Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 375 - The Cleveland Kidnappings: Tremont's House of Horrors

Episode Date: November 20, 2023

On the evening of May 6th, 2013, in the Tremont neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio, three enduring mysteries were shockingly solved. Three missing Cleveland women, Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Gina... DeJesus - all long presumed dead - were found to have been held captive by a madman named Ariel Castro for roughly a decade.  It is insane what they had endured, and it is so inspiring how all three women have chosen not to let their torture and captivity define them. GIVING TREE INFORMATION: If you would like to donate this year, go to amazon.com and purchase a gift card. When you fill out the box of whom to send this gift card to, simply enter the following email address: givingtree2023@badmagicproductions.com.If you want to be a recipient of the Giving Tree - on Tuesday November 21st at 12:00 noon PT, we will be begin accepting applications on our website, badmagicmerch.com. THIS WILL BE THE ONE AND ONLY WAY TO SUBMIT YOUR FAMILY.Act fast! When the maximum number of families we can help have submitted, the application will stop working. Good luck and Hail Nimrod! Get tour tickets at dancummins.tv Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/422Aa6kUaOwMerch: https://www.badmagicmerch.comTimesuck Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89vWant to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever happens to be our most current page :)For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste)Please rate and subscribe on Apple Podcasts and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcastWanna become a Space Lizard?  Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcastSign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get access to the entire Secret Suck catalog  (295 episodes) PLUS the entire catalog of Timesuck, AD FREE.  You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch.  And you get the download link for my secret standup  album, Feel the Heat.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 According to the NAM US database, the national missing and unidentified person system, 600,000 people roughly declared missing every year, just in the United States. Some of them, the great majority of them, thankfully, turn up quickly and are taken out of the system. Kids who wandered off, adults who decided on an impromptu change of scenery, miscommunications, that sort of thing. Unfortunately, many of them are also found to be no longer alive. The dead bodies of missing people are discovered every day. Many thanks to
Starting point is 00:00:31 ever evolving forensic science are identified leading to at least some closure for the victims' families, but many others, almost 90,000 a year in just the US at any given moment in recent years have not been found. We don't know if they're alive or dead. If they've been sexually trafficked or if they're homeless, disoriented due to mental illness or drug use or both or have just left to start a new life somewhere else without telling anybody. When somebody goes missing for initially, there's typically a burst of energy at the beginning to find them. Maybe the family makes calls to new stations, distributes flyers, coms the area where the person was last seen. As the weeks wear on, they continue to search vigilantly, holding out hope that they'll
Starting point is 00:01:14 be reunited with their family member. Months later, it's getting a lot harder to hold onto that hope to keep the momentum going. Most missing people who are found will be found within the first 72 hours between 2016 and 2019 in the UK. I would imagine the numbers are pretty similar here in the US. 85% of missing persons cases were resolved within a week, 95% within a month, 97% within six months, and 98% within the first year. Clearly, if a year passes and the person has not been found, it is very likely sadly that they will not be found, a less than 2% chance.
Starting point is 00:01:51 And if they are found, they probably will not be found alive. Missing more than five years and found alive, 10 years and found alive, almost unheard of, but not completely unheard of, but even in those cases. The person who went missing wasn't typically kidnapped. Kidnapping is incredibly rare. Out of the over half a million missing persons cases, open in the US each year, only a few hundred will be found to have involved abduction by a stranger. On average, fewer than 350 people under the age of 21 have
Starting point is 00:02:20 been abducted by strangers in the United States per year since 2010 per FBI statistics. So a case of someone who is kidnapped, missing more than a year, then found almost never happens. But there's always the outlier of all outliers. The one case that defies all the stats, and today we are talking about that such case, the Cleveland kidnappings. On the balmy evening of May 6, 2013, a group of neighbors and a Cleveland neighborhood were having their usual chat when something pierced the silence, a scream.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Looking over at the nearby house, belonging to one aerial Castro, the neighbors quickly realized something was wrong, a hand was waving out of a broken window. Aurora Marti, Altagracia, Tahada, and Angel Cordero stared at that hand and then at each other what was going on. And then a woman shouted, help me, I'm Amanda Berry. Amanda Berry's dead Aurora yelled back, everybody knows that. Know the woman shouted, I've been kidnapped in this house for 10 years by Ariel Castro. Soon not one, not two, but three kidnappings would be against all odds solved. Three missing persons cases,
Starting point is 00:03:28 all of which should have statistically never been solved now all solved. The unlikely and forgettable story, excuse me, and unforgettable. It's, that'd be terrible. If I was like, hey, do you wanna hear a forgettable story? Now the unlikely and unforgettable story of Ariel Castro and the Cleveland kidnappings,
Starting point is 00:03:45 right now on a both terrifying and ultimately inspiring. I love being amazed at the strength, mental fortitude, and resiliency of the human spirit addition of TimeSuck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to TimeSuck. Happy Monday and happy Thanksgiving, Meets Acts. Welcome to the Cult of the Curious. I hope you're excited for this incredibly forgettable story. By the end of the episode, people are like, what did I even listen to? No, I'm Dan Cummins. Sucked him his prime, a big fan of used women's bicycles, and you are listening to Time
Starting point is 00:04:30 Suck. Hail Nimrod, Helus and Fena, praise be to both Jango's glory be to Triple M. Today's episode might not seem like a good Thanksgiving choice, but I actually think it's a great one. Stick around until the end. I'll lay out my argument for that. One cool announcement at a dedication and then we are off. We chose a new veteran military nonprofit to donate to this month. We try to do it every November, in honor of veterans day. This year we are donating to the Blue Skies Foundation,
Starting point is 00:05:00 the Brotalion Blue Skies Foundation, as veteran founded nonprofit dedicated to providing post mishap support for the Army Aviation community and their families. They hope to honor the legacies of those who have fallen and provide support to their families. And we'll be sending them $12,884 this month, also adding $1430 to the scholarship fund for distribution next year. If you'd like to learn more or support the Blue Skies Foundation, please visit the BroTowianBluesKiesFoundation.org and link in the episode description. And thank you, thank you, as always, to our veteran suckers in the U.S. and those who serve or have served in militaries around the world.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Finally, this episode is dedicated to the memory of officer Nicholas McDaniel of the post-false police department who passed away far too soon of a massive heart attack October 22nd at the age of only 36 leaving behind two beautiful boys and a beautiful fiance as well. Nick was the best of the best when it came to law enforcement. I met him after he comforted and questioned my wife Lindsay after a car accident back in May. He was turned out to be a big time suck fan. We chatted about life took some picks.
Starting point is 00:06:09 He was just such a good dude. Lindsey was so thankful to have him come check on her. Make sure she wasn't hurt. Take down the details of the crash to everything and such a professional, responsible manor. And Nick lived by several principles. Don't touch it twice, which is, do it right the first time. Work harder, nobody cares, stop whining, and emotions aside, give me the facts,
Starting point is 00:06:30 and I fucking love all that. Hail, Nimrod, if Nick would have worked for the Cleveland PD back when today's story took place, I honestly think those girls would probably have been rescued earlier. Thank you to Neil, Erig, Executive Director of the Post Falls, for Turnle Order of Police, for sending me Memorial Stick sticker in honor of Nick.
Starting point is 00:06:47 It's already on my truck's rear bumper. Gone, but not forgotten Nick and not really gone. Just somewhere else. See down the road, Nick. We'll laugh off some dark shit together. And now for a topic that as one of the last voted in topics by the spaces, as we transition to different benefits on Patreon patreon feels pretty dang appropriate Are wise but devious
Starting point is 00:07:09 Space lizards have voted in some of the most fucked up episodes to ever come out of this show Episodes that have been in some way or another Terrifying and today's is no different might be the most terrifying it rivals Joseph Fritzel in terms of how disturbing it is. Think about situations where being delayed somewhere, like at the airport or in a long line at the DMV, maybe stuck on a plane at the airport in the tarmac has frustrated you, right? Just a sense of a loss of control, not knowing when you'll be able to move on, when you be able to leave, not knowing if the rest of your day will proceed as planned, stressful,
Starting point is 00:07:44 right? Now look at a slightly bigger situation, the pandemic, for instance, those early months felt so full of tension, right? I hate a feeling less controlled in my life than I'd felt before, at least as an adult, I hated not knowing when I would be able to travel again, when I would be able to travel again without a mask, when I would be able to schedule a standup show, not worry about it being canceled, etc. I hated like most of you, I assume, not knowing when things would get back to quote normal and feeling trapped in my house, even though here in Corte-Layne, you know, being trapped in the house
Starting point is 00:08:13 lasted for about a couple days or a week. But still, for people looking forward to big events, going off to college, graduations, weddings, those were put off indefinitely, surrendered to the gaping chasm of sometime in the future. Now imagine that it went on for about 10 years. But it was way worse. Imagine being trapped in someone else's house. Someone who had tricked you into entering that house, a man you thought you could trust. And now imagine being chained up for that man's sexual pleasure, subject to his deviant games being violently abused by him. Instead of feeling some sense that at least everyone else in the world is going through the same shit.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Now, this just happened to you, or you and another, or you and two others. Whatever you are imagining, it probably pales in comparison to what Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Gina, the Jesus, actually went through. Let's get into this crazy story Not much set up today. This tale does not place take place a hundred years ago It is not based in extreme religious beliefs that need some level of understanding before we proceed doesn't require the explanation of any high
Starting point is 00:09:19 Concept scientific principles. You know, we need to comprehend the story took place this entry in a major US city. My wife Lindsay's hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, it began while she still lived there. And when she was just two year, two years older, then the first kidnapping victim, crazy for me to think that she could have easily ended up in Ariel Castro's house of horse. So yes, let's head to Cleveland now. Very underrated city in my opinion. Come on, caps. Let's fucking go of 372,624 people inside the city limits as of 2020 and a metro area population of 2,185,825 home of the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers, Major League Baseball's Guardians NFL'ss, NFL's best defense as of this recording.
Starting point is 00:10:07 If only the exceptional Miles Garrett could sack his teammate to Sean Watson, maybe hard enough to end his career. Cleveland has the second biggest theater district in the US after New York City, a lot of culture, a lot of beautiful parks, so many museums, numerous renowned chefs have built one hell of a foodie scene. There's a ton of cultural diversity, have one of the very best comedy clubs in the nation, hilarities, shout out to Nick Costas, the owner, one of my favorite humans. After rebounding from the loss of a lot of auto manufacturing jobs decades ago,
Starting point is 00:10:34 there's a ton of good jobs now in healthcare with the Cleveland clinic, key bank progressive insurance, Sherwin Williams, paints, more major companies are headquartered in Cleveland, providing a lot of good corporate jobs. And it's maybe the most affordable city in America to live in According to the mayor's office right now the average sale price for a home in Cleveland just a hundred and 17 thousand One hundred and seventeen thousand dollars compare that to the national average of four hundred and sixteen thousand dollars Fucking love Cleveland Truly gets shit on by a lot of people for reasons didn't longer make sense Well, Cleveland was in the eights is not what it is today. I love Cleveland almost as much
Starting point is 00:11:08 as the suck versus Tuts Martinis. Hey, I'm Tuts Martinis. Founder Godfather, regional charter president for the Cleveland Steamers Motorcycle Club, born and bred in Defineda City right here in America. I was in our clubhouse behind the old homestead tavern off of Norwood and St. Clair Superior, when they caught this Castro turd. He was lucky we didn't get a hold of him first. He's not Cleveland. That's not what we do here.
Starting point is 00:11:36 We would have busted him in a thousand pieces and dumped him in a river. If you're in Cleveland, you even think you see something funny like the neighbors of this guy's son? You go to Cleveland, even think you see something funny like the neighbors of this guy's off. You go to Cleveland Steamers. We ain't gonna knock on the door and ride off with no one answers. We're gonna kick the goddamn door in. We cheer on the brown tear.
Starting point is 00:11:53 We corn, beef, but slime and tear. We take care of one another here. That's Cleveland. Okay, I gotta be going. Happy riding. Remember our motto. If Cleveland Steamers, when you're barfaring to the gate, you gotta drop a doof.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Love Toots. It's a good man, tough name, tough name, but he's a good man. Cleveland is great, it really is great. But every city, no matter how great, is gonna have it share of horror stories. And one of those stories that I'm telling now played out for over a decade. And what is now my favorite Cleveland neighborhood of Tremont, time to unfold that story in this week's Time Suck Timeline. Shrap on those boots, soldier.
Starting point is 00:12:33 We're marching down a time-suck timeline. July 10th, 1960, aerial Castro born in Dewey Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, Suave. I don't know where that came from. He was a third child of Pedro, Nona Castro and Lillín Rodriguez, two older siblings where Marisol Alicia and Pedro Jr. and he'd have a younger brother, O'Neal. Dewey is a tiny village on the outskirts of Waco,
Starting point is 00:13:06 the coffee capital of Puerto Rico. Over many generations, the Castro family become the preeminent family and the isolated mountainous Barrio, only most of the land in a section called La Pada. La Pada. Despite the family's preeminent, however, their living conditions were still primitive.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Ariel born in his father's little wooden shack. There was no running water, no electricity. Cooking was done over coal on a dirt floor. Every morning, Pedro would drive his Jeep several miles down the steep mud tracks to a well, fill up a large plastic water buckets. He would then haul those things back up the hill so his family could wash and have fresh drinking water. And every day, or close to it, Pedro would also go visit his other family. Ariel didn't learn how to live a double life out of nowhere. His apple didn't in some ways fall too far from his father's tree.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Long before he was born, his father had began an affair with a young girl named Gladys Torres and lived just one house away down the mountain. For the first two years of Ariel's childhood and for many years before Pedro lived a double life dividing his time between his wife, Lillian, and therefore children and his girlfriend, Gladys, and she would give him another four kids. In 1962, Lillian finally discovers Pedro's
Starting point is 00:14:16 double life. She's pregnant with O'Neill, her last child, which you find out about a years long affair with the fucking next door neighbor. After living in front of him, Pedro leaves her and leaves the family forever, but he doesn't go far. He packs his bags, he moves out, and he moves in next door with Gladys, and they have their family now. That's so fucking weird. They get married soon afterwards,
Starting point is 00:14:41 and they keep living next door. Ariel will spend the next five or six years watching his next door neighbors have the father he should have had. That is fucking insane. Imagine your dad walking out of the family and then he's like he grabs his shit and he just fucking walks down the front steps and he walks out the front yard and turns left and then about a hundred feet down the road just turns left again into your neighbor's front yard and just walks on into their house and then is living there for the next six years. No longer a part of your family though. Oh, that's uncomfortable. Hey, dad, do you mind throwing that basketball back over the fence? Or, or I don't know,
Starting point is 00:15:15 maybe coming over sometime and peeing my father again like old times. It's terrible. Not always horrible for a little Ariel though. His uncle, Sacy Castro helped him learn to play the guitar and Ariel quickly became a gifted musician and taught himself how to play bass. He'll play that for the rest of his free life. Sometime in 1968, when Ariel would have been seven or eight, Pedro Castro leaves Puerto Rico with Gladys and the new kids, the new fam and settled down in Cleveland, Ohio, where he already had some
Starting point is 00:15:45 family living there. Pedro had a good head for business, opened up a used car lot on 25th street and Sackett Ave, which was soon a thriving business. 1969, his brother, Saisee, joins him in Cleveland, opens the Carabé grocery store on 25th and Seymour. They were followed by the brother Edwin, who opened Cleveland's first Latino record store on 25th Street near Clark Ave and soon Lillian would also leave and head to the same neighborhood in Cleveland. A little weird but okay two years later 1970 Lillian moves her family to Cleveland settles down at two three four six scranton wrote by now her ex-husband and his new family and his brothers have established themselves, you know, successful businessman and became one of the leading Puerto Rican families in the city just like they
Starting point is 00:16:28 had been back in La Pada. And they kept Puerto Rican traditions alive, finance in a social club, have an annual coffee festival to commemorate their hometown. Then in 1971, the Cleveland Plains dealer reports that FBI agents rated CAC Castro's Caribbean bodega in a Belita numbers rackets team. According to the article, agencies cash guns, numbers records from 11 family members, including Pedro and Sacy. September of 1973, 13 year old aerial Castro starts at Scranton Elementary before joining Lincoln,
Starting point is 00:16:59 Road West junior high school a year later. It was a year behind where he should have been in school age wise. Thanks not getting the same education back in rural Puerto Rico. It was a below average student with poor test results for cognitive ability, but he did make the wrestling team played softball and he was in the school band. Also got into some trouble while in junior high, Ariel was suspended for inappropriately touching a girl's breast and then punished again for fighting classmates. September of 1976, Ariel now 16 moves on to Lincoln West High School, whereas elder brother, Pedro Jr. just graduated as a straight A student. Not so much for Ariel.
Starting point is 00:17:35 He's pretty, pretty average kid, not the brightest, but competent enough, really into bikes, classic sports, cars, and music. While the student at Lincoln at Lincoln joins his first Latin band, Lil' Stinos, plays bass with them and some local churches. He's also apparently popular, has several girlfriends, has a bunch of friends, likes to drink beer, smoke, weed, and party with him. June 30th, 1979, just before turn 19, Ariel graduates from Lincoln, West High, near the bottom of the class with the GPA of 2.15, which translates to mostly C's with maybe a B or two thrown in, maybe a D or two.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Over the next several years, he works a variety of menial jobs, including being a bagger and cleaner for the pick and paste supermarket on West 65th Street. Also began establishing himself as one of Cleveland's most promising Latin musicians, playing weddings, bar mitzvahs, anything else he can get with a variety of other kind of rotating cast of musicians, different bands. Still, he's living at home with mom, two brothers. And so since he's not paying rent,
Starting point is 00:18:34 he's given enough money for expensive clothes, sports car, motorbike, musical instruments. Then in early 1980s, Lily and Rodriguez, moves her family, excuse me, including her free free loading son to a new house at 1649 Bureau Avenue just about a mile down the road from where they had been living and in the new neighborhood Ariel soon notices a shy beautiful 17 year old Puerto Rican girl named Neilda Figueroa Figueroa, excuse me
Starting point is 00:19:01 She lived across the street with her parents and five siblings They passed each other on the street. he complimented Nilda on her looks, insecure girl, flatter by his attention. One day he invites her to hear him play with his band, she eagerly accepts, within a week they are a couple. And that would feel so sweet if I could forget what a complete piece of shit Ariel was. Later Ariel will say that he was never in love with Nilda, whose full name was Grimilda Figueroa, but Nilda was certainly in love with him. She lost her virginity to him one night
Starting point is 00:19:30 by the banks of Lake Erie. When he drove her home afterward, her mother confronted them. She told him that, you know, her mom told Ariel that he had to now take her quote, yet to take her because of what had happened. Oh boy mama old school idiotic notions and values on display here You done fucked up you handed baby girl over to a monster over a hymen Shame on you, right Her her plus has been tampered with there's no protective seal on anymore and now it's filthy Who's gonna want to ride a bike? Ariel bent the handlebars some of the spokes spokes are missing. Now one of the tires squeaks.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Very night, Nilda moved across the street into Ariel Castro's room. She'll stay with him for the next 14 years. And her life will be a living hell for about 13 of those years. Around Christmas, 1980, Nilda becomes pregnant and Ariel now finds the couple, a two bedroom apartment, a few blocks from his home.
Starting point is 00:20:24 He also gets a job working as a drill press operator for Lesnar products. While continuing to get out, make a bit of a name of himself in the Cleveland Latino music scene. Couples first child, Ariel Anthony Castro, junior born September 27th, 1981 in this poor kid. His 21 year old father is delighted.
Starting point is 00:20:43 He would have Nilde bring, or he'd have Nilde bring the new baby to gig so he can show him off to everybody, which sounds sweet, but back home, life suddenly not sweet at all for the young family. Nilde will later testify about how Ariel started to attack her soon after their son was born. She said the first time it happened, quote, it was over a small argument. He just punched me in the face, grabbed me by the head and threw me back against the concrete floor. The second time he
Starting point is 00:21:09 punched me so hard that he broke my nose." And quote, and here we go. Ariel's downward spiral into being more and more comfortable, violently assaulting women gets going. He was spent years steadily becoming the kind of monster who did what he did to those Cleveland girls. After the first attacks, Nilda began wearing a head scarf and heavy makeup, disguised her injuries. She also did her best to appease Ariel, hoping to avoid future attacks. She would try and follow his rules, rules like not leaving the apartment without his permission, wearing long dresses so that other men couldn't look at her.
Starting point is 00:21:41 You know, where she could go grocery shopping, which brand she was able to buy on and on. The more rules she followed, the more rules he added, the more paranoid he became about her possibly not following these rules. He constantly trying to catch her breaking rules by pretending to have left the apartment, but then lying and waiting downstairs to listen and spy on her. Whenever he did catch her, disobeying him in any way, there'd be a savage beating. Soon Ariel is even censoring what she is allowed to watch on TV. He bans the fucking Cosby show because he had a bad feeling. The Bill Cosby was a despicable piece of shit serial rapist. Uh, no, he didn't care if Bill was rapier.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Actually, he probably would have admired Bill if he knew who he really was. No, he banned the show because he was super racist and hated all black people. So I'm guessing she couldn't watch the Jefferson's, which is a real fucking bummer. No one's moving on up. She's certainly not moving on up. And no more Donald Knight. Every night for the last several years of the relationship, this fucking psycho would run his hand over the back of the TV when he'd first get home.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Does it feel if it was warm, see if it had been on recently. If it felt warm, he would check the TV guy to see what shows had just been on. And if there was shows on that he didn't approve of, he would be the shit out of her. So clearly got off on both controlling and terrorizing her. When Nile to became pregnant again in March of 1982, the beatings became worse. Once when she had morning sickness so bad she couldn't do the dishes. He punched her in the mouth hard enough to knock two over teeth out. Sounds like somebody should have killed this guy long before he ever kidnapped anybody. I would volunteer. I would
Starting point is 00:23:14 happily volunteer to kill people like this. What was that? He punched his pregnant wife hard enough to knock two over teeth out because she was ill for morning sickness, right? Uh, you know what? Are you saying I can take this gun and legally end him? And I'm gonna charge with shit. Can I shoot him anywhere I want? As many times as I want. I accept. Let's fucking dance, Ariel.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Around this time, you got a new job working for the Cosmo Plastics Factory. But with the second child on the way, still didn't pay enough to cover the upcoming bills. So now the couple moves in with Nell his father to save money. Being in his wife's father's house does not cause Ariel to treat her any better.
Starting point is 00:23:50 He still beats her there. Also locks her inside the house on a regular basis. If her dad knew she's being beat and tormented and did nothing, which I imagine he did, I'd be happy killing him both. Maybe just hear me out. Maybe if we killed enough people like this, then the world would be so much better for those who remained.
