Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 38 - JFK Assassination Part 2 of 2

Episode Date: June 5, 2017

The conclusion of Timesuck's first two part episode. Do I think Oswald killed Kennedy? I don't think so. Do I think the CIA was involved in Kennedy's death? I do think so. I know this all sounds crazy...! But take a listen and find out why I came to the conclusions I did researching the most mind-bending topic I've looked into so far. Today's episode is brought to you by Dollar Shave Club. Go to www.dollarshaveclub.com/timesuck today and get their badass Executive razor handle, four stainless steel, six blade cartridges and a tube of Dr. Carver's Shave Butter sent to your door for only 5 bucks! Best razor you'll ever use Timesuckers!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Did the CIA kill our president in 1963? Yeah, maybe. I know how crazy that sounds. I'm the guy who chose to do the first episode of Time Suck mocking the lizard illuminati conspiracy theory. I privately mock conspiracy theories and theorists for years. Never saw the Oliver Stone film JFK because I knew it was a movie about Oswald not being responsible for JFK's assassination and that kind of stuff always irritated me.
Starting point is 00:00:27 But I try to be open to any logical conclusions I find as I research his episodes and will got damn it. I think there's a good chance our own government had it in for our president and may very well have pulled the strings on the events that led to his death. So if you're skeptic like me and you're rolling your eyes right now, I don't blame you. I get it. But hear me out. If you're skeptic like me and you're rolling your eyes right now, I don't blame you. I get it. But hear me out.
Starting point is 00:00:46 And if this is the first JFK time-soc episode you're listening to, hit pause. Go back and listen to part one before you listen to this part two episode. Understand who Kennedy was and listen to some other theories about why he died. You know, such as the one that Oswald did in fact do it before you evaluate who you think may have killed Kennedy and why. And if you have heard part one, well, strap in and get ready for the who's really calling the shots wrap up edition of this John Fitzgerald Kennedy episode of Time Suck. Happy Monday everybody. I'm Dan Comet. Thanks for listening to Time Suck. You time suckers.
Starting point is 00:01:29 You glorious, curious, intellectually hungry and beautiful, irreverent bastards. May your breasts hang high and your dicks hang low, unless you, unless you want your breasts to hang low and your dicks to rest high. Then you know what? You do, you, you do you, mama. You rock your choice to a fullest Excited for the big JFK wrap up today during the hundredth year anniversary of his birth. He was born May 29th 1917 Thank you. All you suckheads for the itin review subscriptions recommendations for others to listen Clicking on Amazon button at time suck podcast calm to your Amazon shopping throw in some bucks to the suck using that PayPal donation button And for buying those first and second generation teas at time suck podcast.com to do your Amazon shopping, throw in some bucks to the suck using that PayPal donation button. And for buying those first and second generation teas at time suck podcast.com. Third generation teas at the printers now, very excited, trying to decide between puppy
Starting point is 00:02:14 taint and duckling eyelid for the fabric. Doing some tests to see, you know, which is softer. Hope I do announce next week that it's ready. I think it will be, I think you're going to like it. Let's just say it may, feature time suck mask, got both angles and all his magnificent glory. And maybe there's gonna be a men's
Starting point is 00:02:31 and a women's version this time. So I know, you know, some of you ladies, you wanna a little V cut, you know, get the V neck going, show the girls off a little bit. And I, you know what, if that's what you wanna do, I think you should do it. So let's get right into this Kennedy wrap up. Right away, this time, we're going to skip some of the thank yous by going straight into
Starting point is 00:02:49 a few JFK specific time sucker updates. First update today is from time sucker Corey Oswald. He writes in saying, hey damn, my name is Corey Oswald, and I just wanted to say I've been a long time fan of the podcast and since episode one, and I love everything you have on Pandora. Thank you, Corey. It's very sweet of you. Now that I'm done, I'm going to fanboy. All right, like it, getting into it.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I was watching a couple of videos about the JFK assassination and found one where the video narrator was talking about how Jackie wasn't trying to get out of the car or reaching for United States Secret Service Agent Clint Hill, but was actually reaching for a piece of John's skull fragment slash hair and then gets back into the seat. If you're as morbidly curious as I just watched from frame 345 to 384 and he's referring to this a pruder film there and you see her graph for something from frame 385 to 419, you can see Jacqueline crawling back
Starting point is 00:03:47 into the seat next to her dead husband just before the video ends. Hail Lord Nimrod and praise the God of Suck. Mm, thank you, Corey. Yeah, you know, that is something I came across that didn't mention, and actually, when you look into it, when the Secret Service agent who was assigned to the President's car that day, Clint Hill,
Starting point is 00:04:03 you know, the man seen in the Zapruder film, as rushing up to the back of the car, to JFK, shot into the head. He was asked in 2013, why did Mrs. Kennedy come up to the back of the car? And he said because she was trying to gather some of the material that came off the president's head and was on the back of the car.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Now, that's Hill's first-hand assumption about her motive. But it's not like later that day, he was able to ask her, hey, Jackie, hey, remember a couple of hours ago when your husband's brains were blown out in front of you and then you climbed out the back of the car? What the fuck was that? What's that all about?
Starting point is 00:04:34 You know, but he was there and that's what he assumed. So there is a chance that in her shock, she was trying to put his head back together and not as others have assumed. And as I also stated, you know, trying to climb away from shooters in front of the car. Yeah, because when you, when you watch the film, it doesn't appear to Jackie, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:50 there's a chance that she was just trying to grab something. And Governor Connelly's wife, Nelly, who sat in front of the first lady, later recalled she heard Jackie screaming after, you know, John was shot, Jack, Jack, they've killed my husband. I have his brains in my hands. So maybe she was actually literally just grabbing
Starting point is 00:05:06 a chunk of his brains just in shock. I mean, what a fucking horrific thing to witness. How do you ever recover from that? Jackie would go on to remarry, and live for many more years, but she must have been haunted for the rest of her life by those five terrible seconds in Dallas that changed the course of US history.
Starting point is 00:05:20 So yes, when she is heading towards the back of the car, there's a very, very good chance that she wasn't trying to escape any gunfire But was just trying to literally grab a piece of her husband's head. Oh my god This next one is from Time Sucker Morgan McCaw said I just listened the most recent time suck on JFK I kept waiting for you to reference this video made by Discovery Channel before they went full idiot And that's a reference to the Megalodon when Discovery Channel was just started doing just crazy shit. They recreate the magic bullet shot with ballistic dummies and the same rifle and ammo to show it is entirely
Starting point is 00:05:53 plausible. Carlos Hathcock is a fucking badass who might deserve his own time suck or share it with other legendary war heroes and I'm surprised he is so skeptical of this performance at 80 yards. Not actually that far and that's a reference to the first episode when I say that he is. As he did some funky and incredible shots and be it now. As a kid, I went shot at Dragonfly out of the air with my pellet gun while it was flying around. I couldn't figure out where I hit it for about a minute until I realized I perfectly shot off its head. Was this a one-in-a-million shot that wasn't exactly indicative of my skill? Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Is there a chance that Oswald got lucky and rolled a natural 20 in D&D terms on his assassination attempt? I would say so. Love the D&D reference, Morgan. God, it always felt so good. I used to play D&D when you rolled that 20, when you're attacking, just the fucking best.
Starting point is 00:06:38 And yeah, that's a hell of a dragonfly shot. Okay, but back to what you're saying here, back to his email. You also mentioned that critics say he didn't're saying here, back to his email. You also mentioned that critics say he didn't have any gunshot residue on his face. I'm not an expert on these things, but I know a decent amount of out guns and I wouldn't expect gunshot residue to be on someone shooting a bolt action rifle like a volcano. All the powder is long burned by the time a human can run the bolt and the muzzle is a long way from the shooter. Excellent
Starting point is 00:07:04 points, Morgan. Excellent points Morgan, excellent points. And I did watch that Discovery Channel and they, you know, they do make an interesting case that the bullet from a shooter on a grass, you know, would have obliterated JFK's head as opposed to what actually did happen, where it blew just a little chunk off of the top. Also, while this video proves it couldn't be a shooter on the grass, you know, there are so many other videos that do prove it had to have been a shooter on the grassy knell. And actually, if you let the Discovery Channel video
Starting point is 00:07:28 play to the end, the very next video that comes up is a video from an episode of a 1988 British docuseries called The Forces of Darkness, episode called The Men Who Killed Kennedy. And in it, they interview a man named Gordon Arnold who was standing at the grassy knell that day who claims to have heard the ball, it's definitely come from behind him on the grassy knoll.
Starting point is 00:07:47 So while I did see videos such as the one from Penn and Tellers old show bullshit that prove he was shot from behind where Oswald was, again, there was an equal number of convincing videos that do prove he was shot from the front. And that's just, you know, this whole JFK wormhole. For every video you can find, this says one thing happened, you can find another convincing video that another thing happened. And so you just got to kind of like watch a bunch and then, you know, go with what you kind of feel in your gut is more likely than the rest. Yeah, just, it's why everybody's still talking about JFK assassination because there's just, there's so many conflicting
Starting point is 00:08:22 theories that people have researched very well and made a strong argument for. From Time Sucker, Mike, this one, Mike says JFK is one motherfucker. And this is more of an inspirational one. This is cool. This is a little inspiration drawn from the adversity JFK overcame with all his health troubles and all the death he faced in the first episode. Remember, he lost his older brother in World War II. His only older sibling, just two years older, who was very close to, he lost a brother-in-law in the war. He lost his younger sister Rose. She became an invalid from, you know, essentially lost her. She became an invalid from a botch-labotomy in 1941, and she was the closest to him and age, just a year younger. And then the next sibling closest to him and age, Kathleen, just three years younger than him,
Starting point is 00:09:03 was killed right after the war in a plane crash in 1948. He himself nearly died right after the war, a war where he saved lives with some incredible acts of bravery. And then he had health problems, back surgery complications, you know, but he still went on to become president. And yeah, he came from a wealthy family.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Yes, he had opportunities. Many of us never have had or nor will we ever have. But he was also one tough, tenacious mother fucker of a man. And that's what Mike's getting at. He says, hey, Dan, I'm a BDM. And again, that's a fan of the fantastic mediocre time podcast by the way, BDM stands for Big Dick Millionaire, a term for the show's premium members.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I love that funny acronym. And he says, thank you for putting this episode out. I had my girlfriend of five and a half years dumped me four days after my birthday in a month before I was going to propose. Then three months later, I was hit with some horrible family news, which obviously made that seem miniscule, but yet threw my life into another whirlwind.
