impossible to verify any of this numerous academic sources that have come across state that these depictions do not come from his contemporaries. So these salacious details, you know, they might be made up to make the stories more titillating or they might be true. Maybe he was a rude boy, a vicious bastard.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Gilles did say later to his trial that he was badly governed by his grandfather, meaning he didn't have much guidance as a child. No women in general this time, yeah, they did have a violent education, violent education for violent times. Who knows how this affected the psyche of Gilles and many others. A lot of his education was centered on combat games and physical training. Boys started wearing armor from a young age. Jill had lessons focused on swordplay, archery, jowsteed, and more, you know, military strategy. Number of new weapons showed up in the Hundred Years War, such as gunpowder, field firearms, and cannons, but the sword, you know, still the primary method of human
Starting point is 00:53:05 destruction when Jill fought sword and in the arrow. According to Jill's later testimony at court, John overly indulgent, let him and Renee both get away without rageous behavior. Jill got whatever he wanted growing up whenever he wanted, which would have, you know, possibly left him impatient and indifferent to others feelings, little sociopathic perhaps. 1417, when Jill's about 12, Jean makes his first attempt at arranging a marriage for his grandson. That's just how it worked back then. Got about set things up early. Make sure all the political alliances arranged just so. Initially, he wants Jill to be betrothed to a four-year-old.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Jean Pinel, one of the wealthiest eras' in Normandy. They're betrothed, January of 1417, but then she sadly dies before the wedding. To be clear, she was not going to be married at the age of four. No, they had the decency back then to wait until girls were 12. So, you know, grown women, basically. JK, again.
Starting point is 00:54:00 It's fucking crazy to think about a 12-year-old bride. Also, super weird to be four, and already know who your husband's going to be. Two years later, November of 1419, John makes another attempt to marry Jill. Now 14, the age of which boys can marry then to Beatrice. They were on niece of the Duke of Brittany, who was when they were, you know, arranged and marriage. She was three years old, but like a mature three,
Starting point is 00:54:26 very physically developed three. Also does, I don't know how old she was. She died after signing the marriage contract. So she's probably a little older than that. Sources don't say, 14, 20, when he's around 16, Jill goes to battle. Also crazy to think about, so young. And battles back then, so much more up close
Starting point is 00:54:45 and personal than they often are now, right? Taking a sword to someone's neck at the age of just 16, 15, 16. Jill was apparently a solid knight. He first earned his reputation as a good soldier when he rescued the Duke of Brittany from kidnappers. The Duke of McKinnabbed thanks to leftover hostilities from the Breton War of Succession. This happened in the previous century. From 1341 to 1364, there was a struggle between the Montforts of Brittany and the counts of Bluah over control of the Duchy of Brittany. The Montforts kept their territory, but the Bluah continued to plot against them for almost a full century, holding on to a grudge for a long time. Finally, February 14, 2020, Olivier De Bluas, account of Pontuêva, kidnaps Jean, the fifth Duke of Brittany. Jean
Starting point is 00:55:33 Ducron, Young Jill, go to war for the Duke and the House of Montfort, in response to count, send some mercenaries into a Ducron and Ray territories. Jill fights back with a fierceness that belies his youth. He's good in battle, talented soldier, love combat. He and his grandfather able to get John the fifth released. So many fucking Jones in the story. His relationship with John the fifth will, you know, twist around considerably over the years. King of France that gave young Jill land grants, then gives, excuse me, young Jill land
Starting point is 00:56:03 grants as a reward, which was why some of these guys fought so hard too. They would be rewarded with riches, uh, get some more property. Uh, as a young man, several sources have said that Jill was impetuous, hotheaded, made him rude person in everyday life, but a great soldier on the battlefield. Several peers would describe him as a skilled and fearless fighter. November of 1420, Grandpa Jean makes a third attempt at getting Jill married, which finally works out. Jill now marries a rich aress, Catherine de Toil. Catherine aress to one of the biggest fortunes in all of France.
Starting point is 00:56:37 But because she was a woman, was not able to access that money unless she got herself a husband. Lucie Fina not pleased. Catherine was also Jill's first cousin. Finally, getting back to its story, where are there some hot cousin fucking going on? Their marriage was forbidden by the church, but Grandpa Jean had a plan for little work around. What if Catherine changed her name to Martha
Starting point is 00:56:59 and said she was from Canada? And just pretended to be a secret Canadian bride when priests and stuff were around. What about that? what about that? What about that or rather than suggest a stupid plan including a country that didn't exist yet and a land new and new about No one knew about John told Jill to kidnap Catherine so they could marry in secret then try to convince the church to perform an official ceremony later After they'd already you know start a fucking stuff So he kind of did suggest a stupid plan after all, but it worked These families
Starting point is 00:57:25 had a lot of money, a lot of influence, a lot of incentive for the church to bend the rules for them a bit. They're tied in a lot of coins. They're tossing a lot of coins to the Witcher. Also established a president of Gile Defein Church Protocol. Good way to wind up dead if you're not careful. The ceremony would not take place until 1422. Not much is known about Catherine. She was the daughter of Malay Detois, a lord and Beatrice de Monshon, her family owned vast territory. In addition to the church, Catherine's father supposedly disapproved of their marriage
Starting point is 00:57:56 because of them being first cousins. He was a real prude. He's real stickler, about cousin fucking. According to Catherine's parents, Jill abducted her. Forced her to marry him. Malay, De Toil, tried to have the marriage absolved and died before he could make any progress in that regard. After he dies, Jill and maybe also Grandpa Jean,
Starting point is 00:58:14 they take possession of Catherine's property. Noise. Several sources have said that Jill's marriage to Catherine made him the richest man and all of France. Perhaps even surpassing the wealth of the king makes him very powerful. And possibly makes him a big target to take down so others can take what is his. After this marriage, Agile starts to only sign his first name on documents, which is
Starting point is 00:58:35 a big flex. This was highly unusual, big protocol breach. Only princes were supposed to do that. Only princes were supposed to sign with just the one name. So why did you do that? Some historians speculate it was a bit of a flex, right? A bit of like, I should be Prince. I'm a fucking better fighter. I'm more wealthy, own more land than the Prince.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Maybe I should be king. Which is, you know, a great way to end up getting taken down a pick, to be getting burned alive. After his marriage, John Deucron's first wife dies. He marries and DCA, Catherine's grandmother, further strengthens the alliances in the family, and a little weird.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Jill and his wife now have the exact same set of grandparents. And grandson, Jill DCA, will later become an accomplice in the crimes against children if these accounts are to be believed. 1422, Catherine's mother, Beatrice de Mollzon, fights against the marriage of Catherine and Jill after she marries Jacques Mesquine de la Roche-Ero, a fucking night with a crazy long name who is also a Chamberlain, basically a treasurer in the Doffins court. The Doffin being the oldest son of the king, you know, heir to the French throne if I haven't
Starting point is 00:59:43 made that clear. But the papacy approves Jill and Catherine's marriage anyway, and again, they're basically already married It just hasn't been officially recognized yet and the Pope, you know, has a lot of incentive to improve the marriage because they're very rich after the approval Miss Keene approaches the couple now demands certain properties from them as part of his wife's dowry Her daughter was the heir to the family fortune got it when she's married to Jill But now mom's new man wants some of that fortune back for mom. 1423 responds to Miss Keen's demands.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Jill and Grandpa John, the kidnap Jill's wife's mom, Beatrice and Beatrice's younger sister, Catherine's aunt, and fucking imprison them. Both of the family castle, Shumptosis. They said that if Beatrice did not renounce her claim on some of her daughter and her son-in-law's lands Well, guess who's getting sewn up in a fucking sack and thrown into the goddamn river Also threatened her husband that was a real threat It seems extreme right the showing her into a sack thrown in the river it seems seems a bit much
Starting point is 01:00:41 To ensure that they're taken seriously grandpa shan kidnaps three of mesquins men and throws them into a pit These guys aren't fucking around Thankfully and the C.A. Beatrice mother and john's wife persuade him to release the women For God for a second how grandpa john's connected all this he helps kidnaps he helps kidnap his wife's daughter and his grandson's wife's mother He helps kidnap his wife's daughter and his grandson's wife's mother Jeal de Ray and family starting to feel like the Lannisters from Game of Thrones and Miss Keen has to pay a ransom now to his men out of the pit. Jeal definitely making some enemies here Jacques de Miss Keen later goes to court Beatrice has granted some family land after all this drama
Starting point is 01:01:22 But not as much as they actually wanted But then when the president of parliament comes to Jill and Catherine's castle to see that the settlement is signed Jean and Jill pay to have that fucking dude assaulted What's going on parliament then finds them and then they don't pay it these bros Looking pretty reckless Powerful feudal lords could get away with this kind of shit because the king needed them for military resources especially in this time of near constant war King needed them for military resources, especially in this time of near constant war. But if you act like this, and then later maybe you're not, you know, needed as much, well, now people might pounce on you.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Two years later, 1425, Gioll formally presented the court of the Duffin, Duffin, despite having some goons beat the shit out of the president of parliament, quickly gains favor in the royal court to get to military promotion promotion a big one is a commander now also maybe geos starts getting real fucking creepy around this time while geo was at court and away from catheter and according to his testimony later at his murder trial he researched sexual sadism and homosexuality I should point out that he does this before even meeting jone of arc some of his favorite books were written by Svitonius, a second century Roman historian, second century CE, who detailed how many Roman emperors were bisexual and committed violent
Starting point is 01:02:34 sexual acts against others. Jill will say to his trial at these stories, these books he finds in the Royal Court, lead him to begin fantasizing about children. Or was he already fantasizing about kids and this book, you know, these books just helped normalize that for him. A 1427, Jill takes a break from beating off to the thoughts of sexually torturing children to go to battle. Or at least beats off less for a while. I'm guessing it would be hard to win a sword fight when you got one hand on your hard dick and your mind is not really in the fight because you're thinking about you know taking
Starting point is 01:03:07 a bubble bath with some kids or something. He fights for the Duchess of Anjou against the English and further improves his military reputation with a victory. Also hires 10-year-old Etienne, Korala as a page. Maybe starts fucking him. Nick's name nick names atian poitu, which is the French term for perfect butthole Or it's French for who knows? I don't know do gulps French translator doesn't convert it into a different word Once poitu gets older he becomes valet a servant responsible for the clothes and personal belongings of an employer make a minor arrangements on the behalf also an active participant in killing children. 1429 around the age of 25, Jill meets Joan of Arc. After King Charles assigns him to personally watch over her in battle. So he is very well respected militarily.