Starting point is 00:24:07 I'm not sure it would work, but I think it'd be fun to try. January 13th, 1983, Nilde gives birth to a baby girl who they name Angie, but when friends and family come over to see her, Castro refuses to allow them inside. It's getting weirder. After Angie is born,
Starting point is 00:24:23 Ariel Castro's behavior becomes more extreme. During one argument shortly after her birth, he shoves Nilded into a large cardboard box, closes the flaps and insists she's staying side. Clearly, aerial fantasizing about imprisoning women long before he imprisoned some girls that were not related to him, not in a relationship with him. A few months later, aerial Castro gets fired from the Cosmo Plastics Factory. Not sure exactly what he did. Now the family is on welfare. He's home most of the time. He uses Nilda's food stamps, not to buy food for the fam, but to buy some cocaine for himself. And after he
Starting point is 00:24:56 would get high on Coke, he would be way nicer. Everyone knows if you have a violent disposition, snorting fat fucking lines, and often it really mellows you out. And it amplifies any gentle tendencies you might have. Or it does the exact opposite of that. By this time his father's son, Ariel Jr., not even two years old, has already learned to keep out of his father's way as much as possible, especially when he's in a bad mood. He's been beaten too. And is his dad getting in any trouble for any of this? Nope. He was already real good at hiding what was happening at home and putting on a different face for the outside world, right? Fun loving family man musician. Weekends, he's arriving at
Starting point is 00:25:37 gigs and his blue Mustang with his bass guitar and his amp and his charming and charismatic. He's dressed flamboyant in a black silk shirt, got a Panama hat, flashy diamond earring, even with the band who had hired him, had a uniform he was expected to wear. Uh-uh, he refused to change. He was an artist. You don't do something super fucking punk rock,
Starting point is 00:25:58 like snorting the kids welfare money up your nose and then not wear your Panama hat for your salsa gig at the Elk's Lodge. 19-5. Aerial Castro finds another job driving for Cumba Motors, pays more, he moves Nilda and there are two young kids into a new apartment, 9719, Dennis and Avenue, and all of a sudden he's a super good husband and dad and gentle and nurturing. Yeah, right, that's not how these stories ever go.
Starting point is 00:26:23 In their new place, the violence continues. During another argument, he breaks Nildes' nose. Again, makes her swear not to report him to the police before he allows her to go to Grace Hospital. A few weeks later, Nildes' back in the hospital after Castro has repeatedly kicked her in the ribs, which he said something he didn't like. One of her ribs ended up being completely shattered. Yet, another time, he dislocates both of her ribs ended up being completely shattered. Yet another time he dislocates both of her shoulders. By twisting her arms behind her back and
Starting point is 00:26:49 spinning and throwing her around the bedroom. In another incident he hits her over the head with a metal bar, easily could have killed her. The blow put her in the hospital for three days. Split her head open. Took more than 40 stitches to close the wound. As before Ariel made her promise not to call the police before she was allowed to go to the hospital. Although the doctor's a great hospital, we're aware that she is suffering abuse. They are powerless to call the police
Starting point is 00:27:13 without her permission due to existing laws. Still today, doctors not mandated reporters of domestic violence in many states, sadly. During another, especially savage attack in 1987, Castro punches Nilda so hard in the eye, he gives her permanent nerve damage. Then in January of 1988, when Nilda's pregnant with their third child, nearly nine months pregnant, fucking slams her over the head with the barbell, sends her back to the hospital. Amazingly, just a few days later, Nilda gives birth to a healthy baby
Starting point is 00:27:41 girl named Emily Lisette. September 30th, Ariel almost kills Nilda. Around 6 at night, Ariel's brother, O'Neill arrived at their apartment, wanted to go out for a drink when Nilda asked them where they were going. Ariel started slapping her in the face. How dare she ask him? And when Nilda tries to run away, he grabs her and slams her heart against the wall repeatedly. O'Neill doesn't do shit to stop it. What a great family we have here.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Just a lot of fucking champions in the Castro bloodline. This episode sent me into so many murder fantasies. Just imagine having some dude like this in my family and how I might be able to get away with making him disappear forever. Finally Nilda afraid she's going to be beaten to death, manages to escape, runs up to stairs, gets to her neighbors who called the police Ariel finally arrested taken into custody on suspicion of assault Nilda and her kids taken by ambulance to St. John's hospital where she's interviewed by the police
Starting point is 00:28:34 Cleveland Police Department report of the incident states that she told officers she had been Ariel's common law wife for about nine years Victim states she was assaulted by the suspect on several other occasions. It read, but made no official complaint. No, it was still too scared to make a criminal complaint this time against Ariel, and the police had to let him go and not charge him. No punishment for this motherfucker at all. Still living it up. Still jamming, hitting those fat-based drinks all around town.
Starting point is 00:29:03 As a freelance musician, he's jammedmed with many the top Cleveland Latino bands at the time the Roberto Ocasio Latin Jazz Project Cinti a group of fuego group of canone a los boys Del Morangue Did you know the Cleveland also has an amazing music scene rock and roll Hall of Fame, baby Did you know the John Bonjouvi and Michael motherfuckin McDonald both members of the rock and roll Hall of Fame, baby. Did you know that John Bon Jovi and Michael Mother of Rock and McDonald, both members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. All that you add right now, whatever song there is, you wanna have in your head for the rest of today. The term Rock and Roll first coined in Cleveland by Cleveland's own DJ, Alan Fried,
Starting point is 00:29:36 and the very first rock concert. The Moon Dog Coronation Ball took place in Cleveland in 1952 for just a buck 50, 90 sna, bone, thugs and harmony, kid cutty, Tracy Chapman, Benjamin Or from the cars, pioneering R&B group, the Moon Glows, so many others from Cleveland. And before jumping back into the story, since I popped out to talk up Cleveland again, let's take our first mid show sponsor break. Thanks for not leaving. Jump back into 1990 back into the nightmare that is Ariel's relationship with Nildo. At the beginning of 1990, Nildo becomes pregnant
Starting point is 00:30:12 again, gives birth September 6 to Ariel Castro's third daughter Arlene and their fourth and last child together. They were now living in an apartment on West 98th Street and Western Ave. And soon after Arlene was born, Castro gets fired from Cumbamotors for quote, laziness, moody artist, fucking bass players, right? What do you do? He's too focused on that bass life. December 11th, 1990.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Ariel filled out an application to become a school bus driver for the Cleveland Board of Education. Awesome. If anyone should be put putting charge of kids, it's this guy, it's this stable fellow. The application asked what qualified him for the job and what his future goals were.
Starting point is 00:30:52 And he wrote, I enjoy working with children. I have a good driving record. I speak English and Spanish. I plan to drive a bus and work with young people. Wow, what a word Smith. To be fair, I don't have stories of him beating his son into the hospital. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Maybe not the worst guy to drive a school bus. I mean, probably better to have him drive a school bus than to have him drive around like a women's college volleyball team or something. Listing his clerical skills, he wrote, he could use a calculator and add a machine, okay, braggart. And he gave the names of three friends as character references. He also filled out an affidavit,
Starting point is 00:31:28 stating that he had not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude, which was sadly technically true. He was very much already morally bankrupt, just not, you know, caught, just not legally. February 19th, 1991, Castro officially hired by the Cleveland School District to drive a school bus at 10 bucks an hour after taking a road test, passing a physical exam. He reports for training at the Ridge Road Bus Depot.
Starting point is 00:31:52 On April 29th, 1992, Ariel Castro now 32 buys 2207 Seymour Avenue and the Tremont neighborhood from his uncle Edwin Castro for just 12 grand. Only in Cleveland. Could you find that good of a deal? There's a couple blocks away from his other uncle, Sessie's thriving Caribbean, Carey Bay, Bodega. It was a two story white clapboard house on the south side of Seymour Avenue with five bedrooms in a bathroom as well as a small front lawn,
Starting point is 00:32:19 a bigger backyard and a 760 square foot basement for 12 grand in 1992. Come on. 22 seven Seymour Avenue is in a cool neighborhood now, but not so much what Ariel and his family moved in. Seymour Avenue was scarred by race rides in the 1960s, which caused many middle class residents to flee. They were replaced by immigrants, including many from Puerto Rico, looking for cheap accommodation in the booming steel town and the neighborhood became a low-income neighborhood but still a very good neighborhood, family oriented, well-taken cariff. But then the neighborhood changed again in the late 70s when a new section of I-90 that cuts through the lower 48 from Seattle to Boston was built plowing through
Starting point is 00:32:59 the neighborhood to connect Cleveland to Pennsylvania. Within a few years Seymour Av declined into a dangerous drug infested nomans land, full of boarded up clapboard houses and vacant lots. A crack epidemic ravaged the area in the late 80s and 90s, approximately 70% of neighborhood children would fail to graduate high school in the 90s, 70%. At night, drugs and prostitution ran rampant, drivers it off I 90 to get whatever the vice they needed Excuse me from one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Cleveland It's one it's one symbol of stability was the red brick a manual evangelical Lutheran church at the end of the block
Starting point is 00:33:37 It had been built in 1880 and every Sunday passed her horse to Hoyer would ring the bells to call his parishioners to worship And every Sunday past her horse to Hoyer would ring the bells to call his parishioners to worship. The church at least was still peaceful when Ariel moved in, but the same could not be said for his new house. If his family hoped to enjoy the additional space, this was not Ariel's plan. He immediately began installing padlocks. On certain doors, he turned the basement into a fucking dungeon with a heavy trap door, even added a layer of bricks and curtains to sound proof it had the house's windows nailed shut.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Clearly already actively planning kidnapping some women already thinking about really taking their bikes for some real rough fucking rides. Ariel was financing these renovations with his new job after finishing his training. Ariel Castro became a professional bus driver and actually was earning $14.66 cents an hour Better than the $10 you hope to make Early every morning he'd leave the house to pick up the kids on his route and then drive them to school then at midday He'd often leave the bus parked on Seymour Ave for a couple hours to tink around his cars and motorbikes and his garage So maybe fuck around with his uh, this dungeon
Starting point is 00:34:41 Soon became a well-known presence on Seymour have chatting up his neighbors often playing music at their cookouts also played his base on a rehearsal stage at the back of his uncle say he's grocery store many people thought he was a good neighbor and you know good dude they like to hear him play but a lot of people would have hated him if they could have seen what was going on inside his house when Nildda became pregnant again Castro was furious he didn't want more kids he started kicking and punching Nildda in the stomach to make her abort the fetus. He kicked her down the stairs, broke her nose again, fractured her ribs again, dislocated her arms again. That's not all. He started to literally lock her in the house, ordered her to never use the phone, spied on her constantly pretending to leave but secretly hiding in either the basement or the attic. Also started to act pretty bizarrely outside the house. He buys a creepy life-size
Starting point is 00:35:30 mannequin which he clothes in a long dress and a black wig. He delighted in placing this female mannequin in the back seat of a sports car than driving her around Cleveland, scaring the shit out of people. He also levered propped up against a wall in the house as a warning. He would tell his kids act up against a wall in the house as a warning. He would tell his kids, act up again. You'll be in the back room with the mannequin. Guys, so fucking weird. This is why you don't leave your family
Starting point is 00:35:53 to start a new life with the family next door. That kind of shit creates somebody like this. Castro used the mannequin to terrify his wife. One time when Nildo came home with bags full of groceries in her arms, Castro leapt out into the doorway in front of her as she started to walk in yelling, brandishing the mannequin, scares her so bad she falls down the stairs and smashes her head open again. I can't believe she ended up surviving this marriage. Sadly, all of this will kill her just not
Starting point is 00:36:18 during the marriage. Ariel also doing weird shit in the basement in the attic, two of the places with padlocks on the doors. Places he literally never allowed his family to enter. One day their eldest daughter Angie managed to pick the lock on the basement door, sneak downstairs. She found a fish tank with living fish in it odd because you know there was nobody down there that she knew of to look after the fish.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Also saw the mannequin and what was, what she described as a porch type two seat swing. Is he just sitting down there with his fucking mannequin swinging back and forth watching the fish? Actually, he's probably jerking off to a lot of hardcore porn as we'll get into later. She relacked the basement door and her father never found out she went down there. Perhaps because he was gone most of the time. Ariel had now joined the Roberto Occasio Latin Jazz Projects and is not just doing local gigs but also touring the area a little bit. And whenever he's away overnight playing out of town gigs, he will literally lock his family inside the house. He also has the
Starting point is 00:37:15 windows tinted so no one can see inside. Doors all padlocked, he's the only one with the keys, nobody in, nobody out, fucking psycho. In October of 1993, Ariel nearly kills Nilda again. This time he pushed her down a flight of stone steps, cracking her school, leaving her with permanent brain damage. Her school cracked open all the way from the front of her head to the back. So fucking sad, Ariel Jr. now 12, witness this whole attack. He felt powerless to stand up for his mom.
Starting point is 00:37:45 The last time he tried to, his dad took him down into the basement, whipped him with a dog chain. Then he told him that aerial junior was fortunate not to have a dad who abandoned him like his dad had. For some reason, aerial never laid a finger on his daughters, but now in their new house, his wife and son are getting beatings nearly every day. Beans have become an open secret. The others live it on Seymour Avenue.
Starting point is 00:38:04 That's why you got to fucking help your neighbor sometimes? Nilder now asking many of her neighbors for protection, but no one wants to upset Ariel. Instead, some of them will just, you know, allow her to stay in their homes until Ariel cools off. You got to be a better neighbor than that. Right? We should at least try and protect each other. At the end of November, Nilder began suffering from seizures and is admitted to the Cleveland Clinic for brain surgery.
Starting point is 00:38:28 During the operation, doctors find out she has a blood clot in her brain which had hardened into a tumor. When the surgeon asked later, what could have caused it? NILDA told him how Castor had thrown her down the steps and other beatings. Doctors at the timing definitely
Starting point is 00:38:41 accounted for the size of the tumor, which was inoperable and would eventually prove fatal. But because she didn't want to press charges, when she was discharged the next day, she returned back to her abuser to a house of horse. Sunday, December 26th, 720 pm, less than a month after her brain surgery, a drunken aerial comes home and attacks Nellda again. Throws her to the ground, starts kicking her head, kicking her body. When they're terrified, 12 year old son runs out the front door to summon help Castro chases
Starting point is 00:39:08 him down Seymour Avenue as knelt a locks the front door and calls the police. By the time a squad car arrived at 2207 Seymour Avenue, Ariel had disappeared. Police officers start to search for him. Few minutes later, dispatcher orders them back to 2207 where a furious Ariel is now trying to break in. They pull up to see Ariel pounded on the front door, screaming at Neldel to let him in when he sees police he flees again, but this time he's caught. These officers chased the arrested male, caught him in the rear of 2117 Seymour. Lieutenant Cavitt wrote in his official report of the incident.
Starting point is 00:39:40 At that time, the male was placed in ZC zone car and read his constitutional rights, which he stated he understood. Neil designed a misdemeanor complaint against aerial Castro, who was then read his rights, taking the second, taking to the second district police station and booked. But in the next morning, a terrified Nilda informs detectives. She changed her mind. She wanted all domestic violence charges against Castro dropped. Later that day, however, Cleveland City prosecutor Richard Kray, Dick Kray must be a dick. And at least 90% of these stories reviewed the aerial Castro case in order that it go before a grand jury. Few hours later, aerial Castro appears in the Kayah, Kayahoga County Court of Common Police in front of judge
Starting point is 00:40:21 Shirley Safeld, who freed him on $25,000 bail. Two months later, February of 1994, a grand jury declines to charge him with domestic violence after Nilda denies that the beating ever happened, saying it was her fault. Ariel, again, gets away with it. Why? Eleven years later, Nilda will admit that right before she was due to testify in front of the grand jury, Castro met her in front of the courthouse. Why is somebody not fucking keeping eye on him? He offered her money and a new car promised to treat her better if she didn't testify against him. When she refused, he threatened to kill her in the kids. He said, quote, look, bitch, Nilda will later testify on her oath. If you do, I'm going to kill you and I'm going to take care of the kids. I mean, kill the kids too.
Starting point is 00:41:03 She knew how violent he was obviously and she believed him. Frightened for her in the kids' lives, kneeled to went into the courthouse, told the grand jury nothing ever happened. But now she did finally move out. She takes their four kids to live with their grandma on Corning Avenue. And Ariel doesn't really seem to care. Within hours, he begins outfitting his house with chain league fences, mortis locks, dead bolts. He's free to trap somebody else now, multiple somebody else's. Months later, November 29th, 1994, 74 year old Ernesto Santiago figures out where his new
Starting point is 00:41:36 fence came from, where Ariel's new fence came from, when he went to check in on his rental property at 2211, Seymour Avenue, and discovers that his chain link fence is gone, and then when you know it, when you look next door, he sees an identical fence on aerial Castro's property, weird. He knocks that so fucking weird to steal your neighbor's fence, and just put it around your yard. He knocks on Castro's front door, asking about it, and then Castro starts screaming at him and tries to hit the 74 year old with a shovel because he's a cool guy. I wonder if all of this is happening because he's playing in bands that heavily feature percussion, right, drums, right, Satan's instruments.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Anyway, Santiago beats it, calls the police, the police report is referred to the Cleveland prosecutor who for reasons unknown takes no further action. Going to be a lot of people working in or around law enforcement who do not do shit in this episode. It's very frustrating. So this motherfucker just keeps getting away with just being a piece of shit. Meanwhile, Nilde has to have another surgery. Then while she's doing physical therapy after her surgery, she meets, she gets close to
Starting point is 00:42:43 a hospital security guard named Fernando Cologne. Good dude. Rare happy spot in the store. Happy at least for a while. At the end of July 1995, the elder and her four kids move into Fernando's house, west 53rd Street, and soon they become engaged. Fernando even gives her a diamond ring, more than Ariel Evergabre. Ariel Castro finds out about all this, only after his daughter Emily calls him from Cologne's landline one night, and he is furious now, and starts calling the house over and over. Cologne not scared.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Tell his Castro to back the fuck off, or he'll press for Rasmussen charges. Castro now attempts to turn his son. Now in his freshman year of high school, against his new step dad, telling him that his mom nailed it is hoeing, because he's classy, and he starts showing up and threatening alone telling him he's going to get him for this right, going to pay him back. May 16th, 1996 Fernando files a criminal complaint
Starting point is 00:43:34 accusing aerial Castro of attempting to run him down with his car. Please report states the incident happened 745 at AM while Cologne was waiting in his car with the kids for the bus to school. The children's father pulled up behind him, read the report. He walked up to the victim's auto and was very profane. He told the victim that he better watch himself. When Cologne tried to reason with Castro, he got back into his car, began to drive straight at him.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Victim States, aerial Castro would have run him over if he did not get out of his way. This is an ongoing problem. Read the report. The case was sent to the Cleveland prosecutor who, once again, takes no further action. Okay? After that incident to everyone's relief, Ariel Castro starts to back off. He has little contact with his kids after that.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Staying out of their lives the most part for quite some time. You'll call about once a month, see the kids a couple times a year. If only you would say that way. Four months later, Ariel Castro comes under Cleveland police scrutiny yet again. His neighbor, Ayanna Sykes, sues him over a property dispute, Castro then went over to her house
Starting point is 00:44:37 and screamed at her, I'm gonna get you bitch. And you wanna guess what happened? When he threatened her, a police report was sent to the prosecutor. Guess what they did? Yeah, that's right, fucking nothing. January 22nd, 1997, Kaya Hoganju and Al Court Division judge, Betty Willis-Rubin, awarded Neil to figure,
Starting point is 00:44:54 Figueroa, full custody of the four Castro kids, completely terminating their father's visitation rights. If only he would just never visit them again, but that's not gonna happen. Ariel Castro doesn't even bother showing up to the hearing, but he will, of course, as I alluded to, see the kids. August 12, 1998, Nilde gives birth to Fernando Cologne son Ryan. They just moved to West 110th Street.
Starting point is 00:45:16 They're still engaged. May 2000, Ariel Castro approaches his 40th birthday and is set up on a blind date by a musician friend of his how nice. Lillian Rolden is a pretty brunette 16 years younger and very unfortunately is immediately attracted to the stocky now bald musician with the goatee. Lillian had down the Castro family since she was a little girl her parents came from San Lorenzo, small Puerto Rican village. She recalled later it was love at first sight.
Starting point is 00:45:43 He was older than me and I liked that. He was very handsome. And from the beginning, he treated me so sweet. Some nights, she stayed at his house or he'd come to her house and she'd cook for him. They soon became intimate and Lily found nothing abnormal about his desire. Said he was a good and considerate lover, but that his house left something to be desired. Whenever Lily would stay over at 2207 Seymour, she would try and clean it up a bit because it was filthy. Finally, she suggested they just sleep at her place instead. One time over at his house, Lilian asked why there was a padlock on the basement door. Casper replied that he kept all his money down there and didn't want his kids, who he said would swing by from time to time to steal it from him. Then he did give her a little
Starting point is 00:46:23 tour of the basement. In it, he had a bag of weed. She was interested. And that was kind of that with the basement for her. Soon afterward, Ariel Castro proposed his marriage to Lillian. By his rear ruby ring, it's down on one knee at the Detroit Superior Bridge. And she was ecstatic. She wouldn't listen to any of the bad rumors about her new fiance. When people tried to talk to Lillian about Nilda. She assumed Nilda was just making it all up Because that's what Ariel said. She never saw that side of him and she wouldn't Ariel had a new plan for how to be a piece of shit and a good guy kind of at the same time Right how he was going to car compartmentalize his love life in a new and terrible way be sweet to Lillian and then be a fucking nightmare a demon to other women and girls.
Starting point is 00:47:06 He decided that he just had too many lustful cravings to be satisfied by a wife, because he craves some hardcore, sadomasochistic sex and humiliation. His basement was full of maybe illegal SNM tapes, and he longed to inflict the kind of pain he saw on these tapes on somebody, but he knew it would be really hard to get away With doing shit like that to a long-term partner with friends and family looking out for her So he decided time for a sex life Let's meet Michelle Knight Michelle Knight's life far from easy long before she met Ariel Castro
Starting point is 00:47:39 She was born in Cleveland April 23rd 1981 to Barbara Knight Her dad has never been named. According to Michelle's autobiography, finding me, her parents had identical twin sons, Eddie and Freddie, two years later. From the beginning of her life, she had to fight for space amongst her rowdy, her brothers and the house provided to them
Starting point is 00:47:56 by Cleveland Social Services. Barbara supported them on welfare. When she was five, Michelle was molested by a family friend who threatened to hurt her if she told me one, and that molestation would continue almost daily throughout her childhood. Her mother enrolled her at the Mary Bethune school, but Michelle really went to class and was classified as slow. She struggled to keep up with the other kids who made fun of her, called her all kinds of horrible names by the time. So she's getting fucked over at school and at home. By the time she's 12, she's barely made it
Starting point is 00:48:26 through the fifth grade, but she loved drawing, could illustrate her textbooks with butterflies, wolves and big mansions, and she wasn't actually slow, she just wasn't neglected. Age of 13, she ran away from home to escape her abuser, slept for a while on a park bench in downtown Cleveland, eventually finding a highway underpass, slept there in a garage at night to keep warm.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Over the next few months, the tiny, dark-haired girl survived on church handouts before being recruited by a local drug gang. They set her up in an apartment, paying her $300 a week as a drug runner, but that only lasted for a couple weeks and then the gang leader was busted and Michelle was homeless again. Soon, she was spotted by a family friend who called her father. Michelle's father dragged her back to her mother's house Where the abuse started up all over again At 17 Michelle becomes pregnant
Starting point is 00:49:09 Reported to the baby was was a result of a gang rape by three boys in a storeroom at school my god Life is just mother fucking this kid She's five months pregnant her dad leaves mark barbara Knight finds a new dad and unstable alcoholic. Barbara sadly never seemed to do anything to protect her daughter and provide a safe or stable home. October 24th, 1999, 18 year old Michelle Knight gives birth to a baby boy. She names Joey. She's now living with her mom on West 60th Street, receiving social security checks to support
Starting point is 00:49:40 her new son, Michelle, as a devoted mom. Despite the kind of childhood she's had, she dreams of finding a good job, earning enough money to move out and support her baby, who she nicknamed Huggy Bear. But since she never finished high school, options are limited. And her home situation is deteriorating.