Starting point is 00:09:54 I say all of that because as soon as I hit the 45-minute mark of the JFK Part One podcast, I realized I needed to stop being a fucking baby. JFK dealt with real life or death problems willingly, and I am just dealing with the problems of a normal lucky privileged guy. Thank you again I love the fucking show and truly thank you for letting me get this off my chest keep on sucking. Yeah buddy I like it like you're taking from that mic you keep on sucking inspiration from JFK. Love it when we get something more than just random
Starting point is 00:10:19 trivia from these episodes. Now let's see you know what lessons we can all learn from today's information. Let's get out of these updates and get into the rest of this JFK. Thanks, time suckers. I need a nap. We all did. Okay, today we're really gonna explore why JFK may have been killed.
Starting point is 00:10:39 More than who specifically killed him, because odds are, we're never gonna know who the real killer was. And if you think that why even listen, well, because the machinery composed of people who may have wanted him dead is still very much alive today. And if this machinery, the military industrial complex, killed a president and never got caught and they're in control of our lives more than ever, well, if we ever hope to kind of stop them, we need to learn what they've done, what it says about our current nation
Starting point is 00:11:04 and implications it has for our future. I feel like this is some stuff to ponder on. Important stuff. So to understand the forces that may have conspired to kill Kennedy, we have to first understand the military industrial complex. And to understand that, we have to understand the Cold War and the groups that formed out of the Cold War,
Starting point is 00:11:18 such as the CIA. All these groups were formed out of fear of communist expansion. So, Merriam Webster defines communism, and is most basic terms as a theory advocating elimination of private property, a system in which goods are owned and common and are available to all is needed. It's essentially the opposite of capitalism, which Merriam Webster defines as an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods by investments that
Starting point is 00:11:44 are determined by private decision and by price's production and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. Bojangles defines communism as a bunch of silly old bullshit that inherently poses the competitive nature of humanity. And then Bojangles raises his leg and takes a piss for further emphasis of his contempt and waves of fucking flag in favor of capitalism. That's Bo that's what jangles. Basic, basically, in communism, in theory, everyone works for the state and in the state
Starting point is 00:12:11 takes care of everyone equally. Now again, in theory, there's no lower, middle or upper class in communism, no wealthy landowners and then poor factory workers. Everyone is the same. And again, it's beautiful in theory. I think I'd love to look at communism more deeply and I will in some future time sucks. We need to do some eventually about Stalin,
Starting point is 00:12:29 Lenin, Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, Russ Puten, et cetera. And capitalism, if you can figure out how to make more money than your neighbor, you can buy 100 times a land. You know, he or she has, afford to send your kids to the schools, and only the wealthy can afford. By God, you can go grab that American dream
Starting point is 00:12:44 and just take everything you want. Now, obviously, this one can end up looking ugly in its extreme form also. When it becomes a squash everyone in your path to get as much as you can out of this world, step on the little guy to get ahead and then make sure your kids continue to step on the little guys.
Starting point is 00:12:59 That's the ugly side of capitalism. I personally don't think unregulated capitalism is any better than stone cold communism. To me, there're two extremes, and we're constantly trying to figure out how to live in the middle somewhere where you can be rewarded for your hard work. You can dream of making loads of money
Starting point is 00:13:11 without relying on a class of poor, struggling fellow citizens to do so. You don't need to exploit them to do so. People who your ego won't let you understand may have worked just as hard as you have for what they're trying to get. But maybe they weren't born into the same opportunities. Maybe they didn't get the same lucky breaks. who your ego won't let you understand may have worked as hard as you have for what they're trying to get. But maybe they weren't born into the same opportunities.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Maybe they didn't get the same lucky breaks. Now, that's me, that's what I think. And probably enough pontificated by me on that. Now, you know the gist of what communism is. So with communism, you can't get Bill Gates rich, but you also never have to worry about health insurance, the cost of higher education, saving for your retirement, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Again, this is how it works in theory. In reality, it's tended to a lot of people live in an extreme poverty, like when millions starved in the Ukrainian forced famine of 1921 and 1922. Well, the theory of modern communism can pretty much be traced back to Karl Marx, a man who deserves, again, his own time suck for today, just know that this German philosopher, political scientist, sociologist, journalist, and man of many other hats created the blueprint that Soviet Union and other communist states will be founded on when he wrote the Communist manifesto, along with fellow German social scientists Fred Rieck Engels, a book published in 1848. And
Starting point is 00:14:22 in it, Marx stated that the history of all Hithro-existing society and the history of class struggles, something that he believed was happening between the bourgeoisie, the select few upper class and upper middle class, who then controlled society and the proletariat, the working class masses who toiled to produce everything but who had no political control, he purported the idea that human society moved through a series of progressive stages from primitive communism. Marx felt early hunter-gatherer societies
Starting point is 00:14:49 were communist nature, because everyone had the same job through to slavery, feudalism, and then the capitalism, and that in this in turn would be eventually replaced by communism. So for Marx, communism was seen as the inevitable kind of as well as desirable end for human society. And Marx, while demonized by some modern capitalist, he wasn't a bad guy. seen as the inevitable kind of as well as desirable and for human society. And Marx, while demonized by some modern capitalist,
Starting point is 00:15:07 he wasn't a bad guy. He came from a good place with his theory. He was writing his work in response to the industrial revolution to begin in the mid-18th century in Europe with the rise of factories. And suddenly there was this ultra wealthy factory owner class. And then this ultra poor, ultra exploited,
Starting point is 00:15:24 child laborers and all factory owner class, and then this ultra-poor, ultra-exploited child laborers and all factory worker class. We'll now cut to 1905 to see the seeds for the cold war between US capitalism and Soviet communism being planted, a philosophical battle that may have cost Kennedy his life many years later. The seeds for communism, Russia, were on Bloody Sunday. Not the one Bono sang about with YouTube in 1983. The 1972 incident when 28 peaceful protesters were shot by British soldiers
Starting point is 00:15:50 in dairy northern Ireland. Now this isn't even Bloody or Sunday. Man, early 80s YouTube baby, so good, right? That song, so good, Bloody Sunday. Back when Bono was more known for incredible lyrics and vocals than for wearing horrific sunglasses, all the fucking time. It's like he saw some early Elton John videos and thought that's a good start.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I like what he's done with his eyewear, but there's so much more to be explored. So fucking annoying. Why do I hate his sunglasses so much? January 22nd, 1905. Large number of unarmed demonstrators led by father, Georgie Gapon, were fired upon by soldiers of the Imperial Guard as they marched towards the Winter Palace to present a petition to Zara, Nicholas, the second of Russia, asking for better working conditions. The total number killed in that
Starting point is 00:16:33 day's classes is uncertain, but the Zara's officials recorded 96 dead and 333 injured anti-government sources claimed more than 4,000 dead. So little discrepancy in the numbers. Modern estimates still average around 1,000 killed or wounded, both from shots and from being trampled during the panic. Well, before bloody Sunday, many peasants and working-class people revered the czar and thought he was on their side. They blamed their troubles on the government. The rest of the government, the politicians, not necessarily the czar himself. However, after the shootings, the czar was perceived to be an enemy of the working- and the desire for revolution began to spread. So this is again the seeds for communist revolution.
Starting point is 00:17:10 We'll cut to World War I when the working class is still being exploited in the Russian Empire. Millions living in abject poverty and then millions of these already very poor people are forced by the Tsar to fight for Russia and World War I. A war in which Russia suffered greater casualties than any other nation. Nearly two million soldiers were killed, nearly five million more are wounded. And based on which source you read, anywhere from a few hundred thousand to two million Russians, civilians also die. So Needless to say, the Tsar's approval ratings, not sky high. They're lower than Trump's current approval rates.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Marxist group known as the Russian Socialist Democratic Labor Party is formed in the country. It soon divides into two main factions, the Bolsheviks, who were led by Lenin, and the Menchiviks who were led by Julius Martoff. Now, it's a complicated drawn out revolution, but basically the Bolsheviks overthrow the Tsar, and then shortly after, there was an extremely bloody civil war
Starting point is 00:18:01 between the Bolsheviks and numerous other factions that last until 1922, like the Mensheviks and eventually the Bolsheviks, they win. After about 12 million more people died. They changed their name to the Communist Party and the process. Stalin eventually takes over from Lenin after Lenin's death in 1924 and then big red really gets moving along. The Communist make capitalist nervous, especially under Stalin, millions starve and die under his rule.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Some historians estimate his regime was responsible for the deaths of up to 60 million people, making him more of a killer than even Hitler. And he had a huge army, he had roughly 35 million troops at one point during World War II. And that made Americans, and most of the rest of the world, yeah, fucking nervous, especially when Stalin gave a speech in 1949 saying that capitalism and communism were incompatible. And then China becomes pro-Soviet communist nation in 1949, now the capitalists get even
Starting point is 00:18:57 more nervous. That's a lot of people living under an ideology, you know, just diametrically opposed to your own. A lot more communist troops. And I get the nervousness, right? If suddenly hundreds of millions of people worldwide are converting to a system of government, that's the opposite of your own, and they start trying to expand this government globally, which the Soviets did in Latin America, Asia, each in Europe, it would be silly just to like, not worry about it. But, ah, that's like, I don't see the problem.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Nah, it doesn't even find, what we find? What we find? We're still a couple miles away. Nah, we're good. No, we're good. They're not going to do anything here. And then Fidel Castro takes over Cuba, turns it into a Soviet friendly communist nation in 1959. Well, the capitalist, they're shitting their shorts now. Right?
Starting point is 00:19:34 Now, these communists are only 110 miles away from the coast of Florida. The communists are knocking on the fucking door. And the capitalist, they start getting real, real, real, uh, nuke friendly. Now, they start wanting to nuke some of these communists. Unfortunately, the communists also have nuke-kitter weapons. Uh, the US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945, and on Nagasaki, and August 9, and President Truman, um, you know, was supposedly elated.