Starting point is 01:03:56 This is actually well documented. He and Joan proceed to fight, you know, alongside each other, fight very well together in some of the uh... major battles of the war one of which is the siege of or leon does he also perhaps develop romantic feelings for her i don't know possibly at the very least you said you have platonically cared for a great deal and very much admired her you may have gotten the appointment because he was a bad ass in battle or also because he had the biggest army of any member of the french aristocracy at this
Starting point is 01:04:23 time or both. He used his wealth to form a large army as nobles were expected to do. King Charles did not have a standing army at this time, relying instead on his nobles to provide military forces. She'll also offer other services to the French crown, showed up to the royal court with 30 carts of food and a hundred beasts for the war effort, just written in documents as beasts.
Starting point is 01:04:44 You know, not being saintly here, this is noble business. This is one eight hundred business. If he can win some battles, he'll acquire more land and wealth and his investment will be paid, uh, will, uh, you know, reward him handsomely. Charles relieved to have the help because he's, you know, desperate for resources. Uh, Jill was in court for Jones arrival and in a meeting, he presented himself as a volunteer for the King to take arms and provisions with her to Ordean. Over a period of just nine days, Jill and Jones will lead an army to victory and become
Starting point is 01:05:12 national heroes. They fight the name of God and Michael the Ark Angel, which makes some heroes in the eyes of the French Church as well. Jill was a devout Christian, at least publicly, which is why some wrote that he respected and admired Jones so greatly because she was so devout Christian at least publicly, which is why some wrote that he respected and admired Joan so greatly because she was so devout. Some sources say he idolized her. July 17th, 1429 after Charles' coronation. He had been king really, the doffin since 1422,
Starting point is 01:05:36 but not coronated until 1429, due to English and Burgundian forces having siege and kept hold of the city of Rems for years. The city where French kings were traditionally coordinated. Jill appointed Marshall of France now on the same day the highest military distinction in the country. He's the leader of all of France's military. He, like Joan, stood by Charles's side of the coronation, had the honor of collecting
Starting point is 01:05:59 the essential oil for ceremony. With his promotion, he inherited a new coat of arms, even more power, land and privileges. After his promotion, she'll continue to serve in Joan's special guard, and was even with her when she later fought in Paris. Later that year, Jill and Catherine's only child Marie is born. After this, the couple has rarely seen together. Maybe because their marriage was largely political and not a marriage of love, or maybe because you'll derail too busy dreaming of torturing fucking kids and trying to contra demons and shit,
Starting point is 01:06:29 to be real into his wife. Okay, now we're going to May 30th, 14th, 31, Joan of Arc. After being captured by the Braggandians, not helped by the Pope or King Charles as I talked about earlier, and handed over to the English is burned at the stake for heresy. Jill devastated by the loss of his close friend and battle partner.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Feels betrayed by God, by church, by the church, by the country, you know, they'd all abandoned Joan. Feels that his years of worship and piety meant nothing. If that was what could happen to someone as devout as Joan. And he goes into, you know, solitary, you know, to grieve, to reflect for a while. He's off. He's off alone. Joe may have planned to rescue. Johnny spent the winter of 1430 and 1431 at Louis A, 15 miles from Ruan, where John was held. If he did make a plot to rescue her, he never went through with it though. Contrary to popular belief, according to historical documents, Jill does not actually retire immediately after Jones' execution. He continues to fight in various battles, continues to get some victories in the Hundred Years
Starting point is 01:07:28 War. For example, early August of 1432, Jill and his army fight the English near Lonnie, and he wins this big battle, mirroring his efforts at Orion. Afterwards, he then lets his men pillage and plunge into the town, probably a fair amount of raping went on, which was unusual behavior for him. He hadn't done that previously. Is he growing more cruel, becoming sadistic? His grandfather, John notices, becomes worried.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Jill and John had a strange relationship after 1429 when Jill sold a family estate to an outsider. John was furious, bought it back, then publicly shamed his grandson. And they never spoke much, or spent time together after that. November 15th, 1432, John, John DeCron passes away. His relationship with Jill still strained, and he actually gives a final insult to Jill by handing down his sword and armor, not to Jill, but to his younger brother René, which is a protocol breach. This may have marked another turning point for Jill.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Some of his relatives, many will later testify his trials, felt like his grandpa kept his grandson's more reckless impulses, at least partially in check. Now he's untethered and his behavior worsens. After Jean dies, she'll begin selling more estates to live the lavish life he wants. Over a period of about six years, he will allegedly sell around 40 properties and castles to finance a very decadent lifestyle. He hosts lavish parties, invests in making his remaining the states more decadent for hosting all kinds of events.
Starting point is 01:08:57 He purchases elaborate decor for his states, pays, servants, staffs, large military, retinue, a constantly commissioning new music and literature. Also seems that Jill will blow a lot of money on the theater to commemorate his victories in battle, especially victories fought alongside Joan of Arc. He funds essentially massive battle reenactments, very large scale. I'll share details about these later.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Because he sells historic family lands to finance his luxury lifestyle, many of his family now grow angry with him. He is in their eyes, squandering away their family fortune. According to Britannica, he kept a more lavish court than the king. The Jealous Castles became a known for being party castles.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Oh fuck yeah. Constantly hosting a new play, a pageant festival, a banquet, a tournament, you know, invites many of the locals. For many of the performances, he's hiring boys, choirs, gestures, jugglers. He's paying for food for his guests, purchasing an oxen and sheep to feed massive groups of people, giant feasts.
Starting point is 01:09:56 He keeps a personal physician at his side at all times, just in case he were to ever slip and fall, get out of bed and possibly bend in his boner and half. Sorry, I don't know why that stupid gag. So funny, my mind. I was, uh, I was amusing myself late last night. Okay. Then in 1432, he allegedly began killing children, much of the following comes from trial documents from 1440 that have survived to the present day. From 1432 to mid 1439, he supposedly murdered sporadically. And the frequency of his killings then ramped up considerably in late 1439 after he hired this weird fucking wizard necromancer dude who convinced him that a demon would shower him with wealth if he would just make the proper sacrifices.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Oh yeah, shit's about to get darker and weirder. His primary targets are little boys. Supposed occasionally he killed girls as well in his trial is noted that when he raped the girls he avoided their quote natural vessel. I either vagina which he quote disdained preferring to satanize them before killing them. His m. O was to target children from peasant or lower class families lure them to his castle with food toys or, orders happen kidnapped. He convinced parents to give them their children exchange for money, clothes, food.
Starting point is 01:11:09 He assured many of their parents that they would, he trained to be knights or choir singers or whatever. If he ever met the parents, which seems to have been rare. Many of his targets were the children of the beggars who came to the castle looking for food or kids would show up as lone beggars wandering up to the wrong castle. When you'll saw the beggars come by, he would tell a servant, you know, if he wanted
Starting point is 01:11:29 the child or not or which child he wanted if there were multiple kids. When they came inside, he or his servants would feed the kids, let them play with the toys for a little bit. If they were very young, then eventually Jill would take them into his private chambers where he would imprison, torture, rape, and ultimately kill them. He would confess it as trial that he liked watching how the children became afraid when he would explain to them what was about to happen to them, which is fucking horrific. Also said he preferred to murder them via throat-slitting or decapitation. Afterwards, he would have their bodies and belongings burned and then dump their ashes and bones into
Starting point is 01:12:03 his moat. But sometimes he would keep the heads as some sort of trophy. More about the fucked up shady mud have done with their heads in a bit. If half of the allegations against him are true, this guy was the fucking devil the last years of his life. Jill confessed to having secret entrances all around his policies that allowed him to have children snuck in or allow him to sneak out, allow his henchmen to drag kids in or sneak out to dispose of their remains. His wife, Catherine, often lived elsewhere during all of this, or at least would stay in
Starting point is 01:12:31 her own private residence in a different area of the castle if they were together due to the cold, loveless nature of their relationship. The Inquisition into his activities would determine that he initially was helped by four separate accomplices. On Wei, Griez, Poit-Tou. remember, old perfect butto, Roger Brickville and Jill Duceier. Excuse me, Duceier. Jill Duceier was the main one to go out and search for fresh victims. Jill was also helped by various snatchers.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Generally, old women he would pay to search the countryside for children. This is insane. Durey essentially created an employee to his own criminal enterprise. It's a fucking Jeffrey Epstein, but worth, but worth. His valet, a poit-tou, would later testify that Jill often hung his victims from a hook, not in a way that pierced their skin, but in a way they would have trouble breathing, like something around their neck. And then while they fought for air, would masturbate onto them. When he was done, he would remove the kids from the hook and then while they fought for air would masturbate onto them.