Starting point is 00:49:57 One afternoon in June of 2002, Michelle comes home, walks into a bedroom to find her mom's boyfriend, fucking drunk, lying on the bed with two and a half year old Joey. Her mom was supposed to be looking for Joey, but had gone out. And then the boyfriend begins lunging at Michelle, making improper suggestions. Joey is scared. He wets himself and then the man drunkenly grabs the little boy's leg and fractures his knee.
Starting point is 00:50:20 As a result, Joey is placed in foster care. Michelle now moves out of her mom's unstable house, rents a bedroom at her cousin Lisa's house for 300 bucks a month. Her plan is to make enough money to support herself and Joey and getting back. Soon, she will meet Ariel Castro's 14-year-old daughter, Emily, who lived nearby.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Would you lie, Michelle and Emily become friends? Although she's seven years older than Emily, Michelle is used to being around younger children, as she'd always been a few grades behind a school. Soon after they met, Emily showed Michelle the photograph of her father, whom she called AC on her cell phone and said that he drove a school bus.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Sometimes Michelle would hear them talking on the phone, and she thought he sounded like a pretty nice guy. Man, when she soon learned differently. Thursday, August 22nd, Michelle 9 has a 2.30 pm appointment with Cleveland Social Services, regarding her son, Joey. has a 2.30 PM appointment with Cleveland Social Services, regarding her son, Joey. The office is in a part of downtown Cleveland that Michelle didn't know very well, so her
Starting point is 00:51:11 caseworker offered a driver there. Michelle turned it down as a relative and promised a taker, but then at 11 a.m., the relative cancels. Michelle decides to walk now, so she can't afford taxi fare, right? She is trying so hard, this poor kid kid to do the right thing for her kid. It's a sweltering hot day after putting on a white t-shirt cut off jeans shorts and some sandals Michelle sets out towards downtown and she gets lost. Not knowing what else to do. She goes into a family dollar store on West 106 and the Rain Ave to call the social services office and ask for directions. Simultaneously aerial Castro is driving his old orange Chevrolet
Starting point is 00:51:46 around Clark Ave when he spots Michelle. He recognizes her as one of his daughter Emily's friends, thinking that she's probably his daughter's age. She does look young for her age. He watched her go into the family dollar, talked nervously to the employees, asking for directions. He realizes what a perfect time to put his plan into action.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Strolls up to Michelle, saying he knows exactly how to get to that office. She needs to go to write this fucking monster. Michelle immediately accepts and on the way out, she tells them about her fight to get her son Joey back in the car. She notices there are no handles on the inside of the doors, bit of a red flag and a sign on the windscreen says that he had puppies for sale. Casper said he had to swing by his house on Seymour to check on the puppies and reassures her it's on the way.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Around 3 p.m. Castro pulls into the driveway at 2207 Seymour. Michelle says she'll wait in the car. He gets out, he walks to the front gate, back door of the house. Fumon Slater comes out again and he asks Michelle to come in and pick out one of the puppies. He's happy to give her a puppy for Lil Joey. Right? Again, what a fucking monster. He doesn't give a shit about her plight, what she's going through her son, just his own sick needs. Michelle agrees and he leads her into
Starting point is 00:52:54 the house through the back door as they go upstairs. She wonders why it's so quiet and why she can't hear puppies barking. She sees the photograph of Emily on the wall. That makes her feel a little bit better. But then he guides her up the stairs into a small pink bedroom, slams the door behind him and locks it and now she's not feeling very good at all. Michelle screams in fear, pleads to be let out, so she doesn't miss her appointment. As Ariel Castro comes towards her, the smile fades from his face. He puts a strong hand over her nose and mouth, places the other against the back of her skull, pulls off her glasses, he yells, if I'll kill you, if you scream again, and then slams her down on the floor so hard she passes out.
Starting point is 00:53:29 When Michelle comes to a few minutes later, Ariel is standing over her. He orders her not to move. Grabs her pocketbook, throws it against the wall, goes into the neighboring bedroom to look for something. This is the first time she had the opportunity to look around the room. There are two metal poles set up on either side of the room with a top cable, strong between them. Castor comes back carrying a stool, two orange electrical extension cords. He tells her to lie still reassures her that she can leave if she does what he says.
Starting point is 00:53:57 He grabs her legs as she desperately tries to kick him away. He starts to bind one of the cords around her ankle so tight, her leg goes numb. When she tries to punch him away, he grabs her wrist, pulling her arms behind her back, binding them together. He then winds the other end of the cord around her neck and ties it. Then pulls down his pants, take that as dick, starts to masturbate. As he gets off, he tells Michelle that he really wants them to be friends and that he's so lonely. He says, I need you before he climb axis. After words, he orders her to stay still, pulls out a gun, rolls her over on her stomach, ties the second orange extension cord around her hands, feet and neck. Using the cable and poles,
Starting point is 00:54:35 he hoists her up about a foot above the floor and then stuffs a gray sock in her mouth, winds duct tape around her head and then leaves. Says he can go get some food. Just leaves are there. Well, four foot, seven inch tall, shell suspended, helpless and terrified. August 23rd, Barbara Knight reports her daughter missing. The missing person's report classifies Michelle is disabled. Notes that she went by the alias of shorty. Reporting person states that missing person adult
Starting point is 00:55:02 has a mental condition and that she is confused of her surroundings a lot. Meanwhile, Ariel Castro is having the time of his life. He'd had dinner with his mom, South-Snight before, right after he kidnapped and tortured somebody, essentially, hangs out happily with his siblings, then returns to 2207 Seymour F. Over the course of that night, Michelle will wet herself several times her mouth aches from dehydration, she's faint from hunger. Eventually, Ariel returns with an egg McMuffin for her to eat. When she struggles, he carries her into a joining bedroom, puts her on a stained mattress,
Starting point is 00:55:34 and rapes her repeatedly. By the end of it, the mattress is covered in her blood. This motherfucker. Then Ariel pours his heart out to his bleeding victim about his childhood, his kids, his ex-wife, like she's his, you know, concerned girlfriend. Finally he starts to get dressed. Michelle has no choice but to put back on her blood and urine staying close. Ariel now drags her to the basement.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Throws her down on a pile of dirty clothes. As she squints in the dark, she makes out more dirty clothes and hundreds of porn videos and an assortment of heavy chains. He tells her, this is where you're going to stay until I can trust you. Wrap the chains around your body, padlock them around her, finally places a motorcycle helmet on her head to muffle her screams. Over the next few weeks, she'll spend most of her time in this state, in darkness. She will spend so much time in darkness with this guy.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Her eyesight will be permanently damaged and he'll keep his life to a strict schedule. In the mornings, he wakes up early, leaves to drive the school bus. her eyesight will be permanently damaged and he'll keep his life to a strict schedule. And the morning, she wakes up early, leaves to drive the school bus. Then he comes back to the house, feeds Michelle some stale ass McDonald's hamburgers and the equivalent and rapes her. Then he goes back to do his afternoon routes, spend more time around the kiddies, right after sexually assaulting somebody. After finishing work, Michelle will hear him upstairs, watching porn, smoking weed. She'll dread the sound of the key unlocking the basement door, no, no, knowing he is coming down to rape her again. When he satisfied his lust, he'll sometimes throw paper napkins at her to clean herself off with and then ram those occasionally down her throat.
Starting point is 00:56:55 He's a real piece of shit. Friends will later remember that around this time, he was the happiest he'd ever been. Uh, he would rape Michelle up to seven times a day, keeping her chain to the pole with the motorcycle helmet on at the all other times. If she complained, he'd be the shadow of her. She had a plastic bucket for a toilet, ate that one meal a day, about a month after he kidnapped her, Castro brings Michelle out of the basement,
Starting point is 00:57:18 back upstairs to one of the bedrooms and chains her naked to a bed. Late September, about a month after she's kidnapped, Michelle Knight becomes pregnant with Castro's baby. He notices her nipples are leaking, ask if she's pregnant, which he says she thinks she is, he attacks her. Over the next few weeks,
Starting point is 00:57:34 he starves and beats her after six weeks, she has a miscarriage, and then for that, even though he had directly induced it, he punched her in the face. He then picked up the tiny fetus, placed it in Michelle's hands and asked if she wished it were still alive. And said that she had caused this death.
Starting point is 00:57:51 He's such a sadist. That winner Michelle almost freezes death. There's no heating in the house. It's a brutally cold winner. Castro refuses to give her any blankets or clothes to keep warm. She's filthy. Hasn't taken a single shower yet since she's been abducted. But for Christmas, Castro gives her a puppy. What a guy. She names Lobo, lavishes it with love. But then when Lobo comes to her defense during one of
Starting point is 00:58:13 the beating she's receiving from Castro and bites Castro, he picks it up and breaks his neck right in front of his shell. Then he carries Lobo's body out into the backyard, throws it in the trash. Botangles, which is he could time travel back to Puerto Rico in the summer of 1960 and eat this motherfucker while he's a newborn. Praiseable, Jangles. I am 100% in favor of that decision. Few days later, Michelle attempts to escape.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Ariel finally brings her downstairs to the bathroom for a shower. And when his back is turned, she finds a needle hides it. When he chains her up and leaves her work, she uses that needle to pick the lock. And she is able to get halfway out of one of the windows, when she then hears Castra running up the stairs. She almost escaped. Panicking, she ran back to the bed, threw her chains back on, but Castra was suspicious and ultimately finds the needle.
Starting point is 00:58:59 As punishment, he drags her back in the basement. Beats her, change her to a pole. Leaves her for a few weeks. Few weeks later, he brings her backup stairs, gives her a battered old television to watch social have something to do to occupy her time. Few months later, April of 2003, Michelle gets pregnant again. This time Castro kicks her in the stomach so hard she falls backward and collapses against the door and then 10 days later she miscarries and She follows backward and collapses against the door and then 10 days later she miscarries.
Starting point is 00:59:29 And amid all this insanely horrific behavior, Castro keeps telling Michelle all about himself. His obsession with porn, his hatred of black people, also just says weird creepy shit like he wished he could have quote gotten to John Bene Ramsey first. Says he wished he could have kidnapped Elizabeth smart. The fuck also tells her he wants to kidnap another girl this time he says he wants a blonde and Soon he will find one Before we meet Amanda Barry time for our second mid show sponsor break And if you don't want to hear these ads five bucks a month on patreon will get you all these episodes out free in addition to hundreds of hours of extra content Merch this count and more And I'm back back to the shit show that poor Amanda Berry is about to join.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Amanda Marie Berry grew up less than three miles north of Seymour Ave on west 111. She was born April 26, she was being April 22, 1986 to John Berry and the Wanda Miller and had an older sister Beth. Like Michelle, her childhood was tumultuous. Her dad had a history of violence and had served jail time for sexual battery and aggravated assault. Got these poor women. When Amanda was four her parents split up and Johnny Cool Dad moved to Tennessee. Amanda would unfortunately visit this dirt bag every summer. Her family nicknamed her Commando Amando for her firecracker spirit. For middle school she she attended Wilbur Wright, where she was friends with Angie and Emily Castro.
Starting point is 01:00:46 She was a good student with the reputation of being a girly girl who wanted to become a fashion designer, also loved Eminem. On high school, she was in the gifted program at John Marshall, but then she decided to switch to an online school so she could get a job at Burger King. But T, at five foot one with waist-length blonde hair and eyebrow piercing, She dawned the
Starting point is 01:01:05 Burger King uniform at work, but in her spare time wore Tommy Hill figure, not a cut and tons of costume jewelry, especially favorite and necklace that spelled Amanda and another with a playboy bunny. She loved to stay out partying, but she drew the line at hard drugs. In other words, she was a pretty regular 16 year old girl. A 2 p.m. Monday, April 21st, Amanda Berry kissed her mom goodbye and left for her shift at Burger King. It was the day before her 17th birthday. Mom busy with last minute preparations for her party and Amanda planned to leave Burger King that afternoon to get her nails done and buy a new outfit. There was a stack of gift wrap presents
Starting point is 01:01:38 on her bed. At 736 p.m., Amanda officially clocked out of Burger King, said goodbye to her co-workers, started walking north on west 110th street, still wearing her Burger King uniform with her black bag slung over her shoulder. And she walked out of the parking lot, Ariel Castro drove past her in his maroon Chevy van. His daughter Arlene was in the passenger seat after he drops her off nearby, he doubles back. Rolling down the window, he asks if she needs a ride.
Starting point is 01:02:06 And think that she'd seen her classmate in the van a moment ago, she agrees. But as soon as she was in the van, she notices Arlene isn't there. Ariel chatted to her now about Ariel Jr., who used to work at that same Burger King and Angie, whom Amanda knew. But soon Amanda noticed they were zooming past her house.
Starting point is 01:02:23 When she asked if why they were going this way, Cassar replied that he was taking her by his house to see Angie. Few minutes later, they arrived at 207 C-Mor, and Ariel Castro pulled into the back of the driveway. He invites her inside to see his daughter, Leager, into the back door, into the kitchen, Castro tells her, taking Amanda up some stairs,
Starting point is 01:02:40 Angie could be in the bathroom. On the way, they passed a closed door with a large hole in it. Amanda peeks inside. She's some fucking lady asked who it is. She replies, or he replies, excuse me, it's my roommate. Castro now leads her into a bedroom and Amanda starts getting nervous. She tells him to let her go or she'll call the police and now he attacks her. He throws her to the ground and rapes her. Afterward, he duct tapes her wrists and legs together, tapes her mouth shut, puts a motorcycle helmet over her head, carries her downstairs into the pitch black basement where he chains her around the waist to the large center support pool, just like he had done with Michelle. When Amanda didn't arrive home later that night, Luana Miller immediately knows something is wrong.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Amanda is always punctual and she loved her birthday. something is wrong. Amanda is always punctual and she loved her birthday. Furthermore, Lwanda knew her daughter would not leave somewhere without coming home and changing into her beloved close. At 12.30 a.m. Tuesday morning, Lwanda goes to the first district cleave in police department office on West 130th Street to report her daughter missing. As police began to investigate, Lwanda continues to call all of Amanda's friends and Prince Flyers, which she distributes around town and soon a suspect will emerge just not the right one. So much collateral damage in this episode. It'll be poor DJ DS, a 16 year old that Amanda was dating. She'd met him when she took his order from Burger King's
Starting point is 01:03:57 drive through window. When detectives interviewed him, he confirmed that she'd called him a couple times that day. He been out all night searching for her when she didn't meet up with him after her nail appointment. I'll be honest with you, DJ told detectives, I think she was kidnapped. Meanwhile, Ariel Castro now has a man to cell phone. He's listened to the increasingly frantic voicemails left by her mother, sister, and DJ.
Starting point is 01:04:19 He'll even erase them to make room for new ones, right? This real life monster is getting off on all this pain. Monday, April 28th, one week after a man went missing Cleveland's W E W S 5, let off at 10 o'clock news report with this story. A tearful LaWanna Miller appeared on camera pleading for any info to find her daughter. Arial watched a newscast from his living room. A few minutes later, picks up Amanda's silver cell phone, dials LaWanna Miller's number on speed dial. I have your daughter, he told her. She's healthy and okay. When Lwanda asked to speak to Amanda, he hung up.
Starting point is 01:04:50 But then two minutes later, he called back. He said Mandy was going to be his wife. Lwanda recalled in 2005, he wanted to marry her. Mandy wanted to be with him, and then he hung up, and that's the last I heard. My God! After dialing Amanda's number and leaving several messages, the one I called FBI special agent Robert Hawk, who's leading the investigation.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Hawk believe it might be a hoax. And then Amanda was part of it. As the caller said that she was fine. And it would come home in a couple of days. I'm sure this belief will come back to haunt him. Bummer, they couldn't yet trace very many cell phones due to their physical location or to their physical location back in 2003, or they could have found him, you know, with his, with these calls. Michelle also watched the news broadcast that night as Castro had told her to. She immediately
Starting point is 01:05:34 realizes that he had kidnapped another girl, but it would be several weeks before Castro brought a young blonde woman into Michelle's room. He told Michelle to hide her chains under a blanket. Castro introduced Amanda as his brother's girlfriend, but she knew who she really was. Michelle felt sorry for her. The room was covered with rotten sandwiches and pizza slices and smelled like urine. It'll be months before these two captive girls saw each other again. May 3rd, 2003. The Cleveland, Plain dealer ran its first story of Amanda Berry's disappearance in his
Starting point is 01:06:02 lawn order call. Under the headline, Cleveland FBI searching for missing girl. It offered a reward for any info leading to her whereabouts. The one who was doing everything she could to keep her daughter's store in the news. She went to the studios herself, handed out flyers to the broadcasters. Meanwhile, DJ continues to be a prime suspect. Detectives believe that his flashy sports car, a white dodge and trepid was too nice to be on by a 16 year old, so they impounded it. It seems like a fucking dumb dick move,
Starting point is 01:06:31 but okay. Also gave him a lie detector test, which he passed. Meanwhile, even though Ariel Castro has now in prison, two girls, he still has his girlfriend, Lillian Rolzen swinging by. But Lillian heard Michelle's's TV one day and soon after that, Castro stopped and fighting her over. He'll now stay at Lilian's house instead. Couple weeks later, Castro took Michelle to a man's room. Both girls were naked. Nonetheless, they hugged, then Castro left them alone for a few minutes. They realized they remembered each other from school. Soon Castro came back, took Michelle, chained her up in her room again. Although the two captors were chained up in a joining bedrooms,
Starting point is 01:07:05 they were too scared to talk to each other, even when Casper was out working. He just controlled them. That's, you know, thoroughly. Over the first year of Amanda's imprisonment, they sighed, each other only six times. On several occasions,
Starting point is 01:07:17 the teenager would break down crying, and Michelle would comfort her, telling her everything was gonna be okay, and they'd get home someday. Michelle also couldn't help but notice that Amanda seemed to be getting better treatment, better food, better living conditions, fewer beatings at her. And if Amanda managed to fight off aerial sexual advances, he would go and rape Michelle. That August in the midst of a sweltering summer with no air conditioning, Michelle Knight becomes pregnant for the third time. This time it takes, you know, with Ariel's baby. This time it takes Ariel months to make her Miss Carrie,
Starting point is 01:07:47 mother fucker literally jumped on her stomach, punched her and starved her for weeks. August 18th, 2003, almost four months after Amanda went missing, her mom holds a prayer vigil outside Burger King, west on a west 110th street. By the time, that time she thought Amanda must have gotten into a car with somebody she knew,
Starting point is 01:08:04 and she knew that someone had Amanda's phone and was erasing her voice mails. Meanwhile, since the Wano's on the TV so much, and Michelle had a TV, Michelle would blast it whenever LaWanna came on. So Amanda in the joining room would be able to hear her mother. September 1st, Ariel Castro makes his TV debut, playing live in the Fox 8 studio in a pickup band for the morning news show. How fun. The smartly dressed bassist looked like he didn't have a care in the world 8 studio in a pickup band for the morning news show. How fun? The smartly dressed basis look like he didn't have a car in the world just smiling for the
Starting point is 01:08:28 camera. It's fucking soulless. There's more TV to come October 21st, 2003. LaWanna Miller interviewed on W.E.W.S. TV in a story marking the six-month anniversary of Amanda's disappearance. Watching the news that night at Seymour on Seymour Avenue is Ariel Castro and Michelle Knight. As the one of Sobs and Pleads,
Starting point is 01:08:49 Ariel Castro, Taunts Michelle, says at least someone's looking for her. Who's looking for you? Not a soul. That's because you don't mean nothing to nobody. Such a sadist, so cruel in so many ways. Late October, Ariel breaks off his relationship now with Lilian.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Why? Well, because he wanted a kidnap a third girl. And he knew he just, he couldn't find time in his schedule to have three girls tied up in his house in various rooms and have a fiance that doesn't know about him. The search for Amanda Berry during all of this still very active. Saturday, November 15th, the top rated TV show America's most wanted features a segment on Amanda's disappearance. For months, the one of Miller had been pitching the producers to run a segment on her
Starting point is 01:09:26 daughter, and that persistence finally paid off. The day of the show FBI Special Agent Robert Hawk told the plane, Dito, that investigators now believed the mysterious telephone calls to the want to the week after Amanda, what missing had come from her kidnapper. Yeah, no shit. Apparently agent Hawk, such a good FBI agent named, by the way, was just now coming around to the idea that she had not run away. And it seems unfortunately that Ariel Castro was right about Michelle. Five days after the broadcast, Cleveland Michelle, a police officially removed her name from the FBI's National
Starting point is 01:09:57 Crime Information Center database for missing persons. A Cleveland police spokesman would later explain it had been removed 15 months after she went missing as they had been unable to contact Barbara Knight to establish if she'd maybe been found. Not sure why they wouldn't air on the side of her not being found yet. January 11th, 2004, aerial castles father Pedro Castro dies and leaves behind in a state worth more than $260,000. The successful used car dealers money was split equally amongst his nine kids with each receiving $11,037 after taxes. What a fun windfall for Ariel. Ariel also left in 1997, Chevy Malibu valued at $1,500, leaves that to, or yeah, he's also left by his dad.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Two weeks later, Cleveden Police arrived at 227, Seymour Avenue to investigate aerial Castro for abduction and child endangerment, but not for what you're thinking. That morning Castro had picked up two elementary school kids who had to go to different schools. I for dropping off one of the kids. He then drives to a Wendy's to grab some lunch and orders the remaining child of four year old boy to just hide in the back of the bus. He's screened with this kid, lay down, bitch, as he locked up to school bus and went into the restaurant.
Starting point is 01:11:10 He's fucking eats his lunch with a scared kid to hide in the back. Returns to the bus, drives around for a while and then drops off that kid at the elementary school. Two hours after picking him up. Why would he do this? He's fucking lunatic, it's never made clear. Ariel doesn't answer the door for police and then they never follow up
Starting point is 01:11:28 This incident there's gonna be so many more examples of this. It's fucking crazy. What's going on here with law enforcement? The incident also investigated by child and family services and they found that for some reason the complaint against him was Unsubstantiate which it which wasn't He was later brought before a Cleveland school district disciplinary hearing and suspended from work for 60 days without pay. How was he not fucking fired? For just letting, forcing a kid, just basically kidnap a kid for two hours.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Lay down, bitch. I'm gonna eat some Wendy's, four-year-old. The same months on the last day of January, Robert Ocasio, leader of Ariel's band, tragically killed in the car accident. Ariel uses the opportunity to make himself seen as loving, caring friend who will do anything to help his deceased friend's family.