Starting point is 00:20:00 He's very excited about this new weapon in the Cold War. Uh, reports are that he, while he previously could only grow a five-inch-long erection on August 6, 1945, when the first bomb dropped, his erection grew to nearly eight inches long. If that's why I found one of my sources and doubled in girth. And then on August 9, when he dropped the second bomb on Nagasaki, it grew to 14 inches long, and he beat his wife to death with it. Sure, other sources, all other sources will tell you that best Truman died in October 18, 1982 at the age of 97, and Independence Missouri from congestive heart failure. But Bojangles assures me that she was
Starting point is 00:20:35 beaten to death with Harry's rock hard nuclear cock. But seriously, Truman was very excited about the A-bomb. Right, we were the first nation to develop and detonate a nuclear bomb and led directly to winning World War II. But then the Russians detonated a nuke on August 29, 1949, and the capitalists were like, ah, fuck! And now the nuclear arms race is in full swing. And then there was the Truman Doctrine, which escalated the Cold War. The Truman Doctrine arose from a speech delivered by President Truman before a joint session of Congress on March 12, 1947. And the immediate
Starting point is 00:21:09 cause for the speech was a recent announcement by the British government that is in March 31st, it could no longer provide military and economic assistance to the Greek government and its civil war against the Greek Communist Party. So, America wanted to help, right? Now, we're going to actively fight the war on communism abroad. This is the first time we're doing this. This is the Truman Doctrine. A stabless of the United States will provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces. So you can just read into that, we're not going to put up with communist shit around the world. The Truman Doctrine
Starting point is 00:21:44 effectively reorientated US foreign policy away from its usual stance previously of withdrawal from regional conflicts not directly involving the US to one of possible intervention in far away conflicts that didn't threaten us in the immediate future. That's a military policy that has remained to this day. It's a policy that led directly to the Korean War and to the Vietnam War, right? Both of those wars, you know, were fought in theory to stop the advance of communism. And now the Cold War, the fight against the spread of communism is fucking on. Luck big red donkey Kong.
Starting point is 00:22:17 And before Kennedy becomes president, the Cold War really revs up another notch with the Warsaw Pact. Now the Warsaw Pact was a treaty signed in Warsaw on May 14th by the Soviet Union, Albania, Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria. And mostly it was an agreement for all 20th century communist party members to routinely wear those big silly Russian Ushanka fur caps with flaps over the years. You know, the kind that 1% of college kids think is really hip and cold to wear to parties for like a year or so. And then they regret wearing it for the rest of their lives
Starting point is 00:22:48 because it makes them look like a desperate for attention asshole. But seriously, the treaty called on the member states to come to the defense of any member attacked by an outside force and set up a unified military command under Marshall Ivan S. Koniv of the Soviet Union. It was signed in response to NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization signed on April 4, 1949, signed an up West
Starting point is 00:23:10 Germany and allowing them to militarize on May 9, 1955. All right, NATO already included original members Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the UK, and the United States, Greece, and Turkey joined in 1952. Pro-democracy, Western Europe, and pro-communists, Eastern Europe, head to head. Right? And now there were pro-American forces
Starting point is 00:23:34 on one side of Berlin and communist Russian back forces on the other. And the friction between these two sides led to the creation of the Berlin Wall in 1961. Right? So now we're understanding how the Cold War kind of forms and gets moving and all these, you know, it's like a big game of fucking risk and people putting their, you know, pieces on the board and forming their alliances.
Starting point is 00:23:51 And then also going back to 1947, when Truman changed US foreign policy with the creation foreign military policy with the creation of Truman Doctrine, he also established the CIA and gave them a crazy amount of power. The CIA was formed on September 18, 1947, and its primary purpose was creating three-legged one-odd superhero pit bull boat jangles. God damn it. To thwart the forces of evil wherever and whenever they occur. No. It was initially created primarily for gathering four military presence or military intelligence, excuse me, but it could do and soon did way more than just gather intelligence because there was the National
Starting point is 00:24:29 Security Act of 1947. This was an act designed to counter Russians totalitarian control over its military. It led to the formation of not only the CIA, but also the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the National Security Council, Council, several other government agencies, and then in 1948, the newly formed National Security Council approved top secret directive NSC-10-2, which sanctioned US intelligence to carry out a broad range of covert operations, including quote propaganda, economic warfare, demolition, and evacuation measures, subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerolition, and Evacuation Measures subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas, and refugee liberation groups.
Starting point is 00:25:10 To hear what I'm saying, the CIA is now empowered to be a secret paramilitary organization, able to autonomously fund and empower other paramilitary organizations around the world, and they could do so without approval from the president. In fact, in order to remain covert, the CIA was expected to not notify the Oval Office. You know, there was engaged in covert operations that were often illegal in order to give the president and other high ranking officials plausible deniability, and just like that, a fucking monster is born.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Do you understand how scary the CIA really is? Now, again, if you're a CIA employee listening, I'm sure there are many, many great people working in the CIA, but the agency itself in theory is fucking terrifying. It's a monster creating direct response to the fear of the spread of communism, a monster that sanctioned by the US government
Starting point is 00:26:01 to basically do whatever the fuck it feels like it needs to do to keep us safe and do it secretly. When you think about it that way it doesn't sound so crazy, I think this monster could eventually kill our own president if it felt that our own president was in danger in our nation. By say, I don't know, appearing to go soft on communism. The very ideology, it was created to destroy. Now, again, in theory, the CIA is only allowed to do what it feels like it needs to do on foreign soil. But when you create an agency that gets to act secretly and illegally overseas, an agency trained to do illegal stuff and not get caught, I think Connistence would tell you it wouldn't be a big deal for that agency to cross a few more lines and do some shit domestically. I think it's crazy not to assume that.
Starting point is 00:26:39 That's like if you train someone to be able to kill anyone at all, without remorse, you don't get to be shocked when they come after you or someone you care about. You know, you've made this Frankenstein. So now let's talk about the joint chiefs of staff really quick. The joint chiefs of staff is a body of senior uniformed leaders in the United States Department of Defense who advised the president, the Secretary of Defense, Homeland Security Council, and the National Security Council on military matters, and it formed organically and informally during World War II kind of out of necessity.
Starting point is 00:27:09 And then it was officially formed by Truman in 1947, shortly after he beat best to death, which is Newt Bonner, if you remember that. It didn't go away when World War II was over. It just shifted its attention to the Cold War, a dangerous new war that is the direct predecessor to the war on terror and the war on drugs. It's a war against an idea. Wars against ideas don't ever have to end.
Starting point is 00:27:34 And now all the new weapons manufacturing infrastructure that we created as a nation to win World War II and the industry had involved from weapons manufacturers to big oil to the steel industry, big, big industries that make a lot of money off of war. Well, this industry doesn't want to go away. You know, and now it has a CIA funding paramilitary groups around the world and selling them arms to carry out their military objectives around the world to keep it going. Has a joint chiefs of staff fighting the Cold War directly in conflicts like the Korean War, keeping that industry chugging along.
Starting point is 00:28:02 And right, this Kennedy takes office. We're getting entrenched in Vietnam, the seeds of that conflict are being shown. Another long land seed is gonna make the arms companies big oil, big steel, and other auxiliary businesses billions of dollars. War that will send billions more in tax money to the military itself.
Starting point is 00:28:19 So we as a nation now have a huge monkey on our back. And that monkey feeds by fucking shit up around the globe. Well Dwight Eisenhower, Army General and 34th President of the United States, the President who followed Truman and Directly proceeded Kennedy, he warned us of the danger of this new machine going forward. Check out what he said in his farewell Fairwell speech on January 17, 1961, days before Kennedy was going to take office. This is his introduction to the concept of, or for the rest of us, to the concept of the military industrial complex. We have been compelled to create a permanent armament in the industry of vast proportion.
Starting point is 00:29:00 How to do this? Three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense established. Now, this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence, economic, political, even spiritual is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved. So is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of un-worneted influence, whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex, the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination in danger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert
Starting point is 00:30:13 and knowledgeable citizen can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals. So that security and liberty may prosper together. All right, well, sorry about the the audio cleanliness there. That was the best the cleanest speech I could find that'll or clean his audio. I could find that old speech, but that speech is often cited again when historians talk about the military industrial complex and after research I did for this time suck. I think JFK choosing to not only stand up to the military industrial complex. And after research I did for this time suck. I think JFK choosing to not only stand up to the military industrial complex, but actively trying to dismantle it
Starting point is 00:30:49 is what got him killed. And let's find out why I think that with the time suck timeline of some key events leading up to that fateful day in Dallas. But before we do, let's check in with today's sponsor. Time suck has brought you today by Dollar Shave Club. You may not lead the life of the JFK head, powerful political family, movie star,
Starting point is 00:31:06 mistresses, war hero, president, but you can get a cleaner, smoother shave than old Jack Kennedy ever had by making the smarter choice and switching over to Dollar Shave Club. I switched and I love it. I love their executive razor, manly, weighty handle, six stainless steel blades per cartridge. You four cartridges sent to your home every month and you get a tube of that Dr. Carver shave butter. I never cared for shaving cream, but I love the shave butter.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Feels good on my face, feels good on my armpits. Yeah, I shaved my pits. And full disclosure, feels great on my balls. Hell, yes, I shaved my balls. And I never worry for a second about those six steel blades mangling up anything important down there. There's no razor irritation, no ingrown hairs, manglin' up anything important down there. There's no razor irritation, no ingrown hairs, not with Dr. Carver's shave butter, or as
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Starting point is 00:32:10 After that, razors are just a few bucks a month. That's a $15 value for only five dollars. In your first month's box, you get an awesome weighty handle, full cassette, four cartridges, and a tube of that Dr. Carver Shave Butter. And after your first month, replacement cartridges ship automatically at the regular price. No hidden fees, no commitments, cancel anytime you like. You can get this offer exclusively at dollarshaveclub.com slash time suck.
Starting point is 00:32:35 That's dollarshaveclub.com slash time suck. And now, let's take a look at the events that led up to JFK's assassination in Dallas with the time-soaked timeline. Shrap on those boots, soldier. We're marching down a time-soaked timeline. January 2019-61. Kennedy takes office and introduces a shift in Cold War policy with his inaugural address, stating that both sides, Russia and the US, begin and knew the quest for peace before the dark anti communist ruler, uh, general foomey,
Starting point is 00:33:25 uh, no sov'em, whose government was backed and installed by CIA slash Pentagon forces under Eisenhower. Barely in office two months, Kennedy has already pitted himself directly against the military industrial complex. By 1963, Kennedy's relationship with the CIA would deteriorate to the point, become so contentious that he would say, quote, I want it to, I want to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds. So not a big fan.