Starting point is 01:13:25 When he was done, he would remove the kids from the hook and then tell them that he was just goofing around. They're just playing. Come on, dry those tears. We're just goofing. We're just being silly, guses and have it a little laugh, have it a lark. Did he know that these are the fun kind of games that nobles play? And then he'd kill them or have Jill, Poitot or on way, killed them.
Starting point is 01:13:45 Although we don't have the full list of his victims, many parents would come forward, like many, many parents, during his acquisition to testify that Jill was responsible for their children's deaths. His first alleged victim, a peasant boy, he tricked into entering his castle. The 12 year old son of a man named, this is going to shock you. John. John Judon. 1432, cousins Jill Duceier and Roger De Brickville approached
Starting point is 01:14:10 a local furrier named Guillaume Hiliere, who apprenticed the boy. The ass that they could use him as a page to get a message to the Moscow castle, the main murder castle at that time. Excuse me, Hilarie agrees agrees and then the boy never returns When asked Jill and Roger said that they knew nothing and that perhaps the boy was kidnapped Stealing children sadly was shockingly coming back to him Children as I mentioned early off in kidnapped by landlords or nobles who would you know basically enslave them
Starting point is 01:14:39 1432 Geno russons nine-year-old cousin disappears. A witness, a Jill Ducier, speaking with him about the time he vanished. Jean Edelene, a widow, or excuse me, Jean. Jean Edelene, a widow who lived near Marschka, reported that her eight-year-old son went missing. People did search for him, but never found him.
Starting point is 01:15:01 While the search was ongoing, the sons of Marsche,ourin, and Alexander, Chastile also disappeared. All of these disappearances eventually tied to Gildere. 1433, Gild finances the construction of a chapel. For the bliss of his soul, he names it the chapel of Holy Innocence. Pretty fucked up! If you do not while torturing raping and killing kids. Pays for the chapel because he wants to attend church from the comfort of his own home Or because he would like to use it to lure more kids to him and also make him seem like the kind of guy who isn't you know Doing a bunch of horrible shit to kids
Starting point is 01:15:36 Church's name for a story in the book of Matthew King Herod orders a mass killing of all children under two years old So that no child will grow up to overthrow him The story was popular among the French at that time. They compared the Hundred Years War to the story because of all the French children dying in the war. This chapel was built as a symbol of past, past, oh my gosh, past the fissom. Why was that word so hard all of a sudden? May have been designed to show that Jill wanted the war to finally be over, which in a way
Starting point is 01:16:03 was pretty scandals, actually. You know, nobles were profiting from the war, and Jill is now no longer interested in it. His family once again angry at him for what they perceive as him, you know, standing their reputation. Also, nobles not supposed to build private churches like this, right? This was the right of princes. Jill allegedly now thinks of himself truly as a prince because, yeah, only prince is supposed to build personal chapels like that at this time. So he's defined royal precedent overstepping again. Jill also hires an astrologist to predict his future around this time, something else that normally only princes did in France and his era. And allegedly, these astrologists took him for a shitload of money. Of course, those grifters did. In retaliation for wasting money to build the chapel, the Duke of Brittany, Jill's old friend, to help save, you know, when he
Starting point is 01:16:54 was young as a teenager, a big friend of the Durey family appeals to the Pope and argues that Jill is addicted to spending money. He's out of control. He spent way too much fucking money. He requested the Pope to nigh Jill's application to have the money. He's out of control. He spent way too much fucking money. He requested the Pope to nigh's jeal's application to have the chapel accepted. As an official part of the Catholic diocese as well, this is again, it's a breach of protocol. Come on, don't let him go through with this. This is, this is not cool. You know, too expensive, not a good luck. Family's worried about it. Pope agrees with the Duke. Yeah, I don't think this is a good idea. Well, Jill now, you know, could have interpreted this as a as a sign again of the church letting him down. By late 1433, Jill has already sold most of everything but his favorite core estates and those that came
Starting point is 01:17:33 from his wife's inheritance. Lavish parties continue. He's surrounded by a cast of people on the payroll, you know, socialites, bleeding him dry. 1434, Jill officially retires from military leadership. He's taken too officially retires from military leadership. It's taken too much time away from his party and from living lavishly. This also not a good look. Jill does assemble troops to liberate the town of Grance, from the Duke of Burgundy in 1434, but he refused to participate personally and hands the command over to his brother Renee. March 26, 1435, the chapel of the Holy Innocence is open for business, even if the Pope won't sanction it. Jill's church now does not have a Catholic priest to perform
Starting point is 01:18:11 mass, but allegedly was not he was not going to let that stop him. And he had tailors making a priest costume and would perform mass himself. This, if it happened in outrageous act of blasphemy, that alone way more than enough reason to have him burned to the state. As you'll clearly make a statement here that he is very powerful. As powerful as the church itself, he doesn't need their permission. He'll also personally select boys to perform in the choir, sing it as chapel, not known how many of these boys would become his victims, but supposedly many.
Starting point is 01:18:43 He'll also begin to dabble more seriously in the occult to try to save his spiraling financial situation. And this was not entirely unheard of doing things like this. He begins to employ alchemists and sorcerers to help him out. Fucking alchemy such quackery. Alchemists fairly popular this time. Sudo-scientist, shysters performing all kinds of experiments in order to try and cure diseases, achieve immortality, turn common metals into gold.
Starting point is 01:19:09 That was the biggest one. Make gold, all kinds of shit that no one has ever been able to achieve. Might as well try and find that old wizard fireball scroll from the library of Alexandria. I have to imagine that most of these alchemists were either scam artists or had some form of mental illness. Sorcerers were people who thought they could scam artists or you know had some form of mental illness. Sorcerers were people who thought they could at least you know would make others think they could cast all sorts of spells like all sorts of potions. But I don't think they ever pulled that off.
Starting point is 01:19:36 Interestingly, whenever these people were sentenced to be burned out the stake for heresy, not a single one were able to wizard their way out of the flames. Not one. Almost like it to wizard their way out of the flames. Not one. Almost like it's a bunch of bullshit. BAN THE WHICH! BAN THE WHICH! BAN THE ALCHEMIST! May 8th, 1435, the opening performance of Gilles' biggest play. A MISTER DU OLEON takes place.
Starting point is 01:19:58 He spends tons of money preparing for this massive play for each performance. And there'll be many performances he pays tailors to make 600 brand new costumes fresh for the battle reenactment. Mr. Do Or Leon was a theatrical reenactment of his battle at Or Leon with Joan of Arc. The full production cost 80,000 crowns performed for about a year. No way to really translate how much 80,000 crowns would be equivalent to today. It was a shit ton. It was approximately a shit ton of money His play had approximately 150 speaking roles 500 extras to act as battle soldiers Also gave a staff an audience free buffets which meant that everyone from town would show up
Starting point is 01:20:37 You know to watch this reenactment of his glory Jill was providing jobs feeding hungry peasants, but his family again Fucking angry at him because he's wasting so much money. He's not making anything from this. He's doing this for vanity. July of 1435, Jill's family fed up with his excessive spending and selling. Some of them go for the king now to obtain an order to stop anyone from being able to
Starting point is 01:21:00 enter into a business transaction with him. No one is able to buy his property now or give him a loan. They're worried he will soon spend all of the money, and the family of the state will be gone forever. And one generation, he is wiping out centuries worth of wealth and property accumulation. They secure their decree from King Charles, preventing him from selling any more of his lands to finance his lifestyle,
Starting point is 01:21:21 and he is not allowed to use his estate to secure loans. The other term of this agreement is that the Duke of Brittany will now control all of his finances. After looking over Jill's financial records, he discovers he's in debt and the Duke now begins to buy some of his properties to get him out of debt, asterisk, or the Duke had to alter your motives, wanted his property because it was situated on the border of the Duchy of Brittany and wanted to increase the power of his own estate. This decree from King Charles did not bar Jill from selling a state to the Duke of Brittany
Starting point is 01:21:52 who would purchase property under an agreement that Jill would be able to buy it back within six years once he's able to get his estate to an order. But you know, if he's fucking burned alive, well, then he just gets to keep it. And Jill had no interest in trying to make money. He just wanted to keep spending. He wasn't interested in getting his finances in order. May 1436, Jill finds out that his childhood teacher, Michelle, do Fontanay, oversaw the publication of the decree from King Charles forbidding others from engaging in large financial transactions with him. So he abducks and imprisons that guy,
Starting point is 01:22:25 and I imagine slaps him around a bit. The bishop and some officers from the university in Shamptosis protest until this guy's released. Since he couldn't sell land, Jill now sells clothes, jewels, art, books, uses that stuff as collateral for loans. Also sells as much as he can to the Duke of Brittany. All of this still not enough to find the lifestyle he wants
Starting point is 01:22:46 so he looks further to black magic fascinated by the dark arts well these fucking grifters promise him all kinds of fortune seems to think it's possible to find the right spell or formula to wildly change your financial future right self delusion such a powerful force when you want something bad enough.
Starting point is 01:23:05 He develops again, according to tortured confessions and family and other witness testimony later in interest in devil worship, hopes to gain knowledge, power and money by winning the devil's favor. Also continues his obsession with alchemy. He becomes so obsessed with alchemy, he allegedly turns a large section of one of his castles into a big laboratory. Invites alchemists and sorcerers from all over Europe. Fuck, get in there and make some goddamn gold already.