Starting point is 01:12:10 So that's cool. Late March 2004, Ariel Castro comes into Michelle Knights room and unchains her. Tells her that a new girl would soon be arriving and she had to help him prepare another room. It's gonna be so much fun. She has to help drill holes in the walls to put the chains through.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Castro up in the ante this time, he's not kidnapped in some random girl. Also streetman instead He's gonna kidnap the daughter of a trusted friend the sick fuck Ariel had gone to school with a man named Felix de Jesus both coming from two of Cleveland's most prominent Puerto Rican families Felix was 14 year old daughter was named Georgina everyone called her Gina Gina was also best friends with Arlene Castro, his daughter. Ariel had clearly been an eye in this kid for a while, right? Each victim younger than the last. That is not coincidental. 230 PM Friday, April 2nd, the two girls leave Wilbur Wright middle school together walking towards west 105th Street and Lorraine Avenue. It was a rainy afternoon. Gina was wearing
Starting point is 01:13:04 a white coat, sky blue sweater, jeans and white tennis shoes. Her long curly brown hair tied up in a ponytail. They planned to go to Gina's house for a few hours, but Arlene needed permission from her mom. She calls Nilda from a pay phone. Nilda says she's grounded for bad behavior. Gina said, it's okay. She'll walk home instead. Saying bye to Arlene, she heads down the street. A few minutes later, Ariel Castro arrives at Wilbur Wright Middle School in his Maroon Jeep Cherokee, looking for Arlene. After getting permission from a security guard,
Starting point is 01:13:32 he had gone into the school but couldn't find his daughter. Then he came out, started driving around. Later he'll tell police that sex was on his mind when he first spotted Gina outside the school with his 13 year old daughter, Arlene. Fuck. Said he had been attracted by Gina's cleavage. It was her fault.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Her shiny new bike had a shiny new basket hanging off the front of her handlebars and he had to ride it. So Castro made a U-turn, headed back, and immediately saw Gina by herself. Rolling down the window, he asked if Gina could help and find Arlene. Then once she's in the car, change the story. He says, Hey, can you help me move the speaker in my house? It's too big for one person. She agrees. This is her friend's dad. When they arrive, Castro leads her up to the back door, takes Gina upstairs,
Starting point is 01:14:14 brings her into the bathroom. We're out of fucking nowhere. He asks her to show him her privates. She becomes understandably very uncomfortable. She asked to leave. Castro says she can, but she's going to have to leave through a different door. And then instead of leading her outside, he leads it down in the basement where he's put plastic tie where he puts plastic ties on her on a wrist and change her to the pole. And now he has three women. Well, technically, at this point, two women, one barely of legal age and now one young girl trapped in this nightmare. 3.45 pm 10 minutes after Gina usually arrived home.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Her mom Nancy Ruiz walks to the corner store to check if she's there. Then she starts calling Gina's friends, had an senior 509 PM Nancy reports her daughter missing to the Cleveland police saying Gina's behavior is out of character and she is very concerned. Missing juvenile went to school and never returned home. Read the Cleveland Police report. Lasting by school, Wilbur Wright, after school let out. Nancy told police that her daughter was normal and healthy, but is mentally around the age
Starting point is 01:15:12 of 9 or 10 years and attend special ed classes. She then gave officers a photograph of Gina. Meanwhile, a detective called around to all Cleveland hospitals in the morgue, but there was of course no record of Gina. Investigator also interviewed Arlene Castro, the last known person to see Gina, but all Arlene could say was a Gina was headed home. Poor Arlene in all this too, right? She's going to be fucking crushed when she finds out her dad was behind this. Saturday morning, a bloodhound tracks Gina's scent from the corner of West 105th to the end of the block on West 104th,
Starting point is 01:15:43 just passed the pay phone there, but the trail then goes cold. And then a different trail, a fucking wrong trail leads back to DJ DS. Fucking DJ, another victim of aerial castro. Real midday, DJ left his house to find it surrounded by Cleveland police. As police escorted him to a squad car for questioning, his neighbors applauded, thinking that Gina's kidnapper had been caught. I got. I wonder if you later had some words with those people. Imagine being arrested at your home for a crime you had nothing to do with. And as you're being let away in handcuffs, your neighbors just applaud and cheer. I knew it. I knew it. You got the right guy.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Then you see them after they've caught the real guy, how fucking awkward. Thanks, Dix That Saturday a whole bunch of people search for Gina Including her doctor. He is very good at being very bad How much did he delight in seeing all the trauma he caused as he's searching for the girl who was locked up in his house 10 p.m. W. W. S. TV their news breaks the story of Gina Dejusso's disappearance leaking it to Amanda berries Gina disappeared from the same neighborhood. Remanda disappeared almost a year before.
Starting point is 01:16:50 On Sunday, April 4th, FBI now joined in the search for Gina. Her parents set up a command post at their house where flyers are distributed by friends and family. Now, Ariel Castro starts to get paranoid. He thinks he may have gone a step too far. Late Sunday night, he writes a four-page handwritten confession with numerous crossings out. If he did claim, or excuse me, in it, he did claim straight up that he was a sexual predator, but also accused his three victims of being pretty responsible for their own kidnappings. And he greatly downplayed the domestic violence he had
Starting point is 01:17:20 dished out. It's so self-serving. The confession reads like it does with so, so many of these pathetic assholes as some woe is me, narcissistic, victim mentality, deflect the blame bullshit, right? It's everyone else's fault. Starts off, confessions and details. To the best of my knowledge, I was born in Puerto Rico. You fucking knew you were born in Puerto Rico. I was a weird way to start.
Starting point is 01:17:44 The best of my knowledge, I've had such a hard life. It's hard to keep track of where I was born and stuff. I was abandoned by my father and later my mother. My grandma raised me. I was abused sexually by the son of Luis and Falea. His name is Pucho. He penetrated my rear a couple of times. I was five or six years old.
Starting point is 01:18:01 I soon learned how to masturbate. I was interested in sex at a very young age. Sex has always been a too big part of my life. I married at age 20. I lived normal life with my wife and children. Mm-hmm. Now you didn't. But my marriage was a failure from the beginning. My mother was an abusive parent. Her ways of discipline were very bad. For this made me grow hatred for her. There were times I wish she would die. Anyway, my marriage was abusive also. My wife would hit on me and push me to the limit.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Oh yeah, he was beaten by his mom and also his wife. Him saying this makes me question everything he said about his childhood other than his dad abandoned him. That's been verified by other people. But the rest of the shit, did his mom abandon him? Was he molested? Others won't back that up. His wife for sure did not beat him. No one else has fucking ever said that.
Starting point is 01:18:49 I'm not sure exactly how big she was, but I've seen numerous pics of Ariel and Nilda together, and she looks tiny. Way smaller than him. I would say no more than. 5-1, maybe 5-2, but maybe more like 4-11, 4-10. Very petite. Ariel, not a big guy himself, 5-8, not very muscular, but huge compared to her. Most of these guys like that. Most of these guys are not like physically dominant guys. They just find tiny people to fucking pick on. They're just little fucking whims themselves most of the time.
Starting point is 01:19:18 He beat the fuck out of her all the time. He continues with, I hit her back. She put me in jail, only to get me out and apologize to me. This happened a couple of times. But the name, con and arguments were always there. I tried to reason with her that the kids did not need to see or hear the arguments or fights. Why is he lying so much in a confession letter?
Starting point is 01:19:38 I felt bad to see my children frightened and scared. My wife always said she didn't give a shit if they were and then the next word is indecisive forable or not. The marriage lasted about 12 years. I always loved and still loved my children. No, no one else would remember any of this shit happens. Then he goes about six years ago, my wife left me for another man. I didn't mind as long as my kids and in a good home. This man did nothing for the children. I kept taking this in, but they were better off with their mother. I can't understand why this man took the trouble to finish raising my kids when he knew I was
Starting point is 01:20:10 in a relationship as a father. My ex-wife has many problems with this man and just can't get out of the relationship. No, no, by all accounts, Nilda's new guy Fernando Cologne, uh, Grey-Too. This literary fucking genius, this word Smith goes on. I lived alone for the most part after my marriage. I had a good sex drive. I was in relationship with the woman I cared for. I met a woman at family dollar on Clark Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:20:35 I met a woman. The woman needed to ride somewhere. I brought her to my home. Michelle has been there ever since, about two years. I brought her to my home. What a nice way to describe kidnapping someone. Did you kidnap her? I brought her to my home. I brought her to my home. Wouldn't let her leave. That kid have it. You tell me that is kid happy. I got another opportunity.
Starting point is 01:20:56 He says now to get another woman in my van. Another opportunity. This girl is Amanda on West 110 walking home. I asked her if she needed a ride home and she said yes, I brought her to my house. She's been there for about a year, smoking her pot cigarettes that I provide. He didn't kidnap a teenager. He immediately started raping. No, he just, he found another opportunity to help somebody live in his house to have another girlfriend to give somebody some pot cigarettes He can provide to them Who fucking says pot cigarettes? You guys smoking pot cigarettes? I Hate like nothing about this guy is fucking cool. They're good. There's nothing
Starting point is 01:21:43 Some people should just never be born. These two women accepted money for sex. He said, I treated, I treated them well and make sure that eager. Is this a confession letter or like a fucking weird like fan fiction about his horror show? And he writes, I just don't understand why I keep looking for women out in the streets. As I already had two in my possession, one day I was driving down the right avenue and near 105 when I was walking. I think you mean young girl. I asked her if she needed a ride. She agreed. Yeah, she fucking knows you. Your her friend said. I called me drove her to my house. This girl is Georgina. I asked her to come inside. She said yes. These women are here against their will because they made a mistake by getting in a car with a total stranger. You're not fucking stranger.
Starting point is 01:22:19 And it's not their fault. God. I such a piece of shit. Next she says I had no idea. Gina was so young. Well, yeah's got such a piece of shit. Huh, next she says, I had no idea Gina was so young. Well yeah, you did, you knew exactly who she was because she's your daughter's friend. She looks a lot older. Also not knowing she is the daughter of Felix, a school classmate of mine. The bottom line is, I'm a sexual predator who needs help,
Starting point is 01:22:39 but I don't bother to get it. I live a private life. I function around others like a normal person. I've been having problems with my head for a long time. I feel depressed, dizzy, and short-term memory loss. I feel, oh no, I really, it's in the side for what he says next. No, what's wrong with me?
Starting point is 01:22:56 To the parents of these three women, I would like to say I'm very sorry. I am sick. Five years ago, I was diagnosed with a cyst in my brain. Not true. I don't know if this has made me behave the way I do, not have any feelings for the bad things I have done. I can, next word, incisorble, the public.
Starting point is 01:23:13 These three women are the only ones I have done harm to. Not true. Holding them against their will. When I wake up in the morning, I don't feel like I'm really here. This is a big problem in my everyday life. I mean, that would be a big problem if he just would wake up and not feel like you're here. I want to put an end to my life. Oh, fuck, if only you would have. And let the devil deal with me. I feel so bad about the age of Gina. I will admit I did molester,
Starting point is 01:23:34 but did not rape her. I actually feel the closeness to her and her parents. I do not have the urge to touch her. I feel it is wrong. He's a good guy really deep down, you know. He's not gonna touch, I mean, he's gonna molester, but he's not gonna do more than molester, because that's wrong. That is wrong. And if we know one thing about Aero Castro, is that the dude has a strong moral compass. If something's wrong, he's not gonna do it. He won't.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Doesn't matter what you say, he won't give him the peer pressure, he won't, you can't make him. We're the, he's supposed to feel so bad, but just won't let him go now. Then he tries to explain when he will let them go but of course it's just more bullshit. Anyway, my intentions are to let these women go. When I feel I have arranged everything.
Starting point is 01:24:14 So my family knows what to do after I take my life. I have a dollar bank account with about $10,875 in 21 cents. It's weird to me that he says, I have a dollar bank account, I have $1.00 right now. I don't know exactly how much is in it. If I had to guess, I would say $10,875.21. And then he says, I have cash, about $11,000 in cash under the washing machine.
Starting point is 01:24:38 That's it. Do not look for more money. There isn't any more. My family will need to know this. I would like the money to go to the three victims. For they deserve every red cent of it Again, I apologize and then adds in parenthetical. Sorry. Yeah, we know what apologize means you fucking moron To everyone this whole ordeal has affected
Starting point is 01:24:55 Do my children please be strong and make their right decisions just because you may think you know someone Do not get into their vehicle. This was the case of Amanda and Gina Nilda, please do your best to ensure my babies are safe. It possible move away far away. As I write this letter on 4404, 205 PM, my symptoms are clearly bothering me, dizziness, not really feeling like I'm here. Also depression, I know I'm sick mentally.
Starting point is 01:25:21 After right now this out, he folds it up, puts it in a fucking drawer in his kitchen, and it'll just stay in that drawer for the next nine years, because he's a sad maniac. For the meantime, Gina Disappearance and by association of mandas is from Page News, subject to countless city council meetings and round the clock searching by the DeJesus family. For some reason, while investigators used everything from bloodhounds to security videos, from stores near the middle school, nobody got their hands on the security camera footage from the middle school itself.
Starting point is 01:25:49 If they would have, they would have seen Ariel and probably save these girls. I don't know what happened there. It's never explained. Maybe the footage was erased. Who knows? Maybe just incompetence. A lot of that is going on in this episode. April 9th, 2004, Casper calls the FBI to help investigation.
Starting point is 01:26:04 But not helped. He calls the FBI to throw the investigation But not helped he calls the he calls the FBI to throw the investigation off He tells them Fernando Cologne his kid stepped in probably did it. This dude just loves to ruin lives He said Cologne had something to do with kidnappings But then Cologne is interviewed passes a polygraph and his car has no evidence of Gina de Jesus ever being in it as an FBI Agent is driving home later Cologne advises him to take a close look at Ariel Castro as a possible suspect, but the FBI never follows up on that tip. Ah, once Castro fell to himself in the clear, he used some of his inheritance money to buy himself an SUV,
Starting point is 01:26:38 right? He needed something nice after all the stress he'd be under. He also pinned up on a Gina's missing posters in the bedroom where she was imprisoned just to be a fucking dick. Just to let her look at it. Simultaneously, Michelle began to piece together that the new girl in the house, whom she saw only a handful of times was Gina,
Starting point is 01:26:52 De Jesus. Meanwhile, that April Amanda Berry turns 18, marking a year since her kidnapping. If she's dead, says Lewanda Miller, on a news broadcast commemorating the day, can somebody out there tell me, I'm living in hell. Cast will probably tape her saying that and then beat off two to a thousand times. First week of May, the FBI's Quantico-based Behavioral Analysis Unit, the BAU,
Starting point is 01:27:14 arrives in Cleveland to build a psychological profile of who might have taken Gina, the unit which specializes in missing children cases, advised that Gina's missing poster should be in both English and Spanish and an aerial map of the path Gina took from Wilbur Wright. The day she disappeared should be given to the media. All of that was done, but by June, things still not looking any better. June 1st, 2004, $20,000 reward offered for any info leading to the discovery of Amanda Barry or Gina De Hussuz. A couple of days later, the 22 year old Bowling Green University Journalism students, or A, 22 year old Bowling Green University Journalism student, named Ariel Castro Jr.
Starting point is 01:27:50 Yes, this guy's son writes an article for the Cleveland Plains, community newspaper. He writes about how radically his old Cleveland neighborhood had changed since Gina had disappeared. Around this time, Ariel Castro, senior, brings Gina into the pink bedroom with Michelle. Several days earlier, he removed the small bucket Michelle had been using as a toilet replacement with
Starting point is 01:28:08 a larger white plastic portable one. How compassionate. He orders Gina onto the dirty mattress with Michelle padlocks along rusty chain around Michelle's neck and attaches the other end to Gina's ankle. Gina asked how they were supposed to go use a toilet. If her leg is chained to Michelle's neck, will cast her on locks of chains shackles her feet together now instead and leaves in there. Throw some t-shirts and sweatpants on the bed for Michelle who was still naked. The two girls will go on to develop a friendship of sorts Ariel even gave them notebooks so they could keep journals, draw pictures so weird. Most prolific writer was Amanda Berry who would use the journals to mark the past of time. Chronicle her everyday life as a prisoner, as well as the horrible sexual abuse she was suffering.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Her blue journal, as she called it, detailed her sexual abuse, another called Miss Shady Hand Crafted Items, contained her personal notes, and a black journal titled Love, contained a passage in which she described herself as a prisoner of war, and she wrote letters to her mom. Most nights Ariel would come into the pink bedroom in Rape Michelle or Gina, as they gripped the others hand for comfort. He would also beat them in front of one another, although Michelle would always be hit harder, it seemed.
Starting point is 01:29:13 Even so, Michelle would still try and jump in front of Gina and take blows for her. Meanwhile, Ariel now starts acting strangely towards his daughters, Arlene and Emily. He's lavishing them with money, gifts, iPods, expensive clothes, even gives each of them $1,000 from his dad's will and starts asking them some pretty fucking weird questions.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Stuff like, are you sure you started your period or did somebody stick their finger up your vagina? That's a direct quote. Are you sure you started your period or did somebody stick their finger up your vagina? Who fucking says that? What does that even mean? Does he wanna go take one of his daughters now?
Starting point is 01:29:45 Just go full-fretzel. In late July, Ariel told Nilde he still loved her, asked her to dump Fernando and move in with him. Yeah, just have everybody trapped in the same house. Nilde tells him she'll never come back. Wednesday, July 15th, 2004, Ariel Castile brings Emily and Arlene into the Cleveland police
Starting point is 01:30:05 departments first district station. And then they then they then accuse Fernando Cologne. They're stepped out of sexually molesting them. Why would they say that? Because Ariel coached them to say that. That's how shitty he is. I don't know why that surprised me when I first read it. He's full evil.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Nothing he does. You surprise anybody. He bribes his daughters to say this shit about Fernando part of a years-long plan to take down Fernando Cologne. But his plan had one problem as Castro no longer had custody of his daughters, Neilto was then called into sign and release form. When Neilto arrives at police station, she's greeted outside by Ariel Castro who's laughing. He's excited. He says if she goes along with the complaints, he'll buy her a new car. Thankfully, though, she turns him down. Then Castro suggested after Emily and Arlene talked to the police, they
Starting point is 01:30:47 should all go out to dinner together. Nope, turns them down for that. Six days later, Ariel Caswell now drives his daughters to the Justice Center with a repeat delegation to Detective Arthur King there with their father looking on encouragingly. They tell the detective how their stepdad had been touching them for years. Emily said in her statement, I was about eight or nine years old, and I woke up to him touching me under my clothes. We slept upstairs, had a bedroom downstairs, and every night around 12 or one, he would come into our room and just feel under my clothes. Our lean gave a similar statement, saying Fernando
Starting point is 01:31:16 first molested her when she was seven or eight, and sadly this time this bullshit works. A few hours later, police arrest Fernando Cologne on suspicion of kidnapping and rape as he protested his innocence. When he was later released on bail, this poor motherfucker moved out of his house into a nearby hotel where he probably fantasized, I hope he fantasized, about killing Ariel slowly and painfully. Maybe with a blowtorch and a bunch of salt to rub in the burns. By the fall of 2004, life is going great for Eridol Castro, not only had he successfully kidnap three women who he continues to rape
Starting point is 01:31:48 daily. His vendetta against Fernando Cologne is working like a charm. And he's also ruining Nilda's life by doing that. Oh, and work is going well. How fun. Despite his suspension for leaving that young boy in the bus, remember that when he decided to head in, grab some Wendy's, lock a four year old in the bus, you know, yelling at him, lay down bitch, before he shuts the door, despite that shit, the Cleveland school district gave him a raise. It's been in 1726 and I don't know.
Starting point is 01:32:14 So that's super cool. There's so many people making so many great decisions in this suck in Cleveland. It's a great city now, maybe not so much 10 plus years ago. Inside 2207 C. Moore Castro now begins to refer to Amanda as his wife gives her a new color TV most evenings. Michelle and Gina will hear Amanda going downstairs to Ariel's room where the tool spend hours watching TV together. Also start
Starting point is 01:32:36 taking Michelle and Gina out of the backyard to rape them on the ground now littered with barbed wire rusty tools to cane tarp just you know shaking things up a bit just getting off on further defiling them, also maybe getting off on risking one of them yelling out, maybe being caught. Still the neighborhood has no idea. However, some do wonder why he's bringing so much food into his house all the time. November 1st, 2004, Grand jury indicts Fernando Cologne, Nildez Husband, on 28 charges of rape kidnapping and molestation. The fucking irony. The case to the grand jury was based solely on Emily and Arlene's pressured statements, set up by Ariel, even though they couldn't give specific dates when the alleged molestations had occurred. This motherfucker was a wrecking ball, just damaging lives all around him.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Then the next month, December 15th, Nildes swears on affidavit or swears in affidavit that accuses Ariel Castro of manipulating their two daughters to frame Fernando on rape and kidnapping. In the document, she outlines Ariel's years-long record of abusive behavior and how he suddenly begun to take interest in his daughters that past June. Something else week in the case against Fernando. Soon after her stepfather's arrest, Emily Castro was expelled
Starting point is 01:33:42 from high school, found a job as a cashier at Dave Dave's supermarket and went to go live with her antonia and you know who else was living with her antonia Fernando Cologne awaiting trial for allegedly molesting her. I feel bad for Nilda Fernando Nilda's kids the three girls aerial kidnapped some of his neighbor just so many people in the suck that he victimized. Jumping ahead to the following spring Aprilnd, 2005 marked the one year anniversary of Gina, the, the Jesus' disappearance. That night, the family hold the vigil where Gina was last seen. Week later, FBI released the sketch of a person of interest in the case wanted for questioning and connection with Gina's disappearance. The green eyed Latino man with the goatee
Starting point is 01:34:23 have been seen near Wilbur Wright middle school shortly before genome at missing. Describe his being between 25 and 35 years old, weighing between 165 and 175 pounds and about five foot 10 height a bit off. Could have been wearing, you know, I don't know, shoes with some thick heels or some boots, but the sketch looked uncannily like aerial Castro. Just a couple days later, April 21st, we'll mark the second anniversary of Amanda Berry's disappearance. She'd turn 19 a few hours later. And to celebrate her abduction, not her birthday,
Starting point is 01:34:52 Castro gives his captives a special dinner with the cake. This motherfucker actually held an abduction celebration. Happy kidnap to you, happy kidnap to you, happy kidnap to you, Amanda. I'll never let you go. Like that kind of shit. This would be in a tradition of having a celebratory dinner on each anniversary of each girl's abduction,
Starting point is 01:35:12 straight up psychological abuse. Over the next few months, Ariel Castro starts giving his captives a little more freedom and strictly controlled doses, of course. No longer keeps him chained up all the time and they're free to roam around their darkened rooms. Weren't able to see daylight since he'd boarded up the windows, couldn't use the bathroom instead plastic toilets in their rooms, which he rarely emptied. Conditions were so poor that the girls regularly would suffer from painful bed sores.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Castle also started to use other forms of violence to control them. He would repeatedly rape and beat the girls in front of each other, employ the same kind of cruel tactics he'd used on Nildo before as well. He would tell them he was going out and hide outside the doors. Then if one of them tried to open the door, he would beat her, chain her to the pole in the basement again, sometimes for weeks. If they disobeyed him, Castor would threaten to hurt somebody else in the house. He would starve them. He would take away their toilets. In the summer, he'd leave them in the sweltering hot attic in the winter. He'd put them down in the freezing basement. Castor also installed a series of mirrors inside and outside the house so we could monitor everything more effectively, drilled little peep holes in the bedroom door so we could spy on his prisoners.