Starting point is 00:33:50 April 15th to 19th, 1961, barely three months into office. Kennedy has to deal with the Cuban Bay of Pigs crisis. On April 17th, a Cuban Brigade of Exiles trained and commanded by the CIA, invade Cuba through the Bay of Pigs in an attempt to assassinate leader Fidel Castro and then overthrow his communist government. Remember, this is why they formed to do things exactly like this. Topal governments they perceive as a threat to democracy. They fail and they're captured by Castro's army.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Kennedy feels like the CIA has trapped him into trying to send over a full scale invasion of troops into Cuba to save the brigade of over a thousand soldiers. The CIA, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, pushing obviously very much to do exactly that, full-scale invasion of troops into Cuba to save the brigade of over a thousand soldiers. The CIA, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, pushing obviously very much to do exactly that, but it refuses. You won't take the bait. The CIA never forgives him for this. They abandoned their mission, or he abandons their mission.
Starting point is 00:34:37 He's concerned about Russian retaliation against an invasion of their Cuban ally. He thinks a retaliation could escalate into a full-scale nuclear war. He feels tricked by the CIA, the CIA, and two months later passes National Security Action Memoranda. Two of them, NSAM's 55 and 57, which take military type operations out of the hands of the CIA. So he's already trying to like reduce the scope of their power. And again, they're not going to like that. Well, then on October 27, 1961, checkpoint Charlie standoff. Six months after the Bay of Pigs, the Soviets and the US have a standoff in Berlin, the
Starting point is 00:35:10 checkpoint Charlie crisis, a situation that brought us super close to nuclear war. On October 27, 10 American M48 tanks approached checkpoint Charlie and opening the New Berlin Wall where people would travel from east to west, you know, Berlin and vice versa. They were confronted by 10 Soviet tanks. 20 more Soviet tanks arrived as reinforcements and then 20 more Allied tanks reinforced the first US 10 tanks. So the conflict began on October 22nd over a dispute as to whether East German guards were authorized to examine the travel documents of a US diplomat named Alan Leitner passing through to East Berlin to see the opera. One more reason diplomat named Alan Lightner passing through to East Berlin to see the opera. One more reason for me not to be into the opera. It nearly got us into nuclear war.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Now in October 27, 60 tanks are engaged in this faceoff, right? 30 on each side, a hundred yards apart. Guns trained on one another, and they would keep their weapons pointed each other for 16 straight hours through the night. Can you imagine being one of the soldiers in one of those tanks? 16 fucking straight hours of a cannon being pointed right at you. Do you ever slip out to go to the bathroom during those 10s, 16 hours? Or do you just not have to go to the bathroom because you are continually pissing and shitting yourself?
Starting point is 00:36:17 Well, the instigator of the confrontation, US Army General Lucius Clay was ordered by Kennedy to withdraw. After Kennedy was able to speak to Soviet premiere Nikita Krushkov, the Soviet leader who followed Stalin. The joint chiefs of staff felt the speaking with Krushkov, the way Kennedy did was like treason. General Clay wanted to, wanted JFK to follow a tank assault at the wall
Starting point is 00:36:36 with an all-out nuclear strike on East Berlin. He wanted to win the Cold War by striking first. In a telegram to Secretary-State Dean Rusk, he said, today, we have the nuclear strength to assure victory at an awful cost he urged that a ground attack on the russians be followed with a quote nuclear strike this is a short-sighted cold war military mentality uh... the kennedy had to deal with do to want to fucking new carussia is if they weren't going to nukes back is if tens of millions of people
Starting point is 00:37:03 and possibly many many many more there weren't going to be obliterated in some kind of nuclear holocaust. Like what the fuck were they thinking? Just look, if we nuke everyone else in the world, Mr. President, there will be no one alive to hurt us anymore, okay? Well, then who are we fighting to, General Clay? What use will we have for you anymore? That's a good point, Mr. President. Okay, let's nuke everyone else first, that's a good point, Mr. President.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Okay, let's nuke everyone else first, and then to keep war moving along. Let's begin nukeing ourselves. We will continue to fight until no one's left, and then we will bring war to heaven itself. And then there's the Cuban Missile Crisis, the crisis that 2000 Kevin Cosner filmed 13 days is based on. That's October 16 through 28, 1962.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Little over a year later, Kennedy has to deal with Cuba again in a major way. Cuban Missile Crisis, maybe the most dangerous moment in human history so far. And those 13 days, again, October 16 to 28, 1962, Kennedy demanded that Soviet premiere Nikita Kruškopf or Kruškhov dismantle and withdraw Russian nuclear armed missiles from Cuba.
Starting point is 00:38:07 They were building over there. Kennedy also set up a naval blockade to prevent Russian ships from delivering more arms to the island. And if you're thinking it was crazy of the Soviets to try this, just know that we already had nuclear weapons in Turkey pointed at them. So as aggressive as it might at first seem to start building nukes and Cuba, it was really more of a tit for tat. Russia wanted to defend Castro from further attempts on his life from US forces and also to create a balance of power due to America actively surrounding Russia with military bases and then nuclear weapons in Turkey. As the construction of nuclear missiles
Starting point is 00:38:39 and Cuba accelerated during these 13 days, the joint chiefs of staff practically got down on their hands and knees and just beg JFK to nuke them They just wanted to fucking nuke the shit out of Cuba and then also nuke Russia One of the joint chiefs even told JFK that backing down from Russia in any way Would be comparable to in Britain cave to Hitler in a crisis in 1938 a conference in Munich When trying to avoid war with Germany a Britain compelled checklist of hockey to concede territory to the Nazis trying to avoid war with Germany, Britain compelled Czechoslovakia to concede territory to the Nazis. So they're just like fucking goad in him and trying to nuke these guys. But Kennedy, again, he doesn't take the bait. Barely a year removed from the checkpoint Charlie's situation
Starting point is 00:39:13 America was again on the brink of creating a nuclear holocaust for the rest of the world. Well, instead of war, Kennedy chose to open back channel dialogue with Krushkopf, one he kept the CIA and joint chiefs in the dark about. And Khrushchev eventually ordered Soviet ships to stop dead in the water rather than challenge the US quarantine. And then on October 27th, after much deliberation between the Soviet Union and Kennedy's cabinet, Kennedy secretly agreed to remove all missiles set in southern Italy and in Turkey, the latter
Starting point is 00:39:41 on the board of the Soviet Union, on exchange for Khrushchev for moving all missiles in Cuba. And then at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time in October 28, a new message from Khrushchev was broadcast on Radio Moscow. Khrushchev stated that the Soviet government, in addition to previously issued instructions on the cessation of further work at the building sites for the weapons, has issued a new order on the dismantling of the weapons which you describe as offensive
Starting point is 00:40:05 and they're creating and return to the Soviet Union. So they're shipping them back. So the last U.S. missiles were dismantled by April 24th, 1963, were flown on Turkey soon after that. And then Truman heard about all of this from his retirement independence Missouri and his dick shriveled back inside of his body, where it would remain tiny, limp, and useless for the rest of his days. And Krušov trusted Kennedy would hold his end of the bargain. The two had been corresponding via letters, letters to classified years ago. The show to willingness and desire on both sides to figure out how capitalism, communists could coexist, could work hand in hand.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Krušov was not the capitalist hating leader that Stalin was and Kennedy was not the Kami hating leader that Truman was. So good stuff, right? Well, definitely good for the human race. Definitely bad for JFK's continually worsening relationship with the CIA and the joint chiefs. He wasn't getting along well with the military side of the military industrial complex. He planned on drastically reducing the CIA's budget in the coming years. Effectively, their balls off. He fired it, you know, the director of the CIA at one point, numerous other high-ranking CIA officials. And we'll soon find out he wanted to reduce our foreign military involvement by abandoning the idea of war with Vietnam, which would have cost again the military and others billions and billions dollars. And he wasn't dealing well with the
Starting point is 00:41:21 industrial side of the complex either. April 6, 1962, let's bounce back to the spring of 1962 for a second. On April 6, Kennedy broke into contract between big steel companies and the labor unions that worked for them. JFK believed that when steel prices went up, they quickly drove up the price of everything else in the economy, and he got union steel workers to accept a modest settlement from the United Steel Company with the understanding that then the company would help keep inflation low by not raising steel prices. Well, then on April 10th, 1960, Roger Blau,
Starting point is 00:41:53 Chairman of US Steel, met with Kennedy and handed him a copy of a press release that we're gonna send out, announcing that effective at 12.01 AM tomorrow, US Steel will raise the price of the company's steel products by an average of about 3.5%. Those backstabbing mother fuckers. You know, just we appreciate your union negotiation very much, Mr. President, we're raising the price of steel, 3.5% and now because of your
Starting point is 00:42:20 work and the sacrifice of those workers, it's gonna be pure profit. It's fantastic. My mistress has been waiting for her own yacht forever for many months. She hates it. She hates it when we fuck on my wife's yacht. So now I'll be able to give her her very own yacht that she deserves and still have enough money left over to ship several more families over
Starting point is 00:42:42 from another third world country to literally dance in my mansion for my amusement as I drunkenly shoot around their feet and drink some babies blood from a giant goblet made out of African diamonds. Yeah, JFK, he knew that the union workers and himself had been double crossed obviously by big business and he's enraged. He tells advisors, my father always told me that all businessmen were sons of bitches, but I never believed him until now. That remark appeared in the New York Times in April 23rd, 1962. And the corporate world never forgot it. And again,
Starting point is 00:43:13 to die hard capitalist war hawks, he appeared to be communist sympathizer, man. Anti-war, anti-big business, you know, anti-big business, you know, willing to negotiate with communists. What are you? What are you fucking? hey, America? Uh, defense contracts were critical to big steel and the defense department and steel companies were, were very closely connected. Defense Secretary MacDameria told him that the increase in price would cost the government a billion more dollars. Attorney General Bobby Kennedy, uh, convened a federal grand jury to look into price fixing by various large steel companies.
Starting point is 00:43:41 He looked into possible violations of anti-trust laws. You know, JFK and Bobby weren't afraid to stand up to big business. Price fixing by various large steel companies. He looked into possible violations of antitrust laws. JFK and Bobby were afraid to stand up to big business. Both of them were later assassinated. Coincidence? I don't think so. Check out what JFK said about big steel companies in a press conference on April 11, 1962.
Starting point is 00:43:57 He says, United States steel and other leading steel corporations, increasing steel prices by some $6 a ton constitute a wholly unjust ifiable and irresponsible defiance of the public interest. The American people will find it hard, as I do, to accept a situation in which a tiny handful of steel executives whose pursuit of private power and profit exceeds their sense of public responsibility can show such utter contempt for the interest of 185 million Americans. Wow, power to the fucking people.