Starting point is 01:23:29 But none, of course, are able to do it. Right, it's a total scam. They still can't do it, despite what a bunch of sites on the web claim right now today. All these motherfuckers, delusional scammers or some combination, right? You cannot make an element out of other elements with the one theoretical exception of a specific kind of nuclear reaction, complicated process where you'd have to spend so much more money than you would get. Right?
Starting point is 01:23:53 You have to use a nuclear reactor. First, you have to get your hands on one of those and some other elements to then make a teeny, tiny amount of gold. 1439, Jill sends a Youstache Blanche a priest and friend of his to Italy to find a real magician. Local prospects are just not working out. He's getting frustrated. May 1439, a Youstache returns with Francois Polari.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Polari, Polari, Polari, Mazarradi. A sorcerer. This guy kind of shows about a nowhere. We don't know who he was before he shows up in Jill's life. For a lot of you approaches Jill's or Jill and tells him that he will need Satan's help to make the gold. All right, okay. So is it to get the devil's help, you have to commit a heinous act in the devil's name.
Starting point is 01:24:37 And Jill was like, oh shit, not a problem. Oh man, I am real good at committing heinous acts. I got heinous down. Just need to add the devil's name, I guess, to the shit I've been doing for years. But for real, Jill allegedly agrees willing to do anything to make this gold. They try to contact some demon named Boron and perform ceremonies to summon him. Who the fuck is this demon? Strongly guessing old Nadi Pallatti made his ass up because Barone does not show up in any demonology compendiums. I might happen to possess for reasons. You don't
Starting point is 01:25:12 need to fucking know about it. And I can't find him on any internet demon list. Guessing on how to pronounce his name it spelled B-A-R-R-O-N. Almost Barry. Let's call him Barry. Going for I like I like the name Barry for a demon. Almost berry. Let's call him berry. I like the name berry for a demon. Praladi wanted berry the demon. Specifically because bear bear. We'd suppose he'd bring a lot of money
Starting point is 01:25:32 and appear as a handsome man while doing it when properly summoned. According to Praladi, Praladi, oh, howdybody, Praladi. Barone wanted to sacrifice. All berry. Made of a heart and some limbs, which is pretty gruesome, pretty weird and very specific. And with this sacrifice of children's blood, I do summon the
Starting point is 01:25:54 demon arise, berry. Bring the, the riches I desire. Oh damn bro, you, you just off that kid for nothing. Oh damn bro, you you just off that kid for nothing What what does that mean demon? Why does thou vex me? Bro, you must have read the wrong ritual easy to do a lot of knockoffs out there I do not need the blood of children and eat an eyeball left leg and a few fingers What does it matter demon a child is dead? I already burned the body Why is thou so picky? Silence, bro.
Starting point is 01:26:26 Demons do not stand for questioning. Why should I require blood biologic? Why not hand out magical riches just to be a nice cool guy, just for shits and giggles? A demand would die to man because I am evil you silly fuck. And what is it that we evil beings do? We perpetuate more evil. Duh. You know something like that. Uh, Jill proceeded to fill entire books with magic formulas and rituals now.
Starting point is 01:26:51 He thinks might create or perform, uh, you know, or entice a berry or the devil to appear. After many failures, Palladi tells Jill that berry, well, he's not appearing. Because Jill, you're wearing a cross necklace. And that's what's keeping him away. What? Let me get this straight. Jill is willing to sever the limbs of children, rip out their hearts to appease a demon. He's been raping and torturing and killing all kinds of kids quite some time, but won't take off his cross necklace.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Anyone else bumping on that detail? From June to July of 1439, Prelati, Jill, Jill, Duceier, Youstache Blanche, Onway, Poitou, perfect model, prepared the lower hall. The castle for more attempts at invoking a demon. Guessing Durey has taken off his cross necklace now.
Starting point is 01:27:37 These new sessions take place at Jill's castle in Tifouj. There, Prelati, the grifter, pretends to summon the devil. Skip and fight, just jump right over Barry right now. During one session where Pilate works alone, he says that I actually, sometimes sources say the devil, sometimes they say Barry. So maybe he was going for the devil,
Starting point is 01:27:55 maybe he was going for a bear bear. During one session, when Pilate is working alone, he says that Barry, the demon, has shown up, holy shit. And that Wily fucker finally brought Gild the gold he's on. Oh, oh fuck yeah, bro. Gild raised him to try and see it, but Pallatti stops him, saves his life
Starting point is 01:28:14 from a magical green serpent. He said was now guarding the money and they have to run away. And then when they come back later, gosh dang, there's no gold. Oh damn you, magic snake. To ensure that Jill kept employing him, Pralotti would sometimes hide gifts
Starting point is 01:28:29 that would allegedly come from Barry around the castle. I hope they were like shitty gifts. Oh, look at that muffin. That must be from Barry. You want to see keep trying? Disillusion with the results of the rituals. Soon, Jill returns to murder to try and renew his fortune. Pralotti tells him he has to offer a child to please Satan and Barry
Starting point is 01:28:46 So Jill has a peasant boy kidnapped and murdered the offers at the body parts, but He refuses to also sell his soul Prolady tells him that you know, the fuck it's not gonna work This is not gonna happen if you don't sell your soul first the necklace now the soul Prolady has been doing everything just by the book. Bulls, jilly half-ass just won't commit. Come on, Jill. Infra penny, infra pound, you half-ass devil fucking worshipper. Despite this refusal, Pallatti later testifies that Jill doubles down on the child's sacrificing part. Maybe things that he offers, bury the demon,
Starting point is 01:29:21 enough hearts, eyes, and sexual organs of children, he'll forget about, you know, not give it a missal. I'm joking around a bunch, but what if he was actually doing all of this? What if he was so desperate, so morally just bankrupt and broken at this point? He's just hacking up kids left and right to try and please this demon. Yee. August of 1439, Gilles Valet. Poitou approaches the aunt of a boy named Colin Avril, asked if he can borrow the child to
Starting point is 01:29:50 show him the house of the Archdeacon of Merrill. He promises to give Colin a loaf of bread. His aunt insists on going with him, but the next day Colin goes alone and then never comes home. According to a accomplice, on way, Gilles raped Colin, killed him and then burned his body. August 26, 1439, Poit 2 brings 15-year-old Bernard Lacommas to Jill's castle at Bournard. Chambermaid sees Poit 2 speaking to Bernard.
Starting point is 01:30:18 She suspicious, asks him what they're talking about. But Bernard won't tell her. And then he disappears from the castle and has never seen again. November 1, 1439, the priest, you stash Blanche. Leaves, she owes castle after arguing with one of the employees. Allegedly, he was pretty sick of the child sacrifices. You know, that's why he left.
Starting point is 01:30:35 You know, he went to go stay at an inn in Montagne. Who is this priest? Guys, I'm fucking out. You know, between the constant demon worship and the child fucking and tortured and raping I just well, you know what? I'm gonna say it. It doesn't sit right with me. It just doesn't sit right with me December 14, 39 John Marseille Casteling of L'Oruche so on travels to Montagne and stays at the same end as Blanche
Starting point is 01:31:01 The innkeeper asks John for news from Nance Blanche over here is Jean speaking about rumors that the Baron Dure is killing children so he can now write a book with their blood. And the Baron believes he can use this book to seize any land he wants. Hell yeah. But they have to hear in this conversation one of Gilles Emissaries comes to the end to try to get Blanche to return. He refuses. Tells the mess near that Jill has to stop killing because the rumors are getting out of hand. Early December, King Charles, the seventh son, Louis, is sent to visit Jill at Tifouj, because he's supposed to stop armed bands of Miradders. Jill was one of the nobles on his list to visit. Jill, literally, Pannix destroys
Starting point is 01:31:40 all the alchemy ovens inside his castle before the visit. December 10th, 1439, Jen Druitt sends two of her sons, seven and ten years old, to ask for alms at the castle in Masha. She knows Jill distributed them there, and that men in the village were charitable. Witnesses say the boys, they saw the boys in the area when Jen went herself, though she couldn't find them, or them. December 25th, 1439, Isabel Hamalin sends two of her sons, 7 and 15 to buy bread, and they never return. December 26th 1439, Perlotti, and Marquis de Sava
Starting point is 01:32:16 comed Isabel's door, Isabel's door. She knew the men worked for the Baron de Ray. They saw her daughter and other sons inside the house, asked if she had more children. She said, yes, but didn't mention their recent disappearance. Then as they left, she heard one of them say, two had come from that house. Hmm, January 1440, new accomplice, Marquitos of Al, engages the teen boy to work as Peralates page. The boy stays at Mashku for two weeks and disappears. Peralates said the boy stole
Starting point is 01:32:43 from him and ran away, but on Wade would tell a different story. In his confession later at court, he said that Pallari killed the teen at Mashku. Two more boys disappear around this time, won a page of an opalman, another the nephew of a priest who sent him off to learn to read and write. In January, the following year,
Starting point is 01:33:00 you starsplosh a wayward priest is persuaded to rejoin Jill's household. household sorry guys I should have never left over the devil worship and the you know the kid fucking stuff how how judgey how judgey was I I feel silly forgiveness right I gotta be more in touch with forgiveness and I forgive you and I forgive you know whatever else you're gonna do in the future uh march 27 14 40 you stosh blanche sees poto all perfect bottle into the castle with a 16 year old future. March 27th, 1440, Youstache Blache, Cise Poitois, all perfect bottle into the castle with a 16 year old,
Starting point is 01:33:28 Guillaume, Lé, B.A., son of a village pastry cook, and Guillaume has never seen again. From March 27th to May 15th, 1440, two more boys disappear. One was a 15 year old son of a mason. We don't know his name. Thank the Lord. Do you have any idea how fucking sick I am of trying to say French kids' names? Uh, Pau'atu. I think I'm doing all right though. Pau'atu persuaded the boy's mother to send him to the castle.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Another was a 10 year old boy whose parents sent him to beg for alms. 1440 rumors are spread and lots of kids going missing. They're the castle of Shomptl Ciss, primary current residence of Gildere. Many of the disappearances connected to either him or his servants. Castle of Shomptal Sis, primary current residence of Gildere. Many of the disappearances connected to either him or his servants. If a boy was taken to that castle by nobles as a servant or a page, and they just would never be seen again. For many in Brittany, now, the disappearances that become an open secret.