Starting point is 01:36:17 Carried his luger revolver around at all times and he wouldn't hesitate to shoot him if they tried to escape. And sometimes he would also make them play Russian roulette with him, as in they would hold the gun up to his head and he'd ask them to pull the trigger. Girls never knew that his gun was always empty. I perhaps the cruelest weapon of all was allowing them to watch the rest of the world go buy on their TVs, including their families looking for them, as they are continuing to be held in captivity. In early June of 2005, Arlene Castro breaks down, tells her mother that Fernando Cologne never ever touched her inappropriately, as poor kid. Never asked for such a piece of shit of a father.
Starting point is 01:36:53 Next day, Nilda brings Arlene to Cuyahoga County prosecutor John Costco's office to repeat the story that her stepdad had never molested her, but once inside the prosecutor's office, Arlene clams up, she's afraid of her dad, and insists, no, never mind, I was till in the truth. Ugh, early July, Emily Castro now 17 discovers she's pregnant. Father's young man named D'Angelo Gonzalez who had recently moved in with her, terrified of what Ariel might do if he finds out
Starting point is 01:37:19 Emily and Gonzalez relocate to Fort Wayne in Diana, moving in with her elder sister Angie, who's now married there with children. And with so much family drama going on, Ariel starts to get worried about them finding out about his other life. One night Ariel Castro rounds up his captives, brings them downstairs, gives them brown wigs and sunglasses to put on before leading them out the back door and chains, then he walks them across the backyard into his garage where he instructs them to climb into his maroon
Starting point is 01:37:44 Chevy van, and then he chains him up. He tells him, if I hear a sound, I will come out here and kill all three of you. Castor then gets into a sports car, drives 227 miles to Fort Wayne, Indiana, to drag Emily back to Cleveland, so she can testify against Fernando Colombe.
Starting point is 01:38:01 His trial begins August 30th. Accused again, 28 criminal charges of rape, kidnapping, sexual malstation. He will plead not guilty. And the trial will be then, will then take place in front of judge John J. Russo without a jury. Under oath, the visibly nervous Emily testifies that her stepdad first molested her when she was eight or nine. She could describe a second incident, but not a third. Then she just looked entirely blank. Next day, she's cross-examined by defense attorney, Robert Ferrari. He asked if she'd ever told her mother that she did not want to testify.
Starting point is 01:38:31 No, Emily said. Then he asked if her father had promised her money and presence to testify against Fernando. She kept denying everything he said, but Ferrari had Emily's police statement in which she had said exactly that. He made her read it out loud. That afternoon Arlene took the stand. She was a week away from her 15th birthday and testified that Fernando molested her since ages 7.
Starting point is 01:38:52 For Erie then asked Arlene about her expensive cell phone. How would she gotten the money to pay for it? Of course Castro bought it for her. For Erie also showed that it was Castro's idea that Arlene spent more time in his house, but she denied that her father had bribed her. Thursday, September 1st, Ariel Castro takes a stand to testify against Fernando, dressed in a smart suit and tie. He looks relaxed, confident, the fucking balls on this guy. And he testifies to some bizarre shit. You know, like the, like that, he had one day come home, back when he was married to Nilda to find Nilda in the bath,
Starting point is 01:39:23 and then his half brother hiding upstairs in the attic. It's never happened. I cast or testify that he had ordered his half brother downstairs and then demand he unzip his pants and show him his dick. Castor explain. I just wanted to see if there was some kind of visual evidence that they were having sex. Totally. I mean, you know what? I think that is a pretty standard reaction. You know, that's not crazy.
Starting point is 01:39:50 Whenever my wife Lindsay has been alone with another man in our house, one of her friends, husband's, my dad, her dad, one of my son's friends, I always insist, just to be safe. Of course, on just a quick, dick check, just a quick little dick check. Another weird, is weeper dick out. Let me wipe my finger down the shaft. Give
Starting point is 01:40:09 a little, give a little sniff. Just make sure everything's kosher. Can you imagine? Anyway, Castro, well, he doesn't have to imagine. Maybe he did weird stuff. I don't know. Castro said he was so upset that he had left home for a day or two, but he said he never laid a hand on her. After that incident, he said, incident, he said, uh, Nildo became more and more difficult to deal with. Indeed, she said she had been the one to abuse him. According to Castro, it was Fernando Cologne who had started menacing him. He just a victim, you know, Castro explained because he's a security guard and he carried a weapon. He tried to intimidate me with it. He basically told me to stay away. Yeah,, he probably did for good reason.
Starting point is 01:40:46 Castro denied that his beatings had ever led to Neldebian hospitalized saying she was not saying he was not responsible for her brain tumor. She fucking threw herself down the stairs, okay? That afternoon, the defense called Ariel, Anthony Castro, Jr. as its first witness, the bearded 23-year-old testified that his dad held a grudge, a long grudge against Fernando and this brave young man, Hail Nimrod, said he didn't believe for a second that his sisters had been molested by their stepdad. Good on him, truly impressive. Final witness for the defense is Nilda Figueroa, who told the court how she had left 2207 Seymour because of Ariel's horrendous abuse.
Starting point is 01:41:22 She showed the judge a scar on her forehead from an Ariel, you know, beater with the metal pipe. She testified that Ariel Castro brought their daughters fancy or bought their daughters fancy presents expensive cell phones, iPods and clothing exchange for testimony. And Friday's closing arguments, Kayahoga County prosecutor John Costco asked what possible motive Emily and Arlene Castro would have to lie on the stand. Costco answered, what reason would Castro or he asks, excuse me, what reason would Castro have to do this, to this guy? Everything was directed at making Mr. Castro some kind of bad guy here. Said Costco.
Starting point is 01:41:56 How is Mr. Castro a bad guy? He's told by his daughters, excuse me, he's told us by his daughters. He does exactly what he's supposed to do. He goes to the police station and makes a report, the irony. The defense attorney then calls Ariel Castro's sworn testimony outrageous. How do we know he was lying? For Rary asked. His lips were moving.
Starting point is 01:42:16 He said he had no idea why he would be brought into the court process. He never touched Nelda, he never threatened her, he never threatened the girls. I love for. Mazzarari boogada spaghetti, Mazzarari boogada spaghetti, Mazzarari boogada spaghetti. Hello, Egypt pizza pie. You get it. Or you're new here. Ferrari said there was no evidence that had ever been molested by their stepdad, questioning why they had suddenly come forward with their story after so many years. But we do have in the way of evidence he continued is that the dad is obsessed with their sexuality, obsessed with Fernando, asked them point we do have in the way of evidence, he continued is that the dad is obsessed with their sexuality, obsessed with Fernando,
Starting point is 01:42:46 asked them point blank, even to the point of being so bizarre and so intrusive and so violentive, it's like violation, but violentive. Okay, of personal self-respect of saying, well, you have your period, is it your period or did somebody put their finger in there? Now it was time for the judge to decide. On Tuesday, September, September 6th, Judge John Russo convicts Fernando Cologne of four
Starting point is 01:43:10 counts of gross sexual imposition relating to Emily and Arlene Castro, son of a bitch. Did it quit him of the remaining counts? Judge Russo found that Cologne was not likely to engage in future acts of sexually violent offenses, deleting this sexually violent predator specifications from the guilty counts. Two months later, Judge Russo sends Cologne to three years of supervised community control and ordered that this innocent man needs to register as a sex offender. At same date, Nilda Figueroa tells Fernando Cologne that she and Arlene were moving to Fort Wayne, Indiana, and that the relationship was over.
Starting point is 01:43:44 My God, this guy just had his life fucking ruined by trying to do the right thing by Nilda and her kids. Meanwhile, a triumphant aerial Castro drives back home to celebrate his victory. He's on cloud nine. He must feel like a fucking God. Never get some trouble for being a monster, but he can lie and scheme and get other innocent people
Starting point is 01:44:02 and all kinds of trouble. I would like to get a fucking photo of his face face mocked up for target practice at the gun range. I have felt more rage going over this than I have in a while. Even though we've covered people who have, you know, fucking killed lots of people. For some reason, this guy may be my most hated person of 2023. Castro went back, gathered his captors from the van, bringing them inside in the same disguises they'd left in There's the last time they would leave the house for almost eight years And except for maybe in the backyard. I say that because there was some weird shit witnessed by neighbors later But they wouldn't they wouldn't you know go into the garage I guess or any other structures for years
Starting point is 01:44:47 Once a temporary temporary order of protection for Nilda expired, Aridocastro now is a completely clean record once again. Over Christmas, 2005, Amanda Berry's mother, Lwanda Miller, hospitalized for pancreatis, and other serious health issues. Two months later, March 2nd, she dies of heart failure. In a rehab center in Lake Widow, Ohio, she died of a broken heart, said Lwanda's sister, Theresa Miller. After all the stress, she would say, I can't eat. I don't know if Mandeate. Uh, my sister was a very strong person, but it took a lot out of her.
Starting point is 01:45:10 Michelle and Gina learned of her death on the TV evening news. A few hours later, Castro unlocked Michelle and Gina's chains, let them walk around the second floor. Michelle wandered over to Amanda's white bedroom, went in saying she was so sorry about her mother. Amanda looked puzzled. Asked what she was talking about. Michelle realized she didn't know and she broke the sad news that her mom had passed away and a man began to cry.
Starting point is 01:45:31 Ted insult to injury or injury to injury. Couple weeks later, a man to become pregnant with Ariel's baby. She had morning sickness, began throwing up and over breakfast in the kitchen complaint of nausea. That night night Castro told Michelle that he thought Amanda was pregnant. Michelle replied she probably was. Castro smiled, seemed pleased. Michelle then begged him to take better care of Amanda during her pregnancy than he had with her.
Starting point is 01:45:55 Over the next few months, as Amanda's belly began to grow, Castro kept her away from other girls. Also started treating Michelle even worse than before, feeding her stale leftovers once a day allowing her only one shower a week. She was also now the only one he would physically hit and she thought she knew why her spirit still wasn't broken. She defied him every chance she got thinking of her baby.
Starting point is 01:46:16 While she wasn't broken, she was scared. Castro was threatened to cut open her uterus end to end showing her a black rubber chain he said he would tie through it. He hung that chain right in front of the door to the room where she slept into reminder. That summer, the summer of 2005, Michelle and Gina heard a child's voice downstairs. Few minutes later, Ariel Castro came into the room saying he was taking care of his eldest daughters, eldest daughter Angie's, young son, and wanted to bring them upstairs. And then this psycho brought his grandson into Amanda's room, proudly introduced him, then brought him into the pink room to meet Michelle and Gina.
Starting point is 01:46:50 So bizarre. He was so little, but they still held out hope that maybe he would realize something was off about all this and say something. And possibly he did several weeks later, according to Michelle, Ariel, according to Michelle, Ariel cast those two eldest daughters, Angie and Emily arrived at 2207 Seymour to search the house. They brought along Angie's husband and Emily's boyfriend to help. Michelle thought hoped that they become suspicious. It's something bad was going on. Shortly before they arrived, however, cast were unchanged. All the women marched
Starting point is 01:47:18 them down into the basement, chained them to the pole in the middle, stuffed dirty socks in their mouths. Said if anyone made a sound while the family was there he killed them Few minutes later Michelle heard voices upstairs and woman demanding that they that he unlocked the basement so they could go down there But Castro told his family that the basement was under renovation and it was flooded For the next three next three weeks the women remained chained down in the dark basement Every night Castro would come down take one of the girls upstairs to rape her, then bring her back down. Finally, Castro brought some all backup stairs, put Amanda by herself in the white bedroom, put Michelle and Gina into pink one. In early December, as Amanda Berry entered the final stages of her third trimester,
Starting point is 01:47:58 Michelle Knight also becomes pregnant for the fourth fucking time with Ariel's baby. After missing a period, Michelle told Gina that she was pregnant and terrified about what Castro would do to her this time. When Castro found out he starved her for three weeks and forced her strangely to drink some soda. He thought that might cause a miscarriage. When it didn't, he kicked and punched her in the stomach until she did lose the baby. I got Christmas Day 2006. Amanda Berry goes into labor. Ariel brings her down into the filthy basement to give birth after her Contractions become stronger cast for orders Michelle still recovering from Castro aborting her own unborn baby against her Wishes into the basement to deliver Amanda's baby in preparation He had bought a black plastic children swimming pool for Amanda to sit in so there would be no mess
Starting point is 01:48:44 Suddenly Amanda pushed the baby's head came out but it started turning blue from lack of oxygen. Michelle said she had to get the baby out right now. Push as hard as possible. The baby does come out but it's still not breathing. Castro screams and Michelle tells her that it's her fault. Michelle begins breathing into the baby's mouth doing compressions with her fingers and the baby starts screaming. She's alive, but she'll save that baby's life. Michelle is so strong in the story, it blows my mind. Castro names the baby, Jocelyn, keeps the placenta in his refrigerator as a memento.
Starting point is 01:49:15 I don't know, Psycho probably jerked off onto it later or something. Soon he'll take off Amanda's chain so the baby won't have to see her mom like that. Jocelyn will move into Amanda's room where man will spend her days taking care of her. New baby seemed to raise everybody's spirits. Ariel Castro now saw his hostages and his new daughter is a family of sorts. Uh, which of course meant that he still didn't hesitate to beat them, but it was still,
Starting point is 01:49:38 I guess, happier on the whole three months later on April 4, 2007, another Castro does something horrific. Ariel's 19 year old daughter, Emily, repeatedly slashes her 11 month old baby's throat with a knife. She had recently stopped taking her medication for bipolar disorder, believed that her boyfriend DeAngelo Gonzalez had slept with her two sisters and mom, and that all of them were conspiring to kill her and take her baby. Thankfully, the time of this incident, Nilda is there. Grabbed her granddaughter out of Emily's arms,
Starting point is 01:50:08 run into the street, screams for help. After Nilda and the baby leaves, Emily attempts to commit suicide by stabbing herself. And when that doesn't work, tries to drown herself in a creek behind the house. Meanwhile, out on the street, Nilda desperately flags down a young student named Heather Powell, shows the baby,
Starting point is 01:50:23 leading from deep cuts to her throat. Heather thought the baby had been bitten by a dog called 911 and reported an animal attack, a passing nurse attempted to stop the baby's bleeding with a tool. A towel, excuse me. After the paramedics and a police arrived, Emily gave herself up, covered in blood, mud, and water, arrested for attempted murder and battery. Next day, Emily told detectives about her delusions and how if she was going to be murdered, she wanted to take her baby with her. Thankfully, her baby will survive. Meanwhile, back in cast a Castro on April 22, 2007,
Starting point is 01:50:56 a man to bury celebrates her 21st birthday and 4th anniversary of her abduction. That summer Castro was still highly visible on the Cleveland Latin music scenes. That's cool. Most weekends he's playing at clubs, you know, with various bands, living his best life, having a great time. He's now mostly playing with group of Fuego, one of the top Latin bands in Cleveland, but usually late for practices and gigs so much so that they will fire him. They and many of the groups he played with thought it was weird that he seemed like he could never leave his house for very long, even though he's supposed to live by himself.
Starting point is 01:51:29 Tuesday, January 15th, 2008, Emily Castro goes on trial for the attempted murder of her baby daughter, waving her right to a jury trial. Emily, who had been found competent, was pleading in insanity defense, facing 20 to 50 years in prison if convicted. Since the attack, the baby had made a complete recovery, was living with her father, DeAngelo Gonzalez. In his summation, Judge Serbeck said that her family had exaggerated or ignored what happened in the past
Starting point is 01:51:54 to support their family member. Then he convicted Emily Castro of attempting to murder her daughter, saying mental illness did not equal insanity. A month later, the judge said it served to 30 years in prison, suspending the last five years to be served as probation. illness did not equal insanity. A month later, the judge said it served to 30 years in prison, suspending the last five years to be served as probation. One dangerous Castro, now in prison, not the most dangerous by far.
Starting point is 01:52:12 That one, the one who did so much to contribute to his daughter's mental illness, I imagine. He still kick an ass. Thursday, June 12th, 2008, aerial Castro is stopped by the police, though, for driving his motorcycle without a license or helmet. Officer Simone noticed the Castro seemed incredibly nervous but Castro simply explained he's a school bus driver and having this on his record could get him fired. Once he saw the Castro's record did come up clean, let's
Starting point is 01:52:35 him off with the warning. Yeah awesome! He just keeps catching breaks! Meanwhile his daughter Jocelyn, who grew into a toddler and beginning to talk and Ariel Castro now gives his prisoners aliases. He orders them to use their breaks. Meanwhile, his daughter, Jocelyn, grown into a toddler and beginning to talk. And Ariel Castro now gives his prisoners aliases. He orders them to use their real names, uh, to never excuse me, use their real names again. In case his daughter ever realizes who they are. He renames Michelle Juju and Gina becomes Chelsea. Pudy and Juju fan, perhaps I hope not.
Starting point is 01:53:01 I don't want to imagine him enjoying America's premier early 20th century comic book. Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude,
Starting point is 01:53:13 dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude now bringing everybody into the kitchen for dinner, a little family dinner. Michelle often holds Jocelyn, gently rocks her to stop her crime while Gina cooks a meal. Casper chats away to a man about his day like she's his wife. Occasionally, they'll all gather in the living room then to watch his favorite TV show, keeping up with the Kardashians.
Starting point is 01:53:38 While he makes obscene comments about Kim Kardashian and the Kardashians' choices in men. During the long days, the women are still locked in their bedrooms. They'll pass the time by making Jocelyn clothes, usually out of dirty old t-shirts. Sometimes Jocelyn will wear these clothes to church. Oh yeah, Castro's a man of faith. Not sure about his sex slave souls,
Starting point is 01:53:58 but his soul is clean. Castro begins taking his infant daughter to church every Sunday for a while now, telling people it's his girlfriend's baby He's also shooting home videos of himself playing with Jocelyn acting the part of a devoted father At the same time developing new demonic ways to torture his sex slaves After raping the women sometimes now he starts to throw money at them telling them he's paying them for their sexual services like their prostitutes And now when they need something special from the store he demands that they pay him out of the money he's given them for prostitution. The fuck is this all doing to their minds? So surprised they didn't end up with a severe form of Stockholm syndrome
Starting point is 01:54:33 or something. Early 2009, Arlene Castro posted a photograph of Gina De Jesus on her Myspace page. Now reinventing herself as a hardcore rapper, Sherry Alise, Arlene Caps in the photograph with, this is Gina, the Jesus. 19 years old, she's been missing since April 2nd, 2004. I pray in my heart that she is okay. I love you Gina. No idea.
Starting point is 01:54:56 Her dad's behind the stone. A couple months later, Ariel will once again have a brush with the law. At around four in the afternoon, April 3rd, 2009, Ariel makes an illegal U-turn. Heavy traffic outside, Robinson G. Jones Elementary School. Several teachers watching horror as he puts a bus load of students in danger,
Starting point is 01:55:12 immediately reporting him to the Cleveland School District. Two weeks later, Castro stands in front of a disciplinary board on charges of disregarding his passenger safety and negligence. His boss and Carlson writes to this disciplinary board, it was not only dangerous to the students and other motorists, it was totally unnecessary. I recommend a 60 day suspension, just fire this motherfucker already. Castro persuades the school principal, uh, Josh J J Gunvelson to write a letter on his behalf. And he wrote, I did not witness what occurred, but I do want to say I've known Mr. Castro
Starting point is 01:55:46 to be an effective bus driver. He barely ever, barely ever yells at four-year-olds to lay down bitch. Now he says, I have witnessed him trying to work with students, families, and myself to handle student issues. Nevertheless, he does get a 60-day suspension unpaid. Few months later though, his local team's ears representative appeals
Starting point is 01:56:05 ascents and reduces it by five days. During his suspension, aerial Castro drives to Fort Wayne, Indiana to visit his son and two daughters before leaving. Uh, he'd worn them that he could not stay the night and would drive straight back to Cleveland. You'd have to. While he was in Fort Wayne, though, he has car trouble, he gets real upset. Despite his, despite his family's police to stay over, get it fixed next day, Castro tells me he has to get home and feed the dogs. I have to get home and feed my sex leaves. I mean, dogs that are not human. Meanwhile, the outside world is still not given up hope that the missing women might be found alive. On October of 2009, Oprah Winfrey devotes a special show to Cleveland's missing children, focusing on a mandibary and Gina de Jesus. And the de
Starting point is 01:56:44 Jesus family joins forces with Amanda Berry's family to campaign for what they called Amina's Law as an Amanda Regina. To improve the handling of missing persons cases across the US, they wanted missing persons parents to be given a written explanation of police responsibilities and their rights. Plus an outline of the investigative process. Love that. and their rights. Plus an outline of the investigative process. Love that. Subsequent report released in April 2010 by the city in a 900-page document found more than two dozen problems with how Cleveland's police departments handled missing persons cases and recommended a separate unit be set up to deal with them. A couple days later marked the
Starting point is 01:57:19 sixth year anniversary of Gina's disappearance. November of 2010, neighbor Anita Lugo. Here's the pounding sound coming from her neighbors, Ariel Castro's house. Looks up, she's a woman and a baby through the window, half boarded up by a piece of wood that woman was Michelle. Anita immediately calls the police. When an officer arrives and nobody answers the door
Starting point is 01:57:39 after he knocks a few times, he just fucking leaps and doesn't follow up ever. This shit is maddening. Soon afterward another neighbor, Juan Perez, is in his basement with his sister and they hear screaming coming from aerial Castro's basement and they call the police. Once again, please come over, they're not coming the door. Nobody answers until they leave and never come back. How was this kind of shit not taking more seriously by law enforcement?
Starting point is 01:58:04 I'm honestly curious. Shouldn't they have kept coming back over and over until someone finally did answer the door? I mean, there were reports of hearing screaming women in the basement. Shouldn't an officer, I don't know, maybe laid down in front of the basement window, shouted out, hey, then we need help. Anyone being fucking tortured by a lunatic in there? Something, anything, other than just knocking on the door and then being, oh well, it's taking off. Guessing sad, the officers were used to getting called off for false alarms on a regular
Starting point is 01:58:31 basis. Hopefully that was at least a part of the problem as opposed to just completing competence. Don't fucking, don't false report, meat sacks. You fuck it up for people with real problems. Insides Lawson has grown up into a sweet and percocious four-year-old now. Never left the house. Eric will take her, well, no, I'm sorry. Never, I don't know why I said that.