Starting point is 00:44:29 He just called their corporate leader, called out the public, because publicly shame them for fucking over the American working class. That is awesome. That's exactly how you also put a target on your back. Again, in general, the more I read about this guy,
Starting point is 00:44:41 the more like him. And yes, I know, and some of you have already written in from episode one, I know he was a big womanizer, but that's not all he was. He was also a man for the people, courageous mother fucker who stood up from what he believed in the face of adversity as a politician, you know?
Starting point is 00:44:55 And in that sense, I kind of get why Jack Yale put up with a lot of his shit, you know? Still, again, not get what he did, but it wasn't like she was being cheated on by some deadbeat bar fly, you know? He was one of the bravest leaders in the United States has ever known. And again, again, again, he doesn't make it cheating right.
Starting point is 00:45:09 But it also doesn't diminish his value as a human being. Well, just a few days after that speech, all the big steel companies reversed their decision to raise the price of steel. JFK's speech had done the trick. Well, his speech, and along with the promise behind closed doors to start handing out defense contracts to foreign steel companies if the US ones weren't going to fucking play ball. But again, that's not going to leave him any new fans in big business. An article in April 30th 1962 issue of US News and World Report suggested that the president's
Starting point is 00:45:36 heavy hand with big business made him appear to act like a Soviet commissar. Bobby Kennedy was especially disliked. He continued his ant-trust investigation and eventually US steel and other big corporations were forced to pay maximum fines in 1965 for price fixing activities between 1955 and 1961. The Kennedy brothers weren't playing the game. They weren't allowing big business to do what they wish and that was not status quo in DC has been status quo since big business doesn't like that. We'll author James Douglas of JFK in the unspeakable why he died and why it matters a book
Starting point is 00:46:12 I relied on a ton for this episode believes well he has no proof of who it was that some big business insider is the one who pushed the CIA perhaps through huge bribes to kill Kennedy. The CIA has units whose sole purpose was to carry out covert assassinations. Part of the planning of their missions was creating credible stories to blame other people and other governments for their killings. Was Oswald one of their stories? If anyone could pull this off, it would be them.
Starting point is 00:46:38 We'll never know because the CIA agents are able to lie legally under oath due to the classified nature of their missions. Well Douglass presents a ton of court documents to prove though that in later years, agents would say, in so many words, that Oswald was at least a CIA asset if not an outright agent because of the nature of files on Oswald in possession of the CIA. One former agent, Jim Wilcott, who worked in the finance department of the Tokyo CIA station from 1960 to 1964 as an accountant said in 1978 interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, that it was common knowledge in the Tokyo CIA station
Starting point is 00:47:09 that Oswald worked for the agency. He'd heard numerous agents talk about it after having a little too much to drink. And you have all heard various assertions that Oswald was a CIA operative in the first episode of this two-parter. More on that, in a bit, more on that for sure. A lot more. First, let's talk about NUX and Vietnam.
Starting point is 00:47:27 May 6, 1963, at Camp Smith and Hawaii, JFK holds a conference with military advisors about what to do with Vietnam. Specifically, he wants to withdraw. The joint chiefs, not surprisingly, don't. The CIA doesn't. JFK doesn't care what they want in orders that plans be drawn up for a complete withdrawal
Starting point is 00:47:44 by the end of 1963. He also issues national security action memorandum 239 ordering his principal security advisors to pursue both a nuclear test ban treaty and a policy of general and complete disarmament. Do you hear what I'm saying? He wants to end our nuclear weapons program. It must have taken everything those generals had to keep from jumping over the fucking desk and killing him right there,
Starting point is 00:48:09 or just punching him in the dick or stuff. I mean, those generals, Newt boners must have gone so limp it's a thought of JFK taking away their new favorite toy. They wanted to nuke everybody. I came across declassified reports of generals advising Kennedy to nuke the commies in Vietnam, nuke him North Korea, nuke China, nuke East Germany,
Starting point is 00:48:24 nuke Cuba, New Russia, they wanted to fucking nuke the world. And it's crazy that sounds. And now he's taken away one of their big dreams. And also how much would have not continued with Vietnam cost the military industrial complex? Well, the Pentagon estimates that military expenditures for the Vietnam War
Starting point is 00:48:43 between 65 and 74 amounted to just under $139 billion. The Department notes that a large portion of that sum would have been spent in any event. The Department of the Parade another total called war costs only that came to 111 billion. And that was representing expenditures that would have not otherwise been made if we hadn't gone into Vietnam. Well, the war cost ten times more than support for all levels of education, and fifty times more than was spent for housing and community development during the same period.
Starting point is 00:49:14 The US spent more money on Vietnam in ten years than it spent during the nation's entire history for public higher education or for police protection. And that's from, uh, I was gonna say library congress. It's library.cqpress.com and then fucking bunch of other stuff. And who made the most money off the Vietnam War? Well, arms dealers made a lot to get an idea of how much these companies make in general. The hundred largest arms producers and military services contracts recorded $395 billion
Starting point is 00:49:43 in arms sales in 2012 alone. That's from a time article. I got general dynamics. Their arm sales in 2012, almost 21 billion, total sales in 2012, 31.5 billion, 2012 profit, $332 million, they employed 92,000 people, just over 92,000. That's a Virginia-based company. They specialized in aircraft, land, expeditionary combat vehicles, shipbuilding,
Starting point is 00:50:09 and they actually lost $332 million in 2012. When they went down to only $20.9 billion in arm sales, down from $23.3 billion in the year before. This is a public-traded company that employees, again, roughly like 100,000 people. One of over 100 large companies linked to the military. War, I'm just trying to make this point, is very fucking big business.
Starting point is 00:50:30 A long, protracted war means lots of business, lots of jobs. The spilling of foreign blood equates directly to corporate profits. And that's not some leftist kind of, you know, fucking anti-American thought. That's just the fucking truth. It is what it is.
Starting point is 00:50:43 You don't build a big machine that needs continual bloodshed to keep hundreds of thousands if not millions employed, and then just shut it down. Now without a fight, you know? God knows how many companies like this, how much they made in Vietnam compared to how much they would have made without it. That's just a lot of money was floating around. And Kennedy didn't care about these big businesses making war profits. He didn't care about what the war hawks thought. War hawks thought, I mean, he'd experienced the loss of war firsthand. He'd watch his men in his unit die
Starting point is 00:51:11 in that, you know, boat sinking in World War II. He'd saved other men's lives. He felt the pain of a bad back, you know, getting worse by the year, a back that he was made worse by war. Like, he literally felt the pain of war every day. And he was smart enough also to know that a victory in Vietnam was unattainable. 10 years before it became president, JFK knew that Vietnam victory was impossible.
Starting point is 00:51:31 And official to US consulate in Saigon who had written speeches for Kennedy, it was a very young congressman in 1951, had told Kennedy when he visited Vietnam that war in Vietnam was pointless. The public back home wouldn't support protracted land siege, just like the support for French troops in the dwindled from the French public in the first Indochina war. Because the French, previous to the US involvement Vietnam, it was a French colony Vietnam was.
Starting point is 00:51:57 And then they fought a long fucking war with the Vietnam and eventually they just lost a bunch of lives in public support way and then went out just like we ended up doing, you know, years later. Yeah, you know, and the, in the US would be there from what, 1955 until 1975, until finally with the fall of Saigon in April 30th, 1975, when the Viet Cong won the war,
Starting point is 00:52:16 and then all of Vietnam was unified to the communist nation. The poor people of South Vietnam, man, they wanted a democratic government. Those poor bastards, 30 years of continual battle, only to end up a communist in the end anyway. And Kennedy, he fucking, that's what he thought was going to happen anyway. He's like, why lose all these lives when it's probably just going to end up being a communist
Starting point is 00:52:32 nation anyway? Well, we didn't get to follow his vision, unfortunately. After he was assassinated, you know, as we know now, US involvement instead of being deescalated was escalated dramatically over there. And then there's also his commencement speech at American University. A lot of people pointed this, put a target on his head. June 10, 1963, Kennedy gives a speech at American University. He had tons of interesting anti-cold war, anti-military industrial complex thoughts. Referring to the Soviets, he said, our basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet.
Starting point is 00:53:03 We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future and we are all mortal. Regarding the Cold War itself, he says, let us re-examine our attitude towards the Cold War, remembering that we are not in a debate seeking to pull up debating points or pile up debating points. Regarding the new possibility of nuclear war in the world, he says, above all, while defending our own vital interest, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations, which bring an adversary to a choice
Starting point is 00:53:29 of either a humiliating retreat or nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course, in the nuclear age, would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy or a collective death wish for the world. Well, both Castro and Krushkaff like Kennedy's American University speech. The night following Kennedy's speech at American University, Alabama Governor Wallace decided to back down on his anti-civil rights stance and let two black students register
Starting point is 00:53:51 for classes at the University of Alabama. Kennedy described the plight of African Americans that night in a televised address, saying, quote, the Negro baby born in America today, regardless of the section of the nation in which he is born has about one half as much chance of Completing a high school as a white baby born in the same place in the same day one third as much chance of completing college one third as much chance of becoming a professional man twice as much chance of becoming unemployed about One-seventh as much chance of earning 10,000 a year a life expectancy, which is seven years shorter, and the prospects of earning only half as much. So see, like just in general, Kennedy is throwing
Starting point is 00:54:27 very, very radical ideas out for this point in history. You know, he decides to become a champion for peace and for race equality in an area when much of the country was very much in favor of war and prejudice. Going against the grain set forth by the powers that be is a great way to get killed. People fear change.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Well, Russia was moved by these speeches. They had jammed transmissions of speeches by the West previously for 15 years, but they let Kennedy's American University speech be listened to and published the transcript. Peace was in the air, and that meant a staggering loss of income from the manufacturer's war. And the dude was a hell of a speaker by the way. Listen to this excerpt of a speech he gave on July 26, 1963, regarding his nuclear test ban treaty. Good evening, my fellow citizens. I speak to you tonight in a spirit of hope.
Starting point is 00:55:21 18 years ago, the event of nuclear weapons changed the course of the world as well as the war. Since that time, all mankind has been struggling to escape from the darkening prospect of mass destruction on Earth. In an age when both sides have come to possess, enough nuclear power to destroy the human race several times over. The world of communism and the world of free choice have been caught up in a vicious circle of conflicting ideology and interest. Each increase of tension has produced and increase of arms.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Each increase of arms has produced and increased of tension. In these years, the United States and the Soviet Union have frequently communicated suspicion and warnings to each other, but very rarely hope. Our representatives have met at the summit and at the brink. They have met in Washington and in Moscow, in Geneva, and at the United Nations, but too often these meetings have produced only darkness, discord, or disillusion. Yesterday a shaft of light cut into the darkness. Negotiations were concluded in Moscow on a treaty to ban all nuclear tests in the atmosphere in
Starting point is 00:56:55 outer space and underwater. For the first time an agreement has been reached on bringing the forces of nuclear destruction under international control man checked out he's just gonna he's just gonna end you know the the the the nuke build up I think there's a real chance it was this kind of talk that got Kennedy killed he's probably trying to turn the country away from war away from the military industrial complex but what about Lee Harvey Oswald if the military industrial complex. But what about Lee Harvey Oswald? If the military industrial complex, including the CIA wanted him dead so bad, what does he have to do with that?