Starting point is 01:34:17 People know that Gild is doing what he's doing, but are too scared to say anything, which does seem plausible. Going up against a noble was a great way to get yourself killed if you're a peasant back then. And they did often mistreat, you know, the villagers. At this time, according to several sources, lords, barons, or any member of the noble class, you know, could basically murder, steal, torture, rape,
Starting point is 01:34:37 whenever they fucking wanted with certainty that the king would not intervene as long as they could be counted on again to raise an army as I mentioned before. But as long as the noble squeezed enough tax money from the peasants beneath them to pay the crown enough gold to keep them happy, what a time to be alive. The church again would not intervene as long as nobles paid their ties to the church as long as there were not reports of heresy, you know, open heresy.
Starting point is 01:34:59 May 15, 1440, she'll fucks up. It's one thing to constantly rape torture kill kids, really knowing, try and sacrifice them with the devil. It is another thing to blatantly, once again, disrespect the church. Oh, man, I just threw my notes all over the place. I look excited with my, with my touch pad. This time, he stormed into a church where priest named John Deferone, every third person named John, is conducting mass. And Jill fully armed while he does this, a crime punishable by excommunication and or death, just that, entering this church, fully armed while the priest is conducting mass. Why does he do this?
Starting point is 01:35:38 Well, Jill had learned that one of his favorite castles had been sold, and that John Laferone had something to do with it, maybe in his possession. After Mass ends, Jill runs in, or up to him, excuse me, yells, you beat my men, extorted from them. Come outside the church, or I'll kill you on the spot, and then he kidnapped the priest. Pretty big no no.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Because of this, Jean the fifth. Still Duke of Brittany finds him 50,000 gold crowns, Jill then moves the priest to Tifoge, outside the Duke's territory, and keeps him prisoner there until the church later intervenes. People are shocked, right? Word spreads all the way to the king, king and the pope.
Starting point is 01:36:15 Now they're worried that Jill's become two reckless, two dangerous, something has to be done. Jill's family also circulating rumors that he has gone fucking mad. He's experimenting with alchemy and wizards and shit. Their spread rumors that Jill and Francois Prelatti are forbidden lover, lover, summoning demons together. Duke now makes a formal complaint against Jill to the king and the king sends authorities
Starting point is 01:36:35 to investigate him. Secular and ecclesiastical authorities end up investigating from the king and the church. July 29th, 1440, the Bishop of Nance publishes his letters of evidence against Jill and gets prosecutorial cooperation from Duke, John the fifth to charge Jill with murder. After Duke, John, the fifth complains to the Bishop and May, the Bishop launches a private investigation and had found evidence that Jill was murdering children. So yeah, that happened, you know, previous to this letter now. John, the fifth now so confident that Jill is going to be convicted of crimes, he will be
Starting point is 01:37:09 executed for. He promises some of Jill's property to his brother, Arthur Dourishman, Constable of France, if he will help with the trial. So that's cool. Two guys who will be able to take Jill's property, if he found guilty are now part of his secular investigation and trial. The Constable sees Tefouge and frees the priest Jean-Diffuron. Jill du CA and Roger de Brickville flee leaving Jill behind. Jill sets up a reconciliation meeting with the Duke and to play things safe before this meeting. He orders Pallatti the Wizard to ask Barry the demon if it's
Starting point is 01:37:46 gonna be a trap. Because you know, Barry has been so fucking helpful so far. Three children are apparently killed to get a response from the demon. I know that's not, it's just so fucking ridiculous. Barry gives them the green light now. According to Barry the demon, all ghosts are clear. It's cool. Maybe it's gonna be fine. It's gonna work out great. Well, it wasn't. Secretly the Duke had reported Jill to the Bishop of Nance for sacrilege assault and heresy fucking Barry How could you steer him in the wrong direction? Jill set out for the meeting not knowing he's going to be arrested the group stopped overnight to rest on the way that night
Starting point is 01:38:18 Jill allegedly raped murdered and decapitated a 10-year-old boy Jill murders his last victim, August 15th, 1440, Pwatu, a lured a young boy by telling his mother he needed a page, and Jill murdered the child and burned the body. Jill indicted September 13th, 1440 without his knowledge. Charge with Sodomy, murder, invoking demons, heresy, and offending divine majesty.
Starting point is 01:38:43 Then Jill is arrested two days later on September 15, 1440 and is so very mad at Barry. He was at Mashku when the dukes men arrived and announced they were there to arrest him and he went without complaint. Prelate, Blanche, Poit-Tou, on way, also arrested. Now that Jill and his accomplices are finally arrested, witnesses feel that they can come forward. Before, as I mentioned, they said they were too scared. There's Jill would have his men kill them. All of the witnesses confirmed he was responsible for many, many child murders.
Starting point is 01:39:11 One witness reported seeing his men carry out 40 skeletons from a tower. Weird that that would be the number. That's, that's, that's, I felt like a lot to, to, to, to, to, to, 40 skeletons. I counted each and every bone. Maybe just looked like somewhere in the ballpark of 40 skeletons. Gilles had 49 charges against him. 17 were witchcraft. Five were from murdering children.
Starting point is 01:39:33 This is just initial charges. This and this from the church is may suggest that the church thought so many demons worse than killing children. Probably. Gilles ecclesiastical trial begins September 19th, 1440. This trial, one of the most well-documented trials of murder in the Middle Ages. At his Ecclesiastical trial, Gilles read his charges, ordered to appear before the vise inquisitor.
Starting point is 01:39:54 And the Bishop of Nance on September 28th. Gilles tried at the same time in civil court for Heresy, Sodomy, and Murder. One thing that's interesting about these two courts is that at this time, the church was known to be more lenient. They would typically sentence criminals to life in prison or excommunication in France. The civil courts, however, quicker to hand down a desense, even for minor crimes. The secular proceedings led by the chancellor of Brittany, vicar of the inquisition, and the president of the provincial parliament. The trial held at the at the Duke of Brittany's court, right the guy who is going to fucking gain all this guy's property if a Jill goes down
Starting point is 01:40:31 Excuse me the bishop of Nance John de Maratoire Presented his evidence against Jill and gathered almost a hundred witnesses to testify September 28th the ecclesiastical court joins the civil court to hear more testimony from parents of children who have gone missing. There were so many witnesses that the testimony would last until October 8th, over and over, they're telling their stories. On October 8th, Jill appears before the court for civil charges. Initially, he refuses to plead guilty or not guilty to the charges, but then is threatened with excommunication, a surefire way to go
Starting point is 01:41:05 to hell. And that finally gets him to plea and he please not guilty initially. He also initially refused to talk to the court asked if he would accept on way or poitouse testimony instead. He was like, yes, they will tell the truth. He did not know that they were being tortured and we're going to confess everything. Back then, if you were tortured, right, you typically had to make confession, whether you committed the crime or not. Back then, if you were tortured, right, you typically had to make confession whether you committed the crime or not. Excuse me, the court was going to get something out of you and they would not accept a Nile.
Starting point is 01:41:31 You had to admit to whatever crime they accused you of oftentimes or you'd be sentenced to death. So damned if you do, damned if you don't. Well, what a great way to get some justice. What a great way to get to the truth of things. October 13th, 1440, the prosecutor read the bill of indictment to non-, 1440, the prosecutor read the bill of indictment to non-sc government officials in the bishop. He argued that Jill started killing children
Starting point is 01:41:49 in 1426 and that he had killed 140 boys and girls. The indictment had 49 articles that listed all the charges from murder to witchcraft. Jill interrogated about the 49 articles. He was defiant. He called his judges, Simonee People who will who will buy and sell church privileges and ribotes People who would use vulgar or in decent language. He said they had no right to judge him He even told them I would much prefer to be hanged by a rope around my neck than respond to such ecclesiastics and judges few minutes later the bishop started a preemptory and judges. A few minutes later, the bishop started a preemptory excommunication and now Jill quieted right down. He genuinely seemed to fear excommunication much more than death. Odd for a man who supposedly was worshiping
Starting point is 01:42:33 Barry the demon. On October 15th, 1440, Jill apologizes profusely to the judges. Explains that he was terrified of excommunication and going to help. Please guilty to all charges except invoking demons and begs for the excommunication to be lifted and the bishop agrees. He is not excommunicated. On October 16th, 1440, Pallotti testifies, October 17th, 1440, Ustash Blanche, on way, Poit 2 also testify. The accomplices initially deny everything and said that Jill was not a killer, but you know,
Starting point is 01:43:05 then they get tortured and they change their opinions. They sign confessions, testifying to their crimes, possibly just to make the torture stop, but maybe there was something to it. Poit 2 testifies that Jill started killing boys at Champ Tosis during the lifetime of Jean Ducron, his grandfather. He gave 1426 as the date, said Jill lured the boys inside, hung them from the ceiling until they were almost dead, then raped and killed them. If that wasn't enough for them or for him, excuse me, he would also rape their corpses. Afterwards,
Starting point is 01:43:36 he had poitu and on way to dismember the bodies, burn them and dump ashes into the moat, which would be a great way to dispose of remains. Note to self, if I want to start killing a lot of people, I should make sure that I have some loyal henchmen, a large castle, or I can hide the fact that I'm burning bodies, and a big ass moat to dump ashes in. Part of Pau-Tou's court transcript says, Korra law testified and said that while he was present in listing, he heard Jill boasts that he took greater pleasure in killing and cutting the throats of these boys and girls
Starting point is 01:44:07 and having them killed in their throat slit and seeing them languish and die and their heads and limbs cut off one after the other and in sight of their blood, then he did abusing them sexually. Pwattu also said that Jill would put the children's heads and limbs on display sometimes and show them off to his accomplices.