Starting point is 01:58:52 The other's, have left the house. She has left the house because her fucking dad has taken her out to play to local park in the afternoon and just keeps telling everyone it's his girlfriend's child. It's still taken into the church. When he visits his cousin Nelson Martinez and nearby Parma, he'll bring along Jocelyn,
Starting point is 01:59:05 introduce her as his granddaughter, even takes her to some of the shows during the day, when he's out driving to school bus, a man to a home school, their daughter, teaching her how to read and write, turns her bedroom into a nursery, putting up paintings on the walls, and Castro comes home from work,
Starting point is 01:59:20 Michelle will hear him unlock a man's door, and take Jocelyn downstairs to play. And they'll spend hours watching cartoons, uh, Castro laughing and chocolate. Just having a good old time. April 21, 2011 marks eight years since Amanda Barry had first been tricked into walking into 2207 Seymour Avenue. She turns 25 the next day. That summer, Ariel Castro's grandmother, her silly a carabello dies in Reading, Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 01:59:44 Lilian Rodriguez, Ariel's mother had moved there a few months earlier to take care of her mom, the whole Castro family attends the funeral except Ariel, which seems weird. But no one of course, you know, connects his behavior to holding missing women captive. November woman named Alisi Centron is walking home late one night when she sees a little girl standing out of an attic or standing out, you know, and excuse me, standing by an attic window, like inside it at 2020, I can't talk, 2207, see more avenue. Excuse me, when she gets home, she tells her brother, Israel Lugo, about the strange little girl in the neighbor's window. She asked Israel to go check it out.
Starting point is 02:00:19 And when he sees the window is boarded up, now he calls the police. Once again, they stop by, they knock, no one answers, and they drive off, and never follow up. Few weeks later, Lugo's niece, Nina Samilich, now sees a fucking naked girl wearing a dog collar walking around Ariel Castro's backyard. She was walking around naked, said Nina. We thought it was funny first, but then it was weird. So we called the cops, they thought it was funny first, but then it was weird. So we called the cops. They thought we were joking and they didn't believe us. They don't even come to the house this time. Cleveland PD, clearly not an A plus fucking department at this time.
Starting point is 02:00:56 You know, sunny Hollister is disgusted. Soon afterwards some residents in a retirement home on Scranton Street, which overlooks Seymour Avenue, now see three naked girls and castrails back yard on all fours crawling around woman calls the police and the police never come the fuck is going on Cleveland PD clearly has some cops need to lose their jobs no pension no severance packages get your shake it to fuck out so we can find someone who's not a worthless sack of shit to replace you someone who thinks I don't know maybe she check in on a house where three naked women have been spotted fucking crawling around on all fours in the yard. Next day, what is going on?
Starting point is 02:01:30 They didn't have time for that. The next day, Ariel Castro erects an eight-foot fence with chicken wire and blue tarp, and then he lets trees and bushes become overgrown so people can't see into his backyard. No one knows what was happening. February 14, 2012, the Cleveland School District discovers that Ariel Castro drove his bus off route, has been driving it off route every day to go grocery shopping at Mark's Superstore. He was spotted parking in school bus outside the store
Starting point is 02:01:54 at 3.10 pm, going inside, 25 minutes later, he comes out carrying three large shopping bags full of food. He suspended for another 60 days without pay. And he's warned, this next offense will be your last Wednesday, April 25th, Neil de Figaro Sadly dies of brain cancer at the age of 48 her relatives had no doubt as to you know what caused the cancer Ariel and his brother turned up. This is so fucked up Ariel is brother not invited
Starting point is 02:02:21 Turn up at Nildes wake and to the horror of her family, drink heavily and crack jokes. How is this allowed? He's not a physically intimidating dude. How did no one ever just fucking beat his ass? Meanwhile during the long hot summer of 2012, Michelle and Gina get hit by bedbugs. Ariel Castro had originally found their filthy mattress and an alley over the years to become heavily stained with semen and blood.
Starting point is 02:02:48 When Gina first woke up itching and covered in tiny red dots, they thought it was chickenpox. Then Michelle actually saw a bed bug crawling on the mattress, realized what was going on. Castro brought in a plastic sheet, placed it over the mattress, which did nothing, stopped the bedbugs. The two women continued to spend the sweltering summer
Starting point is 02:03:04 being eaten alive by bedbugs and now sweating on a plastic sheet. In September, Michelle becomes pregnant for the fifth time by aerial castrow. Soon after her castrow brings home some hot dogs, slathered and mustard because Michelle very allergic to mustard. At gunpoint, he makes her eat the hot dogs, immediately her face swells up and she can't breathe. And he locks her in a room. She goes numb as her entire body is burning red, begs Gina to kill her, but Gina won't. After four days of agony, the reactions subsides and she's still pregnant. 9.30 a.m. Thursday, September 20th, aerial parks, his school bus, 978 outside of the Scranton school and heads home.
Starting point is 02:03:45 School principal Troy Bedling becomes concerned when he notices the yellow bus parked outside of school, it's blocking the emergency lane used by the fire department. After making repeated appeals to the driver on the school's public address system, as well as checking all the restrooms for him, as well as going inside the bus, which is empty, he calls the Ridge Road bus depot
Starting point is 02:04:02 to report in a banded bus. Four hours after leaving in a band and bus. Four hours after leaving in a band and Ariel returns, drives it away for his afternoon routes, and then is ordered to appear at another disciplinary hearing. It'll take place October 4th, then November 6th, finally fired, after nearly 22 years of service. After losing his job, Castro sinks into a deep depression, becomes more violent. Poor fella, he just can't catch a break. He stops fries early for his morning routine, right, because he doesn't have it anymore. His host just soon noticed that he's no longer wearing his bus driver uniform, and now
Starting point is 02:04:33 he has time to assault Michelle all hours of day and night. Also starts taking Jocelyn out more with him on shopping trips when people ask who she is, like his own brother Pedro. He'll say usually that it's his girlfriend's daughter and the mom is busy and they believe him. Later, Castro would tell detectives at Jocelyn that started asking him why he was locking Amanda, Michelle and Gina in the rooms whenever he went out
Starting point is 02:04:54 and that she was starting to beg him to not lock them in anymore. Had these women not escape soon, would he have killed them all? She is getting harder to hide. December 25th, Christmas day, 2012, Jocelyn celebrates her sixth birthday. Her father threw her a party,
Starting point is 02:05:10 having his hostages decorate the living room. He deliberately left Michelle though, three months pregnant in her bedroom. After the party gets started, he brings Michelle down, but literally instructs her not to have a good time. Says, you know, don't enjoy the festivities. After the party finished,
Starting point is 02:05:24 Carlo, or Castro sent Amanda, Jocelyn, and Gina back to't enjoy the festivities. After the party finished, Carlo, or Castro sent Amanda, Jocelyn, and Gina back to the rooms, then he pointed at the stairs to the basement, ordered Michelle to start heading down. When she makes it to the entrance, he suddenly pushes her as hard as he can, and she lands on her stomach on the side of a bookcase. Then he storms down the stairs,
Starting point is 02:05:38 shouting, he's going to fix her once and for all, kicks from the stomach over, and over, heads upstairs, turns on some salsa music, right? Make it it festive then goes back down to the basement drags Michelle up to stairs. Features some more four days later she starts to bleed. Then he brings her into the bathroom where she expels the fetus into the toilet. She picks up her dead baby apologizes to it, cast with then slaps on the face forces her to let go of the fetus puts the fetus in a garbage bag and throws it in the fucking
Starting point is 02:06:04 backyard trash can. He's a demon. He's an actual demon. Maybe he was possessed by buried the demon or maybe the spirit of Billy Shakes All the worlds of stage All the men and women merely play as But even I Billy Shakes serial killing specter, find Ariel Castro to be distasteful. Satan himself, not a fan.
Starting point is 02:06:31 You just well, we think he takes it too far, doesn't he? Even Billy Shakes, disgusted by Ariel Castro. February of 2013 Castro once again looking for work. Former bus driver signs up for Facebook on the 28th, starts searching for more musical contacts through the platform so we can gig, also regularly updates his status, sounding cheerful and optimistic. March 9th, he greets his Facebook friends posting good day everyone and blessings. How sweet. Mid-March, he forces Michelle outside of the backyard, gives her a large shovel and some
Starting point is 02:07:05 gloves. Tells her he wants to start a garden. They spend the day digging next to each other, suddenly Michelle realizes what they're doing, digging a grave, probably for her. After three hours of heavy digging, Castro announces they're finished for the day, and will carry on tomorrow. But then he never asks her to finish digging the hole. Maybe, maybe change his mind.
Starting point is 02:07:23 April 2nd, maybe he just wanted to fuck with her. April 2nd, 2013 marked the ninth anniversary of Gina's disappearance. Ariel shows her, uh, shows up. Excuse me, to her vigil plays music with a salsa pant. Just getting off on all the tears and pain that he's caused. April 21st, Ariel celebrates the 10th anniversary of Amanda's abduction. Just after 4pm, Monday, May 6th, Ariel Castro pokes his head into Michelle and Gina's bedroom announces he's going to his mom's house to collect dinner. That's nice. It's what's in the source to collect dinner. Maybe have dinner.
Starting point is 02:07:58 I don't know how you fucking collect it. Just grab some, bring it back. I don't know. Soon afterward, little Jocelyn starts running up and down the stairs, she'll and daddy's gone to grandma's house. Daddy's gone to grandma's house. Daddy's gone to grandma's house. She then runs up to her mom's room saying, daddy told me to come up here and stay.
Starting point is 02:08:12 Amanda's initial reaction was to lie still, not do anything. Right? Maybe it's another one of his traps. See if she's going to try and do escape. Eventually she peeks outside though and sees the Castro's blue sports convertible has gone. Her bedroom door is not locked as it usually is. So she opens it, goes downstairs, tries the front door, which is usually locked to her amazement. Now it's unlocked. Taking a big breath, she opens
Starting point is 02:08:34 the door, but the three panel screen door in front of it is chain locked. Outside though, she can see a woman sitting on a neighboring lawn, which is pretty fucking awesome. Her name, Aurora Marti. Around 515 Aurora Marti had dragged her green plastic chair onto her neighbor, Altagracia, the hottest stone porch for a chat. Soon another friend, Angel Cordero, had joined them. Aurora is 76 year old grandmother among the first wave of Puerto Rican immigrants who settled into the booming steel tent after World War II. Suddenly a frantic scream pierces the evening calm.
Starting point is 02:09:07 It comes from the White House across the street flying a Puerto Rican flag. Aurora looked up to see a woman's hand frantically waving to a narrow gap in the front screen door. Help me. I'm Amanda Berry, the woman's scream. Amanda Berry's dead. Aurora sharded back across the street. Everybody knows that. What a weird interaction.
Starting point is 02:09:23 No, the woman shout, I've been kidnapped in this house for 10 years by Ariel Castro. Aurora had known Castro for more than 25 years, and she liked him, but also knew he had a temper. She and the others now cross the street towards Castro's house. Angel says they shouldn't get involved in Ariel's business. Shut the fuck up, angel, you weak- a bitch. Aurora, not necessarily a little bitch, but instead of boss bitch insists on helping the woman, telling Altagracia to stand, look out in the middle of the road, warn them of Castro returns. Aurora and Cordero, then come up on the porch, try to rinse the glass storm door open with Amanda pushing as hard as she can from the inside. Kick it, kick it. Cordero tells her storm,
Starting point is 02:10:02 though, is storm door is changed shut changed shut though and won't budge. Two doors away and neighbor named Charles Ramsey, eating a burger on his porch. Here's this commotion. At first, I think someone has been hit by a car, but after seeing Aurora and Cordero rush across the street, he comes over to help the screaming woman. He and Cordero began kicking the bottom panel of the screen door together until it finally breaks, holy shit. Just like that, it has happened.
Starting point is 02:10:25 Amanda Berry. Now, crawls out into the bright sunlight, wearing only a filthy white tank top and blue slacks. Few moments later, little girl crawls out behind her in a black wig and pink tights. Let's get out of here, Cordero tells him. Because if Ariel comes back, he's going to kill us all. So the fuck up Angel? After picking up the little girl, Amanda Berry runs across the street to Altagracia's porch, Gills for a phone to call 911. The child is hysterical screaming, daddy, daddy, daddy! At one point she tries to run back in the house.
Starting point is 02:10:52 Angel then hands a man to her phone, Amanda calls 911. Report she's been kidnapped and missing for 10 years. Few feet away, Charles Ramsey also calls 911. Speaking to another dispatcher on his cell phone. I fucking love this man by the way. Charles Ramsey, Aurora Marty, couple of heroes. He checked this out, Charles said. I just came from McDonald's, right? I'm on my porch, eat my food, right?
Starting point is 02:11:14 This broadest trying to break out of this fucking house next to me. She's like, this motherfucker's done kidnapped me and my daughter and we've been in this bitch. She said her name was Linda Barrier, some shit. I don't know who the fuck that is. I just moved here bro. I love this guy's quote. It gives a lot of extra information that they don't need.
Starting point is 02:11:32 He sounds like I do when I try to order stuff. Lindsey makes fun of me so bad when I order food at restaurant. I don't know why, I panic every time. Even though I know exactly what I want and I start giving a lot of unnecessary information like I'm just tired, I don't know, it'm so hungry early. They're like they don't fucking care Let me talk to them. They're just like they don't care about your stat your status They just want to know what you want to eat just give them that info and nothing else Love Charles Cleveland police officers Anthony is spotted in Michelle Tracy or in their squad car in Lorraine and 25th Street
Starting point is 02:12:00 Code one alert comes in at 552 pm. This batch tells them she's just received a call from a hysterical woman claiming to be a man to bury. They knew it could be her, but they were heavily skeptical. The story had been such an enduring mystery that some crazy people were bound to have heard it and potentially incorporated it into their delusions. Officer Tracy then turns on the overhead siren flashing lights, hits the accelerator, races towards 227, CMORT 2207, CMORT Avenue. When he arrives, he sprints straight to the house. He runs right by a crying Amanda Berry.
Starting point is 02:12:31 He quickly knocks on the broken door. When after two seconds, no one answers the broken door, he sprints back into a squad car. He passes right by Amanda to get back there and then drives back to the station. False alarm. I follow protocol. I knocked on the door.
Starting point is 02:12:44 No one answered. So, you know, just somebody yanking our chain, what can you do? Like, we always say here, all you can do is knock really. Literally, the only thing you can do is just knock. And if no one answers, there's been no crime. And you just try to forget about it. No, he approaches Amanda. And the neighbors, and his first question is simple,
Starting point is 02:13:00 was there anyone else in the house? Yes, Amanda said, Gina De Jesus and Michelle Knight. After Arial had left for his mom's, Michelle and Gina had turned on the radio, they heard Jocelyn run into Amanda's room yelling something about daddy. Then this down to foot steps going downstairs, Michelle assumed that Castro had summoned Jocelyn in Amanda to hang out as a family had no idea what's really going on. What's about to happen? Michelle now here is pounding. She tells Gina to turn down the radio and waits terrified thinking that somebody was going to break in. Somebody back. Then there's a loud explosive noise downstairs as officers Tracy and Nan bust in Gina, Michelle. They don't know who's coming in. They're scared. Officers don't know where the women are. Although it's
Starting point is 02:13:39 bright and sunny outside inside of the house is pitch dark. All these windows boarded up. Officers Tracy and Nan go down to the baseball officers, Esbada and Johnson go up to the second floor. Esbada yells, Cleveland police, Cleveland police. It declines the stairs. No answer. Gina Michelle huddled behind the dresser.
Starting point is 02:13:55 So many years of manipulation, brainwashing, beatings. They don't trust anybody. They don't trust the police. Somebody saying that they're the police. Excuse me, rather. But then they hear a police walkie-talkie. And second layer of the door opens, Johnson in a spot, I come into the room, guns drawn, and Michelle jumps into a spot as arms.
Starting point is 02:14:13 Meanwhile, 555, the APB goes out to pick up Castro immediately. Several minutes later, officers, Brill and Haguemen, spot his distinctive blue Mazda Miata, a few blocks away. They follow for a couple minutes, watches the polls into McDonald's parking lot and it's fucking go time Officers walk over to the car ask Ariel Castro who is driving for his ID When they realize his younger brother O'Neill is in the passenger seat. They draw their guns The Castro brothers are then separated read their rights and handcuffed Taken to police headquarters when they arrive
Starting point is 02:14:42 Ariel Castro looks unfazed doesn doesn't say a word, but his visibly nervous younger brother is talkative. If there's something going on, O'Neill tells officers, you have to talk to Pedro about it. He's in our mom's house on high. But their brother Pedro, not going to be much help. Apparently Pedro had passed out drunk in their mom's house after lunch. What a fucking family. That's not much, few minutes later, officers arrest him too. All three brothers then fingerprinted, dressed in orange jail scrubs, taken to the Cleveland City jail. Back at the house, Michelle Knight, refusing to let go of the police officer keeps repeating
Starting point is 02:15:12 you saved us, you saved us. Few minutes later, they tried to coax Gina out. None of them recognize the emaciated crop-taired girl who emerges from the shadow. She looks nothing like her missing posters. Both are taken out to the ambulance waiting on the street where they begin to tell the police their stories how aerial cash or had lured them into his house so long ago They had to explain all of Jocelyn's life story how she'd been conceived from rape born in abacement Never seen a doctor dentist or any other medical professional and they talked about Michelle's multiple miscarriages After barely scratching the surface to the extent of their abuse, all four are taken to Metro Health Hospital. Soon, another person will arrive on the scene, FBI agents special, or FBI special agent, Andrew Burke of the Violent Crimes Task Force. He'll
Starting point is 02:15:55 oversee the investigation, soon to become one of the biggest Cleveland has ever seen. Their aim seems deceptively simple, how aerial Castro could have possibly snatched through women off the street and kept them hidden for a decade But not so simple the sheer amount of time meant that they had a decade of phone records receipts DNA evidence Testimony to sort through before they could put together their case a massive endeavor And he would oversee the process of reuniting Michelle Amanda Gina and Jelyn with their families, and also protecting them from the media onslaught. At the hospital, the four victims were examined by the emergency physician on duty. Michelle weighed only 84 pounds. She was the worst off of all of them.
Starting point is 02:16:35 She had nerve damage in both arms from beatings and had life-threatening bacteria, had a life-threatening bacterial infection from eating 11 years of often rotten food. While there being an examined and photographed nurse gave Michelle a new trebar, she ate it ravenously, then she nervously asked for another one and the nurse told her she could have as many as she wanted. She immediately hugged the nurse repeatedly saying thank you, thank you, thank you, over and over again. So grateful for such a small item.
Starting point is 02:17:01 Her first proper meal that night would be steak and shake, cheeseburger, fries, and a cheesecake blizzard from dairy queen, which she later described as going to heaven. Amanda had Jocelyn, so she seemed a little more grounded according to Officer Barbara Johnson, who stayed with the women all night. Amanda was hard at work, making it seem like everything was okay to her daughter, Gina on the other hand seemed confused by the whole thing, especially as people kept coming up to her, giving her a big hug and saying, we've been praying for you. The authorities then, sadly, really fucked up one more time with these girls.
Starting point is 02:17:32 For some reason, they thought it would be a good idea to fly Jim Bob Dugger into talk to the girls about hope for the future. And how God had wonderful things in store for them. Unfortunately, he would not talk about hope but would instead mostly focus on the conditions of their bicycles. Hi, Diddy, did you, girls?
Starting point is 02:17:52 Oh, we! I just got filled in about what's been going on and gosh darn it's a heck. I'd love to tell you everything's gonna be a-o-k going forward, but I'm very, ho, Diddy, worry about the condition of your boat, Diddy, buy a suit. I got some bad news and some good news.
Starting point is 02:18:06 Here's the bad news. Sound like Ariel rode your dilly bicycles off a cliff, then kick your box back up the cliff, then shot your box out of a cannon back to the bottom of a said cliff, then stood up on top of the cliff for a few hours to unrocks down on your box, then jumped off the cliff himself and broke his fall by landing on your box, then set your box on fire. After moving the chains, using those to whip your box for another few hours, then finally, drag your box over to the river.
Starting point is 02:18:34 Chains and rocks to them, through them and let them sink to the bottom. The good news is you can choose a lonely life and celibacy and dedicate your life to the Lord. Jesus loves any nobbs. While I will never be able to love you, and I would never allow you to marry any of my rights or sons or have them love you, Jesus still will. Thankfully before he could say anything else, to smart teen kids,
Starting point is 02:18:57 and some of his fellow Cleveland steamer, motorcycle club members, grabbed him by a took him out behind the hospital, hitting with baseball bats for about 10 minutes. Broke both his arms, broke both his legs, most of his ribs also as a symbolic gesture shoved by corn up his hey did we do that? That gym bob style was real confusing sorry you didn't listen to last week's episode. Back to this week's people, back to this now.
Starting point is 02:19:22 Speaking of Gina, around 7 o'clock Nancy and Felix DeJesus, here a rumor that Gina has been found alive in aerial Castro's house. Nancy falls to the ground shouting, Matalo, which I guess translates to kill him soon. An FBI agent would show Nancy a picture of the rescued girl and Nancy would identify her as Gina. FBI brought Gina's parents elder brother Ricardo over to the Metro Health Medical Center for an intensely emotional reunion. I cannot imagine.
Starting point is 02:19:47 When they walked into the conference room, saw Gina for the first time in nine years, they rushed into each other's arms sobbing, kissing, crying, Amanda also reunited with her sister, Beth Serrano at the hospital. Sadly, no one came to see the worst suffer of the most abuse, Michelle Knight, instead of victim's advocate with someone to the hospital to help her. Meanwhile the city of Cleveland is in a frenzy. As the news that Amanda Berry and Gina De Jesus had been found and spread around Cleveland like wildfire, hundreds of people gathered on the streets of the west side to celebrate
Starting point is 02:20:19 with passing drivers, honking horns in support. By eight, a team of Ne Navy, a team of TV, I don't know what I just said, news crews, had arrived on Seymour Avenue, W-E-W-S-T-V reporter John Costage would interview Amanda's rescuer Charles Ramsey, now being hailed as a hero. A couple of lines in that interview will become iconic.
Starting point is 02:20:40 Like when Costage asked about his neighbor, Ariel Castro, and Ramsey replied, you got some pretty big testicles to pull this off, bro, because we see this dude every day. I mean, every day, I barbecue with this dude. We eat ribs and whatnot, listen to salsa music. Kostich asked about the girl's reactions to being outside the house and the sunlight. Ramsey replied, bro,
Starting point is 02:21:01 a new sound was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms. Something is wrong here. Dead giveaway. Dead giveaway. Within minutes, that interview goes viral. And then a remix of the interview goes more viral. And I have to play for you. It's, you know, this is obviously such a fucking tragic nightmare of an episode. But at least some joy, I guess, came out from Charles Ramsey. This is just ridiculous this little remix We eat ribs, but we just do. We get in bad and gloom.
Starting point is 02:21:47 If that girl was in that house, she said, please help me get out. They ain't give away, they ain't give away, They ain't give away, they ain't give away, They ain't give away, they ain't give away, They ain't give away, they ain't give away. They ain't give away, they ain't give away. My never got big testicles, cause we see this job, We ain't give away, we eat ribs, Everyone way I
Starting point is 02:22:06 We We We We We We We We We
Starting point is 02:22:22 We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We But only your hand, so we could kick the bottle. And she comes out and she says get some old girls up in that house. Call 911 and they call him. And McDonald's, I knew something was wrong. When a little pretty white girl ran to a black man's arms. They ain't giving away. They ain't giving away.