Starting point is 00:57:30 Well, I have some thoughts on that. Let's hop out of this timeline and take a look at him. Good job, soldier. You've made it back. Barely. Alright, let's take a little look-see into Lee Harvey Oswald. Manly. Manly. Manly. All right, let's take a little, a little look-see into Lee Harvey Oswald. Lee Harvey Oswald was born on October 18th, 1939,
Starting point is 00:57:52 in New Orleans. New Orleans, Louisiana, to Margaret and Robert Oswald Senior, who died of a heart attack two months prior to Lee's birth. Following her husband's death, Margaret Oswald sent Lee and his two older brothers to live in an orphanage. When Little Lee asked why he couldn't live with his mom anymore, right before they had to go live in the orphanage, she looked him in his tear-stained eyes and she said,
Starting point is 00:58:10 This is a Kennedy family's fault. Everything bad that happened in the world is a Kennedy family's fault. You never forget that. And then she shook him until his brain didn't work right anymore and he believed her. No, of course not. A remarried for a few years, Marguerite eventually moved with her children to the Bronx, New York. While his mother was working long shifts. The young Oswald was often left to fend for himself spending time with the library while
Starting point is 00:58:30 developing a habit of playing hooky from his eighth grade classes. He was eventually picked up and placed in a detention hall where social worker described him as emotionally detached, giving off the feeling of a kid nobody gave a darn about. Marguerite and Oswald eventually moved back to New Orleans, whereas Oswald continued to develop an interest in socialist literature, where he began to read in New York. In 1956, he joined the US Marines. He was better than average marksman. He was also court-martial after accidentally shooting himself in the elbow with an unauthorized
Starting point is 00:58:58 22 handgun, so he couldn't have been that well, that good with guns. His court-martialed again for fighting with a sergeant who thought he was responsible, who he thought was responsible for his punishment in the matter of shooting himself. While Oswald ended his military service the following year in a range of trip to Moscow, where he informed Russian authorities that he wanted to move to the Soviet Union. After some debate by the government, over Oswald's possible roles as a spy, he was allowed to stay in the city of Minks, where he was monitored closely by the KGB. It was there that he met Marina Prusokova in April 1961, but then dissatisfied with the quality of
Starting point is 00:59:34 life in the Soviet Union, Oswald returned the US 1962, bringing his new wife and their newborn daughter with him, the family sets up residents in Dallas, Texas, with Oswald taking on the post office alias of Alec J. Hiddell. Around this time, Oswald's interest in Communism transformed into support for Cuba. In early 1963, he ordered a 38-hand gun via the mail, later acquired a rifle. He told Marina to take a picture of him with his weapons, a document that would later be used as criminal evidence. Its Oswald's rifle was eventually identified as the firearm used to murder President
Starting point is 01:00:06 John F. Kennedy. In April 1963, Oswald allegedly tried to shoot right wing ex-general Edwin A. Walker through the window of his home, but missed. After returning to New Orleans by himself, for a short stint in September 1963, Oswald took a trip to Mexico City, where he attempted to obtain passage to Cuba and the Soviet Union to no avail. Oswald then returned to the States where he got a job working at the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas. His family stayed with a friend in a
Starting point is 01:00:31 nearby suburb and Marina gave birth to a second daughter of that October. Well, in the afternoon of November 22, 1963, around the time of President John F. Kennedy's approaching motorcade through Dallas, Oswald killed the president and wounded Texas governor John P. Connolly when he fired three shots from the sixth floor window of a book depository. And then of course, you know, President Kennedy died at Parkland Memorial Hospital shortly after the attack of the age of 46. Well, these are the basic biography dot com facts. Does making look like a communist sympathizer, doesn't it? And that's the war in commissions take. Oswald was a misguided commie who wanted to strike at the heart of American,
Starting point is 01:01:04 America, and freedom and kill our presidents, but but check this shit out former CIA agent Victor Marchetti wrote a book called the CIA in the Cult of Intelligence He claims that in 1959 the year of Oswald's defection the US was having a hard time acquiring intelligence on the Soviets And we're trying all kinds of crazy shit He claimed that oh and I the office of naval intelligence had recruited and trained roughly 20 men to act as if they had become delusioned by the US government. To act as if they were very interested in communism. They were made to appear to be disenchanted. Poor American youths who had become turned off and wanted to see what communism was all about. And the CIA hoped the Soviets would recruit them to be spies. Then they could be double
Starting point is 01:01:43 agents. Well, could Oswald have been one of these men? The Warren report portrayed Oswald as disillusioned and mentally ill. However, former Marines who knew Oswald said he was staunchly anti-communist, staunchly anti-Russia. One former roommate who went on to become a California judge, James Bethello, believes that Oswald's quote-unquote defection to Russia was absolutely a cover. He believes as do many others that Oswald was absolutely working for the CIA at that time. His former Marine roommate believes this, a roommate who went on to become a judge. Why would he say that if it wasn't true? This is a guy who built a career on following the law
Starting point is 01:02:18 and being beholden to the truth. I think it gives his take a little more credence than if it was said by some dude who just like sold crystals to protect evil spirits from invading your dreams at the vent speech boardwalk. Wouldn't be as powerful if it was coming from you know that dude. You need amethyst man. You need amethyst man. There's no way quartz is gonna protect you from a level 3 demon man. Oh and by the way another thing. Oswald didn't do it man.
Starting point is 01:02:44 He totally didn't do it. You know, he couldn't have done it, man. Now that the moon wasn't lined with his sign that day, man. He wasn't carrying toppers, you know, how can he do it? Yeah, this is the fucking judge. It's not that dude. So again, if it doesn't make you believe that maybe there's some shady shit on it,
Starting point is 01:03:04 I think it gives you pause, makes you wonder like well, why the fuck would you say that? And many believe the Warren report left out extensive connections between Oswald and other people connected with the CIA such as a George DeMoran shield a guy who received a large Haitian contract after doing a favor for the CIA relating to Oswald and Dallas a dude who died Suddenly when he decided to talk about the CIA connection between himself and Oswald years later, three hours after revealing a CIA sanctioned contact with Oswald on March 29, 1977. That's when he revealed it. George died of an allegedly self-inflicted gunshot wound, putting a shotgun to his mouth
Starting point is 01:03:40 and pulling the trigger. That's a weird coincidence. You know, three hours after you reveal some CIA information that others would be very interested in that might actually make it look like Oswald wasn't responsible or at least was acting on behalf of the CIA. And then you fucking off yourself. That's weird. In April 1963, Oswald moved to New Orleans and found work at the Riley Coffee Company, a company owned by William B. Riley, a wealthy supporter of the CIA-sponsored Cuban Revolutionary Council. There's there's a connection. In early September 1963, Oswald was witness meeting CIA agent David Atley Phillips in the
Starting point is 01:04:12 busy lobby of a downtown Dallas office building by Alpha 6, 6th leader and Tonyo Vesiana. He told us to house committee investigation in Kennedy's assassination years later and then was shot in the head shortly after testifying. That's fucking weird, right? He survived. And later said the FBI warned him three times there would be an assassination attempt on his life. And then after he was shot,
Starting point is 01:04:34 the FBI did investigate the assassination attempt. Also pretty strange. And there's tons of other people quoted in various books and articles who swear up and down that Oswald was in fact a CIA agent. The theory is that he was a CIA agent tricked into taking a fall who was a patsy for the assassination and then he was killed by another CIA associate Jack Ruby. Mafia guy that the CIA had used in the past.
Starting point is 01:04:56 And again, I know there's a lot of weird crazy stuff and maybe this stuff, you're like, wait, what do you say? What does that make sense? I know. It gets a little crazy. But the more you read read the more just weird coincidences just keep stacking up And again, I just keep going back to the notion that Kennedy could have ended the Cold War
Starting point is 01:05:13 is being like motive for these for these things to happen further for the CIA to want him dead and 2001 Nikita Khrushchev his son Nikita Khrushchev's son, excuse me, Surjay And one, Nikita Khrushchev's son, excuse me, Surjay, wrote in the New York Times, I am convinced that if history had allowed them another six years, they would have brought the Cold War to a close before the end of the 1960s. But in 1963, President Kennedy was killed and a year later, in October 1964, my father was removed from power. And again, ending the Cold War would have cost you a mystery, uh, military industrial complex so much money, military expenditures by the US during the
Starting point is 01:05:50 Cold War, uh, years were estimated to have been eight trillion dollars. You know, fuck with eight trillion dollars and not risk being killed by some very wealthy people who have a lot to gain with that kind of money. So I don't know, maybe Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA operative. Maybe he was upon maybe he's escaped Goat maybe the CIA or some members of big business or someone tied to the Pentagon really did conspire to have him killed for Fucking up the Cold War. Maybe he was going to dismantle the CIA He just regarded the advice of the joint chiefs He wanted to talk to Russia instead of nuke him
Starting point is 01:06:19 There's evidence that he wanted to talk to Castro and reestablish relations with Cuba. None of that was status quo for the other powerful people around him. And as well connected as Kennedy was, maybe if he just keeps stirring up some of the biggest hornets nest in the fucking world over and over and over, maybe end up dead. You end up with a bullet on your head. You know, maybe it's in the back of your head, maybe it's a bullet in the front of your head. Maybe it's two bullets, one from the front, one from the back. Before we take a minute to reflect on this mammoth time suck,
Starting point is 01:06:46 and everything I've been talking about, this suck on a topic, you literally do a year's worth of episodes about, start a whole podcast on just this subject. Let's look closely one more time at the day Kennedy died in Dallas. So why was Kennedy in Dallas that day? Um, on November 22, 963. Well, by the fall of 1963, JFK and his political advisors were preparing for the next presidential campaign. You wanted to be reelected. And although he had not formally announced his candidacy, it was clear that, you know, President Kennedy was going to run.