Starting point is 01:44:25 Hmm? Even said that this is so fucking ridiculous. This is so dark. He said that he even had an incredibly morbid beauty contest where he asked his accomplices which of the dead children was the most beautiful. And then he would kiss the winners severed head. So he just had a display of heads and he's like, what do you think is the hottest? I know my god that the way this trial
Starting point is 01:44:47 is being conducted is far from ideal. But again, what if he really did this shit? Having all kinds of conflicts of interest and confessions made under the rest, doesn't mean he didn't do it. What if he really had a beauty contest with the recently decapitated heads of various peasant children who had been raped before being killed?
Starting point is 01:45:03 Been raped as they're being killed. That's one of the darkest acts we've come across so far. Doesn't top other serial killers eating kids or, you know, the torture methods of say the Kansas City butcher or the rape orientation cassettes of the toy box killer, but, you know, right up there with that shit. Witnesses of the trial testified to seeing his servants dispose of dozens of children's bodies at a castle in 1437 Court documents indicate they went to the said tower took the bones of 36 or 46 children to transport them to Moshku Took them to Gildoray's room where the bones were burned Pwatu verified all this Pwatu's confession was apparently so terrifying that the judges ordered portions to be removed from the transcript
Starting point is 01:45:44 man Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, what was worse? What was worse than, you know, a kid had beauty contest. October 20th, 1440, the judges threatened Jill with torture to game to talk the next day. October 21st, uh, Jill begs to defer his torture says he will confess. And he gives an out of court confession. And then, uh, he confesses to all charges and admits that he ritualistically to defer his torture says he will confess. And he gives an out of court confession. And then he confesses to all charges
Starting point is 01:46:07 and admits that he ritualistically torture dozens of children over a 10 year period set his servants would kidnap the children and bring them to him. Next day, he makes a full in court confession, giving all the gruesome details. Saturday, October, Saturday, 22 October, the appearance of the accused,
Starting point is 01:46:23 this is from the court documents, Gilderay who, 22 October, the appearance of the accused, this is from the court documents, Gilderay who confesses in public the murder of children and admits himself that he killed or had killed, such a large number that he is unable to give the amount. Gilderay confessed he started killing in 1432 or 1433. So later than the date, some other people talked about, confirms all of Pwattu's and, uh, onway's testimony, says that he and his accomplices inflicted various
Starting point is 01:46:45 types and manners of torment on children. To kill them, he said he strangled them, smashed their heads with blunt objects, slithered throats, hung them from the hook, or decapitated them. Quote with clubs or other instruments, he delivered violent blows to their heads, amputated them. He separated the head from the body with daggers and knives. Damn, as they died, he also said he would commit the Sodomitic vice on them and then continue raping them after they died, just truly went full evil. Also confessed to invoking evil spirits, making packs with
Starting point is 01:47:15 demons and practicing alchemy. Said he would offer the demons anything but his own soul. He presented the heart, eyes, hand and blood of one child to the demon, Boreau, fucking Barry, fed him so many kids, and he never helped Jill once. It's almost like you can't trust the demon. He said he presented the limbs and genitals of other children. He also confessed to visiting heretics conjurer, sorcerers, to learn about geomancy, necromancy, so much wizard shit. Brother John Bluon, a vicar of the inquisitor, wrote,
Starting point is 01:47:45 Jill, the accused, has been, was and is a heretic, an apostate, a sorcerer, a sotomite, an invoker of evil spirits, diviner, murderer of innocent children, a criminal, a backslider, and an idolater who has deviated from the faith and who is really disposed of it. In total, Jill confessed to killing at least 140 kids. Jill believed that if he confessed everything, God would forgive him. Near the end of his trial, he begged God for mercy. Court documents indicate that Jill told the court that as a Christian, he was their brother and urged them and those among them, whose children he had killed,
Starting point is 01:48:22 for the love of our Lord's suffering to be willing to pray to God for him and to forgive him freely. Jill spoke with great contrition of heart and great grief according as it appeared at first sight and with a great effusion of tears. He begged parents present for forgiveness and apparently some of them did forgive him. Fucking what? Could you do that? I could not. Someone amidst a raping your child as they also killed him, cutting
Starting point is 01:48:46 their fucking limbs off to make a deal with the demon. And then when they cry and beg forgiveness, you're like, ah, that's okay. Everyone makes mistakes. I get it. No. October 23rd, 1440, Jill found guilty of heresy. And the secular court finds him guilty of kidnapping, torture, and raising armed forces without the dukes permission. The church interestingly starts to excommunicate him again, but then later lifts the order. The same day, Poit 2 and on way are sentenced to death by hanging and burning October 25th,
Starting point is 01:49:17 Gio also sentenced to death by hanging and burning. BAN, THE WHICH BAN, THE K FACCA BAN BEREY'S BITCH. You'll accept the sentence. Ask to go first so that poit-tu in on way can see that he didn't die unpunished. This wins the court's favor and they say that instead of completely being burnt, he's just going to be burned a little bit after he's hanged. And also he'll get to choose which church graveyard he wants to be buried in because he's not excommunicated.
Starting point is 01:49:44 Austin's been a marshal, right? This is the highest military honor. The court grants him three favors, a prayer, a procession, partial burning, right? So his body can be buried and knowledge of his execution time. This was a very rare occurrence allowed him to prepare, confess, to receive forgiveness from God, to gelmate his last confession and request it to be buried in the church of the monastery of the Notre Dame day calm. October 26, 1440, they're moving fast.
Starting point is 01:50:11 Excuse me, 11 a.m. Jill Durey is executed. Thought he was 35 years old when he died. 9 a.m. That day a prayer procession traveled with him to the gallows. He appeared contrites and pious. He encouraged onway in Pwattu to die with bravery and think of salvation.
Starting point is 01:50:27 Think of salvation, perfect butthole. Do not cry. The crowd cried and prayed for his soul. Again, fucking what? That guy. It's final words were sermon about Christian piety and regret that his grandfather didn't use stronger disciplinary methods to raise him.
Starting point is 01:50:41 He should have told me, I'm not supposed to fuck kids at death. Probably should have opened and closed with something to the effect of sorry about all the kid torture and stuff, but he didn't. 11 a.m. Jill falls from the hangman's platform on the gallows. His neck is broken. He dies instantly. His body is burned like a little bit, but not too much. And is taken down. On way andatou are hanged and thoroughly burned after him. I feel like they kind of got off easy, right? What's the point of the fire if they're already dead? Francois and other accomplices only spend a few months in prison, most likely because they
Starting point is 01:51:15 had testified against Jill, a prodigy that fucking dark wizard. He sends to life imprisonment and some kind of dungeon, but escapes. And he goes on to griftft, others outside of France, before disappearing from the historical record. Barry, Barry probably held it. Barry was in on his Gryft the whole time. And now, let's get out of here. Good job, soldier.
Starting point is 01:51:39 You've made it back. Barry. Made it back. Barely. So did Jill really do it? Did he kill those kids? Before I answer that, time for another sponsor. Today's time suck is brought to you again by the law of Chase Kemper and Cruel. Have you ever fallen off your bed and landed on your boner, and bent it to a 90-degree angle? And it still works, but it's like, it's like so fucked up. Please call 1-800-THERROW TO GET YOU
Starting point is 01:52:14 AND JOIN OUR CLASS ACTION SUPED. We're going to sue your bed. We're going to sue your floor. We're going to sue your balls. We're not doing a damn thing. You help cushion your fault. We're going to sue that weird lady across the street, who hasn't waved back at you even one time, even though she definitely has seen you waved her at least two times.
Starting point is 01:52:31 Like what the actual fuck? We're gonna sue Pornham, for putting dangerous boner thoughts into your head. We're gonna sue your parents, for making a body, such a fragile boner. And we're gonna sue your toilets, For no longer being in the right place, now you peel over the floor. Call 1-800-THROWN to get you. We're gonna sue everyone. We're gonna get this straightened out.
Starting point is 01:52:51 We're gonna literally get your dick straightened out. No one. And I mean no one. You have to walk around with a bent boner. Okay, I think I chaired up a little about that. It's a really heartfelt one. Okay, I think I'm done with that gag now. I hope that at least makes one of you.
Starting point is 01:53:09 Lavet House too, but it is as much as I laughed at the thought of being able to hurt yourself that way. So again, did he do it? Did you all derail kill all those kids? None of us will ever know for sure, of course. So if anyone's guess, and my guess is that he was framed for murders that my dad probably committed. I mean, where the fuck was my dad in the 1430s? In 1440.