Starting point is 02:22:39 Ha, ha. He has the best like, the bullet and stuff too. It's so great. So great. Ah, hail Charles Charles Ramsey. At 11 o'clock Monday night, this is the longest day ever. Amanda called her father John Barry. That song is so catchy. As I'm trying to get back into the notes, all I can hear in my head is dead giveaway Dead giveaway Dun dun everyday I
Starting point is 02:23:08 Rebs with this dude. Oh, it's so fucking insanely catchy I would actually love to hear why why is it's a bummer to me that Charles Ramsey didn't get in the recording booth and just Throw out a bunch of fucking random freestyle verses and just have it mixed into other songs. There's something very soothing about his voice. Okay, so 11 a Monday night. Amanda calls her dad John Berry and grandmother Furn Gentry. In Tennessee tells them she's safe. She reunite with her Cleveland family, but or had reunited already. But her Tennessee family had no idea. Her dad terminally ill with pulmonary disease. Now live in Naples, Florida, Barbara Knight, watch the Neve evening news when she first learns Michelle is alive. Spends the rest of the evening trying to call her daughter at the hospital,
Starting point is 02:23:49 but Michelle refuses to take her calls. Michelle is not forgotten about how her mom never protected her growing up. And for the last bit of this day, let's head to the Cleveland City jail. All three Castro brothers put on suicide watch at one point. Ariel, or Ariel is escorted a scorted past on Neil cell. Onyle said or onyle he said you're never going to see me again I love you bro. Early in the morning of Tuesday by the way his brothers would be interviewed a little ways after this and fucking hate him. The spices guy this all I love you bro there like hope that he has treated as bad as bad and jail as he treated those
Starting point is 02:24:25 girls. He's a monster. We consider him dead to our family now. Early in the morning of Tuesday, May 7th, Amanda and Gina discharge taken to a hotel at a secret location in Cleveland. They'll have 24 hour security. Michelle still need a medical attention remains at the hospital. And the media has now begun to assemble stories from neighbors, neighbors who said that they
Starting point is 02:24:44 had seen naked women in Castro's backyard, women pounding on the windows, heard suspicious screams coming from the basement and other parts of the house. They talked about calling the police and about how no one ever bothered to investigate. At nine, the Cleveland Department of Public Safety holds a press conference to update the media, tries to head off mounting criticism. Now this morning, we're happy to announce Mayor Frank Jackson told a hundreds of reporters gathered at City Hall. That Amanda Berry, Gina De Jesus and Michelle Knight have been found in our life. We're happy they have been returned to us, but their
Starting point is 02:25:15 absence has plagued their families our community and Cleveland police for years. Mayor Jackson said that although three suspects were in custody, there were still many unanswered questions as to why and how it had happened. Then special agent Steve Anthony in charge of the FBI's Cleveland office took the microphone and declared the nightmare is over. These three young ladies have provided us with the ultimate definition of survival and perseverance. The healing can now begin.
Starting point is 02:25:40 Special agent Anthony said the FBI and Cleveland police had relentlessly pursued every tip that had come in over the years. He said in the families of these three young ladies never gave up hope and neither did law enforcement. Every tip relentlessly. There was a barrage of questions. A cable news reporter asked why Cleveland police hadn't investigated Castro, especially after the 2004 school bus incident.
Starting point is 02:26:01 The one where he left that boy in the bus, maybe kidnapped him. Law enforcement explained the Castro had been interviewed extensively. I don't know about that. Wasn't a suspect in any other complaint. Later that day, Cleveland City Hall released a statement to nine allegations of sightings of suspicious behavior at Ariel Castro's house, supposedly reported to the police. It stated media reports of multiple calls to the Cleveland police reporting suspicious activity and the mistreatment of women at 2207 C more or false So that sucks that they just fucking lied Trying to save face with some, you know PR
Starting point is 02:26:34 Few hours later aerial Castro transported from Cleveland city jail to police headquarters for the first of two interviews He would give deputy sheriff David Jacobs of the Kaya Hogue County Sheriff's Office was in charge of his interrogation and mapped out a careful approach because of the extent of the crimes, the media scrutiny. This was, you know, very high pressure. After reading Castro, his Miranda rights, carefully, Jacobs began questioning him about each of the women in the order he had taken them and was surprised by how much Castro wanted to talk, even referred to himself several times as a sexual predator, use the word abduct, admitted he'd done it all purely to satisfy
Starting point is 02:27:09 his sexual needs. Also made sure to say he had acted alone that his brothers didn't have anything to do with it, but Ariel being Ariel did tell a shitload of lies as well. Told Jacob that he and Michelle Knight had consensual sex. From her 2002 abduction until, you know, a week before his arrest, he claimed she'd only told him of one pregnancy when the two of them had
Starting point is 02:27:30 devised a plan for her to go on a tea diet for several days, as well as knee bends and jumping jacks. So she'd miscarry. At one point in interrogation, cash was that he realized he was in big trouble. He said, I know I'm going to wait for a long time. During the next session, he told Jacobs that all that he wanted all his money and property to be divided amongst his victims, whom he identified through photographs. And he expressed surprise that he had not been caught earlier. He was also questioned about his 2004 confession letter, which have been found by detectives
Starting point is 02:27:59 the previous night near the kitchen counter sink. He admitted writing the letter saying he had done so in the event that if something happened to him, people could see that he had been a victim as well. Fuck this guy. I think he lost the right to claim being a victim the first time he beat the shit out of Nilda. Back at Seymour Avenue detectives were now picking apart the house to see what they can find thinking that there was a strong possibility that might find bodies hidden somewhere. They wouldn't find those, but they found so much other shit. When special agent Andrew Burke arrived at midday, more than 300 pieces of evidence, including yards of rusty chains, ropes, bondage material, had all been removed in plastic bags for forensic testing. They looked at how Castor had altered the architecture of the house to
Starting point is 02:28:40 completely hide the existence of certain rooms, how he had installed restraints and locks, and they saw the sad bedrooms where the women in Jocelyn had spent the last decade. Also that day someone would finally come to see Michelle, her brother Freddie Knight. Barbara will fly to Cleveland, but will complain to reporters how she hadn't seen her daughter. Interviews both by the media and police will continue for days. Wednesday, May 8, two days after escaping a man to bury returns home to her sister's house on West 111th Street. Three hours later, Gina, DeJesus, comes home to, as she passed her a crowd of reporters,
Starting point is 02:29:14 she gave a thumbs up and her father pumped the air with the fist and hugged a police officer. Gina wouldn't go to her bedroom though, it reminded her too much of the room she'd been imprisoned in. Instead, she'll stay on an inflatable mattress in the living room with her family. Barbara Knight also finally allowed to see her daughter, but Tempers reportedly flared and Michelle was asked to leave. Or Michelle asked, excuse me, Barbara to leave that afternoon. Ariel Castro was charged with four counts of kidnapping and three counts of rape. She'll be charged
Starting point is 02:29:40 with so much more soon. He's arraying the next day and cleave the municipal court with a bond of $2 million on each of the charges, totaling eight million. He'd be charged with so much more soon. He's arraying the next day and Cleveland Municipal Court with a bond of $2 million on each of the charges totaling 8 million. He be let out of the court and shackles, showing no reaction and placed on suicide watch at the Kayahoga County jail. There for some reason he would take off all his clothes and pace around naked. As one does when they need to think. May 10th confirmed that Ariel Castro had father Jocelyn.
Starting point is 02:30:04 Meanwhile the families had now begun to lawyer up with Amanda and Gina's families hiring the Cleveland-based Jones Day Laufram. There wasn't only the matter of Castro's trial, lawyers would have to coordinate everything from book and movie deals, already pouring in to media appearances and more. That afternoon Michelle released from the Metro Health Medical Center quietly moves into a hospice facility, just because there was nowhere else for her to go. And she didn't want to see her mom. Indeed, her mom had actually hired an attorney
Starting point is 02:30:30 to get her rights to see her daughter. And she was angry at not having been informed that Michelle had left the hospital. Metro Health Medical Center pointed out that Michelle Knight was an adult, capable of making her own decisions, and fuck you for not doing more when she was a kid. They were just protecting her rights.
Starting point is 02:30:45 May 14th Castro would meet with his new attorney's Craig Wintrob and Jay Shallet. Or I don't know how to say his last name. The lawyers have been contacted by Castro's uncle, Sacy, two days after his arrest. And you know what? Fuck uncle, Sacy. Fuck anyone and everyone who tried to help his clown. They met in Kayahugga County, jail where Castro's behavior had grown more bizarre. He now spent most of his time staring at the empty bunk overhead, walking around naked, drinking cool late while staring himself in the mirror. When he wasn't sleeping
Starting point is 02:31:13 or having one of his three regular meals, Castro liked to snack using his commissary money to purchase peanut butter crackers and Snickers bars. That's fun that he gets to have nice candy. He constantly complained to his guards that his cell was too cold, but still didn't put on clothes. During his three hour meeting with the attorneys, Castro insisted on still be a naked. So he just takes a three hour naked meeting with his attorneys and orders them to turn off the air conditioning. He had already confessed to detectives without a lawyer present. The main issue for the defense was whether Castro would face a death penalty as feed is murder. What he done to Michelle five times, classified as an aggravated homicide under Ohio law.
Starting point is 02:31:48 The next morning, the two attorneys told a TV reporter that their client would plead not guilty to all the charges of a grand jury and died in him. Wine Trab said aerial Castro had been demonized by the world's press before anyone knew the whole story. And you know what? Fuck, wine, Trab could have said no to this case. The initial portrayal by the media has been one of a monster said wine-trop and that's not the impression I got when I
Starting point is 02:32:08 talked him for three hours. When you talk to that fucking naked maniac for three hours soon after the Castro family met and discussed how to proceed now that they were publicly related to one of the worst men in Cleveland. At the meeting it was decided that Ariel Castro Jr now using his middle name of Anthony would be the Castro family spokesman. From now on, all media requests would go through him, although his uncle, say, see Castro would also give the occasional interview.
Starting point is 02:32:32 At the beginning of June, Ariel Castro, taking off a suicide watch, moved to another part of the jail where he's provided with the television. That sucks. June 7th, the Cuyahoga County Grand Jury returns an unprecedented 329 count indictment against aerial Castro. Shockingly, this only covered the period from August 2002 to February 2007. Prosecutor Tim McGinty promised more to come. The 142 page indictment accused aerial Castro of two counts of aggravated murder for causing the unlawful termination of pregnancy. Of the pregnancy, he also indicted him on 139 counts of rape,
Starting point is 02:33:06 177 counts of kidnapping, seven counts of gross sexual imposition, three counts of felonious assault and a single count of possessing criminal tools. Next day, Castro's attorneys announced he will plead not guilty to each and every charge, but what was unclear was whether or not Castro would face the death penalty. Castro's attorney, Jay Schallett, said the death penalty was inappropriate for Castro's case, noting there was no physical evidence or medical records relating to the miscarriages. 145 p.m. Wednesday, June 2nd, a handcuffed and shackled aerial Castro led to the Kaya Hoga Common, please court for his arrangement.
Starting point is 02:33:39 It had been moved to judge Dina, Calabraci's 20 second floor courtroom to accommodate all the media. Castro dressed in a bright orange jumpsuit, appeared to have a smirk on his face, that smug fuck pleaded not guilty to every charge. And then court was dismissed. Afterwards, Ariel Castro wrote several father's day letters to his kids from his jail cell. Oh, that's awesome. They were never delivered.
Starting point is 02:34:00 I just can't believe what I did, he wrote in one, to put me in the situation that I'm in now. Huh, we, I think we all know he did. June 22, 2013, Judge Michael Russo would order Ariel Castro to undergo a psychiatric competency evaluation to see if he has fit to stand trial. He'd be examined in Kaya Hoga County court. Excuse me, he'd be examined in the Kaya Hoga County court, psychiatrist clinic by Dr. Philip Resnick and Dr. Jason Beeman. Told him about his early childhood in Puerto Rico, how he'd been sexually abused by an older boy when he's five, claimed that after moving to America's mom physically abused him daily, when Dr. Resnick asked him how he felt about that,
Starting point is 02:34:37 Kaster said he prayed his mom would die, then Dr. Resnick asked him about his educational history. Kaster said he was a satisfactory student, but teased by other boys, couldn't remember why. Admitted to be suspended in junior high for touching a girl's breasts, said his first relationship was in seventh grade, last five months. When asked about his psychiatric history, Castro said he'd experienced his first mental health problem around 1980,
Starting point is 02:34:59 when he began getting headaches, feeling disoriented and confused. He said that during these periods periods he'd make bad decisions. Also said he didn't want to death penalty. These doctors would declare him fit to stand trial. His competency would be affirmed by the court July 3rd, 2013, at the same hearing. He asked if Jocelyn could visit him in jail, fucking pause on this guy. Judge Michael Rousseau was like, how about you go fuck yourself instead? Didn't allow it. Thursday, July 11th, day after aerial Castro's 53rd birthday, the Capitol Review Committee,
Starting point is 02:35:30 CRC, met in the Kayahoga County Prosecutors Office to discuss whether or not to seek the death penalty. Before the meeting, Castro's lawyers had presented their mitigating factors, according to them, there was no medical evidence to corroborate Michelle's claims that Castro had forced her to miscarry. The Warren that since the testimony would be hard to verify if the state did win, they had a long appeals process ahead of them. The fans also argued that Castro would likely spend the rest of his life on death row if convicted, given the average time on death row at the time, 16.6 years. And that would cost the state of Ohio millions dollars. Furthermore, they said Castro's execution was bound to cause harm
Starting point is 02:36:05 to Jocelyn. How dare they even bring her name up into this shit. Next morning, the Kayhulky County Grand jury hands down a super seating 977 count indictment, covering the entire period of three women were held. This new 560 76 page indictment included 512 counts of kidnapping, 446 counts of rape, seven counts of gross sexual imposition, six counts of felonious assault, three counts of child and age, dangerment, and a single count of possessing criminal tools.
Starting point is 02:36:37 Also include the two counts of aggravated murder from the original indictment. July 26, 2013, McGinty would offer a plea deal under the deal, which would put him in prison for life without parole, plus the minimum of a thousand years. Castro would agree to plead guilty to 937 counts out of the 977. These included the two charges of aggregate murder. Sorry, I'm thinking of a different part of the story. I'm laughing at this relating to terminating Michelle Knight's pregnancies and Castro took to deal.
Starting point is 02:37:05 At the hearing, he agreed that he would never again see the light of day, but said that there were some things he wanted to put on record, that he'd been a victim of child abuse, and everything had stemmed from that. But the judge cut him off saying he could talk about his problems at Sensing. I love it. Hey, Ariel, hey, hey, bud, hey, hey, bud, how about you take everything you just said and everything you were about to say and you file it under who gives a fuck?
Starting point is 02:37:29 Everyone hates you. Under the teams of deal, Ariel Castro would have to forfeit the property on Seymour Avenue. His personal photos and clothing would be given to his children, but Sees Castro go towards demolishing 2207 Seymour Avenue, along with the two houses beside it. Afterwards Tim McGinty told the press that justice had been done. He said, he's never coming out except nailed in a box or in an ash can. He's not stepping out. Sentencing would be on August 1st.
Starting point is 02:37:55 August 1st, the courtroom is overflowing with spectators. An exact scale model of 2207 Cmore constructed by the FBI's Quantico Lab have been placed at the front of the courtroom. And the big question everyone's lips was, whether any of the victims would address the court. For the most part, all three women have been keeping to themselves spending time with their families, making plans to go back to school, obtain GEDs and begin college. Good for them. There would not be a trial, but Tim McGinty still planned to present evidence and call
Starting point is 02:38:21 witnesses. That way there would be a record of aerial Castro's evil deeds if he ever tried to appeal. The witnesses described how Castro had lured the young women back to the house, the extent of abuse, and the massive amount of evidence that proved he was guilty. An FBI agent's detailed magnitude of the psychological, physical, and financial case, or excuse me, care that the women in Jossam would need going forward. Castro's 2004 letter in which he admitted to being a sexual predator was read aloud. And an expert on PTSD testified to how the women's brains had been rewired, how the complete and total terror of their experiences had left a lasting mark that may never fully be undone. Families of the victims, genius cousin,
Starting point is 02:38:58 Amanda sisters, would also make victim impact statements. Michelle Knight, however, would be the last to speak. She told the court about how she'd missed her son, Joey, cried herself to sleep, you know, every single night for over 10 years, thinking about him. Said she knew that nobody cared about her, the holidays passed without anyone wishing she was home for them. Then she addressed Ariel. Ariel Castro, she began as she stared at her without a hint of emotion. You took 11 years of my life away and I have got it back. I spent 11 years in hell and now your hell is just beginning. I will overcome all that has happened but you will face hell for eternity. From this moment on, I will not let you define me or affect who I am. I will live on. You will die a little every day. Fuck yes.
Starting point is 02:39:42 Hail Nimrod. She is so strong. In all the evidence boiled down to one thing, the girls have been given life sentences by Castro, so he should have one now himself. It would only be fitting. 12.38 PM Judge Michael Russo asked Ariel Castro if he was to speak before being sensed. And for the next 17 minutes, everyone present re-graded the judge, giving him the floor. That pathetic waste of oxygen and space delivered a rambling, self-pitting, often-defined speech from the defense table, as his two attorneys looked on helplessly, as they looked frankly embarrassed to be sitting next to him. First of all, Castro began, I'm a very emotional person.
Starting point is 02:40:18 Okay? So, I'm going to try and get it out. No one fucking cares, dude. He began by telling the judge how he had been a victim of sexual mostation as a child, leading to his lifelong obsession with pornography and sexual problems. People are trying to pay me as a monster. He told the court, and I'm not a monster.
Starting point is 02:40:33 I'm sick. Castro maintained he'd always lived a normal life, holding out a study job with the wife and four kids. And I, this is a quote, he says, and I still practice the art of touching myself. And being pornography. The art of touching myself, he's talking about jerkin' off, right? I didn't realize there was a real art to it.
Starting point is 02:40:56 Like have I been doing it wrong all these years? I've only ever really leaned on two basic, pretty, you know, you know, base techniques. A dry rub and and wet rub. The dry rub, it's all about the grip, right? Firm enough so you can still pull the loose skin of the shaft up and over the head a bit, so you're not jamming the side of your thumb and fingers against the base of the head and bruising it, but also loose enough to not crushing
Starting point is 02:41:17 and bruising anything. For a wet rub, the key is a good lotion that isn't so thick, it feels like you're dick stuck in some mud, but also not so thin that the lotion doesn't provide a layer of bruise and friction burn protection as you try and glide back and forth with a looser grip than you would use in a dry rub. Are there more options in this, like a lot more artistic ways of jerking off? Am I supposed to put a little beret on my dick and glue a tiny little paintbrush and easel on a small coat or vest I've wrapped around the shaft.
Starting point is 02:41:49 Make masturbation look like I'm assaulting a strange little 19th century French painter or something. I'll stop. None of this matters from anyway, you know, in light of my recent accidents, you know, falling out of bed with boners has been pretty tragic. Actually, I fell again the other day. I'll talk about it later. I don't want to be too distracting right now. Castor added, I believe I'm addicted to pouring to the point that it doesn't really, that it really makes me impulsive. later. I don't want to be too distracting right now. Castro added, I believe I'm addicted to porn to the point that it doesn't really, that it really makes me impulsive. And I just don't realize what I'm doing is wrong. I'm not trying to make excuses here,
Starting point is 02:42:12 because I know that I'll be put away forever. Yeah, but you are making excuses because you want people to pity you instead of despise you. He continued referring to the time after his divorce from Nilda saying, I continue to practice the art of masturbation. The art and pornography.
Starting point is 02:42:30 And he got so bad that I used to do it two or three hours a day, nonstop. When I was finished, I would just collapse right there. It sounds like, it sounds less like art and more like some kind of masturbation marathon running. Doesn't sound very fun honestly. Sounds exhausting. He then segwayed into how he had picked up the first victim, saying it was completely unplanned. When I got up that day, he told the court, I did not say, oh, I'm gonna try and find some women
Starting point is 02:42:52 because I just wasn't my character. But I know it's wrong. And I'm not trying to make excuses here as he makes more excuses. Suddenly, he became emotional, complaining, everybody said he was violent when the opposite was true. He told the judge, I drove a school bus. I'm a musician. I have a family. I do have value for human life. Everyone knows it's literally impossible for a bus driving musician with a family to be abusive. It can't be done.
Starting point is 02:43:21 Castro claimed that Jocelyn had always lived normal life and he would take her out in the public to experience life outside 2.07 Seymour. Then paradoxically Castro explained that he'd been driven by sex when he abducted Gina De Jesus and he appeared to blame Amanda for getting into his car without even knowing who he was. He said, I'm trying to make a point that I'm not a violent predator. You were trying to make me look like a monster. I'm not a monster.
Starting point is 02:43:43 I'm a normal person. I'm just sick. I have an were trying to make me look like a monster. I'm not a monster. I'm a normal person. I'm just sick. I have an addiction just like an alcoholic has an addiction. Alcoholics cannot control their addiction. That's why I can't control my addiction. You're honor. What does he expect to happen here?
Starting point is 02:43:55 You know what, you're right. I was hard on you. We're gonna give you parole. We're gonna let you off with parole. Your honor. Aerocastial is just like an alcoholic. Some people drink too often and too much. off of the parole. Your honor, a, a lot of harmony. Two to seven C more. Told judge russo practically all of it was consensual. These allegations about being forceful in them are totally wrong because there were times they would even ask me for sex many times.
Starting point is 02:44:34 Get the fuck out of here. And I learned that these girls I learned that these girls are not virgins from their testimony to me. And they had multiple partners before me. All true. That's what he says it's true your honor by the time I found their bikes they'd already been jumped off a shit ton of ramps they've been written down alleys toss aside in front of different schools convenience stores throwing off bridges these bikes were far from shiny and new when I got a hold of them so who gives this shit how hard I wrote them your honor am I? How satisfying would an ending to the story be if mid-speech, the judge just like pulled out a Glock G17
Starting point is 02:45:08 or something and just blew both his fucking kneecaps out? Shut the fuck up! Take him away, no hospital. Just throw him in the cell as is. Finally, Krayland is head in his hands. Victim, aerial castro, apologized to his three victims, saying he was truly sorry for what had happened and then he blamed the FBI. He blamed them for incompetence saying that, you know, if they had done
Starting point is 02:45:27 a better investigation, he might have been caught a long time ago. He declared, I feel that the FBI let these girls down. My God. Like, as if the public, you know, a sentiment in the room was going to change, like, you know what? He's on our side. If the FBI does the problem. He declared but they failed to question me. I'm her father. If they would have questioned me, it's possible. It would have ended right there. He then turned to the victim's families and said he was truly sorry again and then it was over. After thanking Michelle Knight for her remarkable restraints during that judge Russo asked Castro how he could possibly say
Starting point is 02:46:01 he was not a violent person after admitting to hundreds of sexually violent offenses, and although he might find the term sexual predator unpleasant, it fit. Castro argued back, it's confusing. It makes it sound like I forced myself onto them. It never happened, you know, physically. By virtue of your plea, that is what you did, said the judge.