Starting point is 01:07:13 And he seemed confident about his chances for reelection. At the end of September, the President traveled west, speaking in nine different states in less than a week. The trip was meant to put a spotlight on natural resources and conservation efforts. But JFK also used its sound out these themes as education, national security, world peace he wanted to run on in 1964. A month later, the president addressed democratic gatherings in Boston and Philadelphia. Then on November 12th, he held the first important political planning session for the upcoming election year at the meeting JFK stressed the importance
Starting point is 01:07:43 of winning Florida and Texas. Top-wide, his plans to visit both states in the next two weeks. Mrs. Kennedy would accompany him on the swing through Texas, which would be her first extended public appearance since a loss of their baby Patrick, in August. On November 21, the President and the First Lady departed on Air Force 1 for the two-day five-city tour of Texas. President Kennedy was aware that a few, among party leaders in Texas could jeopardize his chances of carrying the state in 1964. And one of his aims for the trip was to bring Texas Democrats together.
Starting point is 01:08:11 He also knew that a relatively small but vocal group of extremists was contributing to political tensions in Texas and would likely make its presence felt, particularly in Dallas, where US ambassador to the United Nations, Adelaide Stevenson had been physically attacked a month earlier after making a speech there. Yeah, that's a crazy story. National indignation convention founder, Frank McGahi, had interrupted Adelaide's speech
Starting point is 01:08:33 and was asking why Stevenson insisted on negotiating with communist dictators. By the way, this national indignation convention was a grassroots conservative movement in the 1960s to protest the Kennedy administration and its attempts to bring socialism and tyranny to the United States. That's how fucking worried about JFK, just people were. They were so worried about him being a commie. It kind of reminds me of people being worried about Obama's alleged ties to radical Islam, which just like JFK's concern was completely unfounded.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Well Frank fuckface McGay, he continues to interrupt and then another audience member tries to get him to sit down and they end up having a wrestling match right there. Other detractors start joining in. People start shouting, shouting self about Cuba. How about what's going on with Cuba? Some people are yelling trying to imitate JFK's accent. Make fun of him. Large banner that had red welcome Adley flips down to reveal another message behind it that said, unread front. So some anti-communist kind of fucking message. More scuffle start breaking out. Stevenson insists on staying on the stage.
Starting point is 01:09:31 He finishes his speech, but then as he's leaving the convention, as police are escorting him past a crowd where people are waving signs, say stuff like traitor and communist. One of these protesters suddenly flies towards Stevenson. Her sign raised high and then she slams it down on his fucking head. It's even the forehead just missing his eye. He steps back onto the blow and then a clean cut college student pushes towards the reeling Stevenson, flailing his fists. The cops and Stevenson's age are pushing back, it's picking pandemonium.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Stevenson and Marcus, this guy with him, I've nearly reached the car, went two more young men, lead from the crowd, trader, the yellow and unison, the unleash spit on Stevenson's face. Two cops, Russell, one of them, another man, the other guy that doesn't get wrestled, he fucking takes off and leaves, Adley and his staff are piling to the limo. The car, now the mob is rocking the limo back and forth
Starting point is 01:10:19 until they're screaming at the driver, just fucking get outta here, get outta here. And then the driver starts driving through the crowd, tires screeching as they flee away from the scene. Very dramatic. You know, so that's, that's a kind of a tension that was in Dallas just, you know, weeks before he got there.
Starting point is 01:10:33 And despite this incident, and, you know, that happened against one of his, you know, political allies. And recently JFK still felt he had to make his presence known there. And again, remember, the dude was brave, maybe to a fault in some situations. The first stop was San Antonio, vice president, LBJ, governor John B. Connelly, senator Ralph W. Yarborough, led the welcoming party. They accompanied the president to Brooks Air Force Base for the dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center. Continuing on to Houston, he addressed a Latin American citizens organization, spoken of testimonial dinner for Congressman Albert Thomas before ending the day in Fort Worth.
Starting point is 01:11:10 He has a warm reception in Fort Worth. I actually stayed at the hotel in Fort Worth. He stayed at last last night. He was alive. Just random shit. I remember seeing the plaque there while back when I was doing some shows at Hynezin Fort Worth. Thousands of supporters gathered outside his hotel, greets the crowd, shakes hands on the morning the 22nd. Speak to the crowd about the nation's need for being second to none in defense and in space for continued growth in the economy, the crowd shakes some hands on the morning, the 22nd. Speak to the crowd about the nation's need for being second to none in defense, and in space for continued growth in the economy, the willingness of citizens in the United States to assume the burdens of leadership. And that's something that he was doing by the way too.
Starting point is 01:11:34 If you're really looking at JFK, there's all these documents, declassified documents that reveal that privately, he was like, we gotta fucking get out of Vietnam, we gotta fucking de-escalate all this shit right away. But he was publicly kind of saying conflicting things sometimes because he wanted to get reelected is the thought there. He didn't want to with seem soft militarily. Well, the presidential party left the hotel, went by a motorcade to Cowarswell Air Force Base for the 13 minute flight
Starting point is 01:11:57 to Dallas, private love field, President and Mrs. Kennedy, disembark immediately walked toward a fence where a crowd of well-wishers were gathered. They spent several minutes shaking hands. First lady received a bouquet of roses, which she brought with her to the waiting limousine. Governor John Connelly and his wife, Nelly, they were already seated in the open convertible as the Kennedy's entrance sit behind them. Since it was no longer raining,
Starting point is 01:12:18 the plastic bubble top had been left off. Isn't that crazy, man? If it would just would have been raining that day, maybe he wouldn't have died. Vice President and LBJ, Mr. Johnson, Isn't that crazy? Man, if it would just would have been rain in that day, maybe he wouldn't have died. Vice President and, you know, LBJ, Mr. Johnson, they're in another car on the motorcade. The procession leaves the airport, travels along a 10 mile route that winds through downtown Dallas on the way to the trademark with the president was scheduled to speak at a luncheon.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Crowds of excited people lining the streets, waving to the candidates. Car turns off Main Street at Dealy Plaza at 12.30 pm. At this pass in the Texas School Book Depository, gunfire, Southern reverberates in the Plaza, and we all know what happened next. Shot rings out, suddenly Kennedys clutching his throat. The governor has also been just shot in the chest, possibly by the same bullet. Mrs. Kennedy grabs JFK's, he leans back,
Starting point is 01:12:59 and then another shot rocks his head back into the left. It's all in the superior home video. Mrs. Kennedy just looks like she's gonna climb out of the back of the car, you know? Which, you know, again, we kinda talked about the top of the episode. Maybe she was just reaching for part of John's head, which is fucking grotesque, but possible.
Starting point is 01:13:14 But also, if she did think there was a shot coming out of her front behind, why would she climb towards it? It seems odd to me, you know? The car speeds off to Parkland and Moral Hospital just a few minutes away. But little could be done for the president, of course. He was fucking dead the second bullet hit him.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Catholic priest of someone to administer last rights and a 1 p.m. John F. Kennedy's pronounced dead, though seriously wounded, Governor Connolly would recover, and the president's body was brought to love field placed on Air Force one before the plane took off, a grim-faced LBJ, former time-soc topic stood in the tight crowd in compartment, took the
Starting point is 01:13:46 oath of office, administered by U.S. District Court Judge Sarah Hughes. The brief ceremony took place at 238 p.m. Less than an hour earlier, police had arrested Lee Harvey Oswald, a recently hired employee of the Texas School Book Depository who was being held for assassination of the president and for the fatal shooting shortly afterward of of patrolman JD Tipet on a Dallas Street allegedly. Of course, many dispute Oswald killing officer Tipet, just like they dispute him killing Kennedy. Critics of the war report pointed out that a number of the witnesses could not identify Oswald as the slayer of Tipet.
Starting point is 01:14:18 They said people witnesses that said that the murderer was short and squat Oswald was thin, medium height. And another witness said, said that two men were involved in the killing of officer Tippett. Well, Jim Garrison, the district attorney of Orland's parish, Louisiana from 1962 to 1973. He didn't believe Oswald was shot or that Oswald shot anyone that day. This is a guy played by Kevin Cosner in Oliver Stone's film JFK. Jim was interviewed by Playboy magazine in the October 1967 edition of the magazine, the edition where the centerfold in play mode of the month was model and actress Regan Diana
Starting point is 01:14:53 Wilson, born March 6 1947 in Torrance, California. Her centerfold was photographed by Ron Vogel Wilson again, posed nude for playboy for the pictorial playmates forever in December 1979. She grew up in Missoula, Montana, along with her younger brother and sister, studied journalism at Montana State University, resided in LA with her husband, Barry, where they run in antique store.
Starting point is 01:15:13 You might remember her from 1970s B. horror flick, Bloodmania, where she plays a very large breasted redhead named Cheryl, who gets naked for quite some time and then gets killed and then never appears in a film again. Yeah, I'm very thorough with my research, you guys, okay? Maybe not everyone would look into the Playboy fucking things with that issue, but I did.
Starting point is 01:15:31 I got back to everything. Anywho, in this interview, Jim says the Warren Commission's own chronology of Oswald's movements also fails to allow him sufficient time to reach the scene of Tipett's murder from the book depository building. The clincher, he says as far as I'm concerned, is that four cartridges were found in the scene of Tippet's murder from the book depository building. The clincher, he says as far as I'm concerned, is that four cartridges were found in the scene of the slain.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Now revolvers do not eject cartridges. So when someone is shot, you don't later find gratuitous cartridges thrown over the sidewalk, unless the murderer deliberately takes the trouble to eject them. On Sunday morning, November 24, Oswald was scheduled to be transferred from police headquarters to the county jail. Viewers across America watching live TV suddenly see a man aim a pistol and fire at point blank range. His Salem was identified as Jack Ruby, local nightclub owner.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Oswald died two hours later at Parkland Hospital. Well despite Jim Carrison's, uh, Garrison's critiques of Oswald's involvement in the killing of officer Tippett, the Warren Commission Council, David Bellin wrote the Rosetta Stone, the key to Egyptian hieroglyphics, to the solution of JFK's murder was the murder of officer Tippett because it proved Oswald's capacity to kill. Okay, a lot of information, right? A lot of information, my God. So did Oswald do it?