Starting point is 01:53:28 I have no idea. He's not saying. He won't answer my questions about possibly accessing a time machine and using it to kill kids six centuries ago. He says he's sick of this fucking joke. But is it a joke? Or is he sick of me getting a little closer to the truth every year? Closer to nail in his ass and finally putting more
Starting point is 01:53:45 He belongs in jail. It's fucking go dad watch enough enough No for real now. My guess is that he did do it or at least some of it despite how Landish it all is actually I think he did it mainly because of how outlandish it all is I mean throwing that many Crazy ass charges against him just seems so unnecessary when they could have taken him down for doing, you know, things that were way less sensational. I mean, however, Francis King did level similar charges against Knights Templar a little over a century earlier to take them down. You know, confessions made under torture that they worshiped the demon boffamette, that
Starting point is 01:54:20 they engaged in Sodomian, blasphemy, et cetera. Right, almost all historians agree that those charges were absolutely baseless, that the whole thing was away for Francis Royalty to get away with not repain loans given to the crown from the Templars and to take the Templars vast stores of gold and land. However, like I mentioned earlier, the charges against the Templars or against Joan of Arc or or other people burned alive for no good reason pale in comparison to the charges against jilde ray i cannot find a single historical equivalent of such over the top
Starting point is 01:54:50 heinous charges so many of them and against a war hero in high ranking nobleman no less why embarrass his entire noble family like that could it all be lies yet of course but also they could have thrown all those charges against him because he really was a say Cotic devil worshiping kid fucker Maybe he really did turn to the occult and desperation when his fortunes were running low
Starting point is 01:55:12 Maybe he really got manipulated by medieval sorcerers and alchemists and just kept going further and further down that weird rabbit hole No one's stopping him. You know because he's too rich too powerful still beloved for being a war hero How many sadistic pedophile serial killers have we covered who, if given almost car blanche, to do whatever they wanted to do to kids? Would do pretty much what, you know, Jill may have done. John Wayne Gacy comes to mind immediately,
Starting point is 01:55:37 Robert Kraft, the scorecard killer as well. But this dude may have actually been a walking nightmare. So be glad this Halloween That you're not a medieval peasant knocking on a castle door for food because you're starving Only to be taken in told you be taken care of and then instead giving about the worst possible death imaginable Silver lining to today's tale If he was that bad, well, he's been dead now for almost 600 years Let's move on to today's top five takeaways. Number one, Gildere, born into one of the wealthiest families in all of France.
Starting point is 01:56:18 After he became an orphan at the age of around 11, he had one of the largest inheritances of any young nobleman in the country. He had so much money by the time he was in a bill that he frequently spent it on large parties, food, decorations, servants, financing, massive reenactments of his own prior battle victories. Number two, Jill did not act alone in his killings. His accomplices were on Wague-Rière, Enweigriere, Etienne Corolla, Poitout, Perfait-Pasot, D'Où-Souye, Orsi-È, Youstache, Blanche, and Roger de Brickville. Marquis des Sivas, and the Weird Barry,
Starting point is 01:56:53 Somnim, Wizard, François, Prelate. All these men actively participated in the kidnapping, tortured, rape, and murder of young children. Only Enweig and Poitout really paid for their crimes, both hanged and burned the rest just imprisoned briefly. Number three, she'll begin murdering in 1432 after his grandfather's death without someone to control his behavior.
Starting point is 01:57:13 He seems to have given into dark fantasies. He probably had at least since his time in the royal court when he started reading a bunch of crazy books. 1439, after spending most of his fortune, he and Peralotti attempted to summon a demon, Barry, who would bring them gold. Boron, this demon demanded a child sacrifice. She'll learn that he loved torturing and killing children, continue to do it even after his alchemy projects did not work out and totally killed 140 kids. They think, at least.
Starting point is 01:57:40 Number four, Gilderay allegedly the inspiration behind Charles Perot's Bluebeard story. Although he and Bluebeard share very few similarities, actually, historians frequently cite Gilles as the source of the story. And number five, new info, this is so ridiculous. Oddly after Gilles' death, he became an example of Christian pentanets in France. A three-day fast would be observed after his execution, and then later a tradition evolved in Nance where parents would whip their kids on the anniversary of his death to get them to repent for their sins and that practice lasted for over a century after Jill's death. What a shitty place in time to be a kid. In honor of a brutal child
Starting point is 01:58:21 torturer being hanged to death and band. On the anniversary of his death every year, we're going to beat the fucking shit out of our kids. Life is so weird. Time suck, tough, right, take away. Gildore, Medieval Monster or Witch Hunt victim has been sucked. Thank you once again to Olivia Lee for her initial research. Thanks to these space lizards on Patreon for supporting this show. Add free episodes. Have begun. Thanks to the team here, including Logan Keith, the art warlock for recording and uploading this episode for distribution. Next week, a strange murder mystery, the Chicago
Starting point is 01:59:00 Tylenol murders. So, September 29, 1982, seven people in the Chicago area died after ingesting Tylenol capsules Some dickhead had poisoned with potassium cyanide Investigators quickly determined that the poison did not occur accidentally during production packaging or shipping Someone deliberately poisoned the capsules with the intention to kill just whoever happened to buy those bottles So scary the murders caused a nationwide panic and a recall of over 31 million bottles. First massive recall in US history like this. The Tylenol murders are now considered
Starting point is 01:59:33 an act of domestic terrorism a term that did not exist at that time. The victims included a 12 year old girl a flight attendant, two mothers, and three members of the same damn family. October 6, 1982, an extortion letter arrived at the office of McNeil, pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of Tylenol. The writer promised to stop the killing of the company, wired a million dollars to a Chicago bank account that
Starting point is 01:59:54 once belonged to the owner of a travel agency. But that letter was soon linked to the husband of a former employee, not the owner of the company. The same day, a Chicago bar owner called the police to report the one of his regulars told patrons he had signied in his home for a project. This was how investigators were introduced to the two major suspects of the Tylenol murder case. But 41 years later, no one has ever been charged with the murders. Next week we'll cover all the details of September 29, who the victims were, how they died, how first responders realized that all the victims died from poison Tylenol.
Starting point is 02:00:28 We'll also cover the full decades-long investigation, the two main suspects, and all the evidence against them next week on TimeSuck. Right now, let's head over to this week's Time Sucker Updates. First update from modern excuse me. I tried to sneak into the water about backfire. First update for modern day profit, Sucker. Great me, Zach, with a great attitude. Curtis Lund, who writes, Oh, master sucker, profitive Nimrod,
Starting point is 02:01:01 Lucaphina, Lucaphina's, pony play partner. My mouth wants to try and convert words into French words again. Let's just suck a profit of Nimrod, Lucifini, Lucifinas, pony play partner. My mouth wants to try and convert words into French words again. Client of Alan Lafferty's life coaching. Long time sucker, first time writer here. First I wanna preface by saying, I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Starting point is 02:01:17 and gosh dang, oh my heck, do I look forward to you invading my earholes each week? And I very much enjoy how we have some different opinions as it helps me examine myself. The latest Laffordy episode showcased our differences very much. However, how could I in good conscience laugh as you make fun of everything else under the sun but get upset when it hits close to home? People need to loosen up and not take life too seriously.
Starting point is 02:01:40 I fucking love you, Curse! Feel the same way. Kills me when someone's on board for hundreds of episodes. Right? Lovin' it. And then turn on me. Well, now I suddenly make fun of their sacred cow. And then have this additive of like, oh, you've changed.
Starting point is 02:01:53 Suddenly, you change. No, I didn't. No, I'm approaching things the same way. It just became personal suddenly for you. Anyway, Curtis continues. That said, let's get to the real juicy part of this email and stop with the chit chat. Do I have some news for you? I was listening to this week's episode at work as always the same job I found your glorious podcast at five years ago and have
Starting point is 02:02:13 subsequently listened to the whole catalog finally catching up his August. I work for the Parks Department for my home city, so imagine my surprise in the school to the Prophet's Suck when I hear that same city name escape from your lips, that's right, I work for Highland City Utah Parks Department. That's awesome. That was also when a deep memory started forcing its way to the surface and I raised to text my dad if the lafferties had lived anywhere near us. That's when he dropped the bomb that not only where they near us, but Ron Laffertie had lived in the house next door to my childhood home. As a member of the LDS faith, I was in the same ward congregation. As many people who lived there for years and as such had been in the same church congregation as
Starting point is 02:02:53 Ron and Diana Lafferty. Wow. They had told my dad about how after the murders, while Ron and Dan were on the run, there was a sign-up sheet passed around in church to stand guard in the church building so that steak president, Dick Stowe could have his meetings and safety. One member in particular remembered sitting in the tree outside the building all night with his rifle keeping watch. I can picture it clearly as that is the same church building I grew up attending and is back door neighbors
Starting point is 02:03:22 to the old Laffini residents. Holy shit. Anyways, I could go on with more stories like my great uncle being a part of Ted Bundy's Utah trials and being personal friends with the head FBI agent on the toy box killer David Parker. Ray case. But this one has gone on long enough. Well, you need to send in some more messages. Thanks for all the laughs and hours wasted.