Starting point is 02:46:20 You raped someone, that's what it means. How hard did he have to work to not add stuff like you dumb mother fucker? Judge Russo told the defendant that this was by far the worst case he'd that had ever come before him was unparalleled in its scope of kidnapping torture and deprivation. He said, all this was organized. You used deception. You used change in other means to hold captive three young women and ultimately a young child. to use change and other means to hold captive. Three young women and ultimately a young child. The judge noted that although Castro claimed to suffer from sexual addiction when he abducted Michelle Knight,
Starting point is 02:46:49 he had a steady girlfriend who he neither harmed nor abused, you just made a calculated decision to do wrong. Said Judge Russo, and if anything to me, you exhibit anti-social personality disorder. I'm not a psychological expert. I certainly don't have the credentials of those who spoke here today,
Starting point is 02:47:04 but you have extreme narcissism and it seems rather persuasive. He said that this trial seemed to offer not only justice for his victims, but also for Nilda. They brought charges against Castro when she couldn't. Then the judge turned sentencing, Ariel Castro, for the 937 counts beginning with the two or he turns to the sentencing for all those counts beginning the murder, relating to Michelle Knight's forced miscarriages. May I say something as the defendant? No, said Judge Russo, looking impatient
Starting point is 02:47:32 before he then added, well, what do you want to say? You pled guilty to it. And Casto replied, Tesla, I know that, but there was never any evidence in that, but I don't want to put these women through anymore. So that's why I pled guilty to it. But there was never any incident of the murder of a fetus. That never happened. Mr. Castro said the judge, you talk to your attorneys, you made a decision to plead to count one
Starting point is 02:47:53 as indicted. Is that correct? Yes, I understand that replied Castro. I just want to tell the record. I never killed anyone. I'm not a murderer. Then judge russet read out each and every one of the 937 charges against him. Sensing him to the serve the maximum time for each one, totally life without parole plus a thousand years, also find a hundred thousand dollars and had to forfeit everything he owned. He told the defendant that the court imposed the maximum because these are the worst form of the offenses there. Although Mr. Castro does not have a prior criminal conviction, the breadth and scope of these crimes, and the merciless men are in which they were inflicted requires that a maximum sense of each of those counts be imposed,
Starting point is 02:48:33 a person can only die in prison once. Few minutes later in a holding cell, Ariel Castro broke down in tears. As he signed over the deed to 2207 Seymour Avenue to the Cleveland Land Bank, which would soon demolish it. He sobbed to prosecutors. I don't know why you have to tear my house down. I have so many, this is a quote. I have so many happy memories there with Gina Amanda and Michelle. Did this dumb sick fuck not actually understand what a monster he was?
Starting point is 02:49:01 Man, the power of narcissism. Then he was put in jail, van, and delivered to Lorraine correctional institution in Graffin, Ohio, and the power of narcissism. Then he was put in a jail van and delivered to Lorraine correctional institution in Grafond, Ohio and placed on suicide watch. But then taken off suicide watch, Monday, August 5th. That day he transferred 135 miles south to the correction reception center in Orient, Ohio. There, a psychiatrist diagnosed him
Starting point is 02:49:21 with narcissistic personality disorder with anti-social features. So the judge pretty much nailed it. Saturday, August 10th, five days after he arrived in the correctional reception center, Ariel Castro began writing a journal. So that's fun. For the next three weeks, he'd write occasional entries in what he called a day in the life of a prisoner, chronically in his life in captivity.
Starting point is 02:49:39 His mother fucker in this journal had the nerve to complain about warm food and the way he'd been treated by one of his prison guards. He wrote, he mistreats me for no apparent reason. Oh, everyone had so many reasons to mistreat you at this point in your life. Wednesday, August 14th, he wrote that he believed that someone had tampered with his food, giving him chest pains and making them throw up. And I hope they did.
Starting point is 02:50:00 I hope they stuck their finger up their fucking butthole and then moved that finger around in every fucking meal he ate. That day the prison medical staff was called to sell twice after a complaint of chest pains, dizziness and nausea. Over the next few days he became so paranoid that somebody was poisoned in his food. He began flushing it all down the toilet and started to walk around his cell naked again. As the days passed, aerial castle became increasingly anxious about his situation, venting his despair into his diary. I will never see light at the end of the tunnel he wrote, but that's all right. It's what I chose. I've lots of time on my hands now to think and
Starting point is 02:50:35 read, write and exercise. I want to make a bigger effort to try to commit to God, a bigger, so you were making an effort to commit to God when you were beating and raping three prisoners in your home every day for years. Okay, that's interesting. Ironically, considering the basement dungeon he kept the girls in, he also worried about how warm his cell would be in the winter. I'm very sensitive to cold draft. It literally drives me to get under the covers. I also get depressed and don't want to do anything but just lay there. I guess we'll just have to wait and see when I get to that bridge. He also afraid about being insulted by the guards. Most of the guards here are okay.
Starting point is 02:51:10 He noted, but the younger ones don't take the job seriously. Or they are rude to me for no apparent reason. Sometimes I drift into a negative thought. I check myself and try harder not to go there. Oh man, good for him. August 28th, he wrote that he was really getting frustrated. I don't know, it's so funny to me. I'm really getting frustrated, you guys.
Starting point is 02:51:28 I'm fucking tired of being in this prison. I'm tired of having to spend the rest of my life. It's very frustrating. Three days later, he said that he was near his breaking point. September 3rd, 2013, Castro met with corrections officers to decide on a permanent prison. They settled on the Allen Correctional Institute in Lima, Ohio, three hours from Cleveland for the rest of the afternoon. Ariel Castro remaining in the cell. Supposed to be checked every 30 minutes by guards, but they missed eight scheduled rounds that day. Reminds me of the
Starting point is 02:51:53 Epstein, Epstein suck. It's almost like we need some prison reform this country. Maybe rethink about how many people we can car straight have a, you know, a better guard prison ratio. Maybe if we had way less nonviolent offenders in prisons and we're able to keep the focus on less, but far more terrible offenders like Castro. 529, a prison supervisor brings Castro's evening meal. He refuses to eat it, believing again, it's been tampered with. I hope it was. Half an hour later he returns it, untouched the supervisor. Prison guard checks in around 9. Everything appears to be okay. But once he's gone, Ariel gets to work. He carefully lays out photographs of his kids and family members on a pay-sport near his desk, writes the names of each person
Starting point is 02:52:31 under their photograph, lays out several personal items around his cell, leaves his Bible open to the gospel of St. John and writes a passage on the sheet of paper. No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again. Then he takes off his bed sheet, ties it in knots to form a ligature, after securing several inches of it around the window frame, seven feet off the ground, he winds a foot long section around his neck, and then, not sure why this part was necessary, takes off his shorts, lets him fall to his ankles, I don't know, maybe fucking get one last artistic jerk in.
Starting point is 02:53:03 Facing his cell door, he then drops to his knees, the the ligature tightens and pulls the last breath out of him shortly Prison guards will try to revive him But then paramedics get lost on their way to the fucking jail. How much professional incompetence can one episode have And then Castro's pronounced dead at 10.52 and taking to the morgue the man who had imprisoned others for 10 years could only handle barely six weeks in prison. One of the only times I've been really bummed that one of these Derbags dies in prison so quick, just like with Epstein, I wanted him to stay in suffer for a long time.
Starting point is 02:53:35 Too bad some robotics company couldn't have invented some kind of prison rap bot that also prevents prisoners from, you know, joy themselves. And that rap bot could just be his cellmate and programmed to brutally rape him seven times a day. For the next, I don't know, 11 years or so at least. And also bash him in the head from time to time, break his nose and dislocate his shoulders. That would have been some fitting punishment. Now let's get out of this
Starting point is 02:53:57 time line and catch up with Michelle Amanda and Gina. So where are the Cleveland Kidnapping victims today? Michelle Knight, now goes by the name of Lily Rose Lee, released her second memoir, Life After Darkness, Finding Healing and Happiness After the Cleveland kidnaps in 2018. Based on Amazon reviews, looks like it's been fucking killing it. Sellin' tons of copies, very well rated. There's a pick of Michelle in the cover. She has a bunch of awesome looking tattoos, looks confident, looks strong and happy, and
Starting point is 02:54:36 I love it. First memoir, Finding Me, was a New York Times best seller in 2014. She married Miguel Rodriguez, a medical career, May 6th, 2016. The third anniversary of her freedom seems like a great dude. She's traveled the globe as a public speaker, even launched her own foundation, Lily's Ray of Hope supporting women and girls who are victims of domestic violence, human trafficking and child abuse. She partnered with the specialty coffee maker, three, a dash one nine company to showcase her artwork and raise money for her foundation, which provides resources for women to restart their lives. Also involved with fostering rescue animals, May 6th of this year, the 10th anniversary of
Starting point is 02:55:14 her rescue, she hosted tragedy to triumph and evening with Michelle Knight, a dinner and raffle to raise money for her, uh, nonprofit, another group she has started unleashed animal rescue. Sadly, she was never reunited with her son though. After she went missing, he was adopted. After she was freed, she was sent pictures of him, told about him, but the adoptive parents have decided not to let her see him or know his name and address and such. As of at least as recent as 2021, she still has never seen him, but wishes him happy birthday each year on social media and has said in interviews that she's not bitter about not seeing him.
Starting point is 02:55:50 She knows he is happy, he is safe, he is healthy, and that's enough for her because she is a fucking warrior. What about Amanda Barry? Over the years, Barry has turned her attention to spotlighty missing people in North East Ohio. She started hosting a daily news segment on Cleveland's Fox 8 because she wanted missing people to know the public was still looking for them. 2015 she co-authored a memoir with Gina DeJesus and she's still raising Jocelyn who just turned 16 with a large sweet 16 party. The kind of birthday party Amanda never got to have.
Starting point is 02:56:20 Based on her photo and a people magazine back in May, she looks fantastic, healthy, happy, strongest, fuck, resilient. Gina DeJesus joined forces with the Northeast Ohio Amber Alert Committee, where she works alongside victims, advocates to provide families with support. 2018, she launched a nonprofit Cleveland Family Center for Missing Children and Adults. Center has been successful in helping numerous families with missing children, working with 58 families as of 2000 or 2022 Dej Jesus and her family also currently travel around the country training law enforcement on how to engage with families of the missing It's like she brings that one message of hope that you know what there's a chance
Starting point is 02:56:58 Newberg Heights police chief John Majoy who works with Dej Jesus through the missing center told Cleveland's Fox 8 She just brings that electric charge with her and nobody else can do that. What a crazy story, so fucking heartbreaking, but also so inspiring. Thinking about like what all these three women went through in Castro's house of horrors and not one of them, let it break them. Now one, all I'm sure have deep scars that will never fully heal, but also doesn't seem like any of them are allowing those scars to define them in the least. They're out there in the world doing so much good. They've refused to sink to his level. They are continuously inspiring other victims of abuse to rise above it, to live a full
Starting point is 02:57:36 life, to find love, to trust again. And that is so remarkable. Makes me thankful for all the good I have in my life to not let any of the bad from the past weigh me down, and my bad nothing compared to their bad fucking nothing. I hope this episode can, you know, make you think about that perspective as well, right? Take away some of the bad, right?
Starting point is 02:57:56 And that way, maybe this wasn't the worst Thanksgiving week episode, right? Be thankful that you're alive, that you're not trapped in some monster's house. Whatever you have, be thankful for it. Be thankful that if these alive, that you're not trapped in some monster's house. Whatever you have, be thankful for it. Be thankful that if these three women have the strength to overcome with they've overcome, you have the strength to overcome whatever you're dealing with as well. Hail Nimrod. And in this long ass episode already, let's get to today's top five takeaways.
Starting point is 02:58:19 Time, suck, 3, take away! Number 1, Ariel Castro, born in Dewey Puerto Rico, managed to formulate a plan to kidnap one girl, then another, then another, in order to use them as sexual slaves. He kidnap Michelle Knight in 2002, when she was 21, Amanda Berry in 2003, a day before she turned 17, and Gina De Jesus in 2004 at the age of only 14. All three women plus Jocelyn, Amanda's daughter by Castro will be held captive in the house until 2013. Number two, Castro's kidnapping career began much earlier
Starting point is 02:58:55 than his crimes here. He basically kidnapped his own family, held him hostage for years, forced and abused wife, Nilda and their four kids remain inside the house, locked up while he went on various musical gigs throughout Cleveland and the surrounding area. Like with his captives, he had so many rules for his family to follow.
Starting point is 02:59:11 And, you know, if they didn't follow him, beatings were dished out. Number three, May 6, 2013, Amanda was finally able to make firm contact with Castro's neighbors, leading to her escape with Jocelyn and the rescue of Michelle and Gina by authorities. So much of it was by chance that the neighbors were there to help that Castor had finally forgotten to lock the big heavy front door that a man to broke through years of terrifying
Starting point is 02:59:31 brainwashing to make her attempt. Number four, Castor was arrested in a McDonald's parking lot shortly after the victims were rescued. He would then receive a massive indictment of 977 criminal counts, 512 counts of kidnapping, 446 of rape, 7 of gross sexual imposition, 6 of felonious assault, 3 of child endangerment, 2 of aggregative murder, aggravated murder, and 1 of possession of criminal tools. Gotta make sure he pays for possessing those criminal tools. Can't forget that.
Starting point is 03:00:00 He pleaded not guilty, but when a plea deal came through that took the death penalty off the table, he took it, then killed himself in his cell in September of 2013, unable to withstand the type of imprisonment he'd so gladly forced on others. And number five, new info, what happened to Charles Ramsey? What happened to dead giveaway? We see this through everything. Every three ribs would just do. But we didn't find it. Blue, hit that girl in that house. She said, please help me get out. After the edited video, this interview went viral. He made the most of his 15 minutes of fame.
Starting point is 03:00:35 Rap superstar Snoop Dogg played his now infamous profanity-filled cell phone call to the police dispatcher on his GGM news network before inviting him in the studio for an interview. You're a real hero said Snoop. You're somebody that I want to meet. You're a great guy and you should be commended. There should be more people like you in the world and hopefully we'll be able to rid the
Starting point is 03:00:54 world of fucking peasants that's knocking up girls like that. We love you Mr. Ramsey. I fucking love Snoop. I love that he referred to Castro as a peasant. People don't throw on the word peasant enough. Local restaurant chain also offered him free hamburgers for life and Hodges restaurant where he watched dishes before and after becoming somewhat famous, launched a special Charles Ramsay inspired hamburger and T-shirt and his honor and so random.
Starting point is 03:01:19 A Taiwanese online gaming company released a video game called Charles Ramsay's burger bash. To the soundtrack of his interview, players with a hurled cheeseburgers, a dozens of He's online gaming company released a video game called Charles Ramsey's burger bash To the soundtrack of his interview Players would have hurled cheeseburgers a dozens of little aerial Castro avatars Poking their heads out of a house closely resembling 2207 Cmore Avenue One of the Castro avatars would strom a base guitar while another would be on a motorcycle Furious the Charles wasn't getting paid for that game Ramsey's newly appointed attorney issued a statement on his behalf saying he did not endorse the game Ramsey's burgers or burgers for life
Starting point is 03:01:49 Ramsey did sign a book deal with the Cleveland publisher to write his autobiography as well as inking a $10,000 contract to go on a celebrity speaking circuit It's top it all the Eric C. Con law firm in standville Kentucky announced plans to commission a fucking statue of Charles that would be donated to a Cleveland museum. But less than two months later, Ramsey would tell the male online magazine that fame had ruined his life and he was broke. I'm broke, bro. And that's the truth. He said, I don't have an address. I don't live anywhere.
Starting point is 03:02:17 As of 2018, Ramsey still lived in Northeast Ohio, worked in a restaurant, at least according to some sources. Other sources say he was doing some motivational speaking, but it's hard to tell if that's true since he doesn't appear on websites, advertising any events. I hope that wherever he is, he at least has a moment here and there to reflect on being the first kind man a man to bury had seen in around a decade to know that when someone needed his help, he was there did not hesitate to help them. Now let's get out here. Time, suck. Top five takeaways.
Starting point is 03:02:50 The Cleveland Kidnappings Tremont's House of Horrors has been sucked. Thank you to Sophie Evans for her initial research this week. I was thinking I kept thinking I got to cut parts. It's too long, but it was also compelling. Thanks to the Space Sisters on Patreon for supporting the show. Add free episodes are here. Thanks to the team, including Mr. Logan Keith, the art warlock recording, uploading this episode for distribution soon.
Starting point is 03:03:14 Also thanks to the all-scene eyes moderating the cult of the curious private Facebook page, the mod squad making sure Discord keeps running smooth and everyone's every one over on the time so I can subreddit and badmetic subreddit. Next week, how about a surprise? Trying to figure out here, if it matters to put a preview at the end of these episodes, sometimes I do that and then when I start the next episode, I'm not feeling it. It doesn't feel like the best choice for the week and I wish I could switch it, but
Starting point is 03:03:38 I already committed to it. So how about we dump the previews going forward? And when I'm not tired from just finishing pre in the episode, I'm about to suck. Then I pick something that I think will be the best for the week. That sound good to me, sex. Trying to make little changes here and there to make the show better, and maybe that'll be one of them. So let's head on over to this week's Time Sucker Updates. If you'd like to update your updates, excuse me, to maybe be read,
Starting point is 03:04:00 send it to bowjangles at timesockpodcast.com. Our first update is a little blast from the suck versus amway past. From someone whose name I redacted to make sure they don't lose their job. They're right. Hey Dan, long time listen to the podcast and I'm having some direct contact with the group that you've mentioned in a previous episode. Of course I'm talking about the good God, I'm way, hailed the provider of limited edition combination, rotisserie and deep fry.
Starting point is 03:04:35 I'm a security supervisor at a theater in Vegas and they're using the theater I work at for one of their corporate events and it's been pretty fucking wild. First out this event is for diamond level and above only. So it's the people who have really bought into it and owe my heck. Do they get mad when you even insinuate that they're part of a pyramid scheme? They have instructed security management, so me, to send home any employees who are caught saying the words pyramid scheme or multi-level marketing. To which my boss responded politely with, do you want security for your pyramid scheme of end or not?
Starting point is 03:05:07 So yeah, that seems pretty cool to me. They also get uncomfortably excited for people getting promoted to higher levels. I swear I thought some dude was gonna start foaming at the mouth when they announce someone reaching founders executive diamond level. By the way, I didn't make of that level. It's totally real and not even in the top five.
Starting point is 03:05:24 Just figured I'd reach out and share a personal experience with a suck adjacent topic. And please, for the love of Nimrod, come back to Vegas. Haven't gotten to see you live since the toxic thoughts tour. There's at least one space lizard here who would love to see you again. Not apologize if it'll link to the email. Hill Nimrod, three out of five stars, wouldn't change a thing. Your loyal space lizard name redacted. My favorite part of that email was your boss responding with,
Starting point is 03:05:46 do you want security for your pyramid scheme event or not? Why are they so fucking sensitive about that? Amway is not legally a pyramid scheme according to a 1979 Federal Trade Commission ruling, but they are, they're an MLM foreshure. And for every founder's executive diamond level member, there are thousands of people wasting money, trying to get amway rich people who might as well just
Starting point is 03:06:08 buy a lot of tickets. Might be a little while, but whenever I do launch another tour, I'm sure all, then she make it back to Vegas, enjoy that sunshine, I'm jealous. Now for some good constructive criticism from attentive sucker Brandon Wilson, who writes in with the subject line of pronouns,
Starting point is 03:06:24 dear Dan, you magnificent son of a bitch. I'm not here to talk to you about, uh, you not knowing the preferred pronouns of someone in your stories. That would be ridiculous. But I still want to talk to you about pronouns. I've been listening to time. So for four or five years now, and I've listened to every episode. I was also a space. I was also one of his tight and had to end my patronage before the secret suck ended.
Starting point is 03:06:43 I'm listening to the podcast to work because I'm alone all day every day. I can recall oftentimes thinking to myself, who the fuck is he talking about? And then back it up the podcast, two, three, sometimes five plus minutes to figure out the name of the person you're discussing. This is because you'll say, let's meet Dick Johnson. And then only address him as he or him for the next few minutes. So what I'm asking is to swap out one of those he, she, him, hers for a name every minute or so. It sure would help those of us who have occasionally have to shift our focus to work
Starting point is 03:07:11 and we come back, we're confused. Or maybe it's just me. Either way, please and thanks. Love you in the bad magic crew long time, Brandon Wilson. Well, Brandon, yeah, thank you. I mean, I think that would be a good idea, you know, to throw the names in there more.
Starting point is 03:07:24 And yes, it would be pretty impossible trying to figure out the preferred pronouns of various dead time sucks objects. But your suggestion, yeah, makes sense. I mean, a lot of these episodes, it's like today, fucking long, long episode, tons of characters that can get very confusion. I get confused recording it in moments. You know, it's a lot and a name reminder here and there is a good idea. So appreciate you trying to help me make this better. And finally, super smart patriarch sucker, Jared Osburn is married to a fool or a really nice person who's very smart, but she's just not used to my bullshit. He writes, Hey, suck master.
Starting point is 03:07:58 So my wife was driving me to a quick little surgery and took pity on me and let me put on time suck. Let's just say it's not her style, but she did start getting into the gilderay suck. Now when you started off on your tom fooler about heads falling off, I knew you were full of shit. But when I see the look of my wife's face of horror and hear an audible, what the fuck? See a shiver go down her body, I knew she bought that shit, hook, line, and sinker. I laughed so fucking hard.
Starting point is 03:08:24 Any who keep on sucking Jared. Jared, I love that for a few moments your wife actually thought that there was a parasite out there that can eat little tunnels in your neck. To the point that when you turn around too quick your head can literally fall off. Ah, that message alone made that bullshit worth it. Hail Nymrod everybody. Thank you for all the messages. bullshit worth it. Hail Nimrod everybody, thank you for all the messages. Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. Thank you for listening to another Bad Magic Productions podcast, scared to death, time suck each week. Be sure and leave a rating and or review.
Starting point is 03:09:02 Throw us those five stars, please. And thanks for doing that. Also, maybe don't kidnap anyone this week and trap them in your house for a decade to use as a sex life. It's not cool, it's really not cool. If you've been thinking about that, maybe take a break from the porn.
Starting point is 03:09:16 Try jerking off to fantasies about being in a happy relationship based on mutual respect and love. And keep on sucking. I'm not a production. And just one last quick thing. I didn't want to break it up, bring it up earlier, and have any of you worrying too much about me throughout the rest of the episode. But, no, I did fall again. I fell out of bed with a boner for a third time.
Starting point is 03:09:47 And again, it did break my fall. And now I got some real problems. Now, my boner has been bent a full 360 degrees. You know those twisty, silly, crazy novelty straws? That's what my dick is now. And going to the bathroom is very complicated. And sex is completely out of the question. I don't know what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 03:10:08 I'm thinking about at least trying, taking out a heavy rolling pin. Throwing back a couple of painkillers and really just, you know, putting some work to straighten the shit out. you

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