Starting point is 01:16:44 I mean, obviously, I think you can tell I don't think so. I really don't. You can spend a week reading articles and books to say he did it, to give all this information, all these stats, all these facts on why it was definitely him. Yes, this shot could have happened. Yes, he could have pulled it off. He definitely did it. He was a communist impotizer. He wanted him dead. He was crazy. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Maybe not. I don't know because you could also spend a year watching documentaries and reading books and articles on why he didn't do it and all this proof that he didn't do it and all these people that say there was no way he would do it and CIA connection says he was definitely CIA. At the end of the day, I don't think we'll
Starting point is 01:17:13 ever know the truth truly. We'll just have people say that they heard this person confess, well uncover documents, other documents will emerge, refuting the previous documents, new documents will then refute those, and new witness were previous witnesses, et cetera, et cetera, this fucking keep on going. All we can do is look at a wide chunk of the info out there and come to our own conclusions. And here's the conclusion I've come up to. I think someone other than Oswald shot the president that day. And I can hear some sighs right now. I can feel it.
Starting point is 01:17:39 I can feel your collective eye rolls. Right? Just goddamn it, seriously, Dan. What? Fuck it. Really? Is that what you really do think that? All right. Well, this is the most interesting I came across. It's in the James Douglas book, a JFK in the unspeakable. He cites one hell of a fucking source. He cites Charles A. Crenshaw, one of the emergency room doctors who treated Kennedy in Parkland Memorial Hospital, the afternoon he
Starting point is 01:18:00 died in 1963, a man who disagreed very strongly with the war report, a man who later wrote a book called trauma room one, the JFK medical cover-up exposed. And he said that 21 out of 22 witnesses at Parkland Hospital, most of them nurses or doctors agreed that JFK's massive head wound indicated a fatal shot to the head from the front. From the front, one of the doctors, Dr. Perry during the press conference announcing JFK's death at 315 p.m. That afternoon in a statement cited in the New York Times and next day, stated when asked about the first wound, the shot to the neck. He said when he was asked by reporter who said, which way was the bullet coming on the neck wound at him?
Starting point is 01:18:40 Dr. Perry said it appeared to be coming at him. And then he went on to say, the wound appeared to be an entrance wound to the front of the throat. Now, some other doctors did later attempt to discredit Dr. Crenshaw, but they weren't successful. He was a noted doctor who went on to become a chairman, emeritus, almost said Emma Wright is again. I'm learning. He would be the chairman emeritus, emeritus, goddammit. He would be the chairman emeritus, uh, emeritus. God damn it. He would be the chairman emeritus of the Department of Surgery at John, Peter Smith, Hospital and Fort Worth.
Starting point is 01:19:10 A department he started in 1969. So a noted doctor. Why would it? Why would a noted doctor? Why would a medical staff, uh, members in a hospital JFK was taken to say almost unanimously that JFK was shot from the front? If the only way Oswald could possibly be responsible for the killing which was shot in front behind a fine in the Warren commission came to.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Because those doctors have no fucking political agenda, they're just reporting on what they've examined and the reporting that they had happened. You know, the reporting that before the CIA is able to fucking get to them, that's what I think. And I know that makes me sound like a lunatic a little bit, but also I think he just makes me sound logical. And then after the conclusion, the medical team who just examined him, why did the Warren Commission ignore that conclusion? Because they were covering it up. They were just covering it up.
Starting point is 01:19:50 I think they definitely, definitely, definitely covered up a lot of stuff. So why did the CIA do it? Well, again, I've been kind of saying this the whole time, but they had just been formed 15 years earlier, 1947, what, 16 years earlier. And they'd be given a tremendous amount of power. In 1948, the National Security Directive gave them the power to plan and execute their own missions
Starting point is 01:20:11 without consulting anyone so that political higher-ups could authentically claim plausible deniability regarding their illegal deeds. Deeds like, you know, kill the president, in theory. And now for the first time, the president wanted to greatly reduce, if not take that power away, that gives them motive. You know, you have an agency in the CIA that has been clear to carry out assassination attempts to other nations. If those assassinations would benefit American security, and their involvement in these attempts needs to be covert. Think about that, you know.
Starting point is 01:20:35 You have an organization that has employees whose job it is to secretly kill world leaders. They're trained to do that. And they do so in theory to protect American interests. In the 1950s, in early 60s, protecting American interests generally meant eradicating communism. And now you have a leader who appears
Starting point is 01:20:51 to be friendly with communists. Who doesn't want to attack communists? You have a leader who appears he wants to have an open dialogue with communist nations. So you know, work with them and form places like Laos instead of just attacking them. You have a president writing letters back and forth with the Soviet leader,
Starting point is 01:21:04 fucking the world's head commie. He's open to talking to the Castro and Cuba, a man your organization has been trying to kill for years. You have an organization that works hand in hand with the military. They go in, stir the pot, maybe start some shit, the military comes in, fucking finishes it. You know, like in Vietnam, the CIA were involved in Vietnam in the very beginning. Help get some shit started over there. And now Kennedy wants to end Vietnam. Allegedly the day before he was killed, Kennedy had said to assistant press secretary, Malcolm Kildef. I've been given a list of the most recent casualties in Vietnam. We're losing to many people over there. It's time for us to get out.
Starting point is 01:21:36 And if Kennedy had gotten out of Vietnam in 1962, he would have saved over 55,000 U.S. lives. Roughly 150,000 other U.S. soldiers wouldn't have been wounded. Over 1,000 others wouldn't have went missing and the government would have saved over 300 billion dollars to a trillion dollars, according to various estimates in terms of today's dollars. There are also numerous interviews with people working for, you know, are with the CIA in like 1962, who stated the CIA wanted to kill Kennedy back then over his failure to back up their Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. CIA operatives died that day and they felt like the president, you know, hung them out to dry Now did they act alone?
Starting point is 01:22:10 That's what I kind of wondered did the CIA act alone? Were there other conspirators people high up on one side or another in the military industrial complex who you know helped get rid of them? You know because JFK is we've as you said, we wasn't afraid to stand up to big American corporations like the steel companies You know, I'm guessing you also had no trouble standing up to big oil corporations companies that also make billions of profit off war Both those industries work very closely with the highest ranking members of the military men who make their name off a war And now you have a man in Kennedy who is threatening to take all the way take all that away Take away the billions of profit take away the glory of these military leaders You know that can't make their name anymore on a war.
Starting point is 01:22:45 I think that's right there, again, more motives to fucking kill him. So who did do it? You know, there's some mob hitmen the CIA had used before and their various dealing with the criminal underworld that are suspected CIA agents are suspected. I don't fuck, who knows? On that part, I really don't actually care. But I don't think it was Oswald. I really do think it was a CIA.
Starting point is 01:23:05 And if it was, it doesn't matter who actually pulled the trigger. What matters is that we may have a government capable of doing whatever it needs to do to keep this military industrial complex chugging along, which means that until someone else, as brave as Kennedy, comes along, someone willing and somehow able to challenge the powers that be, change this machine without being killed for doing so, we're never going to have peace in the world, right? Not ever. That's one thing to think peace in the world, right? Not ever. That's one thing to think about.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Here's another angle though. This is probably this might make me sound the craziest. What if the CIA was right to kill him? What if not only did they kill him, what if it was the right call? What if war is an inevitable fact of life? What if it really is a doggy dog world and global, global piece is just an impossible dream. I don't like to think that, but I think it might be true. You know, what if agencies like the CIA are necessary? What if they should be doing all the shady
Starting point is 01:23:53 shit they're doing? What if that actually is what keeps us safe? What if Kennedy had gotten elected another term and did try to give piece a chance and it got us just fucked? You know, I think that's something you have to at least entertain and discuss. I don't know, man, I don't know so much to think about so much. And I hope it sparks some intense conversations amongst you time suckers thoughts about our government, thought about the way we kind of live in the world, thoughts about what happened with Kennedy. Man, so much, so much, so much, never ends. But we're going to end it now. We're going to end it today with a quick recap of one more piece and also one more piece of new information like we do now with our top five takeaways.
Starting point is 01:24:29 Time suck. Top five takeaway. Number one, President Truman created the CIA in 1947 and gave them the authority to create and execute secret missions intended to destabilize foreign governments in 1948. And they may have secretly killed our own president and they definitely could without anyone ever finding out. That's terrifying. Number two, JFK publicly shamed corporate leaders in April 1962, threatened to give away their military contracts and got them to lower steel prices by doing so. Will we ever have a president brave enough to stand up to big
Starting point is 01:25:01 business in that way again? Or would that just get them killed too? Number three, a former roommate of Lee Harvey Oswald, a man who went on to become a California judge, James Batello believes that Oswald's defection to the Soviet Union was absolutely a cover given to him by the CIA. He believes as many others do that Oswald was absolutely working with the CIA and was their fall guy. Why would he make that up? Number four, the emergency room doctors in Dallas who examined JFK minutes after he was shot claimed he was shot from the front. Why would doctors say that if it wasn't true? And why would the Warren commission go against that finding?
Starting point is 01:25:40 And number five, time for some new facts, I'm not the only person that believes a large, secretive network exists, one powerful enough skill at present. JFK himself seemed to believe it. Listen to some of his address before the American newspaper publishers' association at the Waldorf, Waldorf, a story hotel in New York City on April 27, 1961. The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Ironic, isn't it, that the men who wanted transparency in government would die in a shroud is so much secrecy? Trust no one and question everything time suckers, including me. Time suck, tough, five take away. Well, thanks, suck heads. For listening to the first two part in time suck history. I feel like it could have been a 10 part. Hopefully it came across as a semico. He's given out a bunch of stuff, but I can conspiracy ramblings.
Starting point is 01:26:56 I'm sure there's going to be plenty of disagreement on this one. There always is when it comes to JFK and how and why he died. I'll tell you what, there's no disagreement on me being in Orlando this week. I'll be at the improv on June 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th love that club. Looking forward to seeing some fans and of course you Orlando, Tom and Dan BDM's.
Starting point is 01:27:14 I'll also be in Fort Worth, the last city JFK ever woke up in. I'll be there June 22nd to June 24th. Another great club, I love doing shows at. And be sure to follow Time time suck on social media at time suck podcast on Instagram Twitter slash time suck podcast on Facebook Should be releasing the first audio episode Teasers for the following Monday this Friday. Be sure and share those on social media if you check them out
Starting point is 01:27:38 If you want your friends to see what the show is all about there's gonna be no better way to spread the suck And next week we suck on some old time American gangsters, Bonnie and Clyde, a short life of sex, murder, and robbery that led to being dead by the ages of 23 and 25. A young couple hitting up banks and killing those who got on their way, even violently breaking a gang member out of jail. Their exploits captivated a nation from 1932 to 1934. Find out why they still have some serious name recognition over 80 years after the day they died in a preposterous hail of gunfire. Reading about their lives feels more like reading a Hollywood script than it does reality. And until then, keep on sucking.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Thank you. Thank you.

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