Starting point is 02:03:40 My wife always gives me a nice eye roll when I pull out random facts from your insane brain. Sorry my poor writing, but at least I can speak out loud just fine mush mouth. So I take that back Not sorry enjoy all the watch lists you are certainly on yours truly Curtis lun Curtis yes, probably on a number of watch lists Man so many connections to so many episodes that is nuts. I love that the congregation rallied together and Even put a sniper in the tree. Oh man, now I kind of wish that Ron's story ended with him trying to get into that ward, right? Into that church building. Meeting that sniper.
Starting point is 02:04:11 Thanks for showcasing how people of very different ideologies can still enjoy one another's perspectives. Hail Nimrod, Curtis. Next, a quick update from a satisfied sucker Adam Hill who writes hey Dan just want to say fuck you forgetting the mazerotti but got his spaghetti song stuck in my head for a second straight week I would rather listen to someonequeef pop go to the weasel on repeat for two weeks all joking aside thank you in the whole bad magic crew for all you do super excited for next week suck I was raised in a Mormon family never heard about the school to profits three to five stars would not change a thing, Adam.
Starting point is 02:04:47 Adam, did I say satisfied? Maybe I should have said annoyed. Mazada, boogada, spaghetti! I'll stop. I'll let anyone listening, including you, Adam, complete that song in your own head. I was hoping that Diddy would get stuck at least one brain. So thank you, Adam.
Starting point is 02:05:02 It's weirdly very fun to sing. Finally, something to really think about from a thoughtful sack, an OG sucker Ben Goldstein who writes, Hello to all of Nimrod's chosen people. I watched Dan's recent standup special on YouTube with one child trying to get better, but you knew that. I had a question I've been trying to word coherently and I hope I've managed to do so here. In the special Dan claim that all comedy has a victim.
Starting point is 02:05:24 I can swim lots of standup, but I'm neither a professional comic, nor even an amateur. Given I'm not coming from a place of ignorance, I'm not going to debate the claim itself, seems accurate enough to me. However, I am a student of philosophy who has studied plenty of ethics and even taught some to undergrads. So if we accept the claim that all comedy has a victim, I'm wondering if that means comics have a responsibility to joke ethically. To be clear, this would be a professional ethical obligation. Not one anyone wants to be enforced as a law, Nimrod forbid. I'm not asking to end a lay down an absolute, undebatable truth on the matter.
Starting point is 02:05:56 Even though it's a leader of my cult, he has every authority to do so, and his behest I will kill any who disagree. Drink and bathe in their blood and shit on their corpse. While there's some philosophical discussion about hate speech, especially in debates over the limits of freedom, most ethical work on speech tends to focus on honesty, either as a duty or a virtue, at least in my experience. For instance, one philosophical classic is to ask whether it's morally acceptable for a person to lie about the location of someone being hunted by a murderer. I have not personally seen or heard any ethicist
Starting point is 02:06:30 discuss talk about comedy. However, I've heard numerous comedians encourage punching up versus punching down. Not so much as a universal rule that can never be broken, but more of his general guideline. I try to put in an explanation of the terms here, but figure you've surely got a better grasp on them than I do. Having listened to, I think all of Dan stand up in almost all of time, so I'm a couple months behind, but that's still like 700 plus hours of content. I think he generally follows that guideline. Like in all the true crime episodes, Dan Relentlessy mocks the perpetrators of horrific violence, will never in my recollection talking shit about the victims. I haven't engaged with enough to have my own opinion on this,
Starting point is 02:07:05 but I've heard other true crime content creators critiqued for essentially glorifying killers gross. Yeah, that is gross. That was probably needlessly rambly. Whoops, my question for Dan is just whether he's got a take on this sort of thing one way or the other. Maybe I could put it this way. If, as you claim, all comedy has a victim.
Starting point is 02:07:29 Do comedians have any sort of ethical responsibility to choose their victims carefully? I could make it more complex and post follow-ups about specifics and limitations, but I trust you all as curious, reflective people to do that on your own if it feels appropriate. Much love. To the whole bad magic team and the entire community, Hail Nimrod, Space Lizard, Ben Goldstein. Ben, I always love your messages. You have written in many times over the years. You know, many messages I haven't shared, but that I've read and thought about. You just seem so genuinely curious, thoughtful, funny, kind and empathetic, Hail Nimrod to you to start. Yeah, there are numerous schools of thought in regards to ethics in stand up. The one big ethical cardinal, Stan, I think
Starting point is 02:08:04 nearly all comics agree on is joke, theory. Can you talk about the same thing another comic talks about? Yes, it is nearly impossible now not to do that due to the sheer number of comics working and pumping out a lot of material today added to all of those who have come before them. But to listen to another comics take on something and then just repeat that, essentially word for word or close, that is definitely viewed pretty universally as very immoral. As far as punching versus punching down, the jury is divided. Many, if not most, comics do avoid mocking someone or some group already struggling in a way
Starting point is 02:08:39 that just adds to their lot in a way that would make them feel terrible if they heard it. Like for example, doing a joke that, you know, mocks someone for having an intellectual disability. However, joking about the same topic in a skillful way where the punchline is, you know, so absurd or satirically clever or whatever, that while it does technically mocks something very taboo to make fun of, also, you know, makes me laugh and or makes people laugh in a way of, we shouldn't take life so seriously. That doesn't seem to upset
Starting point is 02:09:11 most audience members or other comics. Okay. As an example of that, I was recently doing technically a rape joke to illustrate that to audiences. You know, I did it because I've heard some comics say and a lot of noncomics say that rape jokes are never funny, but then I told one where the rapist becomes the victim of the joke, where the rapist in fact becomes the raped in the midst of trying to rape someone else and the joke gets more and more absurd. And the audience universally very tense
Starting point is 02:09:37 when I have started that joke, almost all laughing very hard by the end. Technically laughing is someone being raped, but because that person is a rapist, there's a sense of justice by the end. Technically, laughing is someone being raped, but because that person is a rapist, there's a sense of justice to the joke and it gives people a moral past to feel comfortable laughing at it. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that ethics for comedy less about hard rules, more about it's all in the delivery.
Starting point is 02:10:01 A premise, you know, in the hands of one comic can be seen as a terrible example of punching down in a very tasteless way, but in the hands of another comic, you know, can be a joke many will consider brilliant. Comedy so subjective. I've watched comics tell jokes I personally find deplorable, but have, you know, witnessed many audience members laugh their asses off at that same joke. Some comics don't seem to worry about ethics. They seem to follow
Starting point is 02:10:25 the rule of if people laugh. It's funny. That's all that matters. For me, despite having a dark sense of humor, I actually do think about ethics quite a bit, which might surprise some people. For me, the goal with a new joke or story, when I'm at my best, is to share what I truly feel about something, what I truly believe, even if it's a sensitive topic, and might take might have set some people. But I like to share it in a way where the primary motivation is not to shock, not to offend, but to a make a laugh, be making more comfortable with taboo subject matter because I think it's healthy, right? Not to shy away from subjects and to be afraid to talk about them and see, you know, maybe make you think about the topic in a new way.
Starting point is 02:11:09 I do think about a lot more than just getting a laugh. They won't always get it right, but I do try to tell jokes with ethics. Am I being clever or just cruel? Am I setting people needlessly or am I setting some people who disagree with me while also letting others who do agree know that they're not alone in their thoughts? Circling back to your actual question, do comedians have any sort of ethical responsibility to choose their victims carefully? I think we do. Not all comics agree, but yes. I think there should be response, but I think words are powerful, words matter.
Starting point is 02:11:37 And I think if you are not at least trying to be responsible with your words, you're being lazy at best and needlessly callous and cruel at worst. And last thing, yeah, fuck other podcasts for too glorified heinous killers. I do think that like you, that that's really gross, but that's just me. I hope my rambling answer made some sense. Don't be afraid of darkness, meat sacks. We should be able to talk about,
Starting point is 02:11:58 also joke about literally anything, but also don't be afraid of kindness. Don't be afraid of empathy. Don't mistake caring for weakness. Don't mistake not wanting to needlessly hurt others with softness. It's easy to be lazy and cruel. That in my opinion is weak. And I think it takes strength and thoughtfulness to do the opposite. Hail Nimrod to all you beautiful bastards. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. bastards.
Starting point is 02:12:27 Well thank you for listening to another Bad Magic Productions podcast, scared to death, time suck each week. Please don't sacrifice anybody to bury the demon. He will not give you shit. He's a liar, a real, nearer, do well. Just stay the fuck away from Barry and keep on sucking. I'm not gonna do that. And I'm not gonna talk about Bon Jovi. I'm not gonna sing the Mazza Radi Bhagaddi's Bhagaddi, you know, song.
Starting point is 02:13:13 No sir, you know, I think I'll instead talk about how crazy it would be to have a beauty contest using kids' heads. My God, it's gonna stick with me. That is crazy dark. Imagine that in the present day. Imagine walking into your friend's house, anyone's house, and seeing a bunch of heads, just on display, on pikes or whatever.
Starting point is 02:13:32 And then this person's like, you just in time to help judge the beauty contest. I think if that actually happened to me, I would end up just like frozen in place for a little while. Like it would break my brain for a little bit. I don't know that I would be able to process that amount of horror in time to react properly. Like even crazier, what if you and a friend
Starting point is 02:13:50 walk into that house? And then when the person in the house, like you're just in time to help touch a beauty contest. Without missing a beat, your friend's like, uh, the red head. Yeah, yeah, definitely the red head. That's when I might just run, you know, out in front of traffic.
Starting point is 02:14:04 Not sure I would want to still be on Earth anymore, is that happen to me? Finally, why do I even think about things like this? Like ever. I'm just going to leave you with that.

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